diff --git a/game/messages.py b/game/messages.py
index 7cf96f10c..c7666e079 100644
--- a/game/messages.py
+++ b/game/messages.py
@@ -1097,19 +1097,18 @@ def title_level39():
def description_level39():
message = ugettext(
- "Can you change the 'general algorithm' so that the van takes a shorter "
- + "route?
What if you change the order the van checks for "
- + "directions?
Keep an eye on the fuel level - try to use as "
- + "little as possible. "
+ "Can you use the 'general algorithm' here so that the van takes a "
+ + "shorter route? Or maybe there's a more efficient way?
Keep "
+ + "an eye on the fuel level - try to use as little as possible."
return build_description(title_level39(), message)
def hint_level39():
message = ugettext(
- "Make the van check if the road exists right before it checks if the road "
- + "exists left.
Then it will be able to reach the destination "
- + "using the 'general algorithm'. Can you see why? "
+ "Uh oh, moving around the blocks in your 'general algorithm' might not "
+ + "be the most efficient solution. How about creating a simple solution "
+ + "without 'if statements' that will help the van reach the house? "
return message