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File metadata and controls

716 lines (560 loc) · 21.2 KB

Export and Import MLflow Experiments, Runs or Models

Tools to export and import MLflow runs, experiments or registered models from one tracking server to another.

The difference between this fork and the upstream is in exporting and importing a registered model: the upstream only exports and imports the latest versions for each stage of a registered model, while this fork exports and imports all versions of a registered model.




  • Export experiments to a directory.
  • Import experiments from a directory.
  • Copy an experiment from one tracking server to another.


  • Export a run to a directory or zip file.
  • Import a run from a directory or zip file.
  • Copy a run from one tracking server to another.

Registered Models

  • Export a registered model to a directory.
  • Import a registered model from a directory.
  • List all registered models.


General Limitations

  • Nested runs are only supported when you import/copy an experiment. For a run, it is a TODO.

Databricks Limitations

  • The Databricks API does not support exporting or importing notebook revision. The workspace/export API endpoint only exports a notebook representing the latest notebook revision.
  • Therefore you can only export/import MLflow experiments and runs. The notebook revision associated with a run cannot be exported or imported.
  • When you import a run, the link to its source notebook revision ID will appear in the UI but you cannot reach that revision (link is dead).
  • For convenience, the export tool exports the latest notebook revision for a notebook-based experiment but again, it cannot be attached to a run when imported.

Note on Copy tools and Databricks

  • Copy tools work only for open source MLflow.
  • Copy tools do not work when both the source and destination trackings servers are Databricks MLflow.
  • Things get more complicated for the copy feature when using a a Databricks tracking server, either as source or destination .
  • This is primarily because MLflow client constructor only accepts a tracking_uri.
    • For open source MLflow this works fine and you can have the two clients (source and destination) in the same program.
    • For Databricks MLflow, the constructor is not used to initialize target servers. Environment variables are used to initialize the client, so only one client can exist.
  • To copy experiments when a Databricks server is involved, you have to use the the two-stage process of first exporting the experiment and then importing it.

Common options details

notebook-formats - If exporting a Databricks experiment, the run's notebook (latest revision, not the revision associated with the run) can be saved in the specified formats (comma-delimited argument). Each format is saved as notebook.{format}. Supported formats are SOURCE, HTML, JUPYTER and DBC. See Databricks Export Format documentation.

use-src-user-id - Set the destination user ID to the source user ID. Source user ID is ignored when importing into Databricks since the user is automatically picked up from your Databricks access token.

export-metadata-tags - Creates metadata tags (starting with mlflow_tools.metadata) containing export information. Contains the source mlflow tags in addition to other information. This is useful for provenance and auditing purposes in regulated industries.

Name                                  Value
mlflow_tools.metadata.timestamp       1551037752
mlflow_tools.metadata.timestamp_nice  2019-02-24 19:49:12
mlflow_tools.metadata.experiment_id   2
mlflow_tools.metadata.experiment-name sklearn_wine          50fa90e751eb4b3f9ba9cef0efe8ea30
mlflow_tools.metadata.tracking_uri    http://localhost:5000


Built with python 3.7.6.

Local setup

python -m venv mlflow-export-import-env
source mlflow-export-import-env/bin/activate
pip install -e .

Databricks setup

If you want to run mlflow-export-import scripts on Databricks, you need to build a wheel artifact, push it up to DBFS and then install it on your cluster.

python bdist_wheel
databricks fs cp dist/mlflow_export_import-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl {MY_DBFS_PATH}


Export Experiments

There are two main programs to export experiments:

  • export_experiment - exports one experiment
  • export_experiment_list - exports a list of experiments

Both accept either an experiment ID or name.


Export one experiment to a directory.

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.export_experiment --help

  --experiment TEXT               Experiment name or ID.  [required]
  --output-dir TEXT               Output directory.  [required]
  --export-metadata-tags BOOLEAN  Export source run metadata tags.  [default: False]

  --notebook-formats TEXT         Notebook formats. Values are SOURCE, HTML,
                                  JUPYTER or DBC.  [default: SOURCE]
Export examples

Export experiment by experiment ID.

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.export_experiment_list \
  --experiment 2 --output-dir out

Export experiment by experiment name.

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.export_experiment_list \
  --experiment sklearn-wine --output-dir out
Databricks export examples

See the Access the MLflow tracking server from outside Databricks.

