", "duke
", "Admin guide for
", "
", "\ud83e\udde9 EDI", "\ud83e\udd13 Geek tips", "Bash/Shell", "Script", "Deep Learning", "Conditional Random Fields (CRF)", "CUDA", "Misc", "Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)", "Tensorflow", "Git & Github", "git-annex", "Image Processing Software", "Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs)", "Anima", "Diffusion Simulator", "FreeSurfer", "FSL", "FSLeyes", "ITK-SNAP", "NIfTI", "OpenNeuro CLI", "OsiriX", "Various Software & Tools", "BitBucket", "Docker", "Docker for Deep Learning", "Dropbox", "Jekyll", "Microsoft Word", "OpenNeuro", "Sketchup", "Virtual Machines", "Vagrant", "VirtualBox", "XQuartz", "OS Guides", "Linux", "MacOSX", "Programming Languages", "C++", "Installation of VTK and ITK on Mac OS X", "Using XCode", "MATLAB", "Python", "Useful links/Software", "\ud83d\udca1 Ideas for Cool Projects", "\ud83e\uddf2 MRI Scanning", "Concordia (3T GE)", "MHI (7T Agilent)", "MNI/McGill (7T Terra)", "UNF (3T Prisma)", "\ud83d\udc4b Onboarding", "Campus Access", "Computer Setup", "\ud83d\udca1 Other configuration tips", "\ud83d\udcf6 Eduroam", "\ud83d\udce7 Email", "\ud83d\udcbb Shell Profile", "\ud83d\udde3 Slack", "Consultants and RA", "Google Drive", "Getting Started", "Infrastructure", "Postdoctoral fellows", "Software development", "Students and Interns", "\ud83d\udcce Practical Information", "\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 Living in Montreal", "\ud83c\udfe5 Medical", "\ud83d\udee0 Purchasing Supplies", "\ud83c\udf0e VISAs and Work Permits", "3D Printing", "OctoPrint", "\ud83d\udd27 RF Lab", "CNC machine", "Misc", "NeuroPoly Coils", "Phantoms", "PCB Manufacturing", "\ud83d\udcb0 Scholarships", "\u270d\ufe0f Academic Writing"], "titleterms": {"": 102, "04": 64, "1": [68, 71, 72, 74], "10": 71, "108mm": 79, "120": 79, "14": 64, "140": 79, "184mm": 79, "19": 83, "1h": 79, "2": [68, 72, 74], "205": 79, "210": 79, "22": 40, "2d": 68, "3": [68, 72], "300mhz": 79, "3018": 105, "305": 79, "3170cdw": 18, "3170cdw_": 18, "365": 14, "38": 79, "3d": 102, "3t": [78, 81], "4": [71, 72], "5": [36, 71], "6": 71, "60": 102, "7": 36, "7t": [79, 80], "9": 71, "AND": 33, "As": 68, "Be": 71, "FOR": 33, "IF": 33, "OR": 33, "TO": 40, "The": [10, 68], "Theses": 5, "_brother_hl": 18, "_errorlow_ton": 18, "abbei": [15, 16], "abstract": 20, "academ": 111, "access": [17, 27, 29, 56, 81, 83, 86], "accommod": 98, "account": [13, 14], "acknowledg": 111, "acquisit": 76, "adapt": [3, 106], "add": [40, 72, 85, 87], "add_linux_machine_to_gram": 85, "addit": 64, "address": 111, "admin": [15, 24, 28, 72], "admiss": 22, "advanc": 43, "advic": 45, "advis": 83, "affect": [41, 86], "affili": [83, 111], "affin": 43, "after": 40, "agil": 79, "agnost": 17, "ai": 96, "alias": 40, "alwai": 59, "amend": 40, "an": [15, 29, 72, 74, 95], "analysi": [3, 7], "anatom": 3, "anima": 44, "annex": 41, "anoth": [40, 68], "ansi": 33, "ant": [43, 67], "antsregistr": 43, "app": [85, 87], "appli": 3, "applic": 68, "ar": 40, "archiv": 68, "arrai": 33, "arriv": 83, "arteri": 6, "articl": 111, "asl": 6, "associ": [30, 90, 94], "author": 20, "autom": 68, "automat": 67, "avail": 29, "aw": 60, "award": 110, "awesom": 32, "b0": 6, "b1": 6, "back": 40, "background": 32, "backup": [15, 17, 28], "base": 32, "bash": 32, "bash_profil": 32, "basic": 63, "befor": 83, "being": 68, "between": [32, 40], "bibliographi": 2, "bid": 25, "big": 