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Thanks -- I really like this! I made a few modifications that felt more "vimmy" to me:
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@ctruett By adding I don't know what you mean by Once Aerospace CLI performs better, I'll switch to using skhd for binding so that way I can run a command when entering a mode to make some visual change to my desktop so that way it's obvious when one is in a sticky mode and there would be less need to rely on motions. |
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This is great, thanks! I borrowed some of your ideas in my config. |
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I did something like this but with Sketchybar, when entering a mode other than |
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Finally have my config based on your Vim-like config in a place I'm happy: Config |
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Here's my latest config since original post: # Less confusing to start with tiles then to start with accordion when there are a lot of windows
default-root-container-layout = 'tiles'
# Possible values: horizontal|vertical|auto
# 'auto' means: wide monitor (anything wider than high) gets horizontal orientation,
# tall monitor (anything higher than wide) gets vertical orientation
default-root-container-orientation = 'auto'
# Possible values: (qwerty|dvorak)
# See
key-mapping.preset = 'qwerty'
# See:
# The 'accordion-padding' specifies the size of accordion padding
# You can set 0 to disable the padding feature
accordion-padding = 8
# Mouse follows focus when focused monitor changes
# Drop it from your config, if you don't like this behavior
# See
# See
# on-focused-monitor-changed = ['move-mouse window-lazy-center']
# on-focus-changed = ['move-mouse window-force-center']
# Gaps between windows (inner-*) and between monitor edges (outer-*).
# Possible values:
# - Constant: = 8
# - Per monitor: = [{ monitor.main = 16 }, { monitor."some-pattern" = 32 }, 24]
# In this example, 24 is a default value when there is no match.
# Monitor pattern is the same as for 'workspace-to-monitor-force-assignment'.
# See:
inner.horizontal = 0
inner.vertical = 0
outer.left = 0
outer.bottom = 0 = 0
outer.right = 0
# Bindings
# All possible keys:
# - Letters. a, b, c, ..., z
# - Numbers. 0, 1, 2, ..., 9
# - Keypad numbers. keypad0, keypad1, keypad2, ..., keypad9
# - F-keys. f1, f2, ..., f20
# - Special keys. minus, equal, period, comma, slash, backslash, quote, semicolon, backtick,
# leftSquareBracket, rightSquareBracket, space, enter, esc, backspace, tab
# - Keypad special. keypadClear, keypadDecimalMark, keypadDivide, keypadEnter, keypadEqual,
# keypadMinus, keypadMultiply, keypadPlus
# - Arrows. left, down, up, right
# All possible modifiers: cmd, alt, ctrl, shift
# All possible commands:
# 'main' binding mode declaration
# See:
# 'main' binding mode must be always presented
ctrl-alt-cmd-space = ['mode alt']
# ctrl-alt-cmd-h = ['focus --boundaries-action stop left', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
# ctrl-alt-cmd-j = ['focus --boundaries-action stop down', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
# ctrl-alt-cmd-k = ['focus --boundaries-action stop up', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
# ctrl-alt-cmd-l = ['focus --boundaries-action stop right', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
# ctrl-alt-cmd-u = 'workspace prev'
# ctrl-alt-cmd-i = 'workspace next'
# ctrl-alt-cmd-p = ['focus-monitor prev', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
# ctrl-alt-cmd-n = ['focus-monitor next', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
# ctrl-alt-cmd-space = ['mode main']
space = ['mode main']
esc = ['mode main']
backtick = ['reload-config', 'mode main']
# You can uncomment this line to open up terminal with alt + enter shortcut
# See:
# alt-enter = 'exec-and-forget open -n /System/Applications/Utilities/'
# See:
slash = 'layout horizontal vertical'
quote = 'layout tiles accordion'
# Navigation
# See:
h = ['focus --boundaries-action stop left', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
