- Get access to the test environments
- Generate all the secrets to run the tests locally
- Upload the secrets and run the tests on GitHub actions
- Rebuild the CI environment
- Copy
and put the secrets in it (ask us of course) - Execute `task kubeconfig`` to load all the kubeconfig in nuv.
- Execute
nuv config use
thennuv config use <n>
to select a configuration - Execute
nuv setup nuvolaris login
to log into one of them
- Copy
and put the secrets in it task secrets
generates a.secrets
with all the secrets for github- now you can run the tests, most notably the
that builds environments
Those notes are a remindinder of the steps executed to build our CI environment.
We have a stable test environment on AWS/GCloud/Azure with:
- in AWS, a domain (nuvtest.net) with subzones. A subzone (oshgcp.nuvest.test) is on GCP, others in AWS
- in AWS, an EKS cluster
- in Gcloud, a GKE cluster
- in Gcloud, an OpenShift cluster
- in Gcloud, a virtual machine k3s-test and mk8s-test
- in Azure, an AKS cluster
You to isntall a few tools:
Generated an user with admin power and extacted the Access and Secret Key
- Enabled the services required:
gcloud services enable cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable dns.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable iamcredentials.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable iam.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable servicemanagement.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable serviceusage.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable storage-api.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable storage-component.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable deploymentmanager.googleapis.com
gcloud services enable resourcemanager.projects.delete
Also manually enabled Kubernetes cluster creation and IAM management
- Generated a service account for GCloud with administrative power.
The service account email available in: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts, assigned the role "Owner" to the service account, then extracted the json for the service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/.ssh/gcloud.json --iam-account=<account-email>
- Generate a id_rsa and and id_rsa.key, stored in ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.id_rsa.pub
Created the zone
in Gcloud -
Created the following zones in AWS Route53
- k3s.nuvtest.net
- mk8s.nuvtest.net
- eks.nuvtest.net
- aks.nuvtest.net
- gke.nuvtest.net
Registered a domain in AWS (nuvtest.net) and delegated all the subzones.
- Created conf/gcp-install-config.yaml and conf/aws-install-config.yaml
First running the openshift-install and then manually tweaked the configuration.
Note you need:
- an id_rsa.pub
- for gcloud, the service account file
- the dns zone ub GCP we created (oshgcp.nuvtest.net)
- the pullSecret for OKD (open source openshift) as follows:
Configure env
copying it from env.dit and filling it with all the required secrets.
Once everything is configured we can build all the clusters:
task k3s:create
task mk8s:create
task gke:create
task aks:create
task eks:create
task osh:create
NOTE: many parameters are wired in the taskfiles: look for the *:config
tasks in Taskfile*.yml
if you want to tune them.
Once you created the clusters, you can upload their kubeconfig or ip as secrets to GitHub with:
task secrets
task upload-secrets