diff --git a/Directory.Packages.props b/Directory.Packages.props
index 77d02835..dcb4614f 100644
--- a/Directory.Packages.props
+++ b/Directory.Packages.props
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
diff --git a/build/ProjectInfo.fs b/build/ProjectInfo.fs
index cf0aa003..976bc619 100644
--- a/build/ProjectInfo.fs
+++ b/build/ProjectInfo.fs
@@ -5,19 +5,22 @@ open Helpers
let project = "ARCtrl"
+let allTestsProject = "tests/All"
/// Dotnet and JS test paths
let testProjects =
- //"tests/Core"
- //"tests/Json"
- //"tests/Spreadsheet"
- //"tests/FileSystem"
- //"tests/ARCtrl"
- //"tests/Yaml"
- //"tests/ValidationPackages"
- //"tests/Contract"
- //"tests/ROCrate"
+ "tests/ARCtrl"
+ "tests/Contract"
+ "tests/Core"
+ "tests/CWL"
+ "tests/FileSystem"
+ "tests/Json"
+ "tests/ROCrate"
+ "tests/Spreadsheet"
+ "tests/ValidationPackages"
+ "tests/Yaml"
/// Native JS test paths
diff --git a/build/TestTasks.fs b/build/TestTasks.fs
index 6f4eb765..e6654997 100644
--- a/build/TestTasks.fs
+++ b/build/TestTasks.fs
@@ -36,16 +36,14 @@ module RunTests =
let runTestsJs = BuildTask.createFn "runTestsJS" [clean] (fun tp ->
if tp.Context.Arguments |> List.exists (fun a -> a.ToLower() = skipTestsFlag.ToLower()) |> not then
Trace.traceImportant "Start Js tests"
- for path in ProjectInfo.testProjects do
- // Setup test results directory after clean
- System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("./tests/TestingUtils/TestResults/js") |> ignore
- // transpile js files from fsharp code
- run dotnet $"fable {path} -o {path}/js --nocache" ""
- System.IO.File.Copy(jsHelperFilePath, $"{path}/js/{jsHelperFileName}") |> ignore
- // run mocha in target path to execute tests
- // "--timeout 20000" is used, because json schema validation takes a bit of time.
- run node $"{path}/js/Main.js" ""
+ // Setup test results directory after clean
+ System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("./tests/TestingUtils/TestResults/js") |> ignore
+ // transpile js files from fsharp code
+ run dotnet $"fable {allTestsProject} -o {allTestsProject}/js --nocache" ""
+ System.IO.File.Copy(jsHelperFilePath, $"{allTestsProject}/js/{jsHelperFileName}") |> ignore
+ // run mocha in target path to execute tests
+ // "--timeout 20000" is used, because json schema validation takes a bit of time.
+ run node $"{allTestsProject}/js/Main.js" ""
Trace.traceImportant "Skipping Js tests"
@@ -65,13 +63,12 @@ module RunTests =
let runTestsPy = BuildTask.createFn "runTestsPy" [clean] (fun tp ->
if tp.Context.Arguments |> List.exists (fun a -> a.ToLower() = skipTestsFlag.ToLower()) |> not then
Trace.traceImportant "Start Python tests"
- for path in ProjectInfo.testProjects do
- // Setup test results directory after clean
- System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("./tests/TestingUtils/TestResults/py") |> ignore
- //transpile py files from fsharp code
- run dotnet $"fable {path} -o {path}/py --lang python --nocache" ""
- // run pyxpecto in target path to execute tests in python
- run python $"{path}/py/main.py" ""
+ // Setup test results directory after clean
+ System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("./tests/TestingUtils/TestResults/py") |> ignore
+ //transpile py files from fsharp code
+ run dotnet $"fable {allTestsProject} -o {allTestsProject}/py --lang python --nocache" ""
+ // run pyxpecto in target path to execute tests in python
+ run python $"{allTestsProject}/py/main.py" ""
Trace.traceImportant "Skipping Python tests"
@@ -81,8 +78,7 @@ module RunTests =
if tp.Context.Arguments |> List.exists (fun a -> a.ToLower() = skipTestsFlag.ToLower()) |> not then
Trace.traceImportant "Start .NET tests"
let dotnetRun = run dotnet "run"
- testProjects
- |> Seq.iter dotnetRun
+ dotnetRun allTestsProject
Trace.traceImportant "Skipping .NET tests"
@@ -105,6 +101,7 @@ module RunTests =
run python $"{p}/py/main.py" ""
// transpile js files from fsharp code
run dotnet $"fable {p} -o {p}/js" ""
+ System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("./tests/TestingUtils/TestResults/js") |> ignore
System.IO.File.Copy(jsHelperFilePath, $"{p}/js/{jsHelperFileName}") |> ignore
// run mocha in target path to execute tests
// "--timeout 20000" is used, because json schema validation takes a bit of time.