102, "binari": 49, "biomed": 22, "birdcag": 79, "bire": 15, "bitbucket": 54, "bodi": 95, "boltzmann": 38, "book": [1, 17, 77, 78, 80, 81], "boot": 68, "box": [63, 68], "branch": [40, 95], "brother": 18, "build": [25, 55, 71, 72], "build_docker_container_from_dockerfil": 55, "builder": 102, "bunch": 32, "c": 70, "c3d": 67, "ca": [28, 29], "cabl": 100, "calendar": [1, 77], "campu": 83, "canada": 13, "cannot": [41, 68], "capacitor": 100, "capitan": 106, "captur": 68, "case": 25, "cc": 13, "cd": 68, "cedar": 13, "center": 68, "cento": 67, "chang": [29, 32, 40, 68, 74, 86, 95], "change_folder_icon": 68, "changelog": 25, "characterist": 79, "check": [13, 32, 40, 41, 111], "checkout": 40, "checksum": 32, "chrome": 68, "chu": 83, "cli": 51, "click": 68, "client": 87, "clinic": 111, "clone": 40, "close": [40, 86], "cloud": 13, "cluster": [12, 15, 16, 17], "cnc": 105, "cnn": 3, "code": [17, 25, 33, 74, 95], "coil": [6, 22, 76, 78, 79, 106, 107, 111], "collect": 79, "color": 33, "colour": 33, "come": 40, "command": [15, 33, 63], "comment": 111, "commit": [40, 95], "compar": 40, "comprehens": 10, "compress": 32, "comput": [11, 12, 13, 15, 22, 32, 83, 84, 93, 100], "concordia": 78, "condit": 35, "confer": 20, "config": [41, 68], "configur": [40, 85], "configure_virtualenvwrapper_under_linux": 85, "conflict": [40, 95], "connect": [15, 17, 29, 40], "connector": [100, 106], "consent": 80, "consult": 90, "contact": 21, "contain": [55, 56], "continu": [3, 95], "contribut": 40, "control": 6, "convent": [25, 40], "converg": 43, "convert": 25, "cool": 76, "copi": [32, 55, 68], "copy_file_into_contain": 55, "copymake_a_disk_image_from_cddvd_iso_format": 68, "cord": [3, 9, 52, 76], "correct": 42, "cosmet": 41, "could": 86, "cours": [22, 35, 40, 74], "cover": 111, "covid": 83, "cpu": [12, 15, 16, 63, 68], "creat": [12, 13, 20, 33, 40, 49, 56, 64, 68, 72], "create_a_mesh_out_of_a_binary_fil": 49, "create_a_virtual_machine_vm_with_debian": 64, "create_recovery_partit": 68, "creation": [14, 72], "credenti": 79, "crf": 35, "criugm": 12, "csv": 33, "cuda": [36, 39], "curat": 25, "current": 40, "daili": 98, "data": [3, 12, 14, 17, 23, 25, 28, 29, 79, 80, 81, 93], "datalad": 60, "dataset": [24, 25, 29, 56, 60], "dataset_descript": 25, "date": [33, 40], "de": 22, "debian": 64, "deep": [3, 34, 56, 76, 96, 111], "default": [40, 68], "deform": 43, "delet": [32, 55], "deriv": 25, "descript": 25, "design": 109, "desir": 68, "desk": 83, "develop": 95, "diagnosi": 9, "dialog": 68, "dialog_boxselect_option_with_tab": 68, "dialogu": 68, "diffus": [3, 6, 45], "disabl": 68, "disable_notification_cent": 68, "discard": 40, "disk": [15, 68], "displai": [55, 68], "distil": 106, "distribut": [3, 55, 72], "divers_lien": 101, "django": 26, "dn": 32, "do": [10, 98], "doc": 111, "dock": 68, "dock_in_2d": 68, "docker": [37, 55, 56], "docker_environ": 56, "dockerfil": 55, "docstr": 95, "doctor": [99, 110], "document": [10, 38, 79, 95], "doesn": 40, "domain": 3, "don": 86, "doubl": 68, "download": [29, 32, 40, 60, 80, 81], "draft": 20, "drive": [68, 91], "driver": 39, "dropbox": [57, 68], "dual": 102, "duke": 27, "dure": 40, "dvd": 68, "dwi_mean": 68, "dyld_library_path": 72, "each": 15, "ectrim": 20, "edi": 30, "edit": 72, "editor": 32, "eduroam": [83, 86], "el": 106, "elig": 81, "elm": 12, "email": [32, 87], "emb": 20, "emerg": 99, "empti": [32, 68], "end": 99, "entiti": 25, "environ": [13, 56, 74], "epic": 95, "error": [18, 