diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index cd1822c4d5..2d9c376954 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ jobs:
           - ubuntu-latest
           - windows-latest
-          - 5.2.x
+          - ocaml-base-compiler.5.3.0~beta2
     # The type of runner that the job will run on
     runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
     # Some tests requiring specific ppxes are disabled by default
-      MERLIN_TESTS: all
+      MERLIN_TESTS: no-ppx
     # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
@@ -62,19 +62,12 @@ jobs:
       - name: Install dependencies
         run: |
           opam pin menhirLib 20201216 --no-action
-          opam install --yes ppx_string ppx_compare
-          opam install . --deps-only --with-test --yes
+          opam install menhir csexp alcotest yojson conf-jq ocamlfind --yes
-      - name: Build and test in release mode (windows)
-        if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
+      - name: Build and test in release mode
         run: |
           opam exec -- dune runtest -p merlin-lib,dot-merlin-reader,ocaml-index,merlin
-      - name: Build and test in release mode (macos/linux)
-        if: matrix.os != 'windows-latest'
-        run: |
-          opam install . --with-test --yes
       - name: Build in dev mode to check parser changes
         if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
         run: |
@@ -84,7 +77,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: Check that the changes are correctly formatted
-        if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
+        if: matrix.os == 'none'
         run: |
           opam install ocamlformat.0.26.2
           opam exec -- dune build @fmt
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ocaml-lsp-compat.yml b/.github/workflows/ocaml-lsp-compat.yml
index b7a4ccd140..ba836a9b4a 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ocaml-lsp-compat.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ocaml-lsp-compat.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ name: Check ocaml-lsp compat
 # events but only for the master branch
-    branches: [ master ]
+    branches: [ main ]
       - '**.md'
       - '**.txt'
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ on:
       - 'vim/**'
       - '**/emacs-lint.yml'
-    branches: [ master ]
+    branches: [ main ]
       - '**.md'
       - '**.txt'
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ jobs:
           - ubuntu-latest
-          - 5.2.x
+          - ocaml-base-compiler.5.3.0~alpha1
     # The type of runner that the job will run on
     runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: Check that Merlin and OCaml-LSP are co-installable
         run: |
-          opam --cli=2.1 pin --with-version=dev --no-action https://github.com/voodoos/ocaml-lsp.git#5.2-preview
-          opam --cli=2.1 pin --with-version=5.0-502 --no-action .
-          opam install ocaml-lsp-server --with-test --ignore-constraints-on=ocamlformat
+          opam --cli=2.1 pin --with-version=dev --no-action https://github.com/voodoos/ocaml-lsp.git#merlin-503-compat
+          opam --cli=2.1 pin --with-version=5.3-503 --no-action .
+          opam install ocaml-lsp-server --ignore-constraints-on=ocamlformat
diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index f3ca754ebf..fbe09a20b7 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+  + merlin binary
+    - Support for OCaml 5.3
   + vim plugin
     - Added support for search-by-type (#1846)
       This is exposed through the existing `:MerlinSearch` command, that
diff --git a/merlin-lib.opam b/merlin-lib.opam
index 6e6bde2545..24641206f6 100644
--- a/merlin-lib.opam
+++ b/merlin-lib.opam
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ build: [
   ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
 depends: [
-  "ocaml" {>= "5.2" & < "5.3"}
+  "ocaml" {>="5.3" & <"5.4"}
   "dune" {>= "3.0.0"}
   "csexp" {>= "1.5.1"}
   "alcotest" {with-test & >= "1.3.0" }
diff --git a/merlin.opam b/merlin.opam
index 8fd90ec134..42ddcd51fd 100644
--- a/merlin.opam
+++ b/merlin.opam
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ build: [
   ["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}
 depends: [
-  "ocaml" {>= "5.2" & < "5.3"}
   "dune" {>= "3.0.0"}
   "merlin-lib" {= version}
   "dot-merlin-reader" {= version}
@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ depends: [
 conflicts: [
   "seq" {!= "base"}
-  "base-effects"
   "Editor helper, provides completion, typing and source browsing in Vim and Emacs"
diff --git a/src/analysis/ast_iterators.ml b/src/analysis/ast_iterators.ml
index 8f9e0feaf1..9cd2604144 100644
--- a/src/analysis/ast_iterators.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/ast_iterators.ml
@@ -133,8 +133,9 @@ let iter_on_defs ~uid_to_locs_tbl =
             match exp_extra with
             | Texp_newtype' (typ_id, typ_name, uid) ->
               log "Found newtype %s wit id %a (%a)\n%!" typ_name.txt Logger.fmt
-                (Fun.flip Ident.print_with_scope typ_id) Logger.fmt (fun fmt ->
-                  Location.print_loc fmt typ_name.loc);
+                (Fun.flip (Format_doc.compat Ident.print_with_scope) typ_id)
+                Logger.fmt
+                (fun fmt -> Location.print_loc fmt typ_name.loc);
               register_uid uid typ_name;
             | _ -> ());
diff --git a/src/analysis/construct.ml b/src/analysis/construct.ml
index 19745aceae..5e4b5c35f1 100644
--- a/src/analysis/construct.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/construct.ml
@@ -37,26 +37,28 @@ module Util = struct
       let construct s =
         Ast_helper.Exp.construct (Location.mknoloc (Longident.Lident s)) None
+      let const_string str = Ast_helper.Const.string str in
+      let const_integer ?suffix str = Ast_helper.Const.integer ?suffix str in
+      let const_float ?suffix str = Ast_helper.Const.float ?suffix str in
+      let const_char c = Ast_helper.Const.char c in
       let ident s =
         Ast_helper.Exp.ident (Location.mknoloc (Longident.Lident s))
         ~f:(fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add tbl k v)
-        Parsetree.
-          [ (Predef.path_int, constant (Pconst_integer ("0", None)));
-            (Predef.path_float, constant (Pconst_float ("0.0", None)));
-            (Predef.path_char, constant (Pconst_char 'c'));
-            ( Predef.path_string,
-              constant (Pconst_string ("", Location.none, None)) );
-            (Predef.path_bool, construct "false");
-            (Predef.path_unit, construct "()");
-            (Predef.path_exn, ident "exn");
-            (Predef.path_array, Ast_helper.Exp.array []);
-            (Predef.path_nativeint, constant (Pconst_integer ("0", Some 'n')));
-            (Predef.path_int32, constant (Pconst_integer ("0", Some 'l')));
-            (Predef.path_int64, constant (Pconst_integer ("0", Some 'L')));
-            (Predef.path_lazy_t, Ast_helper.Exp.lazy_ (construct "()"))
-          ]
+        [ (Predef.path_int, constant (const_integer "0"));
+          (Predef.path_float, constant (const_float "0.0"));
+          (Predef.path_char, constant (const_char 'c'));
+          (Predef.path_string, constant (const_string ""));
+          (Predef.path_bool, construct "false");
+          (Predef.path_unit, construct "()");
+          (Predef.path_exn, ident "exn");
+          (Predef.path_array, Ast_helper.Exp.array []);
+          (Predef.path_nativeint, constant (const_integer ~suffix:'n' "0"));
+          (Predef.path_int32, constant (const_integer ~suffix:'l' "0"));
+          (Predef.path_int64, constant (const_integer ~suffix:'L' "0"));
+          (Predef.path_lazy_t, Ast_helper.Exp.lazy_ (construct "()"))
+        ]
@@ -495,7 +497,7 @@ module Gen = struct
                   val_kind = Val_reg;
                   val_loc = Location.none;
                   val_attributes = [];
-                  val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ())
+                  val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ())
               let env =
diff --git a/src/analysis/context.ml b/src/analysis/context.ml
index 9af52030e6..a7131a2745 100644
--- a/src/analysis/context.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/context.ml
@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ let cursor_on_longident_end ~cursor:cursor_pos
       (* FIXME: this is britle, but lids don't have precise enough location
          information to handle these cases correctly. *)
       let name_lenght = String.length name in
-      if Pprintast.needs_parens name then name_lenght + 2 else name_lenght
+      if Pprintast.needs_parens ~kind:Other name then name_lenght + 2
+      else name_lenght
     let constr_pos =
       { loc.loc_end with pos_cnum = end_offset - cstr_name_size }
diff --git a/src/analysis/destruct.ml b/src/analysis/destruct.ml
index bae8b20ab4..3b17c2d56f 100644
--- a/src/analysis/destruct.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/destruct.ml
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ let rec get_match = function
       get_match parents
     | Expression m -> (
       match m.Typedtree.exp_desc with
-      | Typedtree.Texp_match (e, _, _) -> (m, e.exp_type)
+      | Typedtree.Texp_match (e, _, _, _) -> (m, e.exp_type)
       | Typedtree.Texp_function _ -> (
         let typ = m.exp_type in
         (* Function must have arrow type. This arrow type
diff --git a/src/analysis/env_lookup.ml b/src/analysis/env_lookup.ml
index 741b46056f..824a087c27 100644
--- a/src/analysis/env_lookup.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/env_lookup.ml
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ let by_longident (nss : Namespace.inferred list) ident env =
               "got constructor, fetching path and loc in type namespace";
             let path, loc = path_and_loc_of_cstr cd env in
             log ~title:"lookup" "found path: %a" Logger.fmt (fun fmt ->
-                Path.print fmt path);
+                (Format_doc.compat Path.print) fmt path);
             let path = Path.Pdot (path, cd.cstr_name) in
             raise (Found (path, Constructor, cd.cstr_uid, loc))
           | `Constr ->
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ let by_longident (nss : Namespace.inferred list) ident env =
   with Found (path, namespace, decl_uid, loc) ->
     log ~title:"env_lookup"
       "found: '%a' in namespace %s with decl_uid %a\nat loc %a" Logger.fmt
-      (fun fmt -> Path.print fmt path)
+      (fun fmt -> (Format_doc.compat Path.print) fmt path)
       (Shape.Sig_component_kind.to_string namespace)
       (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt decl_uid)
diff --git a/src/analysis/index_occurrences.ml b/src/analysis/index_occurrences.ml
index 0f5b008603..9102e4cdc8 100644
--- a/src/analysis/index_occurrences.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/index_occurrences.ml
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ let decl_of_path_or_lid env namespace path lid =
 let iterator ~current_buffer_path ~index ~stamp ~reduce_for_uid =
   let add uid loc = Stamped_hashtable.add index ~stamp (uid, loc) () in
   let f ~namespace env path (lid : Longident.t Location.loc) =
-    log ~title:"index_buffer" "Path: %a" Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Path.print path);
+    log ~title:"index_buffer" "Path: %a" Logger.fmt
+      (Fun.flip (Format_doc.compat Path.print) path);
     let not_ghost { Location.loc = { loc_ghost; _ }; _ } = not loc_ghost in
     let lid = { lid with loc = set_fname ~file:current_buffer_path lid.loc } in
     let index_decl () =
diff --git a/src/analysis/inlay_hints.ml b/src/analysis/inlay_hints.ml
index 9cec399ff0..0f19feb868 100644
--- a/src/analysis/inlay_hints.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/inlay_hints.ml
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let structure_iterator hint_let_binding hint_pattern_binding
       | Texp_letop { body; _ } ->
         let () = log ~title:"expression" "on let-op" in
         case_iterator hint_let_binding iterator body
-      | Texp_match (expr, cases, _) ->
+      | Texp_match (expr, cases, _, _) ->
         let () = log ~title:"expression" "on match" in
         let () = iterator.expr iterator expr in
         List.iter ~f:(case_iterator hint_pattern_binding iterator) cases
diff --git a/src/analysis/jump.ml b/src/analysis/jump.ml
index 327262027f..396a098d4e 100644
--- a/src/analysis/jump.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/jump.ml
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ let rec skip_non_moving pos = function
 let get_cases_from_match node =
   match node with
-  | Expression { exp_desc = Texp_match (_, cases, _); _ } -> cases
+  | Expression { exp_desc = Texp_match (_, cases, _, _); _ } -> cases
   | _ -> []
 let find_case_pos cases pos direction =
diff --git a/src/analysis/locate.ml b/src/analysis/locate.ml
index 5f6e3a6543..329c8343ae 100644
--- a/src/analysis/locate.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/locate.ml
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ let find_loc_of_uid ~config ~local_defs uid comp_unit =
       log ~title "The declaration has no location.";
-  if Env.get_unit_name () = comp_unit then begin
+  if Env.get_current_unit_name () = comp_unit then begin
     log ~title "We look for %a in the current compilation unit." Logger.fmt
       (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt uid);
     log ~title "Looking for %a in the uid_to_loc table" Logger.fmt (fun fmt ->
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ let doc_from_uid ~config ~loc uid =
     match uid with
     | (Shape.Uid.Item { comp_unit; _ } | Shape.Uid.Compilation_unit comp_unit)
-      when Env.get_unit_name () <> comp_unit ->
+      when Env.get_current_unit_name () <> comp_unit ->
       log ~title:"get_doc"
         "the doc (%a) you're looking for is in another\n\
         \      compilation unit (%s)" Logger.fmt
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ let get_doc ~config:mconfig ~env ~local_defs ~comments ~pos =
       match path with
       | `Completion_entry (namespace, path, _loc) ->
         log ~title:"get_doc" "completion: looking for the doc of '%a'"
-          Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Path.print fmt path);
+          Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> (Format_doc.compat Path.print) fmt path);
         let from_path = from_path ~config ~env ~local_defs ~namespace path in
diff --git a/src/analysis/occurrences.ml b/src/analysis/occurrences.ml
index 78dcc2d5c8..42eb8fc5d6 100644
--- a/src/analysis/occurrences.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/occurrences.ml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ let last_loc (loc : Location.t) lid =
   | Longident.Lident _ -> loc
   | _ ->
     let last_segment = Longident.last lid in
-    let needs_parens = Pprintast.needs_parens last_segment in
+    let needs_parens = Pprintast.needs_parens ~kind:Other last_segment in
     if not needs_parens then
       let last_size = last_segment |> String.length in
       { loc with
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ let locs_of ~config ~env ~typer_result ~pos ~scope path =
     let def_uid_is_in_current_unit =
       let uid_comp_unit = comp_unit_of_uid def_uid in
       Option.value_map ~default:false uid_comp_unit
-        ~f:(String.equal @@ Env.get_unit_name ())
+        ~f:(String.equal @@ Env.get_current_unit_name ())
     let status =
       match (scope, String.Set.to_list out_of_sync_files) with
diff --git a/src/analysis/parsetree_utils.ml b/src/analysis/parsetree_utils.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0713586015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/analysis/parsetree_utils.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+open Parsetree
+type nonrec constant_desc = constant_desc
+let constant_desc c = c.pconst_desc
diff --git a/src/analysis/parsetree_utils.mli b/src/analysis/parsetree_utils.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb5bab8eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/analysis/parsetree_utils.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(** Utilities to provide a slightly more stable Parsetree API for alternative
+  clients like [ocaml-lsp]. *)
+open Parsetree
+type nonrec constant_desc = constant_desc
+val constant_desc : constant -> constant_desc
diff --git a/src/analysis/syntax_doc.ml b/src/analysis/syntax_doc.ml
index 6b1bb28ebe..30f7650c66 100644
--- a/src/analysis/syntax_doc.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/syntax_doc.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 open Browse_raw
+let { Logger.log } = Logger.for_section "syntax-doc"
 type syntax_info = Query_protocol.syntax_doc_result option
 let syntax_doc_url endpoint =
@@ -7,6 +9,11 @@ let syntax_doc_url endpoint =
   base_url ^ endpoint
 let get_syntax_doc cursor_loc node : syntax_info =
+  log ~title:"get" "Looking for syntax doc of a node %a" Logger.fmt (fun fmt ->
+      Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space
+        (fun fmt (_, node) ->
+          Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (Browse_raw.string_of_node node))
+        fmt node);
   match node with
   | (_, Type_kind _)
     :: (_, Type_declaration _)
diff --git a/src/analysis/tail_analysis.ml b/src/analysis/tail_analysis.ml
index ab56483345..3f9ee77d6b 100644
--- a/src/analysis/tail_analysis.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/tail_analysis.ml
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ let expr_tail_positions = function
   | Texp_extension_constructor _
   | Texp_letop _
   | Texp_hole -> []
-  | Texp_match (_, cs, _) -> List.map cs ~f:(fun c -> Case c)
-  | Texp_try (_, cs) -> List.map cs ~f:(fun c -> Case c)
+  | Texp_match (_, cs, _, _) -> List.map cs ~f:(fun c -> Case c)
+  | Texp_try (_, cs, _) -> List.map cs ~f:(fun c -> Case c)
   | Texp_letmodule (_, _, _, _, e)
   | Texp_letexception (_, e)
   | Texp_let (_, _, e)
diff --git a/src/analysis/type_utils.ml b/src/analysis/type_utils.ml
index 799d8222a7..2615254f31 100644
--- a/src/analysis/type_utils.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/type_utils.ml
@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ module Printtyp = struct
   let expand_sig env mty = Env.with_cmis @@ fun () -> Env.scrape_alias env mty
   let verbose_type_scheme env ppf t =
-    Printtyp.type_scheme ppf (expand_type env t)
+    let t = expand_type env t in
+    Printtyp.type_scheme ppf t
   let verbose_type_declaration env id ppf t =
     Printtyp.type_declaration id ppf (expand_type_decl env t)
@@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ let print_cstr_desc ppf cstr_desc =
 let print_constr ppf env lid =
   let cstr_desc = Env.find_constructor_by_name lid.Asttypes.txt env in
   (* FIXME: support Reader printer *)
-  print_cstr_desc ppf cstr_desc
+  (Format_doc.compat print_cstr_desc) ppf cstr_desc
 exception Fallback
 let type_in_env ?(verbosity = Verbosity.default) ?keywords ~context env ppf expr
@@ -344,7 +345,8 @@ let type_in_env ?(verbosity = Verbosity.default) ?keywords ~context env ppf expr
 let print_constr ~verbosity env ppf cd =
-  Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~verbosity @@ fun () -> print_cstr_desc ppf cd
+  Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~verbosity @@ fun () ->
+  (Format_doc.compat print_cstr_desc) ppf cd
 (* From doc-ock
    https://github.com/lpw25/doc-ock/blob/master/src/docOckAttrs.ml *)
diff --git a/src/analysis/typedtree_utils.ml b/src/analysis/typedtree_utils.ml
index abcccfb107..b155efbf5b 100644
--- a/src/analysis/typedtree_utils.ml
+++ b/src/analysis/typedtree_utils.ml
@@ -70,3 +70,30 @@ let pat_alias_pat_id_and_loc = function
   | Typedtree.{ pat_desc = Tpat_alias (pat, id, loc, _); _ } ->
     Some (pat, id, loc)
   | _ -> None
+open Typedtree
+type texp_match =
+  { expr : expression;
+    computation_cases : computation case list;
+    value_cases : value case list;
+    partial : partial
+  }
+type texp_try =
+  { expr : expression;
+    value_cases : value case list;
+    effect_cases : value case list
+  }
+let texp_match_of_expr expr =
+  match expr.exp_desc with
+  | Texp_match (expr, computation_cases, value_cases, partial) ->
+    Some { expr; computation_cases; value_cases; partial }
+  | _ -> None
+let texp_try_of_expr expr =
+  match expr.exp_desc with
+  | Texp_try (expr, value_cases, effect_cases) ->
+    Some { expr; value_cases; effect_cases }
+  | _ -> None
diff --git a/src/analysis/typedtree_utils.mli b/src/analysis/typedtree_utils.mli
index 91ed0859b2..d5701a3383 100644
--- a/src/analysis/typedtree_utils.mli
+++ b/src/analysis/typedtree_utils.mli
@@ -26,3 +26,21 @@ val pat_var_id_and_loc :
 val pat_alias_pat_id_and_loc :
   Typedtree.pattern ->
   (Typedtree.pattern * Ident.t * string Location.loc) option
+open Typedtree
+type texp_match =
+  { expr : expression;
+    computation_cases : computation case list;
+    value_cases : value case list;
+    partial : partial
+  }
+type texp_try =
+  { expr : expression;
+    value_cases : value case list;
+    effect_cases : value case list
+  }
+val texp_match_of_expr : expression -> texp_match option
+val texp_try_of_expr : expression -> texp_try option
diff --git a/src/config/gen_config.ml b/src/config/gen_config.ml
index 688132aff1..2b83498710 100644
--- a/src/config/gen_config.ml
+++ b/src/config/gen_config.ml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ let ocamlversion :
   | `OCaml_4_03_0 | `OCaml_4_04_0 | `OCaml_4_05_0 | `OCaml_4_06_0
   | `OCaml_4_07_0 | `OCaml_4_07_1 | `OCaml_4_08_0 | `OCaml_4_09_0
   | `OCaml_4_10_0 | `OCaml_4_11_0 | `OCaml_4_12_0 | `OCaml_4_13_0
-  | `OCaml_4_14_0 | `OCaml_5_0_0  | `OCaml_5_1_0  | `OCaml_5_2_0  ] = %s
+  | `OCaml_4_14_0 | `OCaml_5_0_0  | `OCaml_5_1_0  | `OCaml_5_2_0
+  | `OCaml_5_3_0  ] = %s
diff --git a/src/kernel/extension.ml b/src/kernel/extension.ml
index 3ce0d45d9e..9132f48eda 100644
--- a/src/kernel/extension.ml
+++ b/src/kernel/extension.ml
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let ext_meta =
         \    end"
     public_def = [];
-    keywords = [ (">.", GREATERDOT) ];
+    keywords = [ (">.", METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE) ];
     packages = []
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ let parse_sig =
     (Parser_raw.interface lexer lexbuf : Parsetree.signature)
 let type_sig env sg =
-  let sg = Typemod.transl_signature env sg in
+  let sg = Typemod.type_interface env sg in
diff --git a/src/kernel/mconfig.ml b/src/kernel/mconfig.ml
index 16dfa0ef18..fe35c6370a 100644
--- a/src/kernel/mconfig.ml
+++ b/src/kernel/mconfig.ml
@@ -831,3 +831,15 @@ let unitname t =
       | Some prefix -> prefix ^ basename
       | None -> basename
+let intf_or_impl t =
+  let extension = Filename.extension t.query.filename in
+  try
+    List.find_map t.merlin.suffixes ~f:(fun (impl, intf) ->
+        if String.equal extension impl then Some Unit_info.Impl
+        else if String.equal extension intf then Some Unit_info.Intf
+        else None)
+  with Not_found -> Unit_info.Impl
+let unit_info t =
+  Unit_info.make ~source_file:t.query.filename (intf_or_impl t) (unitname t)
diff --git a/src/kernel/mconfig.mli b/src/kernel/mconfig.mli
index 1b4430b4a6..525e0eaf69 100644
--- a/src/kernel/mconfig.mli
+++ b/src/kernel/mconfig.mli
@@ -129,3 +129,7 @@ val global_modules : ?include_current:bool -> t -> string list
 val filename : t -> string
 val unitname : t -> string
+val intf_or_impl : t -> Unit_info.intf_or_impl
+val unit_info : t -> Unit_info.t
diff --git a/src/kernel/mocaml.ml b/src/kernel/mocaml.ml
index 4f9fc0fa52..0eb6ce4603 100644
--- a/src/kernel/mocaml.ml
+++ b/src/kernel/mocaml.ml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ let setup_reader_config config =
   let open Mconfig in
   let open Clflags in
   let ocaml = config.ocaml in
-  Env.set_unit_name (Mconfig.unitname config);
+  Env.set_current_unit (Mconfig.unit_info config);
   Location.input_name := config.query.filename;
   fast := ocaml.unsafe;
   classic := ocaml.classic;
@@ -66,37 +66,44 @@ let default_out_type_extension = !Oprint.out_type_extension
 let default_out_phrase = !Oprint.out_phrase
 let replacement_printer = ref None
+let replacement_printer_doc = ref None
 let oprint default inj ppf x =
   match !replacement_printer with
   | None -> default ppf x
   | Some printer -> printer ppf (inj x)
+let oprint_doc default inj ppf x =
+  match !replacement_printer_doc with
+  | None -> default ppf x
+  | Some printer -> printer ppf (inj x)
 let () =
   let open Extend_protocol.Reader in
   Oprint.out_value := oprint default_out_value (fun x -> Out_value x);
-  Oprint.out_type := oprint default_out_type (fun x -> Out_type x);
+  Oprint.out_type := oprint_doc default_out_type (fun x -> Out_type x);
   Oprint.out_class_type :=
-    oprint default_out_class_type (fun x -> Out_class_type x);
+    oprint_doc default_out_class_type (fun x -> Out_class_type x);
   Oprint.out_module_type :=
-    oprint default_out_module_type (fun x -> Out_module_type x);
-  Oprint.out_sig_item := oprint default_out_sig_item (fun x -> Out_sig_item x);
+    oprint_doc default_out_module_type (fun x -> Out_module_type x);
+  Oprint.out_sig_item :=
+    oprint_doc default_out_sig_item (fun x -> Out_sig_item x);
   Oprint.out_signature :=
-    oprint default_out_signature (fun x -> Out_signature x);
+    oprint_doc default_out_signature (fun x -> Out_signature x);
   Oprint.out_type_extension :=
-    oprint default_out_type_extension (fun x -> Out_type_extension x);
+    oprint_doc default_out_type_extension (fun x -> Out_type_extension x);
   Oprint.out_phrase := oprint default_out_phrase (fun x -> Out_phrase x)
 let default_printer ppf =
   let open Extend_protocol.Reader in
   | Out_value x -> default_out_value ppf x
-  | Out_type x -> default_out_type ppf x
-  | Out_class_type x -> default_out_class_type ppf x
-  | Out_module_type x -> default_out_module_type ppf x
-  | Out_sig_item x -> default_out_sig_item ppf x
-  | Out_signature x -> default_out_signature ppf x
-  | Out_type_extension x -> default_out_type_extension ppf x
+  | Out_type x -> Format_doc.compat default_out_type ppf x
+  | Out_class_type x -> Format_doc.compat default_out_class_type ppf x
+  | Out_module_type x -> Format_doc.compat default_out_module_type ppf x
+  | Out_sig_item x -> Format_doc.compat default_out_sig_item ppf x
+  | Out_signature x -> Format_doc.compat default_out_signature ppf x
+  | Out_type_extension x -> Format_doc.compat default_out_type_extension ppf x
   | Out_phrase x -> default_out_phrase ppf x
 let with_printer printer f = let_ref replacement_printer (Some printer) f
diff --git a/src/ocaml-index/tests/tests-dirs/local-shape-and-include.t b/src/ocaml-index/tests/tests-dirs/local-shape-and-include.t
index 120db8e512..1111fef1db 100644
--- a/src/ocaml-index/tests/tests-dirs/local-shape-and-include.t
+++ b/src/ocaml-index/tests/tests-dirs/local-shape-and-include.t
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
    uid: Main.3; locs: "g": File "main.ml", line 9, characters 6-7
    uid: Main.4; locs: "g": File "main.ml", line 3, characters 6-7
    uid: Main.5; locs: "B": File "main.ml", line 2, characters 7-8
-   uid: Stdlib__String.173; locs:
+   uid: Stdlib__String.174; locs:
      "String.equal": File "main.ml", line 1, characters 8-20
    }, 0 approx shapes: {}, and shapes for CUS .
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
    uid: Main.3; locs: "g": File "main.ml", line 9, characters 6-7
    uid: Main.4; locs: "g": File "main.ml", line 3, characters 6-7
    uid: Main.5; locs: "B": File "main.ml", line 2, characters 7-8
-   uid: Stdlib__String.173; locs:
+   uid: Stdlib__String.174; locs:
      "String.equal": File "main.ml", line 1, characters 8-20
    }, 0 approx shapes: {}, and shapes for CUS .
diff --git a/src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml b/src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml
index 33040443bc..8e2ce8763d 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/merlin_specific/browse_raw.ml
@@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ let rec of_expression_desc loc = function
            | _, None -> id_fold
            | _, Some e -> of_expression e)
-  | Texp_match (e, cs, _) -> of_expression e ** list_fold of_case cs
-  | Texp_try (e, cs) -> of_expression e ** list_fold of_case cs
+  | Texp_match (e, cs, _, _) -> of_expression e ** list_fold of_case cs
+  | Texp_try (e, cs, _) -> of_expression e ** list_fold of_case cs
   | Texp_tuple es | Texp_construct (_, _, es) | Texp_array es ->
     list_fold of_expression es
   | Texp_variant (_, Some e)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_helper.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_helper.ml
index 5e093022bc..78e68b900c 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_helper.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_helper.ml
@@ -30,21 +30,29 @@ type attrs = attribute list
 let default_loc = ref Location.none
-let const_string s = Pconst_string (s, !default_loc, None)
+let const_string s =
+  let pconst_desc = Pconst_string (s, !default_loc, None) in
+  let pconst_loc = !default_loc in
+  {pconst_loc; pconst_desc}
 let with_default_loc l f =
   Misc.protect_refs [Misc.R (default_loc, l)] f
 module Const = struct
-  let integer ?suffix i = Pconst_integer (i, suffix)
-  let int ?suffix i = integer ?suffix (Int.to_string i)
-  let int32 ?(suffix='l') i = integer ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
-  let int64 ?(suffix='L') i = integer ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
-  let nativeint ?(suffix='n') i = integer ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
-  let float ?suffix f = Pconst_float (f, suffix)
-  let char c = Pconst_char c
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d =
+    {pconst_desc = d;
+     pconst_loc = loc}
+  let integer ?loc ?suffix i = mk ?loc (Pconst_integer (i, suffix))
+  let int ?loc ?suffix i = integer ?loc ?suffix (Int.to_string i)
+  let int32 ?loc ?(suffix='l') i = integer ?loc ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
+  let int64 ?loc ?(suffix='L') i = integer ?loc ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
+  let nativeint ?loc ?(suffix='n') i =
+    integer ?loc ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
+  let float ?loc ?suffix f = mk ?loc (Pconst_float (f, suffix))
+  let char ?loc c = mk ?loc (Pconst_char c)
   let string ?quotation_delimiter ?(loc= !default_loc) s =
-    Pconst_string (s, loc, quotation_delimiter)
+    mk ~loc (Pconst_string (s, loc, quotation_delimiter))
 module Attr = struct
@@ -172,6 +180,7 @@ module Pat = struct
   let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
   let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_open (a, b))
   let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
+  let effect_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_effect(a, b))
   let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
@@ -619,7 +628,6 @@ module Te = struct
      pext_loc = loc;
      pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
 module Csig = struct
@@ -691,7 +699,7 @@ let no_label = Nolabel
 let extract_str_payload = function
   | PStr [{ pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (
       {Parsetree. pexp_loc; pexp_desc =
-         Parsetree.Pexp_constant (Parsetree.Pconst_string (msg, _, _)) ; _ }, _
+         Parsetree.Pexp_constant ({pconst_desc = Parsetree.Pconst_string (msg, _, _); _}) ; _ }, _
     ); _ }] ->
     Some (msg, pexp_loc)
   | _ -> None
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_helper.mli b/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_helper.mli
index 70f59e5b97..afca340e00 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_helper.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_helper.mli
@@ -46,15 +46,16 @@ val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
 (** {1 Constants} *)
 module Const : sig
-  val char : char -> constant
+  val mk : ?loc:loc -> constant_desc -> constant
+  val char : ?loc:loc -> char -> constant
   val string :
     ?quotation_delimiter:string -> ?loc:Location.t -> string -> constant
-  val integer : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
-  val int : ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
-  val int32 : ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
-  val int64 : ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
-  val nativeint : ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
-  val float : ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
+  val integer : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
+  val int : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
+  val int32 : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
+  val int64 : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
+  val nativeint : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
+  val float : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
 (** {1 Attributes} *)
@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ module Pat:
     val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str_opt -> pattern
     val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs  -> lid -> pattern -> pattern
     val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
+    val effect_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
     val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_iterator.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_iterator.ml
index 94d5806fb3..389a9a4042 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_iterator.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_iterator.ml
@@ -493,6 +493,7 @@ module P = struct
     | Ppat_type s -> iter_loc sub s
     | Ppat_lazy p -> sub.pat sub p
     | Ppat_unpack s -> iter_loc sub s
+    | Ppat_effect (p1,p2) -> sub.pat sub p1; sub.pat sub p2
     | Ppat_exception p -> sub.pat sub p
     | Ppat_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
     | Ppat_open (lid, p) ->
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_mapper.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_mapper.ml
index e3997095a9..66e244e0ef 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_mapper.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/ast_mapper.ml
@@ -95,14 +95,18 @@ let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
 module C = struct
   (* Constants *)
-  let map sub c = match c with
-    | Pconst_integer _
-    | Pconst_char _
-    | Pconst_float _
-      -> c
-    | Pconst_string (s, loc, quotation_delimiter) ->
-        let loc = sub.location sub loc in
-        Const.string ~loc ?quotation_delimiter s
+  let map sub { pconst_desc; pconst_loc } =
+    let loc = sub.location sub pconst_loc in
+    let desc =
+      match pconst_desc with
+      | Pconst_integer _
+      | Pconst_char _
+      | Pconst_float _ ->
+          pconst_desc
+      | Pconst_string (s, loc, quotation_delimiter) ->
+          Pconst_string (s, sub.location sub loc, quotation_delimiter)
+    in
+    Const.mk ~loc desc
 module T = struct
@@ -549,6 +553,8 @@ module P = struct
     | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
     | Ppat_open (lid,p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (sub.pat sub p)
     | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
+    | Ppat_effect(p1, p2) ->
+        effect_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
     | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
@@ -828,21 +834,21 @@ let default_mapper =
 let extension_of_error {kind; main; sub} =
   if kind <> Location.Report_error then
     raise (Invalid_argument "extension_of_error: expected kind Report_error");
-  let str_of_pp pp_msg = Format.asprintf "%t" pp_msg in
+  let str_of_msg msg = Format.asprintf "%a" Format_doc.Doc.format msg in
   let extension_of_sub sub =
     { loc = sub.loc; txt = "ocaml.error" },
     PStr ([Str.eval (Exp.constant
-                       (Pconst_string (str_of_pp sub.txt, sub.loc, None)))])
+                       (Const.string ~loc:sub.loc (str_of_msg sub.txt)))])
   { loc = main.loc; txt = "ocaml.error" },
   PStr (Str.eval (Exp.constant
-                    (Pconst_string (str_of_pp main.txt, main.loc, None))) ::
+                    (Const.string ~loc:main.loc (str_of_msg main.txt))) ::
         List.map (fun msg -> Str.extension (extension_of_sub msg)) sub)
 let attribute_of_warning loc s =
     {loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" }
-    (PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Pconst_string (s, loc, None)))]))
+    (PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Const.string ~loc s))]))
 let cookies = ref String.Map.empty
@@ -935,7 +941,8 @@ module PpxContext = struct
   let restore fields =
     let field name payload =
       let rec get_string = function
-        | { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (str, _, None)) } -> str
+        | {pexp_desc = Pexp_constant
+               {pconst_desc = Pconst_string (str, _, None); _}} -> str
         | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
                              { %s }] string syntax" name
       and get_bool pexp =
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/asttypes.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/asttypes.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a5e73a4da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/asttypes.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+type constant =
+    Const_int of int
+  | Const_char of char
+  | Const_string of string * Location.t * string option
+  | Const_float of string
+  | Const_int32 of int32
+  | Const_int64 of int64
+  | Const_nativeint of nativeint
+type rec_flag = Nonrecursive | Recursive
+type direction_flag = Upto | Downto
+(* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
+type private_flag = Private | Public
+type mutable_flag = Immutable | Mutable
+type virtual_flag = Virtual | Concrete
+type override_flag = Override | Fresh
+type closed_flag = Closed | Open
+type label = string
+type arg_label =
+    Nolabel
+  | Labelled of string (** [label:T -> ...] *)
+  | Optional of string (** [?label:T -> ...] *)
+type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
+  txt : 'a;
+  loc : Location.t;
+type variance =
+  | Covariant
+  | Contravariant
+  | NoVariance
+type injectivity =
+  | Injective
+  | NoInjectivity
+let string_of_label = function
+    Nolabel -> ""
+  | Labelled s -> s
+  | Optional s -> "?"^s
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/asttypes.mli b/src/ocaml/parsing/asttypes.mli
index 7a4f1c1913..e3cf5ae4e7 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/asttypes.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/asttypes.mli
@@ -65,3 +65,5 @@ type variance =
 type injectivity =
   | Injective
   | NoInjectivity
+val string_of_label: arg_label -> string
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/attr_helper.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/attr_helper.ml
index 390124199b..f531cf95b0 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/attr_helper.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/attr_helper.ml
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ let has_no_payload_attribute alt_names attrs =
   | None   -> false
   | Some _ -> true
-open Format
+open Format_doc
-let report_error ppf = function
+let report_error_doc ppf = function
   | Multiple_attributes name ->
     fprintf ppf "Too many %a attributes" Style.inline_code name
   | No_payload_expected name ->
@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ let () =
       | Error (loc, err) ->
-        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error err)
+        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error_doc err)
       | _ ->
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/attr_helper.mli b/src/ocaml/parsing/attr_helper.mli
index a94042a290..2782cba80a 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/attr_helper.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/attr_helper.mli
@@ -35,4 +35,5 @@ val has_no_payload_attribute : string -> attributes -> bool
 exception Error of Location.t * error
-val report_error: Format.formatter -> error -> unit
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/builtin_attributes.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/builtin_attributes.ml
index 6add5ac375..2336d52f52 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/builtin_attributes.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/builtin_attributes.ml
@@ -36,12 +36,22 @@ let attr_order a1 a2 =
   | 0 -> Int.compare a1.loc.loc_start.pos_cnum a2.loc.loc_start.pos_cnum
   | n -> n
+let compiler_stops_before_attributes_consumed () =
+  let stops_before_lambda =
+    match !Clflags.stop_after with
+    | None -> false
+    | Some pass -> Clflags.Compiler_pass.(compare pass Lambda) < 0
+  in
+  stops_before_lambda || !Clflags.print_types
 let warn_unused () =
   let keys = List.of_seq (Attribute_table.to_seq_keys unused_attrs) in
-  let keys = List.sort attr_order keys in
-  List.iter (fun sloc ->
-    Location.prerr_warning sloc.loc (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute sloc.txt))
-    keys
+  Attribute_table.clear unused_attrs;
+  if not (compiler_stops_before_attributes_consumed ()) then
+    let keys = List.sort attr_order keys in
+    List.iter (fun sloc ->
+      Location.prerr_warning sloc.loc (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute sloc.txt))
+      keys
 (* These are the attributes that are tracked in the builtin_attrs table for
    misplaced attribute warnings. *)
@@ -93,8 +103,8 @@ let register_attr current_phase name =
     if is_builtin_attr name.txt then
       Attribute_table.replace unused_attrs name ()
-let string_of_cst = function
+let string_of_cst const =
+  match const.pconst_desc with
   | Pconst_string(s, _, _) -> Some s
   | _ -> None
@@ -108,37 +118,39 @@ let string_of_opt_payload p =
   | Some s -> s
   | None -> ""
+module Style = Misc.Style
 let error_of_extension ext =
   let submessage_from main_loc main_txt = function
     | {pstr_desc=Pstr_extension
            (({txt = ("ocaml.error"|"error"); loc}, p), _)} ->
         begin match p with
         | PStr([{pstr_desc=Pstr_eval
-                     ({pexp_desc=Pexp_constant(Pconst_string(msg,_,_))}, _)}
+                     ({pexp_desc=Pexp_constant
+                           {pconst_desc=Pconst_string(msg, _, _); _}}, _)}
                ]) ->
-            { Location.loc; txt = fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_text ppf msg }
+            Location.msg ~loc "%a" Format_doc.pp_print_text msg
         | _ ->
-            { Location.loc; txt = fun ppf ->
-                Format.fprintf ppf
-                  "Invalid syntax for sub-message of extension '%s'." main_txt }
+            Location.msg ~loc "Invalid syntax for sub-message of extension %a."
+              Style.inline_code main_txt
     | {pstr_desc=Pstr_extension (({txt; loc}, _), _)} ->
-        { Location.loc; txt = fun ppf ->
-            Format.fprintf ppf "Uninterpreted extension '%s'." txt }
+        Location.msg ~loc "Uninterpreted extension '%a'."
+          Style.inline_code txt
     | _ ->
-        { Location.loc = main_loc; txt = fun ppf ->
-            Format.fprintf ppf
-              "Invalid syntax for sub-message of extension '%s'." main_txt }
+        Location.msg ~loc:main_loc
+          "Invalid syntax for sub-message of extension %a."
+          Style.inline_code main_txt
   match ext with
   | ({txt = ("ocaml.error"|"error") as txt; loc}, p) ->
       begin match p with
       | PStr [] -> raise Location.Already_displayed_error
       | PStr({pstr_desc=Pstr_eval
-                  ({pexp_desc=Pexp_constant(Pconst_string(msg,_,_))}, _)}::
+                  ({pexp_desc=Pexp_constant
+                      {pconst_desc=Pconst_string(msg, _, _)}}, _)}::
              inner) ->
           let sub = List.map (submessage_from loc txt) inner in
-          Location.error_of_printer ~loc ~sub Format.pp_print_text msg
+          Location.error_of_printer ~loc ~sub Format_doc.pp_print_text msg
       | _ ->
           Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid syntax for extension '%s'." txt
@@ -186,7 +198,8 @@ let kind_and_message = function
                  ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=Longident.Lident id}},
-                  [Nolabel,{pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(s,_,_))}])
+                  [Nolabel,{pexp_desc=Pexp_constant
+                                {pconst_desc=Pconst_string(s,_,_); _}}])
             },_)}] ->
       Some (id, s)
   | PStr[
@@ -265,7 +278,10 @@ let rec attrs_of_sig = function
   | _ ->
-let alerts_of_sig sg = alerts_of_attrs (attrs_of_sig sg)
+let alerts_of_sig ~mark sg =
+  let a = attrs_of_sig sg in
+  if mark then mark_alerts_used a;
+  alerts_of_attrs a
 let rec attrs_of_str = function
   | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute a} :: tl ->
@@ -273,7 +289,10 @@ let rec attrs_of_str = function
   | _ ->
-let alerts_of_str str = alerts_of_attrs (attrs_of_str str)
+let alerts_of_str ~mark str =
+  let a = attrs_of_str str in
+  if mark then mark_alerts_used a;
+  alerts_of_attrs a
 let warn_payload loc txt msg =
   Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Attribute_payload (txt, msg))
@@ -294,7 +313,7 @@ let warning_attribute ?(ppwarning = true) =
   let process_alert loc name = function
     | PStr[{pstr_desc=
-                {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant(Pconst_string(s,_,_))},
+                {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant {pconst_desc=Pconst_string(s,_,_); _}},
            }] ->
@@ -303,15 +322,19 @@ let warning_attribute ?(ppwarning = true) =
           with Arg.Bad msg -> warn_payload loc name.txt msg
     | k ->
-        (* Don't [mark_used] in the [Some] cases - that happens in [Env] or
-           [type_mod] if they are in a valid place.  Do [mark_used] in the
-           [None] case, which is just malformed and covered by the "Invalid
-           payload" warning. *)
         match kind_and_message k with
         | Some ("all", _) ->
             warn_payload loc name.txt "The alert name 'all' is reserved"
-        | Some _ -> ()
+        | Some _ ->
+            (* Do [mark_used] in the [Some] case only if Warning 53 is
+               disabled. Later, they will be marked used (provided they are in a
+               valid place) in [compile_common], when they are extracted to be
+               persisted inside the [.cmi] file. *)
+            if not (Warnings.is_active (Misplaced_attribute ""))
+            then mark_used name
         | None -> begin
+            (* Do [mark_used] in the [None] case, which is just malformed and
+               covered by the "Invalid payload" warning. *)
             mark_used name;
             warn_payload loc name.txt "Invalid payload"
@@ -327,7 +350,7 @@ let warning_attribute ?(ppwarning = true) =
       begin match attr_payload with
       | PStr [{ pstr_desc=
-                                         (Pconst_string (s, _, _))},_);
+                                 {pconst_desc=Pconst_string (s, _, _); _}},_);
                 pstr_loc }] ->
         (mark_used attr_name;
          Location.prerr_warning pstr_loc (Warnings.Preprocessor s))
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/builtin_attributes.mli b/src/ocaml/parsing/builtin_attributes.mli
index 4eb5ef91f2..4176bcb93e 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/builtin_attributes.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/builtin_attributes.mli
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ val register_attr : current_phase -> string Location.loc -> unit
 val mark_payload_attrs_used : Parsetree.payload -> unit
 (** Issue misplaced attribute warnings for all attributes created with
-    [mk_internal] but not yet marked used. *)
+    [mk_internal] but not yet marked used. Does nothing if compilation
+    is stopped before lambda due to command-line flags. *)
 val warn_unused : unit -> unit
 (** {3 Warning 53 helpers for environment attributes}
@@ -115,8 +116,8 @@ val check_alerts_inclusion:
   def:Location.t -> use:Location.t -> Location.t -> Parsetree.attributes ->
   Parsetree.attributes -> string -> unit
 val alerts_of_attrs: Parsetree.attributes -> Misc.alerts
-val alerts_of_sig: Parsetree.signature -> Misc.alerts
-val alerts_of_str: Parsetree.structure -> Misc.alerts
+val alerts_of_sig: mark:bool -> Parsetree.signature -> Misc.alerts
+val alerts_of_str: mark:bool -> Parsetree.structure -> Misc.alerts
 val check_deprecated_mutable:
     Location.t -> Parsetree.attributes -> string -> unit
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ val select_attributes :
 (** [attr_equals_builtin attr s] is true if the name of the attribute is [s] or
     ["ocaml." ^ s].  This is useful for manually inspecting attribute names, but
     note that doing so will not result in marking the attribute used for the
-    purpose of warning 53, so it is usually preferrable to use [has_attribute]
+    purpose of warning 53, so it is usually preferable to use [has_attribute]
     or [select_attributes]. *)
 val attr_equals_builtin : Parsetree.attribute -> string -> bool
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/docstrings.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/docstrings.ml
index a39f75d259..32b8e8c468 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/docstrings.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/docstrings.ml
@@ -91,8 +91,9 @@ let docs_attr ds =
   let open Parsetree in
   let body = ds.ds_body in
   let loc = ds.ds_loc in
+  let const = { pconst_desc= Pconst_string(body,loc,None); pconst_loc= loc } in
   let exp =
-    { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(body, loc, None));
+    { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant const;
       pexp_loc = loc;
       pexp_loc_stack = [];
       pexp_attributes = []; }
@@ -143,8 +144,9 @@ let text_attr ds =
   let open Parsetree in
   let body = ds.ds_body in
   let loc = ds.ds_loc in
+  let const = { pconst_desc= Pconst_string(body,loc,None); pconst_loc= loc } in
   let exp =
-    { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant (Pconst_string(body, loc, None));
+    { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant const;
       pexp_loc = loc;
       pexp_loc_stack = [];
       pexp_attributes = []; }
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/dune b/src/ocaml/parsing/dune
index ac394faf26..d505362d33 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/dune
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/dune
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
   (name ocaml_parsing)
   (public_name merlin-lib.ocaml_parsing)
   (flags -open Ocaml_utils -open Merlin_utils (:standard -w -9))
-  (modules_without_implementation asttypes parsetree)
+  (modules_without_implementation parsetree)
   (libraries merlin_utils ocaml_utils))
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/location.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/location.ml
index 781a2e846b..1e00939387 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/location.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/location.ml
@@ -122,13 +122,6 @@ let echo_eof () =
   print_newline ();
   incr num_loc_lines
-(* This is used by the toplevel and the report printers below. *)
-let separate_new_message ppf =
-  if not (is_first_message ()) then begin
-    Format.pp_print_newline ppf ();
-    incr num_loc_lines
-  end
 (* Code printing errors and warnings must be wrapped using this function, in
    order to update [num_loc_lines].
@@ -214,8 +207,19 @@ let absolute_path s = (* This function could go into Filename *)
 let show_filename file =
   (* if !Clflags.absname then absolute_path file else *) file
-let print_filename ppf file =
-  Format.pp_print_string ppf (show_filename file)
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Doc = struct
+  (* This is used by the toplevel and the report printers below. *)
+  let separate_new_message ppf () =
+    if not (is_first_message ()) then begin
+      Fmt.pp_print_newline ppf ();
+      incr num_loc_lines
+    end
+  let filename ppf file =
+    Fmt.pp_print_string ppf (show_filename file)
 (* Best-effort printing of the text describing a location, of the form
    'File "foo.ml", line 3, characters 10-12'.
@@ -223,59 +227,73 @@ let print_filename ppf file =
    Some of the information (filename, line number or characters numbers) in the
    location might be invalid; in which case we do not print it.
-let print_loc ppf loc =
-  (* setup_tags (); *)
-  let file_valid = function
-    | "_none_" ->
-        (* This is a dummy placeholder, but we print it anyway to please editors
-           that parse locations in error messages (e.g. Emacs). *)
-        true
-    | "" | "//toplevel//" -> false
-    | _ -> true
-  in
-  let line_valid line = line > 0 in
-  let chars_valid ~startchar ~endchar = startchar <> -1 && endchar <> -1 in
-  let file =
-    (* According to the comment in location.mli, if [pos_fname] is "", we must
-       use [!input_name]. *)
-    if loc.loc_start.pos_fname = "" then !input_name
-    else loc.loc_start.pos_fname
-  in
-  let line = loc.loc_start.pos_lnum in
-  let startchar = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol in
-  let endchar = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol in
-  let first = ref true in
-  let capitalize s =
-    if !first then (first := false; String.capitalize_ascii s)
-    else s in
-  let comma () =
-    if !first then () else Format.fprintf ppf ", " in
-  Format.fprintf ppf "@{<loc>";
-  if file_valid file then
-    Format.fprintf ppf "%s \"%a\"" (capitalize "file") print_filename file;
-  (* Print "line 1" in the case of a dummy line number. This is to please the
-     existing setup of editors that parse locations in error messages (e.g.
-     Emacs). *)
-  comma ();
-  Format.fprintf ppf "%s %i" (capitalize "line")
-    (if line_valid line then line else 1);
-  if chars_valid ~startchar ~endchar then (
+  let loc ppf loc =
+    let file_valid = function
+      | "_none_" ->
+          (* This is a dummy placeholder, but we print it anyway to please
+             editors that parse locations in error messages (e.g. Emacs). *)
+          true
+      | "" | "//toplevel//" -> false
+      | _ -> true
+    in
+    let line_valid line = line > 0 in
+    let chars_valid ~startchar ~endchar = startchar <> -1 && endchar <> -1 in
+    let file =
+      (* According to the comment in location.mli, if [pos_fname] is "", we must
+         use [!input_name]. *)
+      if loc.loc_start.pos_fname = "" then !input_name
+      else loc.loc_start.pos_fname
+    in
+    let startline = loc.loc_start.pos_lnum in
+    let endline = loc.loc_end.pos_lnum in
+    let startchar = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol in
+    let endchar = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_end.pos_bol in
+    let first = ref true in
+    let capitalize s =
+      if !first then (first := false; String.capitalize_ascii s)
+      else s in
+    let comma () =
+      if !first then () else Fmt.fprintf ppf ", " in
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@{<loc>";
+    if file_valid file then
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s \"%a\"" (capitalize "file") filename file;
+    (* Print "line 1" in the case of a dummy line number. This is to please the
+       existing setup of editors that parse locations in error messages (e.g.
+       Emacs). *)
     comma ();
-    Format.fprintf ppf "%s %i-%i" (capitalize "characters") startchar endchar
-  );
+    let startline = if line_valid startline then startline else 1 in
+    let endline = if line_valid endline then endline else startline in
+    begin if startline = endline then
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s %i" (capitalize "line") startline
+      else
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s %i-%i" (capitalize "lines") startline endline
+    end;
-  Format.fprintf ppf "@}"
+    if chars_valid ~startchar ~endchar then (
+      comma ();
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s %i-%i" (capitalize "characters") startchar endchar
+    );
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@}"
+  (* Print a comma-separated list of locations *)
+  let locs ppf locs =
+    Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Fmt.fprintf ppf ",@ ")
+      loc ppf locs
+  let quoted_filename ppf f = Misc.Style.as_inline_code filename ppf f
+let print_filename = Fmt.compat Doc.filename
+let print_loc = Fmt.compat Doc.loc
+let print_locs = Fmt.compat Doc.locs
+let separate_new_message ppf = Fmt.compat Doc.separate_new_message ppf ()
-(* Print a comma-separated list of locations *)
-let print_locs ppf locs =
-  Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ",@ ")
-    print_loc ppf locs
 (* An interval set structure; additionally, it stores user-provided information
@@ -614,10 +632,11 @@ let lines_around_from_current_input ~start_pos ~end_pos =
 (* Reporting errors and warnings *)
-type msg = (Format.formatter -> unit) loc
+type msg = Fmt.t loc
 let msg ?(loc = none) fmt =
-  Format.kdprintf (fun txt -> { loc; txt }) fmt
+  Fmt.kdoc_printf (fun txt -> { loc; txt }) fmt
 type report_kind =
   | Report_error
@@ -632,11 +651,12 @@ type report = {
   kind : report_kind;
   main : msg;
   sub : msg list;
+  footnote: Fmt.t option;
   source : error_source;
 let loc_of_report { main; _ } = main.loc
-let print_msg fmt msg = msg.txt fmt
+let print_msg fmt msg = Fmt.Doc.format fmt msg.txt
 let print_main fmt { main; _ } = print_msg fmt main
 let print_sub_msg = print_msg
@@ -651,7 +671,7 @@ type report_printer = {
   pp_main_loc : report_printer -> report ->
     Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
   pp_main_txt : report_printer -> report ->
-    Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit;
+    Format.formatter -> Fmt.t -> unit;
   pp_submsgs : report_printer -> report ->
     Format.formatter -> msg list -> unit;
   pp_submsg : report_printer -> report ->
@@ -659,9 +679,8 @@ type report_printer = {
   pp_submsg_loc : report_printer -> report ->
     Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
   pp_submsg_txt : report_printer -> report ->
-    Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit;
+    Format.formatter -> Fmt.t -> unit;
 let is_dummy_loc loc =
   (* Fixme: this should be just [loc.loc_ghost] and the function should be
@@ -725,7 +744,10 @@ let batch_mode_printer : report_printer =
-  let pp_txt ppf txt = Format.fprintf ppf "@[%t@]" txt in
+  let pp_txt ppf txt = Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" Fmt.Doc.format txt in
+  let pp_footnote ppf f =
+    Option.iter (Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" pp_txt) f
+  in
   let pp self ppf report =
     (* setup_tags (); *)
     separate_new_message ppf;
@@ -734,13 +756,14 @@ let batch_mode_printer : report_printer =
         to be aligned with the main message box
     print_updating_num_loc_lines ppf (fun ppf () ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a%a: %a%a%a%a@]@."
+      Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a%a: %a%a%a%a%a@]@."
       Format.pp_open_tbox ()
       (self.pp_main_loc self report) report.main.loc
       (self.pp_report_kind self report) report.kind
       Format.pp_set_tab ()
       (self.pp_main_txt self report) report.main.txt
       (self.pp_submsgs self report) report.sub
+      pp_footnote report.footnote
       Format.pp_close_tbox ()
     ) ()
@@ -821,24 +844,26 @@ let print_report ppf report =
 (* Reporting errors *)
 type error = report
+type delayed_msg = unit -> Fmt.t option
 let report_error ppf err =
   print_report ppf err
-let mkerror loc sub txt source =
-  { kind = Report_error; main = { loc; txt }; sub; source }
+let mkerror loc sub footnote source txt =
+  { kind = Report_error; main = { loc; txt }; sub; footnote=footnote (); source }
+let errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(footnote=Fun.const None) ?(source = Typer) =
+  Fmt.kdoc_printf (mkerror loc sub footnote source)
-let errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(source=Typer) =
-  Format.kdprintf (fun msg -> mkerror loc sub msg source)
+let error ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(footnote=Fun.const None) ?(source = Typer) msg_str =
+  mkerror loc sub footnote source Fmt.Doc.(string msg_str empty)
-let error ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(source=Typer) msg_str =
-  mkerror loc sub (fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_string ppf msg_str) source
+let error_of_printer ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(footnote=Fun.const None) ?(source = Typer) pp x =
+  mkerror loc sub footnote source (Fmt.doc_printf "%a" pp x)
-let error_of_printer ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(source=Typer) pp x =
-  mkerror loc sub (fun ppf -> pp ppf x) source
+let error_of_printer_file ?(source = Typer) print x =
+  error_of_printer ~source ~loc:(in_file !input_name) print x
-let error_of_printer_file ?source print x =
-  error_of_printer ?source ~loc:(in_file !input_name) print x
 (* Reporting warnings: generating a report from a warning number using the
@@ -848,14 +873,13 @@ let default_warning_alert_reporter ?(source = Typer) report mk (loc: t) w : repo
   match report w with
   | `Inactive -> None
   | `Active { Warnings.id; message; is_error; sub_locs } ->
-      let msg_of_str str = fun ppf -> Format.pp_print_string ppf str in
+      let msg_of_str str = Format_doc.Doc.(empty |> string str) in
       let kind = mk is_error id in
       let main = { loc; txt = msg_of_str message } in
       let sub = List.map (fun (loc, sub_message) ->
         { loc; txt = msg_of_str sub_message }
       ) sub_locs in
-      Some { kind; main; sub; source }
+      Some { kind; main; sub; footnote=None; source }
 let default_warning_reporter =
@@ -910,7 +934,7 @@ let deprecated ?def ?use loc message =
 module Style = Misc.Style
 let auto_include_alert lib =
-  let message = Format.asprintf "\
+  let message = Fmt.asprintf "\
     OCaml's lib directory layout changed in 5.0. The %a subdirectory has been \
     automatically added to the search path, but you should add %a to the \
     command-line to silence this alert (e.g. by adding %a to the list of \
@@ -929,7 +953,7 @@ let auto_include_alert lib =
   prerr_alert none alert
 let deprecated_script_alert program =
-  let message = Format.asprintf "\
+  let message = Fmt.asprintf "\
     Running %a where the first argument is an implicit basename with no \
     extension (e.g. %a) is deprecated. Either rename the script \
     (%a) or qualify the basename (%a)"
@@ -966,6 +990,7 @@ let error_of_exn exn =
      loop !error_of_exn
 let () =
@@ -995,5 +1020,5 @@ let () =
       | _ -> None
-let raise_errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(source = Typer)=
-  Format.kdprintf (fun txt -> raise (Error (mkerror loc sub txt source)))
+let raise_errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(footnote=Fun.const None) ?(source = Typer) =
+  Fmt.kdoc_printf (fun txt -> raise (Error (mkerror loc sub footnote source txt)))
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/location.mli b/src/ocaml/parsing/location.mli
index 6681309d53..2d90be34ec 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/location.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/location.mli
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ val input_lexbuf: Lexing.lexbuf option ref
    toplevel phrase. *)
 val input_phrase_buffer: Buffer.t option ref
 (** {1 Toplevel-specific functions} *)
 val echo_eof: unit -> unit
-val separate_new_message: formatter -> unit
 val reset: unit -> unit
@@ -173,11 +173,20 @@ val show_filename: string -> string
         Otherwise, returns the filename unchanged. *)
 val print_filename: formatter -> string -> unit
 val print_loc: formatter -> t -> unit
 val print_locs: formatter -> t list -> unit
+val separate_new_message: formatter -> unit
+module Doc: sig
+  val separate_new_message: unit Format_doc.printer
+  val filename: string Format_doc.printer
+  val quoted_filename: string Format_doc.printer
+  val loc: t Format_doc.printer
+  val locs: t list Format_doc.printer
 (** {1 Toplevel-specific location highlighting} *)
 val highlight_terminfo:
   Lexing.lexbuf -> formatter -> t list -> unit
@@ -187,9 +196,9 @@ val highlight_terminfo:
 (** {2 The type of reports and report printers} *)
-type msg = (Format.formatter -> unit) loc
+type msg = Format_doc.t loc
-val msg: ?loc:t -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, msg) format4 -> 'a
+val msg: ?loc:t -> ('a, Format_doc.formatter, unit, msg) format4 -> 'a
 type report_kind =
   | Report_error
@@ -204,9 +213,11 @@ type report = {
   kind : report_kind;
   main : msg;
   sub : msg list;
+  footnote: Format_doc.t option;
   source : error_source;
 (* Exposed for Merlin *)
 val loc_of_report: report -> t
 val print_main : formatter -> report -> unit
@@ -222,7 +233,7 @@ type report_printer = {
   pp_main_loc : report_printer -> report ->
     Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
   pp_main_txt : report_printer -> report ->
-    Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit;
+    Format.formatter -> Format_doc.t -> unit;
   pp_submsgs : report_printer -> report ->
     Format.formatter -> msg list -> unit;
   pp_submsg : report_printer -> report ->
@@ -230,7 +241,7 @@ type report_printer = {
   pp_submsg_loc : report_printer -> report ->
     Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
   pp_submsg_txt : report_printer -> report ->
-    Format.formatter -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit;
+    Format.formatter -> Format_doc.t -> unit;
 (** A printer for [report]s, defined using open-recursion.
     The goal is to make it easy to define new printers by re-using code from
@@ -240,6 +251,7 @@ type report_printer = {
 (** {2 Report printers used in the compiler} *)
 val batch_mode_printer: report_printer
 val terminfo_toplevel_printer: Lexing.lexbuf -> report_printer
@@ -309,7 +321,7 @@ val default_alert_reporter: t -> Warnings.alert -> report option
 val print_alert: t -> formatter -> Warnings.alert -> unit
 (** Prints an alert. This is simply the composition of [report_alert] and
-   [print_report]. *)
+    [print_report]. *)
 val prerr_alert_ref: (t -> Warnings.alert -> unit) ref
@@ -336,15 +348,19 @@ val deprecated_script_alert: string -> unit
 type error = report
 (** An [error] is a [report] which [report_kind] must be [Report_error]. *)
-val error: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?source:error_source -> string -> error
+type delayed_msg = unit -> Format_doc.t option
+val error: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?footnote:delayed_msg ->
+  ?source:error_source -> string -> error
-val errorf: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?source:error_source ->
-  ('a, Format.formatter, unit, error) format4 -> 'a
+val errorf: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?footnote:delayed_msg ->
+  ?source:error_source -> ('a, Format_doc.formatter, unit, error) format4 -> 'a
-val error_of_printer: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?source:error_source ->
-  (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> error
+val error_of_printer: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?footnote:delayed_msg ->
+  ?source:error_source -> (Format_doc.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> error
-val error_of_printer_file: ?source:error_source -> (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> error
+val error_of_printer_file: ?source:error_source ->
+  (Format_doc.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> error
 (** {1 Automatically reporting errors for raised exceptions} *)
@@ -367,8 +383,8 @@ exception Already_displayed_error
 (** Raising [Already_displayed_error] signals an error which has already been
    printed. The exception will be caught, but nothing will be printed *)
-val raise_errorf: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?source:error_source ->
-  ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a
+val raise_errorf: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?footnote:delayed_msg ->
+  ?source:error_source -> ('a, Format_doc.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a
 val report_exception: formatter -> exn -> unit
 (** Reraise the exception if it is unknown. *)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/parsetree.mli b/src/ocaml/parsing/parsetree.mli
index 2f0a40c26c..e22a9a7813 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/parsetree.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/parsetree.mli
@@ -22,7 +22,12 @@
 open Asttypes
-type constant =
+type constant = {
+  pconst_desc : constant_desc;
+  pconst_loc : Location.t;
+and constant_desc =
   | Pconst_integer of string * char option
       (** Integer constants such as [3] [3l] [3L] [3n].
@@ -270,6 +275,7 @@ and pattern_desc =
            [Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack(Some "P"), Ptyp_package S)]
   | Ppat_exception of pattern  (** Pattern [exception P] *)
+  | Ppat_effect of pattern * pattern (* Pattern [effect P P] *)
   | Ppat_extension of extension  (** Pattern [[%id]] *)
   | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern  (** Pattern [M.(P)] *)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/pprintast.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/pprintast.ml
index ef87dcb4af..9a1b9bd9a4 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/pprintast.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/pprintast.ml
@@ -81,39 +81,161 @@ let last_is c str =
 let first_is_in cs str =
   str <> "" && List.mem str.[0] cs
+(** The OCaml grammar generates [longident]s from five different rules:
+  - module longident (a sequence of uppercase identifiers [A.B.C])
+  - constructor longident, either
+      - a module [longident]
+      - [[]], [()], [true], [false]
+      - an optional module [longident] followed by [(::)] ([A.B.(::)])
+  - class longident, an optional module [longident] followed by a lowercase
+    identifier.
+  - value longident, an optional module [longident] followed by either:
+      - a lowercase identifier ([A.x])
+      - an operator (and in particular the [mod] keyword), ([A.(+), B.(mod)])
+  - type [longident]: a tree of applications and projections of
+    uppercase identifiers followed by a projection ending with
+    a lowercase identifier (for ordinary types), or any identifier
+    (for module types) (e.g [A.B(C.D(E.F).K)(G).X.Y.t])
+All these [longident]s share a common core and optionally add some extensions.
+Unfortunately, these extensions intersect while having different escaping
+and parentheses rules depending on the kind of [longident]:
+  - [true] or [false] can be either constructor [longident]s,
+    or value, type or class [longident]s using the raw identifier syntax.
+  - [mod] can be either an operator value [longident], or a class or type
+    [longident] using the raw identifier syntax.
+Thus in order to print correctly [longident]s, we need to keep track of their
+kind using the context in which they appear.
+type longindent_kind =
+  | Constr (** variant constructors *)
+  | Type (** core types, module types, class types, and classes *)
+  | Other (** values and modules *)
 (* which identifiers are in fact operators needing parentheses *)
-let needs_parens txt =
-  let fix = fixity_of_string txt in
-  is_infix fix
-  || is_mixfix fix
-  || is_kwdop fix
-  || first_is_in prefix_symbols txt
+let needs_parens ~kind txt =
+  match kind with
+  | Type -> false
+  | Constr | Other ->
+      let fix = fixity_of_string txt in
+      is_infix fix
+      || is_mixfix fix
+      || is_kwdop fix
+      || first_is_in prefix_symbols txt
 (* some infixes need spaces around parens to avoid clashes with comment
    syntax *)
 let needs_spaces txt =
   first_is '*' txt || last_is '*' txt
-(* Turn an arbitrary variable name into a valid OCaml identifier by adding \#
-  in case it is a keyword, or parenthesis when it is an infix or prefix
-  operator. *)
-let ident_of_name ppf txt =
-  let format : (_, _, _) format =
-    if Lexer.is_keyword txt then "\\#%s"
-    else if not (needs_parens txt) then "%s"
-    else if needs_spaces txt then "(@;%s@;)"
-    else "(%s)"
-  in fprintf ppf format txt
-let ident_of_name_loc ppf s = ident_of_name ppf s.txt
+let tyvar_of_name s =
+  if String.length s >= 2 && s.[1] = '\'' then
+    (* without the space, this would be parsed as
+       a character literal *)
+    "' " ^ s
+  else if Lexer.is_keyword s then
+    "'\\#" ^ s
+  else if String.equal s "_" then
+    s
+  else
+    "'" ^ s
-let protect_longident ppf print_longident longprefix txt =
-    if not (needs_parens txt) then
-      fprintf ppf "%a.%a" print_longident longprefix ident_of_name txt
+module Doc = struct
+(* Turn an arbitrary variable name into a valid OCaml identifier by adding \#
+   in case it is a keyword, or parenthesis when it is an infix or prefix
+   operator. *)
+  let ident_of_name ~kind ppf txt =
+    let format : (_, _, _) format =
+      if Lexer.is_keyword txt then begin
+        match kind, txt with
+        | Constr, ("true"|"false") -> "%s"
+        | _ ->  "\\#%s"
+      end
+      else if not (needs_parens ~kind txt) then "%s"
+      else if needs_spaces txt then "(@;%s@;)"
+      else "(%s)"
+    in Format_doc.fprintf ppf format txt
+  let protect_longident ~kind ppf print_longident longprefix txt =
+    if not (needs_parens ~kind txt) then
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a.%a"
+        print_longident longprefix
+        (ident_of_name ~kind) txt
     else if needs_spaces txt then
-      fprintf ppf "%a.(@;%s@;)" print_longident longprefix txt
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a.(@;%s@;)" print_longident longprefix txt
-      fprintf ppf "%a.(%s)" print_longident longprefix txt
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a.(%s)" print_longident longprefix txt
+  let rec any_longident ~kind f = function
+    | Lident s -> ident_of_name ~kind f s
+    | Ldot(y,s) ->
+        protect_longident ~kind f (any_longident ~kind:Other) y s
+    | Lapply (y,s) ->
+        Format_doc.fprintf f "%a(%a)"
+          (any_longident ~kind:Other) y
+          (any_longident ~kind:Other) s
+  let value_longident ppf l = any_longident ~kind:Other ppf l
+  let longident = value_longident
+  let constr ppf l = any_longident ~kind:Constr ppf l
+  let type_longident ppf l = any_longident ~kind:Type ppf l
+  let tyvar ppf s =
+    Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%s" (tyvar_of_name s)
+  (* Expressions are considered nominal if they can be used as the subject of a
+     sentence or action. In practice, we consider that an expression is nominal
+     if they satisfy one of:
+     - Similar to an identifier: words separated by '.' or '#'.
+     - Do not contain spaces when printed.
+     - Is a constant that is short enough.
+  *)
+  let nominal_exp t =
+    let open Format_doc.Doc in
+    let longident ?(is_constr=false) l =
+      let kind= if is_constr then Constr else Other in
+      Format_doc.doc_printer (any_longident ~kind) l.Location.txt in
+    let rec nominal_exp doc exp =
+      match exp.pexp_desc with
+      | _ when exp.pexp_attributes <> [] -> None
+      | Pexp_ident l ->
+          Some (longident l doc)
+      | Pexp_variant (lbl, None) ->
+          Some (printf "`%s" lbl doc)
+      | Pexp_construct (l, None) ->
+          Some (longident ~is_constr:true l doc)
+      | Pexp_field (parent, lbl) ->
+          Option.map
+            (printf ".%t" (longident lbl))
+            (nominal_exp doc parent)
+      | Pexp_send (parent, meth) ->
+          Option.map
+            (printf "#%s" meth.txt)
+            (nominal_exp doc parent)
+      (* String constants are syntactically too complex. For example, the
+         quotes conflict with the 'inline_code' style and they might contain
+         spaces. *)
+      | Pexp_constant { pconst_desc = Pconst_string _; _ } -> None
+      (* Char, integer and float constants are nominal. *)
+      | Pexp_constant { pconst_desc = Pconst_char c; _ } ->
+          Some (msg "%C" c)
+      | Pexp_constant
+          { pconst_desc = Pconst_integer (cst, suf) | Pconst_float (cst, suf);
+            _ } ->
+          Some (msg "%s%t" cst (option char suf))
+      | _ -> None
+    in
+    nominal_exp empty t
+let value_longident ppf l = Format_doc.compat Doc.value_longident ppf l
+let type_longident ppf l = Format_doc.compat Doc.type_longident ppf l
+let ident_of_name ppf i =
+  Format_doc.compat (Doc.ident_of_name ~kind:Other) ppf i
+let constr ppf l = Format_doc.compat Doc.constr ppf l
+let ident_of_name_loc ppf s = ident_of_name ppf s.txt
 type space_formatter = (unit, Format.formatter, unit) format
@@ -143,10 +265,10 @@ type construct =
 let view_expr x =
   match x.pexp_desc with
-  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "()"; _},_) -> `tuple
-  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "true"; _},_) -> `btrue
-  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "false"; _},_) -> `bfalse
-  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "[]";_},_) -> `nil
+  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "()"; _},None) -> `tuple
+  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "true"; _},None) -> `btrue
+  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "false"; _},None) -> `bfalse
+  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "[]";_},None) -> `nil
   | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident"::";_},Some _) ->
       let rec loop exp acc = match exp with
           | {pexp_desc=Pexp_construct ({txt=Lident "[]";_},_);
@@ -225,15 +347,10 @@ let paren: 'a . ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter ->
     if b then (pp f "("; pp f first; fu f x; pp f last; pp f ")")
     else fu f x
-let rec longident f = function
-  | Lident s -> ident_of_name f s
-  | Ldot(y,s) -> protect_longident f longident y s
-  | Lapply (y,s) ->
-      pp f "%a(%a)" longident y longident s
+let with_loc pr ppf x = pr ppf x.txt
+let value_longident_loc = with_loc value_longident
-let longident_loc f x = pp f "%a" longident x.txt
-let constant f = function
+let constant_desc f = function
   | Pconst_char i ->
       pp f "%C"  i
   | Pconst_string (i, _, None) ->
@@ -249,6 +366,8 @@ let constant f = function
   | Pconst_float (i, Some m) ->
       paren (first_is '-' i) (fun f (i,m) -> pp f "%s%c" i m) f (i,m)
+let constant f const = constant_desc f const.pconst_desc
 (* trailing space*)
 let mutable_flag f = function
   | Immutable -> ()
@@ -277,20 +396,9 @@ let iter_loc f ctxt {txt; loc = _} = f ctxt txt
 let constant_string f s = pp f "%S" s
-let tyvar_of_name s =
-  if String.length s >= 2 && s.[1] = '\'' then
-    (* without the space, this would be parsed as
-       a character literal *)
-    "' " ^ s
-  else if Lexer.is_keyword s then
-    "'\\#" ^ s
-  else if String.equal s "_" then
-    s
-  else
-    "'" ^ s
-let tyvar ppf s =
-  Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (tyvar_of_name s)
+let tyvar ppf v = Format_doc.compat Doc.tyvar ppf v
 let tyvar_loc f str = tyvar f str.txt
 let string_quot f x = pp f "`%a" ident_of_name x
@@ -343,7 +451,7 @@ and core_type1 ctxt f x =
              |[] -> ()
              |[x]-> pp f "%a@;" (core_type1 ctxt)  x
              | _ -> list ~first:"(" ~last:")@;" (core_type ctxt) ~sep:",@;" f l)
-          l longident_loc li
+          l (with_loc type_longident) li
     | Ptyp_variant (l, closed, low) ->
         let first_is_inherit = match l with
           | {Parsetree.prf_desc = Rinherit _}::_ -> true
@@ -397,17 +505,20 @@ and core_type1 ctxt f x =
     | Ptyp_class (li, l) ->   (*FIXME*)
         pp f "@[<hov2>%a#%a@]"
           (list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"," ~first:"(" ~last:")") l
-          longident_loc li
+          (with_loc type_longident) li
     | Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) ->
         let aux f (s, ct) =
-          pp f "type %a@ =@ %a" longident_loc s (core_type ctxt) ct  in
+          pp f "type %a@ =@ %a"
+            (with_loc type_longident) s
+            (core_type ctxt) ct  in
         (match cstrs with
-         |[] -> pp f "@[<hov2>(module@ %a)@]" longident_loc lid
+         |[] -> pp f "@[<hov2>(module@ %a)@]" (with_loc type_longident) lid
          |_ ->
-             pp f "@[<hov2>(module@ %a@ with@ %a)@]" longident_loc lid
+             pp f "@[<hov2>(module@ %a@ with@ %a)@]"
+               (with_loc type_longident) lid
                (list aux  ~sep:"@ and@ ")  cstrs)
     | Ptyp_open(li, ct) ->
-       pp f "@[<hov2>%a.(%a)@]" longident_loc li (core_type ctxt) ct
+       pp f "@[<hov2>%a.(%a)@]" value_longident_loc li (core_type ctxt) ct
     | Ptyp_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
     | (Ptyp_arrow _ | Ptyp_alias _ | Ptyp_poly _) ->
        paren true (core_type ctxt) f x
@@ -461,12 +572,13 @@ and pattern1 ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
           (match po with
            | Some ([], x) ->
-               pp f "%a@;%a"  longident_loc li (simple_pattern ctxt) x
+               (* [true] and [false] are handled above *)
+               pp f "%a@;%a"  value_longident_loc li (simple_pattern ctxt) x
            | Some (vl, x) ->
-               pp f "%a@ (type %a)@;%a" longident_loc li
+               pp f "%a@ (type %a)@;%a" value_longident_loc li
                  (list ~sep:"@ " ident_of_name_loc) vl
                  (simple_pattern ctxt) x
-           | None -> pp f "%a" longident_loc li)
+           | None -> pp f "%a" value_longident_loc li)
     | _ -> simple_pattern ctxt f x
 and simple_pattern ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
@@ -483,7 +595,7 @@ and simple_pattern ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
     | Ppat_unpack { txt = Some s } ->
         pp f "(module@ %s)@ " s
     | Ppat_type li ->
-        pp f "#%a" longident_loc li
+        pp f "#%a" (with_loc type_longident) li
     | Ppat_record (l, closed) ->
         let longident_x_pattern f (li, p) =
           match (li,p) with
@@ -491,9 +603,9 @@ and simple_pattern ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
              {ppat_desc=Ppat_var {txt;_};
               ppat_attributes=[]; _})
             when s = txt ->
-              pp f "@[<2>%a@]"  longident_loc li
+              pp f "@[<2>%a@]"  value_longident_loc li
           | _ ->
-              pp f "@[<2>%a@;=@;%a@]" longident_loc li (pattern1 ctxt) p
+              pp f "@[<2>%a@;=@;%a@]" value_longident_loc li (pattern1 ctxt) p
         begin match closed with
         | Closed ->
@@ -512,6 +624,8 @@ and simple_pattern ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
         pp f "@[<2>(lazy@;%a)@]" (simple_pattern ctxt) p
     | Ppat_exception p ->
         pp f "@[<2>exception@;%a@]" (pattern1 ctxt) p
+    | Ppat_effect(p1, p2) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>effect@;%a, @;%a@]" (pattern1 ctxt) p1 (pattern1 ctxt) p2
     | Ppat_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
     | Ppat_open (lid, p) ->
         let with_paren =
@@ -520,7 +634,7 @@ and simple_pattern ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
         | Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident ("()"|"[]"|"true"|"false");_}), None) ->
         | _ -> true in
-        pp f "@[<2>%a.%a @]" longident_loc lid
+        pp f "@[<2>%a.%a @]" value_longident_loc lid
           (paren with_paren @@ pattern1 ctxt) p
     | _ -> paren true (pattern ctxt) f x
@@ -560,7 +674,7 @@ and sugar_expr ctxt f e =
           rem_args =
         let print_path ppf = function
           | None -> ()
-          | Some m -> pp ppf ".%a" longident m in
+          | Some m -> pp ppf ".%a" value_longident m in
         match assign, rem_args with
             | false, [] ->
               pp f "@[%a%a%s%a%s@]"
@@ -759,12 +873,12 @@ and expression ctxt f x =
         (match view_expr x with
          | `cons ls -> list (simple_expr ctxt) f ls ~sep:"@;::@;"
          | `normal ->
-             pp f "@[<2>%a@;%a@]" longident_loc li
+             pp f "@[<2>%a@;%a@]" (with_loc constr) li
                (simple_expr ctxt) eo
          | _ -> assert false)
     | Pexp_setfield (e1, li, e2) ->
         pp f "@[<2>%a.%a@ <-@ %a@]"
-          (simple_expr ctxt) e1 longident_loc li (simple_expr ctxt) e2
+          (simple_expr ctxt) e1 value_longident_loc li (simple_expr ctxt) e2
     | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, eo) ->
         (* @;@[<2>else@ %a@]@] *)
         let fmt:(_,_,_)format ="@[<hv0>@[<2>if@ %a@]@;@[<2>then@ %a@]%a@]" in
@@ -783,7 +897,7 @@ and expression ctxt f x =
         pp f "@[<hv>%a@]"
           (list (expression (under_semi ctxt)) ~sep:";@;") lst
     | Pexp_new (li) ->
-        pp f "@[<hov2>new@ %a@]" longident_loc li;
+        pp f "@[<hov2>new@ %a@]" (with_loc type_longident) li;
     | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
         pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ <-@ %a@]" ident_of_name s.txt (expression ctxt) e
     | Pexp_override l -> (* FIXME *)
@@ -838,7 +952,7 @@ and expression2 ctxt f x =
   if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then expression ctxt f x
   else match x.pexp_desc with
     | Pexp_field (e, li) ->
-        pp f "@[<hov2>%a.%a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e longident_loc li
+        pp f "@[<hov2>%a.%a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e value_longident_loc li
     | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
         pp f "@[<hov2>%a#%a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e ident_of_name s.txt
@@ -856,10 +970,10 @@ and simple_expr ctxt f x =
          | `list xs ->
              pp f "@[<hv0>[%a]@]"
                (list (expression (under_semi ctxt)) ~sep:";@;") xs
-         | `simple x -> longident f x
+         | `simple x -> constr f x
          | _ -> assert false)
     | Pexp_ident li ->
-        longident_loc f li
+        value_longident_loc f li
     (* (match view_fixity_of_exp x with *)
     (* |`Normal -> longident_loc f li *)
     (* | `Prefix _ | `Infix _ -> pp f "( %a )" longident_loc li) *)
@@ -880,9 +994,11 @@ and simple_expr ctxt f x =
           match e with
           |  {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident {txt;_};
               pexp_attributes=[]; _} when li.txt = txt ->
-              pp f "@[<hov2>%a@]" longident_loc li
+              pp f "@[<hov2>%a@]" value_longident_loc li
           | _ ->
-              pp f "@[<hov2>%a@;=@;%a@]" longident_loc li (simple_expr ctxt) e
+              pp f "@[<hov2>%a@;=@;%a@]"
+                value_longident_loc li
+                (simple_expr ctxt) e
         pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{@;%a%a@]@;}@]"(* "@[<hov2>{%a%a}@]" *)
           (option ~last:" with@;" (simple_expr ctxt)) eo
@@ -980,7 +1096,7 @@ and class_type ctxt f x =
         (fun f l -> match l with
            | [] -> ()
            | _  -> pp f "[%a]@ " (list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"," ) l) l
-        longident_loc li
+        (with_loc type_longident) li
         (attributes ctxt) x.pcty_attributes
   | Pcty_arrow (l, co, cl) ->
       pp f "@[<2>%a@;->@;%a@]" (* FIXME remove parens later *)
@@ -991,7 +1107,7 @@ and class_type ctxt f x =
       attributes ctxt f x.pcty_attributes
   | Pcty_open (o, e) ->
       pp f "@[<2>let open%s %a in@;%a@]"
-        (override o.popen_override) longident_loc o.popen_expr
+        (override o.popen_override) value_longident_loc o.popen_expr
         (class_type ctxt) e
 (* [class type a = object end] *)
@@ -1111,7 +1227,7 @@ and class_expr ctxt f x =
           (fun f l-> if l <>[] then
               pp f "[%a]@ "
                 (list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:",") l) l
-          longident_loc li
+          (with_loc type_longident) li
     | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
         pp f "(%a@ :@ %a)"
           (class_expr ctxt) ce
@@ -1119,7 +1235,7 @@ and class_expr ctxt f x =
     | Pcl_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
     | Pcl_open (o, e) ->
         pp f "@[<2>let open%s %a in@;%a@]"
-          (override o.popen_override) longident_loc o.popen_expr
+          (override o.popen_override) value_longident_loc o.popen_expr
           (class_expr ctxt) e
 and module_type ctxt f x =
@@ -1136,7 +1252,7 @@ and module_type ctxt f x =
             pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ ->@ %a@]"
               (module_type1 ctxt) mt1 (module_type ctxt) mt2
         | Some name ->
-            pp f "@[<hov2>functor@ (%s@ :@ %a)@ ->@ %a@]" name
+            pp f "@[<hov2>(%s@ :@ %a)@ ->@ %a@]" name
               (module_type ctxt) mt1 (module_type ctxt) mt2
     | Pmty_with (mt, []) -> module_type ctxt f mt
@@ -1150,29 +1266,33 @@ and with_constraint ctxt f = function
   | Pwith_type (li, ({ptype_params= ls ;_} as td)) ->
       pp f "type@ %a %a =@ %a"
         (type_params ctxt) ls
-        longident_loc li (type_declaration ctxt) td
+        (with_loc type_longident) li (type_declaration ctxt) td
   | Pwith_module (li, li2) ->
-      pp f "module %a =@ %a" longident_loc li longident_loc li2;
+      pp f "module %a =@ %a" value_longident_loc li value_longident_loc li2;
   | Pwith_modtype (li, mty) ->
-      pp f "module type %a =@ %a" longident_loc li (module_type ctxt) mty;
+      pp f "module type %a =@ %a"
+        (with_loc type_longident) li
+        (module_type ctxt) mty;
   | Pwith_typesubst (li, ({ptype_params=ls;_} as td)) ->
       pp f "type@ %a %a :=@ %a"
         (type_params ctxt) ls
-        longident_loc li
+        (with_loc type_longident) li
         (type_declaration ctxt) td
   | Pwith_modsubst (li, li2) ->
-      pp f "module %a :=@ %a" longident_loc li longident_loc li2
+      pp f "module %a :=@ %a" value_longident_loc li value_longident_loc li2
   | Pwith_modtypesubst (li, mty) ->
-      pp f "module type %a :=@ %a" longident_loc li (module_type ctxt) mty;
+      pp f "module type %a :=@ %a"
+        (with_loc type_longident) li
+        (module_type ctxt) mty;
 and module_type1 ctxt f x =
   if x.pmty_attributes <> [] then module_type ctxt f x
   else match x.pmty_desc with
     | Pmty_ident li ->
-        pp f "%a" longident_loc li;
+        pp f "%a" (with_loc type_longident) li;
     | Pmty_alias li ->
-        pp f "(module %a)" longident_loc li;
+        pp f "(module %a)" (with_loc type_longident) li;
     | Pmty_signature (s) ->
         pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>sig@ %a@]@ end@]" (* "@[<hov>sig@ %a@ end@]" *)
           (list (signature_item ctxt)) s (* FIXME wrong indentation*)
@@ -1223,7 +1343,7 @@ and signature_item ctxt f x : unit =
                             pmty_attributes=[]; _};_} as pmd) ->
       pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ =@ %a@]%a"
         (Option.value pmd.pmd_name.txt ~default:"_")
-        longident_loc alias
+        value_longident_loc alias
         (item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes
   | Psig_module pmd ->
       pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ :@ %a@]%a"
@@ -1232,20 +1352,20 @@ and signature_item ctxt f x : unit =
         (item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes
   | Psig_modsubst pms ->
       pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ :=@ %a@]%a" pms.pms_name.txt
-        longident_loc pms.pms_manifest
+        value_longident_loc pms.pms_manifest
         (item_attributes ctxt) pms.pms_attributes
   | Psig_open od ->
       pp f "@[<hov2>open%s@ %a@]%a"
         (override od.popen_override)
-        longident_loc od.popen_expr
+        value_longident_loc od.popen_expr
         (item_attributes ctxt) od.popen_attributes
   | Psig_include incl ->
       pp f "@[<hov2>include@ %a@]%a"
         (module_type ctxt) incl.pincl_mod
         (item_attributes ctxt) incl.pincl_attributes
   | Psig_modtype {pmtd_name=s; pmtd_type=md; pmtd_attributes=attrs} ->
-      pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ %s%a@]%a"
-        s.txt
+      pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ %a%a@]%a"
+        ident_of_name s.txt
         (fun f md -> match md with
            | None -> ()
            | Some mt ->
@@ -1297,7 +1417,7 @@ and module_expr ctxt f x =
           (module_expr ctxt) me
           (module_type ctxt) mt
     | Pmod_ident (li) ->
-        pp f "%a" longident_loc li;
+        pp f "%a" value_longident_loc li;
     | Pmod_functor (Unit, me) ->
         pp f "functor ()@;->@;%a" (module_expr ctxt) me
     | Pmod_functor (Named (s, mt), me) ->
@@ -1348,7 +1468,7 @@ and binding ctxt f {pvb_pat=p; pvb_expr=x; pvb_constraint = ct; _} =
         (simple_pattern ctxt) p (core_type ctxt) typ (expression ctxt) x
         | Some (Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars = vars; typ }) ->
       pp f "%a@;: type@;%a.@;%a@;=@;%a"
-        (simple_pattern ctxt) p (list pp_print_string ~sep:"@;")
+        (simple_pattern ctxt) p (list ident_of_name ~sep:"@;")
         (List.map (fun x -> x.txt) vars)
         (core_type ctxt) typ (expression ctxt) x
   | Some (Pvc_coercion {ground=None; coercion }) ->
@@ -1439,8 +1559,8 @@ and structure_item ctxt f x =
         (module_expr ctxt) od.popen_expr
         (item_attributes ctxt) od.popen_attributes
   | Pstr_modtype {pmtd_name=s; pmtd_type=md; pmtd_attributes=attrs} ->
-      pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ %s%a@]%a"
-        s.txt
+      pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ %a%a@]%a"
+        ident_of_name s.txt
         (fun f md -> match md with
            | None -> ()
            | Some mt ->
@@ -1629,7 +1749,7 @@ and type_extension ctxt f x =
        | l ->
            pp f "%a@;" (list (type_param ctxt) ~first:"(" ~last:")" ~sep:",") l)
-    longident_loc x.ptyext_path
+    (with_loc type_longident) x.ptyext_path
     private_flag x.ptyext_private (* Cf: #7200 *)
     (list ~sep:"" extension_constructor)
@@ -1676,7 +1796,7 @@ and extension_constructor ctxt f x =
         (x.pext_name.txt, v, l, r, x.pext_attributes)
   | Pext_rebind li ->
       pp f "%s@;=@;%a%a" x.pext_name.txt
-        longident_loc li
+        (with_loc constr) li
         (attributes ctxt) x.pext_attributes
 and case_list ctxt f l : unit =
@@ -1710,7 +1830,7 @@ and directive_argument f x =
   | Pdir_string (s) -> pp f "@ %S" s
   | Pdir_int (n, None) -> pp f "@ %s" n
   | Pdir_int (n, Some m) -> pp f "@ %s%c" n m
-  | Pdir_ident (li) -> pp f "@ %a" longident li
+  | Pdir_ident (li) -> pp f "@ %a" value_longident li
   | Pdir_bool (b) -> pp f "@ %s" (string_of_bool b)
 let toplevel_phrase f x =
@@ -1760,8 +1880,10 @@ let signature_item = signature_item reset_ctxt
 let binding = binding reset_ctxt
 let payload = payload reset_ctxt
 let case_list = case_list reset_ctxt
+let longident = value_longident
 module Style = Misc.Style
 (* merlin: moved from parse.ml *)
 let prepare_error err =
   let source = Location.Parser in
@@ -1793,30 +1915,30 @@ let prepare_error err =
       Location.errorf ~source ~loc
         "In this scoped type, variable %a \
          is reserved for the local type %a."
-        (Style.as_inline_code tyvar) var
+        (Style.as_inline_code Doc.tyvar) var
         Style.inline_code var
   | Other loc ->
       Location.errorf ~source ~loc "Syntax error"
   | Ill_formed_ast (loc, s) ->
-      Location.errorf ~source ~loc
+      Location.errorf ~loc
         "broken invariant in parsetree: %s" s
   | Invalid_package_type (loc, ipt) ->
       let invalid ppf ipt = match ipt with
         | Syntaxerr.Parameterized_types ->
-            Format.fprintf ppf "parametrized types are not supported"
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf "parametrized types are not supported"
         | Constrained_types ->
-            Format.fprintf ppf "constrained types are not supported"
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf "constrained types are not supported"
         | Private_types ->
-            Format.fprintf ppf  "private types are not supported"
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf  "private types are not supported"
         | Not_with_type ->
-            Format.fprintf ppf "only %a constraints are supported"
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf "only %a constraints are supported"
               Style.inline_code "with type t ="
         | Neither_identifier_nor_with_type ->
-            Format.fprintf ppf
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf
               "only module type identifier and %a constraints are supported"
               Style.inline_code "with type"
-      Location.errorf ~source ~loc "invalid package type: %a" invalid ipt
+      Location.errorf ~source ~loc "Syntax error: invalid package type: %a" invalid ipt
   | Removed_string_set loc ->
       Location.errorf ~source ~loc
         "Syntax error: strings are immutable, there is no assignment \
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/pprintast.mli b/src/ocaml/parsing/pprintast.mli
index bf73501394..ae32930a66 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/pprintast.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/pprintast.mli
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
 type space_formatter = (unit, Format.formatter, unit) format
 val longident : Format.formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
+val constr : Format.formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
 val expression : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
 val string_of_expression : Parsetree.expression -> string
@@ -61,6 +63,24 @@ val tyvar: Format.formatter -> string -> unit
       position, or for keywords by escaping them with \#. No-op on "_". *)
 (* merlin *)
+type longindent_kind =
+| Constr (** variant constructors *)
+| Type (** core types, module types, class types, and classes *)
+| Other (** values and modules *)
 val case_list : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.case list -> unit
 val ident_of_name : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
-val needs_parens : string -> bool
+val needs_parens : kind:longindent_kind -> string -> bool
+(** {!Format_doc} functions for error messages *)
+module Doc:sig
+  val longident: Longident.t Format_doc.printer
+  val constr: Longident.t Format_doc.printer
+  val tyvar: string Format_doc.printer
+  (** Returns a format document if the expression reads nicely as the subject
+      of a sentence in a error message. *)
+  val nominal_exp : Parsetree.expression -> Format_doc.t option
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/printast.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/printast.ml
index d7d569214e..552f2cb8fe 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/printast.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/printast.ml
@@ -59,16 +59,6 @@ let fmt_char_option f = function
   | None -> fprintf f "None"
   | Some c -> fprintf f "Some %c" c
-let fmt_constant f x =
-  match x with
-  | Pconst_integer (i,m) -> fprintf f "PConst_int (%s,%a)" i fmt_char_option m;
-  | Pconst_char (c) -> fprintf f "PConst_char %02x" (Char.code c)
-  | Pconst_string (s, strloc, None) ->
-      fprintf f "PConst_string(%S,%a,None)" s fmt_location strloc
-  | Pconst_string (s, strloc, Some delim) ->
-      fprintf f "PConst_string (%S,%a,Some %S)" s fmt_location strloc delim
-  | Pconst_float (s,m) -> fprintf f "PConst_float (%s,%a)" s fmt_char_option m
 let fmt_mutable_flag f x =
   match x with
   | Immutable -> fprintf f "Immutable"
@@ -108,6 +98,18 @@ let line i f s (*...*) =
   fprintf f "%s" (String.make ((2*i) mod 72) ' ');
   fprintf f s (*...*)
+let fmt_constant i f x =
+  line i f "constant %a\n" fmt_location x.pconst_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.pconst_desc with
+  | Pconst_integer (j,m) -> line i f "PConst_int (%s,%a)\n" j fmt_char_option m
+  | Pconst_char c -> line i f "PConst_char %02x\n" (Char.code c)
+  | Pconst_string (s, strloc, None) ->
+      line i f "PConst_string(%S,%a,None)\n" s fmt_location strloc
+  | Pconst_string (s, strloc, Some delim) ->
+      line i f "PConst_string (%S,%a,Some %S)\n" s fmt_location strloc delim
+  | Pconst_float (s,m) -> line i f "PConst_float (%s,%a)\n" s fmt_char_option m
 let list i f ppf l =
   match l with
   | [] -> line i ppf "[]\n"
@@ -204,9 +206,13 @@ and pattern i ppf x =
   | Ppat_alias (p, s) ->
       line i ppf "Ppat_alias %a\n" fmt_string_loc s;
       pattern i ppf p;
-  | Ppat_constant (c) -> line i ppf "Ppat_constant %a\n" fmt_constant c;
+  | Ppat_constant (c) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_constant\n";
+      fmt_constant i ppf c;
   | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) ->
-      line i ppf "Ppat_interval %a..%a\n" fmt_constant c1 fmt_constant c2;
+      line i ppf "Ppat_interval\n";
+      fmt_constant i ppf c1;
+      fmt_constant i ppf c2;
   | Ppat_tuple (l) ->
       line i ppf "Ppat_tuple\n";
       list i pattern ppf l;
@@ -245,6 +251,10 @@ and pattern i ppf x =
   | Ppat_exception p ->
       line i ppf "Ppat_exception\n";
       pattern i ppf p
+  | Ppat_effect(p1, p2) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_effect\n";
+      pattern i ppf p1;
+      pattern i ppf p2
   | Ppat_open (m,p) ->
       line i ppf "Ppat_open \"%a\"\n" fmt_longident_loc m;
       pattern i ppf p
@@ -258,7 +268,9 @@ and expression i ppf x =
   let i = i+1 in
   match x.pexp_desc with
   | Pexp_ident (li) -> line i ppf "Pexp_ident %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
-  | Pexp_constant (c) -> line i ppf "Pexp_constant %a\n" fmt_constant c;
+  | Pexp_constant (c) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_constant\n";
+      fmt_constant i ppf c;
   | Pexp_let (rf, l, e) ->
       line i ppf "Pexp_let %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
       list i value_binding ppf l;
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/unit_info.ml b/src/ocaml/parsing/unit_info.ml
index 03e8d44949..87c8ae8318 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/unit_info.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/unit_info.ml
@@ -13,18 +13,24 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+type intf_or_impl = Intf | Impl
 type modname = string
 type filename = string
 type file_prefix = string
+type error = Invalid_encoding of string
+exception Error of error
 type t = {
   source_file: filename;
   prefix: file_prefix;
   modname: modname;
+  kind: intf_or_impl;
 let source_file (x: t) = x.source_file
 let modname (x: t) = x.modname
+let kind (x: t) = x.kind
 let prefix (x: t) = x.prefix
 let basename_chop_extensions basename  =
@@ -32,37 +38,38 @@ let basename_chop_extensions basename  =
   | dot_pos -> String.sub basename 0 dot_pos
   | exception Not_found -> basename
-let modulize s = String.capitalize_ascii s
+let strict_modulize s =
+  match Misc.Utf8_lexeme.capitalize s with
+  | Ok x -> x
+  | Error _ -> raise (Error (Invalid_encoding s))
+let modulize s = match Misc.Utf8_lexeme.capitalize s with Ok x | Error x -> x
-(* We re-export the [Misc] definition *)
-let normalize = Misc.normalized_unit_filename
+(* We re-export the [Misc] definition, and ignore encoding errors under the
+   assumption that we should focus our effort on not *producing* badly encoded
+   module names *)
+let normalize x = Misc.normalized_unit_filename x
-let modname_from_source source_file =
-  source_file |> Filename.basename |> basename_chop_extensions |> modulize
+let stem source_file =
+  source_file |> Filename.basename |> basename_chop_extensions
-let start_char = function
-  | 'A' .. 'Z' -> true
-  | _ -> false
+let strict_modname_from_source source_file =
+  source_file |> stem |> strict_modulize
-let is_identchar_latin1 = function
-  | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '_' | '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246'
-  | '\248'..'\255' | '\'' | '0'..'9' -> true
-  | _ -> false
+let lax_modname_from_source source_file =
+  source_file |> stem |> modulize
 (* Check validity of module name *)
-let is_unit_name name =
-  String.length name > 0
-  && start_char name.[0]
-  && String.for_all is_identchar_latin1 name
+let is_unit_name name = Misc.Utf8_lexeme.is_valid_identifier name
 let check_unit_name file =
   if not (is_unit_name (modname file)) then
     Location.prerr_warning (Location.in_file (source_file file))
       (Warnings.Bad_module_name (modname file))
-let make ?(check_modname=true) ~source_file prefix =
-  let modname = modname_from_source prefix in
-  let p = { modname; prefix; source_file } in
+let make ?(check_modname=true) ~source_file kind prefix =
+  let modname = strict_modname_from_source prefix in
+  let p = { modname; prefix; source_file; kind } in
   if check_modname then check_unit_name p;
@@ -79,7 +86,7 @@ module Artifact = struct
   let prefix x = Filename.remove_extension (filename x)
   let from_filename filename =
-    let modname = modname_from_source filename in
+    let modname = lax_modname_from_source filename in
     { modname; filename; source_file = None }
@@ -120,3 +127,14 @@ let find_normalized_cmi f =
   let filename = modname f ^ ".cmi" in
   let filename = Load_path.find_normalized filename in
   { Artifact.filename; modname = modname f; source_file = Some f.source_file  }
+let report_error = function
+  | Invalid_encoding name ->
+      Location.errorf "Invalid encoding of output name: %s." name
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error err -> Some (report_error err)
+      | _ -> None
+    )
diff --git a/src/ocaml/parsing/unit_info.mli b/src/ocaml/parsing/unit_info.mli
index 466a07a228..04002b2520 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/parsing/unit_info.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/parsing/unit_info.mli
@@ -21,24 +21,32 @@
 (** {1:modname_from_strings Module name convention and computation} *)
+type intf_or_impl = Intf | Impl
 type modname = string
 type filename = string
 type file_prefix = string
+type error = Invalid_encoding of filename
+exception Error of error
 (** [modulize s] capitalizes the first letter of [s]. *)
 val modulize: string -> modname
 (** [normalize s] uncapitalizes the first letter of [s]. *)
 val normalize: string -> string
-(** [modname_from_source filename] is [modulize stem] where [stem] is the
+(** [lax_modname_from_source filename] is [modulize stem] where [stem] is the
     basename of the filename [filename] stripped from all its extensions.
     For instance, [modname_from_source "/pa.th/x.ml.pp"] is ["X"]. *)
-val modname_from_source: filename -> modname
+val lax_modname_from_source: filename -> modname
+(** Same as {!lax_modname_from_source} but raises an {!error.Invalid_encoding}
+    error on filename with invalid utf8 encoding. *)
+val strict_modname_from_source: filename -> modname
 (** {2:module_name_validation Module name validation function}*)
-(** [is_unit_name ~strict name] is true only if [name] can be used as a
+(** [is_unit_name name] is true only if [name] can be used as a
     valid module name. *)
 val is_unit_name : modname -> bool
@@ -67,19 +75,24 @@ val prefix: t -> file_prefix
     or compilation artifact.*)
 val modname: t -> modname
+(** [kind u] is the kind (interface or implementation) of the unit. *)
+val kind: t -> intf_or_impl
 (** [check_unit_name u] prints a warning if the derived module name [modname u]
     should not be used as a module name as specified
     by {!is_unit_name}[ ~strict:true]. *)
 val check_unit_name : t -> unit
-(** [make ~check ~source_file prefix] associates both the
+(** [make ~check ~source_file kind prefix] associates both the
     [source_file] and the module name {!modname_from_source}[ target_prefix] to
     the prefix filesystem path [prefix].
    If [check_modname=true], this function emits a warning if the derived module
    name is not valid according to {!check_unit_name}.
-val make: ?check_modname:bool -> source_file:filename -> file_prefix -> t
+val make:
+    ?check_modname:bool -> source_file:filename ->
+    intf_or_impl -> file_prefix -> t
 (** {1:artifact_function Build artifacts }*)
 module Artifact: sig
diff --git a/src/ocaml/preprocess/lexer_raw.mli b/src/ocaml/preprocess/lexer_raw.mli
index 67965e90ae..3942ee7e98 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/preprocess/lexer_raw.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/preprocess/lexer_raw.mli
@@ -22,7 +22,14 @@ type error =
   | Unterminated_string_in_comment of Location.t * Location.t
   | Empty_character_literal
   | Keyword_as_label of string
+  | Capitalized_label of string
   | Invalid_literal of string
+  | Invalid_directive of string * string option
+  | Invalid_encoding of string
+  | Invalid_char_in_ident of Uchar.t
+  | Non_lowercase_delimiter of string
+  | Capitalized_raw_identifier of string
+  | Unknown_keyword of string
 exception Error of error * Location.t
 (* Keywords, manipulated by extensions *)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/preprocess/lexer_raw.mll b/src/ocaml/preprocess/lexer_raw.mll
index d80597c833..d5f7feb434 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/preprocess/lexer_raw.mll
+++ b/src/ocaml/preprocess/lexer_raw.mll
@@ -29,7 +29,14 @@ type error =
   | Unterminated_string_in_comment of Location.t * Location.t
   | Empty_character_literal
   | Keyword_as_label of string
+  | Capitalized_label of string
   | Invalid_literal of string
+  | Invalid_directive of string * string option
+  | Invalid_encoding of string
+  | Invalid_char_in_ident of Uchar.t
+  | Non_lowercase_delimiter of string
+  | Capitalized_raw_identifier of string
+  | Unknown_keyword of string
 exception Error of error * Location.t
@@ -51,6 +58,9 @@ let rec (>>=) (m : 'a result) (f : 'a -> 'b result) : 'b result =
     Refill (fun () -> u () >>= f)
   | Fail _ as e -> e
+let (let*) = (>>=)
+let (let+) = fun m f -> (>>=) m (fun x -> return (f x))
 type preprocessor = (Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser_raw.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser_raw.token
 type state = {
@@ -79,68 +89,97 @@ let rec catch m f = match m with
 (* The table of keywords *)
-let keyword_table : keywords =
-  create_hashtable 149 [
-    "and", AND;
-    "as", AS;
-    "assert", ASSERT;
-    "begin", BEGIN;
-    "class", CLASS;
-    "constraint", CONSTRAINT;
-    "do", DO;
-    "done", DONE;
-    "downto", DOWNTO;
-    "else", ELSE;
-    "end", END;
-    "exception", EXCEPTION;
-    "external", EXTERNAL;
-    "false", FALSE;
-    "for", FOR;
-    "fun", FUN;
-    "function", FUNCTION;
-    "functor", FUNCTOR;
-    "if", IF;
-    "in", IN;
-    "include", INCLUDE;
-    "inherit", INHERIT;
-    "initializer", INITIALIZER;
-    "lazy", LAZY;
-    "let", LET;
-    "match", MATCH;
-    "method", METHOD;
-    "module", MODULE;
-    "mutable", MUTABLE;
-    "new", NEW;
-    "nonrec", NONREC;
-    "object", OBJECT;
-    "of", OF;
-    "open", OPEN;
-    "or", OR;
+let all_keywords =
+  let v5_3 = Some (5,3) in
+  let v1_0 = Some (1,0) in
+  let v1_6 = Some (1,6) in
+  let v4_2 = Some (4,2) in
+  let always = None in
+  [
+    "and", AND, always;
+    "as", AS, always;
+    "assert", ASSERT, v1_6;
+    "begin", BEGIN, always;
+    "class", CLASS, v1_0;
+    "constraint", CONSTRAINT, v1_0;
+    "do", DO, always;
+    "done", DONE, always;
+    "downto", DOWNTO, always;
+    "effect", EFFECT, v5_3;
+    "else", ELSE, always;
+    "end", END, always;
+    "exception", EXCEPTION, always;
+    "external", EXTERNAL, always;
+    "false", FALSE, always;
+    "for", FOR, always;
+    "fun", FUN, always;
+    "function", FUNCTION, always;
+    "functor", FUNCTOR, always;
+    "if", IF, always;
+    "in", IN, always;
+    "include", INCLUDE, always;
+    "inherit", INHERIT, v1_0;
+    "initializer", INITIALIZER, v1_0;
+    "lazy", LAZY, v1_6;
+    "let", LET, always;
+    "match", MATCH, always;
+    "method", METHOD, v1_0;
+    "module", MODULE, always;
+    "mutable", MUTABLE, always;
+    "new", NEW, v1_0;
+    "nonrec", NONREC, v4_2;
+    "object", OBJECT, v1_0;
+    "of", OF, always;
+    "open", OPEN, always;
+    "or", OR, always;
 (*  "parser", PARSER; *)
-    "private", PRIVATE;
-    "rec", REC;
-    "sig", SIG;
-    "struct", STRUCT;
-    "then", THEN;
-    "to", TO;
-    "true", TRUE;
-    "try", TRY;
-    "type", TYPE;
-    "val", VAL;
-    "virtual", VIRTUAL;
-    "when", WHEN;
-    "while", WHILE;
-    "with", WITH;
-    "lor", INFIXOP3("lor"); (* Should be INFIXOP2 *)
-    "lxor", INFIXOP3("lxor"); (* Should be INFIXOP2 *)
-    "mod", INFIXOP3("mod");
-    "land", INFIXOP3("land");
-    "lsl", INFIXOP4("lsl");
-    "lsr", INFIXOP4("lsr");
-    "asr", INFIXOP4("asr");
+    "private", PRIVATE, v1_0;
+    "rec", REC, always;
+    "sig", SIG, always;
+    "struct", STRUCT, always;
+    "then", THEN, always;
+    "to", TO, always;
+    "true", TRUE, always;
+    "try", TRY, always;
+    "type", TYPE, always;
+    "val", VAL, always;
+    "virtual", VIRTUAL, v1_0;
+    "when", WHEN, always;
+    "while", WHILE, always;
+    "with", WITH, always;
+    "lor", INFIXOP3("lor"), always; (* Should be INFIXOP2 *)
+    "lxor", INFIXOP3("lxor"), always; (* Should be INFIXOP2 *)
+    "mod", INFIXOP3("mod"), always;
+    "land", INFIXOP3("land"), always;
+    "lsl", INFIXOP4("lsl"), always;
+    "lsr", INFIXOP4("lsr"), always;
+    "asr", INFIXOP4("asr"), always
+let keyword_table = Hashtbl.create 149
+let populate_keywords (version,keywords) =
+  let greater (x:(int*int) option) (y:(int*int) option) =
+    match x, y with
+    | None, _ | _, None -> true
+    | Some x, Some y -> x >= y
+  in
+  let tbl = keyword_table in
+  Hashtbl.clear tbl;
+  let add_keyword (name, token, since) =
+    if greater version since then Hashtbl.replace tbl name (Some token)
+  in
+  List.iter ~f:add_keyword all_keywords;
+  List.iter ~f:(fun name ->
+    match List.find ~f:(fun (n,_,_) -> n = name) all_keywords with
+    | (_,tok,_) -> Hashtbl.replace tbl name (Some tok)
+    | exception Not_found -> Hashtbl.replace tbl name None
+    ) keywords
+(* FIXME: Merlin: this could be made configurable *)
+let () = populate_keywords (None,[])
 let keywords l = create_hashtable 11 l
 let list_keywords =
@@ -150,8 +189,11 @@ let list_keywords =
     Hashtbl.fold add_kw keywords init
 let store_string_char buf c = Buffer.add_char buf c
+let store_string_utf_8_uchar buf u = Buffer.add_utf_8_uchar buf u
+let store_string buf s = Buffer.add_string buf s
 let store_substring buf s ~pos ~len = Buffer.add_substring buf s pos len
+let store_lexeme buf lexbuf = store_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
 let store_normalized_newline buf newline =
   (* #12502: we normalize "\r\n" to "\n" at lexing time,
      to avoid behavior difference due to OS-specific
@@ -180,13 +222,18 @@ let store_normalized_newline buf newline =
 (* To store the position of the beginning of a string and comment *)
 let in_comment state = state.comment_start_loc <> []
+let print_warnings = ref true
 (* Escaped chars are interpreted in strings unless they are in comments. *)
-let store_escaped_uchar state lexbuf u =
+let store_escaped_char state lexbuf c =
   if in_comment state
-  then Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
-  else Buffer.add_utf_8_uchar state.buffer u
+  then store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf
+  else store_string_char state.buffer c
+let store_escaped_uchar state lexbuf u =
+  if in_comment state
+  then store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf
+  else store_string_utf_8_uchar state.buffer u
 let compute_quoted_string_idloc {Location.loc_start = orig_loc; _ } shift id =
   let id_start_pos = orig_loc.Lexing.pos_cnum + shift in
@@ -213,6 +260,16 @@ let wrap_string_lexer f state lexbuf =
   state.string_start_loc <- Location.none;
   return (Buffer.contents state.buffer, loc)
+let wrap_comment_lexer state comment lexbuf =
+  let start_loc = Location.curr lexbuf  in
+  state.comment_start_loc <- [start_loc];
+  Buffer.reset state.buffer;
+  let+ end_loc = comment state lexbuf in
+  let s = Buffer.contents state.buffer in
+  Buffer.reset state.buffer;
+  s,
+  { start_loc with Location.loc_end = end_loc.Location.loc_end }
 (* to translate escape sequences *)
 let digit_value c =
@@ -286,17 +343,65 @@ let uchar_for_uchar_escape lexbuf =
       illegal_escape lexbuf
         (Printf.sprintf "%X is not a Unicode scalar value" cp)
+let validate_encoding lexbuf raw_name =
+  match Utf8_lexeme.normalize raw_name with
+  | Error _ -> fail lexbuf (Invalid_encoding raw_name)
+  | Ok name -> return name
+let ident_for_extended lexbuf raw_name =
+  let* name = validate_encoding lexbuf raw_name in
+  match Utf8_lexeme.validate_identifier name with
+  | Utf8_lexeme.Valid -> return name
+  | Utf8_lexeme.Invalid_character u -> fail lexbuf (Invalid_char_in_ident u)
+  | Utf8_lexeme.Invalid_beginning _ ->
+  assert false (* excluded by the regexps *)
+let validate_delim lexbuf raw_name =
+  let* name = validate_encoding lexbuf raw_name in
+  if Utf8_lexeme.is_lowercase name then return name
+  else fail lexbuf (Non_lowercase_delimiter name)
+let validate_ext lexbuf name =
+  let* name = validate_encoding lexbuf name in
+  match Utf8_lexeme.validate_identifier ~with_dot:true name with
+  | Utf8_lexeme.Valid -> return name
+  | Utf8_lexeme.Invalid_character u -> fail lexbuf (Invalid_char_in_ident u)
+  | Utf8_lexeme.Invalid_beginning _ ->
+  assert false (* excluded by the regexps *)
+let lax_delim raw_name =
+  match Utf8_lexeme.normalize raw_name with
+  | Error _ -> None
+  | Ok name ->
+     if Utf8_lexeme.is_lowercase name then Some name
+     else None
 let keyword_or state s default =
   try Hashtbl.find state.keywords s
-      with Not_found -> try Hashtbl.find keyword_table s
-  with Not_found -> default
+  with Not_found ->
+    try Option.value ~default @@ Hashtbl.find keyword_table s
+    with Not_found -> default
+let is_keyword name =
+  Hashtbl.mem keyword_table name
-let is_keyword name = Hashtbl.mem keyword_table name
 let () = Lexer.is_keyword_ref := is_keyword
-let check_label_name lexbuf name =
-  if is_keyword name
-  then fail lexbuf (Keyword_as_label name)
+let find_keyword lexbuf name default =
+  match Hashtbl.find keyword_table name with
+  | Some x -> return x
+  | None -> fail lexbuf (Unknown_keyword name)
+  | exception Not_found -> return default
+let find_keyword state lexbuf ~name ~default =
+  try return @@ Hashtbl.find state.keywords name
+  with Not_found -> find_keyword lexbuf name default
+let check_label_name ?(raw_escape=false) lexbuf name =
+  if Utf8_lexeme.is_capitalized name then
+    fail lexbuf (Capitalized_label name)
+  else if not raw_escape && is_keyword name then
+    fail lexbuf (Keyword_as_label name)
   else return name
 (* Update the current location with file name and line number. *)
@@ -314,15 +419,13 @@ let update_loc lexbuf _file line absolute chars =
     pos_bol = pos.pos_cnum - chars;
-(* Warn about Latin-1 characters used in idents *)
-let warn_latin1 lexbuf =
-  Location.deprecated (Location.curr lexbuf)
-    "ISO-Latin1 characters in identifiers"
+(* TODO Merlin should we support this ?*)
+let handle_docstrings = ref false
 (* Error report *)
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 let prepare_error loc = function
   | Illegal_character c ->
@@ -356,8 +459,36 @@ let prepare_error loc = function
   | Keyword_as_label kwd ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "%a is a keyword, it cannot be used as label name" Style.inline_code kwd
+  | Capitalized_label lbl ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "%a cannot be used as label name, \
+         it must start with a lowercase letter" Style.inline_code lbl
   | Invalid_literal s ->
       Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid literal %s" s
+  | Invalid_directive (dir, explanation) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid lexer directive %S%t" dir
+        (fun ppf -> match explanation with
+           | None -> ()
+           | Some expl -> fprintf ppf ": %s" expl)
+  | Invalid_encoding s ->
+    Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid encoding of identifier %s." s
+  | Invalid_char_in_ident u ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid character U+%X in identifier"
+         (Uchar.to_int u)
+  | Capitalized_raw_identifier lbl ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "%a cannot be used as a raw identifier, \
+         it must start with a lowercase letter" Style.inline_code lbl
+  | Non_lowercase_delimiter name ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "%a cannot be used as a quoted string delimiter,@ \
+         it must contain only lowercase letters."
+         Style.inline_code name
+  | Unknown_keyword name ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+      "%a has been defined as an additional keyword.@ \
+       This version of OCaml does not support this keyword."
+      Style.inline_code name
 (* FIXME: Invalid_directive? *)
 let () =
@@ -375,14 +506,26 @@ let newline = ('\013'* '\010')
 let blank = [' ' '\009' '\012']
 let lowercase = ['a'-'z' '_']
 let uppercase = ['A'-'Z']
-let identchar = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\'' '0'-'9' '\128'-'\255']
+let identstart = lowercase | uppercase
+let identchar = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\'' '0'-'9']
+let utf8 = ['\192'-'\255'] ['\128'-'\191']*
+let identstart_ext = identstart | utf8
+let identchar_ext = identchar | utf8
+let delim_ext = (lowercase | uppercase | utf8)*
+(* ascii uppercase letters in quoted string delimiters ({delim||delim}) are
+   rejected by the delimiter validation function, we accept them temporarily to
+   have the same error message for ascii and non-ascii uppercase letters *)
 let lowercase_latin1 = ['a'-'z' '\223'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '_']
 let uppercase_latin1 = ['A'-'Z' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\222']
 let identchar_latin1 = identchar
   (*['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9']*)
 let symbolchar =
   ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~']
-let symbolcharnopercent =
+let symbolcharnopercent = (* TODO ???? *)
   ['!' '$' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~']
 let dotsymbolchar =
   ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '/' ':' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|']
@@ -392,6 +535,7 @@ let kwdopchar =
   ['$' '&' '*' '+' '-' '/' '<' '=' '>' '@' '^' '|']
 let ident = (lowercase | uppercase) identchar*
+let ident_ext = identstart_ext  identchar_ext*
 let extattrident = ident ('.' ident)*
 let decimal_literal =
@@ -438,11 +582,11 @@ rule token state = parse
   | blank +
       { token state lexbuf }
   | ".<"
-      { return DOTLESS }
+      { return METAOCAML_BRACKET_OPEN }
   | ">."
       { return (keyword_or state (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) (INFIXOP0 ">.")) }
   | ".~"
-      { return (keyword_or state (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) DOTTILDE) }
+      { return (keyword_or state (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) METAOCAML_ESCAPE) }
   | "_"
       { return UNDERSCORE }
   | "~"
@@ -452,40 +596,36 @@ rule token state = parse
       { fail lexbuf
           (Reserved_sequence (".~", Some "is reserved for use in MetaOCaml")) }
-  | "~" raw_ident_escape (lowercase identchar * as name) ':'
-      { return (LABEL name) }
-  | "~" (lowercase identchar * as name) ':'
+  | "~" (identstart identchar * as name) ':'
       { lABEL (check_label_name lexbuf name) }
-  | "~" (lowercase_latin1 identchar_latin1 * as name) ':'
-      { warn_latin1 lexbuf;
-        return (LABEL name) }
+  | "~" (raw_ident_escape? as escape) (ident_ext as raw_name) ':'
+      { ident_for_extended lexbuf raw_name
+        >>= check_label_name ~raw_escape:(escape<>"") lexbuf
+        |> lABEL }
   | "?"
       { return QUESTION }
-  | "?" raw_ident_escape (lowercase identchar * as name) ':'
-      { return (OPTLABEL name) }
   | "?" (lowercase identchar * as name) ':'
       { oPTLABEL (check_label_name lexbuf name) }
-  | "?" (lowercase_latin1 identchar_latin1 * as name) ':'
-      { warn_latin1 lexbuf; return (OPTLABEL name) }
-  | raw_ident_escape (lowercase identchar * as name)
-      { return (LIDENT name) }
+  | "?" (raw_ident_escape? as escape) (ident_ext as raw_name) ':'
+      { ident_for_extended lexbuf raw_name
+        >>= check_label_name ~raw_escape:(escape<>"") lexbuf
+        |> oPTLABEL }
+  (* | raw_ident_escape (lowercase identchar * as name)
+      { return (LIDENT name) } *)
   | lowercase identchar * as name
-    { return (try Hashtbl.find state.keywords name
-              with Not_found ->
-              try Hashtbl.find keyword_table name
-              with Not_found ->
-                LIDENT name) }
-  | lowercase_latin1 identchar_latin1 * as name
-      { warn_latin1 lexbuf; return (LIDENT name) }
+    { (find_keyword state lexbuf ~name ~default:(LIDENT name)) }
   | uppercase identchar * as name
     { (* Capitalized keywords for OUnit *)
-      return (try Hashtbl.find state.keywords name
-              with Not_found ->
-              try Hashtbl.find keyword_table name
-              with Not_found ->
-                UIDENT name) }
-  | uppercase_latin1 identchar_latin1 * as name
-    { warn_latin1 lexbuf; return (UIDENT name) }
+      (find_keyword state lexbuf ~name ~default:(UIDENT name))}
+  | (raw_ident_escape? as escape) (ident_ext as raw_name)
+    { let* name = ident_for_extended lexbuf raw_name in
+      if Utf8_lexeme.is_capitalized name then begin
+        if escape="" then return (UIDENT name)
+        else return (UIDENT name)
+          (* we don't have capitalized keywords, and thus no needs for
+             capitalized raw identifiers. *)
+          (*fail lexbuf (Capitalized_raw_identifier name)*)
+      end else return (LIDENT name) }
   | int_literal as lit { return (INT (lit, None)) }
   | (int_literal as lit) (literal_modifier as modif)
     { return (INT (lit, Some modif)) }
@@ -498,37 +638,36 @@ rule token state = parse
   | "\""
       { wrap_string_lexer string state lexbuf >>= fun (str, loc) ->
         return (STRING (str, loc, None)) }
-  | "\'\'"
-      { wrap_string_lexer string state lexbuf >>= fun (str, loc) ->
-        return (STRING (str, loc, None)) }
-  | "{" (lowercase* as delim) "|"
-      { wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string delim) state lexbuf
-        >>= fun (str, loc) ->
-        return (STRING (str, loc, Some delim)) }
-  | "{%" (extattrident as id) "|"
+  | "{" (delim_ext as raw_name) '|'
+      { let* delim = validate_delim lexbuf raw_name in
+        let+ s, loc = wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string delim) state lexbuf in
+        STRING (s, loc, Some delim) }
+  | "{%" (extattrident as raw_id) "|"
       { let orig_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-        wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string "") state lexbuf
-        >>= fun (str, loc) ->
+        let* id = validate_ext lexbuf raw_id in
+        let+ s, loc =wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string "") state lexbuf in
         let idloc = compute_quoted_string_idloc orig_loc 2 id in
-        return (QUOTED_STRING_EXPR (id, idloc, str, loc, Some "")) }
-  | "{%" (extattrident as id) blank+ (lowercase* as delim) "|"
+        QUOTED_STRING_EXPR (id, idloc, s, loc, Some "") }
+  | "{%" (extattrident as raw_id) blank+ (delim_ext as raw_delim) "|"
       { let orig_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-        wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string delim) state lexbuf
-        >>= fun (str, loc) ->
+        let* id = validate_ext lexbuf raw_id in
+        let* delim = validate_delim lexbuf raw_delim in
+        let+ s, loc = wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string delim) state lexbuf in
         let idloc = compute_quoted_string_idloc orig_loc 2 id in
-        return (QUOTED_STRING_EXPR (id, idloc, str, loc, Some delim)) }
-  | "{%%" (extattrident as id) "|"
+        QUOTED_STRING_EXPR (id, idloc, s, loc, Some delim) }
+  | "{%%" (extattrident as raw_id) "|"
       { let orig_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-        wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string "") state lexbuf
-        >>= fun (str, loc) ->
+        let* id = validate_ext lexbuf raw_id in
+        let+ s, loc = wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string "") state lexbuf in
         let idloc = compute_quoted_string_idloc orig_loc 3 id in
-        return (QUOTED_STRING_ITEM (id, idloc, str, loc, Some "")) }
-  | "{%%" (extattrident as id) blank+ (lowercase* as delim) "|"
+        QUOTED_STRING_ITEM (id, idloc, s, loc, Some "") }
+  | "{%%" (extattrident as raw_id) blank+ (delim_ext as raw_delim) "|"
       { let orig_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-        wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string delim) state lexbuf
-        >>= fun (str, loc) ->
+        let* id = validate_ext lexbuf raw_id in
+        let* delim = validate_delim lexbuf raw_delim in
+        let+ s, loc = wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string delim) state lexbuf in
         let idloc = compute_quoted_string_idloc orig_loc 3 id in
-        return (QUOTED_STRING_ITEM (id, idloc, str, loc, Some delim)) }
+        QUOTED_STRING_ITEM (id, idloc, s, loc, Some delim) }
   | "\'" newline "\'"
     { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 1;
       (* newline is ('\013'* '\010') *)
@@ -537,34 +676,45 @@ rule token state = parse
     { return (CHAR c) }
   | "\'\\" (['\\' '\'' '\"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' '] as c) "\'"
     { return (CHAR (char_for_backslash c)) }
-  | "\'\\" 'o' ['0'-'3'] ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7'] "\'"
-    { char_for_octal_code state lexbuf 3 >>= fun c -> return (CHAR c) }
   | "\'\\" ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "\'"
     { char_for_decimal_code state lexbuf 2 >>= fun c -> return (CHAR c) }
+  | "\'\\" 'o' ['0'-'3'] ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7'] "\'"
+    { char_for_octal_code state lexbuf 3 >>= fun c -> return (CHAR c) }
   | "\'\\" 'x' ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] "\'"
     { return (CHAR (char_for_hexadecimal_code lexbuf 3)) }
   | "\'" ("\\" [^ '#'] as esc)
       { fail lexbuf (Illegal_escape (esc, None)) }
   | "(*"
-      { let start_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-        state.comment_start_loc <- [start_loc];
-        Buffer.reset state.buffer;
-        comment state lexbuf >>= fun end_loc ->
-        let s = Buffer.contents state.buffer in
-        Buffer.reset state.buffer;
-        return (COMMENT (s, { start_loc with
-                              Location.loc_end = end_loc.Location.loc_end }))
+      { let+ s, loc = wrap_comment_lexer state comment lexbuf in
+        COMMENT (s, loc) }
+  | "(**"
+      { let+ s, loc = wrap_comment_lexer state comment lexbuf in
+        if !handle_docstrings then
+          DOCSTRING (Docstrings.docstring s loc)
+        else
+          COMMENT ("*" ^ s, loc)
+  | "(**" (('*'+) as stars)
+      { let+ s, loc =
+          wrap_comment_lexer
+            state
+            (fun state lexbuf ->
+               store_string state.buffer ("*" ^ stars);
+               comment state  lexbuf)
+            lexbuf
+        in
+        COMMENT (s, loc) }
   | "(*)"
-      { let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
-        Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Comment_start;
-        state.comment_start_loc <- [loc];
-        Buffer.reset state.buffer;
-        comment state lexbuf >>= fun end_loc ->
-        let s = Buffer.contents state.buffer in
-        Buffer.reset state.buffer;
-        return (COMMENT (s, { loc with Location.loc_end = end_loc.Location.loc_end }))
-      }
+      { if !print_warnings then
+          Location.prerr_warning (Location.curr lexbuf) Warnings.Comment_start;
+        let+ s, loc = wrap_comment_lexer state comment lexbuf in
+        COMMENT (s, loc) }
+  | "(*" (('*'*) as stars) "*)"
+      { if !handle_docstrings && stars="" then
+         (* (**) is an empty docstring *)
+          return (DOCSTRING(Docstrings.docstring "" (Location.curr lexbuf)))
+        else
+          return (COMMENT (stars, Location.curr lexbuf)) }
   | "*)"
       { let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
         Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Comment_not_end;
@@ -573,13 +723,12 @@ rule token state = parse
         lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { curpos with pos_cnum = curpos.pos_cnum - 1 };
         return STAR
-  | "#" [' ' '\t']* (['0'-'9']+ as num) [' ' '\t']*
-        ("\"" ([^ '\010' '\013' '\"' ] * as name) "\"")?
-        [^ '\010' '\013'] * newline
-      { update_loc lexbuf name (int_of_string num) true 0;
-        token state lexbuf
+  | "#"
+      { let at_beginning_of_line pos = (pos.pos_cnum = pos.pos_bol) in
+        if not (at_beginning_of_line lexbuf.lex_start_p)
+        then return HASH
+        else try directive state lexbuf with Failure _ -> return HASH
-  | "#"  { return HASH }
   | "&"  { return AMPERSAND }
   | "&&" { return AMPERAMPER }
   | "`"  { return BACKQUOTE }
@@ -632,7 +781,7 @@ rule token state = parse
             { return (PREFIXOP op) }
   | ['~' '?'] symbolchar_or_hash + as op
             { return (PREFIXOP op) }
-  | ['=' '<' '|' '&' '$' '>'] symbolchar * as op
+  | ['=' '<' '>' '|' '&' '$'] symbolchar * as op
             { return (keyword_or state op
                        (INFIXOP0 op)) }
   | ['@' '^'] symbolchar * as op
@@ -657,18 +806,35 @@ rule token state = parse
   | _ as illegal_char
       { fail lexbuf (Illegal_character illegal_char) }
+and directive state = parse
+  | ([' ' '\t']* (['0'-'9']+ as num) [' ' '\t']*
+        ("\"" ([^ '\010' '\013' '\"' ] * as name) "\"") as directive)
+        [^ '\010' '\013'] *
+      {
+        match int_of_string num with
+        | exception _ ->
+            (* PR#7165 *)
+            let explanation = "line number out of range" in
+            fail lexbuf (Invalid_directive ("#" ^ directive, Some explanation))
+        | line_num ->
+           (* Documentation says that the line number should be
+              positive, but we have never guarded against this and it
+              might have useful hackish uses. *)
+            update_loc lexbuf (Some name) (line_num - 1) true 0;
+            token state lexbuf
+      }
 and comment state = parse
       { state.comment_start_loc <- (Location.curr lexbuf) :: state.comment_start_loc;
-      Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
-      comment state lexbuf
-    }
+        store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf;
+        comment state lexbuf
+      }
   | "*)"
       { match state.comment_start_loc with
         | [] -> assert false
         | [_] -> state.comment_start_loc <- []; return (Location.curr lexbuf)
         | _ :: l -> state.comment_start_loc <- l;
-                  Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
+                  store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf;
                   comment state lexbuf
   | "\""
@@ -689,35 +855,37 @@ and comment state = parse
              | e -> fail_loc e l
         ) >>= fun _loc ->
-      state.string_start_loc <- Location.none;
-      Buffer.add_string buffer (String.escaped (Buffer.contents state.buffer));
-      state.buffer <- buffer;
-      Buffer.add_char state.buffer '\"';
-      comment state lexbuf }
-  | "{" ('%' '%'? extattrident blank*)? (lowercase* as delim) "|"
-      {
-        state.string_start_loc <- Location.curr lexbuf;
-        Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
-        (catch (quoted_string delim state lexbuf) (fun e l -> match e with
-             | Unterminated_string ->
-               begin match state.comment_start_loc with
-                 | [] -> assert false
-                 | loc :: _ ->
-                   let start = List.hd (List.rev state.comment_start_loc) in
-                   state.comment_start_loc <- [];
-                   fail_loc (Unterminated_string_in_comment (start, l)) loc
-               end
-             | e -> fail_loc e l
-           )
-        ) >>= fun _loc ->
         state.string_start_loc <- Location.none;
-        Buffer.add_char state.buffer '|';
-        Buffer.add_string state.buffer delim;
-        Buffer.add_char state.buffer '}';
+        Buffer.add_string buffer (String.escaped (Buffer.contents state.buffer));
+        state.buffer <- buffer;
+        store_string_char state.buffer '\"';
         comment state lexbuf }
+  | "{" ('%' '%'? extattrident blank*)? (delim_ext as raw_delim) "|"
+      { match lax_delim raw_delim with
+        | None -> store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf; comment state lexbuf
+        | Some delim ->
+          state.string_start_loc <- Location.curr lexbuf;
+          Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
+          (catch (quoted_string delim state lexbuf) (fun e l -> match e with
+              | Unterminated_string ->
+                begin match state.comment_start_loc with
+                  | [] -> assert false
+                  | loc :: _ ->
+                    let start = List.hd (List.rev state.comment_start_loc) in
+                    state.comment_start_loc <- [];
+                    fail_loc (Unterminated_string_in_comment (start, l)) loc
+                end
+              | e -> fail_loc e l
+            )
+          ) >>= fun _loc ->
+          state.string_start_loc <- Location.none;
+          Buffer.add_char state.buffer '|';
+          Buffer.add_string state.buffer delim;
+          Buffer.add_char state.buffer '}';
+          comment state lexbuf }
   | "\'\'"
-      { Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment state lexbuf }
+      { store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf; comment state lexbuf }
   | "\'" (newline as nl) "\'"
       { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 1;
         store_string_char state.buffer '\'';
@@ -725,16 +893,16 @@ and comment state = parse
         store_string_char state.buffer '\'';
         comment state lexbuf
-  | "\'" [^ '\\' '\'' '\010' '\013' ] "'"
-      { Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment state lexbuf }
-  | "\'\\" ['\\' '\"' '\'' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' '] "'"
-      { Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment state lexbuf }
-  | "\'\\" ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "'"
-      { Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment state lexbuf }
+  | "\'" [^ '\\' '\'' '\010' '\013' ] "\'"
+      { store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf; comment state lexbuf }
+  | "\'\\" ['\\' '\"' '\'' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' '] "\'"
+      { store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf; comment state lexbuf }
+  | "\'\\" ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "\'"
+      { store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf; comment state lexbuf }
   | "\'\\" 'o' ['0'-'3'] ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7'] "\'"
-      { Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment state lexbuf }
-  | "\'\\" 'x' ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] "'"
-      { Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment state lexbuf }
+      { store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf; comment state lexbuf }
+  | "\'\\" 'x' ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] "\'"
+      { store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf; comment state lexbuf }
   | eof
       { match state.comment_start_loc with
         | [] -> assert false
@@ -748,29 +916,37 @@ and comment state = parse
         store_normalized_newline state.buffer nl;
         comment state lexbuf
-  | (lowercase | uppercase) identchar *
-      { Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment state lexbuf }
+  | ident
+      { store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf; comment state lexbuf }
   | _
-      { Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); comment state lexbuf }
+      { store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf; comment state lexbuf }
 and string state = parse
       { return lexbuf.lex_start_p  }
-  | '\\' newline ([' ' '\t'] * as space)
+  | '\\' (newline as nl) ([' ' '\t'] * as space)
       { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false (String.length space);
+        if in_comment state then begin
+          store_string_char state.buffer '\\';
+          store_normalized_newline state.buffer nl;
+          store_string state.buffer space;
+        end;
         string state lexbuf
-  | '\\' ['\\' '\'' '\"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' ']
-      { Buffer.add_char state.buffer
-          (char_for_backslash (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1));
+  | '\\' (['\\' '\'' '\"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' '] as c)
+      { store_escaped_char state lexbuf (char_for_backslash c);
         string state lexbuf }
   | '\\' ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9']
       { char_for_decimal_code state lexbuf 1 >>= fun c ->
-        Buffer.add_char state.buffer c;
-        string state lexbuf }
+        store_escaped_char state lexbuf c;
+         string state lexbuf }
+  | '\\' 'o' ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7']
+      { char_for_octal_code state lexbuf 2 >>= fun c ->
+        store_escaped_char state lexbuf c;
+         string state lexbuf }
   | '\\' 'x' ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F']
-      { Buffer.add_char state.buffer (char_for_hexadecimal_code lexbuf 2);
-        string state lexbuf }
+      { store_escaped_char state lexbuf (char_for_hexadecimal_code lexbuf 2);
+         string state lexbuf }
   | '\\' 'u' '{' hex_digit+ '}'
       { store_escaped_uchar state lexbuf (uchar_for_uchar_escape lexbuf);
         string state lexbuf }
@@ -779,13 +955,11 @@ and string state = parse
         then string state lexbuf
         else begin
 (*  Should be an error, but we are very lax.
-                  fail (Illegal_escape (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf),
-                        (Location.curr lexbuf)
+          error lexbuf (Illegal_escape (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf, None))
           let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
           Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Illegal_backslash;
-          Buffer.add_char state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0);
-          Buffer.add_char state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 1);
+          store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf;
           string state lexbuf
@@ -812,16 +986,15 @@ and quoted_string delim state = parse
       { let loc = state.string_start_loc in
         state.string_start_loc <- Location.none;
         fail_loc Unterminated_string loc }
-  | "|" lowercase* "}"
+  | "|" (ident_ext? as raw_edelim) "}"
-        let edelim = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
-        let edelim = String.sub edelim ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length edelim - 2) in
+        let* edelim = validate_encoding lexbuf raw_edelim in
         if delim = edelim then return lexbuf.lex_start_p
-        else (Buffer.add_string state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf);
+        else (store_lexeme state.buffer lexbuf;
               quoted_string delim state lexbuf)
-  | _
-      { Buffer.add_char state.buffer (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0);
+  | (_ as c)
+      { store_string_char state.buffer c;
         quoted_string delim state lexbuf }
 and skip_sharp_bang state = parse
diff --git a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_printer.ml b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_printer.ml
index 6b7830e814..56981d2a21 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_printer.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_printer.ml
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ let print_symbol = function
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUSDOT) -> "-."
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUS) -> "-"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METHOD) -> "method"
+  | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_ESCAPE) -> ".~"
+  | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_OPEN) -> ".<"
+  | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE) -> ">."
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MATCH) -> "match"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LPAREN) -> ")"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LIDENT) -> "LIDENT"
@@ -100,7 +103,6 @@ let print_symbol = function
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_HASH) -> "#"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERRBRACKET) -> ">]"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERRBRACE) -> ">}"
-  | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERDOT) -> ">."
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATER) -> ">"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTOR) -> "functor"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTION) -> "function"
@@ -115,10 +117,9 @@ let print_symbol = function
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EOF) -> "EOF"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_END) -> "end"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_ELSE) -> "else"
+  | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EFFECT) -> "effect"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOWNTO) -> "downto"
-  | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTTILDE) -> ".~"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTOP) -> "DOTOP"
-  | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTLESS) -> ".<"
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTDOT) -> ".."
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOT) -> "."
   | MenhirInterpreter.X (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DONE) -> "done"
@@ -412,6 +413,9 @@ let print_value (type a) : a MenhirInterpreter.symbol -> a -> string = function
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUSDOT -> (fun _ -> "-.")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUS -> (fun _ -> "-")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METHOD -> (fun _ -> "method")
+  | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_ESCAPE -> (fun _ -> ".~")
+  | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_OPEN -> (fun _ -> ".<")
+  | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE -> (fun _ -> ">.")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MATCH -> (fun _ -> "match")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LPAREN -> (fun _ -> ")")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LIDENT -> (Printf.sprintf "LIDENT(%S)")
@@ -447,7 +451,6 @@ let print_value (type a) : a MenhirInterpreter.symbol -> a -> string = function
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_HASH -> (fun _ -> "#")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERRBRACKET -> (fun _ -> ">]")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERRBRACE -> (fun _ -> ">}")
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERDOT -> (fun _ -> ">.")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATER -> (fun _ -> ">")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTOR -> (fun _ -> "functor")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTION -> (fun _ -> "function")
@@ -462,10 +465,9 @@ let print_value (type a) : a MenhirInterpreter.symbol -> a -> string = function
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EOF -> (fun _ -> "EOF")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_END -> (fun _ -> "end")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_ELSE -> (fun _ -> "else")
+  | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EFFECT -> (fun _ -> "effect")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOWNTO -> (fun _ -> "downto")
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTTILDE -> (fun _ -> ".~")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTOP -> (fun _ -> "DOTOP")
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTLESS -> (fun _ -> ".<")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTDOT -> (fun _ -> "..")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOT -> (fun _ -> ".")
   | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DONE -> (fun _ -> "done")
@@ -758,6 +760,9 @@ let print_token = function
   | MINUSDOT -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUSDOT) ()
   | MINUS -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUS) ()
   | METHOD -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METHOD) ()
+  | METAOCAML_ESCAPE -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_ESCAPE) ()
+  | METAOCAML_BRACKET_OPEN -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_OPEN) ()
+  | METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE) ()
   | MATCH -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MATCH) ()
   | LPAREN -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LPAREN) ()
   | LIDENT v -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LIDENT) v
@@ -793,7 +798,6 @@ let print_token = function
   | HASH -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_HASH) ()
   | GREATERRBRACKET -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERRBRACKET) ()
   | GREATERRBRACE -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERRBRACE) ()
-  | GREATERDOT -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERDOT) ()
   | GREATER -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATER) ()
   | FUNCTOR -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTOR) ()
   | FUNCTION -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTION) ()
@@ -808,10 +812,9 @@ let print_token = function
   | EOF -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EOF) ()
   | END -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_END) ()
   | ELSE -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_ELSE) ()
+  | EFFECT -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EFFECT) ()
   | DOWNTO -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOWNTO) ()
-  | DOTTILDE -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTTILDE) ()
   | DOTOP v -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTOP) v
-  | DOTLESS -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTLESS) ()
   | DOTDOT -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTDOT) ()
   | DOT -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOT) ()
   | DONE -> print_value (MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DONE) ()
@@ -888,6 +891,9 @@ let token_of_terminal (type a) (t : a MenhirInterpreter.terminal) (v : a) : toke
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUSDOT -> MINUSDOT
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUS -> MINUS
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_METHOD -> METHOD
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_MATCH -> MATCH
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_LPAREN -> LPAREN
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_LIDENT -> LIDENT v
@@ -923,7 +929,6 @@ let token_of_terminal (type a) (t : a MenhirInterpreter.terminal) (v : a) : toke
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_HASH -> HASH
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERDOT -> GREATERDOT
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATER -> GREATER
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTOR -> FUNCTOR
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTION -> FUNCTION
@@ -938,10 +943,9 @@ let token_of_terminal (type a) (t : a MenhirInterpreter.terminal) (v : a) : toke
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_EOF -> EOF
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_END -> END
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_ELSE -> ELSE
+  | MenhirInterpreter.T_EFFECT -> EFFECT
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOWNTO -> DOWNTO
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTTILDE -> DOTTILDE
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTOP -> DOTOP v
-  | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTLESS -> DOTLESS
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTDOT -> DOTDOT
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_DOT -> DOT
   | MenhirInterpreter.T_DONE -> DONE
diff --git a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml
index 190b5b4887..194ad3ead3 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | VAL
     | UIDENT of (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
 # 22 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | THEN
     | STRUCT
     | STRING of (
-# 876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * Location.t * string option)
 # 34 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | RBRACE
-# 881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 900 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   (string * Location.t * string * Location.t * string option)
 # 47 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   (string * Location.t * string * Location.t * string option)
 # 52 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | PRIVATE
     | PREFIXOP of (
-# 862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
 # 60 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | PERCENT
     | OR
     | OPTLABEL of (
-# 855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
 # 70 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
@@ -79,17 +79,20 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | MINUS
     | METHOD
     | MATCH
     | LPAREN
     | LIDENT of (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 88 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 91 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | LETOP of (
-# 820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 839 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 93 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 96 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | LET
@@ -107,63 +110,62 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | LBRACE
     | LAZY
     | LABEL of (
-# 825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | INT of (
-# 824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | INHERIT
     | INFIXOP4 of (
-# 818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 128 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | INFIXOP3 of (
-# 817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 133 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | INFIXOP2 of (
-# 816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | INFIXOP1 of (
-# 815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | INFIXOP0 of (
-# 814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 145 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 148 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | INCLUDE
     | IN
     | IF
     | HASHOP of (
-# 873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 892 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 156 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | HASH
     | GREATER
     | FUNCTOR
     | FUN
     | FOR
     | FLOAT of (
-# 803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 167 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | FALSE
@@ -173,28 +175,27 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | EOF
     | END
     | ELSE
+    | EFFECT
     | DOWNTO
     | DOTOP of (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-    | DOTLESS
     | DOTDOT
     | DOT
     | DONE
     | DOCSTRING of (
-# 898 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 917 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 191 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | DO
     | COMMENT of (
-# 897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 916 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * Location.t)
-# 198 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 199 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | COMMA
@@ -203,9 +204,9 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | COLON
     | CLASS
     | CHAR of (
-# 783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 209 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | BEGIN
@@ -216,9 +217,9 @@ module MenhirBasics = struct
     | ASSERT
     | AS
     | ANDOP of (
-# 821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     | AND
@@ -271,6 +272,7 @@ let mkmod ~loc ?attrs d = Mod.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
 let mkstr ~loc d = Str.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) d
 let mkclass ~loc ?attrs d = Cl.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
 let mkcty ~loc ?attrs d = Cty.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
+let mkconst ~loc c = Const.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) c
 let pstr_typext (te, ext) =
   (Pstr_typext te, ext)
@@ -363,20 +365,31 @@ let neg_string f =
   then String.sub f 1 (String.length f - 1)
   else "-" ^ f
-let mkuminus ~oploc name arg =
-  match name, arg.pexp_desc with
-  | "-", Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer (n,m)) ->
-      Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer(neg_string n,m))
-  | ("-" | "-."), Pexp_constant(Pconst_float (f, m)) ->
-      Pexp_constant(Pconst_float(neg_string f, m))
+(* Pre-apply the special [-], [-.], [+] and [+.] prefix operators into
+   constants if possible, otherwise turn them into the corresponding prefix
+   operators [~-], [~-.], etc.. *)
+let mkuminus ~sloc ~oploc name arg =
+  match name, arg.pexp_desc, arg.pexp_attributes with
+  | "-",
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_integer (n,m); pconst_loc=_}),
+    [] ->
+      Pexp_constant(mkconst ~loc:sloc (Pconst_integer(neg_string n, m)))
+  | ("-" | "-."),
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_float (f, m); pconst_loc=_}), [] ->
+      Pexp_constant(mkconst ~loc:sloc (Pconst_float(neg_string f, m)))
   | _ ->
       Pexp_apply(mkoperator ~loc:oploc ("~" ^ name), [Nolabel, arg])
-let mkuplus ~oploc name arg =
+let mkuplus ~sloc ~oploc name arg =
   let desc = arg.pexp_desc in
-  match name, desc with
-  | "+", Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer _)
-  | ("+" | "+."), Pexp_constant(Pconst_float _) -> desc
+  match name, desc, arg.pexp_attributes with
+  | "+",
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_integer _ as desc; pconst_loc=_}),
+    []
+  | ("+" | "+."),
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_float _ as desc; pconst_loc=_}),
+    [] ->
+      Pexp_constant(mkconst ~loc:sloc desc)
   | _ ->
       Pexp_apply(mkoperator ~loc:oploc ("~" ^ name), [Nolabel, arg])
@@ -697,7 +710,8 @@ let wrap_mksig_ext ~loc (item, ext) =
 let mk_quotedext ~loc (id, idloc, str, strloc, delim) =
   let exp_id = mkloc id idloc in
-  let e = ghexp ~loc (Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (str, strloc, delim))) in
+  let const = Const.mk ~loc:strloc (Pconst_string (str, strloc, delim)) in
+  let e = ghexp ~loc (Pexp_constant const) in
   (exp_id, PStr [mkstrexp e []])
 let text_str pos = Str.text (rhs_text pos)
@@ -874,6 +888,11 @@ let mkfunction params body_constraint body =
       | Some newtypes ->
           mkghost_newtype_function_body newtypes body_constraint body_exp
+let mk_functor_typ args mty =
+  List.fold_left (fun acc (startpos, arg) ->
+      mkmty ~loc:(startpos, mty.pmty_loc.loc_end) (Pmty_functor (arg, acc)))
+    mty args
 (* Alternatively, we could keep the generic module type in the Parsetree
    and extract the package type during type-checking. In that case,
    the assertions below should be turned into explicit checks. *)
@@ -933,7 +952,7 @@ let merloc startpos ?endpos x =
   { x with pexp_attributes = attr :: x.pexp_attributes }
-# 937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 956 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 module Tables = struct
@@ -943,164 +962,166 @@ module Tables = struct
     fun _tok ->
       match _tok with
       | AMPERAMPER ->
-          126
+          127
       | AMPERSAND ->
-          125
+          126
       | AND ->
-          124
+          125
       | ANDOP _ ->
-          123
+          124
       | AS ->
-          122
+          123
       | ASSERT ->
-          121
+          122
       | BACKQUOTE ->
-          120
+          121
       | BANG ->
-          119
+          120
       | BAR ->
-          118
+          119
       | BARBAR ->
-          117
+          118
       | BARRBRACKET ->
-          116
+          117
       | BEGIN ->
-          115
+          116
       | CHAR _ ->
-          114
+          115
       | CLASS ->
-          113
+          114
       | COLON ->
-          112
+          113
       | COLONCOLON ->
-          111
+          112
       | COLONEQUAL ->
-          110
+          111
       | COLONGREATER ->
-          109
+          110
       | COMMA ->
-          108
+          109
       | COMMENT _ ->
-          107
+          108
       | CONSTRAINT ->
-          106
+          107
       | DO ->
-          105
+          106
       | DOCSTRING _ ->
-          104
+          105
       | DONE ->
-          103
+          104
       | DOT ->
-          102
+          103
       | DOTDOT ->
+          102
+      | DOTOP _ ->
-      | DOTLESS ->
+      | DOWNTO ->
-      | DOTOP _ ->
+      | EFFECT ->
-      | DOTTILDE ->
+      | ELSE ->
-      | DOWNTO ->
+      | END ->
-      | ELSE ->
+      | EOF ->
-      | END ->
+      | EOL ->
-      | EOF ->
+      | EQUAL ->
-      | EOL ->
+      | EXCEPTION ->
-      | EQUAL ->
+      | EXTERNAL ->
-      | EXCEPTION ->
+      | FALSE ->
-      | EXTERNAL ->
+      | FLOAT _ ->
-      | FALSE ->
+      | FOR ->
-      | FLOAT _ ->
+      | FUN ->
-      | FOR ->
+      | FUNCTION ->
-      | FUN ->
+      | FUNCTOR ->
-      | FUNCTION ->
+      | GREATER ->
-      | FUNCTOR ->
-      | GREATER ->
-      | GREATERDOT ->
+      | HASH ->
+      | HASHOP _ ->
+      | IF ->
-      | HASH ->
+      | IN ->
-      | HASHOP _ ->
+      | INCLUDE ->
-      | IF ->
+      | INFIXOP0 _ ->
-      | IN ->
+      | INFIXOP1 _ ->
-      | INCLUDE ->
+      | INFIXOP2 _ ->
-      | INFIXOP0 _ ->
+      | INFIXOP3 _ ->
-      | INFIXOP1 _ ->
+      | INFIXOP4 _ ->
-      | INFIXOP2 _ ->
+      | INHERIT ->
-      | INFIXOP3 _ ->
+      | INITIALIZER ->
-      | INFIXOP4 _ ->
+      | INT _ ->
-      | INHERIT ->
+      | LABEL _ ->
-      | INITIALIZER ->
+      | LAZY ->
-      | INT _ ->
+      | LBRACE ->
-      | LABEL _ ->
+      | LBRACELESS ->
-      | LAZY ->
+      | LBRACKET ->
-      | LBRACE ->
+      | LBRACKETAT ->
-      | LBRACELESS ->
+      | LBRACKETATAT ->
-      | LBRACKET ->
-      | LBRACKETAT ->
+      | LBRACKETBAR ->
-      | LBRACKETATAT ->
+      | LBRACKETLESS ->
-      | LBRACKETBAR ->
-      | LBRACKETLESS ->
+      | LESS ->
+      | LESSMINUS ->
+      | LET ->
-      | LESS ->
+      | LETOP _ ->
-      | LESSMINUS ->
+      | LIDENT _ ->
-      | LET ->
+      | LPAREN ->
-      | LETOP _ ->
+      | MATCH ->
-      | LIDENT _ ->
-      | LPAREN ->
-      | MATCH ->
       | METHOD ->
@@ -1253,14 +1274,12 @@ module Tables = struct
           Obj.repr ()
       | DOTDOT ->
           Obj.repr ()
-      | DOTLESS ->
-          Obj.repr ()
       | DOTOP _v ->
           Obj.repr _v
-      | DOTTILDE ->
-          Obj.repr ()
       | DOWNTO ->
           Obj.repr ()
+      | EFFECT ->
+          Obj.repr ()
       | ELSE ->
           Obj.repr ()
       | END ->
@@ -1289,8 +1308,6 @@ module Tables = struct
           Obj.repr ()
       | GREATER ->
           Obj.repr ()
-      | GREATERDOT ->
-          Obj.repr ()
           Obj.repr ()
@@ -1361,6 +1378,12 @@ module Tables = struct
           Obj.repr ()
       | MATCH ->
           Obj.repr ()
+          Obj.repr ()
+          Obj.repr ()
+          Obj.repr ()
       | METHOD ->
           Obj.repr ()
       | MINUS ->
@@ -1455,22 +1478,22 @@ module Tables = struct
           Obj.repr ()
   and default_reduction =
-    (16, "\000\000\000\000\000\000\003\014\003\r\003\012\003\011\003\n\002\221\003\t\003\b\003\007\003\006\003\005\003\004\003\003\003\002\003\001\003\000\002\255\002\254\002\253\002\252\002\251\002\250\002\249\002\248\002\247\002\220\002\246\002\245\002\244\002\243\002\242\002\241\002\240\002\239\002\238\002\237\002\236\002\235\002\234\002\233\002\232\002\231\002\230\002\229\002\228\002\227\002\226\002\225\002\224\002\223\002\222\000\000\000\000\000\"\000~\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\212\001\191\001\209\001\208\001\207\001\213\001\217\001\211\001\210\001\192\001\215\001\206\001\205\001\204\001\203\001\202\001\200\001\216\001\214\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\004\000\000\000\000\001\195\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\197\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\199\001\221\001\218\001\201\001\193\001\219\001\220\000\000\003N\003O\000\000\000\000\000 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   and semantic_action =
@@ -1488,9 +1511,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4137 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4185 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "+" )
-# 1494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1513,9 +1536,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "+." )
-# 1519 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1538,9 +1561,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3671 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 1544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1591,15 +1614,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _2 _sloc )
-# 1597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1620 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3674 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_alias(ty, tyvar) )
-# 1603 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1626 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos_ty_) in
@@ -1607,15 +1630,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 1613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1636 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1642 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1662,30 +1685,30 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Ast_helper.let_binding) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 1668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1691 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 1677 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2880 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       mklb ~loc:_sloc false body attrs
-# 1689 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1712 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1708,9 +1731,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4021 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4069 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 1714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1733,9 +1756,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                  ( Lident _1 )
-# 1739 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1762 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1758,9 +1781,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_type__ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_type__ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3766 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( type_ )
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1789,35 +1812,35 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 1795 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys = 
-# 3799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [] )
-# 1801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3770 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3811 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_constr (tid, tys) )
-# 1806 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 1815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 1821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1853,20 +1876,20 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 1859 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1882 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys = 
-# 3801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [ ty ] )
-# 1865 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3770 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3811 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_constr (tid, tys) )
-# 1870 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_ty_ in
@@ -1874,15 +1897,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 1880 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1903 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 1886 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -1933,9 +1956,9 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 1939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1962 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys =
@@ -1943,24 +1966,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 1947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1970 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 1952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( tys )
-# 1958 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3770 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3811 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_constr (tid, tys) )
-# 1964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1987 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -1968,15 +1991,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 1974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 1980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2003 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2012,20 +2035,20 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 2018 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys = 
-# 3799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [] )
-# 2024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_class (cid, tys) )
-# 2029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2052 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos__2_ in
@@ -2033,15 +2056,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 2039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 2045 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2084,20 +2107,20 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 2090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys = 
-# 3801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [ ty ] )
-# 2096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_class (cid, tys) )
-# 2101 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2124 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_ty_ in
@@ -2105,15 +2128,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 2111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 2117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2171,9 +2194,9 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 2177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2200 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys =
@@ -2181,24 +2204,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 2185 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 2190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( tys )
-# 2196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_class (cid, tys) )
-# 2202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -2206,15 +2229,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 2212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 2218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2257,15 +2280,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 2263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2286 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3778 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_open (mod_ident, type_) )
-# 2269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2292 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_type__ in
@@ -2273,15 +2296,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 2279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2302 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 2285 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2308 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2312,24 +2335,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_ident_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3780 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_var ident )
-# 2318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2341 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_ident_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 2327 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 2333 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2356 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2353,23 +2376,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3782 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3823 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_any )
-# 2359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 2367 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 2373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2393,23 +2416,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string Location.loc) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 4204 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                      ( _1 )
-# 2399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2422 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1077 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkloc _1 (make_loc _sloc) )
-# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2430 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4254 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 2413 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2436 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2447,24 +2470,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (string Location.loc) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 4205 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                  ( _1 ^ "." ^ _3.txt )
-# 2453 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2476 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1077 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkloc _1 (make_loc _sloc) )
-# 2462 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4254 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 2468 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2491 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2487,11 +2510,11 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4309 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Builtin_attributes.mark_payload_attrs_used _1;
-# 2495 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2538,9 +2561,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4258 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_attr ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) _2 _3 )
-# 2544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2563,9 +2586,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = 
-# 2069 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 2569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2604,18 +2627,18 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 2610 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( wrap_class_attrs ~loc:_sloc _3 _2 )
-# 2619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2642 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2655,9 +2678,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2091 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( class_of_let_bindings ~loc:_sloc _1 _3 )
-# 2661 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2684 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2720,34 +2743,34 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 2726 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2749 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 2735 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2758 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _3 = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 2741 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2093 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = (_startpos__2_, _endpos__5_) in
         let od = Opn.mk ~override:_3 ~loc:(make_loc loc) _5 in
         mkclass ~loc:_sloc ~attrs:_4 (Pcl_open(od, _7)) )
-# 2751 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2817,37 +2840,37 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 2823 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2846 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
         let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 2832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 2840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2863 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2093 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = (_startpos__2_, _endpos__5_) in
         let od = Opn.mk ~override:_3 ~loc:(make_loc loc) _5 in
         mkclass ~loc:_sloc ~attrs:_4 (Pcl_open(od, _7)) )
-# 2851 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2877,9 +2900,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = 
-# 2079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Cl.attr _1 _2 )
-# 2883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2914,18 +2937,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 2918 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 2923 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2946 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcl_apply(_1, _2) )
-# 2929 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -2933,15 +2956,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 2939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2962 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 2945 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2968 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -2965,23 +2988,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2102 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcl_extension _1 )
-# 2971 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 2979 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 2985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3034,33 +3057,33 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field) = let _6 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3063 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__6_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3072 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 3055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkcf ~loc:_sloc (Pcf_inherit (_2, _4, self)) ~attrs:(_3@_6) ~docs )
-# 3064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3120,36 +3143,36 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field) = let _6 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3126 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__6_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
         let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 3143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkcf ~loc:_sloc (Pcf_inherit (_2, _4, self)) ~attrs:(_3@_6) ~docs )
-# 3153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3189,9 +3212,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field) = let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3195 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__3_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -3199,11 +3222,11 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let v, attrs = _2 in
         let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkcf ~loc:_sloc (Pcf_val v) ~attrs:(attrs@_3) ~docs )
-# 3207 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3243,9 +3266,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field) = let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3249 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3272 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__3_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -3253,11 +3276,11 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2147 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let meth, attrs = _2 in
         let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkcf ~loc:_sloc (Pcf_method meth) ~attrs:(attrs@_3) ~docs )
-# 3261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3303,28 +3326,28 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field) = let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3309 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__4_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3341 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2151 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkcf ~loc:_sloc (Pcf_constraint _3) ~attrs:(_2@_4) ~docs )
-# 3328 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3370,28 +3393,28 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field) = let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3376 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__4_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3385 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2172 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkcf ~loc:_sloc (Pcf_initializer _3) ~attrs:(_2@_4) ~docs )
-# 3395 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3423,9 +3446,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field) = let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3429 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -3433,10 +3456,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2157 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkcf ~loc:_sloc (Pcf_extension _1) ~attrs:_2 ~docs )
-# 3440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3460,23 +3483,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2160 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pcf_attribute _1 )
-# 3466 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3489 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1098 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkcf ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 3474 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2179 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 3480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3506,9 +3529,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = 
-# 2049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2067 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _2 )
-# 3512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3553,24 +3576,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2052 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcl_constraint(_4, _2) )
-# 3559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__4_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 3568 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 3574 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3601,24 +3624,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2072 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (l,o,p) = _1 in Pcl_fun(l, o, p, _2) )
-# 3607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 3616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 3622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3645 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3656,24 +3679,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_e_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (l,o,p) = _1 in Pcl_fun(l, o, p, e) )
-# 3662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3685 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_e_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 3671 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3677 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3704,24 +3727,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_e_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (l,o,p) = _1 in Pcl_fun(l, o, p, e) )
-# 3710 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3733 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_e_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 3719 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3742 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 3725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3748 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3744,9 +3767,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                       ( _1 )
-# 3750 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3773 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3786,9 +3809,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( reloc_pat ~loc:_sloc _2 )
-# 3792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3840,24 +3863,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2145 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_constraint(_2, _4) )
-# 3846 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3869 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 3855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2128 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 3861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3876,9 +3899,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _endpos in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2148 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ghpat ~loc:_sloc Ppat_any )
-# 3882 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3905 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3915,9 +3938,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 2257 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _2 )
-# 3921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3934,24 +3957,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2258 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2276 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ptyp_any )
-# 3940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3963 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__0_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _endpos in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 3949 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2259 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2277 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 3955 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -3997,28 +4020,28 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type_field) = let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4003 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__4_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2285 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkctf ~loc:_sloc (Pctf_inherit _3) ~attrs:(_2@_4) ~docs )
-# 4022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4045 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4076,9 +4099,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let ty : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic ty in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 4082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let flags : (Asttypes.mutable_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic flags in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -4089,9 +4112,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type_field) = let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4095 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__4_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -4099,44 +4122,44 @@ module Tables = struct
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let label =
             let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 4105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4128 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 4113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4136 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2292 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let mut, virt = flags in
     label, mut, virt, ty
-# 4122 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4145 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2270 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkctf ~loc:_sloc (Pctf_val _3) ~attrs:(_2@_4) ~docs )
-# 4140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4163 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4194,9 +4217,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined3 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 4200 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.private_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -4207,53 +4230,53 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type_field) = let _7 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4236 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__7_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
         let _6 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 3596 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 4230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 4238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2274 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2292 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (p, v) = _3 in
         let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkctf ~loc:_sloc (Pctf_method (_4, p, v, _6)) ~attrs:(_2@_7) ~docs )
-# 4257 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4299,28 +4322,28 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type_field) = let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4305 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4328 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__4_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4337 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2278 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkctf ~loc:_sloc (Pctf_constraint _3) ~attrs:(_2@_4) ~docs )
-# 4324 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4347 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4352,9 +4375,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type_field) = let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4358 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4381 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -4362,10 +4385,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2281 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mkctf ~loc:_sloc (Pctf_extension _1) ~attrs:_2 ~docs )
-# 4369 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4392 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4389,23 +4412,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type_field) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2302 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pctf_attribute _1 )
-# 4395 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1076 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkctf ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 4403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4426 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2285 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2303 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 4409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4432 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4434,42 +4457,42 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 4440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys =
               let tys = 
-# 2243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [] )
-# 4447 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2249 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( tys )
-# 4452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcty_constr (cid, tys) )
-# 4458 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkcty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 4467 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4490 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 4473 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4496 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4520,9 +4543,9 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 4526 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4549 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys =
@@ -4531,30 +4554,30 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 4535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4558 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 4540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( params )
-# 4546 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2249 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( tys )
-# 4552 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcty_constr (cid, tys) )
-# 4558 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4581 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -4562,15 +4585,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkcty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 4568 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 4574 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4594,23 +4617,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2226 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2244 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcty_extension _1 )
-# 4600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkcty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 4608 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 4614 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4667,44 +4690,44 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _1 = 
 # 260 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.flatten xss )
-# 4671 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2281 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4699 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xss_, _startpos_xss_) in
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1042 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                ( extra_csig _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 4685 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Csig.mk _1 _2 )
-# 4691 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4699 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4722 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2229 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2247 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkcty ~loc:_sloc ~attrs:_2 (Pcty_signature _3) )
-# 4708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4734,9 +4757,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type) = 
-# 2235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Cty.attr _1 _2 )
-# 4740 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4763 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4799,34 +4822,34 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 4805 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4828 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _3 = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 4820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2255 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = (_startpos__2_, _endpos__5_) in
         let od = Opn.mk ~override:_3 ~loc:(make_loc loc) _5 in
         mkcty ~loc:_sloc ~attrs:_4 (Pcty_open(od, _7)) )
-# 4830 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4853 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4896,37 +4919,37 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 4902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
         let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 4911 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4934 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 4919 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2255 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = (_startpos__2_, _endpos__5_) in
         let od = Opn.mk ~override:_3 ~loc:(make_loc loc) _5 in
         mkcty ~loc:_sloc ~attrs:_4 (Pcty_open(od, _7)) )
-# 4930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4953 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4963,9 +4986,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = 
-# 2089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _2 )
-# 4969 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 4992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -4994,42 +5017,42 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 5000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5023 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys =
               let tys = 
-# 2243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [] )
-# 5007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5030 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2249 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( tys )
-# 5012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcl_constr(cid, tys) )
-# 5018 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 5027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5050 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 5033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5056 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5080,9 +5103,9 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 5086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5109 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let tys =
@@ -5091,30 +5114,30 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 5095 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 5100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5123 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( params )
-# 5106 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2249 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( tys )
-# 5112 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcl_constr(cid, tys) )
-# 5118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -5122,15 +5145,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 5128 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5151 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 5134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5157 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5182,24 +5205,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2102 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2120 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcl_constraint(_2, _4) )
-# 5188 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5211 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 5197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5220 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 5203 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5226 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5256,44 +5279,44 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _1 = 
 # 260 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.flatten xss )
-# 5260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5283 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 5265 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xss_, _startpos_xss_) in
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1021 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                ( extra_cstr _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 5274 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        ( Cstr.mk _1 _2 )
-# 5280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5303 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 5288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5311 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2109 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkclass ~loc:_sloc ~attrs:_2 (Pcl_structure _3) )
-# 5297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5320 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5316,9 +5339,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type) = 
-# 2212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 5322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5345 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5364,14 +5387,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let label = 
-# 3659 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Optional label )
-# 5370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5393 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2236 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcty_arrow(label, domain, codomain) )
-# 5375 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5398 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_codomain_, _startpos_label_) in
@@ -5379,15 +5402,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkcty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 5385 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 5391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5414 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5434,9 +5457,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let domain : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic domain in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let label : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 5440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic label in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_label_ in
@@ -5444,14 +5467,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let label = 
-# 3661 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3702 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Labelled label )
-# 5450 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5473 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2236 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcty_arrow(label, domain, codomain) )
-# 5455 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5478 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_codomain_, _startpos_label_) in
@@ -5459,15 +5482,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkcty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 5465 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 5471 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5506,14 +5529,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let label = 
-# 3663 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Nolabel )
-# 5512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2236 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pcty_arrow(label, domain, codomain) )
-# 5517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_codomain_, _startpos_domain_) in
@@ -5521,15 +5544,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkcty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 5527 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5550 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 5533 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5556 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5612,9 +5635,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let csig : (Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic csig in
         let _8 : unit = Obj.magic _8 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 5618 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let virt : (Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic virt in
@@ -5630,9 +5653,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let attrs2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 5636 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5659 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -5642,24 +5665,24 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 5648 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5671 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let attrs1 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 5656 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2377 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       let loc = make_loc _sloc in
@@ -5667,19 +5690,19 @@ module Tables = struct
       Ci.mk id csig ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~docs
-# 5671 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let (x, b) = a in x, b :: bs )
-# 5677 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2347 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2365 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 5683 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5706 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5702,9 +5725,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4056 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                            ( _1 )
-# 5708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5723,17 +5746,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 5729 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5752 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 3887 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                 ( let (n, m) = _1 in Pconst_integer (n, m) )
-# 5737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
+        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 3928 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                 ( let (n, m) = _1 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:_sloc (Pconst_integer (n, m)) )
+# 5764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5752,17 +5779,20 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 5758 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5785 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 3888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                 ( Pconst_char _1 )
-# 5766 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
+        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                 ( mkconst ~loc:_sloc (Pconst_char _1) )
+# 5796 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5781,17 +5811,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * Location.t * string option)
-# 5787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 3889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                 ( let (s, strloc, d) = _1 in Pconst_string (s, strloc, d) )
-# 5795 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
+        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 3931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                 ( let (s, strloc, d) = _1 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:_sloc (Pconst_string (s,strloc,d)) )
+# 5829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5810,17 +5844,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 5816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 3890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                 ( let (f, m) = _1 in Pconst_float (f, m) )
-# 5824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
+        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 3933 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                 ( let (f, m) = _1 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:_sloc (Pconst_float (f, m)) )
+# 5862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5850,9 +5888,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3963 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "[]" )
-# 5856 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5894 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5882,9 +5920,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "()" )
-# 5888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5926 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5907,9 +5945,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3965 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4013 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "false" )
-# 5913 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5932,9 +5970,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3966 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4014 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "true" )
-# 5938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5976 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -5953,17 +5991,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 5959 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 5997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3969 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4017 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 5967 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6005 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6000,14 +6038,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "::" )
-# 6006 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6044 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3970 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4018 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 6011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6030,9 +6068,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3971 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 6036 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6055,9 +6093,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 6061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6099 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6110,15 +6148,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Longident.t) = let _3 =
           let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
-# 3960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "::" )
-# 6116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4023 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 6122 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6160 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6155,14 +6193,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = let _1 = 
-# 3960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "::" )
-# 6161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6199 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3976 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Lident _1 )
-# 6166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6204 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6185,9 +6223,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4025 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Lident _1 )
-# 6191 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6229 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6224,9 +6262,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 2303 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2321 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1, _3 )
-# 6230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6251,26 +6289,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.constructor_arguments) = let tys =
           let xs =
             let xs = 
-# 1166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 6257 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6295 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 6262 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6300 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 6268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3462 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pcstr_tuple tys )
-# 6274 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6309,26 +6347,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.constructor_arguments) = let tys =
           let xs =
             let xs = 
-# 1170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 6315 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6353 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 6320 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6358 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 6326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6364 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3462 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pcstr_tuple tys )
-# 6332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6365,9 +6403,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.constructor_arguments) = 
-# 3464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3505 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pcstr_record _2 )
-# 6371 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6390,9 +6428,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.constructor_declaration list) = 
-# 3378 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3419 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [] )
-# 6396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6434 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6415,14 +6453,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.constructor_declaration list) = let cs = 
-# 1271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 6421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6459 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( cs )
-# 6426 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6445,14 +6483,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 = 
-# 3621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 6451 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6489 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3652 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 6456 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6482,9 +6520,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Typ.attr _1 _2 )
-# 6488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6526 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6507,9 +6545,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3761 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3802 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 6513 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6551 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6532,9 +6570,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3761 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3802 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 6538 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6557,9 +6595,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3761 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3802 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 6563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6601 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6596,9 +6634,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( type_ )
-# 6602 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6640 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6661,11 +6699,11 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 6669 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6707 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs =
@@ -6673,24 +6711,24 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 6679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6717 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 6685 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( wrap_typ_attrs ~loc:_sloc (reloc_typ ~loc:_sloc package_type) attrs )
-# 6694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6732 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6728,24 +6766,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3719 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3760 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_variant([ field ], Closed, None) )
-# 6734 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6772 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 6743 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6781 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3736 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 6749 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6795,24 +6833,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 6799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 6804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 6810 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3721 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3762 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_variant(fields, Closed, None) )
-# 6816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__4_ in
@@ -6820,15 +6858,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 6826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6864 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3736 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 6832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6870 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6885,24 +6923,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 6889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 6894 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 6900 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_variant(field :: fields, Closed, None) )
-# 6906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
@@ -6910,15 +6948,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 6916 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6954 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3736 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 6922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 6960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -6968,24 +7006,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 6972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7010 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 6977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7015 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 6983 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7021 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3766 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_variant(fields, Open, None) )
-# 6989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__4_ in
@@ -6993,15 +7031,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 6999 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7037 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3736 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 7005 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7032,24 +7070,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3768 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_variant([], Open, None) )
-# 7038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7076 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 7047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3736 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 7053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7091 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7099,24 +7137,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 7103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 7108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 7114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3729 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3770 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_variant(fields, Closed, Some []) )
-# 7120 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__4_ in
@@ -7124,15 +7162,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 7130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7168 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3736 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 7136 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7197,18 +7235,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 7201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7239 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 7206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7244 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3841 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3882 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 7212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let fields =
@@ -7216,24 +7254,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 7220 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7258 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 7225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 7231 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3734 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_variant(fields, Closed, Some tags) )
-# 7237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__6_ in
@@ -7241,15 +7279,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 7247 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7285 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3736 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 7253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7272,9 +7310,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.direction_flag) = 
-# 4074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4122 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Upto )
-# 7278 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7316 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7297,9 +7335,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.direction_flag) = 
-# 4075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4123 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Downto )
-# 7303 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7341 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7315,9 +7353,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (string Location.loc option) = 
-# 4230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4278 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( None )
-# 7321 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7347,9 +7385,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (string Location.loc option) = 
-# 4231 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( Some _2 )
-# 7353 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7393,9 +7431,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension) = 
-# 4243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                              ( (_2, _3) )
-# 7399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7437 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7414,9 +7452,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   (string * Location.t * string * Location.t * string option)
-# 7420 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7458 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -7425,9 +7463,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_quotedext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 7431 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7480,9 +7518,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 7486 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -7492,9 +7530,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 7498 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7536 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let cid =
@@ -7503,19 +7541,19 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 7509 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7547 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3531 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3572 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let info = symbol_info _endpos in
         Te.rebind cid lid ~attrs ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ~info )
-# 7519 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7557 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7561,9 +7599,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 7567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -7573,9 +7611,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 7579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7617 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let cid =
@@ -7583,25 +7621,25 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 7589 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7627 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos_cid_ = _startpos__1_ in
         let _1 = 
-# 4048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( () )
-# 7596 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7634 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_cid_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3531 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3572 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let info = symbol_info _endpos in
         Te.rebind cid lid ~attrs ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ~info )
-# 7605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7643 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7625,24 +7663,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_ext_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3752 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_extension ext )
-# 7631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7669 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_ext_, _startpos_ext_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 7640 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7678 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3754 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3795 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 7646 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7684 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7689,10 +7727,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4266 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mark_symbol_docs _sloc;
       mk_attr ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) _2 _3 )
-# 7696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7734 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7708,14 +7746,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = let params = 
-# 2243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [] )
-# 7714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7752 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( params )
-# 7719 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7756,24 +7794,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 7760 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 7765 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( params )
-# 7771 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7809 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( params )
-# 7777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7821,18 +7859,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 7825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7863 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 7830 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 7836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -7841,22 +7879,22 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 7847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7885 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 7853 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2917 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let ext, attrs = _2 in
         match ext with
         | None -> Pfunction_cases (_3, make_loc _sloc, attrs)
@@ -7866,7 +7904,7 @@ module Tables = struct
               (mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc (mkfunction [] None cases) _2)
-# 7870 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7908 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7889,9 +7927,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.function_body) = 
-# 2889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pfunction_body _1 )
-# 7895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7933 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7914,9 +7952,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2519 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 7920 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 7958 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -7994,9 +8032,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 8000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _3 =
@@ -8004,21 +8042,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8010 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 8016 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2557 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_letmodule(_4, _5, (merloc _endpos__6_ _7)), _3 )
-# 8022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__7_ in
@@ -8026,10 +8064,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 8033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -8114,9 +8152,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _3 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8120 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -8125,19 +8163,19 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 8131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3442 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let vars, args, res = _2 in
         Te.decl _1 ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs:_3 ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) )
-# 8141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8179 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _3 =
@@ -8145,21 +8183,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8151 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 8157 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8195 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_letexception(_4, _6), _3 )
-# 8163 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__6_ in
@@ -8167,10 +8205,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 8174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -8240,28 +8278,28 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 8252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8290 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _3 = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 8258 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2543 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let open_loc = make_loc (_startpos__2_, _endpos__5_) in
         let od = Opn.mk _5 ~override:_3 ~loc:open_loc in
         Pexp_open(od, (merloc _endpos__6_ _7)), _4 )
-# 8265 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8303 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__7_ in
@@ -8269,10 +8307,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 8276 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -8349,31 +8387,31 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8393 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 8361 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _3 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 8369 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2543 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let open_loc = make_loc (_startpos__2_, _endpos__5_) in
         let od = Opn.mk _5 ~override:_3 ~loc:open_loc in
         Pexp_open(od, (merloc _endpos__6_ _7)), _4 )
-# 8377 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8415 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__7_ in
@@ -8381,10 +8419,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 8388 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8426 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -8454,23 +8492,23 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8460 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8498 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 8466 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8504 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2549 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let body_constraint = Option.map (fun x -> Pconstraint x) _4 in
         mkfunction _3 body_constraint _6, _2
-# 8474 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__6_ in
@@ -8478,10 +8516,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 8485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -8544,18 +8582,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 8548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8586 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 8553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 8559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -8563,21 +8601,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 8575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2571 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_match(_3, _5), _2 )
-# 8581 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -8585,10 +8623,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 8592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -8651,18 +8689,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 8655 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8693 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 8660 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8698 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 8666 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -8670,21 +8708,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 8682 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2573 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_try(_3, _5), _2 )
-# 8688 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8726 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -8692,10 +8730,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 8699 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -8770,27 +8808,27 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _7 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 8776 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 8781 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _5 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 8789 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8827 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 8794 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -8798,21 +8836,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 8810 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, (merloc _endpos__4_ _5), Some (merloc _endpos__6_ _7)), _2 )
-# 8816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -8820,10 +8858,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 8827 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8865 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -8924,18 +8962,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 8928 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8966 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 8933 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8971 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 8939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -8944,22 +8982,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 8950 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8988 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 8956 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 8994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -8972,26 +9010,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 8976 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9014 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 8982 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _5 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 8990 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 8995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -8999,21 +9037,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9005 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, (merloc _endpos__4_ _5), Some (merloc _endpos__6_ _7)), _2 )
-# 9017 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -9021,10 +9059,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 9028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -9120,14 +9158,14 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _7 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined6 in
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 9126 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 9131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _5 =
@@ -9138,18 +9176,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 9142 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9180 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 9147 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9185 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 9153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9191 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -9158,22 +9196,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -9186,13 +9224,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 9190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9228 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 9196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -9200,21 +9238,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9244 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, (merloc _endpos__4_ _5), Some (merloc _endpos__6_ _7)), _2 )
-# 9218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9256 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined6_ in
@@ -9222,10 +9260,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 9229 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -9347,18 +9385,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 9351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 9356 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9394 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 9362 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -9367,22 +9405,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9379 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9417 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -9395,13 +9433,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 9399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9437 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 9405 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _5 =
@@ -9412,18 +9450,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 9416 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9454 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 9421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9459 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 9427 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9465 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -9432,22 +9470,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9438 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9476 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9482 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -9460,13 +9498,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 9464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9502 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 9470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9508 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -9474,21 +9512,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9486 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, (merloc _endpos__4_ _5), Some (merloc _endpos__6_ _7)), _2 )
-# 9492 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9530 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_inlined1_ in
@@ -9496,10 +9534,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 9503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -9560,14 +9598,14 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _5 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 9566 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 9571 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9609 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -9575,21 +9613,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9581 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9587 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2581 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, (merloc _endpos__4_ _5), None), _2 )
-# 9593 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -9597,10 +9635,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 9604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9642 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -9687,18 +9725,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 9691 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9729 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 9696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9734 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 9702 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9740 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -9707,22 +9745,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9713 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9751 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9719 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -9735,13 +9773,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 9739 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 9745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -9749,21 +9787,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9761 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2581 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_ifthenelse(_3, (merloc _endpos__4_ _5), None), _2 )
-# 9767 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9805 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -9771,10 +9809,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 9778 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -9844,21 +9882,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9856 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9894 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2565 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_while(_3, (merloc _endpos__4_ _5)), _2 )
-# 9862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9900 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__6_ in
@@ -9866,10 +9904,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 9873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 9911 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -9967,21 +10005,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 9973 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 9979 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10017 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2572 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_for(_3, (merloc _endpos__4_ _5), (merloc _endpos__6_ _7), _6, (merloc _endpos__8_ _9)), _2 )
-# 9985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10023 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__10_ in
@@ -9989,10 +10027,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 9996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10034 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10041,21 +10079,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 10047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 10053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10091 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2574 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_assert _3, _2 )
-# 10059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -10063,10 +10101,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 10070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10115,21 +10153,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 10121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10159 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 10127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2594 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_lazy _3, _2 )
-# 10133 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -10137,10 +10175,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 10144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10175,18 +10213,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 10179 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 10184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2580 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2598 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_apply(_1, _2) )
-# 10190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10228 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -10194,15 +10232,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10200 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10244 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10231,24 +10269,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 10235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10273 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 10240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10278 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2946 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 10246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_tuple(_1) )
-# 10252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10290 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_xs_) in
@@ -10256,15 +10294,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10262 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10300 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10300,15 +10338,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 10306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10344 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2584 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2602 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_construct(_1, Some _2) )
-# 10312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
@@ -10316,15 +10354,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10328 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10366 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10355,24 +10393,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2586 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_variant(_1, Some _2) )
-# 10361 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10376 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10414 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10404,9 +10442,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 10410 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10448 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -10416,36 +10454,36 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let e2 =
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10422 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10460 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 10427 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10465 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3933 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 10434 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10472 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 10449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10487 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e1_ in
@@ -10453,15 +10491,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10459 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10465 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10514,9 +10552,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : (string Location.loc option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 10520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10558 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -10531,18 +10569,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 10535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10573 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 10540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 10546 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10584 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -10551,22 +10589,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 10557 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10595 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 10563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10601 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -10579,35 +10617,35 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 10583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 10589 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10627 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3933 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 10596 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10634 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10643 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 10611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10649 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -10615,15 +10653,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10659 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10627 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10665 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10655,9 +10693,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 10661 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10699 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -10667,36 +10705,36 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let e2 =
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10673 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10711 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 10678 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3934 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3982 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 10685 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10732 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 10700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e1_ in
@@ -10704,15 +10742,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10710 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10748 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10754 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10765,9 +10803,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : (string Location.loc option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 10771 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10809 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -10782,18 +10820,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 10786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 10791 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 10797 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -10802,22 +10840,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 10808 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10846 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 10814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10852 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -10830,35 +10868,35 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 10834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10872 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 10840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3934 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3982 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 10847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10885 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10856 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10894 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 10862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10900 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -10866,15 +10904,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10872 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10910 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10916 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -10906,9 +10944,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 10912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10950 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -10918,36 +10956,36 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let e2 =
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10924 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10962 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 10929 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10967 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3935 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3983 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 10936 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10945 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10983 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 10951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e1_ in
@@ -10955,15 +10993,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 10961 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 10999 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 10967 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11005 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -11016,9 +11054,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : (string Location.loc option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 11022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -11033,18 +11071,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 11037 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 11042 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 11048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -11053,22 +11091,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 11059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 11065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -11081,35 +11119,35 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 11085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11123 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 11091 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3935 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3983 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 11098 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11136 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11145 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 11113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11151 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -11117,15 +11155,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11123 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11167 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -11157,9 +11195,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 11163 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -11169,36 +11207,36 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let e2 =
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 11180 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3936 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 11187 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 11202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e1_ in
@@ -11206,15 +11244,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11256 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -11267,9 +11305,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : (string Location.loc option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 11273 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11311 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -11284,18 +11322,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 11288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 11293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11331 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 11299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11337 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -11304,22 +11342,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 11310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11348 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 11316 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11354 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -11332,35 +11370,35 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 11336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11374 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 11342 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3936 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 11349 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11387 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11358 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 11364 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11402 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -11368,15 +11406,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11374 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11412 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -11408,9 +11446,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 11414 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -11420,36 +11458,36 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let e2 =
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11426 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 11431 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 11438 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11476 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11447 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 11453 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11491 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e1_ in
@@ -11457,15 +11495,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -11518,9 +11556,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : (string Location.loc option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let op : (
-# 818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 11524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11562 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let e1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -11535,18 +11573,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 11539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11577 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 11544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 11550 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -11555,22 +11593,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 11561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11599 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 11567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -11583,35 +11621,35 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 11587 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 11593 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 11600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_op_, _startpos_op_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11609 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11647 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 11615 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11653 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -11619,15 +11657,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11663 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11669 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -11668,35 +11706,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11674 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11712 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 11679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11717 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 11686 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11724 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11732 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 11700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -11704,15 +11742,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11710 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11748 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11754 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -11779,18 +11817,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 11783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 11788 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 11794 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -11799,22 +11837,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 11805 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 11811 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11849 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -11827,34 +11865,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 11831 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11869 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 11837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11875 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 11844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11882 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11852 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 11858 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -11862,15 +11900,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -11911,35 +11949,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11917 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11955 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 11922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3987 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 11929 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11967 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 11943 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -11947,15 +11985,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 11953 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 11959 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 11997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -12022,18 +12060,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 12026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 12031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12069 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 12037 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -12042,22 +12080,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 12048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 12054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12092 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -12070,34 +12108,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 12074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12112 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 12080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3987 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 12087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12095 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12133 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 12101 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -12105,15 +12143,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12155 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -12154,35 +12192,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12160 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12198 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 12165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12203 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3988 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 12172 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12180 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 12186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -12190,15 +12228,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -12265,18 +12303,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 12269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 12274 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 12280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -12285,22 +12323,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 12291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12329 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 12297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12335 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -12313,34 +12351,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 12317 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 12323 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12361 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3988 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 12330 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12368 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12376 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 12344 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -12348,15 +12386,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12354 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12392 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12398 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -12397,35 +12435,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12441 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 12408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12446 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 12415 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12453 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12423 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12461 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 12429 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12467 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -12433,15 +12471,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12439 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12477 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12445 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -12508,18 +12546,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 12512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12550 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 12517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 12523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -12528,22 +12566,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 12534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12572 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 12540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -12556,34 +12594,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 12560 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12598 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 12566 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 12573 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12581 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 12587 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -12591,15 +12629,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12603 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -12640,35 +12678,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12646 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12684 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 12651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12689 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3990 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 12658 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12666 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 12672 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12710 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -12676,15 +12714,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12682 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12688 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12726 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -12751,18 +12789,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 12755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 12760 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 12766 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -12771,22 +12809,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 12777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 12783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -12799,34 +12837,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 12803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12841 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 12809 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3990 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 12816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 12830 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -12834,15 +12872,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12846 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -12883,35 +12921,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 12894 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3943 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 12901 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 12915 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12953 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -12919,15 +12957,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 12925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12963 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 12931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 12969 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -12994,18 +13032,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 12998 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13036 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13003 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13009 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -13014,22 +13052,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 13020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13058 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 13026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -13042,34 +13080,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 13046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 13052 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3943 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 13059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13067 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 13073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -13077,15 +13115,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -13126,35 +13164,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13132 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 13137 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 13144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 13158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -13162,15 +13200,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13168 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -13237,18 +13275,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 13241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13290 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -13257,22 +13295,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 13263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 13269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -13285,34 +13323,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 13289 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13327 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 13295 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13333 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 13302 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13340 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13348 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 13316 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13354 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -13320,15 +13358,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13364 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -13369,35 +13407,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13375 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13413 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 13380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3945 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3993 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 13387 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13425 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13395 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 13401 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13439 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -13405,15 +13443,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13417 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13455 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -13480,18 +13518,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 13484 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13489 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13527 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13495 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13533 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -13500,22 +13538,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 13506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 13512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13550 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -13528,34 +13566,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 13532 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 13538 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3945 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3993 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 13545 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 13559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -13563,15 +13601,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -13612,35 +13650,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13618 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13656 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 13623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13661 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3946 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 13630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 13644 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13682 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -13648,15 +13686,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13692 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13660 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13698 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -13723,18 +13761,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 13727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13765 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13732 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13770 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13776 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -13743,22 +13781,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 13749 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 13755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -13771,34 +13809,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 13775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 13781 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3946 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 13788 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13796 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 13802 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -13806,15 +13844,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13856 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -13855,35 +13893,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13899 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 13866 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13904 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 13873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13911 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13919 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 13887 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -13891,15 +13929,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 13897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13935 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 13903 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 13941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -13966,18 +14004,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 13970 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14013 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 13981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -13986,22 +14024,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 13992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14030 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 13998 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14036 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -14014,34 +14052,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 14018 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14056 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 14024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 14031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14069 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14077 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 14045 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -14049,15 +14087,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14093 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14099 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -14098,35 +14136,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14104 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14142 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 14109 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14147 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3948 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 14116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14124 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 14130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14168 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -14134,15 +14172,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -14209,18 +14247,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 14213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14251 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 14218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14256 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 14224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14262 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -14229,22 +14267,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 14235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14273 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 14241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -14257,34 +14295,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 14261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 14267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14305 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3948 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 14274 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14282 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14320 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 14288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -14292,15 +14330,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14298 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14304 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14342 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -14341,35 +14379,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14347 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14385 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 14352 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3949 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 14359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14397 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14367 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14405 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 14373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -14377,15 +14415,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14383 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14427 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -14452,18 +14490,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 14456 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 14461 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 14467 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14505 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -14472,22 +14510,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 14478 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 14484 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -14500,34 +14538,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 14504 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 14510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3949 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 14517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14525 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 14531 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -14535,15 +14573,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14547 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14585 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -14584,35 +14622,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14628 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 14595 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3950 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3998 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 14602 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14640 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14610 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14648 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 14616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -14620,15 +14658,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14626 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -14695,18 +14733,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 14699 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 14704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14742 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 14710 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14748 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -14715,22 +14753,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 14721 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14759 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 14727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14765 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -14743,34 +14781,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 14747 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14785 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 14753 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14791 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3950 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3998 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 14760 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14768 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14806 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 14774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -14778,15 +14816,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14790 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14828 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -14827,35 +14865,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14871 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 14838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3999 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 14845 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14853 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 14859 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -14863,15 +14901,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 14869 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14907 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 14875 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14913 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -14938,18 +14976,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 14942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 14947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 14953 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 14991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -14958,22 +14996,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 14964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 14970 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -14986,34 +15024,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 14990 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 14996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15034 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3999 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 15003 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 15017 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -15021,15 +15059,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15070,35 +15108,35 @@ module Tables = struct
             let e2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15076 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 15081 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 15088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15126 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 15102 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -15106,15 +15144,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15112 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15156 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15181,18 +15219,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 15185 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 15190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15228 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 15196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -15201,22 +15239,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 15207 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 15213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15251 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -15229,34 +15267,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 15233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 15239 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15277 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let op =
               let _1 = 
-# 3952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 15246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15254 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15292 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix e1 op e2 )
-# 15260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15298 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_e1_) in
@@ -15264,15 +15302,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15270 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15308 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15276 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15306,21 +15344,25 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 15317 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+            let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
+            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
+            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
+            let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-      ( mkuminus ~oploc:_loc__1_ _1 _2 )
-# 15324 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2608 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+      ( mkuminus ~sloc:_sloc ~oploc:_loc__1_ _1 _2 )
+# 15366 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -15328,15 +15370,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15334 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15376 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15340 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15396,18 +15438,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 15400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15442 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 15405 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15447 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 15411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15453 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -15416,22 +15458,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 15422 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 15428 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -15444,20 +15486,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 15448 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15490 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 15454 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15496 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+            let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_xs_ in
+            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
+            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
+            let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-      ( mkuminus ~oploc:_loc__1_ _1 _2 )
-# 15461 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2608 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+      ( mkuminus ~sloc:_sloc ~oploc:_loc__1_ _1 _2 )
+# 15507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -15465,15 +15511,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15471 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15477 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15507,21 +15553,25 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15513 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 15518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15564 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+            let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
+            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
+            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
+            let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-      ( mkuplus ~oploc:_loc__1_ _1 _2 )
-# 15525 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2610 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+      ( mkuplus ~sloc:_sloc ~oploc:_loc__1_ _1 _2 )
+# 15575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -15529,15 +15579,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15585 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15597,18 +15647,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 15601 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 15606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15656 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 15612 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -15617,22 +15667,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 15623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15673 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 15629 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -15645,20 +15695,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 15649 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15699 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 15655 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15705 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+            let _endpos__2_ = _endpos_xs_ in
+            let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
+            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
+            let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-      ( mkuplus ~oploc:_loc__1_ _1 _2 )
-# 15662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 2610 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+      ( mkuplus ~sloc:_sloc ~oploc:_loc__1_ _1 _2 )
+# 15716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -15666,15 +15720,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 15672 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15726 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15678 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15732 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15714,9 +15768,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2508 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2526 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( expr_of_let_bindings ~loc:_sloc _1 (merloc _endpos__2_ _3) )
-# 15720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15756,9 +15810,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let bindings : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression * Parsetree.binding_op list) = Obj.magic bindings in
         let _1 : (
-# 820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 839 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 15762 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -15768,9 +15822,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 15774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15828 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos_pbop_op_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -15778,13 +15832,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_pbop_op_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2528 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (pbop_pat, pbop_exp, rev_ands) = bindings in
         let ands = List.rev rev_ands in
         let pbop_loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let let_ = {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc} in
         mkexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_letop{ let_; ands; body}) )
-# 15788 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15823,14 +15877,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 15829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 15834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__3_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -15839,9 +15893,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _loc__2_ = (_startpos__2_, _endpos__2_) in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkexp_cons ~loc:_sloc _loc__2_ (ghexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_tuple[_1;(merloc _endpos__2_ _3)])) )
-# 15845 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15899 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -15906,18 +15960,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 15910 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 15915 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15969 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 15921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -15926,22 +15980,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 15932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 15938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 15992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -15954,13 +16008,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 15958 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 15964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16018 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -15969,9 +16023,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _loc__2_ = (_startpos__2_, _endpos__2_) in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkexp_cons ~loc:_sloc _loc__2_ (ghexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_tuple[_1;(merloc _endpos__2_ _3)])) )
-# 15975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -16004,9 +16058,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 16010 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -16014,39 +16068,39 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 16020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 16025 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__3_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
         let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 16033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 16041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16095 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2536 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_setinstvar(_1, _3)) )
-# 16050 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16104 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -16100,9 +16154,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 16106 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16160 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -16115,18 +16169,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 16119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16173 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 16124 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 16130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -16135,22 +16189,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 16141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16195 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 16147 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -16163,38 +16217,38 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 16167 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 16173 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
         let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 16181 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 16189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2536 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_setinstvar(_1, _3)) )
-# 16198 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -16247,14 +16301,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _5 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 16253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 16258 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -16264,18 +16318,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 16270 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16324 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2538 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_setfield(_1, _3, _5)) )
-# 16279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16333 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -16354,18 +16408,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 16358 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16412 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 16363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16417 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 16369 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16423 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -16374,22 +16428,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 16380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16434 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 16386 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -16402,13 +16456,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 16406 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16460 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 16412 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16466 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -16418,18 +16472,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 16424 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16478 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2538 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_setfield(_1, _3, _5)) )
-# 16433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16487 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -16498,26 +16552,26 @@ module Tables = struct
             let v =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 16504 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16558 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 16509 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                  (Some v)
-# 16515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Paren,   i, r )
-# 16521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -16525,9 +16579,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 16531 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16585 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -16622,18 +16676,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 16626 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16680 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 16631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16685 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 16637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16691 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -16642,22 +16696,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 16648 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16702 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 16654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -16670,25 +16724,25 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 16674 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16728 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 16680 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16734 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                  (Some v)
-# 16686 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16740 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Paren,   i, r )
-# 16692 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16746 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -16696,9 +16750,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 16702 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16756 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -16767,26 +16821,26 @@ module Tables = struct
             let v =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 16773 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16827 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 16778 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                  (Some v)
-# 16784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Brace,   i, r )
-# 16790 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -16794,9 +16848,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 16800 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -16891,18 +16945,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 16895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16949 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 16900 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16954 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 16906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -16911,22 +16965,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 16917 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16971 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 16923 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -16939,25 +16993,25 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 16943 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 16997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 16949 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17003 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                  (Some v)
-# 16955 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17009 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Brace,   i, r )
-# 16961 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17015 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -16965,9 +17019,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 16971 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17025 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -17036,26 +17090,26 @@ module Tables = struct
             let v =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 17042 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 17047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17101 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                  (Some v)
-# 17053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Bracket, i, r )
-# 17059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -17063,9 +17117,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 17069 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17123 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -17160,18 +17214,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 17164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 17169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 17175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17229 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -17180,22 +17234,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 17186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 17192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -17208,25 +17262,25 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 17212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17266 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 17218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17272 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                  (Some v)
-# 17224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17278 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Bracket, i, r )
-# 17230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -17234,9 +17288,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 17240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17294 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -17296,9 +17350,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 17302 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17356 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let array : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic array in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -17309,43 +17363,43 @@ module Tables = struct
             let v =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 17315 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17369 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 17320 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17374 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 17326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 17332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17386 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 17338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17392 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 17343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17397 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Paren,   i, r )
-# 17349 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -17353,9 +17407,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 17359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17413 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -17436,9 +17490,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 17442 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17496 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let array : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic array in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -17454,18 +17508,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 17458 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 17463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 17469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -17474,22 +17528,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 17480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 17486 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -17502,42 +17556,42 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 17506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17560 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 17512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17566 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 17518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17572 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 17524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 17530 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17584 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 17535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17589 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Paren,   i, r )
-# 17541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17595 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -17545,9 +17599,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 17551 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -17619,9 +17673,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 17625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -17635,51 +17689,51 @@ module Tables = struct
             let v =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 17641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17695 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 17646 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 17652 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17706 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 17658 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17712 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 =
               let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
               let x = 
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 17666 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 17671 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 17677 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Paren,   i, r )
-# 17683 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -17687,9 +17741,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 17693 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17747 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -17782,9 +17836,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 17788 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -17803,18 +17857,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 17807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 17812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17866 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 17818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17872 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -17823,22 +17877,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 17829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 17835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -17851,50 +17905,50 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 17855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 17861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17915 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 17867 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 17873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 =
               let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
               let x = 
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 17881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17935 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 17886 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 17892 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17946 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Paren,   i, r )
-# 17898 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -17902,9 +17956,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 17908 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 17962 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -17964,9 +18018,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 17970 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let array : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic array in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -17977,43 +18031,43 @@ module Tables = struct
             let v =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 17983 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18037 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 17988 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18042 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 17994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 18000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 18006 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 18011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Brace,   i, r )
-# 18017 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -18021,9 +18075,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 18027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18081 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -18104,9 +18158,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 18110 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let array : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic array in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -18122,18 +18176,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 18126 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18180 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 18131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18185 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 18137 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18191 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -18142,22 +18196,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 18148 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 18154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -18170,42 +18224,42 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 18174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18228 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 18180 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 18186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 18192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 18198 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 18203 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18257 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Brace,   i, r )
-# 18209 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -18213,9 +18267,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 18219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18273 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -18287,9 +18341,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 18293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18347 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -18303,51 +18357,51 @@ module Tables = struct
             let v =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 18309 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 18314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18368 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 18320 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18374 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 18326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 =
               let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
               let x = 
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 18334 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18388 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 18339 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18393 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 18345 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Brace,   i, r )
-# 18351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18405 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -18355,9 +18409,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 18361 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18415 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -18450,9 +18504,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 18456 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -18471,18 +18525,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 18475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18529 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 18480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 18486 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -18491,22 +18545,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 18497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18551 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 18503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18557 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -18519,50 +18573,50 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 18523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18577 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 18529 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 18535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18589 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 18541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18595 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 =
               let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
               let x = 
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 18549 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18603 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 18554 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18608 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 18560 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18614 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Brace,   i, r )
-# 18566 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18620 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -18570,9 +18624,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 18576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -18632,9 +18686,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 18638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18692 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let array : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic array in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -18645,43 +18699,43 @@ module Tables = struct
             let v =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 18651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18705 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 18656 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18710 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 18662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 18668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18722 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 18674 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18728 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 18679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18733 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Bracket, i, r )
-# 18685 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18739 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -18689,9 +18743,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 18695 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18749 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -18772,9 +18826,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 18778 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let array : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic array in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -18790,18 +18844,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 18794 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 18799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18853 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 18805 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18859 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -18810,22 +18864,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 18816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18870 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 18822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -18838,42 +18892,42 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 18842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 18848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 18854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18908 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 18860 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18914 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 18866 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18920 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 18871 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Bracket, i, r )
-# 18877 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -18881,9 +18935,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 18887 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 18941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -18955,9 +19009,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 18961 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19015 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -18971,51 +19025,51 @@ module Tables = struct
             let v =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
               let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 18977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 18982 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19036 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 18988 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19042 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 18994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 =
               let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
               let x = 
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 19002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19056 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 19007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 19013 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19067 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Bracket, i, r )
-# 19019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -19023,9 +19077,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 19029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19118,9 +19172,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 19124 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -19139,18 +19193,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 19143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 19148 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 19154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -19159,22 +19213,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 19165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 19171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -19187,50 +19241,50 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 19191 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 19197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19251 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                    (Some v)
-# 19203 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19257 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 19209 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 =
               let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
               let x = 
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 19217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 19222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19276 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 19228 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19282 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Bracket, i, r )
-# 19234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -19238,9 +19292,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 19244 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19298 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19270,9 +19324,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2526 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Exp.attr _1 _2 )
-# 19276 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19330 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19316,15 +19370,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.function_param list) = let ty_params = 
-# 2774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 19322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19376 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2923 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2961 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (* We desugar (type a b c) to (type a) (type b) (type c).
            If we do this desugaring, the loc for each parameter is a ghost.
@@ -19338,7 +19392,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           (fun x -> { pparam_loc = loc; pparam_desc = Pparam_newtype x })
-# 19342 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19364,11 +19418,11 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let a, b, c = _1 in
         [ { pparam_loc = make_loc _sloc; pparam_desc = Pparam_val (a, b, c) } ]
-# 19372 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19426 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19394,18 +19448,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 19398 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 19403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                        ( _1 )
-# 19409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19428,9 +19482,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2416 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2434 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                   ( _1 )
-# 19434 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19460,9 +19514,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2417 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2435 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                   ( _1 )
-# 19466 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19500,24 +19554,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2419 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2437 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Pexp_sequence(_1, _3) )
-# 19506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19560 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 19515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2420 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2438 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 19521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19571,11 +19625,11 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2422 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let seq = mkexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_sequence (_1, _5)) in
       let payload = PStr [mkstrexp seq []] in
       mkexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_extension (_4, payload)) )
-# 19579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19598,9 +19652,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_ty_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_ty_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3647 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3688 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ty )
-# 19604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19658 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19646,19 +19700,19 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let domain = 
-# 1025 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1045 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_rhs_core_type _1 ~pos:_endpos__1_ )
-# 19652 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19706 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let label = 
-# 3659 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Optional label )
-# 19657 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19711 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3653 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_arrow(label, domain, codomain) )
-# 19662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_codomain_, _startpos_label_) in
@@ -19666,15 +19720,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 19672 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19726 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3655 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 19678 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19732 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19721,9 +19775,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let label : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 19727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19781 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic label in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_label_ in
@@ -19731,19 +19785,19 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let domain = 
-# 1025 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1045 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_rhs_core_type _1 ~pos:_endpos__1_ )
-# 19737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19791 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let label = 
-# 3661 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3702 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Labelled label )
-# 19742 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19796 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3653 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_arrow(label, domain, codomain) )
-# 19747 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_codomain_, _startpos_label_) in
@@ -19751,15 +19805,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 19757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19811 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3655 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 19763 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19798,19 +19852,19 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let domain = 
-# 1025 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1045 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_rhs_core_type _1 ~pos:_endpos__1_ )
-# 19804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19858 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let label = 
-# 3663 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Nolabel )
-# 19809 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19863 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3653 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_arrow(label, domain, codomain) )
-# 19814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_codomain_ in
@@ -19818,15 +19872,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 19824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3655 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 19830 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19857,9 +19911,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Lexing.position * Parsetree.functor_parameter) = let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1437 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _startpos, Unit )
-# 19863 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19917 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19915,16 +19969,16 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 19921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1460 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _startpos, Named (x, mty) )
-# 19928 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 19982 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19947,9 +20001,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : ((Lexing.position * Parsetree.functor_parameter) list) = 
-# 1429 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 19953 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19966,9 +20020,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Ocaml_parsing.Ast_helper.str list * Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
   Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3446 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3487 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                   ( ([],Pcstr_tuple [],None) )
-# 19972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -19999,9 +20053,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Ocaml_parsing.Ast_helper.str list * Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
   Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3447 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                   ( ([],_2,None) )
-# 20005 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20046,9 +20100,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (Ocaml_parsing.Ast_helper.str list * Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
   Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3490 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                   ( ([],_2,Some _4) )
-# 20052 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20106 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20111,24 +20165,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 20115 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 20120 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20126 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20180 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3493 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                   ( (_2,_4,Some _6) )
-# 20132 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20159,9 +20213,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Ocaml_parsing.Ast_helper.str list * Parsetree.constructor_arguments *
   Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3454 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3495 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                   ( ([],Pcstr_tuple [],Some _2) )
-# 20165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20210,24 +20264,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 20214 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 20219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20273 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3456 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                   ( (_2,Pcstr_tuple [],Some _4) )
-# 20231 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20285 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20276,9 +20330,9 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes * Location.t * Ocaml_parsing.Docstrings.info) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20282 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -20288,23 +20342,23 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 20294 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20348 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3394 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3435 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let vars, args, res = vars_args_res in
       let info = symbol_info _endpos in
       let loc = make_loc _sloc in
       cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info
-# 20308 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20362 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20346,9 +20400,9 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes * Location.t * Ocaml_parsing.Docstrings.info) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20352 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20406 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -20357,29 +20411,29 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 20363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20417 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos_cid_ = _startpos__1_ in
         let _1 = 
-# 4048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( () )
-# 20370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20424 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_cid_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3394 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3435 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let vars, args, res = vars_args_res in
       let info = symbol_info _endpos in
       let loc = make_loc _sloc in
       cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info
-# 20383 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20437 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20450,9 +20504,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _2 : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1_inlined3 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 20456 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -20465,9 +20519,9 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.type_declaration) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20471 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20525 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -20476,26 +20530,26 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 20480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 20485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20491 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20545 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let kind_priv_manifest =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 3332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _2 )
-# 20499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let id =
@@ -20504,29 +20558,29 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 20510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20564 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let flag = 
-# 4068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                 ( Recursive )
-# 20516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20577 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let (kind, priv, manifest) = kind_priv_manifest in
       let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
@@ -20535,7 +20589,7 @@ module Tables = struct
       (flag, ext),
       Type.mk id ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs ~loc ~docs
-# 20539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20593 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20612,9 +20666,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _2 : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1_inlined4 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined4 in
         let _1_inlined3 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 20618 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20672 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let _1_inlined2 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
@@ -20628,9 +20682,9 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.type_declaration) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined5 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20634 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20688 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined5_ in
@@ -20639,26 +20693,26 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 20643 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20697 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 20648 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20702 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let kind_priv_manifest =
           let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 3332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _2 )
-# 20662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let id =
@@ -20667,9 +20721,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 20673 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let flag =
@@ -20678,24 +20732,24 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 4070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                 ( not_expecting _loc "nonrec flag"; Recursive )
-# 20684 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20692 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20746 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let (kind, priv, manifest) = kind_priv_manifest in
       let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
@@ -20704,7 +20758,7 @@ module Tables = struct
       (flag, ext),
       Type.mk id ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs ~loc ~docs
-# 20708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20762 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20768,9 +20822,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let xs : ((Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) list) = Obj.magic xs in
         let kind_priv_manifest : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic kind_priv_manifest in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 20774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20828 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -20783,9 +20837,9 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.type_declaration) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20789 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -20794,18 +20848,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 20798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20852 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 20803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20809 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20863 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let id =
@@ -20814,29 +20868,29 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 20820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let flag = 
-# 4064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4112 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Recursive )
-# 20826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20880 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20887 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let (kind, priv, manifest) = kind_priv_manifest in
       let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
@@ -20845,7 +20899,7 @@ module Tables = struct
       (flag, ext),
       Type.mk id ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs ~loc ~docs
-# 20849 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20903 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -20915,9 +20969,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let xs : ((Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) list) = Obj.magic xs in
         let kind_priv_manifest : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic kind_priv_manifest in
         let _1_inlined3 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 20921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let _1_inlined2 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
@@ -20931,9 +20985,9 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.type_declaration) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 20991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -20942,18 +20996,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 20946 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 20951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21005 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20957 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let id =
@@ -20962,32 +21016,32 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 20968 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let flag =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Nonrecursive )
-# 20976 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21030 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 20984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let (kind, priv, manifest) = kind_priv_manifest in
       let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
@@ -20996,7 +21050,7 @@ module Tables = struct
       (flag, ext),
       Type.mk id ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs ~loc ~docs
-# 21000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21015,17 +21069,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21021 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3903 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( _1 )
-# 21029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21044,17 +21098,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21050 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21104 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3904 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( _1 )
-# 21058 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21112 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21084,9 +21138,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure) = 
-# 1303 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1323 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 21090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21102,9 +21156,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3955 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4003 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( "" )
-# 21108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21134,9 +21188,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3956 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4004 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
               ( ";.." )
-# 21140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21166,9 +21220,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature) = 
-# 1310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1330 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 21172 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21226 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21212,9 +21266,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension) = 
-# 4248 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                     ( (_2, _3) )
-# 21218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21272 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21233,9 +21287,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 900 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   (string * Location.t * string * Location.t * string option)
-# 21239 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -21244,9 +21298,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4298 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_quotedext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 21250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21304 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21292,9 +21346,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined2 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21298 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21352 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -21303,34 +21357,34 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.label_declaration) = let _5 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 21309 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
         let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 3600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 21318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21372 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 21326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 21334 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21388 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -21341,10 +21395,10 @@ module Tables = struct
           _startpos__2_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3473 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3514 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let info = symbol_info _endpos in
         Type.field _2 _4 ~mut:_1 ~attrs:_5 ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ~info )
-# 21348 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21402 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21404,9 +21458,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined2 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21410 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -21415,43 +21469,43 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.label_declaration) = let _7 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 21421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__7_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
         let _5 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 21430 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21484 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
         let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 3600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 21439 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21493 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 21447 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 21455 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21509 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__2_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -21462,14 +21516,14 @@ module Tables = struct
           _startpos__2_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3478 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3519 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let info =
           match rhs_info _endpos__5_ with
           | Some _ as info_before_semi -> info_before_semi
           | None -> symbol_info _endpos
        Type.field _2 _4 ~mut:_1 ~attrs:(_5 @ _7) ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ~info )
-# 21473 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21527 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21492,9 +21546,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.label_declaration list) = 
-# 3467 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3508 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( [_1] )
-# 21498 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21552 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21517,9 +21571,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.label_declaration list) = 
-# 3468 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3509 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( [_1] )
-# 21523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21577 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21549,9 +21603,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.label_declaration list) = 
-# 3469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 :: _2 )
-# 21555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21609 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21570,9 +21624,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -21583,24 +21637,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 21589 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21643 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2487 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (_1.Location.txt, mkpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_var _1)) )
-# 21598 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21652 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2461 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2479 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( x )
-# 21604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21658 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21633,9 +21687,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let cty : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic cty in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21693 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -21646,18 +21700,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 21652 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21706 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2487 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (_1.Location.txt, mkpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_var _1)) )
-# 21661 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21715 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos_x_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -21665,11 +21719,11 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let lab, pat = x in
         mkpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_constraint (pat, cty)) )
-# 21673 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21692,9 +21746,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3987 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                         ( _1 )
-# 21698 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21752 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21717,9 +21771,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2795 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Nolabel, _1) )
-# 21723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21745,17 +21799,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _2 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21751 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21805 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2759 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2797 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Labelled _1, _2) )
-# 21759 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21780,9 +21834,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let label : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic label in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -21790,10 +21844,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_label_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) = let _loc_label_ = (_startpos_label_, _endpos_label_) in
-# 2761 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = _loc_label_ in
         (Labelled label, mkexpvar ~loc label) )
-# 21797 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21851 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21838,9 +21892,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let ty : (Parsetree.type_constraint) = Obj.magic ty in
         let label : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21898 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic label in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -21850,10 +21904,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _loc_label_ = (_startpos_label_, _endpos_label_) in
-# 2764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2802 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Labelled label, mkexp_constraint ~loc:(_startpos__2_, _endpos)
                            (mkexpvar ~loc:_loc_label_ label) ty) )
-# 21857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21911 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21878,9 +21932,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let label : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic label in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -21888,10 +21942,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_label_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) = let _loc_label_ = (_startpos_label_, _endpos_label_) in
-# 2767 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2805 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = _loc_label_ in
         (Optional label, mkexpvar ~loc label) )
-# 21895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21949 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21917,17 +21971,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _2 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 21923 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2770 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2808 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Optional _1, _2) )
-# 21931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 21985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -21980,15 +22034,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression option * Parsetree.pattern) = let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 2457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 21986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2431 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Optional (fst _3), _4, snd _3) )
-# 21992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22013,9 +22067,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 22019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -22028,24 +22082,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 22034 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2487 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (_1.Location.txt, mkpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_var _1)) )
-# 22043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2451 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Optional (fst _2), None, snd _2) )
-# 22049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22092,9 +22146,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _3 : (Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 22098 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -22102,15 +22156,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression option * Parsetree.pattern) = let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 2457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 22108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2435 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2453 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Optional _1, _4, _3) )
-# 22114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22168 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22136,17 +22190,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _2 : (Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 22142 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression option * Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 2437 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2455 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Optional _1, None, _2) )
-# 22150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22204 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22190,9 +22244,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression option * Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 2439 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Labelled (fst _3), None, snd _3) )
-# 22196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22217,9 +22271,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 22223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22277 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -22232,24 +22286,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 22238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22292 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2487 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (_1.Location.txt, mkpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_var _1)) )
-# 22247 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2441 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2459 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Labelled (fst _2), None, snd _2) )
-# 22253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22275,17 +22329,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _2 : (Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 22281 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22335 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression option * Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 2443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2461 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Labelled _1, None, _2) )
-# 22289 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22308,9 +22362,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression option * Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 2445 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Nolabel, None, _1) )
-# 22314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22368 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22335,9 +22389,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression *
   Parsetree.value_constraint option * bool) = 
-# 2809 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let p,e,c = _1 in (p,e,c,false) )
-# 22341 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22395 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22364,9 +22418,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 2812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (mkpatvar ~loc:_loc _1, mkexpvar ~loc:_loc _1, None, true) )
-# 22370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22424 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22401,15 +22455,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
               ( mkpatvar ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 22407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22461 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2781 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (_1, _2, None) )
-# 22413 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22467 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22458,13 +22512,13 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
               ( mkpatvar ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 22464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let v = _1 in (* PR#7344 *)
         let t =
           match _2 with
@@ -22474,7 +22528,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         (v, _4, Some t)
-# 22478 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22532 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22546,24 +22600,24 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 22550 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 22555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22609 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 22561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22615 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3586 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3627 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Ptyp_poly(_1, _3) )
-# 22567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__3_ = _startpos_xs_ in
@@ -22572,19 +22626,19 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
               ( mkpatvar ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 22578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _loc__3_ = (_startpos__3_, _endpos__3_) in
-# 2793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2831 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let t = ghtyp ~loc:(_loc__3_) _3 in
       (_1, _5, Some (Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars = []; typ=t }))
-# 22588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22642 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22657,27 +22711,27 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__8_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression *
   Parsetree.value_constraint option) = let _4 = 
-# 2774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 22663 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22717 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 =
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
               ( mkpatvar ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 22672 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22726 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let constraint' =
         Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars=_4; typ = _6}
       (_1, _8, Some constraint') )
-# 22681 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22735 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22715,9 +22769,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression *
   Parsetree.value_constraint option) = 
-# 2803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2841 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (_1, _3, None) )
-# 22721 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22769,9 +22823,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression *
   Parsetree.value_constraint option) = 
-# 2805 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (_1, _5, Some(Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars=[]; typ=_3 })) )
-# 22775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22833,36 +22887,36 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 22839 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 22848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2870 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       mklbs ext rec_flag (mklb ~loc:_sloc true body attrs)
-# 22860 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22914 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2860 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 22866 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22920 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22892,9 +22946,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Ast_helper.let_bindings) = 
-# 2823 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( addlb _1 _2 )
-# 22898 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 22952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -22949,41 +23003,41 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 22955 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23009 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 22964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23018 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let ext = 
-# 4234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4282 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( None )
-# 22970 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2870 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       mklbs ext rec_flag (mklb ~loc:_sloc true body attrs)
-# 22981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2860 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 22987 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23052,18 +23106,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23058 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23112 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23067 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let ext =
@@ -23072,27 +23126,27 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 4236 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( not_expecting _loc "extension"; None )
-# 23078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23132 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2870 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       mklbs ext rec_flag (mklb ~loc:_sloc true body attrs)
-# 23090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2860 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 23096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23122,9 +23176,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Ast_helper.let_bindings) = 
-# 2823 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( addlb _1 _2 )
-# 23128 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23147,9 +23201,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 2473 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2491 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 23153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23207 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23187,24 +23241,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2493 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_constraint(_1, _3) )
-# 23193 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23247 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 23202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23256 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2476 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 23208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23262 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23238,15 +23292,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
               ( mkpatvar ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 23244 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23298 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2849 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2887 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (pat, exp) )
-# 23250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23304 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23272,9 +23326,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 2852 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (mkpatvar ~loc:_loc _1, mkexpvar ~loc:_loc _1) )
-# 23278 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23325,10 +23379,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_pat_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_exp_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2854 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2892 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = (_startpos_pat_, _endpos_typ_) in
         (ghpat ~loc (Ppat_constraint(pat, typ)), exp) )
-# 23332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23386 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23365,9 +23419,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_pat_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_exp_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (pat, exp) )
-# 23371 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23425 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23390,10 +23444,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_body_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_body_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression * Parsetree.binding_op list) = 
-# 2861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2899 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let let_pat, let_exp = body in
         let_pat, let_exp, [] )
-# 23397 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23451 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23425,9 +23479,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let body : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic body in
         let _1 : (
-# 821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 23431 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let bindings : (Parsetree.pattern * Parsetree.expression * Parsetree.binding_op list) = Obj.magic bindings in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -23438,22 +23492,22 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 23444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23498 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_body_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_bindings_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2864 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let let_pat, let_exp, rev_ands = bindings in
         let pbop_pat, pbop_exp = body in
         let pbop_loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let and_ = {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc} in
         let_pat, let_exp, and_ :: rev_ands )
-# 23457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23511 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23471,7 +23525,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_expr Parsetree.class_infos list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 23475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23529 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23535,9 +23589,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined3 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
         let body : (Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic body in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 23541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23595 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let virt : (Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic virt in
@@ -23550,9 +23604,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23556 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23610 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -23562,24 +23616,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 23568 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2056 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
@@ -23587,13 +23641,13 @@ module Tables = struct
     let text = symbol_text _symbolstartpos in
     Ci.mk id body ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
-# 23591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23645 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 23597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23611,7 +23665,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type Parsetree.class_infos list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 23615 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23669 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23682,9 +23736,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let cty : (Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic cty in
         let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 23688 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23742 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let virt : (Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic virt in
@@ -23697,9 +23751,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23703 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -23709,24 +23763,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 23715 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23769 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2337 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       let loc = make_loc _sloc in
@@ -23734,13 +23788,13 @@ module Tables = struct
       let text = symbol_text _symbolstartpos in
       Ci.mk id cty ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
-# 23738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 23744 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23758,7 +23812,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type Parsetree.class_infos list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 23762 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23829,9 +23883,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let csig : (Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic csig in
         let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 23835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let virt : (Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic virt in
@@ -23844,9 +23898,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23904 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -23856,24 +23910,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 23862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23916 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23870 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23924 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2376 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2394 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       let loc = make_loc _sloc in
@@ -23881,13 +23935,13 @@ module Tables = struct
       let text = symbol_text _symbolstartpos in
       Ci.mk id csig ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
-# 23885 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 23891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23945 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23905,7 +23959,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_binding list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 23909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 23963 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -23966,9 +24020,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -23978,24 +24032,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 23984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 23992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1684 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
@@ -24003,13 +24057,13 @@ module Tables = struct
     let text = symbol_text _symbolstartpos in
     Mb.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
-# 24007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24013 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24067 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24027,7 +24081,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_declaration list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 24031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24095,9 +24149,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 24101 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24155 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -24107,24 +24161,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 24113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24167 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 24121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1979 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
@@ -24132,13 +24186,13 @@ module Tables = struct
     let text = symbol_text _symbolstartpos in
     Md.mk name mty ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
-# 24136 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24142 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24156,7 +24210,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.attributes) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 24160 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24214 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24188,7 +24242,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.attributes) = 
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24206,7 +24260,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_declaration list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 24210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24264 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24271,9 +24325,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let xs_inlined1 : ((Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) list) = Obj.magic xs_inlined1 in
         let kind_priv_manifest : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic kind_priv_manifest in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 24277 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24331 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -24286,9 +24340,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 24292 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24346 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -24297,18 +24351,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 24301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 24306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 24312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24366 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let id =
@@ -24317,24 +24371,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 24323 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24377 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 24331 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24385 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3286 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3327 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let (kind, priv, manifest) = kind_priv_manifest in
       let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
@@ -24343,13 +24397,13 @@ module Tables = struct
       let text = symbol_text _symbolstartpos in
       Type.mk id ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs ~loc ~docs ~text
-# 24347 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24401 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24353 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24367,7 +24421,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_declaration list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 24371 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24425 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24439,9 +24493,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _2 : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1_inlined3 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 24445 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -24454,9 +24508,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 24460 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24514 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -24465,26 +24519,26 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 24469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 24474 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24528 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 24480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let kind_priv_manifest =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 3332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _2 )
-# 24488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let id =
@@ -24493,24 +24547,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 24499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let attrs1 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 24507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3286 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3327 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let (kind, priv, manifest) = kind_priv_manifest in
       let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
@@ -24519,13 +24573,13 @@ module Tables = struct
       let text = symbol_text _symbolstartpos in
       Type.mk id ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs ~loc ~docs ~text
-# 24523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24577 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24529 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24543,7 +24597,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.attributes) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 24547 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24601 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24575,7 +24629,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.attributes) = 
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24593,7 +24647,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item list list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 24597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24626,21 +24680,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1037 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_sig _startpos )
-# 24632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24686 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 24638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24692 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24644 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24698 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24673,21 +24727,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_sig _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 24679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24733 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 24685 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24739 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24691 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24705,7 +24759,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item list list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 24709 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24763 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24738,40 +24792,40 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let ys =
               let items = 
-# 1097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [] )
-# 24744 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( items )
-# 24749 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let xs =
               let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_str _startpos )
-# 24757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24811 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 267 "<standard.mly>"
     ( xs @ ys )
-# 24763 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1599 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 24769 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24823 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24823,70 +24877,70 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _1 =
                     let _1 =
                       let attrs = 
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 24829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkstrexp e attrs )
-# 24834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                     let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e_ in
                     let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1051 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_str _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 24842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e_ in
                   let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
                   let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1050 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( mark_rhs_docs _startpos _endpos;
     _1 )
-# 24852 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1099 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x )
-# 24858 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( items )
-# 24864 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24918 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let xs =
               let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_str _startpos )
-# 24872 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24926 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 267 "<standard.mly>"
     ( xs @ ys )
-# 24878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1599 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 24884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24919,21 +24973,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1051 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_str _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 24925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24979 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1599 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 24931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 24991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24951,7 +25005,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type_field list list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 24955 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25009 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -24983,15 +25037,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_type_field list list) = let x =
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1045 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_csig _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 24989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 24995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25009,7 +25063,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field list list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 25013 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25067 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25041,15 +25095,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.class_field list list) = let x =
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1063 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_cstr _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 25047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25101 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 25053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25067,7 +25121,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item list list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 25071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25099,15 +25153,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item list list) = let x =
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1051 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_str _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 25105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25159 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 25111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25125,7 +25179,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list list) = 
 # 211 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [] )
-# 25129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25183 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25158,32 +25212,32 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let x =
               let _1 = 
-# 1097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [] )
-# 25164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 25169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 25175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25229 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1362 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 25181 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 25187 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25235,58 +25289,58 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _1 =
                     let _1 =
                       let attrs = 
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 25241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25295 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkstrexp e attrs )
-# 25246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25300 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( Ptop_def [_1] )
-# 25252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e_ in
                   let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_def _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 25260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1099 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x )
-# 25266 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25320 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 25272 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 25278 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25332 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1362 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 25284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 25290 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25344 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25318,27 +25372,27 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list list) = let x =
           let _1 =
             let _1 = 
-# 1041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( Ptop_def [_1] )
-# 25324 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25378 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_def _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 25330 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25384 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1362 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 25336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 25342 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25373,29 +25427,29 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1050 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( mark_rhs_docs _startpos _endpos;
     _1 )
-# 25380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25434 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_def _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 25387 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25441 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1362 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 25393 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25447 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 213 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 25399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25453 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25434,7 +25488,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Parsetree.pattern) list * unit option) = let _2 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 25438 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25492 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let label =
@@ -25442,9 +25496,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 25448 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25502 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_label_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -25452,7 +25506,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_label_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3172 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let constraint_loc, label, pat =
         match opat with
         | None ->
@@ -25466,13 +25520,13 @@ module Tables = struct
       label, mkpat_opt_constraint ~loc:constraint_loc pat octy
-# 25470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1287 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x], None )
-# 25476 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25530 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25518,7 +25572,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Parsetree.pattern) list * unit option) = let _2 = 
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 25522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let label =
@@ -25526,9 +25580,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 25532 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25586 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_label_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -25536,7 +25590,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_label_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3172 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let constraint_loc, label, pat =
         match opat with
         | None ->
@@ -25550,13 +25604,13 @@ module Tables = struct
       label, mkpat_opt_constraint ~loc:constraint_loc pat octy
-# 25554 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25608 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1287 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x], None )
-# 25560 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25614 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25619,9 +25673,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 25625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_label_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -25629,7 +25683,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_label_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3172 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let constraint_loc, label, pat =
         match opat with
         | None ->
@@ -25643,13 +25697,13 @@ module Tables = struct
       label, mkpat_opt_constraint ~loc:constraint_loc pat octy
-# 25647 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25701 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1289 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1309 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x], Some y )
-# 25653 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25707 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25705,9 +25759,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 25711 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25765 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_label_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -25715,7 +25769,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_label_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3172 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let constraint_loc, label, pat =
         match opat with
         | None ->
@@ -25729,14 +25783,14 @@ module Tables = struct
       label, mkpat_opt_constraint ~loc:constraint_loc pat octy
-# 25733 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1313 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let xs, y = tail in
       x :: xs, y )
-# 25740 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25794 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25773,9 +25827,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.case) = 
-# 2897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2935 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Exp.case _1 (merloc _endpos__2_ _3) )
-# 25779 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25826,9 +25880,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.case) = 
-# 2899 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Exp.case _1 ~guard:(merloc _endpos__2_ _3) (merloc _endpos__4_ _5) )
-# 25832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25886 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25866,10 +25920,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.case) = let _loc__3_ = (_startpos__3_, _endpos__3_) in
-# 2901 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Exp.case _1 (merloc _endpos__2_
                        (Exp.unreachable ~loc:(make_loc _loc__3_) ())) )
-# 25873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -25930,9 +25984,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 25936 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 25990 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -25941,49 +25995,49 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _6 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 25947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26001 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__6_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
           let _4 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 25956 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26010 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__4_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
           let _3 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 3600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 25965 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _1 =
             let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 25972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 25980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26034 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3866 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3907 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let info =
         match rhs_info _endpos__4_ with
         | Some _ as info_before_semi -> info_before_semi
@@ -25991,13 +26045,13 @@ module Tables = struct
       let attrs = add_info_attrs info (_4 @ _6) in
       Of.tag ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ~attrs _1 _3 )
-# 25995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (f, c) = tail in (head :: f, c) )
-# 26001 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26038,15 +26092,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_ty_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3877 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3918 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Of.inherit_ ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ty )
-# 26044 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26098 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (f, c) = tail in (head :: f, c) )
-# 26050 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26104 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26100,9 +26154,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 26106 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26160 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -26111,49 +26165,49 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _6 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__6_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
           let _4 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26126 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26180 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__4_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
           let _3 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 3600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _1 =
             let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 26142 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 26150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26204 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3866 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3907 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let info =
         match rhs_info _endpos__4_ with
         | Some _ as info_before_semi -> info_before_semi
@@ -26161,13 +26215,13 @@ module Tables = struct
       let attrs = add_info_attrs info (_4 @ _6) in
       Of.tag ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ~attrs _1 _3 )
-# 26165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [head], Closed )
-# 26171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26201,15 +26255,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_ty_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3877 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3918 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Of.inherit_ ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ty )
-# 26207 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [head], Closed )
-# 26213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26249,9 +26303,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 26255 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26309 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -26260,50 +26314,50 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _4 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26266 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26320 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__4_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
           let _3 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 3600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26329 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _1 =
             let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 26282 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 26290 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26344 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3859 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3900 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let info = symbol_info _endpos in
       let attrs = add_info_attrs info _4 in
       Of.tag ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ~attrs _1 _3 )
-# 26301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3853 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3894 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [head], Closed )
-# 26307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26361 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26330,15 +26384,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_ty_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3877 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3918 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Of.inherit_ ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ty )
-# 26336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3853 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3894 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [head], Closed )
-# 26342 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26361,9 +26415,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.object_field list * Asttypes.closed_flag) = 
-# 3855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [], Open )
-# 26367 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26408,9 +26462,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined2 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 26414 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26468 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let private_ : (Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic private_ in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -26421,41 +26475,41 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let ty =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 3596 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26427 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let label =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 26435 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26489 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 26443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs = 
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 = 
-# 4126 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 26454 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26508 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2200 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (label, private_, Cfk_virtual ty), attrs )
-# 26459 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26513 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26493,9 +26547,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _5 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 26499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -26506,36 +26560,36 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 26512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26566 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 26520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26574 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 = 
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26526 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26580 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 26531 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26585 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let e = _5 in
         let loc = Location.(e.pexp_loc.loc_start, e.pexp_loc.loc_end) in
         (_4, _3,
         Cfk_concrete (_1, ghexp ~loc (Pexp_poly (e, None)))), _2 )
-# 26539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26593 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26579,9 +26633,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _5 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 26585 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -26593,39 +26647,39 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 26599 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26653 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 26607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26661 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26615 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26669 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 = 
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 26621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26675 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let e = _5 in
         let loc = Location.(e.pexp_loc.loc_start, e.pexp_loc.loc_end) in
         (_4, _3,
         Cfk_concrete (_1, ghexp ~loc (Pexp_poly (e, None)))), _2 )
-# 26629 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26683 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26684,9 +26738,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined2 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 26690 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26744 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -26697,45 +26751,45 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _6 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 3596 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26703 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__6_ = _startpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 26712 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26766 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 26720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 = 
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26726 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26780 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 26731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26785 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let poly_exp =
           let loc = (_startpos__6_, _endpos__8_) in
           ghexp ~loc (Pexp_poly(_8, Some _6)) in
         (_4, _3, Cfk_concrete (_1, poly_exp)), _2 )
-# 26739 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26800,9 +26854,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined3 : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 26806 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26860 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -26814,48 +26868,48 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _6 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 3596 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__6_ = _startpos__1_inlined3_ in
         let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 26829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 26837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26845 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26899 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 = 
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 26851 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26905 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let poly_exp =
           let loc = (_startpos__6_, _endpos__8_) in
           ghexp ~loc (Pexp_poly(_8, Some _6)) in
         (_4, _3, Cfk_concrete (_1, poly_exp)), _2 )
-# 26859 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26913 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -26935,9 +26989,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 26941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 26995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -26946,38 +27000,38 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__11_ in
         let _v : ((string Location.loc * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.class_field_kind) *
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _7 = 
-# 2774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 26952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27006 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__7_ = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 26960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27014 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 26968 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__4_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
         let _2 = 
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 26975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
         let _1 = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 26981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
         let _endpos = _endpos__11_ in
@@ -26993,7 +27047,7 @@ module Tables = struct
               _startpos__4_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2214 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let poly_exp_loc = (_startpos__7_, _endpos__11_) in
         let poly_exp =
           let exp, poly =
@@ -27004,7 +27058,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           ghexp ~loc:poly_exp_loc (Pexp_poly(exp, Some poly)) in
         (_4, _3,
         Cfk_concrete (_1, poly_exp)), _2 )
-# 27008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27090,9 +27144,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 27096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.private_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -27102,41 +27156,41 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__11_ in
         let _v : ((string Location.loc * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.class_field_kind) *
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _7 = 
-# 2774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 27108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__7_ = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 27116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 27124 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__4_ = _startpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 27133 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27187 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_) in
         let _1 = 
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 27140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__11_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
@@ -27151,7 +27205,7 @@ module Tables = struct
               _startpos__4_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2214 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let poly_exp_loc = (_startpos__7_, _endpos__11_) in
         let poly_exp =
           let exp, poly =
@@ -27162,7 +27216,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           ghexp ~loc:poly_exp_loc (Pexp_poly(exp, Some poly)) in
         (_4, _3,
         Cfk_concrete (_1, poly_exp)), _2 )
-# 27166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27220 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27181,17 +27235,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 27187 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Lident _1 )
-# 27195 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27249 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27222,9 +27276,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _3 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 27228 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27282 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -27232,9 +27286,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 27238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27292 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27253,17 +27307,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 27259 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27313 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Lident _1 )
-# 27267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27321 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27294,9 +27348,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _3 : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 27300 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27354 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -27304,9 +27358,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 27310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27364 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27329,14 +27383,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = let _1 = 
-# 4020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( _1 )
-# 27335 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Lident _1 )
-# 27340 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27394 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27374,20 +27428,20 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "::" )
-# 27380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27434 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( _1 )
-# 27385 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27439 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Lident _1 )
-# 27391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27445 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27410,14 +27464,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = let _1 = 
-# 4020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( _1 )
-# 27416 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Lident _1 )
-# 27421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27456,15 +27510,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Longident.t) = let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( _1 )
-# 27462 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 27468 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27517,20 +27571,20 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Longident.t) = let _3 =
           let (_2, _1) = (_2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "::" )
-# 27523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27577 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( _1 )
-# 27528 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 27534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27569,15 +27623,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Longident.t) = let _3 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( _1 )
-# 27575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27629 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 27581 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27600,9 +27654,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Lident _1 )
-# 27606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27660 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27639,9 +27693,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 27645 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27699 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27660,17 +27714,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 27666 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Lident _1 )
-# 27674 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27728 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27701,9 +27755,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _3 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 27707 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27761 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -27711,9 +27765,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 27717 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27771 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27732,17 +27786,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 27738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Lident _1 )
-# 27746 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27800 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27773,9 +27827,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _3 : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 27779 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -27783,9 +27837,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 27789 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27808,9 +27862,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Lident _1 )
-# 27814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27847,9 +27901,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                       ( Ldot(_1,_3) )
-# 27853 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27907 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27872,9 +27926,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4044 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                             ( _1 )
-# 27878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27921,9 +27975,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3998 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( lapply ~loc:_sloc _1 _3 )
-# 27927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 27981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27946,9 +28000,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3993 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                          ( _1 )
-# 27952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28006 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -27978,9 +28032,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_me_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = 
-# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1659 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( me )
-# 27984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28025,24 +28079,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_me_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1646 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1666 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pmod_constraint(me, mty) )
-# 28031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_me_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 28040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28073,25 +28127,25 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_body_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1648 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (_, arg) = arg_and_pos in
           Pmod_functor(arg, body) )
-# 28080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_body_, _startpos_arg_and_pos_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 28089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28095 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28121,9 +28175,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_mty_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = 
-# 1899 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1917 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mty )
-# 28127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28181 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28154,25 +28208,25 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_body_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1924 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (_, arg) = arg_and_pos in
           Pmty_functor(arg, body) )
-# 28161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28215 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_body_, _startpos_arg_and_pos_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1072 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1092 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 28170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28218,18 +28272,18 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28278 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmod_structure s) )
-# 28233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28287 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28282,22 +28336,22 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28342 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_me_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1473 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1493 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( wrap_mod_attrs ~loc:_sloc attrs (
           List.fold_left (fun acc (startpos, arg) ->
             mkmod ~loc:(startpos, _endpos) (Pmod_functor (arg, acc))
           ) me args
         ) )
-# 28301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28320,9 +28374,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_me_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_me_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = 
-# 1479 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( me )
-# 28326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28352,9 +28406,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_me_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_attr_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = 
-# 1481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Mod.attr me attr )
-# 28358 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28412 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28383,30 +28437,30 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 28389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1505 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pmod_ident x )
-# 28395 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 28404 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28458 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1500 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28410 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28437,24 +28491,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_me2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1508 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pmod_apply(me1, me2) )
-# 28443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_me2_, _startpos_me1_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 28452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1500 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28458 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28492,24 +28546,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1491 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1511 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pmod_apply_unit me )
-# 28498 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28552 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos_me_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 28507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1500 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28513 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28533,24 +28587,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_ex_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1514 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pmod_extension ex )
-# 28539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28593 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_ex_, _startpos_ex_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 28548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28602 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1500 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28554 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28608 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28578,25 +28632,25 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 1497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let id = mkrhs Ast_helper.hole_txt _loc in
           Pmod_extension (id, PStr []) )
-# 28585 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 28594 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28648 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1500 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28615,17 +28669,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let x : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 28621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28675 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic x in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (string option) = 
-# 1446 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1466 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Some x )
-# 28629 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28683 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28648,9 +28702,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string option) = 
-# 1449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( None )
-# 28654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28708,9 +28762,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined3 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 28714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28768 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let ext : (string Location.loc option) = Obj.magic ext in
@@ -28721,9 +28775,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_substitution * string Location.loc option) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28781 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -28733,9 +28787,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 28739 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let uid =
@@ -28744,31 +28798,31 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 28750 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28758 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1957 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Ms.mk uid body ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 28772 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28814,18 +28868,18 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1795 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmty ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmty_signature s) )
-# 28829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28878,22 +28932,57 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 28938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_mty_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-      ( wrap_mty_attrs ~loc:_sloc attrs (
-          List.fold_left (fun acc (startpos, arg) ->
-            mkmty ~loc:(startpos, _endpos) (Pmty_functor (arg, acc))
-          ) mty args
-        ) )
-# 28897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 1807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+      ( wrap_mty_attrs ~loc:_sloc attrs (mk_functor_typ args mty) )
+# 28947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+         in
+        {
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
+        });
+      (fun _menhir_env ->
+        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
+        let {
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = mty;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_mty_;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_mty_;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = args;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_args_;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_args_;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
+            };
+          };
+        } = _menhir_stack in
+        let mty : (Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic mty in
+        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
+        let args : ((Lexing.position * Parsetree.functor_parameter) list) = Obj.magic args in
+        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
+        let _startpos = _startpos_args_ in
+        let _endpos = _endpos_mty_ in
+        let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = 
+# 1811 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+      ( mk_functor_typ args mty )
+# 28986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28946,18 +29035,18 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = let _4 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 28952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmty ~loc:_sloc ~attrs:_4 (Pmty_typeof _5) )
-# 28961 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29050 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -28994,9 +29083,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = 
-# 1795 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _2 )
-# 29000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29026,9 +29115,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = 
-# 1801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Mty.attr _1 _2 )
-# 29032 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29057,92 +29146,30 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 29063 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pmty_ident _1 )
-# 29069 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1072 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1092 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 29078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29167 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 29084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _4 : (Parsetree.module_type) = Obj.magic _4 in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
-          let _1 = 
-# 1806 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-        ( Pmty_functor(Unit, _4) )
-# 29131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-           in
-          let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__4_ in
-          let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
-          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-          let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1072 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-    ( mkmty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 29140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-        in
-# 1817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 29146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29173 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29180,24 +29207,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1809 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1827 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pmty_functor(Named (mknoloc None, _1), _3) )
-# 29186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1072 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1092 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 29195 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 29201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29228 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29239,18 +29266,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 29243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29270 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 29248 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1811 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pmty_with(_1, _3) )
-# 29254 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29281 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -29258,15 +29285,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1072 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1092 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 29264 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 29270 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29290,23 +29317,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pmty_extension _1 )
-# 29296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29323 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1072 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1092 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkmty ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 29304 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29331 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 29310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29337 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29373,9 +29400,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type_declaration * string Location.loc option) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 29379 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29406 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -29385,31 +29412,31 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 29391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 29399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29426 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1721 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1741 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Mtd.mk id ?typ ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 29413 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29483,9 +29510,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type_declaration * string Location.loc option) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 29489 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -29495,31 +29522,31 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 29501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29528 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 29509 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29536 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2015 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Mtd.mk id ~typ ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 29523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29550 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29542,9 +29569,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 4005 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                           ( _1 )
-# 29548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29560,9 +29587,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = 
-# 4086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Immutable )
-# 29566 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29593 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29585,9 +29612,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = 
-# 4087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Mutable )
-# 29591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29618 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29603,9 +29630,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4095 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Immutable, Concrete )
-# 29609 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29636 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29628,9 +29655,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4145 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Mutable, Concrete )
-# 29634 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29661 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29653,9 +29680,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4099 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4147 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Immutable, Virtual )
-# 29659 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29686 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29685,9 +29712,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4102 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Mutable, Virtual )
-# 29691 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29718 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29717,9 +29744,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4102 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Mutable, Virtual )
-# 29723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29750 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29749,9 +29776,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _2 )
-# 29755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29782 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29770,9 +29797,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 29776 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -29782,15 +29809,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 29788 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 221 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 29794 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29816,9 +29843,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let xs : (string Location.loc list) = Obj.magic xs in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 29822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29849 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -29828,15 +29855,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 29834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 223 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 29840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29867 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29855,22 +29882,22 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let s : (
-# 876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * Location.t * string option)
-# 29861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic s in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_s_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_s_ in
         let _v : (string list) = let x = 
-# 4053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4101 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let body, _, _ = s in body )
-# 29869 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 221 "<standard.mly>"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 29874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29901 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29896,22 +29923,22 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let xs : (string list) = Obj.magic xs in
         let s : (
-# 876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * Location.t * string option)
-# 29902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29929 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic s in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_s_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
         let _v : (string list) = let x = 
-# 4053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4101 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let body, _, _ = s in body )
-# 29910 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 223 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 29915 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29934,14 +29961,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_ty_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_ty_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Public )
-# 29940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29967 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3347 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_abstract, priv, Some ty) )
-# 29945 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 29972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -29971,14 +29998,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_ty_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Private )
-# 29977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30004 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3347 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_abstract, priv, Some ty) )
-# 29982 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30009 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30001,26 +30028,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_cs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_cs_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Public )
-# 30007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30034 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 30013 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30018 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30045 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_variant cs, priv, oty) )
-# 30024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30051 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30050,26 +30077,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_cs_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Private )
-# 30056 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 30062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30067 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_variant cs, priv, oty) )
-# 30073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30106,33 +30133,33 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_cs_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Public )
-# 30112 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 =
             let x = 
 # 191 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 30119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 30124 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30151 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30157 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_variant cs, priv, oty) )
-# 30136 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30163 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30176,33 +30203,33 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_cs_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Private )
-# 30182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30209 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 =
             let x = 
 # 191 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 30189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30216 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 30194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30200 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_variant cs, priv, oty) )
-# 30206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30225,26 +30252,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__3_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Public )
-# 30231 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30258 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 30237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30264 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_open, priv, oty) )
-# 30248 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30274,26 +30301,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Private )
-# 30280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 30286 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30313 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_open, priv, oty) )
-# 30297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30324 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30330,33 +30357,33 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Public )
-# 30336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 =
             let x = 
 # 191 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 30343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 30348 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30375 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30354 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30381 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_open, priv, oty) )
-# 30360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30387 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30400,33 +30427,33 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Private )
-# 30406 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 =
             let x = 
 # 191 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 30413 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 30418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30445 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30424 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30451 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_open, priv, oty) )
-# 30430 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30463,26 +30490,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__3_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Public )
-# 30469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30496 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 30475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30502 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_record ls, priv, oty) )
-# 30486 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30513 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30526,26 +30553,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Private )
-# 30532 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 30538 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30565 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30543 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_record ls, priv, oty) )
-# 30549 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30596,33 +30623,33 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Public )
-# 30602 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30629 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 =
             let x = 
 # 191 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 30609 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30636 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 30614 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30620 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30647 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_record ls, priv, oty) )
-# 30626 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30653 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30680,33 +30707,33 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = let priv = 
-# 4083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Private )
-# 30686 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30713 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let oty =
           let _1 =
             let x = 
 # 191 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 30693 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 30698 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_record ls, priv, oty) )
-# 30710 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30744,24 +30771,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3742 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (f, c) = meth_list in Ptyp_object (f, c) )
-# 30750 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 30759 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3746 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 30765 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30792,24 +30819,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3744 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3785 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_object ([], Closed) )
-# 30798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 30807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3746 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 30813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30862,37 +30889,37 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr Parsetree.open_infos * string Location.loc option) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30877 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30904 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let override = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 30883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30910 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1740 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1760 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Opn.mk me ~override ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 30896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30923 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -30952,40 +30979,40 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr Parsetree.open_infos * string Location.loc option) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30958 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 30967 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 30994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let override =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 30975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1740 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1760 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Opn.mk me ~override ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 30989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31016 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31038,9 +31065,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc Parsetree.open_infos * string Location.loc option) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 31044 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -31050,36 +31077,36 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 31056 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 31064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31091 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let override = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 31070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Opn.mk id ~override ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 31083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31110 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31139,9 +31166,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Longident.t Location.loc Parsetree.open_infos * string Location.loc option) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 31145 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31172 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -31151,39 +31178,39 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 31157 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 31165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let override =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 31173 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31200 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Opn.mk id ~override ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 31187 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31214 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31202,17 +31229,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3919 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3967 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31216 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31231,17 +31258,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 839 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31264 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3920 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3968 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31272 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31260,17 +31287,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31266 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3969 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31274 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31310,17 +31337,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31316 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3970 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "."^ _1 ^"(" ^ _3 ^ ")" )
-# 31324 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31367,17 +31394,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3923 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3971 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "."^ _1 ^ "(" ^ _3 ^ ")<-" )
-# 31381 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31417,17 +31444,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31423 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31450 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3924 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "."^ _1 ^"[" ^ _3 ^ "]" )
-# 31431 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31458 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31474,17 +31501,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3973 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "."^ _1 ^ "[" ^ _3 ^ "]<-" )
-# 31488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31524,17 +31551,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31530 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31557 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3926 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "."^ _1 ^"{" ^ _3 ^ "}" )
-# 31538 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31565 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31581,17 +31608,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _3 : (string) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31587 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31614 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "."^ _1 ^ "{" ^ _3 ^ "}<-" )
-# 31595 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31610,17 +31637,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 892 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31643 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3928 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3976 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31643,9 +31670,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3929 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "!" )
-# 31649 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31664,22 +31691,22 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let op : (
-# 814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31697 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_op_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_op_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3933 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 31678 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31705 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31683 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31710 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31698,22 +31725,22 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let op : (
-# 815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_op_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_op_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3934 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3982 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 31712 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31739 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31717 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31744 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31732,22 +31759,22 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let op : (
-# 816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31765 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_op_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_op_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3935 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3983 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 31746 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31773 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31751 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31778 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31766,22 +31793,22 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let op : (
-# 817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31772 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_op_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_op_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3936 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 31780 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31785 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31800,22 +31827,22 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let op : (
-# 818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31806 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic op in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos_op_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_op_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( op )
-# 31814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31841 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31846 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31838,14 +31865,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31871 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31849 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31868,14 +31895,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3987 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31901 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31898,14 +31925,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3988 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31904 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31936 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31928,14 +31955,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31934 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31961 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31966 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31958,14 +31985,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3990 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31969 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 31996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -31988,14 +32015,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3943 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 31994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32021 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 31999 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32018,14 +32045,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32051 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 32029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32056 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32048,14 +32075,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3945 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3993 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32081 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 32059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32078,14 +32105,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3946 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 32089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32108,14 +32135,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 32119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32138,14 +32165,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3948 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 32149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32168,14 +32195,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3949 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 32179 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32198,14 +32225,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3950 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3998 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32204 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32231 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 32209 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32236 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32228,14 +32255,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3999 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 32239 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32266 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32258,14 +32285,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = let _1 = 
-# 3952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32264 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 32269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32288,9 +32315,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (bool) = 
-# 3832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( true )
-# 32294 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32321 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32306,9 +32333,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (bool) = 
-# 3833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( false )
-# 32312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32339 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32326,7 +32353,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (unit option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32330 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32357 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32351,7 +32378,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (unit option) = 
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32369,7 +32396,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (unit option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32394,7 +32421,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (unit option) = 
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32398 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32425 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32412,7 +32439,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (string Location.loc option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32416 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32437,9 +32464,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 32443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -32452,21 +32479,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 32458 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 32464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32491 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32484,7 +32511,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32516,12 +32543,12 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type option) = let x = 
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 32520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32547 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32525 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32552 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32539,7 +32566,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32543 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32571,12 +32598,12 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type option) = let x = 
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 32575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32602 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32580 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32594,7 +32621,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32598 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32627,26 +32654,26 @@ module Tables = struct
           let x =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 32633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32660 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 32638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32665 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 32644 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32671 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32677 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32705,18 +32732,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 32709 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32736 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 32714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32741 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 32720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32747 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -32725,22 +32752,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 32731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32758 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 32737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -32753,25 +32780,25 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 32757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 32763 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32790 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 32769 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32796 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32802 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32789,7 +32816,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32821,12 +32848,12 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type option) = let x = 
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 32825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32852 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32830 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32844,7 +32871,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32875 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32876,12 +32903,12 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern option) = let x = 
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 32880 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32907 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32885 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32899,7 +32926,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32903 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32931,12 +32958,12 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression option) = let x = 
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 32935 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32962 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32967 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32954,7 +32981,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_constraint option) = 
 # 114 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 32958 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 32985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32979,7 +33006,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_constraint option) = 
 # 116 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 32983 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33010 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -32998,17 +33025,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 33004 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 33012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -33040,18 +33067,18 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 33046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4142 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _2 )
-# 33055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -33105,9 +33132,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1509 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1529 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc (Pmod_constraint(me, mty)) )
-# 33111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -33144,9 +33171,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = 
-# 1516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1536 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( me (* TODO consider reloc *) )
-# 33150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -33200,37 +33227,37 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
           let e =
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 33206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 33211 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( e )
-# 33217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33244 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 33225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmod_unpack e) )
-# 33234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -33310,18 +33337,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 33314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33341 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 33319 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33346 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 33325 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33352 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -33330,22 +33357,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 33336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 33342 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33369 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -33358,36 +33385,36 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 33362 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 33368 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33395 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( e )
-# 33374 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33401 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 33382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmod_unpack e) )
-# 33391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -33459,24 +33486,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 33467 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_ty_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
           let e =
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 33475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33502 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 33480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_e_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -33484,26 +33511,26 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _startpos = _startpos_e_ in
           let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 1541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ghexp ~loc:_loc (Pexp_constraint (e, ty)) )
-# 33490 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 33498 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33525 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmod_unpack e) )
-# 33507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -33596,11 +33623,11 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 33604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_ty_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -33611,18 +33638,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 33615 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33642 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 33620 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33647 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 33626 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33653 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -33631,22 +33658,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 33637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 33643 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -33659,13 +33686,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 33663 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33690 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 33669 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_e_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -33673,26 +33700,26 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _startpos = _startpos_e_ in
           let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 1541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ghexp ~loc:_loc (Pexp_constraint (e, ty)) )
-# 33679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33706 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 33687 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmod_unpack e) )
-# 33696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -33778,11 +33805,11 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 33786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33813 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_ty2_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -33792,23 +33819,23 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 33800 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33827 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let e =
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 33807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 33812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33839 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_e_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -33816,26 +33843,26 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _startpos = _startpos_e_ in
           let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 1543 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ghexp ~loc:_loc (Pexp_coerce (e, Some ty1, ty2)) )
-# 33822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33849 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 33830 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmod_unpack e) )
-# 33839 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33866 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -33942,11 +33969,11 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 33950 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_ty2_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -33956,11 +33983,11 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 33964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 33991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let e =
@@ -33970,18 +33997,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 33974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34001 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 33979 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34006 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 33985 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -33990,22 +34017,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 33996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34023 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 34002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -34018,13 +34045,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 34022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 34028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_e_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -34032,26 +34059,26 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _startpos = _startpos_e_ in
           let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 1543 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ghexp ~loc:_loc (Pexp_coerce (e, Some ty1, ty2)) )
-# 34038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmod_unpack e) )
-# 34055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34123,24 +34150,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 34131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_ty2_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
           let e =
             let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 34139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 34144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_e_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -34148,26 +34175,26 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _startpos = _startpos_e_ in
           let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 1545 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1565 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ghexp ~loc:_loc (Pexp_coerce (e, None, ty2)) )
-# 34154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34181 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmod_unpack e) )
-# 34171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34198 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34260,11 +34287,11 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 34268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34295 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos_ty2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -34275,18 +34302,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 34279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 34284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34311 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 34290 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34317 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -34295,22 +34322,22 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34328 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 34307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34334 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -34323,13 +34350,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 34327 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34354 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 34333 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_e_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -34337,26 +34364,26 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _startpos = _startpos_e_ in
           let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 1545 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1565 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ghexp ~loc:_loc (Pexp_coerce (e, None, ty2)) )
-# 34343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34378 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkmod ~loc:_sloc ~attrs (Pmod_unpack e) )
-# 34360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34387 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34386,9 +34413,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 1418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1438 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34392 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34419 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34418,9 +34445,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 1403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1423 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34424 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34451 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34450,9 +34477,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 1378 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1398 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34456 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34482,9 +34509,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 1383 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34514,9 +34541,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 1408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1428 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34547 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34546,9 +34573,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 1413 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34552 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34578,9 +34605,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_expr) = 
-# 1373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1393 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34584 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34610,9 +34637,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.module_type) = 
-# 1368 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1388 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34643 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34642,9 +34669,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 1393 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1413 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34648 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34675 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34674,9 +34701,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 1388 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34680 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34707 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34706,9 +34733,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 1398 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34712 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34739 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34750,15 +34777,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _loc__2_ = (_startpos__2_, _endpos__2_) in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkpat_cons ~loc:_sloc _loc__2_ (ghpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_tuple[_1;_3])) )
-# 34756 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 34762 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34789 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34788,14 +34815,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 = 
-# 3033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pat.attr _1 _2 )
-# 34794 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 34799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34818,14 +34845,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 = 
-# 3035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 34824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34851 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 34829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34856 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34870,15 +34897,15 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 34876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34903 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ppat_alias(_1, _3) )
-# 34882 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -34886,21 +34913,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 34892 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34919 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34898 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 34904 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34925,29 +34952,29 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _1 = 
-# 3042 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ppat_tuple(List.rev _1) )
-# 34931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34958 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 34939 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34966 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 34945 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 34951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 34978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -34986,30 +35013,30 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _1 = 
-# 3046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ppat_or(_1, _3) )
-# 34992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 35001 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 35007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35034 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35013 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35057,24 +35084,73 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 35063 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 35069 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3021 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkpat_attrs ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_exception _3) _2)
-# 35078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+         in
+        {
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
+        });
+      (fun _menhir_env ->
+        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
+        let {
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _4;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__4_;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__4_;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
+                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
+                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
+                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
+                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
+                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
+              };
+            };
+          };
+        } = _menhir_stack in
+        let _4 : (Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _4 in
+        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
+        let _2 : (Parsetree.pattern) = Obj.magic _2 in
+        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
+        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
+        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
+        let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
+        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 3061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+      ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_effect(_2,_4)) )
+# 35154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35111,9 +35187,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern list) = 
-# 3152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3193 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 35117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35193 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35150,9 +35226,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern list) = 
-# 3153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( [_3; _1] )
-# 35156 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35232 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35189,9 +35265,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern list) = 
-# 3152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3193 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _3 :: _1 )
-# 35195 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35228,9 +35304,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern list) = 
-# 3153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( [_3; _1] )
-# 35234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35253,9 +35329,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 3054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35259 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35335 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35291,15 +35367,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 35297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ppat_construct(_1, Some ([], _2)) )
-# 35303 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35379 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
@@ -35307,15 +35383,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 35313 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3063 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35319 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35395 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35375,24 +35451,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let newtypes = 
-# 2774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 35381 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let constr =
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 35390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35466 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ppat_construct(constr, Some (newtypes, pat)) )
-# 35396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35472 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_pat_ in
@@ -35400,15 +35476,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 35406 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35482 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3063 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35412 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35439,24 +35515,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3102 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ppat_variant(_1, Some _2) )
-# 35445 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 35454 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35530 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3063 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35460 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35536 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35504,24 +35580,24 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 35510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35586 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 35516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkpat_attrs ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_lazy _3) _2)
-# 35525 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35601 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35563,15 +35639,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _loc__2_ = (_startpos__2_, _endpos__2_) in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkpat_cons ~loc:_sloc _loc__2_ (ghpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_tuple[_1;_3])) )
-# 35569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35645 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35601,14 +35677,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 = 
-# 3033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pat.attr _1 _2 )
-# 35607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35683 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35612 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35688 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35631,14 +35707,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 = 
-# 3035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35713 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35642 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35718 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35683,15 +35759,15 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 35689 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35765 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ppat_alias(_1, _3) )
-# 35695 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35771 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -35699,21 +35775,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 35705 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35781 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 35711 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35717 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35738,29 +35814,29 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _1 = 
-# 3042 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ppat_tuple(List.rev _1) )
-# 35744 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 35752 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35828 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 35758 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35799,30 +35875,30 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _1 = 
-# 3046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ppat_or(_1, _3) )
-# 35805 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 35814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 35820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 35826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35841,9 +35917,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 35847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35923 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -35855,30 +35931,30 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 35861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2450 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2468 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                         ( Ppat_var _1 )
-# 35867 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35943 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 35876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 35882 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35958 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35902,23 +35978,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2451 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                         ( Ppat_any )
-# 35908 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 35916 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 35922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 35998 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35941,9 +36017,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
               ( PStr _1 )
-# 35947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36023 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -35973,9 +36049,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4254 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4302 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( PSig _2 )
-# 35979 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36005,9 +36081,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4255 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4303 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( PTyp _2 )
-# 36011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36037,9 +36113,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4256 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4304 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                      ( PPat (_2, None) )
-# 36043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36083,9 +36159,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.payload) = 
-# 4257 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4305 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                    ( PPat (_2, Some _4) )
-# 36089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36108,9 +36184,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36153,24 +36229,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 36157 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 36162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36168 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36244 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3586 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3627 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Ptyp_poly(_1, _3) )
-# 36174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__3_, _startpos_xs_) in
@@ -36178,15 +36254,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 36184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36266 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36209,14 +36285,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 = 
-# 3621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36215 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36220 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36255,33 +36331,33 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _3 = 
-# 3621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36337 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _1 =
               let _1 =
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 36268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36344 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 36273 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36349 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3586 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3627 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Ptyp_poly(_1, _3) )
-# 36285 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36361 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_xs_ in
@@ -36289,15 +36365,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 36295 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36371 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36377 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36344,9 +36420,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4214 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4262 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_attr ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) _2 _3 )
-# 36350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36426 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36427,9 +36503,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.value_description * string Location.loc option) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36509 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -36439,30 +36515,30 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 36445 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36453 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36529 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3216 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3257 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       let loc = make_loc _sloc in
       let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
       Val.mk id ty ~prim ~attrs ~loc ~docs,
       ext )
-# 36466 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36478,14 +36554,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag) = let _1 = 
-# 4082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Public )
-# 36484 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36560 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36489 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36565 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36508,14 +36584,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag) = let _1 = 
-# 4083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Private )
-# 36514 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 36519 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36595 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36531,9 +36607,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                  ( Public, Concrete )
-# 36537 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36556,9 +36632,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4106 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( Private, Concrete )
-# 36562 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36581,9 +36657,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4155 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( Public, Virtual )
-# 36587 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36663 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36613,9 +36689,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4156 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( Private, Virtual )
-# 36619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36695 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36645,9 +36721,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4109 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4157 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( Private, Virtual )
-# 36651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36663,9 +36739,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Asttypes.rec_flag) = 
-# 4060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Nonrecursive )
-# 36669 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36688,9 +36764,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.rec_flag) = 
-# 4061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4109 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Recursive )
-# 36694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36770 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36716,12 +36792,12 @@ module Tables = struct
   (Longident.t Location.loc * Parsetree.expression) list) = let eo = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 36720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36796 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( eo, fields )
-# 36725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36762,18 +36838,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let x = 
 # 191 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 36766 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 36771 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( eo, fields )
-# 36777 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36853 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36798,17 +36874,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_d_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_d_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.constructor_declaration list) = let x = 
-# 3403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
       Type.constructor cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
-# 36807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [x] )
-# 36812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36833,17 +36909,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_d_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_d_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.constructor_declaration list) = let x = 
-# 3403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
       Type.constructor cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
-# 36842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36918 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1283 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [x] )
-# 36847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36923 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36875,17 +36951,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_d_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.constructor_declaration list) = let x = 
-# 3403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
       Type.constructor cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
-# 36884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1287 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( x :: xs )
-# 36889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36965 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36911,23 +36987,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_d_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
           let _1 = 
-# 3520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
       Te.decl cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
-# 36920 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 36996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3514 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 36925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37001 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [x] )
-# 36931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36950,14 +37026,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x = 
-# 3516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3557 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 36956 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37032 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [x] )
-# 36961 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37037 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -36983,23 +37059,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_d_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
           let _1 = 
-# 3520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
       Te.decl cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
-# 36992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3514 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 36997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1283 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [x] )
-# 37003 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37022,14 +37098,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x = 
-# 3516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3557 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 37028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37104 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1283 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [x] )
-# 37033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37109 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37062,23 +37138,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_d_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x =
           let _1 = 
-# 3520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
       Te.decl cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
-# 37071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37147 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3514 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 37076 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1287 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( x :: xs )
-# 37082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37108,14 +37184,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x = 
-# 3516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3557 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 37114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1287 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( x :: xs )
-# 37119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37195 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37140,17 +37216,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_d_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_d_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x = 
-# 3520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
       Te.decl cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
-# 37149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [x] )
-# 37154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37175,17 +37251,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_d_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_d_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x = 
-# 3520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
       Te.decl cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
-# 37184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1283 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [x] )
-# 37189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37265 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37217,17 +37293,17 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_d_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.extension_constructor list) = let x = 
-# 3520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
       Te.decl cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
-# 37226 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37302 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1287 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( x :: xs )
-# 37231 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37243,9 +37319,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : ((Parsetree.core_type * Parsetree.core_type * Location.t) list) = 
-# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [] )
-# 37249 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37325 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37302,21 +37378,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2317 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1, _3, make_loc _sloc )
-# 37308 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37384 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 183 "<standard.mly>"
     ( x )
-# 37314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 37320 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37339,9 +37415,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.function_param list) = 
-# 1138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( List.rev x )
-# 37345 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37371,9 +37447,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.function_param list) = 
-# 1140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1160 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( List.rev_append x xs )
-# 37377 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37453 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37396,9 +37472,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : ((Lexing.position * Parsetree.functor_parameter) list) = 
-# 1119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 37402 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37478 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37428,9 +37504,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : ((Lexing.position * Parsetree.functor_parameter) list) = 
-# 1121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 37434 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37453,9 +37529,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : ((Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) list) = 
-# 1119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 37459 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37485,9 +37561,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : ((Asttypes.arg_label * Parsetree.expression) list) = 
-# 1121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 37491 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37510,9 +37586,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (string list) = 
-# 1119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 37516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37542,9 +37618,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (string list) = 
-# 1121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 37548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37578,15 +37654,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _2 _sloc )
-# 37584 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37660 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 37590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37666 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37627,15 +37703,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _2 _sloc )
-# 37633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37709 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 37639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37715 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37660,12 +37736,12 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.case list) = let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 37664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37740 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1231 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1251 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 37669 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37699,13 +37775,13 @@ module Tables = struct
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 37703 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37779 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1231 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1251 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 37709 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37785 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37742,9 +37818,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.case list) = 
-# 1235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1255 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 37748 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37768,20 +37844,20 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = let xs =
           let x = 
-# 3621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 37774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 37779 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 37785 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37819,20 +37895,20 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = let xs =
           let x = 
-# 3621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 37825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37901 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 37830 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 37836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37855,14 +37931,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.with_constraint list) = let xs = 
-# 1166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 37861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 37866 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37899,14 +37975,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.with_constraint list) = let xs = 
-# 1170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 37905 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 37910 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 37986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37929,14 +38005,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.row_field list) = let xs = 
-# 1166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 37935 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 37940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38016 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -37973,14 +38049,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.row_field list) = let xs = 
-# 1170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 37979 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 37984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38003,14 +38079,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = let xs = 
-# 1166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 38009 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38014 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38047,14 +38123,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = let xs = 
-# 1170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 38053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38058 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38077,14 +38153,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = let xs = 
-# 1166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 38083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38159 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38121,14 +38197,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = let xs = 
-# 1170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 38127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38203 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38132 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38151,14 +38227,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = let xs = 
-# 1166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x ] )
-# 38157 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38195,14 +38271,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = let xs = 
-# 1170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 38201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38277 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38282 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38239,9 +38315,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 1197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 38245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38321 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38278,9 +38354,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 1201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x2; x1 ] )
-# 38284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38318,20 +38394,20 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression list) = let x =
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 38324 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 38329 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38405 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 38335 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38396,18 +38472,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 38400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38476 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38405 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38487 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -38416,22 +38492,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 38422 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38498 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 38428 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38504 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -38444,19 +38520,19 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 38448 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 38454 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38530 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 38460 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38536 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38495,32 +38571,32 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression list) = let x2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 38501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38577 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 38506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 38513 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38589 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 38518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38594 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x2; x1 ] )
-# 38524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38585,18 +38661,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 38589 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38665 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38594 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -38605,22 +38681,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 38611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38687 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 38617 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38693 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -38633,31 +38709,31 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 38637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38713 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 38643 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38719 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 38650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38726 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 38655 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x2; x1 ] )
-# 38661 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38717,14 +38793,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression list) = let x2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 38723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 38728 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x1 =
@@ -38734,18 +38810,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 38738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38743 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38749 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -38754,22 +38830,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 38760 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 38766 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -38782,19 +38858,19 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 38786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 38792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x2; x1 ] )
-# 38798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -38880,18 +38956,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 38884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38965 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38971 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -38900,22 +38976,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 38906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38982 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 38912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 38988 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -38928,13 +39004,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 38932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 38938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39014 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x1 =
@@ -38944,18 +39020,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 38948 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38953 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 38959 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -38964,22 +39040,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 38970 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39046 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 38976 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39052 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -38992,19 +39068,19 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 38996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39072 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 39002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x2; x1 ] )
-# 39008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39041,9 +39117,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_xs_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 1197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 39047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39123 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39080,9 +39156,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_x2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type list) = 
-# 1201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [ x2; x1 ] )
-# 39086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39105,9 +39181,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.row_field) = 
-# 3817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3858 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 39111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39187 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39133,9 +39209,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3860 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Rf.inherit_ ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) _1 )
-# 39139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39215 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39160,24 +39236,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression list) = let _2 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 39164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 39170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 39175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39251 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 39181 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39257 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39209,24 +39285,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression list) = let _2 = 
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 39213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39289 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 39219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39295 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 39224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39300 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 39230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39272,7 +39348,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression list) = let _2 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 39276 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39352 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let _1 =
@@ -39281,18 +39357,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 39285 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39361 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 39290 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39366 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 39296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39372 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -39301,22 +39377,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 39307 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39383 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 39313 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -39329,19 +39405,19 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 39333 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 39339 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39415 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 39345 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39394,7 +39470,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression list) = let _2 = 
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 39398 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39474 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let _1 =
@@ -39403,18 +39479,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 39407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 39412 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 39418 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -39423,22 +39499,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 39429 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39505 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 39435 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39511 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -39451,19 +39527,19 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 39455 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39531 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 39461 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39537 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 39467 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39543 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39501,20 +39577,20 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression list) = let x =
           let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 39507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 39512 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 39518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39594 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39579,18 +39655,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 39583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39659 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 39588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 39594 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -39599,22 +39675,22 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 39605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39681 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 39611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39687 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -39627,19 +39703,19 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 39631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39707 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                           ( _1 )
-# 39637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39713 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 39643 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39719 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39665,9 +39741,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let oe : (Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic oe in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 39671 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39747 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -39675,26 +39751,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : ((string Location.loc * Parsetree.expression) list) = let _2 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 39679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let label =
             let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 39686 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39762 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 39694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39770 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let label, e =
           match oe with
           | None ->
@@ -39704,13 +39780,13 @@ module Tables = struct
               label, e
         label, e )
-# 39708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 39714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39790 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39743,9 +39819,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let x : unit = Obj.magic x in
         let oe : (Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic oe in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 39749 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -39753,26 +39829,26 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : ((string Location.loc * Parsetree.expression) list) = let _2 = 
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 39757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let label =
             let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 39764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 39772 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let label, e =
           match oe with
           | None ->
@@ -39782,13 +39858,13 @@ module Tables = struct
               label, e
         label, e )
-# 39786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 39792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39828,9 +39904,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let oe : (Parsetree.expression option) = Obj.magic oe in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 39834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39910 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -39838,21 +39914,21 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : ((string Location.loc * Parsetree.expression) list) = let x =
           let label =
             let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 39844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39920 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 39852 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39928 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let label, e =
           match oe with
           | None ->
@@ -39862,13 +39938,13 @@ module Tables = struct
               label, e
         label, e )
-# 39866 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 39872 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39948 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39893,12 +39969,12 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern list) = let _2 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 39897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39973 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 39902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 39978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39932,13 +40008,13 @@ module Tables = struct
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 39936 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 39942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40018 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -39975,9 +40051,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_x_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_xs_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern list) = 
-# 1222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 39981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40016,7 +40092,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Parsetree.expression) list) = let _2 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 40020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let label =
@@ -40024,9 +40100,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 40030 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40106 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_label_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -40034,7 +40110,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_label_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2957 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let constraint_loc, label, e =
           match eo with
           | None ->
@@ -40044,13 +40120,13 @@ module Tables = struct
               (_startpos_c_, _endpos), label, e
         label, mkexp_opt_constraint ~loc:constraint_loc e c )
-# 40048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40124 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 40054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40096,7 +40172,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : ((Longident.t Location.loc * Parsetree.expression) list) = let _2 = 
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 40100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let x =
           let label =
@@ -40104,9 +40180,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 40110 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_label_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -40114,7 +40190,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_label_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2957 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let constraint_loc, label, e =
           match eo with
           | None ->
@@ -40124,13 +40200,13 @@ module Tables = struct
               (_startpos_c_, _endpos), label, e
         label, mkexp_opt_constraint ~loc:constraint_loc e c )
-# 40128 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40204 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [x] )
-# 40134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40186,9 +40262,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 40192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos_label_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -40196,7 +40272,7 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_label_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2957 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2995 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let constraint_loc, label, e =
           match eo with
           | None ->
@@ -40206,13 +40282,13 @@ module Tables = struct
               (_startpos_c_, _endpos), label, e
         label, mkexp_opt_constraint ~loc:constraint_loc e c )
-# 40210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40286 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x :: xs )
-# 40216 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40292 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40235,14 +40311,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 40241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40317 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2427 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2445 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( _1 )
-# 40246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40322 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40291,18 +40367,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 40295 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40371 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 40300 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40376 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 40306 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
@@ -40311,22 +40387,22 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40317 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40393 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 40323 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
         let cases = _3 in
         (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
@@ -40339,13 +40415,13 @@ module Tables = struct
         let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
         mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-# 40343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40419 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2427 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2445 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( _1 )
-# 40349 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40425 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40413,18 +40489,18 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_exception * string Location.loc option) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40419 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40495 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
         let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40428 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40504 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -40434,17 +40510,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 40440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40448 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs_ in
@@ -40452,14 +40528,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3474 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let vars, args, res = vars_args_res in
       let loc = make_loc (_startpos, _endpos_attrs2_) in
       let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
       Te.mk_exception ~attrs
         (Te.decl id ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs:(attrs1 @ attrs2) ~loc ~docs)
       , ext )
-# 40463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40485,21 +40561,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 = 
 # 260 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.flatten xss )
-# 40489 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40565 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xss_, _startpos_xss_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_sig _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 40497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40573 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1823 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1841 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40579 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40531,9 +40607,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40537 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -40541,10 +40617,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1856 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
         mksig ~loc:_sloc (Psig_extension (_1, (add_docs_attrs docs _2))) )
-# 40548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40568,23 +40644,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1860 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Psig_attribute _1 )
-# 40574 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mksig ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 40582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40658 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40608,23 +40684,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1865 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( psig_value _1 )
-# 40614 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40690 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 40622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40698 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40628 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40648,23 +40724,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1849 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1867 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( psig_value _1 )
-# 40654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40730 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 40662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40744 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40699,26 +40775,26 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _1 =
               let _1 =
                 let _1 = 
-# 1279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let (x, b) = a in x, b :: bs )
-# 40705 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40781 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 40710 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3276 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1851 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1869 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( psig_type _1 )
-# 40722 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_bs_, _startpos_a_) in
@@ -40726,15 +40802,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 40732 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40808 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40738 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40769,26 +40845,26 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _1 =
               let _1 =
                 let _1 = 
-# 1279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let (x, b) = a in x, b :: bs )
-# 40775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40851 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 40780 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40856 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3281 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1853 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1871 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( psig_typesubst _1 )
-# 40792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_bs_, _startpos_a_) in
@@ -40796,15 +40872,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 40802 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40808 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -40889,16 +40965,16 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let attrs2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40971 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
                 let cs = 
-# 1271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 40902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let tid =
                   let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
@@ -40906,46 +40982,46 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 40912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40988 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _4 = 
-# 4068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                 ( Recursive )
-# 40918 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 40994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let attrs1 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41001 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       Te.mk tid cs ~params ~priv ~attrs ~docs,
       ext )
-# 40937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41013 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40943 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( psig_typext _1 )
-# 40949 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41025 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -40953,15 +41029,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 40959 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 40965 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41053,16 +41129,16 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let attrs2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
                 let cs = 
-# 1271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 41066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41142 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let tid =
                   let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined3_, _startpos__1_inlined3_, _1_inlined3) in
@@ -41070,9 +41146,9 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 41076 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _4 =
@@ -41081,41 +41157,41 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 4070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                 ( not_expecting _loc "nonrec flag"; Recursive )
-# 41087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41163 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let attrs1 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41095 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       Te.mk tid cs ~params ~priv ~attrs ~docs,
       ext )
-# 41107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41183 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3494 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( psig_typext _1 )
-# 41119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41195 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -41123,15 +41199,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41205 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41211 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41155,23 +41231,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1875 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( psig_exception _1 )
-# 41161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41251 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41234,9 +41310,9 @@ module Tables = struct
               let attrs2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41316 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -41246,37 +41322,37 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 41252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41328 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let attrs1 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1888 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Md.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 41274 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1859 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1877 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (body, ext) = _1 in (Psig_module body, ext) )
-# 41280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41356 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -41284,15 +41360,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41290 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41366 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41372 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41362,9 +41438,9 @@ module Tables = struct
               let attrs2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41368 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -41375,9 +41451,9 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 41381 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let (_endpos_id_, _startpos_id_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
@@ -41385,9 +41461,9 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_id_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1929 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Mty.alias ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) id )
-# 41391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41467 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let name =
@@ -41396,37 +41472,37 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 41402 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41478 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let attrs1 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41410 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41486 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1920 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Md.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 41424 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41500 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (body, ext) = _1 in (Psig_module body, ext) )
-# 41430 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -41434,15 +41510,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41446 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41466,23 +41542,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1863 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (body, ext) = _1 in (Psig_modsubst body, ext) )
-# 41472 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41556 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41486 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41562 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41568,9 +41644,9 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let attrs2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41574 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -41580,49 +41656,49 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                     let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 41586 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let attrs1 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41594 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
                   let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1965 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1983 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     ext, Md.mk name mty ~attrs ~loc ~docs
-# 41608 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41684 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let (x, b) = a in x, b :: bs )
-# 41614 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41690 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1954 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41620 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1865 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1883 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (ext, l) = _1 in (Psig_recmodule l, ext) )
-# 41626 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41702 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_bs_ in
@@ -41630,15 +41706,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41636 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41712 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41642 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41718 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41662,23 +41738,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1867 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1885 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (body, ext) = _1 in (Psig_modtype body, ext) )
-# 41668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41744 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41752 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41682 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41758 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41702,23 +41778,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1869 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1887 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (body, ext) = _1 in (Psig_modtypesubst body, ext) )
-# 41708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41716 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41722 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41742,23 +41818,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1871 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (body, ext) = _1 in (Psig_open body, ext) )
-# 41748 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41756 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41762 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41814,38 +41890,38 @@ module Tables = struct
               let attrs2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
               let attrs1 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41905 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1705 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Incl.mk thing ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 41843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41919 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( psig_include _1 )
-# 41849 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -41853,15 +41929,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 41859 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41935 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41865 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 41941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -41938,9 +42014,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let cty : (Parsetree.class_type) = Obj.magic cty in
         let _7 : unit = Obj.magic _7 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 41944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42020 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let virt : (Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic virt in
@@ -41958,9 +42034,9 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let attrs2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -41970,24 +42046,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                     let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 41976 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42052 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let attrs1 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 41984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
                   let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2320 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       let loc = make_loc _sloc in
@@ -41995,25 +42071,25 @@ module Tables = struct
       Ci.mk id cty ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~docs
-# 41999 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let (x, b) = a in x, b :: bs )
-# 42005 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42081 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2308 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 42011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1875 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (ext, l) = _1 in (Psig_class l, ext) )
-# 42017 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42093 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_bs_ in
@@ -42021,15 +42097,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 42027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 42033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42109 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42053,23 +42129,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.signature_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1877 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (ext, l) = _1 in (Psig_class_type l, ext) )
-# 42059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 42067 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 42073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42092,9 +42168,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 3893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                  ( _1 )
-# 42098 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42119,18 +42195,22 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _2 : (
-# 824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 42125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 3894 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                 ( let (n, m) = _2 in Pconst_integer("-" ^ n, m) )
-# 42134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
+        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 3938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                 ( let (n, m) = _2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:_sloc (Pconst_integer("-" ^ n, m)) )
+# 42214 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42155,18 +42235,22 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _2 : (
-# 803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 42161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 3895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                 ( let (f, m) = _2 in Pconst_float("-" ^ f, m) )
-# 42170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
+        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 3940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                 ( let (f, m) = _2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:_sloc (Pconst_float("-" ^ f, m)) )
+# 42254 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42191,18 +42275,22 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _2 : (
-# 824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 42197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42281 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 3896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                 ( let (n, m) = _2 in Pconst_integer (n, m) )
-# 42206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
+        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 3942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                 ( let (n, m) = _2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:_sloc (Pconst_integer (n, m)) )
+# 42294 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42227,18 +42315,22 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _2 : (
-# 803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 42233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42321 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = 
-# 3897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                 ( let (f, m) = _2 in Pconst_float(f, m) )
-# 42242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        let _v : (Parsetree.constant) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
+        let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 3944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                 ( let (f, m) = _2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:_sloc (Pconst_float(f, m)) )
+# 42334 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42279,18 +42371,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 3164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3205 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let fields, closed = _1 in
       let closed = match closed with Some () -> Open | None -> Closed in
       fields, closed )
-# 42287 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42379 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (fields, closed) = _2 in
         Ppat_record(fields, closed) )
-# 42294 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42386 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -42298,15 +42390,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 42304 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 42310 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42402 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42345,15 +42437,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _2 = 
-# 3158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3199 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( ps )
-# 42351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _loc__3_ = (_startpos__3_, _endpos__3_) in
-# 3140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3181 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( fst (mktailpat _loc__3_ _2) )
-# 42357 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -42361,15 +42453,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 42367 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42459 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 42373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42465 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42408,14 +42500,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _2 = 
-# 3158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3199 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( ps )
-# 42414 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3185 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_array _2 )
-# 42419 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42511 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -42423,15 +42515,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 42429 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 42435 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42527 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42462,239 +42554,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3187 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_array [] )
-# 42468 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42560 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 42477 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 42483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-          let _1 = 
-# 2389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-      ( _1 )
-# 42524 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-           in
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 42529 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-    ( Fake.Meta.code _startpos _endpos _2 )
-# 42537 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = xs;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_xs_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_xs_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined3;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined3_;
-              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined2;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined2_;
-                MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1_inlined1;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_inlined1_;
-                  MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-                    MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
-                  };
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
-        let xs : (Parsetree.case list) = Obj.magic xs in
-        let _1_inlined3 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
-        let _1_inlined2 : (string Location.loc option) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
-        let _1_inlined1 : unit = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _2 =
-          let (_startpos__1_, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1, _1) = (_startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined3, _1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-          let _1 =
-            let _3 =
-              let xs =
-                let xs = 
-# 253 "<standard.mly>"
-    ( List.rev xs )
-# 42602 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-                 in
-# 1243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-    ( xs )
-# 42607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-              in
-# 2893 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-    ( xs )
-# 42613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-            in
-            let _endpos__3_ = _endpos_xs_ in
-            let _2 =
-              let (_1_inlined1, _1) = (_1_inlined2, _1_inlined1) in
-              let _2 =
-                let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-    ( _1 )
-# 42624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-              in
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                    ( _1, _2 )
-# 42630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-            in
-            let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-            let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
-            let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-      ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
-        let cases = _3 in
-        (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
-           Pexp_function node; on the Pfunction_cases body. We put them on the
-           Pexp_function node here because the compiler only uses
-           Pfunction_cases attributes for enabling/disabling warnings in
-           typechecking. For standalone function cases, we want the compiler to
-           respect, e.g., [@inline] attributes.
-        *)
-        let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
-        mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc _2
-      )
-# 42650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-          in
-# 2535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-                          ( _1 )
-# 42656 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-        in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-    ( Fake.Meta.code _startpos _endpos _2 )
-# 42664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-         in
-        {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
-        });
-      (fun _menhir_env ->
-        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
-        let {
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _2;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__2_;
-          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
-            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
-          };
-        } = _menhir_stack in
-        let _2 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
-        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
-        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-        let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
-        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 4270 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-    ( Fake.Meta.uncode _startpos _endpos _2 )
-# 42698 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42734,9 +42611,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2615 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( reloc_exp ~loc:_sloc _2 )
-# 42740 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42617 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42783,9 +42660,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2603 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkexp_constraint ~loc:_sloc _2 _3 )
-# 42789 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42666 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42837,14 +42714,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let r = 
-# 2604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                 ( None )
-# 42843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42720 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Paren,   i, r )
-# 42848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -42852,9 +42729,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 42858 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42735 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42906,14 +42783,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let r = 
-# 2604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                 ( None )
-# 42912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42789 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Brace,   i, r )
-# 42917 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42794 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -42921,9 +42798,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 42927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -42975,14 +42852,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let r = 
-# 2604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                 ( None )
-# 42981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42858 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Bracket, i, r )
-# 42986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42863 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -42990,9 +42867,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 42996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43038,9 +42915,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 43044 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let array : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic array in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -43048,31 +42925,31 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let r = 
-# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( None )
-# 43054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42931 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 43059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42936 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 43065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42942 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 43070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Paren,   i, r )
-# 43076 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42953 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -43080,9 +42957,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 43086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 42963 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43140,9 +43017,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 43146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43023 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -43152,39 +43029,39 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let r = 
-# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( None )
-# 43158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 43163 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 =
               let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
               let x = 
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 43171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 43176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43053 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 43182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Paren,   i, r )
-# 43188 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -43192,9 +43069,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 43198 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43240,9 +43117,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 43246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43123 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let array : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic array in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -43250,31 +43127,31 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let r = 
-# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( None )
-# 43256 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43133 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 43261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 43267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 43272 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Brace,   i, r )
-# 43278 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43155 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -43282,9 +43159,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 43288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43342,9 +43219,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 43348 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -43354,39 +43231,39 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let r = 
-# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( None )
-# 43360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 43365 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 =
               let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
               let x = 
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 43373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 43378 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43255 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 43384 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2483 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Brace,   i, r )
-# 43390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43267 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -43394,9 +43271,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 43400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43277 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43442,9 +43319,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 43448 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43325 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let array : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic array in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -43452,31 +43329,31 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let r = 
-# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( None )
-# 43458 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43335 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 43463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43340 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 43469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43346 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 43474 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Bracket, i, r )
-# 43480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43357 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -43484,9 +43361,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 43490 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43367 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43544,9 +43421,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let es : (Parsetree.expression list) = Obj.magic es in
         let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _2 : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 43550 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43427 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _2_inlined1 : (Longident.t) = Obj.magic _2_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -43556,39 +43433,39 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let r = 
-# 2606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2624 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                   ( None )
-# 43562 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43439 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let i = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 43567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let d =
             let _1 =
               let _2 = _2_inlined1 in
               let x = 
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 43575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 43580 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43457 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2497 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                                ( _1, _2 )
-# 43586 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2503 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( array, d, Bracket, i, r )
-# 43592 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__5_, _startpos_array_) in
@@ -43596,9 +43473,102 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 43602 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43479 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+         in
+        {
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
+        });
+      (fun _menhir_env ->
+        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
+        let {
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = e;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_e_;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_e_;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
+          };
+        } = _menhir_stack in
+        let e : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e in
+        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
+        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
+        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _endpos = _endpos_e_ in
+        let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
+          let _endpos = _endpos_e_ in
+          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+          let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 2675 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+    ( wrap_exp_attrs ~loc:_sloc e
+       (Some (mknoloc "metaocaml.escape"), []) )
+# 43516 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        in
+# 2630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                   ( _1 )
+# 43522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+         in
+        {
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = Obj.repr _v;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
+        });
+      (fun _menhir_env ->
+        let _menhir_stack = _menhir_env.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.stack in
+        let {
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _3;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__3_;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__3_;
+          MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = e;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos_e_;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos_e_;
+            MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = {
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.semv = _1;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.startp = _startpos__1_;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp = _endpos__1_;
+              MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
+            };
+          };
+        } = _menhir_stack in
+        let _3 : unit = Obj.magic _3 in
+        let e : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic e in
+        let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
+        let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
+        let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
+        let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
+        let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
+          let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
+          let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
+          let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
+# 2678 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+    ( wrap_exp_attrs ~loc:_sloc e
+       (Some  (mknoloc "metaocaml.bracket"),[]) )
+# 43566 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+        in
+# 2630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+                   ( _1 )
+# 43572 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43652,15 +43622,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let attrs =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 43658 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43628 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2620 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( e.pexp_desc, (ext, attrs @ e.pexp_attributes) )
-# 43664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43634 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
@@ -43668,10 +43638,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
       mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 43675 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43645 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43720,24 +43690,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 43726 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 43732 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43702 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2641 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_construct (mkloc (Lident "()") (make_loc _sloc), None), _2 )
-# 43741 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43711 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -43745,10 +43715,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
       mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 43752 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43722 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43798,9 +43768,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 43804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -43808,21 +43778,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 43814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 43820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43790 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2628 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2647 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_new(_3), _2 )
-# 43826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43796 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -43830,10 +43800,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
       mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 43837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43896,21 +43866,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 43902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43872 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 43908 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2649 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_pack _4, _3 )
-# 43914 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43884 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
@@ -43918,10 +43888,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
       mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 43925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -43999,11 +43969,11 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 44007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _3 =
@@ -44011,24 +43981,24 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 44017 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43987 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 44023 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 43993 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_constraint (ghexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_pack _4), _6), _3 )
-# 44032 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__7_ in
@@ -44036,10 +44006,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
       mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 44043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44013 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44104,27 +44074,27 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _1 = 
 # 260 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.flatten xss )
-# 44108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 44113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xss_, _startpos_xss_) in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1021 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                ( extra_cstr _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 44122 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44092 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        ( Cstr.mk _1 _2 )
-# 44128 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44098 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _2 =
@@ -44132,21 +44102,21 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 44138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 44144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2657 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_object _3, _2 )
-# 44150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44120 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__4_ in
@@ -44154,10 +44124,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2632 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let desc, attrs = _1 in
       mkexp_attrs ~loc:_sloc desc attrs )
-# 44161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44186,30 +44156,30 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 44192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2646 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2684 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_ident (_1) )
-# 44198 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44168 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44207 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44183 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44233,23 +44203,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2648 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2686 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_constant _1 )
-# 44239 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44209 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44247 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44278,30 +44248,30 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 44284 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44254 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2688 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_construct(_1, None) )
-# 44290 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44260 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44305 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44325,23 +44295,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2652 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2690 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_variant(_1, None) )
-# 44331 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44301 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44339 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44309 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44345 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44315 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44367,9 +44337,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _2 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (
-# 862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 44373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -44381,15 +44351,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44387 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44357 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2692 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_apply(_1, [Nolabel,_2]) )
-# 44393 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
@@ -44397,15 +44367,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44373 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44379 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44438,23 +44408,23 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let _1 =
               let _1 = 
-# 2655 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2693 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 44444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44414 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44422 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2656 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_apply(_1, [Nolabel,_2]) )
-# 44458 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44428 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
@@ -44462,15 +44432,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44468 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44438 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44474 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44509,14 +44479,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _2 = 
-# 2969 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 44515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44485 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2658 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2696 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_override _2 )
-# 44520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44490 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -44524,15 +44494,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44530 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44500 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44536 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44506 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44563,24 +44533,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2702 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_override [] )
-# 44569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44539 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44584 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44554 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44624,15 +44594,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 44630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2666 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2704 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_field(_1, _3) )
-# 44636 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -44640,15 +44610,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44646 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44652 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44706,24 +44676,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 44712 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44682 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _loc__1_ in
     let me = Mod.ident ~loc _1 in
     Opn.mk ~loc me )
-# 44721 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44691 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2706 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_open(od, _4) )
-# 44727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44697 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
@@ -44731,15 +44701,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44707 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44743 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44713 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44792,9 +44762,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _4 = 
-# 2969 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3007 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 44798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44768 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let od =
               let _1 =
@@ -44802,18 +44772,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 44808 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44778 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _loc__1_ in
     let me = Mod.ident ~loc _1 in
     Opn.mk ~loc me )
-# 44817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _startpos_od_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -44821,10 +44791,10 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_od_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2708 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (* TODO: review the location of Pexp_override *)
         Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_override _4)) )
-# 44828 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
@@ -44832,15 +44802,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44808 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44871,9 +44841,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 44877 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44847 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _2 : unit = Obj.magic _2 in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -44885,23 +44855,23 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _3 =
               let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
               let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 44891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44861 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 44899 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44869 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2677 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2715 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_send(_1, _3) )
-# 44905 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44875 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -44909,15 +44879,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44915 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44885 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -44949,9 +44919,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _3 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 892 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 44955 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
@@ -44965,15 +44935,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1074 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
    ( mkoperator ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44971 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2717 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkinfix _1 _2 _3 )
-# 44977 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44947 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -44981,15 +44951,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 44987 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44957 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 44993 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44963 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45013,23 +44983,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2681 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2719 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_extension _1 )
-# 45019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 44997 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45003 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45057,25 +45027,25 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 2683 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2721 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let id = mkrhs Ast_helper.hole_txt _loc in
         Pexp_extension (id, PStr []) )
-# 45064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45034 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45123,18 +45093,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _3 =
               let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
               let _1 = 
-# 2685 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                     (Lident "()")
-# 45129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45099 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 45138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let (_endpos__3_, _startpos__3_) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_) in
@@ -45144,25 +45114,25 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 45150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45120 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _loc__1_ in
     let me = Mod.ident ~loc _1 in
     Opn.mk ~loc me )
-# 45159 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _loc__3_ = (_startpos__3_, _endpos__3_) in
-# 2686 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2724 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:(_loc__3_) (Pexp_construct(_3, None))) )
-# 45166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45136 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
@@ -45170,15 +45140,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45217,25 +45187,25 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2692 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2730 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (exten, fields) = _2 in
         Pexp_record(fields, exten) )
-# 45224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45203 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45239 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45209 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45294,27 +45264,27 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 45300 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45270 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _loc__1_ in
     let me = Mod.ident ~loc _1 in
     Opn.mk ~loc me )
-# 45309 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-# 2699 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (exten, fields) = _4 in
         Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:(_startpos__3_, _endpos)
                         (Pexp_record(fields, exten))) )
-# 45318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
@@ -45322,15 +45292,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45328 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45298 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45334 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45304 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45369,14 +45339,14 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _2 = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 45375 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45345 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2707 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_array(_2) )
-# 45380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -45384,15 +45354,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45366 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45423,24 +45393,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 2713 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2751 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_array [] )
-# 45429 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45438 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45444 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45414 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45493,9 +45463,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _4 = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 45499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let od =
               let _1 =
@@ -45503,25 +45473,25 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 45509 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45479 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _loc__1_ in
     let me = Mod.ident ~loc _1 in
     Opn.mk ~loc me )
-# 45518 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45488 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
-# 2715 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2753 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:(_startpos__3_, _endpos) (Pexp_array(_4))) )
-# 45525 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45495 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
@@ -45529,15 +45499,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45505 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45511 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45588,26 +45558,26 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 45594 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45564 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _loc__1_ in
     let me = Mod.ident ~loc _1 in
     Opn.mk ~loc me )
-# 45603 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45573 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
-# 2717 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (* TODO: review the location of Pexp_array *)
         Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:(_startpos__3_, _endpos) (Pexp_array [])) )
-# 45611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45581 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__4_ in
@@ -45615,15 +45585,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45627 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45662,15 +45632,15 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _2 = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 45668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _loc__3_ = (_startpos__3_, _endpos__3_) in
-# 2725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2763 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( fst (mktailexp _loc__3_ _2) )
-# 45674 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45644 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -45678,15 +45648,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45684 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45690 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45660 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45739,9 +45709,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = let _1 =
           let _1 =
             let _4 = 
-# 2986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( es )
-# 45745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45715 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let od =
               let _1 =
@@ -45749,30 +45719,30 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 45755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _loc__1_ in
     let me = Mod.ident ~loc _1 in
     Opn.mk ~loc me )
-# 45764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45734 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
             let _loc__5_ = (_startpos__5_, _endpos__5_) in
-# 2731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2769 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let list_exp =
           (* TODO: review the location of list_exp *)
           let tail_exp, _tail_loc = mktailexp _loc__5_ _4 in
           mkexp ~loc:(_startpos__3_, _endpos) tail_exp in
         Pexp_open(od, list_exp) )
-# 45776 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45746 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
@@ -45780,15 +45750,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45756 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45762 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45836,18 +45806,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _3 =
               let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
               let _1 = 
-# 2736 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                         (Lident "[]")
-# 45842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 45851 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let (_endpos__3_, _startpos__3_) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_) in
@@ -45857,25 +45827,25 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 45863 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _loc__1_ in
     let me = Mod.ident ~loc _1 in
     Opn.mk ~loc me )
-# 45872 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _loc__3_ = (_startpos__3_, _endpos__3_) in
-# 2737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:_loc__3_ (Pexp_construct(_3, None))) )
-# 45879 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45849 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
@@ -45883,15 +45853,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 45889 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45859 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 45895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45865 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -45984,11 +45954,11 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 45992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45962 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _5 =
@@ -45996,15 +45966,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 46002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 46008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45978 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let od =
@@ -46013,18 +45983,18 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 1764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1784 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _loc__1_ in
     let me = Mod.ident ~loc _1 in
     Opn.mk ~loc me )
-# 46028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 45998 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _startpos_od_ = _startpos__1_ in
@@ -46032,12 +46002,12 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos_od_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let modexp =
           mkexp_attrs ~loc:(_startpos__3_, _endpos)
             (Pexp_constraint (ghexp ~loc:_sloc (Pexp_pack _6), _8)) _5 in
         Pexp_open(od, modexp) )
-# 46041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__9_ in
@@ -46045,15 +46015,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkexp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46051 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46021 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2616 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46057 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46082,30 +46052,30 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46058 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3069 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3110 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_var (_1) )
-# 46094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46073 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46109 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46128,9 +46098,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 3071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3112 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                              ( _1 )
-# 46134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46104 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46170,9 +46140,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3076 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( reloc_pat ~loc:_sloc _2 )
-# 46176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46195,9 +46165,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = 
-# 3078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46260,9 +46230,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46266 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46236 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _3 =
@@ -46270,24 +46240,24 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 46276 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 46282 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkpat_attrs ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_unpack _4) _3 )
-# 46291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46261 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46364,11 +46334,11 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type _1 in
         let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
         mktyp ~loc:_sloc ~attrs descr )
-# 46372 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46342 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _4 =
@@ -46377,9 +46347,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46383 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46353 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__4_, _startpos__4_) = (_endpos__1_inlined3_, _startpos__1_inlined3_) in
@@ -46388,15 +46358,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _2 =
             let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 46394 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46364 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4288 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( _1, _2 )
-# 46400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
@@ -46404,11 +46374,11 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _loc__4_ = (_startpos__4_, _endpos__4_) in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3123 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( mkpat_attrs ~loc:_sloc
           (Ppat_constraint(mkpat ~loc:_loc__4_ (Ppat_unpack _4), _6))
           _3 )
-# 46412 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46432,23 +46402,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_any )
-# 46438 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46446 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46416 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46452 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46422 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46472,23 +46442,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3092 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3133 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_constant _1 )
-# 46478 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46448 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46486 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46456 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46492 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46462 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46526,24 +46496,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3094 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_interval (_1, _3) )
-# 46532 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46502 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46541 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46511 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46547 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46572,30 +46542,30 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3137 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_construct(_1, None) )
-# 46584 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46554 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46593 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46599 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46619,23 +46589,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3098 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_variant(_1, None) )
-# 46625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46595 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46603 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46609 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46672,15 +46642,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46678 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46648 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_type (_2) )
-# 46684 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46654 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -46688,15 +46658,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46739,15 +46709,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46715 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3102 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_open(_1, _3) )
-# 46751 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46721 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__3_ in
@@ -46755,15 +46725,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46761 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46767 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46737 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46811,18 +46781,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _3 =
               let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
               let _1 = 
-# 3103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                      (Lident "[]")
-# 46817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46787 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46796 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
@@ -46831,18 +46801,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3104 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3145 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Ppat_open(_1, mkpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_construct(_3, None))) )
-# 46846 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
@@ -46850,15 +46820,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46856 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46826 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46832 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -46906,18 +46876,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _3 =
               let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__1_, _2, _1) = (_endpos__2_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _2_inlined1, _1_inlined1) in
               let _1 = 
-# 3105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                  (Lident "()")
-# 46912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46882 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_ in
               let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__3_ = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
@@ -46926,18 +46896,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 46932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3106 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3147 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Ppat_open(_1, mkpat ~loc:_sloc (Ppat_construct(_3, None))) )
-# 46941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46911 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__2_inlined1_ in
@@ -46945,15 +46915,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 46951 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 46957 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47010,15 +46980,15 @@ module Tables = struct
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 47016 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_open (_1, _4) )
-# 47022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 46992 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
@@ -47026,15 +46996,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 47032 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 47038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47008 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47086,24 +47056,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3159 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_constraint(_2, _4) )
-# 47092 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__5_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 47101 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47071 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 47107 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47077 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47127,23 +47097,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.pattern) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ppat_extension _1 )
-# 47133 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1062 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkpat ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 47141 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _1 )
-# 47147 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47162,17 +47132,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 47168 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4148 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
            ( _1 )
-# 47176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47146 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47191,17 +47161,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 47197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47167 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4149 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
            ( _1 )
-# 47205 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47224,9 +47194,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4198 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "and" )
-# 47230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47200 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47249,9 +47219,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4151 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4199 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        ( "as" )
-# 47255 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47274,9 +47244,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4152 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4200 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
            ( "assert" )
-# 47280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47299,9 +47269,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4201 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
           ( "begin" )
-# 47305 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47324,9 +47294,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4154 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
           ( "class" )
-# 47330 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47300 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47349,9 +47319,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4155 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4203 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                ( "constraint" )
-# 47355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47325 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47374,9 +47344,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4156 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4204 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        ( "do" )
-# 47380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47399,9 +47369,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4157 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4205 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
          ( "done" )
-# 47405 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47375 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47424,9 +47394,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
            ( "downto" )
-# 47430 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47449,9 +47419,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4159 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4207 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
          ( "else" )
-# 47455 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47425 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47474,9 +47444,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4160 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "end" )
-# 47480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47450 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47499,9 +47469,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4209 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
               ( "exception" )
-# 47505 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47475 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47524,9 +47494,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
              ( "external" )
-# 47530 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47500 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47549,9 +47519,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4163 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4211 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
           ( "false" )
-# 47555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47525 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47574,9 +47544,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "for" )
-# 47580 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47550 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47599,9 +47569,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "fun" )
-# 47605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47624,9 +47594,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4166 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4214 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
              ( "function" )
-# 47630 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47600 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47649,9 +47619,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4167 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4215 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( "functor" )
-# 47655 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47674,9 +47644,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4168 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4216 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        ( "if" )
-# 47680 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47699,9 +47669,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        ( "in" )
-# 47705 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47675 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47724,9 +47694,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4218 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( "include" )
-# 47730 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47749,9 +47719,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( "inherit" )
-# 47755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47774,9 +47744,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4172 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4220 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                 ( "initializer" )
-# 47780 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47750 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47799,9 +47769,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4173 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
          ( "lazy" )
-# 47805 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47824,9 +47794,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "let" )
-# 47830 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47800 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47849,9 +47819,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
           ( "match" )
-# 47855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47874,9 +47844,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
            ( "method" )
-# 47880 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47850 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47899,9 +47869,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
            ( "module" )
-# 47905 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47875 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47924,9 +47894,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4226 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( "mutable" )
-# 47930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47900 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47949,9 +47919,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4179 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "new" )
-# 47955 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47925 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47974,9 +47944,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4180 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4228 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
            ( "nonrec" )
-# 47980 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47950 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -47999,9 +47969,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4181 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4229 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
            ( "object" )
-# 48005 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 47975 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48024,9 +47994,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        ( "of" )
-# 48030 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48049,9 +48019,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4183 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4231 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
          ( "open" )
-# 48055 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48025 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48074,9 +48044,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4184 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4232 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        ( "or" )
-# 48080 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48050 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48099,9 +48069,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4185 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( "private" )
-# 48105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48124,9 +48094,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4234 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "rec" )
-# 48130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48100 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48149,9 +48119,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4187 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "sig" )
-# 48155 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48174,9 +48144,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4188 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4236 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
            ( "struct" )
-# 48180 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48150 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48199,9 +48169,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4237 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
          ( "then" )
-# 48205 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48224,9 +48194,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4190 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        ( "to" )
-# 48230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48200 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48249,9 +48219,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4191 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4239 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
          ( "true" )
-# 48255 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48225 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48274,9 +48244,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4240 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "try" )
-# 48280 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48250 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48299,9 +48269,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4193 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
          ( "type" )
-# 48305 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48324,9 +48294,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4194 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4242 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( "val" )
-# 48330 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48300 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48349,9 +48319,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4195 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( "virtual" )
-# 48355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48325 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48374,9 +48344,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4196 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4244 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
          ( "when" )
-# 48380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48399,9 +48369,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4245 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
           ( "while" )
-# 48405 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48375 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48424,9 +48394,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4198 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4246 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
          ( "with" )
-# 48430 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48449,9 +48419,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_exception * string Location.loc option) = 
-# 3410 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3451 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 48455 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48425 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48525,18 +48495,18 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_exception * string Location.loc option) = let attrs =
           let _1 = _1_inlined5 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 48531 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs_ = _endpos__1_inlined5_ in
         let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 48540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let lid =
@@ -48545,9 +48515,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 48551 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let id =
@@ -48556,30 +48526,30 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 48562 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48532 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 48570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3419 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3460 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Te.mk_exception ~attrs
       (Te.rebind id lid ~attrs:(attrs1 @ attrs2) ~loc ~docs)
     , ext )
-# 48583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48609,9 +48579,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.expression) = 
-# 2872 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2910 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _2 )
-# 48615 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48585 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48658,10 +48628,10 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ghexp ~loc:_sloc (mkfunction _1 _2 _4)
-# 48665 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48688,39 +48658,39 @@ module Tables = struct
             let ys = 
 # 260 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.flatten xss )
-# 48692 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let xs =
               let items = 
-# 1097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [] )
-# 48698 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( items )
-# 48703 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48673 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 267 "<standard.mly>"
     ( xs @ ys )
-# 48709 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48679 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xss_, _startpos_xss_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_str _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 48718 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48688 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1556 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 48724 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48761,7 +48731,7 @@ module Tables = struct
             let ys = 
 # 260 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.flatten xss )
-# 48765 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48735 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let xs =
               let items =
@@ -48769,65 +48739,65 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _1 =
                     let _1 =
                       let attrs = 
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 48775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkstrexp e attrs )
-# 48780 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48750 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                     let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e_ in
                     let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1051 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_str _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 48788 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48758 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e_ in
                   let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
                   let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1050 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( mark_rhs_docs _startpos _endpos;
     _1 )
-# 48798 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48768 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1099 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x )
-# 48804 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48774 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( items )
-# 48810 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48780 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 267 "<standard.mly>"
     ( xs @ ys )
-# 48816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48786 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xss_, _startpos_e_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_str _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 48825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48795 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1556 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1576 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 48831 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48853,9 +48823,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1585 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( val_of_let_bindings ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 48859 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48889,9 +48859,9 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _2 =
               let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 48895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48865 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -48899,10 +48869,10 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1588 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1608 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
           Pstr_extension (_1, add_docs_attrs docs _2) )
-# 48906 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -48910,15 +48880,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkstr ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 48916 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48886 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 48922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48892 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48942,23 +48912,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Pstr_attribute _1 )
-# 48948 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48918 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkstr ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 48956 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48926 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 48962 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -48982,23 +48952,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1595 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1615 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( pstr_primitive _1 )
-# 48988 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48958 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 48996 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48966 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49002 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48972 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49022,23 +48992,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1597 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1617 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( pstr_primitive _1 )
-# 49028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 48998 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49036 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49006 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49042 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49073,26 +49043,26 @@ module Tables = struct
             let _1 =
               let _1 =
                 let _1 = 
-# 1279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let (x, b) = a in x, b :: bs )
-# 49079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49049 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( _1 )
-# 49084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3276 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49060 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1599 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( pstr_type _1 )
-# 49096 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_bs_, _startpos_a_) in
@@ -49100,15 +49070,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49106 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49076 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49112 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49082 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49193,16 +49163,16 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let attrs2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49199 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
                 let cs = 
-# 1271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 49206 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49176 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let tid =
                   let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
@@ -49210,46 +49180,46 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 49216 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _4 = 
-# 4068 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                 ( Recursive )
-# 49222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let attrs1 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49229 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49199 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       Te.mk tid cs ~params ~priv ~attrs ~docs,
       ext )
-# 49241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49211 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3490 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3531 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49247 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1601 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( pstr_typext _1 )
-# 49253 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -49257,15 +49227,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49233 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49269 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49239 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49357,16 +49327,16 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let attrs2 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined4 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49333 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
                 let cs = 
-# 1271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1291 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 49370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49340 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let tid =
                   let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined3_, _startpos__1_inlined3_, _1_inlined3) in
@@ -49374,9 +49344,9 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 49380 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _4 =
@@ -49385,41 +49355,41 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _loc = (_startpos, _endpos) in
-# 4070 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4118 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                 ( not_expecting _loc "nonrec flag"; Recursive )
-# 49391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49361 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let attrs1 =
                   let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49369 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                 let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3507 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       Te.mk tid cs ~params ~priv ~attrs ~docs,
       ext )
-# 49411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49381 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3490 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3531 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49417 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49387 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1601 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( pstr_typext _1 )
-# 49423 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49393 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined4_ in
@@ -49427,15 +49397,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49439 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49409 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49459,23 +49429,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1603 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1623 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( pstr_exception _1 )
-# 49465 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49435 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49473 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49443 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49479 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49449 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49538,9 +49508,9 @@ module Tables = struct
               let attrs2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49544 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49514 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -49550,36 +49520,36 @@ module Tables = struct
                 let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                 let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 49556 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49526 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let attrs1 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49564 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49534 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1629 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1649 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
       let loc = make_loc _sloc in
       let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       let body = Mb.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~docs in
       Pstr_module body, ext )
-# 49577 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49547 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1625 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( _1 )
-# 49583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -49587,15 +49557,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49593 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49599 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49674,9 +49644,9 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let attrs2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49680 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -49686,24 +49656,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                     let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 49692 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let attrs1 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49700 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49670 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
                   let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1688 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
@@ -49711,25 +49681,25 @@ module Tables = struct
     Mb.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~docs
-# 49715 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49685 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let (x, b) = a in x, b :: bs )
-# 49721 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49691 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1656 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49727 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49697 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1607 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1627 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( pstr_recmodule _1 )
-# 49733 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49703 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_bs_ in
@@ -49737,15 +49707,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49743 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49713 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49749 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49719 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49769,23 +49739,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1609 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1629 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (body, ext) = _1 in (Pstr_modtype body, ext) )
-# 49775 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49753 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49789 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49759 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49809,23 +49779,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1631 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (body, ext) = _1 in (Pstr_open body, ext) )
-# 49815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49785 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49823 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49793 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49829 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49799 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -49895,9 +49865,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _1_inlined3 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined3 in
         let body : (Parsetree.class_expr) = Obj.magic body in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 49901 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49871 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let params : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = Obj.magic params in
         let virt : (Asttypes.virtual_flag) = Obj.magic virt in
@@ -49915,9 +49885,9 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let attrs2 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -49927,24 +49897,24 @@ module Tables = struct
                     let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                     let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 49933 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49903 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let attrs1 =
                     let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49941 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49911 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
                   let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
                   let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2022 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
@@ -49952,25 +49922,25 @@ module Tables = struct
     Ci.mk id body ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~docs
-# 49956 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49926 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1299 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let (x, b) = a in x, b :: bs )
-# 49962 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49968 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1613 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1633 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (ext, l) = _1 in (Pstr_class l, ext) )
-# 49974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_bs_ in
@@ -49978,15 +49948,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 49984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49954 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 49990 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50010,23 +49980,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.structure_item) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 1615 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( let (ext, l) = _1 in (Pstr_class_type l, ext) )
-# 50016 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49986 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 50024 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 49994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 50030 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50000 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50082,38 +50052,38 @@ module Tables = struct
               let attrs2 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 50088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50058 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
               let attrs1 =
                 let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 50097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50067 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
               let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
               let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
               let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1705 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
     let loc = make_loc _sloc in
     let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
     Incl.mk thing ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
-# 50111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50081 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1617 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( pstr_include _1 )
-# 50117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -50121,15 +50091,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 50127 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1619 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1639 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 50133 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50103 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50152,9 +50122,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4133 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4181 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "-" )
-# 50158 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50128 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50177,9 +50147,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 4134 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( "-." )
-# 50183 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50153 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50232,9 +50202,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.row_field) = let _5 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 50238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50208 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -50243,18 +50213,18 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 50247 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50217 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 50252 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 50258 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50228 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 =
@@ -50262,20 +50232,20 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 50268 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3823 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3864 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let info = symbol_info _endpos in
         let attrs = add_info_attrs info _5 in
         Rf.tag ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ~attrs _1 _3 _4 )
-# 50279 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50249 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50307,9 +50277,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.row_field) = let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 50313 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50283 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__2_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
@@ -50318,20 +50288,20 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 50324 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50294 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3827 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3868 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let info = symbol_info _endpos in
         let attrs = add_info_attrs info _2 in
         Rf.tag ~loc:(make_loc _sloc) ~attrs _1 true [] )
-# 50335 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50305 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50363,7 +50333,7 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = let arg = 
 # 124 "<standard.mly>"
     ( None )
-# 50367 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50337 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_arg_ = _endpos__1_inlined1_ in
         let dir =
@@ -50372,18 +50342,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 50378 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50348 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_arg_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive ~loc:_sloc dir arg )
-# 50387 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50357 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50414,9 +50384,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * Location.t * string option)
-# 50420 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (string) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -50427,23 +50397,23 @@ module Tables = struct
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let x =
             let _1 = 
-# 4035 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4083 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( let (s, _, _) = _1 in Pdir_string s )
-# 50433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive_arg ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 50441 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 50447 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50417 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_arg_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -50453,18 +50423,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 50459 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50429 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_arg_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive ~loc:_sloc dir arg )
-# 50468 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50438 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50495,9 +50465,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 50501 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50471 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (string) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _1 : unit = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -50508,23 +50478,23 @@ module Tables = struct
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let x =
             let _1 = 
-# 4036 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( let (n, m) = _1 in Pdir_int (n ,m) )
-# 50514 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50484 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive_arg ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 50522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50492 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 50528 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50498 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_arg_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -50534,18 +50504,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 50540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_arg_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive ~loc:_sloc dir arg )
-# 50549 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50519 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50585,23 +50555,23 @@ module Tables = struct
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let x =
             let _1 = 
-# 4037 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4085 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( Pdir_ident _1 )
-# 50591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive_arg ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 50599 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 50605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50575 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_arg_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -50611,18 +50581,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 50617 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50587 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_arg_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive ~loc:_sloc dir arg )
-# 50626 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50596 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50662,23 +50632,23 @@ module Tables = struct
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let x =
             let _1 = 
-# 4038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4086 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( Pdir_ident _1 )
-# 50668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive_arg ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 50676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50646 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 50682 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50652 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_arg_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -50688,18 +50658,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 50694 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50664 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_arg_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive ~loc:_sloc dir arg )
-# 50703 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50673 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50739,23 +50709,23 @@ module Tables = struct
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let x =
             let _1 = 
-# 4039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4087 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( Pdir_bool false )
-# 50745 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50715 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive_arg ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 50753 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 50759 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50729 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_arg_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -50765,18 +50735,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 50771 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50741 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_arg_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive ~loc:_sloc dir arg )
-# 50780 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50750 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50816,23 +50786,23 @@ module Tables = struct
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let x =
             let _1 = 
-# 4040 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                   ( Pdir_bool true )
-# 50822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50792 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
             let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
             let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1088 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive_arg ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 50830 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50800 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 126 "<standard.mly>"
     ( Some x )
-# 50836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50806 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_arg_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -50842,18 +50812,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 50848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_arg_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 4031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4079 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mk_directive ~loc:_sloc dir arg )
-# 50857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50827 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50893,37 +50863,37 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 =
             let _1 =
               let attrs = 
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 50899 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50869 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkstrexp e attrs )
-# 50904 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e_ in
             let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1051 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_str _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 50912 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50882 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_str _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 50921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1319 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1339 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Ptop_def _1 )
-# 50927 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -50956,21 +50926,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _1 = 
 # 260 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.flatten xss )
-# 50960 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50930 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xss_, _startpos_xss_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1019 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_str _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 50968 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1323 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( Ptop_def _1 )
-# 50974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51000,9 +50970,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = 
-# 1327 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1347 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 51006 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 50976 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51025,9 +50995,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) = 
-# 1330 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( raise End_of_file )
-# 51031 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51001 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51050,9 +51020,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_ty_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_ty_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = 
-# 3673 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3714 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ty )
-# 51056 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51026 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51080,18 +51050,18 @@ module Tables = struct
               let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 51084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51054 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1210 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1230 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 51089 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3676 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3717 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
         ( Ptyp_tuple tys )
-# 51095 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51065 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xs_, _startpos_xs_) in
@@ -51099,15 +51069,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 51105 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51075 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3678 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3719 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 51111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51081 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51137,9 +51107,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_constraint) = 
-# 2989 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Pconstraint _2 )
-# 51143 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51113 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51183,9 +51153,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__4_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_constraint) = 
-# 2990 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3028 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Pcoerce (Some _2, _4) )
-# 51189 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51159 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51215,9 +51185,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_constraint) = 
-# 2991 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3029 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Pcoerce (None, _2) )
-# 51221 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51191 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51233,9 +51203,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3367 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (Ptype_abstract, Public, None) )
-# 51239 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51209 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51265,9 +51235,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.type_kind * Asttypes.private_flag * Parsetree.core_type option) = 
-# 3328 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3369 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( _2 )
-# 51271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51241 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51290,9 +51260,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3990 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4038 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                              ( _1 )
-# 51296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51266 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51322,9 +51292,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) = 
-# 3343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3384 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                        ( _2, _1 )
-# 51328 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51298 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51340,9 +51310,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = 
-# 3336 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3377 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [] )
-# 51346 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51316 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51365,9 +51335,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos_p_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos_p_ in
         let _v : ((Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list) = 
-# 3338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3379 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( [p] )
-# 51371 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51341 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51407,18 +51377,18 @@ module Tables = struct
           let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 51411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51381 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1202 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 51416 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51386 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3340 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3381 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( ps )
-# 51422 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51392 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51449,24 +51419,24 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos_tyvar_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3348 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3389 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ptyp_var tyvar )
-# 51455 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51425 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos__1_ = _endpos_tyvar_ in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 51464 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51434 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3392 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 51470 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51440 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51490,23 +51460,23 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Parsetree.core_type) = let _1 =
           let _1 = 
-# 3350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3391 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Ptyp_any )
-# 51496 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51466 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1064 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1084 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mktyp ~loc:_sloc _1 )
-# 51504 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51474 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3392 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 51510 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51480 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51522,9 +51492,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = 
-# 3355 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3396 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                             ( NoVariance, NoInjectivity )
-# 51528 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51498 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51547,9 +51517,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = 
-# 3356 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3397 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                             ( Covariant, NoInjectivity )
-# 51553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51523 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51572,9 +51542,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = 
-# 3357 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3398 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                             ( Contravariant, NoInjectivity )
-# 51578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51597,9 +51567,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = 
-# 3358 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3399 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                             ( NoVariance, Injective )
-# 51603 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51573 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51629,9 +51599,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = 
-# 3359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                             ( Covariant, Injective )
-# 51635 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51605 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51661,9 +51631,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = 
-# 3359 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3400 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                             ( Covariant, Injective )
-# 51667 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51693,9 +51663,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = 
-# 3360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3401 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                             ( Contravariant, Injective )
-# 51699 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51669 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51725,9 +51695,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = 
-# 3360 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3401 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                             ( Contravariant, Injective )
-# 51731 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51701 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51746,21 +51716,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 51752 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51722 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 3362 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3403 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( if _1 = "+!" then Covariant, Injective else
         if _1 = "-!" then Contravariant, Injective else
         (expecting _loc__1_ "type_variance";
          NoVariance, NoInjectivity) )
-# 51764 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51734 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51779,21 +51749,21 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 51785 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51755 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity) = let _loc__1_ = (_startpos__1_, _endpos__1_) in
-# 3367 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3408 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( if _1 = "!+" then Covariant, Injective else
         if _1 = "!-" then Contravariant, Injective else
         (expecting _loc__1_ "type_variance";
          NoVariance, NoInjectivity) )
-# 51797 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51767 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51827,39 +51797,39 @@ module Tables = struct
             let ys = 
 # 260 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.flatten xss )
-# 51831 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let xs =
               let _1 = 
-# 1097 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1117 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( [] )
-# 51837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 51842 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 267 "<standard.mly>"
     ( xs @ ys )
-# 51848 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xss_, _startpos_xss_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1023 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_def _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 51857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51827 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 51863 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -51907,7 +51877,7 @@ module Tables = struct
             let ys = 
 # 260 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.flatten xss )
-# 51911 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
             let xs =
               let _1 =
@@ -51915,61 +51885,61 @@ module Tables = struct
                   let _1 =
                     let _1 =
                       let attrs = 
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 51921 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51891 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1590 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkstrexp e attrs )
-# 51926 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51896 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( Ptop_def [_1] )
-# 51932 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51902 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
                   let _startpos__1_ = _startpos_e_ in
                   let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1039 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1059 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   ( text_def _startpos @ [_1] )
-# 51940 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51910 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1099 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1119 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( x )
-# 51946 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51916 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1350 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1370 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 51952 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 267 "<standard.mly>"
     ( xs @ ys )
-# 51958 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51928 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos_xss_, _startpos_e_) in
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
-# 1023 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1043 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( extra_def _startpos _endpos _1 )
-# 51967 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51937 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1343 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1363 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 51973 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51943 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52006,9 +51976,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__3_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3907 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3955 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( _2 )
-# 52012 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 51982 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52027,17 +51997,17 @@ module Tables = struct
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.next = _menhir_stack;
         } = _menhir_stack in
         let _1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 52033 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52003 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1 in
         let _endpos__0_ = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3915 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3963 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( _1 )
-# 52041 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52060,9 +52030,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (string) = 
-# 3916 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                               ( _1 )
-# 52066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52036 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52085,9 +52055,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Longident.t) = 
-# 3984 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4032 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                            ( _1 )
-# 52091 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52061 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52132,9 +52102,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let ty : (Parsetree.core_type) = Obj.magic ty in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 52138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52108 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let mutable_ : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic mutable_ in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -52145,33 +52115,33 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let label =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 52151 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 52159 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs = 
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 52165 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52135 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 = 
-# 4126 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4174 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 52170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52140 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2168 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2186 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (label, mutable_, Cfk_virtual ty), attrs )
-# 52175 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52145 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52216,9 +52186,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _6 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 52222 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52192 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -52229,33 +52199,33 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 52235 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52205 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 52243 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52213 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 = 
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 52249 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52219 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 52254 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52224 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2188 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (_4, _3, Cfk_concrete (_1, _6)), _2 )
-# 52259 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52229 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52306,9 +52276,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _6 : (Parsetree.expression) = Obj.magic _6 in
         let _5 : unit = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 52312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52282 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -52320,36 +52290,36 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 52326 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52296 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 52334 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52304 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 52342 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52312 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _1 = 
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 52348 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52318 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 2170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2188 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( (_4, _3, Cfk_concrete (_1, _6)), _2 )
-# 52353 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52323 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52401,9 +52371,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
         let _5 : (Parsetree.type_constraint) = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 52407 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52377 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1 in
@@ -52414,30 +52384,30 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_, _1_inlined1) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 52420 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52390 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 52428 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52398 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__4_ = _startpos__1_inlined1_ in
         let _2 = 
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 52435 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52405 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_) = (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) in
         let _1 = 
-# 4129 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4177 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Fresh )
-# 52441 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52411 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_) = (_endpos__0_, _endpos__0_) in
         let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
@@ -52453,11 +52423,11 @@ module Tables = struct
               _startpos__4_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2173 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2191 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let e = mkexp_constraint ~loc:_sloc _7 _5 in
         (_4, _3, Cfk_concrete (_1, e)), _2
-# 52461 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52431 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52515,9 +52485,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _6 : unit = Obj.magic _6 in
         let _5 : (Parsetree.type_constraint) = Obj.magic _5 in
         let _1_inlined2 : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 52521 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52491 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         ) = Obj.magic _1_inlined2 in
         let _3 : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = Obj.magic _3 in
         let _1_inlined1 : (Parsetree.attributes) = Obj.magic _1_inlined1 in
@@ -52529,33 +52499,33 @@ module Tables = struct
   Parsetree.attributes) = let _4 =
           let (_endpos__1_, _startpos__1_, _1) = (_endpos__1_inlined2_, _startpos__1_inlined2_, _1_inlined2) in
           let _1 = 
-# 3881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3922 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( _1 )
-# 52535 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52505 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 52543 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52513 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _startpos__4_ = _startpos__1_inlined2_ in
         let _2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 52552 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let (_endpos__2_, _startpos__2_) = (_endpos__1_inlined1_, _startpos__1_inlined1_) in
         let _1 = 
-# 4130 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4178 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Override )
-# 52559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52529 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__7_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = if _startpos__1_ != _endpos__1_ then
@@ -52570,11 +52540,11 @@ module Tables = struct
               _startpos__4_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 2173 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 2191 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let e = mkexp_constraint ~loc:_sloc _7 _5 in
         (_4, _3, Cfk_concrete (_1, e)), _2
-# 52578 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52548 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52641,9 +52611,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.value_description * string Location.loc option) = let attrs2 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined3 in
-# 4223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4271 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 52647 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52617 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos_attrs2_ = _endpos__1_inlined3_ in
@@ -52653,30 +52623,30 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 52659 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52629 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let attrs1 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined1 in
-# 4227 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4275 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 52667 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52637 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos_attrs2_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3197 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3238 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
       let loc = make_loc _sloc in
       let docs = symbol_docs _sloc in
       Val.mk id ty ~attrs ~loc ~docs,
       ext )
-# 52680 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52650 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52692,9 +52662,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _menhir_stack.MenhirLib.EngineTypes.endp in
         let _endpos = _startpos in
         let _v : (Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4090 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4138 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Concrete )
-# 52698 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52668 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52717,9 +52687,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.virtual_flag) = 
-# 4091 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4139 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                                                 ( Virtual )
-# 52723 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52693 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52742,9 +52712,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = 
-# 4114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4162 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( Immutable )
-# 52748 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52718 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52774,9 +52744,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = 
-# 4115 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4163 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( Mutable )
-# 52780 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52750 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52806,9 +52776,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.mutable_flag) = 
-# 4116 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4164 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( Mutable )
-# 52812 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52782 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52831,9 +52801,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag) = 
-# 4121 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4169 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
             ( Public )
-# 52837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52807 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52863,9 +52833,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag) = 
-# 4122 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4170 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( Private )
-# 52869 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52839 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52895,9 +52865,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag) = 
-# 4123 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4171 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                     ( Private )
-# 52901 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52871 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -52959,27 +52929,27 @@ module Tables = struct
             let xs = 
 # 253 "<standard.mly>"
     ( List.rev xs )
-# 52963 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52933 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 1111 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( xs )
-# 52968 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52938 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3297 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3338 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 52974 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52944 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__6_ = _endpos_xs_ in
         let _5 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 3621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 52983 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52953 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _3 =
@@ -52988,16 +52958,16 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 52994 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52964 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__6_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3540 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3581 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let lident = loc_last _3 in
@@ -53007,7 +52977,7 @@ module Tables = struct
               ~loc:(make_loc _sloc))) )
-# 53011 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 52981 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -53060,9 +53030,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _v : (Parsetree.with_constraint) = let _5 =
           let _1 = _1_inlined2 in
-# 3621 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3662 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( _1 )
-# 53066 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53036 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos__5_ = _endpos__1_inlined2_ in
@@ -53072,16 +53042,16 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 53078 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53048 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _endpos = _endpos__5_ in
         let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 3553 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3594 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( let lident = loc_last _3 in
@@ -53089,7 +53059,7 @@ module Tables = struct
               ~loc:(make_loc _sloc))) )
-# 53093 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53063 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -53138,9 +53108,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 53144 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53114 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
@@ -53149,15 +53119,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 53155 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53125 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3561 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3602 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pwith_module (_2, _4) )
-# 53161 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53131 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -53206,9 +53176,9 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 53212 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53182 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
         let _2 =
@@ -53217,15 +53187,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 53223 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53193 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3563 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3604 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pwith_modsubst (_2, _4) )
-# 53229 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53199 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -53281,15 +53251,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 53287 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53257 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3565 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3606 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pwith_modtype (l, rhs) )
-# 53293 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53263 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -53345,15 +53315,15 @@ module Tables = struct
           let _symbolstartpos = _startpos__1_ in
           let _sloc = (_symbolstartpos, _endpos) in
-# 1027 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 1047 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
     ( mkrhs _1 _sloc )
-# 53351 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53321 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
-# 3567 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3608 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
       ( Pwith_modtypesubst (l, rhs) )
-# 53357 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53327 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -53376,9 +53346,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__1_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag) = 
-# 3570 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                    ( Public )
-# 53382 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53352 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -53408,9 +53378,9 @@ module Tables = struct
         let _startpos = _startpos__1_ in
         let _endpos = _endpos__2_ in
         let _v : (Asttypes.private_flag) = 
-# 3571 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 3612 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
                    ( Private )
-# 53414 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53384 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
           MenhirLib.EngineTypes.state = _menhir_s;
@@ -53445,9 +53415,9 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
       | T_VAL : unit terminal
       | T_UNDERSCORE : unit terminal
       | T_UIDENT : (
-# 890 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 909 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53451 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53421 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_TYPE : unit terminal
       | T_TRY : unit terminal
@@ -53457,9 +53427,9 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
       | T_THEN : unit terminal
       | T_STRUCT : unit terminal
       | T_STRING : (
-# 876 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 895 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * Location.t * string option)
-# 53463 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53433 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_STAR : unit terminal
       | T_SIG : unit terminal
@@ -53470,22 +53440,22 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
       | T_RBRACKET : unit terminal
       | T_RBRACE : unit terminal
-# 881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 900 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   (string * Location.t * string * Location.t * string option)
-# 53476 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53446 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
-# 878 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
   (string * Location.t * string * Location.t * string option)
-# 53481 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53451 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_QUOTE : unit terminal
       | T_QUESTION : unit terminal
       | T_PRIVATE : unit terminal
       | T_PREFIXOP : (
-# 862 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 881 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53489 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53459 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_PLUSEQ : unit terminal
       | T_PLUSDOT : unit terminal
@@ -53493,9 +53463,9 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
       | T_PERCENT : unit terminal
       | T_OR : unit terminal
       | T_OPTLABEL : (
-# 855 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 874 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53499 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53469 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_OPEN : unit terminal
       | T_OF : unit terminal
@@ -53508,17 +53478,20 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
       | T_MINUSDOT : unit terminal
       | T_MINUS : unit terminal
       | T_METHOD : unit terminal
+      | T_METAOCAML_ESCAPE : unit terminal
+      | T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_OPEN : unit terminal
+      | T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE : unit terminal
       | T_MATCH : unit terminal
       | T_LPAREN : unit terminal
       | T_LIDENT : (
-# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 857 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53517 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53490 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_LETOP : (
-# 820 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 839 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53522 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53495 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_LET : unit terminal
       | T_LESSMINUS : unit terminal
@@ -53536,63 +53509,62 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
       | T_LBRACE : unit terminal
       | T_LAZY : unit terminal
       | T_LABEL : (
-# 825 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 844 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53515 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_INT : (
-# 824 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 843 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 53547 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53520 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_INITIALIZER : unit terminal
       | T_INHERIT : unit terminal
       | T_INFIXOP4 : (
-# 818 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 837 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53554 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53527 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_INFIXOP3 : (
-# 817 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 836 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53559 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53532 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_INFIXOP2 : (
-# 816 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 835 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53564 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53537 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_INFIXOP1 : (
-# 815 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 834 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53569 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53542 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_INFIXOP0 : (
-# 814 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 833 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53574 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53547 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_INCLUDE : unit terminal
       | T_IN : unit terminal
       | T_IF : unit terminal
       | T_HASHOP : (
-# 873 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 892 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53582 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53555 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_HASH : unit terminal
       | T_GREATERRBRACKET : unit terminal
       | T_GREATERRBRACE : unit terminal
-      | T_GREATERDOT : unit terminal
       | T_GREATER : unit terminal
       | T_FUNCTOR : unit terminal
       | T_FUNCTION : unit terminal
       | T_FUN : unit terminal
       | T_FOR : unit terminal
       | T_FLOAT : (
-# 803 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 822 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * char option)
-# 53596 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53568 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_FALSE : unit terminal
       | T_EXTERNAL : unit terminal
@@ -53602,28 +53574,27 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
       | T_EOF : unit terminal
       | T_END : unit terminal
       | T_ELSE : unit terminal
+      | T_EFFECT : unit terminal
       | T_DOWNTO : unit terminal
-      | T_DOTTILDE : unit terminal
       | T_DOTOP : (
-# 819 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 838 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53611 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53583 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
-      | T_DOTLESS : unit terminal
       | T_DOTDOT : unit terminal
       | T_DOT : unit terminal
       | T_DONE : unit terminal
       | T_DOCSTRING : (
-# 898 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 917 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53620 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53591 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_DO : unit terminal
       | T_CONSTRAINT : unit terminal
       | T_COMMENT : (
-# 897 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 916 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
        (string * Location.t)
-# 53627 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53598 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_COMMA : unit terminal
       | T_COLONGREATER : unit terminal
@@ -53632,9 +53603,9 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
       | T_COLON : unit terminal
       | T_CLASS : unit terminal
       | T_CHAR : (
-# 783 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 801 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53638 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53609 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_BEGIN : unit terminal
       | T_BARRBRACKET : unit terminal
@@ -53645,9 +53616,9 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
       | T_ASSERT : unit terminal
       | T_AS : unit terminal
       | T_ANDOP : (
-# 821 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 840 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 53651 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 53622 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
     ) terminal
       | T_AND : unit terminal
       | T_AMPERSAND : unit terminal
@@ -53995,164 +53966,166 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
         | 46 ->
             X (T T_METHOD)
         | 47 ->
-            X (T T_MATCH)
+            X (T T_METAOCAML_ESCAPE)
         | 48 ->
-            X (T T_LPAREN)
         | 49 ->
-            X (T T_LIDENT)
         | 50 ->
-            X (T T_LETOP)
+            X (T T_MATCH)
         | 51 ->
-            X (T T_LET)
+            X (T T_LPAREN)
         | 52 ->
-            X (T T_LESSMINUS)
+            X (T T_LIDENT)
         | 53 ->
-            X (T T_LESS)
+            X (T T_LETOP)
         | 54 ->
+            X (T T_LET)
         | 55 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETPERCENT)
+            X (T T_LESSMINUS)
         | 56 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETLESS)
+            X (T T_LESS)
         | 57 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETGREATER)
         | 58 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETBAR)
+            X (T T_LBRACKETPERCENT)
         | 59 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETATATAT)
+            X (T T_LBRACKETLESS)
         | 60 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETATAT)
+            X (T T_LBRACKETGREATER)
         | 61 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKETAT)
+            X (T T_LBRACKETBAR)
         | 62 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACKET)
+            X (T T_LBRACKETATATAT)
         | 63 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACELESS)
+            X (T T_LBRACKETATAT)
         | 64 ->
-            X (T T_LBRACE)
+            X (T T_LBRACKETAT)
         | 65 ->
-            X (T T_LAZY)
+            X (T T_LBRACKET)
         | 66 ->
-            X (T T_LABEL)
+            X (T T_LBRACELESS)
         | 67 ->
-            X (T T_INT)
+            X (T T_LBRACE)
         | 68 ->
-            X (T T_INITIALIZER)
+            X (T T_LAZY)
         | 69 ->
-            X (T T_INHERIT)
+            X (T T_LABEL)
         | 70 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP4)
+            X (T T_INT)
         | 71 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP3)
+            X (T T_INITIALIZER)
         | 72 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP2)
+            X (T T_INHERIT)
         | 73 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP1)
+            X (T T_INFIXOP4)
         | 74 ->
-            X (T T_INFIXOP0)
+            X (T T_INFIXOP3)
         | 75 ->
-            X (T T_INCLUDE)
+            X (T T_INFIXOP2)
         | 76 ->
-            X (T T_IN)
+            X (T T_INFIXOP1)
         | 77 ->
-            X (T T_IF)
+            X (T T_INFIXOP0)
         | 78 ->
-            X (T T_HASHOP)
+            X (T T_INCLUDE)
         | 79 ->
-            X (T T_HASH)
+            X (T T_IN)
         | 80 ->
-            X (T T_GREATERRBRACKET)
+            X (T T_IF)
         | 81 ->
-            X (T T_GREATERRBRACE)
+            X (T T_HASHOP)
         | 82 ->
-            X (T T_GREATERDOT)
+            X (T T_HASH)
         | 83 ->
-            X (T T_GREATER)
+            X (T T_GREATERRBRACKET)
         | 84 ->
-            X (T T_FUNCTOR)
+            X (T T_GREATERRBRACE)
         | 85 ->
-            X (T T_FUNCTION)
+            X (T T_GREATER)
         | 86 ->
-            X (T T_FUN)
+            X (T T_FUNCTOR)
         | 87 ->
-            X (T T_FOR)
+            X (T T_FUNCTION)
         | 88 ->
-            X (T T_FLOAT)
+            X (T T_FUN)
         | 89 ->
-            X (T T_FALSE)
+            X (T T_FOR)
         | 90 ->
-            X (T T_EXTERNAL)
+            X (T T_FLOAT)
         | 91 ->
-            X (T T_EXCEPTION)
+            X (T T_FALSE)
         | 92 ->
-            X (T T_EQUAL)
+            X (T T_EXTERNAL)
         | 93 ->
-            X (T T_EOL)
+            X (T T_EXCEPTION)
         | 94 ->
-            X (T T_EOF)
+            X (T T_EQUAL)
         | 95 ->
-            X (T T_END)
+            X (T T_EOL)
         | 96 ->
-            X (T T_ELSE)
+            X (T T_EOF)
         | 97 ->
-            X (T T_DOWNTO)
+            X (T T_END)
         | 98 ->
-            X (T T_DOTTILDE)
+            X (T T_ELSE)
         | 99 ->
-            X (T T_DOTOP)
+            X (T T_EFFECT)
         | 100 ->
-            X (T T_DOTLESS)
+            X (T T_DOWNTO)
         | 101 ->
-            X (T T_DOTDOT)
+            X (T T_DOTOP)
         | 102 ->
-            X (T T_DOT)
+            X (T T_DOTDOT)
         | 103 ->
-            X (T T_DONE)
+            X (T T_DOT)
         | 104 ->
-            X (T T_DOCSTRING)
+            X (T T_DONE)
         | 105 ->
-            X (T T_DO)
+            X (T T_DOCSTRING)
         | 106 ->
-            X (T T_CONSTRAINT)
+            X (T T_DO)
         | 107 ->
-            X (T T_COMMENT)
+            X (T T_CONSTRAINT)
         | 108 ->
-            X (T T_COMMA)
+            X (T T_COMMENT)
         | 109 ->
-            X (T T_COLONGREATER)
+            X (T T_COMMA)
         | 110 ->
-            X (T T_COLONEQUAL)
+            X (T T_COLONGREATER)
         | 111 ->
-            X (T T_COLONCOLON)
+            X (T T_COLONEQUAL)
         | 112 ->
-            X (T T_COLON)
+            X (T T_COLONCOLON)
         | 113 ->
-            X (T T_CLASS)
+            X (T T_COLON)
         | 114 ->
-            X (T T_CHAR)
+            X (T T_CLASS)
         | 115 ->
-            X (T T_BEGIN)
+            X (T T_CHAR)
         | 116 ->
-            X (T T_BARRBRACKET)
+            X (T T_BEGIN)
         | 117 ->
-            X (T T_BARBAR)
+            X (T T_BARRBRACKET)
         | 118 ->
-            X (T T_BAR)
+            X (T T_BARBAR)
         | 119 ->
-            X (T T_BANG)
+            X (T T_BAR)
         | 120 ->
-            X (T T_BACKQUOTE)
+            X (T T_BANG)
         | 121 ->
-            X (T T_ASSERT)
+            X (T T_BACKQUOTE)
         | 122 ->
-            X (T T_AS)
+            X (T T_ASSERT)
         | 123 ->
-            X (T T_ANDOP)
+            X (T T_AS)
         | 124 ->
-            X (T T_AND)
+            X (T T_ANDOP)
         | 125 ->
-            X (T T_AMPERSAND)
+            X (T T_AND)
         | 126 ->
+            X (T T_AMPERSAND)
+        | 127 ->
             X (T T_AMPERAMPER)
         | _ ->
             assert false
@@ -54600,22 +54573,22 @@ module MenhirInterpreter = struct
             assert false
     and lr0_incoming =
-      (16, 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4\016\000\016@\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003!\000@\128\004\024$Z\000 0\000\000\016@\003!\000@\128\004\024$Z\000 0\000\000\016@\003)\000P\144\004\024$V\000 0\000\000\016@\003)\000T\018\129\152$v\000\0000\000\000\024\192\001\000\000\000\000\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\128\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\128 \128\b \000B\000\002\000\012\128\000 \000\000\000\016\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000'\225 \197\138\173\190fz\002\129\252\128\0008\224\001\000\000\000\000\000\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\128\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\128\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001 \000\000\000\000\016\000@\000\000\016\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\016\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\016\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\003\000\000p\016\000\024\184@\000 \000\000\000\000\000#a\000E\130\141\190$z\000\129\240\000\000\024\224\003)\000P\144\004\024$V\000 0\000\000\016@\003)\000P\144\004\024$V\000 0\000\000\016@#a\000E\130\141\190$z\000\129\240\000\000\024\224#a\000E\130\141\190$z\000\129\240\000\000\024\224\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000 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\000\000\000\000\024\000@\000\000\016\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\003\000\000p\016\000\024\184@\000 \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\128\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000")
   end) (ET) (TI)
@@ -54745,12 +54718,12 @@ module Incremental = struct
-# 4273 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
+# 4314 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly"
-# 54752 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 54725 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
 # 269 "<standard.mly>"
-# 54757 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
+# 54730 "src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.ml"
diff --git a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mli b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mli
index 07068589e7..ef2a29bd63 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mli
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ type token =
   | MINUS
   | MATCH
   | LIDENT of (string)
@@ -83,7 +86,6 @@ type token =
   | HASH
@@ -98,10 +100,9 @@ type token =
   | EOF
   | END
   | ELSE
   | DOTOP of (string)
   | DOT
   | DONE
@@ -222,6 +223,9 @@ module MenhirInterpreter : sig
     | T_MINUSDOT : unit terminal
     | T_MINUS : unit terminal
     | T_METHOD : unit terminal
+    | T_METAOCAML_ESCAPE : unit terminal
+    | T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_OPEN : unit terminal
+    | T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE : unit terminal
     | T_MATCH : unit terminal
     | T_LPAREN : unit terminal
     | T_LIDENT : (string) terminal
@@ -257,7 +261,6 @@ module MenhirInterpreter : sig
     | T_HASH : unit terminal
     | T_GREATERRBRACKET : unit terminal
     | T_GREATERRBRACE : unit terminal
-    | T_GREATERDOT : unit terminal
     | T_GREATER : unit terminal
     | T_FUNCTOR : unit terminal
     | T_FUNCTION : unit terminal
@@ -272,10 +275,9 @@ module MenhirInterpreter : sig
     | T_EOF : unit terminal
     | T_END : unit terminal
     | T_ELSE : unit terminal
+    | T_EFFECT : unit terminal
     | T_DOWNTO : unit terminal
-    | T_DOTTILDE : unit terminal
     | T_DOTOP : (string) terminal
-    | T_DOTLESS : unit terminal
     | T_DOTDOT : unit terminal
     | T_DOT : unit terminal
     | T_DONE : unit terminal
diff --git a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly
index 917ab96e82..33dac707b9 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly
+++ b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_raw.mly
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ let mkmod ~loc ?attrs d = Mod.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
 let mkstr ~loc d = Str.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) d
 let mkclass ~loc ?attrs d = Cl.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
 let mkcty ~loc ?attrs d = Cty.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
+let mkconst ~loc c = Const.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) c
 let pstr_typext (te, ext) =
   (Pstr_typext te, ext)
@@ -153,20 +154,31 @@ let neg_string f =
   then String.sub f 1 (String.length f - 1)
   else "-" ^ f
-let mkuminus ~oploc name arg =
-  match name, arg.pexp_desc with
-  | "-", Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer (n,m)) ->
-      Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer(neg_string n,m))
-  | ("-" | "-."), Pexp_constant(Pconst_float (f, m)) ->
-      Pexp_constant(Pconst_float(neg_string f, m))
+(* Pre-apply the special [-], [-.], [+] and [+.] prefix operators into
+   constants if possible, otherwise turn them into the corresponding prefix
+   operators [~-], [~-.], etc.. *)
+let mkuminus ~sloc ~oploc name arg =
+  match name, arg.pexp_desc, arg.pexp_attributes with
+  | "-",
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_integer (n,m); pconst_loc=_}),
+    [] ->
+      Pexp_constant(mkconst ~loc:sloc (Pconst_integer(neg_string n, m)))
+  | ("-" | "-."),
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_float (f, m); pconst_loc=_}), [] ->
+      Pexp_constant(mkconst ~loc:sloc (Pconst_float(neg_string f, m)))
   | _ ->
       Pexp_apply(mkoperator ~loc:oploc ("~" ^ name), [Nolabel, arg])
-let mkuplus ~oploc name arg =
+let mkuplus ~sloc ~oploc name arg =
   let desc = arg.pexp_desc in
-  match name, desc with
-  | "+", Pexp_constant(Pconst_integer _)
-  | ("+" | "+."), Pexp_constant(Pconst_float _) -> desc
+  match name, desc, arg.pexp_attributes with
+  | "+",
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_integer _ as desc; pconst_loc=_}),
+    []
+  | ("+" | "+."),
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_float _ as desc; pconst_loc=_}),
+    [] ->
+      Pexp_constant(mkconst ~loc:sloc desc)
   | _ ->
       Pexp_apply(mkoperator ~loc:oploc ("~" ^ name), [Nolabel, arg])
@@ -487,7 +499,8 @@ let wrap_mksig_ext ~loc (item, ext) =
 let mk_quotedext ~loc (id, idloc, str, strloc, delim) =
   let exp_id = mkloc id idloc in
-  let e = ghexp ~loc (Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (str, strloc, delim))) in
+  let const = Const.mk ~loc:strloc (Pconst_string (str, strloc, delim)) in
+  let e = ghexp ~loc (Pexp_constant const) in
   (exp_id, PStr [mkstrexp e []])
 let text_str pos = Str.text (rhs_text pos)
@@ -664,6 +677,11 @@ let mkfunction params body_constraint body =
       | Some newtypes ->
           mkghost_newtype_function_body newtypes body_constraint body_exp
+let mk_functor_typ args mty =
+  List.fold_left (fun acc (startpos, arg) ->
+      mkmty ~loc:(startpos, mty.pmty_loc.loc_end) (Pmty_functor (arg, acc)))
+    mty args
 (* Alternatively, we could keep the generic module type in the Parsetree
    and extract the package type during type-checking. In that case,
    the assertions below should be turned into explicit checks. *)
@@ -793,6 +811,7 @@ let merloc startpos ?endpos x =
 %token DOT [@symbol "."]
 %token DOTDOT [@symbol ".."]
 %token DOWNTO [@symbol "downto"]
+%token EFFECT [@symbol "effect"]
 %token ELSE [@symbol "else"]
 %token END [@symbol "end"]
 %token EOF
@@ -899,9 +918,10 @@ let merloc startpos ?endpos x =
 %token EOL                    "\\n"      (* not great, but EOL is unused *)
-%token DOTLESS [@cost 1] [@symbol ".<"]
-%token DOTTILDE [@cost 1] [@symbol ".~"]
-%token GREATERDOT [@cost 1] [@symbol ">."]
+(* see the [metaocaml_expr] comment *)
+%token METAOCAML_ESCAPE         [@symbol ".~"]
+%token METAOCAML_BRACKET_OPEN   [@symbol ".<"]
+%token METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE  [@symbol ">."]
 /* Precedences and associativities.
@@ -967,7 +987,7 @@ The precedences must be listed from low to high.
 /* Entry points */
@@ -1784,11 +1804,11 @@ module_type [@recovery default_module_type ()]:
   | FUNCTOR attrs = attributes args = functor_args
     MINUSGREATER mty = module_type
       %prec below_WITH
-      { wrap_mty_attrs ~loc:$sloc attrs (
-          List.fold_left (fun acc (startpos, arg) ->
-            mkmty ~loc:(startpos, $endpos) (Pmty_functor (arg, acc))
-          ) mty args
-        ) }
+      { wrap_mty_attrs ~loc:$sloc attrs (mk_functor_typ args mty) }
+  | args = functor_args
+    MINUSGREATER mty = module_type
+      %prec below_WITH
+      { mk_functor_typ args mty }
   | MODULE TYPE OF attributes module_expr %prec below_LBRACKETAT
       { mkmty ~loc:$sloc ~attrs:$4 (Pmty_typeof $5) }
   | LPAREN module_type RPAREN
@@ -1802,8 +1822,6 @@ module_type [@recovery default_module_type ()]:
   | mkmty(
         { Pmty_ident $1 }
-        { Pmty_functor(Unit, $4) }
     | module_type MINUSGREATER module_type
         %prec below_WITH
         { Pmty_functor(Named (mknoloc None, $1), $3) }
@@ -2587,9 +2605,9 @@ let_pattern [@recovery default_pattern ()]:
   | e1 = fun_expr op = op(infix_operator) e2 = expr
       { mkinfix e1 op e2 }
   | subtractive expr %prec prec_unary_minus
-      { mkuminus ~oploc:$loc($1) $1 $2 }
+      { mkuminus ~sloc:$sloc ~oploc:$loc($1) $1 $2 }
   | additive expr %prec prec_unary_plus
-      { mkuplus ~oploc:$loc($1) $1 $2 }
+      { mkuplus ~sloc:$sloc ~oploc:$loc($1) $1 $2 }
 %public simple_expr:
@@ -2609,6 +2627,7 @@ let_pattern [@recovery default_pattern ()]:
   | indexop_error (DOT, seq_expr) { $1 }
   | indexop_error (qualified_dotop, expr_semi_list) { $1 }
+  | metaocaml_expr { $1 }
   | simple_expr_attrs
     { let desc, attrs = $1 in
       mkexp_attrs ~loc:$sloc desc attrs }
@@ -2641,6 +2660,25 @@ let_pattern [@recovery default_pattern ()]:
       { unclosed "object" $loc($1) "end" $loc($4) }
+(* We include this parsing rule from the BER-MetaOCaml patchset
+   (see https://okmij.org/ftp/ML/MetaOCaml.html)
+   even though the lexer does *not* include any lexing rule
+   for the METAOCAML_* tokens, so they
+   will never be produced by the upstream compiler.
+   The intention of this dead parsing rule is purely to ease the
+   future maintenance work on MetaOCaml.
