diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/wendigo.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/hypnos.yml
similarity index 99%
rename from Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/wendigo.yml
rename to Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/hypnos.yml
index 8c16363977d..f4d8ba47852 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/wendigo.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/hypnos.yml
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ entities:
   - uid: 1
     - type: MetaData
-      name: Wendigo
+      name: Hypnos
     - type: BecomesStation
-      id: Wendigo
+      id: Hypnos
     - type: Transform
       parent: invalid
     - type: MapGrid
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/Nfsd/wendigo.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/Nfsd/hypnos.yml
similarity index 64%
rename from Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/Nfsd/wendigo.yml
rename to Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/Nfsd/hypnos.yml
index 6eff3aec397..258b371a45f 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/Nfsd/wendigo.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_NF/Shipyard/Nfsd/hypnos.yml
@@ -9,31 +9,31 @@
 # Shuttle Notes:
 - type: vessel
-  id: Wendigo
+  id: Hypnos
   parent: BaseVessel
-  name: NSF Wendigo
-  description: A light medium ship with a recommended crew of 2 to 3 officers, the Wendigo is a dedicated interdiction vessel outfitted with a powerful EMP device for tackling escaping vessels.
+  name: NSF Hypnos
+  description: A light medium ship with a recommended crew of 2 to 3 officers, the Hypnos is a dedicated interdiction vessel outfitted with a powerful EMP device for tackling escaping vessels.
   price: 34500
   category: Medium
   group: Security
   access: Sergeant
-  shuttlePath: /Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/wendigo.yml
+  shuttlePath: /Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/hypnos.yml
   - Pursuit
   - Uranium
 - type: gameMap
-  id: Wendigo
-  mapName: 'NSF Wendigo'
-  mapPath: /Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/wendigo.yml
+  id: Hypnos
+  mapName: 'NSF Hypnos'
+  mapPath: /Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Nfsd/hypnos.yml
   minPlayers: 0
-    Wendigo:
+    Hypnos:
       stationProto: StandardFrontierSecurityVessel
         - type: StationNameSetup
-          mapNameTemplate: 'Wendigo {1}'
+          mapNameTemplate: 'Hypnos {1}'
             prefixCreator: '14'