39, 68], "escap": 33, "ethic": [22, 77], "exam": 10, "exampl": [25, 42, 43, 71], "exceed": 68, "exchang": 87, "exist": [40, 74], "expand": 68, "expect": 43, "expos": 56, "extens": [25, 32], "extern": 56, "extract": 32, "facil": 77, "famili": 99, "featur": 3, "fedora": 67, "feed": 102, "fellow": 94, "few": 3, "field": [25, 35, 43], "figur": [73, 111], "file": [13, 32, 33, 40, 41, 43, 49, 55, 64, 68, 72], "fill": [80, 81], "film": 3, "filter": 42, "find": [32, 81, 99], "finder": 68, "first": [10, 40, 83], "fitzgerald": 15, "fix": [39, 40, 71, 100], "fix_cuda_driver_vers": 39, "fix_module_tensorflow_import_error": 39, "flight": 98, "folder": [8, 32, 63, 64, 68, 111], "forc": 55, "fork": 40, "form": [80, 81], "format": [68, 111], "framework": 34, "frameworkslibrari": 34, "freder": 102, "freesurf": 46, "from": [12, 20, 27, 29, 32, 40, 55, 68, 108], "fsl": [47, 67, 68], "fsley": [48, 68], "fslview": 68, "fundament": [6, 7], "gan": 3, "gaussian": 42, "ge": [15, 78], "geek": 31, "gener": [6, 33, 40, 68, 111], "generate_log_fil": 33, "genmitsu": 105, "gerber": 106, "get": [13, 29, 63, 79, 92], "git": [40, 41], "github": [40, 74, 95], "give": 10, "given": 32, "global": [41, 68], "global_default_config": 68, "good": [17, 76], "googl": [68, 77, 91, 111], "gpg": 40, "gpu": [15, 17, 37], "gradient": [43, 79], "grame": [15, 85, 109], "grammar": 111, "graphic": 15, "group": [15, 32], "guest": 64, "gui": 27, "guid": [24, 28, 66], "guidanc": 95, "h_140184mm_300mhz_quad_birdcage_coil": 79, "h_38108mm_300mhz_quad_birdcage_coil": 79, "habit": 17, "hardlink": 41, "hardwar": 17, "harvard": 30, "hat": 67, "hd": 79, "hd_gradient_coil": 79, "hd_gradient_coil1": 79, "hdd": 32, "heard": 86, "help": [29, 92], "hidden": 68, "high": 68, "histologi": [4, 76], "hl": 18, "host": 40, "how": [40, 59, 72, 109], "how_to_always_open_a_page_with_page_width_view": 59, "how_to_design_pcb_for_pcbwai": 109, "href": [32, 63, 64, 85], "i": [10, 86], "icm": [79, 108], "icon": 68, "id": [18, 20, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 45, 48, 49, 52, 55, 56, 59, 63, 64, 68, 73, 74, 79, 85, 101, 109], "idea": 76, "idea3t": 15, "idea7t": 15, "ieee": 20, "ignor": 40, "imag": [3, 7, 22, 42, 55, 68, 76, 96], "implicit": 30, "import": [39, 64], "import_a_ova_fil": 64, "incl": 99, "inform": [3, 97], "informat": 96, "infrastructur": 93, "initi": 29, "injuri": 9, "input": 33, "insid": 40, "instal": [15, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51, 55, 60, 63, 64, 71, 74], "install_fsley": 48, "install_guest_addit": 64, "install_run_linux_distribut": 55, "install_tensorflow": 39, "instrument": 22, "integr": 95, "intens": 42, "inter": 3, "interfac": [15, 29], "intern": [76, 96], "internet": 32, "internship": [76, 101], "interpret": 74, "introduct": [48, 95], "isbi": 20, "isc": 20, "ismrm": 20, "iso": 68, "isol": 37, "isolating_gpus_without_dock": 37, "issu": [29, 71, 73, 95], "itk": [43, 49, 71, 72], "jacaranda": 12, "jekyl": 58, "job": [12, 13], "joplin": [15, 16], "journal": 111, "json": 25, "juri": 10, "justin": 83, "keep": 40, "kei": [32, 40], "keyboard": 68, "keynot": 68, "kill": [13, 32], "kit": 38, "lab": [0, 83, 100, 102, 104], "label": [6, 25, 95], "languag": [15, 22, 69], "latest": 40, "launch": 68, "learn": [3, 22, 34, 38, 56, 76, 96, 111], "lesag": 102, "lesion": 3, "let": 68, "letter": 111, "librari": [34, 71], "licens": 95, "life": 98, "line": [15, 33, 74], "linear": 