If you have created (or know of) an open source library or product that uses CloudEvents v1.0, please include it in the list below.
- Argo-Events: An event-based dependency manager for Kubernetes which uses sensors to act on CloudEvents.
- CloudEvents Extend API is a JavaScript programming model for Extend which allows handling CloudEvents.
- cloudevent.js: A CloudEvents library for Node.js.
- CloudEvents JSON Schema: Visual Studio Code extension for CloudEvents format.
- cloudevents-python: A CloudEvents library for python.
- CloudEvents Verify: is a tool to help verify CloudEvents according to the proper specifications. It is currently being hosted publicly here.
- Cloud Shapes: Cloud Shapes is an event-driven database designed for real-time projection materialization based on CloudEvents.
- Cloud Streams: Cloud Streams is a cloud-native tool that empowers users to capture and process CloudEvents in real-time, enabling event-driven architectures that are both scalable and efficient.
- Gloo: is a function gateway built on top of Envoy Proxy by Solo.io that supports CloudEvents.
- Knative Eventing implements CloudEvents based sources and event delivery abstractions build on top of Kubernetes.
- Microcks is a Cloud Native Computing Sandbox project dedicated to API Mocking and Testing. See our CloudEvents integration 👉 Simulating CloudEvents with AsyncAPI and Microcks.
- Synapse: Synapse is a vendor-neutral, open-source, and community-driven Workflow Management System (WFMS) designed to implement the Serverless Workflow specification.
- VMware Event Broker Appliance enables event driven workflows from vCenter Server Events.