j = ['focus --boundaries-action stop down', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
k = ['focus --boundaries-action stop up', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
l = ['focus --boundaries-action stop right', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
u = 'workspace prev'
i = 'workspace next'
p = ['focus-monitor prev', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
n = ['focus-monitor next', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
ctrl-alt-cmd-h = ['workspace prev']
ctrl-alt-cmd-l = ['workspace next']
ctrl-alt-cmd-k = ['focus-monitor prev', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
ctrl-alt-cmd-j = ['focus-monitor next', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
c = ['move-mouse window-force-center']
# See:
1 = 'workspace 1'
2 = 'workspace 2'
3 = 'workspace 3'
4 = 'workspace 4'
5 = 'workspace 5'
6 = 'workspace 6'
7 = 'workspace 7'
8 = 'workspace 8'
9 = 'workspace 9'
# See:
tab = 'workspace-back-and-forth'
# Moving
# See:
shift-h = 'move left'
shift-j = 'move down'
shift-k = 'move up'
shift-l = 'move right'
shift-u = 'move-node-to-workspace prev'
shift-i = 'move-node-to-workspace next'
shift-p = 'move-workspace-to-monitor prev'
shift-n = 'move-workspace-to-monitor next'
ctrl-alt-cmd-shift-h = ['move-node-to-workspace prev']
ctrl-alt-cmd-shift-l = ['move-node-to-workspace next']
ctrl-alt-cmd-shift-k = ['move-workspace-to-monitor prev']
ctrl-alt-cmd-shift-j = ['move-workspace-to-monitor next']
# See:
shift-1 = 'move-node-to-workspace 1'
shift-2 = 'move-node-to-workspace 2'
shift-3 = 'move-node-to-workspace 3'
shift-4 = 'move-node-to-workspace 4'
shift-5 = 'move-node-to-workspace 5'
shift-6 = 'move-node-to-workspace 6'
shift-7 = 'move-node-to-workspace 7'
shift-8 = 'move-node-to-workspace 8'
shift-9 = 'move-node-to-workspace 9'
# See:
shift-tab = 'move-workspace-to-monitor --wrap-around next'
# Resizing
# See:
minus = 'resize smart -64'
equal = 'resize smart +64'
shift-minus = 'resize smart -128'
shift-equal = 'resize smart +128'
# Other
shift-r = ['flatten-workspace-tree', 'mode alt'] # reset layout
#s = ['layout sticky tiling', 'mode alt'] # sticky is not yet supported
# Toggle Maximize window
m = ['fullscreen']
# Float window
f = ['layout floating']
# Tile window
t = ['layout tiling']
# Modes
# See:
r = 'mode resize'
semicolon = 'mode spacial'
w = 'mode workspace'
# Resize Mode
# ctrl-alt-cmd-space = ['mode binding']
space = 'mode main'
esc = 'mode alt'
r = 'mode alt'
h = ['resize width -64']
j = ['resize height -64']
k = ['resize height +64']
l = ['resize width +64']
shift-h = ['resize width -8']
shift-j = ['resize height -8']
shift-k = ['resize height +8']
shift-l = ['resize width +8']
# ctrl-alt-cmd-space = ['mode special']
space = 'mode main'
esc = 'mode alt'
h = ['join-with left', 'mode alt']
j = ['join-with down', 'mode alt']
k = ['join-with up', 'mode alt']
l = ['join-with right', 'mode alt']
# ctrl-alt-cmd-space = ['mode workspace']
space = 'mode main'
esc = 'mode alt'
w = 'mode alt'
h = ['workspace prev', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
l = ['workspace next', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
j = ['focus-monitor next', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
k = ['focus-monitor prev', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
shift-h = ['move-node-to-workspace prev']
shift-l = ['move-node-to-workspace next']
shift-k = ['move-node-to-monitor prev']
shift-j = ['move-node-to-monitor next']
# Application-specific configurations
# [[on-window-detected]]
# run = 'layout floating'
[[on-window-detected]] = 'Code - Insiders|Warp|Xcode|Simulator'
run = ['layout tiling', 'move-node-to-workspace 2']
[[on-window-detected]] = 'Sublime Merge'
run = ['layout tiling', 'move-node-to-workspace 3']
[[on-window-detected]] = 'Slack|Mailspring|Calendar|'
run = ['layout tiling', 'move-node-to-workspace 4']
[[on-window-detected]] = 'Signal|Discord|Messages'
run = ['layout tiling', 'move-node-to-workspace 5'] Notable changes:# Possible values: tiles|accordion
default-root-container-layout = 'tiles'
