To implement this scenario, you need to install the AKS-playground
that you find in the home of this repo.
In this section we will implement Azure Monitor for Container Insights. Monitoring is one of the most important things that you need to implement, if you want to have a big picture of you infrastructure.
Let's proceed: open a BASH cloud shell as onwer of the subscription that contains the AKS-playground
Run the following command to enable the add-on:
myRg="<your resource group name>"
myworkspaceid="<the ResourceId of your log analytics workspace>"
az aks enable-addons -a monitoring -n "aks-01" -g $myRg --workspace-resource-id $myworkspaceid
Remember that you need to specify the workspace Resource ID of your Log Analytics Workspace (LAW). An easy way to find that ID is looking in the section properties of your LAW, or using this command line
myworkspaceid = az resource list --resource-group "<your LAW resource group name>" --name "<your LAW resource name>" --query [*].id --output tsv
Get the credentials for your AKS cluster by using the az aks get-credentials command:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $myRg --name "aks-01"
and after that, you can run
kubectl get ds ama-logs --namespace=kube-system
The output will be very similar to :
ama-logs 1 1 1 1 1 <none> 138d
Now you can go to Azure Monitor and click on Container section.