Current release is 0.4.0
Split out clj-ssh.cli
clj-ssh.ssh is designed for composability and programmatic use. It takes map arguments for options and is fully functional.
clj-ssh.cli is intended to simplify repl usage. It takes variadic arguments for options and uses dynamic vars to provide defaults.
Add a :agent-forwarding option A boolean value is passed with :agent-forwarding to clj-ssh.ssh/ssh.
Add support for system ssh-agent Support the system ssh-agent (or pageant on windows when using putty) via jsch-agent-proxy. Introduces a new agent function, clj-ssh.ssh/ssh-agent.
Add remote port forwarding support
Fix documentation for with-local-port-forward
Allow specification of session options as strings This should allow options like: (default-session-options {"GSSAPIAuthentication" "no"})
Allow clj-ssh to work with a wide range of slingshot versions Tested with slingshot 0.2.0 and 0.10.1
Added SSH tunneling.
- Changes
Remove use of monolithic contrib In preparation for clojure 1.3. Use slingshot instead of contrib.condition. Use local copy of contrib.reflect.
Switch to tools.logging
Allow specification of PipedInputStream buffer size The buffer size (in bytes) for the piped stream used to implement the :stream option for :out. If the ssh commands generate a high volume of output, then this buffer size can become a bottleneck. The buffer size can be specified by binding piped-stream-buffer-size, and defaults to 10Kb.
Add scp-from and scp-to, for copy files over ssh-exec Add support for scp using ssh-exec. copies files from a remote machine. copies to a remote machine.
Drop clojure 1.1.0 support