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F.A.Q / Troubleshooting

If you can't find help here, don't hesitate to open an issue or a Q&A. There are several repositories under netobserv github org, but it is fine to centralize these in network-observability-operator.

Table of Contents


Is it for OpenShift only?

No! While some features are developed primarily for OpenShift, we want to keep it on track with other / "vanilla" Kubes. For instance, there has been some work to make the console plugin run as a standalone, or the operator to manage upstream (non-OpenShift) ovn-kubernetes.

And if something is not working as hoped with your setup, you are welcome to contribute to the project ;-)

Which version of Kubernetes / OpenShift is supported?

All versions of Kubernetes since 1.22 should work, although there is no official support (best effort).

All versions of OpenShift currently supported by Red Hat are supported. Older version, greater than 4.10, should also work although not being officially supported (best effort).

Some features depend on the Linux kernel version in use. It should be at least 4.18 (earlier versions have never been tested). More recent kernels (> 5.14) are better, for agent feature completeness and improved performances.

How do I visualize flows and metrics?

For OpenShift users, a visualization tool is integrated in the OpenShift console. Just open the console in your browser, and you will see new menu items (such as Network Traffic under Observe) once NetObserv is installed and configured.

Without OpenShift, you can still access the data (Loki logs, Prometheus metrics) in different ways:

  • Querying Loki (or Prometheus) directly
  • Using the Prometheus console
  • Using and configuring Grafana

All these options depend on how you installed these components.

You may also want to try the Test Console, which is used by the development team. It is similar to the OpenShift console plugin and can work without OpenShift. After cloning this repo, run:

USER=netobserv make use-test-console
# If you deployed netobserv in non-default namespaces, use NAMESPACE and/or OPERATOR_NS envs. If you want to point to a specific version, use VERSION.
# Example:
USER=netobserv NAMESPACE=other-namespace OPERATOR_NS=operator-namespace VERSION=vX.Y.Z make use-test-console

Or without cloning, run the following steps:

  • Configure the operator to use a console-plugin standalone build: kubectl set env deployment/netobserv-controller-manager -c "manager" RELATED_IMAGE_CONSOLE_PLUGIN=""
  • Configure the operator to deploy it: in FlowCollector yaml, set spec.consolePlugin.advanced.env.TEST_CONSOLE to true.
  • Then port-forward port 9001: kubectl port-forward svc/netobserv-plugin 9001:9001 and open http://localhost:9001/ .

Remember that it is only an internal dev tool, not a fully finished one. Do not expect the perfect user experience! By the way, contributions are welcome.

How can I make sure everything is correctly deployed?

Make sure all pods are up and running:

# Assuming configured namespace is netobserv (default)
kubectl get pods -n netobserv

Should provide results similar to this:

NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
flowlogs-pipeline-5rrg2                         1/1     Running   0          43m
flowlogs-pipeline-cp2lb                         1/1     Running   0          43m
flowlogs-pipeline-hmwxd                         1/1     Running   0          43m
flowlogs-pipeline-wmx4z                         1/1     Running   0          43m
grafana-6dbddc9869-sxn62                        1/1     Running   0          31m
loki                                            1/1     Running   0          43m
netobserv-controller-manager-7487d87dc-2ltq2    2/2     Running   0          43m
netobserv-plugin-7fb8c5477b-drg2z               1/1     Running   0          43m

Results may slightly differ depending on the installation method and the FlowCollector configuration. At least you should see flowlogs-pipeline pods in a Running state.

If you use the eBPF agent, check also for pods in privileged namespace:

# Assuming configured namespace is netobserv (default)
kubectl get pods -n netobserv-privileged
NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
netobserv-ebpf-agent-7rwtk   1/1     Running   0          7s
netobserv-ebpf-agent-c7nkv   1/1     Running   0          7s
netobserv-ebpf-agent-hbjz8   1/1     Running   0          7s
netobserv-ebpf-agent-ldj66   1/1     Running   0          7s

Finally, make sure Loki is correctly deployed, and reachable from pods via the URL defined in spec.loki.url. You can for instance check using this command:

kubectl exec $(kubectl get pod -l "app=flowlogs-pipeline" -o name)  -- curl  -G -s "`kubectl get flowcollector cluster -o=jsonpath={.spec.loki.url}`loki/api/v1/query" --data-urlencode 'query={app="netobserv-flowcollector"}' --data-urlencode 'limit=1'

It should return some json in this form:



Everything seems correctly deployed but there isn't any flow showing up

If using IPFIX (ie. spec.agent.type is IPFIX in FlowCollector), wait 10 minutes and check again. There is sometimes a delay, up to 10 minutes, before the flows appear. This is due to the IPFIX protocol requiring exporter and collector to exchange record template definitions as a preliminary step. The eBPF agent doesn't have such a delay.

Else, check for any suspicious error in logs, especially in the flowlogs-pipeline pods and the eBPF agent pods. You may also take a look at prometheus metrics prefixed with netobserv_: they can give you clues if flows are processed, if errors are reported, etc.

Finally, don't hesitate to open an issue.

There is no Network Traffic menu entry in OpenShift Console

Make sure your cluster version is at least OpenShift 4.10: prior versions have no (or incompatible) console plugin SDK.

Make sure that spec.consolePlugin.register is set to true (default).

If not, or if for any reason the registration seems to have failed, you can still do it manually by editing the Console Operator config:

kubectl edit cluster

If it's not already there, add the plugin reference:

  - netobserv-plugin

Ensure console pods are all in Running state using the following command:

oc get pods -n openshift-console -l app=console

If you had previously used the console with the plugin installed, you may need to restart console pods to clear cache:

oc delete pods -n openshift-console -l app=console

If the new views still don't show up, try clearing your browser cache and refreshing. Check also the netobserv-console-plugin-... pod status and logs.

kubectl get pods -n netobserv -l app=netobserv-plugin
kubectl logs -n netobserv -l app=netobserv-plugin

It is also possible that the OpenShift Console is failing to restart. There is for instance a known issue with very small clusters, causing this problem.

kubectl get pods -n openshift-console
NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
console-65486f987c-bk6zn     1/1     Running   0          44m
console-67fd7b6f49-l5nmq     0/1     Pending   0          10m
console-67fd7b6f49-wmhp4     0/1     Pending   0          10m
downloads-5fc6cc467f-2fttx   1/1     Running   0          45m
downloads-5fc6cc467f-2gfpw   1/1     Running   0          45m

To force a restart, kill the running console pod using the following command: oc delete pods -n openshift-console -l app=console Note that this will make the console unavailable for some time

I first deployed flowcollector, and then kafka. Flowlogs-pipeline is not consuming any flow from Kafka

This is a known bug in one of flowlogs-pipeline dependencies.

Please recreate the flowlogs-pipeline pods by either killing them maunally or deleting and recreating the flow collector object.

I get a Loki error / timeout, when trying to run a large query, such as querying for the last month of data

There are several ways to mitigate this issue, although there is no silver bullet. As a rule of thumb, be aware that Prometheus is a better fit than Loki to query on large time ranges.

With Loki queries, a first thing to understand is that, while Loki allows to query both on indexed and non-indexed fields (aka. labels), queries that contain filters on labels will perform much better. So, perhaps you can adapt your query to add an indexed filter. For instance if you were querying for a particular Pod (this isn't indexed), add its Namespace to the query. The list of indexed fields is documented here, in the Loki label column.

Depending on what you are trying to get, you may as well consider querying Prometheus rather than Loki. Queries on Prometheus are much faster than on Loki, it should not struggle with large time ranges, hence should be favored whenever possible. But Prometheus metrics do not contain as much information as flow logs in Loki, so whether or not you can do that really depends on the use case. When you use the NetObserv console plugin, it will try automatically to favor Prometheus over Loki if the query is compatible; else it falls back to Loki. If your query does't run against Prometheus, changing some filters or aggregations can make the switch. In the console plugin, you can force the use of Prometheus. Incompatible queries will fail, and the error message displayed should help you figure out which labels you can try to change to make the query compatible (for instance, changing a filter or an aggregation from Resource/Pods to Owner).

If the data that you need isn't available as a Prometheus metric, you may also consider using the FlowMetrics API to create your own metric. You need to be careful about the metrics cardinality, as explained in this link.

If the problem persists, there are ways to configure Loki to improve the query performance. Some options depend on the installation mode you used for Loki (using the Operator and LokiStack, or Monolithic mode, or Microservices mode):

I don't see flows from either the br-int or br-ex interfaces

br-ex and br-int are virtual bridge devices, so they operate at OSI Layer 2 (e.g. Ethernet level). The eBPF agent works at Layers 3 and 4 (IP and TCP level), so it is expected that traffic passing through br-int and br-ex is captured by the agent when it is processed by other interfaces (e.g. physical host or virtual pod interfaces).

This means that, if you restrict the agent interfaces (using the interfaces or excludeInterfaces properties) to attach only to br-int and/or br-ex, you won't be able to see any flow.

I'm finding discrepancies in metrics

  1. NetObserv metrics (such as netobserv_workload_ingress_bytes_total) show higher values than cadvisor metrics (such as container_network_receive_bytes_total)

This can be caused when traffic goes through Kubernetes Services: when a Pod talks to another Pod via a Service, two flows are generated: one against the service and one against the pod. To avoid querying duplicated counts, you can refine your promQL to ignore traffic targeting Services: e.g: sum(rate(netobserv_workload_ingress_bytes_total{DstK8S_Namespace="my-namespace",SrcK8S_Type!="Service",DstK8S_Type!="Service"}[2m]))

  1. NetObserv metrics (such as netobserv_workload_ingress_bytes_total) show lower values than cadvisor metrics (such as container_network_receive_bytes_total)

There are several possible causes:

  • Sampling is being used. Check your FlowCollector spec.agent.ebpf.sampling: a value greater than 1 means not every flows are sampled. NetObserv metrics aren't normalized automatically, but you can do so in your promQL by multiplying with the sampling rate, for instance: sum(rate(netobserv_workload_ingress_bytes_total{DstK8S_Namespace="my-namespace"}[2m])) * avg(netobserv_agent_sampling_rate > 0). Be aware that, the higher the sampling, the less accurate the metrics.

  • Filters are configured in the agent, resulting in ignoring some of the traffic. Check your FlowCollector spec.agent.ebpf.flowFilter, spec.agent.ebpf.interfaces, spec.agent.ebpf.excludeInterfaces and make sure it doesn't filter out some of the traffic that you are looking at.

  • Flows may also be dropped due to constraints on resources. Monitor the eBPF agent health in the NetObserv / Health dashboard: there are graphs showing drops. Increasing spec.agent.ebpf.cacheMaxSize can help to avoid these drops, at the cost of an increased memory usage.