This project doesn't yet have automated tests for integration, so here is how to manually test.
To test this project, I recommend the following steps.
Download and install ngrok, a command-line tool for creating a publically accessible tunnel to your computer.
Start ngrok by running
ngrok http -bind-tls=false 5000
. This will create a temporary, public URL
Edit your hosts file to redirect to localhost
sudo vim /etc/hosts
Add a new line for ""
- Set your app to use Let's Encrypt staging environment so you don't hit rate limits in generating certificates.
.UseLettuceEncrypt(o =>
o.DomainNames = new[] { "" };
o.UseStagingServer = true; // <--- use staging
o.AcceptTermsOfService = true;
o.EmailAddress = "[email protected]";
dotnet run
your application.
And voila! The API should automatically provision and create an HTTPs certificate for
In order to test KeyVault storage/retrieval, follow these steps:
Follow the ngrok steps above.
Create a key vault instance in Azure (see docs for details)
Add an account you have credentials for to the access policies for Certificates with the
permissions. -
method to set up Azure KeyVault access:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddAzureKeyVaultCertificateSource(o =>
o.AzureKeyVaultEndpoint = "https://[url]";
dotnet run
your application.Azure.Identity
will attempt to use default credentials to log into the configured KeyVault. If there are issues with using default credentials, consult the documentation for details. This can be set with the following:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddAzureKeyVaultCertificateSource(o =>
o.Credentials = new SomeCredentials();
o.AzureKeyVaultEndpoint = "https://[url]";
The certificate should now be persisted to KeyVault and will be retrieved at startup.
By default, certificates generated by Let's Encrypt's staging certificates will not appear as a trusted certificate.
To trust a test certificate, on macOS
- Open up "Keychain Access" and search for your certificate.
- Right click on the certificate on click "Get Info"
- Under the "Trust" section, change the drop-down to "Trust" and close the info window. This should prompt you for a password.
- Refresh your browser.