3, "link": [32, 33, 72, 75, 101, 108], "linux": [15, 36, 55, 67, 85], "liom": 108, "list": [13, 15, 20, 29, 40, 55], "list_local_docker_imag": 55, "live": 98, "load": 68, "local": [15, 40, 55], "locat": 41, "lock": 68, "lock_screen": 68, "lock_screen_upon_sleep": 68, "log": [33, 68, 77], "logbook": 77, "login": 12, "logist": 83, "long": 17, "longitudin": 3, "look": 32, "loop": 33, "lost": 40, "low": 18, "m": 3, "mac": [68, 71], "machin": [22, 38, 62, 64, 85, 105], "maco": [63, 85, 87], "macosx": 68, "magnet": 106, "mail": 87, "mainten": 68, "make": [29, 68], "make_hidden_applications_icons_transpar": 68, "manag": 111, "mandatori": 95, "manual": [0, 42, 52, 64], "manual_method": 64, "manual_segmentation_of_the_spinal_cord": 52, "manufactur": [106, 109], "map": 83, "master": 110, "match": 43, "matlab": [68, 73], "matplotlib": 74, "mcgill": [22, 80], "md": 25, "mds_store": 68, "median": 42, "medic": [3, 22, 96, 99], "medicin": 99, "meet": 1, "memori": 63, "merg": 40, "mesh": 49, "messag": 40, "meta": 3, "method": 64, "metric": 43, "mhi": 79, "miccai": 20, "microsoft": [14, 59, 68], "mid": 17, "mila": 83, "miniconda": 67, "misc": [15, 33, 37, 68, 106], "misc_": 18, "miscellan": 100, "mixup": 3, "mni": 80, "mode": 40, "model": 3, "modix": 102, "modul": [3, 13, 39], "monitor": 17, "montreal": 98, "montr\u00e9al": 22, "mount": [15, 27, 67], "mr": 6, "mri": [3, 6, 7, 9, 15, 77, 81, 93, 96, 111], "msc": 110, "my": 86, "myelin": 76, "n3": 42, "n4": 42, "name": [25, 40], "net": 3, "network": 32, "neural": 3, "neuro": [28, 29], "neuroimag": [7, 74, 111], "neuropoli": [15, 107], "new": [24, 28, 41, 72], "nibardo": 108, "nice": [68, 74], "nifti": 50, "niftiview": 85, "niftiviewerapp": 85, "node006": 15, "node007": 15, "non": [32, 42, 43, 72, 106], "normal": [42, 43], "notif": 68, "number": 32, "number_of_fil": 32, "nvidia": 56, "o": [66, 71], "octoprint": 103, "od": 3, "offic": [94, 102], "ohbm": 20, "old": 15, "onboard": 82, "one": 83, "onedr": 14, "ones": 40, "onli": 43, "onlin": [20, 35], "online_confer": 20, "ood": 3, "open": [29, 59, 68, 74, 95], "openneuro": [51, 60], "oper": 79, "option": [68, 95], "oral": 10, "order": 83, "organ": [83, 111], "osirix": 52, "osx": [59, 71, 106], "other": [40, 85, 101], "out": [3, 49, 68, 80], "ova": 64, "overleaf": 111, "overview": [60, 86], "owner": 32, "packag": 74, "page": 59, "pai": 77, "paper": [30, 35, 68], "paperpil": [8, 111], "paramet": [32, 43], "parametr": 42, "pars": 33, "part": 106, "particip": [25, 77, 81], "partit": 68, "password": [15, 68], "pathophysiologi": 9, "pcb": [100, 109], "pcbwai": 109, "perman": 68, "permiss": [32, 68], "permit": 101, "peterson": 15, "phantom": [100, 108], "phase": 72, "phd": 110, "physic": [3, 96], "pi": 83, "pid": 32, "pipe": 100, "plan": 20, "platform": 111, "pleas": 83, "plugin": [48, 103], "point": 43, "poli": [15, 109], "polici": 25, "polymtl": [28, 29, 87], "polytechniqu": [15, 22, 83], "port": [40, 56, 68], "postdoc": 101, "postdoctor": [94, 110], "poster": [20, 100], "pr": 95, "practic": 97, "prepar": 71, "present": 10, "preview": 68, "previou": 40, "print": [68, 102], "printer": [18, 102], "prior": 3, "prisma": 81, "privat": [76, 99], "problem": 41, "procedur": [19, 79], "process": [7, 32, 42], "profil": 88, "program": [15, 22, 69, 76], "progress": 95, "project": [40, 72, 76, 95], "prompt": 68, "propos": 10, "protocol": 83, "prover": 105, "provis": 63, "pse": 43, "public": [15, 32, 76, 