nexuslib is a collection of Actionscript libraries. Enums, Random, Reflection, Serialization, Crypto, Audio system, HTTP requests.
The reflection library specifically is production ready and is currently in-use in production environments.
Download the latest release, or clone the repo and reference in your project.
blooddy-crypto is statically linked with nexuslib.swc
Since AS3 doesn't provide a native enum structure you can use this to ceate one thusly:
public class MyEnum extends Enum
public static const Enum1 : MyEnum = new MyEnum();
public static const Enum2 : MyEnum = new MyEnum();
public static function get All():EnumSet { return Enum.values(MyEnum); }
For more examples of correct and incorrect Enum usage, see the mocks in the test directory
, nexus.utils.serialization
Reflection & serialization library. Features deterministic JSON de/serialization, deserializing directly to typed AS objects, a structured reflection class heirarchy, and more. Full support for Application Domains and namespaces.
Manage playing sounds one or in loops, controlling volume and sound effects (e.g., fading, panning). Sounds can be loaded from embedded resources, remote mp3s, and local files. Separate sound channels and volume controls for music, ambient sounds, voices, ui effects, and sound effects.
Currently provides an HMAC class and some utilities.