diff --git a/src/Json/Decode.fs b/src/Json/Decode.fs
index a52231f0..720991d0 100644
--- a/src/Json/Decode.fs
+++ b/src/Json/Decode.fs
@@ -93,9 +93,7 @@ module Decode =
- let resizeArray (decoder: Decoder<'value>) : Decoder> =
+ let resizeArrayOrSingleton (decoder: Decoder<'value>) : Decoder> =
{ new Decoder> with
member _.Decode(helpers, value) =
if helpers.isArray value then
@@ -123,7 +121,7 @@ module Decode =
Ok acc
- ("", BadPrimitive("an array", value)) |> Error
+ decoder.Decode(helpers, value) |> Result.map (fun x -> ResizeArray[x])
let datetime: Decoder =
diff --git a/src/Json/Encode.fs b/src/Json/Encode.fs
index fabebd65..58c9932c 100644
--- a/src/Json/Encode.fs
+++ b/src/Json/Encode.fs
@@ -63,4 +63,12 @@ module Encode =
let addPropertyToObject (name : string) (value : Json) (obj : Json) =
match obj with
| Json.Object kvs -> Json.Object (Seq.append kvs [name, value] )
- | _ -> failwith "Expected object"
\ No newline at end of file
+ | _ -> failwith "Expected object"
+ let resizeArrayOrSingleton (encoder : 'T -> IEncodable) (values: ResizeArray<'T>) =
+ if values.Count = 1 then
+ values.[0] |> encoder
+ else
+ values
+ |> Seq.map encoder
+ |> Encode.seq
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Json/LDObject.fs b/src/Json/LDObject.fs
index a9aae98c..796275a4 100644
--- a/src/Json/LDObject.fs
+++ b/src/Json/LDObject.fs
@@ -6,8 +6,39 @@ open ARCtrl.ROCrate
open Thoth.Json.Core
open DynamicObj
-module rec LDObject =
+module LDContext =
+ let decoder : Decoder =
+ { new Decoder with
+ member _.Decode(helpers, value) =
+ if helpers.isObject value then
+ let getters = Decode.Getters(helpers, value)
+ let properties = helpers.getProperties value
+ let builder =
+ fun (get : Decode.IGetters) ->
+ let o = LDContext()
+ for property in properties do
+ if property <> "@id" && property <> "@type" then
+ o.SetProperty(property,get.Required.Field property Decode.string)
+ o
+ let result = builder getters
+ match getters.Errors with
+ | [] -> Ok result
+ | fst :: _ as errors ->
+ if errors.Length > 1 then
+ ("", BadOneOf errors) |> Error
+ else
+ Error fst
+ else
+ ("", BadPrimitive("an object", value)) |> Error
+ }
+ let encoder (ctx: LDContext) =
+ ctx.GetProperties true
+ |> Seq.map (fun kv -> kv.Key, kv.Value |> string |> Encode.string )
+ |> Encode.object
+module rec LDObject =
let (|SomeObj|_|) =
// create generalized option type
@@ -45,20 +76,36 @@ module rec LDObject =
| _ -> failwith "Unknown type"
let rec encoder(obj: LDObject) =
- obj.GetProperties true
- |> Seq.choose (fun kv ->
- let l = kv.Key.ToLower()
- if l <> "id" && l <> "schematype" && l <> "additionaltype" then
- Some(kv.Key, genericEncoder kv.Value)
- else
- None
+ //obj.GetProperties true
+ //|> Seq.choose (fun kv ->
+ // let l = kv.Key.ToLower()
+ // if l <> "id" && l <> "schematype" && l <> "additionaltype" && l <> "@context" then
+ // Some(kv.Key, genericEncoder kv.Value)
+ // else
+ // None
- )
- |> Seq.append [
- "@id", Encode.string obj.Id
- "@type", Encode.string obj.SchemaType
- if obj.AdditionalType.IsSome then
- "additionalType", Encode.string obj.AdditionalType.Value
+ //)
+ //|> Seq.append [
+ // "@id", Encode.string obj.Id
+ // "@type", LDType.encoder obj.SchemaType
+ // if obj.AdditionalType.IsSome then
+ // "additionalType", Encode.string obj.AdditionalType.Value
+ // match obj.TryGetContext() with
+ // | Some ctx -> "@context", LDContext.encoder ctx
+ // | _ -> ()
+ //]
+ [
+ yield "@id", Encode.string obj.Id
+ yield "@type", Encode.resizeArrayOrSingleton Encode.string obj.SchemaType
+ if obj.AdditionalType.Count <> 0 then
+ yield "additionalType", Encode.resizeArrayOrSingleton Encode.string obj.AdditionalType
+ match obj.TryGetContext() with
+ | Some ctx -> yield "@context", LDContext.encoder ctx
+ | _ -> ()
+ for kv in (obj.GetProperties true) do
+ let l = kv.Key.ToLower()
+ if l <> "id" && l <> "schematype" && l <> "additionaltype" && l <> "@context" then
+ yield kv.Key, genericEncoder kv.Value
|> Encode.object
@@ -75,12 +122,15 @@ module rec LDObject =
let properties = helpers.getProperties value
let builder =
fun (get : Decode.IGetters) ->
- let t = get.Required.Field "@type" Decode.string
+ let t = get.Required.Field "@type" (Decode.resizeArrayOrSingleton Decode.string)
let id = get.Required.Field "@id" Decode.string
- let o = LDObject(id,t)
+ let context = get.Optional.Field "@context" LDContext.decoder
+ let at = get.Optional.Field "additionalType" (Decode.resizeArrayOrSingleton Decode.string)
+ let o = LDObject(id, t, ?additionalType = at)
for property in properties do
- if property <> "@id" && property <> "@type" then
+ if property <> "@id" && property <> "@type" && property <> "@context" then
o.SetProperty(property,get.Required.Field property (decode(false)))
+ if context.IsSome then o.SetContext context.Value
let result = builder getters
match getters.Errors with
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ArcROCrateMetadata.fs b/src/ROCrate/ArcROCrateMetadata.fs
index 2fd930b1..3e976b7e 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ArcROCrateMetadata.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ArcROCrateMetadata.fs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open DynamicObj
type ArcROCrateMetadata(?about : LDObject) as this =
- inherit LDObject(id = "ro-crate-metadata",schemaType = "CreativeWork")
+ inherit LDObject(id = "ro-crate-metadata",schemaType = ResizeArray([|"CreativeWork"|]))
do DynObj.setOptionalProperty (nameof about) about this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/DynObjExtensions.fs b/src/ROCrate/DynObjExtensions.fs
index 1cb8fe70..a84d676f 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/DynObjExtensions.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/DynObjExtensions.fs
@@ -12,4 +12,10 @@ module DynObj =
| Some value -> value
| None -> raise (System.InvalidCastException($"Property '{propertyName}' is set on this '{className}' object but cannot be cast to '{(typeof<'TPropertyValue>).Name}'"))
- raise (System.MissingMemberException($"No property '{propertyName}' set on this '{className}' object although it is mandatory. Was it created correctly?"))
\ No newline at end of file
+ raise (System.MissingMemberException($"No property '{propertyName}' set on this '{className}' object although it is mandatory. Was it created correctly?"))