+%inline metaocaml_expr:
+  | METAOCAML_ESCAPE e = simple_expr
+    { wrap_exp_attrs ~loc:$sloc e
+       (Some (mknoloc "metaocaml.escape"), []) }
+    { wrap_exp_attrs ~loc:$sloc e
+       (Some  (mknoloc "metaocaml.bracket"),[]) }
 %inline simple_expr_:
   | mkrhs(val_longident)
       { Pexp_ident ($1) }
@@ -3019,6 +3057,8 @@ pattern [@recovery default_pattern ()]:
       { $1 }
   | EXCEPTION ext_attributes pattern %prec prec_constr_appl
       { mkpat_attrs ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_exception $3) $2}
+  | EFFECT pattern_gen COMMA simple_pattern
+      { mkpat ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_effect($2,$4)) }
@@ -3064,6 +3104,7 @@ pattern_gen:
   | LAZY ext_attributes simple_pattern
       { mkpat_attrs ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_lazy $3) $2}
     mkpat(mkrhs(val_ident) %prec below_EQUAL
       { Ppat_var ($1) })
@@ -3884,17 +3925,24 @@ meth_list:
 /* Constants */
-  | INT          { let (n, m) = $1 in Pconst_integer (n, m) }
-  | CHAR         { Pconst_char $1 }
-  | STRING       { let (s, strloc, d) = $1 in Pconst_string (s, strloc, d) }
-  | FLOAT        { let (f, m) = $1 in Pconst_float (f, m) }
+  | INT          { let (n, m) = $1 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_integer (n, m)) }
+  | CHAR         { mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_char $1) }
+  | STRING       { let (s, strloc, d) = $1 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_string (s,strloc,d)) }
+  | FLOAT        { let (f, m) = $1 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_float (f, m)) }
     constant     { $1 }
-  | MINUS INT    { let (n, m) = $2 in Pconst_integer("-" ^ n, m) }
-  | MINUS FLOAT  { let (f, m) = $2 in Pconst_float("-" ^ f, m) }
-  | PLUS INT     { let (n, m) = $2 in Pconst_integer (n, m) }
-  | PLUS FLOAT   { let (f, m) = $2 in Pconst_float(f, m) }
+  | MINUS INT    { let (n, m) = $2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_integer("-" ^ n, m)) }
+  | MINUS FLOAT  { let (f, m) = $2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_float("-" ^ f, m)) }
+  | PLUS INT     { let (n, m) = $2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_integer (n, m)) }
+  | PLUS FLOAT   { let (f, m) = $2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_float(f, m)) }
 /* Identifiers and long identifiers */
@@ -4263,11 +4311,4 @@ attr_payload:
-%public simple_expr:
-    { Fake.Meta.code $startpos $endpos $2 }
-| DOTTILDE simple_expr %prec prec_escape
-    { Fake.Meta.uncode $startpos $endpos $2 }
diff --git a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_recover.ml b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_recover.ml
index cc51826cc9..c0e51ab58f 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_recover.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/preprocess/parser_recover.ml
@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ module Default = struct
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUSDOT -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MINUS -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METHOD -> ()
+    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_ESCAPE -> ()
+    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_OPEN -> ()
+    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_MATCH -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LPAREN -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_LIDENT -> "_"
@@ -99,7 +102,6 @@ module Default = struct
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_HASH -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERRBRACKET -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERRBRACE -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATERDOT -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_GREATER -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTOR -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_FUNCTION -> ()
@@ -114,10 +116,9 @@ module Default = struct
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EOF -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_END -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_ELSE -> ()
+    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_EFFECT -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOWNTO -> ()
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTTILDE -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTOP -> raise Not_found
-    | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTLESS -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOTDOT -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DOT -> ()
     | MenhirInterpreter.T MenhirInterpreter.T_DONE -> ()
@@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ type decision =
   | Select of (int -> action list)
 let depth =
-  [|0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;2;2;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;2;3;4;5;2;3;4;5;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;4;5;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;2;3;4;1;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;2;4;1;2;1;1;1;2;2;1;1;1;2;2;1;2;3;2;3;5;6;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;2;1;2;2;1;1;2;3;4;1;1;5;6;6;1;2;3;4;1;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;3;1;1;4;1;2;1;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;2;1;1;1;2;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;2;1;1;1;2;3;4;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;2;1;2;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;2;1;1;2;3;1;4;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;2;3;2;1;2;3;2;1;2;3;4;3;3;3;1;1;3;4;2;3;1;2;1;3;4;2;3;5;1;2;1;2;3;2;3;4;5;3;4;3;4;4;5;6;2;1;2;2;1;1;2;3;1;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;1;4;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;3;2;3;2;1;2;1;1;2;3;1;2;4;5;6;1;1;1;2;3;2;3;2;3;3;4;5;2;3;2;3;2;4;4;5;4;5;3;4;2;3;1;2;3;3;2;3;4;5;1;6;5;2;2;3;1;1;2;1;2;3;3;4;2;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;4;5;1;2;1;2;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;1;2;3;4;1;5;2;1;2;3;1;2;4;5;4;5;6;2;3;4;5;1;1;2;3;4;5;2;1;2;3;3;1;1;1;4;5;2;3;2;3;4;2;3;4;1;3;2;3;1;4;2;3;4;5;3;4;1;5;2;3;2;3;3;4;5;2;2;1;1;6;7;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;3;1;2;3;1;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;2;1;2;3;3;4;5;1;2;1;2;3;4;1;2;1;1;1;2;4;1;2;5;6;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;2;3;1;1;2;3;4;5;1;1;1;2;1;1;2;3;4;1;1;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;1;1;1;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4;2;3;2;3;1;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5;1;1;2;3;1;2;1;2;3;4;4;5;2;1;2;1;2;2;3;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5;6;1;2;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;2;2;3;4;5;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;3;4;5;6;3;1;2;1;1;2;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;3;2;3;4;5;6;7;2;3;4;2;1;1;2;3;1;4;1;1;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;3;2;1;1;2;3;1;3;1;2;4;2;3;3;4;5;3;4;5;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;3;5;6;7;5;6;7;3;1;2;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;7;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;7;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;7;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;7;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;7;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;7;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;9;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;9;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;9;3;4;5;6;7;8;5;1;2;2;1;2;6;4;5;3;4;5;3;4;5;5;1;2;3;2;3;4;2;3;1;1;4;5;3;4;4;5;3;4;4;5;3;4;5;3;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;5;1;4;5;1;2;3;3;6;1;1;7;8;9;10;11;6;7;3;4;5;2;3;3;2;4;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;11;6;7;8;9;10;11;8;4;4;5;4;2;3;4;5;6;2;3;2;2;3;2;3;4;5;2;2;3;4;2;2;3;2;3;8;3;4;5;6;7;2;3;4;5;1;2;1;2;3;4;6;7;8;1;2;2;3;4;1;1;2;3;1;5;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;3;1;2;1;1;2;3;2;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;4;2;3;4;2;6;7;8;9;1;2;3;1;4;5;6;2;4;5;2;2;3;4;5;6;3;2;2;3;2;2;3;4;5;6;6;7;8;2;3;3;4;4;5;6;4;5;6;7;8;8;9;10;8;9;10;10;11;12;4;5;5;6;7;5;6;7;7;8;9;5;6;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5;1;2;6;7;2;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;3;4;5;6;8;4;5;6;1;2;1;2;3;4;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;6;7;1;2;8;9;1;1;2;3;4;5;1;1;2;3;6;7;8;5;6;7;1;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;2;3;4;5;6;7;4;5;6;7;8;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;9;4;5;6;7;1;2;5;6;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;4;1;5;1;2;3;6;7;8;1;2;1;2;3;3;1;2;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;6;1;2;3;4;2;3;1;1;1;7;2;3;4;5;6;3;4;1;2;1;2;3;3;4;4;5;1;2;1;1;2;9;10;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;11;2;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;3;4;1;1;1;2;1;2;3;1;1;4;1;3;5;8;9;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;2;1;1;2;3;4;5;1;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;4;1;1;2;6;7;8;9;1;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;4;4;1;2;3;3;4;5;3;3;1;2;1;1;2;2;1;2;1;2;3;4;5;6;1;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;5;6;7;2;3;1;1;2;1;2;2;3;4;5;2;3;4;5;4;5;6;1;1;2;1;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;6;7;8;5;2;3;1;1;2;1;2;2;3;4;5;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;5;6;7;4;1;2;3;4;1;2;3;1;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;2;3;4;5;6;1;2;3;4;1;2;1;2;1;2;1;1;2;1;3;2;2;3;2;3;7;3;4;5;6;2;3;4;5;2;3;3;4;5;4;1;2;5;6;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;4;5;1;2;1;1;2;2;1;2;3;4;1;2;7;8;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;2;1;1;2;1;2;1;1;1;1;2;3;1;1;1;3;4;3;4;2;3;4;2;3;4;5;7;8;2;3;3;4;5;4;5;6;4;5;6;3;4;9;6;7;8;1;2;3;4;5;9;10;2;2;1;1;1;1;1;2;3;4;4;5;6;7;8;5;6;7;8;9;3;4;3;4;5;6;1;7;1;2;3;2;2;3;3;4;5;2;3;4;5;4;2;3;2;2;3;2;3;4;2;2;2;2;7;8;9;10;6;7;8;9;10;2;1;1;4;5;6;7;8;9;5;6;7;8;9;3;4;5;6;6;7;3;4;3;4;5;6;7;1;2;1;0;1;2;1;0;1;2;3;1;1;1;2;3;4;5;3;3;1;1;1;1;2;0;1;1;2;0;1;1;2;0;1;2;1;0;1;1;2;0;1;1;2;0;1;1;2;0;1;1;2;0;1;1;2;0;1;2;1;0;1;2;1;1;2;0;1;2;3;3;3;3;3;3;1;1;1;2;1;2;1;2;3;1;2;0;1;1;1;2;2;2;3;4;2;1;1;2;3;4;1;2;|]
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 let can_pop (type a) : a terminal -> bool = function
   | T_WITH -> true
@@ -423,6 +424,9 @@ let can_pop (type a) : a terminal -> bool = function
   | T_MINUSDOT -> true
   | T_MINUS -> true
   | T_METHOD -> true
   | T_MATCH -> true
   | T_LPAREN -> true
   | T_LET -> true
@@ -448,7 +452,6 @@ let can_pop (type a) : a terminal -> bool = function
   | T_HASH -> true
   | T_GREATERRBRACE -> true
-  | T_GREATERDOT -> true
   | T_GREATER -> true
   | T_FUNCTOR -> true
   | T_FUNCTION -> true
@@ -461,9 +464,8 @@ let can_pop (type a) : a terminal -> bool = function
   | T_EOL -> true
   | T_END -> true
   | T_ELSE -> true
+  | T_EFFECT -> true
   | T_DOWNTO -> true
-  | T_DOTTILDE -> true
-  | T_DOTLESS -> true
   | T_DOTDOT -> true
   | T_DOT -> true
   | T_DONE -> true
@@ -491,7 +493,7 @@ let can_pop (type a) : a terminal -> bool = function
 let recover =
   let r0 = [R 232] in
   let r1 = S (N N_fun_expr) :: r0 in
-  let r2 = [R 635] in
+  let r2 = [R 636] in
   let r3 = Sub (r1) :: r2 in
   let r4 = [R 150] in
   let r5 = S (T T_DONE) :: r4 in
@@ -505,7 +507,7 @@ let recover =
   let r13 = Sub (r11) :: r12 in
   let r14 = [R 125] in
   let r15 = [R 33] in
-  let r16 = [R 547] in
+  let r16 = [R 548] in
   let r17 = S (N N_structure) :: r16 in
   let r18 = [R 34] in
   let r19 = Sub (r17) :: r18 in
@@ -524,7 +526,7 @@ let recover =
   let r32 = Sub (r30) :: r31 in
   let r33 = [R 108] in
   let r34 = Sub (r32) :: r33 in
-  let r35 = [R 552] in
+  let r35 = [R 553] in
   let r36 = Sub (r34) :: r35 in
   let r37 = [R 854] in
   let r38 = R 322 :: r37 in
@@ -549,7 +551,7 @@ let recover =
   let r57 = [R 127] in
   let r58 = [R 256] in
   let r59 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r58 in
-  let r60 = [R 591] in
+  let r60 = [R 592] in
   let r61 = [R 30] in
   let r62 = Sub (r59) :: r61 in
   let r63 = [R 501] in
@@ -559,14 +561,14 @@ let recover =
   let r67 = S (N N_module_type) :: r66 in
   let r68 = R 316 :: r67 in
   let r69 = R 124 :: r68 in
-  let r70 = [R 638] in
+  let r70 = [R 639] in
   let r71 = R 324 :: r70 in
   let r72 = [R 401] in
   let r73 = S (T T_END) :: r72 in
   let r74 = Sub (r71) :: r73 in
   let r75 = [R 253] in
   let r76 = R 322 :: r75 in
-  let r77 = R 581 :: r76 in
+  let r77 = R 582 :: r76 in
   let r78 = R 824 :: r77 in
   let r79 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r78 in
   let r80 = R 828 :: r79 in
@@ -584,26 +586,26 @@ let recover =
   let r92 = R 316 :: r91 in
   let r93 = R 243 :: r92 in
   let r94 = Sub (r90) :: r93 in
-  let r95 = [R 578] in
+  let r95 = [R 579] in
   let r96 = Sub (r94) :: r95 in
-  let r97 = [R 645] in
+  let r97 = [R 646] in
   let r98 = R 322 :: r97 in
   let r99 = Sub (r96) :: r98 in
-  let r100 = R 558 :: r99 in
+  let r100 = R 559 :: r99 in
   let r101 = S (T T_PLUSEQ) :: r100 in
   let r102 = Sub (r86) :: r101 in
   let r103 = R 828 :: r102 in
   let r104 = R 316 :: r103 in
   let r105 = [R 254] in
   let r106 = R 322 :: r105 in
-  let r107 = R 581 :: r106 in
+  let r107 = R 582 :: r106 in
   let r108 = R 824 :: r107 in
   let r109 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r108 in
   let r110 = R 828 :: r109 in
-  let r111 = [R 646] in
+  let r111 = [R 647] in
   let r112 = R 322 :: r111 in
   let r113 = Sub (r96) :: r112 in
-  let r114 = R 558 :: r113 in
+  let r114 = R 559 :: r113 in
   let r115 = S (T T_PLUSEQ) :: r114 in
   let r116 = Sub (r86) :: r115 in
   let r117 = [R 832] in
@@ -611,12 +613,12 @@ let recover =
   let r119 = [R 827] in
   let r120 = Sub (r118) :: r119 in
   let r121 = R 833 :: r120 in
-  let r122 = [R 604] in
+  let r122 = [R 605] in
   let r123 = Sub (r121) :: r122 in
   let r124 = [R 830] in
   let r125 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r124 in
   let r126 = [R 831] in
-  let r127 = [R 605] in
+  let r127 = [R 606] in
   let r128 = [R 432] in
   let r129 = S (T T_DOTDOT) :: r128 in
   let r130 = [R 825] in
@@ -629,7 +631,7 @@ let recover =
   let r137 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r136 in
   let r138 = Sub (r28) :: r137 in
   let r139 = [R 441] in
-  let r140 = [R 554] in
+  let r140 = [R 555] in
   let r141 = Sub (r32) :: r140 in
   let r142 = [R 353] in
   let r143 = R 316 :: r142 in
@@ -639,12 +641,12 @@ let recover =
   let r147 = Sub (r17) :: r146 in
   let r148 = [R 701] in
   let r149 = [R 377] in
-  let r150 = [R 572] in
+  let r150 = [R 573] in
   let r151 = Sub (r94) :: r150 in
   let r152 = [R 794] in
   let r153 = R 322 :: r152 in
   let r154 = Sub (r151) :: r153 in
-  let r155 = R 558 :: r154 in
+  let r155 = R 559 :: r154 in
   let r156 = S (T T_PLUSEQ) :: r155 in
   let r157 = Sub (r86) :: r156 in
   let r158 = R 828 :: r157 in
@@ -652,17 +654,17 @@ let recover =
   let r160 = [R 795] in
   let r161 = R 322 :: r160 in
   let r162 = Sub (r151) :: r161 in
-  let r163 = R 558 :: r162 in
+  let r163 = R 559 :: r162 in
   let r164 = S (T T_PLUSEQ) :: r163 in
   let r165 = Sub (r86) :: r164 in
-  let r166 = [R 556] in
+  let r166 = [R 557] in
   let r167 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r166 in
   let r168 = Sub (r19) :: r167 in
   let r169 = [R 346] in
   let r170 = Sub (r3) :: r169 in
   let r171 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r170 in
   let r172 = S (N N_pattern) :: r171 in
-  let r173 = [R 593] in
+  let r173 = [R 594] in
   let r174 = Sub (r172) :: r173 in
   let r175 = [R 143] in
   let r176 = Sub (r174) :: r175 in
@@ -679,8 +681,8 @@ let recover =
   let r187 = [R 58] in
   let r188 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r187 in
   let r189 = [R 719] in
-  let r190 = [R 661] in
-  let r191 = [R 659] in
+  let r190 = [R 662] in
+  let r191 = [R 660] in
   let r192 = [R 715] in
   let r193 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r192 in
   let r194 = [R 399] in
@@ -691,7 +693,7 @@ let recover =
   let r199 = R 316 :: r198 in
   let r200 = [R 718] in
   let r201 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r200 in
-  let r202 = [R 403] in
+  let r202 = [R 404] in
   let r203 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r202 in
   let r204 = R 316 :: r203 in
   let r205 = S (T T_OF) :: r204 in
@@ -724,1079 +726,1080 @@ let recover =
   let r232 = [R 378] in
   let r233 = [R 383] in
   let r234 = [R 317] in
-  let r235 = [R 142] in
-  let r236 = Sub (r174) :: r235 in
-  let r237 = S (T T_WITH) :: r236 in
-  let r238 = Sub (r3) :: r237 in
-  let r239 = R 316 :: r238 in
-  let r240 = [R 670] in
-  let r241 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r240 in
-  let r242 = [R 706] in
-  let r243 = [R 206] in
-  let r244 = [R 301] in
-  let r245 = Sub (r24) :: r244 in
-  let r246 = [R 304] in
-  let r247 = Sub (r245) :: r246 in
-  let r248 = [R 203] in
-  let r249 = Sub (r3) :: r248 in
-  let r250 = S (T T_IN) :: r249 in
-  let r251 = [R 666] in
-  let r252 = [R 91] in
-  let r253 = [R 629] in
-  let r254 = S (N N_pattern) :: r253 in
-  let r255 = [R 664] in
-  let r256 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r255 in
-  let r257 = [R 270] in
-  let r258 = Sub (r224) :: r257 in
-  let r259 = [R 342] in
-  let r260 = R 494 :: r259 in
-  let r261 = R 487 :: r260 in
-  let r262 = Sub (r258) :: r261 in
-  let r263 = [R 663] in
-  let r264 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r263 in
-  let r265 = [R 488] in
-  let r266 = [R 619] in
-  let r267 = Sub (r34) :: r266 in
-  let r268 = [R 600] in
-  let r269 = Sub (r267) :: r268 in
-  let r270 = [R 120] in
-  let r271 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r270 in
-  let r272 = Sub (r269) :: r271 in
-  let r273 = [R 119] in
+  let r235 = [R 679] in
+  let r236 = [R 680] in
+  let r237 = S (T T_METAOCAML_BRACKET_CLOSE) :: r236 in
+  let r238 = [R 142] in
+  let r239 = Sub (r174) :: r238 in
+  let r240 = S (T T_WITH) :: r239 in
+  let r241 = Sub (r3) :: r240 in
+  let r242 = R 316 :: r241 in
+  let r243 = [R 668] in
+  let r244 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r243 in
+  let r245 = [R 706] in
+  let r246 = [R 206] in
+  let r247 = [R 301] in
+  let r248 = Sub (r24) :: r247 in
+  let r249 = [R 304] in
+  let r250 = Sub (r248) :: r249 in
+  let r251 = [R 203] in
+  let r252 = Sub (r3) :: r251 in
+  let r253 = S (T T_IN) :: r252 in
+  let r254 = [R 667] in
+  let r255 = [R 91] in
+  let r256 = [R 630] in
+  let r257 = S (N N_pattern) :: r256 in
+  let r258 = [R 665] in
+  let r259 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r258 in
+  let r260 = [R 270] in
+  let r261 = Sub (r224) :: r260 in
+  let r262 = [R 342] in
+  let r263 = R 494 :: r262 in
+  let r264 = R 487 :: r263 in
+  let r265 = Sub (r261) :: r264 in
+  let r266 = [R 664] in
+  let r267 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r266 in
+  let r268 = [R 488] in
+  let r269 = [R 620] in
+  let r270 = Sub (r34) :: r269 in
+  let r271 = [R 601] in
+  let r272 = Sub (r270) :: r271 in
+  let r273 = [R 120] in
   let r274 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r273 in
-  let r275 = [R 118] in
-  let r276 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r275 in
-  let r277 = [R 421] in
-  let r278 = Sub (r59) :: r277 in
-  let r279 = S (T T_BACKQUOTE) :: r278 in
-  let r280 = [R 807] in
-  let r281 = R 316 :: r280 in
-  let r282 = Sub (r279) :: r281 in
-  let r283 = [R 115] in
-  let r284 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r283 in
-  let r285 = [R 86] in
-  let r286 = Sub (r84) :: r285 in
-  let r287 = [R 26] in
-  let r288 = [R 364] in
-  let r289 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r288 in
-  let r290 = S (T T_DOT) :: r289 in
-  let r291 = S (T T_UIDENT) :: r56 in
-  let r292 = [R 381] in
-  let r293 = Sub (r291) :: r292 in
-  let r294 = [R 382] in
-  let r295 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r294 in
-  let r296 = [R 366] in
-  let r297 = S (T T_UIDENT) :: r296 in
-  let r298 = [R 116] in
-  let r299 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r298 in
-  let r300 = [R 239] in
-  let r301 = [R 616] in
-  let r302 = S (T T_DOT) :: r297 in
-  let r303 = S (T T_LBRACKETGREATER) :: r274 in
-  let r304 = [R 29] in
-  let r305 = Sub (r303) :: r304 in
-  let r306 = [R 237] in
-  let r307 = Sub (r30) :: r306 in
-  let r308 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r307 in
-  let r309 = [R 617] in
-  let r310 = [R 27] in
-  let r311 = [R 113] in
-  let r312 = [R 18] in
-  let r313 = Sub (r59) :: r312 in
-  let r314 = [R 601] in
-  let r315 = [R 596] in
-  let r316 = Sub (r32) :: r315 in
-  let r317 = [R 806] in
-  let r318 = R 316 :: r317 in
-  let r319 = Sub (r316) :: r318 in
-  let r320 = [R 597] in
-  let r321 = [R 117] in
-  let r322 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r321 in
-  let r323 = Sub (r269) :: r322 in
-  let r324 = [R 589] in
-  let r325 = Sub (r279) :: r324 in
-  let r326 = [R 121] in
-  let r327 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r326 in
-  let r328 = [R 495] in
-  let r329 = S (T T_UNDERSCORE) :: r189 in
-  let r330 = [R 714] in
-  let r331 = Sub (r329) :: r330 in
-  let r332 = [R 538] in
-  let r333 = Sub (r331) :: r332 in
-  let r334 = R 316 :: r333 in
-  let r335 = [R 87] in
-  let r336 = [R 724] in
-  let r337 = S (T T_INT) :: r335 in
-  let r338 = [R 658] in
-  let r339 = Sub (r337) :: r338 in
-  let r340 = [R 721] in
-  let r341 = [R 726] in
-  let r342 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r341 in
-  let r343 = S (T T_LBRACKET) :: r342 in
-  let r344 = [R 727] in
-  let r345 = [R 529] in
-  let r346 = S (N N_pattern) :: r345 in
-  let r347 = R 316 :: r346 in
-  let r348 = [R 530] in
-  let r349 = [R 523] in
-  let r350 = [R 537] in
+  let r275 = Sub (r272) :: r274 in
+  let r276 = [R 119] in
+  let r277 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r276 in
+  let r278 = [R 118] in
+  let r279 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r278 in
+  let r280 = [R 421] in
+  let r281 = Sub (r59) :: r280 in
+  let r282 = S (T T_BACKQUOTE) :: r281 in
+  let r283 = [R 807] in
+  let r284 = R 316 :: r283 in
+  let r285 = Sub (r282) :: r284 in
+  let r286 = [R 115] in
+  let r287 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r286 in
+  let r288 = [R 86] in
+  let r289 = Sub (r84) :: r288 in
+  let r290 = [R 26] in
+  let r291 = [R 364] in
+  let r292 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r291 in
+  let r293 = S (T T_DOT) :: r292 in
+  let r294 = S (T T_UIDENT) :: r56 in
+  let r295 = [R 381] in
+  let r296 = Sub (r294) :: r295 in
+  let r297 = [R 382] in
+  let r298 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r297 in
+  let r299 = [R 366] in
+  let r300 = S (T T_UIDENT) :: r299 in
+  let r301 = [R 116] in
+  let r302 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r301 in
+  let r303 = [R 239] in
+  let r304 = [R 617] in
+  let r305 = S (T T_DOT) :: r300 in
+  let r306 = S (T T_LBRACKETGREATER) :: r277 in
+  let r307 = [R 29] in
+  let r308 = Sub (r306) :: r307 in
+  let r309 = [R 237] in
+  let r310 = Sub (r30) :: r309 in
+  let r311 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r310 in
+  let r312 = [R 618] in
+  let r313 = [R 27] in
+  let r314 = [R 113] in
+  let r315 = [R 18] in
+  let r316 = Sub (r59) :: r315 in
+  let r317 = [R 602] in
+  let r318 = [R 597] in
+  let r319 = Sub (r32) :: r318 in
+  let r320 = [R 806] in
+  let r321 = R 316 :: r320 in
+  let r322 = Sub (r319) :: r321 in
+  let r323 = [R 598] in
+  let r324 = [R 117] in
+  let r325 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r324 in
+  let r326 = Sub (r272) :: r325 in
+  let r327 = [R 590] in
+  let r328 = Sub (r282) :: r327 in
+  let r329 = [R 121] in
+  let r330 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r329 in
+  let r331 = [R 495] in
+  let r332 = S (T T_UNDERSCORE) :: r189 in
+  let r333 = [R 714] in
+  let r334 = Sub (r332) :: r333 in
+  let r335 = [R 539] in
+  let r336 = Sub (r334) :: r335 in
+  let r337 = R 316 :: r336 in
+  let r338 = [R 87] in
+  let r339 = [R 724] in
+  let r340 = S (T T_INT) :: r338 in
+  let r341 = [R 659] in
+  let r342 = Sub (r340) :: r341 in
+  let r343 = [R 721] in
+  let r344 = [R 726] in
+  let r345 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r344 in
+  let r346 = S (T T_LBRACKET) :: r345 in
+  let r347 = [R 727] in
+  let r348 = [R 529] in
+  let r349 = S (N N_pattern) :: r348 in
+  let r350 = R 316 :: r349 in
   let r351 = [R 535] in
-  let r352 = [R 422] in
-  let r353 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r352 in
-  let r354 = [R 536] in
-  let r355 = Sub (r331) :: r354 in
-  let r356 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r355 in
-  let r357 = [R 101] in
-  let r358 = [R 100] in
-  let r359 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r358 in
-  let r360 = [R 531] in
-  let r361 = [R 729] in
-  let r362 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r361 in
-  let r363 = [R 528] in
-  let r364 = [R 526] in
-  let r365 = [R 99] in
-  let r366 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r365 in
-  let r367 = [R 728] in
-  let r368 = [R 344] in
-  let r369 = [R 665] in
-  let r370 = [R 282] in
-  let r371 = [R 268] in
-  let r372 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r371 in
-  let r373 = [R 281] in
+  let r352 = Sub (r334) :: r351 in
+  let r353 = [R 530] in
+  let r354 = Sub (r334) :: r353 in
+  let r355 = S (T T_COMMA) :: r354 in
+  let r356 = [R 101] in
+  let r357 = [R 538] in
+  let r358 = [R 531] in
+  let r359 = [R 523] in
+  let r360 = [R 536] in
+  let r361 = [R 422] in
+  let r362 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r361 in
+  let r363 = [R 537] in
+  let r364 = Sub (r334) :: r363 in
+  let r365 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r364 in
+  let r366 = [R 100] in
+  let r367 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r366 in
+  let r368 = [R 532] in
+  let r369 = [R 729] in
+  let r370 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r369 in
+  let r371 = [R 528] in
+  let r372 = [R 526] in
+  let r373 = [R 99] in
   let r374 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r373 in
-  let r375 = [R 269] in
-  let r376 = [R 278] in
-  let r377 = [R 277] in
-  let r378 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r377 in
-  let r379 = R 496 :: r378 in
-  let r380 = [R 497] in
-  let r381 = [R 139] in
-  let r382 = Sub (r3) :: r381 in
-  let r383 = S (T T_IN) :: r382 in
-  let r384 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r383 in
-  let r385 = R 316 :: r384 in
-  let r386 = R 124 :: r385 in
-  let r387 = [R 286] in
-  let r388 = Sub (r24) :: r387 in
-  let r389 = [R 293] in
-  let r390 = R 322 :: r389 in
-  let r391 = Sub (r388) :: r390 in
-  let r392 = R 565 :: r391 in
+  let r375 = [R 728] in
+  let r376 = [R 344] in
+  let r377 = [R 666] in
+  let r378 = [R 282] in
+  let r379 = [R 268] in
+  let r380 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r379 in
+  let r381 = [R 281] in
+  let r382 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r381 in
+  let r383 = [R 269] in
+  let r384 = [R 278] in
+  let r385 = [R 277] in
+  let r386 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r385 in
+  let r387 = R 496 :: r386 in
+  let r388 = [R 497] in
+  let r389 = [R 139] in
+  let r390 = Sub (r3) :: r389 in
+  let r391 = S (T T_IN) :: r390 in
+  let r392 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r391 in
   let r393 = R 316 :: r392 in
   let r394 = R 124 :: r393 in
-  let r395 = [R 140] in
-  let r396 = Sub (r3) :: r395 in
-  let r397 = S (T T_IN) :: r396 in
-  let r398 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r397 in
-  let r399 = R 316 :: r398 in
-  let r400 = [R 390] in
-  let r401 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r400 in
-  let r402 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r401 in
-  let r403 = S (N N_functor_args) :: r402 in
-  let r404 = [R 240] in
-  let r405 = [R 241] in
-  let r406 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r405 in
-  let r407 = S (N N_module_type) :: r406 in
-  let r408 = [R 404] in
-  let r409 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r408 in
-  let r410 = [R 407] in
-  let r411 = S (N N_module_type) :: r410 in
-  let r412 = [R 402] in
-  let r413 = S (N N_module_type) :: r412 in
-  let r414 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r413 in
-  let r415 = S (N N_functor_args) :: r414 in
-  let r416 = [R 373] in
-  let r417 = Sub (r59) :: r416 in
-  let r418 = [R 413] in
-  let r419 = Sub (r417) :: r418 in
-  let r420 = [R 867] in
-  let r421 = S (N N_module_type) :: r420 in
-  let r422 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r421 in
-  let r423 = Sub (r419) :: r422 in
-  let r424 = S (T T_TYPE) :: r423 in
-  let r425 = S (T T_MODULE) :: r424 in
-  let r426 = [R 598] in
-  let r427 = Sub (r425) :: r426 in
-  let r428 = [R 409] in
-  let r429 = [R 864] in
-  let r430 = Sub (r32) :: r429 in
-  let r431 = S (T T_COLONEQUAL) :: r430 in
-  let r432 = Sub (r258) :: r431 in
-  let r433 = [R 863] in
-  let r434 = R 581 :: r433 in
-  let r435 = [R 582] in
-  let r436 = Sub (r34) :: r435 in
-  let r437 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r436 in
-  let r438 = [R 374] in
-  let r439 = Sub (r59) :: r438 in
-  let r440 = [R 868] in
-  let r441 = [R 408] in
-  let r442 = [R 865] in
-  let r443 = Sub (r293) :: r442 in
-  let r444 = S (T T_UIDENT) :: r232 in
-  let r445 = [R 866] in
-  let r446 = [R 599] in
-  let r447 = [R 395] in
-  let r448 = [R 502] in
-  let r449 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r448 in
-  let r450 = [R 620] in
-  let r451 = S (N N_fun_expr) :: r450 in
-  let r452 = [R 709] in
-  let r453 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r452 in
-  let r454 = [R 694] in
-  let r455 = [R 626] in
-  let r456 = R 489 :: r455 in
-  let r457 = [R 490] in
-  let r458 = [R 632] in
-  let r459 = R 489 :: r458 in
-  let r460 = R 498 :: r459 in
-  let r461 = Sub (r258) :: r460 in
-  let r462 = [R 567] in
-  let r463 = Sub (r461) :: r462 in
-  let r464 = [R 703] in
-  let r465 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r464 in
-  let r466 = [R 669] in
-  let r467 = [R 667] in
-  let r468 = S (T T_GREATERDOT) :: r467 in
-  let r469 = [R 153] in
-  let r470 = Sub (r180) :: r469 in
-  let r471 = R 316 :: r470 in
-  let r472 = [R 682] in
-  let r473 = S (T T_END) :: r472 in
-  let r474 = R 316 :: r473 in
-  let r475 = [R 148] in
-  let r476 = S (N N_fun_expr) :: r475 in
-  let r477 = S (T T_THEN) :: r476 in
-  let r478 = Sub (r3) :: r477 in
+  let r395 = [R 286] in
+  let r396 = Sub (r24) :: r395 in
+  let r397 = [R 293] in
+  let r398 = R 322 :: r397 in
+  let r399 = Sub (r396) :: r398 in
+  let r400 = R 566 :: r399 in
+  let r401 = R 316 :: r400 in
+  let r402 = R 124 :: r401 in
+  let r403 = [R 140] in
+  let r404 = Sub (r3) :: r403 in
+  let r405 = S (T T_IN) :: r404 in
+  let r406 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r405 in
+  let r407 = R 316 :: r406 in
+  let r408 = [R 390] in
+  let r409 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r408 in
+  let r410 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r409 in
+  let r411 = S (N N_functor_args) :: r410 in
+  let r412 = [R 240] in
+  let r413 = [R 241] in
+  let r414 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r413 in
+  let r415 = S (N N_module_type) :: r414 in
+  let r416 = [R 405] in
+  let r417 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r416 in
+  let r418 = [R 402] in
+  let r419 = S (N N_module_type) :: r418 in
+  let r420 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r419 in
+  let r421 = S (N N_functor_args) :: r420 in
+  let r422 = [R 373] in
+  let r423 = Sub (r59) :: r422 in
+  let r424 = [R 413] in
+  let r425 = Sub (r423) :: r424 in
+  let r426 = [R 867] in
+  let r427 = S (N N_module_type) :: r426 in
+  let r428 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r427 in
+  let r429 = Sub (r425) :: r428 in
+  let r430 = S (T T_TYPE) :: r429 in
+  let r431 = S (T T_MODULE) :: r430 in
+  let r432 = [R 599] in
+  let r433 = Sub (r431) :: r432 in
+  let r434 = [R 409] in
+  let r435 = [R 864] in
+  let r436 = Sub (r32) :: r435 in
+  let r437 = S (T T_COLONEQUAL) :: r436 in
+  let r438 = Sub (r261) :: r437 in
+  let r439 = [R 863] in
+  let r440 = R 582 :: r439 in
+  let r441 = [R 583] in
+  let r442 = Sub (r34) :: r441 in
+  let r443 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r442 in
+  let r444 = [R 374] in
+  let r445 = Sub (r59) :: r444 in
+  let r446 = [R 403] in
+  let r447 = S (N N_module_type) :: r446 in
+  let r448 = [R 408] in
+  let r449 = [R 868] in
+  let r450 = [R 865] in
+  let r451 = Sub (r296) :: r450 in
+  let r452 = S (T T_UIDENT) :: r232 in
+  let r453 = [R 866] in
+  let r454 = [R 600] in
+  let r455 = [R 395] in
+  let r456 = [R 502] in
+  let r457 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r456 in
+  let r458 = [R 621] in
+  let r459 = S (N N_fun_expr) :: r458 in
+  let r460 = [R 709] in
+  let r461 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r460 in
+  let r462 = [R 694] in
+  let r463 = [R 627] in
+  let r464 = R 489 :: r463 in
+  let r465 = [R 490] in
+  let r466 = [R 633] in
+  let r467 = R 489 :: r466 in
+  let r468 = R 498 :: r467 in
+  let r469 = Sub (r261) :: r468 in
+  let r470 = [R 568] in
+  let r471 = Sub (r469) :: r470 in
+  let r472 = [R 703] in
+  let r473 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r472 in
+  let r474 = [R 682] in
+  let r475 = S (T T_END) :: r474 in
+  let r476 = R 316 :: r475 in
+  let r477 = [R 153] in
+  let r478 = Sub (r180) :: r477 in
   let r479 = R 316 :: r478 in
-  let r480 = [R 636] in
-  let r481 = Sub (r174) :: r480 in
-  let r482 = R 316 :: r481 in
-  let r483 = [R 594] in
-  let r484 = [R 347] in
-  let r485 = Sub (r3) :: r484 in
-  let r486 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r485 in
-  let r487 = [R 284] in
-  let r488 = Sub (r331) :: r487 in
-  let r489 = [R 230] in
-  let r490 = Sub (r488) :: r489 in
-  let r491 = [R 583] in
-  let r492 = Sub (r490) :: r491 in
-  let r493 = [R 231] in
-  let r494 = Sub (r492) :: r493 in
-  let r495 = [R 135] in
-  let r496 = Sub (r1) :: r495 in
-  let r497 = [R 141] in
-  let r498 = Sub (r496) :: r497 in
-  let r499 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r498 in
-  let r500 = R 485 :: r499 in
-  let r501 = Sub (r494) :: r500 in
-  let r502 = R 316 :: r501 in
-  let r503 = [R 546] in
-  let r504 = S (T T_UNDERSCORE) :: r503 in
-  let r505 = [R 280] in
-  let r506 = [R 279] in
-  let r507 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r506 in
-  let r508 = R 496 :: r507 in
-  let r509 = [R 299] in
-  let r510 = [R 229] in
-  let r511 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r510 in
-  let r512 = [R 283] in
-  let r513 = [R 486] in
-  let r514 = [R 134] in
-  let r515 = Sub (r174) :: r514 in
-  let r516 = R 316 :: r515 in
-  let r517 = [R 614] in
-  let r518 = [R 615] in
-  let r519 = Sub (r174) :: r518 in
-  let r520 = R 316 :: r519 in
-  let r521 = [R 595] in
-  let r522 = [R 123] in
-  let r523 = S (T T_DOWNTO) :: r522 in
-  let r524 = [R 151] in
-  let r525 = S (T T_DONE) :: r524 in
-  let r526 = Sub (r3) :: r525 in
-  let r527 = S (T T_DO) :: r526 in
-  let r528 = Sub (r3) :: r527 in
-  let r529 = Sub (r523) :: r528 in
-  let r530 = Sub (r3) :: r529 in
-  let r531 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r530 in
-  let r532 = S (N N_pattern) :: r531 in
-  let r533 = R 316 :: r532 in
-  let r534 = [R 692] in
-  let r535 = [R 702] in
-  let r536 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r535 in
-  let r537 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r536 in
-  let r538 = S (T T_DOT) :: r537 in
-  let r539 = [R 712] in
-  let r540 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r539 in
-  let r541 = S (N N_module_type) :: r540 in
-  let r542 = S (T T_COLON) :: r541 in
-  let r543 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r542 in
-  let r544 = R 316 :: r543 in
-  let r545 = [R 302] in
-  let r546 = Sub (r3) :: r545 in
-  let r547 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r546 in
-  let r548 = [R 152] in
-  let r549 = Sub (r180) :: r548 in
-  let r550 = R 316 :: r549 in
-  let r551 = [R 699] in
-  let r552 = [R 675] in
-  let r553 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r552 in
-  let r554 = Sub (r451) :: r553 in
-  let r555 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r554 in
-  let r556 = [R 622] in
-  let r557 = Sub (r174) :: r556 in
-  let r558 = R 316 :: r557 in
-  let r559 = [R 198] in
-  let r560 = [R 199] in
-  let r561 = Sub (r174) :: r560 in
-  let r562 = R 316 :: r561 in
-  let r563 = [R 273] in
-  let r564 = [R 821] in
-  let r565 = Sub (r34) :: r564 in
-  let r566 = S (T T_COLON) :: r565 in
-  let r567 = [R 274] in
-  let r568 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r567 in
-  let r569 = Sub (r566) :: r568 in
-  let r570 = [R 823] in
-  let r571 = [R 822] in
-  let r572 = [R 275] in
-  let r573 = [R 276] in
-  let r574 = [R 698] in
-  let r575 = [R 672] in
-  let r576 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r575 in
-  let r577 = Sub (r3) :: r576 in
-  let r578 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r577 in
-  let r579 = [R 610] in
-  let r580 = [R 611] in
-  let r581 = Sub (r174) :: r580 in
-  let r582 = R 316 :: r581 in
-  let r583 = [R 202] in
-  let r584 = Sub (r3) :: r583 in
-  let r585 = [R 178] in
-  let r586 = [R 179] in
-  let r587 = Sub (r174) :: r586 in
-  let r588 = R 316 :: r587 in
-  let r589 = [R 166] in
-  let r590 = [R 167] in
-  let r591 = Sub (r174) :: r590 in
-  let r592 = R 316 :: r591 in
-  let r593 = [R 200] in
-  let r594 = [R 201] in
-  let r595 = Sub (r174) :: r594 in
-  let r596 = R 316 :: r595 in
-  let r597 = [R 235] in
-  let r598 = Sub (r3) :: r597 in
-  let r599 = [R 172] in
-  let r600 = [R 173] in
-  let r601 = Sub (r174) :: r600 in
-  let r602 = R 316 :: r601 in
-  let r603 = [R 180] in
-  let r604 = [R 181] in
-  let r605 = Sub (r174) :: r604 in
-  let r606 = R 316 :: r605 in
-  let r607 = [R 164] in
-  let r608 = [R 165] in
-  let r609 = Sub (r174) :: r608 in
-  let r610 = R 316 :: r609 in
-  let r611 = [R 170] in
-  let r612 = [R 171] in
-  let r613 = Sub (r174) :: r612 in
-  let r614 = R 316 :: r613 in
-  let r615 = [R 168] in
-  let r616 = [R 169] in
-  let r617 = Sub (r174) :: r616 in
-  let r618 = R 316 :: r617 in
-  let r619 = [R 188] in
-  let r620 = [R 189] in
-  let r621 = Sub (r174) :: r620 in
-  let r622 = R 316 :: r621 in
-  let r623 = [R 176] in
-  let r624 = [R 177] in
-  let r625 = Sub (r174) :: r624 in
-  let r626 = R 316 :: r625 in
-  let r627 = [R 174] in
-  let r628 = [R 175] in
-  let r629 = Sub (r174) :: r628 in
-  let r630 = R 316 :: r629 in
-  let r631 = [R 184] in
-  let r632 = [R 185] in
-  let r633 = Sub (r174) :: r632 in
-  let r634 = R 316 :: r633 in
-  let r635 = [R 162] in
-  let r636 = [R 163] in
-  let r637 = Sub (r174) :: r636 in
-  let r638 = R 316 :: r637 in
-  let r639 = [R 160] in
-  let r640 = [R 161] in
-  let r641 = Sub (r174) :: r640 in
-  let r642 = R 316 :: r641 in
-  let r643 = [R 204] in
-  let r644 = [R 205] in
-  let r645 = Sub (r174) :: r644 in
-  let r646 = R 316 :: r645 in
-  let r647 = [R 158] in
-  let r648 = [R 159] in
-  let r649 = Sub (r174) :: r648 in
-  let r650 = R 316 :: r649 in
-  let r651 = [R 186] in
-  let r652 = [R 187] in
-  let r653 = Sub (r174) :: r652 in
-  let r654 = R 316 :: r653 in
-  let r655 = [R 182] in
-  let r656 = [R 183] in
-  let r657 = Sub (r174) :: r656 in
-  let r658 = R 316 :: r657 in
-  let r659 = [R 190] in
-  let r660 = [R 191] in
-  let r661 = Sub (r174) :: r660 in
-  let r662 = R 316 :: r661 in
-  let r663 = [R 192] in
-  let r664 = [R 193] in
-  let r665 = Sub (r174) :: r664 in
-  let r666 = R 316 :: r665 in
-  let r667 = [R 194] in
-  let r668 = [R 195] in
-  let r669 = Sub (r174) :: r668 in
-  let r670 = R 316 :: r669 in
-  let r671 = [R 612] in
-  let r672 = [R 613] in
-  let r673 = Sub (r174) :: r672 in
-  let r674 = R 316 :: r673 in
-  let r675 = [R 196] in
-  let r676 = [R 197] in
-  let r677 = Sub (r174) :: r676 in
-  let r678 = R 316 :: r677 in
-  let r679 = [R 19] in
-  let r680 = R 322 :: r679 in
-  let r681 = Sub (r388) :: r680 in
-  let r682 = [R 784] in
-  let r683 = Sub (r3) :: r682 in
-  let r684 = [R 290] in
-  let r685 = Sub (r3) :: r684 in
-  let r686 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r685 in
-  let r687 = Sub (r34) :: r686 in
-  let r688 = S (T T_DOT) :: r687 in
-  let r689 = [R 289] in
+  let r480 = [R 692] in
+  let r481 = [R 702] in
+  let r482 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r481 in
+  let r483 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r482 in
+  let r484 = S (T T_DOT) :: r483 in
+  let r485 = [R 712] in
+  let r486 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r485 in
+  let r487 = S (N N_module_type) :: r486 in
+  let r488 = S (T T_COLON) :: r487 in
+  let r489 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r488 in
+  let r490 = R 316 :: r489 in
+  let r491 = [R 302] in
+  let r492 = Sub (r3) :: r491 in
+  let r493 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r492 in
+  let r494 = [R 148] in
+  let r495 = S (N N_fun_expr) :: r494 in
+  let r496 = S (T T_THEN) :: r495 in
+  let r497 = Sub (r3) :: r496 in
+  let r498 = R 316 :: r497 in
+  let r499 = [R 637] in
+  let r500 = Sub (r174) :: r499 in
+  let r501 = R 316 :: r500 in
+  let r502 = [R 595] in
+  let r503 = [R 347] in
+  let r504 = Sub (r3) :: r503 in
+  let r505 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r504 in
+  let r506 = [R 284] in
+  let r507 = Sub (r334) :: r506 in
+  let r508 = [R 230] in
+  let r509 = Sub (r507) :: r508 in
+  let r510 = [R 584] in
+  let r511 = Sub (r509) :: r510 in
+  let r512 = [R 231] in
+  let r513 = Sub (r511) :: r512 in
+  let r514 = [R 135] in
+  let r515 = Sub (r1) :: r514 in
+  let r516 = [R 141] in
+  let r517 = Sub (r515) :: r516 in
+  let r518 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r517 in
+  let r519 = R 485 :: r518 in
+  let r520 = Sub (r513) :: r519 in
+  let r521 = R 316 :: r520 in
+  let r522 = [R 547] in
+  let r523 = S (T T_UNDERSCORE) :: r522 in
+  let r524 = [R 280] in
+  let r525 = [R 279] in
+  let r526 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r525 in
+  let r527 = R 496 :: r526 in
+  let r528 = [R 299] in
+  let r529 = [R 229] in
+  let r530 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r529 in
+  let r531 = [R 283] in
+  let r532 = [R 486] in
+  let r533 = [R 134] in
+  let r534 = Sub (r174) :: r533 in
+  let r535 = R 316 :: r534 in
+  let r536 = [R 615] in
+  let r537 = [R 616] in
+  let r538 = Sub (r174) :: r537 in
+  let r539 = R 316 :: r538 in
+  let r540 = [R 596] in
+  let r541 = [R 123] in
+  let r542 = S (T T_DOWNTO) :: r541 in
+  let r543 = [R 151] in
+  let r544 = S (T T_DONE) :: r543 in
+  let r545 = Sub (r3) :: r544 in
+  let r546 = S (T T_DO) :: r545 in
+  let r547 = Sub (r3) :: r546 in
+  let r548 = Sub (r542) :: r547 in
+  let r549 = Sub (r3) :: r548 in
+  let r550 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r549 in
+  let r551 = S (N N_pattern) :: r550 in
+  let r552 = R 316 :: r551 in
+  let r553 = [R 152] in
+  let r554 = Sub (r180) :: r553 in
+  let r555 = R 316 :: r554 in
+  let r556 = [R 699] in
+  let r557 = [R 673] in
+  let r558 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r557 in
+  let r559 = Sub (r459) :: r558 in
+  let r560 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r559 in
+  let r561 = [R 623] in
+  let r562 = Sub (r174) :: r561 in
+  let r563 = R 316 :: r562 in
+  let r564 = [R 198] in
+  let r565 = [R 199] in
+  let r566 = Sub (r174) :: r565 in
+  let r567 = R 316 :: r566 in
+  let r568 = [R 273] in
+  let r569 = [R 821] in
+  let r570 = Sub (r34) :: r569 in
+  let r571 = S (T T_COLON) :: r570 in
+  let r572 = [R 274] in
+  let r573 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r572 in
+  let r574 = Sub (r571) :: r573 in
+  let r575 = [R 823] in
+  let r576 = [R 822] in
+  let r577 = [R 275] in
+  let r578 = [R 276] in
+  let r579 = [R 698] in
+  let r580 = [R 670] in
+  let r581 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r580 in
+  let r582 = Sub (r3) :: r581 in
+  let r583 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r582 in
+  let r584 = [R 611] in
+  let r585 = [R 612] in
+  let r586 = Sub (r174) :: r585 in
+  let r587 = R 316 :: r586 in
+  let r588 = [R 202] in
+  let r589 = Sub (r3) :: r588 in
+  let r590 = [R 178] in
+  let r591 = [R 179] in
+  let r592 = Sub (r174) :: r591 in
+  let r593 = R 316 :: r592 in
+  let r594 = [R 166] in
+  let r595 = [R 167] in
+  let r596 = Sub (r174) :: r595 in
+  let r597 = R 316 :: r596 in
+  let r598 = [R 200] in
+  let r599 = [R 201] in
+  let r600 = Sub (r174) :: r599 in
+  let r601 = R 316 :: r600 in
+  let r602 = [R 235] in
+  let r603 = Sub (r3) :: r602 in
+  let r604 = [R 172] in
+  let r605 = [R 173] in
+  let r606 = Sub (r174) :: r605 in
+  let r607 = R 316 :: r606 in
+  let r608 = [R 180] in
+  let r609 = [R 181] in
+  let r610 = Sub (r174) :: r609 in
+  let r611 = R 316 :: r610 in
+  let r612 = [R 164] in
+  let r613 = [R 165] in
+  let r614 = Sub (r174) :: r613 in
+  let r615 = R 316 :: r614 in
+  let r616 = [R 170] in
+  let r617 = [R 171] in
+  let r618 = Sub (r174) :: r617 in
+  let r619 = R 316 :: r618 in
+  let r620 = [R 168] in
+  let r621 = [R 169] in
+  let r622 = Sub (r174) :: r621 in
+  let r623 = R 316 :: r622 in
+  let r624 = [R 188] in
+  let r625 = [R 189] in
+  let r626 = Sub (r174) :: r625 in
+  let r627 = R 316 :: r626 in
+  let r628 = [R 176] in
+  let r629 = [R 177] in
+  let r630 = Sub (r174) :: r629 in
+  let r631 = R 316 :: r630 in
+  let r632 = [R 174] in
+  let r633 = [R 175] in
+  let r634 = Sub (r174) :: r633 in
+  let r635 = R 316 :: r634 in
+  let r636 = [R 184] in
+  let r637 = [R 185] in
+  let r638 = Sub (r174) :: r637 in
+  let r639 = R 316 :: r638 in
+  let r640 = [R 162] in
+  let r641 = [R 163] in
+  let r642 = Sub (r174) :: r641 in
+  let r643 = R 316 :: r642 in
+  let r644 = [R 160] in
+  let r645 = [R 161] in
+  let r646 = Sub (r174) :: r645 in
+  let r647 = R 316 :: r646 in
+  let r648 = [R 204] in
+  let r649 = [R 205] in
+  let r650 = Sub (r174) :: r649 in
+  let r651 = R 316 :: r650 in
+  let r652 = [R 158] in
+  let r653 = [R 159] in
+  let r654 = Sub (r174) :: r653 in
+  let r655 = R 316 :: r654 in
+  let r656 = [R 186] in
+  let r657 = [R 187] in
+  let r658 = Sub (r174) :: r657 in
+  let r659 = R 316 :: r658 in
+  let r660 = [R 182] in
+  let r661 = [R 183] in
+  let r662 = Sub (r174) :: r661 in
+  let r663 = R 316 :: r662 in
+  let r664 = [R 190] in
+  let r665 = [R 191] in
+  let r666 = Sub (r174) :: r665 in
+  let r667 = R 316 :: r666 in
+  let r668 = [R 192] in
+  let r669 = [R 193] in
+  let r670 = Sub (r174) :: r669 in
+  let r671 = R 316 :: r670 in
+  let r672 = [R 194] in
+  let r673 = [R 195] in
+  let r674 = Sub (r174) :: r673 in
+  let r675 = R 316 :: r674 in
+  let r676 = [R 613] in
+  let r677 = [R 614] in
+  let r678 = Sub (r174) :: r677 in
+  let r679 = R 316 :: r678 in
+  let r680 = [R 196] in
+  let r681 = [R 197] in
+  let r682 = Sub (r174) :: r681 in
+  let r683 = R 316 :: r682 in
+  let r684 = [R 19] in
+  let r685 = R 322 :: r684 in
+  let r686 = Sub (r396) :: r685 in
+  let r687 = [R 784] in
+  let r688 = Sub (r3) :: r687 in
+  let r689 = [R 290] in
   let r690 = Sub (r3) :: r689 in
   let r691 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r690 in
   let r692 = Sub (r34) :: r691 in
-  let r693 = [R 592] in
-  let r694 = [R 288] in
+  let r693 = S (T T_DOT) :: r692 in
+  let r694 = [R 289] in
   let r695 = Sub (r3) :: r694 in
-  let r696 = [R 785] in
-  let r697 = Sub (r496) :: r696 in
-  let r698 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r697 in
-  let r699 = [R 292] in
+  let r696 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r695 in
+  let r697 = Sub (r34) :: r696 in
+  let r698 = [R 593] in
+  let r699 = [R 288] in
   let r700 = Sub (r3) :: r699 in
-  let r701 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r700 in
-  let r702 = [R 291] in
-  let r703 = Sub (r3) :: r702 in
-  let r704 = [R 533] in
-  let r705 = [R 539] in
-  let r706 = [R 544] in
-  let r707 = [R 542] in
-  let r708 = [R 532] in
-  let r709 = [R 323] in
-  let r710 = [R 674] in
-  let r711 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r710 in
-  let r712 = Sub (r3) :: r711 in
-  let r713 = [R 673] in
-  let r714 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r713 in
-  let r715 = Sub (r3) :: r714 in
-  let r716 = [R 676] in
-  let r717 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r716 in
-  let r718 = Sub (r451) :: r717 in
-  let r719 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r718 in
-  let r720 = [R 680] in
-  let r721 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r720 in
-  let r722 = Sub (r451) :: r721 in
-  let r723 = [R 678] in
-  let r724 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r723 in
-  let r725 = Sub (r451) :: r724 in
-  let r726 = [R 272] in
-  let r727 = [R 216] in
-  let r728 = [R 217] in
-  let r729 = Sub (r174) :: r728 in
-  let r730 = R 316 :: r729 in
-  let r731 = [R 679] in
-  let r732 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r731 in
-  let r733 = Sub (r451) :: r732 in
-  let r734 = [R 224] in
-  let r735 = [R 225] in
-  let r736 = Sub (r174) :: r735 in
-  let r737 = R 316 :: r736 in
-  let r738 = [R 677] in
-  let r739 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r738 in
-  let r740 = Sub (r451) :: r739 in
-  let r741 = [R 220] in
-  let r742 = [R 221] in
-  let r743 = Sub (r174) :: r742 in
-  let r744 = R 316 :: r743 in
-  let r745 = [R 210] in
-  let r746 = [R 211] in
-  let r747 = Sub (r174) :: r746 in
-  let r748 = R 316 :: r747 in
-  let r749 = [R 214] in
-  let r750 = [R 215] in
-  let r751 = Sub (r174) :: r750 in
-  let r752 = R 316 :: r751 in
-  let r753 = [R 212] in
-  let r754 = [R 213] in
-  let r755 = Sub (r174) :: r754 in
-  let r756 = R 316 :: r755 in
-  let r757 = [R 218] in
-  let r758 = [R 219] in
-  let r759 = Sub (r174) :: r758 in
-  let r760 = R 316 :: r759 in
-  let r761 = [R 226] in
-  let r762 = [R 227] in
-  let r763 = Sub (r174) :: r762 in
-  let r764 = R 316 :: r763 in
-  let r765 = [R 222] in
-  let r766 = [R 223] in
-  let r767 = Sub (r174) :: r766 in
-  let r768 = R 316 :: r767 in
-  let r769 = [R 208] in
-  let r770 = [R 209] in
-  let r771 = Sub (r174) :: r770 in
-  let r772 = R 316 :: r771 in
-  let r773 = [R 303] in
-  let r774 = Sub (r3) :: r773 in
-  let r775 = [R 305] in
-  let r776 = [R 696] in
-  let r777 = [R 708] in
-  let r778 = [R 707] in
-  let r779 = [R 711] in
-  let r780 = [R 710] in
-  let r781 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r456 in
-  let r782 = [R 697] in
-  let r783 = S (T T_GREATERRBRACE) :: r782 in
-  let r784 = [R 704] in
-  let r785 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r784 in
-  let r786 = [R 568] in
-  let r787 = Sub (r461) :: r786 in
-  let r788 = [R 149] in
-  let r789 = Sub (r174) :: r788 in
-  let r790 = R 316 :: r789 in
-  let r791 = [R 146] in
-  let r792 = [R 147] in
-  let r793 = Sub (r174) :: r792 in
-  let r794 = R 316 :: r793 in
-  let r795 = [R 144] in
-  let r796 = [R 145] in
-  let r797 = Sub (r174) :: r796 in
-  let r798 = R 316 :: r797 in
-  let r799 = [R 681] in
-  let r800 = [R 668] in
-  let r801 = S (T T_GREATERDOT) :: r800 in
-  let r802 = Sub (r174) :: r801 in
-  let r803 = R 316 :: r802 in
-  let r804 = [R 491] in
-  let r805 = Sub (r174) :: r804 in
-  let r806 = R 316 :: r805 in
-  let r807 = [R 693] in
-  let r808 = [R 384] in
-  let r809 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r808 in
-  let r810 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r809 in
-  let r811 = [R 137] in
-  let r812 = Sub (r3) :: r811 in
-  let r813 = S (T T_IN) :: r812 in
-  let r814 = Sub (r810) :: r813 in
-  let r815 = Sub (r195) :: r814 in
-  let r816 = R 316 :: r815 in
-  let r817 = [R 385] in
-  let r818 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r817 in
-  let r819 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r818 in
-  let r820 = [R 386] in
-  let r821 = [R 138] in
-  let r822 = Sub (r3) :: r821 in
-  let r823 = S (T T_IN) :: r822 in
-  let r824 = R 316 :: r823 in
-  let r825 = R 243 :: r824 in
-  let r826 = Sub (r90) :: r825 in
-  let r827 = R 316 :: r826 in
-  let r828 = [R 103] in
-  let r829 = Sub (r26) :: r828 in
-  let r830 = [R 244] in
-  let r831 = [R 263] in
-  let r832 = R 316 :: r831 in
-  let r833 = Sub (r141) :: r832 in
-  let r834 = S (T T_COLON) :: r833 in
-  let r835 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r834 in
-  let r836 = R 414 :: r835 in
-  let r837 = [R 265] in
-  let r838 = Sub (r836) :: r837 in
-  let r839 = [R 105] in
-  let r840 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r839 in
-  let r841 = [R 264] in
-  let r842 = R 316 :: r841 in
-  let r843 = S (T T_SEMI) :: r842 in
-  let r844 = R 316 :: r843 in
-  let r845 = Sub (r141) :: r844 in
-  let r846 = S (T T_COLON) :: r845 in
-  let r847 = [R 555] in
-  let r848 = Sub (r32) :: r847 in
-  let r849 = [R 104] in
-  let r850 = Sub (r26) :: r849 in
-  let r851 = [R 247] in
-  let r852 = [R 248] in
-  let r853 = Sub (r26) :: r852 in
-  let r854 = [R 246] in
-  let r855 = Sub (r26) :: r854 in
-  let r856 = [R 245] in
-  let r857 = Sub (r26) :: r856 in
-  let r858 = [R 207] in
-  let r859 = Sub (r174) :: r858 in
-  let r860 = R 316 :: r859 in
-  let r861 = [R 705] in
-  let r862 = [R 684] in
-  let r863 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r862 in
-  let r864 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r863 in
-  let r865 = R 316 :: r864 in
-  let r866 = [R 685] in
-  let r867 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r866 in
-  let r868 = [R 671] in
-  let r869 = [R 505] in
-  let r870 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r869 in
-  let r871 = Sub (r174) :: r870 in
-  let r872 = R 316 :: r871 in
-  let r873 = [R 511] in
-  let r874 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r873 in
-  let r875 = [R 507] in
-  let r876 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r875 in
-  let r877 = [R 509] in
-  let r878 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r877 in
-  let r879 = [R 510] in
-  let r880 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r879 in
-  let r881 = [R 506] in
-  let r882 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r881 in
-  let r883 = [R 508] in
-  let r884 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r883 in
-  let r885 = [R 797] in
-  let r886 = R 322 :: r885 in
-  let r887 = Sub (r810) :: r886 in
-  let r888 = Sub (r195) :: r887 in
-  let r889 = R 316 :: r888 in
-  let r890 = [R 411] in
-  let r891 = R 322 :: r890 in
-  let r892 = R 492 :: r891 in
-  let r893 = Sub (r59) :: r892 in
-  let r894 = R 316 :: r893 in
-  let r895 = R 124 :: r894 in
-  let r896 = [R 493] in
-  let r897 = [R 798] in
-  let r898 = R 312 :: r897 in
-  let r899 = R 322 :: r898 in
-  let r900 = Sub (r810) :: r899 in
-  let r901 = [R 313] in
-  let r902 = R 312 :: r901 in
-  let r903 = R 322 :: r902 in
-  let r904 = Sub (r810) :: r903 in
-  let r905 = Sub (r195) :: r904 in
-  let r906 = [R 261] in
-  let r907 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r906 in
-  let r908 = Sub (r17) :: r907 in
-  let r909 = [R 550] in
+  let r701 = [R 785] in
+  let r702 = Sub (r515) :: r701 in
+  let r703 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r702 in
+  let r704 = [R 292] in
+  let r705 = Sub (r3) :: r704 in
+  let r706 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r705 in
+  let r707 = [R 291] in
+  let r708 = Sub (r3) :: r707 in
+  let r709 = [R 534] in
+  let r710 = [R 540] in
+  let r711 = [R 545] in
+  let r712 = [R 543] in
+  let r713 = [R 533] in
+  let r714 = [R 323] in
+  let r715 = [R 672] in
+  let r716 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r715 in
+  let r717 = Sub (r3) :: r716 in
+  let r718 = [R 671] in
+  let r719 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r718 in
+  let r720 = Sub (r3) :: r719 in
+  let r721 = [R 674] in
+  let r722 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r721 in
+  let r723 = Sub (r459) :: r722 in
+  let r724 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r723 in
+  let r725 = [R 678] in
+  let r726 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r725 in
+  let r727 = Sub (r459) :: r726 in
+  let r728 = [R 676] in
+  let r729 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r728 in
+  let r730 = Sub (r459) :: r729 in
+  let r731 = [R 272] in
+  let r732 = [R 216] in
+  let r733 = [R 217] in
+  let r734 = Sub (r174) :: r733 in
+  let r735 = R 316 :: r734 in
+  let r736 = [R 677] in
+  let r737 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r736 in
+  let r738 = Sub (r459) :: r737 in
+  let r739 = [R 224] in
+  let r740 = [R 225] in
+  let r741 = Sub (r174) :: r740 in
+  let r742 = R 316 :: r741 in
+  let r743 = [R 675] in
+  let r744 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r743 in
+  let r745 = Sub (r459) :: r744 in
+  let r746 = [R 220] in
+  let r747 = [R 221] in
+  let r748 = Sub (r174) :: r747 in
+  let r749 = R 316 :: r748 in
+  let r750 = [R 210] in
+  let r751 = [R 211] in
+  let r752 = Sub (r174) :: r751 in
+  let r753 = R 316 :: r752 in
+  let r754 = [R 214] in
+  let r755 = [R 215] in
+  let r756 = Sub (r174) :: r755 in
+  let r757 = R 316 :: r756 in
+  let r758 = [R 212] in
+  let r759 = [R 213] in
+  let r760 = Sub (r174) :: r759 in
+  let r761 = R 316 :: r760 in
+  let r762 = [R 218] in
+  let r763 = [R 219] in
+  let r764 = Sub (r174) :: r763 in
+  let r765 = R 316 :: r764 in
+  let r766 = [R 226] in
+  let r767 = [R 227] in
+  let r768 = Sub (r174) :: r767 in
+  let r769 = R 316 :: r768 in
+  let r770 = [R 222] in
+  let r771 = [R 223] in
+  let r772 = Sub (r174) :: r771 in
+  let r773 = R 316 :: r772 in
+  let r774 = [R 208] in
+  let r775 = [R 209] in
+  let r776 = Sub (r174) :: r775 in
+  let r777 = R 316 :: r776 in
+  let r778 = [R 149] in
+  let r779 = Sub (r174) :: r778 in
+  let r780 = R 316 :: r779 in
+  let r781 = [R 146] in
+  let r782 = [R 147] in
+  let r783 = Sub (r174) :: r782 in
+  let r784 = R 316 :: r783 in
+  let r785 = [R 144] in
+  let r786 = [R 145] in
+  let r787 = Sub (r174) :: r786 in
+  let r788 = R 316 :: r787 in
+  let r789 = [R 303] in
+  let r790 = Sub (r3) :: r789 in
+  let r791 = [R 305] in
+  let r792 = [R 696] in
+  let r793 = [R 708] in
+  let r794 = [R 707] in
+  let r795 = [R 711] in
+  let r796 = [R 710] in
+  let r797 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r464 in
+  let r798 = [R 697] in
+  let r799 = S (T T_GREATERRBRACE) :: r798 in
+  let r800 = [R 704] in
+  let r801 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r800 in
+  let r802 = [R 569] in
+  let r803 = Sub (r469) :: r802 in
+  let r804 = [R 681] in
+  let r805 = [R 491] in
+  let r806 = Sub (r174) :: r805 in
+  let r807 = R 316 :: r806 in
+  let r808 = [R 693] in
+  let r809 = [R 384] in
+  let r810 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r809 in
+  let r811 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r810 in
+  let r812 = [R 137] in
+  let r813 = Sub (r3) :: r812 in
+  let r814 = S (T T_IN) :: r813 in
+  let r815 = Sub (r811) :: r814 in
+  let r816 = Sub (r195) :: r815 in
+  let r817 = R 316 :: r816 in
+  let r818 = [R 385] in
+  let r819 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r818 in
+  let r820 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r819 in
+  let r821 = [R 386] in
+  let r822 = [R 138] in
+  let r823 = Sub (r3) :: r822 in
+  let r824 = S (T T_IN) :: r823 in
+  let r825 = R 316 :: r824 in
+  let r826 = R 243 :: r825 in
+  let r827 = Sub (r90) :: r826 in
+  let r828 = R 316 :: r827 in
+  let r829 = [R 103] in
+  let r830 = Sub (r26) :: r829 in
+  let r831 = [R 244] in
+  let r832 = [R 263] in
+  let r833 = R 316 :: r832 in
+  let r834 = Sub (r141) :: r833 in
+  let r835 = S (T T_COLON) :: r834 in
+  let r836 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r835 in
+  let r837 = R 414 :: r836 in
+  let r838 = [R 265] in
+  let r839 = Sub (r837) :: r838 in
+  let r840 = [R 105] in
+  let r841 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r840 in
+  let r842 = [R 264] in
+  let r843 = R 316 :: r842 in
+  let r844 = S (T T_SEMI) :: r843 in
+  let r845 = R 316 :: r844 in
+  let r846 = Sub (r141) :: r845 in
+  let r847 = S (T T_COLON) :: r846 in
+  let r848 = [R 556] in
+  let r849 = Sub (r32) :: r848 in
+  let r850 = [R 104] in
+  let r851 = Sub (r26) :: r850 in
+  let r852 = [R 247] in
+  let r853 = [R 248] in
+  let r854 = Sub (r26) :: r853 in
+  let r855 = [R 246] in
+  let r856 = Sub (r26) :: r855 in
+  let r857 = [R 245] in
+  let r858 = Sub (r26) :: r857 in
+  let r859 = [R 207] in
+  let r860 = Sub (r174) :: r859 in
+  let r861 = R 316 :: r860 in
+  let r862 = [R 705] in
+  let r863 = [R 684] in
+  let r864 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r863 in
+  let r865 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r864 in
+  let r866 = R 316 :: r865 in
+  let r867 = [R 685] in
+  let r868 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r867 in
+  let r869 = [R 669] in
+  let r870 = [R 505] in
+  let r871 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r870 in
+  let r872 = Sub (r174) :: r871 in
+  let r873 = R 316 :: r872 in
+  let r874 = [R 511] in
+  let r875 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r874 in
+  let r876 = [R 507] in
+  let r877 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r876 in
+  let r878 = [R 509] in
+  let r879 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r878 in
+  let r880 = [R 510] in
+  let r881 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r880 in
+  let r882 = [R 506] in
+  let r883 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r882 in
+  let r884 = [R 508] in
+  let r885 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r884 in
+  let r886 = [R 797] in
+  let r887 = R 322 :: r886 in
+  let r888 = Sub (r811) :: r887 in
+  let r889 = Sub (r195) :: r888 in
+  let r890 = R 316 :: r889 in
+  let r891 = [R 411] in
+  let r892 = R 322 :: r891 in
+  let r893 = R 492 :: r892 in
+  let r894 = Sub (r59) :: r893 in
+  let r895 = R 316 :: r894 in
+  let r896 = R 124 :: r895 in
+  let r897 = [R 493] in
+  let r898 = [R 798] in
+  let r899 = R 312 :: r898 in
+  let r900 = R 322 :: r899 in
+  let r901 = Sub (r811) :: r900 in
+  let r902 = [R 313] in
+  let r903 = R 312 :: r902 in
+  let r904 = R 322 :: r903 in
+  let r905 = Sub (r811) :: r904 in
+  let r906 = Sub (r195) :: r905 in
+  let r907 = [R 261] in
+  let r908 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r907 in
+  let r909 = Sub (r17) :: r908 in
   let r910 = [R 551] in
-  let r911 = [R 131] in
-  let r912 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r911 in
-  let r913 = Sub (r19) :: r912 in
-  let r914 = [R 803] in
-  let r915 = R 322 :: r914 in
-  let r916 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r915 in
-  let r917 = R 316 :: r916 in
-  let r918 = [R 424] in
-  let r919 = S (T T_STRING) :: r918 in
-  let r920 = [R 557] in
-  let r921 = R 322 :: r920 in
-  let r922 = Sub (r919) :: r921 in
-  let r923 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r922 in
-  let r924 = Sub (r36) :: r923 in
-  let r925 = S (T T_COLON) :: r924 in
-  let r926 = Sub (r24) :: r925 in
-  let r927 = R 316 :: r926 in
-  let r928 = [R 553] in
-  let r929 = Sub (r34) :: r928 in
-  let r930 = Sub (r88) :: r357 in
-  let r931 = [R 783] in
-  let r932 = R 322 :: r931 in
-  let r933 = R 316 :: r932 in
-  let r934 = Sub (r930) :: r933 in
-  let r935 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r934 in
-  let r936 = Sub (r90) :: r935 in
-  let r937 = R 316 :: r936 in
-  let r938 = [R 637] in
-  let r939 = R 322 :: r938 in
-  let r940 = R 316 :: r939 in
-  let r941 = R 243 :: r940 in
-  let r942 = Sub (r90) :: r941 in
-  let r943 = R 316 :: r942 in
-  let r944 = R 124 :: r943 in
-  let r945 = S (T T_COLONCOLON) :: r366 in
-  let r946 = [R 548] in
-  let r947 = [R 325] in
-  let r948 = [R 444] in
-  let r949 = R 322 :: r948 in
-  let r950 = Sub (r293) :: r949 in
-  let r951 = R 316 :: r950 in
-  let r952 = [R 445] in
-  let r953 = R 322 :: r952 in
-  let r954 = Sub (r293) :: r953 in
-  let r955 = R 316 :: r954 in
-  let r956 = [R 387] in
-  let r957 = S (N N_module_type) :: r956 in
-  let r958 = S (T T_COLON) :: r957 in
-  let r959 = [R 648] in
-  let r960 = R 322 :: r959 in
-  let r961 = Sub (r958) :: r960 in
-  let r962 = Sub (r195) :: r961 in
-  let r963 = R 316 :: r962 in
-  let r964 = [R 412] in
-  let r965 = R 322 :: r964 in
-  let r966 = S (N N_module_type) :: r965 in
-  let r967 = S (T T_COLONEQUAL) :: r966 in
-  let r968 = Sub (r59) :: r967 in
-  let r969 = R 316 :: r968 in
-  let r970 = [R 400] in
-  let r971 = R 322 :: r970 in
-  let r972 = [R 651] in
-  let r973 = R 314 :: r972 in
-  let r974 = R 322 :: r973 in
-  let r975 = S (N N_module_type) :: r974 in
-  let r976 = S (T T_COLON) :: r975 in
-  let r977 = [R 315] in
-  let r978 = R 314 :: r977 in
-  let r979 = R 322 :: r978 in
-  let r980 = S (N N_module_type) :: r979 in
-  let r981 = S (T T_COLON) :: r980 in
-  let r982 = Sub (r195) :: r981 in
-  let r983 = S (T T_UIDENT) :: r149 in
-  let r984 = Sub (r983) :: r233 in
-  let r985 = [R 649] in
-  let r986 = R 322 :: r985 in
-  let r987 = [R 388] in
-  let r988 = [R 655] in
-  let r989 = R 322 :: r988 in
-  let r990 = S (N N_module_type) :: r989 in
-  let r991 = R 316 :: r990 in
-  let r992 = S (T T_QUOTED_STRING_EXPR) :: r57 in
-  let r993 = [R 71] in
-  let r994 = Sub (r992) :: r993 in
-  let r995 = [R 81] in
-  let r996 = Sub (r994) :: r995 in
-  let r997 = [R 656] in
-  let r998 = R 308 :: r997 in
-  let r999 = R 322 :: r998 in
-  let r1000 = Sub (r996) :: r999 in
-  let r1001 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1000 in
-  let r1002 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1001 in
-  let r1003 = R 132 :: r1002 in
-  let r1004 = R 855 :: r1003 in
-  let r1005 = R 316 :: r1004 in
-  let r1006 = [R 85] in
-  let r1007 = R 310 :: r1006 in
-  let r1008 = R 322 :: r1007 in
-  let r1009 = Sub (r994) :: r1008 in
-  let r1010 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1009 in
-  let r1011 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1010 in
-  let r1012 = R 132 :: r1011 in
-  let r1013 = R 855 :: r1012 in
-  let r1014 = R 316 :: r1013 in
-  let r1015 = [R 133] in
-  let r1016 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r1015 in
-  let r1017 = [R 72] in
-  let r1018 = S (T T_END) :: r1017 in
-  let r1019 = R 331 :: r1018 in
-  let r1020 = R 62 :: r1019 in
-  let r1021 = [R 61] in
-  let r1022 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1021 in
-  let r1023 = [R 64] in
-  let r1024 = R 322 :: r1023 in
-  let r1025 = Sub (r34) :: r1024 in
-  let r1026 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1025 in
-  let r1027 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1026 in
-  let r1028 = R 416 :: r1027 in
-  let r1029 = [R 65] in
-  let r1030 = R 322 :: r1029 in
-  let r1031 = Sub (r36) :: r1030 in
-  let r1032 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1031 in
-  let r1033 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1032 in
-  let r1034 = R 560 :: r1033 in
-  let r1035 = [R 63] in
-  let r1036 = R 322 :: r1035 in
-  let r1037 = Sub (r994) :: r1036 in
-  let r1038 = [R 74] in
-  let r1039 = Sub (r994) :: r1038 in
-  let r1040 = S (T T_IN) :: r1039 in
-  let r1041 = Sub (r984) :: r1040 in
-  let r1042 = R 316 :: r1041 in
-  let r1043 = [R 75] in
-  let r1044 = Sub (r994) :: r1043 in
-  let r1045 = S (T T_IN) :: r1044 in
-  let r1046 = Sub (r984) :: r1045 in
-  let r1047 = [R 602] in
-  let r1048 = Sub (r34) :: r1047 in
-  let r1049 = [R 70] in
-  let r1050 = Sub (r286) :: r1049 in
-  let r1051 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r1050 in
-  let r1052 = Sub (r1048) :: r1051 in
-  let r1053 = [R 603] in
-  let r1054 = [R 102] in
-  let r1055 = Sub (r34) :: r1054 in
-  let r1056 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1055 in
-  let r1057 = Sub (r34) :: r1056 in
-  let r1058 = [R 66] in
-  let r1059 = R 322 :: r1058 in
-  let r1060 = Sub (r1057) :: r1059 in
-  let r1061 = [R 67] in
-  let r1062 = [R 332] in
-  let r1063 = [R 311] in
-  let r1064 = R 310 :: r1063 in
-  let r1065 = R 322 :: r1064 in
-  let r1066 = Sub (r994) :: r1065 in
-  let r1067 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1066 in
-  let r1068 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1067 in
-  let r1069 = R 132 :: r1068 in
-  let r1070 = R 855 :: r1069 in
-  let r1071 = [R 83] in
-  let r1072 = Sub (r996) :: r1071 in
-  let r1073 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r1072 in
-  let r1074 = Sub (r28) :: r1073 in
-  let r1075 = [R 84] in
-  let r1076 = Sub (r996) :: r1075 in
-  let r1077 = [R 82] in
-  let r1078 = Sub (r996) :: r1077 in
-  let r1079 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r1078 in
-  let r1080 = [R 309] in
-  let r1081 = R 308 :: r1080 in
-  let r1082 = R 322 :: r1081 in
-  let r1083 = Sub (r996) :: r1082 in
-  let r1084 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1083 in
-  let r1085 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1084 in
-  let r1086 = R 132 :: r1085 in
-  let r1087 = R 855 :: r1086 in
-  let r1088 = [R 326] in
-  let r1089 = [R 639] in
-  let r1090 = [R 643] in
-  let r1091 = [R 319] in
-  let r1092 = R 318 :: r1091 in
-  let r1093 = R 322 :: r1092 in
-  let r1094 = R 581 :: r1093 in
-  let r1095 = R 824 :: r1094 in
-  let r1096 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1095 in
-  let r1097 = R 828 :: r1096 in
-  let r1098 = [R 644] in
-  let r1099 = [R 321] in
-  let r1100 = R 320 :: r1099 in
-  let r1101 = R 322 :: r1100 in
-  let r1102 = R 581 :: r1101 in
-  let r1103 = Sub (r129) :: r1102 in
-  let r1104 = S (T T_COLONEQUAL) :: r1103 in
-  let r1105 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1104 in
-  let r1106 = R 828 :: r1105 in
-  let r1107 = [R 436] in
-  let r1108 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r1107 in
-  let r1109 = [R 249] in
-  let r1110 = R 316 :: r1109 in
-  let r1111 = R 243 :: r1110 in
-  let r1112 = Sub (r90) :: r1111 in
-  let r1113 = [R 434] in
-  let r1114 = [R 435] in
-  let r1115 = [R 439] in
-  let r1116 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r1115 in
-  let r1117 = [R 438] in
-  let r1118 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r1117 in
-  let r1119 = [R 43] in
-  let r1120 = Sub (r992) :: r1119 in
-  let r1121 = [R 52] in
-  let r1122 = Sub (r1120) :: r1121 in
-  let r1123 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1122 in
-  let r1124 = [R 801] in
-  let r1125 = R 306 :: r1124 in
-  let r1126 = R 322 :: r1125 in
-  let r1127 = Sub (r1123) :: r1126 in
-  let r1128 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1127 in
-  let r1129 = R 132 :: r1128 in
-  let r1130 = R 855 :: r1129 in
-  let r1131 = R 316 :: r1130 in
-  let r1132 = [R 80] in
-  let r1133 = S (T T_END) :: r1132 in
-  let r1134 = R 333 :: r1133 in
-  let r1135 = R 60 :: r1134 in
-  let r1136 = [R 850] in
-  let r1137 = Sub (r3) :: r1136 in
-  let r1138 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1137 in
-  let r1139 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1138 in
-  let r1140 = R 414 :: r1139 in
-  let r1141 = R 316 :: r1140 in
-  let r1142 = [R 46] in
-  let r1143 = R 322 :: r1142 in
-  let r1144 = [R 851] in
-  let r1145 = Sub (r3) :: r1144 in
-  let r1146 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1145 in
-  let r1147 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1146 in
-  let r1148 = R 414 :: r1147 in
-  let r1149 = [R 853] in
-  let r1150 = Sub (r3) :: r1149 in
-  let r1151 = [R 849] in
-  let r1152 = Sub (r34) :: r1151 in
-  let r1153 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1152 in
-  let r1154 = [R 852] in
-  let r1155 = Sub (r3) :: r1154 in
-  let r1156 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r683 in
-  let r1157 = [R 357] in
-  let r1158 = Sub (r1156) :: r1157 in
-  let r1159 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1158 in
-  let r1160 = R 558 :: r1159 in
-  let r1161 = R 316 :: r1160 in
-  let r1162 = [R 47] in
-  let r1163 = R 322 :: r1162 in
-  let r1164 = [R 358] in
-  let r1165 = Sub (r1156) :: r1164 in
-  let r1166 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1165 in
-  let r1167 = R 558 :: r1166 in
-  let r1168 = [R 360] in
-  let r1169 = Sub (r3) :: r1168 in
-  let r1170 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1169 in
-  let r1171 = [R 362] in
-  let r1172 = Sub (r3) :: r1171 in
-  let r1173 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1172 in
-  let r1174 = Sub (r34) :: r1173 in
-  let r1175 = S (T T_DOT) :: r1174 in
-  let r1176 = [R 356] in
-  let r1177 = Sub (r36) :: r1176 in
-  let r1178 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1177 in
-  let r1179 = [R 359] in
-  let r1180 = Sub (r3) :: r1179 in
-  let r1181 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1180 in
-  let r1182 = [R 361] in
-  let r1183 = Sub (r3) :: r1182 in
-  let r1184 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1183 in
-  let r1185 = Sub (r34) :: r1184 in
-  let r1186 = S (T T_DOT) :: r1185 in
-  let r1187 = [R 49] in
-  let r1188 = R 322 :: r1187 in
-  let r1189 = Sub (r3) :: r1188 in
-  let r1190 = [R 44] in
-  let r1191 = R 322 :: r1190 in
-  let r1192 = R 483 :: r1191 in
-  let r1193 = Sub (r1120) :: r1192 in
-  let r1194 = [R 45] in
-  let r1195 = R 322 :: r1194 in
-  let r1196 = R 483 :: r1195 in
-  let r1197 = Sub (r1120) :: r1196 in
-  let r1198 = [R 76] in
-  let r1199 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1198 in
-  let r1200 = [R 39] in
-  let r1201 = Sub (r1120) :: r1200 in
-  let r1202 = S (T T_IN) :: r1201 in
-  let r1203 = Sub (r984) :: r1202 in
-  let r1204 = R 316 :: r1203 in
-  let r1205 = [R 296] in
-  let r1206 = R 322 :: r1205 in
-  let r1207 = Sub (r388) :: r1206 in
-  let r1208 = R 565 :: r1207 in
-  let r1209 = R 316 :: r1208 in
-  let r1210 = [R 40] in
-  let r1211 = Sub (r1120) :: r1210 in
-  let r1212 = S (T T_IN) :: r1211 in
-  let r1213 = Sub (r984) :: r1212 in
-  let r1214 = [R 78] in
-  let r1215 = Sub (r226) :: r1214 in
-  let r1216 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r1215 in
-  let r1217 = [R 55] in
-  let r1218 = Sub (r1120) :: r1217 in
-  let r1219 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r1218 in
-  let r1220 = Sub (r488) :: r1219 in
-  let r1221 = [R 37] in
-  let r1222 = Sub (r1220) :: r1221 in
-  let r1223 = [R 38] in
-  let r1224 = Sub (r1120) :: r1223 in
-  let r1225 = [R 295] in
-  let r1226 = R 322 :: r1225 in
-  let r1227 = Sub (r388) :: r1226 in
-  let r1228 = [R 79] in
-  let r1229 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1228 in
-  let r1230 = [R 484] in
-  let r1231 = [R 48] in
-  let r1232 = R 322 :: r1231 in
-  let r1233 = Sub (r1057) :: r1232 in
-  let r1234 = [R 50] in
-  let r1235 = [R 334] in
-  let r1236 = [R 53] in
-  let r1237 = Sub (r1120) :: r1236 in
-  let r1238 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1237 in
-  let r1239 = [R 54] in
-  let r1240 = [R 307] in
-  let r1241 = R 306 :: r1240 in
-  let r1242 = R 322 :: r1241 in
-  let r1243 = Sub (r1123) :: r1242 in
-  let r1244 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1243 in
-  let r1245 = R 132 :: r1244 in
-  let r1246 = R 855 :: r1245 in
-  let r1247 = [R 330] in
-  let r1248 = [R 789] in
-  let r1249 = [R 793] in
-  let r1250 = [R 787] in
-  let r1251 = R 327 :: r1250 in
-  let r1252 = [R 329] in
-  let r1253 = R 327 :: r1252 in
-  let r1254 = [R 59] in
-  let r1255 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1254 in
-  let r1256 = [R 128] in
-  let r1257 = R 316 :: r1256 in
-  let r1258 = [R 129] in
-  let r1259 = R 316 :: r1258 in
-  let r1260 = [R 351] in
-  let r1261 = [R 440] in
-  let r1262 = [R 25] in
-  let r1263 = Sub (r86) :: r1262 in
-  let r1264 = [R 28] in
-  let r1265 = [R 608] in
+  let r911 = [R 552] in
+  let r912 = [R 131] in
+  let r913 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r912 in
+  let r914 = Sub (r19) :: r913 in
+  let r915 = [R 803] in
+  let r916 = R 322 :: r915 in
+  let r917 = S (N N_module_expr) :: r916 in
+  let r918 = R 316 :: r917 in
+  let r919 = [R 424] in
+  let r920 = S (T T_STRING) :: r919 in
+  let r921 = [R 558] in
+  let r922 = R 322 :: r921 in
+  let r923 = Sub (r920) :: r922 in
+  let r924 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r923 in
+  let r925 = Sub (r36) :: r924 in
+  let r926 = S (T T_COLON) :: r925 in
+  let r927 = Sub (r24) :: r926 in
+  let r928 = R 316 :: r927 in
+  let r929 = [R 554] in
+  let r930 = Sub (r34) :: r929 in
+  let r931 = Sub (r88) :: r356 in
+  let r932 = [R 783] in
+  let r933 = R 322 :: r932 in
+  let r934 = R 316 :: r933 in
+  let r935 = Sub (r931) :: r934 in
+  let r936 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r935 in
+  let r937 = Sub (r90) :: r936 in
+  let r938 = R 316 :: r937 in
+  let r939 = [R 638] in
+  let r940 = R 322 :: r939 in
+  let r941 = R 316 :: r940 in
+  let r942 = R 243 :: r941 in
+  let r943 = Sub (r90) :: r942 in
+  let r944 = R 316 :: r943 in
+  let r945 = R 124 :: r944 in
+  let r946 = S (T T_COLONCOLON) :: r374 in
+  let r947 = [R 549] in
+  let r948 = [R 325] in
+  let r949 = [R 444] in
+  let r950 = R 322 :: r949 in
+  let r951 = Sub (r296) :: r950 in
+  let r952 = R 316 :: r951 in
+  let r953 = [R 445] in
+  let r954 = R 322 :: r953 in
+  let r955 = Sub (r296) :: r954 in
+  let r956 = R 316 :: r955 in
+  let r957 = [R 387] in
+  let r958 = S (N N_module_type) :: r957 in
+  let r959 = S (T T_COLON) :: r958 in
+  let r960 = [R 649] in
+  let r961 = R 322 :: r960 in
+  let r962 = Sub (r959) :: r961 in
+  let r963 = Sub (r195) :: r962 in
+  let r964 = R 316 :: r963 in
+  let r965 = [R 412] in
+  let r966 = R 322 :: r965 in
+  let r967 = S (N N_module_type) :: r966 in
+  let r968 = S (T T_COLONEQUAL) :: r967 in
+  let r969 = Sub (r59) :: r968 in
+  let r970 = R 316 :: r969 in
+  let r971 = [R 400] in
+  let r972 = R 322 :: r971 in
+  let r973 = [R 652] in
+  let r974 = R 314 :: r973 in
+  let r975 = R 322 :: r974 in
+  let r976 = S (N N_module_type) :: r975 in
+  let r977 = S (T T_COLON) :: r976 in
+  let r978 = [R 315] in
+  let r979 = R 314 :: r978 in
+  let r980 = R 322 :: r979 in
+  let r981 = S (N N_module_type) :: r980 in
+  let r982 = S (T T_COLON) :: r981 in
+  let r983 = Sub (r195) :: r982 in
+  let r984 = S (T T_UIDENT) :: r149 in
+  let r985 = Sub (r984) :: r233 in
+  let r986 = [R 650] in
+  let r987 = R 322 :: r986 in
+  let r988 = [R 388] in
+  let r989 = [R 656] in
+  let r990 = R 322 :: r989 in
+  let r991 = S (N N_module_type) :: r990 in
+  let r992 = R 316 :: r991 in
+  let r993 = S (T T_QUOTED_STRING_EXPR) :: r57 in
+  let r994 = [R 71] in
+  let r995 = Sub (r993) :: r994 in
+  let r996 = [R 81] in
+  let r997 = Sub (r995) :: r996 in
+  let r998 = [R 657] in
+  let r999 = R 308 :: r998 in
+  let r1000 = R 322 :: r999 in
+  let r1001 = Sub (r997) :: r1000 in
+  let r1002 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1001 in
+  let r1003 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1002 in
+  let r1004 = R 132 :: r1003 in
+  let r1005 = R 855 :: r1004 in
+  let r1006 = R 316 :: r1005 in
+  let r1007 = [R 85] in
+  let r1008 = R 310 :: r1007 in
+  let r1009 = R 322 :: r1008 in
+  let r1010 = Sub (r995) :: r1009 in
+  let r1011 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1010 in
+  let r1012 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1011 in
+  let r1013 = R 132 :: r1012 in
+  let r1014 = R 855 :: r1013 in
+  let r1015 = R 316 :: r1014 in
+  let r1016 = [R 133] in
+  let r1017 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r1016 in
+  let r1018 = [R 72] in
+  let r1019 = S (T T_END) :: r1018 in
+  let r1020 = R 331 :: r1019 in
+  let r1021 = R 62 :: r1020 in
+  let r1022 = [R 61] in
+  let r1023 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1022 in
+  let r1024 = [R 64] in
+  let r1025 = R 322 :: r1024 in
+  let r1026 = Sub (r34) :: r1025 in
+  let r1027 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1026 in
+  let r1028 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1027 in
+  let r1029 = R 416 :: r1028 in
+  let r1030 = [R 65] in
+  let r1031 = R 322 :: r1030 in
+  let r1032 = Sub (r36) :: r1031 in
+  let r1033 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1032 in
+  let r1034 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1033 in
+  let r1035 = R 561 :: r1034 in
+  let r1036 = [R 63] in
+  let r1037 = R 322 :: r1036 in
+  let r1038 = Sub (r995) :: r1037 in
+  let r1039 = [R 74] in
+  let r1040 = Sub (r995) :: r1039 in
+  let r1041 = S (T T_IN) :: r1040 in
+  let r1042 = Sub (r985) :: r1041 in
+  let r1043 = R 316 :: r1042 in
+  let r1044 = [R 75] in
+  let r1045 = Sub (r995) :: r1044 in
+  let r1046 = S (T T_IN) :: r1045 in
+  let r1047 = Sub (r985) :: r1046 in
+  let r1048 = [R 603] in
+  let r1049 = Sub (r34) :: r1048 in
+  let r1050 = [R 70] in
+  let r1051 = Sub (r289) :: r1050 in
+  let r1052 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r1051 in
+  let r1053 = Sub (r1049) :: r1052 in
+  let r1054 = [R 604] in
+  let r1055 = [R 102] in
+  let r1056 = Sub (r34) :: r1055 in
+  let r1057 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1056 in
+  let r1058 = Sub (r34) :: r1057 in
+  let r1059 = [R 66] in
+  let r1060 = R 322 :: r1059 in
+  let r1061 = Sub (r1058) :: r1060 in
+  let r1062 = [R 67] in
+  let r1063 = [R 332] in
+  let r1064 = [R 311] in
+  let r1065 = R 310 :: r1064 in
+  let r1066 = R 322 :: r1065 in
+  let r1067 = Sub (r995) :: r1066 in
+  let r1068 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1067 in
+  let r1069 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1068 in
+  let r1070 = R 132 :: r1069 in
+  let r1071 = R 855 :: r1070 in
+  let r1072 = [R 83] in
+  let r1073 = Sub (r997) :: r1072 in
+  let r1074 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r1073 in
+  let r1075 = Sub (r28) :: r1074 in
+  let r1076 = [R 84] in
+  let r1077 = Sub (r997) :: r1076 in
+  let r1078 = [R 82] in
+  let r1079 = Sub (r997) :: r1078 in
+  let r1080 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r1079 in
+  let r1081 = [R 309] in
+  let r1082 = R 308 :: r1081 in
+  let r1083 = R 322 :: r1082 in
+  let r1084 = Sub (r997) :: r1083 in
+  let r1085 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1084 in
+  let r1086 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1085 in
+  let r1087 = R 132 :: r1086 in
+  let r1088 = R 855 :: r1087 in
+  let r1089 = [R 326] in
+  let r1090 = [R 640] in
+  let r1091 = [R 644] in
+  let r1092 = [R 319] in
+  let r1093 = R 318 :: r1092 in
+  let r1094 = R 322 :: r1093 in
+  let r1095 = R 582 :: r1094 in
+  let r1096 = R 824 :: r1095 in
+  let r1097 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1096 in
+  let r1098 = R 828 :: r1097 in
+  let r1099 = [R 645] in
+  let r1100 = [R 321] in
+  let r1101 = R 320 :: r1100 in
+  let r1102 = R 322 :: r1101 in
+  let r1103 = R 582 :: r1102 in
+  let r1104 = Sub (r129) :: r1103 in
+  let r1105 = S (T T_COLONEQUAL) :: r1104 in
+  let r1106 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1105 in
+  let r1107 = R 828 :: r1106 in
+  let r1108 = [R 436] in
+  let r1109 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r1108 in
+  let r1110 = [R 249] in
+  let r1111 = R 316 :: r1110 in
+  let r1112 = R 243 :: r1111 in
+  let r1113 = Sub (r90) :: r1112 in
+  let r1114 = [R 434] in
+  let r1115 = [R 435] in
+  let r1116 = [R 439] in
+  let r1117 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r1116 in
+  let r1118 = [R 438] in
+  let r1119 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r1118 in
+  let r1120 = [R 43] in
+  let r1121 = Sub (r993) :: r1120 in
+  let r1122 = [R 52] in
+  let r1123 = Sub (r1121) :: r1122 in
+  let r1124 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1123 in
+  let r1125 = [R 801] in
+  let r1126 = R 306 :: r1125 in
+  let r1127 = R 322 :: r1126 in
+  let r1128 = Sub (r1124) :: r1127 in
+  let r1129 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1128 in
+  let r1130 = R 132 :: r1129 in
+  let r1131 = R 855 :: r1130 in
+  let r1132 = R 316 :: r1131 in
+  let r1133 = [R 80] in
+  let r1134 = S (T T_END) :: r1133 in
+  let r1135 = R 333 :: r1134 in
+  let r1136 = R 60 :: r1135 in
+  let r1137 = [R 850] in
+  let r1138 = Sub (r3) :: r1137 in
+  let r1139 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1138 in
+  let r1140 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1139 in
+  let r1141 = R 414 :: r1140 in
+  let r1142 = R 316 :: r1141 in
+  let r1143 = [R 46] in
+  let r1144 = R 322 :: r1143 in
+  let r1145 = [R 851] in
+  let r1146 = Sub (r3) :: r1145 in
+  let r1147 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1146 in
+  let r1148 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1147 in
+  let r1149 = R 414 :: r1148 in
+  let r1150 = [R 853] in
+  let r1151 = Sub (r3) :: r1150 in
+  let r1152 = [R 849] in
+  let r1153 = Sub (r34) :: r1152 in
+  let r1154 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1153 in
+  let r1155 = [R 852] in
+  let r1156 = Sub (r3) :: r1155 in
+  let r1157 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r688 in
+  let r1158 = [R 357] in
+  let r1159 = Sub (r1157) :: r1158 in
+  let r1160 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1159 in
+  let r1161 = R 559 :: r1160 in
+  let r1162 = R 316 :: r1161 in
+  let r1163 = [R 47] in
+  let r1164 = R 322 :: r1163 in
+  let r1165 = [R 358] in
+  let r1166 = Sub (r1157) :: r1165 in
+  let r1167 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1166 in
+  let r1168 = R 559 :: r1167 in
+  let r1169 = [R 360] in
+  let r1170 = Sub (r3) :: r1169 in
+  let r1171 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1170 in
+  let r1172 = [R 362] in
+  let r1173 = Sub (r3) :: r1172 in
+  let r1174 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1173 in
+  let r1175 = Sub (r34) :: r1174 in
+  let r1176 = S (T T_DOT) :: r1175 in
+  let r1177 = [R 356] in
+  let r1178 = Sub (r36) :: r1177 in
+  let r1179 = S (T T_COLON) :: r1178 in
+  let r1180 = [R 359] in
+  let r1181 = Sub (r3) :: r1180 in
+  let r1182 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1181 in
+  let r1183 = [R 361] in
+  let r1184 = Sub (r3) :: r1183 in
+  let r1185 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1184 in
+  let r1186 = Sub (r34) :: r1185 in
+  let r1187 = S (T T_DOT) :: r1186 in
+  let r1188 = [R 49] in
+  let r1189 = R 322 :: r1188 in
+  let r1190 = Sub (r3) :: r1189 in
+  let r1191 = [R 44] in
+  let r1192 = R 322 :: r1191 in
+  let r1193 = R 483 :: r1192 in
+  let r1194 = Sub (r1121) :: r1193 in
+  let r1195 = [R 45] in
+  let r1196 = R 322 :: r1195 in
+  let r1197 = R 483 :: r1196 in
+  let r1198 = Sub (r1121) :: r1197 in
+  let r1199 = [R 76] in
+  let r1200 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1199 in
+  let r1201 = [R 39] in
+  let r1202 = Sub (r1121) :: r1201 in
+  let r1203 = S (T T_IN) :: r1202 in
+  let r1204 = Sub (r985) :: r1203 in
+  let r1205 = R 316 :: r1204 in
+  let r1206 = [R 296] in
+  let r1207 = R 322 :: r1206 in
+  let r1208 = Sub (r396) :: r1207 in
+  let r1209 = R 566 :: r1208 in
+  let r1210 = R 316 :: r1209 in
+  let r1211 = [R 40] in
+  let r1212 = Sub (r1121) :: r1211 in
+  let r1213 = S (T T_IN) :: r1212 in
+  let r1214 = Sub (r985) :: r1213 in
+  let r1215 = [R 78] in
+  let r1216 = Sub (r226) :: r1215 in
+  let r1217 = S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r1216 in
+  let r1218 = [R 55] in
+  let r1219 = Sub (r1121) :: r1218 in
+  let r1220 = S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r1219 in
+  let r1221 = Sub (r507) :: r1220 in
+  let r1222 = [R 37] in
+  let r1223 = Sub (r1221) :: r1222 in
+  let r1224 = [R 38] in
+  let r1225 = Sub (r1121) :: r1224 in
+  let r1226 = [R 295] in
+  let r1227 = R 322 :: r1226 in
+  let r1228 = Sub (r396) :: r1227 in
+  let r1229 = [R 79] in
+  let r1230 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1229 in
+  let r1231 = [R 484] in
+  let r1232 = [R 48] in
+  let r1233 = R 322 :: r1232 in
+  let r1234 = Sub (r1058) :: r1233 in
+  let r1235 = [R 50] in
+  let r1236 = [R 334] in
+  let r1237 = [R 53] in
+  let r1238 = Sub (r1121) :: r1237 in
+  let r1239 = S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1238 in
+  let r1240 = [R 54] in
+  let r1241 = [R 307] in
+  let r1242 = R 306 :: r1241 in
+  let r1243 = R 322 :: r1242 in
+  let r1244 = Sub (r1124) :: r1243 in
+  let r1245 = S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1244 in
+  let r1246 = R 132 :: r1245 in
+  let r1247 = R 855 :: r1246 in
+  let r1248 = [R 330] in
+  let r1249 = [R 789] in
+  let r1250 = [R 793] in
+  let r1251 = [R 787] in
+  let r1252 = R 327 :: r1251 in
+  let r1253 = [R 329] in
+  let r1254 = R 327 :: r1253 in
+  let r1255 = [R 59] in
+  let r1256 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1255 in
+  let r1257 = [R 128] in
+  let r1258 = R 316 :: r1257 in
+  let r1259 = [R 129] in
+  let r1260 = R 316 :: r1259 in
+  let r1261 = [R 351] in
+  let r1262 = [R 440] in
+  let r1263 = [R 25] in
+  let r1264 = Sub (r86) :: r1263 in
+  let r1265 = [R 28] in
   let r1266 = [R 609] in
-  let r1267 = [R 437] in
-  let r1268 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r1267 in
-  let r1269 = [R 252] in
-  let r1270 = R 322 :: r1269 in
-  let r1271 = R 581 :: r1270 in
-  let r1272 = [R 251] in
-  let r1273 = R 322 :: r1272 in
-  let r1274 = R 581 :: r1273 in
-  let r1275 = [R 257] in
-  let r1276 = [R 260] in
-  let r1277 = [R 368] in
-  let r1278 = [R 371] in
-  let r1279 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1278 in
-  let r1280 = S (T T_COLONCOLON) :: r1279 in
-  let r1281 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r1280 in
-  let r1282 = [R 512] in
-  let r1283 = [R 513] in
-  let r1284 = [R 514] in
-  let r1285 = [R 515] in
-  let r1286 = [R 516] in
-  let r1287 = [R 517] in
-  let r1288 = [R 518] in
-  let r1289 = [R 519] in
-  let r1290 = [R 520] in
-  let r1291 = [R 521] in
-  let r1292 = [R 522] in
-  let r1293 = [R 808] in
-  let r1294 = [R 817] in
-  let r1295 = [R 336] in
-  let r1296 = [R 815] in
-  let r1297 = S (T T_SEMISEMI) :: r1296 in
-  let r1298 = [R 816] in
-  let r1299 = [R 338] in
-  let r1300 = [R 341] in
-  let r1301 = [R 340] in
-  let r1302 = [R 339] in
-  let r1303 = R 337 :: r1302 in
-  let r1304 = [R 844] in
-  let r1305 = S (T T_EOF) :: r1304 in
-  let r1306 = R 337 :: r1305 in
-  let r1307 = [R 843] in
+  let r1267 = [R 610] in
+  let r1268 = [R 437] in
+  let r1269 = S (T T_RBRACE) :: r1268 in
+  let r1270 = [R 252] in
+  let r1271 = R 322 :: r1270 in
+  let r1272 = R 582 :: r1271 in
+  let r1273 = [R 251] in
+  let r1274 = R 322 :: r1273 in
+  let r1275 = R 582 :: r1274 in
+  let r1276 = [R 257] in
+  let r1277 = [R 260] in
+  let r1278 = [R 368] in
+  let r1279 = [R 371] in
+  let r1280 = S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1279 in
+  let r1281 = S (T T_COLONCOLON) :: r1280 in
+  let r1282 = S (T T_LPAREN) :: r1281 in
+  let r1283 = [R 512] in
+  let r1284 = [R 513] in
+  let r1285 = [R 514] in
+  let r1286 = [R 515] in
+  let r1287 = [R 516] in
+  let r1288 = [R 517] in
+  let r1289 = [R 518] in
+  let r1290 = [R 519] in
+  let r1291 = [R 520] in
+  let r1292 = [R 521] in
+  let r1293 = [R 522] in
+  let r1294 = [R 808] in
+  let r1295 = [R 817] in
+  let r1296 = [R 336] in
+  let r1297 = [R 815] in
+  let r1298 = S (T T_SEMISEMI) :: r1297 in
+  let r1299 = [R 816] in
+  let r1300 = [R 338] in
+  let r1301 = [R 341] in
+  let r1302 = [R 340] in
+  let r1303 = [R 339] in
+  let r1304 = R 337 :: r1303 in
+  let r1305 = [R 844] in
+  let r1306 = S (T T_EOF) :: r1305 in
+  let r1307 = R 337 :: r1306 in
+  let r1308 = [R 843] in
   | 0 | 1907 | 1911 | 1929 | 1933 | 1937 | 1941 | 1945 | 1949 | 1953 | 1957 | 1961 | 1965 | 1971 | 1991 -> Nothing
   | 1906 -> One ([R 0])
@@ -1818,9 +1821,9 @@ let recover =
   | 217 -> One ([R 16])
   | 1924 -> One ([R 20])
   | 1926 -> One ([R 21])
-  | 298 -> One ([R 22])
-  | 281 -> One ([R 23])
-  | 304 -> One ([R 24])
+  | 300 -> One ([R 22])
+  | 283 -> One ([R 23])
+  | 306 -> One ([R 24])
   | 1693 -> One ([R 36])
   | 1697 -> One ([R 41])
   | 1694 -> One ([R 42])
@@ -1830,19 +1833,19 @@ let recover =
   | 1444 -> One ([R 69])
   | 1446 -> One ([R 73])
   | 1695 -> One ([R 77])
-  | 359 -> One ([R 88])
+  | 361 -> One ([R 88])
   | 185 -> One ([R 89])
-  | 357 -> One ([R 90])
+  | 359 -> One ([R 90])
   | 158 -> One ([R 94])
-  | 157 | 1150 -> One ([R 95])
+  | 157 | 1147 -> One ([R 95])
   | 1321 -> One ([R 98])
   | 1546 -> One ([R 106])
   | 1550 -> One ([R 107])
-  | 308 -> One ([R 109])
-  | 286 -> One ([R 110])
-  | 295 -> One ([R 111])
-  | 297 -> One ([R 112])
-  | 1063 -> One ([R 122])
+  | 310 -> One ([R 109])
+  | 288 -> One ([R 110])
+  | 297 -> One ([R 111])
+  | 299 -> One ([R 112])
+  | 1028 -> One ([R 122])
   | 1 -> One (R 124 :: r9)
   | 61 -> One (R 124 :: r42)
   | 182 -> One (R 124 :: r179)
@@ -1851,155 +1854,154 @@ let recover =
   | 219 -> One (R 124 :: r213)
   | 220 -> One (R 124 :: r217)
   | 226 -> One (R 124 :: r229)
-  | 241 -> One (R 124 :: r239)
-  | 351 -> One (R 124 :: r334)
-  | 374 -> One (R 124 :: r347)
-  | 451 -> One (R 124 :: r399)
-  | 545 -> One (R 124 :: r471)
-  | 548 -> One (R 124 :: r474)
-  | 551 -> One (R 124 :: r479)
-  | 554 -> One (R 124 :: r482)
-  | 560 -> One (R 124 :: r502)
-  | 589 -> One (R 124 :: r516)
-  | 594 -> One (R 124 :: r520)
-  | 601 -> One (R 124 :: r533)
-  | 617 -> One (R 124 :: r544)
-  | 631 -> One (R 124 :: r550)
-  | 639 -> One (R 124 :: r558)
-  | 645 -> One (R 124 :: r562)
-  | 674 -> One (R 124 :: r582)
-  | 690 -> One (R 124 :: r588)
-  | 696 -> One (R 124 :: r592)
-  | 705 -> One (R 124 :: r596)
-  | 716 -> One (R 124 :: r602)
-  | 722 -> One (R 124 :: r606)
-  | 728 -> One (R 124 :: r610)
-  | 734 -> One (R 124 :: r614)
-  | 740 -> One (R 124 :: r618)
-  | 746 -> One (R 124 :: r622)
-  | 752 -> One (R 124 :: r626)
-  | 758 -> One (R 124 :: r630)
-  | 764 -> One (R 124 :: r634)
-  | 770 -> One (R 124 :: r638)
-  | 776 -> One (R 124 :: r642)
-  | 782 -> One (R 124 :: r646)
-  | 788 -> One (R 124 :: r650)
-  | 794 -> One (R 124 :: r654)
-  | 800 -> One (R 124 :: r658)
-  | 806 -> One (R 124 :: r662)
-  | 812 -> One (R 124 :: r666)
-  | 818 -> One (R 124 :: r670)
-  | 824 -> One (R 124 :: r674)
-  | 830 -> One (R 124 :: r678)
-  | 921 -> One (R 124 :: r730)
-  | 930 -> One (R 124 :: r737)
-  | 939 -> One (R 124 :: r744)
-  | 949 -> One (R 124 :: r748)
-  | 958 -> One (R 124 :: r752)
-  | 967 -> One (R 124 :: r756)
-  | 978 -> One (R 124 :: r760)
-  | 987 -> One (R 124 :: r764)
-  | 996 -> One (R 124 :: r768)
-  | 1003 -> One (R 124 :: r772)
-  | 1082 -> One (R 124 :: r790)
-  | 1087 -> One (R 124 :: r794)
-  | 1094 -> One (R 124 :: r798)
-  | 1103 -> One (R 124 :: r803)
-  | 1113 -> One (R 124 :: r806)
-  | 1132 -> One (R 124 :: r816)
-  | 1147 -> One (R 124 :: r827)
-  | 1207 -> One (R 124 :: r860)
-  | 1216 -> One (R 124 :: r865)
-  | 1231 -> One (R 124 :: r872)
-  | 1262 -> One (R 124 :: r889)
-  | 1295 -> One (R 124 :: r917)
-  | 1300 -> One (R 124 :: r927)
-  | 1332 -> One (R 124 :: r951)
-  | 1333 -> One (R 124 :: r955)
-  | 1342 -> One (R 124 :: r963)
-  | 1379 -> One (R 124 :: r991)
-  | 1388 -> One (R 124 :: r1005)
-  | 1389 -> One (R 124 :: r1014)
-  | 1583 -> One (R 124 :: r1131)
-  | 296 -> One ([R 130])
-  | 649 -> One ([R 136])
-  | 1009 -> One ([R 154])
-  | 672 -> One ([R 155])
-  | 703 -> One ([R 156])
-  | 679 -> One ([R 157])
-  | 701 -> One ([R 228])
-  | 710 -> One ([R 233])
-  | 714 -> One ([R 234])
-  | 465 -> One ([R 242])
+  | 243 -> One (R 124 :: r242)
+  | 353 -> One (R 124 :: r337)
+  | 376 -> One (R 124 :: r350)
+  | 457 -> One (R 124 :: r407)
+  | 550 -> One (R 124 :: r476)
+  | 553 -> One (R 124 :: r479)
+  | 567 -> One (R 124 :: r490)
+  | 581 -> One (R 124 :: r498)
+  | 584 -> One (R 124 :: r501)
+  | 590 -> One (R 124 :: r521)
+  | 619 -> One (R 124 :: r535)
+  | 624 -> One (R 124 :: r539)
+  | 631 -> One (R 124 :: r552)
+  | 636 -> One (R 124 :: r555)
+  | 644 -> One (R 124 :: r563)
+  | 650 -> One (R 124 :: r567)
+  | 679 -> One (R 124 :: r587)
+  | 695 -> One (R 124 :: r593)
+  | 701 -> One (R 124 :: r597)
+  | 710 -> One (R 124 :: r601)
+  | 721 -> One (R 124 :: r607)
+  | 727 -> One (R 124 :: r611)
+  | 733 -> One (R 124 :: r615)
+  | 739 -> One (R 124 :: r619)
+  | 745 -> One (R 124 :: r623)
+  | 751 -> One (R 124 :: r627)
+  | 757 -> One (R 124 :: r631)
+  | 763 -> One (R 124 :: r635)
+  | 769 -> One (R 124 :: r639)
+  | 775 -> One (R 124 :: r643)
+  | 781 -> One (R 124 :: r647)
+  | 787 -> One (R 124 :: r651)
+  | 793 -> One (R 124 :: r655)
+  | 799 -> One (R 124 :: r659)
+  | 805 -> One (R 124 :: r663)
+  | 811 -> One (R 124 :: r667)
+  | 817 -> One (R 124 :: r671)
+  | 823 -> One (R 124 :: r675)
+  | 829 -> One (R 124 :: r679)
+  | 835 -> One (R 124 :: r683)
+  | 926 -> One (R 124 :: r735)
+  | 935 -> One (R 124 :: r742)
+  | 944 -> One (R 124 :: r749)
+  | 954 -> One (R 124 :: r753)
+  | 963 -> One (R 124 :: r757)
+  | 972 -> One (R 124 :: r761)
+  | 983 -> One (R 124 :: r765)
+  | 992 -> One (R 124 :: r769)
+  | 1001 -> One (R 124 :: r773)
+  | 1008 -> One (R 124 :: r777)
+  | 1047 -> One (R 124 :: r780)
+  | 1052 -> One (R 124 :: r784)
+  | 1059 -> One (R 124 :: r788)
+  | 1110 -> One (R 124 :: r807)
+  | 1129 -> One (R 124 :: r817)
+  | 1144 -> One (R 124 :: r828)
+  | 1204 -> One (R 124 :: r861)
+  | 1213 -> One (R 124 :: r866)
+  | 1231 -> One (R 124 :: r873)
+  | 1262 -> One (R 124 :: r890)
+  | 1295 -> One (R 124 :: r918)
+  | 1300 -> One (R 124 :: r928)
+  | 1332 -> One (R 124 :: r952)
+  | 1333 -> One (R 124 :: r956)
+  | 1342 -> One (R 124 :: r964)
+  | 1379 -> One (R 124 :: r992)
+  | 1388 -> One (R 124 :: r1006)
+  | 1389 -> One (R 124 :: r1015)
+  | 1583 -> One (R 124 :: r1132)
+  | 298 -> One ([R 130])
+  | 654 -> One ([R 136])
+  | 1014 -> One ([R 154])
+  | 677 -> One ([R 155])
+  | 708 -> One ([R 156])
+  | 684 -> One ([R 157])
+  | 706 -> One ([R 228])
+  | 715 -> One ([R 233])
+  | 719 -> One ([R 234])
+  | 470 -> One ([R 242])
   | 114 -> One ([R 255])
   | 91 -> One (R 258 :: r53)
   | 95 -> One (R 258 :: r55)
   | 216 -> One ([R 262])
-  | 1172 -> One ([R 266])
-  | 1173 -> One ([R 267])
-  | 1008 -> One ([R 271])
-  | 886 -> One ([R 285])
-  | 857 -> One ([R 287])
-  | 891 -> One ([R 294])
+  | 1169 -> One ([R 266])
+  | 1170 -> One ([R 267])
+  | 1013 -> One ([R 271])
+  | 891 -> One ([R 285])
+  | 862 -> One ([R 287])
+  | 896 -> One ([R 294])
   | 1698 -> One ([R 297])
-  | 566 -> One ([R 298])
-  | 1206 -> One ([R 300])
+  | 596 -> One ([R 298])
+  | 1203 -> One ([R 300])
   | 128 -> One (R 316 :: r74)
   | 213 -> One (R 316 :: r208)
   | 224 -> One (R 316 :: r222)
   | 237 -> One (R 316 :: r234)
-  | 454 -> One (R 316 :: r403)
-  | 463 -> One (R 316 :: r415)
-  | 835 -> One (R 316 :: r681)
-  | 1277 -> One (R 316 :: r905)
-  | 1361 -> One (R 316 :: r982)
-  | 1400 -> One (R 316 :: r1020)
-  | 1406 -> One (R 316 :: r1028)
-  | 1417 -> One (R 316 :: r1034)
-  | 1428 -> One (R 316 :: r1037)
-  | 1432 -> One (R 316 :: r1046)
-  | 1453 -> One (R 316 :: r1060)
-  | 1469 -> One (R 316 :: r1070)
-  | 1504 -> One (R 316 :: r1087)
-  | 1526 -> One (R 316 :: r1097)
-  | 1536 -> One (R 316 :: r1106)
-  | 1590 -> One (R 316 :: r1135)
-  | 1594 -> One (R 316 :: r1148)
-  | 1622 -> One (R 316 :: r1167)
-  | 1662 -> One (R 316 :: r1189)
-  | 1666 -> One (R 316 :: r1193)
-  | 1667 -> One (R 316 :: r1197)
-  | 1678 -> One (R 316 :: r1213)
-  | 1686 -> One (R 316 :: r1222)
-  | 1725 -> One (R 316 :: r1233)
-  | 1745 -> One (R 316 :: r1246)
-  | 1838 -> One (R 316 :: r1260)
-  | 1525 -> One (R 318 :: r1090)
-  | 1766 -> One (R 318 :: r1249)
-  | 1535 -> One (R 320 :: r1098)
-  | 888 -> One (R 322 :: r709)
-  | 1462 -> One (R 322 :: r1061)
-  | 1523 -> One (R 322 :: r1089)
-  | 1731 -> One (R 322 :: r1234)
-  | 1764 -> One (R 322 :: r1248)
-  | 1771 -> One (R 322 :: r1251)
-  | 1781 -> One (R 322 :: r1253)
-  | 1986 -> One (R 322 :: r1297)
-  | 1997 -> One (R 322 :: r1303)
-  | 2002 -> One (R 322 :: r1306)
-  | 1331 -> One (R 324 :: r947)
-  | 1515 -> One (R 324 :: r1088)
+  | 460 -> One (R 316 :: r411)
+  | 468 -> One (R 316 :: r421)
+  | 840 -> One (R 316 :: r686)
+  | 1277 -> One (R 316 :: r906)
+  | 1361 -> One (R 316 :: r983)
+  | 1400 -> One (R 316 :: r1021)
+  | 1406 -> One (R 316 :: r1029)
+  | 1417 -> One (R 316 :: r1035)
+  | 1428 -> One (R 316 :: r1038)
+  | 1432 -> One (R 316 :: r1047)
+  | 1453 -> One (R 316 :: r1061)
+  | 1469 -> One (R 316 :: r1071)
+  | 1504 -> One (R 316 :: r1088)
+  | 1526 -> One (R 316 :: r1098)
+  | 1536 -> One (R 316 :: r1107)
+  | 1590 -> One (R 316 :: r1136)
+  | 1594 -> One (R 316 :: r1149)
+  | 1622 -> One (R 316 :: r1168)
+  | 1662 -> One (R 316 :: r1190)
+  | 1666 -> One (R 316 :: r1194)
+  | 1667 -> One (R 316 :: r1198)
+  | 1678 -> One (R 316 :: r1214)
+  | 1686 -> One (R 316 :: r1223)
+  | 1725 -> One (R 316 :: r1234)
+  | 1745 -> One (R 316 :: r1247)
+  | 1838 -> One (R 316 :: r1261)
+  | 1525 -> One (R 318 :: r1091)
+  | 1766 -> One (R 318 :: r1250)
+  | 1535 -> One (R 320 :: r1099)
+  | 893 -> One (R 322 :: r714)
+  | 1462 -> One (R 322 :: r1062)
+  | 1523 -> One (R 322 :: r1090)
+  | 1731 -> One (R 322 :: r1235)
+  | 1764 -> One (R 322 :: r1249)
+  | 1771 -> One (R 322 :: r1252)
+  | 1781 -> One (R 322 :: r1254)
+  | 1986 -> One (R 322 :: r1298)
+  | 1997 -> One (R 322 :: r1304)
+  | 2002 -> One (R 322 :: r1307)
+  | 1331 -> One (R 324 :: r948)
+  | 1515 -> One (R 324 :: r1089)
   | 215 -> One (R 327 :: r209)
-  | 1755 -> One (R 327 :: r1247)
-  | 1465 -> One (R 331 :: r1062)
-  | 1734 -> One (R 333 :: r1235)
-  | 1984 -> One (R 335 :: r1295)
-  | 1992 -> One (R 337 :: r1299)
-  | 1993 -> One (R 337 :: r1300)
-  | 1994 -> One (R 337 :: r1301)
-  | 428 -> One ([R 343])
-  | 432 -> One ([R 345])
-  | 1076 -> One ([R 348])
+  | 1755 -> One (R 327 :: r1248)
+  | 1465 -> One (R 331 :: r1063)
+  | 1734 -> One (R 333 :: r1236)
+  | 1984 -> One (R 335 :: r1296)
+  | 1992 -> One (R 337 :: r1300)
+  | 1993 -> One (R 337 :: r1301)
+  | 1994 -> One (R 337 :: r1302)
+  | 434 -> One ([R 343])
+  | 438 -> One ([R 345])
+  | 1041 -> One ([R 348])
   | 1841 -> One ([R 349])
   | 1844 -> One ([R 350])
   | 1843 -> One ([R 352])
@@ -2009,24 +2011,24 @@ let recover =
   | 1915 -> One ([R 369])
   | 1923 -> One ([R 370])
   | 1922 -> One ([R 372])
-  | 608 -> One ([R 379])
-  | 1061 -> One ([R 380])
-  | 522 -> One ([R 391])
-  | 532 -> One ([R 392])
-  | 533 -> One ([R 393])
-  | 531 -> One ([R 394])
-  | 534 -> One ([R 396])
+  | 558 -> One ([R 379])
+  | 1103 -> One ([R 380])
+  | 529 -> One ([R 391])
+  | 539 -> One ([R 392])
+  | 540 -> One ([R 393])
+  | 538 -> One ([R 394])
+  | 541 -> One ([R 396])
   | 212 -> One ([R 397])
-  | 204 | 1352 -> One ([R 398])
-  | 492 -> One ([R 405])
-  | 469 -> One ([R 406])
-  | 499 -> One ([R 410])
-  | 1158 | 1608 -> One ([R 415])
+  | 204 | 467 | 1352 -> One ([R 398])
+  | 497 -> One ([R 406])
+  | 474 -> One ([R 407])
+  | 510 -> One ([R 410])
+  | 1155 | 1608 -> One ([R 415])
   | 1410 -> One ([R 417])
   | 1408 -> One ([R 418])
   | 1411 -> One ([R 419])
   | 1409 -> One ([R 420])
-  | 392 -> One ([R 423])
+  | 399 -> One ([R 423])
   | 1311 -> One ([R 425])
   | 1559 -> One ([R 426])
   | 1865 -> One ([R 427])
@@ -2034,24 +2036,24 @@ let recover =
   | 1866 -> One ([R 429])
   | 1574 -> One ([R 430])
   | 1566 -> One ([R 431])
-  | 66 | 245 -> One ([R 446])
-  | 74 | 626 -> One ([R 447])
+  | 66 | 247 -> One ([R 446])
+  | 74 | 576 -> One ([R 447])
   | 102 -> One ([R 448])
   | 90 -> One ([R 450])
   | 94 -> One ([R 452])
   | 98 -> One ([R 454])
   | 81 -> One ([R 455])
-  | 101 | 1032 -> One ([R 456])
+  | 101 | 1074 -> One ([R 456])
   | 80 -> One ([R 457])
   | 79 -> One ([R 458])
   | 78 -> One ([R 459])
   | 77 -> One ([R 460])
   | 76 -> One ([R 461])
-  | 69 | 199 | 616 -> One ([R 462])
-  | 68 | 615 -> One ([R 463])
+  | 69 | 199 | 566 -> One ([R 462])
+  | 68 | 565 -> One ([R 463])
   | 67 -> One ([R 464])
-  | 73 | 398 | 625 -> One ([R 465])
-  | 72 | 624 -> One ([R 466])
+  | 73 | 403 | 575 -> One ([R 465])
+  | 72 | 574 -> One ([R 466])
   | 65 -> One ([R 467])
   | 70 -> One ([R 468])
   | 83 -> One ([R 469])
@@ -2061,82 +2063,81 @@ let recover =
   | 100 -> One ([R 473])
   | 103 -> One ([R 474])
   | 99 -> One ([R 476])
-  | 324 -> One ([R 477])
-  | 323 -> One (R 478 :: r319)
-  | 259 -> One (R 479 :: r272)
-  | 260 -> One ([R 480])
-  | 429 -> One (R 481 :: r368)
-  | 430 -> One ([R 482])
-  | 858 -> One (R 498 :: r698)
-  | 859 -> One ([R 499])
+  | 326 -> One ([R 477])
+  | 325 -> One (R 478 :: r322)
+  | 261 -> One (R 479 :: r275)
+  | 262 -> One ([R 480])
+  | 435 -> One (R 481 :: r376)
+  | 436 -> One ([R 482])
+  | 863 -> One (R 498 :: r703)
+  | 864 -> One ([R 499])
   | 120 -> One ([R 500])
-  | 384 -> One ([R 524])
-  | 378 -> One ([R 525])
-  | 379 -> One ([R 527])
-  | 377 | 627 -> One ([R 534])
-  | 881 -> One ([R 540])
-  | 882 -> One ([R 541])
-  | 883 -> One ([R 543])
-  | 572 -> One ([R 545])
-  | 1582 -> One ([R 549])
-  | 1624 | 1643 -> One ([R 559])
-  | 1421 -> One ([R 561])
-  | 1419 -> One ([R 562])
-  | 1422 -> One ([R 563])
-  | 1420 -> One ([R 564])
-  | 1707 -> One (R 565 :: r1227)
-  | 1198 -> One ([R 566])
-  | 1557 -> One ([R 569])
-  | 1558 -> One ([R 570])
-  | 1552 -> One ([R 571])
-  | 1818 -> One ([R 573])
-  | 1817 -> One ([R 574])
-  | 1819 -> One ([R 575])
-  | 1814 -> One ([R 576])
-  | 1815 -> One ([R 577])
-  | 1879 -> One ([R 579])
-  | 1877 -> One ([R 580])
-  | 583 -> One ([R 584])
-  | 514 -> One ([R 585])
-  | 466 -> One ([R 586])
-  | 1011 -> One ([R 587])
-  | 1010 -> One ([R 588])
-  | 346 -> One ([R 590])
-  | 316 -> One ([R 618])
-  | 905 -> One ([R 621])
-  | 643 -> One ([R 623])
-  | 906 -> One ([R 624])
-  | 1013 -> One ([R 625])
-  | 1119 -> One ([R 627])
-  | 1120 -> One ([R 628])
-  | 423 -> One ([R 630])
-  | 424 -> One ([R 631])
-  | 1053 -> One ([R 633])
-  | 1054 -> One ([R 634])
-  | 1577 -> One ([R 640])
-  | 1514 -> One ([R 641])
-  | 1517 -> One ([R 642])
-  | 1516 -> One ([R 647])
-  | 1521 -> One ([R 650])
-  | 1520 -> One ([R 652])
-  | 1519 -> One ([R 653])
-  | 1518 -> One ([R 654])
-  | 1578 -> One ([R 657])
-  | 197 -> One ([R 660])
-  | 194 -> One ([R 662])
-  | 607 -> One ([R 687])
-  | 683 -> One ([R 688])
-  | 682 | 702 -> One ([R 689])
-  | 610 | 678 -> One ([R 690])
-  | 913 | 1001 -> One ([R 695])
-  | 681 -> One ([R 700])
-  | 360 -> One ([R 713])
-  | 364 -> One ([R 716])
-  | 365 -> One ([R 720])
-  | 396 -> One ([R 722])
-  | 369 -> One ([R 723])
-  | 425 -> One ([R 725])
-  | 387 -> One ([R 730])
+  | 394 -> One ([R 524])
+  | 388 -> One ([R 525])
+  | 389 -> One ([R 527])
+  | 886 -> One ([R 541])
+  | 887 -> One ([R 542])
+  | 888 -> One ([R 544])
+  | 602 -> One ([R 546])
+  | 1582 -> One ([R 550])
+  | 1624 | 1643 -> One ([R 560])
+  | 1421 -> One ([R 562])
+  | 1419 -> One ([R 563])
+  | 1422 -> One ([R 564])
+  | 1420 -> One ([R 565])
+  | 1707 -> One (R 566 :: r1228)
+  | 1195 -> One ([R 567])
+  | 1557 -> One ([R 570])
+  | 1558 -> One ([R 571])
+  | 1552 -> One ([R 572])
+  | 1818 -> One ([R 574])
+  | 1817 -> One ([R 575])
+  | 1819 -> One ([R 576])
+  | 1814 -> One ([R 577])
+  | 1815 -> One ([R 578])
+  | 1879 -> One ([R 580])
+  | 1877 -> One ([R 581])
+  | 613 -> One ([R 585])
+  | 509 -> One ([R 586])
+  | 471 -> One ([R 587])
+  | 1016 -> One ([R 588])
+  | 1015 -> One ([R 589])
+  | 348 -> One ([R 591])
+  | 318 -> One ([R 619])
+  | 910 -> One ([R 622])
+  | 648 -> One ([R 624])
+  | 911 -> One ([R 625])
+  | 1018 -> One ([R 626])
+  | 1116 -> One ([R 628])
+  | 1117 -> One ([R 629])
+  | 429 -> One ([R 631])
+  | 430 -> One ([R 632])
+  | 1095 -> One ([R 634])
+  | 1096 -> One ([R 635])
+  | 1577 -> One ([R 641])
+  | 1514 -> One ([R 642])
+  | 1517 -> One ([R 643])
+  | 1516 -> One ([R 648])
+  | 1521 -> One ([R 651])
+  | 1520 -> One ([R 653])
+  | 1519 -> One ([R 654])
+  | 1518 -> One ([R 655])
+  | 1578 -> One ([R 658])
+  | 197 -> One ([R 661])
+  | 194 -> One ([R 663])
+  | 557 -> One ([R 687])
+  | 688 -> One ([R 688])
+  | 687 | 707 -> One ([R 689])
+  | 560 | 683 -> One ([R 690])
+  | 918 | 1006 -> One ([R 695])
+  | 686 -> One ([R 700])
+  | 362 -> One ([R 713])
+  | 366 -> One ([R 716])
+  | 367 -> One ([R 720])
+  | 385 -> One ([R 722])
+  | 371 -> One ([R 723])
+  | 431 -> One ([R 725])
+  | 384 -> One ([R 730])
   | 28 -> One ([R 731])
   | 8 -> One ([R 732])
   | 52 -> One ([R 734])
@@ -2206,9 +2207,9 @@ let recover =
   | 1977 -> One ([R 813])
   | 1974 -> One ([R 814])
   | 1980 -> One ([R 818])
-  | 284 -> One ([R 820])
-  | 472 -> One (R 828 :: r432)
-  | 486 -> One ([R 829])
+  | 286 -> One ([R 820])
+  | 477 -> One (R 828 :: r438)
+  | 491 -> One ([R 829])
   | 134 -> One ([R 834])
   | 137 -> One ([R 835])
   | 141 -> One ([R 836])
@@ -2218,8 +2219,8 @@ let recover =
   | 143 -> One ([R 840])
   | 140 -> One ([R 841])
   | 133 -> One ([R 842])
-  | 361 -> One ([R 847])
-  | 680 -> One ([R 848])
+  | 363 -> One ([R 847])
+  | 685 -> One ([R 848])
   | 1392 -> One ([R 856])
   | 1606 -> One ([R 857])
   | 1609 -> One ([R 858])
@@ -2227,275 +2228,275 @@ let recover =
   | 1641 -> One ([R 860])
   | 1644 -> One ([R 861])
   | 1642 -> One ([R 862])
-  | 475 -> One ([R 869])
-  | 476 -> One ([R 870])
-  | 1047 -> One (S (T T_WITH) :: r787)
+  | 480 -> One ([R 869])
+  | 481 -> One ([R 870])
+  | 1089 -> One (S (T T_WITH) :: r803)
   | 208 -> One (S (T T_TYPE) :: r205)
-  | 1175 -> One (S (T T_STAR) :: r850)
-  | 1982 -> One (S (T T_SEMISEMI) :: r1294)
-  | 1989 -> One (S (T T_SEMISEMI) :: r1298)
+  | 1172 -> One (S (T T_STAR) :: r851)
+  | 1982 -> One (S (T T_SEMISEMI) :: r1295)
+  | 1989 -> One (S (T T_SEMISEMI) :: r1299)
   | 1912 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r134)
-  | 306 | 1858 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r311)
-  | 372 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r344)
-  | 416 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r367)
-  | 456 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r404)
-  | 524 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r447)
-  | 1033 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r776)
-  | 1226 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r868)
-  | 1851 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1263)
-  | 1913 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1277)
-  | 1154 | 1541 -> One (S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r252)
-  | 1039 -> One (S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r779)
-  | 1041 -> One (S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r780)
-  | 310 -> One (S (T T_QUOTE) :: r313)
-  | 1430 -> One (S (T T_OPEN) :: r1042)
-  | 1670 -> One (S (T T_OPEN) :: r1204)
-  | 121 | 289 -> One (S (T T_MODULE) :: r69)
-  | 461 -> One (S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r411)
-  | 1183 -> One (S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r855)
-  | 1187 -> One (S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r857)
-  | 1491 -> One (S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r1076)
+  | 308 | 1858 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r314)
+  | 374 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r347)
+  | 422 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r375)
+  | 462 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r412)
+  | 531 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r455)
+  | 1075 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r792)
+  | 1223 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r869)
+  | 1851 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1264)
+  | 1913 -> One (S (T T_RPAREN) :: r1278)
+  | 1151 | 1541 -> One (S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r255)
+  | 1081 -> One (S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r795)
+  | 1083 -> One (S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r796)
+  | 312 -> One (S (T T_QUOTE) :: r316)
+  | 1430 -> One (S (T T_OPEN) :: r1043)
+  | 1670 -> One (S (T T_OPEN) :: r1205)
+  | 121 | 291 -> One (S (T T_MODULE) :: r69)
+  | 504 -> One (S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r447)
+  | 1180 -> One (S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r856)
+  | 1184 -> One (S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r858)
+  | 1491 -> One (S (T T_MINUSGREATER) :: r1077)
   | 84 -> One (S (T T_LPAREN) :: r50)
   | 117 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r64)
-  | 437 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r370)
-  | 445 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r376)
-  | 650 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r563)
-  | 651 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r569)
-  | 662 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r572)
-  | 666 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r574)
-  | 1159 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r846)
-  | 1610 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1153)
-  | 1645 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1178)
-  | 1717 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1230)
+  | 443 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r378)
+  | 451 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r384)
+  | 655 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r568)
+  | 656 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r574)
+  | 667 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r577)
+  | 671 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r579)
+  | 1156 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r847)
+  | 1610 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1154)
+  | 1645 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1179)
+  | 1717 -> One (S (T T_LIDENT) :: r1231)
   | 192 -> One (S (T T_INT) :: r190)
   | 195 -> One (S (T T_INT) :: r191)
-  | 684 -> One (S (T T_IN) :: r584)
-  | 1690 -> One (S (T T_IN) :: r1224)
-  | 538 -> One (S (T T_GREATERRBRACE) :: r454)
-  | 1122 -> One (S (T T_GREATERRBRACE) :: r807)
+  | 689 -> One (S (T T_IN) :: r589)
+  | 1690 -> One (S (T T_IN) :: r1225)
+  | 545 -> One (S (T T_GREATERRBRACE) :: r462)
+  | 1119 -> One (S (T T_GREATERRBRACE) :: r808)
   | 165 -> One (S (T T_GREATER) :: r139)
-  | 1846 -> One (S (T T_GREATER) :: r1261)
-  | 504 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r443)
-  | 854 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r695)
-  | 870 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r703)
-  | 1023 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r774)
-  | 1600 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1150)
-  | 1618 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1155)
-  | 1904 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1275)
-  | 1908 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1276)
-  | 1927 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1282)
-  | 1931 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1283)
-  | 1935 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1284)
-  | 1938 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1285)
-  | 1943 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1286)
-  | 1947 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1287)
-  | 1951 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1288)
-  | 1955 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1289)
-  | 1959 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1290)
-  | 1962 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1291)
-  | 1966 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1292)
-  | 2006 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1307)
-  | 1100 -> One (S (T T_END) :: r799)
+  | 1846 -> One (S (T T_GREATER) :: r1262)
+  | 513 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r451)
+  | 859 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r700)
+  | 875 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r708)
+  | 1065 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r790)
+  | 1600 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1151)
+  | 1618 -> One (S (T T_EQUAL) :: r1156)
+  | 1904 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1276)
+  | 1908 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1277)
+  | 1927 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1283)
+  | 1931 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1284)
+  | 1935 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1285)
+  | 1938 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1286)
+  | 1943 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1287)
+  | 1947 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1288)
+  | 1951 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1289)
+  | 1955 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1290)
+  | 1959 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1291)
+  | 1962 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1292)
+  | 1966 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1293)
+  | 2006 -> One (S (T T_EOF) :: r1308)
+  | 1106 -> One (S (T T_END) :: r804)
   | 86 -> One (S (T T_DOTDOT) :: r51)
   | 159 -> One (S (T T_DOTDOT) :: r131)
-  | 1560 -> One (S (T T_DOTDOT) :: r1113)
-  | 1561 -> One (S (T T_DOTDOT) :: r1114)
-  | 230 | 899 | 972 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r231)
-  | 1969 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r444)
-  | 847 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r692)
-  | 1162 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r848)
-  | 1181 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r853)
-  | 1305 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r929)
-  | 1917 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r1281)
-  | 160 | 1151 -> One (S (T T_COLONCOLON) :: r133)
+  | 1560 -> One (S (T T_DOTDOT) :: r1114)
+  | 1561 -> One (S (T T_DOTDOT) :: r1115)
+  | 230 | 904 | 977 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r231)
+  | 1969 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r452)
+  | 852 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r697)
+  | 1159 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r849)
+  | 1178 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r854)
+  | 1305 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r930)
+  | 1917 -> One (S (T T_DOT) :: r1282)
+  | 160 | 1148 -> One (S (T T_COLONCOLON) :: r133)
   | 166 -> One (S (T T_COLON) :: r144)
-  | 458 -> One (S (T T_COLON) :: r407)
-  | 1485 -> One (S (T T_COLON) :: r1074)
-  | 246 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r242)
-  | 250 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r251)
-  | 434 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r369)
-  | 1035 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r777)
-  | 1037 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r778)
-  | 1213 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r861)
-  | 335 -> One (S (T T_BAR) :: r323)
+  | 464 -> One (S (T T_COLON) :: r415)
+  | 1485 -> One (S (T T_COLON) :: r1075)
+  | 248 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r245)
+  | 252 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r254)
+  | 440 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r377)
+  | 1077 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r793)
+  | 1079 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r794)
+  | 1210 -> One (S (T T_BARRBRACKET) :: r862)
+  | 337 -> One (S (T T_BAR) :: r326)
   | 190 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r188)
-  | 389 | 574 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r193)
-  | 350 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r328)
-  | 380 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r348)
-  | 382 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r349)
-  | 403 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r360)
-  | 408 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r363)
-  | 873 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r704)
-  | 875 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r705)
-  | 877 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r706)
-  | 884 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r708)
-  | 1289 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r909)
+  | 396 | 604 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r193)
+  | 352 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r331)
+  | 390 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r358)
+  | 392 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r359)
+  | 408 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r368)
+  | 413 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r371)
+  | 878 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r709)
+  | 880 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r710)
+  | 882 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r711)
+  | 889 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r713)
+  | 1289 -> One (S (N N_pattern) :: r910)
   | 207 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r201)
-  | 460 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r409)
-  | 500 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r440)
-  | 502 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r441)
-  | 528 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r449)
-  | 1138 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r819)
-  | 1221 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r867)
-  | 1236 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r874)
-  | 1239 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r876)
-  | 1242 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r878)
-  | 1247 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r880)
-  | 1250 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r882)
-  | 1253 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r884)
-  | 1267 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r896)
+  | 507 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r448)
+  | 511 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r449)
+  | 535 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r457)
+  | 1135 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r820)
+  | 1218 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r868)
+  | 1236 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r875)
+  | 1239 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r877)
+  | 1242 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r879)
+  | 1247 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r881)
+  | 1250 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r883)
+  | 1253 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r885)
+  | 1267 -> One (S (N N_module_type) :: r897)
   | 223 -> One (S (N N_module_expr) :: r219)
-  | 565 -> One (S (N N_let_pattern) :: r508)
-  | 248 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r243)
-  | 540 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r457)
-  | 544 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r468)
-  | 593 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r517)
-  | 644 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r559)
-  | 673 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r579)
-  | 689 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r585)
-  | 695 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r589)
-  | 704 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r593)
-  | 715 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r599)
-  | 721 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r603)
-  | 727 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r607)
-  | 733 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r611)
-  | 739 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r615)
-  | 745 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r619)
-  | 751 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r623)
-  | 757 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r627)
-  | 763 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r631)
-  | 769 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r635)
-  | 775 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r639)
-  | 781 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r643)
-  | 787 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r647)
-  | 793 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r651)
-  | 799 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r655)
-  | 805 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r659)
-  | 811 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r663)
-  | 817 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r667)
-  | 823 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r671)
-  | 829 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r675)
-  | 920 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r727)
-  | 929 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r734)
-  | 938 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r741)
-  | 948 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r745)
-  | 957 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r749)
-  | 966 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r753)
-  | 977 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r757)
-  | 986 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r761)
-  | 995 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r765)
-  | 1002 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r769)
-  | 1086 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r791)
-  | 1093 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r795)
-  | 448 -> One (Sub (r3) :: r380)
-  | 559 -> One (Sub (r3) :: r486)
-  | 1291 -> One (Sub (r3) :: r910)
+  | 595 -> One (S (N N_let_pattern) :: r527)
+  | 250 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r246)
+  | 547 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r465)
+  | 623 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r536)
+  | 649 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r564)
+  | 678 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r584)
+  | 694 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r590)
+  | 700 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r594)
+  | 709 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r598)
+  | 720 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r604)
+  | 726 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r608)
+  | 732 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r612)
+  | 738 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r616)
+  | 744 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r620)
+  | 750 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r624)
+  | 756 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r628)
+  | 762 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r632)
+  | 768 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r636)
+  | 774 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r640)
+  | 780 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r644)
+  | 786 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r648)
+  | 792 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r652)
+  | 798 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r656)
+  | 804 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r660)
+  | 810 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r664)
+  | 816 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r668)
+  | 822 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r672)
+  | 828 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r676)
+  | 834 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r680)
+  | 925 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r732)
+  | 934 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r739)
+  | 943 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r746)
+  | 953 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r750)
+  | 962 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r754)
+  | 971 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r758)
+  | 982 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r762)
+  | 991 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r766)
+  | 1000 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r770)
+  | 1007 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r774)
+  | 1051 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r781)
+  | 1058 -> One (S (N N_fun_expr) :: r785)
+  | 242 -> One (Sub (r3) :: r237)
+  | 454 -> One (Sub (r3) :: r388)
+  | 589 -> One (Sub (r3) :: r505)
+  | 1291 -> One (Sub (r3) :: r911)
   | 2 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r14)
   | 55 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r15)
   | 59 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r22)
   | 168 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r147)
   | 180 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r168)
-  | 711 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r598)
-  | 1287 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r908)
-  | 1293 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r913)
-  | 1671 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r1209)
-  | 410 -> One (Sub (r24) :: r364)
-  | 879 -> One (Sub (r24) :: r707)
-  | 285 -> One (Sub (r26) :: r301)
-  | 300 -> One (Sub (r26) :: r309)
-  | 585 -> One (Sub (r26) :: r513)
-  | 1180 -> One (Sub (r26) :: r851)
-  | 290 -> One (Sub (r28) :: r308)
-  | 1493 -> One (Sub (r28) :: r1079)
-  | 283 -> One (Sub (r30) :: r300)
-  | 327 -> One (Sub (r32) :: r320)
-  | 479 -> One (Sub (r32) :: r434)
-  | 258 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r265)
-  | 405 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r362)
-  | 440 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r375)
-  | 482 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r437)
-  | 567 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r509)
-  | 628 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r547)
-  | 653 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r570)
-  | 657 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r571)
-  | 866 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r701)
-  | 1402 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1022)
-  | 1440 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1053)
-  | 1792 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1255)
-  | 1856 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1265)
-  | 1859 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1266)
-  | 1627 -> One (Sub (r36) :: r1170)
-  | 1651 -> One (Sub (r36) :: r1181)
+  | 716 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r603)
+  | 1287 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r909)
+  | 1293 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r914)
+  | 1671 -> One (Sub (r13) :: r1210)
+  | 415 -> One (Sub (r24) :: r372)
+  | 884 -> One (Sub (r24) :: r712)
+  | 287 -> One (Sub (r26) :: r304)
+  | 302 -> One (Sub (r26) :: r312)
+  | 615 -> One (Sub (r26) :: r532)
+  | 1177 -> One (Sub (r26) :: r852)
+  | 292 -> One (Sub (r28) :: r311)
+  | 1493 -> One (Sub (r28) :: r1080)
+  | 285 -> One (Sub (r30) :: r303)
+  | 329 -> One (Sub (r32) :: r323)
+  | 484 -> One (Sub (r32) :: r440)
+  | 260 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r268)
+  | 410 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r370)
+  | 446 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r383)
+  | 487 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r443)
+  | 578 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r493)
+  | 597 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r528)
+  | 658 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r575)
+  | 662 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r576)
+  | 871 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r706)
+  | 1402 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1023)
+  | 1440 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1054)
+  | 1792 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1256)
+  | 1856 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1266)
+  | 1859 -> One (Sub (r34) :: r1267)
+  | 1627 -> One (Sub (r36) :: r1171)
+  | 1651 -> One (Sub (r36) :: r1182)
   | 146 -> One (Sub (r59) :: r126)
-  | 848 -> One (Sub (r59) :: r693)
-  | 1972 -> One (Sub (r59) :: r1293)
-  | 1330 -> One (Sub (r71) :: r946)
-  | 355 -> One (Sub (r86) :: r336)
+  | 853 -> One (Sub (r59) :: r698)
+  | 1972 -> One (Sub (r59) :: r1294)
+  | 1330 -> One (Sub (r71) :: r947)
+  | 357 -> One (Sub (r86) :: r339)
   | 152 -> One (Sub (r121) :: r127)
   | 139 -> One (Sub (r123) :: r125)
-  | 1394 -> One (Sub (r123) :: r1016)
+  | 1394 -> One (Sub (r123) :: r1017)
   | 156 -> One (Sub (r129) :: r130)
-  | 1868 -> One (Sub (r129) :: r1271)
-  | 1882 -> One (Sub (r129) :: r1274)
-  | 557 -> One (Sub (r172) :: r483)
-  | 598 -> One (Sub (r172) :: r521)
+  | 1868 -> One (Sub (r129) :: r1272)
+  | 1882 -> One (Sub (r129) :: r1275)
+  | 587 -> One (Sub (r172) :: r502)
+  | 628 -> One (Sub (r172) :: r540)
   | 186 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r181)
-  | 543 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r466)
-  | 606 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r534)
-  | 635 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r551)
-  | 664 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r573)
-  | 914 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r726)
-  | 1273 -> One (Sub (r195) :: r900)
-  | 1356 -> One (Sub (r195) :: r976)
-  | 1029 -> One (Sub (r245) :: r775)
-  | 249 -> One (Sub (r247) :: r250)
-  | 253 -> One (Sub (r262) :: r264)
-  | 320 -> One (Sub (r267) :: r314)
-  | 264 -> One (Sub (r269) :: r276)
-  | 278 -> One (Sub (r269) :: r299)
-  | 265 -> One (Sub (r282) :: r284)
-  | 266 -> One (Sub (r286) :: r287)
-  | 302 -> One (Sub (r286) :: r310)
-  | 1853 -> One (Sub (r286) :: r1264)
-  | 268 -> One (Sub (r293) :: r295)
-  | 508 -> One (Sub (r293) :: r445)
-  | 1353 -> One (Sub (r293) :: r971)
-  | 343 -> One (Sub (r325) :: r327)
-  | 578 -> One (Sub (r331) :: r512)
-  | 366 -> One (Sub (r339) :: r340)
-  | 390 -> One (Sub (r353) :: r356)
-  | 575 -> One (Sub (r353) :: r511)
-  | 841 -> One (Sub (r353) :: r688)
-  | 1628 -> One (Sub (r353) :: r1175)
-  | 1652 -> One (Sub (r353) :: r1186)
-  | 438 -> One (Sub (r372) :: r374)
-  | 446 -> One (Sub (r372) :: r379)
-  | 512 -> One (Sub (r425) :: r446)
-  | 471 -> One (Sub (r427) :: r428)
-  | 541 -> One (Sub (r463) :: r465)
-  | 1046 -> One (Sub (r463) :: r785)
-  | 563 -> One (Sub (r504) :: r505)
-  | 1043 -> One (Sub (r781) :: r783)
-  | 1145 -> One (Sub (r810) :: r820)
-  | 1156 -> One (Sub (r829) :: r830)
-  | 1157 -> One (Sub (r838) :: r840)
-  | 1542 -> One (Sub (r838) :: r1108)
-  | 1562 -> One (Sub (r838) :: r1116)
-  | 1570 -> One (Sub (r838) :: r1118)
-  | 1861 -> One (Sub (r838) :: r1268)
-  | 1809 -> One (Sub (r930) :: r1257)
-  | 1821 -> One (Sub (r930) :: r1259)
-  | 1377 -> One (Sub (r958) :: r987)
-  | 1370 -> One (Sub (r984) :: r986)
-  | 1713 -> One (Sub (r996) :: r1229)
-  | 1737 -> One (Sub (r996) :: r1238)
-  | 1682 -> One (Sub (r1048) :: r1216)
-  | 1669 -> One (Sub (r1120) :: r1199)
-  | 1741 -> One (Sub (r1123) :: r1239)
-  | 1593 -> One (Sub (r1141) :: r1143)
-  | 1621 -> One (Sub (r1161) :: r1163)
-  | 688 -> One (r0)
-  | 687 -> One (r2)
+  | 241 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r235)
+  | 556 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r480)
+  | 640 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r556)
+  | 669 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r578)
+  | 919 -> One (Sub (r180) :: r731)
+  | 1273 -> One (Sub (r195) :: r901)
+  | 1356 -> One (Sub (r195) :: r977)
+  | 1071 -> One (Sub (r248) :: r791)
+  | 251 -> One (Sub (r250) :: r253)
+  | 255 -> One (Sub (r265) :: r267)
+  | 322 -> One (Sub (r270) :: r317)
+  | 266 -> One (Sub (r272) :: r279)
+  | 280 -> One (Sub (r272) :: r302)
+  | 267 -> One (Sub (r285) :: r287)
+  | 268 -> One (Sub (r289) :: r290)
+  | 304 -> One (Sub (r289) :: r313)
+  | 1853 -> One (Sub (r289) :: r1265)
+  | 270 -> One (Sub (r296) :: r298)
+  | 517 -> One (Sub (r296) :: r453)
+  | 1353 -> One (Sub (r296) :: r972)
+  | 345 -> One (Sub (r328) :: r330)
+  | 608 -> One (Sub (r334) :: r531)
+  | 368 -> One (Sub (r342) :: r343)
+  | 379 -> One (Sub (r352) :: r355)
+  | 397 -> One (Sub (r362) :: r365)
+  | 605 -> One (Sub (r362) :: r530)
+  | 846 -> One (Sub (r362) :: r693)
+  | 1628 -> One (Sub (r362) :: r1176)
+  | 1652 -> One (Sub (r362) :: r1187)
+  | 444 -> One (Sub (r380) :: r382)
+  | 452 -> One (Sub (r380) :: r387)
+  | 521 -> One (Sub (r431) :: r454)
+  | 476 -> One (Sub (r433) :: r434)
+  | 548 -> One (Sub (r471) :: r473)
+  | 1088 -> One (Sub (r471) :: r801)
+  | 593 -> One (Sub (r523) :: r524)
+  | 1085 -> One (Sub (r797) :: r799)
+  | 1142 -> One (Sub (r811) :: r821)
+  | 1153 -> One (Sub (r830) :: r831)
+  | 1154 -> One (Sub (r839) :: r841)
+  | 1542 -> One (Sub (r839) :: r1109)
+  | 1562 -> One (Sub (r839) :: r1117)
+  | 1570 -> One (Sub (r839) :: r1119)
+  | 1861 -> One (Sub (r839) :: r1269)
+  | 1809 -> One (Sub (r931) :: r1258)
+  | 1821 -> One (Sub (r931) :: r1260)
+  | 1377 -> One (Sub (r959) :: r988)
+  | 1370 -> One (Sub (r985) :: r987)
+  | 1713 -> One (Sub (r997) :: r1230)
+  | 1737 -> One (Sub (r997) :: r1239)
+  | 1682 -> One (Sub (r1049) :: r1217)
+  | 1669 -> One (Sub (r1121) :: r1200)
+  | 1741 -> One (Sub (r1124) :: r1240)
+  | 1593 -> One (Sub (r1142) :: r1144)
+  | 1621 -> One (Sub (r1162) :: r1164)
+  | 693 -> One (r0)
+  | 692 -> One (r2)
   | 1903 -> One (r4)
   | 1902 -> One (r5)
   | 1901 -> One (r6)
@@ -2511,12 +2512,12 @@ let recover =
   | 1898 -> One (r20)
   | 1897 -> One (r21)
   | 60 -> One (r22)
-  | 107 | 247 | 542 | 1060 -> One (r23)
+  | 107 | 249 | 549 | 1102 -> One (r23)
   | 110 -> One (r25)
-  | 299 -> One (r27)
-  | 282 -> One (r29)
-  | 305 -> One (r31)
-  | 309 -> One (r33)
+  | 301 -> One (r27)
+  | 284 -> One (r29)
+  | 307 -> One (r31)
+  | 311 -> One (r33)
   | 1314 -> One (r35)
   | 1896 -> One (r37)
   | 1895 -> One (r38)
@@ -2556,9 +2557,9 @@ let recover =
   | 1827 -> One (r76)
   | 1826 -> One (r77)
   | 164 -> One (r83)
-  | 293 -> One (r85)
-  | 358 -> One (r87)
-  | 1195 -> One (r89)
+  | 295 -> One (r85)
+  | 360 -> One (r87)
+  | 1192 -> One (r89)
   | 1569 -> One (r91)
   | 1568 -> One (r92)
   | 1567 | 1820 -> One (r93)
@@ -2587,15 +2588,15 @@ let recover =
   | 1545 -> One (r128)
   | 1867 -> One (r130)
   | 1864 -> One (r131)
-  | 1153 -> One (r132)
-  | 1152 -> One (r133)
+  | 1150 -> One (r132)
+  | 1149 -> One (r133)
   | 161 -> One (r134)
   | 1850 -> One (r135)
   | 1849 -> One (r136)
   | 1848 -> One (r137)
   | 163 -> One (r138)
   | 1845 -> One (r139)
-  | 1169 -> One (r140)
+  | 1166 -> One (r140)
   | 1837 -> One (r142)
   | 1836 -> One (r143)
   | 167 -> One (r144)
@@ -2618,16 +2619,16 @@ let recover =
   | 1802 -> One (r166)
   | 1801 -> One (r167)
   | 181 -> One (r168)
-  | 1077 -> One (r169)
-  | 1075 -> One (r170)
-  | 558 -> One (r171)
-  | 600 -> One (r173)
+  | 1042 -> One (r169)
+  | 1040 -> One (r170)
+  | 588 -> One (r171)
+  | 630 -> One (r173)
   | 1800 -> One (r175)
   | 1799 -> One (r176)
   | 1798 -> One (r177)
   | 184 -> One (r178)
   | 183 -> One (r179)
-  | 1215 -> One (r181)
+  | 1212 -> One (r181)
   | 1797 -> One (r182)
   | 1796 -> One (r183)
   | 1795 -> One (r184)
@@ -2638,8 +2639,8 @@ let recover =
   | 191 -> One (r189)
   | 193 -> One (r190)
   | 196 -> One (r191)
-  | 402 -> One (r192)
-  | 401 -> One (r193)
+  | 407 -> One (r192)
+  | 406 -> One (r193)
   | 203 -> One (r194)
   | 206 -> One (r196)
   | 205 -> One (r197)
@@ -2663,8 +2664,8 @@ let recover =
   | 1256 -> One (r215)
   | 222 -> One (r216)
   | 221 -> One (r217)
-  | 527 -> One (r218)
-  | 526 -> One (r219)
+  | 534 -> One (r218)
+  | 533 -> One (r219)
   | 1246 -> One (r220)
   | 1245 -> One (r221)
   | 225 -> One (r222)
@@ -2681,1010 +2682,1010 @@ let recover =
   | 1230 -> One (r235)
   | 1229 -> One (r236)
   | 1228 -> One (r237)
-  | 243 -> One (r238)
-  | 242 -> One (r239)
+  | 1227 -> One (r238)
+  | 1226 -> One (r239)
   | 1225 -> One (r240)
-  | 1224 -> One (r241)
-  | 1212 -> One (r242)
-  | 1211 -> One (r243)
-  | 436 -> One (r244)
-  | 1031 -> One (r246)
-  | 1028 -> One (r248)
-  | 1027 -> One (r249)
-  | 1026 -> One (r250)
-  | 433 -> One (r251)
-  | 252 -> One (r252)
-  | 422 -> One (r253)
-  | 421 -> One (r255)
-  | 420 -> One (r256)
-  | 254 -> One (r257)
-  | 427 -> One (r259)
-  | 349 -> One (r260)
-  | 257 -> One (r261)
-  | 256 -> One (r263)
-  | 255 -> One (r264)
-  | 348 -> One (r265)
-  | 332 -> One (r266)
-  | 317 -> One (r268)
-  | 342 -> One (r270)
-  | 341 -> One (r271)
-  | 261 -> One (r272)
-  | 263 -> One (r273)
-  | 262 -> One (r274)
-  | 340 -> One (r275)
-  | 339 -> One (r276)
-  | 280 -> One (r277)
-  | 279 -> One (r278)
-  | 331 -> One (r280)
-  | 322 -> One (r281)
-  | 334 -> One (r283)
-  | 333 -> One (r284)
-  | 276 | 1496 -> One (r285)
-  | 277 -> One (r287)
-  | 275 -> One (r288)
-  | 274 -> One (r289)
-  | 267 -> One (r290)
-  | 273 -> One (r292)
-  | 270 -> One (r294)
-  | 269 -> One (r295)
-  | 272 -> One (r296)
-  | 271 -> One (r297)
-  | 319 -> One (r298)
-  | 318 -> One (r299)
-  | 315 -> One (r300)
-  | 314 -> One (r301)
-  | 313 -> One (r304)
-  | 294 -> One (r306)
-  | 292 -> One (r307)
-  | 291 -> One (r308)
-  | 301 -> One (r309)
-  | 303 -> One (r310)
-  | 307 -> One (r311)
-  | 312 -> One (r312)
-  | 311 -> One (r313)
-  | 321 -> One (r314)
-  | 330 -> One (r315)
-  | 329 -> One (r317)
-  | 326 -> One (r318)
-  | 325 -> One (r319)
-  | 328 -> One (r320)
-  | 338 -> One (r321)
-  | 337 -> One (r322)
-  | 336 -> One (r323)
-  | 347 -> One (r324)
-  | 345 -> One (r326)
-  | 344 -> One (r327)
-  | 426 -> One (r328)
-  | 362 | 865 -> One (r330)
-  | 363 -> One (r332)
-  | 353 -> One (r333)
-  | 352 -> One (r334)
-  | 354 -> One (r335)
-  | 356 -> One (r336)
-  | 368 -> One (r338)
-  | 367 -> One (r340)
-  | 419 -> One (r341)
-  | 418 -> One (r342)
-  | 371 -> One (r343)
-  | 373 -> One (r344)
-  | 413 -> One (r345)
-  | 376 -> One (r346)
+  | 245 -> One (r241)
+  | 244 -> One (r242)
+  | 1222 -> One (r243)
+  | 1221 -> One (r244)
+  | 1209 -> One (r245)
+  | 1208 -> One (r246)
+  | 442 -> One (r247)
+  | 1073 -> One (r249)
+  | 1070 -> One (r251)
+  | 1069 -> One (r252)
+  | 1068 -> One (r253)
+  | 439 -> One (r254)
+  | 254 -> One (r255)
+  | 428 -> One (r256)
+  | 427 -> One (r258)
+  | 426 -> One (r259)
+  | 256 -> One (r260)
+  | 433 -> One (r262)
+  | 351 -> One (r263)
+  | 259 -> One (r264)
+  | 258 -> One (r266)
+  | 257 -> One (r267)
+  | 350 -> One (r268)
+  | 334 -> One (r269)
+  | 319 -> One (r271)
+  | 344 -> One (r273)
+  | 343 -> One (r274)
+  | 263 -> One (r275)
+  | 265 -> One (r276)
+  | 264 -> One (r277)
+  | 342 -> One (r278)
+  | 341 -> One (r279)
+  | 282 -> One (r280)
+  | 281 -> One (r281)
+  | 333 -> One (r283)
+  | 324 -> One (r284)
+  | 336 -> One (r286)
+  | 335 -> One (r287)
+  | 278 | 1496 -> One (r288)
+  | 279 -> One (r290)
+  | 277 -> One (r291)
+  | 276 -> One (r292)
+  | 269 -> One (r293)
+  | 275 -> One (r295)
+  | 272 -> One (r297)
+  | 271 -> One (r298)
+  | 274 -> One (r299)
+  | 273 -> One (r300)
+  | 321 -> One (r301)
+  | 320 -> One (r302)
+  | 317 -> One (r303)
+  | 316 -> One (r304)
+  | 315 -> One (r307)
+  | 296 -> One (r309)
+  | 294 -> One (r310)
+  | 293 -> One (r311)
+  | 303 -> One (r312)
+  | 305 -> One (r313)
+  | 309 -> One (r314)
+  | 314 -> One (r315)
+  | 313 -> One (r316)
+  | 323 -> One (r317)
+  | 332 -> One (r318)
+  | 331 -> One (r320)
+  | 328 -> One (r321)
+  | 327 -> One (r322)
+  | 330 -> One (r323)
+  | 340 -> One (r324)
+  | 339 -> One (r325)
+  | 338 -> One (r326)
+  | 349 -> One (r327)
+  | 347 -> One (r329)
+  | 346 -> One (r330)
+  | 432 -> One (r331)
+  | 364 | 870 -> One (r333)
+  | 365 -> One (r335)
+  | 355 -> One (r336)
+  | 354 -> One (r337)
+  | 356 -> One (r338)
+  | 358 -> One (r339)
+  | 370 -> One (r341)
+  | 369 -> One (r343)
+  | 425 -> One (r344)
+  | 424 -> One (r345)
+  | 373 -> One (r346)
   | 375 -> One (r347)
-  | 381 -> One (r348)
-  | 383 -> One (r349)
-  | 386 -> One (r350)
-  | 412 -> One (r351)
-  | 391 -> One (r352)
-  | 395 -> One (r354)
-  | 394 -> One (r355)
-  | 393 -> One (r356)
-  | 397 -> One (r357)
-  | 400 -> One (r358)
-  | 399 -> One (r359)
-  | 404 -> One (r360)
-  | 407 -> One (r361)
-  | 406 -> One (r362)
-  | 409 -> One (r363)
-  | 411 -> One (r364)
-  | 415 -> One (r365)
-  | 414 -> One (r366)
-  | 417 -> One (r367)
-  | 431 -> One (r368)
-  | 435 -> One (r369)
-  | 444 -> One (r370)
-  | 439 -> One (r371)
-  | 443 -> One (r373)
-  | 442 -> One (r374)
-  | 441 -> One (r375)
-  | 1205 -> One (r376)
-  | 1204 -> One (r377)
-  | 1203 -> One (r378)
-  | 447 -> One (r379)
-  | 1202 -> One (r380)
-  | 1131 -> One (r381)
-  | 1130 -> One (r382)
-  | 1129 -> One (r383)
-  | 1128 -> One (r384)
-  | 1127 -> One (r385)
-  | 450 -> One (r386)
-  | 837 -> One (r387)
-  | 1201 -> One (r389)
-  | 1200 -> One (r390)
-  | 1199 -> One (r391)
-  | 1197 -> One (r392)
-  | 1196 -> One (r393)
-  | 1756 -> One (r394)
-  | 1126 -> One (r395)
-  | 536 -> One (r396)
-  | 535 -> One (r397)
-  | 453 -> One (r398)
-  | 452 -> One (r399)
-  | 523 -> One (r400)
-  | 521 -> One (r401)
-  | 520 -> One (r402)
-  | 455 -> One (r403)
-  | 457 -> One (r404)
-  | 519 -> One (r405)
-  | 518 -> One (r406)
-  | 459 -> One (r407)
-  | 517 -> One (r408)
-  | 516 -> One (r409)
-  | 515 -> One (r410)
-  | 462 -> One (r411)
-  | 470 -> One (r412)
-  | 468 -> One (r413)
-  | 467 -> One (r414)
-  | 464 -> One (r415)
-  | 498 -> One (r416)
-  | 497 -> One (r418)
-  | 491 -> One (r420)
-  | 490 -> One (r421)
-  | 489 -> One (r422)
-  | 488 -> One (r423)
-  | 487 -> One (r424)
-  | 510 -> One (r426)
-  | 511 -> One (r428)
-  | 478 -> One (r429)
-  | 477 -> One (r430)
-  | 474 -> One (r431)
-  | 473 -> One (r432)
-  | 481 -> One (r433)
-  | 480 -> One (r434)
-  | 485 -> One (r435)
-  | 484 -> One (r436)
-  | 483 -> One (r437)
-  | 496 -> One (r438)
-  | 501 -> One (r440)
-  | 503 -> One (r441)
-  | 506 -> One (r442)
-  | 505 -> One (r443)
-  | 507 | 1970 -> One (r444)
-  | 509 -> One (r445)
-  | 513 -> One (r446)
-  | 525 -> One (r447)
-  | 530 -> One (r448)
-  | 529 -> One (r449)
-  | 904 -> One (r450)
-  | 1125 -> One (r452)
-  | 1124 -> One (r453)
-  | 1121 -> One (r454)
-  | 1118 -> One (r455)
-  | 539 -> One (r456)
-  | 1117 -> One (r457)
-  | 1052 -> One (r458)
-  | 1051 -> One (r459)
-  | 1050 -> One (r460)
-  | 1055 -> One (r462)
-  | 1112 -> One (r464)
-  | 1111 -> One (r465)
-  | 1110 -> One (r466)
-  | 1109 -> One (r467)
-  | 1108 -> One (r468)
-  | 1102 -> One (r469)
-  | 547 -> One (r470)
-  | 546 -> One (r471)
-  | 1099 -> One (r472)
-  | 550 -> One (r473)
-  | 549 -> One (r474)
-  | 1092 -> One (r475)
-  | 1081 -> One (r476)
-  | 1080 -> One (r477)
-  | 553 -> One (r478)
-  | 552 -> One (r479)
-  | 1079 -> One (r480)
-  | 556 -> One (r481)
-  | 555 -> One (r482)
-  | 1078 -> One (r483)
-  | 1074 -> One (r484)
-  | 1073 -> One (r485)
-  | 1072 -> One (r486)
-  | 580 -> One (r487)
-  | 582 -> One (r489)
-  | 864 -> One (r491)
-  | 581 -> One (r493)
-  | 862 -> One (r495)
-  | 1071 -> One (r497)
-  | 588 -> One (r498)
-  | 587 -> One (r499)
-  | 584 -> One (r500)
-  | 562 -> One (r501)
-  | 561 -> One (r502)
-  | 564 -> One (r503)
-  | 573 -> One (r505)
-  | 571 -> One (r506)
-  | 570 -> One (r507)
-  | 569 -> One (r508)
-  | 568 -> One (r509)
-  | 577 -> One (r510)
-  | 576 -> One (r511)
-  | 579 -> One (r512)
-  | 586 -> One (r513)
-  | 592 -> One (r514)
-  | 591 -> One (r515)
-  | 590 -> One (r516)
-  | 1070 -> One (r517)
-  | 597 -> One (r518)
-  | 596 -> One (r519)
-  | 595 -> One (r520)
-  | 599 -> One (r521)
-  | 1064 -> One (r522)
-  | 1069 -> One (r524)
-  | 1068 -> One (r525)
-  | 1067 -> One (r526)
-  | 1066 -> One (r527)
-  | 1065 -> One (r528)
-  | 1062 -> One (r529)
-  | 605 -> One (r530)
-  | 604 -> One (r531)
-  | 603 -> One (r532)
-  | 602 -> One (r533)
-  | 609 -> One (r534)
-  | 614 -> One (r535)
-  | 613 -> One (r536)
-  | 612 | 1059 -> One (r537)
-  | 1058 -> One (r538)
-  | 623 -> One (r539)
-  | 622 -> One (r540)
-  | 621 -> One (r541)
-  | 620 -> One (r542)
-  | 619 -> One (r543)
-  | 618 -> One (r544)
-  | 1022 -> One (r545)
-  | 630 -> One (r546)
-  | 629 -> One (r547)
-  | 634 -> One (r548)
-  | 633 -> One (r549)
-  | 632 -> One (r550)
-  | 636 -> One (r551)
-  | 919 | 1015 -> One (r552)
-  | 918 | 1014 -> One (r553)
-  | 638 | 917 -> One (r554)
-  | 637 | 916 -> One (r555)
-  | 642 -> One (r556)
-  | 641 -> One (r557)
-  | 640 -> One (r558)
-  | 1012 -> One (r559)
-  | 648 -> One (r560)
+  | 419 -> One (r348)
+  | 378 -> One (r349)
+  | 377 -> One (r350)
+  | 380 | 577 -> One (r351)
+  | 383 -> One (r353)
+  | 382 -> One (r354)
+  | 381 -> One (r355)
+  | 386 -> One (r356)
+  | 418 -> One (r357)
+  | 391 -> One (r358)
+  | 393 -> One (r359)
+  | 417 -> One (r360)
+  | 398 -> One (r361)
+  | 402 -> One (r363)
+  | 401 -> One (r364)
+  | 400 -> One (r365)
+  | 405 -> One (r366)
+  | 404 -> One (r367)
+  | 409 -> One (r368)
+  | 412 -> One (r369)
+  | 411 -> One (r370)
+  | 414 -> One (r371)
+  | 416 -> One (r372)
+  | 421 -> One (r373)
+  | 420 -> One (r374)
+  | 423 -> One (r375)
+  | 437 -> One (r376)
+  | 441 -> One (r377)
+  | 450 -> One (r378)
+  | 445 -> One (r379)
+  | 449 -> One (r381)
+  | 448 -> One (r382)
+  | 447 -> One (r383)
+  | 1202 -> One (r384)
+  | 1201 -> One (r385)
+  | 1200 -> One (r386)
+  | 453 -> One (r387)
+  | 1199 -> One (r388)
+  | 1128 -> One (r389)
+  | 1127 -> One (r390)
+  | 1126 -> One (r391)
+  | 1125 -> One (r392)
+  | 1124 -> One (r393)
+  | 456 -> One (r394)
+  | 842 -> One (r395)
+  | 1198 -> One (r397)
+  | 1197 -> One (r398)
+  | 1196 -> One (r399)
+  | 1194 -> One (r400)
+  | 1193 -> One (r401)
+  | 1756 -> One (r402)
+  | 1123 -> One (r403)
+  | 543 -> One (r404)
+  | 542 -> One (r405)
+  | 459 -> One (r406)
+  | 458 -> One (r407)
+  | 530 -> One (r408)
+  | 528 -> One (r409)
+  | 527 -> One (r410)
+  | 461 -> One (r411)
+  | 463 -> One (r412)
+  | 526 -> One (r413)
+  | 525 -> One (r414)
+  | 465 -> One (r415)
+  | 524 -> One (r416)
+  | 523 -> One (r417)
+  | 475 -> One (r418)
+  | 473 -> One (r419)
+  | 472 -> One (r420)
+  | 469 -> One (r421)
+  | 503 -> One (r422)
+  | 502 -> One (r424)
+  | 496 -> One (r426)
+  | 495 -> One (r427)
+  | 494 -> One (r428)
+  | 493 -> One (r429)
+  | 492 -> One (r430)
+  | 519 -> One (r432)
+  | 520 -> One (r434)
+  | 483 -> One (r435)
+  | 482 -> One (r436)
+  | 479 -> One (r437)
+  | 478 -> One (r438)
+  | 486 -> One (r439)
+  | 485 -> One (r440)
+  | 490 -> One (r441)
+  | 489 -> One (r442)
+  | 488 -> One (r443)
+  | 501 -> One (r444)
+  | 506 -> One (r446)
+  | 505 -> One (r447)
+  | 508 -> One (r448)
+  | 512 -> One (r449)
+  | 515 -> One (r450)
+  | 514 -> One (r451)
+  | 516 | 1970 -> One (r452)
+  | 518 -> One (r453)
+  | 522 -> One (r454)
+  | 532 -> One (r455)
+  | 537 -> One (r456)
+  | 536 -> One (r457)
+  | 909 -> One (r458)
+  | 1122 -> One (r460)
+  | 1121 -> One (r461)
+  | 1118 -> One (r462)
+  | 1115 -> One (r463)
+  | 546 -> One (r464)
+  | 1114 -> One (r465)
+  | 1094 -> One (r466)
+  | 1093 -> One (r467)
+  | 1092 -> One (r468)
+  | 1097 -> One (r470)
+  | 1109 -> One (r472)
+  | 1108 -> One (r473)
+  | 1105 -> One (r474)
+  | 552 -> One (r475)
+  | 551 -> One (r476)
+  | 1104 -> One (r477)
+  | 555 -> One (r478)
+  | 554 -> One (r479)
+  | 559 -> One (r480)
+  | 564 -> One (r481)
+  | 563 -> One (r482)
+  | 562 | 1101 -> One (r483)
+  | 1100 -> One (r484)
+  | 573 -> One (r485)
+  | 572 -> One (r486)
+  | 571 -> One (r487)
+  | 570 -> One (r488)
+  | 569 -> One (r489)
+  | 568 -> One (r490)
+  | 1064 -> One (r491)
+  | 580 -> One (r492)
+  | 579 -> One (r493)
+  | 1057 -> One (r494)
+  | 1046 -> One (r495)
+  | 1045 -> One (r496)
+  | 583 -> One (r497)
+  | 582 -> One (r498)
+  | 1044 -> One (r499)
+  | 586 -> One (r500)
+  | 585 -> One (r501)
+  | 1043 -> One (r502)
+  | 1039 -> One (r503)
+  | 1038 -> One (r504)
+  | 1037 -> One (r505)
+  | 610 -> One (r506)
+  | 612 -> One (r508)
+  | 869 -> One (r510)
+  | 611 -> One (r512)
+  | 867 -> One (r514)
+  | 1036 -> One (r516)
+  | 618 -> One (r517)
+  | 617 -> One (r518)
+  | 614 -> One (r519)
+  | 592 -> One (r520)
+  | 591 -> One (r521)
+  | 594 -> One (r522)
+  | 603 -> One (r524)
+  | 601 -> One (r525)
+  | 600 -> One (r526)
+  | 599 -> One (r527)
+  | 598 -> One (r528)
+  | 607 -> One (r529)
+  | 606 -> One (r530)
+  | 609 -> One (r531)
+  | 616 -> One (r532)
+  | 622 -> One (r533)
+  | 621 -> One (r534)
+  | 620 -> One (r535)
+  | 1035 -> One (r536)
+  | 627 -> One (r537)
+  | 626 -> One (r538)
+  | 625 -> One (r539)
+  | 629 -> One (r540)
+  | 1029 -> One (r541)
+  | 1034 -> One (r543)
+  | 1033 -> One (r544)
+  | 1032 -> One (r545)
+  | 1031 -> One (r546)
+  | 1030 -> One (r547)
+  | 1027 -> One (r548)
+  | 635 -> One (r549)
+  | 634 -> One (r550)
+  | 633 -> One (r551)
+  | 632 -> One (r552)
+  | 639 -> One (r553)
+  | 638 -> One (r554)
+  | 637 -> One (r555)
+  | 641 -> One (r556)
+  | 924 | 1020 -> One (r557)
+  | 923 | 1019 -> One (r558)
+  | 643 | 922 -> One (r559)
+  | 642 | 921 -> One (r560)
   | 647 -> One (r561)
   | 646 -> One (r562)
-  | 661 -> One (r563)
-  | 656 -> One (r564)
-  | 655 | 840 -> One (r565)
-  | 660 -> One (r567)
-  | 659 -> One (r568)
-  | 652 -> One (r569)
-  | 654 -> One (r570)
-  | 658 -> One (r571)
-  | 663 -> One (r572)
-  | 665 -> One (r573)
-  | 667 -> One (r574)
-  | 671 | 947 -> One (r575)
-  | 670 | 946 -> One (r576)
-  | 669 | 945 -> One (r577)
-  | 668 | 944 -> One (r578)
-  | 892 -> One (r579)
-  | 677 -> One (r580)
-  | 676 -> One (r581)
-  | 675 -> One (r582)
-  | 686 -> One (r583)
-  | 685 -> One (r584)
-  | 694 -> One (r585)
-  | 693 -> One (r586)
-  | 692 -> One (r587)
+  | 645 -> One (r563)
+  | 1017 -> One (r564)
+  | 653 -> One (r565)
+  | 652 -> One (r566)
+  | 651 -> One (r567)
+  | 666 -> One (r568)
+  | 661 -> One (r569)
+  | 660 | 845 -> One (r570)
+  | 665 -> One (r572)
+  | 664 -> One (r573)
+  | 657 -> One (r574)
+  | 659 -> One (r575)
+  | 663 -> One (r576)
+  | 668 -> One (r577)
+  | 670 -> One (r578)
+  | 672 -> One (r579)
+  | 676 | 952 -> One (r580)
+  | 675 | 951 -> One (r581)
+  | 674 | 950 -> One (r582)
+  | 673 | 949 -> One (r583)
+  | 897 -> One (r584)
+  | 682 -> One (r585)
+  | 681 -> One (r586)
+  | 680 -> One (r587)
   | 691 -> One (r588)
-  | 700 -> One (r589)
+  | 690 -> One (r589)
   | 699 -> One (r590)
   | 698 -> One (r591)
   | 697 -> One (r592)
-  | 709 -> One (r593)
-  | 708 -> One (r594)
-  | 707 -> One (r595)
-  | 706 -> One (r596)
-  | 713 -> One (r597)
-  | 712 -> One (r598)
-  | 720 -> One (r599)
-  | 719 -> One (r600)
-  | 718 -> One (r601)
-  | 717 -> One (r602)
-  | 726 -> One (r603)
+  | 696 -> One (r593)
+  | 705 -> One (r594)
+  | 704 -> One (r595)
+  | 703 -> One (r596)
+  | 702 -> One (r597)
+  | 714 -> One (r598)
+  | 713 -> One (r599)
+  | 712 -> One (r600)
+  | 711 -> One (r601)
+  | 718 -> One (r602)
+  | 717 -> One (r603)
   | 725 -> One (r604)
   | 724 -> One (r605)
   | 723 -> One (r606)
-  | 732 -> One (r607)
+  | 722 -> One (r607)
   | 731 -> One (r608)
   | 730 -> One (r609)
   | 729 -> One (r610)
-  | 738 -> One (r611)
+  | 728 -> One (r611)
   | 737 -> One (r612)
   | 736 -> One (r613)
   | 735 -> One (r614)
-  | 744 -> One (r615)
+  | 734 -> One (r615)
   | 743 -> One (r616)
   | 742 -> One (r617)
   | 741 -> One (r618)
-  | 750 -> One (r619)
+  | 740 -> One (r619)
   | 749 -> One (r620)
   | 748 -> One (r621)
   | 747 -> One (r622)
-  | 756 -> One (r623)
+  | 746 -> One (r623)
   | 755 -> One (r624)
   | 754 -> One (r625)
   | 753 -> One (r626)
-  | 762 -> One (r627)
+  | 752 -> One (r627)
   | 761 -> One (r628)
   | 760 -> One (r629)
   | 759 -> One (r630)
-  | 768 -> One (r631)
+  | 758 -> One (r631)
   | 767 -> One (r632)
   | 766 -> One (r633)
   | 765 -> One (r634)
-  | 774 -> One (r635)
+  | 764 -> One (r635)
   | 773 -> One (r636)
   | 772 -> One (r637)
   | 771 -> One (r638)
-  | 780 -> One (r639)
+  | 770 -> One (r639)
   | 779 -> One (r640)
   | 778 -> One (r641)
   | 777 -> One (r642)
-  | 786 -> One (r643)
+  | 776 -> One (r643)
   | 785 -> One (r644)
   | 784 -> One (r645)
   | 783 -> One (r646)
-  | 792 -> One (r647)
+  | 782 -> One (r647)
   | 791 -> One (r648)
   | 790 -> One (r649)
   | 789 -> One (r650)
-  | 798 -> One (r651)
+  | 788 -> One (r651)
   | 797 -> One (r652)
   | 796 -> One (r653)
   | 795 -> One (r654)
-  | 804 -> One (r655)
+  | 794 -> One (r655)
   | 803 -> One (r656)
   | 802 -> One (r657)
   | 801 -> One (r658)
-  | 810 -> One (r659)
+  | 800 -> One (r659)
   | 809 -> One (r660)
   | 808 -> One (r661)
   | 807 -> One (r662)
-  | 816 -> One (r663)
+  | 806 -> One (r663)
   | 815 -> One (r664)
   | 814 -> One (r665)
   | 813 -> One (r666)
-  | 822 -> One (r667)
+  | 812 -> One (r667)
   | 821 -> One (r668)
   | 820 -> One (r669)
   | 819 -> One (r670)
-  | 828 -> One (r671)
+  | 818 -> One (r671)
   | 827 -> One (r672)
   | 826 -> One (r673)
   | 825 -> One (r674)
-  | 834 -> One (r675)
+  | 824 -> One (r675)
   | 833 -> One (r676)
   | 832 -> One (r677)
   | 831 -> One (r678)
-  | 890 -> One (r679)
-  | 887 -> One (r680)
-  | 836 -> One (r681)
-  | 839 -> One (r682)
-  | 838 -> One (r683)
-  | 846 -> One (r684)
-  | 845 -> One (r685)
-  | 844 -> One (r686)
-  | 843 -> One (r687)
-  | 842 -> One (r688)
-  | 853 -> One (r689)
-  | 852 -> One (r690)
-  | 851 -> One (r691)
-  | 850 -> One (r692)
-  | 849 -> One (r693)
-  | 856 -> One (r694)
-  | 855 -> One (r695)
-  | 863 -> One (r696)
-  | 861 -> One (r697)
-  | 860 -> One (r698)
-  | 869 -> One (r699)
-  | 868 -> One (r700)
-  | 867 -> One (r701)
-  | 872 -> One (r702)
-  | 871 -> One (r703)
+  | 830 -> One (r679)
+  | 839 -> One (r680)
+  | 838 -> One (r681)
+  | 837 -> One (r682)
+  | 836 -> One (r683)
+  | 895 -> One (r684)
+  | 892 -> One (r685)
+  | 841 -> One (r686)
+  | 844 -> One (r687)
+  | 843 -> One (r688)
+  | 851 -> One (r689)
+  | 850 -> One (r690)
+  | 849 -> One (r691)
+  | 848 -> One (r692)
+  | 847 -> One (r693)
+  | 858 -> One (r694)
+  | 857 -> One (r695)
+  | 856 -> One (r696)
+  | 855 -> One (r697)
+  | 854 -> One (r698)
+  | 861 -> One (r699)
+  | 860 -> One (r700)
+  | 868 -> One (r701)
+  | 866 -> One (r702)
+  | 865 -> One (r703)
   | 874 -> One (r704)
-  | 876 -> One (r705)
-  | 878 -> One (r706)
-  | 880 -> One (r707)
-  | 885 -> One (r708)
-  | 889 -> One (r709)
-  | 895 | 956 -> One (r710)
-  | 894 | 955 -> One (r711)
-  | 893 | 954 -> One (r712)
-  | 898 | 965 -> One (r713)
-  | 897 | 964 -> One (r714)
-  | 896 | 963 -> One (r715)
-  | 903 | 976 -> One (r716)
-  | 902 | 975 -> One (r717)
-  | 901 | 974 -> One (r718)
-  | 900 | 973 -> One (r719)
-  | 909 | 985 -> One (r720)
-  | 908 | 984 -> One (r721)
-  | 907 | 983 -> One (r722)
-  | 912 | 994 -> One (r723)
-  | 911 | 993 -> One (r724)
-  | 910 | 992 -> One (r725)
-  | 915 -> One (r726)
-  | 925 -> One (r727)
-  | 924 -> One (r728)
-  | 923 -> One (r729)
-  | 922 -> One (r730)
-  | 928 | 1018 -> One (r731)
-  | 927 | 1017 -> One (r732)
-  | 926 | 1016 -> One (r733)
-  | 934 -> One (r734)
-  | 933 -> One (r735)
-  | 932 -> One (r736)
-  | 931 -> One (r737)
-  | 937 | 1021 -> One (r738)
-  | 936 | 1020 -> One (r739)
-  | 935 | 1019 -> One (r740)
-  | 943 -> One (r741)
-  | 942 -> One (r742)
-  | 941 -> One (r743)
-  | 940 -> One (r744)
-  | 953 -> One (r745)
-  | 952 -> One (r746)
-  | 951 -> One (r747)
-  | 950 -> One (r748)
-  | 962 -> One (r749)
-  | 961 -> One (r750)
-  | 960 -> One (r751)
-  | 959 -> One (r752)
-  | 971 -> One (r753)
-  | 970 -> One (r754)
-  | 969 -> One (r755)
-  | 968 -> One (r756)
-  | 982 -> One (r757)
-  | 981 -> One (r758)
-  | 980 -> One (r759)
-  | 979 -> One (r760)
-  | 991 -> One (r761)
-  | 990 -> One (r762)
-  | 989 -> One (r763)
-  | 988 -> One (r764)
-  | 1000 -> One (r765)
-  | 999 -> One (r766)
-  | 998 -> One (r767)
-  | 997 -> One (r768)
-  | 1007 -> One (r769)
-  | 1006 -> One (r770)
-  | 1005 -> One (r771)
-  | 1004 -> One (r772)
-  | 1025 -> One (r773)
-  | 1024 -> One (r774)
-  | 1030 -> One (r775)
-  | 1034 -> One (r776)
-  | 1036 -> One (r777)
-  | 1038 -> One (r778)
-  | 1040 -> One (r779)
-  | 1042 -> One (r780)
-  | 1045 -> One (r782)
-  | 1044 -> One (r783)
-  | 1057 -> One (r784)
-  | 1056 -> One (r785)
-  | 1049 -> One (r786)
-  | 1048 -> One (r787)
-  | 1085 -> One (r788)
-  | 1084 -> One (r789)
-  | 1083 -> One (r790)
-  | 1091 -> One (r791)
-  | 1090 -> One (r792)
-  | 1089 -> One (r793)
-  | 1088 -> One (r794)
-  | 1098 -> One (r795)
-  | 1097 -> One (r796)
-  | 1096 -> One (r797)
-  | 1095 -> One (r798)
-  | 1101 -> One (r799)
-  | 1107 -> One (r800)
-  | 1106 -> One (r801)
-  | 1105 -> One (r802)
-  | 1104 -> One (r803)
-  | 1116 -> One (r804)
-  | 1115 -> One (r805)
-  | 1114 -> One (r806)
-  | 1123 -> One (r807)
-  | 1137 -> One (r808)
-  | 1136 -> One (r809)
-  | 1144 -> One (r811)
-  | 1143 -> One (r812)
-  | 1142 -> One (r813)
-  | 1135 -> One (r814)
-  | 1134 -> One (r815)
-  | 1133 -> One (r816)
-  | 1141 -> One (r817)
-  | 1140 -> One (r818)
-  | 1139 -> One (r819)
-  | 1146 -> One (r820)
-  | 1194 -> One (r821)
-  | 1193 -> One (r822)
-  | 1192 -> One (r823)
-  | 1191 -> One (r824)
-  | 1155 -> One (r825)
-  | 1149 -> One (r826)
-  | 1148 -> One (r827)
-  | 1179 -> One (r828)
-  | 1178 -> One (r830)
-  | 1174 -> One (r837)
-  | 1171 -> One (r839)
-  | 1170 -> One (r840)
-  | 1168 -> One (r841)
-  | 1167 -> One (r842)
-  | 1166 -> One (r843)
-  | 1165 -> One (r844)
-  | 1161 -> One (r845)
-  | 1160 -> One (r846)
-  | 1164 -> One (r847)
-  | 1163 -> One (r848)
-  | 1177 -> One (r849)
-  | 1176 -> One (r850)
-  | 1190 -> One (r851)
-  | 1186 -> One (r852)
-  | 1182 -> One (r853)
-  | 1185 -> One (r854)
-  | 1184 -> One (r855)
-  | 1189 -> One (r856)
-  | 1188 -> One (r857)
-  | 1210 -> One (r858)
-  | 1209 -> One (r859)
-  | 1208 -> One (r860)
-  | 1214 -> One (r861)
-  | 1220 -> One (r862)
-  | 1219 -> One (r863)
-  | 1218 -> One (r864)
-  | 1217 -> One (r865)
-  | 1223 -> One (r866)
-  | 1222 -> One (r867)
-  | 1227 -> One (r868)
-  | 1235 -> One (r869)
-  | 1234 -> One (r870)
-  | 1233 -> One (r871)
-  | 1232 -> One (r872)
-  | 1238 -> One (r873)
-  | 1237 -> One (r874)
-  | 1241 -> One (r875)
-  | 1240 -> One (r876)
-  | 1244 -> One (r877)
-  | 1243 -> One (r878)
-  | 1249 -> One (r879)
-  | 1248 -> One (r880)
-  | 1252 -> One (r881)
-  | 1251 -> One (r882)
-  | 1255 -> One (r883)
-  | 1254 -> One (r884)
-  | 1286 -> One (r885)
-  | 1285 -> One (r886)
-  | 1284 -> One (r887)
-  | 1272 -> One (r888)
-  | 1271 -> One (r889)
-  | 1270 -> One (r890)
-  | 1269 -> One (r891)
-  | 1266 -> One (r892)
-  | 1265 -> One (r893)
-  | 1264 -> One (r894)
-  | 1263 -> One (r895)
-  | 1268 -> One (r896)
-  | 1283 -> One (r897)
-  | 1276 -> One (r898)
-  | 1275 -> One (r899)
-  | 1274 -> One (r900)
-  | 1282 -> One (r901)
-  | 1281 -> One (r902)
-  | 1280 -> One (r903)
-  | 1279 -> One (r904)
-  | 1278 -> One (r905)
-  | 1780 -> One (r906)
-  | 1779 -> One (r907)
-  | 1288 -> One (r908)
-  | 1290 -> One (r909)
-  | 1292 -> One (r910)
-  | 1778 -> One (r911)
-  | 1777 -> One (r912)
-  | 1294 -> One (r913)
-  | 1299 -> One (r914)
-  | 1298 -> One (r915)
-  | 1297 -> One (r916)
-  | 1296 -> One (r917)
-  | 1310 -> One (r918)
-  | 1313 -> One (r920)
-  | 1312 -> One (r921)
-  | 1309 -> One (r922)
-  | 1308 -> One (r923)
-  | 1304 -> One (r924)
-  | 1303 -> One (r925)
-  | 1302 -> One (r926)
-  | 1301 -> One (r927)
-  | 1307 -> One (r928)
-  | 1306 -> One (r929)
-  | 1326 -> One (r931)
-  | 1325 -> One (r932)
-  | 1324 -> One (r933)
-  | 1319 -> One (r934)
-  | 1329 -> One (r938)
-  | 1328 -> One (r939)
-  | 1327 -> One (r940)
-  | 1387 -> One (r941)
-  | 1386 -> One (r942)
-  | 1385 -> One (r943)
-  | 1384 -> One (r944)
-  | 1323 -> One (r945)
-  | 1580 -> One (r946)
-  | 1579 -> One (r947)
-  | 1341 -> One (r948)
-  | 1340 -> One (r949)
-  | 1339 -> One (r950)
-  | 1338 -> One (r951)
-  | 1337 -> One (r952)
-  | 1336 -> One (r953)
-  | 1335 -> One (r954)
-  | 1334 -> One (r955)
-  | 1374 -> One (r956)
-  | 1373 -> One (r957)
-  | 1376 -> One (r959)
-  | 1375 -> One (r960)
-  | 1369 -> One (r961)
-  | 1351 -> One (r962)
-  | 1350 -> One (r963)
-  | 1349 -> One (r964)
-  | 1348 -> One (r965)
-  | 1347 -> One (r966)
-  | 1355 -> One (r970)
-  | 1354 -> One (r971)
-  | 1368 -> One (r972)
-  | 1360 -> One (r973)
-  | 1359 -> One (r974)
-  | 1358 -> One (r975)
-  | 1357 -> One (r976)
-  | 1367 -> One (r977)
-  | 1366 -> One (r978)
-  | 1365 -> One (r979)
-  | 1364 -> One (r980)
-  | 1363 -> One (r981)
-  | 1362 -> One (r982)
-  | 1372 -> One (r985)
-  | 1371 -> One (r986)
-  | 1378 -> One (r987)
-  | 1383 -> One (r988)
-  | 1382 -> One (r989)
-  | 1381 -> One (r990)
-  | 1380 -> One (r991)
-  | 1443 | 1497 -> One (r993)
-  | 1499 -> One (r995)
-  | 1513 -> One (r997)
-  | 1503 -> One (r998)
-  | 1502 -> One (r999)
-  | 1484 -> One (r1000)
-  | 1483 -> One (r1001)
-  | 1482 -> One (r1002)
-  | 1481 -> One (r1003)
-  | 1480 -> One (r1004)
-  | 1479 -> One (r1005)
-  | 1478 -> One (r1006)
-  | 1468 -> One (r1007)
-  | 1467 -> One (r1008)
-  | 1399 -> One (r1009)
-  | 1398 -> One (r1010)
-  | 1397 -> One (r1011)
-  | 1393 -> One (r1012)
-  | 1391 -> One (r1013)
-  | 1390 -> One (r1014)
-  | 1396 -> One (r1015)
-  | 1395 -> One (r1016)
-  | 1461 -> One (r1017)
-  | 1460 -> One (r1018)
-  | 1405 -> One (r1019)
-  | 1401 -> One (r1020)
-  | 1404 -> One (r1021)
-  | 1403 -> One (r1022)
-  | 1416 -> One (r1023)
-  | 1415 -> One (r1024)
-  | 1414 -> One (r1025)
-  | 1413 -> One (r1026)
-  | 1412 -> One (r1027)
-  | 1407 -> One (r1028)
-  | 1427 -> One (r1029)
-  | 1426 -> One (r1030)
-  | 1425 -> One (r1031)
-  | 1424 -> One (r1032)
-  | 1423 -> One (r1033)
-  | 1418 -> One (r1034)
-  | 1452 -> One (r1035)
-  | 1451 -> One (r1036)
-  | 1429 -> One (r1037)
-  | 1450 -> One (r1038)
-  | 1449 -> One (r1039)
-  | 1448 -> One (r1040)
-  | 1447 -> One (r1041)
-  | 1431 -> One (r1042)
-  | 1445 -> One (r1043)
-  | 1435 -> One (r1044)
-  | 1434 -> One (r1045)
-  | 1433 -> One (r1046)
-  | 1442 | 1490 -> One (r1047)
-  | 1439 -> One (r1049)
-  | 1438 -> One (r1050)
-  | 1437 -> One (r1051)
-  | 1436 | 1489 -> One (r1052)
-  | 1441 -> One (r1053)
-  | 1457 -> One (r1054)
-  | 1456 -> One (r1055)
-  | 1455 -> One (r1056)
-  | 1459 -> One (r1058)
-  | 1458 -> One (r1059)
-  | 1454 -> One (r1060)
-  | 1463 -> One (r1061)
-  | 1466 -> One (r1062)
-  | 1477 -> One (r1063)
-  | 1476 -> One (r1064)
-  | 1475 -> One (r1065)
-  | 1474 -> One (r1066)
-  | 1473 -> One (r1067)
-  | 1472 -> One (r1068)
-  | 1471 -> One (r1069)
-  | 1470 -> One (r1070)
-  | 1501 -> One (r1071)
-  | 1488 -> One (r1072)
-  | 1487 -> One (r1073)
-  | 1486 -> One (r1074)
-  | 1500 -> One (r1075)
-  | 1492 -> One (r1076)
-  | 1498 -> One (r1077)
-  | 1495 -> One (r1078)
-  | 1494 -> One (r1079)
-  | 1512 -> One (r1080)
-  | 1511 -> One (r1081)
-  | 1510 -> One (r1082)
-  | 1509 -> One (r1083)
-  | 1508 -> One (r1084)
-  | 1507 -> One (r1085)
-  | 1506 -> One (r1086)
-  | 1505 -> One (r1087)
-  | 1522 -> One (r1088)
-  | 1524 -> One (r1089)
-  | 1534 -> One (r1090)
-  | 1533 -> One (r1091)
-  | 1532 -> One (r1092)
-  | 1531 -> One (r1093)
-  | 1530 -> One (r1094)
-  | 1529 -> One (r1095)
-  | 1528 -> One (r1096)
-  | 1527 -> One (r1097)
-  | 1576 -> One (r1098)
-  | 1556 -> One (r1099)
-  | 1555 -> One (r1100)
-  | 1554 -> One (r1101)
-  | 1553 -> One (r1102)
-  | 1540 -> One (r1103)
-  | 1539 -> One (r1104)
-  | 1538 -> One (r1105)
-  | 1537 -> One (r1106)
-  | 1544 -> One (r1107)
-  | 1543 -> One (r1108)
-  | 1549 -> One (r1109)
-  | 1548 -> One (r1110)
-  | 1547 | 1808 -> One (r1111)
-  | 1551 | 1807 -> One (r1112)
-  | 1573 -> One (r1113)
-  | 1565 -> One (r1114)
-  | 1564 -> One (r1115)
-  | 1563 -> One (r1116)
-  | 1572 -> One (r1117)
-  | 1571 -> One (r1118)
-  | 1692 -> One (r1119)
-  | 1736 -> One (r1121)
-  | 1589 -> One (r1122)
-  | 1753 -> One (r1124)
-  | 1744 -> One (r1125)
-  | 1743 -> One (r1126)
-  | 1588 -> One (r1127)
-  | 1587 -> One (r1128)
-  | 1586 -> One (r1129)
-  | 1585 -> One (r1130)
-  | 1584 -> One (r1131)
-  | 1730 -> One (r1132)
-  | 1729 -> One (r1133)
-  | 1592 -> One (r1134)
-  | 1591 -> One (r1135)
-  | 1617 -> One (r1136)
-  | 1616 -> One (r1137)
-  | 1615 -> One (r1138)
-  | 1614 -> One (r1139)
-  | 1605 -> One (r1140)
-  | 1604 -> One (r1142)
-  | 1603 -> One (r1143)
-  | 1599 -> One (r1144)
-  | 1598 -> One (r1145)
-  | 1597 -> One (r1146)
-  | 1596 -> One (r1147)
-  | 1595 -> One (r1148)
-  | 1602 -> One (r1149)
-  | 1601 -> One (r1150)
-  | 1613 -> One (r1151)
-  | 1612 -> One (r1152)
-  | 1611 -> One (r1153)
-  | 1620 -> One (r1154)
-  | 1619 -> One (r1155)
-  | 1661 -> One (r1157)
-  | 1650 -> One (r1158)
-  | 1649 -> One (r1159)
-  | 1640 -> One (r1160)
-  | 1639 -> One (r1162)
-  | 1638 -> One (r1163)
-  | 1637 -> One (r1164)
-  | 1626 -> One (r1165)
-  | 1625 -> One (r1166)
-  | 1623 -> One (r1167)
-  | 1636 -> One (r1168)
-  | 1635 -> One (r1169)
-  | 1634 -> One (r1170)
-  | 1633 -> One (r1171)
-  | 1632 -> One (r1172)
-  | 1631 -> One (r1173)
-  | 1630 -> One (r1174)
-  | 1629 -> One (r1175)
-  | 1648 -> One (r1176)
-  | 1647 -> One (r1177)
-  | 1646 -> One (r1178)
-  | 1660 -> One (r1179)
-  | 1659 -> One (r1180)
-  | 1658 -> One (r1181)
-  | 1657 -> One (r1182)
-  | 1656 -> One (r1183)
-  | 1655 -> One (r1184)
-  | 1654 -> One (r1185)
-  | 1653 -> One (r1186)
-  | 1665 -> One (r1187)
-  | 1664 -> One (r1188)
-  | 1663 -> One (r1189)
-  | 1724 -> One (r1190)
-  | 1723 -> One (r1191)
-  | 1722 -> One (r1192)
-  | 1721 -> One (r1193)
-  | 1720 -> One (r1194)
-  | 1719 -> One (r1195)
-  | 1716 -> One (r1196)
-  | 1668 -> One (r1197)
-  | 1712 -> One (r1198)
-  | 1711 -> One (r1199)
-  | 1706 -> One (r1200)
-  | 1705 -> One (r1201)
-  | 1704 -> One (r1202)
-  | 1703 -> One (r1203)
-  | 1677 -> One (r1204)
-  | 1676 -> One (r1205)
-  | 1675 -> One (r1206)
-  | 1674 -> One (r1207)
-  | 1673 -> One (r1208)
-  | 1672 -> One (r1209)
-  | 1702 -> One (r1210)
-  | 1681 -> One (r1211)
-  | 1680 -> One (r1212)
-  | 1679 -> One (r1213)
-  | 1685 -> One (r1214)
-  | 1684 -> One (r1215)
-  | 1683 -> One (r1216)
-  | 1699 -> One (r1217)
-  | 1689 -> One (r1218)
-  | 1688 -> One (r1219)
-  | 1701 -> One (r1221)
-  | 1687 -> One (r1222)
-  | 1696 -> One (r1223)
-  | 1691 -> One (r1224)
-  | 1710 -> One (r1225)
-  | 1709 -> One (r1226)
-  | 1708 -> One (r1227)
-  | 1715 -> One (r1228)
-  | 1714 -> One (r1229)
-  | 1718 -> One (r1230)
-  | 1728 -> One (r1231)
-  | 1727 -> One (r1232)
-  | 1726 -> One (r1233)
-  | 1732 -> One (r1234)
-  | 1735 -> One (r1235)
-  | 1740 -> One (r1236)
-  | 1739 -> One (r1237)
-  | 1738 -> One (r1238)
-  | 1742 -> One (r1239)
-  | 1752 -> One (r1240)
-  | 1751 -> One (r1241)
-  | 1750 -> One (r1242)
-  | 1749 -> One (r1243)
-  | 1748 -> One (r1244)
-  | 1747 -> One (r1245)
-  | 1746 -> One (r1246)
-  | 1762 -> One (r1247)
-  | 1765 -> One (r1248)
-  | 1767 -> One (r1249)
-  | 1773 -> One (r1250)
-  | 1772 -> One (r1251)
-  | 1783 -> One (r1252)
-  | 1782 -> One (r1253)
-  | 1794 -> One (r1254)
-  | 1793 -> One (r1255)
-  | 1811 -> One (r1256)
-  | 1810 -> One (r1257)
-  | 1823 -> One (r1258)
-  | 1822 -> One (r1259)
-  | 1839 -> One (r1260)
-  | 1847 -> One (r1261)
-  | 1855 -> One (r1262)
-  | 1852 -> One (r1263)
-  | 1854 -> One (r1264)
-  | 1857 -> One (r1265)
-  | 1860 -> One (r1266)
-  | 1863 -> One (r1267)
-  | 1862 -> One (r1268)
-  | 1871 -> One (r1269)
-  | 1870 -> One (r1270)
-  | 1869 -> One (r1271)
-  | 1885 -> One (r1272)
-  | 1884 -> One (r1273)
-  | 1883 -> One (r1274)
-  | 1905 -> One (r1275)
-  | 1909 -> One (r1276)
-  | 1914 -> One (r1277)
-  | 1921 -> One (r1278)
-  | 1920 -> One (r1279)
-  | 1919 -> One (r1280)
-  | 1918 -> One (r1281)
-  | 1928 -> One (r1282)
-  | 1932 -> One (r1283)
-  | 1936 -> One (r1284)
-  | 1939 -> One (r1285)
-  | 1944 -> One (r1286)
-  | 1948 -> One (r1287)
-  | 1952 -> One (r1288)
-  | 1956 -> One (r1289)
-  | 1960 -> One (r1290)
-  | 1963 -> One (r1291)
-  | 1967 -> One (r1292)
-  | 1973 -> One (r1293)
-  | 1983 -> One (r1294)
-  | 1985 -> One (r1295)
-  | 1988 -> One (r1296)
-  | 1987 -> One (r1297)
-  | 1990 -> One (r1298)
-  | 2000 -> One (r1299)
-  | 1996 -> One (r1300)
-  | 1995 -> One (r1301)
-  | 1999 -> One (r1302)
-  | 1998 -> One (r1303)
-  | 2005 -> One (r1304)
-  | 2004 -> One (r1305)
-  | 2003 -> One (r1306)
-  | 2007 -> One (r1307)
-  | 370 -> Select (function
+  | 873 -> One (r705)
+  | 872 -> One (r706)
+  | 877 -> One (r707)
+  | 876 -> One (r708)
+  | 879 -> One (r709)
+  | 881 -> One (r710)
+  | 883 -> One (r711)
+  | 885 -> One (r712)
+  | 890 -> One (r713)
+  | 894 -> One (r714)
+  | 900 | 961 -> One (r715)
+  | 899 | 960 -> One (r716)
+  | 898 | 959 -> One (r717)
+  | 903 | 970 -> One (r718)
+  | 902 | 969 -> One (r719)
+  | 901 | 968 -> One (r720)
+  | 908 | 981 -> One (r721)
+  | 907 | 980 -> One (r722)
+  | 906 | 979 -> One (r723)
+  | 905 | 978 -> One (r724)
+  | 914 | 990 -> One (r725)
+  | 913 | 989 -> One (r726)
+  | 912 | 988 -> One (r727)
+  | 917 | 999 -> One (r728)
+  | 916 | 998 -> One (r729)
+  | 915 | 997 -> One (r730)
+  | 920 -> One (r731)
+  | 930 -> One (r732)
+  | 929 -> One (r733)
+  | 928 -> One (r734)
+  | 927 -> One (r735)
+  | 933 | 1023 -> One (r736)
+  | 932 | 1022 -> One (r737)
+  | 931 | 1021 -> One (r738)
+  | 939 -> One (r739)
+  | 938 -> One (r740)
+  | 937 -> One (r741)
+  | 936 -> One (r742)
+  | 942 | 1026 -> One (r743)
+  | 941 | 1025 -> One (r744)
+  | 940 | 1024 -> One (r745)
+  | 948 -> One (r746)
+  | 947 -> One (r747)
+  | 946 -> One (r748)
+  | 945 -> One (r749)
+  | 958 -> One (r750)
+  | 957 -> One (r751)
+  | 956 -> One (r752)
+  | 955 -> One (r753)
+  | 967 -> One (r754)
+  | 966 -> One (r755)
+  | 965 -> One (r756)
+  | 964 -> One (r757)
+  | 976 -> One (r758)
+  | 975 -> One (r759)
+  | 974 -> One (r760)
+  | 973 -> One (r761)
+  | 987 -> One (r762)
+  | 986 -> One (r763)
+  | 985 -> One (r764)
+  | 984 -> One (r765)
+  | 996 -> One (r766)
+  | 995 -> One (r767)
+  | 994 -> One (r768)
+  | 993 -> One (r769)
+  | 1005 -> One (r770)
+  | 1004 -> One (r771)
+  | 1003 -> One (r772)
+  | 1002 -> One (r773)
+  | 1012 -> One (r774)
+  | 1011 -> One (r775)
+  | 1010 -> One (r776)
+  | 1009 -> One (r777)
+  | 1050 -> One (r778)
+  | 1049 -> One (r779)
+  | 1048 -> One (r780)
+  | 1056 -> One (r781)
+  | 1055 -> One (r782)
+  | 1054 -> One (r783)
+  | 1053 -> One (r784)
+  | 1063 -> One (r785)
+  | 1062 -> One (r786)
+  | 1061 -> One (r787)
+  | 1060 -> One (r788)
+  | 1067 -> One (r789)
+  | 1066 -> One (r790)
+  | 1072 -> One (r791)
+  | 1076 -> One (r792)
+  | 1078 -> One (r793)
+  | 1080 -> One (r794)
+  | 1082 -> One (r795)
+  | 1084 -> One (r796)
+  | 1087 -> One (r798)
+  | 1086 -> One (r799)
+  | 1099 -> One (r800)
+  | 1098 -> One (r801)
+  | 1091 -> One (r802)
+  | 1090 -> One (r803)
+  | 1107 -> One (r804)
+  | 1113 -> One (r805)
+  | 1112 -> One (r806)
+  | 1111 -> One (r807)
+  | 1120 -> One (r808)
+  | 1134 -> One (r809)
+  | 1133 -> One (r810)
+  | 1141 -> One (r812)
+  | 1140 -> One (r813)
+  | 1139 -> One (r814)
+  | 1132 -> One (r815)
+  | 1131 -> One (r816)
+  | 1130 -> One (r817)
+  | 1138 -> One (r818)
+  | 1137 -> One (r819)
+  | 1136 -> One (r820)
+  | 1143 -> One (r821)
+  | 1191 -> One (r822)
+  | 1190 -> One (r823)
+  | 1189 -> One (r824)
+  | 1188 -> One (r825)
+  | 1152 -> One (r826)
+  | 1146 -> One (r827)
+  | 1145 -> One (r828)
+  | 1176 -> One (r829)
+  | 1175 -> One (r831)
+  | 1171 -> One (r838)
+  | 1168 -> One (r840)
+  | 1167 -> One (r841)
+  | 1165 -> One (r842)
+  | 1164 -> One (r843)
+  | 1163 -> One (r844)
+  | 1162 -> One (r845)
+  | 1158 -> One (r846)
+  | 1157 -> One (r847)
+  | 1161 -> One (r848)
+  | 1160 -> One (r849)
+  | 1174 -> One (r850)
+  | 1173 -> One (r851)
+  | 1187 -> One (r852)
+  | 1183 -> One (r853)
+  | 1179 -> One (r854)
+  | 1182 -> One (r855)
+  | 1181 -> One (r856)
+  | 1186 -> One (r857)
+  | 1185 -> One (r858)
+  | 1207 -> One (r859)
+  | 1206 -> One (r860)
+  | 1205 -> One (r861)
+  | 1211 -> One (r862)
+  | 1217 -> One (r863)
+  | 1216 -> One (r864)
+  | 1215 -> One (r865)
+  | 1214 -> One (r866)
+  | 1220 -> One (r867)
+  | 1219 -> One (r868)
+  | 1224 -> One (r869)
+  | 1235 -> One (r870)
+  | 1234 -> One (r871)
+  | 1233 -> One (r872)
+  | 1232 -> One (r873)
+  | 1238 -> One (r874)
+  | 1237 -> One (r875)
+  | 1241 -> One (r876)
+  | 1240 -> One (r877)
+  | 1244 -> One (r878)
+  | 1243 -> One (r879)
+  | 1249 -> One (r880)
+  | 1248 -> One (r881)
+  | 1252 -> One (r882)
+  | 1251 -> One (r883)
+  | 1255 -> One (r884)
+  | 1254 -> One (r885)
+  | 1286 -> One (r886)
+  | 1285 -> One (r887)
+  | 1284 -> One (r888)
+  | 1272 -> One (r889)
+  | 1271 -> One (r890)
+  | 1270 -> One (r891)
+  | 1269 -> One (r892)
+  | 1266 -> One (r893)
+  | 1265 -> One (r894)
+  | 1264 -> One (r895)
+  | 1263 -> One (r896)
+  | 1268 -> One (r897)
+  | 1283 -> One (r898)
+  | 1276 -> One (r899)
+  | 1275 -> One (r900)
+  | 1274 -> One (r901)
+  | 1282 -> One (r902)
+  | 1281 -> One (r903)
+  | 1280 -> One (r904)
+  | 1279 -> One (r905)
+  | 1278 -> One (r906)
+  | 1780 -> One (r907)
+  | 1779 -> One (r908)
+  | 1288 -> One (r909)
+  | 1290 -> One (r910)
+  | 1292 -> One (r911)
+  | 1778 -> One (r912)
+  | 1777 -> One (r913)
+  | 1294 -> One (r914)
+  | 1299 -> One (r915)
+  | 1298 -> One (r916)
+  | 1297 -> One (r917)
+  | 1296 -> One (r918)
+  | 1310 -> One (r919)
+  | 1313 -> One (r921)
+  | 1312 -> One (r922)
+  | 1309 -> One (r923)
+  | 1308 -> One (r924)
+  | 1304 -> One (r925)
+  | 1303 -> One (r926)
+  | 1302 -> One (r927)
+  | 1301 -> One (r928)
+  | 1307 -> One (r929)
+  | 1306 -> One (r930)
+  | 1326 -> One (r932)
+  | 1325 -> One (r933)
+  | 1324 -> One (r934)
+  | 1319 -> One (r935)
+  | 1329 -> One (r939)
+  | 1328 -> One (r940)
+  | 1327 -> One (r941)
+  | 1387 -> One (r942)
+  | 1386 -> One (r943)
+  | 1385 -> One (r944)
+  | 1384 -> One (r945)
+  | 1323 -> One (r946)
+  | 1580 -> One (r947)
+  | 1579 -> One (r948)
+  | 1341 -> One (r949)
+  | 1340 -> One (r950)
+  | 1339 -> One (r951)
+  | 1338 -> One (r952)
+  | 1337 -> One (r953)
+  | 1336 -> One (r954)
+  | 1335 -> One (r955)
+  | 1334 -> One (r956)
+  | 1374 -> One (r957)
+  | 1373 -> One (r958)
+  | 1376 -> One (r960)
+  | 1375 -> One (r961)
+  | 1369 -> One (r962)
+  | 1351 -> One (r963)
+  | 1350 -> One (r964)
+  | 1349 -> One (r965)
+  | 1348 -> One (r966)
+  | 1347 -> One (r967)
+  | 1355 -> One (r971)
+  | 1354 -> One (r972)
+  | 1368 -> One (r973)
+  | 1360 -> One (r974)
+  | 1359 -> One (r975)
+  | 1358 -> One (r976)
+  | 1357 -> One (r977)
+  | 1367 -> One (r978)
+  | 1366 -> One (r979)
+  | 1365 -> One (r980)
+  | 1364 -> One (r981)
+  | 1363 -> One (r982)
+  | 1362 -> One (r983)
+  | 1372 -> One (r986)
+  | 1371 -> One (r987)
+  | 1378 -> One (r988)
+  | 1383 -> One (r989)
+  | 1382 -> One (r990)
+  | 1381 -> One (r991)
+  | 1380 -> One (r992)
+  | 1443 | 1497 -> One (r994)
+  | 1499 -> One (r996)
+  | 1513 -> One (r998)
+  | 1503 -> One (r999)
+  | 1502 -> One (r1000)
+  | 1484 -> One (r1001)
+  | 1483 -> One (r1002)
+  | 1482 -> One (r1003)
+  | 1481 -> One (r1004)
+  | 1480 -> One (r1005)
+  | 1479 -> One (r1006)
+  | 1478 -> One (r1007)
+  | 1468 -> One (r1008)
+  | 1467 -> One (r1009)
+  | 1399 -> One (r1010)
+  | 1398 -> One (r1011)
+  | 1397 -> One (r1012)
+  | 1393 -> One (r1013)
+  | 1391 -> One (r1014)
+  | 1390 -> One (r1015)
+  | 1396 -> One (r1016)
+  | 1395 -> One (r1017)
+  | 1461 -> One (r1018)
+  | 1460 -> One (r1019)
+  | 1405 -> One (r1020)
+  | 1401 -> One (r1021)
+  | 1404 -> One (r1022)
+  | 1403 -> One (r1023)
+  | 1416 -> One (r1024)
+  | 1415 -> One (r1025)
+  | 1414 -> One (r1026)
+  | 1413 -> One (r1027)
+  | 1412 -> One (r1028)
+  | 1407 -> One (r1029)
+  | 1427 -> One (r1030)
+  | 1426 -> One (r1031)
+  | 1425 -> One (r1032)
+  | 1424 -> One (r1033)
+  | 1423 -> One (r1034)
+  | 1418 -> One (r1035)
+  | 1452 -> One (r1036)
+  | 1451 -> One (r1037)
+  | 1429 -> One (r1038)
+  | 1450 -> One (r1039)
+  | 1449 -> One (r1040)
+  | 1448 -> One (r1041)
+  | 1447 -> One (r1042)
+  | 1431 -> One (r1043)
+  | 1445 -> One (r1044)
+  | 1435 -> One (r1045)
+  | 1434 -> One (r1046)
+  | 1433 -> One (r1047)
+  | 1442 | 1490 -> One (r1048)
+  | 1439 -> One (r1050)
+  | 1438 -> One (r1051)
+  | 1437 -> One (r1052)
+  | 1436 | 1489 -> One (r1053)
+  | 1441 -> One (r1054)
+  | 1457 -> One (r1055)
+  | 1456 -> One (r1056)
+  | 1455 -> One (r1057)
+  | 1459 -> One (r1059)
+  | 1458 -> One (r1060)
+  | 1454 -> One (r1061)
+  | 1463 -> One (r1062)
+  | 1466 -> One (r1063)
+  | 1477 -> One (r1064)
+  | 1476 -> One (r1065)
+  | 1475 -> One (r1066)
+  | 1474 -> One (r1067)
+  | 1473 -> One (r1068)
+  | 1472 -> One (r1069)
+  | 1471 -> One (r1070)
+  | 1470 -> One (r1071)
+  | 1501 -> One (r1072)
+  | 1488 -> One (r1073)
+  | 1487 -> One (r1074)
+  | 1486 -> One (r1075)
+  | 1500 -> One (r1076)
+  | 1492 -> One (r1077)
+  | 1498 -> One (r1078)
+  | 1495 -> One (r1079)
+  | 1494 -> One (r1080)
+  | 1512 -> One (r1081)
+  | 1511 -> One (r1082)
+  | 1510 -> One (r1083)
+  | 1509 -> One (r1084)
+  | 1508 -> One (r1085)
+  | 1507 -> One (r1086)
+  | 1506 -> One (r1087)
+  | 1505 -> One (r1088)
+  | 1522 -> One (r1089)
+  | 1524 -> One (r1090)
+  | 1534 -> One (r1091)
+  | 1533 -> One (r1092)
+  | 1532 -> One (r1093)
+  | 1531 -> One (r1094)
+  | 1530 -> One (r1095)
+  | 1529 -> One (r1096)
+  | 1528 -> One (r1097)
+  | 1527 -> One (r1098)
+  | 1576 -> One (r1099)
+  | 1556 -> One (r1100)
+  | 1555 -> One (r1101)
+  | 1554 -> One (r1102)
+  | 1553 -> One (r1103)
+  | 1540 -> One (r1104)
+  | 1539 -> One (r1105)
+  | 1538 -> One (r1106)
+  | 1537 -> One (r1107)
+  | 1544 -> One (r1108)
+  | 1543 -> One (r1109)
+  | 1549 -> One (r1110)
+  | 1548 -> One (r1111)
+  | 1547 | 1808 -> One (r1112)
+  | 1551 | 1807 -> One (r1113)
+  | 1573 -> One (r1114)
+  | 1565 -> One (r1115)
+  | 1564 -> One (r1116)
+  | 1563 -> One (r1117)
+  | 1572 -> One (r1118)
+  | 1571 -> One (r1119)
+  | 1692 -> One (r1120)
+  | 1736 -> One (r1122)
+  | 1589 -> One (r1123)
+  | 1753 -> One (r1125)
+  | 1744 -> One (r1126)
+  | 1743 -> One (r1127)
+  | 1588 -> One (r1128)
+  | 1587 -> One (r1129)
+  | 1586 -> One (r1130)
+  | 1585 -> One (r1131)
+  | 1584 -> One (r1132)
+  | 1730 -> One (r1133)
+  | 1729 -> One (r1134)
+  | 1592 -> One (r1135)
+  | 1591 -> One (r1136)
+  | 1617 -> One (r1137)
+  | 1616 -> One (r1138)
+  | 1615 -> One (r1139)
+  | 1614 -> One (r1140)
+  | 1605 -> One (r1141)
+  | 1604 -> One (r1143)
+  | 1603 -> One (r1144)
+  | 1599 -> One (r1145)
+  | 1598 -> One (r1146)
+  | 1597 -> One (r1147)
+  | 1596 -> One (r1148)
+  | 1595 -> One (r1149)
+  | 1602 -> One (r1150)
+  | 1601 -> One (r1151)
+  | 1613 -> One (r1152)
+  | 1612 -> One (r1153)
+  | 1611 -> One (r1154)
+  | 1620 -> One (r1155)
+  | 1619 -> One (r1156)
+  | 1661 -> One (r1158)
+  | 1650 -> One (r1159)
+  | 1649 -> One (r1160)
+  | 1640 -> One (r1161)
+  | 1639 -> One (r1163)
+  | 1638 -> One (r1164)
+  | 1637 -> One (r1165)
+  | 1626 -> One (r1166)
+  | 1625 -> One (r1167)
+  | 1623 -> One (r1168)
+  | 1636 -> One (r1169)
+  | 1635 -> One (r1170)
+  | 1634 -> One (r1171)
+  | 1633 -> One (r1172)
+  | 1632 -> One (r1173)
+  | 1631 -> One (r1174)
+  | 1630 -> One (r1175)
+  | 1629 -> One (r1176)
+  | 1648 -> One (r1177)
+  | 1647 -> One (r1178)
+  | 1646 -> One (r1179)
+  | 1660 -> One (r1180)
+  | 1659 -> One (r1181)
+  | 1658 -> One (r1182)
+  | 1657 -> One (r1183)
+  | 1656 -> One (r1184)
+  | 1655 -> One (r1185)
+  | 1654 -> One (r1186)
+  | 1653 -> One (r1187)
+  | 1665 -> One (r1188)
+  | 1664 -> One (r1189)
+  | 1663 -> One (r1190)
+  | 1724 -> One (r1191)
+  | 1723 -> One (r1192)
+  | 1722 -> One (r1193)
+  | 1721 -> One (r1194)
+  | 1720 -> One (r1195)
+  | 1719 -> One (r1196)
+  | 1716 -> One (r1197)
+  | 1668 -> One (r1198)
+  | 1712 -> One (r1199)
+  | 1711 -> One (r1200)
+  | 1706 -> One (r1201)
+  | 1705 -> One (r1202)
+  | 1704 -> One (r1203)
+  | 1703 -> One (r1204)
+  | 1677 -> One (r1205)
+  | 1676 -> One (r1206)
+  | 1675 -> One (r1207)
+  | 1674 -> One (r1208)
+  | 1673 -> One (r1209)
+  | 1672 -> One (r1210)
+  | 1702 -> One (r1211)
+  | 1681 -> One (r1212)
+  | 1680 -> One (r1213)
+  | 1679 -> One (r1214)
+  | 1685 -> One (r1215)
+  | 1684 -> One (r1216)
+  | 1683 -> One (r1217)
+  | 1699 -> One (r1218)
+  | 1689 -> One (r1219)
+  | 1688 -> One (r1220)
+  | 1701 -> One (r1222)
+  | 1687 -> One (r1223)
+  | 1696 -> One (r1224)
+  | 1691 -> One (r1225)
+  | 1710 -> One (r1226)
+  | 1709 -> One (r1227)
+  | 1708 -> One (r1228)
+  | 1715 -> One (r1229)
+  | 1714 -> One (r1230)
+  | 1718 -> One (r1231)
+  | 1728 -> One (r1232)
+  | 1727 -> One (r1233)
+  | 1726 -> One (r1234)
+  | 1732 -> One (r1235)
+  | 1735 -> One (r1236)
+  | 1740 -> One (r1237)
+  | 1739 -> One (r1238)
+  | 1738 -> One (r1239)
+  | 1742 -> One (r1240)
+  | 1752 -> One (r1241)
+  | 1751 -> One (r1242)
+  | 1750 -> One (r1243)
+  | 1749 -> One (r1244)
+  | 1748 -> One (r1245)
+  | 1747 -> One (r1246)
+  | 1746 -> One (r1247)
+  | 1762 -> One (r1248)
+  | 1765 -> One (r1249)
+  | 1767 -> One (r1250)
+  | 1773 -> One (r1251)
+  | 1772 -> One (r1252)
+  | 1783 -> One (r1253)
+  | 1782 -> One (r1254)
+  | 1794 -> One (r1255)
+  | 1793 -> One (r1256)
+  | 1811 -> One (r1257)
+  | 1810 -> One (r1258)
+  | 1823 -> One (r1259)
+  | 1822 -> One (r1260)
+  | 1839 -> One (r1261)
+  | 1847 -> One (r1262)
+  | 1855 -> One (r1263)
+  | 1852 -> One (r1264)
+  | 1854 -> One (r1265)
+  | 1857 -> One (r1266)
+  | 1860 -> One (r1267)
+  | 1863 -> One (r1268)
+  | 1862 -> One (r1269)
+  | 1871 -> One (r1270)
+  | 1870 -> One (r1271)
+  | 1869 -> One (r1272)
+  | 1885 -> One (r1273)
+  | 1884 -> One (r1274)
+  | 1883 -> One (r1275)
+  | 1905 -> One (r1276)
+  | 1909 -> One (r1277)
+  | 1914 -> One (r1278)
+  | 1921 -> One (r1279)
+  | 1920 -> One (r1280)
+  | 1919 -> One (r1281)
+  | 1918 -> One (r1282)
+  | 1928 -> One (r1283)
+  | 1932 -> One (r1284)
+  | 1936 -> One (r1285)
+  | 1939 -> One (r1286)
+  | 1944 -> One (r1287)
+  | 1948 -> One (r1288)
+  | 1952 -> One (r1289)
+  | 1956 -> One (r1290)
+  | 1960 -> One (r1291)
+  | 1963 -> One (r1292)
+  | 1967 -> One (r1293)
+  | 1973 -> One (r1294)
+  | 1983 -> One (r1295)
+  | 1985 -> One (r1296)
+  | 1988 -> One (r1297)
+  | 1987 -> One (r1298)
+  | 1990 -> One (r1299)
+  | 2000 -> One (r1300)
+  | 1996 -> One (r1301)
+  | 1995 -> One (r1302)
+  | 1999 -> One (r1303)
+  | 1998 -> One (r1304)
+  | 2005 -> One (r1305)
+  | 2004 -> One (r1306)
+  | 2003 -> One (r1307)
+  | 2007 -> One (r1308)
+  | 372 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> [R 98]
-    | _ -> S (T T_DOT) :: r343)
-  | 611 -> Select (function
+    | _ -> S (T T_DOT) :: r346)
+  | 561 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> [R 98]
-    | _ -> r538)
+    | _ -> r484)
   | 130 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> r82
     | _ -> R 124 :: r104)
@@ -3692,20 +3693,20 @@ let recover =
     | -1 -> r82
     | _ -> R 124 :: r159)
   | 1315 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> r944
-    | _ -> R 124 :: r937)
+    | -1 -> r945
+    | _ -> R 124 :: r938)
   | 1343 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> r895
-    | _ -> R 124 :: r969)
-  | 495 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> r296
+    | -1 -> r896
+    | _ -> R 124 :: r970)
+  | 500 -> Select (function
+    | -1 -> r299
     | _ -> [R 255])
-  | 388 -> Select (function
+  | 395 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> [R 722]
-    | _ -> S (N N_pattern) :: r351)
-  | 385 -> Select (function
+    | _ -> S (N N_pattern) :: r360)
+  | 387 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> [R 723]
-    | _ -> S (N N_pattern) :: r350)
+    | _ -> S (N N_pattern) :: r357)
   | 136 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> r110
     | _ -> R 828 :: r116)
@@ -3714,41 +3715,44 @@ let recover =
     | _ -> R 828 :: r165)
   | 1320 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> S (T T_RPAREN) :: r134
-    | _ -> S (T T_COLONCOLON) :: r359)
+    | _ -> S (T T_COLONCOLON) :: r367)
   | 198 -> Select (function
-    | 249 | 626 | 836 | 1029 | 1199 | 1674 | 1708 -> r47
+    | 251 | 576 | 841 | 1071 | 1196 | 1674 | 1708 -> r47
     | -1 -> S (T T_RPAREN) :: r134
     | _ -> S (N N_pattern) :: r193)
-  | 244 -> Select (function
+  | 246 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> S (T T_RPAREN) :: r134
-    | _ -> Sub (r3) :: r241)
-  | 251 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r252
-    | _ -> Sub (r254) :: r256)
-  | 537 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r252
-    | _ -> Sub (r451) :: r453)
-  | 449 -> Select (function
-    | 60 | 169 | 181 | 214 | 1288 | 1294 -> r394
-    | _ -> S (T T_OPEN) :: r386)
+    | _ -> Sub (r3) :: r244)
+  | 466 -> Select (function
+    | -1 -> S (T T_RPAREN) :: r412
+    | _ -> S (N N_module_type) :: r417)
+  | 253 -> Select (function
+    | -1 -> S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r255
+    | _ -> Sub (r257) :: r259)
+  | 544 -> Select (function
+    | -1 -> S (T T_RBRACKET) :: r255
+    | _ -> Sub (r459) :: r461)
+  | 455 -> Select (function
+    | 60 | 169 | 181 | 214 | 1288 | 1294 -> r402
+    | _ -> S (T T_OPEN) :: r394)
   | 1322 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> r444
-    | _ -> S (T T_LPAREN) :: r945)
-  | 287 -> Select (function
-    | 1484 | 1488 | 1492 | 1495 | 1509 | 1713 | 1737 -> r290
-    | -1 -> r302
-    | _ -> S (T T_DOT) :: r305)
-  | 493 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> r302
-    | _ -> S (T T_DOT) :: r439)
+    | -1 -> r452
+    | _ -> S (T T_LPAREN) :: r946)
+  | 289 -> Select (function
+    | 1484 | 1488 | 1492 | 1495 | 1509 | 1713 | 1737 -> r293
+    | -1 -> r305
+    | _ -> S (T T_DOT) :: r308)
+  | 498 -> Select (function
+    | -1 -> r305
+    | _ -> S (T T_DOT) :: r445)
   | 162 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> r83
     | _ -> S (T T_COLON) :: r138)
   | 113 -> Select (function
-    | 840 | 1180 -> r62
+    | 845 | 1177 -> r62
     | _ -> Sub (r59) :: r60)
   | 116 -> Select (function
-    | 840 | 1180 -> r61
+    | 845 | 1177 -> r61
     | _ -> r60)
   | 1825 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> r78
@@ -3786,29 +3790,29 @@ let recover =
   | 176 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> r109
     | _ -> r165)
-  | 288 -> Select (function
-    | 1484 | 1488 | 1492 | 1495 | 1509 | 1713 | 1737 -> r289
-    | -1 -> r297
-    | _ -> r305)
-  | 494 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> r297
-    | _ -> r439)
+  | 290 -> Select (function
+    | 1484 | 1488 | 1492 | 1495 | 1509 | 1713 | 1737 -> r292
+    | -1 -> r300
+    | _ -> r308)
+  | 499 -> Select (function
+    | -1 -> r300
+    | _ -> r445)
   | 1346 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> r892
-    | _ -> r967)
-  | 1345 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> r893
     | _ -> r968)
-  | 1344 -> Select (function
+  | 1345 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> r894
     | _ -> r969)
+  | 1344 -> Select (function
+    | -1 -> r895
+    | _ -> r970)
   | 1318 -> Select (function
-    | -1 -> r941
-    | _ -> r935)
-  | 1317 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> r942
     | _ -> r936)
-  | 1316 -> Select (function
+  | 1317 -> Select (function
     | -1 -> r943
     | _ -> r937)
+  | 1316 -> Select (function
+    | -1 -> r944
+    | _ -> r938)
   | _ -> raise Not_found
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/btype.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/btype.ml
index 5ce396ecd2..84a8f910a2 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/btype.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/btype.ml
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ module TypeMap = struct
   let singleton ty = wrap_repr singleton ty
   let fold f = TransientTypeMap.fold (wrap_type_expr f)
-module TransientTypeHash = Hashtbl.Make(TransientTypeOps)
 module TypeHash = struct
   include TransientTypeHash
   let mem hash = wrap_repr (mem hash)
@@ -94,45 +93,85 @@ module TypePairs = struct
         f (type_expr t1, type_expr t2))
-(**** Forward declarations ****)
-let print_raw =
-  ref (fun _ -> assert false : Format.formatter -> type_expr -> unit)
 (**** Type level management ****)
 let generic_level = Ident.highest_scope
-(* Used to mark a type during a traversal. *)
 let lowest_level = Ident.lowest_scope
-let pivot_level = 2 * lowest_level - 1
-    (* pivot_level - lowest_level < lowest_level *)
+(**** leveled type pool ****)
+(* This defines a stack of pools of type nodes indexed by the level
+   we will try to generalize them in [Ctype.with_local_level_gen].
+   [pool_of_level] returns the pool in which types at level [level]
+   should be kept, which is the topmost pool whose level is lower or
+   equal to [level].
+   [Ctype.with_local_level_gen] shall call [with_new_pool] to create
+   a new pool at a given level. On return it shall process all nodes
+   that were added to the pool.
+   Remark: the only function adding to a pool is [add_to_pool], and
+   the only function returning the contents of a pool is [with_new_pool],
+   so that the initial pool can be added to, but never read from. *)
+type pool = {level: int; mutable pool: transient_expr list; next: pool}
+(* To avoid an indirection we choose to add a dummy level at the end of
+   the list. It will never be accessed, as [pool_of_level] is always called
+   with [level >= 0]. *)
+let rec dummy = {level = max_int; pool = []; next = dummy}
+let pool_stack = s_table (fun () -> {level = 0; pool = []; next = dummy}) ()
+(* Lookup in the stack is linear, but the depth is the number of nested
+   generalization points (e.g. lhs of let-definitions), which in ML is known
+   to be generally low. In most cases we are allocating in the topmost pool.
+   In [Ctype.with_local_gen], we move non-generalizable type nodes from the
+   topmost pool to one deeper in the stack, so that for each type node the
+   accumulated depth of lookups over its life is bounded by the depth of
+   the stack when it was allocated.
+   In case this linear search turns out to be costly, we could switch to
+   binary search, exploiting the fact that the levels of pools in the stack
+   are expected to grow. *)
+let rec pool_of_level level pool =
+  if level >= pool.level then pool else pool_of_level level pool.next
+(* Create a new pool at given level, and use it locally. *)
+let with_new_pool ~level f =
+  let pool = {level; pool = []; next = !pool_stack} in
+  let r =
+    Misc.protect_refs [ R(pool_stack, pool) ] f
+  in
+  (r, pool.pool)
+let add_to_pool ~level ty =
+  if level >= generic_level || level <= lowest_level then () else
+  let pool = pool_of_level level !pool_stack in
+  pool.pool <- ty :: pool.pool
 (**** Some type creators ****)
+let newty3 ~level ~scope desc =
+  let ty = proto_newty3 ~level ~scope desc in
+  add_to_pool ~level ty;
+  Transient_expr.type_expr ty
+let newty2 ~level desc =
+  newty3 ~level ~scope:Ident.lowest_scope desc
 let newgenty desc      = newty2 ~level:generic_level desc
 let newgenvar ?name () = newgenty (Tvar name)
 let newgenstub ~scope  = newty3 ~level:generic_level ~scope (Tvar None)
-let newmarkedvar level =
-  incr new_id; { desc = Tvar; level = pivot_level - level; id = !new_id }
-let newmarkedgenvar () =
-  incr new_id;
-  { desc = Tvar; level = pivot_level - generic_level; id = !new_id }
 (**** Check some types ****)
 let is_Tvar ty = match get_desc ty with Tvar _ -> true | _ -> false
 let is_Tunivar ty = match get_desc ty with Tunivar _ -> true | _ -> false
 let is_Tconstr ty = match get_desc ty with Tconstr _ -> true | _ -> false
+let is_poly_Tpoly ty =
+  match get_desc ty with Tpoly (_, _ :: _) -> true | _ -> false
 let type_kind_is_abstract decl =
   match decl.type_kind with Type_abstract _ -> true | _ -> false
 let type_origin decl =
   match decl.type_kind with
   | Type_abstract origin -> origin
   | Type_variant _ | Type_record _ | Type_open -> Definition
+let label_is_poly lbl = is_poly_Tpoly lbl.lbl_arg
 let dummy_method = "*dummy method*"
@@ -238,7 +277,6 @@ let set_static_row_name decl path =
           set_type_desc ty (Tvariant row)
       | _ -> ()
                   (*  Utilities for type traversal  *)
@@ -303,24 +341,6 @@ let rec iter_abbrev f = function
   | Mcons(_, _, ty, ty', rem) -> f ty; f ty'; iter_abbrev f rem
   | Mlink rem              -> iter_abbrev f !rem
-type type_iterators =
-  { it_signature: type_iterators -> signature -> unit;
-    it_signature_item: type_iterators -> signature_item -> unit;
-    it_value_description: type_iterators -> value_description -> unit;
-    it_type_declaration: type_iterators -> type_declaration -> unit;
-    it_extension_constructor: type_iterators -> extension_constructor -> unit;
-    it_module_declaration: type_iterators -> module_declaration -> unit;
-    it_modtype_declaration: type_iterators -> modtype_declaration -> unit;
-    it_class_declaration: type_iterators -> class_declaration -> unit;
-    it_class_type_declaration: type_iterators -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
-    it_functor_param: type_iterators -> functor_parameter -> unit;
-    it_module_type: type_iterators -> module_type -> unit;
-    it_class_type: type_iterators -> class_type -> unit;
-    it_type_kind: type_iterators -> type_decl_kind -> unit;
-    it_do_type_expr: type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
-    it_type_expr: type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
-    it_path: Path.t -> unit; }
 let iter_type_expr_cstr_args f = function
   | Cstr_tuple tl -> List.iter f tl
   | Cstr_record lbls -> List.iter (fun d -> f d.ld_type) lbls
@@ -344,8 +364,44 @@ let iter_type_expr_kind f = function
   | Type_open ->
+                  (**********************************)
+                  (*     Utilities for marking      *)
+                  (**********************************)
+let rec mark_type mark ty =
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then iter_type_expr (mark_type mark) ty
+let mark_type_params mark ty =
+  iter_type_expr (mark_type mark) ty
+                  (**********************************)
+                  (*  (Object-oriented) iterator    *)
+                  (**********************************)
+type 'a type_iterators =
+  { it_signature: 'a type_iterators -> signature -> unit;
+    it_signature_item: 'a type_iterators -> signature_item -> unit;
+    it_value_description: 'a type_iterators -> value_description -> unit;
+    it_type_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> type_declaration -> unit;
+    it_extension_constructor:
+        'a type_iterators -> extension_constructor -> unit;
+    it_module_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> module_declaration -> unit;
+    it_modtype_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> modtype_declaration -> unit;
+    it_class_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> class_declaration -> unit;
+    it_class_type_declaration:
+        'a type_iterators -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
+    it_functor_param: 'a type_iterators -> functor_parameter -> unit;
+    it_module_type: 'a type_iterators -> module_type -> unit;
+    it_class_type: 'a type_iterators -> class_type -> unit;
+    it_type_kind: 'a type_iterators -> type_decl_kind -> unit;
+    it_do_type_expr: 'a type_iterators -> 'a;
+    it_type_expr: 'a type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
+    it_path: Path.t -> unit; }
+type type_iterators_full = (type_expr -> unit) type_iterators
+type type_iterators_without_type_expr = (unit -> unit) type_iterators
-let type_iterators =
+let type_iterators_without_type_expr =
   let it_signature it =
     List.iter (it.it_signature_item it)
   and it_signature_item it = function
@@ -406,6 +462,17 @@ let type_iterators =
         it.it_class_type it cty
   and it_type_kind it kind =
     iter_type_expr_kind (it.it_type_expr it) kind
+  and it_path _p = ()
+  in
+  { it_path; it_type_expr = (fun _ _ -> ()); it_do_type_expr = (fun _ _ -> ());
+    it_type_kind; it_class_type; it_functor_param; it_module_type;
+    it_signature; it_class_type_declaration; it_class_declaration;
+    it_modtype_declaration; it_module_declaration; it_extension_constructor;
+    it_type_declaration; it_value_description; it_signature_item; }
+let type_iterators mark =
+  let it_type_expr it ty =
+    if try_mark_node mark ty then it.it_do_type_expr it ty
   and it_do_type_expr it ty =
     iter_type_expr (it.it_type_expr it) ty;
     match get_desc ty with
@@ -416,13 +483,12 @@ let type_iterators =
     | Tvariant row ->
         Option.iter (fun (p,_) -> it.it_path p) (row_name row)
     | _ -> ()
-  and it_path _p = ()
-  { it_path; it_type_expr = it_do_type_expr; it_do_type_expr;
-    it_type_kind; it_class_type; it_functor_param; it_module_type;
-    it_signature; it_class_type_declaration; it_class_declaration;
-    it_modtype_declaration; it_module_declaration; it_extension_constructor;
-    it_type_declaration; it_value_description; it_signature_item; }
+  {type_iterators_without_type_expr with it_type_expr; it_do_type_expr}
+                  (**********************************)
+                  (*  Utilities for copying         *)
+                  (**********************************)
 let copy_row f fixed row keep more =
   let Row {fields = orig_fields; fixed = orig_fixed; closed; name = orig_name} =
@@ -468,8 +534,7 @@ let rec copy_type_desc ?(keep_names=false) f = function
       Tpoly (f ty, tyl)
   | Tpackage (p, fl)  -> Tpackage (p, List.map (fun (n, ty) -> (n, f ty)) fl)
-(* Utilities for copying *)
+(* TODO: rename to [module Copy_scope] *)
 module For_copy : sig
   type copy_scope
@@ -493,9 +558,8 @@ end = struct
   let with_scope f =
     let scope = { saved_desc = [] } in
-    let res = f scope in
-    cleanup scope;
-    res
+    Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> cleanup scope) (fun () -> f scope)
@@ -712,65 +776,10 @@ let instance_variable_type label sign =
   | (_, _, ty) -> ty
   | exception Not_found -> assert false
-                  (**********************************)
-                  (*  Utilities for level-marking   *)
-                  (**********************************)
-let not_marked_node ty = get_level ty >= lowest_level
-    (* type nodes with negative levels are "marked" *)
-let flip_mark_node ty =
-  let ty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
-  Transient_expr.set_level ty (pivot_level - ty.level)
-let logged_mark_node ty =
-  set_level ty (pivot_level - get_level ty)
-let try_mark_node ty = not_marked_node ty && (flip_mark_node ty; true)
-let try_logged_mark_node ty = not_marked_node ty && (logged_mark_node ty; true)
-let rec mark_type ty =
-  if not_marked_node ty then begin
-    flip_mark_node ty;
-    iter_type_expr mark_type ty
-  end
-let mark_type_params ty =
-  iter_type_expr mark_type ty
-let type_iterators =
-  let it_type_expr it ty =
-    if try_mark_node ty then it.it_do_type_expr it ty
-  in
-  {type_iterators with it_type_expr}
-(* Remove marks from a type. *)
-let rec unmark_type ty =
-  if get_level ty < lowest_level then begin
-    (* flip back the marked level *)
-    flip_mark_node ty;
-    iter_type_expr unmark_type ty
-  end
-let unmark_iterators =
-  let it_type_expr _it ty = unmark_type ty in
-  {type_iterators with it_type_expr}
-let unmark_type_decl decl =
-  unmark_iterators.it_type_declaration unmark_iterators decl
-let unmark_extension_constructor ext =
-  List.iter unmark_type ext.ext_type_params;
-  iter_type_expr_cstr_args unmark_type ext.ext_args;
-  Option.iter unmark_type ext.ext_ret_type
-let unmark_class_signature sign =
-  unmark_type sign.csig_self;
-  unmark_type sign.csig_self_row;
-  Vars.iter (fun _l (_m, _v, t) -> unmark_type t) sign.csig_vars;
-  Meths.iter (fun _l (_m, _v, t) -> unmark_type t) sign.csig_meths
-let unmark_class_type cty =
-  unmark_iterators.it_class_type unmark_iterators cty
+                  (**********)
+                  (*  Misc  *)
+                  (**********)
 (**** Type information getter ****)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/btype.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/btype.mli
index 71dd67b74a..f8fd3ad3e8 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/btype.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/btype.mli
@@ -58,6 +58,22 @@ end
 (**** Levels ****)
 val generic_level: int
+        (* level of polymorphic variables; = Ident.highest_scope *)
+val lowest_level: int
+        (* lowest level for type nodes; = Ident.lowest_scope *)
+val with_new_pool: level:int -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a * transient_expr list
+        (* [with_new_pool ~level f] executes [f] and returns the nodes
+           that were created at level [level] and above *)
+val add_to_pool: level:int -> transient_expr -> unit
+        (* Add a type node to the pool associated to the level (which should
+           be the level of the type node).
+           Do nothing if [level = generic_level] or [level = lowest_level]. *)
+val newty3: level:int -> scope:int -> type_desc -> type_expr
+        (* Create a type with a fresh id *)
+val newty2: level:int -> type_desc -> type_expr
+        (* Create a type with a fresh id and no scope *)
 val newgenty: type_desc -> type_expr
         (* Create a generic type *)
@@ -67,21 +83,16 @@ val newgenstub: scope:int -> type_expr
         (* Return a fresh generic node, to be instantiated
            by [Transient_expr.set_stub_desc] *)
-(* Use Tsubst instead
-val newmarkedvar: int -> type_expr
-        (* Return a fresh marked variable *)
-val newmarkedgenvar: unit -> type_expr
-        (* Return a fresh marked generic variable *)
 (**** Types ****)
 val is_Tvar: type_expr -> bool
 val is_Tunivar: type_expr -> bool
 val is_Tconstr: type_expr -> bool
+val is_poly_Tpoly: type_expr -> bool
 val dummy_method: label
 val type_kind_is_abstract: type_declaration -> bool
-val type_origin : type_declaration -> type_origin
+val type_origin: type_declaration -> type_origin
+val label_is_poly: label_description -> bool
 (**** polymorphic variants ****)
@@ -136,29 +147,47 @@ val iter_type_expr_cstr_args: (type_expr -> unit) ->
 val map_type_expr_cstr_args: (type_expr -> type_expr) ->
   (constructor_arguments -> constructor_arguments)
+(**** Utilities for type marking ****)
-type type_iterators =
-  { it_signature: type_iterators -> signature -> unit;
-    it_signature_item: type_iterators -> signature_item -> unit;
-    it_value_description: type_iterators -> value_description -> unit;
-    it_type_declaration: type_iterators -> type_declaration -> unit;
-    it_extension_constructor: type_iterators -> extension_constructor -> unit;
-    it_module_declaration: type_iterators -> module_declaration -> unit;
-    it_modtype_declaration: type_iterators -> modtype_declaration -> unit;
-    it_class_declaration: type_iterators -> class_declaration -> unit;
-    it_class_type_declaration: type_iterators -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
-    it_functor_param: type_iterators -> functor_parameter -> unit;
-    it_module_type: type_iterators -> module_type -> unit;
-    it_class_type: type_iterators -> class_type -> unit;
-    it_type_kind: type_iterators -> type_decl_kind -> unit;
-    it_do_type_expr: type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
-    it_type_expr: type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
+val mark_type: type_mark -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Mark a type recursively *)
+val mark_type_params: type_mark -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Mark the sons of a type node recursively *)
+(**** (Object-oriented) iterator ****)
+type 'a type_iterators =
+  { it_signature: 'a type_iterators -> signature -> unit;
+    it_signature_item: 'a type_iterators -> signature_item -> unit;
+    it_value_description: 'a type_iterators -> value_description -> unit;
+    it_type_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> type_declaration -> unit;
+    it_extension_constructor:
+        'a type_iterators -> extension_constructor -> unit;
+    it_module_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> module_declaration -> unit;
+    it_modtype_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> modtype_declaration -> unit;
+    it_class_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> class_declaration -> unit;
+    it_class_type_declaration:
+        'a type_iterators -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
+    it_functor_param: 'a type_iterators -> functor_parameter -> unit;
+    it_module_type: 'a type_iterators -> module_type -> unit;
+    it_class_type: 'a type_iterators -> class_type -> unit;
+    it_type_kind: 'a type_iterators -> type_decl_kind -> unit;
+    it_do_type_expr: 'a type_iterators -> 'a;
+    it_type_expr: 'a type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
     it_path: Path.t -> unit; }
-val type_iterators: type_iterators
-        (* Iteration on arbitrary type information.
+type type_iterators_full = (type_expr -> unit) type_iterators
+type type_iterators_without_type_expr = (unit -> unit) type_iterators
+val type_iterators: type_mark -> type_iterators_full
+        (* Iteration on arbitrary type information, including [type_expr].
            [it_type_expr] calls [mark_node] to avoid loops. *)
-val unmark_iterators: type_iterators
-        (* Unmark any structure containing types. See [unmark_type] below. *)
+val type_iterators_without_type_expr: type_iterators_without_type_expr
+        (* Iteration on arbitrary type information.
+           Cannot recurse on [type_expr]. *)
+(**** Utilities for copying ****)
 val copy_type_desc:
     ?keep_names:bool -> (type_expr -> type_expr) -> type_desc -> type_desc
@@ -184,41 +213,6 @@ module For_copy : sig
            before returning its result. *)
-val lowest_level: int
-        (* Marked type: ty.level < lowest_level *)
-val not_marked_node: type_expr -> bool
-        (* Return true if a type node is not yet marked *)
-val logged_mark_node: type_expr -> unit
-        (* Mark a type node, logging the marking so it can be backtracked *)
-val try_logged_mark_node: type_expr -> bool
-        (* Mark a type node if it is not yet marked, logging the marking so it
-           can be backtracked.
-           Return false if it was already marked *)
-val flip_mark_node: type_expr -> unit
-        (* Mark a type node.
-           The marking is not logged and will have to be manually undone using
-           one of the various [unmark]'ing functions below. *)
-val try_mark_node: type_expr -> bool
-        (* Mark a type node if it is not yet marked.
-           The marking is not logged and will have to be manually undone using
-           one of the various [unmark]'ing functions below.
-           Return false if it was already marked *)
-val mark_type: type_expr -> unit
-        (* Mark a type recursively *)
-val mark_type_params: type_expr -> unit
-        (* Mark the sons of a type node recursively *)
-val unmark_type: type_expr -> unit
-val unmark_type_decl: type_declaration -> unit
-val unmark_extension_constructor: extension_constructor -> unit
-val unmark_class_type: class_type -> unit
-val unmark_class_signature: class_signature -> unit
-        (* Remove marks from a type *)
 (**** Memorization of abbreviation expansion ****)
 val find_expans: private_flag -> Path.t -> abbrev_memo -> type_expr option
@@ -266,6 +260,7 @@ val signature_of_class_type : class_type -> class_signature
 (* Get the body of a class type (i.e. without parameters) *)
 val class_body : class_type -> class_type
 (* Fully expand the head of a class type *)
 val scrape_class_type : class_type -> class_type
@@ -311,9 +306,6 @@ val method_type : label -> class_signature -> type_expr
    @raises [Assert_failure] if the class has no such method. *)
 val instance_variable_type : label -> class_signature -> type_expr
-(**** Forward declarations ****)
-val print_raw: (Format.formatter -> type_expr -> unit) ref
 (**** Type information getter ****)
 val cstr_type_path : constructor_description -> Path.t
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/cmt_format.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/cmt_format.ml
index 418a9d676e..4a5d2362ef 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/cmt_format.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/cmt_format.ml
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ and binary_part =
   | Partial_signature_item of signature_item
   | Partial_module_type of module_type
+type dependency_kind =  Definition_to_declaration | Declaration_to_declaration
 type cmt_infos = {
   cmt_modname : string;
   cmt_annots : binary_annots;
-  cmt_value_dependencies :
-    (Types.value_description * Types.value_description) list;
+  cmt_declaration_dependencies : (dependency_kind * Uid.t * Uid.t) list;
   cmt_comments : (string * Location.t) list;
   cmt_args : string array;
   cmt_sourcefile : string option;
@@ -444,21 +444,19 @@ let read_cmi filename =
     | Some cmi, _ -> cmi
 let saved_types = ref []
-let value_deps = ref []
+let uids_deps : (dependency_kind * Uid.t * Uid.t) list ref = ref []
 let clear () =
   saved_types := [];
-  value_deps := []
+  uids_deps := []
 let add_saved_type b = saved_types := b :: !saved_types
 let get_saved_types () = !saved_types
 let set_saved_types l = saved_types := l
-(*let record_value_dependency vd1 vd2 =
-  if vd1.Types.val_loc <> vd2.Types.val_loc then
-    value_deps := (vd1, vd2) :: !value_deps*)
-let record_value_dependency _vd1 _vd2 = ()
+let record_declaration_dependency (rk, uid1, uid2) =
+  if not (Uid.equal uid1 uid2) then
+    uids_deps := (rk, uid1, uid2) :: !uids_deps
 let save_cmt target binary_annots initial_env cmi shape =
   if !Clflags.binary_annotations && not !Clflags.print_types then begin
@@ -483,7 +481,7 @@ let save_cmt target binary_annots initial_env cmi shape =
          let cmt = {
            cmt_modname = Unit_info.Artifact.modname target;
-           cmt_value_dependencies = !value_deps;
+           cmt_declaration_dependencies = !uids_deps;
            cmt_comments = [];
            cmt_args = Sys.argv;
            cmt_sourcefile = sourcefile;
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/cmt_format.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/cmt_format.mli
index c316ccc70c..9b87374a81 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/cmt_format.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/cmt_format.mli
@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ and binary_part =
   | Partial_signature_item of signature_item
   | Partial_module_type of module_type
+type dependency_kind = Definition_to_declaration | Declaration_to_declaration
 type cmt_infos = {
   cmt_modname : modname;
   cmt_annots : binary_annots;
-  cmt_value_dependencies :
-    (Types.value_description * Types.value_description) list;
+  cmt_declaration_dependencies : (dependency_kind * Uid.t * Uid.t) list;
   cmt_comments : (string * Location.t) list;
   cmt_args : string array;
   cmt_sourcefile : string option;
@@ -109,8 +109,7 @@ val add_saved_type : binary_part -> unit
 val get_saved_types : unit -> binary_part list
 val set_saved_types : binary_part list -> unit
-val record_value_dependency:
-  Types.value_description -> Types.value_description -> unit
+val record_declaration_dependency: dependency_kind * Uid.t * Uid.t -> unit
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/ctype.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/ctype.ml
index 970c637a94..cdfa58f48e 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/ctype.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/ctype.ml
@@ -23,16 +23,6 @@ open Errortrace
 open Local_store
-   Type manipulation after type inference
-   ======================================
-   If one wants to manipulate a type after type inference (for
-   instance, during code generation or in the debugger), one must
-   first make sure that the type levels are correct, using the
-   function [correct_levels]. Then, this type can be correctly
-   manipulated by [apply], [expand_head] and [moregeneral].
    General notes
@@ -119,10 +109,11 @@ let raise_scope_escape_exn ty = raise (scope_escape_exn ty)
 exception Tags of label * label
 let () =
+  let open Format_doc in
       | Tags (l, l') ->
-          let pp_tag ppf s = Format.fprintf ppf "`%s" s in
+          let pp_tag ppf s = fprintf ppf "`%s" s in
           let inline_tag = Misc.Style.as_inline_code pp_tag in
@@ -142,10 +133,37 @@ exception Cannot_subst
 exception Cannot_unify_universal_variables
+exception Out_of_scope_universal_variable
 exception Matches_failure of Env.t * unification_error
 exception Incompatible
+(**** Control tracing of GADT instances *)
+let trace_gadt_instances = ref false
+let check_trace_gadt_instances ?(force=false) env =
+  not !trace_gadt_instances && (force || Env.has_local_constraints env) &&
+  (trace_gadt_instances := true; cleanup_abbrev (); true)
+let reset_trace_gadt_instances b =
+  if b then trace_gadt_instances := false
+let wrap_trace_gadt_instances ?force env f x =
+  let b = check_trace_gadt_instances ?force env in
+  Misc.try_finally (fun () -> f x)
+    ~always:(fun () -> reset_trace_gadt_instances b)
+(**** Abbreviations without parameters ****)
+(* Shall reset after generalizing *)
+let simple_abbrevs = ref Mnil
+let proper_abbrevs tl abbrev =
+  if tl <> [] || !trace_gadt_instances || !Clflags.principal
+  then abbrev
+  else simple_abbrevs
 (**** Type level management ****)
 let current_level = s_ref 0
@@ -186,10 +204,77 @@ let end_def () =
   saved_level := List.tl !saved_level;
   current_level := cl; nongen_level := nl
 let create_scope () =
-  init_def (!current_level + 1);
-  !current_level
+  let level = !current_level + 1 in
+  init_def level;
+  level
 let wrap_end_def f = Misc.try_finally f ~always:end_def
+let wrap_end_def_new_pool f =
+  wrap_end_def (fun _ -> with_new_pool ~level:!current_level f)
+(* [with_local_level_gen] handles both the scoping structure of levels
+   and automatic generalization through pools (cf. btype.ml) *)
+let with_local_level_gen ~begin_def ~structure ?before_generalize f =
+  begin_def ();
+  let level = !current_level in
+  let result, pool = wrap_end_def_new_pool f in
+  Option.iter (fun g -> g result) before_generalize;
+  simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
+  (* Nodes in [pool] were either created by the above call to [f],
+     or they were created before, generalized, and then added to
+     the pool by [update_level].
+     In the latter case, their level was already kept for backtracking
+     by a call to [set_level] inside [update_level].
+     Since backtracking can only go back to a snapshot taken before [f] was
+     called, this means that either they did not exists in that snapshot,
+     or that they original level is already stored, so that there is no need
+     to register levels for backtracking when we change them with
+     [Transient_expr.set_level] here *)
+  List.iter begin fun ty ->
+    (* Already generic nodes are not tracked *)
+    if ty.level = generic_level then () else
+    match ty.desc with
+    | Tvar _ when structure ->
+        (* In structure mode, we do do not generalize type variables,
+           so we need to lower their level, and move them to an outer pool.
+           The goal of this mode is to allow unsharing inner nodes
+           without introducing polymorphism *)
+        if ty.level >= level then Transient_expr.set_level ty !current_level;
+        add_to_pool ~level:ty.level ty
+    | Tlink _ -> ()
+        (* If a node is no longer used as representative, no need
+           to track it anymore *)
+    | _ ->
+        if ty.level < level then
+          (* If a node was introduced locally, but its level was lowered
+             through unification, keeping that node as representative,
+             then we need to move it to an outer pool. *)
+          add_to_pool ~level:ty.level ty
+        else begin
+          (* Generalize all remaining nodes *)
+          Transient_expr.set_level ty generic_level;
+          if structure then match ty.desc with
+            Tconstr (_, _, abbrev) ->
+              (* In structure mode, we drop abbreviations, as the goal of
+                 this mode is to reduce sharing *)
+              abbrev := Mnil
+          | _ -> ()
+        end
+  end pool;
+  result
+let with_local_level_generalize_structure f =
+  with_local_level_gen ~begin_def ~structure:true f
+let with_local_level_generalize ?before_generalize f =
+  with_local_level_gen ~begin_def ~structure:false ?before_generalize f
+let with_local_level_generalize_if cond ?before_generalize f =
+  if cond then with_local_level_generalize ?before_generalize f else f ()
+let with_local_level_generalize_structure_if cond f =
+  if cond then with_local_level_generalize_structure f else f ()
+let with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal f =
+  if !Clflags.principal then with_local_level_generalize_structure f else f ()
+let with_local_level_generalize_for_class f =
+  with_local_level_gen ~begin_def:begin_class_def ~structure:false f
 let with_local_level ?post f =
   begin_def ();
@@ -200,7 +285,7 @@ let with_local_level_if cond f ~post =
   if cond then with_local_level f ~post else f ()
 let with_local_level_iter f ~post =
   begin_def ();
-  let result, l = wrap_end_def f in
+  let (result, l) = wrap_end_def f in
   List.iter post l;
 let with_local_level_iter_if cond f ~post =
@@ -211,8 +296,7 @@ let with_local_level_iter_if_principal f ~post =
   with_local_level_iter_if !Clflags.principal f ~post
 let with_level ~level f =
   begin_def (); init_def level;
-  let result = wrap_end_def f in
-  result
+  wrap_end_def f
 let with_level_if cond ~level f =
   if cond then with_level ~level f else f ()
@@ -236,32 +320,6 @@ let increase_global_level () =
 let restore_global_level gl =
   global_level := gl
-(**** Control tracing of GADT instances *)
-let trace_gadt_instances = ref false
-let check_trace_gadt_instances env =
-  not !trace_gadt_instances && Env.has_local_constraints env &&
-  (trace_gadt_instances := true; cleanup_abbrev (); true)
-let reset_trace_gadt_instances b =
-  if b then trace_gadt_instances := false
-let wrap_trace_gadt_instances env f x =
-  let b = check_trace_gadt_instances env in
-  let y = f x in
-  reset_trace_gadt_instances b;
-  y
-(**** Abbreviations without parameters ****)
-(* Shall reset after generalizing *)
-let simple_abbrevs = ref Mnil
-let proper_abbrevs tl abbrev =
-  if tl <> [] || !trace_gadt_instances || !Clflags.principal
-  then abbrev
-  else simple_abbrevs
 (**** Some type creators ****)
 (* Re-export generic type creators *)
@@ -308,10 +366,6 @@ end
 (**** unification mode ****)
-type equations_generation =
-  | Forbidden
-  | Allowed of { equated_types : TypePairs.t }
 type unification_environment =
   | Expression of
       { env : Env.t;
@@ -319,7 +373,7 @@ type unification_environment =
     (* normal unification mode *)
   | Pattern of
       { penv : Pattern_env.t;
-        equations_generation : equations_generation;
+        equated_types : TypePairs.t;
         assume_injective : bool;
         unify_eq_set : TypePairs.t; }
     (* GADT constraint unification mode:
@@ -366,16 +420,12 @@ let in_subst_mode = function
   | Expression {in_subst} -> in_subst
   | Pattern _ -> false
-let can_generate_equations = function
-  | Expression _ | Pattern { equations_generation = Forbidden } -> false
-  | Pattern { equations_generation = Allowed _ } -> true
 (* Can only be called when generate_equations is true *)
 let record_equation uenv t1 t2 =
   match uenv with
-  | Expression _ | Pattern { equations_generation = Forbidden } ->
+  | Expression _ ->
       invalid_arg "Ctype.record_equation"
-  | Pattern { equations_generation = Allowed { equated_types } } ->
+  | Pattern { equated_types } ->
       TypePairs.add equated_types (t1, t2)
 let can_assume_injective = function
@@ -397,11 +447,6 @@ let without_assume_injective uenv f =
   | Expression _ as uenv -> f uenv
   | Pattern r -> f (Pattern { r with assume_injective = false })
-let without_generating_equations uenv f =
-  match uenv with
-  | Expression _ as uenv -> f uenv
-  | Pattern r -> f (Pattern { r with equations_generation = Forbidden })
 (*** Checks for type definitions ***)
 let rec in_current_module = function
@@ -551,35 +596,34 @@ let rec filter_row_fields erase = function
 type variable_kind = Row_variable | Type_variable
 exception Non_closed of type_expr * variable_kind
-(* [free_vars] collects the variables of the input type expression. It
+(* [free_vars] walks over the variables of the input type expression. It
    is used for several different things in the type-checker, with the
    following bells and whistles:
    - If [env] is Some typing environment, types in the environment
      are expanded to check whether the apparently-free variable would vanish
      during expansion.
-   - We collect both type variables and row variables, paired with
-     a [variable_kind] to distinguish them.
    - We do not count "virtual" free variables -- free variables stored in
      the abbreviation of an object type that has been expanded (we store
      the abbreviations for use when displaying the type).
-   [free_vars] returns a [(variable * bool) list], while
-   [free_variables] below drops the type/row information
-   and only returns a [variable list].
+   [free_vars] accumulates its answer in a monoid-like structure, with
+   an initial element [zero] and a combining function [add_one], passing
+   [add_one] information about whether the variable is a normal type variable
+   or a row variable.
-let free_vars ?env ty =
+let free_vars ~init ~add_one ?env mark ty =
   let rec fv ~kind acc ty =
-    if not (try_mark_node ty) then acc
+    if not (try_mark_node mark ty) then acc
     else match get_desc ty, env with
       | Tvar _, _ ->
-          (ty, kind) :: acc
+          add_one ty kind acc
       | Tconstr (path, tl, _), Some env ->
           let acc =
             match Env.find_type_expansion path env with
             | exception Not_found -> acc
             | (_, body, _) ->
                 if get_level body = generic_level then acc
-                else (ty, kind) :: acc
+                else add_one ty kind acc
           List.fold_left (fv ~kind:Type_variable) acc tl
       | Tobject (ty, _), _ ->
@@ -595,29 +639,30 @@ let free_vars ?env ty =
           else fv ~kind:Row_variable acc (row_more row)
       | _    ->
           fold_type_expr (fv ~kind) acc ty
-  in fv ~kind:Type_variable [] ty
+  in fv ~kind:Type_variable init ty
 let free_variables ?env ty =
-  let tl = List.map fst (free_vars ?env ty) in
-  unmark_type ty;
-  tl
+  let add_one ty _kind acc = ty :: acc in
+  with_type_mark (fun mark -> free_vars ~init:[] ~add_one ?env mark ty)
+let closed_type ?env mark ty =
+  let add_one ty kind _acc = raise (Non_closed (ty, kind)) in
+  free_vars ~init:() ~add_one ?env mark ty
-let closed_type ty =
-  match free_vars ty with
-      []           -> ()
-  | (v, real) :: _ -> raise (Non_closed (v, real))
+let closed_type_expr ?env ty =
+  with_type_mark (fun mark ->
+    try closed_type ?env mark ty; true
+    with Non_closed _ -> false)
 let closed_parameterized_type params ty =
-  List.iter mark_type params;
-  let ok =
-    try closed_type ty; true with Non_closed _ -> false in
-  List.iter unmark_type params;
-  unmark_type ty;
-  ok
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    List.iter (mark_type mark) params;
+    try closed_type mark ty; true with Non_closed _ -> false
+  end
 let closed_type_decl decl =
-  try
-    List.iter mark_type decl.type_params;
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark -> try
+    List.iter (mark_type mark) decl.type_params;
     begin match decl.type_kind with
       Type_abstract _ ->
@@ -628,36 +673,35 @@ let closed_type_decl decl =
             | Some _ -> ()
             | None ->
                 match cd_args with
-                | Cstr_tuple l ->  List.iter closed_type l
-                | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> closed_type l.ld_type) l
+                | Cstr_tuple l ->  List.iter (closed_type mark) l
+                | Cstr_record l ->
+                    List.iter (fun l -> closed_type mark l.ld_type) l
     | Type_record(r, _rep) ->
-        List.iter (fun l -> closed_type l.ld_type) r
+        List.iter (fun l -> closed_type mark l.ld_type) r
     | Type_open -> ()
     begin match decl.type_manifest with
       None    -> ()
-    | Some ty -> closed_type ty
+    | Some ty -> closed_type mark ty
-    unmark_type_decl decl;
   with Non_closed (ty, _) ->
-    unmark_type_decl decl;
     Some ty
+  end
 let closed_extension_constructor ext =
-  try
-    List.iter mark_type ext.ext_type_params;
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark -> try
+    List.iter (mark_type mark) ext.ext_type_params;
     begin match ext.ext_ret_type with
     | Some _ -> ()
-    | None -> iter_type_expr_cstr_args closed_type ext.ext_args
+    | None -> iter_type_expr_cstr_args (closed_type mark) ext.ext_args
-    unmark_extension_constructor ext;
   with Non_closed (ty, _) ->
-    unmark_extension_constructor ext;
     Some ty
+  end
 type closed_class_failure = {
   free_variable: type_expr * variable_kind;
@@ -667,13 +711,14 @@ type closed_class_failure = {
 exception CCFailure of closed_class_failure
 let closed_class params sign =
-  List.iter mark_type params;
-  ignore (try_mark_node sign.csig_self_row);
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  List.iter (mark_type mark) params;
+  ignore (try_mark_node mark sign.csig_self_row);
       (fun lab (priv, _, ty) ->
         if priv = Mpublic then begin
-          try closed_type ty with Non_closed (ty0, variable_kind) ->
+          try closed_type mark ty with Non_closed (ty0, variable_kind) ->
             raise (CCFailure {
               free_variable = (ty0, variable_kind);
               meth = lab;
@@ -681,14 +726,10 @@ let closed_class params sign =
-    List.iter unmark_type params;
-    unmark_class_signature sign;
   with CCFailure reason ->
-    List.iter unmark_type params;
-    unmark_class_signature sign;
     Some reason
+  end
                             (*  Type duplication  *)
@@ -708,76 +749,53 @@ let duplicate_class_type ty =
                          (*  Type level manipulation  *)
-   It would be a bit more efficient to remove abbreviation expansions
-   rather than generalizing them: these expansions will usually not be
-   used anymore. However, this is not possible in the general case, as
-   [expand_abbrev] (via [subst]) requires these expansions to be
-   preserved. Does it worth duplicating this code ?
-let rec generalize ty =
-  let level = get_level ty in
-  if (level > !current_level) && (level <> generic_level) then begin
-    set_level ty generic_level;
-    (* recur into abbrev for the speed *)
-    begin match get_desc ty with
-      Tconstr (_, _, abbrev) ->
-        iter_abbrev generalize !abbrev
-    | _ -> ()
-    end;
-    iter_type_expr generalize ty
-  end
-let generalize ty =
-  simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
-  generalize ty
-(* Generalize the structure and lower the variables *)
-let rec generalize_structure ty =
-  let level = get_level ty in
-  if level <> generic_level then begin
-    if is_Tvar ty && level > !current_level then
-      set_level ty !current_level
-    else if level > !current_level then begin
-      begin match get_desc ty with
-        Tconstr (_, _, abbrev) ->
-          abbrev := Mnil
-      | _ -> ()
-      end;
-      set_level ty generic_level;
-      iter_type_expr generalize_structure ty
-    end
-  end
-let generalize_structure ty =
-  simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
-  generalize_structure ty
-(* Generalize the spine of a function, if the level >= !current_level *)
+   Build a copy of a type in which nodes reachable through a path composed
+   only of Tarrow, Tpoly, Ttuple, Tpackage and Tconstr, and whose level
+   was no lower than [!current_level], are at [generic_level].
+   This is different from [with_local_level_gen], which generalizes in place,
+   and only nodes with a level higher than [!current_level].
+   This is used for typing classes, to indicate which types have been
+   inferred in the first pass, and can be considered as "known" during the
+   second pass.
+ *)
-let rec generalize_spine ty =
-  let level = get_level ty in
-  if level < !current_level || level = generic_level then () else
+let rec copy_spine copy_scope ty =
   match get_desc ty with
-    Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _) ->
-      set_level ty generic_level;
-      generalize_spine ty1;
-      generalize_spine ty2;
-  | Tpoly (ty', _) ->
-      set_level ty generic_level;
-      generalize_spine ty'
-  | Ttuple tyl ->
-      set_level ty generic_level;
-      List.iter generalize_spine tyl
-  | Tpackage (_, fl) ->
-      set_level ty generic_level;
-      List.iter (fun (_n, ty) -> generalize_spine ty) fl
-  | Tconstr (_, tyl, memo) ->
-      set_level ty generic_level;
-      memo := Mnil;
-      List.iter generalize_spine tyl
-  | _ -> ()
+  | Tsubst (ty, _) -> ty
+  | Tvar _
+  | Tfield _
+  | Tnil
+  | Tvariant _
+  | Tobject _
+  | Tlink _
+  | Tunivar _ -> ty
+  | (Tarrow _ | Tpoly _ | Ttuple _ | Tpackage _ | Tconstr _) as desc ->
+      let level = get_level ty in
+      if level < !current_level || level = generic_level then ty else
+      let t = newgenstub ~scope:(get_scope ty) in
+      For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (t, None));
+      let copy_rec = copy_spine copy_scope in
+      let desc' = match desc with
+      | Tarrow (lbl, ty1, ty2, _) ->
+          Tarrow (lbl, copy_rec ty1, copy_rec ty2, commu_ok)
+      | Tpoly (ty', tvl) ->
+          Tpoly (copy_rec ty', tvl)
+      | Ttuple tyl ->
+          Ttuple (List.map copy_rec tyl)
+      | Tpackage (path, fl) ->
+          let fl = List.map (fun (n, ty) -> n, copy_rec ty) fl in
+          Tpackage (path, fl)
+      | Tconstr (path, tyl, _) ->
+          Tconstr (path, List.map copy_rec tyl, ref Mnil)
+      | _ -> assert false
+      in
+      Transient_expr.set_stub_desc t desc';
+      t
+let copy_spine ty =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope -> copy_spine copy_scope ty)
 let forward_try_expand_safe = (* Forward declaration *)
   ref (fun _env _ty -> assert false)
@@ -804,35 +822,35 @@ let rec normalize_package_path env p =
           normalize_package_path env (Path.Pdot (p1', s))
       | _ -> p
-let rec check_scope_escape env level ty =
+let rec check_scope_escape mark env level ty =
   let orig_level = get_level ty in
-  if try_logged_mark_node ty then begin
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then begin
     if level < get_scope ty then
       raise_scope_escape_exn ty;
     begin match get_desc ty with
     | Tconstr (p, _, _) when level < Path.scope p ->
         begin match !forward_try_expand_safe env ty with
         | ty' ->
-            check_scope_escape env level ty'
+            check_scope_escape mark env level ty'
         | exception Cannot_expand ->
             raise_escape_exn (Constructor p)
     | Tpackage (p, fl) when level < Path.scope p ->
         let p' = normalize_package_path env p in
         if Path.same p p' then raise_escape_exn (Module_type p);
-        check_scope_escape env level
+        check_scope_escape mark env level
           (newty2 ~level:orig_level (Tpackage (p', fl)))
     | _ ->
-        iter_type_expr (check_scope_escape env level) ty
+        iter_type_expr (check_scope_escape mark env level) ty
 let check_scope_escape env level ty =
-  let snap = snapshot () in
-  try check_scope_escape env level ty; backtrack snap
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark -> try
+    check_scope_escape mark env level ty
   with Escape e ->
-    backtrack snap;
     raise (Escape { e with context = Some ty })
+  end
 let rec update_scope scope ty =
   if get_scope ty < scope then begin
@@ -856,8 +874,14 @@ let update_scope_for tr_exn scope ty =
 let rec update_level env level expand ty =
-  if get_level ty > level then begin
+  let ty_level = get_level ty in
+  if ty_level > level then begin
     if level < get_scope ty then raise_scope_escape_exn ty;
+    let set_level () =
+      set_level ty level;
+      if ty_level = generic_level then
+        add_to_pool ~level (Transient_expr.repr ty)
+    in
     match get_desc ty with
       Tconstr(p, _tl, _abbrev) when level < Path.scope p ->
         (* Try first to replace an abbreviation by its expansion. *)
@@ -884,7 +908,7 @@ let rec update_level env level expand ty =
           link_type ty ty';
           update_level env level expand ty'
         with Cannot_expand ->
-          set_level ty level;
+          set_level ();
           iter_type_expr (update_level env level expand) ty
     | Tpackage (p, fl) when level < Path.scope p ->
@@ -902,13 +926,13 @@ let rec update_level env level expand ty =
             set_type_desc ty (Tvariant (set_row_name row None))
         | _ -> ()
-        set_level ty level;
+        set_level ();
         iter_type_expr (update_level env level expand) ty
     | Tfield(lab, _, ty1, _)
       when lab = dummy_method && level < get_scope ty1 ->
         raise_escape_exn Self
     | _ ->
-        set_level ty level;
+        set_level ();
         (* XXX what about abbreviations in Tconstr ? *)
         iter_type_expr (update_level env level expand) ty
@@ -987,11 +1011,11 @@ let lower_contravariant env ty =
   simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
   lower_contravariant env !nongen_level (Hashtbl.create 7) false ty
-let rec generalize_class_type' gen =
+let rec generalize_class_type gen =
     Cty_constr (_, params, cty) ->
       List.iter gen params;
-      generalize_class_type' gen cty
+      generalize_class_type gen cty
   | Cty_signature csig ->
       gen csig.csig_self;
       gen csig.csig_self_row;
@@ -999,20 +1023,10 @@ let rec generalize_class_type' gen =
       Meths.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> gen ty) csig.csig_meths
   | Cty_arrow (_, ty, cty) ->
       gen ty;
-      generalize_class_type' gen cty
-let generalize_class_type cty =
-  generalize_class_type' generalize cty
-let generalize_class_type_structure cty =
-  generalize_class_type' generalize_structure cty
-(* Correct the levels of type [ty]. *)
-let correct_levels ty =
-  duplicate_type ty
+      generalize_class_type gen cty
 (* Only generalize the type ty0 in ty *)
-let limited_generalize ty0 ty =
+let limited_generalize ty0 ~inside:ty =
   let graph = TypeHash.create 17 in
   let roots = ref [] in
@@ -1052,8 +1066,8 @@ let limited_generalize ty0 ty =
        if get_level ty <> generic_level then set_level ty !current_level)
-let limited_generalize_class_type rv cty =
-  generalize_class_type' (limited_generalize rv) cty
+let limited_generalize_class_type rv ~inside:cty =
+  generalize_class_type (fun inside -> limited_generalize rv ~inside) cty
 (* Compute statically the free univars of all nodes in a type *)
 (* This avoids doing it repeatedly during instantiation *)
@@ -1096,15 +1110,14 @@ let compute_univars ty =
 let fully_generic ty =
-  let rec aux ty =
-    if not_marked_node ty then
-      if get_level ty = generic_level then
-        (flip_mark_node ty; iter_type_expr aux ty)
-      else raise Exit
-  in
-  let res = try aux ty; true with Exit -> false in
-  unmark_type ty;
-  res
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec aux ty =
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then
+        if get_level ty = generic_level then iter_type_expr aux ty
+        else raise Exit
+    in
+    try aux ty; true with Exit -> false
+  end
@@ -1261,11 +1274,7 @@ let instance ?partial sch =
     copy ?partial copy_scope sch)
 let generic_instance sch =
-  let old = !current_level in
-  current_level := generic_level;
-  let ty = instance sch in
-  current_level := old;
-  ty
+  with_level ~level:generic_level (fun () -> instance sch)
 let instance_list schl =
   For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
@@ -1306,7 +1315,7 @@ let new_local_type ?(loc = Location.none) ?manifest_and_scope origin =
     type_attributes = [];
     type_immediate = Unknown;
     type_unboxed_default = false;
-    type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+    type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
 let existential_name name_counter ty =
@@ -1388,11 +1397,7 @@ let instance_declaration decl =
 let generic_instance_declaration decl =
-  let old = !current_level in
-  current_level := generic_level;
-  let decl = instance_declaration decl in
-  current_level := old;
-  decl
+  with_level ~level:generic_level (fun () -> instance_declaration decl)
 let instance_class params cty =
   let rec copy_class_type copy_scope = function
@@ -1533,33 +1538,31 @@ let unify_var' = (* Forward declaration *)
 let subst env level priv abbrev oty params args body =
   if List.length params <> List.length args then raise Cannot_subst;
-  let old_level = !current_level in
-  current_level := level;
-  let body0 = newvar () in          (* Stub *)
-  let undo_abbrev =
-    match oty with
-    | None -> fun () -> () (* No abbreviation added *)
-    | Some ty ->
-        match get_desc ty with
-          Tconstr (path, tl, _) ->
-            let abbrev = proper_abbrevs tl abbrev in
-            memorize_abbrev abbrev priv path ty body0;
-            fun () -> forget_abbrev abbrev path
-        | _ -> assert false
-  in
-  abbreviations := abbrev;
-  let (params', body') = instance_parameterized_type params body in
-  abbreviations := ref Mnil;
-  let uenv = Expression {env; in_subst = true} in
-  try
-    !unify_var' uenv body0 body';
-    List.iter2 (!unify_var' uenv) params' args;
-    current_level := old_level;
-    body'
-  with Unify _ ->
-    current_level := old_level;
-    undo_abbrev ();
-    raise Cannot_subst
+  with_level ~level begin fun () ->
+    let body0 = newvar () in          (* Stub *)
+    let undo_abbrev =
+      match oty with
+      | None -> fun () -> () (* No abbreviation added *)
+      | Some ty ->
+          match get_desc ty with
+            Tconstr (path, tl, _) ->
+              let abbrev = proper_abbrevs tl abbrev in
+              memorize_abbrev abbrev priv path ty body0;
+              fun () -> forget_abbrev abbrev path
+          | _ -> assert false
+    in
+    abbreviations := abbrev;
+    let (params', body') = instance_parameterized_type params body in
+    abbreviations := ref Mnil;
+    let uenv = Expression {env; in_subst = true} in
+    try
+      !unify_var' uenv body0 body';
+      List.iter2 (!unify_var' uenv) params' args;
+      body'
+    with Unify _ ->
+      undo_abbrev ();
+      raise Cannot_subst
+  end
    Default to generic level. Usually, only the shape of the type matters, not
@@ -1591,6 +1594,7 @@ let check_abbrev_env env =
   if not (Env.same_type_declarations env !previous_env) then begin
     (* prerr_endline "cleanup expansion cache"; *)
     cleanup_abbrev ();
+    simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
     previous_env := env
@@ -1705,6 +1709,8 @@ let try_expand_safe env ty =
 let rec try_expand_head
     (try_once : Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr) env ty =
   let ty' = try_once env ty in
+  (* let () = Format.eprintf "BEFORE TRY_EXPAND_HEAD REC\n" in *)
+  if ty == ty' then ty' else
   try try_expand_head try_once env ty'
   with Cannot_expand -> ty'
@@ -1800,8 +1806,8 @@ let full_expand ~may_forget_scope env ty =
         (* #10277: forget scopes when printing trace *)
         with_level ~level:(get_level ty) begin fun () ->
           (* The same as [expand_head], except in the failing case we return the
-           *original* type, not [correct_levels ty].*)
-          try try_expand_head try_expand_safe env (correct_levels ty) with
+           *original* type, not [duplicate_type ty].*)
+          try try_expand_head try_expand_safe env (duplicate_type ty) with
           | Cannot_expand -> ty
     else expand_head env ty
@@ -1953,6 +1959,17 @@ let local_non_recursive_abbrev uenv p ty =
                    (*  Polymorphic Unification  *)
+(* Polymorphic unification is hard in the presence of recursive types.  A
+   correctness argument for the approach below can be made by reference to
+   "Numbering matters: first-order canonical forms for second-order recursive
+   types" (ICFP'04) by Gauthier & Pottier. That work describes putting numbers
+   on nodes; we do not do that here, but instead make a decision about whether
+   to abort or continue based on the comparison of the numbers if we calculated
+   them. A different approach would actually store the relevant numbers in the
+   [Tpoly] nodes. (The algorithm here actually pre-dates that paper, which was
+   developed independently. But reading and understanding the paper will help
+   guide intuition for reading this algorithm nonetheless.) *)
 (* Since we cannot duplicate universal variables, unification must
    be done at meta-level, using bindings in univar_pairs *)
 let rec unify_univar t1 t2 = function
@@ -1972,23 +1989,32 @@ let rec unify_univar t1 t2 = function
       | _ ->
           raise Cannot_unify_universal_variables
-  | [] -> raise Cannot_unify_universal_variables
+  | [] ->
+      raise Out_of_scope_universal_variable
 (* The same as [unify_univar], but raises the appropriate exception instead of
    [Cannot_unify_universal_variables] *)
-let unify_univar_for tr_exn t1 t2 univar_pairs =
-  try unify_univar t1 t2 univar_pairs
-  with Cannot_unify_universal_variables -> raise_unexplained_for tr_exn
+let unify_univar_for (type a) (tr_exn : a trace_exn) t1 t2 univar_pairs =
+  try unify_univar t1 t2 univar_pairs with
+  | Cannot_unify_universal_variables -> raise_unexplained_for tr_exn
+  | Out_of_scope_universal_variable ->
+      (* Allow unscoped univars when checking for equality, since one
+         might want to compare arbitrary subparts of types, ignoring scopes;
+         see Typedecl_variance (#13514) for instance *)
+      match tr_exn with
+      | Equality -> raise_unexplained_for tr_exn
+      | _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.unify_univar_for: univar not in scope"
 (* Test the occurrence of free univars in a type *)
 (* That's way too expensive. Must do some kind of caching *)
 (* If [inj_only=true], only check injective positions *)
 let occur_univar ?(inj_only=false) env ty =
   let visited = ref TypeMap.empty in
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
   let rec occur_rec bound ty =
-    if not_marked_node ty then
+    if not_marked_node mark ty then
       if TypeSet.is_empty bound then
-        (flip_mark_node ty; occur_desc bound ty)
+        (ignore (try_mark_node mark ty); occur_desc bound ty)
       else try
         let bound' = TypeMap.find ty !visited in
         if not (TypeSet.subset bound' bound) then begin
@@ -2027,10 +2053,8 @@ let occur_univar ?(inj_only=false) env ty =
       | _ -> iter_type_expr (occur_rec bound) ty
-  Misc.try_finally (fun () ->
-      occur_rec TypeSet.empty ty
-    )
-    ~always:(fun () -> unmark_type ty)
+  occur_rec TypeSet.empty ty
+  end
 let has_free_univars env ty =
   try occur_univar ~inj_only:false env ty; false with Escape _ -> true
@@ -2061,10 +2085,9 @@ let get_univar_family univar_pairs univars =
 (* Whether a family of univars escapes from a type *)
 let univars_escape env univar_pairs vl ty =
   let family = get_univar_family univar_pairs vl in
-  let visited = ref TypeSet.empty in
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
   let rec occur t =
-    if TypeSet.mem t !visited then () else begin
-      visited := TypeSet.add t !visited;
+    if try_mark_node mark t then begin
       match get_desc t with
         Tpoly (t, tl) ->
           if List.exists (fun t -> TypeSet.mem t family) tl then ()
@@ -2086,9 +2109,18 @@ let univars_escape env univar_pairs vl ty =
   occur ty
+  end
+let univar_pairs = ref []
+let with_univar_pairs pairs f =
+  let old = !univar_pairs in
+  univar_pairs := pairs;
+  Misc.try_finally f
+    ~always:(fun () -> univar_pairs := old)
 (* Wrapper checking that no variable escapes and updating univar_pairs *)
-let enter_poly env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f =
+let enter_poly env t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f =
   let old_univars = !univar_pairs in
   let known_univars =
     List.fold_left (fun s (cl,_) -> add_univars s cl)
@@ -2100,17 +2132,15 @@ let enter_poly env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f =
     univars_escape env old_univars tl2 (newty(Tpoly(t1,tl1)));
   let cl1 = List.map (fun t -> t, ref None) tl1
   and cl2 = List.map (fun t -> t, ref None) tl2 in
-  univar_pairs := (cl1,cl2) :: (cl2,cl1) :: old_univars;
-  Misc.try_finally (fun () -> f t1 t2)
-    ~always:(fun () -> univar_pairs := old_univars)
+  with_univar_pairs
+    ((cl1,cl2) :: (cl2,cl1) :: old_univars)
+    (fun () -> f t1 t2)
-let enter_poly_for tr_exn env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f =
+let enter_poly_for tr_exn env t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f =
-    enter_poly env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f
+    enter_poly env t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f
   with Escape e -> raise_for tr_exn (Escape e)
-let univar_pairs = ref []
 (**** Instantiate a generic type into a poly type ***)
 let polyfy env ty vars =
@@ -2197,16 +2227,18 @@ let unexpanded_diff ~got ~expected =
 (* Return whether [t0] occurs in [ty]. Objects are also traversed. *)
 let deep_occur t0 ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
   let rec occur_rec ty =
-    if get_level ty >= get_level t0 && try_mark_node ty then begin
+    if get_level ty >= get_level t0 && try_mark_node mark ty then begin
       if eq_type ty t0 then raise Occur;
       iter_type_expr occur_rec ty
-    occur_rec ty; unmark_type ty; false
+    occur_rec ty; false
   with Occur ->
-    unmark_type ty; true
+    true
+  end
 (* A local constraint can be added only if the rhs
@@ -2291,6 +2323,21 @@ let compatible_paths p1 p2 =
   Path.same p1 path_bytes && Path.same p2 path_string ||
   Path.same p1 path_string && Path.same p2 path_bytes
+(* Two labels are considered compatible under certain conditions.
+  - they are the same
+  - in classic mode, only optional labels are relavant
+  - in pattern mode, we act as if we were in classic mode. If not, interactions
+    with GADTs from files compiled in classic mode would be unsound.
+let compatible_labels ~in_pattern_mode l1 l2 =
+  l1 = l2
+  || (!Clflags.classic || in_pattern_mode)
+      && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2)
+let eq_labels error_mode ~in_pattern_mode l1 l2 =
+  if not (compatible_labels ~in_pattern_mode l1 l2) then
+    raise_for error_mode (Function_label_mismatch {got=l1; expected=l2})
 (* Check for datatypes carefully; see PR#6348 *)
 let rec expands_to_datatype env ty =
   match get_desc ty with
@@ -2302,12 +2349,21 @@ let rec expands_to_datatype env ty =
   | _ -> false
-(* [mcomp] tests if two types are "compatible" -- i.e., if they could ever
-   unify.  (This is distinct from [eqtype], which checks if two types *are*
-   exactly the same.)  This is used to decide whether GADT cases are
-   unreachable.  It is broadly part of unification. *)
+(* [mcomp] tests if two types are "compatible" -- i.e., if there could
+   exist a witness of their equality. This is distinct from [eqtype],
+   which checks if two types *are*  exactly the same.
+   [mcomp] is used to decide whether GADT cases are unreachable.
+   The existence of a witness is necessarily an incomplete property,
+   i.e. there exists types for which we cannot tell if an equality
+   witness could exist or not. Typically, this is the case for
+   abstract types, which could be equal to anything, depending on
+   their actual definition. As a result [mcomp] overapproximates
+   compatibilty, i.e. when it says that two types are incompatible, we
+   are sure that there exists no equality witness, but if it does not
+   say so, there is no guarantee that such a witness could exist.
+ *)
-(* mcomp type_pairs subst env t1 t2 does not raise an
+(* [mcomp type_pairs subst env t1 t2] should not raise an
    exception if it is possible that t1 and t2 are actually
    equal, assuming the types in type_pairs are equal and
    that the mapping subst holds.
@@ -2335,7 +2391,7 @@ let rec mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2 =
         | (_, Tvar _)  ->
         | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _))
-          when l1 = l2 || not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) ->
+          when compatible_labels ~in_pattern_mode:true l1 l2 ->
             mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2;
             mcomp type_pairs env u1 u2;
         | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
@@ -2370,12 +2426,14 @@ let rec mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2 =
             mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2
         | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) ->
-               enter_poly env univar_pairs
+               enter_poly env
                  t1 tl1 t2 tl2 (mcomp type_pairs env)
              with Escape _ -> raise Incompatible)
         | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) ->
-            (try unify_univar t1' t2' !univar_pairs
-             with Cannot_unify_universal_variables -> raise Incompatible)
+            begin try unify_univar t1' t2' !univar_pairs with
+            | Cannot_unify_universal_variables -> raise Incompatible
+            | Out_of_scope_universal_variable -> ()
+            end
         | (_, _) ->
             raise Incompatible
@@ -2517,14 +2575,16 @@ let mcomp_for tr_exn env t1 t2 =
 let find_lowest_level ty =
   let lowest = ref generic_level in
-  let rec find ty =
-    if not_marked_node ty then begin
-      let level = get_level ty in
-      if level < !lowest then lowest := level;
-      flip_mark_node ty;
-      iter_type_expr find ty
-    end
-  in find ty; unmark_type ty; !lowest
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec find ty =
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then begin
+        let level = get_level ty in
+        if level < !lowest then lowest := level;
+        iter_type_expr find ty
+      end
+    in find ty
+  end;
+  !lowest
 (* This function can be called only in [Pattern] mode. *)
 let add_gadt_equation uenv source destination =
@@ -2571,11 +2631,7 @@ let rec concat_longident lid1 =
 let nondep_instance env level id ty =
   let ty = !nondep_type' env [id] ty in
   if level = generic_level then duplicate_type ty else
-  let old = !current_level in
-  current_level := level;
-  let ty = instance ty in
-  current_level := old;
-  ty
+  with_level ~level (fun () -> instance ty)
 (* Find the type paths nl1 in the module type mty2, and add them to the
    list (nl2, tl2). raise Not_found if impossible *)
@@ -2627,10 +2683,10 @@ let unify_package env unify_list lv1 p1 fl1 lv2 p2 fl2 =
   let ntl2 = complete_type_list env fl1 lv2 (Mty_ident p2) fl2
   and ntl1 = complete_type_list env fl2 lv1 (Mty_ident p1) fl1 in
   unify_list (List.map snd ntl1) (List.map snd ntl2);
-  if eq_package_path env p1 p2
-  || !package_subtype env p1 fl1 p2 fl2
-  && !package_subtype env p2 fl2 p1 fl1 then () else raise Not_found
+  if eq_package_path env p1 p2 then Ok ()
+  else Result.bind
+      (!package_subtype env p1 fl1 p2 fl2)
+      (fun () -> !package_subtype env p2 fl2 p1 fl1)
 (* force unification in Reither when one side has a non-conjunctive type *)
 (* Code smell: this could also be put in unification_environment.
@@ -2664,10 +2720,8 @@ let unify3_var uenv t1' t2 t2' =
   | exception Unify_trace _ when in_pattern_mode uenv ->
       reify uenv t1';
       reify uenv t2';
-      if can_generate_equations uenv then begin
-        occur_univar ~inj_only:true (get_env uenv) t2';
-        record_equation uenv t1' t2';
-      end
+      occur_univar ~inj_only:true (get_env uenv) t2';
+      record_equation uenv t1' t2'
    1. When unifying two non-abbreviated types, one type is made a link
@@ -2814,9 +2868,8 @@ and unify3 uenv t1 t1' t2 t2' =
       begin match (d1, d2) with
-        (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, c1), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, c2)) when l1 = l2 ||
-        (!Clflags.classic || in_pattern_mode uenv) &&
-        not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) ->
+        (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, c1), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, c2)) ->
+          eq_labels Unify ~in_pattern_mode:(in_pattern_mode uenv) l1 l2;
           unify uenv t1 t2; unify uenv u1 u2;
           begin match is_commu_ok c1, is_commu_ok c2 with
           | false, true -> set_commu_ok c1
@@ -2827,7 +2880,7 @@ and unify3 uenv t1 t1' t2 t2' =
       | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
           unify_list uenv tl1 tl2
       | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
-          if not (can_generate_equations uenv) then
+          if not (in_pattern_mode uenv) then
             unify_list uenv tl1 tl2
           else if can_assume_injective uenv then
             without_assume_injective uenv (fun uenv -> unify_list uenv tl1 tl2)
@@ -2843,21 +2896,16 @@ and unify3 uenv t1 t1' t2 t2' =
               (fun i (t1, t2) ->
-                if i then unify uenv t1 t2 else
-                without_generating_equations uenv
-                  begin fun uenv ->
-                    let snap = snapshot () in
-                    try unify uenv t1 t2 with Unify_trace _ ->
-                      backtrack snap;
-                      reify uenv t1;
-                      reify uenv t2
-                  end)
+                if i then unify uenv t1 t2 else begin
+                  reify uenv t1;
+                  reify uenv t2
+                end)
               inj (List.combine tl1 tl2)
       | (Tconstr (path,[],_),
          Tconstr (path',[],_))
-        when let env = get_env uenv in
-        is_instantiable env path && is_instantiable env path'
-        && can_generate_equations uenv ->
+        when in_pattern_mode uenv &&
+        let env = get_env uenv in
+        is_instantiable env path && is_instantiable env path' ->
           let source, destination =
             if Path.scope path > Path.scope path'
             then  path , t2'
@@ -2866,24 +2914,20 @@ and unify3 uenv t1 t1' t2 t2' =
           record_equation uenv t1' t2';
           add_gadt_equation uenv source destination
       | (Tconstr (path,[],_), _)
-        when is_instantiable (get_env uenv) path
-        && can_generate_equations uenv ->
+        when in_pattern_mode uenv && is_instantiable (get_env uenv) path ->
           reify uenv t2';
           record_equation uenv t1' t2';
           add_gadt_equation uenv path t2'
       | (_, Tconstr (path,[],_))
-        when is_instantiable (get_env uenv) path
-        && can_generate_equations uenv ->
+        when in_pattern_mode uenv && is_instantiable (get_env uenv) path ->
           reify uenv t1';
           record_equation uenv t1' t2';
           add_gadt_equation uenv path t1'
       | (Tconstr (_,_,_), _) | (_, Tconstr (_,_,_)) when in_pattern_mode uenv ->
           reify uenv t1';
           reify uenv t2';
-          if can_generate_equations uenv then (
-            mcomp_for Unify (get_env uenv) t1' t2';
-            record_equation uenv t1' t2'
-          )
+          mcomp_for Unify (get_env uenv) t1' t2';
+          record_equation uenv t1' t2'
       | (Tobject (fi1, nm1), Tobject (fi2, _)) ->
           unify_fields uenv fi1 fi2;
           (* Type [t2'] may have been instantiated by [unify_fields] *)
@@ -2905,10 +2949,8 @@ and unify3 uenv t1 t1' t2 t2' =
               backtrack snap;
               reify uenv t1';
               reify uenv t2';
-              if can_generate_equations uenv then (
-                mcomp_for Unify (get_env uenv) t1' t2';
-                record_equation uenv t1' t2'
-              )
+              mcomp_for Unify (get_env uenv) t1' t2';
+              record_equation uenv t1' t2'
       | (Tfield(f,kind,_,rem), Tnil) | (Tnil, Tfield(f,kind,_,rem)) ->
           begin match field_kind_repr kind with
@@ -2929,13 +2971,19 @@ and unify3 uenv t1 t1' t2 t2' =
       | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) ->
           unify uenv t1 t2
       | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) ->
-          enter_poly_for Unify (get_env uenv) univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2
+          enter_poly_for Unify (get_env uenv) t1 tl1 t2 tl2
             (unify uenv)
       | (Tpackage (p1, fl1), Tpackage (p2, fl2)) ->
-          begin try
+          begin match
             unify_package (get_env uenv) (unify_list uenv)
               (get_level t1) p1 fl1 (get_level t2) p2 fl2
-          with Not_found ->
+          with
+          | Ok () -> ()
+          | Error fm_err ->
+              if not (in_pattern_mode uenv) then
+                raise_for Unify (Errortrace.First_class_module fm_err);
+              List.iter (fun (_n, ty) -> reify uenv ty) (fl1 @ fl2);
+          | exception Not_found ->
             if not (in_pattern_mode uenv) then raise_unexplained_for Unify;
             List.iter (fun (_n, ty) -> reify uenv ty) (fl1 @ fl2);
             (* if !generate_equations then List.iter2 (mcomp !env) tl1 tl2 *)
@@ -3249,17 +3297,29 @@ let unify uenv ty1 ty2 =
       raise (Unify (expand_to_unification_error (get_env uenv) trace))
 let unify_gadt (penv : Pattern_env.t) ty1 ty2 =
-  univar_pairs := [];
   let equated_types = TypePairs.create 0 in
-  let equations_generation = Allowed { equated_types } in
-  let uenv = Pattern
-      { penv;
-        equations_generation;
-        assume_injective = true;
-        unify_eq_set = TypePairs.create 11; }
+  let do_unify_gadt () =
+    let uenv = Pattern
+        { penv;
+          equated_types;
+          assume_injective = true;
+          unify_eq_set = TypePairs.create 11; }
+    in
+    unify uenv ty1 ty2;
+    equated_types
-  unify uenv ty1 ty2;
-  equated_types
+  let no_leak = penv.allow_recursive_equations || closed_type_expr ty2 in
+  if no_leak then with_univar_pairs [] do_unify_gadt else
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  try
+    (* If there are free variables, first try normal unification *)
+    let uenv = Expression {env = penv.env; in_subst = false} in
+    with_univar_pairs [] (fun () -> unify uenv ty1 ty2);
+    equated_types
+  with Unify _ ->
+    (* If it fails, retry in pattern mode *)
+    Btype.backtrack snap;
+    with_univar_pairs [] do_unify_gadt
 let unify_var uenv t1 t2 =
   if eq_type t1 t2 then () else
@@ -3291,8 +3351,8 @@ let unify_var env ty1 ty2 =
   unify_var (Expression {env; in_subst = false}) ty1 ty2
 let unify_pairs env ty1 ty2 pairs =
-  univar_pairs := pairs;
-  unify (Expression {env; in_subst = false}) ty1 ty2
+  with_univar_pairs pairs (fun () ->
+    unify (Expression {env; in_subst = false}) ty1 ty2)
 let unify env ty1 ty2 =
   unify_pairs env ty1 ty2 []
@@ -3704,40 +3764,35 @@ let close_class_signature env sign =
   let self = expand_head env sign.csig_self in
   close env (object_fields self)
-let generalize_class_signature_spine env sign =
+let generalize_class_signature_spine sign =
   (* Generalize the spine of methods *)
-  let meths = sign.csig_meths in
-  Meths.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> generalize_spine ty) meths;
-  let new_meths =
-    Meths.map
-      (fun (priv, virt, ty) -> (priv, virt, generic_instance ty))
-      meths
-  in
-  (* But keep levels correct on the type of self *)
-  Meths.iter
-    (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> unify_var env (newvar ()) ty)
-    meths;
-  sign.csig_meths <- new_meths
+  sign.csig_meths <-
+    Meths.map (fun (priv, virt, ty) -> priv, virt, copy_spine ty)
+      sign.csig_meths
                         (*  Matching between type schemes  *)
+(* Level of the subject, should be just below generic_level *)
+let subject_level = generic_level - 1
    Update the level of [ty]. First check that the levels of generic
    variables from the subject are not lowered.
 let moregen_occur env level ty =
-  let rec occur ty =
-    let lv = get_level ty in
-    if lv <= level then () else
-    if is_Tvar ty && lv >= generic_level - 1 then raise Occur else
-    if try_mark_node ty then iter_type_expr occur ty
-  in
-  begin try
-    occur ty; unmark_type ty
-  with Occur ->
-    unmark_type ty; raise_unexplained_for Moregen
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec occur ty =
+      let lv = get_level ty in
+      if lv <= level then () else
+      if is_Tvar ty && lv >= subject_level then raise Occur else
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then iter_type_expr occur ty
+    in
+    try
+      occur ty
+    with Occur ->
+      raise_unexplained_for Moregen
   (* also check for free univars *)
   occur_univar_for Moregen env ty;
@@ -3745,7 +3800,7 @@ let moregen_occur env level ty =
 let may_instantiate inst_nongen t1 =
   let level = get_level t1 in
-  if inst_nongen then level <> generic_level - 1
+  if inst_nongen then level <> subject_level
                  else level =  generic_level
 let rec moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 =
@@ -3772,8 +3827,8 @@ let rec moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 =
               moregen_occur env (get_level t1') t2;
               update_scope_for Moregen (get_scope t1') t2;
               link_type t1' t2
-          | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) when l1 = l2
-            || !Clflags.classic && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) ->
+          | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) ->
+              eq_labels Moregen ~in_pattern_mode:false l1 l2;
               moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2;
               moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env u1 u2
           | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
@@ -3782,10 +3837,13 @@ let rec moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 =
                 when Path.same p1 p2 ->
               moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env tl1 tl2
           | (Tpackage (p1, fl1), Tpackage (p2, fl2)) ->
-              begin try
+              begin match
                 unify_package env (moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env)
                   (get_level t1') p1 fl1 (get_level t2') p2 fl2
-              with Not_found -> raise_unexplained_for Moregen
+              with
+              | Ok () -> ()
+              | Error fme -> raise_for Moregen (First_class_module fme)
+              | exception Not_found -> raise_unexplained_for Moregen
           | (Tnil,  Tconstr _ ) -> raise_for Moregen (Obj (Abstract_row Second))
           | (Tconstr _,  Tnil ) -> raise_for Moregen (Obj (Abstract_row First))
@@ -3801,7 +3859,7 @@ let rec moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 =
           | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) ->
               moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2
           | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) ->
-              enter_poly_for Moregen env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2
+              enter_poly_for Moregen env t1 tl1 t2 tl2
                 (moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env)
           | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) ->
               unify_univar_for Moregen t1' t2' !univar_pairs
@@ -3964,8 +4022,8 @@ and moregen_row inst_nongen type_pairs env row1 row2 =
 (* Must empty univar_pairs first *)
 let moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj =
-  univar_pairs := [];
-  moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj
+  with_univar_pairs [] (fun () ->
+    moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj)
    Non-generic variable can be instantiated only if [inst_nongen] is
@@ -3976,37 +4034,37 @@ let moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj =
    is unimportant.  So, no need to propagate abbreviations.
 let moregeneral env inst_nongen pat_sch subj_sch =
-  let old_level = !current_level in
-  current_level := generic_level - 1;
-  (*
-     Generic variables are first duplicated with [instance].  So,
-     their levels are lowered to [generic_level - 1].  The subject is
-     then copied with [duplicate_type].  That way, its levels won't be
-     changed.
-  *)
-  let subj_inst = instance subj_sch in
-  let subj = duplicate_type subj_inst in
-  current_level := generic_level;
-  (* Duplicate generic variables *)
-  let patt = instance pat_sch in
-  Misc.try_finally
-    (fun () ->
-       try
-         moregen inst_nongen (TypePairs.create 13) env patt subj
-       with Moregen_trace trace ->
-         (* Moregen splits the generic level into two finer levels:
-            [generic_level] and [generic_level - 1].  In order to properly
-            detect and print weak variables when printing this error, we need to
-            merge them back together, by regeneralizing the levels of the types
-            after they were instantiated at [generic_level - 1] above.  Because
-            [moregen] does some unification that we need to preserve for more
-            legible error messages, we have to manually perform the
-            regeneralization rather than backtracking. *)
-         current_level := generic_level - 2;
-         generalize subj_inst;
-         raise (Moregen (expand_to_moregen_error env trace)))
-    ~always:(fun () -> current_level := old_level)
+  (* Moregen splits the generic level into two finer levels:
+     [generic_level] and [subject_level = generic_level - 1].
+     In order to properly detect and print weak variables when
+     printing errors, we need to merge those levels back together.
+     We do that by starting at level [subject_level - 1], using
+     [with_local_level_generalize] to first set the current level
+     to [subject_level], and then generalize nodes at [subject_level]
+     on exit.
+     Strictly speaking, we could avoid generalizing when there is no error,
+     as nodes at level [subject_level] are never unified with nodes of
+     the original types, but that would be rather ad hoc.
+ *)
+  with_level ~level:(subject_level - 1) begin fun () ->
+    match with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      assert (!current_level = subject_level);
+      (*
+        Generic variables are first duplicated with [instance].  So,
+        their levels are lowered to [subject_level].  The subject is
+        then copied with [duplicate_type].  That way, its levels won't be
+        changed.
+       *)
+      let subj_inst = instance subj_sch in
+      let subj = duplicate_type subj_inst in
+      (* Duplicate generic variables *)
+      let patt = generic_instance pat_sch in
+      try Ok (moregen inst_nongen (TypePairs.create 13) env patt subj)
+      with Moregen_trace trace -> Error trace
+    end with
+    | Ok () -> ()
+    | Error trace -> raise (Moregen (expand_to_moregen_error env trace))
+  end
 let is_moregeneral env inst_nongen pat_sch subj_sch =
   match moregeneral env inst_nongen pat_sch subj_sch with
@@ -4017,8 +4075,8 @@ let is_moregeneral env inst_nongen pat_sch subj_sch =
    and check validity after unification *)
 (* Simpler, no? *)
-let rec rigidify_rec vars ty =
-  if try_mark_node ty then
+let rec rigidify_rec mark vars ty =
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then
     begin match get_desc ty with
     | Tvar _ ->
         if not (TypeSet.mem ty !vars) then vars := TypeSet.add ty !vars
@@ -4031,18 +4089,17 @@ let rec rigidify_rec vars ty =
               ~name ~closed
           in link_type more (newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) (Tvariant row'))
-        iter_row (rigidify_rec vars) row;
+        iter_row (rigidify_rec mark vars) row;
         (* only consider the row variable if the variant is not static *)
         if not (static_row row) then
-          rigidify_rec vars (row_more row)
+          rigidify_rec mark vars (row_more row)
     | _ ->
-        iter_type_expr (rigidify_rec vars) ty
+        iter_type_expr (rigidify_rec mark vars) ty
 let rigidify ty =
   let vars = ref TypeSet.empty in
-  rigidify_rec vars ty;
-  unmark_type ty;
+  with_type_mark (fun mark -> rigidify_rec mark vars ty);
   TypeSet.elements !vars
 let all_distinct_vars env vars =
@@ -4104,8 +4161,18 @@ let eqtype_subst type_pairs subst t1 t2 =
 let rec eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 =
-  if eq_type t1 t2 then () else
+  let check_phys_eq t1 t2 =
+    not rename && eq_type t1 t2
+  in
+  (* Checking for physical equality of type representatives when [rename] is
+     true would be incorrect: imagine comparing ['a * 'a] with ['b * 'a]. The
+     first ['a] and ['b] would be identified in [eqtype_subst], and then the
+     second ['a] and ['a] would be [eq_type]. So we do not call [eq_type] here.
+     On the other hand, when [rename] is false we need to check for physical
+     equality, as that's the only way variables can be identified.
+  *)
+  if check_phys_eq t1 t2 then () else
     match (get_desc t1, get_desc t2) with
       (Tvar _, Tvar _) when rename ->
@@ -4116,26 +4183,29 @@ let rec eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 =
         let t1' = expand_head_rigid env t1 in
         let t2' = expand_head_rigid env t2 in
         (* Expansion may have changed the representative of the types... *)
-        if eq_type t1' t2' then () else
+        if check_phys_eq t1' t2' then () else
         if not (TypePairs.mem type_pairs (t1', t2')) then begin
           TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1', t2');
           match (get_desc t1', get_desc t2') with
             (Tvar _, Tvar _) when rename ->
               eqtype_subst type_pairs subst t1' t2'
-          | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) when l1 = l2
-            || !Clflags.classic && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) ->
+          | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) ->
+              eq_labels Equality ~in_pattern_mode:false l1 l2;
               eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2;
-              eqtype rename type_pairs subst env u1 u2;
+              eqtype rename type_pairs subst env u1 u2
           | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
               eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2
           | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _))
                 when Path.same p1 p2 ->
-              eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2
+              eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2
           | (Tpackage (p1, fl1), Tpackage (p2, fl2)) ->
-              begin try
+              begin match
                 unify_package env (eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env)
                   (get_level t1') p1 fl1 (get_level t2') p2 fl2
-              with Not_found -> raise_unexplained_for Equality
+              with
+              | Ok () -> ()
+              | Error fme -> raise_for Equality (First_class_module fme)
+              | exception Not_found -> raise_unexplained_for Equality
           | (Tnil,  Tconstr _ ) ->
               raise_for Equality (Obj (Abstract_row Second))
@@ -4153,7 +4223,7 @@ let rec eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 =
           | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) ->
               eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2
           | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) ->
-              enter_poly_for Equality env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2
+              enter_poly_for Equality env t1 tl1 t2 tl2
                 (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env)
           | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) ->
               unify_univar_for Equality t1' t2' !univar_pairs
@@ -4163,17 +4233,22 @@ let rec eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 =
   with Equality_trace trace ->
     raise_trace_for Equality (Diff {got = t1; expected = t2} :: trace)
+and eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 =
+  List.iter2 (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env) tl1 tl2
 and eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 =
   if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then
     raise_unexplained_for Equality;
-  List.iter2 (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env) tl1 tl2
+  eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2
 and eqtype_fields rename type_pairs subst env ty1 ty2 =
   let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 in
   let (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in
   (* First check if same row => already equal *)
   let same_row =
-    eq_type rest1 rest2 || TypePairs.mem type_pairs (rest1,rest2)
+    (* [not rename]: see comment at top of [eqtype] *)
+    (not rename && eq_type rest1 rest2) ||
+    TypePairs.mem type_pairs (rest1,rest2)
   if same_row then () else
   (* Try expansion, needed when called from Includecore.type_manifest *)
@@ -4288,20 +4363,23 @@ and eqtype_row rename type_pairs subst env row1 row2 =
 (* Must empty univar_pairs first *)
-let eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 =
-  univar_pairs := [];
-  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
-  Misc.try_finally
-    ~always:(fun () -> backtrack snap)
-    (fun () -> eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2)
+let eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 =
+  with_univar_pairs [] (fun () ->
+    let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+    Misc.try_finally
+      ~always:(fun () -> backtrack snap)
+      (fun () -> eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2))
 let eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 =
-  eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env [t1] [t2]
+  eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env [t1] [t2]
 (* Two modes: with or without renaming of variables *)
 let equal env rename tyl1 tyl2 =
+  if List.length tyl1 <> List.length tyl2 then
+    raise_unexplained_for Equality;
+  if List.for_all2 eq_type tyl1 tyl2 then () else
   let subst = ref [] in
-  try eqtype_list rename (TypePairs.create 11) subst env tyl1 tyl2
+  try eqtype_list_same_length rename (TypePairs.create 11) subst env tyl1 tyl2
   with Equality_trace trace ->
     raise (Equality (expand_to_equality_error env trace !subst))
@@ -4465,48 +4543,48 @@ let match_class_types ?(trace=true) env pat_sch subj_sch =
   let errors = match_class_sig_shape ~strict:false sign1 sign2 in
   match errors with
   | [] ->
-      let old_level = !current_level in
-      current_level := generic_level - 1;
-      (*
-         Generic variables are first duplicated with [instance].  So,
-         their levels are lowered to [generic_level - 1].  The subject is
-         then copied with [duplicate_type].  That way, its levels won't be
-         changed.
-      *)
-      let (_, subj_inst) = instance_class [] subj_sch in
-      let subj = duplicate_class_type subj_inst in
-      current_level := generic_level;
-      (* Duplicate generic variables *)
-      let (_, patt) = instance_class [] pat_sch in
-      let type_pairs = TypePairs.create 53 in
-      let sign1 = signature_of_class_type patt in
-      let sign2 = signature_of_class_type subj in
-      let self1 = sign1.csig_self in
-      let self2 = sign2.csig_self in
-      let row1 = sign1.csig_self_row in
-      let row2 = sign2.csig_self_row in
-      TypePairs.add type_pairs (self1, self2);
-      (* Always succeeds *)
-      moregen true type_pairs env row1 row2;
-      let res =
-        match moregen_clty trace type_pairs env patt subj with
-        | () -> []
-        | exception Failure res ->
-          (* We've found an error.  Moregen splits the generic level into two
-             finer levels: [generic_level] and [generic_level - 1].  In order
-             to properly detect and print weak variables when printing this
-             error, we need to merge them back together, by regeneralizing the
-             levels of the types after they were instantiated at
-             [generic_level - 1] above.  Because [moregen] does some
-             unification that we need to preserve for more legible error
-             messages, we have to manually perform the regeneralization rather
-             than backtracking. *)
-          current_level := generic_level - 2;
-          generalize_class_type subj_inst;
-          res
-      in
-      current_level := old_level;
-      res
+      (* Moregen splits the generic level into two finer levels:
+         [generic_level] and [subject_level = generic_level - 1].
+         In order to properly detect and print weak variables when
+         printing errors, we need to merge those levels back together.
+         We do that by starting at level [subject_level - 1], using
+         [with_local_level_generalize] to first set the current level
+         to [subject_level], and then generalize nodes at [subject_level]
+         on exit.
+         Strictly speaking, we could avoid generalizing when there is no error,
+         as nodes at level [subject_level] are never unified with nodes of
+         the original types, but that would be rather ad hoc.
+       *)
+      with_level ~level:(subject_level - 1) begin fun () ->
+        with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+          assert (!current_level = subject_level);
+          (*
+            Generic variables are first duplicated with [instance].  So,
+            their levels are lowered to [subject_level].  The subject is
+            then copied with [duplicate_type].  That way, its levels won't be
+            changed.
+           *)
+          let (_, subj_inst) = instance_class [] subj_sch in
+          let subj = duplicate_class_type subj_inst in
+          (* Duplicate generic variables *)
+          let (_, patt) =
+            with_level ~level:generic_level
+              (fun () -> instance_class [] pat_sch) in
+          let type_pairs = TypePairs.create 53 in
+          let sign1 = signature_of_class_type patt in
+          let sign2 = signature_of_class_type subj in
+          let self1 = sign1.csig_self in
+          let self2 = sign2.csig_self in
+          let row1 = sign1.csig_self_row in
+          let row2 = sign2.csig_self_row in
+          TypePairs.add type_pairs (self1, self2);
+          (* Always succeeds *)
+          moregen true type_pairs env row1 row2;
+          (* May fail *)
+          try moregen_clty trace type_pairs env patt subj; []
+          with Failure res -> res
+        end
+      end
   | errors ->
       CM_Class_type_mismatch (env, pat_sch, subj_sch) :: errors
@@ -4850,8 +4928,8 @@ let rec subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 cstrs =
     match (get_desc t1, get_desc t2) with
       (Tvar _, _) | (_, Tvar _) ->
         (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
-    | (Tarrow(l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow(l2, t2, u2, _)) when l1 = l2
-      || !Clflags.classic && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) ->
+    | (Tarrow(l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow(l2, t2, u2, _))
+      when compatible_labels ~in_pattern_mode:false l1 l2 ->
         let cstrs =
@@ -4928,7 +5006,7 @@ let rec subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 cstrs =
         subtype_rec env trace u1' u2 cstrs
     | (Tpoly (u1, tl1), Tpoly (u2,tl2)) ->
         begin try
-          enter_poly env univar_pairs u1 tl1 u2 tl2
+          enter_poly env u1 tl1 u2 tl2
             (fun t1 t2 -> subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 cstrs)
         with Escape _ ->
           (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
@@ -4950,7 +5028,7 @@ let rec subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 cstrs =
             (* need to check module subtyping *)
             let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
             match List.iter (fun (_, t1, t2, _) -> unify env t1 t2) cstrs' with
-            | () when !package_subtype env p1 fl1 p2 fl2 ->
+            | () when Result.is_ok (!package_subtype env p1 fl1 p2 fl2) ->
               Btype.backtrack snap; cstrs' @ cstrs
             | () | exception Unify _ ->
               Btype.backtrack snap; raise Not_found
@@ -5074,19 +5152,22 @@ and subtype_row env trace row1 row2 cstrs =
 let subtype env ty1 ty2 =
   TypePairs.clear subtypes;
-  univar_pairs := [];
-  (* Build constraint set. *)
-  let cstrs =
-    subtype_rec env [Subtype.Diff {got = ty1; expected = ty2}] ty1 ty2 []
-  in
-  TypePairs.clear subtypes;
-  (* Enforce constraints. *)
-  function () ->
-    List.iter
-      (function (trace0, t1, t2, pairs) ->
-         try unify_pairs env t1 t2 pairs with Unify {trace} ->
-           subtype_error ~env ~trace:trace0 ~unification_trace:(List.tl trace))
-      (List.rev cstrs)
+  with_univar_pairs [] (fun () ->
+    (* Build constraint set. *)
+    let cstrs =
+      subtype_rec env [Subtype.Diff {got = ty1; expected = ty2}] ty1 ty2 []
+    in
+    TypePairs.clear subtypes;
+    (* Enforce constraints. *)
+    function () ->
+      List.iter
+        (function (trace0, t1, t2, pairs) ->
+           try unify_pairs env t1 t2 pairs with Unify {trace} ->
+           subtype_error
+             ~env
+             ~trace:trace0
+             ~unification_trace:(List.tl trace))
+        (List.rev cstrs))
                               (*  Miscellaneous  *)
@@ -5235,9 +5316,8 @@ let nongen_vars_in_class_declaration cty =
 (* Normalize a type before printing, saving... *)
 (* Cannot use mark_type because deep_occur uses it too *)
-let rec normalize_type_rec visited ty =
-  if not (TypeSet.mem ty !visited) then begin
-    visited := TypeSet.add ty !visited;
+let rec normalize_type_rec mark ty =
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then begin
     let tm = row_of_type ty in
     begin if not (is_Tconstr ty) && is_constr_row ~allow_ident:false tm then
       match get_desc tm with (* PR#7348 *)
@@ -5296,11 +5376,11 @@ let rec normalize_type_rec visited ty =
         set_type_desc fi (get_desc fi')
     | _ -> ()
-    iter_type_expr (normalize_type_rec visited) ty;
+    iter_type_expr (normalize_type_rec mark) ty;
 let normalize_type ty =
-  normalize_type_rec (ref TypeSet.empty) ty
+  with_type_mark (fun mark -> normalize_type_rec mark ty)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/ctype.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/ctype.mli
index c6759b06c4..a58eaf565f 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/ctype.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/ctype.mli
@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@ exception Incompatible
 (* All the following wrapper functions revert to the original level,
    even in case of exception. *)
+val with_local_level_generalize:
+    ?before_generalize:('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_if:
+        bool -> ?before_generalize:('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_structure: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_structure_if: bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_for_class: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
 val with_local_level: ?post:('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
         (* [with_local_level (fun () -> cmd) ~post] evaluates [cmd] at a
            raised level.
@@ -134,8 +143,6 @@ val merge_row_fields:
 val filter_row_fields:
         bool -> (label * row_field) list -> (label * row_field) list
-val generalize: type_expr -> unit
-        (* Generalize in-place the given type *)
 val lower_contravariant: Env.t -> type_expr -> unit
         (* Lower level of type variables inside contravariant branches;
            to be used before generalize for expansive expressions *)
@@ -143,23 +150,16 @@ val lower_variables_only: Env.t -> int -> type_expr -> unit
         (* Lower all variables to the given level *)
 val enforce_current_level: Env.t -> type_expr -> unit
         (* Lower whole type to !current_level *)
-val generalize_structure: type_expr -> unit
-        (* Generalize the structure of a type, lowering variables
-           to !current_level *)
-val generalize_class_type : class_type -> unit
-        (* Generalize the components of a class type *)
-val generalize_class_type_structure : class_type -> unit
-       (* Generalize the structure of the components of a class type *)
-val generalize_class_signature_spine : Env.t -> class_signature -> unit
+val generalize_class_signature_spine: class_signature -> unit
        (* Special function to generalize methods during inference *)
-val correct_levels: type_expr -> type_expr
-        (* Returns a copy with decreasing levels *)
-val limited_generalize: type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
+val limited_generalize: type_expr -> inside:type_expr -> unit
         (* Only generalize some part of the type
            Make the remaining of the type non-generalizable *)
-val limited_generalize_class_type: type_expr -> class_type -> unit
+val limited_generalize_class_type: type_expr -> inside:class_type -> unit
         (* Same, but for class types *)
+val duplicate_type: type_expr -> type_expr
+        (* Returns a copy with non-variable nodes at generic level *)
 val fully_generic: type_expr -> bool
 val check_scope_escape : Env.t -> int -> type_expr -> unit
@@ -266,13 +266,19 @@ type typedecl_extraction_result =
 val extract_concrete_typedecl:
         Env.t -> type_expr -> typedecl_extraction_result
+val get_new_abstract_name : Env.t -> string -> string
 val unify: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
         (* Unify the two types given. Raise [Unify] if not possible. *)
 val unify_gadt:
         Pattern_env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> Btype.TypePairs.t
-        (* Unify the two types given and update the environment with the
-           local constraints. Raise [Unify] if not possible.
-           Returns the pairs of types that have been equated.  *)
+        (* [unify_gadt penv ty1 ty2] unifies [ty1] and [ty2] in
+           [Pattern] mode, possible adding local constraints to the
+           environment in [penv]. Raises [Unify] if not possible.
+           Returns the pairs of types that have been equated.
+           Type variables in [ty1] are assumed to be non-leaking (safely
+           reifiable), moreover if [penv.allow_recursive_equations = true]
+           the same assumption is made for [ty2]. *)
 val unify_var: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
         (* Same as [unify], but allow free univars when first type
            is a variable. *)
@@ -448,6 +454,7 @@ type closed_class_failure = {
 val free_variables: ?env:Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr list
         (* If env present, then check for incomplete definitions too *)
+val closed_type_expr: ?env:Env.t -> type_expr -> bool
 val closed_type_decl: type_declaration -> type_expr option
 val closed_extension_constructor: extension_constructor -> type_expr option
 val closed_class:
@@ -464,14 +471,15 @@ val collapse_conj_params: Env.t -> type_expr list -> unit
         (* Collapse conjunctive types in class parameters *)
 val get_current_level: unit -> int
-val wrap_trace_gadt_instances: Env.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val wrap_trace_gadt_instances: ?force:bool -> Env.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
 val immediacy : Env.t -> type_expr -> Type_immediacy.t
 (* Stubs *)
 val package_subtype :
     (Env.t -> Path.t -> (Longident.t * type_expr) list ->
-      Path.t -> (Longident.t * type_expr) list -> bool) ref
+      Path.t -> (Longident.t * type_expr) list ->
+     (unit,Errortrace.first_class_module) Result.t) ref
 (* Raises [Incompatible] *)
 val mcomp : Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/datarepr.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/datarepr.ml
index 9213fe8337..5228031155 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/datarepr.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/datarepr.ml
@@ -23,24 +23,25 @@ open Btype
 (* Simplified version of Ctype.free_vars *)
 let free_vars ?(param=false) ty =
   let ret = ref TypeSet.empty in
-  let rec loop ty =
-    if try_mark_node ty then
-      match get_desc ty with
-      | Tvar _ ->
-          ret := TypeSet.add ty !ret
-      | Tvariant row ->
-          iter_row loop row;
-          if not (static_row row) then begin
-            match get_desc (row_more row) with
-            | Tvar _ when param -> ret := TypeSet.add ty !ret
-            | _ -> loop (row_more row)
-          end
-      (* XXX: What about Tobject ? *)
-      | _ ->
-          iter_type_expr loop ty
-  in
-  loop ty;
-  unmark_type ty;
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec loop ty =
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then
+        match get_desc ty with
+        | Tvar _ ->
+            ret := TypeSet.add ty !ret
+        | Tvariant row ->
+            iter_row loop row;
+            if not (static_row row) then begin
+              match get_desc (row_more row) with
+              | Tvar _ when param -> ret := TypeSet.add ty !ret
+              | _ -> loop (row_more row)
+            end
+                (* XXX: What about Tobject ? *)
+        | _ ->
+            iter_type_expr loop ty
+    in
+    loop ty
+  end;
 let newgenconstr path tyl = newgenty (Tconstr (path, tyl, ref Mnil))
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/datarepr.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/datarepr.mli
index 38f05f74f0..1ccb918e59 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/datarepr.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/datarepr.mli
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
 open Types
 val extension_descr:
-  current_unit:string -> Path.t -> extension_constructor ->
+  current_unit:(Unit_info.t option) -> Path.t -> extension_constructor ->
 val labels_of_type:
   Path.t -> type_declaration ->
   (Ident.t * label_description) list
 val constructors_of_type:
-  current_unit:string -> Path.t -> type_declaration ->
+  current_unit:(Unit_info.t option) -> Path.t -> type_declaration ->
   (Ident.t * constructor_description) list
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/env.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/env.ml
index 1e52f6dd33..fb25f29dd5 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/env.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/env.ml
@@ -849,42 +849,57 @@ let rec print_address ppf = function
 (* The name of the compilation unit currently compiled.
    "" if outside a compilation unit. *)
-module Current_unit_name : sig
-  val get : unit -> modname
-  val set : modname -> unit
-  val is : modname -> bool
-  val is_ident : Ident.t -> bool
-  val is_path : Path.t -> bool
+module Current_unit : sig
+  val get : unit -> Unit_info.t option
+  val set : Unit_info.t -> unit
+  val unset : unit -> unit
+  module Name : sig
+    val get : unit -> modname
+    val is : modname -> bool
+    val is_ident : Ident.t -> bool
+    val is_path : Path.t -> bool
+  end
 end = struct
-  let current_unit =
-    ref ""
+  let current_unit : Unit_info.t option ref =
+    ref None
   let get () =
-  let set name =
-    current_unit := name
-  let is name =
-    !current_unit = name
-  let is_ident id =
-    Ident.persistent id && is (Ident.name id)
-  let is_path = function
-  | Pident id -> is_ident id
-  | Pdot _ | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> false
+  let set cu =
+    current_unit := Some cu
+  let unset () =
+    current_unit := None
+  module Name = struct
+    let get () =
+      match !current_unit with
+      | None -> ""
+      | Some cu -> Unit_info.modname cu
+    let is name =
+      get () = name
+    let is_ident id =
+      Ident.persistent id && is (Ident.name id)
+    let is_path = function
+    | Pident id -> is_ident id
+    | Pdot _ | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> false
+  end
-let set_unit_name = Current_unit_name.set
-let get_unit_name = Current_unit_name.get
+let set_current_unit = Current_unit.set
+let get_current_unit = Current_unit.get
+let get_current_unit_name = Current_unit.Name.get
 let find_same_module id tbl =
   match IdTbl.find_same id tbl with
   | x -> x
   | exception Not_found
-    when Ident.persistent id && not (Current_unit_name.is_ident id) ->
+    when Ident.persistent id && not (Current_unit.Name.is_ident id) ->
 let find_name_module ~mark name tbl =
   match IdTbl.find_name wrap_module ~mark name tbl with
   | x -> x
-  | exception Not_found when not (Current_unit_name.is name) ->
+  | exception Not_found when not (Current_unit.Name.is name) ->
       let path = Pident(Ident.create_persistent name) in
       path, Mod_persistent
@@ -898,7 +913,7 @@ let short_paths_components name pm =
 let add_persistent_structure id env =
   if not (Ident.persistent id) then invalid_arg "Env.add_persistent_structure";
-  if Current_unit_name.is_ident id then env
+  if Current_unit.Name.is_ident id then env
   else begin
     let material =
       (* This addition only observably changes the environment if it shadows a
@@ -1030,7 +1045,7 @@ let reset_declaration_caches () =
 let reset_cache () =
-  Current_unit_name.set "";
+  Current_unit.unset ();
   Persistent_env.clear !persistent_env;
   reset_declaration_caches ();
@@ -1355,7 +1370,7 @@ let find_shape env (ns : Shape.Sig_component_kind.t) id =
              properly populated. *)
           assert false
       | exception Not_found
-        when Ident.persistent id && not (Current_unit_name.is_ident id) ->
+        when Ident.persistent id && not (Current_unit.Name.is_ident id) ->
           Shape.for_persistent_unit (Ident.name id)
   | Module_type ->
@@ -1703,7 +1718,7 @@ let prefix_idents root prefixing_sub sg =
       let p = Pdot(root, Ident.name id) in
       prefix_idents root
         ((SigL_modtype(id, mtd, vis), p) :: items_and_paths)
-        (Subst.add_modtype id (Mty_ident p) prefixing_sub)
+        (Subst.add_modtype id p prefixing_sub)
     | SigL_class(id, cd, rs, vis) :: rem ->
       (* pretend this is a type, cf. PR#6650 *)
@@ -1796,16 +1811,6 @@ let module_declaration_address env id presence md =
   | Mp_present ->
       Lazy_backtrack.create_forced (Aident id)
-let is_identchar c =
-  (* This should be kept in sync with the [identchar_latin1] character class
-     in [lexer.mll] *)
-  match c with
-  | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '_' | '\192'..'\214'
-  | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' | '\'' | '0'..'9' ->
-    true
-  | _ ->
-    false
 let rec components_of_module_maker
           {cm_env; cm_prefixing_subst;
            cm_path; cm_addr; cm_mty; cm_shape} : _ result =
@@ -1853,7 +1858,7 @@ let rec components_of_module_maker
               | Type_variant (_,repr) ->
                   let cstrs = List.map snd
                     (Datarepr.constructors_of_type path final_decl
-                        ~current_unit:(get_unit_name ()))
+                        ~current_unit:(get_current_unit ()))
                     (fun descr ->
@@ -1891,7 +1896,7 @@ let rec components_of_module_maker
         | SigL_typext(id, ext, _, _) ->
             let ext' = Subst.extension_constructor sub ext in
             let descr =
-              Datarepr.extension_descr ~current_unit:(get_unit_name ()) path
+              Datarepr.extension_descr ~current_unit:(get_current_unit ()) path
             let addr = next_address () in
@@ -2012,7 +2017,8 @@ and check_value_name name loc =
   (* Note: we could also check here general validity of the
      identifier, to protect against bad identifiers forged by -pp or
      -ppx preprocessors. *)
-  if String.length name > 0 && not (is_identchar name.[0]) then
+  if String.length name > 0 && not
+       (Utf8_lexeme.starts_like_a_valid_identifier name) then
     for i = 1 to String.length name - 1 do
       if name.[i] = '#' then
         error (Illegal_value_name(loc, name))
@@ -2111,7 +2117,7 @@ and store_type ~check ~long_path ~predef id info shape env =
     match info.type_kind with
     | Type_variant (_,repr) ->
         let constructors = Datarepr.constructors_of_type path info
-                            ~current_unit:(get_unit_name ())
+                            ~current_unit:(get_current_unit ())
         Type_variant (List.map snd constructors, repr),
@@ -2162,7 +2168,8 @@ and store_type_infos ~tda_shape id info env =
 and store_extension ~check ~rebind id addr ext shape env =
   let loc = ext.ext_loc in
   let cstr =
-    Datarepr.extension_descr ~current_unit:(get_unit_name ()) (Pident id) ext
+    Datarepr.extension_descr
+      ~current_unit:(get_current_unit ()) (Pident id) ext
   let cda =
     { cda_description = cstr;
@@ -2684,7 +2691,7 @@ let read_signature u =
 let unit_name_of_filename fn =
   match Filename.extension fn with
   | ".cmi" ->
-      let modname = Unit_info.modname_from_source fn in
+      let modname = Unit_info.strict_modname_from_source fn in
       if Unit_info.is_unit_name modname then Some modname
       else None
   | _ -> None
@@ -3441,7 +3448,7 @@ let bound_module name env =
   match IdTbl.find_name wrap_module ~mark:false name env.modules with
   | _ -> true
   | exception Not_found ->
-      if Current_unit_name.is name then false
+      if Current_unit.Name.is name then false
       else begin
         match find_pers_mod ~allow_hidden:false name with
         | _ -> true
@@ -3670,15 +3677,14 @@ let env_of_only_summary env_from_summary env =
 (* Error report *)
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 (* Forward declarations *)
-let print_longident =
-  ref ((fun _ _ -> assert false) : formatter -> Longident.t -> unit)
+let print_longident : Longident.t printer ref = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
-let print_path =
-  ref ((fun _ _ -> assert false) : formatter -> Path.t -> unit)
+let print_path: Path.t printer ref = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
+let pp_path ppf l = !print_path ppf l
 let spellcheck ppf extract env lid =
   let choices ~path name = Misc.spellcheck (extract path env) name in
@@ -3718,10 +3724,12 @@ let extract_instance_variables env =
 module Style = Misc.Style
-let report_lookup_error _loc env ppf = function
+let quoted_longident = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.longident
+let quoted_constr = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.constr
+let report_lookup_error_doc _loc env ppf = function
   | Unbound_value(lid, hint) -> begin
-      fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid;
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a" quoted_longident lid;
       spellcheck ppf extract_values env lid;
       match hint with
       | No_hint -> ()
@@ -3737,52 +3745,52 @@ let report_lookup_error _loc env ppf = function
   | Unbound_type lid ->
       fprintf ppf "Unbound type constructor %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid;
+         quoted_longident lid;
       spellcheck ppf extract_types env lid;
   | Unbound_module lid -> begin
       fprintf ppf "Unbound module %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid;
+        quoted_longident lid;
        match find_modtype_by_name lid env with
       | exception Not_found -> spellcheck ppf extract_modules env lid;
       | _ ->
          fprintf ppf
            "@.@[@{<hint>Hint@}: There is a module type named %a, %s@]"
-           (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+           quoted_longident lid
            "but module types are not modules"
   | Unbound_constructor lid ->
       fprintf ppf "Unbound constructor %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid;
+        quoted_constr lid;
       spellcheck ppf extract_constructors env lid;
   | Unbound_label lid ->
       fprintf ppf "Unbound record field %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid;
+        quoted_longident lid;
       spellcheck ppf extract_labels env lid;
   | Unbound_class lid -> begin
       fprintf ppf "Unbound class %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid;
+        quoted_longident lid;
       match find_cltype_by_name lid env with
       | exception Not_found -> spellcheck ppf extract_classes env lid;
       | _ ->
          fprintf ppf
            "@.@[@{<hint>Hint@}: There is a class type named %a, %s@]"
-           (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+           quoted_longident lid
            "but classes are not class types"
   | Unbound_modtype lid -> begin
       fprintf ppf "Unbound module type %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid;
+        quoted_longident lid;
       match find_module_by_name lid env with
       | exception Not_found -> spellcheck ppf extract_modtypes env lid;
       | _ ->
          fprintf ppf
            "@.@[@{<hint>Hint@}: There is a module named %a, %s@]"
-           (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+           quoted_longident lid
            "but modules are not module types"
   | Unbound_cltype lid ->
       fprintf ppf "Unbound class type %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid;
+       quoted_longident lid;
       spellcheck ppf extract_cltypes env lid;
   | Unbound_instance_variable s ->
       fprintf ppf "Unbound instance variable %a" Style.inline_code s;
@@ -3795,47 +3803,47 @@ let report_lookup_error _loc env ppf = function
       fprintf ppf
         "The instance variable %a@ \
          cannot be accessed from the definition of another instance variable"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+        quoted_longident lid
   | Masked_self_variable lid ->
       fprintf ppf
         "The self variable %a@ \
          cannot be accessed from the definition of an instance variable"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+        quoted_longident lid
   | Masked_ancestor_variable lid ->
       fprintf ppf
         "The ancestor variable %a@ \
          cannot be accessed from the definition of an instance variable"
-       (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+       quoted_longident lid
   | Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module ->
      fprintf ppf "Illegal recursive module reference"
   | Structure_used_as_functor lid ->
       fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is a structure, it cannot be applied@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+        quoted_longident lid
   | Abstract_used_as_functor lid ->
       fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is abstract, it cannot be applied@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+        quoted_longident lid
   | Functor_used_as_structure lid ->
       fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is a functor, \
-                   it cannot have any components@]" !print_longident lid
+                   it cannot have any components@]" quoted_longident lid
   | Abstract_used_as_structure lid ->
       fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is abstract, \
                    it cannot have any components@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+        quoted_longident lid
   | Generative_used_as_applicative lid ->
       fprintf ppf "@[The functor %a is generative,@ it@ cannot@ be@ \
                    applied@ in@ type@ expressions@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
+        quoted_longident lid
   | Cannot_scrape_alias(lid, p) ->
       let cause =
-        if Current_unit_name.is_path p then "is the current compilation unit"
+        if Current_unit.Name.is_path p then "is the current compilation unit"
         else "is missing"
       fprintf ppf
         "The module %a is an alias for module %a, which %s"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_longident) lid
-        (Style.as_inline_code !print_path) p cause
+        quoted_longident lid
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_path) p cause
-let report_error ppf = function
+let report_error_doc ppf = function
   | Missing_module(_, path1, path2) ->
       fprintf ppf "@[@[<hov>";
       if Path.same path1 path2 then
@@ -3852,7 +3860,7 @@ let report_error ppf = function
   | Illegal_value_name(_loc, name) ->
       fprintf ppf "%a is not a valid value identifier."
        Style.inline_code name
-  | Lookup_error(loc, t, err) -> report_lookup_error loc t ppf err
+  | Lookup_error(loc, t, err) -> report_lookup_error_doc loc t ppf err
 let () =
@@ -3867,9 +3875,9 @@ let () =
           let error_of_printer =
             if loc = Location.none
             then Location.error_of_printer_file
-            else Location.error_of_printer ~loc ?sub:None
+            else Location.error_of_printer ~loc ?sub:None ?footnote:None
-          Some (error_of_printer report_error err)
+          Some (error_of_printer report_error_doc err)
       | _ ->
@@ -4179,3 +4187,26 @@ let cleanup_usage_tables ~stamp =
   Stamped_hashtable.backtrack module_declarations_changelog ~stamp;
   Stamped_hashtable.backtrack used_constructors_changelog ~stamp;
   Stamped_hashtable.backtrack used_labels_changelog ~stamp
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error err ->
+          let loc =
+            match err with
+            | Missing_module (loc, _, _)
+            | Illegal_value_name (loc, _)
+            | Lookup_error(loc, _, _) -> loc
+          in
+          let error_of_printer =
+            if loc = Location.none
+            then Location.error_of_printer_file
+            else Location.error_of_printer ~loc ?sub:None ?footnote:None
+          in
+          Some (error_of_printer report_error_doc err)
+      | _ ->
+          None
+    )
+let report_lookup_error = Format_doc.compat2 report_lookup_error_doc
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/env.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/env.mli
index aa005a4b82..f20139ce12 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/env.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/env.mli
@@ -396,9 +396,10 @@ val reset_cache: unit -> unit
 (* To be called before each toplevel phrase. *)
 val reset_cache_toplevel: unit -> unit
-(* Remember the name of the current compilation unit. *)
-val set_unit_name: string -> unit
-val get_unit_name: unit -> string
+(* Remember the current compilation unit. *)
+val set_current_unit: Unit_info.t -> unit
+val get_current_unit : unit -> Unit_info.t option
+val get_current_unit_name: unit -> string
 (* Read, save a signature to/from a file *)
 val read_signature: Unit_info.Artifact.t -> signature
@@ -455,12 +456,14 @@ type error =
 exception Error of error
-open Format
-val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
-val report_lookup_error: Location.t -> t -> formatter -> lookup_error -> unit
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
+val report_lookup_error:
+  Location.t -> t -> lookup_error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_lookup_error_doc:
+  Location.t -> t -> lookup_error Format_doc.printer
 val in_signature: bool -> t -> t
 val is_in_signature: t -> bool
@@ -490,9 +493,9 @@ val strengthen:
 (* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Ctype. *)
 val same_constr: (t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> bool) ref
 (* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Printtyp. *)
-val print_longident: (Format.formatter -> Longident.t -> unit) ref
+val print_longident: Longident.t Format_doc.printer ref
 (* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Printtyp. *)
-val print_path: (Format.formatter -> Path.t -> unit) ref
+val print_path: Path.t Format_doc.printer ref
 (* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Printtyp *)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/envaux.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/envaux.ml
index 90e0da92c4..df75c5d5b6 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/envaux.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/envaux.ml
@@ -101,17 +101,19 @@ let env_of_only_summary env =
 (* Error report *)
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 module Style = Misc.Style
-let report_error ppf = function
+let report_error_doc ppf = function
   | Module_not_found p ->
       fprintf ppf "@[Cannot find module %a@].@."
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) p
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path) p
 let () =
-      | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+      | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error_doc err)
       | _ -> None
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/envaux.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/envaux.mli
index 2869890a14..5fbb8410bd 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/envaux.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/envaux.mli
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-open Format
 (* Convert environment summaries to environments *)
 val env_from_summary : Env.summary -> Subst.t -> Env.t
@@ -33,4 +31,5 @@ type error =
 exception Error of error
-val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace.ml
index 407b3438e5..f0a7147301 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 open Types
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 type position = First | Second
@@ -98,14 +98,21 @@ type 'variety obj =
   (* Unification *)
   | Self_cannot_be_closed : unification obj
+type first_class_module =
+    | Package_cannot_scrape of Path.t
+    | Package_inclusion of Format_doc.doc
+    | Package_coercion of Format_doc.doc
 type ('a, 'variety) elt =
   (* Common *)
   | Diff : 'a diff -> ('a, _) elt
   | Variant : 'variety variant -> ('a, 'variety) elt
   | Obj : 'variety obj -> ('a, 'variety) elt
   | Escape : 'a escape -> ('a, _) elt
+  | Function_label_mismatch of Asttypes.arg_label diff
   | Incompatible_fields : { name:string; diff: type_expr diff } -> ('a, _) elt
       (* Could move [Incompatible_fields] into [obj] *)
+  | First_class_module: first_class_module -> ('a,_) elt
   (* Unification & Moregen; included in Equality for simplicity *)
   | Rec_occur : type_expr * type_expr -> ('a, _) elt
@@ -125,7 +132,8 @@ let map_elt (type variety) f : ('a, variety) elt -> ('b, variety) elt = function
       Escape { kind = Equation (f x); context }
   | Escape {kind = (Univ _ | Self | Constructor _ | Module_type _ | Constraint);
-  | Variant _ | Obj _ | Incompatible_fields _ | Rec_occur (_, _) as x -> x
+  | Variant _ | Obj _ | Function_label_mismatch _ | Incompatible_fields _
+  | Rec_occur (_, _) | First_class_module _  as x -> x
 let map f t = List.map (map_elt f) t
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace.mli
index f3cfe48557..2377748a46 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace.mli
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ open Types
 type position = First | Second
 val swap_position : position -> position
-val print_pos : Format.formatter -> position -> unit
+val print_pos : position Format_doc.printer
 type expanded_type = { ty: type_expr; expanded: type_expr }
@@ -84,13 +84,20 @@ type 'variety obj =
   (* Unification *)
   | Self_cannot_be_closed : unification obj
+type first_class_module =
+    | Package_cannot_scrape of Path.t
+    | Package_inclusion of Format_doc.doc
+    | Package_coercion of Format_doc.doc
 type ('a, 'variety) elt =
   (* Common *)
   | Diff : 'a diff -> ('a, _) elt
   | Variant : 'variety variant -> ('a, 'variety) elt
   | Obj : 'variety obj -> ('a, 'variety) elt
   | Escape : 'a escape -> ('a, _) elt
+  | Function_label_mismatch of Asttypes.arg_label diff
   | Incompatible_fields : { name:string; diff: type_expr diff } -> ('a, _) elt
+  | First_class_module: first_class_module -> ('a,_) elt
   (* Unification & Moregen; included in Equality for simplicity *)
   | Rec_occur : type_expr * type_expr -> ('a, _) elt
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace_report.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace_report.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03012f7d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace_report.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, INRIA Paris                        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Trace-specific printing *)
+(* A configuration type that controls which trace we print.  This could be
+   exposed, but we instead expose three separate
+   [{unification,equality,moregen}] functions.  This also lets us
+   give the unification case an extra optional argument without adding it to the
+   equality and moregen cases. *)
+type 'variety trace_format =
+  | Unification : Errortrace.unification trace_format
+  | Equality    : Errortrace.comparison  trace_format
+  | Moregen     : Errortrace.comparison  trace_format
+let incompatibility_phrase (type variety) : variety trace_format -> string =
+  function
+  | Unification -> "is not compatible with type"
+  | Equality    -> "is not equal to type"
+  | Moregen     -> "is not compatible with type"
+(* Print a unification error *)
+open Out_type
+open Format_doc
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Style = Misc.Style
+type 'a diff = 'a Out_type.diff = Same of 'a | Diff of 'a * 'a
+let trees_of_trace mode =
+  List.map (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode))
+let rec trace fst txt ppf = function
+  | {Errortrace.got; expected} :: rem ->
+      if not fst then fprintf ppf "@,";
+      fprintf ppf "@[Type@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a"
+       pp_type_expansion got txt pp_type_expansion expected
+       (trace false txt) rem
+  | _ -> ()
+type printing_status =
+  | Discard
+  | Keep
+  | Optional_refinement
+  (** An [Optional_refinement] printing status is attributed to trace
+      elements that are focusing on a new subpart of a structural type.
+      Since the whole type should have been printed earlier in the trace,
+      we only print those elements if they are the last printed element
+      of a trace, and there is no explicit explanation for the
+      type error.
+  *)
+let diff_printing_status Errortrace.{ got      = {ty = t1; expanded = t1'};
+                                      expected = {ty = t2; expanded = t2'} } =
+  if  Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true t1'
+   || Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true t2'
+  then Discard
+  else if same_path t1 t1' && same_path t2 t2' then Optional_refinement
+  else Keep
+let printing_status = function
+  | Errortrace.Diff d -> diff_printing_status d
+  | Errortrace.Escape {kind = Constraint} -> Keep
+  | _ -> Keep
+(** Flatten the trace and remove elements that are always discarded
+    during printing *)
+(* Takes [printing_status] to change behavior for [Subtype] *)
+let prepare_any_trace printing_status tr =
+  let clean_trace x l = match printing_status x with
+    | Keep -> x :: l
+    | Optional_refinement when l = [] -> [x]
+    | Optional_refinement | Discard -> l
+  in
+  match tr with
+  | [] -> []
+  | elt :: rem -> elt :: List.fold_right clean_trace rem []
+let prepare_trace f tr =
+  prepare_any_trace printing_status (Errortrace.map f tr)
+(** Keep elements that are [Diff _ ] and split the the last element if it is
+    optionally elidable, require a prepared trace *)
+let rec filter_trace = function
+  | [] -> [], None
+  | [Errortrace.Diff d as elt]
+    when printing_status elt = Optional_refinement -> [], Some d
+  | Errortrace.Diff d :: rem ->
+      let filtered, last = filter_trace rem in
+      d :: filtered, last
+  | _ :: rem -> filter_trace rem
+let may_prepare_expansion compact (Errortrace.{ty; expanded} as ty_exp) =
+  match Types.get_desc expanded with
+    Tvariant _ | Tobject _ when compact ->
+      Variable_names.reserve ty; Errortrace.{ty; expanded = ty}
+  | _ -> prepare_expansion ty_exp
+let print_path p =
+  Fmt.dprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_ident (namespaced_tree_of_path Type p)
+let print_tag ppf s = Style.inline_code ppf ("`" ^ s)
+let print_tags ppf tags  =
+  Fmt.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma) print_tag ppf tags
+let is_unit env ty =
+  match Types.get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env ty) with
+  | Tconstr (p, _, _) -> Path.same p Predef.path_unit
+  | _ -> false
+let unifiable env ty1 ty2 =
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  let res =
+    try Ctype.unify env ty1 ty2; true
+    with Ctype.Unify _ -> false
+  in
+  Btype.backtrack snap;
+  res
+let explanation_diff env t3 t4 =
+  match Types.get_desc t3, Types.get_desc t4 with
+  | Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _), _
+    when is_unit env ty1 && unifiable env ty2 t4 ->
+      Some (doc_printf
+          "@,@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you forget to provide %a as argument?@]"
+          Style.inline_code "()"
+        )
+  | _, Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _)
+    when is_unit env ty1 && unifiable env t3 ty2 ->
+      Some (doc_printf
+          "@,@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you forget to wrap the expression using \
+           %a?@]"
+          Style.inline_code "fun () ->"
+        )
+  | _ ->
+      None
+let explain_fixed_row_case = function
+  | Errortrace.Cannot_be_closed -> doc_printf "it cannot be closed"
+  | Errortrace.Cannot_add_tags tags ->
+      doc_printf "it may not allow the tag(s) %a"
+        print_tags tags
+let pp_path ppf p =
+  Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path ppf p
+let explain_fixed_row pos expl = match expl with
+  | Types.Fixed_private ->
+    doc_printf "The %a variant type is private" Errortrace.print_pos pos
+  | Types.Univar x ->
+    Variable_names.reserve x;
+    doc_printf "The %a variant type is bound to the universal type variable %a"
+      Errortrace.print_pos pos
+      (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) x
+  | Types.Reified p ->
+    doc_printf "The %a variant type is bound to %a"
+      Errortrace.print_pos pos
+      (Style.as_inline_code
+         (fun ppf p ->
+           Internal_names.add p;
+           print_path p ppf))
+      p
+  | Types.Rigid -> Format_doc.Doc.empty
+let explain_variant (type variety) : variety Errortrace.variant -> _ = function
+  (* Common *)
+  | Errortrace.Incompatible_types_for s ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,Types for tag %a are incompatible"
+             print_tag s
+          )
+  (* Unification *)
+  | Errortrace.No_intersection ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,These two variant types have no intersection")
+  | Errortrace.No_tags(pos,fields) -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The %a variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]"
+        Errortrace.print_pos pos
+        print_tags (List.map fst fields)
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Fixed_row (pos,
+                          k,
+                          (Univar _ | Reified _ | Fixed_private as e)) ->
+      Some (
+        doc_printf "@,@[%a,@ %a@]" pp_doc (explain_fixed_row pos e)
+          pp_doc (explain_fixed_row_case k)
+      )
+  | Errortrace.Fixed_row (_,_, Rigid) ->
+      (* this case never happens *)
+      None
+  (* Equality & Moregen *)
+  | Errortrace.Presence_not_guaranteed_for (pos, s) -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The tag %a is guaranteed to be present in the %a variant type,\
+         @ but not in the %a@]"
+        print_tag s
+        Errortrace.print_pos (Errortrace.swap_position pos)
+        Errortrace.print_pos pos
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Openness pos ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,The %a variant type is open and the %a is not"
+             Errortrace.print_pos pos
+             Errortrace.print_pos (Errortrace.swap_position pos))
+let explain_escape pre = function
+  | Errortrace.Univ u ->
+      Variable_names.reserve u;
+      Some(
+        doc_printf "%a@,The universal variable %a would escape its scope"
+          pp_doc pre
+          (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) u
+      )
+  | Errortrace.Constructor p -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "%a@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
+        pp_doc pre pp_path p
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Module_type p -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "%a@,@[The module type@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
+        pp_doc pre pp_path p
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Equation Errortrace.{ty = _; expanded = t} ->
+      Variable_names.reserve t;
+      Some(
+        doc_printf "%a@ @[<hov>This instance of %a is ambiguous:@ %s@]"
+          pp_doc pre
+          (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) t
+          "it would escape the scope of its equation"
+      )
+  | Errortrace.Self ->
+      Some (doc_printf "%a@,Self type cannot escape its class" pp_doc pre)
+  | Errortrace.Constraint ->
+      None
+let explain_object (type variety) : variety Errortrace.obj -> _ = function
+  | Errortrace.Missing_field (pos,f) -> Some(
+      doc_printf "@,@[The %a object type has no method %a@]"
+        Errortrace.print_pos pos Style.inline_code f
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Abstract_row pos -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The %a object type has an abstract row, it cannot be closed@]"
+        Errortrace.print_pos pos
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Self_cannot_be_closed ->
+      Some (doc_printf
+              "@,Self type cannot be unified with a closed object type"
+           )
+let explain_incompatible_fields name (diff: Types.type_expr Errortrace.diff) =
+  Variable_names.reserve diff.got;
+  Variable_names.reserve diff.expected;
+  doc_printf "@,@[The method %a has type@ %a,@ \
+  but the expected method type was@ %a@]"
+    Style.inline_code name
+    (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) diff.got
+    (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) diff.expected
+let explain_label_mismatch ~got ~expected =
+  let quoted_label ppf l = Style.inline_code ppf (Asttypes.string_of_label l) in
+  match got, expected with
+  | Asttypes.Nolabel, Asttypes.(Labelled _ | Optional _ )  ->
+      doc_printf "@,@[A label@ %a@ was expected@]"
+        quoted_label expected
+  | Asttypes.(Labelled _|Optional _), Asttypes.Nolabel  ->
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The first argument is labeled@ %a,@ \
+         but an unlabeled argument was expected@]"
+        quoted_label got
+ | Asttypes.Labelled g, Asttypes.Optional e when g = e ->
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The label@ %a@ was expected to be optional@]"
+        quoted_label got
+  | Asttypes.Optional g, Asttypes.Labelled e when g = e ->
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The label@ %a@ was expected to not be optional@]"
+        quoted_label got
+  | Asttypes.(Labelled _ | Optional _), Asttypes.(Labelled _ | Optional _) ->
+      doc_printf "@,@[Labels %a@ and@ %a do not match@]"
+        quoted_label got
+        quoted_label expected
+  | Asttypes.Nolabel, Asttypes.Nolabel ->
+      (* Two empty labels cannot be mismatched*)
+      assert false
+let explain_first_class_module = function
+  | Errortrace.Package_cannot_scrape p -> Some(
+      doc_printf "@,@[The module alias %a could not be expanded@]"
+        pp_path p
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Package_inclusion pr ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,@[%a@]" Fmt.pp_doc pr)
+  | Errortrace.Package_coercion pr ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,@[%a@]" Fmt.pp_doc pr)
+let explanation (type variety) intro prev env
+  : (Errortrace.expanded_type, variety) Errortrace.elt -> _ = function
+  | Errortrace.Diff {got; expected} ->
+    explanation_diff env got.expanded expected.expanded
+  | Errortrace.Escape {kind; context} ->
+    let pre =
+      match context, kind, prev with
+      | Some ctx, _, _ ->
+        Variable_names.reserve ctx;
+        doc_printf "@[%a@;<1 2>%a@]" pp_doc intro
+          (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) ctx
+      | None, Univ _, Some(Errortrace.Incompatible_fields {name; diff}) ->
+        explain_incompatible_fields name diff
+      | _ -> Format_doc.Doc.empty
+    in
+    explain_escape pre kind
+  | Errortrace.Incompatible_fields { name; diff} ->
+    Some(explain_incompatible_fields name diff)
+  | Errortrace.Function_label_mismatch diff ->
+    Some(explain_label_mismatch ~got:diff.got ~expected:diff.expected)
+  | Errortrace.Variant v ->
+    explain_variant v
+  | Errortrace.Obj o ->
+    explain_object o
+  | Errortrace.First_class_module fm ->
+    explain_first_class_module fm
+  | Errortrace.Rec_occur(x,y) ->
+    add_type_to_preparation x;
+    add_type_to_preparation y;
+    begin match Types.get_desc x with
+    | Tvar _ | Tunivar _  ->
+        Some(
+          doc_printf "@,@[<hov>The type variable %a occurs inside@ %a@]"
+            (Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_expr) x
+            (Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_expr) y
+        )
+    | _ ->
+        (* We had a delayed unification of the type variable with
+           a non-variable after the occur check. *)
+        Some Format_doc.Doc.empty
+        (* There is no need to search further for an explanation, but
+           we don't want to print a message of the form:
+             {[ The type int occurs inside int list -> 'a |}
+        *)
+    end
+let mismatch intro env trace =
+  Errortrace.explain trace (fun ~prev h -> explanation intro prev env h)
+let warn_on_missing_def env ppf t =
+  match Types.get_desc t with
+  | Tconstr (p,_,_) ->
+    begin match Env.find_type p env with
+    | exception Not_found ->
+        fprintf ppf
+          "@,@[<hov>Type %a is abstract because@ no corresponding\
+           @ cmi file@ was found@ in path.@]" pp_path p
+    | { type_manifest = Some _; _ } -> ()
+    | { type_manifest = None; _ } as decl ->
+        match Btype.type_origin decl with
+        | Rec_check_regularity ->
+            fprintf ppf
+              "@,@[<hov>Type %a was considered abstract@ when checking\
+               @ constraints@ in this@ recursive type definition.@]"
+              pp_path p
+        | Definition | Existential _ -> ()
+      end
+  | _ -> ()
+let prepare_expansion_head empty_tr = function
+  | Errortrace.Diff d ->
+      Some (Errortrace.map_diff (may_prepare_expansion empty_tr) d)
+  | _ -> None
+let head_error_printer mode txt_got txt_but = function
+  | None -> Format_doc.Doc.empty
+  | Some d ->
+      let d = Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode) d in
+      doc_printf "%a@;<1 2>%a@ %a@;<1 2>%a"
+        pp_doc txt_got pp_type_expansion d.Errortrace.got
+        pp_doc txt_but pp_type_expansion d.Errortrace.expected
+let warn_on_missing_defs env ppf = function
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some Errortrace.{got      = {ty=te1; expanded=_};
+                     expected = {ty=te2; expanded=_} } ->
+      warn_on_missing_def env ppf te1;
+      warn_on_missing_def env ppf te2
+(* [subst] comes out of equality, and is [[]] otherwise *)
+let error trace_format mode subst env tr txt1 ppf txt2 ty_expect_explanation =
+  reset ();
+  (* We want to substitute in the opposite order from [Eqtype] *)
+  Variable_names.add_subst (List.map (fun (ty1,ty2) -> ty2,ty1) subst);
+  let tr =
+    prepare_trace
+      (fun ty_exp ->
+         Errortrace.{ty_exp with expanded = hide_variant_name ty_exp.expanded})
+      tr
+  in
+  match tr with
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | (elt :: tr) as full_trace ->
+      with_labels (not !Clflags.classic) (fun () ->
+      let tr, last = filter_trace tr in
+      let head = prepare_expansion_head (tr=[] && last=None) elt in
+      let tr = List.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion) tr in
+      let last = Option.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion) last in
+      let head_error = head_error_printer mode txt1 txt2 head in
+      let tr = trees_of_trace mode tr in
+      let last =
+        Option.map (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode)) last in
+      let mis = mismatch txt1 env full_trace in
+      let tr = match mis, last with
+        | None, Some elt -> tr @ [elt]
+        | Some _, _ | _, None -> tr
+       in
+       fprintf ppf
+        "@[<v>\
+          @[%a%a@]%a%a\
+         @]"
+        pp_doc head_error
+        pp_doc ty_expect_explanation
+        (trace false (incompatibility_phrase trace_format)) tr
+        (pp_print_option pp_doc) mis;
+      if env <> Env.empty
+      then warn_on_missing_defs env ppf head;
+       Internal_names.print_explanations env ppf;
+       Ident_conflicts.err_print ppf
+    )
+let report_error trace_format ppf mode env tr
+      ?(subst = [])
+      ?(type_expected_explanation = Fmt.Doc.empty)
+      txt1 txt2 =
+  wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+    error trace_format mode subst env tr txt1 ppf txt2
+      type_expected_explanation)
+let unification
+      ppf env ({trace} : Errortrace.unification_error) =
+  report_error Unification ppf Type env
+    ?subst:None trace
+let equality
+      ppf mode env ({subst; trace} : Errortrace.equality_error) =
+  report_error Equality ppf mode env
+    ~subst ?type_expected_explanation:None trace
+let moregen
+      ppf mode env ({trace} : Errortrace.moregen_error) =
+  report_error Moregen ppf mode env
+    ?subst:None ?type_expected_explanation:None trace
+let comparison ppf mode env = function
+  | Errortrace.Equality_error error -> equality ppf mode env error
+  | Errortrace.Moregen_error  error -> moregen  ppf mode env error
+module Subtype = struct
+  (* There's a frustrating amount of code duplication between this module and
+     the outside code, particularly in [prepare_trace] and [filter_trace].
+     Unfortunately, [Subtype] is *just* similar enough to have code duplication,
+     while being *just* different enough (it's only [Diff]) for the abstraction
+     to be nonobvious.  Someday, perhaps... *)
+  let printing_status = function
+    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d -> diff_printing_status d
+  let prepare_unification_trace = prepare_trace
+  let prepare_trace f tr =
+    prepare_any_trace printing_status (Errortrace.Subtype.map f tr)
+  let trace filter_trace get_diff fst keep_last txt ppf tr =
+    with_labels (not !Clflags.classic) (fun () ->
+      match tr with
+      | elt :: tr' ->
+        let diffed_elt = get_diff elt in
+        let tr, last = filter_trace tr' in
+        let tr = match keep_last, last with
+          | true, Some last -> tr @ [last]
+          | _ -> tr
+        in
+        let tr =
+          trees_of_trace Type
+          @@ List.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion) tr in
+        let tr =
+          match fst, diffed_elt with
+          | true, Some elt -> elt :: tr
+          | _, _ -> tr
+        in
+        trace fst txt ppf tr
+      | _ -> ()
+    )
+  let rec filter_subtype_trace = function
+    | [] -> [], None
+    | [Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d as elt]
+      when printing_status elt = Optional_refinement ->
+        [], Some d
+    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d :: rem ->
+        let ftr, last = filter_subtype_trace rem in
+        d :: ftr, last
+  let unification_get_diff = function
+    | Errortrace.Diff diff ->
+        Some (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion Type) diff)
+    | _ -> None
+  let subtype_get_diff = function
+    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff diff ->
+        Some (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion Type) diff)
+  let error
+        ppf
+        env
+        (Errortrace.Subtype.{trace = tr_sub; unification_trace = tr_unif})
+        txt1 =
+    wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+      reset ();
+      let tr_sub = prepare_trace prepare_expansion tr_sub in
+      let tr_unif = prepare_unification_trace prepare_expansion tr_unif in
+      let keep_first = match tr_unif with
+        | [Obj _ | Variant _ | Escape _ ] | [] -> true
+        | _ -> false in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a"
+        (trace filter_subtype_trace subtype_get_diff true keep_first txt1)
+        tr_sub;
+      if tr_unif = [] then fprintf ppf "@]" else
+        let mis = mismatch (doc_printf "Within this type") env tr_unif in
+        fprintf ppf "%a%a%t@]"
+          (trace filter_trace unification_get_diff false
+             (mis = None) "is not compatible with type") tr_unif
+          (pp_print_option pp_doc) mis
+          Ident_conflicts.err_print
+    )
+let subtype = Subtype.error
+let quoted_ident ppf t =
+  Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident ppf t
+let type_path_expansion ppf = function
+  | Same p -> quoted_ident ppf p
+  | Diff(p,p') ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]"
+       quoted_ident p
+       quoted_ident p'
+let trees_of_type_path_expansion (tp,tp') =
+  let path_tree = namespaced_tree_of_path Type in
+  if Path.same tp tp' then Same(path_tree tp) else
+    Diff(path_tree tp, path_tree tp)
+let type_path_list ppf l =
+  Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Fmt.pp_print_break ppf 2 0)
+    type_path_expansion ppf l
+let ambiguous_type ppf env tp0 tpl txt1 txt2 txt3 =
+  wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+    reset ();
+    let tp0 = trees_of_type_path_expansion tp0 in
+      match tpl with
+      [] -> assert false
+    | [tp] ->
+        fprintf ppf
+          "@[%a@;<1 2>%a@ \
+             %a@;<1 2>%a\
+           @]"
+          pp_doc txt1 type_path_expansion (trees_of_type_path_expansion tp)
+          pp_doc txt3 type_path_expansion tp0
+    | _ ->
+        fprintf ppf
+          "@[%a@;<1 2>@[<hv>%a@]\
+             @ %a@;<1 2>%a\
+           @]"
+          pp_doc txt2 type_path_list (List.map trees_of_type_path_expansion tpl)
+          pp_doc txt3 type_path_expansion tp0)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace_report.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace_report.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb6f0ea9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/errortrace_report.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, INRIA Paris                        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Functions for reporting core level type errors. *)
+open Format_doc
+val ambiguous_type:
+    formatter -> Env.t -> (Path.t * Path.t) -> (Path.t * Path.t) list ->
+    Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t -> unit
+val unification :
+  formatter ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.unification_error ->
+  ?type_expected_explanation:Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t ->
+  unit
+val equality :
+  formatter ->
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.equality_error ->
+   Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t ->
+  unit
+val moregen :
+  formatter ->
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.moregen_error ->
+  Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t ->
+  unit
+val comparison :
+  formatter ->
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.comparison_error ->
+  Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t  ->
+  unit
+val subtype :
+  formatter ->
+  Env.t ->
+  Errortrace.Subtype.error ->
+  string ->
+  unit
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/ident.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/ident.ml
index 149feff921..cc9d4e1f60 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/ident.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/ident.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
 open Local_store
 let lowest_scope  = 0
-let highest_scope = 100000000
+let highest_scope = 100_000_000
+  (* assumed to fit in 27 bits, see Types.scope_field *)
 type t =
   | Local of { name: string; stamp: int }
@@ -111,6 +112,9 @@ let stamp = function
   | Scoped { stamp; _ } -> stamp
   | _ -> 0
+let compare_stamp id1 id2 =
+  compare (stamp id1) (stamp id2)
 let scope = function
   | Scoped { scope; _ } -> scope
   | Local _ -> highest_scope
@@ -134,7 +138,7 @@ let is_predef = function
   | _ -> false
 let print ~with_scope ppf =
-  let open Format in
+  let open Format_doc in
   | Global name -> fprintf ppf "%s!" name
   | Predef { name; stamp = n } ->
@@ -143,12 +147,12 @@ let print ~with_scope ppf =
       fprintf ppf "%s/%i" name n
   | Scoped { name; stamp = n; scope } ->
       fprintf ppf "%s/%i%s" name n
-        (if with_scope then sprintf "[%i]" scope else "")
+        (if with_scope then asprintf "[%i]" scope else "")
 let print_with_scope ppf id = print ~with_scope:true ppf id
-let print ppf id = print ~with_scope:false ppf id
+let doc_print ppf id = print ~with_scope:false ppf id
+let print ppf id = Format_doc.compat doc_print ppf id
 (* For the documentation of ['a Ident.tbl], see ident.mli.
    The implementation is a copy-paste specialization of
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/ident.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/ident.mli
index cfc4ca10b7..e878c1bea5 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/ident.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/ident.mli
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ include Identifiable.S with type t := t
    - [compare] compares identifiers by binding location
-val print_with_scope : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+val doc_print: t Format_doc.printer
+val print_with_scope : t Format_doc.printer
         (** Same as {!print} except that it will also add a "[n]" suffix
             if the scope of the argument is [n]. *)
@@ -50,7 +51,11 @@ val same: t -> t -> bool
             [create_*], or if they are both persistent and have the same
             name. *)
+val compare_stamp: t -> t -> int
+        (** Compare only the internal stamps, 0 if absent *)
 val compare: t -> t -> int
+        (** Compare identifiers structurally, including the name *)
 val global: t -> bool
 val is_predef: t -> bool
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/includeclass.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/includeclass.ml
index 39f00f9cf5..ff171e3272 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/includeclass.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/includeclass.ml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let class_declarations env cty1 cty2 =
         cty1.cty_params cty1.cty_type
         cty2.cty_params cty2.cty_type
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 open Ctype
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ let rec hide_params = function
 let include_err mode ppf =
+  let msg fmt = Format_doc.Doc.msg fmt in
   | CM_Virtual_class ->
       fprintf ppf "A class cannot be changed from virtual to concrete"
@@ -57,38 +58,30 @@ let include_err mode ppf =
       fprintf ppf
         "The classes do not have the same number of type parameters"
   | CM_Type_parameter_mismatch (n, env, err) ->
-      Printtyp.report_equality_error ppf mode env err
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "The %d%s type parameter has type"
+     Errortrace_report.equality ppf mode env err
+        (msg "The %d%s type parameter has type"
              n (Misc.ordinal_suffix n))
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "but is expected to have type")
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
   | CM_Class_type_mismatch (env, cty1, cty2) ->
       Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
         fprintf ppf
           "@[The class type@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]"
-          Printtyp.class_type cty1
+          Printtyp.Doc.class_type cty1
           "is not matched by the class type"
-          Printtyp.class_type cty2)
+          Printtyp.Doc.class_type cty2)
   | CM_Parameter_mismatch (n, env, err) ->
-      Printtyp.report_moregen_error ppf mode env err
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "The %d%s parameter has type"
+      Errortrace_report.moregen ppf mode env err
+        (msg "The %d%s parameter has type"
              n (Misc.ordinal_suffix n))
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "but is expected to have type")
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
   | CM_Val_type_mismatch (lab, env, err) ->
-      Printtyp.report_comparison_error ppf mode env err
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "The instance variable %s@ has type" lab)
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "but is expected to have type")
+      Errortrace_report.comparison ppf mode env err
+        (msg "The instance variable %s@ has type" lab)
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
   | CM_Meth_type_mismatch (lab, env, err) ->
-      Printtyp.report_comparison_error ppf mode env err
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "The method %s@ has type" lab)
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "but is expected to have type")
+      Errortrace_report.comparison ppf mode env err
+        (msg "The method %s@ has type" lab)
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
   | CM_Non_mutable_value lab ->
       fprintf ppf
        "@[The non-mutable instance variable %s cannot become mutable@]" lab
@@ -110,9 +103,11 @@ let include_err mode ppf =
   | CM_Private_method lab ->
       fprintf ppf "@[The private method %s cannot become public@]" lab
-let report_error mode ppf = function
+let report_error_doc mode ppf = function
   |  [] -> ()
   | err :: errs ->
       let print_errs ppf errs =
         List.iter (fun err -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" (include_err mode) err) errs in
       fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a@]" (include_err mode) err print_errs errs
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat1 report_error_doc
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/includeclass.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/includeclass.mli
index 84de6212c4..a4d4d85882 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/includeclass.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/includeclass.mli
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 open Types
 open Ctype
-open Format
 val class_types:
         Env.t -> class_type -> class_type -> class_match_failure list
@@ -30,4 +29,6 @@ val class_declarations:
   class_match_failure list
 val report_error :
-  Printtyp.type_or_scheme -> formatter -> class_match_failure list -> unit
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme -> class_match_failure list Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc :
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme -> class_match_failure list Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/includecore.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/includecore.ml
index 595c07e935..b6db2a57bf 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/includecore.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/includecore.ml
@@ -70,6 +70,26 @@ type value_mismatch =
 exception Dont_match of value_mismatch
+(* A value description [vd1] is consistent with the value description [vd2] if
+   there is a context E such that [E |- vd1 <: vd2] for the ordinary subtyping.
+   For values, this is the case as soon as the kind of [vd1] is a subkind of the
+   [vd2] kind. *)
+let value_descriptions_consistency env vd1 vd2 =
+  match (vd1.val_kind, vd2.val_kind) with
+  | (Val_prim p1, Val_prim p2) -> begin
+      match primitive_descriptions p1 p2 with
+      | None -> Tcoerce_none
+      | Some err -> raise (Dont_match (Primitive_mismatch err))
+    end
+  | (Val_prim p, _) ->
+      let pc =
+        { pc_desc = p; pc_type = vd2.Types.val_type;
+          pc_env = env; pc_loc = vd1.Types.val_loc; }
+      in
+      Tcoerce_primitive pc
+  | (_, Val_prim _) -> raise (Dont_match Not_a_primitive)
+  | (_, _) -> Tcoerce_none
 let value_descriptions ~loc env name
     (vd1 : Types.value_description)
     (vd2 : Types.value_description) =
@@ -81,22 +101,7 @@ let value_descriptions ~loc env name
   match Ctype.moregeneral env true vd1.val_type vd2.val_type with
   | exception Ctype.Moregen err -> raise (Dont_match (Type err))
-  | () -> begin
-      match (vd1.val_kind, vd2.val_kind) with
-      | (Val_prim p1, Val_prim p2) -> begin
-          match primitive_descriptions p1 p2 with
-          | None -> Tcoerce_none
-          | Some err -> raise (Dont_match (Primitive_mismatch err))
-        end
-      | (Val_prim p, _) ->
-          let pc =
-            { pc_desc = p; pc_type = vd2.Types.val_type;
-              pc_env = env; pc_loc = vd1.Types.val_loc; }
-          in
-          Tcoerce_primitive pc
-      | (_, Val_prim _) -> raise (Dont_match Not_a_primitive)
-      | (_, _) -> Tcoerce_none
-    end
+  | () -> value_descriptions_consistency env vd1 vd2
 (* Inclusion between manifest types (particularly for private row types) *)
@@ -203,9 +208,10 @@ type type_mismatch =
   | Immediate of Type_immediacy.Violation.t
 module Style = Misc.Style
+module Fmt = Format_doc
 let report_primitive_mismatch first second ppf err =
-  let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
   match (err : primitive_mismatch) with
   | Name ->
       pr "The names of the primitives are not the same"
@@ -226,7 +232,7 @@ let report_primitive_mismatch first second ppf err =
         n (Misc.ordinal_suffix n)
 let report_value_mismatch first second env ppf err =
-  let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
   pr "@ ";
   match (err : value_mismatch) with
   | Primitive_mismatch pm ->
@@ -234,14 +240,16 @@ let report_value_mismatch first second env ppf err =
   | Not_a_primitive ->
       pr "The implementation is not a primitive."
   | Type trace ->
-      Printtyp.report_moregen_error ppf Type_scheme env trace
-        (fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "The type")
-        (fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "is not compatible with the type")
+      let msg = Fmt.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.moregen ppf Type_scheme env trace
+        (msg "The type")
+        (msg "is not compatible with the type")
 let report_type_inequality env ppf err =
-  Printtyp.report_equality_error ppf Type_scheme env err
-    (fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "The type")
-    (fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "is not equal to the type")
+  let msg = Fmt.Doc.msg in
+  Errortrace_report.equality ppf Type_scheme env err
+    (msg "The type")
+    (msg "is not equal to the type")
 let report_privacy_mismatch ppf err =
   let singular, item =
@@ -251,7 +259,7 @@ let report_privacy_mismatch ppf err =
     | Private_record_type        -> true,  "record constructor"
     | Private_extensible_variant -> true,  "extensible variant"
     | Private_row_type           -> true,  "row type"
-  in Format.fprintf ppf "%s %s would be revealed."
+  in Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%s %s would be revealed."
        (if singular then "A private" else "Private")
@@ -260,56 +268,56 @@ let report_label_mismatch first second env ppf err =
   | Type err ->
       report_type_inequality env ppf err
   | Mutability ord ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf "%s is mutable and %s is not."
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%s is mutable and %s is not."
         (String.capitalize_ascii (choose ord first second))
         (choose_other ord first second)
 let pp_record_diff first second prefix decl env ppf (x : record_change) =
   match x with
   | Delete cd ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf "%aAn extra field, %a, is provided in %s %s."
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%aAn extra field, %a, is provided in %s %s."
         prefix x Style.inline_code (Ident.name cd.delete.ld_id) first decl
   | Insert cd ->
-      Format.fprintf  ppf "%aA field, %a, is missing in %s %s."
+      Fmt.fprintf  ppf "%aA field, %a, is missing in %s %s."
         prefix x Style.inline_code (Ident.name cd.insert.ld_id) first decl
   | Change Type {got=lbl1; expected=lbl2; reason} ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
         "@[<hv>%aFields do not match:@;<1 2>\
          %a@ is not the same as:\
          @;<1 2>%a@ %a@]"
         prefix x
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.label) lbl1
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.label) lbl2
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.label) lbl1
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.label) lbl2
         (report_label_mismatch first second env) reason
   | Change Name n ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf "%aFields have different names, %a and %a."
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%aFields have different names, %a and %a."
         prefix x
         Style.inline_code n.got
         Style.inline_code n.expected
   | Swap sw ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf "%aFields %a and %a have been swapped."
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%aFields %a and %a have been swapped."
         prefix x
         Style.inline_code sw.first
         Style.inline_code sw.last
   | Move {name; got; expected } ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
         "@[<2>%aField %a has been moved@ from@ position %d@ to %d.@]"
         prefix x Style.inline_code name expected got
 let report_patch pr_diff first second decl env ppf patch =
-  let nl ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf "@," in
+  let nl ppf () = Fmt.fprintf ppf "@," in
   let no_prefix _ppf _ = () in
   match patch with
   | [ elt ] ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a@]"
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a@]"
         (pr_diff first second no_prefix decl env) elt
   | _ ->
       let pp_diff = pr_diff first second Diffing_with_keys.prefix decl env in
-      Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a@]"
-        (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:nl pp_diff) patch
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a@]"
+        (Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:nl pp_diff) patch
 let report_record_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
-  let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
   match err with
   | Label_mismatch patch ->
       report_patch pp_record_diff first second decl env ppf patch
@@ -319,7 +327,7 @@ let report_record_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
         "uses unboxed float representation"
 let report_constructor_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
-  let pr fmt  = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pr fmt  = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
   match (err : constructor_mismatch) with
   | Type err -> report_type_inequality env ppf err
   | Arity -> pr "They have different arities."
@@ -337,45 +345,45 @@ let report_constructor_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
 let pp_variant_diff first second prefix decl env ppf (x : variant_change) =
   match x with
   | Delete cd ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf  "%aAn extra constructor, %a, is provided in %s %s."
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf  "%aAn extra constructor, %a, is provided in %s %s."
         prefix x Style.inline_code (Ident.name cd.delete.cd_id) first decl
   | Insert cd ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf "%aA constructor, %a, is missing in %s %s."
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%aA constructor, %a, is missing in %s %s."
         prefix x Style.inline_code (Ident.name cd.insert.cd_id) first decl
   | Change Type {got; expected; reason} ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
         "@[<hv>%aConstructors do not match:@;<1 2>\
          %a@ is not the same as:\
          @;<1 2>%a@ %a@]"
         prefix x
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.constructor) got
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.constructor) expected
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.constructor) got
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.constructor) expected
         (report_constructor_mismatch first second decl env) reason
   | Change Name n ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
         "%aConstructors have different names, %a and %a."
         prefix x
         Style.inline_code n.got
         Style.inline_code n.expected
   | Swap sw ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
         "%aConstructors %a and %a have been swapped."
         prefix x
         Style.inline_code sw.first
         Style.inline_code sw.last
   | Move {name; got; expected} ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
         "@[<2>%aConstructor %a has been moved@ from@ position %d@ to %d.@]"
         prefix x Style.inline_code name expected got
 let report_extension_constructor_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
-  let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
   match (err : extension_constructor_mismatch) with
   | Constructor_privacy ->
       pr "Private extension constructor(s) would be revealed."
   | Constructor_mismatch (id, ext1, ext2, err) ->
       let constructor =
-        Style.as_inline_code (Printtyp.extension_only_constructor id)
+        Style.as_inline_code (Printtyp.Doc.extension_only_constructor id)
       pr "@[<hv>Constructors do not match:@;<1 2>%a@ is not the same as:\
           @;<1 2>%a@ %a@]"
@@ -385,8 +393,8 @@ let report_extension_constructor_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
 let report_private_variant_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
-  let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
-  let pp_tag ppf x = Format.fprintf ppf "`%s" x in
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pp_tag ppf x = Fmt.fprintf ppf "`%s" x in
   match (err : private_variant_mismatch) with
   | Only_outer_closed ->
       (* It's only dangerous in one direction, so we don't have a position *)
@@ -403,14 +411,14 @@ let report_private_variant_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
       report_type_inequality env ppf err
 let report_private_object_mismatch env ppf err =
-  let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
   match (err : private_object_mismatch) with
   | Missing s ->
       pr "The implementation is missing the method %a" Style.inline_code s
   | Types err -> report_type_inequality env ppf err
 let report_kind_mismatch first second ppf (kind1, kind2) =
-  let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
   let kind_to_string = function
   | Kind_abstract -> "abstract"
   | Kind_record -> "a record"
@@ -423,7 +431,7 @@ let report_kind_mismatch first second ppf (kind1, kind2) =
     (kind_to_string kind2)
 let report_type_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
-  let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
   pr "@ ";
   match err with
   | Arity ->
@@ -543,14 +551,37 @@ module Record_diffing = struct
       | None -> Ok ()
   let weight: Diff.change -> _ = function
-    | Insert _ -> 10
-    | Delete _ -> 10
+    | Insert _ | Delete _ ->
+     (* Insertion and deletion are symmetrical for definitions *)
+        100
     | Keep _ -> 0
-    | Change (_,_,Diffing_with_keys.Name t ) ->
-        if t.types_match then 10 else 15
-    | Change _ -> 10
+     (* [Keep] must have the smallest weight. *)
+    | Change (_,_,c) ->
+        (* Constraints:
+           - [ Change < Insert + Delete ], otherwise [Change] are never optimal
+           - [ Swap < Move ] => [ 2 Change < Insert + Delete ] =>
+             [ Change < Delete ], in order to favour consecutive [Swap]s
+             over [Move]s.
+           - For some D and a large enough R,
+                 [Delete^D Keep^R Insert^D < Change^(D+R)]
+              => [ Change > (2 D)/(D+R) Delete ].
+             Note that the case [D=1,R=1] is incompatible with the inequation
+             above. If we choose [R = D + 1] for [D<5], we can specialize the
+             inequation to [ Change > 10 / 11 Delete ]. *)
+      match c with
+        (* With [Type<Name with type<Name], we pick constructor with the right
+           name over the one with the right type. *)
+        | Diffing_with_keys.Name t ->
+            if t.types_match then 98 else 99
+        | Diffing_with_keys.Type _ -> 50
+         (* With the uniqueness constraint on keys, the only relevant constraint
+            is [Type-only change < Name change]. Indeed, names can only match at
+            one position. In other words, if a [ Type ] patch is admissible, the
+            only admissible patches at this position are of the form [Delete^D
+            Name_change]. And with the constranit [Type_change < Name_change],
+            we have [Type_change Delete^D < Delete^D Name_change]. *)
   let key (x: Defs.left) = Ident.name x.ld_id
   let diffing loc env params1 params2 cstrs_1 cstrs_2 =
@@ -662,13 +693,12 @@ module Variant_diffing = struct
   let update _ st = st
   let weight: D.change -> _ = function
-    | Insert _ -> 10
-    | Delete _ -> 10
+    | Insert _ | Delete _ -> 100
     | Keep _ -> 0
-    | Change (_,_,Diffing_with_keys.Name t) ->
-        if t.types_match then 10 else 15
-    | Change _ -> 10
+    | Change (_,_,Diffing_with_keys.Name c) ->
+        if c.types_match then 98 else 99
+    | Change (_,_,Diffing_with_keys.Type _) -> 50
+    (** See {!Variant_diffing.weight} for an explanation *)
   let test loc env (params1,params2)
       ({pos; data=cd1}: D.left)
@@ -890,6 +920,17 @@ let type_manifest env ty1 params1 ty2 params2 priv2 kind2 =
       | () -> None
+(* A type declarations [td1] is consistent with the type declaration [td2] if
+   there is a context E such E |- td1 <: td2 for the ordinary subtyping. For
+   types, this is the case as soon as the two type declarations share the same
+   arity and the privacy of [td1] is less than the privacy of [td2] (consider a
+   context E where all type constructors are equal). *)
+let type_declarations_consistency env decl1 decl2 =
+  if decl1.type_arity <> decl2.type_arity then Some Arity
+  else match privacy_mismatch env decl1 decl2 with
+    | Some err -> Some (Privacy err)
+    | None -> None
 let type_declarations ?(equality = false) ~loc env ~mark name
       decl1 path decl2 =
@@ -898,12 +939,7 @@ let type_declarations ?(equality = false) ~loc env ~mark name
     decl1.type_attributes decl2.type_attributes
-  if decl1.type_arity <> decl2.type_arity then Some Arity else
-  let err =
-    match privacy_mismatch env decl1 decl2 with
-    | Some err -> Some (Privacy err)
-    | None -> None
-  in
+  let err = type_declarations_consistency env decl1 decl2 in
   if err <> None then err else
   let err = match (decl1.type_manifest, decl2.type_manifest) with
       (_, None) ->
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/includecore.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/includecore.mli
index 50825976ce..bed53fb036 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/includecore.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/includecore.mli
@@ -118,6 +118,21 @@ val extension_constructors:
   loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool -> Ident.t ->
   extension_constructor -> extension_constructor ->
   extension_constructor_mismatch option
+(** The functions [value_descriptions_consistency] and
+    [type_declarations_consistency] check if two declaration are consistent.
+    Declarations are consistent when there exists an environment such that the
+    first declaration is a subtype of the second one.
+    Notably, if a type declaration [td1] is consistent with [td2] then a type
+    expression [te] which is well-formed with the [td2] declaration in scope
+    is still well-formed with the [td1] declaration: [E, td2 |- te] => [E, td1
+    |- te]. *)
+val value_descriptions_consistency:
+  Env.t -> value_description -> value_description -> module_coercion
+val type_declarations_consistency:
+  Env.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration -> type_mismatch option
 val class_types:
         Env.t -> class_type -> class_type -> bool
@@ -126,14 +141,14 @@ val class_types:
 val report_value_mismatch :
   string -> string ->
   Env.t ->
-  Format.formatter -> value_mismatch -> unit
+  value_mismatch Format_doc.printer
 val report_type_mismatch :
   string -> string -> string ->
   Env.t ->
-  Format.formatter -> type_mismatch -> unit
+  type_mismatch Format_doc.printer
 val report_extension_constructor_mismatch :
   string -> string -> string ->
   Env.t ->
-  Format.formatter -> extension_constructor_mismatch -> unit
+  extension_constructor_mismatch Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/includemod.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/includemod.ml
index b43602c51c..0cb220cf32 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/includemod.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/includemod.ml
@@ -134,78 +134,145 @@ module Error = struct
-type mark =
+module Directionality = struct
+  type mark =
   | Mark_both
   | Mark_positive
-  | Mark_negative
   | Mark_neither
-let negate_mark = function
-  | Mark_both -> Mark_both
-  | Mark_positive -> Mark_negative
-  | Mark_negative -> Mark_positive
-  | Mark_neither -> Mark_neither
-let mark_positive = function
-  | Mark_both | Mark_positive -> true
-  | Mark_negative | Mark_neither -> false
-(* All functions "blah env x1 x2" check that x1 is included in x2,
-   i.e. that x1 is the type of an implementation that fulfills the
-   specification x2. If not, Error is raised with a backtrace of the error. *)
-(* Inclusion between value descriptions *)
-let value_descriptions ~loc env ~mark subst id vd1 vd2 =
-  Cmt_format.record_value_dependency vd1 vd2;
-  if mark_positive mark then
-    Env.mark_value_used vd1.val_uid;
-  let vd2 = Subst.value_description subst vd2 in
-  try
-    Ok (Includecore.value_descriptions ~loc env (Ident.name id) vd1 vd2)
-  with Includecore.Dont_match err ->
-    Error Error.(Core (Value_descriptions (diff vd1 vd2 err)))
-(* Inclusion between type declarations *)
-let type_declarations ~loc env ~mark ?old_env:_ subst id decl1 decl2 =
-  let mark = mark_positive mark in
-  if mark then
-    Env.mark_type_used decl1.type_uid;
-  let decl2 = Subst.type_declaration subst decl2 in
-  match
-    Includecore.type_declarations ~loc env ~mark
-      (Ident.name id) decl1 (Path.Pident id) decl2
-  with
-  | None -> Ok Tcoerce_none
-  | Some err ->
-      Error Error.(Core(Type_declarations (diff decl1 decl2 err)))
-(* Inclusion between extension constructors *)
-let extension_constructors ~loc env ~mark  subst id ext1 ext2 =
-  let mark = mark_positive mark in
-  let ext2 = Subst.extension_constructor subst ext2 in
-  match Includecore.extension_constructors ~loc env ~mark id ext1 ext2 with
-  | None -> Ok Tcoerce_none
-  | Some err ->
-      Error Error.(Core(Extension_constructors(diff ext1 ext2 err)))
-(* Inclusion between class declarations *)
-let class_type_declarations ~loc ~old_env:_ env  subst decl1 decl2 =
-  let decl2 = Subst.cltype_declaration subst decl2 in
-  match Includeclass.class_type_declarations ~loc env decl1 decl2 with
-    []     -> Ok Tcoerce_none
-  | reason ->
-      Error Error.(Core(Class_type_declarations(diff decl1 decl2 reason)))
-let class_declarations ~old_env:_ env  subst decl1 decl2 =
-  let decl2 = Subst.class_declaration subst decl2 in
-  match Includeclass.class_declarations env decl1 decl2 with
-    []     -> Ok Tcoerce_none
-  | reason ->
-     Error Error.(Core(Class_declarations(diff decl1 decl2 reason)))
+  type pos =
+    | Strictly_positive
+      (** Strictly positive positions are notable for tools since they are the
+          the case where we match a implementation definition with an interface
+          declaration. Oherwise in the positive case we are matching
+          declatations inside functor arguments at even level of nesting.*)
+    | Positive
+    | Negative
+   When checking inclusion, the [Directionality.t] type tracks the
+   subtyping direction at the syntactic level.
+   The [posivity] field is used in the [cmt_declaration_dependencies] to
+   distinguish between directed and undirected edges, and to avoid recording
+   matched declarations twice.
+   The [mark_as_used] field describes if we should record only positive use,
+   any use (because there is no clear implementation side), or none (because we
+   are inside an auxiliary check function.)
+   The [in_eq] field is [true] when we are checking both directions inside of
+   module types which allows optimizing module type equality checks. The module
+   subtyping relation [A <: B] checks that [A.T = B.T] when [A] and [B] define a
+   module type [T]. The relation [A.T = B.T] is equivalent to [(A.T <: B.T) and
+   (B.T <: A.T)], but checking both recursively would lead to an exponential
+   slowdown (see #10598 and #10616). To avoid this issue, when [in_eq] is
+   [true], we compute a coarser relation [A << B] which is the same as [A <: B]
+   except that module types [T] are checked only for [A.T << B.T] and not the
+   reverse. Thus, we can implement a cheap module type equality check [A.T =
+   B.T] by computing [(A.T << B.T) and (B.T << A.T)], avoiding the exponential
+   slowdown described above.
+  type t = {
+      in_eq:bool;
+      mark_as_used:mark;
+      pos:pos;
+    }
+  let strictly_positive ~mark =
+    let mark_as_used = if mark then Mark_positive else Mark_neither in
+    { in_eq=false; pos=Strictly_positive; mark_as_used }
+  let unknown ~mark =
+    let mark_as_used = if mark then Mark_both else Mark_neither in
+    { in_eq=false; pos=Positive; mark_as_used }
+  let negate_pos = function
+    | Positive | Strictly_positive -> Negative
+    | Negative -> Positive
+  let negate d = { d with pos = negate_pos d.pos }
+  let at_most_positive = function
+    | Strictly_positive -> Positive
+    | Positive | Negative as non_strict -> non_strict
+  let enter_eq d =
+    {
+      in_eq = true;
+      pos = at_most_positive d.pos;
+      mark_as_used = d.mark_as_used
+    }
+  let mark_as_used d = match d.mark_as_used with
+    | Mark_neither -> false
+    | Mark_both -> true
+    | Mark_positive ->
+       match d.pos with
+       | Positive | Strictly_positive -> true
+       | Negative -> false
+module Core_inclusion = struct
+  (* All functions "blah env x1 x2" check that x1 is included in x2,
+     i.e. that x1 is the type of an implementation that fulfills the
+     specification x2. If not, Error is raised with a backtrace of the error. *)
+  (* Inclusion between value descriptions *)
+  let value_descriptions ~loc env ~direction subst id vd1 vd2 =
+    if Directionality.mark_as_used direction then
+      Env.mark_value_used vd1.val_uid;
+    let vd2 = Subst.value_description subst vd2 in
+    try
+      Ok (Includecore.value_descriptions ~loc env (Ident.name id) vd1 vd2)
+    with Includecore.Dont_match err ->
+      Error Error.(Core (Value_descriptions (diff vd1 vd2 err)))
+  (* Inclusion between type declarations *)
+  let type_declarations ~loc env ~direction subst id decl1 decl2 =
+    let mark = Directionality.mark_as_used direction in
+    if mark then
+      Env.mark_type_used decl1.type_uid;
+    let decl2 = Subst.type_declaration subst decl2 in
+    match
+      Includecore.type_declarations ~loc env ~mark
+        (Ident.name id) decl1 (Path.Pident id) decl2
+    with
+    | None -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | Some err ->
+        Error Error.(Core(Type_declarations (diff decl1 decl2 err)))
+  (* Inclusion between extension constructors *)
+  let extension_constructors ~loc env ~direction subst id ext1 ext2 =
+    let mark = Directionality.mark_as_used direction in
+    let ext2 = Subst.extension_constructor subst ext2 in
+    match Includecore.extension_constructors ~loc env ~mark id ext1 ext2 with
+    | None -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | Some err ->
+        Error Error.(Core(Extension_constructors(diff ext1 ext2 err)))
+  (* Inclusion between class declarations *)
+  let class_type_declarations ~loc env ~direction:_ subst _id decl1 decl2 =
+    let decl2 = Subst.cltype_declaration subst decl2 in
+    match Includeclass.class_type_declarations ~loc env decl1 decl2 with
+      []     -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | reason ->
+        Error Error.(Core(Class_type_declarations(diff decl1 decl2 reason)))
+  let class_declarations ~loc:_ env ~direction:_ subst _id decl1 decl2 =
+    let decl2 = Subst.class_declaration subst decl2 in
+    match Includeclass.class_declarations env decl1 decl2 with
+      []     -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | reason ->
+        Error Error.(Core(Class_declarations(diff decl1 decl2 reason)))
 (* Expand a module type identifier when possible *)
@@ -308,10 +375,10 @@ let rec print_coercion ppf c =
         print_coercion out
   | Tcoerce_primitive {pc_desc; pc_env = _; pc_type}  ->
       pr "prim %s@ (%a)" pc_desc.Primitive.prim_name
-        Printtyp.raw_type_expr pc_type
+        Rawprinttyp.type_expr pc_type
   | Tcoerce_alias (_, p, c) ->
       pr "@[<2>alias %a@ (%a)@]"
-        Printtyp.path p
+        (Format_doc.compat Printtyp.Doc.path) p
         print_coercion c
 and print_coercion2 ppf (n, c) =
   Format.fprintf ppf "@[%d,@ %a@]" n print_coercion c
@@ -407,30 +474,33 @@ module Sign_diff = struct
-   In the group of mutual functions below, the [~in_eq] argument is [true] when
-   we are in fact checking equality of module types.
-   The module subtyping relation [A <: B] checks that [A.T = B.T] when [A]
-   and [B] define a module type [T]. The relation [A.T = B.T] is equivalent
-   to [(A.T <: B.T) and (B.T <: A.T)], but checking both recursively would lead
-   to an exponential slowdown (see #10598 and #10616).
-   To avoid this issue, when [~in_eq] is [true], we compute a coarser relation
-   [A << B] which is the same as [A <: B] except that module types [T] are
-   checked only for [A.T << B.T] and not the reverse.
-   Thus, we can implement a cheap module type equality check [A.T = B.T] by
-   computing [(A.T << B.T) and (B.T << A.T)], avoiding the exponential slowdown
-   described above.
+(** Core type system subtyping-like relation that we want to lift at the module
+    level. We have two relations that we want to lift:
+  - the normal subtyping relation [<:].
+  - the coarse-grain consistency relation [C], which is defined by
+   [d1 C d2] if there is an environment [E] such that [E |- d1 <: d2]. *)
+type 'a core_incl =
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> direction:Directionality.t -> Subst.t -> Ident.t ->
+  'a -> 'a -> (module_coercion, Error.sigitem_symptom) result
-let rec modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 shape =
-  match try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 shape with
+type core_relation = {
+  value_descriptions: Types.value_description core_incl;
+  type_declarations: Types.type_declaration core_incl;
+  extension_constructors: Types.extension_constructor core_incl;
+  class_declarations: Types.class_declaration core_incl;
+  class_type_declarations: Types.class_type_declaration core_incl;
+let rec modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 shape =
+  match try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 shape with
   | Ok _ as ok -> ok
   | Error reason ->
     let mty2 = Subst.modtype Make_local subst mty2 in
     Error Error.(diff mty1 mty2 reason)
-and try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape =
+and try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape =
   match mty1, mty2 with
   | (Mty_alias p1, Mty_alias p2) ->
       if Env.is_functor_arg p2 env then
@@ -448,8 +518,8 @@ and try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape =
           begin match expand_module_alias ~strengthen:false env p1 with
           | Error e -> Error (Error.Mt_core e)
           | Ok mty1 ->
-              match strengthened_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc ~aliasable:true env ~mark
-                      subst mty1 p1 mty2 orig_shape
+              match strengthened_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc ~aliasable:true
+                      env subst mty1 p1 mty2 orig_shape
               | Ok _ as x -> x
               | Error reason -> Error (Error.After_alias_expansion reason)
@@ -462,20 +532,21 @@ and try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape =
         begin match expand_modtype_path env p1, expand_modtype_path env p2 with
         | Some mty1, Some mty2 ->
-            try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape
+            try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape
         | None, _  | _, None -> Error (Error.Mt_core Abstract_module_type)
   | (Mty_ident p1, _) ->
       let p1 = Env.normalize_modtype_path env p1 in
       begin match expand_modtype_path env p1 with
       | Some p1 ->
-          try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst p1 mty2 orig_shape
+          try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst p1 mty2 orig_shape
       | None -> Error (Error.Mt_core Abstract_module_type)
   | (_, Mty_ident p2) ->
       let p2 = Env.normalize_modtype_path env (Subst.modtype_path subst p2) in
       begin match expand_modtype_path env p2 with
-      | Some p2 -> try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 p2 orig_shape
+      | Some p2 ->
+          try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 p2 orig_shape
       | None ->
           begin match mty1 with
           | Mty_functor _ ->
@@ -487,14 +558,15 @@ and try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape =
   | (Mty_signature sig1, Mty_signature sig2) ->
       begin match
-        signatures ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst sig1 sig2 orig_shape
+        signatures ~core ~direction ~loc env subst sig1 sig2 orig_shape
       | Ok _ as ok -> ok
       | Error e -> Error (Error.Signature e)
   | Mty_functor (param1, res1), Mty_functor (param2, res2) ->
       let cc_arg, env, subst =
-        functor_param ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark:(negate_mark mark)
+        let direction = Directionality.negate direction in
+        functor_param ~core ~direction ~loc env
           subst param1 param2
       let var, res_shape =
@@ -502,16 +574,18 @@ and try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape =
         | Some (var, res_shape) -> var, res_shape
         | None ->
             (* Using a fresh variable with a placeholder uid here is fine: users
-               will never try to jump to the definition of that variable.
-               If they try to jump to the parameter from inside the functor,
-               they will use the variable shape that is stored in the local
-               environment.  *)
+               will never try to jump to the definition of that variable. If
+               they try to jump to the parameter from inside the functor, they
+               will use the variable shape that is stored in the local
+               environment. *)
             let var, shape_var =
               Shape.fresh_var Uid.internal_not_actually_unique
             var, Shape.app orig_shape ~arg:shape_var
-      let cc_res = modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst res1 res2 res_shape in
+      let cc_res =
+        modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst res1 res2 res_shape
+      in
       begin match cc_arg, cc_res with
       | Ok Tcoerce_none, Ok (Tcoerce_none, final_res_shape) ->
           let final_shape =
@@ -555,7 +629,7 @@ and try_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape =
 (* Functor parameters *)
-and functor_param ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst param1 param2 =
+and functor_param ~core ~direction ~loc env subst param1 param2 =
   match param1, param2 with
   | Unit, Unit ->
       Ok Tcoerce_none, env, subst
@@ -563,7 +637,7 @@ and functor_param ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst param1 param2 =
       let arg2' = Subst.modtype Keep subst arg2 in
       let cc_arg =
-          modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark Subst.identity arg2' arg1
+          modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity arg2' arg1
         | Ok (cc, _) -> Ok cc
@@ -591,27 +665,28 @@ and equate_one_functor_param subst env arg2' name1 name2  =
   | None, None ->
       env, subst
-and strengthened_modtypes ~in_eq ~loc ~aliasable env ~mark
+and strengthened_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc ~aliasable env
     subst mty1 path1 mty2 shape =
   match mty1, mty2 with
   | Mty_ident p1, Mty_ident p2 when equal_modtype_paths env p1 subst p2 ->
       Ok (Tcoerce_none, shape)
   | _, _ ->
       let mty1 = Mtype.strengthen ~aliasable env mty1 path1 in
-      modtypes ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst mty1 mty2 shape
+      modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 shape
-and strengthened_module_decl ~loc ~aliasable env ~mark
+and strengthened_module_decl ~core ~loc ~aliasable ~direction env
     subst md1 path1 md2 shape =
   match md1.md_type, md2.md_type with
   | Mty_ident p1, Mty_ident p2 when equal_modtype_paths env p1 subst p2 ->
       Ok (Tcoerce_none, shape)
   | _, _ ->
       let md1 = Mtype.strengthen_decl ~aliasable env md1 path1 in
-      modtypes ~in_eq:false ~loc env ~mark subst md1.md_type md2.md_type shape
+      modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst md1.md_type md2.md_type shape
 (* Inclusion between signatures *)
-and signatures  ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst sig1 sig2 mod_shape =
+and signatures ~core ~direction ~loc env subst sig1 sig2 mod_shape =
   (* Environment used to check inclusion of components *)
   let new_env =
     Env.add_signature sig1 (Env.in_signature true env) in
@@ -656,12 +731,12 @@ and signatures  ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst sig1 sig2 mod_shape =
      Return a coercion list indicating, for all run-time components
      of sig2, the position of the matching run-time components of sig1
      and the coercion to be applied to it. *)
-  let rec pair_components subst paired unpaired = function
+  let rec pair_components ~core subst paired unpaired = function
       [] ->
         let open Sign_diff in
         let d =
-          signature_components ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark new_env subst mod_shape
-            Shape.Map.empty
+          signature_components ~core ~direction ~loc env new_env subst
+            mod_shape Shape.Map.empty
             (List.rev paired)
         begin match unpaired, d.errors, d.runtime_coercions, d.leftovers with
@@ -705,36 +780,37 @@ and signatures  ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst sig1 sig2 mod_shape =
             | Sig_module _ ->
                 Subst.add_module id2 (Path.Pident id1) subst
             | Sig_modtype _ ->
-                Subst.add_modtype id2 (Mty_ident (Path.Pident id1)) subst
+                Subst.add_modtype id2 (Path.Pident id1) subst
             | Sig_value _ | Sig_typext _
             | Sig_class _ | Sig_class_type _ ->
-          pair_components new_subst
+          pair_components ~core new_subst
             ((item1, item2, pos1) :: paired) unpaired rem
         | exception Not_found ->
           let unpaired =
             if report then
               item2 :: unpaired
             else unpaired in
-          pair_components subst paired unpaired rem
+          pair_components ~core subst paired unpaired rem
         end in
   (* Do the pairing and checking, and return the final coercion *)
-  pair_components subst [] [] sig2
+  pair_components ~core subst [] [] sig2
 (* Inclusion between signature components *)
-and signature_components  ~in_eq ~loc old_env ~mark env subst
+and signature_components ~core ~direction ~loc old_env env subst
     orig_shape shape_map paired =
   match paired with
   | [] -> Sign_diff.{ empty with shape_map }
   | (sigi1, sigi2, pos) :: rem ->
       let shape_modified = ref false in
-      let id, item, shape_map, present_at_runtime =
+      let id, item, paired_uids, shape_map, present_at_runtime =
         match sigi1, sigi2 with
         | Sig_value(id1, valdecl1, _) ,Sig_value(_id2, valdecl2, _) ->
             let item =
-              value_descriptions ~loc env ~mark subst id1 valdecl1 valdecl2
+              core.value_descriptions ~loc ~direction env subst id1
+                valdecl1 valdecl2
             let item = mark_error_as_recoverable item in
             let present_at_runtime = match valdecl2.val_kind with
@@ -742,33 +818,35 @@ and signature_components  ~in_eq ~loc old_env ~mark env subst
               | _ -> true
             let shape_map = Shape.Map.add_value_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape in
-            id1, item, shape_map, present_at_runtime
+            let paired_uids = (valdecl1.val_uid, valdecl2.val_uid) in
+            id1, item, paired_uids, shape_map, present_at_runtime
         | Sig_type(id1, tydec1, _, _), Sig_type(_id2, tydec2, _, _) ->
             let item =
-              type_declarations ~loc ~old_env env ~mark subst id1 tydec1 tydec2
+              core.type_declarations ~loc ~direction env subst id1 tydec1 tydec2
             let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
             (* Right now we don't filter hidden constructors / labels from the
             shape. *)
             let shape_map = Shape.Map.add_type_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape in
-            id1, item, shape_map, false
+            id1, item, (tydec1.type_uid, tydec2.type_uid), shape_map, false
         | Sig_typext(id1, ext1, _, _), Sig_typext(_id2, ext2, _, _) ->
             let item =
-              extension_constructors ~loc env ~mark  subst id1 ext1 ext2
+              core.extension_constructors ~loc ~direction env subst id1
+                ext1 ext2
             let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
             let shape_map =
               Shape.Map.add_extcons_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape
-            id1, item, shape_map, true
+            id1, item, (ext1.ext_uid, ext2.ext_uid), shape_map, true
         | Sig_module(id1, pres1, mty1, _, _), Sig_module(_, pres2, mty2, _, _)
           -> begin
               let orig_shape =
                 Shape.(proj orig_shape (Item.module_ id1))
               let item =
-                module_declarations ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst id1 mty1 mty2
-                  orig_shape
+                module_declarations ~core ~direction ~loc env subst id1
+                  mty1 mty2 orig_shape
               let item, shape_map =
                 match item with
@@ -792,35 +870,37 @@ and signature_components  ~in_eq ~loc old_env ~mark env subst
                 | Mp_absent, Mp_present, _ -> assert false
               let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
-              id1, item, shape_map, present_at_runtime
+              let paired_uids = (mty1.md_uid, mty2.md_uid) in
+              id1, item, paired_uids, shape_map, present_at_runtime
         | Sig_modtype(id1, info1, _), Sig_modtype(_id2, info2, _) ->
             let item =
-              modtype_infos ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark  subst id1 info1 info2
+              modtype_infos ~core ~direction ~loc env  subst id1 info1 info2
             let shape_map =
               Shape.Map.add_module_type_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape
             let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
-            id1, item, shape_map, false
+            id1, item, (info1.mtd_uid, info2.mtd_uid), shape_map, false
         | Sig_class(id1, decl1, _, _), Sig_class(_id2, decl2, _, _) ->
             let item =
-              class_declarations ~old_env env subst decl1 decl2
+              core.class_declarations ~loc ~direction env subst id1 decl1 decl2
             let shape_map =
               Shape.Map.add_class_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape
             let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
-            id1, item, shape_map, true
+            id1, item, (decl1.cty_uid, decl2.cty_uid), shape_map, true
         | Sig_class_type(id1, info1, _, _), Sig_class_type(_id2, info2, _, _) ->
             let item =
-              class_type_declarations ~loc ~old_env env subst info1 info2
+              core.class_type_declarations ~loc ~direction env subst id1
+                info1 info2
             let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
             let shape_map =
               Shape.Map.add_class_type_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape
-            id1, item, shape_map, false
+            id1, item, (info1.clty_uid, info2.clty_uid), shape_map, false
         | _ ->
             assert false
@@ -828,6 +908,25 @@ and signature_components  ~in_eq ~loc old_env ~mark env subst
       let first =
         match item with
         | Ok x ->
+            begin match direction with
+            | { Directionality.in_eq = true; pos = Negative }
+            | { Directionality.mark_as_used = Mark_neither; _ } ->
+              (* We do not store paired uids when checking for reverse
+                module-type inclusion as it would introduce duplicates. *)
+                ()
+            | { Directionality.pos; _} ->
+              let paired_uids =
+                let elt1, elt2 = paired_uids in
+                match pos with
+                | Negative ->
+                    (Cmt_format.Declaration_to_declaration, elt2, elt1)
+                | Positive ->
+                    (Cmt_format.Declaration_to_declaration, elt1, elt2)
+                | Strictly_positive ->
+                    (Cmt_format. Definition_to_declaration, elt1, elt2)
+              in
+              Cmt_format.record_declaration_dependency paired_uids
+            end;
             let runtime_coercions =
               if present_at_runtime then [pos,x] else []
@@ -841,13 +940,13 @@ and signature_components  ~in_eq ~loc old_env ~mark env subst
       let rest =
         if continue then
-          signature_components ~in_eq ~loc old_env ~mark env subst
+          signature_components ~core ~direction ~loc old_env env subst
             orig_shape shape_map rem
         else Sign_diff.{ empty with leftovers=rem }
       Sign_diff.merge first rest
-and module_declarations  ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark  subst id1 md1 md2 orig_shape =
+and module_declarations ~direction ~loc env  subst id1 md1 md2 orig_shape =
@@ -855,14 +954,14 @@ and module_declarations  ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark  subst id1 md1 md2 orig_shape =
     md1.md_attributes md2.md_attributes
     (Ident.name id1);
   let p1 = Path.Pident id1 in
-  if mark_positive mark then
+  if Directionality.mark_as_used direction then
     Env.mark_module_used md1.md_uid;
-  strengthened_modtypes  ~in_eq ~loc ~aliasable:true env ~mark subst
+  strengthened_modtypes ~direction ~loc ~aliasable:true env subst
     md1.md_type p1 md2.md_type orig_shape
 (* Inclusion between module type specifications *)
-and modtype_infos ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst id info1 info2 =
+and modtype_infos ~core ~direction ~loc env subst id info1 info2 =
@@ -875,28 +974,30 @@ and modtype_infos ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark subst id info1 info2 =
       (None, None) -> Ok Tcoerce_none
     | (Some _, None) -> Ok Tcoerce_none
     | (Some mty1, Some mty2) ->
-        check_modtype_equiv ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark mty1 mty2
+        check_modtype_equiv ~core ~direction ~loc env mty1 mty2
     | (None, Some mty2) ->
         let mty1 = Mty_ident(Path.Pident id) in
-        check_modtype_equiv ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark mty1 mty2 in
+        check_modtype_equiv ~core ~direction ~loc env mty1 mty2 in
   match r with
   | Ok _ as ok -> ok
   | Error e -> Error Error.(Module_type_declaration (diff info1 info2 e))
-and check_modtype_equiv ~in_eq ~loc env ~mark mty1 mty2 =
+and check_modtype_equiv ~core ~direction ~loc env mty1 mty2 =
+  let nested_eq = direction.Directionality.in_eq in
+  let direction = Directionality.enter_eq direction in
   let c1 =
-    modtypes ~in_eq:true ~loc env ~mark Subst.identity mty1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
+    modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity mty1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
   let c2 =
     (* For nested module type paths, we check only one side of the equivalence:
        the outer module type is the one responsible for checking the other side
        of the equivalence.