99], "pull": [29, 40, 95], "puls": [6, 76], "purchas": 100, "push": 40, "pycharm": 40, "python": [13, 74], "qc": 6, "quad": 79, "qualiti": 6, "quicklook": 68, "quota": 68, "ra": 90, "random": 35, "rapid": 17, "rater": 3, "raw": [25, 79, 81], "rbm": 38, "readm": 25, "rebas": 40, "reboot": [15, 68], "reboot_station_with_termin": 68, "recip": 108, "recommend": [45, 64, 95], "reconstruct": [79, 81], "recov": 40, "recoveri": [28, 68], "red": 67, "redirect": 55, "reduc": 64, "reduce_the_size_of_the_vm": 64, "refer": [14, 36, 39, 111], "refus": 40, "reimburs": [20, 100], "releas": 28, "remot": [15, 32, 40, 48, 55], "remov": [32, 40, 41, 55], "remove_docker_image_or_containers_force_delet": 55, "remove_files_from_tmp": 32, "renam": 32, "repair": 68, "repo": 41, "repositori": [24, 28, 29, 40], "request": [29, 40, 95], "requir": [22, 83], "research": [10, 90], "reset": [40, 41], "resourc": [3, 4, 11, 40, 73, 74], "restrict": [38, 43], "retriev": 15, "revert": 40, "review": [95, 111], "rf": [6, 22, 76, 100, 102, 104], "right": 68, "rm": 41, "rod": 100, "rollback": 40, "roman": 15, "room": [1, 83], "rosenberg": 15, "rsync": 32, "run": [48, 55, 63, 74], "run_docker_imag": 55, "run_with_display_redirect": 55, "saint": 83, "same": 68, "save": [55, 68], "save_a_docker_imag": 55, "scan": 77, "scanner": [77, 78, 79, 80, 81], "schedul": 15, "scholarship": 110, "sci": 38, "scientif": 111, "scp": 32, "screen": [32, 68, 80], "screenshot": 68, "screenshot_in_desired_format": 68, "script": [12, 13, 33], "search": [40, 55], "segment": [3, 9, 42, 52], "select": [40, 68], "sequenc": [6, 76, 95], "serial": 106, "server": [13, 15, 29, 68], "servic": [68, 75], "set": [43, 63, 68, 72], "set_the_expanded_print_dialogue_as_default": 68, "set_the_expanded_save_dialogue_as_default": 68, "setup": [29, 84, 86], "sftp": 15, "share": [14, 20, 64, 68], "shared_fold": 64, "shell": [32, 88], "shim": [6, 76, 106], "short": 17, "shortcut": [28, 59], "shot": 3, "show": 40, "sidecar": 25, "sigma": 43, "simul": [45, 76], "size": [32, 64], "sketchup": 61, "slack": 89, "sleep": 68, "slow": 17, "small": 102, "smooth": [42, 43], "snap": 49, "softwar": [6, 15, 17, 22, 40, 42, 53, 68, 75, 95], "solut": 68, "sourc": 86, "source_filenam": 25, "sourcetre": 40, "span": [0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31, 76, 77, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 110, 111], "specif": [40, 68, 78, 79, 95], "spectroscopi": 6, "spin": 6, "spinal": [3, 9, 52, 76], "spine": 106, "ssh": [15, 17, 32, 40, 63, 65], "standard": 79, "start": [10, 13, 63, 92], "startup": [63, 67], "statement": 33, "station": [15, 27, 32, 68, 79], "statist": 22, "statu": 41, "stderr": 32, "stdout": 32, "stdoutstderr": 32, "step": 10, "sticker": 20, "storag": 17, "straighten": 52, "straighten_spinal_cord": 52, "string": 33, "structur": [10, 25], "stuck": 68, "student": 96, "style": 95, "subject": 25, "submit": [10, 40, 95], "suffix": 25, "suppli": 100, "switch": 40, "synchron": 32, "synthet": 3, "t": [40, 86], "tab": 68, "tag": 40, "talk": [20, 68], "tar": 32, "tax": 98, "technic": [78, 79], "technician": 102, "tele": 99, "tensorboard": 17, "tensorflow": 39, "term": 17, "termin": [27, 65, 68], "terminologi": 55, "terra": 80, "test": [30, 74, 95], "text": 32, "textmat": 68, "thi": [10, 86], "thin": 41, "time": [40, 83], "tip": [13, 31, 74, 85, 111], "titl": 95, "tmp": 32, "togeth": 83, "toner": 18, "tool": [38, 43, 53, 