Experimental functionality
Unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity to fully test the functionality. If you succeed and can share screenshots of how the charts look, then we will be very grateful to you [email protected]
You need the installed python3 and python3-pip packages for the script to work.
Place the notify.events.py python-script,
notify.events.json configuration file and
requirements.txt to the AlertScriptPath
directory specified
in the Zabbix configuration file (e.g. /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/
Create a python virtual environment in the script directory according to the instructions.
Install the necessary dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set the execute permission to this script:
chmod +x notify.events.py
Edit the notify.events.json configuration file according to your options:
"zabbix": {
"host": "http://localhost/", - zabbix-server address
"user": "Admin", - user name (trigger, item and chart permissions are required)
"password": "zabbix" - password
"chart": {
"period": 10800, - chart period (sec)
"width": 500, - chart width (px)
"height": 250 - chart height (px)
Go to the "Administration" -> "Media types" section and add the following parameters to create a media-type:
Script name:
Script parameters:
as you can see below:
Configure your Zabbix user according to the instructions.