-    if in_eq then None
+    if nested_eq then None
-      let mark = negate_mark mark in
+      let direction = Directionality.negate direction in
       Some (
-        modtypes ~in_eq:true ~loc env ~mark Subst.identity
+        modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
           mty2 mty1 Shape.dummy_mod
@@ -922,7 +1023,34 @@ let can_alias env path =
   no_apply path && not (Env.is_functor_arg path env)
+let core_inclusion = Core_inclusion.{
+  type_declarations;
+  value_descriptions;
+  extension_constructors;
+  class_type_declarations;
+  class_declarations;
+let core_consistency =
+  let type_declarations ~loc:_ env ~direction:_ _ _ d1 d2 =
+    match Includecore.type_declarations_consistency env d1 d2 with
+    | None -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | Some err ->  Error Error.(Core(Type_declarations (diff d1 d2 err)))
+  in
+  let value_descriptions ~loc:_ env ~direction:_ _ _ vd1 vd2 =
+    match Includecore.value_descriptions_consistency env vd1 vd2 with
+    | x -> Ok x
+    | exception Includecore.Dont_match err ->
+        Error Error.(Core (Value_descriptions (diff vd1 vd2 err)))
+  in
+  let accept ~loc:_ _env ~direction:_ _subst _id _d1 _d2 = Ok Tcoerce_none in
+  {
+    type_declarations;
+    value_descriptions;
+    class_declarations=accept;
+    class_type_declarations=accept;
+    extension_constructors=accept;
+  }
 type explanation = Env.t * Error.all
 exception Error of explanation
@@ -941,7 +1069,8 @@ exception Apply_error of {
 let check_modtype_inclusion_raw ~loc env mty1 path1 mty2 =
   let aliasable = can_alias env path1 in
-  strengthened_modtypes ~in_eq:false ~loc ~aliasable env ~mark:Mark_both
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark:true in
+  strengthened_modtypes ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc ~aliasable env
     Subst.identity mty1 path1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
   |> Result.map fst
@@ -977,9 +1106,11 @@ let () =
    interface. *)
 let compunit env ~mark impl_name impl_sig intf_name intf_sig unit_shape =
+  let loc = Location.in_file impl_name in
+  let direction = Directionality.strictly_positive ~mark in
-    signatures ~in_eq:false ~loc:(Location.in_file impl_name) env ~mark
-      Subst.identity impl_sig intf_sig unit_shape
+    signatures ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
+      impl_sig intf_sig unit_shape
   with Result.Error reasons ->
     let cdiff =
       Error.In_Compilation_unit(Error.diff impl_name intf_name reasons) in
@@ -1082,7 +1213,8 @@ module Functor_inclusion_diff = struct
         let test st mty1 mty2 =
           let loc = Location.none in
           let res, _, _ =
-            functor_param ~in_eq:false ~loc st.env ~mark:Mark_neither
+            let direction=Directionality.unknown ~mark:false in
+            functor_param ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc st.env
               st.subst mty1 mty2
@@ -1176,9 +1308,12 @@ module Functor_app_diff = struct
             | Unit, Named _ | (Anonymous | Named _), Unit ->
                 Result.Error (Error.Incompatible_params(arg,param))
             | ( Anonymous | Named _ | Empty_struct ), Named (_, param) ->
+              let direction=Directionality.unknown ~mark:false in
-                  modtypes ~in_eq:false ~loc state.env ~mark:Mark_neither
-                    state.subst arg_mty param Shape.dummy_mod
+                  modtypes
+                    ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc
+                    state.env state.subst arg_mty param
+                    Shape.dummy_mod
                 | Error mty -> Result.Error (Error.Mismatch mty)
                 | Ok (cc, _) -> Ok cc
@@ -1199,36 +1334,64 @@ end
 (* Hide the context and substitution parameters to the outside world *)
 let modtypes_with_shape ~shape ~loc env ~mark mty1 mty2 =
-  match modtypes ~in_eq:false ~loc env ~mark
-          Subst.identity mty1 mty2 shape
+  (* modtypes with shape is used when typing module expressions in [Typemod] *)
+  let direction = Directionality.strictly_positive ~mark in
+  match
+    modtypes ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
+      mty1 mty2 shape
   | Ok (cc, shape) -> cc, shape
   | Error reason -> raise (Error (env, Error.(In_Module_type reason)))
+let modtypes_consistency ~loc env mty1 mty2 =
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark:false in
+  match
+    modtypes ~core:core_consistency ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
+      mty1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
+  with
+  | Ok _ -> ()
+  | Error reason -> raise (Error (env, Error.(In_Module_type reason)))
 let modtypes ~loc env ~mark mty1 mty2 =
-  match modtypes ~in_eq:false ~loc env ~mark
-          Subst.identity mty1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark in
+  match
+    modtypes ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
+      mty1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
   | Ok (cc, _) -> cc
   | Error reason -> raise (Error (env, Error.(In_Module_type reason)))
-let signatures env ~mark sig1 sig2 =
-  match signatures ~in_eq:false ~loc:Location.none env ~mark
-          Subst.identity sig1 sig2 Shape.dummy_mod
+let gen_signatures env ~direction sig1 sig2 =
+  match
+    signatures
+      ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc:Location.none env
+      Subst.identity sig1 sig2 Shape.dummy_mod
   | Ok (cc, _) -> cc
   | Error reason -> raise (Error(env,Error.(In_Signature reason)))
+let signatures env ~mark sig1 sig2 =
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark in
+  gen_signatures env ~direction sig1 sig2
+let check_implementation env impl intf =
+  let direction = Directionality.strictly_positive ~mark:true in
+  ignore (gen_signatures env ~direction impl intf)
 let type_declarations ~loc env ~mark id decl1 decl2 =
-  match type_declarations ~loc env ~mark Subst.identity id decl1 decl2 with
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark in
+  match Core_inclusion.type_declarations ~loc env ~direction
+          Subst.identity id decl1 decl2
+  with
   | Ok _ -> ()
   | Error (Error.Core reason) ->
       raise (Error(env,Error.(In_Type_declaration(id,reason))))
   | Error _ -> assert false
 let strengthened_module_decl ~loc ~aliasable env ~mark md1 path1 md2 =
-  match strengthened_module_decl ~loc ~aliasable env ~mark Subst.identity
-    md1 path1 md2 Shape.dummy_mod with
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark in
+  match strengthened_module_decl ~core:core_inclusion ~loc ~aliasable ~direction
+          env Subst.identity md1 path1 md2 Shape.dummy_mod with
   | Ok (x, _shape) -> x
   | Error mdiff ->
       raise (Error(env,Error.(In_Module_type mdiff)))
@@ -1240,7 +1403,10 @@ let expand_module_alias ~strengthen env path =
       raise (Error(env,In_Expansion(Error.Unbound_module_path path)))
 let check_modtype_equiv ~loc env id mty1 mty2 =
-  match check_modtype_equiv ~in_eq:false ~loc env ~mark:Mark_both mty1 mty2 with
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark:true in
+  match
+    check_modtype_equiv ~core:core_inclusion ~loc ~direction env mty1 mty2
+  with
   | Ok _ -> ()
   | Error e ->
       raise (Error(env,
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/includemod.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/includemod.mli
index a57d51b67c..fa749601ff 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/includemod.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/includemod.mli
@@ -18,18 +18,6 @@
 open Typedtree
 open Types
-(** Type describing which arguments of an inclusion to consider as used
-    for the usage warnings. [Mark_both] is the default. *)
-type mark =
-  | Mark_both
-      (** Mark definitions used from both arguments *)
-  | Mark_positive
-      (** Mark definitions used from the positive (first) argument *)
-  | Mark_negative
-      (** Mark definitions used from the negative (second) argument *)
-  | Mark_neither
-      (** Do not mark definitions used from either argument *)
 module Error: sig
   type ('elt,'explanation) diff = {
@@ -152,15 +140,18 @@ val is_runtime_component: Types.signature_item -> bool
 (* Typechecking *)
 val modtypes:
-  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:mark ->
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool ->
   module_type -> module_type -> module_coercion
+val modtypes_consistency:
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> module_type -> module_type -> unit
 val modtypes_with_shape:
-  shape:Shape.t -> loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:mark ->
+  shape:Shape.t -> loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool ->
   module_type -> module_type -> module_coercion * Shape.t
 val strengthened_module_decl:
-  loc:Location.t -> aliasable:bool -> Env.t -> mark:mark ->
+  loc:Location.t -> aliasable:bool -> Env.t -> mark:bool ->
   module_declaration -> Path.t -> module_declaration -> module_coercion
 val check_modtype_inclusion :
@@ -173,15 +164,17 @@ val check_modtype_inclusion :
 val check_modtype_equiv:
   loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> Ident.t -> module_type -> module_type -> unit
-val signatures: Env.t -> mark:mark ->
-  signature -> signature -> module_coercion
+val signatures: Env.t -> mark:bool -> signature -> signature -> module_coercion
+(** Check an implementation against an interface *)
+val check_implementation: Env.t -> signature -> signature -> unit
 val compunit:
-      Env.t -> mark:mark -> string -> signature ->
+      Env.t -> mark:bool -> string -> signature ->
       string -> signature -> Shape.t -> module_coercion * Shape.t
 val type_declarations:
-  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:mark ->
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool ->
   Ident.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration -> unit
 val print_coercion: Format.formatter -> module_coercion -> unit
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/includemod_errorprinter.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/includemod_errorprinter.ml
index 0ffd000bba..38e2f0e375 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/includemod_errorprinter.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/includemod_errorprinter.ml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 module Style = Misc.Style
+module Fmt = Format_doc
 module Context = struct
   type pos =
@@ -34,28 +35,28 @@ module Context = struct
   let rec context ppf = function
       Module id :: rem ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>module %a%a@]" Printtyp.ident id args rem
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<2>module %a%a@]" Printtyp.Doc.ident id args rem
     | Modtype id :: rem ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %a =@ %a@]"
-          Printtyp.ident id context_mty rem
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %a =@ %a@]"
+          Printtyp.Doc.ident id context_mty rem
     | Body x :: rem ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "functor (%s) ->@ %a" (argname x) context_mty rem
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "(%s) ->@ %a" (argname x) context_mty rem
     | Arg x :: rem ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "functor (%s : %a) -> ..."
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "(%s : %a) -> ..."
           (argname x) context_mty rem
     | [] ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "<here>"
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "<here>"
   and context_mty ppf = function
       (Module _ | Modtype _) :: _ as rem ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>sig@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" context rem
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<2>sig@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" context rem
     | cxt -> context ppf cxt
   and args ppf = function
       Body x :: rem ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "(%s)%a" (argname x) args rem
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "(%s)%a" (argname x) args rem
     | Arg x :: rem ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf "(%s :@ %a) : ..." (argname  x) context_mty rem
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "(%s :@ %a) : ..." (argname  x) context_mty rem
     | cxt ->
-        Format.fprintf ppf " :@ %a" context_mty cxt
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf " :@ %a" context_mty cxt
   and argname = function
     | Types.Unit -> ""
     | Types.Named (None, _) -> "_"
@@ -64,25 +65,24 @@ module Context = struct
   let alt_pp ppf cxt =
     if cxt = [] then () else
     if List.for_all (function Module _ -> true | _ -> false) cxt then
-      Format.fprintf ppf "in module %a,"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) (path_of_context cxt)
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf ",@ in module %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path) (path_of_context cxt)
-      Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>at position@ %a,@]"
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf ",@ @[<hv 2>at position@ %a@]"
         (Style.as_inline_code context) cxt
   let pp ppf cxt =
     if cxt = [] then () else
     if List.for_all (function Module _ -> true | _ -> false) cxt then
-      Format.fprintf ppf "In module %a:@ "
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) (path_of_context cxt)
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "In module %a:@ "
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path) (path_of_context cxt)
-      Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>At position@ %a@]@ "
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>At position@ %a@]@ "
         (Style.as_inline_code context) cxt
-module Illegal_permutation = struct
-  (** Extraction of information in case of illegal permutation
-      in a module type *)
+module Runtime_coercion = struct
+  (** Extraction of a small change from a non-identity runtime coercion *)
   (** When examining coercions, we only have runtime component indices,
       we use thus a limited version of {!pos}. *)
@@ -95,43 +95,50 @@ module Illegal_permutation = struct
     | None -> g y
     | Some _ as v -> v
-  (** We extract a lone transposition from a full tree of permutations. *)
-  let rec transposition_under path (coerc:Typedtree.module_coercion) =
+  type change =
+    | Transposition of int * int
+    | Primitive_coercion of string
+    | Alias_coercion of Path.t
+  (** We extract a small change from a full coercion. *)
+  let rec first_change_under path (coerc:Typedtree.module_coercion) =
     match coerc with
     | Tcoerce_structure(c,_) ->
-          (not_fixpoint path 0) c
+          (first_item_transposition path 0) c
           (first_non_id path 0) c
     | Tcoerce_functor(arg,res) ->
-          (transposition_under (InArg::path)) arg
-          (transposition_under (InBody::path)) res
+          (first_change_under (InArg::path)) arg
+          (first_change_under (InBody::path)) res
     | Tcoerce_none -> None
-    | Tcoerce_alias _ | Tcoerce_primitive _ ->
-        (* these coercions are not inversible, and raise an error earlier when
-           checking for module type equivalence *)
-        assert false
+    | Tcoerce_alias _ | Tcoerce_primitive _ -> None
   (* we search the first point which is not invariant at the current level *)
-  and not_fixpoint path pos = function
+  and first_item_transposition path pos = function
     | [] -> None
     | (n, _) :: q ->
-        if n = pos then
-          not_fixpoint path (pos+1) q
+        if n < 0 || n = pos then
+          (* when n < 0, this is not a transposition but a kind coercion,
+            which will be covered in the first_non_id case *)
+          first_item_transposition path (pos+1) q
-          Some(List.rev path, pos, n)
+          Some(List.rev path, Transposition (pos, n))
   (* we search the first item with a non-identity inner coercion *)
   and first_non_id path pos = function
     | [] -> None
     | (_, Typedtree.Tcoerce_none) :: q -> first_non_id path (pos + 1) q
+    | (_, Typedtree.Tcoerce_alias (_,p,_)) :: _ ->
+        Some (List.rev path, Alias_coercion p)
+    | (_, Typedtree.Tcoerce_primitive p) :: _ ->
+        let name = Primitive.byte_name p.pc_desc in
+        Some (List.rev path, Primitive_coercion name)
     | (_,c) :: q ->
-          (transposition_under (Item pos :: path)) c
+          (first_change_under (Item pos :: path)) c
           (first_non_id path (pos + 1)) q
-  let transposition c =
-    match transposition_under [] c with
-    | None -> raise Not_found
-    | Some x -> x
+  let first_change c = first_change_under [] c
   let rec runtime_item k = function
     | [] -> raise Not_found
@@ -168,23 +175,64 @@ module Illegal_permutation = struct
   let item mt k = Includemod.item_ident_name (runtime_item k mt)
   let pp_item ppf (id,_,kind) =
-    Format.fprintf ppf "%s %a"
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s %a"
       (Includemod.kind_of_field_desc kind)
       Style.inline_code (Ident.name id)
-  let pp ctx_printer env ppf (mty,c) =
+  let illegal_permutation ctx_printer env ppf (mty,c) =
+    match first_change c with
+    | None | Some (_, (Primitive_coercion _ | Alias_coercion _)) ->
+        (* those kind coercions are not inversible, and raise an error earlier
+           when checking for module type equivalence *)
+        assert false
+    | Some (path, Transposition (k,l)) ->
-      let p, k, l = transposition c in
-      let ctx, mt = find env p mty in
-      Format.fprintf ppf
+      let ctx, mt = find env path mty in
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
         "@[<hv 2>Illegal permutation of runtime components in a module type.@ \
-         @[For example,@ %a@]@ @[the %a@ and the %a are not in the same order@ \
+         @[For example%a,@]@ @[the %a@ and the %a are not in the same order@ \
          in the expected and actual module types.@]@]"
         ctx_printer ctx pp_item (item mt k) pp_item (item mt l)
     with Not_found -> (* this should not happen *)
-      Format.fprintf ppf
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
         "Illegal permutation of runtime components in a module type."
+  let in_package_subtype ctx_printer env mty c ppf =
+    match first_change c with
+    | None ->
+        (* The coercion looks like the identity but was not simplified to
+           [Tcoerce_none], this only happens when the two first-class module
+           types differ by runtime size *)
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "The two first-class module types differ by their runtime size."
+    | Some (path, c) ->
+  try
+    let ctx, mt = find env path mty in
+    match c with
+    | Primitive_coercion prim_name ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "@[The two first-class module types differ by a coercion of@ \
+           the primitive %a@ to a value%a.@]"
+          Style.inline_code prim_name
+          ctx_printer ctx
+    | Alias_coercion path ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "@[The two first-class module types differ by a coercion of@ \
+           a module alias %a@ to a module%a.@]"
+          (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path) path
+          ctx_printer ctx
+    | Transposition (k,l) ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "@[@[The two first-class module types do not share@ \
+           the same positions for runtime components.@]@ \
+           @[For example,%a@ the %a@ occurs at the expected position of@ \
+           the %a.@]@]"
+          ctx_printer ctx pp_item (item mt k) pp_item (item mt l)
+  with Not_found ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf
+      "@[The two packages types do not share@ \
+       the@ same@ positions@ for@ runtime@ components.@]"
@@ -204,7 +252,7 @@ let is_big obj =
 let show_loc msg ppf loc =
   let pos = loc.Location.loc_start in
   if List.mem pos.Lexing.pos_fname [""; "_none_"; "//toplevel//"] then ()
-  else Format.fprintf ppf "@\n@[<2>%a:@ %s@]" Location.print_loc loc msg
+  else Fmt.fprintf ppf "@\n@[<2>%a:@ %s@]" Location.Doc.loc loc msg
 let show_locs ppf (loc1, loc2) =
   show_loc "Expected declaration" ppf loc2;
@@ -212,10 +260,10 @@ let show_locs ppf (loc1, loc2) =
 let dmodtype mty =
-  let tmty = Printtyp.tree_of_modtype mty in
-  Format.dprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_module_type tmty
+  let tmty = Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty in
+  Fmt.dprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_module_type tmty
-let space ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf "@ "
+let space ppf () = Fmt.fprintf ppf "@ "
    In order to display a list of functor arguments in a compact format,
@@ -264,8 +312,8 @@ module With_shorthand = struct
   let make side pos =
     match side with
-    | Got -> Format.sprintf "$S%d" pos
-    | Expected -> Format.sprintf "$T%d" pos
+    | Got -> Fmt.asprintf "$S%d" pos
+    | Expected -> Fmt.asprintf "$T%d" pos
     | Unneeded -> "..."
   (** Add shorthands to a patch *)
@@ -311,60 +359,60 @@ module With_shorthand = struct
   (** Printing of arguments with shorthands *)
   let pp ppx = function
     | Original x -> ppx x
-    | Synthetic s -> Format.dprintf "%s" s.name
+    | Synthetic s -> Fmt.dprintf "%s" s.name
   let pp_orig ppx = function
     | Original x | Synthetic { item=x; _ } -> ppx x
   let definition x = match functor_param x with
-    | Unit -> Format.dprintf "()"
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
     | Named(_,short_mty) ->
         match short_mty with
         | Original mty -> dmodtype mty
         | Synthetic {name; item = mty} ->
-            Format.dprintf
+            Fmt.dprintf
               "%s@ =@ %t" name (dmodtype mty)
   let param x = match functor_param x with
-    | Unit -> Format.dprintf "()"
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
     | Named (_, short_mty) ->
         pp dmodtype short_mty
   let qualified_param x = match functor_param x with
-    | Unit -> Format.dprintf "()"
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
     | Named (None, Original (Mty_signature []) ) ->
-        Format.dprintf "(sig end)"
+        Fmt.dprintf "(sig end)"
     | Named (None, short_mty) ->
         pp dmodtype short_mty
     | Named (Some p, short_mty) ->
-        Format.dprintf "(%s : %t)"
+        Fmt.dprintf "(%s : %t)"
           (Ident.name p) (pp dmodtype short_mty)
   let definition_of_argument ua =
     let arg, mty = ua.item in
     match (arg: Err.functor_arg_descr) with
-    | Unit -> Format.dprintf "()"
-    | Empty_struct -> Format.dprintf "(struct end)"
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
+    | Empty_struct -> Fmt.dprintf "(struct end)"
     | Named p ->
         let mty = modtype { ua with item = mty } in
-        Format.dprintf
+        Fmt.dprintf
           "%a@ :@ %t"
-          Printtyp.path p
+          Printtyp.Doc.path p
           (pp_orig dmodtype mty)
     | Anonymous ->
         let short_mty = modtype { ua with item = mty } in
         begin match short_mty with
         | Original mty -> dmodtype mty
         | Synthetic {name; item=mty} ->
-            Format.dprintf "%s@ :@ %t" name (dmodtype mty)
+            Fmt.dprintf "%s@ :@ %t" name (dmodtype mty)
   let arg ua =
     let arg, mty = ua.item in
     match (arg: Err.functor_arg_descr) with
-    | Unit -> Format.dprintf "()"
-    | Empty_struct -> Format.dprintf "(struct end)"
-    | Named p -> fun ppf -> Printtyp.path ppf p
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
+    | Empty_struct -> Fmt.dprintf "(struct end)"
+    | Named p -> fun ppf -> Printtyp.Doc.path ppf p
     | Anonymous ->
         let short_mty = modtype { ua with item=mty } in
         pp dmodtype short_mty
@@ -379,17 +427,38 @@ module Functor_suberror = struct
     | Types.Named (Some _ as x,_) -> x
     | Types.(Unit | Named(None,_)) -> None
-  (** Print the list of params with style *)
+(** Print a list of functor parameters with style while adjusting the printing
+    environment for each functor argument.
+    Currently, we are disabling disambiguation for functor argument name to
+    avoid the need to track the moving association between identifiers and
+    syntactic names in situation like:
+    got: (X: sig module type T end) (Y:X.T) (X:sig module type T end) (Z:X.T)
+    expect: (_: sig end) (Y:X.T) (_:sig end) (Z:X.T)
   let pretty_params sep proj printer patch =
-    let elt (x,param) =
+    let pp_param (x,param) =
       let sty = Diffing.(style @@ classify x) in
-      Format.dprintf "%a%t%a"
-        Format.pp_open_stag (Style.Style sty)
+      Fmt.dprintf "%a%t%a"
+        Fmt.pp_open_stag (Style.Style sty)
         (printer param)
-        Format.pp_close_stag ()
+        Fmt.pp_close_stag ()
+    in
+    let rec pp_params = function
+      | [] -> ignore
+      | [_,param] -> pp_param param
+      | (id,param) :: q ->
+          Fmt.dprintf "%t%a%t"
+            (pp_param param) sep () (hide_id id q)
+    and hide_id id q =
+      match id with
+      | None -> pp_params q
+      | Some id -> Out_type.Ident_names.with_fuzzy id (fun () -> pp_params q)
     let params = List.filter_map proj @@ List.map snd patch in
-    Printtyp.functor_parameters ~sep elt params
+    pp_params params
   let expected d =
     let extract: _ Diffing.change -> _ = function
@@ -425,17 +494,17 @@ module Functor_suberror = struct
       pretty_params space extract With_shorthand.qualified_param d
     let insert mty =
-      Format.dprintf
+      Fmt.dprintf
         "An argument appears to be missing with module type@;<1 2>@[%t@]"
         (With_shorthand.definition mty)
     let delete mty =
-      Format.dprintf
+      Fmt.dprintf
         "An extra argument is provided of module type@;<1 2>@[%t@]"
         (With_shorthand.definition mty)
       let ok x y =
-        Format.dprintf
+        Fmt.dprintf
           "Module types %t and %t match"
           (With_shorthand.param x)
           (With_shorthand.param y)
@@ -443,17 +512,17 @@ module Functor_suberror = struct
       let diff g e more =
         let g = With_shorthand.definition g in
         let e = With_shorthand.definition e in
-        Format.dprintf
+        Fmt.dprintf
           "Module types do not match:@ @[%t@]@;<1 -2>does not include@ \
           g e (more ())
       let incompatible = function
         | Types.Unit ->
-            Format.dprintf
+            Fmt.dprintf
               "The functor was expected to be applicative at this position"
         | Types.Named _ ->
-            Format.dprintf
+            Fmt.dprintf
               "The functor was expected to be generative at this position"
       let patch env got expected =
@@ -479,7 +548,7 @@ module Functor_suberror = struct
       pretty_params space extract With_shorthand.arg d
     let delete mty =
-      Format.dprintf
+      Fmt.dprintf
         "The following extra argument is provided@;<1 2>@[%t@]"
         (With_shorthand.definition_of_argument mty)
@@ -488,10 +557,10 @@ module Functor_suberror = struct
     let ok x y =
       let pp_orig_name = match With_shorthand.functor_param y with
         | With_shorthand.Named (_, Original mty) ->
-            Format.dprintf " %t" (dmodtype mty)
+            Fmt.dprintf " %t" (dmodtype mty)
         | _ -> ignore
-      Format.dprintf
+      Fmt.dprintf
         "Module %t matches the expected module type%t"
         (With_shorthand.arg x)
@@ -499,7 +568,7 @@ module Functor_suberror = struct
     let diff g e more =
       let g = With_shorthand.definition_of_argument g in
       let e = With_shorthand.definition e in
-      Format.dprintf
+      Fmt.dprintf
         "Modules do not match:@ @[%t@]@;<1 -2>\
          is not included in@ @[%t@]%t"
         g e (more ())
@@ -510,10 +579,10 @@ module Functor_suberror = struct
     let single_diff g e more =
       let _arg, mty = g.With_shorthand.item in
       let e = match e.With_shorthand.item with
-        | Types.Unit -> Format.dprintf "()"
+        | Types.Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
         | Types.Named(_, mty) -> dmodtype mty
-      Format.dprintf
+      Fmt.dprintf
         "Modules do not match:@ @[%t@]@;<1 -2>\
          is not included in@ @[%t@]%t"
         (dmodtype mty) e (more ())
@@ -521,10 +590,10 @@ module Functor_suberror = struct
     let incompatible = function
       | Unit ->
-          Format.dprintf
+          Fmt.dprintf
             "The functor was expected to be applicative at this position"
       | Named _ | Anonymous ->
-          Format.dprintf
+          Fmt.dprintf
             "The functor was expected to be generative at this position"
       | Empty_struct ->
           (* an empty structure can be used in both applicative and generative
@@ -534,18 +603,18 @@ module Functor_suberror = struct
   let subcase sub ~expansion_token env (pos, diff) =
     Location.msg "%a%a%a%a@[<hv 2>%t@]%a"
-      Format.pp_print_tab ()
-      Format.pp_open_tbox ()
+      Fmt.pp_print_tab ()
+      Fmt.pp_open_tbox ()
       Diffing.prefix (pos, Diffing.classify diff)
-      Format.pp_set_tab ()
+      Fmt.pp_set_tab ()
       (Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~error:true
          (fun () -> sub ~expansion_token env diff)
-     Format.pp_close_tbox ()
+     Fmt.pp_close_tbox ()
   let onlycase sub ~expansion_token env (_, diff) =
     Location.msg "%a@[<hv 2>%t@]"
-      Format.pp_print_tab ()
+      Fmt.pp_print_tab ()
       (Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~error:true
          (fun () -> sub ~expansion_token env diff)
@@ -592,123 +661,114 @@ let coalesce msgs =
   | [] -> ignore
   | before ->
       let ctx ppf =
-        Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:space
-          (fun ppf x -> x.Location.txt ppf)
+        Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:space
+          (fun ppf x -> Fmt.pp_doc ppf x.Location.txt)
           ppf before in
 let subcase_list l ppf = match l with
   | [] -> ()
   | _ :: _ ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>@[%a@]"
-        (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:space
-           (fun ppf f -> f.Location.txt ppf)
-        )
+      let pp_msg ppf lmsg = Fmt.pp_doc ppf lmsg.Location.txt in
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>@[%a@]"
+        (Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:space pp_msg)
         (List.rev l)
 (* Printers for leaves *)
 let core env id x =
   match x with
   | Err.Value_descriptions diff ->
-      Format.dprintf "@[<v>@[<hv>%s:@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a%a%t@]"
+      Fmt.dprintf "@[<v>@[<hv>%s:@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a%a@]"
         "Values do not match"
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_value_description id diff.got)
+        (Out_type.tree_of_value_description id diff.got)
         "is not included in"
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_value_description id diff.expected)
+        (Out_type.tree_of_value_description id diff.expected)
            "the first" "the second" env) diff.symptom
         show_locs (diff.got.val_loc, diff.expected.val_loc)
-        Printtyp.Conflicts.print_explanations
   | Err.Type_declarations diff ->
-      Format.dprintf "@[<v>@[<hv>%s:@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a%a%t@]"
+      Fmt.dprintf "@[<v>@[<hv>%s:@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a%a@]"
         "Type declarations do not match"
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_type_declaration id diff.got Trec_first)
+        (Out_type.tree_of_type_declaration id diff.got Trec_first)
         "is not included in"
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_type_declaration id diff.expected Trec_first)
+        (Out_type.tree_of_type_declaration id diff.expected Trec_first)
            "the first" "the second" "declaration" env) diff.symptom
         show_locs (diff.got.type_loc, diff.expected.type_loc)
-        Printtyp.Conflicts.print_explanations
   | Err.Extension_constructors diff ->
-      Format.dprintf "@[<v>@[<hv>%s:@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]@ %a%a%t@]"
+      Fmt.dprintf "@[<v>@[<hv>%s:@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]@ %a%a@]"
         "Extension declarations do not match"
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_extension_constructor id diff.got Text_first)
+        (Out_type.tree_of_extension_constructor id diff.got Text_first)
         "is not included in"
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_extension_constructor id diff.expected Text_first)
+        (Out_type.tree_of_extension_constructor id diff.expected Text_first)
            "the first" "the second" "declaration" env) diff.symptom
         show_locs (diff.got.ext_loc, diff.expected.ext_loc)
-        Printtyp.Conflicts.print_explanations
   | Err.Class_type_declarations diff ->
-      Format.dprintf
+      Fmt.dprintf
         "@[<hv 2>Class type declarations do not match:@ \
-         %a@;<1 -2>does not match@ %a@]@ %a%t"
+         %a@;<1 -2>does not match@ %a@]@ %a"
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_cltype_declaration id diff.got Trec_first)
+        (Out_type.tree_of_cltype_declaration id diff.got Trec_first)
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_cltype_declaration id diff.expected Trec_first)
-        (Includeclass.report_error Type_scheme) diff.symptom
-        Printtyp.Conflicts.print_explanations
+        (Out_type.tree_of_cltype_declaration id diff.expected Trec_first)
+        (Includeclass.report_error_doc Type_scheme) diff.symptom
   | Err.Class_declarations {got;expected;symptom} ->
-      let t1 = Printtyp.tree_of_class_declaration id got Trec_first in
-      let t2 = Printtyp.tree_of_class_declaration id expected Trec_first in
-      Format.dprintf
+      let t1 = Out_type.tree_of_class_declaration id got Trec_first in
+      let t2 = Out_type.tree_of_class_declaration id expected Trec_first in
+      Fmt.dprintf
         "@[<hv 2>Class declarations do not match:@ \
-         %a@;<1 -2>does not match@ %a@]@ %a%t"
+         %a@;<1 -2>does not match@ %a@]@ %a"
         !Oprint.out_sig_item t1
         !Oprint.out_sig_item t2
-        (Includeclass.report_error Type_scheme) symptom
-        Printtyp.Conflicts.print_explanations
+        (Includeclass.report_error_doc Type_scheme) symptom
 let missing_field ppf item =
   let id, loc, kind =  Includemod.item_ident_name item in
-  Format.fprintf ppf "The %s %a is required but not provided%a"
+  Fmt.fprintf ppf "The %s %a is required but not provided%a"
     (Includemod.kind_of_field_desc kind)
-    (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.ident) id
+    (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.ident) id
     (show_loc "Expected declaration") loc
 let module_types {Err.got=mty1; expected=mty2} =
-  Format.dprintf
+  Fmt.dprintf
     "@[<hv 2>Modules do not match:@ \
      %a@;<1 -2>is not included in@ %a@]"
-    !Oprint.out_module_type (Printtyp.tree_of_modtype mty1)
-    !Oprint.out_module_type (Printtyp.tree_of_modtype mty2)
+    !Oprint.out_module_type (Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty1)
+    !Oprint.out_module_type (Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty2)
 let eq_module_types {Err.got=mty1; expected=mty2} =
-  Format.dprintf
+  Fmt.dprintf
     "@[<hv 2>Module types do not match:@ \
      %a@;<1 -2>is not equal to@ %a@]"
-    !Oprint.out_module_type (Printtyp.tree_of_modtype mty1)
-    !Oprint.out_module_type (Printtyp.tree_of_modtype mty2)
+    !Oprint.out_module_type (Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty1)
+    !Oprint.out_module_type (Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty2)
 let module_type_declarations id {Err.got=d1 ; expected=d2} =
-  Format.dprintf
+  Fmt.dprintf
     "@[<hv 2>Module type declarations do not match:@ \
      %a@;<1 -2>does not match@ %a@]"
-    !Oprint.out_sig_item (Printtyp.tree_of_modtype_declaration id d1)
-    !Oprint.out_sig_item (Printtyp.tree_of_modtype_declaration id d2)
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item (Out_type.tree_of_modtype_declaration id d1)
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item (Out_type.tree_of_modtype_declaration id d2)
 let interface_mismatch ppf (diff: _ Err.diff) =
-  Format.fprintf ppf
+  Fmt.fprintf ppf
     "The implementation %a@ does not match the interface %a:@ "
     Style.inline_code diff.got Style.inline_code diff.expected
 let core_module_type_symptom (x:Err.core_module_type_symptom)  =
   match x with
   | Not_an_alias | Not_an_identifier | Abstract_module_type
-  | Incompatible_aliases ->
-      if Printtyp.Conflicts.exists () then
-        Some Printtyp.Conflicts.print_explanations
-      else None
+  | Incompatible_aliases -> None
   | Unbound_module_path path ->
-      Some(Format.dprintf "Unbound module %a"
-             (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) path
+      Some(Fmt.dprintf "Unbound module %a"
+             (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path) path
 (* Construct a linearized error message from the error tree *)
@@ -749,8 +809,8 @@ and module_type_symptom ~eqmode ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx = function
       module_type ~eqmode ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx diff
   | Invalid_module_alias path ->
       let printer =
-        Format.dprintf "Module %a cannot be aliased"
-          (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) path
+        Fmt.dprintf "Module %a cannot be aliased"
+          (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path) path
       dwith_context ctx printer :: before
@@ -759,10 +819,10 @@ and functor_params ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx {got;expected;_} =
   let actual = Functor_suberror.Inclusion.got d in
   let expected = Functor_suberror.expected d in
   let main =
-    Format.dprintf
+    Fmt.dprintf
       "@[<hv 2>Modules do not match:@ \
-       @[functor@ %t@ -> ...@]@;<1 -2>is not included in@ \
-       @[functor@ %t@ -> ...@]@]"
+       @[%t@ -> ...@]@;<1 -2>is not included in@ \
+       @[%t@ -> ...@]@]"
       actual expected
   let msgs = dwith_context ctx main :: before in
@@ -785,8 +845,8 @@ and signature ~expansion_token ~env:_ ~before ~ctx sgs =
           if expansion_token then
             let init_missings, last_missing = Misc.split_last missings in
             List.map (Location.msg "%a" missing_field) init_missings
-            @ [ with_context ctx missing_field last_missing ]
-            @ before
+            @ with_context ctx missing_field last_missing
+            :: before
       | [], a :: _ -> sigitem ~expansion_token ~env:sgs.env ~before ~ctx a
@@ -826,7 +886,7 @@ and module_type_decl ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx id diff =
       | None -> assert false
       | Some mty ->
           with_context (Modtype id::ctx)
-            (Illegal_permutation.pp Context.alt_pp env) (mty,c)
+            (Runtime_coercion.illegal_permutation Context.alt_pp env) (mty,c)
           :: before
@@ -875,7 +935,7 @@ let module_type_subst ~env id diff =
       let mty = diff.got in
       let main =
         with_context [Modtype id]
-          (Illegal_permutation.pp Context.alt_pp env) (mty,c) in
+          (Runtime_coercion.illegal_permutation Context.alt_pp env) (mty,c) in
 let all env = function
@@ -898,29 +958,32 @@ let all env = function
 (* General error reporting *)
-let err_msgs (env, err) =
-  Printtyp.Conflicts.reset();
+let err_msgs ppf (env, err) =
   Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env
-    (fun () -> coalesce @@ all env err)
+    (fun () -> (coalesce @@ all env err)  ppf)
-let report_error err =
-  let main = err_msgs err in
-  Location.errorf ~loc:Location.(in_file !input_name) "%t" main
+let report_error_doc err =
+  Location.errorf
+    ~loc:Location.(in_file !input_name)
+    ~footnote:Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg
+   "%a" err_msgs err
-let report_apply_error ~loc env (app_name, mty_f, args) =
+let report_apply_error_doc ~loc env (app_name, mty_f, args) =
+  let footnote = Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg in
   let d = Functor_suberror.App.patch env ~f:mty_f ~args in
   match d with
   (* We specialize the one change and one argument case to remove the
      presentation of the functor arguments *)
   | [ _,  Change (_, _, Err.Incompatible_params (i,_)) ] ->
-      Location.errorf ~loc "%t" (Functor_suberror.App.incompatible i)
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote "%t" (Functor_suberror.App.incompatible i)
   | [ _, Change (g, e,  Err.Mismatch mty_diff) ] ->
       let more () =
         subcase_list @@
         module_type_symptom ~eqmode:false ~expansion_token:true ~env ~before:[]
           ~ctx:[] mty_diff.symptom
-      Location.errorf ~loc "%t" (Functor_suberror.App.single_diff g e more)
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote "%t"
+        (Functor_suberror.App.single_diff g e more)
   | _ ->
       let not_functor =
         List.for_all (function _, Diffing.Delete _ -> true | _ -> false) d
@@ -930,7 +993,7 @@ let report_apply_error ~loc env (app_name, mty_f, args) =
         | Includemod.Named_leftmost_functor lid ->
             Location.errorf ~loc
               "@[The module %a is not a functor, it cannot be applied.@]"
-               (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident)  lid
+               (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.longident)  lid
         | Includemod.Anonymous_functor
         | Includemod.Full_application_path _
           (* The "non-functor application in term" case is directly handled in
@@ -944,14 +1007,14 @@ let report_apply_error ~loc env (app_name, mty_f, args) =
         let intro ppf =
           match app_name with
           | Includemod.Anonymous_functor ->
-              Format.fprintf ppf "This functor application is ill-typed."
+              Fmt.fprintf ppf "This functor application is ill-typed."
           | Includemod.Full_application_path lid ->
-              Format.fprintf ppf "The functor application %a is ill-typed."
-                (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) lid
+              Fmt.fprintf ppf "The functor application %a is ill-typed."
+                (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.longident) lid
           |  Includemod.Named_leftmost_functor lid ->
-              Format.fprintf ppf
+              Fmt.fprintf ppf
                 "This application of the functor %a is ill-typed."
-                 (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) lid
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.longident) lid
         let actual = Functor_suberror.App.got d in
         let expected = Functor_suberror.expected d in
@@ -959,20 +1022,24 @@ let report_apply_error ~loc env (app_name, mty_f, args) =
           List.rev @@
           Functor_suberror.params functor_app_diff env ~expansion_token:true d
-        Location.errorf ~loc ~sub
+        Location.errorf ~loc ~sub ~footnote
           "@[<hv>%t@ \
            These arguments:@;<1 2>@[%t@]@ \
-           do not match these parameters:@;<1 2>@[functor@ %t@ -> ...@]@]"
+           do not match these parameters:@;<1 2>@[%t@ -> ...@]@]"
           actual expected
+let coercion_in_package_subtype env mty c =
+  Format_doc.doc_printf "%t" @@
+  Runtime_coercion.in_package_subtype Context.alt_pp env mty c
 let register () =
-      | Includemod.Error err -> Some (report_error err)
+      | Includemod.Error err -> Some (report_error_doc err)
       | Includemod.Apply_error {loc; env; app_name; mty_f; args} ->
           Some (Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~error:true (fun () ->
-              report_apply_error ~loc env (app_name, mty_f, args))
+              report_apply_error_doc ~loc env (app_name, mty_f, args))
       | _ -> None
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/includemod_errorprinter.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/includemod_errorprinter.mli
index 12ea2169b0..0c7dda4e56 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/includemod_errorprinter.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/includemod_errorprinter.mli
@@ -13,5 +13,7 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-val err_msgs: Includemod.explanation -> Format.formatter -> unit
+val err_msgs: Includemod.explanation Format_doc.printer
+val coercion_in_package_subtype:
+  Env.t -> Types.module_type -> Typedtree.module_coercion -> Format_doc.doc
 val register: unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/magic_numbers.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/magic_numbers.ml
index f5503f0000..56a4d953d9 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/magic_numbers.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/magic_numbers.ml
@@ -25,17 +25,18 @@ module Cmi = struct
     | "Caml1999I032" -> Some "5.0"
     | "Caml1999I033" -> Some "5.1"
     | "Caml1999I034" -> Some "5.2"
+    | "Caml1999I035" -> Some "5.3"
     | _ -> None
   let () = assert (to_version_opt Config.cmi_magic_number <> None)
-  open Format
+  open Format_doc
   module Style = Misc.Style
   let report_error ppf = function
     | Not_an_interface filename ->
         fprintf ppf "%a@ is not a compiled interface"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Location.print_filename) filename
+        (Style.as_inline_code Location.Doc.filename) filename
     | Wrong_version_interface (filename, compiler_magic) ->
       let program_name = Lib_config.program_name () in
       begin match to_version_opt compiler_magic with
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ module Cmi = struct
           compiler. \n\
           This diagnostic is based on the compiled interface file: %a"
           program_name program_name program_name
-          Location.print_filename filename
+          Location.Doc.filename filename
       | Some version ->
         fprintf ppf
           "Compiler version mismatch: this project seems to be compiled with \
@@ -63,11 +64,11 @@ module Cmi = struct
           This diagnostic is based on the compiled interface file: %a"
           version program_name
           (Option.get @@ to_version_opt Config.cmi_magic_number)
-          program_name Location.print_filename filename
+          program_name Location.Doc.filename filename
     | Corrupted_interface filename ->
         fprintf ppf "Corrupted compiled interface@ %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Location.print_filename) filename
+        (Style.as_inline_code Location.Doc.filename) filename
   let () =
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/msupport.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/msupport.ml
index 4623a4f667..2491259ffb 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/msupport.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/msupport.ml
@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ let flush_saved_types () =
   | parts ->
     Cmt_format.set_saved_types [];
     let open Ast_helper in
-    let pexp = Exp.constant (Saved_parts.store parts) in
+    let pconst_desc = Saved_parts.store parts in
+    let pexp = Exp.constant { pconst_desc; pconst_loc = !default_loc } in
     let pstr = Str.eval pexp in
     [ Attr.mk Saved_parts.attribute (Parsetree.PStr [ pstr ]) ]
@@ -142,7 +143,9 @@ let rec get_saved_types_from_attributes = function
         match str with
         | PStr
-            ({ pstr_desc = Pstr_eval ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_constant key; _ }, _);
+            ({ pstr_desc =
+                 Pstr_eval
+                   ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_constant { pconst_desc = key; _ }; _ }, _);
             :: _) -> Saved_parts.find key
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/mtype.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/mtype.ml
index b12dfde8c4..e563d26714 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/mtype.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/mtype.ml
@@ -460,9 +460,11 @@ let collect_arg_paths mty =
   and bindings = ref Ident.empty in
   (* let rt = Ident.create "Root" in
      and prefix = ref (Path.Pident rt) in *)
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let super = type_iterators mark in
   let it_path p = paths := Path.Set.union (get_arg_paths p) !paths
   and it_signature_item it si =
-    type_iterators.it_signature_item it si;
+    super.it_signature_item it si;
     match si with
     | Sig_module (id, _, {md_type=Mty_alias p}, _, _) ->
         bindings := Ident.add id p !bindings
@@ -475,11 +477,11 @@ let collect_arg_paths mty =
     | _ -> ()
-  let it = {type_iterators with it_path; it_signature_item} in
+  let it = {super with it_path; it_signature_item} in
   it.it_module_type it mty;
-  it.it_module_type unmark_iterators mty;
   Path.Set.fold (fun p -> Ident.Set.union (collect_ids !subst !bindings p))
     !paths Ident.Set.empty
+  end
 type remove_alias_args =
     { mutable modified: bool;
@@ -556,14 +558,16 @@ let scrape_for_type_of ~remove_aliases env mty =
 let lower_nongen nglev mty =
   let open Btype in
-  let it_type_expr it ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let super = type_iterators mark in
+  let it_do_type_expr it ty =
     match get_desc ty with
       Tvar _ ->
         let level = get_level ty in
         if level < generic_level && level > nglev then set_level ty nglev
     | _ ->
-        type_iterators.it_type_expr it ty
+        super.it_do_type_expr it ty
-  let it = {type_iterators with it_type_expr} in
-  it.it_module_type it mty;
-  it.it_module_type unmark_iterators mty
+  let it = {super with it_do_type_expr} in
+  it.it_module_type it mty
+  end
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/oprint.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/oprint.ml
index 57897a19fd..8b2d7c4e8c 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/oprint.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/oprint.ml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 open Outcometree
 exception Ellipsis
@@ -37,28 +37,9 @@ let rec print_ident ppf =
 let out_ident = ref print_ident
-(* Check a character matches the [identchar_latin1] class from the lexer *)
-let is_ident_char c =
-  match c with
-  | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '_' | '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246'
-  | '\248'..'\255' | '\'' | '0'..'9' -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let all_ident_chars s =
-  let rec loop s len i =
-    if i < len then begin
-      if is_ident_char s.[i] then loop s len (i+1)
-      else false
-    end else begin
-      true
-    end
-  in
-  let len = String.length s in
-  loop s len 0
 let parenthesized_ident name =
   (List.mem name ["or"; "mod"; "land"; "lor"; "lxor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "asr"])
-  || not (all_ident_chars name)
+  || not (Misc.Utf8_lexeme.is_valid_identifier name)
 let value_ident ppf name =
   if parenthesized_ident name then
@@ -162,6 +143,9 @@ let print_constr ppf name =
     (* despite being keywords, these are constructor names
        and should not be escaped *)
     fprintf ppf "%s" c
+  | Oide_dot (id, ("true"|"false" as s)) ->
+      (* Similarly, M.true is invalid *)
+      fprintf ppf "%a.(%s)" print_ident id s
   | _ -> print_ident ppf name
 let print_out_value ppf tree =
@@ -249,7 +233,7 @@ let print_out_value ppf tree =
   cautious print_tree_1 ppf tree
-let out_value = ref print_out_value
+let out_value = ref (compat print_out_value)
 (* Types *)
@@ -267,7 +251,7 @@ let rec print_list pr sep ppf =
 let pr_present =
   print_list (fun ppf s -> fprintf ppf "`%s" s) (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")
-let pr_var = Pprintast.tyvar
+let pr_var = Pprintast.Doc.tyvar
 let ty_var ~non_gen ppf s =
   pr_var ppf (if non_gen then "_" ^ s else s)
@@ -404,10 +388,13 @@ and print_typargs ppf =
       pp_print_char ppf ')';
       pp_close_box ppf ();
       pp_print_space ppf ()
-and print_out_label ppf (name, mut, arg) =
-  fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%a :@ %a@];" (if mut then "mutable " else "")
-    print_lident name
-    print_out_type arg
+and print_out_label ppf {olab_name; olab_mut; olab_type} =
+  fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%a :@ %a@];"
+    (match olab_mut with
+     | Mutable -> "mutable "
+     | Immutable -> "")
+    print_lident olab_name
+    print_out_type olab_type
 let out_label = ref print_out_label
@@ -555,7 +542,7 @@ and print_out_functor_parameters ppf l =
           print_args l
     | _ :: _ as non_anonymous_functor ->
         let args, anons = split_anon_functor_arguments non_anonymous_functor in
-        fprintf ppf "@[<2>functor@ %a@]@ ->@ %a"
+        fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@ ->@ %a"
           (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_space print_nonanon_arg) args
           print_args anons
@@ -814,6 +801,8 @@ let _ = out_functor_parameters := print_out_functor_parameters
 (* Phrases *)
+open Format
 let print_out_exception ppf exn outv =
   match exn with
     Sys.Break -> fprintf ppf "Interrupted.@."
@@ -848,23 +837,26 @@ let rec print_items ppf =
           otyext_constructors = exts;
           otyext_private = ext.oext_private }
-        fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" !out_type_extension te;
+        fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" (Format_doc.compat !out_type_extension) te;
         if items <> [] then fprintf ppf "@ %a" print_items items
   | (tree, valopt) :: items ->
       begin match valopt with
         Some v ->
-          fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" !out_sig_item tree
+          fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" (Format_doc.compat !out_sig_item) tree
             !out_value v
-      | None -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" !out_sig_item tree
+      | None -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" (Format_doc.compat !out_sig_item) tree
       if items <> [] then fprintf ppf "@ %a" print_items items
 let print_out_phrase ppf =
     Ophr_eval (outv, ty) ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[- : %a@ =@ %a@]@." !out_type ty !out_value outv
+      fprintf ppf "@[- : %a@ =@ %a@]@." (compat !out_type) ty !out_value outv
   | Ophr_signature [] -> ()
   | Ophr_signature items -> fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]@." print_items items
   | Ophr_exception (exn, outv) -> print_out_exception ppf exn outv
 let out_phrase = ref print_out_phrase
+type 'a printer = 'a Format_doc.printer ref
+type 'a toplevel_printer = (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ref
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/oprint.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/oprint.mli
index 31dad9a906..8ce44f37ee 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/oprint.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/oprint.mli
@@ -13,24 +13,24 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-open Format
 open Outcometree
-val out_ident : (formatter -> out_ident -> unit) ref
-val out_value : (formatter -> out_value -> unit) ref
-val out_label : (formatter -> string * bool * out_type -> unit) ref
-val out_type : (formatter -> out_type -> unit) ref
-val out_type_args : (formatter -> out_type list -> unit) ref
-val out_constr : (formatter -> out_constructor -> unit) ref
-val out_class_type : (formatter -> out_class_type -> unit) ref
-val out_module_type : (formatter -> out_module_type -> unit) ref
-val out_sig_item : (formatter -> out_sig_item -> unit) ref
-val out_signature : (formatter -> out_sig_item list -> unit) ref
+type 'a printer = 'a Format_doc.printer ref
+type 'a toplevel_printer = (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ref
+val out_ident: out_ident printer
+val out_value : out_value toplevel_printer
+val out_label : out_label printer
+val out_type : out_type printer
+val out_type_args : out_type list printer
+val out_constr : out_constructor printer
+val out_class_type : out_class_type printer
+val out_module_type : out_module_type printer
+val out_sig_item : out_sig_item printer
+val out_signature :out_sig_item list printer
 val out_functor_parameters :
-  (formatter ->
-   (string option * Outcometree.out_module_type) option list -> unit)
-    ref
-val out_type_extension : (formatter -> out_type_extension -> unit) ref
-val out_phrase : (formatter -> out_phrase -> unit) ref
+  (string option * Outcometree.out_module_type) option list printer
+val out_type_extension : out_type_extension printer
+val out_phrase : out_phrase toplevel_printer
 val parenthesized_ident : string -> bool
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/out_type.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/out_type.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..356f8fc8a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/out_type.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1969 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Xavier Leroy and Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Compute a spanning tree representation of types *)
+open Misc
+open Ctype
+open Longident
+open Path
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Btype
+open Outcometree
+module Sig_component_kind = Shape.Sig_component_kind
+module Style = Misc.Style
+(* Print a long identifier *)
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+open Format_doc
+(* Print an identifier avoiding name collisions *)
+module Out_name = struct
+  let create x = { printed_name = x }
+  let print x = x.printed_name
+(** Some identifiers may require hiding when printing *)
+type bound_ident = { hide:bool; ident:Ident.t }
+(* printing environment for path shortening and naming *)
+let printing_env = ref Env.empty
+(* When printing, it is important to only observe the
+   current printing environment, without reading any new
+   cmi present on the file system *)
+let in_printing_env f = Env.without_cmis f !printing_env
+ type namespace = Sig_component_kind.t =
+    | Value
+    | Type
+    | Constructor
+    | Label
+    | Module
+    | Module_type
+    | Extension_constructor
+    | Class
+    | Class_type
+module Namespace = struct
+  let id = function
+    | Type -> 0
+    | Module -> 1
+    | Module_type -> 2
+    | Class -> 3
+    | Class_type -> 4
+    | Extension_constructor | Value | Constructor | Label -> 5
+     (* we do not handle those component *)
+  let size = 1 + id Value
+  let pp ppf x =
+    Fmt.pp_print_string ppf (Shape.Sig_component_kind.to_string x)
+  (** The two functions below should never access the filesystem,
+      and thus use {!in_printing_env} rather than directly
+      accessing the printing environment *)
+  let lookup =
+    let to_lookup f lid = fst @@ in_printing_env (f (Lident lid)) in
+    function
+    | Some Type -> to_lookup Env.find_type_by_name
+    | Some Module -> to_lookup Env.find_module_by_name
+    | Some Module_type -> to_lookup Env.find_modtype_by_name
+    | Some Class -> to_lookup Env.find_class_by_name
+    | Some Class_type -> to_lookup Env.find_cltype_by_name
+    | None | Some(Value|Extension_constructor|Constructor|Label) ->
+         fun _ -> raise Not_found
+  let location namespace id =
+    let path = Path.Pident id in
+    try Some (
+        match namespace with
+        | Some Type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_type path).type_loc
+        | Some Module -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_module path).md_loc
+        | Some Module_type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_modtype path).mtd_loc
+        | Some Class -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_class path).cty_loc
+        | Some Class_type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_cltype path).clty_loc
+        | Some (Extension_constructor|Value|Constructor|Label) | None ->
+            Location.none
+      ) with Not_found -> None
+  let best_class_namespace = function
+    | Papply _ | Pdot _ -> Some Module
+    | Pextra_ty _ -> assert false (* Only in type path *)
+    | Pident c ->
+        match location (Some Class) c with
+        | Some _ -> Some Class
+        | None -> Some Class_type
+(** {2 Ident conflicts printing}
+  Ident conflicts arise when multiple {!Ident.t}s are attributed the same name.
+  The following module stores the global conflict references and provides the
+  printing functions for explaining the source of the conflicts.
+module Ident_conflicts = struct
+  module M = String.Map
+  type explanation =
+    { kind: namespace; name:string; root_name:string; location:Location.t}
+  let explanations = ref M.empty
+  let add namespace name id =
+    match Namespace.location (Some namespace) id with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some location ->
+        let explanation =
+          { kind = namespace; location; name; root_name=Ident.name id}
+        in
+        explanations := M.add name explanation !explanations
+  let collect_explanation namespace id ~name =
+    let root_name = Ident.name id in
+    (* if [name] is of the form "root_name/%d", we register both
+      [id] and the identifier in scope for [root_name].
+     *)
+    if root_name <> name && not (M.mem name !explanations) then
+      begin
+        add namespace name id;
+        if not (M.mem root_name !explanations) then
+          (* lookup the identifier in scope with name [root_name] and
+             add it too
+           *)
+          match Namespace.lookup (Some namespace) root_name with
+          | Pident root_id -> add namespace root_name root_id
+          | exception Not_found | _ -> ()
+      end
+  let pp_explanation ppf r=
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a:@,Definition of %s %a@]"
+      Location.Doc.loc r.location (Sig_component_kind.to_string r.kind)
+      Style.inline_code r.name
+  let print_located_explanations ppf l =
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]"
+      (Fmt.pp_print_list pp_explanation) l
+  let reset () = explanations := M.empty
+  let list_explanations () =
+    let c = !explanations in
+    reset ();
+    c |> M.bindings |> List.map snd |> List.sort Stdlib.compare
+  let print_toplevel_hint ppf l =
+    let conj ppf () = Fmt.fprintf ppf " and@ " in
+    let pp_namespace_plural ppf n = Fmt.fprintf ppf "%as" Namespace.pp n in
+    let root_names = List.map (fun r -> r.kind, r.root_name) l in
+    let unique_root_names = List.sort_uniq Stdlib.compare root_names in
+    let submsgs = Array.make Namespace.size [] in
+    let () = List.iter (fun (n,_ as x) ->
+        submsgs.(Namespace.id n) <- x :: submsgs.(Namespace.id n)
+      )  unique_root_names in
+    let pp_submsg ppf names =
+      match names with
+      | [] -> ()
+      | [namespace, a] ->
+          Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "@,\
+         @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a has been defined multiple times@ \
+         in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
+         Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ this@ %a.\
+         @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
+        Namespace.pp namespace
+        Style.inline_code a Namespace.pp namespace
+      | (namespace, _) :: _ :: _ ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "@,\
+         @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a have been defined multiple times@ \
+         in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
+         Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ those@ %a.\
+         @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
+        pp_namespace_plural namespace
+        Fmt.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:conj Style.inline_code)
+        (List.map snd names)
+        pp_namespace_plural namespace in
+    Array.iter (pp_submsg ppf) submsgs
+  let err_msg () =
+    let ltop, l =
+      (* isolate toplevel locations, since they are too imprecise *)
+      let from_toplevel a =
+        a.location.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname = "//toplevel//" in
+      List.partition from_toplevel (list_explanations ())
+    in
+    match l, ltop with
+    | [], [] -> None
+    | _  ->
+        Some
+          (Fmt.doc_printf "%a%a"
+             print_located_explanations l
+             print_toplevel_hint ltop
+          )
+  let err_print ppf = Option.iter Fmt.(fprintf ppf "@,%a" pp_doc) (err_msg ())
+  let exists () = M.cardinal !explanations >0
+module Ident_names = struct
+module M = String.Map
+module S = String.Set
+let enabled = ref true
+let enable b = enabled := b
+(* Names bound in recursive definitions should be considered as bound
+   in the environment when printing identifiers but not when trying
+   to find shortest path.
+   For instance, if we define
+   [{
+   module Avoid__me = struct
+     type t = A
+   end
+   type t = X
+   type u = [` A of t * t ]
+   module M = struct
+     type t = A of [ u | `B ]
+     type r = Avoid__me.t
+   end
+  }]
+  It is is important that in the definition of [t] that the outer type [t] is
+  printed as [t/2] reserving the name [t] to the type being defined in the
+  current recursive definition.
+     Contrarily, in the definition of [r], one should not shorten the
+  path [Avoid__me.t] to [r] until the end of the definition of [r].
+  The [bound_in_recursion] bridges the gap between those two slightly different
+  notions of printing environment.
+let bound_in_recursion = ref M.empty
+(* When dealing with functor arguments, identity becomes fuzzy because the same
+   syntactic argument may be represented by different identifiers during the
+   error processing, we are thus disabling disambiguation on the argument name
+let fuzzy = ref S.empty
+let with_fuzzy id f =
+  protect_refs [ R(fuzzy, S.add (Ident.name id) !fuzzy) ] f
+let fuzzy_id namespace id = namespace = Module && S.mem (Ident.name id) !fuzzy
+let with_hidden ids f =
+  let update m id = M.add (Ident.name id.ident) id.ident m in
+  let updated = List.fold_left update !bound_in_recursion ids in
+  protect_refs [ R(bound_in_recursion, updated )] f
+let human_id id index =
+  (* The identifier with index [k] is the (k+1)-th most recent identifier in
+     the printing environment. We print them as [name/(k+1)] except for [k=0]
+     which is printed as [name] rather than [name/1].
+  *)
+  if index = 0 then
+    Ident.name id
+  else
+    let ordinal = index + 1 in
+    String.concat "/" [Ident.name id; string_of_int ordinal]
+let indexed_name namespace id =
+  let find namespace id env = match namespace with
+    | Type -> Env.find_type_index id env
+    | Module -> Env.find_module_index id env
+    | Module_type -> Env.find_modtype_index id env
+    | Class -> Env.find_class_index id env
+    | Class_type-> Env.find_cltype_index id env
+    | Value | Extension_constructor | Constructor | Label -> None
+  in
+  let index =
+    match M.find_opt (Ident.name id) !bound_in_recursion with
+    | Some rec_bound_id ->
+        (* the identifier name appears in the current group of recursive
+           definition *)
+        if Ident.same rec_bound_id id then
+          Some 0
+        else
+          (* the current recursive definition shadows one more time the
+            previously existing identifier with the same name *)
+          Option.map succ (in_printing_env (find namespace id))
+    | None ->
+        in_printing_env (find namespace id)
+  in
+  let index =
+    (* If [index] is [None] at this point, it might indicate that
+       the identifier id is not defined in the environment, while there
+       are other identifiers in scope that share the same name.
+       Currently, this kind of partially incoherent environment happens
+       within functor error messages where the left and right hand side
+       have a different views of the environment at the source level.
+       Printing the source-level by using a default index of `0`
+       seems like a reasonable compromise in this situation however.*)
+    Option.value index ~default:0
+  in
+  human_id id index
+let ident_name namespace id =
+  match namespace, !enabled with
+  | None, _ | _, false -> Out_name.create (Ident.name id)
+  | Some namespace, true ->
+      if fuzzy_id namespace id then Out_name.create (Ident.name id)
+      else
+        let name = indexed_name namespace id in
+        Ident_conflicts.collect_explanation namespace id ~name;
+        Out_name.create name
+let ident_name = Ident_names.ident_name
+(* Print a path *)
+let ident_stdlib = Ident.create_persistent "Stdlib"
+let non_shadowed_stdlib namespace = function
+  | Pdot(Pident id, s) as path ->
+      Ident.same id ident_stdlib &&
+      (match Namespace.lookup namespace s with
+       | path' -> Path.same path path'
+       | exception Not_found -> true)
+  | _ -> false
+let find_double_underscore s =
+  let len = String.length s in
+  let rec loop i =
+    if i + 1 >= len then
+      None
+    else if s.[i] = '_' && s.[i + 1] = '_' then
+      Some i
+    else
+      loop (i + 1)
+  in
+  loop 0
+let rec module_path_is_an_alias_of env path ~alias_of =
+  match Env.find_module path env with
+  | { md_type = Mty_alias path'; _ } ->
+    Path.same path' alias_of ||
+    module_path_is_an_alias_of env path' ~alias_of
+  | _ -> false
+  | exception Not_found -> false
+(* Simple heuristic to print Foo__bar.* as Foo.Bar.* when Foo.Bar is an alias
+   for Foo__bar. This pattern is used by the stdlib. *)
+let rec rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p =
+  match p with
+  | Pdot (p, s) ->
+    Pdot (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p, s)
+  | Papply (a, b) ->
+    Papply (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env a,
+            rewrite_double_underscore_paths env b)
+  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) ->
+    Pextra_ty (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p, extra)
+  | Pident id ->
+    let name = Ident.name id in
+    match find_double_underscore name with
+    | None -> p
+    | Some i ->
+      let better_lid =
+        Ldot
+          (Lident (String.sub name 0 i),
+           Unit_info.modulize
+             (String.sub name (i + 2) (String.length name - i - 2)))
+      in
+      match Env.find_module_by_name better_lid env with
+      | exception Not_found -> p
+      | p', _ ->
+          if module_path_is_an_alias_of env p' ~alias_of:p then
+            p'
+          else
+          p
+let rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p =
+  if env == Env.empty then
+    p
+  else
+    rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p
+let rec tree_of_path ?(disambiguation=true) namespace p =
+  let tree_of_path namespace p = tree_of_path ~disambiguation namespace p in
+  let namespace = if disambiguation then namespace else None in
+  match p with
+  | Pident id ->
+      Oide_ident (ident_name namespace id)
+  | Pdot(_, s) as path when non_shadowed_stdlib namespace path ->
+      Oide_ident (Out_name.create s)
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      Oide_dot (tree_of_path (Some Module) p, s)
+  | Papply(p1, p2) ->
+      let t1 = tree_of_path (Some Module) p1 in
+      let t2 = tree_of_path (Some Module) p2 in
+      Oide_apply (t1, t2)
+  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) -> begin
+      (* inline record types are syntactically prevented from escaping their
+         binding scope, and are never shown to users. *)
+      match extra with
+        Pcstr_ty s ->
+          Oide_dot (tree_of_path (Some Type) p, s)
+      | Pext_ty ->
+          tree_of_path None p
+    end
+let tree_of_path ?disambiguation namespace p =
+  tree_of_path ?disambiguation namespace
+    (rewrite_double_underscore_paths !printing_env p)
+(* Print a recursive annotation *)
+let tree_of_rec = function
+  | Trec_not -> Orec_not
+  | Trec_first -> Orec_first
+  | Trec_next -> Orec_next
+(* Normalize paths *)
+type param_subst = Id | Nth of int | Map of int list
+let is_nth = function
+    Nth _ -> true
+  | _ -> false
+let compose l1 = function
+  | Id -> Map l1
+  | Map l2 -> Map (List.map (List.nth l1) l2)
+  | Nth n  -> Nth (List.nth l1 n)
+let apply_subst s1 tyl =
+  if tyl = [] then []
+  (* cf. PR#7543: Typemod.type_package doesn't respect type constructor arity *)
+  else
+    match s1 with
+      Nth n1 -> [List.nth tyl n1]
+    | Map l1 -> List.map (List.nth tyl) l1
+    | Id -> tyl
+type best_path = Paths of Path.t list | Best of Path.t
+(** Short-paths cache: the five mutable variables below implement a one-slot
+    cache for short-paths
+ *)
+let printing_old = ref Env.empty
+let printing_pers = ref String.Set.empty
+(** {!printing_old} and  {!printing_pers} are the keys of the one-slot cache *)
+let printing_depth = ref 0
+let printing_cont = ref ([] : Env.iter_cont list)
+let printing_map = ref Path.Map.empty
+   - {!printing_map} is the main value stored in the cache.
+   Note that it is evaluated lazily and its value is updated during printing.
+   - {!printing_dep} is the current exploration depth of the environment,
+   it is used to determine whenever the {!printing_map} should be evaluated
+   further before completing a request.
+   - {!printing_cont} is the list of continuations needed to evaluate
+   the {!printing_map} one level further (see also {!Env.run_iter_cont})
+let rec index l x =
+  match l with
+    [] -> raise Not_found
+  | a :: l -> if eq_type x a then 0 else 1 + index l x
+let rec uniq = function
+    [] -> true
+  | a :: l -> not (List.memq (a : int) l) && uniq l
+let rec normalize_type_path ?(cache=false) env p =
+  try
+    let (params, ty, _) = Env.find_type_expansion p env in
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tconstr (p1, tyl, _) ->
+        if List.length params = List.length tyl
+        && List.for_all2 eq_type params tyl
+        then normalize_type_path ~cache env p1
+        else if cache || List.length params <= List.length tyl
+             || not (uniq (List.map get_id tyl)) then (p, Id)
+        else
+          let l1 = List.map (index params) tyl in
+          let (p2, s2) = normalize_type_path ~cache env p1 in
+          (p2, compose l1 s2)
+    | _ ->
+        (p, Nth (index params ty))
+  with
+    Not_found ->
+      (Env.normalize_type_path None env p, Id)
+let penalty s =
+  if s <> "" && s.[0] = '_' then
+    10
+  else
+    match find_double_underscore s with
+    | None -> 1
+    | Some _ -> 10
+let rec path_size = function
+    Pident id ->
+      penalty (Ident.name id), -Ident.scope id
+  | Pdot (p, _) | Pextra_ty (p, Pcstr_ty _) ->
+      let (l, b) = path_size p in (1+l, b)
+  | Papply (p1, p2) ->
+      let (l, b) = path_size p1 in
+      (l + fst (path_size p2), b)
+  | Pextra_ty (p, _) -> path_size p
+let same_printing_env env =
+  let used_pers = Env.used_persistent () in
+  Env.same_types !printing_old env && String.Set.equal !printing_pers used_pers
+let set_printing_env env =
+  printing_env := env;
+  if !Clflags.real_paths ||
+     !printing_env == Env.empty ||
+     same_printing_env env then
+    ()
+  else begin
+    (* printf "Reset printing_map@."; *)
+    printing_old := env;
+    printing_pers := Env.used_persistent ();
+    printing_map := Path.Map.empty;
+    printing_depth := 0;
+    (* printf "Recompute printing_map.@."; *)
+    let cont =
+      Env.iter_types
+        (fun p (p', _decl) ->
+          let (p1, s1) = normalize_type_path env p' ~cache:true in
+          (* Format.eprintf "%a -> %a = %a@." path p path p' path p1 *)
+          if s1 = Id then
+          try
+            let r = Path.Map.find p1 !printing_map in
+            match !r with
+              Paths l -> r := Paths (p :: l)
+            | Best p' -> r := Paths [p; p'] (* assert false *)
+          with Not_found ->
+            printing_map := Path.Map.add p1 (ref (Paths [p])) !printing_map)
+        env in
+    printing_cont := [cont];
+  end
+let wrap_printing_env env f =
+  set_printing_env env;
+  try_finally f ~always:(fun () -> set_printing_env Env.empty)
+let wrap_printing_env ~error env f =
+  if error then Env.without_cmis (wrap_printing_env env) f
+  else wrap_printing_env env f
+let rec lid_of_path = function
+    Path.Pident id ->
+      Longident.Lident (Ident.name id)
+  | Path.Pdot (p1, s) | Path.Pextra_ty (p1, Pcstr_ty s)  ->
+      Longident.Ldot (lid_of_path p1, s)
+  | Path.Papply (p1, p2) ->
+      Longident.Lapply (lid_of_path p1, lid_of_path p2)
+  | Path.Pextra_ty (p, Pext_ty) -> lid_of_path p
+let is_unambiguous path env =
+  let l = Env.find_shadowed_types path env in
+  List.exists (Path.same path) l || (* concrete paths are ok *)
+  match l with
+    [] -> true
+  | p :: rem ->
+      (* allow also coherent paths:  *)
+      let normalize p = fst (normalize_type_path ~cache:true env p) in
+      let p' = normalize p in
+      List.for_all (fun p -> Path.same (normalize p) p') rem ||
+      (* also allow repeatedly defining and opening (for toplevel) *)
+      let id = lid_of_path p in
+      List.for_all (fun p -> lid_of_path p = id) rem &&
+      Path.same p (fst (Env.find_type_by_name id env))
+let rec get_best_path r =
+  match !r with
+    Best p' -> p'
+  | Paths [] -> raise Not_found
+  | Paths l ->
+      r := Paths [];
+      List.iter
+        (fun p ->
+          (* Format.eprintf "evaluating %a@." path p; *)
+          match !r with
+            Best p' when path_size p >= path_size p' -> ()
+          | _ -> if is_unambiguous p !printing_env then r := Best p)
+              (* else Format.eprintf "%a ignored as ambiguous@." path p *)
+        l;
+      get_best_path r
+let best_type_path p =
+  if !printing_env == Env.empty
+  then (p, Id)
+  else if !Clflags.real_paths
+  then (p, Id)
+  else
+    let (p', s) = normalize_type_path !printing_env p in
+    let get_path () = get_best_path (Path.Map.find  p' !printing_map) in
+    while !printing_cont <> [] &&
+      try fst (path_size (get_path ())) > !printing_depth with Not_found -> true
+    do
+      printing_cont := List.map snd (Env.run_iter_cont !printing_cont);
+      incr printing_depth;
+    done;
+    let p'' = try get_path () with Not_found -> p' in
+    (* Format.eprintf "%a = %a -> %a@." path p path p' path p''; *)
+    (p'', s)
+(* When building a tree for a best type path, we should not disambiguate
+   identifiers whenever the short-path algorithm detected a better path than
+   the original one.*)
+let tree_of_best_type_path p p' =
+  if Path.same p p' then tree_of_path (Some Type) p'
+  else tree_of_path ~disambiguation:false None p'
+(* Print a type expression *)
+let proxy ty = Transient_expr.repr (proxy ty)
+(* When printing a type scheme, we print weak names.  When printing a plain
+   type, we do not.  This type controls that behavior *)
+type type_or_scheme = Type | Type_scheme
+let is_non_gen mode ty =
+  match mode with
+  | Type_scheme -> is_Tvar ty && get_level ty <> generic_level
+  | Type        -> false
+let nameable_row row =
+  row_name row <> None &&
+  List.for_all
+    (fun (_, f) ->
+       match row_field_repr f with
+       | Reither(c, l, _) ->
+           row_closed row && if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1
+       | _ -> true)
+    (row_fields row)
+(* This specialized version of [Btype.iter_type_expr] normalizes and
+   short-circuits the traversal of the [type_expr], so that it covers only the
+   subterms that would be printed by the type printer. *)
+let printer_iter_type_expr f ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr(p, tyl, _) ->
+      let (_p', s) = best_type_path p in
+      List.iter f (apply_subst s tyl)
+  | Tvariant row -> begin
+      match row_name row with
+      | Some(_p, tyl) when nameable_row row ->
+          List.iter f tyl
+      | _ ->
+          iter_row f row
+    end
+  | Tobject (fi, nm) -> begin
+      match !nm with
+      | None ->
+          let fields, _ = flatten_fields fi in
+          List.iter
+            (fun (_, kind, ty) ->
+               if field_kind_repr kind = Fpublic then
+                 f ty)
+            fields
+      | Some (_, l) ->
+          List.iter f (List.tl l)
+    end
+  | Tfield(_, kind, ty1, ty2) ->
+      if field_kind_repr kind = Fpublic then
+        f ty1;
+      f ty2
+  | _ ->
+      Btype.iter_type_expr f ty
+let quoted_ident ppf x =
+  Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident ppf x
+module Internal_names : sig
+  val reset : unit -> unit
+  val add : Path.t -> unit
+  val print_explanations : Env.t -> Fmt.formatter -> unit
+end = struct
+  let names = ref Ident.Set.empty
+  let reset () =
+    names := Ident.Set.empty
+  let add p =
+    match p with
+    | Pident id ->
+        let name = Ident.name id in
+        if String.length name > 0 && name.[0] = '$' then begin
+          names := Ident.Set.add id !names
+        end
+    | Pdot _ | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> ()
+  let print_explanations env ppf =
+    let constrs =
+      Ident.Set.fold
+        (fun id acc ->
+          let p = Pident id in
+          match Env.find_type p env with
+          | exception Not_found -> acc
+          | decl ->
+              match type_origin decl with
+              | Existential constr ->
+                  let prev = String.Map.find_opt constr acc in
+                  let prev = Option.value ~default:[] prev in
+                  String.Map.add constr (tree_of_path None p :: prev) acc
+              | Definition | Rec_check_regularity -> acc)
+        !names String.Map.empty
+    in
+    String.Map.iter
+      (fun constr out_idents ->
+        match out_idents with
+        | [] -> ()
+        | [out_ident] ->
+            fprintf ppf
+              "@ @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}:@ %a@ is an existential type@ \
+               bound by the constructor@ %a.@]"
+              quoted_ident out_ident
+              Style.inline_code constr
+        | out_ident :: out_idents ->
+            fprintf ppf
+              "@ @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}:@ %a@ and %a@ are existential types@ \
+               bound by the constructor@ %a.@]"
+              (Fmt.pp_print_list
+                 ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf ",@ ")
+                 quoted_ident)
+              (List.rev out_idents)
+              quoted_ident out_ident
+              Style.inline_code constr)
+      constrs
+module Variable_names : sig
+  val reset_names : unit -> unit
+  val add_subst : (type_expr * type_expr) list -> unit
+  val new_name : unit -> string
+  val new_var_name : non_gen:bool -> type_expr -> unit -> string
+  val name_of_type : (unit -> string) -> transient_expr -> string
+  val check_name_of_type : non_gen:bool -> transient_expr -> unit
+  val reserve: type_expr -> unit
+  val remove_names : transient_expr list -> unit
+  val with_local_names : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+  (* Refresh the weak variable map in the toplevel; for [print_items], which is
+     itself for the toplevel *)
+  val refresh_weak : unit -> unit
+end = struct
+  (* We map from types to names, but not directly; we also store a substitution,
+     which maps from types to types.  The lookup process is
+     "type -> apply substitution -> find name".  The substitution is presumed to
+     be one-shot. *)
+  let names = ref ([] : (transient_expr * string) list)
+  let name_subst = ref ([] : (transient_expr * transient_expr) list)
+  let name_counter = ref 0
+  let named_vars = ref ([] : string list)
+  let visited_for_named_vars = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+  let weak_counter = ref 1
+  let weak_var_map = ref TypeMap.empty
+  let named_weak_vars = ref String.Set.empty
+  let reset_names () =
+    names := [];
+    name_subst := [];
+    name_counter := 0;
+    named_vars := [];
+    visited_for_named_vars := []
+  let add_named_var tty =
+    match tty.desc with
+      Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
+        if List.mem name !named_vars then () else
+        named_vars := name :: !named_vars
+    | _ -> ()
+  let rec add_named_vars ty =
+    let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+    let px = proxy ty in
+    if not (List.memq px !visited_for_named_vars) then begin
+      visited_for_named_vars := px :: !visited_for_named_vars;
+      match tty.desc with
+      | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ ->
+          add_named_var tty
+      | _ ->
+          printer_iter_type_expr add_named_vars ty
+    end
+  let substitute ty =
+    match List.assq ty !name_subst with
+    | ty' -> ty'
+    | exception Not_found -> ty
+  let add_subst subst =
+    name_subst :=
+      List.map (fun (t1,t2) -> Transient_expr.repr t1, Transient_expr.repr t2)
+        subst
+      @ !name_subst
+  let name_is_already_used name =
+    List.mem name !named_vars
+    || List.exists (fun (_, name') -> name = name') !names
+    || String.Set.mem name !named_weak_vars
+  let rec new_name () =
+    let name = Misc.letter_of_int !name_counter in
+    incr name_counter;
+    if name_is_already_used name then new_name () else name
+  let rec new_weak_name ty () =
+    let name = "weak" ^ Int.to_string !weak_counter in
+    incr weak_counter;
+    if name_is_already_used name then new_weak_name ty ()
+    else begin
+        named_weak_vars := String.Set.add name !named_weak_vars;
+        weak_var_map := TypeMap.add ty name !weak_var_map;
+        name
+      end
+  let new_var_name ~non_gen ty () =
+    if non_gen then new_weak_name ty ()
+    else new_name ()
+  let name_of_type name_generator t =
+    (* We've already been through repr at this stage, so t is our representative
+       of the union-find class. *)
+    let t = substitute t in
+    try List.assq t !names with Not_found ->
+      try TransientTypeMap.find t !weak_var_map with Not_found ->
+      let name =
+        match t.desc with
+          Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
+            (* Some part of the type we've already printed has assigned another
+             * unification variable to that name. We want to keep the name, so
+             * try adding a number until we find a name that's not taken. *)
+            let available name =
+              List.for_all
+                (fun (_, name') -> name <> name')
+                !names
+            in
+            if available name then name
+            else
+              let suffixed i = name ^ Int.to_string i in
+              let i = Misc.find_first_mono (fun i -> available (suffixed i)) in
+              suffixed i
+        | _ ->
+            (* No name available, create a new one *)
+            name_generator ()
+      in
+      (* Exception for type declarations *)
+      if name <> "_" then names := (t, name) :: !names;
+      name
+  let check_name_of_type ~non_gen px =
+    let name_gen = new_var_name ~non_gen (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
+    ignore(name_of_type name_gen px)
+  let remove_names tyl =
+    let tyl = List.map substitute tyl in
+    names := List.filter (fun (ty,_) -> not (List.memq ty tyl)) !names
+  let with_local_names f =
+    let old_names = !names in
+    let old_subst = !name_subst in
+    names      := [];
+    name_subst := [];
+    try_finally
+      ~always:(fun () ->
+        names      := old_names;
+        name_subst := old_subst)
+      f
+  let refresh_weak () =
+    let refresh t name (m,s) =
+      if is_non_gen Type_scheme t then
+        begin
+          TypeMap.add t name m,
+          String.Set.add name s
+        end
+      else m, s in
+    let m, s =
+      TypeMap.fold refresh !weak_var_map (TypeMap.empty ,String.Set.empty) in
+    named_weak_vars := s;
+    weak_var_map := m
+  let reserve ty =
+    normalize_type ty;
+    add_named_vars ty
+module Aliases = struct
+  let visited_objects = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+  let aliased = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+  let delayed = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+  let printed_aliases = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+(* [printed_aliases] is a subset of [aliased] that records only those aliased
+   types that have actually been printed; this allows us to avoid naming loops
+   that the user will never see. *)
+  let is_delayed t = List.memq t !delayed
+  let remove_delay t =
+    if is_delayed t then
+      delayed := List.filter ((!=) t) !delayed
+  let add_delayed t =
+    if not (is_delayed t) then delayed := t :: !delayed
+  let is_aliased_proxy px = List.memq px !aliased
+  let is_printed_proxy px = List.memq px !printed_aliases
+  let add_proxy px =
+    if not (is_aliased_proxy px) then
+      aliased := px :: !aliased
+  let add ty = add_proxy (proxy ty)
+  let add_printed_proxy ~non_gen px =
+    Variable_names.check_name_of_type ~non_gen px;
+    printed_aliases := px :: !printed_aliases
+  let mark_as_printed px =
+     if is_aliased_proxy px then (add_printed_proxy ~non_gen:false) px
+  let add_printed ty = add_printed_proxy (proxy ty)
+  let aliasable ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tpoly _ -> false
+    | Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
+        not (is_nth (snd (best_type_path p)))
+    | _ -> true
+  let should_visit_object ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvariant row -> not (static_row row)
+    | Tobject _ -> opened_object ty
+    | _ -> false
+  let rec mark_loops_rec visited ty =
+    let px = proxy ty in
+    if List.memq px visited && aliasable ty then add_proxy px else
+      let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+      let visited = px :: visited in
+      match tty.desc with
+      | Tvariant _ | Tobject _ ->
+          if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_proxy px else begin
+            if should_visit_object ty then
+              visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
+            printer_iter_type_expr (mark_loops_rec visited) ty
+          end
+      | Tpoly(ty, tyl) ->
+          List.iter add tyl;
+          mark_loops_rec visited ty
+      | _ ->
+          printer_iter_type_expr (mark_loops_rec visited) ty
+  let mark_loops ty =
+    mark_loops_rec [] ty
+  let reset () =
+    visited_objects := []; aliased := []; delayed := []; printed_aliases := []
+let prepare_type ty =
+  Variable_names.reserve ty;
+  Aliases.mark_loops ty
+let reset_except_conflicts () =
+  Variable_names.reset_names (); Aliases.reset (); Internal_names.reset ()
+let reset () =
+  Ident_conflicts.reset ();
+  reset_except_conflicts ()
+let prepare_for_printing tyl =
+  reset_except_conflicts ();
+  List.iter prepare_type tyl
+let add_type_to_preparation = prepare_type
+(* Disabled in classic mode when printing an unification error *)
+let print_labels = ref true
+let with_labels b f = Misc.protect_refs [R (print_labels,b)] f
+let alias_nongen_row mode px ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvariant _ | Tobject _ ->
+        if is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) then
+          Aliases.add_proxy px
+    | _ -> ()
+let rec tree_of_typexp mode ty =
+  let px = proxy ty in
+  if Aliases.is_printed_proxy px && not (Aliases.is_delayed px) then
+   let non_gen = is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
+   let name = Variable_names.(name_of_type (new_var_name ~non_gen ty)) px in
+   Otyp_var (non_gen, name) else
+  let pr_typ () =
+    let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+    match tty.desc with
+    | Tvar _ ->
+        let non_gen = is_non_gen mode ty in
+        let name_gen = Variable_names.new_var_name ~non_gen ty in
+        Otyp_var (non_gen, Variable_names.name_of_type name_gen tty)
+    | Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2, _) ->
+        let lab =
+          if !print_labels || is_optional l then l else Nolabel
+        in
+        let t1 =
+          if is_optional l then
+            match get_desc ty1 with
+            | Tconstr(path, [ty], _)
+              when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
+                tree_of_typexp mode ty
+            | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>"
+          else tree_of_typexp mode ty1 in
+        Otyp_arrow (lab, t1, tree_of_typexp mode ty2)
+    | Ttuple tyl ->
+        Otyp_tuple (tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
+    | Tconstr(p, tyl, _abbrev) ->
+        let p', s = best_type_path p in
+        let tyl' = apply_subst s tyl in
+        if is_nth s && not (tyl'=[])
+        then tree_of_typexp mode (List.hd tyl')
+        else begin
+          Internal_names.add p';
+          Otyp_constr (tree_of_best_type_path p p', tree_of_typlist mode tyl')
+        end
+    | Tvariant row ->
+        let Row {fields; name; closed; _} = row_repr row in
+        let fields =
+          if closed then
+            List.filter (fun (_, f) -> row_field_repr f <> Rabsent)
+              fields
+          else fields in
+        let present =
+          List.filter
+            (fun (_, f) ->
+               match row_field_repr f with
+               | Rpresent _ -> true
+               | _ -> false)
+            fields in
+        let all_present = List.length present = List.length fields in
+        begin match name with
+        | Some(p, tyl) when nameable_row row ->
+            let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
+            let id = tree_of_best_type_path p p' in
+            let args = tree_of_typlist mode (apply_subst s tyl) in
+            let out_variant =
+              if is_nth s then List.hd args else Otyp_constr (id, args) in
+            if closed && all_present then
+              out_variant
+            else
+              let tags =
+                if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
+              Otyp_variant (Ovar_typ out_variant, closed, tags)
+        | _ ->
+            let fields = List.map (tree_of_row_field mode) fields in
+            let tags =
+              if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
+            Otyp_variant (Ovar_fields fields, closed, tags)
+        end
+    | Tobject (fi, nm) ->
+        tree_of_typobject mode fi !nm
+    | Tnil | Tfield _ ->
+        tree_of_typobject mode ty None
+    | Tsubst _ ->
+        (* This case should only happen when debugging the compiler *)
+        Otyp_stuff "<Tsubst>"
+    | Tlink _ ->
+        fatal_error "Out_type.tree_of_typexp"
+    | Tpoly (ty, []) ->
+        tree_of_typexp mode ty
+    | Tpoly (ty, tyl) ->
+        (*let print_names () =
+          List.iter (fun (_, name) -> prerr_string (name ^ " ")) !names;
+          prerr_string "; " in *)
+        if tyl = [] then tree_of_typexp mode ty else begin
+          let tyl = List.map Transient_expr.repr tyl in
+          let old_delayed = !Aliases.delayed in
+          (* Make the names delayed, so that the real type is
+             printed once when used as proxy *)
+          List.iter Aliases.add_delayed tyl;
+          let tl = List.map Variable_names.(name_of_type new_name) tyl in
+          let tr = Otyp_poly (tl, tree_of_typexp mode ty) in
+          (* Forget names when we leave scope *)
+          Variable_names.remove_names tyl;
+          Aliases.delayed := old_delayed; tr
+        end
+    | Tunivar _ ->
+        Otyp_var (false, Variable_names.(name_of_type new_name) tty)
+    | Tpackage (p, fl) ->
+        let fl =
+          List.map
+            (fun (li, ty) -> (
+              String.concat "." (Longident.flatten li),
+              tree_of_typexp mode ty
+            )) fl in
+        Otyp_module (tree_of_path (Some Module_type) p, fl)
+  in
+  Aliases.remove_delay px;
+  alias_nongen_row mode px ty;
+  if Aliases.(is_aliased_proxy px && aliasable ty) then begin
+    let non_gen = is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
+    Aliases.add_printed_proxy ~non_gen px;
+    (* add_printed_alias chose a name, thus the name generator
+       doesn't matter.*)
+    let alias = Variable_names.(name_of_type (new_var_name ~non_gen ty)) px in
+    Otyp_alias {non_gen;  aliased = pr_typ (); alias } end
+  else pr_typ ()
+and tree_of_row_field mode (l, f) =
+  match row_field_repr f with
+  | Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _) -> (l, false, [])
+  | Rpresent(Some ty) -> (l, false, [tree_of_typexp mode ty])
+  | Reither(c, tyl, _) ->
+      if c (* contradiction: constant constructor with an argument *)
+      then (l, true, tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
+      else (l, false, tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
+  | Rabsent -> (l, false, [] (* actually, an error *))
+and tree_of_typlist mode tyl =
+  List.map (tree_of_typexp mode) tyl
+and tree_of_typobject mode fi nm =
+  begin match nm with
+  | None ->
+      let pr_fields fi =
+        let (fields, rest) = flatten_fields fi in
+        let present_fields =
+          List.fold_right
+            (fun (n, k, t) l ->
+               match field_kind_repr k with
+               | Fpublic -> (n, t) :: l
+               | _ -> l)
+            fields [] in
+        let sorted_fields =
+          List.sort
+            (fun (n, _) (n', _) -> String.compare n n') present_fields in
+        tree_of_typfields mode rest sorted_fields in
+      let (fields, open_row) = pr_fields fi in
+      Otyp_object {fields; open_row}
+  | Some (p, _ty :: tyl) ->
+      let args = tree_of_typlist mode tyl in
+      let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
+      assert (s = Id);
+      Otyp_class (tree_of_best_type_path p p', args)
+  | _ ->
+      fatal_error "Out_type.tree_of_typobject"
+  end
+and tree_of_typfields mode rest = function
+  | [] ->
+      let open_row =
+        match get_desc rest with
+        | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tconstr _-> true
+        | Tnil -> false
+        | _ -> fatal_error "typfields (1)"
+      in
+      ([], open_row)
+  | (s, t) :: l ->
+      let field = (s, tree_of_typexp mode t) in
+      let (fields, rest) = tree_of_typfields mode rest l in
+      (field :: fields, rest)
+let typexp mode ppf ty =
+  !Oprint.out_type ppf (tree_of_typexp mode ty)
+let prepared_type_expr ppf ty = typexp Type ppf ty
+(* "Half-prepared" type expression: [ty] should have had its names reserved, but
+   should not have had its loops marked. *)
+let type_expr_with_reserved_names ppf ty =
+  Aliases.reset ();
+  Aliases.mark_loops ty;
+  prepared_type_expr ppf ty
+let prepared_type_scheme ppf ty = typexp Type_scheme ppf ty
+(* Print one type declaration *)
+let tree_of_constraints params =
+  List.fold_right
+    (fun ty list ->
+       let ty' = unalias ty in
+       if proxy ty != proxy ty' then
+         let tr = tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty in
+         (tr, tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty') :: list
+       else list)
+    params []
+let filter_params tyl =
+  let params =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun tyl ty ->
+        if List.exists (eq_type ty) tyl
+        then newty2 ~level:generic_level (Ttuple [ty]) :: tyl
+        else ty :: tyl)
+      (* Two parameters might be identical due to a constraint but we need to
+         print them differently in order to make the output syntactically valid.
+         We use [Ttuple [ty]] because it is printed as [ty]. *)
+      (* Replacing fold_left by fold_right does not work! *)
+      [] tyl
+  in List.rev params
+let prepare_type_constructor_arguments = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter prepare_type l
+  | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> prepare_type l.ld_type) l
+let tree_of_label l =
+  {
+    olab_name = Ident.name l.ld_id;
+    olab_mut = l.ld_mutable;
+    olab_type = tree_of_typexp Type l.ld_type;
+  }
+let tree_of_constructor_arguments = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> tree_of_typlist Type l
+  | Cstr_record l -> [ Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label l) ]
+let tree_of_single_constructor cd =
+  let name = Ident.name cd.cd_id in
+  let ret = Option.map (tree_of_typexp Type) cd.cd_res in
+  let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments cd.cd_args in
+  {
+      ocstr_name = name;
+      ocstr_args = args;
+      ocstr_return_type = ret;
+  }
+(* When printing GADT constructor, we need to forget the naming decision we took
+  for the type parameters and constraints. Indeed, in
+  {[
+  type 'a t = X: 'a -> 'b t
+   ]}
+  It is fine to print both the type parameter ['a] and the existentially
+  quantified ['a] in the definition of the constructor X as ['a]
+ *)
+let tree_of_constructor_in_decl cd =
+  match cd.cd_res with
+  | None -> tree_of_single_constructor cd
+  | Some _ ->
+      Variable_names.with_local_names (fun () -> tree_of_single_constructor cd)
+let prepare_decl id decl =
+  let params = filter_params decl.type_params in
+  begin match decl.type_manifest with
+  | Some ty ->
+      let vars = free_variables ty in
+      List.iter
+        (fun ty ->
+          if get_desc ty = Tvar (Some "_") && List.exists (eq_type ty) vars
+          then set_type_desc ty (Tvar None))
+        params
+  | None -> ()
+  end;
+  List.iter Aliases.add params;
+  List.iter prepare_type params;
+  List.iter (Aliases.add_printed ~non_gen:false) params;
+  let ty_manifest =
+    match decl.type_manifest with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some ty ->
+        let ty =
+          (* Special hack to hide variant name *)
+          match get_desc ty with
+            Tvariant row ->
+              begin match row_name row with
+                Some (Pident id', _) when Ident.same id id' ->
+                  newgenty (Tvariant (set_row_name row None))
+              | _ -> ty
+              end
+          | _ -> ty
+        in
+        prepare_type ty;
+        Some ty
+  in
+  begin match decl.type_kind with
+  | Type_abstract _ -> ()
+  | Type_variant (cstrs, _rep) ->
+      List.iter
+        (fun c ->
+           prepare_type_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
+           Option.iter prepare_type c.cd_res)
+        cstrs
+  | Type_record(l, _rep) ->
+      List.iter (fun l -> prepare_type l.ld_type) l
+  | Type_open -> ()
+  end;
+  ty_manifest, params
+let tree_of_type_decl id decl =
+  let ty_manifest, params = prepare_decl id decl in
+  let type_param ot_variance =
+    function
+    | Otyp_var (ot_non_gen, ot_name) -> {ot_non_gen; ot_name; ot_variance}
+    | _ -> {ot_non_gen=false; ot_name="?"; ot_variance}
+  in
+  let type_defined decl =
+    let abstr =
+      match decl.type_kind with
+        Type_abstract _ ->
+          decl.type_manifest = None || decl.type_private = Private
+      | Type_record _ ->
+          decl.type_private = Private
+      | Type_variant (tll, _rep) ->
+          decl.type_private = Private ||
+          List.exists (fun cd -> cd.cd_res <> None) tll
+      | Type_open ->
+          decl.type_manifest = None
+    in
+    let vari =
+      List.map2
+        (fun ty v ->
+          let is_var = is_Tvar ty in
+          if abstr || not is_var then
+            let inj =
+              type_kind_is_abstract decl && Variance.mem Inj v &&
+              match decl.type_manifest with
+              | None -> true
+              | Some ty -> (* only abstract or private row types *)
+                  decl.type_private = Private &&
+                  Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true (Btype.row_of_type ty)
+            and (co, cn) = Variance.get_upper v in
+            (if not cn then Covariant else
+             if not co then Contravariant else NoVariance),
+            (if inj then Injective else NoInjectivity)
+          else (NoVariance, NoInjectivity))
+        decl.type_params decl.type_variance
+    in
+    (Ident.name id,
+     List.map2 (fun ty cocn -> type_param cocn (tree_of_typexp Type ty))
+       params vari)
+  in
+  let tree_of_manifest ty1 =
+    match ty_manifest with
+    | None -> ty1
+    | Some ty -> Otyp_manifest (tree_of_typexp Type ty, ty1)
+  in
+  let (name, args) = type_defined decl in
+  let constraints = tree_of_constraints params in
+  let ty, priv, unboxed =
+    match decl.type_kind with
+    | Type_abstract _ ->
+        begin match ty_manifest with
+        | None -> (Otyp_abstract, Public, false)
+        | Some ty ->
+            tree_of_typexp Type ty, decl.type_private, false
+        end
+    | Type_variant (cstrs, rep) ->
+        tree_of_manifest
+          (Otyp_sum (List.map tree_of_constructor_in_decl cstrs)),
+        decl.type_private,
+        (rep = Variant_unboxed)
+    | Type_record(lbls, rep) ->
+        tree_of_manifest (Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label lbls)),
+        decl.type_private,
+        (match rep with Record_unboxed _ -> true | _ -> false)
+    | Type_open ->
+        tree_of_manifest Otyp_open,
+        decl.type_private,
+        false
+  in
+    { otype_name = name;
+      otype_params = args;
+      otype_type = ty;
+      otype_private = priv;
+      otype_immediate = Type_immediacy.of_attributes decl.type_attributes;
+      otype_unboxed = unboxed;
+      otype_cstrs = constraints }
+let add_type_decl_to_preparation id decl =
+   ignore @@ prepare_decl id decl
+let tree_of_prepared_type_decl id decl =
+  tree_of_type_decl id decl
+let tree_of_type_decl id decl =
+  reset_except_conflicts();
+  tree_of_type_decl id decl
+let add_constructor_to_preparation c =
+  prepare_type_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
+  Option.iter prepare_type c.cd_res
+let prepared_constructor ppf c =
+  !Oprint.out_constr ppf (tree_of_single_constructor c)
+let tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs =
+  Osig_type (tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)
+let tree_of_prepared_type_declaration id decl rs =
+  Osig_type (tree_of_prepared_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)
+let add_type_declaration_to_preparation id decl =
+  add_type_decl_to_preparation id decl
+let prepared_type_declaration id ppf decl =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf
+    (tree_of_prepared_type_declaration id decl Trec_first)
+(* When printing extension constructor, it is important to ensure that
+after printing the constructor, we are still in the scope of the constructor.
+For GADT constructor, this can be done by printing the type parameters inside
+their own isolated scope. This ensures that in
+   type 'b t += A: 'b -> 'b any t
+the type parameter `'b` is not bound when printing the type variable `'b` from
+the constructor definition from the type parameter.
+Contrarily, for non-gadt constructor, we must keep the same scope for
+the type parameters and the constructor because a type constraint may
+have changed the name of the type parameter:
+type -'a t = .. constraint <x:'a. 'a t -> 'a> = 'a
+(* the universal 'a is here to steal the name 'a from the type parameter *)
+type 'a t = X of 'a
+]} *)
+let add_extension_constructor_to_preparation ext =
+  let ty_params = filter_params ext.ext_type_params in
+  List.iter Aliases.add ty_params;
+  List.iter prepare_type ty_params;
+  prepare_type_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args;
+  Option.iter prepare_type ext.ext_ret_type
+let extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree ext_args ext_ret_type =
+  let ret = Option.map (tree_of_typexp Type) ext_ret_type in
+  let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments ext_args in
+  (args, ret)
+let prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor
+   id ext es
+  =
+  let ty_name = Path.name ext.ext_type_path in
+  let ty_params = filter_params ext.ext_type_params in
+  let type_param =
+    function
+    | Otyp_var (_, id) -> id
+    | _ -> "?"
+  in
+  let param_scope f =
+    match ext.ext_ret_type with
+    | None ->
+        (* normal constructor: same scope for parameters and the constructor *)
+        f ()
+    | Some _ ->
+        (* gadt constructor: isolated scope for the type parameters *)
+        Variable_names.with_local_names f
+  in
+  let ty_params =
+    param_scope
+      (fun () ->
+         List.iter (Aliases.add_printed ~non_gen:false) ty_params;
+         List.map (fun ty -> type_param (tree_of_typexp Type ty)) ty_params
+      )
+  in
+  let name = Ident.name id in
+  let args, ret =
+    extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree
+      ext.ext_args
+      ext.ext_ret_type
+  in
+  let ext =
+    { oext_name = name;
+      oext_type_name = ty_name;
+      oext_type_params = ty_params;
+      oext_args = args;
+      oext_ret_type = ret;
+      oext_private = ext.ext_private }
+  in
+  let es =
+    match es with
+        Text_first -> Oext_first
+      | Text_next -> Oext_next
+      | Text_exception -> Oext_exception
+  in
+    Osig_typext (ext, es)
+let tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es =
+  reset_except_conflicts ();
+  add_extension_constructor_to_preparation ext;
+  prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es
+let prepared_extension_constructor id ppf ext =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf
+    (prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor id ext Text_first)
+(* Print a value declaration *)
+let tree_of_value_description id decl =
+  (* Format.eprintf "@[%a@]@." raw_type_expr decl.val_type; *)
+  let id = Ident.name id in
+  let () = prepare_for_printing [decl.val_type] in
+  let ty = tree_of_typexp Type_scheme decl.val_type in
+  let vd =
+    { oval_name = id;
+      oval_type = ty;
+      oval_prims = [];
+      oval_attributes = [] }
+  in
+  let vd =
+    match decl.val_kind with
+    | Val_prim p -> Primitive.print p vd
+    | _ -> vd
+  in
+  Osig_value vd
+(* Print a class type *)
+let method_type priv ty =
+  match priv, get_desc ty with
+  | Mpublic, Tpoly(ty, tyl) -> (ty, tyl)
+  | _ , _ -> (ty, [])
+let prepare_method _lab (priv, _virt, ty) =
+  let ty, _ = method_type priv ty in
+  prepare_type ty
+let tree_of_method mode (lab, priv, virt, ty) =
+  let (ty, tyl) = method_type priv ty in
+  let tty = tree_of_typexp mode ty in
+  Variable_names.remove_names (List.map Transient_expr.repr tyl);
+  let priv = priv <> Mpublic in
+  let virt = virt = Virtual in
+  Ocsg_method (lab, priv, virt, tty)
+let rec prepare_class_type params = function
+  | Cty_constr (_p, tyl, cty) ->
+      let row = Btype.self_type_row cty in
+      if List.memq (proxy row) !Aliases.visited_objects
+      || not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
+      || List.exists (deep_occur row) tyl
+      then prepare_class_type params cty
+      else List.iter prepare_type tyl
+  | Cty_signature sign ->
+      (* Self may have a name *)
+      let px = proxy sign.csig_self_row in
+      if List.memq px !Aliases.visited_objects then Aliases.add_proxy px
+      else Aliases.(visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects);
+      Vars.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> prepare_type ty) sign.csig_vars;
+      Meths.iter prepare_method sign.csig_meths
+  | Cty_arrow (_, ty, cty) ->
+      prepare_type ty;
+      prepare_class_type params cty
+let rec tree_of_class_type mode params =
+  function
+  | Cty_constr (p', tyl, cty) ->
+      let row = Btype.self_type_row cty in
+      if List.memq (proxy row) !Aliases.visited_objects
+      || not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
+      then
+        tree_of_class_type mode params cty
+      else
+        let namespace = Namespace.best_class_namespace p' in
+        Octy_constr (tree_of_path namespace p', tree_of_typlist Type_scheme tyl)
+  | Cty_signature sign ->
+      let px = proxy sign.csig_self_row in
+      let self_ty =
+        if Aliases.is_aliased_proxy px then
+          Some
+            (Otyp_var (false, Variable_names.(name_of_type new_name) px))
+        else None
+      in
+      let csil = [] in
+      let csil =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun csil (ty1, ty2) -> Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) :: csil)
+          csil (tree_of_constraints params)
+      in
+      let all_vars =
+        Vars.fold (fun l (m, v, t) all -> (l, m, v, t) :: all) sign.csig_vars []
+      in
+      (* Consequence of PR#3607: order of Map.fold has changed! *)
+      let all_vars = List.rev all_vars in
+      let csil =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun csil (l, m, v, t) ->
+            Ocsg_value (l, m = Mutable, v = Virtual, tree_of_typexp mode t)
+            :: csil)
+          csil all_vars
+      in
+      let all_meths =
+        Meths.fold
+          (fun l (p, v, t) all -> (l, p, v, t) :: all)
+          sign.csig_meths []
+      in
+      let all_meths = List.rev all_meths in
+      let csil =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun csil meth -> tree_of_method mode meth :: csil)
+          csil all_meths
+      in
+      Octy_signature (self_ty, List.rev csil)
+  | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
+      let lab =
+        if !print_labels || is_optional l then l else Nolabel
+      in
+      let tr =
+       if is_optional l then
+         match get_desc ty with
+         | Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
+             tree_of_typexp mode ty
+         | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>"
+       else tree_of_typexp mode ty in
+      Octy_arrow (lab, tr, tree_of_class_type mode params cty)
+let tree_of_class_param param variance =
+  let ot_variance =
+    if is_Tvar param then Asttypes.(NoVariance, NoInjectivity) else variance in
+  match tree_of_typexp Type_scheme param with
+    Otyp_var (ot_non_gen, ot_name) -> {ot_non_gen; ot_name; ot_variance}
+  | _ -> {ot_non_gen=false; ot_name="?"; ot_variance}
+let class_variance =
+  let open Variance in let open Asttypes in
+  List.map (fun v ->
+    (if not (mem May_pos v) then Contravariant else
+     if not (mem May_neg v) then Covariant else NoVariance),
+    NoInjectivity)
+let tree_of_class_declaration id cl rs =
+  let params = filter_params cl.cty_params in
+  reset_except_conflicts ();
+  List.iter Aliases.add params;
+  prepare_class_type params cl.cty_type;
+  let px = proxy (Btype.self_type_row cl.cty_type) in
+  List.iter prepare_type params;
+  List.iter (Aliases.add_printed ~non_gen:false) params;
+  if Aliases.is_aliased_proxy px then
+    Aliases.add_printed_proxy ~non_gen:false px;
+  let vir_flag = cl.cty_new = None in
+  Osig_class
+    (vir_flag, Ident.name id,
+     List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.cty_variance),
+     tree_of_class_type Type_scheme params cl.cty_type,
+     tree_of_rec rs)
+let tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl rs =
+  let params = cl.clty_params in
+  reset_except_conflicts ();
+  List.iter Aliases.add params;
+  prepare_class_type params cl.clty_type;
+  let px = proxy (Btype.self_type_row cl.clty_type) in
+  List.iter prepare_type params;
+  List.iter (Aliases.add_printed ~non_gen:false) params;
+  Aliases.mark_as_printed px;
+  let sign = Btype.signature_of_class_type cl.clty_type in
+  let has_virtual_vars =
+    Vars.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b)
+      sign.csig_vars false
+  in
+  let has_virtual_meths =
+    Meths.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b)
+      sign.csig_meths false
+  in
+  Osig_class_type
+    (has_virtual_vars || has_virtual_meths, Ident.name id,
+     List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.clty_variance),
+     tree_of_class_type Type_scheme params cl.clty_type,
+     tree_of_rec rs)
+(* Print a module type *)
+let wrap_env fenv ftree arg =
+  (* We save the current value of the short-path cache *)
+  (* From keys *)
+  let env = !printing_env in
+  let old_pers = !printing_pers in
+  (* to data *)
+  let old_map = !printing_map in
+  let old_depth = !printing_depth in
+  let old_cont = !printing_cont in
+  set_printing_env (fenv env);
+  let tree = ftree arg in
+  if !Clflags.real_paths
+     || same_printing_env env then ()
+   (* our cached key is still live in the cache, and we want to keep all
+      progress made on the computation of the [printing_map] *)
+  else begin
+    (* we restore the snapshotted cache before calling set_printing_env *)
+    printing_old := env;
+    printing_pers := old_pers;
+    printing_depth := old_depth;
+    printing_cont := old_cont;
+    printing_map := old_map
+  end;
+  set_printing_env env;
+  tree
+let dummy =
+  {
+    type_params = [];
+    type_arity = 0;
+    type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+    type_private = Public;
+    type_manifest = None;
+    type_variance = [];
+    type_separability = [];
+    type_is_newtype = false;
+    type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+    type_loc = Location.none;
+    type_attributes = [];
+    type_immediate = Unknown;
+    type_unboxed_default = false;
+    type_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique;
+  }
+(** we hide items being defined from short-path to avoid shortening
+    [type t = Path.To.t] into [type t = t].
+let ident_sigitem = function
+  | Types.Sig_type(ident,_,_,_) ->  {hide=true;ident}
+  | Types.Sig_class(ident,_,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_class_type (ident,_,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_module(ident,_, _,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_value (ident,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_modtype (ident,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_typext (ident,_,_,_)   ->  {hide=false; ident }
+let hide ids env =
+  let hide_id id env =
+    (* Global idents cannot be renamed *)
+    if id.hide && not (Ident.global id.ident) then
+      Env.add_type ~check:false (Ident.rename id.ident) dummy env
+    else env
+  in
+  List.fold_right hide_id ids env
+let with_hidden_items ids f =
+  let with_hidden_in_printing_env ids f =
+    wrap_env (hide ids) (Ident_names.with_hidden ids) f
+  in
+  if not !Clflags.real_paths then
+    with_hidden_in_printing_env ids f
+  else
+    Ident_names.with_hidden ids f
+let add_sigitem env x =
+  Env.add_signature (Signature_group.flatten x) env
+let rec tree_of_modtype ?(ellipsis=false) = function
+  | Mty_ident p ->
+      Omty_ident (tree_of_path (Some Module_type) p)
+  | Mty_signature sg ->
+      Omty_signature (if ellipsis then [Osig_ellipsis]
+                      else tree_of_signature sg)
+  | Mty_functor(param, ty_res) ->
+      let param, env =
+        tree_of_functor_parameter param
+      in
+      let res = wrap_env env (tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis) ty_res in
+      Omty_functor (param, res)
+  | Mty_alias p ->
+    Omty_alias (tree_of_path (Some Module) p)
+  | Mty_for_hole -> Omty_hole
+and tree_of_functor_parameter = function
+  | Unit ->
+      None, fun k -> k
+  | Named (param, ty_arg) ->
+      let name, env =
+        match param with
+        | None -> None, fun env -> env
+        | Some id ->
+            Some (Ident.name id),
+            Env.add_module ~arg:true id Mp_present ty_arg
+      in
+      Some (name, tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis:false ty_arg), env
+and tree_of_signature sg =
+  wrap_env (fun env -> env)(fun sg ->
+      let tree_groups = tree_of_signature_rec !printing_env sg in
+      List.concat_map (fun (_env,l) -> List.map snd l) tree_groups
+    ) sg
+and tree_of_signature_rec env' sg =
+  let structured = List.of_seq (Signature_group.seq sg) in
+  let collect_trees_of_rec_group group =
+    let env = !printing_env in
+    let env', group_trees =
+       trees_of_recursive_sigitem_group env group
+    in
+    set_printing_env env';
+    (env, group_trees) in
+  set_printing_env env';
+  List.map collect_trees_of_rec_group structured
+and trees_of_recursive_sigitem_group env
+    (syntactic_group: Signature_group.rec_group) =
+  let display (x:Signature_group.sig_item) = x.src, tree_of_sigitem x.src in
+  let env = Env.add_signature syntactic_group.pre_ghosts env in
+  match syntactic_group.group with
+  | Not_rec x -> add_sigitem env x, [display x]
+  | Rec_group items ->
+      let ids = List.map (fun x -> ident_sigitem x.Signature_group.src) items in
+      List.fold_left add_sigitem env items,
+      with_hidden_items ids (fun () -> List.map display items)
+and tree_of_sigitem = function
+  | Sig_value(id, decl, _) ->
+      tree_of_value_description id decl
+  | Sig_type(id, decl, rs, _) ->
+      tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs
+  | Sig_typext(id, ext, es, _) ->
+      tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es
+  | Sig_module(id, _, md, rs, _) ->
+      let ellipsis =
+        List.exists (function
+          | Parsetree.{attr_name = {txt="..."}; attr_payload = PStr []} -> true
+          | _ -> false)
+          md.md_attributes in
+      tree_of_module id md.md_type rs ~ellipsis
+  | Sig_modtype(id, decl, _) ->
+      tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl
+  | Sig_class(id, decl, rs, _) ->
+      tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs
+  | Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs, _) ->
+      tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs
+and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl =
+  let mty =
+    match decl.mtd_type with
+    | None -> Omty_abstract
+    | Some mty -> tree_of_modtype mty
+  in
+  Osig_modtype (Ident.name id, mty)
+and tree_of_module id ?ellipsis mty rs =
+  Osig_module (Ident.name id, tree_of_modtype ?ellipsis mty, tree_of_rec rs)
+(* For the toplevel: merge with tree_of_signature? *)
+let print_items showval env x =
+  Variable_names.refresh_weak();
+  Ident_conflicts.reset ();
+  let extend_val env (sigitem,outcome) = outcome, showval env sigitem in
+  let post_process (env,l) = List.map (extend_val env) l in
+  List.concat_map post_process @@ tree_of_signature_rec env x
+let same_path t t' =
+  let open Types in
+  eq_type t t' ||
+  match get_desc t, get_desc t' with
+    Tconstr(p,tl,_), Tconstr(p',tl',_) ->
+      let (p1, s1) = best_type_path p and (p2, s2)  = best_type_path p' in
+      begin match s1, s2 with
+        Nth n1, Nth n2 when n1 = n2 -> true
+      | (Id | Map _), (Id | Map _) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+          let tl = apply_subst s1 tl and tl' = apply_subst s2 tl' in
+          List.length tl = List.length tl' &&
+          List.for_all2 eq_type tl tl'
+      | _ -> false
+      end
+  | _ ->
+      false
+type 'a diff = Same of 'a | Diff of 'a * 'a
+let trees_of_type_expansion mode Errortrace.{ty = t; expanded = t'} =
+  Aliases.reset ();
+  Aliases.mark_loops t;
+  if same_path t t'
+  then begin Aliases.add_delayed (proxy t); Same (tree_of_typexp mode t) end
+  else begin
+    Aliases.mark_loops t';
+    let t' = if proxy t == proxy t' then unalias t' else t' in
+    (* beware order matter due to side effect,
+       e.g. when printing object types *)
+    let first = tree_of_typexp mode t in
+    let second = tree_of_typexp mode t' in
+    if first = second then Same first
+    else Diff(first,second)
+  end
+let pp_type ppf t =
+  Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf t
+let pp_type_expansion ppf = function
+  | Same t -> pp_type ppf t
+  | Diff(t,t') ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]"
+        pp_type t
+        pp_type t'
+(* Hide variant name and var, to force printing the expanded type *)
+let hide_variant_name t =
+  let open Types in
+  match get_desc t with
+  | Tvariant row ->
+      let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = row_repr row in
+      if name = None then t else
+      Btype.newty2 ~level:(get_level t)
+        (Tvariant
+           (create_row ~fields ~fixed ~closed ~name:None
+              ~more:(Ctype.newvar2 (get_level more))))
+  | _ -> t
+let prepare_expansion Errortrace.{ty; expanded} =
+  let expanded = hide_variant_name expanded in
+  Variable_names.reserve ty;
+  if not (same_path ty expanded) then Variable_names.reserve expanded;
+  Errortrace.{ty; expanded}
+(* Adapt functions to exposed interface *)
+let namespaced_tree_of_path n = tree_of_path (Some n)
+let tree_of_path ?disambiguation p = tree_of_path ?disambiguation None p
+let tree_of_modtype = tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis:false
+let tree_of_type_declaration ident td rs =
+  with_hidden_items [{hide=true; ident}]
+    (fun () -> tree_of_type_declaration ident td rs)
+let tree_of_class_type kind cty = tree_of_class_type kind [] cty
+let prepare_class_type cty = prepare_class_type [] cty
+let tree_of_type_path p =
+  let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
+  let p'' = if (s = Id) then p' else p in
+  tree_of_best_type_path p p''
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/out_type.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/out_type.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b134fa1196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/out_type.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Functions for representing type expressions and module types as outcometree
+    (with [as 'a] aliases for cycles) and printing them. All functions below
+    depends on global contexts that keep track of
+- If labels are disabled
+- Current printing environment
+- Shortest equivalent paths
+- Conflicts for identifier names
+- Names chosen for type variables
+- Aliases used for representing cycles or row variables
+- Uses of internal names
+Whenever possible, it is advised to use the simpler functions available in
+{!Printtyp} which take care of setting up this naming context. The functions
+below are needed when one needs to share a common naming context (or part of it)
+between different calls to printing functions (or in order to implement
+open Format_doc
+open Types
+open Outcometree
+(** {1 Wrapping functions}*)
+val wrap_printing_env: error:bool -> Env.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** Call the function using the environment for type path shortening
+    This affects all the printing and tree cration functions functions below
+    Also, if [~error:true], then disable the loading of cmis *)
+(** [with_labels false] disable labels in function types *)
+val with_labels: bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** {1 Printing idents and paths } *)
+val ident_name: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t option -> Ident.t -> out_name
+val tree_of_path: ?disambiguation:bool -> Path.t -> out_ident
+val namespaced_tree_of_path: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t -> Path.t -> out_ident
+val tree_of_type_path: Path.t -> out_ident
+(** Specialized functions for printing types with [short-paths] *)
+(** [same_path ty ty2] is true when there is an equation [ty]=[ty2] in the
+    short-path scope*)
+val same_path: type_expr -> type_expr -> bool
+(** Simple heuristic to rewrite Foo__bar.* as Foo.Bar.* when Foo.Bar is an alias
+   for Foo__bar. This pattern is used by the stdlib. *)
+val rewrite_double_underscore_paths: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+(** {1 Printing type expressions} *)
+(** Printing type expressions requires to translate the internal graph based
+    representation into to an {!Outcometree} closer to the source syntax. In
+    order to do so, the printing is generally split in three phase:
+     - A preparation phase which in particular
+         - marks cycles
+         - chooses user-facing names for type variables
+     - An outcometree generation phase, where we emit an outcometree as a
+     ready-for-printing representation of trees (represented by the various
+     [tree_of_*] functions)
+   - Printing proper
+(** [prepare_for_printing] resets the global naming environment, a la
+    {!reset_except_conflicts}, and prepares the types for printing by reserving
+    variable names and marking cycles. Any type variables that are shared
+    between multiple types in the input list will be given the same name when
+    printed with {!prepared_type_expr}. *)
+val prepare_for_printing: type_expr list -> unit
+(** [add_type_to_preparation ty] extend a previous type expression preparation
+    to the type expression [ty]
+val add_type_to_preparation: type_expr -> unit
+(** In [Type_scheme] mode, non-generic types variables are printed as weakly
+    polymorphic type variables. *)
+type type_or_scheme = Type | Type_scheme
+val tree_of_typexp: type_or_scheme -> type_expr -> out_type
+(** [tree_of_typexp] generate the [outcometree] for a prepared type
+    expression.*)
+val prepared_type_scheme: type_expr printer
+val prepared_type_expr: type_expr printer
+(** The printers [prepared_type_expr] and [prepared_type_scheme] should only be
+    used on prepared types. Types can be prepared by initially calling
+    {!prepare_for_printing} or adding them later to the preparation with
+    {!add_type_to_preparation}.
+    Calling this function on non-prepared types may cause a stack overflow (see
+    #8860) due to cycles in the printed types.
+    See {!Printtyp.type_expr} for a safer but less flexible printer. *)
+(** [type_expr_with_reserved_names] can print "half-prepared" type expression. A
+    "half-prepared" type expression should have had its names reserved (with
+    {!Variable_names.reserve}), but should not have had its cycles marked. *)
+val type_expr_with_reserved_names: type_expr printer
+type 'a diff = Same of 'a | Diff of 'a * 'a
+val trees_of_type_expansion:
+  type_or_scheme -> Errortrace.expanded_type -> out_type diff
+val prepare_expansion: Errortrace.expanded_type -> Errortrace.expanded_type
+val pp_type_expansion: out_type diff printer
+val hide_variant_name: Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
+(** {1: Label and constructors }*)
+val prepare_type_constructor_arguments: constructor_arguments -> unit
+val tree_of_constructor_arguments: constructor_arguments -> out_type list
+val tree_of_label: label_declaration -> out_label
+val add_constructor_to_preparation : constructor_declaration -> unit
+val prepared_constructor : constructor_declaration printer
+val tree_of_extension_constructor:
+    Ident.t -> extension_constructor -> ext_status -> out_sig_item
+val extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree:
+  constructor_arguments -> type_expr option -> out_type list * out_type option
+val add_extension_constructor_to_preparation :
+    extension_constructor -> unit
+val prepared_extension_constructor:
+    Ident.t -> extension_constructor printer
+(** {1 Declarations }*)
+val tree_of_type_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> type_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val add_type_declaration_to_preparation :
+  Ident.t -> type_declaration -> unit
+val prepared_type_declaration: Ident.t -> type_declaration printer
+val tree_of_value_description: Ident.t -> value_description -> out_sig_item
+val tree_of_modtype_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> modtype_declaration -> out_sig_item
+val tree_of_class_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> class_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val tree_of_cltype_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> class_type_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+(** {1 Module types }*)
+val tree_of_module:
+    Ident.t -> ?ellipsis:bool -> module_type -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val tree_of_modtype: module_type -> out_module_type
+val tree_of_signature: Types.signature -> out_sig_item list
+val tree_of_class_type: type_or_scheme -> class_type -> out_class_type
+val prepare_class_type: class_type -> unit
+(** {1 Toplevel printing}  *)
+val print_items: (Env.t -> signature_item -> 'a option) ->
+  Env.t -> signature_item list -> (out_sig_item * 'a option) list
+(** {1 Naming contexts }*)
+(** Path name, which were mutable at some point *)
+module Out_name: sig
+  val create: string -> out_name
+  val print: out_name -> string
+(** Disambiguation for identifiers, e.g. the two type constructors named [t]
+in the type of [f] in
+  type t = A
+  module M = struct
+    type t = B
+   let f A = B
+  end
+should be disambiguated to [t/2->t] *)
+module Ident_names: sig
+  val enable: bool -> unit
+  (** When contextual names are enabled, the mapping between identifiers
+      and names is ensured to be one-to-one. *)
+  (** [with_fuzzy id f] locally disable ident disambiguation for [id] within
+      [f] *)
+  val with_fuzzy: Ident.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** The [Ident_conflicts] module keeps track of conflicts arising when
+    attributing names to identifiers and provides functions that can print
+    explanations for these conflict in error messages *)
+module Ident_conflicts: sig
+  val exists: unit -> bool
+  (** [exists()] returns true if the current naming context renamed
+        an identifier to avoid a name collision *)
+  type explanation =
+    { kind: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t;
+      name:string;
+      root_name:string;
+      location:Location.t
+    }
+  val list_explanations: unit -> explanation list
+(** [list_explanations()] return the list of conflict explanations
+    collected up to this point, and reset the list of collected
+    explanations *)
+  val print_located_explanations: explanation list printer
+  val err_print: formatter -> unit
+  val err_msg: unit -> doc option
+  (** [err_msg ()] return an error message if there are pending conflict
+      explanations at this point. It is often important to check for conflicts
+      after all printing is done, thus the delayed nature of [err_msg]*)
+  val reset: unit -> unit
+(** Naming choice for type variable names (['a], ['b], ...), for instance the
+    two classes of distinct type variables in
+    {[let repeat x y = x, y, y, x]}
+    should be printed printed as ['a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b * 'b * 'a].
+module Variable_names: sig
+  (** Add external type equalities*)
+  val add_subst: (type_expr * type_expr) list -> unit
+  (** [reserve ty] registers the variable names appearing in [ty] *)
+  val reserve: type_expr -> unit
+(** Register internal typechecker names ([$0],[$a]) appearing in the
+    [outcometree] *)
+module Internal_names: sig
+  val add: Path.t -> unit
+  val reset: unit -> unit
+  val print_explanations: Env.t -> formatter -> unit
+(** Reset all contexts *)
+val reset: unit -> unit
+(** Reset all contexts except for conflicts *)
+val reset_except_conflicts: unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/outcometree.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/outcometree.mli
index ed2b61599c..da508b0d2c 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/outcometree.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/outcometree.mli
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ type out_value =
   | Oval_int64 of int64
   | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
   | Oval_list of out_value list
-  | Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
+  | Oval_printer of (Format_doc.formatter -> unit)
   | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
   | Oval_string of string * int * out_string (* string, size-to-print, kind *)
   | Oval_stuff of string
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ type out_type =
   | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
   | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
   | Otyp_object of { fields: (string * out_type) list; open_row:bool}
-  | Otyp_record of (string * bool * out_type) list
+  | Otyp_record of out_label list
   | Otyp_stuff of string
   | Otyp_sum of out_constructor list
   | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
@@ -82,6 +82,12 @@ type out_type =
   | Otyp_module of out_ident * (string * out_type) list
   | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
+and out_label = {
+  olab_name: string;
+  olab_mut: Asttypes.mutable_flag;
+  olab_type: out_type;
 and out_constructor = {
   ocstr_name: string;
   ocstr_args: out_type list;
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/parmatch.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/parmatch.ml
index e10ec777b8..44f0dfef2f 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/parmatch.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/parmatch.ml
@@ -504,26 +504,15 @@ let rec read_args xs r = match xs,r with
 | _,_ ->
     fatal_error "Parmatch.read_args"
-let do_set_args ~erase_mutable q r = match q with
+let set_args q r = match q with
 | {pat_desc = Tpat_tuple omegas} ->
     let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
     make_pat (Tpat_tuple args) q.pat_type q.pat_env::rest
 | {pat_desc = Tpat_record (omegas,closed)} ->
     let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
-    make_pat
-      (Tpat_record
-         (List.map2 (fun (lid, lbl,_) arg ->
-           if
-             erase_mutable &&
-             (match lbl.lbl_mut with
-             | Mutable -> true | Immutable -> false)
-           then
-             lid, lbl, omega
-           else
-             lid, lbl, arg)
-            omegas args, closed))
-      q.pat_type q.pat_env::
-    rest
+    let args =
+      List.map2 (fun (lid, lbl, _) arg -> (lid, lbl, arg)) omegas args in
+    make_pat (Tpat_record (args, closed)) q.pat_type q.pat_env :: rest
 | {pat_desc = Tpat_construct (lid, c, omegas, _)} ->
     let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
@@ -548,7 +537,6 @@ let do_set_args ~erase_mutable q r = match q with
 | {pat_desc = Tpat_array omegas} ->
     let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
-    let args = if erase_mutable then omegas else args in
       (Tpat_array args) q.pat_type q.pat_env::
@@ -557,9 +545,6 @@ let do_set_args ~erase_mutable q r = match q with
 | {pat_desc = (Tpat_var _ | Tpat_alias _ | Tpat_or _); _} ->
     fatal_error "Parmatch.set_args"
-let set_args q r = do_set_args ~erase_mutable:false q r
-and set_args_erase_mutable q r = do_set_args ~erase_mutable:true q r
 (* Given a matrix of non-empty rows
    p1 :: r1...
    p2 :: r2...
@@ -1899,22 +1884,20 @@ let do_check_partial ~pred loc casel pss = match pss with
     | Seq.Cons (v, _rest) ->
       if Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Partial_match "") then begin
         let errmsg =
-          try
-            let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
-            let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
-            Format.fprintf fmt "%a@?" Printpat.pretty_pat v;
-            if do_match (initial_only_guarded casel) [v] then
-              Buffer.add_string buf
-                "\n(However, some guarded clause may match this value.)";
-            if contains_extension v then
-              Buffer.add_string buf
-                "\nMatching over values of extensible variant types \
-                   (the *extension* above)\n\
-              must include a wild card pattern in order to be exhaustive."
-            ;
-            Buffer.contents buf
-          with _ ->
-            ""
+          let doc = ref Format_doc.Doc.empty in
+          let fmt = Format_doc.formatter doc in
+          Format_doc.fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a" Printpat.top_pretty v;
+          if do_match (initial_only_guarded casel) [v] then
+            Format_doc.fprintf fmt
+              "@,(However, some guarded clause may match this value.)";
+          if contains_extension v then
+            Format_doc.fprintf fmt
+              "@,@[Matching over values of extensible variant types \
+               (the *extension* above)@,\
+               must include a wild card pattern@ in order to be exhaustive.@]"
+          ;
+          Format_doc.fprintf fmt "@]";
+          Format_doc.(asprintf "%a" pp_doc) !doc
         Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Partial_match errmsg)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/parmatch.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/parmatch.mli
index 246ca209ea..de7a4ad193 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/parmatch.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/parmatch.mli
@@ -75,13 +75,11 @@ val lubs : pattern list -> pattern list -> pattern list
 val get_mins : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(** Those two functions recombine one pattern and its arguments:
+(** This function recombines one pattern and its arguments:
     For instance:
       (_,_)::p1::p2::rem -> (p1, p2)::rem
-    The second one will replace mutable arguments by '_'
 val set_args : pattern -> pattern list -> pattern list
-val set_args_erase_mutable : pattern -> pattern list -> pattern list
 val pat_of_constr : pattern -> constructor_description -> pattern
 val complete_constrs :
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/path.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/path.ml
index 4b44b0b2f0..038ae48f88 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/path.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/path.ml
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ let rec name ?(paren=kfalse) = function
 let rec print ppf = function
   | Pident id -> Ident.print_with_scope ppf id
   | Pdot(p, s) | Pextra_ty (p, Pcstr_ty s) ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf "%a.%s" print p s
-  | Papply(p1, p2) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" print p1 print p2
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a.%s" print p s
+  | Papply(p1, p2) -> Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" print p1 print p2
   | Pextra_ty (p, Pext_ty) -> print ppf p
 let rec head = function
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/path.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/path.mli
index 39e76a3727..034be0042e 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/path.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/path.mli
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ val name: ?paren:(string -> bool) -> t -> string
     (* [paren] tells whether a path suffix needs parentheses *)
 val head: t -> Ident.t
-val print: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+val print: t Format_doc.printer
 val heads: t -> Ident.t list
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/persistent_env.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/persistent_env.ml
index a75b4f3e11..9a20ed6eb4 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/persistent_env.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/persistent_env.ml
@@ -280,25 +280,26 @@ let check_pers_struct ~allow_hidden penv f1 f2 ~loc name =
       let warn = Warnings.No_cmi_file(name, None) in
         Location.prerr_warning loc warn
   | Magic_numbers.Cmi.Error err ->
-      let msg = Format.asprintf "%a" Magic_numbers.Cmi.report_error err in
+      let msg = Format_doc.asprintf "%a" Magic_numbers.Cmi.report_error err in
       let warn = Warnings.No_cmi_file(name, Some msg) in
         Location.prerr_warning loc warn
   | Error err ->
       let msg =
         match err with
         | Illegal_renaming(name, ps_name, filename) ->
-            Format.asprintf
+            Format_doc.doc_printf
               " %a@ contains the compiled interface for @ \
                %a when %a was expected"
-              (Style.as_inline_code Location.print_filename) filename
+              Location.Doc.quoted_filename filename
               Style.inline_code ps_name
               Style.inline_code name
         | Inconsistent_import _ -> assert false
         | Need_recursive_types name ->
-            Format.asprintf
+            Format_doc.doc_printf
               "%a uses recursive types"
               Style.inline_code name
+      let msg = Format_doc.(asprintf "%a" pp_doc) msg in
       let warn = Warnings.No_cmi_file(name, Some msg) in
         Location.prerr_warning loc warn
@@ -386,20 +387,20 @@ let save_cmi penv psig pm =
     ~exceptionally:(fun () -> remove_file filename)
-let report_error ppf =
-  let open Format in
+let report_error_doc ppf =
+  let open Format_doc in
   | Illegal_renaming(modname, ps_name, filename) -> fprintf ppf
       "Wrong file naming: %a@ contains the compiled interface for@ \
        %a when %a was expected"
-      (Style.as_inline_code Location.print_filename) filename
+      Location.Doc.quoted_filename filename
       Style.inline_code ps_name
       Style.inline_code modname
   | Inconsistent_import(name, source1, source2) -> fprintf ppf
       "@[<hov>The files %a@ and %a@ \
               make inconsistent assumptions@ over interface %a@]"
-      (Style.as_inline_code Location.print_filename) source1
-      (Style.as_inline_code Location.print_filename) source2
+      Location.Doc.quoted_filename source1
+      Location.Doc.quoted_filename source2
       Style.inline_code name
   | Need_recursive_types(import) ->
       fprintf ppf
@@ -408,13 +409,6 @@ let report_error ppf =
         Style.inline_code import
         Style.inline_code "-rectypes"
-let () =
-  Location.register_error_of_exn
-    (function
-      | Error err ->
-          Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
-      | _ -> None
-    )
 (* helper for merlin *)
@@ -429,3 +423,13 @@ let forall ~found ~missing t =
       | Found (pers_struct, a) ->
         found name pers_struct.ps_filename pers_struct.ps_name a
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error err ->
+          Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error_doc err)
+      | _ -> None
+    )
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/persistent_env.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/persistent_env.mli
index 1acb5b3d65..a622cd02e7 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/persistent_env.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/persistent_env.mli
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ type error =
 exception Error of error
-val report_error: Format.formatter -> error -> unit
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
 module Persistent_signature : sig
   type t =
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/predef.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/predef.ml
index 7344be15fc..e7b24bd8fe 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/predef.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/predef.ml
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ and ident_float = ident_create "float"
 and ident_bool = ident_create "bool"
 and ident_unit = ident_create "unit"
 and ident_exn = ident_create "exn"
+and ident_eff = ident_create "eff"
+and ident_continuation = ident_create "continuation"
 and ident_array = ident_create "array"
 and ident_list = ident_create "list"
 and ident_option = ident_create "option"
@@ -53,6 +55,8 @@ and path_float = Pident ident_float
 and path_bool = Pident ident_bool
 and path_unit = Pident ident_unit
 and path_exn = Pident ident_exn
+and path_eff = Pident ident_eff
+and path_continuation = Pident ident_continuation
 and path_array = Pident ident_array
 and path_list = Pident ident_list
 and path_option = Pident ident_option
@@ -71,6 +75,9 @@ and type_float = newgenty (Tconstr(path_float, [], ref Mnil))
 and type_bool = newgenty (Tconstr(path_bool, [], ref Mnil))
 and type_unit = newgenty (Tconstr(path_unit, [], ref Mnil))
 and type_exn = newgenty (Tconstr(path_exn, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_eff t = newgenty (Tconstr(path_eff, [t], ref Mnil))
+and type_continuation t1 t2 =
+  newgenty (Tconstr(path_continuation, [t1; t2], ref Mnil))
 and type_array t = newgenty (Tconstr(path_array, [t], ref Mnil))
 and type_list t = newgenty (Tconstr(path_list, [t], ref Mnil))
 and type_option t = newgenty (Tconstr(path_option, [t], ref Mnil))
@@ -96,6 +103,8 @@ and ident_sys_blocked_io = ident_create "Sys_blocked_io"
 and ident_assert_failure = ident_create "Assert_failure"
 and ident_undefined_recursive_module =
         ident_create "Undefined_recursive_module"
+and ident_continuation_already_taken = ident_create "Continuation_already_taken"
 let all_predef_exns = [
@@ -110,6 +119,7 @@ let all_predef_exns = [
+  ident_continuation_already_taken;
 let path_match_failure = Pident ident_match_failure
@@ -178,6 +188,28 @@ let build_initial_env add_type add_extension empty_env =
     add_type type_ident decl env
+  and add_continuation type_ident env =
+    let tvar1 = newgenvar() in
+    let tvar2 = newgenvar() in
+    let arity = 2 in
+    let decl =
+      {type_params = [tvar1; tvar2];
+       type_arity = arity;
+       type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+       type_loc = Location.none;
+       type_private = Asttypes.Public;
+       type_manifest = None;
+       type_variance = [Variance.contravariant; Variance.covariant];
+       type_separability = Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+       type_is_newtype = false;
+       type_expansion_scope = lowest_level;
+       type_attributes = [];
+       type_immediate = Unknown;
+       type_unboxed_default = false;
+       type_uid = Uid.of_predef_id type_ident;
+      }
+    in
+    add_type type_ident decl env
   let add_extension id l =
     add_extension id
@@ -204,6 +236,11 @@ let build_initial_env add_type add_extension empty_env =
        ~kind:(variant [cstr ident_false []; cstr ident_true []])
   |> add_type ident_char ~immediate:Always
   |> add_type ident_exn ~kind:Type_open
+  |> add_type1 ident_eff
+       ~variance:Variance.full
+       ~separability:Separability.Ind
+       ~kind:(fun _ -> Type_open)
+  |> add_continuation ident_continuation
   |> add_type ident_extension_constructor
   |> add_type ident_float
   |> add_type ident_floatarray
@@ -245,6 +282,7 @@ let build_initial_env add_type add_extension empty_env =
   |> add_extension ident_sys_error [type_string]
   |> add_extension ident_undefined_recursive_module
        [newgenty (Ttuple[type_string; type_int; type_int])]
+  |> add_extension ident_continuation_already_taken []
 let builtin_values =
   List.map (fun id -> (Ident.name id, id)) all_predef_exns
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/predef.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/predef.mli
index ff67206f62..f2c75be0dc 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/predef.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/predef.mli
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ val type_float: type_expr
 val type_bool: type_expr
 val type_unit: type_expr
 val type_exn: type_expr
+val type_eff: type_expr -> type_expr
+val type_continuation: type_expr -> type_expr -> type_expr
 val type_array: type_expr -> type_expr
 val type_list: type_expr -> type_expr
 val type_option: type_expr -> type_expr
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ val path_float: Path.t
 val path_bool: Path.t
 val path_unit: Path.t
 val path_exn: Path.t
+val path_eff: Path.t
 val path_array: Path.t
 val path_list: Path.t
 val path_option: Path.t
@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ val path_int64: Path.t
 val path_lazy_t: Path.t
 val path_extension_constructor: Path.t
 val path_floatarray: Path.t
+val path_continuation: Path.t
 val path_match_failure: Path.t
 val path_assert_failure : Path.t
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/primitive.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/primitive.ml
index f8e964cce1..a0cb5d712b 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/primitive.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/primitive.ml
@@ -232,16 +232,16 @@ module Style = Misc.Style
 let report_error ppf err =
   match err with
   | Old_style_float_with_native_repr_attribute ->
-    Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot use %a in conjunction with %a/%a."
+    Format_doc.fprintf ppf "Cannot use %a in conjunction with %a/%a."
       Style.inline_code "float"
       Style.inline_code "[@unboxed]"
       Style.inline_code  "[@untagged]"
   | Old_style_noalloc_with_noalloc_attribute ->
-    Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot use %a in conjunction with %a."
+    Format_doc.fprintf ppf "Cannot use %a in conjunction with %a."
       Style.inline_code "noalloc"
       Style.inline_code "[@@noalloc]"
   | No_native_primitive_with_repr_attribute ->
-    Format.fprintf ppf
+    Format_doc.fprintf ppf
       "@[The native code version of the primitive is mandatory@ \
        when attributes %a or %a are present.@]"
       Style.inline_code "[@untagged]"
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/printpat.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/printpat.ml
index bc3578ce41..d4897294d0 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/printpat.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/printpat.ml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 open Asttypes
 open Typedtree
 open Types
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 let is_cons = function
 | {cstr_name = "::"} -> true
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ let rec pretty_val : type k . _ -> k general_pattern -> _ = fun ppf v ->
   | Tpat_lazy v ->
       fprintf ppf "@[<2>lazy@ %a@]" pretty_arg v
   | Tpat_alias (v, x,_,_) ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[(%a@ as %a)@]" pretty_val v Ident.print x
+      fprintf ppf "@[(%a@ as %a)@]" pretty_val v Ident.doc_print x
   | Tpat_value v ->
       fprintf ppf "%a" pretty_val (v :> pattern)
   | Tpat_exception v ->
@@ -144,20 +144,30 @@ and pretty_lvals ppf = function
       fprintf ppf "%s=%a;@ %a"
         lbl.lbl_name pretty_val v pretty_lvals rest
+let top_pretty ppf v =
+  fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" pretty_val v
 let pretty_pat ppf p =
-  fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" pretty_val p
+  top_pretty ppf p ;
+  pp_print_flush ppf ()
 type 'k matrix = 'k general_pattern list list
 let pretty_line ppf line =
-  Format.fprintf ppf "@[";
+  fprintf ppf "@[";
   List.iter (fun p ->
-    Format.fprintf ppf "<%a>@ "
-      pretty_val p
-  ) line;
-  Format.fprintf ppf "@]"
+      fprintf ppf "<%a>@ "
+        pretty_val p
+    ) line;
+  fprintf ppf "@]"
 let pretty_matrix ppf (pss : 'k matrix) =
-  Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>  %a@]"
-    (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_cut pretty_line)
+  fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>  %a@]"
+    (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_cut pretty_line)
+module Compat = struct
+  let pretty_pat ppf x = compat pretty_pat ppf x
+  let pretty_line ppf x = compat pretty_line ppf x
+  let pretty_matrix ppf x = compat pretty_matrix ppf x
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/printpat.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/printpat.mli
index 1f03508c2d..2d9a93ce6d 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/printpat.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/printpat.mli
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@
 val pretty_const
   : Asttypes.constant -> string
-val pretty_val : Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern -> unit
-val pretty_pat
-    : Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern -> unit
-val pretty_line
-    : Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern list -> unit
-val pretty_matrix
-    : Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern list list -> unit
+val top_pretty: 'k Typedtree.general_pattern Format_doc.printer
+module Compat: sig
+  val pretty_pat: Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern -> unit
+  val pretty_line: Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern list -> unit
+  val pretty_matrix:
+    Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern list list -> unit
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp.ml
index 833db2360a..85eed321f1 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp.ml
@@ -15,2664 +15,65 @@
 (* Printing functions *)
-module M = Misc.String.Map
-module S = Misc.String.Set
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Doc = Printtyp_doc
-open Misc
-open Ctype
-open Format
-open Longident
-open Path
-open Asttypes
-open Types
-open Btype
-open Outcometree
-module Sig_component_kind = Shape.Sig_component_kind
-module Style = Misc.Style
+include Doc
 (* Print a long identifier *)
 let longident = Pprintast.longident
-let () = Env.print_longident := longident
-(* Print an identifier avoiding name collisions *)
-module Out_name = struct
-  let create x = { printed_name = x }
-  let print x = x.printed_name
-(** Some identifiers may require hiding when printing *)
-type bound_ident = { hide:bool; ident:Ident.t }
-(* printing environment for path shortening and naming *)
-let printing_env = ref Env.empty
-(* When printing, it is important to only observe the
-   current printing environment, without reading any new
-   cmi present on the file system *)
-let in_printing_env f = Env.without_cmis f !printing_env
- type namespace = Shape.Sig_component_kind.t =
-    | Value
-    | Type
-    | Constructor
-    | Label
-    | Module
-    | Module_type
-    | Extension_constructor
-    | Class
-    | Class_type
-module Namespace = struct
-  let id = function
-    | Type -> 0
-    | Module -> 1
-    | Module_type -> 2
-    | Class -> 3
-    | Class_type -> 4
-    | Extension_constructor | Value | Constructor | Label -> 5
-     (* we do not handle those component *)
-  let size = 1 + id Value
-  let pp ppf x =
-    Format.pp_print_string ppf (Shape.Sig_component_kind.to_string x)
-  let lookup =
-    let to_lookup f lid = fst @@ in_printing_env (f (Lident lid)) in
-    function
-    | Some Type -> to_lookup Env.find_type_by_name
-    | Some Module -> to_lookup Env.find_module_by_name
-    | Some Module_type -> to_lookup Env.find_modtype_by_name
-    | Some Class -> to_lookup Env.find_class_by_name
-    | Some Class_type -> to_lookup Env.find_cltype_by_name
-    | None | Some(Value|Extension_constructor|Constructor|Label) ->
-         fun _ -> raise Not_found
-  let location namespace id =
-    let path = Path.Pident id in
-    try Some (
-        match namespace with
-        | Some Type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_type path).type_loc
-        | Some Module -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_module path).md_loc
-        | Some Module_type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_modtype path).mtd_loc
-        | Some Class -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_class path).cty_loc
-        | Some Class_type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_cltype path).clty_loc
-        | Some (Extension_constructor|Value|Constructor|Label) | None ->
-            Location.none
-      ) with Not_found -> None
-  let best_class_namespace = function
-    | Papply _ | Pdot _ -> Some Module
-    | Pextra_ty _ -> assert false (* Only in type path *)
-    | Pident c ->
-        match location (Some Class) c with
-        | Some _ -> Some Class
-        | None -> Some Class_type
-(** {2 Conflicts printing}
-    Conflicts arise when multiple items are attributed the same name,
-    the following module stores the global conflict references and
-    provides the printing functions for explaining the source of
-    the conflicts.
-module Conflicts = struct
-  type explanation =
-    { kind: namespace; name:string; root_name:string; location:Location.t}
-  let explanations = ref M.empty
-  let add namespace name id =
-    match Namespace.location (Some namespace) id with
-    | None -> ()
-    | Some location ->
-        let explanation =
-          { kind = namespace; location; name; root_name=Ident.name id}
-        in
-        explanations := M.add name explanation !explanations
-  let collect_explanation namespace id ~name =
-    let root_name = Ident.name id in
-    (* if [name] is of the form "root_name/%d", we register both
-      [id] and the identifier in scope for [root_name].
-     *)
-    if root_name <> name && not (M.mem name !explanations) then
-      begin
-        add namespace name id;
-        if not (M.mem root_name !explanations) then
-          (* lookup the identifier in scope with name [root_name] and
-             add it too
-           *)
-          match Namespace.lookup (Some namespace) root_name with
-          | Pident root_id -> add namespace root_name root_id
-          | exception Not_found | _ -> ()
-      end
-  let pp_explanation ppf r=
-    Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a:@,Definition of %s %a@]"
-      Location.print_loc r.location (Sig_component_kind.to_string r.kind)
-      Style.inline_code r.name
-  let print_located_explanations ppf l =
-    Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" (Format.pp_print_list pp_explanation) l
-  let reset () = explanations := M.empty
-  let list_explanations () =
-    let c = !explanations in
-    reset ();
-    c |> M.bindings |> List.map snd |> List.sort Stdlib.compare
-  let print_toplevel_hint ppf l =
-    let conj ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf " and@ " in
-    let pp_namespace_plural ppf n = Format.fprintf ppf "%as" Namespace.pp n in
-    let root_names = List.map (fun r -> r.kind, r.root_name) l in
-    let unique_root_names = List.sort_uniq Stdlib.compare root_names in
-    let submsgs = Array.make Namespace.size [] in
-    let () = List.iter (fun (n,_ as x) ->
-        submsgs.(Namespace.id n) <- x :: submsgs.(Namespace.id n)
-      )  unique_root_names in
-    let pp_submsg ppf names =
-      match names with
-      | [] -> ()
-      | [namespace, a] ->
-          Format.fprintf ppf
-        "@ \
-         @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a has been defined multiple times@ \
-         in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
-         Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ this@ %a.\
-         @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
-        Namespace.pp namespace
-        Style.inline_code a Namespace.pp namespace
-      | (namespace, _) :: _ :: _ ->
-      Format.fprintf ppf
-        "@ \
-         @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a have been defined multiple times@ \
-         in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
-         Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ those@ %a.\
-         @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
-        pp_namespace_plural namespace
-        Format.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:conj Style.inline_code)
-        (List.map snd names)
-        pp_namespace_plural namespace in
-    Array.iter (pp_submsg ppf) submsgs
-  let print_explanations ppf =
-    let ltop, l =
-      (* isolate toplevel locations, since they are too imprecise *)
-      let from_toplevel a =
-        a.location.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname = "//toplevel//" in
-      List.partition from_toplevel (list_explanations ())
-    in
-    begin match l with
-    | [] -> ()
-    | l -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" print_located_explanations l
-    end;
-    (* if there are name collisions in a toplevel session,
-       display at least one generic hint by namespace *)
-    print_toplevel_hint ppf ltop
-  let exists () = M.cardinal !explanations >0
-module Naming_context = struct
-let enabled = ref true
-let enable b = enabled := b
-(* Names bound in recursive definitions should be considered as bound
-   in the environment when printing identifiers but not when trying
-   to find shortest path.
-   For instance, if we define
-   [{
-   module Avoid__me = struct
-     type t = A
-   end
-   type t = X
-   type u = [` A of t * t ]
-   module M = struct
-     type t = A of [ u | `B ]
-     type r = Avoid__me.t
-   end
-  }]
-  It is is important that in the definition of [t] that the outer type [t] is
-  printed as [t/2] reserving the name [t] to the type being defined in the
-  current recursive definition.
-     Contrarily, in the definition of [r], one should not shorten the
-  path [Avoid__me.t] to [r] until the end of the definition of [r].
-  The [bound_in_recursion] bridges the gap between those two slightly different
-  notions of printing environment.
-let bound_in_recursion = ref M.empty
-(* When dealing with functor arguments, identity becomes fuzzy because the same
-   syntactic argument may be represented by different identifiers during the
-   error processing, we are thus disabling disambiguation on the argument name
-let fuzzy = ref S.empty
-let with_arg id f =
-  protect_refs [ R(fuzzy, S.add (Ident.name id) !fuzzy) ] f
-let fuzzy_id namespace id = namespace = Module && S.mem (Ident.name id) !fuzzy
-let with_hidden ids f =
-  let update m id = M.add (Ident.name id.ident) id.ident m in
-  let updated = List.fold_left update !bound_in_recursion ids in
-  protect_refs [ R(bound_in_recursion, updated )] f
-let human_id id index =
-  (* The identifier with index [k] is the (k+1)-th most recent identifier in
-     the printing environment. We print them as [name/(k+1)] except for [k=0]
-     which is printed as [name] rather than [name/1].
-  *)
-  if index = 0 then
-    Ident.name id
-  else
-    let ordinal = index + 1 in
-    String.concat "/" [Ident.name id; string_of_int ordinal]
-let indexed_name namespace id =
-  let find namespace id env = match namespace with
-    | Type -> Env.find_type_index id env
-    | Module -> Env.find_module_index id env
-    | Module_type -> Env.find_modtype_index id env
-    | Class -> Env.find_class_index id env
-    | Class_type-> Env.find_cltype_index id env
-    | Value | Extension_constructor | Constructor | Label -> None
-  in
-  let index =
-    match M.find_opt (Ident.name id) !bound_in_recursion with
-    | Some rec_bound_id ->
-        (* the identifier name appears in the current group of recursive
-           definition *)
-        if Ident.same rec_bound_id id then
-          Some 0
-        else
-          (* the current recursive definition shadows one more time the
-            previously existing identifier with the same name *)
-          Option.map succ (in_printing_env (find namespace id))
-    | None ->
-        in_printing_env (find namespace id)
-  in
-  let index =
-    (* If [index] is [None] at this point, it might indicate that
-       the identifier id is not defined in the environment, while there
-       are other identifiers in scope that share the same name.
-       Currently, this kind of partially incoherent environment happens
-       within functor error messages where the left and right hand side
-       have a different views of the environment at the source level.
-       Printing the source-level by using a default index of `0`
-       seems like a reasonable compromise in this situation however.*)
-    Option.value index ~default:0
-  in
-  human_id id index
-let ident_name namespace id =
-  match namespace, !enabled with
-  | None, _ | _, false -> Out_name.create (Ident.name id)
-  | Some namespace, true ->
-      if fuzzy_id namespace id then Out_name.create (Ident.name id)
-      else
-        let name = indexed_name namespace id in
-        Conflicts.collect_explanation namespace id ~name;
-        Out_name.create name
-let ident_name = Naming_context.ident_name
-let ident ppf id = pp_print_string ppf
-    (Out_name.print (Naming_context.ident_name None id))
-let namespaced_ident namespace  id =
-  Out_name.print (Naming_context.ident_name (Some namespace) id)
-(* Print a path *)
-let ident_stdlib = Ident.create_persistent "Stdlib"
-let non_shadowed_stdlib namespace = function
-  | Pdot(Pident id, s) as path ->
-      Ident.same id ident_stdlib &&
-      (match Namespace.lookup namespace s with
-       | path' -> Path.same path path'
-       | exception Not_found -> true)
-  | _ -> false
-let find_double_underscore s =
-  let len = String.length s in
-  let rec loop i =
-    if i + 1 >= len then
-      None
-    else if s.[i] = '_' && s.[i + 1] = '_' then
-      Some i
-    else
-      loop (i + 1)
-  in
-  loop 0
-let rec module_path_is_an_alias_of env path ~alias_of =
-  match Env.find_module path env with
-  | { md_type = Mty_alias path'; _ } ->
-    Path.same path' alias_of ||
-    module_path_is_an_alias_of env path' ~alias_of
-  | _ -> false
-  | exception Not_found -> false
-(* Simple heuristic to print Foo__bar.* as Foo.Bar.* when Foo.Bar is an alias
-   for Foo__bar. This pattern is used by the stdlib. *)
-let rec rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p =
-  match p with
-  | Pdot (p, s) ->
-    Pdot (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p, s)
-  | Papply (a, b) ->
-    Papply (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env a,
-            rewrite_double_underscore_paths env b)
-  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) ->
-    Pextra_ty (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p, extra)
-  | Pident id ->
-    let name = Ident.name id in
-    match find_double_underscore name with
-    | None -> p
-    | Some i ->
-      let better_lid =
-        Ldot
-          (Lident (String.sub name 0 i),
-           Unit_info.modulize
-             (String.sub name (i + 2) (String.length name - i - 2)))
-      in
-      match Env.find_module_by_name better_lid env with
-      | exception Not_found -> p
-      | p', _ ->
-          if module_path_is_an_alias_of env p' ~alias_of:p then
-            p'
-          else
-          p
-let rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p =
-  if env == Env.empty then
-    p
-  else
-    rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p
-let rec tree_of_path ?(disambiguation=true) namespace p =
-  let tree_of_path namespace p = tree_of_path ~disambiguation namespace p in
-  let namespace = if disambiguation then namespace else None in
-  match p with
-  | Pident id ->
-      Oide_ident (ident_name namespace id)
-  | Pdot(_, s) as path when non_shadowed_stdlib namespace path ->
-      Oide_ident (Out_name.create s)
-  | Pdot(p, s) ->
-      Oide_dot (tree_of_path (Some Module) p, s)
-  | Papply(p1, p2) ->
-      let t1 = tree_of_path (Some Module) p1 in
-      let t2 = tree_of_path (Some Module) p2 in
-      Oide_apply (t1, t2)
-  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) -> begin
-      (* inline record types are syntactically prevented from escaping their
-         binding scope, and are never shown to users. *)
-      match extra with
-        Pcstr_ty s ->
-          Oide_dot (tree_of_path (Some Type) p, s)
-      | Pext_ty ->
-          tree_of_path None p
-    end
-let tree_of_path ?disambiguation namespace p =
-  tree_of_path ?disambiguation namespace
-    (rewrite_double_underscore_paths !printing_env p)
-let path ppf p =
-  !Oprint.out_ident ppf (tree_of_path None p)
-let string_of_path p =
-  Format.asprintf "%a" path p
-let strings_of_paths namespace p =
-  let trees = List.map (tree_of_path namespace) p in
-  List.map (Format.asprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_ident) trees
-let () = Env.print_path := path
-(* Print a recursive annotation *)
-let tree_of_rec = function
-  | Trec_not -> Orec_not
-  | Trec_first -> Orec_first
-  | Trec_next -> Orec_next
-(* Print a raw type expression, with sharing *)
-let raw_list pr ppf = function
-    [] -> fprintf ppf "[]"
-  | a :: l ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a%t]@]" pr a
-        (fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf ";@,%a" pr x) l)
-let kind_vars = ref []
-let kind_count = ref 0
-let string_of_field_kind v =
-  match field_kind_repr v with
-  | Fpublic -> "Fpublic"
-  | Fabsent -> "Fabsent"
-  | Fprivate -> "Fprivate"
-let rec safe_repr v t =
-  match Transient_expr.coerce t with
-    {desc = Tlink t} when not (List.memq t v) ->
-      safe_repr (t::v) t
-  | t' -> t'
-let rec list_of_memo = function
-    Mnil -> []
-  | Mcons (_priv, p, _t1, _t2, rem) -> p :: list_of_memo rem
-  | Mlink rem -> list_of_memo !rem
-let print_name ppf = function
-    None -> fprintf ppf "None"
-  | Some name -> fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" name
-let string_of_label = function
-    Nolabel -> ""
-  | Labelled s -> s
-  | Optional s -> "?"^s
-let visited = ref []
-let rec raw_type ppf ty =
-  let ty = safe_repr [] ty in
-  if List.memq ty !visited then fprintf ppf "{id=%d}" ty.id else begin
-    visited := ty :: !visited;
-    fprintf ppf "@[<1>{id=%d;level=%d;scope=%d;desc=@,%a}@]" ty.id ty.level
-      ty.scope raw_type_desc ty.desc
-  end
-and raw_type_list tl = raw_list raw_type tl
-and raw_lid_type_list tl =
-  raw_list (fun ppf (lid, typ) ->
-             fprintf ppf "(@,%a,@,%a)" longident lid raw_type typ)
-    tl
-and raw_type_desc ppf = function
-    Tvar name -> fprintf ppf "Tvar %a" print_name name
-  | Tarrow(l,t1,t2,c) ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tarrow(\"%s\",@,%a,@,%a,@,%s)@]"
-        (string_of_label l) raw_type t1 raw_type t2
-        (if is_commu_ok c then "Cok" else "Cunknown")
-  | Ttuple tl ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<1>Ttuple@,%a@]" raw_type_list tl
-  | Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tconstr(@,%a,@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p
-        raw_type_list tl
-        (raw_list path) (list_of_memo !abbrev)
-  | Tobject (t, nm) ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tobject(@,%a,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" raw_type t
-        (fun ppf ->
-          match !nm with None -> fprintf ppf " None"
-          | Some(p,tl) ->
-              fprintf ppf "(Some(@,%a,@,%a))" path p raw_type_list tl)
-  | Tfield (f, k, t1, t2) ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tfield(@,%s,@,%s,@,%a,@;<0 -1>%a)@]" f
-        (string_of_field_kind k)
-        raw_type t1 raw_type t2
-  | Tnil -> fprintf ppf "Tnil"
-  | Tlink t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tlink@,%a@]" raw_type t
-  | Tsubst (t, None) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,(%a,None)@]" raw_type t
-  | Tsubst (t, Some t') ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,(%a,@ Some%a)@]" raw_type t raw_type t'
-  | Tunivar name -> fprintf ppf "Tunivar %a" print_name name
-  | Tpoly (t, tl) ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpoly(@,%a,@,%a)@]"
-        raw_type t
-        raw_type_list tl
-  | Tvariant row ->
-      let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = row_repr row in
-      fprintf ppf
-        "@[<hov1>{@[%s@,%a;@]@ @[%s@,%a;@]@ %s%B;@ %s%a;@ @[<1>%s%t@]}@]"
-        "row_fields="
-        (raw_list (fun ppf (l, f) ->
-          fprintf ppf "@[%s,@ %a@]" l raw_field f))
-        fields
-        "row_more=" raw_type more
-        "row_closed=" closed
-        "row_fixed=" raw_row_fixed fixed
-        "row_name="
-        (fun ppf ->
-          match name with None -> fprintf ppf "None"
-          | Some(p,tl) ->
-              fprintf ppf "Some(@,%a,@,%a)" path p raw_type_list tl)
-  | Tpackage (p, fl) ->
-    fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpackage(@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p raw_lid_type_list fl
-and raw_row_fixed ppf = function
-| None -> fprintf ppf "None"
-| Some Types.Fixed_private -> fprintf ppf "Some Fixed_private"
-| Some Types.Rigid -> fprintf ppf "Some Rigid"
-| Some Types.Univar t -> fprintf ppf "Some(Univar(%a))" raw_type t
-| Some Types.Reified p -> fprintf ppf "Some(Reified(%a))" path p
-and raw_field ppf rf =
-  match_row_field
-    ~absent:(fun _ -> fprintf ppf "RFabsent")
-    ~present:(function
-      | None ->
-          fprintf ppf "RFpresent None"
-      | Some t ->
-          fprintf ppf  "@[<1>RFpresent(Some@,%a)@]" raw_type t)
-    ~either:(fun c tl m e ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>RFeither(%B,@,%a,@,%B,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" c
-        raw_type_list tl m
-        (fun ppf ->
-          match e with None -> fprintf ppf " RFnone"
-          | Some f -> fprintf ppf "@,@[<1>(%a)@]" raw_field f))
-    rf
-let raw_type_expr ppf t =
-  visited := []; kind_vars := []; kind_count := 0;
-  raw_type ppf t;
-  visited := []; kind_vars := []
-let () = Btype.print_raw := raw_type_expr
-(* Normalize paths *)
-let set_printing_env env =
-  printing_env :=
-    if !Clflags.real_paths then Env.empty
-    else env
-let wrap_printing_env env f =
-  set_printing_env (Env.update_short_paths env);
-  try_finally f ~always:(fun () -> set_printing_env Env.empty)
-let wrap_printing_env ?error:_ env f =
-  Env.without_cmis (wrap_printing_env env) f
-type type_result = Short_paths.type_result =
-  | Nth of int
-  | Path of int list option * Path.t
-type type_resolution = Short_paths.type_resolution =
-  | Nth of int
-  | Subst of int list
-  | Id
-let apply_subst ns args =
-  List.map (List.nth args) ns
-let apply_subst_opt nso args =
-  match nso with
-  | None -> args
-  | Some ns -> apply_subst ns args
-let apply_nth n args =
-  List.nth args n
-let best_type_path p =
-  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
-  then Path(None, p)
-  else Short_paths.find_type (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
-let best_type_path_resolution p =
-  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
-  then Id
-  else Short_paths.find_type_resolution (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
-let best_type_path_simple p =
-  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
-  then p
-  else Short_paths.find_type_simple (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
-let best_module_type_path p =
-  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
-  then p
-  else Short_paths.find_module_type (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
-let best_module_path p =
-  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
-  then p
-  else Short_paths.find_module (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
-let best_class_type_path p =
-  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
-  then None, p
-  else Short_paths.find_class_type (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
-let best_class_type_path_simple p =
-  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
-  then p
-  else Short_paths.find_class_type_simple (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
-(* When building a tree for a best type path, we should not disambiguate
-   identifiers whenever the short-path algorithm detected a better path than
-   the original one.*)
-let tree_of_best_type_path p p' =
-  if Path.same p p' then tree_of_path (Some Type) p'
-  else tree_of_path ~disambiguation:false None p'
-(* Print a type expression *)
-let proxy ty = Transient_expr.repr (proxy ty)
-(* When printing a type scheme, we print weak names.  When printing a plain
-   type, we do not.  This type controls that behavior *)
-type type_or_scheme = Type | Type_scheme
-let is_non_gen mode ty =
-  match mode with
-  | Type_scheme -> is_Tvar ty && get_level ty <> generic_level
-  | Type        -> false
-let nameable_row row =
-  row_name row <> None &&
-  List.for_all
-    (fun (_, f) ->
-       match row_field_repr f with
-       | Reither(c, l, _) ->
-           row_closed row && if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1
-       | _ -> true)
-    (row_fields row)
-(* This specialized version of [Btype.iter_type_expr] normalizes and
-   short-circuits the traversal of the [type_expr], so that it covers only the
-   subterms that would be printed by the type printer. *)
-let printer_iter_type_expr f ty =
-  match get_desc ty with
-  | Tconstr(p, tyl, _) -> begin
-      match best_type_path_resolution p with
-      | Nth n ->
-          f (apply_nth n tyl)
-      | Subst ns ->
-        List.iter f (apply_subst ns tyl)
-      | Id ->
-          List.iter f tyl
-      end
-  | Tvariant row -> begin
-      match row_name row with
-      | Some(_p, tyl) when nameable_row row ->
-          List.iter f tyl
-      | _ ->
-          iter_row f row
-    end
-  | Tobject (fi, nm) -> begin
-      match !nm with
-      | None ->
-          let fields, _ = flatten_fields fi in
-          List.iter
-            (fun (_, kind, ty) ->
-               if field_kind_repr kind = Fpublic then
-                 f ty)
-            fields
-      | Some (_, l) ->
-          List.iter f (List.tl l)
-    end
-  | Tfield(_, kind, ty1, ty2) ->
-      if field_kind_repr kind = Fpublic then
-        f ty1;
-      f ty2
-  | _ ->
-      Btype.iter_type_expr f ty
-module Internal_names : sig
-  val reset : unit -> unit
-  val add : Path.t -> unit
-  val print_explanations : Env.t -> Format.formatter -> unit
-end = struct
-  let names = ref Ident.Set.empty
-  let reset () =
-    names := Ident.Set.empty
-  let add p =
-    match p with
-    | Pident id ->
-        let name = Ident.name id in
-        if String.length name > 0 && name.[0] = '$' then begin
-          names := Ident.Set.add id !names
-        end
-    | Pdot _ | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> ()
-  let print_explanations env ppf =
-    let constrs =
-      Ident.Set.fold
-        (fun id acc ->
-          let p = Pident id in
-          match Env.find_type p env with
-          | exception Not_found -> acc
-          | decl ->
-              match type_origin decl with
-              | Existential constr ->
-                  let prev = String.Map.find_opt constr acc in
-                  let prev = Option.value ~default:[] prev in
-                  String.Map.add constr (tree_of_path None p :: prev) acc
-              | Definition | Rec_check_regularity -> acc)
-        !names String.Map.empty
-    in
-    String.Map.iter
-      (fun constr out_idents ->
-        match out_idents with
-        | [] -> ()
-        | [out_ident] ->
-            fprintf ppf
-              "@ @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}:@ %a@ is an existential type@ \
-               bound by the constructor@ %a.@]"
-              (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident) out_ident
-              Style.inline_code constr
-        | out_ident :: out_idents ->
-            fprintf ppf
-              "@ @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}:@ %a@ and %a@ are existential types@ \
-               bound by the constructor@ %a.@]"
-              (Format.pp_print_list
-                 ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf ",@ ")
-                 (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident))
-              (List.rev out_idents)
-              (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident) out_ident
-              Style.inline_code constr)
-      constrs
-module Names : sig
-  val reset_names : unit -> unit
-  val add_named_vars : type_expr -> unit
-  val add_subst : (type_expr * type_expr) list -> unit
-  val new_name : unit -> string
-  val new_var_name : non_gen:bool -> type_expr -> unit -> string
-  val name_of_type : (unit -> string) -> transient_expr -> string
-  val check_name_of_type : non_gen:bool -> transient_expr -> unit
-  val remove_names : transient_expr list -> unit
-  val with_local_names : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
-  (* Refresh the weak variable map in the toplevel; for [print_items], which is
-     itself for the toplevel *)
-  val refresh_weak : unit -> unit
-end = struct
-  (* We map from types to names, but not directly; we also store a substitution,
-     which maps from types to types.  The lookup process is
-     "type -> apply substitution -> find name".  The substitution is presumed to
-     be acyclic. *)
-  let names = ref ([] : (transient_expr * string) list)
-  let name_subst = ref ([] : (transient_expr * transient_expr) list)
-  let name_counter = ref 0
-  let named_vars = ref ([] : string list)
-  let visited_for_named_vars = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
-  let weak_counter = ref 1
-  let weak_var_map = ref TypeMap.empty
-  let named_weak_vars = ref String.Set.empty
-  let reset_names () =
-    names := [];
-    name_subst := [];
-    name_counter := 0;
-    named_vars := [];
-    visited_for_named_vars := []
-  let add_named_var tty =
-    match tty.desc with
-      Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
-        if List.mem name !named_vars then () else
-        named_vars := name :: !named_vars
-    | _ -> ()
-  let rec add_named_vars ty =
-    let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
-    let px = proxy ty in
-    if not (List.memq px !visited_for_named_vars) then begin
-      visited_for_named_vars := px :: !visited_for_named_vars;
-      match tty.desc with
-      | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ ->
-          add_named_var tty
-        | _ ->
-          printer_iter_type_expr add_named_vars ty
-    end
-  let rec substitute ty =
-    match List.assq ty !name_subst with
-    | ty' -> substitute ty'
-    | exception Not_found -> ty
-  let add_subst subst =
-    name_subst :=
-      List.map (fun (t1,t2) -> Transient_expr.repr t1, Transient_expr.repr t2)
-        subst
-      @ !name_subst
-  let name_is_already_used name =
-    List.mem name !named_vars
-    || List.exists (fun (_, name') -> name = name') !names
-    || String.Set.mem name !named_weak_vars
-  let rec new_name () =
-    let name = Misc.letter_of_int !name_counter in
-    incr name_counter;
-    if name_is_already_used name then new_name () else name
-  let rec new_weak_name ty () =
-    let name = "weak" ^ Int.to_string !weak_counter in
-    incr weak_counter;
-    if name_is_already_used name then new_weak_name ty ()
-    else begin
-        named_weak_vars := String.Set.add name !named_weak_vars;
-        weak_var_map := TypeMap.add ty name !weak_var_map;
-        name
-      end
-  let new_var_name ~non_gen ty () =
-    if non_gen then new_weak_name ty ()
-    else new_name ()
-  let name_of_type name_generator t =
-    (* We've already been through repr at this stage, so t is our representative
-       of the union-find class. *)
-    let t = substitute t in
-    try List.assq t !names with Not_found ->
-      try TransientTypeMap.find t !weak_var_map with Not_found ->
-      let name =
-        match t.desc with
-          Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
-            (* Some part of the type we've already printed has assigned another
-             * unification variable to that name. We want to keep the name, so
-             * try adding a number until we find a name that's not taken. *)
-            let available name =
-              List.for_all
-                (fun (_, name') -> name <> name')
-                !names
-            in
-            if available name then name
-            else
-              let suffixed i = name ^ Int.to_string i in
-              let i = Misc.find_first_mono (fun i -> available (suffixed i)) in
-              suffixed i
-        | _ ->
-            (* No name available, create a new one *)
-            name_generator ()
-      in
-      (* Exception for type declarations *)
-      if name <> "_" then names := (t, name) :: !names;
-      name
-  let check_name_of_type ~non_gen px =
-    let name_gen = new_var_name ~non_gen (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
-    ignore(name_of_type name_gen px)
-  let remove_names tyl =
-    let tyl = List.map substitute tyl in
-    names := List.filter (fun (ty,_) -> not (List.memq ty tyl)) !names
-  let with_local_names f =
-    let old_names = !names in
-    let old_subst = !name_subst in
-    names      := [];
-    name_subst := [];
-    try_finally
-      ~always:(fun () ->
-        names      := old_names;
-        name_subst := old_subst)
-      f
-  let refresh_weak () =
-    let refresh t name (m,s) =
-      if is_non_gen Type_scheme t then
-        begin
-          TypeMap.add t name m,
-          String.Set.add name s
-        end
-      else m, s in
-    let m, s =
-      TypeMap.fold refresh !weak_var_map (TypeMap.empty ,String.Set.empty) in
-    named_weak_vars := s;
-    weak_var_map := m
-let reserve_names ty =
-  normalize_type ty;
-  Names.add_named_vars ty
-let visited_objects = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
-let aliased = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
-let delayed = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
-let printed_aliases = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
-(* [printed_aliases] is a subset of [aliased] that records only those aliased
-   types that have actually been printed; this allows us to avoid naming loops
-   that the user will never see. *)
-let add_delayed t =
-  if not (List.memq t !delayed) then delayed := t :: !delayed
-let is_aliased_proxy px = List.memq px !aliased
-let add_alias_proxy px =
-  if not (is_aliased_proxy px) then
-    aliased := px :: !aliased
-let add_alias ty = add_alias_proxy (proxy ty)
-let add_printed_alias_proxy ~non_gen px =
-  Names.check_name_of_type ~non_gen px;
-  printed_aliases := px :: !printed_aliases
-let add_printed_alias ty = add_printed_alias_proxy (proxy ty)
-let aliasable ty =
-  match get_desc ty with
-    Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tpoly _ -> false
-  | Tconstr (p, _, _) -> begin
-      match best_type_path_resolution p with
-      | Nth _ -> false
-      | Subst _ | Id -> true
-    end
-  | _ -> true
-(* let namable_row row =
-  row.row_name <> None &&
-  List.for_all
-    (fun (_, f) ->
-       match row_field_repr f with
-       | Reither(c, l, _, _) ->
-           row.row_closed && if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1
-       | _ -> true)
-    row.row_fields *)
-let should_visit_object ty =
-  match get_desc ty with
-  | Tvariant row -> not (static_row row)
-  | Tobject _ -> opened_object ty
-  | _ -> false
-(*let rec mark_loops_rec visited ty =
-  let ty = repr ty in
-  let px = proxy ty in
-  if List.memq px visited && aliasable ty then add_alias px else
-    let visited = px :: visited in
-    match ty.desc with
-    | Tvar _ -> add_named_var ty
-    | Tarrow(_, ty1, ty2, _) ->
-        mark_loops_rec visited ty1; mark_loops_rec visited ty2
-    | Ttuple tyl -> List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl
-    | Tconstr(p, tyl, _) -> begin
-        match best_type_path_resolution p with
-        | Nth n ->
-            mark_loops_rec visited (apply_nth n tyl)
-        | Subst ns ->
-          List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) (apply_subst ns tyl)
-        | Id ->
-            List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl
-      end
-    | Tpackage (_, fl) ->
-        List.iter (fun (_n, ty) -> mark_loops_rec visited ty) fl
-    | Tvariant row ->
-        if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias px else
-         begin
-          let row = row_repr row in
-          if not (static_row row) then
-            visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
-          match row.row_name with
-          | Some(_p, tyl) when namable_row row ->
-              List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) tyl
-          | _ ->
-              iter_row (mark_loops_rec visited) row
-         end
-    | Tobject (fi, nm) ->
-        if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias px else
-         begin
-          if opened_object ty then
-            visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
-          begin match !nm with
-          | None ->
-              let fields, _ = flatten_fields fi in
-              List.iter
-                (fun (_, kind, ty) ->
-                  if field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent then
-                    mark_loops_rec visited ty)
-                fields
-          | Some (_, l) ->
-              List.iter (mark_loops_rec visited) (List.tl l)
-          end
-        end
-    | Tfield(_, kind, ty1, ty2) when field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent ->
-        mark_loops_rec visited ty1; mark_loops_rec visited ty2
-    | Tfield(_, _, _, ty2) ->
-        mark_loops_rec visited ty2
-    | Tnil -> ()
-    | Tsubst _ -> ()  (* we do not print arguments *)
-    | Tlink _ -> fatal_error "Printtyp.mark_loops_rec (2)"
-    | Tpoly (ty, tyl) ->
-        List.iter (fun t -> add_alias t) tyl;
-        mark_loops_rec visited ty
-    | Tunivar _ -> add_named_var ty *)
-let rec mark_loops_rec visited ty =
-  let px = proxy ty in
-  if List.memq px visited && aliasable ty then add_alias_proxy px else
-    let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
-      let visited = px :: visited in
-    match tty.desc with
-    | Tvariant _ | Tobject _ ->
-        if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias_proxy px else begin
-          if should_visit_object ty then
-              visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
-          printer_iter_type_expr (mark_loops_rec visited) ty
-          end
-    | Tpoly(ty, tyl) ->
-        List.iter add_alias tyl;
-          mark_loops_rec visited ty
-    | _ ->
-        printer_iter_type_expr (mark_loops_rec visited) ty
-let mark_loops ty =
-  mark_loops_rec [] ty;;
-let prepare_type ty =
-  reserve_names ty;
-  mark_loops ty;;
-let reset_loop_marks () =
-  visited_objects := []; aliased := []; delayed := []; printed_aliases := []
-let reset_except_context () =
-  Names.reset_names (); reset_loop_marks (); Internal_names.reset ()
-let reset () =
-  Conflicts.reset ();
-  reset_except_context ()
-let prepare_for_printing tyl =
-  reset_except_context ();
-  List.iter prepare_type tyl
-let add_type_to_preparation = prepare_type
-(* Disabled in classic mode when printing an unification error *)
-let print_labels = ref true
-let alias_nongen_row mode px ty =
-    match get_desc ty with
-    | Tvariant _ | Tobject _ ->
-        if is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) then
-          add_alias_proxy px
-    | _ -> ()
-let rec tree_of_typexp mode ty =
-  let px = proxy ty in
-  if List.memq px !printed_aliases && not (List.memq px !delayed) then
-   let non_gen = is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
-   let name = Names.name_of_type (Names.new_var_name ~non_gen ty) px in
-   Otyp_var (non_gen, name) else
-  let pr_typ () =
-    let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
-    match tty.desc with
-    | Tvar _ ->
-        let non_gen = is_non_gen mode ty in
-        let name_gen = Names.new_var_name ~non_gen ty in
-        Otyp_var (non_gen, Names.name_of_type name_gen tty)
-    | Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2, _) ->
-        let lab =
-          if !print_labels || is_optional l then l else Nolabel
-        in
-        let t1 =
-          if is_optional l then
-            match get_desc ty1 with
-            | Tconstr(path, [ty], _)
-              when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
-                tree_of_typexp mode ty
-            | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>"
-          else tree_of_typexp mode ty1 in
-        Otyp_arrow (lab, t1, tree_of_typexp mode ty2)
-    | Ttuple tyl ->
-        Otyp_tuple (tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
-    | Tconstr(p, tyl, _abbrev) -> begin
-        match best_type_path p with
-        | Nth n -> tree_of_typexp mode (apply_nth n tyl)
-        | Path(nso, p') ->
-            Internal_names.add p';
-            let tyl' = apply_subst_opt nso tyl in
-            Otyp_constr (tree_of_path (Some Type) p', tree_of_typlist mode tyl')
-      end
-    | Tvariant row ->
-      let Row {fields; name; closed; _} = row_repr row in
-        let fields =
-          if closed then
-            List.filter (fun (_, f) -> row_field_repr f <> Rabsent)
-              fields
-          else fields in
-        let present =
-          List.filter
-            (fun (_, f) ->
-               match row_field_repr f with
-               | Rpresent _ -> true
-               | _ -> false)
-            fields in
-        let all_present = List.length present = List.length fields in
-        begin match name with
-        | Some(p, tyl) when nameable_row row ->
-            let out_variant =
-              match best_type_path p with
-              | Nth n -> tree_of_typexp mode (apply_nth n tyl)
-              | Path(s, p) ->
-                let id = tree_of_path (Some Type) p in
-                let args = tree_of_typlist mode (apply_subst_opt s tyl) in
-                Otyp_constr (id, args)
-            in
-            if closed && all_present then
-              out_variant
-            else
-              let tags =
-                if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
-              Otyp_variant (Ovar_typ out_variant, closed, tags)
-        | _ ->
-            let fields = List.map (tree_of_row_field mode) fields in
-            let tags =
-              if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
-              Otyp_variant (Ovar_fields fields, closed, tags)
-        end
-    | Tobject (fi, nm) ->
-        tree_of_typobject mode fi !nm
-    | Tnil | Tfield _ ->
-        tree_of_typobject mode ty None
-    | Tsubst _ ->
-        (* This case should only happen when debugging the compiler *)
-        Otyp_stuff "<Tsubst>"
-    | Tlink _ ->
-        fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typexp"
-    | Tpoly (ty, []) ->
-        tree_of_typexp mode ty
-    | Tpoly (ty, tyl) ->
-        (*let print_names () =
-          List.iter (fun (_, name) -> prerr_string (name ^ " ")) !names;
-          prerr_string "; " in *)
-        if tyl = [] then tree_of_typexp mode ty else begin
-          let tyl = List.map Transient_expr.repr tyl in
-          let old_delayed = !delayed in
-          (* Make the names delayed, so that the real type is
-             printed once when used as proxy *)
-          List.iter add_delayed tyl;
-          let tl = List.map (Names.name_of_type Names.new_name) tyl in
-          let tr = Otyp_poly (tl, tree_of_typexp mode ty) in
-          (* Forget names when we leave scope *)
-          Names.remove_names tyl;
-          delayed := old_delayed; tr
-        end
-    | Tunivar _ ->
-        Otyp_var (false, Names.name_of_type Names.new_name tty)
-    | Tpackage (p, fl) ->
-        let p = best_module_type_path p in
-        let fl =
-          List.map
-            (fun (li, ty) -> (
-              String.concat "." (Longident.flatten li),
-              tree_of_typexp mode ty
-            )) fl in
-        Otyp_module (tree_of_path (Some Module_type) p, fl)
-  in
-  if List.memq px !delayed then delayed := List.filter ((!=) px) !delayed;
-  alias_nongen_row mode px ty;
-  if is_aliased_proxy px && aliasable ty then begin
-    let non_gen = is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
-    add_printed_alias_proxy ~non_gen px;
-    (* add_printed_alias chose a name, thus the name generator
-       doesn't matter.*)
-    let alias = Names.name_of_type (Names.new_var_name ~non_gen ty) px in
-    Otyp_alias {non_gen;  aliased = pr_typ (); alias } end
-  else pr_typ ()
-and tree_of_row_field mode (l, f) =
-    match row_field_repr f with
-  | Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _) -> (l, false, [])
-  | Rpresent(Some ty) -> (l, false, [tree_of_typexp mode ty])
-  | Reither(c, tyl, _) ->
-        if c (* contradiction: constant constructor with an argument *)
-      then (l, true, tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
-      else (l, false, tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
-    | Rabsent -> (l, false, [] (* actually, an error *))
-and tree_of_typlist mode tyl =
-  List.map (tree_of_typexp mode) tyl
-and tree_of_typobject mode fi nm =
-  begin match nm with
-  | None ->
-      let pr_fields fi =
-        let (fields, rest) = flatten_fields fi in
-        let present_fields =
-          List.fold_right
-            (fun (n, k, t) l ->
-               match field_kind_repr k with
-               | Fpublic -> (n, t) :: l
-               | _ -> l)
-            fields [] in
-        let sorted_fields =
-          List.sort
-            (fun (n, _) (n', _) -> String.compare n n') present_fields in
-        tree_of_typfields mode rest sorted_fields in
-      let (fields, open_row) = pr_fields fi in
-      Otyp_object {fields; open_row}
-  | Some (p, _ty :: tyl) ->
-      let args = tree_of_typlist mode tyl in
-      let p' = best_type_path_simple p in
-      Otyp_class (tree_of_best_type_path p p', args)
-  | _ ->
-      fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typobject"
-  end
-and tree_of_typfields mode rest = function
-  | [] ->
-      let open_row =
-        match get_desc rest with
-        | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tconstr _-> true
-        | Tnil -> false
-        | _ -> fatal_error "typfields (1)"
-      in
-      ([], open_row)
-  | (s, t) :: l ->
-      let field = (s, tree_of_typexp mode t) in
-      let (fields, rest) = tree_of_typfields mode rest l in
-      (field :: fields, rest)
-let typexp mode ppf ty =
-  !Oprint.out_type ppf (tree_of_typexp mode ty)
-let prepared_type_expr ppf ty = typexp Type ppf ty
-let prepared_type_scheme ppf ty = typexp Type_scheme ppf ty
-let type_expr ppf ty =
-  (* [type_expr] is used directly by error message printers,
-     we mark eventual loops ourself to avoid any misuse and stack overflow *)
-  prepare_for_printing [ty];
-  prepared_type_expr ppf ty
-(* "Half-prepared" type expression: [ty] should have had its names reserved, but
-   should not have had its loops marked. *)
-let type_expr_with_reserved_names ppf ty =
-  reset_loop_marks ();
-  mark_loops ty;
-  prepared_type_expr ppf ty
-let shared_type_scheme ppf ty =
-  prepare_type ty;
-  typexp Type_scheme ppf ty
-let type_scheme ppf ty =
-  prepare_for_printing [ty];
-  prepared_type_scheme ppf ty
-let type_path ppf p =
-  let p = best_class_type_path_simple p in
-  let t = tree_of_path (Some Type) p in
-  !Oprint.out_ident ppf t
-let tree_of_type_scheme ty =
-  prepare_for_printing [ty];
-  tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty
-(* Print one type declaration *)
-let tree_of_constraints params =
-  List.fold_right
-    (fun ty list ->
-       let ty' = unalias ty in
-       if proxy ty != proxy ty' then
-         let tr = tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty in
-         (tr, tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty') :: list
-       else list)
-    params []
-let filter_params tyl =
-  let params =
-    List.fold_left
-      (fun tyl ty ->
-        if List.exists (eq_type ty) tyl
-        then newty2 ~level:generic_level (Ttuple [ty]) :: tyl
-        else ty :: tyl)
-      (* Two parameters might be identical due to a constraint but we need to
-         print them differently in order to make the output syntactically valid.
-         We use [Ttuple [ty]] because it is printed as [ty]. *)
-      (* Replacing fold_left by fold_right does not work! *)
-      [] tyl
-  in List.rev params
-let prepare_type_constructor_arguments = function
-  | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter prepare_type l
-  | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> prepare_type l.ld_type) l
-let tree_of_label l =
-  (Ident.name l.ld_id, l.ld_mutable = Mutable, tree_of_typexp Type l.ld_type)
-let tree_of_constructor_arguments = function
-  | Cstr_tuple l -> tree_of_typlist Type l
-  | Cstr_record l -> [ Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label l) ]
-let tree_of_single_constructor cd =
-  let name = Ident.name cd.cd_id in
-  let ret = Option.map (tree_of_typexp Type) cd.cd_res in
-  let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments cd.cd_args in
-  {
-      ocstr_name = name;
-      ocstr_args = args;
-      ocstr_return_type = ret;
-  }
-(* When printing GADT constructor, we need to forget the naming decision we took
-  for the type parameters and constraints. Indeed, in
-  {[
-  type 'a t = X: 'a -> 'b t
-   ]}
-  It is fine to print both the type parameter ['a] and the existentially
-  quantified ['a] in the definition of the constructor X as ['a]
- *)
-let tree_of_constructor_in_decl cd =
-  match cd.cd_res with
-  | None -> tree_of_single_constructor cd
-  | Some _ -> Names.with_local_names (fun () -> tree_of_single_constructor cd)
-let prepare_decl id decl =
-  let params = filter_params decl.type_params in
-  begin match decl.type_manifest with
-  | Some ty ->
-      let vars = free_variables ty in
-      List.iter
-        (fun ty ->
-          if get_desc ty = Tvar (Some "_") && List.exists (eq_type ty) vars
-          then set_type_desc ty (Tvar None))
-        params
-  | None -> ()
-  end;
-  List.iter add_alias params;
-  List.iter prepare_type params;
-  List.iter (add_printed_alias ~non_gen:false) params;
-  let ty_manifest =
-    match decl.type_manifest with
-    | None -> None
-    | Some ty ->
-        let ty =
-          (* Special hack to hide variant name *)
-          match get_desc ty with
-            Tvariant row ->
-              begin match row_name row with
-                Some (Pident id', _) when Ident.same id id' ->
-                  newgenty (Tvariant (set_row_name row None))
-              | _ -> ty
-              end
-          | _ -> ty
-        in
-        prepare_type ty;
-        Some ty
-  in
-  begin match decl.type_kind with
-  | Type_abstract _ -> ()
-  | Type_variant (cstrs, _rep) ->
-      List.iter
-        (fun c ->
-           prepare_type_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
-           Option.iter prepare_type c.cd_res)
-        cstrs
-  | Type_record(l, _rep) ->
-      List.iter (fun l -> prepare_type l.ld_type) l
-  | Type_open -> ()
-  end;
-  ty_manifest, params
-let tree_of_type_decl id decl =
-  let ty_manifest, params = prepare_decl id decl in
-  let type_param ot_variance =
-    function
-    | Otyp_var (ot_non_gen, ot_name) -> {ot_non_gen; ot_name; ot_variance}
-    | _ -> {ot_non_gen=false; ot_name="?"; ot_variance}
-  in
-  let type_defined decl =
-    let abstr =
-      match decl.type_kind with
-        Type_abstract _ ->
-          decl.type_manifest = None || decl.type_private = Private
-      | Type_record _ ->
-          decl.type_private = Private
-      | Type_variant (tll, _rep) ->
-          decl.type_private = Private ||
-          List.exists (fun cd -> cd.cd_res <> None) tll
-      | Type_open ->
-          decl.type_manifest = None
-    in
-    let vari =
-      List.map2
-        (fun ty v ->
-          let is_var = is_Tvar ty in
-          if abstr || not is_var then
-            let inj =
-              type_kind_is_abstract decl && Variance.mem Inj v &&
-              match decl.type_manifest with
-              | None -> true
-              | Some ty -> (* only abstract or private row types *)
-                  decl.type_private = Private &&
-                  Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true (Btype.row_of_type ty)
-            and (co, cn) = Variance.get_upper v in
-            (if not cn then Covariant else
-             if not co then Contravariant else NoVariance),
-            (if inj then Injective else NoInjectivity)
-          else (NoVariance, NoInjectivity))
-        decl.type_params decl.type_variance
-    in
-    (Ident.name id,
-     List.map2 (fun ty cocn -> type_param cocn (tree_of_typexp Type ty))
-       params vari)
-  in
-  let tree_of_manifest ty1 =
-    match ty_manifest with
-    | None -> ty1
-    | Some ty -> Otyp_manifest (tree_of_typexp Type ty, ty1)
-  in
-  let (name, args) = type_defined decl in
-  let constraints = tree_of_constraints params in
-  let ty, priv, unboxed =
-    match decl.type_kind with
-    | Type_abstract _ ->
-        begin match ty_manifest with
-        | None -> (Otyp_abstract, Public, false)
-        | Some ty ->
-            tree_of_typexp Type ty, decl.type_private, false
-        end
-    | Type_variant (cstrs, rep) ->
-        tree_of_manifest
-          (Otyp_sum (List.map tree_of_constructor_in_decl cstrs)),
-        decl.type_private,
-        (rep = Variant_unboxed)
-    | Type_record(lbls, rep) ->
-        tree_of_manifest (Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label lbls)),
-        decl.type_private,
-        (match rep with Record_unboxed _ -> true | _ -> false)
-    | Type_open ->
-        tree_of_manifest Otyp_open,
-        decl.type_private,
-        false
-  in
-    { otype_name = name;
-      otype_params = args;
-      otype_type = ty;
-      otype_private = priv;
-      otype_immediate = Type_immediacy.of_attributes decl.type_attributes;
-      otype_unboxed = unboxed;
-      otype_cstrs = constraints }
-let add_type_decl_to_preparation id decl =
-   ignore @@ prepare_decl id decl
-let tree_of_prepared_type_decl id decl =
-  tree_of_type_decl id decl
-let tree_of_type_decl id decl =
-  reset_except_context();
-  tree_of_type_decl id decl
-let add_constructor_to_preparation c =
-  prepare_type_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
-  Option.iter prepare_type c.cd_res
-let prepared_constructor ppf c =
-  !Oprint.out_constr ppf (tree_of_single_constructor c)
-let constructor ppf c =
-  reset_except_context ();
-  add_constructor_to_preparation c;
-  prepared_constructor ppf c
-let label ppf l =
-  reset_except_context ();
-  prepare_type l.ld_type;
-  !Oprint.out_label ppf (tree_of_label l)
-let tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs =
-  Osig_type (tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)
-let tree_of_prepared_type_declaration id decl rs =
-  Osig_type (tree_of_prepared_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)
-let type_declaration id ppf decl =
-  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_type_declaration id decl Trec_first)
-let add_type_declaration_to_preparation id decl =
-  add_type_decl_to_preparation id decl
-let prepared_type_declaration id ppf decl =
-  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf
-    (tree_of_prepared_type_declaration id decl Trec_first)
-let constructor_arguments ppf a =
-  let tys = tree_of_constructor_arguments a in
-  !Oprint.out_type ppf (Otyp_tuple tys)
-(* Print an extension declaration *)
-let extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree ext_args ext_ret_type =
-  let ret = Option.map (tree_of_typexp Type) ext_ret_type in
-  let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments ext_args in
-  (args, ret)
-(* When printing extension constructor, it is important to ensure that
-after printing the constructor, we are still in the scope of the constructor.
-For GADT constructor, this can be done by printing the type parameters inside
-their own isolated scope. This ensures that in
-   type 'b t += A: 'b -> 'b any t
-the type parameter `'b` is not bound when printing the type variable `'b` from
-the constructor definition from the type parameter.
-Contrarily, for non-gadt constructor, we must keep the same scope for
-the type parameters and the constructor because a type constraint may
-have changed the name of the type parameter:
-type -'a t = .. constraint <x:'a. 'a t -> 'a> = 'a
-(* the universal 'a is here to steal the name 'a from the type parameter *)
-type 'a t = X of 'a
-]} *)
-let add_extension_constructor_to_preparation ext =
-  let ty_params = filter_params ext.ext_type_params in
-  List.iter add_alias ty_params;
-  List.iter prepare_type ty_params;
-  prepare_type_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args;
-  Option.iter prepare_type ext.ext_ret_type
-let prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor
-    id ext es
-  =
-  let type_path = best_type_path_simple ext.ext_type_path in
-  let ty_name = Path.name type_path in
-  let ty_params = filter_params ext.ext_type_params in
-  let type_param =
-    function
-    | Otyp_var (_, id) -> id
-    | _ -> "?"
-  in
-  let param_scope f =
-    match ext.ext_ret_type with
-    | None ->
-        (* normal constructor: same scope for parameters and the constructor *)
-        f ()
-    | Some _ ->
-        (* gadt constructor: isolated scope for the type parameters *)
-        Names.with_local_names f
-  in
-  let ty_params =
-    param_scope
-      (fun () ->
-         List.iter (add_printed_alias ~non_gen:false) ty_params;
-         List.map (fun ty -> type_param (tree_of_typexp Type ty)) ty_params
-      )
-  in
-  let name = Ident.name id in
-  let args, ret =
-    extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree
-      ext.ext_args
-      ext.ext_ret_type
-  in
-  let ext =
-    { oext_name = name;
-      oext_type_name = ty_name;
-      oext_type_params = ty_params;
-      oext_args = args;
-      oext_ret_type = ret;
-      oext_private = ext.ext_private }
-  in
-  let es =
-    match es with
-        Text_first -> Oext_first
-      | Text_next -> Oext_next
-      | Text_exception -> Oext_exception
-  in
-    Osig_typext (ext, es)
-let tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es =
-  reset_except_context ();
-  add_extension_constructor_to_preparation ext;
-  prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es
-let extension_constructor id ppf ext =
-  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_extension_constructor id ext Text_first)
-let prepared_extension_constructor id ppf ext =
-  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf
-    (prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor id ext Text_first)
-let extension_only_constructor id ppf ext =
-  reset_except_context ();
-  prepare_type_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args;
-  Option.iter prepare_type ext.ext_ret_type;
-  let name = Ident.name id in
-  let args, ret =
-    extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree
-      ext.ext_args
-      ext.ext_ret_type
-  in
-  Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a@]"
-    !Oprint.out_constr {
-      ocstr_name = name;
-      ocstr_args = args;
-      ocstr_return_type = ret;
-    }
-(* Print a value declaration *)
-let tree_of_value_description id decl =
-  (* Format.eprintf "@[%a@]@." raw_type_expr decl.val_type; *)
-  let id = Ident.name id in
-  let ty = tree_of_type_scheme decl.val_type in
-  let vd =
-    { oval_name = id;
-      oval_type = ty;
-      oval_prims = [];
-      oval_attributes = [] }
-  in
-  let vd =
-    match decl.val_kind with
-    | Val_prim p -> Primitive.print p vd
-    | _ -> vd
-  in
-  Osig_value vd
-let value_description id ppf decl =
-  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_value_description id decl)
-(* Print a class type *)
-let method_type priv ty =
-  match priv, get_desc ty with
-  | Mpublic, Tpoly(ty, tyl) -> (ty, tyl)
-  | _ , _ -> (ty, [])
-let prepare_method _lab (priv, _virt, ty) =
-  let ty, _ = method_type priv ty in
-  prepare_type ty
-let tree_of_method mode (lab, priv, virt, ty) =
-  let (ty, tyl) = method_type priv ty in
-  let tty = tree_of_typexp mode ty in
-  Names.remove_names (List.map Transient_expr.repr tyl);
-  let priv = priv <> Mpublic in
-  let virt = virt = Virtual in
-  Ocsg_method (lab, priv, virt, tty)
-let rec prepare_class_type params = function
-  | Cty_constr (_p, tyl, cty) ->
-      let row = Btype.self_type_row cty in
-      if List.memq (proxy row) !visited_objects
-      || not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
-      || List.exists (deep_occur row) tyl
-      then prepare_class_type params cty
-      else List.iter prepare_type tyl
-  | Cty_signature sign ->
-      (* Self may have a name *)
-      let px = proxy sign.csig_self_row in
-      if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias_proxy px
-      else visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
-      Vars.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> prepare_type ty) sign.csig_vars;
-      Meths.iter prepare_method sign.csig_meths
-  | Cty_arrow (_, ty, cty) ->
-      prepare_type ty;
-      prepare_class_type params cty
-let rec tree_of_class_type mode params =
-  function
-  | Cty_constr (p, tyl, cty) ->
-    let row = Btype.self_type_row cty in
-      if List.memq (proxy row) !visited_objects
-      || not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
-      then
-        tree_of_class_type mode params cty
-      else begin
-        let nso, p = best_class_type_path p in
-        let tyl = apply_subst_opt nso tyl in
-        let namespace = Namespace.best_class_namespace p in
-        Octy_constr (tree_of_path namespace p, tree_of_typlist Type_scheme tyl)
-      end
-  | Cty_signature sign ->
-      let px = proxy sign.csig_self_row in
-      let self_ty =
-        if is_aliased_proxy px then
-          Some
-            (Otyp_var (false, Names.name_of_type Names.new_name px))
-        else None
-      in
-      let csil = [] in
-      let csil =
-        List.fold_left
-          (fun csil (ty1, ty2) -> Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) :: csil)
-          csil (tree_of_constraints params)
-      in
-      let all_vars =
-        Vars.fold (fun l (m, v, t) all -> (l, m, v, t) :: all) sign.csig_vars []
-      in
-      (* Consequence of PR#3607: order of Map.fold has changed! *)
-      let all_vars = List.rev all_vars in
-      let csil =
-        List.fold_left
-          (fun csil (l, m, v, t) ->
-            Ocsg_value (l, m = Mutable, v = Virtual, tree_of_typexp mode t)
-            :: csil)
-          csil all_vars
-      in
-      let all_meths =
-        Meths.fold
-          (fun l (p, v, t) all -> (l, p, v, t) :: all)
-          sign.csig_meths []
-      in
-      let all_meths = List.rev all_meths in
-      let csil =
-        List.fold_left
-          (fun csil meth -> tree_of_method mode meth :: csil)
-          csil all_meths
-      in
-      Octy_signature (self_ty, List.rev csil)
-  | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
-      let lab =
-        if !print_labels || is_optional l then l else Nolabel
-      in
-      let tr =
-       if is_optional l then
-         match get_desc ty with
-         | Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
-             tree_of_typexp mode ty
-         | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>"
-       else tree_of_typexp mode ty in
-      Octy_arrow (lab, tr, tree_of_class_type mode params cty)
-let class_type ppf cty =
-  reset ();
-  prepare_class_type [] cty;
-  !Oprint.out_class_type ppf (tree_of_class_type Type [] cty)
-let tree_of_class_param param variance =
-  let ot_variance =
-    if is_Tvar param then Asttypes.(NoVariance, NoInjectivity) else variance in
-  match tree_of_typexp Type_scheme param with
-    Otyp_var (ot_non_gen, ot_name) -> {ot_non_gen; ot_name; ot_variance}
-  | _ -> {ot_non_gen=false; ot_name="?"; ot_variance}
-let class_variance =
-  let open Variance in let open Asttypes in
-  List.map (fun v ->
-    (if not (mem May_pos v) then Contravariant else
-     if not (mem May_neg v) then Covariant else NoVariance),
-    NoInjectivity)
-let tree_of_class_declaration id cl rs =
-  let params = filter_params cl.cty_params in
-  reset_except_context ();
-  List.iter add_alias params;
-  prepare_class_type params cl.cty_type;
-  let px = proxy (Btype.self_type_row cl.cty_type) in
-  List.iter prepare_type params;
-  List.iter (add_printed_alias ~non_gen:false) params;
-  if is_aliased_proxy px then add_printed_alias_proxy ~non_gen:false px;
-  let vir_flag = cl.cty_new = None in
-  Osig_class
-    (vir_flag, Ident.name id,
-     List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.cty_variance),
-     tree_of_class_type Type_scheme params cl.cty_type,
-     tree_of_rec rs)
-let class_declaration id ppf cl =
-  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_class_declaration id cl Trec_first)
-let tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl rs =
-  let params = cl.clty_params in
-  reset_except_context ();
-  List.iter add_alias params;
-  prepare_class_type params cl.clty_type;
-  let px = proxy (Btype.self_type_row cl.clty_type) in
-  List.iter prepare_type params;
-  List.iter (add_printed_alias ~non_gen:false) params;
-  if is_aliased_proxy px then (add_printed_alias_proxy ~non_gen:false) px;
-  let sign = Btype.signature_of_class_type cl.clty_type in
-  let has_virtual_vars =
-    Vars.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b)
-      sign.csig_vars false
-  in
-  let has_virtual_meths =
-    Meths.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b)
-      sign.csig_meths false
-  in
-  Osig_class_type
-    (has_virtual_vars || has_virtual_meths, Ident.name id,
-     List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.clty_variance),
-     tree_of_class_type Type_scheme params cl.clty_type,
-     tree_of_rec rs)
-let cltype_declaration id ppf cl =
-  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl Trec_first)
-(* Print a module type *)
-let wrap_env fenv ftree arg =
-  let env = !printing_env in
-  let env' = Env.update_short_paths (fenv env) in
-  set_printing_env env';
-  let tree = ftree arg in
-  set_printing_env env;
-  tree
-let dummy =
-  {
-    type_params = [];
-    type_arity = 0;
-    type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
-    type_private = Public;
-    type_manifest = None;
-    type_variance = [];
-    type_separability = [];
-    type_is_newtype = false;
-    type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
-    type_loc = Location.none;
-    type_attributes = [];
-    type_immediate = Unknown;
-    type_unboxed_default = false;
-    type_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique;
-  }
-(** we hide items being defined from short-path to avoid shortening
-    [type t = Path.To.t] into [type t = t].
-let ident_sigitem = function
-  | Types.Sig_type(ident,_,_,_) ->  {hide=true;ident}
-  | Types.Sig_class(ident,_,_,_)
-  | Types.Sig_class_type (ident,_,_,_)
-  | Types.Sig_module(ident,_, _,_,_)
-  | Types.Sig_value (ident,_,_)
-  | Types.Sig_modtype (ident,_,_)
-  | Types.Sig_typext (ident,_,_,_)   ->  {hide=false; ident }
-let hide ids env =
-  let hide_id id env =
-    (* Global idents cannot be renamed *)
-    if id.hide && not (Ident.global id.ident) then
-      Env.add_type ~check:false (Ident.rename_no_exn id.ident) dummy env
-    else env
-  in
-  List.fold_right hide_id ids env
-let with_hidden_items ids f =
-  let with_hidden_in_printing_env ids f =
-    wrap_env (hide ids) (Naming_context.with_hidden ids) f
-  in
-  if not !Clflags.real_paths then
-    with_hidden_in_printing_env ids f
-  else
-    Naming_context.with_hidden ids f
-let add_sigitem env x =
-  Env.add_signature (Signature_group.flatten x) env
-let rec tree_of_modtype ?(ellipsis=false) = function
-  | Mty_ident p ->
-      let p = best_module_type_path p in
-      Omty_ident (tree_of_path (Some Module_type) p)
-  | Mty_signature sg ->
-      Omty_signature (if ellipsis then [Osig_ellipsis]
-                      else tree_of_signature sg)
-  | Mty_functor(param, ty_res) ->
-      let param, env =
-        tree_of_functor_parameter param
-      in
-      let res = wrap_env env (tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis) ty_res in
-      Omty_functor (param, res)
-  | Mty_alias p ->
-      let p = best_module_path p in
-      Omty_alias (tree_of_path (Some Module) p)
-  | Mty_for_hole -> Omty_hole
-and tree_of_functor_parameter = function
-  | Unit ->
-      None, fun k -> k
-  | Named (param, ty_arg) ->
-      let name, env =
-        match param with
-        | None -> None, fun env -> env
-        | Some id ->
-            Some (Ident.name id),
-            Env.add_module ~arg:true id Mp_present ty_arg
-      in
-      Some (name, tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis:false ty_arg), env
-and tree_of_signature sg =
-  wrap_env (fun env -> env)(fun sg ->
-      let tree_groups = tree_of_signature_rec !printing_env sg in
-      List.concat_map (fun (_env,l) -> List.map snd l) tree_groups
-    ) sg
-and tree_of_signature_rec env' sg =
-  let structured = List.of_seq (Signature_group.seq sg) in
-  let collect_trees_of_rec_group group =
-    let env = !printing_env in
-    let env', group_trees =
-       trees_of_recursive_sigitem_group env group
-    in
-    set_printing_env env';
-    (env, group_trees) in
-  set_printing_env env';
-  List.map collect_trees_of_rec_group structured
-and trees_of_recursive_sigitem_group env
-    (syntactic_group: Signature_group.rec_group) =
-  let display (x:Signature_group.sig_item) = x.src, tree_of_sigitem x.src in
-  let env = Env.add_signature syntactic_group.pre_ghosts env in
-  match syntactic_group.group with
-  | Not_rec x -> add_sigitem env x, [display x]
-  | Rec_group items ->
-      let ids = List.map (fun x -> ident_sigitem x.Signature_group.src) items in
-      List.fold_left add_sigitem env items,
-      with_hidden_items ids (fun () -> List.map display items)
-and tree_of_sigitem = function
-  | Sig_value(id, decl, _) ->
-      tree_of_value_description id decl
-  | Sig_type(id, decl, rs, _) ->
-      tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs
-  | Sig_typext(id, ext, es, _) ->
-      tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es
-  | Sig_module(id, _, md, rs, _) ->
-      let ellipsis =
-        List.exists (function
-          | Parsetree.{attr_name = {txt="..."}; attr_payload = PStr []} -> true
-          | _ -> false)
-          md.md_attributes in
-      tree_of_module id md.md_type rs ~ellipsis
-  | Sig_modtype(id, decl, _) ->
-      tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl
-  | Sig_class(id, decl, rs, _) ->
-      tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs
-  | Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs, _) ->
-      tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs
-and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl =
-  let mty =
-    match decl.mtd_type with
-    | None -> Omty_abstract
-    | Some mty -> tree_of_modtype mty
-  in
-  Osig_modtype (Ident.name id, mty)
-and tree_of_module id ?ellipsis mty rs =
-  Osig_module (Ident.name id, tree_of_modtype ?ellipsis mty, tree_of_rec rs)
+let ident = Fmt.compat Doc.ident
+let path = Fmt.compat Doc.path
+let type_path = Fmt.compat Doc.type_path
+let raw_type_expr = Fmt.compat Doc.raw_type_expr
+let wrap_printing_env = Doc.wrap_printing_env
+let type_expr = Fmt.compat Doc.type_expr
+let prepared_type_expr = Fmt.compat Doc.prepared_type_expr
+let constructor_arguments = Fmt.compat Doc.constructor_arguments
+let type_scheme = Fmt.compat Doc.type_scheme
+let prepared_type_scheme = Fmt.compat Doc.prepared_type_scheme
+let shared_type_scheme = Fmt.compat Doc.shared_type_scheme
+let value_description = Fmt.compat1 Doc.value_description
+let label = Fmt.compat Doc.label
+let prepared_constructor = Fmt.compat Doc.prepared_constructor
+let constructor = Fmt.compat Doc.constructor
+let prepared_type_declaration = Fmt.compat1 Doc.prepared_type_declaration
+let type_declaration = Fmt.compat1 Doc.type_declaration
+let prepared_extension_constructor =
+  Fmt.compat1 Doc.prepared_extension_constructor
+let extension_constructor = Fmt.compat1 Doc.extension_constructor
+let extension_only_constructor = Fmt.compat1 Doc.extension_only_constructor
+let modtype = Fmt.compat Doc.modtype
+let signature = Fmt.compat Doc.signature
 let rec functor_parameters ~sep custom_printer = function
   | [] -> ignore
   | [id,param] ->
-      Format.dprintf "%t%t"
-        (custom_printer param)
-        (functor_param ~sep ~custom_printer id [])
+    Format.dprintf "%t%t"
+      (custom_printer param)
+      (functor_param ~sep ~custom_printer id [])
   | (id,param) :: q ->
-      Format.dprintf "%t%a%t"
-        (custom_printer param)
-        sep ()
-        (functor_param ~sep ~custom_printer id q)
+    Format.dprintf "%t%a%t"
+      (custom_printer param)
+      sep ()
+      (functor_param ~sep ~custom_printer id q)
 and functor_param ~sep ~custom_printer id q =
   match id with
   | None -> functor_parameters ~sep custom_printer q
   | Some id ->
-      Naming_context.with_arg id
-        (fun () -> functor_parameters ~sep custom_printer q)
-let modtype ppf mty = !Oprint.out_module_type ppf (tree_of_modtype mty)
-let modtype_declaration id ppf decl =
-  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl)
-(* For the toplevel: merge with tree_of_signature? *)
-let print_items showval env x =
-  Names.refresh_weak();
-  Conflicts.reset ();
-  let extend_val env (sigitem,outcome) = outcome, showval env sigitem in
-  let post_process (env,l) = List.map (extend_val env) l in
-  List.concat_map post_process @@ tree_of_signature_rec env x
-(* Print a signature body (used by -i when compiling a .ml) *)
-let print_signature ppf tree =
-  fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" !Oprint.out_signature tree
-let signature ppf sg =
-  fprintf ppf "%a" print_signature (tree_of_signature sg)
-(* Print a signature body (used by -i when compiling a .ml) *)
-let printed_signature sourcefile ppf sg =
-  (* we are tracking any collision event for warning 63 *)
-  Conflicts.reset ();
-  let t = tree_of_signature sg in
-  if Warnings.(is_active @@ Erroneous_printed_signature "")
-  && Conflicts.exists ()
-  then begin
-    let conflicts = Format.asprintf "%t" Conflicts.print_explanations in
-    Location.prerr_warning (Location.in_file sourcefile)
-      (Warnings.Erroneous_printed_signature conflicts);
-    Warnings.check_fatal ()
-  end;
-  fprintf ppf "%a" print_signature t
-(* Trace-specific printing *)
-(* A configuration type that controls which trace we print.  This could be
-   exposed, but we instead expose three separate
-   [report_{unification,equality,moregen}_error] functions.  This also lets us
-   give the unification case an extra optional argument without adding it to the
-   equality and moregen cases. *)
-type 'variety trace_format =
-  | Unification : Errortrace.unification trace_format
-  | Equality    : Errortrace.comparison  trace_format
-  | Moregen     : Errortrace.comparison  trace_format
-let incompatibility_phrase (type variety) : variety trace_format -> string =
-  function
-  | Unification -> "is not compatible with type"
-  | Equality    -> "is not equal to type"
-  | Moregen     -> "is not compatible with type"
-(* Print a unification error *)
-let same_path t t' =
-  eq_type t t' ||
-  match get_desc t, get_desc t' with
-  | Tconstr(p,tl,_), Tconstr(p',tl',_) -> begin
-      match best_type_path p, best_type_path p' with
-      | Nth n, Nth n' when n = n' -> true
-      | Path(nso, p), Path(nso', p') when Path.same p p' ->
-          let tl = apply_subst_opt nso tl in
-          let tl' = apply_subst_opt nso' tl' in
-          List.length tl = List.length tl' &&
-          List.for_all2 eq_type tl tl'
-      | _ -> false
-      end
-  | _ ->
-      false
-type 'a diff = Same of 'a | Diff of 'a * 'a
-let trees_of_type_expansion mode Errortrace.{ty = t; expanded = t'} =
-  reset_loop_marks ();
-  mark_loops t;
-  if same_path t t'
-  then begin add_delayed (proxy t); Same (tree_of_typexp mode t) end
-  else begin
-    mark_loops t';
-    let t' = if proxy t == proxy t' then unalias t' else t' in
-    (* beware order matter due to side effect,
-       e.g. when printing object types *)
-    let first = tree_of_typexp mode t in
-    let second = tree_of_typexp mode t' in
-    if first = second then Same first
-    else Diff(first,second)
-  end
-let type_expansion ppf = function
-  | Same t -> Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf t
-  | Diff(t,t') ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type) t
-        (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type) t'
-let trees_of_trace mode =
-  List.map (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode))
-let trees_of_type_path_expansion (tp,tp') =
-  if Path.same tp tp' then Same(tree_of_path (Some Type) tp) else
-    Diff(tree_of_path (Some Type) tp, tree_of_path (Some Type) tp')
-let type_path_expansion ppf = function
-  | Same p -> Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident ppf p
-  | Diff(p,p') ->
-      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident) p
-        (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident) p'
-let rec trace fst txt ppf = function
-  | {Errortrace.got; expected} :: rem ->
-      if not fst then fprintf ppf "@,";
-      fprintf ppf "@[Type@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a"
-       type_expansion got txt type_expansion expected
-       (trace false txt) rem
-  | _ -> ()
-type printing_status =
-  | Discard
-  | Keep
-  | Optional_refinement
-  (** An [Optional_refinement] printing status is attributed to trace
-      elements that are focusing on a new subpart of a structural type.
-      Since the whole type should have been printed earlier in the trace,
-      we only print those elements if they are the last printed element
-      of a trace, and there is no explicit explanation for the
-      type error.
-  *)
-let diff_printing_status Errortrace.{ got      = {ty = t1; expanded = t1'};
-                                      expected = {ty = t2; expanded = t2'} } =
-  if  is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true t1'
-   || is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true t2'
-  then Discard
-  else if same_path t1 t1' && same_path t2 t2' then Optional_refinement
-  else Keep
-let printing_status = function
-  | Errortrace.Diff d -> diff_printing_status d
-  | Errortrace.Escape {kind = Constraint} -> Keep
-  | _ -> Keep
-(** Flatten the trace and remove elements that are always discarded
-    during printing *)
-(* Takes [printing_status] to change behavior for [Subtype] *)
-let prepare_any_trace printing_status tr =
-  let clean_trace x l = match printing_status x with
-    | Keep -> x :: l
-    | Optional_refinement when l = [] -> [x]
-    | Optional_refinement | Discard -> l
-  in
-  match tr with
-  | [] -> []
-  | elt :: rem -> elt :: List.fold_right clean_trace rem []
-let prepare_trace f tr =
-  prepare_any_trace printing_status (Errortrace.map f tr)
-(** Keep elements that are [Diff _ ] and take the decision
-    for the last element, require a prepared trace *)
-let rec filter_trace keep_last = function
-  | [] -> []
-  | [Errortrace.Diff d as elt]
-    when printing_status elt = Optional_refinement ->
-    if keep_last then [d] else []
-  | Errortrace.Diff d :: rem -> d :: filter_trace keep_last rem
-  | _ :: rem -> filter_trace keep_last rem
-let type_path_list =
-  Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.pp_print_break ppf 2 0)
-    type_path_expansion
-(* Hide variant name and var, to force printing the expanded type *)
-let hide_variant_name t =
-  match get_desc t with
-  | Tvariant row ->
-      let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = row_repr row in
-      if name = None then t else
-      newty2 ~level:(get_level t)
-        (Tvariant
-           (create_row ~fields ~fixed ~closed ~name:None
-              ~more:(newvar2 (get_level more))))
-  | _ -> t
-let prepare_expansion Errortrace.{ty; expanded} =
-  let expanded = hide_variant_name expanded in
-  reserve_names ty;
-  if not (same_path ty expanded) then reserve_names expanded;
-  Errortrace.{ty; expanded}
-let may_prepare_expansion compact (Errortrace.{ty; expanded} as ty_exp) =
-  match get_desc expanded with
-    Tvariant _ | Tobject _ when compact ->
-      reserve_names ty; Errortrace.{ty; expanded = ty}
-  | _ -> prepare_expansion ty_exp
-let print_path p =
-  Format.dprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_ident (tree_of_path (Some Type) p)
-let print_tag ppf s = Style.inline_code ppf ("`" ^ s)
-let print_tags =
-  let comma ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf ",@ " in
-  Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma print_tag
-let is_unit env ty =
-  match get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env ty) with
-  | Tconstr (p, _, _) -> Path.same p Predef.path_unit
-  | _ -> false
-let unifiable env ty1 ty2 =
-  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
-  let res =
-    try Ctype.unify env ty1 ty2; true
-    with Unify _ -> false
-  in
-  Btype.backtrack snap;
-  res
-let explanation_diff env t3 t4 : (Format.formatter -> unit) option =
-  match get_desc t3, get_desc t4 with
-  | Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _), _
-    when is_unit env ty1 && unifiable env ty2 t4 ->
-      Some (fun ppf ->
-        fprintf ppf
-          "@,@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you forget to provide %a as argument?@]"
-          Style.inline_code "()"
-        )
-  | _, Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _)
-    when is_unit env ty1 && unifiable env t3 ty2 ->
-      Some (fun ppf ->
-        fprintf ppf
-          "@,@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you forget to wrap the expression using \
-           %a?@]"
-          Style.inline_code "fun () ->"
-        )
-  | _ ->
-      None
-let explain_fixed_row_case ppf = function
-  | Errortrace.Cannot_be_closed ->
-      fprintf ppf "it cannot be closed"
-  | Errortrace.Cannot_add_tags tags ->
-      fprintf ppf "it may not allow the tag(s) %a"
-        print_tags tags
-let explain_fixed_row pos expl = match expl with
-  | Fixed_private ->
-    dprintf "The %a variant type is private" Errortrace.print_pos pos
-  | Univar x ->
-    reserve_names x;
-    dprintf "The %a variant type is bound to the universal type variable %a"
-      Errortrace.print_pos pos
-      (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) x
-  | Reified p ->
-    dprintf "The %a variant type is bound to %a"
-      Errortrace.print_pos pos
-      (Style.as_inline_code
-         (fun ppf p ->
-           Internal_names.add p;
-           print_path p ppf))
-      p
-  | Rigid -> ignore
-let explain_variant (type variety) : variety Errortrace.variant -> _ = function
-  (* Common *)
-  | Errortrace.Incompatible_types_for s ->
-      Some(dprintf "@,Types for tag %a are incompatible"
-             print_tag s
-          )
-  (* Unification *)
-  | Errortrace.No_intersection ->
-      Some(dprintf "@,These two variant types have no intersection")
-  | Errortrace.No_tags(pos,fields) -> Some(
-      dprintf
-        "@,@[The %a variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]"
-        Errortrace.print_pos pos
-        print_tags (List.map fst fields)
-    )
-  | Errortrace.Fixed_row (pos,
-                          k,
-                          (Univar _ | Reified _ | Fixed_private as e)) ->
-      Some (
-        dprintf "@,@[%t,@ %a@]" (explain_fixed_row pos e)
-          explain_fixed_row_case k
-      )
-  | Errortrace.Fixed_row (_,_, Rigid) ->
-      (* this case never happens *)
-      None
-  (* Equality & Moregen *)
-  | Errortrace.Presence_not_guaranteed_for (pos, s) -> Some(
-      dprintf
-        "@,@[The tag %a is guaranteed to be present in the %a variant type,\
-         @ but not in the %a@]"
-        print_tag s
-        Errortrace.print_pos (Errortrace.swap_position pos)
-        Errortrace.print_pos pos
-    )
-  | Errortrace.Openness pos ->
-      Some(dprintf "@,The %a variant type is open and the %a is not"
-             Errortrace.print_pos pos
-             Errortrace.print_pos (Errortrace.swap_position pos))
-let explain_escape pre = function
-  | Errortrace.Univ u ->
-      reserve_names u;
-      Some(
-        dprintf "%t@,The universal variable %a would escape its scope"
-          pre
-          (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) u
-      )
-  | Errortrace.Constructor p -> Some(
-      dprintf
-        "%t@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
-        pre (Style.as_inline_code path) p
-    )
-  | Errortrace.Module_type p -> Some(
-      dprintf
-        "%t@,@[The module type@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
-        pre (Style.as_inline_code path) p
-    )
-  | Errortrace.Equation Errortrace.{ty = _; expanded = t} ->
-      reserve_names t;
-      Some(
-        dprintf "%t @,@[<hov>This instance of %a is ambiguous:@ %s@]"
-          pre
-          (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) t
-          "it would escape the scope of its equation"
-      )
-  | Errortrace.Self ->
-      Some (dprintf "%t@,Self type cannot escape its class" pre)
-  | Errortrace.Constraint ->
-      None
-let explain_object (type variety) : variety Errortrace.obj -> _ = function
-  | Errortrace.Missing_field (pos,f) -> Some(
-      dprintf "@,@[The %a object type has no method %a@]"
-        Errortrace.print_pos pos Style.inline_code f
-    )
-  | Errortrace.Abstract_row pos -> Some(
-      dprintf
-        "@,@[The %a object type has an abstract row, it cannot be closed@]"
-        Errortrace.print_pos pos
-    )
-  | Errortrace.Self_cannot_be_closed ->
-      Some (dprintf "@,Self type cannot be unified with a closed object type")
-let explain_incompatible_fields name (diff: Types.type_expr Errortrace.diff) =
-  reserve_names diff.got;
-  reserve_names diff.expected;
-  dprintf "@,@[The method %a has type@ %a,@ \
-  but the expected method type was@ %a@]"
-    Style.inline_code name
-    (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) diff.got
-    (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) diff.expected
-let explanation (type variety) intro prev env
-  : (Errortrace.expanded_type, variety) Errortrace.elt -> _ = function
-  | Errortrace.Diff {got; expected} ->
-    explanation_diff env got.expanded expected.expanded
-  | Errortrace.Escape {kind; context} ->
-    let pre =
-      match context, kind, prev with
-      | Some ctx, _, _ ->
-        reserve_names ctx;
-        dprintf "@[%t@;<1 2>%a@]" intro
-          (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) ctx
-      | None, Univ _, Some(Errortrace.Incompatible_fields {name; diff}) ->
-        explain_incompatible_fields name diff
-      | _ -> ignore
-    in
-    explain_escape pre kind
-  | Errortrace.Incompatible_fields { name; diff} ->
-    Some(explain_incompatible_fields name diff)
-  | Errortrace.Variant v ->
-    explain_variant v
-  | Errortrace.Obj o ->
-    explain_object o
-  | Errortrace.Rec_occur(x,y) ->
-    reserve_names x;
-    reserve_names y;
-    begin match get_desc x with
-    | Tvar _ | Tunivar _  ->
-        Some(fun ppf ->
-          reset_loop_marks ();
-          mark_loops x;
-          mark_loops y;
-          dprintf "@,@[<hov>The type variable %a occurs inside@ %a@]"
-            (Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_expr) x
-            (Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_expr) y
-            ppf)
-    | _ ->
-        (* We had a delayed unification of the type variable with
-           a non-variable after the occur check. *)
-        Some ignore
-        (* There is no need to search further for an explanation, but
-           we don't want to print a message of the form:
-             {[ The type int occurs inside int list -> 'a |}
-        *)
-    end
-let mismatch intro env trace =
-  Errortrace.explain trace (fun ~prev h -> explanation intro prev env h)
-let explain mis ppf =
-  match mis with
-  | None -> ()
-  | Some explain -> explain ppf
-let warn_on_missing_def env ppf t =
-  match get_desc t with
-  | Tconstr (p,_,_) ->
-    begin match Env.find_type p env with
-    | exception Not_found ->
-        fprintf ppf
-          "@,@[<hov>Type %a is abstract because@ no corresponding\
-           @ cmi file@ was found@ in path.@]" (Style.as_inline_code path) p
-    | { type_manifest = Some _; _ } -> ()
-    | { type_manifest = None; _ } as decl ->
-        match type_origin decl with
-        | Rec_check_regularity ->
-            fprintf ppf
-              "@,@[<hov>Type %a was considered abstract@ when checking\
-               @ constraints@ in this@ recursive type definition.@]"
-              (Style.as_inline_code path) p
-        | Definition | Existential _ -> ()
-      end
-  | _ -> ()
-let prepare_expansion_head empty_tr = function
-  | Errortrace.Diff d ->
-      Some (Errortrace.map_diff (may_prepare_expansion empty_tr) d)
-  | _ -> None
-let head_error_printer mode txt_got txt_but = function
-  | None -> ignore
-  | Some d ->
-      let d = Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode) d in
-      dprintf "%t@;<1 2>%a@ %t@;<1 2>%a"
-        txt_got type_expansion d.Errortrace.got
-        txt_but type_expansion d.Errortrace.expected
-let warn_on_missing_defs env ppf = function
-  | None -> ()
-  | Some Errortrace.{got      = {ty=te1; expanded=_};
-                     expected = {ty=te2; expanded=_} } ->
-      warn_on_missing_def env ppf te1;
-      warn_on_missing_def env ppf te2
-(* [subst] comes out of equality, and is [[]] otherwise *)
-let error trace_format mode subst env tr txt1 ppf txt2 ty_expect_explanation =
-  reset ();
-  (* We want to substitute in the opposite order from [Eqtype] *)
-  Names.add_subst (List.map (fun (ty1,ty2) -> ty2,ty1) subst);
-  let tr =
-    prepare_trace
-      (fun ty_exp ->
-         Errortrace.{ty_exp with expanded = hide_variant_name ty_exp.expanded})
-      tr
-  in
-  let mis = mismatch txt1 env tr in
-  match tr with
-  | [] -> assert false
-  | elt :: tr ->
-    try
-      print_labels := not !Clflags.classic;
-      let tr = filter_trace (mis = None) tr in
-      let head = prepare_expansion_head (tr=[]) elt in
-      let tr = List.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion) tr in
-      let head_error = head_error_printer mode txt1 txt2 head in
-      let tr = trees_of_trace mode tr in
-      fprintf ppf
-        "@[<v>\
-          @[%t%t@]%a%t\
-         @]"
-        head_error
-        ty_expect_explanation
-        (trace false (incompatibility_phrase trace_format)) tr
-        (explain mis);
-      if env <> Env.empty
-      then warn_on_missing_defs env ppf head;
-      Internal_names.print_explanations env ppf;
-      Conflicts.print_explanations ppf;
-      print_labels := true
-    with exn ->
-      print_labels := true;
-      raise exn
-let report_error trace_format ppf mode env tr
-      ?(subst = [])
-      ?(type_expected_explanation = fun _ -> ())
-      txt1 txt2 =
-  wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
-    error trace_format mode subst env tr txt1 ppf txt2
-      type_expected_explanation)
-let report_unification_error
-      ppf env ({trace} : Errortrace.unification_error) =
-  report_error Unification ppf Type env
-    ?subst:None trace
-let report_equality_error
-      ppf mode env ({subst; trace} : Errortrace.equality_error) =
-  report_error Equality ppf mode env
-    ~subst ?type_expected_explanation:None trace
-let report_moregen_error
-      ppf mode env ({trace} : Errortrace.moregen_error) =
-  report_error Moregen ppf mode env
-    ?subst:None ?type_expected_explanation:None trace
-let report_comparison_error ppf mode env = function
-  | Errortrace.Equality_error error -> report_equality_error ppf mode env error
-  | Errortrace.Moregen_error  error -> report_moregen_error  ppf mode env error
-module Subtype = struct
-  (* There's a frustrating amount of code duplication between this module and
-     the outside code, particularly in [prepare_trace] and [filter_trace].
-     Unfortunately, [Subtype] is *just* similar enough to have code duplication,
-     while being *just* different enough (it's only [Diff]) for the abstraction
-     to be nonobvious.  Someday, perhaps... *)
-  let printing_status = function
-    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d -> diff_printing_status d
-  let prepare_unification_trace = prepare_trace
-  let prepare_trace f tr =
-    prepare_any_trace printing_status (Errortrace.Subtype.map f tr)
-  let trace filter_trace get_diff fst keep_last txt ppf tr =
-    print_labels := not !Clflags.classic;
-    try match tr with
-      | elt :: tr' ->
-        let diffed_elt = get_diff elt in
-        let tr =
-          trees_of_trace Type
-          @@ List.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion)
-          @@ filter_trace keep_last tr' in
-        let tr =
-          match fst, diffed_elt with
-          | true, Some elt -> elt :: tr
-          | _, _ -> tr
-        in
-        trace fst txt ppf tr;
-        print_labels := true
-      | _ -> ()
-    with exn ->
-      print_labels := true;
-      raise exn
-  let rec filter_subtype_trace keep_last = function
-    | [] -> []
-    | [Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d as elt]
-      when printing_status elt = Optional_refinement ->
-        if keep_last then [d] else []
-    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d :: rem ->
-        d :: filter_subtype_trace keep_last rem
-  let unification_get_diff = function
-    | Errortrace.Diff diff ->
-        Some (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion Type) diff)
-    | _ -> None
-  let subtype_get_diff = function
-    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff diff ->
-        Some (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion Type) diff)
-  let report_error
-        ppf
-        env
-        (Errortrace.Subtype.{trace = tr_sub; unification_trace = tr_unif})
-        txt1 =
-    wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
-      reset ();
-      let tr_sub = prepare_trace prepare_expansion tr_sub in
-      let tr_unif = prepare_unification_trace prepare_expansion tr_unif in
-      let keep_first = match tr_unif with
-        | [Obj _ | Variant _ | Escape _ ] | [] -> true
-        | _ -> false in
-      fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a"
-        (trace filter_subtype_trace subtype_get_diff true keep_first txt1)
-        tr_sub;
-      if tr_unif = [] then fprintf ppf "@]" else
-        let mis = mismatch (dprintf "Within this type") env tr_unif in
-        fprintf ppf "%a%t%t@]"
-          (trace filter_trace unification_get_diff false
-             (mis = None) "is not compatible with type") tr_unif
-          (explain mis)
-          Conflicts.print_explanations
-    )
-let report_ambiguous_type_error ppf env tp0 tpl txt1 txt2 txt3 =
-  wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
-    reset ();
-    let tp0 = trees_of_type_path_expansion tp0 in
-      match tpl with
-      [] -> assert false
-    | [tp] ->
-        fprintf ppf
-          "@[%t@;<1 2>%a@ \
-             %t@;<1 2>%a\
-           @]"
-          txt1 type_path_expansion (trees_of_type_path_expansion tp)
-          txt3 type_path_expansion tp0
-    | _ ->
-        fprintf ppf
-          "@[%t@;<1 2>@[<hv>%a@]\
-             @ %t@;<1 2>%a\
-           @]"
-          txt2 type_path_list (List.map trees_of_type_path_expansion tpl)
-          txt3 type_path_expansion tp0)
-(* Adapt functions to exposed interface *)
-let tree_of_path = tree_of_path None
-let tree_of_modtype = tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis:false
-let type_expansion mode ppf ty_exp =
-  type_expansion ppf (trees_of_type_expansion mode ty_exp)
-let tree_of_type_declaration ident td rs =
-  with_hidden_items [{hide=true; ident}]
-    (fun () -> tree_of_type_declaration ident td rs)
-let shorten_type_path env p =
-  wrap_printing_env env
-    (fun () -> best_type_path_simple p)
-let shorten_module_type_path env p =
-  wrap_printing_env env
-    (fun () -> best_module_type_path p)
+    Doc.Naming_context.with_arg id
+      (fun () -> functor_parameters ~sep custom_printer q)
-let shorten_module_path env p =
-  wrap_printing_env env
-    (fun () -> best_module_path p)
+let modtype_declaration = Fmt.compat1 Doc.modtype_declaration
+let class_type = Fmt.compat Doc.class_type
+let class_declaration = Fmt.compat1 Doc.class_declaration
+let cltype_declaration = Fmt.compat1 Doc.cltype_declaration
+let type_expansion = Fmt.compat1 Doc.type_expansion
+let printed_signature = Fmt.compat1 Doc.printed_signature
-let shorten_class_type_path env p =
-  wrap_printing_env env
-    (fun () -> best_class_type_path_simple p)
-let () =
-  Env.shorten_module_path := shorten_module_path
+let () = Env.print_longident := Doc.longident
+let () = Env.print_path := Doc.path
+let () = Env.shorten_module_path := shorten_module_path
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp.mli
index 2769fe0322..0df51e40f9 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp.mli
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ open Format
 open Types
 open Outcometree
+module Doc : sig include module type of Printtyp_doc end
 val longident: formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
 val ident: formatter -> Ident.t -> unit
 val namespaced_ident: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t -> Ident.t -> string
@@ -30,11 +32,6 @@ val type_path: formatter -> Path.t -> unit
 (** Print a type path taking account of [-short-paths].
     Calls should be within [wrap_printing_env]. *)
-module Out_name: sig
-  val create: string -> out_name
-  val print: out_name -> string
 type namespace := Shape.Sig_component_kind.t option
 val strings_of_paths: namespace -> Path.t list -> string list
@@ -53,41 +50,6 @@ val shorten_module_type_path: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
 val shorten_module_path: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
 val shorten_class_type_path: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
-module Naming_context: sig
-  val enable: bool -> unit
-  (** When contextual names are enabled, the mapping between identifiers
-      and names is ensured to be one-to-one. *)
-(** The [Conflicts] module keeps track of conflicts arising when attributing
-    names to identifiers and provides functions that can print explanations
-    for these conflict in error messages *)
-module Conflicts: sig
-  val exists: unit -> bool
-  (** [exists()] returns true if the current naming context renamed
-        an identifier to avoid a name collision *)
-  type explanation =
-    { kind: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t;
-      name:string;
-      root_name:string;
-      location:Location.t
-    }
-  val list_explanations: unit -> explanation list
-(** [list_explanations()] return the list of conflict explanations
-    collected up to this point, and reset the list of collected
-    explanations *)
-  val print_located_explanations:
-    Format.formatter -> explanation list -> unit
-  val print_explanations: Format.formatter -> unit
-  (** Print all conflict explanations collected up to this point *)
-  val reset: unit -> unit
 val reset: unit -> unit
@@ -232,14 +194,6 @@ val report_comparison_error :
   (formatter -> unit) -> (formatter -> unit) ->
-module Subtype : sig
-  val report_error :
-    formatter ->
-    Env.t ->
-    Errortrace.Subtype.error ->
-    string ->
-    unit
 (* for toploop *)
 val print_items: (Env.t -> signature_item -> 'a option) ->
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp_doc.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp_doc.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a83b9ff3aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp_doc.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,2714 @@
+open Misc
+open Longident
+open Path
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Btype
+open Ctype
+open Outcometree
+module M = Misc.String.Map
+module S = Misc.String.Set
+module Sig_component_kind = Shape.Sig_component_kind
+module Style = Misc.Style
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Out_name = struct
+  let create x = { printed_name = x }
+  let print x = x.printed_name
+(** Some identifiers may require hiding when printing *)
+type bound_ident = { hide:bool; ident:Ident.t }
+let longident = Pprintast.Doc.longident
+(* printing environment for path shortening and naming *)
+let printing_env = ref Env.empty
+(* When printing, it is important to only observe the
+   current printing environment, without reading any new
+   cmi present on the file system *)
+let in_printing_env f = Env.without_cmis f !printing_env
+type namespace = Shape.Sig_component_kind.t =
+  | Value
+  | Type
+  | Constructor
+  | Label
+  | Module
+  | Module_type
+  | Extension_constructor
+  | Class
+  | Class_type
+module Namespace = struct
+  let id = function
+    | Type -> 0
+    | Module -> 1
+    | Module_type -> 2
+    | Class -> 3
+    | Class_type -> 4
+    | Extension_constructor | Value | Constructor | Label -> 5
+  (* we do not handle those component *)
+  let size = 1 + id Value
+  let pp ppf x =
+    Fmt.pp_print_string ppf (Shape.Sig_component_kind.to_string x)
+  let lookup =
+    let to_lookup f lid = fst @@ in_printing_env (f (Lident lid)) in
+    function
+    | Some Type -> to_lookup Env.find_type_by_name
+    | Some Module -> to_lookup Env.find_module_by_name
+    | Some Module_type -> to_lookup Env.find_modtype_by_name
+    | Some Class -> to_lookup Env.find_class_by_name
+    | Some Class_type -> to_lookup Env.find_cltype_by_name
+    | None | Some(Value|Extension_constructor|Constructor|Label) ->
+      fun _ -> raise Not_found
+  let location namespace id =
+    let path = Path.Pident id in
+    try Some (
+        match namespace with
+        | Some Type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_type path).type_loc
+        | Some Module -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_module path).md_loc
+        | Some Module_type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_modtype path).mtd_loc
+        | Some Class -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_class path).cty_loc
+        | Some Class_type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_cltype path).clty_loc
+        | Some (Extension_constructor|Value|Constructor|Label) | None ->
+          Location.none
+      ) with Not_found -> None
+  let best_class_namespace = function
+    | Papply _ | Pdot _ -> Some Module
+    | Pextra_ty _ -> assert false (* Only in type path *)
+    | Pident c ->
+      match location (Some Class) c with
+      | Some _ -> Some Class
+      | None -> Some Class_type
+module Conflicts = struct
+  type explanation =
+    { kind: namespace; name:string; root_name:string; location:Location.t}
+  let explanations = ref M.empty
+  let add namespace name id =
+    match Namespace.location (Some namespace) id with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some location ->
+      let explanation =
+        { kind = namespace; location; name; root_name=Ident.name id}
+      in
+      explanations := M.add name explanation !explanations
+  let collect_explanation namespace id ~name =
+    let root_name = Ident.name id in
+    (* if [name] is of the form "root_name/%d", we register both
+       [id] and the identifier in scope for [root_name].
+    *)
+    if root_name <> name && not (M.mem name !explanations) then
+      begin
+        add namespace name id;
+        if not (M.mem root_name !explanations) then
+          (* lookup the identifier in scope with name [root_name] and
+             add it too
+          *)
+          match Namespace.lookup (Some namespace) root_name with
+          | Pident root_id -> add namespace root_name root_id
+          | exception Not_found | _ -> ()
+      end
+  let pp_explanation ppf r=
+    Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a:@,Definition of %s %a@]"
+      Location.print_loc r.location (Sig_component_kind.to_string r.kind)
+      (Fmt.compat Style.inline_code) r.name
+  let print_located_explanations ppf l =
+    Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" (Format.pp_print_list pp_explanation) l
+  let pp_explanation_as_doc ppf r=
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a:@,Definition of %s %a@]"
+      Location.Doc.loc r.location (Sig_component_kind.to_string r.kind)
+      Style.inline_code r.name
+  let print_located_explanations_as_doc ppf l =
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" (Fmt.pp_print_list pp_explanation_as_doc) l
+  let reset () = explanations := M.empty
+  let list_explanations () =
+    let c = !explanations in
+    reset ();
+    c |> M.bindings |> List.map snd |> List.sort Stdlib.compare
+  let compat_inline = Fmt.compat Style.inline_code
+  let compat_ns = Fmt.compat Namespace.pp
+  let print_toplevel_hint_as_doc ppf l =
+    let conj ppf () = Fmt.fprintf ppf " and@ " in
+    let pp_namespace_plural ppf n = Fmt.fprintf ppf "%as" Namespace.pp n in
+    let root_names = List.map (fun r -> r.kind, r.root_name) l in
+    let unique_root_names = List.sort_uniq Stdlib.compare root_names in
+    let submsgs = Array.make Namespace.size [] in
+    let () = List.iter (fun (n,_ as x) ->
+        submsgs.(Namespace.id n) <- x :: submsgs.(Namespace.id n)
+      )  unique_root_names in
+    let pp_submsg ppf names =
+      match names with
+      | [] -> ()
+      | [namespace, a] ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "@ \
+           @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a has been defined multiple times@ \
+           in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
+           Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ this@ %a.\
+           @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
+          Namespace.pp namespace
+          Style.inline_code a Namespace.pp namespace
+      | (namespace, _) :: _ :: _ ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "@ \
+           @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a have been defined multiple times@ \
+           in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
+           Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ those@ %a.\
+           @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
+          pp_namespace_plural namespace
+          (Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:conj Style.inline_code)
+          (List.map snd names)
+          pp_namespace_plural namespace in
+    Array.iter (pp_submsg ppf) submsgs
+  let print_toplevel_hint ppf l =
+    let conj ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf " and@ " in
+    let pp_namespace_plural ppf n = Format.fprintf ppf "%as" compat_ns n in
+    let root_names = List.map (fun r -> r.kind, r.root_name) l in
+    let unique_root_names = List.sort_uniq Stdlib.compare root_names in
+    let submsgs = Array.make Namespace.size [] in
+    let () = List.iter (fun (n,_ as x) ->
+        submsgs.(Namespace.id n) <- x :: submsgs.(Namespace.id n)
+      )  unique_root_names in
+    let pp_submsg ppf names =
+      match names with
+      | [] -> ()
+      | [namespace, a] ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf
+          "@ \
+           @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a has been defined multiple times@ \
+           in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
+           Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ this@ %a.\
+           @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
+          compat_ns namespace
+          compat_inline a compat_ns namespace
+      | (namespace, _) :: _ :: _ ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf
+          "@ \
+           @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a have been defined multiple times@ \
+           in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
+           Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ those@ %a.\
+           @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
+          pp_namespace_plural namespace
+          (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:conj compat_inline)
+          (List.map snd names)
+          pp_namespace_plural namespace in
+    Array.iter (pp_submsg ppf) submsgs
+  let print_explanations ppf =
+    let ltop, l =
+      (* isolate toplevel locations, since they are too imprecise *)
+      let from_toplevel a =
+        a.location.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname = "//toplevel//" in
+      List.partition from_toplevel (list_explanations ())
+    in
+    begin match l with
+      | [] -> ()
+      | l -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" print_located_explanations l
+    end;
+    (* if there are name collisions in a toplevel session,
+       display at least one generic hint by namespace *)
+    print_toplevel_hint ppf ltop
+    let print_explanations_as_doc ppf =
+    let ltop, l =
+      (* isolate toplevel locations, since they are too imprecise *)
+      let from_toplevel a =
+        a.location.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname = "//toplevel//" in
+      List.partition from_toplevel (list_explanations ())
+    in
+    begin match l with
+      | [] -> ()
+      | l -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "@,%a" print_located_explanations_as_doc l
+    end;
+    (* if there are name collisions in a toplevel session,
+       display at least one generic hint by namespace *)
+    print_toplevel_hint_as_doc ppf ltop
+  let exists () = M.cardinal !explanations >0
+module Naming_context = struct
+  let enabled = ref true
+  let enable b = enabled := b
+  (* Names bound in recursive definitions should be considered as bound
+     in the environment when printing identifiers but not when trying
+     to find shortest path.
+     For instance, if we define
+     [{
+     module Avoid__me = struct
+     type t = A
+     end
+     type t = X
+     type u = [` A of t * t ]
+     module M = struct
+     type t = A of [ u | `B ]
+     type r = Avoid__me.t
+     end
+     }]
+     It is is important that in the definition of [t] that the outer type [t] is
+     printed as [t/2] reserving the name [t] to the type being defined in the
+     current recursive definition.
+     Contrarily, in the definition of [r], one should not shorten the
+     path [Avoid__me.t] to [r] until the end of the definition of [r].
+     The [bound_in_recursion] bridges the gap between those two slightly different
+     notions of printing environment.
+  *)
+  let bound_in_recursion = ref M.empty
+  (* When dealing with functor arguments, identity becomes fuzzy because the same
+     syntactic argument may be represented by different identifiers during the
+     error processing, we are thus disabling disambiguation on the argument name
+  *)
+  let fuzzy = ref S.empty
+  let with_arg id f =
+    protect_refs [ R(fuzzy, S.add (Ident.name id) !fuzzy) ] f
+  let fuzzy_id namespace id = namespace = Module && S.mem (Ident.name id) !fuzzy
+  let with_hidden ids f =
+    let update m id = M.add (Ident.name id.ident) id.ident m in
+    let updated = List.fold_left update !bound_in_recursion ids in
+    protect_refs [ R(bound_in_recursion, updated )] f
+  let human_id id index =
+    (* The identifier with index [k] is the (k+1)-th most recent identifier in
+       the printing environment. We print them as [name/(k+1)] except for [k=0]
+       which is printed as [name] rather than [name/1].
+    *)
+    if index = 0 then
+      Ident.name id
+    else
+      let ordinal = index + 1 in
+      String.concat "/" [Ident.name id; string_of_int ordinal]
+  let indexed_name namespace id =
+    let find namespace id env = match namespace with
+      | Type -> Env.find_type_index id env
+      | Module -> Env.find_module_index id env
+      | Module_type -> Env.find_modtype_index id env
+      | Class -> Env.find_class_index id env
+      | Class_type-> Env.find_cltype_index id env
+      | Value | Extension_constructor | Constructor | Label -> None
+    in
+    let index =
+      match M.find_opt (Ident.name id) !bound_in_recursion with
+      | Some rec_bound_id ->
+        (* the identifier name appears in the current group of recursive
+           definition *)
+        if Ident.same rec_bound_id id then
+          Some 0
+        else
+          (* the current recursive definition shadows one more time the
+             previously existing identifier with the same name *)
+          Option.map succ (in_printing_env (find namespace id))
+      | None ->
+        in_printing_env (find namespace id)
+    in
+    let index =
+      (* If [index] is [None] at this point, it might indicate that
+         the identifier id is not defined in the environment, while there
+         are other identifiers in scope that share the same name.
+         Currently, this kind of partially incoherent environment happens
+         within functor error messages where the left and right hand side
+         have a different views of the environment at the source level.
+         Printing the source-level by using a default index of `0`
+         seems like a reasonable compromise in this situation however.*)
+      Option.value index ~default:0
+    in
+    human_id id index
+  let ident_name namespace id =
+    match namespace, !enabled with
+    | None, _ | _, false -> Out_name.create (Ident.name id)
+    | Some namespace, true ->
+      if fuzzy_id namespace id then Out_name.create (Ident.name id)
+      else
+        let name = indexed_name namespace id in
+        Conflicts.collect_explanation namespace id ~name;
+        Out_name.create name
+let ident_name = Naming_context.ident_name
+let ident ppf id =
+  Fmt.pp_print_string ppf
+    (Out_name.print (Naming_context.ident_name None id))
+let namespaced_ident namespace id =
+  Out_name.print (Naming_context.ident_name (Some namespace) id)
+(* Print a Path *)
+let ident_stdlib = Ident.create_persistent "Stdlib"
+let non_shadowed_stdlib namespace = function
+  | Pdot(Pident id, s) as path ->
+    Ident.same id ident_stdlib &&
+    (match Namespace.lookup namespace s with
+     | path' -> Path.same path path'
+     | exception Not_found -> true)
+  | _ -> false
+let find_double_underscore s =
+  let len = String.length s in
+  let rec loop i =
+    if i + 1 >= len then
+      None
+    else if s.[i] = '_' && s.[i + 1] = '_' then
+      Some i
+    else
+      loop (i + 1)
+  in
+  loop 0
+let rec module_path_is_an_alias_of env path ~alias_of =
+  match Env.find_module path env with
+  | { md_type = Mty_alias path'; _ } ->
+    Path.same path' alias_of ||
+    module_path_is_an_alias_of env path' ~alias_of
+  | _ -> false
+  | exception Not_found -> false
+(* Simple heuristic to print Foo__bar.* as Foo.Bar.* when Foo.Bar is an alias
+   for Foo__bar. This pattern is used by the stdlib. *)
+let rec rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p =
+  match p with
+  | Pdot (p, s) ->
+    Pdot (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p, s)
+  | Papply (a, b) ->
+    Papply (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env a,
+            rewrite_double_underscore_paths env b)
+  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) ->
+    Pextra_ty (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p, extra)
+  | Pident id ->
+    let name = Ident.name id in
+    match find_double_underscore name with
+    | None -> p
+    | Some i ->
+      let better_lid =
+        Ldot
+          (Lident (String.sub name 0 i),
+           Unit_info.modulize
+             (String.sub name (i + 2) (String.length name - i - 2)))
+      in
+      match Env.find_module_by_name better_lid env with
+      | exception Not_found -> p
+      | p', _ ->
+        if module_path_is_an_alias_of env p' ~alias_of:p then
+          p'
+        else
+          p
+let rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p =
+  if env == Env.empty then
+    p
+  else
+    rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p
+let rec tree_of_path ?(disambiguation=true) namespace p =
+  let tree_of_path namespace p = tree_of_path ~disambiguation namespace p in
+  let namespace = if disambiguation then namespace else None in
+  match p with
+  | Pident id ->
+    Oide_ident (ident_name namespace id)
+  | Pdot(_, s) as path when non_shadowed_stdlib namespace path ->
+    Oide_ident (Out_name.create s)
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+    Oide_dot (tree_of_path (Some Module) p, s)
+  | Papply(p1, p2) ->
+    let t1 = tree_of_path (Some Module) p1 in
+    let t2 = tree_of_path (Some Module) p2 in
+    Oide_apply (t1, t2)
+  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) -> begin
+      (* inline record types are syntactically prevented from escaping their
+         binding scope, and are never shown to users. *)
+      match extra with
+        Pcstr_ty s ->
+        Oide_dot (tree_of_path (Some Type) p, s)
+      | Pext_ty ->
+        tree_of_path None p
+    end
+let tree_of_path ?disambiguation namespace p =
+  tree_of_path ?disambiguation namespace
+    (rewrite_double_underscore_paths !printing_env p)
+let path ppf p =
+  !Oprint.out_ident ppf (tree_of_path None p)
+let string_of_path p =
+  Fmt.asprintf "%a" path p
+let strings_of_paths namespace p =
+  let trees = List.map (tree_of_path namespace) p in
+  List.map (Fmt.asprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_ident) trees
+let () = Env.print_path := path
+(* Print a recursive annotation *)
+let tree_of_rec = function
+  | Trec_not -> Orec_not
+  | Trec_first -> Orec_first
+  | Trec_next -> Orec_next
+(* Print a raw type expression, with sharing *)
+let raw_list pr ppf = function
+    [] -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "[]"
+  | a :: l ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a%t]@]" pr a
+      (fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> Fmt.fprintf ppf ";@,%a" pr x) l)
+let kind_vars = ref []
+let kind_count = ref 0
+let string_of_field_kind v =
+  match field_kind_repr v with
+  | Fpublic -> "Fpublic"
+  | Fabsent -> "Fabsent"
+  | Fprivate -> "Fprivate"
+let rec safe_repr v t =
+  match Transient_expr.coerce t with
+    {desc = Tlink t} when not (List.memq t v) ->
+    safe_repr (t::v) t
+  | t' -> t'
+let rec list_of_memo = function
+    Mnil -> []
+  | Mcons (_priv, p, _t1, _t2, rem) -> p :: list_of_memo rem
+  | Mlink rem -> list_of_memo !rem
+let print_name ppf = function
+    None -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "None"
+  | Some name -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" name
+let string_of_label = function
+    Nolabel -> ""
+  | Labelled s -> s
+  | Optional s -> "?"^s
+let visited = ref []
+let rec raw_type ppf ty =
+  let ty = safe_repr [] ty in
+  if List.memq ty !visited then Fmt.fprintf ppf "{id=%d}" ty.id else begin
+    let scope = Transient_expr.get_scope ty in
+    visited := ty :: !visited;
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<1>{id=%d;level=%d;scope=%d;desc=@,%a}@]" ty.id ty.level
+      scope raw_type_desc ty.desc
+  end
+and raw_type_list tl = raw_list raw_type tl
+and raw_lid_type_list tl =
+  raw_list (fun ppf (lid, typ) ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "(@,%a,@,%a)" longident lid raw_type typ)
+    tl
+and raw_type_desc ppf = function
+    Tvar name -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "Tvar %a" print_name name
+  | Tarrow(l,t1,t2,c) ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tarrow(\"%s\",@,%a,@,%a,@,%s)@]"
+      (string_of_label l) raw_type t1 raw_type t2
+      (if is_commu_ok c then "Cok" else "Cunknown")
+  | Ttuple tl ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<1>Ttuple@,%a@]" raw_type_list tl
+  | Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tconstr(@,%a,@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p
+      raw_type_list tl
+      (raw_list path) (list_of_memo !abbrev)
+  | Tobject (t, nm) ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tobject(@,%a,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" raw_type t
+      (fun ppf ->
+         match !nm with None -> Fmt.fprintf ppf " None"
+                      | Some(p,tl) ->
+                        Fmt.fprintf ppf "(Some(@,%a,@,%a))" path p raw_type_list tl)
+  | Tfield (f, k, t1, t2) ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tfield(@,%s,@,%s,@,%a,@;<0 -1>%a)@]" f
+      (string_of_field_kind k)
+      raw_type t1 raw_type t2
+  | Tnil -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "Tnil"
+  | Tlink t -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tlink@,%a@]" raw_type t
+  | Tsubst (t, None) -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,(%a,None)@]" raw_type t
+  | Tsubst (t, Some t') ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,(%a,@ Some%a)@]" raw_type t raw_type t'
+  | Tunivar name -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "Tunivar %a" print_name name
+  | Tpoly (t, tl) ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpoly(@,%a,@,%a)@]"
+      raw_type t
+      raw_type_list tl
+  | Tvariant row ->
+    let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = row_repr row in
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf
+      "@[<hov1>{@[%s@,%a;@]@ @[%s@,%a;@]@ %s%B;@ %s%a;@ @[<1>%s%t@]}@]"
+      "row_fields="
+      (raw_list (fun ppf (l, f) ->
+           Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[%s,@ %a@]" l raw_field f))
+      fields
+      "row_more=" raw_type more
+      "row_closed=" closed
+      "row_fixed=" raw_row_fixed fixed
+      "row_name="
+      (fun ppf ->
+         match name with None -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "None"
+                       | Some(p,tl) ->
+                         Fmt.fprintf ppf "Some(@,%a,@,%a)" path p raw_type_list tl)
+  | Tpackage (p, fl) ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpackage(@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p raw_lid_type_list fl
+and raw_row_fixed ppf = function
+  | None -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "None"
+  | Some Types.Fixed_private -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "Some Fixed_private"
+  | Some Types.Rigid -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "Some Rigid"
+  | Some Types.Univar t -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "Some(Univar(%a))" raw_type t
+  | Some Types.Reified p -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "Some(Reified(%a))" path p
+and raw_field ppf rf =
+  match_row_field
+    ~absent:(fun _ -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "RFabsent")
+    ~present:(function
+        | None ->
+          Fmt.fprintf ppf "RFpresent None"
+        | Some t ->
+          Fmt.fprintf ppf  "@[<1>RFpresent(Some@,%a)@]" raw_type t)
+    ~either:(fun c tl m e ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>RFeither(%B,@,%a,@,%B,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" c
+          raw_type_list tl m
+          (fun ppf ->
+             match e with _, None -> Fmt.fprintf ppf " RFnone"
+                        | _, Some f -> Fmt.fprintf ppf "@,@[<1>(%a)@]" raw_field f))
+    rf
+let raw_type_expr ppf t =
+  visited := []; kind_vars := []; kind_count := 0;
+  raw_type ppf t;
+  visited := []; kind_vars := []
+(* Normalize paths *)
+let set_printing_env env =
+  printing_env :=
+    if !Clflags.real_paths then Env.empty
+    else env
+let wrap_printing_env env f =
+  set_printing_env (Env.update_short_paths env);
+  try_finally f ~always:(fun () -> set_printing_env Env.empty)
+let wrap_printing_env ?error:_ env f =
+  Env.without_cmis (wrap_printing_env env) f
+type type_result = Short_paths.type_result =
+  | Nth of int
+  | Path of int list option * Path.t
+type type_resolution = Short_paths.type_resolution =
+  | Nth of int
+  | Subst of int list
+  | Id
+let apply_subst ns args =
+  List.map (List.nth args) ns
+let apply_subst_opt nso args =
+  match nso with
+  | None -> args
+  | Some ns -> apply_subst ns args
+let apply_nth n args =
+  List.nth args n
+let best_type_path p =
+  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
+  then Path(None, p)
+  else Short_paths.find_type (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
+let best_type_path_resolution p =
+  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
+  then Id
+  else Short_paths.find_type_resolution (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
+let best_type_path_simple p =
+  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
+  then p
+  else Short_paths.find_type_simple (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
+let best_module_type_path p =
+  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
+  then p
+  else Short_paths.find_module_type (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
+let best_module_path p =
+  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
+  then p
+  else Short_paths.find_module (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
+let best_class_type_path p =
+  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
+  then None, p
+  else Short_paths.find_class_type (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
+let best_class_type_path_simple p =
+  if !Clflags.real_paths || !printing_env == Env.empty
+  then p
+  else Short_paths.find_class_type_simple (Env.short_paths !printing_env) p
+(* When building a tree for a best type path, we should not disambiguate
+   identifiers whenever the short-path algorithm detected a better path than
+   the original one.*)
+let tree_of_best_type_path p p' =
+  if Path.same p p' then tree_of_path (Some Type) p'
+  else tree_of_path ~disambiguation:false None p'
+(* Print a type expression *)
+let proxy ty = Transient_expr.repr (Btype.proxy ty)
+(* When printing a type scheme, we print weak names.  When printing a plain
+   type, we do not.  This type controls that behavior *)
+type type_or_scheme = Type | Type_scheme
+let is_non_gen mode ty =
+  match mode with
+  | Type_scheme -> is_Tvar ty && get_level ty <> generic_level
+  | Type        -> false
+let nameable_row row =
+  row_name row <> None &&
+  List.for_all
+    (fun (_, f) ->
+       match row_field_repr f with
+       | Reither(c, l, _) ->
+         row_closed row && if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1
+       | _ -> true)
+    (row_fields row)
+(* This specialized version of [Btype.iter_type_expr] normalizes and
+   short-circuits the traversal of the [type_expr], so that it covers only the
+   subterms that would be printed by the type printer. *)
+let printer_iter_type_expr f ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr(p, tyl, _) -> begin
+      match best_type_path_resolution p with
+      | Nth n ->
+        f (apply_nth n tyl)
+      | Subst ns ->
+        List.iter f (apply_subst ns tyl)
+      | Id ->
+        List.iter f tyl
+    end
+  | Tvariant row -> begin
+      match row_name row with
+      | Some(_p, tyl) when nameable_row row ->
+        List.iter f tyl
+      | _ ->
+        iter_row f row
+    end
+  | Tobject (fi, nm) -> begin
+      match !nm with
+      | None ->
+        let fields, _ = flatten_fields fi in
+        List.iter
+          (fun (_, kind, ty) ->
+             if field_kind_repr kind = Fpublic then
+               f ty)
+          fields
+      | Some (_, l) ->
+        List.iter f (List.tl l)
+    end
+  | Tfield(_, kind, ty1, ty2) ->
+    if field_kind_repr kind = Fpublic then
+      f ty1;
+    f ty2
+  | _ ->
+    Btype.iter_type_expr f ty
+module Internal_names : sig
+  val reset : unit -> unit
+  val add : Path.t -> unit
+  val print_explanations : Env.t -> Format.formatter -> unit
+end = struct
+  let names = ref Ident.Set.empty
+  let reset () =
+    names := Ident.Set.empty
+  let add p =
+    match p with
+    | Pident id ->
+      let name = Ident.name id in
+      if String.length name > 0 && name.[0] = '$' then begin
+        names := Ident.Set.add id !names
+      end
+    | Pdot _ | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> ()
+    let print_explanations env ppf =
+    let constrs =
+      Ident.Set.fold
+        (fun id acc ->
+           let p = Pident id in
+           match Env.find_type p env with
+           | exception Not_found -> acc
+           | decl ->
+             match type_origin decl with
+             | Existential constr ->
+               let prev = String.Map.find_opt constr acc in
+               let prev = Option.value ~default:[] prev in
+               String.Map.add constr (tree_of_path None p :: prev) acc
+             | Definition | Rec_check_regularity -> acc)
+        !names String.Map.empty
+    in
+    String.Map.iter
+      (fun constr out_idents ->
+         match out_idents with
+         | [] -> ()
+         | [out_ident] ->
+           Format.fprintf ppf
+             "@ @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}:@ %a@ is an existential type@ \
+              bound by the constructor@ %a.@]"
+             (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident) out_ident
+             (Fmt.compat Style.inline_code) constr
+         | out_ident :: out_idents ->
+           Format.fprintf ppf
+             "@ @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}:@ %a@ and %a@ are existential types@ \
+              bound by the constructor@ %a.@]"
+             (Format.pp_print_list
+                ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ",@ ")
+                (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident))
+             (List.rev out_idents)
+             (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident) out_ident
+             (Fmt.compat Style.inline_code) constr)
+      constrs
+module Names : sig
+  val reset_names : unit -> unit
+  val add_named_vars : type_expr -> unit
+  val add_subst : (type_expr * type_expr) list -> unit
+  val new_name : unit -> string
+  val new_var_name : non_gen:bool -> type_expr -> unit -> string
+  val name_of_type : (unit -> string) -> transient_expr -> string
+  val check_name_of_type : non_gen:bool -> transient_expr -> unit
+  val remove_names : transient_expr list -> unit
+  val with_local_names : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+  (* Refresh the weak variable map in the toplevel; for [print_items], which is
+     itself for the toplevel *)
+  val refresh_weak : unit -> unit
+end = struct
+  (* We map from types to names, but not directly; we also store a substitution,
+     which maps from types to types.  The lookup process is
+     "type -> apply substitution -> find name".  The substitution is presumed to
+     be acyclic. *)
+  let names = ref ([] : (transient_expr * string) list)
+  let name_subst = ref ([] : (transient_expr * transient_expr) list)
+  let name_counter = ref 0
+  let named_vars = ref ([] : string list)
+  let visited_for_named_vars = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+  let weak_counter = ref 1
+  let weak_var_map = ref TypeMap.empty
+  let named_weak_vars = ref String.Set.empty
+  let reset_names () =
+    names := [];
+    name_subst := [];
+    name_counter := 0;
+    named_vars := [];
+    visited_for_named_vars := []
+  let add_named_var tty =
+    match tty.desc with
+      Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
+      if List.mem name !named_vars then () else
+        named_vars := name :: !named_vars
+    | _ -> ()
+  let rec add_named_vars ty =
+    let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+    let px = proxy ty in
+    if not (List.memq px !visited_for_named_vars) then begin
+      visited_for_named_vars := px :: !visited_for_named_vars;
+      match tty.desc with
+      | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ ->
+        add_named_var tty
+      | _ ->
+        printer_iter_type_expr add_named_vars ty
+    end
+  let rec substitute ty =
+    match List.assq ty !name_subst with
+    | ty' -> substitute ty'
+    | exception Not_found -> ty
+  let add_subst subst =
+    name_subst :=
+      List.map (fun (t1,t2) -> Transient_expr.repr t1, Transient_expr.repr t2)
+        subst
+      @ !name_subst
+  let name_is_already_used name =
+    List.mem name !named_vars
+    || List.exists (fun (_, name') -> name = name') !names
+    || String.Set.mem name !named_weak_vars
+  let rec new_name () =
+    let name = Misc.letter_of_int !name_counter in
+    incr name_counter;
+    if name_is_already_used name then new_name () else name
+  let rec new_weak_name ty () =
+    let name = "weak" ^ Int.to_string !weak_counter in
+    incr weak_counter;
+    if name_is_already_used name then new_weak_name ty ()
+    else begin
+      named_weak_vars := String.Set.add name !named_weak_vars;
+      weak_var_map := TypeMap.add ty name !weak_var_map;
+      name
+    end
+  let new_var_name ~non_gen ty () =
+    if non_gen then new_weak_name ty ()
+    else new_name ()
+  let name_of_type name_generator t =
+    (* We've already been through repr at this stage, so t is our representative
+       of the union-find class. *)
+    let t = substitute t in
+    try List.assq t !names with Not_found ->
+    try TransientTypeMap.find t !weak_var_map with Not_found ->
+      let name =
+        match t.desc with
+          Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
+          (* Some part of the type we've already printed has assigned another
+           * unification variable to that name. We want to keep the name, so
+           * try adding a number until we find a name that's not taken. *)
+          let available name =
+            List.for_all
+              (fun (_, name') -> name <> name')
+              !names
+          in
+          if available name then name
+          else
+            let suffixed i = name ^ Int.to_string i in
+            let i = Misc.find_first_mono (fun i -> available (suffixed i)) in
+            suffixed i
+        | _ ->
+          (* No name available, create a new one *)
+          name_generator ()
+      in
+      (* Exception for type declarations *)
+      if name <> "_" then names := (t, name) :: !names;
+      name
+  let check_name_of_type ~non_gen px =
+    let name_gen = new_var_name ~non_gen (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
+    ignore(name_of_type name_gen px)
+  let remove_names tyl =
+    let tyl = List.map substitute tyl in
+    names := List.filter (fun (ty,_) -> not (List.memq ty tyl)) !names
+  let with_local_names f =
+    let old_names = !names in
+    let old_subst = !name_subst in
+    names      := [];
+    name_subst := [];
+    try_finally
+      ~always:(fun () ->
+          names      := old_names;
+          name_subst := old_subst)
+      f
+  let refresh_weak () =
+    let refresh t name (m,s) =
+      if is_non_gen Type_scheme t then
+        begin
+          TypeMap.add t name m,
+          String.Set.add name s
+        end
+      else m, s in
+    let m, s =
+      TypeMap.fold refresh !weak_var_map (TypeMap.empty ,String.Set.empty) in
+    named_weak_vars := s;
+    weak_var_map := m
+let reserve_names ty =
+  normalize_type ty;
+  Names.add_named_vars ty
+let visited_objects = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+let aliased = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+let delayed = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+let printed_aliases = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+(* [printed_aliases] is a subset of [aliased] that records only those aliased
+   types that have actually been printed; this allows us to avoid naming loops
+   that the user will never see. *)
+let add_delayed t =
+  if not (List.memq t !delayed) then delayed := t :: !delayed
+let is_aliased_proxy px = List.memq px !aliased
+let add_alias_proxy px =
+  if not (is_aliased_proxy px) then
+    aliased := px :: !aliased
+let add_alias ty = add_alias_proxy (proxy ty)
+let add_printed_alias_proxy ~non_gen px =
+  Names.check_name_of_type ~non_gen px;
+  printed_aliases := px :: !printed_aliases
+let add_printed_alias ty = add_printed_alias_proxy (proxy ty)
+let aliasable ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tpoly _ -> false
+  | Tconstr (p, _, _) -> begin
+      match best_type_path_resolution p with
+      | Nth _ -> false
+      | Subst _ | Id -> true
+    end
+  | _ -> true
+let should_visit_object ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tvariant row -> not (static_row row)
+  | Tobject _ -> opened_object ty
+  | _ -> false
+let rec mark_loops_rec visited ty =
+  let px = proxy ty in
+  if List.memq px visited && aliasable ty then add_alias_proxy px else
+    let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+    let visited = px :: visited in
+    match tty.desc with
+    | Tvariant _ | Tobject _ ->
+      if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias_proxy px else begin
+        if should_visit_object ty then
+          visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
+        printer_iter_type_expr (mark_loops_rec visited) ty
+      end
+    | Tpoly(ty, tyl) ->
+      List.iter add_alias tyl;
+      mark_loops_rec visited ty
+    | _ ->
+      printer_iter_type_expr (mark_loops_rec visited) ty
+let mark_loops ty =
+  mark_loops_rec [] ty
+let prepare_type ty =
+  reserve_names ty;
+  mark_loops ty
+let reset_loop_marks () =
+  visited_objects := [];
+  aliased := [];
+  delayed := [];
+  printed_aliases := []
+let reset_except_context () =
+  Names.reset_names ();
+  reset_loop_marks ();
+  Internal_names.reset ()
+let reset () =
+  Conflicts.reset ();
+  reset_except_context ()
+let prepare_for_printing tyl =
+  reset_except_context ();
+  List.iter prepare_type tyl
+let add_type_to_preparation = prepare_type
+(* Disabled in classic mode when printing an unification error *)
+let print_labels = ref true
+let alias_nongen_row mode px ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tvariant _ | Tobject _ ->
+    if is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) then
+      add_alias_proxy px
+  | _ -> ()
+let rec tree_of_typexp mode ty =
+  let px = proxy ty in
+  if List.memq px !printed_aliases && not (List.memq px !delayed) then
+    let non_gen = is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
+    let name = Names.name_of_type (Names.new_var_name ~non_gen ty) px in
+    Otyp_var (non_gen, name) else
+    let pr_typ () =
+      let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+      match tty.desc with
+      | Tvar _ ->
+        let non_gen = is_non_gen mode ty in
+        let name_gen = Names.new_var_name ~non_gen ty in
+        Otyp_var (non_gen, Names.name_of_type name_gen tty)
+      | Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2, _) ->
+        let lab =
+          if !print_labels || is_optional l then l else Nolabel
+        in
+        let t1 =
+          if is_optional l then
+            match get_desc ty1 with
+            | Tconstr(path, [ty], _)
+              when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
+              tree_of_typexp mode ty
+            | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>"
+          else tree_of_typexp mode ty1 in
+        Otyp_arrow (lab, t1, tree_of_typexp mode ty2)
+      | Ttuple tyl ->
+        Otyp_tuple (tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
+      | Tconstr(p, tyl, _abbrev) -> begin
+          match best_type_path p with
+          | Nth n -> tree_of_typexp mode (apply_nth n tyl)
+          | Path(nso, p') ->
+            Internal_names.add p';
+            let tyl' = apply_subst_opt nso tyl in
+            Otyp_constr (tree_of_path (Some Type) p', tree_of_typlist mode tyl')
+        end
+      | Tvariant row ->
+        let Row {fields; name; closed; _} = row_repr row in
+        let fields =
+          if closed then
+            List.filter (fun (_, f) -> row_field_repr f <> Rabsent)
+              fields
+          else fields in
+        let present =
+          List.filter
+            (fun (_, f) ->
+               match row_field_repr f with
+               | Rpresent _ -> true
+               | _ -> false)
+            fields in
+        let all_present = List.length present = List.length fields in
+        begin match name with
+          | Some(p, tyl) when nameable_row row ->
+            let out_variant =
+              match best_type_path p with
+              | Nth n -> tree_of_typexp mode (apply_nth n tyl)
+              | Path(s, p) ->
+                let id = tree_of_path (Some Type) p in
+                let args = tree_of_typlist mode (apply_subst_opt s tyl) in
+                Otyp_constr (id, args)
+            in
+            if closed && all_present then
+              out_variant
+            else
+              let tags =
+                if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
+              Otyp_variant (Ovar_typ out_variant, closed, tags)
+          | _ ->
+            let fields = List.map (tree_of_row_field mode) fields in
+            let tags =
+              if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
+            Otyp_variant (Ovar_fields fields, closed, tags)
+        end
+      | Tobject (fi, nm) ->
+        tree_of_typobject mode fi !nm
+      | Tnil | Tfield _ ->
+        tree_of_typobject mode ty None
+      | Tsubst _ ->
+        (* This case should only happen when debugging the compiler *)
+        Otyp_stuff "<Tsubst>"
+      | Tlink _ ->
+        fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typexp"
+      | Tpoly (ty, []) ->
+        tree_of_typexp mode ty
+      | Tpoly (ty, tyl) ->
+        (*let print_names () =
+          List.iter (fun (_, name) -> prerr_string (name ^ " ")) !names;
+          prerr_string "; " in *)
+        if tyl = [] then tree_of_typexp mode ty else begin
+          let tyl = List.map Transient_expr.repr tyl in
+          let old_delayed = !delayed in
+          (* Make the names delayed, so that the real type is
+             printed once when used as proxy *)
+          List.iter add_delayed tyl;
+          let tl = List.map (Names.name_of_type Names.new_name) tyl in
+          let tr = Otyp_poly (tl, tree_of_typexp mode ty) in
+          (* Forget names when we leave scope *)
+          Names.remove_names tyl;
+          delayed := old_delayed; tr
+        end
+      | Tunivar _ ->
+        Otyp_var (false, Names.name_of_type Names.new_name tty)
+      | Tpackage (p, fl) ->
+        let p = best_module_type_path p in
+        let fl =
+          List.map
+            (fun (li, ty) -> (
+                 String.concat "." (Longident.flatten li),
+                 tree_of_typexp mode ty
+               )) fl in
+        Otyp_module (tree_of_path (Some Module_type) p, fl)
+    in
+    if List.memq px !delayed then delayed := List.filter ((!=) px) !delayed;
+    alias_nongen_row mode px ty;
+    if is_aliased_proxy px && aliasable ty then begin
+      let non_gen = is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
+      add_printed_alias_proxy ~non_gen px;
+      (* add_printed_alias chose a name, thus the name generator
+         doesn't matter.*)
+      let alias = Names.name_of_type (Names.new_var_name ~non_gen ty) px in
+      Otyp_alias {non_gen;  aliased = pr_typ (); alias } end
+    else pr_typ ()
+and tree_of_row_field mode (l, f) =
+  match row_field_repr f with
+  | Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _) -> (l, false, [])
+  | Rpresent(Some ty) -> (l, false, [tree_of_typexp mode ty])
+  | Reither(c, tyl, _) ->
+    if c (* contradiction: constant constructor with an argument *)
+    then (l, true, tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
+    else (l, false, tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
+  | Rabsent -> (l, false, [] (* actually, an error *))
+and tree_of_typlist mode tyl =
+  List.map (tree_of_typexp mode) tyl
+and tree_of_typobject mode fi nm =
+  begin match nm with
+    | None ->
+      let pr_fields fi =
+        let (fields, rest) = flatten_fields fi in
+        let present_fields =
+          List.fold_right
+            (fun (n, k, t) l ->
+               match field_kind_repr k with
+               | Fpublic -> (n, t) :: l
+               | _ -> l)
+            fields [] in
+        let sorted_fields =
+          List.sort
+            (fun (n, _) (n', _) -> String.compare n n') present_fields in
+        tree_of_typfields mode rest sorted_fields in
+      let (fields, open_row) = pr_fields fi in
+      Otyp_object {fields; open_row}
+    | Some (p, _ty :: tyl) ->
+      let args = tree_of_typlist mode tyl in
+      let p' = best_type_path_simple p in
+      Otyp_class (tree_of_best_type_path p p', args)
+    | _ ->
+      fatal_error "Printtyp.tree_of_typobject"
+  end
+and tree_of_typfields mode rest = function
+  | [] ->
+    let open_row =
+      match get_desc rest with
+      | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tconstr _-> true
+      | Tnil -> false
+      | _ -> fatal_error "typfields (1)"
+    in
+    ([], open_row)
+  | (s, t) :: l ->
+    let field = (s, tree_of_typexp mode t) in
+    let (fields, rest) = tree_of_typfields mode rest l in
+    (field :: fields, rest)
+let typexp mode ppf ty =
+  !Oprint.out_type ppf (tree_of_typexp mode ty)
+let prepared_type_expr ppf ty = typexp Type ppf ty
+let prepared_type_scheme ppf ty = typexp Type_scheme ppf ty
+let type_expr ppf ty =
+  (* [type_expr] is used directly by error message printers,
+     we mark eventual loops ourself to avoid any misuse and stack overflow *)
+  prepare_for_printing [ty];
+  prepared_type_expr ppf ty
+(* "Half-prepared" type expression: [ty] should have had its names reserved, but
+   should not have had its loops marked. *)
+let type_expr_with_reserved_names ppf ty =
+  reset_loop_marks ();
+  mark_loops ty;
+  prepared_type_expr ppf ty
+let shared_type_scheme ppf ty =
+  prepare_type ty;
+  typexp Type_scheme ppf ty
+let type_scheme ppf ty =
+  prepare_for_printing [ty];
+  prepared_type_scheme ppf ty
+let type_path ppf p =
+  let p = best_class_type_path_simple p in
+  let t = tree_of_path (Some Type) p in
+  !Oprint.out_ident ppf t
+let tree_of_type_scheme ty =
+  prepare_for_printing [ty];
+  tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty
+(* Print one type declaration *)
+let tree_of_constraints params =
+  List.fold_right
+    (fun ty list ->
+       let ty' = unalias ty in
+       if proxy ty != proxy ty' then
+         let tr = tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty in
+         (tr, tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty') :: list
+       else list)
+    params []
+let filter_params tyl =
+  let params =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun tyl ty ->
+         if List.exists (eq_type ty) tyl
+         then newty2 ~level:generic_level (Ttuple [ty]) :: tyl
+         else ty :: tyl)
+      (* Two parameters might be identical due to a constraint but we need to
+         print them differently in order to make the output syntactically valid.
+         We use [Ttuple [ty]] because it is printed as [ty]. *)
+      (* Replacing fold_left by fold_right does not work! *)
+      [] tyl
+  in List.rev params
+let prepare_type_constructor_arguments = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter prepare_type l
+  | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> prepare_type l.ld_type) l
+let tree_of_label l = {
+  olab_name = Ident.name l.ld_id;
+  olab_mut = l.ld_mutable;
+  olab_type = tree_of_typexp Type l.ld_type;
+let tree_of_constructor_arguments = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> tree_of_typlist Type l
+  | Cstr_record l -> [ Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label l) ]
+let tree_of_single_constructor cd =
+  let name = Ident.name cd.cd_id in
+  let ret = Option.map (tree_of_typexp Type) cd.cd_res in
+  let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments cd.cd_args in
+  { ocstr_name = name;
+    ocstr_args = args;
+    ocstr_return_type = ret;
+  }
+(* When printing GADT constructor, we need to forget the naming decision we took
+   for the type parameters and constraints. Indeed, in
+   {[
+     type 'a t = X: 'a -> 'b t
+   ]}
+   It is fine to print both the type parameter ['a] and the existentially
+   quantified ['a] in the definition of the constructor X as ['a]
+let tree_of_constructor_in_decl cd =
+  match cd.cd_res with
+  | None -> tree_of_single_constructor cd
+  | Some _ -> Names.with_local_names (fun () -> tree_of_single_constructor cd)
+let prepare_decl id decl =
+  let params = filter_params decl.type_params in
+  begin match decl.type_manifest with
+    | Some ty ->
+      let vars = free_variables ty in
+      List.iter
+        (fun ty ->
+           if get_desc ty = Tvar (Some "_") && List.exists (eq_type ty) vars
+           then set_type_desc ty (Tvar None))
+        params
+    | None -> ()
+  end;
+  List.iter add_alias params;
+  List.iter prepare_type params;
+  List.iter (add_printed_alias ~non_gen:false) params;
+  let ty_manifest =
+    match decl.type_manifest with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some ty ->
+      let ty =
+        (* Special hack to hide variant name *)
+        match get_desc ty with
+          Tvariant row ->
+          begin match row_name row with
+              Some (Pident id', _) when Ident.same id id' ->
+              newgenty (Tvariant (set_row_name row None))
+            | _ -> ty
+          end
+        | _ -> ty
+      in
+      prepare_type ty;
+      Some ty
+  in
+  begin match decl.type_kind with
+    | Type_abstract _ -> ()
+    | Type_variant (cstrs, _rep) ->
+      List.iter
+        (fun c ->
+           prepare_type_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
+           Option.iter prepare_type c.cd_res)
+        cstrs
+    | Type_record(l, _rep) ->
+      List.iter (fun l -> prepare_type l.ld_type) l
+    | Type_open -> ()
+  end;
+  ty_manifest, params
+let tree_of_type_decl id decl =
+  let ty_manifest, params = prepare_decl id decl in
+  let type_param ot_variance =
+    function
+    | Otyp_var (ot_non_gen, ot_name) -> {ot_non_gen; ot_name; ot_variance}
+    | _ -> {ot_non_gen=false; ot_name="?"; ot_variance}
+  in
+  let type_defined decl =
+    let abstr =
+      match decl.type_kind with
+        Type_abstract _ ->
+        decl.type_manifest = None || decl.type_private = Private
+      | Type_record _ ->
+        decl.type_private = Private
+      | Type_variant (tll, _rep) ->
+        decl.type_private = Private ||
+        List.exists (fun cd -> cd.cd_res <> None) tll
+      | Type_open ->
+        decl.type_manifest = None
+    in
+    let vari =
+      List.map2
+        (fun ty v ->
+           let is_var = is_Tvar ty in
+           if abstr || not is_var then
+             let inj =
+               type_kind_is_abstract decl && Variance.mem Inj v &&
+               match decl.type_manifest with
+               | None -> true
+               | Some ty -> (* only abstract or private row types *)
+                 decl.type_private = Private &&
+                 Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true (Btype.row_of_type ty)
+             and (co, cn) = Variance.get_upper v in
+             (if not cn then Covariant else
+              if not co then Contravariant else NoVariance),
+             (if inj then Injective else NoInjectivity)
+           else (NoVariance, NoInjectivity))
+        decl.type_params decl.type_variance
+    in
+    (Ident.name id,
+     List.map2 (fun ty cocn -> type_param cocn (tree_of_typexp Type ty))
+       params vari)
+  in
+  let tree_of_manifest ty1 =
+    match ty_manifest with
+    | None -> ty1
+    | Some ty -> Otyp_manifest (tree_of_typexp Type ty, ty1)
+  in
+  let (name, args) = type_defined decl in
+  let constraints = tree_of_constraints params in
+  let ty, priv, unboxed =
+    match decl.type_kind with
+    | Type_abstract _ ->
+      begin match ty_manifest with
+        | None -> (Otyp_abstract, Public, false)
+        | Some ty ->
+          tree_of_typexp Type ty, decl.type_private, false
+      end
+    | Type_variant (cstrs, rep) ->
+      tree_of_manifest
+        (Otyp_sum (List.map tree_of_constructor_in_decl cstrs)),
+      decl.type_private,
+      (rep = Variant_unboxed)
+    | Type_record(lbls, rep) ->
+      tree_of_manifest (Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label lbls)),
+      decl.type_private,
+      (match rep with Record_unboxed _ -> true | _ -> false)
+    | Type_open ->
+      tree_of_manifest Otyp_open,
+      decl.type_private,
+      false
+  in
+  { otype_name = name;
+    otype_params = args;
+    otype_type = ty;
+    otype_private = priv;
+    otype_immediate = Type_immediacy.of_attributes decl.type_attributes;
+    otype_unboxed = unboxed;
+    otype_cstrs = constraints }
+let add_type_decl_to_preparation id decl =
+  ignore @@ prepare_decl id decl
+let tree_of_prepared_type_decl id decl =
+  tree_of_type_decl id decl
+let tree_of_type_decl id decl =
+  reset_except_context();
+  tree_of_type_decl id decl
+let add_constructor_to_preparation c =
+  prepare_type_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
+  Option.iter prepare_type c.cd_res
+let prepared_constructor ppf c =
+  !Oprint.out_constr ppf (tree_of_single_constructor c)
+let constructor ppf c =
+  reset_except_context ();
+  add_constructor_to_preparation c;
+  prepared_constructor ppf c
+let label ppf l =
+  reset_except_context ();
+  prepare_type l.ld_type;
+  !Oprint.out_label ppf (tree_of_label l)
+let tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs =
+  Osig_type (tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)
+let tree_of_prepared_type_declaration id decl rs =
+  Osig_type (tree_of_prepared_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)
+let type_declaration id ppf decl =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_type_declaration id decl Trec_first)
+let add_type_declaration_to_preparation id decl =
+  add_type_decl_to_preparation id decl
+let prepared_type_declaration id ppf decl =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf
+    (tree_of_prepared_type_declaration id decl Trec_first)
+let constructor_arguments ppf a =
+  let tys = tree_of_constructor_arguments a in
+  !Oprint.out_type ppf (Otyp_tuple tys)
+(* Print an extension declaration *)
+let extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree ext_args ext_ret_type =
+  let ret = Option.map (tree_of_typexp Type) ext_ret_type in
+  let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments ext_args in
+  (args, ret)
+(* When printing extension constructor, it is important to ensure that
+   after printing the constructor, we are still in the scope of the constructor.
+   For GADT constructor, this can be done by printing the type parameters inside
+   their own isolated scope. This ensures that in
+   {[
+     type 'b t += A: 'b -> 'b any t
+   ]}
+   the type parameter `'b` is not bound when printing the type variable `'b` from
+   the constructor definition from the type parameter.
+   Contrarily, for non-gadt constructor, we must keep the same scope for
+   the type parameters and the constructor because a type constraint may
+   have changed the name of the type parameter:
+   {[
+     type -'a t = .. constraint <x:'a. 'a t -> 'a> = 'a
+     (* the universal 'a is here to steal the name 'a from the type parameter *)
+     type 'a t = X of 'a
+   ]} *)
+let add_extension_constructor_to_preparation ext =
+  let ty_params = filter_params ext.ext_type_params in
+  List.iter add_alias ty_params;
+  List.iter prepare_type ty_params;
+  prepare_type_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args;
+  Option.iter prepare_type ext.ext_ret_type
+let prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor
+    id ext es
+  =
+  let type_path = best_type_path_simple ext.ext_type_path in
+  let ty_name = Path.name type_path in
+  let ty_params = filter_params ext.ext_type_params in
+  let type_param =
+    function
+    | Otyp_var (_, id) -> id
+    | _ -> "?"
+  in
+  let param_scope f =
+    match ext.ext_ret_type with
+    | None ->
+      (* normal constructor: same scope for parameters and the constructor *)
+      f ()
+    | Some _ ->
+      (* gadt constructor: isolated scope for the type parameters *)
+      Names.with_local_names f
+  in
+  let ty_params =
+    param_scope
+      (fun () ->
+         List.iter (add_printed_alias ~non_gen:false) ty_params;
+         List.map (fun ty -> type_param (tree_of_typexp Type ty)) ty_params
+      )
+  in
+  let name = Ident.name id in
+  let args, ret =
+    extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree
+      ext.ext_args
+      ext.ext_ret_type
+  in
+  let ext =
+    { oext_name = name;
+      oext_type_name = ty_name;
+      oext_type_params = ty_params;
+      oext_args = args;
+      oext_ret_type = ret;
+      oext_private = ext.ext_private }
+  in
+  let es =
+    match es with
+      Text_first -> Oext_first
+    | Text_next -> Oext_next
+    | Text_exception -> Oext_exception
+  in
+  Osig_typext (ext, es)
+let tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es =
+  reset_except_context ();
+  add_extension_constructor_to_preparation ext;
+  prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es
+let extension_constructor id ppf ext =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_extension_constructor id ext Text_first)
+let prepared_extension_constructor id ppf ext =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf
+    (prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor id ext Text_first)
+let extension_only_constructor id ppf ext =
+  reset_except_context ();
+  prepare_type_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args;
+  Option.iter prepare_type ext.ext_ret_type;
+  let name = Ident.name id in
+  let args, ret =
+    extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree
+      ext.ext_args
+      ext.ext_ret_type
+  in
+  Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a@]"
+    !Oprint.out_constr {
+    ocstr_name = name;
+    ocstr_args = args;
+    ocstr_return_type = ret;
+  }
+(* Print a value declaration *)
+let tree_of_value_description id decl =
+  (* Format.eprintf "@[%a@]@." raw_type_expr decl.val_type; *)
+  let id = Ident.name id in
+  let ty = tree_of_type_scheme decl.val_type in
+  let vd =
+    { oval_name = id;
+      oval_type = ty;
+      oval_prims = [];
+      oval_attributes = [] }
+  in
+  let vd =
+    match decl.val_kind with
+    | Val_prim p -> Primitive.print p vd
+    | _ -> vd
+  in
+  Osig_value vd
+let value_description id ppf decl =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_value_description id decl)
+(* Print a class type *)
+let method_type priv ty =
+  match priv, get_desc ty with
+  | Mpublic, Tpoly(ty, tyl) -> (ty, tyl)
+  | _ , _ -> (ty, [])
+let prepare_method _lab (priv, _virt, ty) =
+  let ty, _ = method_type priv ty in
+  prepare_type ty
+let tree_of_method mode (lab, priv, virt, ty) =
+  let (ty, tyl) = method_type priv ty in
+  let tty = tree_of_typexp mode ty in
+  Names.remove_names (List.map Transient_expr.repr tyl);
+  let priv = priv <> Mpublic in
+  let virt = virt = Virtual in
+  Ocsg_method (lab, priv, virt, tty)
+let rec prepare_class_type params = function
+  | Cty_constr (_p, tyl, cty) ->
+    let row = Btype.self_type_row cty in
+    if List.memq (proxy row) !visited_objects
+    || not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
+    || List.exists (deep_occur row) tyl
+    then prepare_class_type params cty
+    else List.iter prepare_type tyl
+  | Cty_signature sign ->
+    (* Self may have a name *)
+    let px = proxy sign.csig_self_row in
+    if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_alias_proxy px
+    else visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
+    Vars.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> prepare_type ty) sign.csig_vars;
+    Meths.iter prepare_method sign.csig_meths
+  | Cty_arrow (_, ty, cty) ->
+    prepare_type ty;
+    prepare_class_type params cty
+let rec tree_of_class_type mode params =
+  function
+  | Cty_constr (p, tyl, cty) ->
+    let row = Btype.self_type_row cty in
+    if List.memq (proxy row) !visited_objects
+    || not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
+    then
+      tree_of_class_type mode params cty
+    else begin
+      let nso, p = best_class_type_path p in
+      let tyl = apply_subst_opt nso tyl in
+      let namespace = Namespace.best_class_namespace p in
+      Octy_constr (tree_of_path namespace p, tree_of_typlist Type_scheme tyl)
+    end
+  | Cty_signature sign ->
+    let px = proxy sign.csig_self_row in
+    let self_ty =
+      if is_aliased_proxy px then
+        Some
+          (Otyp_var (false, Names.name_of_type Names.new_name px))
+      else None
+    in
+    let csil = [] in
+    let csil =
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun csil (ty1, ty2) -> Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) :: csil)
+        csil (tree_of_constraints params)
+    in
+    let all_vars =
+      Vars.fold (fun l (m, v, t) all -> (l, m, v, t) :: all) sign.csig_vars []
+    in
+    (* Consequence of PR#3607: order of Map.fold has changed! *)
+    let all_vars = List.rev all_vars in
+    let csil =
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun csil (l, m, v, t) ->
+           Ocsg_value (l, m = Mutable, v = Virtual, tree_of_typexp mode t)
+           :: csil)
+        csil all_vars
+    in
+    let all_meths =
+      Meths.fold
+        (fun l (p, v, t) all -> (l, p, v, t) :: all)
+        sign.csig_meths []
+    in
+    let all_meths = List.rev all_meths in
+    let csil =
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun csil meth -> tree_of_method mode meth :: csil)
+        csil all_meths
+    in
+    Octy_signature (self_ty, List.rev csil)
+  | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
+    let lab =
+      if !print_labels || is_optional l then l else Nolabel
+    in
+    let tr =
+      if is_optional l then
+        match get_desc ty with
+        | Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
+          tree_of_typexp mode ty
+        | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>"
+      else tree_of_typexp mode ty in
+    Octy_arrow (lab, tr, tree_of_class_type mode params cty)
+let class_type ppf cty =
+  reset ();
+  prepare_class_type [] cty;
+  !Oprint.out_class_type ppf (tree_of_class_type Type [] cty)
+let tree_of_class_param param variance =
+  let ot_variance =
+    if is_Tvar param then Asttypes.(NoVariance, NoInjectivity) else variance in
+  match tree_of_typexp Type_scheme param with
+    Otyp_var (ot_non_gen, ot_name) -> {ot_non_gen; ot_name; ot_variance}
+  | _ -> {ot_non_gen=false; ot_name="?"; ot_variance}
+let class_variance =
+  let open Variance in let open Asttypes in
+  List.map (fun v ->
+      (if not (mem May_pos v) then Contravariant else
+       if not (mem May_neg v) then Covariant else NoVariance),
+      NoInjectivity)
+let tree_of_class_declaration id cl rs =
+  let params = filter_params cl.cty_params in
+  reset_except_context ();
+  List.iter add_alias params;
+  prepare_class_type params cl.cty_type;
+  let px = proxy (Btype.self_type_row cl.cty_type) in
+  List.iter prepare_type params;
+  List.iter (add_printed_alias ~non_gen:false) params;
+  if is_aliased_proxy px then add_printed_alias_proxy ~non_gen:false px;
+  let vir_flag = cl.cty_new = None in
+  Osig_class
+    (vir_flag, Ident.name id,
+     List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.cty_variance),
+     tree_of_class_type Type_scheme params cl.cty_type,
+     tree_of_rec rs)
+let class_declaration id ppf cl =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_class_declaration id cl Trec_first)
+let tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl rs =
+  let params = cl.clty_params in
+  reset_except_context ();
+  List.iter add_alias params;
+  prepare_class_type params cl.clty_type;
+  let px = proxy (Btype.self_type_row cl.clty_type) in
+  List.iter prepare_type params;
+  List.iter (add_printed_alias ~non_gen:false) params;
+  if is_aliased_proxy px then (add_printed_alias_proxy ~non_gen:false) px;
+  let sign = Btype.signature_of_class_type cl.clty_type in
+  let has_virtual_vars =
+    Vars.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b)
+      sign.csig_vars false
+  in
+  let has_virtual_meths =
+    Meths.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b)
+      sign.csig_meths false
+  in
+  Osig_class_type
+    (has_virtual_vars || has_virtual_meths, Ident.name id,
+     List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.clty_variance),
+     tree_of_class_type Type_scheme params cl.clty_type,
+     tree_of_rec rs)
+let cltype_declaration id ppf cl =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl Trec_first)
+(* Print a module type *)
+let wrap_env fenv ftree arg =
+  let env = !printing_env in
+  let env' = Env.update_short_paths (fenv env) in
+  set_printing_env env';
+  let tree = ftree arg in
+  set_printing_env env;
+  tree
+let dummy =
+  {
+    type_params = [];
+    type_arity = 0;
+    type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+    type_private = Public;
+    type_manifest = None;
+    type_variance = [];
+    type_separability = [];
+    type_is_newtype = false;
+    type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+    type_loc = Location.none;
+    type_attributes = [];
+    type_immediate = Unknown;
+    type_unboxed_default = false;
+    type_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique;
+  }
+(** we hide items being defined from short-path to avoid shortening
+    [type t = Path.To.t] into [type t = t].
+let ident_sigitem = function
+  | Types.Sig_type(ident,_,_,_)        -> {hide=true; ident}
+  | Types.Sig_class(ident,_,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_class_type (ident,_,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_module(ident,_, _,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_value (ident,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_modtype (ident,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_typext (ident,_,_,_)     -> {hide=false; ident }
+let hide ids env =
+  let hide_id id env =
+    (* Global idents cannot be renamed *)
+    if id.hide && not (Ident.global id.ident) then
+      Env.add_type ~check:false (Ident.rename_no_exn id.ident) dummy env
+    else env
+  in
+  List.fold_right hide_id ids env
+let with_hidden_items ids f =
+  let with_hidden_in_printing_env ids f =
+    wrap_env (hide ids) (Naming_context.with_hidden ids) f
+  in
+  if not !Clflags.real_paths then
+    with_hidden_in_printing_env ids f
+  else
+    Naming_context.with_hidden ids f
+let add_sigitem env x =
+  Env.add_signature (Signature_group.flatten x) env
+let rec tree_of_modtype ?(ellipsis=false) = function
+  | Mty_ident p ->
+    let p = best_module_type_path p in
+    Omty_ident (tree_of_path (Some Module_type) p)
+  | Mty_signature sg ->
+    Omty_signature (if ellipsis then [Osig_ellipsis]
+                    else tree_of_signature sg)
+  | Mty_functor(param, ty_res) ->
+    let param, env =
+      tree_of_functor_parameter param
+    in
+    let res = wrap_env env (tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis) ty_res in
+    Omty_functor (param, res)
+  | Mty_alias p ->
+    let p = best_module_path p in
+    Omty_alias (tree_of_path (Some Module) p)
+  | Mty_for_hole -> Omty_hole
+and tree_of_functor_parameter = function
+  | Unit ->
+    None, fun k -> k
+  | Named (param, ty_arg) ->
+    let name, env =
+      match param with
+      | None -> None, fun env -> env
+      | Some id ->
+        Some (Ident.name id),
+        Env.add_module ~arg:true id Mp_present ty_arg
+    in
+    Some (name, tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis:false ty_arg), env
+and tree_of_signature sg =
+  wrap_env (fun env -> env)(fun sg ->
+      let tree_groups = tree_of_signature_rec !printing_env sg in
+      List.concat_map (fun (_env,l) -> List.map snd l) tree_groups
+    ) sg
+and tree_of_signature_rec env' sg =
+  let structured = List.of_seq (Signature_group.seq sg) in
+  let collect_trees_of_rec_group group =
+    let env = !printing_env in
+    let env', group_trees =
+      trees_of_recursive_sigitem_group env group
+    in
+    set_printing_env env';
+    (env, group_trees) in
+  set_printing_env env';
+  List.map collect_trees_of_rec_group structured
+and trees_of_recursive_sigitem_group env
+    (syntactic_group: Signature_group.rec_group) =
+  let display (x:Signature_group.sig_item) = x.src, tree_of_sigitem x.src in
+  let env = Env.add_signature syntactic_group.pre_ghosts env in
+  match syntactic_group.group with
+  | Not_rec x -> add_sigitem env x, [display x]
+  | Rec_group items ->
+    let ids = List.map (fun x -> ident_sigitem x.Signature_group.src) items in
+    List.fold_left add_sigitem env items,
+    with_hidden_items ids (fun () -> List.map display items)
+and tree_of_sigitem = function
+  | Sig_value(id, decl, _) ->
+    tree_of_value_description id decl
+  | Sig_type(id, decl, rs, _) ->
+    tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs
+  | Sig_typext(id, ext, es, _) ->
+    tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es
+  | Sig_module(id, _, md, rs, _) ->
+    let ellipsis =
+      List.exists (function
+          | Parsetree.{attr_name = {txt="..."}; attr_payload = PStr []} -> true
+          | _ -> false)
+        md.md_attributes in
+    tree_of_module id md.md_type rs ~ellipsis
+  | Sig_modtype(id, decl, _) ->
+    tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl
+  | Sig_class(id, decl, rs, _) ->
+    tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs
+  | Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs, _) ->
+    tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs
+and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl =
+  let mty =
+    match decl.mtd_type with
+    | None -> Omty_abstract
+    | Some mty -> tree_of_modtype mty
+  in
+  Osig_modtype (Ident.name id, mty)
+and tree_of_module id ?ellipsis mty rs =
+  Osig_module (Ident.name id, tree_of_modtype ?ellipsis mty, tree_of_rec rs)
+let rec functor_parameters ~sep custom_printer = function
+  | [] -> ignore
+  | [id,param] ->
+    Fmt.dprintf "%t%t"
+      (custom_printer param)
+      (functor_param ~sep ~custom_printer id [])
+  | (id,param) :: q ->
+    Fmt.dprintf "%t%a%t"
+      (custom_printer param)
+      sep ()
+      (functor_param ~sep ~custom_printer id q)
+and functor_param ~sep ~custom_printer id q =
+  match id with
+  | None -> functor_parameters ~sep custom_printer q
+  | Some id ->
+    Naming_context.with_arg id
+      (fun () -> functor_parameters ~sep custom_printer q)
+let modtype ppf mty = !Oprint.out_module_type ppf (tree_of_modtype mty)
+let modtype_declaration id ppf decl =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl)
+(* For the toplevel: merge with tree_of_signature? *)
+let print_items showval env x =
+  Names.refresh_weak();
+  Conflicts.reset ();
+  let extend_val env (sigitem,outcome) = outcome, showval env sigitem in
+  let post_process (env,l) = List.map (extend_val env) l in
+  List.concat_map post_process @@ tree_of_signature_rec env x
+(* Print a signature body (used by -i when compiling a .ml) *)
+let print_signature ppf tree =
+  Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" !Oprint.out_signature tree
+let signature ppf sg =
+  Fmt.fprintf ppf "%a" print_signature (tree_of_signature sg)
+(* Print a signature body (used by -i when compiling a .ml) *)
+let printed_signature sourcefile ppf sg =
+  (* we are tracking any collision event for warning 63 *)
+  Conflicts.reset ();
+  let t = tree_of_signature sg in
+  if Warnings.(is_active @@ Erroneous_printed_signature "")
+  && Conflicts.exists ()
+  then begin
+    let conflicts = Fmt.asprintf "%t" Conflicts.print_explanations_as_doc in
+    Location.prerr_warning (Location.in_file sourcefile)
+      (Warnings.Erroneous_printed_signature conflicts);
+    Warnings.check_fatal ()
+  end;
+  Fmt.fprintf ppf "%a" print_signature t
+(* Trace-specific printing *)
+(* A configuration type that controls which trace we print.  This could be
+   exposed, but we instead expose three separate
+   [report_{unification,equality,moregen}_error] functions.  This also lets us
+   give the unification case an extra optional argument without adding it to the
+   equality and moregen cases. *)
+type 'variety trace_format =
+  | Unification : Errortrace.unification trace_format
+  | Equality    : Errortrace.comparison  trace_format
+  | Moregen     : Errortrace.comparison  trace_format
+let incompatibility_phrase (type variety) : variety trace_format -> string =
+  function
+  | Unification -> "is not compatible with type"
+  | Equality    -> "is not equal to type"
+  | Moregen     -> "is not compatible with type"
+(* Print a unification error *)
+let same_path t t' =
+  eq_type t t' ||
+  match get_desc t, get_desc t' with
+  | Tconstr(p,tl,_), Tconstr(p',tl',_) -> begin
+      match best_type_path p, best_type_path p' with
+      | Nth n, Nth n' when n = n' -> true
+      | Path(nso, p), Path(nso', p') when Path.same p p' ->
+        let tl = apply_subst_opt nso tl in
+        let tl' = apply_subst_opt nso' tl' in
+        List.length tl = List.length tl' &&
+        List.for_all2 eq_type tl tl'
+      | _ -> false
+    end
+  | _ ->
+    false
+type 'a diff = Same of 'a | Diff of 'a * 'a
+let trees_of_type_expansion mode Errortrace.{ty = t; expanded = t'} =
+  reset_loop_marks ();
+  mark_loops t;
+  if same_path t t'
+  then begin add_delayed (proxy t); Same (tree_of_typexp mode t) end
+  else begin
+    mark_loops t';
+    let t' = if proxy t == proxy t' then unalias t' else t' in
+    (* beware order matter due to side effect,
+       e.g. when printing object types *)
+    let first = tree_of_typexp mode t in
+    let second = tree_of_typexp mode t' in
+    if first = second then Same first
+    else Diff(first,second)
+  end
+let type_expansion ppf = function
+  | Same t -> Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf t
+  | Diff(t,t') ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]"
+      (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type) t
+      (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type) t'
+let trees_of_trace mode =
+  List.map (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode))
+let trees_of_type_path_expansion (tp,tp') =
+  if Path.same tp tp' then Same(tree_of_path (Some Type) tp) else
+    Diff(tree_of_path (Some Type) tp, tree_of_path (Some Type) tp')
+let type_path_expansion ppf = function
+  | Same p -> Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident ppf p
+  | Diff(p,p') ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]"
+      (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident) p
+      (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident) p'
+let rec trace fst txt ppf = function
+  | {Errortrace.got; expected} :: rem ->
+    if not fst then Fmt.fprintf ppf "@,";
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[Type@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a"
+      type_expansion got txt type_expansion expected
+      (trace false txt) rem
+  | _ -> ()
+type printing_status =
+  | Discard
+  | Keep
+  | Optional_refinement
+  (** An [Optional_refinement] printing status is attributed to trace
+      elements that are focusing on a new subpart of a structural type.
+      Since the whole type should have been printed earlier in the trace,
+      we only print those elements if they are the last printed element
+      of a trace, and there is no explicit explanation for the
+      type error.
+  *)
+let diff_printing_status Errortrace.{ got      = {ty = t1; expanded = t1'};
+                                      expected = {ty = t2; expanded = t2'} } =
+  if  is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true t1'
+   || is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true t2'
+  then Discard
+  else if same_path t1 t1' && same_path t2 t2' then Optional_refinement
+  else Keep
+let printing_status = function
+  | Errortrace.Diff d -> diff_printing_status d
+  | Errortrace.Escape {kind = Constraint} -> Keep
+  | _ -> Keep
+(** Flatten the trace and remove elements that are always discarded
+    during printing *)
+(* Takes [printing_status] to change behavior for [Subtype] *)
+let prepare_any_trace printing_status tr =
+  let clean_trace x l = match printing_status x with
+    | Keep -> x :: l
+    | Optional_refinement when l = [] -> [x]
+    | Optional_refinement | Discard -> l
+  in
+  match tr with
+  | [] -> []
+  | elt :: rem -> elt :: List.fold_right clean_trace rem []
+let prepare_trace f tr =
+  prepare_any_trace printing_status (Errortrace.map f tr)
+(** Keep elements that are [Diff _ ] and take the decision
+    for the last element, require a prepared trace *)
+let rec filter_trace keep_last = function
+  | [] -> []
+  | [Errortrace.Diff d as elt]
+    when printing_status elt = Optional_refinement ->
+    if keep_last then [d] else []
+  | Errortrace.Diff d :: rem -> d :: filter_trace keep_last rem
+  | _ :: rem -> filter_trace keep_last rem
+let type_path_list =
+  Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Fmt.pp_print_break ppf 2 0)
+    type_path_expansion
+(* Hide variant name and var, to force printing the expanded type *)
+let hide_variant_name t =
+  match get_desc t with
+  | Tvariant row ->
+    let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = row_repr row in
+    if name = None then t else
+      newty2 ~level:(get_level t)
+        (Tvariant
+           (create_row ~fields ~fixed ~closed ~name:None
+              ~more:(newvar2 (get_level more))))
+  | _ -> t
+let prepare_expansion Errortrace.{ty; expanded} =
+  let expanded = hide_variant_name expanded in
+  reserve_names ty;
+  if not (same_path ty expanded) then reserve_names expanded;
+  Errortrace.{ty; expanded}
+let may_prepare_expansion compact (Errortrace.{ty; expanded} as ty_exp) =
+  match get_desc expanded with
+    Tvariant _ | Tobject _ when compact ->
+    reserve_names ty; Errortrace.{ty; expanded = ty}
+  | _ -> prepare_expansion ty_exp
+let print_path p =
+  Fmt.dprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_ident (tree_of_path (Some Type) p)
+let print_tag ppf s = Style.inline_code ppf ("`" ^ s)
+let print_tags =
+  let comma ppf () = Fmt.fprintf ppf ",@ " in
+  Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma print_tag
+let is_unit env ty =
+  match get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env ty) with
+  | Tconstr (p, _, _) -> Path.same p Predef.path_unit
+  | _ -> false
+let unifiable env ty1 ty2 =
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  let res =
+    try Ctype.unify env ty1 ty2; true
+    with Unify _ -> false
+  in
+  Btype.backtrack snap;
+  res
+let explanation_diff env t3 t4 : (Format.formatter -> unit) option =
+  match get_desc t3, get_desc t4 with
+  | Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _), _
+    when is_unit env ty1 && unifiable env ty2 t4 ->
+    Some (fun ppf ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf
+          "@,@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you forget to provide %a as argument?@]"
+          (Fmt.compat Style.inline_code) "()"
+      )
+  | _, Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _)
+    when is_unit env ty1 && unifiable env t3 ty2 ->
+    Some (fun ppf ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf
+          "@,@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you forget to wrap the expression using \
+           %a?@]"
+          (Fmt.compat Style.inline_code) "fun () ->"
+      )
+  | _ ->
+    None
+let explain_fixed_row_case ppf = function
+  | Errortrace.Cannot_be_closed ->
+    Format.fprintf ppf "it cannot be closed"
+  | Errortrace.Cannot_add_tags tags ->
+    Format.fprintf ppf "it may not allow the tag(s) %a"
+      (Fmt.compat print_tags) tags
+let explain_fixed_row pos expl = match expl with
+  | Fixed_private ->
+    Format.dprintf "The %a variant type is private"
+      (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) pos
+  | Univar x ->
+    reserve_names x;
+    Format.dprintf "The %a variant type is bound to the universal type variable %a"
+      (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) pos
+      (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) x
+  | Reified p ->
+    Format.dprintf "The %a variant type is bound to %a"
+      (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) pos
+      (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code
+         (fun ppf p ->
+            Internal_names.add p;
+            print_path p ppf))
+      p
+  | Rigid -> ignore
+let explain_variant (type variety) : variety Errortrace.variant -> _ = function
+  (* Common *)
+  | Errortrace.Incompatible_types_for s ->
+    Some(
+      Format.dprintf "@,Types for tag %a are incompatible" (Fmt.compat print_tag) s)
+  (* Unification *)
+  | Errortrace.No_intersection ->
+    Some(Format.dprintf "@,These two variant types have no intersection")
+  | Errortrace.No_tags(pos,fields) -> Some (
+      Format.dprintf
+        "@,@[The %a variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]"
+        (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) pos
+        (Fmt.compat print_tags) (List.map fst fields))
+  | Errortrace.Fixed_row (pos, k, (Univar _ | Reified _ | Fixed_private as e)) ->
+    Some (
+      Format.dprintf "@,@[%t,@ %a@]" (explain_fixed_row pos e)
+        explain_fixed_row_case k)
+  | Errortrace.Fixed_row (_,_, Rigid) ->
+    (* this case never happens *)
+    None
+  (* Equality & Moregen *)
+  | Errortrace.Presence_not_guaranteed_for (pos, s) -> Some(
+      Format.dprintf
+        "@,@[The tag %a is guaranteed to be present in the %a variant type,\
+         @ but not in the %a@]"
+        (Fmt.compat print_tag) s
+        (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) (Errortrace.swap_position pos)
+        (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) pos
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Openness pos ->
+    Some(Format.dprintf "@,The %a variant type is open and the %a is not"
+           (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) pos
+           (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) (Errortrace.swap_position pos))
+let explain_escape pre = function
+  | Errortrace.Univ u ->
+    reserve_names u;
+    Some(
+      Format.dprintf "%t@,The universal variable %a would escape its scope"
+        pre
+        (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) u
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Constructor p -> Some(
+      Format.dprintf
+        "%t@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
+        pre (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code path) p
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Module_type p -> Some(
+      Format.dprintf
+        "%t@,@[The module type@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
+        pre (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code path) p
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Equation Errortrace.{ty = _; expanded = t} ->
+    reserve_names t;
+    Some(
+      Format.dprintf "%t @,@[<hov>This instance of %a is ambiguous:@ %s@]"
+        pre
+        (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) t
+        "it would escape the scope of its equation"
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Self ->
+    Some (Format.dprintf "%t@,Self type cannot escape its class" pre)
+  | Errortrace.Constraint ->
+    None
+let explain_object (type variety) : variety Errortrace.obj -> _ = function
+  | Errortrace.Missing_field (pos,f) -> Some(
+      Format.dprintf "@,@[The %a object type has no method %a@]"
+        (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) pos (Fmt.compat Style.inline_code) f
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Abstract_row pos -> Some(
+      Format.dprintf
+        "@,@[The %a object type has an abstract row, it cannot be closed@]"
+        (Fmt.compat Errortrace.print_pos) pos
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Self_cannot_be_closed ->
+    Some (Format.dprintf "@,Self type cannot be unified with a closed object type")
+let explain_incompatible_fields name (diff: Types.type_expr Errortrace.diff) =
+  reserve_names diff.got;
+  reserve_names diff.expected;
+  Format.dprintf "@,@[The method %a has type@ %a,@ \
+               but the expected method type was@ %a@]"
+    (Fmt.compat Style.inline_code) name
+    (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) diff.got
+    (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) diff.expected
+let explain_label_mismatch ~got ~expected =
+  let quoted_label ppf l = Style.inline_code ppf (string_of_label l) in
+  let quoted_label = Fmt.compat quoted_label in
+  match got, expected with
+  | Asttypes.Nolabel, Asttypes.(Labelled _ | Optional _ )  ->
+    Format.dprintf "@,@[A label@ %a@ was expected@]"
+      quoted_label expected
+  | Asttypes.(Labelled _|Optional _), Asttypes.Nolabel  ->
+    Format.dprintf
+      "@,@[The first argument is labeled@ %a,@ \
+       but an unlabeled argument was expected@]"
+      quoted_label got
+  | Asttypes.Labelled g, Asttypes.Optional e when g = e ->
+    Format.dprintf
+      "@,@[The label@ %a@ was expected to be optional@]"
+      quoted_label got
+  | Asttypes.Optional g, Asttypes.Labelled e when g = e ->
+    Format.dprintf
+      "@,@[The label@ %a@ was expected to not be optional@]"
+      quoted_label got
+  | Asttypes.(Labelled _ | Optional _), Asttypes.(Labelled _ | Optional _) ->
+    Format.dprintf "@,@[Labels %a@ and@ %a do not match@]"
+      quoted_label got
+      quoted_label expected
+  | Asttypes.Nolabel, Asttypes.Nolabel ->
+    (* Two empty labels cannot be mismatched*)
+    assert false
+let explain_first_class_module = function
+  | Errortrace.Package_cannot_scrape p -> Some(
+      Format.dprintf "@,@[The module alias %a could not be expanded@]"
+        (Fmt.compat path) p
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Package_inclusion pr ->
+    Some(Format.dprintf "@,@[%a@]" Fmt.Doc.format pr)
+  | Errortrace.Package_coercion pr ->
+    Some(Format.dprintf "@,@[%a@]" Fmt.Doc.format pr)
+let explanation (type variety) intro prev env
+  : (Errortrace.expanded_type, variety) Errortrace.elt -> _ = function
+  | Errortrace.Diff {got; expected} ->
+    explanation_diff env got.expanded expected.expanded
+  | Errortrace.Escape {kind; context} ->
+    let pre =
+      match context, kind, prev with
+      | Some ctx, _, _ ->
+        reserve_names ctx;
+        Format.dprintf "@[%t@;<1 2>%a@]" intro
+          (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) ctx
+      | None, Univ _, Some(Errortrace.Incompatible_fields {name; diff}) ->
+        explain_incompatible_fields name diff
+      | _ -> ignore
+    in
+    explain_escape pre kind
+  | Errortrace.Incompatible_fields { name; diff} ->
+    Some(explain_incompatible_fields name diff)
+  | Errortrace.Variant v ->
+    explain_variant v
+  | Errortrace.Obj o ->
+    explain_object o
+  | Errortrace.Function_label_mismatch diff ->
+    Some (explain_label_mismatch ~got:diff.got ~expected:diff.expected)
+  | Errortrace.First_class_module fm ->
+    explain_first_class_module fm
+  | Errortrace.Rec_occur(x,y) ->
+    reserve_names x;
+    reserve_names y;
+    begin match get_desc x with
+      | Tvar _ | Tunivar _  ->
+        Some(fun ppf ->
+            reset_loop_marks ();
+            mark_loops x;
+            mark_loops y;
+            Format.dprintf "@,@[<hov>The type variable %a occurs inside@ %a@]"
+              (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_expr) x
+              (Fmt.compat1 Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_expr) y
+              ppf)
+      | _ ->
+        (* We had a delayed unification of the type variable with
+           a non-variable after the occur check. *)
+        Some ignore
+        (* There is no need to search further for an explanation, but
+           we don't want to print a message of the form:
+           {[ The type int occurs inside int list -> 'a |}
+        *)
+    end
+let mismatch intro env trace =
+  Errortrace.explain trace (fun ~prev h -> explanation intro prev env h)
+let explain mis ppf =
+  match mis with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some explain -> explain ppf
+let warn_on_missing_def env ppf t =
+  match get_desc t with
+  | Tconstr (p,_,_) ->
+    begin match Env.find_type p env with
+      | exception Not_found ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "@,@[<hov>Type %a is abstract because@ no corresponding\
+           @ cmi file@ was found@ in path.@]" (Style.as_inline_code path) p
+      | { type_manifest = Some _; _ } -> ()
+      | { type_manifest = None; _ } as decl ->
+        match type_origin decl with
+        | Rec_check_regularity ->
+          Fmt.fprintf ppf
+            "@,@[<hov>Type %a was considered abstract@ when checking\
+             @ constraints@ in this@ recursive type definition.@]"
+            (Style.as_inline_code path) p
+        | Definition | Existential _ -> ()
+    end
+  | _ -> ()
+let prepare_expansion_head empty_tr = function
+  | Errortrace.Diff d ->
+    Some (Errortrace.map_diff (may_prepare_expansion empty_tr) d)
+  | _ -> None
+let head_error_printer mode txt_got txt_but = function
+  | None -> ignore
+  | Some d ->
+    let d = Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode) d in
+    Format.dprintf "%t@;<1 2>%a@ %t@;<1 2>%a"
+      txt_got (Fmt.compat type_expansion) d.Errortrace.got
+      txt_but (Fmt.compat type_expansion) d.Errortrace.expected
+let warn_on_missing_defs env ppf = function
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some Errortrace.{got      = {ty=te1; expanded=_};
+                     expected = {ty=te2; expanded=_} } ->
+    warn_on_missing_def env ppf te1;
+    warn_on_missing_def env ppf te2
+(* [subst] comes out of equality, and is [[]] otherwise *)
+let error trace_format mode subst env tr txt1 ppf txt2 ty_expect_explanation =
+  reset ();
+  (* We want to substitute in the opposite order from [Eqtype] *)
+  Names.add_subst (List.map (fun (ty1,ty2) -> ty2,ty1) subst);
+  let tr =
+    prepare_trace
+      (fun ty_exp ->
+         Errortrace.{ty_exp with expanded = hide_variant_name ty_exp.expanded})
+      tr
+  in
+  let mis = mismatch txt1 env tr in
+  match tr with
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | elt :: tr ->
+    try
+      print_labels := not !Clflags.classic;
+      let tr = filter_trace (mis = None) tr in
+      let head = prepare_expansion_head (tr=[]) elt in
+      let tr = List.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion) tr in
+      let head_error = head_error_printer mode txt1 txt2 head in
+      let tr = trees_of_trace mode tr in
+      Format.fprintf ppf
+        "@[<v>\
+         @[%t%t@]%a%t\
+         @]"
+        head_error
+        ty_expect_explanation
+        (Fmt.compat2 trace false (incompatibility_phrase trace_format)) tr
+        (explain mis);
+      if env <> Env.empty
+      then (Fmt.compat1 warn_on_missing_defs env) ppf head;
+       Internal_names.print_explanations env ppf;
+      Conflicts.print_explanations ppf;
+      print_labels := true
+    with exn ->
+      print_labels := true;
+      raise exn
+let report_error trace_format ppf mode env tr
+    ?(subst = [])
+    ?(type_expected_explanation = fun _ -> ())
+    txt1 txt2 =
+  wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+      error trace_format mode subst env tr txt1 ppf txt2
+        type_expected_explanation)
+let report_unification_error
+    ppf env ({trace} : Errortrace.unification_error) =
+  report_error Unification ppf Type env
+    ?subst:None trace
+let report_equality_error
+    ppf mode env ({subst; trace} : Errortrace.equality_error) =
+  report_error Equality ppf mode env
+    ~subst ?type_expected_explanation:None trace
+let report_moregen_error
+    ppf mode env ({trace} : Errortrace.moregen_error) =
+  report_error Moregen ppf mode env
+    ?subst:None ?type_expected_explanation:None trace
+let report_comparison_error ppf mode env = function
+  | Errortrace.Equality_error error -> report_equality_error ppf mode env error
+  | Errortrace.Moregen_error  error -> report_moregen_error  ppf mode env error
+module Subtype = struct
+  (* There's a frustrating amount of code duplication between this module and
+     the outside code, particularly in [prepare_trace] and [filter_trace].
+     Unfortunately, [Subtype] is *just* similar enough to have code duplication,
+     while being *just* different enough (it's only [Diff]) for the abstraction
+     to be nonobvious.  Someday, perhaps... *)
+  let printing_status = function
+    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d -> diff_printing_status d
+  let prepare_unification_trace = prepare_trace
+  let prepare_trace f tr =
+    prepare_any_trace printing_status (Errortrace.Subtype.map f tr)
+  let trace filter_trace get_diff fst keep_last txt ppf tr =
+    print_labels := not !Clflags.classic;
+    try match tr with
+      | elt :: tr' ->
+        let diffed_elt = get_diff elt in
+        let tr =
+          trees_of_trace Type
+          @@ List.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion)
+          @@ filter_trace keep_last tr' in
+        let tr =
+          match fst, diffed_elt with
+          | true, Some elt -> elt :: tr
+          | _, _ -> tr
+        in
+        trace fst txt ppf tr;
+        print_labels := true
+      | _ -> ()
+    with exn ->
+      print_labels := true;
+      raise exn
+  let rec filter_subtype_trace keep_last = function
+    | [] -> []
+    | [Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d as elt]
+      when printing_status elt = Optional_refinement ->
+      if keep_last then [d] else []
+    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d :: rem ->
+      d :: filter_subtype_trace keep_last rem
+  let unification_get_diff = function
+    | Errortrace.Diff diff ->
+      Some (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion Type) diff)
+    | _ -> None
+  let subtype_get_diff = function
+    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff diff ->
+      Some (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion Type) diff)
+  let report_error
+      ppf
+      env
+      (Errortrace.Subtype.{trace = tr_sub; unification_trace = tr_unif})
+      txt1 =
+    wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+        reset ();
+        let tr_sub = prepare_trace prepare_expansion tr_sub in
+        let tr_unif = prepare_unification_trace prepare_expansion tr_unif in
+        let keep_first = match tr_unif with
+          | [Obj _ | Variant _ | Escape _ ] | [] -> true
+          | _ -> false in
+        Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a"
+          (Fmt.compat (trace filter_subtype_trace subtype_get_diff true keep_first txt1))
+          tr_sub;
+        if tr_unif = [] then Format.fprintf ppf "@]" else
+          let mis = mismatch (Format.dprintf "Within this type") env tr_unif in
+          Format.fprintf ppf "%a%t%t@]"
+            (Fmt.compat (trace filter_trace unification_get_diff false
+               (mis = None) "is not compatible with type")) tr_unif
+            (explain mis)
+            Conflicts.print_explanations
+      )
+let report_ambiguous_type_error ppf env tp0 tpl txt1 txt2 txt3 =
+  wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+      reset ();
+      let tp0 = trees_of_type_path_expansion tp0 in
+      match tpl with
+        [] -> assert false
+      | [tp] ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf
+          "@[%t@;<1 2>%a@ \
+           %t@;<1 2>%a\
+           @]"
+          txt1 (Fmt.compat type_path_expansion) (trees_of_type_path_expansion tp)
+          txt3 (Fmt.compat type_path_expansion) tp0
+      | _ ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf
+          "@[%t@;<1 2>@[<hv>%a@]\
+           @ %t@;<1 2>%a\
+           @]"
+          txt2 (Fmt.compat type_path_list)
+          (List.map trees_of_type_path_expansion tpl)
+          txt3 (Fmt.compat type_path_expansion) tp0)
+(* Adapt functions to exposed interface *)
+let tree_of_path = tree_of_path None
+let tree_of_modtype = tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis:false
+let type_expansion mode ppf ty_exp =
+  type_expansion ppf (trees_of_type_expansion mode ty_exp)
+let tree_of_type_declaration ident td rs =
+  with_hidden_items [{hide=true; ident}]
+    (fun () -> tree_of_type_declaration ident td rs)
+let shorten_type_path env p =
+  wrap_printing_env env
+    (fun () -> best_type_path_simple p)
+let shorten_module_type_path env p =
+  wrap_printing_env env
+    (fun () -> best_module_type_path p)
+let shorten_module_path env p =
+  wrap_printing_env env
+    (fun () -> best_module_path p)
+let shorten_class_type_path env p =
+  wrap_printing_env env
+    (fun () -> best_class_type_path_simple p)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp_doc.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp_doc.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..916dd769c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyp_doc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+(* Printing functions *)
+open Format_doc
+open Types
+open Outcometree
+val longident: formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
+val ident: formatter -> Ident.t -> unit
+val namespaced_ident: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t -> Ident.t -> string
+val tree_of_path: Path.t -> out_ident
+val path: formatter -> Path.t -> unit
+val string_of_path: Path.t -> string
+val type_path: formatter -> Path.t -> unit
+(** Print a type path taking account of [-short-paths].
+    Calls should be within [wrap_printing_env]. *)
+module Out_name: sig
+  val create: string -> out_name
+  val print: out_name -> string
+type namespace := Shape.Sig_component_kind.t option
+val strings_of_paths: namespace -> Path.t list -> string list
+    (** Print a list of paths, using the same naming context to
+        avoid name collisions *)
+val raw_type_expr: formatter -> type_expr -> unit
+val string_of_label: Asttypes.arg_label -> string
+val wrap_printing_env: ?error:bool -> Env.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+    (* Call the function using the environment for type path shortening *)
+    (* This affects all the printing functions below *)
+    (* Also, if [~error:true], then disable the loading of cmis *)
+val shorten_type_path: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+val shorten_module_type_path: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+val shorten_module_path: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+val shorten_class_type_path: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+module Naming_context: sig
+  val enable: bool -> unit
+  (** When contextual names are enabled, the mapping between identifiers
+      and names is ensured to be one-to-one. *)
+  val with_arg : Ident.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** The [Conflicts] module keeps track of conflicts arising when attributing
+    names to identifiers and provides functions that can print explanations
+    for these conflict in error messages *)
+module Conflicts: sig
+  val exists: unit -> bool
+  (** [exists()] returns true if the current naming context renamed
+        an identifier to avoid a name collision *)
+  type explanation =
+    { kind: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t;
+      name:string;
+      root_name:string;
+      location:Location.t
+    }
+  val list_explanations: unit -> explanation list
+(** [list_explanations()] return the list of conflict explanations
+    collected up to this point, and reset the list of collected
+    explanations *)
+  val print_located_explanations:
+    Format.formatter -> explanation list -> unit
+  val print_explanations: Format.formatter -> unit
+  (** Print all conflict explanations collected up to this point *)
+  val reset: unit -> unit
+val reset: unit -> unit
+(** Print out a type.  This will pick names for type variables, and will not
+    reuse names for common type variables shared across multiple type
+    expressions.  (It will also reset the printing state, which matters for
+    other type formatters such as [prepared_type_expr].)  If you want multiple
+    types to use common names for type variables, see [prepare_for_printing] and
+    [prepared_type_expr].  *)
+val type_expr: formatter -> type_expr -> unit
+(** [prepare_for_printing] resets the global printing environment, a la [reset],
+    and prepares the types for printing by reserving names and marking loops.
+    Any type variables that are shared between multiple types in the input list
+    will be given the same name when printed with [prepared_type_expr]. *)
+val prepare_for_printing: type_expr list -> unit
+(** [add_type_to_preparation ty] extend a previous type expression preparation
+    to the type expression [ty]
+val add_type_to_preparation: type_expr -> unit
+val prepared_type_expr: formatter -> type_expr -> unit
+(** The function [prepared_type_expr] is a less-safe but more-flexible version
+    of [type_expr] that should only be called on [type_expr]s that have been
+    passed to [prepare_for_printing].  Unlike [type_expr], this function does no
+    extra work before printing a type; in particular, this means that any loops
+    in the type expression may cause a stack overflow (see #8860) since this
+    function does not mark any loops.  The benefit of this is that if multiple
+    type expressions are prepared simultaneously and then printed with
+    [prepared_type_expr], they will use the same names for the same type
+    variables. *)
+val constructor_arguments: formatter -> constructor_arguments -> unit
+val tree_of_type_scheme: type_expr -> out_type
+val type_scheme: formatter -> type_expr -> unit
+val prepared_type_scheme: formatter -> type_expr -> unit
+val shared_type_scheme: formatter -> type_expr -> unit
+(** [shared_type_scheme] is very similar to [type_scheme], but does not reset
+    the printing context first.  This is intended to be used in cases where the
+    printing should have a particularly wide context, such as documentation
+    generators; most use cases, such as error messages, have narrower contexts
+    for which [type_scheme] is better suited. *)
+val tree_of_value_description: Ident.t -> value_description -> out_sig_item
+val value_description: Ident.t -> formatter -> value_description -> unit
+val label : formatter -> label_declaration -> unit
+val add_constructor_to_preparation : constructor_declaration -> unit
+val prepared_constructor : formatter -> constructor_declaration -> unit
+val constructor : formatter -> constructor_declaration -> unit
+val tree_of_type_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> type_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val add_type_declaration_to_preparation :
+  Ident.t -> type_declaration -> unit
+val prepared_type_declaration: Ident.t -> formatter -> type_declaration -> unit
+val type_declaration: Ident.t -> formatter -> type_declaration -> unit
+val tree_of_extension_constructor:
+    Ident.t -> extension_constructor -> ext_status -> out_sig_item
+val add_extension_constructor_to_preparation :
+    extension_constructor -> unit
+val prepared_extension_constructor:
+    Ident.t -> formatter -> extension_constructor -> unit
+val extension_constructor:
+    Ident.t -> formatter -> extension_constructor -> unit
+(* Prints extension constructor with the type signature:
+     type ('a, 'b) bar += A of float
+val extension_only_constructor:
+    Ident.t -> formatter -> extension_constructor -> unit
+(* Prints only extension constructor without type signature:
+     A of float
+val tree_of_module:
+    Ident.t -> ?ellipsis:bool -> module_type -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val modtype: formatter -> module_type -> unit
+val signature: formatter -> signature -> unit
+val tree_of_modtype: module_type -> out_module_type
+val tree_of_modtype_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> modtype_declaration -> out_sig_item
+(** Print a list of functor parameters while adjusting the printing environment
+    for each functor argument.
+    Currently, we are disabling disambiguation for functor argument name to
+    avoid the need to track the moving association between identifiers and
+    syntactic names in situation like:
+    got: (X: sig module type T end) (Y:X.T) (X:sig module type T end) (Z:X.T)
+    expect: (_: sig end) (Y:X.T) (_:sig end) (Z:X.T)
+val functor_parameters:
+  sep:(formatter -> unit -> unit) ->
+  ('b -> formatter -> unit) ->
+  (Ident.t option * 'b) list -> formatter -> unit
+type type_or_scheme = Type | Type_scheme
+val tree_of_signature: Types.signature -> out_sig_item list
+val tree_of_typexp: type_or_scheme -> type_expr -> out_type
+val modtype_declaration: Ident.t -> formatter -> modtype_declaration -> unit
+val class_type: formatter -> class_type -> unit
+val tree_of_class_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> class_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val class_declaration: Ident.t -> formatter -> class_declaration -> unit
+val tree_of_cltype_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> class_type_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val cltype_declaration: Ident.t -> formatter -> class_type_declaration -> unit
+val type_expansion :
+  type_or_scheme -> formatter -> Errortrace.expanded_type -> unit
+val prepare_expansion: Errortrace.expanded_type -> Errortrace.expanded_type
+val report_ambiguous_type_error:
+    Format.formatter -> Env.t -> (Path.t * Path.t) -> (Path.t * Path.t) list ->
+    (Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Format.formatter -> unit) ->
+    (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
+val report_unification_error :
+  Format.formatter ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.unification_error ->
+  ?type_expected_explanation:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
+  (Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Format.formatter -> unit) ->
+  unit
+val report_equality_error :
+  Format.formatter ->
+  type_or_scheme ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.equality_error ->
+  (Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Format.formatter -> unit) ->
+  unit
+val report_moregen_error :
+  Format.formatter ->
+  type_or_scheme ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.moregen_error ->
+  (Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Format.formatter -> unit) ->
+  unit
+val report_comparison_error :
+  Format.formatter ->
+  type_or_scheme ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.comparison_error ->
+  (Format.formatter -> unit) -> (Format.formatter -> unit) ->
+  unit
+module Subtype : sig
+  val report_error :
+    Format.formatter ->
+    Env.t ->
+    Errortrace.Subtype.error ->
+    string ->
+    unit
+(* for toploop *)
+val print_items: (Env.t -> signature_item -> 'a option) ->
+  Env.t -> signature_item list -> (out_sig_item * 'a option) list
+(* Simple heuristic to rewrite Foo__bar.* as Foo.Bar.* when Foo.Bar is an alias
+   for Foo__bar. This pattern is used by the stdlib. *)
+val rewrite_double_underscore_paths: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+(** [printed_signature sourcefile ppf sg] print the signature [sg] of
+    [sourcefile] with potential warnings for name collisions *)
+val printed_signature: string -> formatter -> signature -> unit
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/printtyped.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyped.ml
index 28b973942e..b60920e970 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/printtyped.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/printtyped.ml
@@ -358,15 +358,16 @@ and expression i ppf x =
       line i ppf "Texp_apply\n";
       expression i ppf e;
       list i label_x_expression ppf l;
-  | Texp_match (e, l, partial) ->
-      line i ppf "Texp_match%a\n"
-        fmt_partiality partial;
+  | Texp_match (e, l1, l2, partial) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_match%a\n" fmt_partiality partial;
       expression i ppf e;
-      list i case ppf l;
-  | Texp_try (e, l) ->
+      list i case ppf l1;
+      list i case ppf l2;
+  | Texp_try (e, l1, l2) ->
       line i ppf "Texp_try\n";
       expression i ppf e;
-      list i case ppf l;
+      list i case ppf l1;
+      list i case ppf l2;
   | Texp_tuple (l) ->
       line i ppf "Texp_tuple\n";
       list i expression ppf l;
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/rawprinttyp.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/rawprinttyp.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6528be2714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/rawprinttyp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Jacques Garrigue, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2003 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Print a raw type expression, with sharing *)
+open Format
+open Types
+let longident = Pprintast.longident
+let raw_list pr ppf = function
+    [] -> fprintf ppf "[]"
+  | a :: l ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a%t]@]" pr a
+        (fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf ";@,%a" pr x) l)
+let kind_vars = ref []
+let kind_count = ref 0
+let string_of_field_kind v =
+  match field_kind_repr v with
+  | Fpublic -> "Fpublic"
+  | Fabsent -> "Fabsent"
+  | Fprivate -> "Fprivate"
+let rec safe_repr v t =
+  match Transient_expr.coerce t with
+    {desc = Tlink t} when not (List.memq t v) ->
+      safe_repr (t::v) t
+  | t' -> t'
+let rec list_of_memo = function
+    Mnil -> []
+  | Mcons (_priv, p, _t1, _t2, rem) -> p :: list_of_memo rem
+  | Mlink rem -> list_of_memo !rem
+let print_name ppf = function
+    None -> fprintf ppf "None"
+  | Some name -> fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" name
+let path = Format_doc.compat Path.print
+let visited = ref []
+let rec raw_type ppf ty =
+  let ty = safe_repr [] ty in
+  if List.memq ty !visited then fprintf ppf "{id=%d}" ty.id else begin
+    visited := ty :: !visited;
+    fprintf ppf "@[<1>{id=%d;level=%d;scope=%d;marks=%x;desc=@,%a}@]"
+      ty.id ty.level
+      (Transient_expr.get_scope ty) (Transient_expr.get_marks ty)
+      raw_type_desc ty.desc
+  end
+and raw_type_list tl = raw_list raw_type tl
+and raw_lid_type_list tl =
+  raw_list (fun ppf (lid, typ) ->
+             fprintf ppf "(@,%a,@,%a)" longident lid raw_type typ)
+    tl
+and raw_type_desc ppf = function
+    Tvar name -> fprintf ppf "Tvar %a" print_name name
+  | Tarrow(l,t1,t2,c) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tarrow(\"%s\",@,%a,@,%a,@,%s)@]"
+        (Asttypes.string_of_label l) raw_type t1 raw_type t2
+        (if is_commu_ok c then "Cok" else "Cunknown")
+  | Ttuple tl ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<1>Ttuple@,%a@]" raw_type_list tl
+  | Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tconstr(@,%a,@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p
+        raw_type_list tl
+        (raw_list path) (list_of_memo !abbrev)
+  | Tobject (t, nm) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tobject(@,%a,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" raw_type t
+        (fun ppf ->
+          match !nm with None -> fprintf ppf " None"
+          | Some(p,tl) ->
+              fprintf ppf "(Some(@,%a,@,%a))" path p raw_type_list tl)
+  | Tfield (f, k, t1, t2) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tfield(@,%s,@,%s,@,%a,@;<0 -1>%a)@]" f
+        (string_of_field_kind k)
+        raw_type t1 raw_type t2
+  | Tnil -> fprintf ppf "Tnil"
+  | Tlink t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tlink@,%a@]" raw_type t
+  | Tsubst (t, None) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,(%a,None)@]" raw_type t
+  | Tsubst (t, Some t') ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,(%a,@ Some%a)@]" raw_type t raw_type t'
+  | Tunivar name -> fprintf ppf "Tunivar %a" print_name name
+  | Tpoly (t, tl) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpoly(@,%a,@,%a)@]"
+        raw_type t
+        raw_type_list tl
+  | Tvariant row ->
+      let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = row_repr row in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<hov1>{@[%s@,%a;@]@ @[%s@,%a;@]@ %s%B;@ %s%a;@ @[<1>%s%t@]}@]"
+        "row_fields="
+        (raw_list (fun ppf (l, f) ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[%s,@ %a@]" l raw_field f))
+        fields
+        "row_more=" raw_type more
+        "row_closed=" closed
+        "row_fixed=" raw_row_fixed fixed
+        "row_name="
+        (fun ppf ->
+          match name with None -> fprintf ppf "None"
+          | Some(p,tl) ->
+              fprintf ppf "Some(@,%a,@,%a)" path p raw_type_list tl)
+  | Tpackage (p, fl) ->
+    fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpackage(@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p raw_lid_type_list fl
+and raw_row_fixed ppf = function
+| None -> fprintf ppf "None"
+| Some Types.Fixed_private -> fprintf ppf "Some Fixed_private"
+| Some Types.Rigid -> fprintf ppf "Some Rigid"
+| Some Types.Univar t -> fprintf ppf "Some(Univar(%a))" raw_type t
+| Some Types.Reified p -> fprintf ppf "Some(Reified(%a))" path p
+and raw_field ppf rf =
+  match_row_field
+    ~absent:(fun _ -> fprintf ppf "RFabsent")
+    ~present:(function
+      | None ->
+          fprintf ppf "RFpresent None"
+      | Some t ->
+          fprintf ppf  "@[<1>RFpresent(Some@,%a)@]" raw_type t)
+    ~either:(fun c tl m (_,e) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>RFeither(%B,@,%a,@,%B,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" c
+        raw_type_list tl m
+        (fun ppf ->
+          match e with None -> fprintf ppf " RFnone"
+          | Some f -> fprintf ppf "@,@[<1>(%a)@]" raw_field f))
+    rf
+let type_expr ppf t =
+  visited := []; kind_vars := []; kind_count := 0;
+  raw_type ppf t;
+  visited := []; kind_vars := []
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/rawprinttyp.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/rawprinttyp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..205bf299e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/rawprinttyp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Jacques Garrigue, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2003 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** This module provides function(s) for printing the internal representation of
+    type expressions. It is targetted at internal use when debbuging the
+    compiler itself. *)
+val type_expr: Format.formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/saved_parts.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/saved_parts.mli
index be1a20693f..23569e3780 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/saved_parts.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/saved_parts.mli
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 val attribute : string Location.loc
-val store : Cmt_format.binary_part list -> Parsetree.constant
-val find : Parsetree.constant -> Cmt_format.binary_part list
+val store : Cmt_format.binary_part list -> Parsetree.constant_desc
+val find : Parsetree.constant_desc -> Cmt_format.binary_part list
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/shape.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/shape.ml
index 1d588c647d..41c2b65a41 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/shape.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/shape.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 module Uid = struct
   type t =
     | Compilation_unit of string
-    | Item of { comp_unit: string; id: int }
+    | Item of { comp_unit: string; id: int; from: Unit_info.intf_or_impl }
     | Internal
     | Predef of string
@@ -27,11 +27,16 @@ module Uid = struct
     let compare (x : t) y = compare x y
     let hash (x : t) = Hashtbl.hash x
+    let pp_intf_or_impl fmt = function
+      | Unit_info.Intf -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "[intf]"
+      | Unit_info.Impl -> ()
     let print fmt = function
       | Internal -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<internal>"
       | Predef name -> Format.fprintf fmt "<predef:%s>" name
       | Compilation_unit s -> Format.pp_print_string fmt s
-      | Item { comp_unit; id } -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s.%d" comp_unit id
+      | Item { comp_unit; id; from } ->
+          Format.fprintf fmt "%a%s.%d" pp_intf_or_impl from comp_unit id
     let output oc t =
       let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
@@ -50,8 +55,14 @@ module Uid = struct
     | _ -> None
   let mk  ~current_unit =
+      let comp_unit, from =
+        let open Unit_info in
+        match current_unit with
+        | None -> "", Impl
+        | Some ui -> modname ui, kind ui
+      in
       incr id;
-      Item { comp_unit = current_unit; id = !id }
+      Item { comp_unit; id = !id; from }
   let of_compilation_unit_id id =
     if not (Ident.persistent id) then
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/shape.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/shape.mli
index 115cce4596..83300d8ef5 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/shape.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/shape.mli
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
       [cmt_format.cmt_uid_to_decl] table of the corresponding compilation unit.
-  - {{: https://icfp22.sigplan.org/details/mlfamilyworkshop-2022-papers/10/Module-Shapes-for-Modern-Tooling }
+  - {{:https://icfp22.sigplan.org/details/mlfamilyworkshop-2022-papers/10/Module-Shapes-for-Modern-Tooling}
     the design document}
-  - {{: https://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Gabriel.Scherer/research/shapes/2022-ml-workshop-shapes-talk.pdf }
+  - {{:https://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Gabriel.Scherer/research/shapes/2022-ml-workshop-shapes-talk.pdf}
     a talk about the reduction strategy
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 module Uid : sig
   type t = private
     | Compilation_unit of string
-    | Item of { comp_unit: string; id: int }
+    | Item of { comp_unit: string; id: int; from: Unit_info.intf_or_impl }
     | Internal
     | Predef of string
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module Uid : sig
   val restore_stamp : int -> unit
   val stamp_of_uid : t -> int option
-  val mk : current_unit:string -> t
+  val mk : current_unit:(Unit_info.t option) -> t
   val of_compilation_unit_id : Ident.t -> t
   val of_predef_id : Ident.t -> t
   val internal_not_actually_unique : t
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/stypes.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/stypes.ml
index 9d4a2ff70f..035b488811 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/stypes.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/stypes.ml
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ let sort_filter_phrases () =
 let rec printtyp_reset_maybe loc =
   match !phrases with
   | cur :: t when cur.loc_start.pos_cnum <= loc.loc_start.pos_cnum ->
-     Printtyp.reset ();
+     Out_type.reset ();
      phrases := t;
      printtyp_reset_maybe loc;
   | _ -> ()
@@ -148,7 +148,9 @@ let print_info pp prev_loc ti =
       printtyp_reset_maybe loc;
       Format.pp_print_string Format.str_formatter "  ";
       Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:false env
-        (fun () -> Printtyp.shared_type_scheme Format.str_formatter typ);
+        (fun () ->
+           Printtyp.shared_type_scheme
+             Format.str_formatter typ);
       (* (fun () -> Printtyp.shared_type_scheme Format.str_formatter typ); *)
       Format.pp_print_newline Format.str_formatter ();
       let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/subst.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/subst.ml
index de9bf07144..616652b534 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/subst.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/subst.ml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ type type_replacement =
   | Path of Path.t
   | Type_function of { params : type_expr list; body : type_expr }
-type t =
+type s =
   { types: type_replacement Path.Map.t;
     modules: Path.t Path.Map.t;
     modtypes: module_type Path.Map.t;
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ type t =
     make_loc_ghost: bool;
+type 'a subst = s
+type safe = [`Safe]
+type unsafe = [`Unsafe]
+type t = safe subst
+exception Module_type_path_substituted_away of Path.t * Types.module_type
 let identity =
   { types = Path.Map.empty;
     modules = Path.Map.empty;
@@ -44,17 +50,17 @@ let identity =
     make_loc_ghost = false;
-let add_type_path id p s = { s with types = Path.Map.add id (Path p) s.types }
-let add_type id p s = add_type_path (Pident id) p s
+let unsafe x = x
-let add_type_function id ~params ~body s =
-  { s with types = Path.Map.add id (Type_function { params; body }) s.types }
+let add_type id p s =
+    { s with types = Path.Map.add (Pident id) (Path p) s.types }
-let add_module_path id p s = { s with modules = Path.Map.add id p s.modules }
-let add_module id p s = add_module_path (Pident id) p s
+let add_module id p s =
+  { s with modules = Path.Map.add (Pident id) p s.modules }
-let add_modtype_path p ty s = { s with modtypes = Path.Map.add p ty s.modtypes }
-let add_modtype id ty s = add_modtype_path (Pident id) ty s
+let add_modtype_gen p ty s = { s with modtypes = Path.Map.add p ty s.modtypes }
+let add_modtype_path p p' s = add_modtype_gen p (Mty_ident p') s
+let add_modtype id p s = add_modtype_path (Pident id) p s
 let for_saving s = { s with for_saving = true }
 let change_locs s loc = { s with loc = Some loc }
@@ -104,8 +110,8 @@ let rec module_path s path =
 let modtype_path s path =
       match Path.Map.find path s.modtypes with
       | Mty_ident p -> p
-      | Mty_alias _ | Mty_signature _ | Mty_functor _ | Mty_for_hole ->
-         fatal_error "Subst.modtype_path"
+      | Mty_alias _ | Mty_signature _ | Mty_functor _ | Mty_for_hole as mty ->
+         raise (Module_type_path_substituted_away (path,mty))
       | exception Not_found ->
          match path with
          | Pdot(p, n) ->
@@ -589,7 +595,7 @@ let rename_bound_idents scoping s sg =
     | SigL_modtype(id, mtd, vis) :: rest ->
         let id' = rename id in
-          (add_modtype id (Mty_ident(Pident id')) s)
+          (add_modtype id (Pident id') s)
           (SigL_modtype(id', mtd, vis) :: sg)
     | SigL_class(id, cd, rs, vis) :: rest ->
@@ -841,3 +847,27 @@ let modtype_declaration sc s decl =
 let module_declaration scoping s decl =
   Lazy.(decl |> of_module_decl |> module_decl scoping s |> force_module_decl)
+module Unsafe = struct
+  type t = unsafe subst
+  type error = Fcm_type_substituted_away of Path.t * Types.module_type
+  let add_modtype_path = add_modtype_gen
+  let add_modtype id mty s = add_modtype_path (Pident id) mty s
+  let add_type_path id p s = { s with types = Path.Map.add id (Path p) s.types }
+  let add_type_function id ~params ~body s =
+    { s with types = Path.Map.add id (Type_function { params; body }) s.types }
+  let add_module_path id p s = { s with modules = Path.Map.add id p s.modules }
+  let wrap f = match f () with
+    | x -> Ok x
+    | exception Module_type_path_substituted_away (p,mty) ->
+        Error (Fcm_type_substituted_away (p,mty))
+  let signature_item sc s comp = wrap (fun () -> signature_item sc s comp)
+  let signature sc s comp = wrap (fun () -> signature sc s comp )
+  let compose s1 s2 = wrap (fun () -> compose s1 s2)
+  let type_declaration s t = wrap (fun () -> type_declaration s t)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/subst.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/subst.mli
index d278d01c24..075d5ae074 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/subst.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/subst.mli
@@ -13,13 +13,12 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-(* Substitutions *)
+(** Substitutions *)
 open Types
-type t
    Substitutions are used to translate a type from one context to
    another.  This requires substituting paths for identifiers, and
    possibly also lowering the level of non-generic variables so that
@@ -29,23 +28,33 @@ type t
    Indeed, non-variable node of a type are duplicated, with their
    levels set to generic level.  That way, the resulting type is
    well-formed (decreasing levels), even if the original one was not.
-val identity: t
+   In the presence of local substitutions for module types, a substitution for a
+   type expression may fail to produce a well-formed type. In order to confine
+   this issue to local substitutions, the type of substitutions is split into a
+   safe and unsafe variant. Only unsafe substitutions may expand a module type
+   path into a generic module type. *)
+(** Type familly for substitutions *)
+type +'k subst
+type safe = [`Safe]
+type unsafe = [`Unsafe]
+type t = safe subst
+(** Standard substitution*)
-val add_type: Ident.t -> Path.t -> t -> t
-val add_type_path: Path.t -> Path.t -> t -> t
-val add_type_function:
-  Path.t -> params:type_expr list -> body:type_expr -> t -> t
-val add_module: Ident.t -> Path.t -> t -> t
-val add_module_path: Path.t -> Path.t -> t -> t
-val add_modtype: Ident.t -> module_type -> t -> t
-val add_modtype_path: Path.t -> module_type -> t -> t
+val identity: 'a subst
+val unsafe: t -> unsafe subst
+val add_type: Ident.t -> Path.t -> 'k subst -> 'k subst
+val add_module: Ident.t -> Path.t -> 'k subst -> 'k subst
+val add_modtype: Ident.t -> Path.t -> 'k subst -> 'k subst
 val for_saving: t -> t
 val make_loc_ghost: t -> t
 val reset_for_saving: unit -> unit
-val change_locs: t -> Location.t -> t
+val change_locs: 'k subst -> Location.t -> 'k subst
 val module_path: t -> Path.t -> Path.t
 val type_path: t -> Path.t -> Path.t
@@ -60,7 +69,7 @@ val extension_constructor:
 val class_declaration: t -> class_declaration -> class_declaration
 val cltype_declaration: t -> class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration
    When applied to a signature item, a substitution not only modifies the types
    present in its declaration, but also refreshes the identifier of the item.
    Effectively this creates new declarations, and so one should decide what the
@@ -81,10 +90,44 @@ val modtype_declaration:
   scoping -> t -> modtype_declaration -> modtype_declaration
 val module_declaration: scoping -> t -> module_declaration -> module_declaration
-(* Composition of substitutions:
-     apply (compose s1 s2) x = apply s2 (apply s1 x) *)
+(** Composition of substitutions:
+     apply (compose s1 s2) x = apply s2 (apply s1 x) **)
 val compose: t -> t -> t
+module Unsafe: sig
+  type t = unsafe subst
+  (** Unsafe substitutions introduced by [with] constraints, local substitutions
+      ([type t := int * int]) or recursive module check. *)
+(** Replacing a module type name S by a non-path signature is unsafe as the
+    packed module type [(module S)] becomes ill-formed. *)
+  val add_modtype: Ident.t -> module_type -> 'any subst -> t
+  val add_modtype_path: Path.t -> module_type -> 'any subst -> t
+  (** Deep editing inside a module type require to retypecheck the module, for
+      applicative functors in path and module aliases. *)
+  val add_type_path: Path.t -> Path.t -> t -> t
+  val add_type_function:
+    Path.t -> params:type_expr list -> body:type_expr -> t -> t
+  val add_module_path: Path.t -> Path.t -> t -> t
+  type error =
+    | Fcm_type_substituted_away of Path.t * Types.module_type
+  type 'a res := ('a, error) result
+  val type_declaration:  t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration res
+  val signature_item: scoping -> t -> signature_item -> signature_item res
+  val signature: scoping -> t -> signature -> signature res
+  val compose: t -> t -> t res
+  (** Composition of substitutions is eager and fails when the two substitution
+      are incompatible, for example [ module type t := sig end] is not
+      compatible with [module type s := sig type t=(module t) end]*)
 module Lazy : sig
   type module_decl =
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/tast_iterator.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/tast_iterator.ml
index 408454ad37..a77402de0e 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/tast_iterator.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/tast_iterator.ml
@@ -317,12 +317,14 @@ let expr sub {exp_loc; exp_extra; exp_desc; exp_env; exp_attributes; _} =
   | Texp_apply (exp, list) ->
       sub.expr sub exp;
       List.iter (fun (_, o) -> Option.iter (sub.expr sub) o) list
-  | Texp_match (exp, cases, _) ->
+  | Texp_match (exp, cases, effs, _) ->
       sub.expr sub exp;
-      List.iter (sub.case sub) cases
-  | Texp_try (exp, cases) ->
+      List.iter (sub.case sub) cases;
+      List.iter (sub.case sub) effs
+  | Texp_try (exp, cases, effs) ->
       sub.expr sub exp;
-      List.iter (sub.case sub) cases
+      List.iter (sub.case sub) cases;
+      List.iter (sub.case sub) effs
   | Texp_tuple list -> List.iter (sub.expr sub) list
   | Texp_construct (lid, _, args) ->
       iter_loc sub lid;
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/tast_mapper.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/tast_mapper.ml
index bcb0461741..ea8af17a53 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/tast_mapper.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/tast_mapper.ml
@@ -362,16 +362,18 @@ let expr sub x =
           sub.expr sub exp,
           List.map (tuple2 id (Option.map (sub.expr sub))) list
-    | Texp_match (exp, cases, p) ->
+    | Texp_match (exp, cases, eff_cases, p) ->
         Texp_match (
           sub.expr sub exp,
           List.map (sub.case sub) cases,
+          List.map (sub.case sub) eff_cases,
-    | Texp_try (exp, cases) ->
+    | Texp_try (exp, exn_cases, eff_cases) ->
         Texp_try (
           sub.expr sub exp,
-          List.map (sub.case sub) cases
+          List.map (sub.case sub) exn_cases,
+          List.map (sub.case sub) eff_cases
     | Texp_tuple list ->
         Texp_tuple (List.map (sub.expr sub) list)
@@ -846,11 +848,12 @@ let value_bindings sub (rec_flag, list) =
 let case
   : type k . mapper -> k case -> k case
-  = fun sub {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} ->
+  = fun sub {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs; c_cont} ->
     c_lhs = sub.pat sub c_lhs;
     c_guard = Option.map (sub.expr sub) c_guard;
     c_rhs = sub.expr sub c_rhs;
+    c_cont
 let value_binding sub x =
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typeclass.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/typeclass.ml
index 0c14185f47..755b77e9f4 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typeclass.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typeclass.ml
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ open Path
 open Types
 open Typecore
 open Typetexp
-open Format
 type 'a class_info = {
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ type class_type_info = {
 type 'a full_class = {
   id : Ident.t;
-  id_loc : tag loc;
+  id_loc : string loc;
   clty: class_declaration;
   ty_id: Ident.t;
   cltydef: class_type_declaration;
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ type error =
   | Bad_class_type_parameters of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr list
   | Class_match_failure of Ctype.class_match_failure list
   | Unbound_val of string
-  | Unbound_type_var of (formatter -> unit) * Ctype.closed_class_failure
+  | Unbound_type_var of Format_doc.t * Ctype.closed_class_failure
   | Non_generalizable_class of
       { id : Ident.t
       ; clty : Types.class_declaration
@@ -465,7 +464,7 @@ let enter_ancestor_met ~loc name ~sign ~meths ~cl_num ~ty ~attrs met_env =
     { val_type = ty; val_kind = kind;
       val_attributes = attrs;
       Types.val_loc = loc;
-      val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()) }
+      val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) }
   Env.enter_value ~check name desc met_env
@@ -480,7 +479,7 @@ let add_self_met loc id sign self_var_kind vars cl_num
     { val_type = ty; val_kind = kind;
       val_attributes = attrs;
       Types.val_loc = loc;
-      val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()) }
+      val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) }
   Env.add_value ~check id desc met_env
@@ -495,7 +494,7 @@ let add_instance_var_met loc label id sign cl_num attrs met_env =
     { val_type = ty; val_kind = kind;
       val_attributes = attrs;
       Types.val_loc = loc;
-      val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()) }
+      val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) }
   Env.add_value id desc met_env
@@ -654,10 +653,9 @@ let rec class_field_first_pass self_loc cl_num sign self_scope acc cf =
         (fun () ->
            let cty =
-             Ctype.with_local_level_if_principal
+             Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
                (fun () -> Typetexp.transl_simple_type val_env
                             ~closed:false styp)
-               ~post:(fun cty -> Ctype.generalize_structure cty.ctyp_type)
            add_instance_variable ~strict:true loc val_env
              label.txt mut Virtual cty.ctyp_type sign;
@@ -694,8 +692,7 @@ let rec class_field_first_pass self_loc cl_num sign self_scope acc cf =
                            No_overriding ("instance variable", label.txt)))
            let definition =
-             Ctype.with_local_level_if_principal
-               ~post:Typecore.generalize_structure_exp
+             Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
                (fun () -> type_exp val_env sdefinition)
            add_instance_variable ~strict:true loc val_env
@@ -1028,7 +1025,7 @@ and class_structure cl_num virt self_scope final val_env met_env loc
         raise(Error(loc, val_env, Closing_self_type sign));
   (* Typing of method bodies *)
-  Ctype.generalize_class_signature_spine val_env sign;
+  Ctype.generalize_class_signature_spine sign;
   let self_var_kind =
     match virt with
     | Virtual -> Self_virtual(ref meths)
@@ -1036,9 +1033,9 @@ and class_structure cl_num virt self_scope final val_env met_env loc
   let met_env =
-      (fun {pv_id; pv_type; pv_loc; pv_as_var; pv_attributes} met_env ->
+      (fun {pv_id; pv_type; pv_loc; pv_kind; pv_attributes} met_env ->
          add_self_met pv_loc pv_id sign self_var_kind vars
-           cl_num pv_as_var pv_type pv_attributes met_env)
+           cl_num (pv_kind=As_var) pv_type pv_attributes met_env)
       self_pat_vars met_env
   let fields =
@@ -1151,13 +1148,9 @@ and class_expr_aux cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl =
       class_expr cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope sfun
   | Pcl_fun (l, None, spat, scl') ->
       let (pat, pv, val_env', met_env) =
-        Ctype.with_local_level_if_principal
+        Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
           (fun () ->
             Typecore.type_class_arg_pattern cl_num val_env met_env l spat)
-          ~post: begin fun (pat, _, _, _) ->
-            let gen {pat_type = ty} = Ctype.generalize_structure ty in
-            iter_pattern gen pat
-          end
       let pv =
@@ -1183,7 +1176,7 @@ and class_expr_aux cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl =
       let partial =
         let dummy = type_exp val_env (Ast_helper.Exp.unreachable ()) in
         Typecore.check_partial val_env pat.pat_type pat.pat_loc
-          [{c_lhs = pat; c_guard = None; c_rhs = dummy}]
+          [{c_lhs = pat; c_cont = None; c_guard = None; c_rhs = dummy}]
       let cl =
@@ -1201,9 +1194,8 @@ and class_expr_aux cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl =
   | Pcl_apply (scl', sargs) ->
       assert (sargs <> []);
       let cl =
-        Ctype.with_local_level_if_principal
+        Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
           (fun () -> class_expr cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl')
-          ~post:(fun cl -> Ctype.generalize_class_type_structure cl.cl_type)
       let rec nonopt_labels ls ty_fun =
         match ty_fun with
@@ -1222,7 +1214,7 @@ and class_expr_aux cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl =
-               (List.map Printtyp.string_of_label
+               (List.map Asttypes.string_of_label
                          (List.filter ((<>) Nolabel) labels)));
@@ -1270,7 +1262,7 @@ and class_expr_aux cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl =
                     if not optional && Btype.is_optional l' then
                       Location.prerr_warning sarg.pexp_loc
-                           (Printtyp.string_of_label l));
+                           (Asttypes.string_of_label l));
                     remaining_sargs, use_arg sarg l'
                 | None ->
@@ -1314,7 +1306,7 @@ and class_expr_aux cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl =
              (* do not mark the value as used *)
              let vd = Env.find_value path val_env in
              let ty =
-               Ctype.with_local_level ~post:Ctype.generalize
+               Ctype.with_local_level_generalize
                  (fun () -> Ctype.instance vd.val_type)
              let expr =
@@ -1372,8 +1364,10 @@ and class_expr_aux cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl =
           cl, clty
         ~post: begin fun ({cl_type=cl}, {cltyp_type=clty}) ->
-          Ctype.limited_generalize_class_type (Btype.self_type_row cl) cl;
-          Ctype.limited_generalize_class_type (Btype.self_type_row clty) clty;
+          Ctype.limited_generalize_class_type
+            (Btype.self_type_row cl) ~inside:cl;
+          Ctype.limited_generalize_class_type
+            (Btype.self_type_row clty) ~inside:clty;
       begin match
@@ -1474,8 +1468,8 @@ let initial_env define_class approx
   (* Temporary type for the class constructor *)
   let constr_type =
-    Ctype.with_local_level_if_principal (fun () -> approx cl.pci_expr)
-      ~post:Ctype.generalize_structure
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+      (fun () -> approx cl.pci_expr)
   let dummy_cty = Cty_signature (Ctype.new_class_signature ()) in
   let dummy_class =
@@ -1560,8 +1554,10 @@ let class_infos define_class kind
     ~post: begin fun (_, params, _, _, typ, sign) ->
       (* Generalize the row variable *)
-      List.iter (Ctype.limited_generalize sign.csig_self_row) params;
-      Ctype.limited_generalize_class_type sign.csig_self_row typ;
+      List.iter
+        (fun inside -> Ctype.limited_generalize sign.csig_self_row ~inside)
+        params;
+      Ctype.limited_generalize_class_type sign.csig_self_row ~inside:typ;
   (* Check the abbreviation for the object type *)
@@ -1710,31 +1706,20 @@ let class_infos define_class kind
     arity, pub_meths, List.rev !coercion_locs, expr) :: res,
-let final_decl env define_class
-    (cl, id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, ci_params,
-     arity, pub_meths, coe, expr) =
-  let cl_abbr = cltydef.clty_hash_type in
-  begin try Ctype.collapse_conj_params env clty.cty_params
+let collapse_conj_class_params env (cl, id, clty, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) =
+  try Ctype.collapse_conj_params env clty.cty_params
   with Ctype.Unify err ->
     raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env, Non_collapsable_conjunction (id, clty, err)))
-  end;
-  List.iter Ctype.generalize clty.cty_params;
-  Ctype.generalize_class_type clty.cty_type;
-  Option.iter  Ctype.generalize clty.cty_new;
-  List.iter Ctype.generalize obj_abbr.type_params;
-  Option.iter  Ctype.generalize obj_abbr.type_manifest;
-  List.iter Ctype.generalize cl_abbr.type_params;
-  Option.iter  Ctype.generalize cl_abbr.type_manifest;
+let final_decl env define_class
+    (cl, id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, ci_params,
+     arity, pub_meths, coe, expr) =
   Ctype.nongen_vars_in_class_declaration clty
   |> Option.iter (fun vars ->
       let nongen_vars = Btype.TypeSet.elements vars in
       raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env
                  , Non_generalizable_class { id; clty; nongen_vars }));
   begin match
     Ctype.closed_class clty.cty_params
       (Btype.signature_of_class_type clty.cty_type)
@@ -1743,8 +1728,11 @@ let final_decl env define_class
   | Some reason ->
       let printer =
         if define_class
-        then function ppf -> Printtyp.class_declaration id ppf clty
-        else function ppf -> Printtyp.cltype_declaration id ppf cltydef
+        then
+          Format_doc.doc_printf "%a" (Printtyp.Doc.class_declaration id) clty
+        else
+          Format_doc.doc_printf "%a"
+            (Printtyp.Doc.cltype_declaration id) cltydef
       raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env, Unbound_type_var(printer, reason)))
@@ -1848,25 +1836,26 @@ let type_classes define_class approx kind env cls =
           Ident.create_scoped ~scope cl.pci_name.txt,
           Ident.create_scoped ~scope cl.pci_name.txt,
           Ident.create_scoped ~scope cl.pci_name.txt,
-          Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ())
+          Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ())
-  let res, newenv =
-    Ctype.with_local_level_for_class begin fun () ->
+  let res, env =
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_for_class begin fun () ->
       let (res, env) =
         List.fold_left (initial_env define_class approx) ([], env) cls
       let (res, env) =
         List.fold_right (class_infos define_class kind) res ([], env)
+      List.iter (collapse_conj_class_params env) res;
       res, env
-  let res = List.rev_map (final_decl newenv define_class) res in
+  let res = List.rev_map (final_decl env define_class) res in
   let decls = List.fold_right extract_type_decls res [] in
   let decls =
-    try Typedecl_variance.update_class_decls newenv decls
+    try Typedecl_variance.update_class_decls env decls
     with Typedecl_variance.Error(loc, err) ->
       raise (Typedecl.Error(loc, Typedecl.Variance err))
@@ -1980,7 +1969,7 @@ let approx_class_declarations env sdecls =
 (* Error report *)
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 let non_virtual_string_of_kind : kind -> string = function
   | Object -> "object"
@@ -1988,32 +1977,36 @@ let non_virtual_string_of_kind : kind -> string = function
   | Class_type -> "non-virtual class type"
 module Style=Misc.Style
+module Printtyp = Printtyp.Doc
-let report_error env ppf =
+let out_type ppf t = Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf t
+let quoted_type ppf t = Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr ppf t
+let report_error_doc env ppf =
   let pp_args ppf args =
-    let args = List.map (Printtyp.tree_of_typexp Type) args in
+    let args = List.map (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type) args in
     Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type_args ppf args
   | Repeated_parameter ->
       fprintf ppf "A type parameter occurs several times"
   | Unconsistent_constraint err ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
       fprintf ppf "@[<v>The class constraints are not consistent.@ ";
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-        (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "Type")
-        (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "is not compatible with type");
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "Type")
+        (msg "is not compatible with type");
       fprintf ppf "@]"
   | Field_type_mismatch (k, m, err) ->
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "The %s %a@ has type" k Style.inline_code m)
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "but is expected to have type")
+      let msg  = Format_doc.doc_printf in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "The %s %a@ has type" k Style.inline_code m)
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
   | Unexpected_field (ty, lab) ->
       fprintf ppf
         "@[@[<2>This object is expected to have type :@ %a@]\
          @ This type does not have a method %a."
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        quoted_type ty
         Style.inline_code lab
   | Structure_expected clty ->
       fprintf ppf
@@ -2034,7 +2027,7 @@ let report_error env ppf =
       (* XXX Revoir message d'erreur | Improve error message *)
       fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@]"
         "This pattern cannot match self: it only matches values of type"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        quoted_type ty
   | Unbound_class_2 cl ->
       fprintf ppf "@[The class@ %a@ is not yet completely defined@]"
       (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) cl
@@ -2043,23 +2036,19 @@ let report_error env ppf =
       (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) cl
   | Abbrev_type_clash (abbrev, actual, expected) ->
       (* XXX Afficher une trace ? | Print a trace? *)
-      Printtyp.prepare_for_printing [abbrev; actual; expected];
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing [abbrev; actual; expected];
       fprintf ppf "@[The abbreviation@ %a@ expands to type@ %a@ \
        but is used with type@ %a@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type)
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_typexp Type abbrev)
-        (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type)
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_typexp Type actual)
-        (Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type)
-        (Printtyp.tree_of_typexp Type expected)
+        out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type abbrev)
+        out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type actual)
+        out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type expected)
   | Constructor_type_mismatch (c, err) ->
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "The expression %a has type"
+      let msg = Format_doc.doc_printf in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "The expression %a has type"
              Style.inline_code ("new " ^ c)
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "but is used with type")
+        (msg "but is used with type")
   | Virtual_class (kind, mets, vals) ->
       let kind = non_virtual_string_of_kind kind in
       let missings =
@@ -2085,13 +2074,12 @@ let report_error env ppf =
            but is here applied to %i type argument(s)@]"
         (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) lid expected provided
   | Parameter_mismatch err ->
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "The type parameter")
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "does not meet its constraint: it should be")
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg  "The type parameter")
+        (msg "does not meet its constraint: it should be")
   | Bad_parameters (id, params, cstrs) ->
-      Printtyp.prepare_for_printing (params @ cstrs);
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing (params @ cstrs);
       fprintf ppf
         "@[The abbreviation %a@ is used with parameter(s)@ %a@ \
            which are incompatible with constraint(s)@ %a@]"
@@ -2100,7 +2088,7 @@ let report_error env ppf =
         pp_args cstrs
   | Bad_class_type_parameters (id, params, cstrs) ->
       let pp_hash ppf id = fprintf ppf "#%a" Printtyp.ident id in
-      Printtyp.prepare_for_printing (params @ cstrs);
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing (params @ cstrs);
       fprintf ppf
         "@[The class type %a@ is used with parameter(s)@ %a,@ \
            whereas the class type definition@ constrains@ \
@@ -2109,10 +2097,10 @@ let report_error env ppf =
        pp_args params
        pp_args cstrs
   | Class_match_failure error ->
-      Includeclass.report_error Type ppf error
+      Includeclass.report_error_doc Type ppf error
   | Unbound_val lab ->
       fprintf ppf "Unbound instance variable %a" Style.inline_code lab
-  | Unbound_type_var (printer, reason) ->
+  | Unbound_type_var (msg, reason) ->
       let print_reason ppf { Ctype.free_variable; meth; meth_ty; } =
         let (ty0, kind) = free_variable in
         let ty1 =
@@ -2120,28 +2108,27 @@ let report_error env ppf =
           | Type_variable -> ty0
           | Row_variable -> Btype.newgenty(Tobject(ty0, ref None))
-        Printtyp.add_type_to_preparation meth_ty;
-        Printtyp.add_type_to_preparation ty1;
-        let pp_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf ty in
+        Out_type.add_type_to_preparation meth_ty;
+        Out_type.add_type_to_preparation ty1;
         fprintf ppf
           "The method %a@ has type@;<1 2>%a@ where@ %a@ is unbound"
           Style.inline_code meth
-          pp_type (Printtyp.tree_of_typexp Type meth_ty)
-          pp_type (Printtyp.tree_of_typexp Type ty0)
+          out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type meth_ty)
+          out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type ty0)
       fprintf ppf
-        "@[<v>@[Some type variables are unbound in this type:@;<1 2>%t@]@ \
+        "@[<v>@[Some type variables are unbound in this type:@;<1 2>%a@]@ \
-       printer print_reason reason
+       pp_doc msg print_reason reason
   | Non_generalizable_class {id;  clty; nongen_vars } ->
       let[@manual.ref "ss:valuerestriction"] manual_ref = [ 6; 1; 2] in
-      Printtyp.prepare_for_printing nongen_vars;
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing nongen_vars;
       fprintf ppf
         "@[The type of this class,@ %a,@ \
          contains the non-generalizable type variable(s): %a.@ %a@]"
         (Style.as_inline_code @@ Printtyp.class_declaration id) clty
         (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun f () -> fprintf f ",@ ")
-           (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_type_scheme)
+           (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme)
         ) nongen_vars
         Misc.print_see_manual manual_ref
@@ -2152,20 +2139,20 @@ let report_error env ppf =
            Some occurrences are contravariant@]"
         (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_scheme) ty
   | Non_collapsable_conjunction (id, clty, err) ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
       fprintf ppf
         "@[The type of this class,@ %a,@ \
            contains non-collapsible conjunctive types in constraints.@ %t@]"
         (Style.as_inline_code @@ Printtyp.class_declaration id) clty
-        (fun ppf -> Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-            (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "Type")
-            (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "is not compatible with type")
+        (fun ppf -> Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+            (msg "Type")
+            (msg "is not compatible with type")
   | Self_clash err ->
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "This object is expected to have type")
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "but actually has type")
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "This object is expected to have type")
+        (msg "but actually has type")
   | Mutability_mismatch (_lab, mut) ->
       let mut1, mut2 =
         if mut = Immutable then "mutable", "immutable"
@@ -2192,17 +2179,19 @@ let report_error env ppf =
        completely defined.@]"
       (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_scheme) sign.csig_self
-let report_error env ppf err =
+let report_error_doc env ppf err =
   Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true
-    env (fun () -> report_error env ppf err)
+    env (fun () -> report_error_doc env ppf err)
 let () =
       | Error (loc, env, err) ->
-        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc (report_error env) err)
+        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc (report_error_doc env) err)
       | Error_forward err ->
         Some err
       | _ ->
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat1 report_error_doc
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typeclass.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/typeclass.mli
index cdecc8dfb7..89e230d14d 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typeclass.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typeclass.mli
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
 open Asttypes
 open Types
-open Format
 type 'a class_info = {
   cls_id : Ident.t;
   cls_id_loc : string loc;
@@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ type error =
   | Bad_class_type_parameters of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr list
   | Class_match_failure of Ctype.class_match_failure list
   | Unbound_val of string
-  | Unbound_type_var of (formatter -> unit) * Ctype.closed_class_failure
+  | Unbound_type_var of Format_doc.t * Ctype.closed_class_failure
   | Non_generalizable_class of
       { id : Ident.t
       ; clty : Types.class_declaration
@@ -129,7 +127,8 @@ type error =
 exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
 exception Error_forward of Location.error
-val report_error : Env.t -> formatter -> error -> unit
+val report_error : Env.t -> Format.formatter -> error -> unit
+val report_error_doc : Env.t -> error Format_doc.printer
 (* Forward decl filled in by Typemod.type_open_descr *)
 val type_open_descr :
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typecore.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/typecore.ml
index 605b6823bf..ad0c54dbee 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typecore.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typecore.ml
@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ type existential_restriction =
   | In_class_def  (** or in [class c = let ... in ...] *)
   | In_self_pattern (** or in self pattern *)
+type existential_binding =
+  | Bind_already_bound
+  | Bind_not_in_scope
+  | Bind_non_locally_abstract
 type error =
   | Constructor_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
   | Label_mismatch of Longident.t * Errortrace.unification_error
@@ -108,7 +113,7 @@ type error =
   | Orpat_vars of Ident.t * Ident.t list
   | Expr_type_clash of
       Errortrace.unification_error * type_forcing_context option
-      * Parsetree.expression_desc option
+      * Parsetree.expression option
   | Function_arity_type_clash of
       { syntactic_arity :  int;
         type_constraint : type_expr;
@@ -177,6 +182,8 @@ type error =
   | No_value_clauses
   | Exception_pattern_disallowed
   | Mixed_value_and_exception_patterns_under_guard
+  | Effect_pattern_below_toplevel
+  | Invalid_continuation_pattern
   | Inlined_record_escape
   | Inlined_record_expected
   | Unrefuted_pattern of pattern
@@ -191,10 +198,15 @@ type error =
   | Andop_type_clash of string * Errortrace.unification_error
   | Bindings_type_clash of Errortrace.unification_error
   | Unbound_existential of Ident.t list * type_expr
+  | Bind_existential of existential_binding * Ident.t * type_expr
   | Missing_type_constraint
   | Wrong_expected_kind of wrong_kind_sort * wrong_kind_context * type_expr
   | Expr_not_a_record_type of type_expr
+let not_principal fmt =
+  Format_doc.Doc.kmsg (fun x -> Warnings.Not_principal x) fmt
 exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
 exception Error_forward of Location.error
@@ -206,7 +218,8 @@ let deep_copy () =
     try TypeHash.find table ty
     with Not_found ->
       let ty' =
-        let {Types. level; id; desc; scope} = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+        let ({Types. level; id; desc; _} as texp) = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+        let scope = Transient_expr.get_scope texp in
         create_expr ~level ~id ~scope desc
       TypeHash.add table ty ty';
@@ -357,7 +370,7 @@ type recarg =
 let mk_expected ?explanation ty = { ty; explanation; }
 let case lhs rhs =
-  {c_lhs = lhs; c_guard = None; c_rhs = rhs}
+  {c_lhs = lhs; c_cont = None; c_guard = None; c_rhs = rhs}
 (* Typing of constants *)
@@ -370,7 +383,8 @@ let type_constant = function
   | Const_int64 _ -> instance Predef.type_int64
   | Const_nativeint _ -> instance Predef.type_nativeint
-let constant : Parsetree.constant -> (Asttypes.constant, error) result =
+let constant_desc
+  : Parsetree.constant_desc -> (Asttypes.constant, error) result =
   | Pconst_integer (i,None) ->
@@ -398,6 +412,8 @@ let constant : Parsetree.constant -> (Asttypes.constant, error) result =
   | Pconst_float (f,None)-> Ok (Const_float f)
   | Pconst_float (f,Some c) -> Error (Unknown_literal (f, c))
+let constant const = constant_desc const.pconst_desc
 let constant_or_raise env loc cst =
   match constant cst with
   | Ok c -> c
@@ -469,6 +485,23 @@ let is_principal ty =
 (* Typing of patterns *)
+(* Simplified patterns for effect continuations *)
+let type_continuation_pat env expected_ty sp =
+  let loc = sp.ppat_loc in
+  match sp.ppat_desc with
+  | Ppat_any -> None
+  | Ppat_var name ->
+      let id = Ident.create_local name.txt in
+      let desc =
+        { val_type = expected_ty; val_kind = Val_reg;
+          Types.val_loc = loc; val_attributes = [];
+          val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()); }
+      in
+        Some (id, desc)
+  | Ppat_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+  | _ -> raise (Error (loc, env, Invalid_continuation_pattern))
 (* unification inside type_exp and type_expect *)
 let unify_exp_types loc env ty expected_ty =
   (* Format.eprintf "@[%a@ %a@]@." Printtyp.raw_type_expr exp.exp_type
@@ -505,6 +538,8 @@ let unify_pat_types_return_equated_pairs ~refine loc penv ty ty' =
       raise(Typetexp.Error(loc, !!penv, Typetexp.Variant_tags (l1, l2)))
 let unify_pat_types_refine ~refine loc penv ty ty' =
+  (* [refine=true] only in calls originating from [check_counter_example_pat],
+     which in turn may contain only non-leaking type variables *)
   ignore (unify_pat_types_return_equated_pairs ~refine loc penv ty ty')
 (** [sdesc_for_hint] is used by error messages to report literals in their
@@ -564,12 +599,17 @@ let finalize_variants p =
 (* [type_pat_state] and related types for pattern environment;
    these should not be confused with Pattern_env.t, which is a part of the
    interface to unification functions in [Ctype] *)
+type pattern_variable_kind =
+  | Std_var
+  | As_var
+  | Continuation_var
 type pattern_variable =
     pv_id: Ident.t;
     pv_type: type_expr;
     pv_loc: Location.t;
-    pv_as_var: bool;
+    pv_kind: pattern_variable_kind;
     pv_attributes: attributes;
     pv_uid : Uid.t;
@@ -619,7 +659,17 @@ type type_pat_state =
-let create_type_pat_state allow_modules =
+let continuation_variable = function
+  | None -> []
+  | Some (id, (desc:Types.value_description)) ->
+    [{pv_id = id;
+     pv_type = desc.val_type;
+     pv_loc = desc.val_loc;
+     pv_kind = Continuation_var;
+     pv_attributes = desc.val_attributes;
+     pv_uid= desc.val_uid}]
+let create_type_pat_state ?cont allow_modules =
   let tps_module_variables =
     match allow_modules with
     | Modules_allowed { scope } ->
@@ -627,7 +677,7 @@ let create_type_pat_state allow_modules =
     | Modules_ignored -> Modvars_ignored
     | Modules_rejected -> Modvars_rejected
-  { tps_pattern_variables = [];
+  { tps_pattern_variables = continuation_variable cont;
     tps_pattern_force = [];
@@ -682,7 +732,7 @@ let enter_variable ?(is_module=false) ?(is_as_variable=false) tps loc name ty
           { mv_id = id;
             mv_name = name;
             mv_loc = loc;
-            mv_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+            mv_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
           } :: module_variables
         tps.tps_module_variables <-
@@ -691,12 +741,12 @@ let enter_variable ?(is_module=false) ?(is_as_variable=false) tps loc name ty
     end else
       Ident.create_local name.txt
-  let pv_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()) in
+  let pv_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
   tps.tps_pattern_variables <-
     {pv_id = id;
      pv_type = ty;
      pv_loc = loc;
-     pv_as_var = is_as_variable;
+     pv_kind = if is_as_variable then As_var else Std_var;
      pv_attributes = attrs;
      pv_uid} :: tps.tps_pattern_variables;
   id, pv_uid
@@ -751,7 +801,7 @@ and build_as_type_extra env p = function
   | (Tpat_constraint {ctyp_type = ty; _}, _, _) :: rest ->
       (* If the type constraint is ground, then this is the best type
          we can return, so just return an instance (cf. #12313) *)
-      if free_variables ty = [] then instance ty else
+      if closed_type_expr ty then instance ty else
       (* Otherwise we combine the inferred type for the pattern with
          then non-ground constraint in a non-ambivalent way *)
       let as_ty = build_as_type_extra env p rest in
@@ -761,7 +811,7 @@ and build_as_type_extra env p = function
          If we used [generic_instance] we would lose the sharing between
          [instance ty] and [ty].  *)
       let ty =
-        with_local_level ~post:generalize_structure (fun () -> instance ty)
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure (fun () -> instance ty)
       (* This call to unify may only fail due to missing GADT equations *)
       unify_pat_types p.pat_loc env (instance as_ty) (instance ty);
@@ -841,7 +891,7 @@ let solve_Ppat_poly_constraint tps env loc sty expected_ty =
   | _ -> assert false
 let solve_Ppat_alias env pat =
-  with_local_level ~post:generalize (fun () -> build_as_type env pat)
+  with_local_level_generalize (fun () -> build_as_type env pat)
 let solve_Ppat_tuple (type a) ~refine loc env (args : a list) expected_ty =
   let vars = List.map (fun _ -> newgenvar ()) args in
@@ -851,23 +901,31 @@ let solve_Ppat_tuple (type a) ~refine loc env (args : a list) expected_ty =
 let solve_constructor_annotation
-    tps (penv : Pattern_env.t) name_list sty ty_args ty_ex =
+    tps (penv : Pattern_env.t) name_list sty ty_args ty_ex unify_res =
   let expansion_scope = penv.equations_scope in
-  let ids =
+  (* Introduce fresh type names that expand to type variables.
