Contain a setup for NSM that includes nsmgr
, forwarder-vpp
, registry-k8s
. This setup can be used to check mechanisms combination.
Unlike the basic setup, which uses Wireguard
as the default IP remote mechanism, we prioritize IPSec
Apply NSM resources for basic tests:
kubectl apply -k
Wait for admission-webhook-k8s:
WH=$(kubectl get pods -l app=admission-webhook-k8s -n nsm-system --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod ${WH} -n nsm-system
- Kernel to IP to Kernel Connection
- Memif to IP to Memif Connection
- Kernel to IP to Memif Connection
- Memif to IP to Kernel Connection
- vL3-basic
To free resources follow the next commands:
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration nsm-mutating-webhook
kubectl delete ns nsm-system