86], "toolbox": [73, 76], "toolchain": 72, "track": 40, "train": 17, "transfer": [12, 13], "transform": 43, "translat": 43, "transpar": 68, "trash": 68, "travel": [20, 110], "trick": [13, 74], "tristano": 15, "troubleshoot": [18, 28, 40, 41, 52, 68, 72], "tsv": 25, "tube": 100, "tunnel": 17, "tutori": [33, 40, 74], "two": 40, "u": 3, "ubuntu": 64, "ubuntu_1404": 64, "uncertainti": 3, "under": 85, "unf": [81, 108], "uniform": 42, "uninstal": 51, "univers": [20, 22], "universit\u00e9": 22, "up": 40, "updat": 40, "upload": 40, "upon": 68, "us": [12, 25, 40, 55, 59, 64, 68, 71, 72, 74, 75, 86, 108], "usag": [40, 52, 60], "usb": 106, "useful_shortcuts_for_osx": 59, "user": [32, 72], "using_guest_additions_recommend": 64, "util": 68, "v2": 102, "vagrant": 63, "vagrantfil": 63, "variabl": 13, "variou": [20, 53], "vectori": 111, "veri": [17, 102], "version": [39, 41, 95], "via": [32, 68], "view": 59, "viewer": 106, "vim": 32, "virtual": [62, 64, 74], "virtualbox": [26, 64], "virtualenvwrapp": 85, "visa": 101, "vision": 22, "visual": [43, 74], "vm": 64, "vnc": 15, "vnmrj": [15, 79], "volum": 56, "vpn": 15, "vtk": [71, 72], "walk": 99, "want": [68, 86], "warp": 43, "water": 106, "web": 29, "websit": 75, "week": 99, "wet": 100, "what": [10, 86], "when": [10, 68], "where": 10, "which": 40, "white": 30, "width": 59, "wifi": [83, 86], "wiki": 79, "wiki_7t_scanner_icm": 79, "window": 15, "wise": 3, "without": [37, 87], "word": [59, 68], "work": [40, 95, 101], "write": [29, 111], "written": 10, "x": 71, "xcode": 72, "xquartz": 65, "yosemit": 73, "yosemite_issu": 73, "you": 40, "your": [40, 98], "youtub": 19, "zip": 32}})
\ No newline at end of file
+Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {".bash_profile": [[32, "bash-profile"]], "1. Create a New Project": [[72, "create-a-new-project"]], "1. Run tests by changing the Python interpreter to an existing Virtual Environment": [[74, "run-tests-by-changing-the-python-interpreter-to-an-existing-virtual-environment"]], "1H 140/184mm, 300MHz Quad Birdcage Coil ": [[79, "h-140-184mm-300mhz-quad-birdcage-coil"]], "1H 38/108mm, 300MHz Quad Birdcage Coil ": [[79, "h-38-108mm-300mhz-quad-birdcage-coil"]], "2. Edit Settings": [[72, "edit-settings"]], "2. Opening lines of code on GitHub": [[74, "opening-lines-of-code-on-github"]], "205/120 HD Gradient Coil ": [[79, "id1"]], "3. Add Files": [[72, "add-files"]], "305/210 HD Gradient Coil ": [[79, "hd-gradient-coil"]], "3D Printer - Big Builder - Dual feed (RF lab)": [[102, "d-printer-big-builder-dual-feed-rf-lab"]], "3D Printing": [[102, null]], "4. Set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH": [[72, "set-dyld-library-path"]], "django
", "duke
", "Admin guide for
", "
", "\ud83e\udde9 EDI", "\ud83e\udd13 Geek tips", "Bash/Shell", "Script", "Deep Learning", "Conditional Random Fields (CRF)", "CUDA", "Misc", "Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)", "Tensorflow", "Git & Github", "git-annex", "Image Processing Software", "Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs)", "Anima", "Diffusion Simulator", "FreeSurfer", "FSL", "FSLeyes", "ITK-SNAP", "NIfTI", "OpenNeuro CLI", "OsiriX", "Various Software & Tools", "BitBucket", "Docker", "Docker for Deep Learning", "Dropbox", "Jekyll", "Microsoft Word", "OpenNeuro", "Sketchup", "Virtual Machines", "Vagrant", "VirtualBox", "XQuartz", "OS Guides", "Linux", "MacOSX", "Programming Languages", "C++", "Installation