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Material tabs performance issue


Material design templates for formula

Configure templates via formula service, either at bootstrap or by formula.addTemplate() at any time.

File uploader

There is a file upload widget for both a text field, in which case the uri to the file will be stored, and for objects in which case the uri, filename, size etc. is stored. This is just a wrapper for filefunnel.



Autocomplete is available for string fields and is configured via formulaAutoCompleteService in any of these ways:

  match: [String, Function] (See formulas formulaFieldConfig)
  querySource: [String (uri), Array, Function],
  label: [String (key), Function],
  value: [String (key), Function],
  onSelect: [Function],
  minLenght: [Number] (default 0)
}, $scope.formula);

formulaAutoCompleteService.autocompleteFacets(['organisations.gcmd_short_name', 'links.type'], Dataset, $scope.formula);


Delimiter separated values widget to enable easy integration with spreadsheets.

If the source is an url new results will be fetched with ?q=value for each input change.

Domain specific templates

  • GCMD
    • gcmd object: <npdc:formula-gcmd></npdc:formula-gcmd>
      • this will only render sciencekeywords and hide all other gcmd properties.
    • sciencekeywords: <npdc:formula-gcmd-keyword></npdc:formula-gcmd-keyword>
  • persons: <npdc:formula-person></npdc:formula-person>
  • placenames: <npdc:formula-placename></npdc:formula-placename>