+ let inline tryGetTypedPropertyValueAsResizeArray<'T> (name : string) (obj : DynamicObj) =
+ match obj.TryGetPropertyValue(name) with
+ | Some (:? ResizeArray<'T> as ra) -> Some ra
+ | Some (:? 'T as singleton) -> Some (ResizeArray [singleton])
+ | _ -> None
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Assay.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Assay.fs
index 5532ada4..1549799e 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Assay.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Assay.fs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type Assay(
) as this =
- inherit Dataset(id, "Assay")
+ inherit Dataset(id = id, additionalType = ResizeArray[|"Assay"|])
DynObj.setProperty (nameof identifier) identifier this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Data.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Data.fs
index 1f4e30ec..81797118 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Data.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Data.fs
@@ -13,7 +13,11 @@ type Data(
) as this =
- inherit LDObject(id = id, schemaType = "schema.org/MediaObject", ?additionalType = additionalType)
+ inherit LDObject(
+ id = id,
+ schemaType = ResizeArray[|"schema.org/MediaObject"|],
+ additionalType = defaultArg additionalType (ResizeArray[||])
+ )
DynObj.setProperty (nameof name) name this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Dataset.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Dataset.fs
index 52ce4779..c610b138 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Dataset.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Dataset.fs
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ namespace ARCtrl.ROCrate
open DynamicObj
open Fable.Core
-type Dataset (id: string, ?additionalType: string) =
- inherit LDObject(id = id, schemaType = "schema.org/Dataset", ?additionalType = additionalType)
+type Dataset (id: string, ?additionalType: ResizeArray) =
+ inherit LDObject(
+ id = id,
+ schemaType = ResizeArray[|"schema.org/Dataset"|],
+ additionalType = defaultArg additionalType (ResizeArray[||])
+ )
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Investigation.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Investigation.fs
index 8e08aff7..0588caed 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Investigation.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Investigation.fs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type Investigation(
) as this =
- inherit Dataset(id, "Investigation")
+ inherit Dataset(id = id, additionalType = ResizeArray[|"Investigation"|])
DynObj.setProperty (nameof identifier) identifier this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProcess.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProcess.fs
index 9abb4fdc..81a8648e 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProcess.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProcess.fs
@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ type LabProcess(
) as this =
- inherit LDObject(id = id, schemaType = "bioschemas.org/LabProcess", ?additionalType = additionalType)
+ inherit LDObject(
+ id = id,
+ schemaType = ResizeArray[|"bioschemas.org/LabProcess"|],
+ additionalType = defaultArg additionalType (ResizeArray[||])
+ )
DynObj.setProperty (nameof name) name this
DynObj.setProperty (nameof agent) agent this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProtocol.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProtocol.fs
index db6a66d4..af8c2d9a 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProtocol.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProtocol.fs
@@ -18,7 +18,11 @@ type LabProtocol(
) as this =
- inherit LDObject(id = id, schemaType = "bioschemas.org/LabProtocol", ?additionalType = additionalType)
+ inherit LDObject(
+ id = id,
+ schemaType = ResizeArray[|"bioschemas.org/LabProtocol"|],
+ additionalType = defaultArg additionalType (ResizeArray[||])
+ )
DynObj.setOptionalProperty (nameof name) name this
DynObj.setOptionalProperty (nameof intendedUse) intendedUse this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Person.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Person.fs
index b3076813..01e8ea32 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Person.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Person.fs
@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ type Person(
) as this=
- inherit LDObject(id = id, schemaType = "schema.org/Person", ?additionalType = additionalType)
+ inherit LDObject(
+ id = id,
+ schemaType = ResizeArray[|"schema.org/Person"|],
+ additionalType = defaultArg additionalType (ResizeArray[||])
+ )
DynObj.setProperty (nameof givenName) givenName this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/PropertyValue.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/PropertyValue.fs
index 730ad7a7..b42f9ff7 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/PropertyValue.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/PropertyValue.fs
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ type PropertyValue(
) as this =
- inherit LDObject(id = id, schemaType = "schema.org/PropertyValue", ?additionalType = additionalType)
+ inherit LDObject(
+ id = id,
+ schemaType = ResizeArray[|"schema.org/PropertyValue"|],
+ additionalType = defaultArg additionalType (ResizeArray[||])
+ )
DynObj.setProperty (nameof name) name this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Sample.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Sample.fs
index a607ce56..4604484a 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Sample.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Sample.fs
@@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ type Sample(
) as this =
- inherit LDObject(id = id, schemaType = "bioschemas.org/Sample", ?additionalType = additionalType)
+ inherit LDObject(
+ id = id,
+ schemaType = ResizeArray[|"bioschemas.org/Sample"|],
+ additionalType = defaultArg additionalType (ResizeArray[||])
+ )
DynObj.setProperty (nameof name) name this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/ScholarlyArticle.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/ScholarlyArticle.fs
index cb4905a5..be1e00b8 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/ScholarlyArticle.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/ScholarlyArticle.fs
@@ -16,7 +16,11 @@ type ScholarlyArticle(
) as this =
- inherit LDObject(id = id, schemaType = "schema.org/ScholarlyArticle", ?additionalType = additionalType)
+ inherit LDObject(
+ id = id,
+ schemaType = ResizeArray[|"schema.org/ScholarlyArticle"|],
+ additionalType = defaultArg additionalType (ResizeArray[||])
+ )
DynObj.setProperty (nameof headline) headline this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Study.fs b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Study.fs
index 41bbd82e..14134592 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Study.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Study.fs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type Study(
) as this =
- inherit Dataset(id, "Study")
+ inherit Dataset(id = id, additionalType = ResizeArray[|"Study"|])
DynObj.setProperty (nameof identifier) identifier this
DynObj.setOptionalProperty (nameof about) about this
diff --git a/src/ROCrate/LDObject.fs b/src/ROCrate/LDObject.fs
index bf001ba7..fd2a48e2 100644
--- a/src/ROCrate/LDObject.fs
+++ b/src/ROCrate/LDObject.fs
@@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ type LDContext() = inherit DynamicObj()
/// Base interface implemented by all explicitly known objects in our ROCrate profiles.
type ILDObject =
- abstract member SchemaType : string with get, set
+ abstract member SchemaType : ResizeArray with get, set
abstract member Id: string
- abstract member AdditionalType: string option with get, set
+ abstract member AdditionalType: ResizeArray with get, set
/// Base class for all explicitly known objects in our ROCrate profiles to inherit from.