of VTK and ITK on Mac OS X", "Using XCode", "MATLAB", "Python", "Useful links/Software", "\ud83d\udca1 Ideas for Cool Projects", "\ud83e\uddf2 MRI Scanning", "Concordia (3T GE)", "MHI (7T Agilent)", "MNI/McGill (7T Terra)", "UNF (3T Prisma)", "\ud83d\udc4b Onboarding", "Campus Access", "Computer Setup", "\ud83d\udca1 Other configuration tips", "\ud83d\udcf6 Eduroam", "\ud83d\udce7 Email", "\ud83d\udcbb Shell Profile", "\ud83d\udde3 Slack", "Consultants and RA", "Google Drive", "Getting Started", "Infrastructure", "Postdoctoral fellows", "Software development", "Students and Interns", "\ud83d\udcce Practical Information", "\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 Living in Montreal", "\ud83c\udfe5 Medical", "\ud83d\udee0 Purchasing Supplies", "\ud83c\udf0e VISAs and Work Permits", "3D Printing", "OctoPrint", "\ud83d\udd27 RF Lab", "CNC machine", "Misc", "NeuroPoly Coils", "Phantoms", "PCB Manufacturing", "\ud83d\udcb0 Scholarships", "\u270d\ufe0f Academic Writing"], "titleterms": {"": 102, "04": 64, "1": [68, 71, 72, 74], "10": 71, "108mm": 79, "120": 79, "14": 64, "140": 79, "184mm": 79, "19": 83, "1h": 79, "2": [68, 72, 74], "205": 79, "210": 79, "22": 40, "2d": 68, "3": [68, 72], "300mhz": 79, "3018": 105, "305": 79, "3170cdw": 18, "3170cdw_": 18, "365": 14, "38": 79, "3d": 102, "3t": [78, 81], "4": [71, 72], "5": [36, 71], "6": 71, "60": 102, "7": 36, "7t": [79, 80], "9": 71, "AND": 33, "As": 68, "Be": 71, "FOR": 33, "IF": 33, "OR": 33, "TO": 40, "The": [10, 68], "Theses": 5, "_brother_hl": 18, "_errorlow_ton": 18, "abbei": [15, 16], "abstract": 20, "academ": 111, "access": [17, 27, 29, 56, 81, 83, 86], "accommod": 98, "account": [13, 14], "acknowledg": 111, "acquisit": 76, "adapt": [3, 106], "add": [40, 72, 85, 87], "add_linux_machine_to_gram": 85, "addit": 64, "address": 111, "admin": [15, 24, 28, 72], "admiss": 22, "advanc": 43, "advic": 45, "advis": 83, "affect": [41, 86], "affili": [83, 111], "affin": 43, "after": 40, "agil": 79, "agnost": 17, "ai": 96, "alias": 40, "alwai": 59, "amend": 40, "an": [15, 29, 72, 74, 95], "analysi": [3, 7], "anatom": 3, "anima": 44, "annex": 41, "anoth": [40, 68], "ansi": 33, "ant": [43, 67], "antsregistr": 43, "app": [85, 87], "appli": 3, "applic": 68, "ar": 40, "archiv": 68, "arrai": 33, "arriv": 83, "arteri": 6, "articl": 111, "asl": 6, "associ": [30, 90, 94], "author": 20, "autom": 68, "automat": 67, "avail": 29, "aw": 60, "award": 110, "awesom": 32, "b0": 6, "b1": 6, "back": 40, "background": 32, "backup": [15, 17, 28], "base": 32, "bash": 32, "bash_profil": 32, "basic": 63, "befor": 83, "being": 68, "between": [32, 40], "bibliographi": 2, "bid": 25, "big": 102, "binari": 49, "biomed": 22, "birdcag": 79, "bire": 15, "bitbucket": 54, "bodi": 95, "boltzmann": 38, "book": [1, 17, 77, 78, 80, 81], "boot": 68, "box": [63, 68], "branch": [40, 95], "brother": 18, "build": [25, 55, 71, 72], "build_docker_container_from_dockerfil": 55, "builder": 102, "bunch": 32, "c": 70, "c3d": 67, "ca": [28, 29], "cabl": 100, "calendar": [1, 77], "campu": 83, "canada": 13, "cannot": [41, 68], "capacitor": 100, "capitan": 106, "captur": 68, "case": 25, "cc": 13, "cd": 68, "cedar": 13, "center": 68, "cento": 67, "chang": [29, 32, 40, 68, 74, 86, 95], "change_folder_icon": 68, "changelog": 25, "characterist": 79, "check": [13, 32, 40, 41, 111], "checkout": 40, "checksum": 32, "chrome": 68, "chu": 83, "cli": 51, "click": 