- None reported currently.
- All software has bugs; please file & track issues.
- Improve Online "Editor" Help
- Background:
- Pressing "F1" or invoking the "Help" menu in the editor pops up a simple list of the substitution tokens available for standard lens templates. This popup is invoked even when one of the sub- dialogs is open (such as "Rename Lens", "Load from File", or "Save to File", etc.)
- Suggested Improvements:
- Since access to the context (substitution) values differs based upon which template language is used, the existing help is often not useful, and even misleading. Either it should be context- sensitive so that it reflects how accessing the context values based upon the language of the current lens template, or should have more general coverage of the template languages, and how to access context values in each.
- When one of the sub-dialogs is open (e.g., "Rename", "Save/Load As...") pressing "F1" (or accessing a "Help" menu which could be added) should provide context-appropriate help, i.e., not the same help that's provided in the lens editor itself.
- Background:
- Write an example LiveCam using C#
- Background
- There are three lens templating languages available (text, Razor Page, and Roslyn/C#). The two LiveCams provided in the distribution demonstrate use of the text and Razor Page types, but there is no example provided of using a C# template.
- Suggested Solution:
- A LiveCam should be created that demonstrates how a C# template could be used to justify its existence, specifically suggesting case(s) where it would be the preferred templating language based upon its ability to better access APIs or other features which would be more difficult or even impossible using one of the other templating languages.
- Background
- Allow user to specify initial parameters for "RandomWalk" Connector
- Background:
- The initial position (latitude, longitude, altidude, bank angle, tilt, rate of change of each, ...) is "hard-coded" in the implementation of the "RandomWalk" connector. Therefore, the variability within the "random flight" produced is very small.
- It would be nice if the user could specify the starting position and the amount of variability (i.e., the "squirreliness") of the "random flight" to be produced.
- Suggested Improvement:
- Add a popup dialog to collect these (and possibly other) parameter values when a "Random Walk" connector is started (e.g., after the user presses the "Connect" button when "RandomWalk" is selected as the current "Connector"), and employ the user-provided values instead of the hard-coded values now used.
- Background:
- Use a temporary file for
Launch KML File
- Background:
- The code triggered when the
Launch KML File
button is pressed is the same as that triggered when theCreate KML File
button is pressed. Therefore, a file is created with the same name in the same place in both cases. It's likely that the user does not care to see the (intermediate) file created when theLaunch KML File
button is pressed.
- The code triggered when the
- Suggested Improvement:
- The (intermediate) file created when the
Launch KML File
button is pressed could be written to a temporary folder, and/or perhaps deleted after being sent to Google Earth and is therefore no longer needed.
- The (intermediate) file created when the
- Background:
- Simplify Installation and Update - (e.g., use "ClickOnce"?)
- Background:
- Though simple for the producer, the approach of releasing the
application in an unsigned zip file creates several significant
disadvantages for the end user. It's:
- labor-intensive - requiring the user to download, unzip, and directly run the included executable file, which must be searched for, found, and then invoked - all of which requires a level of technical savvy that not all potential users possess.
- scary - because the application is unsigned, the operating system challenges the user to think twice and makes it hard to run it, making it clear that it could contain viruses or other malware. This also will reduce the potential audience of the application.
- Several attempts to configure "ClickOnce" installations have failed, mainly due to the (apparent) complexity of this configuration, publication or management of the involved "secrets" (such as the signing certificate, etc.), etc.
- Though simple for the producer, the approach of releasing the
application in an unsigned zip file creates several significant
disadvantages for the end user. It's:
- Suggested Improvement:
- Choose and employ (at least) one of the standard installation procedures available for Windows Forms applications which address the shortcomings enumerated above.
- It appears that "ClickOnce" could be used to facilitate both easy installation and (check for) upgrade from the GitHub website.
- Completion criteria: choose and implement the improved installation procedure, and update relevant portion(s) of the documentation for consistency.
- Background: