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You plan to organize a data dialogue? Below you find some general information about this event format as well as step-by-step instructions for a data dialogue in person and a remote data dialogue. |
The data dialogue is a format that should bring together the community and potential partner organizations. Here, discussion and exchange are in the foreground, but it is also possible that independent projects develop out of the dialogue. The first step for a data dialogue is to identify potential partner organizations in the region of the local group. In this case, it may be appropriate to address different organizations from one area (e.g. refugee aid), but a thematic approach is not necessary. Responsible for this step is the project manager at the local level. Templates that can help you with this step can be found in the appendix. In a second step, a suitable date and room must be found. For tips on room booking, look again in the section about organizational structure, there we give some examples. After partner organizations, space and date are chosen, the community comes into play. In order to get enough potential data analysts to come along to support the organizations, a little bit of advertising has to be done. It makes sense to create a Facebook event that can be spread across CorrelAid channels and to send invitations via mailing lists from student councils or other organizations. A template for event texts and invitations can be found in the appendix. If you have the opportunity to print cheap posters, you could also use them as a form of advertising. [Template?] If it becomes clear during the dialogue with a specific organization that a joint project would be possible, it would be a good opportunity for the project manager or local managers to stay in touch afterwards. If you have any questions, please keep in close contact with the project manager at CorrelAid.
- Identify and contact organizations
- fix a date
- look for room, make a reservation
- set-up an agenda
- Creation/distribution of marketing material
- Poster / Flyer
- Advertising to the network (RSVP/registration?)
- Event (Facebook)
- CorrelAid distributor
- Student distribution boards
- Catering
- partcipant lists
- technical equipment / moderation equipment
- Define roles for the day of the event and brief the responsible people (Moderator, Photographer, etc.)
- Prepare feedback forms
- send out a reminder email
- Follow-up email to thank all participant for coming and to provide insight into the following steps
- Share your experiences with the community and let others know what they could improve
- Write a blog post about the event / record a podcast
Identify and approach the organizations: introduce CorrelAid, explain the concept of the data dialogue and what we call a "data challenge" --> Email template
{% hint style="info" %} At one point you can use this survey to approach the organization and gain more insights in their data challenge, at the same time, they gain more insights on what information we need to tackle their challenge {% endhint %}
- fix a date and time
- invite people from the network / experts
- set an agenda / event format
- e.g. intro of CorrelAid, explain the meeting tool you are using, input of the NPOs, break-out rooms for discussion
- e.g. intro of CorrelAid, explain the meeting tool you are using, input of the NPOs, break-out rooms for discussion
- moderators needed? They'd need to be briefed, depending on your agenda, you can use/edit this presentation
- should the NPOs provide their input in a specific format? Provide a template for them or send them some guiding questions
- send a reminder a few days before the event, include a RSVP to know how many will attend
- prepare a feedbacksurvey for after the event or use these two that we prepared for you
- for NPOs
- for volunteers
- speaking of feedback, right after the event you can do short interviews with your guests and record them in Zoom, therefore you'd need to prepare some interview questions
- set some roles for the day of the event
- main moderator: welcome of guests, introduction of the orga team and of CorrelAid, guidance through the event
- main host: intro to the meeting tool, technical support, set up of breakout sessions, taking screenshots, keep track of time
- breakout session moderators (+ interviews)
- social media tasks?
- Follow-up email: thanks for joining, next steps (also in collaboration with Frie, our project coordinator)
- Share your experiences with the community and let others know what they could improve
- Write a blog post about the event / record a podcast
{% hint style="info" %} In this CorrelAid Cloud file you can find all relevant documents
Any questions about the above? Ask Frie or Isabel or get support from the #lc-team channel {% endhint %}