/// Basically a DynamicObj that implements the ILDObject interface.
-type LDObject(id:string, schemaType: string, ?additionalType) =
+type LDObject(id: string, schemaType: ResizeArray, ?additionalType: ResizeArray) =
inherit DynamicObj()
let mutable schemaType = schemaType
- let mutable additionalType = additionalType
+ let mutable additionalType = defaultArg additionalType (ResizeArray [])
member this.Id
with get() = id
@@ -50,10 +50,54 @@ type LDObject(id:string, schemaType: string, ?additionalType) =
static member setContext (context: LDContext) = fun (roc: #LDObject) -> roc.SetContext(context)
- member this.TryGetContext() = DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue("@context") this
+ member this.TryGetContext() = DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue("@context") this
static member tryGetContext () = fun (roc: #LDObject) -> roc.TryGetContext()
member this.RemoveContext() = this.RemoveProperty("@context")
- static member removeContext () = fun (roc: #LDObject) -> roc.RemoveContext()
\ No newline at end of file
+ static member removeContext () = fun (roc: #LDObject) -> roc.RemoveContext()
+ static member tryFromDynamicObj (dynObj: DynamicObj) =
+ let original_id = DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue "@id" dynObj
+ let original_type = DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValueAsResizeArray "@type" dynObj
+ match original_id, original_type with
+ | (Some id), (Some st)->
+ // initialize with extracted static members only
+ let at = DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValueAsResizeArray "additionalType" dynObj
+ let roc = new LDObject(id = id, schemaType = st, ?additionalType = at)
+ // Currently commented out, as @context is set as a dynamic property
+ //match DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue("@context") dynObj with
+ //| Some context -> roc.SetContext(context)
+ //| _ -> ()
+ // copy dynamic properties!
+ dynObj.DeepCopyPropertiesTo(roc, includeInstanceProperties = false)
+ // ----- Commented out as implementation has not been finalized -----
+ //printfn "dynobj"
+ //dynObj.GetPropertyHelpers(true)
+ //|> Seq.iter (fun p -> printfn "isDynamic:%b, Name: %s" p.IsDynamic p.Name)
+ //printfn "roc"
+ //roc.GetPropertyHelpers(true)
+ //|> Seq.iter (fun p -> printfn "isDynamic:%b, Name: %s" p.IsDynamic p.Name)
+ //roc.TryGetDynamicPropertyHelper("@id").Value.RemoveValue()
+ //roc.TryGetDynamicPropertyHelper("@type").Value.RemoveValue()
+ //if at.IsSome then roc.TryGetDynamicPropertyHelper("additionalType").Value.RemoveValue()
+ roc.GetPropertyHelpers(true)
+ |> Seq.iter (fun ph ->
+ if ph.IsDynamic && (ph.Name = "@id" || ph.Name = "@type" || ph.Name = "additionalType"(* || ph.Name = "id"*)) then
+ ph.RemoveValue(roc)
+ )
+ Some roc
+ | _ -> None
diff --git a/tests/Json/LDObject.Tests.fs b/tests/Json/LDObject.Tests.fs
index ad053dc7..6e552a7b 100644
--- a/tests/Json/LDObject.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/Json/LDObject.Tests.fs
@@ -11,17 +11,21 @@ let private test_read = testList "Read" [
testCase "onlyIDAndType" <| fun _ ->
let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.onlyIDAndType)
Expect.equal json.Id "MyIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal json.SchemaType "MyType" "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
testCase "onlyID" <| fun _ ->
let f = fun _ -> LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.onlyID) |> ignore
Expect.throws f "Should fail if Type is missing"
testCase "onlyType" <| fun _ ->
let f = fun _ -> LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.onlyType) |> ignore
Expect.throws f "Should fail if ID is missing"
+ testCase "twoTypesAndID" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.twoTypesAndID)
+ Expect.equal json.Id "MyIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"; "MySecondType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
testCase "withStringFields" <| fun _ ->
let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.withStringFields)
Expect.equal json.Id "MyIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal json.SchemaType "MyType" "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
let name = Expect.wantSome (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue "name" json) "field name was not parsed"
Expect.equal name "MyName" "field name was not parsed correctly"
let description = Expect.wantSome (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue "description" json) "field description was not parsed"
@@ -29,7 +33,7 @@ let private test_read = testList "Read" [
testCase "withIntFields" <| fun _ ->
let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.withIntFields)
Expect.equal json.Id "MyIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal json.SchemaType "MyType" "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
let number = Expect.wantSome (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue "number" json) "field number was not parsed"
Expect.equal number 42 "field number was not parsed correctly"
let anotherNumber = Expect.wantSome (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue "anotherNumber" json) "field anotherNumber was not parsed"
@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ let private test_read = testList "Read" [
testCase "withStringArray" <| fun _ ->
let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.withStringArray)
Expect.equal json.Id "MyIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal json.SchemaType "MyType" "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
let names = Expect.wantSome (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue> "names" json) "field names was not parsed"
Expect.equal names.Count 2 "ResizeArray length is wrong"
Expect.equal names.[0] "MyName" "First name was not parsed correctly"
@@ -45,75 +49,154 @@ let private test_read = testList "Read" [
testCase "withNestedObject" <| fun _ ->
let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.withNestedObject)
Expect.equal json.Id "OuterIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal json.SchemaType "MyType" "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
let nested = Expect.wantSome (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue "nested" json) "field nested was not parsed"
Expect.equal nested.Id "MyIdentifier" "nested id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal nested.SchemaType "MyType" "nested type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual nested.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "nested type was not parsed correctly"
testCase "withObjectArray" <| fun _ ->
let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.withObjectArray)
Expect.equal json.Id "OuterIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal json.SchemaType "MyType" "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
let nested = Expect.wantSome (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue> "nested" json) "field nested was not parsed"
Expect.equal nested.Count 2 "ResizeArray length is wrong"
let o1 = nested.[0] :?> LDObject