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=databricks

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.export_experiment \
  --experiment /Users/[email protected]/SklearnWine \
  --output-dir out \
  --notebook-formats DBC,SOURCE 
Export directory structure

The output directory contains a manifest file and a subdirectory for each run (by run ID). The run directory contains a run.json file containing run metadata and an artifact hierarchy.

| +-artifacts/
|   +-plot.png
|   +-sklearn-model/
|     +-model.pkl
|     +-conda.yaml
|     +-MLmodel


Export several (or all) experiments to a directory.

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.export_experiment_list --help

  --experiments TEXT              Experiment names or IDs (comma delimited).
                                  'all' will export all experiments.  [required]

  --output-dir TEXT               Output directory.  [required]
  --export-metadata-tags BOOLEAN  Export source run metadata tags.  [default: False]

  --notebook-formats TEXT         Notebook formats. Values are SOURCE, HTML,
                                  JUPYTER or DBC.  [default: SOURCE]
Export list examples

Export experiments by experiment ID.

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.export_experiment_list \
  --experiments 2,3 --output-dir out

Export experiments by experiment name.

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.export_experiment_list \
  --experiments sklearn,sparkml --output-dir out

Export all experiments.

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.export_experiment_list \
  --experiments all --output-dir out
Export directory structure

The output directory contains a manifest file and a subdirectory for each experiment (by experiment ID).

Each experiment subdirectory in turn contains its own manifest file and a subdirectory for each run. The run directory contains a run.json file containing run metadata and an artifact hierarchy.

In the example below we have two experiments - 1 and 7. Experiment 1 (sklearn) has two runs (f4eaa7ddbb7c41148fe03c530d9b486f and 5f80bb7cd0fc40038e0e17abe22b304c) whereas experiment 7 (sparkml) has one run (ffb7f72a8dfb46edb4b11aed21de444b).

| +-manifest.json
| +-f4eaa7ddbb7c41148fe03c530d9b486f/
| | +-run.json
| | +-artifacts/
| |   +-plot.png
| |   +-sklearn-model/
| |   | +-model.pkl
| |   | +-conda.yaml
| |   | +-MLmodel
| |   +-onnx-model/
| |     +-model.onnx
| |     +-conda.yaml
| |     +-MLmodel
| +-5f80bb7cd0fc40038e0e17abe22b304c/
| | +-run.json
|   +-artifacts/
|     +-plot.png
|     +-sklearn-model/
|     | +-model.pkl
|     | +-conda.yaml
|     | +-MLmodel
|     +-onnx-model/
|       +-model.onnx
|       +-conda.yaml
|       +-MLmodel
| +-manifest.json
| +-ffb7f72a8dfb46edb4b11aed21de444b/
| | +-run.json
|   +-artifacts/
|     +-spark-model/
|     | +-sparkml/
|     |   +-stages/
|     |   +-metadata/
|     +-mleap-model/
|       +-mleap/
|         +-model/

Top-level manifest.json for experiments.

  "info": {
    "mlflow_version": "1.11.0",
    "mlflow_tracking_uri": "http://localhost:5000",
    "export_time": "2020-09-10 20:23:45"
  "experiments": [
      "id": "1",
      "name": "sklearn"
      "id": "7",
      "name": "sparkml"

Experiment manifest.json.

  "experiment": {
    "experiment_id": "1",
    "name": "sklearn",
    "artifact_location": "/opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/1",
    "lifecycle_stage": "active"
  "export_info": {
    "export_time": "2020-09-10 20:23:45",
    "num_runs": 2
  "run-ids": [
  "failed_run-ids": []

Run manifest.json: see below.

Import Experiments

Import experiments from a directory. Reads the manifest file to import expirements and their runs.

The experiment will be created if it does not exist in the destination tracking server. If the experiment already exists, the source runs will be added to it.

There are two main programs to import experiments:

  • import_experiment - imports one experiment
  • import_experiment_list - imports a list of experiments


Imports one experiment.

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.import_experiment --help \

  --input-dir TEXT                Input path - directory  [required]
  --experiment-name TEXT          Destination experiment name  [required]
  --just-peek BOOLEAN             Just display experiment metadata - do not import
  --use-src-user-id BOOLEAN       Set the destination user ID to the source
                                  user ID. Source user ID is ignored when
                                  importing into Databricks since setting it
                                  is not allowed.
  --import-mlflow-tags BOOLEAN    Import mlflow tags
  --import-metadata-tags BOOLEAN  Import mlflow_export_import tags
Import examples
python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.import_experiment \
  --experiment-name imported_sklearn \
  --input-dir out
Databricks import examples
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=databricks
python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.import_experiment \
  --experiment-name /Users/[email protected]/imported/SklearnWine \
  --input-dir exported_experiments/3532228


Import a list of experiments.

python -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.import_experiment_list --help

  --input-dir TEXT                Input directory.  [required]
  --experiment-name-prefix TEXT   If specified, added as prefix to experiment name.
  --use-src-user-id BOOLEAN       Set the destination user ID to the source
                                  user ID. Source user ID is ignored when
                                  importing into Databricks since setting it
                                  is not allowed.  [default: False]
  --import-mlflow-tags BOOLEAN    Import mlflow tags.  [default: True]
  --import-metadata-tags BOOLEAN  Import mlflow_tools tags.  [default: False]
Import examples
python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.import_experiment_list \
  --experiment-name-prefix imported_ \
  --input-dir out 

Copy experiment from one tracking server to another

Copies an experiment from one MLflow tracking server to another.


In this example we use:

  • Source tracking server runs on port 5000
  • Destination tracking server runs on 5001


python -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.copy_experiment --help


  --src-uri TEXT                  Source MLflow API URI.  [required]
  --dst-uri TEXT                  Destination MLflow API URI.  [required]
  --src-experiment TEXT           Source experiment ID or name.  [required]
  --dst-experiment-name TEXT      Destination experiment name.  [required]
  --use-src-user-id BOOLEAN       Set the destination user ID to the source
                                  user ID. Source user ID is ignored when
                                  importing into Databricks since setting it
                                  is not allowed.  [default: False]
  --export-metadata-tags BOOLEAN  Export source run metadata tags.  [default: False]

Run example

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.copy_experiment \
  --src-experiment sklearn_wine \
  --dst-experiment-name sklearn_wine_imported \
  --src-uri http://localhost:5000 \
  --dst-uri http://localhost:5001


Export run

Export run to directory or zip file.


python -m --help

  --run-id TEXT                   Run ID.  [required]
  --output TEXT                   Output directory or zip file.  [required]
  --export-metadata-tags BOOLEAN  Export source run metadata tags.  [default: False] 
  --notebook-formats TEXT         Notebook formats. Values are SOURCE, HTML,
                                  JUPYTER or DBC.  [default: SOURCE]

Run examples

python -u -m \
  --run-id 50fa90e751eb4b3f9ba9cef0efe8ea30 \
  --output out
python -u -m \
  --run-id 50fa90e751eb4b3f9ba9cef0efe8ea30 \

Produces a directory with the following structure:


Sample run.json

  "info": {
    "run-id": "50fa90e751eb4b3f9ba9cef0efe8ea30",
    "experiment_id": "2",
  "params": {
    "max_depth": "16",
    "max_leaf_nodes": "32"
  "metrics": {
    "mae": 0.5845562996214364,
    "r2": 0.28719674214710467,
  "tags": {
    "mlflow.source.git.commit": "a42b9682074f4f07f1cb2cf26afedee96f357f83",
    "mlflow.runName": "",
    "run_origin": "",
    "mlflow.source.type": "LOCAL",
    "mlflow_tools.metadata.tracking_uri": "http://localhost:5000",
    "mlflow_tools.metadata.timestamp": 1563572639,
    "mlflow_tools.metadata.timestamp_nice": "2019-07-19 21:43:59",
    "": "130bca8d75e54febb2bfa46875a03d59",
    "mlflow_tools.metadata.experiment_id": "2",
    "mlflow_tools.metadata.experiment-name": "sklearn_wine"

Import run

Imports a run from a directory or zip file.


python -m  --help


  --input TEXT                    Input path - directory or zip file.  [required]
  --experiment-name TEXT          Destination experiment name.  [required]
  --use-src-user-id BOOLEAN       Set the destination user ID to the source
                                  user ID. Source user ID is ignored when
                                  importing into Databricks since setting it
                                  is not allowed.  [default: False]
  --import-mlflow-tags BOOLEAN    Import mlflow tags.  [default: True]
  --import-metadata-tags BOOLEAN  Import mlflow_tools tags.  [default: False]

Import examples

Directory out is where you exported your run.

Local import example
python -u -m \
  --run-id 50fa90e751eb4b3f9ba9cef0efe8ea30 \
  --input out \
  --experiment-name sklearn_wine_imported
Databricks import example
export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=databricks
python -u -m \
  --run-id 50fa90e751eb4b3f9ba9cef0efe8ea30 \
  --input out \
  --experiment-name /Users/[email protected]/imported/SklearnWine \

Copy run from one tracking server to another

Copies a run from one MLflow tracking server to another.


In this example we use

  • Source tracking server runs on port 5000
  • Destination tracking server runs on 5001



python -m --help

  --input TEXT                    Input path - directory or zip file.

  --experiment-name TEXT          Destination experiment name.  [required]
  --use-src-user-id BOOLEAN       Set the destination user ID to the source
                                  user ID. Source user ID is ignored when
                                  importing into Databricks since setting it
                                  is not allowed.  [default: False]

  --import-mlflow-tags BOOLEAN    Import mlflow tags.  [default: True]
  --import-metadata-tags BOOLEAN  Import mlflow_tools tags.  [default: False]

Run example

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=http://localhost:5000

python -u -m \
  --src-run-id 50fa90e751eb4b3f9ba9cef0efe8ea30 \
  --dst-experiment-name sklearn_wine \
  --src-uri http://localhost:5000 \
  --dst-uri http://localhost:5001

Registered Models

Export registered model

Export a registered model to a directory.



python -m mlflow_export_import.model.export_model --help


  --model TEXT       Registered model name.  [required]
  --output-dir TEXT  Output directory.  [required]


python -u -m mlflow_export_import.model.export_model --model sklearn_wine --output-dir out 


Output export directory example

| +-artifacts/
|   +-plot.png
|   +-sklearn-model/
|   | +-model.pkl
|   | +-conda.yaml
|   | +-MLmodel
|   |  


  "registered_model": {
    "name": "sklearn_wine",
    "creation_timestamp": "1587517284168",
    "last_updated_timestamp": "1587572072601",
    "description": "hi my desc",
    "latest_versions": [
        "name": "sklearn_wine",
        "version": "1",
        "creation_timestamp": "1587517284216",
. . .

Import registered model

Import a registered model from a directory.




python -m mlflow_export_import.model.import_model --help

  --input-dir TEXT        Input directory produced by

  --model TEXT            New registered model name.  [required]
  --experiment-name TEXT  Destination experiment name  - will be created if it
                          does not exist.  [required]

  --delete-model BOOLEAN  First delete the model if it exists and all its
                          versions.  [default: False]


python -u -m mlflow_export_import.model.import_model \
  --model sklearn_wine \
  --experiment-name sklearn_wine_imported \
  --input-dir out  \
  --delete-model True
Model to import:
  Name: sklearn_wine
  Description: my model
  2 latest versions
Deleting 1 versions for model 'sklearn_wine_imported'
  version=2 status=READY stage=Production run-id=f93d5e4d182e4f0aba5493a0fa8d9eb6
Importing latest versions:
  Version 1:
    current_stage: None:
    Run to import:
      run-id: 749930c36dee49b8aeb45ee9cdfe1abb
      artifact_uri: file:///opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/1/749930c36dee49b8aeb45ee9cdfe1abb/artifacts
      source:       file:///opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/1/749930c36dee49b8aeb45ee9cdfe1abb/artifacts/sklearn-model
      model_path: sklearn-model
      run-id: 749930c36dee49b8aeb45ee9cdfe1abb
    Importing run into experiment 'scratch' from 'out/749930c36dee49b8aeb45ee9cdfe1abb'
    Imported run:
      run-id: 03d0cfae60774ec99f949c42e1575532
      artifact_uri: file:///opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/13/03d0cfae60774ec99f949c42e1575532/artifacts
      source:       file:///opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/13/03d0cfae60774ec99f949c42e1575532/artifacts/sklearn-model
Version: id=1 status=READY state=None
Waited 0.01 seconds

List all registered models

Calls the registered-models/list API endpoint and creates the file registered_models.json.

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.model.list_registered_models

cat registered_models.json

  "registered_models": [
      "name": "keras_mnist",
      "creation_timestamp": "1601399113433",
      "last_updated_timestamp": "1601399504920",
      "latest_versions": [
          "name": "keras_mnist",
          "version": "1",
          "creation_timestamp": "1601399113486",
          "last_updated_timestamp": "1601399504920",
          "current_stage": "Archived",
          "description": "",
          "source": "file:///opt/mlflow/server/mlruns/1/9176458a78194d819e55247eee7531c3/artifacts/keras-model",
          "run_id": "9176458a78194d819e55247eee7531c3",
          "status": "READY",
          "run_link": ""