Establishes a set of requirements for the storage provider for the project
- Interface name: StorageInterface
- Namespace: NPR\One\Interfaces
- This is an interface
mixed NPR\One\Interfaces\StorageInterface::set(string $key, mixed $value, null|integer $expiresIn)
Stores a value for a given key across PHP sessions
- Visibility: public
- $key string
- $value mixed
- $expiresIn null|integer - <p>An optional TTL (in seconds) for the data, relative to the current Unix timestamp</p>
mixed NPR\One\Interfaces\StorageInterface::get(string $key)
Gets a value for a given key across PHP sessions
- Visibility: public
- $key string
boolean NPR\One\Interfaces\StorageInterface::compare(string $key, mixed $value)
The provided $key should be used to lookup a value and then compare that value to the $value provided. If they match, return true. If not, false.
- Visibility: public
- $key string
- $value mixed
mixed NPR\One\Interfaces\StorageInterface::remove(string $key)
Remove all data associated with a given key
- Visibility: public
- $key string