Using the RAM image found here
, what is the name of the executable using destination port 4444?
Volatility 3
/opt/volatility3/ -f memdump.mem windows.netscan.NetScan
Volatility 2
volatility -f memdump.mem imageinfo
/opt/volatility/ --profile=Win2012R2x64_18340 netscan -f memdump.mem
Destination Port 4444 is the only open entrance for the remote superhero island of WeCantWaitUntilCOVIDIsOver.
In order for the executable boats filled with superheros to gain access to the island, the ship name must be identified.
Use the RAM image found at:
- Submit the flag in the following format: jctf{flag}.
- What is the name of the executable using destination port 4444?