Expect.equal o1.Id "MyIdentifier" "First nested id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal o1.SchemaType "MyType" "First nested type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual o1.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "First nested type was not parsed correctly"
let o2 = nested.[1] :?> LDObject
Expect.equal o2.Id "MyIdentifier" "Second nested id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal o2.SchemaType "MyType" "Second nested type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual o2.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "Second nested type was not parsed correctly"
testCase "withMixedArray" <| fun _ ->
let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.withMixedArray)
Expect.equal json.Id "OuterIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal json.SchemaType "MyType" "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
let nested = Expect.wantSome (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue> "nested" json) "field nested was not parsed"
Expect.equal nested.Count 3 "ResizeArray length is wrong"
let o1 = nested.[0] :?> LDObject
Expect.equal o1.Id "MyIdentifier" "First nested id of object was not parsed correctly"
- Expect.equal o1.SchemaType "MyType" "First nested type of object was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual o1.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "First nested type of object was not parsed correctly"
let o2 = nested.[1] :?> string
Expect.equal o2 "Value2" "Second nested string was not parsed correctly"
let o3 = nested.[2] :?> int
Expect.equal o3 42 "Third nested int was not parsed correctly"
+ testCase "withAdditionalTypeString" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.withAdditionalTypeString)
+ Expect.equal json.Id "MyIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.AdditionalType ResizeArray["additionalType"] "additionalType was not parsed correctly"
+ testCase "withAdditionalTypeArray" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.withAdditionalTypeArray)
+ Expect.equal json.Id "MyIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.AdditionalType ResizeArray["additionalType"] "additionalType was not parsed correctly"
+ testCase "withAddtionalTypeArrayMultipleEntries" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(GenericObjects.withAddtionalTypeArrayMultipleEntries)
+ Expect.equal json.Id "MyIdentifier" "id was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.SchemaType ResizeArray["MyType"] "type was not parsed correctly"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual json.AdditionalType ResizeArray["additionalType1"; "additionalType2"] "additionalType was not parsed correctly"
let test_write = testList "write" [
+ // The tests suffixed with 'NoTypeArray' are not real roundtrips, as we parse string OR array fields but always write arrays for the @type field.
testCase "onlyIDAndType" <| fun _ ->
let json = GenericObjects.onlyIDAndType
let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "onlyIDAndTypeNoTypeArray" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.onlyIDAndTypeNoTypeArray
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output GenericObjects.onlyIDAndType "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "twoTypesAndID" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.twoTypesAndID
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
testCase "withStringFields" <| fun _ ->
let json = GenericObjects.withStringFields
let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "withStringFieldsNoTypeArray" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.withStringFieldsNoTypeArray
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output GenericObjects.withStringFields "Output string is not correct"
testCase "withIntFields" <| fun _ ->
let json = GenericObjects.withIntFields
let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "withIntFieldsNoTypeArray" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.withIntFieldsNoTypeArray
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output GenericObjects.withIntFields "Output string is not correct"
testCase "withStringArray" <| fun _ ->
let json = GenericObjects.withStringArray
let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "withStringArrayNoTypeArray" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.withStringArrayNoTypeArray
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output GenericObjects.withStringArray "Output string is not correct"
testCase "withNestedObject" <| fun _ ->
let json = GenericObjects.withNestedObject
let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "withNestedObjectNoTypeArray" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.withNestedObjectNoTypeArray
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output GenericObjects.withNestedObject "Output string is not correct"
testCase "withObjectArray" <| fun _ ->
let json = GenericObjects.withObjectArray
let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "withObjectArrayNoTypeArray" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.withObjectArrayNoTypeArray
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output GenericObjects.withObjectArray "Output string is not correct"
testCase "withMixedArray" <| fun _ ->
let json = GenericObjects.withMixedArray
let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "withMixedArrayNoTypeArray" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.withMixedArrayNoTypeArray
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output GenericObjects.withMixedArray "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "withAddtionalTypeArray" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.withAdditionalTypeArray
+ let jsonOut = GenericObjects.withAdditionalTypeString
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output jsonOut "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "withAddtionalTypeArrayMultipleEntries" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.withAddtionalTypeArrayMultipleEntries
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
+ testCase "withAddtionalTypeString" <| fun _ ->
+ let json = GenericObjects.withAdditionalTypeString
+ let object = LDObject.fromROCrateJsonString(json)
+ let output = LDObject.toROCrateJsonString() object
+ Expect.stringEqual output json "Output string is not correct"
let main = testList "LDObject" [
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/Common.fs b/tests/ROCrate/Common.fs
index 0c56cc5f..2a89cb2c 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/Common.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/Common.fs
@@ -11,11 +11,28 @@ module Expect =
Expect.equal roc.Id expectedId "object did not contain correct @id"
let inline LDObjectHasType (expectedType:string) (roc:#LDObject) =
- Expect.equal roc.SchemaType expectedType "object did not contain correct @type"
+ Expect.containsAll
+ roc.SchemaType
+ [expectedType]
+ "object did not contain correct @type"
+ let inline LDObjectHasTypes (expectedTypes:seq) (roc:#LDObject) =
+ Expect.containsAll
+ roc.SchemaType
+ expectedTypes
+ "object did not contain correct @types"
let inline LDObjectHasAdditionalType (expectedAdditionalType:string) (roc:#LDObject) =
- Expect.isSome roc.AdditionalType "additionalType was None"
- Expect.equal roc.AdditionalType (Some expectedAdditionalType) "object did not contain correct additionalType"