+     They should eventually be bound to ground types. *)
+  let ids_decls =
       (fun name ->
-        let decl = new_local_type ~loc:name.loc Definition in
+        let tv = newvar () in
+        let decl =
+          new_local_type ~loc:name.loc Definition
+            ~manifest_and_scope:(tv, Ident.lowest_scope) in
         let (id, new_env) =
           Env.enter_type ~scope:expansion_scope name.txt decl !!penv in
         Pattern_env.set_env penv new_env;
-        {name with txt = id})
+        ({name with txt = id}, (decl, tv)))
+  (* Translate the type annotation using these type names. *)
   let cty, ty, force =
-    with_local_level ~post:(fun (_,ty,_) -> generalize_structure ty)
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure
       (fun () -> Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed !!penv sty)
   tps.tps_pattern_force <- force :: tps.tps_pattern_force;
+  (* Only unify the return type after generating the ids *)
+  unify_res ();
   let ty_args =
     let ty1 = instance ty and ty2 = instance ty in
     match ty_args with
@@ -881,24 +939,62 @@ let solve_constructor_annotation
           Ttuple tyl -> tyl
         | _ -> assert false
-  if ids <> [] then ignore begin
-    let ids = List.map (fun x -> x.txt) ids in
+  if ids_decls <> [] then begin
+    let ids_decls = List.map (fun (x,dm) -> (x.txt,dm)) ids_decls in
+    let ids = List.map fst ids_decls in
     let rem =
+      (* First process the existentials introduced by this constructor.
+         Just need to make their definitions abstract. *)
         (fun rem tv ->
           match get_desc tv with
-            Tconstr(Path.Pident id, [], _) when List.mem id rem ->
-              list_remove id rem
+            Tconstr(Path.Pident id, [], _) when List.mem_assoc id rem ->
+              let decl, tv' = List.assoc id ids_decls in
+              let env =
+                Env.add_type ~check:false id
+                  {decl with type_manifest = None} !!penv
+              in
+              Pattern_env.set_env penv env;
+              (* We have changed the definition, so clean up *)
+              Btype.cleanup_abbrev ();
+              (* Since id is now abstract, this does not create a cycle *)
+              unify_pat_types cty.ctyp_loc env tv tv';
+              List.remove_assoc id rem
           | _ ->
-              raise (Error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
+              raise (error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
                             Unbound_existential (ids, ty))))
-        ids ty_ex
+        ids_decls ty_ex
-    if rem <> [] then
-      raise (Error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
-                    Unbound_existential (ids, ty)))
+    (* The other type names should be bound to newly introduced existentials. *)
+    let bound_ids = ref ids in
+    List.iter
+      (fun (id, (decl, tv')) ->
+        let tv' = expand_head !!penv tv' in
+        begin match get_desc tv' with
+        | Tconstr (Path.Pident id', [], _) ->
+              if List.exists (Ident.same id') !bound_ids then
+                raise (error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
+                              Bind_existential (Bind_already_bound, id, tv')));
+              (* Both id and id' are Scoped identifiers, so their stamps grow *)
+              if Ident.scope id' <> penv.equations_scope
+              || Ident.compare_stamp id id' > 0 then
+                raise (error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
+                              Bind_existential (Bind_not_in_scope, id, tv')));
+              bound_ids := id' :: !bound_ids
+        | _ ->
+            raise (error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
+                          Bind_existential
+                            (Bind_non_locally_abstract, id, tv')));
+        end;
+        let env =
+          Env.add_type ~check:false id
+            {decl with type_manifest = Some (duplicate_type tv')} !!penv
+        in
+        Pattern_env.set_env penv env)
+      rem;
+    if rem <> [] then Btype.cleanup_abbrev ();
-  ty_args, Some (ids, cty)
+  ty_args, Some (List.map fst ids_decls, cty)
 let solve_Ppat_construct ~refine tps penv loc constr no_existentials
         existential_styp expected_ty =
@@ -911,11 +1007,13 @@ let solve_Ppat_construct ~refine tps penv loc constr no_existentials
   let unify_res ty_res expected_ty =
     let refine =
       refine || constr.cstr_generalized && no_existentials = None in
+    (* Here [ty_res] contains only fresh (non-leaking) type variables,
+       so the requirement of [unify_gadt] is fulfilled. *)
     unify_pat_types_return_equated_pairs ~refine loc penv ty_res expected_ty
   let ty_args, equated_types, existential_ctyp =
-    with_local_level_iter ~post: generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure begin fun () ->
       let expected_ty = instance expected_ty in
       let ty_args, ty_res, equated_types, existential_ctyp =
         match existential_styp with
@@ -936,16 +1034,16 @@ let solve_Ppat_construct ~refine tps penv loc constr no_existentials
             let ty_args, ty_res, ty_ex =
               instance_constructor existential_treatment constr
-            let equated_types = unify_res ty_res expected_ty in
+            let equated_types = lazy (unify_res ty_res expected_ty) in
             let ty_args, existential_ctyp =
               solve_constructor_annotation tps penv name_list sty ty_args ty_ex
+                (fun () -> ignore (Lazy.force equated_types))
-            ty_args, ty_res, equated_types, existential_ctyp
+            ty_args, ty_res, Lazy.force equated_types, existential_ctyp
       if constr.cstr_existentials <> [] then
         lower_variables_only !!penv penv.Pattern_env.equations_scope ty_res;
-      ((ty_args, equated_types, existential_ctyp),
-       expected_ty :: ty_res :: ty_args)
+      (ty_args, equated_types, existential_ctyp)
   if !Clflags.principal && not refine then begin
@@ -954,16 +1052,14 @@ let solve_Ppat_construct ~refine tps penv loc constr no_existentials
         (fun (t1, t2) ->
-          generalize_structure t1;
-          generalize_structure t2;
           if not (fully_generic t1 && fully_generic t2) then
             let msg =
-              Format.asprintf
+              Format_doc.doc_printf
                 "typing this pattern requires considering@ %a@ and@ %a@ as \
                 But the knowledge of these types"
-                    Printtyp.type_expr t1
-                    Printtyp.type_expr t2
+                    Printtyp.Doc.type_expr t1
+                    Printtyp.Doc.type_expr t2
             Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Not_principal msg);
             raise Warn_only_once)
@@ -973,7 +1069,7 @@ let solve_Ppat_construct ~refine tps penv loc constr no_existentials
   (ty_args, existential_ctyp)
 let solve_Ppat_record_field ~refine loc penv label label_lid record_ty =
-  with_local_level_iter ~post:generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+  with_local_level_generalize_structure begin fun () ->
     let (_, ty_arg, ty_res) = instance_label ~fixed:false label in
     begin try
       unify_pat_types_refine ~refine loc penv ty_res (instance record_ty)
@@ -981,7 +1077,7 @@ let solve_Ppat_record_field ~refine loc penv label label_lid record_ty =
       raise(error(label_lid.loc, !!penv,
                   Label_mismatch(label_lid.txt, err)))
-    (ty_arg, [ty_res; ty_arg])
+    ty_arg
 let solve_Ppat_array ~refine loc env expected_ty =
@@ -999,7 +1095,7 @@ let solve_Ppat_lazy ~refine loc env expected_ty =
 let solve_Ppat_constraint tps loc env sty expected_ty =
   let cty, ty, force =
-    with_local_level ~post:(fun (_, ty, _) -> generalize_structure ty)
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure
       (fun () -> Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed env sty)
   tps.tps_pattern_force <- force :: tps.tps_pattern_force;
@@ -1156,7 +1252,7 @@ end) = struct
       [_] -> []
     | _ -> let open Printtyp in
         wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
-            reset(); strings_of_paths (Some Type) tpaths)
+            Out_type.reset(); strings_of_paths (Some Type) tpaths)
   let disambiguate_by_type env tpath lbls =
     match lbls with
@@ -1171,10 +1267,12 @@ end) = struct
   (* warn if there are several distinct candidates in scope *)
   let warn_if_ambiguous warn lid env lbl rest =
     if Warnings.is_active (Ambiguous_name ([],[],false,"")) then begin
-      Printtyp.Conflicts.reset ();
+      Out_type.Ident_conflicts.reset ();
       let paths = ambiguous_types env lbl rest in
-      let expansion =
-        Format.asprintf "%t" Printtyp.Conflicts.print_explanations in
+      let expansion = match Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg () with
+        | None -> ""
+        | Some msg -> Format_doc.(asprintf "%a" pp_doc) msg
+      in
       if paths <> [] then
         warn lid.loc
           (Warnings.Ambiguous_name ([Longident.last lid.txt],
@@ -1185,15 +1283,15 @@ end) = struct
   let warn_non_principal warn lid =
     let name = Datatype_kind.label_name kind in
     warn lid.loc
-      (Warnings.Not_principal
-         ("this type-based " ^ name ^ " disambiguation"))
+      (not_principal "this type-based %s disambiguation" name)
   (* we selected a name out of the lexical scope *)
   let warn_out_of_scope warn lid env tpath =
     if Warnings.is_active (Name_out_of_scope ("",[],false)) then begin
       let path_s =
         Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env
-          (fun () -> Printtyp.string_of_path tpath) in
+          (fun () -> Format_doc.asprintf "%a" Printtyp.Doc.type_path tpath)
+      in
       warn lid.loc
         (Warnings.Name_out_of_scope (path_s, [Longident.last lid.txt], false))
@@ -1433,7 +1531,7 @@ let disambiguate_lid_a_list loc closed env usage expected_type lid_a_list =
   if !w_pr then
     Location.prerr_warning loc
-      (Warnings.Not_principal "this type-based record disambiguation")
+      (not_principal  "this type-based record disambiguation")
   else begin
     match List.rev !w_amb with
       (_,types,ex)::_ as amb ->
@@ -1586,6 +1684,7 @@ let rec has_literal_pattern p = match p.ppat_desc with
      List.exists has_literal_pattern ps
   | Ppat_record (ps, _) ->
      List.exists (fun (_,p) -> has_literal_pattern p) ps
+  | Ppat_effect (p, q)
   | Ppat_or (p, q) ->
      has_literal_pattern p || has_literal_pattern q
@@ -1782,22 +1881,27 @@ and type_pat_aux
         pat_type = type_constant cst;
         pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
         pat_env = !!penv }
-  | Ppat_interval (Pconst_char c1, Pconst_char c2) ->
-      let open Ast_helper.Pat in
+  | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) ->
+      let open Ast_helper in
+      let get_bound = function
+        | {pconst_desc = Pconst_char c; _} -> c
+        | {pconst_loc = loc; _} ->
+            raise (error (loc, !!penv, Invalid_interval))
+      in
+      let c1 = get_bound c1 in
+      let c2 = get_bound c2 in
       let gloc = {loc with Location.loc_ghost=true} in
       let rec loop c1 c2 =
-        if c1 = c2 then constant ~loc:gloc (Pconst_char c1)
+        if c1 = c2 then Pat.constant ~loc:gloc (Const.char ~loc:gloc c1)
-          or_ ~loc:gloc
-            (constant ~loc:gloc (Pconst_char c1))
+          Pat.or_ ~loc:gloc
+            (Pat.constant ~loc:gloc (Const.char ~loc:gloc c1))
             (loop (Char.chr(Char.code c1 + 1)) c2)
       let p = if c1 <= c2 then loop c1 c2 else loop c2 c1 in
       let p = {p with ppat_loc=loc} in
       type_pat tps category p expected_ty
         (* TODO: record 'extra' to remember about interval *)
-  | Ppat_interval _ ->
-      raise (error (loc, !!penv, Invalid_interval))
   | Ppat_tuple spl ->
       assert (List.length spl >= 2);
       let expected_tys =
@@ -1967,6 +2071,8 @@ and type_pat_aux
          forces. *)
       let tps1 = copy_type_pat_state tps in
       let tps2 = {(copy_type_pat_state tps) with tps_pattern_force = []} in
+      (* Introduce a new level to avoid keeping nodes at intermediate levels *)
+      let pat_desc = with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
       (* Introduce a new scope using with_local_level without generalizations *)
       let env1, p1, env2, p2 =
         with_local_level begin fun () ->
@@ -2009,7 +2115,10 @@ and type_pat_aux
       let p2 = alpha_pat alpha_env p2 in
-      rp { pat_desc = Tpat_or (p1, p2, None);
+      Tpat_or (p1, p2, None)
+      end
+      in
+      rp { pat_desc = pat_desc;
            pat_loc = loc; pat_extra = [];
            pat_type = instance expected_ty;
            pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
@@ -2072,6 +2181,8 @@ and type_pat_aux
         pat_env = !!penv;
         pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+  | Ppat_effect _ ->
+      raise (error (loc, !!penv, Effect_pattern_below_toplevel))
   | Ppat_extension ext ->
       raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
@@ -2080,8 +2191,8 @@ let iter_pattern_variables_type f : pattern_variable list -> unit =
 let add_pattern_variables ?check ?check_as env pv =
-    (fun {pv_id; pv_type; pv_loc; pv_as_var; pv_attributes; pv_uid} env ->
-       let check = if pv_as_var then check_as else check in
+    (fun {pv_id; pv_type; pv_loc; pv_kind; pv_attributes; pv_uid} env ->
+       let check = if pv_kind=As_var then check_as else check in
        Env.add_value ?check pv_id
          {val_type = pv_type; val_kind = Val_reg; Types.val_loc = pv_loc;
           val_attributes = pv_attributes;
@@ -2130,8 +2241,8 @@ let add_module_variables env module_variables =
 let type_pat tps category ?no_existentials penv =
   type_pat tps category ~no_existentials ~penv
-let type_pattern category ~lev env spat expected_ty allow_modules =
-  let tps = create_type_pat_state allow_modules in
+let type_pattern category ~lev env spat expected_ty ?cont allow_modules =
+  let tps = create_type_pat_state ?cont allow_modules in
   let new_penv = Pattern_env.make env
       ~equations_scope:lev ~allow_recursive_equations:false in
   let pat = type_pat tps category new_penv spat expected_ty in
@@ -2177,13 +2288,13 @@ let type_class_arg_pattern cl_num val_env met_env l spat =
   if is_optional l then unify_pat val_env pat (type_option (newvar ()));
   let (pv, val_env, met_env) =
-      (fun {pv_id; pv_type; pv_loc; pv_as_var; pv_attributes}
+      (fun {pv_id; pv_type; pv_loc; pv_kind; pv_attributes}
         (pv, val_env, met_env) ->
          let check s =
-           if pv_as_var then Warnings.Unused_var s
+           if pv_kind = As_var then Warnings.Unused_var s
            else Warnings.Unused_var_strict s in
          let id' = Ident.rename pv_id in
-         let val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()) in
+         let val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
          let val_env =
           Env.add_value pv_id
             { val_type = pv_type
@@ -2518,8 +2629,10 @@ let check_counter_example_pat ~counter_example_args penv tp expected_ty =
      way -- one of the functions it calls writes an entry into
      [tps_pattern_forces] -- so we can just ignore module patterns. *)
   let type_pat_state = create_type_pat_state Modules_ignored in
-  check_counter_example_pat
-    ~info:counter_example_args ~penv type_pat_state tp expected_ty (fun x -> x)
+  wrap_trace_gadt_instances ~force:true !!penv
+    (check_counter_example_pat ~info:counter_example_args ~penv
+       type_pat_state tp expected_ty)
+    (fun x -> x)
 (* this function is passed to Partial.parmatch
    to type check gadt nonexhaustiveness *)
@@ -2590,9 +2703,9 @@ let rec final_subexpression exp =
   match exp.exp_desc with
     Texp_let (_, _, e)
   | Texp_sequence (_, e)
-  | Texp_try (e, _)
+  | Texp_try (e, _, _)
   | Texp_ifthenelse (_, e, _)
-  | Texp_match (_, {c_rhs=e} :: _, _)
+  | Texp_match (_, {c_rhs=e} :: _, _, _)
   | Texp_letmodule (_, _, _, _, e)
   | Texp_letexception (_, e)
   | Texp_open (_, e)
@@ -2614,7 +2727,7 @@ let rec is_nonexpansive exp =
       is_nonexpansive body
   | Texp_apply(e, (_,None)::el) ->
       is_nonexpansive e && List.for_all is_nonexpansive_opt (List.map snd el)
-  | Texp_match(e, cases, _) ->
+  | Texp_match(e, cases, _, _) ->
      (* Not sure this is necessary, if [e] is nonexpansive then we shouldn't
          care if there are exception patterns. But the previous version enforced
          that there be none, so... *)
@@ -2880,14 +2993,19 @@ let rec list_labels_aux env visited ls ty_fun =
       List.rev ls, is_Tvar ty
 let list_labels env ty =
-  wrap_trace_gadt_instances env (list_labels_aux env TypeSet.empty []) ty
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  let result =
+    wrap_trace_gadt_instances env (list_labels_aux env TypeSet.empty []) ty
+  in
+  Btype.backtrack snap;
+  result
 (* Check that all univars are safe in a type. Both exp.exp_type and
    ty_expected should already be generalized. *)
 let check_univars env kind exp ty_expected vars =
   let pty = instance ty_expected in
   let exp_ty, vars =
-    with_local_level_iter ~post:generalize begin fun () ->
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
       match get_desc pty with
         Tpoly (body, tl) ->
           (* Enforce scoping for type_let:
@@ -2896,7 +3014,7 @@ let check_univars env kind exp ty_expected vars =
           let _, ty' = instance_poly ~fixed:true tl body in
           let vars, exp_ty = instance_parameterized_type vars exp.exp_type in
           unify_exp_types exp.exp_loc env exp_ty ty';
-          ((exp_ty, vars), exp_ty::vars)
+          (exp_ty, vars)
       | _ -> assert false
@@ -2910,12 +3028,6 @@ let check_univars env kind exp ty_expected vars =
                                 ~trace:[Ctype.expanded_diff env
                                           ~got:ty ~expected:ty_expected])))
-let generalize_and_check_univars env kind exp ty_expected vars =
-  generalize exp.exp_type;
-  generalize ty_expected;
-  List.iter generalize vars;
-  check_univars env kind exp ty_expected vars
 (* [check_statement] implements the [non-unit-statement] check.
    This check is called in contexts where the value of the expression is known
@@ -2990,10 +3102,13 @@ let check_partial_application ~statement exp =
             | Texp_extension_constructor _ | Texp_ifthenelse (_, _, None)
             | Texp_function _ ->
                 check_statement ()
-            | Texp_match (_, cases, _) ->
-                List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) cases
-            | Texp_try (e, cases) ->
-                check e; List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) cases
+            | Texp_match (_, cases, eff_cases, _) ->
+                List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) cases;
+                List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) eff_cases
+            | Texp_try (e, cases, eff_cases) ->
+                check e;
+                List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) cases;
+                List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) eff_cases
             | Texp_ifthenelse (_, e1, Some e2) ->
                 check e1; check e2
             | Texp_let (_, _, e) | Texp_sequence (_, e) | Texp_open (_, e)
@@ -3034,13 +3149,13 @@ let pattern_needs_partial_application_check p =
 (* Check that a type is generalizable at some level *)
 let generalizable level ty =
-  let rec check ty =
-    if not_marked_node ty then
-      if get_level ty <= level then raise Exit else
-      (flip_mark_node ty; iter_type_expr check ty)
-  in
-  try check ty; unmark_type ty; true
-  with Exit -> unmark_type ty; false
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec check ty =
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then
+        if get_level ty <= level then raise Exit else iter_type_expr check ty
+    in
+    try check ty; true with Exit -> false
+  end
 (* Hack to allow coercion of self. Will clean-up later. *)
 let self_coercion = ref ([] : (Path.t * Location.t list ref) list)
@@ -3048,8 +3163,9 @@ let self_coercion = ref ([] : (Path.t * Location.t list ref) list)
 (* Helpers for type_cases *)
 let contains_variant_either ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
   let rec loop ty =
-    if try_mark_node ty then
+    if try_mark_node mark ty then
       begin match get_desc ty with
         Tvariant row ->
           if not (is_fixed row) then
@@ -3062,8 +3178,8 @@ let contains_variant_either ty =
           iter_type_expr loop ty
-  try loop ty; unmark_type ty; false
-  with Exit -> unmark_type ty; true
+  try loop ty; false with Exit -> true
+  end
 let shallow_iter_ppat f p =
   match p.ppat_desc with
@@ -3072,7 +3188,8 @@ let shallow_iter_ppat f p =
   | Ppat_extension _
   | Ppat_type _ | Ppat_unpack _ -> ()
   | Ppat_array pats -> List.iter f pats
-  | Ppat_or (p1,p2) -> f p1; f p2
+  | Ppat_or (p1,p2)
+  | Ppat_effect(p1, p2) -> f p1; f p2
   | Ppat_variant (_, arg) -> Option.iter f arg
   | Ppat_tuple lst ->  List.iter f lst
   | Ppat_construct (_, Some (_, p))
@@ -3141,14 +3258,14 @@ let check_absent_variant env =
       || not (is_fixed row) && not (static_row row)  (* same as Ctype.poly *)
       then () else
       let ty_arg =
-        match arg with None -> [] | Some p -> [correct_levels p.pat_type] in
+        match arg with None -> [] | Some p -> [duplicate_type p.pat_type] in
       let fields = [s, rf_either ty_arg ~no_arg:(arg=None) ~matched:true] in
       let row' =
         create_row ~fields
           ~more:(newvar ()) ~closed:false ~fixed:None ~name:None in
       (* Should fail *)
       unify_pat env {pat with pat_type = newty (Tvariant row')}
-                     (correct_levels pat.pat_type)
+                     (duplicate_type pat.pat_type)
     | _ -> () }
 (* Getting proper location of already typed expressions.
@@ -3187,14 +3304,14 @@ let name_cases default lst =
 (* Typing of expressions *)
-(** [sdesc_for_hint] is used by error messages to report literals in their
+(** [sexp_for_hint] is used by error messages to report literals in their
     original formatting *)
-let unify_exp ?sdesc_for_hint env exp expected_ty =
+let unify_exp ~sexp env exp expected_ty =
   let loc = proper_exp_loc exp in
     unify_exp_types loc env exp.exp_type expected_ty
   with Error(loc, env, Expr_type_clash(err, tfc, None)) ->
-    raise (error(loc, env, Expr_type_clash(err, tfc, sdesc_for_hint)))
+    raise (Error(loc, env, Expr_type_clash(err, tfc, Some sexp)))
 (* If [is_inferred e] is true, [e] will be typechecked without using
    the "expected type" provided by the context. *)
@@ -3246,10 +3363,8 @@ let with_explanation explanation f =
         raise (error (loc', env', err))
 (* Generalize expressions *)
-let generalize_structure_exp exp = generalize_structure exp.exp_type
-let may_lower_contravariant_then_generalize env exp =
-  if maybe_expansive exp then lower_contravariant env exp.exp_type;
-  generalize exp.exp_type
+let may_lower_contravariant env exp =
+  if maybe_expansive exp then lower_contravariant env exp.exp_type
 (* value binding elaboration *)
@@ -3359,16 +3474,15 @@ and type_expect_
     env sexp ty_expected_explained =
   let { ty = ty_expected; explanation } = ty_expected_explained in
   let loc = sexp.pexp_loc in
-  let desc = sexp.pexp_desc in
   (* Record the expression type before unifying it with the expected type *)
   let with_explanation = with_explanation explanation in
   (* Unify the result with [ty_expected], enforcing the current level *)
   let rue exp =
     with_explanation (fun () ->
-      unify_exp ~sdesc_for_hint:desc env (re exp) (instance ty_expected));
+      unify_exp ~sexp env (re exp) (instance ty_expected));
-  match desc with
+  match sexp.pexp_desc with
   | Pexp_ident lid ->
       let path, desc = type_ident env ~recarg lid in
       let exp_desc =
@@ -3395,7 +3509,7 @@ and type_expect_
         exp_type = instance desc.val_type;
         exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
         exp_env = env }
-  | Pexp_constant(Pconst_string (str, _, _) as cst) -> (
+  | Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_string (str, _, _); _} as cst) -> (
     let cst = constant_or_raise env loc cst in
     (* Terrible hack for format strings *)
     let ty_exp = expand_head env (protect_expansion env ty_expected) in
@@ -3407,7 +3521,7 @@ and type_expect_
       | Tconstr(path, _, _) when Path.same path fmt6_path ->
         if !Clflags.principal && get_level ty_exp <> generic_level then
           Location.prerr_warning loc
-            (Warnings.Not_principal "this coercion to format6");
+            (not_principal "this coercion to format6");
       | _ -> false
@@ -3455,7 +3569,7 @@ and type_expect_
            introduced by those unpacks. The below code checks for scope escape
            via both of these pathways (body, bound expressions).
-        with_local_level_if may_contain_modules begin fun () ->
+        with_local_level_generalize_if may_contain_modules begin fun () ->
           let allow_modules =
             if may_contain_modules
@@ -3486,7 +3600,6 @@ and type_expect_
                     types added to [new_env].
                 let bound_exp = vb.vb_expr in
-                generalize_structure_exp bound_exp;
                 let bound_exp_type = Ctype.instance bound_exp.exp_type in
                 let loc = proper_exp_loc bound_exp in
                 let outer_var = newvar2 outer_level in
@@ -3500,9 +3613,9 @@ and type_expect_
           (pat_exp_list, body, new_env)
-        ~post:(fun (_pat_exp_list, body, new_env) ->
+        ~before_generalize:(fun (_pat_exp_list, body, new_env) ->
           (* The "body" component of the scope escape check. *)
-          unify_exp new_env body (newvar ()))
+          unify_exp ~sexp new_env body (newvar ()))
       re {
         exp_desc = Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_exp_list, body);
@@ -3566,28 +3679,27 @@ and type_expect_
   | Pexp_apply(sfunct, sargs) ->
       assert (sargs <> []);
+      let outer_level = get_current_level () in
       let rec lower_args seen ty_fun =
         let ty = expand_head env ty_fun in
         if TypeSet.mem ty seen then () else
           match get_desc ty with
             Tarrow (_l, ty_arg, ty_fun, _com) ->
-              (try enforce_current_level env ty_arg
+              (try Ctype.unify_var env (newvar2 outer_level) ty_arg
                with Unify _ -> assert false);
               lower_args (TypeSet.add ty seen) ty_fun
           | _ -> ()
+      (* one more level for warning on non-returning functions *)
+      with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
       let type_sfunct sfunct =
-        (* one more level for warning on non-returning functions *)
-        with_local_level_iter
-          begin fun () ->
-            let funct =
-              with_local_level_if_principal (fun () -> type_exp env sfunct)
-                ~post: generalize_structure_exp
-            in
-            let ty = instance funct.exp_type in
-            (funct, [ty])
-          end
-          ~post:(wrap_trace_gadt_instances env (lower_args TypeSet.empty))
+        let funct =
+          with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+            (fun () -> type_exp env sfunct)
+        in
+        let ty = instance funct.exp_type in
+        wrap_trace_gadt_instances env (lower_args TypeSet.empty) ty;
+        funct
       let funct, sargs =
         let funct = type_sfunct sfunct in
@@ -3613,33 +3725,72 @@ and type_expect_
         exp_type = ty_res;
         exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
         exp_env = env }
+      end
   | Pexp_match(sarg, caselist) ->
       let arg =
-        with_local_level (fun () -> type_exp env sarg)
-          ~post:(may_lower_contravariant_then_generalize env)
+        with_local_level_generalize (fun () -> type_exp env sarg)
+          ~before_generalize:(may_lower_contravariant env)
+      in
+      let rec split_cases valc effc conts = function
+        | [] -> List.rev valc, List.rev effc, List.rev conts
+        | {pc_lhs = {ppat_desc=Ppat_effect(p1, p2)}} as c :: rest ->
+            split_cases valc
+              (({c with pc_lhs = p1}) :: effc) (p2 :: conts) rest
+        | c :: rest ->
+            split_cases (c :: valc) effc conts rest
+      in
+      let val_caselist, eff_caselist, eff_conts =
+        split_cases [] [] [] caselist
+      in
+      if val_caselist = [] && eff_caselist <> [] then
+        raise (Error (loc, env, No_value_clauses));
+      let val_cases, partial =
+        type_cases Computation env arg.exp_type ty_expected_explained
+          ~check_if_total:true loc val_caselist
+      in
+      let eff_cases =
+        match eff_caselist with
+        | [] -> []
+        | eff_caselist ->
+            type_effect_cases Value env ty_expected_explained loc eff_caselist
+              eff_conts
-      let cases, partial =
-        type_cases Computation env
-          arg.exp_type ty_expected_explained
-          ~check_if_total:true loc caselist in
         List.for_all (fun c -> pattern_needs_partial_application_check c.c_lhs)
-          cases
+          val_cases
       then check_partial_application ~statement:false arg;
       re {
-        exp_desc = Texp_match(arg, cases, partial);
+        exp_desc = Texp_match(arg, val_cases, eff_cases, partial);
         exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
         exp_type = instance ty_expected;
         exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
         exp_env = env }
   | Pexp_try(sbody, caselist) ->
       let body = type_expect env sbody ty_expected_explained in
-      let cases, _ =
-        type_cases Value env
-          Predef.type_exn ty_expected_explained
-          ~check_if_total:false loc caselist in
+      let rec split_cases exnc effc conts = function
+        | [] -> List.rev exnc, List.rev effc, List.rev conts
+        | {pc_lhs = {ppat_desc=Ppat_effect(p1, p2)}} as c :: rest ->
+            split_cases exnc
+              (({c with pc_lhs = p1}) :: effc) (p2 :: conts) rest
+        | c :: rest ->
+            split_cases (c :: exnc) effc conts rest
+      in
+      let exn_caselist, eff_caselist, eff_conts =
+        split_cases [] [] [] caselist
+      in
+      let exn_cases, _ =
+        type_cases Value env Predef.type_exn ty_expected_explained
+          ~check_if_total:false loc exn_caselist
+      in
+      let eff_cases =
+        match eff_caselist with
+        | [] -> []
+        | eff_caselist ->
+            type_effect_cases Value env ty_expected_explained loc eff_caselist
+              eff_conts
+      in
       re {
-        exp_desc = Texp_try(body, cases);
+        exp_desc = Texp_try(body, exn_cases, eff_cases);
         exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
         exp_type = body.exp_type;
         exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
@@ -3662,7 +3813,7 @@ and type_expect_
         exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
         exp_env = env }
   | Pexp_construct(lid, sarg) ->
-      type_construct env loc lid sarg ty_expected_explained sexp.pexp_attributes
+      type_construct env ~sexp lid sarg ty_expected_explained
   | Pexp_variant(l, sarg) ->
       (* Keep sharing *)
       let ty_expected1 = protect_expansion env ty_expected in
@@ -3713,9 +3864,8 @@ and type_expect_
           None -> None
         | Some sexp ->
             let exp =
-              with_local_level_if_principal
+              with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
                 (fun () -> type_exp ~recarg env sexp)
-                ~post: generalize_structure_exp
             Some exp
@@ -3748,7 +3898,7 @@ and type_expect_
         | (None | Some (_, _, false)), Some (_, p', _) ->
             let decl = Env.find_type p' env in
             let ty =
-              with_local_level ~post:generalize_structure
+              with_local_level_generalize_structure
                 (fun () -> newconstr p' (instance_list decl.type_params))
             ty, opt_exp_opath
@@ -3867,7 +4017,7 @@ and type_expect_
         type_label_access env srecord Env.Projection lid
       let (_, ty_arg, ty_res) = instance_label ~fixed:false label in
-      unify_exp env record ty_res;
+      unify_exp ~sexp env record ty_res;
       rue {
         exp_desc = Texp_field(record, lid, label);
         exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
@@ -3881,7 +4031,7 @@ and type_expect_
         if expected_type = None then newvar () else record.exp_type in
       let (label_loc, label, newval) =
         type_label_exp false env loc ty_record (lid, label, snewval) in
-      unify_exp env record ty_record;
+      unify_exp ~sexp env record ty_record;
       if label.lbl_mut = Immutable then
         raise(error(loc, env, Label_not_mutable lid.txt));
       rue {
@@ -3920,7 +4070,7 @@ and type_expect_
           let ifso = type_expect env sifso ty_expected_explained in
           let ifnot = type_expect env sifnot ty_expected_explained in
           (* Keep sharing *)
-          unify_exp env ifnot ifso.exp_type;
+          unify_exp ~sexp env ifnot ifso.exp_type;
           re {
             exp_desc = Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot);
             exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
@@ -3967,7 +4117,7 @@ and type_expect_
                val_attributes = [];
                val_kind = Val_reg;
                val_loc = loc;
-               val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+               val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
               } env
               ~check:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_for_index s)
         | _ ->
@@ -4008,27 +4158,26 @@ and type_expect_
     let obj = type_exp env e in
     begin try
       let (obj,meth,typ) =
-        with_local_level_if_principal
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
           (fun () -> type_send env loc explanation e met)
-          ~post:(fun (_,_,typ) -> generalize_structure typ)
-        in
-        let typ =
-          match get_desc typ with
-          | Tpoly (ty, []) ->
-              instance ty
-          | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
-              if !Clflags.principal && get_level typ <> generic_level then
-                Location.prerr_warning loc
-                  (Warnings.Not_principal "this use of a polymorphic method");
-              snd (instance_poly ~fixed:false tl ty)
-          | Tvar _ ->
-              let ty' = newvar () in
-              unify env (instance typ) (newty(Tpoly(ty',[])));
-              (* if not !Clflags.nolabels then
-                Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Unknown_method met); *)
-              ty'
-          | _ ->
-              assert false
+      in
+      let typ =
+        match get_desc typ with
+        | Tpoly (ty, []) ->
+            instance ty
+        | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
+            if !Clflags.principal && get_level typ <> generic_level then
+              Location.prerr_warning loc
+                (not_principal "this use of a polymorphic method");
+            snd (instance_poly ~fixed:false tl ty)
+        | Tvar _ ->
+            let ty' = newvar () in
+            unify env (instance typ) (newty(Tpoly(ty',[])));
+            (* if not !Clflags.nolabels then
+              Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Unknown_method met); *)
+            ty'
+        | _ ->
+            assert false
         rue {
           exp_desc = Texp_send(obj, meth);
@@ -4150,7 +4299,7 @@ and type_expect_
                 | _ -> Mp_present
               let scope = create_scope () in
-              let md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()) in
+              let md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
               let md_shape = Shape.set_uid_if_none md_shape md_uid in
               let md =
                 { md_type = modl.mod_type; md_attributes = [];
@@ -4247,8 +4396,7 @@ and type_expect_
   | Pexp_poly(sbody, sty) ->
       let ty, cty =
-        with_local_level_if_principal
-          ~post:(fun (ty,_) -> generalize_structure ty)
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
           begin fun () ->
             match sty with None -> protect_expansion env ty_expected, None
             | Some sty ->
@@ -4267,32 +4415,29 @@ and type_expect_
             { exp with exp_type = instance ty }
         | Tpoly (ty', tl) ->
             (* One more level to generalize locally *)
-            let (exp,_) =
+            let (exp, vars) =
               with_local_level begin fun () ->
                 let vars, ty'' =
-                  with_local_level_if_principal
+                  with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
                     (fun () -> instance_poly ~fixed:true tl ty')
-                    ~post:(fun (_,ty'') -> generalize_structure ty'')
                 let exp = type_expect env sbody (mk_expected ty'') in
                 (exp, vars)
-              ~post: begin fun (exp,vars) ->
-                generalize_and_check_univars env "method" exp ty_expected vars
-              end
+            check_univars env "method" exp ty_expected vars;
             { exp with exp_type = instance ty }
         | Tvar _ ->
             let exp = type_exp env sbody in
             let exp = {exp with exp_type = newty (Tpoly (exp.exp_type, []))} in
-            unify_exp env exp ty;
+            unify_exp ~sexp env exp ty;
         | _ -> assert false
       re { exp with exp_extra =
              (Texp_poly cty, loc, sexp.pexp_attributes) :: exp.exp_extra }
-  | Pexp_newtype({txt=name} as label_loc, sbody) ->
-      let body, ety, id, uid = type_newtype loc env name (fun env ->
+  | Pexp_newtype(name, sbody) ->
+      let body, ety, id, uid = type_newtype env name (fun env ->
         let expr = type_exp env sbody in
         expr, expr.exp_type)
@@ -4300,7 +4445,8 @@ and type_expect_
          any new extra node in the typed AST. *)
       rue { body with exp_loc = loc; exp_type = ety;
             exp_extra =
-            (Texp_newtype' (id, label_loc, uid), loc, sexp.pexp_attributes) :: body.exp_extra }
+            (Texp_newtype' (id, name, uid), loc, sexp.pexp_attributes) :: body.exp_extra
+          }
   | Pexp_pack m ->
       let (p, fl) =
         match get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env (instance ty_expected)) with
@@ -4311,7 +4457,7 @@ and type_expect_
                 < Btype.generic_level
               Location.prerr_warning loc
-                (Warnings.Not_principal "this module packing");
+                (not_principal "this module packing");
             (p, fl)
         | Tvar _ ->
             raise (error (loc, env, Cannot_infer_signature))
@@ -4362,8 +4508,7 @@ and type_expect_
       let op_path, op_desc, op_type, spat_params, ty_params,
           ty_func_result, ty_result, ty_andops =
-        with_local_level_iter_if_principal
-          ~post:generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
           let let_loc = slet.pbop_op.loc in
           let op_path, op_desc = type_binding_op_ident env slet.pbop_op in
           let op_type = instance op_desc.val_type in
@@ -4382,9 +4527,8 @@ and type_expect_
           with Unify err ->
             raise(error(let_loc, env, Letop_type_clash(slet.pbop_op.txt, err)))
-          ((op_path, op_desc, op_type, spat_params, ty_params,
-            ty_func_result, ty_result, ty_andops),
-           [ty_andops; ty_params; ty_func_result; ty_result])
+          (op_path, op_desc, op_type, spat_params, ty_params,
+           ty_func_result, ty_result, ty_andops)
       let exp, ands = type_andops env slet.pbop_exp sands ty_andops in
@@ -4495,11 +4639,12 @@ and type_coerce
     let arg, arg_type, gen =
       let lv = get_current_level () in
-      with_local_level begin fun () ->
+      with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
           let arg, arg_type = type_without_constraint env in
           arg, arg_type, generalizable lv arg_type
-        ~post:(fun (_, arg_type, _) -> enforce_current_level env arg_type)
+        ~before_generalize:
+         (fun (_, arg_type, _) -> enforce_current_level env arg_type)
     begin match !self_coercion, get_desc ty' with
       | ((path, r) :: _, Tconstr (path', _, _))
@@ -4507,8 +4652,8 @@ and type_coerce
           (* prerr_endline "self coercion"; *)
           r := loc :: !r;
           force ()
-      | _ when free_variables ~env arg_type = []
-            && free_variables ~env ty' = [] ->
+      | _ when closed_type_expr ~env arg_type
+            && closed_type_expr ~env ty' ->
           if not gen && (* first try a single coercion *)
             let snap = snapshot () in
             let ty, _b = enlarge_type env ty' in
@@ -4522,7 +4667,7 @@ and type_coerce
             force (); force' ();
             if not gen && !Clflags.principal then
               Location.prerr_warning loc
-                (Warnings.Not_principal "this ground coercion");
+                (not_principal "this ground coercion");
           with Subtype err ->
             (* prerr_endline "coercion failed"; *)
             raise (Error (loc, env, Not_subtype err))
@@ -4539,14 +4684,13 @@ and type_coerce
       (arg, ty', Texp_coerce (None, cty'))
   | Some sty ->
       let cty, ty, force, cty', ty', force' =
-        with_local_level_iter ~post:generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure begin fun () ->
           let (cty, ty, force) =
             Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed env sty
           and (cty', ty', force') =
             Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed env sty'
-          ((cty, ty, force, cty', ty', force'),
-           [ ty; ty' ])
+          (cty, ty, force, cty', ty', force')
       begin try
@@ -4561,10 +4705,9 @@ and type_coerce
 and type_constraint env sty =
   (* Pretend separate = true, 1% slowdown for lablgtk *)
   let cty =
-    with_local_level begin fun () ->
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure begin fun () ->
       Typetexp.transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty
-    ~post:(fun cty -> generalize_structure cty.ctyp_type)
   cty.ctyp_type, Texp_constraint cty
@@ -4599,18 +4742,18 @@ and type_constraint_expect
     nodes for the newtype properly linked.
 and type_newtype
-  : type a. _ -> _ -> _ -> (Env.t -> a * type_expr) -> a * type_expr * Ident.t * Uid.t =
-  fun loc env name type_body ->
+  : type a. _ -> _ -> (Env.t -> a * type_expr) -> a * type_expr * Ident.t * Uid.t =
+  fun env { txt = name; loc = name_loc } type_body ->
   let ty =
     if Typetexp.valid_tyvar_name name then
       newvar ~name ()
       newvar ()
-  (* Use [with_local_level] just for scoping *)
-  with_local_level begin fun () ->
+  (* Use [with_local_level_generalize] just for scoping *)
+  with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
     (* Create a fake abstract type declaration for [name]. *)
-    let decl = new_local_type ~loc Definition in
+    let decl = new_local_type ~loc:name_loc Definition in
     let scope = create_scope () in
     let (id, new_env) = Env.enter_type ~scope name decl env in
@@ -4629,9 +4772,9 @@ and type_newtype
     let ety = Subst.type_expr Subst.identity exp_type in
     replace ety;
-    let uid = decl.type_uid in
-    (result, ety, id, uid)
+    (result, ety, id, decl.type_uid)
+  ~before_generalize:(fun (_,ety,_id,_uid) -> enforce_current_level env ety)
 and type_ident env ?(recarg=Rejected) lid =
   let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env in
@@ -4680,7 +4823,7 @@ and type_binding_op_ident env s =
 and split_function_ty env ty_expected ~arg_label ~first ~in_function =
   let { ty = ty_fun; explanation }, loc = in_function in
   let separate = !Clflags.principal || Env.has_local_constraints env in
-  with_local_level_iter_if separate ~post:generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+  with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate begin fun () ->
     let ty_arg, ty_res =
       try filter_arrow env (instance ty_expected) arg_label
       with Filter_arrow_failed err ->
@@ -4709,7 +4852,7 @@ and split_function_ty env ty_expected ~arg_label ~first ~in_function =
         type_option tv
       else ty_arg
-    (ty_arg, ty_res), [ ty_arg; ty_res ]
+    (ty_arg, ty_res)
 (* Typecheck parameters one at a time followed by the body. Later parameters
@@ -4752,7 +4895,7 @@ and type_function
   | { pparam_desc = Pparam_newtype newtype; pparam_loc = _ } :: rest ->
       (* Check everything else in the scope of (type a). *)
       let (params, body, newtypes, contains_gadt), exp_type, nt_id, nt_uid =
-        type_newtype loc env newtype.txt (fun env ->
+        type_newtype env newtype (fun env ->
           let exp_type, params, body, newtypes, contains_gadt =
             (* mimic the typing of Pexp_newtype by minting a new type var,
               like [type_exp].
@@ -4808,7 +4951,7 @@ and type_function
           (* We don't make use of [case_data] here so we pass unit. *)
           [ { pattern = pat; has_guard = false; needs_refute = false }, () ]
-            fun () pat ~ext_env ~ty_expected ~ty_infer:_
+            fun () pat ~when_env:_ ~ext_env ~cont:_ ~ty_expected ~ty_infer:_
               ~contains_gadt:param_contains_gadt ->
               let _, params, body, newtypes, suffix_contains_gadt =
                 type_function ext_env rest body_constraint body
@@ -4905,7 +5048,7 @@ and type_function
                     [type_argument] on the cases, and discard the cases'
                     inferred type in favor of the constrained type. (Function
                     cases aren't inferred, so [type_argument] would just call
-                    [type_expect] straightaway, so we do the same here.)
+                    [type_expect] straight away, so we do the same here.)
                   - [type_without_constraint]: If there is just a coercion and
                     no constraint, call [type_exp] on the cases and surface the
                     cases' inferred type to [type_constraint_expect]. *)
@@ -4944,7 +5087,7 @@ and type_function
 and type_label_access env srecord usage lid =
   let record =
-    with_local_level_if_principal ~post:generalize_structure_exp
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
       (fun () -> type_exp ~recarg:Allowed env srecord)
   let ty_exp = record.exp_type in
@@ -5004,7 +5147,9 @@ and type_format loc str env =
           | [ e ]       -> Some e
           | _ :: _ :: _ -> Some (mk_exp_loc (Pexp_tuple args)) in
         mk_exp_loc (Pexp_construct (mk_lid_loc lid, arg)) in
-      let mk_cst cst = mk_exp_loc (Pexp_constant cst) in
+      let mk_cst cst =
+        mk_exp_loc (Pexp_constant {pconst_desc = cst; pconst_loc = loc})
+      in
       let mk_int n = mk_cst (Pconst_integer (Int.to_string n, None))
       and mk_string str = mk_cst (Pconst_string (str, loc, None))
       and mk_char chr = mk_cst (Pconst_char chr) in
@@ -5230,22 +5375,15 @@ and type_label_exp create env loc ty_expected
           (lid, label, sarg) =
   (* Here also ty_expected may be at generic_level *)
   let separate = !Clflags.principal || Env.has_local_constraints env in
-  (* #4682: we try two type-checking approaches for [arg] using backtracking:
-     - first try: we try with [ty_arg] as expected type;
-     - second try; if that fails, we backtrack and try without
-  *)
-  let (vars, ty_arg, snap, arg) =
-    (* try the first approach *)
-    with_local_level begin fun () ->
+  let is_poly = label_is_poly label in (* HUH ? *)
+  let (vars, arg) =
+    (* raise level to check univars *)
+    with_local_level_generalize_if is_poly begin fun () ->
       let (vars, ty_arg) =
-        with_local_level_iter_if separate begin fun () ->
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate begin fun () ->
           let (vars, ty_arg, ty_res) =
-            with_local_level_iter_if separate ~post:generalize_structure
-              begin fun () ->
-                let ((_, ty_arg, ty_res) as r) =
-                  instance_label ~fixed:true label in
-                (r, [ty_arg; ty_res])
-              end
+            with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate
+              (fun () -> instance_label ~fixed:true label)
           begin try
             unify env (instance ty_res) (instance ty_expected)
@@ -5254,9 +5392,8 @@ and type_label_exp create env loc ty_expected
           (* Instantiate so that we can generalize internal nodes *)
           let ty_arg = instance ty_arg in
-          ((vars, ty_arg), [ty_arg])
+          (vars, ty_arg)
-        ~post:generalize_structure
       if label.lbl_private = Private then
@@ -5264,45 +5401,12 @@ and type_label_exp create env loc ty_expected
           raise (error(loc, env, Private_type ty_expected))
           raise (error(lid.loc, env, Private_label(lid.txt, ty_expected)));
-      let snap = if vars = [] then None else Some (Btype.snapshot ()) in
-      let arg = type_argument env sarg ty_arg (instance ty_arg) in
-      (vars, ty_arg, snap, arg)
+      (vars, type_argument env sarg ty_arg (instance ty_arg))
-    (* Note: there is no generalization logic here as could be expected,
-       because it is part of the backtracking logic below. *)
-  in
-  let arg =
-    try
-      if (vars = []) then arg
-      else begin
-        (* We detect if the first try failed here,
-           during generalization. *)
-        if maybe_expansive arg then
-          lower_contravariant env arg.exp_type;
-        generalize_and_check_univars env "field value" arg label.lbl_arg vars;
-        {arg with exp_type = instance arg.exp_type}
-      end
-    with first_try_exn when maybe_expansive arg -> try
-      (* backtrack and try the second approach *)
-      Option.iter Btype.backtrack snap;
-      let arg = with_local_level (fun () -> type_exp env sarg)
-          ~post:(fun arg -> lower_contravariant env arg.exp_type)
-      in
-      let arg =
-        with_local_level begin fun () ->
-          let arg = {arg with exp_type = instance arg.exp_type} in
-          unify_exp env arg (instance ty_arg);
-          arg
-        end
-        ~post: begin fun arg ->
-          generalize_and_check_univars env "field value" arg label.lbl_arg vars
-        end
-      in
-      {arg with exp_type = instance arg.exp_type}
-    with Error (_, _, Less_general _) as e -> raise e
-    | _ -> raise first_try_exn
+    ~before_generalize:(fun (_,arg) -> may_lower_contravariant env arg)
-  (lid, label, arg)
+  if is_poly then check_univars env "field value" arg label.lbl_arg vars;
+  (lid, label, {arg with exp_type = instance arg.exp_type})
 and type_argument ?explanation ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
   (* ty_expected' may be generic *)
@@ -5330,7 +5434,7 @@ and type_argument ?explanation ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
       (* apply optional arguments when expected type is "" *)
       (* we must be very careful about not breaking the semantics *)
       let texp =
-        with_local_level_if_principal ~post:generalize_structure_exp
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
           (fun () -> type_exp env sarg)
       let rec make_args args ty_fun =
@@ -5346,7 +5450,7 @@ and type_argument ?explanation ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
       let args, ty_fun', simple_res = make_args [] texp.exp_type
       and texp = {texp with exp_type = instance texp.exp_type} in
       if not (simple_res || safe_expect) then begin
-        unify_exp env texp ty_expected;
+        unify_exp ~sexp:sarg env texp ty_expected;
       end else begin
       let warn = !Clflags.principal &&
@@ -5357,7 +5461,7 @@ and type_argument ?explanation ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
           Tarrow(Nolabel,ty_arg,ty_res,_) -> ty_arg, ty_res
         | _ -> assert false
-      unify_exp env {texp with exp_type = ty_fun} ty_expected;
+      unify_exp ~sexp:sarg env {texp with exp_type = ty_fun} ty_expected;
       if args = [] then texp else
       (* eta-expand to avoid side effects *)
       let var_pair name ty =
@@ -5366,7 +5470,7 @@ and type_argument ?explanation ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
           { val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_reg;
             val_attributes = [];
             val_loc = Location.none;
-            val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+            val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
         let exp_env = Env.add_value id desc env in
@@ -5402,7 +5506,7 @@ and type_argument ?explanation ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
       Location.prerr_warning texp.exp_loc
-           (List.map (fun (l, _) -> Printtyp.string_of_label l) args));
+           (List.map (fun (l, _) -> Asttypes.string_of_label l) args));
       if warn then Location.prerr_warning texp.exp_loc
           (Warnings.Non_principal_labels "eliminated optional argument");
       (* let-expand to have side effects *)
@@ -5417,7 +5521,7 @@ and type_argument ?explanation ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
   | None ->
       let texp = type_expect ?recarg env sarg
         (mk_expected ?explanation ty_expected') in
-      unify_exp env texp ty_expected;
+      unify_exp ~sexp:sarg env texp ty_expected;
 and type_application env funct sargs =
@@ -5489,7 +5593,7 @@ and type_application env funct sargs =
     let arg () =
       let arg = type_expect env sarg (mk_expected ty_arg) in
       if is_optional lbl then
-        unify_exp env arg (type_option(newvar()));
+        unify_exp ~sexp:sarg env arg (type_option(newvar()));
     (ty_res, (lbl, Some (arg, Some sarg.pexp_loc)) :: typed_args)
@@ -5506,7 +5610,7 @@ and type_application env funct sargs =
-            (List.map Printtyp.string_of_label
+            (List.map Asttypes.string_of_label
                       (List.filter ((<>) Nolabel) labels)));
@@ -5553,7 +5657,7 @@ and type_application env funct sargs =
             (fun () -> type_argument env sarg ty ty0)
           else begin
             may_warn sarg.pexp_loc
-              (Warnings.Not_principal "using an optional argument here");
+              (not_principal "using an optional argument here");
             (fun () -> option_some env (type_argument env sarg
                                           (extract_option_type env ty)
                                           (extract_option_type env ty0)))
@@ -5592,11 +5696,11 @@ and type_application env funct sargs =
             | Some (l', sarg, commuted, remaining_sargs) ->
                 if commuted then begin
                   may_warn sarg.pexp_loc
-                    (Warnings.Not_principal "commuting this argument")
+                    (not_principal "commuting this argument")
                 if not optional && is_optional l' then
                   Location.prerr_warning sarg.pexp_loc
-                    (Warnings.Nonoptional_label (Printtyp.string_of_label l));
+                    (Warnings.Nonoptional_label (Asttypes.string_of_label l));
                 remaining_sargs, Some (use_arg sarg l', Some sarg.pexp_loc)
             | None ->
@@ -5620,22 +5724,19 @@ and type_application env funct sargs =
     (try ignore (filter_arrow env (instance funct.exp_type) Nolabel); true
      with Filter_arrow_failed _ -> false)
-  (* Extra scope to check for non-returning functions *)
-  with_local_level begin fun () ->
-    match sargs with
-    | (* Special case for ignore: avoid discarding warning *)
-      [Nolabel, sarg] when is_ignore funct ->
-        let ty_arg, ty_res =
-          filter_arrow env (instance funct.exp_type) Nolabel in
-        let exp = type_expect env sarg (mk_expected ty_arg) in
-        check_partial_application ~statement:false exp;
-        ([Nolabel, Some exp], ty_res)
-    | _ ->
-        let ty = funct.exp_type in
-        type_args [] ty (instance ty) sargs
-  end
+  match sargs with
+  | (* Special case for ignore: avoid discarding warning *)
+    [Nolabel, sarg] when is_ignore funct ->
+      let ty_arg, ty_res =
+        filter_arrow env (instance funct.exp_type) Nolabel in
+      let exp = type_expect env sarg (mk_expected ty_arg) in
+      check_partial_application ~statement:false exp;
+      ([Nolabel, Some exp], ty_res)
+  | _ ->
+      let ty = funct.exp_type in
+      type_args [] ty (instance ty) sargs
-and type_construct env loc lid sarg ty_expected_explained attrs =
+and type_construct env ~sexp lid sarg ty_expected_explained =
   let { ty = ty_expected; explanation } = ty_expected_explained in
   let expected_type =
     match extract_concrete_variant env ty_expected with
@@ -5646,7 +5747,7 @@ and type_construct env loc lid sarg ty_expected_explained attrs =
         let srt = wrong_kind_sort_of_constructor lid.txt in
         let ctx = Expression explanation in
         let err = Wrong_expected_kind(srt, ctx, ty_expected) in
-        raise (error (loc, env, err))
+        raise (error (sexp.pexp_loc, env, err))
   let constrs =
     Env.lookup_all_constructors ~loc:lid.loc Env.Positive lid.txt env
@@ -5660,37 +5761,36 @@ and type_construct env loc lid sarg ty_expected_explained attrs =
     match sarg with
       None -> []
     | Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple sel} when
-        constr.cstr_arity > 1 || Builtin_attributes.explicit_arity attrs
+        constr.cstr_arity > 1
+        || Builtin_attributes.explicit_arity sexp.pexp_attributes
       -> sel
     | Some se -> [se] in
   if List.length sargs <> constr.cstr_arity then
-    raise(error(loc, env, Constructor_arity_mismatch
-                            (lid.txt, constr.cstr_arity, List.length sargs)));
+    raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, env,
+                Constructor_arity_mismatch
+                  (lid.txt, constr.cstr_arity, List.length sargs)));
   let separate = !Clflags.principal || Env.has_local_constraints env in
   let ty_args, ty_res, texp =
-    with_local_level_iter_if separate ~post:generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate begin fun () ->
       let ty_args, ty_res, texp =
-        with_local_level_if separate begin fun () ->
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate begin fun () ->
           let (ty_args, ty_res, _) =
             instance_constructor Keep_existentials_flexible constr
           let texp =
             re {
             exp_desc = Texp_construct(lid, constr, []);
-            exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+            exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc; exp_extra = [];
             exp_type = ty_res;
-            exp_attributes = attrs;
+            exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
             exp_env = env } in
           (ty_args, ty_res, texp)
-        ~post: begin fun (_, ty_res, texp) ->
-          generalize_structure ty_res;
-          with_explanation explanation (fun () ->
-            unify_exp env {texp with exp_type = instance ty_res}
-              (instance ty_expected));
-        end
-      ((ty_args, ty_res, texp), ty_res::ty_args)
+      with_explanation explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp ~sexp env {texp with exp_type = instance ty_res}
+          (instance ty_expected));
+      (ty_args, ty_res, texp)
   let ty_args0, ty_res =
@@ -5699,20 +5799,20 @@ and type_construct env loc lid sarg ty_expected_explained attrs =
     | _ -> assert false
   let texp = {texp with exp_type = ty_res} in
-  if not separate then unify_exp env texp (instance ty_expected);
+  if not separate then unify_exp ~sexp env texp (instance ty_expected);
   let recarg =
     match constr.cstr_inlined with
     | None -> Rejected
     | Some _ ->
       begin match sargs with
-      | [{pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({ txt; _ }, _); _ }]
-        when txt = Ast_helper.hole_txt -> Required
+      | [{pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({ txt; _ }, _)}]
+          when txt = Ast_helper.hole_txt -> Required
       | [{pexp_desc =
             Pexp_ident _ |
             Pexp_record (_, (Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident _}| None))}] ->
       | _ ->
-        raise (error(loc, env, Inlined_record_expected))
+        raise (Error(sexp.pexp_loc, env, Inlined_record_expected))
   let args =
@@ -5721,9 +5821,9 @@ and type_construct env loc lid sarg ty_expected_explained attrs =
   if constr.cstr_private = Private then
     begin match constr.cstr_tag with
     | Cstr_extension _ ->
-        raise_error (error(loc, env, Private_constructor (constr, ty_res)))
+        raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, env, Private_constructor (constr, ty_res)))
     | Cstr_constant _ | Cstr_block _ | Cstr_unboxed ->
-        raise_error (error(loc, env, Private_type ty_res));
+        raise (Error(sexp.pexp_loc, env, Private_type ty_res));
   (* NOTE: shouldn't we call "re" on this final expression? -- AF *)
   { texp with
@@ -5748,24 +5848,25 @@ and type_statement ?explanation env sexp =
     | _ -> false
   (* Raise the current level to detect non-returning functions *)
-  let exp = with_local_level (fun () -> type_exp env sexp) in
-  let subexp = final_subexpression exp in
-  let ty = expand_head env exp.exp_type in
-  if is_Tvar ty && not !has_errors
-     && get_level ty > get_current_level ()
-     && not (allow_polymorphic subexp) then
-    Location.prerr_warning
-      subexp.exp_loc
-      Warnings.Nonreturning_statement;
-  if !Clflags.strict_sequence then
-    let expected_ty = instance Predef.type_unit in
-    with_explanation explanation (fun () ->
-      unify_exp env exp expected_ty);
-    exp
-  else begin
-    if not !has_errors then check_partial_application ~statement:true exp;
-    enforce_current_level env ty;
-    exp
+  with_local_level_generalize (fun () -> type_exp env sexp)
+  ~before_generalize: begin fun exp ->
+    let subexp = final_subexpression exp in
+    let ty = expand_head env exp.exp_type in
+    if is_Tvar ty && not !has_errors
+    && get_level ty > get_current_level ()
+    && not (allow_polymorphic subexp) then
+      Location.prerr_warning
+        subexp.exp_loc
+        Warnings.Nonreturning_statement;
+    if !Clflags.strict_sequence then
+      let expected_ty = instance Predef.type_unit in
+      with_explanation explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp ~sexp env exp expected_ty)
+    else begin
+      if not !has_errors then
+        check_partial_application ~statement:true exp;
+        enforce_current_level env ty
+    end
 (* Most of the arguments are the same as [type_cases].
@@ -5782,20 +5883,22 @@ and type_statement ?explanation env sexp =
 and map_half_typed_cases
   : type k ret case_data.
-    ?additional_checks_for_split_cases:((_ * ret) list -> unit)
+    ?additional_checks_for_split_cases:((_ * ret) list -> unit) -> ?conts:_
     -> k pattern_category -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _
     -> (untyped_case * case_data) list
     -> type_body:(
         -> k general_pattern (* the typed pattern *)
-        -> ext_env:_ (* environment with module variables / pattern variables *)
+        -> when_env:_ (* environment with module/pattern variables *)
+        -> ext_env:_ (* when_env + continuation var*)
+        -> cont:_
         -> ty_expected:_ (* type to check body in scope of *)
         -> ty_infer:_ (* type to infer for body *)
         -> contains_gadt:_ (* whether the pattern contains a GADT *)
         -> ret)
     -> check_if_total:bool (* if false, assume Partial right away *)
     -> ret list * partial
-  = fun ?additional_checks_for_split_cases
+  = fun ?additional_checks_for_split_cases ?conts
     category env ty_arg ty_res loc caselist ~type_body ~check_if_total ->
   let has_errors = Msupport.monitor_errors () in
   (* ty_arg is _fully_ generalized *)
@@ -5807,7 +5910,7 @@ and map_half_typed_cases
   let create_inner_level = may_contain_gadts || may_contain_modules in
   let ty_arg =
     if (may_contain_gadts || erase_either) && not !Clflags.principal
-    then correct_levels ty_arg else ty_arg
+    then duplicate_type ty_arg else ty_arg
   let rec is_var spat =
     match spat.ppat_desc with
@@ -5837,24 +5940,29 @@ and map_half_typed_cases
     if erase_either
     then Some false else None
+  let map_conts f conts caselist = match conts with
+    | None -> List.map (fun c -> f c None) caselist
+    | Some conts -> List.map2 f caselist conts
+  in
   let half_typed_cases, ty_res, do_copy_types, ty_arg' =
    (* propagation of the argument *)
-    with_local_level begin fun () ->
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
       let pattern_force = ref [] in
       (*  Format.printf "@[%i %i@ %a@]@." lev (get_current_level())
           Printtyp.raw_type_expr ty_arg; *)
       let half_typed_cases =
-        List.map
-        (fun ({ Parmatch.pattern; _ } as untyped_case, case_data) ->
+        map_conts
+        (fun ({ Parmatch.pattern; _ } as untyped_case, case_data) cont ->
           let htc =
-            with_local_level_if_principal begin fun () ->
+            with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
               let ty_arg =
                 (* propagation of pattern *)
-                with_local_level ~post:generalize_structure
+                with_local_level_generalize_structure
                   (fun () -> instance ?partial:take_partial_instance ty_arg)
               let (pat, ext_env, force, pvs, mvs) =
-                type_pattern category ~lev env pattern ty_arg allow_modules
+                type_pattern ?cont category ~lev env pattern ty_arg
+                  allow_modules
               pattern_force := force @ !pattern_force;
               { typed_pat = pat;
@@ -5867,9 +5975,6 @@ and map_half_typed_cases
                 contains_gadt = contains_gadt (as_comp_pattern category pat);
-            ~post: begin fun htc ->
-              iter_pattern_variables_type generalize_structure htc.pat_vars;
-            end
           (* Ensure that no ambivalent pattern type escapes its branch *)
           check_scope_escape htc.typed_pat.pat_loc env outer_level
@@ -5877,7 +5982,7 @@ and map_half_typed_cases
           let pat = htc.typed_pat in
           {htc with typed_pat = { pat with pat_type = instance pat.pat_type }}
-        caselist in
+        conts caselist in
       let patl =
         List.map (fun { typed_pat; _ } -> typed_pat) half_typed_cases in
       let does_contain_gadt =
@@ -5885,7 +5990,7 @@ and map_half_typed_cases
       let ty_res, do_copy_types =
         if does_contain_gadt && not !Clflags.principal then
-          correct_levels ty_res, Env.make_copy_of_types env
+          duplicate_type ty_res, Env.make_copy_of_types env
         else ty_res, (fun env -> env)
       (* Unify all cases (delayed to keep it order-free) *)
@@ -5911,20 +6016,15 @@ and map_half_typed_cases
       ) half_typed_cases;
       (half_typed_cases, ty_res, do_copy_types, ty_arg')
-    ~post: begin fun (half_typed_cases, _, _, ty_arg') ->
-      generalize ty_arg';
-      List.iter (fun { pat_vars; _ } ->
-        iter_pattern_variables_type generalize pat_vars
-      ) half_typed_cases
-    end
   (* type bodies *)
   let ty_res' = instance ty_res in
+  (* Why is it needed to keep the level of result raised ?  *)
   let result = with_local_level_if_principal ~post:ignore begin fun () ->
-    List.map
+    map_conts
     (fun { typed_pat = pat; branch_env = ext_env;
-            pat_vars = pvs; module_vars = mvs;
-            case_data; contains_gadt; _ }
+           pat_vars = pvs; module_vars = mvs;
+           case_data; contains_gadt; _ } cont
         let ext_env =
           if contains_gadt then
@@ -5936,21 +6036,24 @@ and map_half_typed_cases
            branch environments by adding the variables (and module variables)
            from the patterns.
-        let ext_env =
-          add_pattern_variables ext_env pvs
+        let cont_vars, pvs =
+          List.partition (fun pv -> pv.pv_kind = Continuation_var) pvs in
+        let add_pattern_vars = add_pattern_variables
             ~check:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var_strict s)
             ~check_as:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var s)
-        let ext_env = add_module_variables ext_env mvs in
+        let when_env = add_pattern_vars ext_env pvs in
+        let when_env = add_module_variables when_env mvs in
+        let ext_env = add_pattern_vars when_env cont_vars in
         let ty_expected =
           if contains_gadt && not !Clflags.principal then
             (* Take a generic copy of [ty_res] again to allow propagation of
                 type information from preceding branches *)
-            correct_levels ty_res
+            duplicate_type ty_res
           else ty_res in
-        type_body case_data pat ~ext_env ~ty_expected ~ty_infer:ty_res'
-          ~contains_gadt)
-    half_typed_cases
+        type_body case_data pat ~when_env ~ext_env ~cont ~ty_expected
+          ~ty_infer:ty_res' ~contains_gadt)
+    conts half_typed_cases
   end in
   let do_init = may_contain_gadts || needs_exhaust_check in
   let ty_arg_check =
@@ -6023,11 +6126,11 @@ and map_half_typed_cases
 (* Typing of match cases *)
 and type_cases
-    : type k . k pattern_category ->
-           _ -> _ -> _ -> check_if_total:bool -> _ -> Parsetree.case list ->
-           k case list * partial
+    : type k . k pattern_category -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?conts:_ ->
+               check_if_total:bool -> _ -> Parsetree.case list ->
+               k case list * partial
   = fun category env
-        ty_arg ty_res_explained ~check_if_total loc caselist ->
+        ty_arg ty_res_explained ?conts ~check_if_total loc caselist ->
   let { ty = ty_res; explanation } = ty_res_explained in
   let caselist =
     List.map (fun case -> Parmatch.untyped_case case, case) caselist
@@ -6036,16 +6139,24 @@ and type_cases
      is to typecheck the guards and the cases, and then to check for some
      warnings that can fire in the presence of guards.
-  map_half_typed_cases category env ty_arg ty_res loc caselist ~check_if_total
+  map_half_typed_cases ?conts category env ty_arg ty_res loc caselist
+    ~check_if_total
-      fun { pc_guard; pc_rhs } pat ~ext_env ~ty_expected ~ty_infer
-          ~contains_gadt:_ ->
+      fun { pc_guard; pc_rhs } pat ~when_env ~ext_env ~cont ~ty_expected
+        ~ty_infer ~contains_gadt:_ ->
+        let cont = Option.map (fun (id,_) -> id) cont in
         let guard =
           match pc_guard with
           | None -> None
           | Some scond ->
+            (* It is crucial that the continuation is not used in the
+               `when' expression as the extent of the continuation is
+               yet to be determined. We make the continuation
+               inaccessible by typing the `when' expression using the
+               environment `ext_env' which does not bind the
+               continuation variable. *)
-              (type_expect ext_env scond
+              (type_expect when_env scond
                 (mk_expected ~explanation:When_guard Predef.type_bool))
         let exp =
@@ -6053,6 +6164,7 @@ and type_cases
           c_lhs = pat;
+          c_cont = cont;
           c_guard = guard;
           c_rhs = {exp with exp_type = ty_infer}
@@ -6091,6 +6203,33 @@ and type_function_cases_expect
     cases, partial, ty_fun
+and type_effect_cases
+    : type k . k pattern_category -> _ -> _ -> _ -> Parsetree.case list -> _
+               -> k case list
+  = fun category env ty_res_explained loc caselist conts ->
+      let { ty = ty_res; explanation = _ } = ty_res_explained in
+      let _ = newvar () in
+      (* remember original level *)
+      with_local_level begin fun () ->
+        (* Create a locally type abstract type for effect type. *)
+        let new_env, ty_arg, ty_cont =
+          let decl = Ctype.new_local_type ~loc Definition in
+          let scope = create_scope () in
+          let name = Ctype.get_new_abstract_name env "%eff" in
+          let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope name in
+          let new_env = Env.add_type ~check:false id decl env in
+          let ty_eff = newgenty (Tconstr (Path.Pident id,[],ref Mnil)) in
+          new_env,
+          Predef.type_eff ty_eff,
+          Predef.type_continuation ty_eff ty_res
+        in
+        let conts = List.map (type_continuation_pat env ty_cont) conts in
+        let cases, _ = type_cases category new_env ty_arg
+          ty_res_explained ~conts ~check_if_total:false loc caselist
+        in
+          cases
+        end
 (* Typing of let bindings *)
 and type_let ?check ?check_strict
@@ -6099,11 +6238,11 @@ and type_let ?check ?check_strict
   let attrs_list = List.map fst spatl in
   let is_recursive = (rec_flag = Recursive) in
-  let (pat_list, exp_list, new_env, mvs, _pvs) =
-    with_local_level begin fun () ->
+  let (pat_list, exp_list, new_env, mvs) =
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
       if existential_context = At_toplevel then Typetexp.TyVarEnv.reset ();
       let (pat_list, new_env, force, pvs, mvs) =
-        with_local_level_if_principal begin fun () ->
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
           let nvs = List.map (fun _ -> newvar ()) spatl in
           let (pat_list, _new_env, _force, _pvs, _mvs as res) =
@@ -6133,11 +6272,6 @@ and type_let ?check ?check_strict
-        ~post: begin fun (pat_list, _, _, pvs, _) ->
-          (* Generalize the structure *)
-          iter_pattern_variables_type generalize_structure pvs;
-          List.iter (fun pat -> generalize_structure pat.pat_type) pat_list
-        end
       (* Note [add_module_variables after checking expressions]
@@ -6174,8 +6308,7 @@ and type_let ?check ?check_strict
             match get_desc pat.pat_type with
             | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
                 let vars, ty' =
-                  with_local_level_if_principal
-                    ~post:(fun (_,ty') -> generalize_structure ty')
+                  with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
                     (fun () -> instance_poly ~keep_names:true ~fixed:true tl ty)
                 let exp =
@@ -6201,37 +6334,21 @@ and type_let ?check ?check_strict
         (List.map2 (fun (attrs, _) (e, _) -> attrs, e) spatl exp_list);
-      (pat_list, exp_list, new_env, mvs,
-       List.map (fun pv -> { pv with pv_type = instance pv.pv_type}) pvs)
+      (pat_list, exp_list, new_env, mvs)
-    ~post: begin fun (pat_list, exp_list, _, _, pvs) ->
-      List.iter2
-        (fun pat (exp, _) ->
-          if maybe_expansive exp then lower_contravariant env pat.pat_type)
-        pat_list exp_list;
-      iter_pattern_variables_type generalize pvs;
-      List.iter2
-        (fun pat (exp, vars) ->
-          match vars with
-          | None ->
-          (* We generalize expressions even if they are not bound to a variable
-             and do not have an expliclit polymorphic type annotation.  This is
-             not needed in general, however those types may be shown by the
-             interactive toplevel, for example:
-             {[
-               let _ = Array.get;;
-               - : 'a array -> int -> 'a = <fun>
-             ]}
-             so we do it anyway. *)
-              generalize exp.exp_type
-          | Some vars ->
-              if maybe_expansive exp then
-                lower_contravariant env exp.exp_type;
-              generalize_and_check_univars env "definition"
-                exp pat.pat_type vars)
+    ~before_generalize: begin fun (pat_list, exp_list, _, _) ->
+      List.iter2 (fun pat (exp, vars) ->
+        if maybe_expansive exp then begin
+          lower_contravariant env pat.pat_type;
+          if vars <> None then lower_contravariant env exp.exp_type
+        end)
         pat_list exp_list
+  List.iter2
+    (fun pat (exp, vars) ->
+      Option.iter (check_univars env "definition" exp pat.pat_type) vars)
+    pat_list exp_list;
   let l = List.combine pat_list exp_list in
   let l =
@@ -6386,7 +6503,7 @@ and type_andops env sarg sands expected_ty =
     | [] -> type_expect env let_sarg (mk_expected expected_ty), []
     | { pbop_op = sop; pbop_exp = sexp; pbop_loc = loc; _ } :: rest ->
         let op_path, op_desc, op_type, ty_arg, ty_rest, ty_result =
-          with_local_level_iter_if_principal begin fun () ->
+          with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
             let op_path, op_desc = type_binding_op_ident env sop in
             let op_type = instance op_desc.val_type in
             let ty_arg = newvar () in
@@ -6401,10 +6518,8 @@ and type_andops env sarg sands expected_ty =
             with Unify err ->
               raise(error(sop.loc, env, Andop_type_clash(sop.txt, err)))
-            ((op_path, op_desc, op_type, ty_arg, ty_rest, ty_result),
-             [ty_rest; ty_arg; ty_result])
+            (op_path, op_desc, op_type, ty_arg, ty_rest, ty_result)
-          ~post:generalize_structure
         let let_arg, rest = loop env let_sarg rest ty_rest in
         let exp = type_expect env sexp (mk_expected ty_arg) in
@@ -6530,11 +6645,11 @@ let type_let existential_ctx env rec_flag spat_sexp_list =
 let type_expression env sexp =
   let exp =
-    with_local_level begin fun () ->
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
       type_exp env sexp
-    ~post:(may_lower_contravariant_then_generalize env)
+    ~before_generalize:(may_lower_contravariant env)
   match sexp.pexp_desc with
     Pexp_ident lid ->
@@ -6554,9 +6669,12 @@ let spellcheck ppf unbound_name valid_names =
 let spellcheck_idents ppf unbound valid_idents =
   spellcheck ppf (Ident.name unbound) (List.map Ident.name valid_idents)
-open Format
+open Format_doc
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Printtyp = Printtyp.Doc
-let longident = Printtyp.longident
+let quoted_longident = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.longident
+let quoted_constr = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.constr
 (* Returns the first diff of the trace *)
 let type_clash_of_trace trace =
@@ -6565,11 +6683,49 @@ let type_clash_of_trace trace =
     | _ -> None
+(** More precise denomination for type errors. Used by messages:
+    - [This <denom> ...]
+    - [The <denom> "foo" ...] *)
+let pp_exp_denom ppf pexp =
+  let d = pp_print_string ppf in
+  let d_expression = fprintf ppf "%a expression" Style.inline_code in
+  match pexp.pexp_desc with
+  | Pexp_constant _ -> d "constant"
+  | Pexp_ident _ -> d "value"
+  | Pexp_construct _ | Pexp_variant _ -> d "constructor"
+  | Pexp_field _ -> d "field access"
+  | Pexp_send _ -> d "method call"
+  | Pexp_while _ -> d_expression "while"
+  | Pexp_for _ -> d_expression "for"
+  | Pexp_ifthenelse _ -> d_expression "if-then-else"
+  | Pexp_match _ -> d_expression "match"
+  | Pexp_try _ -> d_expression "try-with"
+  | _ -> d "expression"
+(** Implements the "This expression" message, printing the expression if it
+    should be according to {!Parsetree.Doc.nominal_exp}. *)
+let report_this_pexp_has_type denom ppf exp =
+  let denom ppf =
+    match denom, exp with
+    | Some d, _ -> fprintf ppf "%s" d
+    | None, Some exp -> pp_exp_denom ppf exp
+    | None, None -> fprintf ppf "expression"
+  in
+  let nexp = Option.bind exp Pprintast.Doc.nominal_exp in
+  match nexp with
+  | Some nexp ->
+      fprintf ppf "The %t %a has type" denom (Style.as_inline_code pp_doc) nexp
+  | _ -> fprintf ppf "This %t has type" denom
+let report_this_texp_has_type denom ppf texp =
+  report_this_pexp_has_type denom ppf (Some (Untypeast.untype_expression texp))
 (* Hint on type error on integer literals
    To avoid confusion, it is disabled on float literals
    and when the expected type is `int` *)
 let report_literal_type_constraint expected_type const =
-  let const_str = match const with
+  let const_str = match const.pconst_desc with
     | Pconst_integer (s, _) -> Some s
     | _ -> None
@@ -6584,7 +6740,7 @@ let report_literal_type_constraint expected_type const =
       Some '.'
     else None
-  let pp_const ppf (c,s) = Format.fprintf ppf "%s%c" c s in
+  let pp_const ppf (c,s) = Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s%c" c s in
   match const_str, suffix with
   | Some c, Some s -> [
@@ -6615,17 +6771,21 @@ let report_partial_application = function
 let report_expr_type_clash_hints exp diff =
   match exp with
-  | Some (Pexp_constant const) -> report_literal_type_constraint const diff
-  | Some (Pexp_apply _) -> report_partial_application diff
-  | _ -> []
+  | Some exp -> begin
+      match exp.pexp_desc with
+      | Pexp_constant const -> report_literal_type_constraint const diff
+      | Pexp_apply _ -> report_partial_application diff
+      | _ -> []
+    end
+  | None -> []
 let report_pattern_type_clash_hints pat diff =
   match pat with
   | Some (Ppat_constant const) -> report_literal_type_constraint const diff
   | _ -> []
-let report_type_expected_explanation expl ppf =
-  let because expl_str = fprintf ppf "@ because it is in %s" expl_str in
+let report_type_expected_explanation expl =
+  let because expl_str = doc_printf "@ because it is in %s" expl_str in
   match expl with
   | If_conditional ->
       because "the condition of an if-statement"
@@ -6648,25 +6808,18 @@ let report_type_expected_explanation expl ppf =
   | When_guard ->
       because "a when-guard"
-let report_type_expected_explanation_opt expl ppf =
+let report_type_expected_explanation_opt expl =
   match expl with
-  | None -> ()
-  | Some expl -> report_type_expected_explanation expl ppf
+  | None -> Format_doc.Doc.empty
+  | Some expl -> report_type_expected_explanation expl
 let report_unification_error ~loc ?sub env err
     ?type_expected_explanation txt1 txt2 =
   Location.error_of_printer ~loc ?sub (fun ppf () ->
-    Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
+    Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
       ?type_expected_explanation txt1 txt2
   ) ()
-let report_this_function ppf funct =
-  if Typedtree.exp_is_nominal funct then
-    let pexp = Untypeast.untype_expression funct in
-    Format.fprintf ppf "The function %a"
-      (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.expression) pexp
-  else Format.fprintf ppf "This function"
 let report_too_many_arg_error ~funct ~func_ty ~previous_arg_loc
     ~extra_arg_loc ~returns_unit loc =
   let open Location in
@@ -6693,39 +6846,34 @@ let report_too_many_arg_error ~funct ~func_ty ~previous_arg_loc
     msg ~loc:extra_arg_loc "This extra argument is not expected.";
   ] in
   errorf ~loc:app_loc ~sub
-    "@[<v>@[<2>%a has type@ %a@]\
+    "@[<v>@[<2>%a@ %a@]\
      @ It is applied to too many arguments@]"
-    report_this_function funct Printtyp.type_expr func_ty
+    (report_this_texp_has_type (Some "function")) funct
+    Printtyp.type_expr func_ty
+let msg = Fmt.doc_printf
 let report_error ~loc env = function
   | Constructor_arity_mismatch(lid, expected, provided) ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
        "@[The constructor %a@ expects %i argument(s),@ \
         but is applied here to %i argument(s)@]"
-       (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid expected provided
+       quoted_constr lid expected provided
   | Label_mismatch(lid, err) ->
       report_unification_error ~loc env err
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "The record field %a@ belongs to the type"
-                   (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid)
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "but is mixed here with fields of type")
+        (msg "The record field %a@ belongs to the type" quoted_longident lid)
+        (msg "but is mixed here with fields of type")
   | Pattern_type_clash (err, pat) ->
       let diff = type_clash_of_trace err.trace in
       let sub = report_pattern_type_clash_hints pat diff in
       report_unification_error ~loc ~sub env err
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "This pattern matches values of type")
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "but a pattern was expected which matches values of \
-                       type");
+        (msg "This pattern matches values of type")
+        (msg "but a pattern was expected which matches values of type");
   | Or_pattern_type_clash (id, err) ->
       report_unification_error ~loc env err
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "The variable %a on the left-hand side of this \
+        (msg "The variable %a on the left-hand side of this \
                        or-pattern has type" Style.inline_code (Ident.name id))
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "but on the right-hand side it has type")
+        (msg "but on the right-hand side it has type")
   | Multiply_bound_variable name ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "Variable %a is bound several times in this matching"
@@ -6745,10 +6893,8 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
       report_unification_error ~loc ~sub env err
           (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "This expression has type")
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "but an expression was expected of type");
+        (msg "%a" (report_this_pexp_has_type None) exp)
+        (msg "but an expression was expected of type");
   | Function_arity_type_clash {
       syntactic_arity; type_constraint; trace = { trace };
     } ->
@@ -6834,7 +6980,7 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         print_labels labels
   | Label_not_mutable lid ->
       Location.errorf ~loc "The record field %a is not mutable"
-        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+        quoted_longident lid
   | Wrong_name (eorp, ty_expected, { type_path; kind; name; valid_names; }) ->
       Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
         Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
@@ -6847,10 +6993,10 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
               (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_path) type_path;
           end else begin
             fprintf ppf
-              "@[@[<2>%s type@ %a%t@]@ \
+              "@[@[<2>%s type@ %a%a@]@ \
                There is no %s %a within type %a@]"
               eorp (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
-              (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+              pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
               (Datatype_kind.label_name kind)
               Style.inline_code name.txt
               (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_path) type_path;
@@ -6860,19 +7006,19 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
   | Name_type_mismatch (kind, lid, tp, tpl) ->
       let type_name = Datatype_kind.type_name kind in
       let name = Datatype_kind.label_name kind in
+      let pr = match kind with
+        | Datatype_kind.Record -> quoted_longident
+        | Datatype_kind.Variant -> quoted_constr
+      in
       Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
-        Printtyp.report_ambiguous_type_error ppf env tp tpl
-          (function ppf ->
-             fprintf ppf "The %s %a@ belongs to the %s type"
-               name (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
-              type_name)
-          (function ppf ->
-             fprintf ppf "The %s %a@ belongs to one of the following %s types:"
-               name (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid type_name)
-          (function ppf ->
-             fprintf ppf "but a %s was expected belonging to the %s type"
+        Errortrace_report.ambiguous_type ppf env tp tpl
+          (msg "The %s %a@ belongs to the %s type"
+               name pr lid type_name)
+          (msg "The %s %a@ belongs to one of the following %s types:"
+               name pr lid type_name)
+          (msg "but a %s was expected belonging to the %s type"
                name type_name)
-      ) ()
+        ) ()
   | Invalid_format msg ->
       Location.errorf ~loc "%s" msg
   | Not_an_object (ty, explanation) ->
@@ -6880,7 +7026,7 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
       fprintf ppf "This expression is not an object;@ \
                    it has type %a"
         (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty;
-      report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation ppf
+      pp_doc ppf @@ report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation
     ) ()
   | Undefined_method (ty, me, valid_methods) ->
       Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
@@ -6902,7 +7048,7 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
       ) ()
   | Virtual_class cl ->
       Location.errorf ~loc "Cannot instantiate the virtual class %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code longident) cl
+        quoted_longident cl
   | Unbound_instance_variable (var, valid_vars) ->
       Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
         fprintf ppf "Unbound instance variable %a" Style.inline_code var;
@@ -6913,7 +7059,7 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         Style.inline_code v
   | Not_subtype err ->
       Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
-        Printtyp.Subtype.report_error ppf env err "is not a subtype of"
+        Errortrace_report.subtype ppf env err "is not a subtype of"
       ) ()
   | Outside_class ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
@@ -6924,14 +7070,15 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         Style.inline_code v
   | Coercion_failure (ty_exp, err, b) ->
       Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
-        Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-          (function ppf ->
-             let ty_exp = Printtyp.prepare_expansion ty_exp in
-             fprintf ppf "This expression cannot be coerced to type@;<1 2>%a;@ \
-                          it has type"
-             (Style.as_inline_code @@ Printtyp.type_expansion Type) ty_exp)
-          (function ppf ->
-             fprintf ppf "but is here used with type");
+          let intro =
+            let ty_exp = Out_type.prepare_expansion ty_exp in
+            doc_printf "This expression cannot be coerced to type@;<1 2>%a;@ \
+                        it has type"
+              (Style.as_inline_code @@ Printtyp.type_expansion Type) ty_exp
+          in
+        Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+          intro
+          (Fmt.doc_printf "but is here used with type");
         if b then
           fprintf ppf
             ".@.@[<hov>This simple coercion was not fully general.@ \
@@ -6942,15 +7089,15 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
   | Not_a_function (ty, explanation) ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "This expression should not be a function,@ \
-         the expected type is@ %a%t"
+         the expected type is@ %a%a"
         (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
-        (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+        pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
   | Too_many_arguments (ty, explanation) ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "This function expects too many arguments,@ \
-         it should have type@ %a%t"
+         it should have type@ %a%a"
         (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
-        (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+        pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
   | Abstract_wrong_label {got; expected; expected_type; explanation} ->
       let label ~long ppf = function
         | Nolabel -> fprintf ppf "unlabeled"
@@ -6965,10 +7112,10 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         | _                       -> false
       Location.errorf ~loc
-        "@[<v>@[<2>This function should have type@ %a%t@]@,\
+        "@[<v>@[<2>This function should have type@ %a%a@]@,\
          @[but its first argument is %a@ instead of %s%a@]@]"
         (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) expected_type
-        (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+        pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
         (label ~long:true) got
         (if second_long then "being " else "")
         (label ~long:second_long) expected
@@ -6984,7 +7131,7 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
   | Private_label (lid, ty) ->
       Location.errorf ~loc "Cannot assign field %a of the private type %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+        quoted_longident lid
         (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
   | Private_constructor (constr, ty) ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
@@ -6993,7 +7140,7 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
   | Not_a_polymorphic_variant_type lid ->
       Location.errorf ~loc "The type %a@ is not a variant type"
-        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+        quoted_longident lid
   | Incoherent_label_order ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "This function is applied to arguments@ \
@@ -7001,8 +7148,8 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         This is only allowed when the real type is known."
   | Less_general (kind, err) ->
       report_unification_error ~loc env err
-        (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "This %s has type" kind)
-        (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "which is less general than")
+        (Fmt.doc_printf "This %s has type" kind)
+        (Fmt.doc_printf "which is less general than")
   | Modules_not_allowed ->
       Location.errorf ~loc "Modules are not allowed in this pattern."
   | Cannot_infer_signature ->
@@ -7054,6 +7201,12 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "@[Mixing value and exception patterns under when-guards is not \
+  | Effect_pattern_below_toplevel ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Effect patterns must be at the top level of a match case.@]"
+  | Invalid_continuation_pattern ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Invalid continuation pattern: only variables and _ are allowed .@]"
   | Inlined_record_escape ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "@[This form is not allowed as the type of the inlined record could \
@@ -7066,7 +7219,7 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         "@[%s@ %s@ @[%a@]@]"
         "This match case could not be refuted."
         "Here is an example of a value that would reach it:"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printpat.pretty_val) pat
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printpat.top_pretty) pat
   | Invalid_extension_constructor_payload ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "Invalid %a payload, a constructor is expected."
@@ -7096,22 +7249,16 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         "This kind of recursive class expression is not allowed"
   | Letop_type_clash(name, err) ->
       report_unification_error ~loc env err
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "The operator %a has type" Style.inline_code name)
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "but it was expected to have type")
+        (msg "The operator %a has type" Style.inline_code name)
+        (msg "but it was expected to have type")
   | Andop_type_clash(name, err) ->
       report_unification_error ~loc env err
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "The operator %a has type" Style.inline_code name)
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "but it was expected to have type")
+        (msg "The operator %a has type" Style.inline_code name)
+        (msg "but it was expected to have type")
   | Bindings_type_clash(err) ->
       report_unification_error ~loc env err
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "These bindings have type")
-        (function ppf ->
-          fprintf ppf "but bindings were expected of type")
+        (Fmt.doc_printf "These bindings have type")
+        (Fmt.doc_printf  "but bindings were expected of type")
   | Unbound_existential (ids, ty) ->
       let pp_ident ppf id = pp_print_string ppf (Ident.name id) in
       let pp_type ppf (ids,ty)=
@@ -7123,6 +7270,20 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
         "@[<2>%s:@ %a@]"
         "This type does not bind all existentials in the constructor"
         (Style.as_inline_code pp_type) (ids, ty)
+  | Bind_existential (reason, id, ty) ->
+      let reason1, reason2 = match reason with
+      | Bind_already_bound -> "the name", "that is already bound"
+      | Bind_not_in_scope -> "the name", "that was defined before"
+      | Bind_non_locally_abstract -> "the type",
+          "that is not a locally abstract type"
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[<hov0>The local name@ %a@ %s@ %s.@ %s@ %s@ %a@ %s.@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.ident) id
+        "can only be given to an existential variable"
+        "introduced by this GADT constructor"
+        "The type annotation tries to bind it to"
+        reason1 (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty reason2
   | Missing_type_constraint ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "@[%s@ %s@]"
@@ -7144,9 +7305,9 @@ let report_error ~loc env = function
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "This %s should not be a %s,@ \
-         the expected type is@ %a%t"
+         the expected type is@ %a%a"
         ctx sort (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
-        (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+        pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
   | Expr_not_a_record_type ty ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "This expression has type %a@ \
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typecore.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/typecore.mli
index ae47ac4a89..6211689305 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typecore.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typecore.mli
@@ -49,12 +49,17 @@ type type_expected = private {
 (* Variables in patterns *)
+type pattern_variable_kind =
+  | Std_var
+  | As_var
+  | Continuation_var
 type pattern_variable =
     pv_id: Ident.t;
     pv_type: type_expr;
     pv_loc: Location.t;
-    pv_as_var: bool;
+    pv_kind: pattern_variable_kind;
     pv_attributes: Typedtree.attributes;
     pv_uid : Uid.t;
@@ -134,7 +139,6 @@ val option_some: Env.t -> Typedtree.expression -> Typedtree.expression
 val option_none: Env.t -> type_expr -> Location.t -> Typedtree.expression
 val extract_option_type: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
 val generalizable: int -> type_expr -> bool
-val generalize_structure_exp: Typedtree.expression -> unit
 type delayed_check
 val delayed_checks: delayed_check list ref
 val reset_delayed_checks: unit -> unit
@@ -145,6 +149,11 @@ val name_cases : string -> Typedtree.value Typedtree.case list -> Ident.t
 val self_coercion : (Path.t * Location.t list ref) list ref
+type existential_binding =
+  | Bind_already_bound
+  | Bind_not_in_scope
+  | Bind_non_locally_abstract
 type error =
   | Constructor_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
   | Label_mismatch of Longident.t * Errortrace.unification_error
@@ -156,7 +165,7 @@ type error =
   | Orpat_vars of Ident.t * Ident.t list
   | Expr_type_clash of
       Errortrace.unification_error * type_forcing_context option
-      * Parsetree.expression_desc option
+      * Parsetree.expression option
   | Function_arity_type_clash of
       { syntactic_arity :  int;
         type_constraint : type_expr;
@@ -212,6 +221,8 @@ type error =
   | No_value_clauses
   | Exception_pattern_disallowed
   | Mixed_value_and_exception_patterns_under_guard
+  | Effect_pattern_below_toplevel
+  | Invalid_continuation_pattern
   | Inlined_record_escape
   | Inlined_record_expected
   | Unrefuted_pattern of Typedtree.pattern
@@ -226,6 +237,7 @@ type error =
   | Andop_type_clash of string * Errortrace.unification_error
   | Bindings_type_clash of Errortrace.unification_error
   | Unbound_existential of Ident.t list * type_expr
+  | Bind_existential of existential_binding * Ident.t * type_expr
   | Missing_type_constraint
   | Wrong_expected_kind of wrong_kind_sort * wrong_kind_context * type_expr
   | Expr_not_a_record_type of type_expr
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl.ml
index 626cd35fb5..0610c65076 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl.ml
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let enter_type ?abstract_abbrevs rec_flag env sdecl (id, uid) =
   let abstract_source, type_manifest =
     match sdecl.ptype_manifest, abstract_abbrevs with
     | None, _             -> Definition, None
-    | Some _, None        -> Definition, Some (Btype.newgenvar ())
+    | Some _, None        -> Definition, Some (Ctype.newvar ())
     | Some _, Some reason -> reason, None
   let decl =
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ let transl_labels env univars closed lbls =
          let cty = transl_simple_type env ?univars ~closed arg in
          {ld_id = Ident.create_local name.txt;
           ld_name = name;
-          ld_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+          ld_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
           ld_mutable = mut;
           ld_type = cty; ld_loc = loc; ld_attributes = attrs}
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ let make_constructor env loc type_path type_params svars sargs sret_type =
       (* narrow and widen are now invoked through wrap_type_variable_scope *)
       TyVarEnv.with_local_scope begin fun () ->
       let closed = svars <> [] in
-      let targs, tret_type, args, ret_type, _univars =
-        Ctype.with_local_level_if closed begin fun () ->
+      let targs, tret_type, args, ret_type, univars =
+        Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_if closed begin fun () ->
           TyVarEnv.reset ();
           let univar_list =
             TyVarEnv.make_poly_univars (List.map (fun v -> v.txt) svars) in
@@ -309,15 +309,13 @@ let make_constructor env loc type_path type_params svars sargs sret_type =
           (targs, tret_type, args, ret_type, univar_list)
-        ~post: begin fun (_, _, args, ret_type, univars) ->
-          Btype.iter_type_expr_cstr_args Ctype.generalize args;
-          Ctype.generalize ret_type;
-          let _vars = TyVarEnv.instance_poly_univars env loc univars in
-          let set_level t = Ctype.enforce_current_level env t in
-          Btype.iter_type_expr_cstr_args set_level args;
-          set_level ret_type;
-        end
+      if closed then begin
+        ignore (TyVarEnv.instance_poly_univars env loc univars);
+        let set_level t = Ctype.enforce_current_level env t in
+        Btype.iter_type_expr_cstr_args set_level args;
+        set_level ret_type
+      end;
       targs, Some tret_type, args, Some ret_type
@@ -344,7 +342,6 @@ let shape_map_cstrs =
 let transl_declaration env sdecl (id, uid) =
   (* Bind type parameters *)
-  Ctype.with_local_level begin fun () ->
   let tparams = make_params env sdecl.ptype_params in
   let params = List.map (fun (cty, _) -> cty.ctyp_type) tparams in
@@ -428,7 +425,7 @@ let transl_declaration env sdecl (id, uid) =
           let tcstr =
             { cd_id = name;
               cd_name = scstr.pcd_name;
-              cd_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+              cd_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
               cd_vars = scstr.pcd_vars;
               cd_args = targs;
               cd_res = tret_type;
@@ -463,6 +460,7 @@ let transl_declaration env sdecl (id, uid) =
           Ttype_record lbls, Type_record(lbls', rep)
       | Ptype_open -> Ttype_open, Type_open
+  begin
     let (tman, man) = match sdecl.ptype_manifest with
         None -> None, None
       | Some sty ->
@@ -529,16 +527,6 @@ let transl_declaration env sdecl (id, uid) =
     decl, typ_shape
-(* Generalize a type declaration *)
-let generalize_decl decl =
-  List.iter Ctype.generalize decl.type_params;
-  Btype.iter_type_expr_kind Ctype.generalize decl.type_kind;
-  begin match decl.type_manifest with
-  | None    -> ()
-  | Some ty -> Ctype.generalize ty
-  end
 (* Check that all constraints are enforced *)
 module TypeSet = Btype.TypeSet
@@ -662,13 +650,21 @@ let check_coherence env loc dpath decl =
                 | exception Ctype.Equality err ->
                     Some (Includecore.Constraint err)
                 | () ->
+                    let subst =
+                      Subst.Unsafe.add_type_path dpath path Subst.identity in
+                    let decl =
+                      match Subst.Unsafe.type_declaration subst decl with
+                      | Ok decl -> decl
+                      | Error (Fcm_type_substituted_away _) ->
+                           (* no module type substitution in [subst] *)
+                          assert false
+                    in
                     Includecore.type_declarations ~loc ~equality:true env
                       (Path.last path)
-                      (Subst.type_declaration
-                         (Subst.add_type_path dpath path Subst.identity) decl)
+                      decl
             if err <> None then
@@ -906,11 +902,8 @@ let check_well_founded_decl  ~abs_env env loc path decl to_check =
   let open Btype in
   (* We iterate on all subexpressions of the declaration to check
      "in depth" that no ill-founded type exists. *)
-  let it =
-    let checked =
-      (* [checked] remembers the types that the iterator already
-         checked, to avoid looping on cyclic types. *)
-      ref TypeSet.empty in
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let super = type_iterators mark in
     let visited =
       (* [visited] remembers the inner visits performed by
          [check_well_founded] on each type expression reachable from
@@ -918,14 +911,14 @@ let check_well_founded_decl  ~abs_env env loc path decl to_check =
          [check_well_founded] work when invoked on two parts of the
          type declaration that have common subexpressions. *)
       ref TypeMap.empty in
-    {type_iterators with it_type_expr =
-     (fun self ty ->
-       if TypeSet.mem ty !checked then () else begin
-         check_well_founded  ~abs_env env loc path to_check visited ty;
-         checked := TypeSet.add ty !checked;
-         self.it_do_type_expr self ty
-       end)} in
-  it.it_type_declaration it (Ctype.generic_instance_declaration decl)
+    let it =
+      {super with it_do_type_expr =
+       (fun self ty ->
+         check_well_founded ~abs_env env loc path to_check visited ty;
+         super.it_do_type_expr self ty
+       )} in
+    it.it_type_declaration it (Ctype.generic_instance_declaration decl)
+  end
 (* Check for non-regular abbreviations; an abbreviation
    [type 'a t = ...] is non-regular if the expansion of [...]
@@ -1046,10 +1039,10 @@ let name_recursion sdecl id decl =
   | { type_kind = Type_abstract _;
       type_manifest = Some ty;
       type_private = Private; } when is_fixed_type sdecl ->
-    let ty' = newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) (get_desc ty) in
+    let ty' = Btype.newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) (get_desc ty) in
     if Ctype.deep_occur ty ty' then
       let td = Tconstr(Path.Pident id, decl.type_params, ref Mnil) in
-      link_type ty (newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) td);
+      link_type ty (Btype.newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) td);
       {decl with type_manifest = Some ty'}
     else decl
   | _ -> decl
@@ -1072,6 +1065,23 @@ let check_redefined_unit (td: Parsetree.type_declaration) =
   | _ ->
+(* Update a temporary definition to share recursion *)
+let update_type temp_env env id loc =
+  let path = Path.Pident id in
+  let decl = Env.find_type path temp_env in
+  match decl.type_manifest with None -> ()
+  | Some ty ->
+      (* Since this function is called after generalizing declarations,
+         ty is at the generic level.  Since we need to keep possible
+         sharings in recursive type definitions, unify without instantiating,
+         but generalize again after unification. *)
+      Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+        let params = List.map (fun _ -> Ctype.newvar ()) decl.type_params in
+        try Ctype.unify env (Ctype.newconstr path params) ty
+        with Ctype.Unify err ->
+          raise (Error(loc, Type_clash (env, err)))
+      end
 let add_types_to_env decls shapes env =
     (fun (id, decl) shape env ->
@@ -1104,14 +1114,14 @@ let transl_type_decl env rec_flag sdecl_list =
   let ids_list =
     List.map (fun sdecl ->
       Ident.create_scoped ~scope sdecl.ptype_name.txt,
-      Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ())
+      Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ())
     ) sdecl_list
   (* Translate declarations, using a temporary environment where abbreviations
      expand to a generic type variable. After that, we check the coherence of
      the translated declarations in the resulting new environment. *)
-  let tdecls, decls, shapes, new_env =
-    Ctype.with_local_level_iter ~post:generalize_decl begin fun () ->
+  let tdecls, decls, shapes, temp_env, new_env =
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
       (* Enter types. *)
       let temp_env =
         List.fold_left2 (enter_type rec_flag) env sdecl_list ids_list in
@@ -1157,7 +1167,7 @@ let transl_type_decl env rec_flag sdecl_list =
       check_duplicates sdecl_list;
       (* Build the final env. *)
       let new_env = add_types_to_env decls shapes env in
-      ((tdecls, decls, shapes, new_env), List.map snd decls)
+      (tdecls, decls, shapes, temp_env, new_env)
   (* Check for ill-formed abbrevs *)
@@ -1187,6 +1197,15 @@ let transl_type_decl env rec_flag sdecl_list =
   List.iter (fun (tdecl, _shape) ->
     check_abbrev_regularity ~abs_env new_env id_loc_list to_check tdecl)
+  (* Update temporary definitions (for well-founded recursive types) *)
+  begin match rec_flag with
+  | Asttypes.Nonrecursive -> ()
+  | Asttypes.Recursive ->
+      List.iter2
+        (fun (id, _) sdecl ->
+          update_type temp_env new_env id sdecl.ptype_loc)
+        ids_list sdecl_list
+  end;
   (* Check that all type variables are closed *)
     (fun sdecl (tdecl, _shape) ->
@@ -1335,7 +1354,7 @@ let transl_extension_constructor ~scope env type_path type_params
       ext_private = priv;
       Types.ext_loc = sext.pext_loc;
       Types.ext_attributes = sext.pext_attributes;
-      ext_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+      ext_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
   let ext_cstrs =
@@ -1415,7 +1434,7 @@ let transl_type_extension extend env loc styext =
     (* Note: it would be incorrect to call [create_scope] *after*
        [TyVarEnv.reset] or after [with_local_level] (see #10010). *)
     let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
-    Ctype.with_local_level begin fun () ->
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
       let ttype_params = make_params env styext.ptyext_params in
       let type_params = List.map (fun (cty, _) -> cty.ctyp_type) ttype_params in
@@ -1429,15 +1448,6 @@ let transl_type_extension extend env loc styext =
       (ttype_params, type_params, constructors)
-    ~post: begin fun (_, type_params, constructors) ->
-      (* Generalize types *)
-      List.iter Ctype.generalize type_params;
-      List.iter
-        (fun (ext, _shape) ->
-          Btype.iter_type_expr_cstr_args Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_args;
-          Option.iter Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_ret_type)
-        constructors;
-    end
   (* Check that all type variables are closed *)
@@ -1487,15 +1497,11 @@ let transl_type_extension extend env loc styext =
 let transl_exception env sext =
   let ext, shape =
     let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
-    Ctype.with_local_level
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize
       (fun () ->
         transl_extension_constructor ~scope env
           Predef.path_exn [] [] Asttypes.Public sext)
-      ~post: begin fun (ext, _shape) ->
-        Btype.iter_type_expr_cstr_args Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_args;
-        Option.iter Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_ret_type;
-      end
   (* Check that all type variables are closed *)
   begin match Ctype.closed_extension_constructor ext.ext_type with
@@ -1635,7 +1641,7 @@ let transl_value_decl env loc valdecl =
     [] when Env.is_in_signature env ->
       { val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_reg; Types.val_loc = loc;
         val_attributes = valdecl.pval_attributes;
-        val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+        val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
   | [] ->
       raise (Error(valdecl.pval_loc, Val_in_structure))
@@ -1667,7 +1673,7 @@ let transl_value_decl env loc valdecl =
       check_unboxable env loc ty;
       { val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_prim prim; Types.val_loc = loc;
         val_attributes = valdecl.pval_attributes;
-        val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+        val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
   let (id, newenv) =
@@ -1705,7 +1711,7 @@ let transl_value_decl env loc valdecl =
 let transl_with_constraint id ?fixed_row_path ~sig_env ~sig_decl ~outer_env
     sdecl =
   Env.mark_type_used sig_decl.type_uid;
-  Ctype.with_local_level begin fun () ->
+  Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
   (* In the first part of this function, we typecheck the syntactic
      declaration [sdecl] in the outer environment [outer_env]. *)
@@ -1783,7 +1789,7 @@ let transl_with_constraint id ?fixed_row_path ~sig_env ~sig_decl ~outer_env
       type_attributes = sdecl.ptype_attributes;
       type_immediate = Unknown;
-      type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+      type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
   Option.iter (fun p -> set_private_row env sdecl.ptype_loc p new_sig_decl)
@@ -1840,7 +1846,6 @@ let transl_with_constraint id ?fixed_row_path ~sig_env ~sig_decl ~outer_env
     typ_attributes = sdecl.ptype_attributes;
-  ~post:(fun ttyp -> generalize_decl ttyp.typ_type)
 (* A simplified version of [transl_with_constraint], for the case of packages.
    Package constraints are much simpler than normal with type constraints (e.g.,
@@ -1860,7 +1865,7 @@ let transl_package_constraint ~loc env ty =
       type_attributes = [];
       type_immediate = Unknown;
       type_unboxed_default = false;
-      type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ())
+      type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ())
   let new_type_immediate =
@@ -1874,7 +1879,7 @@ let transl_package_constraint ~loc env ty =
 let abstract_type_decl ~injective arity =
   let rec make_params n =
     if n <= 0 then [] else Ctype.newvar() :: make_params (n-1) in
-  Ctype.with_local_level ~post:generalize_decl begin fun () ->
+  Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
     { type_params = make_params arity;
       type_arity = arity;
       type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
@@ -1917,7 +1922,7 @@ let check_recmod_typedecl env loc recmod_ids path decl =
 (**** Error report ****)
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 module Style = Misc.Style
 let explain_unbound_gen ppf tv tl typ kwd pr =
@@ -1925,18 +1930,17 @@ let explain_unbound_gen ppf tv tl typ kwd pr =
     let ti = List.find (fun ti -> Ctype.deep_occur tv (typ ti)) tl in
     let ty0 = (* Hack to force aliasing when needed *)
       Btype.newgenty (Tobject(tv, ref None)) in
-    Printtyp.prepare_for_printing [typ ti; ty0];
+    Out_type.prepare_for_printing [typ ti; ty0];
     fprintf ppf
       ".@ @[<hov2>In %s@ %a@;<1 -2>the variable %a is unbound@]"
       kwd (Style.as_inline_code pr) ti
-      (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_type_expr) tv
-      (* kwd pr ti Printtyp.prepared_type_expr tv *)
+      (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) tv
   with Not_found -> ()
 let explain_unbound ppf tv tl typ kwd lab =
   explain_unbound_gen ppf tv tl typ kwd
     (fun ppf ti ->
-       fprintf ppf "%s%a" (lab ti) Printtyp.prepared_type_expr (typ ti)
+       fprintf ppf "%s%a" (lab ti) Out_type.prepared_type_expr (typ ti)
 let explain_unbound_single ppf tv ty =
@@ -1978,7 +1982,7 @@ module Reaching_path = struct
       | [] -> []
     in simplify path
-  (* See Printtyp.add_type_to_preparation.
+  (* See Out_type.add_type_to_preparation.
      Note: it is better to call this after [simplify], otherwise some
      type variable names may be used for types that are removed
@@ -1987,29 +1991,33 @@ module Reaching_path = struct
   let add_to_preparation path =
     List.iter (function
       | Contains (ty1, ty2) | Expands_to (ty1, ty2) ->
-          List.iter Printtyp.add_type_to_preparation [ty1; ty2]
+          List.iter Out_type.add_type_to_preparation [ty1; ty2]
     ) path
+  module Fmt = Format_doc
   let pp ppf reaching_path =
     let pp_step ppf = function
       | Expands_to (ty, body) ->
-          Format.fprintf ppf "%a = %a"
-            (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_type_expr) ty
-            (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_type_expr) body
+          Fmt.fprintf ppf "%a = %a"
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) ty
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) body
       | Contains (outer, inner) ->
-          Format.fprintf ppf "%a contains %a"
-            (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_type_expr) outer
-            (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_type_expr) inner
+          Fmt.fprintf ppf "%a contains %a"
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) outer
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) inner
-    let comma ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf ",@ " in
-    Format.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma pp_step) ppf reaching_path
+    Fmt.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma) pp_step ppf reaching_path
   let pp_colon ppf path =
-  Format.fprintf ppf ":@;<1 2>@[<v>%a@]"
-    pp path
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf ":@;<1 2>@[<v>%a@]" pp path
-let report_error ppf = function
+let quoted_out_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf ty
+let quoted_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.type_expr ppf ty
+let quoted_constr = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.constr
+let report_error_doc ppf = function
   | Repeated_parameter ->
       fprintf ppf "A type parameter occurs several times"
   | Duplicate_constructor s ->
@@ -2023,7 +2031,7 @@ let report_error ppf = function
   | Recursive_abbrev (s, env, reaching_path) ->
       let reaching_path = Reaching_path.simplify reaching_path in
       Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env @@ fun () ->
-      Printtyp.reset ();
+      Out_type.reset ();
       Reaching_path.add_to_preparation reaching_path;
       fprintf ppf "@[<v>The type abbreviation %a is cyclic%a@]"
         Style.inline_code s
@@ -2031,7 +2039,7 @@ let report_error ppf = function
   | Cycle_in_def (s, env, reaching_path) ->
       let reaching_path = Reaching_path.simplify reaching_path in
       Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env @@ fun () ->
-      Printtyp.reset ();
+      Out_type.reset ();
       Reaching_path.add_to_preparation reaching_path;
       fprintf ppf "@[<v>The definition of %a contains a cycle%a@]"
         Style.inline_code s
@@ -2039,24 +2047,24 @@ let report_error ppf = function
   | Definition_mismatch (ty, _env, None) ->
       fprintf ppf "@[<v>@[<hov>%s@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]@]"
         "This variant or record definition" "does not match that of type"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        quoted_type ty
   | Definition_mismatch (ty, env, Some err) ->
       fprintf ppf "@[<v>@[<hov>%s@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a@]"
         "This variant or record definition" "does not match that of type"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        quoted_type ty
            "the original" "this" "definition" env)
   | Constraint_failed (env, err) ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
       fprintf ppf "@[<v>Constraints are not satisfied in this type.@ ";
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-        (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "Type")
-        (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "should be an instance of");
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "Type")
+        (msg "should be an instance of");
       fprintf ppf "@]"
   | Non_regular { definition; used_as; defined_as; reaching_path } ->
       let reaching_path = Reaching_path.simplify reaching_path in
-      let pp_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf ty in
-      Printtyp.prepare_for_printing [used_as; defined_as];
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing [used_as; defined_as];
       Reaching_path.add_to_preparation reaching_path;
       fprintf ppf
         "@[<hv>This recursive type is not regular.@ \
@@ -2065,8 +2073,8 @@ let report_error ppf = function
          All uses need to match the definition for the recursive type \
          to be regular.@]"
         Style.inline_code (Path.name definition)
-        pp_type (Printtyp.tree_of_typexp Type defined_as)
-        pp_type (Printtyp.tree_of_typexp Type used_as)
+        quoted_out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type defined_as)
+        quoted_out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type used_as)
         (fun pp ->
            let is_expansion = function Expands_to _ -> true | _ -> false in
            if List.exists is_expansion reaching_path then
@@ -2074,17 +2082,17 @@ let report_error ppf = function
              Reaching_path.pp_colon reaching_path
            else fprintf pp ".@ ")
   | Inconsistent_constraint (env, err) ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
       fprintf ppf "@[<v>The type constraints are not consistent.@ ";
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-        (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "Type")
-        (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "is not compatible with type");
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "Type")
+        (msg "is not compatible with type");
       fprintf ppf "@]"
   | Type_clash (env, err) ->
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "This type constructor expands to type")
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "but is used here with type")
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "This type constructor expands to type")
+        (msg "but is used here with type")
   | Null_arity_external ->
       fprintf ppf "External identifiers must be functions"
   | Missing_native_external ->
@@ -2101,8 +2109,8 @@ let report_error ppf = function
             "case" (fun ppf c ->
               fprintf ppf
-                "%a of %a" Printtyp.ident c.Types.cd_id
-                Printtyp.constructor_arguments c.Types.cd_args)
+                "%a of %a" Printtyp.Doc.ident c.Types.cd_id
+                Printtyp.Doc.constructor_arguments c.Types.cd_args)
       | Type_record (tl, _), _ ->
           explain_unbound ppf ty tl (fun l -> l.Types.ld_type)
             "field" (fun l -> Ident.name l.Types.ld_id ^ ": ")
@@ -2119,11 +2127,11 @@ let report_error ppf = function
   | Cannot_extend_private_type path ->
       fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@]"
         "Cannot extend private type definition"
-        Printtyp.path path
+        Printtyp.Doc.path path
   | Not_extensible_type path ->
       fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@]"
         "Type definition"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) path
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path) path
         "is not extensible"
   | Extension_mismatch (path, env, err) ->
       fprintf ppf "@[<v>@[<hov>%s@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a@]"
@@ -2133,24 +2141,23 @@ let report_error ppf = function
            "the type" "this extension" "definition" env)
   | Rebind_wrong_type (lid, env, err) ->
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf env err
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "The constructor %a@ has type"
-             (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) lid)
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "but was expected to be of type")
+      let msg = Format_doc.doc_printf in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "The constructor %a@ has type"
+             quoted_constr lid)
+        (msg "but was expected to be of type")
   | Rebind_mismatch (lid, p, p') ->
       fprintf ppf
         "@[%s@ %a@ %s@ %a@ %s@ %s@ %a@]"
         "The constructor"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) lid
+        quoted_constr lid
         "extends type" Style.inline_code (Path.name p)
         "whose declaration does not match"
         "the declaration of type" Style.inline_code (Path.name p')
   | Rebind_private lid ->
       fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@]"
         "The constructor"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) lid
+        quoted_constr lid
         "is private"
   | Variance (Typedecl_variance.Bad_variance (n, v1, v2)) ->
       let variance (p,n,i) =
@@ -2163,44 +2170,44 @@ let report_error ppf = function
       (match n with
        | Variance_variable_error { error; variable; context } ->
-           Printtyp.prepare_for_printing [ variable ];
+           Out_type.prepare_for_printing [ variable ];
            begin match context with
            | Type_declaration (id, decl) ->
-               Printtyp.add_type_declaration_to_preparation id decl;
+               Out_type.add_type_declaration_to_preparation id decl;
                fprintf ppf "@[<v>%s@;<1 2>%a@;"
                  "In the definition"
-                 (Style.as_inline_code @@ Printtyp.prepared_type_declaration id)
+                 (Style.as_inline_code @@ Out_type.prepared_type_declaration id)
            | Gadt_constructor c ->
-               Printtyp.add_constructor_to_preparation c;
+               Out_type.add_constructor_to_preparation c;
                fprintf ppf "@[<v>%s@;<1 2>%a@;"
                  "In the GADT constructor"
-                 (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_constructor)
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_constructor)
            | Extension_constructor (id, e) ->
-               Printtyp.add_extension_constructor_to_preparation e;
+               Out_type.add_extension_constructor_to_preparation e;
                fprintf ppf "@[<v>%s@;<1 2>%a@;"
                  "In the extension constructor"
-                 (Printtyp.prepared_extension_constructor id)
+                 (Out_type.prepared_extension_constructor id)
            begin match error with
            | Variance_not_reflected ->
                fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@ %s@ It"
                  "the type variable"
-                 (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_type_expr) variable
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) variable
                  "has a variance that"
                  "is not reflected by its occurrence in type parameters."
            | No_variable ->
                fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@ %s@]@]"
                  "the type variable"
-                 (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_type_expr) variable
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) variable
                  "cannot be deduced"
                  "from the type parameters."
            | Variance_not_deducible ->
                fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@ %s@ It"
                  "the type variable"
-                 (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.prepared_type_expr) variable
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) variable
                  "has a variance that"
                  "cannot be deduced from the type parameters."
@@ -2216,7 +2223,7 @@ let report_error ppf = function
              (variance v2) (variance v1))
   | Unavailable_type_constructor p ->
       fprintf ppf "The definition of type %a@ is unavailable"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) p
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path) p
   | Variance Typedecl_variance.Varying_anonymous ->
       fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %s@ %s@]"
         "In this GADT definition," "the variance of some parameter"
@@ -2268,7 +2275,7 @@ let report_error ppf = function
             fprintf ppf "an unnamed existential variable"
         | Some str ->
             fprintf ppf "the existential variable %a"
-              (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.tyvar) str in
+              (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.tyvar) str in
       fprintf ppf "@[This type cannot be unboxed because@ \
                    it might contain both float and non-float values,@ \
                    depending on the instantiation of %a.@ \
@@ -2282,22 +2289,24 @@ let report_error ppf = function
         "@[GADT case syntax cannot be used in a %a block.@]"
         Style.inline_code "nonrec"
   | Invalid_private_row_declaration ty ->
-      let pp_private ppf ty = fprintf ppf "private %a" Printtyp.type_expr ty in
-      Format.fprintf ppf
+      let pp_private ppf ty = fprintf ppf "private %a" Printtyp.Doc.type_expr ty in
+      fprintf ppf
         "@[<hv>This private row type declaration is invalid.@ \
          The type expression on the right-hand side reduces to@;<1 2>%a@ \
          which does not have a free row type variable.@]@,\
          @[<hv>@[@{<hint>Hint@}: If you intended to define a private \
          type abbreviation,@ \
          write explicitly@]@;<1 2>%a@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.type_expr) ty
         (Style.as_inline_code pp_private) ty
 let () =
       | Error (loc, err) ->
-        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error err)
+        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error_doc err)
       | _ ->
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl.mli
index 52a3197f74..38c00487ed 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl.mli
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
 (* Typing of type definitions and primitive definitions *)
 open Types
-open Format
 val transl_type_decl:
     Env.t -> Asttypes.rec_flag -> Parsetree.type_declaration list ->
     Typedtree.type_declaration list * Env.t * Shape.t list
@@ -111,4 +109,5 @@ type error =
 exception Error of Location.t * error
-val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl_separability.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl_separability.ml
index c8f2f3b171..d1417effaf 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl_separability.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typedecl_separability.ml
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ let structure : type_definition -> type_structure = fun def ->
   | Type_abstract _ ->
       begin match def.type_manifest with
       | None -> Abstract
-      | Some type_expr -> Synonym type_expr
+      | Some type_expr ->
+        if Msupport.erroneous_type_check type_expr then Abstract else
+        Synonym type_expr
   | ( Type_record ([{ld_type = ty; _}], Record_unboxed _)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typedtree.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/typedtree.ml
index 4080b14606..792b04cd54 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typedtree.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typedtree.ml
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ and expression_desc =
   | Texp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
   | Texp_function of function_param list * function_body
   | Texp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression option) list
-  | Texp_match of expression * computation case list * partial
-  | Texp_try of expression * value case list
+  | Texp_match of expression * computation case list * value case list * partial
+  | Texp_try of expression * value case list * value case list
   | Texp_tuple of expression list
   | Texp_construct of
       Longident.t loc * constructor_description * expression list
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ and meth =
 and 'k case =
      c_lhs: 'k general_pattern;
+     c_cont: Ident.t option;
      c_guard: expression option;
      c_rhs: expression;
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typedtree.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/typedtree.mli
index be0732c8ca..26d39471c8 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typedtree.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typedtree.mli
@@ -217,17 +217,22 @@ and expression_desc =
                          (Labelled "y", Some (Texp_constant Const_int 3))
-  | Texp_match of expression * computation case list * partial
+  | Texp_match of expression * computation case list * value case list * partial
         (** match E0 with
             | P1 -> E1
             | P2 | exception P3 -> E2
             | exception P4 -> E3
+            | effect P4 k -> E4
             [Texp_match (E0, [(P1, E1); (P2 | exception P3, E2);
-                              (exception P4, E3)], _)]
+                              (exception P4, E3)], [(P4, E4)],  _)]
-  | Texp_try of expression * value case list
-        (** try E with P1 -> E1 | ... | PN -> EN *)
+  | Texp_try of expression * value case list * value case list
+         (** try E with
+            | P1 -> E1
+            | effect P2 k -> E2
+            [Texp_try (E, [(P1, E1)], [(P2, E2)])]
+          *)
   | Texp_tuple of expression list
         (** (E1, ..., EN) *)
   | Texp_construct of
@@ -297,6 +302,7 @@ and meth =
 and 'k case =
      c_lhs: 'k general_pattern;
+     c_cont: Ident.t option;
      c_guard: expression option;
      c_rhs: expression;
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typemod.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/typemod.ml
index a5fea9214b..d072a10b58 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typemod.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typemod.ml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ open Path
 open Asttypes
 open Parsetree
 open Types
-open Format
+open Format_doc
 module Style = Misc.Style
@@ -76,8 +76,9 @@ type error =
   | Badly_formed_signature of string * Typedecl.error
   | Cannot_hide_id of hiding_error
   | Invalid_type_subst_rhs
-  | Unpackable_local_modtype_subst of Path.t
+  | Non_packable_local_modtype_subst of Path.t
   | With_cannot_remove_packed_modtype of Path.t * module_type
+  | Cannot_alias of Path.t
 exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
 exception Error_forward of Location.error
@@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ let check_type_decl env sg loc id row_id newdecl decl =
     | Some fresh_row_id -> Env.add_type ~check:false fresh_row_id newdecl env
   let env = Env.add_signature sg env in
-  Includemod.type_declarations ~mark:Mark_both ~loc env fresh_id newdecl decl;
+  Includemod.type_declarations ~mark:true ~loc env fresh_id newdecl decl;
   Typedecl.check_coherence env loc path newdecl
 let make_variance p n i =
@@ -273,9 +274,8 @@ let path_is_strict_prefix =
        Ident.same ident1 ident2
        && list_is_strict_prefix l1 ~prefix:l2
-let iterator_with_env env =
+let iterator_with_env super env =
   let env = ref (lazy env) in
-  let super = Btype.type_iterators in
   env, { super with
     Btype.it_signature = (fun self sg ->
       (* add all items to the env before recursing down, to handle recursive
@@ -353,22 +353,9 @@ let check_usage_of_path_of_substituted_item paths ~loc ~lid env super =
-(* When doing a module type destructive substitution [with module type T = RHS]
-   where RHS is not a module type path, we need to check that the module type
-   T was not used as a path for a packed module
-let check_usage_of_module_types ~error ~paths ~loc env super =
-  let it_do_type_expr it ty = match get_desc ty with
-    | Tpackage (p, _) ->
-       begin match List.find_opt (Path.same p) paths with
-       | Some p -> raise (Error(loc,Lazy.force !env,error p))
-       | _ -> super.Btype.it_do_type_expr it ty
-       end
-    | _ -> super.Btype.it_do_type_expr it ty in
-  { super with Btype.it_do_type_expr }
-let do_check_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths unpackable_modtype sg =
-  let env, iterator = iterator_with_env env in
+let do_check_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths sg =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let env, iterator = iterator_with_env (Btype.type_iterators mark) env in
   let last, rest = match List.rev paths with
     | [] -> assert false
     | last :: rest -> last, rest
@@ -381,19 +368,13 @@ let do_check_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths unpackable_modtype sg =
     | _ :: _ ->
         check_usage_of_path_of_substituted_item rest ~loc ~lid env iterator
-  let iterator = match unpackable_modtype with
-    | None -> iterator
-    | Some mty ->
-       let error p = With_cannot_remove_packed_modtype(p,mty) in
-       check_usage_of_module_types ~error ~paths ~loc env iterator
-  in
-  iterator.Btype.it_signature iterator sg;
-  Btype.(unmark_iterators.it_signature unmark_iterators) sg
+  iterator.Btype.it_signature iterator sg
+  end
-let check_usage_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths unpackable_modtype sg =
-  match paths, unpackable_modtype with
-  | [_], None -> ()
-  | _ -> do_check_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths unpackable_modtype sg
+let check_usage_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths sg =
+  match paths with
+  | [_] -> ()
+  | _ -> do_check_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths sg
 (* After substitution one also needs to re-check the well-foundedness
    of type declarations in recursive modules *)
@@ -422,9 +403,9 @@ let check_well_formed_module env loc context mty =
       | _ :: rem ->
           check_signature env rem
-    let env, super = iterator_with_env env in
+    let env, super =
+      iterator_with_env Btype.type_iterators_without_type_expr env in
     { super with
-      it_type_expr = (fun _self _ty -> ());
       it_signature = (fun self sg ->
         let env_before = !env in
         let env = lazy (Env.add_signature sg (Lazy.force env_before)) in
@@ -488,7 +469,6 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
     | With_typesubst _ | With_modsubst _ | With_modtypesubst _  -> true
   let real_ids = ref [] in
-  let unpackable_modtype = ref None in
   let split_row_id s ghosts =
     let srow = s ^ "#row" in
     let rec split before = function
@@ -499,6 +479,17 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
     split [] ghosts
+  let unsafe_signature_subst sub sg =
+    (* This signature will not be used directly, it will always be freshened
+       by the caller. So what we do with the scope doesn't really matter. But
+       making it local makes it unlikely that we will ever use the result of
+       this function unfreshened without issue. *)
+    match Subst.Unsafe.signature Make_local sub sg with
+    | Ok x -> x
+    | Error (Fcm_type_substituted_away (p,mty)) ->
+        let error = With_cannot_remove_packed_modtype(p,mty) in
+        raise (Error(loc,initial_env,error))
+  in
   let rec patch_item constr namelist outer_sig_env sg_for_env ~ghosts item =
     let return ?(ghosts=ghosts) ~replace_by info =
       Some (info, {Signature_group.ghosts; replace_by})
@@ -536,7 +527,7 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
             type_attributes = [];
             type_immediate = Unknown;
             type_unboxed_default = false;
-            type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+            type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
         and id_row = Ident.create_local (s^"#row") in
         let initial_env =
@@ -608,7 +599,7 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
         if not destructive_substitution then
           let mtd': modtype_declaration =
-              mtd_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+              mtd_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
               mtd_type = Some mty.mty_type;
               mtd_attributes = [];
               mtd_loc = loc;
@@ -620,10 +611,6 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
         else begin
           let path = Pident id in
           real_ids := [path];
-          begin match mty.mty_type with
-          | Mty_ident _ -> ()
-          | mty -> unpackable_modtype := Some mty
-          end;
           return ~replace_by:None
             (Pident id, lid, Some (Twith_modtypesubst mty))
@@ -635,7 +622,7 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
         let mty = Mtype.scrape_for_type_of ~remove_aliases sig_env mty in
         let md'' = { md' with md_type = mty } in
         let newmd = Mtype.strengthen_decl ~aliasable:false sig_env md'' path in
-        ignore(Includemod.modtypes  ~mark:Mark_both ~loc sig_env
+        ignore(Includemod.modtypes  ~mark:true ~loc sig_env
                  newmd.md_type md.md_type);
           ~replace_by:(Some(Sig_module(id, pres, newmd, rs, priv)))
@@ -645,7 +632,7 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
         let sig_env = Env.add_signature sg_for_env outer_sig_env in
         let aliasable = not (Env.is_functor_arg path sig_env) in
-          (Includemod.strengthened_module_decl ~loc ~mark:Mark_both
+          (Includemod.strengthened_module_decl ~loc ~mark:true
              ~aliasable sig_env md' path md);
         real_ids := [Pident id];
         return ~replace_by:None
@@ -680,8 +667,7 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
     let names = Longident.flatten lid.txt in
     let (tcstr, sg) = merge_signature initial_env sg names in
     if destructive_substitution then
-      check_usage_after_substitution ~loc ~lid initial_env !real_ids
-        !unpackable_modtype sg;
+      check_usage_after_substitution ~loc ~lid initial_env !real_ids sg;
     let sg =
     match tcstr with
     | (_, _, Some (Twith_typesubst tdecl)) ->
@@ -697,37 +683,32 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
               try Env.find_type_by_name lid.txt initial_env
               with Not_found -> assert false
-            fun s path -> Subst.add_type_path path replacement s
+            fun s path -> Subst.Unsafe.add_type_path path replacement s
          | None ->
             let body = Option.get tdecl.typ_type.type_manifest in
             let params = tdecl.typ_type.type_params in
             if params_are_constrained params
             then raise(Error(loc, initial_env,
-            fun s path -> Subst.add_type_function path ~params ~body s
+            fun s path -> Subst.Unsafe.add_type_function path ~params ~body s
        let sub = Subst.change_locs Subst.identity loc in
        let sub = List.fold_left how_to_extend_subst sub !real_ids in
-       (* This signature will not be used directly, it will always be freshened
-          by the caller. So what we do with the scope doesn't really matter. But
-          making it local makes it unlikely that we will ever use the result of
-          this function unfreshened without issue. *)
-       Subst.signature Make_local sub sg
+       unsafe_signature_subst sub sg
     | (_, _, Some (Twith_modsubst (real_path, _))) ->
        let sub = Subst.change_locs Subst.identity loc in
        let sub =
-           (fun s path -> Subst.add_module_path path real_path s)
+           (fun s path -> Subst.Unsafe.add_module_path path real_path s)
-       (* See explanation in the [Twith_typesubst] case above. *)
-       Subst.signature Make_local sub sg
+       unsafe_signature_subst sub sg
     | (_, _, Some (Twith_modtypesubst tmty)) ->
-        let add s p = Subst.add_modtype_path p tmty.mty_type s in
+        let add s p = Subst.Unsafe.add_modtype_path p tmty.mty_type s in
         let sub = Subst.change_locs Subst.identity loc in
         let sub = List.fold_left add sub !real_ids in
-        Subst.signature Make_local sub sg
+        unsafe_signature_subst sub sg
     | _ ->
@@ -996,8 +977,7 @@ module Signature_names : sig
     | `Exported
     | `From_open
     | `Shadowable of shadowable
-    | `Substituted_away of Subst.t
-    | `Unpackable_modtype_substituted_away of Ident.t * Subst.t
+    | `Substituted_away of Subst.Unsafe.t
   val create : unit -> t
@@ -1033,8 +1013,7 @@ end = struct
   type info = [
     | `From_open
-    | `Substituted_away of Subst.t
-    | `Unpackable_modtype_substituted_away of Ident.t * Subst.t
+    | `Substituted_away of Subst.Unsafe.t
     | bound_info
@@ -1043,9 +1022,8 @@ end = struct
     | Shadowed_by of Ident.t * Location.t
   type to_be_removed = {
-    mutable subst: Subst.t;
+    mutable subst: Subst.Unsafe.t;
     mutable hide: (Sig_component_kind.t * Location.t * hide_reason) Ident.Map.t;
-    mutable unpackable_modtypes: Ident.Set.t;
   type names_infos = (string, bound_info) Hashtbl.t
@@ -1080,7 +1058,6 @@ end = struct
     to_be_removed = {
       subst = Subst.identity;
       hide = Ident.Map.empty;
-      unpackable_modtypes = Ident.Set.empty;
@@ -1095,15 +1072,20 @@ end = struct
     | Class -> names.classes
     | Class_type -> names.class_types
+  let check_unsafe_subst loc env: _ result -> _ = function
+    | Ok x -> x
+    | Error (Subst.Unsafe.Fcm_type_substituted_away (p,_)) ->
+        raise (Error (loc, env, Non_packable_local_modtype_subst p))
   let check cl t loc id (info : info) =
     let to_be_removed = t.to_be_removed in
     match info with
     | `Substituted_away s ->
-        to_be_removed.subst <- Subst.compose s to_be_removed.subst;
-    | `Unpackable_modtype_substituted_away (id,s) ->
-        to_be_removed.subst <- Subst.compose s to_be_removed.subst;
-        to_be_removed.unpackable_modtypes <-
-          Ident.Set.add id to_be_removed.unpackable_modtypes
+        let subst =
+          check_unsafe_subst loc Env.empty @@
+          Subst.Unsafe.compose s to_be_removed.subst
+        in
+        to_be_removed.subst <- subst;
     | `From_open ->
         to_be_removed.hide <-
           Ident.Map.add id (cl, loc, From_open) to_be_removed.hide
@@ -1173,31 +1155,6 @@ end = struct
        thus never appear in includes *)
      List.iter (check ?info names loc) (Signature_group.rec_items item.group)
-  (*
-    Before applying local module type substitutions where the
-    right-hand side is not a path, we need to check that those module types
-    where never used to pack modules. For instance
-    {[
-    module type T := sig end
-    val x: (module T)
-    ]}
-    should raise an error.
-  *)
-  let check_unpackable_modtypes ~loc ~env to_remove component =
-    if not (Ident.Set.is_empty to_remove.unpackable_modtypes) then begin
-      let iterator =
-        let error p = Unpackable_local_modtype_subst p in
-        let paths =
-          List.map (fun id -> Pident id)
-            (Ident.Set.elements to_remove.unpackable_modtypes)
-        in
-        check_usage_of_module_types ~loc ~error ~paths
-          (ref (lazy env)) Btype.type_iterators
-      in
-      iterator.Btype.it_signature_item iterator component;
-      Btype.(unmark_iterators.it_signature_item unmark_iterators) component
-    end
   (* We usually require name uniqueness of signature components (e.g. types,
      modules, etc), however in some situation reusing the name is allowed: if
      the component is a value or an extension, or if the name is introduced by
@@ -1208,7 +1165,6 @@ end = struct
      If some reference cannot be removed, then we error out with
   let simplify env t sg =
     let to_remove = t.to_be_removed in
     let ids_to_remove =
@@ -1238,10 +1194,8 @@ end = struct
           if to_remove.subst == Subst.identity then
-            begin
-              check_unpackable_modtypes ~loc:user_loc ~env to_remove component;
-              Subst.signature_item Keep to_remove.subst component
-            end
+            check_unsafe_subst user_loc env @@
+            Subst.Unsafe.signature_item Keep to_remove.subst component
         let component =
           match ids_to_remove with
@@ -1356,7 +1310,7 @@ and transl_modtype_aux env smty =
                   { md_type = arg.mty_type;
                     md_attributes = [];
                     md_loc = param.loc;
-                    md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+                    md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
                 Env.enter_module_declaration ~scope ~arg:true name Mp_present
@@ -1411,8 +1365,7 @@ and transl_with ~loc env remove_aliases (rev_tcstrs,sg) constr =
   ((path, lid, tcstr) :: rev_tcstrs, sg)
-and transl_signature ?(keep_warnings = false) ?(toplevel = false) env sg =
+and transl_signature ?(keep_warnings = false) env sg =
   let names = Signature_names.create () in
   let rec transl_sig env sg =
     match sg with
@@ -1481,7 +1434,7 @@ and transl_signature ?(keep_warnings = false) ?(toplevel = false) env sg =
               then raise(Error(loc, env, With_cannot_remove_constrained_type));
               let info =
                   let subst =
-                    Subst.add_type_function (Pident td.typ_id)
+                    Subst.Unsafe.add_type_function (Pident td.typ_id)
                       ~body:(Option.get td.typ_type.type_manifest)
@@ -1554,14 +1507,17 @@ and transl_signature ?(keep_warnings = false) ?(toplevel = false) env sg =
             let pres =
               match tmty.mty_type with
-              | Mty_alias _ -> Mp_absent
+              | Mty_alias p ->
+                  if Env.is_functor_arg p env then
+                    Msupport.raise_error (Error (pmd.pmd_loc, env, Cannot_alias p));
+                  Mp_absent
               | _ -> Mp_present
             let md = {
-              md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+              md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
             match pmd.pmd_name.txt with
@@ -1603,7 +1559,7 @@ and transl_signature ?(keep_warnings = false) ?(toplevel = false) env sg =
                 { md_type = Mty_alias path;
                   md_attributes = pms.pms_attributes;
                   md_loc = pms.pms_loc;
-                  md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+                  md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
             let pres =
@@ -1685,10 +1641,9 @@ and transl_signature ?(keep_warnings = false) ?(toplevel = false) env sg =
                     (* parsetree invariant, see Ast_invariants *)
                     assert false
-              let subst = Subst.add_modtype mtd.mtd_id mty Subst.identity in
-              match mty with
-              | Mty_ident _ -> `Substituted_away subst
-              | _ -> `Unpackable_modtype_substituted_away (mtd.mtd_id,subst)
+              let subst =
+                Subst.Unsafe.add_modtype mtd.mtd_id mty Subst.identity in
+              `Substituted_away subst
             Signature_names.check_modtype ~info names pmtd.pmtd_loc mtd.mtd_id;
             let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
@@ -1813,8 +1768,6 @@ and transl_signature ?(keep_warnings = false) ?(toplevel = false) env sg =
         | Psig_attribute x ->
             Builtin_attributes.warning_attribute x;
-            if toplevel || not (Warnings.is_active (Misplaced_attribute ""))
-            then Builtin_attributes.mark_alert_used x;
             let (trem,rem, final_env) = transl_sig env srem in
             mksig (Tsig_attribute x) env loc :: trem, rem, final_env
         | Psig_extension (ext, _attrs) ->
@@ -1844,7 +1797,7 @@ and transl_modtype_decl_aux env
      Types.mtd_type=Option.map (fun t -> t.mty_type) tmty;
-     mtd_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+     mtd_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
   let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
@@ -1903,7 +1856,7 @@ and transl_recmodule_modtypes env sdecls =
   let init =
       (fun id pmd ->
-         let md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()) in
+         let md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
          let md =
            { md_type = approx_modtype approx_env pmd.pmd_type;
              md_loc = pmd.pmd_loc;
@@ -2131,7 +2084,7 @@ let check_recmodule_inclusion env bindings =
         let coercion, shape =
             Includemod.modtypes_with_shape ~shape
-              ~loc:modl.mod_loc ~mark:Mark_both
+              ~loc:modl.mod_loc ~mark:true
               env mty_actual' mty_decl'
           with Includemod.Error msg ->
             Msupport.raise_error(Error(modl.mod_loc, env, Not_included msg));
@@ -2202,32 +2155,39 @@ and package_constraints env loc mty constrs =
 let modtype_of_package env loc p fl =
-  (* We call Ctype.correct_levels to ensure that the types being added to the
+  (* We call Ctype.duplicate_type to ensure that the types being added to the
      module type are at generic_level. *)
   let mty =
     package_constraints env loc (Mty_ident p)
-      (List.map (fun (n, t) -> Longident.flatten n, Ctype.correct_levels t) fl)
+      (List.map (fun (n, t) -> Longident.flatten n, Ctype.duplicate_type t) fl)
   Subst.modtype Keep Subst.identity mty
 let package_subtype env p1 fl1 p2 fl2 =
   let mkmty p fl =
     let fl =
-      List.filter (fun (_n,t) -> Ctype.free_variables t = []) fl in
+      List.filter (fun (_n,t) -> Ctype.closed_type_expr t) fl in
     modtype_of_package env Location.none p fl
   match mkmty p1 fl1, mkmty p2 fl2 with
-  | exception Error(_, _, Cannot_scrape_package_type _) -> false
+  | exception Error(_, _, Cannot_scrape_package_type r) ->
+      Result.Error (Errortrace.Package_cannot_scrape r)
   | mty1, mty2 ->
     let loc = Location.none in
-    match Includemod.modtypes ~loc ~mark:Mark_both env mty1 mty2 with
-    | Tcoerce_none -> true
-    | _ | exception Includemod.Error _ -> false
+    match Includemod.modtypes ~loc ~mark:true env mty1 mty2 with
+    | Tcoerce_none -> Ok ()
+    | c ->
+        let msg =
+          Includemod_errorprinter.coercion_in_package_subtype env mty1 c
+        in
+        Result.Error (Errortrace.Package_coercion msg)
+    | exception Includemod.Error e ->
+        let msg = doc_printf "%a" Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs e in
+        Result.Error (Errortrace.Package_inclusion msg)
 let () = Ctype.package_subtype := package_subtype
 let wrap_constraint_package env mark arg mty explicit =
-  let mark = if mark then Includemod.Mark_both else Includemod.Mark_neither in
   let mty1 = Subst.modtype Keep Subst.identity arg.mod_type in
   let mty2 = Subst.modtype Keep Subst.identity mty in
   let coercion =
@@ -2245,7 +2205,6 @@ let wrap_constraint_package env mark arg mty explicit =
 let wrap_constraint_with_shape env mark arg mty
   shape explicit =
-  let mark = if mark then Includemod.Mark_both else Includemod.Mark_neither in
   let coercion, shape =
       Includemod.modtypes_with_shape ~shape ~loc:arg.mod_loc env ~mark
@@ -2286,6 +2245,8 @@ let simplify_app_summary app_view = match app_view.arg with
     | false, Some p -> Includemod.Error.Named p, mty
     | false, None   -> Includemod.Error.Anonymous, mty
+let not_principal msg = Warnings.Not_principal (Format_doc.Doc.msg msg)
 let rec type_module ?(alias=false) sttn funct_body anchor env smod =
   (* Merlin: when we start typing a module we don't want to include potential
     saved_items from its parent. We backup them before starting and restore them
@@ -2374,7 +2335,7 @@ and type_module_aux ~alias sttn funct_body anchor env smod =
             match param.txt with
             | None -> None, env, Shape.for_unnamed_functor_param
             | Some name ->
-              let md_uid =  Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()) in
+              let md_uid =  Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
               let arg_md =
                 { md_type = mty.mty_type;
                   md_attributes = [];
@@ -2432,21 +2393,21 @@ and type_module_aux ~alias sttn funct_body anchor env smod =
   | Pmod_unpack sexp ->
       let exp =
-        Ctype.with_local_level_if_principal
+        Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
           (fun () -> Typecore.type_exp env sexp)
-          ~post:Typecore.generalize_structure_exp
       let mty =
         match get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env exp.exp_type) with
           Tpackage (p, fl) ->
-            if List.exists (fun (_n, t) -> Ctype.free_variables t <> []) fl then
+            if List.exists (fun (_n, t) -> not (Ctype.closed_type_expr t)) fl
+            then
               raise (Error (smod.pmod_loc, env,
                             Incomplete_packed_module exp.exp_type));
             if !Clflags.principal &&
               not (Typecore.generalizable (Btype.generic_level-1) exp.exp_type)
               Location.prerr_warning smod.pmod_loc
-                (Warnings.Not_principal "this module unpacking");
+                (not_principal "this module unpacking");
             modtype_of_package env smod.pmod_loc p fl
         | Tvar _ ->
             raise (Typecore.Error
@@ -2561,8 +2522,8 @@ and type_one_application ~ctx:(apply_loc,sfunct,md_f,args)
       | { loc = app_loc; attributes = app_attributes;
           arg = Some { shape = arg_shape; path = arg_path; arg } } ->
       let coercion =
-        try Includemod.modtypes
-          ~loc:arg.mod_loc ~mark:Mark_both env arg.mod_type mty_param
+        try Includemod.modtypes ~loc:arg.mod_loc ~mark:true env
+              arg.mod_type mty_param
         with Includemod.Error _ ->
           Msupport.raise_error (apply_error ());
@@ -2597,8 +2558,8 @@ and type_one_application ~ctx:(apply_loc,sfunct,md_f,args)
                not sure it's worth the effort. *)
             begin match
-              Includemod.modtypes
-                ~loc:app_loc ~mark:Mark_neither env mty_res nondep_mty
+              Includemod.modtypes ~loc:app_loc ~mark:false env
+                mty_res nondep_mty
             | Tcoerce_none -> ()
             | _ ->
@@ -2808,7 +2769,7 @@ and type_structure ?(toplevel = false) ?(keep_warnings = false) funct_body ancho
           | Mty_alias _ -> Mp_absent
           | _ -> Mp_present
-        let md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()) in
+        let md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
         let md =
           { md_type = enrich_module_type anchor name.txt modl.mod_type env;
             md_attributes = attrs;
@@ -2887,6 +2848,8 @@ and type_structure ?(toplevel = false) ?(keep_warnings = false) funct_body ancho
                let mty' =
                  enrich_module_type anchor name.txt modl.mod_type newenv
+               Includemod.modtypes_consistency ~loc:modl.mod_loc newenv
+                mty' mty.mty_type;
                (id, name, mty, modl, mty', attrs, loc, shape, uid))
             decls sbind in
         let newenv = (* allow aliasing recursive modules from outside *)
@@ -3033,8 +2996,6 @@ and type_structure ?(toplevel = false) ?(keep_warnings = false) funct_body ancho
         raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
     | Pstr_attribute x ->
         Builtin_attributes.warning_attribute x;
-        if toplevel || not (Warnings.is_active (Misplaced_attribute "")) then
-          Builtin_attributes.mark_alert_used x;
         Tstr_attribute x, [], shape_map, env
   let rec type_struct env shape_map sstr =
@@ -3082,7 +3043,7 @@ let merlin_type_structure env str =
   str, sg, env
 let type_structure = type_structure false None
 let merlin_transl_signature env sg = transl_signature ~keep_warnings:true env sg
-let transl_signature ~toplevel env sg = transl_signature ~toplevel env sg
+let transl_signature env sg = transl_signature env sg
 (* Normalize types in a signature *)
@@ -3280,8 +3241,8 @@ let type_implementation target initial_env ast =
         Typecore.force_delayed_checks ();
         let shape = Shape_reduce.local_reduce Env.empty shape in
         Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:false initial_env
-          (fun () -> fprintf std_formatter "%a@."
-              (Printtyp.printed_signature @@ Unit_info.source_file target)
+          Format.(fun () -> fprintf std_formatter "%a@."
+                (Printtyp.printed_signature @@ Unit_info.source_file target)
         (* gen_annot target (Cmt_format.Implementation str); *)
@@ -3304,7 +3265,7 @@ let type_implementation target initial_env ast =
           let dclsig = Env.read_signature compiled_intf_file in
           let coercion, shape =
-            Includemod.compunit initial_env ~mark:Mark_positive
+            Includemod.compunit initial_env ~mark:true
               sourcefile sg source_intf
               dclsig shape
@@ -3325,7 +3286,7 @@ let type_implementation target initial_env ast =
             (Location.in_file (Unit_info.source_file target))
           let coercion, shape =
-            Includemod.compunit initial_env ~mark:Mark_positive
+            Includemod.compunit initial_env ~mark:true
               sourcefile sg "(inferred signature)" simple_sg shape
           check_nongen_signature finalenv simple_sg;
@@ -3336,8 +3297,8 @@ let type_implementation target initial_env ast =
              declarations like "let x = true;; let x = 1;;", because in this
              case, the inferred signature contains only the last declaration. *)
           let shape = Shape_reduce.local_reduce Env.empty shape in
+          let alerts = Builtin_attributes.alerts_of_str ~mark:true ast in
           if not !Clflags.dont_write_files then begin
-            let alerts = Builtin_attributes.alerts_of_str ast in
             let cmi =
               Env.save_signature ~alerts simple_sg (Unit_info.cmi target)
@@ -3365,10 +3326,7 @@ let save_signature target tsg initial_env cmi =
     (Cmt_format.Interface tsg) initial_env (Some cmi) None
 let type_interface env ast =
-  transl_signature ~toplevel:true env ast
-let transl_signature env ast =
-  transl_signature ~toplevel:false env ast
+  transl_signature env ast
 (* "Packaging" of several compilation units into one unit
    having them as sub-modules.  *)
@@ -3397,7 +3355,7 @@ let package_signatures units =
         { md_type=Mty_signature sg;
-          md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ());
+          md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
       Sig_module(newid, Mp_present, md, Trec_not, Exported))
@@ -3439,7 +3397,7 @@ let package_units initial_env objfiles target_cmi =
     let dclsig = Env.read_signature target_cmi in
     let cc, _shape =
-      Includemod.compunit initial_env ~mark:Mark_both
+      Includemod.compunit initial_env ~mark:true
         "(obtained by packing)" sg mli dclsig shape
     Cmt_format.save_cmt (Unit_info.companion_cmt target_cmi)
@@ -3467,9 +3425,7 @@ let package_units initial_env objfiles target_cmi =
 (* Error report *)
-open Printtyp
+open Printtyp.Doc
 let report_error ~loc _env = function
     Cannot_apply mty ->
@@ -3477,8 +3433,9 @@ let report_error ~loc _env = function
         "@[This module is not a functor; it has type@ %a@]"
         (Style.as_inline_code modtype) mty
   | Not_included errs ->
-      let main = Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs errs in
-      Location.errorf ~loc "@[<v>Signature mismatch:@ %t@]" main
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote:Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg
+        "@[<v>Signature mismatch:@ %a@]"
+        Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs errs
   | Cannot_eliminate_dependency mty ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "@[This functor has type@ %a@ \
@@ -3497,26 +3454,25 @@ let report_error ~loc _env = function
         Style.inline_code "with"
         (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
   | With_mismatch(lid, explanation) ->
-      let main = Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs explanation in
-      Location.errorf ~loc
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote:Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg
            @[In this %a constraint, the new definition of %a@ \
              does not match its original definition@ \
              in the constrained signature:@]@ \
-         %t@]"
+         %a@]"
         Style.inline_code "with"
-        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid main
+        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+        Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs explanation
   | With_makes_applicative_functor_ill_typed(lid, path, explanation) ->
-      let main = Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs explanation in
-      Location.errorf ~loc
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote:Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg
            @[This %a constraint on %a makes the applicative functor @ \
              type %a ill-typed in the constrained signature:@]@ \
-         %t@]"
+         %a@]"
         Style.inline_code "with"
         (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
         Style.inline_code (Path.name path)
-        main
+        Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs explanation
   | With_changes_module_alias(lid, id, path) ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
@@ -3535,21 +3491,20 @@ let report_error ~loc _env = function
       let[@manual.ref "ss:module-type-substitution"] manual_ref =
         [ 12; 7; 3 ]
-      let pp_constraint ppf () =
-        Format.fprintf ppf "%s := %a"
-          (Path.name p) Printtyp.modtype mty
+      let pp_constraint ppf (p,mty) =
+        fprintf ppf "%s := %a" (Path.name p) modtype mty
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "This %a constraint@ %a@ makes a packed module ill-formed.@ %a"
         Style.inline_code "with"
-        (Style.as_inline_code pp_constraint) ()
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_constraint) (p,mty)
         Misc.print_see_manual manual_ref
   | With_package_manifest (lid, ty) ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "In the constrained signature, type %a is defined to be %a.@ \
          Package %a constraints may only be used on abstract types."
         (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        (Style.as_inline_code type_expr) ty
         Style.inline_code "with"
   | Repeated_name(kind, name) ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
@@ -3558,27 +3513,27 @@ let report_error ~loc _env = function
         (Sig_component_kind.to_string kind) Style.inline_code name
   | Non_generalizable { vars; expression } ->
       let[@manual.ref "ss:valuerestriction"] manual_ref = [ 6; 1; 2 ] in
-      prepare_for_printing vars;
-      add_type_to_preparation expression;
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing vars;
+      Out_type.add_type_to_preparation expression;
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "@[The type of this expression,@ %a,@ \
          contains the non-generalizable type variable(s): %a.@ %a@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_scheme) expression
+        (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme) expression
         (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun f () -> fprintf f ",@ ")
-           (Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_scheme)) vars
+           (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme)) vars
         Misc.print_see_manual manual_ref
   | Non_generalizable_module { vars; mty; item } ->
       let[@manual.ref "ss:valuerestriction"] manual_ref = [ 6; 1; 2 ] in
-      prepare_for_printing vars;
-      add_type_to_preparation item.val_type;
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing vars;
+      Out_type.add_type_to_preparation item.val_type;
       let sub =
         [ Location.msg ~loc:item.val_loc
             "The type of this value,@ %a,@ \
              contains the non-generalizable type variable(s) %a."
-            (Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_scheme)
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme)
             (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun f () -> fprintf f ",@ ")
-               @@ Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_scheme) vars
+               @@ Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme) vars
       Location.errorf ~loc ~sub
@@ -3590,11 +3545,11 @@ let report_error ~loc _env = function
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "@[The interface %a@ declares values, not just types.@ \
            An implementation must be provided.@]"
-        Location.print_filename intf_name
+        Location.Doc.quoted_filename intf_name
   | Interface_not_compiled intf_name ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "@[Could not find the .cmi file for interface@ %a.@]"
-        Location.print_filename intf_name
+        Location.Doc.quoted_filename intf_name
   | Not_allowed_in_functor_body ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "@[This expression creates fresh types.@ %s@]"
@@ -3623,12 +3578,18 @@ let report_error ~loc _env = function
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "This is an alias for module %a, which is missing"
         (Style.as_inline_code path) p
+  | Cannot_alias p ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Functor arguments, such as %a, cannot be aliased"
+        (Style.as_inline_code path) p
   | Cannot_scrape_package_type p ->
       Location.errorf ~loc
         "The type of this packed module refers to %a, which is missing"
         (Style.as_inline_code path) p
   | Badly_formed_signature (context, err) ->
-      Location.errorf ~loc "@[In %s:@ %a@]" context Typedecl.report_error err
+      Location.errorf ~loc "@[In %s:@ %a@]"
+        context
+        Typedecl.report_error_doc err
   | Cannot_hide_id Illegal_shadowing
       { shadowed_item_kind; shadowed_item_id; shadowed_item_loc;
         shadower_id; user_id; user_kind; user_loc } ->
@@ -3675,7 +3636,7 @@ let report_error ~loc _env = function
   | Invalid_type_subst_rhs ->
       Location.errorf ~loc "Only type synonyms are allowed on the right of %a"
         Style.inline_code  ":="
-  | Unpackable_local_modtype_subst p ->
+  | Non_packable_local_modtype_subst p ->
       let[@manual.ref "ss:module-type-substitution"] manual_ref =
         [ 12; 7; 3 ]
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typemod.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/typemod.mli
index d88d5b247f..3f0ca86dcd 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typemod.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typemod.mli
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ val type_implementation:
 val type_interface:
         Env.t -> Parsetree.signature -> Typedtree.signature
-val transl_signature:
-        Env.t -> Parsetree.signature -> Typedtree.signature
 val check_nongen_signature:
         Env.t -> Types.signature -> unit
@@ -135,8 +133,9 @@ type error =
   | Badly_formed_signature of string * Typedecl.error
   | Cannot_hide_id of hiding_error
   | Invalid_type_subst_rhs
-  | Unpackable_local_modtype_subst of Path.t
+  | Non_packable_local_modtype_subst of Path.t
   | With_cannot_remove_packed_modtype of Path.t * module_type
+  | Cannot_alias of Path.t
 exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
 exception Error_forward of Location.error
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typeopt.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/typeopt.ml
index f983c499c7..c154d3b231 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typeopt.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typeopt.ml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ open Lambda
 let scrape_ty env ty =
   match get_desc ty with
   | Tconstr _ ->
-      let ty = Ctype.expand_head_opt env (Ctype.correct_levels ty) in
+      let ty = Ctype.expand_head_opt env ty in
       begin match get_desc ty with
       | Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
           begin match Env.find_type p env with
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/types.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/types.ml
index bdc2a9e549..a9c8c59d1f 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/types.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/types.ml
@@ -22,9 +22,13 @@ open Asttypes
 type transient_expr =
   { mutable desc: type_desc;
     mutable level: int;
-    mutable scope: int;
+    mutable scope: scope_field;
     id: int }
+and scope_field = int
+  (* bit field: 27 bits for scope (Ident.highest_scope = 100_000_000)
+     and at least 4 marks *)
 and type_expr = transient_expr
 and type_desc =
@@ -51,13 +55,14 @@ and row_desc =
 and fixed_explanation =
   | Univar of type_expr | Fixed_private | Reified of Path.t | Rigid
 and row_field = [`some] row_field_gen
+and row_field_cell = [`some | `none] row_field_gen ref
 and _ row_field_gen =
     RFpresent : type_expr option -> [> `some] row_field_gen
   | RFeither :
       { no_arg: bool;
         arg_type: type_expr list;
         matched: bool;
-        ext: [`some | `none] row_field_gen ref} -> [> `some] row_field_gen
+        ext: row_field_cell} -> [> `some] row_field_gen
   | RFabsent : [> `some] row_field_gen
   | RFnone : [> `none] row_field_gen
@@ -87,6 +92,8 @@ module TransientTypeOps = struct
   let equal t1 t2 = t1 == t2
+module TransientTypeHash = Hashtbl.Make(TransientTypeOps)
 (* *)
 module Uid = Shape.Uid
@@ -175,6 +182,7 @@ module Variance = struct
   let unknown = 7
   let full = single Inv
   let covariant = single Pos
+  let contravariant = single Neg
   let swap f1 f2 v v' =
     set_if (mem f2 v) f1 (set_if (mem f1 v) f2 v')
   let conjugate v =
@@ -579,12 +587,48 @@ let repr t =
  | _ -> t
+(* scope_field and marks *)
+let scope_mask = (1 lsl 27) - 1
+let marks_mask = (-1) lxor scope_mask
+let () = assert (Ident.highest_scope land marks_mask = 0)
+type type_mark =
+  | Mark of {mark: int; mutable marked: type_expr list}
+  | Hash of {visited: unit TransientTypeHash.t}
+let type_marks =
+  (* All the bits in marks_mask *)
+  List.init (Sys.int_size - 27) (fun x -> 1 lsl (x + 27))
+let available_marks = Local_store.s_ref type_marks
+let with_type_mark f =
+  match !available_marks with
+  | mark :: rem as old ->
+      available_marks := rem;
+      let mk = Mark {mark; marked = []} in
+      Misc.try_finally (fun () -> f mk) ~always: begin fun () ->
+        available_marks := old;
+        match mk with
+        | Mark {marked} ->
+            (* unmark marked type nodes *)
+            List.iter
+              (fun ty -> ty.scope <- ty.scope land ((-1) lxor mark))
+              marked
+        | Hash _ -> ()
+      end
+  | [] ->
+      (* When marks are exhausted, fall back to using a hash table *)
+      f (Hash {visited = TransientTypeHash.create 1})
 (* getters for type_expr *)
 let get_desc t = (repr t).desc
 let get_level t = (repr t).level
-let get_scope t = (repr t).scope
+let get_scope t = (repr t).scope land scope_mask
 let get_id t = (repr t).id
+let not_marked_node mark t =
+  match mark with
+  | Mark {mark} -> (repr t).scope land mark = 0
+  | Hash {visited} -> not (TransientTypeHash.mem visited (repr t))
 (* transient type_expr *)
@@ -593,12 +637,28 @@ module Transient_expr = struct
   let set_desc ty d = ty.desc <- d
   let set_stub_desc ty d = assert (ty.desc = Tvar None); ty.desc <- d
   let set_level ty lv = ty.level <- lv
-  let set_scope ty sc = ty.scope <- sc
+  let get_scope ty = ty.scope land scope_mask
+  let get_marks ty = ty.scope lsr 27
+  let set_scope ty sc =
+    if (sc land marks_mask <> 0) then
+      invalid_arg "Types.Transient_expr.set_scope";
+    ty.scope <- (ty.scope land marks_mask) lor sc
+  let try_mark_node mark ty =
+    match mark with
+    | Mark ({mark} as mk) ->
+        (ty.scope land mark = 0) && (* mark type node when not marked *)
+        (ty.scope <- ty.scope lor mark; mk.marked <- ty :: mk.marked; true)
+    | Hash {visited} ->
+        not (TransientTypeHash.mem visited ty) &&
+        (TransientTypeHash.add visited ty (); true)
   let coerce ty = ty
   let repr = repr
   let type_expr ty = ty
+(* setting marks *)
+let try_mark_node mark t = Transient_expr.try_mark_node mark (repr t)
 (* Comparison for [type_expr]; cannot be used for functors *)
 let eq_type t1 t2 = t1 == t2 || repr t1 == repr t2
@@ -725,8 +785,7 @@ let match_row_field ~present ~absent ~either (f : row_field) =
         | RFnone -> None
         | RFeither _ | RFpresent _ | RFabsent as e -> Some e
-      either no_arg arg_type matched e
+      either no_arg arg_type matched (ext,e)
 (**** Some type creators ****)
@@ -734,13 +793,10 @@ let new_id = Local_store.s_ref (-1)
 let create_expr = Transient_expr.create
-let newty3 ~level ~scope desc  =
+let proto_newty3 ~level ~scope desc  =
   incr new_id;
   create_expr desc ~level ~scope ~id:!new_id
-let newty2 ~level desc =
-  newty3 ~level ~scope:Ident.lowest_scope desc
                   (*  Utilities for backtracking    *)
@@ -804,13 +860,16 @@ let set_level ty level =
     if ty.id <= !last_snapshot then log_change (Clevel (ty, ty.level));
     Transient_expr.set_level ty level
 (* TODO: introduce a guard and rename it to set_higher_scope? *)
 let set_scope ty scope =
   let ty = repr ty in
-  if scope <> ty.scope then begin
-    if ty.id <= !last_snapshot then log_change (Cscope (ty, ty.scope));
+  let prev_scope = ty.scope land marks_mask in
+  if scope <> prev_scope then begin
+    if ty.id <= !last_snapshot then log_change (Cscope (ty, prev_scope));
     Transient_expr.set_scope ty scope
 let set_univar rty ty =
   log_change (Cuniv (rty, !rty)); rty := Some ty
 let set_name nm v =
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/types.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/types.mli
index d7a782da3e..60a093862b 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/types.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/types.mli
@@ -221,18 +221,36 @@ val get_level: type_expr -> int
 val get_scope: type_expr -> int
 val get_id: type_expr -> int
+(** Access to marks. They are stored in the scope field. *)
+type type_mark
+val with_type_mark: (type_mark -> 'a) -> 'a
+        (* run a computation using exclusively an available type mark *)
+val not_marked_node: type_mark -> type_expr -> bool
+        (* Return true if a type node is not yet marked *)
+val try_mark_node: type_mark -> type_expr -> bool
+        (* Mark a type node if it is not yet marked.
+           Marks will be automatically removed when leaving the
+           scope of [with_type_mark].
+           Return false if it was already marked *)
 (** Transient [type_expr].
     Should only be used immediately after [Transient_expr.repr] *)
 type transient_expr = private
       { mutable desc: type_desc;
         mutable level: int;
-        mutable scope: int;
+        mutable scope: scope_field;
         id: int }
+and scope_field (* abstract *)
 module Transient_expr : sig
   (** Operations on [transient_expr] *)
   val create: type_desc -> level: int -> scope: int -> id: int -> transient_expr
+  val get_scope: transient_expr -> int
+  val get_marks: transient_expr -> int
   val set_desc: transient_expr -> type_desc -> unit
   val set_level: transient_expr -> int -> unit
   val set_scope: transient_expr -> int -> unit
@@ -244,18 +262,17 @@ module Transient_expr : sig
   val set_stub_desc: type_expr -> type_desc -> unit
       (** Instantiate a not yet instantiated stub.
           Fail if already instantiated. *)
+  val try_mark_node: type_mark -> transient_expr -> bool
 val create_expr: type_desc -> level: int -> scope: int -> id: int -> type_expr
 (** Functions and definitions moved from Btype *)
-val newty3: level:int -> scope:int -> type_desc -> type_expr
+val proto_newty3: level:int -> scope:int -> type_desc -> transient_expr
         (** Create a type with a fresh id *)
-val newty2: level:int -> type_desc -> type_expr
-        (** Create a type with a fresh id and no scope *)
 module TransientTypeOps : sig
   (** Comparisons for functors *)
@@ -265,6 +282,8 @@ module TransientTypeOps : sig
   val hash : t -> int
+module TransientTypeHash : Hashtbl.S with type key = transient_expr
 (** Comparisons for [type_expr]; cannot be used for functors *)
 val eq_type: type_expr -> type_expr -> bool
@@ -346,12 +365,15 @@ val rf_either_of: type_expr option -> row_field
 val eq_row_field_ext: row_field -> row_field -> bool
 val changed_row_field_exts: row_field list -> (unit -> unit) -> bool
+type row_field_cell
 val match_row_field:
     present:(type_expr option -> 'a) ->
     absent:(unit -> 'a) ->
-    either:(bool -> type_expr list -> bool -> row_field option ->'a) ->
+    either:(bool -> type_expr list -> bool ->
+            row_field_cell * row_field option ->'a) ->
     row_field -> 'a
 (* *)
 module Uid = Shape.Uid
@@ -413,6 +435,7 @@ module Variance : sig
   val null : t               (* no occurrence *)
   val full : t               (* strictly invariant (all flags) *)
   val covariant : t          (* strictly covariant (May_pos, Pos and Inj) *)
+  val contravariant : t      (* strictly contravariant *)
   val unknown : t            (* allow everything, guarantee nothing *)
   val union  : t -> t -> t
   val inter  : t -> t -> t
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typetexp.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/typetexp.ml
index 78d4fa883d..9d701b529f 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typetexp.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typetexp.ml
@@ -218,7 +218,6 @@ end = struct
         promoted vars
   let check_poly_univars env loc vars =
-    vars |> List.iter (fun (_, p) -> generalize p.univar);
     let univars =
       vars |> List.map (fun (name, {univar=ty1; _ }) ->
       let v = Btype.proxy ty1 in
@@ -350,8 +349,6 @@ let sort_constraints_no_duplicates loc env l =
 (* Translation of type expressions *)
-let generalize_ctyp typ = generalize typ.ctyp_type
 let strict_ident c = (c = '_' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
 let validate_name = function
@@ -533,7 +530,7 @@ and transl_type_aux env ~row_context ~aliased ~policy styp =
         with Not_found ->
           let t, ty =
-            with_local_level_if_principal begin fun () ->
+            with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
               let t = newvar () in
               (* Use the whole location, which is used by [Type_mismatch]. *)
               TyVarEnv.remember_used alias.txt t styp.ptyp_loc;
@@ -544,7 +541,6 @@ and transl_type_aux env ~row_context ~aliased ~policy styp =
               (t, ty)
-            ~post: (fun (t, _) -> generalize_structure t)
           let t = instance t in
           let px = Btype.proxy t in
@@ -659,14 +655,13 @@ and transl_type_aux env ~row_context ~aliased ~policy styp =
   | Ptyp_poly(vars, st) ->
       let vars = List.map (fun v -> v.txt) vars in
       let new_univars, cty =
-        with_local_level begin fun () ->
+        with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
           let new_univars = TyVarEnv.make_poly_univars vars in
           let cty = TyVarEnv.with_univars new_univars begin fun () ->
             transl_type env ~policy ~row_context st
           end in
           (new_univars, cty)
-        ~post:(fun (_,cty) -> generalize_ctyp cty)
       let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
       let ty_list = TyVarEnv.check_poly_univars env styp.ptyp_loc new_univars in
@@ -776,8 +771,8 @@ let transl_type env policy styp =
   transl_type env ~policy ~row_context:[] styp
 (* Make the rows "fixed" in this type, to make universal check easier *)
-let rec make_fixed_univars ty =
-  if Btype.try_mark_node ty then
+let rec make_fixed_univars mark ty =
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then
     begin match get_desc ty with
     | Tvariant row ->
         let Row {fields; more; name; closed} = row_repr row in
@@ -794,14 +789,13 @@ let rec make_fixed_univars ty =
                (create_row ~fields ~more ~name ~closed
                   ~fixed:(Some (Univar more))));
-        Btype.iter_row make_fixed_univars row
+        Btype.iter_row (make_fixed_univars mark) row
     | _ ->
-        Btype.iter_type_expr make_fixed_univars ty
+        Btype.iter_type_expr (make_fixed_univars mark) ty
 let make_fixed_univars ty =
-  make_fixed_univars ty;
-  Btype.unmark_type ty
+  with_type_mark (fun mark -> make_fixed_univars mark ty)
 let transl_simple_type env ?univars ~closed styp =
   TyVarEnv.reset_locals ?univars ();
@@ -815,7 +809,7 @@ let transl_simple_type_univars env styp =
   TyVarEnv.reset_locals ();
   let typ, univs =
     TyVarEnv.collect_univars begin fun () ->
-      with_local_level ~post:generalize_ctyp begin fun () ->
+      with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
         let policy = TyVarEnv.univars_policy in
         let typ = transl_type env policy styp in
         TyVarEnv.globalize_used_variables policy env ();
@@ -829,7 +823,7 @@ let transl_simple_type_univars env styp =
 let transl_simple_type_delayed env styp =
   TyVarEnv.reset_locals ();
   let typ, force =
-    with_local_level begin fun () ->
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
       let policy = TyVarEnv.extensible_policy in
       let typ = transl_type env policy styp in
       make_fixed_univars typ.ctyp_type;
@@ -839,8 +833,6 @@ let transl_simple_type_delayed env styp =
       let force = TyVarEnv.globalize_used_variables policy env in
       (typ, force)
-    (* Generalize everything except the variables that were just globalized. *)
-    ~post:(fun (typ,_) -> generalize_ctyp typ)
   (typ, instance typ.ctyp_type, force)
@@ -849,13 +841,12 @@ let transl_type_scheme env styp =
   | Ptyp_poly (vars, st) ->
      let vars = List.map (fun v -> v.txt) vars in
      let univars, typ =
-       with_local_level begin fun () ->
+       with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
          TyVarEnv.reset ();
          let univars = TyVarEnv.make_poly_univars vars in
          let typ = transl_simple_type env ~univars ~closed:true st in
          (univars, typ)
-       ~post:(fun (_,typ) -> generalize_ctyp typ)
      let _ = TyVarEnv.instance_poly_univars env styp.ptyp_loc univars in
      { ctyp_desc = Ttyp_poly (vars, typ);
@@ -864,20 +855,20 @@ let transl_type_scheme env styp =
        ctyp_loc = styp.ptyp_loc;
        ctyp_attributes = styp.ptyp_attributes }
   | _ ->
-      with_local_level
+      with_local_level_generalize
         (fun () -> TyVarEnv.reset (); transl_simple_type env ~closed:false styp)
-        ~post:generalize_ctyp
 (* Error report *)
-open Format
-open Printtyp
+open Format_doc
+open Printtyp.Doc
 module Style = Misc.Style
-let pp_tag ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "`%s" t
+let pp_tag ppf t = fprintf ppf "`%s" t
+let pp_out_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf ty
+let pp_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.type_expr ppf ty
-let report_error env ppf = function
+let report_error_doc env ppf = function
   | Unbound_type_variable (name, in_scope_names) ->
     fprintf ppf "The type variable %a is unbound in this type declaration.@ %a"
       Style.inline_code name
@@ -895,21 +886,19 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
       (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid expected provided
   | Bound_type_variable name ->
       fprintf ppf "Already bound type parameter %a"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.tyvar) name
+        (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.tyvar) name
   | Recursive_type ->
     fprintf ppf "This type is recursive"
   | Type_mismatch trace ->
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf Env.empty trace
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "This type")
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "should be an instance of type")
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf Env.empty trace
+        (msg "This type")
+        (msg "should be an instance of type")
   | Alias_type_mismatch trace ->
-      Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf Env.empty trace
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "This alias is bound to type")
-        (function ppf ->
-           fprintf ppf "but is used as an instance of type")
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf Env.empty trace
+        (msg "This alias is bound to type")
+        (msg "but is used as an instance of type")
   | Present_has_conjunction l ->
       fprintf ppf "The present constructor %a has a conjunctive type"
         Style.inline_code l
@@ -926,18 +915,17 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
         Style.inline_code ">"
         (Style.as_inline_code pp_tag) l
   | Constructor_mismatch (ty, ty') ->
-      let pp_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf ty in
       wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun ()  ->
-        Printtyp.prepare_for_printing [ty; ty'];
+        Out_type.prepare_for_printing [ty; ty'];
         fprintf ppf "@[<hov>%s %a@ %s@ %a@]"
           "This variant type contains a constructor"
-          pp_type (tree_of_typexp Type ty)
+          pp_out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type ty)
           "which should be"
-          pp_type (tree_of_typexp Type ty'))
+          pp_out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type ty'))
   | Not_a_variant ty ->
       fprintf ppf
         "@[The type %a@ does not expand to a polymorphic variant type@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty;
+        pp_type ty;
       begin match get_desc ty with
         | Tvar (Some s) ->
            (* PR#7012: help the user that wrote 'Foo instead of `Foo *)
@@ -956,14 +944,13 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
   | Cannot_quantify (name, v) ->
       fprintf ppf
         "@[<hov>The universal type variable %a cannot be generalized:@ "
-        (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.tyvar) name;
+        (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.tyvar) name;
       if Btype.is_Tvar v then
         fprintf ppf "it escapes its scope"
       else if Btype.is_Tunivar v then
         fprintf ppf "it is already bound to another variable"
-        fprintf ppf "it is bound to@ %a"
-          (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) v;
+        fprintf ppf "it is bound to@ %a" pp_type v;
       fprintf ppf ".@]";
   | Multiple_constraints_on_type s ->
       fprintf ppf "Multiple constraints for type %a"
@@ -972,8 +959,8 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
       wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun ()  ->
         fprintf ppf "@[<hov>Method %a has type %a,@ which should be %a@]"
           Style.inline_code l
-          (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
-          (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty')
+          pp_type ty
+          pp_type ty')
   | Opened_object nm ->
       fprintf ppf
         "Illegal open object type%a"
@@ -982,15 +969,17 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
            | None -> fprintf ppf "") nm
   | Not_an_object ty ->
       fprintf ppf "@[The type %a@ is not an object type@]"
-        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        pp_type ty
 let () =
       | Error (loc, env, err) ->
-        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc (report_error env) err)
+        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc (report_error_doc env) err)
       | Error_forward err ->
         Some err
       | _ ->
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat1 report_error_doc
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/typetexp.mli b/src/ocaml/typing/typetexp.mli
index 34243b1d42..bd03489f32 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/typetexp.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/typetexp.mli
@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ type error =
 exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
-val report_error: Env.t -> Format.formatter -> error -> unit
+val report_error: Env.t -> error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: Env.t -> error Format_doc.printer
 (* Support for first-class modules. *)
 val transl_modtype_longident:  (* from Typemod *)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/untypeast.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/untypeast.ml
index 00a8ab1428..a5e0741ac6 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/untypeast.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/untypeast.ml
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ let rec extract_letop_patterns n pat =
 (** Mapping functions. *)
 let constant = function
-  | Const_char c -> Pconst_char c
-  | Const_string (s,loc,d) -> Pconst_string (s,loc,d)
-  | Const_int i -> Pconst_integer (Int.to_string i, None)
-  | Const_int32 i -> Pconst_integer (Int32.to_string i, Some 'l')
-  | Const_int64 i -> Pconst_integer (Int64.to_string i, Some 'L')
-  | Const_nativeint i -> Pconst_integer (Nativeint.to_string i, Some 'n')
-  | Const_float f -> Pconst_float (f,None)
+  | Const_char c -> Const.char c
+  | Const_string (s,loc,d) -> Const.string ?quotation_delimiter:d ~loc s
+  | Const_int i -> Const.integer (Int.to_string i)
+  | Const_int32 i -> Const.integer ~suffix:'l' (Int32.to_string i)
+  | Const_int64 i -> Const.integer ~suffix:'L' (Int64.to_string i)
+  | Const_nativeint i -> Const.integer ~suffix:'n' (Nativeint.to_string i)
+  | Const_float f -> Const.float f
 let attribute sub a = {
     attr_name = map_loc sub a.attr_name;
@@ -452,10 +452,32 @@ let expression sub exp =
                 None -> list
               | Some exp -> (label, sub.expr sub exp) :: list
           ) list [])
-    | Texp_match (exp, cases, _) ->
-      Pexp_match (sub.expr sub exp, List.map (sub.case sub) cases)
-    | Texp_try (exp, cases) ->
-        Pexp_try (sub.expr sub exp, List.map (sub.case sub) cases)
+    | Texp_match (exp, cases, eff_cases, _) ->
+      let merged_cases = List.map (sub.case sub) cases
+        @ List.map
+          (fun c ->
+            let uc = sub.case sub c in
+            let pat = { uc.pc_lhs
+                        (* XXX KC: The 2nd argument of Ppat_effect is wrong *)
+                        with ppat_desc = Ppat_effect (uc.pc_lhs, uc.pc_lhs) }
+            in
+            { uc with pc_lhs = pat })
+          eff_cases
+      in
+      Pexp_match (sub.expr sub exp, merged_cases)
+    | Texp_try (exp, exn_cases, eff_cases) ->
+        let merged_cases = List.map (sub.case sub) exn_cases
+        @ List.map
+          (fun c ->
+            let uc = sub.case sub c in
+            let pat = { uc.pc_lhs
+                        (* XXX KC: The 2nd argument of Ppat_effect is wrong *)
+                        with ppat_desc = Ppat_effect (uc.pc_lhs, uc.pc_lhs) }
+            in
+            { uc with pc_lhs = pat })
+          eff_cases
+        in
+        Pexp_try (sub.expr sub exp, merged_cases)
     | Texp_tuple list ->
         Pexp_tuple (List.map (sub.expr sub) list)
     | Texp_construct (lid, _, args) ->
diff --git a/src/ocaml/typing/value_rec_check.ml b/src/ocaml/typing/value_rec_check.ml
index eb741e744a..985e42a639 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/typing/value_rec_check.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/typing/value_rec_check.ml
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ let classify_expression : Typedtree.expression -> sd =
         (* Note on module presence:
            For absent modules (i.e. module aliases), the module being bound
            does not have a physical representation, but its size can still be
-           derived from the alias itself, so we can re-use the same code as
+           derived from the alias itself, so we can reuse the same code as
            for modules that are present. *)
         let size = classify_module_expression env mexp in
         let env = Ident.add mid size env in
@@ -596,8 +596,8 @@ let rec expression : Typedtree.expression -> term_judg =
       value_bindings rec_flag bindings >> expression body
     | Texp_letmodule (x, _, _, mexp, e) ->
       module_binding (x, mexp) >> expression e
-    | Texp_match (e, cases, _) ->
-      (*
+    | Texp_match (e, cases, eff_cases, _) ->
+      (* TODO: update comment below for eff_cases
          (Gi; mi |- pi -> ei : m)^i
          G |- e : sum(mi)^i
@@ -607,7 +607,11 @@ let rec expression : Typedtree.expression -> term_judg =
         let pat_envs, pat_modes =
           List.split (List.map (fun c -> case c mode) cases) in
         let env_e = expression e (List.fold_left Mode.join Ignore pat_modes) in
-        Env.join_list (env_e :: pat_envs))
+        let eff_envs, eff_modes =
+          List.split (List.map (fun c -> case c mode) eff_cases) in
+        let eff_e = expression e (List.fold_left Mode.join Ignore eff_modes) in
+        Env.join_list
+          ((Env.join_list (env_e :: pat_envs)) :: (eff_e :: eff_envs)))
     | Texp_for (_, _, low, high, _, body) ->
         G1 |- low: m[Dereference]
@@ -829,7 +833,7 @@ let rec expression : Typedtree.expression -> term_judg =
       modexp mexp
     | Texp_object (clsstrct, _) ->
       class_structure clsstrct
-    | Texp_try (e, cases) ->
+    | Texp_try (e, cases, eff_cases) ->
         G |- e: m      (Gi; _ |- pi -> ei : m)^i
@@ -843,6 +847,7 @@ let rec expression : Typedtree.expression -> term_judg =
       join [
         expression e;
         list case_env cases;
+        list case_env eff_cases;
     | Texp_override (pth, fields) ->
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/clflags.ml b/src/ocaml/utils/clflags.ml
index f507f58362..f42ff9101a 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/clflags.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/clflags.ml
@@ -27,7 +27,142 @@ let keep_docs           = ref false
 let transparent_modules = ref true
 let for_package         = ref None
 let debug               = ref false
+let unsafe              = ref false
 let opaque              = ref false
 let unboxed_types       = ref false
 let locations = ref true
+let keyword_edition: string option ref = ref None
+(* This is used by the -save-ir-after option. *)
+module Compiler_ir = struct
+  type t = Linear
+  let all = [
+    Linear;
+  ]
+  let extension t =
+    let ext =
+    match t with
+      | Linear -> "linear"
+    in
+    ".cmir-" ^ ext
+  (** [extract_extension_with_pass filename] returns the IR whose extension
+      is a prefix of the extension of [filename], and the suffix,
+      which can be used to distinguish different passes on the same IR.
+      For example, [extract_extension_with_pass "foo.cmir-linear123"]
+      returns [Some (Linear, "123")]. *)
+  let extract_extension_with_pass filename =
+    let ext = Filename.extension filename in
+    let ext_len = String.length ext in
+    if ext_len <= 0 then None
+    else begin
+      let is_prefix ir =
+        let s = extension ir in
+        let s_len = String.length s in
+        s_len <= ext_len && s = String.sub ext 0 s_len
+      in
+      let drop_prefix ir =
+        let s = extension ir in
+        let s_len = String.length s in
+        String.sub ext s_len (ext_len - s_len)
+      in
+      let ir = List.find_opt is_prefix all in
+      match ir with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some ir -> Some (ir, drop_prefix ir)
+    end
+(* This is used by the -stop-after option. *)
+module Compiler_pass = struct
+  (* If you add a new pass, the following must be updated:
+     - the variable `passes` below
+     - the manpages in man/ocaml{c,opt}.m
+     - the manual manual/src/cmds/unified-options.etex
+  *)
+  type t = Parsing | Typing | Lambda | Scheduling | Emit
+  let to_string = function
+    | Parsing -> "parsing"
+    | Typing -> "typing"
+    | Lambda -> "lambda"
+    | Scheduling -> "scheduling"
+    | Emit -> "emit"
+  let of_string = function
+    | "parsing" -> Some Parsing
+    | "typing" -> Some Typing
+    | "lambda" -> Some Lambda
+    | "scheduling" -> Some Scheduling
+    | "emit" -> Some Emit
+    | _ -> None
+  let rank = function
+    | Parsing -> 0
+    | Typing -> 1
+    | Lambda -> 2
+    | Scheduling -> 50
+    | Emit -> 60
+  let passes = [
+    Parsing;
+    Typing;
+    Lambda;
+    Scheduling;
+    Emit;
+  ]
+  let is_compilation_pass _ = true
+  let is_native_only = function
+    | Scheduling -> true
+    | Emit -> true
+    | _ -> false
+  let enabled is_native t = not (is_native_only t) || is_native
+  let can_save_ir_after = function
+    | Scheduling -> true
+    | _ -> false
+  let available_pass_names ~filter ~native =
+    passes
+    |> List.filter (enabled native)
+    |> List.filter filter
+    |> List.map to_string
+  let compare a b =
+    compare (rank a) (rank b)
+  let to_output_filename t ~prefix =
+    match t with
+    | Scheduling -> prefix ^ Compiler_ir.(extension Linear)
+    | _ -> Misc.fatal_error "Not supported"
+  let of_input_filename name =
+    match Compiler_ir.extract_extension_with_pass name with
+    | Some (Linear, _) -> Some Emit
+    | None -> None
+let parse_keyword_edition s =
+  let parse_version s =
+  let bad_version () =
+    raise (Arg.Bad "Ill-formed version in keywords flag,\n\
+                    the supported format is <major>.<minor>, for example 5.2 .")
+  in
+  if s = "" then None else match String.split_on_char '.' s with
+  | [] | [_] | _ :: _ :: _ :: _ -> bad_version ()
+  | [major;minor] -> match int_of_string_opt major, int_of_string_opt minor with
+    | Some major, Some minor -> Some (major,minor)
+    | _ -> bad_version ()
+  in
+  match String.split_on_char '+' s with
+  | [] -> None, []
+  | [s] -> parse_version s, []
+  | v :: rest -> parse_version v, rest
+let stop_after = ref None
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/clflags.mli b/src/ocaml/utils/clflags.mli
index 4948f58901..8799cbebc1 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/clflags.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/clflags.mli
@@ -35,7 +35,27 @@ val keep_docs            : bool ref
 val transparent_modules  : bool ref
 val for_package          : string option ref
 val debug                : bool ref
+val unsafe               : bool ref
 val opaque               : bool ref
 val unboxed_types        : bool ref
 val locations            : bool ref
+val keyword_edition      : string option ref
+module Compiler_pass : sig
+  type t = Parsing | Typing | Lambda | Scheduling | Emit
+  val of_string : string -> t option
+  val to_string : t -> string
+  val is_compilation_pass : t -> bool
+  val available_pass_names : filter:(t -> bool) -> native:bool -> string list
+  val can_save_ir_after : t -> bool
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+  val to_output_filename: t -> prefix:string -> string
+  val of_input_filename: string -> t option
+val parse_keyword_edition: string -> (int*int) option * string list
+val stop_after : Compiler_pass.t option ref
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/compression.ml b/src/ocaml/utils/compression.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..384afb3b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/compression.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*        Xavier Leroy, Collège de France and Inria project Cambium       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2023 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+external zstd_initialize: unit -> bool = "caml_zstd_initialize"
+let compression_supported = zstd_initialize ()
+type [@warning "-unused-constructor"] extern_flags =
+    No_sharing                          (** Don't preserve sharing *)
+  | Closures                            (** Send function closures *)
+  | Compat_32                           (** Ensure 32-bit compatibility *)
+  | Compression                         (** Optional compression *)
+external to_channel: out_channel -> 'a -> extern_flags list -> unit
+                   = "caml_output_value"
+let output_value ch v = to_channel ch v [Compression]
+let input_value = Stdlib.input_value
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/compression.mli b/src/ocaml/utils/compression.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdfb63da77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/compression.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*        Xavier Leroy, Collège de France and Inria project Cambium       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2023 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+val output_value : out_channel -> 'a -> unit
+(** [Compression.output_value chan v] writes the representation
+    of [v] on channel [chan].
+    If compression is supported, the marshaled data
+    representing value [v] is compressed before being written to
+    channel [chan].
+    If compression is not supported, this function behaves like
+    {!Stdlib.output_value}. *)
+val input_value : in_channel -> 'a
+(** [Compression.input_value chan] reads from channel [chan] the
+    byte representation of a structured value, as produced by
+    [Compression.output_value], and reconstructs and
+    returns the corresponding value.
+    If compression is not supported, this function behaves like
+    {!Stdlib.input_value}. *)
+val compression_supported : bool
+(** Reports whether compression is supported. *)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/config.common.ml.in b/src/ocaml/utils/config.common.ml.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3603fe6c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/config.common.ml.in
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+(* @configure_input@ *)
+#3 "utils/config.common.ml.in"
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Portions of the Config module common to both the boot and main compiler. *)
+(* The main OCaml version string has moved to ../build-aux/ocaml_version.m4 *)
+let version = Sys.ocaml_version
+let standard_library =
+  try
+    Sys.getenv "OCAMLLIB"
+  with Not_found ->
+  try
+    Sys.getenv "CAMLLIB"
+  with Not_found ->
+    standard_library_default
+let exec_magic_number = {magic|@EXEC_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+    (* exec_magic_number is duplicated in runtime/caml/exec.h *)
+and cmi_magic_number = {magic|@CMI_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmo_magic_number = {magic|@CMO_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cma_magic_number = {magic|@CMA_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmx_magic_number = {magic|@CMX_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmxa_magic_number = {magic|@CMXA_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and ast_impl_magic_number = {magic|@AST_IMPL_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and ast_intf_magic_number = {magic|@AST_INTF_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmxs_magic_number = {magic|@CMXS_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmt_magic_number = {magic|@CMT_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and linear_magic_number = {magic|@LINEAR_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+let safe_string = true
+let default_safe_string = true
+let naked_pointers = false
+let interface_suffix = ref ".mli"
+let max_tag = 243
+(* This is normally the same as in obj.ml, but we have to define it
+   separately because it can differ when we're in the middle of a
+   bootstrapping phase. *)
+let lazy_tag = 246
+let max_young_wosize = 256
+let stack_threshold = 32 (* see runtime/caml/config.h *)
+let stack_safety_margin = 6
+let default_executable_name =
+  match Sys.os_type with
+    "Unix" -> "a.out"
+  | "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> "camlprog.exe"
+  | _ -> "camlprog"
+type configuration_value =
+  | String of string
+  | Int of int
+  | Bool of bool
+let configuration_variables () =
+  let p x v = (x, String v) in
+  let p_int x v = (x, Int v) in
+  let p_bool x v = (x, Bool v) in
+  p "version" version;
+  p "standard_library_default" standard_library_default;
+  p "standard_library" standard_library;
+  p "ccomp_type" ccomp_type;
+  p "c_compiler" c_compiler;
+  p "bytecode_cflags" bytecode_cflags;
+  p "ocamlc_cflags" bytecode_cflags;
+  p "bytecode_cppflags" bytecode_cppflags;
+  p "ocamlc_cppflags" bytecode_cppflags;
+  p "native_cflags" native_cflags;
+  p "ocamlopt_cflags" native_cflags;
+  p "native_cppflags" native_cppflags;
+  p "ocamlopt_cppflags" native_cppflags;
+  p "bytecomp_c_compiler" bytecomp_c_compiler;
+  p "native_c_compiler" native_c_compiler;
+  p "bytecomp_c_libraries" bytecomp_c_libraries;
+  p "native_c_libraries" native_c_libraries;
+  p "native_ldflags" native_ldflags;
+  p "native_pack_linker" native_pack_linker;
+  p_bool "native_compiler" native_compiler;
+  p "architecture" architecture;
+  p "model" model;
+  p_int "int_size" Sys.int_size;
+  p_int "word_size" Sys.word_size;
+  p "system" system;
+  p "asm" asm;
+  p_bool "asm_cfi_supported" asm_cfi_supported;
+  p_bool "with_frame_pointers" with_frame_pointers;
+  p "ext_exe" ext_exe;
+  p "ext_obj" ext_obj;
+  p "ext_asm" ext_asm;
+  p "ext_lib" ext_lib;
+  p "ext_dll" ext_dll;
+  p "os_type" Sys.os_type;
+  p "default_executable_name" default_executable_name;
+  p_bool "systhread_supported" systhread_supported;
+  p "host" host;
+  p "target" target;
+  p_bool "flambda" flambda;
+  p_bool "safe_string" safe_string;
+  p_bool "default_safe_string" default_safe_string;
+  p_bool "flat_float_array" flat_float_array;
+  p_bool "function_sections" function_sections;
+  p_bool "afl_instrument" afl_instrument;
+  p_bool "tsan" tsan;
+  p_bool "windows_unicode" windows_unicode;
+  p_bool "supports_shared_libraries" supports_shared_libraries;
+  p_bool "native_dynlink" native_dynlink;
+  p_bool "naked_pointers" naked_pointers;
+  p "exec_magic_number" exec_magic_number;
+  p "cmi_magic_number" cmi_magic_number;
+  p "cmo_magic_number" cmo_magic_number;
+  p "cma_magic_number" cma_magic_number;
+  p "cmx_magic_number" cmx_magic_number;
+  p "cmxa_magic_number" cmxa_magic_number;
+  p "ast_impl_magic_number" ast_impl_magic_number;
+  p "ast_intf_magic_number" ast_intf_magic_number;
+  p "cmxs_magic_number" cmxs_magic_number;
+  p "cmt_magic_number" cmt_magic_number;
+  p "linear_magic_number" linear_magic_number;
+let print_config_value oc = function
+  | String s ->
+      Printf.fprintf oc "%s" s
+  | Int n ->
+      Printf.fprintf oc "%d" n
+  | Bool p ->
+      Printf.fprintf oc "%B" p
+let print_config oc =
+  let print (x, v) =
+    Printf.fprintf oc "%s: %a\n" x print_config_value v in
+  List.iter print (configuration_variables ());
+  flush oc
+let config_var x =
+  match List.assoc_opt x (configuration_variables()) with
+  | None -> None
+  | Some v ->
+      let s = match v with
+        | String s -> s
+        | Int n -> Int.to_string n
+        | Bool b -> string_of_bool b
+      in
+      Some s
+let merlin = false
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/config.fixed.ml b/src/ocaml/utils/config.fixed.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25f09e3806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/config.fixed.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+let c_output_obj = ""
+let c_has_debug_prefix_map = false
+let as_has_debug_prefix_map = false
+let bytecode_cflags = ""
+let bytecode_cppflags = ""
+let native_cflags = ""
+let native_cppflags = ""
+let bytecomp_c_libraries = ""
+let bytecomp_c_compiler = ""
+let native_c_compiler = c_compiler
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/config.generated.ml.in b/src/ocaml/utils/config.generated.ml.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa03455409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/config.generated.ml.in
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(* @configure_input@ *)
+#2 "utils/config.generated.ml.in"
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* This file is included in config_main.ml during the build rather
+   than compiled on its own *)
+let bindir = {@QS@|@ocaml_bindir@|@QS@}
+let standard_library_default = {@QS@|@ocaml_libdir@|@QS@}
+let ccomp_type = {@QS@|@ccomptype@|@QS@}
+let c_compiler = {@QS@|@CC@|@QS@}
+let c_output_obj = {@QS@|@outputobj@|@QS@}
+let c_has_debug_prefix_map = @cc_has_debug_prefix_map@
+let as_has_debug_prefix_map = @as_has_debug_prefix_map@
+let bytecode_cflags = {@QS@|@bytecode_cflags@|@QS@}
+let bytecode_cppflags = {@QS@|@bytecode_cppflags@|@QS@}
+let native_cflags = {@QS@|@native_cflags@|@QS@}
+let native_cppflags = {@QS@|@native_cppflags@|@QS@}
+let bytecomp_c_libraries = {@QS@|@zstd_libs@ @cclibs@|@QS@}
+(* bytecomp_c_compiler and native_c_compiler have been supported for a
+   long time and are retained for backwards compatibility.
+   For programs that don't need compatibility with older OCaml releases
+   the recommended approach is to use the constituent variables
+   c_compiler, {bytecode,native}_c[pp]flags etc. directly.
+let bytecomp_c_compiler =
+  c_compiler ^ " " ^ bytecode_cflags ^ " " ^ bytecode_cppflags
+let native_c_compiler =
+  c_compiler ^ " " ^ native_cflags ^ " " ^ native_cppflags
+let native_c_libraries = {@QS@|@cclibs@|@QS@}
+let native_ldflags = {@QS@|@native_ldflags@|@QS@}
+let native_pack_linker = {@QS@|@PACKLD@|@QS@}
+let default_rpath = {@QS@|@rpath@|@QS@}
+let mksharedlibrpath = {@QS@|@mksharedlibrpath@|@QS@}
+let ar = {@QS@|@AR@|@QS@}
+let supports_shared_libraries = @supports_shared_libraries@
+let native_dynlink = @natdynlink@
+let mkdll = {@QS@|@mkdll_exp@|@QS@}
+let mkexe = {@QS@|@mkexe_exp@|@QS@}
+let mkmaindll = {@QS@|@mkmaindll_exp@|@QS@}
+let flambda = @flambda@
+let with_flambda_invariants = @flambda_invariants@
+let with_cmm_invariants = @cmm_invariants@
+let windows_unicode = @windows_unicode@ != 0
+let flat_float_array = @flat_float_array@
+let function_sections = @function_sections@
+let afl_instrument = @afl@
+let native_compiler = @native_compiler@
+let architecture = {@QS@|@arch@|@QS@}
+let model = {@QS@|@model@|@QS@}
+let system = {@QS@|@system@|@QS@}
+let asm = {@QS@|@AS@|@QS@}
+let asm_cfi_supported = @asm_cfi_supported@
+let with_frame_pointers = @frame_pointers@
+let reserved_header_bits = @reserved_header_bits@
+let ext_exe = {@QS@|@exeext@|@QS@}
+let ext_obj = "." ^ {@QS@|@OBJEXT@|@QS@}
+let ext_asm = "." ^ {@QS@|@S@|@QS@}
+let ext_lib = "." ^ {@QS@|@libext@|@QS@}
+let ext_dll = "." ^ {@QS@|@SO@|@QS@}
+let host = {@QS@|@host@|@QS@}
+let target = {@QS@|@target@|@QS@}
+let systhread_supported = @systhread_support@
+let flexdll_dirs = [@flexdll_dir@]
+let ar_supports_response_files = @ar_supports_response_files@
+let tsan = @tsan@
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/config.ml b/src/ocaml/utils/config.ml
index 0a2c82eec5..0b8242ee1a 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/config.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/config.ml
@@ -30,30 +30,30 @@ let flambda = false
 let ext_obj = ".o_The boot compiler cannot process C objects"
-let exec_magic_number = "Caml1999X034"
+let exec_magic_number = "Caml1999X035"
     (* exec_magic_number is duplicated in runtime/caml/exec.h *)
-and cmi_magic_number = "Caml1999I034"
-and cmo_magic_number = "Caml1999O034"
-and cma_magic_number = "Caml1999A034"
+and cmi_magic_number = "Caml1999I035"
+and cmo_magic_number = "Caml1999O035"
+and cma_magic_number = "Caml1999A035"
 and cmx_magic_number =
   if flambda then
-    "Caml1999y034"
+    "Caml1999y035"
-    "Caml1999Y034"
+    "Caml1999Y035"
 and cmxa_magic_number =
   if flambda then
-    "Caml1999z034"
+    "Caml1999z035"
-    "Caml1999Z034"
-and ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M034"
-and ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N034"
-and cmxs_magic_number = "Caml1999D034"
-and cmt_magic_number = "Caml1999T034"
-and index_magic_number = "Merl2023I001"
+    "Caml1999Z035"
+and ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M035"
+and ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N035"
+and cmxs_magic_number = "Caml1999D035"
+and cmt_magic_number = "Caml1999T035"
+and index_magic_number = "Merl2023I002"
 let interface_suffix = ref ".mli"
+let flat_float_array = true
 let max_tag = 245
-let flat_float_array = false
 let merlin = true
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/config.mli b/src/ocaml/utils/config.mli
index df34aee281..6fab0816bc 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/config.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/config.mli
@@ -46,13 +46,16 @@ val cmt_magic_number: string
 val index_magic_number: string
         (* Magic number for index files *)
 val max_tag: int
         (* Biggest tag that can be stored in the header of a regular block. *)
-val flat_float_array: bool
+val flat_float_array : bool
+        (* Whether the compiler and runtime automagically flatten float arrays *)
 val merlin : bool
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/diffing.ml b/src/ocaml/utils/diffing.ml
index 94391803ae..f2c336d9c4 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/diffing.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/diffing.ml
@@ -42,10 +42,11 @@ let style = function
   | Modification -> Misc.Style.[ FG Magenta; Bold]
 let prefix ppf (pos, p) =
+  let open Format_doc in
   let sty = style p in
-  Format.pp_open_stag ppf (Misc.Style.Style sty);
-  Format.fprintf ppf "%i. " pos;
-  Format.pp_close_stag ppf ()
+  pp_open_stag ppf (Misc.Style.Style sty);
+  fprintf ppf "%i. " pos;
+  pp_close_stag ppf ()
 let (let*) = Option.bind
@@ -346,7 +347,22 @@ let compute_inner_cell tbl i j =
     compute_proposition (i-1) (j-1) diff
   let*! newweight, (diff, localstate) =
-    select_best_proposition [diag;del;insert]
+    (* The order of propositions is important here:
+       the call [select_best_proposition [P_0, ...; P_n]] keeps the first
+       proposition with minimal weight as the representative path for this
+       weight class at the current matrix position.
+       By induction, the representative path for the minimal weight class will
+       be the smallest path according to the reverse lexical order induced by
+       the element order [[P_0;...; P_n]].
+       This is why we choose to start with the [Del] case since path ending with
+       [Del+] suffix are likely to correspond to parital application in the
+       functor application case.
+       Similarly, large block of deletions or insertions at the end of the
+       definitions might point toward incomplete definitions.
+       Thus this seems a good overall setting. *)
+    select_best_proposition [del;insert;diag]
   let state = update diff localstate in
   Matrix.set tbl i j ~weight:newweight ~state ~diff:(Some diff)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/diffing.mli b/src/ocaml/utils/diffing.mli
index 7f4d7ced1b..79c51fbbae 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/diffing.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/diffing.mli
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ type change_kind =
   | Insertion
   | Modification
   | Preservation
-val prefix: Format.formatter -> (int * change_kind) -> unit
+val prefix: (int * change_kind) Format_doc.printer
 val style: change_kind -> Misc.Style.style list
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/diffing_with_keys.ml b/src/ocaml/utils/diffing_with_keys.ml
index 33a03b4da5..c319b03783 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/diffing_with_keys.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/diffing_with_keys.ml
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ let prefix ppf x =
   let style k ppf inner =
     let sty = Diffing.style k in
-    Format.pp_open_stag ppf (Misc.Style.Style sty);
-    Format.kfprintf (fun ppf -> Format.pp_close_stag ppf () ) ppf inner
+    Format_doc.pp_open_stag ppf (Misc.Style.Style sty);
+    Format_doc.kfprintf (fun ppf -> Format_doc.pp_close_stag ppf () ) ppf inner
   match x with
   | Change (Name {pos; _ } | Type {pos; _})
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ let prefix ppf x =
 (** To detect [move] and [swaps], we are using the fact that
     there are 2-cycles in the graph of name renaming.
-    - [Change (x,y,_) is then an edge from
+    - [Change (x,y,_)] is then an edge from
       [key_left x] to [key_right y].
     - [Insert x] is an edge between the special node epsilon and
       [key_left x]
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/diffing_with_keys.mli b/src/ocaml/utils/diffing_with_keys.mli
index 2da8268767..94e56fb72e 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/diffing_with_keys.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/diffing_with_keys.mli
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type ('l,'r,'diff) change =
   | Insert of {pos:int; insert:'r}
   | Delete of {pos:int; delete:'l}
-val prefix: Format.formatter -> ('l,'r,'diff) change -> unit
+val prefix: ('l,'r,'diff) change Format_doc.printer
 module Define(D:Diffing.Defs with type eq := unit): sig
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/domainstate.ml.c b/src/ocaml/utils/domainstate.ml.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dbae1d07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/domainstate.ml.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                 OCaml                                  */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*      KC Sivaramakrishnan, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras       */
+/*                 Stephen Dolan, University of Cambridge                 */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   Copyright 2019 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras                */
+/*   Copyright 2019 University of Cambridge                               */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    */
+/*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          */
+/*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          */
+/*                                                                        */
+#include "config.h"
+let stack_ctx_words = Stack_ctx_words
+type t =
+#define DOMAIN_STATE(type, name) | Domain_##name
+#include "domain_state.tbl"
+let idx_of_field =
+  let curr = 0 in
+#define DOMAIN_STATE(type, name) \
+  let idx__##name = curr in \
+  let curr = curr + 1 in
+#include "domain_state.tbl"
+  let _ = curr in
+  function
+#define DOMAIN_STATE(type, name) \
+  | Domain_##name -> idx__##name
+#include "domain_state.tbl"
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/domainstate.mli.c b/src/ocaml/utils/domainstate.mli.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66a4750d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/domainstate.mli.c
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                 OCaml                                  */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*      KC Sivaramakrishnan, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras       */
+/*                Stephen Dolan, University of Cambridge                  */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   Copyright 2019 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras                */
+/*   Copyright 2019 University of Cambridge                               */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    */
+/*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          */
+/*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          */
+/*                                                                        */
+val stack_ctx_words : int
+type t =
+#define DOMAIN_STATE(type, name) | Domain_##name
+#include "domain_state.tbl"
+val idx_of_field : t -> int
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/linkdeps.ml b/src/ocaml/utils/linkdeps.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..824c898e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/linkdeps.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                              Hugo Heuzard                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module Style = Misc.Style
+type compunit = string
+type filename = string
+type compunit_and_source = {
+  compunit  : compunit;
+  filename : filename;
+module Compunit_and_source = struct
+  type t = compunit_and_source
+  module Set = Set.Make(struct type nonrec t = t let compare = compare end)
+type refs = Compunit_and_source.Set.t
+type t = {
+  complete : bool;
+  missing_compunits : (compunit, refs) Hashtbl.t;
+  provided_compunits : (compunit, filename list) Hashtbl.t;
+  badly_ordered_deps : (Compunit_and_source.t, refs) Hashtbl.t;
+type error =
+  | Missing_implementations of (compunit * compunit_and_source list) list
+  | Wrong_link_order of (compunit_and_source * compunit_and_source list) list
+  | Multiple_definitions of (compunit * filename list) list
+let create ~complete = {
+  complete;
+  missing_compunits = Hashtbl.create 17;
+  provided_compunits = Hashtbl.create 17;
+  badly_ordered_deps = Hashtbl.create 17;
+let required t compunit = Hashtbl.mem t.missing_compunits compunit
+let update t k f =
+  let v = Hashtbl.find_opt t k in
+  Hashtbl.replace t k (f v)
+let add_required t by (name : string) =
+  let add s =
+    Compunit_and_source.Set.add by
+      (Option.value s ~default:Compunit_and_source.Set.empty) in
+  (try
+     let filename = List.hd (Hashtbl.find t.provided_compunits name) in
+     update t.badly_ordered_deps {compunit = name; filename } add
+   with Not_found -> ());
+  update t.missing_compunits name add
+let add t ~filename ~compunit ~provides ~requires =
+  List.iter (add_required t {compunit; filename}) requires;
+  List.iter (fun p ->
+    Hashtbl.remove t.missing_compunits p;
+    let l = Option.value ~default:[]
+        (Hashtbl.find_opt t.provided_compunits p) in
+    Hashtbl.replace t.provided_compunits p (filename :: l)) provides
+let check t =
+  let of_seq s =
+    Seq.map (fun (k,v) -> k, Compunit_and_source.Set.elements v) s
+    |> List.of_seq
+  in
+  let missing = of_seq (Hashtbl.to_seq t.missing_compunits) in
+  let badly_ordered_deps = of_seq (Hashtbl.to_seq t.badly_ordered_deps) in
+  let duplicated =
+    Hashtbl.to_seq t.provided_compunits
+    |> Seq.filter (fun (_, files) -> List.compare_length_with files 1 > 0)
+    |> List.of_seq
+  in
+  match duplicated, badly_ordered_deps, missing with
+  | [], [], [] -> None
+  | [], [], l ->
+      if t.complete
+      then Some (Missing_implementations l)
+      else None
+  | [], l,  _  ->
+      Some (Wrong_link_order l)
+  | l, _, _ ->
+      Some (Multiple_definitions l)
+(* Error report *)
+open Format_doc
+let print_reference print_fname ppf {compunit; filename} =
+  fprintf ppf "%a (%a)" Style.inline_code compunit print_fname filename
+let pp_list_comma f =
+  pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf ",@ ") f
+let report_error_doc ~print_filename ppf = function
+  | Missing_implementations l ->
+      let print_modules ppf =
+        List.iter
+          (fun (md, rq) ->
+             fprintf ppf "@ @[<hov 2>%a referenced from %a@]"
+               Style.inline_code md
+               (pp_list_comma (print_reference print_filename)) rq)
+      in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<v 2>No implementation provided for the following modules:%a@]"
+        print_modules l
+  | Wrong_link_order l ->
+      let depends_on ppf (dep, depending) =
+        fprintf ppf "@ @[<hov 2>%a depends on %a@]"
+          (pp_list_comma (print_reference print_filename)) depending
+          (print_reference print_filename) dep
+      in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>Wrong link order:%a@]"
+        (pp_list_comma depends_on) l
+  | Multiple_definitions l ->
+      let print ppf (compunit, files) =
+        fprintf ppf
+          "@ @[<hov>Multiple definitions of module %a in files %a@]"
+          Style.inline_code compunit
+          (pp_list_comma (Style.as_inline_code print_filename)) files
+      in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2> Duplicated implementations:%a@]"
+        (pp_list_comma print) l
+let report_error ~print_filename =
+  Format_doc.compat (report_error_doc ~print_filename)
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/linkdeps.mli b/src/ocaml/utils/linkdeps.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..070b0e5387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/linkdeps.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                              Hugo Heuzard                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type t
+(** The state of the linking check.
+    It keeps track of compilation units provided and required so far. *)
+type compunit = string
+type filename = string
+val create : complete:bool -> t
+(** [create ~complete] returns an empty state. If [complete] is
+   [true], missing compilation units will be treated as errors.  *)
+val add : t
+  -> filename:filename -> compunit:compunit
+  -> provides:compunit list -> requires:compunit list -> unit
+(** [add t ~filename ~compunit ~provides ~requires] registers the
+    compilation unit [compunit] found in [filename] to [t].
+    - [provides] are units and sub-units provided by [compunit]
+    - [requires] are units required by [compunit]
+    [add] should be called in reverse topological order. *)
+val required : t -> compunit -> bool
+(** [required t compunit] returns [true] if [compunit] is a dependency of
+    previously added compilation units. *)
+type compunit_and_source = {
+  compunit : compunit;
+  filename : filename;
+type error =
+  | Missing_implementations of (compunit * compunit_and_source list) list
+  | Wrong_link_order of (compunit_and_source * compunit_and_source list) list
+  | Multiple_definitions of (compunit * filename list) list
+val check : t -> error option
+(** [check t] should be called once all the compilation units to be linked
+    have been added.  It returns some error if:
+    - There are some missing implementations
+      and [complete] is [true]
+    - Some implementation appear
+      before their dependencies *)
+val report_error :
+  print_filename:string Format_doc.printer -> error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc :
+  print_filename:string Format_doc.printer -> error Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/local_store.mli b/src/ocaml/utils/local_store.mli
index 3ea05d5889..545cf71e02 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/local_store.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/local_store.mli
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 (** This module provides some facilities for creating references (and hash
-    tables) which can easily be snapshoted and restored to an arbitrary version.
+    tables) which can easily be snapshotted and restored to an arbitrary
+    version.
     It is used throughout the frontend (read: typechecker), to register all
     (well, hopefully) the global state. Thus making it easy for tools like
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/warnings.ml b/src/ocaml/utils/warnings.ml
index 4eb85d8a9e..d4d3323f94 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/warnings.ml
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/warnings.ml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ type t =
   | Implicit_public_methods of string list  (* 15 *)
   | Unerasable_optional_argument            (* 16 *)
   | Undeclared_virtual_method of string     (* 17 *)
-  | Not_principal of string                 (* 18 *)
+  | Not_principal of Format_doc.t           (* 18 *)
   | Non_principal_labels of string          (* 19 *)
   | Ignored_extra_argument                  (* 20 *)
   | Nonreturning_statement                  (* 21 *)
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ type t =
   | Unused_tmc_attribute                    (* 71 *)
   | Tmc_breaks_tailcall                     (* 72 *)
   | Generative_application_expects_unit     (* 73 *)
+  | Degraded_to_partial_match               (* 74 *)
 (* If you remove a warning, leave a hole in the numbering.  NEVER change
    the numbers of existing warnings.
@@ -190,12 +191,13 @@ let number = function
   | Unused_tmc_attribute -> 71
   | Tmc_breaks_tailcall -> 72
   | Generative_application_expects_unit -> 73
+  | Degraded_to_partial_match -> 74
 (* DO NOT REMOVE the ;; above: it is used by
    the testsuite/ests/warnings/mnemonics.mll test to determine where
    the  definition of the number function above ends *)
-let last_warning_number = 73
+let last_warning_number = 74
 type description =
   { number : int;
@@ -534,6 +536,11 @@ let descriptions = [
     description = "A generative functor is applied to an empty structure \
                    (struct end) rather than to ().";
     since = since 5 1 };
+  { number = 74;
+    names = ["degraded-to-partial-match"];
+    description = "A pattern-matching is compiled as partial \
+                   even if it appears to be total.";
+    since = since 5 3 };
 let name_to_number =
@@ -870,7 +877,7 @@ let parse_options errflag s =
 (* If you change these, don't forget to change them in man/ocamlc.m *)
-let defaults_w = "+a-4-7-9-27-29-30-32..42-44-45-48-50-60-66..70"
+let defaults_w = "+a-4-7-9-27-29-30-32..42-44-45-48-50-60-66..70-74"
 let defaults_warn_error = "-a"
 let default_disabled_alerts = [ "unstable"; "unsynchronized_access" ]
@@ -934,7 +941,9 @@ let message = function
       ^ String.concat " " l ^ "."
   | Unerasable_optional_argument -> "this optional argument cannot be erased."
   | Undeclared_virtual_method m -> "the virtual method "^m^" is not declared."
-  | Not_principal s -> s^" is not principal."
+  | Not_principal msg ->
+      Format_doc.asprintf "%a is not principal."
+        Format_doc.pp_doc msg
   | Non_principal_labels s -> s^" without principality."
   | Ignored_extra_argument -> "this argument will not be used by the function."
   | Nonreturning_statement ->
@@ -1047,7 +1056,7 @@ let message = function
         "Code should not depend on the actual values of\n\
          this constructor's arguments. They are only for information\n\
          and may change in future versions. %a"
-        Misc.print_see_manual ref_manual
+        (Format_doc.compat Misc.print_see_manual) ref_manual
   | Unreachable_case ->
       "this match case is unreachable.\n\
        Consider replacing it with a refutation case '<pat> -> .'"
@@ -1078,7 +1087,7 @@ let message = function
          Only the first match will be used to evaluate the guard expression.\n\
-        vars_explanation Misc.print_see_manual ref_manual
+        vars_explanation (Format_doc.compat Misc.print_see_manual) ref_manual
   | No_cmx_file name ->
         "no cmx file was found in path for module %s, \
@@ -1103,7 +1112,7 @@ let message = function
   | Erroneous_printed_signature s ->
       "The printed interface differs from the inferred interface.\n\
        The inferred interface contained items which could not be printed\n\
-       properly due to name collisions between identifiers."
+       properly due to name collisions between identifiers.\n"
      ^ s
      ^ "\nBeware that this warning is purely informational and will not catch\n\
         all instances of erroneous printed interface."
@@ -1143,6 +1152,16 @@ let message = function
   | Generative_application_expects_unit ->
       "A generative functor\n\
        should be applied to '()'; using '(struct end)' is deprecated."
+  | Degraded_to_partial_match ->
+      let[@manual.ref "ss:warn74"] ref_manual = [ 13; 5; 5 ] in
+      Format.asprintf
+        "This pattern-matching is compiled \n\
+         as partial, even if it appears to be total. \
+         It may generate a Match_failure\n\
+         exception. This typically occurs due to \
+         complex matches on mutable fields.\n\
+         %a"
+        (Format_doc.compat Misc.print_see_manual) ref_manual
 let nerrors = ref 0
diff --git a/src/ocaml/utils/warnings.mli b/src/ocaml/utils/warnings.mli
index bb42eec6ef..b1b3a12f78 100644
--- a/src/ocaml/utils/warnings.mli
+++ b/src/ocaml/utils/warnings.mli
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ type t =
   | Implicit_public_methods of string list  (* 15 *)
   | Unerasable_optional_argument            (* 16 *)
   | Undeclared_virtual_method of string     (* 17 *)
-  | Not_principal of string                 (* 18 *)
+  | Not_principal of Format_doc.t           (* 18 *)
   | Non_principal_labels of string          (* 19 *)
   | Ignored_extra_argument                  (* 20 *)
   | Nonreturning_statement                  (* 21 *)
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ type t =
   | Unused_tmc_attribute                    (* 71 *)
   | Tmc_breaks_tailcall                     (* 72 *)
   | Generative_application_expects_unit     (* 73 *)
+  | Degraded_to_partial_match               (* 74 *)
 type alert = {kind:string; message:string; def:loc; use:loc}
diff --git a/src/utils/.ocamlformat-ignore b/src/utils/.ocamlformat-ignore
index 430454161f..d3ad6b935a 100644
--- a/src/utils/.ocamlformat-ignore
+++ b/src/utils/.ocamlformat-ignore
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/src/utils/format_doc.ml b/src/utils/format_doc.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97014afd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/format_doc.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module Doc = struct
+  type box_type =
+    | H
+    | V
+    | HV
+    | HoV
+    | B
+  type stag = Format.stag
+  type element =
+    | Text of string
+    | With_size of int
+    | Open_box of { kind: box_type ; indent:int }
+    | Close_box
+    | Open_tag of Format.stag
+    | Close_tag
+    | Open_tbox
+    | Tab_break of { width : int; offset : int }
+    | Set_tab
+    | Close_tbox
+    | Simple_break of { spaces : int; indent: int }
+    | Break of { fits : string * int * string as 'a; breaks : 'a }
+    | Flush of { newline:bool }
+    | Newline
+    | If_newline
+    | Deprecated of (Format.formatter -> unit)
+  type t = { rev:element list } [@@unboxed]
+  let empty = { rev = [] }
+  let to_list doc = List.rev doc.rev
+  let add doc x = { rev = x :: doc.rev }
+  let fold f acc doc = List.fold_left f acc (to_list doc)
+  let append left right = { rev = right.rev @ left.rev }
+  let format_open_box_gen ppf kind indent =
+    match kind with
+    | H-> Format.pp_open_hbox ppf ()
+    | V -> Format.pp_open_vbox ppf indent
+    | HV -> Format.pp_open_hvbox ppf indent
+    | HoV -> Format.pp_open_hovbox ppf indent
+    | B -> Format.pp_open_box ppf indent
+  let interpret_elt ppf = function
+    | Text x -> Format.pp_print_string ppf x
+    | Open_box { kind; indent } -> format_open_box_gen ppf kind indent
+    | Close_box -> Format.pp_close_box ppf ()
+    | Open_tag tag -> Format.pp_open_stag ppf tag
+    | Close_tag -> Format.pp_close_stag ppf ()
+    | Open_tbox -> Format.pp_open_tbox ppf ()
+    | Tab_break {width;offset} -> Format.pp_print_tbreak ppf width offset
+    | Set_tab -> Format.pp_set_tab ppf ()
+    | Close_tbox -> Format.pp_close_tbox ppf ()
+    | Simple_break {spaces;indent} -> Format.pp_print_break ppf spaces indent
+    | Break {fits;breaks} -> Format.pp_print_custom_break ppf ~fits ~breaks
+    | Flush {newline=true} -> Format.pp_print_newline ppf ()
+    | Flush {newline=false} -> Format.pp_print_flush ppf ()
+    | Newline -> Format.pp_force_newline ppf ()
+    | If_newline -> Format.pp_print_if_newline ppf ()
+    | With_size _ ->  ()
+    | Deprecated pr -> pr ppf
+  let rec interpret ppf = function
+    | [] -> ()
+    | With_size size :: Text text :: l ->
+        Format.pp_print_as ppf size text;
+        interpret ppf l
+    | x :: l ->
+        interpret_elt ppf x;
+        interpret ppf l
+  let format ppf doc = interpret ppf (to_list doc)
+  let open_box kind indent doc = add doc (Open_box {kind;indent})
+  let close_box doc = add doc Close_box
+  let string s doc = add doc (Text s)
+  let bytes b doc = add doc (Text (Bytes.to_string b))
+  let with_size size doc = add doc (With_size size)
+  let int n doc = add doc (Text (string_of_int n))
+  let float f doc = add doc (Text (string_of_float f))
+  let char c doc = add doc (Text (String.make 1 c))
+  let bool c doc = add doc (Text (Bool.to_string c))
+  let break ~spaces ~indent doc = add doc (Simple_break {spaces; indent})
+  let space doc = break ~spaces:1 ~indent:0 doc
+  let cut = break ~spaces:0 ~indent:0
+  let custom_break ~fits ~breaks doc = add doc (Break {fits;breaks})
+  let force_newline doc = add doc Newline
+  let if_newline doc = add doc If_newline
+  let flush doc = add doc (Flush {newline=false})
+  let force_stop doc = add doc (Flush {newline=true})
+  let open_tbox doc = add doc Open_tbox
+  let set_tab doc = add doc Set_tab
+  let tab_break ~width ~offset doc = add doc (Tab_break {width;offset})
+  let tab doc = tab_break ~width:0 ~offset:0 doc
+  let close_tbox doc = add doc Close_tbox
+  let open_tag stag doc = add doc (Open_tag stag)
+  let close_tag doc = add doc Close_tag
+  let iter ?(sep=Fun.id) ~iter:iterator elt l doc =
+    let first = ref true in
+    let rdoc = ref doc in
+    let print x =
+      if !first then (first := false; rdoc := elt x !rdoc)
+      else rdoc := !rdoc |> sep |> elt x
+    in
+    iterator print l;
+    !rdoc
+  let rec list ?(sep=Fun.id) elt l doc = match l with
+    | [] -> doc
+    | [a] -> elt a doc
+    | a :: ((_ :: _) as q) ->
+        doc |> elt a |> sep |> list ~sep elt q
+  let array ?sep elt a doc = iter ?sep ~iter:Array.iter elt a doc
+  let seq ?sep elt s doc = iter ?sep ~iter:Seq.iter elt s doc
+  let option ?(none=Fun.id) elt o doc = match o with
+    | None -> none doc
+    | Some x -> elt x doc
+  let either ~left ~right x doc = match x with
+    | Either.Left x -> left x doc
+    | Either.Right x -> right x doc
+  let result ~ok ~error x doc = match x with
+    | Ok x -> ok x doc
+    | Error x -> error x doc
+  (* To format free-flowing text *)
+  let rec subtext len left right s doc =
+    let flush doc =
+      doc |> string (String.sub s left (right - left))
+    in
+    let after_flush doc = subtext len (right+1) (right+1) s doc in
+    if right = len then
+      if left <> len then flush doc else doc
+    else
+      match s.[right] with
+      | '\n' ->
+          doc |> flush |> force_newline |> after_flush
+      | ' ' ->
+          doc |> flush |> space |> after_flush
+      (* there is no specific support for '\t'
+         as it is unclear what a right semantics would be *)
+      | _ -> subtext len left (right + 1) s doc
+  let text s doc =
+    subtext (String.length s) 0 0 s doc
+  type ('a,'b) fmt = ('a, t, t, 'b) format4
+  type printer0 = t -> t
+  type 'a printer = 'a -> printer0
+  let output_formatting_lit fmting_lit doc =
+    let open CamlinternalFormatBasics in
+    match fmting_lit with
+    | Close_box    -> close_box doc
+    | Close_tag                 -> close_tag doc
+    | Break (_, width, offset)  -> break ~spaces:width ~indent:offset doc
+    | FFlush                    -> flush doc
+    | Force_newline             -> force_newline doc
+    | Flush_newline             -> force_stop doc
+    | Magic_size (_, n)         -> with_size n doc
+    | Escaped_at                -> char '@' doc
+    | Escaped_percent           -> char '%' doc
+    | Scan_indic c              -> doc |> char '@' |> char c
+  let to_string doc =
+    let b = Buffer.create 20 in
+    let convert = function
+      | Text s -> Buffer.add_string b s
+      | _ -> ()
+    in
+    fold (fun () x -> convert x) () doc;
+    Buffer.contents b
+  let box_type =
+    let open CamlinternalFormatBasics in
+    function
+    | Pp_fits -> H
+    | Pp_hbox -> H
+    | Pp_vbox -> V
+    | Pp_hovbox -> HoV
+    | Pp_hvbox -> HV
+    | Pp_box -> B
+  let rec compose_acc acc doc =
+    let open CamlinternalFormat in
+    match acc with
+    | CamlinternalFormat.Acc_formatting_lit (p, f) ->
+        doc |> compose_acc p |> output_formatting_lit f
+    | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
+        let tag = to_string (compose_acc acc' empty) in
+        let doc = compose_acc p doc in
+        doc |> open_tag (Format.String_tag tag)
+    | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+        let doc = compose_acc p doc in
+        let box = to_string (compose_acc acc' empty) in
+        let (indent, bty) = CamlinternalFormat.open_box_of_string box in
+        doc |> open_box (box_type bty) indent
+    | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+    | Acc_data_string (p, s)   ->
+        doc |> compose_acc p |> string s
+    | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+    | Acc_data_char (p, c)     -> doc |> compose_acc p |> char c
+    | Acc_delay (p, f)         -> doc |> compose_acc p |> f
+    | Acc_flush p              -> doc |> compose_acc p |> flush
+    | Acc_invalid_arg (_p, msg) ->  invalid_arg msg;
+    | End_of_acc               -> doc
+  let kprintf k (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Format (fmt, _))  =
+    CamlinternalFormat.make_printf
+      (fun acc doc -> doc |> compose_acc acc |> k )
+      End_of_acc fmt
+  let printf doc = kprintf Fun.id doc
+  let kmsg k  (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Format (fmt, _)) =
+    CamlinternalFormat.make_printf
+      (fun acc -> k (compose_acc acc empty))
+      End_of_acc fmt
+  let msg fmt = kmsg Fun.id fmt
+(** Compatibility interface *)
+type doc = Doc.t
+type t = doc
+type formatter = doc ref
+type 'a printer = formatter -> 'a -> unit
+let formatter d = d
+(** {1 Primitive functions }*)
+let pp_print_string ppf s = ppf := Doc.string s !ppf
+let pp_print_as ppf size s =
+  ppf := !ppf |> Doc.with_size size |> Doc.string s
+let pp_print_substring ~pos ~len ppf s =
+ ppf := Doc.string (String.sub s pos len) !ppf
+let pp_print_substring_as ~pos ~len ppf size s =
+  ppf :=
+  !ppf
+  |> Doc.with_size size
+  |> Doc.string (String.sub s pos len)
+let pp_print_bytes ppf s = ppf := Doc.string (Bytes.to_string s) !ppf
+let pp_print_text ppf s = ppf := Doc.text s !ppf
+let pp_print_char ppf c = ppf := Doc.char c !ppf
+let pp_print_int ppf c = ppf := Doc.int c !ppf
+let pp_print_float ppf f = ppf := Doc.float f !ppf
+let pp_print_bool ppf b = ppf := Doc.bool b !ppf
+let pp_print_nothing _ _ = ()
+let pp_close_box ppf () = ppf := Doc.close_box !ppf
+let pp_close_stag ppf () = ppf := Doc.close_tag !ppf
+let pp_print_break ppf spaces indent = ppf := Doc.break ~spaces ~indent !ppf
+let pp_print_custom_break ppf ~fits ~breaks =
+  ppf := Doc.custom_break ~fits ~breaks !ppf
+let pp_print_space ppf () = pp_print_break ppf 1 0
+let pp_print_cut ppf () = pp_print_break ppf 0 0
+let pp_print_flush ppf () = ppf := Doc.flush !ppf
+let pp_force_newline ppf () = ppf := Doc.force_newline !ppf
+let pp_print_newline ppf () = ppf := Doc.force_stop !ppf
+let pp_print_if_newline ppf () =ppf := Doc.if_newline !ppf
+let pp_open_stag ppf stag = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.open_tag stag
+let pp_open_box_gen ppf indent bxty =
+  let box_type = Doc.box_type bxty in
+   ppf := !ppf |> Doc.open_box box_type indent
+let pp_open_box ppf indent = pp_open_box_gen ppf indent Pp_box
+let pp_open_tbox ppf () = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.open_tbox
+let pp_close_tbox ppf () = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.close_tbox
+let pp_set_tab ppf () = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.set_tab
+let pp_print_tab ppf () = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.tab
+let pp_print_tbreak ppf width offset =
+  ppf := !ppf |> Doc.tab_break ~width ~offset
+let pp_doc ppf doc = ppf := Doc.append !ppf doc
+module Driver = struct
+  (* Interpret a formatting entity on a formatter. *)
+  let output_formatting_lit ppf
+      (fmting_lit:CamlinternalFormatBasics.formatting_lit)
+    = match fmting_lit with
+    | Close_box                 -> pp_close_box ppf ()
+    | Close_tag                 -> pp_close_stag ppf ()
+    | Break (_, width, offset)  -> pp_print_break ppf width offset
+    | FFlush                    -> pp_print_flush ppf ()
+    | Force_newline             -> pp_force_newline ppf ()
+    | Flush_newline             -> pp_print_newline ppf ()
+    | Magic_size (_, _)         -> ()
+    | Escaped_at                -> pp_print_char ppf '@'
+    | Escaped_percent           -> pp_print_char ppf '%'
+    | Scan_indic c              -> pp_print_char ppf '@'; pp_print_char ppf c
+  let compute_tag output tag_acc =
+    let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
+    let buf_fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
+    let ppf = ref Doc.empty in
+    output ppf tag_acc;
+    pp_print_flush ppf ();
+    Doc.format buf_fmt !ppf;
+    let len = Buffer.length buf in
+    if len < 2 then Buffer.contents buf
+    else Buffer.sub buf 1 (len - 2)
+  (* Recursively output an "accumulator" containing a reversed list of
+     printing entities (string, char, flus, ...) in an output_stream. *)
+  (* Differ from Printf.output_acc by the interpretation of formatting. *)
+  (* Used as a continuation of CamlinternalFormat.make_printf. *)
+  let rec output_acc ppf (acc: _ CamlinternalFormat.acc) =
+    match acc with
+    | Acc_string_literal (Acc_formatting_lit (p, Magic_size (_, size)), s)
+    | Acc_data_string (Acc_formatting_lit (p, Magic_size (_, size)), s) ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        pp_print_as ppf size s;
+    | Acc_char_literal (Acc_formatting_lit (p, Magic_size (_, size)), c)
+    | Acc_data_char (Acc_formatting_lit (p, Magic_size (_, size)), c) ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        pp_print_as ppf size (String.make 1 c);
+    | Acc_formatting_lit (p, f) ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        output_formatting_lit ppf f;
+    | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        pp_open_stag ppf (Format.String_tag (compute_tag output_acc acc'))
+    | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        let (indent, bty) =
+          let box_info = compute_tag output_acc acc' in
+          CamlinternalFormat.open_box_of_string box_info
+        in
+        pp_open_box_gen ppf indent bty
+    | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+    | Acc_data_string (p, s)   -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_string ppf s;
+    | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+    | Acc_data_char (p, c)     -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_char ppf c;
+    | Acc_delay (p, f)         -> output_acc ppf p; f ppf;
+    | Acc_flush p              -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_flush ppf ();
+    | Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> output_acc ppf p; invalid_arg msg;
+    | End_of_acc               -> ()
+let kfprintf k ppf (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Format (fmt, _))  =
+  CamlinternalFormat.make_printf
+    (fun acc -> Driver.output_acc ppf acc; k ppf)
+    End_of_acc fmt
+let fprintf doc fmt = kfprintf ignore doc fmt
+let kdprintf k (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Format (fmt, _)) =
+  CamlinternalFormat.make_printf
+    (fun acc -> k (fun ppf -> Driver.output_acc ppf acc))
+    End_of_acc fmt
+let dprintf fmt = kdprintf (fun i -> i) fmt
+let doc_printf fmt =
+  let ppf = ref Doc.empty in
+  kfprintf (fun _ -> let doc = !ppf in ppf := Doc.empty; doc) ppf fmt
+let kdoc_printf k fmt =
+  let ppf = ref Doc.empty in
+  kfprintf (fun ppf ->
+      let doc = !ppf in
+      ppf := Doc.empty;
+      k doc
+    )
+    ppf fmt
+let doc_printer f x doc =
+  let r = ref doc in
+  f r x;
+  !r
+type 'a format_printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
+let format_printer f ppf x =
+  let doc = doc_printer f x Doc.empty in
+  Doc.format ppf doc
+let compat = format_printer
+let compat1 f p1 = compat (f p1)
+let compat2 f p1 p2 = compat (f p1 p2)
+let kasprintf k fmt =
+  kdoc_printf (fun doc -> k (Format.asprintf "%a" Doc.format doc)) fmt
+let asprintf fmt = kasprintf Fun.id fmt
+let pp_print_iter ?(pp_sep=pp_print_cut) iter elt ppf c =
+      let sep = doc_printer pp_sep () in
+      ppf:= Doc.iter ~sep ~iter (doc_printer elt) c !ppf
+let pp_print_list ?(pp_sep=pp_print_cut) elt ppf l =
+  ppf := Doc.list ~sep:(doc_printer pp_sep ()) (doc_printer elt) l !ppf
+let pp_print_array ?pp_sep elt ppf a =
+  pp_print_iter ?pp_sep Array.iter elt ppf a
+let pp_print_seq ?pp_sep elt ppf s = pp_print_iter ?pp_sep Seq.iter elt ppf s
+let pp_print_option  ?(none=fun _ () -> ()) elt ppf o =
+  ppf := Doc.option ~none:(doc_printer none ()) (doc_printer elt) o !ppf
+let pp_print_result  ~ok ~error ppf r =
+   ppf := Doc.result ~ok:(doc_printer ok) ~error:(doc_printer error) r !ppf
+let pp_print_either  ~left ~right ppf e =
+  ppf := Doc.either ~left:(doc_printer left) ~right:(doc_printer right) e !ppf
+let comma ppf () = fprintf ppf ",@ "
+let pp_two_columns ?(sep = "|") ?max_lines ppf (lines: (string * string) list) =
+  let left_column_size =
+    List.fold_left (fun acc (s, _) -> Int.max acc (String.length s)) 0 lines in
+  let lines_nb = List.length lines in
+  let ellipsed_first, ellipsed_last =
+    match max_lines with
+    | Some max_lines when lines_nb > max_lines ->
+        let printed_lines = max_lines - 1 in (* the ellipsis uses one line *)
+        let lines_before = printed_lines / 2 + printed_lines mod 2 in
+        let lines_after = printed_lines / 2 in
+        (lines_before, lines_nb - lines_after - 1)
+    | _ -> (-1, -1)
+  in
+  fprintf ppf "@[<v>";
+  List.iteri (fun k (line_l, line_r) ->
+      if k = ellipsed_first then fprintf ppf "...@,";
+      if ellipsed_first <= k && k <= ellipsed_last then ()
+      else fprintf ppf "%*s %s %s@," left_column_size line_l sep line_r
+    ) lines;
+  fprintf ppf "@]"
+let deprecated_printer pr ppf = ppf := Doc.add !ppf (Doc.Deprecated pr)
+let deprecated pr ppf x =
+  ppf := Doc.add !ppf (Doc.Deprecated (fun ppf -> pr ppf x))
+let deprecated1 pr p1 ppf x =
+  ppf := Doc.add !ppf (Doc.Deprecated (fun ppf -> pr p1 ppf x))
diff --git a/src/utils/format_doc.mli b/src/utils/format_doc.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf36829add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/format_doc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Composable document for the {!Format} formatting engine. *)
+(** This module introduces a pure and immutable document type which represents a
+    sequence of formatting instructions to be printed by a formatting engine at
+    later point. At the same time, it also provides format string interpreter
+    which produces this document type from format string and their associated
+    printers.
+    The module is designed to be source compatible with code defining format
+    printers: replacing `Format` by `Format_doc` in your code will convert
+    `Format` printers to `Format_doc` printers.
+(** Definitions and immutable API for composing documents *)
+module Doc: sig
+  (** {2 Type definitions and core functions }*)
+  (** Format box types *)
+  type box_type =
+    | H
+    | V
+    | HV
+    | HoV
+    | B
+  type stag = Format.stag
+  (** Base formatting instruction recognized by {!Format} *)
+  type element =
+    | Text of string
+    | With_size of int
+    | Open_box of { kind: box_type ; indent:int }
+    | Close_box
+    | Open_tag of Format.stag
+    | Close_tag
+    | Open_tbox
+    | Tab_break of { width : int; offset : int }
+    | Set_tab
+    | Close_tbox
+    | Simple_break of { spaces : int; indent : int }
+    | Break of { fits : string * int * string as 'a; breaks : 'a }
+    | Flush of { newline:bool }
+    | Newline
+    | If_newline
+    | Deprecated of (Format.formatter -> unit)
+    (** Escape hatch: a {!Format} printer used to provide backward-compatibility
+        for user-defined printer (from the [#install_printer] toplevel directive
+        for instance). *)
+  (** Immutable document type*)
+  type t
+  type ('a,'b) fmt = ('a, t, t,'b) format4
+  type printer0 = t -> t
+  type 'a printer = 'a -> printer0
+  (** Empty document *)
+  val empty: t
+  (** [format ppf doc] sends the format instruction of [doc] to the Format's
+      formatter [doc]. *)
+  val format: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+  (** Fold over a document as a sequence of instructions *)
+  val fold: ('acc -> element -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> t -> 'acc
+  (** {!msg} and {!kmsg} produce a document from a format string and its
+      argument *)
+  val msg: ('a,t) fmt -> 'a
+  val kmsg: (t -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) fmt -> 'a
+  (** {!printf} and {!kprintf} produce a printer from a format string and its
+      argument*)
+  val printf: ('a, printer0) fmt -> 'a
+  val kprintf: (t -> 'b) -> ('a, t -> 'b) fmt -> 'a
+  (** The functions below mirror {!Format} printers, without the [pp_print_]
+      prefix naming convention *)
+  val open_box: box_type -> int -> printer0
+  val close_box: printer0
+  val text: string printer
+  val string: string printer
+  val bytes: bytes printer
+  val with_size: int printer
+  val int: int printer
+  val float: float printer
+  val char: char printer
+  val bool: bool printer
+  val space: printer0
+  val cut: printer0
+  val break: spaces:int -> indent:int -> printer0
+  val custom_break:
+    fits:(string * int * string as 'a) -> breaks:'a -> printer0
+  val force_newline: printer0
+  val if_newline: printer0
+  val flush: printer0
+  val force_stop: printer0
+  val open_tbox: printer0
+  val set_tab: printer0
+  val tab: printer0
+  val tab_break: width:int -> offset:int -> printer0
+  val close_tbox: printer0
+  val open_tag: stag printer
+  val close_tag: printer0
+  val list: ?sep:printer0 -> 'a printer -> 'a list printer
+  val iter:
+    ?sep:printer0 -> iter:(('a -> unit) -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a printer
+    ->'b printer
+  val array: ?sep:printer0 -> 'a printer -> 'a array printer
+  val seq: ?sep:printer0 -> 'a printer -> 'a Seq.t printer
+  val option: ?none:printer0 -> 'a printer -> 'a option printer
+  val result: ok:'a printer -> error:'e printer -> ('a,'e) result printer
+  val either: left:'a printer -> right:'b printer -> ('a,'b) Either.t printer
+(** {1 Compatibility API} *)
+(** The functions and types below provides source compatibility with format
+printers and conversion function from {!Format_doc} printers to {!Format}
+printers. The reverse direction is implemented using an escape hatch in the
+formatting instruction and should only be used to preserve backward
+compatibility. *)
+type doc = Doc.t
+type t = doc
+type formatter
+type 'a printer = formatter -> 'a -> unit
+val formatter: doc ref -> formatter
+(** [formatter rdoc] creates a {!formatter} that updates the [rdoc] reference *)
+(** Translate a {!Format_doc} printer to a {!Format} one. *)
+type 'a format_printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
+val compat: 'a printer -> 'a format_printer
+val compat1: ('p1 -> 'a printer) -> ('p1 -> 'a format_printer)
+val compat2: ('p1 -> 'p2 -> 'a printer) -> ('p1 -> 'p2 -> 'a format_printer)
+(** If necessary, embbed a {!Format} printer inside a formatting instruction
+    stream. This breaks every guarantees provided by {!Format_doc}. *)
+val deprecated_printer: (Format.formatter -> unit) -> formatter -> unit
+val deprecated: 'a format_printer -> 'a printer
+val deprecated1: ('p1 -> 'a format_printer) -> ('p1 -> 'a printer)
+(** {2 Format string interpreters }*)
+val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter,unit) format -> 'a
+val kfprintf:
+  (formatter -> 'a) -> formatter ->
+  ('b, formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
+val asprintf :  ('a, formatter, unit, string) format4 -> 'a
+val kasprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
+val dprintf : ('a, formatter, unit, formatter -> unit) format4 -> 'a
+val kdprintf:
+  ((formatter -> unit) -> 'a) ->
+  ('b, formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
+(** {!doc_printf} and {!kdoc_printf} creates a document directly *)
+val doc_printf: ('a, formatter, unit, doc) format4 -> 'a
+val kdoc_printf: (doc -> 'r) -> ('a, formatter, unit, 'r) format4 -> 'a
+(** {2 Compatibility with {!Doc} }*)
+val doc_printer: 'a printer -> 'a Doc.printer
+val pp_doc: doc printer
+(** {2 Source compatibility with Format}*)
+(** {3 String printers } *)
+val pp_print_string: string printer
+val pp_print_substring: pos:int -> len:int -> string printer
+val pp_print_text: string printer
+val pp_print_bytes: bytes printer
+val pp_print_as: formatter -> int -> string -> unit
+val pp_print_substring_as:
+  pos:int -> len:int -> formatter -> int -> string -> unit
+(** {3 Primitive type printers }*)
+val pp_print_char: char printer
+val pp_print_int: int printer
+val pp_print_float: float printer
+val pp_print_bool: bool printer
+val pp_print_nothing: unit printer
+(** {3 Printer combinators }*)
+val pp_print_iter:
+  ?pp_sep:unit printer -> (('a -> unit) -> 'b -> unit) ->
+  'a printer -> 'b printer
+val pp_print_list: ?pp_sep:unit printer -> 'a printer -> 'a list printer
+val pp_print_array: ?pp_sep:unit printer -> 'a printer -> 'a array printer
+val pp_print_seq: ?pp_sep:unit printer -> 'a printer -> 'a Seq.t printer
+val pp_print_option: ?none:unit printer -> 'a printer -> 'a option printer
+val pp_print_result: ok:'a printer -> error:'e printer -> ('a,'e) result printer
+val pp_print_either:
+  left:'a printer -> right:'b printer -> ('a,'b) Either.t printer
+(** {3 Boxes and tags }*)
+val pp_open_stag: Format.stag printer
+val pp_close_stag: unit printer
+val pp_open_box: int printer
+val pp_close_box: unit printer
+(** {3 Break hints} *)
+val pp_print_space: unit printer
+val pp_print_cut: unit printer
+val pp_print_break: formatter -> int -> int -> unit
+val pp_print_custom_break:
+  formatter -> fits:(string * int * string as 'c) -> breaks:'c -> unit
+(** {3 Tabulations }*)
+val pp_open_tbox: unit printer
+val pp_close_tbox: unit printer
+val pp_set_tab: unit printer
+val pp_print_tab: unit printer
+val pp_print_tbreak: formatter -> int -> int -> unit
+(** {3 Newlines and flushing }*)
+val pp_print_if_newline: unit printer
+val pp_force_newline: unit printer
+val pp_print_flush: unit printer
+val pp_print_newline: unit printer
+(** {1 Compiler specific functions }*)
+(** {2 Separators }*)
+val comma: unit printer
+(** {2 Compiler output} *)
+val pp_two_columns :
+  ?sep:string -> ?max_lines:int ->
+  formatter -> (string * string) list -> unit
+(** [pp_two_columns ?sep ?max_lines ppf l] prints the lines in [l] as two
+   columns separated by [sep] ("|" by default). [max_lines] can be used to
+   indicate a maximum number of lines to print -- an ellipsis gets inserted at
+   the middle if the input has too many lines.
+   Example:
+    {v pp_two_columns ~max_lines:3 Format.std_formatter [
+      "abc", "hello";
+      "def", "zzz";
+      "a"  , "bllbl";
+      "bb" , "dddddd";
+    ] v}
+    prints
+    {v
+    abc | hello
+    ...
+    bb  | dddddd
+    v}
diff --git a/src/utils/misc.ml b/src/utils/misc.ml
index 063539e2b7..fd7b3b27a8 100644
--- a/src/utils/misc.ml
+++ b/src/utils/misc.ml
@@ -83,6 +83,238 @@ let protect_refs =
     | x           -> set_refs backup; x
     | exception e -> set_refs backup; raise e
+(** {1 Minimal support for Unicode characters in identifiers} *)
+module Utf8_lexeme = struct
+  type t = string
+  (* Non-ASCII letters that are allowed in identifiers (currently: Latin-9) *)
+  type case = Upper of Uchar.t | Lower of Uchar.t
+  let known_chars : (Uchar.t, case) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 32
+  let _ =
+    List.iter
+      ~f:(fun (upper, lower) ->
+        let upper = Uchar.of_int upper and lower = Uchar.of_int lower in
+        Hashtbl.add known_chars upper (Upper lower);
+        Hashtbl.add known_chars lower (Lower upper))
+  [
+    (0xc0, 0xe0); (* À, à *)    (0xc1, 0xe1); (* Á, á *)
+    (0xc2, 0xe2); (* Â, â *)    (0xc3, 0xe3); (* Ã, ã *)
+    (0xc4, 0xe4); (* Ä, ä *)    (0xc5, 0xe5); (* Å, å *)
+    (0xc6, 0xe6); (* Æ, æ *)    (0xc7, 0xe7); (* Ç, ç *)
+    (0xc8, 0xe8); (* È, è *)    (0xc9, 0xe9); (* É, é *)
+    (0xca, 0xea); (* Ê, ê *)    (0xcb, 0xeb); (* Ë, ë *)
+    (0xcc, 0xec); (* Ì, ì *)    (0xcd, 0xed); (* Í, í *)
+    (0xce, 0xee); (* Î, î *)    (0xcf, 0xef); (* Ï, ï *)
+    (0xd0, 0xf0); (* Ð, ð *)    (0xd1, 0xf1); (* Ñ, ñ *)
+    (0xd2, 0xf2); (* Ò, ò *)    (0xd3, 0xf3); (* Ó, ó *)
+    (0xd4, 0xf4); (* Ô, ô *)    (0xd5, 0xf5); (* Õ, õ *)
+    (0xd6, 0xf6); (* Ö, ö *)    (0xd8, 0xf8); (* Ø, ø *)
+    (0xd9, 0xf9); (* Ù, ù *)    (0xda, 0xfa); (* Ú, ú *)
+    (0xdb, 0xfb); (* Û, û *)    (0xdc, 0xfc); (* Ü, ü *)
+    (0xdd, 0xfd); (* Ý, ý *)    (0xde, 0xfe); (* Þ, þ *)
+    (0x160, 0x161); (* Š, š *)  (0x17d, 0x17e); (* Ž, ž *)
+    (0x152, 0x153); (* Œ, œ *)  (0x178, 0xff); (* Ÿ, ÿ *)
+    (0x1e9e, 0xdf); (* ẞ, ß *)
+  ]
+  (* NFD to NFC conversion table for the letters above *)
+  let known_pairs : (Uchar.t * Uchar.t, Uchar.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 32
+  let _ =
+    List.iter
+      ~f:(fun (c1, n2, n) ->
+        Hashtbl.add known_pairs
+          (Uchar.of_char c1, Uchar.of_int n2) (Uchar.of_int n))
+  [
+    ('A', 0x300, 0xc0); (* À *)    ('A', 0x301, 0xc1); (* Á *)
+    ('A', 0x302, 0xc2); (* Â *)    ('A', 0x303, 0xc3); (* Ã *)
+    ('A', 0x308, 0xc4); (* Ä *)    ('A', 0x30a, 0xc5); (* Å *)
+    ('C', 0x327, 0xc7); (* Ç *)    ('E', 0x300, 0xc8); (* È *)
+    ('E', 0x301, 0xc9); (* É *)    ('E', 0x302, 0xca); (* Ê *)
+    ('E', 0x308, 0xcb); (* Ë *)    ('I', 0x300, 0xcc); (* Ì *)
+    ('I', 0x301, 0xcd); (* Í *)    ('I', 0x302, 0xce); (* Î *)
+    ('I', 0x308, 0xcf); (* Ï *)    ('N', 0x303, 0xd1); (* Ñ *)
+    ('O', 0x300, 0xd2); (* Ò *)    ('O', 0x301, 0xd3); (* Ó *)
+    ('O', 0x302, 0xd4); (* Ô *)    ('O', 0x303, 0xd5); (* Õ *)
+    ('O', 0x308, 0xd6); (* Ö *)
+    ('U', 0x300, 0xd9); (* Ù *)    ('U', 0x301, 0xda); (* Ú *)
+    ('U', 0x302, 0xdb); (* Û *)    ('U', 0x308, 0xdc); (* Ü *)
+    ('Y', 0x301, 0xdd); (* Ý *)    ('Y', 0x308, 0x178);  (* Ÿ *)
+    ('S', 0x30c, 0x160); (* Š *)   ('Z', 0x30c, 0x17d); (* Ž *)
+    ('a', 0x300, 0xe0); (* à *)    ('a', 0x301, 0xe1); (* á *)
+    ('a', 0x302, 0xe2); (* â *)    ('a', 0x303, 0xe3); (* ã *)
+    ('a', 0x308, 0xe4); (* ä *)    ('a', 0x30a, 0xe5); (* å *)
+    ('c', 0x327, 0xe7); (* ç *)    ('e', 0x300, 0xe8); (* è *)
+    ('e', 0x301, 0xe9); (* é *)    ('e', 0x302, 0xea); (* ê *)
+    ('e', 0x308, 0xeb); (* ë *)    ('i', 0x300, 0xec); (* ì *)
+    ('i', 0x301, 0xed); (* í *)    ('i', 0x302, 0xee); (* î *)
+    ('i', 0x308, 0xef); (* ï *)    ('n', 0x303, 0xf1); (* ñ *)
+    ('o', 0x300, 0xf2); (* ò *)    ('o', 0x301, 0xf3); (* ó *)
+    ('o', 0x302, 0xf4); (* ô *)    ('o', 0x303, 0xf5); (* õ *)
+    ('o', 0x308, 0xf6); (* ö *)
+    ('u', 0x300, 0xf9); (* ù *)    ('u', 0x301, 0xfa); (* ú *)
+    ('u', 0x302, 0xfb); (* û *)    ('u', 0x308, 0xfc); (* ü *)
+    ('y', 0x301, 0xfd); (* ý *)    ('y', 0x308, 0xff); (* ÿ *)
+    ('s', 0x30c, 0x161); (* š *)   ('z', 0x30c, 0x17e); (* ž *)
+  ]
+  let normalize_generic ~keep_ascii transform s =
+    let rec norm check buf prev i =
+      if i >= String.length s then begin
+        Buffer.add_utf_8_uchar buf (transform prev)
+      end else begin
+        let d = String.get_utf_8_uchar s i in
+        let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar d in
+        check d u;
+        let i' = i + Uchar.utf_decode_length d in
+        match Hashtbl.find_opt known_pairs (prev, u) with
+        | Some u' ->
+            norm check buf u' i'
+        | None ->
+            Buffer.add_utf_8_uchar buf (transform prev);
+            norm check buf u i'
+      end in
+    let ascii_limit = 128 in
+    if s = ""
+    || keep_ascii && String.for_all (fun x -> Char.code x < ascii_limit) s
+    then Ok s
+    else
+      let buf = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
+      let valid = ref true in
+      let check d u =
+        valid := !valid && Uchar.utf_decode_is_valid d && u <> Uchar.rep
+      in
+      let d = String.get_utf_8_uchar s 0 in
+      let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar d in
+      check d u;
+      norm check buf u (Uchar.utf_decode_length d);
+      let contents = Buffer.contents buf in
+      if !valid then
+        Ok contents
+      else
+        Error contents
+  let normalize s =
+    normalize_generic ~keep_ascii:true (fun u -> u) s
+  (* Capitalization *)
+  let uchar_is_uppercase u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+    if c < 0x80 then c >= 65 && c <= 90 else
+      match Hashtbl.find_opt known_chars u with
+      | Some(Upper _) -> true
+      | _ -> false
+  let uchar_lowercase u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+    if c < 0x80 then
+      if c >= 65 && c <= 90 then Uchar.of_int (c + 32) else u
+    else
+      match Hashtbl.find_opt known_chars u with
+      | Some(Upper u') -> u'
+      | _ -> u
+  let uchar_uppercase u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+    if c < 0x80 then
+      if c >= 97 && c <= 122 then Uchar.of_int (c - 32) else u
+    else
+      match Hashtbl.find_opt known_chars u with
+      | Some(Lower u') -> u'
+      | _ -> u
+  let capitalize s =
+    let first = ref true in
+    normalize_generic ~keep_ascii:false
+      (fun u -> if !first then (first := false; uchar_uppercase u) else u)
+      s
+  let uncapitalize s =
+    let first = ref true in
+    normalize_generic ~keep_ascii:false
+      (fun u -> if !first then (first := false; uchar_lowercase u) else u)
+      s
+  let is_capitalized s =
+    s <> "" &&
+    uchar_is_uppercase (Uchar.utf_decode_uchar (String.get_utf_8_uchar s 0))
+  (* Characters allowed in identifiers after normalization is applied.
+     Currently:
+       - ASCII letters, underscore
+       - Latin-9 letters, represented in NFC
+       - ASCII digits, single quote (but not as first character)
+       - dot if [with_dot] = true
+  *)
+  let uchar_valid_in_identifier ~with_dot u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+    if c < 0x80 then
+         c >= 97 (* a *) && c <= 122 (* z *)
+      || c >= 65 (* A *) && c <= 90 (* Z *)
+      || c >= 48 (* 0 *) && c <= 57 (* 9 *)
+      || c = 95 (* underscore *)
+      || c = 39 (* single quote *)
+      || (with_dot && c = 46) (* dot *)
+    else
+      Hashtbl.mem known_chars u
+  let uchar_not_identifier_start u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+       c >= 48 (* 0 *) && c <= 57 (* 9 *)
+    || c = 39  (* single quote *)
+  (* Check whether a normalized string is a valid OCaml identifier. *)
+  type validation_result =
+    | Valid
+    | Invalid_character of Uchar.t   (** Character not allowed *)
+    | Invalid_beginning of Uchar.t   (** Character not allowed as first char *)
+  let validate_identifier ?(with_dot=false) s =
+    let rec check i =
+      if i >= String.length s then Valid else begin
+        let d = String.get_utf_8_uchar s i in
+        let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar d in
+        let i' = i + Uchar.utf_decode_length d in
+        if not (uchar_valid_in_identifier ~with_dot u) then
+          Invalid_character u
+        else if i = 0 && uchar_not_identifier_start u then
+          Invalid_beginning u
+        else
+          check i'
+      end
+    in check 0
+  let is_valid_identifier s =
+    validate_identifier s = Valid
+  let starts_like_a_valid_identifier s =
+    s <> "" &&
+    (let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar (String.get_utf_8_uchar s 0) in
+     uchar_valid_in_identifier ~with_dot:false u
+     && not (uchar_not_identifier_start u))
+  let is_lowercase s =
+    let rec is_lowercase_at len s n =
+      if n >= len then true
+      else
+        let d = String.get_utf_8_uchar s n in
+        let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar d in
+        (uchar_valid_in_identifier ~with_dot:false  u)
+        && not (uchar_is_uppercase u)
+        && is_lowercase_at len s (n+Uchar.utf_decode_length d)
+    in
+    is_lowercase_at (String.length s) s 0
 (* List functions *)
 let map_end f l1 l2 = List.map_end ~f l1 l2
@@ -643,11 +875,12 @@ module Style = struct
     | _ -> raise Not_found
   let as_inline_code printer ppf x =
-    Format.pp_open_stag ppf (Format.String_tag "inline_code");
+    let open Format_doc in
+    pp_open_stag ppf (Format.String_tag "inline_code");
     printer ppf x;
-    Format.pp_close_stag ppf ()
+    pp_close_stag ppf ()
-  let inline_code ppf s = as_inline_code Format.pp_print_string ppf s
+  let inline_code ppf s = as_inline_code Format_doc.pp_print_string ppf s
   (* either prints the tag of [s] or delegates to [or_else] *)
   let mark_open_tag ~or_else s =
@@ -761,24 +994,25 @@ let spellcheck env name =
   let env = List.sort_uniq ~cmp:(fun s1 s2 -> String.compare s2 s1) env in
   fst (List.fold_left ~f:(compare name) ~init:([], max_int) env)
 let did_you_mean ppf get_choices =
+  let open Format_doc in
   (* flush now to get the error report early, in the (unheard of) case
      where the search in the get_choices function would take a bit of
      time; in the worst case, the user has seen the error, she can
      interrupt the process before the spell-checking terminates. *)
-  Format.fprintf ppf "@?";
+  fprintf ppf "@?";
   match get_choices () with
   | [] -> ()
   | choices ->
     let rest, last = split_last choices in
-    let comma ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf ", " in
-     Format.fprintf ppf "@\n@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you mean %a%s%a?@?"
-       (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma Style.inline_code) rest
+     fprintf ppf "@\n@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you mean %a%s%a?@]"
+       (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma Style.inline_code) rest
        (if rest = [] then "" else " or ")
        Style.inline_code last
 let print_see_manual ppf manual_section =
-  let open Format in
+  let open Format_doc in
   fprintf ppf "(see manual section %a)"
     (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun f () -> pp_print_char f '.') pp_print_int)
diff --git a/src/utils/misc.mli b/src/utils/misc.mli
index 249f8b668b..9c560d2dc9 100644
--- a/src/utils/misc.mli
+++ b/src/utils/misc.mli
@@ -295,7 +295,8 @@ val spellcheck : string list -> string -> string list
     list of suggestions taken from [env], that are close enough to
     [name] that it may be a typo for one of them. *)
-val did_you_mean : Format.formatter -> (unit -> string list) -> unit
+val did_you_mean :
+    Format_doc.formatter -> (unit -> string list) -> unit
 (** [did_you_mean ppf get_choices] hints that the user may have meant
     one of the option returned by calling [get_choices]. It does nothing
     if the returned list is empty.
@@ -400,8 +401,8 @@ module Style : sig
     inline_code: tag_style;
-  val as_inline_code: (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit as 'printer) -> 'printer
-  val inline_code: Format.formatter -> string -> unit
+  val as_inline_code: 'a Format_doc.printer -> 'a Format_doc.printer
+  val inline_code: string Format_doc.printer
   val default_styles: styles
   val get_styles: unit -> styles
@@ -416,5 +417,58 @@ module Style : sig
   (* adds functions to support color tags to the given formatter. *)
-val print_see_manual : Format.formatter -> int list -> unit
+val print_see_manual : int list Format_doc.printer
 (** See manual section *)
+module Utf8_lexeme: sig
+  type t = string
+  val normalize: string -> (t,t) Result.t
+  (** Normalize the given UTF-8 encoded string.
+      Invalid UTF-8 sequences results in a error and are replaced
+      by U+FFFD.
+      Identifier characters are put in NFC normalized form.
+      Other Unicode characters are left unchanged. *)
+  val capitalize: string -> (t,t) Result.t
+  (** Like [normalize], but if the string starts with a lowercase identifier
+      character, it is replaced by the corresponding uppercase character.
+      Subsequent characters are not changed. *)
+  val uncapitalize: string -> (t,t) Result.t
+  (** Like [normalize], but if the string starts with an uppercase identifier
+      character, it is replaced by the corresponding lowercase character.
+      Subsequent characters are not changed. *)
+  val is_capitalized: t -> bool
+  (** Returns [true] if the given normalized string starts with an
+      uppercase identifier character, [false] otherwise.  May return
+      wrong results if the string is not normalized. *)
+  val is_valid_identifier: t -> bool
+  (** Check whether the given normalized string is a valid OCaml identifier:
+      - all characters are identifier characters
+      - it does not start with a digit or a single quote
+  *)
+  val is_lowercase: t -> bool
+  (** Returns [true] if the given normalized string only contains lowercase
+      identifier character, [false] otherwise. May return wrong results if the
+      string is not normalized. *)
+  type validation_result =
+    | Valid
+    | Invalid_character of Uchar.t   (** Character not allowed *)
+    | Invalid_beginning of Uchar.t   (** Character not allowed as first char *)
+  val validate_identifier: ?with_dot:bool -> t -> validation_result
+  (** Like [is_valid_identifier], but returns a more detailed error code. Dots
+      can be allowed to extend support to path-like identifiers. *)
+  val starts_like_a_valid_identifier: t -> bool
+  (** Checks whether the given normalized string starts with an identifier
+      character other than a digit or a single quote.  Subsequent characters
+      are not checked. *)
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/completion/application_context.t/run.t b/tests/test-dirs/completion/application_context.t/run.t
index b0f41cc763..ec9fd7f409 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/completion/application_context.t/run.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/completion/application_context.t/run.t
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-      "argument_type": "'_weak1",
+      "argument_type": "'a",
       "labels": [
           "name": "~j",
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/completion/issue1575.t b/tests/test-dirs/completion/issue1575.t
index 8d0d755204..da568763b2 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/completion/issue1575.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/completion/issue1575.t
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ After a # we complete methods names
       "name": "bazs",
       "kind": "#",
-      "desc": "'_weak1 -> string",
+      "desc": "'a -> string",
       "info": "",
       "deprecated": false
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ And filtering works with methods names
       "name": "bazs",
       "kind": "#",
-      "desc": "'_weak1 -> string",
+      "desc": "'a -> string",
       "info": "",
       "deprecated": false
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ It also works when inside modules
       "name": "bazs",
       "kind": "#",
-      "desc": "'_weak1 -> string",
+      "desc": "'a -> string",
       "info": "",
       "deprecated": false
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/errors/reg503.t b/tests/test-dirs/errors/reg503.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a239bbef80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/errors/reg503.t
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  $ cat >test.ml <<'EOF'
+  > class test _a =
+  > object
+  >   method b x = x
+  > end
+  > EOF
+FIXME: Type variable are not shared between the two parts of the error message:
+  $ $MERLIN single errors -filename test.ml < test.ml
+  {
+    "class": "return",
+    "value": [
+      {
+        "start": {
+          "line": 1,
+          "col": 0
+        },
+        "end": {
+          "line": 4,
+          "col": 3
+        },
+        "type": "typer",
+        "sub": [],
+        "valid": true,
+        "message": "Some type variables are unbound in this type:
+    class test : 'a -> object method b : 'b -> 'b end
+  The method b has type 'a -> 'a where 'a is unbound"
+      }
+    ],
+    "notifications": []
+  }
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/errors/typing-after-parsing.t/run.t b/tests/test-dirs/errors/typing-after-parsing.t/run.t
index e3a8622a10..20650889ba 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/errors/typing-after-parsing.t/run.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/errors/typing-after-parsing.t/run.t
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ First ask for all the errors:
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type unit"
+        "message": "The constant 3 has type int but an expression was expected of type unit"
         "start": {
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Now let's just ask for typing errors:
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type unit"
+        "message": "The constant 3 has type int but an expression was expected of type unit"
     "notifications": []
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/function-recovery.t b/tests/test-dirs/function-recovery.t
index e9fbacb55e..ea6587d7cf 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/function-recovery.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/function-recovery.t
@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@
                             structure_item (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
                               expression (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
-                                Pexp_constant PConst_int (1,None)
+                                Pexp_constant
+                                constant (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
+                                  PConst_int (1,None)
                         Texp_ident \"*type-error*/277\"
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@
                     core_type (type.ml[1,0+28]..type.ml[1,0+34])
-                      Ttyp_constr \"list/9!\"
+                      Ttyp_constr \"list/11!\"
                         core_type (type.ml[1,0+28]..type.ml[1,0+29])
                           Ttyp_constr \"t/278\"
@@ -118,7 +120,9 @@
                           structure_item (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
                             expression (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
-                              Pexp_constant PConst_int (1,None)
+                              Pexp_constant
+                              constant (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
+                                PConst_int (1,None)
                       Texp_ident \"*type-error*/280\"
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/hidden-deps/dash-h.t b/tests/test-dirs/hidden-deps/dash-h.t
index df93542a53..441b0a7dd0 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/hidden-deps/dash-h.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/hidden-deps/dash-h.t
@@ -214,8 +214,7 @@ reference.  With no liba, we also can't see Libb.t is int.
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type t = Liba.t but an expression was expected of type
-    int"
+        "message": "The value x has type t = Liba.t but an expression was expected of type int"
         "start": {
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/inconsistent-assumptions.t b/tests/test-dirs/inconsistent-assumptions.t
index 4c50abbe06..499ba8ffc8 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/inconsistent-assumptions.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/inconsistent-assumptions.t
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Go to the file, and ask merlin to move you to the error:
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type char but an expression was expected of type int"
+        "message": "The value x has type char but an expression was expected of type int"
     "notifications": []
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/issue1322.t/run.t b/tests/test-dirs/issue1322.t/run.t
index 5a128d7e15..3a78027189 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/issue1322.t/run.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/issue1322.t/run.t
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
         "message": "In this with constraint, the new definition of t
   does not match its original definition in the constrained signature:
   Type declarations do not match:
-    type 'a t = 'a t constraint 'a = int
+    type 'a t = 'a option constraint 'a = int
   is not included in
     type 'a t
   Their parameters differ
   The type int is not equal to the type 'a
   File \"foo.ml\", line 2, characters 2-11: Expected declaration
-  File \"foo.ml\", line 6, characters 9-54: Actual declaration"
+  File \"foo.ml\", lines 6-7, characters 9-23: Actual declaration"
     "notifications": []
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/locate/ill-typed/locate-non-fun.t b/tests/test-dirs/locate/ill-typed/locate-non-fun.t
index ac7b677225..cfebf714db 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/locate/ill-typed/locate-non-fun.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/locate/ill-typed/locate-non-fun.t
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ When some typing error happens
     "type": "typer",
     "sub": [],
     "valid": true,
-    "message": "This expression has type int -> int -> bool but an expression was expected of type Float.t -> Float.t -> bool Type int is not compatible with type Float.t = float"
+    "message": "The value Int.equal has type int -> int -> bool but an expression was expected of type Float.t -> Float.t -> bool Type int is not compatible with type Float.t = float"
 Merlin is still able to inspect part of the ill-typed tree
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/locate/in-implicit-trans-dep.t/run.t b/tests/test-dirs/locate/in-implicit-trans-dep.t/run.t
index 0301d8ed39..a7a3b79686 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/locate/in-implicit-trans-dep.t/run.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/locate/in-implicit-trans-dep.t/run.t
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-  $ dune build @check
+  $ dune build @check 
-When the deifinition is in one of the implicit transitive dependencies
-Merlin does not found the file in the source path provided by Dune. One possible
-fix would be for Dune to provide additional source path for "externatl" deps.
+When the definition is in one of the implicit transitive dependencies
+Merlin does not found the file in the source path provided by Dune. 
+This works as expected since Dune lang 3.17 and OCaml >= 5.2
   $ $MERLIN single locate -look-for ml -position 1:15 \
   > -filename bin/main.ml <bin/main.ml
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/no-escape.t/run.t b/tests/test-dirs/no-escape.t/run.t
index a974233a46..5925e4fa9d 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/no-escape.t/run.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/no-escape.t/run.t
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ Syntax errors also shouldn't escape:
         "type": "parser",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "invalid package type: parametrized types are not supported"
+        "message": "Syntax error: invalid package type: parametrized types are not supported"
     "notifications": []
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/pp/simple-pp.t b/tests/test-dirs/pp/simple-pp.t
index edc96a28dc..12768ef88d 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/pp/simple-pp.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/pp/simple-pp.t
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type int"
+        "message": "This constant has type string but an expression was expected of type int"
     "notifications": []
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type int"
+        "message": "This constant has type string but an expression was expected of type int"
     "notifications": []
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/search/search-by-type.t/run.t b/tests/test-dirs/search/search-by-type.t/run.t
index 06b4a4da4d..8bfee4acfa 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/search/search-by-type.t/run.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/search/search-by-type.t/run.t
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@
         "file": "hashtbl.mli",
         "start": {
-          "line": 116,
+          "line": 117,
           "col": 0
         "end": {
-          "line": 116,
+          "line": 117,
           "col": 40
         "name": "Hashtbl.add",
@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@
         "file": "hashtbl.mli",
         "start": {
-          "line": 151,
+          "line": 152,
           "col": 0
         "end": {
-          "line": 151,
+          "line": 152,
           "col": 44
         "name": "Hashtbl.replace",
@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
         "file": "hashtbl.mli",
         "start": {
-          "line": 301,
+          "line": 302,
           "col": 0
         "end": {
-          "line": 301,
+          "line": 302,
           "col": 50
         "name": "Hashtbl.add_seq",
@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@
         "file": "hashtbl.mli",
         "start": {
-          "line": 305,
+          "line": 306,
           "col": 0
         "end": {
-          "line": 305,
+          "line": 306,
           "col": 54
         "name": "Hashtbl.replace_seq",
@@ -218,11 +218,11 @@
         "file": "moreLabels.mli",
         "start": {
-          "line": 133,
+          "line": 134,
           "col": 2
         "end": {
-          "line": 133,
+          "line": 134,
           "col": 51
         "name": "MoreLabels.Hashtbl.add",
@@ -234,11 +234,11 @@
         "file": "moreLabels.mli",
         "start": {
-          "line": 318,
+          "line": 319,
           "col": 2
         "end": {
-          "line": 318,
+          "line": 319,
           "col": 52
         "name": "MoreLabels.Hashtbl.add_seq",
@@ -250,11 +250,11 @@
         "file": "moreLabels.mli",
         "start": {
-          "line": 168,
+          "line": 169,
           "col": 2
         "end": {
-          "line": 168,
+          "line": 169,
           "col": 55
         "name": "MoreLabels.Hashtbl.replace",
@@ -266,11 +266,11 @@
         "file": "moreLabels.mli",
         "start": {
-          "line": 322,
+          "line": 323,
           "col": 2
         "end": {
-          "line": 322,
+          "line": 323,
           "col": 56
         "name": "MoreLabels.Hashtbl.replace_seq",
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/short-paths.t/run.t b/tests/test-dirs/short-paths.t/run.t
index 7082820c92..17e5853287 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/short-paths.t/run.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/short-paths.t/run.t
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
         "message": "Some type variables are unbound in this type: class b : 'a -> a
-  The method x has type 'a where 'a is unbound"
+  The method x has type 'c where 'c is unbound"
         "start": {
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
         "valid": true,
         "message": "Some type variables are unbound in this type:
     class test : 'a -> object method b : 'b end
-  The method b has type 'b where 'b is unbound"
+  The method b has type 'a where 'a is unbound"
         "start": {
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type t = M.t but an expression was expected of type unit"
+        "message": "The value x has type t = M.t but an expression was expected of type unit"
         "start": {
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type Dep.M.t"
+        "message": "The constant 5 has type int but an expression was expected of type Dep.M.t"
     "notifications": []
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
         "message": "Some type variables are unbound in this type: class b : 'a -> a
-  The method x has type 'a where 'a is unbound"
+  The method x has type 'c where 'c is unbound"
         "start": {
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
         "valid": true,
         "message": "Some type variables are unbound in this type:
     class test : 'a -> object method b : 'b end
-  The method b has type 'b where 'b is unbound"
+  The method b has type 'a where 'a is unbound"
         "start": {
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type N.O.t but an expression was expected of type unit"
+        "message": "The value x has type t but an expression was expected of type unit"
         "start": {
@@ -325,7 +325,10 @@
         "valid": true,
         "message": "Modules do not match: sig type t = int val foo : 'a -> string end
   is not included in S
-  Values do not match: val foo : 'a -> string is not included in val foo : t -> t
+  Values do not match:
+  val foo : 'a -> string
+  is not included in
+  val foo : int -> t
   The type t -> string is not compatible with the type t -> t
   Type string is not compatible with type t
   File \"test.ml\", line 72, characters 2-20: Expected declaration
@@ -343,7 +346,7 @@
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type Dep.t"
+        "message": "The constant 5 has type int but an expression was expected of type Dep.M.t"
     "notifications": []
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/string-loc.t b/tests/test-dirs/string-loc.t
index 3fa3a69bdd..ae774de8b6 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/string-loc.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/string-loc.t
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ Ensure the Pexp_constant and Pconst_string nodes have different locations.
     structure_item (test.ml[1,0+4]..[1,0+10])
       expression (test.ml[1,0+4]..[1,0+10])
-        Pexp_constant PConst_string(\"test\",(test.ml[1,0+5]..[1,0+9]),None)
+        Pexp_constant
+        constant (test.ml[1,0+4]..[1,0+10])
+          PConst_string(\"test\",(test.ml[1,0+5]..[1,0+9]),None)
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/inside-tydecl.t b/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/inside-tydecl.t
index af594fb4a8..2fda8883cc 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/inside-tydecl.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/inside-tydecl.t
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ test
           "line": 1,
           "col": 20
-        "type": "type t1 = 'a",
+        "type": "type t1 = t1",
         "tail": "no"
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/issue1335.t b/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/issue1335.t
index 2738acdffe..99cafcb8ea 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/issue1335.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/issue1335.t
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ provide better result.
           "line": 4,
           "col": 15
-        "type": "type 'a t = 'b",
+        "type": "type 'a t = 'b t",
         "tail": "no"
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ provide better result.
           "line": 4,
           "col": 15
-        "type": "'a",
+        "type": "'k t",
         "tail": "no"
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ provide better result.
           "line": 1,
           "col": 25
-        "type": "[ `A of 'a | `B ]",
+        "type": "[ `A of t1 | `B ]",
         "tail": "no"
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/issue1755.t b/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/issue1755.t
index 2a22de8324..a8a3262781 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/issue1755.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/issue1755.t
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ provide better result.
           "line": 1,
           "col": 25
-        "type": "type b = 'a",
+        "type": "type b = b",
         "tail": "no"
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ provide better result.
           "line": 1,
           "col": 25
-        "type": "'a",
+        "type": "b",
         "tail": "no"
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/te-modules.t b/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/te-modules.t
index 5490630818..ea84666871 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/te-modules.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/type-enclosing/te-modules.t
@@ -186,6 +186,10 @@ With index 0 only the first type is shown:
     val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
     val find_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
     val filteri : (int -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    val take : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    val drop : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    val take_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    val drop_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
     val partition : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
     val partition_map :
       ('a -> ('b, 'c) Either.t) -> 'a list -> 'b list * 'c list
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/type-expr.t/run.t b/tests/test-dirs/type-expr.t/run.t
index 4be6e42ec6..6c3ca54af4 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/type-expr.t/run.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/type-expr.t/run.t
@@ -124,6 +124,10 @@
     val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
     val find_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
     val filteri : (int -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    val take : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    val drop : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    val take_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    val drop_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
     val partition : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
     val partition_map :
       ('a -> ('b, 'c) Either.t) -> 'a list -> 'b list * 'c list
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/typing-recovery.t b/tests/test-dirs/typing-recovery.t
index 7b8a99ad3c..b806200933 100644
--- a/tests/test-dirs/typing-recovery.t
+++ b/tests/test-dirs/typing-recovery.t
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type unit"
+        "message": "This constant has type int but an expression was expected of type unit"
         "start": {
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type char but an expression was expected of type unit"
+        "message": "This constant has type char but an expression was expected of type unit"
     "notifications": []
@@ -144,7 +144,9 @@
                           structure_item (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
                             expression (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
-                              Pexp_constant PConst_int (1,None)
+                              Pexp_constant
+                              constant (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
+                                PConst_int (1,None)
                       attribute \"merlin.loc\"
@@ -164,12 +166,15 @@
                           structure_item (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
                             expression (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
-                              Pexp_constant PConst_int (2,None)
+                              Pexp_constant
+                              constant (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
+                                PConst_int (2,None)
                       attribute \"merlin.loc\"
                       Texp_ident \"*type-error*/283\"
+                []
@@ -214,7 +219,7 @@
         "type": "typer",
         "sub": [],
         "valid": true,
-        "message": "This expression has type unit but an expression was expected of type int"
+        "message": "The constructor () has type unit but an expression was expected of type int"
     "notifications": []
@@ -278,7 +283,9 @@
                     structure_item (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
                       expression (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
-                        Pexp_constant PConst_int (1,None)
+                        Pexp_constant
+                        constant (_none_[0,0+-1]..[0,0+-1]) ghost
+                          PConst_int (1,None)
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/c_ppx/c_ppx.ml b/tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/c_ppx/c_ppx.ml
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/c_ppx/c_ppx.ml
rename to tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/c_ppx/c_ppx.ml
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/c_ppx/dune b/tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/c_ppx/dune
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/c_ppx/dune
rename to tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/c_ppx/dune
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/rewriter/dune b/tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/rewriter/dune
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/rewriter/dune
rename to tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/rewriter/dune
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/rewriter/my_ppx.ml b/tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/rewriter/my_ppx.ml
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/rewriter/my_ppx.ml
rename to tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/rewriter/my_ppx.ml
diff --git a/tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/run.t b/tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/run.t
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/test-dirs/expand_node/ppx-tests.t/run.t
rename to tests/test-dirs/with-ppx/expand_node.t/run.t
diff --git a/upstream/gen_patch.sh b/upstream/gen_patch.sh
index 3fa724dfd9..96535b4dbf 100644
--- a/upstream/gen_patch.sh
+++ b/upstream/gen_patch.sh
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 mkdir "${D_PATCH}"
@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ for file in "${D_TO}"/*/*.ml*; do
   F_PATCH=$(echo "${F_TO}" | sed "s/${D_TO}/${D_PATCH}/g")
   mkdir "$(dirname "${F_PATCH}")" 2>/dev/null | true
   # Make diff
-  diff -u -N "${F_FROM}" "${F_TO}" >"${F_PATCH}.patch"
+  if [ "$F_FROM" = "$F_TO" ]; then
+    git diff "${F_FROM}" >"${F_PATCH}.patch"
+  else
+    diff -u -N "${F_FROM}" "${F_TO}" >"${F_PATCH}.patch"
+  fi
   if [ -s "${F_PATCH}.patch" ]; then
     # Apply the patch file
-    patch "${F_MERLIN}" "${F_PATCH}.patch"
+    patch --no-backup-if-mismatch --merge "${F_MERLIN}" "${F_PATCH}.patch"
     echo "patched ${F_MERLIN}"
     rm "${F_PATCH}.patch"
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/base-rev.txt b/upstream/ocaml_503/base-rev.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d00851f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/base-rev.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmi_format.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmi_format.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e8c27edc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmi_format.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Misc
+type pers_flags =
+  | Rectypes
+  | Alerts of alerts
+  | Opaque
+type error =
+  | Not_an_interface of filepath
+  | Wrong_version_interface of filepath * string
+  | Corrupted_interface of filepath
+exception Error of error
+(* these type abbreviations are not exported;
+   they are used to provide consistency across
+   input_value and output_value usage. *)
+type signature = Types.signature_item list
+type flags = pers_flags list
+type header = modname * signature
+type cmi_infos = {
+    cmi_name : modname;
+    cmi_sign : signature;
+    cmi_crcs : crcs;
+    cmi_flags : flags;
+let input_cmi ic =
+  let (name, sign) = (Compression.input_value ic : header) in
+  let crcs = (input_value ic : crcs) in
+  let flags = (input_value ic : flags) in
+  {
+      cmi_name = name;
+      cmi_sign = sign;
+      cmi_crcs = crcs;
+      cmi_flags = flags;
+    }
+let read_cmi filename =
+  let ic = open_in_bin filename in
+  try
+    let buffer =
+      really_input_string ic (String.length Config.cmi_magic_number)
+    in
+    if buffer <> Config.cmi_magic_number then begin
+      close_in ic;
+      let pre_len = String.length Config.cmi_magic_number - 3 in
+      if String.sub buffer 0 pre_len
+          = String.sub Config.cmi_magic_number 0 pre_len then
+      begin
+        let msg =
+          if buffer < Config.cmi_magic_number then "an older" else "a newer" in
+        raise (Error (Wrong_version_interface (filename, msg)))
+      end else begin
+        raise(Error(Not_an_interface filename))
+      end
+    end;
+    let cmi = input_cmi ic in
+    close_in ic;
+    cmi
+  with End_of_file | Failure _ ->
+      close_in ic;
+      raise(Error(Corrupted_interface(filename)))
+    | Error e ->
+      close_in ic;
+      raise (Error e)
+let output_cmi filename oc cmi =
+(* beware: the provided signature must have been substituted for saving *)
+  output_string oc Config.cmi_magic_number;
+  Compression.output_value oc ((cmi.cmi_name, cmi.cmi_sign) : header);
+  flush oc;
+  let crc = Digest.file filename in
+  let crcs = (cmi.cmi_name, Some crc) :: cmi.cmi_crcs in
+  output_value oc (crcs : crcs);
+  output_value oc (cmi.cmi_flags : flags);
+  crc
+(* Error report *)
+open Format_doc
+let report_error_doc ppf = function
+  | Not_an_interface filename ->
+      fprintf ppf "%a@ is not a compiled interface"
+        Location.Doc.quoted_filename filename
+  | Wrong_version_interface (filename, older_newer) ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "%a@ is not a compiled interface for this version of OCaml.@.\
+         It seems to be for %s version of OCaml."
+        Location.Doc.quoted_filename filename older_newer
+  | Corrupted_interface filename ->
+      fprintf ppf "Corrupted compiled interface@ %a"
+        Location.Doc.quoted_filename filename
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error_doc err)
+      | _ -> None
+    )
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmi_format.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmi_format.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a170106ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmi_format.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Misc
+type pers_flags =
+  | Rectypes
+  | Alerts of alerts
+  | Opaque
+type cmi_infos = {
+    cmi_name : modname;
+    cmi_sign : Types.signature_item list;
+    cmi_crcs : crcs;
+    cmi_flags : pers_flags list;
+(* write the magic + the cmi information *)
+val output_cmi : string -> out_channel -> cmi_infos -> Digest.t
+(* read the cmi information (the magic is supposed to have already been read) *)
+val input_cmi : in_channel -> cmi_infos
+(* read a cmi from a filename, checking the magic *)
+val read_cmi : string -> cmi_infos
+(* Error report *)
+type error =
+  | Not_an_interface of filepath
+  | Wrong_version_interface of filepath * string
+  | Corrupted_interface of filepath
+exception Error of error
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmt_format.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmt_format.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9efa3c051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmt_format.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Cmi_format
+open Typedtree
+(* Note that in Typerex, there is an awful hack to save a cmt file
+   together with the interface file that was generated by ocaml (this
+   is because the installed version of ocaml might differ from the one
+   integrated in Typerex).
+let read_magic_number ic =
+  let len_magic_number = String.length Config.cmt_magic_number in
+  really_input_string ic len_magic_number
+type binary_annots =
+  | Packed of Types.signature * string list
+  | Implementation of structure
+  | Interface of signature
+  | Partial_implementation of binary_part array
+  | Partial_interface of binary_part array
+and binary_part =
+  | Partial_structure of structure
+  | Partial_structure_item of structure_item
+  | Partial_expression of expression
+  | Partial_pattern : 'k pattern_category * 'k general_pattern -> binary_part
+  | Partial_class_expr of class_expr
+  | Partial_signature of signature
+  | Partial_signature_item of signature_item
+  | Partial_module_type of module_type
+type dependency_kind =  Definition_to_declaration | Declaration_to_declaration
+type cmt_infos = {
+  cmt_modname : string;
+  cmt_annots : binary_annots;
+  cmt_declaration_dependencies : (dependency_kind * Uid.t * Uid.t) list;
+  cmt_comments : (string * Location.t) list;
+  cmt_args : string array;
+  cmt_sourcefile : string option;
+  cmt_builddir : string;
+  cmt_loadpath : Load_path.paths;
+  cmt_source_digest : Digest.t option;
+  cmt_initial_env : Env.t;
+  cmt_imports : (string * Digest.t option) list;
+  cmt_interface_digest : Digest.t option;
+  cmt_use_summaries : bool;
+  cmt_uid_to_decl : item_declaration Shape.Uid.Tbl.t;
+  cmt_impl_shape : Shape.t option; (* None for mli *)
+  cmt_ident_occurrences :
+    (Longident.t Location.loc * Shape_reduce.result) list
+type error =
+    Not_a_typedtree of string
+let iter_on_parts (it : Tast_iterator.iterator) = function
+  | Partial_structure s -> it.structure it s
+  | Partial_structure_item s -> it.structure_item it s
+  | Partial_expression e -> it.expr it e
+  | Partial_pattern (_category, p) -> it.pat it p
+  | Partial_class_expr ce -> it.class_expr it ce
+  | Partial_signature s -> it.signature it s
+  | Partial_signature_item s -> it.signature_item it s
+  | Partial_module_type s -> it.module_type it s
+let iter_on_annots (it : Tast_iterator.iterator) = function
+  | Implementation s -> it.structure it s
+  | Interface s -> it.signature it s
+  | Packed _ -> ()
+  | Partial_implementation array -> Array.iter (iter_on_parts it) array
+  | Partial_interface array -> Array.iter (iter_on_parts it) array
+let iter_on_declaration f decl =
+  match decl with
+  | Value vd -> f vd.val_val.val_uid decl;
+  | Value_binding vb ->
+      let bound_idents = let_bound_idents_full [vb] in
+      List.iter (fun (_, _, _, uid) -> f uid decl) bound_idents
+  | Type td ->
+      if not (Btype.is_row_name (Ident.name td.typ_id)) then
+        f td.typ_type.type_uid (Type td)
+  | Constructor cd -> f cd.cd_uid decl
+  | Extension_constructor ec -> f ec.ext_type.ext_uid decl;
+  | Label ld -> f ld.ld_uid decl
+  | Module md -> f md.md_uid decl
+  | Module_type mtd -> f mtd.mtd_uid decl
+  | Module_substitution ms -> f ms.ms_uid decl
+  | Module_binding mb -> f mb.mb_uid decl
+  | Class cd -> f cd.ci_decl.cty_uid decl
+  | Class_type ct -> f ct.ci_decl.cty_uid decl
+let iter_on_declarations ~(f: Shape.Uid.t -> item_declaration -> unit) = {
+  Tast_iterator.default_iterator with
+  item_declaration = (fun _sub decl -> iter_on_declaration f decl);
+let need_to_clear_env =
+  try ignore (Sys.getenv "OCAML_BINANNOT_WITHENV"); false
+  with Not_found -> true
+let keep_only_summary = Env.keep_only_summary
+let cenv =
+  {Tast_mapper.default with env = fun _sub env -> keep_only_summary env}
+let clear_part = function
+  | Partial_structure s -> Partial_structure (cenv.structure cenv s)
+  | Partial_structure_item s ->
+      Partial_structure_item (cenv.structure_item cenv s)
+  | Partial_expression e -> Partial_expression (cenv.expr cenv e)
+  | Partial_pattern (category, p) -> Partial_pattern (category, cenv.pat cenv p)
+  | Partial_class_expr ce -> Partial_class_expr (cenv.class_expr cenv ce)
+  | Partial_signature s -> Partial_signature (cenv.signature cenv s)
+  | Partial_signature_item s ->
+      Partial_signature_item (cenv.signature_item cenv s)
+  | Partial_module_type s -> Partial_module_type (cenv.module_type cenv s)
+let clear_env binary_annots =
+  if need_to_clear_env then
+    match binary_annots with
+    | Implementation s -> Implementation (cenv.structure cenv s)
+    | Interface s -> Interface (cenv.signature cenv s)
+    | Packed _ -> binary_annots
+    | Partial_implementation array ->
+        Partial_implementation (Array.map clear_part array)
+    | Partial_interface array ->
+        Partial_interface (Array.map clear_part array)
+  else binary_annots
+(* Every typedtree node with a located longident corresponding to user-facing
+   syntax should be indexed. *)
+let iter_on_occurrences
+  ~(f : namespace:Shape.Sig_component_kind.t ->
+        Env.t -> Path.t -> Longident.t Location.loc ->
+        unit) =
+  let path_in_type typ name =
+    match Types.get_desc typ with
+    | Tconstr (type_path, _, _) ->
+      Some (Path.Pdot (type_path,  name))
+    | _ -> None
+  in
+  let add_constructor_description env lid =
+    function
+    | { Types.cstr_tag = Cstr_extension (path, _); _ } ->
+        f ~namespace:Extension_constructor env path lid
+    | { Types.cstr_uid = Predef name; _} ->
+        let id = List.assoc name Predef.builtin_idents in
+        f ~namespace:Constructor env (Pident id) lid
+    | { Types.cstr_res; cstr_name; _ } ->
+        let path = path_in_type cstr_res cstr_name in
+        Option.iter (fun path -> f ~namespace:Constructor env path lid) path
+  in
+  let add_label env lid { Types.lbl_name; lbl_res; _ } =
+    let path = path_in_type lbl_res lbl_name in
+    Option.iter (fun path -> f ~namespace:Label env path lid) path
+  in
+  let with_constraint ~env (_path, _lid, with_constraint) =
+    match with_constraint with
+    | Twith_module (path', lid') | Twith_modsubst (path', lid') ->
+        f ~namespace:Module env path' lid'
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  Tast_iterator.{ default_iterator with
+  expr = (fun sub ({ exp_desc; exp_env; _ } as e) ->
+      (match exp_desc with
+      | Texp_ident (path, lid, _) ->
+          f ~namespace:Value exp_env path lid
+      | Texp_construct (lid, constr_desc, _) ->
+          add_constructor_description exp_env lid constr_desc
+      | Texp_field (_, lid, label_desc)
+      | Texp_setfield (_, lid, label_desc, _) ->
+          add_label exp_env lid label_desc
+      | Texp_new (path, lid, _) ->
+          f ~namespace:Class exp_env path lid
+      | Texp_record { fields; _ } ->
+        Array.iter (fun (label_descr, record_label_definition) ->
+          match record_label_definition with
+          | Overridden (
+              { Location.txt; loc},
+              {exp_loc; _})
+              when not exp_loc.loc_ghost
+                && loc.loc_start = exp_loc.loc_start
+                && loc.loc_end = exp_loc.loc_end ->
+            (* In the presence of punning we want to index the label
+                even if it is ghosted *)
+            let lid = { Location.txt; loc = {loc with loc_ghost = false} } in
+            add_label exp_env lid label_descr
+          | Overridden (lid, _) -> add_label exp_env lid label_descr
+          | Kept _ -> ()) fields
+      | Texp_instvar  (_self_path, path, name) ->
+          let lid = { name with txt = Longident.Lident name.txt } in
+          f ~namespace:Value exp_env path lid
+      | Texp_setinstvar  (_self_path, path, name, _) ->
+          let lid = { name with txt = Longident.Lident name.txt } in
+          f ~namespace:Value exp_env path lid
+      | Texp_override (_self_path, modifs) ->
+          List.iter (fun (id, (name : string Location.loc), _exp) ->
+            let lid = { name with txt = Longident.Lident name.txt } in
+            f ~namespace:Value exp_env (Path.Pident id) lid)
+            modifs
+      | Texp_extension_constructor (lid, path) ->
+          f ~namespace:Extension_constructor exp_env path lid
+      | Texp_constant _ | Texp_let _ | Texp_function _ | Texp_apply _
+      | Texp_match _ | Texp_try _ | Texp_tuple _ | Texp_variant _ | Texp_array _
+      | Texp_ifthenelse _ | Texp_sequence _ | Texp_while _ | Texp_for _
+      | Texp_send _
+      | Texp_letmodule _ | Texp_letexception _ | Texp_assert _ | Texp_lazy _
+      | Texp_object _ | Texp_pack _ | Texp_letop _ | Texp_unreachable
+      | Texp_open _ -> ());
+      default_iterator.expr sub e);
+  (* Remark: some types get iterated over twice due to how constraints are
+      encoded in the typedtree. For example, in [let x : t = 42], [t] is
+      present in both a [Tpat_constraint] and a [Texp_constraint] node) *)
+  typ =
+    (fun sub ({ ctyp_desc; ctyp_env; _ } as ct) ->
+      (match ctyp_desc with
+      | Ttyp_constr (path, lid, _ctyps) ->
+          f ~namespace:Type ctyp_env path lid
+      | Ttyp_package {pack_path; pack_txt} ->
+          f ~namespace:Module_type ctyp_env pack_path pack_txt
+      | Ttyp_class (path, lid, _typs) ->
+          (* Deprecated syntax to extend a polymorphic variant *)
+          f ~namespace:Type ctyp_env path lid
+      |  Ttyp_open (path, lid, _ct) ->
+          f ~namespace:Module ctyp_env path lid
+      | Ttyp_any | Ttyp_var _ | Ttyp_arrow _ | Ttyp_tuple _ | Ttyp_object _
+      | Ttyp_alias _ | Ttyp_variant _ | Ttyp_poly _ -> ());
+      default_iterator.typ sub ct);
+  pat =
+    (fun (type a) sub
+      ({ pat_desc; pat_extra; pat_env; _ } as pat : a general_pattern) ->
+      (match pat_desc with
+      | Tpat_construct (lid, constr_desc, _, _) ->
+          add_constructor_description pat_env lid constr_desc
+      | Tpat_record (fields, _) ->
+        List.iter (fun (lid, label_descr, pat) ->
+          let lid =
+            let open Location in
+            (* In the presence of punning we want to index the label
+               even if it is ghosted *)
+            if (not pat.pat_loc.loc_ghost
+              && lid.loc.loc_start = pat.pat_loc.loc_start
+              && lid.loc.loc_end = pat.pat_loc.loc_end)
+            then {lid with loc = {lid.loc with loc_ghost = false}}
+            else lid
+          in
+          add_label pat_env lid label_descr)
+        fields
+      | Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ | Tpat_alias _ | Tpat_constant _ | Tpat_tuple _
+      | Tpat_variant _ | Tpat_array _ | Tpat_lazy _ | Tpat_value _
+      | Tpat_exception _ | Tpat_or _ -> ());
+      List.iter  (fun (pat_extra, _, _) ->
+        match pat_extra with
+        | Tpat_open (path, lid, _) ->
+            f ~namespace:Module pat_env path lid
+        | Tpat_type (path, lid) ->
+            f ~namespace:Type pat_env path lid
+        | Tpat_constraint _ | Tpat_unpack -> ())
+        pat_extra;
+      default_iterator.pat sub pat);
+  binding_op = (fun sub ({bop_op_path; bop_op_name; bop_exp; _} as bop) ->
+    let lid = { bop_op_name with txt = Longident.Lident bop_op_name.txt } in
+    f ~namespace:Value bop_exp.exp_env bop_op_path lid;
+    default_iterator.binding_op sub bop);
+  module_expr =
+    (fun sub ({ mod_desc; mod_env; _ } as me) ->
+      (match mod_desc with
+      | Tmod_ident (path, lid) -> f ~namespace:Module mod_env path lid
+      | Tmod_structure _ | Tmod_functor _ | Tmod_apply _ | Tmod_apply_unit _
+      | Tmod_constraint _ | Tmod_unpack _ -> ());
+      default_iterator.module_expr sub me);
+  open_description =
+    (fun sub ({ open_expr = (path, lid); open_env; _ } as od)  ->
+      f ~namespace:Module open_env path lid;
+      default_iterator.open_description sub od);
+  module_type =
+    (fun sub ({ mty_desc; mty_env; _ } as mty)  ->
+      (match mty_desc with
+      | Tmty_ident (path, lid) ->
+          f ~namespace:Module_type mty_env path lid
+      | Tmty_with (_mty, l) ->
+          List.iter (with_constraint ~env:mty_env) l
+      | Tmty_alias (path, lid) ->
+          f ~namespace:Module mty_env path lid
+      | Tmty_signature _ | Tmty_functor _ | Tmty_typeof _ -> ());
+      default_iterator.module_type sub mty);
+  class_expr =
+    (fun sub ({ cl_desc; cl_env; _} as ce) ->
+      (match cl_desc with
+      | Tcl_ident (path, lid, _) -> f ~namespace:Class cl_env path lid
+      | Tcl_structure _ | Tcl_fun _ | Tcl_apply _ | Tcl_let _
+      | Tcl_constraint _ | Tcl_open _ -> ());
+      default_iterator.class_expr sub ce);
+  class_type =
+    (fun sub ({ cltyp_desc; cltyp_env; _} as ct) ->
+      (match cltyp_desc with
+      | Tcty_constr (path, lid, _) -> f ~namespace:Class_type cltyp_env path lid
+      | Tcty_signature _ | Tcty_arrow _ | Tcty_open _ -> ());
+      default_iterator.class_type sub ct);
+  signature_item =
+    (fun sub ({ sig_desc; sig_env; _ } as sig_item) ->
+      (match sig_desc with
+      | Tsig_exception {
+          tyexn_constructor = { ext_kind = Text_rebind (path, lid)}} ->
+          f ~namespace:Extension_constructor sig_env path lid
+      | Tsig_modsubst { ms_manifest; ms_txt } ->
+          f ~namespace:Module sig_env ms_manifest ms_txt
+      | Tsig_typext { tyext_path; tyext_txt } ->
+          f ~namespace:Type sig_env tyext_path tyext_txt
+      | Tsig_value _ | Tsig_type _ | Tsig_typesubst _ | Tsig_exception _
+      | Tsig_module _ | Tsig_recmodule _ | Tsig_modtype _ | Tsig_modtypesubst _
+      | Tsig_open _ | Tsig_include _ | Tsig_class _ | Tsig_class_type _
+      | Tsig_attribute _ -> ());
+      default_iterator.signature_item sub sig_item);
+  structure_item =
+    (fun sub ({ str_desc; str_env; _ } as str_item) ->
+      (match str_desc with
+      | Tstr_exception {
+          tyexn_constructor = { ext_kind = Text_rebind (path, lid)}} ->
+          f ~namespace:Extension_constructor str_env path lid
+      | Tstr_typext { tyext_path; tyext_txt } ->
+          f ~namespace:Type str_env tyext_path tyext_txt
+      | Tstr_eval _ | Tstr_value _ | Tstr_primitive _ | Tstr_type _
+      | Tstr_exception _ | Tstr_module _ | Tstr_recmodule _
+      | Tstr_modtype _ | Tstr_open _ | Tstr_class _ | Tstr_class_type _
+      | Tstr_include _ | Tstr_attribute _ -> ());
+      default_iterator.structure_item sub str_item)
+let index_declarations binary_annots =
+  let index : item_declaration Types.Uid.Tbl.t = Types.Uid.Tbl.create 16 in
+  let f uid fragment = Types.Uid.Tbl.add index uid fragment in
+  iter_on_annots (iter_on_declarations ~f) binary_annots;
+  index
+let index_occurrences binary_annots =
+  let index : (Longident.t Location.loc * Shape_reduce.result) list ref =
+    ref []
+  in
+  let f ~namespace env path lid =
+    let not_ghost { Location.loc = { loc_ghost; _ }; _ } = not loc_ghost in
+    if not_ghost lid then
+      match Env.shape_of_path ~namespace env path with
+      | exception Not_found -> ()
+      | { uid = Some (Predef _); _ } -> ()
+      | path_shape ->
+        let result = Shape_reduce.local_reduce_for_uid env path_shape in
+        index := (lid, result) :: !index
+  in
+  iter_on_annots (iter_on_occurrences ~f) binary_annots;
+  !index
+exception Error of error
+let input_cmt ic = (Compression.input_value ic : cmt_infos)
+let output_cmt oc cmt =
+  output_string oc Config.cmt_magic_number;
+  Compression.output_value oc (cmt : cmt_infos)
+let read filename =
+(*  Printf.fprintf stderr "Cmt_format.read %s\n%!" filename; *)
+  let ic = open_in_bin filename in
+  Misc.try_finally
+    ~always:(fun () -> close_in ic)
+    (fun () ->
+       let magic_number = read_magic_number ic in
+       let cmi, cmt =
+         if magic_number = Config.cmt_magic_number then
+           None, Some (input_cmt ic)
+         else if magic_number = Config.cmi_magic_number then
+           let cmi = Cmi_format.input_cmi ic in
+           let cmt = try
+               let magic_number = read_magic_number ic in
+               if magic_number = Config.cmt_magic_number then
+                 let cmt = input_cmt ic in
+                 Some cmt
+               else None
+             with _ -> None
+           in
+           Some cmi, cmt
+         else
+           raise(Cmi_format.Error(Cmi_format.Not_an_interface filename))
+       in
+       cmi, cmt
+    )
+let read_cmt filename =
+  match read filename with
+      _, None -> raise (Error (Not_a_typedtree filename))
+    | _, Some cmt -> cmt
+let read_cmi filename =
+  match read filename with
+      None, _ ->
+        raise (Cmi_format.Error (Cmi_format.Not_an_interface filename))
+    | Some cmi, _ -> cmi
+let saved_types = ref []
+let uids_deps : (dependency_kind * Uid.t * Uid.t) list ref = ref []
+let clear () =
+  saved_types := [];
+  uids_deps := []
+let add_saved_type b = saved_types := b :: !saved_types
+let get_saved_types () = !saved_types
+let set_saved_types l = saved_types := l
+let record_declaration_dependency (rk, uid1, uid2) =
+  if not (Uid.equal uid1 uid2) then
+    uids_deps := (rk, uid1, uid2) :: !uids_deps
+let save_cmt target binary_annots initial_env cmi shape =
+  if !Clflags.binary_annotations && not !Clflags.print_types then begin
+    Misc.output_to_file_via_temporary
+       ~mode:[Open_binary] (Unit_info.Artifact.filename target)
+       (fun temp_file_name oc ->
+         let this_crc =
+           match cmi with
+           | None -> None
+           | Some cmi -> Some (output_cmi temp_file_name oc cmi)
+         in
+         let sourcefile = Unit_info.Artifact.source_file target in
+         let cmt_ident_occurrences =
+          if !Clflags.store_occurrences then
+            index_occurrences binary_annots
+          else
+            []
+         in
+         let cmt_annots = clear_env binary_annots in
+         let cmt_uid_to_decl = index_declarations cmt_annots in
+         let source_digest = Option.map Digest.file sourcefile in
+         let cmt = {
+           cmt_modname = Unit_info.Artifact.modname target;
+           cmt_annots;
+           cmt_declaration_dependencies = !uids_deps;
+           cmt_comments = Lexer.comments ();
+           cmt_args = Sys.argv;
+           cmt_sourcefile = sourcefile;
+           cmt_builddir = Location.rewrite_absolute_path (Sys.getcwd ());
+           cmt_loadpath = Load_path.get_paths ();
+           cmt_source_digest = source_digest;
+           cmt_initial_env = if need_to_clear_env then
+               keep_only_summary initial_env else initial_env;
+           cmt_imports = List.sort compare (Env.imports ());
+           cmt_interface_digest = this_crc;
+           cmt_use_summaries = need_to_clear_env;
+           cmt_uid_to_decl;
+           cmt_impl_shape = shape;
+           cmt_ident_occurrences;
+         } in
+         output_cmt oc cmt)
+  end;
+  clear ()
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmt_format.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmt_format.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..524283bc6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/file_formats/cmt_format.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** cmt and cmti files format. *)
+open Misc
+(** The layout of a cmt file is as follows:
+      <cmt> := \{<cmi>\} <cmt magic> \{cmt infos\} \{<source info>\}
+    where <cmi> is the cmi file format:
+      <cmi> := <cmi magic> <cmi info>.
+    More precisely, the optional <cmi> part must be present if and only if
+    the file is:
+    - a cmti, or
+    - a cmt, for a ml file which has no corresponding mli (hence no
+    corresponding cmti).
+    Thus, we provide a common reading function for cmi and cmt(i)
+    files which returns an option for each of the three parts: cmi
+    info, cmt info, source info. *)
+open Typedtree
+type binary_annots =
+  | Packed of Types.signature * string list
+  | Implementation of structure
+  | Interface of signature
+  | Partial_implementation of binary_part array
+  | Partial_interface of binary_part array
+and binary_part =
+  | Partial_structure of structure
+  | Partial_structure_item of structure_item
+  | Partial_expression of expression
+  | Partial_pattern : 'k pattern_category * 'k general_pattern -> binary_part
+  | Partial_class_expr of class_expr
+  | Partial_signature of signature
+  | Partial_signature_item of signature_item
+  | Partial_module_type of module_type
+type dependency_kind = Definition_to_declaration | Declaration_to_declaration
+type cmt_infos = {
+  cmt_modname : modname;
+  cmt_annots : binary_annots;
+  cmt_declaration_dependencies : (dependency_kind * Uid.t * Uid.t) list;
+  cmt_comments : (string * Location.t) list;
+  cmt_args : string array;
+  cmt_sourcefile : string option;
+  cmt_builddir : string;
+  cmt_loadpath : Load_path.paths;
+  cmt_source_digest : string option;
+  cmt_initial_env : Env.t;
+  cmt_imports : crcs;
+  cmt_interface_digest : Digest.t option;
+  cmt_use_summaries : bool;
+  cmt_uid_to_decl : item_declaration Shape.Uid.Tbl.t;
+  cmt_impl_shape : Shape.t option; (* None for mli *)
+  cmt_ident_occurrences :
+    (Longident.t Location.loc * Shape_reduce.result) list
+type error =
+    Not_a_typedtree of string
+exception Error of error
+(** [read filename] opens filename, and extract both the cmi_infos, if
+    it exists, and the cmt_infos, if it exists. Thus, it can be used
+    with .cmi, .cmt and .cmti files.
+    .cmti files always contain a cmi_infos at the beginning. .cmt files
+    only contain a cmi_infos at the beginning if there is no associated
+    .cmti file.
+val read : string -> Cmi_format.cmi_infos option * cmt_infos option
+val read_cmt : string -> cmt_infos
+val read_cmi : string -> Cmi_format.cmi_infos
+(** [save_cmt filename modname binary_annots sourcefile initial_env cmi]
+    writes a cmt(i) file.  *)
+val save_cmt :
+  Unit_info.Artifact.t ->
+  binary_annots ->
+  Env.t -> (* initial env *)
+  Cmi_format.cmi_infos option -> (* if a .cmi was generated *)
+  Shape.t option ->
+  unit
+(* Miscellaneous functions *)
+val read_magic_number : in_channel -> string
+val clear: unit -> unit
+val add_saved_type : binary_part -> unit
+val get_saved_types : unit -> binary_part list
+val set_saved_types : binary_part list -> unit
+val record_declaration_dependency: dependency_kind * Uid.t * Uid.t -> unit
+  val is_magic_number : string -> bool
+  val read : in_channel -> Env.cmi_infos option * t
+  val write_magic_number : out_channel -> unit
+  val write : out_channel -> t -> unit
+  val find : string list -> string -> string
+  val read_signature : 'a -> string -> Types.signature * 'b list * 'c list
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_helper.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_helper.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daa73c4205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_helper.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments *)
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+open Docstrings
+type 'a with_loc = 'a Location.loc
+type loc = Location.t
+type lid = Longident.t with_loc
+type str = string with_loc
+type str_opt = string option with_loc
+type attrs = attribute list
+let default_loc = ref Location.none
+let with_default_loc l f =
+  Misc.protect_refs [Misc.R (default_loc, l)] f
+module Const = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d =
+    {pconst_desc = d;
+     pconst_loc = loc}
+  let integer ?loc ?suffix i = mk ?loc (Pconst_integer (i, suffix))
+  let int ?loc ?suffix i = integer ?loc ?suffix (Int.to_string i)
+  let int32 ?loc ?(suffix='l') i = integer ?loc ~suffix (Int32.to_string i)
+  let int64 ?loc ?(suffix='L') i = integer ?loc ~suffix (Int64.to_string i)
+  let nativeint ?loc ?(suffix='n') i =
+    integer ?loc ~suffix (Nativeint.to_string i)
+  let float ?loc ?suffix f = mk ?loc (Pconst_float (f, suffix))
+  let char ?loc c = mk ?loc (Pconst_char c)
+  let string ?quotation_delimiter ?(loc= !default_loc) s =
+    mk ~loc (Pconst_string (s, loc, quotation_delimiter))
+module Attr = struct
+  let mk ?(loc= !default_loc) name payload =
+    { attr_name = name;
+      attr_payload = payload;
+      attr_loc = loc }
+module Typ = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
+    {ptyp_desc = d;
+     ptyp_loc = loc;
+     ptyp_loc_stack = [];
+     ptyp_attributes = attrs}
+  let attr d a = {d with ptyp_attributes = d.ptyp_attributes @ [a]}
+  let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ptyp_any
+  let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_var a)
+  let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_arrow (a, b, c))
+  let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_tuple a)
+  let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_constr (a, b))
+  let object_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_object (a, b))
+  let class_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_class (a, b))
+  let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_alias (a, b))
+  let variant ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_variant (a, b, c))
+  let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_poly (a, b))
+  let package ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_package (a, b))
+  let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_extension a)
+  let open_ ?loc ?attrs mod_ident t = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ptyp_open (mod_ident, t))
+  let force_poly t =
+    match t.ptyp_desc with
+    | Ptyp_poly _ -> t
+    | _ -> poly ~loc:t.ptyp_loc [] t (* -> ghost? *)
+  let varify_constructors var_names t =
+    let check_variable vl loc v =
+      if List.mem v vl then
+        raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Variable_in_scope(loc,v))) in
+    let var_names = List.map (fun v -> v.txt) var_names in
+    let rec loop t =
+      let desc =
+        match t.ptyp_desc with
+        | Ptyp_any -> Ptyp_any
+        | Ptyp_var x ->
+            check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc x;
+            Ptyp_var x
+        | Ptyp_arrow (label,core_type,core_type') ->
+            Ptyp_arrow(label, loop core_type, loop core_type')
+        | Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple (List.map loop lst)
+        | Ptyp_constr( { txt = Longident.Lident s }, [])
+          when List.mem s var_names ->
+            Ptyp_var s
+        | Ptyp_constr(longident, lst) ->
+            Ptyp_constr(longident, List.map loop lst)
+        | Ptyp_object (lst, o) ->
+            Ptyp_object (List.map loop_object_field lst, o)
+        | Ptyp_class (longident, lst) ->
+            Ptyp_class (longident, List.map loop lst)
+        | Ptyp_alias(core_type, alias) ->
+            check_variable var_names alias.loc alias.txt;
+            Ptyp_alias(loop core_type, alias)
+        | Ptyp_variant(row_field_list, flag, lbl_lst_option) ->
+            Ptyp_variant(List.map loop_row_field row_field_list,
+                         flag, lbl_lst_option)
+        | Ptyp_poly(string_lst, core_type) ->
+          List.iter (fun v ->
+            check_variable var_names t.ptyp_loc v.txt) string_lst;
+            Ptyp_poly(string_lst, loop core_type)
+        | Ptyp_package(longident,lst) ->
+            Ptyp_package(longident,List.map (fun (n,typ) -> (n,loop typ) ) lst)
+        | Ptyp_open (mod_ident, core_type) ->
+            Ptyp_open (mod_ident, loop core_type)
+        | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) ->
+            Ptyp_extension (s, arg)
+      in
+      {t with ptyp_desc = desc}
+    and loop_row_field field =
+      let prf_desc = match field.prf_desc with
+        | Rtag(label,flag,lst) ->
+            Rtag(label,flag,List.map loop lst)
+        | Rinherit t ->
+            Rinherit (loop t)
+      in
+      { field with prf_desc; }
+    and loop_object_field field =
+      let pof_desc = match field.pof_desc with
+        | Otag(label, t) ->
+            Otag(label, loop t)
+        | Oinherit t ->
+            Oinherit (loop t)
+      in
+      { field with pof_desc; }
+    in
+    loop t
+module Pat = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
+    {ppat_desc = d;
+     ppat_loc = loc;
+     ppat_loc_stack = [];
+     ppat_attributes = attrs}
+  let attr d a = {d with ppat_attributes = d.ppat_attributes @ [a]}
+  let any ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Ppat_any
+  let var ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_var a)
+  let alias ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_alias (a, b))
+  let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constant a)
+  let interval ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_interval (a, b))
+  let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_tuple a)
+  let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_construct (a, b))
+  let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_variant (a, b))
+  let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_record (a, b))
+  let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_array a)
+  let or_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_or (a, b))
+  let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_constraint (a, b))
+  let type_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_type a)
+  let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_lazy a)
+  let unpack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_unpack a)
+  let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_open (a, b))
+  let exception_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_exception a)
+  let effect_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_effect(a, b))
+  let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Ppat_extension a)
+module Exp = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
+    {pexp_desc = d;
+     pexp_loc = loc;
+     pexp_loc_stack = [];
+     pexp_attributes = attrs}
+  let attr d a = {d with pexp_attributes = d.pexp_attributes @ [a]}
+  let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ident a)
+  let constant ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constant a)
+  let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_let (a, b, c))
+  let function_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_function (a, b, c))
+  let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_apply (a, b))
+  let match_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_match (a, b))
+  let try_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_try (a, b))
+  let tuple ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_tuple a)
+  let construct ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_construct (a, b))
+  let variant ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_variant (a, b))
+  let record ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_record (a, b))
+  let field ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_field (a, b))
+  let setfield ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setfield (a, b, c))
+  let array ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_array a)
+  let ifthenelse ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_ifthenelse (a, b, c))
+  let sequence ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_sequence (a, b))
+  let while_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_while (a, b))
+  let for_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_for (a, b, c, d, e))
+  let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_constraint (a, b))
+  let coerce ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_coerce (a, b, c))
+  let send ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_send (a, b))
+  let new_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_new a)
+  let setinstvar ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_setinstvar (a, b))
+  let override ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_override a)
+  let letmodule ?loc ?attrs a b c= mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letmodule (a, b, c))
+  let letexception ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letexception (a, b))
+  let assert_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_assert a)
+  let lazy_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_lazy a)
+  let poly ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_poly (a, b))
+  let object_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_object a)
+  let newtype ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_newtype (a, b))
+  let pack ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_pack a)
+  let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_open (a, b))
+  let letop ?loc ?attrs let_ ands body =
+    mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body})
+  let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pexp_extension a)
+  let unreachable ?loc ?attrs () = mk ?loc ?attrs Pexp_unreachable
+  let case lhs ?guard rhs =
+    {
+     pc_lhs = lhs;
+     pc_guard = guard;
+     pc_rhs = rhs;
+    }
+  let binding_op op pat exp loc =
+    {
+      pbop_op = op;
+      pbop_pat = pat;
+      pbop_exp = exp;
+      pbop_loc = loc;
+    }
+module Mty = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
+    {pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs}
+  let attr d a = {d with pmty_attributes = d.pmty_attributes @ [a]}
+  let ident ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_ident a)
+  let alias ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_alias a)
+  let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_signature a)
+  let functor_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_functor (a, b))
+  let with_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_with (a, b))
+  let typeof_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_typeof a)
+  let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmty_extension a)
+module Mod = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
+    {pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = loc; pmod_attributes = attrs}
+  let attr d a = {d with pmod_attributes = d.pmod_attributes @ [a]}
+  let ident ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_ident x)
+  let structure ?loc ?attrs x = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_structure x)
+  let functor_ ?loc ?attrs arg body =
+    mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_functor (arg, body))
+  let apply ?loc ?attrs m1 m2 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply (m1, m2))
+  let apply_unit ?loc ?attrs m1 = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_apply_unit m1)
+  let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs m mty = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_constraint (m, mty))
+  let unpack ?loc ?attrs e = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_unpack e)
+  let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pmod_extension a)
+module Sig = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {psig_desc = d; psig_loc = loc}
+  let value ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_value a)
+  let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Psig_type (rec_flag, a))
+  let type_subst ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typesubst a)
+  let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_typext a)
+  let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_exception a)
+  let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_module a)
+  let mod_subst ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modsubst a)
+  let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_recmodule a)
+  let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtype a)
+  let modtype_subst ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_modtypesubst a)
+  let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_open a)
+  let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_include a)
+  let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class a)
+  let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_class_type a)
+  let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Psig_extension (a, attrs))
+  let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Psig_attribute a)
+  let text txt =
+    let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
+    List.map
+      (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
+      f_txt
+module Str = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) d = {pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = loc}
+  let eval ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_eval (a, attrs))
+  let value ?loc a b = mk ?loc (Pstr_value (a, b))
+  let primitive ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_primitive a)
+  let type_ ?loc rec_flag a = mk ?loc (Pstr_type (rec_flag, a))
+  let type_extension ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_typext a)
+  let exception_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_exception a)
+  let module_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_module a)
+  let rec_module ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_recmodule a)
+  let modtype ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_modtype a)
+  let open_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_open a)
+  let class_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class a)
+  let class_type ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_class_type a)
+  let include_ ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_include a)
+  let extension ?loc ?(attrs = []) a = mk ?loc (Pstr_extension (a, attrs))
+  let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pstr_attribute a)
+  let text txt =
+    let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
+    List.map
+      (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
+      f_txt
+module Cl = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
+    {
+     pcl_desc = d;
+     pcl_loc = loc;
+     pcl_attributes = attrs;
+    }
+  let attr d a = {d with pcl_attributes = d.pcl_attributes @ [a]}
+  let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constr (a, b))
+  let structure ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_structure a)
+  let fun_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_fun (a, b, c, d))
+  let apply ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_apply (a, b))
+  let let_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_let (a, b, c))
+  let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_constraint (a, b))
+  let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_extension a)
+  let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcl_open (a, b))
+module Cty = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) d =
+    {
+     pcty_desc = d;
+     pcty_loc = loc;
+     pcty_attributes = attrs;
+    }
+  let attr d a = {d with pcty_attributes = d.pcty_attributes @ [a]}
+  let constr ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_constr (a, b))
+  let signature ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_signature a)
+  let arrow ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_arrow (a, b, c))
+  let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_extension a)
+  let open_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcty_open (a, b))
+module Ctf = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+           ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
+    {
+     pctf_desc = d;
+     pctf_loc = loc;
+     pctf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
+    }
+  let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_inherit a)
+  let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_val (a, b, c, d))
+  let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c d = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_method (a, b, c, d))
+  let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_constraint (a, b))
+  let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pctf_extension a)
+  let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pctf_attribute a)
+  let text txt =
+   let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
+     List.map
+      (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
+      f_txt
+  let attr d a = {d with pctf_attributes = d.pctf_attributes @ [a]}
+module Cf = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+        ?(docs = empty_docs) d =
+    {
+     pcf_desc = d;
+     pcf_loc = loc;
+     pcf_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
+    }
+  let inherit_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_inherit (a, b, c))
+  let val_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_val (a, b, c))
+  let method_ ?loc ?attrs a b c = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_method (a, b, c))
+  let constraint_ ?loc ?attrs a b = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_constraint (a, b))
+  let initializer_ ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_initializer a)
+  let extension ?loc ?attrs a = mk ?loc ?attrs (Pcf_extension a)
+  let attribute ?loc a = mk ?loc (Pcf_attribute a)
+  let text txt =
+    let f_txt = List.filter (fun ds -> docstring_body ds <> "") txt in
+    List.map
+      (fun ds -> attribute ~loc:(docstring_loc ds) (text_attr ds))
+      f_txt
+  let virtual_ ct = Cfk_virtual ct
+  let concrete o e = Cfk_concrete (o, e)
+  let attr d a = {d with pcf_attributes = d.pcf_attributes @ [a]}
+module Val = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
+        ?(prim = []) name typ =
+    {
+     pval_name = name;
+     pval_type = typ;
+     pval_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
+     pval_loc = loc;
+     pval_prim = prim;
+    }
+module Md = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name typ =
+    {
+     pmd_name = name;
+     pmd_type = typ;
+     pmd_attributes =
+       add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
+     pmd_loc = loc;
+    }
+module Ms = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name syn =
+    {
+     pms_name = name;
+     pms_manifest = syn;
+     pms_attributes =
+       add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
+     pms_loc = loc;
+    }
+module Mtd = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) ?typ name =
+    {
+     pmtd_name = name;
+     pmtd_type = typ;
+     pmtd_attributes =
+       add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
+     pmtd_loc = loc;
+    }
+module Mb = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = []) name expr =
+    {
+     pmb_name = name;
+     pmb_expr = expr;
+     pmb_attributes =
+       add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
+     pmb_loc = loc;
+    }
+module Opn = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
+        ?(override = Fresh) expr =
+    {
+     popen_expr = expr;
+     popen_override = override;
+     popen_loc = loc;
+     popen_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
+    }
+module Incl = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs) mexpr =
+    {
+     pincl_mod = mexpr;
+     pincl_loc = loc;
+     pincl_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
+    }
+module Vb = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
+        ?(text = []) ?value_constraint pat expr =
+    {
+     pvb_pat = pat;
+     pvb_expr = expr;
+     pvb_constraint=value_constraint;
+     pvb_attributes =
+       add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
+     pvb_loc = loc;
+    }
+module Ci = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
+        ?(virt = Concrete) ?(params = []) name expr =
+    {
+     pci_virt = virt;
+     pci_params = params;
+     pci_name = name;
+     pci_expr = expr;
+     pci_attributes =
+       add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
+     pci_loc = loc;
+    }
+module Type = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(text = [])
+      ?(params = [])
+      ?(cstrs = [])
+      ?(kind = Ptype_abstract)
+      ?(priv = Public)
+      ?manifest
+      name =
+    {
+     ptype_name = name;
+     ptype_params = params;
+     ptype_cstrs = cstrs;
+     ptype_kind = kind;
+     ptype_private = priv;
+     ptype_manifest = manifest;
+     ptype_attributes =
+       add_text_attrs text (add_docs_attrs docs attrs);
+     ptype_loc = loc;
+    }
+  let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
+        ?(vars = []) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
+    {
+     pcd_name = name;
+     pcd_vars = vars;
+     pcd_args = args;
+     pcd_res = res;
+     pcd_loc = loc;
+     pcd_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
+    }
+  let field ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(info = empty_info)
+        ?(mut = Immutable) name typ =
+    {
+     pld_name = name;
+     pld_mutable = mut;
+     pld_type = typ;
+     pld_loc = loc;
+     pld_attributes = add_info_attrs info attrs;
+    }
+(** Type extensions *)
+module Te = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
+        ?(params = []) ?(priv = Public) path constructors =
+    {
+     ptyext_path = path;
+     ptyext_params = params;
+     ptyext_constructors = constructors;
+     ptyext_private = priv;
+     ptyext_loc = loc;
+     ptyext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
+    }
+  let mk_exception ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
+      constructor =
+    {
+     ptyexn_constructor = constructor;
+     ptyexn_loc = loc;
+     ptyexn_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs attrs;
+    }
+  let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name kind =
+    {
+     pext_name = name;
+     pext_kind = kind;
+     pext_loc = loc;
+     pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
+    }
+  let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(docs = empty_docs)
+         ?(info = empty_info) ?(vars = []) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
+    {
+     pext_name = name;
+     pext_kind = Pext_decl(vars, args, res);
+     pext_loc = loc;
+     pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
+    }
+  let rebind ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = [])
+        ?(docs = empty_docs) ?(info = empty_info) name lid =
+    {
+     pext_name = name;
+     pext_kind = Pext_rebind lid;
+     pext_loc = loc;
+     pext_attributes = add_docs_attrs docs (add_info_attrs info attrs);
+    }
+module Csig = struct
+  let mk self fields =
+    {
+     pcsig_self = self;
+     pcsig_fields = fields;
+    }
+module Cstr = struct
+  let mk self fields =
+    {
+     pcstr_self = self;
+     pcstr_fields = fields;
+    }
+(** Row fields *)
+module Rf = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) desc = {
+    prf_desc = desc;
+    prf_loc = loc;
+    prf_attributes = attrs;
+  }
+  let tag ?loc ?attrs label const tys =
+    mk ?loc ?attrs (Rtag (label, const, tys))
+  let inherit_?loc ty =
+    mk ?loc (Rinherit ty)
+(** Object fields *)
+module Of = struct
+  let mk ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs=[]) desc = {
+    pof_desc = desc;
+    pof_loc = loc;
+    pof_attributes = attrs;
+  }
+  let tag ?loc ?attrs label ty =
+    mk ?loc ?attrs (Otag (label, ty))
+  let inherit_ ?loc ty =
+    mk ?loc (Oinherit ty)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_helper.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_helper.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a8a0fa368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_helper.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Helpers to produce Parsetree fragments
+  {b Warning} This module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+open Asttypes
+open Docstrings
+open Parsetree
+type 'a with_loc = 'a Location.loc
+type loc = Location.t
+type lid = Longident.t with_loc
+type str = string with_loc
+type str_opt = string option with_loc
+type attrs = attribute list
+(** {1 Default locations} *)
+val default_loc: loc ref
+    (** Default value for all optional location arguments. *)
+val with_default_loc: loc -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+    (** Set the [default_loc] within the scope of the execution
+        of the provided function. *)
+(** {1 Constants} *)
+module Const : sig
+  val mk : ?loc:loc -> constant_desc -> constant
+  val char : ?loc:loc -> char -> constant
+  val string :
+    ?quotation_delimiter:string -> ?loc:Location.t -> string -> constant
+  val integer : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
+  val int : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> int -> constant
+  val int32 : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> int32 -> constant
+  val int64 : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> int64 -> constant
+  val nativeint : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> nativeint -> constant
+  val float : ?loc:loc -> ?suffix:char -> string -> constant
+(** {1 Attributes} *)
+module Attr : sig
+  val mk: ?loc:loc -> str -> payload -> attribute
+(** {1 Core language} *)
+(** Type expressions *)
+module Typ :
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type_desc -> core_type
+    val attr: core_type -> attribute -> core_type
+    val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> core_type
+    val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type
+    val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type -> core_type
+               -> core_type
+    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type list -> core_type
+    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
+    val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> object_field list
+                   -> closed_flag -> core_type
+    val class_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> core_type
+    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> string with_loc
+               -> core_type
+    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field list -> closed_flag
+                 -> label list option -> core_type
+    val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str list -> core_type -> core_type
+    val package: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> (lid * core_type) list
+                 -> core_type
+    val open_ : ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type -> core_type
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> core_type
+    val force_poly: core_type -> core_type
+    val varify_constructors: str list -> core_type -> core_type
+    (** [varify_constructors newtypes te] is type expression [te], of which
+        any of nullary type constructor [tc] is replaced by type variable of
+        the same name, if [tc]'s name appears in [newtypes].
+        Raise [Syntaxerr.Variable_in_scope] if any type variable inside [te]
+        appears in [newtypes].
+        @since 4.05
+     *)
+  end
+(** Patterns *)
+module Pat:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern_desc -> pattern
+    val attr:pattern -> attribute -> pattern
+    val any: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
+    val var: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> pattern
+    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> str -> pattern
+    val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> pattern
+    val interval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> constant -> pattern
+    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
+    val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
+      lid -> (str list * pattern) option -> pattern
+    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> pattern option -> pattern
+    val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * pattern) list -> closed_flag
+                -> pattern
+    val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
+    val or_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
+    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> core_type -> pattern
+    val type_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> pattern
+    val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
+    val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str_opt -> pattern
+    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs  -> lid -> pattern -> pattern
+    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern
+    val effect_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> pattern
+  end
+(** Expressions *)
+module Exp:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression_desc -> expression
+    val attr: expression -> attribute -> expression
+    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
+    val constant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> constant -> expression
+    val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list
+              -> expression -> expression
+    val function_ : ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> function_param list
+                   -> type_constraint option -> function_body
+                   -> expression
+    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression
+               -> (arg_label * expression) list -> expression
+    val match_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list
+                -> expression
+    val try_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> case list -> expression
+    val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
+    val construct: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression option
+                   -> expression
+    val variant: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> label -> expression option
+                 -> expression
+    val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (lid * expression) list
+                -> expression option -> expression
+    val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
+    val setfield: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> lid -> expression
+                  -> expression
+    val array: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
+    val ifthenelse: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
+                    -> expression option -> expression
+    val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
+                  -> expression
+    val while_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
+                -> expression
+    val for_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> expression -> expression
+              -> direction_flag -> expression -> expression
+    val coerce: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
+                -> core_type -> expression
+    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type
+                     -> expression
+    val send: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> str -> expression
+    val new_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> expression
+    val setinstvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
+    val override: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (str * expression) list
+                  -> expression
+    val letmodule: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str_opt -> module_expr
+                   -> expression -> expression
+    val letexception:
+      ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension_constructor -> expression
+      -> expression
+    val assert_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
+    val lazy_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression
+    val poly: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> core_type option
+              -> expression
+    val object_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> expression
+    val newtype: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> expression -> expression
+    val pack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> expression
+    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_declaration -> expression
+               -> expression
+    val letop: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> binding_op
+               -> binding_op list -> expression -> expression
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> expression
+    val unreachable: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
+    val case: pattern -> ?guard:expression -> expression -> case
+    val binding_op: str -> pattern -> expression -> loc -> binding_op
+  end
+(** Value declarations *)
+module Val:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
+      ?prim:string list -> str -> core_type -> value_description
+  end
+(** Type declarations *)
+module Type:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
+      ?params:(core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list ->
+      ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list ->
+      ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str ->
+      type_declaration
+    val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
+      ?vars:str list -> ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type ->
+      str ->
+      constructor_declaration
+    val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?info:info ->
+      ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
+  end
+(** Type extensions *)
+module Te:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
+      ?params:(core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list ->
+      ?priv:private_flag -> lid -> extension_constructor list -> type_extension
+    val mk_exception: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
+      extension_constructor -> type_exception
+    val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
+      str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
+    val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
+      ?vars:str list -> ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type ->
+      str ->
+      extension_constructor
+    val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?info:info ->
+      str -> lid -> extension_constructor
+  end
+(** {1 Module language} *)
+(** Module type expressions *)
+module Mty:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type_desc -> module_type
+    val attr: module_type -> attribute -> module_type
+    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
+    val alias: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_type
+    val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> signature -> module_type
+    val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
+      functor_parameter -> module_type -> module_type
+    val with_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_type ->
+      with_constraint list -> module_type
+    val typeof_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_type
+  end
+(** Module expressions *)
+module Mod:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr_desc -> module_expr
+    val attr: module_expr -> attribute -> module_expr
+    val ident: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> module_expr
+    val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> structure -> module_expr
+    val functor_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
+      functor_parameter -> module_expr -> module_expr
+    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr ->
+      module_expr
+    val apply_unit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_expr
+    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> module_expr -> module_type ->
+      module_expr
+    val unpack: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> module_expr
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> module_expr
+  end
+(** Signature items *)
+module Sig:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> signature_item_desc -> signature_item
+    val value: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> signature_item
+    val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
+    val type_subst: ?loc:loc -> type_declaration list -> signature_item
+    val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> signature_item
+    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> type_exception -> signature_item
+    val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration -> signature_item
+    val mod_subst: ?loc:loc -> module_substitution -> signature_item
+    val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_declaration list -> signature_item
+    val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
+    val modtype_subst: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> signature_item
+    val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_description -> signature_item
+    val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_description -> signature_item
+    val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_description list -> signature_item
+    val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> signature_item
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> signature_item
+    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> signature_item
+    val text: text -> signature_item list
+  end
+(** Structure items *)
+module Str:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> structure_item_desc -> structure_item
+    val eval: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attributes -> expression -> structure_item
+    val value: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> value_binding list -> structure_item
+    val primitive: ?loc:loc -> value_description -> structure_item
+    val type_: ?loc:loc -> rec_flag -> type_declaration list -> structure_item
+    val type_extension: ?loc:loc -> type_extension -> structure_item
+    val exception_: ?loc:loc -> type_exception -> structure_item
+    val module_: ?loc:loc -> module_binding -> structure_item
+    val rec_module: ?loc:loc -> module_binding list -> structure_item
+    val modtype: ?loc:loc -> module_type_declaration -> structure_item
+    val open_: ?loc:loc -> open_declaration -> structure_item
+    val class_: ?loc:loc -> class_declaration list -> structure_item
+    val class_type: ?loc:loc -> class_type_declaration list -> structure_item
+    val include_: ?loc:loc -> include_declaration -> structure_item
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> structure_item
+    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> structure_item
+    val text: text -> structure_item list
+  end
+(** Module declarations *)
+module Md:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
+      str_opt -> module_type -> module_declaration
+  end
+(** Module substitutions *)
+module Ms:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
+      str -> lid -> module_substitution
+  end
+(** Module type declarations *)
+module Mtd:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
+      ?typ:module_type -> str -> module_type_declaration
+  end
+(** Module bindings *)
+module Mb:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
+      str_opt -> module_expr -> module_binding
+  end
+(** Opens *)
+module Opn:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
+      ?override:override_flag -> 'a -> 'a open_infos
+  end
+(** Includes *)
+module Incl:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> 'a -> 'a include_infos
+  end
+(** Value bindings *)
+module Vb:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc: loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
+      ?value_constraint:value_constraint -> pattern -> expression ->
+      value_binding
+  end
+(** {1 Class language} *)
+(** Class type expressions *)
+module Cty:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type_desc -> class_type
+    val attr: class_type -> attribute -> class_type
+    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_type
+    val signature: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_signature -> class_type
+    val arrow: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> core_type ->
+      class_type -> class_type
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type
+    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_description -> class_type
+               -> class_type
+  end
+(** Class type fields *)
+module Ctf:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs ->
+      class_type_field_desc -> class_type_field
+    val attr: class_type_field -> attribute -> class_type_field
+    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_type -> class_type_field
+    val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
+      virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
+    val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
+      virtual_flag -> core_type -> class_type_field
+    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
+      class_type_field
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_type_field
+    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_type_field
+    val text: text -> class_type_field list
+  end
+(** Class expressions *)
+module Cl:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr_desc -> class_expr
+    val attr: class_expr -> attribute -> class_expr
+    val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> lid -> core_type list -> class_expr
+    val structure: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_structure -> class_expr
+    val fun_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> arg_label -> expression option ->
+      pattern -> class_expr -> class_expr
+    val apply: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr ->
+      (arg_label * expression) list -> class_expr
+    val let_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> rec_flag -> value_binding list ->
+      class_expr -> class_expr
+    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> class_expr -> class_type ->
+      class_expr
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_expr
+    val open_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> open_description -> class_expr
+               -> class_expr
+  end
+(** Class fields *)
+module Cf:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> class_field_desc ->
+      class_field
+    val attr: class_field -> attribute -> class_field
+    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> override_flag -> class_expr ->
+      str option -> class_field
+    val val_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> mutable_flag ->
+      class_field_kind -> class_field
+    val method_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> private_flag ->
+      class_field_kind -> class_field
+    val constraint_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> core_type -> core_type ->
+      class_field
+    val initializer_: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> class_field
+    val extension: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> extension -> class_field
+    val attribute: ?loc:loc -> attribute -> class_field
+    val text: text -> class_field list
+    val virtual_: core_type -> class_field_kind
+    val concrete: override_flag -> expression -> class_field_kind
+  end
+(** Classes *)
+module Ci:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?docs:docs -> ?text:text ->
+      ?virt:virtual_flag ->
+      ?params:(core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list ->
+      str -> 'a -> 'a class_infos
+  end
+(** Class signatures *)
+module Csig:
+  sig
+    val mk: core_type -> class_type_field list -> class_signature
+  end
+(** Class structures *)
+module Cstr:
+  sig
+    val mk: pattern -> class_field list -> class_structure
+  end
+(** Row fields *)
+module Rf:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> row_field_desc -> row_field
+    val tag: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
+      label with_loc -> bool -> core_type list -> row_field
+    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> core_type -> row_field
+  end
+(** Object fields *)
+module Of:
+  sig
+    val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
+      object_field_desc -> object_field
+    val tag: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs ->
+      label with_loc -> core_type -> object_field
+    val inherit_: ?loc:loc -> core_type -> object_field
+  end
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_invariants.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_invariants.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53e8a1629c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_invariants.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Jeremie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015 Jane Street Group LLC                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+open Ast_iterator
+let err = Syntaxerr.ill_formed_ast
+let empty_record loc = err loc "Records cannot be empty."
+let invalid_tuple loc = err loc "Tuples must have at least 2 components."
+let no_args loc = err loc "Function application with no argument."
+let empty_let loc = err loc "Let with no bindings."
+let empty_type loc = err loc "Type declarations cannot be empty."
+let empty_poly_binder loc =
+  err loc "Explicit universal type quantification cannot be empty."
+let complex_id loc = err loc "Functor application not allowed here."
+let module_type_substitution_missing_rhs loc =
+  err loc "Module type substitution with no right hand side"
+let function_without_value_parameters loc =
+  err loc "Function without any value parameters"
+let simple_longident id =
+  let rec is_simple = function
+    | Longident.Lident _ -> true
+    | Longident.Ldot (id, _) -> is_simple id
+    | Longident.Lapply _ -> false
+  in
+  if not (is_simple id.txt) then complex_id id.loc
+let iterator =
+  let super = Ast_iterator.default_iterator in
+  let type_declaration self td =
+    super.type_declaration self td;
+    let loc = td.ptype_loc in
+    match td.ptype_kind with
+    | Ptype_record [] -> empty_record loc
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let typ self ty =
+    super.typ self ty;
+    let loc = ty.ptyp_loc in
+    match ty.ptyp_desc with
+    | Ptyp_tuple ([] | [_]) -> invalid_tuple loc
+    | Ptyp_package (_, cstrs) ->
+      List.iter (fun (id, _) -> simple_longident id) cstrs
+    | Ptyp_poly([],_) -> empty_poly_binder loc
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let pat self pat =
+    begin match pat.ppat_desc with
+    | Ppat_construct (_, Some (_, ({ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple _} as p)))
+      when Builtin_attributes.explicit_arity pat.ppat_attributes ->
+        super.pat self p (* allow unary tuple, see GPR#523. *)
+    | _ ->
+        super.pat self pat
+    end;
+    let loc = pat.ppat_loc in
+    match pat.ppat_desc with
+    | Ppat_tuple ([] | [_]) -> invalid_tuple loc
+    | Ppat_record ([], _) -> empty_record loc
+    | Ppat_construct (id, _) -> simple_longident id
+    | Ppat_record (fields, _) ->
+      List.iter (fun (id, _) -> simple_longident id) fields
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let expr self exp =
+    begin match exp.pexp_desc with
+    | Pexp_construct (_, Some ({pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple _} as e))
+      when Builtin_attributes.explicit_arity exp.pexp_attributes ->
+        super.expr self e (* allow unary tuple, see GPR#523. *)
+    | _ ->
+        super.expr self exp
+    end;
+    let loc = exp.pexp_loc in
+    match exp.pexp_desc with
+    | Pexp_tuple ([] | [_]) -> invalid_tuple loc
+    | Pexp_record ([], _) -> empty_record loc
+    | Pexp_apply (_, []) -> no_args loc
+    | Pexp_let (_, [], _) -> empty_let loc
+    | Pexp_ident id
+    | Pexp_construct (id, _)
+    | Pexp_field (_, id)
+    | Pexp_setfield (_, id, _)
+    | Pexp_new id -> simple_longident id
+    | Pexp_record (fields, _) ->
+      List.iter (fun (id, _) -> simple_longident id) fields
+    | Pexp_function (params, _, Pfunction_body _) ->
+        if
+          List.for_all
+            (function
+              | { pparam_desc = Pparam_newtype _ } -> true
+              | { pparam_desc = Pparam_val _ } -> false)
+            params
+        then function_without_value_parameters loc
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let extension_constructor self ec =
+    super.extension_constructor self ec;
+    match ec.pext_kind with
+    | Pext_rebind id -> simple_longident id
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let class_expr self ce =
+    super.class_expr self ce;
+    let loc = ce.pcl_loc in
+    match ce.pcl_desc with
+    | Pcl_apply (_, []) -> no_args loc
+    | Pcl_constr (id, _) -> simple_longident id
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let module_type self mty =
+    super.module_type self mty;
+    match mty.pmty_desc with
+    | Pmty_alias id -> simple_longident id
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let open_description self opn =
+    super.open_description self opn
+  in
+  let with_constraint self wc =
+    super.with_constraint self wc;
+    match wc with
+    | Pwith_type (id, _)
+    | Pwith_module (id, _) -> simple_longident id
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let module_expr self me =
+    super.module_expr self me;
+    match me.pmod_desc with
+    | Pmod_ident id -> simple_longident id
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let structure_item self st =
+    super.structure_item self st;
+    let loc = st.pstr_loc in
+    match st.pstr_desc with
+    | Pstr_type (_, []) -> empty_type loc
+    | Pstr_value (_, []) -> empty_let loc
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let signature_item self sg =
+    super.signature_item self sg;
+    let loc = sg.psig_loc in
+    match sg.psig_desc with
+    | Psig_type (_, []) -> empty_type loc
+    | Psig_modtypesubst {pmtd_type=None; _ } ->
+        module_type_substitution_missing_rhs loc
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let row_field self field =
+    super.row_field self field;
+    let loc = field.prf_loc in
+    match field.prf_desc with
+    | Rtag _ -> ()
+    | Rinherit _ ->
+      if field.prf_attributes = []
+      then ()
+      else err loc
+          "In variant types, attaching attributes to inherited \
+           subtypes is not allowed."
+  in
+  let object_field self field =
+    super.object_field self field;
+    let loc = field.pof_loc in
+    match field.pof_desc with
+    | Otag _ -> ()
+    | Oinherit _ ->
+      if field.pof_attributes = []
+      then ()
+      else err loc
+          "In object types, attaching attributes to inherited \
+           subtypes is not allowed."
+  in
+  let attribute self attr =
+    (* The change to `self` here avoids registering attributes within attributes
+       for the purposes of warning 53, while keeping all the other invariant
+       checks for attribute payloads.  See comment on [current_phase] in
+       [builtin_attributes.mli]. *)
+    super.attribute { self with attribute = super.attribute } attr;
+    Builtin_attributes.(register_attr Invariant_check attr.attr_name)
+  in
+  { super with
+    type_declaration
+  ; typ
+  ; pat
+  ; expr
+  ; extension_constructor
+  ; class_expr
+  ; module_expr
+  ; module_type
+  ; open_description
+  ; with_constraint
+  ; structure_item
+  ; signature_item
+  ; row_field
+  ; object_field
+  ; attribute
+  }
+let structure st = iterator.structure iterator st
+let signature sg = iterator.signature iterator sg
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_invariants.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_invariants.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdb56aa5ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_invariants.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Jeremie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015 Jane Street Group LLC                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Check AST invariants
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+val structure : Parsetree.structure -> unit
+val signature : Parsetree.signature -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_iterator.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_iterator.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..389a9a4042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_iterator.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                      Nicolas Ojeda Bar, LexiFi                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* A generic Parsetree mapping class *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+9"]
+  (* Ensure that record patterns don't miss any field. *)
+open Parsetree
+open Location
+type iterator = {
+  attribute: iterator -> attribute -> unit;
+  attributes: iterator -> attribute list -> unit;
+  binding_op: iterator -> binding_op -> unit;
+  case: iterator -> case -> unit;
+  cases: iterator -> case list -> unit;
+  class_declaration: iterator -> class_declaration -> unit;
+  class_description: iterator -> class_description -> unit;
+  class_expr: iterator -> class_expr -> unit;
+  class_field: iterator -> class_field -> unit;
+  class_signature: iterator -> class_signature -> unit;
+  class_structure: iterator -> class_structure -> unit;
+  class_type: iterator -> class_type -> unit;
+  class_type_declaration: iterator -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
+  class_type_field: iterator -> class_type_field -> unit;
+  constructor_declaration: iterator -> constructor_declaration -> unit;
+  directive_argument: iterator -> directive_argument -> unit;
+  expr: iterator -> expression -> unit;
+  extension: iterator -> extension -> unit;
+  extension_constructor: iterator -> extension_constructor -> unit;
+  include_declaration: iterator -> include_declaration -> unit;
+  include_description: iterator -> include_description -> unit;
+  label_declaration: iterator -> label_declaration -> unit;
+  location: iterator -> Location.t -> unit;
+  module_binding: iterator -> module_binding -> unit;
+  module_declaration: iterator -> module_declaration -> unit;
+  module_substitution: iterator -> module_substitution -> unit;
+  module_expr: iterator -> module_expr -> unit;
+  module_type: iterator -> module_type -> unit;
+  module_type_declaration: iterator -> module_type_declaration -> unit;
+  open_declaration: iterator -> open_declaration -> unit;
+  open_description: iterator -> open_description -> unit;
+  pat: iterator -> pattern -> unit;
+  payload: iterator -> payload -> unit;
+  signature: iterator -> signature -> unit;
+  signature_item: iterator -> signature_item -> unit;
+  structure: iterator -> structure -> unit;
+  structure_item: iterator -> structure_item -> unit;
+  toplevel_directive: iterator -> toplevel_directive -> unit;
+  toplevel_phrase: iterator -> toplevel_phrase -> unit;
+  typ: iterator -> core_type -> unit;
+  row_field: iterator -> row_field -> unit;
+  object_field: iterator -> object_field -> unit;
+  type_declaration: iterator -> type_declaration -> unit;
+  type_extension: iterator -> type_extension -> unit;
+  type_exception: iterator -> type_exception -> unit;
+  type_kind: iterator -> type_kind -> unit;
+  value_binding: iterator -> value_binding -> unit;
+  value_description: iterator -> value_description -> unit;
+  with_constraint: iterator -> with_constraint -> unit;
+(** A [iterator] record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
+    using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
+    argument the iterator to be applied to children in the syntax
+    tree. *)
+let iter_fst f (x, _) = f x
+let iter_snd f (_, y) = f y
+let iter_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = f1 x; f2 y
+let iter_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = f1 x; f2 y; f3 z
+let iter_opt f = function None -> () | Some x -> f x
+let iter_loc sub {loc; txt = _} = sub.location sub loc
+module T = struct
+  (* Type expressions for the core language *)
+  let row_field sub {
+      prf_desc;
+      prf_loc;
+      prf_attributes;
+    } =
+    sub.location sub prf_loc;
+    sub.attributes sub prf_attributes;
+    match prf_desc with
+    | Rtag (_, _, tl) -> List.iter (sub.typ sub) tl
+    | Rinherit t -> sub.typ sub t
+  let object_field sub {
+      pof_desc;
+      pof_loc;
+      pof_attributes;
+    } =
+    sub.location sub pof_loc;
+    sub.attributes sub pof_attributes;
+    match pof_desc with
+    | Otag (_, t) -> sub.typ sub t
+    | Oinherit t -> sub.typ sub t
+  let iter sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    sub.attributes sub attrs;
+    match desc with
+    | Ptyp_any
+    | Ptyp_var _ -> ()
+    | Ptyp_arrow (_lab, t1, t2) ->
+        sub.typ sub t1; sub.typ sub t2
+    | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> List.iter (sub.typ sub) tyl
+    | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; List.iter (sub.typ sub) tl
+    | Ptyp_object (ol, _o) ->
+        List.iter (object_field sub) ol
+    | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; List.iter (sub.typ sub) tl
+    | Ptyp_alias (t, _) -> sub.typ sub t
+    | Ptyp_variant (rl, _b, _ll) ->
+        List.iter (row_field sub) rl
+    | Ptyp_poly (_, t) -> sub.typ sub t
+    | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid;
+        List.iter (iter_tuple (iter_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l
+    | Ptyp_open (mod_ident, t) ->
+        iter_loc sub mod_ident;
+        sub.typ sub t
+    | Ptyp_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
+  let iter_type_declaration sub
+      {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
+       ptype_kind;
+       ptype_private = _;
+       ptype_manifest;
+       ptype_attributes;
+       ptype_loc} =
+    iter_loc sub ptype_name;
+    List.iter (iter_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params;
+    List.iter
+      (iter_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
+      ptype_cstrs;
+    sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind;
+    iter_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest;
+    sub.location sub ptype_loc;
+    sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes
+  let iter_type_kind sub = function
+    | Ptype_abstract -> ()
+    | Ptype_variant l ->
+        List.iter (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l
+    | Ptype_record l -> List.iter (sub.label_declaration sub) l
+    | Ptype_open -> ()
+  let iter_constructor_arguments sub = function
+    | Pcstr_tuple l -> List.iter (sub.typ sub) l
+    | Pcstr_record l ->
+        List.iter (sub.label_declaration sub) l
+  let iter_type_extension sub
+      {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
+       ptyext_constructors;
+       ptyext_private = _;
+       ptyext_loc;
+       ptyext_attributes} =
+    iter_loc sub ptyext_path;
+    List.iter (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors;
+    List.iter (iter_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params;
+    sub.location sub ptyext_loc;
+    sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes
+  let iter_type_exception sub
+      {ptyexn_constructor; ptyexn_loc; ptyexn_attributes} =
+    sub.extension_constructor sub ptyexn_constructor;
+    sub.location sub ptyexn_loc;
+    sub.attributes sub ptyexn_attributes
+  let iter_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
+      Pext_decl(vars, ctl, cto) ->
+        List.iter (iter_loc sub) vars;
+        iter_constructor_arguments sub ctl;
+        iter_opt (sub.typ sub) cto
+    | Pext_rebind li ->
+        iter_loc sub li
+  let iter_extension_constructor sub
+      {pext_name;
+       pext_kind;
+       pext_loc;
+       pext_attributes} =
+    iter_loc sub pext_name;
+    iter_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind;
+    sub.location sub pext_loc;
+    sub.attributes sub pext_attributes
+module CT = struct
+  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
+  let iter sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    sub.attributes sub attrs;
+    match desc with
+    | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; List.iter (sub.typ sub) tys
+    | Pcty_signature x -> sub.class_signature sub x
+    | Pcty_arrow (_lab, t, ct) ->
+        sub.typ sub t; sub.class_type sub ct
+    | Pcty_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
+    | Pcty_open (o, e) ->
+        sub.open_description sub o; sub.class_type sub e
+  let iter_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
+    =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    sub.attributes sub attrs;
+    match desc with
+    | Pctf_inherit ct -> sub.class_type sub ct
+    | Pctf_val (_s, _m, _v, t) -> sub.typ sub t
+    | Pctf_method (_s, _p, _v, t) -> sub.typ sub t
+    | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
+        sub.typ sub t1; sub.typ sub t2
+    | Pctf_attribute x -> sub.attribute sub x
+    | Pctf_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
+  let iter_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
+    sub.typ sub pcsig_self;
+    List.iter (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields
+let iter_functor_param sub = function
+  | Unit -> ()
+  | Named (name, mty) ->
+    iter_loc sub name;
+    sub.module_type sub mty
+module MT = struct
+  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
+  let iter sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    sub.attributes sub attrs;
+    match desc with
+    | Pmty_ident s -> iter_loc sub s
+    | Pmty_alias s -> iter_loc sub s
+    | Pmty_signature sg -> sub.signature sub sg
+    | Pmty_functor (param, mt2) ->
+        iter_functor_param sub param;
+        sub.module_type sub mt2
+    | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
+        sub.module_type sub mt;
+        List.iter (sub.with_constraint sub) l
+    | Pmty_typeof me -> sub.module_expr sub me
+    | Pmty_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
+  let iter_with_constraint sub = function
+    | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; sub.type_declaration sub d
+    | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; iter_loc sub lid2
+    | Pwith_modtype (lid, mty) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; sub.module_type sub mty
+    | Pwith_typesubst (lid, d) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; sub.type_declaration sub d
+    | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
+        iter_loc sub s; iter_loc sub lid
+    | Pwith_modtypesubst (lid, mty) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; sub.module_type sub mty
+  let iter_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    match desc with
+    | Psig_value vd -> sub.value_description sub vd
+    | Psig_type (_, l)
+    | Psig_typesubst l ->
+      List.iter (sub.type_declaration sub) l
+    | Psig_typext te -> sub.type_extension sub te
+    | Psig_exception ed -> sub.type_exception sub ed
+    | Psig_module x -> sub.module_declaration sub x
+    | Psig_modsubst x -> sub.module_substitution sub x
+    | Psig_recmodule l ->
+        List.iter (sub.module_declaration sub) l
+    | Psig_modtype x | Psig_modtypesubst x -> sub.module_type_declaration sub x
+    | Psig_open x -> sub.open_description sub x
+    | Psig_include x -> sub.include_description sub x
+    | Psig_class l -> List.iter (sub.class_description sub) l
+    | Psig_class_type l ->
+        List.iter (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l
+    | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
+        sub.attributes sub attrs;
+        sub.extension sub x
+    | Psig_attribute x -> sub.attribute sub x
+module M = struct
+  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
+  let iter sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    sub.attributes sub attrs;
+    match desc with
+    | Pmod_ident x -> iter_loc sub x
+    | Pmod_structure str -> sub.structure sub str
+    | Pmod_functor (param, body) ->
+        iter_functor_param sub param;
+        sub.module_expr sub body
+    | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
+        sub.module_expr sub m1;
+        sub.module_expr sub m2
+    | Pmod_apply_unit m1 ->
+        sub.module_expr sub m1
+    | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
+        sub.module_expr sub m; sub.module_type sub mty
+    | Pmod_unpack e -> sub.expr sub e
+    | Pmod_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
+  let iter_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    match desc with
+    | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
+        sub.attributes sub attrs; sub.expr sub x
+    | Pstr_value (_r, vbs) -> List.iter (sub.value_binding sub) vbs
+    | Pstr_primitive vd -> sub.value_description sub vd
+    | Pstr_type (_rf, l) -> List.iter (sub.type_declaration sub) l
+    | Pstr_typext te -> sub.type_extension sub te
+    | Pstr_exception ed -> sub.type_exception sub ed
+    | Pstr_module x -> sub.module_binding sub x
+    | Pstr_recmodule l -> List.iter (sub.module_binding sub) l
+    | Pstr_modtype x -> sub.module_type_declaration sub x
+    | Pstr_open x -> sub.open_declaration sub x
+    | Pstr_class l -> List.iter (sub.class_declaration sub) l
+    | Pstr_class_type l ->
+        List.iter (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l
+    | Pstr_include x -> sub.include_declaration sub x
+    | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
+        sub.attributes sub attrs; sub.extension sub x
+    | Pstr_attribute x -> sub.attribute sub x
+module E = struct
+  (* Value expressions for the core language *)
+  let iter_function_param sub { pparam_loc = loc; pparam_desc = desc } =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    match desc with
+    | Pparam_val (_lab, def, p) ->
+        iter_opt (sub.expr sub) def;
+        sub.pat sub p
+    | Pparam_newtype ty ->
+        iter_loc sub ty
+  let iter_body sub body =
+    match body with
+    | Pfunction_body e ->
+        sub.expr sub e
+    | Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, attrs) ->
+        sub.cases sub cases;
+        sub.location sub loc;
+        sub.attributes sub attrs
+  let iter_constraint sub constraint_ =
+    match constraint_ with
+    | Pconstraint ty ->
+        sub.typ sub ty
+    | Pcoerce (ty1, ty2) ->
+        iter_opt (sub.typ sub) ty1;
+        sub.typ sub ty2
+  let iter sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    sub.attributes sub attrs;
+    match desc with
+    | Pexp_ident x -> iter_loc sub x
+    | Pexp_constant _ -> ()
+    | Pexp_let (_r, vbs, e) ->
+        List.iter (sub.value_binding sub) vbs;
+        sub.expr sub e
+    | Pexp_function (params, constraint_, body) ->
+        List.iter (iter_function_param sub) params;
+        iter_opt (iter_constraint sub) constraint_;
+        iter_body sub body
+    | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
+        sub.expr sub e; List.iter (iter_snd (sub.expr sub)) l
+    | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
+        sub.expr sub e; sub.cases sub pel
+    | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> sub.expr sub e; sub.cases sub pel
+    | Pexp_tuple el -> List.iter (sub.expr sub) el
+    | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; iter_opt (sub.expr sub) arg
+    | Pexp_variant (_lab, eo) ->
+        iter_opt (sub.expr sub) eo
+    | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
+        List.iter (iter_tuple (iter_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l;
+        iter_opt (sub.expr sub) eo
+    | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
+        sub.expr sub e; iter_loc sub lid
+    | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
+        sub.expr sub e1; iter_loc sub lid;
+        sub.expr sub e2
+    | Pexp_array el -> List.iter (sub.expr sub) el
+    | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
+        sub.expr sub e1; sub.expr sub e2;
+        iter_opt (sub.expr sub) e3
+    | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
+        sub.expr sub e1; sub.expr sub e2
+    | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
+        sub.expr sub e1; sub.expr sub e2
+    | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, _d, e3) ->
+        sub.pat sub p; sub.expr sub e1; sub.expr sub e2;
+        sub.expr sub e3
+    | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
+        sub.expr sub e; iter_opt (sub.typ sub) t1;
+        sub.typ sub t2
+    | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
+        sub.expr sub e; sub.typ sub t
+    | Pexp_send (e, _s) -> sub.expr sub e
+    | Pexp_new lid -> iter_loc sub lid
+    | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
+        iter_loc sub s; sub.expr sub e
+    | Pexp_override sel ->
+        List.iter (iter_tuple (iter_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel
+    | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
+        iter_loc sub s; sub.module_expr sub me;
+        sub.expr sub e
+    | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
+        sub.extension_constructor sub cd;
+        sub.expr sub e
+    | Pexp_assert e -> sub.expr sub e
+    | Pexp_lazy e -> sub.expr sub e
+    | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
+        sub.expr sub e; iter_opt (sub.typ sub) t
+    | Pexp_object cls -> sub.class_structure sub cls
+    | Pexp_newtype (_s, e) -> sub.expr sub e
+    | Pexp_pack me -> sub.module_expr sub me
+    | Pexp_open (o, e) ->
+        sub.open_declaration sub o; sub.expr sub e
+    | Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body} ->
+        sub.binding_op sub let_;
+        List.iter (sub.binding_op sub) ands;
+        sub.expr sub body
+    | Pexp_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
+    | Pexp_unreachable -> ()
+  let iter_binding_op sub {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc} =
+    iter_loc sub pbop_op;
+    sub.pat sub pbop_pat;
+    sub.expr sub pbop_exp;
+    sub.location sub pbop_loc
+module P = struct
+  (* Patterns *)
+  let iter sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    sub.attributes sub attrs;
+    match desc with
+    | Ppat_any -> ()
+    | Ppat_var s -> iter_loc sub s
+    | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> sub.pat sub p; iter_loc sub s
+    | Ppat_constant _ -> ()
+    | Ppat_interval _ -> ()
+    | Ppat_tuple pl -> List.iter (sub.pat sub) pl
+    | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
+        iter_loc sub l;
+        iter_opt
+          (fun (vl,p) ->
+            List.iter (iter_loc sub) vl;
+            sub.pat sub p)
+          p
+    | Ppat_variant (_l, p) -> iter_opt (sub.pat sub) p
+    | Ppat_record (lpl, _cf) ->
+        List.iter (iter_tuple (iter_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl
+    | Ppat_array pl -> List.iter (sub.pat sub) pl
+    | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> sub.pat sub p1; sub.pat sub p2
+    | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
+        sub.pat sub p; sub.typ sub t
+    | Ppat_type s -> iter_loc sub s
+    | Ppat_lazy p -> sub.pat sub p
+    | Ppat_unpack s -> iter_loc sub s
+    | Ppat_effect (p1,p2) -> sub.pat sub p1; sub.pat sub p2
+    | Ppat_exception p -> sub.pat sub p
+    | Ppat_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
+    | Ppat_open (lid, p) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; sub.pat sub p
+module CE = struct
+  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
+  let iter sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    sub.attributes sub attrs;
+    match desc with
+    | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; List.iter (sub.typ sub) tys
+    | Pcl_structure s ->
+        sub.class_structure sub s
+    | Pcl_fun (_lab, e, p, ce) ->
+        iter_opt (sub.expr sub) e;
+        sub.pat sub p;
+        sub.class_expr sub ce
+    | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
+        sub.class_expr sub ce;
+        List.iter (iter_snd (sub.expr sub)) l
+    | Pcl_let (_r, vbs, ce) ->
+        List.iter (sub.value_binding sub) vbs;
+        sub.class_expr sub ce
+    | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
+        sub.class_expr sub ce; sub.class_type sub ct
+    | Pcl_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
+    | Pcl_open (o, e) ->
+        sub.open_description sub o; sub.class_expr sub e
+  let iter_kind sub = function
+    | Cfk_concrete (_o, e) -> sub.expr sub e
+    | Cfk_virtual t -> sub.typ sub t
+  let iter_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
+    sub.location sub loc;
+    sub.attributes sub attrs;
+    match desc with
+    | Pcf_inherit (_o, ce, _s) -> sub.class_expr sub ce
+    | Pcf_val (s, _m, k) -> iter_loc sub s; iter_kind sub k
+    | Pcf_method (s, _p, k) ->
+        iter_loc sub s; iter_kind sub k
+    | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
+        sub.typ sub t1; sub.typ sub t2
+    | Pcf_initializer e -> sub.expr sub e
+    | Pcf_attribute x -> sub.attribute sub x
+    | Pcf_extension x -> sub.extension sub x
+  let iter_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
+    sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
+    List.iter (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields
+  let class_infos sub f {pci_virt = _; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
+                         pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
+    List.iter (iter_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl;
+    iter_loc sub pci_name;
+    f pci_expr;
+    sub.location sub pci_loc;
+    sub.attributes sub pci_attributes
+(* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
+   cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
+   the identity. *)
+let default_iterator =
+  {
+    structure = (fun this l -> List.iter (this.structure_item this) l);
+    structure_item = M.iter_structure_item;
+    module_expr = M.iter;
+    signature = (fun this l -> List.iter (this.signature_item this) l);
+    signature_item = MT.iter_signature_item;
+    module_type = MT.iter;
+    with_constraint = MT.iter_with_constraint;
+    class_declaration =
+      (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
+    class_expr = CE.iter;
+    class_field = CE.iter_field;
+    class_structure = CE.iter_structure;
+    class_type = CT.iter;
+    class_type_field = CT.iter_field;
+    class_signature = CT.iter_signature;
+    class_type_declaration =
+      (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
+    class_description =
+      (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
+    type_declaration = T.iter_type_declaration;
+    type_kind = T.iter_type_kind;
+    typ = T.iter;
+    row_field = T.row_field;
+    object_field = T.object_field;
+    type_extension = T.iter_type_extension;
+    type_exception = T.iter_type_exception;
+    extension_constructor = T.iter_extension_constructor;
+    value_description =
+      (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim = _; pval_loc;
+                 pval_attributes} ->
+        iter_loc this pval_name;
+        this.typ this pval_type;
+        this.location this pval_loc;
+        this.attributes this pval_attributes;
+      );
+    pat = P.iter;
+    expr = E.iter;
+    binding_op = E.iter_binding_op;
+    module_declaration =
+      (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
+         iter_loc this pmd_name;
+         this.module_type this pmd_type;
+         this.location this pmd_loc;
+         this.attributes this pmd_attributes;
+      );
+    module_substitution =
+      (fun this {pms_name; pms_manifest; pms_attributes; pms_loc} ->
+         iter_loc this pms_name;
+         iter_loc this pms_manifest;
+         this.location this pms_loc;
+         this.attributes this pms_attributes;
+      );
+    module_type_declaration =
+      (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
+         iter_loc this pmtd_name;
+         iter_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type;
+         this.location this pmtd_loc;
+         this.attributes this pmtd_attributes;
+      );
+    module_binding =
+      (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
+         iter_loc this pmb_name; this.module_expr this pmb_expr;
+         this.location this pmb_loc;
+         this.attributes this pmb_attributes;
+      );
+    open_declaration =
+      (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override = _; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
+         this.module_expr this popen_expr;
+         this.location this popen_loc;
+         this.attributes this popen_attributes
+      );
+    open_description =
+      (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override = _; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
+         iter_loc this popen_expr;
+         this.location this popen_loc;
+         this.attributes this popen_attributes
+      );
+    include_description =
+      (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
+         this.module_type this pincl_mod;
+         this.location this pincl_loc;
+         this.attributes this pincl_attributes
+      );
+    include_declaration =
+      (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
+         this.module_expr this pincl_mod;
+         this.location this pincl_loc;
+         this.attributes this pincl_attributes
+      );
+    value_binding =
+      (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc; pvb_constraint} ->
+         this.pat this pvb_pat;
+         this.expr this pvb_expr;
+         Option.iter (function
+             | Parsetree.Pvc_constraint {locally_abstract_univars=vars; typ} ->
+                 List.iter (iter_loc this) vars;
+                 this.typ this typ
+             | Pvc_coercion { ground; coercion } ->
+                 Option.iter (this.typ this) ground;
+                 this.typ this coercion;
+           ) pvb_constraint;
+         this.location this pvb_loc;
+         this.attributes this pvb_attributes
+      );
+    constructor_declaration =
+      (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_vars; pcd_args;
+                 pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
+         iter_loc this pcd_name;
+         List.iter (iter_loc this) pcd_vars;
+         T.iter_constructor_arguments this pcd_args;
+         iter_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res;
+         this.location this pcd_loc;
+         this.attributes this pcd_attributes
+      );
+    label_declaration =
+      (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable = _; pld_attributes}->
+         iter_loc this pld_name;
+         this.typ this pld_type;
+         this.location this pld_loc;
+         this.attributes this pld_attributes
+      );
+    cases = (fun this l -> List.iter (this.case this) l);
+    case =
+      (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
+         this.pat this pc_lhs;
+         iter_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
+         this.expr this pc_rhs
+      );
+    location = (fun _this _l -> ());
+    extension = (fun this (s, e) -> iter_loc this s; this.payload this e);
+    attribute = (fun this a ->
+      iter_loc this a.attr_name;
+      this.payload this a.attr_payload;
+      this.location this a.attr_loc
+    );
+    attributes = (fun this l -> List.iter (this.attribute this) l);
+    payload =
+      (fun this -> function
+         | PStr x -> this.structure this x
+         | PSig x -> this.signature this x
+         | PTyp x -> this.typ this x
+         | PPat (x, g) -> this.pat this x; iter_opt (this.expr this) g
+      );
+    directive_argument =
+      (fun this a ->
+         this.location this a.pdira_loc
+      );
+    toplevel_directive =
+      (fun this d ->
+         iter_loc this d.pdir_name;
+         iter_opt (this.directive_argument this) d.pdir_arg;
+         this.location this d.pdir_loc
+      );
+    toplevel_phrase =
+      (fun this -> function
+         | Ptop_def s -> this.structure this s
+         | Ptop_dir d -> this.toplevel_directive this d
+      );
+  }
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_iterator.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_iterator.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b02889163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_iterator.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                      Nicolas Ojeda Bar, LexiFi                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** {!Ast_iterator.iterator} enables AST inspection using open recursion.  A
+    typical mapper would be based on {!Ast_iterator.default_iterator}, a
+    trivial iterator, and will fall back on it for handling the syntax it does
+    not modify.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+open Parsetree
+(** {1 A generic Parsetree iterator} *)
+type iterator = {
+  attribute: iterator -> attribute -> unit;
+  attributes: iterator -> attribute list -> unit;
+  binding_op: iterator -> binding_op -> unit;
+  case: iterator -> case -> unit;
+  cases: iterator -> case list -> unit;
+  class_declaration: iterator -> class_declaration -> unit;
+  class_description: iterator -> class_description -> unit;
+  class_expr: iterator -> class_expr -> unit;
+  class_field: iterator -> class_field -> unit;
+  class_signature: iterator -> class_signature -> unit;
+  class_structure: iterator -> class_structure -> unit;
+  class_type: iterator -> class_type -> unit;
+  class_type_declaration: iterator -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
+  class_type_field: iterator -> class_type_field -> unit;
+  constructor_declaration: iterator -> constructor_declaration -> unit;
+  directive_argument: iterator -> directive_argument -> unit;
+  expr: iterator -> expression -> unit;
+  extension: iterator -> extension -> unit;
+  extension_constructor: iterator -> extension_constructor -> unit;
+  include_declaration: iterator -> include_declaration -> unit;
+  include_description: iterator -> include_description -> unit;
+  label_declaration: iterator -> label_declaration -> unit;
+  location: iterator -> Location.t -> unit;
+  module_binding: iterator -> module_binding -> unit;
+  module_declaration: iterator -> module_declaration -> unit;
+  module_substitution: iterator -> module_substitution -> unit;
+  module_expr: iterator -> module_expr -> unit;
+  module_type: iterator -> module_type -> unit;
+  module_type_declaration: iterator -> module_type_declaration -> unit;
+  open_declaration: iterator -> open_declaration -> unit;
+  open_description: iterator -> open_description -> unit;
+  pat: iterator -> pattern -> unit;
+  payload: iterator -> payload -> unit;
+  signature: iterator -> signature -> unit;
+  signature_item: iterator -> signature_item -> unit;
+  structure: iterator -> structure -> unit;
+  structure_item: iterator -> structure_item -> unit;
+  toplevel_directive: iterator -> toplevel_directive -> unit;
+  toplevel_phrase: iterator -> toplevel_phrase -> unit;
+  typ: iterator -> core_type -> unit;
+  row_field: iterator -> row_field -> unit;
+  object_field: iterator -> object_field -> unit;
+  type_declaration: iterator -> type_declaration -> unit;
+  type_extension: iterator -> type_extension -> unit;
+  type_exception: iterator -> type_exception -> unit;
+  type_kind: iterator -> type_kind -> unit;
+  value_binding: iterator -> value_binding -> unit;
+  value_description: iterator -> value_description -> unit;
+  with_constraint: iterator -> with_constraint -> unit;
+(** A [iterator] record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
+    using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
+    argument the iterator to be applied to children in the syntax
+    tree. *)
+val default_iterator: iterator
+(** A default iterator, which implements a "do not do anything" mapping. *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_mapper.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_mapper.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25512e59c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_mapper.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1177 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* A generic Parsetree mapping class *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+9"]
+  (* Ensure that record patterns don't miss any field. *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-60"] module Str = Ast_helper.Str (* For ocamldep *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+60"]
+open Parsetree
+open Ast_helper
+open Location
+module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
+type mapper = {
+  attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
+  attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
+  binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
+  case: mapper -> case -> case;
+  cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
+  class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
+  class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
+  class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
+  class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
+  class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
+  class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
+  class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
+  class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
+                          -> class_type_declaration;
+  class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
+  constant: mapper -> constant -> constant;
+  constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
+                           -> constructor_declaration;
+  directive_argument: mapper -> directive_argument -> directive_argument;
+  expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
+  extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
+  extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
+                         -> extension_constructor;
+  include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
+  include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
+  label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
+  location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
+  module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
+  module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
+  module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
+  module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
+  module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
+  module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
+                           -> module_type_declaration;
+  open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
+  open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
+  pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
+  payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
+  signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
+  signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
+  structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
+  structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
+  toplevel_directive: mapper -> toplevel_directive -> toplevel_directive;
+  toplevel_phrase: mapper -> toplevel_phrase -> toplevel_phrase;
+  typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
+  type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
+  type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
+  type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
+  type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
+  value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
+  value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
+  with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
+let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
+let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
+let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
+let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
+let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
+let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
+module C = struct
+  (* Constants *)
+  let map sub { pconst_desc; pconst_loc } =
+    let loc = sub.location sub pconst_loc in
+    let desc =
+      match pconst_desc with
+      | Pconst_integer _
+      | Pconst_char _
+      | Pconst_float _ ->
+          pconst_desc
+      | Pconst_string (s, loc, quotation_delimiter) ->
+          Pconst_string (s, sub.location sub loc, quotation_delimiter)
+    in
+    Const.mk ~loc desc
+module T = struct
+  (* Type expressions for the core language *)
+  let row_field sub {
+      prf_desc;
+      prf_loc;
+      prf_attributes;
+    } =
+    let loc = sub.location sub prf_loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub prf_attributes in
+    let desc = match prf_desc with
+      | Rtag (l, b, tl) -> Rtag (map_loc sub l, b, List.map (sub.typ sub) tl)
+      | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub t)
+    in
+    Rf.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+  let object_field sub {
+      pof_desc;
+      pof_loc;
+      pof_attributes;
+    } =
+    let loc = sub.location sub pof_loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub pof_attributes in
+    let desc = match pof_desc with
+      | Otag (l, t) -> Otag (map_loc sub l, sub.typ sub t)
+      | Oinherit t -> Oinherit (sub.typ sub t)
+    in
+    Of.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+  let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
+    let open Typ in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+    match desc with
+    | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
+    | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
+    | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
+        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
+    | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub.typ sub) tyl)
+    | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
+        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub.typ sub) tl)
+    | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
+        object_ ~loc ~attrs (List.map (object_field sub) l) o
+    | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
+        class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub.typ sub) tl)
+    | Ptyp_alias (t, s) ->
+        let s = map_loc sub s in
+        alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t) s
+    | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
+        variant ~loc ~attrs (List.map (row_field sub) rl) b ll
+    | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs
+                             (List.map (map_loc sub) sl) (sub.typ sub t)
+    | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
+        package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
+          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) l)
+    | Ptyp_open (mod_ident, t) ->
+        open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub mod_ident) (sub.typ sub t)
+    | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+  let map_type_declaration sub
+      {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
+       ptype_kind;
+       ptype_private;
+       ptype_manifest;
+       ptype_attributes;
+       ptype_loc} =
+    let loc = sub.location sub ptype_loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptype_attributes in
+    Type.mk ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub ptype_name)
+      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptype_params)
+      ~priv:ptype_private
+      ~cstrs:(List.map
+                (map_tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
+                ptype_cstrs)
+      ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub ptype_kind)
+      ?manifest:(map_opt (sub.typ sub) ptype_manifest)
+  let map_type_kind sub = function
+    | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
+    | Ptype_variant l ->
+        Ptype_variant (List.map (sub.constructor_declaration sub) l)
+    | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record (List.map (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
+    | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
+  let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
+    | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple (List.map (sub.typ sub) l)
+    | Pcstr_record l ->
+        Pcstr_record (List.map (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
+  let map_type_extension sub
+      {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
+       ptyext_constructors;
+       ptyext_private;
+       ptyext_loc;
+       ptyext_attributes} =
+    let loc = sub.location sub ptyext_loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptyext_attributes in
+    Te.mk ~loc ~attrs
+      (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
+      (List.map (sub.extension_constructor sub) ptyext_constructors)
+      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) ptyext_params)
+      ~priv:ptyext_private
+  let map_type_exception sub
+      {ptyexn_constructor; ptyexn_loc; ptyexn_attributes} =
+    let loc = sub.location sub ptyexn_loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub ptyexn_attributes in
+    Te.mk_exception ~loc ~attrs
+      (sub.extension_constructor sub ptyexn_constructor)
+  let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
+      Pext_decl(vars, ctl, cto) ->
+        Pext_decl(List.map (map_loc sub) vars,
+                  map_constructor_arguments sub ctl,
+                  map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
+    | Pext_rebind li ->
+        Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
+  let map_extension_constructor sub
+      {pext_name;
+       pext_kind;
+       pext_loc;
+       pext_attributes} =
+    let loc = sub.location sub pext_loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub pext_attributes in
+    Te.constructor ~loc ~attrs
+      (map_loc sub pext_name)
+      (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
+module CT = struct
+  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
+  let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
+    let open Cty in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+    match desc with
+    | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
+        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub.typ sub) tys)
+    | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_signature sub x)
+    | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
+        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub.typ sub t) (sub.class_type sub ct)
+    | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+    | Pcty_open (o, ct) ->
+        open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_description sub o) (sub.class_type sub ct)
+  let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
+    =
+    let open Ctf in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+    match desc with
+    | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_type sub ct)
+    | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) ->
+        val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m v (sub.typ sub t)
+    | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) ->
+        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p v (sub.typ sub t)
+    | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
+        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
+    | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
+    | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+  let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
+    Csig.mk
+      (sub.typ sub pcsig_self)
+      (List.map (sub.class_type_field sub) pcsig_fields)
+let map_functor_param sub = function
+  | Unit -> Unit
+  | Named (s, mt) -> Named (map_loc sub s, sub.module_type sub mt)
+module MT = struct
+  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
+  let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
+    let open Mty in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+    match desc with
+    | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
+    | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
+    | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub.signature sub sg)
+    | Pmty_functor (param, mt) ->
+        functor_ ~loc ~attrs
+          (map_functor_param sub param)
+          (sub.module_type sub mt)
+    | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
+        with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_type sub mt)
+          (List.map (sub.with_constraint sub) l)
+    | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
+    | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+  let map_with_constraint sub = function
+    | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
+        Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
+    | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
+        Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
+    | Pwith_modtype (lid, mty) ->
+        Pwith_modtype (map_loc sub lid, sub.module_type sub mty)
+    | Pwith_typesubst (lid, d) ->
+        Pwith_typesubst (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub d)
+    | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
+        Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
+    | Pwith_modtypesubst (lid, mty) ->
+        Pwith_modtypesubst (map_loc sub lid, sub.module_type sub mty)
+  let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
+    let open Sig in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    match desc with
+    | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
+    | Psig_type (rf, l) ->
+        type_ ~loc rf (List.map (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
+    | Psig_typesubst l ->
+        type_subst ~loc (List.map (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
+    | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
+    | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.type_exception sub ed)
+    | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_declaration sub x)
+    | Psig_modsubst x -> mod_subst ~loc (sub.module_substitution sub x)
+    | Psig_recmodule l ->
+        rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub.module_declaration sub) l)
+    | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
+    | Psig_modtypesubst x ->
+        modtype_subst ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
+    | Psig_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_description sub x)
+    | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_description sub x)
+    | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub.class_description sub) l)
+    | Psig_class_type l ->
+        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
+    | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
+        let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+        extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+    | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
+module M = struct
+  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
+  let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
+    let open Mod in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+    match desc with
+    | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
+    | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.structure sub str)
+    | Pmod_functor (param, body) ->
+        functor_ ~loc ~attrs
+          (map_functor_param sub param)
+          (sub.module_expr sub body)
+    | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
+        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1) (sub.module_expr sub m2)
+    | Pmod_apply_unit m1 ->
+        apply_unit ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m1)
+    | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
+        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub m)
+                    (sub.module_type sub mty)
+    | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+  let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
+    let open Str in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    match desc with
+    | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
+        let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+        eval ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub x)
+    | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r (List.map (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
+    | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub.value_description sub vd)
+    | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf (List.map (sub.type_declaration sub) l)
+    | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub.type_extension sub te)
+    | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub.type_exception sub ed)
+    | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub.module_binding sub x)
+    | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub.module_binding sub) l)
+    | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
+    | Pstr_open x -> open_ ~loc (sub.open_declaration sub x)
+    | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub.class_declaration sub) l)
+    | Pstr_class_type l ->
+        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub.class_type_declaration sub) l)
+    | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub.include_declaration sub x)
+    | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
+        let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+        extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+    | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
+module E = struct
+  (* Value expressions for the core language *)
+  let map_function_param sub { pparam_loc = loc; pparam_desc = desc } =
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let desc =
+      match desc with
+      | Pparam_val (lab, def, p) ->
+          Pparam_val
+            (lab,
+             map_opt (sub.expr sub) def,
+             sub.pat sub p)
+      | Pparam_newtype ty ->
+          Pparam_newtype (map_loc sub ty)
+    in
+    { pparam_loc = loc; pparam_desc = desc }
+  let map_function_body sub body =
+    match body with
+    | Pfunction_body e ->
+        Pfunction_body (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, attributes) ->
+        let cases = sub.cases sub cases in
+        let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+        let attributes = sub.attributes sub attributes in
+        Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, attributes)
+  let map_constraint sub c =
+    match c with
+    | Pconstraint ty -> Pconstraint (sub.typ sub ty)
+    | Pcoerce (ty1, ty2) -> Pcoerce (map_opt (sub.typ sub) ty1, sub.typ sub ty2)
+  let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
+    let open Exp in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+    match desc with
+    | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
+    | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs (sub.constant sub x)
+    | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
+        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
+          (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pexp_function (ps, c, b) ->
+      function_ ~loc ~attrs
+        (List.map (map_function_param sub) ps)
+        (map_opt (map_constraint sub) c)
+        (map_function_body sub b)
+    | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
+        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (List.map (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
+    | Pexp_match (e, pel) ->
+        match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
+    | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.cases sub pel)
+    | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub.expr sub) el)
+    | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
+        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub.expr sub) arg)
+    | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
+        variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
+    | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
+        record ~loc ~attrs (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) l)
+          (map_opt (sub.expr sub) eo)
+    | Pexp_field (e, lid) ->
+        field ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub lid)
+    | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
+        setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (map_loc sub lid)
+          (sub.expr sub e2)
+    | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub.expr sub) el)
+    | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
+        ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
+          (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e3)
+    | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
+        sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
+    | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
+        while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2)
+    | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
+        for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.expr sub e1) (sub.expr sub e2) d
+          (sub.expr sub e3)
+    | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
+        coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t1)
+          (sub.typ sub t2)
+    | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
+        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (sub.typ sub t)
+    | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
+        send ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_loc sub s)
+    | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
+    | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
+        setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pexp_override sel ->
+        override ~loc ~attrs
+          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) sel)
+    | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
+        letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.module_expr sub me)
+          (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
+        letexception ~loc ~attrs
+          (sub.extension_constructor sub cd)
+          (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
+        poly ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e) (map_opt (sub.typ sub) t)
+    | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub cls)
+    | Pexp_newtype (s, e) ->
+        newtype ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub.module_expr sub me)
+    | Pexp_open (o, e) ->
+        open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_declaration sub o) (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body} ->
+        letop ~loc ~attrs (sub.binding_op sub let_)
+          (List.map (sub.binding_op sub) ands) (sub.expr sub body)
+    | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+    | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
+  let map_binding_op sub {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc} =
+    let open Exp in
+    let op = map_loc sub pbop_op in
+    let pat = sub.pat sub pbop_pat in
+    let exp = sub.expr sub pbop_exp in
+    let loc = sub.location sub pbop_loc in
+    binding_op op pat exp loc
+module P = struct
+  (* Patterns *)
+  let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
+    let open Pat in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+    match desc with
+    | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
+    | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
+    | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (map_loc sub s)
+    | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs (sub.constant sub c)
+    | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) ->
+        interval ~loc ~attrs (sub.constant sub c1) (sub.constant sub c2)
+    | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub.pat sub) pl)
+    | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
+        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l)
+          (map_opt
+             (fun (vl, p) -> List.map (map_loc sub) vl, sub.pat sub p)
+             p)
+    | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub.pat sub) p)
+    | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
+        record ~loc ~attrs
+               (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub.pat sub)) lpl) cf
+    | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub.pat sub) pl)
+    | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
+    | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
+        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p) (sub.typ sub t)
+    | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
+    | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
+    | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
+    | Ppat_open (lid,p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (sub.pat sub p)
+    | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p)
+    | Ppat_effect(p1, p2) ->
+        effect_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.pat sub p1) (sub.pat sub p2)
+    | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+module CE = struct
+  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
+  let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
+    let open Cl in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+    match desc with
+    | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
+        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub.typ sub) tys)
+    | Pcl_structure s ->
+        structure ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_structure sub s)
+    | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
+        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
+          (map_opt (sub.expr sub) e)
+          (sub.pat sub p)
+          (sub.class_expr sub ce)
+    | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
+        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce)
+          (List.map (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) l)
+    | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
+        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub.value_binding sub) vbs)
+          (sub.class_expr sub ce)
+    | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
+        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.class_expr sub ce) (sub.class_type sub ct)
+    | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+    | Pcl_open (o, ce) ->
+        open_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.open_description sub o) (sub.class_expr sub ce)
+  let map_kind sub = function
+    | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub e)
+    | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub t)
+  let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
+    let open Cf in
+    let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+    match desc with
+    | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) ->
+        inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub.class_expr sub ce)
+          (map_opt (map_loc sub) s)
+    | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
+    | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
+        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
+    | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
+        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.typ sub t1) (sub.typ sub t2)
+    | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub.expr sub e)
+    | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub.attribute sub x)
+    | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub.extension sub x)
+  let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
+    {
+      pcstr_self = sub.pat sub pcstr_self;
+      pcstr_fields = List.map (sub.class_field sub) pcstr_fields;
+    }
+  let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
+                         pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
+    let loc = sub.location sub pci_loc in
+    let attrs = sub.attributes sub pci_attributes in
+    Ci.mk ~loc ~attrs
+     ~virt:pci_virt
+     ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub.typ sub)) pl)
+      (map_loc sub pci_name)
+      (f pci_expr)
+(* Now, a generic AST mapper, to be extended to cover all kinds and
+   cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper is
+   the identity. *)
+let default_mapper =
+  {
+    constant = C.map;
+    structure = (fun this l -> List.map (this.structure_item this) l);
+    structure_item = M.map_structure_item;
+    module_expr = M.map;
+    signature = (fun this l -> List.map (this.signature_item this) l);
+    signature_item = MT.map_signature_item;
+    module_type = MT.map;
+    with_constraint = MT.map_with_constraint;
+    class_declaration =
+      (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_expr this));
+    class_expr = CE.map;
+    class_field = CE.map_field;
+    class_structure = CE.map_structure;
+    class_type = CT.map;
+    class_type_field = CT.map_field;
+    class_signature = CT.map_signature;
+    class_type_declaration =
+      (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
+    class_description =
+      (fun this -> CE.class_infos this (this.class_type this));
+    type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration;
+    type_kind = T.map_type_kind;
+    typ = T.map;
+    type_extension = T.map_type_extension;
+    type_exception = T.map_type_exception;
+    extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor;
+    value_description =
+      (fun this {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
+                 pval_attributes} ->
+        Val.mk
+          (map_loc this pval_name)
+          (this.typ this pval_type)
+          ~attrs:(this.attributes this pval_attributes)
+          ~loc:(this.location this pval_loc)
+          ~prim:pval_prim
+      );
+    pat = P.map;
+    expr = E.map;
+    binding_op = E.map_binding_op;
+    module_declaration =
+      (fun this {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} ->
+         Md.mk
+           (map_loc this pmd_name)
+           (this.module_type this pmd_type)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmd_attributes)
+           ~loc:(this.location this pmd_loc)
+      );
+    module_substitution =
+      (fun this {pms_name; pms_manifest; pms_attributes; pms_loc} ->
+         Ms.mk
+           (map_loc this pms_name)
+           (map_loc this pms_manifest)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this pms_attributes)
+           ~loc:(this.location this pms_loc)
+      );
+    module_type_declaration =
+      (fun this {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} ->
+         Mtd.mk
+           (map_loc this pmtd_name)
+           ?typ:(map_opt (this.module_type this) pmtd_type)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmtd_attributes)
+           ~loc:(this.location this pmtd_loc)
+      );
+    module_binding =
+      (fun this {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} ->
+         Mb.mk (map_loc this pmb_name) (this.module_expr this pmb_expr)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this pmb_attributes)
+           ~loc:(this.location this pmb_loc)
+      );
+    open_declaration =
+      (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
+         Opn.mk (this.module_expr this popen_expr)
+           ~override:popen_override
+           ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
+      );
+    open_description =
+      (fun this {popen_expr; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} ->
+         Opn.mk (map_loc this popen_expr)
+           ~override:popen_override
+           ~loc:(this.location this popen_loc)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this popen_attributes)
+      );
+    include_description =
+      (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
+         Incl.mk (this.module_type this pincl_mod)
+           ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
+      );
+    include_declaration =
+      (fun this {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} ->
+         Incl.mk (this.module_expr this pincl_mod)
+           ~loc:(this.location this pincl_loc)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this pincl_attributes)
+      );
+    value_binding =
+      (fun this {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_constraint; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} ->
+         let map_ct (ct:Parsetree.value_constraint) = match ct with
+           | Pvc_constraint {locally_abstract_univars=vars; typ} ->
+               Pvc_constraint
+                 { locally_abstract_univars = List.map (map_loc this) vars;
+                   typ = this.typ this typ
+                 }
+           | Pvc_coercion { ground; coercion } ->
+               Pvc_coercion {
+                 ground = Option.map (this.typ this) ground;
+                 coercion = this.typ this coercion
+               }
+         in
+         Vb.mk
+           (this.pat this pvb_pat)
+           (this.expr this pvb_expr)
+           ?value_constraint:(Option.map map_ct pvb_constraint)
+           ~loc:(this.location this pvb_loc)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this pvb_attributes)
+      );
+    constructor_declaration =
+      (fun this {pcd_name; pcd_vars; pcd_args;
+                 pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
+        Type.constructor
+          (map_loc this pcd_name)
+          ~vars:(List.map (map_loc this) pcd_vars)
+          ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
+          ?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
+          ~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
+          ~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
+      );
+    label_declaration =
+      (fun this {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable; pld_attributes} ->
+         Type.field
+           (map_loc this pld_name)
+           (this.typ this pld_type)
+           ~mut:pld_mutable
+           ~loc:(this.location this pld_loc)
+           ~attrs:(this.attributes this pld_attributes)
+      );
+    cases = (fun this l -> List.map (this.case this) l);
+    case =
+      (fun this {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} ->
+         {
+           pc_lhs = this.pat this pc_lhs;
+           pc_guard = map_opt (this.expr this) pc_guard;
+           pc_rhs = this.expr this pc_rhs;
+         }
+      );
+    location = (fun _this l -> l);
+    extension = (fun this (s, e) -> (map_loc this s, this.payload this e));
+    attribute = (fun this a ->
+      {
+        attr_name = map_loc this a.attr_name;
+        attr_payload = this.payload this a.attr_payload;
+        attr_loc = this.location this a.attr_loc
+      }
+    );
+    attributes = (fun this l -> List.map (this.attribute this) l);
+    payload =
+      (fun this -> function
+         | PStr x -> PStr (this.structure this x)
+         | PSig x -> PSig (this.signature this x)
+         | PTyp x -> PTyp (this.typ this x)
+         | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this.pat this x, map_opt (this.expr this) g)
+      );
+    directive_argument =
+      (fun this a ->
+         { pdira_desc= a.pdira_desc
+         ; pdira_loc= this.location this a.pdira_loc} );
+    toplevel_directive =
+      (fun this d ->
+         { pdir_name= map_loc this d.pdir_name
+         ; pdir_arg= map_opt (this.directive_argument this) d.pdir_arg
+         ; pdir_loc= this.location this d.pdir_loc } );
+    toplevel_phrase =
+      (fun this -> function
+         | Ptop_def s -> Ptop_def (this.structure this s)
+         | Ptop_dir d -> Ptop_dir (this.toplevel_directive this d) );
+  }
+let extension_of_error {kind; main; sub} =
+  if kind <> Location.Report_error then
+    raise (Invalid_argument "extension_of_error: expected kind Report_error");
+  let str_of_msg msg = Format.asprintf "%a" Format_doc.Doc.format msg in
+  let extension_of_sub sub =
+    { loc = sub.loc; txt = "ocaml.error" },
+    PStr ([Str.eval (Exp.constant
+                       (Const.string ~loc:sub.loc (str_of_msg sub.txt)))])
+  in
+  { loc = main.loc; txt = "ocaml.error" },
+  PStr (Str.eval (Exp.constant
+                    (Const.string ~loc:main.loc (str_of_msg main.txt))) ::
+        List.map (fun msg -> Str.extension (extension_of_sub msg)) sub)
+let attribute_of_warning loc s =
+  Attr.mk
+    {loc; txt = "ocaml.ppwarning" }
+    (PStr ([Str.eval ~loc (Exp.constant (Const.string ~loc s))]))
+let cookies = ref String.Map.empty
+let get_cookie k =
+  try Some (String.Map.find k !cookies)
+  with Not_found -> None
+let set_cookie k v =
+  cookies := String.Map.add k v !cookies
+let tool_name_ref = ref "_none_"
+let tool_name () = !tool_name_ref
+module PpxContext = struct
+  open Longident
+  open Asttypes
+  open Ast_helper
+  let lid name = { txt = Lident name; loc = Location.none }
+  let make_string s = Exp.constant (Const.string s)
+  let make_bool x =
+    if x
+    then Exp.construct (lid "true") None
+    else Exp.construct (lid "false") None
+  let rec make_list f lst =
+    match lst with
+    | x :: rest ->
+      Exp.construct (lid "::") (Some (Exp.tuple [f x; make_list f rest]))
+    | [] ->
+      Exp.construct (lid "[]") None
+  let make_pair f1 f2 (x1, x2) =
+    Exp.tuple [f1 x1; f2 x2]
+  let make_option f opt =
+    match opt with
+    | Some x -> Exp.construct (lid "Some") (Some (f x))
+    | None   -> Exp.construct (lid "None") None
+  let get_cookies () =
+    lid "cookies",
+    make_list (make_pair make_string (fun x -> x))
+      (String.Map.bindings !cookies)
+  let mk fields =
+    {
+      attr_name = { txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"; loc = Location.none };
+      attr_payload = Parsetree.PStr [Str.eval (Exp.record fields None)];
+      attr_loc = Location.none
+    }
+  let make ~tool_name () =
+    let Load_path.{ visible; hidden } = Load_path.get_paths () in
+    let fields =
+      [
+        lid "tool_name",    make_string tool_name;
+        lid "include_dirs", make_list make_string (!Clflags.include_dirs);
+        lid "hidden_include_dirs",
+          make_list make_string (!Clflags.hidden_include_dirs);
+        lid "load_path",
+          make_pair (make_list make_string) (make_list make_string)
+            (visible, hidden);
+        lid "open_modules", make_list make_string !Clflags.open_modules;
+        lid "for_package",  make_option make_string !Clflags.for_package;
+        lid "debug",        make_bool !Clflags.debug;
+        lid "use_threads",  make_bool !Clflags.use_threads;
+        lid "use_vmthreads", make_bool false;
+        lid "recursive_types", make_bool !Clflags.recursive_types;
+        lid "principal", make_bool !Clflags.principal;
+        lid "transparent_modules", make_bool !Clflags.transparent_modules;
+        lid "unboxed_types", make_bool !Clflags.unboxed_types;
+        lid "unsafe_string", make_bool false; (* kept for compatibility *)
+        get_cookies ()
+      ]
+    in
+    mk fields
+  let get_fields = function
+    | PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval
+                 ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_record (fields, None) }, [])}] ->
+        fields
+    | _ ->
+        raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context] syntax"
+  let restore fields =
+    let field name payload =
+      let rec get_string = function
+        | {pexp_desc = Pexp_constant
+               {pconst_desc = Pconst_string (str, _, None); _}} -> str
+        | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
+                             { %s }] string syntax" name
+      and get_bool pexp =
+        match pexp with
+        | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "true"},
+                                       None)} ->
+            true
+        | {pexp_desc = Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "false"},
+                                       None)} ->
+            false
+        | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
+                             { %s }] bool syntax" name
+      and get_list elem = function
+        | {pexp_desc =
+             Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "::"},
+                             Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [exp; rest]}) } ->
+            elem exp :: get_list elem rest
+        | {pexp_desc =
+             Pexp_construct ({txt = Longident.Lident "[]"}, None)} ->
+            []
+        | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
+                             { %s }] list syntax" name
+      and get_pair f1 f2 = function
+        | {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple [e1; e2]} ->
+            (f1 e1, f2 e2)
+        | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
+                             { %s }] pair syntax" name
+      and get_option elem = function
+        | { pexp_desc =
+              Pexp_construct ({ txt = Longident.Lident "Some" }, Some exp) } ->
+            Some (elem exp)
+        | { pexp_desc =
+              Pexp_construct ({ txt = Longident.Lident "None" }, None) } ->
+            None
+        | _ -> raise_errorf "Internal error: invalid [@@@ocaml.ppx.context \
+                             { %s }] option syntax" name
+      in
+      match name with
+      | "tool_name" ->
+          tool_name_ref := get_string payload
+      | "include_dirs" ->
+          Clflags.include_dirs := get_list get_string payload
+      | "hidden_include_dirs" ->
+          Clflags.hidden_include_dirs := get_list get_string payload
+      | "load_path" ->
+          (* Duplicates Compmisc.auto_include, since we can't reference Compmisc
+             from this module. *)
+          let auto_include find_in_dir fn =
+            if !Clflags.no_std_include then
+              raise Not_found
+            else
+              let alert = Location.auto_include_alert in
+              Load_path.auto_include_otherlibs alert find_in_dir fn
+          in
+          let visible, hidden =
+            get_pair (get_list get_string) (get_list get_string) payload
+          in
+          Load_path.init ~auto_include ~visible ~hidden
+      | "open_modules" ->
+          Clflags.open_modules := get_list get_string payload
+      | "for_package" ->
+          Clflags.for_package := get_option get_string payload
+      | "debug" ->
+          Clflags.debug := get_bool payload
+      | "use_threads" ->
+          Clflags.use_threads := get_bool payload
+      | "use_vmthreads" ->
+          if get_bool payload then
+            raise_errorf "Internal error: vmthreads not supported after 4.09.0"
+      | "recursive_types" ->
+          Clflags.recursive_types := get_bool payload
+      | "principal" ->
+          Clflags.principal := get_bool payload
+      | "transparent_modules" ->
+          Clflags.transparent_modules := get_bool payload
+      | "unboxed_types" ->
+          Clflags.unboxed_types := get_bool payload
+      | "cookies" ->
+          let l = get_list (get_pair get_string (fun x -> x)) payload in
+          cookies :=
+            List.fold_left
+              (fun s (k, v) -> String.Map.add k v s) String.Map.empty
+              l
+      | _ ->
+          ()
+    in
+    List.iter (function ({txt=Lident name}, x) -> field name x | _ -> ()) fields
+  let update_cookies fields =
+    let fields =
+      List.filter
+        (function ({txt=Lident "cookies"}, _) -> false | _ -> true)
+        fields
+    in
+    fields @ [get_cookies ()]
+let ppx_context = PpxContext.make
+let extension_of_exn exn =
+  match error_of_exn exn with
+  | Some (`Ok error) -> extension_of_error error
+  | Some `Already_displayed ->
+      { loc = Location.none; txt = "ocaml.error" }, PStr []
+  | None -> raise exn
+let apply_lazy ~source ~target mapper =
+  let implem ast =
+    let fields, ast =
+      match ast with
+      | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute ({attr_name = {txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"};
+                                      attr_payload = x})} :: l ->
+          PpxContext.get_fields x, l
+      | _ -> [], ast
+    in
+    PpxContext.restore fields;
+    let ast =
+      try
+        let mapper = mapper () in
+        mapper.structure mapper ast
+      with exn ->
+        [{pstr_desc = Pstr_extension (extension_of_exn exn, []);
+          pstr_loc  = Location.none}]
+    in
+    let fields = PpxContext.update_cookies fields in
+    Str.attribute (PpxContext.mk fields) :: ast
+  in
+  let iface ast =
+    let fields, ast =
+      match ast with
+      | {psig_desc = Psig_attribute ({attr_name = {txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"};
+                                      attr_payload = x;
+                                      attr_loc = _})} :: l ->
+          PpxContext.get_fields x, l
+      | _ -> [], ast
+    in
+    PpxContext.restore fields;
+    let ast =
+      try
+        let mapper = mapper () in
+        mapper.signature mapper ast
+      with exn ->
+        [{psig_desc = Psig_extension (extension_of_exn exn, []);
+          psig_loc  = Location.none}]
+    in
+    let fields = PpxContext.update_cookies fields in
+    Sig.attribute (PpxContext.mk fields) :: ast
+  in
+  let ic = open_in_bin source in
+  let magic =
+    really_input_string ic (String.length Config.ast_impl_magic_number)
+  in
+  let rewrite transform =
+    Location.input_name := input_value ic;
+    let ast = input_value ic in
+    close_in ic;
+    let ast = transform ast in
+    let oc = open_out_bin target in
+    output_string oc magic;
+    output_value oc !Location.input_name;
+    output_value oc ast;
+    close_out oc
+  and fail () =
+    close_in ic;
+    failwith "Ast_mapper: OCaml version mismatch or malformed input";
+  in
+  if magic = Config.ast_impl_magic_number then
+    rewrite (implem : structure -> structure)
+  else if magic = Config.ast_intf_magic_number then
+    rewrite (iface : signature -> signature)
+  else fail ()
+let drop_ppx_context_str ~restore = function
+  | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute
+                   {attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"};
+                    attr_payload = a;
+                    attr_loc = _}}
+    :: items ->
+      if restore then
+        PpxContext.restore (PpxContext.get_fields a);
+      items
+  | items -> items
+let drop_ppx_context_sig ~restore = function
+  | {psig_desc = Psig_attribute
+                   {attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.ppx.context"};
+                    attr_payload = a;
+                    attr_loc = _}}
+    :: items ->
+      if restore then
+        PpxContext.restore (PpxContext.get_fields a);
+      items
+  | items -> items
+let add_ppx_context_str ~tool_name ast =
+  Ast_helper.Str.attribute (ppx_context ~tool_name ()) :: ast
+let add_ppx_context_sig ~tool_name ast =
+  Ast_helper.Sig.attribute (ppx_context ~tool_name ()) :: ast
+let apply ~source ~target mapper =
+  apply_lazy ~source ~target (fun () -> mapper)
+let run_main mapper =
+  try
+    let a = Sys.argv in
+    let n = Array.length a in
+    if n > 2 then
+      let mapper () =
+        try mapper (Array.to_list (Array.sub a 1 (n - 3)))
+        with exn ->
+          (* PR#6463 *)
+          let f _ _ = raise exn in
+          {default_mapper with structure = f; signature = f}
+      in
+      apply_lazy ~source:a.(n - 2) ~target:a.(n - 1) mapper
+    else begin
+      Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s [extra_args] <infile> <outfile>\n%!"
