Releases: nightscout/AndroidAPS
Releases · nightscout/AndroidAPS
- fixed small bugs
AndroidAPS 3.1.0
2,003 changed files with 93,083 additions and 39,605 deletions.
Important hints
- after update uninstall Wear app and install new version
- Omnipod users: update on pod change only !!!
- fixed issues from 3.0 version
- fix application freezing @MilosKozak
- fixed DASH driver @avereha
- fixed Dana drivers @MilosKozak
- huge UI improvement, cleanup and unification, migration to material design, styles, white theme, new icons. @Andries-Smit @MilosKozak @osodebailar @Philoul
- widget @MilosKozak
- Aidex CGM support @andyrozman @markvader (Pumpcontrol only)
- Wear tiles, translations @Andries-Smith
- Wear code refactored. Not backward compatible anymore @MilosKozak
- a11y improvements @Andries-Smith
- new protection option PIN @Andries-Smit
- allow graph scale from menu @MilosKozak
- more statistics available @MilosKozak
- MDI plugin removed in favor of VirtualPump
- new automation action: StopProcessing (following rules)
- fixed bug in RS in pumpcontrol mode
- fixed bugs
AndroidAPS 3.0.0
Important hints
- Minimum Android version is 9.0 now.
- Data is not migrated to new database. Do not complain, it’s so huge change so it’s simply not possible. Thus after update IOB, COB, treatments etc. will be cleared. You have to create new profile switch and start with zero IOB and COB. Plan the update carefully!!! Best in situation without active insulin and carbs
- Use the same version of AAPS and NSClient
- There is a bug in xDrip and Dexcom native mode producing duplicated data which prevents AAPS from running in Closed loop mode. Until this get fixed using BYODA in mandatory. Using BYODA is also recommended to take advantage of Dexcom back-smoothing
Preparation steps
At least two days before update:
- disable Dexcom bridge in Nightscout
- if you are using G5/G6 switch to BYODA (recommended) - you still can use xDrip but not as collector (xDrip can receive data from BYODA) or update xDrip to latest nightly version.
- 100k lines changed, 105k new lines of code
- Omnipod DASH support @AdrianLxM @avereha @bartsopers @vanelsberg
- Dana-i support @MilosKozak
- DiaconnG8 support
- Glunovo support
- Internal database upgraded to Room @MilosKozak @tebbe @AdrianLxM @Philoul @andyrozman
- Lot of code rewritten to Kotlin @MilosKozak
- New internal interface for pump drivers
- NSClient rewritten for better synchronization and more detailed customization @MilosKozak
- Record deletion from NS is not allowed (only invalidation through NSClient)
- Record modification from NS is not allowed
- Sync setting available without engineering mode (for parents)
- Ability to resync data
- Profile switch behavior change. Now is distinguished between Profile Switch (something that user wants) and Profile change (when change is executed by pump) @MilosKozak @tebbe
- You can start activity temporary target during creation of profile switch @MilosKozak
- NSProfile is gone. RIP. Only local profile is used and you can enable synchronization with NS @MilosKozak. To update profile from NS side use “Clone” (record!!, not profile) and save changes. You should see “Profile valid from:” set to currrent date
- Forgotten master password reset procedure. To reset master password put file of name PasswordReset to /AAPS/extra directory and restart AAPS. Then new master password will be serial number of your active pump @MilosKozak
- User actions tracing @Philoul
- New automation TempTargetValue trigger @Philoul
- Bolus Wizard improvement
- UI improvements @MilosKozak
- New user buttons for automations @MilosKozak
- New automation layout @MilosKozak
- History browser updated and fixed @MilosKozak
- Objective9 removed @MilosKozak
- Fixed bug associated to unstable CGM data @MilosKozak
- DanaR and DanaRS communication improvement @MilosKozak
- CircleCI integration @MilosKozak
- Files location change:
/AAPS/extra (engineering mode)
Version for Android 8
- version check update
AndroidAPS 2.6.2
Old version for Android 7
AndroidAPS 2.8.2
- stability improvements
- more tweaking for Android 8+
- improved icons
- watch improvements
- NSClient fixes
- Bolus advisor now works with Pumpcontrol and NSClient
- RileyLink, Omnipod and MDT pump improvements and fixes
- forced NS_UPLOAD_ONLY (see wiki release notes)
- fixed import in wizard
- fix for SMB & Dexcom app
- watchface fixes
- crash reporting improved
- gradle reverted to allow direct watchface instalation
- automation fixes
- RS driver improvement
- various crashes fixed
- UI fixes and improvements
- new translations
AndroidAPS 2.8.0
- minimum Android version is 8 now
- Omnipod support @bartsopers @andyrozman @ktomy @samspycher @teleriddler @vanelsberg @eurenda and special thanks to @ps2 @itsmojo, verybody else involved in the Loop driver for Omnipod and @jlucasvt from
- bolus advisor & eating reminder @MilosKozak
- new watchface @rICTx-T1D
- RS connection improvements @MilosKozak
- removed "Unchanged CGM values" behavior in SMB for dexcom native app
- new LowRes skin
- new "Pregnant" patient type @brian Quinion
- new NSClient tablet layout @MilosKozak
- NSClient transfer insulin, senstivity and display settings directly from main AAPS @MilosKozak
- preferences filter @brian Quinion
- new pump icons @Rig22 @@teleriddler @osodebailar
- SetupWizard improvements @MilosKozak
- security improvements @dlvoy
- various improvements and fixes @AdrianLxM @Philoul @swissalpine @MilosKozak @brian Quinion