# Just subtle enough to notice a window is apart of an accordion
accordion-padding = 8
# Changed from ctrl-space to a "hyper key", ctrl-alt-cmd.
# I configured Caps Lock to be hyper using Karabiner-Elements.
ctrl-alt-cmd-space = ['mode alt']
# Space always exits all modes
space = ['mode main']
# Escape only exists one level
esc = ['mode main']
# Slash only rotates between horizontal and vertical layouts
slash = 'layout horizontal vertical'
# Quote toggles between tiles and accordion (because " ' is printed on the
# same key, so it made sense to me)
quote = 'layout tiles accordion'
# These are new for 'alt mode' to make it easier to move around workspaces and
# monitors
ctrl-alt-cmd-h = ['workspace prev']
ctrl-alt-cmd-l = ['workspace next']
ctrl-alt-cmd-k = ['focus-monitor prev', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
ctrl-alt-cmd-j = ['focus-monitor next', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
# Because I don't include shift in my hyper key configuration, I can chord with it
# to move windows between workspaces and monitors.
ctrl-alt-cmd-shift-h = ['move-node-to-workspace prev']
ctrl-alt-cmd-shift-l = ['move-node-to-workspace next']
ctrl-alt-cmd-shift-k = ['move-workspace-to-monitor prev']
ctrl-alt-cmd-shift-j = ['move-workspace-to-monitor next']
shift-r = ['flatten-workspace-tree', 'mode alt'] # reset layout
# Fullscreen is under 'm' for "Maximize"
m = ['fullscreen']
# No more toggling for these commands
f = ['layout floating']
t = ['layout tiling']
# Rely on 'move-mouse window-force-center' command for cursor adjustment instead
# of the buggy on window focus events.
h = ['workspace prev', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
l = ['workspace next', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
j = ['focus-monitor next', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
k = ['focus-monitor prev', 'move-mouse window-force-center']
# I love using to match the app name to assign it
# to a specific workspace. It's easier to add new things here without needing to
# get the app ID.
[[on-window-detected]] = 'Code - Insiders|Warp|Xcode|Simulator'
run = ['layout tiling', 'move-node-to-workspace 2']
[[on-window-detected]] = 'Sublime Merge'
run = ['layout tiling', 'move-node-to-workspace 3']
[[on-window-detected]] = 'Slack|Mailspring|Calendar|'
run = ['layout tiling', 'move-node-to-workspace 4']
[[on-window-detected]] = 'Signal|Discord|Messages'
run = ['layout tiling', 'move-node-to-workspace 5'] |
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I just discovered aerospace yesterday and am loving it. The alt key chords are tough on me, which is why I like the modal ideas presented here. I prefer your first version better I think, but I’ll noodle on this a bit this weekend to think of an optimal layout for myself. Thanks again. |
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Thanks! Do note that you'd need to configure hyper-key using Karabiner to make Cap-Lock the hyper key. Otherwise, you could opt for just ctrl as the modifier key, but this ensures less conflicts with other programs which may use curl-space (although not so likely). |
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Hey @samholmes , lookup "dotfiles" repos. A lot of people share their configs (for many apps) that way. |
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I'd like to share my Aerospace config with the community. I don't know where I can catalog my config, so I'll share it here:
One single command to switch to
. Then once inalt
keys to navigate windows. Holdshift
with these keys to move window. Switch toresize
mode withr
. Switch toworkspace
mode withw
. Backtick always refreshes config. There'sspecial
mode with;
, which allows you to merge windows.Let me know what you all think of this setup.
I'm loving Aerospace! I'm happy to contribute some fixes and features where I can, but I'd have to orient myself to the swift project a bit more.
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