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"QUONK" + },{ + "name": "XIIX" + },{ + "name": "PROSELY" + },{ + "name": "BUZZOPIA" + },{ + "name": "VANTAGE" + },{ + "name": "GEEKNET" + },{ + "name": "UNI" + },{ + "name": "ASSURITY" + },{ + "name": "OBONES" + },{ + "name": "CINCYR" + },{ + "name": "DANCERITY" + },{ + "name": "VOIPA" + },{ + "name": "ASSITIA" + },{ + "name": "CORPORANA" + },{ + "name": "CODACT" + },{ + "name": "FUTURITY" + },{ + "name": "QUANTASIS" + },{ + "name": "ANIMALIA" + },{ + "name": "LEXICONDO" + },{ + "name": "IDEALIS" + },{ + "name": "SAVVY" + },{ + "name": "BEDLAM" + },{ + "name": "OATFARM" + },{ + "name": "ORBOID" + },{ + "name": "ZYTRAC" + },{ + "name": "RODEOCEAN" + },{ + "name": "FANGOLD" + },{ + "name": "CINASTER" + },{ + "name": "SEQUITUR" + },{ + "name": "OVOLO" + },{ + "name": "COMTENT" + },{ + "name": "UNDERTAP" + },{ + "name": "FARMEX" + },{ + "name": "EXIAND" + },{ + "name": "EARTHMARK" + },{ + "name": "AUTOMON" + },{ + "name": "CENTREGY" + },{ + "name": "OLYMPIX" + },{ + "name": "PREMIANT" + },{ + "name": "CEPRENE" + },{ + "name": "EXOTERIC" + },{ + "name": "COMTRAK" + },{ + "name": "INRT" + },{ + "name": "INQUALA" + },{ + "name": "QUANTALIA" + },{ + "name": "MOREGANIC" + },{ + "name": "ENERFORCE" + },{ + "name": "ISOTERNIA" + },{ + "name": "ORBIXTAR" + },{ + "name": "WAAB" + },{ + "name": "FLEXIGEN" + },{ + "name": "KEGULAR" + },{ + "name": "KINETICA" } -] \ No newline at end of file +] diff --git a/test/data/model.js b/test/data/model.js index 07c5558..a7c6b66 100644 --- a/test/data/model.js +++ b/test/data/model.js @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ var rethink = require( 'thinky' )({db:'tastypie'}) , Tag , Post , Shoe + , Address + ; Tag = rethink.createModel('tastypie_tag',{ @@ -12,6 +14,13 @@ Tag = rethink.createModel('tastypie_tag',{ pk:'name' }) +Address = rethink.createModel('tastypie_address',{ + state: type.string(), + city: type.string(), + street: type.string(), + country: type.string(), + company_id: type.string() +}); Shoe = rethink.createModel('tastypie_shoe',{ brand:type.string().required() @@ -30,13 +39,7 @@ Post = rethink.createModel('tastypie_post',{ var Company = rethink.createModel('tastypie_company',{ name: type.string(), - user_id: type.string(), - address:{ - state: type.string(), - city: type.string(), - street: type.string(), - country: type.string() - } + user_id: type.string() }) @@ -71,12 +74,11 @@ User = rethink.createModel('tastypie_user',{ User.pre('save',function( next ){ - this.registered = new Date( this.registered ) next(); }) User.r = rethink.r - +Company.hasOne(Address,'address','id','company_id'); User.hasOne( Company, 'company','id','user_id') User.hasMany(Tag, 'tags', 'id', 'user_id'); User.hasMany(Post, 'posts', 'id', 'user_id'); @@ -88,3 +90,4 @@ module.exports.Tag = Tag module.exports.Company = Company; module.exports.Post = Post; module.exports.Shoe = Shoe; +module.exports.Address = Address; diff --git a/test/resource.http.spec.js b/test/resource.http.spec.js index 3e003f8..4918e7f 100644 --- a/test/resource.http.spec.js +++ b/test/resource.http.spec.js @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ describe('RethinkResource', function( ){ Promise.all([ Model.Tag.delete(), Model.Company.delete(), + Model.Address.delete(), Model.delete() ]) .then(function(){ @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ describe('RethinkResource', function( ){ it('should accurately parse data', function(done){ var data = require('./data/test.json'); delete data[0].id; - + server.inject({ method:'post' ,url:'/api/rethink/test'