68, "client": 87, "clinic": 111, "clone": 40, "close": [40, 86], "cloud": 13, "cluster": [12, 15, 16, 17], "cnc": 105, "cnn": 3, "code": [17, 25, 33, 74, 95], "coil": [6, 22, 76, 78, 79, 106, 107, 111], "collect": 79, "color": 33, "colour": 33, "come": 40, "command": [15, 33, 63], "comment": 111, "commit": [40, 95], "compar": 40, "comprehens": 10, "compress": 32, "comput": [11, 12, 13, 15, 22, 32, 83, 84, 93, 100], "concordia": 78, "condit": 35, "confer": 20, "config": [41, 68], "configur": [40, 85], "configure_virtualenvwrapper_under_linux": 85, "conflict": [40, 95], "connect": [15, 17, 29, 40], "connector": [100, 106], "consent": 80, "consult": 90, "contact": 21, "contain": [55, 56], "continu": [3, 95], "contribut": 40, "control": 6, "convent": [25, 40], "converg": 43, "convert": 25, "cool": 76, "copi": [32, 55, 68], "copy_file_into_contain": 55, "copymake_a_disk_image_from_cddvd_iso_format": 68, "cord": [3, 9, 52, 76], 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56, 76, 96, 111], "lesag": 102, "lesion": 3, "let": 68, "letter": 111, "librari": [34, 71], "licens": 95, "life": 98, "line": [15, 33, 74], "linear": 3, "link": [32, 33, 72, 75, 101, 108], "linux": [15, 36, 55, 67, 85], "liom": 108, "list": [13, 15, 20, 29, 40, 55], "list_local_docker_imag": 55, "live": 98, "load": 68, "local": [15, 40, 55], "locat": 41, "lock": 68, "lock_screen": 68, "lock_screen_upon_sleep": 68, "log": [33, 68, 77], "logbook": 77, "login": 12, "logist": 83, "long": 17, "longitudin": 3, "look": 32, "loop": 33, "lost": 40, "low": 18, "m": 3, "mac": [68, 71], "machin": [22, 38, 62, 64, 85, 105], "maco": [63, 85, 87], "macosx": 68, "magnet": 106, "mail": 87, "mainten": 68, "make": [29, 68], "make_hidden_applications_icons_transpar": 68, "manag": 111, "mandatori": 95, "manual": [0, 42, 52, 64], "manual_method": 64, "manual_segmentation_of_the_spinal_cord": 52, "manufactur": [106, 109], "map": 83, "master": 110, "match": 43, "matlab": [68, 73], "matplotlib": 74, "mcgill": [22, 80], "md": 25, "mds_store": 68, "median": 42, "medic": [3, 22, 96, 99], "medicin": 99, "meet": 1, "memori": 63, "merg": 40, "mesh": 49, "messag": 40, "meta": 3, "method": 64, "metric": 43, "mhi": 79, "miccai": 20, "microsoft": [14, 59, 68], "mid": 17, "mila": 83, "miniconda": 67, "misc": [15, 33, 37, 68, 106], "misc_": 18, "miscellan": 100, "mixup": 3, "mni": 80, "mode": 40, "model": 3, "modix": 102, "modul": [3, 13, 39], "monitor": 17, "montreal": 98, "montr\u00e9al": 22, "mount": [15, 27, 67], "mr": 6, "mri": [3, 6, 7, 9, 15, 77, 81, 93, 96, 111], "msc": 110, "my": 86, "myelin": 76, "n3": 42, "n4": 42, "name": [25, 40], "net": 3, "network": 32, "neural": 3, "neuro": [28, 29], "neuroimag": [7, 74, 111], "neuropoli": [15, 107], "new": [24, 28, 41, 72], "nibardo": 108, "nice": [68, 74], "nifti": 50, "niftiview": 85, "niftiviewerapp": 85, "node006": 15, "node007": 15, "non": [32, 42, 43, 72, 106], "normal": [42, 43], "notif": 68, "number": 32, "number_of_fil": 32, "nvidia": 56, "o": 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diff --git a/writing-articles.html b/writing-articles.html
index 72253a3d..52007abf 100644
--- a/writing-articles.html
+++ b/writing-articles.html
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ For everyone:
-NeuroPoly Lab, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
+NeuroPoly Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
Affiliation for Julien Cohen-Adad: