Event processing
The BL4B instrument leverages the concept of weighted events for several aspects of
+the reduction process. Following this approach, each event is treated separately and is
+assigned a weigth $w$ to accound for various corrections. Summing events then becomes the
+sum of the weights for all events.
Loading events and dead time correction
A dead time correction is available for rates above around 2000 counts/sec. Both
+paralyzing and non-paralyzing implementation are available. Paralyzing refers to a detector
+that extends its dead time period when events occur while the detector is already unavailable
+to process events, while non-paralyzing refers to a detector that always becomes available
+after the dead time period [1].
The dead time correction to be multiplied by the measured detector counts is given by
+the following for the paralyzing case:
+C_{par} = -{\cal Re}W_0(-R\tau/\Delta_{TOF}) \Delta_{TOF}/R
+where $R$ is the number of triggers per accelerator pulse within a time-of-flight bin $\Delta_{TOF}$.
+The dead time for the current BL4B detector is $\tau=4.2$ $\mu s$. In the equation avove, ${\cal Re}W_0$ referes to the principal branch of the Lambert W function.
The following is used for the non-paralyzing case:
+C_{non-par} = 1/(1-R\tau/\Delta_{TOF})
By default, we use a paralyzing dead time correction with $\Delta_{TOF}=100$ $\mu s$. These parameters can be changed.
The BL4B detector is a wire chamber with a detector readout that includes digitization of the
+position of each event. For a number of reasons, like event pileup, it is possible for the
+electronics to be unable to assign a coordinate to a particular trigger event. These events are
+labelled as error events and stored along with the good events. While only good events are used
+to compute reflectivity, error events are included in the $R$ value defined above. For clarity, we chose to define $R$ in terms of number of triggers as opposed to events.
Once the dead time correction as a function for time-of-flight is computed, each event
+in the run being processed is assigned a weight according to the correction.
$w_i = C(t_i)$
where $t_i$ is the time-of-flight of event $i$. The value of $C$ is interpolated from the
+computed dead time correction distribution.
[1] V. Bécares, J. Blázquez, Detector Dead Time Determination and OptimalCounting Rate for a Detector Near a Spallation Source ora Subcritical Multiplying System, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2012, 240693, https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/240693
Correct for emission time
Since neutrons of different wavelength will spend different amount of time on average
+within the moderator, a linear approximation is used by the data acquisition system to
+account for emission time when phasing choppers.
The time of flight for each event $i$ is corrected by an small value given by
$\Delta t_i = -t_{off} + \frac{h L}{m_n} A t_i $
where $h$ is Planck's constant, $m_n$ is the mass of the neutron, and $L$ is the distance
+between the moderator and the detector.
The $t_{off}$, $A$, and $L$ parameters are process variables that are stored in the
+data file and can be changed in the data acquisition system.
Gravity correction
The reflected angle of each neutron is corrected for the effect of gravity according to
+reference Campbell et al [2]. This correction is done individually for each neutron event according to its wavelength.
[2] R.A. Campbell et al, Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2011) 126: 107. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/i2011-11107-8
Event selection
Following the correction described above, we are left with a list of events, each having
+a detector position ($p_x, p_y$) and a wavelength $\lambda$.
+As necessary, regions of interests can be defined to identify events to include in the specular
+reflectivity calculation, and which will be used to estimate and subtract background.
+Event selection is performed before computing the reflectivity as described in the following sections.
Q calculation
The reflectivity $R(q)$ is computed by computing the $q$ value for each even and histogramming
+in a predefined binning of the user's choice. This approach is slightly different from the
+traditional approach of binning events in TOF, and then converting the TOF axis to $q$.
+The event-based approach allows us to bin directly into a $q$ binning of our choice and avoid
+the need for a final rebinning.
The standard way of computing the reflected signal is simply to compute $q$ for each event $i$
+using the following equation:
$q_{z, i} = \frac{4\pi}{\lambda_i}\sin(\theta - \delta_{g,i})$
where the $\delta_{g,i}$ refers to the angular offset caused by gravity.
Once $q$ is computed for each neutron, they can be histogrammed, taking into account the
+weight assigned to each event:
$S(q_z) = \frac{1}{Q} \sum_{i \in q_z \pm \Delta{q_z}/2} w_i$
where the sum is over all event falling in the $q_z$ bin or width $\Delta q_z$, and $w_i$ is the
+weight if the $i^{th}$ event. At this point we have an unnormalized $S(q_z)$, which remains to be
+corrected for the neutron flux. The value of $Q$ is the integrated proton charge for the
Constant-Q binning
When using a divergent beam, or when measuring a warped sample, it may be beneficial to take
+into accound where a neutron landed on the detector in order to recalculate its angle, and its
+$q$ value.
In this case, the $q_{z, i}$ equation above becomes:
$q_{z, i} = \frac{4\pi}{\lambda_i}\sin(\theta + \delta_{f,i} - \delta_{g,i})$
where $\delta_{f,i}$ is the angular offset between where the specular peak appears on the
+detector and where the neutron was detected:
$\delta_{f,i} = \mathrm{sgn}(\theta)\arctan(d(p_i-p_{spec})/L_{det})/2$
where $d$ is the size of a pixel, $p_i$ is the pixel where event $i$ was detected,
+$p_{spec}$ is the pixel at the center of the peak distribution, $L_{det}$ is the distance
+between the sample and the detector. Care should be taken to asign the correct sign to
+the angle offset. For this reason, we add the sign the scattering angle $\mathrm{sgn}(\theta)$ on from of the
+previous equation to account for when we reflect up or down.
Normalization options
The scattering signal computed above needs to be normalized by the incoming flux in order
+to produce $R(q_z)$. For the simplest case, we follow the same procedure as above for the
+relevant direct beam run, and simply compute the $S_1(q_z)$ using the standard procedure above,
+using the same $q_z$ binning,
+and replacing $\theta$ by the value at which the reflected beam was measured. We are then effectively computing what the measured signal would be if all neutron from the beam would reflect with a probability of 1. We refer this distribution at $S_1(q_z)$.
The measured reflectivity then becomes
+ R(q_z) = S(q_z) / S_1(q_z)
This approach is equivalent to predetermining the TOF binning that would be needed to produce
+the $q_z$ binning we actually want, summing counts in TOF for both scattered and direct beam,
+taking the ratio of the two, and finally converting TOF to $q_z$. The only difference is that we
+don't bother with the TOF bins and assign events directly into the $q_z$ we know they will contribute to the denominator of for normalization.
Normalization using weighted events
An alternative approach to the normalization described above is also implemented to BL4B.
+It leverages the weighted event approach. Using this approach, we can simply histogram the direct
+beam event in a wavelenth distribution. In such a histogram, each bin in wavelength will have
+a flux
$$\phi(\lambda) = N_{\lambda} / Q / \Delta_{\lambda}$$
where $N_{\lambda}$ is the number of neutrons in the bin of center $\lambda$, $Q$ is the
+integrated proton charge, and $\Delta(\lambda)$ is the wavelength bin width for the distribution.
Coming back to the calculation of the reflected signal above, we now can add a new weight for
+each event according to the flux for its particular wavelength:
+w_i \rightarrow w_i / \phi(\lambda_i) q_{z,i} / \lambda_i
where $\phi(\lambda)$ is interpolated from the distribution we measured above. The $q_z/\lambda$
+term is the Jacobian to account for the transformation of wavelength to $q$.
+With this new weigth, we can compute reflectivity directly from the $S(q_z)$ equation above:
+R(q_z) = \frac{1}{Q} \sum_{i \in q_z \pm \Delta{q_z}/2} w_i / \phi(\lambda_i) q_{z,i} / \lambda_i