+ Expect.containsAll
+ roc.AdditionalType
+ [expectedAdditionalType]
+ "object did not contain correct additionalType"
+ let inline LDObjectHasAdditionalTypes (expectedAdditionalTypes:seq) (roc:#LDObject) =
+ Expect.containsAll
+ roc.AdditionalType
+ expectedAdditionalTypes
+ "object did not contain correct additionalTypes"
let inline LDObjectHasDynamicProperty (expectedPropertyName:string) (expectedPropertyValue:'P) (roc:#LDObject) =
Expect.isSome (roc.TryGetDynamicPropertyHelper(expectedPropertyName)) $"object did not contain the dynamic property '{expectedPropertyName}'"
@@ -25,14 +42,14 @@ module Expect =
$"property value of '{expectedPropertyName}' was not correct"
let inline LDObjectHasStaticProperty (expectedPropertyName:string) (expectedPropertyValue:'P) (roc:#LDObject) =
- Expect.isSome (roc.TryGetDynamicPropertyHelper(expectedPropertyName)) $"object did not contain the dynamic property '{expectedPropertyName}'"
+ Expect.isSome (roc.TryGetStaticPropertyHelper(expectedPropertyName)) $"object did not contain the static property '{expectedPropertyName}'"
(DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue<'P> expectedPropertyName roc)
(Some expectedPropertyValue)
$"property value of '{expectedPropertyName}' was not correct"
- let inline LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers (expectedType:string) (expectedId:string) (expectedAdditionalType:string option) (roc:#LDObject) =
+ let inline LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers (expectedTypes: seq) (expectedId:string) (expectedAdditionalTypes: seq) (roc:#LDObject) =
let interfacerino = roc :> ILDObject
- Expect.equal interfacerino.SchemaType expectedType "object did not contain correct @type via interface access"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual interfacerino.SchemaType expectedTypes "object did not contain correct @types via interface access"
Expect.equal interfacerino.Id expectedId "object did not contain correct @id via interface access"
- Expect.equal interfacerino.AdditionalType expectedAdditionalType "object did not contain correct additionalType via interface access"
+ Expect.sequenceEqual interfacerino.AdditionalType expectedAdditionalTypes "object did not contain correct additionalTypes via interface access"
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Assay.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Assay.Tests.fs
index 70eb7a86..5d60761d 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Assay.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Assay.Tests.fs
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Dataset" "assay_mandatory_properties_id" (Some "Assay") mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Dataset" "assay_all_properties_id" (Some "Assay") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Dataset"|] "assay_mandatory_properties_id" [|"Assay"|] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Dataset"|] "assay_all_properties_id" [|"Assay"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Data.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Data.Tests.fs
index bbeb6716..45fae9f3 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Data.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Data.Tests.fs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let mandatory_properties = Data(
let all_properties = Data(
id = "data_all_properties_id",
name = "name",
- additionalType = "additionalType",
+ additionalType = ResizeArray([|"additionalType"|]),
comment = "comment",
encodingFormat = "encodingFormat",
disambiguatingDescription = "disambiguatingDescription"
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/MediaObject" "data_mandatory_properties_id" None mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/MediaObject" "data_all_properties_id" (Some "additionalType") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/MediaObject"|] "data_mandatory_properties_id" [||] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/MediaObject"|] "data_all_properties_id" [|"additionalType"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Dataset.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Dataset.Tests.fs
index f4468679..519a7aee 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Dataset.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Dataset.Tests.fs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ open TestingUtils
open Common
let mandatory_properties = Dataset("dataset_mandatory_properties_id")
-let all_properties = Dataset("dataset_all_properties_id", additionalType = "additionalType")
+let all_properties = Dataset("dataset_all_properties_id", additionalType = ResizeArray([|"additionalType"|]))
let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
testList "mandatory properties" [
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Dataset" "dataset_mandatory_properties_id" None mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Dataset" "dataset_all_properties_id" (Some "additionalType") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Dataset"|] "dataset_mandatory_properties_id" [||] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Dataset"|] "dataset_all_properties_id" [|"additionalType"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Investigation.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Investigation.Tests.fs
index 8e051460..b42f6c65 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Investigation.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Investigation.Tests.fs
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Dataset" "investigation_mandatory_properties_id" (Some "Investigation") mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Dataset" "investigation_all_properties_id" (Some "Investigation") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Dataset"|] "investigation_mandatory_properties_id" [|"Investigation"|] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Dataset"|] "investigation_all_properties_id" [|"Investigation"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProcess.tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProcess.tests.fs
index 23971baf..6732ea5c 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProcess.tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProcess.tests.fs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ let all_properties = LabProcess(
agent = "agent",
object = "object",
result = "result",
- additionalType = "additionalType",
+ additionalType = ResizeArray([|"additionalType"|]),
executesLabProtocol = "executesLabProtocol",
parameterValue = "parameterValue",
endTime = "endTime",
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "bioschemas.org/LabProcess" "labprocess_mandatory_properties_id" None mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "bioschemas.org/LabProcess" "labprocess_all_properties_id" (Some "additionalType") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"bioschemas.org/LabProcess"|] "labprocess_mandatory_properties_id" [||] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"bioschemas.org/LabProcess"|] "labprocess_all_properties_id" [|"additionalType"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProtocol.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProtocol.Tests.fs