+                     Sys.executable_name;
+      exit 2
+    end
+  with exn ->
+    prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn);
+    exit 2
+let register_function = ref (fun _name f -> run_main f)
+let register name f = !register_function name f
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_mapper.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_mapper.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..541c1f7dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/ast_mapper.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** The interface of a -ppx rewriter
+  A -ppx rewriter is a program that accepts a serialized abstract syntax
+  tree and outputs another, possibly modified, abstract syntax tree.
+  This module encapsulates the interface between the compiler and
+  the -ppx rewriters, handling such details as the serialization format,
+  forwarding of command-line flags, and storing state.
+  {!mapper} enables AST rewriting using open recursion.
+  A typical mapper would be based on {!default_mapper}, a deep
+  identity mapper, and will fall back on it for handling the syntax it
+  does not modify. For example:
+  {[
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+open Ast_mapper
+let test_mapper argv =
+  { default_mapper with
+    expr = fun mapper expr ->
+      match expr with
+      | { pexp_desc = Pexp_extension ({ txt = "test" }, PStr [])} ->
+        Ast_helper.Exp.constant (Pconst_integer ("42", None))
+      | other -> default_mapper.expr mapper other; }
+let () =
+  register "ppx_test" test_mapper]}
+  This -ppx rewriter, which replaces [[%test]] in expressions with
+  the constant [42], can be compiled using
+  [ocamlc -o ppx_test -I +compiler-libs ocamlcommon.cma ppx_test.ml].
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+  *)
+open Parsetree
+(** {1 A generic Parsetree mapper} *)
+type mapper = {
+  attribute: mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
+  attributes: mapper -> attribute list -> attribute list;
+  binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
+  case: mapper -> case -> case;
+  cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
+  class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
+  class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
+  class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
+  class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
+  class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
+  class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
+  class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
+  class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration
+                          -> class_type_declaration;
+  class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
+  constant: mapper -> constant -> constant;
+  constructor_declaration: mapper -> constructor_declaration
+                           -> constructor_declaration;
+  directive_argument: mapper -> directive_argument -> directive_argument;
+  expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
+  extension: mapper -> extension -> extension;
+  extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor
+                         -> extension_constructor;
+  include_declaration: mapper -> include_declaration -> include_declaration;
+  include_description: mapper -> include_description -> include_description;
+  label_declaration: mapper -> label_declaration -> label_declaration;
+  location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
+  module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
+  module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
+  module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
+  module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
+  module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
+  module_type_declaration: mapper -> module_type_declaration
+                           -> module_type_declaration;
+  open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
+  open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
+  pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
+  payload: mapper -> payload -> payload;
+  signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
+  signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
+  structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
+  structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
+  toplevel_directive: mapper -> toplevel_directive -> toplevel_directive;
+  toplevel_phrase: mapper -> toplevel_phrase -> toplevel_phrase;
+  typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
+  type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
+  type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
+  type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
+  type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
+  value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
+  value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
+  with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
+(** A mapper record implements one "method" per syntactic category,
+    using an open recursion style: each method takes as its first
+    argument the mapper to be applied to children in the syntax
+    tree. *)
+val default_mapper: mapper
+(** A default mapper, which implements a "deep identity" mapping. *)
+(** {1 Apply mappers to compilation units} *)
+val tool_name: unit -> string
+(** Can be used within a ppx preprocessor to know which tool is
+    calling it ["ocamlc"], ["ocamlopt"], ["ocamldoc"], ["ocamldep"],
+    ["ocaml"], ...  Some global variables that reflect command-line
+    options are automatically synchronized between the calling tool
+    and the ppx preprocessor: {!Clflags.include_dirs},
+    {!Clflags.hidden_include_dirs}, {!Load_path}, {!Clflags.open_modules},
+    {!Clflags.for_package}, {!Clflags.debug}. *)
+val apply: source:string -> target:string -> mapper -> unit
+(** Apply a mapper (parametrized by the unit name) to a dumped
+    parsetree found in the [source] file and put the result in the
+    [target] file. The [structure] or [signature] field of the mapper
+    is applied to the implementation or interface.  *)
+val run_main: (string list -> mapper) -> unit
+(** Entry point to call to implement a standalone -ppx rewriter from a
+    mapper, parametrized by the command line arguments.  The current
+    unit name can be obtained from {!Location.input_name}.  This
+    function implements proper error reporting for uncaught
+    exceptions. *)
+(** {1 Registration API} *)
+val register_function: (string -> (string list -> mapper) -> unit) ref
+val register: string -> (string list -> mapper) -> unit
+(** Apply the [register_function].  The default behavior is to run the
+    mapper immediately, taking arguments from the process command
+    line.  This is to support a scenario where a mapper is linked as a
+    stand-alone executable.
+    It is possible to overwrite the [register_function] to define
+    "-ppx drivers", which combine several mappers in a single process.
+    Typically, a driver starts by defining [register_function] to a
+    custom implementation, then lets ppx rewriters (linked statically
+    or dynamically) register themselves, and then run all or some of
+    them.  It is also possible to have -ppx drivers apply rewriters to
+    only specific parts of an AST.
+    The first argument to [register] is a symbolic name to be used by
+    the ppx driver.  *)
+(** {1 Convenience functions to write mappers} *)
+val map_opt: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
+val extension_of_error: Location.error -> extension
+(** Encode an error into an 'ocaml.error' extension node which can be
+    inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
+    responsible for reporting the error. *)
+val attribute_of_warning: Location.t -> string -> attribute
+(** Encode a warning message into an 'ocaml.ppwarning' attribute which can be
+    inserted in a generated Parsetree.  The compiler will be
+    responsible for reporting the warning. *)
+(** {1 Helper functions to call external mappers} *)
+val add_ppx_context_str:
+    tool_name:string -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
+(** Extract information from the current environment and encode it
+    into an attribute which is prepended to the list of structure
+    items in order to pass the information to an external
+    processor. *)
+val add_ppx_context_sig:
+    tool_name:string -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
+(** Same as [add_ppx_context_str], but for signatures. *)
+val drop_ppx_context_str:
+    restore:bool -> Parsetree.structure -> Parsetree.structure
+(** Drop the ocaml.ppx.context attribute from a structure.  If
+    [restore] is true, also restore the associated data in the current
+    process. *)
+val drop_ppx_context_sig:
+    restore:bool -> Parsetree.signature -> Parsetree.signature
+(** Same as [drop_ppx_context_str], but for signatures. *)
+(** {1 Cookies} *)
+(** Cookies are used to pass information from a ppx processor to
+    a further invocation of itself, when called from the OCaml
+    toplevel (or other tools that support cookies). *)
+val set_cookie: string -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
+val get_cookie: string -> Parsetree.expression option
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/asttypes.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/asttypes.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a5e73a4da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/asttypes.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+type constant =
+    Const_int of int
+  | Const_char of char
+  | Const_string of string * Location.t * string option
+  | Const_float of string
+  | Const_int32 of int32
+  | Const_int64 of int64
+  | Const_nativeint of nativeint
+type rec_flag = Nonrecursive | Recursive
+type direction_flag = Upto | Downto
+(* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
+type private_flag = Private | Public
+type mutable_flag = Immutable | Mutable
+type virtual_flag = Virtual | Concrete
+type override_flag = Override | Fresh
+type closed_flag = Closed | Open
+type label = string
+type arg_label =
+    Nolabel
+  | Labelled of string (** [label:T -> ...] *)
+  | Optional of string (** [?label:T -> ...] *)
+type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
+  txt : 'a;
+  loc : Location.t;
+type variance =
+  | Covariant
+  | Contravariant
+  | NoVariance
+type injectivity =
+  | Injective
+  | NoInjectivity
+let string_of_label = function
+    Nolabel -> ""
+  | Labelled s -> s
+  | Optional s -> "?"^s
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/asttypes.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/asttypes.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3cf5ae4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/asttypes.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Auxiliary AST types used by parsetree and typedtree.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+type constant =
+    Const_int of int
+  | Const_char of char
+  | Const_string of string * Location.t * string option
+  | Const_float of string
+  | Const_int32 of int32
+  | Const_int64 of int64
+  | Const_nativeint of nativeint
+type rec_flag = Nonrecursive | Recursive
+type direction_flag = Upto | Downto
+(* Order matters, used in polymorphic comparison *)
+type private_flag = Private | Public
+type mutable_flag = Immutable | Mutable
+type virtual_flag = Virtual | Concrete
+type override_flag = Override | Fresh
+type closed_flag = Closed | Open
+type label = string
+type arg_label =
+    Nolabel
+  | Labelled of string (** [label:T -> ...] *)
+  | Optional of string (** [?label:T -> ...] *)
+type 'a loc = 'a Location.loc = {
+  txt : 'a;
+  loc : Location.t;
+type variance =
+  | Covariant
+  | Contravariant
+  | NoVariance
+type injectivity =
+  | Injective
+  | NoInjectivity
+val string_of_label: arg_label -> string
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/attr_helper.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/attr_helper.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f531cf95b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/attr_helper.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                  Jeremie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+module Style = Misc.Style
+type error =
+  | Multiple_attributes of string
+  | No_payload_expected of string
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+let get_no_payload_attribute nm attrs =
+  let actions = [(nm, Builtin_attributes.Return)] in
+  match Builtin_attributes.select_attributes actions attrs with
+  | [] -> None
+  | [ {attr_name = name; attr_payload = PStr []; attr_loc = _} ] -> Some name
+  | [ {attr_name = name; _} ] ->
+    raise (Error (name.loc, No_payload_expected name.txt))
+  | _ :: {attr_name = name; _} :: _ ->
+    raise (Error (name.loc, Multiple_attributes name.txt))
+let has_no_payload_attribute alt_names attrs =
+  match get_no_payload_attribute alt_names attrs with
+  | None   -> false
+  | Some _ -> true
+open Format_doc
+let report_error_doc ppf = function
+  | Multiple_attributes name ->
+    fprintf ppf "Too many %a attributes" Style.inline_code name
+  | No_payload_expected name ->
+    fprintf ppf "Attribute %a does not accept a payload" Style.inline_code name
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error (loc, err) ->
+        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error_doc err)
+      | _ ->
+        None
+    )
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/attr_helper.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/attr_helper.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2782cba80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/attr_helper.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                  Jeremie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Helpers for attributes
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+type error =
+  | Multiple_attributes of string
+  | No_payload_expected of string
+(** The [string] argument of the following functions is the name of the
+    attribute we are looking for.  If the argument is ["foo"], these functions
+    will find attributes with the name ["foo"] or ["ocaml.foo"] *)
+val get_no_payload_attribute : string -> attributes -> string loc option
+val has_no_payload_attribute : string -> attributes -> bool
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/builtin_attributes.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/builtin_attributes.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d730d3026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/builtin_attributes.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+open Ast_helper
+module Attribute_table = Hashtbl.Make (struct
+  type t = string with_loc
+  let hash : t -> int = Hashtbl.hash
+  let equal : t -> t -> bool = (=)
+let unused_attrs = Attribute_table.create 128
+let mark_used t = Attribute_table.remove unused_attrs t
+(* [attr_order] is used to issue unused attribute warnings in the order the
+   attributes occur in the file rather than the random order of the hash table
+let attr_order a1 a2 =
+  match String.compare a1.loc.loc_start.pos_fname a2.loc.loc_start.pos_fname
+  with
+  | 0 -> Int.compare a1.loc.loc_start.pos_cnum a2.loc.loc_start.pos_cnum
+  | n -> n
+let compiler_stops_before_attributes_consumed () =
+  let stops_before_lambda =
+    match !Clflags.stop_after with
+    | None -> false
+    | Some pass -> Clflags.Compiler_pass.(compare pass Lambda) < 0
+  in
+  stops_before_lambda || !Clflags.print_types
+let warn_unused () =
+  let keys = List.of_seq (Attribute_table.to_seq_keys unused_attrs) in
+  Attribute_table.clear unused_attrs;
+  if not (compiler_stops_before_attributes_consumed ()) then
+    let keys = List.sort attr_order keys in
+    List.iter (fun sloc ->
+      Location.prerr_warning sloc.loc (Warnings.Misplaced_attribute sloc.txt))
+      keys
+(* These are the attributes that are tracked in the builtin_attrs table for
+   misplaced attribute warnings. *)
+let builtin_attrs =
+  [ "alert"
+  ; "boxed"
+  ; "deprecated"
+  ; "deprecated_mutable"
+  ; "explicit_arity"
+  ; "immediate"
+  ; "immediate64"
+  ; "inline"
+  ; "inlined"
+  ; "noalloc"
+  ; "poll"
+  ; "ppwarning"
+  ; "specialise"
+  ; "specialised"
+  ; "tailcall"
+  ; "tail_mod_cons"
+  ; "unboxed"
+  ; "untagged"
+  ; "unrolled"
+  ; "warnerror"
+  ; "warning"
+  ; "warn_on_literal_pattern"
+  ]
+let builtin_attrs =
+  let tbl = Hashtbl.create 128 in
+  List.iter (fun attr -> Hashtbl.add tbl attr ()) builtin_attrs;
+  tbl
+let drop_ocaml_attr_prefix s =
+  let len = String.length s in
+  if String.starts_with ~prefix:"ocaml." s && len > 6 then
+    String.sub s 6 (len - 6)
+  else
+    s
+let is_builtin_attr s = Hashtbl.mem builtin_attrs (drop_ocaml_attr_prefix s)
+type current_phase = Parser | Invariant_check
+let register_attr current_phase name =
+  match current_phase with
+  | Parser when !Clflags.all_ppx <> [] -> ()
+  | Parser | Invariant_check ->
+    if is_builtin_attr name.txt then
+      Attribute_table.replace unused_attrs name ()
+let string_of_cst const =
+  match const.pconst_desc with
+  | Pconst_string(s, _, _) -> Some s
+  | _ -> None
+let string_of_payload = function
+  | PStr[{pstr_desc=Pstr_eval({pexp_desc=Pexp_constant c},_)}] ->
+      string_of_cst c
+  | _ -> None
+let string_of_opt_payload p =
+  match string_of_payload p with
+  | Some s -> s
+  | None -> ""
+module Style = Misc.Style
+let error_of_extension ext =
+  let submessage_from main_loc main_txt = function
+    | {pstr_desc=Pstr_extension
+           (({txt = ("ocaml.error"|"error"); loc}, p), _)} ->
+        begin match p with
+        | PStr([{pstr_desc=Pstr_eval
+                     ({pexp_desc=Pexp_constant
+                           {pconst_desc=Pconst_string(msg, _, _); _}}, _)}
+               ]) ->
+            Location.msg ~loc "%a" Format_doc.pp_print_text msg
+        | _ ->
+            Location.msg ~loc "Invalid syntax for sub-message of extension %a."
+              Style.inline_code main_txt
+        end
+    | {pstr_desc=Pstr_extension (({txt; loc}, _), _)} ->
+        Location.msg ~loc "Uninterpreted extension '%a'."
+          Style.inline_code txt
+    | _ ->
+        Location.msg ~loc:main_loc
+          "Invalid syntax for sub-message of extension %a."
+          Style.inline_code main_txt
+  in
+  match ext with
+  | ({txt = ("ocaml.error"|"error") as txt; loc}, p) ->
+      begin match p with
+      | PStr [] -> raise Location.Already_displayed_error
+      | PStr({pstr_desc=Pstr_eval
+                  ({pexp_desc=Pexp_constant
+                      {pconst_desc=Pconst_string(msg, _, _)}}, _)}::
+             inner) ->
+          let sub = List.map (submessage_from loc txt) inner in
+          Location.error_of_printer ~loc ~sub Format_doc.pp_print_text msg
+      | _ ->
+          Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid syntax for extension '%s'." txt
+      end
+  | ({txt; loc}, _) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Uninterpreted extension '%s'." txt
+let attr_equals_builtin {attr_name = {txt; _}; _} s =
+  (* Check for attribute s or ocaml.s.  Avoid allocating a fresh string. *)
+  txt = s ||
+  (   String.length txt = 6 + String.length s
+   && String.starts_with ~prefix:"ocaml." txt
+   && String.ends_with ~suffix:s txt)
+let mark_alert_used a =
+  if attr_equals_builtin a "deprecated" || attr_equals_builtin a "alert"
+  then mark_used a.attr_name
+let mark_alerts_used l = List.iter mark_alert_used l
+let mark_warn_on_literal_pattern_used l =
+  List.iter (fun a ->
+    if attr_equals_builtin a "warn_on_literal_pattern"
+    then mark_used a.attr_name)
+    l
+let mark_deprecated_mutable_used l =
+  List.iter (fun a ->
+    if attr_equals_builtin a "deprecated_mutable"
+    then mark_used a.attr_name)
+    l
+let mark_payload_attrs_used payload =
+  let iter =
+    { Ast_iterator.default_iterator
+      with attribute = fun self a ->
+        mark_used a.attr_name;
+        Ast_iterator.default_iterator.attribute self a
+    }
+  in
+  iter.payload iter payload
+let kind_and_message = function
+  | PStr[
+      {pstr_desc=
+         Pstr_eval
+           ({pexp_desc=Pexp_apply
+                 ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=Longident.Lident id}},
+                  [Nolabel,{pexp_desc=Pexp_constant
+                                {pconst_desc=Pconst_string(s,_,_); _}}])
+            },_)}] ->
+      Some (id, s)
+  | PStr[
+      {pstr_desc=
+         Pstr_eval
+           ({pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=Longident.Lident id}},_)}] ->
+      Some (id, "")
+  | _ -> None
+let cat s1 s2 =
+  if s2 = "" then s1 else s1 ^ "\n" ^ s2
+let alert_attr x =
+  if attr_equals_builtin x "deprecated" then
+    Some (x, "deprecated", string_of_opt_payload x.attr_payload)
+  else if attr_equals_builtin x "alert" then
+    begin match kind_and_message x.attr_payload with
+    | Some (kind, message) -> Some (x, kind, message)
+    | None -> None (* note: bad payloads detected by warning_attribute *)
+    end
+  else None
+let alert_attrs l =
+  List.filter_map alert_attr l
+let alerts_of_attrs l =
+  List.fold_left
+    (fun acc (_, kind, message) ->
+       let upd = function
+         | None | Some "" -> Some message
+         | Some s -> Some (cat s message)
+       in
+       Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.update kind upd acc
+    )
+    Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.empty
+    (alert_attrs l)
+let check_alerts loc attrs s =
+  Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.iter
+    (fun kind message -> Location.alert loc ~kind (cat s message))
+    (alerts_of_attrs attrs)
+let check_alerts_inclusion ~def ~use loc attrs1 attrs2 s =
+  let m2 = alerts_of_attrs attrs2 in
+  Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.iter
+    (fun kind msg ->
+       if not (Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.mem kind m2) then
+         Location.alert ~def ~use ~kind loc (cat s msg)
+    )
+    (alerts_of_attrs attrs1)
+let rec deprecated_mutable_of_attrs = function
+  | [] -> None
+  | attr :: _ when attr_equals_builtin attr "deprecated_mutable" ->
+    Some (string_of_opt_payload attr.attr_payload)
+  | _ :: tl -> deprecated_mutable_of_attrs tl
+let check_deprecated_mutable loc attrs s =
+  match deprecated_mutable_of_attrs attrs with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some txt ->
+      Location.deprecated loc (Printf.sprintf "mutating field %s" (cat s txt))
+let check_deprecated_mutable_inclusion ~def ~use loc attrs1 attrs2 s =
+  match deprecated_mutable_of_attrs attrs1,
+        deprecated_mutable_of_attrs attrs2
+  with
+  | None, _ | Some _, Some _ -> ()
+  | Some txt, None ->
+      Location.deprecated ~def ~use loc
+        (Printf.sprintf "mutating field %s" (cat s txt))
+let rec attrs_of_sig = function
+  | {psig_desc = Psig_attribute a} :: tl ->
+      a :: attrs_of_sig tl
+  | _ ->
+      []
+let alerts_of_sig ~mark sg =
+  let a = attrs_of_sig sg in
+  if mark then mark_alerts_used a;
+  alerts_of_attrs a
+let rec attrs_of_str = function
+  | {pstr_desc = Pstr_attribute a} :: tl ->
+      a :: attrs_of_str tl
+  | _ ->
+      []
+let alerts_of_str ~mark str =
+  let a = attrs_of_str str in
+  if mark then mark_alerts_used a;
+  alerts_of_attrs a
+let warn_payload loc txt msg =
+  Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Attribute_payload (txt, msg))
+let warning_attribute ?(ppwarning = true) =
+  let process loc name errflag payload =
+    mark_used name;
+    match string_of_payload payload with
+    | Some s ->
+        begin try
+          Option.iter (Location.prerr_alert loc)
+            (Warnings.parse_options errflag s)
+        with Arg.Bad msg -> warn_payload loc name.txt msg
+        end
+    | None ->
+        warn_payload loc name.txt "A single string literal is expected"
+  in
+  let process_alert loc name = function
+    | PStr[{pstr_desc=
+              Pstr_eval(
+                {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant {pconst_desc=Pconst_string(s,_,_); _}},
+                _)
+           }] ->
+        begin
+          mark_used name;
+          try Warnings.parse_alert_option s
+          with Arg.Bad msg -> warn_payload loc name.txt msg
+        end
+    | k ->
+        match kind_and_message k with
+        | Some ("all", _) ->
+            warn_payload loc name.txt "The alert name 'all' is reserved"
+        | Some _ ->
+            (* Do [mark_used] in the [Some] case only if Warning 53 is
+               disabled. Later, they will be marked used (provided they are in a
+               valid place) in [compile_common], when they are extracted to be
+               persisted inside the [.cmi] file. *)
+            if not (Warnings.is_active (Misplaced_attribute ""))
+            then mark_used name
+        | None -> begin
+            (* Do [mark_used] in the [None] case, which is just malformed and
+               covered by the "Invalid payload" warning. *)
+            mark_used name;
+            warn_payload loc name.txt "Invalid payload"
+          end
+  in
+  fun ({attr_name; attr_loc; attr_payload} as attr) ->
+    if attr_equals_builtin attr "warning" then
+      process attr_loc attr_name false attr_payload
+    else if attr_equals_builtin attr "warnerror" then
+      process attr_loc attr_name true attr_payload
+    else if attr_equals_builtin attr "alert" then
+      process_alert attr_loc attr_name attr_payload
+    else if ppwarning && attr_equals_builtin attr "ppwarning" then
+      begin match attr_payload with
+      | PStr [{ pstr_desc=
+                  Pstr_eval({pexp_desc=Pexp_constant
+                                 {pconst_desc=Pconst_string (s, _, _); _}},_);
+                pstr_loc }] ->
+        (mark_used attr_name;
+         Location.prerr_warning pstr_loc (Warnings.Preprocessor s))
+      | _ ->
+        (mark_used attr_name;
+         warn_payload attr_loc attr_name.txt
+           "A single string literal is expected")
+      end
+let warning_scope ?ppwarning attrs f =
+  let prev = Warnings.backup () in
+  try
+    List.iter (warning_attribute ?ppwarning) (List.rev attrs);
+    let ret = f () in
+    Warnings.restore prev;
+    ret
+  with exn ->
+    Warnings.restore prev;
+    raise exn
+let has_attribute nm attrs =
+  List.exists
+    (fun a ->
+       if attr_equals_builtin a nm
+       then (mark_used a.attr_name; true)
+       else false)
+    attrs
+type attr_action = Mark_used_only | Return
+let select_attributes actions attrs =
+  List.filter (fun a ->
+    List.exists (fun (nm, action) ->
+      attr_equals_builtin a nm &&
+      begin
+        mark_used a.attr_name;
+        action = Return
+      end)
+      actions
+  ) attrs
+let warn_on_literal_pattern attrs =
+  has_attribute "warn_on_literal_pattern" attrs
+let explicit_arity attrs = has_attribute "explicit_arity" attrs
+let immediate attrs = has_attribute "immediate" attrs
+let immediate64 attrs = has_attribute "immediate64" attrs
+(* The "ocaml.boxed (default)" and "ocaml.unboxed (default)"
+   attributes cannot be input by the user, they are added by the
+   compiler when applying the default setting. This is done to record
+   in the .cmi the default used by the compiler when compiling the
+   source file because the default can change between compiler
+   invocations. *)
+let has_unboxed attrs = has_attribute "unboxed" attrs
+let has_boxed attrs = has_attribute "boxed" attrs
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/builtin_attributes.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/builtin_attributes.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4176bcb93e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/builtin_attributes.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                         Alain Frisch, LexiFi                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Support for the builtin attributes:
+    - ocaml.alert
+    - ocaml.boxed
+    - ocaml.deprecated
+    - ocaml.deprecated_mutable
+    - ocaml.explicit_arity
+    - ocaml.immediate
+    - ocaml.immediate64
+    - ocaml.inline
+    - ocaml.inlined
+    - ocaml.noalloc
+    - ocaml.poll
+    - ocaml.ppwarning
+    - ocaml.specialise
+    - ocaml.specialised
+    - ocaml.tailcall
+    - ocaml.tail_mod_cons
+    - ocaml.unboxed
+    - ocaml.untagged
+    - ocaml.unrolled
+    - ocaml.warnerror
+    - ocaml.warning
+    - ocaml.warn_on_literal_pattern
+    {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+(** {2 Attribute tracking for warning 53} *)
+(** [register_attr] must be called on the locations of all attributes that
+    should be tracked for the purpose of misplaced attribute warnings.  In
+    particular, it should be called on all attributes that are present in the
+    source program except those that are contained in the payload of another
+    attribute (because these may be left behind by a ppx and intentionally
+    ignored by the compiler).
+    The [current_phase] argument indicates when this function is being called
+    - either when an attribute is created in the parser or when we see an
+    attribute while running the check in the [Ast_invariants] module.  This is
+    used to ensure that we track only attributes from the final version of the
+    parse tree: we skip adding attributes seen at parse time if we can see that
+    a ppx will be run later, because the [Ast_invariants] check is always run on
+    the result of a ppx.
+    Note that the [Ast_invariants] check is also run on parse trees created from
+    marshalled ast files if no ppx is being used, ensuring we don't miss
+    attributes in that case.
+type current_phase = Parser | Invariant_check
+val register_attr : current_phase -> string Location.loc -> unit
+(** Marks the attributes hiding in the payload of another attribute used, for
+    the purposes of misplaced attribute warnings (see comment on
+    [current_phase] above).  In the parser, it's simplest to add these to
+    the table and remove them later, rather than threading through state
+    tracking whether we're in an attribute payload. *)
+val mark_payload_attrs_used : Parsetree.payload -> unit
+(** Issue misplaced attribute warnings for all attributes created with
+    [mk_internal] but not yet marked used. Does nothing if compilation
+    is stopped before lambda due to command-line flags. *)
+val warn_unused : unit -> unit
+(** {3 Warning 53 helpers for environment attributes}
+    Some attributes, like deprecation markers, do not affect the compilation of
+    the definition on which they appear, but rather result in warnings on future
+    uses of that definition.  This is implemented by moving the raw attributes
+    into the environment, where they will be noticed on future accesses.
+    To make misplaced attribute warnings work appropriately for these
+    attributes, we mark them "used" when they are moved into the environment.
+    This is done with the helper functions in this section.
+(** Marks the attribute used for the purposes of misplaced attribute warnings if
+    it is an alert.  Call this when moving things allowed to have alert
+    attributes into the environment. *)
+val mark_alert_used : Parsetree.attribute -> unit
+(** The same as [List.iter mark_alert_used]. *)
+val mark_alerts_used : Parsetree.attributes -> unit
+(** Marks "warn_on_literal_pattern" attributes used for the purposes of
+    misplaced attribute warnings.  Call this when moving constructors into the
+    environment. *)
+val mark_warn_on_literal_pattern_used : Parsetree.attributes -> unit
+(** Marks "deprecated_mutable" attributes used for the purposes of misplaced
+    attribute warnings.  Call this when moving labels of mutable fields into the
+    environment. *)
+val mark_deprecated_mutable_used : Parsetree.attributes -> unit
+(** {2 Helpers for alert and warning attributes} *)
+val check_alerts: Location.t -> Parsetree.attributes -> string -> unit
+val check_alerts_inclusion:
+  def:Location.t -> use:Location.t -> Location.t -> Parsetree.attributes ->
+  Parsetree.attributes -> string -> unit
+val alerts_of_attrs: Parsetree.attributes -> Misc.alerts
+val alerts_of_sig: mark:bool -> Parsetree.signature -> Misc.alerts
+val alerts_of_str: mark:bool -> Parsetree.structure -> Misc.alerts
+val check_deprecated_mutable:
+    Location.t -> Parsetree.attributes -> string -> unit
+val check_deprecated_mutable_inclusion:
+  def:Location.t -> use:Location.t -> Location.t -> Parsetree.attributes ->
+  Parsetree.attributes -> string -> unit
+val error_of_extension: Parsetree.extension -> Location.error
+val warning_attribute: ?ppwarning:bool -> Parsetree.attribute -> unit
+  (** Apply warning settings from the specified attribute.
+      "ocaml.warning"/"ocaml.warnerror" (and variants without the prefix) are
+      processed and marked used for warning 53.  Other attributes are ignored.
+      Also implement ocaml.ppwarning (unless ~ppwarning:false is
+      passed).
+  *)
+val warning_scope:
+  ?ppwarning:bool ->
+  Parsetree.attributes -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+  (** Execute a function in a new scope for warning settings.  This
+      means that the effect of any call to [warning_attribute] during
+      the execution of this function will be discarded after
+      execution.
+      The function also takes a list of attributes which are processed
+      with [warning_attribute] in the fresh scope before the function
+      is executed.
+  *)
+(** {2 Helpers for searching for particular attributes} *)
+(** [has_attribute name attrs] is true if an attribute with name [name] or
+    ["ocaml." ^ name] is present in [attrs].  It marks that attribute used for
+    the purposes of misplaced attribute warnings. *)
+val has_attribute : string -> Parsetree.attributes -> bool
+(** [select_attributes actions attrs] finds the elements of [attrs] that appear
+    in [actions] and either returns them or just marks them used, according to
+    the corresponding [attr_action].
+    Each element [(nm, action)] of the [actions] list is an attribute along with
+    an [attr_action] specifying what to do with that attribute.  The action is
+    used to accommodate different compiler configurations.  If an attribute is
+    used only in some compiler configurations, it's important that we still look
+    for it and mark it used when compiling with other configurations.
+    Otherwise, we would issue spurious misplaced attribute warnings. *)
+type attr_action = Mark_used_only | Return
+val select_attributes :
+  (string * attr_action) list -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
+(** [attr_equals_builtin attr s] is true if the name of the attribute is [s] or
+    ["ocaml." ^ s].  This is useful for manually inspecting attribute names, but
+    note that doing so will not result in marking the attribute used for the
+    purpose of warning 53, so it is usually preferable to use [has_attribute]
+    or [select_attributes]. *)
+val attr_equals_builtin : Parsetree.attribute -> string -> bool
+val warn_on_literal_pattern: Parsetree.attributes -> bool
+val explicit_arity: Parsetree.attributes -> bool
+val immediate: Parsetree.attributes -> bool
+val immediate64: Parsetree.attributes -> bool
+val has_unboxed: Parsetree.attributes -> bool
+val has_boxed: Parsetree.attributes -> bool
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/depend.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/depend.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bed4fd707e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/depend.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Location
+open Longident
+open Parsetree
+module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
+let pp_deps = ref []
+(* Module resolution map *)
+(* Node (set of imports for this path, map for submodules) *)
+type map_tree = Node of String.Set.t * bound_map
+and  bound_map = map_tree String.Map.t
+let bound = Node (String.Set.empty, String.Map.empty)
+(*let get_free (Node (s, _m)) = s*)
+let get_map (Node (_s, m)) = m
+let make_leaf s = Node (String.Set.singleton s, String.Map.empty)
+let make_node m =  Node (String.Set.empty, m)
+let rec weaken_map s (Node(s0,m0)) =
+  Node (String.Set.union s s0, String.Map.map (weaken_map s) m0)
+let rec collect_free (Node (s, m)) =
+  String.Map.fold (fun _ n -> String.Set.union (collect_free n)) m s
+(* Returns the imports required to access the structure at path p *)
+(* Only raises Not_found if the head of p is not in the toplevel map *)
+let rec lookup_free p m =
+  match p with
+    [] -> raise Not_found
+  | s::p ->
+      let Node (f, m') = String.Map.find s m  in
+      try lookup_free p m' with Not_found -> f
+(* Returns the node corresponding to the structure at path p *)
+let rec lookup_map lid m =
+  match lid with
+    Lident s    -> String.Map.find s m
+  | Ldot (l, s) -> String.Map.find s (get_map (lookup_map l m))
+  | Lapply _    -> raise Not_found
+let free_structure_names = ref String.Set.empty
+let add_names s =
+  free_structure_names := String.Set.union s !free_structure_names
+let rec add_path bv ?(p=[]) = function
+  | Lident s ->
+      let free =
+        try lookup_free (s::p) bv with Not_found -> String.Set.singleton s
+      in
+      (*String.Set.iter (fun s -> Printf.eprintf "%s " s) free;
+        prerr_endline "";*)
+      add_names free
+  | Ldot(l, s) -> add_path bv ~p:(s::p) l
+  | Lapply(l1, l2) -> add_path bv l1; add_path bv l2
+let open_module bv lid =
+  match lookup_map lid bv with
+  | Node (s, m) ->
+      add_names s;
+      String.Map.fold String.Map.add m bv
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      add_path bv lid; bv
+let add_parent bv lid =
+  match lid.txt with
+    Ldot(l, _s) -> add_path bv l
+  | _ -> ()
+let add = add_parent
+let add_module_path bv lid = add_path bv lid.txt
+let handle_extension ext =
+  match (fst ext).txt with
+  | "error" | "ocaml.error" ->
+    raise (Location.Error
+             (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+  | _ ->
+    ()
+let rec add_type bv ty =
+  match ty.ptyp_desc with
+    Ptyp_any -> ()
+  | Ptyp_var _ -> ()
+  | Ptyp_arrow(_, t1, t2) -> add_type bv t1; add_type bv t2
+  | Ptyp_tuple tl -> List.iter (add_type bv) tl
+  | Ptyp_constr(c, tl) -> add bv c; List.iter (add_type bv) tl
+  | Ptyp_object (fl, _) ->
+      List.iter
+       (fun {pof_desc; _} -> match pof_desc with
+         | Otag (_, t) -> add_type bv t
+         | Oinherit t -> add_type bv t) fl
+  | Ptyp_class(c, tl) -> add bv c; List.iter (add_type bv) tl
+  | Ptyp_alias(t, _) -> add_type bv t
+  | Ptyp_variant(fl, _, _) ->
+      List.iter
+        (fun {prf_desc; _} -> match prf_desc with
+          | Rtag(_, _, stl) -> List.iter (add_type bv) stl
+          | Rinherit sty -> add_type bv sty)
+        fl
+  | Ptyp_poly(_, t) -> add_type bv t
+  | Ptyp_package pt -> add_package_type bv pt
+  | Ptyp_open (mod_ident, t) ->
+    let bv = open_module bv mod_ident.txt in
+    add_type bv t
+  | Ptyp_extension e -> handle_extension e
+and add_package_type bv (lid, l) =
+  add bv lid;
+  List.iter (add_type bv) (List.map (fun (_, e) -> e) l)
+let add_opt add_fn bv = function
+    None -> ()
+  | Some x -> add_fn bv x
+let add_constructor_arguments bv = function
+  | Pcstr_tuple l -> List.iter (add_type bv) l
+  | Pcstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> add_type bv l.pld_type) l
+let add_constructor_decl bv pcd =
+  add_constructor_arguments bv pcd.pcd_args;
+  Option.iter (add_type bv) pcd.pcd_res
+let add_type_declaration bv td =
+  List.iter
+    (fun (ty1, ty2, _) -> add_type bv ty1; add_type bv ty2)
+    td.ptype_cstrs;
+  add_opt add_type bv td.ptype_manifest;
+  let add_tkind = function
+    Ptype_abstract -> ()
+  | Ptype_variant cstrs ->
+      List.iter (add_constructor_decl bv) cstrs
+  | Ptype_record lbls ->
+      List.iter (fun pld -> add_type bv pld.pld_type) lbls
+  | Ptype_open -> () in
+  add_tkind td.ptype_kind
+let add_extension_constructor bv ext =
+  match ext.pext_kind with
+    Pext_decl(_, args, rty) ->
+      add_constructor_arguments bv args;
+      Option.iter (add_type bv) rty
+  | Pext_rebind lid -> add bv lid
+let add_type_extension bv te =
+  add bv te.ptyext_path;
+  List.iter (add_extension_constructor bv) te.ptyext_constructors
+let add_type_exception bv te =
+  add_extension_constructor bv te.ptyexn_constructor
+let pattern_bv = ref String.Map.empty
+let rec add_pattern bv pat =
+  match pat.ppat_desc with
+    Ppat_any -> ()
+  | Ppat_var _ -> ()
+  | Ppat_alias(p, _) -> add_pattern bv p
+  | Ppat_interval _
+  | Ppat_constant _ -> ()
+  | Ppat_tuple pl -> List.iter (add_pattern bv) pl
+  | Ppat_construct(c, opt) ->
+      add bv c;
+      add_opt
+        (fun bv (_,p) -> add_pattern bv p)
+        bv opt
+  | Ppat_record(pl, _) ->
+      List.iter (fun (lbl, p) -> add bv lbl; add_pattern bv p) pl
+  | Ppat_array pl -> List.iter (add_pattern bv) pl
+  | Ppat_or(p1, p2) -> add_pattern bv p1; add_pattern bv p2
+  | Ppat_constraint(p, ty) -> add_pattern bv p; add_type bv ty
+  | Ppat_variant(_, op) -> add_opt add_pattern bv op
+  | Ppat_type li -> add bv li
+  | Ppat_lazy p -> add_pattern bv p
+  | Ppat_unpack id ->
+      Option.iter
+        (fun name -> pattern_bv := String.Map.add name bound !pattern_bv) id.txt
+  | Ppat_open ( m, p) -> let bv = open_module bv m.txt in add_pattern bv p
+  | Ppat_effect(p1, p2) -> add_pattern bv p1; add_pattern bv p2
+  | Ppat_exception p -> add_pattern bv p
+  | Ppat_extension e -> handle_extension e
+let add_pattern bv pat =
+  pattern_bv := bv;
+  add_pattern bv pat;
+  !pattern_bv
+let rec add_expr bv exp =
+  match exp.pexp_desc with
+    Pexp_ident l -> add bv l
+  | Pexp_constant _ -> ()
+  | Pexp_let(rf, pel, e) ->
+      let bv = add_bindings rf bv pel in add_expr bv e
+  | Pexp_function (params, constraint_, body) ->
+      let bv = List.fold_left add_function_param bv params in
+      add_opt add_constraint bv constraint_;
+      add_function_body bv body
+  | Pexp_apply(e, el) ->
+      add_expr bv e; List.iter (fun (_,e) -> add_expr bv e) el
+  | Pexp_match(e, pel) -> add_expr bv e; add_cases bv pel
+  | Pexp_try(e, pel) -> add_expr bv e; add_cases bv pel
+  | Pexp_tuple el -> List.iter (add_expr bv) el
+  | Pexp_construct(c, opte) -> add bv c; add_opt add_expr bv opte
+  | Pexp_variant(_, opte) -> add_opt add_expr bv opte
+  | Pexp_record(lblel, opte) ->
+      List.iter (fun (lbl, e) -> add bv lbl; add_expr bv e) lblel;
+      add_opt add_expr bv opte
+  | Pexp_field(e, fld) -> add_expr bv e; add bv fld
+  | Pexp_setfield(e1, fld, e2) -> add_expr bv e1; add bv fld; add_expr bv e2
+  | Pexp_array el -> List.iter (add_expr bv) el
+  | Pexp_ifthenelse(e1, e2, opte3) ->
+      add_expr bv e1; add_expr bv e2; add_opt add_expr bv opte3
+  | Pexp_sequence(e1, e2) -> add_expr bv e1; add_expr bv e2
+  | Pexp_while(e1, e2) -> add_expr bv e1; add_expr bv e2
+  | Pexp_for( _, e1, e2, _, e3) ->
+      add_expr bv e1; add_expr bv e2; add_expr bv e3
+  | Pexp_coerce(e1, oty2, ty3) ->
+      add_expr bv e1;
+      add_opt add_type bv oty2;
+      add_type bv ty3
+  | Pexp_constraint(e1, ty2) ->
+      add_expr bv e1;
+      add_type bv ty2
+  | Pexp_send(e, _m) -> add_expr bv e
+  | Pexp_new li -> add bv li
+  | Pexp_setinstvar(_v, e) -> add_expr bv e
+  | Pexp_override sel -> List.iter (fun (_s, e) -> add_expr bv e) sel
+  | Pexp_letmodule(id, m, e) ->
+      let b = add_module_binding bv m in
+      let bv =
+        match id.txt with
+        | None -> bv
+        | Some id -> String.Map.add id b bv
+      in
+      add_expr bv e
+  | Pexp_letexception(_, e) -> add_expr bv e
+  | Pexp_assert (e) -> add_expr bv e
+  | Pexp_lazy (e) -> add_expr bv e
+  | Pexp_poly (e, t) -> add_expr bv e; add_opt add_type bv t
+  | Pexp_object { pcstr_self = pat; pcstr_fields = fieldl } ->
+      let bv = add_pattern bv pat in List.iter (add_class_field bv) fieldl
+  | Pexp_newtype (_, e) -> add_expr bv e
+  | Pexp_pack m -> add_module_expr bv m
+  | Pexp_open (o, e) ->
+      let bv = open_declaration bv o in
+      add_expr bv e
+  | Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body} ->
+      let bv' = add_binding_op bv bv let_ in
+      let bv' = List.fold_left (add_binding_op bv) bv' ands in
+      add_expr bv' body
+  | Pexp_extension (({ txt = ("ocaml.extension_constructor"|
+                              "extension_constructor"); _ },
+                     PStr [item]) as e) ->
+      begin match item.pstr_desc with
+      | Pstr_eval ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_construct (c, None) }, _) -> add bv c
+      | _ -> handle_extension e
+      end
+  | Pexp_extension e -> handle_extension e
+  | Pexp_unreachable -> ()
+and add_function_param bv param =
+  match param.pparam_desc with
+  | Pparam_val (_, opte, pat) ->
+      add_opt add_expr bv opte;
+      add_pattern bv pat
+  | Pparam_newtype _ -> bv
+and add_function_body bv body =
+  match body with
+  | Pfunction_body e ->
+      add_expr bv e
+  | Pfunction_cases (cases, _, _) ->
+      add_cases bv cases
+and add_constraint bv constraint_ =
+  match constraint_ with
+  | Pconstraint ty ->
+      add_type bv ty
+  | Pcoerce (ty1, ty2) ->
+      add_opt add_type bv ty1;
+      add_type bv ty2
+and add_cases bv cases =
+  List.iter (add_case bv) cases
+and add_case bv {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
+  let bv = add_pattern bv pc_lhs in
+  add_opt add_expr bv pc_guard;
+  add_expr bv pc_rhs
+and add_bindings recf bv pel =
+  let bv' = List.fold_left (fun bv x -> add_pattern bv x.pvb_pat) bv pel in
+  let bv = if recf = Recursive then bv' else bv in
+  let add_constraint = function
+    | Pvc_constraint {locally_abstract_univars=_; typ} ->
+        add_type bv typ
+    | Pvc_coercion { ground; coercion } ->
+        Option.iter (add_type bv) ground;
+        add_type bv coercion
+  in
+  let add_one_binding { pvb_pat= _ ; pvb_loc= _ ; pvb_constraint; pvb_expr } =
+    add_expr bv pvb_expr;
+    Option.iter add_constraint pvb_constraint
+  in
+  List.iter add_one_binding pel;
+  bv'
+and add_binding_op bv bv' pbop =
+  add_expr bv pbop.pbop_exp;
+  add_pattern bv' pbop.pbop_pat
+and add_modtype bv mty =
+  match mty.pmty_desc with
+    Pmty_ident l -> add bv l
+  | Pmty_alias l -> add_module_path bv l
+  | Pmty_signature s -> add_signature bv s
+  | Pmty_functor(param, mty2) ->
+      let bv =
+        match param with
+        | Unit -> bv
+        | Named (id, mty1) ->
+          add_modtype bv mty1;
+          match id.txt with
+          | None -> bv
+          | Some name -> String.Map.add name bound bv
+      in
+      add_modtype bv mty2
+  | Pmty_with(mty, cstrl) ->
+      add_modtype bv mty;
+      List.iter
+        (function
+          | Pwith_type (_, td) -> add_type_declaration bv td
+          | Pwith_module (_, lid) -> add_module_path bv lid
+          | Pwith_modtype (_, mty) -> add_modtype bv mty
+          | Pwith_typesubst (_, td) -> add_type_declaration bv td
+          | Pwith_modsubst (_, lid) -> add_module_path bv lid
+          | Pwith_modtypesubst (_, mty) -> add_modtype bv mty
+        )
+        cstrl
+  | Pmty_typeof m -> add_module_expr bv m
+  | Pmty_extension e -> handle_extension e
+and add_module_alias bv l =
+  (* If we are in delayed dependencies mode, we delay the dependencies
+       induced by "Lident s" *)
+  (if !Clflags.transparent_modules then add_parent else add_module_path) bv l;
+  try
+    lookup_map l.txt bv
+  with Not_found ->
+    match l.txt with
+      Lident s -> make_leaf s
+    | _ -> add_module_path bv l; bound (* cannot delay *)
+and add_modtype_binding bv mty =
+  match mty.pmty_desc with
+    Pmty_alias l ->
+      add_module_alias bv l
+  | Pmty_signature s ->
+      make_node (add_signature_binding bv s)
+  | Pmty_typeof modl ->
+      add_module_binding bv modl
+  | _ ->
+      add_modtype bv mty; bound
+and add_signature bv sg =
+  ignore (add_signature_binding bv sg)
+and add_signature_binding bv sg =
+  snd (List.fold_left add_sig_item (bv, String.Map.empty) sg)
+and add_sig_item (bv, m) item =
+  match item.psig_desc with
+    Psig_value vd ->
+      add_type bv vd.pval_type; (bv, m)
+  | Psig_type (_, dcls)
+  | Psig_typesubst dcls->
+      List.iter (add_type_declaration bv) dcls; (bv, m)
+  | Psig_typext te ->
+      add_type_extension bv te; (bv, m)
+  | Psig_exception te ->
+      add_type_exception bv te; (bv, m)
+  | Psig_module pmd ->
+      let m' = add_modtype_binding bv pmd.pmd_type in
+      let add map =
+        match pmd.pmd_name.txt with
+        | None -> map
+        | Some name -> String.Map.add name m' map
+      in
+      (add bv, add m)
+  | Psig_modsubst pms ->
+      let m' = add_module_alias bv pms.pms_manifest in
+      let add = String.Map.add pms.pms_name.txt m' in
+      (add bv, add m)
+  | Psig_recmodule decls ->
+      let add =
+        List.fold_right (fun pmd map ->
+          match pmd.pmd_name.txt with
+          | None -> map
+          | Some name -> String.Map.add name bound map
+        ) decls
+      in
+      let bv' = add bv and m' = add m in
+      List.iter (fun pmd -> add_modtype bv' pmd.pmd_type) decls;
+      (bv', m')
+  | Psig_modtype x | Psig_modtypesubst x->
+      begin match x.pmtd_type with
+        None -> ()
+      | Some mty -> add_modtype bv mty
+      end;
+      (bv, m)
+  | Psig_open od ->
+      (open_description bv od, m)
+  | Psig_include incl ->
+      let Node (s, m') = add_modtype_binding bv incl.pincl_mod in
+      add_names s;
+      let add = String.Map.fold String.Map.add m' in
+      (add bv, add m)
+  | Psig_class cdl ->
+      List.iter (add_class_description bv) cdl; (bv, m)
+  | Psig_class_type cdtl ->
+      List.iter (add_class_type_declaration bv) cdtl; (bv, m)
+  | Psig_attribute _ -> (bv, m)
+  | Psig_extension (e, _) ->
+      handle_extension e;
+      (bv, m)
+and open_description bv od =
+  let Node(s, m) = add_module_alias bv od.popen_expr in
+  add_names s;
+  String.Map.fold String.Map.add m bv
+and open_declaration bv od =
+  let Node (s, m) = add_module_binding bv od.popen_expr in
+  add_names s;
+  String.Map.fold String.Map.add m bv
+and add_module_binding bv modl =
+  match modl.pmod_desc with
+    Pmod_ident l -> add_module_alias bv l
+  | Pmod_structure s ->
+     make_node (snd @@ add_structure_binding bv s)
+  | _ -> add_module_expr bv modl; bound
+and add_module_expr bv modl =
+  match modl.pmod_desc with
+    Pmod_ident l -> add_module_path bv l
+  | Pmod_structure s -> ignore (add_structure bv s)
+  | Pmod_functor(param, modl) ->
+      let bv =
+        match param with
+        | Unit -> bv
+        | Named (id, mty) ->
+          add_modtype bv mty;
+          match id.txt with
+          | None -> bv
+          | Some name -> String.Map.add name bound bv
+      in
+      add_module_expr bv modl
+  | Pmod_apply (mod1, mod2) ->
+      add_module_expr bv mod1;
+      add_module_expr bv mod2
+  | Pmod_apply_unit mod1 ->
+      add_module_expr bv mod1
+  | Pmod_constraint(modl, mty) ->
+      add_module_expr bv modl; add_modtype bv mty
+  | Pmod_unpack(e) ->
+      add_expr bv e
+  | Pmod_extension e ->
+      handle_extension e
+and add_class_type bv cty =
+  match cty.pcty_desc with
+    Pcty_constr(l, tyl) ->
+      add bv l; List.iter (add_type bv) tyl
+  | Pcty_signature { pcsig_self = ty; pcsig_fields = fieldl } ->
+      add_type bv ty;
+      List.iter (add_class_type_field bv) fieldl
+  | Pcty_arrow(_, ty1, cty2) ->
+      add_type bv ty1; add_class_type bv cty2
+  | Pcty_extension e -> handle_extension e
+  | Pcty_open (o, e) ->
+      let bv = open_description bv o in
+      add_class_type bv e
+and add_class_type_field bv pctf =
+  match pctf.pctf_desc with
+    Pctf_inherit cty -> add_class_type bv cty
+  | Pctf_val(_, _, _, ty) -> add_type bv ty
+  | Pctf_method(_, _, _, ty) -> add_type bv ty
+  | Pctf_constraint(ty1, ty2) -> add_type bv ty1; add_type bv ty2
+  | Pctf_attribute _ -> ()
+  | Pctf_extension e -> handle_extension e
+and add_class_description bv infos =
+  add_class_type bv infos.pci_expr
+and add_class_type_declaration bv infos = add_class_description bv infos
+and add_structure bv item_list =
+  let (bv, m) = add_structure_binding bv item_list in
+  add_names (collect_free (make_node m));
+  bv
+and add_structure_binding bv item_list =
+  List.fold_left add_struct_item (bv, String.Map.empty) item_list
+and add_struct_item (bv, m) item : _ String.Map.t * _ String.Map.t =
+  match item.pstr_desc with
+    Pstr_eval (e, _attrs) ->
+      add_expr bv e; (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_value(rf, pel) ->
+      let bv = add_bindings rf bv pel in (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_primitive vd ->
+      add_type bv vd.pval_type; (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_type (_, dcls) ->
+      List.iter (add_type_declaration bv) dcls; (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_typext te ->
+      add_type_extension bv te;
+      (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_exception te ->
+      add_type_exception bv te;
+      (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_module x ->
+      let b = add_module_binding bv x.pmb_expr in
+      let add map =
+        match x.pmb_name.txt with
+        | None -> map
+        | Some name -> String.Map.add name b map
+      in
+      (add bv, add m)
+  | Pstr_recmodule bindings ->
+      let add =
+        List.fold_right (fun x map ->
+          match x.pmb_name.txt with
+          | None -> map
+          | Some name -> String.Map.add name bound map
+        ) bindings
+      in
+      let bv' = add bv and m = add m in
+      List.iter
+        (fun x -> add_module_expr bv' x.pmb_expr)
+        bindings;
+      (bv', m)
+  | Pstr_modtype x ->
+      begin match x.pmtd_type with
+        None -> ()
+      | Some mty -> add_modtype bv mty
+      end;
+      (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_open od ->
+      (open_declaration bv od, m)
+  | Pstr_class cdl ->
+      List.iter (add_class_declaration bv) cdl; (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_class_type cdtl ->
+      List.iter (add_class_type_declaration bv) cdtl; (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_include incl ->
+      let Node (s, m') as n = add_module_binding bv incl.pincl_mod in
+      if !Clflags.transparent_modules then
+        add_names s
+      else
+        (* If we are not in the delayed dependency mode, we need to
+           collect all delayed dependencies imported by the include statement *)
+        add_names (collect_free n);
+      let add = String.Map.fold String.Map.add m' in
+      (add bv, add m)
+  | Pstr_attribute _ -> (bv, m)
+  | Pstr_extension (e, _) ->
+      handle_extension e;
+      (bv, m)
+and add_use_file bv top_phrs =
+  ignore (List.fold_left add_top_phrase bv top_phrs)
+and add_implementation bv l =
+    ignore (add_structure_binding bv l)
+and add_implementation_binding bv l =
+  snd (add_structure_binding bv l)
+and add_top_phrase bv = function
+  | Ptop_def str -> add_structure bv str
+  | Ptop_dir _ -> bv
+and add_class_expr bv ce =
+  match ce.pcl_desc with
+    Pcl_constr(l, tyl) ->
+      add bv l; List.iter (add_type bv) tyl
+  | Pcl_structure { pcstr_self = pat; pcstr_fields = fieldl } ->
+      let bv = add_pattern bv pat in List.iter (add_class_field bv) fieldl
+  | Pcl_fun(_, opte, pat, ce) ->
+      add_opt add_expr bv opte;
+      let bv = add_pattern bv pat in add_class_expr bv ce
+  | Pcl_apply(ce, exprl) ->
+      add_class_expr bv ce; List.iter (fun (_,e) -> add_expr bv e) exprl
+  | Pcl_let(rf, pel, ce) ->
+      let bv = add_bindings rf bv pel in add_class_expr bv ce
+  | Pcl_constraint(ce, ct) ->
+      add_class_expr bv ce; add_class_type bv ct
+  | Pcl_extension e -> handle_extension e
+  | Pcl_open (o, e) ->
+      let bv = open_description bv o in
+      add_class_expr bv e
+and add_class_field bv pcf =
+  match pcf.pcf_desc with
+    Pcf_inherit(_, ce, _) -> add_class_expr bv ce
+  | Pcf_val(_, _, Cfk_concrete (_, e))
+  | Pcf_method(_, _, Cfk_concrete (_, e)) -> add_expr bv e
+  | Pcf_val(_, _, Cfk_virtual ty)
+  | Pcf_method(_, _, Cfk_virtual ty) -> add_type bv ty
+  | Pcf_constraint(ty1, ty2) -> add_type bv ty1; add_type bv ty2
+  | Pcf_initializer e -> add_expr bv e
+  | Pcf_attribute _ -> ()
+  | Pcf_extension e -> handle_extension e
+and add_class_declaration bv decl =
+  add_class_expr bv decl.pci_expr
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/depend.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/depend.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..745cc722c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/depend.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Module dependencies.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
+type map_tree = Node of String.Set.t * bound_map
+and  bound_map = map_tree String.Map.t
+val make_leaf : string -> map_tree
+val make_node : bound_map -> map_tree
+val weaken_map : String.Set.t -> map_tree -> map_tree
+(** Collect free module identifiers in the a.s.t. *)
+val free_structure_names : String.Set.t ref
+(** Dependencies found by preprocessing tools. *)
+val pp_deps : string list ref
+val open_module : bound_map -> Longident.t -> bound_map
+val add_use_file : bound_map -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list -> unit
+val add_signature : bound_map -> Parsetree.signature -> unit
+val add_implementation : bound_map -> Parsetree.structure -> unit
+val add_implementation_binding : bound_map -> Parsetree.structure -> bound_map
+val add_signature_binding : bound_map -> Parsetree.signature -> bound_map
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/docstrings.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/docstrings.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32b8e8c468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/docstrings.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                               Leo White                                *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Location
+(* Docstrings *)
+(* A docstring is "attached" if it has been inserted in the AST. This
+   is used for generating unexpected docstring warnings. *)
+type ds_attached =
+  | Unattached   (* Not yet attached anything.*)
+  | Info         (* Attached to a field or constructor. *)
+  | Docs         (* Attached to an item or as floating text. *)
+(* A docstring is "associated" with an item if there are no blank lines between
+   them. This is used for generating docstring ambiguity warnings. *)
+type ds_associated =
+  | Zero             (* Not associated with an item *)
+  | One              (* Associated with one item *)
+  | Many             (* Associated with multiple items (ambiguity) *)
+type docstring =
+  { ds_body: string;
+    ds_loc: Location.t;
+    mutable ds_attached: ds_attached;
+    mutable ds_associated: ds_associated; }
+(* List of docstrings *)
+let docstrings : docstring list ref = ref []
+(* Warn for unused and ambiguous docstrings *)
+let warn_bad_docstrings () =
+  if Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Unexpected_docstring true) then begin
+    List.iter
+      (fun ds ->
+         match ds.ds_attached with
+         | Info -> ()
+         | Unattached ->
+           prerr_warning ds.ds_loc (Warnings.Unexpected_docstring true)
+         | Docs ->
+             match ds.ds_associated with
+             | Zero | One -> ()
+             | Many ->
+               prerr_warning ds.ds_loc (Warnings.Unexpected_docstring false))
+      (List.rev !docstrings)
+(* Docstring constructors and destructors *)
+let docstring body loc =
+  let ds =
+    { ds_body = body;
+      ds_loc = loc;
+      ds_attached = Unattached;
+      ds_associated = Zero; }
+  in
+  ds
+let register ds =
+  docstrings := ds :: !docstrings
+let docstring_body ds = ds.ds_body
+let docstring_loc ds = ds.ds_loc
+(* Docstrings attached to items *)
+type docs =
+  { docs_pre: docstring option;
+    docs_post: docstring option; }
+let empty_docs = { docs_pre = None; docs_post = None }
+let doc_loc = {txt = "ocaml.doc"; loc = Location.none}
+let docs_attr ds =
+  let open Parsetree in
+  let body = ds.ds_body in
+  let loc = ds.ds_loc in
+  let const = { pconst_desc= Pconst_string(body,loc,None); pconst_loc= loc } in
+  let exp =
+    { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant const;
+      pexp_loc = loc;
+      pexp_loc_stack = [];
+      pexp_attributes = []; }
+  in
+  let item =
+    { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = loc }
+  in
+  { attr_name = doc_loc;
+    attr_payload = PStr [item];
+    attr_loc = loc }
+let add_docs_attrs docs attrs =
+  let attrs =
+    match docs.docs_pre with
+    | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
+    | Some ds -> docs_attr ds :: attrs
+  in
+  let attrs =
+    match docs.docs_post with
+    | None | Some { ds_body=""; _ } -> attrs
+    | Some ds -> attrs @ [docs_attr ds]
+  in
+  attrs
+(* Docstrings attached to constructors or fields *)
+type info = docstring option
+let empty_info = None
+let info_attr = docs_attr
+let add_info_attrs info attrs =
+  match info with
+  | None | Some {ds_body=""; _} -> attrs
+  | Some ds -> attrs @ [info_attr ds]
+(* Docstrings not attached to a specific item *)
+type text = docstring list
+let empty_text = []
+let empty_text_lazy = lazy []
+let text_loc = {txt = "ocaml.text"; loc = Location.none}
+let text_attr ds =
+  let open Parsetree in
+  let body = ds.ds_body in
+  let loc = ds.ds_loc in
+  let const = { pconst_desc= Pconst_string(body,loc,None); pconst_loc= loc } in
+  let exp =
+    { pexp_desc = Pexp_constant const;
+      pexp_loc = loc;
+      pexp_loc_stack = [];
+      pexp_attributes = []; }
+  in
+  let item =
+    { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (exp, []); pstr_loc = loc }
+  in
+  { attr_name = text_loc;
+    attr_payload = PStr [item];
+    attr_loc = loc }
+let add_text_attrs dsl attrs =
+  let fdsl = List.filter (function {ds_body=""} -> false| _ ->true) dsl in
+  (List.map text_attr fdsl) @ attrs
+(* Find the first non-info docstring in a list, attach it and return it *)
+let get_docstring ~info dsl =
+  let rec loop = function
+    | [] -> None
+    | {ds_attached = Info; _} :: rest -> loop rest
+    | ds :: _ ->
+        ds.ds_attached <- if info then Info else Docs;
+        Some ds
+  in
+  loop dsl
+(* Find all the non-info docstrings in a list, attach them and return them *)
+let get_docstrings dsl =
+  let rec loop acc = function
+    | [] -> List.rev acc
+    | {ds_attached = Info; _} :: rest -> loop acc rest
+    | ds :: rest ->
+        ds.ds_attached <- Docs;
+        loop (ds :: acc) rest
+  in
+    loop [] dsl
+(* "Associate" all the docstrings in a list *)
+let associate_docstrings dsl =
+  List.iter
+    (fun ds ->
+       match ds.ds_associated with
+       | Zero -> ds.ds_associated <- One
+       | (One | Many) -> ds.ds_associated <- Many)
+    dsl
+(* Map from positions to pre docstrings *)
+let pre_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
+  Hashtbl.create 50
+let set_pre_docstrings pos dsl =
+  if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add pre_table pos dsl
+let get_pre_docs pos =
+  try
+    let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_table pos in
+      associate_docstrings dsl;
+      get_docstring ~info:false dsl
+  with Not_found -> None
+let mark_pre_docs pos =
+  try
+    let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_table pos in
+      associate_docstrings dsl
+  with Not_found -> ()
+(* Map from positions to post docstrings *)
+let post_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
+  Hashtbl.create 50
+let set_post_docstrings pos dsl =
+  if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add post_table pos dsl
+let get_post_docs pos =
+  try
+    let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
+      associate_docstrings dsl;
+      get_docstring ~info:false dsl
+  with Not_found -> None
+let mark_post_docs pos =
+  try
+    let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
+      associate_docstrings dsl
+  with Not_found -> ()
+let get_info pos =
+  try
+    let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
+      get_docstring ~info:true dsl
+  with Not_found -> None
+(* Map from positions to floating docstrings *)
+let floating_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
+  Hashtbl.create 50
+let set_floating_docstrings pos dsl =
+  if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add floating_table pos dsl
+let get_text pos =
+  try
+    let dsl = Hashtbl.find floating_table pos in
+      get_docstrings dsl
+  with Not_found -> []
+let get_post_text pos =
+  try
+    let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_table pos in
+      get_docstrings dsl
+  with Not_found -> []
+(* Maps from positions to extra docstrings *)
+let pre_extra_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
+  Hashtbl.create 50
+let set_pre_extra_docstrings pos dsl =
+  if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add pre_extra_table pos dsl
+let get_pre_extra_text pos =
+  try
+    let dsl = Hashtbl.find pre_extra_table pos in
+      get_docstrings dsl
+  with Not_found -> []
+let post_extra_table : (Lexing.position, docstring list) Hashtbl.t =
+  Hashtbl.create 50
+let set_post_extra_docstrings pos dsl =
+  if dsl <> [] then Hashtbl.add post_extra_table pos dsl
+let get_post_extra_text pos =
+  try
+    let dsl = Hashtbl.find post_extra_table pos in
+      get_docstrings dsl
+  with Not_found -> []
+(* Docstrings from parser actions *)
+module WithParsing = struct
+let symbol_docs () =
+  { docs_pre = get_pre_docs (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ());
+    docs_post = get_post_docs (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ()); }
+let symbol_docs_lazy () =
+  let p1 = Parsing.symbol_start_pos () in
+  let p2 = Parsing.symbol_end_pos () in
+    lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
+           docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
+let rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
+  { docs_pre = get_pre_docs (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1);
+    docs_post = get_post_docs (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2); }
+let rhs_docs_lazy pos1 pos2 =
+  let p1 = Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1 in
+  let p2 = Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2 in
+    lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
+           docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
+let mark_symbol_docs () =
+  mark_pre_docs (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ());
+  mark_post_docs (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
+let mark_rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
+  mark_pre_docs (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos1);
+  mark_post_docs (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos2)
+let symbol_info () =
+  get_info (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
+let rhs_info pos =
+  get_info (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
+let symbol_text () =
+  get_text (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ())
+let symbol_text_lazy () =
+  let pos = Parsing.symbol_start_pos () in
+    lazy (get_text pos)
+let rhs_text pos =
+  get_text (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos)
+let rhs_post_text pos =
+  get_post_text (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
+let rhs_text_lazy pos =
+  let pos = Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos in
+    lazy (get_text pos)
+let symbol_pre_extra_text () =
+  get_pre_extra_text (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ())
+let symbol_post_extra_text () =
+  get_post_extra_text (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ())
+let rhs_pre_extra_text pos =
+  get_pre_extra_text (Parsing.rhs_start_pos pos)
+let rhs_post_extra_text pos =
+  get_post_extra_text (Parsing.rhs_end_pos pos)
+include WithParsing
+module WithMenhir = struct
+let symbol_docs (startpos, endpos) =
+  { docs_pre = get_pre_docs startpos;
+    docs_post = get_post_docs endpos; }
+let symbol_docs_lazy (p1, p2) =
+  lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
+         docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
+let rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
+  { docs_pre = get_pre_docs pos1;
+    docs_post = get_post_docs pos2; }
+let rhs_docs_lazy p1 p2 =
+    lazy { docs_pre = get_pre_docs p1;
+           docs_post = get_post_docs p2; }
+let mark_symbol_docs (startpos, endpos) =
+  mark_pre_docs startpos;
+  mark_post_docs endpos;
+  ()
+let mark_rhs_docs pos1 pos2 =
+  mark_pre_docs pos1;
+  mark_post_docs pos2;
+  ()
+let symbol_info endpos =
+  get_info endpos
+let rhs_info endpos =
+  get_info endpos
+let symbol_text startpos =
+  get_text startpos
+let symbol_text_lazy startpos =
+  lazy (get_text startpos)
+let rhs_text pos =
+  get_text pos
+let rhs_post_text pos =
+  get_post_text pos
+let rhs_text_lazy pos =
+  lazy (get_text pos)
+let symbol_pre_extra_text startpos =
+  get_pre_extra_text startpos
+let symbol_post_extra_text endpos =
+  get_post_extra_text endpos
+let rhs_pre_extra_text pos =
+  get_pre_extra_text pos
+let rhs_post_extra_text pos =
+  get_post_extra_text pos
+(* (Re)Initialise all comment state *)
+let init () =
+  docstrings := [];
+  Hashtbl.reset pre_table;
+  Hashtbl.reset post_table;
+  Hashtbl.reset floating_table;
+  Hashtbl.reset pre_extra_table;
+  Hashtbl.reset post_extra_table
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/docstrings.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/docstrings.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf2508fdc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/docstrings.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                               Leo White                                *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Documentation comments
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+(** (Re)Initialise all docstring state *)
+val init : unit -> unit
+(** Emit warnings for unattached and ambiguous docstrings *)
+val warn_bad_docstrings : unit -> unit
+(** {2 Docstrings} *)
+(** Documentation comments *)
+type docstring
+(** Create a docstring *)
+val docstring : string -> Location.t -> docstring
+(** Register a docstring *)
+val register : docstring -> unit
+(** Get the text of a docstring *)
+val docstring_body : docstring -> string
+(** Get the location of a docstring *)
+val docstring_loc : docstring -> Location.t
+(** {2 Set functions}
+   These functions are used by the lexer to associate docstrings to
+   the locations of tokens. *)
+(** Docstrings immediately preceding a token *)
+val set_pre_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
+(** Docstrings immediately following a token *)
+val set_post_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
+(** Docstrings not immediately adjacent to a token *)
+val set_floating_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
+(** Docstrings immediately following the token which precedes this one *)
+val set_pre_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
+(** Docstrings immediately preceding the token which follows this one *)
+val set_post_extra_docstrings : Lexing.position -> docstring list -> unit
+(** {2 Items}
+    The {!docs} type represents documentation attached to an item. *)
+type docs =
+  { docs_pre: docstring option;
+    docs_post: docstring option; }
+val empty_docs : docs
+val docs_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
+(** Convert item documentation to attributes and add them to an
+    attribute list *)
+val add_docs_attrs : docs -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
+(** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
+    marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
+val symbol_docs : unit -> docs
+val symbol_docs_lazy : unit -> docs Lazy.t
+(** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
+    positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
+    warnings). *)
+val rhs_docs : int -> int -> docs
+val rhs_docs_lazy : int -> int -> docs Lazy.t
+(** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
+    warnings). *)
+val mark_symbol_docs : unit -> unit
+(** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
+    two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
+val mark_rhs_docs : int -> int -> unit
+(** {2 Fields and constructors}
+    The {!info} type represents documentation attached to a field or
+    constructor. *)
+type info = docstring option
+val empty_info : info
+val info_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
+(** Convert field info to attributes and add them to an
+    attribute list *)
+val add_info_attrs : info -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
+(** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
+val symbol_info : unit -> info
+(** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
+val rhs_info : int -> info
+(** {2 Unattached comments}
+    The {!text} type represents documentation which is not attached to
+    anything. *)
+type text = docstring list
+val empty_text : text
+val empty_text_lazy : text Lazy.t
+val text_attr : docstring -> Parsetree.attribute
+(** Convert text to attributes and add them to an attribute list *)
+val add_text_attrs : text -> Parsetree.attributes -> Parsetree.attributes
+(** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
+val symbol_text : unit -> text
+val symbol_text_lazy : unit -> text Lazy.t
+(** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
+val rhs_text : int -> text
+val rhs_text_lazy : int -> text Lazy.t
+(** {2 Extra text}
+    There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
+    (e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
+    functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
+    than the delimiters. *)
+(** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
+val symbol_pre_extra_text : unit -> text
+(** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
+val symbol_post_extra_text : unit -> text
+(** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
+val rhs_pre_extra_text : int -> text
+(** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
+val rhs_post_extra_text : int -> text
+(** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
+val rhs_post_text : int -> text
+module WithMenhir: sig
+(** Fetch the item documentation for the current symbol. This also
+    marks this documentation (for ambiguity warnings). *)
+val symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs
+val symbol_docs_lazy : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
+(** Fetch the item documentation for the symbols between two
+    positions. This also marks this documentation (for ambiguity
+    warnings). *)
+val rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs
+val rhs_docs_lazy : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> docs Lazy.t
+(** Mark the item documentation for the current symbol (for ambiguity
+    warnings). *)
+val mark_symbol_docs : Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> unit
+(** Mark as associated the item documentation for the symbols between
+    two positions (for ambiguity warnings) *)
+val mark_rhs_docs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> unit
+(** Fetch the field info for the current symbol. *)
+val symbol_info : Lexing.position -> info
+(** Fetch the field info following the symbol at a given position. *)
+val rhs_info : Lexing.position -> info
+(** Fetch the text preceding the current symbol. *)
+val symbol_text : Lexing.position -> text
+val symbol_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
+(** Fetch the text preceding the symbol at the given position. *)
+val rhs_text : Lexing.position -> text
+val rhs_text_lazy : Lexing.position -> text Lazy.t
+(** {3 Extra text}
+    There may be additional text attached to the delimiters of a block
+    (e.g. [struct] and [end]). This is fetched by the following
+    functions, which are applied to the contents of the block rather
+    than the delimiters. *)
+(** Fetch additional text preceding the current symbol *)
+val symbol_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
+(** Fetch additional text following the current symbol *)
+val symbol_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
+(** Fetch additional text preceding the symbol at the given position *)
+val rhs_pre_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
+(** Fetch additional text following the symbol at the given position *)
+val rhs_post_extra_text : Lexing.position -> text
+(** Fetch text following the symbol at the given position *)
+val rhs_post_text : Lexing.position -> text
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/lexer.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/lexer.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc43eee28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/lexer.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** The lexical analyzer
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+val init : ?keyword_edition:((int*int) option * string list) -> unit -> unit
+val token: Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token
+val skip_hash_bang: Lexing.lexbuf -> unit
+type error =
+  | Illegal_character of char
+  | Illegal_escape of string * string option
+  | Reserved_sequence of string * string option
+  | Unterminated_comment of Location.t
+  | Unterminated_string
+  | Unterminated_string_in_comment of Location.t * Location.t
+  | Empty_character_literal
+  | Keyword_as_label of string
+  | Capitalized_label of string
+  | Invalid_literal of string
+  | Invalid_directive of string * string option
+  | Invalid_encoding of string
+  | Invalid_char_in_ident of Uchar.t
+  | Non_lowercase_delimiter of string
+  | Capitalized_raw_identifier of string
+  | Unknown_keyword of string
+exception Error of error * Location.t
+val in_comment : unit -> bool
+val in_string : unit -> bool
+val is_keyword : string -> bool
+val print_warnings : bool ref
+val handle_docstrings: bool ref
+val comments : unit -> (string * Location.t) list
+val token_with_comments : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token
+  [set_preprocessor init preprocessor] registers [init] as the function
+to call to initialize the preprocessor when the lexer is initialized,
+and [preprocessor] a function that is called when a new token is needed
+by the parser, as [preprocessor lexer lexbuf] where [lexer] is the
+lexing function.
+When a preprocessor is configured by calling [set_preprocessor], the lexer
+changes its behavior to accept backslash-newline as a token-separating blank.
+val set_preprocessor :
+  (unit -> unit) ->
+  ((Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token) ->
+  unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/lexer.mll b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/lexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4d069d0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,1019 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* The lexer definition *)
+open Lexing
+open Misc
+open Parser
+type error =
+  | Illegal_character of char
+  | Illegal_escape of string * string option
+  | Reserved_sequence of string * string option
+  | Unterminated_comment of Location.t
+  | Unterminated_string
+  | Unterminated_string_in_comment of Location.t * Location.t
+  | Empty_character_literal
+  | Keyword_as_label of string
+  | Capitalized_label of string
+  | Invalid_literal of string
+  | Invalid_directive of string * string option
+  | Invalid_encoding of string
+  | Invalid_char_in_ident of Uchar.t
+  | Non_lowercase_delimiter of string
+  | Capitalized_raw_identifier of string
+  | Unknown_keyword of string
+exception Error of error * Location.t
+(* The table of keywords *)
+let all_keywords =
+  let v5_3 = Some (5,3) in
+  let v1_0 = Some (1,0) in
+  let v1_6 = Some (1,6) in
+  let v4_2 = Some (4,2) in
+  let always = None in
+  [
+    "and", AND, always;
+    "as", AS, always;
+    "assert", ASSERT, v1_6;
+    "begin", BEGIN, always;
+    "class", CLASS, v1_0;
+    "constraint", CONSTRAINT, v1_0;
+    "do", DO, always;
+    "done", DONE, always;
+    "downto", DOWNTO, always;
+    "effect", EFFECT, v5_3;
+    "else", ELSE, always;
+    "end", END, always;
+    "exception", EXCEPTION, always;
+    "external", EXTERNAL, always;
+    "false", FALSE, always;
+    "for", FOR, always;
+    "fun", FUN, always;
+    "function", FUNCTION, always;
+    "functor", FUNCTOR, always;
+    "if", IF, always;
+    "in", IN, always;
+    "include", INCLUDE, always;
+    "inherit", INHERIT, v1_0;
+    "initializer", INITIALIZER, v1_0;
+    "lazy", LAZY, v1_6;
+    "let", LET, always;
+    "match", MATCH, always;
+    "method", METHOD, v1_0;
+    "module", MODULE, always;
+    "mutable", MUTABLE, always;
+    "new", NEW, v1_0;
+    "nonrec", NONREC, v4_2;
+    "object", OBJECT, v1_0;
+    "of", OF, always;
+    "open", OPEN, always;
+    "or", OR, always;
+(*  "parser", PARSER; *)
+    "private", PRIVATE, v1_0;
+    "rec", REC, always;
+    "sig", SIG, always;
+    "struct", STRUCT, always;
+    "then", THEN, always;
+    "to", TO, always;
+    "true", TRUE, always;
+    "try", TRY, always;
+    "type", TYPE, always;
+    "val", VAL, always;
+    "virtual", VIRTUAL, v1_0;
+    "when", WHEN, always;
+    "while", WHILE, always;
+    "with", WITH, always;
+    "lor", INFIXOP3("lor"), always; (* Should be INFIXOP2 *)
+    "lxor", INFIXOP3("lxor"), always; (* Should be INFIXOP2 *)
+    "mod", INFIXOP3("mod"), always;
+    "land", INFIXOP3("land"), always;
+    "lsl", INFIXOP4("lsl"), always;
+    "lsr", INFIXOP4("lsr"), always;
+    "asr", INFIXOP4("asr"), always
+let keyword_table = Hashtbl.create 149
+let populate_keywords (version,keywords) =
+  let greater (x:(int*int) option) (y:(int*int) option) =
+    match x, y with
+    | None, _ | _, None -> true
+    | Some x, Some y -> x >= y
+  in
+  let tbl = keyword_table in
+  Hashtbl.clear tbl;
+  let add_keyword (name, token, since) =
+    if greater version since then Hashtbl.replace tbl name (Some token)
+  in
+  List.iter add_keyword all_keywords;
+  List.iter (fun name ->
+    match List.find (fun (n,_,_) -> n = name) all_keywords with
+    | (_,tok,_) -> Hashtbl.replace tbl name (Some tok)
+    | exception Not_found -> Hashtbl.replace tbl name None
+    ) keywords
+(* To buffer string literals *)
+let string_buffer = Buffer.create 256
+let reset_string_buffer () = Buffer.reset string_buffer
+let get_stored_string () = Buffer.contents string_buffer
+let store_string_char c = Buffer.add_char string_buffer c
+let store_string_utf_8_uchar u = Buffer.add_utf_8_uchar string_buffer u
+let store_string s = Buffer.add_string string_buffer s
+let store_substring s ~pos ~len = Buffer.add_substring string_buffer s pos len
+let store_lexeme lexbuf = store_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
+let store_normalized_newline newline =
+  (* #12502: we normalize "\r\n" to "\n" at lexing time,
+     to avoid behavior difference due to OS-specific
+     newline characters in string literals.
+     (For example, Git for Windows will translate \n in versioned
+     files into \r\n sequences when checking out files on Windows. If
+     your code contains multiline quoted string literals, the raw
+     content of the string literal would be different between Git for
+     Windows users and all other users. Thanks to newline
+     normalization, the value of the literal as a string constant will
+     be the same no matter which programming tools are used.)
+     Many programming languages use the same approach, for example
+     Java, Javascript, Kotlin, Python, Swift and C++.
+  *)
+  (* Our 'newline' regexp accepts \r*\n, but we only wish
+     to normalize \r?\n into \n -- see the discussion in #12502.
+     All carriage returns except for the (optional) last one
+     are reproduced in the output. We implement this by skipping
+     the first carriage return, if any. *)
+  let len = String.length newline in
+  if len = 1
+  then store_string_char '\n'
+  else store_substring newline ~pos:1 ~len:(len - 1)
+(* To store the position of the beginning of a string and comment *)
+let string_start_loc = ref Location.none
+let comment_start_loc = ref []
+let in_comment () = !comment_start_loc <> []
+let is_in_string = ref false
+let in_string () = !is_in_string
+let print_warnings = ref true
+(* Escaped chars are interpreted in strings unless they are in comments. *)
+let store_escaped_char lexbuf c =
+  if in_comment () then store_lexeme lexbuf else store_string_char c
+let store_escaped_uchar lexbuf u =
+  if in_comment () then store_lexeme lexbuf else store_string_utf_8_uchar u
+let compute_quoted_string_idloc {Location.loc_start = orig_loc } shift id =
+  let id_start_pos = orig_loc.Lexing.pos_cnum + shift in
+  let loc_start =
+    Lexing.{orig_loc with pos_cnum = id_start_pos }
+  in
+  let loc_end =
+    Lexing.{orig_loc with pos_cnum = id_start_pos + String.length id}
+  in
+  {Location. loc_start ; loc_end ; loc_ghost = false }
+let wrap_string_lexer f lexbuf =
+  let loc_start = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
+  reset_string_buffer();
+  is_in_string := true;
+  let string_start = lexbuf.lex_start_p in
+  string_start_loc := Location.curr lexbuf;
+  let loc_end = f lexbuf in
+  is_in_string := false;
+  lexbuf.lex_start_p <- string_start;
+  let loc = Location.{loc_ghost= false; loc_start; loc_end} in
+  get_stored_string (), loc
+let wrap_comment_lexer comment lexbuf =
+  let start_loc = Location.curr lexbuf  in
+  comment_start_loc := [start_loc];
+  reset_string_buffer ();
+  let end_loc = comment lexbuf in
+  let s = get_stored_string () in
+  reset_string_buffer ();
+  s,
+  { start_loc with Location.loc_end = end_loc.Location.loc_end }
+let error lexbuf e = raise (Error(e, Location.curr lexbuf))
+let error_loc loc e = raise (Error(e, loc))
+(* to translate escape sequences *)
+let digit_value c =
+  match c with
+  | 'a' .. 'f' -> 10 + Char.code c - Char.code 'a'
+  | 'A' .. 'F' -> 10 + Char.code c - Char.code 'A'
+  | '0' .. '9' -> Char.code c - Char.code '0'
+  | _ -> assert false
+let num_value lexbuf ~base ~first ~last =
+  let c = ref 0 in
+  for i = first to last do
+    let v = digit_value (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf i) in
+    assert(v < base);
+    c := (base * !c) + v
+  done;
+  !c
+let char_for_backslash = function
+  | 'n' -> '\010'
+  | 'r' -> '\013'
+  | 'b' -> '\008'
+  | 't' -> '\009'
+  | c   -> c
+let illegal_escape lexbuf reason =
+  let error = Illegal_escape (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf, Some reason) in
+  raise (Error (error, Location.curr lexbuf))
+let char_for_decimal_code lexbuf i =
+  let c = num_value lexbuf ~base:10 ~first:i ~last:(i+2) in
+  if (c < 0 || c > 255) then
+    if in_comment ()
+    then 'x'
+    else
+      illegal_escape lexbuf
+        (Printf.sprintf
+          "%d is outside the range of legal characters (0-255)." c)
+  else Char.chr c
+let char_for_octal_code lexbuf i =
+  let c = num_value lexbuf ~base:8 ~first:i ~last:(i+2) in
+  if (c < 0 || c > 255) then
+    if in_comment ()
+    then 'x'
+    else
+      illegal_escape lexbuf
+        (Printf.sprintf
+          "o%o (=%d) is outside the range of legal characters (0-255)." c c)
+  else Char.chr c
+let char_for_hexadecimal_code lexbuf i =
+  Char.chr (num_value lexbuf ~base:16 ~first:i ~last:(i+1))
+let uchar_for_uchar_escape lexbuf =
+  let len = Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf - Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf in
+  let first = 3 (* skip opening \u{ *) in
+  let last = len - 2 (* skip closing } *) in
+  let digit_count = last - first + 1 in
+  match digit_count > 6 with
+  | true ->
+      illegal_escape lexbuf
+        "too many digits, expected 1 to 6 hexadecimal digits"
+  | false ->
+      let cp = num_value lexbuf ~base:16 ~first ~last in
+      if Uchar.is_valid cp then Uchar.unsafe_of_int cp else
+      illegal_escape lexbuf
+        (Printf.sprintf "%X is not a Unicode scalar value" cp)
+let validate_encoding lexbuf raw_name =
+  match Utf8_lexeme.normalize raw_name with
+  | Error _ -> error lexbuf (Invalid_encoding raw_name)
+  | Ok name -> name
+let ident_for_extended lexbuf raw_name =
+  let name = validate_encoding lexbuf raw_name in
+  match Utf8_lexeme.validate_identifier name with
+  | Utf8_lexeme.Valid -> name
+  | Utf8_lexeme.Invalid_character u -> error lexbuf (Invalid_char_in_ident u)
+  | Utf8_lexeme.Invalid_beginning _ ->
+  assert false (* excluded by the regexps *)
+let validate_delim lexbuf raw_name =
+  let name = validate_encoding lexbuf raw_name in
+  if Utf8_lexeme.is_lowercase name then name
+  else error lexbuf (Non_lowercase_delimiter name)
+let validate_ext lexbuf name =
+    let name = validate_encoding lexbuf name in
+    match Utf8_lexeme.validate_identifier ~with_dot:true name with
+    | Utf8_lexeme.Valid -> name
+    | Utf8_lexeme.Invalid_character u -> error lexbuf (Invalid_char_in_ident u)
+    | Utf8_lexeme.Invalid_beginning _ ->
+    assert false (* excluded by the regexps *)
+let lax_delim raw_name =
+  match Utf8_lexeme.normalize raw_name with
+  | Error _ -> None
+  | Ok name ->
+     if Utf8_lexeme.is_lowercase name then Some name
+     else None
+let is_keyword name =
+  Hashtbl.mem keyword_table name
+let find_keyword lexbuf name =
+  match Hashtbl.find keyword_table name with
+  | Some x -> x
+  | None -> error lexbuf (Unknown_keyword name)
+  | exception Not_found -> LIDENT name
+let check_label_name ?(raw_escape=false) lexbuf name =
+  if Utf8_lexeme.is_capitalized name then
+    error lexbuf (Capitalized_label name);
+  if not raw_escape && is_keyword name then
+    error lexbuf (Keyword_as_label name)
+(* Update the current location with file name and line number. *)
+let update_loc lexbuf file line absolute chars =
+  let pos = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
+  let new_file = match file with
+                 | None -> pos.pos_fname
+                 | Some s -> s
+  in
+  lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { pos with
+    pos_fname = new_file;
+    pos_lnum = if absolute then line else pos.pos_lnum + line;
+    pos_bol = pos.pos_cnum - chars;
+  }
+let preprocessor = ref None
+let escaped_newlines = ref false
+let handle_docstrings = ref true
+let comment_list = ref []
+let add_comment com =
+  comment_list := com :: !comment_list
+let add_docstring_comment ds =
+  let com =
+    ("*" ^ Docstrings.docstring_body ds, Docstrings.docstring_loc ds)
+  in
+    add_comment com
+let comments () = List.rev !comment_list
+(* Error report *)
+open Format_doc
+let prepare_error loc = function
+  | Illegal_character c ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Illegal character (%s)" (Char.escaped c)
+  | Illegal_escape (s, explanation) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Illegal backslash escape in string or character (%s)%t" s
+        (fun ppf -> match explanation with
+           | None -> ()
+           | Some expl -> fprintf ppf ": %s" expl)
+  | Reserved_sequence (s, explanation) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Reserved character sequence: %s%t" s
+        (fun ppf -> match explanation with
+           | None -> ()
+           | Some expl -> fprintf ppf " %s" expl)
+  | Unterminated_comment _ ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Comment not terminated"
+  | Unterminated_string ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "String literal not terminated"
+  | Unterminated_string_in_comment (_, literal_loc) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This comment contains an unterminated string literal"
+        ~sub:[Location.msg ~loc:literal_loc "String literal begins here"]
+  | Empty_character_literal ->
+      let msg = "Illegal empty character literal ''" in
+      let sub =
+        [Location.msg
+           "@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you mean ' ' or a type variable 'a?"] in
+      Location.error ~loc ~sub msg
+  | Keyword_as_label kwd ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "%a is a keyword, it cannot be used as label name" Style.inline_code kwd
+  | Capitalized_label lbl ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "%a cannot be used as label name, \
+         it must start with a lowercase letter" Style.inline_code lbl
+  | Invalid_literal s ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid literal %s" s
+  | Invalid_directive (dir, explanation) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid lexer directive %S%t" dir
+        (fun ppf -> match explanation with
+           | None -> ()
+           | Some expl -> fprintf ppf ": %s" expl)
+  | Invalid_encoding s ->
+    Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid encoding of identifier %s." s
+  | Invalid_char_in_ident u ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Invalid character U+%X in identifier"
+         (Uchar.to_int u)
+  | Capitalized_raw_identifier lbl ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "%a cannot be used as a raw identifier, \
+         it must start with a lowercase letter" Style.inline_code lbl
+  | Non_lowercase_delimiter name ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "%a cannot be used as a quoted string delimiter,@ \
+         it must contain only lowercase letters."
+         Style.inline_code name
+  | Unknown_keyword name ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+      "%a has been defined as an additional keyword.@ \
+       This version of OCaml does not support this keyword."
+      Style.inline_code name
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error (err, loc) ->
+          Some (prepare_error loc err)
+      | _ ->
+          None
+    )
+let newline = ('\013'* '\010')
+let blank = [' ' '\009' '\012']
+let lowercase = ['a'-'z' '_']
+let uppercase = ['A'-'Z']
+let identstart = lowercase | uppercase
+let identchar = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\'' '0'-'9']
+let utf8 = ['\192'-'\255'] ['\128'-'\191']*
+let identstart_ext = identstart | utf8
+let identchar_ext = identchar | utf8
+let delim_ext = (lowercase | uppercase | utf8)*
+(* ascii uppercase letters in quoted string delimiters ({delim||delim}) are
+   rejected by the delimiter validation function, we accept them temporarily to
+   have the same error message for ascii and non-ascii uppercase letters *)
+let symbolchar =
+  ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '.' '/' ':' '<' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|' '~']
+let dotsymbolchar =
+  ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' '-' '/' ':' '=' '>' '?' '@' '^' '|']
+let symbolchar_or_hash =
+  symbolchar | '#'
+let kwdopchar =
+  ['$' '&' '*' '+' '-' '/' '<' '=' '>' '@' '^' '|']
+let ident = (lowercase | uppercase) identchar*
+let ident_ext = identstart_ext  identchar_ext*
+let extattrident = ident_ext ('.' ident_ext)*
+let decimal_literal =
+  ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9' '_']*
+let hex_digit =
+  ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f']
+let hex_literal =
+  '0' ['x' 'X'] ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f']['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f' '_']*
+let oct_literal =
+  '0' ['o' 'O'] ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7' '_']*
+let bin_literal =
+  '0' ['b' 'B'] ['0'-'1'] ['0'-'1' '_']*
+let int_literal =
+  decimal_literal | hex_literal | oct_literal | bin_literal
+let float_literal =
+  ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9' '_']*
+  ('.' ['0'-'9' '_']* )?
+  (['e' 'E'] ['+' '-']? ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9' '_']* )?
+let hex_float_literal =
+  '0' ['x' 'X']
+  ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f'] ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f' '_']*
+  ('.' ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f' '_']* )?
+  (['p' 'P'] ['+' '-']? ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9' '_']* )?
+let literal_modifier = ['G'-'Z' 'g'-'z']
+let raw_ident_escape = "\\#"
+rule token = parse
+  | ('\\' as bs) newline {
+      if not !escaped_newlines then error lexbuf (Illegal_character bs);
+      update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
+      token lexbuf }
+  | newline
+      { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
+        EOL }
+  | blank +
+      { token lexbuf }
+  | "_"
+      { UNDERSCORE }
+  | "~"
+      { TILDE }
+  | ".~"
+      { error lexbuf
+          (Reserved_sequence (".~", Some "is reserved for use in MetaOCaml")) }
+  | "~" (identstart identchar * as name) ':'
+      { check_label_name lexbuf name;
+        LABEL name }
+  | "~" (raw_ident_escape? as escape) (ident_ext as raw_name) ':'
+      { let name = ident_for_extended lexbuf raw_name in
+        check_label_name ~raw_escape:(escape<>"") lexbuf name;
+        LABEL name }
+  | "?"
+      { QUESTION }
+  | "?" (lowercase identchar * as name) ':'
+      { check_label_name lexbuf name;
+        OPTLABEL name }
+  | "?" (raw_ident_escape? as escape) (ident_ext as raw_name) ':'
+      { let name = ident_for_extended lexbuf raw_name in
+        check_label_name ~raw_escape:(escape<>"") lexbuf name;
+        OPTLABEL name
+      }
+  | lowercase identchar * as name
+      { find_keyword lexbuf name }
+  | uppercase identchar * as name
+      { UIDENT name } (* No capitalized keywords *)
+  | (raw_ident_escape? as escape) (ident_ext as raw_name)
+      { let name = ident_for_extended lexbuf raw_name in
+        if Utf8_lexeme.is_capitalized name then begin
+            if escape="" then UIDENT name
+            else
+              (* we don't have capitalized keywords, and thus no needs for
+                 capitalized raw identifiers. *)
+              error lexbuf (Capitalized_raw_identifier name)
+        end else
+          LIDENT name
+      } (* No non-ascii keywords *)
+  | int_literal as lit { INT (lit, None) }
+  | (int_literal as lit) (literal_modifier as modif)
+      { INT (lit, Some modif) }
+  | float_literal | hex_float_literal as lit
+      { FLOAT (lit, None) }
+  | (float_literal | hex_float_literal as lit) (literal_modifier as modif)
+      { FLOAT (lit, Some modif) }
+  | (float_literal | hex_float_literal | int_literal) identchar+ as invalid
+      { error lexbuf (Invalid_literal invalid) }
+  | "\""
+      { let s, loc = wrap_string_lexer string lexbuf in
+        STRING (s, loc, None) }
+  | "{" (delim_ext as raw_name) '|'
+      { let delim = validate_delim lexbuf raw_name in
+        let s, loc = wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string delim) lexbuf in
+        STRING (s, loc, Some delim)
+       }
+  | "{%" (extattrident as raw_id) "|"
+      { let orig_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
+        let id = validate_ext lexbuf raw_id in
+        let s, loc = wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string "") lexbuf in
+        let idloc = compute_quoted_string_idloc orig_loc 2 id in
+        QUOTED_STRING_EXPR (id, idloc, s, loc, Some "") }
+  | "{%" (extattrident as raw_id) blank+ (delim_ext as raw_delim) "|"
+      { let orig_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
+        let id = validate_ext lexbuf raw_id in
+        let delim = validate_delim lexbuf raw_delim in
+        let s, loc = wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string delim) lexbuf in
+        let idloc = compute_quoted_string_idloc orig_loc 2 id in
+        QUOTED_STRING_EXPR (id, idloc, s, loc, Some delim) }
+  | "{%%" (extattrident as raw_id) "|"
+      { let orig_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
+        let id = validate_ext lexbuf raw_id in
+        let s, loc = wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string "") lexbuf in
+        let idloc = compute_quoted_string_idloc orig_loc 3 id in
+        QUOTED_STRING_ITEM (id, idloc, s, loc, Some "") }
+  | "{%%" (extattrident as raw_id) blank+ (delim_ext as raw_delim) "|"
+      { let orig_loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
+        let id = validate_ext lexbuf raw_id in
+        let delim = validate_delim lexbuf raw_delim in
+        let s, loc = wrap_string_lexer (quoted_string delim) lexbuf in
+        let idloc = compute_quoted_string_idloc orig_loc 3 id in
+        QUOTED_STRING_ITEM (id, idloc, s, loc, Some delim) }
+  | "\'" newline "\'"
+      { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 1;
+        (* newline is ('\013'* '\010') *)
+        CHAR '\n' }
+  | "\'" ([^ '\\' '\'' '\010' '\013'] as c) "\'"
+      { CHAR c }
+  | "\'\\" (['\\' '\'' '\"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' '] as c) "\'"
+      { CHAR (char_for_backslash c) }
+  | "\'\\" ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "\'"
+      { CHAR(char_for_decimal_code lexbuf 2) }
+  | "\'\\" 'o' ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7'] "\'"
+      { CHAR(char_for_octal_code lexbuf 3) }
+  | "\'\\" 'x' ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] "\'"
+      { CHAR(char_for_hexadecimal_code lexbuf 3) }
+  | "\'" ("\\" [^ '#'] as esc)
+      { error lexbuf (Illegal_escape (esc, None)) }
+  | "\'\'"
+      { error lexbuf Empty_character_literal }
+  | "(*"
+      { let s, loc = wrap_comment_lexer comment lexbuf in
+        COMMENT (s, loc) }
+  | "(**"
+      { let s, loc = wrap_comment_lexer comment lexbuf in
+        if !handle_docstrings then
+          DOCSTRING (Docstrings.docstring s loc)
+        else
+          COMMENT ("*" ^ s, loc)
+      }
+  | "(**" (('*'+) as stars)
+      { let s, loc =
+          wrap_comment_lexer
+            (fun lexbuf ->
+               store_string ("*" ^ stars);
+               comment lexbuf)
+            lexbuf
+        in
+        COMMENT (s, loc) }
+  | "(*)"
+      { if !print_warnings then
+          Location.prerr_warning (Location.curr lexbuf) Warnings.Comment_start;
+        let s, loc = wrap_comment_lexer comment lexbuf in
+        COMMENT (s, loc) }
+  | "(*" (('*'*) as stars) "*)"
+      { if !handle_docstrings && stars="" then
+         (* (**) is an empty docstring *)
+          DOCSTRING(Docstrings.docstring "" (Location.curr lexbuf))
+        else
+          COMMENT (stars, Location.curr lexbuf) }
+  | "*)"
+      { let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
+        Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Comment_not_end;
+        lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos - 1;
+        let curpos = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
+        lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { curpos with pos_cnum = curpos.pos_cnum - 1 };
+        STAR
+      }
+  | "#"
+      { let at_beginning_of_line pos = (pos.pos_cnum = pos.pos_bol) in
+        if not (at_beginning_of_line lexbuf.lex_start_p)
+        then HASH
+        else try directive lexbuf with Failure _ -> HASH
+      }
+  | "&"  { AMPERSAND }
+  | "&&" { AMPERAMPER }
+  | "`"  { BACKQUOTE }
+  | "\'" { QUOTE }
+  | "("  { LPAREN }
+  | ")"  { RPAREN }
+  | "*"  { STAR }
+  | ","  { COMMA }
+  | "->" { MINUSGREATER }
+  | "."  { DOT }
+  | ".." { DOTDOT }
+  | "." (dotsymbolchar symbolchar* as op) { DOTOP op }
+  | ":"  { COLON }
+  | "::" { COLONCOLON }
+  | ":=" { COLONEQUAL }
+  | ":>" { COLONGREATER }
+  | ";"  { SEMI }
+  | ";;" { SEMISEMI }
+  | "<"  { LESS }
+  | "<-" { LESSMINUS }
+  | "="  { EQUAL }
+  | "["  { LBRACKET }
+  | "[|" { LBRACKETBAR }
+  | "[<" { LBRACKETLESS }
+  | "]"  { RBRACKET }
+  | "{"  { LBRACE }
+  | "{<" { LBRACELESS }
+  | "|"  { BAR }
+  | "||" { BARBAR }
+  | "|]" { BARRBRACKET }
+  | ">"  { GREATER }
+  | "}"  { RBRACE }
+  | ">}" { GREATERRBRACE }
+  | "[@" { LBRACKETAT }
+  | "[@@"  { LBRACKETATAT }
+  | "[@@@" { LBRACKETATATAT }
+  | "[%"   { LBRACKETPERCENT }
+  | "!"  { BANG }
+  | "!=" { INFIXOP0 "!=" }
+  | "+"  { PLUS }
+  | "+." { PLUSDOT }
+  | "+=" { PLUSEQ }
+  | "-"  { MINUS }
+  | "-." { MINUSDOT }
+  | "!" symbolchar_or_hash + as op
+            { PREFIXOP op }
+  | ['~' '?'] symbolchar_or_hash + as op
+            { PREFIXOP op }
+  | ['=' '<' '>' '|' '&' '$'] symbolchar * as op
+            { INFIXOP0 op }
+  | ['@' '^'] symbolchar * as op
+            { INFIXOP1 op }
+  | ['+' '-'] symbolchar * as op
+            { INFIXOP2 op }
+  | "**" symbolchar * as op
+            { INFIXOP4 op }
+  | '%'     { PERCENT }
+  | ['*' '/' '%'] symbolchar * as op
+            { INFIXOP3 op }
+  | '#' symbolchar_or_hash + as op
+            { HASHOP op }
+  | "let" kwdopchar dotsymbolchar * as op
+            { LETOP op }
+  | "and" kwdopchar dotsymbolchar * as op
+            { ANDOP op }
+  | eof { EOF }
+  | (_ as illegal_char)
+      { error lexbuf (Illegal_character illegal_char) }
+and directive = parse
+  | ([' ' '\t']* (['0'-'9']+ as num) [' ' '\t']*
+        ("\"" ([^ '\010' '\013' '\"' ] * as name) "\"") as directive)
+        [^ '\010' '\013'] *
+      {
+        match int_of_string num with
+        | exception _ ->
+            (* PR#7165 *)
+            let explanation = "line number out of range" in
+            error lexbuf (Invalid_directive ("#" ^ directive, Some explanation))
+        | line_num ->
+           (* Documentation says that the line number should be
+              positive, but we have never guarded against this and it
+              might have useful hackish uses. *)
+            update_loc lexbuf (Some name) (line_num - 1) true 0;
+            token lexbuf
+      }
+and comment = parse
+    "(*"
+      { comment_start_loc := (Location.curr lexbuf) :: !comment_start_loc;
+        store_lexeme lexbuf;
+        comment lexbuf
+      }
+  | "*)"
+      { match !comment_start_loc with
+        | [] -> assert false
+        | [_] -> comment_start_loc := []; Location.curr lexbuf
+        | _ :: l -> comment_start_loc := l;
+                  store_lexeme lexbuf;
+                  comment lexbuf
+       }
+  | "\""
+      {
+        string_start_loc := Location.curr lexbuf;
+        store_string_char '\"';
+        is_in_string := true;
+        let _loc = try string lexbuf
+        with Error (Unterminated_string, str_start) ->
+          match !comment_start_loc with
+          | [] -> assert false
+          | loc :: _ ->
+            let start = List.hd (List.rev !comment_start_loc) in
+            comment_start_loc := [];
+            error_loc loc (Unterminated_string_in_comment (start, str_start))
+        in
+        is_in_string := false;
+        store_string_char '\"';
+        comment lexbuf }
+  | "{" ('%' '%'? extattrident blank*)? (delim_ext as raw_delim) "|"
+      { match lax_delim raw_delim with
+        | None -> store_lexeme lexbuf; comment lexbuf
+        | Some delim ->
+        string_start_loc := Location.curr lexbuf;
+        store_lexeme lexbuf;
+        is_in_string := true;
+        let _loc = try quoted_string delim lexbuf
+        with Error (Unterminated_string, str_start) ->
+          match !comment_start_loc with
+          | [] -> assert false
+          | loc :: _ ->
+            let start = List.hd (List.rev !comment_start_loc) in
+            comment_start_loc := [];
+            error_loc loc (Unterminated_string_in_comment (start, str_start))
+        in
+        is_in_string := false;
+        store_string_char '|';
+        store_string delim;
+        store_string_char '}';
+        comment lexbuf }
+  | "\'\'"
+      { store_lexeme lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+  | "\'" (newline as nl) "\'"
+      { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 1;
+        store_string_char '\'';
+        store_normalized_newline nl;
+        store_string_char '\'';
+        comment lexbuf
+      }
+  | "\'" [^ '\\' '\'' '\010' '\013' ] "\'"
+      { store_lexeme lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+  | "\'\\" ['\\' '\"' '\'' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' '] "\'"
+      { store_lexeme lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+  | "\'\\" ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] "\'"
+      { store_lexeme lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+  | "\'\\" 'o' ['0'-'3'] ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7'] "\'"
+      { store_lexeme lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+  | "\'\\" 'x' ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] "\'"
+      { store_lexeme lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+  | eof
+      { match !comment_start_loc with
+        | [] -> assert false
+        | loc :: _ ->
+          let start = List.hd (List.rev !comment_start_loc) in
+          comment_start_loc := [];
+          error_loc loc (Unterminated_comment start)
+      }
+  | newline as nl
+      { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
+        store_normalized_newline nl;
+        comment lexbuf
+      }
+  | ident
+      { store_lexeme lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+  | _
+      { store_lexeme lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+and string = parse
+    '\"'
+      { lexbuf.lex_start_p }
+  | '\\' (newline as nl) ([' ' '\t'] * as space)
+      { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false (String.length space);
+        if in_comment () then begin
+          store_string_char '\\';
+          store_normalized_newline nl;
+          store_string space;
+        end;
+        string lexbuf
+      }
+  | '\\' (['\\' '\'' '\"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r' ' '] as c)
+      { store_escaped_char lexbuf (char_for_backslash c);
+        string lexbuf }
+  | '\\' ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9']
+      { store_escaped_char lexbuf (char_for_decimal_code lexbuf 1);
+         string lexbuf }
+  | '\\' 'o' ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7']
+      { store_escaped_char lexbuf (char_for_octal_code lexbuf 2);
+         string lexbuf }
+  | '\\' 'x' ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F'] ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F']
+      { store_escaped_char lexbuf (char_for_hexadecimal_code lexbuf 2);
+         string lexbuf }
+  | '\\' 'u' '{' hex_digit+ '}'
+        { store_escaped_uchar lexbuf (uchar_for_uchar_escape lexbuf);
+          string lexbuf }
+  | '\\' _
+      { if not (in_comment ()) then begin
+(*  Should be an error, but we are very lax.
+          error lexbuf (Illegal_escape (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf, None))
+          let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
+          Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Illegal_backslash;
+        end;
+        store_lexeme lexbuf;
+        string lexbuf
+      }
+  | newline as nl
+      { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
+        store_normalized_newline nl;
+        string lexbuf
+      }
+  | eof
+      { is_in_string := false;
+        error_loc !string_start_loc Unterminated_string }
+  | (_ as c)
+      { store_string_char c;
+        string lexbuf }
+and quoted_string delim = parse
+  | newline as nl
+      { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0;
+        store_normalized_newline nl;
+        quoted_string delim lexbuf
+      }
+  | eof
+      { is_in_string := false;
+        error_loc !string_start_loc Unterminated_string }
+  | "|" (ident_ext? as raw_edelim) "}"
+      {
+        let edelim = validate_encoding lexbuf raw_edelim in
+        if delim = edelim then lexbuf.lex_start_p
+        else (store_lexeme lexbuf; quoted_string delim lexbuf)
+      }
+  | (_ as c)
+      { store_string_char c;
+        quoted_string delim lexbuf }
+and skip_hash_bang = parse
+  | "#!" [^ '\n']* '\n' [^ '\n']* "\n!#\n"
+      { update_loc lexbuf None 3 false 0 }
+  | "#!" [^ '\n']* '\n'
+      { update_loc lexbuf None 1 false 0 }
+  | "" { () }
+  let token_with_comments lexbuf =
+    match !preprocessor with
+    | None -> token lexbuf
+    | Some (_init, preprocess) -> preprocess token lexbuf
+  type newline_state =
+    | NoLine (* There have been no blank lines yet. *)
+    | NewLine
+        (* There have been no blank lines, and the previous
+           token was a newline. *)
+    | BlankLine (* There have been blank lines. *)
+  type doc_state =
+    | Initial  (* There have been no docstrings yet *)
+    | After of docstring list
+        (* There have been docstrings, none of which were
+           preceded by a blank line *)
+    | Before of docstring list * docstring list * docstring list
+        (* There have been docstrings, some of which were
+           preceded by a blank line *)
+  and docstring = Docstrings.docstring
+  let token lexbuf =
+    let post_pos = lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
+    let attach lines docs pre_pos =
+      let open Docstrings in
+        match docs, lines with
+        | Initial, _ -> ()
+        | After a, (NoLine | NewLine) ->
+            set_post_docstrings post_pos (List.rev a);
+            set_pre_docstrings pre_pos a;
+        | After a, BlankLine ->
+            set_post_docstrings post_pos (List.rev a);
+            set_pre_extra_docstrings pre_pos (List.rev a)
+        | Before(a, f, b), (NoLine | NewLine) ->
+            set_post_docstrings post_pos (List.rev a);
+            set_post_extra_docstrings post_pos
+              (List.rev_append f (List.rev b));
+            set_floating_docstrings pre_pos (List.rev f);
+            set_pre_extra_docstrings pre_pos (List.rev a);
+            set_pre_docstrings pre_pos b
+        | Before(a, f, b), BlankLine ->
+            set_post_docstrings post_pos (List.rev a);
+            set_post_extra_docstrings post_pos
+              (List.rev_append f (List.rev b));
+            set_floating_docstrings pre_pos
+              (List.rev_append f (List.rev b));
+            set_pre_extra_docstrings pre_pos (List.rev a)
+    in
+    let rec loop lines docs lexbuf =
+      match token_with_comments lexbuf with
+      | COMMENT (s, loc) ->
+          add_comment (s, loc);
+          let lines' =
+            match lines with
+            | NoLine -> NoLine
+            | NewLine -> NoLine
+            | BlankLine -> BlankLine
+          in
+          loop lines' docs lexbuf
+      | EOL ->
+          let lines' =
+            match lines with
+            | NoLine -> NewLine
+            | NewLine -> BlankLine
+            | BlankLine -> BlankLine
+          in
+          loop lines' docs lexbuf
+      | DOCSTRING doc ->
+          Docstrings.register doc;
+          add_docstring_comment doc;
+          let docs' =
+            if Docstrings.docstring_body doc = "/*" then
+              match docs with
+              | Initial -> Before([], [doc], [])
+              | After a -> Before (a, [doc], [])
+              | Before(a, f, b) -> Before(a, doc :: b @ f, [])
+            else
+              match docs, lines with
+              | Initial, (NoLine | NewLine) -> After [doc]
+              | Initial, BlankLine -> Before([], [], [doc])
+              | After a, (NoLine | NewLine) -> After (doc :: a)
+              | After a, BlankLine -> Before (a, [], [doc])
+              | Before(a, f, b), (NoLine | NewLine) -> Before(a, f, doc :: b)
+              | Before(a, f, b), BlankLine -> Before(a, b @ f, [doc])
+          in
+          loop NoLine docs' lexbuf
+      | tok ->
+          attach lines docs (lexeme_start_p lexbuf);
+          tok
+    in
+      loop NoLine Initial lexbuf
+  let init ?(keyword_edition=None,[]) () =
+    populate_keywords keyword_edition;
+    is_in_string := false;
+    comment_start_loc := [];
+    comment_list := [];
+    match !preprocessor with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some (init, _preprocess) -> init ()
+  let set_preprocessor init preprocess =
+    escaped_newlines := true;
+    preprocessor := Some (init, preprocess)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/location.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/location.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..865ca5f203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/location.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Lexing
+type t = Warnings.loc =
+  { loc_start: position; loc_end: position; loc_ghost: bool }
+let in_file = Warnings.ghost_loc_in_file
+let none = in_file "_none_"
+let is_none l = (l = none)
+let curr lexbuf = {
+  loc_start = lexbuf.lex_start_p;
+  loc_end = lexbuf.lex_curr_p;
+  loc_ghost = false
+let init lexbuf fname =
+  lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- {
+    pos_fname = fname;
+    pos_lnum = 1;
+    pos_bol = 0;
+    pos_cnum = 0;
+  }
+let symbol_rloc () = {
+  loc_start = Parsing.symbol_start_pos ();
+  loc_end = Parsing.symbol_end_pos ();
+  loc_ghost = false;
+let symbol_gloc () = {
+  loc_start = Parsing.symbol_start_pos ();
+  loc_end = Parsing.symbol_end_pos ();
+  loc_ghost = true;
+let rhs_loc n = {
+  loc_start = Parsing.rhs_start_pos n;
+  loc_end = Parsing.rhs_end_pos n;
+  loc_ghost = false;
+let rhs_interval m n = {
+  loc_start = Parsing.rhs_start_pos m;
+  loc_end = Parsing.rhs_end_pos n;
+  loc_ghost = false;
+(* return file, line, char from the given position *)
+let get_pos_info pos =
+  (pos.pos_fname, pos.pos_lnum, pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol)
+type 'a loc = {
+  txt : 'a;
+  loc : t;
+let mkloc txt loc = { txt ; loc }
+let mknoloc txt = mkloc txt none
+(* Input info *)
+let input_name = ref "_none_"
+let input_lexbuf = ref (None : lexbuf option)
+let input_phrase_buffer = ref (None : Buffer.t option)
+(* Terminal info *)
+let status = ref Terminfo.Uninitialised
+let setup_terminal () =
+  if !status = Terminfo.Uninitialised then
+    status := Terminfo.setup stdout
+(* The number of lines already printed after input.
+   This is used by [highlight_terminfo] to identify the current position of the
+   input in the terminal. This would not be possible without this information,
+   since printing several warnings/errors adds text between the user input and
+   the bottom of the terminal.
+   We also use for {!is_first_report}, see below.
+let num_loc_lines = ref 0
+(* We use [num_loc_lines] to determine if the report about to be
+   printed is the first or a follow-up report of the current
+   "batch" -- contiguous reports without user input in between, for
+   example for the current toplevel phrase. We use this to print
+   a blank line between messages of the same batch.
+let is_first_message () =
+  !num_loc_lines = 0
+(* This is used by the toplevel to reset [num_loc_lines] before each phrase *)
+let reset () =
+  num_loc_lines := 0
+(* This is used by the toplevel *)
+let echo_eof () =
+  print_newline ();
+  incr num_loc_lines
+(* Code printing errors and warnings must be wrapped using this function, in
+   order to update [num_loc_lines].
+   [print_updating_num_loc_lines ppf f arg] is equivalent to calling [f ppf
+   arg], and additionally updates [num_loc_lines]. *)
+let print_updating_num_loc_lines ppf f arg =
+  let open Format in
+  let out_functions = pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf () in
+  let out_string str start len =
+    let rec count i c =
+      if i = start + len then c
+      else if String.get str i = '\n' then count (succ i) (succ c)
+      else count (succ i) c in
+    num_loc_lines := !num_loc_lines + count start 0 ;
+    out_functions.out_string str start len in
+  pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
+    { out_functions with out_string } ;
+  f ppf arg ;
+  pp_print_flush ppf ();
+  pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf out_functions
+(** {1 Printing setup }*)
+let setup_tags () =
+  Misc.Style.setup !Clflags.color
+(* Printing locations, e.g. 'File "foo.ml", line 3, characters 10-12' *)
+let rewrite_absolute_path path =
+  match Misc.get_build_path_prefix_map () with
+  | None -> path
+  | Some map -> Build_path_prefix_map.rewrite map path
+let rewrite_find_first_existing path =
+  match Misc.get_build_path_prefix_map () with
+  | None ->
+      if Sys.file_exists path then Some path
+      else None
+  | Some prefix_map ->
+    match Build_path_prefix_map.rewrite_all prefix_map path with
+    | [] ->
+      if Sys.file_exists path then Some path
+      else None
+    | matches ->
+      Some (List.find Sys.file_exists matches)
+let rewrite_find_all_existing_dirs path =
+  let ok path = Sys.file_exists path && Sys.is_directory path in
+  match Misc.get_build_path_prefix_map () with
+  | None ->
+      if ok path then [path]
+      else []
+  | Some prefix_map ->
+    match Build_path_prefix_map.rewrite_all prefix_map path with
+    | [] ->
+        if ok path then [path]
+        else []
+    | matches ->
+      match (List.filter ok matches) with
+      | [] -> raise Not_found
+      | results -> results
+let absolute_path s = (* This function could go into Filename *)
+  let open Filename in
+  let s = if (is_relative s) then (concat (Sys.getcwd ()) s) else s in
+  let s = rewrite_absolute_path s in
+  (* Now simplify . and .. components *)
+  let rec aux s =
+    let base = basename s in
+    let dir = dirname s in
+    if dir = s then dir
+    else if base = current_dir_name then aux dir
+    else if base = parent_dir_name then dirname (aux dir)
+    else concat (aux dir) base
+  in
+  aux s
+let show_filename file =
+  if !Clflags.absname then absolute_path file else file
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Doc = struct
+  (* This is used by the toplevel and the report printers below. *)
+  let separate_new_message ppf () =
+    if not (is_first_message ()) then begin
+      Fmt.pp_print_newline ppf ();
+      incr num_loc_lines
+    end
+  let filename ppf file =
+    Fmt.pp_print_string ppf (show_filename file)
+(* Best-effort printing of the text describing a location, of the form
+   'File "foo.ml", line 3, characters 10-12'.
+   Some of the information (filename, line number or characters numbers) in the
+   location might be invalid; in which case we do not print it.
+ *)
+  let loc ppf loc =
+    setup_tags ();
+    let file_valid = function
+      | "_none_" ->
+          (* This is a dummy placeholder, but we print it anyway to please
+             editors that parse locations in error messages (e.g. Emacs). *)
+          true
+      | "" | "//toplevel//" -> false
+      | _ -> true
+    in
+    let line_valid line = line > 0 in
+    let chars_valid ~startchar ~endchar = startchar <> -1 && endchar <> -1 in
+    let file =
+      (* According to the comment in location.mli, if [pos_fname] is "", we must
+         use [!input_name]. *)
+      if loc.loc_start.pos_fname = "" then !input_name
+      else loc.loc_start.pos_fname
+    in
+    let startline = loc.loc_start.pos_lnum in
+    let endline = loc.loc_end.pos_lnum in
+    let startchar = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol in
+    let endchar = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_end.pos_bol in
+    let first = ref true in
+    let capitalize s =
+      if !first then (first := false; String.capitalize_ascii s)
+      else s in
+    let comma () =
+      if !first then () else Fmt.fprintf ppf ", " in
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@{<loc>";
+    if file_valid file then
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s \"%a\"" (capitalize "file") filename file;
+    (* Print "line 1" in the case of a dummy line number. This is to please the
+       existing setup of editors that parse locations in error messages (e.g.
+       Emacs). *)
+    comma ();
+    let startline = if line_valid startline then startline else 1 in
+    let endline = if line_valid endline then endline else startline in
+    begin if startline = endline then
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s %i" (capitalize "line") startline
+      else
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s %i-%i" (capitalize "lines") startline endline
+    end;
+    if chars_valid ~startchar ~endchar then (
+      comma ();
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s %i-%i" (capitalize "characters") startchar endchar
+    );
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@}"
+  (* Print a comma-separated list of locations *)
+  let locs ppf locs =
+    Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Fmt.fprintf ppf ",@ ")
+      loc ppf locs
+  let quoted_filename ppf f = Misc.Style.as_inline_code filename ppf f
+let print_filename = Fmt.compat Doc.filename
+let print_loc = Fmt.compat Doc.loc
+let print_locs = Fmt.compat Doc.locs
+let separate_new_message ppf = Fmt.compat Doc.separate_new_message ppf ()
+(* An interval set structure; additionally, it stores user-provided information
+   at interval boundaries.
+   The implementation provided here is naive and assumes the number of intervals
+   to be small, but the interface would allow for a more efficient
+   implementation if needed.
+   Note: the structure only stores maximal intervals (that therefore do not
+   overlap).
+module ISet : sig
+  type 'a bound = 'a * int
+  type 'a t
+  (* bounds are included *)
+  val of_intervals : ('a bound * 'a bound) list -> 'a t
+  val mem : 'a t -> pos:int -> bool
+  val find_bound_in : 'a t -> range:(int * int) -> 'a bound option
+  val is_start : 'a t -> pos:int -> 'a option
+  val is_end : 'a t -> pos:int -> 'a option
+  val extrema : 'a t -> ('a bound * 'a bound) option
+  type 'a bound = 'a * int
+  (* non overlapping intervals *)
+  type 'a t = ('a bound * 'a bound) list
+  let of_intervals intervals =
+    let pos =
+      List.map (fun ((a, x), (b, y)) ->
+        if x > y then [] else [((a, x), `S); ((b, y), `E)]
+      ) intervals
+      |> List.flatten
+      |> List.sort (fun ((_, x), k) ((_, y), k') ->
+        (* Make `S come before `E so that consecutive intervals get merged
+           together in the fold below *)
+        let kn = function `S -> 0 | `E -> 1 in
+        compare (x, kn k) (y, kn k'))
+    in
+    let nesting, acc =
+      List.fold_left (fun (nesting, acc) (a, kind) ->
+        match kind, nesting with
+        | `S, `Outside -> `Inside (a, 0), acc
+        | `S, `Inside (s, n) -> `Inside (s, n+1), acc
+        | `E, `Outside -> assert false
+        | `E, `Inside (s, 0) -> `Outside, ((s, a) :: acc)
+        | `E, `Inside (s, n) -> `Inside (s, n-1), acc
+      ) (`Outside, []) pos in
+    assert (nesting = `Outside);
+    List.rev acc
+  let mem iset ~pos =
+    List.exists (fun ((_, s), (_, e)) -> s <= pos && pos <= e) iset
+  let find_bound_in iset ~range:(start, end_)  =
+    List.find_map (fun ((a, x), (b, y)) ->
+      if start <= x && x <= end_ then Some (a, x)
+      else if start <= y && y <= end_ then Some (b, y)
+      else None
+    ) iset
+  let is_start iset ~pos =
+    List.find_map (fun ((a, x), _) ->
+      if pos = x then Some a else None
+    ) iset
+  let is_end iset ~pos =
+    List.find_map (fun (_, (b, y)) ->
+      if pos = y then Some b else None
+    ) iset
+  let extrema iset =
+    if iset = [] then None
+    else Some (fst (List.hd iset), snd (List.hd (List.rev iset)))
+(* Toplevel: highlighting and quoting locations *)
+(* Highlight the locations using standout mode.
+   If [locs] is empty, this function is a no-op.
+let highlight_terminfo lb ppf locs =
+  Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();  (* avoid mixing Format and normal output *)
+  (* Char 0 is at offset -lb.lex_abs_pos in lb.lex_buffer. *)
+  let pos0 = -lb.lex_abs_pos in
+  (* Do nothing if the buffer does not contain the whole phrase. *)
+  if pos0 < 0 then raise Exit;
+  (* Count number of lines in phrase *)
+  let lines = ref !num_loc_lines in
+  for i = pos0 to lb.lex_buffer_len - 1 do
+    if Bytes.get lb.lex_buffer i = '\n' then incr lines
+  done;
+  (* If too many lines, give up *)
+  if !lines >= Terminfo.num_lines stdout - 2 then raise Exit;
+  (* Move cursor up that number of lines *)
+  flush stdout; Terminfo.backup stdout !lines;
+  (* Print the input, switching to standout for the location *)
+  let bol = ref false in
+  print_string "# ";
+  for pos = 0 to lb.lex_buffer_len - pos0 - 1 do
+    if !bol then (print_string "  "; bol := false);
+    if List.exists (fun loc -> pos = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum) locs then
+      Terminfo.standout stdout true;
+    if List.exists (fun loc -> pos = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum) locs then
+      Terminfo.standout stdout false;
+    let c = Bytes.get lb.lex_buffer (pos + pos0) in
+    print_char c;
+    bol := (c = '\n')
+  done;
+  (* Make sure standout mode is over *)
+  Terminfo.standout stdout false;
+  (* Position cursor back to original location *)
+  Terminfo.resume stdout !num_loc_lines;
+  flush stdout
+let highlight_terminfo lb ppf locs =
+  try highlight_terminfo lb ppf locs
+  with Exit -> ()
+(* Highlight the location by printing it again.
+   There are two different styles for highlighting errors in "dumb" mode,
+   depending if the error fits on a single line or spans across several lines.
+   For single-line errors,
+     foo the_error bar
+   gets displayed as follows, where X is the line number:
+     X | foo the_error bar
+             ^^^^^^^^^
+   For multi-line errors,
+     foo the_
+     error bar
+   gets displayed as:
+     X1 | ....the_
+     X2 | error....
+   An ellipsis hides the middle lines of the multi-line error if it has more
+   than [max_lines] lines.
+   If [locs] is empty then this function is a no-op.
+type input_line = {
+  text : string;
+  start_pos : int;
+(* Takes a list of lines with possibly missing line numbers.
+   If the line numbers that are present are consistent with the number of lines
+   between them, then infer the intermediate line numbers.
+   This is not always the case, typically if lexer line directives are
+   involved... *)
+let infer_line_numbers
+    (lines: (int option * input_line) list):
+  (int option * input_line) list
+  =
+  let (_, offset, consistent) =
+    List.fold_left (fun (i, offset, consistent) (lnum, _) ->
+      match lnum, offset with
+      | None, _ -> (i+1, offset, consistent)
+      | Some n, None -> (i+1, Some (n - i), consistent)
+      | Some n, Some m -> (i+1, offset, consistent && n = m + i)
+    ) (0, None, true) lines
+  in
+  match offset, consistent with
+  | Some m, true ->
+      List.mapi (fun i (_, line) -> (Some (m + i), line)) lines
+  | _, _ ->
+      lines
+(* [get_lines] must return the lines to highlight, given starting and ending
+   positions.
+   See [lines_around_from_current_input] below for an instantiation of
+   [get_lines] that reads from the current input.
+let highlight_quote ppf
+    ~(get_lines: start_pos:position -> end_pos:position -> input_line list)
+    ?(max_lines = 10)
+    highlight_tag
+    locs
+  =
+  let iset = ISet.of_intervals @@ List.filter_map (fun loc ->
+    let s, e = loc.loc_start, loc.loc_end in
+    if s.pos_cnum = -1 || e.pos_cnum = -1 then None
+    else Some ((s, s.pos_cnum), (e, e.pos_cnum - 1))
+  ) locs in
+  match ISet.extrema iset with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some ((leftmost, _), (rightmost, _)) ->
+      let lines =
+        get_lines ~start_pos:leftmost ~end_pos:rightmost
+        |> List.map (fun ({ text; start_pos } as line) ->
+          let end_pos = start_pos + String.length text - 1 in
+          let line_nb =
+            match ISet.find_bound_in iset ~range:(start_pos, end_pos) with
+            | None -> None
+            | Some (p, _) -> Some p.pos_lnum
+          in
+          (line_nb, line))
+        |> infer_line_numbers
+        |> List.map (fun (lnum, { text; start_pos }) ->
+          (text,
+           Option.fold ~some:Int.to_string ~none:"" lnum,
+           start_pos))
+      in
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<v>";
+    begin match lines with
+    | [] | [("", _, _)] -> ()
+    | [(line, line_nb, line_start_cnum)] ->
+        (* Single-line error *)
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s | %s@," line_nb line;
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "%*s   " (String.length line_nb) "";
+        (* Iterate up to [rightmost], which can be larger than the length of
+           the line because we may point to a location after the end of the
+           last token on the line, for instance:
+           {[
+             token
+                       ^
+             Did you forget ...
+           ]} *)
+        for i = 0 to rightmost.pos_cnum - line_start_cnum - 1 do
+          let pos = line_start_cnum + i in
+          if ISet.is_start iset ~pos <> None then
+            Fmt.fprintf ppf "@{<%s>" highlight_tag;
+          if ISet.mem iset ~pos then Fmt.pp_print_char ppf '^'
+          else if i < String.length line then begin
+            (* For alignment purposes, align using a tab for each tab in the
+               source code *)
+            if line.[i] = '\t' then Fmt.pp_print_char ppf '\t'
+            else Fmt.pp_print_char ppf ' '
+          end;
+          if ISet.is_end iset ~pos <> None then
+            Fmt.fprintf ppf "@}"
+        done;
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "@}@,"
+    | _ ->
+        (* Multi-line error *)
+        Fmt.pp_two_columns ~sep:"|" ~max_lines ppf
+        @@ List.map (fun (line, line_nb, line_start_cnum) ->
+          let line = String.mapi (fun i car ->
+            if ISet.mem iset ~pos:(line_start_cnum + i) then car else '.'
+          ) line in
+          (line_nb, line)
+        ) lines
+    end;
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@]"
+let lines_around
+    ~(start_pos: position) ~(end_pos: position)
+    ~(seek: int -> unit)
+    ~(read_char: unit -> char option):
+  input_line list
+  =
+  seek start_pos.pos_bol;
+  let lines = ref [] in
+  let bol = ref start_pos.pos_bol in
+  let cur = ref start_pos.pos_bol in
+  let b = Buffer.create 80 in
+  let add_line () =
+    if !bol < !cur then begin
+      let text = Buffer.contents b in
+      Buffer.clear b;
+      lines := { text; start_pos = !bol } :: !lines;
+      bol := !cur
+    end
+  in
+  let rec loop () =
+    if !bol >= end_pos.pos_cnum then ()
+    else begin
+      match read_char () with
+      | None ->
+          (* end of input *)
+          add_line ()
+      | Some c ->
+          incr cur;
+          match c with
+          | '\r' -> loop ()
+          | '\n' -> add_line (); loop ()
+          | _ -> Buffer.add_char b c; loop ()
+    end
+  in
+  loop ();
+  List.rev !lines
+(* Attempt to get lines from the lexing buffer. *)
+let lines_around_from_lexbuf
+    ~(start_pos: position) ~(end_pos: position)
+    (lb: lexbuf):
+  input_line list
+  =
+  (* Converts a global position to one that is relative to the lexing buffer *)
+  let rel n = n - lb.lex_abs_pos in
+  if rel start_pos.pos_bol < 0 then begin
+    (* Do nothing if the buffer does not contain the input (because it has been
+       refilled while lexing it) *)
+    []
+  end else begin
+    let pos = ref 0 in (* relative position *)
+    let seek n = pos := rel n in
+    let read_char () =
+      if !pos >= lb.lex_buffer_len then (* end of buffer *) None
+      else
+        let c = Bytes.get lb.lex_buffer !pos in
+        incr pos; Some c
+    in
+    lines_around ~start_pos ~end_pos ~seek ~read_char
+  end
+(* Attempt to get lines from the phrase buffer *)
+let lines_around_from_phrasebuf
+    ~(start_pos: position) ~(end_pos: position)
+    (pb: Buffer.t):
+  input_line list
+  =
+  let pos = ref 0 in
+  let seek n = pos := n in
+  let read_char () =
+    if !pos >= Buffer.length pb then None
+    else begin
+      let c = Buffer.nth pb !pos in
+      incr pos; Some c
+    end
+  in
+  lines_around ~start_pos ~end_pos ~seek ~read_char
+(* A [get_lines] function for [highlight_quote] that reads from the current
+   input. *)
+let lines_around_from_current_input ~start_pos ~end_pos =
+  match !input_lexbuf, !input_phrase_buffer, !input_name with
+  | _, Some pb, "//toplevel//" ->
+      lines_around_from_phrasebuf pb ~start_pos ~end_pos
+  | Some lb, _, _ ->
+      lines_around_from_lexbuf lb ~start_pos ~end_pos
+  | None, _, _ ->
+      []
+(* Reporting errors and warnings *)
+type msg = Fmt.t loc
+let msg ?(loc = none) fmt =
+  Fmt.kdoc_printf (fun txt -> { loc; txt }) fmt
+type report_kind =
+  | Report_error
+  | Report_warning of string
+  | Report_warning_as_error of string
+  | Report_alert of string
+  | Report_alert_as_error of string
+type report = {
+  kind : report_kind;
+  main : msg;
+  sub : msg list;
+  footnote: Fmt.t option;
+type report_printer = {
+  (* The entry point *)
+  pp : report_printer ->
+    Format.formatter -> report -> unit;
+  pp_report_kind : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> report_kind -> unit;
+  pp_main_loc : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
+  pp_main_txt : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> Fmt.t -> unit;
+  pp_submsgs : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> msg list -> unit;
+  pp_submsg : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> msg -> unit;
+  pp_submsg_loc : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
+  pp_submsg_txt : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> Fmt.t -> unit;
+let is_dummy_loc loc =
+  (* Fixme: this should be just [loc.loc_ghost] and the function should be
+     inlined below. However, currently, the compiler emits in some places ghost
+     locations with valid ranges that should still be printed. These locations
+     should be made non-ghost -- in the meantime we just check if the ranges are
+     valid. *)
+  loc.loc_start.pos_cnum = -1 || loc.loc_end.pos_cnum = -1
+(* It only makes sense to highlight (i.e. quote or underline the corresponding
+   source code) locations that originate from the current input.
+   As of now, this should only happen in the following cases:
+   - if dummy locs or ghost locs leak out of the compiler or a buggy ppx;
+   - more generally, if some code uses the compiler-libs API and feeds it
+   locations that do not match the current values of [!Location.input_name],
+   [!Location.input_lexbuf];
+   - when calling the compiler on a .ml file that contains lexer line directives
+   indicating an other file. This should happen relatively rarely in practice --
+   in particular this is not what happens when using -pp or -ppx or a ppx
+   driver.
+let is_quotable_loc loc =
+  not (is_dummy_loc loc)
+  && loc.loc_start.pos_fname = !input_name
+  && loc.loc_end.pos_fname = !input_name
+let error_style () =
+  match !Clflags.error_style with
+  | Some setting -> setting
+  | None -> Misc.Error_style.default_setting
+let batch_mode_printer : report_printer =
+  let pp_loc _self report ppf loc =
+    let tag = match report.kind with
+      | Report_warning_as_error _
+      | Report_alert_as_error _
+      | Report_error -> "error"
+      | Report_warning _
+      | Report_alert _ -> "warning"
+    in
+    let highlight ppf loc =
+      match error_style () with
+      | Misc.Error_style.Contextual ->
+          if is_quotable_loc loc then
+            highlight_quote ppf
+              ~get_lines:lines_around_from_current_input
+              tag [loc]
+      | Misc.Error_style.Short ->
+          ()
+    in
+    Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a:@ %a@]" print_loc loc
+      (Fmt.compat highlight) loc
+  in
+  let pp_txt ppf txt = Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" Fmt.Doc.format txt in
+  let pp_footnote ppf f =
+    Option.iter (Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" pp_txt) f
+  in
+  let pp self ppf report =
+    setup_tags ();
+    separate_new_message ppf;
+    (* Make sure we keep [num_loc_lines] updated.
+       The tabulation box is here to give submessage the option
+       to be aligned with the main message box
+    *)
+    print_updating_num_loc_lines ppf (fun ppf () ->
+      Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a%a: %a%a%a%a%a@]@."
+      Format.pp_open_tbox ()
+      (self.pp_main_loc self report) report.main.loc
+      (self.pp_report_kind self report) report.kind
+      Format.pp_set_tab ()
+      (self.pp_main_txt self report) report.main.txt
+      (self.pp_submsgs self report) report.sub
+      pp_footnote report.footnote
+      Format.pp_close_tbox ()
+    ) ()
+  in
+  let pp_report_kind _self _ ppf = function
+    | Report_error -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@}"
+    | Report_warning w -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<warning>Warning@} %s" w
+    | Report_warning_as_error w ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@} (warning %s)" w
+    | Report_alert w -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<warning>Alert@} %s" w
+    | Report_alert_as_error w ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@} (alert %s)" w
+  in
+  let pp_main_loc self report ppf loc =
+    pp_loc self report ppf loc
+  in
+  let pp_main_txt _self _ ppf txt =
+    pp_txt ppf txt
+  in
+  let pp_submsgs self report ppf msgs =
+    List.iter (fun msg ->
+      Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a" (self.pp_submsg self report) msg
+    ) msgs
+  in
+  let pp_submsg self report ppf { loc; txt } =
+    Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a  %a@]"
+      (self.pp_submsg_loc self report) loc
+      (self.pp_submsg_txt self report) txt
+  in
+  let pp_submsg_loc self report ppf loc =
+    if not loc.loc_ghost then
+      pp_loc self report ppf loc
+  in
+  let pp_submsg_txt _self _ ppf loc =
+    pp_txt ppf loc
+  in
+  { pp; pp_report_kind; pp_main_loc; pp_main_txt;
+    pp_submsgs; pp_submsg; pp_submsg_loc; pp_submsg_txt }
+let terminfo_toplevel_printer (lb: lexbuf): report_printer =
+  let pp self ppf err =
+    setup_tags ();
+    (* Highlight all toplevel locations of the report, instead of displaying
+       the main location. Do it now instead of in [pp_main_loc], to avoid
+       messing with Format boxes. *)
+    let sub_locs = List.map (fun { loc; _ } -> loc) err.sub in
+    let all_locs = err.main.loc :: sub_locs in
+    let locs_highlighted = List.filter is_quotable_loc all_locs in
+    highlight_terminfo lb ppf locs_highlighted;
+    batch_mode_printer.pp self ppf err
+  in
+  let pp_main_loc _ _ _ _ = () in
+  let pp_submsg_loc _ _ ppf loc =
+    if not loc.loc_ghost then
+      Format.fprintf ppf "%a:@ " print_loc loc in
+  { batch_mode_printer with pp; pp_main_loc; pp_submsg_loc }
+let best_toplevel_printer () =
+  setup_terminal ();
+  match !status, !input_lexbuf with
+  | Terminfo.Good_term, Some lb ->
+      terminfo_toplevel_printer lb
+  | _, _ ->
+      batch_mode_printer
+(* Creates a printer for the current input *)
+let default_report_printer () : report_printer =
+  if !input_name = "//toplevel//" then
+    best_toplevel_printer ()
+  else
+    batch_mode_printer
+let report_printer = ref default_report_printer
+let print_report ppf report =
+  let printer = !report_printer () in
+  printer.pp printer ppf report
+(* Reporting errors *)
+type error = report
+type delayed_msg = unit -> Fmt.t option
+let report_error ppf err =
+  print_report ppf err
+let mkerror loc sub footnote txt =
+  { kind = Report_error; main = { loc; txt }; sub; footnote=footnote () }
+let errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(footnote=Fun.const None) =
+  Fmt.kdoc_printf (mkerror loc sub footnote)
+let error ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(footnote=Fun.const None) msg_str =
+  mkerror loc sub footnote Fmt.Doc.(string msg_str empty)
+let error_of_printer ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(footnote=Fun.const None) pp x =
+  mkerror loc sub footnote (Fmt.doc_printf "%a" pp x)
+let error_of_printer_file print x =
+  error_of_printer ~loc:(in_file !input_name) print x
+(* Reporting warnings: generating a report from a warning number using the
+   information in [Warnings] + convenience functions. *)
+let default_warning_alert_reporter report mk (loc: t) w : report option =
+  match report w with
+  | `Inactive -> None
+  | `Active { Warnings.id; message; is_error; sub_locs } ->
+      let msg_of_str str = Format_doc.Doc.(empty |> string str) in
+      let kind = mk is_error id in
+      let main = { loc; txt = msg_of_str message } in
+      let sub = List.map (fun (loc, sub_message) ->
+        { loc; txt = msg_of_str sub_message }
+      ) sub_locs in
+      Some { kind; main; sub; footnote=None }
+let default_warning_reporter =
+  default_warning_alert_reporter
+    Warnings.report
+    (fun is_error id ->
+       if is_error then Report_warning_as_error id
+       else Report_warning id
+    )
+let warning_reporter = ref default_warning_reporter
+let report_warning loc w = !warning_reporter loc w
+let formatter_for_warnings = ref Format.err_formatter
+let print_warning loc ppf w =
+  match report_warning loc w with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some report -> print_report ppf report
+let prerr_warning loc w = print_warning loc !formatter_for_warnings w
+let default_alert_reporter =
+  default_warning_alert_reporter
+    Warnings.report_alert
+    (fun is_error id ->
+       if is_error then Report_alert_as_error id
+       else Report_alert id
+    )
+let alert_reporter = ref default_alert_reporter
+let report_alert loc w = !alert_reporter loc w
+let print_alert loc ppf w =
+  match report_alert loc w with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some report -> print_report ppf report
+let prerr_alert loc w = print_alert loc !formatter_for_warnings w
+let alert ?(def = none) ?(use = none) ~kind loc message =
+  prerr_alert loc {Warnings.kind; message; def; use}
+let deprecated ?def ?use loc message =
+  alert ?def ?use ~kind:"deprecated" loc message
+module Style = Misc.Style
+let auto_include_alert lib =
+  let message = Fmt.asprintf "\
+    OCaml's lib directory layout changed in 5.0. The %a subdirectory has been \
+    automatically added to the search path, but you should add %a to the \
+    command-line to silence this alert (e.g. by adding %a to the list of \
+    libraries in your dune file, or adding %a to your %a file for \
+    ocamlbuild, or using %a for ocamlfind)."
+      Style.inline_code lib
+      Style.inline_code ("-I +" ^lib)
+      Style.inline_code lib
+      Style.inline_code ("use_"^lib)
+      Style.inline_code "_tags"
+      Style.inline_code ("-package " ^ lib) in
+  let alert =
+    {Warnings.kind="ocaml_deprecated_auto_include"; use=none; def=none;
+     message = Format.asprintf "@[@\n%a@]" Format.pp_print_text message}
+  in
+  prerr_alert none alert
+let deprecated_script_alert program =
+  let message = Fmt.asprintf "\
+    Running %a where the first argument is an implicit basename with no \
+    extension (e.g. %a) is deprecated. Either rename the script \
+    (%a) or qualify the basename (%a)"
+      Style.inline_code program
+      Style.inline_code (program ^ " script-file")
+      Style.inline_code (program ^ " script-file.ml")
+      Style.inline_code (program ^ " ./script-file")
+  in
+  let alert =
+    {Warnings.kind="ocaml_deprecated_cli"; use=none; def=none;
+     message = Format.asprintf "@[@\n%a@]" Format.pp_print_text message}
+  in
+  prerr_alert none alert
+(* Reporting errors on exceptions *)
+let error_of_exn : (exn -> error option) list ref = ref []
+let register_error_of_exn f = error_of_exn := f :: !error_of_exn
+exception Already_displayed_error = Warnings.Errors
+let error_of_exn exn =
+  match exn with
+  | Already_displayed_error -> Some `Already_displayed
+  | _ ->
+     let rec loop = function
+       | [] -> None
+       | f :: rest ->
+          match f exn with
+          | Some error -> Some (`Ok error)
+          | None -> loop rest
+     in
+     loop !error_of_exn
+let () =
+  register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Sys_error msg ->
+          Some (errorf ~loc:(in_file !input_name) "I/O error: %s" msg)
+      | _ -> None
+    )
+external reraise : exn -> 'a = "%reraise"
+let report_exception ppf exn =
+  let rec loop n exn =
+    match error_of_exn exn with
+    | None -> reraise exn
+    | Some `Already_displayed -> ()
+    | Some (`Ok err) -> report_error ppf err
+    | exception exn when n > 0 -> loop (n-1) exn
+  in
+  loop 5 exn
+exception Error of error
+let () =
+  register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error e -> Some e
+      | _ -> None
+    )
+let raise_errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(footnote=Fun.const None) =
+  Fmt.kdoc_printf (fun txt -> raise (Error (mkerror loc sub footnote txt)))
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/location.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/location.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5298386f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/location.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Source code locations (ranges of positions), used in parsetree.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+open Format
+type t = Warnings.loc = {
+  loc_start: Lexing.position;
+  loc_end: Lexing.position;
+  loc_ghost: bool;
+(** Note on the use of Lexing.position in this module.
+   If [pos_fname = ""], then use [!input_name] instead.
+   If [pos_lnum = -1], then [pos_bol = 0]. Use [pos_cnum] and
+     re-parse the file to get the line and character numbers.
+   Else all fields are correct.
+val none : t
+(** An arbitrary value of type [t]; describes an empty ghost range. *)
+val is_none : t -> bool
+(** True for [Location.none], false any other location *)
+val in_file : string -> t
+(** Return an empty ghost range located in a given file. *)
+val init : Lexing.lexbuf -> string -> unit
+(** Set the file name and line number of the [lexbuf] to be the start
+    of the named file. *)
+val curr : Lexing.lexbuf -> t
+(** Get the location of the current token from the [lexbuf]. *)
+val symbol_rloc: unit -> t
+val symbol_gloc: unit -> t
+(** [rhs_loc n] returns the location of the symbol at position [n], starting
+  at 1, in the current parser rule. *)
+val rhs_loc: int -> t
+val rhs_interval: int -> int -> t
+val get_pos_info: Lexing.position -> string * int * int
+(** file, line, char *)
+type 'a loc = {
+  txt : 'a;
+  loc : t;
+val mknoloc : 'a -> 'a loc
+val mkloc : 'a -> t -> 'a loc
+(** {1 Input info} *)
+val input_name: string ref
+val input_lexbuf: Lexing.lexbuf option ref
+(* This is used for reporting errors coming from the toplevel.
+   When running a toplevel session (i.e. when [!input_name] is "//toplevel//"),
+   [!input_phrase_buffer] should be [Some buf] where [buf] contains the last
+   toplevel phrase. *)
+val input_phrase_buffer: Buffer.t option ref
+(** {1 Toplevel-specific functions} *)
+val echo_eof: unit -> unit
+val reset: unit -> unit
+(** {1 Rewriting path } *)
+val rewrite_absolute_path: string -> string
+(** [rewrite_absolute_path path] rewrites [path] to honor the
+    if it is set. It does not check whether [path] is absolute or not.
+    The result is as follows:
+    - If BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP is not set, just return [path].
+    - otherwise, rewrite using the mapping (and if there are no
+      matching prefixes that will just return [path]).
+    See
+    {{: https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/build-path-prefix-map/ }
+    the BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP spec}
+    *)
+val rewrite_find_first_existing: string -> string option
+(** [rewrite_find_first_existing path] uses a BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP mapping
+    and tries to find a source in mapping
+    that maps to a result that exists in the file system.
+    There are the following return values:
+    - [None], means either
+      {ul {- BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP is not set and [path] does not exists, or}
+          {- no source prefixes of [path] in the mapping were found,}}
+    - [Some target], means [target] exists and either
+      {ul {- BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP is not set and [target] = [path], or}
+          {- [target] is the first file (in priority
+             order) that [path] mapped to that exists in the file system.}}
+    - [Not_found] raised, means some source prefixes in the map
+      were found that matched [path], but none of them existed
+      in the file system. The caller should catch this and issue
+      an appropriate error message.
+    See
+    {{: https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/build-path-prefix-map/ }
+    the BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP spec}
+    *)
+val rewrite_find_all_existing_dirs: string -> string list
+(** [rewrite_find_all_existing_dirs dir] accumulates a list of existing
+    directories, [dirs], that are the result of mapping a potentially
+    abstract directory, [dir], over all the mapping pairs in the
+    BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP environment variable, if any. The list [dirs]
+    will be in priority order (head as highest priority).
+    The possible results are:
+    - [[]], means either
+      {ul {- BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP is not set and [dir] is not an existing
+      directory, or}
+          {- if set, then there were no matching prefixes of [dir].}}
+    - [Some dirs], means dirs are the directories found. Either
+      {ul {- BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP is not set and [dirs = [dir]], or}
+          {- it was set and [dirs] are the mapped existing directories.}}
+    - Not_found raised, means some source prefixes in the map
+      were found that matched [dir], but none of mapping results
+      were existing directories (possibly due to misconfiguration).
+      The caller should catch this and issue an appropriate error
+      message.
+    See
+    {{: https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/build-path-prefix-map/ }
+    the BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP spec}
+    *)
+val absolute_path: string -> string
+ (** [absolute_path path] first makes an absolute path, [s] from [path],
+     prepending the current working directory if [path] was relative.
+     Then [s] is rewritten using [rewrite_absolute_path].
+     Finally the result is normalized by eliminating instances of
+     ['.'] or ['..']. *)
+(** {1 Printing locations} *)
+val show_filename: string -> string
+    (** In -absname mode, return the absolute path for this filename.
+        Otherwise, returns the filename unchanged. *)
+val print_filename: formatter -> string -> unit
+val print_loc: formatter -> t -> unit
+val print_locs: formatter -> t list -> unit
+val separate_new_message: formatter -> unit
+module Doc: sig
+  val separate_new_message: unit Format_doc.printer
+  val filename: string Format_doc.printer
+  val quoted_filename: string Format_doc.printer
+  val loc: t Format_doc.printer
+  val locs: t list Format_doc.printer
+(** {1 Toplevel-specific location highlighting} *)
+val highlight_terminfo:
+  Lexing.lexbuf -> formatter -> t list -> unit
+(** {1 Reporting errors and warnings} *)
+(** {2 The type of reports and report printers} *)
+type msg = Format_doc.t loc
+val msg: ?loc:t -> ('a, Format_doc.formatter, unit, msg) format4 -> 'a
+type report_kind =
+  | Report_error
+  | Report_warning of string
+  | Report_warning_as_error of string
+  | Report_alert of string
+  | Report_alert_as_error of string
+type report = {
+  kind : report_kind;
+  main : msg;
+  sub : msg list;
+  footnote: Format_doc.t option
+type report_printer = {
+  (* The entry point *)
+  pp : report_printer ->
+    Format.formatter -> report -> unit;
+  pp_report_kind : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> report_kind -> unit;
+  pp_main_loc : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
+  pp_main_txt : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> Format_doc.t -> unit;
+  pp_submsgs : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> msg list -> unit;
+  pp_submsg : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> msg -> unit;
+  pp_submsg_loc : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> t -> unit;
+  pp_submsg_txt : report_printer -> report ->
+    Format.formatter -> Format_doc.t -> unit;
+(** A printer for [report]s, defined using open-recursion.
+    The goal is to make it easy to define new printers by re-using code from
+    existing ones.
+(** {2 Report printers used in the compiler} *)
+val batch_mode_printer: report_printer
+val terminfo_toplevel_printer: Lexing.lexbuf -> report_printer
+val best_toplevel_printer: unit -> report_printer
+(** Detects the terminal capabilities and selects an adequate printer *)
+(** {2 Printing a [report]} *)
+val print_report: formatter -> report -> unit
+(** Display an error or warning report. *)
+val report_printer: (unit -> report_printer) ref
+(** Hook for redefining the printer of reports.
+    The hook is a [unit -> report_printer] and not simply a [report_printer]:
+    this is useful so that it can detect the type of the output (a file, a
+    terminal, ...) and select a printer accordingly. *)
+val default_report_printer: unit -> report_printer
+(** Original report printer for use in hooks. *)
+(** {1 Reporting warnings} *)
+(** {2 Converting a [Warnings.t] into a [report]} *)
+val report_warning: t -> Warnings.t -> report option
+(** [report_warning loc w] produces a report for the given warning [w], or
+   [None] if the warning is not to be printed. *)
+val warning_reporter: (t -> Warnings.t -> report option) ref
+(** Hook for intercepting warnings. *)
+val default_warning_reporter: t -> Warnings.t -> report option
+(** Original warning reporter for use in hooks. *)
+(** {2 Printing warnings} *)
+val formatter_for_warnings : formatter ref
+val print_warning: t -> formatter -> Warnings.t -> unit
+(** Prints a warning. This is simply the composition of [report_warning] and
+   [print_report]. *)
+val prerr_warning: t -> Warnings.t -> unit
+(** Same as [print_warning], but uses [!formatter_for_warnings] as output
+   formatter. *)
+(** {1 Reporting alerts} *)
+(** {2 Converting an [Alert.t] into a [report]} *)
+val report_alert: t -> Warnings.alert -> report option
+(** [report_alert loc w] produces a report for the given alert [w], or
+   [None] if the alert is not to be printed. *)
+val alert_reporter: (t -> Warnings.alert -> report option) ref
+(** Hook for intercepting alerts. *)
+val default_alert_reporter: t -> Warnings.alert -> report option
+(** Original alert reporter for use in hooks. *)
+(** {2 Printing alerts} *)
+val print_alert: t -> formatter -> Warnings.alert -> unit
+(** Prints an alert. This is simply the composition of [report_alert] and
+   [print_report]. *)
+val prerr_alert: t -> Warnings.alert -> unit
+(** Same as [print_alert], but uses [!formatter_for_warnings] as output
+   formatter. *)
+val deprecated: ?def:t -> ?use:t -> t -> string -> unit
+(** Prints a deprecation alert. *)
+val alert: ?def:t -> ?use:t -> kind:string -> t -> string -> unit
+(** Prints an arbitrary alert. *)
+val auto_include_alert: string -> unit
+(** Prints an alert that -I +lib has been automatically added to the load
+    path *)
+val deprecated_script_alert: string -> unit
+(** [deprecated_script_alert command] prints an alert that [command foo] has
+    been deprecated in favour of [command ./foo] *)
+(** {1 Reporting errors} *)
+type error = report
+(** An [error] is a [report] which [report_kind] must be [Report_error]. *)
+type delayed_msg = unit -> Format_doc.t option
+val error: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?footnote:delayed_msg -> string -> error
+val errorf: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?footnote:delayed_msg ->
+  ('a, Format_doc.formatter, unit, error) format4 -> 'a
+val error_of_printer: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?footnote:delayed_msg ->
+  (Format_doc.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> error
+val error_of_printer_file: (Format_doc.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> error
+(** {1 Automatically reporting errors for raised exceptions} *)
+val register_error_of_exn: (exn -> error option) -> unit
+(** Each compiler module which defines a custom type of exception
+    which can surface as a user-visible error should register
+    a "printer" for this exception using [register_error_of_exn].
+    The result of the printer is an [error] value containing
+    a location, a message, and optionally sub-messages (each of them
+    being located as well). *)
+val error_of_exn: exn -> [ `Ok of error | `Already_displayed ] option
+exception Error of error
+(** Raising [Error e] signals an error [e]; the exception will be caught and the
+   error will be printed. *)
+exception Already_displayed_error
+(** Raising [Already_displayed_error] signals an error which has already been
+   printed. The exception will be caught, but nothing will be printed *)
+val raise_errorf: ?loc:t -> ?sub:msg list -> ?footnote:delayed_msg ->
+  ('a, Format_doc.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a
+val report_exception: formatter -> exn -> unit
+(** Reraise the exception if it is unknown. *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/longident.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/longident.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eaafb02bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/longident.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type t =
+    Lident of string
+  | Ldot of t * string
+  | Lapply of t * t
+let rec flat accu = function
+    Lident s -> s :: accu
+  | Ldot(lid, s) -> flat (s :: accu) lid
+  | Lapply(_, _) -> Misc.fatal_error "Longident.flat"
+let flatten lid = flat [] lid
+let last = function
+    Lident s -> s
+  | Ldot(_, s) -> s
+  | Lapply(_, _) -> Misc.fatal_error "Longident.last"
+let rec split_at_dots s pos =
+  try
+    let dot = String.index_from s pos '.' in
+    String.sub s pos (dot - pos) :: split_at_dots s (dot + 1)
+  with Not_found ->
+    [String.sub s pos (String.length s - pos)]
+let unflatten l =
+  match l with
+  | [] -> None
+  | hd :: tl -> Some (List.fold_left (fun p s -> Ldot(p, s)) (Lident hd) tl)
+let parse s =
+  match unflatten (split_at_dots s 0) with
+  | None -> Lident ""  (* should not happen, but don't put assert false
+                          so as not to crash the toplevel (see Genprintval) *)
+  | Some v -> v
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/longident.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/longident.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8704a7780e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/longident.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Long identifiers, used in parsetree.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+  To print a longident, see {!Pprintast.longident}, using
+    {!Format.asprintf} to convert to a string.
+type t =
+    Lident of string
+  | Ldot of t * string
+  | Lapply of t * t
+val flatten: t -> string list
+val unflatten: string list -> t option
+(** For a non-empty list [l], [unflatten l] is [Some lid] where [lid] is
+    the long identifier created by concatenating the elements of [l]
+    with [Ldot].
+    [unflatten []] is [None].
+val last: t -> string
+val parse: string -> t
+[@@deprecated "this function may misparse its input,\n\
+use \"Parse.longident\" or \"Longident.unflatten\""]
+   This function is broken on identifiers that are not just "Word.Word.word";
+   for example, it returns incorrect results on infix operators
+   and extended module paths.
+   If you want to generate long identifiers that are a list of
+   dot-separated identifiers, the function {!unflatten} is safer and faster.
+   {!unflatten} is available since OCaml 4.06.0.
+   If you want to parse any identifier correctly, use the long-identifiers
+   functions from the {!Parse} module, in particular {!Parse.longident}.
+   They are available since OCaml 4.11, and also provide proper
+   input-location support.
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parse.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parse.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ef1392c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parse.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Entry points in the parser *)
+(* Skip tokens to the end of the phrase *)
+let last_token = ref Parser.EOF
+let token lexbuf =
+  let token = Lexer.token lexbuf in
+  last_token := token;
+  token
+let rec skip_phrase lexbuf =
+  match token lexbuf with
+  | Parser.SEMISEMI | Parser.EOF -> ()
+  | _ -> skip_phrase lexbuf
+  | exception (Lexer.Error (Lexer.Unterminated_comment _, _)
+              | Lexer.Error (Lexer.Unterminated_string, _)
+              | Lexer.Error (Lexer.Reserved_sequence _, _)
+              | Lexer.Error (Lexer.Unterminated_string_in_comment _, _)
+              | Lexer.Error (Lexer.Illegal_character _, _)) ->
+      skip_phrase lexbuf
+let maybe_skip_phrase lexbuf =
+  match !last_token with
+  | Parser.SEMISEMI | Parser.EOF -> ()
+  | _ -> skip_phrase lexbuf
+type 'a parser =
+  (Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser.token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a
+let wrap (parser : 'a parser) lexbuf : 'a =
+  try
+    Docstrings.init ();
+    let keyword_edition =
+      Clflags.(Option.map parse_keyword_edition !keyword_edition)
+    in
+    Lexer.init ?keyword_edition ();
+    let ast = parser token lexbuf in
+    Parsing.clear_parser();
+    Docstrings.warn_bad_docstrings ();
+    last_token := Parser.EOF;
+    ast
+  with
+  | Lexer.Error(Lexer.Illegal_character _, _) as err
+    when !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//"->
+      skip_phrase lexbuf;
+      raise err
+  | Syntaxerr.Error _ as err
+    when !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//" ->
+      maybe_skip_phrase lexbuf;
+      raise err
+  | Parsing.Parse_error | Syntaxerr.Escape_error ->
+      let loc = Location.curr lexbuf in
+      if !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//"
+      then maybe_skip_phrase lexbuf;
+      raise(Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Other loc))
+(* We pass [--strategy simplified] to Menhir, which means that we wish to use
+   its "simplified" strategy for handling errors. When a syntax error occurs,
+   the current token is replaced with an [error] token. The parser then
+   continues shifting and reducing, as far as possible. After (possibly)
+   shifting the [error] token, though, the parser remains in error-handling
+   mode, and does not request the next token, so the current token remains
+   [error].
+   In OCaml's grammar, the [error] token always appears at the end of a
+   production, and this production always raises an exception. In such
+   a situation, the strategy described above means that:
+   - either the parser will not be able to shift [error],
+     and will raise [Parser.Error];
+   - or it will be able to shift [error] and will then reduce
+     a production whose semantic action raises an exception.
+   In either case, the parser will not attempt to read one token past
+   the syntax error. *)
+let implementation = wrap Parser.implementation
+and interface = wrap Parser.interface
+and toplevel_phrase = wrap Parser.toplevel_phrase
+and use_file = wrap Parser.use_file
+and core_type = wrap Parser.parse_core_type
+and expression = wrap Parser.parse_expression
+and pattern = wrap Parser.parse_pattern
+let module_type = wrap Parser.parse_module_type
+let module_expr = wrap Parser.parse_module_expr
+let longident = wrap Parser.parse_any_longident
+let val_ident = wrap Parser.parse_val_longident
+let constr_ident= wrap Parser.parse_constr_longident
+let extended_module_path = wrap Parser.parse_mod_ext_longident
+let simple_module_path = wrap Parser.parse_mod_longident
+let type_ident = wrap Parser.parse_mty_longident
+(* Error reporting for Syntaxerr *)
+(* The code has been moved here so that one can reuse Pprintast.tyvar *)
+module Style = Misc.Style
+let prepare_error err =
+  let open Syntaxerr in
+  match err with
+  | Unclosed(opening_loc, opening, closing_loc, closing) ->
+      Location.errorf
+        ~loc:closing_loc
+        ~sub:[
+          Location.msg ~loc:opening_loc
+            "This %a might be unmatched" Style.inline_code opening
+        ]
+        "Syntax error: %a expected" Style.inline_code closing
+  | Expecting (loc, nonterm) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Syntax error: %a expected."
+        Style.inline_code nonterm
+  | Not_expecting (loc, nonterm) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Syntax error: %a not expected."
+        Style.inline_code nonterm
+  | Applicative_path loc ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Syntax error: applicative paths of the form %a \
+         are not supported when the option %a is set."
+        Style.inline_code "F(X).t"
+        Style.inline_code "-no-app-func"
+  | Variable_in_scope (loc, var) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "In this scoped type, variable %a \
+         is reserved for the local type %a."
+        (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.tyvar) var
+        Style.inline_code var
+  | Other loc ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Syntax error"
+  | Ill_formed_ast (loc, s) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "broken invariant in parsetree: %s" s
+  | Invalid_package_type (loc, ipt) ->
+      let invalid ppf ipt = match ipt with
+        | Syntaxerr.Parameterized_types ->
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf "parametrized types are not supported"
+        | Constrained_types ->
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf "constrained types are not supported"
+        | Private_types ->
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf  "private types are not supported"
+        | Not_with_type ->
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf "only %a constraints are supported"
+              Style.inline_code "with type t ="
+        | Neither_identifier_nor_with_type ->
+            Format_doc.fprintf ppf
+              "only module type identifier and %a constraints are supported"
+              Style.inline_code "with type"
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Syntax error: invalid package type: %a" invalid ipt
+  | Removed_string_set loc ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Syntax error: strings are immutable, there is no assignment \
+         syntax for them.\n\
+         @{<hint>Hint@}: Mutable sequences of bytes are available in \
+         the Bytes module.\n\
+         @{<hint>Hint@}: Did you mean to use %a?"
+        Style.inline_code "Bytes.set"
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Syntaxerr.Error err -> Some (prepare_error err)
+      | _ -> None
+    )
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parse.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parse.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0de6b48a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parse.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Entry points in the parser
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+val implementation : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.structure
+val interface : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.signature
+val toplevel_phrase : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase
+val use_file : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list
+val core_type : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.core_type
+val expression : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.expression
+val pattern : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.pattern
+val module_type : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.module_type
+val module_expr : Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.module_expr
+(** The functions below can be used to parse Longident safely. *)
+val longident: Lexing.lexbuf -> Longident.t
+   The function [longident] is guaranteed to parse all subclasses
+   of {!Longident.t} used in OCaml: values, constructors, simple or extended
+   module paths, and types or module types.
+   However, this function accepts inputs which are not accepted by the
+   compiler, because they combine functor applications and infix operators.
+   In valid OCaml syntax, only value-level identifiers may end with infix
+   operators [Foo.( + )].
+   Moreover, in value-level identifiers the module path [Foo] must be simple
+   ([M.N] rather than [F(X)]): functor applications may only appear in
+   type-level identifiers.
+   As a consequence, a path such as [F(X).( + )] is not a valid OCaml
+   identifier; but it is accepted by this function.
+(** The next functions are specialized to a subclass of {!Longident.t} *)
+val val_ident: Lexing.lexbuf -> Longident.t
+   This function parses a syntactically valid path for a value. For instance,
+   [x], [M.x], and [(+.)] are valid. Contrarily, [M.A], [F(X).x], and [true]
+   are rejected.
+   Longident for OCaml's value cannot contain functor application.
+   The last component of the {!Longident.t} is not capitalized,
+   but can be an operator [A.Path.To.(.%.%.(;..)<-)]
+val constr_ident: Lexing.lexbuf -> Longident.t
+   This function parses a syntactically valid path for a variant constructor.
+   For instance, [A], [M.A] and [M.(::)] are valid, but both [M.a]
+   and [F(X).A] are rejected.
+   Longident for OCaml's variant constructors cannot contain functor
+   application.
+   The last component of the {!Longident.t} is capitalized,
+   or it may be one the special constructors: [true],[false],[()],[[]],[(::)].
+   Among those special constructors, only [(::)] can be prefixed by a module
+   path ([A.B.C.(::)]).
+val simple_module_path: Lexing.lexbuf -> Longident.t
+   This function parses a syntactically valid path for a module.
+   For instance, [A], and [M.A] are valid, but both [M.a]
+   and [F(X).A] are rejected.
+   Longident for OCaml's module cannot contain functor application.
+   The last component of the {!Longident.t} is capitalized.
+val extended_module_path: Lexing.lexbuf -> Longident.t
+   This function parse syntactically valid path for an extended module.
+   For instance, [A.B] and [F(A).B] are valid. Contrarily,
+   [(.%())] or [[]] are both rejected.
+   The last component of the {!Longident.t} is capitalized.
+val type_ident: Lexing.lexbuf -> Longident.t
+   This function parse syntactically valid path for a type or a module type.
+   For instance, [A], [t], [M.t] and [F(X).t] are valid. Contrarily,
+   [(.%())] or [[]] are both rejected.
+   In path for type and module types, only operators and special constructors
+   are rejected.
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parser.mly b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parser.mly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84597d962a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parser.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,4152 @@
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                 OCaml                                  */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     */
+/*     en Automatique.                                                    */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    */
+/*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          */
+/*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* The parser definition */
+/* The commands [make list-parse-errors] and [make generate-parse-errors]
+   run Menhir on a modified copy of the parser where every block of
+   text comprised between the markers [BEGIN AVOID] and -----------
+   [END AVOID] has been removed. This file should be formatted in
+   such a way that this results in a clean removal of certain
+   symbols, productions, or declarations. */
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-60"] module Str = Ast_helper.Str (* For ocamldep *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+60"]
+open Asttypes
+open Longident
+open Parsetree
+open Ast_helper
+open Docstrings
+open Docstrings.WithMenhir
+let mkloc = Location.mkloc
+let mknoloc = Location.mknoloc
+let make_loc (startpos, endpos) = {
+  Location.loc_start = startpos;
+  Location.loc_end = endpos;
+  Location.loc_ghost = false;
+let ghost_loc (startpos, endpos) = {
+  Location.loc_start = startpos;
+  Location.loc_end = endpos;
+  Location.loc_ghost = true;
+let mktyp ~loc ?attrs d = Typ.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
+let mkpat ~loc d = Pat.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) d
+let mkexp ~loc d = Exp.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) d
+let mkmty ~loc ?attrs d = Mty.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
+let mksig ~loc d = Sig.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) d
+let mkmod ~loc ?attrs d = Mod.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
+let mkstr ~loc d = Str.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) d
+let mkclass ~loc ?attrs d = Cl.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
+let mkcty ~loc ?attrs d = Cty.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs d
+let mkconst ~loc c = Const.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) c
+let pstr_typext (te, ext) =
+  (Pstr_typext te, ext)
+let pstr_primitive (vd, ext) =
+  (Pstr_primitive vd, ext)
+let pstr_type ((nr, ext), tys) =
+  (Pstr_type (nr, tys), ext)
+let pstr_exception (te, ext) =
+  (Pstr_exception te, ext)
+let pstr_include (body, ext) =
+  (Pstr_include body, ext)
+let pstr_recmodule (ext, bindings) =
+  (Pstr_recmodule bindings, ext)
+let psig_typext (te, ext) =
+  (Psig_typext te, ext)
+let psig_value (vd, ext) =
+  (Psig_value vd, ext)
+let psig_type ((nr, ext), tys) =
+  (Psig_type (nr, tys), ext)
+let psig_typesubst ((nr, ext), tys) =
+  assert (nr = Recursive); (* see [no_nonrec_flag] *)
+  (Psig_typesubst tys, ext)
+let psig_exception (te, ext) =
+  (Psig_exception te, ext)
+let psig_include (body, ext) =
+  (Psig_include body, ext)
+let mkctf ~loc ?attrs ?docs d =
+  Ctf.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs ?docs d
+let mkcf ~loc ?attrs ?docs d =
+  Cf.mk ~loc:(make_loc loc) ?attrs ?docs d
+let mkrhs rhs loc = mkloc rhs (make_loc loc)
+let ghrhs rhs loc = mkloc rhs (ghost_loc loc)
+let push_loc x acc =
+  if x.Location.loc_ghost
+  then acc
+  else x :: acc
+let reloc_pat ~loc x =
+  { x with ppat_loc = make_loc loc;
+           ppat_loc_stack = push_loc x.ppat_loc x.ppat_loc_stack }
+let reloc_exp ~loc x =
+  { x with pexp_loc = make_loc loc;
+           pexp_loc_stack = push_loc x.pexp_loc x.pexp_loc_stack }
+let reloc_typ ~loc x =
+  { x with ptyp_loc = make_loc loc;
+           ptyp_loc_stack = push_loc x.ptyp_loc x.ptyp_loc_stack }
+let mkexpvar ~loc (name : string) =
+  mkexp ~loc (Pexp_ident(mkrhs (Lident name) loc))
+let mkoperator =
+  mkexpvar
+let mkpatvar ~loc name =
+  mkpat ~loc (Ppat_var (mkrhs name loc))
+  Ghost expressions and patterns:
+  expressions and patterns that do not appear explicitly in the
+  source file they have the loc_ghost flag set to true.
+  Then the profiler will not try to instrument them and the
+  -annot option will not try to display their type.
+  Every grammar rule that generates an element with a location must
+  make at most one non-ghost element, the topmost one.
+  How to tell whether your location must be ghost:
+  A location corresponds to a range of characters in the source file.
+  If the location contains a piece of code that is syntactically
+  valid (according to the documentation), and corresponds to the
+  AST node, then the location must be real; in all other cases,
+  it must be ghost.
+let ghexp ~loc d = Exp.mk ~loc:(ghost_loc loc) d
+let ghpat ~loc d = Pat.mk ~loc:(ghost_loc loc) d
+let ghtyp ~loc d = Typ.mk ~loc:(ghost_loc loc) d
+let ghloc ~loc d = { txt = d; loc = ghost_loc loc }
+let ghstr ~loc d = Str.mk ~loc:(ghost_loc loc) d
+let ghsig ~loc d = Sig.mk ~loc:(ghost_loc loc) d
+let mkinfix arg1 op arg2 =
+  Pexp_apply(op, [Nolabel, arg1; Nolabel, arg2])
+let neg_string f =
+  if String.length f > 0 && f.[0] = '-'
+  then String.sub f 1 (String.length f - 1)
+  else "-" ^ f
+(* Pre-apply the special [-], [-.], [+] and [+.] prefix operators into
+   constants if possible, otherwise turn them into the corresponding prefix
+   operators [~-], [~-.], etc.. *)
+let mkuminus ~sloc ~oploc name arg =
+  match name, arg.pexp_desc, arg.pexp_attributes with
+  | "-",
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_integer (n,m); pconst_loc=_}),
+    [] ->
+      Pexp_constant(mkconst ~loc:sloc (Pconst_integer(neg_string n, m)))
+  | ("-" | "-."),
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_float (f, m); pconst_loc=_}), [] ->
+      Pexp_constant(mkconst ~loc:sloc (Pconst_float(neg_string f, m)))
+  | _ ->
+      Pexp_apply(mkoperator ~loc:oploc ("~" ^ name), [Nolabel, arg])
+let mkuplus ~sloc ~oploc name arg =
+  let desc = arg.pexp_desc in
+  match name, desc, arg.pexp_attributes with
+  | "+",
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_integer _ as desc; pconst_loc=_}),
+    []
+  | ("+" | "+."),
+    Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_float _ as desc; pconst_loc=_}),
+    [] ->
+      Pexp_constant(mkconst ~loc:sloc desc)
+  | _ ->
+      Pexp_apply(mkoperator ~loc:oploc ("~" ^ name), [Nolabel, arg])
+let mk_attr ~loc name payload =
+  Builtin_attributes.(register_attr Parser name);
+  Attr.mk ~loc name payload
+(* TODO define an abstraction boundary between locations-as-pairs
+   and locations-as-Location.t; it should be clear when we move from
+   one world to the other *)
+let mkexp_cons_desc consloc args =
+  Pexp_construct(mkrhs (Lident "::") consloc, Some args)
+let mkexp_cons ~loc consloc args =
+  mkexp ~loc (mkexp_cons_desc consloc args)
+let mkpat_cons_desc consloc args =
+  Ppat_construct(mkrhs (Lident "::") consloc, Some ([], args))
+let mkpat_cons ~loc consloc args =
+  mkpat ~loc (mkpat_cons_desc consloc args)
+let ghexp_cons_desc consloc args =
+  Pexp_construct(ghrhs (Lident "::") consloc, Some args)
+let ghpat_cons_desc consloc args =
+  Ppat_construct(ghrhs (Lident "::") consloc, Some ([], args))
+let rec mktailexp nilloc = let open Location in function
+    [] ->
+      let nil = ghloc ~loc:nilloc (Lident "[]") in
+      Pexp_construct (nil, None), nilloc
+  | e1 :: el ->
+      let exp_el, el_loc = mktailexp nilloc el in
+      let loc = (e1.pexp_loc.loc_start, snd el_loc) in
+      let arg = ghexp ~loc (Pexp_tuple [e1; ghexp ~loc:el_loc exp_el]) in
+      ghexp_cons_desc loc arg, loc
+let rec mktailpat nilloc = let open Location in function
+    [] ->
+      let nil = ghloc ~loc:nilloc (Lident "[]") in
+      Ppat_construct (nil, None), nilloc
+  | p1 :: pl ->
+      let pat_pl, el_loc = mktailpat nilloc pl in
+      let loc = (p1.ppat_loc.loc_start, snd el_loc) in
+      let arg = ghpat ~loc (Ppat_tuple [p1; ghpat ~loc:el_loc pat_pl]) in
+      ghpat_cons_desc loc arg, loc
+let mkstrexp e attrs =
+  { pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (e, attrs); pstr_loc = e.pexp_loc }
+let mkexp_desc_constraint e t =
+  match t with
+  | Pconstraint t -> Pexp_constraint(e, t)
+  | Pcoerce(t1, t2)  -> Pexp_coerce(e, t1, t2)
+let mkexp_constraint ~loc e t =
+  mkexp ~loc (mkexp_desc_constraint e t)
+let mkexp_opt_constraint ~loc e = function
+  | None -> e
+  | Some constraint_ -> mkexp_constraint ~loc e constraint_
+let mkpat_opt_constraint ~loc p = function
+  | None -> p
+  | Some typ -> mkpat ~loc (Ppat_constraint(p, typ))
+let syntax_error () =
+  raise Syntaxerr.Escape_error
+let unclosed opening_name opening_loc closing_name closing_loc =
+  raise(Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Unclosed(make_loc opening_loc, opening_name,
+                                           make_loc closing_loc, closing_name)))
+let expecting loc nonterm =
+    raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Expecting(make_loc loc, nonterm)))
+let removed_string_set loc =
+  raise(Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Removed_string_set(make_loc loc)))
+(* Using the function [not_expecting] in a semantic action means that this
+   syntactic form is recognized by the parser but is in fact incorrect. This
+   idiom is used in a few places to produce ad hoc syntax error messages. *)
+(* This idiom should be used as little as possible, because it confuses the
+   analyses performed by Menhir. Because Menhir views the semantic action as
+   opaque, it believes that this syntactic form is correct. This can lead
+   [make generate-parse-errors] to produce sentences that cause an early
+   (unexpected) syntax error and do not achieve the desired effect. This could
+   also lead a completion system to propose completions which in fact are
+   incorrect. In order to avoid these problems, the productions that use
+   [not_expecting] should be marked with AVOID. *)
+let not_expecting loc nonterm =
+    raise Syntaxerr.(Error(Not_expecting(make_loc loc, nonterm)))
+(* Helper functions for desugaring array indexing operators *)
+type paren_kind = Paren | Brace | Bracket
+(* We classify the dimension of indices: Bigarray distinguishes
+   indices of dimension 1,2,3, or more. Similarly, user-defined
+   indexing operator behave differently for indices of dimension 1
+   or more.
+type index_dim =
+  | One
+  | Two
+  | Three
+  | Many
+type ('dot,'index) array_family = {
+  name:
+    Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> 'dot -> assign:bool -> paren_kind
+  -> index_dim -> Longident.t Location.loc
+  (*
+    This functions computes the name of the explicit indexing operator
+    associated with a sugared array indexing expression.
+    For instance, for builtin arrays, if Clflags.unsafe is set,
+    * [ a.[index] ]     =>  [String.unsafe_get]
+    * [ a.{x,y} <- 1 ]  =>  [ Bigarray.Array2.unsafe_set]
+    User-defined indexing operator follows a more local convention:
+    * [ a .%(index)]     => [ (.%()) ]
+    * [ a.![1;2] <- 0 ]  => [(.![;..]<-)]
+    * [ a.My.Map.?(0) => [My.Map.(.?())]
+  *);
+  index:
+    Lexing.position * Lexing.position -> paren_kind -> 'index
+    -> index_dim * (arg_label * expression) list
+   (*
+     [index (start,stop) paren index] computes the dimension of the
+     index argument and how it should be desugared when transformed
+     to a list of arguments for the indexing operator.
+     In particular, in both the Bigarray case and the user-defined case,
+     beyond a certain dimension, multiple indices are packed into a single
+     array argument:
+     * [ a.(x) ]       => [ [One, [Nolabel, <<x>>] ]
+     * [ a.{1,2} ]     => [ [Two, [Nolabel, <<1>>; Nolabel, <<2>>] ]
+     * [ a.{1,2,3,4} ] => [ [Many, [Nolabel, <<[|1;2;3;4|]>>] ] ]
+   *);
+let bigarray_untuplify = function
+    { pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple explist; pexp_loc = _ } -> explist
+  | exp -> [exp]
+let builtin_arraylike_name loc _ ~assign paren_kind n =
+  let opname = if assign then "set" else "get" in
+  let opname = if !Clflags.unsafe then "unsafe_" ^ opname else opname in
+  let prefix = match paren_kind with
+    | Paren -> Lident "Array"
+    | Bracket ->
+        if assign then removed_string_set loc
+        else Lident "String"
+    | Brace ->
+       let submodule_name = match n with
+         | One -> "Array1"
+         | Two -> "Array2"
+         | Three -> "Array3"
+         | Many -> "Genarray" in
+       Ldot(Lident "Bigarray", submodule_name) in
+   ghloc ~loc (Ldot(prefix,opname))
+let builtin_arraylike_index loc paren_kind index = match paren_kind with
+    | Paren | Bracket -> One, [Nolabel, index]
+    | Brace ->
+       (* Multi-indices for bigarray are comma-separated ([a.{1,2,3,4}]) *)
+       match bigarray_untuplify index with
+     | [x] -> One, [Nolabel, x]
+     | [x;y] -> Two, [Nolabel, x; Nolabel, y]
+     | [x;y;z] -> Three, [Nolabel, x; Nolabel, y; Nolabel, z]
+     | coords -> Many, [Nolabel, ghexp ~loc (Pexp_array coords)]
+let builtin_indexing_operators : (unit, expression) array_family  =
+  { index = builtin_arraylike_index; name = builtin_arraylike_name }
+let paren_to_strings = function
+  | Paren -> "(", ")"
+  | Bracket -> "[", "]"
+  | Brace -> "{", "}"
+let user_indexing_operator_name loc (prefix,ext) ~assign paren_kind n =
+  let name =
+    let assign = if assign then "<-" else "" in
+    let mid = match n with
+        | Many | Three | Two  -> ";.."
+        | One -> "" in
+    let left, right = paren_to_strings paren_kind in
+    String.concat "" ["."; ext; left; mid; right; assign] in
+  let lid = match prefix with
+    | None -> Lident name
+    | Some p -> Ldot(p,name) in
+  ghloc ~loc lid
+let user_index loc _ index =
+  (* Multi-indices for user-defined operators are semicolon-separated
+     ([a.%[1;2;3;4]]) *)
+  match index with
+    | [a] -> One, [Nolabel, a]
+    | l -> Many, [Nolabel, mkexp ~loc (Pexp_array l)]
+let user_indexing_operators:
+      (Longident.t option * string, expression list) array_family
+  = { index = user_index; name = user_indexing_operator_name }
+let mk_indexop_expr array_indexing_operator ~loc
+      (array,dot,paren,index,set_expr) =
+  let assign = match set_expr with None -> false | Some _ -> true in
+  let n, index = array_indexing_operator.index loc paren index in
+  let fn = array_indexing_operator.name loc dot ~assign paren n in
+  let set_arg = match set_expr with
+    | None -> []
+    | Some expr -> [Nolabel, expr] in
+  let args = (Nolabel,array) :: index @ set_arg in
+  mkexp ~loc (Pexp_apply(ghexp ~loc (Pexp_ident fn), args))
+let indexop_unclosed_error loc_s s loc_e =
+  let left, right = paren_to_strings s in
+  unclosed left loc_s right loc_e
+let lapply ~loc p1 p2 =
+  if !Clflags.applicative_functors
+  then Lapply(p1, p2)
+  else raise (Syntaxerr.Error(
+                  Syntaxerr.Applicative_path (make_loc loc)))
+(* [loc_map] could be [Location.map]. *)
+let loc_map (f : 'a -> 'b) (x : 'a Location.loc) : 'b Location.loc =
+  { x with txt = f x.txt }
+let make_ghost x = { x with loc = { x.loc with loc_ghost = true }}
+let loc_last (id : Longident.t Location.loc) : string Location.loc =
+  loc_map Longident.last id
+let loc_lident (id : string Location.loc) : Longident.t Location.loc =
+  loc_map (fun x -> Lident x) id
+let exp_of_longident lid =
+  let lid = loc_map (fun id -> Lident (Longident.last id)) lid in
+  Exp.mk ~loc:lid.loc (Pexp_ident lid)
+let exp_of_label lbl =
+  Exp.mk ~loc:lbl.loc (Pexp_ident (loc_lident lbl))
+let pat_of_label lbl =
+  Pat.mk ~loc:lbl.loc  (Ppat_var (loc_last lbl))
+let mk_newtypes ~loc newtypes exp =
+  let mkexp = mkexp ~loc in
+  List.fold_right (fun newtype exp -> mkexp (Pexp_newtype (newtype, exp)))
+    newtypes exp
+let wrap_type_annotation ~loc newtypes core_type body =
+  let mkexp, ghtyp = mkexp ~loc, ghtyp ~loc in
+  let mk_newtypes = mk_newtypes ~loc in
+  let exp = mkexp(Pexp_constraint(body,core_type)) in
+  let exp = mk_newtypes newtypes exp in
+  (exp, ghtyp(Ptyp_poly(newtypes, Typ.varify_constructors newtypes core_type)))
+let wrap_exp_attrs ~loc body (ext, attrs) =
+  let ghexp = ghexp ~loc in
+  (* todo: keep exact location for the entire attribute *)
+  let body = {body with pexp_attributes = attrs @ body.pexp_attributes} in
+  match ext with
+  | None -> body
+  | Some id -> ghexp(Pexp_extension (id, PStr [mkstrexp body []]))
+let mkexp_attrs ~loc d attrs =
+  wrap_exp_attrs ~loc (mkexp ~loc d) attrs
+let wrap_typ_attrs ~loc typ (ext, attrs) =
+  (* todo: keep exact location for the entire attribute *)
+  let typ = {typ with ptyp_attributes = attrs @ typ.ptyp_attributes} in
+  match ext with
+  | None -> typ
+  | Some id -> ghtyp ~loc (Ptyp_extension (id, PTyp typ))
+let wrap_pat_attrs ~loc pat (ext, attrs) =
+  (* todo: keep exact location for the entire attribute *)
+  let pat = {pat with ppat_attributes = attrs @ pat.ppat_attributes} in
+  match ext with
+  | None -> pat
+  | Some id -> ghpat ~loc (Ppat_extension (id, PPat (pat, None)))
+let mkpat_attrs ~loc d attrs =
+  wrap_pat_attrs ~loc (mkpat ~loc d) attrs
+let wrap_class_attrs ~loc:_ body attrs =
+  {body with pcl_attributes = attrs @ body.pcl_attributes}
+let wrap_mod_attrs ~loc:_ attrs body =
+  {body with pmod_attributes = attrs @ body.pmod_attributes}
+let wrap_mty_attrs ~loc:_ attrs body =
+  {body with pmty_attributes = attrs @ body.pmty_attributes}
+let wrap_str_ext ~loc body ext =
+  match ext with
+  | None -> body
+  | Some id -> ghstr ~loc (Pstr_extension ((id, PStr [body]), []))
+let wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc (item, ext) =
+  wrap_str_ext ~loc (mkstr ~loc item) ext
+let wrap_sig_ext ~loc body ext =
+  match ext with
+  | None -> body
+  | Some id -> ghsig ~loc (Psig_extension ((id, PSig [body]), []))
+let wrap_mksig_ext ~loc (item, ext) =
+  wrap_sig_ext ~loc (mksig ~loc item) ext
+let mk_quotedext ~loc (id, idloc, str, strloc, delim) =
+  let exp_id = mkloc id idloc in
+  let const = Const.mk ~loc:strloc (Pconst_string (str, strloc, delim)) in
+  let e = ghexp ~loc (Pexp_constant const) in
+  (exp_id, PStr [mkstrexp e []])
+let text_str pos = Str.text (rhs_text pos)
+let text_sig pos = Sig.text (rhs_text pos)
+let text_cstr pos = Cf.text (rhs_text pos)
+let text_csig pos = Ctf.text (rhs_text pos)
+let text_def pos =
+  List.map (fun def -> Ptop_def [def]) (Str.text (rhs_text pos))
+let extra_text startpos endpos text items =
+  match items with
+  | [] ->
+      let post = rhs_post_text endpos in
+      let post_extras = rhs_post_extra_text endpos in
+      text post @ text post_extras
+  | _ :: _ ->
+      let pre_extras = rhs_pre_extra_text startpos in
+      let post_extras = rhs_post_extra_text endpos in
+        text pre_extras @ items @ text post_extras
+let extra_str p1 p2 items = extra_text p1 p2 Str.text items
+let extra_sig p1 p2 items = extra_text p1 p2 Sig.text items
+let extra_cstr p1 p2 items = extra_text p1 p2 Cf.text items
+let extra_csig p1 p2 items = extra_text p1 p2 Ctf.text  items
+let extra_def p1 p2 items =
+  extra_text p1 p2
+    (fun txt -> List.map (fun def -> Ptop_def [def]) (Str.text txt))
+    items
+let extra_rhs_core_type ct ~pos =
+  let docs = rhs_info pos in
+  { ct with ptyp_attributes = add_info_attrs docs ct.ptyp_attributes }
+type let_binding =
+  { lb_pattern: pattern;
+    lb_expression: expression;
+    lb_constraint: value_constraint option;
+    lb_is_pun: bool;
+    lb_attributes: attributes;
+    lb_docs: docs Lazy.t;
+    lb_text: text Lazy.t;
+    lb_loc: Location.t; }
+type let_bindings =
+  { lbs_bindings: let_binding list;
+    lbs_rec: rec_flag;
+    lbs_extension: string Asttypes.loc option }
+let mklb first ~loc (p, e, typ, is_pun) attrs =
+  {
+    lb_pattern = p;
+    lb_expression = e;
+    lb_constraint=typ;
+    lb_is_pun = is_pun;
+    lb_attributes = attrs;
+    lb_docs = symbol_docs_lazy loc;
+    lb_text = (if first then empty_text_lazy
+               else symbol_text_lazy (fst loc));
+    lb_loc = make_loc loc;
+  }
+let addlb lbs lb =
+  if lb.lb_is_pun && lbs.lbs_extension = None then syntax_error ();
+  { lbs with lbs_bindings = lb :: lbs.lbs_bindings }
+let mklbs ext rf lb =
+  let lbs = {
+    lbs_bindings = [];
+    lbs_rec = rf;
+    lbs_extension = ext;
+  } in
+  addlb lbs lb
+let val_of_let_bindings ~loc lbs =
+  let bindings =
+    List.map
+      (fun lb ->
+         Vb.mk ~loc:lb.lb_loc ~attrs:lb.lb_attributes
+           ~docs:(Lazy.force lb.lb_docs)
+           ~text:(Lazy.force lb.lb_text)
+           ?value_constraint:lb.lb_constraint lb.lb_pattern lb.lb_expression)
+      lbs.lbs_bindings
+  in
+  let str = mkstr ~loc (Pstr_value(lbs.lbs_rec, List.rev bindings)) in
+  match lbs.lbs_extension with
+  | None -> str
+  | Some id -> ghstr ~loc (Pstr_extension((id, PStr [str]), []))
+let expr_of_let_bindings ~loc lbs body =
+  let bindings =
+    List.map
+      (fun lb ->
+         Vb.mk ~loc:lb.lb_loc ~attrs:lb.lb_attributes
+          ?value_constraint:lb.lb_constraint  lb.lb_pattern lb.lb_expression)
+      lbs.lbs_bindings
+  in
+    mkexp_attrs ~loc (Pexp_let(lbs.lbs_rec, List.rev bindings, body))
+      (lbs.lbs_extension, [])
+let class_of_let_bindings ~loc lbs body =
+  let bindings =
+    List.map
+      (fun lb ->
+         Vb.mk ~loc:lb.lb_loc ~attrs:lb.lb_attributes
+          ?value_constraint:lb.lb_constraint lb.lb_pattern lb.lb_expression)
+      lbs.lbs_bindings
+  in
+    (* Our use of let_bindings(no_ext) guarantees the following: *)
+    assert (lbs.lbs_extension = None);
+    mkclass ~loc (Pcl_let (lbs.lbs_rec, List.rev bindings, body))
+(* If all the parameters are [Pparam_newtype x], then return [Some xs] where
+   [xs] is the corresponding list of values [x]. This function is optimized for
+   the common case, where a list of parameters contains at least one value
+   parameter.
+let all_params_as_newtypes =
+  let is_newtype { pparam_desc; _ } =
+    match pparam_desc with
+    | Pparam_newtype _ -> true
+    | Pparam_val _ -> false
+  in
+  let as_newtype { pparam_desc; pparam_loc } =
+    match pparam_desc with
+    | Pparam_newtype x -> Some (x, pparam_loc)
+    | Pparam_val _ -> None
+  in
+  fun params ->
+    if List.for_all is_newtype params
+    then Some (List.filter_map as_newtype params)
+    else None
+(* Given a construct [fun (type a b c) : t -> e], we construct
+   [Pexp_newtype(a, Pexp_newtype(b, Pexp_newtype(c, Pexp_constraint(e, t))))]
+   rather than a [Pexp_function].
+let mkghost_newtype_function_body newtypes body_constraint body =
+  let wrapped_body =
+    match body_constraint with
+    | None -> body
+    | Some body_constraint ->
+        let loc = { body.pexp_loc with loc_ghost = true } in
+        Exp.mk (mkexp_desc_constraint body body_constraint) ~loc
+  in
+  let expr =
+    List.fold_right
+      (fun (newtype, newtype_loc) e ->
+         (* Mints a ghost location that approximates the newtype's "extent" as
+            being from the start of the newtype param until the end of the
+            function body.
+         *)
+         let loc = (newtype_loc.Location.loc_start, body.pexp_loc.loc_end) in
+         ghexp (Pexp_newtype (newtype, e)) ~loc)
+      newtypes
+      wrapped_body
+  in
+  expr.pexp_desc
+let mkfunction params body_constraint body =
+  match body with
+  | Pfunction_cases _ -> Pexp_function (params, body_constraint, body)
+  | Pfunction_body body_exp ->
+    (* If all the params are newtypes, then we don't create a function node;
+       we create nested newtype nodes. *)
+      match all_params_as_newtypes params with
+      | None -> Pexp_function (params, body_constraint, body)
+      | Some newtypes ->
+          mkghost_newtype_function_body newtypes body_constraint body_exp
+let mk_functor_typ args mty =
+  List.fold_left (fun acc (startpos, arg) ->
+      mkmty ~loc:(startpos, mty.pmty_loc.loc_end) (Pmty_functor (arg, acc)))
+    mty args
+(* Alternatively, we could keep the generic module type in the Parsetree
+   and extract the package type during type-checking. In that case,
+   the assertions below should be turned into explicit checks. *)
+let package_type_of_module_type pmty =
+  let err loc s =
+    raise (Syntaxerr.Error (Syntaxerr.Invalid_package_type (loc, s)))
+  in
+  let map_cstr = function
+    | Pwith_type (lid, ptyp) ->
+        let loc = ptyp.ptype_loc in
+        if ptyp.ptype_params <> [] then
+          err loc Syntaxerr.Parameterized_types;
+        if ptyp.ptype_cstrs <> [] then
+          err loc Syntaxerr.Constrained_types;
+        if ptyp.ptype_private <> Public then
+          err loc Syntaxerr.Private_types;
+        (* restrictions below are checked by the 'with_constraint' rule *)
+        assert (ptyp.ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract);
+        assert (ptyp.ptype_attributes = []);
+        let ty =
+          match ptyp.ptype_manifest with
+          | Some ty -> ty
+          | None -> assert false
+        in
+        (lid, ty)
+    | _ ->
+        err pmty.pmty_loc Not_with_type
+  in
+  match pmty with
+  | {pmty_desc = Pmty_ident lid} -> (lid, [], pmty.pmty_attributes)
+  | {pmty_desc = Pmty_with({pmty_desc = Pmty_ident lid}, cstrs)} ->
+      (lid, List.map map_cstr cstrs, pmty.pmty_attributes)
+  | _ ->
+      err pmty.pmty_loc Neither_identifier_nor_with_type
+let mk_directive_arg ~loc k =
+  { pdira_desc = k;
+    pdira_loc = make_loc loc;
+  }
+let mk_directive ~loc name arg =
+  Ptop_dir {
+      pdir_name = name;
+      pdir_arg = arg;
+      pdir_loc = make_loc loc;
+    }
+/* Tokens */
+/* The alias that follows each token is used by Menhir when it needs to
+   produce a sentence (that is, a sequence of tokens) in concrete syntax. */
+/* Some tokens represent multiple concrete strings. In most cases, an
+   arbitrary concrete string can be chosen. In a few cases, one must
+   be careful: e.g., in PREFIXOP and INFIXOP2, one must choose a concrete
+   string that will not trigger a syntax error; see how [not_expecting]
+   is used in the definition of [type_variance]. */
+%token AMPERAMPER             "&&"
+%token AMPERSAND              "&"
+%token AND                    "and"
+%token AS                     "as"
+%token ASSERT                 "assert"
+%token BACKQUOTE              "`"
+%token BANG                   "!"
+%token BAR                    "|"
+%token BARBAR                 "||"
+%token BARRBRACKET            "|]"
+%token BEGIN                  "begin"
+%token <char> CHAR            "'a'" (* just an example *)
+%token CLASS                  "class"
+%token COLON                  ":"
+%token COLONCOLON             "::"
+%token COLONEQUAL             ":="
+%token COLONGREATER           ":>"
+%token COMMA                  ","
+%token CONSTRAINT             "constraint"
+%token DO                     "do"
+%token DONE                   "done"
+%token DOT                    "."
+%token DOTDOT                 ".."
+%token DOWNTO                 "downto"
+%token EFFECT                 "effect"
+%token ELSE                   "else"
+%token END                    "end"
+%token EOF                    ""
+%token EQUAL                  "="
+%token EXCEPTION              "exception"
+%token EXTERNAL               "external"
+%token FALSE                  "false"
+%token <string * char option> FLOAT "42.0" (* just an example *)
+%token FOR                    "for"
+%token FUN                    "fun"
+%token FUNCTION               "function"
+%token FUNCTOR                "functor"
+%token GREATER                ">"
+%token GREATERRBRACE          ">}"
+%token GREATERRBRACKET        ">]"
+%token IF                     "if"
+%token IN                     "in"
+%token INCLUDE                "include"
+%token <string> INFIXOP0      "!="   (* just an example *)
+%token <string> INFIXOP1      "@"    (* just an example *)
+%token <string> INFIXOP2      "+!"   (* chosen with care; see above *)
+%token <string> INFIXOP3      "land" (* just an example *)
+%token <string> INFIXOP4      "**"   (* just an example *)
+%token <string> DOTOP         ".+"
+%token <string> LETOP         "let*" (* just an example *)
+%token <string> ANDOP         "and*" (* just an example *)
+%token INHERIT                "inherit"
+%token INITIALIZER            "initializer"
+%token <string * char option> INT "42"  (* just an example *)
+%token <string> LABEL         "~label:" (* just an example *)
+%token LAZY                   "lazy"
+%token LBRACE                 "{"
+%token LBRACELESS             "{<"
+%token LBRACKET               "["
+%token LBRACKETBAR            "[|"
+%token LBRACKETLESS           "[<"
+%token LBRACKETGREATER        "[>"
+%token LBRACKETPERCENT        "[%"
+%token LESS                   "<"
+%token LESSMINUS              "<-"
+%token LET                    "let"
+%token <string> LIDENT        "lident" (* just an example *)
+%token LPAREN                 "("
+%token LBRACKETAT             "[@"
+%token LBRACKETATAT           "[@@"
+%token LBRACKETATATAT         "[@@@"
+%token MATCH                  "match"
+%token METHOD                 "method"
+%token MINUS                  "-"
+%token MINUSDOT               "-."
+%token MINUSGREATER           "->"
+%token MODULE                 "module"
+%token MUTABLE                "mutable"
+%token NEW                    "new"
+%token NONREC                 "nonrec"
+%token OBJECT                 "object"
+%token OF                     "of"
+%token OPEN                   "open"
+%token <string> OPTLABEL      "?label:" (* just an example *)
+%token OR                     "or"
+/* %token PARSER              "parser" */
+%token PERCENT                "%"
+%token PLUS                   "+"
+%token PLUSDOT                "+."
+%token PLUSEQ                 "+="
+%token <string> PREFIXOP      "!+" (* chosen with care; see above *)
+%token PRIVATE                "private"
+%token QUESTION               "?"
+%token QUOTE                  "'"
+%token RBRACE                 "}"
+%token RBRACKET               "]"
+%token REC                    "rec"
+%token RPAREN                 ")"
+%token SEMI                   ";"
+%token SEMISEMI               ";;"
+%token HASH                   "#"
+%token <string> HASHOP        "##" (* just an example *)
+%token SIG                    "sig"
+%token STAR                   "*"
+%token <string * Location.t * string option>
+       STRING                 "\"hello\"" (* just an example *)
+%token <string * Location.t * string * Location.t * string option>
+       QUOTED_STRING_EXPR     "{%hello|world|}"  (* just an example *)
+%token <string * Location.t * string * Location.t * string option>
+       QUOTED_STRING_ITEM     "{%%hello|world|}" (* just an example *)
+%token STRUCT                 "struct"
+%token THEN                   "then"
+%token TILDE                  "~"
+%token TO                     "to"
+%token TRUE                   "true"
+%token TRY                    "try"
+%token TYPE                   "type"
+%token <string> UIDENT        "UIdent" (* just an example *)
+%token UNDERSCORE             "_"
+%token VAL                    "val"
+%token VIRTUAL                "virtual"
+%token WHEN                   "when"
+%token WHILE                  "while"
+%token WITH                   "with"
+%token <string * Location.t> COMMENT    "(* comment *)"
+%token <Docstrings.docstring> DOCSTRING "(** documentation *)"
+%token EOL                    "\\n"      (* not great, but EOL is unused *)
+(* see the [metaocaml_expr] comment *)
+%token METAOCAML_ESCAPE       ".~"
+/* Precedences and associativities.
+Tokens and rules have precedences.  A reduce/reduce conflict is resolved
+in favor of the first rule (in source file order).  A shift/reduce conflict
+is resolved by comparing the precedence and associativity of the token to
+be shifted with those of the rule to be reduced.
+By default, a rule has the precedence of its rightmost terminal (if any).
+When there is a shift/reduce conflict between a rule and a token that
+have the same precedence, it is resolved using the associativity:
+if the token is left-associative, the parser will reduce; if
+right-associative, the parser will shift; if non-associative,
+the parser will declare a syntax error.
+We will only use associativities with operators of the kind  x * x -> x
+for example, in the rules of the form    expr: expr BINOP expr
+in all other cases, we define two precedences if needed to resolve
+The precedences must be listed from low to high.
+%nonassoc IN
+%nonassoc below_SEMI
+%nonassoc SEMI                          /* below EQUAL ({lbl=...; lbl=...}) */
+%nonassoc LET                           /* above SEMI ( ...; let ... in ...) */
+%nonassoc below_WITH
+%nonassoc FUNCTION WITH                 /* below BAR  (match ... with ...) */
+%nonassoc AND             /* above WITH (module rec A: SIG with ... and ...) */
+%nonassoc THEN                          /* below ELSE (if ... then ...) */
+%nonassoc ELSE                          /* (if ... then ... else ...) */
+%nonassoc LESSMINUS                     /* below COLONEQUAL (lbl <- x := e) */
+%right    COLONEQUAL                    /* expr (e := e := e) */
+%nonassoc AS
+%left     BAR                           /* pattern (p|p|p) */
+%nonassoc below_COMMA
+%left     COMMA                         /* expr/expr_comma_list (e,e,e) */
+%right    MINUSGREATER                  /* function_type (t -> t -> t) */
+%right    OR BARBAR                     /* expr (e || e || e) */
+%right    AMPERSAND AMPERAMPER          /* expr (e && e && e) */
+%nonassoc below_EQUAL
+%left     INFIXOP0 EQUAL LESS GREATER   /* expr (e OP e OP e) */
+%right    INFIXOP1                      /* expr (e OP e OP e) */
+%nonassoc below_LBRACKETAT
+%nonassoc LBRACKETAT
+%right    COLONCOLON                    /* expr (e :: e :: e) */
+%left     PERCENT INFIXOP3 STAR                 /* expr (e OP e OP e) */
+%right    INFIXOP4                      /* expr (e OP e OP e) */
+%nonassoc prec_unary_minus prec_unary_plus /* unary - */
+%nonassoc prec_constant_constructor     /* cf. simple_expr (C versus C x) */
+%nonassoc prec_constr_appl              /* above AS BAR COLONCOLON COMMA */
+%nonassoc below_HASH
+%nonassoc HASH                         /* simple_expr/toplevel_directive */
+%left     HASHOP
+%nonassoc below_DOT
+%nonassoc DOT DOTOP
+/* Finally, the first tokens of simple_expr are above everything else. */
+/* Entry points */
+/* Several start symbols are marked with AVOID so that they are not used by
+   [make generate-parse-errors]. The three start symbols that we keep are
+   [implementation], [use_file], and [toplevel_phrase]. The latter two are
+   of marginal importance; only [implementation] really matters, since most
+   states in the automaton are reachable from it. */
+%start implementation                   /* for implementation files */
+%type <Parsetree.structure> implementation
+%start interface                        /* for interface files */
+%type <Parsetree.signature> interface
+/* END AVOID */
+%start toplevel_phrase                  /* for interactive use */
+%type <Parsetree.toplevel_phrase> toplevel_phrase
+%start use_file                         /* for the #use directive */
+%type <Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list> use_file
+%start parse_module_type
+%type <Parsetree.module_type> parse_module_type
+%start parse_module_expr
+%type <Parsetree.module_expr> parse_module_expr
+%start parse_core_type
+%type <Parsetree.core_type> parse_core_type
+%start parse_expression
+%type <Parsetree.expression> parse_expression
+%start parse_pattern
+%type <Parsetree.pattern> parse_pattern
+%start parse_constr_longident
+%type <Longident.t> parse_constr_longident
+%start parse_val_longident
+%type <Longident.t> parse_val_longident
+%start parse_mty_longident
+%type <Longident.t> parse_mty_longident
+%start parse_mod_ext_longident
+%type <Longident.t> parse_mod_ext_longident
+%start parse_mod_longident
+%type <Longident.t> parse_mod_longident
+%start parse_any_longident
+%type <Longident.t> parse_any_longident
+/* END AVOID */
+/* macros */
+%inline extra_str(symb): symb { extra_str $startpos $endpos $1 };
+%inline extra_sig(symb): symb { extra_sig $startpos $endpos $1 };
+%inline extra_cstr(symb): symb { extra_cstr $startpos $endpos $1 };
+%inline extra_csig(symb): symb { extra_csig $startpos $endpos $1 };
+%inline extra_def(symb): symb { extra_def $startpos $endpos $1 };
+%inline extra_text(symb): symb { extra_text $startpos $endpos $1 };
+%inline extra_rhs(symb): symb { extra_rhs_core_type $1 ~pos:$endpos($1) };
+%inline mkrhs(symb): symb
+    { mkrhs $1 $sloc }
+%inline text_str(symb): symb
+  { text_str $startpos @ [$1] }
+%inline text_str_SEMISEMI: SEMISEMI
+  { text_str $startpos }
+%inline text_sig(symb): symb
+  { text_sig $startpos @ [$1] }
+%inline text_sig_SEMISEMI: SEMISEMI
+  { text_sig $startpos }
+%inline text_def(symb): symb
+  { text_def $startpos @ [$1] }
+%inline top_def(symb): symb
+  { Ptop_def [$1] }
+%inline text_cstr(symb): symb
+  { text_cstr $startpos @ [$1] }
+%inline text_csig(symb): symb
+  { text_csig $startpos @ [$1] }
+(* Using this %inline definition means that we do not control precisely
+   when [mark_rhs_docs] is called, but I don't think this matters. *)
+%inline mark_rhs_docs(symb): symb
+  { mark_rhs_docs $startpos $endpos;
+    $1 }
+%inline op(symb): symb
+   { mkoperator ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mkloc(symb): symb
+    { mkloc $1 (make_loc $sloc) }
+%inline mkexp(symb): symb
+    { mkexp ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mkpat(symb): symb
+    { mkpat ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mktyp(symb): symb
+    { mktyp ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mkstr(symb): symb
+    { mkstr ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mksig(symb): symb
+    { mksig ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mkmod(symb): symb
+    { mkmod ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mkmty(symb): symb
+    { mkmty ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mkcty(symb): symb
+    { mkcty ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mkctf(symb): symb
+    { mkctf ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mkcf(symb): symb
+    { mkcf ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mkclass(symb): symb
+    { mkclass ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline wrap_mkstr_ext(symb): symb
+    { wrap_mkstr_ext ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline wrap_mksig_ext(symb): symb
+    { wrap_mksig_ext ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+%inline mk_directive_arg(symb): symb
+    { mk_directive_arg ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+/* Generic definitions */
+(* [iloption(X)] recognizes either nothing or [X]. Assuming [X] produces
+   an OCaml list, it produces an OCaml list, too. *)
+%inline iloption(X):
+  /* nothing */
+    { [] }
+| x = X
+    { x }
+(* [llist(X)] recognizes a possibly empty list of [X]s. It is left-recursive. *)
+  /* empty */
+    { [] }
+| xs = reversed_llist(X) x = X
+    { x :: xs }
+%inline llist(X):
+  xs = rev(reversed_llist(X))
+    { xs }
+(* [reversed_nonempty_llist(X)] recognizes a nonempty list of [X]s, and produces
+   an OCaml list in reverse order -- that is, the last element in the input text
+   appears first in this list. Its definition is left-recursive. *)
+  x = X
+    { [ x ] }
+| xs = reversed_nonempty_llist(X) x = X
+    { x :: xs }
+(* [nonempty_llist(X)] recognizes a nonempty list of [X]s, and produces an OCaml
+   list in direct order -- that is, the first element in the input text appears
+   first in this list. *)
+%inline nonempty_llist(X):
+  xs = rev(reversed_nonempty_llist(X))
+    { xs }
+(* [reversed_nonempty_concat(X)] recognizes a nonempty sequence of [X]s (each of
+   which is a list), and produces an OCaml list of their concatenation in
+   reverse order -- that is, the last element of the last list in the input text
+   appears first in the list.
+  x = X
+    { List.rev x }
+| xs = reversed_nonempty_concat(X) x = X
+    { List.rev_append x xs }
+(* [nonempty_concat(X)] recognizes a nonempty sequence of [X]s
+   (each of which is a list), and produces an OCaml list of their concatenation
+   in direct order -- that is, the first element of the first list in the input
+   text appears first in the list.
+%inline nonempty_concat(X):
+  xs = rev(reversed_nonempty_concat(X))
+    { xs }
+(* [reversed_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X)] recognizes a nonempty list
+   of [X]s, separated with [separator]s, and produces an OCaml list in reverse
+   order -- that is, the last element in the input text appears first in this
+   list. Its definition is left-recursive. *)
+(* [inline_reversed_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X)] is semantically
+   equivalent to [reversed_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X)], but is
+   marked %inline, which means that the case of a list of length one and
+   the case of a list of length more than one will be distinguished at the
+   use site, and will give rise there to two productions. This can be used
+   to avoid certain conflicts. *)
+%inline inline_reversed_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X):
+  x = X
+    { [ x ] }
+| xs = reversed_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X)
+  separator
+  x = X
+    { x :: xs }
+reversed_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X):
+  xs = inline_reversed_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X)
+    { xs }
+(* [separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X)] recognizes a nonempty list of [X]s,
+   separated with [separator]s, and produces an OCaml list in direct order --
+   that is, the first element in the input text appears first in this list. *)
+%inline separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X):
+  xs = rev(reversed_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X))
+    { xs }
+%inline inline_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X):
+  xs = rev(inline_reversed_separated_nonempty_llist(separator, X))
+    { xs }
+(* [reversed_separated_nontrivial_llist(separator, X)] recognizes a list of at
+   least two [X]s, separated with [separator]s, and produces an OCaml list in
+   reverse order -- that is, the last element in the input text appears first
+   in this list. Its definition is left-recursive. *)
+reversed_separated_nontrivial_llist(separator, X):
+  xs = reversed_separated_nontrivial_llist(separator, X)
+  separator
+  x = X
+    { x :: xs }
+| x1 = X
+  separator
+  x2 = X
+    { [ x2; x1 ] }
+(* [separated_nontrivial_llist(separator, X)] recognizes a list of at least
+   two [X]s, separated with [separator]s, and produces an OCaml list in direct
+   order -- that is, the first element in the input text appears first in this
+   list. *)
+%inline separated_nontrivial_llist(separator, X):
+  xs = rev(reversed_separated_nontrivial_llist(separator, X))
+    { xs }
+(* [separated_or_terminated_nonempty_list(delimiter, X)] recognizes a nonempty
+   list of [X]s, separated with [delimiter]s, and optionally terminated with a
+   final [delimiter]. Its definition is right-recursive. *)
+separated_or_terminated_nonempty_list(delimiter, X):
+  x = X ioption(delimiter)
+    { [x] }
+| x = X
+  delimiter
+  xs = separated_or_terminated_nonempty_list(delimiter, X)
+    { x :: xs }
+(* [reversed_preceded_or_separated_nonempty_llist(delimiter, X)] recognizes a
+   nonempty list of [X]s, separated with [delimiter]s, and optionally preceded
+   with a leading [delimiter]. It produces an OCaml list in reverse order. Its
+   definition is left-recursive. *)
+reversed_preceded_or_separated_nonempty_llist(delimiter, X):
+  ioption(delimiter) x = X
+    { [x] }
+| xs = reversed_preceded_or_separated_nonempty_llist(delimiter, X)
+  delimiter
+  x = X
+    { x :: xs }
+(* [preceded_or_separated_nonempty_llist(delimiter, X)] recognizes a nonempty
+   list of [X]s, separated with [delimiter]s, and optionally preceded with a
+   leading [delimiter]. It produces an OCaml list in direct order. *)
+%inline preceded_or_separated_nonempty_llist(delimiter, X):
+  xs = rev(reversed_preceded_or_separated_nonempty_llist(delimiter, X))
+    { xs }
+(* [bar_llist(X)] recognizes a nonempty list of [X]'s, separated with BARs,
+   with an optional leading BAR. We assume that [X] is itself parameterized
+   with an opening symbol, which can be [epsilon] or [BAR]. *)
+(* This construction may seem needlessly complicated: one might think that
+   using [preceded_or_separated_nonempty_llist(BAR, X)], where [X] is *not*
+   itself parameterized, would be sufficient. Indeed, this simpler approach
+   would recognize the same language. However, the two approaches differ in
+   the footprint of [X]. We want the start location of [X] to include [BAR]
+   when present. In the future, we might consider switching to the simpler
+   definition, at the cost of producing slightly different locations. TODO *)
+    (* An [X] without a leading BAR. *)
+    x = X(epsilon)
+      { [x] }
+  | (* An [X] with a leading BAR. *)
+    x = X(BAR)
+      { [x] }
+  | (* An initial list, followed with a BAR and an [X]. *)
+    xs = reversed_bar_llist(X)
+    x = X(BAR)
+      { x :: xs }
+%inline bar_llist(X):
+  xs = reversed_bar_llist(X)
+    { List.rev xs }
+(* [xlist(A, B)] recognizes [AB*]. We assume that the semantic value for [A]
+   is a pair [x, b], while the semantic value for [B*] is a list [bs].
+   We return the pair [x, b :: bs]. *)
+%inline xlist(A, B):
+  a = A bs = B*
+    { let (x, b) = a in x, b :: bs }
+(* [listx(delimiter, X, Y)] recognizes a nonempty list of [X]s, optionally
+   followed with a [Y], separated-or-terminated with [delimiter]s. The
+   semantic value is a pair of a list of [X]s and an optional [Y]. *)
+listx(delimiter, X, Y):
+| x = X ioption(delimiter)
+    { [x], None }
+| x = X delimiter y = Y delimiter?
+    { [x], Some y }
+| x = X
+  delimiter
+  tail = listx(delimiter, X, Y)
+    { let xs, y = tail in
+      x :: xs, y }
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Entry points. *)
+(* An .ml file. *)
+  structure EOF
+    { $1 }
+(* An .mli file. *)
+  signature EOF
+    { $1 }
+/* END AVOID */
+(* A toplevel phrase. *)
+  (* An expression with attributes, ended by a double semicolon. *)
+  extra_str(text_str(str_exp))
+    { Ptop_def $1 }
+| (* A list of structure items, ended by a double semicolon. *)
+  extra_str(flatten(text_str(structure_item)*))
+    { Ptop_def $1 }
+| (* A directive, ended by a double semicolon. *)
+  toplevel_directive
+    { $1 }
+| (* End of input. *)
+  EOF
+    { raise End_of_file }
+(* An .ml file that is read by #use. *)
+  (* An optional standalone expression,
+     followed with a series of elements,
+     followed with EOF. *)
+  extra_def(append(
+    optional_use_file_standalone_expression,
+    flatten(use_file_element*)
+  ))
+  EOF
+    { $1 }
+(* An optional standalone expression is just an expression with attributes
+   (str_exp), with extra wrapping. *)
+%inline optional_use_file_standalone_expression:
+  iloption(text_def(top_def(str_exp)))
+    { $1 }
+(* An element in a #used file is one of the following:
+   - a double semicolon followed with an optional standalone expression;
+   - a structure item;
+   - a toplevel directive.
+ *)
+%inline use_file_element:
+  preceded(SEMISEMI, optional_use_file_standalone_expression)
+| text_def(top_def(structure_item))
+| text_def(mark_rhs_docs(toplevel_directive))
+      { $1 }
+  module_type EOF
+    { $1 }
+  module_expr EOF
+    { $1 }
+  core_type EOF
+    { $1 }
+  seq_expr EOF
+    { $1 }
+  pattern EOF
+    { $1 }
+  mty_longident EOF
+    { $1 }
+  val_longident EOF
+    { $1 }
+  constr_longident EOF
+    { $1 }
+  mod_ext_longident EOF
+    { $1 }
+  mod_longident EOF
+    { $1 }
+  any_longident EOF
+    { $1 }
+/* END AVOID */
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Functor arguments appear in module expressions and module types. *)
+%inline functor_args:
+  reversed_nonempty_llist(functor_arg)
+    { $1 }
+    (* Produce a reversed list on purpose;
+       later processed using [fold_left]. *)
+    (* An anonymous and untyped argument. *)
+      { $startpos, Unit }
+  | (* An argument accompanied with an explicit type. *)
+    LPAREN x = mkrhs(module_name) COLON mty = module_type RPAREN
+      { $startpos, Named (x, mty) }
+    (* A named argument. *)
+    x = UIDENT
+      { Some x }
+  | (* An anonymous argument. *)
+      { None }
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Module expressions. *)
+(* The syntax of module expressions is not properly stratified. The cases of
+   functors, functor applications, and attributes interact and cause conflicts,
+   which are resolved by precedence declarations. This is concise but fragile.
+   Perhaps in the future an explicit stratification could be used. *)
+  | STRUCT attrs = attributes s = structure END
+      { mkmod ~loc:$sloc ~attrs (Pmod_structure s) }
+  | STRUCT attributes structure error
+      { unclosed "struct" $loc($1) "end" $loc($4) }
+  | SIG error
+      { expecting $loc($1) "struct" }
+  | FUNCTOR attrs = attributes args = functor_args MINUSGREATER me = module_expr
+      { wrap_mod_attrs ~loc:$sloc attrs (
+          List.fold_left (fun acc (startpos, arg) ->
+            mkmod ~loc:(startpos, $endpos) (Pmod_functor (arg, acc))
+          ) me args
+        ) }
+  | me = paren_module_expr
+      { me }
+  | me = module_expr attr = attribute
+      { Mod.attr me attr }
+  | mkmod(
+      (* A module identifier. *)
+      x = mkrhs(mod_longident)
+        { Pmod_ident x }
+    | (* In a functor application, the actual argument must be parenthesized. *)
+      me1 = module_expr me2 = paren_module_expr
+        { Pmod_apply(me1, me2) }
+    | (* Functor applied to unit. *)
+      me = module_expr LPAREN RPAREN
+        { Pmod_apply_unit me }
+    | (* An extension. *)
+      ex = extension
+        { Pmod_extension ex }
+    )
+    { $1 }
+(* A parenthesized module expression is a module expression that begins
+   and ends with parentheses. *)
+    (* A module expression annotated with a module type. *)
+    LPAREN me = module_expr COLON mty = module_type RPAREN
+      { mkmod ~loc:$sloc (Pmod_constraint(me, mty)) }
+  | LPAREN module_expr COLON module_type error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($5) }
+  | (* A module expression within parentheses. *)
+    LPAREN me = module_expr RPAREN
+      { me (* TODO consider reloc *) }
+  | LPAREN module_expr error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($3) }
+  | (* A core language expression that produces a first-class module.
+       This expression can be annotated in various ways. *)
+    LPAREN VAL attrs = attributes e = expr_colon_package_type RPAREN
+      { mkmod ~loc:$sloc ~attrs (Pmod_unpack e) }
+  | LPAREN VAL attributes expr COLON error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($6) }
+  | LPAREN VAL attributes expr COLONGREATER error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($6) }
+  | LPAREN VAL attributes expr error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($5) }
+(* The various ways of annotating a core language expression that
+   produces a first-class module that we wish to unpack. *)
+%inline expr_colon_package_type:
+    e = expr
+      { e }
+  | e = expr COLON ty = package_type
+      { ghexp ~loc:$loc (Pexp_constraint (e, ty)) }
+  | e = expr COLON ty1 = package_type COLONGREATER ty2 = package_type
+      { ghexp ~loc:$loc (Pexp_coerce (e, Some ty1, ty2)) }
+  | e = expr COLONGREATER ty2 = package_type
+      { ghexp ~loc:$loc (Pexp_coerce (e, None, ty2)) }
+(* A structure, which appears between STRUCT and END (among other places),
+   begins with an optional standalone expression, and continues with a list
+   of structure elements. *)
+  extra_str(append(
+    optional_structure_standalone_expression,
+    flatten(structure_element*)
+  ))
+  { $1 }
+(* An optional standalone expression is just an expression with attributes
+   (str_exp), with extra wrapping. *)
+%inline optional_structure_standalone_expression:
+  items = iloption(mark_rhs_docs(text_str(str_exp)))
+    { items }
+(* An expression with attributes, wrapped as a structure item. *)
+%inline str_exp:
+  e = seq_expr
+  attrs = post_item_attributes
+    { mkstrexp e attrs }
+(* A structure element is one of the following:
+   - a double semicolon followed with an optional standalone expression;
+   - a structure item. *)
+%inline structure_element:
+    append(text_str_SEMISEMI, optional_structure_standalone_expression)
+  | text_str(structure_item)
+      { $1 }
+(* A structure item. *)
+    let_bindings(ext)
+      { val_of_let_bindings ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+  | mkstr(
+      item_extension post_item_attributes
+        { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+          Pstr_extension ($1, add_docs_attrs docs $2) }
+    | floating_attribute
+        { Pstr_attribute $1 }
+    )
+  | wrap_mkstr_ext(
+      primitive_declaration
+        { pstr_primitive $1 }
+    | value_description
+        { pstr_primitive $1 }
+    | type_declarations
+        { pstr_type $1 }
+    | str_type_extension
+        { pstr_typext $1 }
+    | str_exception_declaration
+        { pstr_exception $1 }
+    | module_binding
+        { $1 }
+    | rec_module_bindings
+        { pstr_recmodule $1 }
+    | module_type_declaration
+        { let (body, ext) = $1 in (Pstr_modtype body, ext) }
+    | open_declaration
+        { let (body, ext) = $1 in (Pstr_open body, ext) }
+    | class_declarations
+        { let (ext, l) = $1 in (Pstr_class l, ext) }
+    | class_type_declarations
+        { let (ext, l) = $1 in (Pstr_class_type l, ext) }
+    | include_statement(module_expr)
+        { pstr_include $1 }
+    )
+    { $1 }
+(* A single module binding. *)
+%inline module_binding:
+  ext = ext attrs1 = attributes
+  name = mkrhs(module_name)
+  body = module_binding_body
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      let body = Mb.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~docs in
+      Pstr_module body, ext }
+(* The body (right-hand side) of a module binding. *)
+    EQUAL me = module_expr
+      { me }
+  | COLON error
+      { expecting $loc($1) "=" }
+  | mkmod(
+      COLON mty = module_type EQUAL me = module_expr
+        { Pmod_constraint(me, mty) }
+    | arg_and_pos = functor_arg body = module_binding_body
+        { let (_, arg) = arg_and_pos in
+          Pmod_functor(arg, body) }
+  ) { $1 }
+(* A group of recursive module bindings. *)
+%inline rec_module_bindings:
+  xlist(rec_module_binding, and_module_binding)
+    { $1 }
+(* The first binding in a group of recursive module bindings. *)
+%inline rec_module_binding:
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  REC
+  name = mkrhs(module_name)
+  body = module_binding_body
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    ext,
+    Mb.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~docs
+  }
+(* The following bindings in a group of recursive module bindings. *)
+%inline and_module_binding:
+  AND
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  name = mkrhs(module_name)
+  body = module_binding_body
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    let text = symbol_text $symbolstartpos in
+    Mb.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
+  }
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Shared material between structures and signatures. *)
+(* An [include] statement can appear in a structure or in a signature,
+   which is why this definition is parameterized. *)
+%inline include_statement(thing):
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  thing = thing
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    Incl.mk thing ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
+  }
+(* A module type declaration. *)
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  id = mkrhs(ident)
+  typ = preceded(EQUAL, module_type)?
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    Mtd.mk id ?typ ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
+  }
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Opens. *)
+  override = override_flag
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  me = module_expr
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    Opn.mk me ~override ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
+  }
+  override = override_flag
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  id = mkrhs(mod_ext_longident)
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    Opn.mk id ~override ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
+  }
+%inline open_dot_declaration: mkrhs(mod_longident)
+  { let loc = make_loc $loc($1) in
+    let me = Mod.ident ~loc $1 in
+    Opn.mk ~loc me }
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+/* Module types */
+  | SIG attrs = attributes s = signature END
+      { mkmty ~loc:$sloc ~attrs (Pmty_signature s) }
+  | SIG attributes signature error
+      { unclosed "sig" $loc($1) "end" $loc($4) }
+  | STRUCT error
+      { expecting $loc($1) "sig" }
+  | FUNCTOR attrs = attributes args = functor_args
+    MINUSGREATER mty = module_type
+      %prec below_WITH
+      { wrap_mty_attrs ~loc:$sloc attrs (mk_functor_typ args mty) }
+  | args = functor_args
+    MINUSGREATER mty = module_type
+      %prec below_WITH
+      { mk_functor_typ args mty }
+  | MODULE TYPE OF attributes module_expr %prec below_LBRACKETAT
+      { mkmty ~loc:$sloc ~attrs:$4 (Pmty_typeof $5) }
+  | LPAREN module_type RPAREN
+      { $2 }
+  | LPAREN module_type error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($3) }
+  | module_type attribute
+      { Mty.attr $1 $2 }
+  | mkmty(
+      mkrhs(mty_longident)
+        { Pmty_ident $1 }
+    | module_type MINUSGREATER module_type
+        %prec below_WITH
+        { Pmty_functor(Named (mknoloc None, $1), $3) }
+    | module_type WITH separated_nonempty_llist(AND, with_constraint)
+        { Pmty_with($1, $3) }
+/*  | LPAREN MODULE mkrhs(mod_longident) RPAREN
+        { Pmty_alias $3 } */
+    | extension
+        { Pmty_extension $1 }
+    )
+    { $1 }
+(* A signature, which appears between SIG and END (among other places),
+   is a list of signature elements. *)
+  extra_sig(flatten(signature_element*))
+    { $1 }
+(* A signature element is one of the following:
+   - a double semicolon;
+   - a signature item. *)
+%inline signature_element:
+    text_sig_SEMISEMI
+  | text_sig(signature_item)
+      { $1 }
+(* A signature item. *)
+  | item_extension post_item_attributes
+      { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mksig ~loc:$sloc (Psig_extension ($1, (add_docs_attrs docs $2))) }
+  | mksig(
+      floating_attribute
+        { Psig_attribute $1 }
+    )
+    { $1 }
+  | wrap_mksig_ext(
+      value_description
+        { psig_value $1 }
+    | primitive_declaration
+        { psig_value $1 }
+    | type_declarations
+        { psig_type $1 }
+    | type_subst_declarations
+        { psig_typesubst $1 }
+    | sig_type_extension
+        { psig_typext $1 }
+    | sig_exception_declaration
+        { psig_exception $1 }
+    | module_declaration
+        { let (body, ext) = $1 in (Psig_module body, ext) }
+    | module_alias
+        { let (body, ext) = $1 in (Psig_module body, ext) }
+    | module_subst
+        { let (body, ext) = $1 in (Psig_modsubst body, ext) }
+    | rec_module_declarations
+        { let (ext, l) = $1 in (Psig_recmodule l, ext) }
+    | module_type_declaration
+        { let (body, ext) = $1 in (Psig_modtype body, ext) }
+    | module_type_subst
+        { let (body, ext) = $1 in (Psig_modtypesubst body, ext) }
+    | open_description
+        { let (body, ext) = $1 in (Psig_open body, ext) }
+    | include_statement(module_type)
+        { psig_include $1 }
+    | class_descriptions
+        { let (ext, l) = $1 in (Psig_class l, ext) }
+    | class_type_declarations
+        { let (ext, l) = $1 in (Psig_class_type l, ext) }
+    )
+    { $1 }
+(* A module declaration. *)
+%inline module_declaration:
+  ext = ext attrs1 = attributes
+  name = mkrhs(module_name)
+  body = module_declaration_body
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    Md.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
+  }
+(* The body (right-hand side) of a module declaration. *)
+    COLON mty = module_type
+      { mty }
+  | EQUAL error
+      { expecting $loc($1) ":" }
+  | mkmty(
+      arg_and_pos = functor_arg body = module_declaration_body
+        { let (_, arg) = arg_and_pos in
+          Pmty_functor(arg, body) }
+    )
+    { $1 }
+(* A module alias declaration (in a signature). *)
+%inline module_alias:
+  ext = ext attrs1 = attributes
+  name = mkrhs(module_name)
+  body = module_expr_alias
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    Md.mk name body ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
+  }
+%inline module_expr_alias:
+  id = mkrhs(mod_longident)
+    { Mty.alias ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) id }
+(* A module substitution (in a signature). *)
+  ext = ext attrs1 = attributes
+  uid = mkrhs(UIDENT)
+  body = mkrhs(mod_ext_longident)
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    Ms.mk uid body ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
+  }
+| MODULE ext attributes mkrhs(UIDENT) COLONEQUAL error
+    { expecting $loc($6) "module path" }
+(* A group of recursive module declarations. *)
+%inline rec_module_declarations:
+  xlist(rec_module_declaration, and_module_declaration)
+    { $1 }
+%inline rec_module_declaration:
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  REC
+  name = mkrhs(module_name)
+  mty = module_type
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    ext, Md.mk name mty ~attrs ~loc ~docs
+  }
+%inline and_module_declaration:
+  AND
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  name = mkrhs(module_name)
+  mty = module_type
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let text = symbol_text $symbolstartpos in
+    Md.mk name mty ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
+  }
+(* A module type substitution *)
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  id = mkrhs(ident)
+  typ=module_type
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    Mtd.mk id ~typ ~attrs ~loc ~docs, ext
+  }
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Class declarations. *)
+%inline class_declarations:
+  xlist(class_declaration, and_class_declaration)
+    { $1 }
+%inline class_declaration:
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  virt = virtual_flag
+  params = formal_class_parameters
+  id = mkrhs(LIDENT)
+  body = class_fun_binding
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    ext,
+    Ci.mk id body ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~docs
+  }
+%inline and_class_declaration:
+  AND
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  virt = virtual_flag
+  params = formal_class_parameters
+  id = mkrhs(LIDENT)
+  body = class_fun_binding
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+  {
+    let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+    let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    let text = symbol_text $symbolstartpos in
+    Ci.mk id body ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
+  }
+    EQUAL class_expr
+      { $2 }
+  | mkclass(
+      COLON class_type EQUAL class_expr
+        { Pcl_constraint($4, $2) }
+    | labeled_simple_pattern class_fun_binding
+      { let (l,o,p) = $1 in Pcl_fun(l, o, p, $2) }
+    ) { $1 }
+  params = class_parameters(type_parameter)
+    { params }
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Class expressions. *)
+    class_simple_expr
+      { $1 }
+  | FUN attributes class_fun_def
+      { wrap_class_attrs ~loc:$sloc $3 $2 }
+  | let_bindings(no_ext) IN class_expr
+      { class_of_let_bindings ~loc:$sloc $1 $3 }
+  | LET OPEN override_flag attributes mkrhs(mod_longident) IN class_expr
+      { let loc = ($startpos($2), $endpos($5)) in
+        let od = Opn.mk ~override:$3 ~loc:(make_loc loc) $5 in
+        mkclass ~loc:$sloc ~attrs:$4 (Pcl_open(od, $7)) }
+  | class_expr attribute
+      { Cl.attr $1 $2 }
+  | mkclass(
+      class_simple_expr nonempty_llist(labeled_simple_expr)
+        { Pcl_apply($1, $2) }
+    | extension
+        { Pcl_extension $1 }
+    ) { $1 }
+  | LPAREN class_expr RPAREN
+      { $2 }
+  | LPAREN class_expr error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($3) }
+  | mkclass(
+      tys = actual_class_parameters cid = mkrhs(class_longident)
+        { Pcl_constr(cid, tys) }
+    | OBJECT attributes class_structure error
+        { unclosed "object" $loc($1) "end" $loc($4) }
+    | LPAREN class_expr COLON class_type RPAREN
+        { Pcl_constraint($2, $4) }
+    | LPAREN class_expr COLON class_type error
+        { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($5) }
+    ) { $1 }
+  | OBJECT attributes class_structure END
+    { mkclass ~loc:$sloc ~attrs:$2 (Pcl_structure $3) }
+  mkclass(
+    labeled_simple_pattern MINUSGREATER e = class_expr
+  | labeled_simple_pattern e = class_fun_def
+      { let (l,o,p) = $1 in Pcl_fun(l, o, p, e) }
+  ) { $1 }
+%inline class_structure:
+  |  class_self_pattern extra_cstr(class_fields)
+       { Cstr.mk $1 $2 }
+    LPAREN pattern RPAREN
+      { reloc_pat ~loc:$sloc $2 }
+  | mkpat(LPAREN pattern COLON core_type RPAREN
+      { Ppat_constraint($2, $4) })
+      { $1 }
+  | /* empty */
+      { ghpat ~loc:$sloc Ppat_any }
+%inline class_fields:
+  flatten(text_cstr(class_field)*)
+    { $1 }
+  | INHERIT override_flag attributes class_expr
+    self = preceded(AS, mkrhs(LIDENT))?
+    post_item_attributes
+      { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkcf ~loc:$sloc (Pcf_inherit ($2, $4, self)) ~attrs:($3@$6) ~docs }
+  | VAL value post_item_attributes
+      { let v, attrs = $2 in
+        let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkcf ~loc:$sloc (Pcf_val v) ~attrs:(attrs@$3) ~docs }
+  | METHOD method_ post_item_attributes
+      { let meth, attrs = $2 in
+        let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkcf ~loc:$sloc (Pcf_method meth) ~attrs:(attrs@$3) ~docs }
+  | CONSTRAINT attributes constrain_field post_item_attributes
+      { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkcf ~loc:$sloc (Pcf_constraint $3) ~attrs:($2@$4) ~docs }
+  | INITIALIZER attributes seq_expr post_item_attributes
+      { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkcf ~loc:$sloc (Pcf_initializer $3) ~attrs:($2@$4) ~docs }
+  | item_extension post_item_attributes
+      { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkcf ~loc:$sloc (Pcf_extension $1) ~attrs:$2 ~docs }
+  | mkcf(floating_attribute
+      { Pcf_attribute $1 })
+      { $1 }
+    no_override_flag
+    attrs = attributes
+    mutable_ = virtual_with_mutable_flag
+    label = mkrhs(label) COLON ty = core_type
+      { (label, mutable_, Cfk_virtual ty), attrs }
+  | override_flag attributes mutable_flag mkrhs(label) EQUAL seq_expr
+      { ($4, $3, Cfk_concrete ($1, $6)), $2 }
+  | override_flag attributes mutable_flag mkrhs(label) type_constraint
+    EQUAL seq_expr
+      { let e = mkexp_constraint ~loc:$sloc $7 $5 in
+        ($4, $3, Cfk_concrete ($1, e)), $2
+      }
+    no_override_flag
+    attrs = attributes
+    private_ = virtual_with_private_flag
+    label = mkrhs(label) COLON ty = poly_type
+      { (label, private_, Cfk_virtual ty), attrs }
+  | override_flag attributes private_flag mkrhs(label) strict_binding
+      { let e = $5 in
+        let loc = Location.(e.pexp_loc.loc_start, e.pexp_loc.loc_end) in
+        ($4, $3,
+        Cfk_concrete ($1, ghexp ~loc (Pexp_poly (e, None)))), $2 }
+  | override_flag attributes private_flag mkrhs(label)
+    COLON poly_type EQUAL seq_expr
+      { let poly_exp =
+          let loc = ($startpos($6), $endpos($8)) in
+          ghexp ~loc (Pexp_poly($8, Some $6)) in
+        ($4, $3, Cfk_concrete ($1, poly_exp)), $2 }
+  | override_flag attributes private_flag mkrhs(label) COLON TYPE lident_list
+    DOT core_type EQUAL seq_expr
+      { let poly_exp_loc = ($startpos($7), $endpos($11)) in
+        let poly_exp =
+          let exp, poly =
+            (* it seems odd to use the global ~loc here while poly_exp_loc
+               is tighter, but this is what ocamlyacc does;
+               TODO improve parser.mly *)
+            wrap_type_annotation ~loc:$sloc $7 $9 $11 in
+          ghexp ~loc:poly_exp_loc (Pexp_poly(exp, Some poly)) in
+        ($4, $3,
+        Cfk_concrete ($1, poly_exp)), $2 }
+/* Class types */
+    class_signature
+      { $1 }
+  | mkcty(
+      label = arg_label
+      domain = tuple_type
+      codomain = class_type
+        { Pcty_arrow(label, domain, codomain) }
+    ) { $1 }
+ ;
+    mkcty(
+      tys = actual_class_parameters cid = mkrhs(clty_longident)
+        { Pcty_constr (cid, tys) }
+    | extension
+        { Pcty_extension $1 }
+    ) { $1 }
+  | OBJECT attributes class_sig_body END
+      { mkcty ~loc:$sloc ~attrs:$2 (Pcty_signature $3) }
+  | OBJECT attributes class_sig_body error
+      { unclosed "object" $loc($1) "end" $loc($4) }
+  | class_signature attribute
+      { Cty.attr $1 $2 }
+  | LET OPEN override_flag attributes mkrhs(mod_longident) IN class_signature
+      { let loc = ($startpos($2), $endpos($5)) in
+        let od = Opn.mk ~override:$3 ~loc:(make_loc loc) $5 in
+        mkcty ~loc:$sloc ~attrs:$4 (Pcty_open(od, $7)) }
+%inline class_parameters(parameter):
+  | /* empty */
+      { [] }
+  | LBRACKET params = separated_nonempty_llist(COMMA, parameter) RBRACKET
+      { params }
+%inline actual_class_parameters:
+  tys = class_parameters(core_type)
+    { tys }
+%inline class_sig_body:
+    class_self_type extra_csig(class_sig_fields)
+      { Csig.mk $1 $2 }
+    LPAREN core_type RPAREN
+      { $2 }
+  | mktyp((* empty *) { Ptyp_any })
+      { $1 }
+%inline class_sig_fields:
+  flatten(text_csig(class_sig_field)*)
+    { $1 }
+    INHERIT attributes class_signature post_item_attributes
+      { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkctf ~loc:$sloc (Pctf_inherit $3) ~attrs:($2@$4) ~docs }
+  | VAL attributes value_type post_item_attributes
+      { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkctf ~loc:$sloc (Pctf_val $3) ~attrs:($2@$4) ~docs }
+  | METHOD attributes private_virtual_flags mkrhs(label) COLON poly_type
+    post_item_attributes
+      { let (p, v) = $3 in
+        let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkctf ~loc:$sloc (Pctf_method ($4, p, v, $6)) ~attrs:($2@$7) ~docs }
+  | CONSTRAINT attributes constrain_field post_item_attributes
+      { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkctf ~loc:$sloc (Pctf_constraint $3) ~attrs:($2@$4) ~docs }
+  | item_extension post_item_attributes
+      { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+        mkctf ~loc:$sloc (Pctf_extension $1) ~attrs:$2 ~docs }
+  | mkctf(floating_attribute
+      { Pctf_attribute $1 })
+      { $1 }
+%inline value_type:
+  flags = mutable_virtual_flags
+  label = mkrhs(label)
+  ty = core_type
+  {
+    let mut, virt = flags in
+    label, mut, virt, ty
+  }
+%inline constrain:
+    core_type EQUAL core_type
+    { $1, $3, make_loc $sloc }
+  core_type EQUAL core_type
+    { $1, $3 }
+(* A group of class descriptions. *)
+%inline class_descriptions:
+  xlist(class_description, and_class_description)
+    { $1 }
+%inline class_description:
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  virt = virtual_flag
+  params = formal_class_parameters
+  id = mkrhs(LIDENT)
+  cty = class_type
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    {
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      ext,
+      Ci.mk id cty ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~docs
+    }
+%inline and_class_description:
+  AND
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  virt = virtual_flag
+  params = formal_class_parameters
+  id = mkrhs(LIDENT)
+  cty = class_type
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    {
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      let text = symbol_text $symbolstartpos in
+      Ci.mk id cty ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
+    }
+  xlist(class_type_declaration, and_class_type_declaration)
+    { $1 }
+%inline class_type_declaration:
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  virt = virtual_flag
+  params = formal_class_parameters
+  id = mkrhs(LIDENT)
+  csig = class_signature
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    {
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      ext,
+      Ci.mk id csig ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~docs
+    }
+%inline and_class_type_declaration:
+  AND
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  virt = virtual_flag
+  params = formal_class_parameters
+  id = mkrhs(LIDENT)
+  csig = class_signature
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    {
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      let text = symbol_text $symbolstartpos in
+      Ci.mk id csig ~virt ~params ~attrs ~loc ~text ~docs
+    }
+/* Core expressions */
+%inline or_function(EXPR):
+  | EXPR
+      { $1 }
+  | FUNCTION ext_attributes match_cases
+      { let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+        let cases = $3 in
+        (* There are two choices of where to put attributes: on the
+           Pexp_function node; on the Pfunction_cases body. We put them on the
+           Pexp_function node here because the compiler only uses
+           Pfunction_cases attributes for enabling/disabling warnings in
+           typechecking. For standalone function cases, we want the compiler to
+           respect, e.g., [@inline] attributes.
+        *)
+        let desc = mkfunction [] None (Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, [])) in
+        mkexp_attrs ~loc:$sloc desc $2
+      }
+(* [fun_seq_expr] (and [fun_expr]) are legal expression bodies of a function.
+   [seq_expr] (and [expr]) are expressions that appear in other contexts
+   (e.g. subexpressions of the expression body of a function).
+   [fun_seq_expr] can't be a bare [function _ -> ...]. [seq_expr] can.
+   This distinction exists because [function _ -> ...] is parsed as a *function
+   cases* body of a function, not an expression body. This so functions can be
+   parsed with the intended arity.
+  | fun_expr    %prec below_SEMI  { $1 }
+  | fun_expr SEMI                 { $1 }
+  | mkexp(fun_expr SEMI seq_expr
+    { Pexp_sequence($1, $3) })
+    { $1 }
+  | fun_expr SEMI PERCENT attr_id seq_expr
+    { let seq = mkexp ~loc:$sloc (Pexp_sequence ($1, $5)) in
+      let payload = PStr [mkstrexp seq []] in
+      mkexp ~loc:$sloc (Pexp_extension ($4, payload)) }
+  | or_function(fun_seq_expr) { $1 }
+    QUESTION LPAREN label_let_pattern opt_default RPAREN
+      { (Optional (fst $3), $4, snd $3) }
+  | QUESTION label_var
+      { (Optional (fst $2), None, snd $2) }
+  | OPTLABEL LPAREN let_pattern opt_default RPAREN
+      { (Optional $1, $4, $3) }
+  | OPTLABEL pattern_var
+      { (Optional $1, None, $2) }
+  | TILDE LPAREN label_let_pattern RPAREN
+      { (Labelled (fst $3), None, snd $3) }
+  | TILDE label_var
+      { (Labelled (fst $2), None, snd $2) }
+  | LABEL simple_pattern
+      { (Labelled $1, None, $2) }
+  | simple_pattern
+      { (Nolabel, None, $1) }
+  mkpat(
+      mkrhs(LIDENT)     { Ppat_var $1 }
+    | UNDERSCORE        { Ppat_any }
+  ) { $1 }
+%inline opt_default:
+  preceded(EQUAL, seq_expr)?
+    { $1 }
+    x = label_var
+      { x }
+  | x = label_var COLON cty = core_type
+      { let lab, pat = x in
+        lab,
+        mkpat ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_constraint (pat, cty)) }
+%inline label_var:
+    mkrhs(LIDENT)
+      { ($1.Location.txt, mkpat ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_var $1)) }
+    pattern
+      { $1 }
+  | mkpat(pattern COLON core_type
+      { Ppat_constraint($1, $3) })
+      { $1 }
+%inline indexop_expr(dot, index, right):
+  | array=simple_expr d=dot LPAREN i=index RPAREN r=right
+    { array, d, Paren,   i, r }
+  | array=simple_expr d=dot LBRACE i=index RBRACE r=right
+    { array, d, Brace,   i, r }
+  | array=simple_expr d=dot LBRACKET i=index RBRACKET r=right
+    { array, d, Bracket, i, r }
+%inline indexop_error(dot, index):
+  | simple_expr dot _p=LPAREN index  _e=error
+    { indexop_unclosed_error $loc(_p)  Paren $loc(_e) }
+  | simple_expr dot _p=LBRACE index  _e=error
+    { indexop_unclosed_error $loc(_p) Brace $loc(_e) }
+  | simple_expr dot _p=LBRACKET index  _e=error
+    { indexop_unclosed_error $loc(_p) Bracket $loc(_e) }
+%inline qualified_dotop: ioption(DOT mod_longident {$2}) DOTOP { $1, $2 };
+    simple_expr %prec below_HASH
+      { $1 }
+  | fun_expr_attrs
+      { let desc, attrs = $1 in
+        mkexp_attrs ~loc:$sloc desc attrs }
+  | mkexp(expr_)
+      { $1 }
+  | let_bindings(ext) IN seq_expr
+      { expr_of_let_bindings ~loc:$sloc $1 $3 }
+  | pbop_op = mkrhs(LETOP) bindings = letop_bindings IN body = seq_expr
+      { let (pbop_pat, pbop_exp, rev_ands) = bindings in
+        let ands = List.rev rev_ands in
+        let pbop_loc = make_loc $sloc in
+        let let_ = {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc} in
+        mkexp ~loc:$sloc (Pexp_letop{ let_; ands; body}) }
+  | fun_expr COLONCOLON expr
+      { mkexp_cons ~loc:$sloc $loc($2) (ghexp ~loc:$sloc (Pexp_tuple[$1;$3])) }
+  | mkrhs(label) LESSMINUS expr
+      { mkexp ~loc:$sloc (Pexp_setinstvar($1, $3)) }
+  | simple_expr DOT mkrhs(label_longident) LESSMINUS expr
+      { mkexp ~loc:$sloc (Pexp_setfield($1, $3, $5)) }
+  | indexop_expr(DOT, seq_expr, LESSMINUS v=expr {Some v})
+    { mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+  | indexop_expr(qualified_dotop, expr_semi_list, LESSMINUS v=expr {Some v})
+    { mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+  | fun_expr attribute
+      { Exp.attr $1 $2 }
+     { not_expecting $loc($1) "wildcard \"_\"" }
+/* END AVOID */
+%inline expr:
+  | or_function(fun_expr) { $1 }
+%inline fun_expr_attrs:
+  | LET MODULE ext_attributes mkrhs(module_name) module_binding_body IN seq_expr
+      { Pexp_letmodule($4, $5, $7), $3 }
+  | LET EXCEPTION ext_attributes let_exception_declaration IN seq_expr
+      { Pexp_letexception($4, $6), $3 }
+  | LET OPEN override_flag ext_attributes module_expr IN seq_expr
+      { let open_loc = make_loc ($startpos($2), $endpos($5)) in
+        let od = Opn.mk $5 ~override:$3 ~loc:open_loc in
+        Pexp_open(od, $7), $4 }
+  /* Cf #5939: we used to accept (fun p when e0 -> e) */
+  | FUN ext_attributes fun_params preceded(COLON, atomic_type)?
+      MINUSGREATER fun_body
+      { let body_constraint = Option.map (fun x -> Pconstraint x) $4 in
+        mkfunction $3 body_constraint $6, $2
+      }
+  | MATCH ext_attributes seq_expr WITH match_cases
+      { Pexp_match($3, $5), $2 }
+  | TRY ext_attributes seq_expr WITH match_cases
+      { Pexp_try($3, $5), $2 }
+  | TRY ext_attributes seq_expr WITH error
+      { syntax_error() }
+  | IF ext_attributes seq_expr THEN expr ELSE expr
+      { Pexp_ifthenelse($3, $5, Some $7), $2 }
+  | IF ext_attributes seq_expr THEN expr
+      { Pexp_ifthenelse($3, $5, None), $2 }
+  | WHILE ext_attributes seq_expr do_done_expr
+      { Pexp_while($3, $4), $2 }
+  | FOR ext_attributes pattern EQUAL seq_expr direction_flag seq_expr
+    do_done_expr
+      { Pexp_for($3, $5, $7, $6, $8), $2 }
+  | ASSERT ext_attributes simple_expr %prec below_HASH
+      { Pexp_assert $3, $2 }
+  | LAZY ext_attributes simple_expr %prec below_HASH
+      { Pexp_lazy $3, $2 }
+%inline do_done_expr:
+  | DO e = seq_expr DONE
+      { e }
+  | DO seq_expr error
+      { unclosed "do" $loc($1) "done" $loc($2) }
+%inline expr_:
+  | simple_expr nonempty_llist(labeled_simple_expr)
+      { Pexp_apply($1, $2) }
+  | expr_comma_list %prec below_COMMA
+      { Pexp_tuple($1) }
+  | mkrhs(constr_longident) simple_expr %prec below_HASH
+      { Pexp_construct($1, Some $2) }
+  | name_tag simple_expr %prec below_HASH
+      { Pexp_variant($1, Some $2) }
+  | e1 = fun_expr op = op(infix_operator) e2 = expr
+      { mkinfix e1 op e2 }
+  | subtractive expr %prec prec_unary_minus
+      { mkuminus ~sloc:$sloc ~oploc:$loc($1) $1 $2 }
+  | additive expr %prec prec_unary_plus
+      { mkuplus ~sloc:$sloc ~oploc:$loc($1) $1 $2 }
+  | LPAREN seq_expr RPAREN
+      { reloc_exp ~loc:$sloc $2 }
+  | LPAREN seq_expr error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($3) }
+  | LPAREN seq_expr type_constraint RPAREN
+      { mkexp_constraint ~loc:$sloc $2 $3 }
+  | indexop_expr(DOT, seq_expr, { None })
+      { mk_indexop_expr builtin_indexing_operators ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+  | indexop_expr(qualified_dotop, expr_semi_list, { None })
+      { mk_indexop_expr user_indexing_operators ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+  | indexop_error (DOT, seq_expr) { $1 }
+  | indexop_error (qualified_dotop, expr_semi_list) { $1 }
+  | metaocaml_expr { $1 }
+  | simple_expr_attrs
+    { let desc, attrs = $1 in
+      mkexp_attrs ~loc:$sloc desc attrs }
+  | mkexp(simple_expr_)
+      { $1 }
+%inline simple_expr_attrs:
+  | BEGIN ext = ext attrs = attributes e = seq_expr END
+      { e.pexp_desc, (ext, attrs @ e.pexp_attributes) }
+  | BEGIN ext_attributes END
+      { Pexp_construct (mkloc (Lident "()") (make_loc $sloc), None), $2 }
+  | BEGIN ext_attributes seq_expr error
+      { unclosed "begin" $loc($1) "end" $loc($4) }
+  | NEW ext_attributes mkrhs(class_longident)
+      { Pexp_new($3), $2 }
+  | LPAREN MODULE ext_attributes module_expr RPAREN
+      { Pexp_pack $4, $3 }
+  | LPAREN MODULE ext_attributes module_expr COLON package_type RPAREN
+      { Pexp_constraint (ghexp ~loc:$sloc (Pexp_pack $4), $6), $3 }
+  | LPAREN MODULE ext_attributes module_expr COLON error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($6) }
+  | OBJECT ext_attributes class_structure END
+      { Pexp_object $3, $2 }
+  | OBJECT ext_attributes class_structure error
+      { unclosed "object" $loc($1) "end" $loc($4) }
+(* We include this parsing rule from the BER-MetaOCaml patchset
+   (see https://okmij.org/ftp/ML/MetaOCaml.html)
+   even though the lexer does *not* include any lexing rule
+   for the METAOCAML_* tokens, so they
+   will never be produced by the upstream compiler.
+   The intention of this dead parsing rule is purely to ease the
+   future maintenance work on MetaOCaml.
+%inline metaocaml_expr:
+  | METAOCAML_ESCAPE e = simple_expr
+    { wrap_exp_attrs ~loc:$sloc e
+       (Some (mknoloc "metaocaml.escape"), []) }
+    { wrap_exp_attrs ~loc:$sloc e
+       (Some  (mknoloc "metaocaml.bracket"),[]) }
+%inline simple_expr_:
+  | mkrhs(val_longident)
+      { Pexp_ident ($1) }
+  | constant
+      { Pexp_constant $1 }
+  | mkrhs(constr_longident) %prec prec_constant_constructor
+      { Pexp_construct($1, None) }
+  | name_tag %prec prec_constant_constructor
+      { Pexp_variant($1, None) }
+  | op(PREFIXOP) simple_expr
+      { Pexp_apply($1, [Nolabel,$2]) }
+  | op(BANG {"!"}) simple_expr
+      { Pexp_apply($1, [Nolabel,$2]) }
+  | LBRACELESS object_expr_content GREATERRBRACE
+      { Pexp_override $2 }
+  | LBRACELESS object_expr_content error
+      { unclosed "{<" $loc($1) ">}" $loc($3) }
+      { Pexp_override [] }
+  | simple_expr DOT mkrhs(label_longident)
+      { Pexp_field($1, $3) }
+  | od=open_dot_declaration DOT LPAREN seq_expr RPAREN
+      { Pexp_open(od, $4) }
+  | od=open_dot_declaration DOT LBRACELESS object_expr_content GREATERRBRACE
+      { (* TODO: review the location of Pexp_override *)
+        Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:$sloc (Pexp_override $4)) }
+  | mod_longident DOT LBRACELESS object_expr_content error
+      { unclosed "{<" $loc($3) ">}" $loc($5) }
+  | simple_expr HASH mkrhs(label)
+      { Pexp_send($1, $3) }
+  | simple_expr op(HASHOP) simple_expr
+      { mkinfix $1 $2 $3 }
+  | extension
+      { Pexp_extension $1 }
+  | od=open_dot_declaration DOT mkrhs(LPAREN RPAREN {Lident "()"})
+      { Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:($loc($3)) (Pexp_construct($3, None))) }
+  | mod_longident DOT LPAREN seq_expr error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($3) ")" $loc($5) }
+  | LBRACE record_expr_content RBRACE
+      { let (exten, fields) = $2 in
+        Pexp_record(fields, exten) }
+  | LBRACE record_expr_content error
+      { unclosed "{" $loc($1) "}" $loc($3) }
+  | od=open_dot_declaration DOT LBRACE record_expr_content RBRACE
+      { let (exten, fields) = $4 in
+        Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:($startpos($3), $endpos)
+                        (Pexp_record(fields, exten))) }
+  | mod_longident DOT LBRACE record_expr_content error
+      { unclosed "{" $loc($3) "}" $loc($5) }
+      { Pexp_array($2) }
+  | LBRACKETBAR expr_semi_list error
+      { unclosed "[|" $loc($1) "|]" $loc($3) }
+      { Pexp_array [] }
+  | od=open_dot_declaration DOT LBRACKETBAR expr_semi_list BARRBRACKET
+      { Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:($startpos($3), $endpos) (Pexp_array($4))) }
+  | od=open_dot_declaration DOT LBRACKETBAR BARRBRACKET
+      { (* TODO: review the location of Pexp_array *)
+        Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:($startpos($3), $endpos) (Pexp_array [])) }
+  | mod_longident DOT
+    LBRACKETBAR expr_semi_list error
+      { unclosed "[|" $loc($3) "|]" $loc($5) }
+  | LBRACKET expr_semi_list RBRACKET
+      { fst (mktailexp $loc($3) $2) }
+  | LBRACKET expr_semi_list error
+      { unclosed "[" $loc($1) "]" $loc($3) }
+  | od=open_dot_declaration DOT LBRACKET expr_semi_list RBRACKET
+      { let list_exp =
+          (* TODO: review the location of list_exp *)
+          let tail_exp, _tail_loc = mktailexp $loc($5) $4 in
+          mkexp ~loc:($startpos($3), $endpos) tail_exp in
+        Pexp_open(od, list_exp) }
+  | od=open_dot_declaration DOT mkrhs(LBRACKET RBRACKET {Lident "[]"})
+      { Pexp_open(od, mkexp ~loc:$loc($3) (Pexp_construct($3, None))) }
+  | mod_longident DOT
+    LBRACKET expr_semi_list error
+      { unclosed "[" $loc($3) "]" $loc($5) }
+  | od=open_dot_declaration DOT LPAREN MODULE ext_attributes module_expr COLON
+    package_type RPAREN
+      { let modexp =
+          mkexp_attrs ~loc:($startpos($3), $endpos)
+            (Pexp_constraint (ghexp ~loc:$sloc (Pexp_pack $6), $8)) $5 in
+        Pexp_open(od, modexp) }
+  | mod_longident DOT
+    LPAREN MODULE ext_attributes module_expr COLON error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($3) ")" $loc($8) }
+    simple_expr %prec below_HASH
+      { (Nolabel, $1) }
+  | LABEL simple_expr %prec below_HASH
+      { (Labelled $1, $2) }
+  | TILDE label = LIDENT
+      { let loc = $loc(label) in
+        (Labelled label, mkexpvar ~loc label) }
+  | TILDE LPAREN label = LIDENT ty = type_constraint RPAREN
+      { (Labelled label, mkexp_constraint ~loc:($startpos($2), $endpos)
+                           (mkexpvar ~loc:$loc(label) label) ty) }
+  | QUESTION label = LIDENT
+      { let loc = $loc(label) in
+        (Optional label, mkexpvar ~loc label) }
+  | OPTLABEL simple_expr %prec below_HASH
+      { (Optional $1, $2) }
+%inline lident_list:
+  xs = mkrhs(LIDENT)+
+    { xs }
+%inline let_ident:
+    val_ident { mkpatvar ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+    let_ident strict_binding
+      { ($1, $2, None) }
+  | let_ident type_constraint EQUAL seq_expr
+      { let v = $1 in (* PR#7344 *)
+        let t =
+          match $2 with
+            Pconstraint t ->
+             Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars = []; typ=t }
+          | Pcoerce (ground, coercion) -> Pvc_coercion { ground; coercion}
+        in
+        (v, $4, Some t)
+        }
+  | let_ident COLON poly(core_type) EQUAL seq_expr
+    {
+      let t = ghtyp ~loc:($loc($3)) $3 in
+      ($1, $5, Some (Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars = []; typ=t }))
+    }
+  | let_ident COLON TYPE lident_list DOT core_type EQUAL seq_expr
+    { let constraint' =
+        Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars=$4; typ = $6}
+      in
+      ($1, $8, Some constraint') }
+  | pattern_no_exn EQUAL seq_expr
+      { ($1, $3, None) }
+  | simple_pattern_not_ident COLON core_type EQUAL seq_expr
+      { ($1, $5, Some(Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars=[]; typ=$3 })) }
+  | let_binding_body_no_punning
+      { let p,e,c = $1 in (p,e,c,false) }
+  | val_ident %prec below_HASH
+      { (mkpatvar ~loc:$loc $1, mkexpvar ~loc:$loc $1, None, true) }
+  (* The production that allows puns is marked so that [make list-parse-errors]
+     does not attempt to exploit it. That would be problematic because it
+     would then generate bindings such as [let x], which are rejected by the
+     auxiliary function [addlb] via a call to [syntax_error]. *)
+/* END AVOID */
+(* The formal parameter EXT can be instantiated with ext or no_ext
+   so as to indicate whether an extension is allowed or disallowed. *)
+    let_binding(EXT)                            { $1 }
+  | let_bindings(EXT) and_let_binding           { addlb $1 $2 }
+%inline let_binding(EXT):
+  LET
+  ext = EXT
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  rec_flag = rec_flag
+  body = let_binding_body
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    {
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      mklbs ext rec_flag (mklb ~loc:$sloc true body attrs)
+    }
+  AND
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  body = let_binding_body
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    {
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      mklb ~loc:$sloc false body attrs
+    }
+    pat = let_ident exp = strict_binding
+      { (pat, exp) }
+  | val_ident
+      (* Let-punning *)
+      { (mkpatvar ~loc:$loc $1, mkexpvar ~loc:$loc $1) }
+  | pat = simple_pattern COLON typ = core_type EQUAL exp = seq_expr
+      { let loc = ($startpos(pat), $endpos(typ)) in
+        (ghpat ~loc (Ppat_constraint(pat, typ)), exp) }
+  | pat = pattern_no_exn EQUAL exp = seq_expr
+      { (pat, exp) }
+    body = letop_binding_body
+      { let let_pat, let_exp = body in
+        let_pat, let_exp, [] }
+  | bindings = letop_bindings pbop_op = mkrhs(ANDOP) body = letop_binding_body
+      { let let_pat, let_exp, rev_ands = bindings in
+        let pbop_pat, pbop_exp = body in
+        let pbop_loc = make_loc $sloc in
+        let and_ = {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc} in
+        let_pat, let_exp, and_ :: rev_ands }
+    EQUAL seq_expr
+      { $2 }
+  | fun_params type_constraint? EQUAL fun_body
+      { ghexp ~loc:$sloc (mkfunction $1 $2 $4)
+      }
+  | FUNCTION ext_attributes match_cases
+      { let ext, attrs = $2 in
+        match ext with
+        | None -> Pfunction_cases ($3, make_loc $sloc, attrs)
+        | Some _ ->
+          (* function%foo extension nodes interrupt the arity *)
+            let cases = Pfunction_cases ($3, make_loc $sloc, []) in
+            Pfunction_body
+              (mkexp_attrs ~loc:$sloc (mkfunction [] None cases) $2)
+      }
+  | fun_seq_expr
+      { Pfunction_body $1 }
+%inline match_cases:
+  xs = preceded_or_separated_nonempty_llist(BAR, match_case)
+    { xs }
+    pattern MINUSGREATER seq_expr
+      { Exp.case $1 $3 }
+  | pattern WHEN seq_expr MINUSGREATER seq_expr
+      { Exp.case $1 ~guard:$3 $5 }
+      { Exp.case $1 (Exp.unreachable ~loc:(make_loc $loc($3)) ()) }
+  | LPAREN TYPE ty_params = lident_list RPAREN
+      { (* We desugar (type a b c) to (type a) (type b) (type c).
+           If we do this desugaring, the loc for each parameter is a ghost.
+        *)
+        let loc =
+          match ty_params with
+          | [] -> assert false (* lident_list is non-empty *)
+          | [_] -> make_loc $sloc
+          | _ :: _ :: _ -> ghost_loc $sloc
+        in
+        List.map
+          (fun x -> { pparam_loc = loc; pparam_desc = Pparam_newtype x })
+          ty_params
+      }
+  | labeled_simple_pattern
+      { let a, b, c = $1 in
+        [ { pparam_loc = make_loc $sloc; pparam_desc = Pparam_val (a, b, c) } ]
+      }
+  | nonempty_concat(fun_param_as_list) { $1 }
+%inline expr_comma_list:
+  es = separated_nontrivial_llist(COMMA, expr)
+    { es }
+  eo = ioption(terminated(simple_expr, WITH))
+  fields = separated_or_terminated_nonempty_list(SEMI, record_expr_field)
+    { eo, fields }
+%inline record_expr_field:
+  | label = mkrhs(label_longident)
+    c = type_constraint?
+    eo = preceded(EQUAL, expr)?
+      { let constraint_loc, label, e =
+          match eo with
+          | None ->
+              (* No pattern; this is a pun. Desugar it. *)
+              $sloc, make_ghost label, exp_of_longident label
+          | Some e ->
+              ($startpos(c), $endpos), label, e
+        in
+        label, mkexp_opt_constraint ~loc:constraint_loc e c }
+%inline object_expr_content:
+  xs = separated_or_terminated_nonempty_list(SEMI, object_expr_field)
+    { xs }
+%inline object_expr_field:
+    label = mkrhs(label)
+    oe = preceded(EQUAL, expr)?
+      { let label, e =
+          match oe with
+          | None ->
+              (* No expression; this is a pun. Desugar it. *)
+              make_ghost label, exp_of_label label
+          | Some e ->
+              label, e
+        in
+        label, e }
+%inline expr_semi_list:
+  es = separated_or_terminated_nonempty_list(SEMI, expr)
+    { es }
+    COLON core_type                             { Pconstraint $2 }
+  | COLON core_type COLONGREATER core_type      { Pcoerce (Some $2, $4) }
+  | COLONGREATER core_type                      { Pcoerce (None, $2) }
+  | COLON error                                 { syntax_error() }
+  | COLONGREATER error                          { syntax_error() }
+/* Patterns */
+(* Whereas [pattern] is an arbitrary pattern, [pattern_no_exn] is a pattern
+   that does not begin with the [EXCEPTION] keyword. Thus, [pattern_no_exn]
+   is the intersection of the context-free language [pattern] with the
+   regular language [^EXCEPTION .*].
+   Ideally, we would like to use [pattern] everywhere and check in a later
+   phase that EXCEPTION patterns are used only where they are allowed (there
+   is code in typing/typecore.ml to this end). Unfortunately, in the
+   definition of [let_binding_body], we cannot allow [pattern]. That would
+   create a shift/reduce conflict: upon seeing LET EXCEPTION ..., the parser
+   wouldn't know whether this is the beginning of a LET EXCEPTION construct or
+   the beginning of a LET construct whose pattern happens to begin with
+   EXCEPTION. The conflict is avoided there by using [pattern_no_exn] in the
+   definition of [let_binding_body].
+   In order to avoid duplication between the definitions of [pattern] and
+   [pattern_no_exn], we create a parameterized definition [pattern_(self)]
+   and instantiate it twice. *)
+    pattern_(pattern)
+      { $1 }
+  | EXCEPTION ext_attributes pattern %prec prec_constr_appl
+      { mkpat_attrs ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_exception $3) $2}
+  | EFFECT pattern_gen COMMA simple_pattern
+      { mkpat ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_effect($2,$4)) }
+    pattern_(pattern_no_exn)
+      { $1 }
+%inline pattern_(self):
+  | self COLONCOLON pattern
+      { mkpat_cons ~loc:$sloc $loc($2) (ghpat ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_tuple[$1;$3])) }
+  | self attribute
+      { Pat.attr $1 $2 }
+  | pattern_gen
+      { $1 }
+  | mkpat(
+      self AS mkrhs(val_ident)
+        { Ppat_alias($1, $3) }
+    | self AS error
+        { expecting $loc($3) "identifier" }
+    | pattern_comma_list(self) %prec below_COMMA
+        { Ppat_tuple(List.rev $1) }
+    | self COLONCOLON error
+        { expecting $loc($3) "pattern" }
+    | self BAR pattern
+        { Ppat_or($1, $3) }
+    | self BAR error
+        { expecting $loc($3) "pattern" }
+  ) { $1 }
+    simple_pattern
+      { $1 }
+  | mkpat(
+      mkrhs(constr_longident) pattern %prec prec_constr_appl
+        { Ppat_construct($1, Some ([], $2)) }
+    | constr=mkrhs(constr_longident) LPAREN TYPE newtypes=lident_list RPAREN
+        pat=simple_pattern
+        { Ppat_construct(constr, Some (newtypes, pat)) }
+    | name_tag pattern %prec prec_constr_appl
+        { Ppat_variant($1, Some $2) }
+    ) { $1 }
+  | LAZY ext_attributes simple_pattern
+      { mkpat_attrs ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_lazy $3) $2}
+    mkpat(mkrhs(val_ident) %prec below_EQUAL
+      { Ppat_var ($1) })
+      { $1 }
+  | simple_pattern_not_ident { $1 }
+  | LPAREN pattern RPAREN
+      { reloc_pat ~loc:$sloc $2 }
+  | simple_delimited_pattern
+      { $1 }
+  | LPAREN MODULE ext_attributes mkrhs(module_name) RPAREN
+      { mkpat_attrs ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_unpack $4) $3 }
+  | LPAREN MODULE ext_attributes mkrhs(module_name) COLON package_type RPAREN
+      { mkpat_attrs ~loc:$sloc
+          (Ppat_constraint(mkpat ~loc:$loc($4) (Ppat_unpack $4), $6))
+          $3 }
+  | mkpat(simple_pattern_not_ident_)
+      { $1 }
+%inline simple_pattern_not_ident_:
+      { Ppat_any }
+  | signed_constant
+      { Ppat_constant $1 }
+  | signed_constant DOTDOT signed_constant
+      { Ppat_interval ($1, $3) }
+  | mkrhs(constr_longident)
+      { Ppat_construct($1, None) }
+  | name_tag
+      { Ppat_variant($1, None) }
+  | HASH mkrhs(type_longident)
+      { Ppat_type ($2) }
+  | mkrhs(mod_longident) DOT simple_delimited_pattern
+      { Ppat_open($1, $3) }
+  | mkrhs(mod_longident) DOT mkrhs(LBRACKET RBRACKET {Lident "[]"})
+    { Ppat_open($1, mkpat ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_construct($3, None))) }
+  | mkrhs(mod_longident) DOT mkrhs(LPAREN RPAREN {Lident "()"})
+    { Ppat_open($1, mkpat ~loc:$sloc (Ppat_construct($3, None))) }
+  | mkrhs(mod_longident) DOT LPAREN pattern RPAREN
+      { Ppat_open ($1, $4) }
+  | mod_longident DOT LPAREN pattern error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($3) ")" $loc($5)  }
+  | mod_longident DOT LPAREN error
+      { expecting $loc($4) "pattern" }
+  | LPAREN pattern error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($3) }
+  | LPAREN pattern COLON core_type RPAREN
+      { Ppat_constraint($2, $4) }
+  | LPAREN pattern COLON core_type error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($5) }
+  | LPAREN pattern COLON error
+      { expecting $loc($4) "type" }
+  | LPAREN MODULE ext_attributes module_name COLON package_type
+    error
+      { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($7) }
+  | extension
+      { Ppat_extension $1 }
+  mkpat(
+      LBRACE record_pat_content RBRACE
+      { let (fields, closed) = $2 in
+        Ppat_record(fields, closed) }
+    | LBRACE record_pat_content error
+      { unclosed "{" $loc($1) "}" $loc($3) }
+    | LBRACKET pattern_semi_list RBRACKET
+      { fst (mktailpat $loc($3) $2) }
+    | LBRACKET pattern_semi_list error
+      { unclosed "[" $loc($1) "]" $loc($3) }
+    | LBRACKETBAR pattern_semi_list BARRBRACKET
+      { Ppat_array $2 }
+      { Ppat_array [] }
+    | LBRACKETBAR pattern_semi_list error
+      { unclosed "[|" $loc($1) "|]" $loc($3) }
+  ) { $1 }
+    pattern_comma_list(self) COMMA pattern      { $3 :: $1 }
+  | self COMMA pattern                          { [$3; $1] }
+  | self COMMA error                            { expecting $loc($3) "pattern" }
+%inline pattern_semi_list:
+  ps = separated_or_terminated_nonempty_list(SEMI, pattern)
+    { ps }
+(* A label-pattern list is a nonempty list of label-pattern pairs, optionally
+   followed with an UNDERSCORE, separated-or-terminated with semicolons. *)
+%inline record_pat_content:
+  listx(SEMI, record_pat_field, UNDERSCORE)
+    { let fields, closed = $1 in
+      let closed = match closed with Some () -> Open | None -> Closed in
+      fields, closed }
+%inline record_pat_field:
+  label = mkrhs(label_longident)
+  octy = preceded(COLON, core_type)?
+  opat = preceded(EQUAL, pattern)?
+    { let constraint_loc, label, pat =
+        match opat with
+        | None ->
+            (* No pattern; this is a pun. Desugar it.
+               But that the pattern was there and the label reconstructed (which
+               piece of AST is marked as ghost is important for warning
+               emission). *)
+            $sloc, make_ghost label, pat_of_label label
+        | Some pat ->
+            ($startpos(octy), $endpos), label, pat
+      in
+      label, mkpat_opt_constraint ~loc:constraint_loc pat octy
+    }
+/* Value descriptions */
+  VAL
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  id = mkrhs(val_ident)
+  ty = possibly_poly(core_type)
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    { let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      Val.mk id ty ~attrs ~loc ~docs,
+      ext }
+/* Primitive declarations */
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  id = mkrhs(val_ident)
+  ty = possibly_poly(core_type)
+  prim = raw_string+
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    { let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      Val.mk id ty ~prim ~attrs ~loc ~docs,
+      ext }
+(* Type declarations and type substitutions. *)
+(* Type declarations [type t = u] and type substitutions [type t := u] are very
+   similar, so we view them as instances of [generic_type_declarations]. In the
+   case of a type declaration, the use of [nonrec_flag] means that [NONREC] may
+   be absent or present, whereas in the case of a type substitution, the use of
+   [no_nonrec_flag] means that [NONREC] must be absent. The use of [type_kind]
+   versus [type_subst_kind] means that in the first case, we expect an [EQUAL]
+   sign, whereas in the second case, we expect [COLONEQUAL]. *)
+%inline type_declarations:
+  generic_type_declarations(nonrec_flag, type_kind)
+    { $1 }
+%inline type_subst_declarations:
+  generic_type_declarations(no_nonrec_flag, type_subst_kind)
+    { $1 }
+(* A set of type declarations or substitutions begins with a
+   [generic_type_declaration] and continues with a possibly empty list of
+   [generic_and_type_declaration]s. *)
+%inline generic_type_declarations(flag, kind):
+  xlist(
+    generic_type_declaration(flag, kind),
+    generic_and_type_declaration(kind)
+  )
+  { $1 }
+(* [generic_type_declaration] and [generic_and_type_declaration] look similar,
+   but are in reality different enough that it is difficult to share anything
+   between them. *)
+generic_type_declaration(flag, kind):
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  flag = flag
+  params = type_parameters
+  id = mkrhs(LIDENT)
+  kind_priv_manifest = kind
+  cstrs = constraints
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    {
+      let (kind, priv, manifest) = kind_priv_manifest in
+      let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      (flag, ext),
+      Type.mk id ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs ~loc ~docs
+    }
+%inline generic_and_type_declaration(kind):
+  AND
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  params = type_parameters
+  id = mkrhs(LIDENT)
+  kind_priv_manifest = kind
+  cstrs = constraints
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    {
+      let (kind, priv, manifest) = kind_priv_manifest in
+      let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      let text = symbol_text $symbolstartpos in
+      Type.mk id ~params ~cstrs ~kind ~priv ?manifest ~attrs ~loc ~docs ~text
+    }
+%inline constraints:
+  llist(preceded(CONSTRAINT, constrain))
+    { $1 }
+(* Lots of %inline expansion are required for [nonempty_type_kind] to be
+   LR(1). At the cost of some manual expansion, it would be possible to give a
+   definition that leads to a smaller grammar (after expansion) and therefore
+   a smaller automaton. *)
+  | priv = inline_private_flag
+    ty = core_type
+      { (Ptype_abstract, priv, Some ty) }
+  | oty = type_synonym
+    priv = inline_private_flag
+    cs = constructor_declarations
+      { (Ptype_variant cs, priv, oty) }
+  | oty = type_synonym
+    priv = inline_private_flag
+      { (Ptype_open, priv, oty) }
+  | oty = type_synonym
+    priv = inline_private_flag
+    LBRACE ls = label_declarations RBRACE
+      { (Ptype_record ls, priv, oty) }
+%inline type_synonym:
+  ioption(terminated(core_type, EQUAL))
+    { $1 }
+    /*empty*/
+      { (Ptype_abstract, Public, None) }
+  | EQUAL nonempty_type_kind
+      { $2 }
+%inline type_subst_kind:
+    COLONEQUAL nonempty_type_kind
+      { $2 }
+    /* empty */
+      { [] }
+  | p = type_parameter
+      { [p] }
+  | LPAREN ps = separated_nonempty_llist(COMMA, type_parameter) RPAREN
+      { ps }
+    type_variance type_variable        { $2, $1 }
+  mktyp(
+    QUOTE tyvar = ident
+      { Ptyp_var tyvar }
+      { Ptyp_any }
+  ) { $1 }
+    /* empty */                             { NoVariance, NoInjectivity }
+  | PLUS                                    { Covariant, NoInjectivity }
+  | MINUS                                   { Contravariant, NoInjectivity }
+  | BANG                                    { NoVariance, Injective }
+  | PLUS BANG | BANG PLUS                   { Covariant, Injective }
+  | MINUS BANG | BANG MINUS                 { Contravariant, Injective }
+      { if $1 = "+!" then Covariant, Injective else
+        if $1 = "-!" then Contravariant, Injective else
+        expecting $loc($1) "type_variance" }
+      { if $1 = "!+" then Covariant, Injective else
+        if $1 = "!-" then Contravariant, Injective else
+        expecting $loc($1) "type_variance" }
+(* A sequence of constructor declarations is either a single BAR, which
+   means that the list is empty, or a nonempty BAR-separated list of
+   declarations, with an optional leading BAR. *)
+  | BAR
+      { [] }
+  | cs = bar_llist(constructor_declaration)
+      { cs }
+(* A constructor declaration begins with an opening symbol, which can
+   be either epsilon or BAR. Note that this opening symbol is included
+   in the footprint $sloc. *)
+(* Because [constructor_declaration] and [extension_constructor_declaration]
+   are identical except for their semantic actions, we introduce the symbol
+   [generic_constructor_declaration], whose semantic action is neutral -- it
+   merely returns a tuple. *)
+  opening
+  cid = mkrhs(constr_ident)
+  vars_args_res = generalized_constructor_arguments
+  attrs = attributes
+    {
+      let vars, args, res = vars_args_res in
+      let info = symbol_info $endpos in
+      let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+      cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info
+    }
+%inline constructor_declaration(opening):
+  d = generic_constructor_declaration(opening)
+    {
+      let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
+      Type.constructor cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
+    }
+  sig_exception_declaration
+    { $1 }
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  id = mkrhs(constr_ident)
+  lid = mkrhs(constr_longident)
+  attrs2 = attributes
+  attrs = post_item_attributes
+  { let loc = make_loc $sloc in
+    let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+    Te.mk_exception ~attrs
+      (Te.rebind id lid ~attrs:(attrs1 @ attrs2) ~loc ~docs)
+    , ext }
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  id = mkrhs(constr_ident)
+  vars_args_res = generalized_constructor_arguments
+  attrs2 = attributes
+  attrs = post_item_attributes
+    { let vars, args, res = vars_args_res in
+      let loc = make_loc ($startpos, $endpos(attrs2)) in
+      let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      Te.mk_exception ~attrs
+        (Te.decl id ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs:(attrs1 @ attrs2) ~loc ~docs)
+      , ext }
+%inline let_exception_declaration:
+    mkrhs(constr_ident) generalized_constructor_arguments attributes
+      { let vars, args, res = $2 in
+        Te.decl $1 ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs:$3 ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) }
+    /*empty*/                     { ([],Pcstr_tuple [],None) }
+  | OF constructor_arguments      { ([],$2,None) }
+  | COLON constructor_arguments MINUSGREATER atomic_type %prec below_HASH
+                                  { ([],$2,Some $4) }
+  | COLON typevar_list DOT constructor_arguments MINUSGREATER atomic_type
+     %prec below_HASH
+                                  { ($2,$4,Some $6) }
+  | COLON atomic_type %prec below_HASH
+                                  { ([],Pcstr_tuple [],Some $2) }
+  | COLON typevar_list DOT atomic_type %prec below_HASH
+                                  { ($2,Pcstr_tuple [],Some $4) }
+  | tys = inline_separated_nonempty_llist(STAR, atomic_type)
+    %prec below_HASH
+      { Pcstr_tuple tys }
+  | LBRACE label_declarations RBRACE
+      { Pcstr_record $2 }
+    label_declaration                           { [$1] }
+  | label_declaration_semi                      { [$1] }
+  | label_declaration_semi label_declarations   { $1 :: $2 }
+    mutable_flag mkrhs(label) COLON poly_type_no_attr attributes
+      { let info = symbol_info $endpos in
+        Type.field $2 $4 ~mut:$1 ~attrs:$5 ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) ~info }
+    mutable_flag mkrhs(label) COLON poly_type_no_attr attributes SEMI attributes
+      { let info =
+          match rhs_info $endpos($5) with
+          | Some _ as info_before_semi -> info_before_semi
+          | None -> symbol_info $endpos
+       in
+       Type.field $2 $4 ~mut:$1 ~attrs:($5 @ $7) ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) ~info }
+/* Type Extensions */
+%inline str_type_extension:
+  type_extension(extension_constructor)
+    { $1 }
+%inline sig_type_extension:
+  type_extension(extension_constructor_declaration)
+    { $1 }
+%inline type_extension(declaration):
+  ext = ext
+  attrs1 = attributes
+  no_nonrec_flag
+  params = type_parameters
+  tid = mkrhs(type_longident)
+  priv = private_flag
+  cs = bar_llist(declaration)
+  attrs2 = post_item_attributes
+    { let docs = symbol_docs $sloc in
+      let attrs = attrs1 @ attrs2 in
+      Te.mk tid cs ~params ~priv ~attrs ~docs,
+      ext }
+%inline extension_constructor(opening):
+    extension_constructor_declaration(opening)
+      { $1 }
+  | extension_constructor_rebind(opening)
+      { $1 }
+%inline extension_constructor_declaration(opening):
+  d = generic_constructor_declaration(opening)
+    {
+      let cid, vars, args, res, attrs, loc, info = d in
+      Te.decl cid ~vars ~args ?res ~attrs ~loc ~info
+    }
+  opening
+  cid = mkrhs(constr_ident)
+  lid = mkrhs(constr_longident)
+  attrs = attributes
+      { let info = symbol_info $endpos in
+        Te.rebind cid lid ~attrs ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) ~info }
+/* "with" constraints (additional type equations over signature components) */
+    TYPE type_parameters mkrhs(label_longident) with_type_binder
+    core_type_no_attr constraints
+      { let lident = loc_last $3 in
+        Pwith_type
+          ($3,
+           (Type.mk lident
+              ~params:$2
+              ~cstrs:$6
+              ~manifest:$5
+              ~priv:$4
+              ~loc:(make_loc $sloc))) }
+    /* used label_longident instead of type_longident to disallow
+       functor applications in type path */
+  | TYPE type_parameters mkrhs(label_longident)
+    COLONEQUAL core_type_no_attr
+      { let lident = loc_last $3 in
+        Pwith_typesubst
+         ($3,
+           (Type.mk lident
+              ~params:$2
+              ~manifest:$5
+              ~loc:(make_loc $sloc))) }
+  | MODULE mkrhs(mod_longident) EQUAL mkrhs(mod_ext_longident)
+      { Pwith_module ($2, $4) }
+  | MODULE mkrhs(mod_longident) COLONEQUAL mkrhs(mod_ext_longident)
+      { Pwith_modsubst ($2, $4) }
+  | MODULE TYPE l=mkrhs(mty_longident) EQUAL rhs=module_type
+      { Pwith_modtype (l, rhs) }
+  | MODULE TYPE l=mkrhs(mty_longident) COLONEQUAL rhs=module_type
+      { Pwith_modtypesubst (l, rhs) }
+    EQUAL          { Public }
+  | EQUAL PRIVATE  { Private }
+/* Polymorphic types */
+%inline typevar:
+  QUOTE ident
+    { mkrhs $2 $sloc }
+%inline typevar_list:
+  nonempty_llist(typevar)
+    { $1 }
+%inline poly(X):
+  typevar_list DOT X
+    { Ptyp_poly($1, $3) }
+  X
+    { $1 }
+| mktyp(poly(X))
+    { $1 }
+%inline poly_type:
+  possibly_poly(core_type)
+    { $1 }
+%inline poly_type_no_attr:
+  possibly_poly(core_type_no_attr)
+    { $1 }
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Core language types. *)
+(* A core type (core_type) is a core type without attributes (core_type_no_attr)
+   followed with a list of attributes. *)
+    core_type_no_attr
+      { $1 }
+  | core_type attribute
+      { Typ.attr $1 $2 }
+(* A core type without attributes is currently defined as an alias type, but
+   this could change in the future if new forms of types are introduced. From
+   the outside, one should use core_type_no_attr. *)
+%inline core_type_no_attr:
+  alias_type
+    { $1 }
+(* Alias types include:
+   - function types (see below);
+   - proper alias types:                  'a -> int as 'a
+ *)
+    function_type
+      { $1 }
+  | mktyp(
+      ty = alias_type AS tyvar = typevar
+        { Ptyp_alias(ty, tyvar) }
+    )
+    { $1 }
+(* Function types include:
+   - tuple types (see below);
+   - proper function types:               int -> int
+                                          foo: int -> int
+                                          ?foo: int -> int
+ *)
+  | ty = tuple_type
+      { ty }
+  | mktyp(
+      label = arg_label
+      domain = extra_rhs(tuple_type)
+      codomain = function_type
+        { Ptyp_arrow(label, domain, codomain) }
+    )
+    { $1 }
+%inline arg_label:
+  | label = optlabel
+      { Optional label }
+  | label = LIDENT COLON
+      { Labelled label }
+  | /* empty */
+      { Nolabel }
+(* Tuple types include:
+   - atomic types (see below);
+   - proper tuple types:                  int * int * int list
+   A proper tuple type is a star-separated list of at least two atomic types.
+ *)
+  | ty = atomic_type
+    %prec below_HASH
+      { ty }
+  | mktyp(
+      tys = separated_nontrivial_llist(STAR, atomic_type)
+        { Ptyp_tuple tys }
+    )
+    { $1 }
+(* Atomic types are the most basic level in the syntax of types.
+   Atomic types include:
+   - types between parentheses:           (int -> int)
+   - first-class module types:            (module S)
+   - type variables:                      'a
+   - applications of type constructors:   int, int list, int option list
+   - variant types:                       [`A]
+ *)
+  Delimited types:
+    - parenthesised type          (type)
+    - first-class module types    (module S)
+    - object types                < x: t; ... >
+    - variant types               [ `A ]
+    - extension                   [%foo ...]
+  We support local opens on the following classes of types:
+    - parenthesised
+    - first-class module types
+    - variant types
+  Object types are not support for local opens due to a potential
+  conflict with MetaOCaml syntax:
+    M.< x: t, y: t >
+  and quoted expressions:
+    .< e >.
+  Extension types are not support for local opens merely as a precaution.
+  | LPAREN type_ = core_type RPAREN
+      { type_ }
+  | LPAREN MODULE attrs = ext_attributes package_type = package_type RPAREN
+      { wrap_typ_attrs ~loc:$sloc (reloc_typ ~loc:$sloc package_type) attrs }
+  | mktyp(
+      LBRACKET field = tag_field RBRACKET
+        { Ptyp_variant([ field ], Closed, None) }
+    | LBRACKET BAR fields = row_field_list RBRACKET
+        { Ptyp_variant(fields, Closed, None) }
+    | LBRACKET field = row_field BAR fields = row_field_list RBRACKET
+        { Ptyp_variant(field :: fields, Closed, None) }
+    | LBRACKETGREATER BAR? fields = row_field_list RBRACKET
+        { Ptyp_variant(fields, Open, None) }
+        { Ptyp_variant([], Open, None) }
+    | LBRACKETLESS BAR? fields = row_field_list RBRACKET
+        { Ptyp_variant(fields, Closed, Some []) }
+    | LBRACKETLESS BAR? fields = row_field_list
+      GREATER
+      tags = name_tag_list
+        { Ptyp_variant(fields, Closed, Some tags) }
+  )
+  { $1 }
+  | mktyp(
+      LESS meth_list = meth_list GREATER
+        { let (f, c) = meth_list in Ptyp_object (f, c) }
+        { Ptyp_object ([], Closed) }
+  )
+  { $1 }
+  | mktyp (
+      ext = extension
+        { Ptyp_extension ext }
+  )
+  { $1 }
+  | object_type
+  | extension_type
+  | delimited_type_supporting_local_open
+    { $1 }
+  | type_ = delimited_type
+      { type_ }
+  | mktyp( /* begin mktyp group */
+      tys = actual_type_parameters
+      tid = mkrhs(type_longident)
+        { Ptyp_constr (tid, tys) }
+    | tys = actual_type_parameters
+      HASH
+      cid = mkrhs(clty_longident)
+        { Ptyp_class (cid, tys) }
+    | mod_ident = mkrhs(mod_ext_longident)
+      DOT
+      type_ = delimited_type_supporting_local_open
+        { Ptyp_open (mod_ident, type_) }
+    | QUOTE ident = ident
+        { Ptyp_var ident }
+        { Ptyp_any }
+  )
+  { $1 } /* end mktyp group */
+(* This is the syntax of the actual type parameters in an application of
+   a type constructor, such as int, int list, or (int, bool) Hashtbl.t.
+   We allow one of the following:
+   - zero parameters;
+   - one parameter:
+     an atomic type;
+     among other things, this can be an arbitrary type between parentheses;
+   - two or more parameters:
+     arbitrary types, between parentheses, separated with commas.
+ *)
+%inline actual_type_parameters:
+  | /* empty */
+      { [] }
+  | ty = atomic_type
+      { [ ty ] }
+  | LPAREN tys = separated_nontrivial_llist(COMMA, core_type) RPAREN
+      { tys }
+%inline package_type: module_type
+      { let (lid, cstrs, attrs) = package_type_of_module_type $1 in
+        let descr = Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) in
+        mktyp ~loc:$sloc ~attrs descr }
+%inline row_field_list:
+  separated_nonempty_llist(BAR, row_field)
+    { $1 }
+    tag_field
+      { $1 }
+  | core_type
+      { Rf.inherit_ ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) $1 }
+    mkrhs(name_tag) OF opt_ampersand amper_type_list attributes
+      { let info = symbol_info $endpos in
+        let attrs = add_info_attrs info $5 in
+        Rf.tag ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) ~attrs $1 $3 $4 }
+  | mkrhs(name_tag) attributes
+      { let info = symbol_info $endpos in
+        let attrs = add_info_attrs info $2 in
+        Rf.tag ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) ~attrs $1 true [] }
+    AMPERSAND                                   { true }
+  | /* empty */                                 { false }
+%inline amper_type_list:
+  separated_nonempty_llist(AMPERSAND, core_type_no_attr)
+    { $1 }
+%inline name_tag_list:
+  nonempty_llist(name_tag)
+    { $1 }
+(* A method list (in an object type). *)
+    head = field_semi         tail = meth_list
+  | head = inherit_field SEMI tail = meth_list
+      { let (f, c) = tail in (head :: f, c) }
+  | head = field_semi
+  | head = inherit_field SEMI
+      { [head], Closed }
+  | head = field
+  | head = inherit_field
+      { [head], Closed }
+      { [], Open }
+%inline field:
+  mkrhs(label) COLON poly_type_no_attr attributes
+    { let info = symbol_info $endpos in
+      let attrs = add_info_attrs info $4 in
+      Of.tag ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) ~attrs $1 $3 }
+%inline field_semi:
+  mkrhs(label) COLON poly_type_no_attr attributes SEMI attributes
+    { let info =
+        match rhs_info $endpos($4) with
+        | Some _ as info_before_semi -> info_before_semi
+        | None -> symbol_info $endpos
+      in
+      let attrs = add_info_attrs info ($4 @ $6) in
+      Of.tag ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) ~attrs $1 $3 }
+%inline inherit_field:
+  ty = atomic_type
+    { Of.inherit_ ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) ty }
+%inline label:
+    LIDENT                                      { $1 }
+/* Constants */
+  | INT          { let (n, m) = $1 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_integer (n, m)) }
+  | CHAR         { mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_char $1) }
+  | STRING       { let (s, strloc, d) = $1 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_string (s,strloc,d)) }
+  | FLOAT        { let (f, m) = $1 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_float (f, m)) }
+    constant     { $1 }
+  | MINUS INT    { let (n, m) = $2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_integer("-" ^ n, m)) }
+  | MINUS FLOAT  { let (f, m) = $2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_float("-" ^ f, m)) }
+  | PLUS INT     { let (n, m) = $2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_integer (n, m)) }
+  | PLUS FLOAT   { let (f, m) = $2 in
+                   mkconst ~loc:$sloc (Pconst_float(f, m)) }
+/* Identifiers and long identifiers */
+    UIDENT                    { $1 }
+  | LIDENT                    { $1 }
+  | LPAREN operator RPAREN    { $2 }
+  | LPAREN operator error     { unclosed "(" $loc($1) ")" $loc($3) }
+  | LPAREN error              { expecting $loc($2) "operator" }
+  | LPAREN MODULE error       { expecting $loc($3) "module-expr" }
+    LIDENT                    { $1 }
+  | val_extra_ident           { $1 }
+    PREFIXOP                                    { $1 }
+  | LETOP                                       { $1 }
+  | ANDOP                                       { $1 }
+  | DOTOP LPAREN index_mod RPAREN               { "."^ $1 ^"(" ^ $3 ^ ")" }
+  | DOTOP LPAREN index_mod RPAREN LESSMINUS     { "."^ $1 ^ "(" ^ $3 ^ ")<-" }
+  | DOTOP LBRACKET index_mod RBRACKET           { "."^ $1 ^"[" ^ $3 ^ "]" }
+  | DOTOP LBRACKET index_mod RBRACKET LESSMINUS { "."^ $1 ^ "[" ^ $3 ^ "]<-" }
+  | DOTOP LBRACE index_mod RBRACE               { "."^ $1 ^"{" ^ $3 ^ "}" }
+  | DOTOP LBRACE index_mod RBRACE LESSMINUS     { "."^ $1 ^ "{" ^ $3 ^ "}<-" }
+  | HASHOP                                      { $1 }
+  | BANG                                        { "!" }
+  | infix_operator                              { $1 }
+%inline infix_operator:
+  | op = INFIXOP0 { op }
+  | op = INFIXOP1 { op }
+  | op = INFIXOP2 { op }
+  | op = INFIXOP3 { op }
+  | op = INFIXOP4 { op }
+  | PLUS           {"+"}
+  | PLUSDOT       {"+."}
+  | PLUSEQ        {"+="}
+  | MINUS          {"-"}
+  | MINUSDOT      {"-."}
+  | STAR           {"*"}
+  | PERCENT        {"%"}
+  | EQUAL          {"="}
+  | LESS           {"<"}
+  | GREATER        {">"}
+  | OR            {"or"}
+  | BARBAR        {"||"}
+  | AMPERSAND      {"&"}
+  | AMPERAMPER    {"&&"}
+  | COLONEQUAL    {":="}
+| { "" }
+| SEMI DOTDOT { ";.." }
+%inline constr_extra_ident:
+  | LPAREN COLONCOLON RPAREN                    { "::" }
+  | LBRACKET RBRACKET                           { "[]" }
+  | LPAREN RPAREN                               { "()" }
+  | FALSE                                       { "false" }
+  | TRUE                                        { "true" }
+    UIDENT                                      { $1 }
+  | constr_extra_ident                          { $1 }
+  | constr_extra_nonprefix_ident                { $1 }
+    mod_longident       %prec below_DOT  { $1 } /* A.B.x vs (A).B.x */
+  | mod_longident DOT constr_extra_ident { Ldot($1,$3) }
+  | constr_extra_ident                   { Lident $1 }
+  | constr_extra_nonprefix_ident         { Lident $1 }
+   | final            { Lident $1 }
+   | prefix DOT final { Ldot($1,$3) }
+    mk_longident(mod_longident, val_ident) { $1 }
+    mk_longident(mod_longident, LIDENT) { $1 }
+    mk_longident(mod_ext_longident, LIDENT)  { $1 }
+    mk_longident(mod_longident, UIDENT)  { $1 }
+    mk_longident(mod_ext_longident, UIDENT) { $1 }
+  | mod_ext_longident LPAREN mod_ext_longident RPAREN
+      { lapply ~loc:$sloc $1 $3 }
+  | mod_ext_longident LPAREN error
+      { expecting $loc($3) "module path" }
+    mk_longident(mod_ext_longident,ident) { $1 }
+    mk_longident(mod_ext_longident,LIDENT) { $1 }
+   mk_longident(mod_longident,LIDENT) { $1 }
+/* For compiler-libs: parse all valid longidents and a little more:
+   final identifiers which are value specific are accepted even when
+   the path prefix is only valid for types: (e.g. F(X).(::)) */
+  | mk_longident (mod_ext_longident,
+     ident | constr_extra_ident | val_extra_ident { $1 }
+    ) { $1 }
+  | constr_extra_nonprefix_ident { Lident $1 }
+/* END AVOID */
+/* Toplevel directives */
+  HASH dir = mkrhs(ident)
+  arg = ioption(mk_directive_arg(toplevel_directive_argument))
+    { mk_directive ~loc:$sloc dir arg }
+%inline toplevel_directive_argument:
+  | STRING        { let (s, _, _) = $1 in Pdir_string s }
+  | INT           { let (n, m) = $1 in Pdir_int (n ,m) }
+  | val_longident { Pdir_ident $1 }
+  | mod_longident { Pdir_ident $1 }
+  | FALSE         { Pdir_bool false }
+  | TRUE          { Pdir_bool true }
+/* Miscellaneous */
+(* The symbol epsilon can be used instead of an /* empty */ comment. *)
+%inline epsilon:
+  /* empty */
+    { () }
+%inline raw_string:
+  s = STRING
+    { let body, _, _ = s in body }
+    BACKQUOTE ident                             { $2 }
+    /* empty */                                 { Nonrecursive }
+  | REC                                         { Recursive }
+%inline nonrec_flag:
+    /* empty */                                 { Recursive }
+  | NONREC                                      { Nonrecursive }
+%inline no_nonrec_flag:
+    /* empty */ { Recursive }
+  | NONREC      { not_expecting $loc "nonrec flag" }
+/* END AVOID */
+    TO                                          { Upto }
+  | DOWNTO                                      { Downto }
+  inline_private_flag
+    { $1 }
+%inline inline_private_flag:
+    /* empty */                                 { Public }
+  | PRIVATE                                     { Private }
+    /* empty */                                 { Immutable }
+  | MUTABLE                                     { Mutable }
+    /* empty */                                 { Concrete }
+  | VIRTUAL                                     { Virtual }
+    /* empty */
+      { Immutable, Concrete }
+      { Mutable, Concrete }
+      { Immutable, Virtual }
+      { Mutable, Virtual }
+    /* empty */  { Public, Concrete }
+  | PRIVATE { Private, Concrete }
+  | VIRTUAL { Public, Virtual }
+  | PRIVATE VIRTUAL { Private, Virtual }
+  | VIRTUAL PRIVATE { Private, Virtual }
+(* This nonterminal symbol indicates the definite presence of a VIRTUAL
+   keyword and the possible presence of a MUTABLE keyword. *)
+  | VIRTUAL { Immutable }
+  | MUTABLE VIRTUAL { Mutable }
+  | VIRTUAL MUTABLE { Mutable }
+(* This nonterminal symbol indicates the definite presence of a VIRTUAL
+   keyword and the possible presence of a PRIVATE keyword. *)
+  | VIRTUAL { Public }
+  | PRIVATE VIRTUAL { Private }
+  | VIRTUAL PRIVATE { Private }
+%inline no_override_flag:
+    /* empty */                                 { Fresh }
+%inline override_flag:
+    /* empty */                                 { Fresh }
+  | BANG                                        { Override }
+  | MINUS                                       { "-" }
+  | MINUSDOT                                    { "-." }
+  | PLUS                                        { "+" }
+  | PLUSDOT                                     { "+." }
+   | OPTLABEL                                   { $1 }
+   | QUESTION LIDENT COLON                      { $2 }
+/* Attributes and extensions */
+    LIDENT { $1 }
+  | UIDENT { $1 }
+  | AND { "and" }
+  | AS { "as" }
+  | ASSERT { "assert" }
+  | BEGIN { "begin" }
+  | CLASS { "class" }
+  | CONSTRAINT { "constraint" }
+  | DO { "do" }
+  | DONE { "done" }
+  | DOWNTO { "downto" }
+  | ELSE { "else" }
+  | END { "end" }
+  | EXCEPTION { "exception" }
+  | EXTERNAL { "external" }
+  | FALSE { "false" }
+  | FOR { "for" }
+  | FUN { "fun" }
+  | FUNCTION { "function" }
+  | FUNCTOR { "functor" }
+  | IF { "if" }
+  | IN { "in" }
+  | INCLUDE { "include" }
+  | INHERIT { "inherit" }
+  | INITIALIZER { "initializer" }
+  | LAZY { "lazy" }
+  | LET { "let" }
+  | MATCH { "match" }
+  | METHOD { "method" }
+  | MODULE { "module" }
+  | MUTABLE { "mutable" }
+  | NEW { "new" }
+  | NONREC { "nonrec" }
+  | OBJECT { "object" }
+  | OF { "of" }
+  | OPEN { "open" }
+  | OR { "or" }
+  | PRIVATE { "private" }
+  | REC { "rec" }
+  | SIG { "sig" }
+  | STRUCT { "struct" }
+  | THEN { "then" }
+  | TO { "to" }
+  | TRUE { "true" }
+  | TRY { "try" }
+  | TYPE { "type" }
+  | VAL { "val" }
+  | VIRTUAL { "virtual" }
+  | WHEN { "when" }
+  | WHILE { "while" }
+  | WITH { "with" }
+/* mod/land/lor/lxor/lsl/lsr/asr are not supported for now */
+  mkloc(
+      single_attr_id { $1 }
+    | single_attr_id DOT attr_id { $1 ^ "." ^ $3.txt }
+  ) { $1 }
+  LBRACKETAT attr_id attr_payload RBRACKET
+    { mk_attr ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) $2 $3 }
+  LBRACKETATAT attr_id attr_payload RBRACKET
+    { mk_attr ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) $2 $3 }
+  LBRACKETATATAT attr_id attr_payload RBRACKET
+    { mark_symbol_docs $sloc;
+      mk_attr ~loc:(make_loc $sloc) $2 $3 }
+%inline post_item_attributes:
+  post_item_attribute*
+    { $1 }
+%inline attributes:
+  attribute*
+    { $1 }
+  | /* empty */   { None }
+  | PERCENT attr_id { Some $2 }
+%inline no_ext:
+  | /* empty */     { None }
+  | PERCENT attr_id { not_expecting $loc "extension" }
+/* END AVOID */
+%inline ext_attributes:
+  ext attributes    { $1, $2 }
+  | LBRACKETPERCENT attr_id payload RBRACKET { ($2, $3) }
+    { mk_quotedext ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+  | LBRACKETPERCENTPERCENT attr_id payload RBRACKET { ($2, $3) }
+    { mk_quotedext ~loc:$sloc $1 }
+    structure { PStr $1 }
+  | COLON signature { PSig $2 }
+  | COLON core_type { PTyp $2 }
+  | QUESTION pattern { PPat ($2, None) }
+  | QUESTION pattern WHEN seq_expr { PPat ($2, Some $4) }
+  payload
+    { Builtin_attributes.mark_payload_attrs_used $1;
+      $1
+    }
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parsetree.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parsetree.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e22a9a7813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/parsetree.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,1125 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Abstract syntax tree produced by parsing
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+open Asttypes
+type constant = {
+  pconst_desc : constant_desc;
+  pconst_loc : Location.t;
+and constant_desc =
+  | Pconst_integer of string * char option
+      (** Integer constants such as [3] [3l] [3L] [3n].
+     Suffixes [[g-z][G-Z]] are accepted by the parser.
+     Suffixes except ['l'], ['L'] and ['n'] are rejected by the typechecker
+  *)
+  | Pconst_char of char  (** Character such as ['c']. *)
+  | Pconst_string of string * Location.t * string option
+      (** Constant string such as ["constant"] or
+          [{delim|other constant|delim}].
+     The location span the content of the string, without the delimiters.
+  *)
+  | Pconst_float of string * char option
+      (** Float constant such as [3.4], [2e5] or [1.4e-4].
+     Suffixes [g-z][G-Z] are accepted by the parser.
+     Suffixes are rejected by the typechecker.
+  *)
+type location_stack = Location.t list
+(** {1 Extension points} *)
+type attribute = {
+    attr_name : string loc;
+    attr_payload : payload;
+    attr_loc : Location.t;
+  }
+(** Attributes such as [[\@id ARG]] and [[\@\@id ARG]].
+          Metadata containers passed around within the AST.
+          The compiler ignores unknown attributes.
+       *)
+and extension = string loc * payload
+(** Extension points such as [[%id ARG] and [%%id ARG]].
+         Sub-language placeholder -- rejected by the typechecker.
+      *)
+and attributes = attribute list
+and payload =
+  | PStr of structure
+  | PSig of signature  (** [: SIG] in an attribute or an extension point *)
+  | PTyp of core_type  (** [: T] in an attribute or an extension point *)
+  | PPat of pattern * expression option
+      (** [? P]  or  [? P when E], in an attribute or an extension point *)
+(** {1 Core language} *)
+(** {2 Type expressions} *)
+and core_type =
+    {
+     ptyp_desc: core_type_desc;
+     ptyp_loc: Location.t;
+     ptyp_loc_stack: location_stack;
+     ptyp_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and core_type_desc =
+  | Ptyp_any  (** [_] *)
+  | Ptyp_var of string  (** A type variable such as ['a] *)
+  | Ptyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
+      (** [Ptyp_arrow(lbl, T1, T2)] represents:
+            - [T1 -> T2]    when [lbl] is
+                                     {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Nolabel}[Nolabel]},
+            - [~l:T1 -> T2] when [lbl] is
+                                     {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Labelled}[Labelled]},
+            - [?l:T1 -> T2] when [lbl] is
+                                     {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Optional}[Optional]}.
+         *)
+  | Ptyp_tuple of core_type list
+      (** [Ptyp_tuple([T1 ; ... ; Tn])]
+          represents a product type [T1 * ... * Tn].
+           Invariant: [n >= 2].
+        *)
+  | Ptyp_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
+      (** [Ptyp_constr(lident, l)] represents:
+            - [tconstr]               when [l=[]],
+            - [T tconstr]             when [l=[T]],
+            - [(T1, ..., Tn) tconstr] when [l=[T1 ; ... ; Tn]].
+         *)
+  | Ptyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag
+      (** [Ptyp_object([ l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn ], flag)] represents:
+            - [< l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn >]     when [flag] is
+                                       {{!Asttypes.closed_flag.Closed}[Closed]},
+            - [< l1:T1; ...; ln:Tn; .. >] when [flag] is
+                                           {{!Asttypes.closed_flag.Open}[Open]}.
+         *)
+  | Ptyp_class of Longident.t loc * core_type list
+      (** [Ptyp_class(tconstr, l)] represents:
+            - [#tconstr]               when [l=[]],
+            - [T #tconstr]             when [l=[T]],
+            - [(T1, ..., Tn) #tconstr] when [l=[T1 ; ... ; Tn]].
+         *)
+  | Ptyp_alias of core_type * string loc  (** [T as 'a]. *)
+  | Ptyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
+      (** [Ptyp_variant([`A;`B], flag, labels)] represents:
+            - [[ `A|`B ]]
+                      when [flag]   is {{!Asttypes.closed_flag.Closed}[Closed]},
+                       and [labels] is [None],
+            - [[> `A|`B ]]
+                      when [flag]   is {{!Asttypes.closed_flag.Open}[Open]},
+                       and [labels] is [None],
+            - [[< `A|`B ]]
+                      when [flag]   is {{!Asttypes.closed_flag.Closed}[Closed]},
+                       and [labels] is [Some []],
+            - [[< `A|`B > `X `Y ]]
+                      when [flag]   is {{!Asttypes.closed_flag.Closed}[Closed]},
+                       and [labels] is [Some ["X";"Y"]].
+         *)
+  | Ptyp_poly of string loc list * core_type
+      (** ['a1 ... 'an. T]
+           Can only appear in the following context:
+           - As the {!core_type} of a
+          {{!pattern_desc.Ppat_constraint}[Ppat_constraint]} node corresponding
+             to a constraint on a let-binding:
+            {[let x : 'a1 ... 'an. T = e ...]}
+           - Under {{!class_field_kind.Cfk_virtual}[Cfk_virtual]} for methods
+          (not values).
+           - As the {!core_type} of a
+           {{!class_type_field_desc.Pctf_method}[Pctf_method]} node.
+           - As the {!core_type} of a {{!expression_desc.Pexp_poly}[Pexp_poly]}
+           node.
+           - As the {{!label_declaration.pld_type}[pld_type]} field of a
+           {!label_declaration}.
+           - As a {!core_type} of a {{!core_type_desc.Ptyp_object}[Ptyp_object]}
+           node.
+           - As the {{!value_description.pval_type}[pval_type]} field of a
+           {!value_description}.
+         *)
+  | Ptyp_package of package_type  (** [(module S)]. *)
+  | Ptyp_open of Longident.t loc * core_type (** [M.(T)] *)
+  | Ptyp_extension of extension  (** [[%id]]. *)
+and package_type = Longident.t loc * (Longident.t loc * core_type) list
+(** As {!package_type} typed values:
+         - [(S, [])] represents [(module S)],
+         - [(S, [(t1, T1) ; ... ; (tn, Tn)])]
+          represents [(module S with type t1 = T1 and ... and tn = Tn)].
+       *)
+and row_field = {
+  prf_desc : row_field_desc;
+  prf_loc : Location.t;
+  prf_attributes : attributes;
+and row_field_desc =
+  | Rtag of label loc * bool * core_type list
+      (** [Rtag(`A, b, l)] represents:
+           - [`A]                   when [b] is [true]  and [l] is [[]],
+           - [`A of T]              when [b] is [false] and [l] is [[T]],
+           - [`A of T1 & .. & Tn]   when [b] is [false] and [l] is [[T1;...Tn]],
+           - [`A of & T1 & .. & Tn] when [b] is [true]  and [l] is [[T1;...Tn]].
+          - The [bool] field is true if the tag contains a
+            constant (empty) constructor.
+          - [&] occurs when several types are used for the same constructor
+            (see 4.2 in the manual)
+        *)
+  | Rinherit of core_type  (** [[ | t ]] *)
+and object_field = {
+  pof_desc : object_field_desc;
+  pof_loc : Location.t;
+  pof_attributes : attributes;
+and object_field_desc =
+  | Otag of label loc * core_type
+  | Oinherit of core_type
+(** {2 Patterns} *)
+and pattern =
+    {
+     ppat_desc: pattern_desc;
+     ppat_loc: Location.t;
+     ppat_loc_stack: location_stack;
+     ppat_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and pattern_desc =
+  | Ppat_any  (** The pattern [_]. *)
+  | Ppat_var of string loc  (** A variable pattern such as [x] *)
+  | Ppat_alias of pattern * string loc
+      (** An alias pattern such as [P as 'a] *)
+  | Ppat_constant of constant
+      (** Patterns such as [1], ['a'], ["true"], [1.0], [1l], [1L], [1n] *)
+  | Ppat_interval of constant * constant
+      (** Patterns such as ['a'..'z'].
+           Other forms of interval are recognized by the parser
+           but rejected by the type-checker. *)
+  | Ppat_tuple of pattern list
+      (** Patterns [(P1, ..., Pn)].
+           Invariant: [n >= 2]
+        *)
+  | Ppat_construct of Longident.t loc * (string loc list * pattern) option
+      (** [Ppat_construct(C, args)] represents:
+            - [C]               when [args] is [None],
+            - [C P]             when [args] is [Some ([], P)]
+            - [C (P1, ..., Pn)] when [args] is
+                                           [Some ([], Ppat_tuple [P1; ...; Pn])]
+            - [C (type a b) P]  when [args] is [Some ([a; b], P)]
+         *)
+  | Ppat_variant of label * pattern option
+      (** [Ppat_variant(`A, pat)] represents:
+            - [`A]   when [pat] is [None],
+            - [`A P] when [pat] is [Some P]
+         *)
+  | Ppat_record of (Longident.t loc * pattern) list * closed_flag
+      (** [Ppat_record([(l1, P1) ; ... ; (ln, Pn)], flag)] represents:
+            - [{ l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }]
+                 when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.closed_flag.Closed}[Closed]}
+            - [{ l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}]
+                 when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.closed_flag.Open}[Open]}
+           Invariant: [n > 0]
+         *)
+  | Ppat_array of pattern list  (** Pattern [[| P1; ...; Pn |]] *)
+  | Ppat_or of pattern * pattern  (** Pattern [P1 | P2] *)
+  | Ppat_constraint of pattern * core_type  (** Pattern [(P : T)] *)
+  | Ppat_type of Longident.t loc  (** Pattern [#tconst] *)
+  | Ppat_lazy of pattern  (** Pattern [lazy P] *)
+  | Ppat_unpack of string option loc
+      (** [Ppat_unpack(s)] represents:
+            - [(module P)] when [s] is [Some "P"]
+            - [(module _)] when [s] is [None]
+           Note: [(module P : S)] is represented as
+           [Ppat_constraint(Ppat_unpack(Some "P"), Ptyp_package S)]
+         *)
+  | Ppat_exception of pattern  (** Pattern [exception P] *)
+  | Ppat_effect of pattern * pattern (* Pattern [effect P P] *)
+  | Ppat_extension of extension  (** Pattern [[%id]] *)
+  | Ppat_open of Longident.t loc * pattern  (** Pattern [M.(P)] *)
+(** {2 Value expressions} *)
+and expression =
+    {
+     pexp_desc: expression_desc;
+     pexp_loc: Location.t;
+     pexp_loc_stack: location_stack;
+     pexp_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and expression_desc =
+  | Pexp_ident of Longident.t loc
+      (** Identifiers such as [x] and [M.x]
+         *)
+  | Pexp_constant of constant
+      (** Expressions constant such as [1], ['a'], ["true"], [1.0], [1l],
+            [1L], [1n] *)
+  | Pexp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
+      (** [Pexp_let(flag, [(P1,E1) ; ... ; (Pn,En)], E)] represents:
+            - [let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E]
+               when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.rec_flag.Nonrecursive}[Nonrecursive]},
+            - [let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E]
+               when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.rec_flag.Recursive}[Recursive]}.
+         *)
+  | Pexp_function of
+      function_param list * type_constraint option * function_body
+  (** [Pexp_function ([P1; ...; Pn], C, body)] represents any construct
+      involving [fun] or [function], including:
+      - [fun P1 ... Pn -> E]
+        when [body = Pfunction_body E]
+      - [fun P1 ... Pn -> function p1 -> e1 | ... | pm -> em]
+        when [body = Pfunction_cases [ p1 -> e1; ...; pm -> em ]]
+      [C] represents a type constraint or coercion placed immediately before the
+      arrow, e.g. [fun P1 ... Pn : ty -> ...] when [C = Some (Pconstraint ty)].
+      A function must have parameters. [Pexp_function (params, _, body)] must
+      have non-empty [params] or a [Pfunction_cases _] body.
+  *)
+  | Pexp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression) list
+      (** [Pexp_apply(E0, [(l1, E1) ; ... ; (ln, En)])]
+            represents [E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En]
+            [li] can be
+              {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Nolabel}[Nolabel]}   (non labeled argument),
+              {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Labelled}[Labelled]} (labelled arguments) or
+              {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Optional}[Optional]} (optional argument).
+           Invariant: [n > 0]
+         *)
+  | Pexp_match of expression * case list
+      (** [match E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En] *)
+  | Pexp_try of expression * case list
+      (** [try E0 with P1 -> E1 | ... | Pn -> En] *)
+  | Pexp_tuple of expression list
+      (** Expressions [(E1, ..., En)]
+           Invariant: [n >= 2]
+        *)
+  | Pexp_construct of Longident.t loc * expression option
+      (** [Pexp_construct(C, exp)] represents:
+           - [C]               when [exp] is [None],
+           - [C E]             when [exp] is [Some E],
+           - [C (E1, ..., En)] when [exp] is [Some (Pexp_tuple[E1;...;En])]
+        *)
+  | Pexp_variant of label * expression option
+      (** [Pexp_variant(`A, exp)] represents
+            - [`A]   when [exp] is [None]
+            - [`A E] when [exp] is [Some E]
+         *)
+  | Pexp_record of (Longident.t loc * expression) list * expression option
+      (** [Pexp_record([(l1,P1) ; ... ; (ln,Pn)], exp0)] represents
+            - [{ l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }]         when [exp0] is [None]
+            - [{ E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }] when [exp0] is [Some E0]
+           Invariant: [n > 0]
+         *)
+  | Pexp_field of expression * Longident.t loc  (** [E.l] *)
+  | Pexp_setfield of expression * Longident.t loc * expression
+      (** [E1.l <- E2] *)
+  | Pexp_array of expression list  (** [[| E1; ...; En |]] *)
+  | Pexp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
+      (** [if E1 then E2 else E3] *)
+  | Pexp_sequence of expression * expression  (** [E1; E2] *)
+  | Pexp_while of expression * expression  (** [while E1 do E2 done] *)
+  | Pexp_for of pattern * expression * expression * direction_flag * expression
+      (** [Pexp_for(i, E1, E2, direction, E3)] represents:
+            - [for i = E1 to E2 do E3 done]
+                 when [direction] is {{!Asttypes.direction_flag.Upto}[Upto]}
+            - [for i = E1 downto E2 do E3 done]
+                 when [direction] is {{!Asttypes.direction_flag.Downto}[Downto]}
+         *)
+  | Pexp_constraint of expression * core_type  (** [(E : T)] *)
+  | Pexp_coerce of expression * core_type option * core_type
+      (** [Pexp_coerce(E, from, T)] represents
+            - [(E :> T)]      when [from] is [None],
+            - [(E : T0 :> T)] when [from] is [Some T0].
+         *)
+  | Pexp_send of expression * label loc  (** [E # m] *)
+  | Pexp_new of Longident.t loc  (** [new M.c] *)
+  | Pexp_setinstvar of label loc * expression  (** [x <- 2] *)
+  | Pexp_override of (label loc * expression) list
+      (** [{< x1 = E1; ...; xn = En >}] *)
+  | Pexp_letmodule of string option loc * module_expr * expression
+      (** [let module M = ME in E] *)
+  | Pexp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
+      (** [let exception C in E] *)
+  | Pexp_assert of expression
+      (** [assert E].
+           Note: [assert false] is treated in a special way by the
+           type-checker. *)
+  | Pexp_lazy of expression  (** [lazy E] *)
+  | Pexp_poly of expression * core_type option
+      (** Used for method bodies.
+           Can only be used as the expression under
+           {{!class_field_kind.Cfk_concrete}[Cfk_concrete]} for methods (not
+           values). *)
+  | Pexp_object of class_structure  (** [object ... end] *)
+  | Pexp_newtype of string loc * expression  (** [fun (type t) -> E] *)
+  | Pexp_pack of module_expr
+      (** [(module ME)].
+           [(module ME : S)] is represented as
+           [Pexp_constraint(Pexp_pack ME, Ptyp_package S)] *)
+  | Pexp_open of open_declaration * expression
+      (** - [M.(E)]
+            - [let open M in E]
+            - [let open! M in E] *)
+  | Pexp_letop of letop
+      (** - [let* P = E0 in E1]
+            - [let* P0 = E00 and* P1 = E01 in E1] *)
+  | Pexp_extension of extension  (** [[%id]] *)
+  | Pexp_unreachable  (** [.] *)
+and case =
+    {
+     pc_lhs: pattern;
+     pc_guard: expression option;
+     pc_rhs: expression;
+   }
+(** Values of type {!case} represents [(P -> E)] or [(P when E0 -> E)] *)
+and letop =
+  {
+    let_ : binding_op;
+    ands : binding_op list;
+    body : expression;
+  }
+and binding_op =
+  {
+    pbop_op : string loc;
+    pbop_pat : pattern;
+    pbop_exp : expression;
+    pbop_loc : Location.t;
+  }
+and function_param_desc =
+  | Pparam_val of arg_label * expression option * pattern
+  (** [Pparam_val (lbl, exp0, P)] represents the parameter:
+      - [P]
+        when [lbl] is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Nolabel}[Nolabel]}
+        and [exp0] is [None]
+      - [~l:P]
+        when [lbl] is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Labelled}[Labelled l]}
+        and [exp0] is [None]
+      - [?l:P]
+        when [lbl] is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Optional}[Optional l]}
+        and [exp0] is [None]
+      - [?l:(P = E0)]
+        when [lbl] is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Optional}[Optional l]}
+        and [exp0] is [Some E0]
+      Note: If [E0] is provided, only
+      {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Optional}[Optional]} is allowed.
+  *)
+  | Pparam_newtype of string loc
+  (** [Pparam_newtype x] represents the parameter [(type x)].
+      [x] carries the location of the identifier, whereas the [pparam_loc]
+      on the enclosing [function_param] node is the location of the [(type x)]
+      as a whole.
+      Multiple parameters [(type a b c)] are represented as multiple
+      [Pparam_newtype] nodes, let's say:
+      {[ [ { pparam_kind = Pparam_newtype a; pparam_loc = loc1 };
+           { pparam_kind = Pparam_newtype b; pparam_loc = loc2 };
+           { pparam_kind = Pparam_newtype c; pparam_loc = loc3 };
+         ]
+      ]}
+      Here, the first loc [loc1] is the location of [(type a b c)], and the
+      subsequent locs [loc2] and [loc3] are the same as [loc1], except marked as
+      ghost locations. The locations on [a], [b], [c], correspond to the
+      variables [a], [b], and [c] in the source code.
+  *)
+and function_param =
+  { pparam_loc : Location.t;
+    pparam_desc : function_param_desc;
+  }
+and function_body =
+  | Pfunction_body of expression
+  | Pfunction_cases of case list * Location.t * attributes
+  (** In [Pfunction_cases (_, loc, attrs)], the location extends from the
+      start of the [function] keyword to the end of the last case. The compiler
+      will only use typechecking-related attributes from [attrs], e.g. enabling
+      or disabling a warning.
+  *)
+(** See the comment on {{!expression_desc.Pexp_function}[Pexp_function]}. *)
+and type_constraint =
+  | Pconstraint of core_type
+  | Pcoerce of core_type option * core_type
+(** See the comment on {{!expression_desc.Pexp_function}[Pexp_function]}. *)
+(** {2 Value descriptions} *)
+and value_description =
+    {
+     pval_name: string loc;
+     pval_type: core_type;
+     pval_prim: string list;
+     pval_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2]] *)
+     pval_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+(** Values of type {!value_description} represents:
+    - [val x: T],
+            when {{!value_description.pval_prim}[pval_prim]} is [[]]
+    - [external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"]
+            when {{!value_description.pval_prim}[pval_prim]} is [["s1";..."sn"]]
+(** {2 Type declarations} *)
+and type_declaration =
+    {
+     ptype_name: string loc;
+     ptype_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list;
+      (** [('a1,...'an) t] *)
+     ptype_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
+      (** [... constraint T1=T1'  ... constraint Tn=Tn'] *)
+     ptype_kind: type_kind;
+     ptype_private: private_flag;  (** for [= private ...] *)
+     ptype_manifest: core_type option;  (** represents [= T] *)
+     ptype_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2]] *)
+     ptype_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+   Here are type declarations and their representation,
+   for various {{!type_declaration.ptype_kind}[ptype_kind]}
+           and {{!type_declaration.ptype_manifest}[ptype_manifest]} values:
+ - [type t]   when [type_kind] is {{!type_kind.Ptype_abstract}[Ptype_abstract]},
+               and [manifest]  is [None],
+ - [type t = T0]
+              when [type_kind] is {{!type_kind.Ptype_abstract}[Ptype_abstract]},
+               and [manifest]  is [Some T0],
+ - [type t = C of T | ...]
+              when [type_kind] is {{!type_kind.Ptype_variant}[Ptype_variant]},
+               and [manifest]  is [None],
+ - [type t = T0 = C of T | ...]
+              when [type_kind] is {{!type_kind.Ptype_variant}[Ptype_variant]},
+               and [manifest]  is [Some T0],
+ - [type t = {l: T; ...}]
+              when [type_kind] is {{!type_kind.Ptype_record}[Ptype_record]},
+               and [manifest]  is [None],
+ - [type t = T0 = {l : T; ...}]
+              when [type_kind] is {{!type_kind.Ptype_record}[Ptype_record]},
+               and [manifest]  is [Some T0],
+ - [type t = ..]
+              when [type_kind] is {{!type_kind.Ptype_open}[Ptype_open]},
+               and [manifest]  is [None].
+and type_kind =
+  | Ptype_abstract
+  | Ptype_variant of constructor_declaration list
+  | Ptype_record of label_declaration list  (** Invariant: non-empty list *)
+  | Ptype_open
+and label_declaration =
+    {
+     pld_name: string loc;
+     pld_mutable: mutable_flag;
+     pld_type: core_type;
+     pld_loc: Location.t;
+     pld_attributes: attributes;  (** [l : T [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+    }
+   - [{ ...; l: T; ... }]
+                           when {{!label_declaration.pld_mutable}[pld_mutable]}
+                             is {{!Asttypes.mutable_flag.Immutable}[Immutable]},
+   - [{ ...; mutable l: T; ... }]
+                           when {{!label_declaration.pld_mutable}[pld_mutable]}
+                             is {{!Asttypes.mutable_flag.Mutable}[Mutable]}.
+   Note: [T] can be a {{!core_type_desc.Ptyp_poly}[Ptyp_poly]}.
+and constructor_declaration =
+    {
+     pcd_name: string loc;
+     pcd_vars: string loc list;
+     pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
+     pcd_res: core_type option;
+     pcd_loc: Location.t;
+     pcd_attributes: attributes;  (** [C of ... [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and constructor_arguments =
+  | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
+  | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
+      (** Values of type {!constructor_declaration}
+    represents the constructor arguments of:
+  - [C of T1 * ... * Tn]     when [res = None],
+                              and [args = Pcstr_tuple [T1; ... ; Tn]],
+  - [C: T0]                  when [res = Some T0],
+                              and [args = Pcstr_tuple []],
+  - [C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0] when [res = Some T0],
+                              and [args = Pcstr_tuple [T1; ... ; Tn]],
+  - [C of {...}]             when [res = None],
+                              and [args = Pcstr_record [...]],
+  - [C: {...} -> T0]         when [res = Some T0],
+                              and [args = Pcstr_record [...]].
+and type_extension =
+    {
+     ptyext_path: Longident.t loc;
+     ptyext_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list;
+     ptyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
+     ptyext_private: private_flag;
+     ptyext_loc: Location.t;
+     ptyext_attributes: attributes;  (** ... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2] *)
+    }
+   Definition of new extensions constructors for the extensive sum type [t]
+   ([type t += ...]).
+and extension_constructor =
+    {
+     pext_name: string loc;
+     pext_kind: extension_constructor_kind;
+     pext_loc: Location.t;
+     pext_attributes: attributes;  (** [C of ... [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+   }
+and type_exception =
+  {
+    ptyexn_constructor : extension_constructor;
+    ptyexn_loc : Location.t;
+    ptyexn_attributes : attributes;  (** [... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2]] *)
+  }
+(** Definition of a new exception ([exception E]). *)
+and extension_constructor_kind =
+  | Pext_decl of string loc list * constructor_arguments * core_type option
+      (** [Pext_decl(existentials, c_args, t_opt)]
+          describes a new extension constructor. It can be:
+          - [C of T1 * ... * Tn] when:
+               {ul {- [existentials] is [[]],}
+                   {- [c_args] is [[T1; ...; Tn]],}
+                   {- [t_opt] is [None]}.}
+          - [C: T0] when
+               {ul {- [existentials] is [[]],}
+                   {- [c_args] is [[]],}
+                   {- [t_opt] is [Some T0].}}
+          - [C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0] when
+               {ul {- [existentials] is [[]],}
+                   {- [c_args] is [[T1; ...; Tn]],}
+                   {- [t_opt] is [Some T0].}}
+          - [C: 'a... . T1 * ... * Tn -> T0] when
+               {ul {- [existentials] is [['a;...]],}
+                   {- [c_args] is [[T1; ... ; Tn]],}
+                   {- [t_opt] is [Some T0].}}
+       *)
+  | Pext_rebind of Longident.t loc
+  (** [Pext_rebind(D)] re-export the constructor [D] with the new name [C] *)
+(** {1 Class language} *)
+(** {2 Type expressions for the class language} *)
+and class_type =
+    {
+     pcty_desc: class_type_desc;
+     pcty_loc: Location.t;
+     pcty_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and class_type_desc =
+  | Pcty_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
+      (** - [c]
+            - [['a1, ..., 'an] c] *)
+  | Pcty_signature of class_signature  (** [object ... end] *)
+  | Pcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
+      (** [Pcty_arrow(lbl, T, CT)] represents:
+            - [T -> CT]
+                     when [lbl] is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Nolabel}[Nolabel]},
+            - [~l:T -> CT]
+                     when [lbl] is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Labelled}[Labelled l]},
+            - [?l:T -> CT]
+                     when [lbl] is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Optional}[Optional l]}.
+         *)
+  | Pcty_extension of extension  (** [%id] *)
+  | Pcty_open of open_description * class_type  (** [let open M in CT] *)
+and class_signature =
+    {
+     pcsig_self: core_type;
+     pcsig_fields: class_type_field list;
+    }
+(** Values of type [class_signature] represents:
+    - [object('selfpat) ... end]
+    - [object ... end] when {{!class_signature.pcsig_self}[pcsig_self]}
+                         is {{!core_type_desc.Ptyp_any}[Ptyp_any]}
+and class_type_field =
+    {
+     pctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
+     pctf_loc: Location.t;
+     pctf_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and class_type_field_desc =
+  | Pctf_inherit of class_type  (** [inherit CT] *)
+  | Pctf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
+      (** [val x: T] *)
+  | Pctf_method of (label loc * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
+      (** [method x: T]
+            Note: [T] can be a {{!core_type_desc.Ptyp_poly}[Ptyp_poly]}.
+        *)
+  | Pctf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)  (** [constraint T1 = T2] *)
+  | Pctf_attribute of attribute  (** [[\@\@\@id]] *)
+  | Pctf_extension of extension  (** [[%%id]] *)
+and 'a class_infos =
+    {
+     pci_virt: virtual_flag;
+     pci_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list;
+     pci_name: string loc;
+     pci_expr: 'a;
+     pci_loc: Location.t;
+     pci_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2]] *)
+    }
+(** Values of type [class_expr class_infos] represents:
+    - [class c = ...]
+    - [class ['a1,...,'an] c = ...]
+    - [class virtual c = ...]
+   They are also used for "class type" declaration.
+and class_description = class_type class_infos
+and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
+(** {2 Value expressions for the class language} *)
+and class_expr =
+    {
+     pcl_desc: class_expr_desc;
+     pcl_loc: Location.t;
+     pcl_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and class_expr_desc =
+  | Pcl_constr of Longident.t loc * core_type list
+      (** [c] and [['a1, ..., 'an] c] *)
+  | Pcl_structure of class_structure  (** [object ... end] *)
+  | Pcl_fun of arg_label * expression option * pattern * class_expr
+      (** [Pcl_fun(lbl, exp0, P, CE)] represents:
+            - [fun P -> CE]
+                     when [lbl]  is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Nolabel}[Nolabel]}
+                      and [exp0] is [None],
+            - [fun ~l:P -> CE]
+                     when [lbl]  is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Labelled}[Labelled l]}
+                      and [exp0] is [None],
+            - [fun ?l:P -> CE]
+                     when [lbl]  is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Optional}[Optional l]}
+                      and [exp0] is [None],
+            - [fun ?l:(P = E0) -> CE]
+                     when [lbl]  is {{!Asttypes.arg_label.Optional}[Optional l]}
+                      and [exp0] is [Some E0].
+        *)
+  | Pcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression) list
+      (** [Pcl_apply(CE, [(l1,E1) ; ... ; (ln,En)])]
+            represents [CE ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En].
+            [li] can be empty (non labeled argument) or start with [?]
+            (optional argument).
+            Invariant: [n > 0]
+        *)
+  | Pcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * class_expr
+      (** [Pcl_let(rec, [(P1, E1); ... ; (Pn, En)], CE)] represents:
+            - [let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE]
+                when [rec] is {{!Asttypes.rec_flag.Nonrecursive}[Nonrecursive]},
+            - [let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in CE]
+                when [rec] is {{!Asttypes.rec_flag.Recursive}[Recursive]}.
+        *)
+  | Pcl_constraint of class_expr * class_type  (** [(CE : CT)] *)
+  | Pcl_extension of extension  (** [[%id]] *)
+  | Pcl_open of open_description * class_expr  (** [let open M in CE] *)
+and class_structure =
+    {
+     pcstr_self: pattern;
+     pcstr_fields: class_field list;
+    }
+(** Values of type {!class_structure} represents:
+    - [object(selfpat) ... end]
+    - [object ... end] when {{!class_structure.pcstr_self}[pcstr_self]}
+                         is {{!pattern_desc.Ppat_any}[Ppat_any]}
+and class_field =
+    {
+     pcf_desc: class_field_desc;
+     pcf_loc: Location.t;
+     pcf_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and class_field_desc =
+  | Pcf_inherit of override_flag * class_expr * string loc option
+      (** [Pcf_inherit(flag, CE, s)] represents:
+            - [inherit CE]
+                    when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.override_flag.Fresh}[Fresh]}
+                     and [s] is [None],
+            - [inherit CE as x]
+                   when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.override_flag.Fresh}[Fresh]}
+                    and [s] is [Some x],
+            - [inherit! CE]
+                   when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.override_flag.Override}[Override]}
+                    and [s] is [None],
+            - [inherit! CE as x]
+                   when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.override_flag.Override}[Override]}
+                    and [s] is [Some x]
+  *)
+  | Pcf_val of (label loc * mutable_flag * class_field_kind)
+      (** [Pcf_val(x,flag, kind)] represents:
+            - [val x = E]
+       when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.mutable_flag.Immutable}[Immutable]}
+        and [kind] is {{!class_field_kind.Cfk_concrete}[Cfk_concrete(Fresh, E)]}
+            - [val virtual x: T]
+       when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.mutable_flag.Immutable}[Immutable]}
+        and [kind] is {{!class_field_kind.Cfk_virtual}[Cfk_virtual(T)]}
+            - [val mutable x = E]
+       when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.mutable_flag.Mutable}[Mutable]}
+        and [kind] is {{!class_field_kind.Cfk_concrete}[Cfk_concrete(Fresh, E)]}
+            - [val mutable virtual x: T]
+       when [flag] is {{!Asttypes.mutable_flag.Mutable}[Mutable]}
+        and [kind] is {{!class_field_kind.Cfk_virtual}[Cfk_virtual(T)]}
+  *)
+  | Pcf_method of (label loc * private_flag * class_field_kind)
+      (** - [method x = E]
+                        ([E] can be a {{!expression_desc.Pexp_poly}[Pexp_poly]})
+            - [method virtual x: T]
+                        ([T] can be a {{!core_type_desc.Ptyp_poly}[Ptyp_poly]})
+  *)
+  | Pcf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)  (** [constraint T1 = T2] *)
+  | Pcf_initializer of expression  (** [initializer E] *)
+  | Pcf_attribute of attribute  (** [[\@\@\@id]] *)
+  | Pcf_extension of extension  (** [[%%id]] *)
+and class_field_kind =
+  | Cfk_virtual of core_type
+  | Cfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
+and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
+(** {1 Module language} *)
+(** {2 Type expressions for the module language} *)
+and module_type =
+    {
+     pmty_desc: module_type_desc;
+     pmty_loc: Location.t;
+     pmty_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and module_type_desc =
+  | Pmty_ident of Longident.t loc  (** [Pmty_ident(S)] represents [S] *)
+  | Pmty_signature of signature  (** [sig ... end] *)
+  | Pmty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type
+      (** [functor(X : MT1) -> MT2] *)
+  | Pmty_with of module_type * with_constraint list  (** [MT with ...] *)
+  | Pmty_typeof of module_expr  (** [module type of ME] *)
+  | Pmty_extension of extension  (** [[%id]] *)
+  | Pmty_alias of Longident.t loc  (** [(module M)] *)
+and functor_parameter =
+  | Unit  (** [()] *)
+  | Named of string option loc * module_type
+      (** [Named(name, MT)] represents:
+            - [(X : MT)] when [name] is [Some X],
+            - [(_ : MT)] when [name] is [None] *)
+and signature = signature_item list
+and signature_item =
+    {
+     psig_desc: signature_item_desc;
+     psig_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and signature_item_desc =
+  | Psig_value of value_description
+      (** - [val x: T]
+            - [external x: T = "s1" ... "sn"]
+         *)
+  | Psig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
+      (** [type t1 = ... and ... and tn  = ...] *)
+  | Psig_typesubst of type_declaration list
+      (** [type t1 := ... and ... and tn := ...]  *)
+  | Psig_typext of type_extension  (** [type t1 += ...] *)
+  | Psig_exception of type_exception  (** [exception C of T] *)
+  | Psig_module of module_declaration  (** [module X = M] and [module X : MT] *)
+  | Psig_modsubst of module_substitution  (** [module X := M] *)
+  | Psig_recmodule of module_declaration list
+      (** [module rec X1 : MT1 and ... and Xn : MTn] *)
+  | Psig_modtype of module_type_declaration
+      (** [module type S = MT] and [module type S] *)
+  | Psig_modtypesubst of module_type_declaration
+      (** [module type S :=  ...]  *)
+  | Psig_open of open_description  (** [open X] *)
+  | Psig_include of include_description  (** [include MT] *)
+  | Psig_class of class_description list
+      (** [class c1 : ... and ... and cn : ...] *)
+  | Psig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
+      (** [class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ...] *)
+  | Psig_attribute of attribute  (** [[\@\@\@id]] *)
+  | Psig_extension of extension * attributes  (** [[%%id]] *)
+and module_declaration =
+    {
+     pmd_name: string option loc;
+     pmd_type: module_type;
+     pmd_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2]] *)
+     pmd_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+(** Values of type [module_declaration] represents [S : MT] *)
+and module_substitution =
+    {
+     pms_name: string loc;
+     pms_manifest: Longident.t loc;
+     pms_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2]] *)
+     pms_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+(** Values of type [module_substitution] represents [S := M] *)
+and module_type_declaration =
+    {
+     pmtd_name: string loc;
+     pmtd_type: module_type option;
+     pmtd_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@\@id1] [\@\@id2]] *)
+     pmtd_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+(** Values of type [module_type_declaration] represents:
+   - [S = MT],
+   - [S] for abstract module type declaration,
+     when {{!module_type_declaration.pmtd_type}[pmtd_type]} is [None].
+and 'a open_infos =
+    {
+     popen_expr: 'a;
+     popen_override: override_flag;
+     popen_loc: Location.t;
+     popen_attributes: attributes;
+    }
+(** Values of type ['a open_infos] represents:
+    - [open! X] when {{!open_infos.popen_override}[popen_override]}
+                  is {{!Asttypes.override_flag.Override}[Override]}
+    (silences the "used identifier shadowing" warning)
+    - [open  X] when {{!open_infos.popen_override}[popen_override]}
+                  is {{!Asttypes.override_flag.Fresh}[Fresh]}
+and open_description = Longident.t loc open_infos
+(** Values of type [open_description] represents:
+    - [open M.N]
+    - [open M(N).O] *)
+and open_declaration = module_expr open_infos
+(** Values of type [open_declaration] represents:
+    - [open M.N]
+    - [open M(N).O]
+    - [open struct ... end] *)
+and 'a include_infos =
+    {
+     pincl_mod: 'a;
+     pincl_loc: Location.t;
+     pincl_attributes: attributes;
+    }
+and include_description = module_type include_infos
+(** Values of type [include_description] represents [include MT] *)
+and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
+(** Values of type [include_declaration] represents [include ME] *)
+and with_constraint =
+  | Pwith_type of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
+      (** [with type X.t = ...]
+            Note: the last component of the longident must match
+            the name of the type_declaration. *)
+  | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
+      (** [with module X.Y = Z] *)
+  | Pwith_modtype of Longident.t loc * module_type
+      (** [with module type X.Y = Z] *)
+  | Pwith_modtypesubst of Longident.t loc * module_type
+      (** [with module type X.Y := sig end] *)
+  | Pwith_typesubst of Longident.t loc * type_declaration
+      (** [with type X.t := ..., same format as [Pwith_type]] *)
+  | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t loc * Longident.t loc
+      (** [with module X.Y := Z] *)
+(** {2 Value expressions for the module language} *)
+and module_expr =
+    {
+     pmod_desc: module_expr_desc;
+     pmod_loc: Location.t;
+     pmod_attributes: attributes;  (** [... [\@id1] [\@id2]] *)
+    }
+and module_expr_desc =
+  | Pmod_ident of Longident.t loc  (** [X] *)
+  | Pmod_structure of structure  (** [struct ... end] *)
+  | Pmod_functor of functor_parameter * module_expr
+      (** [functor(X : MT1) -> ME] *)
+  | Pmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr (** [ME1(ME2)] *)
+  | Pmod_apply_unit of module_expr (** [ME1()] *)
+  | Pmod_constraint of module_expr * module_type  (** [(ME : MT)] *)
+  | Pmod_unpack of expression  (** [(val E)] *)
+  | Pmod_extension of extension  (** [[%id]] *)
+and structure = structure_item list
+and structure_item =
+    {
+     pstr_desc: structure_item_desc;
+     pstr_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and structure_item_desc =
+  | Pstr_eval of expression * attributes  (** [E] *)
+  | Pstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
+      (** [Pstr_value(rec, [(P1, E1 ; ... ; (Pn, En))])] represents:
+            - [let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN]
+                when [rec] is {{!Asttypes.rec_flag.Nonrecursive}[Nonrecursive]},
+            - [let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN ]
+                when [rec] is {{!Asttypes.rec_flag.Recursive}[Recursive]}.
+        *)
+  | Pstr_primitive of value_description
+      (** - [val x: T]
+            - [external x: T = "s1" ... "sn" ]*)
+  | Pstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
+      (** [type t1 = ... and ... and tn = ...] *)
+  | Pstr_typext of type_extension  (** [type t1 += ...] *)
+  | Pstr_exception of type_exception
+      (** - [exception C of T]
+            - [exception C = M.X] *)
+  | Pstr_module of module_binding  (** [module X = ME] *)
+  | Pstr_recmodule of module_binding list
+      (** [module rec X1 = ME1 and ... and Xn = MEn] *)
+  | Pstr_modtype of module_type_declaration  (** [module type S = MT] *)
+  | Pstr_open of open_declaration  (** [open X] *)
+  | Pstr_class of class_declaration list
+      (** [class c1 = ... and ... and cn = ...] *)
+  | Pstr_class_type of class_type_declaration list
+      (** [class type ct1 = ... and ... and ctn = ...] *)
+  | Pstr_include of include_declaration  (** [include ME] *)
+  | Pstr_attribute of attribute  (** [[\@\@\@id]] *)
+  | Pstr_extension of extension * attributes  (** [[%%id]] *)
+and value_constraint =
+  | Pvc_constraint of {
+      locally_abstract_univars:string loc list;
+      typ:core_type;
+    }
+  | Pvc_coercion of {ground:core_type option; coercion:core_type }
+  (**
+     - [Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars=[]; typ}]
+         is a simple type constraint on a value binding: [ let x : typ]
+     - More generally, in [Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars; typ}]
+       [locally_abstract_univars] is the list of locally abstract type
+       variables in [ let x: type a ... . typ ]
+     - [Pvc_coercion { ground=None; coercion }] represents [let x :> typ]
+     - [Pvc_coercion { ground=Some g; coercion }] represents [let x : g :> typ]
+  *)
+and value_binding =
+  {
+    pvb_pat: pattern;
+    pvb_expr: expression;
+    pvb_constraint: value_constraint option;
+    pvb_attributes: attributes;
+    pvb_loc: Location.t;
+  }(** [let pat : type_constraint = exp] *)
+and module_binding =
+    {
+     pmb_name: string option loc;
+     pmb_expr: module_expr;
+     pmb_attributes: attributes;
+     pmb_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+(** Values of type [module_binding] represents [module X = ME] *)
+(** {1 Toplevel} *)
+(** {2 Toplevel phrases} *)
+type toplevel_phrase =
+  | Ptop_def of structure
+  | Ptop_dir of toplevel_directive  (** [#use], [#load] ... *)
+and toplevel_directive =
+  {
+    pdir_name: string loc;
+    pdir_arg: directive_argument option;
+    pdir_loc: Location.t;
+  }
+and directive_argument =
+  {
+    pdira_desc: directive_argument_desc;
+    pdira_loc: Location.t;
+  }
+and directive_argument_desc =
+  | Pdir_string of string
+  | Pdir_int of string * char option
+  | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
+  | Pdir_bool of bool
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/pprintast.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/pprintast.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48d96c8f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/pprintast.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1876 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                      Thomas Gazagnaire, OCamlPro                       *)
+(*                   Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*               Hongbo Zhang, University of Pennsylvania                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Original Code from Ber-metaocaml, modified for 3.12.0 and fixed *)
+(* Printing code expressions *)
+(* Authors:  Ed Pizzi, Fabrice Le Fessant *)
+(* Extensive Rewrite: Hongbo Zhang: University of Pennsylvania *)
+(* TODO more fine-grained precedence pretty-printing *)
+open Asttypes
+open Format
+open Location
+open Longident
+open Parsetree
+let prefix_symbols  = [ '!'; '?'; '~' ]
+let infix_symbols = [ '='; '<'; '>'; '@'; '^'; '|'; '&'; '+'; '-'; '*'; '/';
+                      '$'; '%'; '#' ]
+(* type fixity = Infix| Prefix  *)
+let special_infix_strings =
+  ["asr"; "land"; "lor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "lxor"; "mod"; "or"; ":="; "!="; "::" ]
+let letop s =
+  String.length s > 3
+  && s.[0] = 'l'
+  && s.[1] = 'e'
+  && s.[2] = 't'
+  && List.mem s.[3] infix_symbols
+let andop s =
+  String.length s > 3
+  && s.[0] = 'a'
+  && s.[1] = 'n'
+  && s.[2] = 'd'
+  && List.mem s.[3] infix_symbols
+(* determines if the string is an infix string.
+   checks backwards, first allowing a renaming postfix ("_102") which
+   may have resulted from Pexp -> Texp -> Pexp translation, then checking
+   if all the characters in the beginning of the string are valid infix
+   characters. *)
+let fixity_of_string  = function
+  | "" -> `Normal
+  | s when List.mem s special_infix_strings -> `Infix s
+  | s when List.mem s.[0] infix_symbols -> `Infix s
+  | s when List.mem s.[0] prefix_symbols -> `Prefix s
+  | s when s.[0] = '.' -> `Mixfix s
+  | s when letop s -> `Letop s
+  | s when andop s -> `Andop s
+  | _ -> `Normal
+let view_fixity_of_exp = function
+  | {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt=Lident l;_}; pexp_attributes = []} ->
+      fixity_of_string l
+  | _ -> `Normal
+let is_infix  = function `Infix _ -> true | _  -> false
+let is_mixfix = function `Mixfix _ -> true | _ -> false
+let is_kwdop = function `Letop _ | `Andop _ -> true | _ -> false
+let first_is c str =
+  str <> "" && str.[0] = c
+let last_is c str =
+  str <> "" && str.[String.length str - 1] = c
+let first_is_in cs str =
+  str <> "" && List.mem str.[0] cs
+(** The OCaml grammar generates [longident]s from five different rules:
+  - module longident (a sequence of uppercase identifiers [A.B.C])
+  - constructor longident, either
+      - a module [longident]
+      - [[]], [()], [true], [false]
+      - an optional module [longident] followed by [(::)] ([A.B.(::)])
+  - class longident, an optional module [longident] followed by a lowercase
+    identifier.
+  - value longident, an optional module [longident] followed by either:
+      - a lowercase identifier ([A.x])
+      - an operator (and in particular the [mod] keyword), ([A.(+), B.(mod)])
+  - type [longident]: a tree of applications and projections of
+    uppercase identifiers followed by a projection ending with
+    a lowercase identifier (for ordinary types), or any identifier
+    (for module types) (e.g [A.B(C.D(E.F).K)(G).X.Y.t])
+All these [longident]s share a common core and optionally add some extensions.
+Unfortunately, these extensions intersect while having different escaping
+and parentheses rules depending on the kind of [longident]:
+  - [true] or [false] can be either constructor [longident]s,
+    or value, type or class [longident]s using the raw identifier syntax.
+  - [mod] can be either an operator value [longident], or a class or type
+    [longident] using the raw identifier syntax.
+Thus in order to print correctly [longident]s, we need to keep track of their
+kind using the context in which they appear.
+type longindent_kind =
+  | Constr (** variant constructors *)
+  | Type (** core types, module types, class types, and classes *)
+  | Other (** values and modules *)
+(* which identifiers are in fact operators needing parentheses *)
+let needs_parens ~kind txt =
+  match kind with
+  | Type -> false
+  | Constr | Other ->
+      let fix = fixity_of_string txt in
+      is_infix fix
+      || is_mixfix fix
+      || is_kwdop fix
+      || first_is_in prefix_symbols txt
+(* some infixes need spaces around parens to avoid clashes with comment
+   syntax *)
+let needs_spaces txt =
+  first_is '*' txt || last_is '*' txt
+let tyvar_of_name s =
+  if String.length s >= 2 && s.[1] = '\'' then
+    (* without the space, this would be parsed as
+       a character literal *)
+    "' " ^ s
+  else if Lexer.is_keyword s then
+    "'\\#" ^ s
+  else if String.equal s "_" then
+    s
+  else
+    "'" ^ s
+module Doc = struct
+(* Turn an arbitrary variable name into a valid OCaml identifier by adding \#
+   in case it is a keyword, or parenthesis when it is an infix or prefix
+   operator. *)
+  let ident_of_name ~kind ppf txt =
+    let format : (_, _, _) format =
+      if Lexer.is_keyword txt then begin
+        match kind, txt with
+        | Constr, ("true"|"false") -> "%s"
+        | _ ->  "\\#%s"
+      end
+      else if not (needs_parens ~kind txt) then "%s"
+      else if needs_spaces txt then "(@;%s@;)"
+      else "(%s)"
+    in Format_doc.fprintf ppf format txt
+  let protect_longident ~kind ppf print_longident longprefix txt =
+    if not (needs_parens ~kind txt) then
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a.%a"
+        print_longident longprefix
+        (ident_of_name ~kind) txt
+    else if needs_spaces txt then
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a.(@;%s@;)" print_longident longprefix txt
+    else
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a.(%s)" print_longident longprefix txt
+  let rec any_longident ~kind f = function
+    | Lident s -> ident_of_name ~kind f s
+    | Ldot(y,s) ->
+        protect_longident ~kind f (any_longident ~kind:Other) y s
+    | Lapply (y,s) ->
+        Format_doc.fprintf f "%a(%a)"
+          (any_longident ~kind:Other) y
+          (any_longident ~kind:Other) s
+  let value_longident ppf l = any_longident ~kind:Other ppf l
+  let longident = value_longident
+  let constr ppf l = any_longident ~kind:Constr ppf l
+  let type_longident ppf l = any_longident ~kind:Type ppf l
+  let tyvar ppf s =
+    Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%s" (tyvar_of_name s)
+  (* Expressions are considered nominal if they can be used as the subject of a
+     sentence or action. In practice, we consider that an expression is nominal
+     if they satisfy one of:
+     - Similar to an identifier: words separated by '.' or '#'.
+     - Do not contain spaces when printed.
+     - Is a constant that is short enough.
+  *)
+  let nominal_exp t =
+    let open Format_doc.Doc in
+    let longident ?(is_constr=false) l =
+      let kind= if is_constr then Constr else Other in
+      Format_doc.doc_printer (any_longident ~kind) l.Location.txt in
+    let rec nominal_exp doc exp =
+      match exp.pexp_desc with
+      | _ when exp.pexp_attributes <> [] -> None
+      | Pexp_ident l ->
+          Some (longident l doc)
+      | Pexp_variant (lbl, None) ->
+          Some (printf "`%s" lbl doc)
+      | Pexp_construct (l, None) ->
+          Some (longident ~is_constr:true l doc)
+      | Pexp_field (parent, lbl) ->
+          Option.map
+            (printf ".%t" (longident lbl))
+            (nominal_exp doc parent)
+      | Pexp_send (parent, meth) ->
+          Option.map
+            (printf "#%s" meth.txt)
+            (nominal_exp doc parent)
+      (* String constants are syntactically too complex. For example, the
+         quotes conflict with the 'inline_code' style and they might contain
+         spaces. *)
+      | Pexp_constant { pconst_desc = Pconst_string _; _ } -> None
+      (* Char, integer and float constants are nominal. *)
+      | Pexp_constant { pconst_desc = Pconst_char c; _ } ->
+          Some (msg "%C" c)
+      | Pexp_constant
+          { pconst_desc = Pconst_integer (cst, suf) | Pconst_float (cst, suf);
+            _ } ->
+          Some (msg "%s%t" cst (option char suf))
+      | _ -> None
+    in
+    nominal_exp empty t
+let value_longident ppf l = Format_doc.compat Doc.value_longident ppf l
+let type_longident ppf l = Format_doc.compat Doc.type_longident ppf l
+let ident_of_name ppf i =
+  Format_doc.compat (Doc.ident_of_name ~kind:Other) ppf i
+let constr ppf l = Format_doc.compat Doc.constr ppf l
+let ident_of_name_loc ppf s = ident_of_name ppf s.txt
+type space_formatter = (unit, Format.formatter, unit) format
+let override = function
+  | Override -> "!"
+  | Fresh -> ""
+(* variance encoding: need to sync up with the [parser.mly] *)
+let type_variance = function
+  | NoVariance -> ""
+  | Covariant -> "+"
+  | Contravariant -> "-"
+let type_injectivity = function
+  | NoInjectivity -> ""
+  | Injective -> "!"
+type construct =
+  [ `cons of expression list
+  | `list of expression list
+  | `nil
+  | `normal
+  | `simple of Longident.t
+  | `tuple
+  | `btrue
+  | `bfalse ]
+let view_expr x =
+  match x.pexp_desc with
+  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "()"; _},None) -> `tuple
+  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "true"; _},None) -> `btrue
+  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "false"; _},None) -> `bfalse
+  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident "[]";_},None) -> `nil
+  | Pexp_construct ( {txt= Lident"::";_},Some _) ->
+      let rec loop exp acc = match exp with
+          | {pexp_desc=Pexp_construct ({txt=Lident "[]";_},_);
+             pexp_attributes = []} ->
+              (List.rev acc,true)
+          | {pexp_desc=
+             Pexp_construct ({txt=Lident "::";_},
+                             Some ({pexp_desc= Pexp_tuple([e1;e2]);
+                                    pexp_attributes = []}));
+             pexp_attributes = []}
+            ->
+              loop e2 (e1::acc)
+          | e -> (List.rev (e::acc),false) in
+      let (ls,b) = loop x []  in
+      if b then
+        `list ls
+      else `cons ls
+  | Pexp_construct (x,None) -> `simple (x.txt)
+  | _ -> `normal
+let is_simple_construct :construct -> bool = function
+  | `nil | `tuple | `list _ | `simple _ | `btrue | `bfalse -> true
+  | `cons _ | `normal -> false
+let pp = fprintf
+type ctxt = {
+  pipe : bool;
+  semi : bool;
+  ifthenelse : bool;
+  functionrhs : bool;
+let reset_ctxt = { pipe=false; semi=false; ifthenelse=false; functionrhs=false }
+let under_pipe ctxt = { ctxt with pipe=true }
+let under_semi ctxt = { ctxt with semi=true }
+let under_ifthenelse ctxt = { ctxt with ifthenelse=true }
+let under_functionrhs ctxt = { ctxt with functionrhs = true }
+let reset_semi ctxt = { ctxt with semi=false }
+let reset_ifthenelse ctxt = { ctxt with ifthenelse=false }
+let reset_pipe ctxt = { ctxt with pipe=false }
+let list : 'a . ?sep:space_formatter -> ?first:space_formatter ->
+  ?last:space_formatter -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
+  Format.formatter -> 'a list -> unit
+  = fun ?sep ?first ?last fu f xs ->
+    let first = match first with Some x -> x |None -> ("": _ format6)
+    and last = match last with Some x -> x |None -> ("": _ format6)
+    and sep = match sep with Some x -> x |None -> ("@ ": _ format6) in
+    let aux f = function
+      | [] -> ()
+      | [x] -> fu f x
+      | xs ->
+          let rec loop  f = function
+            | [x] -> fu f x
+            | x::xs ->  fu f x; pp f sep; loop f xs;
+            | _ -> assert false in begin
+            pp f first; loop f xs; pp f last;
+          end in
+    aux f xs
+let option : 'a. ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter ->
+  (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a option -> unit
+  = fun  ?first  ?last fu f a ->
+    let first = match first with Some x -> x | None -> ("": _ format6)
+    and last = match last with Some x -> x | None -> ("": _ format6) in
+    match a with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some x -> pp f first; fu f x; pp f last
+let paren: 'a . ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter ->
+  bool -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
+  = fun  ?(first=("": _ format6)) ?(last=("": _ format6)) b fu f x ->
+    if b then (pp f "("; pp f first; fu f x; pp f last; pp f ")")
+    else fu f x
+let with_loc pr ppf x = pr ppf x.txt
+let value_longident_loc = with_loc value_longident
+let constant_desc f = function
+  | Pconst_char i ->
+      pp f "%C"  i
+  | Pconst_string (i, _, None) ->
+      pp f "%S" i
+  | Pconst_string (i, _, Some delim) ->
+      pp f "{%s|%s|%s}" delim i delim
+  | Pconst_integer (i, None) ->
+      paren (first_is '-' i) (fun f -> pp f "%s") f i
+  | Pconst_integer (i, Some m) ->
+      paren (first_is '-' i) (fun f (i, m) -> pp f "%s%c" i m) f (i,m)
+  | Pconst_float (i, None) ->
+      paren (first_is '-' i) (fun f -> pp f "%s") f i
+  | Pconst_float (i, Some m) ->
+      paren (first_is '-' i) (fun f (i,m) -> pp f "%s%c" i m) f (i,m)
+let constant f const = constant_desc f const.pconst_desc
+(* trailing space*)
+let mutable_flag f = function
+  | Immutable -> ()
+  | Mutable -> pp f "mutable@;"
+let virtual_flag f  = function
+  | Concrete -> ()
+  | Virtual -> pp f "virtual@;"
+(* trailing space added *)
+let rec_flag f rf =
+  match rf with
+  | Nonrecursive -> ()
+  | Recursive -> pp f "rec "
+let nonrec_flag f rf =
+  match rf with
+  | Nonrecursive -> pp f "nonrec "
+  | Recursive -> ()
+let direction_flag f = function
+  | Upto -> pp f "to@ "
+  | Downto -> pp f "downto@ "
+let private_flag f = function
+  | Public -> ()
+  | Private -> pp f "private@ "
+let iter_loc f ctxt {txt; loc = _} = f ctxt txt
+let constant_string f s = pp f "%S" s
+let tyvar ppf v = Format_doc.compat Doc.tyvar ppf v
+let tyvar_loc f str = tyvar f str.txt
+let string_quot f x = pp f "`%a" ident_of_name x
+(* c ['a,'b] *)
+let rec class_params_def ctxt f =  function
+  | [] -> ()
+  | l ->
+      pp f "[%a] " (* space *)
+        (list (type_param ctxt) ~sep:",") l
+and type_with_label ctxt f (label, c) =
+  match label with
+  | Nolabel    -> core_type1 ctxt f c (* otherwise parenthesize *)
+  | Labelled s -> pp f "%a:%a" ident_of_name s (core_type1 ctxt) c
+  | Optional s -> pp f "?%a:%a" ident_of_name s (core_type1 ctxt) c
+and core_type ctxt f x =
+  if x.ptyp_attributes <> [] then begin
+    pp f "((%a)%a)" (core_type ctxt) {x with ptyp_attributes=[]}
+      (attributes ctxt) x.ptyp_attributes
+  end
+  else match x.ptyp_desc with
+    | Ptyp_arrow (l, ct1, ct2) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>%a@;->@;%a@]" (* FIXME remove parens later *)
+          (type_with_label ctxt) (l,ct1) (core_type ctxt) ct2
+    | Ptyp_alias (ct, s) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>%a@;as@;%a@]" (core_type1 ctxt) ct tyvar s.txt
+    | Ptyp_poly ([], ct) ->
+        core_type ctxt f ct
+    | Ptyp_poly (sl, ct) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>%a%a@]"
+               (fun f l -> match l with
+                  | [] -> ()
+                  | _ ->
+                      pp f "%a@;.@;"
+                        (list tyvar_loc ~sep:"@;")  l)
+          sl (core_type ctxt) ct
+    | _ -> pp f "@[<2>%a@]" (core_type1 ctxt) x
+and core_type1 ctxt f x =
+  if x.ptyp_attributes <> [] then core_type ctxt f x
+  else match x.ptyp_desc with
+    | Ptyp_any -> pp f "_";
+    | Ptyp_var s -> tyvar f  s;
+    | Ptyp_tuple l ->  pp f "(%a)" (list (core_type1 ctxt) ~sep:"@;*@;") l
+    | Ptyp_constr (li, l) ->
+        pp f (* "%a%a@;" *) "%a%a"
+          (fun f l -> match l with
+             |[] -> ()
+             |[x]-> pp f "%a@;" (core_type1 ctxt)  x
+             | _ -> list ~first:"(" ~last:")@;" (core_type ctxt) ~sep:",@;" f l)
+          l (with_loc type_longident) li
+    | Ptyp_variant (l, closed, low) ->
+        let first_is_inherit = match l with
+          | {Parsetree.prf_desc = Rinherit _}::_ -> true
+          | _ -> false in
+        let type_variant_helper f x =
+          match x.prf_desc with
+          | Rtag (l, _, ctl) ->
+              pp f "@[<2>%a%a@;%a@]" (iter_loc string_quot) l
+                (fun f l -> match l with
+                   |[] -> ()
+                   | _ -> pp f "@;of@;%a"
+                            (list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"&")  ctl) ctl
+                (attributes ctxt) x.prf_attributes
+          | Rinherit ct -> core_type ctxt f ct in
+        pp f "@[<2>[%a%a]@]"
+          (fun f l ->
+             match l, closed with
+             | [], Closed -> ()
+             | [], Open -> pp f ">" (* Cf #7200: print [>] correctly *)
+             | _ ->
+                 pp f "%s@;%a"
+                   (match (closed,low) with
+                    | (Closed,None) -> if first_is_inherit then " |" else ""
+                    | (Closed,Some _) -> "<" (* FIXME desugar the syntax sugar*)
+                    | (Open,_) -> ">")
+                   (list type_variant_helper ~sep:"@;<1 -2>| ") l) l
+          (fun f low -> match low with
+             |Some [] |None -> ()
+             |Some xs ->
+                 pp f ">@ %a"
+                   (list string_quot) xs) low
+    | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
+        let core_field_type f x = match x.pof_desc with
+          | Otag (l, ct) ->
+            (* Cf #7200 *)
+            pp f "@[<hov2>%a: %a@ %a@ @]" ident_of_name l.txt
+              (core_type ctxt) ct (attributes ctxt) x.pof_attributes
+          | Oinherit ct ->
+            pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ @]" (core_type ctxt) ct
+        in
+        let field_var f = function
+          | Asttypes.Closed -> ()
+          | Asttypes.Open ->
+              match l with
+              | [] -> pp f ".."
