This is my python training repository. The project stored minimum application for each flameworks and services. If you want to know app details, please read each app's
Application Name | Summary |
azure-blob-storage | The Application manipulate files or data with Azure BLOB Storage |
azure-container-registry | The Application makes python docker container and push to Azure Container Registry |
azure-cosmos-db | Insert records to Cosmos DB and get all records from DB |
azure-functions | Print strings to log file each hour |
fastapi-sample | Data Collection and Generate REST API Service by FastAPI framework |
import-understanding | Understanding for python import mechanism. |
requests | Understanding for requests library and stream unzip. |
btc-transactions | Retrieve BTC transaction data from AWS S3 using the AWS SDK. |
If you face ERROR: Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv.
error in pip command, you should set below config.
$ export PIP_USER=false
This project has been created on gitpod.