index 588036c0..1c88e3eb 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProtocol.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/LabProtocol.Tests.fs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let mandatory_properties = LabProtocol(
let all_properties = LabProtocol(
id = "labprotocol_all_properties_id",
- additionalType = "additionalType",
+ additionalType = ResizeArray([|"additionalType"|]),
name = "name",
intendedUse = "intendedUse",
description = "description",
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "bioschemas.org/LabProtocol" "labprotocol_mandatory_properties_id" None mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "bioschemas.org/LabProtocol" "labprotocol_all_properties_id" (Some "additionalType") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"bioschemas.org/LabProtocol"|] "labprotocol_mandatory_properties_id" [||] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"bioschemas.org/LabProtocol"|] "labprotocol_all_properties_id" [|"additionalType"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Person.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Person.Tests.fs
index 107dfb28..70bc372e 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Person.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Person.Tests.fs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let mandatory_properties = Person(
let all_properties = Person(
id = "person_all_properties_id",
givenName = "givenName",
- additionalType = "additionalType",
+ additionalType = ResizeArray([|"additionalType"|]),
familyName = "familyName",
email = "email",
identifier = "identifier",
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Person" "person_mandatory_properties_id" None mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Person" "person_all_properties_id" (Some "additionalType") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Person"|] "person_mandatory_properties_id" [||] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Person"|] "person_all_properties_id" [|"additionalType"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/PropertyValue.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/PropertyValue.Tests.fs
index c44ec118..016ca86c 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/PropertyValue.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/PropertyValue.Tests.fs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ let all_properties = PropertyValue(
unitCode = "unitCode",
unitText = "unitText",
valueReference = "valueReference",
- additionalType = "additionalType"
+ additionalType = ResizeArray([|"additionalType"|])
let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/PropertyValue" "propertyvalue_mandatory_properties_id" None mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/PropertyValue" "propertyvalue_all_properties_id" (Some "additionalType") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/PropertyValue"|] "propertyvalue_mandatory_properties_id" [||] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/PropertyValue"|] "propertyvalue_all_properties_id" [|"additionalType"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Sample.tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Sample.tests.fs
index 659cb47d..d5f26f31 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Sample.tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Sample.tests.fs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let mandatory_properties = Sample(
let all_properties = Sample(
id = "sample_all_properties_id",
name = "name",
- additionalType = "additionalType",
+ additionalType = ResizeArray([|"additionalType"|]),
additionalProperty = "additionalProperty",
derivesFrom = "derivesFrom"
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "bioschemas.org/Sample" "sample_mandatory_properties_id" None mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "bioschemas.org/Sample" "sample_all_properties_id" (Some "additionalType") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"bioschemas.org/Sample"|] "sample_mandatory_properties_id" [||] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"bioschemas.org/Sample"|] "sample_all_properties_id" [|"additionalType"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/ScholarlyArticle.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/ScholarlyArticle.Tests.fs
index ea2c1168..13a1d12f 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/ScholarlyArticle.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/ScholarlyArticle.Tests.fs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let all_properties = ScholarlyArticle(
id = "scholarlyarticle_all_properties_id",
headline = "headline",
identifier = "identifier",
- additionalType = "additionalType",
+ additionalType = ResizeArray([|"additionalType"|]),
author = "author",
url = "url",
creativeWorkStatus = "creativeWorkStatus",
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/ScholarlyArticle" "scholarlyarticle_mandatory_properties_id" None mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/ScholarlyArticle" "scholarlyarticle_all_properties_id" (Some "additionalType") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/ScholarlyArticle"|] "scholarlyarticle_mandatory_properties_id" [||] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/ScholarlyArticle"|] "scholarlyarticle_all_properties_id" [|"additionalType"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Study.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Study.Tests.fs
index b987aef2..352b445b 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Study.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/ISAProfile/Study.Tests.fs
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Dataset" "study_mandatory_properties_id" (Some "Study") mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "schema.org/Dataset" "study_all_properties_id" (Some "Study") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Dataset"|] "study_mandatory_properties_id" [|"Study"|] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"schema.org/Dataset"|] "study_all_properties_id" [|"Study"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
diff --git a/tests/ROCrate/LDObject.Tests.fs b/tests/ROCrate/LDObject.Tests.fs
index 658c7e1d..6d15e6d2 100644
--- a/tests/ROCrate/LDObject.Tests.fs
+++ b/tests/ROCrate/LDObject.Tests.fs
@@ -6,8 +6,19 @@ open DynamicObj
open TestingUtils
open Common
-let mandatory_properties = LDObject("LDObject_mandatory_properties_id", "someType")
-let all_properties = LDObject("LDObject_all_properties_id", "someType", additionalType = "additionalType")
+let context =
+ new LDContext()
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "more" "context"
+let mandatory_properties = LDObject("LDObject_mandatory_properties_id", ResizeArray[|"someType"|])
+let mandatory_properties_with_context =
+ LDObject("LDObject_mandatory_properties_id", ResizeArray[|"someType"|])
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "@context" context
+let all_properties = LDObject("LDObject_all_properties_id", ResizeArray[|"someType"|], additionalType = ResizeArray[|"additionalType"|])
+let all_properties_with_context =