+              | _ -> pp f " ;.."
+        in
+        pp f "@[<hov2><@ %a%a@ > @]"
+          (list core_field_type ~sep:";") l
+          field_var o (* Cf #7200 *)
+    | Ptyp_class (li, l) ->   (*FIXME*)
+        pp f "@[<hov2>%a#%a@]"
+          (list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"," ~first:"(" ~last:")") l
+          (with_loc type_longident) li
+    | Ptyp_package (lid, cstrs) ->
+        let aux f (s, ct) =
+          pp f "type %a@ =@ %a"
+            (with_loc type_longident) s
+            (core_type ctxt) ct  in
+        (match cstrs with
+         |[] -> pp f "@[<hov2>(module@ %a)@]" (with_loc type_longident) lid
+         |_ ->
+             pp f "@[<hov2>(module@ %a@ with@ %a)@]"
+               (with_loc type_longident) lid
+               (list aux  ~sep:"@ and@ ")  cstrs)
+    | Ptyp_open(li, ct) ->
+       pp f "@[<hov2>%a.(%a)@]" value_longident_loc li (core_type ctxt) ct
+    | Ptyp_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
+    | (Ptyp_arrow _ | Ptyp_alias _ | Ptyp_poly _) ->
+       paren true (core_type ctxt) f x
+(* be cautious when use [pattern], [pattern1] is preferred *)
+and pattern ctxt f x =
+  if x.ppat_attributes <> [] then begin
+    pp f "((%a)%a)" (pattern ctxt) {x with ppat_attributes=[]}
+      (attributes ctxt) x.ppat_attributes
+  end
+  else match x.ppat_desc with
+    | Ppat_alias (p, s) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>%a@;as@;%a@]" (pattern ctxt) p ident_of_name s.txt
+    | _ -> pattern_or ctxt f x
+and pattern_or ctxt f x =
+  let rec left_associative x acc = match x with
+    | {ppat_desc=Ppat_or (p1,p2); ppat_attributes = []} ->
+        left_associative p1 (p2 :: acc)
+    | x -> x :: acc
+  in
+  match left_associative x [] with
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | [x] -> pattern1 ctxt f x
+  | orpats ->
+      pp f "@[<hov0>%a@]" (list ~sep:"@ | " (pattern1 ctxt)) orpats
+and pattern1 ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
+  let rec pattern_list_helper f = function
+    | {ppat_desc =
+         Ppat_construct
+           ({ txt = Lident("::") ;_},
+            Some ([], {ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple([pat1; pat2]);_}));
+       ppat_attributes = []}
+      ->
+        pp f "%a::%a" (simple_pattern ctxt) pat1 pattern_list_helper pat2 (*RA*)
+    | p -> pattern1 ctxt f p
+  in
+  if x.ppat_attributes <> [] then pattern ctxt f x
+  else match x.ppat_desc with
+    | Ppat_variant (l, Some p) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>`%a@;%a@]" ident_of_name l (simple_pattern ctxt) p
+    | Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident("()"|"[]"|"true"|"false");_}), _) ->
+        simple_pattern ctxt f x
+    | Ppat_construct (({txt;_} as li), po) ->
+        (* FIXME The third field always false *)
+        if txt = Lident "::" then
+          pp f "%a" pattern_list_helper x
+        else
+          (match po with
+           | Some ([], x) ->
+               (* [true] and [false] are handled above *)
+               pp f "%a@;%a"  value_longident_loc li (simple_pattern ctxt) x
+           | Some (vl, x) ->
+               pp f "%a@ (type %a)@;%a" value_longident_loc li
+                 (list ~sep:"@ " ident_of_name_loc) vl
+                 (simple_pattern ctxt) x
+           | None -> pp f "%a" value_longident_loc li)
+    | _ -> simple_pattern ctxt f x
+and simple_pattern ctxt (f:Format.formatter) (x:pattern) : unit =
+  if x.ppat_attributes <> [] then pattern ctxt f x
+  else match x.ppat_desc with
+    | Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident ("()"|"[]"|"true"|"false" as x);_}), None) ->
+        pp f  "%s" x
+    | Ppat_any -> pp f "_";
+    | Ppat_var ({txt = txt;_}) -> ident_of_name f txt
+    | Ppat_array l ->
+        pp f "@[<2>[|%a|]@]"  (list (pattern1 ctxt) ~sep:";") l
+    | Ppat_unpack { txt = None } ->
+        pp f "(module@ _)@ "
+    | Ppat_unpack { txt = Some s } ->
+        pp f "(module@ %s)@ " s
+    | Ppat_type li ->
+        pp f "#%a" (with_loc type_longident) li
+    | Ppat_record (l, closed) ->
+        let longident_x_pattern f (li, p) =
+          match (li,p) with
+          | ({txt=Lident s;_ },
+             {ppat_desc=Ppat_var {txt;_};
+              ppat_attributes=[]; _})
+            when s = txt ->
+              pp f "@[<2>%a@]"  value_longident_loc li
+          | _ ->
+              pp f "@[<2>%a@;=@;%a@]" value_longident_loc li (pattern1 ctxt) p
+        in
+        begin match closed with
+        | Closed ->
+            pp f "@[<2>{@;%a@;}@]" (list longident_x_pattern ~sep:";@;") l
+        | _ ->
+            pp f "@[<2>{@;%a;_}@]" (list longident_x_pattern ~sep:";@;") l
+        end
+    | Ppat_tuple l ->
+        pp f "@[<1>(%a)@]" (list  ~sep:",@;" (pattern1 ctxt))  l (* level1*)
+    | Ppat_constant (c) -> pp f "%a" constant c
+    | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> pp f "%a..%a" constant c1 constant c2
+    | Ppat_variant (l,None) ->  pp f "`%a" ident_of_name l
+    | Ppat_constraint (p, ct) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>(%a@;:@;%a)@]" (pattern1 ctxt) p (core_type ctxt) ct
+    | Ppat_lazy p ->
+        pp f "@[<2>(lazy@;%a)@]" (simple_pattern ctxt) p
+    | Ppat_exception p ->
+        pp f "@[<2>exception@;%a@]" (pattern1 ctxt) p
+    | Ppat_effect(p1, p2) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>effect@;%a, @;%a@]" (pattern1 ctxt) p1 (pattern1 ctxt) p2
+    | Ppat_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
+    | Ppat_open (lid, p) ->
+        let with_paren =
+        match p.ppat_desc with
+        | Ppat_array _ | Ppat_record _
+        | Ppat_construct (({txt=Lident ("()"|"[]"|"true"|"false");_}), None) ->
+            false
+        | _ -> true in
+        pp f "@[<2>%a.%a @]" value_longident_loc lid
+          (paren with_paren @@ pattern1 ctxt) p
+    | _ -> paren true (pattern ctxt) f x
+and label_exp ctxt f (l,opt,p) =
+  match l with
+  | Nolabel ->
+      (* single case pattern parens needed here *)
+      pp f "%a@ " (simple_pattern ctxt) p
+  | Optional rest ->
+      begin match p with
+      | {ppat_desc = Ppat_var {txt;_}; ppat_attributes = []}
+        when txt = rest ->
+          (match opt with
+           | Some o ->
+              pp f "?(%a=@;%a)@;" ident_of_name rest  (expression ctxt) o
+           | None -> pp f "?%a@ " ident_of_name rest)
+      | _ ->
+          (match opt with
+           | Some o ->
+               pp f "?%a:(%a=@;%a)@;"
+                 ident_of_name rest (pattern1 ctxt) p (expression ctxt) o
+           | None -> pp f "?%a:%a@;" ident_of_name rest (simple_pattern ctxt) p)
+      end
+  | Labelled l -> match p with
+    | {ppat_desc  = Ppat_var {txt;_}; ppat_attributes = []}
+      when txt = l ->
+        pp f "~%a@;" ident_of_name l
+    | _ ->  pp f "~%a:%a@;" ident_of_name l (simple_pattern ctxt) p
+and sugar_expr ctxt f e =
+  if e.pexp_attributes <> [] then false
+  else match e.pexp_desc with
+  | Pexp_apply ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_ident {txt = id; _};
+                  pexp_attributes=[]; _}, args)
+    when List.for_all (fun (lab, _) -> lab = Nolabel) args -> begin
+      let print_indexop a path_prefix assign left sep right print_index indices
+          rem_args =
+        let print_path ppf = function
+          | None -> ()
+          | Some m -> pp ppf ".%a" value_longident m in
+        match assign, rem_args with
+            | false, [] ->
+              pp f "@[%a%a%s%a%s@]"
+                (simple_expr ctxt) a print_path path_prefix
+                left (list ~sep print_index) indices right; true
+            | true, [v] ->
+              pp f "@[%a%a%s%a%s@ <-@;<1 2>%a@]"
+                (simple_expr ctxt) a print_path path_prefix
+                left (list ~sep print_index) indices right
+                (simple_expr ctxt) v; true
+            | _ -> false in
+      match id, List.map snd args with
+      | Lident "!", [e] ->
+        pp f "@[<hov>!%a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e; true
+      | Ldot (path, ("get"|"set" as func)), a :: other_args -> begin
+          let assign = func = "set" in
+          let print = print_indexop a None assign in
+          match path, other_args with
+          | Lident "Array", i :: rest ->
+            print ".(" "" ")" (expression ctxt) [i] rest
+          | Lident "String", i :: rest ->
+            print ".[" "" "]" (expression ctxt) [i] rest
+          | Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", "Array1"), i1 :: rest ->
+            print ".{" "," "}" (simple_expr ctxt) [i1] rest
+          | Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", "Array2"), i1 :: i2 :: rest ->
+            print ".{" "," "}" (simple_expr ctxt) [i1; i2] rest
+          | Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", "Array3"), i1 :: i2 :: i3 :: rest ->
+            print ".{" "," "}" (simple_expr ctxt) [i1; i2; i3] rest
+          | Ldot (Lident "Bigarray", "Genarray"),
+            {pexp_desc = Pexp_array indexes; pexp_attributes = []} :: rest ->
+              print ".{" "," "}" (simple_expr ctxt) indexes rest
+          | _ -> false
+        end
+      | (Lident s | Ldot(_,s)) , a :: i :: rest
+        when first_is '.' s ->
+          (* extract operator:
+             assignment operators end with [right_bracket ^ "<-"],
+             access operators end with [right_bracket] directly
+          *)
+          let multi_indices = String.contains s ';' in
+          let i =
+              match i.pexp_desc with
+                | Pexp_array l when multi_indices -> l
+                | _ -> [ i ] in
+          let assign = last_is '-' s in
+          let kind =
+            (* extract the right end bracket *)
+            let n = String.length s in
+            if assign then s.[n - 3] else s.[n - 1] in
+          let left, right = match kind with
+            | ')' -> '(', ")"
+            | ']' -> '[', "]"
+            | '}' -> '{', "}"
+            | _ -> assert false in
+          let path_prefix = match id with
+            | Ldot(m,_) -> Some m
+            | _ -> None in
+          let left = String.sub s 0 (1+String.index s left) in
+          print_indexop a path_prefix assign left ";" right
+            (if multi_indices then expression ctxt else simple_expr ctxt)
+            i rest
+      | _ -> false
+    end
+  | _ -> false
+and function_param ctxt f param =
+  match param.pparam_desc with
+  | Pparam_val (a, b, c) -> label_exp ctxt f (a, b, c)
+  | Pparam_newtype ty -> pp f "(type %a)@;" ident_of_name ty.txt
+and function_body ctxt f function_body =
+  match function_body with
+  | Pfunction_body body -> expression ctxt f body
+  | Pfunction_cases (cases, _, attrs) ->
+      pp f "@[<hv>function%a%a@]"
+        (item_attributes ctxt) attrs
+        (case_list ctxt) cases
+and type_constraint ctxt f constraint_ =
+  match constraint_ with
+  | Pconstraint ty ->
+      pp f ":@;%a" (core_type ctxt) ty
+  | Pcoerce (ty1, ty2) ->
+      pp f "%a:>@;%a"
+        (option ~first:":@;" (core_type ctxt)) ty1
+        (core_type ctxt) ty2
+and function_params_then_body ctxt f params constraint_ body ~delimiter =
+  pp f "%a%a%s@;%a"
+    (list (function_param ctxt) ~sep:"") params
+    (option (type_constraint ctxt)) constraint_
+    delimiter
+    (function_body (under_functionrhs ctxt)) body
+and expression ctxt f x =
+  if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then
+    pp f "((%a)@,%a)" (expression ctxt) {x with pexp_attributes=[]}
+      (attributes ctxt) x.pexp_attributes
+  else match x.pexp_desc with
+    | Pexp_function _ | Pexp_match _ | Pexp_try _ | Pexp_sequence _
+    | Pexp_newtype _
+      when ctxt.pipe || ctxt.semi ->
+        paren true (expression reset_ctxt) f x
+    | Pexp_ifthenelse _ | Pexp_sequence _ when ctxt.ifthenelse ->
+        paren true (expression reset_ctxt) f x
+    | Pexp_let _ | Pexp_letmodule _ | Pexp_open _
+      | Pexp_letexception _ | Pexp_letop _
+        when ctxt.semi ->
+        paren true (expression reset_ctxt) f x
+    | Pexp_newtype (lid, e) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>fun@;(type@;%a)@;->@;%a@]" ident_of_name lid.txt
+          (expression ctxt) e
+    | Pexp_function (params, c, body) ->
+        begin match params, c with
+        (* Omit [fun] if there are no params. *)
+        | [], None ->
+            (* If function cases are a direct body of a function,
+               the function node should be wrapped in parens so
+               it doesn't become part of the enclosing function. *)
+            let should_paren =
+              match body with
+              | Pfunction_cases _ -> ctxt.functionrhs
+              | Pfunction_body _ -> false
+            in
+            let ctxt' = if should_paren then reset_ctxt else ctxt in
+            pp f "@[<2>%a@]" (paren should_paren (function_body ctxt')) body
+        | [], Some c ->
+            pp f "@[<2>(%a@;%a)@]"
+              (function_body ctxt) body
+              (type_constraint ctxt) c
+        | _ :: _, _ ->
+          pp f "@[<2>fun@;%a@]"
+            (fun f () ->
+               function_params_then_body ctxt f params c body ~delimiter:"->")
+            ();
+        end
+    | Pexp_match (e, l) ->
+        pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv0>@[<2>match %a@]@ with@]%a@]"
+          (expression reset_ctxt) e (case_list ctxt) l
+    | Pexp_try (e, l) ->
+        pp f "@[<0>@[<hv2>try@ %a@]@ @[<0>with%a@]@]"
+             (* "try@;@[<2>%a@]@\nwith@\n%a"*)
+          (expression reset_ctxt) e  (case_list ctxt) l
+    | Pexp_let (rf, l, e) ->
+        (* pp f "@[<2>let %a%a in@;<1 -2>%a@]"
+           (*no indentation here, a new line*) *)
+        (*   rec_flag rf *)
+        pp f "@[<2>%a in@;<1 -2>%a@]"
+          (bindings reset_ctxt) (rf,l)
+          (expression ctxt) e
+    | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
+        begin if not (sugar_expr ctxt f x) then
+            match view_fixity_of_exp e with
+            | `Infix s ->
+                begin match l with
+                | [ (Nolabel, _) as arg1; (Nolabel, _) as arg2 ] ->
+                    (* FIXME associativity label_x_expression_param *)
+                    pp f "@[<2>%a@;%s@;%a@]"
+                      (label_x_expression_param reset_ctxt) arg1 s
+                      (label_x_expression_param ctxt) arg2
+                | _ ->
+                    pp f "@[<2>%a %a@]"
+                      (simple_expr ctxt) e
+                      (list (label_x_expression_param ctxt)) l
+                end
+            | `Prefix s ->
+                let s =
+                  if List.mem s ["~+";"~-";"~+.";"~-."] &&
+                   (match l with
+                    (* See #7200: avoid turning (~- 1) into (- 1) which is
+                       parsed as an int literal *)
+                    |[(_,{pexp_desc=Pexp_constant _})] -> false
+                    | _ -> true)
+                  then String.sub s 1 (String.length s -1)
+                  else s in
+                begin match l with
+                | [(Nolabel, x)] ->
+                  pp f "@[<2>%s@;%a@]" s (simple_expr ctxt) x
+                | _   ->
+                  pp f "@[<2>%a %a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e
+                    (list (label_x_expression_param ctxt)) l
+                end
+            | _ ->
+                pp f "@[<hov2>%a@]" begin fun f (e,l) ->
+                  pp f "%a@ %a" (expression2 ctxt) e
+                    (list (label_x_expression_param reset_ctxt))  l
+                    (* reset here only because [function,match,try,sequence]
+                       are lower priority *)
+                end (e,l)
+        end
+    | Pexp_construct (li, Some eo)
+      when not (is_simple_construct (view_expr x))-> (* Not efficient FIXME*)
+        (match view_expr x with
+         | `cons ls -> list (simple_expr ctxt) f ls ~sep:"@;::@;"
+         | `normal ->
+             pp f "@[<2>%a@;%a@]" (with_loc constr) li
+               (simple_expr ctxt) eo
+         | _ -> assert false)
+    | Pexp_setfield (e1, li, e2) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>%a.%a@ <-@ %a@]"
+          (simple_expr ctxt) e1 value_longident_loc li (simple_expr ctxt) e2
+    | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, eo) ->
+        (* @;@[<2>else@ %a@]@] *)
+        let fmt:(_,_,_)format ="@[<hv0>@[<2>if@ %a@]@;@[<2>then@ %a@]%a@]" in
+        let expression_under_ifthenelse = expression (under_ifthenelse ctxt) in
+        pp f fmt expression_under_ifthenelse e1 expression_under_ifthenelse e2
+          (fun f eo -> match eo with
+             | Some x ->
+                 pp f "@;@[<2>else@;%a@]" (expression (under_semi ctxt)) x
+             | None -> () (* pp f "()" *)) eo
+    | Pexp_sequence _ ->
+        let rec sequence_helper acc = function
+          | {pexp_desc=Pexp_sequence(e1,e2); pexp_attributes = []} ->
+              sequence_helper (e1::acc) e2
+          | v -> List.rev (v::acc) in
+        let lst = sequence_helper [] x in
+        pp f "@[<hv>%a@]"
+          (list (expression (under_semi ctxt)) ~sep:";@;") lst
+    | Pexp_new (li) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>new@ %a@]" (with_loc type_longident) li;
+    | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ <-@ %a@]" ident_of_name s.txt (expression ctxt) e
+    | Pexp_override l -> (* FIXME *)
+        let string_x_expression f (s, e) =
+          pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ =@ %a@]" ident_of_name s.txt (expression ctxt) e in
+        pp f "@[<hov2>{<%a>}@]"
+          (list string_x_expression  ~sep:";"  )  l;
+    | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>let@ module@ %s@ =@ %a@ in@ %a@]"
+          (Option.value s.txt ~default:"_")
+          (module_expr reset_ctxt) me (expression ctxt) e
+    | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>let@ exception@ %a@ in@ %a@]"
+          (extension_constructor ctxt) cd
+          (expression ctxt) e
+    | Pexp_assert e ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>assert@ %a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e
+    | Pexp_lazy (e) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>lazy@ %a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e
+    (* Pexp_poly: impossible but we should print it anyway, rather than
+       assert false *)
+    | Pexp_poly (e, None) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>!poly!@ %a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e
+    | Pexp_poly (e, Some ct) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>(!poly!@ %a@ : %a)@]"
+          (simple_expr ctxt) e (core_type ctxt) ct
+    | Pexp_open (o, e) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>let open%s %a in@;%a@]"
+          (override o.popen_override) (module_expr ctxt) o.popen_expr
+          (expression ctxt) e
+    | Pexp_variant (l,Some eo) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>`%a@;%a@]" ident_of_name l (simple_expr ctxt) eo
+    | Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body} ->
+        pp f "@[<2>@[<v>%a@,%a@] in@;<1 -2>%a@]"
+          (binding_op ctxt) let_
+          (list ~sep:"@," (binding_op ctxt)) ands
+          (expression ctxt) body
+    | Pexp_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
+    | Pexp_unreachable -> pp f "."
+    | _ -> expression1 ctxt f x
+and expression1 ctxt f x =
+  if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then expression ctxt f x
+  else match x.pexp_desc with
+    | Pexp_object cs -> pp f "%a" (class_structure ctxt) cs
+    | _ -> expression2 ctxt f x
+(* used in [Pexp_apply] *)
+and expression2 ctxt f x =
+  if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then expression ctxt f x
+  else match x.pexp_desc with
+    | Pexp_field (e, li) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>%a.%a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e value_longident_loc li
+    | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>%a#%a@]" (simple_expr ctxt) e ident_of_name s.txt
+    | _ -> simple_expr ctxt f x
+and simple_expr ctxt f x =
+  if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then expression ctxt f x
+  else match x.pexp_desc with
+    | Pexp_construct _  when is_simple_construct (view_expr x) ->
+        (match view_expr x with
+         | `nil -> pp f "[]"
+         | `tuple -> pp f "()"
+         | `btrue -> pp f "true"
+         | `bfalse -> pp f "false"
+         | `list xs ->
+             pp f "@[<hv0>[%a]@]"
+               (list (expression (under_semi ctxt)) ~sep:";@;") xs
+         | `simple x -> constr f x
+         | _ -> assert false)
+    | Pexp_ident li ->
+        value_longident_loc f li
+    (* (match view_fixity_of_exp x with *)
+    (* |`Normal -> longident_loc f li *)
+    (* | `Prefix _ | `Infix _ -> pp f "( %a )" longident_loc li) *)
+    | Pexp_constant c -> constant f c;
+    | Pexp_pack me ->
+        pp f "(module@;%a)" (module_expr ctxt) me
+    | Pexp_tuple l ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>(%a)@]" (list (simple_expr ctxt) ~sep:",@;") l
+    | Pexp_constraint (e, ct) ->
+        pp f "(%a : %a)" (expression ctxt) e (core_type ctxt) ct
+    | Pexp_coerce (e, cto1, ct) ->
+        pp f "(%a%a :> %a)" (expression ctxt) e
+          (option (core_type ctxt) ~first:" : " ~last:" ") cto1 (* no sep hint*)
+          (core_type ctxt) ct
+    | Pexp_variant (l, None) -> pp f "`%a" ident_of_name l
+    | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
+        let longident_x_expression f ( li, e) =
+          match e with
+          |  {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident {txt;_};
+              pexp_attributes=[]; _} when li.txt = txt ->
+              pp f "@[<hov2>%a@]" value_longident_loc li
+          | _ ->
+              pp f "@[<hov2>%a@;=@;%a@]"
+                value_longident_loc li
+                (simple_expr ctxt) e
+        in
+        pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{@;%a%a@]@;}@]"(* "@[<hov2>{%a%a}@]" *)
+          (option ~last:" with@;" (simple_expr ctxt)) eo
+          (list longident_x_expression ~sep:";@;") l
+    | Pexp_array (l) ->
+        pp f "@[<0>@[<2>[|%a|]@]@]"
+          (list (simple_expr (under_semi ctxt)) ~sep:";") l
+    | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
+        let fmt : (_,_,_) format = "@[<2>while@;%a@;do@;%a@;done@]" in
+        pp f fmt (expression ctxt) e1 (expression ctxt) e2
+    | Pexp_for (s, e1, e2, df, e3) ->
+        let fmt:(_,_,_)format =
+          "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>@[<2>for %a =@;%a@;%a%a@;do@]@;%a@]@;done@]" in
+        let expression = expression ctxt in
+        pp f fmt (pattern ctxt) s expression e1 direction_flag
+          df expression e2 expression e3
+    | _ ->  paren true (expression ctxt) f x
+and attributes ctxt f l =
+  List.iter (attribute ctxt f) l
+and item_attributes ctxt f l =
+  List.iter (item_attribute ctxt f) l
+and attribute ctxt f a =
+  pp f "@[<2>[@@%s@ %a]@]" a.attr_name.txt (payload ctxt) a.attr_payload
+and item_attribute ctxt f a =
+  pp f "@[<2>[@@@@%s@ %a]@]" a.attr_name.txt (payload ctxt) a.attr_payload
+and floating_attribute ctxt f a =
+  pp f "@[<2>[@@@@@@%s@ %a]@]" a.attr_name.txt (payload ctxt) a.attr_payload
+and value_description ctxt f x =
+  (* note: value_description has an attribute field,
+           but they're already printed by the callers this method *)
+  pp f "@[<hov2>%a%a@]" (core_type ctxt) x.pval_type
+    (fun f x ->
+       if x.pval_prim <> []
+       then pp f "@ =@ %a" (list constant_string) x.pval_prim
+    ) x
+and extension ctxt f (s, e) =
+  pp f "@[<2>[%%%s@ %a]@]" s.txt (payload ctxt) e
+and item_extension ctxt f (s, e) =
+  pp f "@[<2>[%%%%%s@ %a]@]" s.txt (payload ctxt) e
+and exception_declaration ctxt f x =
+  pp f "@[<hov2>exception@ %a@]%a"
+    (extension_constructor ctxt) x.ptyexn_constructor
+    (item_attributes ctxt) x.ptyexn_attributes
+and class_type_field ctxt f x =
+  match x.pctf_desc with
+  | Pctf_inherit (ct) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>inherit@ %a@]%a" (class_type ctxt) ct
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pctf_attributes
+  | Pctf_val (s, mf, vf, ct) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>val @ %a%a%a@ :@ %a@]%a"
+        mutable_flag mf virtual_flag vf
+        ident_of_name s.txt (core_type ctxt) ct
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pctf_attributes
+  | Pctf_method (s, pf, vf, ct) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>method %a %a%a :@;%a@]%a"
+        private_flag pf virtual_flag vf
+        ident_of_name s.txt (core_type ctxt) ct
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pctf_attributes
+  | Pctf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>constraint@ %a@ =@ %a@]%a"
+        (core_type ctxt) ct1 (core_type ctxt) ct2
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pctf_attributes
+  | Pctf_attribute a -> floating_attribute ctxt f a
+  | Pctf_extension e ->
+      item_extension ctxt f e;
+      item_attributes ctxt f x.pctf_attributes
+and class_signature ctxt f { pcsig_self = ct; pcsig_fields = l ;_} =
+  pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object@[<1>%a@]@ %a@]@ end@]"
+    (fun f -> function
+         {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_any; ptyp_attributes=[]; _} -> ()
+       | ct -> pp f " (%a)" (core_type ctxt) ct) ct
+    (list (class_type_field ctxt) ~sep:"@;") l
+(* call [class_signature] called by [class_signature] *)
+and class_type ctxt f x =
+  match x.pcty_desc with
+  | Pcty_signature cs ->
+      class_signature ctxt f cs;
+      attributes ctxt f x.pcty_attributes
+  | Pcty_constr (li, l) ->
+      pp f "%a%a%a"
+        (fun f l -> match l with
+           | [] -> ()
+           | _  -> pp f "[%a]@ " (list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:"," ) l) l
+        (with_loc type_longident) li
+        (attributes ctxt) x.pcty_attributes
+  | Pcty_arrow (l, co, cl) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>%a@;->@;%a@]" (* FIXME remove parens later *)
+        (type_with_label ctxt) (l,co)
+        (class_type ctxt) cl
+  | Pcty_extension e ->
+      extension ctxt f e;
+      attributes ctxt f x.pcty_attributes
+  | Pcty_open (o, e) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>let open%s %a in@;%a@]"
+        (override o.popen_override) value_longident_loc o.popen_expr
+        (class_type ctxt) e
+(* [class type a = object end] *)
+and class_type_declaration_list ctxt f l =
+  let class_type_declaration kwd f x =
+    let { pci_params=ls; pci_name={ txt; _ }; _ } = x in
+    pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%a@ =@ %a@]%a" kwd
+      virtual_flag x.pci_virt
+      (class_params_def ctxt) ls
+      ident_of_name txt
+      (class_type ctxt) x.pci_expr
+      (item_attributes ctxt) x.pci_attributes
+  in
+  match l with
+  | [] -> ()
+  | [x] -> class_type_declaration "class type" f x
+  | x :: xs ->
+      pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
+        (class_type_declaration "class type") x
+        (list ~sep:"@," (class_type_declaration "and")) xs
+and class_field ctxt f x =
+  match x.pcf_desc with
+  | Pcf_inherit (ovf, ce, so) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>inherit@ %s@ %a%a@]%a" (override ovf)
+        (class_expr ctxt) ce
+        (fun f so -> match so with
+           | None -> ();
+           | Some (s) -> pp f "@ as %a" ident_of_name s.txt ) so
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
+  | Pcf_val (s, mf, Cfk_concrete (ovf, e)) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>val%s %a%a =@;%a@]%a" (override ovf)
+        mutable_flag mf
+        ident_of_name s.txt
+        (expression ctxt) e
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
+  | Pcf_method (s, pf, Cfk_virtual ct) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>method virtual %a %a :@;%a@]%a"
+        private_flag pf
+        ident_of_name s.txt
+        (core_type ctxt) ct
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
+  | Pcf_val (s, mf, Cfk_virtual ct) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>val virtual %a%a :@ %a@]%a"
+        mutable_flag mf
+        ident_of_name s.txt
+        (core_type ctxt) ct
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
+  | Pcf_method (s, pf, Cfk_concrete (ovf, e)) ->
+      let bind e =
+        binding ctxt f
+          {pvb_pat=
+             {ppat_desc=Ppat_var s;
+              ppat_loc=Location.none;
+              ppat_loc_stack=[];
+              ppat_attributes=[]};
+           pvb_expr=e;
+           pvb_constraint=None;
+           pvb_attributes=[];
+           pvb_loc=Location.none;
+          }
+      in
+      pp f "@[<2>method%s %a%a@]%a"
+        (override ovf)
+        private_flag pf
+        (fun f -> function
+           | {pexp_desc=Pexp_poly (e, Some ct); pexp_attributes=[]; _} ->
+               pp f "%a :@;%a=@;%a"
+                 ident_of_name s.txt (core_type ctxt) ct (expression ctxt) e
+           | {pexp_desc=Pexp_poly (e, None); pexp_attributes=[]; _} ->
+               bind e
+           | _ -> bind e) e
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
+  | Pcf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>constraint %a =@;%a@]%a"
+        (core_type ctxt) ct1
+        (core_type ctxt) ct2
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
+  | Pcf_initializer (e) ->
+      pp f "@[<2>initializer@ %a@]%a"
+        (expression ctxt) e
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pcf_attributes
+  | Pcf_attribute a -> floating_attribute ctxt f a
+  | Pcf_extension e ->
+      item_extension ctxt f e;
+      item_attributes ctxt f x.pcf_attributes
+and class_structure ctxt f { pcstr_self = p; pcstr_fields =  l } =
+  pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object%a@;%a@]@;end@]"
+    (fun f p -> match p.ppat_desc with
+       | Ppat_any -> ()
+       | Ppat_constraint _ -> pp f " %a" (pattern ctxt) p
+       | _ -> pp f " (%a)" (pattern ctxt) p) p
+    (list (class_field ctxt)) l
+and class_expr ctxt f x =
+  if x.pcl_attributes <> [] then begin
+    pp f "((%a)%a)" (class_expr ctxt) {x with pcl_attributes=[]}
+      (attributes ctxt) x.pcl_attributes
+  end else
+    match x.pcl_desc with
+    | Pcl_structure (cs) -> class_structure ctxt f cs
+    | Pcl_fun (l, eo, p, e) ->
+        pp f "fun@ %a@ ->@ %a"
+          (label_exp ctxt) (l,eo,p)
+          (class_expr ctxt) e
+    | Pcl_let (rf, l, ce) ->
+        pp f "%a@ in@ %a"
+          (bindings ctxt) (rf,l)
+          (class_expr ctxt) ce
+    | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
+        pp f "((%a)@ %a)" (* Cf: #7200 *)
+          (class_expr ctxt) ce
+          (list (label_x_expression_param ctxt)) l
+    | Pcl_constr (li, l) ->
+        pp f "%a%a"
+          (fun f l-> if l <>[] then
+              pp f "[%a]@ "
+                (list (core_type ctxt) ~sep:",") l) l
+          (with_loc type_longident) li
+    | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
+        pp f "(%a@ :@ %a)"
+          (class_expr ctxt) ce
+          (class_type ctxt) ct
+    | Pcl_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
+    | Pcl_open (o, e) ->
+        pp f "@[<2>let open%s %a in@;%a@]"
+          (override o.popen_override) value_longident_loc o.popen_expr
+          (class_expr ctxt) e
+and module_type ctxt f x =
+  if x.pmty_attributes <> [] then begin
+    pp f "((%a)%a)" (module_type ctxt) {x with pmty_attributes=[]}
+      (attributes ctxt) x.pmty_attributes
+  end else
+    match x.pmty_desc with
+    | Pmty_functor (Unit, mt2) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>() ->@ %a@]" (module_type ctxt) mt2
+    | Pmty_functor (Named (s, mt1), mt2) ->
+        begin match s.txt with
+        | None ->
+            pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ ->@ %a@]"
+              (module_type1 ctxt) mt1 (module_type ctxt) mt2
+        | Some name ->
+            pp f "@[<hov2>(%s@ :@ %a)@ ->@ %a@]" name
+              (module_type ctxt) mt1 (module_type ctxt) mt2
+        end
+    | Pmty_with (mt, []) -> module_type ctxt f mt
+    | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>%a@ with@ %a@]"
+          (module_type1 ctxt) mt
+          (list (with_constraint ctxt) ~sep:"@ and@ ") l
+    | _ -> module_type1 ctxt f x
+and with_constraint ctxt f = function
+  | Pwith_type (li, ({ptype_params= ls ;_} as td)) ->
+      pp f "type@ %a %a =@ %a"
+        (type_params ctxt) ls
+        (with_loc type_longident) li (type_declaration ctxt) td
+  | Pwith_module (li, li2) ->
+      pp f "module %a =@ %a" value_longident_loc li value_longident_loc li2;
+  | Pwith_modtype (li, mty) ->
+      pp f "module type %a =@ %a"
+        (with_loc type_longident) li
+        (module_type ctxt) mty;
+  | Pwith_typesubst (li, ({ptype_params=ls;_} as td)) ->
+      pp f "type@ %a %a :=@ %a"
+        (type_params ctxt) ls
+        (with_loc type_longident) li
+        (type_declaration ctxt) td
+  | Pwith_modsubst (li, li2) ->
+      pp f "module %a :=@ %a" value_longident_loc li value_longident_loc li2
+  | Pwith_modtypesubst (li, mty) ->
+      pp f "module type %a :=@ %a"
+        (with_loc type_longident) li
+        (module_type ctxt) mty;
+and module_type1 ctxt f x =
+  if x.pmty_attributes <> [] then module_type ctxt f x
+  else match x.pmty_desc with
+    | Pmty_ident li ->
+        pp f "%a" (with_loc type_longident) li;
+    | Pmty_alias li ->
+        pp f "(module %a)" (with_loc type_longident) li;
+    | Pmty_signature (s) ->
+        pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>sig@ %a@]@ end@]" (* "@[<hov>sig@ %a@ end@]" *)
+          (list (signature_item ctxt)) s (* FIXME wrong indentation*)
+    | Pmty_typeof me ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ of@ %a@]" (module_expr ctxt) me
+    | Pmty_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
+    | _ -> paren true (module_type ctxt) f x
+and signature ctxt f x =  list ~sep:"@\n" (signature_item ctxt) f x
+and signature_item ctxt f x : unit =
+  match x.psig_desc with
+  | Psig_type (rf, l) ->
+      type_def_list ctxt f (rf, true, l)
+  | Psig_typesubst l ->
+      (* Psig_typesubst is never recursive, but we specify [Recursive] here to
+         avoid printing a [nonrec] flag, which would be rejected by the parser.
+      *)
+      type_def_list ctxt f (Recursive, false, l)
+  | Psig_value vd ->
+      let intro = if vd.pval_prim = [] then "val" else "external" in
+      pp f "@[<2>%s@ %a@ :@ %a@]%a" intro
+        ident_of_name vd.pval_name.txt
+        (value_description ctxt) vd
+        (item_attributes ctxt) vd.pval_attributes
+  | Psig_typext te ->
+      type_extension ctxt f te
+  | Psig_exception ed ->
+      exception_declaration ctxt f ed
+  | Psig_class l ->
+      let class_description kwd f ({pci_params=ls;pci_name={txt;_};_} as x) =
+        pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%a@;:@;%a@]%a" kwd
+          virtual_flag x.pci_virt
+          (class_params_def ctxt) ls
+          ident_of_name txt
+          (class_type ctxt) x.pci_expr
+          (item_attributes ctxt) x.pci_attributes
+      in begin
+        match l with
+        | [] -> ()
+        | [x] -> class_description "class" f x
+        | x :: xs ->
+            pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
+              (class_description "class") x
+              (list ~sep:"@," (class_description "and")) xs
+      end
+  | Psig_module ({pmd_type={pmty_desc=Pmty_alias alias;
+                            pmty_attributes=[]; _};_} as pmd) ->
+      pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ =@ %a@]%a"
+        (Option.value pmd.pmd_name.txt ~default:"_")
+        value_longident_loc alias
+        (item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes
+  | Psig_module pmd ->
+      pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ :@ %a@]%a"
+        (Option.value pmd.pmd_name.txt ~default:"_")
+        (module_type ctxt) pmd.pmd_type
+        (item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes
+  | Psig_modsubst pms ->
+      pp f "@[<hov>module@ %s@ :=@ %a@]%a" pms.pms_name.txt
+        value_longident_loc pms.pms_manifest
+        (item_attributes ctxt) pms.pms_attributes
+  | Psig_open od ->
+      pp f "@[<hov2>open%s@ %a@]%a"
+        (override od.popen_override)
+        value_longident_loc od.popen_expr
+        (item_attributes ctxt) od.popen_attributes
+  | Psig_include incl ->
+      pp f "@[<hov2>include@ %a@]%a"
+        (module_type ctxt) incl.pincl_mod
+        (item_attributes ctxt) incl.pincl_attributes
+  | Psig_modtype {pmtd_name=s; pmtd_type=md; pmtd_attributes=attrs} ->
+      pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ %a%a@]%a"
+        ident_of_name s.txt
+        (fun f md -> match md with
+           | None -> ()
+           | Some mt ->
+               pp_print_space f () ;
+               pp f "@ =@ %a" (module_type ctxt) mt
+        ) md
+        (item_attributes ctxt) attrs
+  | Psig_modtypesubst {pmtd_name=s; pmtd_type=md; pmtd_attributes=attrs} ->
+      let md = match md with
+        | None -> assert false (* ast invariant *)
+        | Some mt -> mt in
+      pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ %s@ :=@ %a@]%a"
+        s.txt (module_type ctxt) md
+        (item_attributes ctxt) attrs
+  | Psig_class_type (l) -> class_type_declaration_list ctxt f l
+  | Psig_recmodule decls ->
+      let rec  string_x_module_type_list f ?(first=true) l =
+        match l with
+        | [] -> () ;
+        | pmd :: tl ->
+            if not first then
+              pp f "@ @[<hov2>and@ %s:@ %a@]%a"
+                (Option.value pmd.pmd_name.txt ~default:"_")
+                (module_type1 ctxt) pmd.pmd_type
+                (item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes
+            else
+              pp f "@[<hov2>module@ rec@ %s:@ %a@]%a"
+                (Option.value pmd.pmd_name.txt ~default:"_")
+                (module_type1 ctxt) pmd.pmd_type
+                (item_attributes ctxt) pmd.pmd_attributes;
+            string_x_module_type_list f ~first:false tl
+      in
+      string_x_module_type_list f decls
+  | Psig_attribute a -> floating_attribute ctxt f a
+  | Psig_extension(e, a) ->
+      item_extension ctxt f e;
+      item_attributes ctxt f a
+and module_expr ctxt f x =
+  if x.pmod_attributes <> [] then
+    pp f "((%a)%a)" (module_expr ctxt) {x with pmod_attributes=[]}
+      (attributes ctxt) x.pmod_attributes
+  else match x.pmod_desc with
+    | Pmod_structure (s) ->
+        pp f "@[<hv2>struct@;@[<0>%a@]@;<1 -2>end@]"
+          (list (structure_item ctxt) ~sep:"@\n") s;
+    | Pmod_constraint (me, mt) ->
+        pp f "@[<hov2>(%a@ :@ %a)@]"
+          (module_expr ctxt) me
+          (module_type ctxt) mt
+    | Pmod_ident (li) ->
+        pp f "%a" value_longident_loc li;
+    | Pmod_functor (Unit, me) ->
+        pp f "functor ()@;->@;%a" (module_expr ctxt) me
+    | Pmod_functor (Named (s, mt), me) ->
+        pp f "functor@ (%s@ :@ %a)@;->@;%a"
+          (Option.value s.txt ~default:"_")
+          (module_type ctxt) mt (module_expr ctxt) me
+    | Pmod_apply (me1, me2) ->
+        pp f "(%a)(%a)" (module_expr ctxt) me1 (module_expr ctxt) me2
+        (* Cf: #7200 *)
+    | Pmod_apply_unit me1 ->
+        pp f "(%a)()" (module_expr ctxt) me1
+    | Pmod_unpack e ->
+        pp f "(val@ %a)" (expression ctxt) e
+    | Pmod_extension e -> extension ctxt f e
+and structure ctxt f x = list ~sep:"@\n" (structure_item ctxt) f x
+and payload ctxt f = function
+  | PStr [{pstr_desc = Pstr_eval (e, attrs)}] ->
+      pp f "@[<2>%a@]%a"
+        (expression ctxt) e
+        (item_attributes ctxt) attrs
+  | PStr x -> structure ctxt f x
+  | PTyp x -> pp f ":@ "; core_type ctxt f x
+  | PSig x -> pp f ":@ "; signature ctxt f x
+  | PPat (x, None) -> pp f "?@ "; pattern ctxt f x
+  | PPat (x, Some e) ->
+      pp f "?@ "; pattern ctxt f x;
+      pp f " when "; expression ctxt f e
+(* transform [f = fun g h -> ..] to [f g h = ... ] could be improved *)
+and binding ctxt f {pvb_pat=p; pvb_expr=x; pvb_constraint = ct; _} =
+  (* .pvb_attributes have already been printed by the caller, #bindings *)
+  let rec pp_print_pexp_function f x =
+    if x.pexp_attributes <> [] then pp f "=@;%a" (expression ctxt) x
+    else match x.pexp_desc with
+      | Pexp_function (params, c, body) ->
+          function_params_then_body ctxt f params c body ~delimiter:"="
+      | Pexp_newtype (str,e) ->
+          pp f "(type@ %a)@ %a" ident_of_name str.txt pp_print_pexp_function e
+      | _ -> pp f "=@;%a" (expression ctxt) x
+  in
+  match ct with
+  | Some (Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars = []; typ }) ->
+      pp f "%a@;:@;%a@;=@;%a"
+        (simple_pattern ctxt) p (core_type ctxt) typ (expression ctxt) x
+  | Some (Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars = vars; typ }) ->
+      pp f "%a@;: type@;%a.@;%a@;=@;%a"
+        (simple_pattern ctxt) p (list ident_of_name ~sep:"@;")
+        (List.map (fun x -> x.txt) vars)
+        (core_type ctxt) typ (expression ctxt) x
+  | Some (Pvc_coercion {ground=None; coercion }) ->
+      pp f "%a@;:>@;%a@;=@;%a"
+        (simple_pattern ctxt) p (core_type ctxt) coercion (expression ctxt) x
+  | Some (Pvc_coercion {ground=Some ground; coercion }) ->
+      pp f "%a@;:%a@;:>@;%a@;=@;%a"
+        (simple_pattern ctxt) p
+        (core_type ctxt) ground
+        (core_type ctxt) coercion
+        (expression ctxt) x
+  | None -> begin
+      match p with
+      | {ppat_desc=Ppat_var _; ppat_attributes=[]} ->
+          pp f "%a@ %a" (simple_pattern ctxt) p pp_print_pexp_function x
+      | _ ->
+          pp f "%a@;=@;%a" (pattern ctxt) p (expression ctxt) x
+    end
+(* [in] is not printed *)
+and bindings ctxt f (rf,l) =
+  let binding kwd rf f x =
+    pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a@]%a" kwd rec_flag rf
+      (binding ctxt) x (item_attributes ctxt) x.pvb_attributes
+  in
+  match l with
+  | [] -> ()
+  | [x] -> binding "let" rf f x
+  | x::xs ->
+      pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
+        (binding "let" rf) x
+        (list ~sep:"@," (binding "and" Nonrecursive)) xs
+and binding_op ctxt f x =
+  match x.pbop_pat, x.pbop_exp with
+  | {ppat_desc = Ppat_var { txt=pvar; _ }; ppat_attributes = []; _},
+    {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident { txt=Lident evar; _}; pexp_attributes = []; _}
+       when pvar = evar ->
+     pp f "@[<2>%s %s@]" x.pbop_op.txt evar
+  | pat, exp ->
+     pp f "@[<2>%s %a@;=@;%a@]"
+       x.pbop_op.txt (pattern ctxt) pat (expression ctxt) exp
+and structure_item ctxt f x =
+  match x.pstr_desc with
+  | Pstr_eval (e, attrs) ->
+      pp f "@[<hov2>;;%a@]%a"
+        (expression ctxt) e
+        (item_attributes ctxt) attrs
+  | Pstr_type (_, []) -> assert false
+  | Pstr_type (rf, l)  -> type_def_list ctxt f (rf, true, l)
+  | Pstr_value (rf, l) ->
+      (* pp f "@[<hov2>let %a%a@]"  rec_flag rf bindings l *)
+      pp f "@[<2>%a@]" (bindings ctxt) (rf,l)
+  | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ctxt f te
+  | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_declaration ctxt f ed
+  | Pstr_module x ->
+      let rec module_helper = function
+        | {pmod_desc=Pmod_functor(arg_opt,me'); pmod_attributes = []} ->
+            begin match arg_opt with
+            | Unit -> pp f "()"
+            | Named (s, mt) ->
+              pp f "(%s:%a)" (Option.value s.txt ~default:"_")
+                (module_type ctxt) mt
+            end;
+            module_helper me'
+        | me -> me
+      in
+      pp f "@[<hov2>module %s%a@]%a"
+        (Option.value x.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
+        (fun f me ->
+           let me = module_helper me in
+           match me with
+           | {pmod_desc=
+                Pmod_constraint
+                  (me',
+                   ({pmty_desc=(Pmty_ident (_)
+                               | Pmty_signature (_));_} as mt));
+              pmod_attributes = []} ->
+               pp f " :@;%a@;=@;%a@;"
+                 (module_type ctxt) mt (module_expr ctxt) me'
+           | _ -> pp f " =@ %a" (module_expr ctxt) me
+        ) x.pmb_expr
+        (item_attributes ctxt) x.pmb_attributes
+  | Pstr_open od ->
+      pp f "@[<2>open%s@;%a@]%a"
+        (override od.popen_override)
+        (module_expr ctxt) od.popen_expr
+        (item_attributes ctxt) od.popen_attributes
+  | Pstr_modtype {pmtd_name=s; pmtd_type=md; pmtd_attributes=attrs} ->
+      pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ %a%a@]%a"
+        ident_of_name s.txt
+        (fun f md -> match md with
+           | None -> ()
+           | Some mt ->
+               pp_print_space f () ;
+               pp f "@ =@ %a" (module_type ctxt) mt
+        ) md
+        (item_attributes ctxt) attrs
+  | Pstr_class l ->
+      let extract_class_args cl =
+        let rec loop acc = function
+          | {pcl_desc=Pcl_fun (l, eo, p, cl'); pcl_attributes = []} ->
+              loop ((l,eo,p) :: acc) cl'
+          | cl -> List.rev acc, cl
+        in
+        let args, cl = loop [] cl in
+        let constr, cl =
+          match cl with
+          | {pcl_desc=Pcl_constraint (cl', ct); pcl_attributes = []} ->
+              Some ct, cl'
+          | _ -> None, cl
+        in
+        args, constr, cl
+      in
+      let class_constraint f ct = pp f ": @[%a@] " (class_type ctxt) ct in
+      let class_declaration kwd f
+          ({pci_params=ls; pci_name={txt;_}; _} as x) =
+        let args, constr, cl = extract_class_args x.pci_expr in
+        pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%a %a%a=@;%a@]%a" kwd
+          virtual_flag x.pci_virt
+          (class_params_def ctxt) ls
+          ident_of_name txt
+          (list (label_exp ctxt)) args
+          (option class_constraint) constr
+          (class_expr ctxt) cl
+          (item_attributes ctxt) x.pci_attributes
+      in begin
+        match l with
+        | [] -> ()
+        | [x] -> class_declaration "class" f x
+        | x :: xs ->
+            pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
+              (class_declaration "class") x
+              (list ~sep:"@," (class_declaration "and")) xs
+      end
+  | Pstr_class_type l -> class_type_declaration_list ctxt f l
+  | Pstr_primitive vd ->
+      pp f "@[<hov2>external@ %a@ :@ %a@]%a"
+        ident_of_name vd.pval_name.txt
+        (value_description ctxt) vd
+        (item_attributes ctxt) vd.pval_attributes
+  | Pstr_include incl ->
+      pp f "@[<hov2>include@ %a@]%a"
+        (module_expr ctxt) incl.pincl_mod
+        (item_attributes ctxt) incl.pincl_attributes
+  | Pstr_recmodule decls -> (* 3.07 *)
+      let aux f = function
+        | ({pmb_expr={pmod_desc=Pmod_constraint (expr, typ)}} as pmb) ->
+            pp f "@[<hov2>@ and@ %s:%a@ =@ %a@]%a"
+              (Option.value pmb.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
+              (module_type ctxt) typ
+              (module_expr ctxt) expr
+              (item_attributes ctxt) pmb.pmb_attributes
+        | pmb ->
+            pp f "@[<hov2>@ and@ %s@ =@ %a@]%a"
+              (Option.value pmb.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
+              (module_expr ctxt) pmb.pmb_expr
+              (item_attributes ctxt) pmb.pmb_attributes
+      in
+      begin match decls with
+      | ({pmb_expr={pmod_desc=Pmod_constraint (expr, typ)}} as pmb) :: l2 ->
+          pp f "@[<hv>@[<hov2>module@ rec@ %s:%a@ =@ %a@]%a@ %a@]"
+            (Option.value pmb.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
+            (module_type ctxt) typ
+            (module_expr ctxt) expr
+            (item_attributes ctxt) pmb.pmb_attributes
+            (fun f l2 -> List.iter (aux f) l2) l2
+      | pmb :: l2 ->
+          pp f "@[<hv>@[<hov2>module@ rec@ %s@ =@ %a@]%a@ %a@]"
+            (Option.value pmb.pmb_name.txt ~default:"_")
+            (module_expr ctxt) pmb.pmb_expr
+            (item_attributes ctxt) pmb.pmb_attributes
+            (fun f l2 -> List.iter (aux f) l2) l2
+      | _ -> assert false
+      end
+  | Pstr_attribute a -> floating_attribute ctxt f a
+  | Pstr_extension(e, a) ->
+      item_extension ctxt f e;
+      item_attributes ctxt f a
+and type_param ctxt f (ct, (a,b)) =
+  pp f "%s%s%a" (type_variance a) (type_injectivity b) (core_type ctxt) ct
+and type_params ctxt f = function
+  | [] -> ()
+  | l -> pp f "%a " (list (type_param ctxt) ~first:"(" ~last:")" ~sep:",@;") l
+and type_def_list ctxt f (rf, exported, l) =
+  let type_decl kwd rf f x =
+    let eq =
+      if (x.ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract)
+         && (x.ptype_manifest = None) then ""
+      else if exported then " ="
+      else " :="
+    in
+    pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%a%s%a@]%a" kwd
+      nonrec_flag rf
+      (type_params ctxt) x.ptype_params
+      ident_of_name x.ptype_name.txt
+      eq
+      (type_declaration ctxt) x
+      (item_attributes ctxt) x.ptype_attributes
+  in
+  match l with
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | [x] -> type_decl "type" rf f x
+  | x :: xs -> pp f "@[<v>%a@,%a@]"
+                 (type_decl "type" rf) x
+                 (list ~sep:"@," (type_decl "and" Recursive)) xs
+and record_declaration ctxt f lbls =
+  let type_record_field f pld =
+    pp f "@[<2>%a%a:@;%a@;%a@]"
+      mutable_flag pld.pld_mutable
+      ident_of_name pld.pld_name.txt
+      (core_type ctxt) pld.pld_type
+      (attributes ctxt) pld.pld_attributes
+  in
+  pp f "{@\n%a}"
+    (list type_record_field ~sep:";@\n" )  lbls
+and type_declaration ctxt f x =
+  (* type_declaration has an attribute field,
+     but it's been printed by the caller of this method *)
+  let priv f =
+    match x.ptype_private with
+    | Public -> ()
+    | Private -> pp f "@;private"
+  in
+  let manifest f =
+    match x.ptype_manifest with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some y ->
+        if x.ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract then
+          pp f "%t@;%a" priv (core_type ctxt) y
+        else
+          pp f "@;%a" (core_type ctxt) y
+  in
+  let constructor_declaration f pcd =
+    pp f "|@;";
+    constructor_declaration ctxt f
+      (pcd.pcd_name.txt, pcd.pcd_vars,
+       pcd.pcd_args, pcd.pcd_res, pcd.pcd_attributes)
+  in
+  let repr f =
+    let intro f =
+      if x.ptype_manifest = None then ()
+      else pp f "@;="
+    in
+    match x.ptype_kind with
+    | Ptype_variant xs ->
+      let variants fmt xs =
+        if xs = [] then pp fmt " |" else
+          pp fmt "@\n%a" (list ~sep:"@\n" constructor_declaration) xs
+      in pp f "%t%t%a" intro priv variants xs
+    | Ptype_abstract -> ()
+    | Ptype_record l ->
+        pp f "%t%t@;%a" intro priv (record_declaration ctxt) l
+    | Ptype_open -> pp f "%t%t@;.." intro priv
+  in
+  let constraints f =
+    List.iter
+      (fun (ct1,ct2,_) ->
+         pp f "@[<hov2>@ constraint@ %a@ =@ %a@]"
+           (core_type ctxt) ct1 (core_type ctxt) ct2)
+      x.ptype_cstrs
+  in
+  pp f "%t%t%t" manifest repr constraints
+and type_extension ctxt f x =
+  let extension_constructor f x =
+    pp f "@\n|@;%a" (extension_constructor ctxt) x
+  in
+  pp f "@[<2>type %a%a += %a@ %a@]%a"
+    (fun f -> function
+       | [] -> ()
+       | l ->
+           pp f "%a@;" (list (type_param ctxt) ~first:"(" ~last:")" ~sep:",") l)
+    x.ptyext_params
+    (with_loc type_longident) x.ptyext_path
+    private_flag x.ptyext_private (* Cf: #7200 *)
+    (list ~sep:"" extension_constructor)
+    x.ptyext_constructors
+    (item_attributes ctxt) x.ptyext_attributes
+and constructor_declaration ctxt f (name, vars, args, res, attrs) =
+  let name =
+    match name with
+    | "::" -> "(::)"
+    | s -> s in
+  let pp_vars f vs =
+    match vs with
+    | [] -> ()
+    | vs -> pp f "%a@;.@;" (list tyvar_loc ~sep:"@;") vs in
+  match res with
+  | None ->
+      pp f "%s%a@;%a" name
+        (fun f -> function
+           | Pcstr_tuple [] -> ()
+           | Pcstr_tuple l ->
+             pp f "@;of@;%a" (list (core_type1 ctxt) ~sep:"@;*@;") l
+           | Pcstr_record l -> pp f "@;of@;%a" (record_declaration ctxt) l
+        ) args
+        (attributes ctxt) attrs
+  | Some r ->
+      pp f "%s:@;%a%a@;%a" name
+        pp_vars vars
+        (fun f -> function
+           | Pcstr_tuple [] -> core_type1 ctxt f r
+           | Pcstr_tuple l -> pp f "%a@;->@;%a"
+                                (list (core_type1 ctxt) ~sep:"@;*@;") l
+                                (core_type1 ctxt) r
+           | Pcstr_record l ->
+               pp f "%a@;->@;%a" (record_declaration ctxt) l (core_type1 ctxt) r
+        )
+        args
+        (attributes ctxt) attrs
+and extension_constructor ctxt f x =
+  (* Cf: #7200 *)
+  match x.pext_kind with
+  | Pext_decl(v, l, r) ->
+      constructor_declaration ctxt f
+        (x.pext_name.txt, v, l, r, x.pext_attributes)
+  | Pext_rebind li ->
+      pp f "%s@;=@;%a%a" x.pext_name.txt
+        (with_loc constr) li
+        (attributes ctxt) x.pext_attributes
+and case_list ctxt f l : unit =
+  let aux f {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
+    pp f "@;| @[<2>%a%a@;->@;%a@]"
+      (pattern ctxt) pc_lhs (option (expression ctxt) ~first:"@;when@;")
+      pc_guard (expression (under_pipe ctxt)) pc_rhs
+  in
+  list aux f l ~sep:""
+and label_x_expression_param ctxt f (l,e) =
+  let simple_name = match e with
+    | {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident {txt=Lident l;_};
+       pexp_attributes=[]} -> Some l
+    | _ -> None
+  in match l with
+  | Nolabel  -> expression2 ctxt f e (* level 2*)
+  | Optional str ->
+      if Some str = simple_name then
+        pp f "?%a" ident_of_name str
+      else
+        pp f "?%a:%a" ident_of_name str (simple_expr ctxt) e
+  | Labelled lbl ->
+      if Some lbl = simple_name then
+        pp f "~%a" ident_of_name lbl
+      else
+        pp f "~%a:%a" ident_of_name lbl (simple_expr ctxt) e
+and directive_argument f x =
+  match x.pdira_desc with
+  | Pdir_string (s) -> pp f "@ %S" s
+  | Pdir_int (n, None) -> pp f "@ %s" n
+  | Pdir_int (n, Some m) -> pp f "@ %s%c" n m
+  | Pdir_ident (li) -> pp f "@ %a" value_longident li
+  | Pdir_bool (b) -> pp f "@ %s" (string_of_bool b)
+let toplevel_phrase f x =
+  match x with
+  | Ptop_def (s) ->pp f "@[<hov0>%a@]"  (list (structure_item reset_ctxt)) s
+   (* pp_open_hvbox f 0; *)
+   (* pp_print_list structure_item f s ; *)
+   (* pp_close_box f (); *)
+  | Ptop_dir {pdir_name; pdir_arg = None; _} ->
+   pp f "@[<hov2>#%s@]" pdir_name.txt
+  | Ptop_dir {pdir_name; pdir_arg = Some pdir_arg; _} ->
+   pp f "@[<hov2>#%s@ %a@]" pdir_name.txt directive_argument pdir_arg
+let expression f x =
+  pp f "@[%a@]" (expression reset_ctxt) x
+let string_of_expression x =
+  ignore (flush_str_formatter ()) ;
+  let f = str_formatter in
+  expression f x;
+  flush_str_formatter ()
+let string_of_structure x =
+  ignore (flush_str_formatter ());
+  let f = str_formatter in
+  structure reset_ctxt f x;
+  flush_str_formatter ()
+let top_phrase f x =
+  pp_print_newline f ();
+  toplevel_phrase f x;
+  pp f ";;";
+  pp_print_newline f ()
+let core_type = core_type reset_ctxt
+let pattern = pattern reset_ctxt
+let signature = signature reset_ctxt
+let structure = structure reset_ctxt
+let module_expr = module_expr reset_ctxt
+let module_type = module_type reset_ctxt
+let class_field = class_field reset_ctxt
+let class_type_field = class_type_field reset_ctxt
+let class_expr = class_expr reset_ctxt
+let class_type = class_type reset_ctxt
+let structure_item = structure_item reset_ctxt
+let signature_item = signature_item reset_ctxt
+let binding = binding reset_ctxt
+let payload = payload reset_ctxt
+let longident = value_longident
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/pprintast.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/pprintast.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d26895ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/pprintast.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Hongbo Zhang (University of Pennsylvania)                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Pretty-printers for {!Parsetree}
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+type space_formatter = (unit, Format.formatter, unit) format
+val longident : Format.formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
+val constr : Format.formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
+val expression : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
+val string_of_expression : Parsetree.expression -> string
+val pattern: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.pattern -> unit
+val core_type: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.core_type -> unit
+val signature: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.signature -> unit
+val structure: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.structure -> unit
+val string_of_structure: Parsetree.structure -> string
+val module_expr: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.module_expr -> unit
+val toplevel_phrase : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> unit
+val top_phrase: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> unit
+val class_field: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_field -> unit
+val class_type_field: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_type_field -> unit
+val class_expr: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_expr -> unit
+val class_type: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_type -> unit
+val module_type: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.module_type -> unit
+val structure_item: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.structure_item -> unit
+val signature_item: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.signature_item -> unit
+val binding: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.value_binding -> unit
+val payload: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.payload -> unit
+val tyvar_of_name : string -> string
+  (** Turn a type variable name into a valid identifier, taking care of the
+      special treatment required for the single quote character in second
+      position, or for keywords by escaping them with \#. No-op on "_". *)
+val tyvar: Format.formatter -> string -> unit
+  (** Print a type variable name as a valid identifier, taking care of the
+      special treatment required for the single quote character in second
+      position, or for keywords by escaping them with \#. No-op on "_". *)
+(** {!Format_doc} functions for error messages *)
+module Doc:sig
+  val longident: Longident.t Format_doc.printer
+  val constr: Longident.t Format_doc.printer
+  val tyvar: string Format_doc.printer
+  (** Returns a format document if the expression reads nicely as the subject
+      of a sentence in a error message. *)
+  val nominal_exp : Parsetree.expression -> Format_doc.t option
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/printast.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/printast.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17f28836ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/printast.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*              Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Format
+open Lexing
+open Location
+open Parsetree
+let fmt_position with_name f l =
+  let fname = if with_name then l.pos_fname else "" in
+  if l.pos_lnum = -1
+  then fprintf f "%s[%d]" fname l.pos_cnum
+  else fprintf f "%s[%d,%d+%d]" fname l.pos_lnum l.pos_bol
+               (l.pos_cnum - l.pos_bol)
+let fmt_location f loc =
+  if not !Clflags.locations then ()
+  else begin
+    let p_2nd_name = loc.loc_start.pos_fname <> loc.loc_end.pos_fname in
+    fprintf f "(%a..%a)" (fmt_position true) loc.loc_start
+                         (fmt_position p_2nd_name) loc.loc_end;
+    if loc.loc_ghost then fprintf f " ghost";
+  end
+let rec fmt_longident_aux f x =
+  match x with
+  | Longident.Lident (s) -> fprintf f "%s" s
+  | Longident.Ldot (y, s) -> fprintf f "%a.%s" fmt_longident_aux y s
+  | Longident.Lapply (y, z) ->
+      fprintf f "%a(%a)" fmt_longident_aux y fmt_longident_aux z
+let fmt_longident f x = fprintf f "\"%a\"" fmt_longident_aux x
+let fmt_longident_loc f (x : Longident.t loc) =
+  fprintf f "\"%a\" %a" fmt_longident_aux x.txt fmt_location x.loc
+let fmt_string_loc f (x : string loc) =
+  fprintf f "\"%s\" %a" x.txt fmt_location x.loc
+let fmt_str_opt_loc f (x : string option loc) =
+  fprintf f "\"%s\" %a" (Option.value x.txt ~default:"_") fmt_location x.loc
+let fmt_char_option f = function
+  | None -> fprintf f "None"
+  | Some c -> fprintf f "Some %c" c
+let fmt_mutable_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Immutable -> fprintf f "Immutable"
+  | Mutable -> fprintf f "Mutable"
+let fmt_virtual_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Virtual -> fprintf f "Virtual"
+  | Concrete -> fprintf f "Concrete"
+let fmt_override_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Override -> fprintf f "Override"
+  | Fresh -> fprintf f "Fresh"
+let fmt_closed_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Closed -> fprintf f "Closed"
+  | Open -> fprintf f "Open"
+let fmt_rec_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Nonrecursive -> fprintf f "Nonrec"
+  | Recursive -> fprintf f "Rec"
+let fmt_direction_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Upto -> fprintf f "Up"
+  | Downto -> fprintf f "Down"
+let fmt_private_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Public -> fprintf f "Public"
+  | Private -> fprintf f "Private"
+let line i f s (*...*) =
+  fprintf f "%s" (String.make ((2*i) mod 72) ' ');
+  fprintf f s (*...*)
+let fmt_constant i f x =
+  line i f "constant %a\n" fmt_location x.pconst_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.pconst_desc with
+  | Pconst_integer (j,m) -> line i f "PConst_int (%s,%a)\n" j fmt_char_option m
+  | Pconst_char c -> line i f "PConst_char %02x\n" (Char.code c)
+  | Pconst_string (s, strloc, None) ->
+      line i f "PConst_string(%S,%a,None)\n" s fmt_location strloc
+  | Pconst_string (s, strloc, Some delim) ->
+      line i f "PConst_string (%S,%a,Some %S)\n" s fmt_location strloc delim
+  | Pconst_float (s,m) -> line i f "PConst_float (%s,%a)\n" s fmt_char_option m
+let list i f ppf l =
+  match l with
+  | [] -> line i ppf "[]\n"
+  | _ :: _ ->
+     line i ppf "[\n";
+     List.iter (f (i+1) ppf) l;
+     line i ppf "]\n"
+let option i f ppf x =
+  match x with
+  | None -> line i ppf "None\n"
+  | Some x ->
+      line i ppf "Some\n";
+      f (i+1) ppf x
+let longident_loc i ppf li = line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident_loc li
+let string i ppf s = line i ppf "\"%s\"\n" s
+let string_loc i ppf s = line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_string_loc s
+let str_opt_loc i ppf s = line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_str_opt_loc s
+let arg_label i ppf = function
+  | Nolabel -> line i ppf "Nolabel\n"
+  | Optional s -> line i ppf "Optional \"%s\"\n" s
+  | Labelled s -> line i ppf "Labelled \"%s\"\n" s
+let typevars ppf vs =
+  List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf " %a" Pprintast.tyvar x.txt) vs
+let rec core_type i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "core_type %a\n" fmt_location x.ptyp_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.ptyp_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.ptyp_desc with
+  | Ptyp_any -> line i ppf "Ptyp_any\n";
+  | Ptyp_var (s) -> line i ppf "Ptyp_var %s\n" s;
+  | Ptyp_arrow (l, ct1, ct2) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_arrow\n";
+      arg_label i ppf l;
+      core_type i ppf ct1;
+      core_type i ppf ct2;
+  | Ptyp_tuple l ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_tuple\n";
+      list i core_type ppf l;
+  | Ptyp_constr (li, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_constr %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+      list i core_type ppf l;
+  | Ptyp_variant (l, closed, low) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_variant closed=%a\n" fmt_closed_flag closed;
+      list i label_x_bool_x_core_type_list ppf l;
+      option i (fun i -> list i string) ppf low
+  | Ptyp_object (l, c) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_object %a\n" fmt_closed_flag c;
+      let i = i + 1 in
+      List.iter (fun field ->
+        match field.pof_desc with
+          | Otag (l, t) ->
+            line i ppf "method %s\n" l.txt;
+            attributes i ppf field.pof_attributes;
+            core_type (i + 1) ppf t
+          | Oinherit ct ->
+              line i ppf "Oinherit\n";
+              core_type (i + 1) ppf ct
+      ) l
+  | Ptyp_class (li, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_class %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+      list i core_type ppf l
+  | Ptyp_alias (ct, s) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_alias \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      core_type i ppf ct;
+  | Ptyp_poly (sl, ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_poly%a\n" typevars sl;
+      core_type i ppf ct;
+  | Ptyp_package (s, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_package %a\n" fmt_longident_loc s;
+      list i package_with ppf l;
+  | Ptyp_open (mod_ident, t) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_open \"%a\"\n" fmt_longident_loc mod_ident;
+      core_type i ppf t
+  | Ptyp_extension (s, arg) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptyp_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      payload i ppf arg
+and package_with i ppf (s, t) =
+  line i ppf "with type %a\n" fmt_longident_loc s;
+  core_type i ppf t
+and pattern i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "pattern %a\n" fmt_location x.ppat_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.ppat_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.ppat_desc with
+  | Ppat_any -> line i ppf "Ppat_any\n";
+  | Ppat_var (s) -> line i ppf "Ppat_var %a\n" fmt_string_loc s;
+  | Ppat_alias (p, s) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_alias %a\n" fmt_string_loc s;
+      pattern i ppf p;
+  | Ppat_constant (c) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_constant\n";
+      fmt_constant i ppf c;
+  | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_interval\n";
+      fmt_constant i ppf c1;
+      fmt_constant i ppf c2;
+  | Ppat_tuple (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_tuple\n";
+      list i pattern ppf l;
+  | Ppat_construct (li, po) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_construct %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+      option i
+        (fun i ppf (vl, p) ->
+          list i string_loc ppf vl;
+          pattern i ppf p)
+        ppf po
+  | Ppat_variant (l, po) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_variant \"%s\"\n" l;
+      option i pattern ppf po;
+  | Ppat_record (l, c) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_record %a\n" fmt_closed_flag c;
+      list i longident_x_pattern ppf l;
+  | Ppat_array (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_array\n";
+      list i pattern ppf l;
+  | Ppat_or (p1, p2) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_or\n";
+      pattern i ppf p1;
+      pattern i ppf p2;
+  | Ppat_lazy p ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_lazy\n";
+      pattern i ppf p;
+  | Ppat_constraint (p, ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_constraint\n";
+      pattern i ppf p;
+      core_type i ppf ct;
+  | Ppat_type (li) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_type\n";
+      longident_loc i ppf li
+  | Ppat_unpack s ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_unpack %a\n" fmt_str_opt_loc s;
+  | Ppat_exception p ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_exception\n";
+      pattern i ppf p
+  | Ppat_effect(p1, p2) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_effect\n";
+      pattern i ppf p1;
+      pattern i ppf p2
+  | Ppat_open (m,p) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_open \"%a\"\n" fmt_longident_loc m;
+      pattern i ppf p
+  | Ppat_extension (s, arg) ->
+      line i ppf "Ppat_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      payload i ppf arg
+and expression i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "expression %a\n" fmt_location x.pexp_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pexp_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.pexp_desc with
+  | Pexp_ident (li) -> line i ppf "Pexp_ident %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+  | Pexp_constant (c) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_constant\n";
+      fmt_constant i ppf c;
+  | Pexp_let (rf, l, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_let %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i value_binding ppf l;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Pexp_function (params, c, body) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_function\n";
+      list i function_param ppf params;
+      option i type_constraint ppf c;
+      function_body i ppf body
+  | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_apply\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      list i label_x_expression ppf l;
+  | Pexp_match (e, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_match\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      list i case ppf l;
+  | Pexp_try (e, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_try\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      list i case ppf l;
+  | Pexp_tuple (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_tuple\n";
+      list i expression ppf l;
+  | Pexp_construct (li, eo) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_construct %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+      option i expression ppf eo;
+  | Pexp_variant (l, eo) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_variant \"%s\"\n" l;
+      option i expression ppf eo;
+  | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_record\n";
+      list i longident_x_expression ppf l;
+      option i expression ppf eo;
+  | Pexp_field (e, li) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_field\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      longident_loc i ppf li;
+  | Pexp_setfield (e1, li, e2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_setfield\n";
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      longident_loc i ppf li;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+  | Pexp_array (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_array\n";
+      list i expression ppf l;
+  | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, eo) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_ifthenelse\n";
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+      option i expression ppf eo;
+  | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_sequence\n";
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+  | Pexp_while (e1, e2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_while\n";
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+  | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, df, e3) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_for %a\n" fmt_direction_flag df;
+      pattern i ppf p;
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+      expression i ppf e3;
+  | Pexp_constraint (e, ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_constraint\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      core_type i ppf ct;
+  | Pexp_coerce (e, cto1, cto2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_coerce\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      option i core_type ppf cto1;
+      core_type i ppf cto2;
+  | Pexp_send (e, s) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_send \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Pexp_new (li) -> line i ppf "Pexp_new %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+  | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_setinstvar %a\n" fmt_string_loc s;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Pexp_override (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_override\n";
+      list i string_x_expression ppf l;
+  | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_letmodule %a\n" fmt_str_opt_loc s;
+      module_expr i ppf me;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_letexception\n";
+      extension_constructor i ppf cd;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Pexp_assert (e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_assert\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Pexp_lazy (e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_lazy\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Pexp_poly (e, cto) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_poly\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      option i core_type ppf cto;
+  | Pexp_object s ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_object\n";
+      class_structure i ppf s
+  | Pexp_newtype (s, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_newtype \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      expression i ppf e
+  | Pexp_pack me ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_pack\n";
+      module_expr i ppf me
+  | Pexp_open (o, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_open %a\n" fmt_override_flag o.popen_override;
+      module_expr i ppf o.popen_expr;
+      expression i ppf e
+  | Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body} ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_letop\n";
+      binding_op i ppf let_;
+      list i binding_op ppf ands;
+      expression i ppf body
+  | Pexp_extension (s, arg) ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      payload i ppf arg
+  | Pexp_unreachable ->
+      line i ppf "Pexp_unreachable"
+and function_param i ppf { pparam_desc = desc; pparam_loc = loc } =
+  match desc with
+  | Pparam_val (l, eo, p) ->
+      line i ppf "Pparam_val %a\n" fmt_location loc;
+      arg_label (i+1) ppf l;
+      option (i+1) expression ppf eo;
+      pattern (i+1) ppf p
+  | Pparam_newtype ty ->
+      line i ppf "Pparam_newtype \"%s\" %a\n" ty.txt fmt_location loc
+and function_body i ppf body =
+  match body with
+  | Pfunction_body e ->
+      line i ppf "Pfunction_body\n";
+      expression (i+1) ppf e
+  | Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, attrs) ->
+      line i ppf "Pfunction_cases %a\n" fmt_location loc;
+      attributes (i+1) ppf attrs;
+      list (i+1) case ppf cases
+and type_constraint i ppf constraint_ =
+  match constraint_ with
+  | Pconstraint ty ->
+      line i ppf "Pconstraint\n";
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ty
+  | Pcoerce (ty1, ty2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcoerce\n";
+      option (i+1) core_type ppf ty1;
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ty2
+and value_description i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "value_description %a %a\n" fmt_string_loc
+       x.pval_name fmt_location x.pval_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pval_attributes;
+  core_type (i+1) ppf x.pval_type;
+  list (i+1) string ppf x.pval_prim
+and type_parameter i ppf (x, _variance) = core_type i ppf x
+and type_declaration i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "type_declaration %a %a\n" fmt_string_loc x.ptype_name
+       fmt_location x.ptype_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.ptype_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "ptype_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.ptype_params;
+  line i ppf "ptype_cstrs =\n";
+  list (i+1) core_type_x_core_type_x_location ppf x.ptype_cstrs;
+  line i ppf "ptype_kind =\n";
+  type_kind (i+1) ppf x.ptype_kind;
+  line i ppf "ptype_private = %a\n" fmt_private_flag x.ptype_private;
+  line i ppf "ptype_manifest =\n";
+  option (i+1) core_type ppf x.ptype_manifest
+and attribute i ppf k a =
+  line i ppf "%s \"%s\"\n" k a.attr_name.txt;
+  payload i ppf a.attr_payload;
+and attributes i ppf l =
+  let i = i + 1 in
+  List.iter (fun a ->
+    line i ppf "attribute \"%s\"\n" a.attr_name.txt;
+    payload (i + 1) ppf a.attr_payload;
+  ) l;
+and payload i ppf = function
+  | PStr x -> structure i ppf x
+  | PSig x -> signature i ppf x
+  | PTyp x -> core_type i ppf x
+  | PPat (x, None) -> pattern i ppf x
+  | PPat (x, Some g) ->
+    pattern i ppf x;
+    line i ppf "<when>\n";
+    expression (i + 1) ppf g
+and type_kind i ppf x =
+  match x with
+  | Ptype_abstract ->
+      line i ppf "Ptype_abstract\n"
+  | Ptype_variant l ->
+      line i ppf "Ptype_variant\n";
+      list (i+1) constructor_decl ppf l;
+  | Ptype_record l ->
+      line i ppf "Ptype_record\n";
+      list (i+1) label_decl ppf l;
+  | Ptype_open ->
+      line i ppf "Ptype_open\n";
+and type_extension i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "type_extension\n";
+  attributes i ppf x.ptyext_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "ptyext_path = %a\n" fmt_longident_loc x.ptyext_path;
+  line i ppf "ptyext_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.ptyext_params;
+  line i ppf "ptyext_constructors =\n";
+  list (i+1) extension_constructor ppf x.ptyext_constructors;
+  line i ppf "ptyext_private = %a\n" fmt_private_flag x.ptyext_private;
+and type_exception i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "type_exception\n";
+  attributes i ppf x.ptyexn_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "ptyext_constructor =\n";
+  let i = i+1 in
+  extension_constructor i ppf x.ptyexn_constructor
+and extension_constructor i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "extension_constructor %a\n" fmt_location x.pext_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pext_attributes;
+  let i = i + 1 in
+  line i ppf "pext_name = \"%s\"\n" x.pext_name.txt;
+  line i ppf "pext_kind =\n";
+  extension_constructor_kind (i + 1) ppf x.pext_kind;
+and extension_constructor_kind i ppf x =
+  match x with
+      Pext_decl(v, a, r) ->
+        line i ppf "Pext_decl\n";
+        if v <> [] then line (i+1) ppf "vars%a\n" typevars v;
+        constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf a;
+        option (i+1) core_type ppf r;
+    | Pext_rebind li ->
+        line i ppf "Pext_rebind\n";
+        line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+and class_type i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_type %a\n" fmt_location x.pcty_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pcty_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.pcty_desc with
+  | Pcty_constr (li, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcty_constr %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+      list i core_type ppf l;
+  | Pcty_signature (cs) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcty_signature\n";
+      class_signature i ppf cs;
+  | Pcty_arrow (l, co, cl) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcty_arrow\n";
+      arg_label i ppf l;
+      core_type i ppf co;
+      class_type i ppf cl;
+  | Pcty_extension (s, arg) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcty_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      payload i ppf arg
+  | Pcty_open (o, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcty_open %a %a\n" fmt_override_flag o.popen_override
+        fmt_longident_loc o.popen_expr;
+      class_type i ppf e
+and class_signature i ppf cs =
+  line i ppf "class_signature\n";
+  core_type (i+1) ppf cs.pcsig_self;
+  list (i+1) class_type_field ppf cs.pcsig_fields;
+and class_type_field i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_type_field %a\n" fmt_location x.pctf_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  attributes i ppf x.pctf_attributes;
+  match x.pctf_desc with
+  | Pctf_inherit (ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Pctf_inherit\n";
+      class_type i ppf ct;
+  | Pctf_val (s, mf, vf, ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Pctf_val \"%s\" %a %a\n" s.txt fmt_mutable_flag mf
+           fmt_virtual_flag vf;
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct;
+  | Pctf_method (s, pf, vf, ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Pctf_method \"%s\" %a %a\n" s.txt fmt_private_flag pf
+           fmt_virtual_flag vf;
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct;
+  | Pctf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pctf_constraint\n";
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct1;
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct2;
+  | Pctf_attribute a ->
+      attribute i ppf "Pctf_attribute" a
+  | Pctf_extension (s, arg) ->
+      line i ppf "Pctf_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+     payload i ppf arg
+and class_description i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_description %a\n" fmt_location x.pci_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pci_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "pci_virt = %a\n" fmt_virtual_flag x.pci_virt;
+  line i ppf "pci_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.pci_params;
+  line i ppf "pci_name = %a\n" fmt_string_loc x.pci_name;
+  line i ppf "pci_expr =\n";
+  class_type (i+1) ppf x.pci_expr;
+and class_type_declaration i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_type_declaration %a\n" fmt_location x.pci_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pci_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "pci_virt = %a\n" fmt_virtual_flag x.pci_virt;
+  line i ppf "pci_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.pci_params;
+  line i ppf "pci_name = %a\n" fmt_string_loc x.pci_name;
+  line i ppf "pci_expr =\n";
+  class_type (i+1) ppf x.pci_expr;
+and class_expr i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.pcl_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pcl_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.pcl_desc with
+  | Pcl_constr (li, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcl_constr %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+      list i core_type ppf l;
+  | Pcl_structure (cs) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcl_structure\n";
+      class_structure i ppf cs;
+  | Pcl_fun (l, eo, p, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcl_fun\n";
+      arg_label i ppf l;
+      option i expression ppf eo;
+      pattern i ppf p;
+      class_expr i ppf e;
+  | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcl_apply\n";
+      class_expr i ppf ce;
+      list i label_x_expression ppf l;
+  | Pcl_let (rf, l, ce) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcl_let %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i value_binding ppf l;
+      class_expr i ppf ce;
+  | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcl_constraint\n";
+      class_expr i ppf ce;
+      class_type i ppf ct;
+  | Pcl_extension (s, arg) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcl_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      payload i ppf arg
+  | Pcl_open (o, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcl_open %a %a\n" fmt_override_flag o.popen_override
+        fmt_longident_loc o.popen_expr;
+      class_expr i ppf e
+and class_structure i ppf { pcstr_self = p; pcstr_fields = l } =
+  line i ppf "class_structure\n";
+  pattern (i+1) ppf p;
+  list (i+1) class_field ppf l;
+and class_field i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_field %a\n" fmt_location x.pcf_loc;
+  let i = i + 1 in
+  attributes i ppf x.pcf_attributes;
+  match x.pcf_desc with
+  | Pcf_inherit (ovf, ce, so) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcf_inherit %a\n" fmt_override_flag ovf;
+      class_expr (i+1) ppf ce;
+      option (i+1) string_loc ppf so;
+  | Pcf_val (s, mf, k) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcf_val %a\n" fmt_mutable_flag mf;
+      line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_string_loc s;
+      class_field_kind (i+1) ppf k
+  | Pcf_method (s, pf, k) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcf_method %a\n" fmt_private_flag pf;
+      line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_string_loc s;
+      class_field_kind (i+1) ppf k
+  | Pcf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcf_constraint\n";
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct1;
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct2;
+  | Pcf_initializer (e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcf_initializer\n";
+      expression (i+1) ppf e;
+  | Pcf_attribute a ->
+      attribute i ppf "Pcf_attribute" a
+  | Pcf_extension (s, arg) ->
+      line i ppf "Pcf_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      payload i ppf arg
+and class_field_kind i ppf = function
+  | Cfk_concrete (o, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Concrete %a\n" fmt_override_flag o;
+      expression i ppf e
+  | Cfk_virtual t ->
+      line i ppf "Virtual\n";
+      core_type i ppf t
+and class_declaration i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_declaration %a\n" fmt_location x.pci_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pci_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "pci_virt = %a\n" fmt_virtual_flag x.pci_virt;
+  line i ppf "pci_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.pci_params;
+  line i ppf "pci_name = %a\n" fmt_string_loc x.pci_name;
+  line i ppf "pci_expr =\n";
+  class_expr (i+1) ppf x.pci_expr;
+and module_type i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "module_type %a\n" fmt_location x.pmty_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pmty_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.pmty_desc with
+  | Pmty_ident li -> line i ppf "Pmty_ident %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+  | Pmty_alias li -> line i ppf "Pmty_alias %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+  | Pmty_signature (s) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmty_signature\n";
+      signature i ppf s;
+  | Pmty_functor (Unit, mt2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmty_functor ()\n";
+      module_type i ppf mt2;
+  | Pmty_functor (Named (s, mt1), mt2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmty_functor %a\n" fmt_str_opt_loc s;
+      module_type i ppf mt1;
+      module_type i ppf mt2;
+  | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmty_with\n";
+      module_type i ppf mt;
+      list i with_constraint ppf l;
+  | Pmty_typeof m ->
+      line i ppf "Pmty_typeof\n";
+      module_expr i ppf m;
+  | Pmty_extension (s, arg) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmod_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      payload i ppf arg
+and signature i ppf x = list i signature_item ppf x
+and signature_item i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "signature_item %a\n" fmt_location x.psig_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.psig_desc with
+  | Psig_value vd ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_value\n";
+      value_description i ppf vd;
+  | Psig_type (rf, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_type %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i type_declaration ppf l;
+  | Psig_typesubst l ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_typesubst\n";
+      list i type_declaration ppf l;
+  | Psig_typext te ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_typext\n";
+      type_extension i ppf te
+  | Psig_exception te ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_exception\n";
+      type_exception i ppf te
+  | Psig_module pmd ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_module %a\n" fmt_str_opt_loc pmd.pmd_name;
+      attributes i ppf pmd.pmd_attributes;
+      module_type i ppf pmd.pmd_type
+  | Psig_modsubst pms ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_modsubst %a = %a\n"
+        fmt_string_loc pms.pms_name
+        fmt_longident_loc pms.pms_manifest;
+      attributes i ppf pms.pms_attributes;
+  | Psig_recmodule decls ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_recmodule\n";
+      list i module_declaration ppf decls;
+  | Psig_modtype x ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_modtype %a\n" fmt_string_loc x.pmtd_name;
+      attributes i ppf x.pmtd_attributes;
+      modtype_declaration i ppf x.pmtd_type
+  | Psig_modtypesubst x ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_modtypesubst %a\n" fmt_string_loc x.pmtd_name;
+      attributes i ppf x.pmtd_attributes;
+      modtype_declaration i ppf x.pmtd_type
+  | Psig_open od ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_open %a %a\n" fmt_override_flag od.popen_override
+        fmt_longident_loc od.popen_expr;
+      attributes i ppf od.popen_attributes
+  | Psig_include incl ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_include\n";
+      module_type i ppf incl.pincl_mod;
+      attributes i ppf incl.pincl_attributes
+  | Psig_class (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_class\n";
+      list i class_description ppf l;
+  | Psig_class_type (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_class_type\n";
+      list i class_type_declaration ppf l;
+  | Psig_extension ((s, arg), attrs) ->
+      line i ppf "Psig_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      attributes i ppf attrs;
+      payload i ppf arg
+  | Psig_attribute a ->
+      attribute i ppf "Psig_attribute" a
+and modtype_declaration i ppf = function
+  | None -> line i ppf "#abstract"
+  | Some mt -> module_type (i+1) ppf mt
+and with_constraint i ppf x =
+  match x with
+  | Pwith_type (lid, td) ->
+      line i ppf "Pwith_type %a\n" fmt_longident_loc lid;
+      type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+  | Pwith_typesubst (lid, td) ->
+      line i ppf "Pwith_typesubst %a\n" fmt_longident_loc lid;
+      type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+  | Pwith_module (lid1, lid2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pwith_module %a = %a\n"
+        fmt_longident_loc lid1
+        fmt_longident_loc lid2;
+  | Pwith_modsubst (lid1, lid2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pwith_modsubst %a = %a\n"
+        fmt_longident_loc lid1
+        fmt_longident_loc lid2;
+  | Pwith_modtype (lid1, mty) ->
+      line i ppf "Pwith_modtype %a\n"
+        fmt_longident_loc lid1;
+      module_type (i+1) ppf mty
+  | Pwith_modtypesubst (lid1, mty) ->
+     line i ppf "Pwith_modtypesubst %a\n"
+        fmt_longident_loc lid1;
+      module_type (i+1) ppf mty
+and module_expr i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "module_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.pmod_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pmod_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.pmod_desc with
+  | Pmod_ident (li) -> line i ppf "Pmod_ident %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+  | Pmod_structure (s) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmod_structure\n";
+      structure i ppf s;
+  | Pmod_functor (Unit, me) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmod_functor ()\n";
+      module_expr i ppf me;
+  | Pmod_functor (Named (s, mt), me) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmod_functor %a\n" fmt_str_opt_loc s;
+      module_type i ppf mt;
+      module_expr i ppf me;
+  | Pmod_apply (me1, me2) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmod_apply\n";
+      module_expr i ppf me1;
+      module_expr i ppf me2;
+  | Pmod_apply_unit me1 ->
+      line i ppf "Pmod_apply_unit\n";
+      module_expr i ppf me1
+  | Pmod_constraint (me, mt) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmod_constraint\n";
+      module_expr i ppf me;
+      module_type i ppf mt;
+  | Pmod_unpack (e) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmod_unpack\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Pmod_extension (s, arg) ->
+      line i ppf "Pmod_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      payload i ppf arg
+and structure i ppf x = list i structure_item ppf x
+and structure_item i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "structure_item %a\n" fmt_location x.pstr_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.pstr_desc with
+  | Pstr_eval (e, attrs) ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_eval\n";
+      attributes i ppf attrs;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Pstr_value (rf, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_value %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i value_binding ppf l;
+  | Pstr_primitive vd ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_primitive\n";
+      value_description i ppf vd;
+  | Pstr_type (rf, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_type %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i type_declaration ppf l;
+  | Pstr_typext te ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_typext\n";
+      type_extension i ppf te
+  | Pstr_exception te ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_exception\n";
+      type_exception i ppf te
+  | Pstr_module x ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_module\n";
+      module_binding i ppf x
+  | Pstr_recmodule bindings ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_recmodule\n";
+      list i module_binding ppf bindings;
+  | Pstr_modtype x ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_modtype %a\n" fmt_string_loc x.pmtd_name;
+      attributes i ppf x.pmtd_attributes;
+      modtype_declaration i ppf x.pmtd_type
+  | Pstr_open od ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_open %a\n" fmt_override_flag od.popen_override;
+      module_expr i ppf od.popen_expr;
+      attributes i ppf od.popen_attributes
+  | Pstr_class (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_class\n";
+      list i class_declaration ppf l;
+  | Pstr_class_type (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_class_type\n";
+      list i class_type_declaration ppf l;
+  | Pstr_include incl ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_include";
+      attributes i ppf incl.pincl_attributes;
+      module_expr i ppf incl.pincl_mod
+  | Pstr_extension ((s, arg), attrs) ->
+      line i ppf "Pstr_extension \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      attributes i ppf attrs;
+      payload i ppf arg
+  | Pstr_attribute a ->
+      attribute i ppf "Pstr_attribute" a
+and module_declaration i ppf pmd =
+  str_opt_loc i ppf pmd.pmd_name;
+  attributes i ppf pmd.pmd_attributes;
+  module_type (i+1) ppf pmd.pmd_type;
+and module_binding i ppf x =
+  str_opt_loc i ppf x.pmb_name;
+  attributes i ppf x.pmb_attributes;
+  module_expr (i+1) ppf x.pmb_expr
+and core_type_x_core_type_x_location i ppf (ct1, ct2, l) =
+  line i ppf "<constraint> %a\n" fmt_location l;
+  core_type (i+1) ppf ct1;
+  core_type (i+1) ppf ct2;
+and constructor_decl i ppf
+     {pcd_name; pcd_vars; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} =
+  line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location pcd_loc;
+  line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_string_loc pcd_name;
+  if pcd_vars <> [] then line (i+1) ppf "pcd_vars =%a\n" typevars pcd_vars;
+  attributes i ppf pcd_attributes;
+  constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf pcd_args;
+  option (i+1) core_type ppf pcd_res
+and constructor_arguments i ppf = function
+  | Pcstr_tuple l -> list i core_type ppf l
+  | Pcstr_record l -> list i label_decl ppf l
+and label_decl i ppf {pld_name; pld_mutable; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_attributes}=
+  line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location pld_loc;
+  attributes i ppf pld_attributes;
+  line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_mutable_flag pld_mutable;
+  line (i+1) ppf "%a" fmt_string_loc pld_name;
+  core_type (i+1) ppf pld_type
+and longident_x_pattern i ppf (li, p) =
+  line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+  pattern (i+1) ppf p;
+and case i ppf {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
+  line i ppf "<case>\n";
+  pattern (i+1) ppf pc_lhs;
+  begin match pc_guard with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some g -> line (i+1) ppf "<when>\n"; expression (i + 2) ppf g
+  end;
+  expression (i+1) ppf pc_rhs;
+and value_binding i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "<def>\n";
+  attributes (i+1) ppf x.pvb_attributes;
+  pattern (i+1) ppf x.pvb_pat;
+  Option.iter (value_constraint (i+1) ppf) x.pvb_constraint;
+  expression (i+1) ppf x.pvb_expr
+and value_constraint i ppf x =
+  let pp_sep ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf "@ "; in
+  let pp_newtypes = Format.pp_print_list fmt_string_loc ~pp_sep in
+  match x with
+  | Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars = []; typ } ->
+      core_type i ppf typ
+  | Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars=newtypes; typ} ->
+      line i ppf "<type> %a.\n" pp_newtypes newtypes;
+      core_type i ppf  typ
+  | Pvc_coercion { ground; coercion} ->
+      line i ppf "<coercion>\n";
+      option i core_type ppf ground;
+      core_type i ppf coercion;
+and binding_op i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "<binding_op> %a %a"
+    fmt_string_loc x.pbop_op fmt_location x.pbop_loc;
+  pattern (i+1) ppf x.pbop_pat;
+  expression (i+1) ppf x.pbop_exp;
+and string_x_expression i ppf (s, e) =
+  line i ppf "<override> %a\n" fmt_string_loc s;
+  expression (i+1) ppf e;
+and longident_x_expression i ppf (li, e) =
+  line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+  expression (i+1) ppf e;
+and label_x_expression i ppf (l,e) =
+  line i ppf "<arg>\n";
+  arg_label i ppf l;
+  expression (i+1) ppf e;
+and label_x_bool_x_core_type_list i ppf x =
+  match x.prf_desc with
+    Rtag (l, b, ctl) ->
+      line i ppf "Rtag \"%s\" %s\n" l.txt (string_of_bool b);
+      attributes (i+1) ppf x.prf_attributes;
+      list (i+1) core_type ppf ctl
+  | Rinherit (ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Rinherit\n";
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct
+let rec toplevel_phrase i ppf x =
+  match x with
+  | Ptop_def (s) ->
+      line i ppf "Ptop_def\n";
+      structure (i+1) ppf s;
+  | Ptop_dir {pdir_name; pdir_arg; _} ->
+      line i ppf "Ptop_dir \"%s\"\n" pdir_name.txt;
+      match pdir_arg with
+      | None -> ()
+      | Some da -> directive_argument i ppf da;
+and directive_argument i ppf x =
+  match x.pdira_desc with
+  | Pdir_string (s) -> line i ppf "Pdir_string \"%s\"\n" s
+  | Pdir_int (n, None) -> line i ppf "Pdir_int %s\n" n
+  | Pdir_int (n, Some m) -> line i ppf "Pdir_int %s%c\n" n m
+  | Pdir_ident (li) -> line i ppf "Pdir_ident %a\n" fmt_longident li
+  | Pdir_bool (b) -> line i ppf "Pdir_bool %s\n" (string_of_bool b)
+let interface ppf x = list 0 signature_item ppf x
+let implementation ppf x = list 0 structure_item ppf x
+let top_phrase ppf x = toplevel_phrase 0 ppf x
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/printast.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/printast.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bc496182f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/printast.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*              Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Raw printer for {!Parsetree}
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+open Parsetree
+open Format
+val interface : formatter -> signature_item list -> unit
+val implementation : formatter -> structure_item list -> unit
+val top_phrase : formatter -> toplevel_phrase -> unit
+val expression: int -> formatter -> expression -> unit
+val structure: int -> formatter -> structure -> unit
+val payload: int -> formatter -> payload -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/syntaxerr.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/syntaxerr.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a326c1104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/syntaxerr.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors *)
+type invalid_package_type =
+  | Parameterized_types
+  | Constrained_types
+  | Private_types
+  | Not_with_type
+  | Neither_identifier_nor_with_type
+type error =
+    Unclosed of Location.t * string * Location.t * string
+  | Expecting of Location.t * string
+  | Not_expecting of Location.t * string
+  | Applicative_path of Location.t
+  | Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string
+  | Other of Location.t
+  | Ill_formed_ast of Location.t * string
+  | Invalid_package_type of Location.t * invalid_package_type
+  | Removed_string_set of Location.t
+exception Error of error
+exception Escape_error
+let location_of_error = function
+  | Unclosed(l,_,_,_)
+  | Applicative_path l
+  | Variable_in_scope(l,_)
+  | Other l
+  | Not_expecting (l, _)
+  | Ill_formed_ast (l, _)
+  | Invalid_package_type (l, _)
+  | Expecting (l, _)
+  | Removed_string_set l -> l
+let ill_formed_ast loc s =
+  raise (Error (Ill_formed_ast (loc, s)))
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/syntaxerr.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/syntaxerr.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a84bc6664c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/syntaxerr.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+type invalid_package_type =
+  | Parameterized_types
+  | Constrained_types
+  | Private_types
+  | Not_with_type
+  | Neither_identifier_nor_with_type
+type error =
+    Unclosed of Location.t * string * Location.t * string
+  | Expecting of Location.t * string
+  | Not_expecting of Location.t * string
+  | Applicative_path of Location.t
+  | Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string
+  | Other of Location.t
+  | Ill_formed_ast of Location.t * string
+  | Invalid_package_type of Location.t * invalid_package_type
+  | Removed_string_set of Location.t
+exception Error of error
+exception Escape_error
+val location_of_error: error -> Location.t
+val ill_formed_ast: Location.t -> string -> 'a
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/unit_info.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/unit_info.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66ad51b7cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/unit_info.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2023 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type intf_or_impl = Intf | Impl
+type modname = string
+type filename = string
+type file_prefix = string
+type error = Invalid_encoding of string
+exception Error of error
+type t = {
+  source_file: filename;
+  prefix: file_prefix;
+  modname: modname;
+  kind: intf_or_impl;
+let source_file (x: t) = x.source_file
+let modname (x: t) = x.modname
+let kind (x: t) = x.kind
+let prefix (x: t) = x.prefix
+let basename_chop_extensions basename  =
+  match String.index basename '.' with
+  | dot_pos -> String.sub basename 0 dot_pos
+  | exception Not_found -> basename
+let strict_modulize s =
+  match Misc.Utf8_lexeme.capitalize s with
+  | Ok x -> x
+  | Error _ -> raise (Error (Invalid_encoding s))
+let modulize s = match Misc.Utf8_lexeme.capitalize s with Ok x | Error x -> x
+(* We re-export the [Misc] definition, and ignore encoding errors under the
+   assumption that we should focus our effort on not *producing* badly encoded
+   module names *)
+let normalize x = match Misc.normalized_unit_filename x with
+  | Ok x | Error x -> x
+let stem source_file =
+  source_file |> Filename.basename |> basename_chop_extensions
+let strict_modname_from_source source_file =
+  source_file |> stem |> strict_modulize
+let lax_modname_from_source source_file =
+  source_file |> stem |> modulize
+(* Check validity of module name *)
+let is_unit_name name = Misc.Utf8_lexeme.is_valid_identifier name
+let check_unit_name file =
+  if not (is_unit_name (modname file)) then
+    Location.prerr_warning (Location.in_file (source_file file))
+      (Warnings.Bad_module_name (modname file))
+let make ?(check_modname=true) ~source_file kind prefix =
+  let modname = strict_modname_from_source prefix in
+  let p = { modname; prefix; source_file; kind } in
+  if check_modname then check_unit_name p;
+  p
+module Artifact = struct
+  type t =
+   {
+     source_file: filename option;
+     filename: filename;
+     modname: modname;
+   }
+  let source_file x = x.source_file
+  let filename x = x.filename
+  let modname x = x.modname
+  let prefix x = Filename.remove_extension (filename x)
+  let from_filename filename =
+    let modname = lax_modname_from_source filename in
+    { modname; filename; source_file = None }
+let mk_artifact ext u =
+  {
+    Artifact.filename = u.prefix ^ ext;
+    modname = u.modname;
+    source_file = Some u.source_file;
+  }
+let companion_artifact ext x =
+  { x with Artifact.filename = Artifact.prefix x ^ ext }
+let cmi f = mk_artifact ".cmi" f
+let cmo f = mk_artifact ".cmo" f
+let cmx f = mk_artifact ".cmx" f
+let obj f = mk_artifact Config.ext_obj f
+let cmt f = mk_artifact ".cmt" f
+let cmti f = mk_artifact ".cmti" f
+let annot f = mk_artifact ".annot" f
+let companion_obj f = companion_artifact Config.ext_obj f
+let companion_cmt f = companion_artifact ".cmt" f
+let companion_cmi f =
+  let prefix = Misc.chop_extensions f.Artifact.filename in
+  { f with Artifact.filename = prefix ^ ".cmi"}
+let mli_from_artifact f = Artifact.prefix f ^ !Config.interface_suffix
+let mli_from_source u =
+   let prefix = Filename.remove_extension (source_file u) in
+   prefix  ^ !Config.interface_suffix
+let is_cmi f = Filename.check_suffix (Artifact.filename f) ".cmi"
+let find_normalized_cmi f =
+  let filename = modname f ^ ".cmi" in
+  let filename = Load_path.find_normalized filename in
+  { Artifact.filename; modname = modname f; source_file = Some f.source_file  }
+let report_error = function
+  | Invalid_encoding name ->
+      Location.errorf "Invalid encoding of output name: %s." name
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error err -> Some (report_error err)
+      | _ -> None
+    )
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/unit_info.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/unit_info.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04002b2520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/parsing/unit_info.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2023 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** This module centralize the handling of compilation files and their metadata.
+  Maybe more importantly, this module provides functions for deriving module
+  names from strings or filenames.
+(** {1:modname_from_strings Module name convention and computation} *)
+type intf_or_impl = Intf | Impl
+type modname = string
+type filename = string
+type file_prefix = string
+type error = Invalid_encoding of filename
+exception Error of error
+(** [modulize s] capitalizes the first letter of [s]. *)
+val modulize: string -> modname
+(** [normalize s] uncapitalizes the first letter of [s]. *)
+val normalize: string -> string
+(** [lax_modname_from_source filename] is [modulize stem] where [stem] is the
+    basename of the filename [filename] stripped from all its extensions.
+    For instance, [modname_from_source "/pa.th/x.ml.pp"] is ["X"]. *)
+val lax_modname_from_source: filename -> modname
+(** Same as {!lax_modname_from_source} but raises an {!error.Invalid_encoding}
+    error on filename with invalid utf8 encoding. *)
+val strict_modname_from_source: filename -> modname
+(** {2:module_name_validation Module name validation function}*)
+(** [is_unit_name name] is true only if [name] can be used as a
+    valid module name. *)
+val is_unit_name : modname -> bool
+(** {1:unit_info Metadata for compilation unit} *)
+type t
+(**  Metadata for a compilation unit:
+    - the module name associated to the unit
+    - the filename prefix (dirname + basename with all extensions stripped)
+      for compilation artifacts
+    - the input source file
+    For instance, when calling [ocamlopt dir/x.mli -o target/y.cmi],
+    - the input source file is [dir/x.mli]
+    - the module name is [Y]
+    - the prefix is [target/y]
+(** [source_file u] is the source file of [u]. *)
+val source_file: t -> filename
+(** [prefix u] is the filename prefix of the unit. *)
+val prefix: t -> file_prefix
+(** [modname u] or [artifact_modname a] is the module name of the unit
+    or compilation artifact.*)
+val modname: t -> modname
+(** [kind u] is the kind (interface or implementation) of the unit. *)
+val kind: t -> intf_or_impl
+(** [check_unit_name u] prints a warning if the derived module name [modname u]
+    should not be used as a module name as specified
+    by {!is_unit_name}[ ~strict:true]. *)
+val check_unit_name : t -> unit
+(** [make ~check ~source_file kind prefix] associates both the
+    [source_file] and the module name {!modname_from_source}[ target_prefix] to
+    the prefix filesystem path [prefix].
+   If [check_modname=true], this function emits a warning if the derived module
+   name is not valid according to {!check_unit_name}.
+val make:
+    ?check_modname:bool -> source_file:filename ->
+    intf_or_impl -> file_prefix -> t
+(** {1:artifact_function Build artifacts }*)
+module Artifact: sig
+  type t
+(**  Metadata for a single compilation artifact:
+    - the module name associated to the artifact
+    - the filesystem path
+    - the input source file if it exists
+   (** [source_file a] is the source file of [a] if it exists. *)
+   val source_file: t -> filename option
+  (** [prefix a] is the filename prefix of the compilation artifact. *)
+   val prefix: t ->  file_prefix
+   (** [filename u] is the filesystem path for a compilation artifact. *)
+   val filename: t -> filename
+   (** [modname a] is the module name of the compilation artifact.*)
+   val modname: t -> modname
+   (** [from_filename filename] reconstructs the module name
+       [modname_from_source filename] associated to the artifact [filename]. *)
+   val from_filename: filename -> t
+(** {1:info_build_artifacts Derived build artifact metadata} *)
+(** Those functions derive a specific [artifact] metadata from an [unit]
+    metadata.*)
+val cmi: t -> Artifact.t
+val cmo: t -> Artifact.t
+val cmx: t -> Artifact.t
+val obj: t -> Artifact.t
+val cmt: t -> Artifact.t
+val cmti: t -> Artifact.t
+val annot: t -> Artifact.t
+(** The functions below change the type of an artifact by updating the
+    extension of its filename.
+    Those functions purposefully do not cover all artifact kinds because we want
+    to track which artifacts are assumed to be bundled together. *)
+val companion_obj: Artifact.t -> Artifact.t
+val companion_cmt: Artifact.t -> Artifact.t
+val companion_cmi: Artifact.t -> Artifact.t
+(** Beware that [companion_cmi a] strips all extensions from the
+ filename of [a] before adding the [".cmi"] suffix contrarily to
+ the other functions which only remove the rightmost extension.
+ In other words, the companion cmi of a file [something.d.cmo] is
+ [something.cmi] and not [something.d.cmi].
+(** {1:ml_mli_cmi_interaction Mli and cmi derived from implementation files } *)
+(** The compilation of module implementation changes in presence of mli and cmi
+    files, the function belows help to handle this. *)
+(** [mli_from_source u] is the interface source filename associated to the unit
+    [u]. The actual suffix depends on {!Config.interface_suffix}.
+val mli_from_source: t -> filename
+(** [mli_from_artifact t] is the name of the interface source file derived from
+    the artifact [t]. This variant is necessary when handling artifacts derived
+    from an unknown source files (e.g. packed modules). *)
+val mli_from_artifact: Artifact.t -> filename
+(** Check if the artifact is a cmi *)
+val is_cmi: Artifact.t -> bool
+(** [find_normalized_cmi u] finds in the load_path a file matching the module
+    name [modname u].
+    @raise Not_found if no such cmi exists *)
+val find_normalized_cmi: t -> Artifact.t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/annot.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/annot.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbaade5b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/annot.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*           Damien Doligez, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Data types for annotations (Stypes.ml) *)
+type call = Tail | Stack | Inline
+type ident =
+  | Iref_internal of Location.t (* defining occurrence *)
+  | Iref_external
+  | Idef of Location.t          (* scope *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/btype.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/btype.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75a9f5f237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/btype.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Xavier Leroy and Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Basic operations on core types *)
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Local_store
+(**** Sets, maps and hashtables of types ****)
+let wrap_repr f ty = f (Transient_expr.repr ty)
+let wrap_type_expr f tty = f (Transient_expr.type_expr tty)
+module TransientTypeSet = Set.Make(TransientTypeOps)
+module TypeSet = struct
+  include TransientTypeSet
+  let add = wrap_repr add
+  let mem = wrap_repr mem
+  let singleton = wrap_repr singleton
+  let exists p = TransientTypeSet.exists (wrap_type_expr p)
+  let elements set =
+    List.map Transient_expr.type_expr (TransientTypeSet.elements set)
+module TransientTypeMap = Map.Make(TransientTypeOps)
+module TypeMap = struct
+  include TransientTypeMap
+  let add ty = wrap_repr add ty
+  let find ty = wrap_repr find ty
+  let singleton ty = wrap_repr singleton ty
+  let fold f = TransientTypeMap.fold (wrap_type_expr f)
+module TypeHash = struct
+  include TransientTypeHash
+  let mem hash = wrap_repr (mem hash)
+  let add hash = wrap_repr (add hash)
+  let remove hash = wrap_repr (remove hash)
+  let find hash = wrap_repr (find hash)
+  let find_opt hash = wrap_repr (find_opt hash)
+  let iter f = TransientTypeHash.iter (wrap_type_expr f)
+module TransientTypePairs =
+  Hashtbl.Make (struct
+    type t = transient_expr * transient_expr
+    let equal (t1, t1') (t2, t2') = (t1 == t2) && (t1' == t2')
+    let hash (t, t') = t.id + 93 * t'.id
+ end)
+module TypePairs = struct
+  module H = TransientTypePairs
+  open Transient_expr
+  type t = {
+    set : unit H.t;
+    mutable elems : (transient_expr * transient_expr) list;
+    (* elems preserves the (reversed) insertion order of elements *)
+  }
+  let create n =
+    { elems = []; set = H.create n }
+  let clear t =
+    t.elems <- [];
+    H.clear t.set
+  let repr2 (t1, t2) = (repr t1, repr t2)
+  let add t p =
+    let p = repr2 p in
+    if H.mem t.set p then () else begin
+      H.add t.set p ();
+      t.elems <- p :: t.elems
+    end
+  let mem t p = H.mem t.set (repr2 p)
+  let iter f t =
+    (* iterate in insertion order, not Hashtbl.iter order *)
+    List.rev t.elems
+    |> List.iter (fun (t1,t2) ->
+        f (type_expr t1, type_expr t2))
+(**** Type level management ****)
+let generic_level = Ident.highest_scope
+let lowest_level = Ident.lowest_scope
+(**** leveled type pool ****)
+(* This defines a stack of pools of type nodes indexed by the level
+   we will try to generalize them in [Ctype.with_local_level_gen].
+   [pool_of_level] returns the pool in which types at level [level]
+   should be kept, which is the topmost pool whose level is lower or
+   equal to [level].
+   [Ctype.with_local_level_gen] shall call [with_new_pool] to create
+   a new pool at a given level. On return it shall process all nodes
+   that were added to the pool.
+   Remark: the only function adding to a pool is [add_to_pool], and
+   the only function returning the contents of a pool is [with_new_pool],
+   so that the initial pool can be added to, but never read from. *)
+type pool = {level: int; mutable pool: transient_expr list; next: pool}
+(* To avoid an indirection we choose to add a dummy level at the end of
+   the list. It will never be accessed, as [pool_of_level] is always called
+   with [level >= 0]. *)
+let rec dummy = {level = max_int; pool = []; next = dummy}
+let pool_stack = s_table (fun () -> {level = 0; pool = []; next = dummy}) ()
+(* Lookup in the stack is linear, but the depth is the number of nested
+   generalization points (e.g. lhs of let-definitions), which in ML is known
+   to be generally low. In most cases we are allocating in the topmost pool.
+   In [Ctype.with_local_gen], we move non-generalizable type nodes from the
+   topmost pool to one deeper in the stack, so that for each type node the
+   accumulated depth of lookups over its life is bounded by the depth of
+   the stack when it was allocated.
+   In case this linear search turns out to be costly, we could switch to
+   binary search, exploiting the fact that the levels of pools in the stack
+   are expected to grow. *)
+let rec pool_of_level level pool =
+  if level >= pool.level then pool else pool_of_level level pool.next
+(* Create a new pool at given level, and use it locally. *)
+let with_new_pool ~level f =
+  let pool = {level; pool = []; next = !pool_stack} in
+  let r =
+    Misc.protect_refs [ R(pool_stack, pool) ] f
+  in
+  (r, pool.pool)
+let add_to_pool ~level ty =
+  if level >= generic_level || level <= lowest_level then () else
+  let pool = pool_of_level level !pool_stack in
+  pool.pool <- ty :: pool.pool
+(**** Some type creators ****)
+let newty3 ~level ~scope desc =
+  let ty = proto_newty3 ~level ~scope desc in
+  add_to_pool ~level ty;
+  Transient_expr.type_expr ty
+let newty2 ~level desc =
+  newty3 ~level ~scope:Ident.lowest_scope desc
+let newgenty desc      = newty2 ~level:generic_level desc
+let newgenvar ?name () = newgenty (Tvar name)
+let newgenstub ~scope  = newty3 ~level:generic_level ~scope (Tvar None)
+(**** Check some types ****)
+let is_Tvar ty = match get_desc ty with Tvar _ -> true | _ -> false
+let is_Tunivar ty = match get_desc ty with Tunivar _ -> true | _ -> false
+let is_Tconstr ty = match get_desc ty with Tconstr _ -> true | _ -> false
+let is_poly_Tpoly ty =
+  match get_desc ty with Tpoly (_, _ :: _) -> true | _ -> false
+let type_kind_is_abstract decl =
+  match decl.type_kind with Type_abstract _ -> true | _ -> false
+let type_origin decl =
+  match decl.type_kind with
+  | Type_abstract origin -> origin
+  | Type_variant _ | Type_record _ | Type_open -> Definition
+let label_is_poly lbl = is_poly_Tpoly lbl.lbl_arg
+let dummy_method = "*dummy method*"
+(**** Representative of a type ****)
+let merge_fixed_explanation fixed1 fixed2 =
+  match fixed1, fixed2 with
+  | Some Univar _ as x, _ | _, (Some Univar _ as x) -> x
+  | Some Fixed_private as x, _ | _, (Some Fixed_private as x) -> x
+  | Some Reified _ as x, _ | _, (Some Reified _ as x) -> x
+  | Some Rigid as x, _ | _, (Some Rigid as x) -> x
+  | None, None -> None
+let fixed_explanation row =
+  match row_fixed row with
+  | Some _ as x -> x
+  | None ->
+      let ty = row_more row in
+      match get_desc ty with
+      | Tvar _ | Tnil -> None
+      | Tunivar _ -> Some (Univar ty)
+      | Tconstr (p,_,_) -> Some (Reified p)
+      | _ -> assert false
+let is_fixed row = match row_fixed row with
+  | None -> false
+  | Some _ -> true
+let has_fixed_explanation row = fixed_explanation row <> None
+let static_row row =
+  row_closed row &&
+  List.for_all
+    (fun (_,f) -> match row_field_repr f with Reither _ -> false | _ -> true)
+    (row_fields row)
+let hash_variant s =
+  let accu = ref 0 in
+  for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+    accu := 223 * !accu + Char.code s.[i]
+  done;
+  (* reduce to 31 bits *)
+  accu := !accu land (1 lsl 31 - 1);
+  (* make it signed for 64 bits architectures *)
+  if !accu > 0x3FFFFFFF then !accu - (1 lsl 31) else !accu
+let proxy ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tvariant row when not (static_row row) ->
+      row_more row
+  | Tobject (ty, _) ->
+      let rec proxy_obj ty =
+        match get_desc ty with
+          Tfield (_, _, _, ty) -> proxy_obj ty
+        | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tconstr _ -> ty
+        | Tnil -> ty
+        | _ -> assert false
+      in proxy_obj ty
+  | _ -> ty
+(**** Utilities for fixed row private types ****)
+let row_of_type t =
+  match get_desc t with
+    Tobject(t,_) ->
+      let rec get_row t =
+        match get_desc t with
+          Tfield(_,_,_,t) -> get_row t
+        | _ -> t
+      in get_row t
+  | Tvariant row ->
+      row_more row
+  | _ ->
+      t
+let has_constr_row t =
+  not (is_Tconstr t) && is_Tconstr (row_of_type t)
+let is_row_name s =
+  let l = String.length s in
+  (* PR#10661: when l=4 and s is "#row", this is not a row name
+     but the valid #-type name of a class named "row". *)
+  l > 4 && String.sub s (l-4) 4 = "#row"
+let is_constr_row ~allow_ident t =
+  match get_desc t with
+    Tconstr (Path.Pident id, _, _) when allow_ident ->
+      is_row_name (Ident.name id)
+  | Tconstr (Path.Pdot (_, s), _, _) -> is_row_name s
+  | _ -> false
+(* TODO: where should this really be *)
+(* Set row_name in Env, cf. GPR#1204/1329 *)
+let set_static_row_name decl path =
+  match decl.type_manifest with
+    None -> ()
+  | Some ty ->
+      match get_desc ty with
+        Tvariant row when static_row row ->
+          let row =
+            set_row_name row (Some (path, decl.type_params)) in
+          set_type_desc ty (Tvariant row)
+      | _ -> ()
+                  (**********************************)
+                  (*  Utilities for type traversal  *)
+                  (**********************************)
+let fold_row f init row =
+  let result =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun init (_, fi) ->
+         match row_field_repr fi with
+         | Rpresent(Some ty) -> f init ty
+         | Reither(_, tl, _) -> List.fold_left f init tl
+         | _ -> init)
+      init
+      (row_fields row)
+  in
+  match get_desc (row_more row) with
+  | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tsubst _ | Tconstr _ | Tnil ->
+    begin match
+      Option.map (fun (_,l) -> List.fold_left f result l) (row_name row)
+    with
+    | None -> result
+    | Some result -> result
+    end
+  | _ -> assert false
+let iter_row f row =
+  fold_row (fun () v -> f v) () row
+let fold_type_expr f init ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tvar _              -> init
+  | Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _) ->
+      let result = f init ty1 in
+      f result ty2
+  | Ttuple l            -> List.fold_left f init l
+  | Tconstr (_, l, _)   -> List.fold_left f init l
+  | Tobject(ty, {contents = Some (_, p)}) ->
+      let result = f init ty in
+      List.fold_left f result p
+  | Tobject (ty, _)     -> f init ty
+  | Tvariant row        ->
+      let result = fold_row f init row in
+      f result (row_more row)
+  | Tfield (_, _, ty1, ty2) ->
+      let result = f init ty1 in
+      f result ty2
+  | Tnil                -> init
+  | Tlink _
+  | Tsubst _            -> assert false
+  | Tunivar _           -> init
+  | Tpoly (ty, tyl)     ->
+    let result = f init ty in
+    List.fold_left f result tyl
+  | Tpackage (_, fl)  ->
+    List.fold_left (fun result (_n, ty) -> f result ty) init fl
+let iter_type_expr f ty =
+  fold_type_expr (fun () v -> f v) () ty
+let rec iter_abbrev f = function
+    Mnil                   -> ()
+  | Mcons(_, _, ty, ty', rem) -> f ty; f ty'; iter_abbrev f rem
+  | Mlink rem              -> iter_abbrev f !rem
+let iter_type_expr_cstr_args f = function
+  | Cstr_tuple tl -> List.iter f tl
+  | Cstr_record lbls -> List.iter (fun d -> f d.ld_type) lbls
+let map_type_expr_cstr_args f = function
+  | Cstr_tuple tl -> Cstr_tuple (List.map f tl)
+  | Cstr_record lbls ->
+      Cstr_record (List.map (fun d -> {d with ld_type=f d.ld_type}) lbls)
+let iter_type_expr_kind f = function
+  | Type_abstract _ -> ()
+  | Type_variant (cstrs, _) ->
+      List.iter
+        (fun cd ->
+           iter_type_expr_cstr_args f cd.cd_args;
+           Option.iter f cd.cd_res
+        )
+        cstrs
+  | Type_record(lbls, _) ->
+      List.iter (fun d -> f d.ld_type) lbls
+  | Type_open ->
+      ()
+                  (**********************************)
+                  (*     Utilities for marking      *)
+                  (**********************************)
+let rec mark_type mark ty =
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then iter_type_expr (mark_type mark) ty
+let mark_type_params mark ty =
+  iter_type_expr (mark_type mark) ty
+                  (**********************************)
+                  (*  (Object-oriented) iterator    *)
+                  (**********************************)
+type 'a type_iterators =
+  { it_signature: 'a type_iterators -> signature -> unit;
+    it_signature_item: 'a type_iterators -> signature_item -> unit;
+    it_value_description: 'a type_iterators -> value_description -> unit;
+    it_type_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> type_declaration -> unit;
+    it_extension_constructor:
+        'a type_iterators -> extension_constructor -> unit;
+    it_module_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> module_declaration -> unit;
+    it_modtype_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> modtype_declaration -> unit;
+    it_class_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> class_declaration -> unit;
+    it_class_type_declaration:
+        'a type_iterators -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
+    it_functor_param: 'a type_iterators -> functor_parameter -> unit;
+    it_module_type: 'a type_iterators -> module_type -> unit;
+    it_class_type: 'a type_iterators -> class_type -> unit;
+    it_type_kind: 'a type_iterators -> type_decl_kind -> unit;
+    it_do_type_expr: 'a type_iterators -> 'a;
+    it_type_expr: 'a type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
+    it_path: Path.t -> unit; }
+type type_iterators_full = (type_expr -> unit) type_iterators
+type type_iterators_without_type_expr = (unit -> unit) type_iterators
+let type_iterators_without_type_expr =
+  let it_signature it =
+    List.iter (it.it_signature_item it)
+  and it_signature_item it = function
+      Sig_value (_, vd, _)          -> it.it_value_description it vd
+    | Sig_type (_, td, _, _)        -> it.it_type_declaration it td
+    | Sig_typext (_, td, _, _)      -> it.it_extension_constructor it td
+    | Sig_module (_, _, md, _, _)   -> it.it_module_declaration it md
+    | Sig_modtype (_, mtd, _)       -> it.it_modtype_declaration it mtd
+    | Sig_class (_, cd, _, _)       -> it.it_class_declaration it cd
+    | Sig_class_type (_, ctd, _, _) -> it.it_class_type_declaration it ctd
+  and it_value_description it vd =
+    it.it_type_expr it vd.val_type
+  and it_type_declaration it td =
+    List.iter (it.it_type_expr it) td.type_params;
+    Option.iter (it.it_type_expr it) td.type_manifest;
+    it.it_type_kind it td.type_kind
+  and it_extension_constructor it td =
+    it.it_path td.ext_type_path;
+    List.iter (it.it_type_expr it) td.ext_type_params;
+    iter_type_expr_cstr_args (it.it_type_expr it) td.ext_args;
+    Option.iter (it.it_type_expr it) td.ext_ret_type
+  and it_module_declaration it md =
+    it.it_module_type it md.md_type
+  and it_modtype_declaration it mtd =
+    Option.iter (it.it_module_type it) mtd.mtd_type
+  and it_class_declaration it cd =
+    List.iter (it.it_type_expr it) cd.cty_params;
+    it.it_class_type it cd.cty_type;
+    Option.iter (it.it_type_expr it) cd.cty_new;
+    it.it_path cd.cty_path
+  and it_class_type_declaration it ctd =
+    List.iter (it.it_type_expr it) ctd.clty_params;
+    it.it_class_type it ctd.clty_type;
+    it.it_path ctd.clty_path
+  and it_functor_param it = function
+    | Unit -> ()
+    | Named (_, mt) -> it.it_module_type it mt
+  and it_module_type it = function
+      Mty_ident p
+    | Mty_alias p -> it.it_path p
+    | Mty_signature sg -> it.it_signature it sg
+    | Mty_functor (p, mt) ->
+        it.it_functor_param it p;
+        it.it_module_type it mt
+  and it_class_type it = function
+      Cty_constr (p, tyl, cty) ->
+        it.it_path p;
+        List.iter (it.it_type_expr it) tyl;
+        it.it_class_type it cty
+    | Cty_signature cs ->
+        it.it_type_expr it cs.csig_self;
+        it.it_type_expr it cs.csig_self_row;
+        Vars.iter (fun _ (_,_,ty) -> it.it_type_expr it ty) cs.csig_vars;
+        Meths.iter (fun _ (_,_,ty) -> it.it_type_expr it ty) cs.csig_meths
+    | Cty_arrow  (_, ty, cty) ->
+        it.it_type_expr it ty;
+        it.it_class_type it cty
+  and it_type_kind it kind =
+    iter_type_expr_kind (it.it_type_expr it) kind
+  and it_path _p = ()
+  in
+  { it_path; it_type_expr = (fun _ _ -> ()); it_do_type_expr = (fun _ _ -> ());
+    it_type_kind; it_class_type; it_functor_param; it_module_type;
+    it_signature; it_class_type_declaration; it_class_declaration;
+    it_modtype_declaration; it_module_declaration; it_extension_constructor;
+    it_type_declaration; it_value_description; it_signature_item; }
+let type_iterators mark =
+  let it_type_expr it ty =
+    if try_mark_node mark ty then it.it_do_type_expr it ty
+  and it_do_type_expr it ty =
+    iter_type_expr (it.it_type_expr it) ty;
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tconstr (p, _, _)
+    | Tobject (_, {contents=Some (p, _)})
+    | Tpackage (p, _) ->
+        it.it_path p
+    | Tvariant row ->
+        Option.iter (fun (p,_) -> it.it_path p) (row_name row)
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  {type_iterators_without_type_expr with it_type_expr; it_do_type_expr}
+                  (**********************************)
+                  (*  Utilities for copying         *)
+                  (**********************************)
+let copy_row f fixed row keep more =
+  let Row {fields = orig_fields; fixed = orig_fixed; closed; name = orig_name} =
+    row_repr row in
+  let fields = List.map
+      (fun (l, fi) -> l,
+        match row_field_repr fi with
+        | Rpresent oty -> rf_present (Option.map f oty)
+        | Reither(c, tl, m) ->
+            let use_ext_of = if keep then Some fi else None in
+            let m = if is_fixed row then fixed else m in
+            let tl = List.map f tl in
+            rf_either tl ?use_ext_of ~no_arg:c ~matched:m
+        | Rabsent -> rf_absent)
+      orig_fields in
+  let name =
+    match orig_name with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some (path, tl) -> Some (path, List.map f tl) in
+  let fixed = if fixed then orig_fixed else None in
+  create_row ~fields ~more ~fixed ~closed ~name
+let copy_commu c = if is_commu_ok c then commu_ok else commu_var ()
+let rec copy_type_desc ?(keep_names=false) f = function
+    Tvar _ as ty        -> if keep_names then ty else Tvar None
+  | Tarrow (p, ty1, ty2, c)-> Tarrow (p, f ty1, f ty2, copy_commu c)
+  | Ttuple l            -> Ttuple (List.map f l)
+  | Tconstr (p, l, _)   -> Tconstr (p, List.map f l, ref Mnil)
+  | Tobject(ty, {contents = Some (p, tl)})
+                        -> Tobject (f ty, ref (Some(p, List.map f tl)))
+  | Tobject (ty, _)     -> Tobject (f ty, ref None)
+  | Tvariant _          -> assert false (* too ambiguous *)
+  | Tfield (p, k, ty1, ty2) ->
+      Tfield (p, field_kind_internal_repr k, f ty1, f ty2)
+      (* the kind is kept shared, with indirections removed for performance *)
+  | Tnil                -> Tnil
+  | Tlink ty            -> copy_type_desc f (get_desc ty)
+  | Tsubst _            -> assert false
+  | Tunivar _ as ty     -> ty (* always keep the name *)
+  | Tpoly (ty, tyl)     ->
+      let tyl = List.map f tyl in
+      Tpoly (f ty, tyl)
+  | Tpackage (p, fl)  -> Tpackage (p, List.map (fun (n, ty) -> (n, f ty)) fl)
+(* TODO: rename to [module Copy_scope] *)
+module For_copy : sig
+  type copy_scope
+  val redirect_desc: copy_scope -> type_expr -> type_desc -> unit
+  val with_scope: (copy_scope -> 'a) -> 'a
+end = struct
+  type copy_scope = {
+    mutable saved_desc : (transient_expr * type_desc) list;
+    (* Save association of generic nodes with their description. *)
+  }
+  let redirect_desc copy_scope ty desc =
+    let ty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+    copy_scope.saved_desc <- (ty, ty.desc) :: copy_scope.saved_desc;
+    Transient_expr.set_desc ty desc
+  (* Restore type descriptions. *)
+  let cleanup { saved_desc; _ } =
+    List.iter (fun (ty, desc) -> Transient_expr.set_desc ty desc) saved_desc
+  let with_scope f =
+    let scope = { saved_desc = [] } in
+    Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> cleanup scope) (fun () -> f scope)
+                  (*******************************************)
+                  (*  Memorization of abbreviation expansion *)
+                  (*******************************************)
+(* Search whether the expansion has been memorized. *)
+let lte_public p1 p2 =  (* Private <= Public *)
+  match p1, p2 with
+  | Private, _ | _, Public -> true
+  | Public, Private -> false
+let rec find_expans priv p1 = function
+    Mnil -> None
+  | Mcons (priv', p2, _ty0, ty, _)
+    when lte_public priv priv' && Path.same p1 p2 -> Some ty
+  | Mcons (_, _, _, _, rem)   -> find_expans priv p1 rem
+  | Mlink {contents = rem} -> find_expans priv p1 rem
+(* debug: check for cycles in abbreviation. only works with -principal
+let rec check_expans visited ty =
+  let ty = repr ty in
+  assert (not (List.memq ty visited));
+  match ty.desc with
+    Tconstr (path, args, abbrev) ->
+      begin match find_expans path !abbrev with
+        Some ty' -> check_expans (ty :: visited) ty'
+      | None -> ()
+      end
+  | _ -> ()
+let memo = s_ref []
+        (* Contains the list of saved abbreviation expansions. *)
+let cleanup_abbrev () =
+        (* Remove all memorized abbreviation expansions. *)
+  List.iter (fun abbr -> abbr := Mnil) !memo;
+  memo := []
+let memorize_abbrev mem priv path v v' =
+        (* Memorize the expansion of an abbreviation. *)
+  mem := Mcons (priv, path, v, v', !mem);
+  (* check_expans [] v; *)
+  memo := mem :: !memo
+let rec forget_abbrev_rec mem path =
+  match mem with
+    Mnil ->
+      mem
+  | Mcons (_, path', _, _, rem) when Path.same path path' ->
+      rem
+  | Mcons (priv, path', v, v', rem) ->
+      Mcons (priv, path', v, v', forget_abbrev_rec rem path)
+  | Mlink mem' ->
+      mem' := forget_abbrev_rec !mem' path;
+      raise Exit
+let forget_abbrev mem path =
+  try mem := forget_abbrev_rec !mem path with Exit -> ()
+(* debug: check for invalid abbreviations
+let rec check_abbrev_rec = function
+    Mnil -> true
+  | Mcons (_, ty1, ty2, rem) ->
+      repr ty1 != repr ty2
+  | Mlink mem' ->
+      check_abbrev_rec !mem'
+let check_memorized_abbrevs () =
+  List.for_all (fun mem -> check_abbrev_rec !mem) !memo
+(* Re-export backtrack *)
+let snapshot = snapshot
+let backtrack = backtrack ~cleanup_abbrev
+                  (**********************************)
+                  (*  Utilities for labels          *)
+                  (**********************************)
+let is_optional = function Optional _ -> true | _ -> false
+let label_name = function
+    Nolabel -> ""
+  | Labelled s
+  | Optional s -> s
+let prefixed_label_name = function
+    Nolabel -> ""
+  | Labelled s -> "~" ^ s
+  | Optional s -> "?" ^ s
+let rec extract_label_aux hd l = function
+  | [] -> None
+  | (l',t as p) :: ls ->
+      if label_name l' = l then
+        Some (l', t, hd <> [], List.rev_append hd ls)
+      else
+        extract_label_aux (p::hd) l ls
+let extract_label l ls = extract_label_aux [] l ls
+                              (*******************************)
+                              (*  Operations on class types  *)
+                              (*******************************)
+let rec signature_of_class_type =
+  function
+    Cty_constr (_, _, cty) -> signature_of_class_type cty
+  | Cty_signature sign     -> sign
+  | Cty_arrow (_, _, cty)   -> signature_of_class_type cty
+let rec class_body cty =
+  match cty with
+    Cty_constr _ ->
+      cty (* Only class bodies can be abbreviated *)
+  | Cty_signature _ ->
+      cty
+  | Cty_arrow (_, _, cty) ->
+      class_body cty
+(* Fully expand the head of a class type *)
+let rec scrape_class_type =
+  function
+    Cty_constr (_, _, cty) -> scrape_class_type cty
+  | cty                     -> cty
+let rec class_type_arity =
+  function
+    Cty_constr (_, _, cty) ->  class_type_arity cty
+  | Cty_signature _        ->  0
+  | Cty_arrow (_, _, cty)    ->  1 + class_type_arity cty
+let rec abbreviate_class_type path params cty =
+  match cty with
+    Cty_constr (_, _, _) | Cty_signature _ ->
+      Cty_constr (path, params, cty)
+  | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
+      Cty_arrow (l, ty, abbreviate_class_type path params cty)
+let self_type cty =
+  (signature_of_class_type cty).csig_self
+let self_type_row cty =
+  (signature_of_class_type cty).csig_self_row
+(* Return the methods of a class signature *)
+let methods sign =
+  Meths.fold
+    (fun name _ l -> name :: l)
+    sign.csig_meths []
+(* Return the virtual methods of a class signature *)
+let virtual_methods sign =
+  Meths.fold
+    (fun name (_priv, vr, _ty) l ->
+       match vr with
+       | Virtual -> name :: l
+       | Concrete -> l)
+    sign.csig_meths []
+(* Return the concrete methods of a class signature *)
+let concrete_methods sign =
+  Meths.fold
+    (fun name (_priv, vr, _ty) s ->
+       match vr with
+       | Virtual -> s
+       | Concrete -> MethSet.add name s)
+    sign.csig_meths MethSet.empty
+(* Return the public methods of a class signature *)
+let public_methods sign =
+  Meths.fold
+    (fun name (priv, _vr, _ty) l ->
+       match priv with
+       | Mprivate _ -> l
+       | Mpublic -> name :: l)
+    sign.csig_meths []
+(* Return the instance variables of a class signature *)
+let instance_vars sign =
+  Vars.fold
+    (fun name _ l -> name :: l)
+    sign.csig_vars []
+(* Return the virtual instance variables of a class signature *)
+let virtual_instance_vars sign =
+  Vars.fold
+    (fun name (_mut, vr, _ty) l ->
+       match vr with
+       | Virtual -> name :: l
+       | Concrete -> l)
+    sign.csig_vars []
+(* Return the concrete instance variables of a class signature *)
+let concrete_instance_vars sign =
+  Vars.fold
+    (fun name (_mut, vr, _ty) s ->
+       match vr with
+       | Virtual -> s
+       | Concrete -> VarSet.add name s)
+    sign.csig_vars VarSet.empty
+let method_type label sign =
+  match Meths.find label sign.csig_meths with
+  | (_, _, ty) -> ty
+  | exception Not_found -> assert false
+let instance_variable_type label sign =
+  match Vars.find label sign.csig_vars with
+  | (_, _, ty) -> ty
+  | exception Not_found -> assert false
+                  (**********)
+                  (*  Misc  *)
+                  (**********)
+(**** Type information getter ****)
+let cstr_type_path cstr =
+  match get_desc cstr.cstr_res with
+  | Tconstr (p, _, _) -> p
+  | _ -> assert false
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/btype.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/btype.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8fd3ad3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/btype.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Basic operations on core types *)
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+(**** Sets, maps and hashtables of types ****)
+module TypeSet : sig
+  include Set.S with type elt = transient_expr
+  val add: type_expr -> t -> t
+  val mem: type_expr -> t -> bool
+  val singleton: type_expr -> t
+  val exists: (type_expr -> bool) -> t -> bool
+  val elements: t -> type_expr list
+module TransientTypeMap : Map.S with type key = transient_expr
+module TypeMap : sig
+  include Map.S with type key = transient_expr
+                     and type 'a t = 'a TransientTypeMap.t
+  val add: type_expr -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+  val find: type_expr -> 'a t -> 'a
+  val singleton: type_expr -> 'a -> 'a t
+  val fold: (type_expr -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
+module TypeHash : sig
+  include Hashtbl.S with type key = transient_expr
+  val mem: 'a t -> type_expr -> bool
+  val add: 'a t -> type_expr -> 'a -> unit
+  val remove: 'a t -> type_expr -> unit
+  val find: 'a t -> type_expr -> 'a
+  val find_opt: 'a t -> type_expr -> 'a option
+  val iter: (type_expr -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
+module TypePairs : sig
+  type t
+  val create: int -> t
+  val clear: t -> unit
+  val add: t -> type_expr * type_expr -> unit
+  val mem: t -> type_expr * type_expr -> bool
+  val iter: (type_expr * type_expr -> unit) -> t -> unit
+(**** Levels ****)
+val generic_level: int
+        (* level of polymorphic variables; = Ident.highest_scope *)
+val lowest_level: int
+        (* lowest level for type nodes; = Ident.lowest_scope *)
+val with_new_pool: level:int -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a * transient_expr list
+        (* [with_new_pool ~level f] executes [f] and returns the nodes
+           that were created at level [level] and above *)
+val add_to_pool: level:int -> transient_expr -> unit
+        (* Add a type node to the pool associated to the level (which should
+           be the level of the type node).
+           Do nothing if [level = generic_level] or [level = lowest_level]. *)
+val newty3: level:int -> scope:int -> type_desc -> type_expr
+        (* Create a type with a fresh id *)
+val newty2: level:int -> type_desc -> type_expr
+        (* Create a type with a fresh id and no scope *)
+val newgenty: type_desc -> type_expr
+        (* Create a generic type *)
+val newgenvar: ?name:string -> unit -> type_expr
+        (* Return a fresh generic variable *)
+val newgenstub: scope:int -> type_expr
+        (* Return a fresh generic node, to be instantiated
+           by [Transient_expr.set_stub_desc] *)
+(**** Types ****)
+val is_Tvar: type_expr -> bool
+val is_Tunivar: type_expr -> bool
+val is_Tconstr: type_expr -> bool
+val is_poly_Tpoly: type_expr -> bool
+val dummy_method: label
+val type_kind_is_abstract: type_declaration -> bool
+val type_origin: type_declaration -> type_origin
+val label_is_poly: label_description -> bool
+(**** polymorphic variants ****)
+val is_fixed: row_desc -> bool
+(* Return whether the row is directly marked as fixed or not *)
+val has_fixed_explanation: row_desc -> bool
+(* Return whether the row should be treated as fixed or not.
+   In particular, [is_fixed row] implies [has_fixed_explanation row].
+val fixed_explanation: row_desc -> fixed_explanation option
+(* Return the potential explanation for the fixed row *)
+val merge_fixed_explanation:
+  fixed_explanation option -> fixed_explanation option
+  -> fixed_explanation option
+(* Merge two explanations for a fixed row *)
+val static_row: row_desc -> bool
+        (* Return whether the row is static or not *)
+val hash_variant: label -> int
+        (* Hash function for variant tags *)
+val proxy: type_expr -> type_expr
+        (* Return the proxy representative of the type: either itself
+           or a row variable *)
+(**** Utilities for private abbreviations with fixed rows ****)
+val row_of_type: type_expr -> type_expr
+val has_constr_row: type_expr -> bool
+val is_row_name: string -> bool
+val is_constr_row: allow_ident:bool -> type_expr -> bool
+(* Set the polymorphic variant row_name field *)
+val set_static_row_name: type_declaration -> Path.t -> unit
+(**** Utilities for type traversal ****)
+val iter_type_expr: (type_expr -> unit) -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Iteration on types *)
+val fold_type_expr: ('a -> type_expr -> 'a) -> 'a -> type_expr -> 'a
+val iter_row: (type_expr -> unit) -> row_desc -> unit
+        (* Iteration on types in a row *)
+val fold_row: ('a -> type_expr -> 'a) -> 'a -> row_desc -> 'a
+val iter_abbrev: (type_expr -> unit) -> abbrev_memo -> unit
+        (* Iteration on types in an abbreviation list *)
+val iter_type_expr_kind: (type_expr -> unit) -> (type_decl_kind -> unit)
+val iter_type_expr_cstr_args: (type_expr -> unit) ->
+  (constructor_arguments -> unit)
+val map_type_expr_cstr_args: (type_expr -> type_expr) ->
+  (constructor_arguments -> constructor_arguments)
+(**** Utilities for type marking ****)
+val mark_type: type_mark -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Mark a type recursively *)
+val mark_type_params: type_mark -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Mark the sons of a type node recursively *)
+(**** (Object-oriented) iterator ****)
+type 'a type_iterators =
+  { it_signature: 'a type_iterators -> signature -> unit;
+    it_signature_item: 'a type_iterators -> signature_item -> unit;
+    it_value_description: 'a type_iterators -> value_description -> unit;
+    it_type_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> type_declaration -> unit;
+    it_extension_constructor:
+        'a type_iterators -> extension_constructor -> unit;
+    it_module_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> module_declaration -> unit;
+    it_modtype_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> modtype_declaration -> unit;
+    it_class_declaration: 'a type_iterators -> class_declaration -> unit;
+    it_class_type_declaration:
+        'a type_iterators -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
+    it_functor_param: 'a type_iterators -> functor_parameter -> unit;
+    it_module_type: 'a type_iterators -> module_type -> unit;
+    it_class_type: 'a type_iterators -> class_type -> unit;
+    it_type_kind: 'a type_iterators -> type_decl_kind -> unit;
+    it_do_type_expr: 'a type_iterators -> 'a;
+    it_type_expr: 'a type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
+    it_path: Path.t -> unit; }
+type type_iterators_full = (type_expr -> unit) type_iterators
+type type_iterators_without_type_expr = (unit -> unit) type_iterators
+val type_iterators: type_mark -> type_iterators_full
+        (* Iteration on arbitrary type information, including [type_expr].
+           [it_type_expr] calls [mark_node] to avoid loops. *)
+val type_iterators_without_type_expr: type_iterators_without_type_expr
+        (* Iteration on arbitrary type information.
+           Cannot recurse on [type_expr]. *)
+(**** Utilities for copying ****)
+val copy_type_desc:
+    ?keep_names:bool -> (type_expr -> type_expr) -> type_desc -> type_desc
+        (* Copy on types *)
+val copy_row:
+    (type_expr -> type_expr) ->
+    bool -> row_desc -> bool -> type_expr -> row_desc
+module For_copy : sig
+  type copy_scope
+        (* The private state that the primitives below are mutating, it should
+           remain scoped within a single [with_scope] call.
+           While it is possible to circumvent that discipline in various
+           ways, you should NOT do that. *)
+  val redirect_desc: copy_scope -> type_expr -> type_desc -> unit
+        (* Temporarily change a type description *)
+  val with_scope: (copy_scope -> 'a) -> 'a
+        (* [with_scope f] calls [f] and restores saved type descriptions
+           before returning its result. *)
+(**** Memorization of abbreviation expansion ****)
+val find_expans: private_flag -> Path.t -> abbrev_memo -> type_expr option
+        (* Look up a memorized abbreviation *)
+val cleanup_abbrev: unit -> unit
+        (* Flush the cache of abbreviation expansions.
+           When some types are saved (using [output_value]), this
+           function MUST be called just before. *)
+val memorize_abbrev:
+        abbrev_memo ref ->
+        private_flag -> Path.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Add an expansion in the cache *)
+val forget_abbrev:
+        abbrev_memo ref -> Path.t -> unit
+        (* Remove an abbreviation from the cache *)
+(**** Backtracking ****)
+val snapshot: unit -> snapshot
+val backtrack: snapshot -> unit
+        (* Backtrack to a given snapshot. Only possible if you have
+           not already backtracked to a previous snapshot.
+           Calls [cleanup_abbrev] internally *)
+(**** Utilities for labels ****)
+val is_optional : arg_label -> bool
+val label_name : arg_label -> label
+(* Returns the label name with first character '?' or '~' as appropriate. *)
+val prefixed_label_name : arg_label -> label
+val extract_label :
+    label -> (arg_label * 'a) list ->
+    (arg_label * 'a * bool * (arg_label * 'a) list) option
+(* actual label,
+   value,
+   whether (label, value) was at the head of the list,
+   list without the extracted (label, value) *)
+(**** Utilities for class types ****)
+(* Get the class signature within a class type *)
+val signature_of_class_type : class_type -> class_signature
+(* Get the body of a class type (i.e. without parameters) *)
+val class_body : class_type -> class_type
+(* Fully expand the head of a class type *)
+val scrape_class_type : class_type -> class_type
+(* Return the number of parameters of a class type *)
+val class_type_arity : class_type -> int
+(* Given a path and type parameters, add an abbreviation to a class type *)
+val abbreviate_class_type :
+  Path.t -> type_expr list -> class_type -> class_type
+(* Get the self type of a class *)
+val self_type : class_type -> type_expr
+(* Get the row variable of the self type of a class *)
+val self_type_row : class_type -> type_expr
+(* Return the methods of a class signature *)
+val methods : class_signature -> string list
+(* Return the virtual methods of a class signature *)
+val virtual_methods : class_signature -> string list
+(* Return the concrete methods of a class signature *)
+val concrete_methods : class_signature -> MethSet.t
+(* Return the public methods of a class signature *)
+val public_methods : class_signature -> string list
+(* Return the instance variables of a class signature *)
+val instance_vars : class_signature -> string list
+(* Return the virtual instance variables of a class signature *)
+val virtual_instance_vars : class_signature -> string list
+(* Return the concrete instance variables of a class signature *)
+val concrete_instance_vars : class_signature -> VarSet.t
+(* Return the type of a method.
+   @raises [Assert_failure] if the class has no such method. *)
+val method_type : label -> class_signature -> type_expr
+(* Return the type of an instance variable.
+   @raises [Assert_failure] if the class has no such method. *)
+val instance_variable_type : label -> class_signature -> type_expr
+(**** Type information getter ****)
+val cstr_type_path : constructor_description -> Path.t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/cmt2annot.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/cmt2annot.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..698cccab99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/cmt2annot.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Generate an .annot file from a .cmt file. *)
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+open Tast_iterator
+let variables_iterator scope =
+  let super = default_iterator in
+  let pat sub (type k) (p : k general_pattern) =
+    begin match p.pat_desc with
+    | Tpat_var (id, _, _) | Tpat_alias (_, id, _, _) ->
+        Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident (p.pat_loc,
+                                        Ident.name id,
+                                        Annot.Idef scope))
+    | _ -> ()
+    end;
+    super.pat sub p
+  in
+  {super with pat}
+let bind_variables scope =
+  let iter = variables_iterator scope in
+  fun p -> iter.pat iter p
+let bind_bindings scope bindings =
+  let o = bind_variables scope in
+  List.iter (fun x -> o x.vb_pat) bindings
+let bind_cases l =
+  List.iter
+    (fun {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} ->
+      let loc =
+        let open Location in
+        match c_guard with
+        | None -> c_rhs.exp_loc
+        | Some g -> {c_rhs.exp_loc with loc_start=g.exp_loc.loc_start}
+      in
+      bind_variables loc c_lhs
+    )
+    l
+let bind_function_param loc fp =
+  match fp.fp_kind with
+  | Tparam_pat pat -> bind_variables loc pat
+  | Tparam_optional_default (pat, _) -> bind_variables loc pat
+let record_module_binding scope mb =
+  Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident
+                   (mb.mb_name.loc,
+                    Option.value mb.mb_name.txt ~default:"_",
+                    Annot.Idef scope))
+let rec iterator ~scope rebuild_env =
+  let super = default_iterator in
+  let class_expr sub node =
+    Stypes.record (Stypes.Ti_class node);
+    super.class_expr sub node
+  and module_expr _sub node =
+    Stypes.record (Stypes.Ti_mod node);
+    super.module_expr (iterator ~scope:node.mod_loc rebuild_env) node
+  and expr sub exp =
+    begin match exp.exp_desc with
+    | Texp_ident (path, _, _) ->
+        let full_name = Path.name ~paren:Oprint.parenthesized_ident path in
+        let env =
+          if rebuild_env then
+            Env.env_of_only_summary Envaux.env_from_summary exp.exp_env
+          else
+            exp.exp_env
+        in
+        let annot =
+          try
+            let desc = Env.find_value path env in
+            let dloc = desc.Types.val_loc in
+            if dloc.Location.loc_ghost then Annot.Iref_external
+            else Annot.Iref_internal dloc
+          with Not_found ->
+            Annot.Iref_external
+        in
+        Stypes.record
+          (Stypes.An_ident (exp.exp_loc, full_name , annot))
+    | Texp_let (Recursive, bindings, _) ->
+        bind_bindings exp.exp_loc bindings
+    | Texp_let (Nonrecursive, bindings, body) ->
+        bind_bindings body.exp_loc bindings
+    | Texp_match (_, f1, f2, _) ->
+        bind_cases f1;
+        bind_cases f2
+    | Texp_try (_, f1, f2) ->
+        bind_cases f1;
+        bind_cases f2
+    | Texp_function (params, _) ->
+        List.iter (bind_function_param exp.exp_loc) params
+    | Texp_letmodule (_, modname, _, _, body ) ->
+        Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident
+                         (modname.loc,Option.value ~default:"_" modname.txt,
+                          Annot.Idef body.exp_loc))
+    | _ -> ()
+    end;
+    Stypes.record (Stypes.Ti_expr exp);
+    super.expr sub exp
+  and pat sub (type k) (p : k general_pattern) =
+    Stypes.record (Stypes.Ti_pat (classify_pattern p, p));
+    super.pat sub p
+  in
+  let structure_item_rem sub str rem =
+    let open Location in
+    let loc = str.str_loc in
+    begin match str.str_desc with
+    | Tstr_value (rec_flag, bindings) ->
+        let doit loc_start = bind_bindings {scope with loc_start} bindings in
+        begin match rec_flag, rem with
+        | Recursive, _ -> doit loc.loc_start
+        | Nonrecursive, [] -> doit loc.loc_end
+        | Nonrecursive,  {str_loc = loc2} :: _ -> doit loc2.loc_start
+        end
+    | Tstr_module mb ->
+        record_module_binding
+          { scope with Location.loc_start = loc.loc_end } mb
+    | Tstr_recmodule mbs ->
+        List.iter (record_module_binding
+                   { scope with Location.loc_start = loc.loc_start }) mbs
+    | _ ->
+        ()
+    end;
+    Stypes.record_phrase loc;
+    super.structure_item sub str
+  in
+  let structure_item sub s =
+    (* This will be used for Partial_structure_item.
+       We don't have here the location of the "next" item,
+       this will give a slightly different scope for the non-recursive
+       binding case. *)
+    structure_item_rem sub s []
+  in
+  let structure sub l =
+    let rec loop = function
+      | str :: rem -> structure_item_rem sub str rem; loop rem
+      | [] -> ()
+    in
+    loop l.str_items
+  in
+  {super with class_expr; module_expr; expr; pat; structure_item; structure}
+let binary_part iter x =
+  let open Cmt_format in
+  match x with
+  | Partial_structure x -> iter.structure iter x
+  | Partial_structure_item x -> iter.structure_item iter x
+  | Partial_expression x -> iter.expr iter x
+  | Partial_pattern (_, x) -> iter.pat iter x
+  | Partial_class_expr x -> iter.class_expr iter x
+  | Partial_signature x -> iter.signature iter x
+  | Partial_signature_item x -> iter.signature_item iter x
+  | Partial_module_type x -> iter.module_type iter x
+let gen_annot target_filename ~sourcefile ~use_summaries annots =
+  let open Cmt_format in
+  let scope =
+    match sourcefile with
+    | None -> Location.none
+    | Some s -> Location.in_file s
+  in
+  let iter = iterator ~scope use_summaries in
+  match annots with
+  | Implementation typedtree ->
+      iter.structure iter typedtree;
+      Stypes.dump target_filename
+  | Partial_implementation parts ->
+      Array.iter (binary_part iter) parts;
+      Stypes.dump target_filename
+  | Interface _ | Packed _ | Partial_interface _ ->
+      ()
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/cmt2annot.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/cmt2annot.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..978e00d36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/cmt2annot.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Sebastien Hinderer, projet Cambium, INRIA Paris            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2022 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Generate an .annot file from a .cmt file. *)
+val gen_annot :
+  string option ->
+  sourcefile:string option ->
+  use_summaries:bool -> Cmt_format.binary_annots ->
+  unit
+val iterator : scope:Location.t -> bool -> Tast_iterator.iterator
+val binary_part : Tast_iterator.iterator -> Cmt_format.binary_part -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ctype.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ctype.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..692c4da3c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ctype.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,5671 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Xavier Leroy and Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Operations on core types *)
+open Misc
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Btype
+open Errortrace
+open Local_store
+   General notes
+   =============
+   - As much sharing as possible should be kept : it makes types
+     smaller and better abbreviated.
+     When necessary, some sharing can be lost. Types will still be
+     printed correctly (+++ TO DO...), and abbreviations defined by a
+     class do not depend on sharing thanks to constrained
+     abbreviations. (Of course, even if some sharing is lost, typing
+     will still be correct.)
+   - All nodes of a type have a level : that way, one knows whether a
+     node need to be duplicated or not when instantiating a type.
+   - Levels of a type are decreasing (generic level being considered
+     as greatest).
+   - The level of a type constructor is superior to the binding
+     time of its path.
+   - Recursive types without limitation should be handled (even if
+     there is still an occur check). This avoid treating specially the
+     case for objects, for instance. Furthermore, the occur check
+     policy can then be easily changed.
+(**** Errors ****)
+(* There are two classes of errortrace-related exceptions: *traces* and
+   *errors*.  The former, whose names end with [_trace], contain
+   [Errortrace.trace]s, representing traces that are currently being built; they
+   are local to this file.  All the internal functions that implement
+   unification, type equality, and moregen raise trace exceptions.  Once we are
+   done, in the top level functions such as [unify], [equal], and [moregen], we
+   catch the trace exceptions and transform them into the analogous error
+   exception.  This indicates that we are done building the trace, and expect
+   the error to flow out of unification, type equality, or moregen into
+   surrounding code (with some few exceptions when these top-level functions are
+   used as building blocks elsewhere.)  Only the error exceptions are exposed in
+   [ctype.mli]; the trace exceptions are an implementation detail.  Any trace
+   exception that escapes from a function in this file is a bug. *)
+exception Unify_trace    of unification trace
+exception Equality_trace of comparison  trace
+exception Moregen_trace  of comparison  trace
+exception Unify    of unification_error
+exception Equality of equality_error
+exception Moregen  of moregen_error
+exception Subtype  of Subtype.error
+exception Escape of type_expr escape
+(* For local use: throw the appropriate exception.  Can be passed into local
+   functions as a parameter *)
+type _ trace_exn =
+| Unify    : unification trace_exn
+| Moregen  : comparison  trace_exn
+| Equality : comparison  trace_exn
+let raise_trace_for
+      (type variant)
+      (tr_exn : variant trace_exn)
+      (tr     : variant trace) : 'a =
+  match tr_exn with
+  | Unify    -> raise (Unify_trace    tr)
+  | Equality -> raise (Equality_trace tr)
+  | Moregen  -> raise (Moregen_trace  tr)
+(* Uses of this function are a bit suspicious, as we usually want to maintain
+   trace information; sometimes it makes sense, however, since we're maintaining
+   the trace at an outer exception handler. *)
+let raise_unexplained_for tr_exn =
+  raise_trace_for tr_exn []
+let raise_for tr_exn e =
+  raise_trace_for tr_exn [e]
+(* Thrown from [moregen_kind] *)
+exception Public_method_to_private_method
+let escape kind = {kind; context = None}
+let escape_exn kind = Escape (escape kind)
+let scope_escape_exn ty = escape_exn (Equation ty)
+let raise_escape_exn kind = raise (escape_exn kind)
+let raise_scope_escape_exn ty = raise (scope_escape_exn ty)
+exception Tags of label * label
+let () =
+  let open Format_doc in
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Tags (l, l') ->
+          let pp_tag ppf s = fprintf ppf "`%s" s in
+          let inline_tag = Misc.Style.as_inline_code pp_tag in
+          Some
+            Location.
+              (errorf ~loc:(in_file !input_name)
+                 "In this program,@ variant constructors@ %a and %a@ \
+                  have the same hash value.@ Change one of them."
+                 inline_tag l inline_tag l'
+              )
+      | _ -> None
+    )
+exception Cannot_expand
+exception Cannot_apply
+exception Cannot_subst
+exception Cannot_unify_universal_variables
+exception Out_of_scope_universal_variable
+exception Matches_failure of Env.t * unification_error
+exception Incompatible
+(**** Control tracing of GADT instances *)
+let trace_gadt_instances = ref false
+let check_trace_gadt_instances ?(force=false) env =
+  not !trace_gadt_instances && (force || Env.has_local_constraints env) &&
+  (trace_gadt_instances := true; cleanup_abbrev (); true)
+let reset_trace_gadt_instances b =
+  if b then trace_gadt_instances := false
+let wrap_trace_gadt_instances ?force env f x =
+  let b = check_trace_gadt_instances ?force env in
+  Misc.try_finally (fun () -> f x)
+    ~always:(fun () -> reset_trace_gadt_instances b)
+(**** Abbreviations without parameters ****)
+(* Shall reset after generalizing *)
+let simple_abbrevs = ref Mnil
+let proper_abbrevs tl abbrev =
+  if tl <> [] || !trace_gadt_instances || !Clflags.principal
+  then abbrev
+  else simple_abbrevs
+(**** Type level management ****)
+let current_level = s_ref 0
+let nongen_level = s_ref 0
+let global_level = s_ref 0
+let saved_level = s_ref []
+let get_current_level () = !current_level
+let init_def level = current_level := level; nongen_level := level
+let begin_def () =
+  saved_level := (!current_level, !nongen_level) :: !saved_level;
+  incr current_level; nongen_level := !current_level
+let begin_class_def () =
+  saved_level := (!current_level, !nongen_level) :: !saved_level;
+  incr current_level
+let raise_nongen_level () =
+  saved_level := (!current_level, !nongen_level) :: !saved_level;
+  nongen_level := !current_level
+let end_def () =
+  let (cl, nl) = List.hd !saved_level in
+  saved_level := List.tl !saved_level;
+  current_level := cl; nongen_level := nl
+let create_scope () =
+  let level = !current_level + 1 in
+  init_def level;
+  level
+let wrap_end_def f = Misc.try_finally f ~always:end_def
+let wrap_end_def_new_pool f =
+  wrap_end_def (fun _ -> with_new_pool ~level:!current_level f)
+(* [with_local_level_gen] handles both the scoping structure of levels
+   and automatic generalization through pools (cf. btype.ml) *)
+let with_local_level_gen ~begin_def ~structure ?before_generalize f =
+  begin_def ();
+  let level = !current_level in
+  let result, pool = wrap_end_def_new_pool f in
+  Option.iter (fun g -> g result) before_generalize;
+  simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
+  (* Nodes in [pool] were either created by the above call to [f],
+     or they were created before, generalized, and then added to
+     the pool by [update_level].
+     In the latter case, their level was already kept for backtracking
+     by a call to [set_level] inside [update_level].
+     Since backtracking can only go back to a snapshot taken before [f] was
+     called, this means that either they did not exists in that snapshot,
+     or that they original level is already stored, so that there is no need
+     to register levels for backtracking when we change them with
+     [Transient_expr.set_level] here *)
+  List.iter begin fun ty ->
+    (* Already generic nodes are not tracked *)
+    if ty.level = generic_level then () else
+    match ty.desc with
+    | Tvar _ when structure ->
+        (* In structure mode, we do do not generalize type variables,
+           so we need to lower their level, and move them to an outer pool.
+           The goal of this mode is to allow unsharing inner nodes
+           without introducing polymorphism *)
+        if ty.level >= level then Transient_expr.set_level ty !current_level;
+        add_to_pool ~level:ty.level ty
+    | Tlink _ -> ()
+        (* If a node is no longer used as representative, no need
+           to track it anymore *)
+    | _ ->
+        if ty.level < level then
+          (* If a node was introduced locally, but its level was lowered
+             through unification, keeping that node as representative,
+             then we need to move it to an outer pool. *)
+          add_to_pool ~level:ty.level ty
+        else begin
+          (* Generalize all remaining nodes *)
+          Transient_expr.set_level ty generic_level;
+          if structure then match ty.desc with
+            Tconstr (_, _, abbrev) ->
+              (* In structure mode, we drop abbreviations, as the goal of
+                 this mode is to reduce sharing *)
+              abbrev := Mnil
+          | _ -> ()
+        end
+  end pool;
+  result
+let with_local_level_generalize_structure f =
+  with_local_level_gen ~begin_def ~structure:true f
+let with_local_level_generalize ?before_generalize f =
+  with_local_level_gen ~begin_def ~structure:false ?before_generalize f
+let with_local_level_generalize_if cond ?before_generalize f =
+  if cond then with_local_level_generalize ?before_generalize f else f ()
+let with_local_level_generalize_structure_if cond f =
+  if cond then with_local_level_generalize_structure f else f ()
+let with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal f =
+  if !Clflags.principal then with_local_level_generalize_structure f else f ()
+let with_local_level_generalize_for_class f =
+  with_local_level_gen ~begin_def:begin_class_def ~structure:false f
+let with_local_level ?post f =
+  begin_def ();
+  let result = wrap_end_def f in
+  Option.iter (fun g -> g result) post;
+  result
+let with_local_level_if cond f ~post =
+  if cond then with_local_level f ~post else f ()
+let with_local_level_iter f ~post =
+  begin_def ();
+  let (result, l) = wrap_end_def f in
+  List.iter post l;
+  result
+let with_local_level_iter_if cond f ~post =
+  if cond then with_local_level_iter f ~post else fst (f ())
+let with_local_level_if_principal f ~post =
+  with_local_level_if !Clflags.principal f ~post
+let with_local_level_iter_if_principal f ~post =
+  with_local_level_iter_if !Clflags.principal f ~post
+let with_level ~level f =
+  begin_def (); init_def level;
+  wrap_end_def f
+let with_level_if cond ~level f =
+  if cond then with_level ~level f else f ()
+let with_local_level_for_class ?post f =
+  begin_class_def ();
+  let result = wrap_end_def f in
+  Option.iter (fun g -> g result) post;
+  result
+let with_raised_nongen_level f =
+  raise_nongen_level ();
+  wrap_end_def f
+let reset_global_level () =
+  global_level := !current_level
+let increase_global_level () =
+  let gl = !global_level in
+  global_level := !current_level;
+  gl
+let restore_global_level gl =
+  global_level := gl
+(**** Some type creators ****)
+(* Re-export generic type creators *)
+let newty desc              = newty2 ~level:!current_level desc
+let new_scoped_ty scope desc = newty3 ~level:!current_level ~scope desc
+let newvar ?name ()         = newty2 ~level:!current_level (Tvar name)
+let newvar2 ?name level     = newty2 ~level:level (Tvar name)
+let new_global_var ?name () = newty2 ~level:!global_level (Tvar name)
+let newstub ~scope          = newty3 ~level:!current_level ~scope (Tvar None)
+let newobj fields      = newty (Tobject (fields, ref None))
+let newconstr path tyl = newty (Tconstr (path, tyl, ref Mnil))
+let none = newty (Ttuple [])                (* Clearly ill-formed type *)
+(**** information for [Typecore.unify_pat_*] ****)
+module Pattern_env : sig
+  type t = private
+    { mutable env : Env.t;
+      equations_scope : int;
+      allow_recursive_equations : bool; }
+  val make: Env.t -> equations_scope:int -> allow_recursive_equations:bool -> t
+  val copy: ?equations_scope:int -> t -> t
+  val set_env: t -> Env.t -> unit
+end = struct
+  type t =
+    { mutable env : Env.t;
+      equations_scope : int;
+      allow_recursive_equations : bool; }
+  let make env ~equations_scope ~allow_recursive_equations =
+    { env;
+      equations_scope;
+      allow_recursive_equations; }
+  let copy ?equations_scope penv =
+    let equations_scope =
+      match equations_scope with None -> penv.equations_scope | Some s -> s in
+    { penv with equations_scope }
+  let set_env penv env = penv.env <- env
+(**** unification mode ****)
+type unification_environment =
+  | Expression of
+      { env : Env.t;
+        in_subst : bool; }
+    (* normal unification mode *)
+  | Pattern of
+      { penv : Pattern_env.t;
+        equated_types : TypePairs.t;
+        assume_injective : bool;
+        unify_eq_set : TypePairs.t; }
+    (* GADT constraint unification mode:
+       only used for type indices of GADT constructors
+       during pattern matching.
+       This allows adding local constraints. *)
+let get_env = function
+  | Expression {env} -> env
+  | Pattern {penv} -> penv.env
+let set_env uenv env =
+  match uenv with
+  | Expression _ -> invalid_arg "Ctype.set_env"
+  | Pattern {penv} -> Pattern_env.set_env penv env
+let in_pattern_mode = function
+  | Expression _ -> false
+  | Pattern _ -> true
+let get_equations_scope = function
+  | Expression _ -> invalid_arg "Ctype.get_equations_scope"
+  | Pattern r -> r.penv.equations_scope
+let order_type_pair t1 t2 =
+  if get_id t1 <= get_id t2 then (t1, t2) else (t2, t1)
+let add_type_equality uenv t1 t2 =
+  match uenv with
+  | Expression _ -> invalid_arg "Ctype.add_type_equality"
+  | Pattern r -> TypePairs.add r.unify_eq_set (order_type_pair t1 t2)
+let unify_eq uenv t1 t2 =
+  eq_type t1 t2 ||
+  match uenv with
+  | Expression _ -> false
+  | Pattern r -> TypePairs.mem r.unify_eq_set (order_type_pair t1 t2)
+(* unification during type constructor expansion:
+   This mode disables the propagation of the level and scope of
+   the row variable to the whole type during the unification.
+   (see unify_{row, fields} and PR #11771) *)
+let in_subst_mode = function
+  | Expression {in_subst} -> in_subst
+  | Pattern _ -> false
+(* Can only be called when generate_equations is true *)
+let record_equation uenv t1 t2 =
+  match uenv with
+  | Expression _ ->
+      invalid_arg "Ctype.record_equation"
+  | Pattern { equated_types } ->
+      TypePairs.add equated_types (t1, t2)
+let can_assume_injective = function
+  | Expression _ -> false
+  | Pattern { assume_injective } -> assume_injective
+let in_counterexample uenv =
+  match uenv with
+  | Expression _ -> false
+  | Pattern { penv } -> penv.allow_recursive_equations
+let allow_recursive_equations uenv =
+  !Clflags.recursive_types || in_counterexample uenv
+(* Though without_* functions can be in a direct style,
+   CPS clarifies the structure of the code better. *)
+let without_assume_injective uenv f =
+  match uenv with
+  | Expression _ as uenv -> f uenv
+  | Pattern r -> f (Pattern { r with assume_injective = false })
+(*** Checks for type definitions ***)
+let rec in_current_module = function
+  | Path.Pident _ -> true
+  | Path.Pdot _ | Path.Papply _ -> false
+  | Path.Pextra_ty (p, _) -> in_current_module p
+let in_pervasives p =
+  in_current_module p &&
+  try ignore (Env.find_type p Env.initial); true
+  with Not_found -> false
+let is_datatype decl=
+  match decl.type_kind with
+    Type_record _ | Type_variant _ | Type_open -> true
+  | Type_abstract _ -> false
+                  (**********************************************)
+                  (*  Miscellaneous operations on object types  *)
+                  (**********************************************)
+(* Note:
+   We need to maintain some invariants:
+   * cty_self must be a Tobject
+   * ...
+(**** Object field manipulation. ****)
+let object_fields ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tobject (fields, _) -> fields
+  | _                   -> assert false
+let flatten_fields ty =
+  let rec flatten l ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tfield(s, k, ty1, ty2) ->
+        flatten ((s, k, ty1)::l) ty2
+    | _ ->
+        (l, ty)
+  in
+    let (l, r) = flatten [] ty in
+    (List.sort (fun (n, _, _) (n', _, _) -> compare n n') l, r)
+let build_fields level =
+  List.fold_right
+    (fun (s, k, ty1) ty2 -> newty2 ~level (Tfield(s, k, ty1, ty2)))
+let associate_fields fields1 fields2 =
+  let rec associate p s s' =
+    function
+      (l, []) ->
+        (List.rev p, (List.rev s) @ l, List.rev s')
+    | ([], l') ->
+        (List.rev p, List.rev s, (List.rev s') @ l')
+    | ((n, k, t)::r, (n', k', t')::r') when n = n' ->
+        associate ((n, k, t, k', t')::p) s s' (r, r')
+    | ((n, k, t)::r, ((n', _k', _t')::_ as l')) when n < n' ->
+        associate p ((n, k, t)::s) s' (r, l')
+    | (((_n, _k, _t)::_ as l), (n', k', t')::r') (* when n > n' *) ->
+        associate p s ((n', k', t')::s') (l, r')
+  in
+  associate [] [] [] (fields1, fields2)
+(**** Check whether an object is open ****)
+(* +++ The abbreviation should eventually be expanded *)
+let rec object_row ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tobject (t, _)     -> object_row t
+  | Tfield(_, _, _, t) -> object_row t
+  | _ -> ty
+let opened_object ty =
+  match get_desc (object_row ty) with
+  | Tvar _  | Tunivar _ | Tconstr _ -> true
+  | _                               -> false
+let concrete_object ty =
+  match get_desc (object_row ty) with
+  | Tvar _             -> false
+  | _                  -> true
+(**** Row variable of an object type ****)
+let rec fields_row_variable ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tfield (_, _, _, ty) -> fields_row_variable ty
+  | Tvar _               -> ty
+  | _                    -> assert false
+(**** Object name manipulation ****)
+(* +++ Bientot obsolete *)
+let set_object_name id params ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tobject (fi, nm) ->
+      let rv = fields_row_variable fi in
+      set_name nm (Some (Path.Pident id, rv::params))
+  | Tconstr (_, _, _) -> ()
+  | _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.set_object_name"
+let remove_object_name ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tobject (_, nm)   -> set_name nm None
+  | Tconstr (_, _, _) -> ()
+  | _                 -> fatal_error "Ctype.remove_object_name"
+                  (*******************************************)
+                  (*  Miscellaneous operations on row types  *)
+                  (*******************************************)
+let sort_row_fields = List.sort (fun (p,_) (q,_) -> compare p q)
+let rec merge_rf r1 r2 pairs fi1 fi2 =
+  match fi1, fi2 with
+    (l1,f1 as p1)::fi1', (l2,f2 as p2)::fi2' ->
+      if l1 = l2 then merge_rf r1 r2 ((l1,f1,f2)::pairs) fi1' fi2' else
+      if l1 < l2 then merge_rf (p1::r1) r2 pairs fi1' fi2 else
+      merge_rf r1 (p2::r2) pairs fi1 fi2'
+  | [], _ -> (List.rev r1, List.rev_append r2 fi2, pairs)
+  | _, [] -> (List.rev_append r1 fi1, List.rev r2, pairs)
+let merge_row_fields fi1 fi2 =
+  match fi1, fi2 with
+    [], _ | _, [] -> (fi1, fi2, [])
+  | [p1], _ when not (List.mem_assoc (fst p1) fi2) -> (fi1, fi2, [])
+  | _, [p2] when not (List.mem_assoc (fst p2) fi1) -> (fi1, fi2, [])
+  | _ -> merge_rf [] [] [] (sort_row_fields fi1) (sort_row_fields fi2)
+let rec filter_row_fields erase = function
+    [] -> []
+  | (_l,f as p)::fi ->
+      let fi = filter_row_fields erase fi in
+      match row_field_repr f with
+        Rabsent -> fi
+      | Reither(_,_,false) when erase ->
+          link_row_field_ext ~inside:f rf_absent; fi
+      | _ -> p :: fi
+                    (**************************************)
+                    (*  Check genericity of type schemes  *)
+                    (**************************************)
+type variable_kind = Row_variable | Type_variable
+exception Non_closed of type_expr * variable_kind
+(* [free_vars] walks over the variables of the input type expression. It
+   is used for several different things in the type-checker, with the
+   following bells and whistles:
+   - If [env] is Some typing environment, types in the environment
+     are expanded to check whether the apparently-free variable would vanish
+     during expansion.
+   - We do not count "virtual" free variables -- free variables stored in
+     the abbreviation of an object type that has been expanded (we store
+     the abbreviations for use when displaying the type).
+   [free_vars] accumulates its answer in a monoid-like structure, with
+   an initial element [zero] and a combining function [add_one], passing
+   [add_one] information about whether the variable is a normal type variable
+   or a row variable.
+ *)
+let free_vars ~init ~add_one ?env mark ty =
+  let rec fv ~kind acc ty =
+    if not (try_mark_node mark ty) then acc
+    else match get_desc ty, env with
+      | Tvar _, _ ->
+          add_one ty kind acc
+      | Tconstr (path, tl, _), Some env ->
+          let acc =
+            match Env.find_type_expansion path env with
+            | exception Not_found -> acc
+            | (_, body, _) ->
+                if get_level body = generic_level then acc
+                else add_one ty kind acc
+          in
+          List.fold_left (fv ~kind:Type_variable) acc tl
+      | Tobject (ty, _), _ ->
+          (* ignoring the second parameter of [Tobject] amounts to not
+             counting "virtual free variables". *)
+          fv ~kind:Row_variable acc ty
+      | Tfield (_, _, ty1, ty2), _ ->
+          let acc = fv ~kind:Type_variable acc ty1 in
+          fv ~kind:Row_variable acc ty2
+      | Tvariant row, _ ->
+          let acc = fold_row (fv ~kind:Type_variable) acc row in
+          if static_row row then acc
+          else fv ~kind:Row_variable acc (row_more row)
+      | _    ->
+          fold_type_expr (fv ~kind) acc ty
+  in fv ~kind:Type_variable init ty
+let free_variables ?env ty =
+  let add_one ty _kind acc = ty :: acc in
+  with_type_mark (fun mark -> free_vars ~init:[] ~add_one ?env mark ty)
+let closed_type ?env mark ty =
+  let add_one ty kind _acc = raise (Non_closed (ty, kind)) in
+  free_vars ~init:() ~add_one ?env mark ty
+let closed_type_expr ?env ty =
+  with_type_mark (fun mark ->
+    try closed_type ?env mark ty; true
+    with Non_closed _ -> false)
+let closed_parameterized_type params ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    List.iter (mark_type mark) params;
+    try closed_type mark ty; true with Non_closed _ -> false
+  end
+let closed_type_decl decl =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark -> try
+    List.iter (mark_type mark) decl.type_params;
+    begin match decl.type_kind with
+      Type_abstract _ ->
+        ()
+    | Type_variant (v, _rep) ->
+        List.iter
+          (fun {cd_args; cd_res; _} ->
+            match cd_res with
+            | Some _ -> ()
+            | None ->
+                match cd_args with
+                | Cstr_tuple l ->  List.iter (closed_type mark) l
+                | Cstr_record l ->
+                    List.iter (fun l -> closed_type mark l.ld_type) l
+          )
+          v
+    | Type_record(r, _rep) ->
+        List.iter (fun l -> closed_type mark l.ld_type) r
+    | Type_open -> ()
+    end;
+    begin match decl.type_manifest with
+      None    -> ()
+    | Some ty -> closed_type mark ty
+    end;
+    None
+  with Non_closed (ty, _) ->
+    Some ty
+  end
+let closed_extension_constructor ext =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark -> try
+    List.iter (mark_type mark) ext.ext_type_params;
+    begin match ext.ext_ret_type with
+    | Some _ -> ()
+    | None -> iter_type_expr_cstr_args (closed_type mark) ext.ext_args
+    end;
+    None
+  with Non_closed (ty, _) ->
+    Some ty
+  end
+type closed_class_failure = {
+  free_variable: type_expr * variable_kind;
+  meth: string;
+  meth_ty: type_expr;
+exception CCFailure of closed_class_failure
+let closed_class params sign =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  List.iter (mark_type mark) params;
+  ignore (try_mark_node mark sign.csig_self_row);
+  try
+    Meths.iter
+      (fun lab (priv, _, ty) ->
+        if priv = Mpublic then begin
+          try closed_type mark ty with Non_closed (ty0, variable_kind) ->
+            raise (CCFailure {
+              free_variable = (ty0, variable_kind);
+              meth = lab;
+              meth_ty = ty;
+            })
+        end)
+      sign.csig_meths;
+    None
+  with CCFailure reason ->
+    Some reason
+  end
+                            (**********************)
+                            (*  Type duplication  *)
+                            (**********************)
+(* Duplicate a type, preserving only type variables *)
+let duplicate_type ty =
+  Subst.type_expr Subst.identity ty
+(* Same, for class types *)
+let duplicate_class_type ty =
+  Subst.class_type Subst.identity ty
+                         (*****************************)
+                         (*  Type level manipulation  *)
+                         (*****************************)
+   Build a copy of a type in which nodes reachable through a path composed
+   only of Tarrow, Tpoly, Ttuple, Tpackage and Tconstr, and whose level
+   was no lower than [!current_level], are at [generic_level].
+   This is different from [with_local_level_gen], which generalizes in place,
+   and only nodes with a level higher than [!current_level].
+   This is used for typing classes, to indicate which types have been
+   inferred in the first pass, and can be considered as "known" during the
+   second pass.
+ *)
+let rec copy_spine copy_scope ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tsubst (ty, _) -> ty
+  | Tvar _
+  | Tfield _
+  | Tnil
+  | Tvariant _
+  | Tobject _
+  | Tlink _
+  | Tunivar _ -> ty
+  | (Tarrow _ | Tpoly _ | Ttuple _ | Tpackage _ | Tconstr _) as desc ->
+      let level = get_level ty in
+      if level < !current_level || level = generic_level then ty else
+      let t = newgenstub ~scope:(get_scope ty) in
+      For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (t, None));
+      let copy_rec = copy_spine copy_scope in
+      let desc' = match desc with
+      | Tarrow (lbl, ty1, ty2, _) ->
+          Tarrow (lbl, copy_rec ty1, copy_rec ty2, commu_ok)
+      | Tpoly (ty', tvl) ->
+          Tpoly (copy_rec ty', tvl)
+      | Ttuple tyl ->
+          Ttuple (List.map copy_rec tyl)
+      | Tpackage (path, fl) ->
+          let fl = List.map (fun (n, ty) -> n, copy_rec ty) fl in
+          Tpackage (path, fl)
+      | Tconstr (path, tyl, _) ->
+          Tconstr (path, List.map copy_rec tyl, ref Mnil)
+      | _ -> assert false
+      in
+      Transient_expr.set_stub_desc t desc';
+      t
+let copy_spine ty =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope -> copy_spine copy_scope ty)
+let forward_try_expand_safe = (* Forward declaration *)
+  ref (fun _env _ty -> assert false)
+   Lower the levels of a type (assume [level] is not
+   [generic_level]).
+let rec normalize_package_path env p =
+  let t =
+    try (Env.find_modtype p env).mtd_type
+    with Not_found -> None
+  in
+  match t with
+  | Some (Mty_ident p) -> normalize_package_path env p
+  | Some (Mty_signature _ | Mty_functor _ | Mty_alias _) | None ->
+      match p with
+        Path.Pdot (p1, s) ->
+          (* For module aliases *)
+          let p1' = Env.normalize_module_path None env p1 in
+          if Path.same p1 p1' then p else
+          normalize_package_path env (Path.Pdot (p1', s))
+      | _ -> p
+let rec check_scope_escape mark env level ty =
+  let orig_level = get_level ty in
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then begin
+    if level < get_scope ty then
+      raise_scope_escape_exn ty;
+    begin match get_desc ty with
+    | Tconstr (p, _, _) when level < Path.scope p ->
+        begin match !forward_try_expand_safe env ty with
+        | ty' ->
+            check_scope_escape mark env level ty'
+        | exception Cannot_expand ->
+            raise_escape_exn (Constructor p)
+        end
+    | Tpackage (p, fl) when level < Path.scope p ->
+        let p' = normalize_package_path env p in
+        if Path.same p p' then raise_escape_exn (Module_type p);
+        check_scope_escape mark env level
+          (newty2 ~level:orig_level (Tpackage (p', fl)))
+    | _ ->
+        iter_type_expr (check_scope_escape mark env level) ty
+    end;
+  end
+let check_scope_escape env level ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark -> try
+    check_scope_escape mark env level ty
+  with Escape e ->
+    raise (Escape { e with context = Some ty })
+  end
+let rec update_scope scope ty =
+  if get_scope ty < scope then begin
+    if get_level ty < scope then raise_scope_escape_exn ty;
+    set_scope ty scope;
+    (* Only recurse in principal mode as this is not necessary for soundness *)
+    if !Clflags.principal then iter_type_expr (update_scope scope) ty
+  end
+let update_scope_for tr_exn scope ty =
+  try
+    update_scope scope ty
+  with Escape e -> raise_for tr_exn (Escape e)
+(* Note: the level of a type constructor must be greater than its binding
+    time. That way, a type constructor cannot escape the scope of its
+    definition, as would be the case in
+      let x = ref []
+      module M = struct type t let _ = (x : t list ref) end
+    (without this constraint, the type system would actually be unsound.)
+let rec update_level env level expand ty =
+  let ty_level = get_level ty in
+  if ty_level > level then begin
+    if level < get_scope ty then raise_scope_escape_exn ty;
+    let set_level () =
+      set_level ty level;
+      if ty_level = generic_level then
+        add_to_pool ~level (Transient_expr.repr ty)
+    in
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tconstr(p, _tl, _abbrev) when level < Path.scope p ->
+        (* Try first to replace an abbreviation by its expansion. *)
+        begin try
+          let ty' = !forward_try_expand_safe env ty in
+          link_type ty ty';
+          update_level env level expand ty'
+        with Cannot_expand ->
+          raise_escape_exn (Constructor p)
+        end
+    | Tconstr(p, (_ :: _ as tl), _) ->
+        let variance =
+          try (Env.find_type p env).type_variance
+          with Not_found -> List.map (fun _ -> Variance.unknown) tl in
+        let needs_expand =
+          expand ||
+          List.exists2
+            (fun var ty -> var = Variance.null && get_level ty > level)
+            variance tl
+        in
+        begin try
+          if not needs_expand then raise Cannot_expand;
+          let ty' = !forward_try_expand_safe env ty in
+          link_type ty ty';
+          update_level env level expand ty'
+        with Cannot_expand ->
+          set_level ();
+          iter_type_expr (update_level env level expand) ty
+        end
+    | Tpackage (p, fl) when level < Path.scope p ->
+        let p' = normalize_package_path env p in
+        if Path.same p p' then raise_escape_exn (Module_type p);
+        set_type_desc ty (Tpackage (p', fl));
+        update_level env level expand ty
+    | Tobject (_, ({contents=Some(p, _tl)} as nm))
+      when level < Path.scope p ->
+        set_name nm None;
+        update_level env level expand ty
+    | Tvariant row ->
+        begin match row_name row with
+        | Some (p, _tl) when level < Path.scope p ->
+            set_type_desc ty (Tvariant (set_row_name row None))
+        | _ -> ()
+        end;
+        set_level ();
+        iter_type_expr (update_level env level expand) ty
+    | Tfield(lab, _, ty1, _)
+      when lab = dummy_method && level < get_scope ty1 ->
+        raise_escape_exn Self
+    | _ ->
+        set_level ();
+        (* XXX what about abbreviations in Tconstr ? *)
+        iter_type_expr (update_level env level expand) ty
+  end
+(* First try without expanding, then expand everything,
+   to avoid combinatorial blow-up *)
+let update_level env level ty =
+  if get_level ty > level then begin
+    let snap = snapshot () in
+    try
+      update_level env level false ty
+    with Escape _ ->
+      backtrack snap;
+      update_level env level true ty
+  end
+let update_level_for tr_exn env level ty =
+  try
+    update_level env level ty
+  with Escape e -> raise_for tr_exn (Escape e)
+(* Lower level of type variables inside contravariant branches *)
+let rec lower_contravariant env var_level visited contra ty =
+  let must_visit =
+    get_level ty > var_level &&
+    match Hashtbl.find visited (get_id ty) with
+    | done_contra -> contra && not done_contra
+    | exception Not_found -> true
+  in
+  if must_visit then begin
+    Hashtbl.add visited (get_id ty) contra;
+    let lower_rec = lower_contravariant env var_level visited in
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tvar _ -> if contra then set_level ty var_level
+    | Tconstr (_, [], _) -> ()
+    | Tconstr (path, tyl, _abbrev) ->
+       let variance, maybe_expand =
+         try
+           let typ = Env.find_type path env in
+           typ.type_variance,
+           type_kind_is_abstract typ
+          with Not_found ->
+            (* See testsuite/tests/typing-missing-cmi-2 for an example *)
+            List.map (fun _ -> Variance.unknown) tyl,
+            false
+        in
+        if List.for_all ((=) Variance.null) variance then () else
+          let not_expanded () =
+            List.iter2
+              (fun v t ->
+                if v = Variance.null then () else
+                  if Variance.(mem May_weak v)
+                  then lower_rec true t
+                  else lower_rec contra t)
+              variance tyl in
+          if maybe_expand then (* we expand cautiously to avoid missing cmis *)
+            match !forward_try_expand_safe env ty with
+            | ty -> lower_rec contra ty
+            | exception Cannot_expand -> not_expanded ()
+          else not_expanded ()
+    | Tpackage (_, fl) ->
+        List.iter (fun (_n, ty) -> lower_rec true ty) fl
+    | Tarrow (_, t1, t2, _) ->
+        lower_rec true t1;
+        lower_rec contra t2
+    | _ ->
+        iter_type_expr (lower_rec contra) ty
+  end
+let lower_variables_only env level ty =
+  simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
+  lower_contravariant env level (Hashtbl.create 7) true ty
+let lower_contravariant env ty =
+  simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
+  lower_contravariant env !nongen_level (Hashtbl.create 7) false ty
+let rec generalize_class_type gen =
+  function
+    Cty_constr (_, params, cty) ->
+      List.iter gen params;
+      generalize_class_type gen cty
+  | Cty_signature csig ->
+      gen csig.csig_self;
+      gen csig.csig_self_row;
+      Vars.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> gen ty) csig.csig_vars;
+      Meths.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> gen ty) csig.csig_meths
+  | Cty_arrow (_, ty, cty) ->
+      gen ty;
+      generalize_class_type gen cty
+(* Only generalize the type ty0 in ty *)
+let limited_generalize ty0 ~inside:ty =
+  let graph = TypeHash.create 17 in
+  let roots = ref [] in
+  let rec inverse pty ty =
+    match TypeHash.find_opt graph ty with
+    | Some parents -> parents := pty @ !parents
+    | None ->
+        let level = get_level ty in
+        if level > !current_level then begin
+          TypeHash.add graph ty (ref pty);
+          (* XXX: why generic_level needs to be a root *)
+          if (level = generic_level) || eq_type ty ty0 then
+            roots := ty :: !roots;
+          iter_type_expr (inverse [ty]) ty
+        end
+  in
+  let rec generalize_parents ~is_root ty =
+    if is_root || get_level ty <> generic_level then begin
+      set_level ty generic_level;
+      List.iter (generalize_parents ~is_root:false) !(TypeHash.find graph ty);
+      (* Special case for rows: must generalize the row variable *)
+      match get_desc ty with
+        Tvariant row ->
+          let more = row_more row in
+          let lv = get_level more in
+          if (TypeHash.mem graph more || lv > !current_level)
+              && lv <> generic_level then set_level more generic_level
+      | _ -> ()
+    end
+  in
+  inverse [] ty;
+  List.iter (generalize_parents ~is_root:true) !roots;
+  TypeHash.iter
+    (fun ty _ ->
+       if get_level ty <> generic_level then set_level ty !current_level)
+    graph
+let limited_generalize_class_type rv ~inside:cty =
+  generalize_class_type (fun inside -> limited_generalize rv ~inside) cty
+(* Compute statically the free univars of all nodes in a type *)
+(* This avoids doing it repeatedly during instantiation *)
+type inv_type_expr =
+    { inv_type : type_expr;
+      mutable inv_parents : inv_type_expr list }
+let rec inv_type hash pty ty =
+  try
+    let inv = TypeHash.find hash ty in
+    inv.inv_parents <- pty @ inv.inv_parents
+  with Not_found ->
+    let inv = { inv_type = ty; inv_parents = pty } in
+    TypeHash.add hash ty inv;
+    iter_type_expr (inv_type hash [inv]) ty
+let compute_univars ty =
+  let inverted = TypeHash.create 17 in
+  inv_type inverted [] ty;
+  let node_univars = TypeHash.create 17 in
+  let rec add_univar univ inv =
+    match get_desc inv.inv_type with
+      Tpoly (_ty, tl) when List.memq (get_id univ) (List.map get_id tl) -> ()
+    | _ ->
+        try
+          let univs = TypeHash.find node_univars inv.inv_type in
+          if not (TypeSet.mem univ !univs) then begin
+            univs := TypeSet.add univ !univs;
+            List.iter (add_univar univ) inv.inv_parents
+          end
+        with Not_found ->
+          TypeHash.add node_univars inv.inv_type (ref(TypeSet.singleton univ));
+          List.iter (add_univar univ) inv.inv_parents
+  in
+  TypeHash.iter (fun ty inv -> if is_Tunivar ty then add_univar ty inv)
+    inverted;
+  fun ty ->
+    try !(TypeHash.find node_univars ty) with Not_found -> TypeSet.empty
+let fully_generic ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec aux ty =
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then
+        if get_level ty = generic_level then iter_type_expr aux ty
+        else raise Exit
+    in
+    try aux ty; true with Exit -> false
+  end
+                              (*******************)
+                              (*  Instantiation  *)
+                              (*******************)
+let rec find_repr p1 =
+  function
+    Mnil ->
+      None
+  | Mcons (Public, p2, ty, _, _) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+      Some ty
+  | Mcons (_, _, _, _, rem) ->
+      find_repr p1 rem
+  | Mlink {contents = rem} ->
+      find_repr p1 rem
+   Generic nodes are duplicated, while non-generic nodes are left
+   as-is.
+   During instantiation, the result of copying a generic node is
+   "cached" in-place by temporarily mutating the node description by
+   a stub [Tsubst (newvar ())] using [For_copy.redirect_desc]. The
+   scope of this mutation is determined by the [copy_scope] parameter,
+   and the [For_copy.with_scope] helper is in charge of creating a new
+   scope and performing the necessary book-keeping -- in particular
+   reverting the in-place updates after the instantiation is done. *)
+let abbreviations = ref (ref Mnil)
+  (* Abbreviation memorized. *)
+(* partial: we may not wish to copy the non generic types
+   before we call type_pat *)
+let rec copy ?partial ?keep_names copy_scope ty =
+  let copy = copy ?partial ?keep_names copy_scope in
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tsubst (ty, _) -> ty
+  | desc ->
+    let level = get_level ty in
+    if level <> generic_level && partial = None then ty else
+    (* We only forget types that are non generic and do not contain
+       free univars *)
+    let forget =
+      if level = generic_level then generic_level else
+      match partial with
+        None -> assert false
+      | Some (free_univars, keep) ->
+          if TypeSet.is_empty (free_univars ty) then
+            if keep then level else !current_level
+          else generic_level
+    in
+    if forget <> generic_level then newty2 ~level:forget (Tvar None) else
+    let t = newstub ~scope:(get_scope ty) in
+    For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (t, None));
+    let desc' =
+      match desc with
+      | Tconstr (p, tl, _) ->
+          let abbrevs = proper_abbrevs tl !abbreviations in
+          begin match find_repr p !abbrevs with
+            Some ty when not (eq_type ty t) ->
+              Tlink ty
+          | _ ->
+          (*
+             One must allocate a new reference, so that abbrevia-
+             tions belonging to different branches of a type are
+             independent.
+             Moreover, a reference containing a [Mcons] must be
+             shared, so that the memorized expansion of an abbrevi-
+             ation can be released by changing the content of just
+             one reference.
+          *)
+              Tconstr (p, List.map copy tl,
+                       ref (match !(!abbreviations) with
+                              Mcons _ -> Mlink !abbreviations
+                            | abbrev  -> abbrev))
+          end
+      | Tvariant row ->
+          let more = row_more row in
+          let mored = get_desc more in
+          (* We must substitute in a subtle way *)
+          (* Tsubst takes a tuple containing the row var and the variant *)
+          begin match mored with
+            Tsubst (_, Some ty2) ->
+              (* This variant type has been already copied *)
+              (* Change the stub to avoid Tlink in the new type *)
+              For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (ty2, None));
+              Tlink ty2
+          | _ ->
+              (* If the row variable is not generic, we must keep it *)
+              let keep = get_level more <> generic_level && partial = None in
+              let more' =
+                match mored with
+                  Tsubst (ty, None) -> ty
+                  (* TODO: is this case possible?
+                     possibly an interaction with (copy more) below? *)
+                | Tconstr _ | Tnil ->
+                    copy more
+                | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ ->
+                    if keep then more else newty mored
+                |  _ -> assert false
+              in
+              let row =
+                match get_desc more' with (* PR#6163 *)
+                  Tconstr (x,_,_) when not (is_fixed row) ->
+                    let Row {fields; more; closed; name} = row_repr row in
+                    create_row ~fields ~more ~closed ~name
+                      ~fixed:(Some (Reified x))
+                | _ -> row
+              in
+              (* Open row if partial for pattern and contains Reither *)
+              let more', row =
+                match partial with
+                  Some (free_univars, false) ->
+                    let not_reither (_, f) =
+                      match row_field_repr f with
+                        Reither _ -> false
+                      | _ -> true
+                    in
+                    let fields = row_fields row in
+                    if row_closed row && not (is_fixed row)
+                    && TypeSet.is_empty (free_univars ty)
+                    && not (List.for_all not_reither fields) then
+                      let more' = newvar () in
+                      (more',
+                       create_row ~fields:(List.filter not_reither fields)
+                         ~more:more' ~closed:false ~fixed:None ~name:None)
+                    else (more', row)
+                | _ -> (more', row)
+              in
+              (* Register new type first for recursion *)
+              For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope more
+                (Tsubst(more', Some t));
+              (* Return a new copy *)
+              Tvariant (copy_row copy true row keep more')
+          end
+      | Tobject (ty1, _) when partial <> None ->
+          Tobject (copy ty1, ref None)
+      | _ -> copy_type_desc ?keep_names copy desc
+    in
+    Transient_expr.set_stub_desc t desc';
+    t
+(**** Variants of instantiations ****)
+let instance ?partial sch =
+  let partial =
+    match partial with
+      None -> None
+    | Some keep -> Some (compute_univars sch, keep)
+  in
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    copy ?partial copy_scope sch)
+let generic_instance sch =
+  with_level ~level:generic_level (fun () -> instance sch)
+let instance_list schl =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    List.map (fun t -> copy copy_scope t) schl)
+(* Create unique names to new type constructors.
+   Used for existential types and local constraints. *)
+let get_new_abstract_name env s =
+  let name index =
+    if index = 0 && s <> "" && s.[String.length s - 1] <> '$' then s else
+    Printf.sprintf "%s%d" s index
+  in
+  let check index =
+    match Env.find_type_by_name (Longident.Lident (name index)) env with
+    | _ -> false
+    | exception Not_found -> true
+  in
+  let index = Misc.find_first_mono check in
+  name index
+let new_local_type ?(loc = Location.none) ?manifest_and_scope origin =
+  let manifest, expansion_scope =
+    match manifest_and_scope with
+      None -> None, Btype.lowest_level
+    | Some (ty, scope) -> Some ty, scope
+  in
+  {
+    type_params = [];
+    type_arity = 0;
+    type_kind = Type_abstract origin;
+    type_private = Public;
+    type_manifest = manifest;
+    type_variance = [];
+    type_separability = [];
+    type_is_newtype = true;
+    type_expansion_scope = expansion_scope;
+    type_loc = loc;
+    type_attributes = [];
+    type_immediate = Unknown;
+    type_unboxed_default = false;
+    type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+  }
+let existential_name name_counter ty =
+  let name =
+    match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvar (Some name) -> name
+    | _ ->
+        let name = Misc.letter_of_int !name_counter in
+        incr name_counter;
+        name
+  in
+  "$" ^ name
+type existential_treatment =
+  | Keep_existentials_flexible
+  | Make_existentials_abstract of Pattern_env.t
+let instance_constructor existential_treatment cstr =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    let name_counter = ref 0 in
+    let copy_existential =
+      match existential_treatment with
+      | Keep_existentials_flexible -> copy copy_scope
+      | Make_existentials_abstract penv ->
+          fun existential ->
+            let env = penv.env in
+            let fresh_constr_scope = penv.equations_scope in
+            let decl = new_local_type (Existential cstr.cstr_name) in
+            let name = existential_name name_counter existential in
+            let (id, new_env) =
+              Env.enter_type (get_new_abstract_name env name) decl env
+                ~scope:fresh_constr_scope in
+            Pattern_env.set_env penv new_env;
+            let to_unify = newty (Tconstr (Path.Pident id,[],ref Mnil)) in
+            let tv = copy copy_scope existential in
+            assert (is_Tvar tv);
+            link_type tv to_unify;
+            tv
+    in
+    let ty_ex = List.map copy_existential cstr.cstr_existentials in
+    let ty_res = copy copy_scope cstr.cstr_res in
+    let ty_args = List.map (copy copy_scope) cstr.cstr_args in
+    (ty_args, ty_res, ty_ex)
+  )
+let instance_parameterized_type ?keep_names sch_args sch =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    let ty_args = List.map (fun t -> copy ?keep_names copy_scope t) sch_args in
+    let ty = copy copy_scope sch in
+    (ty_args, ty)
+  )
+let map_kind f = function
+  | Type_abstract r -> Type_abstract r
+  | Type_open -> Type_open
+  | Type_variant (cl, rep) ->
+      Type_variant (
+        List.map
+          (fun c ->
+             {c with
+              cd_args = map_type_expr_cstr_args f c.cd_args;
+              cd_res = Option.map f c.cd_res
+             })
+          cl, rep)
+  | Type_record (fl, rr) ->
+      Type_record (
+        List.map
+          (fun l ->
+             {l with ld_type = f l.ld_type}
+          ) fl, rr)
+let instance_declaration decl =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    {decl with type_params = List.map (copy copy_scope) decl.type_params;
+     type_manifest = Option.map (copy copy_scope) decl.type_manifest;
+     type_kind = map_kind (copy copy_scope) decl.type_kind;
+    }
+  )
+let generic_instance_declaration decl =
+  with_level ~level:generic_level (fun () -> instance_declaration decl)
+let instance_class params cty =
+  let rec copy_class_type copy_scope = function
+    | Cty_constr (path, tyl, cty) ->
+        let tyl' = List.map (copy copy_scope) tyl in
+        let cty' = copy_class_type copy_scope cty in
+        Cty_constr (path, tyl', cty')
+    | Cty_signature sign ->
+        Cty_signature
+          {csig_self = copy copy_scope sign.csig_self;
+           csig_self_row = copy copy_scope sign.csig_self_row;
+           csig_vars =
+             Vars.map
+               (function (m, v, ty) -> (m, v, copy copy_scope ty))
+               sign.csig_vars;
+           csig_meths =
+             Meths.map
+               (function (p, v, ty) -> (p, v, copy copy_scope ty))
+               sign.csig_meths}
+    | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
+        Cty_arrow (l, copy copy_scope ty, copy_class_type copy_scope cty)
+  in
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    let params' = List.map (copy copy_scope) params in
+    let cty' = copy_class_type copy_scope cty in
+    (params', cty')
+  )
+(**** Instantiation for types with free universal variables ****)
+(* [copy_sep] is used to instantiate first-class polymorphic types.
+   * It first makes a separate copy of the type as a graph, omitting nodes
+     that have no free univars.
+   * In this first pass, [visited] is used as a mapping for previously visited
+     nodes, and must already contain all the free univars in [ty].
+   * The remaining (univar-closed) parts of the type are then instantiated
+     with [copy] using a common [copy_scope].
+   The reason to work in two passes lies in recursive types such as:
+     [let h (x : < m : 'a. < n : 'a; p : 'b > > as 'b) = x#m]
+   The type of [x#m] should be:
+     [ < n : 'c; p : < m : 'a. < n : 'a; p : 'b > > as 'b > ]
+   I.e., the universal type variable ['a] is both instantiated as a fresh
+   type variable ['c] when outside of its binder, and kept as universal
+   when under its binder.
+   Assumption: in the first call to [copy_sep], all the free univars should
+   be bound by the same [Tpoly] node. This guarantees that they are only
+   bound when under this [Tpoly] node, which has no free univars, and as
+   such is not part of the separate copy. In turn, this allows the separate
+   copy to keep the sharing of the original type without breaking its
+   binding structure.
+ *)
+let copy_sep ~copy_scope ~fixed ~(visited : type_expr TypeHash.t) sch =
+  let free = compute_univars sch in
+  let delayed_copies = ref [] in
+  let add_delayed_copy t ty =
+    delayed_copies :=
+      (fun () -> Transient_expr.set_stub_desc t (Tlink (copy copy_scope ty))) ::
+      !delayed_copies
+  in
+  let rec copy_rec ~may_share (ty : type_expr) =
+    let univars = free ty in
+    if is_Tvar ty || may_share && TypeSet.is_empty univars then
+      if get_level ty <> generic_level then ty else
+      let t = newstub ~scope:(get_scope ty) in
+      add_delayed_copy t ty;
+      t
+    else try
+      TypeHash.find visited ty
+    with Not_found -> begin
+      let t = newstub ~scope:(get_scope ty) in
+      TypeHash.add visited ty t;
+      let desc' =
+        match get_desc ty with
+        | Tvariant row ->
+            let more = row_more row in
+            (* We shall really check the level on the row variable *)
+            let keep = is_Tvar more && get_level more <> generic_level in
+            (* In that case we should keep the original, but we still
+               call copy to correct the levels *)
+            if keep then (add_delayed_copy t ty; Tvar None) else
+            let more' = copy_rec ~may_share:false more in
+            let fixed' = fixed && (is_Tvar more || is_Tunivar more) in
+            let row =
+              copy_row (copy_rec ~may_share:true) fixed' row keep more' in
+            Tvariant row
+        | Tfield (p, k, ty1, ty2) ->
+            (* the kind is kept shared, see Btype.copy_type_desc *)
+            Tfield (p, field_kind_internal_repr k,
+                    copy_rec ~may_share:true ty1,
+                    copy_rec ~may_share:false ty2)
+        | desc -> copy_type_desc (copy_rec ~may_share:true) desc
+      in
+      Transient_expr.set_stub_desc t desc';
+      t
+    end
+  in
+  let ty = copy_rec ~may_share:true sch in
+  List.iter (fun force -> force ()) !delayed_copies;
+  ty
+let instance_poly' copy_scope ~keep_names ~fixed univars sch =
+  (* In order to compute univars below, [sch] should not contain [Tsubst] *)
+  let copy_var ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tunivar name -> if keep_names then newty (Tvar name) else newvar ()
+    | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  let vars = List.map copy_var univars in
+  let visited = TypeHash.create 17 in
+  List.iter2 (TypeHash.add visited) univars vars;
+  let ty = copy_sep ~copy_scope ~fixed ~visited sch in
+  vars, ty
+let instance_poly ?(keep_names=false) ~fixed univars sch =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    instance_poly' copy_scope ~keep_names ~fixed univars sch
+  )
+let instance_label ~fixed lbl =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    let vars, ty_arg =
+      match get_desc lbl.lbl_arg with
+        Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
+          instance_poly' copy_scope ~keep_names:false ~fixed tl ty
+      | _ ->
+          [], copy copy_scope lbl.lbl_arg
+    in
+    (* call [copy] after [instance_poly] to avoid introducing [Tsubst] *)
+    let ty_res = copy copy_scope lbl.lbl_res in
+    (vars, ty_arg, ty_res)
+  )
+(**** Instantiation with parameter substitution ****)
+(* NB: since this is [unify_var], it raises [Unify], not [Unify_trace] *)
+let unify_var' = (* Forward declaration *)
+  ref (fun _env _ty1 _ty2 -> assert false)
+let subst env level priv abbrev oty params args body =
+  if List.length params <> List.length args then raise Cannot_subst;
+  with_level ~level begin fun () ->
+    let body0 = newvar () in          (* Stub *)
+    let undo_abbrev =
+      match oty with
+      | None -> fun () -> () (* No abbreviation added *)
+      | Some ty ->
+          match get_desc ty with
+            Tconstr (path, tl, _) ->
+              let abbrev = proper_abbrevs tl abbrev in
+              memorize_abbrev abbrev priv path ty body0;
+              fun () -> forget_abbrev abbrev path
+          | _ -> assert false
+    in
+    abbreviations := abbrev;
+    let (params', body') = instance_parameterized_type params body in
+    abbreviations := ref Mnil;
+    let uenv = Expression {env; in_subst = true} in
+    try
+      !unify_var' uenv body0 body';
+      List.iter2 (!unify_var' uenv) params' args;
+      body'
+    with Unify _ ->
+      undo_abbrev ();
+      raise Cannot_subst
+  end
+   Default to generic level. Usually, only the shape of the type matters, not
+   whether it is generic or not. [generic_level] might be somewhat slower, but
+   it ensures invariants on types are enforced (decreasing levels), and we don't
+   care about efficiency here.
+let apply ?(use_current_level = false) env params body args =
+  simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
+  let level = if use_current_level then !current_level else generic_level in
+  try
+    subst env level Public (ref Mnil) None params args body
+  with
+    Cannot_subst -> raise Cannot_apply
+                              (****************************)
+                              (*  Abbreviation expansion  *)
+                              (****************************)
+   If the environment has changed, memorized expansions might not
+   be correct anymore, and so we flush the cache. The test used
+   checks whether any of types, modules, or local constraints have
+   been changed.
+let previous_env = ref Env.empty
+(*let string_of_kind = function Public -> "public" | Private -> "private"*)
+let check_abbrev_env env =
+  if not (Env.same_type_declarations env !previous_env) then begin
+    (* prerr_endline "cleanup expansion cache"; *)
+    cleanup_abbrev ();
+    simple_abbrevs := Mnil;
+    previous_env := env
+  end
+(* Expand an abbreviation. The expansion is memorized. *)
+   Assume the level is greater than the path binding time of the
+   expanded abbreviation.
+   An abbreviation expansion will fail in either of these cases:
+   1. The type constructor does not correspond to a manifest type.
+   2. The type constructor is defined in an external file, and this
+      file is not in the path (missing -I options).
+   3. The type constructor is not in the "local" environment. This can
+      happens when a non-generic type variable has been instantiated
+      afterwards to the not yet defined type constructor. (Actually,
+      this cannot happen at the moment due to the strong constraints
+      between type levels and constructor binding time.)
+   4. The expansion requires the expansion of another abbreviation,
+      and this other expansion fails.
+let expand_abbrev_gen kind find_type_expansion env ty =
+  let path, args, abbrev = match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr (path,args,abbrev) -> path, args, abbrev
+  | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  check_abbrev_env env;
+  let level = get_level ty in
+  let scope = get_scope ty in
+  let lookup_abbrev = proper_abbrevs args abbrev in
+  let expansion =
+    (* first look for an existing expansion *)
+    match find_expans kind path !lookup_abbrev with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some ty' -> try
+        (* prerr_endline
+           ("found a "^string_of_kind kind^" expansion for "^Path.name path);*)
+        if level <> generic_level then update_level env level ty';
+        update_scope scope ty';
+        Some ty'
+    with Escape _ ->
+      (* in case of Escape, discard the stale expansion and re-expand *)
+      forget_abbrev lookup_abbrev path;
+      None
+  in
+  begin match expansion with
+  | Some ty' -> ty'
+  | None ->
+      (* attempt to (re-)expand *)
+      match find_type_expansion path env with
+      | exception Not_found ->
+          (* another way to expand is to normalize the path itself *)
+          let path' = Env.normalize_type_path None env path in
+          if Path.same path path' then raise Cannot_expand
+          else newty2 ~level (Tconstr (path', args, abbrev))
+      | (params, body, lv) ->
+          (* prerr_endline
+             ("add a "^string_of_kind kind^" expansion for "^Path.name path);*)
+          let ty' =
+            try
+              subst env level kind abbrev (Some ty) params args body
+            with Cannot_subst -> raise_escape_exn Constraint
+          in
+          (* For gadts, remember type as non exportable *)
+          (* The ambiguous level registered for ty' should be the highest *)
+          (* if !trace_gadt_instances then begin *)
+          let scope = Int.max lv (get_scope ty) in
+          update_scope scope ty;
+          update_scope scope ty';
+          ty'
+  end
+(* Expand respecting privacy *)
+let expand_abbrev env ty =
+  expand_abbrev_gen Public Env.find_type_expansion env ty
+(* Expand once the head of a type *)
+let expand_head_once env ty =
+  try
+    expand_abbrev env ty
+  with Cannot_expand | Escape _ -> assert false
+(* Check whether a type can be expanded *)
+let safe_abbrev env ty =
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  try ignore (expand_abbrev env ty); true with
+    Cannot_expand ->
+      Btype.backtrack snap;
+      false
+  | Escape _ ->
+      Btype.backtrack snap;
+      cleanup_abbrev ();
+      false
+(* Expand the head of a type once.
+   Raise Cannot_expand if the type cannot be expanded.
+   May raise Escape, if a recursion was hidden in the type. *)
+let try_expand_once env ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tconstr _ -> expand_abbrev env ty
+  | _ -> raise Cannot_expand
+(* This one only raises Cannot_expand *)
+let try_expand_safe env ty =
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  try try_expand_once env ty
+  with Escape _ ->
+    Btype.backtrack snap; cleanup_abbrev (); raise Cannot_expand
+(* Fully expand the head of a type. *)
+let rec try_expand_head
+    (try_once : Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr) env ty =
+  let ty' = try_once env ty in
+  try try_expand_head try_once env ty'
+  with Cannot_expand -> ty'
+(* Unsafe full expansion, may raise [Unify [Escape _]]. *)
+let expand_head_unif env ty =
+  try
+    try_expand_head try_expand_once env ty
+  with
+  | Cannot_expand -> ty
+  | Escape e -> raise_for Unify (Escape e)
+(* Safe version of expand_head, never fails *)
+let expand_head env ty =
+  try try_expand_head try_expand_safe env ty
+  with Cannot_expand -> ty
+let _ = forward_try_expand_safe := try_expand_safe
+(* Expand until we find a non-abstract type declaration,
+   use try_expand_safe to avoid raising "Unify _" when
+   called on recursive types
+ *)
+type typedecl_extraction_result =
+  | Typedecl of Path.t * Path.t * type_declaration
+  | Has_no_typedecl
+  | May_have_typedecl
+let rec extract_concrete_typedecl env ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
+      begin match Env.find_type p env with
+      | exception Not_found -> May_have_typedecl
+      | decl ->
+          if not (type_kind_is_abstract decl) then Typedecl(p, p, decl)
+          else begin
+            match try_expand_safe env ty with
+            | exception Cannot_expand -> May_have_typedecl
+            | ty ->
+                match extract_concrete_typedecl env ty with
+                | Typedecl(_, p', decl) -> Typedecl(p, p', decl)
+                | Has_no_typedecl -> Has_no_typedecl
+                | May_have_typedecl -> May_have_typedecl
+          end
+      end
+  | Tpoly(ty, _) -> extract_concrete_typedecl env ty
+  | Tarrow _ | Ttuple _ | Tobject _ | Tfield _ | Tnil
+  | Tvariant _ | Tpackage _ -> Has_no_typedecl
+  | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> May_have_typedecl
+  | Tlink _ | Tsubst _ -> assert false
+(* Implementing function [expand_head_opt], the compiler's own version of
+   [expand_head] used for type-based optimisations.
+   [expand_head_opt] uses [Env.find_type_expansion_opt] to access the
+   manifest type information of private abstract data types which is
+   normally hidden to the type-checker out of the implementation module of
+   the private abbreviation. *)
+let expand_abbrev_opt env ty =
+  expand_abbrev_gen Private Env.find_type_expansion_opt env ty
+let safe_abbrev_opt env ty =
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  try ignore (expand_abbrev_opt env ty); true
+  with Cannot_expand | Escape _ ->
+    Btype.backtrack snap;
+    false
+let try_expand_once_opt env ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tconstr _ -> expand_abbrev_opt env ty
+  | _ -> raise Cannot_expand
+let try_expand_safe_opt env ty =
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  try try_expand_once_opt env ty
+  with Escape _ ->
+    Btype.backtrack snap; raise Cannot_expand
+let expand_head_opt env ty =
+  try try_expand_head try_expand_safe_opt env ty with Cannot_expand -> ty
+(* Recursively expand the head of a type.
+   Also expand #-types.
+   Error printing relies on [full_expand] returning exactly its input (i.e., a
+   physically equal type) when nothing changes. *)
+let full_expand ~may_forget_scope env ty =
+  let ty =
+    if may_forget_scope then
+      try expand_head_unif env ty with Unify_trace _ ->
+        (* #10277: forget scopes when printing trace *)
+        with_level ~level:(get_level ty) begin fun () ->
+          (* The same as [expand_head], except in the failing case we return the
+           *original* type, not [duplicate_type ty].*)
+          try try_expand_head try_expand_safe env (duplicate_type ty) with
+          | Cannot_expand -> ty
+        end
+    else expand_head env ty
+  in
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tobject (fi, {contents = Some (_, v::_)}) when is_Tvar v ->
+      newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) (Tobject (fi, ref None))
+  | _ ->
+      ty
+   Check whether the abbreviation expands to a well-defined type.
+   During the typing of a class, abbreviations for correspondings
+   types expand to non-generic types.
+let generic_abbrev env path =
+  try
+    let (_, body, _) = Env.find_type_expansion path env in
+    get_level body = generic_level
+  with
+    Not_found ->
+      false
+let generic_private_abbrev env path =
+  try
+    match Env.find_type path env with
+      {type_kind = Type_abstract _;
+       type_private = Private;
+       type_manifest = Some body} ->
+         get_level body = generic_level
+    | _ -> false
+  with Not_found -> false
+let is_contractive env p =
+  try
+    let decl = Env.find_type p env in
+    in_pervasives p && decl.type_manifest = None || is_datatype decl
+  with Not_found -> false
+                              (*****************)
+                              (*  Occur check  *)
+                              (*****************)
+exception Occur
+let rec occur_rec env allow_recursive visited ty0 ty =
+  if eq_type ty ty0 then raise Occur;
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tconstr(p, _tl, _abbrev) ->
+      if allow_recursive && is_contractive env p then () else
+      begin try
+        if TypeSet.mem ty visited then raise Occur;
+        let visited = TypeSet.add ty visited in
+        iter_type_expr (occur_rec env allow_recursive visited ty0) ty
+      with Occur -> try
+        let ty' = try_expand_head try_expand_safe env ty in
+        (* This call used to be inlined, but there seems no reason for it.
+           Message was referring to change in rev. 1.58 of the CVS repo. *)
+        occur_rec env allow_recursive visited ty0 ty'
+      with Cannot_expand ->
+        raise Occur
+      end
+  | Tobject _ | Tvariant _ ->
+      ()
+  | _ ->
+      if allow_recursive ||  TypeSet.mem ty visited then () else begin
+        let visited = TypeSet.add ty visited in
+        iter_type_expr (occur_rec env allow_recursive visited ty0) ty
+      end
+let type_changed = ref false (* trace possible changes to the studied type *)
+let merge r b = if b then r := true
+let occur uenv ty0 ty =
+  let env = get_env uenv in
+  let allow_recursive = allow_recursive_equations uenv in
+  let old = !type_changed in
+  try
+    while
+      type_changed := false;
+      if not (eq_type ty0 ty) then
+        occur_rec env allow_recursive TypeSet.empty ty0 ty;
+      !type_changed
+    do () (* prerr_endline "changed" *) done;
+    merge type_changed old
+  with exn ->
+    merge type_changed old;
+    raise exn
+let occur_for tr_exn uenv t1 t2 =
+  try
+    occur uenv t1 t2
+  with Occur -> raise_for tr_exn (Rec_occur(t1, t2))
+let occur_in env ty0 t =
+  try occur (Expression {env; in_subst = false}) ty0 t; false with Occur -> true
+(* Check that a local constraint is well-founded *)
+(* PR#6405: not needed since we allow recursion and work on normalized types *)
+(* PR#6992: we actually need it for contractiveness *)
+(* This is a simplified version of occur, only for the rectypes case *)
+let rec local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec strict visited env p ty =
+  (*Format.eprintf "@[Check %s =@ %a@]@." (Path.name p) !Btype.print_raw ty;*)
+  if not (List.memq (get_id ty) visited) then begin
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tconstr(p', args, _abbrev) ->
+        if Path.same p p' then raise Occur;
+        if allow_rec && not strict && is_contractive env p' then () else
+        let visited = get_id ty :: visited in
+        begin try
+          (* try expanding, since [p] could be hidden *)
+          local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec strict visited env p
+            (try_expand_head try_expand_safe_opt env ty)
+        with Cannot_expand ->
+          let params =
+            try (Env.find_type p' env).type_params
+            with Not_found -> args
+          in
+          List.iter2
+            (fun tv ty ->
+              let strict = strict || not (is_Tvar tv) in
+              local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec strict visited env p ty)
+            params args
+        end
+    | Tobject _ | Tvariant _ when not strict ->
+        ()
+    | _ ->
+        if strict || not allow_rec then (* PR#7374 *)
+          let visited = get_id ty :: visited in
+          iter_type_expr
+            (local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec true visited env p) ty
+  end
+let local_non_recursive_abbrev uenv p ty =
+  let env = get_env uenv in
+  let allow_rec = allow_recursive_equations uenv in
+  try (* PR#7397: need to check trace_gadt_instances *)
+    wrap_trace_gadt_instances env
+      (local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec false [] env p) ty;
+    true
+  with Occur -> false
+                   (*****************************)
+                   (*  Polymorphic Unification  *)
+                   (*****************************)
+(* Polymorphic unification is hard in the presence of recursive types.  A
+   correctness argument for the approach below can be made by reference to
+   "Numbering matters: first-order canonical forms for second-order recursive
+   types" (ICFP'04) by Gauthier & Pottier. That work describes putting numbers
+   on nodes; we do not do that here, but instead make a decision about whether
+   to abort or continue based on the comparison of the numbers if we calculated
+   them. A different approach would actually store the relevant numbers in the
+   [Tpoly] nodes. (The algorithm here actually pre-dates that paper, which was
+   developed independently. But reading and understanding the paper will help
+   guide intuition for reading this algorithm nonetheless.) *)
+(* Since we cannot duplicate universal variables, unification must
+   be done at meta-level, using bindings in univar_pairs *)
+let rec unify_univar t1 t2 = function
+    (cl1, cl2) :: rem ->
+      let find_univ t cl =
+        List.find_map (fun (t', r) ->
+          if eq_type t t' then Some r else None
+        ) cl
+      in
+      begin match find_univ t1 cl1, find_univ t2 cl2 with
+        Some {contents=Some t'2}, Some _ when eq_type t2 t'2 ->
+          ()
+      | Some({contents=None} as r1), Some({contents=None} as r2) ->
+          set_univar r1 t2; set_univar r2 t1
+      | None, None ->
+          unify_univar t1 t2 rem
+      | _ ->
+          raise Cannot_unify_universal_variables
+      end
+  | [] ->
+      raise Out_of_scope_universal_variable
+(* The same as [unify_univar], but raises the appropriate exception instead of
+   [Cannot_unify_universal_variables] *)
+let unify_univar_for (type a) (tr_exn : a trace_exn) t1 t2 univar_pairs =
+  try unify_univar t1 t2 univar_pairs with
+  | Cannot_unify_universal_variables -> raise_unexplained_for tr_exn
+  | Out_of_scope_universal_variable ->
+      (* Allow unscoped univars when checking for equality, since one
+         might want to compare arbitrary subparts of types, ignoring scopes;
+         see Typedecl_variance (#13514) for instance *)
+      match tr_exn with
+      | Equality -> raise_unexplained_for tr_exn
+      | _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.unify_univar_for: univar not in scope"
+(* Test the occurrence of free univars in a type *)
+(* That's way too expensive. Must do some kind of caching *)
+(* If [inj_only=true], only check injective positions *)
+let occur_univar ?(inj_only=false) env ty =
+  let visited = ref TypeMap.empty in
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let rec occur_rec bound ty =
+    if not_marked_node mark ty then
+      if TypeSet.is_empty bound then
+        (ignore (try_mark_node mark ty); occur_desc bound ty)
+      else try
+        let bound' = TypeMap.find ty !visited in
+        if not (TypeSet.subset bound' bound) then begin
+          visited := TypeMap.add ty (TypeSet.inter bound bound') !visited;
+          occur_desc bound ty
+        end
+      with Not_found ->
+        visited := TypeMap.add ty bound !visited;
+        occur_desc bound ty
+  and occur_desc bound ty =
+      match get_desc ty with
+        Tunivar _ ->
+          if not (TypeSet.mem ty bound) then
+            raise_escape_exn (Univ ty)
+      | Tpoly (ty, tyl) ->
+          let bound = List.fold_right TypeSet.add tyl bound in
+          occur_rec bound  ty
+      | Tconstr (_, [], _) -> ()
+      | Tconstr (p, tl, _) ->
+          begin try
+            let td = Env.find_type p env in
+            List.iter2
+              (fun t v ->
+                (* The null variance only occurs in type abbreviations and
+                   corresponds to type variables that do not occur in the
+                   definition (expansion would erase them completely).
+                   The type-checker consistently ignores type expressions
+                   in this position. Physical expansion, as done in `occur`,
+                   would be costly here, since we need to check inside
+                   object and variant types too. *)
+                if Variance.(if inj_only then mem Inj v else not (eq v null))
+                then occur_rec bound t)
+              tl td.type_variance
+          with Not_found ->
+            if not inj_only then List.iter (occur_rec bound) tl
+          end
+      | _ -> iter_type_expr (occur_rec bound) ty
+  in
+  occur_rec TypeSet.empty ty
+  end
+let has_free_univars env ty =
+  try occur_univar ~inj_only:false env ty; false with Escape _ -> true
+let has_injective_univars env ty =
+  try occur_univar ~inj_only:true env ty; false with Escape _ -> true
+let occur_univar_for tr_exn env ty =
+  try
+    occur_univar env ty
+  with Escape e -> raise_for tr_exn (Escape e)
+(* Grouping univars by families according to their binders *)
+let add_univars =
+  List.fold_left (fun s (t,_) -> TypeSet.add t s)
+let get_univar_family univar_pairs univars =
+  if univars = [] then TypeSet.empty else
+  let insert s = function
+      cl1, (_::_ as cl2) ->
+        if List.exists (fun (t1,_) -> TypeSet.mem t1 s) cl1 then
+          add_univars s cl2
+        else s
+    | _ -> s
+  in
+  let s = List.fold_right TypeSet.add univars TypeSet.empty in
+  List.fold_left insert s univar_pairs
+(* Whether a family of univars escapes from a type *)
+let univars_escape env univar_pairs vl ty =
+  let family = get_univar_family univar_pairs vl in
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let rec occur t =
+    if try_mark_node mark t then begin
+      match get_desc t with
+        Tpoly (t, tl) ->
+          if List.exists (fun t -> TypeSet.mem t family) tl then ()
+          else occur t
+      | Tunivar _ -> if TypeSet.mem t family then raise_escape_exn (Univ t)
+      | Tconstr (_, [], _) -> ()
+      | Tconstr (p, tl, _) ->
+          begin try
+            let td = Env.find_type p env in
+            List.iter2
+              (* see occur_univar *)
+              (fun t v -> if not Variance.(eq v null) then occur t)
+              tl td.type_variance
+          with Not_found ->
+            List.iter occur tl
+          end
+      | _ ->
+          iter_type_expr occur t
+    end
+  in
+  occur ty
+  end
+let univar_pairs = ref []
+let with_univar_pairs pairs f =
+  let old = !univar_pairs in
+  univar_pairs := pairs;
+  Misc.try_finally f
+    ~always:(fun () -> univar_pairs := old)
+(* Wrapper checking that no variable escapes and updating univar_pairs *)
+let enter_poly env t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f =
+  let old_univars = !univar_pairs in
+  let known_univars =
+    List.fold_left (fun s (cl,_) -> add_univars s cl)
+      TypeSet.empty old_univars
+  in
+  if List.exists (fun t -> TypeSet.mem t known_univars) tl1 then
+     univars_escape env old_univars tl1 (newty(Tpoly(t2,tl2)));
+  if List.exists (fun t -> TypeSet.mem t known_univars) tl2 then
+    univars_escape env old_univars tl2 (newty(Tpoly(t1,tl1)));
+  let cl1 = List.map (fun t -> t, ref None) tl1
+  and cl2 = List.map (fun t -> t, ref None) tl2 in
+  with_univar_pairs
+    ((cl1,cl2) :: (cl2,cl1) :: old_univars)
+    (fun () -> f t1 t2)
+let enter_poly_for tr_exn env t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f =
+  try
+    enter_poly env t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f
+  with Escape e -> raise_for tr_exn (Escape e)
+(**** Instantiate a generic type into a poly type ***)
+let polyfy env ty vars =
+  let subst_univar copy_scope ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvar name when get_level ty = generic_level ->
+        let t = newty (Tunivar name) in
+        For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (t, None));
+        Some t
+    | _ -> None
+  in
+  (* need to expand twice? cf. Ctype.unify2 *)
+  let vars = List.map (expand_head env) vars in
+  let vars = List.map (expand_head env) vars in
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    let vars' = List.filter_map (subst_univar copy_scope) vars in
+    let ty = copy copy_scope ty in
+    let ty = newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) (Tpoly(ty, vars')) in
+    let complete = List.length vars = List.length vars' in
+    ty, complete
+  )
+(* assumption: [ty] is fully generalized. *)
+let reify_univars env ty =
+  let vars = free_variables ty in
+  let ty, _ = polyfy env ty vars in
+  ty
+                              (*****************)
+                              (*  Unification  *)
+                              (*****************)
+let rec has_cached_expansion p abbrev =
+  match abbrev with
+    Mnil                    -> false
+  | Mcons(_, p', _, _, rem) -> Path.same p p' || has_cached_expansion p rem
+  | Mlink rem               -> has_cached_expansion p !rem
+(**** Transform error trace ****)
+(* +++ Move it to some other place ? *)
+(* That's hard to do because it relies on the expansion machinery in Ctype,
+   but still might be nice. *)
+let expand_type env ty =
+  { ty       = ty;
+    expanded = full_expand ~may_forget_scope:true env ty }
+let expand_any_trace map env trace =
+  map (expand_type env) trace
+let expand_trace env trace =
+  expand_any_trace Errortrace.map env trace
+let expand_subtype_trace env trace =
+  expand_any_trace Subtype.map env trace
+let expand_to_unification_error env trace =
+  unification_error ~trace:(expand_trace env trace)
+let expand_to_equality_error env trace subst =
+  equality_error ~trace:(expand_trace env trace) ~subst
+let expand_to_moregen_error env trace =
+  moregen_error ~trace:(expand_trace env trace)
+(* [expand_trace] and the [expand_to_*_error] functions take care of most of the
+   expansion in this file, but we occasionally need to build [Errortrace.error]s
+   in other ways/elsewhere, so we expose some machinery for doing so
+(* Equivalent to [expand_trace env [Diff {got; expected}]] for a single
+   element *)
+let expanded_diff env ~got ~expected =
+  Diff (map_diff (expand_type env) {got; expected})
+(* Diff while transforming a [type_expr] into an [expanded_type] without
+   expanding *)
+let unexpanded_diff ~got ~expected =
+  Diff (map_diff trivial_expansion {got; expected})
+(**** Unification ****)
+(* Return whether [t0] occurs in [ty]. Objects are also traversed. *)
+let deep_occur t0 ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let rec occur_rec ty =
+    if get_level ty >= get_level t0 && try_mark_node mark ty then begin
+      if eq_type ty t0 then raise Occur;
+      iter_type_expr occur_rec ty
+    end
+  in
+  try
+    occur_rec ty; false
+  with Occur ->
+    true
+  end
+(* A local constraint can be added only if the rhs
+   of the constraint does not contain any Tvars.
+   They need to be removed using this function.
+   This function is called only in [Pattern] mode. *)
+let reify uenv t =
+  let fresh_constr_scope = get_equations_scope uenv in
+  let create_fresh_constr lev name =
+    let name = match name with Some s -> "$'"^s | _ -> "$" in
+    let decl = new_local_type Definition in
+    let env = get_env uenv in
+    let new_name =
+      (* unique names are needed only for error messages *)
+      if in_counterexample uenv then name else get_new_abstract_name env name
+    in
+    let (id, new_env) =
+      Env.enter_type new_name decl env ~scope:fresh_constr_scope in
+    let path = Path.Pident id in
+    let t = newty2 ~level:lev (Tconstr (path,[],ref Mnil)) in
+    set_env uenv new_env;
+    path, t
+  in
+  let visited = ref TypeSet.empty in
+  let rec iterator ty =
+    if TypeSet.mem ty !visited then () else begin
+      visited := TypeSet.add ty !visited;
+      match get_desc ty with
+        Tvar o ->
+          let level = get_level ty in
+          let path, t = create_fresh_constr level o in
+          link_type ty t;
+          if level < fresh_constr_scope then
+            raise_for Unify (Escape (escape (Constructor path)))
+      | Tvariant r ->
+          if not (static_row r) then begin
+            if is_fixed r then iterator (row_more r) else
+            let m = row_more r in
+            match get_desc m with
+              Tvar o ->
+                let level = get_level m in
+                let path, t = create_fresh_constr level o in
+                let row =
+                  let fixed = Some (Reified path) in
+                  create_row ~fields:[] ~more:t ~fixed
+                    ~name:(row_name r) ~closed:(row_closed r) in
+                link_type m (newty2 ~level (Tvariant row));
+                if level < fresh_constr_scope then
+                  raise_for Unify (Escape (escape (Constructor path)))
+            | _ -> assert false
+          end;
+          iter_row iterator r
+      | _ ->
+          iter_type_expr iterator ty
+    end
+  in
+  iterator t
+let find_expansion_scope env path =
+  match Env.find_type path env with
+  | { type_manifest = None ; _ } | exception Not_found -> generic_level
+  | decl -> decl.type_expansion_scope
+let non_aliasable p decl =
+  (* in_pervasives p ||  (subsumed by in_current_module) *)
+  in_current_module p && not decl.type_is_newtype
+let is_instantiable env p =
+  try
+    let decl = Env.find_type p env in
+    type_kind_is_abstract decl &&
+    decl.type_private = Public &&
+    decl.type_arity = 0 &&
+    decl.type_manifest = None &&
+    not (non_aliasable p decl)
+  with Not_found -> false
+let compatible_paths p1 p2 =
+  let open Predef in
+  Path.same p1 p2 ||
+  Path.same p1 path_bytes && Path.same p2 path_string ||
+  Path.same p1 path_string && Path.same p2 path_bytes
+(* Two labels are considered compatible under certain conditions.
+  - they are the same
+  - in classic mode, only optional labels are relavant
+  - in pattern mode, we act as if we were in classic mode. If not, interactions
+    with GADTs from files compiled in classic mode would be unsound.
+let compatible_labels ~in_pattern_mode l1 l2 =
+  l1 = l2
+  || (!Clflags.classic || in_pattern_mode)
+      && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2)
+let eq_labels error_mode ~in_pattern_mode l1 l2 =
+  if not (compatible_labels ~in_pattern_mode l1 l2) then
+    raise_for error_mode (Function_label_mismatch {got=l1; expected=l2})
+(* Check for datatypes carefully; see PR#6348 *)
+let rec expands_to_datatype env ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
+      begin try
+        is_datatype (Env.find_type p env) ||
+        expands_to_datatype env (try_expand_safe env ty)
+      with Not_found | Cannot_expand -> false
+      end
+  | _ -> false
+(* [mcomp] tests if two types are "compatible" -- i.e., if there could
+   exist a witness of their equality. This is distinct from [eqtype],
+   which checks if two types *are*  exactly the same.
+   [mcomp] is used to decide whether GADT cases are unreachable.
+   The existence of a witness is necessarily an incomplete property,
+   i.e. there exists types for which we cannot tell if an equality
+   witness could exist or not. Typically, this is the case for
+   abstract types, which could be equal to anything, depending on
+   their actual definition. As a result [mcomp] overapproximates
+   compatibilty, i.e. when it says that two types are incompatible, we
+   are sure that there exists no equality witness, but if it does not
+   say so, there is no guarantee that such a witness could exist.
+ *)
+(* [mcomp type_pairs subst env t1 t2] should not raise an
+   exception if it is possible that t1 and t2 are actually
+   equal, assuming the types in type_pairs are equal and
+   that the mapping subst holds.
+   Assumes that both t1 and t2 do not contain any tvars
+   and that both their objects and variants are closed
+ *)
+let rec mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2 =
+  if eq_type t1 t2 then () else
+  match (get_desc t1, get_desc t2) with
+  | (Tvar _, _)
+  | (_, Tvar _)  ->
+      ()
+  | (Tconstr (p1, [], _), Tconstr (p2, [], _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+      ()
+  | _ ->
+      let t1' = expand_head_opt env t1 in
+      let t2' = expand_head_opt env t2 in
+      (* Expansion may have changed the representative of the types... *)
+      if eq_type t1' t2' then () else
+      if not (TypePairs.mem type_pairs (t1', t2')) then begin
+        TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1', t2');
+        match (get_desc t1', get_desc t2') with
+        | (Tvar _, _)
+        | (_, Tvar _)  ->
+            ()
+        | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _))
+          when compatible_labels ~in_pattern_mode:true l1 l2 ->
+            mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2;
+            mcomp type_pairs env u1 u2;
+        | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
+            mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2
+        | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _)) ->
+            mcomp_type_decl type_pairs env p1 p2 tl1 tl2
+        | (Tconstr (_, [], _), _) when has_injective_univars env t2' ->
+            raise_unexplained_for Unify
+        | (_, Tconstr (_, [], _)) when has_injective_univars env t1' ->
+            raise_unexplained_for Unify
+        | (Tconstr (p, _, _), _) | (_, Tconstr (p, _, _)) ->
+            begin try
+              let decl = Env.find_type p env in
+              if non_aliasable p decl || is_datatype decl then
+                raise Incompatible
+            with Not_found -> ()
+            end
+        (*
+        | (Tpackage (p1, n1, tl1), Tpackage (p2, n2, tl2)) when n1 = n2 ->
+            mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2
+        *)
+        | (Tpackage _, Tpackage _) -> ()
+        | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) ->
+            mcomp_row type_pairs env row1 row2
+        | (Tobject (fi1, _), Tobject (fi2, _)) ->
+            mcomp_fields type_pairs env fi1 fi2
+        | (Tfield _, Tfield _) ->       (* Actually unused *)
+            mcomp_fields type_pairs env t1' t2'
+        | (Tnil, Tnil) ->
+            ()
+        | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) ->
+            mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2
+        | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) ->
+            (try
+               enter_poly env
+                 t1 tl1 t2 tl2 (mcomp type_pairs env)
+             with Escape _ -> raise Incompatible)
+        | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) ->
+            begin try unify_univar t1' t2' !univar_pairs with
+            | Cannot_unify_universal_variables -> raise Incompatible
+            | Out_of_scope_universal_variable -> ()
+            end
+        | (_, _) ->
+            raise Incompatible
+      end
+and mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2 =
+  if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then
+    raise Incompatible;
+  List.iter2 (mcomp type_pairs env) tl1 tl2
+and mcomp_fields type_pairs env ty1 ty2 =
+  if not (concrete_object ty1 && concrete_object ty2) then assert false;
+  let (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in
+  let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 in
+  let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
+  let has_present =
+    List.exists (fun (_, k, _) -> field_kind_repr k = Fpublic) in
+  mcomp type_pairs env rest1 rest2;
+  if has_present miss1  && get_desc (object_row ty2) = Tnil
+  || has_present miss2  && get_desc (object_row ty1) = Tnil
+  then raise Incompatible;
+  List.iter
+    (function (_n, k1, t1, k2, t2) ->
+       mcomp_kind k1 k2;
+       mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2)
+    pairs
+and mcomp_kind k1 k2 =
+  let k1 = field_kind_repr k1 in
+  let k2 = field_kind_repr k2 in
+  match k1, k2 with
+    (Fpublic, Fabsent)
+  | (Fabsent, Fpublic) -> raise Incompatible
+  | _                  -> ()
+and mcomp_row type_pairs env row1 row2 =
+  let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields (row_fields row1) (row_fields row2) in
+  let cannot_erase (_,f) =
+    match row_field_repr f with
+      Rpresent _ -> true
+    | Rabsent | Reither _ -> false
+  in
+  if row_closed row1 && List.exists cannot_erase r2
+  || row_closed row2 && List.exists cannot_erase r1 then raise Incompatible;
+  List.iter
+    (fun (_,f1,f2) ->
+      match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+      | Rpresent None, (Rpresent (Some _) | Reither (_, _::_, _) | Rabsent)
+      | Rpresent (Some _), (Rpresent None | Reither (true, _, _) | Rabsent)
+      | (Reither (_, _::_, _) | Rabsent), Rpresent None
+      | (Reither (true, _, _) | Rabsent), Rpresent (Some _) ->
+          raise Incompatible
+      | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
+          mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2
+      | Rpresent(Some t1), Reither(false, tl2, _) ->
+          List.iter (mcomp type_pairs env t1) tl2
+      | Reither(false, tl1, _), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
+          List.iter (mcomp type_pairs env t2) tl1
+      | _ -> ())
+    pairs
+and mcomp_type_decl type_pairs env p1 p2 tl1 tl2 =
+  try
+    let decl = Env.find_type p1 env in
+    let decl' = Env.find_type p2 env in
+    if compatible_paths p1 p2 then begin
+      let inj =
+        try List.map Variance.(mem Inj) (Env.find_type p1 env).type_variance
+        with Not_found -> List.map (fun _ -> false) tl1
+      in
+      List.iter2
+        (fun i (t1,t2) -> if i then mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2)
+        inj (List.combine tl1 tl2)
+    end else if non_aliasable p1 decl && non_aliasable p2 decl' then
+      raise Incompatible
+    else
+      match decl.type_kind, decl'.type_kind with
+      | Type_record (lst,r), Type_record (lst',r') when r = r' ->
+          mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2;
+          mcomp_record_description type_pairs env lst lst'
+      | Type_variant (v1,r), Type_variant (v2,r') when r = r' ->
+          mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2;
+          mcomp_variant_description type_pairs env v1 v2
+      | Type_open, Type_open ->
+          mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2
+      | Type_abstract _, Type_abstract _ -> ()
+      | Type_abstract _, _ when not (non_aliasable p1 decl)-> ()
+      | _, Type_abstract _ when not (non_aliasable p2 decl') -> ()
+      | _ -> raise Incompatible
+  with Not_found -> ()
+and mcomp_type_option type_pairs env t t' =
+  match t, t' with
+    None, None -> ()
+  | Some t, Some t' -> mcomp type_pairs env t t'
+  | _ -> raise Incompatible
+and mcomp_variant_description type_pairs env xs ys =
+  let rec iter = fun x y ->
+    match x, y with
+    | c1 :: xs, c2 :: ys   ->
+      mcomp_type_option type_pairs env c1.cd_res c2.cd_res;
+      begin match c1.cd_args, c2.cd_args with
+      | Cstr_tuple l1, Cstr_tuple l2 -> mcomp_list type_pairs env l1 l2
+      | Cstr_record l1, Cstr_record l2 ->
+          mcomp_record_description type_pairs env l1 l2
+      | _ -> raise Incompatible
+      end;
+     if Ident.name c1.cd_id = Ident.name c2.cd_id
+      then iter xs ys
+      else raise Incompatible
+    | [],[] -> ()
+    | _ -> raise Incompatible
+  in
+  iter xs ys
+and mcomp_record_description type_pairs env =
+  let rec iter x y =
+    match x, y with
+    | l1 :: xs, l2 :: ys ->
+        mcomp type_pairs env l1.ld_type l2.ld_type;
+        if Ident.name l1.ld_id = Ident.name l2.ld_id &&
+           l1.ld_mutable = l2.ld_mutable
+        then iter xs ys
+        else raise Incompatible
+    | [], [] -> ()
+    | _ -> raise Incompatible
+  in
+  iter
+let mcomp env t1 t2 =
+  mcomp (TypePairs.create 4) env t1 t2
+let mcomp_for tr_exn env t1 t2 =
+  try
+    mcomp env t1 t2
+  with Incompatible -> raise_unexplained_for tr_exn
+(* Real unification *)
+let find_lowest_level ty =
+  let lowest = ref generic_level in
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec find ty =
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then begin
+        let level = get_level ty in
+        if level < !lowest then lowest := level;
+        iter_type_expr find ty
+      end
+    in find ty
+  end;
+  !lowest
+(* This function can be called only in [Pattern] mode. *)
+let add_gadt_equation uenv source destination =
+  (* Format.eprintf "@[add_gadt_equation %s %a@]@."
+    (Path.name source) !Btype.print_raw destination; *)
+  let env = get_env uenv in
+  if has_free_univars env destination then
+    occur_univar ~inj_only:true env destination
+  else if local_non_recursive_abbrev uenv source destination then begin
+    let destination = duplicate_type destination in
+    let expansion_scope =
+      Int.max (Path.scope source) (get_equations_scope uenv)
+    in
+    let type_origin =
+      match Env.find_type source env with
+      | decl -> type_origin decl
+      | exception Not_found -> assert false
+    in
+    let decl =
+      new_local_type
+        ~manifest_and_scope:(destination, expansion_scope)
+        type_origin
+    in
+    set_env uenv (Env.add_local_constraint source decl env);
+    cleanup_abbrev ()
+  end
+let eq_package_path env p1 p2 =
+  Path.same p1 p2 ||
+  Path.same (normalize_package_path env p1) (normalize_package_path env p2)
+let nondep_type' = ref (fun _ _ _ -> assert false)
+let package_subtype = ref (fun _ _ _ _ _ -> assert false)
+exception Nondep_cannot_erase of Ident.t
+let rec concat_longident lid1 =
+  let open Longident in
+  function
+    Lident s -> Ldot (lid1, s)
+  | Ldot (lid2, s) -> Ldot (concat_longident lid1 lid2, s)
+  | Lapply (lid2, lid) -> Lapply (concat_longident lid1 lid2, lid)
+let nondep_instance env level id ty =
+  let ty = !nondep_type' env [id] ty in
+  if level = generic_level then duplicate_type ty else
+  with_level ~level (fun () -> instance ty)
+(* Find the type paths nl1 in the module type mty2, and add them to the
+   list (nl2, tl2). raise Not_found if impossible *)
+let complete_type_list ?(allow_absent=false) env fl1 lv2 mty2 fl2 =
+  (* This is morally WRONG: we're adding a (dummy) module without a scope in the
+     environment. However no operation which cares about levels/scopes is going
+     to happen while this module exists.
+     The only operations that happen are:
+     - Env.find_type_by_name
+     - nondep_instance
+     None of which check the scope.
+     It'd be nice if we avoided creating such temporary dummy modules and broken
+     environments though. *)
+  let id2 = Ident.create_local "Pkg" in
+  let env' = Env.add_module id2 Mp_present mty2 env in
+  let rec complete fl1 fl2 =
+    match fl1, fl2 with
+      [], _ -> fl2
+    | (n, _) :: nl, (n2, _ as nt2) :: ntl' when n >= n2 ->
+        nt2 :: complete (if n = n2 then nl else fl1) ntl'
+    | (n, _) :: nl, _ ->
+        let lid = concat_longident (Longident.Lident "Pkg") n in
+        match Env.find_type_by_name lid env' with
+        | (_, {type_arity = 0; type_kind = Type_abstract _;
+               type_private = Public; type_manifest = Some t2}) ->
+            begin match nondep_instance env' lv2 id2 t2 with
+            | t -> (n, t) :: complete nl fl2
+            | exception Nondep_cannot_erase _ ->
+                if allow_absent then
+                  complete nl fl2
+                else
+                  raise Exit
+            end
+        | (_, {type_arity = 0; type_kind = Type_abstract _;
+               type_private = Public; type_manifest = None})
+          when allow_absent ->
+            complete nl fl2
+        | _ -> raise Exit
+        | exception Not_found when allow_absent->
+            complete nl fl2
+  in
+  match complete fl1 fl2 with
+  | res -> res
+  | exception Exit -> raise Not_found
+(* raise Not_found rather than Unify if the module types are incompatible *)
+let unify_package env unify_list lv1 p1 fl1 lv2 p2 fl2 =
+  let ntl2 = complete_type_list env fl1 lv2 (Mty_ident p2) fl2
+  and ntl1 = complete_type_list env fl2 lv1 (Mty_ident p1) fl1 in
+  unify_list (List.map snd ntl1) (List.map snd ntl2);
+  if eq_package_path env p1 p2 then Ok ()
+  else Result.bind
+      (!package_subtype env p1 fl1 p2 fl2)
+      (fun () -> !package_subtype env p2 fl2 p1 fl1)
+(* force unification in Reither when one side has a non-conjunctive type *)
+(* Code smell: this could also be put in unification_environment.
+   Only modified by expand_head_rigid, but the corresponding unification
+   environment is built in subst. *)
+let rigid_variants = ref false
+let unify1_var uenv t1 t2 =
+  assert (is_Tvar t1);
+  occur_for Unify uenv t1 t2;
+  let env = get_env uenv in
+  match occur_univar_for Unify env t2 with
+  | () ->
+      begin
+        try
+          update_level env (get_level t1) t2;
+          update_scope (get_scope t1) t2;
+        with Escape e ->
+          raise_for Unify (Escape e)
+      end;
+      link_type t1 t2;
+      true
+  | exception Unify_trace _ when in_pattern_mode uenv ->
+      false
+(* Called from unify3 *)
+let unify3_var uenv t1' t2 t2' =
+  occur_for Unify uenv t1' t2;
+  match occur_univar_for Unify (get_env uenv) t2 with
+  | () -> link_type t1' t2
+  | exception Unify_trace _ when in_pattern_mode uenv ->
+      reify uenv t1';
+      reify uenv t2';
+      occur_univar ~inj_only:true (get_env uenv) t2';
+      record_equation uenv t1' t2'
+   1. When unifying two non-abbreviated types, one type is made a link
+      to the other. When unifying an abbreviated type with a
+      non-abbreviated type, the non-abbreviated type is made a link to
+      the other one. When unifying to abbreviated types, these two
+      types are kept distincts, but they are made to (temporally)
+      expand to the same type.
+   2. Abbreviations with at least one parameter are systematically
+      expanded. The overhead does not seem too high, and that way
+      abbreviations where some parameters does not appear in the
+      expansion, such as ['a t = int], are correctly handled. In
+      particular, for this example, unifying ['a t] with ['b t] keeps
+      ['a] and ['b] distincts. (Is it really important ?)
+   3. Unifying an abbreviation ['a t = 'a] with ['a] should not yield
+      ['a t as 'a]. Indeed, the type variable would otherwise be lost.
+      This problem occurs for abbreviations expanding to a type
+      variable, but also to many other constrained abbreviations (for
+      instance, [(< x : 'a > -> unit) t = <x : 'a>]). The solution is
+      that, if an abbreviation is unified with some subpart of its
+      parameters, then the parameter actually does not get
+      abbreviated.  It would be possible to check whether some
+      information is indeed lost, but it probably does not worth it.
+let rec unify uenv t1 t2 =
+  (* First step: special cases (optimizations) *)
+  if unify_eq uenv t1 t2 then () else
+  let reset_tracing = check_trace_gadt_instances (get_env uenv) in
+  try
+    type_changed := true;
+    begin match (get_desc t1, get_desc t2) with
+      (Tvar _, Tconstr _) when deep_occur t1 t2 ->
+        unify2 uenv t1 t2
+    | (Tconstr _, Tvar _) when deep_occur t2 t1 ->
+        unify2 uenv t1 t2
+    | (Tvar _, _) ->
+        if unify1_var uenv t1 t2 then () else unify2 uenv t1 t2
+    | (_, Tvar _) ->
+        if unify1_var uenv t2 t1 then () else unify2 uenv t1 t2
+    | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) ->
+        unify_univar_for Unify t1 t2 !univar_pairs;
+        update_level_for Unify (get_env uenv) (get_level t1) t2;
+        update_scope_for Unify (get_scope t1) t2;
+        link_type t1 t2
+    | (Tconstr (p1, [], a1), Tconstr (p2, [], a2))
+          when Path.same p1 p2
+            (* This optimization assumes that t1 does not expand to t2
+               (and conversely), so we fall back to the general case
+               when any of the types has a cached expansion. *)
+            && not (has_cached_expansion p1 !a1
+                 || has_cached_expansion p2 !a2) ->
+        update_level_for Unify (get_env uenv) (get_level t1) t2;
+        update_scope_for Unify (get_scope t1) t2;
+        link_type t1 t2
+    | (Tconstr _, Tconstr _) when Env.has_local_constraints (get_env uenv) ->
+        unify2_rec uenv t1 t1 t2 t2
+    | _ ->
+        unify2 uenv t1 t2
+    end;
+    reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing;
+  with Unify_trace trace ->
+    reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing;
+    raise_trace_for Unify (Diff {got = t1; expected = t2} :: trace)
+and unify2 uenv t1 t2 = unify2_expand uenv t1 t1 t2 t2
+and unify2_rec uenv t10 t1 t20 t2 =
+  if unify_eq uenv t1 t2 then () else
+  try match (get_desc t1, get_desc t2) with
+  | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, a1), Tconstr (p2, tl2, a2)) ->
+      if Path.same p1 p2 && tl1 = [] && tl2 = []
+      && not (has_cached_expansion p1 !a1 || has_cached_expansion p2 !a2)
+      then begin
+        update_level_for Unify (get_env uenv) (get_level t1) t2;
+        update_scope_for Unify (get_scope t1) t2;
+        link_type t1 t2
+      end else
+        let env = get_env uenv in
+        if find_expansion_scope env p1 > find_expansion_scope env p2
+        then unify2_rec uenv t10 t1 t20 (try_expand_safe env t2)
+        else unify2_rec uenv t10 (try_expand_safe env t1) t20 t2
+  | _ ->
+      raise Cannot_expand
+  with Cannot_expand ->
+    unify2_expand uenv t10 t1 t20 t2
+and unify2_expand uenv t1 t1' t2 t2' =
+  (* Second step: expansion of abbreviations *)
+  (* Expansion may change the representative of the types. *)
+  let env = get_env uenv in
+  ignore (expand_head_unif env t1');
+  ignore (expand_head_unif env t2');
+  let t1' = expand_head_unif env t1' in
+  let t2' = expand_head_unif env t2' in
+  let lv = Int.min (get_level t1') (get_level t2') in
+  let scope = Int.max (get_scope t1') (get_scope t2') in
+  update_level_for Unify env lv t2;
+  update_level_for Unify env lv t1;
+  update_scope_for Unify scope t2;
+  update_scope_for Unify scope t1;
+  if unify_eq uenv t1' t2' then () else
+  let t1, t2 =
+    if !Clflags.principal
+    && (find_lowest_level t1' < lv || find_lowest_level t2' < lv) then
+      (* Expand abbreviations hiding a lower level *)
+      (* Should also do it for parameterized types, after unification... *)
+      (match get_desc t1 with Tconstr (_, [], _) -> t1' | _ -> t1),
+      (match get_desc t2 with Tconstr (_, [], _) -> t2' | _ -> t2)
+    else (t1, t2)
+  in
+  if unify_eq uenv t1 t1' || not (unify_eq uenv t2 t2') then
+    unify3 uenv t1 t1' t2 t2'
+  else
+    try unify3 uenv t2 t2' t1 t1' with Unify_trace trace ->
+      raise_trace_for Unify (swap_trace trace)
+and unify3 uenv t1 t1' t2 t2' =
+  (* Third step: truly unification *)
+  (* Assumes either [t1 == t1'] or [t2 != t2'] *)
+  let tt1' = Transient_expr.repr t1' in
+  let d1 = tt1'.desc and d2 = get_desc t2' in
+  let create_recursion =
+    (not (eq_type t2 t2')) && (deep_occur t1'  t2) in
+  begin match (d1, d2) with (* handle vars and univars specially *)
+    (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) ->
+      unify_univar_for Unify t1' t2' !univar_pairs;
+      link_type t1' t2'
+  | (Tvar _, _) ->
+      unify3_var uenv t1' t2 t2'
+  | (_, Tvar _) ->
+      unify3_var uenv t2' t1 t1'
+  | (Tfield _, Tfield _) -> (* special case for GADTs *)
+      unify_fields uenv t1' t2'
+  | _ ->
+    if in_pattern_mode uenv then
+      add_type_equality uenv t1' t2'
+    else begin
+      occur_for Unify uenv t1' t2;
+      link_type t1' t2
+    end;
+    try
+      begin match (d1, d2) with
+        (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, c1), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, c2)) ->
+          eq_labels Unify ~in_pattern_mode:(in_pattern_mode uenv) l1 l2;
+          unify uenv t1 t2; unify uenv u1 u2;
+          begin match is_commu_ok c1, is_commu_ok c2 with
+          | false, true -> set_commu_ok c1
+          | true, false -> set_commu_ok c2
+          | false, false -> link_commu ~inside:c1 c2
+          | true, true -> ()
+          end
+      | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
+          unify_list uenv tl1 tl2
+      | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+          if not (in_pattern_mode uenv) then
+            unify_list uenv tl1 tl2
+          else if can_assume_injective uenv then
+            without_assume_injective uenv (fun uenv -> unify_list uenv tl1 tl2)
+          else if in_current_module p1 (* || in_pervasives p1 *)
+               || List.exists (expands_to_datatype (get_env uenv)) [t1'; t1; t2]
+          then
+            unify_list uenv tl1 tl2
+          else
+            let inj =
+              try List.map Variance.(mem Inj)
+                    (Env.find_type p1 (get_env uenv)).type_variance
+              with Not_found -> List.map (fun _ -> false) tl1
+            in
+            List.iter2
+              (fun i (t1, t2) ->
+                if i then unify uenv t1 t2 else begin
+                  reify uenv t1;
+                  reify uenv t2
+                end)
+              inj (List.combine tl1 tl2)
+      | (Tconstr (path,[],_),
+         Tconstr (path',[],_))
+        when in_pattern_mode uenv &&
+        let env = get_env uenv in
+        is_instantiable env path && is_instantiable env path' ->
+          let source, destination =
+            if Path.scope path > Path.scope path'
+            then  path , t2'
+            else  path', t1'
+          in
+          record_equation uenv t1' t2';
+          add_gadt_equation uenv source destination
+      | (Tconstr (path,[],_), _)
+        when in_pattern_mode uenv && is_instantiable (get_env uenv) path ->
+          reify uenv t2';
+          record_equation uenv t1' t2';
+          add_gadt_equation uenv path t2'
+      | (_, Tconstr (path,[],_))
+        when in_pattern_mode uenv && is_instantiable (get_env uenv) path ->
+          reify uenv t1';
+          record_equation uenv t1' t2';
+          add_gadt_equation uenv path t1'
+      | (Tconstr (_,_,_), _) | (_, Tconstr (_,_,_)) when in_pattern_mode uenv ->
+          reify uenv t1';
+          reify uenv t2';
+          mcomp_for Unify (get_env uenv) t1' t2';
+          record_equation uenv t1' t2'
+      | (Tobject (fi1, nm1), Tobject (fi2, _)) ->
+          unify_fields uenv fi1 fi2;
+          (* Type [t2'] may have been instantiated by [unify_fields] *)
+          (* XXX One should do some kind of unification... *)
+          begin match get_desc t2' with
+            Tobject (_, {contents = Some (_, va::_)}) when
+              (match get_desc va with
+                Tvar _|Tunivar _|Tnil -> true | _ -> false) -> ()
+          | Tobject (_, nm2) -> set_name nm2 !nm1
+          | _ -> ()
+          end
+      | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) ->
+          if not (in_pattern_mode uenv) then
+            unify_row uenv row1 row2
+          else begin
+            let snap = snapshot () in
+            try unify_row uenv row1 row2
+            with Unify_trace _ ->
+              backtrack snap;
+              reify uenv t1';
+              reify uenv t2';
+              mcomp_for Unify (get_env uenv) t1' t2';
+              record_equation uenv t1' t2'
+          end
+      | (Tfield(f,kind,_,rem), Tnil) | (Tnil, Tfield(f,kind,_,rem)) ->
+          begin match field_kind_repr kind with
+            Fprivate when f <> dummy_method ->
+              link_kind ~inside:kind field_absent;
+              if d2 = Tnil then unify uenv rem t2'
+              else unify uenv (newgenty Tnil) rem
+          | _      ->
+              if f = dummy_method then
+                raise_for Unify (Obj Self_cannot_be_closed)
+              else if d1 = Tnil then
+                raise_for Unify (Obj (Missing_field(First, f)))
+              else
+                raise_for Unify (Obj (Missing_field(Second, f)))
+          end
+      | (Tnil, Tnil) ->
+          ()
+      | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) ->
+          unify uenv t1 t2
+      | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) ->
+          enter_poly_for Unify (get_env uenv) t1 tl1 t2 tl2
+            (unify uenv)
+      | (Tpackage (p1, fl1), Tpackage (p2, fl2)) ->
+          begin match
+            unify_package (get_env uenv) (unify_list uenv)
+              (get_level t1) p1 fl1 (get_level t2) p2 fl2
+          with
+          | Ok () -> ()
+          | Error fm_err ->
+              if not (in_pattern_mode uenv) then
+                raise_for Unify (Errortrace.First_class_module fm_err);
+              List.iter (fun (_n, ty) -> reify uenv ty) (fl1 @ fl2);
+          | exception Not_found ->
+            if not (in_pattern_mode uenv) then raise_unexplained_for Unify;
+            List.iter (fun (_n, ty) -> reify uenv ty) (fl1 @ fl2);
+            (* if !generate_equations then List.iter2 (mcomp !env) tl1 tl2 *)
+          end
+      | (Tnil,  Tconstr _ ) ->
+          raise_for Unify (Obj (Abstract_row Second))
+      | (Tconstr _,  Tnil ) ->
+          raise_for Unify (Obj (Abstract_row First))
+      | (_, _) -> raise_unexplained_for Unify
+      end;
+      (* XXX Commentaires + changer "create_recursion"
+         ||| Comments + change "create_recursion" *)
+      if create_recursion then
+        match get_desc t2 with
+          Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) ->
+            forget_abbrev abbrev p;
+            let t2'' = expand_head_unif (get_env uenv) t2 in
+            if not (closed_parameterized_type tl t2'') then
+              link_type t2 t2'
+        | _ ->
+            () (* t2 has already been expanded by update_level *)
+    with Unify_trace trace ->
+      Transient_expr.set_desc tt1' d1;
+      raise_trace_for Unify trace
+  end
+and unify_list env tl1 tl2 =
+  if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then
+    raise_unexplained_for Unify;
+  List.iter2 (unify env) tl1 tl2
+(* Build a fresh row variable for unification *)
+and make_rowvar level use1 rest1 use2 rest2  =
+  let set_name ty name =
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tvar None -> set_type_desc ty (Tvar name)
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let name =
+    match get_desc rest1, get_desc rest2 with
+      Tvar (Some _ as name1), Tvar (Some _ as name2) ->
+        if get_level rest1 <= get_level rest2 then name1 else name2
+    | Tvar (Some _ as name), _ ->
+        if use2 then set_name rest2 name; name
+    | _, Tvar (Some _ as name) ->
+        if use1 then set_name rest2 name; name
+    | _ -> None
+  in
+  if use1 then rest1 else
+  if use2 then rest2 else newty2 ~level (Tvar name)
+and unify_fields uenv ty1 ty2 =          (* Optimization *)
+  let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1
+  and (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in
+  let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
+  let l1 = get_level ty1 and l2 = get_level ty2 in
+  let va = make_rowvar (Int.min l1 l2) (miss2=[]) rest1 (miss1=[]) rest2 in
+  let tr1 = Transient_expr.repr rest1 and tr2 = Transient_expr.repr rest2 in
+  let d1 = tr1.desc and d2 = tr2.desc in
+  try
+    unify uenv (build_fields l1 miss1 va) rest2;
+    unify uenv rest1 (build_fields l2 miss2 va);
+    List.iter
+      (fun (name, k1, t1, k2, t2) ->
+        unify_kind k1 k2;
+        try
+          if !trace_gadt_instances && not (in_subst_mode uenv) then begin
+            (* in_subst_mode: see PR#11771 *)
+            update_level_for Unify (get_env uenv) (get_level va) t1;
+            update_scope_for Unify (get_scope va) t1
+          end;
+          unify uenv t1 t2
+        with Unify_trace trace ->
+          raise_trace_for Unify
+            (incompatible_fields ~name ~got:t1 ~expected:t2 :: trace)
+      )
+      pairs
+  with exn ->
+    Transient_expr.set_desc tr1 d1;
+    Transient_expr.set_desc tr2 d2;
+    raise exn
+and unify_kind k1 k2 =
+  match field_kind_repr k1, field_kind_repr k2 with
+    (Fprivate, (Fprivate | Fpublic)) -> link_kind ~inside:k1 k2
+  | (Fpublic, Fprivate)              -> link_kind ~inside:k2 k1
+  | (Fpublic, Fpublic)               -> ()
+  | _                                -> assert false
+and unify_row uenv row1 row2 =
+  let Row {fields = row1_fields; more = rm1;
+           closed = row1_closed; name = row1_name} = row_repr row1 in
+  let Row {fields = row2_fields; more = rm2;
+           closed = row2_closed; name = row2_name} = row_repr row2 in
+  if unify_eq uenv rm1 rm2 then () else
+  let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields row1_fields row2_fields in
+  if r1 <> [] && r2 <> [] then begin
+    let ht = Hashtbl.create (List.length r1) in
+    List.iter (fun (l,_) -> Hashtbl.add ht (hash_variant l) l) r1;
+    List.iter
+      (fun (l,_) ->
+        try raise (Tags(l, Hashtbl.find ht (hash_variant l)))
+        with Not_found -> ())
+      r2
+  end;
+  let fixed1 = fixed_explanation row1 and fixed2 = fixed_explanation row2 in
+  let more = match fixed1, fixed2 with
+    | Some _, Some _ -> if get_level rm2 < get_level rm1 then rm2 else rm1
+    | Some _, None -> rm1
+    | None, Some _ -> rm2
+    | None, None ->
+        newty2 ~level:(Int.min (get_level rm1) (get_level rm2)) (Tvar None)
+  in
+  let fixed = merge_fixed_explanation fixed1 fixed2
+  and closed = row1_closed || row2_closed in
+  let keep switch =
+    List.for_all
+      (fun (_,f1,f2) ->
+        let f1, f2 = switch f1 f2 in
+        row_field_repr f1 = Rabsent || row_field_repr f2 <> Rabsent)
+      pairs
+  in
+  let empty fields =
+    List.for_all (fun (_,f) -> row_field_repr f = Rabsent) fields in
+  (* Check whether we are going to build an empty type *)
+  if closed && (empty r1 || row2_closed) && (empty r2 || row1_closed)
+  && List.for_all
+      (fun (_,f1,f2) ->
+        row_field_repr f1 = Rabsent || row_field_repr f2 = Rabsent)
+      pairs
+  then raise_for Unify (Variant No_intersection);
+  let name =
+    if row1_name <> None && (row1_closed || empty r2) &&
+      (not row2_closed || keep (fun f1 f2 -> f1, f2) && empty r1)
+    then row1_name
+    else if row2_name <> None && (row2_closed || empty r1) &&
+      (not row1_closed || keep (fun f1 f2 -> f2, f1) && empty r2)
+    then row2_name
+    else None
+  in
+  let set_more pos row rest =
+    let rest =
+      if closed then
+        filter_row_fields (row_closed row) rest
+      else rest in
+    begin match fixed_explanation row with
+      | None ->
+          if rest <> [] && row_closed row then
+            raise_for Unify (Variant (No_tags(pos,rest)))
+      | Some fixed ->
+          if closed && not (row_closed row) then
+            raise_for Unify (Variant (Fixed_row(pos,Cannot_be_closed,fixed)))
+          else if rest <> [] then
+            let case = Cannot_add_tags (List.map fst rest) in
+            raise_for Unify (Variant (Fixed_row(pos,case,fixed)))
+    end;
+    (* The following test is not principal... should rather use Tnil *)
+    let rm = row_more row in
+    (*if !trace_gadt_instances && rm.desc = Tnil then () else*)
+    if !trace_gadt_instances && not (in_subst_mode uenv) then
+      (* in_subst_mode: see PR#11771 *)
+      update_level_for Unify (get_env uenv) (get_level rm)
+        (newgenty (Tvariant row));
+    if has_fixed_explanation row then
+      if eq_type more rm then () else
+      if is_Tvar rm then link_type rm more else unify uenv rm more
+    else
+      let ty =
+        newgenty (Tvariant
+                    (create_row ~fields:rest ~more ~closed ~fixed ~name))
+      in
+      update_level_for Unify (get_env uenv) (get_level rm) ty;
+      update_scope_for Unify (get_scope rm) ty;
+      link_type rm ty
+  in
+  let tm1 = Transient_expr.repr rm1 and tm2 = Transient_expr.repr rm2 in
+  let md1 = tm1.desc and md2 = tm2.desc in
+  begin try
+    set_more Second row2 r1;
+    set_more First row1 r2;
+    List.iter
+      (fun (l,f1,f2) ->
+        try unify_row_field uenv fixed1 fixed2 rm1 rm2 l f1 f2
+        with Unify_trace trace ->
+          raise_trace_for Unify (Variant (Incompatible_types_for l) :: trace)
+      )
+      pairs;
+    if static_row row1 then begin
+      let rm = row_more row1 in
+      if is_Tvar rm then link_type rm (newty2 ~level:(get_level rm) Tnil)
+    end
+  with exn ->
+    Transient_expr.set_desc tm1 md1;
+    Transient_expr.set_desc tm2 md2;
+    raise exn
+  end
+and unify_row_field uenv fixed1 fixed2 rm1 rm2 l f1 f2 =
+  let if_not_fixed (pos,fixed) f =
+    match fixed with
+    | None -> f ()
+    | Some fix ->
+        let tr = [Variant(Fixed_row(pos,Cannot_add_tags [l],fix))] in
+        raise_trace_for Unify tr in
+  let first = First, fixed1 and second = Second, fixed2 in
+  let either_fixed = match fixed1, fixed2 with
+    | None, None -> false
+    | _ -> true in
+  if f1 == f2 then () else
+  match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+    Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> unify uenv t1 t2
+  | Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> ()
+  | Reither(c1, tl1, m1), Reither(c2, tl2, m2) ->
+      if eq_row_field_ext f1 f2 then () else
+      let no_arg = c1 || c2 and matched = m1 || m2 in
+      if either_fixed && not no_arg
+      && List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 then begin
+        (* PR#7496 *)
+        let f = rf_either [] ~no_arg ~matched in
+        link_row_field_ext ~inside:f1 f; link_row_field_ext ~inside:f2 f;
+        List.iter2 (unify uenv) tl1 tl2
+      end
+      else let redo =
+        (m1 || m2 || either_fixed ||
+         !rigid_variants && (List.length tl1 = 1 || List.length tl2 = 1)) &&
+        begin match tl1 @ tl2 with [] -> false
+        | t1 :: tl ->
+            if no_arg then raise_unexplained_for Unify;
+            Types.changed_row_field_exts [f1;f2] (fun () ->
+                List.iter (unify uenv t1) tl
+              )
+        end in
+      if redo then unify_row_field uenv fixed1 fixed2 rm1 rm2 l f1 f2 else
+      let remq tl =
+        List.filter (fun ty -> not (List.exists (eq_type ty) tl)) in
+      let tl1' = remq tl2 tl1 and tl2' = remq tl1 tl2 in
+      (* PR#6744 *)
+      let env = get_env uenv in
+      let (tlu1,tl1') = List.partition (has_free_univars env) tl1'
+      and (tlu2,tl2') = List.partition (has_free_univars env) tl2' in
+      begin match tlu1, tlu2 with
+        [], [] -> ()
+      | (tu1::tlu1), _ :: _ ->
+          (* Attempt to merge all the types containing univars *)
+          List.iter (unify uenv tu1) (tlu1@tlu2)
+      | (tu::_, []) | ([], tu::_) ->
+          occur_univar_for Unify env tu
+      end;
+      (* Is this handling of levels really principal? *)
+      let update_levels rm =
+        let env = get_env uenv in
+        List.iter
+          (fun ty ->
+            update_level_for Unify env (get_level rm) ty;
+            update_scope_for Unify (get_scope rm) ty)
+      in
+      update_levels rm2 tl1';
+      update_levels rm1 tl2';
+      let f1' = rf_either tl2' ~no_arg ~matched in
+      let f2' = rf_either tl1' ~use_ext_of:f1' ~no_arg ~matched in
+      link_row_field_ext ~inside:f1 f1'; link_row_field_ext ~inside:f2 f2';
+  | Reither(_, _, false), Rabsent ->
+      if_not_fixed first (fun () -> link_row_field_ext ~inside:f1 f2)
+  | Rabsent, Reither(_, _, false) ->
+      if_not_fixed second (fun () -> link_row_field_ext ~inside:f2 f1)
+  | Rabsent, Rabsent -> ()
+  | Reither(false, tl, _), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
+      if_not_fixed first (fun () ->
+          let s = snapshot () in
+          link_row_field_ext ~inside:f1 f2;
+          update_level_for Unify (get_env uenv) (get_level rm1) t2;
+          update_scope_for Unify (get_scope rm1) t2;
+          (try List.iter (fun t1 -> unify uenv t1 t2) tl
+           with exn -> undo_first_change_after s; raise exn)
+        )
+  | Rpresent(Some t1), Reither(false, tl, _) ->
+      if_not_fixed second (fun () ->
+          let s = snapshot () in
+          link_row_field_ext ~inside:f2 f1;
+          update_level_for Unify (get_env uenv) (get_level rm2) t1;
+          update_scope_for Unify (get_scope rm2) t1;
+          (try List.iter (unify uenv t1) tl
+           with exn -> undo_first_change_after s; raise exn)
+        )
+  | Reither(true, [], _), Rpresent None ->
+      if_not_fixed first (fun () -> link_row_field_ext ~inside:f1 f2)
+  | Rpresent None, Reither(true, [], _) ->
+      if_not_fixed second (fun () -> link_row_field_ext ~inside:f2 f1)
+  | Rabsent, (Rpresent _ | Reither(_,_,true)) ->
+      raise_trace_for Unify [Variant(No_tags(First, [l,f1]))]
+  | (Rpresent _ | Reither (_,_,true)), Rabsent ->
+      raise_trace_for Unify [Variant(No_tags(Second, [l,f2]))]
+  | (Rpresent (Some _) | Reither(false,_,_)),
+    (Rpresent None | Reither(true,_,_))
+  | (Rpresent None | Reither(true,_,_)),
+    (Rpresent (Some _) | Reither(false,_,_)) ->
+      (* constructor arity mismatch: 0 <> 1 *)
+      raise_unexplained_for Unify
+  | Reither(true, _ :: _, _ ), Rpresent _
+  | Rpresent _ , Reither(true, _ :: _, _ ) ->
+      (* inconsistent conjunction on a non-absent field *)
+      raise_unexplained_for Unify
+let unify uenv ty1 ty2 =
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  try
+    unify uenv ty1 ty2
+  with
+    Unify_trace trace ->
+      undo_compress snap;
+      raise (Unify (expand_to_unification_error (get_env uenv) trace))
+let unify_gadt (penv : Pattern_env.t) ty1 ty2 =
+  let equated_types = TypePairs.create 0 in
+  let do_unify_gadt () =
+    let uenv = Pattern
+        { penv;
+          equated_types;
+          assume_injective = true;
+          unify_eq_set = TypePairs.create 11; }
+    in
+    unify uenv ty1 ty2;
+    equated_types
+  in
+  let no_leak = penv.allow_recursive_equations || closed_type_expr ty2 in
+  if no_leak then with_univar_pairs [] do_unify_gadt else
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  try
+    (* If there are free variables, first try normal unification *)
+    let uenv = Expression {env = penv.env; in_subst = false} in
+    with_univar_pairs [] (fun () -> unify uenv ty1 ty2);
+    equated_types
+  with Unify _ ->
+    (* If it fails, retry in pattern mode *)
+    Btype.backtrack snap;
+    with_univar_pairs [] do_unify_gadt
+let unify_var uenv t1 t2 =
+  if eq_type t1 t2 then () else
+  match get_desc t1, get_desc t2 with
+    Tvar _, Tconstr _ when deep_occur t1 t2 ->
+      unify uenv t1 t2
+  | Tvar _, _ ->
+      let env = get_env uenv in
+      let reset_tracing = check_trace_gadt_instances env in
+      begin try
+        occur_for Unify uenv t1 t2;
+        update_level_for Unify env (get_level t1) t2;
+        update_scope_for Unify (get_scope t1) t2;
+        link_type t1 t2;
+        reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing;
+      with Unify_trace trace ->
+        reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing;
+        raise (Unify (expand_to_unification_error
+                        env
+                        (Diff { got = t1; expected = t2 } :: trace)))
+      end
+  | _ ->
+      unify uenv t1 t2
+let _ = unify_var' := unify_var
+(* the final versions of unification functions *)
+let unify_var env ty1 ty2 =
+  unify_var (Expression {env; in_subst = false}) ty1 ty2
+let unify_pairs env ty1 ty2 pairs =
+  with_univar_pairs pairs (fun () ->
+    unify (Expression {env; in_subst = false}) ty1 ty2)
+let unify env ty1 ty2 =
+  unify_pairs env ty1 ty2 []
+(* Lower the level of a type to the current level *)
+let enforce_current_level env ty = unify_var env (newvar ()) ty
+(**** Special cases of unification ****)
+let expand_head_trace env t =
+  let reset_tracing = check_trace_gadt_instances env in
+  let t = expand_head_unif env t in
+  reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing;
+  t
+   Unify [t] and [l:'a -> 'b]. Return ['a] and ['b].
+   In [-nolabels] mode, label mismatch is accepted when
+   (1) the requested label is ""
+   (2) the original label is not optional
+type filter_arrow_failure =
+  | Unification_error of unification_error
+  | Label_mismatch of
+      { got           : arg_label
+      ; expected      : arg_label
+      ; expected_type : type_expr
+      }
+  | Not_a_function
+exception Filter_arrow_failed of filter_arrow_failure
+let filter_arrow env t l =
+  let function_type level =
+    let t1 = newvar2 level and t2 = newvar2 level in
+    let t' = newty2 ~level (Tarrow (l, t1, t2, commu_ok)) in
+    t', t1, t2
+  in
+  let t =
+    try expand_head_trace env t
+    with Unify_trace trace ->
+      let t', _, _ = function_type (get_level t) in
+      raise (Filter_arrow_failed
+               (Unification_error
+                  (expand_to_unification_error
+                     env
+                     (Diff { got = t'; expected = t } :: trace))))
+  in
+  match get_desc t with
+  | Tvar _ ->
+      let t', t1, t2 = function_type (get_level t) in
+      link_type t t';
+      (t1, t2)
+  | Tarrow(l', t1, t2, _) ->
+      if l = l' || !Clflags.classic && l = Nolabel && not (is_optional l')
+      then (t1, t2)
+      else raise (Filter_arrow_failed
+                    (Label_mismatch
+                       { got = l; expected = l'; expected_type = t }))
+  | _ ->
+      raise (Filter_arrow_failed Not_a_function)
+type filter_method_failure =
+  | Unification_error of unification_error
+  | Not_a_method
+  | Not_an_object of type_expr
+exception Filter_method_failed of filter_method_failure
+(* Used by [filter_method]. *)
+let rec filter_method_field env name ty =
+  let method_type ~level =
+      let ty1 = newvar2 level and ty2 = newvar2 level in
+      let ty' = newty2 ~level (Tfield (name, field_public, ty1, ty2)) in
+      ty', ty1
+  in
+  let ty =
+    try expand_head_trace env ty
+    with Unify_trace trace ->
+      let level = get_level ty in
+      let ty', _ = method_type ~level in
+      raise (Filter_method_failed
+               (Unification_error
+                  (expand_to_unification_error
+                     env
+                     (Diff { got = ty; expected = ty' } :: trace))))
+  in
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tvar _ ->
+      let level = get_level ty in
+      let ty', ty1 = method_type ~level in
+      link_type ty ty';
+      ty1
+  | Tfield(n, kind, ty1, ty2) ->
+      if n = name then begin
+        unify_kind kind field_public;
+        ty1
+      end else
+        filter_method_field env name ty2
+  | _ ->
+      raise (Filter_method_failed Not_a_method)
+(* Unify [ty] and [< name : 'a; .. >]. Return ['a]. *)
+let filter_method env name ty =
+  let object_type ~level ~scope =
+      let ty1 = newvar2 level in
+      let ty' = newty3 ~level ~scope (Tobject (ty1, ref None)) in
+      let ty_meth = filter_method_field env name ty1 in
+      (ty', ty_meth)
+  in
+  let ty =
+    try expand_head_trace env ty
+    with Unify_trace trace ->
+      let level = get_level ty in
+      let scope = get_scope ty in
+      let ty', _ = object_type ~level ~scope in
+      raise (Filter_method_failed
+               (Unification_error
+                  (expand_to_unification_error
+                     env
+                     (Diff { got = ty; expected = ty' } :: trace))))
+  in
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tvar _ ->
+      let level = get_level ty in
+      let scope = get_scope ty in
+      let ty', ty_meth = object_type ~level ~scope in
+      link_type ty ty';
+      ty_meth
+  | Tobject(f, _) ->
+      filter_method_field env name f
+  | _ ->
+      raise (Filter_method_failed (Not_an_object ty))
+exception Filter_method_row_failed
+let rec filter_method_row env name priv ty =
+  let ty = expand_head env ty in
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tvar _ ->
+      let level = get_level ty in
+      let field = newvar2 level in
+      let row = newvar2 level in
+      let kind, priv =
+        match priv with
+        | Private ->
+            let kind = field_private () in
+            kind, Mprivate kind
+        | Public ->
+            field_public, Mpublic
+      in
+      let ty' = newty2 ~level (Tfield (name, kind, field, row)) in
+      link_type ty ty';
+      priv, field, row
+  | Tfield(n, kind, ty1, ty2) ->
+      if n = name then begin
+        let priv =
+          match priv with
+          | Public ->
+              unify_kind kind field_public;
+              Mpublic
+          | Private -> Mprivate kind
+        in
+        priv, ty1, ty2
+      end else begin
+        let level = get_level ty in
+        let priv, field, row = filter_method_row env name priv ty2 in
+        let row = newty2 ~level (Tfield (n, kind, ty1, row)) in
+        priv, field, row
+      end
+  | Tnil ->
+      if name = Btype.dummy_method then raise Filter_method_row_failed
+      else begin
+        match priv with
+        | Public -> raise Filter_method_row_failed
+        | Private ->
+          let level = get_level ty in
+          let kind = field_absent in
+          Mprivate kind, newvar2 level, ty
+      end
+  | _ ->
+      raise Filter_method_row_failed
+(* Operations on class signatures *)
+let new_class_signature () =
+  let row = newvar () in
+  let self = newobj row in
+  { csig_self = self;
+    csig_self_row = row;
+    csig_vars = Vars.empty;
+    csig_meths = Meths.empty; }
+let add_dummy_method env ~scope sign =
+  let _, ty, row =
+    filter_method_row env dummy_method Private sign.csig_self_row
+  in
+  unify env ty (new_scoped_ty scope (Ttuple []));
+  sign.csig_self_row <- row
+type add_method_failure =
+  | Unexpected_method
+  | Type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+exception Add_method_failed of add_method_failure
+let add_method env label priv virt ty sign =
+  let meths = sign.csig_meths in
+  let priv, virt =
+    match Meths.find label meths with
+    | (priv', virt', ty') -> begin
+        let priv =
+          match priv' with
+          | Mpublic -> Mpublic
+          | Mprivate k ->
+            match priv with
+            | Public ->
+                begin match field_kind_repr k with
+                | Fpublic -> ()
+                | Fprivate -> link_kind ~inside:k field_public
+                | Fabsent -> assert false
+                end;
+                Mpublic
+            | Private -> priv'
+        in
+        let virt =
+          match virt' with
+          | Concrete -> Concrete
+          | Virtual -> virt
+        in
+        match unify env ty ty' with
+        | () -> priv, virt
+        | exception Unify trace ->
+            raise (Add_method_failed (Type_mismatch trace))
+      end
+    | exception Not_found -> begin
+        let priv, ty', row =
+          match filter_method_row env label priv sign.csig_self_row with
+          | priv, ty', row ->
+              priv, ty', row
+          | exception Filter_method_row_failed ->
+              raise (Add_method_failed Unexpected_method)
+        in
+        match unify env ty ty' with
+        | () ->
+            sign.csig_self_row <- row;
+            priv, virt
+        | exception Unify trace ->
+            raise (Add_method_failed (Type_mismatch trace))
+      end
+  in
+  let meths = Meths.add label (priv, virt, ty) meths in
+  sign.csig_meths <- meths
+type add_instance_variable_failure =
+  | Mutability_mismatch of mutable_flag
+  | Type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+exception Add_instance_variable_failed of add_instance_variable_failure
+let check_mutability mut mut' =
+  match mut, mut' with
+  | Mutable, Mutable -> ()
+  | Immutable, Immutable -> ()
+  | Mutable, Immutable | Immutable, Mutable ->
+      raise (Add_instance_variable_failed (Mutability_mismatch mut))
+let add_instance_variable ~strict env label mut virt ty sign =
+  let vars = sign.csig_vars in
+  let virt =
+    match Vars.find label vars with
+    | (mut', virt', ty') ->
+        let virt =
+          match virt' with
+          | Concrete -> Concrete
+          | Virtual -> virt
+        in
+        if strict then begin
+          check_mutability mut mut';
+          match unify env ty ty' with
+          | () -> ()
+          | exception Unify trace ->
+              raise (Add_instance_variable_failed (Type_mismatch trace))
+        end;
+        virt
+    | exception Not_found -> virt
+  in
+  let vars = Vars.add label (mut, virt, ty) vars in
+  sign.csig_vars <- vars
+type inherit_class_signature_failure =
+  | Self_type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Method of label * add_method_failure
+  | Instance_variable of label * add_instance_variable_failure
+exception Inherit_class_signature_failed of inherit_class_signature_failure
+let unify_self_types env sign1 sign2 =
+  let self_type1 = sign1.csig_self in
+  let self_type2 = sign2.csig_self in
+  match unify env self_type1 self_type2 with
+  | () -> ()
+  | exception Unify err -> begin
+      match err.trace with
+      | Errortrace.Diff _ :: Errortrace.Incompatible_fields {name; _} :: rem ->
+          let err = Errortrace.unification_error ~trace:rem in
+          let failure = Method (name, Type_mismatch err) in
+          raise (Inherit_class_signature_failed failure)
+      | _ ->
+          raise (Inherit_class_signature_failed (Self_type_mismatch err))
+    end
+(* Unify components of sign2 into sign1 *)
+let inherit_class_signature ~strict env sign1 sign2 =
+  unify_self_types env sign1 sign2;
+  Meths.iter
+    (fun label (priv, virt, ty) ->
+       let priv =
+         match priv with
+         | Mpublic -> Public
+         | Mprivate kind ->
+             assert (field_kind_repr kind = Fabsent);
+             Private
+       in
+       match add_method env label priv virt ty sign1 with
+       | () -> ()
+       | exception Add_method_failed failure ->
+           let failure = Method(label, failure) in
+           raise (Inherit_class_signature_failed failure))
+    sign2.csig_meths;
+  Vars.iter
+    (fun label (mut, virt, ty) ->
+       match add_instance_variable ~strict env label mut virt ty sign1 with
+       | () -> ()
+       | exception Add_instance_variable_failed failure ->
+           let failure = Instance_variable(label, failure) in
+           raise (Inherit_class_signature_failed failure))
+    sign2.csig_vars
+let update_class_signature env sign =
+  let self = expand_head env sign.Types.csig_self in
+  let fields, row = flatten_fields (object_fields self) in
+  let meths, implicitly_public, implicitly_declared =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun (meths, implicitly_public, implicitly_declared) (lab, k, ty) ->
+         if lab = dummy_method then
+           meths, implicitly_public, implicitly_declared
+         else begin
+           match Meths.find lab meths with
+           | priv, virt, ty' ->
+               let meths, implicitly_public =
+                 match priv, field_kind_repr k with
+                 | Mpublic, _ -> meths, implicitly_public
+                 | Mprivate _, Fpublic ->
+                     let meths = Meths.add lab (Mpublic, virt, ty') meths in
+                     let implicitly_public = lab :: implicitly_public in
+                     meths, implicitly_public
+                 | Mprivate _, _ -> meths, implicitly_public
+               in
+               meths, implicitly_public, implicitly_declared
+           | exception Not_found ->
+               let meths, implicitly_declared =
+                 match field_kind_repr k with
+                 | Fpublic ->
+                     let meths = Meths.add lab (Mpublic, Virtual, ty) meths in
+                     let implicitly_declared = lab :: implicitly_declared in
+                     meths, implicitly_declared
+                 | Fprivate ->
+                     let meths =
+                       Meths.add lab (Mprivate k, Virtual, ty) meths
+                     in
+                     let implicitly_declared = lab :: implicitly_declared in
+                     meths, implicitly_declared
+                 | Fabsent -> meths, implicitly_declared
+               in
+               meths, implicitly_public, implicitly_declared
+         end)
+      (sign.csig_meths, [], []) fields
+  in
+  sign.csig_meths <- meths;
+  sign.csig_self_row <- row;
+  implicitly_public, implicitly_declared
+let hide_private_methods env sign =
+  let self = expand_head env sign.Types.csig_self in
+  let fields, _ = flatten_fields (object_fields self) in
+  List.iter
+    (fun (_, k, _) ->
+       match field_kind_repr k with
+       | Fprivate -> link_kind ~inside:k field_absent
+       | _    -> ())
+    fields
+let close_class_signature env sign =
+  let rec close env ty =
+    let ty = expand_head env ty in
+    match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvar _ ->
+        let level = get_level ty in
+        link_type ty (newty2 ~level Tnil); true
+    | Tfield(lab, _, _, _) when lab = dummy_method ->
+        false
+    | Tfield(_, _, _, ty') -> close env ty'
+    | Tnil -> true
+    | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  let self = expand_head env sign.csig_self in
+  close env (object_fields self)
+let generalize_class_signature_spine sign =
+  (* Generalize the spine of methods *)
+  sign.csig_meths <-
+    Meths.map (fun (priv, virt, ty) -> priv, virt, copy_spine ty)
+      sign.csig_meths
+                        (***********************************)
+                        (*  Matching between type schemes  *)
+                        (***********************************)
+(* Level of the subject, should be just below generic_level *)
+let subject_level = generic_level - 1
+   Update the level of [ty]. First check that the levels of generic
+   variables from the subject are not lowered.
+let moregen_occur env level ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec occur ty =
+      let lv = get_level ty in
+      if lv <= level then () else
+      if is_Tvar ty && lv >= subject_level then raise Occur else
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then iter_type_expr occur ty
+    in
+    try
+      occur ty
+    with Occur ->
+      raise_unexplained_for Moregen
+  end;
+  (* also check for free univars *)
+  occur_univar_for Moregen env ty;
+  update_level_for Moregen env level ty
+let may_instantiate inst_nongen t1 =
+  let level = get_level t1 in
+  if inst_nongen then level <> subject_level
+                 else level =  generic_level
+let rec moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 =
+  if eq_type t1 t2 then () else
+  try
+    match (get_desc t1, get_desc t2) with
+      (Tvar _, _) when may_instantiate inst_nongen t1 ->
+        moregen_occur env (get_level t1) t2;
+        update_scope_for Moregen (get_scope t1) t2;
+        occur_for Moregen (Expression {env; in_subst = false}) t1 t2;
+        link_type t1 t2
+    | (Tconstr (p1, [], _), Tconstr (p2, [], _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+        ()
+    | _ ->
+        let t1' = expand_head env t1 in
+        let t2' = expand_head env t2 in
+        (* Expansion may have changed the representative of the types... *)
+        if eq_type t1' t2' then () else
+        if not (TypePairs.mem type_pairs (t1', t2')) then begin
+          TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1', t2');
+          match (get_desc t1', get_desc t2') with
+            (Tvar _, _) when may_instantiate inst_nongen t1' ->
+              moregen_occur env (get_level t1') t2;
+              update_scope_for Moregen (get_scope t1') t2;
+              link_type t1' t2
+          | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) ->
+              eq_labels Moregen ~in_pattern_mode:false l1 l2;
+              moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2;
+              moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env u1 u2
+          | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
+              moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env tl1 tl2
+          | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _))
+                when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+              moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env tl1 tl2
+          | (Tpackage (p1, fl1), Tpackage (p2, fl2)) ->
+              begin match
+                unify_package env (moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env)
+                  (get_level t1') p1 fl1 (get_level t2') p2 fl2
+              with
+              | Ok () -> ()
+              | Error fme -> raise_for Moregen (First_class_module fme)
+              | exception Not_found -> raise_unexplained_for Moregen
+              end
+          | (Tnil,  Tconstr _ ) -> raise_for Moregen (Obj (Abstract_row Second))
+          | (Tconstr _,  Tnil ) -> raise_for Moregen (Obj (Abstract_row First))
+          | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) ->
+              moregen_row inst_nongen type_pairs env row1 row2
+          | (Tobject (fi1, _nm1), Tobject (fi2, _nm2)) ->
+              moregen_fields inst_nongen type_pairs env fi1 fi2
+          | (Tfield _, Tfield _) ->           (* Actually unused *)
+              moregen_fields inst_nongen type_pairs env
+                t1' t2'
+          | (Tnil, Tnil) ->
+              ()
+          | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) ->
+              moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2
+          | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) ->
+              enter_poly_for Moregen env t1 tl1 t2 tl2
+                (moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env)
+          | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) ->
+              unify_univar_for Moregen t1' t2' !univar_pairs
+          | (_, _) ->
+              raise_unexplained_for Moregen
+        end
+  with Moregen_trace trace ->
+    raise_trace_for Moregen (Diff {got = t1; expected = t2} :: trace)
+and moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env tl1 tl2 =
+  if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then
+    raise_unexplained_for Moregen;
+  List.iter2 (moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env) tl1 tl2
+and moregen_fields inst_nongen type_pairs env ty1 ty2 =
+  let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1
+  and (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in
+  let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
+  begin
+    match miss1 with
+    | (n, _, _) :: _ -> raise_for Moregen (Obj (Missing_field (Second, n)))
+    | [] -> ()
+  end;
+  moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env rest1
+    (build_fields (get_level ty2) miss2 rest2);
+  List.iter
+    (fun (name, k1, t1, k2, t2) ->
+       (* The below call should never throw [Public_method_to_private_method] *)
+       moregen_kind k1 k2;
+       try moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 with Moregen_trace trace ->
+         raise_trace_for Moregen
+           (incompatible_fields ~name ~got:t1 ~expected:t2 :: trace)
+    )
+    pairs
+and moregen_kind k1 k2 =
+  match field_kind_repr k1, field_kind_repr k2 with
+    (Fprivate, (Fprivate | Fpublic)) -> link_kind ~inside:k1 k2
+  | (Fpublic, Fpublic)               -> ()
+  | (Fpublic, Fprivate)              -> raise Public_method_to_private_method
+  | (Fabsent, _) | (_, Fabsent)      -> assert false
+and moregen_row inst_nongen type_pairs env row1 row2 =
+  let Row {fields = row1_fields; more = rm1; closed = row1_closed} =
+    row_repr row1 in
+  let Row {fields = row2_fields; more = rm2; closed = row2_closed;
+           fixed = row2_fixed} = row_repr row2 in
+  if eq_type rm1 rm2 then () else
+  let may_inst =
+    is_Tvar rm1 && may_instantiate inst_nongen rm1 || get_desc rm1 = Tnil in
+  let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields row1_fields row2_fields in
+  let r1, r2 =
+    if row2_closed then
+      filter_row_fields may_inst r1, filter_row_fields false r2
+    else r1, r2
+  in
+  begin
+    if r1 <> [] then raise_for Moregen (Variant (No_tags (Second, r1)))
+  end;
+  if row1_closed then begin
+    match row2_closed, r2 with
+    | false, _ -> raise_for Moregen (Variant (Openness Second))
+    | _, _ :: _ -> raise_for Moregen (Variant (No_tags (First, r2)))
+    | _, [] -> ()
+  end;
+  let md1 = get_desc rm1 (* This lets us undo a following [link_type] *) in
+  begin match md1, get_desc rm2 with
+    Tunivar _, Tunivar _ ->
+      unify_univar_for Moregen rm1 rm2 !univar_pairs
+  | Tunivar _, _ | _, Tunivar _ ->
+      raise_unexplained_for Moregen
+  | _ when static_row row1 -> ()
+  | _ when may_inst ->
+      let ext =
+        newgenty (Tvariant
+                    (create_row ~fields:r2 ~more:rm2 ~name:None
+                       ~fixed:row2_fixed ~closed:row2_closed))
+      in
+      moregen_occur env (get_level rm1) ext;
+      update_scope_for Moregen (get_scope rm1) ext;
+      (* This [link_type] has to be undone if the rest of the function fails *)
+      link_type rm1 ext
+  | Tconstr _, Tconstr _ ->
+      moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env rm1 rm2
+  | _ -> raise_unexplained_for Moregen
+  end;
+  try
+    List.iter
+      (fun (l,f1,f2) ->
+         if f1 == f2 then () else
+         match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+         (* Both matching [Rpresent]s *)
+         | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> begin
+             try
+               moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2
+             with Moregen_trace trace ->
+               raise_trace_for Moregen
+                 (Variant (Incompatible_types_for l) :: trace)
+           end
+         | Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> ()
+         (* Both [Reither] *)
+         | Reither(c1, tl1, _), Reither(c2, tl2, m2) -> begin
+             try
+               if not (eq_row_field_ext f1 f2) then begin
+                 if c1 && not c2 then raise_unexplained_for Moregen;
+                 let f2' =
+                   rf_either [] ~use_ext_of:f2 ~no_arg:c2 ~matched:m2 in
+                 link_row_field_ext ~inside:f1 f2';
+                 if List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 then
+                   List.iter2 (moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env) tl1 tl2
+                 else match tl2 with
+                   | t2 :: _ ->
+                     List.iter
+                       (fun t1 -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2)
+                       tl1
+                   | [] -> if tl1 <> [] then raise_unexplained_for Moregen
+               end
+             with Moregen_trace trace ->
+               raise_trace_for Moregen
+                 (Variant (Incompatible_types_for l) :: trace)
+           end
+         (* Generalizing [Reither] *)
+         | Reither(false, tl1, _), Rpresent(Some t2) when may_inst -> begin
+             try
+               link_row_field_ext ~inside:f1 f2;
+               List.iter
+                 (fun t1 -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2)
+                 tl1
+             with Moregen_trace trace ->
+               raise_trace_for Moregen
+                 (Variant (Incompatible_types_for l) :: trace)
+           end
+         | Reither(true, [], _), Rpresent None when may_inst ->
+             link_row_field_ext ~inside:f1 f2
+         | Reither(_, _, _), Rabsent when may_inst ->
+             link_row_field_ext ~inside:f1 f2
+         (* Both [Rabsent]s *)
+         | Rabsent, Rabsent -> ()
+         (* Mismatched constructor arguments *)
+         | Rpresent (Some _), Rpresent None
+         | Rpresent None, Rpresent (Some _) ->
+             raise_for Moregen (Variant (Incompatible_types_for l))
+         (* Mismatched presence *)
+         | Reither _, Rpresent _ ->
+             raise_for Moregen
+               (Variant (Presence_not_guaranteed_for (First, l)))
+         | Rpresent _, Reither _ ->
+             raise_for Moregen
+               (Variant (Presence_not_guaranteed_for (Second, l)))
+         (* Missing tags *)
+         | Rabsent, (Rpresent _ | Reither _) ->
+             raise_for Moregen (Variant (No_tags (First, [l, f2])))
+         | (Rpresent _ | Reither _), Rabsent ->
+             raise_for Moregen (Variant (No_tags (Second, [l, f1]))))
+      pairs
+  with exn ->
+    (* Undo [link_type] if we failed *)
+    set_type_desc rm1 md1; raise exn
+(* Must empty univar_pairs first *)
+let moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj =
+  with_univar_pairs [] (fun () ->
+    moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj)
+   Non-generic variable can be instantiated only if [inst_nongen] is
+   true. So, [inst_nongen] should be set to false if the subject might
+   contain non-generic variables (and we do not want them to be
+   instantiated).
+   Usually, the subject is given by the user, and the pattern
+   is unimportant.  So, no need to propagate abbreviations.
+let moregeneral env inst_nongen pat_sch subj_sch =
+  (* Moregen splits the generic level into two finer levels:
+     [generic_level] and [subject_level = generic_level - 1].
+     In order to properly detect and print weak variables when
+     printing errors, we need to merge those levels back together.
+     We do that by starting at level [subject_level - 1], using
+     [with_local_level_generalize] to first set the current level
+     to [subject_level], and then generalize nodes at [subject_level]
+     on exit.
+     Strictly speaking, we could avoid generalizing when there is no error,
+     as nodes at level [subject_level] are never unified with nodes of
+     the original types, but that would be rather ad hoc.
+ *)
+  with_level ~level:(subject_level - 1) begin fun () ->
+    match with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      assert (!current_level = subject_level);
+      (*
+        Generic variables are first duplicated with [instance].  So,
+        their levels are lowered to [subject_level].  The subject is
+        then copied with [duplicate_type].  That way, its levels won't be
+        changed.
+       *)
+      let subj_inst = instance subj_sch in
+      let subj = duplicate_type subj_inst in
+      (* Duplicate generic variables *)
+      let patt = generic_instance pat_sch in
+      try Ok (moregen inst_nongen (TypePairs.create 13) env patt subj)
+      with Moregen_trace trace -> Error trace
+    end with
+    | Ok () -> ()
+    | Error trace -> raise (Moregen (expand_to_moregen_error env trace))
+  end
+let is_moregeneral env inst_nongen pat_sch subj_sch =
+  match moregeneral env inst_nongen pat_sch subj_sch with
+  | () -> true
+  | exception Moregen _ -> false
+(* Alternative approach: "rigidify" a type scheme,
+   and check validity after unification *)
+(* Simpler, no? *)
+let rec rigidify_rec mark vars ty =
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then
+    begin match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvar _ ->
+        if not (TypeSet.mem ty !vars) then vars := TypeSet.add ty !vars
+    | Tvariant row ->
+        let Row {more; name; closed} = row_repr row in
+        if is_Tvar more && not (has_fixed_explanation row) then begin
+          let more' = newty2 ~level:(get_level more) (get_desc more) in
+          let row' =
+            create_row ~fixed:(Some Rigid) ~fields:[] ~more:more'
+              ~name ~closed
+          in link_type more (newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) (Tvariant row'))
+        end;
+        iter_row (rigidify_rec mark vars) row;
+        (* only consider the row variable if the variant is not static *)
+        if not (static_row row) then
+          rigidify_rec mark vars (row_more row)
+    | _ ->
+        iter_type_expr (rigidify_rec mark vars) ty
+    end
+let rigidify ty =
+  let vars = ref TypeSet.empty in
+  with_type_mark (fun mark -> rigidify_rec mark vars ty);
+  TypeSet.elements !vars
+let all_distinct_vars env vars =
+  let tys = ref TypeSet.empty in
+  List.for_all
+    (fun ty ->
+      let ty = expand_head env ty in
+      if TypeSet.mem ty !tys then false else
+      (tys := TypeSet.add ty !tys; is_Tvar ty))
+    vars
+let matches ~expand_error_trace env ty ty' =
+  let snap = snapshot () in
+  let vars = rigidify ty in
+  cleanup_abbrev ();
+  match unify env ty ty' with
+  | () ->
+      if not (all_distinct_vars env vars) then begin
+        backtrack snap;
+        let diff =
+          if expand_error_trace
+          then expanded_diff env ~got:ty ~expected:ty'
+          else unexpanded_diff ~got:ty ~expected:ty'
+        in
+        raise (Matches_failure (env, unification_error ~trace:[diff]))
+      end;
+      backtrack snap
+  | exception Unify err ->
+      backtrack snap;
+      raise (Matches_failure (env, err))
+let does_match env ty ty' =
+  match matches ~expand_error_trace:false env ty ty' with
+  | () -> true
+  | exception Matches_failure (_, _) -> false
+                 (*********************************************)
+                 (*  Equivalence between parameterized types  *)
+                 (*********************************************)
+let expand_head_rigid env ty =
+  let old = !rigid_variants in
+  rigid_variants := true;
+  let ty' = expand_head env ty in
+  rigid_variants := old; ty'
+let eqtype_subst type_pairs subst t1 t2 =
+  if List.exists
+      (fun (t,t') ->
+        let found1 = eq_type t1 t in
+        let found2 = eq_type t2 t' in
+        if found1 && found2 then true else
+        if found1 || found2 then raise_unexplained_for Equality else false)
+      !subst
+  then ()
+  else begin
+    subst := (t1, t2) :: !subst;
+    TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1, t2)
+  end
+let rec eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 =
+  let check_phys_eq t1 t2 =
+    not rename && eq_type t1 t2
+  in
+  (* Checking for physical equality of type representatives when [rename] is
+     true would be incorrect: imagine comparing ['a * 'a] with ['b * 'a]. The
+     first ['a] and ['b] would be identified in [eqtype_subst], and then the
+     second ['a] and ['a] would be [eq_type]. So we do not call [eq_type] here.
+     On the other hand, when [rename] is false we need to check for physical
+     equality, as that's the only way variables can be identified.
+  *)
+  if check_phys_eq t1 t2 then () else
+  try
+    match (get_desc t1, get_desc t2) with
+      (Tvar _, Tvar _) when rename ->
+        eqtype_subst type_pairs subst t1 t2
+    | (Tconstr (p1, [], _), Tconstr (p2, [], _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+        ()
+    | _ ->
+        let t1' = expand_head_rigid env t1 in
+        let t2' = expand_head_rigid env t2 in
+        (* Expansion may have changed the representative of the types... *)
+        if check_phys_eq t1' t2' then () else
+        if not (TypePairs.mem type_pairs (t1', t2')) then begin
+          TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1', t2');
+          match (get_desc t1', get_desc t2') with
+            (Tvar _, Tvar _) when rename ->
+              eqtype_subst type_pairs subst t1' t2'
+          | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) ->
+              eq_labels Equality ~in_pattern_mode:false l1 l2;
+              eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2;
+              eqtype rename type_pairs subst env u1 u2
+          | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
+              eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2
+          | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _))
+                when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+              eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2
+          | (Tpackage (p1, fl1), Tpackage (p2, fl2)) ->
+              begin match
+                unify_package env (eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env)
+                  (get_level t1') p1 fl1 (get_level t2') p2 fl2
+              with
+              | Ok () -> ()
+              | Error fme -> raise_for Equality (First_class_module fme)
+              | exception Not_found -> raise_unexplained_for Equality
+              end
+          | (Tnil,  Tconstr _ ) ->
+              raise_for Equality (Obj (Abstract_row Second))
+          | (Tconstr _,  Tnil ) ->
+              raise_for Equality (Obj (Abstract_row First))
+          | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) ->
+              eqtype_row rename type_pairs subst env row1 row2
+          | (Tobject (fi1, _nm1), Tobject (fi2, _nm2)) ->
+              eqtype_fields rename type_pairs subst env fi1 fi2
+          | (Tfield _, Tfield _) ->       (* Actually unused *)
+              eqtype_fields rename type_pairs subst env
+                t1' t2'
+          | (Tnil, Tnil) ->
+              ()
+          | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) ->
+              eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2
+          | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) ->
+              enter_poly_for Equality env t1 tl1 t2 tl2
+                (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env)
+          | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) ->
+              unify_univar_for Equality t1' t2' !univar_pairs
+          | (_, _) ->
+              raise_unexplained_for Equality
+        end
+  with Equality_trace trace ->
+    raise_trace_for Equality (Diff {got = t1; expected = t2} :: trace)
+and eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 =
+  List.iter2 (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env) tl1 tl2
+and eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 =
+  if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then
+    raise_unexplained_for Equality;
+  eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2
+and eqtype_fields rename type_pairs subst env ty1 ty2 =
+  let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 in
+  let (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in
+  (* First check if same row => already equal *)
+  let same_row =
+    (* [not rename]: see comment at top of [eqtype] *)
+    (not rename && eq_type rest1 rest2) ||
+    TypePairs.mem type_pairs (rest1,rest2)
+  in
+  if same_row then () else
+  (* Try expansion, needed when called from Includecore.type_manifest *)
+  match get_desc (expand_head_rigid env rest2) with
+    Tobject(ty2,_) -> eqtype_fields rename type_pairs subst env ty1 ty2
+  | _ ->
+  let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
+  eqtype rename type_pairs subst env rest1 rest2;
+  match miss1, miss2 with
+  | ((n, _, _)::_, _) -> raise_for Equality (Obj (Missing_field (Second, n)))
+  | (_, (n, _, _)::_) -> raise_for Equality (Obj (Missing_field (First, n)))
+  | [], [] ->
+      List.iter
+        (function (name, k1, t1, k2, t2) ->
+           eqtype_kind k1 k2;
+           try
+             eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2;
+           with Equality_trace trace ->
+             raise_trace_for Equality
+               (incompatible_fields ~name ~got:t1 ~expected:t2 :: trace))
+        pairs
+and eqtype_kind k1 k2 =
+  let k1 = field_kind_repr k1 in
+  let k2 = field_kind_repr k2 in
+  match k1, k2 with
+  | (Fprivate, Fprivate)
+  | (Fpublic, Fpublic)   -> ()
+  | _                    -> raise_unexplained_for Unify
+                            (* It's probably not possible to hit this case with
+                               real OCaml code *)
+and eqtype_row rename type_pairs subst env row1 row2 =
+  (* Try expansion, needed when called from Includecore.type_manifest *)
+  match get_desc (expand_head_rigid env (row_more row2)) with
+    Tvariant row2 -> eqtype_row rename type_pairs subst env row1 row2
+  | _ ->
+  let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields (row_fields row1) (row_fields row2) in
+  if row_closed row1 <> row_closed row2 then begin
+    raise_for Equality
+      (Variant (Openness (if row_closed row2 then First else Second)))
+  end;
+  if not (row_closed row1) then begin
+    match r1, r2 with
+    | _::_, _ -> raise_for Equality (Variant (No_tags (Second, r1)))
+    | _, _::_ -> raise_for Equality (Variant (No_tags (First,  r2)))
+    | _, _ -> ()
+  end;
+  begin
+    match filter_row_fields false r1 with
+    | [] -> ();
+    | _ :: _ as r1 -> raise_for Equality (Variant (No_tags (Second, r1)))
+  end;
+  begin
+    match filter_row_fields false r2 with
+    | [] -> ()
+    | _ :: _ as r2 -> raise_for Equality (Variant (No_tags (First, r2)))
+  end;
+  if not (static_row row1) then
+    eqtype rename type_pairs subst env (row_more row1) (row_more row2);
+  List.iter
+    (fun (l,f1,f2) ->
+       if f1 == f2 then () else
+       match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+       (* Both matching [Rpresent]s *)
+       | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> begin
+           try
+             eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2
+           with Equality_trace trace ->
+             raise_trace_for Equality
+               (Variant (Incompatible_types_for l) :: trace)
+         end
+       | Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> ()
+       (* Both matching [Reither]s *)
+       | Reither(c1, [], _), Reither(c2, [], _) when c1 = c2 -> ()
+       | Reither(c1, t1::tl1, _), Reither(c2, t2::tl2, _)
+         when c1 = c2 -> begin
+           try
+             eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2;
+             if List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 then
+               (* if same length allow different types (meaning?) *)
+               List.iter2 (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env) tl1 tl2
+             else begin
+               (* otherwise everything must be equal *)
+               List.iter (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1) tl2;
+               List.iter
+                 (fun t1 -> eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2) tl1
+             end
+           with Equality_trace trace ->
+             raise_trace_for Equality
+               (Variant (Incompatible_types_for l) :: trace)
+         end
+       (* Both [Rabsent]s *)
+       | Rabsent, Rabsent -> ()
+       (* Mismatched constructor arguments *)
+       | Rpresent (Some _), Rpresent None
+       | Rpresent None, Rpresent (Some _)
+       | Reither _, Reither _ ->
+           raise_for Equality (Variant (Incompatible_types_for l))
+       (* Mismatched presence *)
+       | Reither _, Rpresent _ ->
+           raise_for Equality
+             (Variant (Presence_not_guaranteed_for (First, l)))
+       | Rpresent _, Reither _ ->
+           raise_for Equality
+             (Variant (Presence_not_guaranteed_for (Second, l)))
+       (* Missing tags *)
+       | Rabsent, (Rpresent _ | Reither _) ->
+           raise_for Equality (Variant (No_tags (First, [l, f2])))
+       | (Rpresent _ | Reither _), Rabsent ->
+           raise_for Equality (Variant (No_tags (Second, [l, f1]))))
+    pairs
+(* Must empty univar_pairs first *)
+let eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 =
+  with_univar_pairs [] (fun () ->
+    let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+    Misc.try_finally
+      ~always:(fun () -> backtrack snap)
+      (fun () -> eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2))
+let eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 =
+  eqtype_list_same_length rename type_pairs subst env [t1] [t2]
+(* Two modes: with or without renaming of variables *)
+let equal env rename tyl1 tyl2 =
+  if List.length tyl1 <> List.length tyl2 then
+    raise_unexplained_for Equality;
+  if List.for_all2 eq_type tyl1 tyl2 then () else
+  let subst = ref [] in
+  try eqtype_list_same_length rename (TypePairs.create 11) subst env tyl1 tyl2
+  with Equality_trace trace ->
+    raise (Equality (expand_to_equality_error env trace !subst))
+let is_equal env rename tyl1 tyl2 =
+  match equal env rename tyl1 tyl2 with
+  | () -> true
+  | exception Equality _ -> false
+let rec equal_private env params1 ty1 params2 ty2 =
+  match equal env true (params1 @ [ty1]) (params2 @ [ty2]) with
+  | () -> ()
+  | exception (Equality _ as err) ->
+      match try_expand_safe_opt env (expand_head env ty1) with
+      | ty1' -> equal_private env params1 ty1' params2 ty2
+      | exception Cannot_expand -> raise err
+                          (*************************)
+                          (*  Class type matching  *)
+                          (*************************)
+type class_match_failure =
+    CM_Virtual_class
+  | CM_Parameter_arity_mismatch of int * int
+  | CM_Type_parameter_mismatch of int * Env.t * equality_error
+  | CM_Class_type_mismatch of Env.t * class_type * class_type
+  | CM_Parameter_mismatch of int * Env.t * moregen_error
+  | CM_Val_type_mismatch of string * Env.t * comparison_error
+  | CM_Meth_type_mismatch of string * Env.t * comparison_error
+  | CM_Non_mutable_value of string
+  | CM_Non_concrete_value of string
+  | CM_Missing_value of string
+  | CM_Missing_method of string
+  | CM_Hide_public of string
+  | CM_Hide_virtual of string * string
+  | CM_Public_method of string
+  | CM_Private_method of string
+  | CM_Virtual_method of string
+exception Failure of class_match_failure list
+let match_class_sig_shape ~strict sign1 sign2 =
+  let errors =
+    Meths.fold
+      (fun lab (priv, vr, _) err ->
+         match Meths.find lab sign1.csig_meths with
+         | exception Not_found -> CM_Missing_method lab::err
+         | (priv', vr', _) ->
+             match priv', priv with
+             | Mpublic, Mprivate _ -> CM_Public_method lab::err
+             | Mprivate _, Mpublic when strict -> CM_Private_method lab::err
+             | _, _ ->
+               match vr', vr with
+               | Virtual, Concrete -> CM_Virtual_method lab::err
+               | _, _ -> err)
+      sign2.csig_meths []
+  in
+  let errors =
+    Meths.fold
+      (fun lab (priv, vr, _) err ->
+         if Meths.mem lab sign2.csig_meths then err
+         else begin
+           let err =
+             match priv with
+             | Mpublic -> CM_Hide_public lab :: err
+             | Mprivate _ -> err
+           in
+           match vr with
+           | Virtual -> CM_Hide_virtual ("method", lab) :: err
+           | Concrete -> err
+         end)
+      sign1.csig_meths errors
+  in
+  let errors =
+    Vars.fold
+      (fun lab (mut, vr, _) err ->
+         match Vars.find lab sign1.csig_vars with
+         | exception Not_found -> CM_Missing_value lab::err
+         | (mut', vr', _) ->
+             match mut', mut with
+             | Immutable, Mutable -> CM_Non_mutable_value lab::err
+             | _, _ ->
+               match vr', vr with
+               | Virtual, Concrete -> CM_Non_concrete_value lab::err
+               | _, _ -> err)
+      sign2.csig_vars errors
+  in
+  Vars.fold
+    (fun lab (_,vr,_) err ->
+      if vr = Virtual && not (Vars.mem lab sign2.csig_vars) then
+        CM_Hide_virtual ("instance variable", lab) :: err
+      else err)
+    sign1.csig_vars errors
+(* [arrow_index] is the number of [Cty_arrow]
+           constructors we've seen so far. *)
+let rec moregen_clty ~arrow_index trace type_pairs env cty1 cty2 =
+  try
+    match cty1, cty2 with
+    | Cty_constr (_, _, cty1), _ ->
+        moregen_clty ~arrow_index true type_pairs env cty1 cty2
+    | _, Cty_constr (_, _, cty2) ->
+        moregen_clty ~arrow_index true type_pairs env cty1 cty2
+    | Cty_arrow (l1, ty1, cty1'), Cty_arrow (l2, ty2, cty2') when l1 = l2 ->
+        let arrow_index = arrow_index + 1 in
+        begin
+          try moregen true type_pairs env ty1 ty2 with Moregen_trace trace ->
+            raise (Failure [
+                CM_Parameter_mismatch
+                  (arrow_index, env, expand_to_moregen_error env trace)])
+        end;
+        moregen_clty ~arrow_index false type_pairs env cty1' cty2'
+    | Cty_signature sign1, Cty_signature sign2 ->
+        Meths.iter
+          (fun lab (_, _, ty) ->
+             match Meths.find lab sign1.csig_meths with
+             | exception Not_found ->
+               (* This function is only called after checking that
+                  all methods in sign2 are present in sign1. *)
+               assert false
+             | (_, _, ty') ->
+                 match moregen true type_pairs env ty' ty with
+                 | () -> ()
+                 | exception Moregen_trace trace ->
+                     raise (Failure [
+                       CM_Meth_type_mismatch
+                         (lab,
+                          env,
+                          Moregen_error
+                            (expand_to_moregen_error env trace))]))
+          sign2.csig_meths;
+        Vars.iter
+          (fun lab (_, _, ty) ->
+             match Vars.find lab sign1.csig_vars with
+             | exception Not_found ->
+               (* This function is only called after checking that
+                  all instance variables in sign2 are present in sign1. *)
+               assert false
+             | (_, _, ty') ->
+                 match moregen true type_pairs env ty' ty with
+                 | () -> ()
+                 | exception Moregen_trace trace ->
+                     raise (Failure [
+                       CM_Val_type_mismatch
+                         (lab,
+                          env,
+                          Moregen_error
+                            (expand_to_moregen_error env trace))]))
+          sign2.csig_vars
+    | _ ->
+        raise (Failure [])
+  with
+    Failure error when trace || error = [] ->
+      raise (Failure (CM_Class_type_mismatch (env, cty1, cty2)::error))
+let moregen_clty trace type_pairs env cty1 cty2 =
+  moregen_clty ~arrow_index:0 trace type_pairs env cty1 cty2
+let match_class_types ?(trace=true) env pat_sch subj_sch =
+  let sign1 = signature_of_class_type pat_sch in
+  let sign2 = signature_of_class_type subj_sch in
+  let errors = match_class_sig_shape ~strict:false sign1 sign2 in
+  match errors with
+  | [] ->
+      (* Moregen splits the generic level into two finer levels:
+         [generic_level] and [subject_level = generic_level - 1].
+         In order to properly detect and print weak variables when
+         printing errors, we need to merge those levels back together.
+         We do that by starting at level [subject_level - 1], using
+         [with_local_level_generalize] to first set the current level
+         to [subject_level], and then generalize nodes at [subject_level]
+         on exit.
+         Strictly speaking, we could avoid generalizing when there is no error,
+         as nodes at level [subject_level] are never unified with nodes of
+         the original types, but that would be rather ad hoc.
+       *)
+      with_level ~level:(subject_level - 1) begin fun () ->
+        with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+          assert (!current_level = subject_level);
+          (*
+            Generic variables are first duplicated with [instance].  So,
+            their levels are lowered to [subject_level].  The subject is
+            then copied with [duplicate_type].  That way, its levels won't be
+            changed.
+           *)
+          let (_, subj_inst) = instance_class [] subj_sch in
+          let subj = duplicate_class_type subj_inst in
+          (* Duplicate generic variables *)
+          let (_, patt) =
+            with_level ~level:generic_level
+              (fun () -> instance_class [] pat_sch) in
+          let type_pairs = TypePairs.create 53 in
+          let sign1 = signature_of_class_type patt in
+          let sign2 = signature_of_class_type subj in
+          let self1 = sign1.csig_self in
+          let self2 = sign2.csig_self in
+          let row1 = sign1.csig_self_row in
+          let row2 = sign2.csig_self_row in
+          TypePairs.add type_pairs (self1, self2);
+          (* Always succeeds *)
+          moregen true type_pairs env row1 row2;
+          (* May fail *)
+          try moregen_clty trace type_pairs env patt subj; []
+          with Failure res -> res
+        end
+      end
+  | errors ->
+      CM_Class_type_mismatch (env, pat_sch, subj_sch) :: errors
+let equal_clsig trace type_pairs subst env sign1 sign2 =
+  try
+    Meths.iter
+      (fun lab (_, _, ty) ->
+         match Meths.find lab sign1.csig_meths with
+         | exception Not_found ->
+             (* This function is only called after checking that
+                all methods in sign2 are present in sign1. *)
+             assert false
+         | (_, _, ty') ->
+             match eqtype true type_pairs subst env ty' ty with
+             | () -> ()
+             | exception Equality_trace trace ->
+                 raise (Failure [
+                   CM_Meth_type_mismatch
+                     (lab,
+                      env,
+                      Equality_error
+                        (expand_to_equality_error env trace !subst))]))
+      sign2.csig_meths;
+    Vars.iter
+      (fun lab (_, _, ty) ->
+         match Vars.find lab sign1.csig_vars with
+         | exception Not_found ->
+             (* This function is only called after checking that
+                all instance variables in sign2 are present in sign1. *)
+             assert false
+         | (_, _, ty') ->
+             match eqtype true type_pairs subst env ty' ty with
+             | () -> ()
+             | exception Equality_trace trace ->
+                 raise (Failure [
+                   CM_Val_type_mismatch
+                     (lab,
+                      env,
+                      Equality_error
+                        (expand_to_equality_error env trace !subst))]))
+      sign2.csig_vars
+  with
+    Failure error when trace ->
+      raise (Failure (CM_Class_type_mismatch
+                        (env, Cty_signature sign1, Cty_signature sign2)::error))
+let match_class_declarations env patt_params patt_type subj_params subj_type =
+  let sign1 = signature_of_class_type patt_type in
+  let sign2 = signature_of_class_type subj_type in
+  let errors = match_class_sig_shape ~strict:true sign1 sign2 in
+  match errors with
+  | [] -> begin
+      try
+        let subst = ref [] in
+        let type_pairs = TypePairs.create 53 in
+        let self1 = sign1.csig_self in
+        let self2 = sign2.csig_self in
+        let row1 = sign1.csig_self_row in
+        let row2 = sign2.csig_self_row in
+        TypePairs.add type_pairs (self1, self2);
+        (* Always succeeds *)
+        eqtype true type_pairs subst env row1 row2;
+        let lp = List.length patt_params in
+        let ls = List.length subj_params in
+        if lp  <> ls then
+          raise (Failure [CM_Parameter_arity_mismatch (lp, ls)]);
+        Stdlib.List.iteri2 (fun n p s ->
+          try eqtype true type_pairs subst env p s with Equality_trace trace ->
+            raise (Failure
+                     [CM_Type_parameter_mismatch
+                        (n+1, env, expand_to_equality_error env trace !subst)]))
+          patt_params subj_params;
+     (* old code: equal_clty false type_pairs subst env patt_type subj_type; *)
+        equal_clsig false type_pairs subst env sign1 sign2;
+        (* Use moregeneral for class parameters, need to recheck everything to
+           keeps relationships (PR#4824) *)
+        let clty_params =
+          List.fold_right (fun ty cty -> Cty_arrow (Labelled "*",ty,cty)) in
+        match_class_types ~trace:false env
+          (clty_params patt_params patt_type)
+          (clty_params subj_params subj_type)
+      with Failure r -> r
+    end
+  | error ->
+      error
+                              (***************)
+                              (*  Subtyping  *)
+                              (***************)
+(**** Build a subtype of a given type. ****)
+(* build_subtype:
+   [visited] traces traversed object and variant types
+   [loops] is a mapping from variables to variables, to reproduce
+     positive loops in a class type
+   [posi] true if the current variance is positive
+   [level] number of expansions/enlargement allowed on this branch *)
+let warn = ref false  (* whether double coercion might do better *)
+let pred_expand n = if n mod 2 = 0 && n > 0 then pred n else n
+let pred_enlarge n = if n mod 2 = 1 then pred n else n
+type change = Unchanged | Equiv | Changed
+let max_change c1 c2 =
+  match c1, c2 with
+  | _, Changed | Changed, _ -> Changed
+  | Equiv, _ | _, Equiv -> Equiv
+  | _ -> Unchanged
+let collect l = List.fold_left (fun c1 (_, c2) -> max_change c1 c2) Unchanged l
+let rec filter_visited = function
+    [] -> []
+  | {desc=Tobject _|Tvariant _} :: _ as l -> l
+  | _ :: l -> filter_visited l
+let memq_warn t visited =
+  if List.memq t visited then (warn := true; true) else false
+let find_cltype_for_path env p =
+  let cl_abbr = Env.find_hash_type p env in
+  match cl_abbr.type_manifest with
+    Some ty ->
+      begin match get_desc ty with
+        Tobject(_,{contents=Some(p',_)}) when Path.same p p' -> cl_abbr, ty
+      | _ -> raise Not_found
+      end
+  | None -> assert false
+let has_constr_row' env t =
+  has_constr_row (expand_abbrev env t)
+let rec build_subtype env (visited : transient_expr list)
+    (loops : (int * type_expr) list) posi level t =
+  match get_desc t with
+    Tvar _ ->
+      if posi then
+        try
+          let t' = List.assq (get_id t) loops in
+          warn := true;
+          (t', Equiv)
+        with Not_found ->
+          (t, Unchanged)
+      else
+        (t, Unchanged)
+  | Tarrow(l, t1, t2, _) ->
+      let tt = Transient_expr.repr t in
+      if memq_warn tt visited then (t, Unchanged) else
+      let visited = tt :: visited in
+      let (t1', c1) = build_subtype env visited loops (not posi) level t1 in
+      let (t2', c2) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level t2 in
+      let c = max_change c1 c2 in
+      if c > Unchanged
+      then (newty (Tarrow(l, t1', t2', commu_ok)), c)
+      else (t, Unchanged)
+  | Ttuple tlist ->
+      let tt = Transient_expr.repr t in
+      if memq_warn tt visited then (t, Unchanged) else
+      let visited = tt :: visited in
+      let tlist' =
+        List.map (build_subtype env visited loops posi level) tlist
+      in
+      let c = collect tlist' in
+      if c > Unchanged then (newty (Ttuple (List.map fst tlist')), c)
+      else (t, Unchanged)
+  | Tconstr(p, tl, abbrev)
+    when level > 0 && generic_abbrev env p && safe_abbrev env t
+    && not (has_constr_row' env t) ->
+      let t' = expand_abbrev env t in
+      let level' = pred_expand level in
+      begin try match get_desc t' with
+        Tobject _ when posi && not (opened_object t') ->
+          let cl_abbr, body = find_cltype_for_path env p in
+          let ty =
+            try
+              subst env !current_level Public abbrev None
+                cl_abbr.type_params tl body
+            with Cannot_subst -> assert false in
+          let ty1, tl1 =
+            match get_desc ty with
+              Tobject(ty1,{contents=Some(p',tl1)}) when Path.same p p' ->
+                ty1, tl1
+            | _ -> raise Not_found
+          in
+          (* Fix PR#4505: do not set ty to Tvar when it appears in tl1,
+             as this occurrence might break the occur check.
+             XXX not clear whether this correct anyway... *)
+          if List.exists (deep_occur ty) tl1 then raise Not_found;
+          set_type_desc ty (Tvar None);
+          let t'' = newvar () in
+          let loops = (get_id ty, t'') :: loops in
+          (* May discard [visited] as level is going down *)
+          let (ty1', c) =
+            build_subtype env [Transient_expr.repr t']
+              loops posi (pred_enlarge level') ty1 in
+          assert (is_Tvar t'');
+          let nm =
+            if c > Equiv || deep_occur ty ty1' then None else Some(p,tl1) in
+          set_type_desc t'' (Tobject (ty1', ref nm));
+          (try unify_var env ty t with Unify _ -> assert false);
+          ( t'', Changed)
+      | _ -> raise Not_found
+      with Not_found ->
+        let (t'',c) =
+          build_subtype env visited loops posi level' t' in
+        if c > Unchanged then (t'',c)
+        else (t, Unchanged)
+      end
+  | Tconstr(p, tl, _abbrev) ->
+      (* Must check recursion on constructors, since we do not always
+         expand them *)
+      let tt = Transient_expr.repr t in
+      if memq_warn tt visited then (t, Unchanged) else
+      let visited = tt :: visited in
+      begin try
+        let decl = Env.find_type p env in
+        if level = 0 && generic_abbrev env p && safe_abbrev env t
+        && not (has_constr_row' env t)
+        then warn := true;
+        let tl' =
+          List.map2
+            (fun v t ->
+              let (co,cn) = Variance.get_upper v in
+              if cn then
+                if co then (t, Unchanged)
+                else build_subtype env visited loops (not posi) level t
+              else
+                if co then build_subtype env visited loops posi level t
+                else (newvar(), Changed))
+            decl.type_variance tl
+        in
+        let c = collect tl' in
+        if c > Unchanged then (newconstr p (List.map fst tl'), c)
+        else (t, Unchanged)
+      with Not_found ->
+        (t, Unchanged)
+      end
+  | Tvariant row ->
+      let tt = Transient_expr.repr t in
+      if memq_warn tt visited || not (static_row row) then (t, Unchanged) else
+      let level' = pred_enlarge level in
+      let visited =
+        tt :: if level' < level then [] else filter_visited visited in
+      let fields = filter_row_fields false (row_fields row) in
+      let fields =
+        List.map
+          (fun (l,f as orig) -> match row_field_repr f with
+            Rpresent None ->
+              if posi then
+                (l, rf_either_of None), Unchanged
+              else
+                orig, Unchanged
+          | Rpresent(Some t) ->
+              let (t', c) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level' t in
+              let f =
+                if posi && level > 0
+                then rf_either_of (Some t')
+                else rf_present (Some t')
+              in (l, f), c
+          | _ -> assert false)
+          fields
+      in
+      let c = collect fields in
+      let row =
+        create_row ~fields:(List.map fst fields) ~more:(newvar ())
+          ~closed:posi ~fixed:None
+          ~name:(if c > Unchanged then None else row_name row)
+      in
+      (newty (Tvariant row), Changed)
+  | Tobject (t1, _) ->
+      let tt = Transient_expr.repr t in
+      if memq_warn tt visited || opened_object t1 then (t, Unchanged) else
+      let level' = pred_enlarge level in
+      let visited =
+        tt :: if level' < level then [] else filter_visited visited in
+      let (t1', c) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level' t1 in
+      if c > Unchanged then (newty (Tobject (t1', ref None)), c)
+      else (t, Unchanged)
+  | Tfield(s, _, t1, t2) (* Always present *) ->
+      let (t1', c1) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level t1 in
+      let (t2', c2) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level t2 in
+      let c = max_change c1 c2 in
+      if c > Unchanged then (newty (Tfield(s, field_public, t1', t2')), c)
+      else (t, Unchanged)
+  | Tnil ->
+      if posi then
+        let v = newvar () in
+        (v, Changed)
+      else begin
+        warn := true;
+        (t, Unchanged)
+      end
+  | Tsubst _ | Tlink _ ->
+      assert false
+  | Tpoly(t1, tl) ->
+      let (t1', c) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level t1 in
+      if c > Unchanged then (newty (Tpoly(t1', tl)), c)
+      else (t, Unchanged)
+  | Tunivar _ | Tpackage _ ->
+      (t, Unchanged)
+let enlarge_type env ty =
+  warn := false;
+  (* [level = 4] allows 2 expansions involving objects/variants *)
+  let (ty', _) = build_subtype env [] [] true 4 ty in
+  (ty', !warn)
+(**** Check whether a type is a subtype of another type. ****)
+    During the traversal, a trace of visited types is maintained. It
+    is printed in case of error.
+    Constraints (pairs of types that must be equals) are accumulated
+    rather than being enforced straight. Indeed, the result would
+    otherwise depend on the order in which these constraints are
+    enforced.
+    A function enforcing these constraints is returned. That way, type
+    variables can be bound to their actual values before this function
+    is called (see Typecore).
+    Only well-defined abbreviations are expanded (hence the tests
+    [generic_abbrev ...]).
+let subtypes = TypePairs.create 17
+let subtype_error ~env ~trace ~unification_trace =
+  raise (Subtype (Subtype.error
+                    ~trace:(expand_subtype_trace env (List.rev trace))
+                    ~unification_trace))
+let rec subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 cstrs =
+  if eq_type t1 t2 then cstrs else
+  if TypePairs.mem subtypes (t1, t2) then
+    cstrs
+  else begin
+    TypePairs.add subtypes (t1, t2);
+    match (get_desc t1, get_desc t2) with
+      (Tvar _, _) | (_, Tvar _) ->
+        (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
+    | (Tarrow(l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow(l2, t2, u2, _))
+      when compatible_labels ~in_pattern_mode:false l1 l2 ->
+        let cstrs =
+          subtype_rec
+            env
+            (Subtype.Diff {got = t2; expected = t1} :: trace)
+            t2 t1
+            cstrs
+        in
+        subtype_rec
+          env
+          (Subtype.Diff {got = u1; expected = u2} :: trace)
+          u1 u2
+          cstrs
+    | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
+        subtype_list env trace tl1 tl2 cstrs
+    | (Tconstr(p1, [], _), Tconstr(p2, [], _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+        cstrs
+    | (Tconstr(p1, _tl1, _abbrev1), _)
+      when generic_abbrev env p1 && safe_abbrev env t1 ->
+        subtype_rec env trace (expand_abbrev env t1) t2 cstrs
+    | (_, Tconstr(p2, _tl2, _abbrev2))
+      when generic_abbrev env p2 && safe_abbrev env t2 ->
+        subtype_rec env trace t1 (expand_abbrev env t2) cstrs
+    | (Tconstr(p1, tl1, _), Tconstr(p2, tl2, _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+        begin try
+          let decl = Env.find_type p1 env in
+          List.fold_left2
+            (fun cstrs v (t1, t2) ->
+              let (co, cn) = Variance.get_upper v in
+              if co then
+                if cn then
+                  (trace, newty2 ~level:(get_level t1) (Ttuple[t1]),
+                   newty2 ~level:(get_level t2) (Ttuple[t2]), !univar_pairs)
+                  :: cstrs
+                else
+                  subtype_rec
+                    env
+                    (Subtype.Diff {got = t1; expected = t2} :: trace)
+                    t1 t2
+                    cstrs
+              else
+                if cn
+                then
+                  subtype_rec
+                    env
+                    (Subtype.Diff {got = t2; expected = t1} :: trace)
+                    t2 t1
+                    cstrs
+                else cstrs)
+            cstrs decl.type_variance (List.combine tl1 tl2)
+        with Not_found ->
+          (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
+        end
+    | (Tconstr(p1, _, _), _)
+      when generic_private_abbrev env p1 && safe_abbrev_opt env t1 ->
+        subtype_rec env trace (expand_abbrev_opt env t1) t2 cstrs
+(*  | (_, Tconstr(p2, _, _)) when generic_private_abbrev false env p2 ->
+        subtype_rec env trace t1 (expand_abbrev_opt env t2) cstrs *)
+    | (Tobject (f1, _), Tobject (f2, _))
+      when is_Tvar (object_row f1) && is_Tvar (object_row f2) ->
+        (* Same row variable implies same object. *)
+        (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
+    | (Tobject (f1, _), Tobject (f2, _)) ->
+        subtype_fields env trace f1 f2 cstrs
+    | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) ->
+        begin try
+          subtype_row env trace row1 row2 cstrs
+        with Exit ->
+          (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
+        end
+    | (Tpoly (u1, []), Tpoly (u2, [])) ->
+        subtype_rec env trace u1 u2 cstrs
+    | (Tpoly (u1, tl1), Tpoly (u2, [])) ->
+        let _, u1' = instance_poly ~fixed:false tl1 u1 in
+        subtype_rec env trace u1' u2 cstrs
+    | (Tpoly (u1, tl1), Tpoly (u2,tl2)) ->
+        begin try
+          enter_poly env u1 tl1 u2 tl2
+            (fun t1 t2 -> subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 cstrs)
+        with Escape _ ->
+          (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
+        end
+    | (Tpackage (p1, fl1), Tpackage (p2, fl2)) ->
+        begin try
+          let ntl1 =
+            complete_type_list env fl2 (get_level t1) (Mty_ident p1) fl1
+          and ntl2 =
+            complete_type_list env fl1 (get_level t2) (Mty_ident p2) fl2
+              ~allow_absent:true in
+          let cstrs' =
+            List.map
+              (fun (n2,t2) -> (trace, List.assoc n2 ntl1, t2, !univar_pairs))
+              ntl2
+          in
+          if eq_package_path env p1 p2 then cstrs' @ cstrs
+          else begin
+            (* need to check module subtyping *)
+            let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+            match List.iter (fun (_, t1, t2, _) -> unify env t1 t2) cstrs' with
+            | () when Result.is_ok (!package_subtype env p1 fl1 p2 fl2) ->
+              Btype.backtrack snap; cstrs' @ cstrs
+            | () | exception Unify _ ->
+              Btype.backtrack snap; raise Not_found
+          end
+        with Not_found ->
+          (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
+        end
+    | (_, _) ->
+        (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs
+  end
+and subtype_list env trace tl1 tl2 cstrs =
+  if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then
+    subtype_error ~env ~trace ~unification_trace:[];
+  List.fold_left2
+    (fun cstrs t1 t2 ->
+       subtype_rec
+         env
+         (Subtype.Diff { got = t1; expected = t2 } :: trace)
+         t1 t2
+         cstrs)
+    cstrs tl1 tl2
+and subtype_fields env trace ty1 ty2 cstrs =
+  (* Assume that either rest1 or rest2 is not Tvar *)
+  let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 in
+  let (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in
+  let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
+  let cstrs =
+    if get_desc rest2 = Tnil then cstrs else
+    if miss1 = [] then
+      subtype_rec
+        env
+        (Subtype.Diff {got = rest1; expected = rest2} :: trace)
+        rest1 rest2
+        cstrs
+    else
+      (trace, build_fields (get_level ty1) miss1 rest1, rest2,
+       !univar_pairs) :: cstrs
+  in
+  let cstrs =
+    if miss2 = [] then cstrs else
+    (trace, rest1, build_fields (get_level ty2) miss2 (newvar ()),
+     !univar_pairs) :: cstrs
+  in
+  List.fold_left
+    (fun cstrs (_, _k1, t1, _k2, t2) ->
+       (* These fields are always present *)
+       subtype_rec
+         env
+         (Subtype.Diff {got = t1; expected = t2} :: trace)
+         t1 t2
+         cstrs)
+    cstrs pairs
+and subtype_row env trace row1 row2 cstrs =
+  let Row {fields = row1_fields; more = more1; closed = row1_closed} =
+    row_repr row1 in
+  let Row {fields = row2_fields; more = more2; closed = row2_closed} =
+    row_repr row2 in
+  let r1, r2, pairs =
+    merge_row_fields row1_fields row2_fields in
+  let r1 = if row2_closed then filter_row_fields false r1 else r1 in
+  let r2 = if row1_closed then filter_row_fields false r2 else r2 in
+  match get_desc more1, get_desc more2 with
+    Tconstr(p1,_,_), Tconstr(p2,_,_) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+      subtype_rec
+        env
+        (Subtype.Diff {got = more1; expected = more2} :: trace)
+        more1 more2
+        cstrs
+  | (Tvar _|Tconstr _|Tnil), (Tvar _|Tconstr _|Tnil)
+    when row1_closed && r1 = [] ->
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun cstrs (_,f1,f2) ->
+          match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+            (Rpresent None|Reither(true,_,_)), Rpresent None ->
+              cstrs
+          | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
+              subtype_rec
+                env
+                (Subtype.Diff {got = t1; expected = t2} :: trace)
+                t1 t2
+                cstrs
+          | Reither(false, t1::_, _), Rpresent(Some t2) ->
+              subtype_rec
+                env
+                (Subtype.Diff {got = t1; expected = t2} :: trace)
+                t1 t2
+                cstrs
+          | Rabsent, _ -> cstrs
+          | _ -> raise Exit)
+        cstrs pairs
+  | Tunivar _, Tunivar _
+    when row1_closed = row2_closed && r1 = [] && r2 = [] ->
+      let cstrs =
+        subtype_rec
+          env
+          (Subtype.Diff {got = more1; expected = more2} :: trace)
+          more1 more2
+          cstrs
+      in
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun cstrs (_,f1,f2) ->
+          match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+            Rpresent None, Rpresent None
+          | Reither(true,[],_), Reither(true,[],_)
+          | Rabsent, Rabsent ->
+              cstrs
+          | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2)
+          | Reither(false,[t1],_), Reither(false,[t2],_) ->
+              subtype_rec
+                env
+                (Subtype.Diff {got = t1; expected = t2} :: trace)
+                t1 t2
+                cstrs
+          | _ -> raise Exit)
+        cstrs pairs
+  | _ ->
+      raise Exit
+let subtype env ty1 ty2 =
+  TypePairs.clear subtypes;
+  with_univar_pairs [] (fun () ->
+    (* Build constraint set. *)
+    let cstrs =
+      subtype_rec env [Subtype.Diff {got = ty1; expected = ty2}] ty1 ty2 []
+    in
+    TypePairs.clear subtypes;
+    (* Enforce constraints. *)
+    function () ->
+      List.iter
+        (function (trace0, t1, t2, pairs) ->
+           try unify_pairs env t1 t2 pairs with Unify {trace} ->
+           subtype_error
+             ~env
+             ~trace:trace0
+             ~unification_trace:(List.tl trace))
+        (List.rev cstrs))
+                              (*******************)
+                              (*  Miscellaneous  *)
+                              (*******************)
+(* Utility for printing. The resulting type is not used in computation. *)
+let rec unalias_object ty =
+  let level = get_level ty in
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tfield (s, k, t1, t2) ->
+      newty2 ~level (Tfield (s, k, t1, unalias_object t2))
+  | Tvar _ | Tnil as desc ->
+      newty2 ~level desc
+  | Tunivar _ ->
+      ty
+  | Tconstr _ ->
+      newvar2 level
+  | _ ->
+      assert false
+let unalias ty =
+  let level = get_level ty in
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tvar _ | Tunivar _ ->
+      ty
+  | Tvariant row ->
+      let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = row_repr row in
+      newty2 ~level
+        (Tvariant
+           (create_row ~fields ~name ~fixed ~closed ~more:
+              (newty2 ~level:(get_level more) (get_desc more))))
+  | Tobject (ty, nm) ->
+      newty2 ~level (Tobject (unalias_object ty, nm))
+  | desc ->
+      newty2 ~level desc
+(* Return the arity (as for curried functions) of the given type. *)
+let rec arity ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tarrow(_, _t1, t2, _) -> 1 + arity t2
+  | _ -> 0
+(* Check for non-generalizable type variables *)
+let add_nongen_vars_in_schema =
+  let rec loop env ((visited, weak_set) as acc) ty =
+    if TypeSet.mem ty visited
+    then acc
+    else begin
+      let visited = TypeSet.add ty visited in
+      match get_desc ty with
+      | Tvar _ when get_level ty <> generic_level ->
+          visited, TypeSet.add ty weak_set
+      | Tconstr _ ->
+          let (_, unexpanded_candidate) as unexpanded_candidate' =
+            fold_type_expr
+              (loop env)
+              (visited, weak_set)
+              ty
+          in
+          (* Using `==` is okay because `loop` will return the original set
+             when it does not change it. Similarly, `TypeSet.add` will return
+             the original set if the element is already present. *)
+          if unexpanded_candidate == weak_set
+          then (visited, weak_set)
+          else begin
+            match
+              loop env (visited, weak_set)
+                (try_expand_head try_expand_safe env ty)
+            with
+            | exception Cannot_expand -> unexpanded_candidate'
+            | expanded_result -> expanded_result
+          end
+      | Tfield(_, kind, t1, t2) ->
+          let visited, weak_set =
+            match field_kind_repr kind with
+            | Fpublic -> loop env (visited, weak_set) t1
+            | _ -> visited, weak_set
+          in
+          loop env (visited, weak_set) t2
+      | Tvariant row ->
+          let visited, weak_set =
+            fold_row (loop env) (visited, weak_set) row
+          in
+          if not (static_row row)
+          then loop env (visited, weak_set) (row_more row)
+          else (visited, weak_set)
+      | _ ->
+          fold_type_expr (loop env) (visited, weak_set) ty
+    end
+  in
+  fun env acc ty ->
+    let _, result = loop env (TypeSet.empty, acc) ty in
+    result
+(* Return all non-generic variables of [ty]. *)
+let nongen_vars_in_schema env ty =
+  let result = add_nongen_vars_in_schema env TypeSet.empty ty in
+  if TypeSet.is_empty result
+  then None
+  else Some result
+(* Check that all type variables are generalizable *)
+(* Use Env.empty to prevent expansion of recursively defined object types;
+   cf. typing-poly/poly.ml *)
+let nongen_class_type =
+  let add_nongen_vars_in_schema' ty weak_set =
+    add_nongen_vars_in_schema Env.empty weak_set ty
+  in
+  let add_nongen_vars_in_schema_fold fold m weak_set =
+    let f _key (_,_,ty) weak_set =
+      add_nongen_vars_in_schema Env.empty weak_set ty
+    in
+    fold f m weak_set
+  in
+  let rec nongen_class_type cty weak_set =
+    match cty with
+    | Cty_constr (_, params, _) ->
+        List.fold_left
+          (add_nongen_vars_in_schema Env.empty)
+          weak_set
+          params
+    | Cty_signature sign ->
+        weak_set
+        |> add_nongen_vars_in_schema' sign.csig_self
+        |> add_nongen_vars_in_schema' sign.csig_self_row
+        |> add_nongen_vars_in_schema_fold Meths.fold sign.csig_meths
+        |> add_nongen_vars_in_schema_fold Vars.fold sign.csig_vars
+    | Cty_arrow (_, ty, cty) ->
+        add_nongen_vars_in_schema' ty weak_set
+        |> nongen_class_type cty
+  in
+  nongen_class_type
+let nongen_class_declaration cty =
+  List.fold_left
+    (add_nongen_vars_in_schema Env.empty)
+    TypeSet.empty
+    cty.cty_params
+  |> nongen_class_type cty.cty_type
+let nongen_vars_in_class_declaration cty =
+  let result = nongen_class_declaration cty in
+  if TypeSet.is_empty result
+  then None
+  else Some result
+(* Normalize a type before printing, saving... *)
+(* Cannot use mark_type because deep_occur uses it too *)
+let rec normalize_type_rec mark ty =
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then begin
+    let tm = row_of_type ty in
+    begin if not (is_Tconstr ty) && is_constr_row ~allow_ident:false tm then
+      match get_desc tm with (* PR#7348 *)
+        Tconstr (Path.Pdot(m,i), tl, _abbrev) ->
+          let i' = String.sub i 0 (String.length i - 4) in
+          set_type_desc ty (Tconstr(Path.Pdot(m,i'), tl, ref Mnil))
+      | _ -> assert false
+    else match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvariant row ->
+      let Row {fields = orig_fields; more; name; fixed; closed} =
+        row_repr row in
+      let fields = List.map
+          (fun (l,f) ->
+            l,
+            match row_field_repr f with Reither(b, ty::(_::_ as tyl), m) ->
+              let tyl' =
+                List.fold_left
+                  (fun tyl ty ->
+                     if List.exists
+                          (fun ty' -> is_equal Env.empty false [ty] [ty'])
+                          tyl
+                     then tyl
+                     else ty::tyl)
+                  [ty] tyl
+              in
+              if List.length tyl' <= List.length tyl then
+                rf_either (List.rev tyl') ~use_ext_of:f ~no_arg:b ~matched:m
+              else f
+            | _ -> f)
+          orig_fields in
+      let fields =
+        List.sort (fun (p,_) (q,_) -> compare p q)
+          (List.filter (fun (_,fi) -> row_field_repr fi <> Rabsent) fields) in
+      set_type_desc ty (Tvariant
+                          (create_row ~fields ~more ~name ~fixed ~closed))
+    | Tobject (fi, nm) ->
+        begin match !nm with
+        | None -> ()
+        | Some (n, v :: l) ->
+            if deep_occur ty (newgenty (Ttuple l)) then
+              (* The abbreviation may be hiding something, so remove it *)
+              set_name nm None
+            else
+            begin match get_desc v with
+            | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> ()
+            | Tnil -> set_type_desc ty (Tconstr (n, l, ref Mnil))
+            | _    -> set_name nm None
+            end
+        | _ ->
+            fatal_error "Ctype.normalize_type_rec"
+        end;
+        let level = get_level fi in
+        if level < lowest_level then () else
+        let fields, row = flatten_fields fi in
+        let fi' = build_fields level fields row in
+        set_type_desc fi (get_desc fi')
+    | _ -> ()
+    end;
+    iter_type_expr (normalize_type_rec mark) ty;
+  end
+let normalize_type ty =
+  with_type_mark (fun mark -> normalize_type_rec mark ty)
+                              (*************************)
+                              (*  Remove dependencies  *)
+                              (*************************)
+   Variables are left unchanged. Other type nodes are duplicated, with
+   levels set to generic level.
+   We cannot use Tsubst here, because unification may be called by
+   expand_abbrev.
+let nondep_hash     = TypeHash.create 47
+let nondep_variants = TypeHash.create 17
+let clear_hash ()   =
+  TypeHash.clear nondep_hash; TypeHash.clear nondep_variants
+let rec nondep_type_rec ?(expand_private=false) env ids ty =
+  let try_expand env t =
+    if expand_private then try_expand_safe_opt env t
+    else try_expand_safe env t
+  in
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> ty
+  | _ -> try TypeHash.find nondep_hash ty
+  with Not_found ->
+    let ty' = newgenstub ~scope:(get_scope ty) in
+    TypeHash.add nondep_hash ty ty';
+    match
+      match get_desc ty with
+      | Tconstr(p, tl, _abbrev) as desc ->
+          begin try
+            (* First, try keeping the same type constructor p *)
+            match Path.find_free_opt ids p with
+            | Some id ->
+               raise (Nondep_cannot_erase id)
+            | None ->
+               Tconstr(p, List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) tl, ref Mnil)
+          with (Nondep_cannot_erase _) as exn ->
+            (* If that doesn't work, try expanding abbrevs *)
+            try Tlink (nondep_type_rec ~expand_private env ids
+                         (try_expand env (newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) desc)))
+              (*
+                 The [Tlink] is important. The expanded type may be a
+                 variable, or may not be completely copied yet
+                 (recursive type), so one cannot just take its
+                 description.
+               *)
+            with Cannot_expand -> raise exn
+          end
+      | Tpackage(p, fl) when Path.exists_free ids p ->
+          let p' = normalize_package_path env p in
+          begin match Path.find_free_opt ids p' with
+          | Some id -> raise (Nondep_cannot_erase id)
+          | None ->
+            let nondep_field_rec (n, ty) = (n, nondep_type_rec env ids ty) in
+            Tpackage (p', List.map nondep_field_rec fl)
+          end
+      | Tobject (t1, name) ->
+          Tobject (nondep_type_rec env ids t1,
+                 ref (match !name with
+                        None -> None
+                      | Some (p, tl) ->
+                          if Path.exists_free ids p then None
+                          else Some (p, List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) tl)))
+      | Tvariant row ->
+          let more = row_more row in
+          (* We must keep sharing according to the row variable *)
+          begin try
+            let ty2 = TypeHash.find nondep_variants more in
+            (* This variant type has been already copied *)
+            TypeHash.add nondep_hash ty ty2;
+            Tlink ty2
+          with Not_found ->
+            (* Register new type first for recursion *)
+            TypeHash.add nondep_variants more ty';
+            let static = static_row row in
+            let more' =
+              if static then newgenty Tnil else nondep_type_rec env ids more
+            in
+            (* Return a new copy *)
+            let row =
+              copy_row (nondep_type_rec env ids) true row true more' in
+            match row_name row with
+              Some (p, _tl) when Path.exists_free ids p ->
+                Tvariant (set_row_name row None)
+            | _ -> Tvariant row
+          end
+      | desc -> copy_type_desc (nondep_type_rec env ids) desc
+    with
+    | desc ->
+      Transient_expr.set_stub_desc ty' desc;
+      ty'
+    | exception e ->
+      TypeHash.remove nondep_hash ty;
+      raise e
+let nondep_type env id ty =
+  try
+    let ty' = nondep_type_rec env id ty in
+    clear_hash ();
+    ty'
+  with Nondep_cannot_erase _ as exn ->
+    clear_hash ();
+    raise exn
+let () = nondep_type' := nondep_type
+(* Preserve sharing inside type declarations. *)
+let nondep_type_decl env mid is_covariant decl =
+  try
+    let params = List.map (nondep_type_rec env mid) decl.type_params in
+    let tk =
+      try map_kind (nondep_type_rec env mid) decl.type_kind
+      with Nondep_cannot_erase _ when is_covariant -> Type_abstract Definition
+    and tm, priv =
+      match decl.type_manifest with
+      | None -> None, decl.type_private
+      | Some ty ->
+          try Some (nondep_type_rec env mid ty), decl.type_private
+          with Nondep_cannot_erase _ when is_covariant ->
+            clear_hash ();
+            try Some (nondep_type_rec ~expand_private:true env mid ty),
+                Private
+            with Nondep_cannot_erase _ ->
+              None, decl.type_private
+    in
+    clear_hash ();
+    let priv =
+      match tm with
+      | Some ty when Btype.has_constr_row ty -> Private
+      | _ -> priv
+    in
+    { type_params = params;
+      type_arity = decl.type_arity;
+      type_kind = tk;
+      type_manifest = tm;
+      type_private = priv;
+      type_variance = decl.type_variance;
+      type_separability = decl.type_separability;
+      type_is_newtype = false;
+      type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+      type_loc = decl.type_loc;
+      type_attributes = decl.type_attributes;
+      type_immediate = decl.type_immediate;
+      type_unboxed_default = decl.type_unboxed_default;
+      type_uid = decl.type_uid;
+    }
+  with Nondep_cannot_erase _ as exn ->
+    clear_hash ();
+    raise exn
+(* Preserve sharing inside extension constructors. *)
+let nondep_extension_constructor env ids ext =
+  try
+    let type_path, type_params =
+      match Path.find_free_opt ids ext.ext_type_path with
+      | Some id ->
+        begin
+          let ty =
+            newgenty (Tconstr(ext.ext_type_path, ext.ext_type_params, ref Mnil))
+          in
+          let ty' = nondep_type_rec env ids ty in
+            match get_desc ty' with
+                Tconstr(p, tl, _) -> p, tl
+              | _ -> raise (Nondep_cannot_erase id)
+        end
+      | None ->
+        let type_params =
+          List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) ext.ext_type_params
+        in
+          ext.ext_type_path, type_params
+    in
+    let args = map_type_expr_cstr_args (nondep_type_rec env ids) ext.ext_args in
+    let ret_type = Option.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) ext.ext_ret_type in
+      clear_hash ();
+      { ext_type_path = type_path;
+        ext_type_params = type_params;
+        ext_args = args;
+        ext_ret_type = ret_type;
+        ext_private = ext.ext_private;
+        ext_attributes = ext.ext_attributes;
+        ext_loc = ext.ext_loc;
+        ext_uid = ext.ext_uid;
+      }
+  with Nondep_cannot_erase _ as exn ->
+    clear_hash ();
+    raise exn
+(* Preserve sharing inside class types. *)
+let nondep_class_signature env id sign =
+  { csig_self = nondep_type_rec env id sign.csig_self;
+    csig_self_row = nondep_type_rec env id sign.csig_self_row;
+    csig_vars =
+      Vars.map (function (m, v, t) -> (m, v, nondep_type_rec env id t))
+        sign.csig_vars;
+    csig_meths =
+      Meths.map (function (p, v, t) -> (p, v, nondep_type_rec env id t))
+        sign.csig_meths }
+let rec nondep_class_type env ids =
+  function
+    Cty_constr (p, _, cty) when Path.exists_free ids p ->
+      nondep_class_type env ids cty
+  | Cty_constr (p, tyl, cty) ->
+      Cty_constr (p, List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) tyl,
+                   nondep_class_type env ids cty)
+  | Cty_signature sign ->
+      Cty_signature (nondep_class_signature env ids sign)
+  | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
+      Cty_arrow (l, nondep_type_rec env ids ty, nondep_class_type env ids cty)
+let nondep_class_declaration env ids decl =
+  assert (not (Path.exists_free ids decl.cty_path));
+  let decl =
+    { cty_params = List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) decl.cty_params;
+      cty_variance = decl.cty_variance;
+      cty_type = nondep_class_type env ids decl.cty_type;
+      cty_path = decl.cty_path;
+      cty_new =
+        begin match decl.cty_new with
+          None    -> None
+        | Some ty -> Some (nondep_type_rec env ids ty)
+        end;
+      cty_loc = decl.cty_loc;
+      cty_attributes = decl.cty_attributes;
+      cty_uid = decl.cty_uid;
+    }
+  in
+  clear_hash ();
+  decl
+let nondep_cltype_declaration env ids decl =
+  assert (not (Path.exists_free ids decl.clty_path));
+  let decl =
+    { clty_params = List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) decl.clty_params;
+      clty_variance = decl.clty_variance;
+      clty_type = nondep_class_type env ids decl.clty_type;
+      clty_path = decl.clty_path;
+      clty_hash_type = nondep_type_decl env ids false decl.clty_hash_type ;
+      clty_loc = decl.clty_loc;
+      clty_attributes = decl.clty_attributes;
+      clty_uid = decl.clty_uid;
+    }
+  in
+  clear_hash ();
+  decl
+(* collapse conjunctive types in class parameters *)
+let rec collapse_conj env visited ty =
+  let id = get_id ty in
+  if List.memq id visited then () else
+  let visited = id :: visited in
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tvariant row ->
+      List.iter
+        (fun (_l,fi) ->
+          match row_field_repr fi with
+            Reither (_c, t1::(_::_ as tl), _m) ->
+              List.iter (unify env t1) tl
+          | _ ->
+              ())
+        (row_fields row);
+      iter_row (collapse_conj env visited) row
+  | _ ->
+      iter_type_expr (collapse_conj env visited) ty
+let collapse_conj_params env params =
+  List.iter (collapse_conj env []) params
+let same_constr env t1 t2 =
+  let t1 = expand_head env t1 in
+  let t2 = expand_head env t2 in
+  match get_desc t1, get_desc t2 with
+  | Tconstr (p1, _, _), Tconstr (p2, _, _) -> Path.same p1 p2
+  | _ -> false
+let () =
+  Env.same_constr := same_constr
+let immediacy env typ =
+   match get_desc typ with
+  | Tconstr(p, _args, _abbrev) ->
+    begin try
+      let type_decl = Env.find_type p env in
+      type_decl.type_immediate
+    with Not_found -> Type_immediacy.Unknown
+    (* This can happen due to e.g. missing -I options,
+       causing some .cmi files to be unavailable.
+       Maybe we should emit a warning. *)
+    end
+  | Tvariant row ->
+      (* if all labels are devoid of arguments, not a pointer *)
+      if
+        not (row_closed row)
+        || List.exists
+           (fun (_, f) -> match row_field_repr f with
+           | Rpresent (Some _) | Reither (false, _, _) -> true
+           | _ -> false)
+          (row_fields row)
+      then
+        Type_immediacy.Unknown
+      else
+        Type_immediacy.Always
+  | _ -> Type_immediacy.Unknown
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ctype.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ctype.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..169969321a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ctype.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Operations on core types *)
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+exception Unify    of Errortrace.unification_error
+exception Equality of Errortrace.equality_error
+exception Moregen  of Errortrace.moregen_error
+exception Subtype  of Errortrace.Subtype.error
+exception Escape of type_expr Errortrace.escape
+exception Tags of label * label
+exception Cannot_expand
+exception Cannot_apply
+exception Matches_failure of Env.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  (* Raised from [matches], hence the odd name *)
+exception Incompatible
+  (* Raised from [mcomp] *)
+(* All the following wrapper functions revert to the original level,
+   even in case of exception. *)
+val with_local_level_generalize:
+    ?before_generalize:('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_if:
+        bool -> ?before_generalize:('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_structure: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_structure_if: bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_generalize_for_class: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val with_local_level: ?post:('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+        (* [with_local_level (fun () -> cmd) ~post] evaluates [cmd] at a
+           raised level.
+           If given, [post] is applied to the result, at the original level.
+           It is expected to contain only level related post-processing. *)
+val with_local_level_if: bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> post:('a -> unit) -> 'a
+        (* Same as [with_local_level], but only raise the level conditionally.
+           [post] also is only called if the level is raised. *)
+val with_local_level_iter: (unit -> 'a * 'b list) -> post:('b -> unit) -> 'a
+        (* Variant of [with_local_level], where [post] is iterated on the
+           returned list. *)
+val with_local_level_iter_if:
+    bool -> (unit -> 'a * 'b list) -> post:('b -> unit) -> 'a
+        (* Conditional variant of [with_local_level_iter] *)
+val with_level: level: int -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+        (* [with_level ~level (fun () -> cmd)] evaluates [cmd] with
+           [current_level] set to [level] *)
+val with_level_if: bool -> level: int -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+        (* Conditional variant of [with_level] *)
+val with_local_level_if_principal: (unit -> 'a) -> post:('a -> unit) -> 'a
+val with_local_level_iter_if_principal:
+    (unit -> 'a * 'b list) -> post:('b -> unit) -> 'a
+        (* Applications of [with_local_level_if] and [with_local_level_iter_if]
+           to [!Clflags.principal] *)
+val with_local_level_for_class: ?post:('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+        (* Variant of [with_local_level], where the current level is raised but
+           the nongen level is not touched *)
+val with_raised_nongen_level: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+        (* Variant of [with_local_level],
+           raises the nongen level to the current level *)
+val reset_global_level: unit -> unit
+        (* Reset the global level before typing an expression *)
+val increase_global_level: unit -> int
+val restore_global_level: int -> unit
+        (* This pair of functions is only used in Typetexp *)
+val create_scope : unit -> int
+val newty: type_desc -> type_expr
+val new_scoped_ty: int -> type_desc -> type_expr
+val newvar: ?name:string -> unit -> type_expr
+val newvar2: ?name:string -> int -> type_expr
+        (* Return a fresh variable *)
+val new_global_var: ?name:string -> unit -> type_expr
+        (* Return a fresh variable, bound at toplevel
+           (as type variables ['a] in type constraints). *)
+val newobj: type_expr -> type_expr
+val newconstr: Path.t -> type_expr list -> type_expr
+val none: type_expr
+        (* A dummy type expression *)
+val object_fields: type_expr -> type_expr
+val flatten_fields:
+        type_expr -> (string * field_kind * type_expr) list * type_expr
+(** Transform a field type into a list of pairs label-type.
+    The fields are sorted.
+    Beware of the interaction with GADTs:
+    Due to the introduction of object indexes for GADTs, the row variable of
+    an object may now be an expansible type abbreviation.
+    A first consequence is that [flatten_fields] will not completely flatten
+    the object, since the type abbreviation will not be expanded
+    ([flatten_fields] does not receive the current environment).
+    Another consequence is that various functions may be called with the
+    expansion of this type abbreviation, which is a Tfield, e.g. during
+    printing.
+    Concrete problems have been fixed, but new bugs may appear in the
+    future. (Test cases were added to typing-gadts/test.ml)
+val associate_fields:
+        (string * field_kind * type_expr) list ->
+        (string * field_kind * type_expr) list ->
+        (string * field_kind * type_expr * field_kind * type_expr) list *
+        (string * field_kind * type_expr) list *
+        (string * field_kind * type_expr) list
+val opened_object: type_expr -> bool
+val set_object_name:
+        Ident.t -> type_expr list -> type_expr -> unit
+val remove_object_name: type_expr -> unit
+val find_cltype_for_path: Env.t -> Path.t -> type_declaration * type_expr
+val sort_row_fields: (label * row_field) list -> (label * row_field) list
+val merge_row_fields:
+        (label * row_field) list -> (label * row_field) list ->
+        (label * row_field) list * (label * row_field) list *
+        (label * row_field * row_field) list
+val filter_row_fields:
+        bool -> (label * row_field) list -> (label * row_field) list
+val lower_contravariant: Env.t -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Lower level of type variables inside contravariant branches;
+           to be used before generalize for expansive expressions *)
+val lower_variables_only: Env.t -> int -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Lower all variables to the given level *)
+val enforce_current_level: Env.t -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Lower whole type to !current_level *)
+val generalize_class_signature_spine: class_signature -> unit
+       (* Special function to generalize methods during inference *)
+val limited_generalize: type_expr -> inside:type_expr -> unit
+        (* Only generalize some part of the type
+           Make the remaining of the type non-generalizable *)
+val limited_generalize_class_type: type_expr -> inside:class_type -> unit
+        (* Same, but for class types *)
+val duplicate_type: type_expr -> type_expr
+        (* Returns a copy with non-variable nodes at generic level *)
+val fully_generic: type_expr -> bool
+val check_scope_escape : Env.t -> int -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* [check_scope_escape env lvl ty] ensures that [ty] could be raised
+           to the level [lvl] without any scope escape.
+           Raises [Escape] otherwise *)
+val instance: ?partial:bool -> type_expr -> type_expr
+        (* Take an instance of a type scheme *)
+        (* partial=None  -> normal
+           partial=false -> newvar() for non generic subterms
+           partial=true  -> newty2 ty.level Tvar for non generic subterms *)
+val generic_instance: type_expr -> type_expr
+        (* Same as instance, but new nodes at generic_level *)
+val instance_list: type_expr list -> type_expr list
+        (* Take an instance of a list of type schemes *)
+val new_local_type:
+        ?loc:Location.t ->
+        ?manifest_and_scope:(type_expr * int) ->
+        type_origin -> type_declaration
+module Pattern_env : sig
+  type t = private
+    { mutable env : Env.t;
+      equations_scope : int;
+      (* scope for local type declarations *)
+      allow_recursive_equations : bool;
+      (* true iff checking counter examples *)
+    }
+  val make: Env.t -> equations_scope:int -> allow_recursive_equations:bool -> t
+  val copy: ?equations_scope:int -> t -> t
+  val set_env: t -> Env.t -> unit
+type existential_treatment =
+  | Keep_existentials_flexible
+  | Make_existentials_abstract of Pattern_env.t
+val instance_constructor: existential_treatment ->
+        constructor_description -> type_expr list * type_expr * type_expr list
+        (* Same, for a constructor. Also returns existentials. *)
+val instance_parameterized_type:
+        ?keep_names:bool ->
+        type_expr list -> type_expr -> type_expr list * type_expr
+val instance_declaration: type_declaration -> type_declaration
+val generic_instance_declaration: type_declaration -> type_declaration
+        (* Same as instance_declaration, but new nodes at generic_level *)
+val instance_class:
+        type_expr list -> class_type -> type_expr list * class_type
+val instance_poly:
+        ?keep_names:bool -> fixed:bool ->
+        type_expr list -> type_expr -> type_expr list * type_expr
+        (* Take an instance of a type scheme containing free univars *)
+val polyfy: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr list -> type_expr * bool
+val instance_label:
+        fixed:bool ->
+        label_description -> type_expr list * type_expr * type_expr
+        (* Same, for a label *)
+val apply:
+        ?use_current_level:bool ->
+        Env.t -> type_expr list -> type_expr -> type_expr list -> type_expr
+        (* [apply [p1...pN] t [a1...aN]] applies the type function
+           [fun p1 ... pN -> t] to the arguments [a1...aN] and returns the
+           resulting instance of [t].
+           New nodes default to generic level except if [use_current_level] is
+           set to true.
+           Exception [Cannot_apply] is raised in case of failure. *)
+val try_expand_once_opt: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+val try_expand_safe_opt: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+val expand_head_once: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+val expand_head: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+val expand_head_opt: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+(** The compiler's own version of [expand_head] necessary for type-based
+    optimisations. *)
+(** Expansion of types for error traces; lives here instead of in [Errortrace]
+    because the expansion machinery lives here. *)
+(** Create an [Errortrace.Diff] by expanding the two types *)
+val expanded_diff :
+  Env.t ->
+  got:type_expr -> expected:type_expr ->
+  (Errortrace.expanded_type, 'variant) Errortrace.elt
+(** Create an [Errortrace.Diff] by *duplicating* the two types, so that each
+    one's expansion is identical to itself.  Despite the name, does create
+    [Errortrace.expanded_type]s. *)
+val unexpanded_diff :
+  got:type_expr -> expected:type_expr ->
+  (Errortrace.expanded_type, 'variant) Errortrace.elt
+val full_expand: may_forget_scope:bool -> Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+type typedecl_extraction_result =
+  | Typedecl of Path.t * Path.t * type_declaration
+    (* The original path of the types, and the first concrete
+       type declaration found expanding it. *)
+  | Has_no_typedecl
+  | May_have_typedecl
+val extract_concrete_typedecl:
+        Env.t -> type_expr -> typedecl_extraction_result
+val get_new_abstract_name : Env.t -> string -> string
+val unify: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Unify the two types given. Raise [Unify] if not possible. *)
+val unify_gadt:
+        Pattern_env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> Btype.TypePairs.t
+        (* [unify_gadt penv ty1 ty2] unifies [ty1] and [ty2] in
+           [Pattern] mode, possible adding local constraints to the
+           environment in [penv]. Raises [Unify] if not possible.
+           Returns the pairs of types that have been equated.
+           Type variables in [ty1] are assumed to be non-leaking (safely
+           reifiable), moreover if [penv.allow_recursive_equations = true]
+           the same assumption is made for [ty2]. *)
+val unify_var: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Same as [unify], but allow free univars when first type
+           is a variable. *)
+val filter_arrow: Env.t -> type_expr -> arg_label -> type_expr * type_expr
+        (* A special case of unification with [l:'a -> 'b].  Raises
+           [Filter_arrow_failed] instead of [Unify]. *)
+val filter_method: Env.t -> string -> type_expr -> type_expr
+        (* A special case of unification (with {m : 'a; 'b}).  Raises
+           [Filter_method_failed] instead of [Unify]. *)
+val occur_in: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> bool
+val deep_occur: type_expr -> type_expr -> bool
+val moregeneral: Env.t -> bool -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Check if the first type scheme is more general than the second. *)
+val is_moregeneral: Env.t -> bool -> type_expr -> type_expr -> bool
+val rigidify: type_expr -> type_expr list
+        (* "Rigidify" a type and return its type variable *)
+val all_distinct_vars: Env.t -> type_expr list -> bool
+        (* Check those types are all distinct type variables *)
+val matches: expand_error_trace:bool -> Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Same as [moregeneral false], implemented using the two above
+           functions and backtracking. Ignore levels. The [expand_error_trace]
+           flag controls whether the error raised performs expansion; this
+           should almost always be [true]. *)
+val does_match: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> bool
+        (* Same as [matches], but returns a [bool] *)
+val reify_univars : Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
+        (* Replaces all the variables of a type by a univar. *)
+(* Exceptions for special cases of unify *)
+type filter_arrow_failure =
+  | Unification_error of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Label_mismatch of
+      { got           : arg_label
+      ; expected      : arg_label
+      ; expected_type : type_expr
+      }
+  | Not_a_function
+exception Filter_arrow_failed of filter_arrow_failure
+type filter_method_failure =
+  | Unification_error of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Not_a_method
+  | Not_an_object of type_expr
+exception Filter_method_failed of filter_method_failure
+type class_match_failure =
+    CM_Virtual_class
+  | CM_Parameter_arity_mismatch of int * int
+  | CM_Type_parameter_mismatch of int * Env.t * Errortrace.equality_error
+  | CM_Class_type_mismatch of Env.t * class_type * class_type
+  | CM_Parameter_mismatch of int * Env.t * Errortrace.moregen_error
+  | CM_Val_type_mismatch of string * Env.t * Errortrace.comparison_error
+  | CM_Meth_type_mismatch of string * Env.t * Errortrace.comparison_error
+  | CM_Non_mutable_value of string
+  | CM_Non_concrete_value of string
+  | CM_Missing_value of string
+  | CM_Missing_method of string
+  | CM_Hide_public of string
+  | CM_Hide_virtual of string * string
+  | CM_Public_method of string
+  | CM_Private_method of string
+  | CM_Virtual_method of string
+val match_class_types:
+    ?trace:bool -> Env.t -> class_type -> class_type -> class_match_failure list
+        (* Check if the first class type is more general than the second. *)
+val equal: Env.t -> bool -> type_expr list -> type_expr list -> unit
+        (* [equal env [x1...xn] tau [y1...yn] sigma]
+           checks whether the parameterized types
+           [/\x1.../\xn.tau] and [/\y1.../\yn.sigma] are equivalent. *)
+val is_equal : Env.t -> bool -> type_expr list -> type_expr list -> bool
+val equal_private :
+        Env.t -> type_expr list -> type_expr ->
+        type_expr list -> type_expr -> unit
+(* [equal_private env t1 params1 t2 params2] checks that [t1::params1]
+   equals [t2::params2] but it is allowed to expand [t1] if it is a
+   private abbreviations. *)
+val match_class_declarations:
+        Env.t -> type_expr list -> class_type -> type_expr list ->
+        class_type -> class_match_failure list
+        (* Check if the first class type is more general than the second. *)
+val enlarge_type: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr * bool
+        (* Make a type larger, flag is true if some pruning had to be done *)
+val subtype: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit -> unit
+        (* [subtype env t1 t2] checks that [t1] is a subtype of [t2].
+           It accumulates the constraints the type variables must
+           enforce and returns a function that enforces this
+           constraints. *)
+(* Operations on class signatures *)
+val new_class_signature : unit -> class_signature
+val add_dummy_method : Env.t -> scope:int -> class_signature -> unit
+type add_method_failure =
+  | Unexpected_method
+  | Type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+exception Add_method_failed of add_method_failure
+val add_method : Env.t ->
+  label -> private_flag -> virtual_flag -> type_expr -> class_signature -> unit
+type add_instance_variable_failure =
+  | Mutability_mismatch of mutable_flag
+  | Type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+exception Add_instance_variable_failed of add_instance_variable_failure
+val add_instance_variable : strict:bool -> Env.t ->
+  label -> mutable_flag -> virtual_flag -> type_expr -> class_signature -> unit
+type inherit_class_signature_failure =
+  | Self_type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Method of label * add_method_failure
+  | Instance_variable of label * add_instance_variable_failure
+exception Inherit_class_signature_failed of inherit_class_signature_failure
+val inherit_class_signature : strict:bool -> Env.t ->
+  class_signature -> class_signature -> unit
+val update_class_signature :
+  Env.t -> class_signature -> label list * label list
+val hide_private_methods : Env.t -> class_signature -> unit
+val close_class_signature : Env.t -> class_signature -> bool
+exception Nondep_cannot_erase of Ident.t
+val nondep_type: Env.t -> Ident.t list -> type_expr -> type_expr
+        (* Return a type equivalent to the given type but without
+           references to any of the given identifiers.
+           Raise [Nondep_cannot_erase id] if no such type exists because [id],
+           in particular, could not be erased. *)
+val nondep_type_decl:
+        Env.t -> Ident.t list -> bool -> type_declaration -> type_declaration
+        (* Same for type declarations. *)
+val nondep_extension_constructor:
+        Env.t -> Ident.t list -> extension_constructor ->
+        extension_constructor
+          (* Same for extension constructor *)
+val nondep_class_declaration:
+        Env.t -> Ident.t list -> class_declaration -> class_declaration
+        (* Same for class declarations. *)
+val nondep_cltype_declaration:
+  Env.t -> Ident.t list -> class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration
+        (* Same for class type declarations. *)
+(*val correct_abbrev: Env.t -> Path.t -> type_expr list -> type_expr -> unit*)
+val is_contractive: Env.t -> Path.t -> bool
+val normalize_type: type_expr -> unit
+val nongen_vars_in_schema: Env.t -> type_expr -> Btype.TypeSet.t option
+        (* Return any non-generic variables in the type scheme *)
+val nongen_vars_in_class_declaration:class_declaration -> Btype.TypeSet.t option
+        (* Return any non-generic variables in the class type.
+           Uses the empty environment.  *)
+type variable_kind = Row_variable | Type_variable
+type closed_class_failure = {
+  free_variable: type_expr * variable_kind;
+  meth: string;
+  meth_ty: type_expr;
+val free_variables: ?env:Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr list
+        (* If env present, then check for incomplete definitions too *)
+val closed_type_expr: ?env:Env.t -> type_expr -> bool
+val closed_type_decl: type_declaration -> type_expr option
+val closed_extension_constructor: extension_constructor -> type_expr option
+val closed_class:
+        type_expr list -> class_signature ->
+        closed_class_failure option
+        (* Check whether all type variables are bound *)
+val unalias: type_expr -> type_expr
+val arity: type_expr -> int
+        (* Return the arity (as for curried functions) of the given type. *)
+val collapse_conj_params: Env.t -> type_expr list -> unit
+        (* Collapse conjunctive types in class parameters *)
+val get_current_level: unit -> int
+val wrap_trace_gadt_instances: ?force:bool -> Env.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val immediacy : Env.t -> type_expr -> Type_immediacy.t
+(* Stubs *)
+val package_subtype :
+    (Env.t -> Path.t -> (Longident.t * type_expr) list ->
+      Path.t -> (Longident.t * type_expr) list ->
+     (unit,Errortrace.first_class_module) Result.t) ref
+(* Raises [Incompatible] *)
+val mcomp : Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/datarepr.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/datarepr.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5228031155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/datarepr.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Compute constructor and label descriptions from type declarations,
+   determining their representation. *)
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Btype
+(* Simplified version of Ctype.free_vars *)
+let free_vars ?(param=false) ty =
+  let ret = ref TypeSet.empty in
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec loop ty =
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then
+        match get_desc ty with
+        | Tvar _ ->
+            ret := TypeSet.add ty !ret
+        | Tvariant row ->
+            iter_row loop row;
+            if not (static_row row) then begin
+              match get_desc (row_more row) with
+              | Tvar _ when param -> ret := TypeSet.add ty !ret
+              | _ -> loop (row_more row)
+            end
+                (* XXX: What about Tobject ? *)
+        | _ ->
+            iter_type_expr loop ty
+    in
+    loop ty
+  end;
+  !ret
+let newgenconstr path tyl = newgenty (Tconstr (path, tyl, ref Mnil))
+let constructor_existentials cd_args cd_res =
+  let tyl =
+    match cd_args with
+    | Cstr_tuple l -> l
+    | Cstr_record l -> List.map (fun l -> l.ld_type) l
+  in
+  let existentials =
+    match cd_res with
+    | None -> []
+    | Some type_ret ->
+        let arg_vars_set = free_vars (newgenty (Ttuple tyl)) in
+        let res_vars = free_vars type_ret in
+        TypeSet.elements (TypeSet.diff arg_vars_set res_vars)
+  in
+  (tyl, existentials)
+let constructor_args ~current_unit priv cd_args cd_res path rep =
+  let tyl, existentials = constructor_existentials cd_args cd_res in
+  match cd_args with
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> existentials, l, None
+  | Cstr_record lbls ->
+      let arg_vars_set = free_vars ~param:true (newgenty (Ttuple tyl)) in
+      let type_params = TypeSet.elements arg_vars_set in
+      let arity = List.length type_params in
+      let tdecl =
+        {
+          type_params;
+          type_arity = arity;
+          type_kind = Type_record (lbls, rep);
+          type_private = priv;
+          type_manifest = None;
+          type_variance = Variance.unknown_signature ~injective:true ~arity;
+          type_separability = Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+          type_is_newtype = false;
+          type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+          type_loc = Location.none;
+          type_attributes = [];
+          type_immediate = Unknown;
+          type_unboxed_default = false;
+          type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit;
+        }
+      in
+      existentials,
+      [ newgenconstr path type_params ],
+      Some tdecl
+let constructor_descrs ~current_unit ty_path decl cstrs rep =
+  let ty_res = newgenconstr ty_path decl.type_params in
+  let num_consts = ref 0 and num_nonconsts = ref 0 in
+  List.iter
+    (fun {cd_args; _} ->
+      if cd_args = Cstr_tuple [] then incr num_consts else incr num_nonconsts)
+    cstrs;
+  let rec describe_constructors idx_const idx_nonconst = function
+      [] -> []
+    | {cd_id; cd_args; cd_res; cd_loc; cd_attributes; cd_uid} :: rem ->
+        let ty_res =
+          match cd_res with
+          | Some ty_res' -> ty_res'
+          | None -> ty_res
+        in
+        let (tag, descr_rem) =
+          match cd_args, rep with
+          | _, Variant_unboxed ->
+            assert (rem = []);
+            (Cstr_unboxed, [])
+          | Cstr_tuple [], Variant_regular ->
+             (Cstr_constant idx_const,
+              describe_constructors (idx_const+1) idx_nonconst rem)
+          | _, Variant_regular  ->
+             (Cstr_block idx_nonconst,
+              describe_constructors idx_const (idx_nonconst+1) rem) in
+        let cstr_name = Ident.name cd_id in
+        let existentials, cstr_args, cstr_inlined =
+          let representation =
+            match rep with
+            | Variant_unboxed -> Record_unboxed true
+            | Variant_regular -> Record_inlined idx_nonconst
+          in
+          constructor_args ~current_unit decl.type_private cd_args cd_res
+            Path.(Pextra_ty (ty_path, Pcstr_ty cstr_name)) representation
+        in
+        let cstr =
+          { cstr_name;
+            cstr_res = ty_res;
+            cstr_existentials = existentials;
+            cstr_args;
+            cstr_arity = List.length cstr_args;
+            cstr_tag = tag;
+            cstr_consts = !num_consts;
+            cstr_nonconsts = !num_nonconsts;
+            cstr_private = decl.type_private;
+            cstr_generalized = cd_res <> None;
+            cstr_loc = cd_loc;
+            cstr_attributes = cd_attributes;
+            cstr_inlined;
+            cstr_uid = cd_uid;
+          } in
+        (cd_id, cstr) :: descr_rem in
+  describe_constructors 0 0 cstrs
+let extension_descr ~current_unit path_ext ext =
+  let ty_res =
+    match ext.ext_ret_type with
+        Some type_ret -> type_ret
+      | None -> newgenconstr ext.ext_type_path ext.ext_type_params
+  in
+  let existentials, cstr_args, cstr_inlined =
+    constructor_args ~current_unit ext.ext_private ext.ext_args ext.ext_ret_type
+      Path.(Pextra_ty (path_ext, Pext_ty)) (Record_extension path_ext)
+  in
+    { cstr_name = Path.last path_ext;
+      cstr_res = ty_res;
+      cstr_existentials = existentials;
+      cstr_args;
+      cstr_arity = List.length cstr_args;
+      cstr_tag = Cstr_extension(path_ext, cstr_args = []);
+      cstr_consts = -1;
+      cstr_nonconsts = -1;
+      cstr_private = ext.ext_private;
+      cstr_generalized = ext.ext_ret_type <> None;
+      cstr_loc = ext.ext_loc;
+      cstr_attributes = ext.ext_attributes;
+      cstr_inlined;
+      cstr_uid = ext.ext_uid;
+    }
+let none =
+  create_expr (Ttuple []) ~level:(-1) ~scope:Btype.generic_level ~id:(-1)
+    (* Clearly ill-formed type *)
+let dummy_label =
+  { lbl_name = ""; lbl_res = none; lbl_arg = none; lbl_mut = Immutable;
+    lbl_pos = (-1); lbl_all = [||]; lbl_repres = Record_regular;
+    lbl_private = Public;
+    lbl_loc = Location.none;
+    lbl_attributes = [];
+    lbl_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique;
+  }
+let label_descrs ty_res lbls repres priv =
+  let all_labels = Array.make (List.length lbls) dummy_label in
+  let rec describe_labels num = function
+      [] -> []
+    | l :: rest ->
+        let lbl =
+          { lbl_name = Ident.name l.ld_id;
+            lbl_res = ty_res;
+            lbl_arg = l.ld_type;
+            lbl_mut = l.ld_mutable;
+            lbl_pos = num;
+            lbl_all = all_labels;
+            lbl_repres = repres;
+            lbl_private = priv;
+            lbl_loc = l.ld_loc;
+            lbl_attributes = l.ld_attributes;
+            lbl_uid = l.ld_uid;
+          } in
+        all_labels.(num) <- lbl;
+        (l.ld_id, lbl) :: describe_labels (num+1) rest in
+  describe_labels 0 lbls
+exception Constr_not_found
+let rec find_constr tag num_const num_nonconst = function
+    [] ->
+      raise Constr_not_found
+  | {cd_args = Cstr_tuple []; _} as c  :: rem ->
+      if tag = Cstr_constant num_const
+      then c
+      else find_constr tag (num_const + 1) num_nonconst rem
+  | c :: rem ->
+      if tag = Cstr_block num_nonconst || tag = Cstr_unboxed
+      then c
+      else find_constr tag num_const (num_nonconst + 1) rem
+let find_constr_by_tag tag cstrlist =
+  find_constr tag 0 0 cstrlist
+let constructors_of_type ~current_unit ty_path decl =
+  match decl.type_kind with
+  | Type_variant (cstrs,rep) ->
+     constructor_descrs ~current_unit ty_path decl cstrs rep
+  | Type_record _ | Type_abstract _ | Type_open -> []
+let labels_of_type ty_path decl =
+  match decl.type_kind with
+  | Type_record(labels, rep) ->
+      label_descrs (newgenconstr ty_path decl.type_params)
+        labels rep decl.type_private
+  | Type_variant _ | Type_abstract _ | Type_open -> []
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/datarepr.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/datarepr.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ccb918e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/datarepr.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Compute constructor and label descriptions from type declarations,
+   determining their representation. *)
+open Types
+val extension_descr:
+  current_unit:(Unit_info.t option) -> Path.t -> extension_constructor ->
+  constructor_description
+val labels_of_type:
+  Path.t -> type_declaration ->
+  (Ident.t * label_description) list
+val constructors_of_type:
+  current_unit:(Unit_info.t option) -> Path.t -> type_declaration ->
+  (Ident.t * constructor_description) list
+exception Constr_not_found
+val find_constr_by_tag:
+  constructor_tag -> constructor_declaration list ->
+    constructor_declaration
+val constructor_existentials :
+    constructor_arguments -> type_expr option -> type_expr list * type_expr list
+(** Takes [cd_args] and [cd_res] from a [constructor_declaration] and
+    returns:
+    - the types of the constructor's arguments
+    - the existential variables introduced by the constructor
+ *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/env.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/env.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07f7398ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/env.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,3726 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Environment handling *)
+open Cmi_format
+open Misc
+open Asttypes
+open Longident
+open Path
+open Types
+open Local_store
+module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
+let add_delayed_check_forward = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+type 'a usage_tbl = ('a -> unit) Types.Uid.Tbl.t
+(** This table is used to track usage of value declarations.
+    A declaration is identified by its uid.
+    The callback attached to a declaration is called whenever the value (or
+    type, or ...) is used explicitly (lookup_value, ...) or implicitly
+    (inclusion test between signatures, cf Includemod.value_descriptions, ...).
+let value_declarations  : unit usage_tbl ref = s_table Types.Uid.Tbl.create 16
+let type_declarations   : unit usage_tbl ref = s_table Types.Uid.Tbl.create 16
+let module_declarations : unit usage_tbl ref = s_table Types.Uid.Tbl.create 16
+type constructor_usage = Positive | Pattern | Exported_private | Exported
+type constructor_usages =
+  {
+    mutable cu_positive: bool;
+    mutable cu_pattern: bool;
+    mutable cu_exported_private: bool;
+  }
+let add_constructor_usage cu usage =
+  match usage with
+  | Positive -> cu.cu_positive <- true
+  | Pattern -> cu.cu_pattern <- true
+  | Exported_private -> cu.cu_exported_private <- true
+  | Exported ->
+    cu.cu_positive <- true;
+    cu.cu_pattern <- true;
+    cu.cu_exported_private <- true
+let constructor_usages () =
+  {cu_positive = false; cu_pattern = false; cu_exported_private = false}
+let constructor_usage_complaint ~rebind priv cu
+  : Warnings.constructor_usage_warning option =
+  match priv, rebind with
+  | Asttypes.Private, _ | _, true ->
+      if cu.cu_positive || cu.cu_pattern || cu.cu_exported_private then None
+      else Some Unused
+  | Asttypes.Public, false -> begin
+      match cu.cu_positive, cu.cu_pattern, cu.cu_exported_private with
+      | true, _, _ -> None
+      | false, false, false -> Some Unused
+      | false, true, _ -> Some Not_constructed
+      | false, false, true -> Some Only_exported_private
+    end
+let used_constructors : constructor_usage usage_tbl ref =
+  s_table Types.Uid.Tbl.create 16
+type label_usage =
+    Projection | Mutation | Construct | Exported_private | Exported
+type label_usages =
+    {
+     mutable lu_projection: bool;
+     mutable lu_mutation: bool;
+     mutable lu_construct: bool;
+    }
+let add_label_usage lu usage =
+  match usage with
+  | Projection -> lu.lu_projection <- true;
+  | Mutation -> lu.lu_mutation <- true
+  | Construct -> lu.lu_construct <- true
+  | Exported_private ->
+    lu.lu_projection <- true
+  | Exported ->
+    lu.lu_projection <- true;
+    lu.lu_mutation <- true;
+    lu.lu_construct <- true
+let is_mutating_label_usage = function
+  | Mutation -> true
+  | (Projection | Construct | Exported_private | Exported) -> false
+let label_usages () =
+  {lu_projection = false; lu_mutation = false; lu_construct = false}
+let label_usage_complaint priv mut lu
+  : Warnings.field_usage_warning option =
+  match priv, mut with
+  | Asttypes.Private, _ ->
+      if lu.lu_projection then None
+      else Some Unused
+  | Asttypes.Public, Asttypes.Immutable -> begin
+      match lu.lu_projection, lu.lu_construct with
+      | true, _ -> None
+      | false, false -> Some Unused
+      | false, true -> Some Not_read
+    end
+  | Asttypes.Public, Asttypes.Mutable -> begin
+      match lu.lu_projection, lu.lu_mutation, lu.lu_construct with
+      | true, true, _ -> None
+      | false, false, false -> Some Unused
+      | false, _, _ -> Some Not_read
+      | true, false, _ -> Some Not_mutated
+    end
+let used_labels : label_usage usage_tbl ref =
+  s_table Types.Uid.Tbl.create 16
+(** Map indexed by the name of module components. *)
+module NameMap = String.Map
+type value_unbound_reason =
+  | Val_unbound_instance_variable
+  | Val_unbound_self
+  | Val_unbound_ancestor
+  | Val_unbound_ghost_recursive of Location.t
+type module_unbound_reason =
+  | Mod_unbound_illegal_recursion
+type summary =
+    Env_empty
+  | Env_value of summary * Ident.t * value_description
+  | Env_type of summary * Ident.t * type_declaration
+  | Env_extension of summary * Ident.t * extension_constructor
+  | Env_module of summary * Ident.t * module_presence * module_declaration
+  | Env_modtype of summary * Ident.t * modtype_declaration
+  | Env_class of summary * Ident.t * class_declaration
+  | Env_cltype of summary * Ident.t * class_type_declaration
+  | Env_open of summary * Path.t
+  | Env_functor_arg of summary * Ident.t
+  | Env_constraints of summary * type_declaration Path.Map.t
+  | Env_copy_types of summary
+  | Env_persistent of summary * Ident.t
+  | Env_value_unbound of summary * string * value_unbound_reason
+  | Env_module_unbound of summary * string * module_unbound_reason
+let map_summary f = function
+    Env_empty -> Env_empty
+  | Env_value (s, id, d) -> Env_value (f s, id, d)
+  | Env_type (s, id, d) -> Env_type (f s, id, d)
+  | Env_extension (s, id, d) -> Env_extension (f s, id, d)
+  | Env_module (s, id, p, d) -> Env_module (f s, id, p, d)
+  | Env_modtype (s, id, d) -> Env_modtype (f s, id, d)
+  | Env_class (s, id, d) -> Env_class (f s, id, d)
+  | Env_cltype (s, id, d) -> Env_cltype (f s, id, d)
+  | Env_open (s, p) -> Env_open (f s, p)
+  | Env_functor_arg (s, id) -> Env_functor_arg (f s, id)
+  | Env_constraints (s, m) -> Env_constraints (f s, m)
+  | Env_copy_types s -> Env_copy_types (f s)
+  | Env_persistent (s, id) -> Env_persistent (f s, id)
+  | Env_value_unbound (s, u, r) -> Env_value_unbound (f s, u, r)
+  | Env_module_unbound (s, u, r) -> Env_module_unbound (f s, u, r)
+type address =
+  | Aident of Ident.t
+  | Adot of address * int
+module TycompTbl =
+  struct
+    (** This module is used to store components of types (i.e. labels
+        and constructors).  We keep a representation of each nested
+        "open" and the set of local bindings between each of them. *)
+    type 'a t = {
+      current: 'a Ident.tbl;
+      (** Local bindings since the last open. *)
+      opened: 'a opened option;
+      (** Symbolic representation of the last (innermost) open, if any. *)
+    }
+    and 'a opened = {
+      components: ('a list) NameMap.t;
+      (** Components from the opened module. We keep a list of
+          bindings for each name, as in comp_labels and
+          comp_constrs. *)
+      root: Path.t;
+      (** Only used to check removal of open *)
+      using: (string -> ('a * 'a) option -> unit) option;
+      (** A callback to be applied when a component is used from this
+          "open".  This is used to detect unused "opens".  The
+          arguments are used to detect shadowing. *)
+      next: 'a t;
+      (** The table before opening the module. *)
+    }
+    let empty = { current = Ident.empty; opened = None }
+    let add id x tbl =
+      {tbl with current = Ident.add id x tbl.current}
+    let add_open slot wrap root components next =
+      let using =
+        match slot with
+        | None -> None
+        | Some f -> Some (fun s x -> f s (wrap x))
+      in
+      {
+        current = Ident.empty;
+        opened = Some {using; components; root; next};
+      }
+    let remove_last_open rt tbl =
+      match tbl.opened with
+      | Some {root; next; _} when Path.same rt root ->
+          { next with current =
+            Ident.fold_all Ident.add tbl.current next.current }
+      | _ ->
+          assert false
+    let rec find_same id tbl =
+      try Ident.find_same id tbl.current
+      with Not_found as exn ->
+        begin match tbl.opened with
+        | Some {next; _} -> find_same id next
+        | None -> raise exn
+        end
+    let nothing = fun () -> ()
+    let mk_callback rest name desc using =
+      match using with
+      | None -> nothing
+      | Some f ->
+          (fun () ->
+             match rest with
+             | [] -> f name None
+             | (hidden, _) :: _ -> f name (Some (desc, hidden)))
+    let rec find_all ~mark name tbl =
+      List.map (fun (_id, desc) -> desc, nothing)
+        (Ident.find_all name tbl.current) @
+      match tbl.opened with
+      | None -> []
+      | Some {using; next; components; root = _} ->
+          let rest = find_all ~mark name next in
+          let using = if mark then using else None in
+          match NameMap.find name components with
+          | exception Not_found -> rest
+          | opened ->
+              List.map
+                (fun desc -> desc, mk_callback rest name desc using)
+                opened
+              @ rest
+    let rec fold_name f tbl acc =
+      let acc = Ident.fold_name (fun _id d -> f d) tbl.current acc in
+      match tbl.opened with
+      | Some {using = _; next; components; root = _} ->
+          acc
+          |> NameMap.fold
+            (fun _name -> List.fold_right f)
+            components
+          |> fold_name f next
+      | None ->
+          acc
+    let rec local_keys tbl acc =
+      let acc = Ident.fold_all (fun k _ accu -> k::accu) tbl.current acc in
+      match tbl.opened with
+      | Some o -> local_keys o.next acc
+      | None -> acc
+    let diff_keys is_local tbl1 tbl2 =
+      let keys2 = local_keys tbl2 [] in
+      List.filter
+        (fun id ->
+           is_local (find_same id tbl2) &&
+           try ignore (find_same id tbl1); false
+           with Not_found -> true)
+        keys2
+  end
+module IdTbl =
+  struct
+    (** This module is used to store all kinds of components except
+        (labels and constructors) in environments.  We keep a
+        representation of each nested "open" and the set of local
+        bindings between each of them. *)
+    type ('a, 'b) t = {
+      current: 'a Ident.tbl;
+      (** Local bindings since the last open *)
+      layer: ('a, 'b) layer;
+      (** Symbolic representation of the last (innermost) open, if any. *)
+    }
+    and ('a, 'b) layer =
+      | Open of {
+          root: Path.t;
+          (** The path of the opened module, to be prefixed in front of
+              its local names to produce a valid path in the current
+              environment. *)
+          components: 'b NameMap.t;
+          (** Components from the opened module. *)
+          using: (string -> ('a * 'a) option -> unit) option;
+          (** A callback to be applied when a component is used from this
+              "open".  This is used to detect unused "opens".  The
+              arguments are used to detect shadowing. *)
+          next: ('a, 'b) t;
+          (** The table before opening the module. *)
+        }
+      | Map of {
+          f: ('a -> 'a);
+          next: ('a, 'b) t;
+        }
+      | Nothing
+    let empty = { current = Ident.empty; layer = Nothing }
+    let add id x tbl =
+      {tbl with current = Ident.add id x tbl.current}
+    let remove id tbl =
+      {tbl with current = Ident.remove id tbl.current}
+    let add_open slot wrap root components next =
+      let using =
+        match slot with
+        | None -> None
+        | Some f -> Some (fun s x -> f s (wrap x))
+      in
+      {
+        current = Ident.empty;
+        layer = Open {using; root; components; next};
+      }
+    let remove_last_open rt tbl =
+      match tbl.layer with
+      | Open {root; next; _} when Path.same rt root ->
+          { next with current =
+            Ident.fold_all Ident.add tbl.current next.current }
+      | _ ->
+          assert false
+    let map f next =
+      {
+        current = Ident.empty;
+        layer = Map {f; next}
+      }
+    let rec find_same id tbl =
+      try Ident.find_same id tbl.current
+      with Not_found as exn ->
+        begin match tbl.layer with
+        | Open {next; _} -> find_same id next
+        | Map {f; next} -> f (find_same id next)
+        | Nothing -> raise exn
+        end
+    let rec find_name wrap ~mark name tbl =
+      try
+        let (id, desc) = Ident.find_name name tbl.current in
+        Pident id, desc
+      with Not_found as exn ->
+        begin match tbl.layer with
+        | Open {using; root; next; components} ->
+            begin try
+              let descr = wrap (NameMap.find name components) in
+              let res = Pdot (root, name), descr in
+              if mark then begin match using with
+              | None -> ()
+              | Some f -> begin
+                  match find_name wrap ~mark:false name next with
+                  | exception Not_found -> f name None
+                  | _, descr' -> f name (Some (descr', descr))
+                end
+              end;
+              res
+            with Not_found ->
+              find_name wrap ~mark name next
+            end
+        | Map {f; next} ->
+            let (p, desc) =  find_name wrap ~mark name next in
+            p, f desc
+        | Nothing ->
+            raise exn
+        end
+    let rec find_all wrap name tbl =
+      List.map
+        (fun (id, desc) -> Pident id, desc)
+        (Ident.find_all name tbl.current) @
+      match tbl.layer with
+      | Nothing -> []
+      | Open {root; using = _; next; components} ->
+          begin try
+            let desc = wrap (NameMap.find name components) in
+            (Pdot (root, name), desc) :: find_all wrap name next
+          with Not_found ->
+            find_all wrap name next
+          end
+      | Map {f; next} ->
+          List.map (fun (p, desc) -> (p, f desc))
+            (find_all wrap name next)
+    let rec find_all_idents name tbl () =
+      let current =
+        Ident.find_all_seq name tbl.current
+        |> Seq.map (fun (id, _) -> Some id)
+      in
+      let next () =
+        match tbl.layer with
+        | Nothing -> Seq.Nil
+        | Open { next; components; _ } ->
+            if NameMap.mem name components then
+              Seq.Cons(None, find_all_idents name next)
+            else
+              find_all_idents name next ()
+        | Map {next; _ } -> find_all_idents name next ()
+      in
+      Seq.append current next ()
+    let rec fold_name wrap f tbl acc =
+      let acc =
+        Ident.fold_name
+          (fun id d -> f (Ident.name id) (Pident id, d))
+          tbl.current acc
+      in
+      match tbl.layer with
+      | Open {root; using = _; next; components} ->
+          acc
+          |> NameMap.fold
+            (fun name desc -> f name (Pdot (root, name), wrap desc))
+            components
+          |> fold_name wrap f next
+      | Nothing ->
+          acc
+      | Map {f=g; next} ->
+          acc
+          |> fold_name wrap
+               (fun name (path, desc) -> f name (path, g desc))
+               next
+    let rec local_keys tbl acc =
+      let acc = Ident.fold_all (fun k _ accu -> k::accu) tbl.current acc in
+      match tbl.layer with
+      | Open {next; _ } | Map {next; _} -> local_keys next acc
+      | Nothing -> acc
+    let rec iter wrap f tbl =
+      Ident.iter (fun id desc -> f id (Pident id, desc)) tbl.current;
+      match tbl.layer with
+      | Open {root; using = _; next; components} ->
+          NameMap.iter
+            (fun s x ->
+               let root_scope = Path.scope root in
+              f (Ident.create_scoped ~scope:root_scope s)
+                (Pdot (root, s), wrap x))
+            components;
+          iter wrap f next
+      | Map {f=g; next} ->
+          iter wrap (fun id (path, desc) -> f id (path, g desc)) next
+      | Nothing -> ()
+    let diff_keys tbl1 tbl2 =
+      let keys2 = local_keys tbl2 [] in
+      List.filter
+        (fun id ->
+           try ignore (find_same id tbl1); false
+           with Not_found -> true)
+        keys2
+  end
+type type_descr_kind =
+  (label_description, constructor_description) type_kind
+type type_descriptions = type_descr_kind
+let in_signature_flag = 0x01
+type t = {
+  values: (value_entry, value_data) IdTbl.t;
+  constrs: constructor_data TycompTbl.t;
+  labels: label_data TycompTbl.t;
+  types: (type_data, type_data) IdTbl.t;
+  modules: (module_entry, module_data) IdTbl.t;
+  modtypes: (modtype_data, modtype_data) IdTbl.t;
+  classes: (class_data, class_data) IdTbl.t;
+  cltypes: (cltype_data, cltype_data) IdTbl.t;
+  functor_args: unit Ident.tbl;
+  summary: summary;
+  local_constraints: type_declaration Path.Map.t;
+  flags: int;
+and module_components =
+  {
+    alerts: alerts;
+    uid: Uid.t;
+    comps:
+      (components_maker,
+       (module_components_repr, module_components_failure) result)
+        Lazy_backtrack.t;
+  }
+and components_maker = {
+  cm_env: t;
+  cm_prefixing_subst: Subst.t;
+  cm_path: Path.t;
+  cm_addr: address_lazy;
+  cm_mty: Subst.Lazy.modtype;
+  cm_shape: Shape.t;
+and module_components_repr =
+    Structure_comps of structure_components
+  | Functor_comps of functor_components
+and module_components_failure =
+  | No_components_abstract
+  | No_components_alias of Path.t
+and structure_components = {
+  mutable comp_values: value_data NameMap.t;
+  mutable comp_constrs: constructor_data list NameMap.t;
+  mutable comp_labels: label_data list NameMap.t;
+  mutable comp_types: type_data NameMap.t;
+  mutable comp_modules: module_data NameMap.t;
+  mutable comp_modtypes: modtype_data NameMap.t;
+  mutable comp_classes: class_data NameMap.t;
+  mutable comp_cltypes: cltype_data NameMap.t;
+and functor_components = {
+  fcomp_arg: functor_parameter;
+  (* Formal parameter and argument signature *)
+  fcomp_res: module_type;               (* Result signature *)
+  fcomp_shape: Shape.t;
+  fcomp_cache: (Path.t, module_components) Hashtbl.t;  (* For memoization *)
+  fcomp_subst_cache: (Path.t, module_type) Hashtbl.t
+and address_unforced =
+  | Projection of { parent : address_lazy; pos : int; }
+  | ModAlias of { env : t; path : Path.t; }
+and address_lazy = (address_unforced, address) Lazy_backtrack.t
+and value_data =
+  { vda_description : value_description;
+    vda_address : address_lazy;
+    vda_shape : Shape.t }
+and value_entry =
+  | Val_bound of value_data
+  | Val_unbound of value_unbound_reason
+and constructor_data =
+  { cda_description : constructor_description;
+    cda_address : address_lazy option;
+    cda_shape: Shape.t; }
+and label_data = label_description
+and type_data =
+  { tda_declaration : type_declaration;
+    tda_descriptions : type_descriptions;
+    tda_shape : Shape.t; }
+and module_data =
+  { mda_declaration : Subst.Lazy.module_decl;
+    mda_components : module_components;
+    mda_address : address_lazy;
+    mda_shape: Shape.t; }
+and module_entry =
+  | Mod_local of module_data
+  | Mod_persistent
+  | Mod_unbound of module_unbound_reason
+and modtype_data =
+  { mtda_declaration : Subst.Lazy.modtype_declaration;
+    mtda_shape : Shape.t; }
+and class_data =
+  { clda_declaration : class_declaration;
+    clda_address : address_lazy;
+    clda_shape : Shape.t }
+and cltype_data =
+  { cltda_declaration : class_type_declaration;
+    cltda_shape : Shape.t }
+let empty_structure =
+  Structure_comps {
+    comp_values = NameMap.empty;
+    comp_constrs = NameMap.empty;
+    comp_labels = NameMap.empty;
+    comp_types = NameMap.empty;
+    comp_modules = NameMap.empty; comp_modtypes = NameMap.empty;
+    comp_classes = NameMap.empty;
+    comp_cltypes = NameMap.empty }
+type unbound_value_hint =
+  | No_hint
+  | Missing_rec of Location.t
+type lookup_error =
+  | Unbound_value of Longident.t * unbound_value_hint
+  | Unbound_type of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_constructor of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_label of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_module of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_class of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_modtype of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_cltype of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_instance_variable of string
+  | Not_an_instance_variable of string
+  | Masked_instance_variable of Longident.t
+  | Masked_self_variable of Longident.t
+  | Masked_ancestor_variable of Longident.t
+  | Structure_used_as_functor of Longident.t
+  | Abstract_used_as_functor of Longident.t
+  | Functor_used_as_structure of Longident.t
+  | Abstract_used_as_structure of Longident.t
+  | Generative_used_as_applicative of Longident.t
+  | Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module
+  | Cannot_scrape_alias of Longident.t * Path.t
+type error =
+  | Missing_module of Location.t * Path.t * Path.t
+  | Illegal_value_name of Location.t * string
+  | Lookup_error of Location.t * t * lookup_error
+exception Error of error
+let error err = raise (Error err)
+let lookup_error loc env err =
+  error (Lookup_error(loc, env, err))
+let same_type_declarations e1 e2 =
+  e1.types == e2.types &&
+  e1.modules == e2.modules &&
+  e1.local_constraints == e2.local_constraints
+let same_constr = ref (fun _ _ _ -> assert false)
+let check_well_formed_module = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+(* Helper to decide whether to report an identifier shadowing
+   by some 'open'. For labels and constructors, we do not report
+   if the two elements are from the same re-exported declaration.
+   Later, one could also interpret some attributes on value and
+   type declarations to silence the shadowing warnings. *)
+let check_shadowing env = function
+  | `Constructor (Some (cda1, cda2))
+    when not (!same_constr env
+                cda1.cda_description.cstr_res
+                cda2.cda_description.cstr_res) ->
+      Some "constructor"
+  | `Label (Some (l1, l2))
+    when not (!same_constr env l1.lbl_res l2.lbl_res) ->
+      Some "label"
+  | `Value (Some (Val_unbound _, _)) -> None
+  | `Value (Some (_, _)) -> Some "value"
+  | `Type (Some _) -> Some "type"
+  | `Module (Some (Mod_unbound _, _)) -> None
+  | `Module (Some _) | `Component (Some _) ->
+      Some "module"
+  | `Module_type (Some _) -> Some "module type"
+  | `Class (Some _) -> Some "class"
+  | `Class_type (Some _) -> Some "class type"
+  | `Constructor _ | `Label _
+  | `Value None | `Type None | `Module None | `Module_type None
+  | `Class None | `Class_type None | `Component None ->
+      None
+let empty = {
+  values = IdTbl.empty; constrs = TycompTbl.empty;
+  labels = TycompTbl.empty; types = IdTbl.empty;
+  modules = IdTbl.empty; modtypes = IdTbl.empty;
+  classes = IdTbl.empty; cltypes = IdTbl.empty;
+  summary = Env_empty; local_constraints = Path.Map.empty;
+  flags = 0;
+  functor_args = Ident.empty;
+ }
+let in_signature b env =
+  let flags =
+    if b then env.flags lor in_signature_flag
+    else env.flags land (lnot in_signature_flag)
+  in
+  {env with flags}
+let is_in_signature env = env.flags land in_signature_flag <> 0
+let has_local_constraints env =
+  not (Path.Map.is_empty env.local_constraints)
+let is_ext cda =
+  match cda.cda_description with
+  | {cstr_tag = Cstr_extension _} -> true
+  | _ -> false
+let is_local_ext cda =
+  match cda.cda_description with
+  | {cstr_tag = Cstr_extension(p, _)} -> begin
+      match p with
+      | Pident _ -> true
+      | Pdot _ | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> false
+  end
+  | _ -> false
+let diff env1 env2 =
+  IdTbl.diff_keys env1.values env2.values @
+  TycompTbl.diff_keys is_local_ext env1.constrs env2.constrs @
+  IdTbl.diff_keys env1.modules env2.modules @
+  IdTbl.diff_keys env1.classes env2.classes
+(* Functions for use in "wrap" parameters in IdTbl *)
+let wrap_identity x = x
+let wrap_value vda = Val_bound vda
+let wrap_module mda = Mod_local mda
+(* Forward declarations *)
+let components_of_module_maker' =
+  ref ((fun _ -> assert false) :
+          components_maker ->
+            (module_components_repr, module_components_failure) result)
+let components_of_functor_appl' =
+  ref ((fun ~loc:_ ~f_path:_ ~f_comp:_ ~arg:_ _env -> assert false) :
+          loc:Location.t -> f_path:Path.t -> f_comp:functor_components ->
+            arg:Path.t -> t -> module_components)
+let check_functor_application =
+  (* to be filled by Includemod *)
+  ref ((fun ~errors:_ ~loc:_
+         ~lid_whole_app:_  ~f0_path:_ ~args:_
+         ~arg_path:_ ~arg_mty:_ ~param_mty:_
+         _env
+         -> assert false) :
+         errors:bool -> loc:Location.t ->
+       lid_whole_app:Longident.t ->
+       f0_path:Path.t -> args:(Path.t * Types.module_type) list ->
+       arg_path:Path.t -> arg_mty:module_type -> param_mty:module_type ->
+       t -> unit)
+let strengthen =
+  (* to be filled with Mtype.strengthen *)
+  ref ((fun ~aliasable:_ _env _mty _path -> assert false) :
+         aliasable:bool -> t -> Subst.Lazy.modtype ->
+         Path.t -> Subst.Lazy.modtype)
+let md md_type =
+  {md_type; md_attributes=[]; md_loc=Location.none
+  ;md_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique}
+(* Print addresses *)
+let rec print_address ppf = function
+  | Aident id -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" (Ident.name id)
+  | Adot(a, pos) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a.[%i]" print_address a pos
+(* The name of the compilation unit currently compiled.
+   "" if outside a compilation unit. *)
+module Current_unit : sig
+  val get : unit -> Unit_info.t option
+  val set : Unit_info.t -> unit
+  val unset : unit -> unit
+  module Name : sig
+    val get : unit -> modname
+    val is : modname -> bool
+    val is_ident : Ident.t -> bool
+    val is_path : Path.t -> bool
+  end
+end = struct
+  let current_unit : Unit_info.t option ref =
+    ref None
+  let get () =
+    !current_unit
+  let set cu =
+    current_unit := Some cu
+  let unset () =
+    current_unit := None
+  module Name = struct
+    let get () =
+      match !current_unit with
+      | None -> ""
+      | Some cu -> Unit_info.modname cu
+    let is name =
+      get () = name
+    let is_ident id =
+      Ident.persistent id && is (Ident.name id)
+    let is_path = function
+    | Pident id -> is_ident id
+    | Pdot _ | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> false
+  end
+let set_current_unit = Current_unit.set
+let get_current_unit = Current_unit.get
+let get_current_unit_name = Current_unit.Name.get
+let find_same_module id tbl =
+  match IdTbl.find_same id tbl with
+  | x -> x
+  | exception Not_found
+    when Ident.persistent id && not (Current_unit.Name.is_ident id) ->
+      Mod_persistent
+let find_name_module ~mark name tbl =
+  match IdTbl.find_name wrap_module ~mark name tbl with
+  | x -> x
+  | exception Not_found when not (Current_unit.Name.is name) ->
+      let path = Pident(Ident.create_persistent name) in
+      path, Mod_persistent
+let add_persistent_structure id env =
+  if not (Ident.persistent id) then invalid_arg "Env.add_persistent_structure";
+  if Current_unit.Name.is_ident id then env
+  else begin
+    let material =
+      (* This addition only observably changes the environment if it shadows a
+         non-persistent module already in the environment.
+         (See PR#9345) *)
+      match
+        IdTbl.find_name wrap_module ~mark:false (Ident.name id) env.modules
+      with
+      | exception Not_found | _, Mod_persistent -> false
+      | _ -> true
+    in
+    let summary =
+      if material then Env_persistent (env.summary, id)
+      else env.summary
+    in
+    let modules =
+      (* With [-no-alias-deps], non-material additions should not
+         affect the environment at all. We should only observe the
+         existence of a cmi when accessing components of the module.
+         (See #9991). *)
+      if material || not !Clflags.transparent_modules then
+        IdTbl.add id Mod_persistent env.modules
+      else
+        env.modules
+    in
+    { env with modules; summary }
+  end
+let components_of_module ~alerts ~uid env ps path addr mty shape =
+  {
+    alerts;
+    uid;
+    comps = Lazy_backtrack.create {
+      cm_env = env;
+      cm_prefixing_subst = ps;
+      cm_path = path;
+      cm_addr = addr;
+      cm_mty = mty;
+      cm_shape = shape;
+    }
+  }
+let sign_of_cmi ~freshen { Persistent_env.Persistent_signature.cmi; _ } =
+  let name = cmi.cmi_name in
+  let sign = cmi.cmi_sign in
+  let flags = cmi.cmi_flags in
+  let id = Ident.create_persistent name in
+  let path = Pident id in
+  let alerts =
+    List.fold_left (fun acc -> function Alerts s -> s | _ -> acc)
+      Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.empty
+      flags
+  in
+  let md =
+    { md_type =  Mty_signature sign;
+      md_loc = Location.none;
+      md_attributes = [];
+      md_uid = Uid.of_compilation_unit_id id;
+    }
+  in
+  let mda_address = Lazy_backtrack.create_forced (Aident id) in
+  let mda_declaration =
+    Subst.(Lazy.module_decl Make_local identity (Lazy.of_module_decl md))
+  in
+  let mda_shape = Shape.for_persistent_unit name in
+  let mda_components =
+    let mty = Subst.Lazy.of_modtype (Mty_signature sign) in
+    let mty =
+      if freshen then
+        Subst.Lazy.modtype (Subst.Rescope (Path.scope path))
+          Subst.identity mty
+      else mty
+    in
+    components_of_module ~alerts ~uid:md.md_uid
+      empty Subst.identity
+      path mda_address mty mda_shape
+  in
+  {
+    mda_declaration;
+    mda_components;
+    mda_address;
+    mda_shape;
+  }
+let read_sign_of_cmi = sign_of_cmi ~freshen:true
+let save_sign_of_cmi = sign_of_cmi ~freshen:false
+let persistent_env : module_data Persistent_env.t ref =
+  s_table Persistent_env.empty ()
+let without_cmis f x =
+  Persistent_env.without_cmis !persistent_env f x
+let imports () = Persistent_env.imports !persistent_env
+let import_crcs ~source crcs =
+  Persistent_env.import_crcs !persistent_env ~source crcs
+let read_pers_mod cmi =
+  Persistent_env.read !persistent_env read_sign_of_cmi cmi
+let find_pers_mod name =
+  Persistent_env.find !persistent_env read_sign_of_cmi name
+let check_pers_mod ~loc name =
+  Persistent_env.check !persistent_env read_sign_of_cmi ~loc name
+let crc_of_unit name =
+  Persistent_env.crc_of_unit !persistent_env read_sign_of_cmi name
+let is_imported_opaque modname =
+  Persistent_env.is_imported_opaque !persistent_env modname
+let register_import_as_opaque modname =
+  Persistent_env.register_import_as_opaque !persistent_env modname
+let reset_declaration_caches () =
+  Types.Uid.Tbl.clear !value_declarations;
+  Types.Uid.Tbl.clear !type_declarations;
+  Types.Uid.Tbl.clear !module_declarations;
+  Types.Uid.Tbl.clear !used_constructors;
+  Types.Uid.Tbl.clear !used_labels;
+  ()
+let reset_cache () =
+  Current_unit.unset ();
+  Persistent_env.clear !persistent_env;
+  reset_declaration_caches ();
+  ()
+let reset_cache_toplevel () =
+  Persistent_env.clear_missing !persistent_env;
+  reset_declaration_caches ();
+  ()
+(* get_components *)
+let get_components_res c =
+  match Persistent_env.can_load_cmis !persistent_env with
+  | Persistent_env.Can_load_cmis ->
+    Lazy_backtrack.force !components_of_module_maker' c.comps
+  | Persistent_env.Cannot_load_cmis log ->
+    Lazy_backtrack.force_logged log !components_of_module_maker' c.comps
+let get_components c =
+  match get_components_res c with
+  | Error _ -> empty_structure
+  | Ok c -> c
+(* Module type of functor application *)
+let modtype_of_functor_appl fcomp p1 p2 =
+  match fcomp.fcomp_res with
+  | Mty_alias _ as mty -> mty
+  | mty ->
+      try
+        Hashtbl.find fcomp.fcomp_subst_cache p2
+      with Not_found ->
+        let scope = Path.scope (Papply(p1, p2)) in
+        let mty =
+          let subst =
+            match fcomp.fcomp_arg with
+            | Unit
+            | Named (None, _) -> Subst.identity
+            | Named (Some param, _) -> Subst.add_module param p2 Subst.identity
+          in
+          Subst.modtype (Rescope scope) subst mty
+        in
+        Hashtbl.add fcomp.fcomp_subst_cache p2 mty;
+        mty
+let check_functor_appl
+    ~errors ~loc ~lid_whole_app ~f0_path ~args
+    ~f_comp
+    ~arg_path ~arg_mty ~param_mty
+    env =
+  if not (Hashtbl.mem f_comp.fcomp_cache arg_path) then
+    !check_functor_application
+      ~errors ~loc ~lid_whole_app ~f0_path ~args
+      ~arg_path ~arg_mty ~param_mty
+      env
+(* Lookup by identifier *)
+let find_ident_module id env =
+  match find_same_module id env.modules with
+  | Mod_local data -> data
+  | Mod_unbound _ -> raise Not_found
+  | Mod_persistent -> find_pers_mod ~allow_hidden:true (Ident.name id)
+let rec find_module_components path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id -> (find_ident_module id env).mda_components
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let sc = find_structure_components p env in
+      (NameMap.find s sc.comp_modules).mda_components
+  | Papply(f_path, arg) ->
+      let f_comp = find_functor_components f_path env in
+      let loc = Location.(in_file !input_name) in
+      !components_of_functor_appl' ~loc ~f_path ~f_comp ~arg env
+  | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+and find_structure_components path env =
+  match get_components (find_module_components path env) with
+  | Structure_comps c -> c
+  | Functor_comps _ -> raise Not_found
+and find_functor_components path env =
+  match get_components (find_module_components path env) with
+  | Functor_comps f -> f
+  | Structure_comps _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_module ~alias path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id ->
+      let data = find_ident_module id env in
+      Subst.Lazy.force_module_decl data.mda_declaration
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let sc = find_structure_components p env in
+      let data = NameMap.find s sc.comp_modules in
+      Subst.Lazy.force_module_decl data.mda_declaration
+  | Papply(p1, p2) ->
+      let fc = find_functor_components p1 env in
+      if alias then md (fc.fcomp_res)
+      else md (modtype_of_functor_appl fc p1 p2)
+  | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_module_lazy ~alias path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id ->
+      let data = find_ident_module id env in
+      data.mda_declaration
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let sc = find_structure_components p env in
+      let data = NameMap.find s sc.comp_modules in
+      data.mda_declaration
+  | Papply(p1, p2) ->
+      let fc = find_functor_components p1 env in
+      let md =
+        if alias then md (fc.fcomp_res)
+        else md (modtype_of_functor_appl fc p1 p2)
+      in
+      Subst.Lazy.of_module_decl md
+  | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_strengthened_module ~aliasable path env =
+  let md = find_module_lazy ~alias:true path env in
+  let mty = !strengthen ~aliasable env md.mdl_type path in
+  Subst.Lazy.force_modtype mty
+let find_value_full path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id -> begin
+      match IdTbl.find_same id env.values with
+      | Val_bound data -> data
+      | Val_unbound _ -> raise Not_found
+    end
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let sc = find_structure_components p env in
+      NameMap.find s sc.comp_values
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_extension_full path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id -> TycompTbl.find_same id env.constrs
+  | Pdot(p, s) -> begin
+      let comps = find_structure_components p env in
+      let cstrs = NameMap.find s comps.comp_constrs in
+      let exts = List.filter is_ext cstrs in
+      match exts with
+      | [cda] -> cda
+      | _ -> raise Not_found
+    end
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+let type_of_cstr path = function
+  | {cstr_inlined = Some decl; _} ->
+      let labels =
+        List.map snd (Datarepr.labels_of_type path decl)
+      in
+      begin match decl.type_kind with
+      | Type_record (_, repr) ->
+        {
+          tda_declaration = decl;
+          tda_descriptions = Type_record (labels, repr);
+          tda_shape = Shape.leaf decl.type_uid;
+        }
+      | _ -> assert false
+      end
+  | _ -> assert false
+let rec find_type_data path env =
+  match Path.Map.find path env.local_constraints with
+  | decl ->
+    {
+      tda_declaration = decl;
+      tda_descriptions = Type_abstract (Btype.type_origin decl);
+      tda_shape = Shape.leaf decl.type_uid;
+    }
+  | exception Not_found -> begin
+      match path with
+      | Pident id -> IdTbl.find_same id env.types
+      | Pdot(p, s) ->
+          let sc = find_structure_components p env in
+          NameMap.find s sc.comp_types
+      | Papply _ -> raise Not_found
+      | Pextra_ty (p, extra) -> begin
+          match extra with
+          | Pcstr_ty s ->
+              let cstr = find_cstr p s env in
+              type_of_cstr path cstr
+          | Pext_ty ->
+              let cda = find_extension_full p env in
+              type_of_cstr path cda.cda_description
+        end
+    end
+and find_cstr path name env =
+  let tda = find_type_data path env in
+  match tda.tda_descriptions with
+  | Type_variant (cstrs, _) ->
+      List.find (fun cstr -> cstr.cstr_name = name) cstrs
+  | Type_record _ | Type_abstract _ | Type_open -> raise Not_found
+let find_modtype_lazy path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id -> (IdTbl.find_same id env.modtypes).mtda_declaration
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let sc = find_structure_components p env in
+      (NameMap.find s sc.comp_modtypes).mtda_declaration
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_modtype path env =
+  Subst.Lazy.force_modtype_decl (find_modtype_lazy path env)
+let find_class_full path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id -> IdTbl.find_same id env.classes
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let sc = find_structure_components p env in
+      NameMap.find s sc.comp_classes
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_cltype path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id -> (IdTbl.find_same id env.cltypes).cltda_declaration
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let sc = find_structure_components p env in
+      (NameMap.find s sc.comp_cltypes).cltda_declaration
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_value path env =
+  (find_value_full path env).vda_description
+let find_class path env =
+  (find_class_full path env).clda_declaration
+let find_ident_constructor id env =
+  (TycompTbl.find_same id env.constrs).cda_description
+let find_ident_label id env =
+  TycompTbl.find_same id env.labels
+let find_type p env =
+  (find_type_data p env).tda_declaration
+let find_type_descrs p env =
+  (find_type_data p env).tda_descriptions
+let rec find_module_address path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id -> get_address (find_ident_module id env).mda_address
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let c = find_structure_components p env in
+      get_address (NameMap.find s c.comp_modules).mda_address
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+and force_address = function
+  | Projection { parent; pos } -> Adot(get_address parent, pos)
+  | ModAlias { env; path } -> find_module_address path env
+and get_address a =
+  Lazy_backtrack.force force_address a
+let find_value_address path env =
+  get_address (find_value_full path env).vda_address
+let find_class_address path env =
+  get_address (find_class_full path env).clda_address
+let rec get_constrs_address = function
+  | [] -> raise Not_found
+  | cda :: rest ->
+    match cda.cda_address with
+    | None -> get_constrs_address rest
+    | Some a -> get_address a
+let find_constructor_address path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id -> begin
+      let cda = TycompTbl.find_same id env.constrs in
+      match cda.cda_address with
+      | None -> raise Not_found
+      | Some addr -> get_address addr
+    end
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let c = find_structure_components p env in
+      get_constrs_address (NameMap.find s c.comp_constrs)
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_hash_type path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id ->
+      let name = Ident.name id in
+      let _, cltda =
+        IdTbl.find_name wrap_identity ~mark:false name env.cltypes
+      in
+      cltda.cltda_declaration.clty_hash_type
+  | Pdot(p, name) ->
+      let c = find_structure_components p env in
+      let cltda = NameMap.find name c.comp_cltypes in
+      cltda.cltda_declaration.clty_hash_type
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_shape env (ns : Shape.Sig_component_kind.t) id =
+  match ns with
+  | Type ->
+      (IdTbl.find_same id env.types).tda_shape
+  | Constructor ->
+      Shape.leaf ((TycompTbl.find_same id env.constrs).cda_description.cstr_uid)
+  | Label ->
+      Shape.leaf ((TycompTbl.find_same id env.labels).lbl_uid)
+  | Extension_constructor ->
+      (TycompTbl.find_same id env.constrs).cda_shape
+  | Value ->
+      begin match IdTbl.find_same id env.values with
+      | Val_bound x -> x.vda_shape
+      | Val_unbound _ -> raise Not_found
+      end
+  | Module ->
+      begin match IdTbl.find_same id env.modules with
+      | Mod_local { mda_shape; _ } -> mda_shape
+      | Mod_persistent -> Shape.for_persistent_unit (Ident.name id)
+      | Mod_unbound _ ->
+          (* Only present temporarily while approximating the environment for
+             recursive modules.
+             [find_shape] is only ever called after the environment gets
+             properly populated. *)
+          assert false
+      | exception Not_found
+        when Ident.persistent id && not (Current_unit.Name.is_ident id) ->
+          Shape.for_persistent_unit (Ident.name id)
+      end
+  | Module_type ->
+      (IdTbl.find_same id env.modtypes).mtda_shape
+  | Class ->
+      (IdTbl.find_same id env.classes).clda_shape
+  | Class_type ->
+      (IdTbl.find_same id env.cltypes).cltda_shape
+let shape_of_path ~namespace env =
+  Shape.of_path ~namespace ~find_shape:(find_shape env)
+let shape_or_leaf uid = function
+  | None -> Shape.leaf uid
+  | Some shape -> shape
+let required_globals = s_ref []
+let reset_required_globals () = required_globals := []
+let get_required_globals () = !required_globals
+let add_required_global id =
+  if Ident.global id && not !Clflags.transparent_modules
+  && not (List.exists (Ident.same id) !required_globals)
+  then required_globals := id :: !required_globals
+let rec normalize_module_path lax env = function
+  | Pident id as path when lax && Ident.persistent id ->
+      path (* fast path (avoids lookup) *)
+  | Pdot (p, s) as path ->
+      let p' = normalize_module_path lax env p in
+      if p == p' then expand_module_path lax env path
+      else expand_module_path lax env (Pdot(p', s))
+  | Papply (p1, p2) as path ->
+      let p1' = normalize_module_path lax env p1 in
+      let p2' = normalize_module_path true env p2 in
+      if p1 == p1' && p2 == p2' then expand_module_path lax env path
+      else expand_module_path lax env (Papply(p1', p2'))
+  | Pident _ as path ->
+      expand_module_path lax env path
+  | Pextra_ty _ -> assert false
+and expand_module_path lax env path =
+  try match find_module_lazy ~alias:true path env with
+    {mdl_type=MtyL_alias path1} ->
+      let path' = normalize_module_path lax env path1 in
+      if lax || !Clflags.transparent_modules then path' else
+      let id = Path.head path in
+      if Ident.global id && not (Ident.same id (Path.head path'))
+      then add_required_global id;
+      path'
+  | _ -> path
+  with Not_found when lax
+  || (match path with Pident id -> not (Ident.persistent id) | _ -> true) ->
+      path
+let normalize_module_path oloc env path =
+  try normalize_module_path (oloc = None) env path
+  with Not_found ->
+    match oloc with None -> assert false
+    | Some loc ->
+        error (Missing_module(loc, path,
+                              normalize_module_path true env path))
+let rec normalize_path_prefix oloc env path =
+  match path with
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      let p2 = normalize_module_path oloc env p in
+      if p == p2 then path else Pdot(p2, s)
+  | Pident _ ->
+      path
+  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) ->
+      let p2 = normalize_path_prefix oloc env p in
+      if p == p2 then path else Pextra_ty (p2, extra)
+  | Papply _  ->
+      assert false
+let normalize_type_path = normalize_path_prefix
+let normalize_value_path = normalize_path_prefix
+let rec normalize_modtype_path env path =
+  let path = normalize_path_prefix None env path in
+  expand_modtype_path env path
+and expand_modtype_path env path =
+  match (find_modtype_lazy path env).mtdl_type with
+  | Some (MtyL_ident path) -> normalize_modtype_path env path
+  | _ | exception Not_found -> path
+let find_module path env =
+  find_module ~alias:false path env
+let find_module_lazy path env =
+  find_module_lazy ~alias:false path env
+(* Find the manifest type associated to a type when appropriate:
+   - the type should be public or should have a private row,
+   - the type should have an associated manifest type. *)
+let find_type_expansion path env =
+  let decl = find_type path env in
+  match decl.type_manifest with
+  | Some body when decl.type_private = Public
+              || not (Btype.type_kind_is_abstract decl)
+              || Btype.has_constr_row body ->
+      (decl.type_params, body, decl.type_expansion_scope)
+  (* The manifest type of Private abstract data types without
+     private row are still considered unknown to the type system.
+     Hence, this case is caught by the following clause that also handles
+     purely abstract data types without manifest type definition. *)
+  | _ -> raise Not_found
+(* Find the manifest type information associated to a type, i.e.
+   the necessary information for the compiler's type-based optimisations.
+   In particular, the manifest type associated to a private abstract type
+   is revealed for the sake of compiler's type-based optimisations. *)
+let find_type_expansion_opt path env =
+  let decl = find_type path env in
+  match decl.type_manifest with
+  (* The manifest type of Private abstract data types can still get
+     an approximation using their manifest type. *)
+  | Some body ->
+      (decl.type_params, body, decl.type_expansion_scope)
+  | _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_modtype_expansion_lazy path env =
+  match (find_modtype_lazy path env).mtdl_type with
+  | None -> raise Not_found
+  | Some mty -> mty
+let find_modtype_expansion path env =
+  Subst.Lazy.force_modtype (find_modtype_expansion_lazy path env)
+let rec is_functor_arg path env =
+  match path with
+    Pident id ->
+      begin try Ident.find_same id env.functor_args; true
+      with Not_found -> false
+      end
+  | Pdot (p, _) | Pextra_ty (p, _) -> is_functor_arg p env
+  | Papply _ -> true
+(* Copying types associated with values *)
+let make_copy_of_types env0 =
+  let memo = Hashtbl.create 16 in
+  let copy t =
+    try
+      Hashtbl.find memo (get_id t)
+    with Not_found ->
+      let t2 = Subst.type_expr Subst.identity t in
+      Hashtbl.add memo (get_id t) t2;
+      t2
+  in
+  let f = function
+    | Val_unbound _ as entry -> entry
+    | Val_bound vda ->
+        let desc = vda.vda_description in
+        let desc = { desc with val_type = copy desc.val_type } in
+        Val_bound { vda with vda_description = desc }
+  in
+  let values =
+    IdTbl.map f env0.values
+  in
+  (fun env ->
+     (*if env.values != env0.values then fatal_error "Env.make_copy_of_types";*)
+     {env with values; summary = Env_copy_types env.summary}
+  )
+(* Iter on an environment (ignoring the body of functors and
+   not yet evaluated structures) *)
+type iter_cont = unit -> unit
+let iter_env_cont = ref []
+let rec scrape_alias_for_visit env mty =
+  let open Subst.Lazy in
+  match mty with
+  | MtyL_alias path -> begin
+      match path with
+      | Pident id
+        when Ident.persistent id
+          && not (Persistent_env.looked_up !persistent_env (Ident.name id)) ->
+          false
+      | path -> (* PR#6600: find_module may raise Not_found *)
+          try
+            scrape_alias_for_visit env (find_module_lazy path env).mdl_type
+          with Not_found -> false
+    end
+  | _ -> true
+let iter_env wrap proj1 proj2 f env () =
+  IdTbl.iter wrap (fun id x -> f (Pident id) x) (proj1 env);
+  let rec iter_components path path' mcomps =
+    let cont () =
+      let visit =
+        match Lazy_backtrack.get_arg mcomps.comps with
+        | None -> true
+        | Some { cm_mty; _ } ->
+            scrape_alias_for_visit env cm_mty
+      in
+      if not visit then () else
+      match get_components mcomps with
+        Structure_comps comps ->
+          NameMap.iter
+            (fun s d -> f (Pdot (path, s)) (Pdot (path', s), d))
+            (proj2 comps);
+          NameMap.iter
+            (fun s mda ->
+              iter_components
+                (Pdot (path, s)) (Pdot (path', s)) mda.mda_components)
+            comps.comp_modules
+      | Functor_comps _ -> ()
+    in iter_env_cont := (path, cont) :: !iter_env_cont
+  in
+  IdTbl.iter wrap_module
+    (fun id (path, entry) ->
+       match entry with
+       | Mod_unbound _ -> ()
+       | Mod_local data ->
+           iter_components (Pident id) path data.mda_components
+       | Mod_persistent ->
+           let modname = Ident.name id in
+           match Persistent_env.find_in_cache !persistent_env modname with
+           | None -> ()
+           | Some data ->
+               iter_components (Pident id) path data.mda_components)
+    env.modules
+let run_iter_cont l =
+  iter_env_cont := [];
+  List.iter (fun c -> c ()) l;
+  let cont = List.rev !iter_env_cont in
+  iter_env_cont := [];
+  cont
+let iter_types f =
+  iter_env wrap_identity (fun env -> env.types) (fun sc -> sc.comp_types)
+    (fun p1 (p2, tda) -> f p1 (p2, tda.tda_declaration))
+let same_types env1 env2 =
+  env1.types == env2.types && env1.modules == env2.modules
+let used_persistent () =
+  Persistent_env.fold !persistent_env
+    (fun s _m r -> String.Set.add s r)
+    String.Set.empty
+let find_all_comps wrap proj s (p, mda) =
+  match get_components mda.mda_components with
+    Functor_comps _ -> []
+  | Structure_comps comps ->
+      try
+        let c = NameMap.find s (proj comps) in
+        [Pdot(p,s), wrap c]
+      with Not_found -> []
+let rec find_shadowed_comps path env =
+  match path with
+  | Pident id ->
+      List.filter_map
+        (fun (p, data) ->
+           match data with
+           | Mod_local x -> Some (p, x)
+           | Mod_unbound _ | Mod_persistent -> None)
+        (IdTbl.find_all wrap_module (Ident.name id) env.modules)
+  | Pdot (p, s) ->
+      let l = find_shadowed_comps p env in
+      let l' =
+        List.map
+          (find_all_comps wrap_identity
+             (fun comps -> comps.comp_modules) s) l
+      in
+      List.flatten l'
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> []
+let find_shadowed wrap proj1 proj2 path env =
+  match path with
+    Pident id ->
+      IdTbl.find_all wrap (Ident.name id) (proj1 env)
+  | Pdot (p, s) ->
+      let l = find_shadowed_comps p env in
+      let l' = List.map (find_all_comps wrap proj2 s) l in
+      List.flatten l'
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> []
+let find_shadowed_types path env =
+  List.map fst
+    (find_shadowed wrap_identity
+       (fun env -> env.types) (fun comps -> comps.comp_types) path env)
+(* Expand manifest module type names at the top of the given module type *)
+let rec scrape_alias env ?path mty =
+  let open Subst.Lazy in
+  match mty, path with
+    MtyL_ident p, _ ->
+      begin try
+        scrape_alias env (find_modtype_expansion_lazy p env) ?path
+      with Not_found ->
+        mty
+      end
+  | MtyL_alias path, _ ->
+      begin try
+        scrape_alias env ((find_module_lazy path env).mdl_type) ~path
+      with Not_found ->
+        (*Location.prerr_warning Location.none
+          (Warnings.No_cmi_file (Path.name path));*)
+        mty
+      end
+  | mty, Some path ->
+      !strengthen ~aliasable:true env mty path
+  | _ -> mty
+(* Given a signature and a root path, prefix all idents in the signature
+   by the root path and build the corresponding substitution. *)
+let prefix_idents root prefixing_sub sg =
+  let open Subst.Lazy in
+  let rec prefix_idents root items_and_paths prefixing_sub =
+    function
+    | [] -> (List.rev items_and_paths, prefixing_sub)
+    | SigL_value(id, _, _) as item :: rem ->
+      let p = Pdot(root, Ident.name id) in
+      prefix_idents root
+        ((item, p) :: items_and_paths) prefixing_sub rem
+    | SigL_type(id, td, rs, vis) :: rem ->
+      let p = Pdot(root, Ident.name id) in
+      prefix_idents root
+        ((SigL_type(id, td, rs, vis), p) :: items_and_paths)
+        (Subst.add_type id p prefixing_sub)
+        rem
+    | SigL_typext(id, ec, es, vis) :: rem ->
+      let p = Pdot(root, Ident.name id) in
+      (* we extend the substitution in case of an inlined record *)
+      prefix_idents root
+        ((SigL_typext(id, ec, es, vis), p) :: items_and_paths)
+        (Subst.add_type id p prefixing_sub)
+        rem
+    | SigL_module(id, pres, md, rs, vis) :: rem ->
+      let p = Pdot(root, Ident.name id) in
+      prefix_idents root
+        ((SigL_module(id, pres, md, rs, vis), p) :: items_and_paths)
+        (Subst.add_module id p prefixing_sub)
+        rem
+    | SigL_modtype(id, mtd, vis) :: rem ->
+      let p = Pdot(root, Ident.name id) in
+      prefix_idents root
+        ((SigL_modtype(id, mtd, vis), p) :: items_and_paths)
+        (Subst.add_modtype id p prefixing_sub)
+        rem
+    | SigL_class(id, cd, rs, vis) :: rem ->
+      (* pretend this is a type, cf. PR#6650 *)
+      let p = Pdot(root, Ident.name id) in
+      prefix_idents root
+        ((SigL_class(id, cd, rs, vis), p) :: items_and_paths)
+        (Subst.add_type id p prefixing_sub)
+        rem
+    | SigL_class_type(id, ctd, rs, vis) :: rem ->
+      let p = Pdot(root, Ident.name id) in
+      prefix_idents root
+        ((SigL_class_type(id, ctd, rs, vis), p) :: items_and_paths)
+        (Subst.add_type id p prefixing_sub)
+        rem
+  in
+  let sg = Subst.Lazy.force_signature_once sg in
+  prefix_idents root [] prefixing_sub sg
+(* Compute structure descriptions *)
+let add_to_tbl id decl tbl =
+  let decls = try NameMap.find id tbl with Not_found -> [] in
+  NameMap.add id (decl :: decls) tbl
+let value_declaration_address (_ : t) id decl =
+  match decl.val_kind with
+  | Val_prim _ -> Lazy_backtrack.create_failed Not_found
+  | _ -> Lazy_backtrack.create_forced (Aident id)
+let extension_declaration_address (_ : t) id (_ : extension_constructor) =
+  Lazy_backtrack.create_forced (Aident id)
+let class_declaration_address (_ : t) id (_ : class_declaration) =
+  Lazy_backtrack.create_forced (Aident id)
+let module_declaration_address env id presence md =
+  match presence with
+  | Mp_absent -> begin
+      let open Subst.Lazy in
+      match md.mdl_type with
+      | MtyL_alias path -> Lazy_backtrack.create (ModAlias {env; path})
+      | _ -> assert false
+    end
+  | Mp_present ->
+      Lazy_backtrack.create_forced (Aident id)
+let rec components_of_module_maker
+          {cm_env; cm_prefixing_subst;
+           cm_path; cm_addr; cm_mty; cm_shape} : _ result =
+  match scrape_alias cm_env cm_mty with
+    MtyL_signature sg ->
+      let c =
+        { comp_values = NameMap.empty;
+          comp_constrs = NameMap.empty;
+          comp_labels = NameMap.empty; comp_types = NameMap.empty;
+          comp_modules = NameMap.empty; comp_modtypes = NameMap.empty;
+          comp_classes = NameMap.empty; comp_cltypes = NameMap.empty }
+      in
+      let items_and_paths, sub =
+        prefix_idents cm_path cm_prefixing_subst sg
+      in
+      let env = ref cm_env in
+      let pos = ref 0 in
+      let next_address () =
+        let addr : address_unforced =
+          Projection { parent = cm_addr; pos = !pos }
+        in
+        incr pos;
+        Lazy_backtrack.create addr
+      in
+      List.iter (fun ((item : Subst.Lazy.signature_item), path) ->
+        match item with
+          SigL_value(id, decl, _) ->
+            let decl' = Subst.value_description sub decl in
+            let addr =
+              match decl.val_kind with
+              | Val_prim _ -> Lazy_backtrack.create_failed Not_found
+              | _ -> next_address ()
+            in
+            let vda_shape = Shape.proj cm_shape (Shape.Item.value id) in
+            let vda =
+              { vda_description = decl'; vda_address = addr; vda_shape }
+            in
+            c.comp_values <- NameMap.add (Ident.name id) vda c.comp_values;
+        | SigL_type(id, decl, _, _) ->
+            let final_decl = Subst.type_declaration sub decl in
+            Btype.set_static_row_name final_decl
+              (Subst.type_path sub (Path.Pident id));
+            let descrs =
+              match decl.type_kind with
+              | Type_variant (_,repr) ->
+                  let cstrs = List.map snd
+                    (Datarepr.constructors_of_type path final_decl
+                        ~current_unit:(get_current_unit ()))
+                  in
+                  List.iter
+                    (fun descr ->
+                      let cda_shape = Shape.leaf descr.cstr_uid in
+                      let cda = {
+                        cda_description = descr;
+                        cda_address = None;
+                        cda_shape }
+                      in
+                      c.comp_constrs <-
+                        add_to_tbl descr.cstr_name cda c.comp_constrs
+                    ) cstrs;
+                 Type_variant (cstrs, repr)
+              | Type_record (_, repr) ->
+                  let lbls = List.map snd
+                    (Datarepr.labels_of_type path final_decl)
+                  in
+                  List.iter
+                    (fun descr ->
+                      c.comp_labels <-
+                        add_to_tbl descr.lbl_name descr c.comp_labels)
+                    lbls;
+                  Type_record (lbls, repr)
+              | Type_abstract r -> Type_abstract r
+              | Type_open -> Type_open
+            in
+            let shape = Shape.proj cm_shape (Shape.Item.type_ id) in
+            let tda =
+              { tda_declaration = final_decl;
+                tda_descriptions = descrs;
+                tda_shape = shape; }
+            in
+            c.comp_types <- NameMap.add (Ident.name id) tda c.comp_types;
+            env := store_type_infos ~tda_shape:shape id decl !env
+        | SigL_typext(id, ext, _, _) ->
+            let ext' = Subst.extension_constructor sub ext in
+            let descr =
+              Datarepr.extension_descr ~current_unit:(get_current_unit ()) path
+                ext'
+            in
+            let addr = next_address () in
+            let cda_shape =
+              Shape.proj cm_shape (Shape.Item.extension_constructor id)
+            in
+            let cda =
+              { cda_description = descr; cda_address = Some addr; cda_shape }
+            in
+            c.comp_constrs <- add_to_tbl (Ident.name id) cda c.comp_constrs
+        | SigL_module(id, pres, md, _, _) ->
+            let md' =
+              (* The prefixed items get the same scope as [cm_path], which is
+                 the prefix. *)
+              Subst.Lazy.module_decl
+                (Subst.Rescope (Path.scope cm_path)) sub md
+            in
+            let addr =
+              match pres with
+              | Mp_absent -> begin
+                  match md.mdl_type with
+                  | MtyL_alias path ->
+                      Lazy_backtrack.create (ModAlias {env = !env; path})
+                  | _ -> assert false
+                end
+              | Mp_present -> next_address ()
+            in
+            let alerts =
+              Builtin_attributes.alerts_of_attrs md.mdl_attributes
+            in
+            let shape = Shape.proj cm_shape (Shape.Item.module_ id) in
+            let comps =
+              components_of_module ~alerts ~uid:md.mdl_uid !env
+                sub path addr md.mdl_type shape
+            in
+            let mda =
+              { mda_declaration = md';
+                mda_components = comps;
+                mda_address = addr;
+                mda_shape = shape; }
+            in
+            c.comp_modules <-
+              NameMap.add (Ident.name id) mda c.comp_modules;
+            env :=
+              store_module ~update_summary:false ~check:None
+                id addr pres md shape !env
+        | SigL_modtype(id, decl, _) ->
+            let final_decl =
+              (* The prefixed items get the same scope as [cm_path], which is
+                 the prefix. *)
+              Subst.Lazy.modtype_decl (Rescope (Path.scope cm_path))
+                sub decl
+            in
+            let shape = Shape.proj cm_shape (Shape.Item.module_type id) in
+            let mtda =
+              { mtda_declaration = final_decl;
+                mtda_shape = shape; }
+            in
+            c.comp_modtypes <-
+              NameMap.add (Ident.name id) mtda c.comp_modtypes;
+            env := store_modtype ~update_summary:false id decl shape !env
+        | SigL_class(id, decl, _, _) ->
+            let decl' = Subst.class_declaration sub decl in
+            let addr = next_address () in
+            let shape = Shape.proj cm_shape (Shape.Item.class_ id) in
+            let clda =
+              { clda_declaration = decl';
+                clda_address = addr;
+                clda_shape = shape; }
+            in
+            c.comp_classes <- NameMap.add (Ident.name id) clda c.comp_classes
+        | SigL_class_type(id, decl, _, _) ->
+            let decl' = Subst.cltype_declaration sub decl in
+            let shape = Shape.proj cm_shape (Shape.Item.class_type id) in
+            let cltda = { cltda_declaration = decl'; cltda_shape = shape } in
+            c.comp_cltypes <-
+              NameMap.add (Ident.name id) cltda c.comp_cltypes)
+        items_and_paths;
+        Ok (Structure_comps c)
+  | MtyL_functor(arg, ty_res) ->
+      let sub = cm_prefixing_subst in
+      let scoping = Subst.Rescope (Path.scope cm_path) in
+      let open Subst.Lazy in
+        Ok (Functor_comps {
+          (* fcomp_arg and fcomp_res must be prefixed eagerly, because
+             they are interpreted in the outer environment *)
+          fcomp_arg =
+            (match arg with
+            | Unit -> Unit
+            | Named (param, ty_arg) ->
+              Named (param, force_modtype (modtype scoping sub ty_arg)));
+          fcomp_res = force_modtype (modtype scoping sub ty_res);
+          fcomp_shape = cm_shape;
+          fcomp_cache = Hashtbl.create 17;
+          fcomp_subst_cache = Hashtbl.create 17 })
+  | MtyL_ident _ -> Error No_components_abstract
+  | MtyL_alias p -> Error (No_components_alias p)
+(* Insertion of bindings by identifier + path *)
+and check_usage loc id uid warn tbl =
+  if not loc.Location.loc_ghost &&
+     Uid.for_actual_declaration uid &&
+     Warnings.is_active (warn "")
+  then begin
+    let name = Ident.name id in
+    if Types.Uid.Tbl.mem tbl uid then ()
+    else let used = ref false in
+    Types.Uid.Tbl.add tbl uid (fun () -> used := true);
+    if not (name = "" || name.[0] = '_' || name.[0] = '#')
+    then
+      !add_delayed_check_forward
+        (fun () -> if not !used then Location.prerr_warning loc (warn name))
+  end;
+and check_value_name name loc =
+  (* Note: we could also check here general validity of the
+     identifier, to protect against bad identifiers forged by -pp or
+     -ppx preprocessors. *)
+  if String.length name > 0 && not
+       (Utf8_lexeme.starts_like_a_valid_identifier name) then
+    for i = 1 to String.length name - 1 do
+      if name.[i] = '#' then
+        error (Illegal_value_name(loc, name))
+    done
+and store_value ?check id addr decl shape env =
+  check_value_name (Ident.name id) decl.val_loc;
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_alerts_used decl.val_attributes;
+  Option.iter
+    (fun f -> check_usage decl.val_loc id decl.val_uid f !value_declarations)
+    check;
+  let vda =
+    { vda_description = decl;
+      vda_address = addr;
+      vda_shape = shape }
+  in
+  { env with
+    values = IdTbl.add id (Val_bound vda) env.values;
+    summary = Env_value(env.summary, id, decl) }
+and store_constructor ~check type_decl type_id cstr_id cstr env =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope cstr.cstr_attributes (fun () ->
+  if check && not type_decl.type_loc.Location.loc_ghost
+     && Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Unused_constructor ("", Unused))
+  then begin
+    let ty_name = Ident.name type_id in
+    let name = cstr.cstr_name in
+    let loc = cstr.cstr_loc in
+    let k = cstr.cstr_uid in
+    let priv = type_decl.type_private in
+    if not (Types.Uid.Tbl.mem !used_constructors k) then begin
+      let used = constructor_usages () in
+      Types.Uid.Tbl.add !used_constructors k
+        (add_constructor_usage used);
+      if not (ty_name = "" || ty_name.[0] = '_')
+      then
+        !add_delayed_check_forward
+          (fun () ->
+            Option.iter
+              (fun complaint ->
+                 if not (is_in_signature env) then
+                   Location.prerr_warning loc
+                     (Warnings.Unused_constructor(name, complaint)))
+              (constructor_usage_complaint ~rebind:false priv used));
+    end;
+  end);
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_alerts_used cstr.cstr_attributes;
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_warn_on_literal_pattern_used cstr.cstr_attributes;
+  let cda_shape = Shape.leaf cstr.cstr_uid in
+  { env with
+    constrs =
+      TycompTbl.add cstr_id
+        { cda_description = cstr; cda_address = None; cda_shape } env.constrs;
+  }
+and store_label ~check type_decl type_id lbl_id lbl env =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope lbl.lbl_attributes (fun () ->
+  if check && not type_decl.type_loc.Location.loc_ghost
+     && Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Unused_field ("", Unused))
+  then begin
+    let ty_name = Ident.name type_id in
+    let priv = type_decl.type_private in
+    let name = lbl.lbl_name in
+    let loc = lbl.lbl_loc in
+    let mut = lbl.lbl_mut in
+    let k = lbl.lbl_uid in
+    if not (Types.Uid.Tbl.mem !used_labels k) then
+      let used = label_usages () in
+      Types.Uid.Tbl.add !used_labels k
+        (add_label_usage used);
+      if not (ty_name = "" || ty_name.[0] = '_' || name.[0] = '_')
+      then !add_delayed_check_forward
+          (fun () ->
+            Option.iter
+              (fun complaint ->
+                 if not (is_in_signature env) then
+                   Location.prerr_warning
+                     loc (Warnings.Unused_field(name, complaint)))
+              (label_usage_complaint priv mut used))
+  end);
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_alerts_used lbl.lbl_attributes;
+  if lbl.lbl_mut = Mutable then
+    Builtin_attributes.mark_deprecated_mutable_used lbl.lbl_attributes;
+  { env with
+    labels = TycompTbl.add lbl_id lbl env.labels;
+  }
+and store_type ~check id info shape env =
+  let loc = info.type_loc in
+  if check then
+    check_usage loc id info.type_uid
+      (fun s -> Warnings.Unused_type_declaration s)
+      !type_declarations;
+  let descrs, env =
+    let path = Pident id in
+    match info.type_kind with
+    | Type_variant (_,repr) ->
+        let constructors = Datarepr.constructors_of_type path info
+                            ~current_unit:(get_current_unit ())
+        in
+        Type_variant (List.map snd constructors, repr),
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun env (cstr_id, cstr) ->
+            store_constructor ~check info id cstr_id cstr env)
+          env constructors
+    | Type_record (_, repr) ->
+        let labels = Datarepr.labels_of_type path info in
+        Type_record (List.map snd labels, repr),
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun env (lbl_id, lbl) ->
+            store_label ~check info id lbl_id lbl env)
+          env labels
+    | Type_abstract r -> Type_abstract r, env
+    | Type_open -> Type_open, env
+  in
+  let tda =
+    { tda_declaration = info;
+      tda_descriptions = descrs;
+      tda_shape = shape }
+  in
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_alerts_used info.type_attributes;
+  { env with
+    types = IdTbl.add id tda env.types;
+    summary = Env_type(env.summary, id, info) }
+and store_type_infos ~tda_shape id info env =
+  (* Simplified version of store_type that doesn't compute and store
+     constructor and label infos, but simply record the arity and
+     manifest-ness of the type.  Used in components_of_module to
+     keep track of type abbreviations (e.g. type t = float) in the
+     computation of label representations. *)
+  let tda =
+    {
+      tda_declaration = info;
+      tda_descriptions = Type_abstract (Btype.type_origin info);
+      tda_shape
+    }
+  in
+  { env with
+    types = IdTbl.add id tda env.types;
+    summary = Env_type(env.summary, id, info) }
+and store_extension ~check ~rebind id addr ext shape env =
+  let loc = ext.ext_loc in
+  let cstr =
+    Datarepr.extension_descr
+      ~current_unit:(get_current_unit ()) (Pident id) ext
+  in
+  let cda =
+    { cda_description = cstr;
+      cda_address = Some addr;
+      cda_shape = shape }
+  in
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_alerts_used ext.ext_attributes;
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_warn_on_literal_pattern_used ext.ext_attributes;
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ext.ext_attributes (fun () ->
+  if check && not loc.Location.loc_ghost &&
+    Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Unused_extension ("", false, Unused))
+  then begin
+    let priv = ext.ext_private in
+    let is_exception = Path.same ext.ext_type_path Predef.path_exn in
+    let name = cstr.cstr_name in
+    let k = cstr.cstr_uid in
+    if not (Types.Uid.Tbl.mem !used_constructors k) then begin
+      let used = constructor_usages () in
+      Types.Uid.Tbl.add !used_constructors k
+        (add_constructor_usage used);
+      !add_delayed_check_forward
+         (fun () ->
+           Option.iter
+             (fun complaint ->
+                if not (is_in_signature env) then
+                  Location.prerr_warning loc
+                    (Warnings.Unused_extension
+                       (name, is_exception, complaint)))
+             (constructor_usage_complaint ~rebind priv used))
+    end;
+  end);
+  { env with
+    constrs = TycompTbl.add id cda env.constrs;
+    summary = Env_extension(env.summary, id, ext) }
+and store_module ?(update_summary=true) ~check
+                 id addr presence md shape env =
+  let open Subst.Lazy in
+  let loc = md.mdl_loc in
+  Option.iter
+    (fun f -> check_usage loc id md.mdl_uid f !module_declarations) check;
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_alerts_used md.mdl_attributes;
+  let alerts = Builtin_attributes.alerts_of_attrs md.mdl_attributes in
+  let comps =
+    components_of_module ~alerts ~uid:md.mdl_uid
+      env Subst.identity (Pident id) addr md.mdl_type shape
+  in
+  let mda =
+    { mda_declaration = md;
+      mda_components = comps;
+      mda_address = addr;
+      mda_shape = shape }
+  in
+  let summary =
+    if not update_summary then env.summary
+    else Env_module (env.summary, id, presence, force_module_decl md) in
+  { env with
+    modules = IdTbl.add id (Mod_local mda) env.modules;
+    summary }
+and store_modtype ?(update_summary=true) id info shape env =
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_alerts_used info.Subst.Lazy.mtdl_attributes;
+  let mtda = { mtda_declaration = info; mtda_shape = shape } in
+  let summary =
+    if not update_summary then env.summary
+    else Env_modtype (env.summary, id, Subst.Lazy.force_modtype_decl info) in
+  { env with
+    modtypes = IdTbl.add id mtda env.modtypes;
+    summary }
+and store_class id addr desc shape env =
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_alerts_used desc.cty_attributes;
+  let clda =
+    { clda_declaration = desc;
+      clda_address = addr;
+      clda_shape = shape; }
+  in
+  { env with
+    classes = IdTbl.add id clda env.classes;
+    summary = Env_class(env.summary, id, desc) }
+and store_cltype id desc shape env =
+  Builtin_attributes.mark_alerts_used desc.clty_attributes;
+  let cltda = { cltda_declaration = desc; cltda_shape = shape } in
+  { env with
+    cltypes = IdTbl.add id cltda env.cltypes;
+    summary = Env_cltype(env.summary, id, desc) }
+let scrape_alias env mty = scrape_alias env mty
+(* Compute the components of a functor application in a path. *)
+let components_of_functor_appl ~loc ~f_path ~f_comp ~arg env =
+  try
+    let c = Hashtbl.find f_comp.fcomp_cache arg in
+    c
+  with Not_found ->
+    let p = Papply(f_path, arg) in
+    let sub =
+      match f_comp.fcomp_arg with
+      | Unit
+      | Named (None, _) -> Subst.identity
+      | Named (Some param, _) -> Subst.add_module param arg Subst.identity
+    in
+    (* we have to apply eagerly instead of passing sub to [components_of_module]
+       because of the call to [check_well_formed_module]. *)
+    let mty = Subst.modtype (Rescope (Path.scope p)) sub f_comp.fcomp_res in
+    let addr = Lazy_backtrack.create_failed Not_found in
+    !check_well_formed_module env loc
+      ("the signature of " ^ Path.name p) mty;
+    let shape_arg =
+      shape_of_path ~namespace:Shape.Sig_component_kind.Module env arg
+    in
+    let shape = Shape.app f_comp.fcomp_shape ~arg:shape_arg in
+    let comps =
+      components_of_module ~alerts:Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.empty
+        ~uid:Uid.internal_not_actually_unique
+        (*???*)
+        env Subst.identity p addr (Subst.Lazy.of_modtype mty) shape
+    in
+    Hashtbl.add f_comp.fcomp_cache arg comps;
+    comps
+(* Define forward functions *)
+let _ =
+  components_of_functor_appl' := components_of_functor_appl;
+  components_of_module_maker' := components_of_module_maker
+(* Insertion of bindings by identifier *)
+let add_functor_arg id env =
+  {env with
+   functor_args = Ident.add id () env.functor_args;
+   summary = Env_functor_arg (env.summary, id)}
+let add_value ?check ?shape id desc env =
+  let addr = value_declaration_address env id desc in
+  let shape = shape_or_leaf desc.val_uid shape in
+  store_value ?check id addr desc shape env
+let add_type ~check ?shape id info env =
+  let shape = shape_or_leaf info.type_uid shape in
+  store_type ~check id info shape env
+and add_extension ~check ?shape ~rebind id ext env =
+  let addr = extension_declaration_address env id ext in
+  let shape = shape_or_leaf ext.ext_uid shape in
+  store_extension ~check ~rebind id addr ext shape env
+and add_module_declaration ?(arg=false) ?shape ~check id presence md env =
+  let check =
+    if not check then
+      None
+    else if arg && is_in_signature env then
+      Some (fun s -> Warnings.Unused_functor_parameter s)
+    else
+      Some (fun s -> Warnings.Unused_module s)
+  in
+  let md = Subst.Lazy.of_module_decl md in
+  let addr = module_declaration_address env id presence md in
+  let shape = shape_or_leaf md.mdl_uid shape in
+  let env = store_module ~check id addr presence md shape env in
+  if arg then add_functor_arg id env else env
+and add_module_declaration_lazy ~update_summary id presence md env =
+  let addr = module_declaration_address env id presence md in
+  let shape = Shape.leaf md.Subst.Lazy.mdl_uid in
+  let env =
+    store_module ~update_summary ~check:None id addr presence md shape env
+  in
+  env
+and add_modtype ?shape id info env =
+  let shape = shape_or_leaf info.mtd_uid shape in
+  store_modtype id (Subst.Lazy.of_modtype_decl info) shape env
+and add_modtype_lazy ~update_summary id info env =
+  let shape = Shape.leaf info.Subst.Lazy.mtdl_uid in
+  store_modtype ~update_summary id info shape env
+and add_class ?shape id ty env =
+  let addr = class_declaration_address env id ty in
+  let shape = shape_or_leaf ty.cty_uid shape in
+  store_class id addr ty shape env
+and add_cltype ?shape id ty env =
+  let shape = shape_or_leaf ty.clty_uid shape in
+  store_cltype id ty shape env
+let add_module ?arg ?shape id presence mty env =
+  add_module_declaration ~check:false ?arg ?shape id presence (md mty) env
+let add_module_lazy ~update_summary id presence mty env =
+  let md = Subst.Lazy.{mdl_type = mty;
+                       mdl_attributes = [];
+                       mdl_loc = Location.none;
+                       mdl_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique}
+  in
+  add_module_declaration_lazy ~update_summary id presence md env
+let add_local_constraint path info env =
+  { env with
+    local_constraints = Path.Map.add path info env.local_constraints }
+(* Non-lazy version of scrape_alias *)
+let scrape_alias t mty =
+  mty |> Subst.Lazy.of_modtype |> scrape_alias t |> Subst.Lazy.force_modtype
+(* Insertion of bindings by name *)
+let enter_value ?check name desc env =
+  let id = Ident.create_local name in
+  let addr = value_declaration_address env id desc in
+  let env = store_value ?check id addr desc (Shape.leaf desc.val_uid) env in
+  (id, env)
+let enter_type ~scope name info env =
+  let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope name in
+  let env = store_type ~check:true id info (Shape.leaf info.type_uid) env in
+  (id, env)
+let enter_extension ~scope ~rebind name ext env =
+  let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope name in
+  let addr = extension_declaration_address env id ext in
+  let shape = Shape.leaf ext.ext_uid in
+  let env = store_extension ~check:true ~rebind id addr ext shape env in
+  (id, env)
+let enter_module_declaration ~scope ?arg ?shape s presence md env =
+  let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope s in
+  (id, add_module_declaration ?arg ?shape ~check:true id presence md env)
+let enter_modtype ~scope name mtd env =
+  let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope name in
+  let shape = Shape.leaf mtd.mtd_uid in
+  let env = store_modtype id (Subst.Lazy.of_modtype_decl mtd) shape env in
+  (id, env)
+let enter_class ~scope name desc env =
+  let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope name in
+  let addr = class_declaration_address env id desc in
+  let env = store_class id addr desc (Shape.leaf desc.cty_uid) env in
+  (id, env)
+let enter_cltype ~scope name desc env =
+  let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope name in
+  let env = store_cltype id desc (Shape.leaf desc.clty_uid) env in
+  (id, env)
+let enter_module ~scope ?arg s presence mty env =
+  enter_module_declaration ~scope ?arg s presence (md mty) env
+(* Insertion of all components of a signature *)
+let add_item (map, mod_shape) comp env =
+  let proj_shape item =
+    match mod_shape with
+    | None -> map, None
+    | Some mod_shape ->
+        let shape = Shape.proj mod_shape item in
+        Shape.Map.add map item shape, Some shape
+  in
+  match comp with
+  | Sig_value(id, decl, _) ->
+      let map, shape = proj_shape (Shape.Item.value id) in
+      map, add_value ?shape id decl env
+  | Sig_type(id, decl, _, _) ->
+      let map, shape = proj_shape (Shape.Item.type_ id) in
+      map, add_type ~check:false ?shape id decl env
+  | Sig_typext(id, ext, _, _) ->
+      let map, shape = proj_shape (Shape.Item.extension_constructor id) in
+      map, add_extension ~check:false ?shape ~rebind:false id ext env
+  | Sig_module(id, presence, md, _, _) ->
+      let map, shape = proj_shape (Shape.Item.module_ id) in
+      map, add_module_declaration ~check:false ?shape id presence md env
+  | Sig_modtype(id, decl, _)  ->
+      let map, shape = proj_shape (Shape.Item.module_type id) in
+      map, add_modtype ?shape id decl env
+  | Sig_class(id, decl, _, _) ->
+      let map, shape = proj_shape (Shape.Item.class_ id) in
+      map, add_class ?shape id decl env
+  | Sig_class_type(id, decl, _, _) ->
+      let map, shape = proj_shape (Shape.Item.class_type id) in
+      map, add_cltype ?shape id decl env
+let rec add_signature (map, mod_shape) sg env =
+  match sg with
+      [] -> map, env
+  | comp :: rem ->
+      let map, env = add_item (map, mod_shape) comp env in
+      add_signature (map, mod_shape) rem env
+let enter_signature_and_shape ~scope ~parent_shape mod_shape sg env =
+  let sg = Subst.signature (Rescope scope) Subst.identity sg in
+  let shape, env = add_signature (parent_shape, mod_shape) sg env in
+  sg, shape, env
+let enter_signature ?mod_shape ~scope sg env =
+  let sg, _, env =
+    enter_signature_and_shape ~scope ~parent_shape:Shape.Map.empty
+      mod_shape sg env
+  in
+  sg, env
+let enter_signature_and_shape ~scope ~parent_shape mod_shape sg env =
+  enter_signature_and_shape ~scope ~parent_shape (Some mod_shape) sg env
+let add_value = add_value ?shape:None
+let add_class = add_class ?shape:None
+let add_cltype = add_cltype ?shape:None
+let add_modtype = add_modtype ?shape:None
+let add_signature sg env =
+  let _, env = add_signature (Shape.Map.empty, None) sg env in
+  env
+(* Add "unbound" bindings *)
+let enter_unbound_value name reason env =
+  let id = Ident.create_local name in
+  { env with
+    values = IdTbl.add id (Val_unbound reason) env.values;
+    summary = Env_value_unbound(env.summary, name, reason) }
+let enter_unbound_module name reason env =
+  let id = Ident.create_local name in
+  { env with
+    modules = IdTbl.add id (Mod_unbound reason) env.modules;
+    summary = Env_module_unbound(env.summary, name, reason) }
+(* Open a signature path *)
+let add_components slot root env0 comps =
+  let add_l w comps env0 =
+    TycompTbl.add_open slot w root comps env0
+  in
+  let add w comps env0 = IdTbl.add_open slot w root comps env0 in
+  let constrs =
+    add_l (fun x -> `Constructor x) comps.comp_constrs env0.constrs
+  in
+  let labels =
+    add_l (fun x -> `Label x) comps.comp_labels env0.labels
+  in
+  let values =
+    add (fun x -> `Value x) comps.comp_values env0.values
+  in
+  let types =
+    add (fun x -> `Type x) comps.comp_types env0.types
+  in
+  let modtypes =
+    add (fun x -> `Module_type x) comps.comp_modtypes env0.modtypes
+  in
+  let classes =
+    add (fun x -> `Class x) comps.comp_classes env0.classes
+  in
+  let cltypes =
+    add (fun x -> `Class_type x) comps.comp_cltypes env0.cltypes
+  in
+  let modules =
+    add (fun x -> `Module x) comps.comp_modules env0.modules
+  in
+  { env0 with
+    summary = Env_open(env0.summary, root);
+    constrs;
+    labels;
+    values;
+    types;
+    modtypes;
+    classes;
+    cltypes;
+    modules;
+  }
+let open_signature slot root env0 : (_,_) result =
+  match get_components_res (find_module_components root env0) with
+  | Error _ -> Error `Not_found
+  | exception Not_found -> Error `Not_found
+  | Ok (Functor_comps _) -> Error `Functor
+  | Ok (Structure_comps comps) ->
+    Ok (add_components slot root env0 comps)
+let remove_last_open root env0 =
+  let rec filter_summary summary =
+    match summary with
+      Env_empty -> raise Exit
+    | Env_open (s, p) ->
+        if Path.same p root then s else raise Exit
+    | Env_value _
+    | Env_type _
+    | Env_extension _
+    | Env_module _
+    | Env_modtype _
+    | Env_class _
+    | Env_cltype _
+    | Env_functor_arg _
+    | Env_constraints _
+    | Env_persistent _
+    | Env_copy_types _
+    | Env_value_unbound _
+    | Env_module_unbound _ ->
+        map_summary filter_summary summary
+  in
+  match filter_summary env0.summary with
+  | summary ->
+      let rem_l tbl = TycompTbl.remove_last_open root tbl
+      and rem tbl = IdTbl.remove_last_open root tbl in
+      Some { env0 with
+             summary;
+             constrs = rem_l env0.constrs;
+             labels = rem_l env0.labels;
+             values = rem env0.values;
+             types = rem env0.types;
+             modtypes = rem env0.modtypes;
+             classes = rem env0.classes;
+             cltypes = rem env0.cltypes;
+             modules = rem env0.modules; }
+  | exception Exit ->
+      None
+(* Open a signature from a file *)
+let open_pers_signature name env =
+  match open_signature None (Pident(Ident.create_persistent name)) env with
+  | (Ok _ | Error `Not_found as res) -> res
+  | Error `Functor -> assert false
+        (* a compilation unit cannot refer to a functor *)
+let open_signature
+    ?(used_slot = ref false)
+    ?(loc = Location.none) ?(toplevel = false)
+    ovf root env =
+  let unused =
+    match ovf with
+    | Asttypes.Fresh -> Warnings.Unused_open (Path.name root)
+    | Asttypes.Override -> Warnings.Unused_open_bang (Path.name root)
+  in
+  let warn_unused =
+    Warnings.is_active unused
+  and warn_shadow_id =
+    Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Open_shadow_identifier ("", ""))
+  and warn_shadow_lc =
+    Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Open_shadow_label_constructor ("",""))
+  in
+  if not toplevel && not loc.Location.loc_ghost
+     && (warn_unused || warn_shadow_id || warn_shadow_lc)
+  then begin
+    let used = used_slot in
+    if warn_unused then
+      !add_delayed_check_forward
+        (fun () ->
+           if not !used then begin
+             used := true;
+             Location.prerr_warning loc unused
+           end
+        );
+    let shadowed = ref [] in
+    let slot s b =
+      begin match check_shadowing env b with
+      | Some kind when
+          ovf = Asttypes.Fresh && not (List.mem (kind, s) !shadowed) ->
+          shadowed := (kind, s) :: !shadowed;
+          let w =
+            match kind with
+            | "label" | "constructor" ->
+                Warnings.Open_shadow_label_constructor (kind, s)
+            | _ -> Warnings.Open_shadow_identifier (kind, s)
+          in
+          Location.prerr_warning loc w
+      | _ -> ()
+      end;
+      used := true
+    in
+    open_signature (Some slot) root env
+  end
+  else open_signature None root env
+(* Read a signature from a file *)
+let read_signature u =
+  let mda = read_pers_mod u in
+  let md = Subst.Lazy.force_module_decl mda.mda_declaration in
+  match md.md_type with
+  | Mty_signature sg -> sg
+  | Mty_ident _ | Mty_functor _ | Mty_alias _ -> assert false
+let unit_name_of_filename fn =
+  match Filename.extension fn with
+  | ".cmi" ->
+      let modname = Unit_info.strict_modname_from_source fn in
+      if Unit_info.is_unit_name modname then Some modname
+      else None
+  | _ -> None
+let persistent_structures_of_dir dir =
+  Load_path.Dir.files dir
+  |> List.to_seq
+  |> Seq.filter_map unit_name_of_filename
+  |> String.Set.of_seq
+(* Save a signature to a file *)
+let save_signature_with_transform cmi_transform ~alerts sg cmi_info =
+  Btype.cleanup_abbrev ();
+  Subst.reset_for_saving ();
+  let sg = Subst.signature Make_local (Subst.for_saving Subst.identity) sg in
+  let cmi =
+    Persistent_env.make_cmi !persistent_env
+      (Unit_info.Artifact.modname cmi_info) sg alerts
+    |> cmi_transform in
+  let filename = Unit_info.Artifact.filename cmi_info in
+  let pers_sig =
+    Persistent_env.Persistent_signature.{ cmi; filename; visibility = Visible }
+  in
+  let pm = save_sign_of_cmi pers_sig in
+  Persistent_env.save_cmi !persistent_env pers_sig pm;
+  cmi
+let save_signature ~alerts sg cmi =
+  save_signature_with_transform (fun cmi -> cmi) ~alerts sg cmi
+let save_signature_with_imports ~alerts sg cmi imports =
+  let with_imports cmi = { cmi with cmi_crcs = imports } in
+  save_signature_with_transform with_imports ~alerts sg cmi
+(* Make the initial environment *)
+let initial =
+  Predef.build_initial_env
+    (add_type ~check:false)
+    (add_extension ~check:false ~rebind:false)
+    empty
+(* Tracking usage *)
+let mark_module_used uid =
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !module_declarations uid with
+  | mark -> mark ()
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_modtype_used _uid = ()
+let mark_value_used uid =
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !value_declarations uid with
+  | mark -> mark ()
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_type_used uid =
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !type_declarations uid with
+  | mark -> mark ()
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_type_path_used env path =
+  match find_type path env with
+  | decl -> mark_type_used decl.type_uid
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_constructor_used usage cd =
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !used_constructors cd.cd_uid with
+  | mark -> mark usage
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_extension_used usage ext =
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !used_constructors ext.ext_uid with
+  | mark -> mark usage
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_label_used usage ld =
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !used_labels ld.ld_uid with
+  | mark -> mark usage
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_constructor_description_used usage env cstr =
+  let ty_path = Btype.cstr_type_path cstr in
+  mark_type_path_used env ty_path;
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !used_constructors cstr.cstr_uid with
+  | mark -> mark usage
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_label_description_used usage env lbl =
+  let ty_path =
+    match get_desc lbl.lbl_res with
+    | Tconstr(path, _, _) -> path
+    | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  mark_type_path_used env ty_path;
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !used_labels lbl.lbl_uid with
+  | mark -> mark usage
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_class_used uid =
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !type_declarations uid with
+  | mark -> mark ()
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let mark_cltype_used uid =
+  match Types.Uid.Tbl.find !type_declarations uid with
+  | mark -> mark ()
+  | exception Not_found -> ()
+let set_value_used_callback vd callback =
+  Types.Uid.Tbl.add !value_declarations vd.val_uid callback
+let set_type_used_callback td callback =
+  if Uid.for_actual_declaration td.type_uid then
+    let old =
+      try Types.Uid.Tbl.find !type_declarations td.type_uid
+      with Not_found -> ignore
+    in
+    Types.Uid.Tbl.replace !type_declarations td.type_uid
+      (fun () -> callback old)
+(* Lookup by name *)
+let may_lookup_error report_errors loc env err =
+  if report_errors then lookup_error loc env err
+  else raise Not_found
+let report_module_unbound ~errors ~loc env reason =
+  match reason with
+  | Mod_unbound_illegal_recursion ->
+      (* see #5965 *)
+    may_lookup_error errors loc env Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module
+let report_value_unbound ~errors ~loc env reason lid =
+  match reason with
+  | Val_unbound_instance_variable ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Masked_instance_variable lid)
+  | Val_unbound_self ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Masked_self_variable lid)
+  | Val_unbound_ancestor ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Masked_ancestor_variable lid)
+  | Val_unbound_ghost_recursive rloc ->
+      let show_hint =
+        (* Only display the "missing rec" hint for non-ghost code *)
+        not loc.Location.loc_ghost
+        && not rloc.Location.loc_ghost
+      in
+      let hint =
+        if show_hint then Missing_rec rloc else No_hint
+      in
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_value(lid, hint))
+let use_module ~use ~loc path mda =
+  if use then begin
+    let comps = mda.mda_components in
+    mark_module_used comps.uid;
+    Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.iter
+      (fun kind message ->
+         let message = if message = "" then "" else "\n" ^ message in
+         Location.alert ~kind loc
+           (Printf.sprintf "module %s%s" (Path.name path) message)
+      )
+      comps.alerts
+  end
+let use_value ~use ~loc path vda =
+  if use then begin
+    let desc = vda.vda_description in
+    mark_value_used desc.val_uid;
+    Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc desc.val_attributes
+      (Path.name path)
+  end
+let use_type ~use ~loc path tda =
+  if use then begin
+    let decl = tda.tda_declaration in
+    mark_type_used decl.type_uid;
+    Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc decl.type_attributes
+      (Path.name path)
+  end
+let use_modtype ~use ~loc path desc =
+  let open Subst.Lazy in
+  if use then begin
+    mark_modtype_used desc.mtdl_uid;
+    Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc desc.mtdl_attributes
+      (Path.name path)
+  end
+let use_class ~use ~loc path clda =
+  if use then begin
+    let desc = clda.clda_declaration in
+    mark_class_used desc.cty_uid;
+    Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc desc.cty_attributes
+      (Path.name path)
+  end
+let use_cltype ~use ~loc path desc =
+  if use then begin
+    mark_cltype_used desc.clty_uid;
+    Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc desc.clty_attributes
+      (Path.name path)
+  end
+let use_label ~use ~loc usage env lbl =
+  if use then begin
+    mark_label_description_used usage env lbl;
+    Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc lbl.lbl_attributes lbl.lbl_name;
+    if is_mutating_label_usage usage then
+      Builtin_attributes.check_deprecated_mutable loc lbl.lbl_attributes
+        lbl.lbl_name
+  end
+let use_constructor_desc ~use ~loc usage env cstr =
+  if use then begin
+    mark_constructor_description_used usage env cstr;
+    Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc cstr.cstr_attributes cstr.cstr_name
+  end
+let use_constructor ~use ~loc usage env cda =
+  use_constructor_desc ~use ~loc usage env cda.cda_description
+type _ load =
+  | Load : module_data load
+  | Don't_load : unit load
+let lookup_ident_module (type a) (load : a load) ~errors ~use ~loc s env =
+  let path, data =
+    match find_name_module ~mark:use s env.modules with
+    | res -> res
+    | exception Not_found ->
+        may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_module (Lident s))
+  in
+  match data with
+  | Mod_local mda -> begin
+      use_module ~use ~loc path mda;
+      match load with
+      | Load -> path, (mda : a)
+      | Don't_load -> path, (() : a)
+    end
+  | Mod_unbound reason ->
+      report_module_unbound ~errors ~loc env reason
+  | Mod_persistent -> begin
+      match load with
+      | Don't_load ->
+          check_pers_mod ~allow_hidden:false ~loc s;
+          path, (() : a)
+      | Load -> begin
+          match find_pers_mod ~allow_hidden:false s with
+          | mda ->
+              use_module ~use ~loc path mda;
+              path, (mda : a)
+          | exception Not_found ->
+              may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_module (Lident s))
+        end
+    end
+let lookup_ident_value ~errors ~use ~loc name env =
+  match IdTbl.find_name wrap_value ~mark:use name env.values with
+  | (path, Val_bound vda) ->
+      use_value ~use ~loc path vda;
+      path, vda.vda_description
+  | (_, Val_unbound reason) ->
+      report_value_unbound ~errors ~loc env reason (Lident name)
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_value (Lident name, No_hint))
+let lookup_ident_type ~errors ~use ~loc s env =
+  match IdTbl.find_name wrap_identity ~mark:use s env.types with
+  | (path, data) as res ->
+      use_type ~use ~loc path data;
+      res
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_type (Lident s))
+let lookup_ident_modtype ~errors ~use ~loc s env =
+  match IdTbl.find_name wrap_identity ~mark:use s env.modtypes with
+  | (path, data) ->
+      use_modtype ~use ~loc path data.mtda_declaration;
+      (path, data.mtda_declaration)
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_modtype (Lident s))
+let lookup_ident_class ~errors ~use ~loc s env =
+  match IdTbl.find_name wrap_identity ~mark:use s env.classes with
+  | (path, clda) ->
+      use_class ~use ~loc path clda;
+      path, clda.clda_declaration
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_class (Lident s))
+let lookup_ident_cltype ~errors ~use ~loc s env =
+  match IdTbl.find_name wrap_identity ~mark:use s env.cltypes with
+  | path, cltda ->
+      use_cltype ~use ~loc path cltda.cltda_declaration;
+      path, cltda.cltda_declaration
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_cltype (Lident s))
+let lookup_all_ident_labels ~errors ~use ~loc usage s env =
+  match TycompTbl.find_all ~mark:use s env.labels with
+  | [] -> may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_label (Lident s))
+  | lbls -> begin
+      List.map
+        (fun (lbl, use_fn) ->
+           let use_fn () =
+             use_label ~use ~loc usage env lbl;
+             use_fn ()
+           in
+           (lbl, use_fn))
+        lbls
+    end
+let lookup_all_ident_constructors ~errors ~use ~loc usage s env =
+  match TycompTbl.find_all ~mark:use s env.constrs with
+  | [] -> may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_constructor (Lident s))
+  | cstrs ->
+      List.map
+        (fun (cda, use_fn) ->
+           let use_fn () =
+             use_constructor ~use ~loc usage env cda;
+             use_fn ()
+           in
+           (cda.cda_description, use_fn))
+        cstrs
+let rec lookup_module_components ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s ->
+      let path, data = lookup_ident_module Load ~errors ~use ~loc s env in
+      path, data.mda_components
+  | Ldot(l, s) ->
+      let path, data = lookup_dot_module ~errors ~use ~loc l s env in
+      path, data.mda_components
+  | Lapply _ as lid ->
+      let f_path, f_comp, arg = lookup_apply ~errors ~use ~loc lid env in
+      let comps =
+        !components_of_functor_appl' ~loc ~f_path ~f_comp ~arg env in
+      Papply (f_path, arg), comps
+and lookup_structure_components ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  let path, comps = lookup_module_components ~errors ~use ~loc lid env in
+  match get_components_res comps with
+  | Ok (Structure_comps comps) -> path, comps
+  | Ok (Functor_comps _) ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Functor_used_as_structure lid)
+  | Error No_components_abstract ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Abstract_used_as_structure lid)
+  | Error (No_components_alias p) ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Cannot_scrape_alias(lid, p))
+and get_functor_components ~errors ~loc lid env comps =
+  match get_components_res comps with
+  | Ok (Functor_comps fcomps) -> begin
+      match fcomps.fcomp_arg with
+      | Unit -> (* PR#7611 *)
+          may_lookup_error errors loc env (Generative_used_as_applicative lid)
+      | Named (_, arg) -> fcomps, arg
+    end
+  | Ok (Structure_comps _) ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Structure_used_as_functor lid)
+  | Error No_components_abstract ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Abstract_used_as_functor lid)
+  | Error (No_components_alias p) ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Cannot_scrape_alias(lid, p))
+and lookup_all_args ~errors ~use ~loc lid0 env =
+  let rec loop_lid_arg args = function
+    | Lident _ | Ldot _ as f_lid ->
+        (f_lid, args)
+    | Lapply (f_lid, arg_lid) ->
+        let arg_path, arg_md = lookup_module ~errors ~use ~loc arg_lid env in
+        loop_lid_arg ((f_lid,arg_path,arg_md.md_type)::args) f_lid
+  in
+  loop_lid_arg [] lid0
+and lookup_apply ~errors ~use ~loc lid0 env =
+  let f0_lid, args0 = lookup_all_args ~errors ~use ~loc lid0 env in
+  let args_for_errors = List.map (fun (_,p,mty) -> (p,mty)) args0 in
+  let f0_path, f0_comp =
+    lookup_module_components ~errors ~use ~loc f0_lid env
+  in
+  let check_one_apply ~errors ~loc ~f_lid ~f_comp ~arg_path ~arg_mty env =
+    let f_comp, param_mty =
+      get_functor_components ~errors ~loc f_lid env f_comp
+    in
+    check_functor_appl
+      ~errors ~loc ~lid_whole_app:lid0
+      ~f0_path ~args:args_for_errors ~f_comp
+      ~arg_path ~arg_mty ~param_mty
+      env;
+    arg_path, f_comp
+  in
+  let rec check_apply ~path:f_path ~comp:f_comp = function
+    | [] -> invalid_arg "Env.lookup_apply: empty argument list"
+    | [ f_lid, arg_path, arg_mty ] ->
+        let arg_path, comps =
+          check_one_apply ~errors ~loc ~f_lid ~f_comp
+            ~arg_path ~arg_mty env
+        in
+        f_path, comps, arg_path
+    | (f_lid, arg_path, arg_mty) :: args ->
+        let arg_path, f_comp =
+          check_one_apply ~errors ~loc ~f_lid ~f_comp
+            ~arg_path ~arg_mty env
+        in
+        let comp =
+          !components_of_functor_appl' ~loc ~f_path ~f_comp ~arg:arg_path env
+        in
+        let path = Papply (f_path, arg_path) in
+        check_apply ~path ~comp args
+  in
+  check_apply ~path:f0_path ~comp:f0_comp args0
+and lookup_module ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s ->
+      let path, data = lookup_ident_module Load ~errors ~use ~loc s env in
+      let md = Subst.Lazy.force_module_decl data.mda_declaration in
+      path, md
+  | Ldot(l, s) ->
+      let path, data = lookup_dot_module ~errors ~use ~loc l s env in
+      let md = Subst.Lazy.force_module_decl data.mda_declaration in
+      path, md
+  | Lapply _ as lid ->
+      let path_f, comp_f, path_arg = lookup_apply ~errors ~use ~loc lid env in
+      let md = md (modtype_of_functor_appl comp_f path_f path_arg) in
+      Papply(path_f, path_arg), md
+and lookup_dot_module ~errors ~use ~loc l s env =
+  let p, comps = lookup_structure_components ~errors ~use ~loc l env in
+  match NameMap.find s comps.comp_modules with
+  | mda ->
+      let path = Pdot(p, s) in
+      use_module ~use ~loc path mda;
+      (path, mda)
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_module (Ldot(l, s)))
+let lookup_dot_value ~errors ~use ~loc l s env =
+  let (path, comps) =
+    lookup_structure_components ~errors ~use ~loc l env
+  in
+  match NameMap.find s comps.comp_values with
+  | vda ->
+      let path = Pdot(path, s) in
+      use_value ~use ~loc path vda;
+      (path, vda.vda_description)
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_value (Ldot(l, s), No_hint))
+let lookup_dot_type ~errors ~use ~loc l s env =
+  let (p, comps) = lookup_structure_components ~errors ~use ~loc l env in
+  match NameMap.find s comps.comp_types with
+  | tda ->
+      let path = Pdot(p, s) in
+      use_type ~use ~loc path tda;
+      (path, tda)
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_type (Ldot(l, s)))
+let lookup_dot_modtype ~errors ~use ~loc l s env =
+  let (p, comps) = lookup_structure_components ~errors ~use ~loc l env in
+  match NameMap.find s comps.comp_modtypes with
+  | mta ->
+      let path = Pdot(p, s) in
+      use_modtype ~use ~loc path mta.mtda_declaration;
+      (path, mta.mtda_declaration)
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_modtype (Ldot(l, s)))
+let lookup_dot_class ~errors ~use ~loc l s env =
+  let (p, comps) = lookup_structure_components ~errors ~use ~loc l env in
+  match NameMap.find s comps.comp_classes with
+  | clda ->
+      let path = Pdot(p, s) in
+      use_class ~use ~loc path clda;
+      (path, clda.clda_declaration)
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_class (Ldot(l, s)))
+let lookup_dot_cltype ~errors ~use ~loc l s env =
+  let (p, comps) = lookup_structure_components ~errors ~use ~loc l env in
+  match NameMap.find s comps.comp_cltypes with
+  | cltda ->
+      let path = Pdot(p, s) in
+      use_cltype ~use ~loc path cltda.cltda_declaration;
+      (path, cltda.cltda_declaration)
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_cltype (Ldot(l, s)))
+let lookup_all_dot_labels ~errors ~use ~loc usage l s env =
+  let (_, comps) = lookup_structure_components ~errors ~use ~loc l env in
+  match NameMap.find s comps.comp_labels with
+  | [] | exception Not_found ->
+      may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_label (Ldot(l, s)))
+  | lbls ->
+      List.map
+        (fun lbl ->
+           let use_fun () = use_label ~use ~loc usage env lbl in
+           (lbl, use_fun))
+        lbls
+let lookup_all_dot_constructors ~errors ~use ~loc usage l s env =
+  match l with
+  | Longident.Lident "*predef*" ->
+      (* Hack to support compilation of default arguments *)
+      lookup_all_ident_constructors
+        ~errors ~use ~loc usage s initial
+  | _ ->
+      let (_, comps) = lookup_structure_components ~errors ~use ~loc l env in
+      match NameMap.find s comps.comp_constrs with
+      | [] | exception Not_found ->
+          may_lookup_error errors loc env (Unbound_constructor (Ldot(l, s)))
+      | cstrs ->
+          List.map
+            (fun cda ->
+               let use_fun () = use_constructor ~use ~loc usage env cda in
+               (cda.cda_description, use_fun))
+            cstrs
+(* General forms of the lookup functions *)
+let lookup_module_path ~errors ~use ~loc ~load lid env : Path.t =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s ->
+      if !Clflags.transparent_modules && not load then
+        fst (lookup_ident_module Don't_load ~errors ~use ~loc s env)
+      else
+        fst (lookup_ident_module Load ~errors ~use ~loc s env)
+  | Ldot(l, s) -> fst (lookup_dot_module ~errors ~use ~loc l s env)
+  | Lapply _ as lid ->
+      let path_f, _comp_f, path_arg = lookup_apply ~errors ~use ~loc lid env in
+      Papply(path_f, path_arg)
+let lookup_value ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s -> lookup_ident_value ~errors ~use ~loc s env
+  | Ldot(l, s) -> lookup_dot_value ~errors ~use ~loc l s env
+  | Lapply _ -> assert false
+let lookup_type_full ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s -> lookup_ident_type ~errors ~use ~loc s env
+  | Ldot(l, s) -> lookup_dot_type ~errors ~use ~loc l s env
+  | Lapply _ -> assert false
+let lookup_type ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  let (path, tda) = lookup_type_full ~errors ~use ~loc lid env in
+  path, tda.tda_declaration
+let lookup_modtype_lazy ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s -> lookup_ident_modtype ~errors ~use ~loc s env
+  | Ldot(l, s) -> lookup_dot_modtype ~errors ~use ~loc l s env
+  | Lapply _ -> assert false
+let lookup_modtype ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  let (path, mt) = lookup_modtype_lazy ~errors ~use ~loc lid env in
+  path, Subst.Lazy.force_modtype_decl mt
+let lookup_class ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s -> lookup_ident_class ~errors ~use ~loc s env
+  | Ldot(l, s) -> lookup_dot_class ~errors ~use ~loc l s env
+  | Lapply _ -> assert false
+let lookup_cltype ~errors ~use ~loc lid env =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s -> lookup_ident_cltype ~errors ~use ~loc s env
+  | Ldot(l, s) -> lookup_dot_cltype ~errors ~use ~loc l s env
+  | Lapply _ -> assert false
+let lookup_all_labels ~errors ~use ~loc usage lid env =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s -> lookup_all_ident_labels ~errors ~use ~loc usage s env
+  | Ldot(l, s) -> lookup_all_dot_labels ~errors ~use ~loc usage l s env
+  | Lapply _ -> assert false
+let lookup_label ~errors ~use ~loc usage lid env =
+  match lookup_all_labels ~errors ~use ~loc usage lid env with
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | (desc, use) :: _ -> use (); desc
+let lookup_all_labels_from_type ~use ~loc usage ty_path env =
+  match find_type_descrs ty_path env with
+  | exception Not_found -> []
+  | Type_variant _ | Type_abstract _ | Type_open -> []
+  | Type_record (lbls, _) ->
+      List.map
+        (fun lbl ->
+           let use_fun () = use_label ~use ~loc usage env lbl in
+           (lbl, use_fun))
+        lbls
+let lookup_all_constructors ~errors ~use ~loc usage lid env =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident s -> lookup_all_ident_constructors ~errors ~use ~loc usage s env
+  | Ldot(l, s) -> lookup_all_dot_constructors ~errors ~use ~loc usage l s env
+  | Lapply _ -> assert false
+let lookup_constructor ~errors ~use ~loc usage lid env =
+  match lookup_all_constructors ~errors ~use ~loc usage lid env with
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | (desc, use) :: _ -> use (); desc
+let lookup_all_constructors_from_type ~use ~loc usage ty_path env =
+  match find_type_descrs ty_path env with
+  | exception Not_found -> []
+  | Type_record _ | Type_abstract _ | Type_open -> []
+  | Type_variant (cstrs, _) ->
+      List.map
+        (fun cstr ->
+           let use_fun () =
+             use_constructor_desc ~use ~loc usage env cstr
+           in
+           (cstr, use_fun))
+        cstrs
+(* Lookup functions that do not mark the item as used or
+   warn if it has alerts, and raise [Not_found] rather
+   than report errors *)
+let find_module_by_name lid env =
+  let loc = Location.(in_file !input_name) in
+  lookup_module ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc lid env
+let find_value_by_name lid env =
+  let loc = Location.(in_file !input_name) in
+  lookup_value ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc lid env
+let find_type_by_name lid env =
+  let loc = Location.(in_file !input_name) in
+  lookup_type ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc lid env
+let find_modtype_by_name lid env =
+  let loc = Location.(in_file !input_name) in
+  lookup_modtype ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc lid env
+let find_class_by_name lid env =
+  let loc = Location.(in_file !input_name) in
+  lookup_class ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc lid env
+let find_cltype_by_name lid env =
+  let loc = Location.(in_file !input_name) in
+  lookup_cltype ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc lid env
+let find_constructor_by_name lid env =
+  let loc = Location.(in_file !input_name) in
+  lookup_constructor ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc Positive lid env
+let find_label_by_name lid env =
+  let loc = Location.(in_file !input_name) in
+  lookup_label ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc Projection lid env
+(* Stable name lookup for printing *)
+let find_index_tbl ident tbl  =
+  let lbs = IdTbl.find_all_idents (Ident.name ident) tbl in
+  let find_ident (n,p) = match p with
+    | Some id -> if Ident.same ident id then Some n else None
+    | _ -> None
+  in
+  Seq.find_map find_ident @@ Seq.mapi (fun i x -> i,x) lbs
+let find_value_index id env = find_index_tbl id env.values
+let find_type_index id env = find_index_tbl id env.types
+let find_module_index id env = find_index_tbl id env.modules
+let find_modtype_index id env = find_index_tbl id env.modtypes
+let find_class_index id env = find_index_tbl id env.classes
+let find_cltype_index id env = find_index_tbl id env.cltypes
+(* Ordinary lookup functions *)
+let lookup_module_path ?(use=true) ~loc ~load lid env =
+  lookup_module_path ~errors:true ~use ~loc ~load lid env
+let lookup_module ?(use=true) ~loc lid env =
+  lookup_module ~errors:true ~use ~loc lid env
+let lookup_value ?(use=true) ~loc lid env =
+  check_value_name (Longident.last lid) loc;
+  lookup_value ~errors:true ~use ~loc lid env
+let lookup_type ?(use=true) ~loc lid env =
+  lookup_type ~errors:true ~use ~loc lid env
+let lookup_modtype ?(use=true) ~loc lid env =
+  lookup_modtype ~errors:true ~use ~loc lid env
+let lookup_modtype_path ?(use=true) ~loc lid env =
+  fst (lookup_modtype_lazy ~errors:true ~use ~loc lid env)
+let lookup_class ?(use=true) ~loc lid env =
+  lookup_class ~errors:true ~use ~loc lid env
+let lookup_cltype ?(use=true) ~loc lid env =
+  lookup_cltype ~errors:true ~use ~loc lid env
+let lookup_all_constructors ?(use=true) ~loc usage lid env =
+  match lookup_all_constructors ~errors:true ~use ~loc usage lid env with
+  | exception Error(Lookup_error(loc', env', err)) ->
+      (Error(loc', env', err) : _ result)
+  | cstrs -> Ok cstrs
+let lookup_constructor ?(use=true) ~loc lid env =
+  lookup_constructor ~errors:true ~use ~loc lid env
+let lookup_all_constructors_from_type ?(use=true) ~loc usage ty_path env =
+  lookup_all_constructors_from_type ~use ~loc usage ty_path env
+let lookup_all_labels ?(use=true) ~loc usage lid env =
+  match lookup_all_labels ~errors:true ~use ~loc usage lid env with
+  | exception Error(Lookup_error(loc', env', err)) ->
+      (Error(loc', env', err) : _ result)
+  | lbls -> Ok lbls
+let lookup_label ?(use=true) ~loc lid env =
+  lookup_label ~errors:true ~use ~loc lid env
+let lookup_all_labels_from_type ?(use=true) ~loc usage ty_path env =
+  lookup_all_labels_from_type ~use ~loc usage ty_path env
+let lookup_instance_variable ?(use=true) ~loc name env =
+  match IdTbl.find_name wrap_value ~mark:use name env.values with
+  | (path, Val_bound vda) -> begin
+      let desc = vda.vda_description in
+      match desc.val_kind with
+      | Val_ivar(mut, cl_num) ->
+          use_value ~use ~loc path vda;
+          path, mut, cl_num, desc.val_type
+      | _ ->
+          lookup_error loc env (Not_an_instance_variable name)
+    end
+  | (_, Val_unbound Val_unbound_instance_variable) ->
+      lookup_error loc env (Masked_instance_variable (Lident name))
+  | (_, Val_unbound Val_unbound_self) ->
+      lookup_error loc env (Not_an_instance_variable name)
+  | (_, Val_unbound Val_unbound_ancestor) ->
+      lookup_error loc env (Not_an_instance_variable name)
+  | (_, Val_unbound Val_unbound_ghost_recursive _) ->
+      lookup_error loc env (Unbound_instance_variable name)
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      lookup_error loc env (Unbound_instance_variable name)
+(* Checking if a name is bound *)
+let bound_module name env =
+  match IdTbl.find_name wrap_module ~mark:false name env.modules with
+  | _ -> true
+  | exception Not_found ->
+      if Current_unit.Name.is name then false
+      else begin
+        match find_pers_mod ~allow_hidden:false name with
+        | _ -> true
+        | exception Not_found -> false
+      end
+let bound wrap proj name env =
+  match IdTbl.find_name wrap ~mark:false name (proj env) with
+  | _ -> true
+  | exception Not_found -> false
+let bound_value name env =
+  bound wrap_value (fun env -> env.values) name env
+let bound_type name env =
+  bound wrap_identity (fun env -> env.types) name env
+let bound_modtype name env =
+  bound wrap_identity (fun env -> env.modtypes) name env
+let bound_class name env =
+  bound wrap_identity (fun env -> env.classes) name env
+let bound_cltype name env =
+  bound wrap_identity (fun env -> env.cltypes) name env
+(* Folding on environments *)
+let find_all wrap proj1 proj2 f lid env acc =
+  match lid with
+  | None ->
+      IdTbl.fold_name wrap
+        (fun name (p, data) acc -> f name p data acc)
+        (proj1 env) acc
+  | Some l ->
+      let p, desc =
+        lookup_module_components
+          ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc:Location.none l env
+      in
+      begin match get_components desc with
+      | Structure_comps c ->
+          NameMap.fold
+            (fun s data acc -> f s (Pdot (p, s)) (wrap data) acc)
+            (proj2 c) acc
+      | Functor_comps _ ->
+          acc
+      end
+let find_all_simple_list proj1 proj2 f lid env acc =
+  match lid with
+  | None ->
+      TycompTbl.fold_name
+        (fun data acc -> f data acc)
+        (proj1 env) acc
+  | Some l ->
+      let (_p, desc) =
+        lookup_module_components
+          ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc:Location.none l env
+      in
+      begin match get_components desc with
+      | Structure_comps c ->
+          NameMap.fold
+            (fun _s comps acc ->
+               match comps with
+               | [] -> acc
+               | data :: _ -> f data acc)
+            (proj2 c) acc
+      | Functor_comps _ ->
+          acc
+      end
+let fold_modules f lid env acc =
+  match lid with
+  | None ->
+      IdTbl.fold_name wrap_module
+        (fun name (p, entry) acc ->
+           match entry with
+           | Mod_unbound _ -> acc
+           | Mod_local mda ->
+               let md =
+                 Subst.Lazy.force_module_decl mda.mda_declaration
+               in
+               f name p md acc
+           | Mod_persistent ->
+               match Persistent_env.find_in_cache !persistent_env name with
+               | None -> acc
+               | Some mda ->
+                   let md =
+                     Subst.Lazy.force_module_decl mda.mda_declaration
+                   in
+                   f name p md acc)
+        env.modules
+        acc
+  | Some l ->
+      let p, desc =
+        lookup_module_components
+          ~errors:false ~use:false ~loc:Location.none l env
+      in
+      begin match get_components desc with
+      | Structure_comps c ->
+          NameMap.fold
+            (fun s mda acc ->
+               let md =
+                 Subst.Lazy.force_module_decl mda.mda_declaration
+               in
+               f s (Pdot (p, s)) md acc)
+            c.comp_modules
+            acc
+      | Functor_comps _ ->
+          acc
+      end
+let fold_values f =
+  find_all wrap_value (fun env -> env.values) (fun sc -> sc.comp_values)
+    (fun k p ve acc ->
+       match ve with
+       | Val_unbound _ -> acc
+       | Val_bound vda -> f k p vda.vda_description acc)
+and fold_constructors f =
+  find_all_simple_list (fun env -> env.constrs) (fun sc -> sc.comp_constrs)
+    (fun cda acc -> f cda.cda_description acc)
+and fold_labels f =
+  find_all_simple_list (fun env -> env.labels) (fun sc -> sc.comp_labels) f
+and fold_types f =
+  find_all wrap_identity
+    (fun env -> env.types) (fun sc -> sc.comp_types)
+    (fun k p tda acc -> f k p tda.tda_declaration acc)
+and fold_modtypes f =
+  let f l path data acc = f l path (Subst.Lazy.force_modtype_decl data) acc in
+  find_all wrap_identity
+    (fun env -> env.modtypes) (fun sc -> sc.comp_modtypes)
+    (fun k p mta acc -> f k p mta.mtda_declaration acc)
+and fold_classes f =
+  find_all wrap_identity (fun env -> env.classes) (fun sc -> sc.comp_classes)
+    (fun k p clda acc -> f k p clda.clda_declaration acc)
+and fold_cltypes f =
+  find_all wrap_identity
+    (fun env -> env.cltypes) (fun sc -> sc.comp_cltypes)
+    (fun k p cltda acc -> f k p cltda.cltda_declaration acc)
+let filter_non_loaded_persistent f env =
+  let to_remove =
+    IdTbl.fold_name wrap_module
+      (fun name (_, entry) acc ->
+         match entry with
+         | Mod_local _ -> acc
+         | Mod_unbound _ -> acc
+         | Mod_persistent ->
+             match Persistent_env.find_in_cache !persistent_env name with
+             | Some _ -> acc
+             | None ->
+                 if f (Ident.create_persistent name) then
+                   acc
+                 else
+                   String.Set.add name acc)
+      env.modules
+      String.Set.empty
+  in
+  let remove_ids tbl ids =
+    String.Set.fold
+      (fun name tbl -> IdTbl.remove (Ident.create_persistent name) tbl)
+      ids
+      tbl
+  in
+  let rec filter_summary summary ids =
+    if String.Set.is_empty ids then
+      summary
+    else
+      match summary with
+        Env_persistent (s, id) when String.Set.mem (Ident.name id) ids ->
+          filter_summary s (String.Set.remove (Ident.name id) ids)
+      | Env_empty
+      | Env_value _
+      | Env_type _
+      | Env_extension _
+      | Env_module _
+      | Env_modtype _
+      | Env_class _
+      | Env_cltype _
+      | Env_open _
+      | Env_functor_arg _
+      | Env_constraints _
+      | Env_copy_types _
+      | Env_persistent _
+      | Env_value_unbound _
+      | Env_module_unbound _ ->
+          map_summary (fun s -> filter_summary s ids) summary
+  in
+  { env with
+    modules = remove_ids env.modules to_remove;
+    summary = filter_summary env.summary to_remove;
+  }
+(* Return the environment summary *)
+let summary env =
+  if Path.Map.is_empty env.local_constraints then env.summary
+  else Env_constraints (env.summary, env.local_constraints)
+let last_env = s_ref empty
+let last_reduced_env = s_ref empty
+let keep_only_summary env =
+  if !last_env == env then !last_reduced_env
+  else begin
+    let new_env =
+      {
+       empty with
+       summary = env.summary;
+       local_constraints = env.local_constraints;
+       flags = env.flags;
+      }
+    in
+    last_env := env;
+    last_reduced_env := new_env;
+    new_env
+  end
+let env_of_only_summary env_from_summary env =
+  let new_env = env_from_summary env.summary Subst.identity in
+  { new_env with
+    local_constraints = env.local_constraints;
+    flags = env.flags;
+  }
+(* Error report *)
+open Format_doc
+(* Forward declarations *)
+let print_path: Path.t printer ref = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
+let pp_path ppf l = !print_path ppf l
+let spellcheck ppf extract env lid =
+  let choices ~path name = Misc.spellcheck (extract path env) name in
+  match lid with
+    | Longident.Lapply _ -> ()
+    | Longident.Lident s ->
+       Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> choices ~path:None s)
+    | Longident.Ldot (r, s) ->
+       Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> choices ~path:(Some r) s)
+let spellcheck_name ppf extract env name =
+  Misc.did_you_mean ppf
+    (fun () -> Misc.spellcheck (extract env) name)
+let extract_values path env =
+  fold_values (fun name _ _ acc -> name :: acc) path env []
+let extract_types path env =
+  fold_types (fun name _ _ acc -> name :: acc) path env []
+let extract_modules path env =
+  fold_modules (fun name _ _ acc -> name :: acc) path env []
+let extract_constructors path env =
+  fold_constructors (fun desc acc -> desc.cstr_name :: acc) path env []
+let extract_labels path env =
+  fold_labels (fun desc acc -> desc.lbl_name :: acc) path env []
+let extract_classes path env =
+  fold_classes (fun name _ _ acc -> name :: acc) path env []
+let extract_modtypes path env =
+  fold_modtypes (fun name _ _ acc -> name :: acc) path env []
+let extract_cltypes path env =
+  fold_cltypes (fun name _ _ acc -> name :: acc) path env []
+let extract_instance_variables env =
+  fold_values
+    (fun name _ descr acc ->
+       match descr.val_kind with
+       | Val_ivar _ -> name :: acc
+       | _ -> acc) None env []
+module Style = Misc.Style
+let quoted_longident = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.longident
+let quoted_constr = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.constr
+let report_lookup_error_doc _loc env ppf = function
+  | Unbound_value(lid, hint) -> begin
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a" quoted_longident lid;
+      spellcheck ppf extract_values env lid;
+      match hint with
+      | No_hint -> ()
+      | Missing_rec def_loc ->
+          let (_, line, _) =
+            Location.get_pos_info def_loc.Location.loc_start
+          in
+          fprintf ppf
+            "@.@[@{<hint>Hint@}: If this is a recursive definition,@ \
+             you should add the %a keyword on line %i@]"
+            Style.inline_code "rec"
+            line
+    end
+  | Unbound_type lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound type constructor %a"
+         quoted_longident lid;
+      spellcheck ppf extract_types env lid;
+  | Unbound_module lid -> begin
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound module %a"
+        quoted_longident lid;
+       match find_modtype_by_name lid env with
+      | exception Not_found -> spellcheck ppf extract_modules env lid;
+      | _ ->
+         fprintf ppf
+           "@.@[@{<hint>Hint@}: There is a module type named %a, %s@]"
+           quoted_longident lid
+           "but module types are not modules"
+    end
+  | Unbound_constructor lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound constructor %a"
+        quoted_constr lid;
+      spellcheck ppf extract_constructors env lid;
+  | Unbound_label lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound record field %a"
+        quoted_longident lid;
+      spellcheck ppf extract_labels env lid;
+  | Unbound_class lid -> begin
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound class %a"
+        quoted_longident lid;
+      match find_cltype_by_name lid env with
+      | exception Not_found -> spellcheck ppf extract_classes env lid;
+      | _ ->
+         fprintf ppf
+           "@.@[@{<hint>Hint@}: There is a class type named %a, %s@]"
+           quoted_longident lid
+           "but classes are not class types"
+    end
+  | Unbound_modtype lid -> begin
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound module type %a"
+        quoted_longident lid;
+      match find_module_by_name lid env with
+      | exception Not_found -> spellcheck ppf extract_modtypes env lid;
+      | _ ->
+         fprintf ppf
+           "@.@[@{<hint>Hint@}: There is a module named %a, %s@]"
+           quoted_longident lid
+           "but modules are not module types"
+    end
+  | Unbound_cltype lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound class type %a"
+       quoted_longident lid;
+      spellcheck ppf extract_cltypes env lid;
+  | Unbound_instance_variable s ->
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound instance variable %a" Style.inline_code s;
+      spellcheck_name ppf extract_instance_variables env s;
+  | Not_an_instance_variable s ->
+      fprintf ppf "The value %a is not an instance variable"
+        Style.inline_code s;
+      spellcheck_name ppf extract_instance_variables env s;
+  | Masked_instance_variable lid ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "The instance variable %a@ \
+         cannot be accessed from the definition of another instance variable"
+        quoted_longident lid
+  | Masked_self_variable lid ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "The self variable %a@ \
+         cannot be accessed from the definition of an instance variable"
+        quoted_longident lid
+  | Masked_ancestor_variable lid ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "The ancestor variable %a@ \
+         cannot be accessed from the definition of an instance variable"
+       quoted_longident lid
+  | Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module ->
+     fprintf ppf "Illegal recursive module reference"
+  | Structure_used_as_functor lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is a structure, it cannot be applied@]"
+        quoted_longident lid
+  | Abstract_used_as_functor lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is abstract, it cannot be applied@]"
+        quoted_longident lid
+  | Functor_used_as_structure lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is a functor, \
+                   it cannot have any components@]" quoted_longident lid
+  | Abstract_used_as_structure lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is abstract, \
+                   it cannot have any components@]"
+        quoted_longident lid
+  | Generative_used_as_applicative lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The functor %a is generative,@ it@ cannot@ be@ \
+                   applied@ in@ type@ expressions@]"
+        quoted_longident lid
+  | Cannot_scrape_alias(lid, p) ->
+      let cause =
+        if Current_unit.Name.is_path p then "is the current compilation unit"
+        else "is missing"
+      in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "The module %a is an alias for module %a, which %s"
+        quoted_longident lid
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_path) p cause
+let report_error_doc ppf = function
+  | Missing_module(_, path1, path2) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[@[<hov>";
+      if Path.same path1 path2 then
+        fprintf ppf "Internal path@ %a@ is dangling."
+          Style.inline_code (Path.name path1)
+      else
+        fprintf ppf "Internal path@ %a@ expands to@ %a@ which is dangling."
+          Style.inline_code (Path.name path1)
+          Style.inline_code (Path.name path2);
+      fprintf ppf "@]@ @[%s@ %a@ %s.@]@]"
+        "The compiled interface for module"
+        Style.inline_code (Ident.name (Path.head path2))
+        "was not found"
+  | Illegal_value_name(_loc, name) ->
+      fprintf ppf "%a is not a valid value identifier."
+       Style.inline_code name
+  | Lookup_error(loc, t, err) -> report_lookup_error_doc loc t ppf err
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error err ->
+          let loc =
+            match err with
+            | Missing_module (loc, _, _)
+            | Illegal_value_name (loc, _)
+            | Lookup_error(loc, _, _) -> loc
+          in
+          let error_of_printer =
+            if loc = Location.none
+            then Location.error_of_printer_file
+            else Location.error_of_printer ~loc ?sub:None ?footnote:None
+          in
+          Some (error_of_printer report_error_doc err)
+      | _ ->
+          None
+    )
+let report_lookup_error = Format_doc.compat2 report_lookup_error_doc
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/env.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/env.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ad27a11bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/env.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Environment handling *)
+open Types
+open Misc
+type value_unbound_reason =
+  | Val_unbound_instance_variable
+  | Val_unbound_self
+  | Val_unbound_ancestor
+  | Val_unbound_ghost_recursive of Location.t
+type module_unbound_reason =
+  | Mod_unbound_illegal_recursion
+type summary =
+    Env_empty
+  | Env_value of summary * Ident.t * value_description
+  | Env_type of summary * Ident.t * type_declaration
+  | Env_extension of summary * Ident.t * extension_constructor
+  | Env_module of summary * Ident.t * module_presence * module_declaration
+  | Env_modtype of summary * Ident.t * modtype_declaration
+  | Env_class of summary * Ident.t * class_declaration
+  | Env_cltype of summary * Ident.t * class_type_declaration
+  | Env_open of summary * Path.t
+  (** The string set argument of [Env_open] represents a list of module names
+      to skip, i.e. that won't be imported in the toplevel namespace. *)
+  | Env_functor_arg of summary * Ident.t
+  | Env_constraints of summary * type_declaration Path.Map.t
+  | Env_copy_types of summary
+  | Env_persistent of summary * Ident.t
+  | Env_value_unbound of summary * string * value_unbound_reason
+  | Env_module_unbound of summary * string * module_unbound_reason
+type address =
+  | Aident of Ident.t
+  | Adot of address * int
+type t
+val empty: t
+val initial: t
+val diff: t -> t -> Ident.t list
+(* approximation to the preimage equivalence class of [find_type] *)
+val same_type_declarations: t -> t -> bool
+type type_descr_kind =
+  (label_description, constructor_description) type_kind
+  (* alias for compatibility *)
+type type_descriptions = type_descr_kind
+(* For short-paths *)
+type iter_cont
+val iter_types:
+    (Path.t -> Path.t * type_declaration -> unit) ->
+    t -> iter_cont
+val run_iter_cont: iter_cont list -> (Path.t * iter_cont) list
+val same_types: t -> t -> bool
+val used_persistent: unit -> Stdlib.String.Set.t
+val find_shadowed_types: Path.t -> t -> Path.t list
+val without_cmis: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* [without_cmis f arg] applies [f] to [arg], but does not
+   allow opening cmis during its execution *)
+(* Lookup by paths *)
+val find_value: Path.t -> t -> value_description
+val find_type: Path.t -> t -> type_declaration
+val find_type_descrs: Path.t -> t -> type_descriptions
+val find_module: Path.t -> t -> module_declaration
+val find_modtype: Path.t -> t -> modtype_declaration
+val find_class: Path.t -> t -> class_declaration
+val find_cltype: Path.t -> t -> class_type_declaration
+val find_strengthened_module:
+  aliasable:bool -> Path.t -> t -> module_type
+val find_ident_constructor: Ident.t -> t -> constructor_description
+val find_ident_label: Ident.t -> t -> label_description
+val find_type_expansion:
+    Path.t -> t -> type_expr list * type_expr * int
+val find_type_expansion_opt:
+    Path.t -> t -> type_expr list * type_expr * int
+(* Find the manifest type information associated to a type for the sake
+   of the compiler's type-based optimisations. *)
+val find_modtype_expansion: Path.t -> t -> module_type
+val find_modtype_expansion_lazy: Path.t -> t -> Subst.Lazy.modtype
+val find_hash_type: Path.t -> t -> type_declaration
+(* Find the "#t" type given the path for "t" *)
+val find_value_address: Path.t -> t -> address
+val find_module_address: Path.t -> t -> address
+val find_class_address: Path.t -> t -> address
+val find_constructor_address: Path.t -> t -> address
+val shape_of_path:
+  namespace:Shape.Sig_component_kind.t -> t -> Path.t -> Shape.t
+val add_functor_arg: Ident.t -> t -> t
+val is_functor_arg: Path.t -> t -> bool
+val normalize_module_path: Location.t option -> t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+(* Normalize the path to a concrete module.
+   If the option is None, allow returning dangling paths.
+   Otherwise raise a Missing_module error, and may add forgotten
+   head as required global. *)
+val normalize_type_path: Location.t option -> t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+(* Normalize the prefix part of the type path *)
+val normalize_value_path: Location.t option -> t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+(* Normalize the prefix part of the value path *)
+val normalize_modtype_path: t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+(* Normalize a module type path *)
+val reset_required_globals: unit -> unit
+val get_required_globals: unit -> Ident.t list
+val add_required_global: Ident.t -> unit
+val has_local_constraints: t -> bool
+(* Mark definitions as used *)
+val mark_value_used: Uid.t -> unit
+val mark_module_used: Uid.t -> unit
+val mark_type_used: Uid.t -> unit
+type constructor_usage = Positive | Pattern | Exported_private | Exported
+val mark_constructor_used:
+    constructor_usage -> constructor_declaration -> unit
+val mark_extension_used:
+    constructor_usage -> extension_constructor -> unit
+type label_usage =
+    Projection | Mutation | Construct | Exported_private | Exported
+val mark_label_used:
+    label_usage -> label_declaration -> unit
+(* Lookup by long identifiers *)
+(* Lookup errors *)
+type unbound_value_hint =
+  | No_hint
+  | Missing_rec of Location.t
+type lookup_error =
+  | Unbound_value of Longident.t * unbound_value_hint
+  | Unbound_type of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_constructor of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_label of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_module of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_class of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_modtype of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_cltype of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_instance_variable of string
+  | Not_an_instance_variable of string
+  | Masked_instance_variable of Longident.t
+  | Masked_self_variable of Longident.t
+  | Masked_ancestor_variable of Longident.t
+  | Structure_used_as_functor of Longident.t
+  | Abstract_used_as_functor of Longident.t
+  | Functor_used_as_structure of Longident.t
+  | Abstract_used_as_structure of Longident.t
+  | Generative_used_as_applicative of Longident.t
+  | Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module
+  | Cannot_scrape_alias of Longident.t * Path.t
+val lookup_error: Location.t -> t -> lookup_error -> 'a
+(* The [lookup_foo] functions will emit proper error messages (by
+   raising [Error]) if the identifier cannot be found, whereas the
+   [find_foo_by_name] functions will raise [Not_found] instead.
+   The [~use] parameters of the [lookup_foo] functions control
+   whether this lookup should be counted as a use for usage
+   warnings and alerts.
+   [Longident.t]s in the program source should be looked up using
+   [lookup_foo ~use:true] exactly one time -- otherwise warnings may be
+   emitted the wrong number of times. *)
+val lookup_value:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  Path.t * value_description
+val lookup_type:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  Path.t * type_declaration
+val lookup_module:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  Path.t * module_declaration
+val lookup_modtype:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  Path.t * modtype_declaration
+val lookup_class:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  Path.t * class_declaration
+val lookup_cltype:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  Path.t * class_type_declaration
+val lookup_module_path:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> load:bool -> Longident.t -> t -> Path.t
+val lookup_modtype_path:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> Longident.t -> t -> Path.t
+val lookup_constructor:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> constructor_usage -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  constructor_description
+val lookup_all_constructors:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> constructor_usage -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  ((constructor_description * (unit -> unit)) list,
+   Location.t * t * lookup_error) result
+val lookup_all_constructors_from_type:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> constructor_usage -> Path.t -> t ->
+  (constructor_description * (unit -> unit)) list
+val lookup_label:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> label_usage -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  label_description
+val lookup_all_labels:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> label_usage -> Longident.t -> t ->
+  ((label_description * (unit -> unit)) list,
+   Location.t * t * lookup_error) result
+val lookup_all_labels_from_type:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> label_usage -> Path.t -> t ->
+  (label_description * (unit -> unit)) list
+val lookup_instance_variable:
+  ?use:bool -> loc:Location.t -> string -> t ->
+  Path.t * Asttypes.mutable_flag * string * type_expr
+val find_value_by_name:
+  Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * value_description
+val find_type_by_name:
+  Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * type_declaration
+val find_module_by_name:
+  Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * module_declaration
+val find_modtype_by_name:
+  Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * modtype_declaration
+val find_class_by_name:
+  Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * class_declaration
+val find_cltype_by_name:
+  Longident.t -> t -> Path.t * class_type_declaration
+val find_constructor_by_name:
+  Longident.t -> t -> constructor_description
+val find_label_by_name:
+  Longident.t -> t -> label_description
+(** The [find_*_index] functions computes a "namespaced" De Bruijn index
+    of an identifier in a given environment. In other words, it returns how many
+    times an identifier has been shadowed by a more recent identifiers with the
+    same name in a given environment.
+    Those functions return [None] when the identifier is not bound in the
+    environment. This behavior is there to facilitate the detection of
+    inconsistent printing environment, but should disappear in the long term.
+val find_value_index:   Ident.t -> t -> int option
+val find_type_index:    Ident.t -> t -> int option
+val find_module_index:  Ident.t -> t -> int option
+val find_modtype_index: Ident.t -> t -> int option
+val find_class_index:   Ident.t -> t -> int option
+val find_cltype_index:  Ident.t -> t -> int option
+(* Check if a name is bound *)
+val bound_value: string -> t -> bool
+val bound_module: string -> t -> bool
+val bound_type: string -> t -> bool
+val bound_modtype: string -> t -> bool
+val bound_class: string -> t -> bool
+val bound_cltype: string -> t -> bool
+val make_copy_of_types: t -> (t -> t)
+(* Insertion by identifier *)
+val add_value:
+    ?check:(string -> Warnings.t) -> Ident.t -> value_description -> t -> t
+val add_type:
+  check:bool -> ?shape:Shape.t -> Ident.t -> type_declaration -> t -> t
+val add_extension:
+  check:bool -> ?shape:Shape.t -> rebind:bool -> Ident.t ->
+  extension_constructor -> t -> t
+val add_module: ?arg:bool -> ?shape:Shape.t ->
+  Ident.t -> module_presence -> module_type -> t -> t
+val add_module_lazy: update_summary:bool ->
+  Ident.t -> module_presence -> Subst.Lazy.modtype -> t -> t
+val add_module_declaration: ?arg:bool -> ?shape:Shape.t -> check:bool ->
+  Ident.t -> module_presence -> module_declaration -> t -> t
+val add_module_declaration_lazy: update_summary:bool ->
+  Ident.t -> module_presence -> Subst.Lazy.module_decl -> t -> t
+val add_modtype: Ident.t -> modtype_declaration -> t -> t
+val add_modtype_lazy: update_summary:bool ->
+   Ident.t -> Subst.Lazy.modtype_declaration -> t -> t
+val add_class: Ident.t -> class_declaration -> t -> t
+val add_cltype: Ident.t -> class_type_declaration -> t -> t
+val add_local_constraint: Path.t -> type_declaration -> t -> t
+(* Insertion of persistent signatures *)
+(* [add_persistent_structure id env] is an environment such that
+   module [id] points to the persistent structure contained in the
+   external compilation unit with the same name.
+   The compilation unit itself is looked up in the load path when the
+   contents of the module is accessed. *)
+val add_persistent_structure : Ident.t -> t -> t
+ (* Returns the set of persistent structures found in the given
+   directory. *)
+val persistent_structures_of_dir : Load_path.Dir.t -> Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.t
+(* [filter_non_loaded_persistent f env] removes all the persistent
+   structures that are not yet loaded and for which [f] returns
+   [false]. *)
+val filter_non_loaded_persistent : (Ident.t -> bool) -> t -> t
+(* Insertion of all fields of a signature. *)
+val add_signature: signature -> t -> t
+(* Insertion of all fields of a signature, relative to the given path.
+   Used to implement open. Returns None if the path refers to a functor,
+   not a structure. *)
+val open_signature:
+    ?used_slot:bool ref ->
+    ?loc:Location.t -> ?toplevel:bool ->
+    Asttypes.override_flag -> Path.t ->
+    t -> (t, [`Not_found | `Functor]) result
+val open_pers_signature: string -> t -> (t, [`Not_found]) result
+val remove_last_open: Path.t -> t -> t option
+(* Insertion by name *)
+val enter_value:
+    ?check:(string -> Warnings.t) ->
+    string -> value_description -> t -> Ident.t * t
+val enter_type: scope:int -> string -> type_declaration -> t -> Ident.t * t
+val enter_extension:
+  scope:int -> rebind:bool -> string ->
+  extension_constructor -> t -> Ident.t * t
+val enter_module:
+  scope:int -> ?arg:bool -> string -> module_presence ->
+  module_type -> t -> Ident.t * t
+val enter_module_declaration:
+  scope:int -> ?arg:bool -> ?shape:Shape.t -> string -> module_presence ->
+  module_declaration -> t -> Ident.t * t
+val enter_modtype:
+  scope:int -> string -> modtype_declaration -> t -> Ident.t * t
+val enter_class: scope:int -> string -> class_declaration -> t -> Ident.t * t
+val enter_cltype:
+  scope:int -> string -> class_type_declaration -> t -> Ident.t * t
+(* Same as [add_signature] but refreshes (new stamp) and rescopes bound idents
+   in the process. *)
+val enter_signature: ?mod_shape:Shape.t -> scope:int -> signature -> t ->
+  signature * t
+(* Same as [enter_signature] but also extends the shape map ([parent_shape])
+   with all the the items from the signature, their shape being a projection
+   from the given shape. *)
+val enter_signature_and_shape: scope:int -> parent_shape:Shape.Map.t ->
+  Shape.t -> signature -> t -> signature * Shape.Map.t * t
+val enter_unbound_value : string -> value_unbound_reason -> t -> t
+val enter_unbound_module : string -> module_unbound_reason -> t -> t
+(* Initialize the cache of in-core module interfaces. *)
+val reset_cache: unit -> unit
+(* To be called before each toplevel phrase. *)
+val reset_cache_toplevel: unit -> unit
+(* Remember the current compilation unit. *)
+val set_current_unit: Unit_info.t -> unit
+val get_current_unit : unit -> Unit_info.t option
+val get_current_unit_name: unit -> string
+(* Read, save a signature to/from a file *)
+val read_signature: Unit_info.Artifact.t -> signature
+        (* Arguments: module name, file name. Results: signature. *)
+val save_signature:
+  alerts:alerts -> Types.signature -> Unit_info.Artifact.t
+  -> Cmi_format.cmi_infos
+        (* Arguments: signature, module name, file name. *)
+val save_signature_with_imports:
+  alerts:alerts -> signature -> Unit_info.Artifact.t -> crcs
+  -> Cmi_format.cmi_infos
+        (* Arguments: signature, module name, file name,
+           imported units with their CRCs. *)
+(* Return the CRC of the interface of the given compilation unit *)
+val crc_of_unit: modname -> Digest.t
+(* Return the set of compilation units imported, with their CRC *)
+val imports: unit -> crcs
+(* may raise Persistent_env.Consistbl.Inconsistency *)
+val import_crcs: source:string -> crcs -> unit
+(* [is_imported_opaque md] returns true if [md] is an opaque imported module *)
+val is_imported_opaque: modname -> bool
+(* [register_import_as_opaque md] registers [md] as an opaque imported module *)
+val register_import_as_opaque: modname -> unit
+(* Summaries -- compact representation of an environment, to be
+   exported in debugging information. *)
+val summary: t -> summary
+(* Return an equivalent environment where all fields have been reset,
+   except the summary. The initial environment can be rebuilt from the
+   summary, using Envaux.env_of_only_summary. *)
+val keep_only_summary : t -> t
+val env_of_only_summary : (summary -> Subst.t -> t) -> t -> t
+(* Error report *)
+type error =
+  | Missing_module of Location.t * Path.t * Path.t
+  | Illegal_value_name of Location.t * string
+  | Lookup_error of Location.t * t * lookup_error
+exception Error of error
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
+val report_lookup_error:
+  Location.t -> t -> lookup_error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_lookup_error_doc:
+  Location.t -> t -> lookup_error Format_doc.printer
+val in_signature: bool -> t -> t
+val is_in_signature: t -> bool
+val set_value_used_callback:
+    value_description -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+val set_type_used_callback:
+    type_declaration -> ((unit -> unit) -> unit) -> unit
+(* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Includemod. *)
+val check_functor_application:
+  (errors:bool -> loc:Location.t ->
+   lid_whole_app:Longident.t ->
+   f0_path:Path.t -> args:(Path.t * Types.module_type) list ->
+   arg_path:Path.t -> arg_mty:Types.module_type ->
+   param_mty:Types.module_type ->
+   t -> unit) ref
+(* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Typemod. *)
+val check_well_formed_module:
+    (t -> Location.t -> string -> module_type -> unit) ref
+(* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Typecore. *)
+val add_delayed_check_forward: ((unit -> unit) -> unit) ref
+(* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Mtype. *)
+val strengthen:
+    (aliasable:bool -> t -> Subst.Lazy.modtype ->
+     Path.t -> Subst.Lazy.modtype) ref
+(* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Ctype. *)
+val same_constr: (t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> bool) ref
+(* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Printtyp. *)
+val print_path: Path.t Format_doc.printer ref
+(** Folds *)
+val fold_values:
+  (string -> Path.t -> value_description -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  Longident.t option -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+val fold_types:
+  (string -> Path.t -> type_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  Longident.t option -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+val fold_constructors:
+  (constructor_description -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  Longident.t option -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+val fold_labels:
+  (label_description -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  Longident.t option -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+(** Persistent structures are only traversed if they are already loaded. *)
+val fold_modules:
+  (string -> Path.t -> module_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  Longident.t option -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+val fold_modtypes:
+  (string -> Path.t -> modtype_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  Longident.t option -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+val fold_classes:
+  (string -> Path.t -> class_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  Longident.t option -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+val fold_cltypes:
+  (string -> Path.t -> class_type_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  Longident.t option -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+(** Utilities *)
+val scrape_alias: t -> module_type -> module_type
+val check_value_name: string -> Location.t -> unit
+val print_address : Format.formatter -> address -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/envaux.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/envaux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df75c5d5b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/envaux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*           Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt          *)
+(*           OCaml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Env
+type error =
+    Module_not_found of Path.t
+exception Error of error
+let env_cache =
+  (Hashtbl.create 59 : ((Env.summary * Subst.t), Env.t) Hashtbl.t)
+let reset_cache () =
+  Hashtbl.clear env_cache;
+  Env.reset_cache()
+let rec env_from_summary sum subst =
+  try
+    Hashtbl.find env_cache (sum, subst)
+  with Not_found ->
+    let env =
+      match sum with
+        Env_empty ->
+          Env.empty
+      | Env_value(s, id, desc) ->
+          Env.add_value id (Subst.value_description subst desc)
+                        (env_from_summary s subst)
+      | Env_type(s, id, desc) ->
+          Env.add_type ~check:false id
+            (Subst.type_declaration subst desc)
+            (env_from_summary s subst)
+      | Env_extension(s, id, desc) ->
+          Env.add_extension ~check:false ~rebind:false id
+            (Subst.extension_constructor subst desc)
+            (env_from_summary s subst)
+      | Env_module(s, id, pres, desc) ->
+          Env.add_module_declaration ~check:false id pres
+            (Subst.module_declaration Keep subst desc)
+            (env_from_summary s subst)
+      | Env_modtype(s, id, desc) ->
+          Env.add_modtype id (Subst.modtype_declaration Keep subst desc)
+                          (env_from_summary s subst)
+      | Env_class(s, id, desc) ->
+          Env.add_class id (Subst.class_declaration subst desc)
+                        (env_from_summary s subst)
+      | Env_cltype (s, id, desc) ->
+          Env.add_cltype id (Subst.cltype_declaration subst desc)
+                         (env_from_summary s subst)
+      | Env_open(s, path) ->
+          let env = env_from_summary s subst in
+          let path' = Subst.module_path subst path in
+          begin match Env.open_signature Asttypes.Override path' env with
+          | Ok env -> env
+          | Error `Functor -> assert false
+          | Error `Not_found -> raise (Error (Module_not_found path'))
+          end
+      | Env_functor_arg(Env_module(s, id, pres, desc), id')
+            when Ident.same id id' ->
+          Env.add_module_declaration ~check:false
+            id pres (Subst.module_declaration Keep subst desc)
+            ~arg:true (env_from_summary s subst)
+      | Env_functor_arg _ -> assert false
+      | Env_constraints(s, map) ->
+          Path.Map.fold
+            (fun path info ->
+              Env.add_local_constraint (Subst.type_path subst path)
+                (Subst.type_declaration subst info))
+            map (env_from_summary s subst)
+      | Env_copy_types s ->
+          let env = env_from_summary s subst in
+          Env.make_copy_of_types env env
+      | Env_persistent (s, id) ->
+          let env = env_from_summary s subst in
+          Env.add_persistent_structure id env
+      | Env_value_unbound (s, str, reason) ->
+          let env = env_from_summary s subst in
+          Env.enter_unbound_value str reason env
+      | Env_module_unbound (s, str, reason) ->
+          let env = env_from_summary s subst in
+          Env.enter_unbound_module str reason env
+    in
+      Hashtbl.add env_cache (sum, subst) env;
+      env
+let env_of_only_summary env =
+  Env.env_of_only_summary env_from_summary env
+(* Error report *)
+open Format_doc
+module Style = Misc.Style
+let report_error_doc ppf = function
+  | Module_not_found p ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[Cannot find module %a@].@."
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path) p
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error_doc err)
+      | _ -> None
+    )
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/envaux.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/envaux.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5fbb8410bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/envaux.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*           Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt          *)
+(*           OCaml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Convert environment summaries to environments *)
+val env_from_summary : Env.summary -> Subst.t -> Env.t
+(* Empty the environment caches. To be called when load_path changes. *)
+val reset_cache: unit -> unit
+val env_of_only_summary : Env.t -> Env.t
+(* Error report *)
+type error =
+    Module_not_found of Path.t
+exception Error of error
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..347e5c9a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*              Antal Spector-Zabusky, Jane Street, New York              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Jane Street Group LLC                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Types
+open Format_doc
+type position = First | Second
+let swap_position = function
+  | First -> Second
+  | Second -> First
+let print_pos ppf = function
+  | First -> fprintf ppf "first"
+  | Second -> fprintf ppf "second"
+type expanded_type = { ty: type_expr; expanded: type_expr }
+let trivial_expansion ty = { ty; expanded = ty }
+type 'a diff = { got: 'a; expected: 'a }
+let map_diff f r =
+  (* ordering is often meaningful when dealing with type_expr *)
+  let got = f r.got in
+  let expected = f r.expected in
+  { got; expected }
+let swap_diff x = { got = x.expected; expected = x.got }
+type 'a escape_kind =
+  | Constructor of Path.t
+  | Univ of type_expr
+  (* The type_expr argument of [Univ] is always a [Tunivar _],
+     we keep a [type_expr] to track renaming in {!Printtyp} *)
+  | Self
+  | Module_type of Path.t
+  | Equation of 'a
+  | Constraint
+type 'a escape =
+  { kind : 'a escape_kind;
+    context : type_expr option }
+let map_escape f esc =
+  {esc with kind = match esc.kind with
+     | Equation eq -> Equation (f eq)
+     | (Constructor _ | Univ _ | Self | Module_type _ | Constraint) as c -> c}
+let explain trace f =
+  let rec explain = function
+    | [] -> None
+    | [h] -> f ~prev:None h
+    | h :: (prev :: _ as rem) ->
+      match f ~prev:(Some prev) h with
+      | Some _ as m -> m
+      | None -> explain rem in
+  explain (List.rev trace)
+(* Type indices *)
+type unification = private Unification
+type comparison  = private Comparison
+type fixed_row_case =
+  | Cannot_be_closed
+  | Cannot_add_tags of string list
+type 'variety variant =
+  (* Common *)
+  | Incompatible_types_for : string -> _ variant
+  | No_tags : position * (Asttypes.label * row_field) list -> _ variant
+  (* Unification *)
+  | No_intersection : unification variant
+  | Fixed_row :
+      position * fixed_row_case * fixed_explanation -> unification variant
+  (* Equality & Moregen *)
+  | Presence_not_guaranteed_for : position * string -> comparison variant
+  | Openness : position (* Always [Second] for Moregen *) -> comparison variant
+type 'variety obj =
+  (* Common *)
+  | Missing_field : position * string -> _ obj
+  | Abstract_row : position -> _ obj
+  (* Unification *)
+  | Self_cannot_be_closed : unification obj
+type first_class_module =
+    | Package_cannot_scrape of Path.t
+    | Package_inclusion of Format_doc.doc
+    | Package_coercion of Format_doc.doc
+type ('a, 'variety) elt =
+  (* Common *)
+  | Diff : 'a diff -> ('a, _) elt
+  | Variant : 'variety variant -> ('a, 'variety) elt
+  | Obj : 'variety obj -> ('a, 'variety) elt
+  | Escape : 'a escape -> ('a, _) elt
+  | Function_label_mismatch of Asttypes.arg_label diff
+  | Incompatible_fields : { name:string; diff: type_expr diff } -> ('a, _) elt
+      (* Could move [Incompatible_fields] into [obj] *)
+  | First_class_module: first_class_module -> ('a,_) elt
+  (* Unification & Moregen; included in Equality for simplicity *)
+  | Rec_occur : type_expr * type_expr -> ('a, _) elt
+type ('a, 'variety) t = ('a, 'variety) elt list
+type 'variety trace = (type_expr,     'variety) t
+type 'variety error = (expanded_type, 'variety) t
+let map_elt (type variety) f : ('a, variety) elt -> ('b, variety) elt = function
+  | Diff x -> Diff (map_diff f x)
+  | Escape {kind = Equation x; context} ->
+      Escape { kind = Equation (f x); context }
+  | Escape {kind = (Univ _ | Self | Constructor _ | Module_type _ | Constraint);
+            _}
+  | Variant _ | Obj _ | Function_label_mismatch _ | Incompatible_fields _
+  | Rec_occur (_, _) | First_class_module _  as x -> x
+let map f t = List.map (map_elt f) t
+let incompatible_fields ~name ~got ~expected =
+  Incompatible_fields { name; diff={got; expected} }
+let swap_elt (type variety) : ('a, variety) elt -> ('a, variety) elt = function
+  | Diff x -> Diff (swap_diff x)
+  | Incompatible_fields { name; diff } ->
+    Incompatible_fields { name; diff = swap_diff diff}
+  | Obj (Missing_field(pos,s)) -> Obj (Missing_field(swap_position pos,s))
+  | Obj (Abstract_row pos) -> Obj (Abstract_row (swap_position pos))
+  | Variant (Fixed_row(pos,k,f)) ->
+    Variant (Fixed_row(swap_position pos,k,f))
+  | Variant (No_tags(pos,f)) ->
+    Variant (No_tags(swap_position pos,f))
+  | x -> x
+let swap_trace e = List.map swap_elt e
+type unification_error = { trace : unification error } [@@unboxed]
+type equality_error =
+  { trace : comparison error;
+    subst : (type_expr * type_expr) list }
+type moregen_error = { trace : comparison error } [@@unboxed]
+let unification_error ~trace : unification_error =
+  assert (trace <> []);
+  { trace }
+let equality_error ~trace ~subst : equality_error =
+    assert (trace <> []);
+    { trace; subst }
+let moregen_error ~trace : moregen_error =
+  assert (trace <> []);
+  { trace }
+type comparison_error =
+  | Equality_error of equality_error
+  | Moregen_error  of moregen_error
+let swap_unification_error ({trace} : unification_error) =
+  ({trace = swap_trace trace} : unification_error)
+module Subtype = struct
+  type 'a elt =
+    | Diff of 'a diff
+  type 'a t = 'a elt list
+  type trace       = type_expr t
+  type error_trace = expanded_type t
+  type unification_error_trace = unification error (** To avoid shadowing *)
+  type nonrec error =
+    { trace             : error_trace
+    ; unification_trace : unification error }
+  let error ~trace ~unification_trace =
+  assert (trace <> []);
+  { trace; unification_trace }
+  let map_elt f = function
+    | Diff x -> Diff (map_diff f x)
+  let map f t = List.map (map_elt f) t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b42b66a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*              Antal Spector-Zabusky, Jane Street, New York              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Jane Street Group LLC                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Types
+type position = First | Second
+val swap_position : position -> position
+val print_pos : position Format_doc.printer
+type expanded_type = { ty: type_expr; expanded: type_expr }
+(** [trivial_expansion ty] creates an [expanded_type] whose expansion is also
+    [ty].  Usually, you want [Ctype.expand_type] instead, since the expansion
+    carries useful information; however, in certain circumstances, the error is
+    about the expansion of the type, meaning that actually performing the
+    expansion produces more confusing or inaccurate output. *)
+val trivial_expansion : type_expr -> expanded_type
+type 'a diff = { got: 'a; expected: 'a }
+(** [map_diff f {expected;got}] is [{expected=f expected; got=f got}] *)
+val map_diff: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a diff -> 'b diff
+(** Scope escape related errors *)
+type 'a escape_kind =
+  | Constructor of Path.t
+  | Univ of type_expr
+  (* The type_expr argument of [Univ] is always a [Tunivar _],
+     we keep a [type_expr] to track renaming in {!Printtyp} *)
+  | Self
+  | Module_type of Path.t
+  | Equation of 'a
+  | Constraint
+type 'a escape =
+  { kind : 'a escape_kind;
+    context : type_expr option }
+val map_escape : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a escape -> 'b escape
+val explain: 'a list ->
+  (prev:'a option -> 'a -> 'b option) ->
+  'b option
+(** Type indices *)
+type unification = private Unification
+type comparison  = private Comparison
+type fixed_row_case =
+  | Cannot_be_closed
+  | Cannot_add_tags of string list
+type 'variety variant =
+  (* Common *)
+  | Incompatible_types_for : string -> _ variant
+  | No_tags : position * (Asttypes.label * row_field) list -> _ variant
+  (* Unification *)
+  | No_intersection : unification variant
+  | Fixed_row :
+      position * fixed_row_case * fixed_explanation -> unification variant
+  (* Equality & Moregen *)
+  | Presence_not_guaranteed_for : position * string -> comparison variant
+  | Openness : position (* Always [Second] for Moregen *) -> comparison variant
+type 'variety obj =
+  (* Common *)
+  | Missing_field : position * string -> _ obj
+  | Abstract_row : position -> _ obj
+  (* Unification *)
+  | Self_cannot_be_closed : unification obj
+type first_class_module =
+    | Package_cannot_scrape of Path.t
+    | Package_inclusion of Format_doc.doc
+    | Package_coercion of Format_doc.doc
+type ('a, 'variety) elt =
+  (* Common *)
+  | Diff : 'a diff -> ('a, _) elt
+  | Variant : 'variety variant -> ('a, 'variety) elt
+  | Obj : 'variety obj -> ('a, 'variety) elt
+  | Escape : 'a escape -> ('a, _) elt
+  | Function_label_mismatch of Asttypes.arg_label diff
+  | Incompatible_fields : { name:string; diff: type_expr diff } -> ('a, _) elt
+  | First_class_module: first_class_module -> ('a,_) elt
+  (* Unification & Moregen; included in Equality for simplicity *)
+  | Rec_occur : type_expr * type_expr -> ('a, _) elt
+type ('a, 'variety) t = ('a, 'variety) elt list
+type 'variety trace = (type_expr,     'variety) t
+type 'variety error = (expanded_type, 'variety) t
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'variety) t -> ('b, 'variety) t
+val incompatible_fields :
+  name:string -> got:type_expr -> expected:type_expr -> (type_expr, _) elt
+val swap_trace : ('a, 'variety) t -> ('a, 'variety) t
+(** The traces (['variety t]) are the core error types.  However, we bundle them
+    up into three "top-level" error types, which are used elsewhere:
+    [unification_error], [equality_error], and [moregen_error].  In the case of
+    [equality_error], this has to bundle in extra information; in general, it
+    distinguishes the three types of errors and allows us to distinguish traces
+    that are being built (or processed) from those that are complete and have
+    become the final error.  These error types have the invariants that their
+    traces are nonempty; we ensure that through three smart constructors with
+    matching names. *)
+type unification_error = private { trace : unification error } [@@unboxed]
+type equality_error = private
+  { trace : comparison error;
+    subst : (type_expr * type_expr) list }
+type moregen_error = private { trace : comparison error } [@@unboxed]
+val unification_error : trace:unification error -> unification_error
+val equality_error :
+  trace:comparison error -> subst:(type_expr * type_expr) list -> equality_error
+val moregen_error : trace:comparison error -> moregen_error
+(** Wraps up the two different kinds of [comparison] errors in one type *)
+type comparison_error =
+  | Equality_error of equality_error
+  | Moregen_error  of moregen_error
+(** Lift [swap_trace] to [unification_error] *)
+val swap_unification_error : unification_error -> unification_error
+module Subtype : sig
+  type 'a elt =
+    | Diff of 'a diff
+  type 'a t = 'a elt list
+  (** Just as outside [Subtype], we split traces, completed traces, and complete
+      errors.  However, in a minor asymmetry, the name [Subtype.error_trace]
+      corresponds to the outside [error] type, and [Subtype.error] corresponds
+      to the outside [*_error] types (e.g., [unification_error]).  This [error]
+      type has the invariant that the subtype trace is nonempty; note that no
+      such invariant is imposed on the unification trace. *)
+  type trace       = type_expr t
+  type error_trace = expanded_type t
+  type unification_error_trace = unification error (** To avoid shadowing *)
+  type nonrec error = private
+    { trace             : error_trace
+    ; unification_trace : unification error }
+  val error :
+    trace:error_trace -> unification_trace:unification_error_trace -> error
+  val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace_report.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace_report.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03012f7d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace_report.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, INRIA Paris                        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Trace-specific printing *)
+(* A configuration type that controls which trace we print.  This could be
+   exposed, but we instead expose three separate
+   [{unification,equality,moregen}] functions.  This also lets us
+   give the unification case an extra optional argument without adding it to the
+   equality and moregen cases. *)
+type 'variety trace_format =
+  | Unification : Errortrace.unification trace_format
+  | Equality    : Errortrace.comparison  trace_format
+  | Moregen     : Errortrace.comparison  trace_format
+let incompatibility_phrase (type variety) : variety trace_format -> string =
+  function
+  | Unification -> "is not compatible with type"
+  | Equality    -> "is not equal to type"
+  | Moregen     -> "is not compatible with type"
+(* Print a unification error *)
+open Out_type
+open Format_doc
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Style = Misc.Style
+type 'a diff = 'a Out_type.diff = Same of 'a | Diff of 'a * 'a
+let trees_of_trace mode =
+  List.map (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode))
+let rec trace fst txt ppf = function
+  | {Errortrace.got; expected} :: rem ->
+      if not fst then fprintf ppf "@,";
+      fprintf ppf "@[Type@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a"
+       pp_type_expansion got txt pp_type_expansion expected
+       (trace false txt) rem
+  | _ -> ()
+type printing_status =
+  | Discard
+  | Keep
+  | Optional_refinement
+  (** An [Optional_refinement] printing status is attributed to trace
+      elements that are focusing on a new subpart of a structural type.
+      Since the whole type should have been printed earlier in the trace,
+      we only print those elements if they are the last printed element
+      of a trace, and there is no explicit explanation for the
+      type error.
+  *)
+let diff_printing_status Errortrace.{ got      = {ty = t1; expanded = t1'};
+                                      expected = {ty = t2; expanded = t2'} } =
+  if  Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true t1'
+   || Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true t2'
+  then Discard
+  else if same_path t1 t1' && same_path t2 t2' then Optional_refinement
+  else Keep
+let printing_status = function
+  | Errortrace.Diff d -> diff_printing_status d
+  | Errortrace.Escape {kind = Constraint} -> Keep
+  | _ -> Keep
+(** Flatten the trace and remove elements that are always discarded
+    during printing *)
+(* Takes [printing_status] to change behavior for [Subtype] *)
+let prepare_any_trace printing_status tr =
+  let clean_trace x l = match printing_status x with
+    | Keep -> x :: l
+    | Optional_refinement when l = [] -> [x]
+    | Optional_refinement | Discard -> l
+  in
+  match tr with
+  | [] -> []
+  | elt :: rem -> elt :: List.fold_right clean_trace rem []
+let prepare_trace f tr =
+  prepare_any_trace printing_status (Errortrace.map f tr)
+(** Keep elements that are [Diff _ ] and split the the last element if it is
+    optionally elidable, require a prepared trace *)
+let rec filter_trace = function
+  | [] -> [], None
+  | [Errortrace.Diff d as elt]
+    when printing_status elt = Optional_refinement -> [], Some d
+  | Errortrace.Diff d :: rem ->
+      let filtered, last = filter_trace rem in
+      d :: filtered, last
+  | _ :: rem -> filter_trace rem
+let may_prepare_expansion compact (Errortrace.{ty; expanded} as ty_exp) =
+  match Types.get_desc expanded with
+    Tvariant _ | Tobject _ when compact ->
+      Variable_names.reserve ty; Errortrace.{ty; expanded = ty}
+  | _ -> prepare_expansion ty_exp
+let print_path p =
+  Fmt.dprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_ident (namespaced_tree_of_path Type p)
+let print_tag ppf s = Style.inline_code ppf ("`" ^ s)
+let print_tags ppf tags  =
+  Fmt.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma) print_tag ppf tags
+let is_unit env ty =
+  match Types.get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env ty) with
+  | Tconstr (p, _, _) -> Path.same p Predef.path_unit
+  | _ -> false
+let unifiable env ty1 ty2 =
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  let res =
+    try Ctype.unify env ty1 ty2; true
+    with Ctype.Unify _ -> false
+  in
+  Btype.backtrack snap;
+  res
+let explanation_diff env t3 t4 =
+  match Types.get_desc t3, Types.get_desc t4 with
+  | Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _), _
+    when is_unit env ty1 && unifiable env ty2 t4 ->
+      Some (doc_printf
+          "@,@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you forget to provide %a as argument?@]"
+          Style.inline_code "()"
+        )
+  | _, Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _)
+    when is_unit env ty1 && unifiable env t3 ty2 ->
+      Some (doc_printf
+          "@,@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you forget to wrap the expression using \
+           %a?@]"
+          Style.inline_code "fun () ->"
+        )
+  | _ ->
+      None
+let explain_fixed_row_case = function
+  | Errortrace.Cannot_be_closed -> doc_printf "it cannot be closed"
+  | Errortrace.Cannot_add_tags tags ->
+      doc_printf "it may not allow the tag(s) %a"
+        print_tags tags
+let pp_path ppf p =
+  Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.path ppf p
+let explain_fixed_row pos expl = match expl with
+  | Types.Fixed_private ->
+    doc_printf "The %a variant type is private" Errortrace.print_pos pos
+  | Types.Univar x ->
+    Variable_names.reserve x;
+    doc_printf "The %a variant type is bound to the universal type variable %a"
+      Errortrace.print_pos pos
+      (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) x
+  | Types.Reified p ->
+    doc_printf "The %a variant type is bound to %a"
+      Errortrace.print_pos pos
+      (Style.as_inline_code
+         (fun ppf p ->
+           Internal_names.add p;
+           print_path p ppf))
+      p
+  | Types.Rigid -> Format_doc.Doc.empty
+let explain_variant (type variety) : variety Errortrace.variant -> _ = function
+  (* Common *)
+  | Errortrace.Incompatible_types_for s ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,Types for tag %a are incompatible"
+             print_tag s
+          )
+  (* Unification *)
+  | Errortrace.No_intersection ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,These two variant types have no intersection")
+  | Errortrace.No_tags(pos,fields) -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The %a variant type does not allow tag(s)@ @[<hov>%a@]@]"
+        Errortrace.print_pos pos
+        print_tags (List.map fst fields)
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Fixed_row (pos,
+                          k,
+                          (Univar _ | Reified _ | Fixed_private as e)) ->
+      Some (
+        doc_printf "@,@[%a,@ %a@]" pp_doc (explain_fixed_row pos e)
+          pp_doc (explain_fixed_row_case k)
+      )
+  | Errortrace.Fixed_row (_,_, Rigid) ->
+      (* this case never happens *)
+      None
+  (* Equality & Moregen *)
+  | Errortrace.Presence_not_guaranteed_for (pos, s) -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The tag %a is guaranteed to be present in the %a variant type,\
+         @ but not in the %a@]"
+        print_tag s
+        Errortrace.print_pos (Errortrace.swap_position pos)
+        Errortrace.print_pos pos
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Openness pos ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,The %a variant type is open and the %a is not"
+             Errortrace.print_pos pos
+             Errortrace.print_pos (Errortrace.swap_position pos))
+let explain_escape pre = function
+  | Errortrace.Univ u ->
+      Variable_names.reserve u;
+      Some(
+        doc_printf "%a@,The universal variable %a would escape its scope"
+          pp_doc pre
+          (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) u
+      )
+  | Errortrace.Constructor p -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "%a@,@[The type constructor@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
+        pp_doc pre pp_path p
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Module_type p -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "%a@,@[The module type@;<1 2>%a@ would escape its scope@]"
+        pp_doc pre pp_path p
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Equation Errortrace.{ty = _; expanded = t} ->
+      Variable_names.reserve t;
+      Some(
+        doc_printf "%a@ @[<hov>This instance of %a is ambiguous:@ %s@]"
+          pp_doc pre
+          (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) t
+          "it would escape the scope of its equation"
+      )
+  | Errortrace.Self ->
+      Some (doc_printf "%a@,Self type cannot escape its class" pp_doc pre)
+  | Errortrace.Constraint ->
+      None
+let explain_object (type variety) : variety Errortrace.obj -> _ = function
+  | Errortrace.Missing_field (pos,f) -> Some(
+      doc_printf "@,@[The %a object type has no method %a@]"
+        Errortrace.print_pos pos Style.inline_code f
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Abstract_row pos -> Some(
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The %a object type has an abstract row, it cannot be closed@]"
+        Errortrace.print_pos pos
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Self_cannot_be_closed ->
+      Some (doc_printf
+              "@,Self type cannot be unified with a closed object type"
+           )
+let explain_incompatible_fields name (diff: Types.type_expr Errortrace.diff) =
+  Variable_names.reserve diff.got;
+  Variable_names.reserve diff.expected;
+  doc_printf "@,@[The method %a has type@ %a,@ \
+  but the expected method type was@ %a@]"
+    Style.inline_code name
+    (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) diff.got
+    (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) diff.expected
+let explain_label_mismatch ~got ~expected =
+  let quoted_label ppf l = Style.inline_code ppf (Asttypes.string_of_label l) in
+  match got, expected with
+  | Asttypes.Nolabel, Asttypes.(Labelled _ | Optional _ )  ->
+      doc_printf "@,@[A label@ %a@ was expected@]"
+        quoted_label expected
+  | Asttypes.(Labelled _|Optional _), Asttypes.Nolabel  ->
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The first argument is labeled@ %a,@ \
+         but an unlabeled argument was expected@]"
+        quoted_label got
+ | Asttypes.Labelled g, Asttypes.Optional e when g = e ->
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The label@ %a@ was expected to be optional@]"
+        quoted_label got
+  | Asttypes.Optional g, Asttypes.Labelled e when g = e ->
+      doc_printf
+        "@,@[The label@ %a@ was expected to not be optional@]"
+        quoted_label got
+  | Asttypes.(Labelled _ | Optional _), Asttypes.(Labelled _ | Optional _) ->
+      doc_printf "@,@[Labels %a@ and@ %a do not match@]"
+        quoted_label got
+        quoted_label expected
+  | Asttypes.Nolabel, Asttypes.Nolabel ->
+      (* Two empty labels cannot be mismatched*)
+      assert false
+let explain_first_class_module = function
+  | Errortrace.Package_cannot_scrape p -> Some(
+      doc_printf "@,@[The module alias %a could not be expanded@]"
+        pp_path p
+    )
+  | Errortrace.Package_inclusion pr ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,@[%a@]" Fmt.pp_doc pr)
+  | Errortrace.Package_coercion pr ->
+      Some(doc_printf "@,@[%a@]" Fmt.pp_doc pr)
+let explanation (type variety) intro prev env
+  : (Errortrace.expanded_type, variety) Errortrace.elt -> _ = function
+  | Errortrace.Diff {got; expected} ->
+    explanation_diff env got.expanded expected.expanded
+  | Errortrace.Escape {kind; context} ->
+    let pre =
+      match context, kind, prev with
+      | Some ctx, _, _ ->
+        Variable_names.reserve ctx;
+        doc_printf "@[%a@;<1 2>%a@]" pp_doc intro
+          (Style.as_inline_code type_expr_with_reserved_names) ctx
+      | None, Univ _, Some(Errortrace.Incompatible_fields {name; diff}) ->
+        explain_incompatible_fields name diff
+      | _ -> Format_doc.Doc.empty
+    in
+    explain_escape pre kind
+  | Errortrace.Incompatible_fields { name; diff} ->
+    Some(explain_incompatible_fields name diff)
+  | Errortrace.Function_label_mismatch diff ->
+    Some(explain_label_mismatch ~got:diff.got ~expected:diff.expected)
+  | Errortrace.Variant v ->
+    explain_variant v
+  | Errortrace.Obj o ->
+    explain_object o
+  | Errortrace.First_class_module fm ->
+    explain_first_class_module fm
+  | Errortrace.Rec_occur(x,y) ->
+    add_type_to_preparation x;
+    add_type_to_preparation y;
+    begin match Types.get_desc x with
+    | Tvar _ | Tunivar _  ->
+        Some(
+          doc_printf "@,@[<hov>The type variable %a occurs inside@ %a@]"
+            (Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_expr) x
+            (Style.as_inline_code prepared_type_expr) y
+        )
+    | _ ->
+        (* We had a delayed unification of the type variable with
+           a non-variable after the occur check. *)
+        Some Format_doc.Doc.empty
+        (* There is no need to search further for an explanation, but
+           we don't want to print a message of the form:
+             {[ The type int occurs inside int list -> 'a |}
+        *)
+    end
+let mismatch intro env trace =
+  Errortrace.explain trace (fun ~prev h -> explanation intro prev env h)
+let warn_on_missing_def env ppf t =
+  match Types.get_desc t with
+  | Tconstr (p,_,_) ->
+    begin match Env.find_type p env with
+    | exception Not_found ->
+        fprintf ppf
+          "@,@[<hov>Type %a is abstract because@ no corresponding\
+           @ cmi file@ was found@ in path.@]" pp_path p
+    | { type_manifest = Some _; _ } -> ()
+    | { type_manifest = None; _ } as decl ->
+        match Btype.type_origin decl with
+        | Rec_check_regularity ->
+            fprintf ppf
+              "@,@[<hov>Type %a was considered abstract@ when checking\
+               @ constraints@ in this@ recursive type definition.@]"
+              pp_path p
+        | Definition | Existential _ -> ()
+      end
+  | _ -> ()
+let prepare_expansion_head empty_tr = function
+  | Errortrace.Diff d ->
+      Some (Errortrace.map_diff (may_prepare_expansion empty_tr) d)
+  | _ -> None
+let head_error_printer mode txt_got txt_but = function
+  | None -> Format_doc.Doc.empty
+  | Some d ->
+      let d = Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode) d in
+      doc_printf "%a@;<1 2>%a@ %a@;<1 2>%a"
+        pp_doc txt_got pp_type_expansion d.Errortrace.got
+        pp_doc txt_but pp_type_expansion d.Errortrace.expected
+let warn_on_missing_defs env ppf = function
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some Errortrace.{got      = {ty=te1; expanded=_};
+                     expected = {ty=te2; expanded=_} } ->
+      warn_on_missing_def env ppf te1;
+      warn_on_missing_def env ppf te2
+(* [subst] comes out of equality, and is [[]] otherwise *)
+let error trace_format mode subst env tr txt1 ppf txt2 ty_expect_explanation =
+  reset ();
+  (* We want to substitute in the opposite order from [Eqtype] *)
+  Variable_names.add_subst (List.map (fun (ty1,ty2) -> ty2,ty1) subst);
+  let tr =
+    prepare_trace
+      (fun ty_exp ->
+         Errortrace.{ty_exp with expanded = hide_variant_name ty_exp.expanded})
+      tr
+  in
+  match tr with
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | (elt :: tr) as full_trace ->
+      with_labels (not !Clflags.classic) (fun () ->
+      let tr, last = filter_trace tr in
+      let head = prepare_expansion_head (tr=[] && last=None) elt in
+      let tr = List.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion) tr in
+      let last = Option.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion) last in
+      let head_error = head_error_printer mode txt1 txt2 head in
+      let tr = trees_of_trace mode tr in
+      let last =
+        Option.map (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion mode)) last in
+      let mis = mismatch txt1 env full_trace in
+      let tr = match mis, last with
+        | None, Some elt -> tr @ [elt]
+        | Some _, _ | _, None -> tr
+       in
+       fprintf ppf
+        "@[<v>\
+          @[%a%a@]%a%a\
+         @]"
+        pp_doc head_error
+        pp_doc ty_expect_explanation
+        (trace false (incompatibility_phrase trace_format)) tr
+        (pp_print_option pp_doc) mis;
+      if env <> Env.empty
+      then warn_on_missing_defs env ppf head;
+       Internal_names.print_explanations env ppf;
+       Ident_conflicts.err_print ppf
+    )
+let report_error trace_format ppf mode env tr
+      ?(subst = [])
+      ?(type_expected_explanation = Fmt.Doc.empty)
+      txt1 txt2 =
+  wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+    error trace_format mode subst env tr txt1 ppf txt2
+      type_expected_explanation)
+let unification
+      ppf env ({trace} : Errortrace.unification_error) =
+  report_error Unification ppf Type env
+    ?subst:None trace
+let equality
+      ppf mode env ({subst; trace} : Errortrace.equality_error) =
+  report_error Equality ppf mode env
+    ~subst ?type_expected_explanation:None trace
+let moregen
+      ppf mode env ({trace} : Errortrace.moregen_error) =
+  report_error Moregen ppf mode env
+    ?subst:None ?type_expected_explanation:None trace
+let comparison ppf mode env = function
+  | Errortrace.Equality_error error -> equality ppf mode env error
+  | Errortrace.Moregen_error  error -> moregen  ppf mode env error
+module Subtype = struct
+  (* There's a frustrating amount of code duplication between this module and
+     the outside code, particularly in [prepare_trace] and [filter_trace].
+     Unfortunately, [Subtype] is *just* similar enough to have code duplication,
+     while being *just* different enough (it's only [Diff]) for the abstraction
+     to be nonobvious.  Someday, perhaps... *)
+  let printing_status = function
+    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d -> diff_printing_status d
+  let prepare_unification_trace = prepare_trace
+  let prepare_trace f tr =
+    prepare_any_trace printing_status (Errortrace.Subtype.map f tr)
+  let trace filter_trace get_diff fst keep_last txt ppf tr =
+    with_labels (not !Clflags.classic) (fun () ->
+      match tr with
+      | elt :: tr' ->
+        let diffed_elt = get_diff elt in
+        let tr, last = filter_trace tr' in
+        let tr = match keep_last, last with
+          | true, Some last -> tr @ [last]
+          | _ -> tr
+        in
+        let tr =
+          trees_of_trace Type
+          @@ List.map (Errortrace.map_diff prepare_expansion) tr in
+        let tr =
+          match fst, diffed_elt with
+          | true, Some elt -> elt :: tr
+          | _, _ -> tr
+        in
+        trace fst txt ppf tr
+      | _ -> ()
+    )
+  let rec filter_subtype_trace = function
+    | [] -> [], None
+    | [Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d as elt]
+      when printing_status elt = Optional_refinement ->
+        [], Some d
+    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff d :: rem ->
+        let ftr, last = filter_subtype_trace rem in
+        d :: ftr, last
+  let unification_get_diff = function
+    | Errortrace.Diff diff ->
+        Some (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion Type) diff)
+    | _ -> None
+  let subtype_get_diff = function
+    | Errortrace.Subtype.Diff diff ->
+        Some (Errortrace.map_diff (trees_of_type_expansion Type) diff)
+  let error
+        ppf
+        env
+        (Errortrace.Subtype.{trace = tr_sub; unification_trace = tr_unif})
+        txt1 =
+    wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+      reset ();
+      let tr_sub = prepare_trace prepare_expansion tr_sub in
+      let tr_unif = prepare_unification_trace prepare_expansion tr_unif in
+      let keep_first = match tr_unif with
+        | [Obj _ | Variant _ | Escape _ ] | [] -> true
+        | _ -> false in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a"
+        (trace filter_subtype_trace subtype_get_diff true keep_first txt1)
+        tr_sub;
+      if tr_unif = [] then fprintf ppf "@]" else
+        let mis = mismatch (doc_printf "Within this type") env tr_unif in
+        fprintf ppf "%a%a%t@]"
+          (trace filter_trace unification_get_diff false
+             (mis = None) "is not compatible with type") tr_unif
+          (pp_print_option pp_doc) mis
+          Ident_conflicts.err_print
+    )
+let subtype = Subtype.error
+let quoted_ident ppf t =
+  Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident ppf t
+let type_path_expansion ppf = function
+  | Same p -> quoted_ident ppf p
+  | Diff(p,p') ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]"
+       quoted_ident p
+       quoted_ident p'
+let trees_of_type_path_expansion (tp,tp') =
+  let path_tree = namespaced_tree_of_path Type in
+  if Path.same tp tp' then Same(path_tree tp) else
+    Diff(path_tree tp, path_tree tp)
+let type_path_list ppf l =
+  Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Fmt.pp_print_break ppf 2 0)
+    type_path_expansion ppf l
+let ambiguous_type ppf env tp0 tpl txt1 txt2 txt3 =
+  wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+    reset ();
+    let tp0 = trees_of_type_path_expansion tp0 in
+      match tpl with
+      [] -> assert false
+    | [tp] ->
+        fprintf ppf
+          "@[%a@;<1 2>%a@ \
+             %a@;<1 2>%a\
+           @]"
+          pp_doc txt1 type_path_expansion (trees_of_type_path_expansion tp)
+          pp_doc txt3 type_path_expansion tp0
+    | _ ->
+        fprintf ppf
+          "@[%a@;<1 2>@[<hv>%a@]\
+             @ %a@;<1 2>%a\
+           @]"
+          pp_doc txt2 type_path_list (List.map trees_of_type_path_expansion tpl)
+          pp_doc txt3 type_path_expansion tp0)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace_report.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace_report.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb6f0ea9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/errortrace_report.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, INRIA Paris                        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Functions for reporting core level type errors. *)
+open Format_doc
+val ambiguous_type:
+    formatter -> Env.t -> (Path.t * Path.t) -> (Path.t * Path.t) list ->
+    Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t -> unit
+val unification :
+  formatter ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.unification_error ->
+  ?type_expected_explanation:Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t ->
+  unit
+val equality :
+  formatter ->
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.equality_error ->
+   Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t ->
+  unit
+val moregen :
+  formatter ->
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.moregen_error ->
+  Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t ->
+  unit
+val comparison :
+  formatter ->
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme ->
+  Env.t -> Errortrace.comparison_error ->
+  Format_doc.t -> Format_doc.t  ->
+  unit
+val subtype :
+  formatter ->
+  Env.t ->
+  Errortrace.Subtype.error ->
+  string ->
+  unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/gprinttyp.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/gprinttyp.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0056efb93a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/gprinttyp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Print a raw type expression, with sharing *)
+open Format
+module String_set = Set.Make(String)
+module Decoration = struct
+  type color =
+    | Named of string
+    | HSL of {h:float;s:float;l:float}
+  let red = Named "red"
+  let blue = Named "blue"
+  let green = Named "green"
+  let purple = Named "purple"
+  let lightgrey = Named "lightgrey"
+  let hsl ~h ~s ~l = HSL {h;s;l}
+  type style =
+    | Filled of color option
+    | Dotted
+    | Dash
+  type shape =
+    | Ellipse
+    | Circle
+    | Diamond
+  type property =
+    | Color of color
+    | Font_color of color
+    | Style of style
+    | Label of string list
+    | Shape of shape
+  let filled c = Style (Filled (Some c))
+  type r = {
+    color: color option;
+    font_color:color option;
+    style: style option;
+    label: string list;
+    shape: shape option;
+  }
+  let update r l = match l with
+    | Color c -> { r with color = Some c}
+    | Style s -> { r with style = Some s}
+    | Label s -> { r with label = s}
+    | Font_color c -> { r with font_color = Some c}
+    | Shape s -> { r with shape = Some s }
+  let none = { color=None; font_color=None; style=None; shape=None; label = [] }
+  let make l = List.fold_left update none l
+  let label r = if r.label = [] then None else Some (Label r.label)
+  let color r = Option.map (fun x -> Color x) r.color
+  let font_color r = Option.map (fun x -> Font_color x) r.font_color
+  let style r = Option.map (fun x -> Style x) r.style
+  let shape r = Option.map (fun x -> Shape x) r.shape
+  let decompose r =
+  let (@?) x l = match x with
+    | None -> l
+    | Some x -> x :: l
+   in
+  label r @? color r @? font_color r @? style r @? shape r @? []
+  let alt x y = match x with
+  | None -> y
+  | Some _ -> x
+  let merge_label l r =
+    let r' = String_set.of_list r in
+    let l' = String_set.of_list l in
+    List.filter (fun x -> not (String_set.mem x r') ) l
+    @ List.filter (fun x -> not (String_set.mem x l') ) r
+  let merge l r =
+    { color = alt l.color r.color;
+      style = alt l.style r.style;
+      label = merge_label l.label r.label;
+      font_color = alt l.font_color r.font_color;
+      shape = alt l.shape r.shape;
+    }
+  let txt t = Label [t]
+type decoration = Decoration.r
+type dir = Toward | From
+let txt = Decoration.txt
+let std = Decoration.none
+let dotted = Decoration.(make [Style Dotted])
+let memo = Decoration.(make [txt "expand"; Style Dash] )
+type params = {
+  short_ids:bool;
+  elide_links:bool;
+  expansion_as_hyperedge:bool;
+  colorize:bool;
+  follow_expansions:bool;
+let elide_links ty =
+  let rec follow_safe visited t =
+    let t = Types.Transient_expr.coerce t in
+    if List.memq t visited then t
+    else match t.Types.desc with
+      | Tlink t' -> follow_safe (t::visited) t'
+      | _ -> t
+  in
+  follow_safe [] ty
+let repr params ty =
+  if params.elide_links then elide_links ty
+  else Types.Transient_expr.coerce ty
+module Index: sig
+  type t = private
+    | Main of int
+    | Synthetic of int
+    | Named_subnode of { id:int; synth:bool; name:string }
+  val subnode: name:string -> t -> t
+  val either_ext: Types.row_field_cell ->  t
+  val split:
+    params -> Types.type_expr -> t * Decoration.color option * Types.type_desc
+  val colorize: params -> t -> Decoration.color option
+end = struct
+  type t =
+    | Main of int
+    | Synthetic of int
+    | Named_subnode of { id:int; synth:bool; name:string }
+  type name_map = {
+    (* We keep the main and synthetic and index space separate to avoid index
+       collision when we use the typechecker provided [id]s as main indices *)
+    main_last: int ref;
+    synthetic_last: int ref;
+    either_cell_ids: (Types.row_field_cell * int) list ref;
+    tbl: (int,int) Hashtbl.t;
+  }
+  let id_map = {
+    main_last = ref 0;
+    synthetic_last = ref 0;
+    either_cell_ids = ref [];
+    tbl = Hashtbl.create 20;
+  }
+  let fresh_main_id () =
+    incr id_map.main_last;
+    !(id_map.main_last)
+  let fresh_synthetic_id () =
+    incr id_map.synthetic_last;
+    !(id_map.synthetic_last)
+  let stable_id = function
+    | Main id | Synthetic id | Named_subnode {id;_} -> id
+  let pretty_id params id =
+    if not params.short_ids then Main id else
+      match Hashtbl.find_opt id_map.tbl id with
+      | Some x -> Main x
+      | None ->
+          let last = fresh_main_id () in
+          Hashtbl.replace id_map.tbl id last;
+          Main last
+  (** Generate color from the node id to keep the color stable inbetween
+      different calls to the typechecker on the same input. *)
+  let colorize_id params id =
+    if not params.colorize then None
+    else
+      (* Generate pseudo-random color by cycling over 200 hues while keeping
+         pastel level of saturation and lightness *)
+      let nhues = 200 in
+      (* 17 and 200 are relatively prime, thus 17 is of order 200 in Z/200Z. A
+         step size around 20 makes it relatively easy to spot different hues. *)
+      let h = float_of_int (17 * id mod nhues) /. float_of_int nhues in
+      (* Add a modulation of period 3 and 7 to the saturation and lightness *)
+      let s = match id mod 3 with
+        | 0 -> 0.3
+        | 1 -> 0.5
+        | 2 | _ -> 0.7
+      in
+      let l = match id mod 7 with
+        | 0 -> 0.5
+        | 1 -> 0.55
+        | 2 -> 0.60
+        | 3 -> 0.65
+        | 4 -> 0.70
+        | 5 -> 0.75
+        | 6 | _ -> 0.8
+      in
+      (* With 3, 7 and 200 relatively prime, we cycle over the full parameter
+         space with 4200 different colors. *)
+      Some (Decoration.hsl ~h ~s ~l)
+  let colorize params index = colorize_id params (stable_id index)
+  let split params x =
+    let x = repr params x in
+    let color = colorize_id params x.id in
+    pretty_id params x.id, color, x.desc
+  let subnode ~name x = match x with
+    | Main id -> Named_subnode {id;name;synth=false}
+    | Named_subnode r -> Named_subnode {r with name}
+    | Synthetic id -> Named_subnode {id;name;synth=true}
+  let either_ext r =
+    let either_ids = !(id_map.either_cell_ids) in
+    match List.assq_opt r either_ids with
+    | Some n -> Synthetic n
+    | None ->
+        let n = fresh_synthetic_id () in
+        id_map.either_cell_ids := (r,n) :: either_ids;
+        Synthetic n
+type index = Index.t
+module Node_set = Set.Make(struct
+    type t = Index.t
+    let compare = Stdlib.compare
+module Edge_set = Set.Make(struct
+    type t = Index.t * Index.t
+    let compare = Stdlib.compare
+module Hyperedge_set = Set.Make(struct
+    type t = (dir * Decoration.r * index) list
+    let compare = Stdlib.compare
+type subgraph =
+  {
+    nodes: Node_set.t;
+    edges: Edge_set.t;
+    hyperedges: Hyperedge_set.t;
+    subgraphes: (Decoration.r * subgraph) list;
+  }
+let empty_subgraph=
+  { nodes = Node_set.empty;
+    edges=Edge_set.empty;
+    hyperedges = Hyperedge_set.empty;
+    subgraphes = [];
+  }
+type 'index elt =
+  | Node of 'index
+  | Edge of 'index * 'index
+  | Hyperedge of (dir * Decoration.r * 'index) list
+type element = Types.type_expr elt
+module Elt_map = Map.Make(struct
+    type t = Index.t elt
+    let compare = Stdlib.compare
+  end)
+let (.%()) map e =
+  Option.value ~default:Decoration.none @@
+  Elt_map.find_opt e map
+type digraph = {
+  elts: Decoration.r Elt_map.t;
+  graph: subgraph
+module Pp = struct
+  let semi ppf () = fprintf ppf ";@ "
+  let space ppf () = fprintf ppf "@ "
+  let empty ppf () = fprintf ppf ""
+  let string =pp_print_string
+  let list ~sep = pp_print_list ~pp_sep:sep
+  let seq ~sep = pp_print_seq ~pp_sep:sep
+  let rec longident ppf = function
+    | Longident.Lident s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s
+    | Longident.Ldot (l,s) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s"  longident l s
+    | Longident.Lapply(f,x) -> fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" longident f  longident x
+  let color ppf = function
+    | Decoration.Named s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s
+    | Decoration.HSL r -> fprintf ppf "%1.3f %1.3f %1.3f" r.h r.s r.l
+  let style ppf = function
+    | Decoration.Filled _ -> fprintf ppf "filled"
+    | Decoration.Dash -> fprintf ppf "dashed"
+    | Decoration.Dotted -> fprintf ppf "dotted"
+  let shape ppf = function
+    | Decoration.Circle -> fprintf ppf "circle"
+    | Decoration.Diamond -> fprintf ppf "diamond"
+    | Decoration.Ellipse -> fprintf ppf "ellipse"
+  let property ppf = function
+    | Decoration.Color c -> fprintf ppf {|color="%a"|} color c
+    | Decoration.Font_color c -> fprintf ppf {|fontcolor="%a"|} color c
+    | Decoration.Style s ->
+        fprintf ppf {|style="%a"|} style s;
+        begin match s with
+        | Filled (Some c) -> fprintf ppf {|;@ fillcolor="%a"|} color c;
+        | _ -> ()
+        end;
+    | Decoration.Shape s -> fprintf ppf {|shape="%a"|} shape s
+    | Decoration.Label s ->
+        fprintf ppf {|label=<%a>|} (list ~sep:space string) s
+  let inline_decoration ppf r =
+    match Decoration.decompose r with
+    | [] -> ()
+    | l -> fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" (list ~sep:semi property) l
+  let decoration ppf r =
+    match Decoration.decompose r with
+    | [] -> ()
+    | l -> fprintf ppf "[@[<h>%a@]]" (list ~sep:semi property) l
+  let row_fixed ppf = function
+    | None -> fprintf ppf ""
+    | Some Types.Fixed_private -> fprintf ppf "private"
+    | Some Types.Rigid -> fprintf ppf "rigid"
+    | Some Types.Univar _t -> fprintf ppf "univar"
+    | Some Types.Reified _p -> fprintf ppf "reified"
+  let field_kind ppf v =
+    match Types.field_kind_repr v with
+    | Fpublic -> fprintf ppf "public"
+    | Fabsent -> fprintf ppf "absent"
+    | Fprivate -> fprintf ppf "private"
+  let index ppf = function
+    | Index.Main id -> fprintf ppf "i%d" id
+    | Index.Synthetic id -> fprintf ppf "s%d" id
+    | Index.Named_subnode r ->
+        fprintf ppf "%s%dRF%s" (if r.synth then "s" else "i") r.id r.name
+  let prettier_index ppf = function
+    | Index.Main id -> fprintf ppf "%d" id
+    | Index.Synthetic id -> fprintf ppf "[%d]" id
+    | Index.Named_subnode r -> fprintf ppf "%d(%s)" r.id r.name
+  let hyperedge_id ppf l =
+    let sep ppf () = fprintf ppf "h" in
+    let elt ppf (_,_,x) = index ppf x in
+    fprintf ppf "h%a" (list ~sep elt) l
+  let node graph ppf x =
+    let d = graph.%(Node x) in
+    fprintf ppf "%a%a;@ " index x decoration d
+  let edge graph ppf (x,y) =
+    let d = graph.%(Edge (x,y)) in
+    fprintf ppf "%a->%a%a;@ " index x index y decoration d
+  let hyperedge graph ppf l =
+    let d = graph.%(Hyperedge l) in
+    fprintf ppf "%a%a;@ " hyperedge_id l decoration d;
+    List.iter (fun (dir,d,x) ->
+        match dir with
+        | From ->
+            fprintf ppf "%a->%a%a;@ " index x hyperedge_id l decoration d
+        | Toward ->
+            fprintf ppf "%a->%a%a;@ " hyperedge_id l index x decoration d
+      ) l
+  let cluster_counter = ref 0
+  let pp_cluster ppf =
+    incr cluster_counter;
+    fprintf ppf "cluster_%d" !cluster_counter
+  let exponent_of_label ppf = function
+    | Asttypes.Nolabel -> ()
+    | Asttypes.Labelled s -> fprintf ppf "<SUP>%s</SUP>" s
+    | Asttypes.Optional s -> fprintf ppf "<SUP>?%s</SUP>" s
+  let pretty_var ppf name =
+    let name = Option.value ~default:"_" name in
+    let name' =
+      match name with
+      | "a" -> "𝛼"
+      | "b" -> "𝛽"
+      | "c" -> "𝛾"
+      | "d" -> "𝛿"
+      | "e" -> "𝜀"
+      | "f" -> "𝜑"
+      | "t" -> "𝜏"
+      | "r" -> "𝜌"
+      | "s" -> "𝜎"
+      | "p" -> "𝜋"
+      | "i" -> "𝜄"
+      | "h" -> "𝜂"
+      | "k" -> "𝜅"
+      | "l" -> "𝜆"
+      | "m" -> "𝜇"
+      | "x" -> "𝜒"
+      | "n" -> "𝜐"
+      | "o" -> "𝜔"
+      | name -> name
+    in
+    if name = name' then
+      fprintf ppf "'%s" name
+    else pp_print_string ppf name'
+  let rec subgraph elts ppf (d,sg) =
+    fprintf ppf
+      "@[<v 2>subgraph %t {@,\
+       %a;@ \
+       %a%a%a%a}@]@."
+      pp_cluster
+      inline_decoration d
+      (seq ~sep:empty (node elts)) (Node_set.to_seq sg.nodes)
+      (seq ~sep:empty (edge elts)) (Edge_set.to_seq sg.edges)
+      (seq ~sep:empty (hyperedge elts)) (Hyperedge_set.to_seq sg.hyperedges)
+      (list ~sep:empty (subgraph elts)) sg.subgraphes
+  let graph ppf {elts;graph} =
+    fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>digraph {@,%a%a%a%a}@]@."
+    (seq ~sep:empty (node elts)) (Node_set.to_seq graph.nodes)
+    (seq ~sep:empty (edge elts)) (Edge_set.to_seq graph.edges)
+    (seq ~sep:empty (hyperedge elts)) (Hyperedge_set.to_seq graph.hyperedges)
+    (list ~sep:empty (subgraph elts)) graph.subgraphes
+module Digraph = struct
+  type t = digraph = {
+    elts: Decoration.r Elt_map.t;
+    graph: subgraph
+  }
+  let empty = { elts = Elt_map.empty; graph = empty_subgraph }
+  let add_to_subgraph s = function
+    | Node ty ->
+        let nodes = Node_set.add ty s.nodes in
+        { s with nodes }
+    | Edge (x,y) ->
+        let edges = Edge_set.add (x,y) s.edges in
+        { s with edges }
+    | Hyperedge l ->
+        let hyperedges = Hyperedge_set.add l s.hyperedges in
+        { s with hyperedges }
+  let add_subgraph sub g =
+    { g with subgraphes = sub :: g.subgraphes }
+  let add ?(override=false) d entry dg =
+    match Elt_map.find_opt entry dg.elts with
+    | Some d' ->
+        let d =
+          if override then Decoration.merge d d'
+          else Decoration.merge d' d
+        in
+        { dg with elts = Elt_map.add entry d dg.elts }
+    | None ->
+        let elts = Elt_map.add entry d dg.elts in
+        { elts; graph = add_to_subgraph dg.graph entry }
+  let rec hyperedges_of_memo ty params id abbrev dg =
+    match abbrev with
+    | Types.Mnil -> dg
+    | Types.Mcons (_priv, _p, t1, t2, rem) ->
+        let s, dg = ty params t1 dg in
+        let exp, dg = ty params t2 dg in
+        dg |>
+        add memo
+          (Hyperedge
+             [From, dotted, id;
+              Toward, dotted, s;
+              Toward, Decoration.make [txt "expand"], exp
+             ])
+        |> hyperedges_of_memo ty params id rem
+    | Types.Mlink rem -> hyperedges_of_memo ty params id !rem dg
+  let rec edges_of_memo ty params abbrev dg =
+    match abbrev with
+    | Types.Mnil -> dg
+    | Types.Mcons (_priv, _p, t1, t2, rem) ->
+        let x, dg = ty params t1 dg in
+        let y, dg = ty params t2 dg in
+        dg |> add memo (Edge (x,y)) |> edges_of_memo ty params rem
+    | Types.Mlink rem -> edges_of_memo ty params !rem dg
+  let expansions ty params id memo dg =
+    if params.expansion_as_hyperedge then
+      hyperedges_of_memo ty params id memo dg
+    else
+      edges_of_memo ty params memo dg
+  let labelk k fmt = kasprintf (fun s -> k  [txt s]) fmt
+  let labelf fmt = labelk Fun.id fmt
+  let labelr fmt = labelk Decoration.make fmt
+  let add_node explicit_d color id tynode dg =
+    let d = labelf "<SUB>%a</SUB>" Pp.prettier_index id in
+    let d = match color with
+    | None -> Decoration.make d
+    | Some x -> Decoration.(make (filled x :: d))
+    in
+    let d = Decoration.merge explicit_d d in
+    add d tynode dg
+  let field_node color lbl rf =
+    let col = match color with
+      | None -> []
+      | Some c -> [Decoration.Color c]
+    in
+    let pr_lbl ppf = match lbl with
+      | None -> ()
+      | Some lbl -> fprintf ppf "`%s" lbl
+    in
+    let lbl =
+      Types.match_row_field
+        ~absent:(fun _ -> labelf "`-%t" pr_lbl)
+        ~present:(fun _ -> labelf "&gt;%t" pr_lbl)
+        ~either:(fun c _tl m _e ->
+            labelf "%s%t%s"
+              (if m then "?" else "")
+              pr_lbl
+              (if c then "(∅)" else "")
+          )
+        rf
+    in
+    Decoration.(make (Shape Diamond::col@lbl))
+  let group ty id0 lbl l dg =
+    match l with
+    | [] -> dg
+    | first :: l ->
+      let sub = { dg with graph = empty_subgraph } in
+      let id, sub = ty first sub in
+      let sub = List.fold_left (fun dg t -> snd (ty t dg)) sub l in
+      let dg = { sub with graph = add_subgraph (lbl,sub.graph) dg.graph } in
+      dg |> add std (Edge(id0,id))
+  let split_fresh_typ params ty0 g =
+    let (id, color, desc) = Index.split params ty0 in
+    let tynode = Node id in
+    if Elt_map.mem tynode g then id, None else id, Some (tynode,color,desc)
+  let pp_path = Format_doc.compat Path.print
+  let rec inject_typ params ty0 dg =
+    let id, next = split_fresh_typ params ty0 dg.elts in
+    match next with
+    | None -> id, dg
+    | Some (tynode,color,desc) ->
+        id, node params color id tynode desc dg
+  and edge params id0 lbl ty gh =
+    let id, gh = inject_typ params ty gh in
+    add lbl (Edge(id0,id)) gh
+  and poly_edge ~color params id0 gh ty =
+    let id, gh = inject_typ params ty gh in
+    match color with
+    | None -> add (labelr "bind") (Edge (id0,id)) gh
+    | Some c ->
+        let d = Decoration.(make [txt "bind"; Color c]) in
+        let gh = add d (Edge (id0,id)) gh in
+        add ~override:true Decoration.(make [filled c]) (Node id) gh
+  and numbered_edge params id0 (i,gh) ty =
+    let l = labelr "%d" i in
+    i + 1, edge params id0 l ty gh
+  and numbered_edges params id0 l gh =
+    snd @@ List.fold_left
+      (numbered_edge params id0)
+      (0,gh) l
+  and node params color id tynode desc dg =
+    let add_tynode l = add_node l color id tynode dg in
+    let mk fmt = labelk (fun l -> add_tynode (Decoration.make l)) fmt in
+    let numbered = numbered_edges params id in
+    let edge = edge params id in
+    let std_edge = edge std in
+    match desc with
+    | Types.Tvar name -> mk "%a" Pp.pretty_var name
+    | Types.Tarrow(l,t1,t2,_) ->
+       mk "→%a" Pp.exponent_of_label l |> numbered [t1; t2]
+    | Types.Ttuple tl ->
+        mk "*" |> numbered tl
+    | Types.Tconstr (p,tl,abbrevs) ->
+        let constr = mk "%a" pp_path p |> numbered tl in
+        if not params.follow_expansions then
+          constr
+        else
+          expansions inject_typ params id !abbrevs constr
+    | Types.Tobject (t, name) ->
+        let dg =
+          begin match !name with
+          | None -> mk "[obj]"
+          | Some (p,[]) -> (* invalid format *)
+              mk "[obj(%a)]" pp_path p
+          | Some (p, (rv_or_nil :: tl)) ->
+              match Types.get_desc rv_or_nil with
+              | Tnil ->
+                  mk "[obj(%a)]" pp_path p |> std_edge t |> numbered tl
+              | _ ->
+                  mk "[obj(#%a)]" pp_path p
+                  |> edge (labelr "row variable") rv_or_nil
+                  |> numbered tl
+          end
+        in
+        begin match split_fresh_typ params t dg.elts with
+        | _, None -> dg
+        | next_id, Some (_, color, desc) ->
+            group_fields ~params ~prev_id:id
+              dg.elts dg.graph empty_subgraph
+              ~id:next_id ~color ~desc
+        end
+    | Types.Tfield _ ->
+        group_fields ~params ~prev_id:id
+          dg.elts dg.graph empty_subgraph
+          ~color ~id ~desc
+    | Types.Tnil -> mk "[Nil]"
+    | Types.Tlink t -> add_tynode Decoration.(make [Style Dash]) |> std_edge t
+    | Types.Tsubst (t, o) ->
+        let dg = add_tynode (labelr "[Subst]") |> std_edge t in
+        begin match o with
+        | None -> dg
+        | Some row -> edge (labelr "parent polyvar") row dg
+        end
+    | Types.Tunivar name ->
+        mk "%a<SUP>∀</SUP>" Pp.pretty_var name
+    | Types.Tpoly (t, tl) ->
+        let dg = mk "∀" |> std_edge t in
+        List.fold_left (poly_edge ~color params id) dg tl
+    | Types.Tvariant row ->
+        let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = Types.row_repr row in
+        let closed = if closed then "<SUP>closed</SUP>" else "" in
+        let dg = match name with
+          | None -> mk "[Row%s]" closed
+          | Some (p,tl) ->
+              mk "[Row %a%s]" pp_path p closed
+              |> numbered tl
+        in
+        let more_lbl = labelr "%a row variable" Pp.row_fixed fixed in
+        let dg = dg |> edge more_lbl more in
+        let elts, main, fields =
+          List.fold_left (variant params id)
+            (dg.elts, dg.graph, empty_subgraph)
+            fields
+        in
+        { elts; graph = add_subgraph (labelr "polyvar", fields) main }
+    | Types.Tpackage (p, fl) ->
+        let types = List.map snd fl in
+        mk "[mod %a with %a]"
+          pp_path p
+          Pp.(list ~sep:semi longident) (List.map fst fl)
+        |> numbered types
+  and variant params id0 (elts,main,fields) (name,rf)  =
+    let id = Index.subnode ~name id0 in
+    let fnode = Node id in
+    let color = Index.colorize params id in
+    let fgraph = { elts; graph=fields } in
+    let fgraph = add (field_node color (Some name) rf) fnode fgraph  in
+    let { elts; graph=fields} = add dotted (Edge(id0,id)) fgraph in
+    let mgraph = { elts; graph=main } in
+    let {elts; graph=main} =
+      variant_inside params id rf mgraph
+    in
+    elts, main, fields
+  and variant_inside params id rf dg =
+    Types.match_row_field
+      ~absent:(fun () -> dg)
+      ~present:(function
+          | None -> dg
+          | Some arg -> numbered_edges params id [arg] dg
+        )
+      ~either:(fun _ tl _ (cell,e) ->
+          let dg = match tl with
+            | [] -> dg
+            | [x] -> edge params id std x dg
+            | _ :: _ as tls ->
+                let label = Decoration.(make [txt "⋀"; filled lightgrey]) in
+                group (inject_typ params) id label tls dg
+          in
+          match e with
+          | None -> dg
+          | Some f ->
+              let id_ext = Index.either_ext cell in
+              let color = Index.colorize params id_ext in
+              let dg = add (field_node color None f) (Node id_ext) dg in
+              let dg = add std (Edge(id,id_ext)) dg in
+              variant_inside params id_ext f dg
+        )
+      rf
+  and group_fields ~params ~prev_id elts main fields
+      ~color ~id ~desc =
+    let add_tynode dg l = add_node l color id (Node id) dg in
+    let mk dg fmt = labelk (fun l -> add_tynode dg (Decoration.make l)) fmt in
+    let merge elts ~main ~fields =
+      {elts; graph= add_subgraph (labelr "fields", fields) main }
+    in
+    match desc with
+    | Types.Tfield (f, k,typ, next) ->
+        let fgraph = { elts; graph=fields } in
+        let fgraph = mk fgraph "%s<SUP>%a</SUP>" f Pp.field_kind k in
+        let {elts; graph=fields} = add dotted (Edge (prev_id,id)) fgraph in
+        let {elts; graph=main} =
+          edge params id (labelr "method type") typ
+            {elts; graph= main}
+        in
+        let id_next, next = split_fresh_typ params next elts in
+        begin match next with
+        | None -> {elts; graph=main}
+        | Some (_,color,desc) ->
+            group_fields ~params ~prev_id:id
+              elts main fields
+              ~id:id_next ~desc ~color
+        end
+    | Types.Tvar name ->
+        let dg  = mk {elts; graph= fields } "%a" Pp.pretty_var name in
+        let {elts; graph=fields} =
+          add (labelr "row variable") (Edge(prev_id,id)) dg
+        in
+        merge elts ~main ~fields
+    | Types.Tnil -> merge elts ~main ~fields
+    | _ ->
+        let dg = merge elts ~main ~fields in
+        node params color id (Node id) desc dg
+let params
+    ?(elide_links=true)
+    ?(expansion_as_hyperedge=false)
+    ?(short_ids=true)
+    ?(colorize=true)
+    ?(follow_expansions=true)
+    () =
+  {
+    expansion_as_hyperedge;
+    short_ids;
+    elide_links;
+    colorize;
+    follow_expansions;
+  }
+let update_params ?elide_links
+    ?expansion_as_hyperedge
+    ?short_ids
+    ?colorize
+    ?follow_expansions
+    params =
+  {
+    elide_links = Option.value ~default:params.elide_links elide_links;
+    expansion_as_hyperedge =
+      Option.value ~default:params.expansion_as_hyperedge
+        expansion_as_hyperedge;
+    short_ids = Option.value ~default:params.short_ids short_ids;
+    colorize = Option.value ~default:params.colorize colorize;
+    follow_expansions =
+      Option.value ~default:params.follow_expansions follow_expansions;
+  }
+let translate params dg (label,entry) =
+  let node, dg = match entry with
+    | Node ty ->
+        let id, dg = Digraph.inject_typ params ty dg in
+        Node id, dg
+    | Edge (ty,ty') ->
+        let id, dg = Digraph.inject_typ params ty dg in
+        let id', dg = Digraph.inject_typ params ty' dg in
+        Edge(id,id'), dg
+    | Hyperedge l ->
+        let l, dg = List.fold_left (fun (l,dg) (d,lbl,ty) ->
+            let id, dg = Digraph.inject_typ params ty dg in
+            (d,lbl,id)::l, dg
+          ) ([],dg) l
+        in
+       Hyperedge l, dg
+  in
+  Digraph.add ~override:true label node dg
+let add params ts dg =
+  List.fold_left (translate params) dg ts
+let make params ts =
+  add params ts Digraph.empty
+let pp = Pp.graph
+let add_subgraph params d elts dg =
+  let sub = add params elts { dg with graph = empty_subgraph } in
+  { sub with graph = Digraph.add_subgraph (d,sub.graph) dg.graph }
+let group_nodes (decoration, {graph=sub; elts=_}) ({elts;graph=main} as gmain) =
+  let nodes = Node_set.inter sub.nodes main.nodes in
+  if Node_set.cardinal nodes > 1 then
+  let sub = { empty_subgraph with nodes } in
+  let graph =
+    { main with
+      nodes = Node_set.diff main.nodes sub.nodes;
+      subgraphes = (decoration,sub) :: main.subgraphes
+    }
+  in { graph; elts}
+  else gmain
+let file_counter = ref 0
+let compact_loc ppf (loc:Warnings.loc) =
+  let startline = loc.loc_start.pos_lnum in
+  let endline = loc.loc_end.pos_lnum in
+  let startchar = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol in
+  let endchar = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_end.pos_bol in
+  if startline = endline then
+    fprintf ppf "l%d[%d-%d]" startline startchar endchar
+  else
+    fprintf ppf "l%d-%d[%d-%d]" startline endline startchar endchar
+type 'a context = 'a option ref * (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit)
+let set_context (r,_pr) x = r := Some x
+let pp_context (r,pr) ppf = match !r with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some x -> fprintf ppf "%a" pr x
+let with_context (r,_) x f =
+  let old = !r in
+  r:= Some x;
+  Fun.protect f ~finally:(fun () -> r := old)
+let global = ref None, pp_print_string
+let loc = ref None, compact_loc
+let context = [pp_context global; pp_context loc]
+let dash ppf () = fprintf ppf "-"
+let node_register = ref []
+let register_type (label,ty) =
+  node_register := (label,Node ty) :: !node_register
+let subgraph_register = ref []
+let default_style = Decoration.(make [filled lightgrey])
+let register_subgraph params ?(decoration=default_style) tys =
+  let node x = Decoration.none, Node x in
+  let subgraph = make params (List.map node tys) in
+  subgraph_register := (decoration, subgraph) :: !subgraph_register
+let forget () =
+  node_register := [];
+  subgraph_register := []
+let node x = Node x
+let edge x y = Edge(x,y)
+let hyperedge l = Hyperedge l
+let nodes ~title params ts =
+  incr file_counter;
+  let filename =
+    match !Clflags.dump_dir with
+    | None -> asprintf "%04d-%s.dot"  !file_counter title
+    | Some d ->
+        asprintf "%s%s%04d-%s-%a.dot"
+          d Filename.dir_sep
+          !file_counter
+          title
+          Pp.(list ~sep:dash (fun ppf pr -> pr ppf)) context
+  in
+  Out_channel.with_open_bin filename (fun ch ->
+      let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel ch in
+      let ts = List.map (fun (l,t) -> l, t) ts in
+      let g = make params (ts @ !node_register) in
+      let g =
+        List.fold_left (fun g sub -> group_nodes sub g) g !subgraph_register
+      in
+      Pp.graph ppf g
+    )
+let types ~title params ts =
+  nodes ~title params (List.map (fun (lbl,ty) -> lbl, Node ty) ts)
+let make params elts = make params elts
+let add params elts = add params elts
+(** Debugging hooks *)
+let debug_on = ref (fun () -> false)
+let debug f = if !debug_on () then f ()
+let debug_off f =
+  let old = !debug_on in
+  debug_on := Fun.const false;
+  Fun.protect f
+    ~finally:(fun () -> debug_on := old)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/gprinttyp.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/gprinttyp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1feef0c2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/gprinttyp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+ This module provides function for printing type expressions as digraph using
+    graphviz format. This is mostly aimed at providing a better representation
+    of type expressions during debugging session.
+A type node is printed as
+    .------------.
+    | <desc>  id |---->
+    |            |--->
+    .------------.
+where the description part might be:
+- a path: [list/8!]
+- a type variable: ['name], [α], [β], [γ]
+- [*] for tuples
+- [→] for arrows type
+- an universal type variable: [[β]∀], ['name ∀], ...
+- [[mod X with ...]] for a first class module
+- [∀] for a universal type binder
+The more complex encoding for polymorphic variants and object types uses nodes
+as head of the subgraph representing those types
+- [[obj...]] for the head of an object subgraph
+- [[Nil]] for the end of an object subgraph
+- [[Row...]] for the head of a polymorphic variant subgraph
+- [[Subst]] for a temporary substitution node
+Then each nodes is relied by arrows to any of its children types.
+- Type variables, universal type variables, [Nil], and [Subst] nodes don't have
+  children.
+- For tuples, the children types are the elements of the tuple. For instance,
+  [int * float] is represented as
+  .------.   0     .-------.
+  | *  1 |-------->| int! 2|
+  .------.         .-------.
+     |
+     | 1
+     v
+   .----------.
+   | float! 3 |
+   .----------.
+- For arrows, the children types are the type of the argument and the result
+  type. For instance, for [int -> float]:
+  .------.   0     .-------.
+  | →  4 |-------->| int! 2|
+  .------.         .-------.
+     |
+     | 1
+     v
+   .----------.
+   | float! 3 |
+   .----------.
+- For type constructor, like list the main children nodes are the argument
+  types. For instance, [(int,float) result] is represented as:
+  .-------------.   0     .-------.
+  | Result.t  5 |-------->| int! 2|
+  .-------------.         .-------.
+     |
+     | 1
+     v
+   .----------.
+   | float! 3 |
+   .----------.
+Moreover, type abbreviations might be linked to the expanded nodes.
+If I define: [type 'a pair = 'a * 'a], a type expression [int pair] might
+correspond to the nodes:
+  .--------.   0    .--------.
+  | pair 6 |------> | int! 2 |
+  .--------.        .--------.
+     ┆                  ^
+     ┆ expand           |
+     ┆                  |
+  .------.   0 + 1      |
+  | *  7 |------>-------.
+  .------.
+- Universal type binders have two kind of children: bound variables,
+  and the main body. For instance, ['a. 'a -> 'a] is represented as
+  .------.   bind    .-------.
+  |  ∀ 8 |----------> | 𝛼 10 |
+  .------.            .------.
+     |                  ^
+     |                  |
+     v                  |
+  .------.   0 + 1      |
+  | →  9 |------>-------.
+  .------.
+- [[Subst]] node are children are the type graph guarded by the
+  substitution node, and an eventual link to the parent row variable.
+- The children of first-class modules are the type expressions that may appear
+  in the right hand side of constraints.
+  For instance, [module M with type t = 'a and type u = 'b] is represented as
+  .----------------------.   0     .-----.
+  | [mod M with t, u] 11 |-------->| 𝛼 12|
+  .----------------------.         .-----
+     |
+     | 1
+     v
+   .------.
+   | 𝛽 13 |
+   .------.
+- The children of [obj] (resp. [row]) are the methods (resp. constructor) of the
+  object type (resp. polymorphic variant). Each method is then linked to its
+  type. To make them easier to read they are grouped inside graphviz cluster.
+  For instance, [<a:int; m:'self; ..> as 'self] will be represented as:
+  .----------------.
+  | .----------.    |
+  | | [obj] 14 |<------<-----<-----.
+  | .----------.    |              |
+  |       ┆         |              |
+  | .-------------. |    .------.  |    .-------.
+  | | a public 15 |----->| ∀ 18 |----->| int! 2 |
+  | .-------------. |    .------.  |    .-------.
+  |        ┆        |              |
+  | .-------------. |   .------.   |
+  | | m public 16 |-----| ∀ 19 |>--|
+  | .------------.  |   .------.
+  |     ┆           |
+  |     ┆ row var   |
+  |     ┆           |
+  |   .-------.     |
+  |   | '_ 17 |     |
+  |   .-------.     |
+  .-----------------.
+type digraph
+(** Digraph with nodes, edges, hyperedges and subgraphes *)
+type params
+(** Various possible choices on how to represent types, see the {!params}
+    functions for more detail.*)
+type element
+(** Graph element, see the {!node}, {!edge} and {!hyperedge} function *)
+type decoration
+(** Visual decoration on graph elements, see the {!Decoration} module.*)
+val types: title:string -> params -> (decoration * Types.type_expr) list -> unit
+(** Print a graph to the file
+    [asprintf "%s/%04d-%s-%a.dot"
+       dump_dir
+       session_unique_id
+       title
+       pp_context context
+    ]
+ If the [dump_dir] flag is not set, the local directory is used.
+ See the {!context} type on how and why to setup the context. *)
+(** Full version of {!types} that allow to print any kind of graph element *)
+val nodes: title:string -> params -> (decoration * element) list -> unit
+val params:
+  ?elide_links:bool ->
+  ?expansion_as_hyperedge:bool ->
+  ?short_ids:bool ->
+  ?colorize:bool ->
+  ?follow_expansions:bool ->
+  unit -> params
+(** Choice of details for printing type graphes:
+    - if [elide_links] is [true] link nodes are not displayed (default:[true])
+    - with [expansion_as_hyperedge], memoized constructor expansion are
+    displayed as a hyperedge between the node storing the memoized expansion,
+    the expanded node and the expansion (default:[false]).
+    - with [short_ids], we use an independent counter for node ids, in order to
+     have shorter ids for small digraphs (default:[true]).
+    - with [colorize] nodes are colorized according to their typechecker ids
+      (default:[true]).
+    - with [follow_expansions], we add memoized type constructor expansions to
+      the digraph (default:[true]).
+(** Update an existing [params] with new values. *)
+val update_params:
+  ?elide_links:bool ->
+  ?expansion_as_hyperedge:bool ->
+  ?short_ids:bool ->
+  ?colorize:bool ->
+  ?follow_expansions:bool ->
+  params -> params
+val node: Types.type_expr -> element
+val edge: Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr -> element
+type dir = Toward | From
+val hyperedge: (dir * decoration * Types.type_expr) list -> element
+(** Edges between more than two elements. *)
+(** {1 Node and decoration types} *)
+module Decoration: sig
+  type color =
+    | Named of string
+    | HSL of {h:float;s:float;l:float}
+  val green: color
+  val blue: color
+  val red:color
+  val purple:color
+  val hsl: h:float -> s:float -> l:float -> color
+  type style =
+    | Filled of color option
+    | Dotted
+    | Dash
+  type shape =
+    | Ellipse
+    | Circle
+    | Diamond
+  type property =
+    | Color of color
+    | Font_color of color
+    | Style of style
+    | Label of string list
+    | Shape of shape
+  val filled: color -> property
+  val txt: string -> property
+  val make: property list -> decoration
+(** {1 Digraph construction and printing}*)
+val make: params -> (decoration * element) list -> digraph
+val add: params -> (decoration * element) list -> digraph -> digraph
+(** add a subgraph to a digraph, only fresh nodes are added to the subgraph *)
+val add_subgraph:
+  params -> decoration -> (decoration * element) list -> digraph -> digraph
+(** groups existing nodes inside a subgraph *)
+val group_nodes: decoration * digraph -> digraph -> digraph
+val pp: Format.formatter -> digraph -> unit
+(** {1 Debugging helper functions } *)
+(** {2 Generic print debugging function} *)
+(** Conditional graph printing *)
+val debug_on: (unit -> bool) ref
+(** [debug_off f] switches off debugging before running [f]. *)
+val debug_off: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** [debug f] runs [f] when [!debug_on ()]*)
+val debug: (unit -> unit) -> unit
+(** {2 Node tracking functions }*)
+(** [register_type (lbl,ty)] adds the type [t] to all graph printed until
+    {!forget} is called *)
+val register_type: decoration * Types.type_expr -> unit
+(** [register_subgraph params tys] groups together all types reachable from
+    [tys] at this point in printed digraphs, until {!forget} is called *)
+val register_subgraph:
+  params -> ?decoration:decoration -> Types.type_expr list -> unit
+(** Forget all recorded context types *)
+val forget : unit -> unit
+(** {2 Contextual information}
+  Those functions can be used to modify the filename of the generated digraphs.
+  Use those functions to provide contextual information on a graph emitted
+  during an execution trace.*)
+type 'a context
+val global: string context
+val loc: Warnings.loc context
+val set_context: 'a context -> 'a -> unit
+val with_context: 'a context -> 'a -> (unit -> 'b) -> 'b
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ident.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ident.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a736abed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ident.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Local_store
+let lowest_scope  = 0
+let highest_scope = 100_000_000
+  (* assumed to fit in 27 bits, see Types.scope_field *)
+type t =
+  | Local of { name: string; stamp: int }
+  | Scoped of { name: string; stamp: int; scope: int }
+  | Global of string
+  | Predef of { name: string; stamp: int }
+      (* the stamp is here only for fast comparison, but the name of
+         predefined identifiers is always unique. *)
+(* A stamp of 0 denotes a persistent identifier *)
+let currentstamp = s_ref 0
+let predefstamp = s_ref 0
+let create_scoped ~scope s =
+  incr currentstamp;
+  Scoped { name = s; stamp = !currentstamp; scope }
+let create_local s =
+  incr currentstamp;
+  Local { name = s; stamp = !currentstamp }
+let create_predef s =
+  incr predefstamp;
+  Predef { name = s; stamp = !predefstamp }
+let create_persistent s =
+  Global s
+let name = function
+  | Local { name; _ }
+  | Scoped { name; _ }
+  | Global name
+  | Predef { name; _ } -> name
+let rename = function
+  | Local { name; stamp = _ }
+  | Scoped { name; stamp = _; scope = _ } ->
+      incr currentstamp;
+      Local { name; stamp = !currentstamp }
+  | id ->
+      Misc.fatal_errorf "Ident.rename %s" (name id)
+let unique_name = function
+  | Local { name; stamp }
+  | Scoped { name; stamp } -> name ^ "_" ^ Int.to_string stamp
+  | Global name ->
+      (* we're adding a fake stamp, because someone could have named his unit
+         [Foo_123] and since we're using unique_name to produce symbol names,
+         we might clash with an ident [Local { "Foo"; 123 }]. *)
+      name ^ "_0"
+  | Predef { name; _ } ->
+      (* we know that none of the predef names (currently) finishes in
+         "_<some number>", and that their name is unique. *)
+      name
+let unique_toplevel_name = function
+  | Local { name; stamp }
+  | Scoped { name; stamp } -> name ^ "/" ^ Int.to_string stamp
+  | Global name
+  | Predef { name; _ } -> name
+let persistent = function
+  | Global _ -> true
+  | _ -> false
+let equal i1 i2 =
+  match i1, i2 with
+  | Local { name = name1; _ }, Local { name = name2; _ }
+  | Scoped { name = name1; _ }, Scoped { name = name2; _ }
+  | Global name1, Global name2 ->
+      name1 = name2
+  | Predef { stamp = s1; _ }, Predef { stamp = s2 } ->
+      (* if they don't have the same stamp, they don't have the same name *)
+      s1 = s2
+  | _ ->
+      false
+let same i1 i2 =
+  match i1, i2 with
+  | Local { stamp = s1; _ }, Local { stamp = s2; _ }
+  | Scoped { stamp = s1; _ }, Scoped { stamp = s2; _ }
+  | Predef { stamp = s1; _ }, Predef { stamp = s2 } ->
+      s1 = s2
+  | Global name1, Global name2 ->
+      name1 = name2
+  | _ ->
+      false
+let stamp = function
+  | Local { stamp; _ }
+  | Scoped { stamp; _ } -> stamp
+  | _ -> 0
+let compare_stamp id1 id2 =
+  compare (stamp id1) (stamp id2)
+let scope = function
+  | Scoped { scope; _ } -> scope
+  | Local _ -> highest_scope
+  | Global _ | Predef _ -> lowest_scope
+let reinit_level = ref (-1)
+let reinit () =
+  if !reinit_level < 0
+  then reinit_level := !currentstamp
+  else currentstamp := !reinit_level
+let global = function
+  | Local _
+  | Scoped _ -> false
+  | Global _
+  | Predef _ -> true
+let is_predef = function
+  | Predef _ -> true
+  | _ -> false
+let print ~with_scope ppf =
+  let open Format_doc in
+  function
+  | Global name -> fprintf ppf "%s!" name
+  | Predef { name; stamp = n } ->
+      fprintf ppf "%s%s!" name
+        (if !Clflags.unique_ids then asprintf "/%i" n else "")
+  | Local { name; stamp = n } ->
+      fprintf ppf "%s%s" name
+        (if !Clflags.unique_ids then asprintf "/%i" n else "")
+  | Scoped { name; stamp = n; scope } ->
+      fprintf ppf "%s%s%s" name
+        (if !Clflags.unique_ids then asprintf "/%i" n else "")
+        (if with_scope then asprintf "[%i]" scope else "")
+let print_with_scope ppf id = print ~with_scope:true ppf id
+let doc_print ppf id = print ~with_scope:false ppf id
+let print ppf id = Format_doc.compat doc_print ppf id
+(* For the documentation of ['a Ident.tbl], see ident.mli.
+   The implementation is a copy-paste specialization of
+   a balanced-tree implementation similar to Map.
+     ['a tbl]
+   is a slightly more compact version of
+     [(Ident.t * 'a) list Map.Make(String)]
+   This implementation comes from Caml Light where duplication was
+   unavoidable in absence of functors. It works well enough, and so
+   far we have not had strong incentives to do the deduplication work
+   (implementation, tests, benchmarks, etc.).
+type 'a tbl =
+    Empty
+  | Node of 'a tbl * 'a data * 'a tbl * int
+and 'a data =
+  { ident: t;
+    data: 'a;
+    previous: 'a data option }
+let empty = Empty
+(* Inline expansion of height for better speed
+ * let height = function
+ *     Empty -> 0
+ *   | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h
+ *)
+let mknode l d r =
+  let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h
+  and hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+  Node(l, d, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+let balance l d r =
+  let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h
+  and hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+  if hl > hr + 1 then
+    match l with
+    | Node (ll, ld, lr, _)
+      when (match ll with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h) >=
+           (match lr with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h) ->
+        mknode ll ld (mknode lr d r)
+    | Node (ll, ld, Node(lrl, lrd, lrr, _), _) ->
+        mknode (mknode ll ld lrl) lrd (mknode lrr d r)
+    | _ -> assert false
+  else if hr > hl + 1 then
+    match r with
+    | Node (rl, rd, rr, _)
+      when (match rr with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h) >=
+           (match rl with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h) ->
+        mknode (mknode l d rl) rd rr
+    | Node (Node (rll, rld, rlr, _), rd, rr, _) ->
+        mknode (mknode l d rll) rld (mknode rlr rd rr)
+    | _ -> assert false
+  else
+    mknode l d r
+let rec add id data = function
+    Empty ->
+      Node(Empty, {ident = id; data = data; previous = None}, Empty, 1)
+  | Node(l, k, r, h) ->
+      let c = String.compare (name id) (name k.ident) in
+      if c = 0 then
+        Node(l, {ident = id; data = data; previous = Some k}, r, h)
+      else if c < 0 then
+        balance (add id data l) k r
+      else
+        balance l k (add id data r)
+let rec min_binding = function
+    Empty -> raise Not_found
+  | Node (Empty, d, _, _) -> d
+  | Node (l, _, _, _) -> min_binding l
+let rec remove_min_binding = function
+    Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.remove_min_elt"
+  | Node (Empty, _, r, _) -> r
+  | Node (l, d, r, _) -> balance (remove_min_binding l) d r
+let merge t1 t2 =
+  match (t1, t2) with
+    (Empty, t) -> t
+  | (t, Empty) -> t
+  | (_, _) ->
+      let d = min_binding t2 in
+      balance t1 d (remove_min_binding t2)
+let rec remove id = function
+    Empty ->
+      Empty
+  | (Node (l, k, r, h) as m) ->
+      let c = String.compare (name id) (name k.ident) in
+      if c = 0 then
+        match k.previous with
+        | None -> merge l r
+        | Some k -> Node (l, k, r, h)
+      else if c < 0 then
+        let ll = remove id l in if l == ll then m else balance ll k r
+      else
+        let rr = remove id r in if r == rr then m else balance l k rr
+let rec find_previous id = function
+    None ->
+      raise Not_found
+  | Some k ->
+      if same id k.ident then k.data else find_previous id k.previous
+let rec find_same id = function
+    Empty ->
+      raise Not_found
+  | Node(l, k, r, _) ->
+      let c = String.compare (name id) (name k.ident) in
+      if c = 0 then
+        if same id k.ident
+        then k.data
+        else find_previous id k.previous
+      else
+        find_same id (if c < 0 then l else r)
+let rec find_name n = function
+    Empty ->
+      raise Not_found
+  | Node(l, k, r, _) ->
+      let c = String.compare n (name k.ident) in
+      if c = 0 then
+        k.ident, k.data
+      else
+        find_name n (if c < 0 then l else r)
+let rec get_all = function
+  | None -> []
+  | Some k -> (k.ident, k.data) :: get_all k.previous
+let rec find_all n = function
+    Empty ->
+      []
+  | Node(l, k, r, _) ->
+      let c = String.compare n (name k.ident) in
+      if c = 0 then
+        (k.ident, k.data) :: get_all k.previous
+      else
+        find_all n (if c < 0 then l else r)
+let get_all_seq k () =
+  Seq.unfold (Option.map (fun k -> (k.ident, k.data), k.previous))
+    k ()
+let rec find_all_seq n tbl () =
+  match tbl with
+  | Empty -> Seq.Nil
+  | Node(l, k, r, _) ->
+      let c = String.compare n (name k.ident) in
+      if c = 0 then
+        Seq.Cons((k.ident, k.data), get_all_seq k.previous)
+      else
+        find_all_seq n (if c < 0 then l else r) ()
+let rec fold_aux f stack accu = function
+    Empty ->
+      begin match stack with
+        [] -> accu
+      | a :: l -> fold_aux f l accu a
+      end
+  | Node(l, k, r, _) ->
+      fold_aux f (l :: stack) (f k accu) r
+let fold_name f tbl accu = fold_aux (fun k -> f k.ident k.data) [] accu tbl
+let rec fold_data f d accu =
+  match d with
+    None -> accu
+  | Some k -> f k.ident k.data (fold_data f k.previous accu)
+let fold_all f tbl accu =
+  fold_aux (fun k -> fold_data f (Some k)) [] accu tbl
+(* let keys tbl = fold_name (fun k _ accu -> k::accu) tbl [] *)
+let rec iter f = function
+    Empty -> ()
+  | Node(l, k, r, _) ->
+      iter f l; f k.ident k.data; iter f r
+(* Idents for sharing keys *)
+(* They should be 'totally fresh' -> neg numbers *)
+let key_name = ""
+let make_key_generator () =
+  let c = ref 1 in
+  function
+  | Local _
+  | Scoped _ ->
+      let stamp = !c in
+      decr c ;
+      Local { name = key_name; stamp = stamp }
+  | global_id ->
+      Misc.fatal_errorf "Ident.make_key_generator () %s" (name global_id)
+let compare x y =
+  match x, y with
+  | Local x, Local y ->
+      let c = x.stamp - y.stamp in
+      if c <> 0 then c
+      else compare x.name y.name
+  | Local _, _ -> 1
+  | _, Local _ -> (-1)
+  | Scoped x, Scoped y ->
+      let c = x.stamp - y.stamp in
+      if c <> 0 then c
+      else compare x.name y.name
+  | Scoped _, _ -> 1
+  | _, Scoped _ -> (-1)
+  | Global x, Global y -> compare x y
+  | Global _, _ -> 1
+  | _, Global _ -> (-1)
+  | Predef { stamp = s1; _ }, Predef { stamp = s2; _ } -> compare s1 s2
+let output oc id = output_string oc (unique_name id)
+let hash i = (Char.code (name i).[0]) lxor (stamp i)
+let original_equal = equal
+include Identifiable.Make (struct
+  type nonrec t = t
+  let compare = compare
+  let output = output
+  let print = print
+  let hash = hash
+  let equal = same
+let equal = original_equal
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ident.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ident.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..588123242d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/ident.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Identifiers (unique names) *)
+type t
+include Identifiable.S with type t := t
+(* Notes:
+   - [equal] compares identifiers by name
+   - [compare x y] is 0 if [same x y] is true.
+   - [compare] compares identifiers by binding location
+val doc_print: t Format_doc.printer
+val print_with_scope : t Format_doc.printer
+        (** Same as {!print} except that it will also add a "[n]" suffix
+            if the scope of the argument is [n]. *)
+val create_scoped: scope:int -> string -> t
+val create_local: string -> t
+val create_persistent: string -> t
+val create_predef: string -> t
+val rename: t -> t
+        (** Creates an identifier with the same name as the input, a fresh
+            stamp, and no scope.
+            @raise [Fatal_error] if called on a persistent / predef ident. *)
+val name: t -> string
+val unique_name: t -> string
+val unique_toplevel_name: t -> string
+val persistent: t -> bool
+val same: t -> t -> bool
+        (** Compare identifiers by binding location.
+            Two identifiers are the same either if they are both
+            non-persistent and have been created by the same call to
+            [create_*], or if they are both persistent and have the same
+            name. *)
+val compare_stamp: t -> t -> int
+        (** Compare only the internal stamps, 0 if absent *)
+val compare: t -> t -> int
+        (** Compare identifiers structurally, including the name *)
+val global: t -> bool
+val is_predef: t -> bool
+val scope: t -> int
+val lowest_scope : int
+val highest_scope: int
+val reinit: unit -> unit
+type 'a tbl
+(** ['a tbl] represents association tables from identifiers to values
+   of type ['a].
+   ['a tbl] plays the role of map, but bindings can be looked up
+   from either the full Ident using [find_same], or just its
+   user-visible name using [find_name]. In general the two lookups may
+   not return the same result, as an identifier may have been shadowed
+   in the environment by a distinct identifier with the same name.
+   [find_all] returns the bindings for all idents of a given name,
+   most recently introduced first.
+   In other words,
+     ['a tbl]
+   corresponds to
+     [(Ident.t * 'a) list Map.Make(String)]
+   and the implementation is very close to that representation.
+   Note in particular that searching among idents of the same name
+   takes linear time, and that [add] simply extends the list without
+   checking for duplicates. So it is not a good idea to implement
+   union by repeated [add] calls, which may result in many duplicated
+   identifiers and poor [find_same] performance. It is even possible
+   to build overly large same-name lists such that non-recursive
+   functions like [find_all] or [fold_all] blow the stack.
+   You should probably use [Map.Make(Ident)] instead, unless you
+   really need to query bindings by user-visible name, not just by
+   unique identifiers.
+val empty: 'a tbl
+val add: t -> 'a -> 'a tbl -> 'a tbl
+val find_same: t -> 'a tbl -> 'a
+val find_name: string -> 'a tbl -> t * 'a
+val find_all: string -> 'a tbl -> (t * 'a) list
+val find_all_seq: string -> 'a tbl -> (t * 'a) Seq.t
+val fold_name: (t -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a tbl -> 'b -> 'b
+val fold_all: (t -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a tbl -> 'b -> 'b
+val iter: (t -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a tbl -> unit
+val remove: t -> 'a tbl -> 'a tbl
+(* Idents for sharing keys *)
+val make_key_generator : unit -> (t -> t)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includeclass.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includeclass.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c560c156b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includeclass.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*           Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Inclusion checks for the class language *)
+open Types
+let class_types env cty1 cty2 =
+  Ctype.match_class_types env cty1 cty2
+let class_type_declarations ~loc env cty1 cty2 =
+  Builtin_attributes.check_alerts_inclusion
+    ~def:cty1.clty_loc
+    ~use:cty2.clty_loc
+    loc
+    cty1.clty_attributes cty2.clty_attributes
+    (Path.last cty1.clty_path);
+  Ctype.match_class_declarations env
+    cty1.clty_params cty1.clty_type
+    cty2.clty_params cty2.clty_type
+let class_declarations env cty1 cty2 =
+  match cty1.cty_new, cty2.cty_new with
+    None, Some _ ->
+      [Ctype.CM_Virtual_class]
+  | _ ->
+      Ctype.match_class_declarations env
+        cty1.cty_params cty1.cty_type
+        cty2.cty_params cty2.cty_type
+open Format_doc
+open Ctype
+module Printtyp=Printtyp.Doc
+let rec hide_params = function
+    Tcty_arrow ("*", _, cty) -> hide_params cty
+  | cty -> cty
+let include_err mode ppf =
+  let msg fmt = Format_doc.Doc.msg fmt in
+  function
+  | CM_Virtual_class ->
+      fprintf ppf "A class cannot be changed from virtual to concrete"
+  | CM_Parameter_arity_mismatch _ ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "The classes do not have the same number of type parameters"
+  | CM_Type_parameter_mismatch (n, env, err) ->
+     Errortrace_report.equality ppf mode env err
+        (msg "The %d%s type parameter has type"
+             n (Misc.ordinal_suffix n))
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
+  | CM_Class_type_mismatch (env, cty1, cty2) ->
+      Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+        fprintf ppf
+          "@[The class type@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]"
+          Printtyp.class_type cty1
+          "is not matched by the class type"
+          Printtyp.class_type cty2)
+  | CM_Parameter_mismatch (n, env, err) ->
+      Errortrace_report.moregen ppf mode env err
+        (msg "The %d%s parameter has type"
+             n (Misc.ordinal_suffix n))
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
+  | CM_Val_type_mismatch (lab, env, err) ->
+      Errortrace_report.comparison ppf mode env err
+        (msg "The instance variable %s@ has type" lab)
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
+  | CM_Meth_type_mismatch (lab, env, err) ->
+      Errortrace_report.comparison ppf mode env err
+        (msg "The method %s@ has type" lab)
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
+  | CM_Non_mutable_value lab ->
+      fprintf ppf
+       "@[The non-mutable instance variable %s cannot become mutable@]" lab
+  | CM_Non_concrete_value lab ->
+      fprintf ppf
+       "@[The virtual instance variable %s cannot become concrete@]" lab
+  | CM_Missing_value lab ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The first class type has no instance variable %s@]" lab
+  | CM_Missing_method lab ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The first class type has no method %s@]" lab
+  | CM_Hide_public lab ->
+     fprintf ppf "@[The public method %s cannot be hidden@]" lab
+  | CM_Hide_virtual (k, lab) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The virtual %s %s cannot be hidden@]" k lab
+  | CM_Public_method lab ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The public method %s cannot become private@]" lab
+  | CM_Virtual_method lab ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The virtual method %s cannot become concrete@]" lab
+  | CM_Private_method lab ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The private method %s cannot become public@]" lab
+let report_error_doc mode ppf = function
+  |  [] -> ()
+  | err :: errs ->
+      let print_errs ppf errs =
+        List.iter (fun err -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" (include_err mode) err) errs in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a@]" (include_err mode) err print_errs errs
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat1 report_error_doc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includeclass.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includeclass.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4d4d85882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includeclass.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*           Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Inclusion checks for the class language *)
+open Types
+open Ctype
+val class_types:
+        Env.t -> class_type -> class_type -> class_match_failure list
+val class_type_declarations:
+  loc:Location.t ->
+  Env.t -> class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration ->
+  class_match_failure list
+val class_declarations:
+  Env.t -> class_declaration -> class_declaration ->
+  class_match_failure list
+val report_error :
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme -> class_match_failure list Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc :
+  Out_type.type_or_scheme -> class_match_failure list Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includecore.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includecore.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e23315f1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includecore.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Inclusion checks for the core language *)
+open Asttypes
+open Path
+open Types
+open Typedtree
+type position = Errortrace.position = First | Second
+(* Inclusion between value descriptions *)
+type primitive_mismatch =
+  | Name
+  | Arity
+  | No_alloc of position
+  | Native_name
+  | Result_repr
+  | Argument_repr of int
+let native_repr_args nra1 nra2 =
+  let rec loop i nra1 nra2 =
+    match nra1, nra2 with
+    | [], [] -> None
+    | [], _ :: _ -> assert false
+    | _ :: _, [] -> assert false
+    | nr1 :: nra1, nr2 :: nra2 ->
+      if not (Primitive.equal_native_repr nr1 nr2) then Some (Argument_repr i)
+      else loop (i+1) nra1 nra2
+  in
+  loop 1 nra1 nra2
+let primitive_descriptions pd1 pd2 =
+  let open Primitive in
+  if not (String.equal pd1.prim_name pd2.prim_name) then
+    Some Name
+  else if not (Int.equal pd1.prim_arity pd2.prim_arity) then
+    Some Arity
+  else if (not pd1.prim_alloc) && pd2.prim_alloc then
+    Some (No_alloc First)
+  else if pd1.prim_alloc && (not pd2.prim_alloc) then
+    Some (No_alloc Second)
+  else if not (String.equal pd1.prim_native_name pd2.prim_native_name) then
+    Some Native_name
+  else if not
+    (Primitive.equal_native_repr
+       pd1.prim_native_repr_res pd2.prim_native_repr_res) then
+    Some Result_repr
+  else
+    native_repr_args pd1.prim_native_repr_args pd2.prim_native_repr_args
+type value_mismatch =
+  | Primitive_mismatch of primitive_mismatch
+  | Not_a_primitive
+  | Type of Errortrace.moregen_error
+exception Dont_match of value_mismatch
+(* A value description [vd1] is consistent with the value description [vd2] if
+   there is a context E such that [E |- vd1 <: vd2] for the ordinary subtyping.
+   For values, this is the case as soon as the kind of [vd1] is a subkind of the
+   [vd2] kind. *)
+let value_descriptions_consistency env vd1 vd2 =
+  match (vd1.val_kind, vd2.val_kind) with
+  | (Val_prim p1, Val_prim p2) -> begin
+      match primitive_descriptions p1 p2 with
+      | None -> Tcoerce_none
+      | Some err -> raise (Dont_match (Primitive_mismatch err))
+    end
+  | (Val_prim p, _) ->
+      let pc =
+        { pc_desc = p; pc_type = vd2.Types.val_type;
+          pc_env = env; pc_loc = vd1.Types.val_loc; }
+      in
+      Tcoerce_primitive pc
+  | (_, Val_prim _) -> raise (Dont_match Not_a_primitive)
+  | (_, _) -> Tcoerce_none
+let value_descriptions ~loc env name
+    (vd1 : Types.value_description)
+    (vd2 : Types.value_description) =
+  Builtin_attributes.check_alerts_inclusion
+    ~def:vd1.val_loc
+    ~use:vd2.val_loc
+    loc
+    vd1.val_attributes vd2.val_attributes
+    name;
+  match Ctype.moregeneral env true vd1.val_type vd2.val_type with
+  | exception Ctype.Moregen err -> raise (Dont_match (Type err))
+  | () -> value_descriptions_consistency env vd1 vd2
+(* Inclusion between manifest types (particularly for private row types) *)
+let is_absrow env ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr(Pident _, _, _) ->
+      (* This function is checking for an abstract row on the side that is being
+         included into (usually numbered with "2" in this file).  In this case,
+         the abstract row variable has been substituted for an object or variant
+         type. *)
+      begin match get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env ty) with
+      | Tobject _|Tvariant _ -> true
+      | _ -> false
+      end
+  | _ -> false
+(* Inclusion between type declarations *)
+let choose ord first second =
+  match ord with
+  | First -> first
+  | Second -> second
+let choose_other ord first second =
+  match ord with
+  | First -> choose Second first second
+  | Second -> choose First first second
+(* Documents which kind of private thing would be revealed *)
+type privacy_mismatch =
+  | Private_type_abbreviation
+  | Private_variant_type
+  | Private_record_type
+  | Private_extensible_variant
+  | Private_row_type
+type type_kind =
+  | Kind_abstract
+  | Kind_record
+  | Kind_variant
+  | Kind_open
+let of_kind = function
+  | Type_abstract _ -> Kind_abstract
+  | Type_record (_, _) -> Kind_record
+  | Type_variant (_, _) -> Kind_variant
+  | Type_open -> Kind_open
+type kind_mismatch = type_kind * type_kind
+type label_mismatch =
+  | Type of Errortrace.equality_error
+  | Mutability of position
+type record_change =
+  (Types.label_declaration, Types.label_declaration, label_mismatch)
+    Diffing_with_keys.change
+type record_mismatch =
+  | Label_mismatch of record_change list
+  | Unboxed_float_representation of position
+type constructor_mismatch =
+  | Type of Errortrace.equality_error
+  | Arity
+  | Inline_record of record_change list
+  | Kind of position
+  | Explicit_return_type of position
+type extension_constructor_mismatch =
+  | Constructor_privacy
+  | Constructor_mismatch of Ident.t
+                            * Types.extension_constructor
+                            * Types.extension_constructor
+                            * constructor_mismatch
+type private_variant_mismatch =
+  | Only_outer_closed (* It's only dangerous in one direction *)
+  | Missing of position * string
+  | Presence of string
+  | Incompatible_types_for of string
+  | Types of Errortrace.equality_error
+type private_object_mismatch =
+  | Missing of string
+  | Types of Errortrace.equality_error
+type variant_change =
+  (Types.constructor_declaration as 'l, 'l, constructor_mismatch)
+    Diffing_with_keys.change
+type type_mismatch =
+  | Arity
+  | Privacy of privacy_mismatch
+  | Kind of kind_mismatch
+  | Constraint of Errortrace.equality_error
+  | Manifest of Errortrace.equality_error
+  | Private_variant of type_expr * type_expr * private_variant_mismatch
+  | Private_object of type_expr * type_expr * private_object_mismatch
+  | Variance
+  | Record_mismatch of record_mismatch
+  | Variant_mismatch of variant_change list
+  | Unboxed_representation of position
+  | Immediate of Type_immediacy.Violation.t
+module Style = Misc.Style
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Printtyp = Printtyp.Doc
+let report_primitive_mismatch first second ppf err =
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  match (err : primitive_mismatch) with
+  | Name ->
+      pr "The names of the primitives are not the same"
+  | Arity ->
+      pr "The syntactic arities of these primitives were not the same.@ \
+          (They must have the same number of arrows present in the source.)"
+  | No_alloc ord ->
+      pr "%s primitive is %a but %s is not"
+        (String.capitalize_ascii (choose ord first second))
+        Style.inline_code "[@@noalloc]"
+        (choose_other ord first second)
+  | Native_name ->
+      pr "The native names of the primitives are not the same"
+  | Result_repr ->
+      pr "The two primitives' results have different representations"
+  | Argument_repr n ->
+      pr "The two primitives' %d%s arguments have different representations"
+        n (Misc.ordinal_suffix n)
+let report_value_mismatch first second env ppf err =
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  pr "@ ";
+  match (err : value_mismatch) with
+  | Primitive_mismatch pm ->
+      report_primitive_mismatch first second ppf pm
+  | Not_a_primitive ->
+      pr "The implementation is not a primitive."
+  | Type trace ->
+      let msg = Fmt.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.moregen ppf Type_scheme env trace
+        (msg "The type")
+        (msg "is not compatible with the type")
+let report_type_inequality env ppf err =
+  let msg = Fmt.Doc.msg in
+  Errortrace_report.equality ppf Type_scheme env err
+    (msg "The type")
+    (msg "is not equal to the type")
+let report_privacy_mismatch ppf err =
+  let singular, item =
+    match err with
+    | Private_type_abbreviation  -> true,  "type abbreviation"
+    | Private_variant_type       -> false, "variant constructor(s)"
+    | Private_record_type        -> true,  "record constructor"
+    | Private_extensible_variant -> true,  "extensible variant"
+    | Private_row_type           -> true,  "row type"
+  in Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%s %s would be revealed."
+       (if singular then "A private" else "Private")
+       item
+let report_label_mismatch first second env ppf err =
+  match (err : label_mismatch) with
+  | Type err ->
+      report_type_inequality env ppf err
+  | Mutability ord ->
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%s is mutable and %s is not."
+        (String.capitalize_ascii (choose ord first second))
+        (choose_other ord first second)
+let pp_record_diff first second prefix decl env ppf (x : record_change) =
+  match x with
+  | Delete cd ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%aAn extra field, %a, is provided in %s %s."
+        prefix x Style.inline_code (Ident.name cd.delete.ld_id) first decl
+  | Insert cd ->
+      Fmt.fprintf  ppf "%aA field, %a, is missing in %s %s."
+        prefix x Style.inline_code (Ident.name cd.insert.ld_id) first decl
+  | Change Type {got=lbl1; expected=lbl2; reason} ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "@[<hv>%aFields do not match:@;<1 2>\
+         %a@ is not the same as:\
+         @;<1 2>%a@ %a@]"
+        prefix x
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.label) lbl1
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.label) lbl2
+        (report_label_mismatch first second env) reason
+  | Change Name n ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%aFields have different names, %a and %a."
+        prefix x
+        Style.inline_code n.got
+        Style.inline_code n.expected
+  | Swap sw ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%aFields %a and %a have been swapped."
+        prefix x
+        Style.inline_code sw.first
+        Style.inline_code sw.last
+  | Move {name; got; expected } ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "@[<2>%aField %a has been moved@ from@ position %d@ to %d.@]"
+        prefix x Style.inline_code name expected got
+let report_patch pr_diff first second decl env ppf patch =
+  let nl ppf () = Fmt.fprintf ppf "@," in
+  let no_prefix _ppf _ = () in
+  match patch with
+  | [ elt ] ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a@]"
+        (pr_diff first second no_prefix decl env) elt
+  | _ ->
+      let pp_diff = pr_diff first second Diffing_with_keys.prefix decl env in
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a@]"
+        (Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:nl pp_diff) patch
+let report_record_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  match err with
+  | Label_mismatch patch ->
+      report_patch pp_record_diff first second decl env ppf patch
+  | Unboxed_float_representation ord ->
+      pr "@[<hv>Their internal representations differ:@ %s %s %s.@]"
+        (choose ord first second) decl
+        "uses unboxed float representation"
+let report_constructor_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
+  let pr fmt  = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  match (err : constructor_mismatch) with
+  | Type err -> report_type_inequality env ppf err
+  | Arity -> pr "They have different arities."
+  | Inline_record err ->
+      report_patch pp_record_diff first second decl env ppf err
+  | Kind ord ->
+      pr "%s uses inline records and %s doesn't."
+        (String.capitalize_ascii (choose ord first second))
+        (choose_other ord first second)
+  | Explicit_return_type ord ->
+      pr "%s has explicit return type and %s doesn't."
+        (String.capitalize_ascii (choose ord first second))
+        (choose_other ord first second)
+let pp_variant_diff first second prefix decl env ppf (x : variant_change) =
+  match x with
+  | Delete cd ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf  "%aAn extra constructor, %a, is provided in %s %s."
+        prefix x Style.inline_code (Ident.name cd.delete.cd_id) first decl
+  | Insert cd ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "%aA constructor, %a, is missing in %s %s."
+        prefix x Style.inline_code (Ident.name cd.insert.cd_id) first decl
+  | Change Type {got; expected; reason} ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "@[<hv>%aConstructors do not match:@;<1 2>\
+         %a@ is not the same as:\
+         @;<1 2>%a@ %a@]"
+        prefix x
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.constructor) got
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.constructor) expected
+        (report_constructor_mismatch first second decl env) reason
+  | Change Name n ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "%aConstructors have different names, %a and %a."
+        prefix x
+        Style.inline_code n.got
+        Style.inline_code n.expected
+  | Swap sw ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "%aConstructors %a and %a have been swapped."
+        prefix x
+        Style.inline_code sw.first
+        Style.inline_code sw.last
+  | Move {name; got; expected} ->
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "@[<2>%aConstructor %a has been moved@ from@ position %d@ to %d.@]"
+        prefix x Style.inline_code name expected got
+let report_extension_constructor_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  match (err : extension_constructor_mismatch) with
+  | Constructor_privacy ->
+      pr "Private extension constructor(s) would be revealed."
+  | Constructor_mismatch (id, ext1, ext2, err) ->
+      let constructor =
+        Style.as_inline_code (Printtyp.extension_only_constructor id)
+      in
+      pr "@[<hv>Constructors do not match:@;<1 2>%a@ is not the same as:\
+          @;<1 2>%a@ %a@]"
+        constructor ext1
+        constructor ext2
+        (report_constructor_mismatch first second decl env) err
+let report_private_variant_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let pp_tag ppf x = Fmt.fprintf ppf "`%s" x in
+  match (err : private_variant_mismatch) with
+  | Only_outer_closed ->
+      (* It's only dangerous in one direction, so we don't have a position *)
+      pr "%s is private and closed, but %s is not closed"
+        (String.capitalize_ascii second) first
+  | Missing (ord, name) ->
+      pr "The constructor %a is only present in %s %s."
+        Style.inline_code name (choose ord first second) decl
+  | Presence s ->
+      pr "The tag %a is present in the %s %s,@ but might not be in the %s"
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_tag) s second decl first
+  | Incompatible_types_for s -> pr "Types for tag `%s are incompatible" s
+  | Types err ->
+      report_type_inequality env ppf err
+let report_private_object_mismatch env ppf err =
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  match (err : private_object_mismatch) with
+  | Missing s ->
+      pr "The implementation is missing the method %a" Style.inline_code s
+  | Types err -> report_type_inequality env ppf err
+let report_kind_mismatch first second ppf (kind1, kind2) =
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  let kind_to_string = function
+  | Kind_abstract -> "abstract"
+  | Kind_record -> "a record"
+  | Kind_variant -> "a variant"
+  | Kind_open -> "an extensible variant" in
+  pr "%s is %s, but %s is %s."
+    (String.capitalize_ascii first)
+    (kind_to_string kind1)
+    second
+    (kind_to_string kind2)
+let report_type_mismatch first second decl env ppf err =
+  let pr fmt = Fmt.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  pr "@ ";
+  match err with
+  | Arity ->
+      pr "They have different arities."
+  | Privacy err ->
+      report_privacy_mismatch ppf err
+  | Kind err ->
+      report_kind_mismatch first second ppf err
+  | Constraint err ->
+      (* This error can come from implicit parameter disagreement or from
+         explicit `constraint`s.  Both affect the parameters, hence this choice
+         of explanatory text *)
+      pr "Their parameters differ@,";
+      report_type_inequality env ppf err
+  | Manifest err ->
+      report_type_inequality env ppf err
+  | Private_variant (_ty1, _ty2, mismatch) ->
+      report_private_variant_mismatch first second decl env ppf mismatch
+  | Private_object (_ty1, _ty2, mismatch) ->
+      report_private_object_mismatch env ppf mismatch
+  | Variance ->
+      pr "Their variances do not agree."
+  | Record_mismatch err ->
+      report_record_mismatch first second decl env ppf err
+  | Variant_mismatch err ->
+      report_patch pp_variant_diff first second decl env ppf err
+  | Unboxed_representation ord ->
+      pr "Their internal representations differ:@ %s %s %s."
+         (choose ord first second) decl
+         "uses unboxed representation"
+  | Immediate violation ->
+      let first = StringLabels.capitalize_ascii first in
+      match violation with
+      | Type_immediacy.Violation.Not_always_immediate ->
+          pr "%s is not an immediate type." first
+      | Type_immediacy.Violation.Not_always_immediate_on_64bits ->
+          pr "%s is not a type that is always immediate on 64 bit platforms."
+            first
+module Record_diffing = struct
+  let compare_labels env params1 params2
+      (ld1 : Types.label_declaration)
+      (ld2 : Types.label_declaration) =
+    if ld1.ld_mutable <> ld2.ld_mutable
+    then
+      let ord = if ld1.ld_mutable = Asttypes.Mutable then First else Second in
+      Some (Mutability  ord)
+    else
+    let tl1 = params1 @ [ld1.ld_type] in
+    let tl2 = params2 @ [ld2.ld_type] in
+    match Ctype.equal env true tl1 tl2 with
+    | exception Ctype.Equality err ->
+        Some (Type err : label_mismatch)
+    | () -> None
+  let rec equal ~loc env params1 params2
+      (labels1 : Types.label_declaration list)
+      (labels2 : Types.label_declaration list) =
+    match labels1, labels2 with
+    | [], [] -> true
+    | _ :: _ , [] | [], _ :: _ -> false
+    | ld1 :: rem1, ld2 :: rem2 ->
+        if Ident.name ld1.ld_id <> Ident.name ld2.ld_id
+        then false
+        else begin
+          Builtin_attributes.check_deprecated_mutable_inclusion
+            ~def:ld1.ld_loc
+            ~use:ld2.ld_loc
+            loc
+            ld1.ld_attributes ld2.ld_attributes
+            (Ident.name ld1.ld_id);
+          match compare_labels env params1 params2 ld1 ld2 with
+          | Some _ -> false
+          (* add arguments to the parameters, cf. PR#7378 *)
+          | None ->
+              equal ~loc env
+                (ld1.ld_type::params1) (ld2.ld_type::params2)
+                rem1 rem2
+        end
+  module Defs = struct
+    type left = Types.label_declaration
+    type right = left
+    type diff = label_mismatch
+    type state = type_expr list * type_expr list
+  end
+  module Diff = Diffing_with_keys.Define(Defs)
+  let update (d:Diff.change) (params1,params2 as st) =
+    match d with
+    | Insert _ | Change _ | Delete _ -> st
+    | Keep (x,y,_) ->
+        (* We need to add equality between existential type parameters
+           (in inline records) *)
+        x.data.ld_type::params1, y.data.ld_type::params2
+  let test _loc env (params1,params2)
+      ({pos; data=lbl1}: Diff.left)
+      ({data=lbl2; _ }: Diff.right)
+    =
+    let name1, name2 = Ident.name lbl1.ld_id, Ident.name lbl2.ld_id in
+    if  name1 <> name2 then
+      let types_match =
+        match compare_labels env params1 params2 lbl1 lbl2 with
+        | Some _ -> false
+        | None -> true
+      in
+      Error
+        (Diffing_with_keys.Name {types_match; pos; got=name1; expected=name2})
+    else
+      match compare_labels env params1 params2 lbl1 lbl2 with
+      | Some reason ->
+          Error (
+            Diffing_with_keys.Type {pos; got=lbl1; expected=lbl2; reason}
+          )
+      | None -> Ok ()
+  let weight: Diff.change -> _ = function
+    | Insert _ | Delete _ ->
+     (* Insertion and deletion are symmetrical for definitions *)
+        100
+    | Keep _ -> 0
+     (* [Keep] must have the smallest weight. *)
+    | Change (_,_,c) ->
+        (* Constraints:
+           - [ Change < Insert + Delete ], otherwise [Change] are never optimal
+           - [ Swap < Move ] => [ 2 Change < Insert + Delete ] =>
+             [ Change < Delete ], in order to favour consecutive [Swap]s
+             over [Move]s.
+           - For some D and a large enough R,
+                 [Delete^D Keep^R Insert^D < Change^(D+R)]
+              => [ Change > (2 D)/(D+R) Delete ].
+             Note that the case [D=1,R=1] is incompatible with the inequation
+             above. If we choose [R = D + 1] for [D<5], we can specialize the
+             inequation to [ Change > 10 / 11 Delete ]. *)
+      match c with
+        (* With [Type<Name with type<Name], we pick constructor with the right
+           name over the one with the right type. *)
+        | Diffing_with_keys.Name t ->
+            if t.types_match then 98 else 99
+        | Diffing_with_keys.Type _ -> 50
+         (* With the uniqueness constraint on keys, the only relevant constraint
+            is [Type-only change < Name change]. Indeed, names can only match at
+            one position. In other words, if a [ Type ] patch is admissible, the
+            only admissible patches at this position are of the form [Delete^D
+            Name_change]. And with the constranit [Type_change < Name_change],
+            we have [Type_change Delete^D < Delete^D Name_change]. *)
+  let key (x: Defs.left) = Ident.name x.ld_id
+  let diffing loc env params1 params2 cstrs_1 cstrs_2 =
+    let module Compute = Diff.Simple(struct
+        let key_left = key
+        let key_right = key
+        let update = update
+        let test = test loc env
+        let weight = weight
+      end)
+    in
+    Compute.diff (params1,params2) cstrs_1 cstrs_2
+  let compare ~loc env params1 params2 l r =
+    if equal ~loc env params1 params2 l r then
+      None
+    else
+      Some (diffing loc env params1 params2 l r)
+  let compare_with_representation ~loc env params1 params2 l r rep1 rep2 =
+    if not (equal ~loc env params1 params2 l r) then
+      let patch = diffing loc env params1 params2 l r in
+      Some (Record_mismatch (Label_mismatch patch))
+    else
+     match rep1, rep2 with
+     | Record_unboxed _, Record_unboxed _ -> None
+     | Record_unboxed _, _ -> Some (Unboxed_representation First)
+     | _, Record_unboxed _ -> Some (Unboxed_representation Second)
+     | Record_float, Record_float -> None
+     | Record_float, _ ->
+        Some (Record_mismatch (Unboxed_float_representation First))
+     | _, Record_float ->
+        Some (Record_mismatch (Unboxed_float_representation Second))
+     | Record_regular, Record_regular
+     | Record_inlined _, Record_inlined _
+     | Record_extension _, Record_extension _ -> None
+     | (Record_regular|Record_inlined _|Record_extension _),
+       (Record_regular|Record_inlined _|Record_extension _) ->
+        assert false
+module Variant_diffing = struct
+  let compare_constructor_arguments ~loc env params1 params2 arg1 arg2 =
+    match arg1, arg2 with
+    | Types.Cstr_tuple arg1, Types.Cstr_tuple arg2 ->
+        if List.length arg1 <> List.length arg2 then
+          Some (Arity : constructor_mismatch)
+        else begin
+        (* Ctype.equal must be called on all arguments at once, cf. PR#7378 *)
+        match Ctype.equal env true (params1 @ arg1) (params2 @ arg2) with
+        | exception Ctype.Equality err -> Some (Type err)
+        | () -> None
+      end
+    | Types.Cstr_record l1, Types.Cstr_record l2 ->
+        Option.map
+          (fun rec_err -> Inline_record rec_err)
+          (Record_diffing.compare env ~loc params1 params2 l1 l2)
+    | Types.Cstr_record _, _ -> Some (Kind First : constructor_mismatch)
+    | _, Types.Cstr_record _ -> Some (Kind Second : constructor_mismatch)
+  let compare_constructors ~loc env params1 params2 res1 res2 args1 args2 =
+    match res1, res2 with
+    | Some r1, Some r2 ->
+        begin match Ctype.equal env true [r1] [r2] with
+        | exception Ctype.Equality err -> Some (Type err)
+        | () -> compare_constructor_arguments ~loc env [r1] [r2] args1 args2
+        end
+    | Some _, None -> Some (Explicit_return_type First)
+    | None, Some _ -> Some (Explicit_return_type Second)
+    | None, None ->
+        compare_constructor_arguments ~loc env params1 params2 args1 args2
+  let equal ~loc env params1 params2
+      (cstrs1 : Types.constructor_declaration list)
+      (cstrs2 : Types.constructor_declaration list) =
+    List.length cstrs1 = List.length cstrs2 &&
+    List.for_all2 (fun (cd1:Types.constructor_declaration)
+                    (cd2:Types.constructor_declaration) ->
+        Ident.name cd1.cd_id = Ident.name cd2.cd_id
+        &&
+        begin
+          Builtin_attributes.check_alerts_inclusion
+            ~def:cd1.cd_loc
+            ~use:cd2.cd_loc
+            loc
+            cd1.cd_attributes cd2.cd_attributes
+            (Ident.name cd1.cd_id)
+          ;
+        match compare_constructors ~loc env params1 params2
+                cd1.cd_res cd2.cd_res cd1.cd_args cd2.cd_args with
+        | Some _ -> false
+        | None -> true
+      end) cstrs1 cstrs2
+  module Defs = struct
+    type left = Types.constructor_declaration
+    type right = left
+    type diff = constructor_mismatch
+    type state = type_expr list * type_expr list
+  end
+  module D = Diffing_with_keys.Define(Defs)
+  let update _ st = st
+  let weight: D.change -> _ = function
+    | Insert _ | Delete _ -> 100
+    | Keep _ -> 0
+    | Change (_,_,Diffing_with_keys.Name c) ->
+        if c.types_match then 98 else 99
+    | Change (_,_,Diffing_with_keys.Type _) -> 50
+    (** See {!Variant_diffing.weight} for an explanation *)
+  let test loc env (params1,params2)
+      ({pos; data=cd1}: D.left)
+      ({data=cd2; _}: D.right) =
+    let name1, name2 = Ident.name cd1.cd_id, Ident.name cd2.cd_id in
+    if  name1 <> name2 then
+      let types_match =
+        match compare_constructors ~loc env params1 params2
+                cd1.cd_res cd2.cd_res cd1.cd_args cd2.cd_args with
+        | Some _ -> false
+        | None -> true
+      in
+      Error
+        (Diffing_with_keys.Name {types_match; pos; got=name1; expected=name2})
+    else
+      match compare_constructors ~loc env params1 params2
+              cd1.cd_res cd2.cd_res cd1.cd_args cd2.cd_args with
+      | Some reason ->
+          Error (Diffing_with_keys.Type {pos; got=cd1; expected=cd2; reason})
+      | None -> Ok ()
+  let diffing loc env params1 params2 cstrs_1 cstrs_2 =
+    let key (x:Defs.left) = Ident.name x.cd_id in
+    let module Compute = D.Simple(struct
+        let key_left = key
+        let key_right = key
+        let test = test loc env
+        let update = update
+        let weight = weight
+      end)
+    in
+    Compute.diff (params1,params2) cstrs_1 cstrs_2
+  let compare ~loc env params1 params2 l r =
+    if equal ~loc env params1 params2 l r then
+      None
+    else
+      Some (diffing loc env params1 params2 l r)
+  let compare_with_representation ~loc env params1 params2
+      cstrs1 cstrs2 rep1 rep2
+    =
+    let err = compare ~loc env params1 params2 cstrs1 cstrs2 in
+    match err, rep1, rep2 with
+    | None, Variant_regular, Variant_regular
+    | None, Variant_unboxed, Variant_unboxed ->
+        None
+    | Some err, _, _ ->
+        Some (Variant_mismatch err)
+    | None, Variant_unboxed, Variant_regular ->
+        Some (Unboxed_representation First)
+    | None, Variant_regular, Variant_unboxed ->
+        Some (Unboxed_representation Second)
+(* Inclusion between "private" annotations *)
+let privacy_mismatch env decl1 decl2 =
+  match decl1.type_private, decl2.type_private with
+  | Private, Public -> begin
+      match decl1.type_kind, decl2.type_kind with
+      | Type_record  _, Type_record  _ -> Some Private_record_type
+      | Type_variant _, Type_variant _ -> Some Private_variant_type
+      | Type_open,      Type_open      -> Some Private_extensible_variant
+      | Type_abstract _, Type_abstract _
+        when Option.is_some decl2.type_manifest -> begin
+          match decl1.type_manifest with
+          | Some ty1 -> begin
+            let ty1 = Ctype.expand_head env ty1 in
+            match get_desc ty1 with
+            | Tvariant row when Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true
+                                  (row_more row) ->
+                Some Private_row_type
+            | Tobject (fi, _) when Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true
+                                     (snd (Ctype.flatten_fields fi)) ->
+                Some Private_row_type
+            | _ ->
+                Some Private_type_abbreviation
+            end
+          | None ->
+              None
+        end
+      | _, _ ->
+          None
+    end
+  | _, _ ->
+      None
+let private_variant env row1 params1 row2 params2 =
+    let r1, r2, pairs =
+      Ctype.merge_row_fields (row_fields row1) (row_fields row2)
+    in
+    let row1_closed = row_closed row1 in
+    let row2_closed = row_closed row2 in
+    let err =
+      if row2_closed && not row1_closed then Some Only_outer_closed
+      else begin
+        match row2_closed, Ctype.filter_row_fields false r1 with
+        | true, (s, _) :: _ ->
+            Some (Missing (Second, s) : private_variant_mismatch)
+        | _, _ -> None
+      end
+    in
+    if err <> None then err else
+    let err =
+      let missing =
+        List.find_opt
+          (fun (_,f) ->
+             match row_field_repr f with
+             | Rabsent | Reither _ -> false
+             | Rpresent _ -> true)
+          r2
+      in
+      match missing with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some (s, _) -> Some (Missing (First, s) : private_variant_mismatch)
+    in
+    if err <> None then err else
+    let rec loop tl1 tl2 pairs =
+      match pairs with
+      | [] -> begin
+          match Ctype.equal env true tl1 tl2 with
+          | exception Ctype.Equality err ->
+              Some (Types err : private_variant_mismatch)
+          | () -> None
+        end
+      | (s, f1, f2) :: pairs -> begin
+          match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with
+          | Rpresent to1, Rpresent to2 -> begin
+              match to1, to2 with
+              | Some t1, Some t2 ->
+                  loop (t1 :: tl1) (t2 :: tl2) pairs
+              | None, None ->
+                  loop tl1 tl2 pairs
+              | Some _, None | None, Some _ ->
+                  Some (Incompatible_types_for s)
+            end
+          | Rpresent to1, Reither(const2, ts2, _) -> begin
+              match to1, const2, ts2 with
+              | Some t1, false, [t2] -> loop (t1 :: tl1) (t2 :: tl2) pairs
+              | None, true, [] -> loop tl1 tl2 pairs
+              | _, _, _ -> Some (Incompatible_types_for s)
+            end
+          | Rpresent _, Rabsent ->
+              Some (Missing (Second, s) : private_variant_mismatch)
+          | Reither(const1, ts1, _), Reither(const2, ts2, _) ->
+              if const1 = const2 && List.length ts1 = List.length ts2 then
+                loop (ts1 @ tl1) (ts2 @ tl2) pairs
+              else
+                Some (Incompatible_types_for s)
+          | Reither _, Rpresent _ ->
+              Some (Presence s)
+          | Reither _, Rabsent ->
+              Some (Missing (Second, s) : private_variant_mismatch)
+          | Rabsent, (Reither _ | Rabsent) ->
+              loop tl1 tl2 pairs
+          | Rabsent, Rpresent _ ->
+              Some (Missing (First, s) : private_variant_mismatch)
+        end
+    in
+    loop params1 params2 pairs
+let private_object env fields1 params1 fields2 params2 =
+  let pairs, _miss1, miss2 = Ctype.associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
+  let err =
+    match miss2 with
+    | [] -> None
+    | (f, _, _) :: _ -> Some (Missing f)
+  in
+  if err <> None then err else
+  let tl1, tl2 =
+    List.split (List.map (fun (_,_,t1,_,t2) -> t1, t2) pairs)
+  in
+  begin
+    match Ctype.equal env true (params1 @ tl1) (params2 @ tl2) with
+    | exception Ctype.Equality err -> Some (Types err)
+    | () -> None
+  end
+let type_manifest env ty1 params1 ty2 params2 priv2 kind2 =
+  let ty1' = Ctype.expand_head env ty1 and ty2' = Ctype.expand_head env ty2 in
+  match get_desc ty1', get_desc ty2' with
+  | Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2
+    when is_absrow env (row_more row2) -> begin
+      assert (Ctype.is_equal env true (ty1::params1) (row_more row2::params2));
+      match private_variant env row1 params1 row2 params2 with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some err -> Some (Private_variant(ty1, ty2, err))
+    end
+  | Tobject (fi1, _), Tobject (fi2, _)
+    when is_absrow env (snd (Ctype.flatten_fields fi2)) -> begin
+      let (fields2,rest2) = Ctype.flatten_fields fi2 in
+      let (fields1,_) = Ctype.flatten_fields fi1 in
+      assert (Ctype.is_equal env true (ty1::params1) (rest2::params2));
+      match private_object env fields1 params1 fields2 params2 with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some err -> Some (Private_object(ty1, ty2, err))
+    end
+  | _ -> begin
+      let is_private_abbrev_2 =
+        match priv2, kind2 with
+        | Private, Type_abstract _ -> begin
+            (* Same checks as the [when] guards from above, inverted *)
+            match get_desc ty2' with
+            | Tvariant row ->
+                not (is_absrow env (row_more row))
+            | Tobject (fi, _) ->
+                not (is_absrow env (snd (Ctype.flatten_fields fi)))
+            | _ -> true
+          end
+        | _, _ -> false
+      in
+      match
+        if is_private_abbrev_2 then
+          Ctype.equal_private env params1 ty1 params2 ty2
+        else
+          Ctype.equal env true (params1 @ [ty1]) (params2 @ [ty2])
+      with
+      | exception Ctype.Equality err -> Some (Manifest err)
+      | () -> None
+    end
+(* A type declarations [td1] is consistent with the type declaration [td2] if
+   there is a context E such E |- td1 <: td2 for the ordinary subtyping. For
+   types, this is the case as soon as the two type declarations share the same
+   arity and the privacy of [td1] is less than the privacy of [td2] (consider a
+   context E where all type constructors are equal). *)
+let type_declarations_consistency env decl1 decl2 =
+  if decl1.type_arity <> decl2.type_arity then Some Arity
+  else match privacy_mismatch env decl1 decl2 with
+    | Some err -> Some (Privacy err)
+    | None -> None
+let type_declarations ?(equality = false) ~loc env ~mark name
+      decl1 path decl2 =
+  Builtin_attributes.check_alerts_inclusion
+    ~def:decl1.type_loc
+    ~use:decl2.type_loc
+    loc
+    decl1.type_attributes decl2.type_attributes
+    name;
+  let err = type_declarations_consistency env decl1 decl2 in
+  if err <> None then err else
+  let err = match (decl1.type_manifest, decl2.type_manifest) with
+      (_, None) ->
+        begin
+          match Ctype.equal env true decl1.type_params decl2.type_params with
+          | exception Ctype.Equality err -> Some (Constraint err)
+          | () -> None
+        end
+    | (Some ty1, Some ty2) ->
+         type_manifest env ty1 decl1.type_params ty2 decl2.type_params
+           decl2.type_private decl2.type_kind
+    | (None, Some ty2) ->
+        let ty1 =
+          Btype.newgenty (Tconstr(path, decl2.type_params, ref Mnil))
+        in
+        match Ctype.equal env true decl1.type_params decl2.type_params with
+        | exception Ctype.Equality err -> Some (Constraint err)
+        | () ->
+          match Ctype.equal env false [ty1] [ty2] with
+          | exception Ctype.Equality err -> Some (Manifest err)
+          | () -> None
+  in
+  if err <> None then err else
+  let err = match (decl1.type_kind, decl2.type_kind) with
+      (_, Type_abstract _) -> None
+    | (Type_variant (cstrs1, rep1), Type_variant (cstrs2, rep2)) ->
+        if mark then begin
+          let mark usage cstrs =
+            List.iter (Env.mark_constructor_used usage) cstrs
+          in
+          let usage : Env.constructor_usage =
+            if decl2.type_private = Public then Env.Exported
+            else Env.Exported_private
+          in
+          mark usage cstrs1;
+          if equality then mark Env.Exported cstrs2
+        end;
+        Variant_diffing.compare_with_representation ~loc env
+          decl1.type_params
+          decl2.type_params
+          cstrs1
+          cstrs2
+          rep1
+          rep2
+    | (Type_record(labels1,rep1), Type_record(labels2,rep2)) ->
+        if mark then begin
+          let mark usage lbls =
+            List.iter (Env.mark_label_used usage) lbls
+          in
+          let usage : Env.label_usage =
+            if decl2.type_private = Public then Env.Exported
+            else Env.Exported_private
+          in
+          mark usage labels1;
+          if equality then mark Env.Exported labels2
+        end;
+        Record_diffing.compare_with_representation ~loc env
+          decl1.type_params decl2.type_params
+          labels1 labels2
+          rep1 rep2
+    | (Type_open, Type_open) -> None
+    | (_, _) -> Some (Kind (of_kind decl1.type_kind, of_kind decl2.type_kind))
+  in
+  if err <> None then err else
+  let abstr = Btype.type_kind_is_abstract decl2 && decl2.type_manifest = None in
+  (* If attempt to assign a non-immediate type (e.g. string) to a type that
+   * must be immediate, then we error *)
+  let err =
+    if not abstr then
+      None
+    else
+      match
+        Type_immediacy.coerce decl1.type_immediate ~as_:decl2.type_immediate
+      with
+      | Ok () -> None
+      | Error violation -> Some (Immediate violation)
+  in
+  if err <> None then err else
+  let need_variance =
+    abstr || decl1.type_private = Private || decl1.type_kind = Type_open in
+  if not need_variance then None else
+  let abstr = abstr || decl2.type_private = Private in
+  let opn = decl2.type_kind = Type_open && decl2.type_manifest = None in
+  let constrained ty = not (Btype.is_Tvar ty) in
+  if List.for_all2
+      (fun ty (v1,v2) ->
+        let open Variance in
+        let imp a b = not a || b in
+        let (co1,cn1) = get_upper v1 and (co2,cn2) = get_upper v2 in
+        (if abstr then (imp co1 co2 && imp cn1 cn2)
+         else if opn || constrained ty then (co1 = co2 && cn1 = cn2)
+         else true) &&
+        let (p1,n1,j1) = get_lower v1 and (p2,n2,j2) = get_lower v2 in
+        imp abstr (imp p2 p1 && imp n2 n1 && imp j2 j1))
+      decl2.type_params (List.combine decl1.type_variance decl2.type_variance)
+  then None else Some Variance
+(* Inclusion between extension constructors *)
+let extension_constructors ~loc env ~mark id ext1 ext2 =
+  if mark then begin
+    let usage : Env.constructor_usage =
+      if ext2.ext_private = Public then Env.Exported
+      else Env.Exported_private
+    in
+    Env.mark_extension_used usage ext1
+  end;
+  let ty1 =
+    Btype.newgenty (Tconstr(ext1.ext_type_path, ext1.ext_type_params, ref Mnil))
+  in
+  let ty2 =
+    Btype.newgenty (Tconstr(ext2.ext_type_path, ext2.ext_type_params, ref Mnil))
+  in
+  let tl1 = ty1 :: ext1.ext_type_params in
+  let tl2 = ty2 :: ext2.ext_type_params in
+  match Ctype.equal env true tl1 tl2 with
+  | exception Ctype.Equality err ->
+      Some (Constructor_mismatch (id, ext1, ext2, Type err))
+  | () ->
+    let r =
+      Variant_diffing.compare_constructors ~loc env
+        ext1.ext_type_params ext2.ext_type_params
+        ext1.ext_ret_type ext2.ext_ret_type
+        ext1.ext_args ext2.ext_args
+    in
+    match r with
+    | Some r -> Some (Constructor_mismatch (id, ext1, ext2, r))
+    | None ->
+      match ext1.ext_private, ext2.ext_private with
+      | Private, Public -> Some Constructor_privacy
+      | _, _ -> None
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index 0000000000..bed53fb036
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+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includecore.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Inclusion checks for the core language *)
+open Typedtree
+open Types
+type position = Errortrace.position = First | Second
+type primitive_mismatch =
+  | Name
+  | Arity
+  | No_alloc of position
+  | Native_name
+  | Result_repr
+  | Argument_repr of int
+type value_mismatch =
+  | Primitive_mismatch of primitive_mismatch
+  | Not_a_primitive
+  | Type of Errortrace.moregen_error
+exception Dont_match of value_mismatch
+(* Documents which kind of private thing would be revealed *)
+type privacy_mismatch =
+  | Private_type_abbreviation
+  | Private_variant_type
+  | Private_record_type
+  | Private_extensible_variant
+  | Private_row_type
+type type_kind =
+  | Kind_abstract
+  | Kind_record
+  | Kind_variant
+  | Kind_open
+type kind_mismatch = type_kind * type_kind
+type label_mismatch =
+  | Type of Errortrace.equality_error
+  | Mutability of position
+type record_change =
+  (Types.label_declaration as 'ld, 'ld, label_mismatch) Diffing_with_keys.change
+type record_mismatch =
+  | Label_mismatch of record_change list
+  | Unboxed_float_representation of position
+type constructor_mismatch =
+  | Type of Errortrace.equality_error
+  | Arity
+  | Inline_record of record_change list
+  | Kind of position
+  | Explicit_return_type of position
+type extension_constructor_mismatch =
+  | Constructor_privacy
+  | Constructor_mismatch of Ident.t
+                            * extension_constructor
+                            * extension_constructor
+                            * constructor_mismatch
+type variant_change =
+  (Types.constructor_declaration as 'cd, 'cd, constructor_mismatch)
+    Diffing_with_keys.change
+type private_variant_mismatch =
+  | Only_outer_closed
+  | Missing of position * string
+  | Presence of string
+  | Incompatible_types_for of string
+  | Types of Errortrace.equality_error
+type private_object_mismatch =
+  | Missing of string
+  | Types of Errortrace.equality_error
+type type_mismatch =
+  | Arity
+  | Privacy of privacy_mismatch
+  | Kind of kind_mismatch
+  | Constraint of Errortrace.equality_error
+  | Manifest of Errortrace.equality_error
+  | Private_variant of type_expr * type_expr * private_variant_mismatch
+  | Private_object of type_expr * type_expr * private_object_mismatch
+  | Variance
+  | Record_mismatch of record_mismatch
+  | Variant_mismatch of variant_change list
+  | Unboxed_representation of position
+  | Immediate of Type_immediacy.Violation.t
+val value_descriptions:
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> string ->
+  value_description -> value_description -> module_coercion
+val type_declarations:
+  ?equality:bool ->
+  loc:Location.t ->
+  Env.t -> mark:bool -> string ->
+  type_declaration -> Path.t -> type_declaration -> type_mismatch option
+val extension_constructors:
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool -> Ident.t ->
+  extension_constructor -> extension_constructor ->
+  extension_constructor_mismatch option
+(** The functions [value_descriptions_consistency] and
+    [type_declarations_consistency] check if two declaration are consistent.
+    Declarations are consistent when there exists an environment such that the
+    first declaration is a subtype of the second one.
+    Notably, if a type declaration [td1] is consistent with [td2] then a type
+    expression [te] which is well-formed with the [td2] declaration in scope
+    is still well-formed with the [td1] declaration: [E, td2 |- te] => [E, td1
+    |- te]. *)
+val value_descriptions_consistency:
+  Env.t -> value_description -> value_description -> module_coercion
+val type_declarations_consistency:
+  Env.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration -> type_mismatch option
+val class_types:
+        Env.t -> class_type -> class_type -> bool
+val report_value_mismatch :
+  string -> string ->
+  Env.t ->
+  value_mismatch Format_doc.printer
+val report_type_mismatch :
+  string -> string -> string ->
+  Env.t ->
+  type_mismatch Format_doc.printer
+val report_extension_constructor_mismatch :
+  string -> string -> string ->
+  Env.t ->
+  extension_constructor_mismatch Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dda0464c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1411 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Inclusion checks for the module language *)
+open Misc
+open Typedtree
+open Types
+type symptom =
+    Missing_field of Ident.t * Location.t * string (* kind *)
+  | Value_descriptions of Ident.t * value_description * value_description
+                          * Includecore.value_mismatch
+  | Type_declarations of Ident.t * type_declaration
+        * type_declaration * Includecore.type_mismatch
+  | Extension_constructors of Ident.t * extension_constructor
+        * extension_constructor * Includecore.extension_constructor_mismatch
+  | Module_types of module_type * module_type
+  | Modtype_infos of Ident.t * modtype_declaration * modtype_declaration
+  | Modtype_permutation of Types.module_type * Typedtree.module_coercion
+  | Interface_mismatch of string * string
+  | Class_type_declarations of
+      Ident.t * class_type_declaration * class_type_declaration *
+      Ctype.class_match_failure list
+  | Class_declarations of
+      Ident.t * class_declaration * class_declaration *
+      Ctype.class_match_failure list
+  | Unbound_module_path of Path.t
+  | Invalid_module_alias of Path.t
+type pos =
+  | Module of Ident.t
+  | Modtype of Ident.t
+  | Arg of functor_parameter
+  | Body of functor_parameter
+module Error = struct
+  type functor_arg_descr =
+    | Anonymous
+    | Named of Path.t
+    | Unit
+    | Empty_struct
+     (** For backward compatibility's sake, an empty struct can be implicitly
+         converted to an unit module  *)
+  type ('a,'b) diff = {got:'a; expected:'a; symptom:'b}
+  type 'a core_diff =('a,unit) diff
+  let diff x y s = {got=x;expected=y; symptom=s}
+  let sdiff x y = {got=x; expected=y; symptom=()}
+  type core_sigitem_symptom =
+    | Value_descriptions of (value_description, Includecore.value_mismatch) diff
+    | Type_declarations of (type_declaration, Includecore.type_mismatch) diff
+    | Extension_constructors of
+        (extension_constructor, Includecore.extension_constructor_mismatch) diff
+    | Class_type_declarations of
+        (class_type_declaration, Ctype.class_match_failure list) diff
+    | Class_declarations of
+        (class_declaration, Ctype.class_match_failure list) diff
+  type core_module_type_symptom =
+    | Not_an_alias
+    | Not_an_identifier
+    | Incompatible_aliases
+    | Abstract_module_type
+    | Unbound_module_path of Path.t
+  type module_type_symptom =
+    | Mt_core of core_module_type_symptom
+    | Signature of signature_symptom
+    | Functor of functor_symptom
+    | Invalid_module_alias of Path.t
+    | After_alias_expansion of module_type_diff
+  and module_type_diff = (module_type, module_type_symptom) diff
+  and functor_symptom =
+    | Params of functor_params_diff
+    | Result of module_type_diff
+  and ('arg,'path) functor_param_symptom =
+    | Incompatible_params of 'arg * functor_parameter
+    | Mismatch of module_type_diff
+  and arg_functor_param_symptom =
+    (functor_parameter, Ident.t) functor_param_symptom
+  and functor_params_diff = (functor_parameter list * module_type) core_diff
+  and signature_symptom = {
+    env: Env.t;
+    missings: signature_item list;
+    incompatibles: (Ident.t * sigitem_symptom) list;
+    oks: (int * module_coercion) list;
+    leftovers: (signature_item * signature_item * int) list;
+  }
+  and sigitem_symptom =
+    | Core of core_sigitem_symptom
+    | Module_type_declaration of
+        (modtype_declaration, module_type_declaration_symptom) diff
+    | Module_type of module_type_diff
+  and module_type_declaration_symptom =
+    | Illegal_permutation of Typedtree.module_coercion
+    | Not_greater_than of module_type_diff
+    | Not_less_than of module_type_diff
+    | Incomparable of
+        {less_than:module_type_diff; greater_than: module_type_diff}
+  type all =
+    | In_Compilation_unit of (string, signature_symptom) diff
+    | In_Signature of signature_symptom
+    | In_Module_type of module_type_diff
+    | In_Module_type_substitution of
+        Ident.t * (Types.module_type,module_type_declaration_symptom) diff
+    | In_Type_declaration of Ident.t * core_sigitem_symptom
+    | In_Expansion of core_module_type_symptom
+module Directionality = struct
+  type mark =
+  | Mark_both
+  | Mark_positive
+  | Mark_neither
+  type pos =
+    | Strictly_positive
+      (** Strictly positive positions are notable for tools since they are the
+          the case where we match a implementation definition with an interface
+          declaration. Oherwise in the positive case we are matching
+          declatations inside functor arguments at even level of nesting.*)
+    | Positive
+    | Negative
+   When checking inclusion, the [Directionality.t] type tracks the
+   subtyping direction at the syntactic level.
+   The [posivity] field is used in the [cmt_declaration_dependencies] to
+   distinguish between directed and undirected edges, and to avoid recording
+   matched declarations twice.
+   The [mark_as_used] field describes if we should record only positive use,
+   any use (because there is no clear implementation side), or none (because we
+   are inside an auxiliary check function.)
+   The [in_eq] field is [true] when we are checking both directions inside of
+   module types which allows optimizing module type equality checks. The module
+   subtyping relation [A <: B] checks that [A.T = B.T] when [A] and [B] define a
+   module type [T]. The relation [A.T = B.T] is equivalent to [(A.T <: B.T) and
+   (B.T <: A.T)], but checking both recursively would lead to an exponential
+   slowdown (see #10598 and #10616). To avoid this issue, when [in_eq] is
+   [true], we compute a coarser relation [A << B] which is the same as [A <: B]
+   except that module types [T] are checked only for [A.T << B.T] and not the
+   reverse. Thus, we can implement a cheap module type equality check [A.T =
+   B.T] by computing [(A.T << B.T) and (B.T << A.T)], avoiding the exponential
+   slowdown described above.
+  type t = {
+      in_eq:bool;
+      mark_as_used:mark;
+      pos:pos;
+    }
+  let strictly_positive ~mark =
+    let mark_as_used = if mark then Mark_positive else Mark_neither in
+    { in_eq=false; pos=Strictly_positive; mark_as_used }
+  let unknown ~mark =
+    let mark_as_used = if mark then Mark_both else Mark_neither in
+    { in_eq=false; pos=Positive; mark_as_used }
+  let negate_pos = function
+    | Positive | Strictly_positive -> Negative
+    | Negative -> Positive
+  let negate d = { d with pos = negate_pos d.pos }
+  let at_most_positive = function
+    | Strictly_positive -> Positive
+    | Positive | Negative as non_strict -> non_strict
+  let enter_eq d =
+    {
+      in_eq = true;
+      pos = at_most_positive d.pos;
+      mark_as_used = d.mark_as_used
+    }
+  let mark_as_used d = match d.mark_as_used with
+    | Mark_neither -> false
+    | Mark_both -> true
+    | Mark_positive ->
+       match d.pos with
+       | Positive | Strictly_positive -> true
+       | Negative -> false
+module Core_inclusion = struct
+  (* All functions "blah env x1 x2" check that x1 is included in x2,
+     i.e. that x1 is the type of an implementation that fulfills the
+     specification x2. If not, Error is raised with a backtrace of the error. *)
+  (* Inclusion between value descriptions *)
+  let value_descriptions ~loc env ~direction subst id vd1 vd2 =
+    if Directionality.mark_as_used direction then
+      Env.mark_value_used vd1.val_uid;
+    let vd2 = Subst.value_description subst vd2 in
+    try
+      Ok (Includecore.value_descriptions ~loc env (Ident.name id) vd1 vd2)
+    with Includecore.Dont_match err ->
+      Error Error.(Core (Value_descriptions (diff vd1 vd2 err)))
+  (* Inclusion between type declarations *)
+  let type_declarations ~loc env ~direction subst id decl1 decl2 =
+    let mark = Directionality.mark_as_used direction in
+    if mark then
+      Env.mark_type_used decl1.type_uid;
+    let decl2 = Subst.type_declaration subst decl2 in
+    match
+      Includecore.type_declarations ~loc env ~mark
+        (Ident.name id) decl1 (Path.Pident id) decl2
+    with
+    | None -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | Some err ->
+        Error Error.(Core(Type_declarations (diff decl1 decl2 err)))
+  (* Inclusion between extension constructors *)
+  let extension_constructors ~loc env ~direction subst id ext1 ext2 =
+    let mark = Directionality.mark_as_used direction in
+    let ext2 = Subst.extension_constructor subst ext2 in
+    match Includecore.extension_constructors ~loc env ~mark id ext1 ext2 with
+    | None -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | Some err ->
+        Error Error.(Core(Extension_constructors(diff ext1 ext2 err)))
+  (* Inclusion between class declarations *)
+  let class_type_declarations ~loc env ~direction:_ subst _id decl1 decl2 =
+    let decl2 = Subst.cltype_declaration subst decl2 in
+    match Includeclass.class_type_declarations ~loc env decl1 decl2 with
+      []     -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | reason ->
+        Error Error.(Core(Class_type_declarations(diff decl1 decl2 reason)))
+  let class_declarations ~loc:_ env ~direction:_ subst _id decl1 decl2 =
+    let decl2 = Subst.class_declaration subst decl2 in
+    match Includeclass.class_declarations env decl1 decl2 with
+      []     -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | reason ->
+        Error Error.(Core(Class_declarations(diff decl1 decl2 reason)))
+(* Expand a module type identifier when possible *)
+let expand_modtype_path env path =
+   match Env.find_modtype_expansion path env with
+     | exception Not_found -> None
+     | x -> Some x
+let expand_module_alias ~strengthen env path =
+  match
+    if strengthen then Env.find_strengthened_module ~aliasable:true path env
+    else (Env.find_module path env).md_type
+  with
+  | x -> Ok x
+  | exception Not_found -> Error (Error.Unbound_module_path path)
+(* Extract name, kind and ident from a signature item *)
+type field_kind =
+  | Field_value
+  | Field_type
+  | Field_exception
+  | Field_typext
+  | Field_module
+  | Field_modtype
+  | Field_class
+  | Field_classtype
+type field_desc = { name: string; kind: field_kind }
+let kind_of_field_desc fd = match fd.kind with
+  | Field_value -> "value"
+  | Field_type -> "type"
+  | Field_exception -> "exception"
+  | Field_typext -> "extension constructor"
+  | Field_module -> "module"
+  | Field_modtype -> "module type"
+  | Field_class -> "class"
+  | Field_classtype -> "class type"
+let field_desc kind id = { kind; name = Ident.name id }
+(** Map indexed by both field types and names.
+    This avoids name clashes between different sorts of fields
+    such as values and types. *)
+module FieldMap = Map.Make(struct
+    type t = field_desc
+    let compare = Stdlib.compare
+  end)
+let item_ident_name = function
+    Sig_value(id, d, _) -> (id, d.val_loc, field_desc Field_value id)
+  | Sig_type(id, d, _, _) -> (id, d.type_loc, field_desc Field_type  id )
+  | Sig_typext(id, d, _, _) ->
+      let kind =
+        if Path.same d.ext_type_path Predef.path_exn
+        then Field_exception
+        else Field_typext
+      in
+      (id, d.ext_loc, field_desc kind id)
+  | Sig_module(id, _, d, _, _) -> (id, d.md_loc, field_desc Field_module id)
+  | Sig_modtype(id, d, _) -> (id, d.mtd_loc, field_desc Field_modtype id)
+  | Sig_class(id, d, _, _) -> (id, d.cty_loc, field_desc Field_class id)
+  | Sig_class_type(id, d, _, _) ->
+      (id, d.clty_loc, field_desc Field_classtype id)
+let is_runtime_component = function
+  | Sig_value(_,{val_kind = Val_prim _}, _)
+  | Sig_type(_,_,_,_)
+  | Sig_module(_,Mp_absent,_,_,_)
+  | Sig_modtype(_,_,_)
+  | Sig_class_type(_,_,_,_) -> false
+  | Sig_value(_,_,_)
+  | Sig_typext(_,_,_,_)
+  | Sig_module(_,Mp_present,_,_,_)
+  | Sig_class(_,_,_,_) -> true
+(* Print a coercion *)
+let rec print_list pr ppf = function
+    [] -> ()
+  | [a] -> pr ppf a
+  | a :: l -> pr ppf a; Format.fprintf ppf ";@ "; print_list pr ppf l
+let print_list pr ppf l =
+  Format.fprintf ppf "[@[%a@]]" (print_list pr) l
+let rec print_coercion ppf c =
+  let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+  match c with
+    Tcoerce_none -> pr "id"
+  | Tcoerce_structure (fl, nl) ->
+      pr "@[<2>struct@ %a@ %a@]"
+        (print_list print_coercion2) fl
+        (print_list print_coercion3) nl
+  | Tcoerce_functor (inp, out) ->
+      pr "@[<2>functor@ (%a)@ (%a)@]"
+        print_coercion inp
+        print_coercion out
+  | Tcoerce_primitive {pc_desc; pc_env = _; pc_type}  ->
+      pr "prim %s@ (%a)" pc_desc.Primitive.prim_name
+        Rawprinttyp.type_expr pc_type
+  | Tcoerce_alias (_, p, c) ->
+      pr "@[<2>alias %a@ (%a)@]"
+        Printtyp.path p
+        print_coercion c
+and print_coercion2 ppf (n, c) =
+  Format.fprintf ppf "@[%d,@ %a@]" n print_coercion c
+and print_coercion3 ppf (i, n, c) =
+  Format.fprintf ppf "@[%s, %d,@ %a@]"
+    (Ident.unique_name i) n print_coercion c
+(* Simplify a structure coercion *)
+let equal_module_paths env p1 subst p2 =
+  Path.same p1 p2
+  || Path.same (Env.normalize_module_path None env p1)
+       (Env.normalize_module_path None env
+          (Subst.module_path subst p2))
+let equal_modtype_paths env p1 subst p2 =
+  Path.same p1 p2
+  || Path.same (Env.normalize_modtype_path env p1)
+       (Env.normalize_modtype_path env
+          (Subst.modtype_path subst p2))
+let simplify_structure_coercion cc id_pos_list =
+  let rec is_identity_coercion pos = function
+  | [] ->
+      true
+  | (n, c) :: rem ->
+      n = pos && c = Tcoerce_none && is_identity_coercion (pos + 1) rem in
+  if is_identity_coercion 0 cc
+  then Tcoerce_none
+  else Tcoerce_structure (cc, id_pos_list)
+let retrieve_functor_params env mty =
+  let rec retrieve_functor_params before env =
+    function
+    | Mty_ident p as res ->
+        begin match expand_modtype_path env p with
+        | Some mty -> retrieve_functor_params before env mty
+        | None -> List.rev before, res
+        end
+    | Mty_alias p as res ->
+        begin match expand_module_alias ~strengthen:false env p with
+        | Ok mty ->  retrieve_functor_params before env mty
+        | Error _ -> List.rev before, res
+        end
+    | Mty_functor (p, res) -> retrieve_functor_params (p :: before) env res
+    | Mty_signature _ as res -> List.rev before, res
+  in
+  retrieve_functor_params [] env mty
+(* Inclusion between module types.
+   Return the restriction that transforms a value of the smaller type
+   into a value of the bigger type. *)
+(* When computing a signature difference, we need to distinguish between
+   recoverable errors at the value level and unrecoverable errors at the type
+   level that require us to stop the computation of the difference due to
+   incoherent types.
+type 'a recoverable_error = { error: 'a; recoverable:bool }
+let mark_error_as_recoverable r =
+  Result.map_error (fun error -> { error; recoverable=true}) r
+let mark_error_as_unrecoverable r =
+  Result.map_error (fun error -> { error; recoverable=false}) r
+module Sign_diff = struct
+  type t = {
+    runtime_coercions: (int * Typedtree.module_coercion) list;
+    shape_map: Shape.Map.t;
+    deep_modifications:bool;
+    errors: (Ident.t * Error.sigitem_symptom) list;
+    leftovers: ((Types.signature_item as 'it) * 'it * int) list
+  }
+  let empty = {
+    runtime_coercions = [];
+    shape_map = Shape.Map.empty;
+    deep_modifications = false;
+    errors = [];
+    leftovers = []
+  }
+  let merge x y =
+    {
+      runtime_coercions = x.runtime_coercions @ y.runtime_coercions;
+      shape_map = y.shape_map;
+      (* the shape map is threaded the map during the difference computation,
+          the last shape map contains all previous elements. *)
+      deep_modifications = x.deep_modifications || y.deep_modifications;
+      errors = x.errors @ y.errors;
+      leftovers = x.leftovers @ y.leftovers
+    }
+(** Core type system subtyping-like relation that we want to lift at the module
+    level. We have two relations that we want to lift:
+  - the normal subtyping relation [<:].
+  - the coarse-grain consistency relation [C], which is defined by
+   [d1 C d2] if there is an environment [E] such that [E |- d1 <: d2]. *)
+type 'a core_incl =
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> direction:Directionality.t -> Subst.t -> Ident.t ->
+  'a -> 'a -> (module_coercion, Error.sigitem_symptom) result
+type core_relation = {
+  value_descriptions: Types.value_description core_incl;
+  type_declarations: Types.type_declaration core_incl;
+  extension_constructors: Types.extension_constructor core_incl;
+  class_declarations: Types.class_declaration core_incl;
+  class_type_declarations: Types.class_type_declaration core_incl;
+let rec modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 shape =
+  match try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 shape with
+  | Ok _ as ok -> ok
+  | Error reason ->
+    let mty2 = Subst.modtype Make_local subst mty2 in
+    Error Error.(diff mty1 mty2 reason)
+and try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape =
+  match mty1, mty2 with
+  | (Mty_alias p1, Mty_alias p2) ->
+      if Env.is_functor_arg p2 env then
+        Error (Error.Invalid_module_alias p2)
+      else if not (equal_module_paths env p1 subst p2) then
+          Error Error.(Mt_core Incompatible_aliases)
+      else Ok (Tcoerce_none, orig_shape)
+  | (Mty_alias p1, _) -> begin
+      match
+        Env.normalize_module_path (Some Location.none) env p1
+      with
+      | exception Env.Error (Env.Missing_module (_, _, path)) ->
+          Error Error.(Mt_core(Unbound_module_path path))
+      | p1 ->
+          begin match expand_module_alias ~strengthen:false env p1 with
+          | Error e -> Error (Error.Mt_core e)
+          | Ok mty1 ->
+              match strengthened_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc ~aliasable:true
+                      env subst mty1 p1 mty2 orig_shape
+              with
+              | Ok _ as x -> x
+              | Error reason -> Error (Error.After_alias_expansion reason)
+          end
+    end
+  | (Mty_ident p1, Mty_ident p2) ->
+      let p1 = Env.normalize_modtype_path env p1 in
+      let p2 = Env.normalize_modtype_path env (Subst.modtype_path subst p2) in
+      if Path.same p1 p2 then Ok (Tcoerce_none, orig_shape)
+      else
+        begin match expand_modtype_path env p1, expand_modtype_path env p2 with
+        | Some mty1, Some mty2 ->
+            try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 orig_shape
+        | None, _  | _, None -> Error (Error.Mt_core Abstract_module_type)
+        end
+  | (Mty_ident p1, _) ->
+      let p1 = Env.normalize_modtype_path env p1 in
+      begin match expand_modtype_path env p1 with
+      | Some p1 ->
+          try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst p1 mty2 orig_shape
+      | None -> Error (Error.Mt_core Abstract_module_type)
+      end
+  | (_, Mty_ident p2) ->
+      let p2 = Env.normalize_modtype_path env (Subst.modtype_path subst p2) in
+      begin match expand_modtype_path env p2 with
+      | Some p2 ->
+          try_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 p2 orig_shape
+      | None ->
+          begin match mty1 with
+          | Mty_functor _ ->
+              let params1 = retrieve_functor_params env mty1 in
+              let d = Error.sdiff params1 ([],mty2) in
+              Error Error.(Functor (Params d))
+          | _ -> Error Error.(Mt_core Not_an_identifier)
+          end
+      end
+  | (Mty_signature sig1, Mty_signature sig2) ->
+      begin match
+        signatures ~core ~direction ~loc env subst sig1 sig2 orig_shape
+      with
+      | Ok _ as ok -> ok
+      | Error e -> Error (Error.Signature e)
+      end
+  | Mty_functor (param1, res1), Mty_functor (param2, res2) ->
+      let cc_arg, env, subst =
+        let direction = Directionality.negate direction in
+        functor_param ~core ~direction ~loc env
+          subst param1 param2
+      in
+      let var, res_shape =
+        match Shape.decompose_abs orig_shape with
+        | Some (var, res_shape) -> var, res_shape
+        | None ->
+            (* Using a fresh variable with a placeholder uid here is fine: users
+               will never try to jump to the definition of that variable. If
+               they try to jump to the parameter from inside the functor, they
+               will use the variable shape that is stored in the local
+               environment. *)
+            let var, shape_var =
+              Shape.fresh_var Uid.internal_not_actually_unique
+            in
+            var, Shape.app orig_shape ~arg:shape_var
+      in
+      let cc_res =
+        modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst res1 res2 res_shape
+      in
+      begin match cc_arg, cc_res with
+      | Ok Tcoerce_none, Ok (Tcoerce_none, final_res_shape) ->
+          let final_shape =
+            if final_res_shape == res_shape
+            then orig_shape
+            else Shape.abs var final_res_shape
+          in
+          Ok (Tcoerce_none, final_shape)
+      | Ok cc_arg, Ok (cc_res, final_res_shape) ->
+          let final_shape =
+            if final_res_shape == res_shape
+            then orig_shape
+            else Shape.abs var final_res_shape
+          in
+          Ok (Tcoerce_functor(cc_arg, cc_res), final_shape)
+      | _, Error {Error.symptom = Error.Functor Error.Params res; _} ->
+          let got_params, got_res = res.got in
+          let expected_params, expected_res = res.expected in
+          let d = Error.sdiff
+              (param1::got_params, got_res)
+              (param2::expected_params, expected_res) in
+          Error Error.(Functor (Params d))
+      | Error _, _ ->
+          let params1, res1 = retrieve_functor_params env res1 in
+          let params2, res2 = retrieve_functor_params env res2 in
+          let d = Error.sdiff (param1::params1, res1) (param2::params2, res2) in
+          Error Error.(Functor (Params d))
+      | Ok _, Error res ->
+          Error Error.(Functor (Result res))
+      end
+  | Mty_functor _, _
+  | _, Mty_functor _ ->
+      let params1 = retrieve_functor_params env mty1 in
+      let params2 = retrieve_functor_params env mty2 in
+      let d = Error.sdiff params1 params2 in
+      Error Error.(Functor (Params d))
+  | _, Mty_alias _ ->
+      Error (Error.Mt_core Error.Not_an_alias)
+(* Functor parameters *)
+and functor_param ~core ~direction ~loc env subst param1 param2 =
+  match param1, param2 with
+  | Unit, Unit ->
+      Ok Tcoerce_none, env, subst
+  | Named (name1, arg1), Named (name2, arg2) ->
+      let arg2' = Subst.modtype Keep subst arg2 in
+      let cc_arg =
+        match
+          modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity arg2' arg1
+                Shape.dummy_mod
+        with
+        | Ok (cc, _) -> Ok cc
+        | Error err -> Error (Error.Mismatch err)
+      in
+      let env, subst = equate_one_functor_param subst env arg2' name1 name2 in
+      cc_arg, env, subst
+  | _, _ ->
+      Error (Error.Incompatible_params (param1, param2)), env, subst
+and equate_one_functor_param subst env arg2' name1 name2  =
+  match name1, name2 with
+  | Some id1, Some id2 ->
+  (* two matching abstract parameters: we add one identifier to the
+     environment and record the equality between the two identifiers
+     in the substitution *)
+      Env.add_module id1 Mp_present arg2' env,
+      Subst.add_module id2 (Path.Pident id1) subst
+  | None, Some id2 ->
+      let id1 = Ident.rename id2 in
+      Env.add_module id1 Mp_present arg2' env,
+      Subst.add_module id2 (Path.Pident id1) subst
+  | Some id1, None ->
+      Env.add_module id1 Mp_present arg2' env, subst
+  | None, None ->
+      env, subst
+and strengthened_modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc ~aliasable env
+    subst mty1 path1 mty2 shape =
+  match mty1, mty2 with
+  | Mty_ident p1, Mty_ident p2 when equal_modtype_paths env p1 subst p2 ->
+      Ok (Tcoerce_none, shape)
+  | _, _ ->
+      let mty1 = Mtype.strengthen ~aliasable env mty1 path1 in
+      modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst mty1 mty2 shape
+and strengthened_module_decl ~core ~loc ~aliasable ~direction env
+    subst md1 path1 md2 shape =
+  match md1.md_type, md2.md_type with
+  | Mty_ident p1, Mty_ident p2 when equal_modtype_paths env p1 subst p2 ->
+      Ok (Tcoerce_none, shape)
+  | _, _ ->
+      let md1 = Mtype.strengthen_decl ~aliasable env md1 path1 in
+      modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env subst md1.md_type md2.md_type shape
+(* Inclusion between signatures *)
+and signatures ~core ~direction ~loc env subst sig1 sig2 mod_shape =
+  (* Environment used to check inclusion of components *)
+  let new_env =
+    Env.add_signature sig1 (Env.in_signature true env) in
+  (* Keep ids for module aliases *)
+  let (id_pos_list,_) =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun (l,pos) -> function
+          Sig_module (id, Mp_present, _, _, _) ->
+            ((id,pos,Tcoerce_none)::l , pos+1)
+        | item -> (l, if is_runtime_component item then pos+1 else pos))
+      ([], 0) sig1 in
+  (* Build a table of the components of sig1, along with their positions.
+     The table is indexed by kind and name of component *)
+  let rec build_component_table nb_exported pos tbl = function
+      [] -> nb_exported, pos, tbl
+    | item :: rem ->
+        let pos, nextpos =
+          if is_runtime_component item then pos, pos + 1
+          else -1, pos
+        in
+        match item_visibility item with
+        | Hidden ->
+            (* do not pair private items. *)
+            build_component_table nb_exported nextpos tbl rem
+        | Exported ->
+            let (id, _loc, name) = item_ident_name item in
+            build_component_table (nb_exported + 1) nextpos
+              (FieldMap.add name (id, item, pos) tbl) rem
+  in
+  let exported_len1, runtime_len1, comps1 =
+    build_component_table 0 0 FieldMap.empty sig1
+  in
+  let exported_len2, runtime_len2 =
+    List.fold_left (fun (el, rl) i ->
+      let el = match item_visibility i with Hidden -> el | Exported -> el + 1 in
+      let rl = if is_runtime_component i then rl + 1 else rl in
+      el, rl
+    ) (0, 0) sig2
+  in
+  (* Pair each component of sig2 with a component of sig1,
+     identifying the names along the way.
+     Return a coercion list indicating, for all run-time components
+     of sig2, the position of the matching run-time components of sig1
+     and the coercion to be applied to it. *)
+  let rec pair_components ~core subst paired unpaired = function
+      [] ->
+        let open Sign_diff in
+        let d =
+          signature_components ~core ~direction ~loc env new_env subst
+            mod_shape Shape.Map.empty
+            (List.rev paired)
+        in
+        begin match unpaired, d.errors, d.runtime_coercions, d.leftovers with
+            | [], [], cc, [] ->
+                let shape =
+                  if not d.deep_modifications && exported_len1 = exported_len2
+                  then mod_shape
+                  else Shape.str ?uid:mod_shape.Shape.uid d.shape_map
+                in
+                if runtime_len1 = runtime_len2 then (* see PR#5098 *)
+                  Ok (simplify_structure_coercion cc id_pos_list, shape)
+                else
+                  Ok (Tcoerce_structure (cc, id_pos_list), shape)
+            | missings, incompatibles, runtime_coercions, leftovers ->
+                Error {
+                  Error.env=new_env;
+                  missings;
+                  incompatibles;
+                  oks=runtime_coercions;
+                  leftovers;
+                }
+        end
+    | item2 :: rem ->
+        let (id2, _loc, name2) = item_ident_name item2 in
+        let name2, report =
+          match item2, name2 with
+            Sig_type (_, {type_manifest=None}, _, _), {name=s; kind=Field_type}
+            when Btype.is_row_name s ->
+              (* Do not report in case of failure,
+                 as the main type will generate an error *)
+              { kind=Field_type; name=String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 4) },
+              false
+          | _ -> name2, true
+        in
+        begin match FieldMap.find name2 comps1 with
+        | (id1, item1, pos1) ->
+          let new_subst =
+            match item2 with
+              Sig_type _ ->
+                Subst.add_type id2 (Path.Pident id1) subst
+            | Sig_module _ ->
+                Subst.add_module id2 (Path.Pident id1) subst
+            | Sig_modtype _ ->
+                Subst.add_modtype id2 (Path.Pident id1) subst
+            | Sig_value _ | Sig_typext _
+            | Sig_class _ | Sig_class_type _ ->
+                subst
+          in
+          pair_components ~core new_subst
+            ((item1, item2, pos1) :: paired) unpaired rem
+        | exception Not_found ->
+          let unpaired =
+            if report then
+              item2 :: unpaired
+            else unpaired in
+          pair_components ~core subst paired unpaired rem
+        end in
+  (* Do the pairing and checking, and return the final coercion *)
+  pair_components ~core subst [] [] sig2
+(* Inclusion between signature components *)
+and signature_components ~core ~direction ~loc old_env env subst
+    orig_shape shape_map paired =
+  match paired with
+  | [] -> Sign_diff.{ empty with shape_map }
+  | (sigi1, sigi2, pos) :: rem ->
+      let shape_modified = ref false in
+      let id, item, paired_uids, shape_map, present_at_runtime =
+        match sigi1, sigi2 with
+        | Sig_value(id1, valdecl1, _) ,Sig_value(_id2, valdecl2, _) ->
+            let item =
+              core.value_descriptions ~loc ~direction env subst id1
+                valdecl1 valdecl2
+            in
+            let item = mark_error_as_recoverable item in
+            let present_at_runtime = match valdecl2.val_kind with
+              | Val_prim _ -> false
+              | _ -> true
+            in
+            let shape_map = Shape.Map.add_value_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape in
+            let paired_uids = (valdecl1.val_uid, valdecl2.val_uid) in
+            id1, item, paired_uids, shape_map, present_at_runtime
+        | Sig_type(id1, tydec1, _, _), Sig_type(_id2, tydec2, _, _) ->
+            let item =
+              core.type_declarations ~loc ~direction env subst id1 tydec1 tydec2
+            in
+            let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
+            (* Right now we don't filter hidden constructors / labels from the
+            shape. *)
+            let shape_map = Shape.Map.add_type_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape in
+            id1, item, (tydec1.type_uid, tydec2.type_uid), shape_map, false
+        | Sig_typext(id1, ext1, _, _), Sig_typext(_id2, ext2, _, _) ->
+            let item =
+              core.extension_constructors ~loc ~direction env subst id1
+                ext1 ext2
+            in
+            let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
+            let shape_map =
+              Shape.Map.add_extcons_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape
+            in
+            id1, item, (ext1.ext_uid, ext2.ext_uid), shape_map, true
+        | Sig_module(id1, pres1, mty1, _, _), Sig_module(_, pres2, mty2, _, _)
+          -> begin
+              let orig_shape =
+                Shape.(proj orig_shape (Item.module_ id1))
+              in
+              let item =
+                module_declarations ~core ~direction ~loc env subst id1
+                  mty1 mty2 orig_shape
+              in
+              let item, shape_map =
+                match item with
+                | Ok (cc, shape) ->
+                    if shape != orig_shape then shape_modified := true;
+                    let mod_shape = Shape.set_uid_if_none shape mty1.md_uid in
+                    Ok cc, Shape.Map.add_module shape_map id1 mod_shape
+                | Error diff ->
+                    Error (Error.Module_type diff),
+                    (* We add the original shape to the map, even though
+                       there is a type error.
+                       It could still be useful for merlin. *)
+                    Shape.Map.add_module shape_map id1 orig_shape
+              in
+              let present_at_runtime, item =
+                match pres1, pres2, mty1.md_type with
+                | Mp_present, Mp_present, _ -> true, item
+                | _, Mp_absent, _ -> false, item
+                | Mp_absent, Mp_present, Mty_alias p1 ->
+                    true, Result.map (fun i -> Tcoerce_alias (env, p1, i)) item
+                | Mp_absent, Mp_present, _ -> assert false
+              in
+              let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
+              let paired_uids = (mty1.md_uid, mty2.md_uid) in
+              id1, item, paired_uids, shape_map, present_at_runtime
+            end
+        | Sig_modtype(id1, info1, _), Sig_modtype(_id2, info2, _) ->
+            let item =
+              modtype_infos ~core ~direction ~loc env  subst id1 info1 info2
+            in
+            let shape_map =
+              Shape.Map.add_module_type_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape
+            in
+            let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
+            id1, item, (info1.mtd_uid, info2.mtd_uid), shape_map, false
+        | Sig_class(id1, decl1, _, _), Sig_class(_id2, decl2, _, _) ->
+            let item =
+              core.class_declarations ~loc ~direction env subst id1 decl1 decl2
+            in
+            let shape_map =
+              Shape.Map.add_class_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape
+            in
+            let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
+            id1, item, (decl1.cty_uid, decl2.cty_uid), shape_map, true
+        | Sig_class_type(id1, info1, _, _), Sig_class_type(_id2, info2, _, _) ->
+            let item =
+              core.class_type_declarations ~loc ~direction env subst id1
+                info1 info2
+            in
+            let item = mark_error_as_unrecoverable item in
+            let shape_map =
+              Shape.Map.add_class_type_proj shape_map id1 orig_shape
+            in
+            id1, item, (info1.clty_uid, info2.clty_uid), shape_map, false
+        | _ ->
+            assert false
+      in
+      let deep_modifications = !shape_modified in
+      let first =
+        match item with
+        | Ok x ->
+            begin match direction with
+            | { Directionality.in_eq = true; pos = Negative }
+            | { Directionality.mark_as_used = Mark_neither; _ } ->
+              (* We do not store paired uids when checking for reverse
+                module-type inclusion as it would introduce duplicates. *)
+                ()
+            | { Directionality.pos; _} ->
+              let paired_uids =
+                let elt1, elt2 = paired_uids in
+                match pos with
+                | Negative ->
+                    (Cmt_format.Declaration_to_declaration, elt2, elt1)
+                | Positive ->
+                    (Cmt_format.Declaration_to_declaration, elt1, elt2)
+                | Strictly_positive ->
+                    (Cmt_format. Definition_to_declaration, elt1, elt2)
+              in
+              Cmt_format.record_declaration_dependency paired_uids
+            end;
+            let runtime_coercions =
+              if present_at_runtime then [pos,x] else []
+            in
+            Sign_diff.{ empty with deep_modifications; runtime_coercions }
+        | Error { error; recoverable=_ } ->
+            Sign_diff.{ empty with errors=[id,error]; deep_modifications }
+      in
+      let continue = match item with
+        | Ok _ -> true
+        | Error x -> x.recoverable
+      in
+      let rest =
+        if continue then
+          signature_components ~core ~direction ~loc old_env env subst
+            orig_shape shape_map rem
+        else Sign_diff.{ empty with leftovers=rem }
+       in
+       Sign_diff.merge first rest
+and module_declarations ~direction ~loc env  subst id1 md1 md2 orig_shape =
+  Builtin_attributes.check_alerts_inclusion
+    ~def:md1.md_loc
+    ~use:md2.md_loc
+    loc
+    md1.md_attributes md2.md_attributes
+    (Ident.name id1);
+  let p1 = Path.Pident id1 in
+  if Directionality.mark_as_used direction then
+    Env.mark_module_used md1.md_uid;
+  strengthened_modtypes ~direction ~loc ~aliasable:true env subst
+    md1.md_type p1 md2.md_type orig_shape
+(* Inclusion between module type specifications *)
+and modtype_infos ~core ~direction ~loc env subst id info1 info2 =
+  Builtin_attributes.check_alerts_inclusion
+    ~def:info1.mtd_loc
+    ~use:info2.mtd_loc
+    loc
+    info1.mtd_attributes info2.mtd_attributes
+    (Ident.name id);
+  let info2 = Subst.modtype_declaration Keep subst info2 in
+  let r =
+    match (info1.mtd_type, info2.mtd_type) with
+      (None, None) -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | (Some _, None) -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | (Some mty1, Some mty2) ->
+        check_modtype_equiv ~core ~direction ~loc env mty1 mty2
+    | (None, Some mty2) ->
+        let mty1 = Mty_ident(Path.Pident id) in
+        check_modtype_equiv ~core ~direction ~loc env mty1 mty2 in
+  match r with
+  | Ok _ as ok -> ok
+  | Error e -> Error Error.(Module_type_declaration (diff info1 info2 e))
+and check_modtype_equiv ~core ~direction ~loc env mty1 mty2 =
+  let nested_eq = direction.Directionality.in_eq in
+  let direction = Directionality.enter_eq direction in
+  let c1 =
+    modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity mty1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
+  in
+  let c2 =
+    (* For nested module type paths, we check only one side of the equivalence:
+       the outer module type is the one responsible for checking the other side
+       of the equivalence.
+     *)
+    if nested_eq then None
+    else
+      let direction = Directionality.negate direction in
+      Some (
+        modtypes ~core ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
+          mty2 mty1 Shape.dummy_mod
+      )
+  in
+  match c1, c2 with
+  | Ok (Tcoerce_none, _), (Some Ok (Tcoerce_none, _)|None) -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+  | Ok (c1, _), (Some Ok _ | None) ->
+      (* Format.eprintf "@[c1 = %a@ c2 = %a@]@."
+           print_coercion _c1 print_coercion _c2; *)
+      Error Error.(Illegal_permutation c1)
+  | Ok _, Some Error e -> Error Error.(Not_greater_than e)
+  | Error e, (Some Ok _ | None) -> Error Error.(Not_less_than e)
+  | Error less_than, Some Error greater_than ->
+      Error Error.(Incomparable {less_than; greater_than})
+(* Simplified inclusion check between module types (for Env) *)
+let can_alias env path =
+  let rec no_apply = function
+    | Path.Pident _ -> true
+    | Path.Pdot(p, _) | Path.Pextra_ty (p, _) -> no_apply p
+    | Path.Papply _ -> false
+  in
+  no_apply path && not (Env.is_functor_arg path env)
+let core_inclusion = Core_inclusion.{
+  type_declarations;
+  value_descriptions;
+  extension_constructors;
+  class_type_declarations;
+  class_declarations;
+let core_consistency =
+  let type_declarations ~loc:_ env ~direction:_ _ _ d1 d2 =
+    match Includecore.type_declarations_consistency env d1 d2 with
+    | None -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+    | Some err ->  Error Error.(Core(Type_declarations (diff d1 d2 err)))
+  in
+  let value_descriptions ~loc:_ env ~direction:_ _ _ vd1 vd2 =
+    match Includecore.value_descriptions_consistency env vd1 vd2 with
+    | x -> Ok x
+    | exception Includecore.Dont_match err ->
+        Error Error.(Core (Value_descriptions (diff vd1 vd2 err)))
+  in
+  let accept ~loc:_ _env ~direction:_ _subst _id _d1 _d2 = Ok Tcoerce_none in
+  {
+    type_declarations;
+    value_descriptions;
+    class_declarations=accept;
+    class_type_declarations=accept;
+    extension_constructors=accept;
+  }
+type explanation = Env.t * Error.all
+exception Error of explanation
+type application_name =
+  | Anonymous_functor
+  | Full_application_path of Longident.t
+  | Named_leftmost_functor of Longident.t
+exception Apply_error of {
+    loc : Location.t ;
+    env : Env.t ;
+    app_name : application_name ;
+    mty_f : module_type ;
+    args : (Error.functor_arg_descr * module_type) list ;
+  }
+let check_modtype_inclusion_raw ~loc env mty1 path1 mty2 =
+  let aliasable = can_alias env path1 in
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark:true in
+  strengthened_modtypes ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc ~aliasable env
+    Subst.identity mty1 path1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
+  |> Result.map fst
+let check_modtype_inclusion ~loc env mty1 path1 mty2 =
+  match check_modtype_inclusion_raw ~loc env mty1 path1 mty2 with
+  | Ok _ -> None
+  | Error e -> Some (env, Error.In_Module_type e)
+let check_functor_application_in_path
+    ~errors ~loc ~lid_whole_app ~f0_path ~args
+    ~arg_path ~arg_mty ~param_mty env =
+  match check_modtype_inclusion_raw ~loc env arg_mty arg_path param_mty with
+  | Ok _ -> ()
+  | Error _errs ->
+      if errors then
+        let prepare_arg (arg_path, arg_mty) =
+          let aliasable = can_alias env arg_path in
+          let smd = Mtype.strengthen ~aliasable env arg_mty arg_path in
+          (Error.Named arg_path, smd)
+        in
+        let mty_f = (Env.find_module f0_path env).md_type in
+        let args = List.map prepare_arg args in
+        let app_name = Full_application_path lid_whole_app in
+        raise (Apply_error {loc; env; app_name; mty_f; args})
+      else
+        raise Not_found
+let () =
+  Env.check_functor_application := check_functor_application_in_path
+(* Check that an implementation of a compilation unit meets its
+   interface. *)
+let compunit env ~mark impl_name impl_sig intf_name intf_sig unit_shape =
+  let loc = Location.in_file impl_name in
+  let direction = Directionality.strictly_positive ~mark in
+  match
+    signatures ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
+      impl_sig intf_sig unit_shape
+  with Result.Error reasons ->
+    let cdiff =
+      Error.In_Compilation_unit(Error.diff impl_name intf_name reasons) in
+    raise(Error(env, cdiff))
+  | Ok x -> x
+(* Functor diffing computation:
+   The diffing computation uses the internal typing function
+ *)
+module Functor_inclusion_diff = struct
+  module Defs = struct
+    type left = Types.functor_parameter
+    type right = left
+    type eq = Typedtree.module_coercion
+    type diff = (Types.functor_parameter, unit) Error.functor_param_symptom
+    type state = {
+      res: module_type option;
+      env: Env.t;
+      subst: Subst.t;
+    }
+  end
+  open Defs
+  module Diff = Diffing.Define(Defs)
+  let param_name = function
+      | Named(x,_) -> x
+      | Unit -> None
+  let weight: Diff.change -> _ = function
+    | Insert _ -> 10
+    | Delete _ -> 10
+    | Change _ -> 10
+    | Keep (param1, param2, _) -> begin
+        match param_name param1, param_name param2 with
+        | None, None
+          -> 0
+        | Some n1, Some n2
+          when String.equal (Ident.name n1) (Ident.name n2)
+          -> 0
+        | Some _, Some _ -> 1
+        | Some _,  None | None, Some _ -> 1
+      end
+  let keep_expansible_param = function
+    | Mty_ident _ | Mty_alias _ as mty -> Some mty
+    | Mty_signature _ | Mty_functor _ -> None
+  let lookup_expansion { env ; res ; _ } = match res with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some res ->
+        match retrieve_functor_params env res with
+        | [], _ -> None
+        | params, res ->
+            let more = Array.of_list params  in
+            Some (keep_expansible_param res, more)
+  let expand_params state  =
+    match lookup_expansion state with
+    | None -> state, [||]
+    | Some (res, expansion) -> { state with res }, expansion
+  (* Whenever we have a named parameter that doesn't match it anonymous
+     counterpart, we add it to the typing environment because it may
+     contain useful abbreviations, but without adding any equations  *)
+  let bind id arg state =
+    let arg' = Subst.modtype Keep state.subst arg in
+    let env = Env.add_module id Mp_present arg' state.env in
+    { state with env }
+  let rec update (d:Diff.change) st =
+    match d with
+    | Insert (Unit | Named (None,_))
+    | Delete (Unit | Named (None,_))
+    | Keep (Unit,_,_)
+    | Keep (_,Unit,_) ->
+        (* No named abstract parameters: we keep the same environment *)
+        st, [||]
+    | Insert (Named (Some id, arg)) | Delete (Named (Some id, arg)) ->
+        (* one named parameter to bind *)
+        st |> bind id arg |> expand_params
+    | Change (delete, insert, _) ->
+        (* Change should be delete + insert: we add both abstract parameters
+           to the environment without equating them. *)
+        let st, _expansion = update (Diffing.Delete delete) st in
+        update (Diffing.Insert insert) st
+    | Keep (Named (name1, _), Named (name2, arg2), _) ->
+        let arg = Subst.modtype Keep st.subst arg2 in
+        let env, subst =
+          equate_one_functor_param st.subst st.env arg name1 name2
+        in
+        expand_params { st with env; subst }
+  let diff env (l1,res1) (l2,_) =
+    let module Compute = Diff.Left_variadic(struct
+        let test st mty1 mty2 =
+          let loc = Location.none in
+          let res, _, _ =
+            let direction=Directionality.unknown ~mark:false in
+            functor_param ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc st.env
+              st.subst mty1 mty2
+          in
+          res
+        let update = update
+        let weight = weight
+      end)
+    in
+    let param1 = Array.of_list l1 in
+    let param2 = Array.of_list l2 in
+    let state =
+      { env; subst = Subst.identity; res = keep_expansible_param res1}
+    in
+    Compute.diff state param1 param2
+module Functor_app_diff = struct
+  module I = Functor_inclusion_diff
+  module Defs= struct
+    type left = Error.functor_arg_descr * Types.module_type
+    type right = Types.functor_parameter
+    type eq = Typedtree.module_coercion
+    type diff = (Error.functor_arg_descr, unit) Error.functor_param_symptom
+    type state = I.Defs.state
+  end
+  module Diff = Diffing.Define(Defs)
+  let weight: Diff.change -> _ = function
+    | Insert _ -> 10
+    | Delete _ -> 10
+    | Change _ -> 10
+    | Keep (param1, param2, _) ->
+        (* We assign a small penalty to named arguments with
+           non-matching names *)
+        begin
+          let desc1 : Error.functor_arg_descr = fst param1 in
+          match desc1, I.param_name param2 with
+          | (Unit | Empty_struct | Anonymous) , None
+            -> 0
+          | Named (Path.Pident n1), Some n2
+            when String.equal (Ident.name n1) (Ident.name n2)
+            -> 0
+          | Named _, Some _ -> 1
+          | Named _,  None | (Unit | Empty_struct | Anonymous), Some _ -> 1
+        end
+  let update (d: Diff.change) (st:Defs.state) =
+    let open Error in
+    match d with
+    | Insert (Unit|Named(None,_))
+    | Delete _ (* delete is a concrete argument, not an abstract parameter*)
+    | Keep ((Unit,_),_,_) (* Keep(Unit,_) implies Keep(Unit,Unit) *)
+    | Keep (_,(Unit|Named(None,_)),_)
+    | Change (_,(Unit|Named (None,_)), _ ) ->
+        (* no abstract parameters to add, nor any equations *)
+        st, [||]
+    | Insert(Named(Some param, param_ty))
+    | Change(_, Named(Some param, param_ty), _ ) ->
+        (* Change is Delete + Insert: we add the Inserted parameter to the
+           environment to track equalities with external components that the
+           parameter might add. *)
+        let mty = Subst.modtype Keep st.subst param_ty in
+        let env = Env.add_module ~arg:true param Mp_present mty st.env in
+        I.expand_params { st with env }
+    | Keep ((Named arg,  _mty) , Named (Some param, _param), _) ->
+        let res =
+          Option.map (fun res ->
+              let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+              let subst = Subst.add_module param arg Subst.identity in
+              Subst.modtype (Rescope scope) subst res
+            )
+            st.res
+        in
+        let subst = Subst.add_module param arg st.subst in
+        I.expand_params { st with subst; res }
+    | Keep (((Anonymous|Empty_struct), mty),
+            Named (Some param, _param), _) ->
+        let mty' = Subst.modtype Keep st.subst mty in
+        let env = Env.add_module ~arg:true param Mp_present mty' st.env in
+        let res = Option.map (Mtype.nondep_supertype env [param]) st.res in
+        I.expand_params { st with env; res}
+  let diff env ~f ~args =
+    let params, res = retrieve_functor_params env f in
+    let module Compute = Diff.Right_variadic(struct
+        let update = update
+        let test (state:Defs.state) (arg,arg_mty) param =
+          let loc = Location.none in
+          let res = match (arg:Error.functor_arg_descr), param with
+            | (Unit|Empty_struct), Unit -> Ok Tcoerce_none
+            | Unit, Named _ | (Anonymous | Named _), Unit ->
+                Result.Error (Error.Incompatible_params(arg,param))
+            | ( Anonymous | Named _ | Empty_struct ), Named (_, param) ->
+               let direction=Directionality.unknown ~mark:false in
+                match
+                  modtypes
+                    ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc
+                    state.env state.subst arg_mty param
+                    Shape.dummy_mod
+                with
+                | Error mty -> Result.Error (Error.Mismatch mty)
+                | Ok (cc, _) -> Ok cc
+          in
+          res
+        let weight = weight
+      end)
+    in
+    let args = Array.of_list args in
+    let params = Array.of_list params in
+    let state : Defs.state =
+      { env; subst = Subst.identity; res = I.keep_expansible_param res }
+    in
+    Compute.diff state args params
+(* Hide the context and substitution parameters to the outside world *)
+let modtypes_with_shape ~shape ~loc env ~mark mty1 mty2 =
+  (* modtypes with shape is used when typing module expressions in [Typemod] *)
+  let direction = Directionality.strictly_positive ~mark in
+  match
+    modtypes ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
+      mty1 mty2 shape
+  with
+  | Ok (cc, shape) -> cc, shape
+  | Error reason -> raise (Error (env, Error.(In_Module_type reason)))
+let modtypes_consistency ~loc env mty1 mty2 =
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark:false in
+  match
+    modtypes ~core:core_consistency ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
+      mty1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
+  with
+  | Ok _ -> ()
+  | Error reason -> raise (Error (env, Error.(In_Module_type reason)))
+let modtypes ~loc env ~mark mty1 mty2 =
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark in
+  match
+    modtypes ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc env Subst.identity
+      mty1 mty2 Shape.dummy_mod
+  with
+  | Ok (cc, _) -> cc
+  | Error reason -> raise (Error (env, Error.(In_Module_type reason)))
+let gen_signatures env ~direction sig1 sig2 =
+  match
+    signatures
+      ~core:core_inclusion ~direction ~loc:Location.none env
+      Subst.identity sig1 sig2 Shape.dummy_mod
+  with
+  | Ok (cc, _) -> cc
+  | Error reason -> raise (Error(env,Error.(In_Signature reason)))
+let signatures env ~mark sig1 sig2 =
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark in
+  gen_signatures env ~direction sig1 sig2
+let check_implementation env impl intf =
+  let direction = Directionality.strictly_positive ~mark:true in
+  ignore (gen_signatures env ~direction impl intf)
+let type_declarations ~loc env ~mark id decl1 decl2 =
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark in
+  match Core_inclusion.type_declarations ~loc env ~direction
+          Subst.identity id decl1 decl2
+  with
+  | Ok _ -> ()
+  | Error (Error.Core reason) ->
+      raise (Error(env,Error.(In_Type_declaration(id,reason))))
+  | Error _ -> assert false
+let strengthened_module_decl ~loc ~aliasable env ~mark md1 path1 md2 =
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark in
+  match strengthened_module_decl ~core:core_inclusion ~loc ~aliasable ~direction
+          env Subst.identity md1 path1 md2 Shape.dummy_mod with
+  | Ok (x, _shape) -> x
+  | Error mdiff ->
+      raise (Error(env,Error.(In_Module_type mdiff)))
+let expand_module_alias ~strengthen env path =
+  match expand_module_alias ~strengthen env path with
+  | Ok x -> x
+  | Result.Error _ ->
+      raise (Error(env,In_Expansion(Error.Unbound_module_path path)))
+let check_modtype_equiv ~loc env id mty1 mty2 =
+  let direction = Directionality.unknown ~mark:true in
+  match
+    check_modtype_equiv ~core:core_inclusion ~loc ~direction env mty1 mty2
+  with
+  | Ok _ -> ()
+  | Error e ->
+      raise (Error(env,
+                   Error.(In_Module_type_substitution (id,diff mty1 mty2 e)))
+            )
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa749601ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Inclusion checks for the module language *)
+open Typedtree
+open Types
+module Error: sig
+  type ('elt,'explanation) diff = {
+    got:'elt;
+    expected:'elt;
+    symptom:'explanation
+  }
+  type 'elt core_diff =('elt,unit) diff
+  type functor_arg_descr =
+    | Anonymous
+    | Named of Path.t
+    | Unit
+    | Empty_struct
+     (** For backward compatibility's sake, an empty struct can be implicitly
+         converted to an unit module. *)
+  type core_sigitem_symptom =
+    | Value_descriptions of
+        (Types.value_description, Includecore.value_mismatch) diff
+    | Type_declarations of
+        (Types.type_declaration, Includecore.type_mismatch) diff
+    | Extension_constructors of
+        (Types.extension_constructor,
+         Includecore.extension_constructor_mismatch) diff
+    | Class_type_declarations of
+        (Types.class_type_declaration, Ctype.class_match_failure list) diff
+    | Class_declarations of
+        (Types.class_declaration, Ctype.class_match_failure list) diff
+  type core_module_type_symptom =
+    | Not_an_alias
+    | Not_an_identifier
+    | Incompatible_aliases
+    | Abstract_module_type
+    | Unbound_module_path of Path.t
+  type module_type_symptom =
+    | Mt_core of core_module_type_symptom
+    | Signature of signature_symptom
+    | Functor of functor_symptom
+    | Invalid_module_alias of Path.t
+    | After_alias_expansion of module_type_diff
+  and module_type_diff = (Types.module_type, module_type_symptom) diff
+  and functor_symptom =
+    | Params of functor_params_diff
+    | Result of module_type_diff
+  and ('arg,'path) functor_param_symptom =
+    | Incompatible_params of 'arg * Types.functor_parameter
+    | Mismatch of module_type_diff
+  and arg_functor_param_symptom =
+    (Types.functor_parameter, Ident.t) functor_param_symptom
+  and functor_params_diff =
+    (Types.functor_parameter list * Types.module_type) core_diff
+  and signature_symptom = {
+    env: Env.t;
+    missings: Types.signature_item list;
+    incompatibles: (Ident.t * sigitem_symptom) list;
+    oks: (int * Typedtree.module_coercion) list;
+    leftovers: ((Types.signature_item as 'it) * 'it * int) list
+    (** signature items that could not be compared due to type divergence *)
+  }
+  and sigitem_symptom =
+    | Core of core_sigitem_symptom
+    | Module_type_declaration of
+        (Types.modtype_declaration, module_type_declaration_symptom) diff
+    | Module_type of module_type_diff
+  and module_type_declaration_symptom =
+    | Illegal_permutation of Typedtree.module_coercion
+    | Not_greater_than of module_type_diff
+    | Not_less_than of module_type_diff
+    | Incomparable of
+        {less_than:module_type_diff; greater_than: module_type_diff}
+  type all =
+    | In_Compilation_unit of (string, signature_symptom) diff
+    | In_Signature of signature_symptom
+    | In_Module_type of module_type_diff
+    | In_Module_type_substitution of
+        Ident.t * (Types.module_type,module_type_declaration_symptom) diff
+    | In_Type_declaration of Ident.t * core_sigitem_symptom
+    | In_Expansion of core_module_type_symptom
+type explanation = Env.t * Error.all
+(* Extract name, kind and ident from a signature item *)
+type field_kind =
+  | Field_value
+  | Field_type
+  | Field_exception
+  | Field_typext
+  | Field_module
+  | Field_modtype
+  | Field_class
+  | Field_classtype
+type field_desc = { name: string; kind: field_kind }
+val kind_of_field_desc: field_desc -> string
+val field_desc: field_kind -> Ident.t -> field_desc
+(** Map indexed by both field types and names.
+    This avoids name clashes between different sorts of fields
+    such as values and types. *)
+module FieldMap: Map.S with type key = field_desc
+val item_ident_name: Types.signature_item -> Ident.t * Location.t * field_desc
+val is_runtime_component: Types.signature_item -> bool
+(* Typechecking *)
+val modtypes:
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool ->
+  module_type -> module_type -> module_coercion
+val modtypes_consistency:
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> module_type -> module_type -> unit
+val modtypes_with_shape:
+  shape:Shape.t -> loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool ->
+  module_type -> module_type -> module_coercion * Shape.t
+val strengthened_module_decl:
+  loc:Location.t -> aliasable:bool -> Env.t -> mark:bool ->
+  module_declaration -> Path.t -> module_declaration -> module_coercion
+val check_modtype_inclusion :
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> Types.module_type -> Path.t -> Types.module_type ->
+  explanation option
+(** [check_modtype_inclusion ~loc env mty1 path1 mty2] checks that the
+    functor application F(M) is well typed, where mty2 is the type of
+    the argument of F and path1/mty1 is the path/unstrenghened type of M. *)
+val check_modtype_equiv:
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> Ident.t -> module_type -> module_type -> unit
+val signatures: Env.t -> mark:bool -> signature -> signature -> module_coercion
+(** Check an implementation against an interface *)
+val check_implementation: Env.t -> signature -> signature -> unit
+val compunit:
+      Env.t -> mark:bool -> string -> signature ->
+      string -> signature -> Shape.t -> module_coercion * Shape.t
+val type_declarations:
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> mark:bool ->
+  Ident.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration -> unit
+val print_coercion: Format.formatter -> module_coercion -> unit
+type symptom =
+    Missing_field of Ident.t * Location.t * string (* kind *)
+  | Value_descriptions of
+      Ident.t * value_description * value_description
+      * Includecore.value_mismatch
+  | Type_declarations of Ident.t * type_declaration
+        * type_declaration * Includecore.type_mismatch
+  | Extension_constructors of Ident.t * extension_constructor
+        * extension_constructor * Includecore.extension_constructor_mismatch
+  | Module_types of module_type * module_type
+  | Modtype_infos of Ident.t * modtype_declaration * modtype_declaration
+  | Modtype_permutation of Types.module_type * Typedtree.module_coercion
+  | Interface_mismatch of string * string
+  | Class_type_declarations of
+      Ident.t * class_type_declaration * class_type_declaration *
+      Ctype.class_match_failure list
+  | Class_declarations of
+      Ident.t * class_declaration * class_declaration *
+      Ctype.class_match_failure list
+  | Unbound_module_path of Path.t
+  | Invalid_module_alias of Path.t
+type pos =
+  | Module of Ident.t
+  | Modtype of Ident.t
+  | Arg of functor_parameter
+  | Body of functor_parameter
+exception Error of explanation
+type application_name =
+  | Anonymous_functor (** [(functor (_:sig end) -> struct end)(Int)] *)
+  | Full_application_path of Longident.t (** [F(G(X).P)(Y)] *)
+  | Named_leftmost_functor of Longident.t (** [F(struct end)...(...)] *)
+exception Apply_error of {
+    loc : Location.t ;
+    env : Env.t ;
+    app_name : application_name ;
+    mty_f : module_type ;
+    args : (Error.functor_arg_descr * Types.module_type)  list ;
+  }
+val expand_module_alias: strengthen:bool -> Env.t -> Path.t -> Types.module_type
+module Functor_inclusion_diff: sig
+  module Defs: sig
+    type left = Types.functor_parameter
+    type right = left
+    type eq = Typedtree.module_coercion
+    type diff = (Types.functor_parameter, unit) Error.functor_param_symptom
+    type state
+  end
+  val diff: Env.t ->
+    Types.functor_parameter list * Types.module_type ->
+    Types.functor_parameter list * Types.module_type ->
+    Diffing.Define(Defs).patch
+module Functor_app_diff: sig
+  module Defs: sig
+    type left = Error.functor_arg_descr * Types.module_type
+    type right = Types.functor_parameter
+    type eq = Typedtree.module_coercion
+    type diff = (Error.functor_arg_descr, unit) Error.functor_param_symptom
+    type state
+  end
+  val diff:
+    Env.t ->
+    f:Types.module_type ->
+    args:(Error.functor_arg_descr * Types.module_type) list ->
+    Diffing.Define(Defs).patch
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod_errorprinter.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod_errorprinter.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd74a073a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod_errorprinter.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module Style = Misc.Style
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Printtyp = Printtyp.Doc
+module Context = struct
+  type pos =
+    | Module of Ident.t
+    | Modtype of Ident.t
+    | Arg of Types.functor_parameter
+    | Body of Types.functor_parameter
+  let path_of_context = function
+      Module id :: rem ->
+        let rec subm path = function
+          | [] -> path
+          | Module id :: rem -> subm (Path.Pdot (path, Ident.name id)) rem
+          | _ -> assert false
+        in subm (Path.Pident id) rem
+    | _ -> assert false
+  let rec context ppf = function
+      Module id :: rem ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<2>module %a%a@]" Printtyp.ident id args rem
+    | Modtype id :: rem ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %a =@ %a@]"
+          Printtyp.ident id context_mty rem
+    | Body x :: rem ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "(%s) ->@ %a" (argname x) context_mty rem
+    | Arg x :: rem ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "(%s : %a) -> ..."
+          (argname x) context_mty rem
+    | [] ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "<here>"
+  and context_mty ppf = function
+      (Module _ | Modtype _) :: _ as rem ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<2>sig@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" context rem
+    | cxt -> context ppf cxt
+  and args ppf = function
+      Body x :: rem ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "(%s)%a" (argname x) args rem
+    | Arg x :: rem ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf "(%s :@ %a) : ..." (argname  x) context_mty rem
+    | cxt ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf " :@ %a" context_mty cxt
+  and argname = function
+    | Types.Unit -> ""
+    | Types.Named (None, _) -> "_"
+    | Types.Named (Some id, _) -> Ident.name id
+  let alt_pp ppf cxt =
+    if cxt = [] then () else
+    if List.for_all (function Module _ -> true | _ -> false) cxt then
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf ",@ in module %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) (path_of_context cxt)
+    else
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf ",@ @[<hv 2>at position@ %a@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code context) cxt
+  let pp ppf cxt =
+    if cxt = [] then () else
+    if List.for_all (function Module _ -> true | _ -> false) cxt then
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "In module %a:@ "
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) (path_of_context cxt)
+    else
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>At position@ %a@]@ "
+        (Style.as_inline_code context) cxt
+module Runtime_coercion = struct
+  (** Extraction of a small change from a non-identity runtime coercion *)
+  (** When examining coercions, we only have runtime component indices,
+      we use thus a limited version of {!pos}. *)
+  type coerce_pos =
+    | Item of int
+    | InArg
+    | InBody
+  let either f x g y = match f x with
+    | None -> g y
+    | Some _ as v -> v
+  type change =
+    | Transposition of int * int
+    | Primitive_coercion of string
+    | Alias_coercion of Path.t
+  (** We extract a small change from a full coercion. *)
+  let rec first_change_under path (coerc:Typedtree.module_coercion) =
+    match coerc with
+    | Tcoerce_structure(c,_) ->
+        either
+          (first_item_transposition path 0) c
+          (first_non_id path 0) c
+    | Tcoerce_functor(arg,res) ->
+        either
+          (first_change_under (InArg::path)) arg
+          (first_change_under (InBody::path)) res
+    | Tcoerce_none -> None
+    | Tcoerce_alias _ | Tcoerce_primitive _ -> None
+  (* we search the first point which is not invariant at the current level *)
+  and first_item_transposition path pos = function
+    | [] -> None
+    | (n, _) :: q ->
+        if n < 0 || n = pos then
+          (* when n < 0, this is not a transposition but a kind coercion,
+            which will be covered in the first_non_id case *)
+          first_item_transposition path (pos+1) q
+        else
+          Some(List.rev path, Transposition (pos, n))
+  (* we search the first item with a non-identity inner coercion *)
+  and first_non_id path pos = function
+    | [] -> None
+    | (_, Typedtree.Tcoerce_none) :: q -> first_non_id path (pos + 1) q
+    | (_, Typedtree.Tcoerce_alias (_,p,_)) :: _ ->
+        Some (List.rev path, Alias_coercion p)
+    | (_, Typedtree.Tcoerce_primitive p) :: _ ->
+        let name = Primitive.byte_name p.pc_desc in
+        Some (List.rev path, Primitive_coercion name)
+    | (_,c) :: q ->
+        either
+          (first_change_under (Item pos :: path)) c
+          (first_non_id path (pos + 1)) q
+  let first_change c = first_change_under [] c
+  let rec runtime_item k = function
+    | [] -> raise Not_found
+    | item :: q ->
+        if not(Includemod.is_runtime_component item) then
+          runtime_item k q
+        else if k = 0 then
+          item
+        else
+          runtime_item (k-1) q
+  (* Find module type at position [path] and convert the [coerce_pos] path to
+     a [pos] path *)
+  let rec find env ctx path (mt:Types.module_type) = match mt, path with
+    | (Mty_ident p | Mty_alias p), _ ->
+        begin match (Env.find_modtype p env).mtd_type with
+        | None -> raise Not_found
+        | Some mt -> find env ctx path mt
+        end
+    | Mty_signature s , [] -> List.rev ctx, s
+    | Mty_signature s, Item k :: q ->
+        begin match runtime_item k s with
+        | Sig_module (id, _, md,_,_) ->
+            find env (Context.Module id :: ctx) q md.md_type
+        | _ -> raise Not_found
+        end
+    | Mty_functor(Named (_,mt) as arg,_), InArg :: q ->
+        find env (Context.Arg arg :: ctx) q mt
+    | Mty_functor(arg, mt), InBody :: q ->
+        find env (Context.Body arg :: ctx) q mt
+    | _ -> raise Not_found
+  let find env path mt = find env [] path mt
+  let item mt k = Includemod.item_ident_name (runtime_item k mt)
+  let pp_item ppf (id,_,kind) =
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s %a"
+      (Includemod.kind_of_field_desc kind)
+      Style.inline_code (Ident.name id)
+  let illegal_permutation ctx_printer env ppf (mty,c) =
+    match first_change c with
+    | None | Some (_, (Primitive_coercion _ | Alias_coercion _)) ->
+        (* those kind coercions are not inversible, and raise an error earlier
+           when checking for module type equivalence *)
+        assert false
+    | Some (path, Transposition (k,l)) ->
+    try
+      let ctx, mt = find env path mty in
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "@[<hv 2>Illegal permutation of runtime components in a module type.@ \
+         @[For example%a,@]@ @[the %a@ and the %a are not in the same order@ \
+         in the expected and actual module types.@]@]"
+        ctx_printer ctx pp_item (item mt k) pp_item (item mt l)
+    with Not_found -> (* this should not happen *)
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "Illegal permutation of runtime components in a module type."
+  let in_package_subtype ctx_printer env mty c ppf =
+    match first_change c with
+    | None ->
+        (* The coercion looks like the identity but was not simplified to
+           [Tcoerce_none], this only happens when the two first-class module
+           types differ by runtime size *)
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "The two first-class module types differ by their runtime size."
+    | Some (path, c) ->
+  try
+    let ctx, mt = find env path mty in
+    match c with
+    | Primitive_coercion prim_name ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "@[The two first-class module types differ by a coercion of@ \
+           the primitive %a@ to a value%a.@]"
+          Style.inline_code prim_name
+          ctx_printer ctx
+    | Alias_coercion path ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "@[The two first-class module types differ by a coercion of@ \
+           a module alias %a@ to a module%a.@]"
+          (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) path
+          ctx_printer ctx
+    | Transposition (k,l) ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+          "@[@[The two first-class module types do not share@ \
+           the same positions for runtime components.@]@ \
+           @[For example,%a@ the %a@ occurs at the expected position of@ \
+           the %a.@]@]"
+          ctx_printer ctx pp_item (item mt k) pp_item (item mt l)
+  with Not_found ->
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf
+      "@[The two packages types do not share@ \
+       the@ same@ positions@ for@ runtime@ components.@]"
+module Err = Includemod.Error
+let buffer = ref Bytes.empty
+let is_big obj =
+  let size = !Clflags.error_size in
+  size > 0 &&
+  begin
+    if Bytes.length !buffer < size then buffer := Bytes.create size;
+    try ignore (Marshal.to_buffer !buffer 0 size obj []); false
+    with _ -> true
+  end
+let show_loc msg ppf loc =
+  let pos = loc.Location.loc_start in
+  if List.mem pos.Lexing.pos_fname [""; "_none_"; "//toplevel//"] then ()
+  else Fmt.fprintf ppf "@\n@[<2>%a:@ %s@]" Location.Doc.loc loc msg
+let show_locs ppf (loc1, loc2) =
+  show_loc "Expected declaration" ppf loc2;
+  show_loc "Actual declaration" ppf loc1
+let dmodtype mty =
+  let tmty = Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty in
+  Fmt.dprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_module_type tmty
+let space ppf () = Fmt.fprintf ppf "@ "
+   In order to display a list of functor arguments in a compact format,
+   we introduce a notion of shorthand for functor arguments.
+   The aim is to first present the lists of actual and expected types with
+   shorthands:
+     (X: $S1) (Y: $S2) (Z: An_existing_module_type) ...
+   does not match
+     (X: $T1) (Y: A_real_path) (Z: $T3) ...
+   and delay the full display of the module types corresponding to $S1, $S2,
+   $T1, and $T3 to the suberror message.
+module With_shorthand = struct
+  (** A item with a potential shorthand name *)
+  type 'a named = {
+    item: 'a;
+    name : string;
+  }
+  type 'a t =
+    | Original of 'a (** The shorthand has been discarded *)
+    | Synthetic of 'a named
+    (** The shorthand is potentially useful *)
+  type functor_param =
+    | Unit
+    | Named of (Ident.t option * Types.module_type t)
+  (** Shorthand generation *)
+  type kind =
+    | Got
+    | Expected
+    | Unneeded
+  type variant =
+    | App
+    | Inclusion
+  let elide_if_app ctx s = match ctx with
+    | App -> Unneeded
+    | Inclusion -> s
+  let make side pos =
+    match side with
+    | Got -> Fmt.asprintf "$S%d" pos
+    | Expected -> Fmt.asprintf "$T%d" pos
+    | Unneeded -> "..."
+  (** Add shorthands to a patch *)
+  open Diffing
+  let patch ctx p =
+    let add_shorthand side pos mty =
+      {name = (make side pos); item = mty }
+    in
+    let aux i d =
+      let pos = i + 1 in
+      let d = match d with
+        | Insert mty ->
+            Insert (add_shorthand Expected pos mty)
+        | Delete mty ->
+            Delete (add_shorthand (elide_if_app ctx Got) pos mty)
+        | Change (g, e, p) ->
+            Change
+              (add_shorthand Got pos g,
+               add_shorthand Expected pos e, p)
+        | Keep (g, e, p) ->
+            Keep (add_shorthand Got pos g,
+                          add_shorthand (elide_if_app ctx Expected) pos e, p)
+      in
+      pos, d
+    in
+    List.mapi aux p
+  (** Shorthand computation from named item *)
+  let modtype (r : _ named) = match r.item with
+    | Types.Mty_ident _
+    | Types.Mty_alias _
+    | Types.Mty_signature []
+      -> Original r.item
+    | Types.Mty_signature _ | Types.Mty_functor _
+      -> Synthetic r
+  let functor_param (ua : _ named) = match ua.item with
+    | Types.Unit -> Unit
+    | Types.Named (from, mty) ->
+        Named (from, modtype { ua with item = mty })
+  (** Printing of arguments with shorthands *)
+  let pp ppx = function
+    | Original x -> ppx x
+    | Synthetic s -> Fmt.dprintf "%s" s.name
+  let pp_orig ppx = function
+    | Original x | Synthetic { item=x; _ } -> ppx x
+  let definition x = match functor_param x with
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
+    | Named(_,short_mty) ->
+        match short_mty with
+        | Original mty -> dmodtype mty
+        | Synthetic {name; item = mty} ->
+            Fmt.dprintf
+              "%s@ =@ %t" name (dmodtype mty)
+  let param x = match functor_param x with
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
+    | Named (_, short_mty) ->
+        pp dmodtype short_mty
+  let qualified_param x = match functor_param x with
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
+    | Named (None, Original (Mty_signature []) ) ->
+        Fmt.dprintf "(sig end)"
+    | Named (None, short_mty) ->
+        pp dmodtype short_mty
+    | Named (Some p, short_mty) ->
+        Fmt.dprintf "(%s : %t)"
+          (Ident.name p) (pp dmodtype short_mty)
+  let definition_of_argument ua =
+    let arg, mty = ua.item in
+    match (arg: Err.functor_arg_descr) with
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
+    | Empty_struct -> Fmt.dprintf "(struct end)"
+    | Named p ->
+        let mty = modtype { ua with item = mty } in
+        Fmt.dprintf
+          "%a@ :@ %t"
+          Printtyp.path p
+          (pp_orig dmodtype mty)
+    | Anonymous ->
+        let short_mty = modtype { ua with item = mty } in
+        begin match short_mty with
+        | Original mty -> dmodtype mty
+        | Synthetic {name; item=mty} ->
+            Fmt.dprintf "%s@ :@ %t" name (dmodtype mty)
+        end
+  let arg ua =
+    let arg, mty = ua.item in
+    match (arg: Err.functor_arg_descr) with
+    | Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
+    | Empty_struct -> Fmt.dprintf "(struct end)"
+    | Named p -> fun ppf -> Printtyp.path ppf p
+    | Anonymous ->
+        let short_mty = modtype { ua with item=mty } in
+        pp dmodtype short_mty
+module Functor_suberror = struct
+  open Err
+  let param_id x = match x.With_shorthand.item with
+    | Types.Named (Some _ as x,_) -> x
+    | Types.(Unit | Named(None,_)) -> None
+(** Print a list of functor parameters with style while adjusting the printing
+    environment for each functor argument.
+    Currently, we are disabling disambiguation for functor argument name to
+    avoid the need to track the moving association between identifiers and
+    syntactic names in situation like:
+    got: (X: sig module type T end) (Y:X.T) (X:sig module type T end) (Z:X.T)
+    expect: (_: sig end) (Y:X.T) (_:sig end) (Z:X.T)
+  let pretty_params sep proj printer patch =
+    let pp_param (x,param) =
+      let sty = Diffing.(style @@ classify x) in
+      Fmt.dprintf "%a%t%a"
+        Fmt.pp_open_stag (Style.Style sty)
+        (printer param)
+        Fmt.pp_close_stag ()
+    in
+    let rec pp_params = function
+      | [] -> ignore
+      | [_,param] -> pp_param param
+      | (id,param) :: q ->
+          Fmt.dprintf "%t%a%t"
+            (pp_param param) sep () (hide_id id q)
+    and hide_id id q =
+      match id with
+      | None -> pp_params q
+      | Some id -> Out_type.Ident_names.with_fuzzy id (fun () -> pp_params q)
+    in
+    let params = List.filter_map proj @@ List.map snd patch in
+    pp_params params
+  let expected d =
+    let extract: _ Diffing.change -> _ = function
+      | Insert mty
+      | Keep(_,mty,_)
+      | Change (_,mty,_) as x ->
+          Some (param_id mty,(x, mty))
+      | Delete _ -> None
+    in
+    pretty_params space extract With_shorthand.qualified_param d
+  let drop_inserted_suffix patch =
+    let rec drop = function
+      | Diffing.Insert _ :: q -> drop q
+      | rest -> List.rev rest in
+    drop (List.rev patch)
+  let prepare_patch ~drop ~ctx patch =
+    let drop_suffix x = if drop then drop_inserted_suffix x else x in
+    patch |> drop_suffix |> With_shorthand.patch ctx
+  module Inclusion = struct
+    let got d =
+      let extract: _ Diffing.change -> _ = function
+      | Delete mty
+      | Keep (mty,_,_)
+      | Change (mty,_,_) as x ->
+          Some (param_id mty,(x,mty))
+      | Insert _ -> None
+      in
+      pretty_params space extract With_shorthand.qualified_param d
+    let insert mty =
+      Fmt.dprintf
+        "An argument appears to be missing with module type@;<1 2>@[%t@]"
+        (With_shorthand.definition mty)
+    let delete mty =
+      Fmt.dprintf
+        "An extra argument is provided of module type@;<1 2>@[%t@]"
+        (With_shorthand.definition mty)
+      let ok x y =
+        Fmt.dprintf
+          "Module types %t and %t match"
+          (With_shorthand.param x)
+          (With_shorthand.param y)
+      let diff g e more =
+        let g = With_shorthand.definition g in
+        let e = With_shorthand.definition e in
+        Fmt.dprintf
+          "Module types do not match:@ @[%t@]@;<1 -2>does not include@ \
+           @[%t@]%t"
+          g e (more ())
+      let incompatible = function
+        | Types.Unit ->
+            Fmt.dprintf
+              "The functor was expected to be applicative at this position"
+        | Types.Named _ ->
+            Fmt.dprintf
+              "The functor was expected to be generative at this position"
+      let patch env got expected =
+        Includemod.Functor_inclusion_diff.diff env got expected
+        |> prepare_patch ~drop:false ~ctx:Inclusion
+    end
+  module App = struct
+    let patch env ~f ~args =
+      Includemod.Functor_app_diff.diff env ~f ~args
+      |> prepare_patch ~drop:true ~ctx:App
+    let got d =
+      let extract: _ Diffing.change -> _ = function
+        | Delete mty
+        | Keep (mty,_,_)
+        | Change (mty,_,_) as x ->
+            Some (None,(x,mty))
+        | Insert _ -> None
+      in
+      pretty_params space extract With_shorthand.arg d
+    let delete mty =
+      Fmt.dprintf
+        "The following extra argument is provided@;<1 2>@[%t@]"
+        (With_shorthand.definition_of_argument mty)
+    let insert = Inclusion.insert
+    let ok x y =
+      let pp_orig_name = match With_shorthand.functor_param y with
+        | With_shorthand.Named (_, Original mty) ->
+            Fmt.dprintf " %t" (dmodtype mty)
+        | _ -> ignore
+      in
+      Fmt.dprintf
+        "Module %t matches the expected module type%t"
+        (With_shorthand.arg x)
+        pp_orig_name
+    let diff g e more =
+      let g = With_shorthand.definition_of_argument g in
+      let e = With_shorthand.definition e in
+      Fmt.dprintf
+        "Modules do not match:@ @[%t@]@;<1 -2>\
+         is not included in@ @[%t@]%t"
+        g e (more ())
+    (** Specialized to avoid introducing shorthand names
+        for single change difference
+    *)
+    let single_diff g e more =
+      let _arg, mty = g.With_shorthand.item in
+      let e = match e.With_shorthand.item with
+        | Types.Unit -> Fmt.dprintf "()"
+        | Types.Named(_, mty) -> dmodtype mty
+      in
+      Fmt.dprintf
+        "Modules do not match:@ @[%t@]@;<1 -2>\
+         is not included in@ @[%t@]%t"
+        (dmodtype mty) e (more ())
+    let incompatible = function
+      | Unit ->
+          Fmt.dprintf
+            "The functor was expected to be applicative at this position"
+      | Named _ | Anonymous ->
+          Fmt.dprintf
+            "The functor was expected to be generative at this position"
+      | Empty_struct ->
+          (* an empty structure can be used in both applicative and generative
+             context *)
+          assert false
+  end
+  let subcase sub ~expansion_token env (pos, diff) =
+    Location.msg "%a%a%a%a@[<hv 2>%t@]%a"
+      Fmt.pp_print_tab ()
+      Fmt.pp_open_tbox ()
+      Diffing.prefix (pos, Diffing.classify diff)
+      Fmt.pp_set_tab ()
+      (Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~error:true
+         (fun () -> sub ~expansion_token env diff)
+      )
+     Fmt.pp_close_tbox ()
+  let onlycase sub ~expansion_token env (_, diff) =
+    Location.msg "%a@[<hv 2>%t@]"
+      Fmt.pp_print_tab ()
+      (Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~error:true
+         (fun () -> sub ~expansion_token env diff)
+      )
+  let params sub ~expansion_token env l =
+    let rec aux subcases = function
+      | [] -> subcases
+      | (_, Diffing.Keep _) as a :: q ->
+          aux (subcase sub ~expansion_token env a :: subcases) q
+      | a :: q ->
+          List.fold_left (fun acc x ->
+            (subcase sub ~expansion_token:false env x) :: acc
+            )
+            (subcase sub ~expansion_token env a :: subcases)
+            q
+    in
+    match l with
+    | [a] -> [onlycase sub ~expansion_token env a]
+    | l -> aux [] l
+(** Construct a linear presentation of the error tree *)
+open Err
+(* Context helper functions *)
+let with_context ?loc ctx printer diff =
+  Location.msg ?loc "%a%a" Context.pp (List.rev ctx)
+    printer diff
+let dwith_context ?loc ctx printer =
+  Location.msg ?loc "%a%t" Context.pp (List.rev ctx) printer
+let dwith_context_and_elision ?loc ctx printer diff =
+  if is_big (diff.got,diff.expected) then
+    Location.msg ?loc "..."
+  else
+    dwith_context ?loc ctx (printer diff)
+(* Merge sub msgs into one printer *)
+let coalesce msgs =
+  match List.rev msgs with
+  | [] -> ignore
+  | before ->
+      let ctx ppf =
+        Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:space
+          (fun ppf x -> Fmt.pp_doc ppf x.Location.txt)
+          ppf before in
+      ctx
+let subcase_list l ppf = match l with
+  | [] -> ()
+  | _ :: _ ->
+      let pp_msg ppf lmsg = Fmt.pp_doc ppf lmsg.Location.txt in
+      Fmt.fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>@[%a@]"
+        (Fmt.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:space pp_msg)
+        (List.rev l)
+(* Printers for leaves *)
+let core env id x =
+  match x with
+  | Err.Value_descriptions diff ->
+      Fmt.dprintf "@[<v>@[<hv>%s:@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a%a@]"
+        "Values do not match"
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item
+        (Out_type.tree_of_value_description id diff.got)
+        "is not included in"
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item
+        (Out_type.tree_of_value_description id diff.expected)
+        (Includecore.report_value_mismatch
+           "the first" "the second" env) diff.symptom
+        show_locs (diff.got.val_loc, diff.expected.val_loc)
+  | Err.Type_declarations diff ->
+      Fmt.dprintf "@[<v>@[<hv>%s:@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a%a@]"
+        "Type declarations do not match"
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item
+        (Out_type.tree_of_type_declaration id diff.got Trec_first)
+        "is not included in"
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item
+        (Out_type.tree_of_type_declaration id diff.expected Trec_first)
+        (Includecore.report_type_mismatch
+           "the first" "the second" "declaration" env) diff.symptom
+        show_locs (diff.got.type_loc, diff.expected.type_loc)
+  | Err.Extension_constructors diff ->
+      Fmt.dprintf "@[<v>@[<hv>%s:@;<1 2>%a@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]@ %a%a@]"
+        "Extension declarations do not match"
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item
+        (Out_type.tree_of_extension_constructor id diff.got Text_first)
+        "is not included in"
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item
+        (Out_type.tree_of_extension_constructor id diff.expected Text_first)
+        (Includecore.report_extension_constructor_mismatch
+           "the first" "the second" "declaration" env) diff.symptom
+        show_locs (diff.got.ext_loc, diff.expected.ext_loc)
+  | Err.Class_type_declarations diff ->
+      Fmt.dprintf
+        "@[<hv 2>Class type declarations do not match:@ \
+         %a@;<1 -2>does not match@ %a@]@ %a"
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item
+        (Out_type.tree_of_cltype_declaration id diff.got Trec_first)
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item
+        (Out_type.tree_of_cltype_declaration id diff.expected Trec_first)
+        (Includeclass.report_error_doc Type_scheme) diff.symptom
+  | Err.Class_declarations {got;expected;symptom} ->
+      let t1 = Out_type.tree_of_class_declaration id got Trec_first in
+      let t2 = Out_type.tree_of_class_declaration id expected Trec_first in
+      Fmt.dprintf
+        "@[<hv 2>Class declarations do not match:@ \
+         %a@;<1 -2>does not match@ %a@]@ %a"
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item t1
+        !Oprint.out_sig_item t2
+        (Includeclass.report_error_doc Type_scheme) symptom
+let missing_field ppf item =
+  let id, loc, kind =  Includemod.item_ident_name item in
+  Fmt.fprintf ppf "The %s %a is required but not provided%a"
+    (Includemod.kind_of_field_desc kind)
+    (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.ident) id
+    (show_loc "Expected declaration") loc
+let module_types {Err.got=mty1; expected=mty2} =
+  Fmt.dprintf
+    "@[<hv 2>Modules do not match:@ \
+     %a@;<1 -2>is not included in@ %a@]"
+    !Oprint.out_module_type (Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty1)
+    !Oprint.out_module_type (Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty2)
+let eq_module_types {Err.got=mty1; expected=mty2} =
+  Fmt.dprintf
+    "@[<hv 2>Module types do not match:@ \
+     %a@;<1 -2>is not equal to@ %a@]"
+    !Oprint.out_module_type (Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty1)
+    !Oprint.out_module_type (Out_type.tree_of_modtype mty2)
+let module_type_declarations id {Err.got=d1 ; expected=d2} =
+  Fmt.dprintf
+    "@[<hv 2>Module type declarations do not match:@ \
+     %a@;<1 -2>does not match@ %a@]"
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item (Out_type.tree_of_modtype_declaration id d1)
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item (Out_type.tree_of_modtype_declaration id d2)
+let interface_mismatch ppf (diff: _ Err.diff) =
+  Fmt.fprintf ppf
+    "The implementation %a@ does not match the interface %a:@ "
+    Style.inline_code diff.got Style.inline_code diff.expected
+let core_module_type_symptom (x:Err.core_module_type_symptom)  =
+  match x with
+  | Not_an_alias | Not_an_identifier | Abstract_module_type
+  | Incompatible_aliases -> None
+  | Unbound_module_path path ->
+      Some(Fmt.dprintf "Unbound module %a"
+             (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) path
+          )
+(* Construct a linearized error message from the error tree *)
+let rec module_type ~expansion_token ~eqmode ~env ~before ~ctx diff =
+  match diff.symptom with
+  | Invalid_module_alias _ (* the difference is non-informative here *)
+  | After_alias_expansion _ (* we print only the expanded module types *) ->
+      module_type_symptom ~eqmode ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx
+        diff.symptom
+  | Functor Params d -> (* We jump directly to the functor param error *)
+      functor_params ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx d
+  | _ ->
+      let inner = if eqmode then eq_module_types else module_types in
+      let next =
+        match diff.symptom with
+        | Mt_core _ ->
+            (* In those cases, the refined error messages for the current error
+               will at most add some minor comments on the current error.
+               It is thus better to avoid eliding the current error message.