+ LDObject("LDObject_all_properties_id", ResizeArray[|"someType"|], additionalType = ResizeArray[|"additionalType"|])
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "@context" (context.DeepCopyProperties())
let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
testList "mandatory properties" [
@@ -22,8 +33,8 @@ let tests_profile_object_is_valid = testList "constructed properties" [
let tests_interface_members = testList "interface members" [
- testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "someType" "LDObject_mandatory_properties_id" None mandatory_properties
- testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers "someType" "LDObject_all_properties_id" (Some "additionalType") all_properties
+ testCase "mandatoryProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"someType"|] "LDObject_mandatory_properties_id" [||] mandatory_properties
+ testCase "allProperties" <| fun _ -> Expect.LDObjectHasExpectedInterfaceMembers [|"someType"|] "LDObject_all_properties_id" [|"additionalType"|] all_properties
let tests_dynamic_members = testSequenced (
@@ -58,19 +69,50 @@ let tests_instance_methods = testSequenced (
let tests_static_methods = testSequenced (
testList "static methods" [
+ testList "context" [
+ let context = new LDContext()
+ context.SetProperty("more", "context")
- let context = new LDContext()
- context.SetProperty("more", "context")
+ testCase "can set context" <| fun _ ->
+ LDObject.setContext context mandatory_properties
+ Expect.LDObjectHasDynamicProperty "@context" context mandatory_properties
+ testCase "can get context" <| fun _ ->
+ let ctx = LDObject.tryGetContext() mandatory_properties
+ Expect.equal ctx (Some context) "context was not set correctly"
+ testCase "can remove context" <| fun _ ->
+ LDObject.removeContext() mandatory_properties |> ignore
+ Expect.isNone (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue "@context" mandatory_properties) "context was not removed correctly"
+ ]
+ testList "tryFromDynamicObj" [
+ let compatibleDynObj =
+ let tmp = DynamicObj()
+ tmp
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "@type" "someType"
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "@id" "LDObject_all_properties_id"
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "additionalType" "additionalType"
- testCase "can set context" <| fun _ ->
- LDObject.setContext context mandatory_properties
- Expect.LDObjectHasDynamicProperty "@context" context mandatory_properties
- testCase "can get context" <| fun _ ->
- let ctx = LDObject.tryGetContext() mandatory_properties
- Expect.equal ctx (Some context) "context was not set correctly"
- testCase "can remove context" <| fun _ ->
- LDObject.removeContext() mandatory_properties |> ignore
- Expect.isNone (DynObj.tryGetTypedPropertyValue "@context" mandatory_properties) "context was not removed correctly"
+ let compatibleDynObjWithContext =
+ let tmp = DynamicObj()
+ tmp
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "@type" "someType"
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "@id" "LDObject_all_properties_id"
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "additionalType" "additionalType"
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "@context" context
+ let incompatibleDynObj =
+ let tmp = DynamicObj()
+ tmp
+ |> DynObj.withProperty "@type" "someType"
+ testCase "can convert compatible DynObj to LDObject" <| fun _ ->
+ let roc = Expect.wantSome (LDObject.tryFromDynamicObj compatibleDynObj) "LDObject.tryFromDynamicObj did not return Some"
+ Expect.equal roc all_properties "LDObject was not created correctly from compatible DynamicObj"
+ testCase "can convert compatible DynObj with context to LDObject" <| fun _ ->
+ let roc = Expect.wantSome (LDObject.tryFromDynamicObj compatibleDynObjWithContext) "LDObject.tryFromDynamicObj did not return Some"
+ Expect.equal roc all_properties_with_context "LDObject was not created correctly from compatible DynamicObj"
+ testCase "cannot convert incompatible DynObj to LDObject" <| fun _ ->
+ Expect.isNone (LDObject.tryFromDynamicObj incompatibleDynObj) "LDObject.tryFromDynamicObj did not return None"
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/TestingUtils/TestObjects.Json/ROCrate.fs b/tests/TestingUtils/TestObjects.Json/ROCrate.fs
index 4d403ca6..daf9c8fe 100644
--- a/tests/TestingUtils/TestObjects.Json/ROCrate.fs
+++ b/tests/TestingUtils/TestObjects.Json/ROCrate.fs
@@ -208,6 +208,12 @@ module GenericObjects =
"@id": "MyIdentifier",
"@type": "MyType"
+ let onlyIDAndTypeNoTypeArray =
+ """{
+ "@id": "MyIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType"
+ }"""
let onlyID =
@@ -219,6 +225,17 @@ module GenericObjects =
"@type": "MyType"
+ let twoTypesAndID =
+ """{
+ "@id": "MyIdentifier",
+ "@type": ["MyType" , "MySecondType"]
+ }"""
+ let onlyTypeNoTypeArray =
+ """{
+ "@type": "MyType"
+ }"""
let withStringFields =
"@id": "MyIdentifier",
@@ -227,6 +244,14 @@ module GenericObjects =
"description": "MyDescription"
+ let withStringFieldsNoTypeArray =
+ """{
+ "@id": "MyIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType",
+ "name": "MyName",
+ "description": "MyDescription"
+ }"""
let withIntFields =
"@id": "MyIdentifier",
@@ -234,6 +259,14 @@ module GenericObjects =
"number": 42,
"anotherNumber": 1337
+ let withIntFieldsNoTypeArray =
+ """{
+ "@id": "MyIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType",
+ "number": 42,
+ "anotherNumber": 1337
+ }"""
let withStringArray =
@@ -242,6 +275,13 @@ module GenericObjects =
"names": ["MyName", "MySecondName"]
+ let withStringArrayNoTypeArray =
+ """{
+ "@id": "MyIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType",
+ "names": ["MyName", "MySecondName"]
+ }"""
let withNestedObject =
sprintf """{
"@id": "OuterIdentifier",
@@ -249,6 +289,13 @@ module GenericObjects =
"nested": %s
}""" onlyIDAndType
+ let withNestedObjectNoTypeArray =
+ sprintf """{
+ "@id": "OuterIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType",
+ "nested": %s
+ }""" onlyIDAndTypeNoTypeArray
let withObjectArray =
sprintf """{
"@id": "OuterIdentifier",
@@ -256,9 +303,43 @@ module GenericObjects =
"nested": [%s, %s]
}""" onlyIDAndType onlyIDAndType
+ let withObjectArrayNoTypeArray =
+ sprintf """{
+ "@id": "OuterIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType",
+ "nested": [%s, %s]
+ }""" onlyIDAndTypeNoTypeArray onlyIDAndTypeNoTypeArray
let withMixedArray =
sprintf """{
"@id": "OuterIdentifier",
"@type": "MyType",
"nested": [%s, "Value2", 42]
- }""" onlyIDAndType
\ No newline at end of file
+ }""" onlyIDAndType
+ let withMixedArrayNoTypeArray =
+ sprintf """{
+ "@id": "OuterIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType",
+ "nested": [%s, "Value2", 42]
+ }""" onlyIDAndTypeNoTypeArray
+ let withAdditionalTypeString =
+ """{
+ "@id": "MyIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType",
+ "additionalType": "additionalType"
+ }"""
+ let withAdditionalTypeArray =
+ """{
+ "@id": "MyIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType",
+ "additionalType": ["additionalType"]
+ }"""
+ let withAddtionalTypeArrayMultipleEntries =
+ """{
+ "@id": "MyIdentifier",
+ "@type": "MyType",
+ "additionalType": ["additionalType1", "additionalType2"]
+ }"""
\ No newline at end of file