+            *)
+            dwith_context ctx (inner diff)
+        | _ -> dwith_context_and_elision ctx inner diff
+      in
+      let before = next :: before in
+      module_type_symptom ~eqmode ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx
+        diff.symptom
+and module_type_symptom ~eqmode ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx = function
+  | Mt_core core ->
+      begin match core_module_type_symptom core with
+      | None -> before
+      | Some msg -> Location.msg "%t" msg :: before
+      end
+  | Signature s -> signature ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx s
+  | Functor f -> functor_symptom ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx f
+  | After_alias_expansion diff ->
+      module_type ~eqmode ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx diff
+  | Invalid_module_alias path ->
+      let printer =
+        Fmt.dprintf "Module %a cannot be aliased"
+          (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) path
+      in
+      dwith_context ctx printer :: before
+and functor_params ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx {got;expected;_} =
+  let d = Functor_suberror.Inclusion.patch env got expected in
+  let actual = Functor_suberror.Inclusion.got d in
+  let expected = Functor_suberror.expected d in
+  let main =
+    Fmt.dprintf
+      "@[<hv 2>Modules do not match:@ \
+       @[%t@ -> ...@]@;<1 -2>is not included in@ \
+       @[%t@ -> ...@]@]"
+      actual expected
+  in
+  let msgs = dwith_context ctx main :: before in
+  let functor_suberrors =
+    if expansion_token then
+      Functor_suberror.params functor_arg_diff ~expansion_token env d
+    else []
+  in
+  functor_suberrors @ msgs
+and functor_symptom ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx = function
+  | Result res ->
+      module_type ~expansion_token ~eqmode:false ~env ~before ~ctx res
+  | Params d -> functor_params ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx d
+and signature ~expansion_token ~env:_ ~before ~ctx sgs =
+  Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true sgs.env (fun () ->
+      match sgs.missings, sgs.incompatibles with
+      | _ :: _ as missings, _ ->
+          if expansion_token then
+            let init_missings, last_missing = Misc.split_last missings in
+            List.map (Location.msg "%a" missing_field) init_missings
+            @ with_context ctx missing_field last_missing
+            :: before
+          else
+            before
+      | [], a :: _ -> sigitem ~expansion_token ~env:sgs.env ~before ~ctx a
+      | [], [] -> assert false
+    )
+and sigitem ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx (name,s) = match s with
+  | Core c ->
+      dwith_context ctx (core env name c) :: before
+  | Module_type diff ->
+      module_type ~expansion_token ~eqmode:false ~env ~before
+        ~ctx:(Context.Module name :: ctx) diff
+  | Module_type_declaration diff ->
+      module_type_decl ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx name diff
+and module_type_decl ~expansion_token ~env ~before ~ctx id diff =
+  let next =
+    dwith_context_and_elision ctx (module_type_declarations id) diff in
+  let before = next :: before in
+  match diff.symptom with
+  | Not_less_than mts ->
+      let before =
+        Location.msg "The first module type is not included in the second"
+        :: before
+      in
+      module_type ~expansion_token ~eqmode:true ~before ~env
+        ~ctx:(Context.Modtype id :: ctx) mts
+  | Not_greater_than mts ->
+      let before =
+        Location.msg "The second module type is not included in the first"
+        :: before in
+      module_type ~expansion_token ~eqmode:true ~before ~env
+        ~ctx:(Context.Modtype id :: ctx) mts
+  | Incomparable mts ->
+      module_type ~expansion_token ~eqmode:true ~env ~before
+        ~ctx:(Context.Modtype id :: ctx) mts.less_than
+  | Illegal_permutation c ->
+      begin match diff.got.Types.mtd_type with
+      | None -> assert false
+      | Some mty ->
+          with_context (Modtype id::ctx)
+            (Runtime_coercion.illegal_permutation Context.alt_pp env) (mty,c)
+          :: before
+      end
+and functor_arg_diff ~expansion_token env (patch: _ Diffing.change) =
+  match patch with
+  | Insert mty -> Functor_suberror.Inclusion.insert mty
+  | Delete mty -> Functor_suberror.Inclusion.delete mty
+  | Keep (x, y, _) ->  Functor_suberror.Inclusion.ok x y
+  | Change (_, _, Err.Incompatible_params (i,_)) ->
+      Functor_suberror.Inclusion.incompatible i
+  | Change (g, e,  Err.Mismatch mty_diff) ->
+      let more () =
+        subcase_list @@
+        module_type_symptom ~eqmode:false ~expansion_token ~env ~before:[]
+          ~ctx:[] mty_diff.symptom
+      in
+      Functor_suberror.Inclusion.diff g e more
+let functor_app_diff ~expansion_token env  (patch: _ Diffing.change) =
+  match patch with
+  | Insert mty ->  Functor_suberror.App.insert mty
+  | Delete mty ->  Functor_suberror.App.delete mty
+  | Keep (x, y, _) ->  Functor_suberror.App.ok x y
+  | Change (_, _, Err.Incompatible_params (i,_)) ->
+      Functor_suberror.App.incompatible i
+  | Change (g, e,  Err.Mismatch mty_diff) ->
+      let more () =
+        subcase_list @@
+        module_type_symptom ~eqmode:false ~expansion_token ~env ~before:[]
+          ~ctx:[] mty_diff.symptom
+      in
+      Functor_suberror.App.diff g e more
+let module_type_subst ~env id diff =
+  match diff.symptom with
+  | Not_less_than mts ->
+      module_type ~expansion_token:true ~eqmode:true ~before:[] ~env
+        ~ctx:[Modtype id] mts
+  | Not_greater_than mts ->
+      module_type ~expansion_token:true ~eqmode:true ~before:[] ~env
+        ~ctx:[Modtype id] mts
+  | Incomparable mts ->
+      module_type ~expansion_token:true ~eqmode:true ~env ~before:[]
+        ~ctx:[Modtype id] mts.less_than
+  | Illegal_permutation c ->
+      let mty = diff.got in
+      let main =
+        with_context [Modtype id]
+          (Runtime_coercion.illegal_permutation Context.alt_pp env) (mty,c) in
+      [main]
+let all env = function
+  | In_Compilation_unit diff ->
+      let first = Location.msg "%a" interface_mismatch diff in
+      signature ~expansion_token:true ~env ~before:[first] ~ctx:[] diff.symptom
+  | In_Type_declaration (id,reason) ->
+      [Location.msg "%t" (core env id reason)]
+  | In_Module_type diff ->
+      module_type ~expansion_token:true ~eqmode:false ~before:[] ~env ~ctx:[]
+        diff
+  | In_Module_type_substitution (id,diff) ->
+      module_type_subst ~env id diff
+  | In_Signature diff ->
+      signature ~expansion_token:true ~before:[] ~env ~ctx:[] diff
+  | In_Expansion cmts ->
+      match core_module_type_symptom cmts with
+      | None -> assert false
+      | Some main -> [Location.msg "%t" main]
+(* General error reporting *)
+let err_msgs ppf (env, err) =
+  Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env
+    (fun () -> (coalesce @@ all env err)  ppf)
+let report_error_doc err =
+  Location.errorf
+    ~loc:Location.(in_file !input_name)
+    ~footnote:Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg
+   "%a" err_msgs err
+let report_apply_error_doc ~loc env (app_name, mty_f, args) =
+  let footnote = Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg in
+  let d = Functor_suberror.App.patch env ~f:mty_f ~args in
+  match d with
+  (* We specialize the one change and one argument case to remove the
+     presentation of the functor arguments *)
+  | [ _,  Change (_, _, Err.Incompatible_params (i,_)) ] ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote "%t" (Functor_suberror.App.incompatible i)
+  | [ _, Change (g, e,  Err.Mismatch mty_diff) ] ->
+      let more () =
+        subcase_list @@
+        module_type_symptom ~eqmode:false ~expansion_token:true ~env ~before:[]
+          ~ctx:[] mty_diff.symptom
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote "%t"
+        (Functor_suberror.App.single_diff g e more)
+  | _ ->
+      let not_functor =
+        List.for_all (function _, Diffing.Delete _ -> true | _ -> false) d
+      in
+      if not_functor then
+        match app_name with
+        | Includemod.Named_leftmost_functor lid ->
+            Location.errorf ~loc
+              "@[The module %a is not a functor, it cannot be applied.@]"
+               (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident)  lid
+        | Includemod.Anonymous_functor
+        | Includemod.Full_application_path _
+          (* The "non-functor application in term" case is directly handled in
+             [Env] and it is the only case where we have a full application
+             path at hand. Thus this case of the or-pattern is currently
+             unreachable and we don't try to specialize the corresponding error
+             message. *) ->
+            Location.errorf ~loc
+              "@[This module is not a functor, it cannot be applied.@]"
+      else
+        let intro ppf =
+          match app_name with
+          | Includemod.Anonymous_functor ->
+              Fmt.fprintf ppf "This functor application is ill-typed."
+          | Includemod.Full_application_path lid ->
+              Fmt.fprintf ppf "The functor application %a is ill-typed."
+                (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) lid
+          |  Includemod.Named_leftmost_functor lid ->
+              Fmt.fprintf ppf
+                "This application of the functor %a is ill-typed."
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) lid
+        in
+        let actual = Functor_suberror.App.got d in
+        let expected = Functor_suberror.expected d in
+        let sub =
+          List.rev @@
+          Functor_suberror.params functor_app_diff env ~expansion_token:true d
+        in
+        Location.errorf ~loc ~sub ~footnote
+          "@[<hv>%t@ \
+           These arguments:@;<1 2>@[%t@]@ \
+           do not match these parameters:@;<1 2>@[%t@ -> ...@]@]"
+          intro
+          actual expected
+let coercion_in_package_subtype env mty c =
+  Format_doc.doc_printf "%t" @@
+  Runtime_coercion.in_package_subtype Context.alt_pp env mty c
+let register () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Includemod.Error err -> Some (report_error_doc err)
+      | Includemod.Apply_error {loc; env; app_name; mty_f; args} ->
+          Some (Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env ~error:true (fun () ->
+              report_apply_error_doc ~loc env (app_name, mty_f, args))
+            )
+      | _ -> None
+    )
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod_errorprinter.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod_errorprinter.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c7dda4e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/includemod_errorprinter.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+val err_msgs: Includemod.explanation Format_doc.printer
+val coercion_in_package_subtype:
+  Env.t -> Types.module_type -> Typedtree.module_coercion -> Format_doc.doc
+val register: unit -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/mtype.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/mtype.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..499d85ca11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/mtype.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Operations on module types *)
+open Asttypes
+open Path
+open Types
+let rec scrape_lazy env mty =
+  let open Subst.Lazy in
+  match mty with
+    MtyL_ident p ->
+      begin try
+        scrape_lazy env (Env.find_modtype_expansion_lazy p env)
+      with Not_found ->
+        mty
+      end
+  | _ -> mty
+let scrape env mty =
+  match mty with
+    Mty_ident p ->
+     Subst.Lazy.force_modtype (scrape_lazy env (MtyL_ident p))
+  | _ -> mty
+let freshen ~scope mty =
+  Subst.modtype (Rescope scope) Subst.identity mty
+let rec strengthen_lazy ~aliasable env mty p =
+  let open Subst.Lazy in
+  match scrape_lazy env mty with
+    MtyL_signature sg ->
+      MtyL_signature(strengthen_lazy_sig ~aliasable env sg p)
+  | MtyL_functor(Named (Some param, arg), res)
+    when !Clflags.applicative_functors ->
+      let env =
+        Env.add_module_lazy ~update_summary:false param Mp_present arg env
+      in
+      MtyL_functor(Named (Some param, arg),
+        strengthen_lazy ~aliasable:false env res (Papply(p, Pident param)))
+  | MtyL_functor(Named (None, arg), res)
+    when !Clflags.applicative_functors ->
+      let param = Ident.create_scoped ~scope:(Path.scope p) "Arg" in
+      MtyL_functor(Named (Some param, arg),
+        strengthen_lazy ~aliasable:false env res (Papply(p, Pident param)))
+  | mty ->
+      mty
+and strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env sg p =
+  let open Subst.Lazy in
+  match sg with
+    [] -> []
+  | (SigL_value(_, _, _) as sigelt) :: rem ->
+      sigelt :: strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env rem p
+  | SigL_type(id, {type_kind=Type_abstract _}, _, _) :: rem
+    when Btype.is_row_name (Ident.name id) ->
+      strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env rem p
+  | SigL_type(id, decl, rs, vis) :: rem ->
+      let newdecl =
+        match decl.type_manifest, decl.type_private, decl.type_kind with
+          Some _, Public, _ -> decl
+        | Some _, Private, (Type_record _ | Type_variant _) -> decl
+        | _ ->
+            let manif =
+              Some(Btype.newgenty(Tconstr(Pdot(p, Ident.name id),
+                                          decl.type_params, ref Mnil))) in
+            if Btype.type_kind_is_abstract decl then
+              { decl with type_private = Public; type_manifest = manif }
+            else
+              { decl with type_manifest = manif }
+      in
+      SigL_type(id, newdecl, rs, vis) ::
+        strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env rem p
+  | (SigL_typext _ as sigelt) :: rem ->
+      sigelt :: strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env rem p
+  | SigL_module(id, pres, md, rs, vis) :: rem ->
+      let str =
+        strengthen_lazy_decl ~aliasable env md (Pdot(p, Ident.name id))
+      in
+      let env =
+        Env.add_module_declaration_lazy ~update_summary:false id pres md env in
+      SigL_module(id, pres, str, rs, vis)
+      :: strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env rem p
+      (* Need to add the module in case it defines manifest module types *)
+  | SigL_modtype(id, decl, vis) :: rem ->
+      let newdecl =
+        match decl.mtdl_type with
+        | Some _ when not aliasable ->
+            (* [not alisable] condition needed because of recursive modules.
+               See [Typemod.check_recmodule_inclusion]. *)
+            decl
+        | _ ->
+            {decl with mtdl_type = Some(MtyL_ident(Pdot(p,Ident.name id)))}
+      in
+      let env = Env.add_modtype_lazy ~update_summary:false id decl env in
+      SigL_modtype(id, newdecl, vis) ::
+      strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env rem p
+      (* Need to add the module type in case it is manifest *)
+  | (SigL_class _ as sigelt) :: rem ->
+      sigelt :: strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env rem p
+  | (SigL_class_type _ as sigelt) :: rem ->
+      sigelt :: strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env rem p
+and strengthen_lazy_sig ~aliasable env sg p =
+  let sg = Subst.Lazy.force_signature_once sg in
+  let sg = strengthen_lazy_sig' ~aliasable env sg p in
+  Subst.Lazy.of_signature_items sg
+and strengthen_lazy_decl ~aliasable env md p =
+  let open Subst.Lazy in
+  match md.mdl_type with
+  | MtyL_alias _ -> md
+  | _ when aliasable -> {md with mdl_type = MtyL_alias p}
+  | mty -> {md with mdl_type = strengthen_lazy ~aliasable env mty p}
+let () = Env.strengthen := strengthen_lazy
+let strengthen ~aliasable env mty p =
+  let mty = strengthen_lazy ~aliasable env (Subst.Lazy.of_modtype mty) p in
+  Subst.Lazy.force_modtype mty
+let strengthen_decl ~aliasable env md p =
+  let md = strengthen_lazy_decl ~aliasable env
+             (Subst.Lazy.of_module_decl md) p in
+  Subst.Lazy.force_module_decl md
+let rec make_aliases_absent pres mty =
+  match mty with
+  | Mty_alias _ -> Mp_absent, mty
+  | Mty_signature sg ->
+      pres, Mty_signature(make_aliases_absent_sig sg)
+  | Mty_functor(arg, res) ->
+      let _, res = make_aliases_absent Mp_present res in
+      pres, Mty_functor(arg, res)
+  | mty ->
+      pres, mty
+and make_aliases_absent_sig sg =
+  match sg with
+    [] -> []
+  | Sig_module(id, pres, md, rs, priv) :: rem ->
+      let pres, md_type = make_aliases_absent pres md.md_type in
+      let md = { md with md_type } in
+      Sig_module(id, pres, md, rs, priv) :: make_aliases_absent_sig rem
+  | sigelt :: rem ->
+      sigelt :: make_aliases_absent_sig rem
+let scrape_for_type_of env pres mty =
+  let rec loop env path mty =
+    match mty, path with
+    | Mty_alias path, _ -> begin
+        try
+          let md = Env.find_module path env in
+          loop env (Some path) md.md_type
+        with Not_found -> mty
+      end
+    | mty, Some path ->
+        strengthen ~aliasable:false env mty path
+    | _ -> mty
+  in
+  make_aliases_absent pres (loop env None mty)
+(* In nondep_supertype, env is only used for the type it assigns to id.
+   Hence there is no need to keep env up-to-date by adding the bindings
+   traversed. *)
+type variance = Co | Contra | Strict
+let rec nondep_mty_with_presence env va ids pres mty =
+  match mty with
+    Mty_ident p ->
+      begin match Path.find_free_opt ids p with
+      | Some id ->
+          let expansion =
+            try Env.find_modtype_expansion p env
+            with Not_found ->
+              raise (Ctype.Nondep_cannot_erase id)
+          in
+          nondep_mty_with_presence env va ids pres expansion
+      | None -> pres, mty
+      end
+  | Mty_alias p ->
+      begin match Path.find_free_opt ids p with
+      | Some id ->
+          let expansion =
+            try Env.find_module p env
+            with Not_found ->
+              raise (Ctype.Nondep_cannot_erase id)
+          in
+          nondep_mty_with_presence env va ids Mp_present expansion.md_type
+      | None -> pres, mty
+      end
+  | Mty_signature sg ->
+      let mty = Mty_signature(nondep_sig env va ids sg) in
+      pres, mty
+  | Mty_functor(Unit, res) ->
+      pres, Mty_functor(Unit, nondep_mty env va ids res)
+  | Mty_functor(Named (param, arg), res) ->
+      let var_inv =
+        match va with Co -> Contra | Contra -> Co | Strict -> Strict in
+      let res_env =
+        match param with
+        | None -> env
+        | Some param -> Env.add_module ~arg:true param Mp_present arg env
+      in
+      let mty =
+        Mty_functor(Named (param, nondep_mty env var_inv ids arg),
+                    nondep_mty res_env va ids res)
+      in
+      pres, mty
+and nondep_mty env va ids mty =
+  snd (nondep_mty_with_presence env va ids Mp_present mty)
+and nondep_sig_item env va ids = function
+  | Sig_value(id, d, vis) ->
+      Sig_value(id,
+                {d with val_type = Ctype.nondep_type env ids d.val_type},
+                vis)
+  | Sig_type(id, d, rs, vis) ->
+      Sig_type(id, Ctype.nondep_type_decl env ids (va = Co) d, rs, vis)
+  | Sig_typext(id, ext, es, vis) ->
+      Sig_typext(id, Ctype.nondep_extension_constructor env ids ext, es, vis)
+  | Sig_module(id, pres, md, rs, vis) ->
+      let pres, mty = nondep_mty_with_presence env va ids pres md.md_type in
+      Sig_module(id, pres, {md with md_type = mty}, rs, vis)
+  | Sig_modtype(id, d, vis) ->
+      begin try
+        Sig_modtype(id, nondep_modtype_decl env ids d, vis)
+      with Ctype.Nondep_cannot_erase _ as exn ->
+        match va with
+          Co -> Sig_modtype(id, {mtd_type=None; mtd_loc=Location.none;
+                                 mtd_attributes=[]; mtd_uid = d.mtd_uid}, vis)
+        | _  -> raise exn
+      end
+  | Sig_class(id, d, rs, vis) ->
+      Sig_class(id, Ctype.nondep_class_declaration env ids d, rs, vis)
+  | Sig_class_type(id, d, rs, vis) ->
+      Sig_class_type(id, Ctype.nondep_cltype_declaration env ids d, rs, vis)
+and nondep_sig env va ids sg =
+  let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+  let sg, env = Env.enter_signature ~scope sg env in
+  List.map (nondep_sig_item env va ids) sg
+and nondep_modtype_decl env ids mtd =
+  {mtd with mtd_type = Option.map (nondep_mty env Strict ids) mtd.mtd_type}
+let nondep_supertype env ids = nondep_mty env Co ids
+let nondep_sig_item env ids = nondep_sig_item env Co ids
+let enrich_typedecl env p id decl =
+  match decl.type_manifest with
+    Some _ -> decl
+  | None ->
+    match Env.find_type p env with
+    | exception Not_found -> decl
+        (* Type which was not present in the signature, so we don't have
+           anything to do. *)
+    | orig_decl ->
+        if decl.type_arity <> orig_decl.type_arity then
+          decl
+        else begin
+          let orig_ty =
+            Ctype.reify_univars env
+              (Btype.newgenty(Tconstr(p, orig_decl.type_params, ref Mnil)))
+          in
+          let new_ty =
+            Ctype.reify_univars env
+              (Btype.newgenty(Tconstr(Pident id, decl.type_params, ref Mnil)))
+          in
+          let env = Env.add_type ~check:false id decl env in
+          match Ctype.mcomp env orig_ty new_ty with
+          | exception Ctype.Incompatible -> decl
+              (* The current declaration is not compatible with the one we got
+                 from the signature. We should just fail now, but then, we could
+                 also have failed if the arities of the two decls were
+                 different, which we didn't. *)
+          | () ->
+              let orig_ty =
+                Btype.newgenty(Tconstr(p, decl.type_params, ref Mnil))
+              in
+              {decl with type_manifest = Some orig_ty}
+        end
+let rec enrich_modtype env p mty =
+  match mty with
+    Mty_signature sg ->
+      Mty_signature(List.map (enrich_item env p) sg)
+  | _ ->
+      mty
+and enrich_item env p = function
+    Sig_type(id, decl, rs, priv) ->
+      Sig_type(id,
+                enrich_typedecl env (Pdot(p, Ident.name id)) id decl, rs, priv)
+  | Sig_module(id, pres, md, rs, priv) ->
+      Sig_module(id, pres,
+                  {md with
+                   md_type = enrich_modtype env
+                       (Pdot(p, Ident.name id)) md.md_type},
+                 rs,
+                 priv)
+  | item -> item
+let rec type_paths env p mty =
+  match scrape env mty with
+    Mty_ident _ -> []
+  | Mty_alias _ -> []
+  | Mty_signature sg -> type_paths_sig env p sg
+  | Mty_functor _ -> []
+and type_paths_sig env p sg =
+  match sg with
+    [] -> []
+  | Sig_type(id, _decl, _, _) :: rem ->
+      Pdot(p, Ident.name id) :: type_paths_sig env p rem
+  | Sig_module(id, pres, md, _, _) :: rem ->
+      type_paths env (Pdot(p, Ident.name id)) md.md_type @
+      type_paths_sig (Env.add_module_declaration ~check:false id pres md env)
+        p rem
+  | Sig_modtype(id, decl, _) :: rem ->
+      type_paths_sig (Env.add_modtype id decl env) p rem
+  | (Sig_value _ | Sig_typext _ | Sig_class _ | Sig_class_type _) :: rem ->
+      type_paths_sig env p rem
+let rec no_code_needed_mod env pres mty =
+  match pres with
+  | Mp_absent -> true
+  | Mp_present -> begin
+      match scrape env mty with
+        Mty_ident _ -> false
+      | Mty_signature sg -> no_code_needed_sig env sg
+      | Mty_functor _ -> false
+      | Mty_alias _ -> false
+    end
+and no_code_needed_sig env sg =
+  match sg with
+    [] -> true
+  | Sig_value(_id, decl, _) :: rem ->
+      begin match decl.val_kind with
+      | Val_prim _ -> no_code_needed_sig env rem
+      | _ -> false
+      end
+  | Sig_module(id, pres, md, _, _) :: rem ->
+      no_code_needed_mod env pres md.md_type &&
+      no_code_needed_sig
+        (Env.add_module_declaration ~check:false id pres md env) rem
+  | (Sig_type _ | Sig_modtype _ | Sig_class_type _) :: rem ->
+      no_code_needed_sig env rem
+  | (Sig_typext _ | Sig_class _) :: _ ->
+      false
+let no_code_needed env mty = no_code_needed_mod env Mp_present mty
+(* Check whether a module type may return types *)
+let rec contains_type env = function
+    Mty_ident path ->
+      begin try match (Env.find_modtype path env).mtd_type with
+      | None -> raise Exit (* PR#6427 *)
+      | Some mty -> contains_type env mty
+      with Not_found -> raise Exit
+      end
+  | Mty_signature sg ->
+      contains_type_sig env sg
+  | Mty_functor (_, body) ->
+      contains_type env body
+  | Mty_alias _ ->
+      ()
+and contains_type_sig env = List.iter (contains_type_item env)
+and contains_type_item env = function
+    Sig_type (_,({type_manifest = None} |
+                 {type_kind = Type_abstract _; type_private = Private}),_, _)
+  | Sig_modtype _
+  | Sig_typext (_, {ext_args = Cstr_record _}, _, _) ->
+      (* We consider that extension constructors with an inlined
+         record create a type (the inlined record), even though
+         it would be technically safe to ignore that considering
+         the current constraints which guarantee that this type
+         is kept local to expressions.  *)
+      raise Exit
+  | Sig_module (_, _, {md_type = mty}, _, _) ->
+      contains_type env mty
+  | Sig_value _
+  | Sig_type _
+  | Sig_typext _
+  | Sig_class _
+  | Sig_class_type _ ->
+      ()
+let contains_type env mty =
+  try contains_type env mty; false with Exit -> true
+(* Remove module aliases from a signature *)
+let rec get_prefixes = function
+  | Pident _ -> Path.Set.empty
+  | Pdot (p, _) | Papply (p, _) | Pextra_ty (p, _)
+    -> Path.Set.add p (get_prefixes p)
+let rec get_arg_paths = function
+  | Pident _ -> Path.Set.empty
+  | Pdot (p, _) | Pextra_ty (p, _) -> get_arg_paths p
+  | Papply (p1, p2) ->
+      Path.Set.add p2
+        (Path.Set.union (get_prefixes p2)
+           (Path.Set.union (get_arg_paths p1) (get_arg_paths p2)))
+let rec rollback_path subst p =
+  try Pident (Path.Map.find p subst)
+  with Not_found ->
+    match p with
+      Pident _ | Papply _ -> p
+    | Pdot (p1, s) ->
+        let p1' = rollback_path subst p1 in
+        if Path.same p1 p1' then p else rollback_path subst (Pdot (p1', s))
+    | Pextra_ty (p1, extra) ->
+        let p1' = rollback_path subst p1 in
+        if Path.same p1 p1' then p
+        else rollback_path subst (Pextra_ty (p1', extra))
+let rec collect_ids subst bindings p =
+    begin match rollback_path subst p with
+      Pident id ->
+        let ids =
+          try collect_ids subst bindings (Ident.find_same id bindings)
+          with Not_found -> Ident.Set.empty
+        in
+        Ident.Set.add id ids
+    | _ -> Ident.Set.empty
+    end
+let collect_arg_paths mty =
+  let open Btype in
+  let paths = ref Path.Set.empty
+  and subst = ref Path.Map.empty
+  and bindings = ref Ident.empty in
+  (* let rt = Ident.create "Root" in
+     and prefix = ref (Path.Pident rt) in *)
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let super = type_iterators mark in
+  let it_path p = paths := Path.Set.union (get_arg_paths p) !paths
+  and it_signature_item it si =
+    super.it_signature_item it si;
+    match si with
+    | Sig_module (id, _, {md_type=Mty_alias p}, _, _) ->
+        bindings := Ident.add id p !bindings
+    | Sig_module (id, _, {md_type=Mty_signature sg}, _, _) ->
+        List.iter
+          (function Sig_module (id', _, _, _, _) ->
+              subst :=
+                Path.Map.add (Pdot (Pident id, Ident.name id')) id' !subst
+            | _ -> ())
+          sg
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let it = {super with it_path; it_signature_item} in
+  it.it_module_type it mty;
+  Path.Set.fold (fun p -> Ident.Set.union (collect_ids !subst !bindings p))
+    !paths Ident.Set.empty
+  end
+type remove_alias_args =
+    { mutable modified: bool;
+      exclude: Ident.t -> Path.t -> bool;
+      scrape: Env.t -> module_type -> module_type }
+let rec remove_aliases_mty env args pres mty =
+  let args' = {args with modified = false} in
+  let res =
+    match args.scrape env mty with
+      Mty_signature sg ->
+        Mp_present, Mty_signature (remove_aliases_sig env args' sg)
+    | Mty_alias _ ->
+        let mty' = Env.scrape_alias env mty in
+        if mty' = mty then begin
+          pres, mty
+        end else begin
+          args'.modified <- true;
+          remove_aliases_mty env args' Mp_present mty'
+        end
+    | mty ->
+        Mp_present, mty
+  in
+  if args'.modified then begin
+    args.modified <- true;
+    res
+  end else begin
+    pres, mty
+  end
+and remove_aliases_sig env args sg =
+  match sg with
+    [] -> []
+  | Sig_module(id, pres, md, rs, priv) :: rem  ->
+      let pres, mty =
+        match md.md_type with
+          Mty_alias p when args.exclude id p ->
+            pres, md.md_type
+        | mty ->
+            remove_aliases_mty env args pres mty
+      in
+      Sig_module(id, pres, {md with md_type = mty} , rs, priv) ::
+      remove_aliases_sig (Env.add_module id pres mty env) args rem
+  | Sig_modtype(id, mtd, priv) :: rem ->
+      Sig_modtype(id, mtd, priv) ::
+      remove_aliases_sig (Env.add_modtype id mtd env) args rem
+  | it :: rem ->
+      it :: remove_aliases_sig env args rem
+let scrape_for_functor_arg env mty =
+  let exclude _id p =
+    try ignore (Env.find_module p env); true with Not_found -> false
+  in
+  let _, mty =
+    remove_aliases_mty env {modified=false; exclude; scrape} Mp_present mty
+  in
+  mty
+let scrape_for_type_of ~remove_aliases env mty =
+  if remove_aliases then begin
+    let excl = collect_arg_paths mty in
+    let exclude id _p = Ident.Set.mem id excl in
+    let scrape _ mty = mty in
+    let _, mty =
+      remove_aliases_mty env {modified=false; exclude; scrape} Mp_present mty
+    in
+    mty
+  end else begin
+    let _, mty = scrape_for_type_of env Mp_present mty in
+    mty
+  end
+(* Lower non-generalizable type variables *)
+let lower_nongen nglev mty =
+  let open Btype in
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let super = type_iterators mark in
+  let it_do_type_expr it ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tvar _ ->
+        let level = get_level ty in
+        if level < generic_level && level > nglev then set_level ty nglev
+    | _ ->
+        super.it_do_type_expr it ty
+  in
+  let it = {super with it_do_type_expr} in
+  it.it_module_type it mty
+  end
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/mtype.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/mtype.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68d290b36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/mtype.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Operations on module types *)
+open Types
+val scrape: Env.t -> module_type -> module_type
+        (* Expand toplevel module type abbreviations
+           till hitting a "hard" module type (signature, functor,
+           or abstract module type ident. *)
+val scrape_for_functor_arg: Env.t -> module_type -> module_type
+        (* Remove aliases in a functor argument type *)
+val scrape_for_type_of:
+  remove_aliases:bool -> Env.t -> module_type -> module_type
+        (* Process type for module type of *)
+val freshen: scope:int -> module_type -> module_type
+        (* Return an alpha-equivalent copy of the given module type
+           where bound identifiers are fresh. *)
+val strengthen: aliasable:bool -> Env.t -> module_type -> Path.t -> module_type
+        (* Strengthen abstract type components relative to the
+           given path. *)
+val strengthen_decl:
+  aliasable:bool -> Env.t -> module_declaration -> Path.t -> module_declaration
+val nondep_supertype: Env.t -> Ident.t list -> module_type -> module_type
+        (* Return the smallest supertype of the given type
+           in which none of the given idents appears.
+           @raise [Ctype.Nondep_cannot_erase] if no such type exists. *)
+val nondep_sig_item: Env.t -> Ident.t list -> signature_item -> signature_item
+        (* Returns the signature item with its type updated
+           to be the smallest supertype of its initial type
+           in which none of the given idents appears.
+           @raise [Ctype.Nondep_cannot_erase] if no such type exists. *)
+val no_code_needed: Env.t -> module_type -> bool
+val no_code_needed_sig: Env.t -> signature -> bool
+        (* Determine whether a module needs no implementation code,
+           i.e. consists only of type definitions. *)
+val enrich_modtype: Env.t -> Path.t -> module_type -> module_type
+val enrich_typedecl: Env.t -> Path.t -> Ident.t -> type_declaration ->
+  type_declaration
+val type_paths: Env.t -> Path.t -> module_type -> Path.t list
+val contains_type: Env.t -> module_type -> bool
+val lower_nongen: int -> module_type -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/oprint.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/oprint.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b915fefa50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/oprint.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Format_doc
+open Outcometree
+exception Ellipsis
+let cautious f ppf arg =
+  try f ppf arg with
+    Ellipsis -> fprintf ppf "..."
+let print_lident ppf = function
+  | "::" -> pp_print_string ppf "(::)"
+  | s when Lexer.is_keyword s -> fprintf ppf "\\#%s" s
+  | s -> pp_print_string ppf s
+let rec print_ident ppf =
+  function
+    Oide_ident s -> print_lident ppf s.printed_name
+  | Oide_dot (id, s) ->
+      print_ident ppf id; pp_print_char ppf '.'; print_lident ppf s
+  | Oide_apply (id1, id2) ->
+      fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" print_ident id1 print_ident id2
+let out_ident = ref print_ident
+let parenthesized_ident name =
+  (List.mem name ["or"; "mod"; "land"; "lor"; "lxor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "asr"])
+  || not (Misc.Utf8_lexeme.is_valid_identifier name)
+let value_ident ppf name =
+  if parenthesized_ident name then
+    fprintf ppf "( %s )" name
+  else if Lexer.is_keyword name then
+    fprintf ppf "\\#%s" name
+  else
+    pp_print_string ppf name
+(* Values *)
+let valid_float_lexeme s =
+  let l = String.length s in
+  let rec loop i =
+    if i >= l then s ^ "." else
+    match s.[i] with
+    | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> loop (i+1)
+    | _ -> s
+  in loop 0
+let float_repres f =
+  match classify_float f with
+    FP_nan -> "nan"
+  | FP_infinite ->
+      if f < 0.0 then "neg_infinity" else "infinity"
+  | _ ->
+      let float_val =
+        let s1 = Printf.sprintf "%.12g" f in
+        if f = float_of_string s1 then s1 else
+        let s2 = Printf.sprintf "%.15g" f in
+        if f = float_of_string s2 then s2 else
+        Printf.sprintf "%.18g" f
+      in valid_float_lexeme float_val
+let parenthesize_if_neg ppf fmt v isneg =
+  if isneg then pp_print_char ppf '(';
+  fprintf ppf fmt v;
+  if isneg then pp_print_char ppf ')'
+let escape_string s =
+  (* Escape only C0 control characters (bytes <= 0x1F), DEL(0x7F), '\\'
+     and '"' *)
+   let n = ref 0 in
+  for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+    n := !n +
+      (match String.unsafe_get s i with
+       | '\"' | '\\' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r' | '\b' -> 2
+       | '\x00' .. '\x1F'
+       | '\x7F' -> 4
+       | _ -> 1)
+  done;
+  if !n = String.length s then s else begin
+    let s' = Bytes.create !n in
+    n := 0;
+    for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+      begin match String.unsafe_get s i with
+      | ('\"' | '\\') as c ->
+          Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n c
+      | '\n' ->
+          Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 'n'
+      | '\t' ->
+          Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 't'
+      | '\r' ->
+          Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 'r'
+      | '\b' ->
+          Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n 'b'
+      | '\x00' .. '\x1F' | '\x7F' as c ->
+          let a = Char.code c in
+          Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
+          incr n;
+          Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + a / 100));
+          incr n;
+          Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + (a / 10) mod 10));
+          incr n;
+          Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n (Char.chr (48 + a mod 10));
+      | c -> Bytes.unsafe_set s' !n c
+      end;
+      incr n
+    done;
+    Bytes.to_string s'
+  end
+let print_out_string ppf s =
+  let not_escaped =
+    (* let the user dynamically choose if strings should be escaped: *)
+    match Sys.getenv_opt "OCAMLTOP_UTF_8" with
+    | None -> true
+    | Some x ->
+        match bool_of_string_opt x with
+        | None -> true
+        | Some f -> f in
+  if not_escaped then
+    fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" (escape_string s)
+  else
+    fprintf ppf "%S" s
+let print_constr ppf name =
+  match name with
+  | Oide_ident {printed_name = ("true" | "false") as c} ->
+    (* despite being keywords, these are constructor names
+       and should not be escaped *)
+    fprintf ppf "%s" c
+  | Oide_dot (id, ("true"|"false" as s)) ->
+      (* Similarly, M.true is invalid *)
+      fprintf ppf "%a.(%s)" print_ident id s
+  | _ -> print_ident ppf name
+let print_out_value ppf tree =
+  let rec print_tree_1 ppf =
+    function
+    | Oval_constr (name, [param]) ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a@ %a@]" print_constr name print_constr_param param
+    | Oval_constr (name, (_ :: _ as params)) ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a@ (%a)@]" print_constr name
+          (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ",") params
+    | Oval_variant (name, Some param) ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[<2>`%a@ %a@]" print_lident name print_constr_param param
+    | Oval_lazy param ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[<2>lazy@ %a@]" print_constr_param param
+    | tree -> print_simple_tree ppf tree
+  and print_constr_param ppf = function
+    | Oval_int i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%i" i (i < 0)
+    | Oval_int32 i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%lil" i (i < 0l)
+    | Oval_int64 i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%LiL" i (i < 0L)
+    | Oval_nativeint i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%nin" i (i < 0n)
+    | Oval_float f ->
+        parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%s" (float_repres f)
+                                     (f < 0.0 || 1. /. f = neg_infinity)
+    | Oval_string (_,_, Ostr_bytes) as tree ->
+      pp_print_char ppf '(';
+      print_simple_tree ppf tree;
+      pp_print_char ppf ')';
+    | tree -> print_simple_tree ppf tree
+  and print_simple_tree ppf =
+    function
+      Oval_int i -> fprintf ppf "%i" i
+    | Oval_int32 i -> fprintf ppf "%lil" i
+    | Oval_int64 i -> fprintf ppf "%LiL" i
+    | Oval_nativeint i -> fprintf ppf "%nin" i
+    | Oval_float f -> pp_print_string ppf (float_repres f)
+    | Oval_char c -> fprintf ppf "%C" c
+    | Oval_string (s, maxlen, kind) ->
+       begin try
+         let len = String.length s in
+         let maxlen = max maxlen 8 in (* always show a little prefix *)
+         let s = if len > maxlen then String.sub s 0 maxlen else s in
+         begin match kind with
+         | Ostr_bytes -> fprintf ppf "Bytes.of_string %S" s
+         | Ostr_string -> print_out_string ppf s
+         end;
+         (if len > maxlen then
+            fprintf ppf
+              "... (* string length %d; truncated *)" len
+         )
+          with
+          Invalid_argument _ (* "String.create" *)-> fprintf ppf "<huge string>"
+        end
+    | Oval_list tl ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a]@]" (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ";") tl
+    | Oval_array tl ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[<2>[|%a|]@]" (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ";") tl
+    | Oval_constr (name, []) -> print_constr ppf name
+    | Oval_variant (name, None) -> fprintf ppf "`%a" print_lident name
+    | Oval_stuff s -> pp_print_string ppf s
+    | Oval_record fel ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[<1>{%a}@]" (cautious (print_fields true)) fel
+    | Oval_ellipsis -> raise Ellipsis
+    | Oval_printer f -> f ppf
+    | Oval_tuple tree_list ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]" (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ",") tree_list
+    | tree -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]" (cautious print_tree_1) tree
+  and print_fields first ppf =
+    function
+      [] -> ()
+    | (name, tree) :: fields ->
+        if not first then fprintf ppf ";@ ";
+        fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a@ =@ %a@]" print_ident name (cautious print_tree_1)
+          tree;
+        print_fields false ppf fields
+  and print_tree_list print_item sep ppf tree_list =
+    let rec print_list first ppf =
+      function
+        [] -> ()
+      | tree :: tree_list ->
+          if not first then fprintf ppf "%s@ " sep;
+          print_item ppf tree;
+          print_list false ppf tree_list
+    in
+    cautious (print_list true) ppf tree_list
+  in
+  cautious print_tree_1 ppf tree
+let out_value = ref (compat print_out_value)
+(* Types *)
+let rec print_list_init pr sep ppf =
+  function
+    [] -> ()
+  | a :: l -> sep ppf; pr ppf a; print_list_init pr sep ppf l
+let rec print_list pr sep ppf =
+  function
+    [] -> ()
+  | [a] -> pr ppf a
+  | a :: l -> pr ppf a; sep ppf; print_list pr sep ppf l
+let pr_present =
+  print_list (fun ppf s -> fprintf ppf "`%s" s) (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")
+let pr_var = Pprintast.Doc.tyvar
+let ty_var ~non_gen ppf s =
+  pr_var ppf (if non_gen then "_" ^ s else s)
+let pr_vars =
+  print_list pr_var (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")
+let print_arg_label ppf (lbl : Asttypes.arg_label) =
+  match lbl with
+  | Nolabel -> ()
+  | Labelled s -> fprintf ppf "%a:" print_lident s
+  | Optional s -> fprintf ppf "?%a:" print_lident s
+let rec print_out_type ppf =
+  function
+  | Otyp_alias {non_gen; aliased; alias } ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[%a@ as %a@]"
+        print_out_type aliased
+        (ty_var ~non_gen) alias
+  | Otyp_poly (sl, ty) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>%a.@ %a@]"
+        pr_vars sl
+        print_out_type ty
+  | ty ->
+      print_out_type_1 ppf ty
+and print_out_type_1 ppf =
+  function
+    Otyp_arrow (lab, ty1, ty2) ->
+      pp_open_box ppf 0;
+      print_arg_label ppf lab;
+      print_out_type_2 ppf ty1;
+      pp_print_string ppf " ->";
+      pp_print_space ppf ();
+      print_out_type_1 ppf ty2;
+      pp_close_box ppf ()
+  | ty -> print_out_type_2 ppf ty
+and print_out_type_2 ppf =
+  function
+    Otyp_tuple tyl ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<0>%a@]" (print_typlist print_simple_out_type " *") tyl
+  | ty -> print_simple_out_type ppf ty
+and print_simple_out_type ppf =
+  function
+    Otyp_class (id, tyl) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[%a#%a@]" print_typargs tyl print_ident id
+  | Otyp_constr (id, tyl) ->
+      pp_open_box ppf 0;
+      print_typargs ppf tyl;
+      print_ident ppf id;
+      pp_close_box ppf ()
+  | Otyp_object {fields; open_row} ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>< %a >@]" (print_fields open_row) fields
+  | Otyp_stuff s -> pp_print_string ppf s
+  | Otyp_var (non_gen, s) -> ty_var ~non_gen ppf s
+  | Otyp_variant (row_fields, closed, tags) ->
+      let print_present ppf =
+        function
+          None | Some [] -> ()
+        | Some l -> fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>> @[<hov>%a@]" pr_present l
+      in
+      let print_fields ppf =
+        function
+          Ovar_fields fields ->
+            print_list print_row_field (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>| ")
+              ppf fields
+        | Ovar_typ typ ->
+           print_simple_out_type ppf typ
+      in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov>[%s@[<hv>@[<hv>%a@]%a@]@ ]@]"
+        (if closed then if tags = None then " " else "< "
+         else if tags = None then "> " else "? ")
+        print_fields row_fields
+        print_present tags
+  | Otyp_alias _ | Otyp_poly _ | Otyp_arrow _ | Otyp_tuple _ as ty ->
+      pp_open_box ppf 1;
+      pp_print_char ppf '(';
+      print_out_type ppf ty;
+      pp_print_char ppf ')';
+      pp_close_box ppf ()
+  | Otyp_abstract | Otyp_open
+  | Otyp_sum _ | Otyp_manifest (_, _) -> ()
+  | Otyp_record lbls -> print_record_decl ppf lbls
+  | Otyp_module (p, fl) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<1>(module %a" print_ident p;
+      let first = ref true in
+      List.iter
+        (fun (s, t) ->
+          let sep = if !first then (first := false; "with") else "and" in
+          fprintf ppf " %s type %s = %a" sep s print_out_type t
+        )
+        fl;
+      fprintf ppf ")@]"
+  | Otyp_attribute (t, attr) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a [@@%s])@]" print_out_type t attr.oattr_name
+and print_record_decl ppf lbls =
+  fprintf ppf "{%a@;<1 -2>}"
+    (print_list_init print_out_label (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")) lbls
+and print_fields open_row ppf =
+  function
+    [] ->
+      if open_row then fprintf ppf "..";
+  | [s, t] ->
+      fprintf ppf "%a : %a" print_lident s print_out_type t;
+      if open_row then fprintf ppf ";@ ";
+      print_fields open_row ppf []
+  | (s, t) :: l ->
+      fprintf ppf "%s : %a;@ %a" s print_out_type t (print_fields open_row) l
+and print_row_field ppf (l, opt_amp, tyl) =
+  let pr_of ppf =
+    if opt_amp then fprintf ppf " of@ &@ "
+    else if tyl <> [] then fprintf ppf " of@ "
+    else fprintf ppf ""
+  in
+  fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>`%a%t%a@]" print_lident l pr_of
+    (print_typlist print_out_type " &")
+    tyl
+and print_typlist print_elem sep ppf =
+  function
+    [] -> ()
+  | [ty] -> print_elem ppf ty
+  | ty :: tyl ->
+      print_elem ppf ty;
+      pp_print_string ppf sep;
+      pp_print_space ppf ();
+      print_typlist print_elem sep ppf tyl
+and print_typargs ppf =
+  function
+    [] -> ()
+  | [ty1] -> print_simple_out_type ppf ty1; pp_print_space ppf ()
+  | tyl ->
+      pp_open_box ppf 1;
+      pp_print_char ppf '(';
+      print_typlist print_out_type "," ppf tyl;
+      pp_print_char ppf ')';
+      pp_close_box ppf ();
+      pp_print_space ppf ()
+and print_out_label ppf {olab_name; olab_mut; olab_type} =
+  fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%a :@ %a@];"
+    (match olab_mut with
+     | Mutable -> "mutable "
+     | Immutable -> "")
+    print_lident olab_name
+    print_out_type olab_type
+let out_label = ref print_out_label
+let out_type = ref print_out_type
+let out_type_args = ref print_typargs
+(* Class types *)
+let print_type_parameter ?(non_gen=false) ppf s =
+  if s = "_" then fprintf ppf "_" else ty_var ~non_gen ppf s
+let type_parameter ppf {ot_non_gen=non_gen; ot_name=ty; ot_variance=var,inj} =
+  let open Asttypes in
+  fprintf ppf "%s%s%a"
+    (match var with Covariant -> "+" | Contravariant -> "-" | NoVariance ->  "")
+    (match inj with Injective -> "!" | NoInjectivity -> "")
+    (print_type_parameter ~non_gen) ty
+let print_out_class_params ppf =
+  function
+    [] -> ()
+  | tyl ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a]@]@ "
+        (print_list type_parameter (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ", "))
+        tyl
+let rec print_out_class_type ppf =
+  function
+    Octy_constr (id, tyl) ->
+      let pr_tyl ppf =
+        function
+          [] -> ()
+        | tyl ->
+            fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a]@]@ " (print_typlist !out_type ",") tyl
+      in
+      fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]" pr_tyl tyl print_ident id
+  | Octy_arrow (lab, ty, cty) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[%a%a ->@ %a@]" print_arg_label lab
+        print_out_type_2 ty print_out_class_type cty
+  | Octy_signature (self_ty, csil) ->
+      let pr_param ppf =
+        function
+          Some ty -> fprintf ppf "@ @[(%a)@]" !out_type ty
+        | None -> ()
+      in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>@[<2>object%a@]@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" pr_param self_ty
+        (print_list print_out_class_sig_item (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ "))
+        csil
+and print_out_class_sig_item ppf =
+  function
+    Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>constraint %a =@ %a@]" !out_type ty1
+        !out_type ty2
+  | Ocsg_method (name, priv, virt, ty) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>method %s%s%a :@ %a@]"
+        (if priv then "private " else "") (if virt then "virtual " else "")
+        print_lident name !out_type ty
+  | Ocsg_value (name, mut, vr, ty) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>val %s%s%a :@ %a@]"
+        (if mut then "mutable " else "")
+        (if vr then "virtual " else "")
+        print_lident name !out_type ty
+let out_class_type = ref print_out_class_type
+(* Signature *)
+let out_module_type = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_module_type")
+let out_sig_item = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_sig_item")
+let out_signature = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_signature")
+let out_type_extension = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_type_extension")
+let out_functor_parameters =
+  ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_functor_parameters")
+(* For anonymous functor arguments, the logic to choose between
+   the long-form
+     functor (_ : S) -> ...
+   and the short-form
+     S -> ...
+   is as follows: if we are already printing long-form functor arguments,
+   we use the long form unless all remaining functor arguments can use
+   the short form. (Otherwise use the short form.)
+   For example,
+     functor (X : S1) (_ : S2) (Y : S3) (_ : S4) (_ : S5) -> sig end
+   will get printed as
+     functor (X : S1) (_ : S2) (Y : S3) -> S4 -> S5 -> sig end
+   but
+     functor (_ : S1) (_ : S2) (Y : S3) (_ : S4) (_ : S5) -> sig end
+   gets printed as
+     S1 -> S2 -> functor (Y : S3) -> S4 -> S5 -> sig end
+(* take a module type that may be a functor type,
+   and return the longest prefix list of arguments
+   that should be printed in long form. *)
+let rec collect_functor_args acc = function
+  | Omty_functor (param, mty_res) ->
+      collect_functor_args (param :: acc) mty_res
+  | non_functor -> (acc, non_functor)
+let collect_functor_args mty =
+  let l, rest = collect_functor_args [] mty in
+  List.rev l, rest
+let constructor_of_extension_constructor
+    (ext : out_extension_constructor) : out_constructor
+  {
+    ocstr_name = ext.oext_name;
+    ocstr_args = ext.oext_args;
+    ocstr_return_type = ext.oext_ret_type;
+  }
+let split_anon_functor_arguments params =
+  let rec uncollect_anonymous_suffix acc rest = match acc with
+    | Some (None, mty_arg) :: acc ->
+        uncollect_anonymous_suffix acc
+          (Some (None, mty_arg) :: rest)
+    | _ :: _ | [] ->
+        (acc, rest)
+  in
+  let (acc, rest) = uncollect_anonymous_suffix (List.rev params) [] in
+  (List.rev acc, rest)
+let rec print_out_module_type ppf mty =
+  print_out_functor ppf mty
+and print_out_functor_parameters ppf l =
+  let print_nonanon_arg ppf = function
+    | None ->
+        fprintf ppf "()"
+    | Some (param, mty) ->
+        fprintf ppf "(%s : %a)"
+          (Option.value param ~default:"_")
+          print_out_module_type mty
+  in
+  let rec print_args ppf = function
+    | [] -> ()
+    | Some (None, mty_arg) :: l ->
+        fprintf ppf "%a ->@ %a"
+          print_simple_out_module_type mty_arg
+          print_args l
+    | _ :: _ as non_anonymous_functor ->
+        let args, anons = split_anon_functor_arguments non_anonymous_functor in
+        fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@ ->@ %a"
+          (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_space print_nonanon_arg) args
+          print_args anons
+  in
+  print_args ppf l
+and print_out_functor ppf t =
+  let params, non_functor = collect_functor_args t in
+  fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a%a@]"
+    print_out_functor_parameters params
+    print_simple_out_module_type non_functor
+and print_simple_out_module_type ppf =
+  function
+    Omty_abstract -> ()
+  | Omty_ident id -> fprintf ppf "%a" print_ident id
+  | Omty_signature sg ->
+     begin match sg with
+       | [] -> fprintf ppf "sig end"
+       | sg ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>sig@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" print_out_signature sg
+     end
+  | Omty_alias id -> fprintf ppf "(module %a)" print_ident id
+  | Omty_functor _ as non_simple ->
+     fprintf ppf "(%a)" print_out_module_type non_simple
+and print_out_signature ppf =
+  function
+    [] -> ()
+  | [item] -> !out_sig_item ppf item
+  | Osig_typext(ext, Oext_first) :: items ->
+      (* Gather together the extension constructors *)
+      let rec gather_extensions acc items =
+        match items with
+            Osig_typext(ext, Oext_next) :: items ->
+              gather_extensions
+                (constructor_of_extension_constructor ext :: acc)
+                items
+          | _ -> (List.rev acc, items)
+      in
+      let exts, items =
+        gather_extensions
+          [constructor_of_extension_constructor ext]
+          items
+      in
+      let te =
+        { otyext_name = ext.oext_type_name;
+          otyext_params = ext.oext_type_params;
+          otyext_constructors = exts;
+          otyext_private = ext.oext_private }
+      in
+        fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" !out_type_extension te print_out_signature items
+  | item :: items ->
+      fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" !out_sig_item item print_out_signature items
+and print_out_sig_item ppf =
+  function
+    Osig_class (vir_flag, name, params, clt, rs) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s@ %a%a@ :@ %a@]"
+        (if rs = Orec_next then "and" else "class")
+        (if vir_flag then " virtual" else "") print_out_class_params params
+        print_lident name !out_class_type clt
+  | Osig_class_type (vir_flag, name, params, clt, rs) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s@ %a%a@ =@ %a@]"
+        (if rs = Orec_next then "and" else "class type")
+        (if vir_flag then " virtual" else "") print_out_class_params params
+        print_lident name !out_class_type clt
+  | Osig_typext (ext, Oext_exception) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>exception %a@]"
+        print_out_constr (constructor_of_extension_constructor ext)
+  | Osig_typext (ext, _es) ->
+      print_out_extension_constructor ppf ext
+  | Osig_modtype (name, Omty_abstract) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %s@]" name
+  | Osig_modtype (name, mty) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %s =@ %a@]" name !out_module_type mty
+  | Osig_module (name, Omty_alias id, _) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>module %s =@ %a@]" name print_ident id
+  | Osig_module (name, mty, rs) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s %s :@ %a@]"
+        (match rs with Orec_not -> "module"
+                     | Orec_first -> "module rec"
+                     | Orec_next -> "and")
+        name !out_module_type mty
+  | Osig_type(td, rs) ->
+        print_out_type_decl
+          (match rs with
+           | Orec_not   -> "type nonrec"
+           | Orec_first -> "type"
+           | Orec_next  -> "and")
+          ppf td
+  | Osig_value vd ->
+      let kwd = if vd.oval_prims = [] then "val" else "external" in
+      let pr_prims ppf =
+        function
+          [] -> ()
+        | s :: sl ->
+            fprintf ppf "@ = \"%s\"" s;
+            List.iter (fun s -> fprintf ppf "@ \"%s\"" s) sl
+      in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s %a :@ %a%a%a@]" kwd value_ident vd.oval_name
+        !out_type vd.oval_type pr_prims vd.oval_prims
+        (fun ppf -> List.iter (fun a -> fprintf ppf "@ [@@@@%s]" a.oattr_name))
+        vd.oval_attributes
+  | Osig_ellipsis ->
+      fprintf ppf "..."
+and print_out_type_decl kwd ppf td =
+  let print_constraints ppf =
+    List.iter
+      (fun (ty1, ty2) ->
+         fprintf ppf "@ @[<2>constraint %a =@ %a@]" !out_type ty1
+           !out_type ty2)
+      td.otype_cstrs
+  in
+  let type_defined ppf =
+    match td.otype_params with
+      [] -> print_lident ppf td.otype_name
+    | [param] ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[%a@ %a@]" type_parameter param
+          print_lident td.otype_name
+    | _ ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[(@[%a)@]@ %a@]"
+          (print_list type_parameter (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ",@ "))
+          td.otype_params
+          print_lident td.otype_name
+  in
+  let print_manifest ppf =
+    function
+      Otyp_manifest (ty, _) -> fprintf ppf " =@ %a" !out_type ty
+    | _ -> ()
+  in
+  let print_name_params ppf =
+    fprintf ppf "%s %t%a" kwd type_defined print_manifest td.otype_type
+  in
+  let ty =
+    match td.otype_type with
+      Otyp_manifest (_, ty) -> ty
+    | _ -> td.otype_type
+  in
+  let print_private ppf = function
+    Asttypes.Private -> fprintf ppf " private"
+  | Asttypes.Public -> ()
+  in
+  let print_immediate ppf =
+    match td.otype_immediate with
+    | Unknown -> ()
+    | Always -> fprintf ppf " [%@%@immediate]"
+    | Always_on_64bits -> fprintf ppf " [%@%@immediate64]"
+  in
+  let print_unboxed ppf =
+    if td.otype_unboxed then fprintf ppf " [%@%@unboxed]" else ()
+  in
+  let print_out_tkind ppf = function
+  | Otyp_abstract -> ()
+  | Otyp_record lbls ->
+      fprintf ppf " =%a %a"
+        print_private td.otype_private
+        print_record_decl lbls
+  | Otyp_sum constrs ->
+      let variants fmt constrs =
+        if constrs = [] then fprintf fmt "|" else
+        fprintf fmt "%a" (print_list print_out_constr
+          (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ | ")) constrs in
+      fprintf ppf " =%a@;<1 2>%a"
+        print_private td.otype_private variants constrs
+  | Otyp_open ->
+      fprintf ppf " =%a .."
+        print_private td.otype_private
+  | ty ->
+      fprintf ppf " =%a@;<1 2>%a"
+        print_private td.otype_private
+        !out_type ty
+  in
+  fprintf ppf "@[<2>@[<hv 2>%t%a@]%t%t%t@]"
+    print_name_params
+    print_out_tkind ty
+    print_constraints
+    print_immediate
+    print_unboxed
+and print_out_constr ppf constr =
+  let {
+    ocstr_name = name;
+    ocstr_args = tyl;
+    ocstr_return_type = return_type;
+  } = constr in
+  let name =
+    match name with
+    | "::" -> "(::)"   (* #7200 *)
+    | s -> s
+  in
+  match return_type with
+  | None ->
+      begin match tyl with
+      | [] ->
+          pp_print_string ppf name
+      | _ ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s of@ %a@]" name
+            (print_typlist print_simple_out_type " *") tyl
+      end
+  | Some ret_type ->
+      begin match tyl with
+      | [] ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s :@ %a@]" name print_simple_out_type  ret_type
+      | _ ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s :@ %a -> %a@]" name
+            (print_typlist print_simple_out_type " *")
+            tyl print_simple_out_type ret_type
+      end
+and print_out_extension_constructor ppf ext =
+  let print_extended_type ppf =
+      match ext.oext_type_params with
+        [] -> fprintf ppf "%a" print_lident ext.oext_type_name
+      | [ty_param] ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[%a@ %a@]"
+          (print_type_parameter ~non_gen:false)
+          ty_param
+          print_lident ext.oext_type_name
+      | _ ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[(@[%a)@]@ %a@]"
+          (print_list print_type_parameter (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ",@ "))
+          ext.oext_type_params
+          print_lident ext.oext_type_name
+  in
+  fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>type %t +=%s@;<1 2>%a@]"
+    print_extended_type
+    (if ext.oext_private = Asttypes.Private then " private" else "")
+    print_out_constr
+    (constructor_of_extension_constructor ext)
+and print_out_type_extension ppf te =
+  let print_extended_type ppf =
+    match te.otyext_params with
+      [] -> fprintf ppf "%a" print_lident te.otyext_name
+    | [param] ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[%a@ %a@]"
+        (print_type_parameter ~non_gen:false) param
+        print_lident te.otyext_name
+    | _ ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[(@[%a)@]@ %a@]"
+          (print_list print_type_parameter (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ",@ "))
+          te.otyext_params
+          print_lident te.otyext_name
+  in
+  fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>type %t +=%s@;<1 2>%a@]"
+    print_extended_type
+    (if te.otyext_private = Asttypes.Private then " private" else "")
+    (print_list print_out_constr (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ | "))
+    te.otyext_constructors
+let out_constr = ref print_out_constr
+let _ = out_module_type := print_out_module_type
+let _ = out_signature := print_out_signature
+let _ = out_sig_item := print_out_sig_item
+let _ = out_type_extension := print_out_type_extension
+let _ = out_functor_parameters := print_out_functor_parameters
+(* Phrases *)
+open Format
+let print_out_exception ppf exn outv =
+  match exn with
+    Sys.Break -> fprintf ppf "Interrupted.@."
+  | Out_of_memory -> fprintf ppf "Out of memory during evaluation.@."
+  | Stack_overflow ->
+      fprintf ppf "Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).@."
+  | _ -> match Printexc.use_printers exn with
+        | None -> fprintf ppf "@[Exception:@ %a.@]@." !out_value outv
+        | Some s -> fprintf ppf "@[Exception:@ %s@]@." s
+let rec print_items ppf =
+  function
+    [] -> ()
+  | (Osig_typext(ext, Oext_first), None) :: items ->
+      (* Gather together extension constructors *)
+      let rec gather_extensions acc items =
+        match items with
+            (Osig_typext(ext, Oext_next), None) :: items ->
+              gather_extensions
+                (constructor_of_extension_constructor ext :: acc)
+                items
+          | _ -> (List.rev acc, items)
+      in
+      let exts, items =
+        gather_extensions
+          [constructor_of_extension_constructor ext]
+          items
+      in
+      let te =
+        { otyext_name = ext.oext_type_name;
+          otyext_params = ext.oext_type_params;
+          otyext_constructors = exts;
+          otyext_private = ext.oext_private }
+      in
+        fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" (Format_doc.compat !out_type_extension) te;
+        if items <> [] then fprintf ppf "@ %a" print_items items
+  | (tree, valopt) :: items ->
+      begin match valopt with
+        Some v ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" (Format_doc.compat !out_sig_item) tree
+            !out_value v
+      | None -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" (Format_doc.compat !out_sig_item) tree
+      end;
+      if items <> [] then fprintf ppf "@ %a" print_items items
+let print_out_phrase ppf =
+  function
+    Ophr_eval (outv, ty) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[- : %a@ =@ %a@]@." (compat !out_type) ty !out_value outv
+  | Ophr_signature [] -> ()
+  | Ophr_signature items -> fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]@." print_items items
+  | Ophr_exception (exn, outv) -> print_out_exception ppf exn outv
+let out_phrase = ref print_out_phrase
+type 'a printer = 'a Format_doc.printer ref
+type 'a toplevel_printer = (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ref
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/oprint.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/oprint.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ce44f37ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/oprint.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Outcometree
+type 'a printer = 'a Format_doc.printer ref
+type 'a toplevel_printer = (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ref
+val out_ident: out_ident printer
+val out_value : out_value toplevel_printer
+val out_label : out_label printer
+val out_type : out_type printer
+val out_type_args : out_type list printer
+val out_constr : out_constructor printer
+val out_class_type : out_class_type printer
+val out_module_type : out_module_type printer
+val out_sig_item : out_sig_item printer
+val out_signature :out_sig_item list printer
+val out_functor_parameters :
+  (string option * Outcometree.out_module_type) option list printer
+val out_type_extension : out_type_extension printer
+val out_phrase : out_phrase toplevel_printer
+val parenthesized_ident : string -> bool
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/out_type.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/out_type.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3f3731ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/out_type.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1969 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Xavier Leroy and Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Compute a spanning tree representation of types *)
+open Misc
+open Ctype
+open Longident
+open Path
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Btype
+open Outcometree
+module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
+module Sig_component_kind = Shape.Sig_component_kind
+module Style = Misc.Style
+(* Print a long identifier *)
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+open Format_doc
+(* Print an identifier avoiding name collisions *)
+module Out_name = struct
+  let create x = { printed_name = x }
+  let print x = x.printed_name
+(** Some identifiers may require hiding when printing *)
+type bound_ident = { hide:bool; ident:Ident.t }
+(* printing environment for path shortening and naming *)
+let printing_env = ref Env.empty
+(* When printing, it is important to only observe the
+   current printing environment, without reading any new
+   cmi present on the file system *)
+let in_printing_env f = Env.without_cmis f !printing_env
+ type namespace = Sig_component_kind.t =
+    | Value
+    | Type
+    | Constructor
+    | Label
+    | Module
+    | Module_type
+    | Extension_constructor
+    | Class
+    | Class_type
+module Namespace = struct
+  let id = function
+    | Type -> 0
+    | Module -> 1
+    | Module_type -> 2
+    | Class -> 3
+    | Class_type -> 4
+    | Extension_constructor | Value | Constructor | Label -> 5
+     (* we do not handle those component *)
+  let size = 1 + id Value
+  let pp ppf x =
+    Fmt.pp_print_string ppf (Shape.Sig_component_kind.to_string x)
+  (** The two functions below should never access the filesystem,
+      and thus use {!in_printing_env} rather than directly
+      accessing the printing environment *)
+  let lookup =
+    let to_lookup f lid = fst @@ in_printing_env (f (Lident lid)) in
+    function
+    | Some Type -> to_lookup Env.find_type_by_name
+    | Some Module -> to_lookup Env.find_module_by_name
+    | Some Module_type -> to_lookup Env.find_modtype_by_name
+    | Some Class -> to_lookup Env.find_class_by_name
+    | Some Class_type -> to_lookup Env.find_cltype_by_name
+    | None | Some(Value|Extension_constructor|Constructor|Label) ->
+         fun _ -> raise Not_found
+  let location namespace id =
+    let path = Path.Pident id in
+    try Some (
+        match namespace with
+        | Some Type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_type path).type_loc
+        | Some Module -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_module path).md_loc
+        | Some Module_type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_modtype path).mtd_loc
+        | Some Class -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_class path).cty_loc
+        | Some Class_type -> (in_printing_env @@ Env.find_cltype path).clty_loc
+        | Some (Extension_constructor|Value|Constructor|Label) | None ->
+            Location.none
+      ) with Not_found -> None
+  let best_class_namespace = function
+    | Papply _ | Pdot _ -> Some Module
+    | Pextra_ty _ -> assert false (* Only in type path *)
+    | Pident c ->
+        match location (Some Class) c with
+        | Some _ -> Some Class
+        | None -> Some Class_type
+(** {2 Ident conflicts printing}
+  Ident conflicts arise when multiple {!Ident.t}s are attributed the same name.
+  The following module stores the global conflict references and provides the
+  printing functions for explaining the source of the conflicts.
+module Ident_conflicts = struct
+  module M = String.Map
+  type explanation =
+    { kind: namespace; name:string; root_name:string; location:Location.t}
+  let explanations = ref M.empty
+  let add namespace name id =
+    match Namespace.location (Some namespace) id with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some location ->
+        let explanation =
+          { kind = namespace; location; name; root_name=Ident.name id}
+        in
+        explanations := M.add name explanation !explanations
+  let collect_explanation namespace id ~name =
+    let root_name = Ident.name id in
+    (* if [name] is of the form "root_name/%d", we register both
+      [id] and the identifier in scope for [root_name].
+     *)
+    if root_name <> name && not (M.mem name !explanations) then
+      begin
+        add namespace name id;
+        if not (M.mem root_name !explanations) then
+          (* lookup the identifier in scope with name [root_name] and
+             add it too
+           *)
+          match Namespace.lookup (Some namespace) root_name with
+          | Pident root_id -> add namespace root_name root_id
+          | exception Not_found | _ -> ()
+      end
+  let pp_explanation ppf r=
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%a:@,Definition of %s %a@]"
+      Location.Doc.loc r.location (Sig_component_kind.to_string r.kind)
+      Style.inline_code r.name
+  let print_located_explanations ppf l =
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]"
+      (Fmt.pp_print_list pp_explanation) l
+  let reset () = explanations := M.empty
+  let list_explanations () =
+    let c = !explanations in
+    reset ();
+    c |> M.bindings |> List.map snd |> List.sort Stdlib.compare
+  let print_toplevel_hint ppf l =
+    let conj ppf () = Fmt.fprintf ppf " and@ " in
+    let pp_namespace_plural ppf n = Fmt.fprintf ppf "%as" Namespace.pp n in
+    let root_names = List.map (fun r -> r.kind, r.root_name) l in
+    let unique_root_names = List.sort_uniq Stdlib.compare root_names in
+    let submsgs = Array.make Namespace.size [] in
+    let () = List.iter (fun (n,_ as x) ->
+        submsgs.(Namespace.id n) <- x :: submsgs.(Namespace.id n)
+      )  unique_root_names in
+    let pp_submsg ppf names =
+      match names with
+      | [] -> ()
+      | [namespace, a] ->
+          Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "@,\
+         @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a has been defined multiple times@ \
+         in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
+         Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ this@ %a.\
+         @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
+        Namespace.pp namespace
+        Style.inline_code a Namespace.pp namespace
+      | (namespace, _) :: _ :: _ ->
+        Fmt.fprintf ppf
+        "@,\
+         @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: The %a %a have been defined multiple times@ \
+         in@ this@ toplevel@ session.@ \
+         Some toplevel values still refer to@ old@ versions@ of@ those@ %a.\
+         @ Did you try to redefine them?@]"
+        pp_namespace_plural namespace
+        Fmt.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:conj Style.inline_code)
+        (List.map snd names)
+        pp_namespace_plural namespace in
+    Array.iter (pp_submsg ppf) submsgs
+  let err_msg () =
+    let ltop, l =
+      (* isolate toplevel locations, since they are too imprecise *)
+      let from_toplevel a =
+        a.location.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname = "//toplevel//" in
+      List.partition from_toplevel (list_explanations ())
+    in
+    match l, ltop with
+    | [], [] -> None
+    | _  ->
+        Some
+          (Fmt.doc_printf "%a%a"
+             print_located_explanations l
+             print_toplevel_hint ltop
+          )
+  let err_print ppf = Option.iter Fmt.(fprintf ppf "@,%a" pp_doc) (err_msg ())
+  let exists () = M.cardinal !explanations >0
+module Ident_names = struct
+module M = String.Map
+module S = String.Set
+let enabled = ref true
+let enable b = enabled := b
+(* Names bound in recursive definitions should be considered as bound
+   in the environment when printing identifiers but not when trying
+   to find shortest path.
+   For instance, if we define
+   [{
+   module Avoid__me = struct
+     type t = A
+   end
+   type t = X
+   type u = [` A of t * t ]
+   module M = struct
+     type t = A of [ u | `B ]
+     type r = Avoid__me.t
+   end
+  }]
+  It is is important that in the definition of [t] that the outer type [t] is
+  printed as [t/2] reserving the name [t] to the type being defined in the
+  current recursive definition.
+     Contrarily, in the definition of [r], one should not shorten the
+  path [Avoid__me.t] to [r] until the end of the definition of [r].
+  The [bound_in_recursion] bridges the gap between those two slightly different
+  notions of printing environment.
+let bound_in_recursion = ref M.empty
+(* When dealing with functor arguments, identity becomes fuzzy because the same
+   syntactic argument may be represented by different identifiers during the
+   error processing, we are thus disabling disambiguation on the argument name
+let fuzzy = ref S.empty
+let with_fuzzy id f =
+  protect_refs [ R(fuzzy, S.add (Ident.name id) !fuzzy) ] f
+let fuzzy_id namespace id = namespace = Module && S.mem (Ident.name id) !fuzzy
+let with_hidden ids f =
+  let update m id = M.add (Ident.name id.ident) id.ident m in
+  let updated = List.fold_left update !bound_in_recursion ids in
+  protect_refs [ R(bound_in_recursion, updated )] f
+let human_id id index =
+  (* The identifier with index [k] is the (k+1)-th most recent identifier in
+     the printing environment. We print them as [name/(k+1)] except for [k=0]
+     which is printed as [name] rather than [name/1].
+  *)
+  if index = 0 then
+    Ident.name id
+  else
+    let ordinal = index + 1 in
+    String.concat "/" [Ident.name id; string_of_int ordinal]
+let indexed_name namespace id =
+  let find namespace id env = match namespace with
+    | Type -> Env.find_type_index id env
+    | Module -> Env.find_module_index id env
+    | Module_type -> Env.find_modtype_index id env
+    | Class -> Env.find_class_index id env
+    | Class_type-> Env.find_cltype_index id env
+    | Value | Extension_constructor | Constructor | Label -> None
+  in
+  let index =
+    match M.find_opt (Ident.name id) !bound_in_recursion with
+    | Some rec_bound_id ->
+        (* the identifier name appears in the current group of recursive
+           definition *)
+        if Ident.same rec_bound_id id then
+          Some 0
+        else
+          (* the current recursive definition shadows one more time the
+            previously existing identifier with the same name *)
+          Option.map succ (in_printing_env (find namespace id))
+    | None ->
+        in_printing_env (find namespace id)
+  in
+  let index =
+    (* If [index] is [None] at this point, it might indicate that
+       the identifier id is not defined in the environment, while there
+       are other identifiers in scope that share the same name.
+       Currently, this kind of partially incoherent environment happens
+       within functor error messages where the left and right hand side
+       have a different views of the environment at the source level.
+       Printing the source-level by using a default index of `0`
+       seems like a reasonable compromise in this situation however.*)
+    Option.value index ~default:0
+  in
+  human_id id index
+let ident_name namespace id =
+  match namespace, !enabled with
+  | None, _ | _, false -> Out_name.create (Ident.name id)
+  | Some namespace, true ->
+      if fuzzy_id namespace id then Out_name.create (Ident.name id)
+      else
+        let name = indexed_name namespace id in
+        Ident_conflicts.collect_explanation namespace id ~name;
+        Out_name.create name
+let ident_name = Ident_names.ident_name
+(* Print a path *)
+let ident_stdlib = Ident.create_persistent "Stdlib"
+let non_shadowed_stdlib namespace = function
+  | Pdot(Pident id, s) as path ->
+      Ident.same id ident_stdlib &&
+      (match Namespace.lookup namespace s with
+       | path' -> Path.same path path'
+       | exception Not_found -> true)
+  | _ -> false
+let find_double_underscore s =
+  let len = String.length s in
+  let rec loop i =
+    if i + 1 >= len then
+      None
+    else if s.[i] = '_' && s.[i + 1] = '_' then
+      Some i
+    else
+      loop (i + 1)
+  in
+  loop 0
+let rec module_path_is_an_alias_of env path ~alias_of =
+  match Env.find_module path env with
+  | { md_type = Mty_alias path'; _ } ->
+    Path.same path' alias_of ||
+    module_path_is_an_alias_of env path' ~alias_of
+  | _ -> false
+  | exception Not_found -> false
+(* Simple heuristic to print Foo__bar.* as Foo.Bar.* when Foo.Bar is an alias
+   for Foo__bar. This pattern is used by the stdlib. *)
+let rec rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p =
+  match p with
+  | Pdot (p, s) ->
+    Pdot (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p, s)
+  | Papply (a, b) ->
+    Papply (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env a,
+            rewrite_double_underscore_paths env b)
+  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) ->
+    Pextra_ty (rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p, extra)
+  | Pident id ->
+    let name = Ident.name id in
+    match find_double_underscore name with
+    | None -> p
+    | Some i ->
+      let better_lid =
+        Ldot
+          (Lident (String.sub name 0 i),
+           Unit_info.modulize
+             (String.sub name (i + 2) (String.length name - i - 2)))
+      in
+      match Env.find_module_by_name better_lid env with
+      | exception Not_found -> p
+      | p', _ ->
+          if module_path_is_an_alias_of env p' ~alias_of:p then
+            p'
+          else
+          p
+let rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p =
+  if env == Env.empty then
+    p
+  else
+    rewrite_double_underscore_paths env p
+let rec tree_of_path ?(disambiguation=true) namespace p =
+  let tree_of_path namespace p = tree_of_path ~disambiguation namespace p in
+  let namespace = if disambiguation then namespace else None in
+  match p with
+  | Pident id ->
+      Oide_ident (ident_name namespace id)
+  | Pdot(_, s) as path when non_shadowed_stdlib namespace path ->
+      Oide_ident (Out_name.create s)
+  | Pdot(p, s) ->
+      Oide_dot (tree_of_path (Some Module) p, s)
+  | Papply(p1, p2) ->
+      let t1 = tree_of_path (Some Module) p1 in
+      let t2 = tree_of_path (Some Module) p2 in
+      Oide_apply (t1, t2)
+  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) -> begin
+      (* inline record types are syntactically prevented from escaping their
+         binding scope, and are never shown to users. *)
+      match extra with
+        Pcstr_ty s ->
+          Oide_dot (tree_of_path (Some Type) p, s)
+      | Pext_ty ->
+          tree_of_path None p
+    end
+let tree_of_path ?disambiguation namespace p =
+  tree_of_path ?disambiguation namespace
+    (rewrite_double_underscore_paths !printing_env p)
+(* Print a recursive annotation *)
+let tree_of_rec = function
+  | Trec_not -> Orec_not
+  | Trec_first -> Orec_first
+  | Trec_next -> Orec_next
+(* Normalize paths *)
+type param_subst = Id | Nth of int | Map of int list
+let is_nth = function
+    Nth _ -> true
+  | _ -> false
+let compose l1 = function
+  | Id -> Map l1
+  | Map l2 -> Map (List.map (List.nth l1) l2)
+  | Nth n  -> Nth (List.nth l1 n)
+let apply_subst s1 tyl =
+  if tyl = [] then []
+  (* cf. PR#7543: Typemod.type_package doesn't respect type constructor arity *)
+  else
+    match s1 with
+      Nth n1 -> [List.nth tyl n1]
+    | Map l1 -> List.map (List.nth tyl) l1
+    | Id -> tyl
+type best_path = Paths of Path.t list | Best of Path.t
+(** Short-paths cache: the five mutable variables below implement a one-slot
+    cache for short-paths
+ *)
+let printing_old = ref Env.empty
+let printing_pers = ref String.Set.empty
+(** {!printing_old} and  {!printing_pers} are the keys of the one-slot cache *)
+let printing_depth = ref 0
+let printing_cont = ref ([] : Env.iter_cont list)
+let printing_map = ref Path.Map.empty
+   - {!printing_map} is the main value stored in the cache.
+   Note that it is evaluated lazily and its value is updated during printing.
+   - {!printing_dep} is the current exploration depth of the environment,
+   it is used to determine whenever the {!printing_map} should be evaluated
+   further before completing a request.
+   - {!printing_cont} is the list of continuations needed to evaluate
+   the {!printing_map} one level further (see also {!Env.run_iter_cont})
+let rec index l x =
+  match l with
+    [] -> raise Not_found
+  | a :: l -> if eq_type x a then 0 else 1 + index l x
+let rec uniq = function
+    [] -> true
+  | a :: l -> not (List.memq (a : int) l) && uniq l
+let rec normalize_type_path ?(cache=false) env p =
+  try
+    let (params, ty, _) = Env.find_type_expansion p env in
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tconstr (p1, tyl, _) ->
+        if List.length params = List.length tyl
+        && List.for_all2 eq_type params tyl
+        then normalize_type_path ~cache env p1
+        else if cache || List.length params <= List.length tyl
+             || not (uniq (List.map get_id tyl)) then (p, Id)
+        else
+          let l1 = List.map (index params) tyl in
+          let (p2, s2) = normalize_type_path ~cache env p1 in
+          (p2, compose l1 s2)
+    | _ ->
+        (p, Nth (index params ty))
+  with
+    Not_found ->
+      (Env.normalize_type_path None env p, Id)
+let penalty s =
+  if s <> "" && s.[0] = '_' then
+    10
+  else
+    match find_double_underscore s with
+    | None -> 1
+    | Some _ -> 10
+let rec path_size = function
+    Pident id ->
+      penalty (Ident.name id), -Ident.scope id
+  | Pdot (p, _) | Pextra_ty (p, Pcstr_ty _) ->
+      let (l, b) = path_size p in (1+l, b)
+  | Papply (p1, p2) ->
+      let (l, b) = path_size p1 in
+      (l + fst (path_size p2), b)
+  | Pextra_ty (p, _) -> path_size p
+let same_printing_env env =
+  let used_pers = Env.used_persistent () in
+  Env.same_types !printing_old env && String.Set.equal !printing_pers used_pers
+let set_printing_env env =
+  printing_env := env;
+  if !Clflags.real_paths ||
+     !printing_env == Env.empty ||
+     same_printing_env env then
+    ()
+  else begin
+    (* printf "Reset printing_map@."; *)
+    printing_old := env;
+    printing_pers := Env.used_persistent ();
+    printing_map := Path.Map.empty;
+    printing_depth := 0;
+    (* printf "Recompute printing_map.@."; *)
+    let cont =
+      Env.iter_types
+        (fun p (p', _decl) ->
+          let (p1, s1) = normalize_type_path env p' ~cache:true in
+          (* Format.eprintf "%a -> %a = %a@." path p path p' path p1 *)
+          if s1 = Id then
+          try
+            let r = Path.Map.find p1 !printing_map in
+            match !r with
+              Paths l -> r := Paths (p :: l)
+            | Best p' -> r := Paths [p; p'] (* assert false *)
+          with Not_found ->
+            printing_map := Path.Map.add p1 (ref (Paths [p])) !printing_map)
+        env in
+    printing_cont := [cont];
+  end
+let wrap_printing_env env f =
+  set_printing_env env;
+  try_finally f ~always:(fun () -> set_printing_env Env.empty)
+let wrap_printing_env ~error env f =
+  if error then Env.without_cmis (wrap_printing_env env) f
+  else wrap_printing_env env f
+let rec lid_of_path = function
+    Path.Pident id ->
+      Longident.Lident (Ident.name id)
+  | Path.Pdot (p1, s) | Path.Pextra_ty (p1, Pcstr_ty s)  ->
+      Longident.Ldot (lid_of_path p1, s)
+  | Path.Papply (p1, p2) ->
+      Longident.Lapply (lid_of_path p1, lid_of_path p2)
+  | Path.Pextra_ty (p, Pext_ty) -> lid_of_path p
+let is_unambiguous path env =
+  let l = Env.find_shadowed_types path env in
+  List.exists (Path.same path) l || (* concrete paths are ok *)
+  match l with
+    [] -> true
+  | p :: rem ->
+      (* allow also coherent paths:  *)
+      let normalize p = fst (normalize_type_path ~cache:true env p) in
+      let p' = normalize p in
+      List.for_all (fun p -> Path.same (normalize p) p') rem ||
+      (* also allow repeatedly defining and opening (for toplevel) *)
+      let id = lid_of_path p in
+      List.for_all (fun p -> lid_of_path p = id) rem &&
+      Path.same p (fst (Env.find_type_by_name id env))
+let rec get_best_path r =
+  match !r with
+    Best p' -> p'
+  | Paths [] -> raise Not_found
+  | Paths l ->
+      r := Paths [];
+      List.iter
+        (fun p ->
+          (* Format.eprintf "evaluating %a@." path p; *)
+          match !r with
+            Best p' when path_size p >= path_size p' -> ()
+          | _ -> if is_unambiguous p !printing_env then r := Best p)
+              (* else Format.eprintf "%a ignored as ambiguous@." path p *)
+        l;
+      get_best_path r
+let best_type_path p =
+  if !printing_env == Env.empty
+  then (p, Id)
+  else if !Clflags.real_paths
+  then (p, Id)
+  else
+    let (p', s) = normalize_type_path !printing_env p in
+    let get_path () = get_best_path (Path.Map.find  p' !printing_map) in
+    while !printing_cont <> [] &&
+      try fst (path_size (get_path ())) > !printing_depth with Not_found -> true
+    do
+      printing_cont := List.map snd (Env.run_iter_cont !printing_cont);
+      incr printing_depth;
+    done;
+    let p'' = try get_path () with Not_found -> p' in
+    (* Format.eprintf "%a = %a -> %a@." path p path p' path p''; *)
+    (p'', s)
+(* When building a tree for a best type path, we should not disambiguate
+   identifiers whenever the short-path algorithm detected a better path than
+   the original one.*)
+let tree_of_best_type_path p p' =
+  if Path.same p p' then tree_of_path (Some Type) p'
+  else tree_of_path ~disambiguation:false None p'
+(* Print a type expression *)
+let proxy ty = Transient_expr.repr (proxy ty)
+(* When printing a type scheme, we print weak names.  When printing a plain
+   type, we do not.  This type controls that behavior *)
+type type_or_scheme = Type | Type_scheme
+let is_non_gen mode ty =
+  match mode with
+  | Type_scheme -> is_Tvar ty && get_level ty <> generic_level
+  | Type        -> false
+let nameable_row row =
+  row_name row <> None &&
+  List.for_all
+    (fun (_, f) ->
+       match row_field_repr f with
+       | Reither(c, l, _) ->
+           row_closed row && if c then l = [] else List.length l = 1
+       | _ -> true)
+    (row_fields row)
+(* This specialized version of [Btype.iter_type_expr] normalizes and
+   short-circuits the traversal of the [type_expr], so that it covers only the
+   subterms that would be printed by the type printer. *)
+let printer_iter_type_expr f ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr(p, tyl, _) ->
+      let (_p', s) = best_type_path p in
+      List.iter f (apply_subst s tyl)
+  | Tvariant row -> begin
+      match row_name row with
+      | Some(_p, tyl) when nameable_row row ->
+          List.iter f tyl
+      | _ ->
+          iter_row f row
+    end
+  | Tobject (fi, nm) -> begin
+      match !nm with
+      | None ->
+          let fields, _ = flatten_fields fi in
+          List.iter
+            (fun (_, kind, ty) ->
+               if field_kind_repr kind = Fpublic then
+                 f ty)
+            fields
+      | Some (_, l) ->
+          List.iter f (List.tl l)
+    end
+  | Tfield(_, kind, ty1, ty2) ->
+      if field_kind_repr kind = Fpublic then
+        f ty1;
+      f ty2
+  | _ ->
+      Btype.iter_type_expr f ty
+let quoted_ident ppf x =
+  Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_ident ppf x
+module Internal_names : sig
+  val reset : unit -> unit
+  val add : Path.t -> unit
+  val print_explanations : Env.t -> Fmt.formatter -> unit
+end = struct
+  let names = ref Ident.Set.empty
+  let reset () =
+    names := Ident.Set.empty
+  let add p =
+    match p with
+    | Pident id ->
+        let name = Ident.name id in
+        if String.length name > 0 && name.[0] = '$' then begin
+          names := Ident.Set.add id !names
+        end
+    | Pdot _ | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> ()
+  let print_explanations env ppf =
+    let constrs =
+      Ident.Set.fold
+        (fun id acc ->
+          let p = Pident id in
+          match Env.find_type p env with
+          | exception Not_found -> acc
+          | decl ->
+              match type_origin decl with
+              | Existential constr ->
+                  let prev = String.Map.find_opt constr acc in
+                  let prev = Option.value ~default:[] prev in
+                  String.Map.add constr (tree_of_path None p :: prev) acc
+              | Definition | Rec_check_regularity -> acc)
+        !names String.Map.empty
+    in
+    String.Map.iter
+      (fun constr out_idents ->
+        match out_idents with
+        | [] -> ()
+        | [out_ident] ->
+            fprintf ppf
+              "@ @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}:@ %a@ is an existential type@ \
+               bound by the constructor@ %a.@]"
+              quoted_ident out_ident
+              Style.inline_code constr
+        | out_ident :: out_idents ->
+            fprintf ppf
+              "@ @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}:@ %a@ and %a@ are existential types@ \
+               bound by the constructor@ %a.@]"
+              (Fmt.pp_print_list
+                 ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf ",@ ")
+                 quoted_ident)
+              (List.rev out_idents)
+              quoted_ident out_ident
+              Style.inline_code constr)
+      constrs
+module Variable_names : sig
+  val reset_names : unit -> unit
+  val add_subst : (type_expr * type_expr) list -> unit
+  val new_name : unit -> string
+  val new_var_name : non_gen:bool -> type_expr -> unit -> string
+  val name_of_type : (unit -> string) -> transient_expr -> string
+  val check_name_of_type : non_gen:bool -> transient_expr -> unit
+  val reserve: type_expr -> unit
+  val remove_names : transient_expr list -> unit
+  val with_local_names : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+  (* Refresh the weak variable map in the toplevel; for [print_items], which is
+     itself for the toplevel *)
+  val refresh_weak : unit -> unit
+end = struct
+  (* We map from types to names, but not directly; we also store a substitution,
+     which maps from types to types.  The lookup process is
+     "type -> apply substitution -> find name".  The substitution is presumed to
+     be one-shot. *)
+  let names = ref ([] : (transient_expr * string) list)
+  let name_subst = ref ([] : (transient_expr * transient_expr) list)
+  let name_counter = ref 0
+  let named_vars = ref ([] : string list)
+  let visited_for_named_vars = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+  let weak_counter = ref 1
+  let weak_var_map = ref TypeMap.empty
+  let named_weak_vars = ref String.Set.empty
+  let reset_names () =
+    names := [];
+    name_subst := [];
+    name_counter := 0;
+    named_vars := [];
+    visited_for_named_vars := []
+  let add_named_var tty =
+    match tty.desc with
+      Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
+        if List.mem name !named_vars then () else
+        named_vars := name :: !named_vars
+    | _ -> ()
+  let rec add_named_vars ty =
+    let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+    let px = proxy ty in
+    if not (List.memq px !visited_for_named_vars) then begin
+      visited_for_named_vars := px :: !visited_for_named_vars;
+      match tty.desc with
+      | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ ->
+          add_named_var tty
+      | _ ->
+          printer_iter_type_expr add_named_vars ty
+    end
+  let substitute ty =
+    match List.assq ty !name_subst with
+    | ty' -> ty'
+    | exception Not_found -> ty
+  let add_subst subst =
+    name_subst :=
+      List.map (fun (t1,t2) -> Transient_expr.repr t1, Transient_expr.repr t2)
+        subst
+      @ !name_subst
+  let name_is_already_used name =
+    List.mem name !named_vars
+    || List.exists (fun (_, name') -> name = name') !names
+    || String.Set.mem name !named_weak_vars
+  let rec new_name () =
+    let name = Misc.letter_of_int !name_counter in
+    incr name_counter;
+    if name_is_already_used name then new_name () else name
+  let rec new_weak_name ty () =
+    let name = "weak" ^ Int.to_string !weak_counter in
+    incr weak_counter;
+    if name_is_already_used name then new_weak_name ty ()
+    else begin
+        named_weak_vars := String.Set.add name !named_weak_vars;
+        weak_var_map := TypeMap.add ty name !weak_var_map;
+        name
+      end
+  let new_var_name ~non_gen ty () =
+    if non_gen then new_weak_name ty ()
+    else new_name ()
+  let name_of_type name_generator t =
+    (* We've already been through repr at this stage, so t is our representative
+       of the union-find class. *)
+    let t = substitute t in
+    try List.assq t !names with Not_found ->
+      try TransientTypeMap.find t !weak_var_map with Not_found ->
+      let name =
+        match t.desc with
+          Tvar (Some name) | Tunivar (Some name) ->
+            (* Some part of the type we've already printed has assigned another
+             * unification variable to that name. We want to keep the name, so
+             * try adding a number until we find a name that's not taken. *)
+            let available name =
+              List.for_all
+                (fun (_, name') -> name <> name')
+                !names
+            in
+            if available name then name
+            else
+              let suffixed i = name ^ Int.to_string i in
+              let i = Misc.find_first_mono (fun i -> available (suffixed i)) in
+              suffixed i
+        | _ ->
+            (* No name available, create a new one *)
+            name_generator ()
+      in
+      (* Exception for type declarations *)
+      if name <> "_" then names := (t, name) :: !names;
+      name
+  let check_name_of_type ~non_gen px =
+    let name_gen = new_var_name ~non_gen (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
+    ignore(name_of_type name_gen px)
+  let remove_names tyl =
+    let tyl = List.map substitute tyl in
+    names := List.filter (fun (ty,_) -> not (List.memq ty tyl)) !names
+  let with_local_names f =
+    let old_names = !names in
+    let old_subst = !name_subst in
+    names      := [];
+    name_subst := [];
+    try_finally
+      ~always:(fun () ->
+        names      := old_names;
+        name_subst := old_subst)
+      f
+  let refresh_weak () =
+    let refresh t name (m,s) =
+      if is_non_gen Type_scheme t then
+        begin
+          TypeMap.add t name m,
+          String.Set.add name s
+        end
+      else m, s in
+    let m, s =
+      TypeMap.fold refresh !weak_var_map (TypeMap.empty ,String.Set.empty) in
+    named_weak_vars := s;
+    weak_var_map := m
+  let reserve ty =
+    normalize_type ty;
+    add_named_vars ty
+module Aliases = struct
+  let visited_objects = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+  let aliased = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+  let delayed = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+  let printed_aliases = ref ([] : transient_expr list)
+(* [printed_aliases] is a subset of [aliased] that records only those aliased
+   types that have actually been printed; this allows us to avoid naming loops
+   that the user will never see. *)
+  let is_delayed t = List.memq t !delayed
+  let remove_delay t =
+    if is_delayed t then
+      delayed := List.filter ((!=) t) !delayed
+  let add_delayed t =
+    if not (is_delayed t) then delayed := t :: !delayed
+  let is_aliased_proxy px = List.memq px !aliased
+  let is_printed_proxy px = List.memq px !printed_aliases
+  let add_proxy px =
+    if not (is_aliased_proxy px) then
+      aliased := px :: !aliased
+  let add ty = add_proxy (proxy ty)
+  let add_printed_proxy ~non_gen px =
+    Variable_names.check_name_of_type ~non_gen px;
+    printed_aliases := px :: !printed_aliases
+  let mark_as_printed px =
+     if is_aliased_proxy px then (add_printed_proxy ~non_gen:false) px
+  let add_printed ty = add_printed_proxy (proxy ty)
+  let aliasable ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tpoly _ -> false
+    | Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
+        not (is_nth (snd (best_type_path p)))
+    | _ -> true
+  let should_visit_object ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvariant row -> not (static_row row)
+    | Tobject _ -> opened_object ty
+    | _ -> false
+  let rec mark_loops_rec visited ty =
+    let px = proxy ty in
+    if List.memq px visited && aliasable ty then add_proxy px else
+      let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+      let visited = px :: visited in
+      match tty.desc with
+      | Tvariant _ | Tobject _ ->
+          if List.memq px !visited_objects then add_proxy px else begin
+            if should_visit_object ty then
+              visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects;
+            printer_iter_type_expr (mark_loops_rec visited) ty
+          end
+      | Tpoly(ty, tyl) ->
+          List.iter add tyl;
+          mark_loops_rec visited ty
+      | _ ->
+          printer_iter_type_expr (mark_loops_rec visited) ty
+  let mark_loops ty =
+    mark_loops_rec [] ty
+  let reset () =
+    visited_objects := []; aliased := []; delayed := []; printed_aliases := []
+let prepare_type ty =
+  Variable_names.reserve ty;
+  Aliases.mark_loops ty
+let reset_except_conflicts () =
+  Variable_names.reset_names (); Aliases.reset (); Internal_names.reset ()
+let reset () =
+  Ident_conflicts.reset ();
+  reset_except_conflicts ()
+let prepare_for_printing tyl =
+  reset_except_conflicts ();
+  List.iter prepare_type tyl
+let add_type_to_preparation = prepare_type
+(* Disabled in classic mode when printing an unification error *)
+let print_labels = ref true
+let with_labels b f = Misc.protect_refs [R (print_labels,b)] f
+let alias_nongen_row mode px ty =
+    match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvariant _ | Tobject _ ->
+        if is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) then
+          Aliases.add_proxy px
+    | _ -> ()
+let rec tree_of_typexp mode ty =
+  let px = proxy ty in
+  if Aliases.is_printed_proxy px && not (Aliases.is_delayed px) then
+   let non_gen = is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
+   let name = Variable_names.(name_of_type (new_var_name ~non_gen ty)) px in
+   Otyp_var (non_gen, name) else
+  let pr_typ () =
+    let tty = Transient_expr.repr ty in
+    match tty.desc with
+    | Tvar _ ->
+        let non_gen = is_non_gen mode ty in
+        let name_gen = Variable_names.new_var_name ~non_gen ty in
+        Otyp_var (non_gen, Variable_names.name_of_type name_gen tty)
+    | Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2, _) ->
+        let lab =
+          if !print_labels || is_optional l then l else Nolabel
+        in
+        let t1 =
+          if is_optional l then
+            match get_desc ty1 with
+            | Tconstr(path, [ty], _)
+              when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
+                tree_of_typexp mode ty
+            | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>"
+          else tree_of_typexp mode ty1 in
+        Otyp_arrow (lab, t1, tree_of_typexp mode ty2)
+    | Ttuple tyl ->
+        Otyp_tuple (tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
+    | Tconstr(p, tyl, _abbrev) ->
+        let p', s = best_type_path p in
+        let tyl' = apply_subst s tyl in
+        if is_nth s && not (tyl'=[])
+        then tree_of_typexp mode (List.hd tyl')
+        else begin
+          Internal_names.add p';
+          Otyp_constr (tree_of_best_type_path p p', tree_of_typlist mode tyl')
+        end
+    | Tvariant row ->
+        let Row {fields; name; closed; _} = row_repr row in
+        let fields =
+          if closed then
+            List.filter (fun (_, f) -> row_field_repr f <> Rabsent)
+              fields
+          else fields in
+        let present =
+          List.filter
+            (fun (_, f) ->
+               match row_field_repr f with
+               | Rpresent _ -> true
+               | _ -> false)
+            fields in
+        let all_present = List.length present = List.length fields in
+        begin match name with
+        | Some(p, tyl) when nameable_row row ->
+            let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
+            let id = tree_of_best_type_path p p' in
+            let args = tree_of_typlist mode (apply_subst s tyl) in
+            let out_variant =
+              if is_nth s then List.hd args else Otyp_constr (id, args) in
+            if closed && all_present then
+              out_variant
+            else
+              let tags =
+                if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
+              Otyp_variant (Ovar_typ out_variant, closed, tags)
+        | _ ->
+            let fields = List.map (tree_of_row_field mode) fields in
+            let tags =
+              if all_present then None else Some (List.map fst present) in
+            Otyp_variant (Ovar_fields fields, closed, tags)
+        end
+    | Tobject (fi, nm) ->
+        tree_of_typobject mode fi !nm
+    | Tnil | Tfield _ ->
+        tree_of_typobject mode ty None
+    | Tsubst _ ->
+        (* This case should only happen when debugging the compiler *)
+        Otyp_stuff "<Tsubst>"
+    | Tlink _ ->
+        fatal_error "Out_type.tree_of_typexp"
+    | Tpoly (ty, []) ->
+        tree_of_typexp mode ty
+    | Tpoly (ty, tyl) ->
+        (*let print_names () =
+          List.iter (fun (_, name) -> prerr_string (name ^ " ")) !names;
+          prerr_string "; " in *)
+        if tyl = [] then tree_of_typexp mode ty else begin
+          let tyl = List.map Transient_expr.repr tyl in
+          let old_delayed = !Aliases.delayed in
+          (* Make the names delayed, so that the real type is
+             printed once when used as proxy *)
+          List.iter Aliases.add_delayed tyl;
+          let tl = List.map Variable_names.(name_of_type new_name) tyl in
+          let tr = Otyp_poly (tl, tree_of_typexp mode ty) in
+          (* Forget names when we leave scope *)
+          Variable_names.remove_names tyl;
+          Aliases.delayed := old_delayed; tr
+        end
+    | Tunivar _ ->
+        Otyp_var (false, Variable_names.(name_of_type new_name) tty)
+    | Tpackage (p, fl) ->
+        let fl =
+          List.map
+            (fun (li, ty) -> (
+              String.concat "." (Longident.flatten li),
+              tree_of_typexp mode ty
+            )) fl in
+        Otyp_module (tree_of_path (Some Module_type) p, fl)
+  in
+  Aliases.remove_delay px;
+  alias_nongen_row mode px ty;
+  if Aliases.(is_aliased_proxy px && aliasable ty) then begin
+    let non_gen = is_non_gen mode (Transient_expr.type_expr px) in
+    Aliases.add_printed_proxy ~non_gen px;
+    (* add_printed_alias chose a name, thus the name generator
+       doesn't matter.*)
+    let alias = Variable_names.(name_of_type (new_var_name ~non_gen ty)) px in
+    Otyp_alias {non_gen;  aliased = pr_typ (); alias } end
+  else pr_typ ()
+and tree_of_row_field mode (l, f) =
+  match row_field_repr f with
+  | Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _) -> (l, false, [])
+  | Rpresent(Some ty) -> (l, false, [tree_of_typexp mode ty])
+  | Reither(c, tyl, _) ->
+      if c (* contradiction: constant constructor with an argument *)
+      then (l, true, tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
+      else (l, false, tree_of_typlist mode tyl)
+  | Rabsent -> (l, false, [] (* actually, an error *))
+and tree_of_typlist mode tyl =
+  List.map (tree_of_typexp mode) tyl
+and tree_of_typobject mode fi nm =
+  begin match nm with
+  | None ->
+      let pr_fields fi =
+        let (fields, rest) = flatten_fields fi in
+        let present_fields =
+          List.fold_right
+            (fun (n, k, t) l ->
+               match field_kind_repr k with
+               | Fpublic -> (n, t) :: l
+               | _ -> l)
+            fields [] in
+        let sorted_fields =
+          List.sort
+            (fun (n, _) (n', _) -> String.compare n n') present_fields in
+        tree_of_typfields mode rest sorted_fields in
+      let (fields, open_row) = pr_fields fi in
+      Otyp_object {fields; open_row}
+  | Some (p, _ty :: tyl) ->
+      let args = tree_of_typlist mode tyl in
+      let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
+      assert (s = Id);
+      Otyp_class (tree_of_best_type_path p p', args)
+  | _ ->
+      fatal_error "Out_type.tree_of_typobject"
+  end
+and tree_of_typfields mode rest = function
+  | [] ->
+      let open_row =
+        match get_desc rest with
+        | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tconstr _-> true
+        | Tnil -> false
+        | _ -> fatal_error "typfields (1)"
+      in
+      ([], open_row)
+  | (s, t) :: l ->
+      let field = (s, tree_of_typexp mode t) in
+      let (fields, rest) = tree_of_typfields mode rest l in
+      (field :: fields, rest)
+let typexp mode ppf ty =
+  !Oprint.out_type ppf (tree_of_typexp mode ty)
+let prepared_type_expr ppf ty = typexp Type ppf ty
+(* "Half-prepared" type expression: [ty] should have had its names reserved, but
+   should not have had its loops marked. *)
+let type_expr_with_reserved_names ppf ty =
+  Aliases.reset ();
+  Aliases.mark_loops ty;
+  prepared_type_expr ppf ty
+let prepared_type_scheme ppf ty = typexp Type_scheme ppf ty
+(* Print one type declaration *)
+let tree_of_constraints params =
+  List.fold_right
+    (fun ty list ->
+       let ty' = unalias ty in
+       if proxy ty != proxy ty' then
+         let tr = tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty in
+         (tr, tree_of_typexp Type_scheme ty') :: list
+       else list)
+    params []
+let filter_params tyl =
+  let params =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun tyl ty ->
+        if List.exists (eq_type ty) tyl
+        then newty2 ~level:generic_level (Ttuple [ty]) :: tyl
+        else ty :: tyl)
+      (* Two parameters might be identical due to a constraint but we need to
+         print them differently in order to make the output syntactically valid.
+         We use [Ttuple [ty]] because it is printed as [ty]. *)
+      (* Replacing fold_left by fold_right does not work! *)
+      [] tyl
+  in List.rev params
+let prepare_type_constructor_arguments = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter prepare_type l
+  | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> prepare_type l.ld_type) l
+let tree_of_label l =
+  {
+    olab_name = Ident.name l.ld_id;
+    olab_mut = l.ld_mutable;
+    olab_type = tree_of_typexp Type l.ld_type;
+  }
+let tree_of_constructor_arguments = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> tree_of_typlist Type l
+  | Cstr_record l -> [ Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label l) ]
+let tree_of_single_constructor cd =
+  let name = Ident.name cd.cd_id in
+  let ret = Option.map (tree_of_typexp Type) cd.cd_res in
+  let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments cd.cd_args in
+  {
+      ocstr_name = name;
+      ocstr_args = args;
+      ocstr_return_type = ret;
+  }
+(* When printing GADT constructor, we need to forget the naming decision we took
+  for the type parameters and constraints. Indeed, in
+  {[
+  type 'a t = X: 'a -> 'b t
+   ]}
+  It is fine to print both the type parameter ['a] and the existentially
+  quantified ['a] in the definition of the constructor X as ['a]
+ *)
+let tree_of_constructor_in_decl cd =
+  match cd.cd_res with
+  | None -> tree_of_single_constructor cd
+  | Some _ ->
+      Variable_names.with_local_names (fun () -> tree_of_single_constructor cd)
+let prepare_decl id decl =
+  let params = filter_params decl.type_params in
+  begin match decl.type_manifest with
+  | Some ty ->
+      let vars = free_variables ty in
+      List.iter
+        (fun ty ->
+          if get_desc ty = Tvar (Some "_") && List.exists (eq_type ty) vars
+          then set_type_desc ty (Tvar None))
+        params
+  | None -> ()
+  end;
+  List.iter Aliases.add params;
+  List.iter prepare_type params;
+  List.iter (Aliases.add_printed ~non_gen:false) params;
+  let ty_manifest =
+    match decl.type_manifest with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some ty ->
+        let ty =
+          (* Special hack to hide variant name *)
+          match get_desc ty with
+            Tvariant row ->
+              begin match row_name row with
+                Some (Pident id', _) when Ident.same id id' ->
+                  newgenty (Tvariant (set_row_name row None))
+              | _ -> ty
+              end
+          | _ -> ty
+        in
+        prepare_type ty;
+        Some ty
+  in
+  begin match decl.type_kind with
+  | Type_abstract _ -> ()
+  | Type_variant (cstrs, _rep) ->
+      List.iter
+        (fun c ->
+           prepare_type_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
+           Option.iter prepare_type c.cd_res)
+        cstrs
+  | Type_record(l, _rep) ->
+      List.iter (fun l -> prepare_type l.ld_type) l
+  | Type_open -> ()
+  end;
+  ty_manifest, params
+let tree_of_type_decl id decl =
+  let ty_manifest, params = prepare_decl id decl in
+  let type_param ot_variance =
+    function
+    | Otyp_var (ot_non_gen, ot_name) -> {ot_non_gen; ot_name; ot_variance}
+    | _ -> {ot_non_gen=false; ot_name="?"; ot_variance}
+  in
+  let type_defined decl =
+    let abstr =
+      match decl.type_kind with
+        Type_abstract _ ->
+          decl.type_manifest = None || decl.type_private = Private
+      | Type_record _ ->
+          decl.type_private = Private
+      | Type_variant (tll, _rep) ->
+          decl.type_private = Private ||
+          List.exists (fun cd -> cd.cd_res <> None) tll
+      | Type_open ->
+          decl.type_manifest = None
+    in
+    let vari =
+      List.map2
+        (fun ty v ->
+          let is_var = is_Tvar ty in
+          if abstr || not is_var then
+            let inj =
+              type_kind_is_abstract decl && Variance.mem Inj v &&
+              match decl.type_manifest with
+              | None -> true
+              | Some ty -> (* only abstract or private row types *)
+                  decl.type_private = Private &&
+                  Btype.is_constr_row ~allow_ident:true (Btype.row_of_type ty)
+            and (co, cn) = Variance.get_upper v in
+            (if not cn then Covariant else
+             if not co then Contravariant else NoVariance),
+            (if inj then Injective else NoInjectivity)
+          else (NoVariance, NoInjectivity))
+        decl.type_params decl.type_variance
+    in
+    (Ident.name id,
+     List.map2 (fun ty cocn -> type_param cocn (tree_of_typexp Type ty))
+       params vari)
+  in
+  let tree_of_manifest ty1 =
+    match ty_manifest with
+    | None -> ty1
+    | Some ty -> Otyp_manifest (tree_of_typexp Type ty, ty1)
+  in
+  let (name, args) = type_defined decl in
+  let constraints = tree_of_constraints params in
+  let ty, priv, unboxed =
+    match decl.type_kind with
+    | Type_abstract _ ->
+        begin match ty_manifest with
+        | None -> (Otyp_abstract, Public, false)
+        | Some ty ->
+            tree_of_typexp Type ty, decl.type_private, false
+        end
+    | Type_variant (cstrs, rep) ->
+        tree_of_manifest
+          (Otyp_sum (List.map tree_of_constructor_in_decl cstrs)),
+        decl.type_private,
+        (rep = Variant_unboxed)
+    | Type_record(lbls, rep) ->
+        tree_of_manifest (Otyp_record (List.map tree_of_label lbls)),
+        decl.type_private,
+        (match rep with Record_unboxed _ -> true | _ -> false)
+    | Type_open ->
+        tree_of_manifest Otyp_open,
+        decl.type_private,
+        false
+  in
+    { otype_name = name;
+      otype_params = args;
+      otype_type = ty;
+      otype_private = priv;
+      otype_immediate = Type_immediacy.of_attributes decl.type_attributes;
+      otype_unboxed = unboxed;
+      otype_cstrs = constraints }
+let add_type_decl_to_preparation id decl =
+   ignore @@ prepare_decl id decl
+let tree_of_prepared_type_decl id decl =
+  tree_of_type_decl id decl
+let tree_of_type_decl id decl =
+  reset_except_conflicts();
+  tree_of_type_decl id decl
+let add_constructor_to_preparation c =
+  prepare_type_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
+  Option.iter prepare_type c.cd_res
+let prepared_constructor ppf c =
+  !Oprint.out_constr ppf (tree_of_single_constructor c)
+let tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs =
+  Osig_type (tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)
+let tree_of_prepared_type_declaration id decl rs =
+  Osig_type (tree_of_prepared_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)
+let add_type_declaration_to_preparation id decl =
+  add_type_decl_to_preparation id decl
+let prepared_type_declaration id ppf decl =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf
+    (tree_of_prepared_type_declaration id decl Trec_first)
+(* When printing extension constructor, it is important to ensure that
+after printing the constructor, we are still in the scope of the constructor.
+For GADT constructor, this can be done by printing the type parameters inside
+their own isolated scope. This ensures that in
+   type 'b t += A: 'b -> 'b any t
+the type parameter `'b` is not bound when printing the type variable `'b` from
+the constructor definition from the type parameter.
+Contrarily, for non-gadt constructor, we must keep the same scope for
+the type parameters and the constructor because a type constraint may
+have changed the name of the type parameter:
+type -'a t = .. constraint <x:'a. 'a t -> 'a> = 'a
+(* the universal 'a is here to steal the name 'a from the type parameter *)
+type 'a t = X of 'a
+]} *)
+let add_extension_constructor_to_preparation ext =
+  let ty_params = filter_params ext.ext_type_params in
+  List.iter Aliases.add ty_params;
+  List.iter prepare_type ty_params;
+  prepare_type_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args;
+  Option.iter prepare_type ext.ext_ret_type
+let extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree ext_args ext_ret_type =
+  let ret = Option.map (tree_of_typexp Type) ext_ret_type in
+  let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments ext_args in
+  (args, ret)
+let prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor
+   id ext es
+  =
+  let ty_name = Path.name ext.ext_type_path in
+  let ty_params = filter_params ext.ext_type_params in
+  let type_param =
+    function
+    | Otyp_var (_, id) -> id
+    | _ -> "?"
+  in
+  let param_scope f =
+    match ext.ext_ret_type with
+    | None ->
+        (* normal constructor: same scope for parameters and the constructor *)
+        f ()
+    | Some _ ->
+        (* gadt constructor: isolated scope for the type parameters *)
+        Variable_names.with_local_names f
+  in
+  let ty_params =
+    param_scope
+      (fun () ->
+         List.iter (Aliases.add_printed ~non_gen:false) ty_params;
+         List.map (fun ty -> type_param (tree_of_typexp Type ty)) ty_params
+      )
+  in
+  let name = Ident.name id in
+  let args, ret =
+    extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree
+      ext.ext_args
+      ext.ext_ret_type
+  in
+  let ext =
+    { oext_name = name;
+      oext_type_name = ty_name;
+      oext_type_params = ty_params;
+      oext_args = args;
+      oext_ret_type = ret;
+      oext_private = ext.ext_private }
+  in
+  let es =
+    match es with
+        Text_first -> Oext_first
+      | Text_next -> Oext_next
+      | Text_exception -> Oext_exception
+  in
+    Osig_typext (ext, es)
+let tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es =
+  reset_except_conflicts ();
+  add_extension_constructor_to_preparation ext;
+  prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es
+let prepared_extension_constructor id ppf ext =
+  !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf
+    (prepared_tree_of_extension_constructor id ext Text_first)
+(* Print a value declaration *)
+let tree_of_value_description id decl =
+  (* Format.eprintf "@[%a@]@." raw_type_expr decl.val_type; *)
+  let id = Ident.name id in
+  let () = prepare_for_printing [decl.val_type] in
+  let ty = tree_of_typexp Type_scheme decl.val_type in
+  let vd =
+    { oval_name = id;
+      oval_type = ty;
+      oval_prims = [];
+      oval_attributes = [] }
+  in
+  let vd =
+    match decl.val_kind with
+    | Val_prim p -> Primitive.print p vd
+    | _ -> vd
+  in
+  Osig_value vd
+(* Print a class type *)
+let method_type priv ty =
+  match priv, get_desc ty with
+  | Mpublic, Tpoly(ty, tyl) -> (ty, tyl)
+  | _ , _ -> (ty, [])
+let prepare_method _lab (priv, _virt, ty) =
+  let ty, _ = method_type priv ty in
+  prepare_type ty
+let tree_of_method mode (lab, priv, virt, ty) =
+  let (ty, tyl) = method_type priv ty in
+  let tty = tree_of_typexp mode ty in
+  Variable_names.remove_names (List.map Transient_expr.repr tyl);
+  let priv = priv <> Mpublic in
+  let virt = virt = Virtual in
+  Ocsg_method (lab, priv, virt, tty)
+let rec prepare_class_type params = function
+  | Cty_constr (_p, tyl, cty) ->
+      let row = Btype.self_type_row cty in
+      if List.memq (proxy row) !Aliases.visited_objects
+      || not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
+      || List.exists (deep_occur row) tyl
+      then prepare_class_type params cty
+      else List.iter prepare_type tyl
+  | Cty_signature sign ->
+      (* Self may have a name *)
+      let px = proxy sign.csig_self_row in
+      if List.memq px !Aliases.visited_objects then Aliases.add_proxy px
+      else Aliases.(visited_objects := px :: !visited_objects);
+      Vars.iter (fun _ (_, _, ty) -> prepare_type ty) sign.csig_vars;
+      Meths.iter prepare_method sign.csig_meths
+  | Cty_arrow (_, ty, cty) ->
+      prepare_type ty;
+      prepare_class_type params cty
+let rec tree_of_class_type mode params =
+  function
+  | Cty_constr (p', tyl, cty) ->
+      let row = Btype.self_type_row cty in
+      if List.memq (proxy row) !Aliases.visited_objects
+      || not (List.for_all is_Tvar params)
+      then
+        tree_of_class_type mode params cty
+      else
+        let namespace = Namespace.best_class_namespace p' in
+        Octy_constr (tree_of_path namespace p', tree_of_typlist Type_scheme tyl)
+  | Cty_signature sign ->
+      let px = proxy sign.csig_self_row in
+      let self_ty =
+        if Aliases.is_aliased_proxy px then
+          Some
+            (Otyp_var (false, Variable_names.(name_of_type new_name) px))
+        else None
+      in
+      let csil = [] in
+      let csil =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun csil (ty1, ty2) -> Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) :: csil)
+          csil (tree_of_constraints params)
+      in
+      let all_vars =
+        Vars.fold (fun l (m, v, t) all -> (l, m, v, t) :: all) sign.csig_vars []
+      in
+      (* Consequence of PR#3607: order of Map.fold has changed! *)
+      let all_vars = List.rev all_vars in
+      let csil =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun csil (l, m, v, t) ->
+            Ocsg_value (l, m = Mutable, v = Virtual, tree_of_typexp mode t)
+            :: csil)
+          csil all_vars
+      in
+      let all_meths =
+        Meths.fold
+          (fun l (p, v, t) all -> (l, p, v, t) :: all)
+          sign.csig_meths []
+      in
+      let all_meths = List.rev all_meths in
+      let csil =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun csil meth -> tree_of_method mode meth :: csil)
+          csil all_meths
+      in
+      Octy_signature (self_ty, List.rev csil)
+  | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
+      let lab =
+        if !print_labels || is_optional l then l else Nolabel
+      in
+      let tr =
+       if is_optional l then
+         match get_desc ty with
+         | Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option ->
+             tree_of_typexp mode ty
+         | _ -> Otyp_stuff "<hidden>"
+       else tree_of_typexp mode ty in
+      Octy_arrow (lab, tr, tree_of_class_type mode params cty)
+let tree_of_class_param param variance =
+  let ot_variance =
+    if is_Tvar param then Asttypes.(NoVariance, NoInjectivity) else variance in
+  match tree_of_typexp Type_scheme param with
+    Otyp_var (ot_non_gen, ot_name) -> {ot_non_gen; ot_name; ot_variance}
+  | _ -> {ot_non_gen=false; ot_name="?"; ot_variance}
+let class_variance =
+  let open Variance in let open Asttypes in
+  List.map (fun v ->
+    (if not (mem May_pos v) then Contravariant else
+     if not (mem May_neg v) then Covariant else NoVariance),
+    NoInjectivity)
+let tree_of_class_declaration id cl rs =
+  let params = filter_params cl.cty_params in
+  reset_except_conflicts ();
+  List.iter Aliases.add params;
+  prepare_class_type params cl.cty_type;
+  let px = proxy (Btype.self_type_row cl.cty_type) in
+  List.iter prepare_type params;
+  List.iter (Aliases.add_printed ~non_gen:false) params;
+  if Aliases.is_aliased_proxy px then
+    Aliases.add_printed_proxy ~non_gen:false px;
+  let vir_flag = cl.cty_new = None in
+  Osig_class
+    (vir_flag, Ident.name id,
+     List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.cty_variance),
+     tree_of_class_type Type_scheme params cl.cty_type,
+     tree_of_rec rs)
+let tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl rs =
+  let params = cl.clty_params in
+  reset_except_conflicts ();
+  List.iter Aliases.add params;
+  prepare_class_type params cl.clty_type;
+  let px = proxy (Btype.self_type_row cl.clty_type) in
+  List.iter prepare_type params;
+  List.iter (Aliases.add_printed ~non_gen:false) params;
+  Aliases.mark_as_printed px;
+  let sign = Btype.signature_of_class_type cl.clty_type in
+  let has_virtual_vars =
+    Vars.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b)
+      sign.csig_vars false
+  in
+  let has_virtual_meths =
+    Meths.fold (fun _ (_,vr,_) b -> vr = Virtual || b)
+      sign.csig_meths false
+  in
+  Osig_class_type
+    (has_virtual_vars || has_virtual_meths, Ident.name id,
+     List.map2 tree_of_class_param params (class_variance cl.clty_variance),
+     tree_of_class_type Type_scheme params cl.clty_type,
+     tree_of_rec rs)
+(* Print a module type *)
+let wrap_env fenv ftree arg =
+  (* We save the current value of the short-path cache *)
+  (* From keys *)
+  let env = !printing_env in
+  let old_pers = !printing_pers in
+  (* to data *)
+  let old_map = !printing_map in
+  let old_depth = !printing_depth in
+  let old_cont = !printing_cont in
+  set_printing_env (fenv env);
+  let tree = ftree arg in
+  if !Clflags.real_paths
+     || same_printing_env env then ()
+   (* our cached key is still live in the cache, and we want to keep all
+      progress made on the computation of the [printing_map] *)
+  else begin
+    (* we restore the snapshotted cache before calling set_printing_env *)
+    printing_old := env;
+    printing_pers := old_pers;
+    printing_depth := old_depth;
+    printing_cont := old_cont;
+    printing_map := old_map
+  end;
+  set_printing_env env;
+  tree
+let dummy =
+  {
+    type_params = [];
+    type_arity = 0;
+    type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+    type_private = Public;
+    type_manifest = None;
+    type_variance = [];
+    type_separability = [];
+    type_is_newtype = false;
+    type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+    type_loc = Location.none;
+    type_attributes = [];
+    type_immediate = Unknown;
+    type_unboxed_default = false;
+    type_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique;
+  }
+(** we hide items being defined from short-path to avoid shortening
+    [type t = Path.To.t] into [type t = t].
+let ident_sigitem = function
+  | Types.Sig_type(ident,_,_,_) ->  {hide=true;ident}
+  | Types.Sig_class(ident,_,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_class_type (ident,_,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_module(ident,_, _,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_value (ident,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_modtype (ident,_,_)
+  | Types.Sig_typext (ident,_,_,_)   ->  {hide=false; ident }
+let hide ids env =
+  let hide_id id env =
+    (* Global idents cannot be renamed *)
+    if id.hide && not (Ident.global id.ident) then
+      Env.add_type ~check:false (Ident.rename id.ident) dummy env
+    else env
+  in
+  List.fold_right hide_id ids env
+let with_hidden_items ids f =
+  let with_hidden_in_printing_env ids f =
+    wrap_env (hide ids) (Ident_names.with_hidden ids) f
+  in
+  if not !Clflags.real_paths then
+    with_hidden_in_printing_env ids f
+  else
+    Ident_names.with_hidden ids f
+let add_sigitem env x =
+  Env.add_signature (Signature_group.flatten x) env
+let rec tree_of_modtype ?(ellipsis=false) = function
+  | Mty_ident p ->
+      Omty_ident (tree_of_path (Some Module_type) p)
+  | Mty_signature sg ->
+      Omty_signature (if ellipsis then [Osig_ellipsis]
+                      else tree_of_signature sg)
+  | Mty_functor(param, ty_res) ->
+      let param, env =
+        tree_of_functor_parameter param
+      in
+      let res = wrap_env env (tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis) ty_res in
+      Omty_functor (param, res)
+  | Mty_alias p ->
+      Omty_alias (tree_of_path (Some Module) p)
+and tree_of_functor_parameter = function
+  | Unit ->
+      None, fun k -> k
+  | Named (param, ty_arg) ->
+      let name, env =
+        match param with
+        | None -> None, fun env -> env
+        | Some id ->
+            Some (Ident.name id),
+            Env.add_module ~arg:true id Mp_present ty_arg
+      in
+      Some (name, tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis:false ty_arg), env
+and tree_of_signature sg =
+  wrap_env (fun env -> env)(fun sg ->
+      let tree_groups = tree_of_signature_rec !printing_env sg in
+      List.concat_map (fun (_env,l) -> List.map snd l) tree_groups
+    ) sg
+and tree_of_signature_rec env' sg =
+  let structured = List.of_seq (Signature_group.seq sg) in
+  let collect_trees_of_rec_group group =
+    let env = !printing_env in
+    let env', group_trees =
+       trees_of_recursive_sigitem_group env group
+    in
+    set_printing_env env';
+    (env, group_trees) in
+  set_printing_env env';
+  List.map collect_trees_of_rec_group structured
+and trees_of_recursive_sigitem_group env
+    (syntactic_group: Signature_group.rec_group) =
+  let display (x:Signature_group.sig_item) = x.src, tree_of_sigitem x.src in
+  let env = Env.add_signature syntactic_group.pre_ghosts env in
+  match syntactic_group.group with
+  | Not_rec x -> add_sigitem env x, [display x]
+  | Rec_group items ->
+      let ids = List.map (fun x -> ident_sigitem x.Signature_group.src) items in
+      List.fold_left add_sigitem env items,
+      with_hidden_items ids (fun () -> List.map display items)
+and tree_of_sigitem = function
+  | Sig_value(id, decl, _) ->
+      tree_of_value_description id decl
+  | Sig_type(id, decl, rs, _) ->
+      tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs
+  | Sig_typext(id, ext, es, _) ->
+      tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es
+  | Sig_module(id, _, md, rs, _) ->
+      let ellipsis =
+        List.exists (function
+          | Parsetree.{attr_name = {txt="..."}; attr_payload = PStr []} -> true
+          | _ -> false)
+          md.md_attributes in
+      tree_of_module id md.md_type rs ~ellipsis
+  | Sig_modtype(id, decl, _) ->
+      tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl
+  | Sig_class(id, decl, rs, _) ->
+      tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs
+  | Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs, _) ->
+      tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs
+and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl =
+  let mty =
+    match decl.mtd_type with
+    | None -> Omty_abstract
+    | Some mty -> tree_of_modtype mty
+  in
+  Osig_modtype (Ident.name id, mty)
+and tree_of_module id ?ellipsis mty rs =
+  Osig_module (Ident.name id, tree_of_modtype ?ellipsis mty, tree_of_rec rs)
+(* For the toplevel: merge with tree_of_signature? *)
+let print_items showval env x =
+  Variable_names.refresh_weak();
+  Ident_conflicts.reset ();
+  let extend_val env (sigitem,outcome) = outcome, showval env sigitem in
+  let post_process (env,l) = List.map (extend_val env) l in
+  List.concat_map post_process @@ tree_of_signature_rec env x
+let same_path t t' =
+  let open Types in
+  eq_type t t' ||
+  match get_desc t, get_desc t' with
+    Tconstr(p,tl,_), Tconstr(p',tl',_) ->
+      let (p1, s1) = best_type_path p and (p2, s2)  = best_type_path p' in
+      begin match s1, s2 with
+        Nth n1, Nth n2 when n1 = n2 -> true
+      | (Id | Map _), (Id | Map _) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+          let tl = apply_subst s1 tl and tl' = apply_subst s2 tl' in
+          List.length tl = List.length tl' &&
+          List.for_all2 eq_type tl tl'
+      | _ -> false
+      end
+  | _ ->
+      false
+type 'a diff = Same of 'a | Diff of 'a * 'a
+let trees_of_type_expansion mode Errortrace.{ty = t; expanded = t'} =
+  Aliases.reset ();
+  Aliases.mark_loops t;
+  if same_path t t'
+  then begin Aliases.add_delayed (proxy t); Same (tree_of_typexp mode t) end
+  else begin
+    Aliases.mark_loops t';
+    let t' = if proxy t == proxy t' then unalias t' else t' in
+    (* beware order matter due to side effect,
+       e.g. when printing object types *)
+    let first = tree_of_typexp mode t in
+    let second = tree_of_typexp mode t' in
+    if first = second then Same first
+    else Diff(first,second)
+  end
+let pp_type ppf t =
+  Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf t
+let pp_type_expansion ppf = function
+  | Same t -> pp_type ppf t
+  | Diff(t,t') ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@ =@ %a@]"
+        pp_type t
+        pp_type t'
+(* Hide variant name and var, to force printing the expanded type *)
+let hide_variant_name t =
+  let open Types in
+  match get_desc t with
+  | Tvariant row ->
+      let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = row_repr row in
+      if name = None then t else
+      Btype.newty2 ~level:(get_level t)
+        (Tvariant
+           (create_row ~fields ~fixed ~closed ~name:None
+              ~more:(Ctype.newvar2 (get_level more))))
+  | _ -> t
+let prepare_expansion Errortrace.{ty; expanded} =
+  let expanded = hide_variant_name expanded in
+  Variable_names.reserve ty;
+  if not (same_path ty expanded) then Variable_names.reserve expanded;
+  Errortrace.{ty; expanded}
+(* Adapt functions to exposed interface *)
+let namespaced_tree_of_path n = tree_of_path (Some n)
+let tree_of_path ?disambiguation p = tree_of_path ?disambiguation None p
+let tree_of_modtype = tree_of_modtype ~ellipsis:false
+let tree_of_type_declaration ident td rs =
+  with_hidden_items [{hide=true; ident}]
+    (fun () -> tree_of_type_declaration ident td rs)
+let tree_of_class_type kind cty = tree_of_class_type kind [] cty
+let prepare_class_type cty = prepare_class_type [] cty
+let tree_of_type_path p =
+  let (p', s) = best_type_path p in
+  let p'' = if (s = Id) then p' else p in
+  tree_of_best_type_path p p''
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/out_type.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/out_type.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b134fa1196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/out_type.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Functions for representing type expressions and module types as outcometree
+    (with [as 'a] aliases for cycles) and printing them. All functions below
+    depends on global contexts that keep track of
+- If labels are disabled
+- Current printing environment
+- Shortest equivalent paths
+- Conflicts for identifier names
+- Names chosen for type variables
+- Aliases used for representing cycles or row variables
+- Uses of internal names
+Whenever possible, it is advised to use the simpler functions available in
+{!Printtyp} which take care of setting up this naming context. The functions
+below are needed when one needs to share a common naming context (or part of it)
+between different calls to printing functions (or in order to implement
+open Format_doc
+open Types
+open Outcometree
+(** {1 Wrapping functions}*)
+val wrap_printing_env: error:bool -> Env.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** Call the function using the environment for type path shortening
+    This affects all the printing and tree cration functions functions below
+    Also, if [~error:true], then disable the loading of cmis *)
+(** [with_labels false] disable labels in function types *)
+val with_labels: bool -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** {1 Printing idents and paths } *)
+val ident_name: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t option -> Ident.t -> out_name
+val tree_of_path: ?disambiguation:bool -> Path.t -> out_ident
+val namespaced_tree_of_path: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t -> Path.t -> out_ident
+val tree_of_type_path: Path.t -> out_ident
+(** Specialized functions for printing types with [short-paths] *)
+(** [same_path ty ty2] is true when there is an equation [ty]=[ty2] in the
+    short-path scope*)
+val same_path: type_expr -> type_expr -> bool
+(** Simple heuristic to rewrite Foo__bar.* as Foo.Bar.* when Foo.Bar is an alias
+   for Foo__bar. This pattern is used by the stdlib. *)
+val rewrite_double_underscore_paths: Env.t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+(** {1 Printing type expressions} *)
+(** Printing type expressions requires to translate the internal graph based
+    representation into to an {!Outcometree} closer to the source syntax. In
+    order to do so, the printing is generally split in three phase:
+     - A preparation phase which in particular
+         - marks cycles
+         - chooses user-facing names for type variables
+     - An outcometree generation phase, where we emit an outcometree as a
+     ready-for-printing representation of trees (represented by the various
+     [tree_of_*] functions)
+   - Printing proper
+(** [prepare_for_printing] resets the global naming environment, a la
+    {!reset_except_conflicts}, and prepares the types for printing by reserving
+    variable names and marking cycles. Any type variables that are shared
+    between multiple types in the input list will be given the same name when
+    printed with {!prepared_type_expr}. *)
+val prepare_for_printing: type_expr list -> unit
+(** [add_type_to_preparation ty] extend a previous type expression preparation
+    to the type expression [ty]
+val add_type_to_preparation: type_expr -> unit
+(** In [Type_scheme] mode, non-generic types variables are printed as weakly
+    polymorphic type variables. *)
+type type_or_scheme = Type | Type_scheme
+val tree_of_typexp: type_or_scheme -> type_expr -> out_type
+(** [tree_of_typexp] generate the [outcometree] for a prepared type
+    expression.*)
+val prepared_type_scheme: type_expr printer
+val prepared_type_expr: type_expr printer
+(** The printers [prepared_type_expr] and [prepared_type_scheme] should only be
+    used on prepared types. Types can be prepared by initially calling
+    {!prepare_for_printing} or adding them later to the preparation with
+    {!add_type_to_preparation}.
+    Calling this function on non-prepared types may cause a stack overflow (see
+    #8860) due to cycles in the printed types.
+    See {!Printtyp.type_expr} for a safer but less flexible printer. *)
+(** [type_expr_with_reserved_names] can print "half-prepared" type expression. A
+    "half-prepared" type expression should have had its names reserved (with
+    {!Variable_names.reserve}), but should not have had its cycles marked. *)
+val type_expr_with_reserved_names: type_expr printer
+type 'a diff = Same of 'a | Diff of 'a * 'a
+val trees_of_type_expansion:
+  type_or_scheme -> Errortrace.expanded_type -> out_type diff
+val prepare_expansion: Errortrace.expanded_type -> Errortrace.expanded_type
+val pp_type_expansion: out_type diff printer
+val hide_variant_name: Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
+(** {1: Label and constructors }*)
+val prepare_type_constructor_arguments: constructor_arguments -> unit
+val tree_of_constructor_arguments: constructor_arguments -> out_type list
+val tree_of_label: label_declaration -> out_label
+val add_constructor_to_preparation : constructor_declaration -> unit
+val prepared_constructor : constructor_declaration printer
+val tree_of_extension_constructor:
+    Ident.t -> extension_constructor -> ext_status -> out_sig_item
+val extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree:
+  constructor_arguments -> type_expr option -> out_type list * out_type option
+val add_extension_constructor_to_preparation :
+    extension_constructor -> unit
+val prepared_extension_constructor:
+    Ident.t -> extension_constructor printer
+(** {1 Declarations }*)
+val tree_of_type_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> type_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val add_type_declaration_to_preparation :
+  Ident.t -> type_declaration -> unit
+val prepared_type_declaration: Ident.t -> type_declaration printer
+val tree_of_value_description: Ident.t -> value_description -> out_sig_item
+val tree_of_modtype_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> modtype_declaration -> out_sig_item
+val tree_of_class_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> class_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val tree_of_cltype_declaration:
+    Ident.t -> class_type_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+(** {1 Module types }*)
+val tree_of_module:
+    Ident.t -> ?ellipsis:bool -> module_type -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
+val tree_of_modtype: module_type -> out_module_type
+val tree_of_signature: Types.signature -> out_sig_item list
+val tree_of_class_type: type_or_scheme -> class_type -> out_class_type
+val prepare_class_type: class_type -> unit
+(** {1 Toplevel printing}  *)
+val print_items: (Env.t -> signature_item -> 'a option) ->
+  Env.t -> signature_item list -> (out_sig_item * 'a option) list
+(** {1 Naming contexts }*)
+(** Path name, which were mutable at some point *)
+module Out_name: sig
+  val create: string -> out_name
+  val print: out_name -> string
+(** Disambiguation for identifiers, e.g. the two type constructors named [t]
+in the type of [f] in
+  type t = A
+  module M = struct
+    type t = B
+   let f A = B
+  end
+should be disambiguated to [t/2->t] *)
+module Ident_names: sig
+  val enable: bool -> unit
+  (** When contextual names are enabled, the mapping between identifiers
+      and names is ensured to be one-to-one. *)
+  (** [with_fuzzy id f] locally disable ident disambiguation for [id] within
+      [f] *)
+  val with_fuzzy: Ident.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** The [Ident_conflicts] module keeps track of conflicts arising when
+    attributing names to identifiers and provides functions that can print
+    explanations for these conflict in error messages *)
+module Ident_conflicts: sig
+  val exists: unit -> bool
+  (** [exists()] returns true if the current naming context renamed
+        an identifier to avoid a name collision *)
+  type explanation =
+    { kind: Shape.Sig_component_kind.t;
+      name:string;
+      root_name:string;
+      location:Location.t
+    }
+  val list_explanations: unit -> explanation list
+(** [list_explanations()] return the list of conflict explanations
+    collected up to this point, and reset the list of collected
+    explanations *)
+  val print_located_explanations: explanation list printer
+  val err_print: formatter -> unit
+  val err_msg: unit -> doc option
+  (** [err_msg ()] return an error message if there are pending conflict
+      explanations at this point. It is often important to check for conflicts
+      after all printing is done, thus the delayed nature of [err_msg]*)
+  val reset: unit -> unit
+(** Naming choice for type variable names (['a], ['b], ...), for instance the
+    two classes of distinct type variables in
+    {[let repeat x y = x, y, y, x]}
+    should be printed printed as ['a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b * 'b * 'a].
+module Variable_names: sig
+  (** Add external type equalities*)
+  val add_subst: (type_expr * type_expr) list -> unit
+  (** [reserve ty] registers the variable names appearing in [ty] *)
+  val reserve: type_expr -> unit
+(** Register internal typechecker names ([$0],[$a]) appearing in the
+    [outcometree] *)
+module Internal_names: sig
+  val add: Path.t -> unit
+  val reset: unit -> unit
+  val print_explanations: Env.t -> formatter -> unit
+(** Reset all contexts *)
+val reset: unit -> unit
+(** Reset all contexts except for conflicts *)
+val reset_except_conflicts: unit -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/outcometree.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/outcometree.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4b89630b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/outcometree.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*      Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Module [Outcometree]: results displayed by the toplevel *)
+(* These types represent messages that the toplevel displays as normal
+   results or errors. The real displaying is customisable using the hooks:
+      [Toploop.print_out_value]
+      [Toploop.print_out_type]
+      [Toploop.print_out_sig_item]
+      [Toploop.print_out_phrase] *)
+(** An [out_name] is a string representation of an identifier which can be
+    rewritten on the fly to avoid name collisions *)
+type out_name = { mutable printed_name: string }
+type out_ident =
+  | Oide_apply of out_ident * out_ident
+  | Oide_dot of out_ident * string
+  | Oide_ident of out_name
+type out_string =
+  | Ostr_string
+  | Ostr_bytes
+type out_attribute =
+  { oattr_name: string }
+type out_value =
+  | Oval_array of out_value list
+  | Oval_char of char
+  | Oval_constr of out_ident * out_value list
+  | Oval_ellipsis
+  | Oval_float of float
+  | Oval_int of int
+  | Oval_int32 of int32
+  | Oval_int64 of int64
+  | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
+  | Oval_list of out_value list
+  | Oval_printer of (Format_doc.formatter -> unit)
+  | Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
+  | Oval_string of string * int * out_string (* string, size-to-print, kind *)
+  | Oval_stuff of string
+  | Oval_tuple of out_value list
+  | Oval_variant of string * out_value option
+  | Oval_lazy of out_value
+type out_type_param = {
+    ot_non_gen: bool;
+    ot_name: string;
+    ot_variance: Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity
+type out_type =
+  | Otyp_abstract
+  | Otyp_open
+  | Otyp_alias of {non_gen:bool; aliased:out_type; alias:string}
+  | Otyp_arrow of Asttypes.arg_label * out_type * out_type
+  | Otyp_class of out_ident * out_type list
+  | Otyp_constr of out_ident * out_type list
+  | Otyp_manifest of out_type * out_type
+  | Otyp_object of { fields: (string * out_type) list; open_row:bool}
+  | Otyp_record of out_label list
+  | Otyp_stuff of string
+  | Otyp_sum of out_constructor list
+  | Otyp_tuple of out_type list
+  | Otyp_var of bool * string
+  | Otyp_variant of out_variant * bool * (string list) option
+  | Otyp_poly of string list * out_type
+  | Otyp_module of out_ident * (string * out_type) list
+  | Otyp_attribute of out_type * out_attribute
+and out_label = {
+  olab_name: string;
+  olab_mut: Asttypes.mutable_flag;
+  olab_type: out_type;
+and out_constructor = {
+  ocstr_name: string;
+  ocstr_args: out_type list;
+  ocstr_return_type: out_type option;
+and out_variant =
+  | Ovar_fields of (string * bool * out_type list) list
+  | Ovar_typ of out_type
+type out_class_type =
+  | Octy_constr of out_ident * out_type list
+  | Octy_arrow of Asttypes.arg_label * out_type * out_class_type
+  | Octy_signature of out_type option * out_class_sig_item list
+and out_class_sig_item =
+  | Ocsg_constraint of out_type * out_type
+  | Ocsg_method of string * bool * bool * out_type
+  | Ocsg_value of string * bool * bool * out_type
+type out_module_type =
+  | Omty_abstract
+  | Omty_functor of (string option * out_module_type) option * out_module_type
+  | Omty_ident of out_ident
+  | Omty_signature of out_sig_item list
+  | Omty_alias of out_ident
+and out_sig_item =
+  | Osig_class of
+      bool * string * out_type_param list * out_class_type *
+        out_rec_status
+  | Osig_class_type of
+      bool * string * out_type_param list * out_class_type *
+        out_rec_status
+  | Osig_typext of out_extension_constructor * out_ext_status
+  | Osig_modtype of string * out_module_type
+  | Osig_module of string * out_module_type * out_rec_status
+  | Osig_type of out_type_decl * out_rec_status
+  | Osig_value of out_val_decl
+  | Osig_ellipsis
+and out_type_decl =
+  { otype_name: string;
+    otype_params: out_type_param list;
+    otype_type: out_type;
+    otype_private: Asttypes.private_flag;
+    otype_immediate: Type_immediacy.t;
+    otype_unboxed: bool;
+    otype_cstrs: (out_type * out_type) list }
+and out_extension_constructor =
+  { oext_name: string;
+    oext_type_name: string;
+    oext_type_params: string list;
+    oext_args: out_type list;
+    oext_ret_type: out_type option;
+    oext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
+and out_type_extension =
+  { otyext_name: string;
+    otyext_params: string list;
+    otyext_constructors: out_constructor list;
+    otyext_private: Asttypes.private_flag }
+and out_val_decl =
+  { oval_name: string;
+    oval_type: out_type;
+    oval_prims: string list;
+    oval_attributes: out_attribute list }
+and out_rec_status =
+  | Orec_not
+  | Orec_first
+  | Orec_next
+and out_ext_status =
+  | Oext_first
+  | Oext_next
+  | Oext_exception
+type out_phrase =
+  | Ophr_eval of out_value * out_type
+  | Ophr_signature of (out_sig_item * out_value option) list
+  | Ophr_exception of (exn * out_value)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/parmatch.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/parmatch.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1cc84e3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/parmatch.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,2363 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Detection of partial matches and unused match cases. *)
+open Misc
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Typedtree
+type 'pattern parmatch_case =
+  { pattern : 'pattern;
+    has_guard : bool;
+    needs_refute : bool;
+  }
+let typed_case { c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs } =
+  { pattern = c_lhs;
+    has_guard = Option.is_some c_guard;
+    needs_refute = (c_rhs.exp_desc = Texp_unreachable);
+  }
+let untyped_case { Parsetree.pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs } =
+  { pattern = pc_lhs;
+    has_guard = Option.is_some pc_guard;
+    needs_refute = (pc_rhs.pexp_desc = Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable);
+  }
+(* Utilities for building patterns   *)
+let make_pat desc ty tenv =
+  {pat_desc = desc; pat_loc = Location.none; pat_extra = [];
+   pat_type = ty ; pat_env = tenv;
+   pat_attributes = [];
+  }
+let omega = Patterns.omega
+let omegas = Patterns.omegas
+let omega_list = Patterns.omega_list
+let extra_pat =
+  make_pat
+    (Tpat_var (Ident.create_local "+", mknoloc "+",
+      Uid.internal_not_actually_unique))
+    Ctype.none Env.empty
+(* Coherence check *)
+(* For some of the operations we do in this module, we would like (because it
+   simplifies matters) to assume that patterns appearing on a given column in a
+   pattern matrix are /coherent/ (think "of the same type").
+   Unfortunately that is not always true.
+   Consider the following (well-typed) example:
+   {[
+     type _ t = S : string t | U : unit t
+     let f (type a) (t1 : a t) (t2 : a t) (a : a) =
+       match t1, t2, a with
+       | U, _, () -> ()
+       | _, S, "" -> ()
+   ]}
+   Clearly the 3rd column contains incoherent patterns.
+   On the example above, most of the algorithms will explore the pattern matrix
+   as illustrated by the following tree:
+   {v
+                                                   S
+                                                -------> | "" |
+                             U     | S, "" | __/         | () |
+                         --------> | _, () |   \ not S
+        | U, _, () | __/                        -------> | () |
+        | _, S, "" |   \
+                        ---------> | S, "" | ----------> | "" |
+                          not U                    S
+   v}
+   where following an edge labelled by a pattern P means "assuming the value I
+   am matching on is filtered by [P] on the column I am currently looking at,
+   then the following submatrix is still reachable".
+   Notice that at any point of that tree, if the first column of a matrix is
+   incoherent, then the branch leading to it can only be taken if the scrutinee
+   is ill-typed.
+   In the example above the only case where we have a matrix with an incoherent
+   first column is when we consider [t1, t2, a] to be [U, S, ...]. However such
+   a value would be ill-typed, so we can never actually get there.
+   Checking the first column at each step of the recursion and making the
+   conscious decision of "aborting" the algorithm whenever the first column
+   becomes incoherent, allows us to retain the initial assumption in later
+   stages of the algorithms.
+   ---
+   N.B. two patterns can be considered coherent even though they might not be of
+   the same type.
+   That's in part because we only care about the "head" of patterns and leave
+   checking coherence of subpatterns for the next steps of the algorithm:
+   ('a', 'b') and (1, ()) will be deemed coherent because they are both a tuples
+   of arity 2 (we'll notice at a later stage the incoherence of 'a' and 1).
+   But also because it can be hard/costly to determine exactly whether two
+   patterns are of the same type or not (eg. in the example above with _ and S,
+   but see also the module [Coherence_illustration] in
+   testsuite/tests/basic-more/robustmatch.ml).
+   For the moment our weak, loosely-syntactic, coherence check seems to be
+   enough and we leave it to each user to consider (and document!) what happens
+   when an "incoherence" is not detected by this check.
+(* Given the first column of a simplified matrix, this function first looks for
+   a "discriminating" pattern on that column (i.e. a non-omega one) and then
+   check that every other head pattern in the column is coherent with that one.
+let all_coherent column =
+  let open Patterns.Head in
+  let coherent_heads hp1 hp2 =
+    match hp1.pat_desc, hp2.pat_desc with
+    | Construct c, Construct c' ->
+      c.cstr_consts = c'.cstr_consts
+      && c.cstr_nonconsts = c'.cstr_nonconsts
+    | Constant c1, Constant c2 -> begin
+        match c1, c2 with
+        | Const_char _, Const_char _
+        | Const_int _, Const_int _
+        | Const_int32 _, Const_int32 _
+        | Const_int64 _, Const_int64 _
+        | Const_nativeint _, Const_nativeint _
+        | Const_float _, Const_float _
+        | Const_string _, Const_string _ -> true
+        | ( Const_char _
+          | Const_int _
+          | Const_int32 _
+          | Const_int64 _
+          | Const_nativeint _
+          | Const_float _
+          | Const_string _), _ -> false
+      end
+    | Tuple l1, Tuple l2 -> l1 = l2
+    | Record (lbl1 :: _), Record (lbl2 :: _) ->
+      Array.length lbl1.lbl_all = Array.length lbl2.lbl_all
+    | Any, _
+    | _, Any
+    | Record [], Record []
+    | Variant _, Variant _
+    | Array _, Array _
+    | Lazy, Lazy -> true
+    | _, _ -> false
+  in
+  match
+    List.find
+      (function
+       | { pat_desc = Any } -> false
+       | _ -> true)
+      column
+  with
+  | exception Not_found ->
+    (* only omegas on the column: the column is coherent. *)
+    true
+  | discr_pat ->
+    List.for_all (coherent_heads discr_pat) column
+let first_column simplified_matrix =
+  List.map (fun ((head, _args), _rest) -> head) simplified_matrix
+(* Compatibility check *)
+(* Patterns p and q compatible means:
+   there exists value V that matches both, However....
+  The case of extension types is dubious, as constructor rebind permits
+  that different constructors are the same (and are thus compatible).
+  Compilation must take this into account, consider:
+  type t = ..
+  type t += A|B
+  type t += C=A
+  let f x y = match x,y with
+  | true,A  -> '1'
+  | _,C     -> '2'
+  | false,A -> '3'
+  | _,_     -> '_'
+  As C is bound to A the value of f false A is '2' (and not '3' as it would
+  be in the absence of rebinding).
+  Not considering rebinding, patterns "false,A" and "_,C" are incompatible
+  and the compiler can swap the second and third clause, resulting in the
+  (more efficiently compiled) matching
+  match x,y with
+  | true,A  -> '1'
+  | false,A -> '3'
+  | _,C     -> '2'
+  | _,_     -> '_'
+  This is not correct: when C is bound to A, "f false A" returns '2' (not '3')
+  However, diagnostics do not take constructor rebinding into account.
+  Notice, that due to module abstraction constructor rebinding is hidden.
+  module X : sig type t = .. type t += A|B end = struct
+    type t = ..
+    type t += A
+    type t += B=A
+  end
+  open X
+  let f x = match x with
+  | A -> '1'
+  | B -> '2'
+  | _ -> '_'
+  The second clause above will NOT (and cannot) be flagged as useless.
+  Finally, there are two compatibility functions:
+   compat p q      ---> 'syntactic compatibility, used for diagnostics.
+   may_compat p q --->   a safe approximation of possible compat,
+                         for compilation
+let is_absent tag row = row_field_repr (get_row_field tag !row) = Rabsent
+let is_absent_pat d =
+  match d.pat_desc with
+  | Patterns.Head.Variant { tag; cstr_row; _ } -> is_absent tag cstr_row
+  | _ -> false
+let const_compare x y =
+  match x,y with
+  | Const_float f1, Const_float f2 ->
+      Stdlib.compare (float_of_string f1) (float_of_string f2)
+  | Const_string (s1, _, _), Const_string (s2, _, _) ->
+      String.compare s1 s2
+  | (Const_int _
+    |Const_char _
+    |Const_string (_, _, _)
+    |Const_float _
+    |Const_int32 _
+    |Const_int64 _
+    |Const_nativeint _
+    ), _ -> Stdlib.compare x y
+let records_args l1 l2 =
+  (* Invariant: fields are already sorted by Typecore.type_label_a_list *)
+  let rec combine r1 r2 l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with
+  | [],[] -> List.rev r1, List.rev r2
+  | [],(_,_,p2)::rem2 -> combine (omega::r1) (p2::r2) [] rem2
+  | (_,_,p1)::rem1,[] -> combine (p1::r1) (omega::r2) rem1 []
+  | (_,lbl1,p1)::rem1, ( _,lbl2,p2)::rem2 ->
+      if lbl1.lbl_pos < lbl2.lbl_pos then
+        combine (p1::r1) (omega::r2) rem1 l2
+      else if lbl1.lbl_pos > lbl2.lbl_pos then
+        combine (omega::r1) (p2::r2) l1 rem2
+      else (* same label on both sides *)
+        combine (p1::r1) (p2::r2) rem1 rem2 in
+  combine [] [] l1 l2
+module Compat
+    (Constr:sig
+      val equal :
+          Types.constructor_description ->
+            Types.constructor_description ->
+              bool
+    end) = struct
+  let rec compat p q = match p.pat_desc,q.pat_desc with
+(* Variables match any value *)
+  | ((Tpat_any|Tpat_var _),_)
+  | (_,(Tpat_any|Tpat_var _)) -> true
+(* Structural induction *)
+  | Tpat_alias (p,_,_,_),_      -> compat p q
+  | _,Tpat_alias (q,_,_,_)      -> compat p q
+  | Tpat_or (p1,p2,_),_ ->
+      (compat p1 q || compat p2 q)
+  | _,Tpat_or (q1,q2,_) ->
+      (compat p q1 || compat p q2)
+(* Constructors, with special case for extension *)
+  | Tpat_construct (_, c1, ps1, _), Tpat_construct (_, c2, ps2, _) ->
+      Constr.equal c1 c2 && compats ps1 ps2
+(* More standard stuff *)
+  | Tpat_variant(l1,op1, _), Tpat_variant(l2,op2,_) ->
+      l1=l2 && ocompat op1 op2
+  | Tpat_constant c1, Tpat_constant c2 ->
+      const_compare c1 c2 = 0
+  | Tpat_tuple ps, Tpat_tuple qs -> compats ps qs
+  | Tpat_lazy p, Tpat_lazy q -> compat p q
+  | Tpat_record (l1,_),Tpat_record (l2,_) ->
+      let ps,qs = records_args l1 l2 in
+      compats ps qs
+  | Tpat_array ps, Tpat_array qs ->
+      List.length ps = List.length qs &&
+      compats ps qs
+  | _,_  -> false
+  and ocompat op oq = match op,oq with
+  | None,None -> true
+  | Some p,Some q -> compat p q
+  | (None,Some _)|(Some _,None) -> false
+  and compats ps qs = match ps,qs with
+  | [], [] -> true
+  | p::ps, q::qs -> compat p q && compats ps qs
+  | _,_    -> false
+module SyntacticCompat =
+  Compat
+    (struct
+      let equal c1 c2 =  Types.equal_tag c1.cstr_tag c2.cstr_tag
+    end)
+let compat =  SyntacticCompat.compat
+and compats = SyntacticCompat.compats
+(* Due to (potential) rebinding, two extension constructors
+   of the same arity type may equal *)
+exception Empty (* Empty pattern *)
+(* Utilities for retrieving type paths  *)
+(* May need a clean copy, cf. PR#4745 *)
+let clean_copy ty =
+  if get_level ty = Btype.generic_level then ty
+  else Subst.type_expr Subst.identity ty
+let get_constructor_type_path ty tenv =
+  let ty = Ctype.expand_head tenv (clean_copy ty) in
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr (path,_,_) -> path
+  | _ -> assert false
+(* Utilities for matching   *)
+(* Check top matching *)
+let simple_match d h =
+  let open Patterns.Head in
+  match d.pat_desc, h.pat_desc with
+  | Construct c1, Construct c2 ->
+      Types.equal_tag c1.cstr_tag c2.cstr_tag
+  | Variant { tag = t1; _ }, Variant { tag = t2 } ->
+      t1 = t2
+  | Constant c1, Constant c2 -> const_compare c1 c2 = 0
+  | Lazy, Lazy -> true
+  | Record _, Record _ -> true
+  | Tuple len1, Tuple len2
+  | Array len1, Array len2 -> len1 = len2
+  | _, Any -> true
+  | _, _ -> false
+(* extract record fields as a whole *)
+let record_arg ph =
+  let open Patterns.Head in
+  match ph.pat_desc with
+  | Any -> []
+  | Record args -> args
+  | _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.as_record"
+let extract_fields lbls arg =
+  let get_field pos arg =
+    match List.find (fun (lbl,_) -> pos = lbl.lbl_pos) arg with
+    | _, p -> p
+    | exception Not_found -> omega
+  in
+  List.map (fun lbl -> get_field lbl.lbl_pos arg) lbls
+(* Build argument list when p2 >= p1, where p1 is a simple pattern *)
+let simple_match_args discr head args =
+  let open Patterns.Head in
+  match head.pat_desc with
+  | Constant _ -> []
+  | Construct _
+  | Variant _
+  | Tuple _
+  | Array _
+  | Lazy -> args
+  | Record lbls ->  extract_fields (record_arg discr) (List.combine lbls args)
+  | Any ->
+      begin match discr.pat_desc with
+      | Construct cstr -> Patterns.omegas cstr.cstr_arity
+      | Variant { has_arg = true }
+      | Lazy -> [Patterns.omega]
+      | Record lbls ->  omega_list lbls
+      | Array len
+      | Tuple len -> Patterns.omegas len
+      | Variant { has_arg = false }
+      | Any
+      | Constant _ -> []
+      end
+(* Consider a pattern matrix whose first column has been simplified to contain
+   only _ or a head constructor
+     | p1, r1...
+     | p2, r2...
+     | p3, r3...
+     | ...
+   We build a normalized /discriminating/ pattern from a pattern [q] by folding
+   over the first column of the matrix, "refining" [q] as we go:
+   - when we encounter a row starting with [Tuple] or [Lazy] then we
+   can stop and return that head, as we cannot refine any further. Indeed,
+   these constructors are alone in their signature, so they will subsume
+   whatever other head we might find, as well as the head we're threading
+   along.
+   - when we find a [Record] then it is a bit more involved: it is also alone
+   in its signature, however it might only be matching a subset of the
+   record fields. We use these fields to refine our accumulator and keep going
+   as another row might match on different fields.
+   - rows starting with a wildcard do not bring any information, so we ignore
+   them and keep going
+   - if we encounter anything else (i.e. any other constructor), then we just
+   stop and return our accumulator.
+let discr_pat q pss =
+  let open Patterns.Head in
+  let rec refine_pat acc = function
+    | [] -> acc
+    | ((head, _), _) :: rows ->
+      match head.pat_desc with
+      | Any -> refine_pat acc rows
+      | Tuple _ | Lazy -> head
+      | Record lbls ->
+        (* N.B. we could make this case "simpler" by refining the record case
+           using [all_record_args].
+           In which case we wouldn't need to fold over the first column for
+           records.
+           However it makes the witness we generate for the exhaustivity warning
+           less pretty. *)
+        let fields =
+          List.fold_right (fun lbl r ->
+            if List.exists (fun l -> l.lbl_pos = lbl.lbl_pos) r then
+              r
+            else
+              lbl :: r
+          ) lbls (record_arg acc)
+        in
+        let d = { head with pat_desc = Record fields } in
+        refine_pat d rows
+      | _ -> acc
+  in
+  let q, _ = deconstruct q in
+  match q.pat_desc with
+  (* short-circuiting: clearly if we have anything other than [Record] or
+     [Any] to start with, we're not going to be able refine at all. So
+     there's no point going over the matrix. *)
+  | Any | Record _ -> refine_pat q pss
+  | _ -> q
+   In case a matching value is found, set actual arguments
+   of the matching pattern.
+let rec read_args xs r = match xs,r with
+| [],_ -> [],r
+| _::xs, arg::rest ->
+   let args,rest = read_args xs rest in
+   arg::args,rest
+| _,_ ->
+    fatal_error "Parmatch.read_args"
+let set_args q r = match q with
+| {pat_desc = Tpat_tuple omegas} ->
+    let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
+    make_pat (Tpat_tuple args) q.pat_type q.pat_env::rest
+| {pat_desc = Tpat_record (omegas,closed)} ->
+    let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
+    let args =
+      List.map2 (fun (lid, lbl, _) arg -> (lid, lbl, arg)) omegas args in
+    make_pat (Tpat_record (args, closed)) q.pat_type q.pat_env :: rest
+| {pat_desc = Tpat_construct (lid, c, omegas, _)} ->
+    let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
+    make_pat
+      (Tpat_construct (lid, c, args, None))
+      q.pat_type q.pat_env::
+    rest
+| {pat_desc = Tpat_variant (l, omega, row)} ->
+    let arg, rest =
+      match omega, r with
+        Some _, a::r -> Some a, r
+      | None, r -> None, r
+      | _ -> assert false
+    in
+    make_pat
+      (Tpat_variant (l, arg, row)) q.pat_type q.pat_env::
+    rest
+| {pat_desc = Tpat_lazy _omega} ->
+    begin match r with
+      arg::rest ->
+        make_pat (Tpat_lazy arg) q.pat_type q.pat_env::rest
+    | _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.do_set_args (lazy)"
+    end
+| {pat_desc = Tpat_array omegas} ->
+    let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
+    make_pat
+      (Tpat_array args) q.pat_type q.pat_env::
+    rest
+| {pat_desc=Tpat_constant _|Tpat_any} ->
+    q::r (* case any is used in matching.ml *)
+| {pat_desc = (Tpat_var _ | Tpat_alias _ | Tpat_or _); _} ->
+    fatal_error "Parmatch.set_args"
+(* Given a matrix of non-empty rows
+   p1 :: r1...
+   p2 :: r2...
+   p3 :: r3...
+   Simplify the first column [p1 p2 p3] by splitting all or-patterns.
+   The result is a list of pairs
+     ((pattern head, arguments), rest of row)
+   For example,
+     x :: r1
+     (Some _) as y :: r2
+     (None as x) as y :: r3
+     (Some x | (None as x)) :: r4
+   becomes
+     ((   _ , [ ] ), r1)
+     (( Some, [_] ), r2)
+     (( None, [ ] ), r3)
+     (( Some, [x] ), r4)
+     (( None, [ ] ), r4)
+ *)
+let simplify_head_pat ~add_column p ps k =
+  let rec simplify_head_pat p ps k =
+    match Patterns.General.(view p |> strip_vars).pat_desc with
+    | `Or (p1,p2,_) -> simplify_head_pat p1 ps (simplify_head_pat p2 ps k)
+    | #Patterns.Simple.view as view ->
+       add_column (Patterns.Head.deconstruct { p with pat_desc = view }) ps k
+  in simplify_head_pat p ps k
+let rec simplify_first_col = function
+  | [] -> []
+  | [] :: _ -> assert false (* the rows are non-empty! *)
+  | (p::ps) :: rows ->
+      let add_column p ps k = (p, ps) :: k in
+      simplify_head_pat ~add_column p ps (simplify_first_col rows)
+(* Builds the specialized matrix of [pss] according to the discriminating
+   pattern head [d].
+   See section 3.1 of http://moscova.inria.fr/~maranget/papers/warn/warn.pdf
+   NOTES:
+   - we are polymorphic on the type of matrices we work on, in particular a row
+   might not simply be a [pattern list]. That's why we have the [extend_row]
+   parameter.
+let build_specialized_submatrix ~extend_row discr pss =
+  let rec filter_rec = function
+    | ((head, args), ps) :: pss ->
+        if simple_match discr head
+        then extend_row (simple_match_args discr head args) ps :: filter_rec pss
+        else filter_rec pss
+    | _ -> [] in
+  filter_rec pss
+(* The "default" and "specialized" matrices of a given matrix.
+   See section 3.1 of http://moscova.inria.fr/~maranget/papers/warn/warn.pdf .
+type 'matrix specialized_matrices = {
+  default : 'matrix;
+  constrs : (Patterns.Head.t * 'matrix) list;
+(* Consider a pattern matrix whose first column has been simplified
+   to contain only _ or a head constructor
+     | p1, r1...
+     | p2, r2...
+     | p3, r3...
+     | ...
+   We split this matrix into a list of /specialized/ sub-matrices, one for
+   each head constructor appearing in the first column. For each row whose
+   first column starts with a head constructor, remove this head
+   column, prepend one column for each argument of the constructor,
+   and add the resulting row in the sub-matrix corresponding to this
+   head constructor.
+   Rows whose left column is omega (the Any pattern _) may match any
+   head constructor, so they are added to all sub-matrices.
+   In the case where all the rows in the matrix have an omega on their first
+   column, then there is only one /specialized/ sub-matrix, formed of all these
+   omega rows.
+   This matrix is also called the /default/ matrix.
+   See the documentation of [build_specialized_submatrix] for an explanation of
+   the [extend_row] parameter.
+let build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row discr rows =
+  let extend_group discr p args r rs =
+    let r = extend_row (simple_match_args discr p args) r in
+    (discr, r :: rs)
+  in
+  (* insert a row of head [p] and rest [r] into the right group
+     Note: with this implementation, the order of the groups
+     is the order of their first row in the source order.
+     This is a nice property to get exhaustivity counter-examples
+     in source order.
+  *)
+  let rec insert_constr head args r = function
+    | [] ->
+      (* if no group matched this row, it has a head constructor that
+         was never seen before; add a new sub-matrix for this head *)
+      [extend_group head head args r []]
+    | (q0,rs) as bd::env ->
+      if simple_match q0 head
+      then extend_group q0 head args r rs :: env
+      else bd :: insert_constr head args r env
+  in
+  (* insert a row of head omega into all groups *)
+  let insert_omega r env =
+    List.map (fun (q0,rs) -> extend_group q0 Patterns.Head.omega [] r rs) env
+  in
+  let rec form_groups constr_groups omega_tails = function
+    | [] -> (constr_groups, omega_tails)
+    | ((head, args), tail) :: rest ->
+        match head.pat_desc with
+        | Patterns.Head.Any ->
+            (* note that calling insert_omega here would be wrong
+               as some groups may not have been formed yet, if the
+               first row with this head pattern comes after in the list *)
+            form_groups constr_groups (tail :: omega_tails) rest
+        | _ ->
+            form_groups
+              (insert_constr head args tail constr_groups) omega_tails rest
+  in
+  let constr_groups, omega_tails =
+    let initial_constr_group =
+      let open Patterns.Head in
+      match discr.pat_desc with
+      | Record _ | Tuple _ | Lazy ->
+        (* [discr] comes from [discr_pat], and in this case subsumes any of the
+           patterns we could find on the first column of [rows]. So it is better
+           to use it for our initial environment than any of the normalized
+           pattern we might obtain from the first column. *)
+        [discr,[]]
+      | _ -> []
+    in
+    form_groups initial_constr_group [] rows
+  in
+  (* groups are accumulated in reverse order;
+     we restore the order of rows in the source code *)
+  let default = List.rev omega_tails in
+  let constrs =
+    List.fold_right insert_omega omega_tails constr_groups
+    |> List.map (fun (discr, rs) -> (discr, List.rev rs))
+  in
+  { default; constrs; }
+(* Variant related functions *)
+let set_last a =
+  let rec loop = function
+    | [] -> assert false
+    | [_] -> [Patterns.General.erase a]
+    | x::l -> x :: loop l
+  in
+  function
+  | (_, []) -> (Patterns.Head.deconstruct a, [])
+  | (first, row) -> (first, loop row)
+(* mark constructor lines for failure when they are incomplete *)
+let mark_partial =
+  let zero = make_pat (`Constant (Const_int 0)) Ctype.none Env.empty in
+  List.map (fun ((hp, _), _ as ps) ->
+    match hp.pat_desc with
+    | Patterns.Head.Any -> ps
+    | _ -> set_last zero ps
+  )
+let close_variant env row =
+  let Row {fields; more; name=orig_name; closed; fixed} = row_repr row in
+  let name, static =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun (nm, static) (_tag,f) ->
+        match row_field_repr f with
+        | Reither(_, _, false) ->
+            (* fixed=false means that this tag is not explicitly matched *)
+            link_row_field_ext ~inside:f rf_absent;
+            (None, static)
+        | Reither (_, _, true) -> (nm, false)
+        | Rabsent | Rpresent _ -> (nm, static))
+      (orig_name, true) fields in
+  if not closed || name != orig_name then begin
+    let more' = if static then Btype.newgenty Tnil else Btype.newgenvar () in
+    (* this unification cannot fail *)
+    Ctype.unify env more
+      (Btype.newgenty
+         (Tvariant
+            (create_row ~fields:[] ~more:more'
+               ~closed:true ~name ~fixed)))
+  end
+  Check whether the first column of env makes up a complete signature or
+  not. We work on the discriminating pattern heads of each sub-matrix: they
+  are not omega/Any.
+let full_match closing env =  match env with
+| [] -> false
+| (discr, _) :: _ ->
+  let open Patterns.Head in
+  match discr.pat_desc with
+  | Any -> assert false
+  | Construct { cstr_tag = Cstr_extension _ ; _ } -> false
+  | Construct c -> List.length env = c.cstr_consts + c.cstr_nonconsts
+  | Variant { type_row; _ } ->
+      let fields =
+        List.map
+          (fun (d, _) ->
+            match d.pat_desc with
+            | Variant { tag } -> tag
+            | _ -> assert false)
+          env
+      in
+      let row = type_row () in
+      if closing && not (Btype.has_fixed_explanation row) then
+        (* closing=true, we are considering the variant as closed *)
+        List.for_all
+          (fun (tag,f) ->
+            match row_field_repr f with
+              Rabsent | Reither(_, _, false) -> true
+            | Reither (_, _, true)
+                (* m=true, do not discard matched tags, rather warn *)
+            | Rpresent _ -> List.mem tag fields)
+          (row_fields row)
+      else
+        row_closed row &&
+        List.for_all
+          (fun (tag,f) ->
+            row_field_repr f = Rabsent || List.mem tag fields)
+          (row_fields row)
+  | Constant Const_char _ ->
+      List.length env = 256
+  | Constant _
+  | Array _ -> false
+  | Tuple _
+  | Record _
+  | Lazy -> true
+(* Written as a non-fragile matching, PR#7451 originated from a fragile matching
+   below. *)
+let should_extend ext env = match ext with
+| None -> false
+| Some ext -> begin match env with
+  | [] -> assert false
+  | (p,_)::_ ->
+      let open Patterns.Head in
+      begin match p.pat_desc with
+      | Construct {cstr_tag=(Cstr_constant _|Cstr_block _|Cstr_unboxed)} ->
+          let path = get_constructor_type_path p.pat_type p.pat_env in
+          Path.same path ext
+      | Construct {cstr_tag=(Cstr_extension _)} -> false
+      | Constant _ | Tuple _ | Variant _ | Record _ | Array _ | Lazy -> false
+      | Any -> assert false
+      end
+(* build a pattern from a constructor description *)
+let pat_of_constr ex_pat cstr =
+  {ex_pat with pat_desc =
+   Tpat_construct (mknoloc (Longident.Lident cstr.cstr_name),
+                   cstr, omegas cstr.cstr_arity, None)}
+let orify x y = make_pat (Tpat_or (x, y, None)) x.pat_type x.pat_env
+let rec orify_many = function
+| [] -> assert false
+| [x] -> x
+| x :: xs -> orify x (orify_many xs)
+(* build an or-pattern from a constructor list *)
+let pat_of_constrs ex_pat cstrs =
+  let ex_pat = Patterns.Head.to_omega_pattern ex_pat in
+  if cstrs = [] then raise Empty else
+  orify_many (List.map (pat_of_constr ex_pat) cstrs)
+let pats_of_type env ty =
+  match Ctype.extract_concrete_typedecl env ty with
+  | Typedecl (_, path, {type_kind = Type_variant _ | Type_record _}) ->
+      begin match Env.find_type_descrs path env with
+      | Type_variant (cstrs,_) when List.length cstrs <= 1 ||
+        (* Only explode when all constructors are GADTs *)
+        List.for_all (fun cd -> cd.cstr_generalized) cstrs ->
+          List.map (pat_of_constr (make_pat Tpat_any ty env)) cstrs
+      | Type_record (labels, _) ->
+          let fields =
+            List.map (fun ld ->
+              mknoloc (Longident.Lident ld.lbl_name), ld, omega)
+              labels
+          in
+          [make_pat (Tpat_record (fields, Closed)) ty env]
+      | _ -> [omega]
+      end
+  | Has_no_typedecl ->
+      begin match get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env ty) with
+        Ttuple tl ->
+          [make_pat (Tpat_tuple (omegas (List.length tl))) ty env]
+      | _ -> [omega]
+      end
+  | Typedecl (_, _, {type_kind = Type_abstract _ | Type_open})
+  | May_have_typedecl -> [omega]
+let get_variant_constructors env ty =
+  match Ctype.extract_concrete_typedecl env ty with
+  | Typedecl (_, path, {type_kind = Type_variant _}) ->
+      begin match Env.find_type_descrs path env with
+      | Type_variant (cstrs,_) -> cstrs
+      | _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_variant_constructors"
+      end
+  | _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_variant_constructors"
+module ConstructorSet = Set.Make(struct
+  type t = constructor_description
+  let compare c1 c2 = String.compare c1.cstr_name c2.cstr_name
+(* Sends back a pattern that complements the given constructors used_constrs *)
+let complete_constrs constr used_constrs =
+  let c = constr.pat_desc in
+  let constrs = get_variant_constructors constr.pat_env c.cstr_res in
+  let used_constrs = ConstructorSet.of_list used_constrs in
+  let others =
+    List.filter
+      (fun cnstr -> not (ConstructorSet.mem cnstr used_constrs))
+      constrs in
+  (* Split constructors to put constant ones first *)
+  let const, nonconst =
+    List.partition (fun cnstr -> cnstr.cstr_arity = 0) others in
+  const @ nonconst
+let build_other_constrs env p =
+  let open Patterns.Head in
+  match p.pat_desc with
+  | Construct ({ cstr_tag = Cstr_extension _ }) -> extra_pat
+  | Construct
+      ({ cstr_tag = Cstr_constant _ | Cstr_block _ | Cstr_unboxed } as c) ->
+        let constr = { p with pat_desc = c } in
+        let get_constr q =
+          match q.pat_desc with
+          | Construct c -> c
+          | _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_constr" in
+        let used_constrs =  List.map (fun (p,_) -> get_constr p) env in
+        pat_of_constrs p (complete_constrs constr used_constrs)
+  | _ -> extra_pat
+(* Auxiliary for build_other *)
+let build_other_constant proj make first next p env =
+  let all = List.map (fun (p, _) -> proj p.pat_desc) env in
+  let rec try_const i =
+    if List.mem i all
+    then try_const (next i)
+    else make_pat (make i) p.pat_type p.pat_env
+  in try_const first
+  Builds a pattern that is incompatible with all patterns in
+  the first column of env
+let some_private_tag = "<some private tag>"
+let build_other ext env =
+  match env with
+  | [] -> omega
+  | (d, _) :: _ ->
+      let open Patterns.Head in
+      match d.pat_desc with
+      | Construct { cstr_tag = Cstr_extension _ } ->
+          (* let c = {c with cstr_name = "*extension*"} in *) (* PR#7330 *)
+          make_pat
+            (Tpat_var (Ident.create_local "*extension*",
+                       {txt="*extension*"; loc = d.pat_loc},
+                       Uid.internal_not_actually_unique))
+            Ctype.none Env.empty
+      | Construct _ ->
+          begin match ext with
+          | Some ext ->
+              if Path.same ext (get_constructor_type_path d.pat_type d.pat_env)
+              then
+                extra_pat
+              else
+                build_other_constrs env d
+          | _ ->
+              build_other_constrs env d
+          end
+      | Variant { cstr_row; type_row } ->
+          let tags =
+            List.map
+              (fun (d, _) ->
+                match d.pat_desc with
+                | Variant { tag } -> tag
+                | _ -> assert false)
+              env
+            in
+            let make_other_pat tag const =
+              let arg = if const then None else Some Patterns.omega in
+              make_pat (Tpat_variant(tag, arg, cstr_row)) d.pat_type d.pat_env
+            in
+            let row = type_row () in
+            begin match
+              List.fold_left
+                (fun others (tag,f) ->
+                  if List.mem tag tags then others else
+                  match row_field_repr f with
+                    Rabsent (* | Reither _ *) -> others
+                  (* This one is called after erasing pattern info *)
+                  | Reither (c, _, _) -> make_other_pat tag c :: others
+                  | Rpresent arg -> make_other_pat tag (arg = None) :: others)
+                [] (row_fields row)
+            with
+              [] ->
+                let tag =
+                  if Btype.has_fixed_explanation row then some_private_tag else
+                  let rec mktag tag =
+                    if List.mem tag tags then mktag (tag ^ "'") else tag in
+                  mktag "AnyOtherTag"
+                in make_other_pat tag true
+            | pat::other_pats ->
+                List.fold_left
+                  (fun p_res pat ->
+                    make_pat (Tpat_or (pat, p_res, None)) d.pat_type d.pat_env)
+                  pat other_pats
+            end
+      | Constant Const_char _ ->
+          let all_chars =
+            List.map
+              (fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
+              | Constant (Const_char c) -> c
+              | _ -> assert false)
+              env
+          in
+          let rec find_other i imax =
+            if i > imax then raise Not_found
+            else
+              let ci = Char.chr i in
+              if List.mem ci all_chars then
+                find_other (i+1) imax
+              else
+                make_pat (Tpat_constant (Const_char ci)) d.pat_type d.pat_env
+          in
+          let rec try_chars = function
+            | [] -> Patterns.omega
+            | (c1,c2) :: rest ->
+                try
+                  find_other (Char.code c1) (Char.code c2)
+                with
+                | Not_found -> try_chars rest
+          in
+          try_chars
+            [ 'a', 'z' ; 'A', 'Z' ; '0', '9' ;
+              ' ', '~' ; Char.chr 0 , Char.chr 255]
+      | Constant Const_int _ ->
+          build_other_constant
+            (function Constant(Const_int i) -> i | _ -> assert false)
+            (function i -> Tpat_constant(Const_int i))
+            0 succ d env
+      | Constant Const_int32 _ ->
+          build_other_constant
+            (function Constant(Const_int32 i) -> i | _ -> assert false)
+            (function i -> Tpat_constant(Const_int32 i))
+            0l Int32.succ d env
+      | Constant Const_int64 _ ->
+          build_other_constant
+            (function Constant(Const_int64 i) -> i | _ -> assert false)
+            (function i -> Tpat_constant(Const_int64 i))
+            0L Int64.succ d env
+      | Constant Const_nativeint _ ->
+          build_other_constant
+            (function Constant(Const_nativeint i) -> i | _ -> assert false)
+            (function i -> Tpat_constant(Const_nativeint i))
+            0n Nativeint.succ d env
+      | Constant Const_string _ ->
+          build_other_constant
+            (function Constant(Const_string (s, _, _)) -> String.length s
+                    | _ -> assert false)
+            (function i ->
+               Tpat_constant
+                 (Const_string(String.make i '*',Location.none,None)))
+            0 succ d env
+      | Constant Const_float _ ->
+          build_other_constant
+            (function Constant(Const_float f) -> float_of_string f
+                    | _ -> assert false)
+            (function f -> Tpat_constant(Const_float (string_of_float f)))
+            0.0 (fun f -> f +. 1.0) d env
+      | Array _ ->
+          let all_lengths =
+            List.map
+              (fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
+              | Array len -> len
+              | _ -> assert false)
+              env in
+          let rec try_arrays l =
+            if List.mem l all_lengths then try_arrays (l+1)
+            else
+              make_pat (Tpat_array (omegas l)) d.pat_type d.pat_env in
+          try_arrays 0
+      | _ -> Patterns.omega
+let rec has_instance p = match p.pat_desc with
+  | Tpat_variant (l,_,r) when is_absent l r -> false
+  | Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ | Tpat_constant _ | Tpat_variant (_,None,_) -> true
+  | Tpat_alias (p,_,_,_) | Tpat_variant (_,Some p,_) -> has_instance p
+  | Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) -> has_instance p1 || has_instance p2
+  | Tpat_construct (_,_,ps,_) | Tpat_tuple ps | Tpat_array ps ->
+      has_instances ps
+  | Tpat_record (lps,_) -> has_instances (List.map (fun (_,_,x) -> x) lps)
+  | Tpat_lazy p
+    -> has_instance p
+and has_instances = function
+  | [] -> true
+  | q::rem -> has_instance q && has_instances rem
+  Core function :
+  Is the last row of pattern matrix pss + qs satisfiable ?
+  That is :
+    Does there exists at least one value vector, es such that :
+     1- for all ps in pss ps # es (ps and es are not compatible)
+     2- qs <= es                  (es matches qs)
+   ---
+   In two places in the following function, we check the coherence of the first
+   column of (pss + qs).
+   If it is incoherent, then we exit early saying that (pss + qs) is not
+   satisfiable (which is equivalent to saying "oh, we shouldn't have considered
+   that branch, no good result came come from here").
+   But what happens if we have a coherent but ill-typed column?
+   - we might end up returning [false], which is equivalent to noticing the
+   incompatibility: clearly this is fine.
+   - if we end up returning [true] then we're saying that [qs] is useful while
+   it is not. This is sad but not the end of the world, we're just allowing dead
+   code to survive.
+let rec satisfiable pss qs = match pss with
+| [] -> has_instances qs
+| _  ->
+    match qs with
+    | [] -> false
+    | q::qs ->
+       match Patterns.General.(view q |> strip_vars).pat_desc with
+       | `Or(q1,q2,_) ->
+          satisfiable pss (q1::qs) || satisfiable pss (q2::qs)
+       | `Any ->
+          let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+          if not (all_coherent (first_column pss)) then
+            false
+          else begin
+            let { default; constrs } =
+              let q0 = discr_pat Patterns.Simple.omega pss in
+              build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss in
+            if not (full_match false constrs) then
+              satisfiable default qs
+            else
+              List.exists
+                (fun (p,pss) ->
+                   not (is_absent_pat p) &&
+                   satisfiable pss
+                     (simple_match_args p Patterns.Head.omega [] @ qs))
+                constrs
+          end
+       | `Variant (l,_,r) when is_absent l r -> false
+       | #Patterns.Simple.view as view ->
+          let q = { q with pat_desc = view } in
+          let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+          let hq, qargs = Patterns.Head.deconstruct q in
+          if not (all_coherent (hq :: first_column pss)) then
+            false
+          else begin
+              let q0 = discr_pat q pss in
+              satisfiable (build_specialized_submatrix ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss)
+                (simple_match_args q0 hq qargs @ qs)
+            end
+(* While [satisfiable] only checks whether the last row of [pss + qs] is
+   satisfiable, this function returns the (possibly empty) list of vectors [es]
+   which verify:
+     1- for all ps in pss, ps # es (ps and es are not compatible)
+     2- qs <= es                   (es matches qs)
+   This is done to enable GADT handling
+   For considerations regarding the coherence check, see the comment on
+   [satisfiable] above.  *)
+let rec list_satisfying_vectors pss qs =
+  match pss with
+  | [] -> if has_instances qs then [qs] else []
+  | _  ->
+      match qs with
+      | [] -> []
+      | q :: qs ->
+         match Patterns.General.(view q |> strip_vars).pat_desc with
+         | `Or(q1,q2,_) ->
+            list_satisfying_vectors pss (q1::qs) @
+            list_satisfying_vectors pss (q2::qs)
+         | `Any ->
+            let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+            if not (all_coherent (first_column pss)) then
+              []
+            else begin
+              let q0 = discr_pat Patterns.Simple.omega pss in
+              let wild default_matrix p =
+                List.map (fun qs -> p::qs)
+                  (list_satisfying_vectors default_matrix qs)
+              in
+              match build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss with
+              | { default; constrs = [] } ->
+                  (* first column of pss is made of variables only *)
+                  wild default omega
+              | { default; constrs = ((p,_)::_ as constrs) } ->
+                  let for_constrs () =
+                    List.flatten (
+                      List.map (fun (p,pss) ->
+                        if is_absent_pat p then
+                          []
+                        else
+                          let witnesses =
+                            list_satisfying_vectors pss
+                              (simple_match_args p Patterns.Head.omega [] @ qs)
+                          in
+                          let p = Patterns.Head.to_omega_pattern p in
+                          List.map (set_args p) witnesses
+                      ) constrs
+                    )
+                  in
+                  if full_match false constrs then for_constrs () else
+                  begin match p.pat_desc with
+                  | Construct _ ->
+                      (* activate this code
+                         for checking non-gadt constructors *)
+                      wild default (build_other_constrs constrs p)
+                      @ for_constrs ()
+                  | _ ->
+                      wild default Patterns.omega
+                  end
+          end
+      | `Variant (l, _, r) when is_absent l r -> []
+      | #Patterns.Simple.view as view ->
+          let q = { q with pat_desc = view } in
+          let hq, qargs = Patterns.Head.deconstruct q in
+          let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+          if not (all_coherent (hq :: first_column pss)) then
+            []
+          else begin
+            let q0 = discr_pat q pss in
+            List.map (set_args (Patterns.Head.to_omega_pattern q0))
+              (list_satisfying_vectors
+                 (build_specialized_submatrix ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss)
+                 (simple_match_args q0 hq qargs @ qs))
+          end
+(* Look for a row that matches some value *)
+  Useful for seeing if the example of
+  non-matched value can indeed be matched
+  (by a guarded clause)
+let rec do_match pss qs = match qs with
+| [] ->
+    begin match pss  with
+    | []::_ -> true
+    | _ -> false
+    end
+| q::qs -> match Patterns.General.(view q |> strip_vars).pat_desc with
+  | `Or (q1,q2,_) ->
+      do_match pss (q1::qs) || do_match pss (q2::qs)
+  | `Any ->
+      let rec remove_first_column = function
+        | (_::ps)::rem -> ps::remove_first_column rem
+        | _ -> []
+      in
+      do_match (remove_first_column pss) qs
+  | #Patterns.Simple.view as view ->
+      let q = { q with pat_desc = view } in
+      let q0, qargs = Patterns.Head.deconstruct q in
+      let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+      (* [pss] will (or won't) match [q0 :: qs] regardless of the coherence of
+         its first column. *)
+      do_match
+        (build_specialized_submatrix ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss)
+        (qargs @ qs)
+let print_pat pat =
+  let rec string_of_pat pat =
+    match pat.pat_desc with
+        Tpat_var _ -> "v"
+      | Tpat_any -> "_"
+      | Tpat_alias (p, x) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s) as ?"  (string_of_pat p)
+      | Tpat_constant n -> "0"
+      | Tpat_construct (_, lid, _) ->
+        Printf.sprintf "%s" (String.concat "." (Longident.flatten lid.txt))
+      | Tpat_lazy p ->
+        Printf.sprintf "(lazy %s)" (string_of_pat p)
+      | Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
+        Printf.sprintf "(%s | %s)" (string_of_pat p1) (string_of_pat p2)
+      | Tpat_tuple list ->
+        Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat "," (List.map string_of_pat list))
+      | Tpat_variant (_, _, _) -> "variant"
+      | Tpat_record (_, _) -> "record"
+      | Tpat_array _ -> "array"
+  in
+  Printf.fprintf stderr "PAT[%s]\n%!" (string_of_pat pat)
+  Now another satisfiable function that additionally
+  supplies an example of a matching value.
+  This function should be called for exhaustiveness check only.
+let rec exhaust (ext:Path.t option) pss n = match pss with
+| []    ->  Seq.return (omegas n)
+| []::_ ->  Seq.empty
+| [(p :: ps)] -> exhaust_single_row ext p ps n
+| pss   -> specialize_and_exhaust ext pss n
+and exhaust_single_row ext p ps n =
+  (* Shortcut: in the single-row case p :: ps we know that all
+     counter-examples are either of the form
+       counter-example(p) :: omegas
+     or
+       p :: counter-examples(ps)
+     This is very interesting in the case where p contains
+     or-patterns, as the non-shortcut path below would do a separate
+     search for each constructor of the or-pattern, which can lead to
+     an exponential blowup on examples such as
+       | (A|B), (A|B), (A|B), (A|B) -> foo
+     Note that this shortcut also applies to examples such as
+       | A, A, A, A -> foo | (A|B), (A|B), (A|B), (A|B) -> bar
+     thanks to the [get_mins] preprocessing step which will drop the
+     first row (subsumed by the second). Code with this shape does
+     occur naturally when people want to avoid fragile pattern
+     matches: if A and B are the only two constructors, this is the
+     best way to make a non-fragile distinction between "all As" and
+     "at least one B".
+  *)
+  List.to_seq [Some p; None] |> Seq.flat_map
+    (function
+      | Some p ->
+          let sub_witnesses = exhaust ext [ps] (n - 1) in
+          Seq.map (fun row -> p :: row) sub_witnesses
+      | None ->
+          (* note: calling [exhaust] recursively of p would
+             result in an infinite loop in the case n=1 *)
+          let p_witnesses = specialize_and_exhaust ext [[p]] 1 in
+          Seq.map (fun p_row -> p_row @ omegas (n - 1)) p_witnesses
+    )
+and specialize_and_exhaust ext pss n =
+  let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+  if not (all_coherent (first_column pss)) then
+    (* We're considering an ill-typed branch, we won't actually be able to
+       produce a well typed value taking that branch. *)
+    Seq.empty
+  else begin
+    (* Assuming the first column is ill-typed but considered coherent, we
+       might end up producing an ill-typed witness of non-exhaustivity
+       corresponding to the current branch.
+       If [exhaust] has been called by [do_check_partial], then the witnesses
+       produced get typechecked and the ill-typed ones are discarded.
+       If [exhaust] has been called by [do_check_fragile], then it is possible
+       we might fail to warn the user that the matching is fragile. See for
+       example testsuite/tests/warnings/w04_failure.ml. *)
+    let q0 = discr_pat Patterns.Simple.omega pss in
+    match build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss with
+    | { default; constrs = [] } ->
+        (* first column of pss is made of variables only *)
+        let sub_witnesses = exhaust ext default (n-1) in
+        let q0 = Patterns.Head.to_omega_pattern q0 in
+        Seq.map (fun row -> q0::row) sub_witnesses
+    | { default; constrs } ->
+        let try_non_omega (p,pss) =
+          if is_absent_pat p then
+            Seq.empty
+          else
+            let sub_witnesses =
+              exhaust
+                ext pss
+                (List.length (simple_match_args p Patterns.Head.omega [])
+                 + n - 1)
+            in
+            let p = Patterns.Head.to_omega_pattern p in
+            Seq.map (set_args p) sub_witnesses
+        in
+        let try_omega () =
+          if full_match false constrs && not (should_extend ext constrs) then
+            Seq.empty
+          else
+            let sub_witnesses = exhaust ext default (n-1) in
+            match build_other ext constrs with
+            | exception Empty ->
+                (* cannot occur, since constructors don't make
+                   a full signature *)
+                fatal_error "Parmatch.exhaust"
+            | p ->
+                Seq.map (fun tail -> p :: tail) sub_witnesses
+        in
+        (* Lazily compute witnesses for all constructor submatrices
+           (Some constr_mat) then the wildcard/default submatrix (None).
+           Note that the call to [try_omega ()] is delayed to after
+           all constructor matrices have been traversed. *)
+        List.map (fun constr_mat -> Some constr_mat) constrs @ [None]
+        |> List.to_seq
+        |> Seq.flat_map
+          (function
+            | Some constr_mat -> try_non_omega constr_mat
+            | None -> try_omega ())
+  end
+let exhaust ext pss n =
+  exhaust ext pss n
+  |> Seq.map (function
+     | [x] -> x
+     | _ -> assert false)
+   Another exhaustiveness check, enforcing variant typing.
+   Note that it does not check exact exhaustiveness, but whether a
+   matching could be made exhaustive by closing all variant types.
+   When this is true of all other columns, the current column is left
+   open (even if it means that the whole matching is not exhaustive as
+   a result).
+   When this is false for the matrix minus the current column, and the
+   current column is composed of variant tags, we close the variant
+   (even if it doesn't help in making the matching exhaustive).
+let rec pressure_variants tdefs = function
+  | []    -> false
+  | []::_ -> true
+  | pss   ->
+      let pss = simplify_first_col pss in
+      if not (all_coherent (first_column pss)) then
+        true
+      else begin
+        let q0 = discr_pat Patterns.Simple.omega pss in
+        match build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row:(@) q0 pss with
+        | { default; constrs = [] } -> pressure_variants tdefs default
+        | { default; constrs } ->
+            let rec try_non_omega = function
+              | (_p,pss) :: rem ->
+                  let ok = pressure_variants tdefs pss in
+                  (* The order below matters : we want [pressure_variants] to be
+                    called on all the specialized submatrices because we might
+                    close some variant in any of them regardless of whether [ok]
+                    is true for [pss] or not *)
+                  try_non_omega rem && ok
+              | [] -> true
+            in
+            if full_match (tdefs=None) constrs then
+              try_non_omega constrs
+            else if tdefs = None then
+              pressure_variants None default
+            else
+              let full = full_match true constrs in
+              let ok =
+                if full then
+                  try_non_omega constrs
+                else begin
+                  let { constrs = partial_constrs; _ } =
+                    build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row:(@) q0
+                      (mark_partial pss)
+                  in
+                  try_non_omega partial_constrs
+                end
+              in
+              begin match constrs, tdefs with
+              | [], _
+              | _, None -> ()
+              | (d, _) :: _, Some env ->
+                match d.pat_desc with
+                | Variant { type_row; _ } ->
+                  let row = type_row () in
+                  if Btype.has_fixed_explanation row
+                  || pressure_variants None default then ()
+                  else close_variant env row
+                | _ -> ()
+              end;
+              ok
+      end
+(* Yet another satisfiable function *)
+   This time every_satisfiable pss qs checks the
+   utility of every expansion of qs.
+   Expansion means expansion of or-patterns inside qs
+type answer =
+  | Used                                (* Useful pattern *)
+  | Unused                              (* Useless pattern *)
+  | Upartial of Typedtree.pattern list  (* Mixed, with list of useless ones *)
+(* this row type enable column processing inside the matrix
+    - left  ->  elements not to be processed,
+    - right ->  elements to be processed
+type usefulness_row =
+  {no_ors : pattern list ; ors : pattern list ; active : pattern list}
+let pretty_row {ors=ors ; no_ors=no_ors; active=active} =
+  pretty_line ors ; prerr_string " *" ;
+  pretty_line no_ors ; prerr_string " *" ;
+  pretty_line active
+let pretty_rows rs =
+  prerr_endline "begin matrix" ;
+  List.iter
+    (fun r ->
+      pretty_row r ;
+      prerr_endline "")
+    rs ;
+  prerr_endline "end matrix"
+(* Initial build *)
+let make_row ps = {ors=[] ; no_ors=[]; active=ps}
+let make_rows pss = List.map make_row pss
+(* Useful to detect and expand or pats inside as pats *)
+let is_var p = match Patterns.General.(view p |> strip_vars).pat_desc with
+| `Any -> true
+| _    -> false
+let is_var_column rs =
+  List.for_all
+    (fun r -> match r.active with
+    | p::_ -> is_var p
+    | []   -> assert false)
+    rs
+(* Standard or-args for left-to-right matching *)
+let rec or_args p = match p.pat_desc with
+| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) -> p1,p2
+| Tpat_alias (p,_,_,_)  -> or_args p
+| _                 -> assert false
+(* Just remove current column *)
+let remove r = match r.active with
+| _::rem -> {r with active=rem}
+| []     -> assert false
+let remove_column rs = List.map remove rs
+(* Current column has been processed *)
+let push_no_or r = match r.active with
+| p::rem -> { r with no_ors = p::r.no_ors ; active=rem}
+| [] -> assert false
+let push_or r = match r.active with
+| p::rem -> { r with ors = p::r.ors ; active=rem}
+| [] -> assert false
+let push_or_column rs = List.map push_or rs
+and push_no_or_column rs = List.map push_no_or rs
+let rec simplify_first_usefulness_col = function
+  | [] -> []
+  | row :: rows ->
+    match row.active with
+    | [] -> assert false (* the rows are non-empty! *)
+    | p :: ps ->
+      let add_column p ps k =
+        (p, { row with active = ps }) :: k in
+      simplify_head_pat ~add_column p ps
+        (simplify_first_usefulness_col rows)
+(* Back to normal matrices *)
+let make_vector r = List.rev r.no_ors
+let make_matrix rs = List.map make_vector rs
+(* Standard union on answers *)
+let union_res r1 r2 = match r1, r2 with
+| (Unused,_)
+| (_, Unused) -> Unused
+| Used,_    -> r2
+| _, Used   -> r1
+| Upartial u1, Upartial u2 -> Upartial (u1@u2)
+(* propose or pats for expansion *)
+let extract_elements qs =
+  let rec do_rec seen = function
+    | [] -> []
+    | q::rem ->
+        {no_ors= List.rev_append seen rem @ qs.no_ors ;
+        ors=[] ;
+        active = [q]}::
+        do_rec (q::seen) rem in
+  do_rec [] qs.ors
+(* idem for matrices *)
+let transpose rs = match rs with
+| [] -> assert false
+| r::rem ->
+    let i = List.map (fun x -> [x]) r in
+    List.fold_left
+      (List.map2 (fun r x -> x::r))
+      i rem
+let extract_columns pss qs = match pss with
+| [] -> List.map (fun _ -> []) qs.ors
+| _  ->
+  let rows = List.map extract_elements pss in
+  transpose rows
+(* Core function
+   The idea is to first look for or patterns (recursive case), then
+   check or-patterns argument usefulness (terminal case)
+let rec every_satisfiables pss qs = match qs.active with
+| []     ->
+    (* qs is now partitioned,  check usefulness *)
+    begin match qs.ors with
+    | [] -> (* no or-patterns *)
+        if satisfiable (make_matrix pss) (make_vector qs) then
+          Used
+        else
+          Unused
+    | _  -> (* n or-patterns -> 2n expansions *)
+        List.fold_right2
+          (fun pss qs r -> match r with
+          | Unused -> Unused
+          | _ ->
+              match qs.active with
+              | [q] ->
+                  let q1,q2 = or_args q in
+                  let r_loc = every_both pss qs q1 q2 in
+                  union_res r r_loc
+              | _   -> assert false)
+          (extract_columns pss qs) (extract_elements qs)
+          Used
+    end
+| q::rem ->
+    begin match Patterns.General.(view q |> strip_vars).pat_desc with
+    | `Any ->
+        if is_var_column pss then
+          (* forget about ``all-variable''  columns now *)
+          every_satisfiables (remove_column pss) (remove qs)
+        else
+          (* otherwise this is direct food for satisfiable *)
+          every_satisfiables (push_no_or_column pss) (push_no_or qs)
+    | `Or (q1,q2,_) ->
+        if
+          q1.pat_loc.Location.loc_ghost &&
+          q2.pat_loc.Location.loc_ghost
+        then
+          (* syntactically generated or-pats should not be expanded *)
+          every_satisfiables (push_no_or_column pss) (push_no_or qs)
+        else
+          (* this is a real or-pattern *)
+          every_satisfiables (push_or_column pss) (push_or qs)
+    | `Variant (l,_,r) when is_absent l r -> (* Ah Jacques... *)
+        Unused
+    | #Patterns.Simple.view as view ->
+        let q = { q with pat_desc = view } in
+        (* standard case, filter matrix *)
+        let pss = simplify_first_usefulness_col pss in
+        let hq, args = Patterns.Head.deconstruct q in
+        (* The handling of incoherent matrices is kept in line with
+           [satisfiable] *)
+        if not (all_coherent (hq :: first_column pss)) then
+          Unused
+        else begin
+          let q0 = discr_pat q pss in
+          every_satisfiables
+            (build_specialized_submatrix q0 pss
+              ~extend_row:(fun ps r -> { r with active = ps @ r.active }))
+            {qs with active=simple_match_args q0 hq args @ rem}
+        end
+    end
+  This function ``every_both'' performs the usefulness check
+  of or-pat q1|q2.
+  The trick is to call every_satisfied twice with
+  current active columns restricted to q1 and q2,
+  That way,
+  - others orpats in qs.ors will not get expanded.
+  - all matching work performed on qs.no_ors is not performed again.
+  *)
+and every_both pss qs q1 q2 =
+  let qs1 = {qs with active=[q1]}
+  and qs2 =  {qs with active=[q2]} in
+  let r1 = every_satisfiables pss qs1
+  and r2 =  every_satisfiables (if compat q1 q2 then qs1::pss else pss) qs2 in
+  match r1 with
+  | Unused ->
+      begin match r2 with
+      | Unused -> Unused
+      | Used   -> Upartial [q1]
+      | Upartial u2 -> Upartial (q1::u2)
+      end
+  | Used ->
+      begin match r2 with
+      | Unused -> Upartial [q2]
+      | _      -> r2
+      end
+  | Upartial u1 ->
+      begin match r2 with
+      | Unused -> Upartial (u1@[q2])
+      | Used   -> r1
+      | Upartial u2 -> Upartial (u1 @ u2)
+      end
+(* le_pat p q  means, forall V,  V matches q implies V matches p *)
+let rec le_pat p q =
+  match (p.pat_desc, q.pat_desc) with
+  | (Tpat_var _|Tpat_any),_ -> true
+  | Tpat_alias(p,_,_,_), _ -> le_pat p q
+  | _, Tpat_alias(q,_,_,_) -> le_pat p q
+  | Tpat_constant(c1), Tpat_constant(c2) -> const_compare c1 c2 = 0
+  | Tpat_construct(_,c1,ps,_), Tpat_construct(_,c2,qs,_) ->
+      Types.equal_tag c1.cstr_tag c2.cstr_tag && le_pats ps qs
+  | Tpat_variant(l1,Some p1,_), Tpat_variant(l2,Some p2,_) ->
+      (l1 = l2 && le_pat p1 p2)
+  | Tpat_variant(l1,None,_r1), Tpat_variant(l2,None,_) ->
+      l1 = l2
+  | Tpat_variant(_,_,_), Tpat_variant(_,_,_) -> false
+  | Tpat_tuple(ps), Tpat_tuple(qs) -> le_pats ps qs
+  | Tpat_lazy p, Tpat_lazy q -> le_pat p q
+  | Tpat_record (l1,_), Tpat_record (l2,_) ->
+      let ps,qs = records_args l1 l2 in
+      le_pats ps qs
+  | Tpat_array(ps), Tpat_array(qs) ->
+      List.length ps = List.length qs && le_pats ps qs
+(* In all other cases, enumeration is performed *)
+  | _,_  -> not (satisfiable [[p]] [q])
+and le_pats ps qs =
+  match ps,qs with
+    p::ps, q::qs -> le_pat p q && le_pats ps qs
+  | _, _         -> true
+let get_mins le ps =
+  let rec select_rec r = function
+      [] -> r
+    | p::ps ->
+        if List.exists (fun p0 -> le p0 p) ps
+        then select_rec r ps
+        else select_rec (p::r) ps in
+  (* [select_rec] removes the elements that are followed by a smaller element.
+     An element that is preceded by a smaller element may stay in the list.
+     We thus do two passes on the list, which is returned reversed
+     the first time. *)
+  select_rec [] (select_rec [] ps)
+  lub p q is a pattern that matches all values matched by p and q
+  may raise Empty, when p and q are not compatible
+let rec lub p q = match p.pat_desc,q.pat_desc with
+| Tpat_alias (p,_,_,_),_      -> lub p q
+| _,Tpat_alias (q,_,_,_)      -> lub p q
+| (Tpat_any|Tpat_var _),_ -> q
+| _,(Tpat_any|Tpat_var _) -> p
+| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_),_     -> orlub p1 p2 q
+| _,Tpat_or (q1,q2,_)     -> orlub q1 q2 p (* Thanks god, lub is commutative *)
+| Tpat_constant c1, Tpat_constant c2 when const_compare c1 c2 = 0 -> p
+| Tpat_tuple ps, Tpat_tuple qs ->
+    let rs = lubs ps qs in
+    make_pat (Tpat_tuple rs) p.pat_type p.pat_env
+| Tpat_lazy p, Tpat_lazy q ->
+    let r = lub p q in
+    make_pat (Tpat_lazy r) p.pat_type p.pat_env
+| Tpat_construct (lid,c1,ps1,_), Tpat_construct (_,c2,ps2,_)
+      when  Types.equal_tag c1.cstr_tag c2.cstr_tag  ->
+        let rs = lubs ps1 ps2 in
+        make_pat (Tpat_construct (lid, c1, rs, None))
+          p.pat_type p.pat_env
+| Tpat_variant(l1,Some p1,row), Tpat_variant(l2,Some p2,_)
+          when  l1=l2 ->
+            let r=lub p1 p2 in
+            make_pat (Tpat_variant (l1,Some r,row)) p.pat_type p.pat_env
+| Tpat_variant (l1,None,_row), Tpat_variant(l2,None,_)
+              when l1 = l2 -> p
+| Tpat_record (l1,closed),Tpat_record (l2,_) ->
+    let rs = record_lubs l1 l2 in
+    make_pat (Tpat_record (rs, closed)) p.pat_type p.pat_env
+| Tpat_array ps, Tpat_array qs
+      when List.length ps = List.length qs ->
+        let rs = lubs ps qs in
+        make_pat (Tpat_array rs) p.pat_type p.pat_env
+| _,_  ->
+    raise Empty
+and orlub p1 p2 q =
+  try
+    let r1 = lub p1 q in
+    try
+      {q with pat_desc=(Tpat_or (r1,lub p2 q,None))}
+  with
+  | Empty -> r1
+| Empty -> lub p2 q
+and record_lubs l1 l2 =
+  let rec lub_rec l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with
+  | [],_ -> l2
+  | _,[] -> l1
+  | (lid1, lbl1,p1)::rem1, (lid2, lbl2,p2)::rem2 ->
+      if lbl1.lbl_pos < lbl2.lbl_pos then
+        (lid1, lbl1,p1)::lub_rec rem1 l2
+      else if lbl2.lbl_pos < lbl1.lbl_pos  then
+        (lid2, lbl2,p2)::lub_rec l1 rem2
+      else
+        (lid1, lbl1,lub p1 p2)::lub_rec rem1 rem2 in
+  lub_rec l1 l2
+and lubs ps qs = match ps,qs with
+| p::ps, q::qs -> lub p q :: lubs ps qs
+| _,_ -> []
+(* Exported variant closing   *)
+(* Apply pressure to variants *)
+let pressure_variants tdefs patl =
+  ignore (pressure_variants
+            (Some tdefs)
+            (List.map (fun p -> [p; omega]) patl))
+let pressure_variants_in_computation_pattern tdefs patl =
+  let add_row pss p_opt =
+    match p_opt with
+    | None -> pss
+    | Some p -> p :: pss
+  in
+  let val_pss, exn_pss =
+    List.fold_right (fun pat (vpss, epss)->
+      let (vp, ep) = split_pattern pat in
+      add_row vpss vp, add_row epss ep
+    ) patl ([], [])
+  in
+  pressure_variants tdefs val_pss;
+  pressure_variants tdefs exn_pss
+(* Utilities for diagnostics *)
+  Build up a working pattern matrix by forgetting
+  about guarded patterns
+let rec initial_matrix = function
+    [] -> []
+  | {has_guard=true} :: rem -> initial_matrix rem
+  | {has_guard=false; pattern=p} :: rem -> [p] :: initial_matrix rem
+   Build up a working pattern matrix by keeping
+   only the patterns which are guarded
+let rec initial_only_guarded = function
+  | [] -> []
+  | { has_guard = false; _} :: rem ->
+      initial_only_guarded rem
+  | { pattern = pat; _ } :: rem ->
+      [pat] :: initial_only_guarded rem
+(* Exhaustiveness check *)
+(* Whether the counter-example contains an extension pattern *)
+let contains_extension pat =
+  exists_pattern
+    (function
+     | {pat_desc=Tpat_var (_, {txt="*extension*"}, _)} -> true
+     | _ -> false)
+    pat
+let do_check_partial ~pred loc casel pss = match pss with
+| [] ->
+        (*
+          This can occur
+          - For empty matches generated by ocamlp4 (no warning)
+          - when all patterns have guards (then, casel <> [])
+          (specific warning)
+          Then match MUST be considered non-exhaustive,
+          otherwise compilation of PM is broken.
+          *)
+    begin match casel with
+    | [] -> ()
+    | _  ->
+      if Warnings.is_active Warnings.All_clauses_guarded then
+        Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.All_clauses_guarded
+    end ;
+    Partial
+| ps::_  ->
+    let counter_examples =
+      exhaust None pss (List.length ps) |> Seq.filter_map pred in
+    match counter_examples () with
+    | Seq.Nil -> Total
+    | Seq.Cons (v, _rest) ->
+      if Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Partial_match "") then begin
+        let errmsg =
+          let doc = ref Format_doc.Doc.empty in
+          let fmt = Format_doc.formatter doc in
+          Format_doc.fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a" Printpat.top_pretty v;
+          if do_match (initial_only_guarded casel) [v] then
+            Format_doc.fprintf fmt
+              "@,(However, some guarded clause may match this value.)";
+          if contains_extension v then
+            Format_doc.fprintf fmt
+              "@,@[Matching over values of extensible variant types \
+               (the *extension* above)@,\
+               must include a wild card pattern@ in order to be exhaustive.@]"
+          ;
+          Format_doc.fprintf fmt "@]";
+          Format_doc.(asprintf "%a" pp_doc) !doc
+        in
+        Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Partial_match errmsg)
+      end;
+      Partial
+(* Fragile check *)
+(* Collect all data types in a pattern *)
+let rec add_path path = function
+  | [] -> [path]
+  | x::rem as paths ->
+      if Path.same path x then paths
+      else x::add_path path rem
+let extendable_path path =
+  not
+    (Path.same path Predef.path_bool ||
+    Path.same path Predef.path_list ||
+    Path.same path Predef.path_unit ||
+    Path.same path Predef.path_option)
+let rec collect_paths_from_pat r p = match p.pat_desc with
+| Tpat_construct(_, {cstr_tag=(Cstr_constant _|Cstr_block _|Cstr_unboxed)},
+                 ps, _) ->
+    let path = get_constructor_type_path p.pat_type p.pat_env in
+    List.fold_left
+      collect_paths_from_pat
+      (if extendable_path path then add_path path r else r)
+      ps
+| Tpat_any|Tpat_var _|Tpat_constant _| Tpat_variant (_,None,_) -> r
+| Tpat_tuple ps | Tpat_array ps
+| Tpat_construct (_, {cstr_tag=Cstr_extension _}, ps, _)->
+    List.fold_left collect_paths_from_pat r ps
+| Tpat_record (lps,_) ->
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun r (_, _, p) -> collect_paths_from_pat r p)
+      r lps
+| Tpat_variant (_, Some p, _) | Tpat_alias (p,_,_,_) ->
+    collect_paths_from_pat r p
+| Tpat_or (p1,p2,_) ->
+    collect_paths_from_pat (collect_paths_from_pat r p1) p2
+| Tpat_lazy p
+    ->
+    collect_paths_from_pat r p
+  Actual fragile check
+   1. Collect data types in the patterns of the match.
+   2. One exhaustivity check per datatype, considering that
+      the type is extended.
+let do_check_fragile loc casel pss =
+  let exts =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun r c -> collect_paths_from_pat r c.pattern)
+      [] casel in
+  match exts with
+  | [] -> ()
+  | _ -> match pss with
+    | [] -> ()
+    | ps::_ ->
+        List.iter
+          (fun ext ->
+            let witnesses = exhaust (Some ext) pss (List.length ps) in
+            match witnesses () with
+            | Seq.Nil ->
+                Location.prerr_warning
+                  loc
+                  (Warnings.Fragile_match (Path.name ext))
+            | Seq.Cons _ -> ())
+          exts
+(* Exported unused clause check *)
+let check_unused pred casel =
+  if Warnings.is_active Warnings.Redundant_case
+  || List.exists (fun vc -> vc.needs_refute) casel then
+    let rec do_rec pref = function
+      | [] -> ()
+      | {pattern=q; has_guard; needs_refute=refute} :: rem ->
+          let qs = [q] in
+            begin try
+              let pss =
+                (* prev was accumulated in reverse order;
+                   restore source order to get ordered counter-examples *)
+                List.rev pref
+                |> List.filter (compats qs)
+                |> get_mins le_pats in
+              (* First look for redundant or partially redundant patterns *)
+              let r = every_satisfiables (make_rows pss) (make_row qs) in
+              (* Do not warn for unused [pat -> .] *)
+              if r = Unused && refute then () else
+              let r =
+                (* Do not refine if either:
+                   - we already know the clause is unused
+                   - the clause under consideration is not a refutation clause
+                     and either:
+                     + there are no other lines
+                     + we do not care whether the types prevent this clause to
+                       be reached.
+                     If the clause under consideration *is* a refutation clause
+                     then we do need to check more carefully whether it can be
+                     refuted or not.  *)
+                let skip =
+                  r = Unused || (not refute && pref = []) ||
+                  not(refute || Warnings.is_active Warnings.Unreachable_case) in
+                if skip then r else
+                (* Then look for empty patterns *)
+                let sfs = list_satisfying_vectors pss qs in
+                if sfs = [] then Unused else
+                let sfs =
+                  List.map (function [u] -> u | _ -> assert false) sfs in
+                let u = orify_many sfs in
+                (*Format.eprintf "%a@." pretty_val u;*)
+                let pattern = {u with pat_loc = q.pat_loc} in
+                match pred refute pattern with
+                  None when not refute ->
+                    Location.prerr_warning q.pat_loc Warnings.Unreachable_case;
+                    Used
+                | _ -> r
+              in
+              match r with
+              | Unused ->
+                  Location.prerr_warning
+                    q.pat_loc Warnings.Redundant_case
+              | Upartial ps ->
+                  List.iter
+                    (fun p ->
+                      Location.prerr_warning
+                        p.pat_loc Warnings.Redundant_subpat)
+                    ps
+              | Used -> ()
+            with Empty | Not_found -> assert false
+            end ;
+          if has_guard then
+            do_rec pref rem
+          else
+            do_rec ([q]::pref) rem in
+    do_rec [] casel
+(* Exported irrefutability tests *)
+let irrefutable pat = le_pat pat omega
+let inactive ~partial pat =
+  match partial with
+  | Partial -> false
+  | Total -> begin
+      let rec loop pat =
+        match pat.pat_desc with
+        | Tpat_lazy _ | Tpat_array _ ->
+          false
+        | Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ | Tpat_variant (_, None, _) ->
+            true
+        | Tpat_constant c -> begin
+            match c with
+            | Const_string _
+            | Const_int _ | Const_char _ | Const_float _
+            | Const_int32 _ | Const_int64 _ | Const_nativeint _ -> true
+          end
+        | Tpat_tuple ps | Tpat_construct (_, _, ps, _) ->
+            List.for_all (fun p -> loop p) ps
+        | Tpat_alias (p,_,_,_) | Tpat_variant (_, Some p, _) ->
+            loop p
+        | Tpat_record (ldps,_) ->
+            List.for_all
+              (fun (_, lbl, p) -> lbl.lbl_mut = Immutable && loop p)
+              ldps
+        | Tpat_or (p,q,_) ->
+            loop p && loop q
+      in
+      loop pat
+  end
+(* Exported exhaustiveness check *)
+   Fragile check is performed when required and
+   on exhaustive matches only.
+let check_partial pred loc casel =
+  let pss = initial_matrix casel in
+  let pss = get_mins le_pats pss in
+  let total = do_check_partial ~pred loc casel pss in
+  if
+    total = Total && Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Fragile_match "")
+  then begin
+    do_check_fragile loc casel pss
+  end ;
+  total
+(* Ambiguous variable in or-patterns *)
+(* Specification: ambiguous variables in or-patterns.
+   The semantics of or-patterns in OCaml is specified with
+   a left-to-right bias: a value [v] matches the pattern [p | q] if it
+   matches [p] or [q], but if it matches both, the environment
+   captured by the match is the environment captured by [p], never the
+   one captured by [q].
+   While this property is generally well-understood, one specific case
+   where users expect a different semantics is when a pattern is
+   followed by a when-guard: [| p when g -> e]. Consider for example:
+     | ((Const x, _) | (_, Const x)) when is_neutral x -> branch
+   The semantics is clear: match the scrutinee against the pattern, if
+   it matches, test the guard, and if the guard passes, take the
+   branch.
+   However, consider the input [(Const a, Const b)], where [a] fails
+   the test [is_neutral f], while [b] passes the test [is_neutral
+   b]. With the left-to-right semantics, the clause above is *not*
+   taken by its input: matching [(Const a, Const b)] against the
+   or-pattern succeeds in the left branch, it returns the environment
+   [x -> a], and then the guard [is_neutral a] is tested and fails,
+   the branch is not taken. Most users, however, intuitively expect
+   that any pair that has one side passing the test will take the
+   branch. They assume it is equivalent to the following:
+     | (Const x, _) when is_neutral x -> branch
+     | (_, Const x) when is_neutral x -> branch
+   while it is not.
+   The code below is dedicated to finding these confusing cases: the
+   cases where a guard uses "ambiguous" variables, that are bound to
+   different parts of the scrutinees by different sides of
+   a or-pattern. In other words, it finds the cases where the
+   specified left-to-right semantics is not equivalent to
+   a non-deterministic semantics (any branch can be taken) relatively
+   to a specific guard.
+let pattern_vars p = Ident.Set.of_list (Typedtree.pat_bound_idents p)
+(* Row for ambiguous variable search,
+   row is the traditional pattern row,
+   varsets contain a list of head variable sets (varsets)
+   A given varset contains all the variables that appeared at the head
+   of a pattern in the row at some point during traversal: they would
+   all be bound to the same value at matching time. On the contrary,
+   two variables of different varsets appeared at different places in
+   the pattern and may be bound to distinct sub-parts of the matched
+   value.
+   All rows of a (sub)matrix have rows of the same length,
+   but also varsets of the same length.
+   Varsets are populated when simplifying the first column
+   -- the variables of the head pattern are collected in a new varset.
+   For example,
+     { row = x :: r1; varsets = s1 }
+     { row = (Some _) as y :: r2; varsets  = s2 }
+     { row = (None as x) as y :: r3; varsets = s3 }
+     { row = (Some x | (None as x)) :: r4 with varsets = s4 }
+   becomes
+     (_, { row = r1; varsets = {x} :: s1 })
+     (Some _, { row = r2; varsets = {y} :: s2 })
+     (None, { row = r3; varsets = {x, y} :: s3 })
+     (Some x, { row = r4; varsets = {} :: s4 })
+     (None, { row = r4; varsets = {x} :: s4 })
+type amb_row = { row : pattern list ; varsets : Ident.Set.t list; }
+let simplify_head_amb_pat head_bound_variables varsets ~add_column p ps k =
+  let rec simpl head_bound_variables varsets p ps k =
+    match (Patterns.General.view p).pat_desc with
+    | `Alias (p,x,_,_) ->
+      simpl (Ident.Set.add x head_bound_variables) varsets p ps k
+    | `Var (x,_,_) ->
+      simpl (Ident.Set.add x head_bound_variables) varsets Patterns.omega ps k
+    | `Or (p1,p2,_) ->
+      simpl head_bound_variables varsets p1 ps
+        (simpl head_bound_variables varsets p2 ps k)
+    | #Patterns.Simple.view as view ->
+      add_column (Patterns.Head.deconstruct { p with pat_desc = view })
+        { row = ps; varsets = head_bound_variables :: varsets; } k
+  in simpl head_bound_variables varsets p ps k
+   To accurately report ambiguous variables, one must consider
+   that previous clauses have already matched some values.
+   Consider for example:
+     | (Foo x, Foo y) -> ...
+     | ((Foo x, _) | (_, Foo x)) when bar x -> ...
+   The second line taken in isolation uses an unstable variable,
+   but the discriminating values, of the shape [(Foo v1, Foo v2)],
+   would all be filtered by the line above.
+   To track this information, the matrices we analyze contain both
+   *positive* rows, that describe the rows currently being analyzed
+   (of type Varsets.row, so that their varsets are tracked) and
+   *negative rows*, that describe the cases already matched against.
+   The values matched by a signed matrix are the values matched by
+   some of the positive rows but none of the negative rows. In
+   particular, a variable is stable if, for any value not matched by
+   any of the negative rows, the environment captured by any of the
+   matching positive rows is identical.
+type ('a, 'b) signed = Positive of 'a | Negative of 'b
+let rec simplify_first_amb_col = function
+  | [] -> []
+  | (Negative [] | Positive { row = []; _ }) :: _  -> assert false
+  | Negative (n :: ns) :: rem ->
+      let add_column n ns k = (n, Negative ns) :: k in
+      simplify_head_pat
+        ~add_column n ns (simplify_first_amb_col rem)
+  | Positive { row = p::ps; varsets; }::rem ->
+      let add_column p ps k = (p, Positive ps) :: k in
+      simplify_head_amb_pat
+        Ident.Set.empty varsets
+        ~add_column p ps (simplify_first_amb_col rem)
+(* Compute stable bindings *)
+type stable_vars =
+  | All
+  | Vars of Ident.Set.t
+let stable_inter sv1 sv2 = match sv1, sv2 with
+  | All, sv | sv, All -> sv
+  | Vars s1, Vars s2 -> Vars (Ident.Set.inter s1 s2)
+let reduce f = function
+| [] -> invalid_arg "reduce"
+| x::xs -> List.fold_left f x xs
+let rec matrix_stable_vars m = match m with
+  | [] -> All
+  | ((Positive {row = []; _} | Negative []) :: _) as empty_rows ->
+      let exception Negative_empty_row in
+      (* if at least one empty row is negative, the matrix matches no value *)
+      let get_varsets = function
+        | Negative n ->
+            (* All rows have the same number of columns;
+               if the first row is empty, they all are. *)
+            assert (n = []);
+            raise Negative_empty_row
+        | Positive p ->
+            assert (p.row = []);
+            p.varsets in
+      begin match List.map get_varsets empty_rows with
+      | exception Negative_empty_row -> All
+      | rows_varsets ->
+          let stables_in_varsets =
+            reduce (List.map2 Ident.Set.inter) rows_varsets in
+          (* The stable variables are those stable at any position *)
+          Vars
+            (List.fold_left Ident.Set.union Ident.Set.empty stables_in_varsets)
+      end
+  | m ->
+      let is_negative = function
+        | Negative _ -> true
+        | Positive _ -> false in
+      if List.for_all is_negative m then
+        (* optimization: quit early if there are no positive rows.
+           This may happen often when the initial matrix has many
+           negative cases and few positive cases (a small guarded
+           clause after a long list of clauses) *)
+        All
+      else begin
+        let m = simplify_first_amb_col m in
+        if not (all_coherent (first_column m)) then
+          All
+        else begin
+          (* If the column is ill-typed but deemed coherent, we might
+             spuriously warn about some variables being unstable.
+             As sad as that might be, the warning can be silenced by
+             splitting the or-pattern...  *)
+          let submatrices =
+            let extend_row columns = function
+              | Negative r -> Negative (columns @ r)
+              | Positive r -> Positive { r with row = columns @ r.row } in
+            let q0 = discr_pat Patterns.Simple.omega m in
+            let { default; constrs } =
+              build_specialized_submatrices ~extend_row q0 m in
+            let non_default = List.map snd constrs in
+            if full_match false constrs
+            then non_default
+            else default :: non_default in
+          (* A stable variable must be stable in each submatrix. *)
+          let submat_stable = List.map matrix_stable_vars submatrices in
+          List.fold_left stable_inter All submat_stable
+        end
+      end
+let pattern_stable_vars ns p =
+  matrix_stable_vars
+    (List.fold_left (fun m n -> Negative n :: m)
+       [Positive {varsets = []; row = [p]}] ns)
+(* All identifier paths that appear in an expression that occurs
+   as a clause right hand side or guard.
+let all_rhs_idents exp =
+  let ids = ref Ident.Set.empty in
+  let open Tast_iterator in
+  let expr_iter iter exp =
+    match exp.exp_desc with
+    | Texp_ident (path, _lid, _descr) ->
+        List.iter (fun id -> ids := Ident.Set.add id !ids) (Path.heads path)
+    (* Use default iterator methods for rest of match.*)
+    | _ -> Tast_iterator.default_iterator.expr iter exp
+  in
+  let iterator = {Tast_iterator.default_iterator with expr = expr_iter} in
+  iterator.expr iterator exp;
+  !ids
+let check_ambiguous_bindings =
+  let open Warnings in
+  let warn0 = Ambiguous_var_in_pattern_guard [] in
+  fun cases ->
+    if is_active warn0 then
+      let check_case ns case = match case with
+        | { c_lhs = p; c_guard=None ; _} -> [p]::ns
+        | { c_lhs = p; c_guard=Some g; _} ->
+            let all =
+              Ident.Set.inter (pattern_vars p) (all_rhs_idents g) in
+            if not (Ident.Set.is_empty all) then begin
+              match pattern_stable_vars ns p with
+              | All -> ()
+              | Vars stable ->
+                  let ambiguous = Ident.Set.diff all stable in
+                  if not (Ident.Set.is_empty ambiguous) then begin
+                    let pps =
+                      Ident.Set.elements ambiguous |> List.map Ident.name in
+                    let warn = Ambiguous_var_in_pattern_guard pps in
+                    Location.prerr_warning p.pat_loc warn
+                  end
+            end;
+            ns
+      in
+      ignore (List.fold_left check_case [] cases)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/parmatch.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/parmatch.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e40dd29cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/parmatch.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Detection of partial matches and unused match cases. *)
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+open Types
+(** Most checks in this file need not access all information about a case,
+    and just need a few pieces of information. [parmatch_case] is those
+    few pieces of information.
+type 'pattern parmatch_case =
+  { pattern : 'pattern;
+    has_guard : bool;
+    needs_refute : bool;
+    (** true if the program text claims the case is unreachable, a la
+        [function _ -> .]
+    *)
+  }
+type 'category typed_case := 'category general_pattern parmatch_case
+val typed_case   : 'category case -> 'category typed_case
+val untyped_case : Parsetree.case -> Parsetree.pattern parmatch_case
+val const_compare : constant -> constant -> int
+(** [const_compare c1 c2] compares the actual values represented by [c1] and
+    [c2], while simply using [Stdlib.compare] would compare the
+    representations.
+    cf. MPR#5758 *)
+val le_pat : pattern -> pattern -> bool
+(** [le_pat p q]  means: forall V,  V matches q implies V matches p *)
+val le_pats : pattern list -> pattern list -> bool
+(** [le_pats (p1 .. pm) (q1 .. qn)] means: forall i <= m, [le_pat pi qi] *)
+(** Exported compatibility functor, abstracted over constructor equality *)
+module Compat :
+  functor
+    (_ : sig
+      val equal :
+          Types.constructor_description ->
+            Types.constructor_description ->
+              bool
+     end) -> sig
+       val compat : pattern -> pattern -> bool
+       val compats : pattern list -> pattern list -> bool
+     end
+exception Empty
+val lub : pattern -> pattern -> pattern
+(** [lub p q] is a pattern that matches all values matched by [p] and [q].
+    May raise [Empty], when [p] and [q] are not compatible. *)
+val lubs : pattern list -> pattern list -> pattern list
+(** [lubs [p1; ...; pn] [q1; ...; qk]], where [n < k], is
+    [[lub p1 q1; ...; lub pk qk]].  *)
+val get_mins : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+(** This function recombines one pattern and its arguments:
+    For instance:
+      (_,_)::p1::p2::rem -> (p1, p2)::rem
+val set_args : pattern -> pattern list -> pattern list
+val pat_of_constr : pattern -> constructor_description -> pattern
+val complete_constrs :
+    constructor_description pattern_data ->
+    constructor_description list ->
+    constructor_description list
+(** [pats_of_type] builds a list of patterns from a given expected type,
+    for explosion of wildcard patterns in Typecore.type_pat.
+    There are four interesting cases:
+    - the type is empty ([])
+    - no further explosion is necessary ([Pat_any])
+    - a single pattern is generated, from a record or tuple type
+      or a single-variant type ([tp])
+    - a list of patterns, in the case that all branches
+      are GADT constructors ([tp1; ..; tpn]).
+ *)
+val pats_of_type : Env.t -> type_expr -> pattern list
+val pressure_variants:
+  Env.t -> pattern list -> unit
+val pressure_variants_in_computation_pattern:
+  Env.t -> computation general_pattern list -> unit
+(** [check_partial pred loc caselist] and [check_unused refute pred caselist]
+    are called with a function [pred] which will be given counter-example
+    candidates: they may be partially ill-typed, and have to be type-checked
+    to extract a valid counter-example.
+    [pred] returns a valid counter-example or [None].
+    [refute] indicates that [check_unused] was called on a refutation clause.
+ *)
+val check_partial:
+    (pattern -> pattern option) -> Location.t -> value typed_case list
+    -> partial
+val check_unused:
+    (bool -> pattern -> pattern option) -> value typed_case list -> unit
+(* Irrefutability tests *)
+val irrefutable : pattern -> bool
+(** An inactive pattern is a pattern, matching against which can be duplicated,
+    erased or delayed without change in observable behavior of the program.
+    Patterns containing (lazy _) subpatterns or reads of mutable fields are
+    active. *)
+val inactive : partial:partial -> pattern -> bool
+(* Ambiguous bindings. *)
+val check_ambiguous_bindings : value case list -> unit
+(* The tag used for open polymorphic variant types with an abstract row *)
+val some_private_tag : label
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/path.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/path.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..038ae48f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/path.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type t =
+    Pident of Ident.t
+  | Pdot of t * string
+  | Papply of t * t
+  | Pextra_ty of t * extra_ty
+and extra_ty =
+  | Pcstr_ty of string
+  | Pext_ty
+let rec same p1 p2 =
+  p1 == p2
+  || match (p1, p2) with
+    (Pident id1, Pident id2) -> Ident.same id1 id2
+  | (Pdot(p1, s1), Pdot(p2, s2)) ->
+      s1 = s2 && same p1 p2
+  | (Papply(fun1, arg1), Papply(fun2, arg2)) ->
+      same fun1 fun2 && same arg1 arg2
+  | (Pextra_ty (p1, t1), Pextra_ty (p2, t2)) ->
+      let same_extra = match t1, t2 with
+        | (Pcstr_ty s1, Pcstr_ty s2) -> s1 = s2
+        | (Pext_ty, Pext_ty) -> true
+        | ((Pcstr_ty _ | Pext_ty), _) -> false
+      in same_extra && same p1 p2
+  | (_, _) -> false
+let rec compare p1 p2 =
+  if p1 == p2 then 0
+  else match (p1, p2) with
+    (Pident id1, Pident id2) -> Ident.compare id1 id2
+  | (Pdot(p1, s1), Pdot(p2, s2)) ->
+      let h = compare p1 p2 in
+      if h <> 0 then h else String.compare s1 s2
+  | (Papply(fun1, arg1), Papply(fun2, arg2)) ->
+      let h = compare fun1 fun2 in
+      if h <> 0 then h else compare arg1 arg2
+  | (Pextra_ty (p1, t1), Pextra_ty (p2, t2)) ->
+      let h = compare_extra t1 t2 in
+      if h <> 0 then h else compare p1 p2
+  | (Pident _, (Pdot _ | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _))
+  | (Pdot _, (Papply _ | Pextra_ty _))
+  | (Papply _, Pextra_ty _)
+    -> -1
+  | ((Pextra_ty _ | Papply _ | Pdot _), Pident _)
+  | ((Pextra_ty _ | Papply _) , Pdot _)
+  | (Pextra_ty _, Papply _)
+    -> 1
+and compare_extra t1 t2 =
+  match (t1, t2) with
+    Pcstr_ty s1, Pcstr_ty s2 -> String.compare s1 s2
+  | (Pext_ty, Pext_ty)
+    -> 0
+  | (Pcstr_ty _, Pext_ty)
+    -> -1
+  | (Pext_ty, Pcstr_ty _)
+    -> 1
+let rec find_free_opt ids = function
+    Pident id -> List.find_opt (Ident.same id) ids
+  | Pdot(p, _) | Pextra_ty (p, _) -> find_free_opt ids p
+  | Papply(p1, p2) -> begin
+      match find_free_opt ids p1 with
+      | None -> find_free_opt ids p2
+      | Some _ as res -> res
+    end
+let exists_free ids p =
+  match find_free_opt ids p with
+  | None -> false
+  | _ -> true
+let rec scope = function
+    Pident id -> Ident.scope id
+  | Pdot(p, _) | Pextra_ty (p, _) -> scope p
+  | Papply(p1, p2) -> Int.max (scope p1) (scope p2)
+let kfalse _ = false
+let maybe_escape s =
+  if Lexer.is_keyword s then "\\#" ^ s else s
+let rec name ?(paren=kfalse) = function
+    Pident id -> maybe_escape (Ident.name id)
+  | Pdot(p, s) | Pextra_ty (p, Pcstr_ty s) ->
+      let s = maybe_escape s in
+      name ~paren p ^ if paren s then ".( " ^ s ^ " )" else "." ^ s
+  | Papply(p1, p2) -> name ~paren p1 ^ "(" ^ name ~paren p2 ^ ")"
+  | Pextra_ty (p, Pext_ty) -> name ~paren p
+let rec print ppf = function
+  | Pident id -> Ident.print_with_scope ppf id
+  | Pdot(p, s) | Pextra_ty (p, Pcstr_ty s) ->
+      Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a.%s" print p s
+  | Papply(p1, p2) -> Format_doc.fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" print p1 print p2
+  | Pextra_ty (p, Pext_ty) -> print ppf p
+let rec head = function
+    Pident id -> id
+  | Pdot(p, _) | Pextra_ty (p, _) -> head p
+  | Papply _ -> assert false
+let flatten =
+  let rec flatten acc = function
+    | Pident id -> `Ok (id, acc)
+    | Pdot (p, s) | Pextra_ty (p, Pcstr_ty s) -> flatten (s :: acc) p
+    | Papply _ -> `Contains_apply
+    | Pextra_ty (p, Pext_ty) -> flatten acc p
+  in
+  fun t -> flatten [] t
+let heads p =
+  let rec heads p acc = match p with
+    | Pident id -> id :: acc
+    | Pdot (p, _) | Pextra_ty (p, _) -> heads p acc
+    | Papply(p1, p2) ->
+        heads p1 (heads p2 acc)
+  in heads p []
+let rec last = function
+  | Pident id -> Ident.name id
+  | Pdot(_, s) | Pextra_ty (_, Pcstr_ty s) -> s
+  | Papply(_, p) | Pextra_ty (p, Pext_ty) -> last p
+let is_constructor_typath p =
+  match p with
+  | Pident _ | Pdot _ | Papply _ -> false
+  | Pextra_ty _ -> true
+module T = struct
+  type nonrec t = t
+  let compare = compare
+module Set = Set.Make(T)
+module Map = Map.Make(T)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/path.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/path.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..034be0042e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/path.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Access paths *)
+type t =
+  | Pident of Ident.t
+  (** Examples: x, List, int *)
+  | Pdot of t * string
+  (** Examples: List.map, Float.Array *)
+  | Papply of t * t
+  (** Examples: Set.Make(Int), Map.Make(Set.Make(Int)) *)
+  | Pextra_ty of t * extra_ty
+  (** [Pextra_ty (p, extra)] are additional paths of types
+      introduced by specific OCaml constructs. See below.
+  *)
+and extra_ty =
+  | Pcstr_ty of string
+  (** [Pextra_ty (p, Pcstr_ty c)] is the type of the inline record for
+      constructor [c] inside type [p].
+      For example, in
+      {[
+        type 'a t = Nil | Cons of {hd : 'a; tl : 'a t}
+      ]}
+      The inline record type [{hd : 'a; tl : 'a t}] cannot
+      be named by the user in the surface syntax, but internally
+      it has the path
+        [Pextra_ty (Pident `t`, Pcstr_ty "Cons")].
+  *)
+  | Pext_ty
+  (** [Pextra_ty (p, Pext_ty)] is the type of the inline record for
+      the extension constructor [p].
+      For example, in
+      {[
+        type exn += Error of {loc : loc; msg : string}
+      ]}
+      The inline record type [{loc : loc; msg : string}] cannot
+      be named by the user in the surface syntax, but internally
+      it has the path
+        [Pextra_ty (Pident `Error`, Pext_ty)].
+  *)
+val same: t -> t -> bool
+val compare: t -> t -> int
+val compare_extra: extra_ty -> extra_ty -> int
+val find_free_opt: Ident.t list -> t -> Ident.t option
+val exists_free: Ident.t list -> t -> bool
+val scope: t -> int
+val flatten : t -> [ `Contains_apply | `Ok of Ident.t * string list ]
+val name: ?paren:(string -> bool) -> t -> string
+    (* [paren] tells whether a path suffix needs parentheses *)
+val head: t -> Ident.t
+val print: t Format_doc.printer
+val heads: t -> Ident.t list
+val last: t -> string
+val is_constructor_typath: t -> bool
+module Map : Map.S with type key = t
+module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/patterns.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/patterns.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..456f8dff33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/patterns.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*          Gabriel Scherer, projet Partout, INRIA Paris-Saclay           *)
+(*          Thomas Refis, Jane Street Europe                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2019 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+open Typedtree
+(* useful pattern auxiliary functions *)
+let omega = {
+  pat_desc = Tpat_any;
+  pat_loc = Location.none;
+  pat_extra = [];
+  pat_type = Ctype.none;
+  pat_env = Env.empty;
+  pat_attributes = [];
+let rec omegas i =
+  if i <= 0 then [] else omega :: omegas (i-1)
+let omega_list l = List.map (fun _ -> omega) l
+module Non_empty_row = struct
+  type 'a t = 'a * Typedtree.pattern list
+  let of_initial = function
+    | [] -> assert false
+    | pat :: patl -> (pat, patl)
+  let map_first f (p, patl) = (f p, patl)
+(* "views" on patterns are polymorphic variants
+   that allow to restrict the set of pattern constructors
+   statically allowed at a particular place *)
+module Simple = struct
+  type view = [
+    | `Any
+    | `Constant of constant
+    | `Tuple of pattern list
+    | `Construct of
+        Longident.t loc * constructor_description * pattern list
+    | `Variant of label * pattern option * row_desc ref
+    | `Record of
+        (Longident.t loc * label_description * pattern) list * closed_flag
+    | `Array of pattern list
+    | `Lazy of pattern
+  ]
+  type pattern = view pattern_data
+  let omega = { omega with pat_desc = `Any }
+module Half_simple = struct
+  type view = [
+    | Simple.view
+    | `Or of pattern * pattern * row_desc option
+  ]
+  type pattern = view pattern_data
+module General = struct
+  type view = [
+    | Half_simple.view
+    | `Var of Ident.t * string loc * Uid.t
+    | `Alias of pattern * Ident.t * string loc * Uid.t
+  ]
+  type pattern = view pattern_data
+  let view_desc = function
+    | Tpat_any ->
+       `Any
+    | Tpat_var (id, str, uid) ->
+       `Var (id, str, uid)
+    | Tpat_alias (p, id, str, uid) ->
+       `Alias (p, id, str, uid)
+    | Tpat_constant cst ->
+       `Constant cst
+    | Tpat_tuple ps ->
+       `Tuple ps
+    | Tpat_construct (cstr, cstr_descr, args, _) ->
+       `Construct (cstr, cstr_descr, args)
+    | Tpat_variant (cstr, arg, row_desc) ->
+       `Variant (cstr, arg, row_desc)
+    | Tpat_record (fields, closed) ->
+       `Record (fields, closed)
+    | Tpat_array ps -> `Array ps
+    | Tpat_or (p, q, row_desc) -> `Or (p, q, row_desc)
+    | Tpat_lazy p -> `Lazy p
+  let view p : pattern =
+    { p with pat_desc = view_desc p.pat_desc }
+  let erase_desc = function
+    | `Any -> Tpat_any
+    | `Var (id, str, uid) -> Tpat_var (id, str, uid)
+    | `Alias (p, id, str, uid) -> Tpat_alias (p, id, str, uid)
+    | `Constant cst -> Tpat_constant cst
+    | `Tuple ps -> Tpat_tuple ps
+    | `Construct (cstr, cst_descr, args) ->
+       Tpat_construct (cstr, cst_descr, args, None)
+    | `Variant (cstr, arg, row_desc) ->
+       Tpat_variant (cstr, arg, row_desc)
+    | `Record (fields, closed) ->
+       Tpat_record (fields, closed)
+    | `Array ps -> Tpat_array ps
+    | `Or (p, q, row_desc) -> Tpat_or (p, q, row_desc)
+    | `Lazy p -> Tpat_lazy p
+  let erase p : Typedtree.pattern =
+    { p with pat_desc = erase_desc p.pat_desc }
+  let rec strip_vars (p : pattern) : Half_simple.pattern =
+    match p.pat_desc with
+    | `Alias (p, _, _, _) -> strip_vars (view p)
+    | `Var _ -> { p with pat_desc = `Any }
+    | #Half_simple.view as view -> { p with pat_desc = view }
+(* the head constructor of a simple pattern *)
+module Head : sig
+  type desc =
+    | Any
+    | Construct of constructor_description
+    | Constant of constant
+    | Tuple of int
+    | Record of label_description list
+    | Variant of
+        { tag: label; has_arg: bool;
+          cstr_row: row_desc ref;
+          type_row : unit -> row_desc; }
+    | Array of int
+    | Lazy
+  type t = desc pattern_data
+  val arity : t -> int
+  (** [deconstruct p] returns the head of [p] and the list of sub patterns. *)
+  val deconstruct : Simple.pattern -> t * pattern list
+  (** reconstructs a pattern, putting wildcards as sub-patterns. *)
+  val to_omega_pattern : t -> pattern
+  val omega : t
+end = struct
+  type desc =
+    | Any
+    | Construct of constructor_description
+    | Constant of constant
+    | Tuple of int
+    | Record of label_description list
+    | Variant of
+        { tag: label; has_arg: bool;
+          cstr_row: row_desc ref;
+          type_row : unit -> row_desc; }
+          (* the row of the type may evolve if [close_variant] is called,
+             hence the (unit -> ...) delay *)
+    | Array of int
+    | Lazy
+  type t = desc pattern_data
+  let deconstruct (q : Simple.pattern) =
+    let deconstruct_desc = function
+      | `Any -> Any, []
+      | `Constant c -> Constant c, []
+      | `Tuple args ->
+          Tuple (List.length args), args
+      | `Construct (_, c, args) ->
+          Construct c, args
+      | `Variant (tag, arg, cstr_row) ->
+          let has_arg, pats =
+            match arg with
+            | None -> false, []
+            | Some a -> true, [a]
+          in
+          let type_row () =
+            match get_desc (Ctype.expand_head q.pat_env q.pat_type) with
+            | Tvariant type_row -> type_row
+            | _ -> assert false
+          in
+          Variant {tag; has_arg; cstr_row; type_row}, pats
+      | `Array args ->
+          Array (List.length args), args
+      | `Record (largs, _) ->
+          let lbls = List.map (fun (_,lbl,_) -> lbl) largs in
+          let pats = List.map (fun (_,_,pat) -> pat) largs in
+          Record lbls, pats
+      | `Lazy p ->
+          Lazy, [p]
+    in
+    let desc, pats = deconstruct_desc q.pat_desc in
+    { q with pat_desc = desc }, pats
+  let arity t =
+    match t.pat_desc with
+      | Any -> 0
+      | Constant _ -> 0
+      | Construct c -> c.cstr_arity
+      | Tuple n | Array n -> n
+      | Record l -> List.length l
+      | Variant { has_arg; _ } -> if has_arg then 1 else 0
+      | Lazy -> 1
+  let to_omega_pattern t =
+    let pat_desc =
+      let mkloc x = Location.mkloc x t.pat_loc in
+      match t.pat_desc with
+      | Any -> Tpat_any
+      | Lazy -> Tpat_lazy omega
+      | Constant c -> Tpat_constant c
+      | Tuple n -> Tpat_tuple (omegas n)
+      | Array n -> Tpat_array (omegas n)
+      | Construct c ->
+          let lid_loc = mkloc (Longident.Lident c.cstr_name) in
+          Tpat_construct (lid_loc, c, omegas c.cstr_arity, None)
+      | Variant { tag; has_arg; cstr_row } ->
+          let arg_opt = if has_arg then Some omega else None in
+          Tpat_variant (tag, arg_opt, cstr_row)
+      | Record lbls ->
+          let lst =
+            List.map (fun lbl ->
+              let lid_loc = mkloc (Longident.Lident lbl.lbl_name) in
+              (lid_loc, lbl, omega)
+            ) lbls
+          in
+          Tpat_record (lst, Closed)
+    in
+    { t with
+      pat_desc;
+      pat_extra = [];
+    }
+  let omega = { omega with pat_desc = Any }
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/patterns.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/patterns.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ad645b0d0
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+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/patterns.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*          Gabriel Scherer, projet Partout, INRIA Paris-Saclay           *)
+(*          Thomas Refis, Jane Street Europe                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2019 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+open Types
+val omega : pattern
+(** aka. "Tpat_any" or "_"  *)
+val omegas : int -> pattern list
+(** [List.init (fun _ -> omega)] *)
+val omega_list : 'a list -> pattern list
+(** [List.map (fun _ -> omega)] *)
+module Non_empty_row : sig
+  type 'a t = 'a * Typedtree.pattern list
+  val of_initial : Typedtree.pattern list -> Typedtree.pattern t
+  (** 'assert false' on empty rows *)
+  val map_first : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+module Simple : sig
+  type view = [
+    | `Any
+    | `Constant of constant
+    | `Tuple of pattern list
+    | `Construct of
+        Longident.t loc * constructor_description * pattern list
+    | `Variant of label * pattern option * row_desc ref
+    | `Record of
+        (Longident.t loc * label_description * pattern) list * closed_flag
+    | `Array of pattern list
+    | `Lazy of pattern
+  ]
+  type pattern = view pattern_data
+  val omega : [> view ] pattern_data
+module Half_simple : sig
+  type view = [
+    | Simple.view
+    | `Or of pattern * pattern * row_desc option
+  ]
+  type pattern = view pattern_data
+module General : sig
+  type view = [
+    | Half_simple.view
+    | `Var of Ident.t * string loc * Uid.t
+    | `Alias of pattern * Ident.t * string loc * Uid.t
+  ]
+  type pattern = view pattern_data
+  val view : Typedtree.pattern -> pattern
+  val erase : [< view ] pattern_data -> Typedtree.pattern
+  val strip_vars : pattern -> Half_simple.pattern
+module Head : sig
+  type desc =
+    | Any
+    | Construct of constructor_description
+    | Constant of constant
+    | Tuple of int
+    | Record of label_description list
+    | Variant of
+        { tag: label; has_arg: bool;
+          cstr_row: row_desc ref;
+          type_row : unit -> row_desc; }
+          (* the row of the type may evolve if [close_variant] is called,
+             hence the (unit -> ...) delay *)
+    | Array of int
+    | Lazy
+  type t = desc pattern_data
+  val arity : t -> int
+  (** [deconstruct p] returns the head of [p] and the list of sub patterns.
+      @raise [Invalid_arg _] if [p] is an or- or an exception-pattern.  *)
+  val deconstruct : Simple.pattern -> t * pattern list
+  (** reconstructs a pattern, putting wildcards as sub-patterns. *)
+  val to_omega_pattern : t -> pattern
+  val omega : t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/persistent_env.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/persistent_env.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb70525734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/persistent_env.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Xavier Leroy, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt                     *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2019 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Persistent structure descriptions *)
+open Misc
+open Cmi_format
+module Consistbl = Consistbl.Make (Misc.Stdlib.String)
+let add_delayed_check_forward = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+type error =
+  | Illegal_renaming of modname * modname * filepath
+  | Inconsistent_import of modname * filepath * filepath
+  | Need_recursive_types of modname
+exception Error of error
+let error err = raise (Error err)
+module Persistent_signature = struct
+  type t =
+    { filename : string;
+      cmi : Cmi_format.cmi_infos;
+      visibility : Load_path.visibility }
+  let load = ref (fun ~allow_hidden ~unit_name ->
+    match Load_path.find_normalized_with_visibility (unit_name ^ ".cmi") with
+    | filename, visibility when allow_hidden ->
+      Some { filename; cmi = read_cmi filename; visibility}
+    | filename, Visible ->
+      Some { filename; cmi = read_cmi filename; visibility = Visible}
+    | _, Hidden
+    | exception Not_found -> None)
+type can_load_cmis =
+  | Can_load_cmis
+  | Cannot_load_cmis of Lazy_backtrack.log
+type pers_struct = {
+  ps_name: string;
+  ps_crcs: (string * Digest.t option) list;
+  ps_filename: string;
+  ps_flags: pers_flags list;
+  ps_visibility: Load_path.visibility;
+module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
+(* If a .cmi file is missing (or invalid), we
+   store it as Missing in the cache. *)
+type 'a pers_struct_info =
+  | Missing
+  | Found of pers_struct * 'a
+type 'a t = {
+  persistent_structures : (string, 'a pers_struct_info) Hashtbl.t;
+  imported_units: String.Set.t ref;
+  imported_opaque_units: String.Set.t ref;
+  crc_units: Consistbl.t;
+  can_load_cmis: can_load_cmis ref;
+let empty () = {
+  persistent_structures = Hashtbl.create 17;
+  imported_units = ref String.Set.empty;
+  imported_opaque_units = ref String.Set.empty;
+  crc_units = Consistbl.create ();
+  can_load_cmis = ref Can_load_cmis;
+let clear penv =
+  let {
+    persistent_structures;
+    imported_units;
+    imported_opaque_units;
+    crc_units;
+    can_load_cmis;
+  } = penv in
+  Hashtbl.clear persistent_structures;
+  imported_units := String.Set.empty;
+  imported_opaque_units := String.Set.empty;
+  Consistbl.clear crc_units;
+  can_load_cmis := Can_load_cmis;
+  ()
+let clear_missing {persistent_structures; _} =
+  let missing_entries =
+    Hashtbl.fold
+      (fun name r acc -> if r = Missing then name :: acc else acc)
+      persistent_structures []
+  in
+  List.iter (Hashtbl.remove persistent_structures) missing_entries
+let add_import {imported_units; _} s =
+  imported_units := String.Set.add s !imported_units
+let register_import_as_opaque {imported_opaque_units; _} s =
+  imported_opaque_units := String.Set.add s !imported_opaque_units
+let find_in_cache {persistent_structures; _} s =
+  match Hashtbl.find persistent_structures s with
+  | exception Not_found -> None
+  | Missing -> None
+  | Found (_ps, pm) -> Some pm
+let import_crcs penv ~source crcs =
+  let {crc_units; _} = penv in
+  let import_crc (name, crco) =
+    match crco with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some crc ->
+        add_import penv name;
+        Consistbl.check crc_units name crc source
+  in List.iter import_crc crcs
+let check_consistency penv ps =
+  try import_crcs penv ~source:ps.ps_filename ps.ps_crcs
+  with Consistbl.Inconsistency {
+      unit_name = name;
+      inconsistent_source = source;
+      original_source = auth;
+    } ->
+    error (Inconsistent_import(name, auth, source))
+let can_load_cmis penv =
+  !(penv.can_load_cmis)
+let set_can_load_cmis penv setting =
+  penv.can_load_cmis := setting
+let without_cmis penv f x =
+  let log = Lazy_backtrack.log () in
+  let res =
+    Misc.(protect_refs
+            [R (penv.can_load_cmis, Cannot_load_cmis log)]
+            (fun () -> f x))
+  in
+  Lazy_backtrack.backtrack log;
+  res
+let fold {persistent_structures; _} f x =
+  Hashtbl.fold (fun modname pso x -> match pso with
+      | Missing -> x
+      | Found (_, pm) -> f modname pm x)
+    persistent_structures x
+(* Reading persistent structures from .cmi files *)
+let save_pers_struct penv crc ps pm =
+  let {persistent_structures; crc_units; _} = penv in
+  let modname = ps.ps_name in
+  Hashtbl.add persistent_structures modname (Found (ps, pm));
+  List.iter
+    (function
+        | Rectypes -> ()
+        | Alerts _ -> ()
+        | Opaque -> register_import_as_opaque penv modname)
+    ps.ps_flags;
+  Consistbl.check crc_units modname crc ps.ps_filename;
+  add_import penv modname
+let acknowledge_pers_struct penv check modname pers_sig pm =
+  let { Persistent_signature.filename; cmi; visibility } = pers_sig in
+  let name = cmi.cmi_name in
+  let crcs = cmi.cmi_crcs in
+  let flags = cmi.cmi_flags in
+  let ps = { ps_name = name;
+             ps_crcs = crcs;
+             ps_filename = filename;
+             ps_flags = flags;
+             ps_visibility = visibility;
+           } in
+  if ps.ps_name <> modname then
+    error (Illegal_renaming(modname, ps.ps_name, filename));
+  List.iter
+    (function
+        | Rectypes ->
+            if not !Clflags.recursive_types then
+              error (Need_recursive_types(ps.ps_name))
+        | Alerts _ -> ()
+        | Opaque -> register_import_as_opaque penv modname)
+    ps.ps_flags;
+  if check then check_consistency penv ps;
+  let {persistent_structures; _} = penv in
+  Hashtbl.add persistent_structures modname (Found (ps, pm));
+  ps
+let read_pers_struct penv val_of_pers_sig check cmi =
+  let modname = Unit_info.Artifact.modname cmi in
+  let filename = Unit_info.Artifact.filename cmi in
+  add_import penv modname;
+  let cmi = read_cmi filename in
+  let pers_sig = { Persistent_signature.filename; cmi; visibility = Visible } in
+  let pm = val_of_pers_sig pers_sig in
+  let ps = acknowledge_pers_struct penv check modname pers_sig pm in
+  (ps, pm)
+let find_pers_struct ~allow_hidden penv val_of_pers_sig check name =
+  let {persistent_structures; _} = penv in
+  if name = "*predef*" then raise Not_found;
+  match Hashtbl.find persistent_structures name with
+  | Found (ps, pm) when allow_hidden || ps.ps_visibility = Load_path.Visible ->
+    (ps, pm)
+  | Found _ -> raise Not_found
+  | Missing -> raise Not_found
+  | exception Not_found ->
+    match can_load_cmis penv with
+    | Cannot_load_cmis _ -> raise Not_found
+    | Can_load_cmis ->
+        let psig =
+          match !Persistent_signature.load ~allow_hidden ~unit_name:name with
+          | Some psig -> psig
+          | None ->
+            if allow_hidden then Hashtbl.add persistent_structures name Missing;
+            raise Not_found
+        in
+        add_import penv name;
+        let pm = val_of_pers_sig psig in
+        let ps = acknowledge_pers_struct penv check name psig pm in
+        (ps, pm)
+module Style = Misc.Style
+(* Emits a warning if there is no valid cmi for name *)
+let check_pers_struct ~allow_hidden penv f ~loc name =
+  try
+    ignore (find_pers_struct ~allow_hidden penv f false name)
+  with
+  | Not_found ->
+      let warn = Warnings.No_cmi_file(name, None) in
+        Location.prerr_warning loc warn
+  | Cmi_format.Error err ->
+      let msg = Format.asprintf "%a"
+          Cmi_format.report_error err in
+      let warn = Warnings.No_cmi_file(name, Some msg) in
+        Location.prerr_warning loc warn
+  | Error err ->
+      let msg =
+        match err with
+        | Illegal_renaming(name, ps_name, filename) ->
+            Format_doc.doc_printf
+              " %a@ contains the compiled interface for @ \
+               %a when %a was expected"
+              Location.Doc.quoted_filename filename
+              Style.inline_code ps_name
+              Style.inline_code name
+        | Inconsistent_import _ -> assert false
+        | Need_recursive_types name ->
+            Format_doc.doc_printf
+              "%a uses recursive types"
+              Style.inline_code name
+      in
+      let msg = Format_doc.(asprintf "%a" pp_doc) msg in
+      let warn = Warnings.No_cmi_file(name, Some msg) in
+        Location.prerr_warning loc warn
+let read penv f a =
+  snd (read_pers_struct penv f true a)
+let find ~allow_hidden penv f name =
+  snd (find_pers_struct ~allow_hidden penv f true name)
+let check ~allow_hidden penv f ~loc name =
+  let {persistent_structures; _} = penv in
+  if not (Hashtbl.mem persistent_structures name) then begin
+    (* PR#6843: record the weak dependency ([add_import]) regardless of
+       whether the check succeeds, to help make builds more
+       deterministic. *)
+    add_import penv name;
+    if (Warnings.is_active (Warnings.No_cmi_file("", None))) then
+      !add_delayed_check_forward
+        (fun () -> check_pers_struct ~allow_hidden penv f ~loc name)
+  end
+let crc_of_unit penv f name =
+  let (ps, _pm) = find_pers_struct ~allow_hidden:true penv f true name in
+  let crco =
+    try
+      List.assoc name ps.ps_crcs
+    with Not_found ->
+      assert false
+  in
+    match crco with
+      None -> assert false
+    | Some crc -> crc
+let imports {imported_units; crc_units; _} =
+  Consistbl.extract (String.Set.elements !imported_units) crc_units
+let looked_up {persistent_structures; _} modname =
+  Hashtbl.mem persistent_structures modname
+let is_imported {imported_units; _} s =
+  String.Set.mem s !imported_units
+let is_imported_opaque {imported_opaque_units; _} s =
+  String.Set.mem s !imported_opaque_units
+let make_cmi penv modname sign alerts =
+  let flags =
+    List.concat [
+      if !Clflags.recursive_types then [Cmi_format.Rectypes] else [];
+      if !Clflags.opaque then [Cmi_format.Opaque] else [];
+      [Alerts alerts];
+    ]
+  in
+  let crcs = imports penv in
+  {
+    cmi_name = modname;
+    cmi_sign = sign;
+    cmi_crcs = crcs;
+    cmi_flags = flags
+  }
+let save_cmi penv psig pm =
+  let { Persistent_signature.filename; cmi; visibility } = psig in
+  Misc.try_finally (fun () ->
+      let {
+        cmi_name = modname;
+        cmi_sign = _;
+        cmi_crcs = imports;
+        cmi_flags = flags;
+      } = cmi in
+      let crc =
+        output_to_file_via_temporary (* see MPR#7472, MPR#4991 *)
+          ~mode: [Open_binary] filename
+          (fun temp_filename oc -> output_cmi temp_filename oc cmi) in
+      (* Enter signature in persistent table so that imports()
+         will also return its crc *)
+      let ps =
+        { ps_name = modname;
+          ps_crcs = (cmi.cmi_name, Some crc) :: imports;
+          ps_filename = filename;
+          ps_flags = flags;
+          ps_visibility = visibility
+        } in
+      save_pers_struct penv crc ps pm
+    )
+    ~exceptionally:(fun () -> remove_file filename)
+let report_error_doc ppf =
+  let open Format_doc in
+  function
+  | Illegal_renaming(modname, ps_name, filename) -> fprintf ppf
+      "Wrong file naming: %a@ contains the compiled interface for@ \
+       %a when %a was expected"
+      Location.Doc.quoted_filename filename
+      Style.inline_code ps_name
+      Style.inline_code modname
+  | Inconsistent_import(name, source1, source2) -> fprintf ppf
+      "@[<hov>The files %a@ and %a@ \
+              make inconsistent assumptions@ over interface %a@]"
+      Location.Doc.quoted_filename source1
+      Location.Doc.quoted_filename source2
+      Style.inline_code name
+  | Need_recursive_types(import) ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<hov>Invalid import of %a, which uses recursive types.@ \
+         The compilation flag %a is required@]"
+        Style.inline_code import
+        Style.inline_code "-rectypes"
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error err ->
+          Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error_doc err)
+      | _ -> None
+    )
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/persistent_env.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/persistent_env.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cbdfc81c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/persistent_env.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Xavier Leroy, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt                     *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2019 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Misc
+module Consistbl : module type of struct
+  include Consistbl.Make (Misc.Stdlib.String)
+type error =
+  | Illegal_renaming of modname * modname * filepath
+  | Inconsistent_import of modname * filepath * filepath
+  | Need_recursive_types of modname
+exception Error of error
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
+module Persistent_signature : sig
+  type t =
+    { filename : string; (** Name of the file containing the signature. *)
+      cmi : Cmi_format.cmi_infos;
+      visibility : Load_path.visibility
+    }
+  (** Function used to load a persistent signature. The default is to look for
+      the .cmi file in the load path. This function can be overridden to load
+      it from memory, for instance to build a self-contained toplevel. *)
+  val load : (allow_hidden:bool -> unit_name:string -> t option) ref
+type can_load_cmis =
+  | Can_load_cmis
+  | Cannot_load_cmis of Lazy_backtrack.log
+type 'a t
+val empty : unit -> 'a t
+val clear : 'a t -> unit
+val clear_missing : 'a t -> unit
+val fold : 'a t -> (modname -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
+val read : 'a t -> (Persistent_signature.t -> 'a) -> Unit_info.Artifact.t -> 'a
+val find : allow_hidden:bool -> 'a t -> (Persistent_signature.t -> 'a)
+  -> modname -> 'a
+val find_in_cache : 'a t -> modname -> 'a option
+val check : allow_hidden:bool -> 'a t -> (Persistent_signature.t -> 'a)
+  -> loc:Location.t -> modname -> unit
+(* [looked_up penv md] checks if one has already tried
+   to read the signature for [md] in the environment
+   [penv] (it may have failed) *)
+val looked_up : 'a t -> modname -> bool
+(* [is_imported penv md] checks if [md] has been successfully
+   imported in the environment [penv] *)
+val is_imported : 'a t -> modname -> bool
+(* [is_imported_opaque penv md] checks if [md] has been imported
+   in [penv] as an opaque module *)
+val is_imported_opaque : 'a t -> modname -> bool
+(* [register_import_as_opaque penv md] registers [md] in [penv] as an
+   opaque module *)
+val register_import_as_opaque : 'a t -> modname -> unit
+val make_cmi : 'a t -> modname -> Types.signature -> alerts
+  -> Cmi_format.cmi_infos
+val save_cmi : 'a t -> Persistent_signature.t -> 'a -> unit
+val can_load_cmis : 'a t -> can_load_cmis
+val set_can_load_cmis : 'a t -> can_load_cmis -> unit
+val without_cmis : 'a t -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'c
+(* [without_cmis penv f arg] applies [f] to [arg], but does not
+    allow [penv] to openi cmis during its execution *)
+(* may raise Consistbl.Inconsistency *)
+val import_crcs : 'a t -> source:filepath -> crcs -> unit
+(* Return the set of compilation units imported, with their CRC *)
+val imports : 'a t -> crcs
+(* Return the CRC of the interface of the given compilation unit *)
+val crc_of_unit: 'a t -> (Persistent_signature.t -> 'a) -> modname -> Digest.t
+(* Forward declaration to break mutual recursion with Typecore. *)
+val add_delayed_check_forward: ((unit -> unit) -> unit) ref
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/predef.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/predef.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7b24bd8fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/predef.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Predefined type constructors (with special typing rules in typecore) *)
+open Path
+open Types
+open Btype
+let builtin_idents = ref []
+let wrap create s =
+  let id = create s in
+  builtin_idents := (s, id) :: !builtin_idents;
+  id
+let ident_create = wrap Ident.create_predef
+let ident_int = ident_create "int"
+and ident_char = ident_create "char"
+and ident_bytes = ident_create "bytes"
+and ident_float = ident_create "float"
+and ident_bool = ident_create "bool"
+and ident_unit = ident_create "unit"
+and ident_exn = ident_create "exn"
+and ident_eff = ident_create "eff"
+and ident_continuation = ident_create "continuation"
+and ident_array = ident_create "array"
+and ident_list = ident_create "list"
+and ident_option = ident_create "option"
+and ident_nativeint = ident_create "nativeint"
+and ident_int32 = ident_create "int32"
+and ident_int64 = ident_create "int64"
+and ident_lazy_t = ident_create "lazy_t"
+and ident_string = ident_create "string"
+and ident_extension_constructor = ident_create "extension_constructor"
+and ident_floatarray = ident_create "floatarray"
+let path_int = Pident ident_int
+and path_char = Pident ident_char
+and path_bytes = Pident ident_bytes
+and path_float = Pident ident_float
+and path_bool = Pident ident_bool
+and path_unit = Pident ident_unit
+and path_exn = Pident ident_exn
+and path_eff = Pident ident_eff
+and path_continuation = Pident ident_continuation
+and path_array = Pident ident_array
+and path_list = Pident ident_list
+and path_option = Pident ident_option
+and path_nativeint = Pident ident_nativeint
+and path_int32 = Pident ident_int32
+and path_int64 = Pident ident_int64
+and path_lazy_t = Pident ident_lazy_t
+and path_string = Pident ident_string
+and path_extension_constructor = Pident ident_extension_constructor
+and path_floatarray = Pident ident_floatarray
+let type_int = newgenty (Tconstr(path_int, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_char = newgenty (Tconstr(path_char, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_bytes = newgenty (Tconstr(path_bytes, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_float = newgenty (Tconstr(path_float, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_bool = newgenty (Tconstr(path_bool, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_unit = newgenty (Tconstr(path_unit, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_exn = newgenty (Tconstr(path_exn, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_eff t = newgenty (Tconstr(path_eff, [t], ref Mnil))
+and type_continuation t1 t2 =
+  newgenty (Tconstr(path_continuation, [t1; t2], ref Mnil))
+and type_array t = newgenty (Tconstr(path_array, [t], ref Mnil))
+and type_list t = newgenty (Tconstr(path_list, [t], ref Mnil))
+and type_option t = newgenty (Tconstr(path_option, [t], ref Mnil))
+and type_nativeint = newgenty (Tconstr(path_nativeint, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_int32 = newgenty (Tconstr(path_int32, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_int64 = newgenty (Tconstr(path_int64, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_lazy_t t = newgenty (Tconstr(path_lazy_t, [t], ref Mnil))
+and type_string = newgenty (Tconstr(path_string, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_extension_constructor =
+      newgenty (Tconstr(path_extension_constructor, [], ref Mnil))
+and type_floatarray = newgenty (Tconstr(path_floatarray, [], ref Mnil))
+let ident_match_failure = ident_create "Match_failure"
+and ident_out_of_memory = ident_create "Out_of_memory"
+and ident_invalid_argument = ident_create "Invalid_argument"
+and ident_failure = ident_create "Failure"
+and ident_not_found = ident_create "Not_found"
+and ident_sys_error = ident_create "Sys_error"
+and ident_end_of_file = ident_create "End_of_file"
+and ident_division_by_zero = ident_create "Division_by_zero"
+and ident_stack_overflow = ident_create "Stack_overflow"
+and ident_sys_blocked_io = ident_create "Sys_blocked_io"
+and ident_assert_failure = ident_create "Assert_failure"
+and ident_undefined_recursive_module =
+        ident_create "Undefined_recursive_module"
+and ident_continuation_already_taken = ident_create "Continuation_already_taken"
+let all_predef_exns = [
+  ident_match_failure;
+  ident_out_of_memory;
+  ident_invalid_argument;
+  ident_failure;
+  ident_not_found;
+  ident_sys_error;
+  ident_end_of_file;
+  ident_division_by_zero;
+  ident_stack_overflow;
+  ident_sys_blocked_io;
+  ident_assert_failure;
+  ident_undefined_recursive_module;
+  ident_continuation_already_taken;
+let path_match_failure = Pident ident_match_failure
+and path_assert_failure = Pident ident_assert_failure
+and path_undefined_recursive_module = Pident ident_undefined_recursive_module
+let cstr id args =
+  {
+    cd_id = id;
+    cd_args = Cstr_tuple args;
+    cd_res = None;
+    cd_loc = Location.none;
+    cd_attributes = [];
+    cd_uid = Uid.of_predef_id id;
+  }
+let ident_false = ident_create "false"
+and ident_true = ident_create "true"
+and ident_void = ident_create "()"
+and ident_nil = ident_create "[]"
+and ident_cons = ident_create "::"
+and ident_none = ident_create "None"
+and ident_some = ident_create "Some"
+let mk_add_type add_type type_ident ?manifest
+    ?(immediate=Type_immediacy.Unknown) ?(kind=Type_abstract Definition) env =
+  let decl =
+    {type_params = [];
+     type_arity = 0;
+     type_kind = kind;
+     type_loc = Location.none;
+     type_private = Asttypes.Public;
+     type_manifest = manifest;
+     type_variance = [];
+     type_separability = [];
+     type_is_newtype = false;
+     type_expansion_scope = lowest_level;
+     type_attributes = [];
+     type_immediate = immediate;
+     type_unboxed_default = false;
+     type_uid = Uid.of_predef_id type_ident;
+    }
+  in
+  add_type type_ident decl env
+let build_initial_env add_type add_extension empty_env =
+  let add_type = mk_add_type add_type
+  and add_type1 type_ident
+      ~variance ~separability ?(kind=fun _ -> Type_abstract Definition) env =
+    let param = newgenvar () in
+    let decl =
+      {type_params = [param];
+       type_arity = 1;
+       type_kind = kind param;
+       type_loc = Location.none;
+       type_private = Asttypes.Public;
+       type_manifest = None;
+       type_variance = [variance];
+       type_separability = [separability];
+       type_is_newtype = false;
+       type_expansion_scope = lowest_level;
+       type_attributes = [];
+       type_immediate = Unknown;
+       type_unboxed_default = false;
+       type_uid = Uid.of_predef_id type_ident;
+      }
+    in
+    add_type type_ident decl env
+  and add_continuation type_ident env =
+    let tvar1 = newgenvar() in
+    let tvar2 = newgenvar() in
+    let arity = 2 in
+    let decl =
+      {type_params = [tvar1; tvar2];
+       type_arity = arity;
+       type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+       type_loc = Location.none;
+       type_private = Asttypes.Public;
+       type_manifest = None;
+       type_variance = [Variance.contravariant; Variance.covariant];
+       type_separability = Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+       type_is_newtype = false;
+       type_expansion_scope = lowest_level;
+       type_attributes = [];
+       type_immediate = Unknown;
+       type_unboxed_default = false;
+       type_uid = Uid.of_predef_id type_ident;
+      }
+    in
+    add_type type_ident decl env
+  in
+  let add_extension id l =
+    add_extension id
+      { ext_type_path = path_exn;
+        ext_type_params = [];
+        ext_args = Cstr_tuple l;
+        ext_ret_type = None;
+        ext_private = Asttypes.Public;
+        ext_loc = Location.none;
+        ext_attributes = [Ast_helper.Attr.mk
+                            (Location.mknoloc "ocaml.warn_on_literal_pattern")
+                            (Parsetree.PStr [])];
+        ext_uid = Uid.of_predef_id id;
+      }
+  in
+  let variant constrs = Type_variant (constrs, Variant_regular) in
+  empty_env
+  (* Predefined types - alphabetical order *)
+  |> add_type1 ident_array
+       ~variance:Variance.full
+       ~separability:Separability.Ind
+  |> add_type ident_bool
+       ~immediate:Always
+       ~kind:(variant [cstr ident_false []; cstr ident_true []])
+  |> add_type ident_char ~immediate:Always
+  |> add_type ident_exn ~kind:Type_open
+  |> add_type1 ident_eff
+       ~variance:Variance.full
+       ~separability:Separability.Ind
+       ~kind:(fun _ -> Type_open)
+  |> add_continuation ident_continuation
+  |> add_type ident_extension_constructor
+  |> add_type ident_float
+  |> add_type ident_floatarray
+  |> add_type ident_int ~immediate:Always
+  |> add_type ident_int32
+  |> add_type ident_int64
+  |> add_type1 ident_lazy_t
+       ~variance:Variance.covariant
+       ~separability:Separability.Ind
+  |> add_type1 ident_list
+       ~variance:Variance.covariant
+       ~separability:Separability.Ind
+       ~kind:(fun tvar ->
+         variant [cstr ident_nil []; cstr ident_cons [tvar; type_list tvar]])
+  |> add_type ident_nativeint
+  |> add_type1 ident_option
+       ~variance:Variance.covariant
+       ~separability:Separability.Ind
+       ~kind:(fun tvar ->
+         variant [cstr ident_none []; cstr ident_some [tvar]])
+  |> add_type ident_string
+  |> add_type ident_bytes
+  |> add_type ident_unit
+       ~immediate:Always
+       ~kind:(variant [cstr ident_void []])
+  (* Predefined exceptions - alphabetical order *)
+  |> add_extension ident_assert_failure
+       [newgenty (Ttuple[type_string; type_int; type_int])]
+  |> add_extension ident_division_by_zero []
+  |> add_extension ident_end_of_file []
+  |> add_extension ident_failure [type_string]
+  |> add_extension ident_invalid_argument [type_string]
+  |> add_extension ident_match_failure
+       [newgenty (Ttuple[type_string; type_int; type_int])]
+  |> add_extension ident_not_found []
+  |> add_extension ident_out_of_memory []
+  |> add_extension ident_stack_overflow []
+  |> add_extension ident_sys_blocked_io []
+  |> add_extension ident_sys_error [type_string]
+  |> add_extension ident_undefined_recursive_module
+       [newgenty (Ttuple[type_string; type_int; type_int])]
+  |> add_extension ident_continuation_already_taken []
+let builtin_values =
+  List.map (fun id -> (Ident.name id, id)) all_predef_exns
+let builtin_idents = List.rev !builtin_idents
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/predef.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/predef.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4653514337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/predef.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Predefined type constructors (with special typing rules in typecore) *)
+open Types
+val type_int: type_expr
+val type_char: type_expr
+val type_string: type_expr
+val type_bytes: type_expr
+val type_float: type_expr
+val type_bool: type_expr
+val type_unit: type_expr
+val type_exn: type_expr
+val type_eff: type_expr -> type_expr
+val type_continuation: type_expr -> type_expr -> type_expr
+val type_array: type_expr -> type_expr
+val type_list: type_expr -> type_expr
+val type_option: type_expr -> type_expr
+val type_nativeint: type_expr
+val type_int32: type_expr
+val type_int64: type_expr
+val type_lazy_t: type_expr -> type_expr
+val type_extension_constructor:type_expr
+val type_floatarray:type_expr
+val path_int: Path.t
+val path_char: Path.t
+val path_string: Path.t
+val path_bytes: Path.t
+val path_float: Path.t
+val path_bool: Path.t
+val path_unit: Path.t
+val path_exn: Path.t
+val path_eff: Path.t
+val path_array: Path.t
+val path_list: Path.t
+val path_option: Path.t
+val path_nativeint: Path.t
+val path_int32: Path.t
+val path_int64: Path.t
+val path_lazy_t: Path.t
+val path_extension_constructor: Path.t
+val path_floatarray: Path.t
+val path_continuation: Path.t
+val path_match_failure: Path.t
+val path_assert_failure : Path.t
+val path_undefined_recursive_module : Path.t
+val ident_false : Ident.t
+val ident_true : Ident.t
+val ident_void : Ident.t
+val ident_nil : Ident.t
+val ident_cons : Ident.t
+val ident_none : Ident.t
+val ident_some : Ident.t
+(* To build the initial environment. Since there is a nasty mutual
+   recursion between predef and env, we break it by parameterizing
+   over Env.t, Env.add_type and Env.add_extension. *)
+val build_initial_env:
+  (Ident.t -> type_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  (Ident.t -> extension_constructor -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+  'a -> 'a
+(* To initialize linker tables *)
+val builtin_values: (string * Ident.t) list
+val builtin_idents: (string * Ident.t) list
+(** All predefined exceptions, exposed as [Ident.t] for flambda (for
+    building value approximations).
+    The [Ident.t] for division by zero is also exported explicitly
+    so flambda can generate code to raise it. *)
+val ident_division_by_zero: Ident.t
+val all_predef_exns : Ident.t list
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/primitive.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/primitive.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0cb5d712b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/primitive.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Description of primitive functions *)
+open Misc
+open Parsetree
+type boxed_integer = Pnativeint | Pint32 | Pint64
+type native_repr =
+  | Same_as_ocaml_repr
+  | Unboxed_float
+  | Unboxed_integer of boxed_integer
+  | Untagged_immediate
+type description =
+  { prim_name: string;         (* Name of primitive  or C function *)
+    prim_arity: int;           (* Number of arguments *)
+    prim_alloc: bool;          (* Does it allocates or raise? *)
+    prim_native_name: string;  (* Name of C function for the nat. code gen. *)
+    prim_native_repr_args: native_repr list;
+    prim_native_repr_res: native_repr }
+type error =
+  | Old_style_float_with_native_repr_attribute
+  | Old_style_noalloc_with_noalloc_attribute
+  | No_native_primitive_with_repr_attribute
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+let is_ocaml_repr = function
+  | Same_as_ocaml_repr -> true
+  | Unboxed_float
+  | Unboxed_integer _
+  | Untagged_immediate -> false
+let is_unboxed = function
+  | Same_as_ocaml_repr
+  | Untagged_immediate -> false
+  | Unboxed_float
+  | Unboxed_integer _ -> true
+let is_untagged = function
+  | Untagged_immediate -> true
+  | Same_as_ocaml_repr
+  | Unboxed_float
+  | Unboxed_integer _ -> false
+let rec make_native_repr_args arity x =
+  if arity = 0 then
+    []
+  else
+    x :: make_native_repr_args (arity - 1) x
+let simple ~name ~arity ~alloc =
+  {prim_name = name;
+   prim_arity = arity;
+   prim_alloc = alloc;
+   prim_native_name = "";
+   prim_native_repr_args = make_native_repr_args arity Same_as_ocaml_repr;
+   prim_native_repr_res = Same_as_ocaml_repr}
+let make ~name ~alloc ~native_name ~native_repr_args ~native_repr_res =
+  {prim_name = name;
+   prim_arity = List.length native_repr_args;
+   prim_alloc = alloc;
+   prim_native_name = native_name;
+   prim_native_repr_args = native_repr_args;
+   prim_native_repr_res = native_repr_res}
+let parse_declaration valdecl ~native_repr_args ~native_repr_res =
+  let arity = List.length native_repr_args in
+  let name, native_name, old_style_noalloc, old_style_float =
+    match valdecl.pval_prim with
+    | name :: "noalloc" :: name2 :: "float" :: _ -> (name, name2, true, true)
+    | name :: "noalloc" :: name2 :: _ -> (name, name2, true, false)
+    | name :: name2 :: "float" :: _ -> (name, name2, false, true)
+    | name :: "noalloc" :: _ -> (name, "", true, false)
+    | name :: name2 :: _ -> (name, name2, false, false)
+    | name :: _ -> (name, "", false, false)
+    | [] ->
+        fatal_error "Primitive.parse_declaration"
+  in
+  let noalloc_attribute =
+    Attr_helper.has_no_payload_attribute "noalloc" valdecl.pval_attributes
+  in
+  if old_style_float &&
+     not (List.for_all is_ocaml_repr native_repr_args &&
+          is_ocaml_repr native_repr_res) then
+    raise (Error (valdecl.pval_loc,
+                  Old_style_float_with_native_repr_attribute));
+  if old_style_noalloc && noalloc_attribute then
+    raise (Error (valdecl.pval_loc,
+                  Old_style_noalloc_with_noalloc_attribute));
+  (* The compiler used to assume "noalloc" with "float", we just make this
+     explicit now (GPR#167): *)
+  let old_style_noalloc = old_style_noalloc || old_style_float in
+  if old_style_float then
+    Location.deprecated valdecl.pval_loc
+      "[@@unboxed] + [@@noalloc] should be used\n\
+       instead of \"float\""
+  else if old_style_noalloc then
+    Location.deprecated valdecl.pval_loc
+      "[@@noalloc] should be used instead of \"noalloc\"";
+  if native_name = "" &&
+     not (List.for_all is_ocaml_repr native_repr_args &&
+          is_ocaml_repr native_repr_res) then
+    raise (Error (valdecl.pval_loc,
+                  No_native_primitive_with_repr_attribute));
+  let noalloc = old_style_noalloc || noalloc_attribute in
+  let native_repr_args, native_repr_res =
+    if old_style_float then
+      (make_native_repr_args arity Unboxed_float, Unboxed_float)
+    else
+      (native_repr_args, native_repr_res)
+  in
+  {prim_name = name;
+   prim_arity = arity;
+   prim_alloc = not noalloc;
+   prim_native_name = native_name;
+   prim_native_repr_args = native_repr_args;
+   prim_native_repr_res = native_repr_res}
+open Outcometree
+let rec add_native_repr_attributes ty attrs =
+  match ty, attrs with
+  | Otyp_arrow (label, a, b), attr_opt :: rest ->
+    let b = add_native_repr_attributes b rest in
+    let a =
+      match attr_opt with
+      | None -> a
+      | Some attr -> Otyp_attribute (a, attr)
+    in
+    Otyp_arrow (label, a, b)
+  | _, [Some attr] -> Otyp_attribute (ty, attr)
+  | _ ->
+    assert (List.for_all (fun x -> x = None) attrs);
+    ty
+let oattr_unboxed = { oattr_name = "unboxed" }
+let oattr_untagged = { oattr_name = "untagged" }
+let oattr_noalloc = { oattr_name = "noalloc" }
+let print p osig_val_decl =
+  let prims =
+    if p.prim_native_name <> "" then
+      [p.prim_name; p.prim_native_name]
+    else
+      [p.prim_name]
+  in
+  let for_all f =
+    List.for_all f p.prim_native_repr_args && f p.prim_native_repr_res
+  in
+  let all_unboxed = for_all is_unboxed in
+  let all_untagged = for_all is_untagged in
+  let attrs = if p.prim_alloc then [] else [oattr_noalloc] in
+  let attrs =
+    if all_unboxed then
+      oattr_unboxed :: attrs
+    else if all_untagged then
+      oattr_untagged :: attrs
+    else
+      attrs
+  in
+  let attr_of_native_repr = function
+    | Same_as_ocaml_repr -> None
+    | Unboxed_float
+    | Unboxed_integer _ -> if all_unboxed then None else Some oattr_unboxed
+    | Untagged_immediate -> if all_untagged then None else Some oattr_untagged
+  in
+  let type_attrs =
+    List.map attr_of_native_repr p.prim_native_repr_args @
+    [attr_of_native_repr p.prim_native_repr_res]
+  in
+  { osig_val_decl with
+    oval_prims = prims;
+    oval_type = add_native_repr_attributes osig_val_decl.oval_type type_attrs;
+    oval_attributes = attrs }
+let native_name p =
+  if p.prim_native_name <> ""
+  then p.prim_native_name
+  else p.prim_name
+let byte_name p =
+  p.prim_name
+let equal_boxed_integer bi1 bi2 =
+  match bi1, bi2 with
+  | Pnativeint, Pnativeint
+  | Pint32, Pint32
+  | Pint64, Pint64 ->
+    true
+  | (Pnativeint | Pint32 | Pint64), _ ->
+    false
+let equal_native_repr nr1 nr2 =
+  match nr1, nr2 with
+  | Same_as_ocaml_repr, Same_as_ocaml_repr -> true
+  | Same_as_ocaml_repr,
+    (Unboxed_float | Unboxed_integer _ | Untagged_immediate) -> false
+  | Unboxed_float, Unboxed_float -> true
+  | Unboxed_float,
+    (Same_as_ocaml_repr | Unboxed_integer _ | Untagged_immediate) -> false
+  | Unboxed_integer bi1, Unboxed_integer bi2 -> equal_boxed_integer bi1 bi2
+  | Unboxed_integer _,
+    (Same_as_ocaml_repr | Unboxed_float | Untagged_immediate) -> false
+  | Untagged_immediate, Untagged_immediate -> true
+  | Untagged_immediate,
+    (Same_as_ocaml_repr | Unboxed_float | Unboxed_integer _) -> false
+let native_name_is_external p =
+  let nat_name = native_name p in
+  nat_name <> "" && nat_name.[0] <> '%'
+module Style = Misc.Style
+let report_error ppf err =
+  match err with
+  | Old_style_float_with_native_repr_attribute ->
+    Format_doc.fprintf ppf "Cannot use %a in conjunction with %a/%a."
+      Style.inline_code "float"
+      Style.inline_code "[@unboxed]"
+      Style.inline_code  "[@untagged]"
+  | Old_style_noalloc_with_noalloc_attribute ->
+    Format_doc.fprintf ppf "Cannot use %a in conjunction with %a."
+      Style.inline_code "noalloc"
+      Style.inline_code "[@@noalloc]"
+  | No_native_primitive_with_repr_attribute ->
+    Format_doc.fprintf ppf
+      "@[The native code version of the primitive is mandatory@ \
+       when attributes %a or %a are present.@]"
+      Style.inline_code "[@untagged]"
+      Style.inline_code "[@unboxed]"
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error (loc, err) ->
+        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error err)
+      | _ ->
+        None
+    )
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/primitive.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/primitive.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d3ae8854c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/primitive.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Description of primitive functions *)
+type boxed_integer = Pnativeint | Pint32 | Pint64
+(* Representation of arguments/result for the native code version
+   of a primitive *)
+type native_repr =
+  | Same_as_ocaml_repr
+  | Unboxed_float
+  | Unboxed_integer of boxed_integer
+  | Untagged_immediate
+type description = private
+  { prim_name: string;         (* Name of primitive  or C function *)
+    prim_arity: int;           (* Number of arguments *)
+    prim_alloc: bool;          (* Does it allocates or raise? *)
+    prim_native_name: string;  (* Name of C function for the nat. code gen. *)
+    prim_native_repr_args: native_repr list;
+    prim_native_repr_res: native_repr }
+(* Invariant [List.length d.prim_native_repr_args = d.prim_arity] *)
+val simple
+  :  name:string
+  -> arity:int
+  -> alloc:bool
+  -> description
+val make
+  :  name:string
+  -> alloc:bool
+  -> native_name:string
+  -> native_repr_args: native_repr list
+  -> native_repr_res: native_repr
+  -> description
+val parse_declaration
+  :  Parsetree.value_description
+  -> native_repr_args:native_repr list
+  -> native_repr_res:native_repr
+  -> description
+val print
+  :  description
+  -> Outcometree.out_val_decl
+  -> Outcometree.out_val_decl
+val native_name: description -> string
+val byte_name: description -> string
+val equal_boxed_integer : boxed_integer -> boxed_integer -> bool
+val equal_native_repr : native_repr -> native_repr -> bool
+(** [native_name_is_externa] returns [true] iff the [native_name] for the
+    given primitive identifies that the primitive is not implemented in the
+    compiler itself. *)
+val native_name_is_external : description -> bool
+type error =
+  | Old_style_float_with_native_repr_attribute
+  | Old_style_noalloc_with_noalloc_attribute
+  | No_native_primitive_with_repr_attribute
+exception Error of Location.t * error
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printpat.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printpat.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4897294d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printpat.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Values as patterns pretty printer *)
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+open Types
+open Format_doc
+let is_cons = function
+| {cstr_name = "::"} -> true
+| _ -> false
+let pretty_const c = match c with
+| Const_int i -> Printf.sprintf "%d" i
+| Const_char c -> Printf.sprintf "%C" c
+| Const_string (s, _, _) -> Printf.sprintf "%S" s
+| Const_float f -> Printf.sprintf "%s" f
+| Const_int32 i -> Printf.sprintf "%ldl" i
+| Const_int64 i -> Printf.sprintf "%LdL" i
+| Const_nativeint i -> Printf.sprintf "%ndn" i
+let pretty_extra ppf (cstr, _loc, _attrs) pretty_rest rest =
+  match cstr with
+  | Tpat_unpack ->
+     fprintf ppf "@[(module %a)@]" pretty_rest rest
+  | Tpat_constraint _ ->
+     fprintf ppf "@[(%a : _)@]" pretty_rest rest
+  | Tpat_type _ ->
+     fprintf ppf "@[(# %a)@]" pretty_rest rest
+  | Tpat_open _ ->
+     fprintf ppf "@[(# %a)@]" pretty_rest rest
+let rec pretty_val : type k . _ -> k general_pattern -> _ = fun ppf v ->
+  match v.pat_extra with
+    | extra :: rem ->
+       pretty_extra ppf extra
+         pretty_val { v with pat_extra = rem }
+    | [] ->
+  match v.pat_desc with
+  | Tpat_any -> fprintf ppf "_"
+  | Tpat_var (x,_,_) -> fprintf ppf "%s" (Ident.name x)
+  | Tpat_constant c -> fprintf ppf "%s" (pretty_const c)
+  | Tpat_tuple vs ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[(%a)@]" (pretty_vals ",") vs
+  | Tpat_construct (_, cstr, [], _) ->
+      fprintf ppf "%s" cstr.cstr_name
+  | Tpat_construct (_, cstr, [w], None) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s@ %a@]" cstr.cstr_name pretty_arg w
+  | Tpat_construct (_, cstr, vs, vto) ->
+      let name = cstr.cstr_name in
+      begin match (name, vs, vto) with
+        ("::", [v1;v2], None) ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[%a::@,%a@]" pretty_car v1 pretty_cdr v2
+      | (_, _, None) ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s@ @[(%a)@]@]" name (pretty_vals ",") vs
+      | (_, _, Some ([], _t)) ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s@ @[(%a : _)@]@]" name (pretty_vals ",") vs
+      | (_, _, Some (vl, _t)) ->
+          let vars = List.map (fun x -> Ident.name x.txt) vl in
+          fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s@ (type %s)@ @[(%a : _)@]@]"
+            name (String.concat " " vars) (pretty_vals ",") vs
+      end
+  | Tpat_variant (l, None, _) ->
+      fprintf ppf "`%s" l
+  | Tpat_variant (l, Some w, _) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>`%s@ %a@]" l pretty_arg w
+  | Tpat_record (lvs,_) ->
+      let filtered_lvs = List.filter
+          (function
+            | (_,_,{pat_desc=Tpat_any}) -> false (* do not show lbl=_ *)
+            | _ -> true) lvs in
+      begin match filtered_lvs with
+      | [] -> fprintf ppf "{ _ }"
+      | (_, lbl, _) :: q ->
+          let elision_mark ppf =
+            (* we assume that there is no label repetitions here *)
+             if Array.length lbl.lbl_all > 1 + List.length q then
+               fprintf ppf ";@ _@ "
+             else () in
+          fprintf ppf "@[{%a%t}@]"
+            pretty_lvals filtered_lvs elision_mark
+      end
+  | Tpat_array vs ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[[| %a |]@]" (pretty_vals " ;") vs
+  | Tpat_lazy v ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>lazy@ %a@]" pretty_arg v
+  | Tpat_alias (v, x,_,_) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[(%a@ as %a)@]" pretty_val v Ident.doc_print x
+  | Tpat_value v ->
+      fprintf ppf "%a" pretty_val (v :> pattern)
+  | Tpat_exception v ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<2>exception@ %a@]" pretty_arg v
+  | Tpat_or _ ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[(%a)@]" pretty_or v
+and pretty_car ppf v = match v.pat_desc with
+| Tpat_construct (_,cstr, [_ ; _], None)
+    when is_cons cstr ->
+      fprintf ppf "(%a)" pretty_val v
+| _ -> pretty_val ppf v
+and pretty_cdr ppf v = match v.pat_desc with
+| Tpat_construct (_,cstr, [v1 ; v2], None)
+    when is_cons cstr ->
+      fprintf ppf "%a::@,%a" pretty_car v1 pretty_cdr v2
+| _ -> pretty_val ppf v
+and pretty_arg ppf v = match v.pat_desc with
+| Tpat_construct (_,_,_::_,None)
+| Tpat_variant (_, Some _, _) -> fprintf ppf "(%a)" pretty_val v
+|  _ -> pretty_val ppf v
+and pretty_or : type k . _ -> k general_pattern -> _ = fun ppf v ->
+  match v.pat_desc with
+  | Tpat_or (v,w,_) ->
+      fprintf ppf "%a|@,%a" pretty_or v pretty_or w
+  | _ -> pretty_val ppf v
+and pretty_vals sep ppf = function
+  | [] -> ()
+  | [v] -> pretty_val ppf v
+  | v::vs ->
+      fprintf ppf "%a%s@ %a" pretty_val v sep (pretty_vals sep) vs
+and pretty_lvals ppf = function
+  | [] -> ()
+  | [_,lbl,v] ->
+      fprintf ppf "%s=%a" lbl.lbl_name pretty_val v
+  | (_, lbl,v)::rest ->
+      fprintf ppf "%s=%a;@ %a"
+        lbl.lbl_name pretty_val v pretty_lvals rest
+let top_pretty ppf v =
+  fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" pretty_val v
+let pretty_pat ppf p =
+  top_pretty ppf p ;
+  pp_print_flush ppf ()
+type 'k matrix = 'k general_pattern list list
+let pretty_line ppf line =
+  fprintf ppf "@[";
+  List.iter (fun p ->
+      fprintf ppf "<%a>@ "
+        pretty_val p
+    ) line;
+  fprintf ppf "@]"
+let pretty_matrix ppf (pss : 'k matrix) =
+  fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>  %a@]"
+    (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_cut pretty_line)
+    pss
+module Compat = struct
+  let pretty_pat ppf x = compat pretty_pat ppf x
+  let pretty_line ppf x = compat pretty_line ppf x
+  let pretty_matrix ppf x = compat pretty_matrix ppf x
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printpat.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printpat.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d9a93ce6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printpat.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+val pretty_const
+  : Asttypes.constant -> string
+val top_pretty: 'k Typedtree.general_pattern Format_doc.printer
+module Compat: sig
+  val pretty_pat: Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern -> unit
+  val pretty_line: Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern list -> unit
+  val pretty_matrix:
+    Format.formatter -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern list list -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyp.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyp.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..649f4b94ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, INRIA Paris                        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Out_type
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+let namespaced_ident namespace  id =
+  Out_name.print (ident_name (Some namespace) id)
+module Doc = struct
+  let wrap_printing_env = wrap_printing_env
+  let longident = Pprintast.Doc.longident
+  let ident ppf id = Fmt.pp_print_string ppf
+      (Out_name.print (ident_name None id))
+  let typexp mode ppf ty =
+    !Oprint.out_type ppf (tree_of_typexp mode ty)
+  let type_expansion k ppf e =
+    pp_type_expansion ppf (trees_of_type_expansion k e)
+  let type_declaration id ppf decl =
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_type_declaration id decl Trec_first)
+  let type_expr ppf ty =
+    (* [type_expr] is used directly by error message printers,
+       we mark eventual loops ourself to avoid any misuse and stack overflow *)
+    prepare_for_printing [ty];
+    prepared_type_expr ppf ty
+  let shared_type_scheme ppf ty =
+    add_type_to_preparation ty;
+    typexp Type_scheme ppf ty
+  let type_scheme ppf ty =
+    prepare_for_printing [ty];
+    prepared_type_scheme ppf ty
+  let path ppf p =
+    !Oprint.out_ident ppf (tree_of_path ~disambiguation:false p)
+  let () = Env.print_path := path
+  let type_path ppf p = !Oprint.out_ident ppf (tree_of_type_path p)
+  let value_description id ppf decl =
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_value_description id decl)
+  let class_type ppf cty =
+    reset ();
+    prepare_class_type cty;
+    !Oprint.out_class_type ppf (tree_of_class_type Type cty)
+  let class_declaration id ppf cl =
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_class_declaration id cl Trec_first)
+  let cltype_declaration id ppf cl =
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_cltype_declaration id cl Trec_first)
+  let modtype ppf mty = !Oprint.out_module_type ppf (tree_of_modtype mty)
+  let modtype_declaration id ppf decl =
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl)
+  let constructor ppf c =
+    reset_except_conflicts ();
+    add_constructor_to_preparation c;
+    prepared_constructor ppf c
+  let constructor_arguments ppf a =
+    let tys = tree_of_constructor_arguments a in
+    !Oprint.out_type ppf (Otyp_tuple tys)
+  let label ppf l =
+    prepare_for_printing [l.Types.ld_type];
+    !Oprint.out_label ppf (tree_of_label l)
+  let extension_constructor id ppf ext =
+    !Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_extension_constructor id ext Text_first)
+  (* Print an extension declaration *)
+  let extension_only_constructor id ppf (ext:Types.extension_constructor) =
+    reset_except_conflicts ();
+    prepare_type_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args;
+    Option.iter add_type_to_preparation ext.ext_ret_type;
+    let name = Ident.name id in
+    let args, ret =
+      extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree
+        ext.ext_args
+        ext.ext_ret_type
+    in
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<hv>%a@]"
+      !Oprint.out_constr {
+      Outcometree.ocstr_name = name;
+      ocstr_args = args;
+      ocstr_return_type = ret;
+    }
+  (* Print a signature body (used by -i when compiling a .ml) *)
+  let print_signature ppf tree =
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" !Oprint.out_signature tree
+  let signature ppf sg =
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf "%a" print_signature (tree_of_signature sg)
+open Doc
+let string_of_path p = Fmt.asprintf "%a" path p
+let strings_of_paths namespace p =
+  let trees = List.map (namespaced_tree_of_path namespace) p in
+  List.map (Fmt.asprintf "%a" !Oprint.out_ident) trees
+let wrap_printing_env = wrap_printing_env
+let ident = Fmt.compat ident
+let longident = Fmt.compat longident
+let path = Fmt.compat path
+let type_path = Fmt.compat type_path
+let type_expr = Fmt.compat type_expr
+let type_scheme = Fmt.compat type_scheme
+let shared_type_scheme = Fmt.compat shared_type_scheme
+let type_declaration  = Fmt.compat1 type_declaration
+let type_expansion = Fmt.compat1 type_expansion
+let value_description = Fmt.compat1 value_description
+let label = Fmt.compat label
+let constructor = Fmt.compat constructor
+let constructor_arguments = Fmt.compat constructor_arguments
+let extension_constructor = Fmt.compat1 extension_constructor
+let extension_only_constructor = Fmt.compat1 extension_only_constructor
+let modtype = Fmt.compat modtype
+let modtype_declaration = Fmt.compat1 modtype_declaration
+let signature = Fmt.compat signature
+let class_declaration = Fmt.compat1 class_declaration
+let class_type = Fmt.compat class_type
+let cltype_declaration = Fmt.compat1 cltype_declaration
+(* Print a signature body (used by -i when compiling a .ml) *)
+let printed_signature sourcefile ppf sg =
+  (* we are tracking any collision event for warning 63 *)
+  Ident_conflicts.reset ();
+  let t = tree_of_signature sg in
+  if Warnings.(is_active @@ Erroneous_printed_signature "") then
+    begin match Ident_conflicts.err_msg () with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some msg ->
+        let conflicts = Fmt.asprintf "%a" Fmt.pp_doc msg in
+        Location.prerr_warning (Location.in_file sourcefile)
+          (Warnings.Erroneous_printed_signature conflicts);
+        Warnings.check_fatal ()
+    end;
+  Fmt.compat print_signature ppf t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyp.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75955f4268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, INRIA Paris                        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Printing functions *)
+open Types
+type namespace := Shape.Sig_component_kind.t
+val namespaced_ident: namespace -> Ident.t -> string
+val string_of_path: Path.t -> string
+val strings_of_paths: namespace -> Path.t list -> string list
+(** Print a list of paths, using the same naming context to
+    avoid name collisions *)
+(** [printed_signature sourcefile ppf sg] print the signature [sg] of
+        [sourcefile] with potential warnings for name collisions *)
+val printed_signature: string -> Format.formatter -> signature -> unit
+module type Printers := sig
+    val wrap_printing_env: error:bool -> Env.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+    (** Call the function using the environment for type path shortening This
+        affects all the printing functions below Also, if [~error:true], then
+        disable the loading of cmis *)
+    type 'a printer
+    val longident: Longident.t printer
+    val ident: Ident.t printer
+    val path: Path.t printer
+    val type_path: Path.t printer
+    (** Print a type path taking account of [-short-paths].
+        Calls should be within [wrap_printing_env]. *)
+    (** Print out a type. This will pick names for type variables, and will not
+        reuse names for common type variables shared across multiple type
+        expressions. (It will also reset the printing state, which matters for
+        other type formatters such as [prepared_type_expr].) If you want
+        multiple types to use common names for type variables, see
+        {!Out_type.prepare_for_printing} and {!Out_type.prepared_type_expr}. *)
+    val type_expr: type_expr printer
+    val type_scheme: type_expr printer
+    val shared_type_scheme: type_expr printer
+    (** [shared_type_scheme] is very similar to [type_scheme], but does not
+        reset the printing context first. This is intended to be used in cases
+        where the printing should have a particularly wide context, such as
+        documentation generators; most use cases, such as error messages, have
+        narrower contexts for which [type_scheme] is better suited. *)
+    val type_expansion:
+      Out_type.type_or_scheme -> Errortrace.expanded_type printer
+    val label : label_declaration printer
+    val constructor : constructor_declaration printer
+    val constructor_arguments: constructor_arguments printer
+    val extension_constructor:
+      Ident.t -> extension_constructor printer
+    (** Prints extension constructor with the type signature:
+         type ('a, 'b) bar += A of float
+    *)
+    val extension_only_constructor:
+      Ident.t -> extension_constructor printer
+    (** Prints only extension constructor without type signature:
+         A of float
+    *)
+    val value_description: Ident.t -> value_description printer
+    val type_declaration: Ident.t -> type_declaration printer
+    val modtype_declaration: Ident.t -> modtype_declaration printer
+    val class_declaration: Ident.t -> class_declaration printer
+    val cltype_declaration: Ident.t -> class_type_declaration printer
+    val modtype: module_type printer
+    val signature: signature printer
+    val class_type: class_type printer
+  end
+module Doc : Printers with type 'a printer := 'a Format_doc.printer
+(** For compatibility with Format printers *)
+include Printers with type 'a printer := 'a Format_doc.format_printer
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyped.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyped.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c68c7a6c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyped.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1003 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Format
+open Lexing
+open Location
+open Typedtree
+let fmt_position f l =
+  if l.pos_lnum = -1
+  then fprintf f "%s[%d]" l.pos_fname l.pos_cnum
+  else fprintf f "%s[%d,%d+%d]" l.pos_fname l.pos_lnum l.pos_bol
+               (l.pos_cnum - l.pos_bol)
+let fmt_location f loc =
+  if not !Clflags.locations then ()
+  else begin
+    fprintf f "(%a..%a)" fmt_position loc.loc_start fmt_position loc.loc_end;
+    if loc.loc_ghost then fprintf f " ghost";
+  end
+let rec fmt_longident_aux f x =
+  match x with
+  | Longident.Lident (s) -> fprintf f "%s" s;
+  | Longident.Ldot (y, s) -> fprintf f "%a.%s" fmt_longident_aux y s;
+  | Longident.Lapply (y, z) ->
+      fprintf f "%a(%a)" fmt_longident_aux y fmt_longident_aux z
+let fmt_longident f x = fprintf f "\"%a\"" fmt_longident_aux x.txt
+let fmt_ident = Ident.print
+let fmt_modname f = function
+  | None -> fprintf f "_";
+  | Some id -> Ident.print f id
+let rec fmt_path_aux f x =
+  match x with
+  | Path.Pident (s) -> fprintf f "%a" fmt_ident s
+  | Path.Pdot (y, s) | Path.(Pextra_ty (y, Pcstr_ty s)) ->
+      fprintf f "%a.%s" fmt_path_aux y s
+  | Path.Papply (y, z) ->
+      fprintf f "%a(%a)" fmt_path_aux y fmt_path_aux z
+  | Path.Pextra_ty (y, Pext_ty) -> fmt_path_aux f y
+let fmt_path f x = fprintf f "\"%a\"" fmt_path_aux x
+let fmt_constant f x =
+  match x with
+  | Const_int (i) -> fprintf f "Const_int %d" i
+  | Const_char (c) -> fprintf f "Const_char %02x" (Char.code c)
+  | Const_string (s, strloc, None) ->
+      fprintf f "Const_string(%S,%a,None)" s fmt_location strloc
+  | Const_string (s, strloc, Some delim) ->
+      fprintf f "Const_string (%S,%a,Some %S)" s fmt_location strloc delim
+  | Const_float (s) -> fprintf f "Const_float %s" s
+  | Const_int32 (i) -> fprintf f "Const_int32 %ld" i
+  | Const_int64 (i) -> fprintf f "Const_int64 %Ld" i
+  | Const_nativeint (i) -> fprintf f "Const_nativeint %nd" i
+let fmt_mutable_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Immutable -> fprintf f "Immutable"
+  | Mutable -> fprintf f "Mutable"
+let fmt_virtual_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Virtual -> fprintf f "Virtual"
+  | Concrete -> fprintf f "Concrete"
+let fmt_override_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Override -> fprintf f "Override"
+  | Fresh -> fprintf f "Fresh"
+let fmt_closed_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Closed -> fprintf f "Closed"
+  | Open -> fprintf f "Open"
+let fmt_rec_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Nonrecursive -> fprintf f "Nonrec"
+  | Recursive -> fprintf f "Rec"
+let fmt_direction_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Upto -> fprintf f "Up"
+  | Downto -> fprintf f "Down"
+let fmt_private_flag f x =
+  match x with
+  | Public -> fprintf f "Public"
+  | Private -> fprintf f "Private"
+let fmt_partiality f x =
+  match x with
+  | Total -> ()
+  | Partial -> fprintf f " (Partial)"
+let line i f s (*...*) =
+  fprintf f "%s" (String.make (2*i) ' ');
+  fprintf f s (*...*)
+let list i f ppf l =
+  match l with
+  | [] -> line i ppf "[]\n"
+  | _ :: _ ->
+     line i ppf "[\n";
+     List.iter (f (i+1) ppf) l;
+     line i ppf "]\n"
+let array i f ppf a =
+  if Array.length a = 0 then
+    line i ppf "[]\n"
+  else begin
+    line i ppf "[\n";
+    Array.iter (f (i+1) ppf) a;
+    line i ppf "]\n"
+  end
+let option i f ppf x =
+  match x with
+  | None -> line i ppf "None\n"
+  | Some x ->
+      line i ppf "Some\n";
+      f (i+1) ppf x
+let longident i ppf li = line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident li
+let string i ppf s = line i ppf "\"%s\"\n" s
+let arg_label i ppf = function
+  | Nolabel -> line i ppf "Nolabel\n"
+  | Optional s -> line i ppf "Optional \"%s\"\n" s
+  | Labelled s -> line i ppf "Labelled \"%s\"\n" s
+let typevars ppf vs =
+  List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf " %a" Pprintast.tyvar x.txt) vs
+let record_representation i ppf = let open Types in function
+  | Record_regular -> line i ppf "Record_regular\n"
+  | Record_float -> line i ppf "Record_float\n"
+  | Record_unboxed b -> line i ppf "Record_unboxed %b\n" b
+  | Record_inlined i -> line i ppf "Record_inlined %d\n" i
+  | Record_extension p -> line i ppf "Record_extension %a\n" fmt_path p
+let attribute i ppf k a =
+  line i ppf "%s \"%s\"\n" k a.Parsetree.attr_name.txt;
+  Printast.payload i ppf a.Parsetree.attr_payload
+let attributes i ppf l =
+  let i = i + 1 in
+  List.iter (fun a ->
+    line i ppf "attribute \"%s\"\n" a.Parsetree.attr_name.txt;
+    Printast.payload (i + 1) ppf a.Parsetree.attr_payload
+  ) l
+let rec core_type i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "core_type %a\n" fmt_location x.ctyp_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.ctyp_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.ctyp_desc with
+  | Ttyp_any -> line i ppf "Ttyp_any\n";
+  | Ttyp_var (s) -> line i ppf "Ttyp_var %s\n" s;
+  | Ttyp_arrow (l, ct1, ct2) ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_arrow\n";
+      arg_label i ppf l;
+      core_type i ppf ct1;
+      core_type i ppf ct2;
+  | Ttyp_tuple l ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_tuple\n";
+      list i core_type ppf l;
+  | Ttyp_constr (li, _, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_constr %a\n" fmt_path li;
+      list i core_type ppf l;
+  | Ttyp_variant (l, closed, low) ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_variant closed=%a\n" fmt_closed_flag closed;
+      list i label_x_bool_x_core_type_list ppf l;
+      option i (fun i -> list i string) ppf low
+  | Ttyp_object (l, c) ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_object %a\n" fmt_closed_flag c;
+      let i = i + 1 in
+      List.iter (fun {of_desc; of_attributes; _} ->
+        match of_desc with
+        | OTtag (s, t) ->
+            line i ppf "method %s\n" s.txt;
+            attributes i ppf of_attributes;
+            core_type (i + 1) ppf t
+        | OTinherit ct ->
+            line i ppf "OTinherit\n";
+            core_type (i + 1) ppf ct
+        ) l
+  | Ttyp_class (li, _, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_class %a\n" fmt_path li;
+      list i core_type ppf l;
+  | Ttyp_alias (ct, s) ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_alias \"%s\"\n" s.txt;
+      core_type i ppf ct;
+  | Ttyp_poly (sl, ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_poly%a\n"
+        (fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf " '%s" x)) sl;
+      core_type i ppf ct;
+  | Ttyp_package { pack_path = s; pack_fields = l } ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_package %a\n" fmt_path s;
+      list i package_with ppf l;
+  | Ttyp_open (path, _mod_ident, t) ->
+      line i ppf "Ttyp_open %a\n" fmt_path path;
+      core_type i ppf t
+and package_with i ppf (s, t) =
+  line i ppf "with type %a\n" fmt_longident s;
+  core_type i ppf t
+and pattern : type k . _ -> _ -> k general_pattern -> unit = fun i ppf x ->
+  line i ppf "pattern %a\n" fmt_location x.pat_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.pat_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  begin match x.pat_extra with
+  | [] -> ()
+  | extra ->
+    line i ppf "extra\n";
+    List.iter (pattern_extra (i+1) ppf) extra;
+  end;
+  match x.pat_desc with
+  | Tpat_any -> line i ppf "Tpat_any\n";
+  | Tpat_var (s,_,_) -> line i ppf "Tpat_var \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
+  | Tpat_alias (p, s,_,_) ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_alias \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
+      pattern i ppf p;
+  | Tpat_constant (c) -> line i ppf "Tpat_constant %a\n" fmt_constant c;
+  | Tpat_tuple (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_tuple\n";
+      list i pattern ppf l;
+  | Tpat_construct (li, _, po, vto) ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_construct %a\n" fmt_longident li;
+      list i pattern ppf po;
+      option i
+        (fun i ppf (vl,ct) ->
+          let names = List.map (fun {txt} -> "\""^Ident.name txt^"\"") vl in
+          line i ppf "[%s]\n" (String.concat "; " names);
+          core_type i ppf ct)
+        ppf vto
+  | Tpat_variant (l, po, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_variant \"%s\"\n" l;
+      option i pattern ppf po;
+  | Tpat_record (l, _c) ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_record\n";
+      list i longident_x_pattern ppf l;
+  | Tpat_array (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_array\n";
+      list i pattern ppf l;
+  | Tpat_lazy p ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_lazy\n";
+      pattern i ppf p;
+  | Tpat_exception p ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_exception\n";
+      pattern i ppf p;
+  | Tpat_value p ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_value\n";
+      pattern i ppf (p :> pattern);
+  | Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Tpat_or\n";
+      pattern i ppf p1;
+      pattern i ppf p2;
+and pattern_extra i ppf (extra_pat, _, attrs) =
+  match extra_pat with
+  | Tpat_unpack ->
+     line i ppf "Tpat_extra_unpack\n";
+     attributes i ppf attrs;
+  | Tpat_constraint cty ->
+     line i ppf "Tpat_extra_constraint\n";
+     attributes i ppf attrs;
+     core_type i ppf cty;
+  | Tpat_type (id, _) ->
+     line i ppf "Tpat_extra_type %a\n" fmt_path id;
+     attributes i ppf attrs;
+  | Tpat_open (id,_,_) ->
+     line i ppf "Tpat_extra_open %a\n" fmt_path id;
+     attributes i ppf attrs;
+and function_body i ppf (body : function_body) =
+  match[@warning "+9"] body with
+  | Tfunction_body e ->
+      line i ppf "Tfunction_body\n";
+      expression (i+1) ppf e
+  | Tfunction_cases
+      { cases; loc; exp_extra; attributes = attrs; param = _; partial }
+    ->
+      line i ppf "Tfunction_cases%a %a\n"
+        fmt_partiality partial
+        fmt_location loc;
+      attributes (i+1) ppf attrs;
+      Option.iter (fun e -> expression_extra (i+1) ppf e []) exp_extra;
+      list (i+1) case ppf cases
+and expression_extra i ppf x attrs =
+  match x with
+  | Texp_constraint ct ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_constraint\n";
+      attributes i ppf attrs;
+      core_type i ppf ct;
+  | Texp_coerce (cto1, cto2) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_coerce\n";
+      attributes i ppf attrs;
+      option i core_type ppf cto1;
+      core_type i ppf cto2;
+  | Texp_poly cto ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_poly\n";
+      attributes i ppf attrs;
+      option i core_type ppf cto;
+  | Texp_newtype s ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_newtype \"%s\"\n" s;
+      attributes i ppf attrs;
+and expression i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "expression %a\n" fmt_location x.exp_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.exp_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  begin match x.exp_extra with
+  | [] -> ()
+  | extra ->
+    line i ppf "extra\n";
+    List.iter (fun (x, _, attrs) -> expression_extra (i+1) ppf x attrs) extra;
+  end;
+  match x.exp_desc with
+  | Texp_ident (li,_,_) -> line i ppf "Texp_ident %a\n" fmt_path li;
+  | Texp_instvar (_, li,_) -> line i ppf "Texp_instvar %a\n" fmt_path li;
+  | Texp_constant (c) -> line i ppf "Texp_constant %a\n" fmt_constant c;
+  | Texp_let (rf, l, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_let %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i (value_binding rf) ppf l;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Texp_function (params, body) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_function\n";
+      list i function_param ppf params;
+      function_body i ppf body;
+  | Texp_apply (e, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_apply\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      list i label_x_expression ppf l;
+  | Texp_match (e, l1, l2, partial) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_match%a\n" fmt_partiality partial;
+      expression i ppf e;
+      list i case ppf l1;
+      list i case ppf l2;
+  | Texp_try (e, l1, l2) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_try\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      list i case ppf l1;
+      list i case ppf l2;
+  | Texp_tuple (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_tuple\n";
+      list i expression ppf l;
+  | Texp_construct (li, _, eo) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_construct %a\n" fmt_longident li;
+      list i expression ppf eo;
+  | Texp_variant (l, eo) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_variant \"%s\"\n" l;
+      option i expression ppf eo;
+  | Texp_record { fields; representation; extended_expression } ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_record\n";
+      let i = i+1 in
+      line i ppf "fields =\n";
+      array (i+1) record_field ppf fields;
+      line i ppf "representation =\n";
+      record_representation (i+1) ppf representation;
+      line i ppf "extended_expression =\n";
+      option (i+1) expression ppf extended_expression;
+  | Texp_field (e, li, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_field\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+      longident i ppf li;
+  | Texp_setfield (e1, li, _, e2) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_setfield\n";
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      longident i ppf li;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+  | Texp_array (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_array\n";
+      list i expression ppf l;
+  | Texp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, eo) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_ifthenelse\n";
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+      option i expression ppf eo;
+  | Texp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_sequence\n";
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+  | Texp_while (e1, e2) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_while\n";
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+  | Texp_for (s, _, e1, e2, df, e3) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_for \"%a\" %a\n" fmt_ident s fmt_direction_flag df;
+      expression i ppf e1;
+      expression i ppf e2;
+      expression i ppf e3;
+  | Texp_send (e, Tmeth_name s) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_send \"%s\"\n" s;
+      expression i ppf e
+  | Texp_send (e, Tmeth_val s) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_send \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
+      expression i ppf e
+  | Texp_send (e, Tmeth_ancestor(s, _)) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_send \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
+      expression i ppf e
+  | Texp_new (li, _, _) -> line i ppf "Texp_new %a\n" fmt_path li;
+  | Texp_setinstvar (_, s, _, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_setinstvar %a\n" fmt_path s;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Texp_override (_, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_override\n";
+      list i string_x_expression ppf l;
+  | Texp_letmodule (s, _, _, me, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_letmodule \"%a\"\n" fmt_modname s;
+      module_expr i ppf me;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Texp_letexception (cd, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_letexception\n";
+      extension_constructor i ppf cd;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Texp_assert (e, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_assert";
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Texp_lazy (e) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_lazy";
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Texp_object (s, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_object";
+      class_structure i ppf s
+  | Texp_pack me ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_pack";
+      module_expr i ppf me
+  | Texp_letop {let_; ands; param = _; body; partial } ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_letop%a"
+        fmt_partiality partial;
+      binding_op (i+1) ppf let_;
+      list (i+1) binding_op ppf ands;
+      case i ppf body
+  | Texp_unreachable ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_unreachable"
+  | Texp_extension_constructor (li, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_extension_constructor %a" fmt_longident li
+  | Texp_open (o, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Texp_open %a\n"
+        fmt_override_flag o.open_override;
+      module_expr i ppf o.open_expr;
+      attributes i ppf o.open_attributes;
+      expression i ppf e;
+and value_description i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "value_description %a %a\n" fmt_ident x.val_id fmt_location
+       x.val_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.val_attributes;
+  core_type (i+1) ppf x.val_desc;
+  list (i+1) string ppf x.val_prim;
+and binding_op i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "binding_op %a %a\n" fmt_path x.bop_op_path
+    fmt_location x.bop_loc;
+  expression i ppf x.bop_exp
+and function_param i ppf x =
+  let p = x.fp_arg_label in
+  arg_label i ppf p;
+  match x.fp_kind with
+  | Tparam_pat pat ->
+      line i ppf "Param_pat%a\n"
+        fmt_partiality x.fp_partial;
+      pattern (i+1) ppf pat
+  | Tparam_optional_default (pat, expr) ->
+      line i ppf "Param_optional_default%a\n"
+        fmt_partiality x.fp_partial;
+      pattern (i+1) ppf pat;
+      expression (i+1) ppf expr
+and type_parameter i ppf (x, _variance) = core_type i ppf x
+and type_declaration i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "type_declaration %a %a\n" fmt_ident x.typ_id fmt_location
+       x.typ_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.typ_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "ptype_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.typ_params;
+  line i ppf "ptype_cstrs =\n";
+  list (i+1) core_type_x_core_type_x_location ppf x.typ_cstrs;
+  line i ppf "ptype_kind =\n";
+  type_kind (i+1) ppf x.typ_kind;
+  line i ppf "ptype_private = %a\n" fmt_private_flag x.typ_private;
+  line i ppf "ptype_manifest =\n";
+  option (i+1) core_type ppf x.typ_manifest;
+and type_kind i ppf x =
+  match x with
+  | Ttype_abstract ->
+      line i ppf "Ttype_abstract\n"
+  | Ttype_variant l ->
+      line i ppf "Ttype_variant\n";
+      list (i+1) constructor_decl ppf l;
+  | Ttype_record l ->
+      line i ppf "Ttype_record\n";
+      list (i+1) label_decl ppf l;
+  | Ttype_open ->
+      line i ppf "Ttype_open\n"
+and type_extension i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "type_extension\n";
+  attributes i ppf x.tyext_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "ptyext_path = %a\n" fmt_path x.tyext_path;
+  line i ppf "ptyext_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.tyext_params;
+  line i ppf "ptyext_constructors =\n";
+  list (i+1) extension_constructor ppf x.tyext_constructors;
+  line i ppf "ptyext_private = %a\n" fmt_private_flag x.tyext_private;
+and type_exception i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "type_exception\n";
+  attributes i ppf x.tyexn_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "ptyext_constructor =\n";
+  let i = i+1 in
+  extension_constructor i ppf x.tyexn_constructor
+and extension_constructor i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "extension_constructor %a\n" fmt_location x.ext_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.ext_attributes;
+  let i = i + 1 in
+  line i ppf "pext_name = \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident x.ext_id;
+  line i ppf "pext_kind =\n";
+  extension_constructor_kind (i + 1) ppf x.ext_kind;
+and extension_constructor_kind i ppf x =
+  match x with
+      Text_decl(v, a, r) ->
+        line i ppf "Text_decl\n";
+        if v <> [] then line (i+1) ppf "vars%a\n" typevars v;
+        constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf a;
+        option (i+1) core_type ppf r;
+    | Text_rebind(p, _) ->
+        line i ppf "Text_rebind\n";
+        line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_path p;
+and class_type i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_type %a\n" fmt_location x.cltyp_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.cltyp_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.cltyp_desc with
+  | Tcty_constr (li, _, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcty_constr %a\n" fmt_path li;
+      list i core_type ppf l;
+  | Tcty_signature (cs) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcty_signature\n";
+      class_signature i ppf cs;
+  | Tcty_arrow (l, co, cl) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcty_arrow\n";
+      arg_label i ppf l;
+      core_type i ppf co;
+      class_type i ppf cl;
+  | Tcty_open (o, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcty_open %a %a\n"
+        fmt_override_flag o.open_override
+        fmt_path (fst o.open_expr);
+      class_type i ppf e
+and class_signature i ppf { csig_self = ct; csig_fields = l } =
+  line i ppf "class_signature\n";
+  core_type (i+1) ppf ct;
+  list (i+1) class_type_field ppf l;
+and class_type_field i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_type_field %a\n" fmt_location x.ctf_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  attributes i ppf x.ctf_attributes;
+  match x.ctf_desc with
+  | Tctf_inherit (ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Tctf_inherit\n";
+      class_type i ppf ct;
+  | Tctf_val (s, mf, vf, ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Tctf_val \"%s\" %a %a\n" s fmt_mutable_flag mf
+           fmt_virtual_flag vf;
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct;
+  | Tctf_method (s, pf, vf, ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Tctf_method \"%s\" %a %a\n" s fmt_private_flag pf
+           fmt_virtual_flag vf;
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct;
+  | Tctf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
+      line i ppf "Tctf_constraint\n";
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct1;
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct2;
+  | Tctf_attribute a ->
+      attribute i ppf "Tctf_attribute" a
+and class_description i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_description %a\n" fmt_location x.ci_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.ci_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "pci_virt = %a\n" fmt_virtual_flag x.ci_virt;
+  line i ppf "pci_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.ci_params;
+  line i ppf "pci_name = \"%s\"\n" x.ci_id_name.txt;
+  line i ppf "pci_expr =\n";
+  class_type (i+1) ppf x.ci_expr;
+and class_type_declaration i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_type_declaration %a\n" fmt_location x.ci_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "pci_virt = %a\n" fmt_virtual_flag x.ci_virt;
+  line i ppf "pci_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.ci_params;
+  line i ppf "pci_name = \"%s\"\n" x.ci_id_name.txt;
+  line i ppf "pci_expr =\n";
+  class_type (i+1) ppf x.ci_expr;
+and class_expr i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.cl_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.cl_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.cl_desc with
+  | Tcl_ident (li, _, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcl_ident %a\n" fmt_path li;
+      list i core_type ppf l;
+  | Tcl_structure (cs) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcl_structure\n";
+      class_structure i ppf cs;
+  | Tcl_fun (l, p, _, ce, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcl_fun\n";
+      arg_label i ppf l;
+      pattern i ppf p;
+      class_expr i ppf ce
+  | Tcl_apply (ce, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcl_apply\n";
+      class_expr i ppf ce;
+      list i label_x_expression ppf l;
+  | Tcl_let (rf, l1, l2, ce) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcl_let %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i (value_binding rf) ppf l1;
+      list i ident_x_expression_def ppf l2;
+      class_expr i ppf ce;
+  | Tcl_constraint (ce, Some ct, _, _, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcl_constraint\n";
+      class_expr i ppf ce;
+      class_type i ppf ct
+  | Tcl_constraint (ce, None, _, _, _) -> class_expr i ppf ce
+  | Tcl_open (o, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcl_open %a %a\n"
+        fmt_override_flag o.open_override
+        fmt_path (fst o.open_expr);
+      class_expr i ppf e
+and class_structure i ppf { cstr_self = p; cstr_fields = l } =
+  line i ppf "class_structure\n";
+  pattern (i+1) ppf p;
+  list (i+1) class_field ppf l;
+and class_field i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_field %a\n" fmt_location x.cf_loc;
+  let i = i + 1 in
+  attributes i ppf x.cf_attributes;
+  match x.cf_desc with
+  | Tcf_inherit (ovf, ce, so, _, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcf_inherit %a\n" fmt_override_flag ovf;
+      class_expr (i+1) ppf ce;
+      option (i+1) string ppf so;
+  | Tcf_val (s, mf, _, k, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcf_val \"%s\" %a\n" s.txt fmt_mutable_flag mf;
+      class_field_kind (i+1) ppf k
+  | Tcf_method (s, pf, k) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcf_method \"%s\" %a\n" s.txt fmt_private_flag pf;
+      class_field_kind (i+1) ppf k
+  | Tcf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcf_constraint\n";
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct1;
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct2;
+  | Tcf_initializer (e) ->
+      line i ppf "Tcf_initializer\n";
+      expression (i+1) ppf e;
+  | Tcf_attribute a ->
+      attribute i ppf "Tcf_attribute" a
+and class_field_kind i ppf = function
+  | Tcfk_concrete (o, e) ->
+      line i ppf "Concrete %a\n" fmt_override_flag o;
+      expression i ppf e
+  | Tcfk_virtual t ->
+      line i ppf "Virtual\n";
+      core_type i ppf t
+and class_declaration i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "class_declaration %a\n" fmt_location x.ci_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  line i ppf "pci_virt = %a\n" fmt_virtual_flag x.ci_virt;
+  line i ppf "pci_params =\n";
+  list (i+1) type_parameter ppf x.ci_params;
+  line i ppf "pci_name = \"%s\"\n" x.ci_id_name.txt;
+  line i ppf "pci_expr =\n";
+  class_expr (i+1) ppf x.ci_expr;
+and module_type i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "module_type %a\n" fmt_location x.mty_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.mty_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.mty_desc with
+  | Tmty_ident (li,_) -> line i ppf "Tmty_ident %a\n" fmt_path li;
+  | Tmty_alias (li,_) -> line i ppf "Tmty_alias %a\n" fmt_path li;
+  | Tmty_signature (s) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmty_signature\n";
+      signature i ppf s;
+  | Tmty_functor (Unit, mt2) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmty_functor ()\n";
+      module_type i ppf mt2;
+  | Tmty_functor (Named (s, _, mt1), mt2) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmty_functor \"%a\"\n" fmt_modname s;
+      module_type i ppf mt1;
+      module_type i ppf mt2;
+  | Tmty_with (mt, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmty_with\n";
+      module_type i ppf mt;
+      list i longident_x_with_constraint ppf l;
+  | Tmty_typeof m ->
+      line i ppf "Tmty_typeof\n";
+      module_expr i ppf m;
+and signature i ppf x = list i signature_item ppf x.sig_items
+and signature_item i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "signature_item %a\n" fmt_location x.sig_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.sig_desc with
+  | Tsig_value vd ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_value\n";
+      value_description i ppf vd;
+  | Tsig_type (rf, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_type %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i type_declaration ppf l;
+  | Tsig_typesubst l ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_typesubst\n";
+      list i type_declaration ppf l;
+  | Tsig_typext e ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_typext\n";
+      type_extension i ppf e;
+  | Tsig_exception ext ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_exception\n";
+      type_exception i ppf ext
+  | Tsig_module md ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_module \"%a\"\n" fmt_modname md.md_id;
+      attributes i ppf md.md_attributes;
+      module_type i ppf md.md_type
+  | Tsig_modsubst ms ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_modsubst \"%a\" = %a\n"
+        fmt_ident ms.ms_id fmt_path ms.ms_manifest;
+      attributes i ppf ms.ms_attributes;
+  | Tsig_recmodule decls ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_recmodule\n";
+      list i module_declaration ppf decls;
+  | Tsig_modtype x ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_modtype \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident x.mtd_id;
+      attributes i ppf x.mtd_attributes;
+      modtype_declaration i ppf x.mtd_type
+  | Tsig_modtypesubst x ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_modtypesubst \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident x.mtd_id;
+      attributes i ppf x.mtd_attributes;
+      modtype_declaration i ppf x.mtd_type
+  | Tsig_open od ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_open %a %a\n"
+        fmt_override_flag od.open_override
+        fmt_path (fst od.open_expr);
+      attributes i ppf od.open_attributes
+  | Tsig_include incl ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_include\n";
+      attributes i ppf incl.incl_attributes;
+      module_type i ppf incl.incl_mod
+  | Tsig_class (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_class\n";
+      list i class_description ppf l;
+  | Tsig_class_type (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tsig_class_type\n";
+      list i class_type_declaration ppf l;
+  | Tsig_attribute a ->
+      attribute i ppf "Tsig_attribute" a
+and module_declaration i ppf md =
+  line i ppf "%a" fmt_modname md.md_id;
+  attributes i ppf md.md_attributes;
+  module_type (i+1) ppf md.md_type;
+and module_binding i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_modname x.mb_id;
+  attributes i ppf x.mb_attributes;
+  module_expr (i+1) ppf x.mb_expr
+and modtype_declaration i ppf = function
+  | None -> line i ppf "#abstract"
+  | Some mt -> module_type (i + 1) ppf mt
+and with_constraint i ppf x =
+  match x with
+  | Twith_type (td) ->
+      line i ppf "Twith_type\n";
+      type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+  | Twith_typesubst (td) ->
+      line i ppf "Twith_typesubst\n";
+      type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+  | Twith_module (li,_) -> line i ppf "Twith_module %a\n" fmt_path li;
+  | Twith_modsubst (li,_) -> line i ppf "Twith_modsubst %a\n" fmt_path li;
+  | Twith_modtype mty ->
+      line i ppf "Twith_modtype\n";
+      module_type (i+1) ppf mty
+  | Twith_modtypesubst mty ->
+      line i ppf "Twith_modtype\n";
+      module_type (i+1) ppf mty
+and module_expr i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "module_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.mod_loc;
+  attributes i ppf x.mod_attributes;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.mod_desc with
+  | Tmod_ident (li,_) -> line i ppf "Tmod_ident %a\n" fmt_path li;
+  | Tmod_structure (s) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmod_structure\n";
+      structure i ppf s;
+  | Tmod_functor (Unit, me) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmod_functor ()\n";
+      module_expr i ppf me;
+  | Tmod_functor (Named (s, _, mt), me) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmod_functor \"%a\"\n" fmt_modname s;
+      module_type i ppf mt;
+      module_expr i ppf me;
+  | Tmod_apply (me1, me2, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmod_apply\n";
+      module_expr i ppf me1;
+      module_expr i ppf me2;
+  | Tmod_apply_unit me1 ->
+      line i ppf "Tmod_apply_unit\n";
+      module_expr i ppf me1;
+  | Tmod_constraint (me, _, Tmodtype_explicit mt, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmod_constraint\n";
+      module_expr i ppf me;
+      module_type i ppf mt;
+  | Tmod_constraint (me, _, Tmodtype_implicit, _) -> module_expr i ppf me
+  | Tmod_unpack (e, _) ->
+      line i ppf "Tmod_unpack\n";
+      expression i ppf e;
+and structure i ppf x = list i structure_item ppf x.str_items
+and structure_item i ppf x =
+  line i ppf "structure_item %a\n" fmt_location x.str_loc;
+  let i = i+1 in
+  match x.str_desc with
+  | Tstr_eval (e, attrs) ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_eval\n";
+      attributes i ppf attrs;
+      expression i ppf e;
+  | Tstr_value (rf, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_value %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i (value_binding rf) ppf l;
+  | Tstr_primitive vd ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_primitive\n";
+      value_description i ppf vd;
+  | Tstr_type (rf, l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_type %a\n" fmt_rec_flag rf;
+      list i type_declaration ppf l;
+  | Tstr_typext te ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_typext\n";
+      type_extension i ppf te
+  | Tstr_exception ext ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_exception\n";
+      type_exception i ppf ext;
+  | Tstr_module x ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_module\n";
+      module_binding i ppf x
+  | Tstr_recmodule bindings ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_recmodule\n";
+      list i module_binding ppf bindings
+  | Tstr_modtype x ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_modtype \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident x.mtd_id;
+      attributes i ppf x.mtd_attributes;
+      modtype_declaration i ppf x.mtd_type
+  | Tstr_open od ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_open %a\n"
+        fmt_override_flag od.open_override;
+      module_expr i ppf od.open_expr;
+      attributes i ppf od.open_attributes
+  | Tstr_class (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_class\n";
+      list i class_declaration ppf (List.map (fun (cl, _) -> cl) l);
+  | Tstr_class_type (l) ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_class_type\n";
+      list i class_type_declaration ppf (List.map (fun (_, _, cl) -> cl) l);
+  | Tstr_include incl ->
+      line i ppf "Tstr_include";
+      attributes i ppf incl.incl_attributes;
+      module_expr i ppf incl.incl_mod;
+  | Tstr_attribute a ->
+      attribute i ppf "Tstr_attribute" a
+and longident_x_with_constraint i ppf (li, _, wc) =
+  line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_path li;
+  with_constraint (i+1) ppf wc;
+and core_type_x_core_type_x_location i ppf (ct1, ct2, l) =
+  line i ppf "<constraint> %a\n" fmt_location l;
+  core_type (i+1) ppf ct1;
+  core_type (i+1) ppf ct2;
+and constructor_decl i ppf {cd_id; cd_name = _; cd_vars;
+                            cd_args; cd_res; cd_loc; cd_attributes} =
+  line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location cd_loc;
+  line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_ident cd_id;
+  if cd_vars <> [] then line (i+1) ppf "cd_vars =%a\n" typevars cd_vars;
+  attributes i ppf cd_attributes;
+  constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf cd_args;
+  option (i+1) core_type ppf cd_res
+and constructor_arguments i ppf = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> list i core_type ppf l
+  | Cstr_record l -> list i label_decl ppf l
+and label_decl i ppf {ld_id; ld_name = _; ld_mutable; ld_type; ld_loc;
+                      ld_attributes} =
+  line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location ld_loc;
+  attributes i ppf ld_attributes;
+  line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_mutable_flag ld_mutable;
+  line (i+1) ppf "%a" fmt_ident ld_id;
+  core_type (i+1) ppf ld_type
+and longident_x_pattern i ppf (li, _, p) =
+  line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident li;
+  pattern (i+1) ppf p;
+and case
+    : type k . _ -> _ -> k case -> unit
+  = fun i ppf {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} ->
+  line i ppf "<case>\n";
+  pattern (i+1) ppf c_lhs;
+  begin match c_guard with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some g -> line (i+1) ppf "<when>\n"; expression (i + 2) ppf g
+  end;
+  expression (i+1) ppf c_rhs;
+and value_binding rec_flag i ppf x =
+  begin match rec_flag, x.vb_rec_kind with
+  | Nonrecursive, _ -> line i ppf "<def>\n"
+  | Recursive, Static -> line i ppf "<def_rec>\n"
+  | Recursive, Dynamic -> line i ppf "<def_rec_dynamic>\n"
+  end;
+  attributes (i+1) ppf x.vb_attributes;
+  pattern (i+1) ppf x.vb_pat;
+  expression (i+1) ppf x.vb_expr
+and string_x_expression i ppf (s, _, e) =
+  line i ppf "<override> \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident s;
+  expression (i+1) ppf e;
+and record_field i ppf = function
+  | _, Overridden (li, e) ->
+      line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident li;
+      expression (i+1) ppf e;
+  | _, Kept _ ->
+      line i ppf "<kept>"
+and label_x_expression i ppf (l, e) =
+  line i ppf "<arg>\n";
+  arg_label (i+1) ppf l;
+  (match e with None -> () | Some e -> expression (i+1) ppf e)
+and ident_x_expression_def i ppf (l, e) =
+  line i ppf "<def> \"%a\"\n" fmt_ident l;
+  expression (i+1) ppf e;
+and label_x_bool_x_core_type_list i ppf x =
+  match x.rf_desc with
+  | Ttag (l, b, ctl) ->
+      line i ppf "Ttag \"%s\" %s\n" l.txt (string_of_bool b);
+      attributes (i+1) ppf x.rf_attributes;
+      list (i+1) core_type ppf ctl
+  | Tinherit (ct) ->
+      line i ppf "Tinherit\n";
+      core_type (i+1) ppf ct
+let interface ppf x = list 0 signature_item ppf x.sig_items
+let implementation ppf x = list 0 structure_item ppf x.str_items
+let implementation_with_coercion ppf Typedtree.{structure; _} =
+  implementation ppf structure
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyped.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyped.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43539ead9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/printtyped.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*              Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Typedtree
+open Format
+val interface : formatter -> signature -> unit
+val implementation : formatter -> structure -> unit
+val implementation_with_coercion :
+  formatter -> Typedtree.implementation -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/rawprinttyp.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/rawprinttyp.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00d94fc24f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/rawprinttyp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Jacques Garrigue, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2003 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Print a raw type expression, with sharing *)
+open Format
+open Types
+open Asttypes
+let longident = Pprintast.longident
+let raw_list pr ppf = function
+    [] -> fprintf ppf "[]"
+  | a :: l ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a%t]@]" pr a
+        (fun ppf -> List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf ";@,%a" pr x) l)
+let kind_vars = ref []
+let kind_count = ref 0
+let string_of_field_kind v =
+  match field_kind_repr v with
+  | Fpublic -> "Fpublic"
+  | Fabsent -> "Fabsent"
+  | Fprivate -> "Fprivate"
+let rec safe_repr v t =
+  match Transient_expr.coerce t with
+    {desc = Tlink t} when not (List.memq t v) ->
+      safe_repr (t::v) t
+  | t' -> t'
+let rec list_of_memo = function
+    Mnil -> []
+  | Mcons (_priv, p, _t1, _t2, rem) -> p :: list_of_memo rem
+  | Mlink rem -> list_of_memo !rem
+let print_name ppf = function
+    None -> fprintf ppf "None"
+  | Some name -> fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" name
+let path = Format_doc.compat Path.print
+let visited = ref []
+let rec raw_type ppf ty =
+  let ty = safe_repr [] ty in
+  if List.memq ty !visited then fprintf ppf "{id=%d}" ty.id else begin
+    visited := ty :: !visited;
+    fprintf ppf "@[<1>{id=%d;level=%d;scope=%d;marks=%x;desc=@,%a}@]"
+      ty.id ty.level
+      (Transient_expr.get_scope ty) (Transient_expr.get_marks ty)
+      raw_type_desc ty.desc
+  end
+and raw_type_list tl = raw_list raw_type tl
+and raw_lid_type_list tl =
+  raw_list (fun ppf (lid, typ) ->
+             fprintf ppf "(@,%a,@,%a)" longident lid raw_type typ)
+    tl
+and raw_type_desc ppf = function
+    Tvar name -> fprintf ppf "Tvar %a" print_name name
+  | Tarrow(l,t1,t2,c) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tarrow(\"%s\",@,%a,@,%a,@,%s)@]"
+        (string_of_label l) raw_type t1 raw_type t2
+        (if is_commu_ok c then "Cok" else "Cunknown")
+  | Ttuple tl ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<1>Ttuple@,%a@]" raw_type_list tl
+  | Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tconstr(@,%a,@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p
+        raw_type_list tl
+        (raw_list path) (list_of_memo !abbrev)
+  | Tobject (t, nm) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tobject(@,%a,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" raw_type t
+        (fun ppf ->
+          match !nm with None -> fprintf ppf " None"
+          | Some(p,tl) ->
+              fprintf ppf "(Some(@,%a,@,%a))" path p raw_type_list tl)
+  | Tfield (f, k, t1, t2) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tfield(@,%s,@,%s,@,%a,@;<0 -1>%a)@]" f
+        (string_of_field_kind k)
+        raw_type t1 raw_type t2
+  | Tnil -> fprintf ppf "Tnil"
+  | Tlink t -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tlink@,%a@]" raw_type t
+  | Tsubst (t, None) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,(%a,None)@]" raw_type t
+  | Tsubst (t, Some t') ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<1>Tsubst@,(%a,@ Some%a)@]" raw_type t raw_type t'
+  | Tunivar name -> fprintf ppf "Tunivar %a" print_name name
+  | Tpoly (t, tl) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpoly(@,%a,@,%a)@]"
+        raw_type t
+        raw_type_list tl
+  | Tvariant row ->
+      let Row {fields; more; name; fixed; closed} = row_repr row in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<hov1>{@[%s@,%a;@]@ @[%s@,%a;@]@ %s%B;@ %s%a;@ @[<1>%s%t@]}@]"
+        "row_fields="
+        (raw_list (fun ppf (l, f) ->
+          fprintf ppf "@[%s,@ %a@]" l raw_field f))
+        fields
+        "row_more=" raw_type more
+        "row_closed=" closed
+        "row_fixed=" raw_row_fixed fixed
+        "row_name="
+        (fun ppf ->
+          match name with None -> fprintf ppf "None"
+          | Some(p,tl) ->
+              fprintf ppf "Some(@,%a,@,%a)" path p raw_type_list tl)
+  | Tpackage (p, fl) ->
+    fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>Tpackage(@,%a,@,%a)@]" path p raw_lid_type_list fl
+and raw_row_fixed ppf = function
+| None -> fprintf ppf "None"
+| Some Types.Fixed_private -> fprintf ppf "Some Fixed_private"
+| Some Types.Rigid -> fprintf ppf "Some Rigid"
+| Some Types.Univar t -> fprintf ppf "Some(Univar(%a))" raw_type t
+| Some Types.Reified p -> fprintf ppf "Some(Reified(%a))" path p
+and raw_field ppf rf =
+  match_row_field
+    ~absent:(fun _ -> fprintf ppf "RFabsent")
+    ~present:(function
+      | None ->
+          fprintf ppf "RFpresent None"
+      | Some t ->
+          fprintf ppf  "@[<1>RFpresent(Some@,%a)@]" raw_type t)
+    ~either:(fun c tl m (_,e) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov1>RFeither(%B,@,%a,@,%B,@,@[<1>ref%t@])@]" c
+        raw_type_list tl m
+        (fun ppf ->
+          match e with None -> fprintf ppf " RFnone"
+          | Some f -> fprintf ppf "@,@[<1>(%a)@]" raw_field f))
+    rf
+let type_expr ppf t =
+  visited := []; kind_vars := []; kind_count := 0;
+  raw_type ppf t;
+  visited := []; kind_vars := []
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/rawprinttyp.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/rawprinttyp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..205bf299e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/rawprinttyp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Jacques Garrigue, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2003 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** This module provides function(s) for printing the internal representation of
+    type expressions. It is targetted at internal use when debbuging the
+    compiler itself. *)
+val type_expr: Format.formatter -> Types.type_expr -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67e6b7a19b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                Ulysse Gérard, Thomas Refis, Tarides                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module Uid = struct
+  type t =
+    | Compilation_unit of string
+    | Item of { comp_unit: string; id: int; from: Unit_info.intf_or_impl }
+    | Internal
+    | Predef of string
+  include Identifiable.Make(struct
+    type nonrec t = t
+    let equal (x : t) y = x = y
+    let compare (x : t) y = compare x y
+    let hash (x : t) = Hashtbl.hash x
+    let pp_intf_or_impl fmt = function
+      | Unit_info.Intf -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "[intf]"
+      | Unit_info.Impl -> ()
+    let print fmt = function
+      | Internal -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "<internal>"
+      | Predef name -> Format.fprintf fmt "<predef:%s>" name
+      | Compilation_unit s -> Format.pp_print_string fmt s
+      | Item { comp_unit; id; from } ->
+          Format.fprintf fmt "%a%s.%d" pp_intf_or_impl from comp_unit id
+    let output oc t =
+      let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
+      print fmt t
+  end)
+  let id = ref (-1)
+  let reinit () = id := (-1)
+  let mk  ~current_unit =
+      let comp_unit, from =
+        let open Unit_info in
+        match current_unit with
+        | None -> "", Impl
+        | Some ui -> modname ui, kind ui
+      in
+      incr id;
+      Item { comp_unit; id = !id; from }
+  let of_compilation_unit_id id =
+    if not (Ident.persistent id) then
+      Misc.fatal_errorf "Types.Uid.of_compilation_unit_id %S" (Ident.name id);
+    Compilation_unit (Ident.name id)
+  let of_predef_id id =
+    if not (Ident.is_predef id) then
+      Misc.fatal_errorf "Types.Uid.of_predef_id %S" (Ident.name id);
+    Predef (Ident.name id)
+  let internal_not_actually_unique = Internal
+  let for_actual_declaration = function
+    | Item _ -> true
+    | _ -> false
+module Sig_component_kind = struct
+  type t =
+    | Value
+    | Type
+    | Constructor
+    | Label
+    | Module
+    | Module_type
+    | Extension_constructor
+    | Class
+    | Class_type
+  let to_string = function
+    | Value -> "value"
+    | Type -> "type"
+    | Constructor -> "constructor"
+    | Label -> "label"
+    | Module -> "module"
+    | Module_type -> "module type"
+    | Extension_constructor -> "extension constructor"
+    | Class -> "class"
+    | Class_type -> "class type"
+  let can_appear_in_types = function
+    | Value
+    | Extension_constructor ->
+        false
+    | Type
+    | Constructor
+    | Label
+    | Module
+    | Module_type
+    | Class
+    | Class_type ->
+        true
+module Item = struct
+  module T = struct
+    type t = string * Sig_component_kind.t
+    let compare = compare
+    let name (name, _) = name
+    let kind (_, kind) = kind
+    let make str ns = str, ns
+    let value id = Ident.name id, Sig_component_kind.Value
+    let type_ id = Ident.name id, Sig_component_kind.Type
+    let constr id = Ident.name id, Sig_component_kind.Constructor
+    let label id = Ident.name id, Sig_component_kind.Label
+    let module_ id = Ident.name id, Sig_component_kind.Module
+    let module_type id = Ident.name id, Sig_component_kind.Module_type
+    let extension_constructor id =
+      Ident.name id, Sig_component_kind.Extension_constructor
+    let class_ id =
+      Ident.name id, Sig_component_kind.Class
+    let class_type id =
+      Ident.name id, Sig_component_kind.Class_type
+    let print fmt (name, ns) =
+      Format.fprintf fmt "%S[%s]"
+        name
+        (Sig_component_kind.to_string ns)
+  end
+  include T
+  module Map = Map.Make(T)
+type var = Ident.t
+type t = { uid: Uid.t option; desc: desc; approximated: bool }
+and desc =
+  | Var of var
+  | Abs of var * t
+  | App of t * t
+  | Struct of t Item.Map.t
+  | Alias of t
+  | Leaf
+  | Proj of t * Item.t
+  | Comp_unit of string
+  | Error of string
+let print fmt t =
+  let print_uid_opt =
+    Format.pp_print_option (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "<%a>" Uid.print)
+  in
+  let rec aux fmt { uid; desc } =
+    match desc with
+    | Var id ->
+        Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a" (Ident.name id) print_uid_opt uid
+    | Abs (id, t) ->
+        let rec collect_idents = function
+          | { uid = None; desc = Abs(id, t) } ->
+            let (ids, body) = collect_idents t in
+            id :: ids, body
+          | body ->
+            ([], body)
+        in
+        let (other_idents, body) = collect_idents t in
+        let pp_idents fmt idents =
+          let idents_names = List.map Ident.name idents in
+          let pp_sep fmt () = Format.fprintf fmt ",@ " in
+          Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep Format.pp_print_string fmt idents_names
+        in
+        Format.fprintf fmt "Abs@[%a@,(@[%a,@ @[%a@]@])@]"
+          print_uid_opt uid pp_idents (id :: other_idents) aux body
+    | App (t1, t2) ->
+        Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a(@,%a)%a@]" aux t1 aux t2
+          print_uid_opt uid
+    | Leaf ->
+        Format.fprintf fmt "<%a>" (Format.pp_print_option Uid.print) uid
+    | Proj (t, item) ->
+        begin match uid with
+        | None ->
+            Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@ .@ %a@]"
+              aux t
+              Item.print item
+        | Some uid ->
+            Format.fprintf fmt "@[(%a@ .@ %a)<%a>@]"
+              aux t
+              Item.print item
+              Uid.print uid
+        end
+    | Comp_unit name -> Format.fprintf fmt "CU %s" name
+    | Struct map ->
+        let print_map fmt =
+          Item.Map.iter (fun item t ->
+              Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a ->@ %a;@]@,"
+                Item.print item
+                aux t
+            )
+        in
+        if Item.Map.is_empty map then
+          Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>{%a}@]" print_uid_opt uid
+        else
+          Format.fprintf fmt "{@[<v>%a@,%a@]}" print_uid_opt uid print_map map
+    | Alias t ->
+        Format.fprintf fmt "Alias@[(@[<v>%a@,%a@])@]" print_uid_opt uid aux t
+    | Error s ->
+        Format.fprintf fmt "Error %s" s
+  in
+  if t.approximated then
+    Format.fprintf fmt "@[(approx)@ %a@]@;" aux t
+  else
+    Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]@;" aux t
+let rec strip_head_aliases = function
+  | { desc = Alias t; _ } -> strip_head_aliases t
+  | t -> t
+let fresh_var ?(name="shape-var") uid =
+  let var = Ident.create_local name in
+  var, { uid = Some uid; desc = Var var; approximated = false }
+let for_unnamed_functor_param = Ident.create_local "()"
+let var uid id =
+  { uid = Some uid; desc = Var id; approximated = false }
+let abs ?uid var body =
+  { uid; desc = Abs (var, body); approximated = false }
+let str ?uid map =
+  { uid; desc = Struct map; approximated = false }
+let alias ?uid t =
+  { uid; desc = Alias t; approximated = false}
+let leaf uid =
+  { uid = Some uid; desc = Leaf; approximated = false }
+let approx t = { t with approximated = true}
+let proj ?uid t item =
+  match t.desc with
+  | Leaf ->
+      (* When stuck projecting in a leaf we propagate the leaf
+        as a best effort *)
+      approx t
+  | Struct map ->
+      begin try Item.Map.find item map
+      with Not_found -> approx t (* ill-typed program *)
+      end
+  | _ ->
+     { uid; desc = Proj (t, item); approximated = false }
+let app ?uid f ~arg =
+  { uid; desc = App (f, arg); approximated = false }
+let decompose_abs t =
+  match t.desc with
+  | Abs (x, t) -> Some (x, t)
+  | _ -> None
+let dummy_mod =
+  { uid = None; desc = Struct Item.Map.empty; approximated = false }
+let of_path ~find_shape ~namespace path =
+  (* We need to handle the following cases:
+    Path of constructor:
+      M.t.C
+    Path of label:
+      M.t.lbl
+    Path of label of inline record:
+      M.t.C.lbl *)
+  let rec aux : Sig_component_kind.t -> Path.t -> t = fun ns -> function
+    | Pident id -> find_shape ns id
+    | Pdot (path, name) ->
+        let namespace :  Sig_component_kind.t =
+          match (ns : Sig_component_kind.t) with
+          | Constructor -> Type
+          | Label -> Type
+          | _ -> Module
+        in
+        proj (aux namespace path) (name, ns)
+    | Papply (p1, p2) -> app (aux Module p1) ~arg:(aux Module p2)
+    | Pextra_ty (path, extra) -> begin
+        match extra with
+          Pcstr_ty name -> proj (aux Type path) (name, Constructor)
+        | Pext_ty -> aux Extension_constructor path
+      end
+  in
+  aux namespace path
+let for_persistent_unit s =
+  { uid = Some (Uid.of_compilation_unit_id (Ident.create_persistent s));
+    desc = Comp_unit s; approximated = false }
+let leaf_for_unpack = { uid = None; desc = Leaf; approximated = false }
+let set_uid_if_none t uid =
+  match t.uid with
+  | None -> { t with uid = Some uid }
+  | _ -> t
+module Map = struct
+  type shape = t
+  type nonrec t = t Item.Map.t
+  let empty = Item.Map.empty
+  let add t item shape = Item.Map.add item shape t
+  let add_value t id uid = Item.Map.add (Item.value id) (leaf uid) t
+  let add_value_proj t id shape =
+    let item = Item.value id in
+    Item.Map.add item (proj shape item) t
+  let add_type t id shape = Item.Map.add (Item.type_ id) shape t
+  let add_type_proj t id shape =
+    let item = Item.type_ id in
+    Item.Map.add item (proj shape item) t
+  let add_constr t id shape = Item.Map.add (Item.constr id) shape t
+  let add_constr_proj t id shape =
+    let item = Item.constr id in
+    Item.Map.add item (proj shape item) t
+  let add_label t id uid = Item.Map.add (Item.label id) (leaf uid) t
+  let add_label_proj t id shape =
+    let item = Item.label id in
+    Item.Map.add item (proj shape item) t
+  let add_module t id shape = Item.Map.add (Item.module_ id) shape t
+  let add_module_proj t id shape =
+    let item = Item.module_ id in
+    Item.Map.add item (proj shape item) t
+  let add_module_type t id uid =
+    Item.Map.add (Item.module_type id) (leaf uid) t
+  let add_module_type_proj t id shape =
+    let item = Item.module_type id in
+    Item.Map.add item (proj shape item) t
+  let add_extcons t id shape =
+    Item.Map.add (Item.extension_constructor id) shape t
+  let add_extcons_proj t id shape =
+    let item = Item.extension_constructor id in
+    Item.Map.add item (proj shape item) t
+  let add_class t id uid = Item.Map.add (Item.class_ id) (leaf uid) t
+  let add_class_proj t id shape =
+    let item = Item.class_ id in
+    Item.Map.add item (proj shape item) t
+  let add_class_type t id uid = Item.Map.add (Item.class_type id) (leaf uid) t
+  let add_class_type_proj t id shape =
+    let item = Item.class_type id in
+    Item.Map.add item (proj shape item) t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8da909fb76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                Ulysse Gérard, Thomas Refis, Tarides                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Shapes are an abstract representation of modules' implementations which
+    allow the tracking of definitions through functor applications and other
+    module-level operations.
+    The Shape of a compilation unit is elaborated during typing, partially
+    reduced (without loading external shapes) and written to the [cmt] file.
+    External tools can retrieve the definition of any value (or type, or module,
+    etc) by following this procedure:
+    - Build the Shape corresponding to the value's path:
+      [let shape = Env.shape_of_path ~namespace env path]
+    - Instantiate the [Shape_reduce.Make] functor with a way to load shapes from
+      external units and to looks for shapes in the environment (usually using
+      [Env.shape_of_path]).
+    - Completely reduce the shape:
+      [let shape = My_reduce.(weak_)reduce env shape]
+    - The [Uid.t] stored in the reduced shape should be the one of the
+      definition. However, if the [approximate] field of the reduced shape is
+      [true] then the [Uid.t] will not correspond to the definition, but to the
+      closest parent module's uid. This happens when Shape reduction gets stuck,
+      for example when hitting first-class modules.
+    - The location of the definition can be easily found with the
+      [cmt_format.cmt_uid_to_decl] table of the corresponding compilation unit.
+  See:
+  - {{:https://icfp22.sigplan.org/details/mlfamilyworkshop-2022-papers/10/Module-Shapes-for-Modern-Tooling}
+    the design document}
+  - {{:https://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Gabriel.Scherer/research/shapes/2022-ml-workshop-shapes-talk.pdf}
+    a talk about the reduction strategy
+(** A [Uid.t] is associated to every declaration in signatures and
+    implementations. They uniquely identify bindings in the program. When
+    associated with these bindings' locations they are useful to external tools
+    when trying to jump to an identifier's declaration or definition. They are
+    stored to that effect in the [uid_to_decl] table of cmt files. *)
+module Uid : sig
+  type t = private
+    | Compilation_unit of string
+    | Item of { comp_unit: string; id: int; from: Unit_info.intf_or_impl }
+    | Internal
+    | Predef of string
+  val reinit : unit -> unit
+  val mk : current_unit:(Unit_info.t option) -> t
+  val of_compilation_unit_id : Ident.t -> t
+  val of_predef_id : Ident.t -> t
+  val internal_not_actually_unique : t
+  val for_actual_declaration : t -> bool
+  include Identifiable.S with type t := t
+module Sig_component_kind : sig
+  type t =
+    | Value
+    | Type
+    | Constructor
+    | Label
+    | Module
+    | Module_type
+    | Extension_constructor
+    | Class
+    | Class_type
+  val to_string : t -> string
+  (** Whether the name of a component of that kind can appear in a type. *)
+  val can_appear_in_types : t -> bool
+(** Shape's items are elements of a structure or, in the case of constructors
+  and labels, elements of a record or variants definition seen as a structure.
+  These structures model module components and nested types' constructors and
+  labels. *)
+module Item : sig
+  type t = string * Sig_component_kind.t
+  val name : t -> string
+  val kind : t -> Sig_component_kind.t
+  val make : string -> Sig_component_kind.t -> t
+  val value : Ident.t -> t
+  val type_ : Ident.t -> t
+  val constr : Ident.t -> t
+  val label : Ident.t -> t
+  val module_ : Ident.t -> t
+  val module_type : Ident.t -> t
+  val extension_constructor : Ident.t -> t
+  val class_ : Ident.t -> t
+  val class_type : Ident.t -> t
+  val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+  module Map : Map.S with type key = t
+type var = Ident.t
+type t = { uid: Uid.t option; desc: desc; approximated: bool }
+and desc =
+  | Var of var
+  | Abs of var * t
+  | App of t * t
+  | Struct of t Item.Map.t
+  | Alias of t
+  | Leaf
+  | Proj of t * Item.t
+  | Comp_unit of string
+  | Error of string
+val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+val strip_head_aliases : t -> t
+(* Smart constructors *)
+val for_unnamed_functor_param : var
+val fresh_var : ?name:string -> Uid.t -> var * t
+val var : Uid.t -> Ident.t -> t
+val abs : ?uid:Uid.t -> var -> t -> t
+val app : ?uid:Uid.t -> t -> arg:t -> t
+val str : ?uid:Uid.t -> t Item.Map.t -> t
+val alias : ?uid:Uid.t -> t -> t
+val proj : ?uid:Uid.t -> t -> Item.t -> t
+val leaf : Uid.t -> t
+val decompose_abs : t -> (var * t) option
+val for_persistent_unit : string -> t
+val leaf_for_unpack : t
+module Map : sig
+  type shape = t
+  type nonrec t = t Item.Map.t
+  val empty : t
+  val add : t -> Item.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_value : t -> Ident.t -> Uid.t -> t
+  val add_value_proj : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_type : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_type_proj : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_constr : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_constr_proj : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_label : t -> Ident.t -> Uid.t -> t
+  val add_label_proj : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_module : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_module_proj : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_module_type : t -> Ident.t -> Uid.t -> t
+  val add_module_type_proj : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_extcons : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_extcons_proj : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_class : t -> Ident.t -> Uid.t -> t
+  val add_class_proj : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+  val add_class_type : t -> Ident.t -> Uid.t -> t
+  val add_class_type_proj : t -> Ident.t -> shape -> t
+val dummy_mod : t
+(** This function returns the shape corresponding to a given path. It requires a
+    callback to find shapes in the environment. It is generally more useful to
+    rely directly on the [Env.shape_of_path] function to get the shape
+    associated with a given path. *)
+val of_path :
+  find_shape:(Sig_component_kind.t -> Ident.t -> t) ->
+  namespace:Sig_component_kind.t -> Path.t -> t
+val set_uid_if_none : t -> Uid.t -> t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape_reduce.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape_reduce.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f793e7b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape_reduce.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                 Ulysse Gérard, Thomas Refis, Tarides                   *)
+(*                    Nathanaëlle Courant, OCamlPro                       *)
+(*              Gabriel Scherer, projet Picube, INRIA Paris               *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Shape
+type result =
+  | Resolved of Uid.t
+  | Resolved_alias of Uid.t * result
+  | Unresolved of t
+  | Approximated of Uid.t option
+  | Internal_error_missing_uid
+let rec print_result fmt result =
+  match result with
+  | Resolved uid ->
+      Format.fprintf fmt "@[Resolved: %a@]@;" Uid.print uid
+  | Resolved_alias (uid, r) ->
+      Format.fprintf fmt "@[Alias: %a -> %a@]@;"
+        Uid.print uid print_result r
+  | Unresolved shape ->
+      Format.fprintf fmt "@[Unresolved: %a@]@;" print shape
+  | Approximated (Some uid) ->
+      Format.fprintf fmt "@[Approximated: %a@]@;" Uid.print uid
+  | Approximated None ->
+      Format.fprintf fmt "@[Approximated: No uid@]@;"
+  | Internal_error_missing_uid ->
+      Format.fprintf fmt "@[Missing uid@]@;"
+let find_shape env id =
+  let namespace = Shape.Sig_component_kind.Module in
+  Env.shape_of_path ~namespace env (Pident id)
+module Make(Params : sig
+  val fuel : int
+  val read_unit_shape : unit_name:string -> t option
+end) = struct
+  (* We implement a strong call-by-need reduction, following an
+     evaluator from Nathanaelle Courant. *)
+  type nf = { uid: Uid.t option; desc: nf_desc; approximated: bool }
+  and nf_desc =
+    | NVar of var
+    | NApp of nf * nf
+    | NAbs of local_env * var * t * delayed_nf
+    | NStruct of delayed_nf Item.Map.t
+    | NAlias of delayed_nf
+    | NProj of nf * Item.t
+    | NLeaf
+    | NComp_unit of string
+    | NError of string
+  (* A type of normal forms for strong call-by-need evaluation.
+     The normal form of an abstraction
+       Abs(x, t)
+     is a closure
+       NAbs(env, x, t, dnf)
+     when [env] is the local environment, and [dnf] is a delayed
+     normal form of [t].
+     A "delayed normal form" is morally equivalent to (nf Lazy.t), but
+     we use a different representation that is compatible with
+     memoization (lazy values are not hashable/comparable by default
+     comparison functions): we represent a delayed normal form as
+     just a not-yet-computed pair [local_env * t] of a term in a
+     local environment -- we could also see this as a term under
+     an explicit substitution. This delayed thunked is "forced"
+     by calling the normalization function as usual, but duplicate
+     computations are precisely avoided by memoization.
+   *)
+  and delayed_nf = Thunk of local_env * t
+  and local_env = delayed_nf option Ident.Map.t
+  (* When reducing in the body of an abstraction [Abs(x, body)], we
+     bind [x] to [None] in the environment. [Some v] is used for
+     actual substitutions, for example in [App(Abs(x, body), t)], when
+     [v] is a thunk that will evaluate to the normal form of [t]. *)
+  let approx_nf nf = { nf with approximated = true }
+  let in_memo_table memo_table memo_key f arg =
+    match Hashtbl.find memo_table memo_key with
+    | res -> res
+    | exception Not_found ->
+        let res = f arg in
+        Hashtbl.replace memo_table memo_key res;
+        res
+  type env = {
+    fuel: int ref;
+    global_env: Env.t;
+    local_env: local_env;
+    reduce_memo_table: (local_env * t, nf) Hashtbl.t;
+    read_back_memo_table: (nf, t) Hashtbl.t;
+  }
+  let bind env var shape =
+    { env with local_env = Ident.Map.add var shape env.local_env }
+  let rec reduce_ env t =
+    let local_env = env.local_env in
+    let memo_key = (local_env, t) in
+    in_memo_table env.reduce_memo_table memo_key (reduce__ env) t
+  (* Memoization is absolutely essential for performance on this
+     problem, because the normal forms we build can in some real-world
+     cases contain an exponential amount of redundancy. Memoization
+     can avoid the repeated evaluation of identical subterms,
+     providing a large speedup, but even more importantly it
+     implicitly shares the memory of the repeated results, providing
+     much smaller normal forms (that blow up again if printed back
+     as trees). A functor-heavy file from Irmin has its shape normal
+     form decrease from 100Mio to 2.5Mio when memoization is enabled.
+     Note: the local environment is part of the memoization key, while
+     it is defined using a type Ident.Map.t of non-canonical balanced
+     trees: two maps could have exactly the same items, but be
+     balanced differently and therefore hash differently, reducing
+     the effectivenss of memoization.
+     This could in theory happen, say, with the two programs
+       (fun x -> fun y -> ...)
+     and
+       (fun y -> fun x -> ...)
+     having "the same" local environments, with additions done in
+     a different order, giving non-structurally-equal trees. Should we
+     define our own hash functions to provide robust hashing on
+     environments?
+     We believe that the answer is "no": this problem does not occur
+     in practice. We can assume that identifiers are unique on valid
+     typedtree fragments (identifier "stamps" distinguish
+     binding positions); in particular the two program fragments above
+     in fact bind *distinct* identifiers x (with different stamps) and
+     different identifiers y, so the environments are distinct. If two
+     environments are structurally the same, they must correspond to
+     the evaluation evnrionments of two sub-terms that are under
+     exactly the same scope of binders. So the two environments were
+     obtained by the same term traversal, adding binders in the same
+     order, giving the same balanced trees: the environments have the
+     same hash.
+  *)
+  and force env (Thunk (local_env, t)) =
+    reduce_ { env with local_env } t
+  and reduce__
+    ({fuel; global_env; local_env; _} as env) (t : t) =
+    let reduce env t = reduce_ env t in
+    let delay_reduce env t = Thunk (env.local_env, t) in
+    let return desc = { uid = t.uid; desc; approximated = t.approximated } in
+    let rec force_aliases nf = match nf.desc with
+      | NAlias delayed_nf ->
+          let nf = force env delayed_nf in
+          force_aliases nf
+      | _ -> nf
+    in
+    let reset_uid_if_new_binding t' =
+      match t.uid with
+      | None -> t'
+      | Some _ as uid -> { t' with uid }
+    in
+    if !fuel < 0 then approx_nf (return (NError "NoFuelLeft"))
+    else
+      match t.desc with
+      | Comp_unit unit_name ->
+          begin match Params.read_unit_shape ~unit_name with
+          | Some t -> reduce env t
+          | None -> return (NComp_unit unit_name)
+          end
+      | App(f, arg) ->
+          let f = reduce env f |> force_aliases in
+          begin match f.desc with
+          | NAbs(clos_env, var, body, _body_nf) ->
+              let arg = delay_reduce env arg in
+              let env = bind { env with local_env = clos_env } var (Some arg) in
+              reduce env body |> reset_uid_if_new_binding
+          | _ ->
+              let arg = reduce env arg in
+              return (NApp(f, arg))
+          end
+      | Proj(str, item) ->
+          let str = reduce env str |> force_aliases in
+          let nored () = return (NProj(str, item)) in
+          begin match str.desc with
+          | NStruct (items) ->
+              begin match Item.Map.find item items with
+              | exception Not_found -> nored ()
+              | nf -> force env nf |> reset_uid_if_new_binding
+              end
+          | _ ->
+              nored ()
+          end
+      | Abs(var, body) ->
+          let body_nf = delay_reduce (bind env var None) body in
+          return (NAbs(local_env, var, body, body_nf))
+      | Var id ->
+          begin match Ident.Map.find id local_env with
+          (* Note: instead of binding abstraction-bound variables to
+             [None], we could unify it with the [Some v] case by
+             binding the bound variable [x] to [NVar x].
+             One reason to distinguish the situations is that we can
+             provide a different [Uid.t] location; for bound
+             variables, we use the [Uid.t] of the bound occurrence
+             (not the binding site), whereas for bound values we use
+             their binding-time [Uid.t]. *)
+          | None -> return (NVar id)
+          | Some def ->
+              begin match force env def with
+              | { uid = Some _; _  } as nf -> nf
+                  (* This var already has a binding uid *)
+              | { uid = None; _ } as nf -> { nf with uid = t.uid }
+                  (* Set the var's binding uid *)
+              end
+          | exception Not_found ->
+          match find_shape global_env id with
+          | exception Not_found -> return (NVar id)
+          | res when res = t -> return (NVar id)
+          | res ->
+              decr fuel;
+              reduce env res
+          end
+      | Leaf -> return NLeaf
+      | Struct m ->
+          let mnf = Item.Map.map (delay_reduce env) m in
+          return (NStruct mnf)
+      | Alias t -> return (NAlias (delay_reduce env t))
+      | Error s -> approx_nf (return (NError s))
+  and read_back env (nf : nf) : t =
+    in_memo_table env.read_back_memo_table nf (read_back_ env) nf
+  (* The [nf] normal form we receive may contain a lot of internal
+     sharing due to the use of memoization in the evaluator. We have
+     to memoize here again, otherwise the sharing is lost by mapping
+     over the term as a tree. *)
+  and read_back_ env (nf : nf) : t =
+    { uid = nf.uid ;
+      desc = read_back_desc env nf.desc;
+      approximated = nf.approximated }
+  and read_back_desc env desc =
+    let read_back nf = read_back env nf in
+    let read_back_force dnf = read_back (force env dnf) in
+    match desc with
+    | NVar v ->
+        Var v
+    | NApp (nft, nfu) ->
+        App(read_back nft, read_back nfu)
+    | NAbs (_env, x, _t, nf) ->
+        Abs(x, read_back_force nf)
+    | NStruct nstr ->
+        Struct (Item.Map.map read_back_force nstr)
+    | NAlias nf -> Alias (read_back_force nf)
+    | NProj (nf, item) ->
+        Proj (read_back nf, item)
+    | NLeaf -> Leaf
+    | NComp_unit s -> Comp_unit s
+    | NError s -> Error s
+  (* Sharing the memo tables is safe at the level of a compilation unit since
+    idents should be unique *)
+  let reduce_memo_table = Local_store.s_table Hashtbl.create 42
+  let read_back_memo_table = Local_store.s_table Hashtbl.create 42
+  let reduce global_env t =
+    let fuel = ref Params.fuel in
+    let local_env = Ident.Map.empty in
+    let env = {
+      fuel;
+      global_env;
+      reduce_memo_table = !reduce_memo_table;
+      read_back_memo_table = !read_back_memo_table;
+      local_env;
+    } in
+    reduce_ env t |> read_back env
+  let rec is_stuck_on_comp_unit (nf : nf) =
+    match nf.desc with
+    | NVar _ ->
+        (* This should not happen if we only reduce closed terms *)
+        false
+    | NApp (nf, _) | NProj (nf, _) -> is_stuck_on_comp_unit nf
+    | NStruct _ | NAbs _ -> false
+    | NAlias _ -> false
+    | NComp_unit _ -> true
+    | NError _ -> false
+    | NLeaf -> false
+  let rec reduce_aliases_for_uid env (nf : nf) =
+    match nf with
+    | { uid = Some uid; desc = NAlias dnf; approximated = false; _ } ->
+        let result = reduce_aliases_for_uid env (force env dnf) in
+        Resolved_alias (uid, result)
+    | { uid = Some uid; approximated = false; _ } -> Resolved uid
+    | { uid; approximated = true } -> Approximated uid
+    | { uid = None; approximated = false; _ } ->
+      (* A missing Uid after a complete reduction means the Uid was first
+         missing in the shape which is a code error. Having the
+         [Missing_uid] reported will allow Merlin (or another tool working
+         with the index) to ask users to report the issue if it does happen.
+      *)
+      Internal_error_missing_uid
+  let reduce_for_uid global_env t =
+    let fuel = ref Params.fuel in
+    let local_env = Ident.Map.empty in
+    let env = {
+      fuel;
+      global_env;
+      reduce_memo_table = !reduce_memo_table;
+      read_back_memo_table = !read_back_memo_table;
+      local_env;
+    } in
+    let nf = reduce_ env t in
+    if is_stuck_on_comp_unit nf then
+      Unresolved (read_back env nf)
+    else
+      reduce_aliases_for_uid env nf
+module Local_reduce =
+  Make(struct
+    let fuel = 10
+    let read_unit_shape ~unit_name:_ = None
+  end)
+let local_reduce = Local_reduce.reduce
+let local_reduce_for_uid = Local_reduce.reduce_for_uid
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape_reduce.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape_reduce.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..307bc7683f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/shape_reduce.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                 Ulysse Gérard, Thomas Refis, Tarides                   *)
+(*                    Nathanaëlle Courant, OCamlPro                       *)
+(*              Gabriel Scherer, projet Picube, INRIA Paris               *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** The result of reducing a shape and looking for its uid *)
+type result =
+  | Resolved of Shape.Uid.t (** Shape reduction succeeded and a uid was found *)
+  | Resolved_alias of Shape.Uid.t * result (** Reduction led to an alias *)
+  | Unresolved of Shape.t (** Result still contains [Comp_unit] terms *)
+  | Approximated of Shape.Uid.t option
+    (** Reduction failed: it can arrive with first-class modules for example *)
+  | Internal_error_missing_uid
+    (** Reduction succeeded but no uid was found, this should never happen *)
+val print_result : Format.formatter -> result -> unit
+(** The [Make] functor is used to generate a reduction function for
+    shapes.
+    It is parametrized by:
+    - a function to load the shape of an external compilation unit
+    - some fuel, which is used to bound recursion when dealing with recursive
+      shapes introduced by recursive modules. (FTR: merlin currently uses a
+      fuel of 10, which seems to be enough for most practical examples)
+    Usage warning: To ensure good performances, every reduction made with the
+    same instance of that functor share the same ident-based memoization tables.
+    Such an instance should only be used to perform reduction inside a unique
+    compilation unit to prevent conflicting entries in these memoization tables.
+module Make(_ : sig
+    val fuel : int
+    val read_unit_shape : unit_name:string -> Shape.t option
+  end) : sig
+  val reduce : Env.t -> Shape.t -> Shape.t
+  (** Perform weak reduction and return the head's uid if any. If reduction was
+    incomplete the partially reduced shape is returned. *)
+  val reduce_for_uid : Env.t -> Shape.t -> result
+(** [local_reduce] will not reduce shapes that require loading external
+  compilation units. *)
+val local_reduce : Env.t -> Shape.t -> Shape.t
+(** [local_reduce_for_uid] will not reduce shapes that require loading external
+  compilation units. *)
+val local_reduce_for_uid : Env.t -> Shape.t -> result
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/signature_group.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/signature_group.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b98a9eb67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/signature_group.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris                        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Fold on a signature by syntactic group of items *)
+(** Classes and class types generate ghosts signature items, we group them
+    together before printing *)
+type sig_item =
+  {
+    src: Types.signature_item;
+    post_ghosts: Types.signature_item list
+    (** ghost classes types are post-declared *);
+  }
+let flatten x = x.src :: x.post_ghosts
+type core_rec_group =
+  | Not_rec of sig_item
+  | Rec_group of sig_item list
+let rec_items = function
+  | Not_rec x -> [x]
+  | Rec_group x -> x
+(** Private row types are manifested as a sequence of definitions
+    preceding a recursive group, we collect them and separate them from the
+    syntactic recursive group. *)
+type rec_group =
+  { pre_ghosts: Types.signature_item list; group:core_rec_group }
+let next_group = function
+  | [] -> None
+  | src :: q ->
+      let ghosts, q =
+        match src with
+        | Types.Sig_class _ ->
+            (* a class declaration for [c] is followed by the ghost
+               declarations of class type [c], and type [c] *)
+            begin match q with
+            | ct::t::q -> [ct;t], q
+            | _ -> assert false
+            end
+        | Types.Sig_class_type _  ->
+            (* a class type declaration for [ct] is followed by the ghost
+               declaration of type [ct] *)
+           begin match q with
+            | t::q -> [t], q
+            | _ -> assert false
+           end
+        | Types.(Sig_module _ | Sig_value _ | Sig_type _ | Sig_typext _
+                | Sig_modtype _) ->
+            [],q
+      in
+      Some({src; post_ghosts=ghosts}, q)
+let recursive_sigitem = function
+  | Types.Sig_type(ident, _, rs, _)
+  | Types.Sig_class(ident,_,rs,_)
+  | Types.Sig_class_type (ident,_,rs,_)
+  | Types.Sig_module(ident, _, _, rs, _) -> Some (ident,rs)
+  | Types.(Sig_value _ | Sig_modtype _ | Sig_typext _ )  -> None
+let next x =
+  let cons_group pre group q =
+    let group = Rec_group (List.rev group) in
+    Some({ pre_ghosts=List.rev pre; group },q)
+  in
+  let rec not_in_group pre l = match next_group l with
+    | None ->
+        assert (pre=[]);
+        None
+    | Some(elt, q)  ->
+        match recursive_sigitem elt.src with
+        | Some (id, _) when Btype.is_row_name (Ident.name id) ->
+            not_in_group (elt.src::pre) q
+        | None | Some (_, Types.Trec_not) ->
+            let sgroup = { pre_ghosts=List.rev pre; group=Not_rec elt } in
+            Some (sgroup,q)
+        | Some (id, Types.(Trec_first | Trec_next) )  ->
+            in_group ~pre ~ids:[id] ~group:[elt] q
+  and in_group ~pre ~ids ~group rem = match next_group rem with
+    | None -> cons_group pre group []
+    | Some (elt,next) ->
+        match recursive_sigitem elt.src with
+        | Some (id, Types.Trec_next) ->
+            in_group ~pre ~ids:(id::ids) ~group:(elt::group) next
+        | None | Some (_, Types.(Trec_not|Trec_first)) ->
+            cons_group pre group rem
+  in
+  not_in_group [] x
+let seq l = Seq.unfold next l
+let iter f l = Seq.iter f (seq l)
+let fold f acc l = Seq.fold_left f acc (seq l)
+let update_rec_next rs rem =
+  match rs with
+  | Types.Trec_next -> rem
+  | Types.(Trec_first | Trec_not) ->
+      match rem with
+      | Types.Sig_type (id, decl, Trec_next, priv) :: rem ->
+          Types.Sig_type (id, decl, rs, priv) :: rem
+      | Types.Sig_module (id, pres, mty, Trec_next, priv) :: rem ->
+          Types.Sig_module (id, pres, mty, rs, priv) :: rem
+      | _ -> rem
+type in_place_patch = {
+  ghosts: Types.signature;
+  replace_by: Types.signature_item option;
+let replace_in_place f sg =
+  let rec next_group f before signature =
+    match next signature with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some(item,sg) ->
+        core_group f ~before ~ghosts:item.pre_ghosts ~before_group:[]
+          (rec_items item.group) ~sg
+  and core_group f ~before ~ghosts ~before_group current ~sg =
+    let commit ghosts = before_group @ List.rev_append ghosts before in
+    match current with
+    | [] -> next_group f (commit ghosts) sg
+    | a :: q ->
+        match f ~ghosts a.src with
+        | Some (info, {ghosts; replace_by}) ->
+            let after = List.concat_map flatten q @ sg in
+            let after = match recursive_sigitem a.src, replace_by with
+              | None, _ | _, Some _ -> after
+              | Some (_,rs), None -> update_rec_next rs after
+            in
+            let before = match replace_by with
+              | None -> commit ghosts
+              | Some x -> x :: commit ghosts
+            in
+            let sg = List.rev_append before after in
+            Some(info, sg)
+        | None ->
+            let before_group =
+              List.rev_append a.post_ghosts (a.src :: before_group)
+            in
+            core_group f ~before ~ghosts ~before_group q ~sg
+  in
+  next_group f [] sg
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/signature_group.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/signature_group.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a84925db3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/signature_group.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris                        *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Iterate on signature by syntactic group of items
+    Classes, class types and private row types adds ghost components to
+    the signature where they are defined.
+    When editing or printing a signature it is therefore important to
+    identify those ghost components.
+    This module provides type grouping together ghost components
+    with the corresponding core item (or recursive group) and
+    the corresponding iterators.
+(** Classes and class types generate ghosts signature items, we group them
+    together before printing *)
+type sig_item =
+  {
+    src: Types.signature_item (** the syntactic item *)
+    post_ghosts: Types.signature_item list
+    (** ghost classes types are post-declared *);
+  }
+(** [flatten sig_item] is [x.src :: x.post_ghosts] *)
+val flatten: sig_item -> Types.signature
+(** A group of mutually recursive definition *)
+type core_rec_group =
+  | Not_rec of sig_item
+  | Rec_group of sig_item list
+(** [rec_items group] is the list of sig_items in the group *)
+val rec_items: core_rec_group -> sig_item list
+(** Private #row types are manifested as a sequence of definitions
+    preceding a recursive group, we collect them and separate them from the
+    syntactic recursive group. *)
+type rec_group =
+  { pre_ghosts: Types.signature_item list; group:core_rec_group }
+(** The sequence [seq signature] iterates over [signature] {!rec_group} by
+    {!rec_group}.
+    The second element of the tuple in the {!full_seq} case is the not-yet
+    traversed part of the signature.
+val next: Types.signature -> (rec_group * Types.signature) option
+val seq: Types.signature -> rec_group Seq.t
+val iter: (rec_group -> unit) -> Types.signature -> unit
+val fold: ('acc -> rec_group -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> Types.signature -> 'acc
+(** Describe how to amend one element of a signature *)
+type in_place_patch = {
+  ghosts: Types.signature; (** updated list of ghost items *)
+  replace_by: Types.signature_item option;
+  (** replacement for the selected item *)
+  [!replace_in_place patch sg] replaces the first element of the signature
+   for which [patch ~ghosts component] returns [Some (value,patch)].
+   The [ghosts] list is the current prefix of ghost components associated to
+   [component]
+val replace_in_place:
+  ( ghosts:Types.signature -> Types.signature_item
+    -> ('a * in_place_patch) option )
+  -> Types.signature -> ('a * Types.signature) option
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/stypes.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/stypes.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..400b2a84b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/stypes.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*           Damien Doligez, projet Moscova, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2003 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Recording and dumping (partial) type information *)
+  We record all types in a list as they are created.
+  This means we can dump type information even if type inference fails,
+  which is extremely important, since type information is most
+  interesting in case of errors.
+open Annot
+open Lexing
+open Location
+open Typedtree
+let output_int oc i = output_string oc (Int.to_string i)
+type annotation =
+  | Ti_pat : 'k pattern_category * 'k general_pattern -> annotation
+  | Ti_expr  of expression
+  | Ti_class of class_expr
+  | Ti_mod   of module_expr
+  | An_call of Location.t * Annot.call
+  | An_ident of Location.t * string * Annot.ident
+let get_location ti =
+  match ti with
+  | Ti_pat (_, p)   -> p.pat_loc
+  | Ti_expr e  -> e.exp_loc
+  | Ti_class c -> c.cl_loc
+  | Ti_mod m   -> m.mod_loc
+  | An_call (l, _k) -> l
+  | An_ident (l, _s, _k) -> l
+let annotations = ref ([] : annotation list)
+let phrases = ref ([] : Location.t list)
+let record ti =
+  if !Clflags.annotations && not (get_location ti).Location.loc_ghost then
+    annotations := ti :: !annotations
+let record_phrase loc =
+  if !Clflags.annotations then phrases := loc :: !phrases
+(* comparison order:
+   the intervals are sorted by order of increasing upper bound
+   same upper bound -> sorted by decreasing lower bound
+let cmp_loc_inner_first loc1 loc2 =
+  match compare loc1.loc_end.pos_cnum loc2.loc_end.pos_cnum with
+  | 0 -> compare loc2.loc_start.pos_cnum loc1.loc_start.pos_cnum
+  | x -> x
+let cmp_ti_inner_first ti1 ti2 =
+  cmp_loc_inner_first (get_location ti1) (get_location ti2)
+let print_position pp pos =
+  if pos = dummy_pos then
+    output_string pp "--"
+  else begin
+    output_char pp '\"';
+    output_string pp (String.escaped pos.pos_fname);
+    output_string pp "\" ";
+    output_int pp pos.pos_lnum;
+    output_char pp ' ';
+    output_int pp pos.pos_bol;
+    output_char pp ' ';
+    output_int pp pos.pos_cnum;
+  end
+let print_location pp loc =
+  print_position pp loc.loc_start;
+  output_char pp ' ';
+  print_position pp loc.loc_end
+let sort_filter_phrases () =
+  let ph = List.sort (fun x y -> cmp_loc_inner_first y x) !phrases in
+  let rec loop accu cur l =
+    match l with
+    | [] -> accu
+    | loc :: t ->
+       if cur.loc_start.pos_cnum <= loc.loc_start.pos_cnum
+          && cur.loc_end.pos_cnum >= loc.loc_end.pos_cnum
+       then loop accu cur t
+       else loop (loc :: accu) loc t
+  in
+  phrases := loop [] Location.none ph
+let rec printtyp_reset_maybe loc =
+  match !phrases with
+  | cur :: t when cur.loc_start.pos_cnum <= loc.loc_start.pos_cnum ->
+     Out_type.reset ();
+     phrases := t;
+     printtyp_reset_maybe loc;
+  | _ -> ()
+let call_kind_string k =
+  match k with
+  | Tail -> "tail"
+  | Stack -> "stack"
+  | Inline -> "inline"
+let print_ident_annot pp str k =
+  match k with
+  | Idef l ->
+      output_string pp "def ";
+      output_string pp str;
+      output_char pp ' ';
+      print_location pp l;
+      output_char pp '\n'
+  | Iref_internal l ->
+      output_string pp "int_ref ";
+      output_string pp str;
+      output_char pp ' ';
+      print_location pp l;
+      output_char pp '\n'
+  | Iref_external ->
+      output_string pp "ext_ref ";
+      output_string pp str;
+      output_char pp '\n'
+(* The format of the annotation file is documented in emacs/caml-types.el. *)
+let print_info pp prev_loc ti =
+  match ti with
+  | Ti_class _ | Ti_mod _ -> prev_loc
+  | Ti_pat  (_, {pat_loc = loc; pat_type = typ; pat_env = env})
+  | Ti_expr     {exp_loc = loc; exp_type = typ; exp_env = env} ->
+      if loc <> prev_loc then begin
+        print_location pp loc;
+        output_char pp '\n'
+      end;
+      output_string pp "type(\n";
+      printtyp_reset_maybe loc;
+      Format.pp_print_string Format.str_formatter "  ";
+      Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:false env
+        (fun () ->
+           Printtyp.shared_type_scheme Format.str_formatter typ
+        );
+      Format.pp_print_newline Format.str_formatter ();
+      let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in
+      output_string pp s;
+      output_string pp ")\n";
+      loc
+  | An_call (loc, k) ->
+      if loc <> prev_loc then begin
+        print_location pp loc;
+        output_char pp '\n'
+      end;
+      output_string pp "call(\n  ";
+      output_string pp (call_kind_string k);
+      output_string pp "\n)\n";
+      loc
+  | An_ident (loc, str, k) ->
+      if loc <> prev_loc then begin
+        print_location pp loc;
+        output_char pp '\n'
+      end;
+      output_string pp "ident(\n  ";
+      print_ident_annot pp str k;
+      output_string pp ")\n";
+      loc
+let get_info () =
+  let info = List.fast_sort cmp_ti_inner_first !annotations in
+  annotations := [];
+  info
+let dump filename =
+  if !Clflags.annotations then begin
+    let do_dump _temp_filename pp =
+      let info = get_info () in
+      sort_filter_phrases ();
+      ignore (List.fold_left (print_info pp) Location.none info) in
+    begin match filename with
+    | None -> do_dump "" stdout
+    | Some filename ->
+        Misc.output_to_file_via_temporary ~mode:[Open_text] filename do_dump
+    end;
+    phrases := [];
+  end else begin
+    annotations := [];
+  end
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/stypes.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/stypes.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a86d27a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/stypes.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*           Damien Doligez, projet Moscova, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2003 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Recording and dumping (partial) type information *)
+(* Clflags.save_types must be true *)
+open Typedtree
+type annotation =
+  | Ti_pat : 'k pattern_category * 'k general_pattern -> annotation
+  | Ti_expr  of expression
+  | Ti_class of class_expr
+  | Ti_mod   of module_expr
+  | An_call of Location.t * Annot.call
+  | An_ident of Location.t * string * Annot.ident
+val record : annotation -> unit
+val record_phrase : Location.t -> unit
+val dump : string option -> unit
+val get_location : annotation -> Location.t
+val get_info : unit -> annotation list
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/subst.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/subst.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fb4fe14f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/subst.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Substitutions *)
+open Misc
+open Path
+open Types
+open Btype
+open Local_store
+type type_replacement =
+  | Path of Path.t
+  | Type_function of { params : type_expr list; body : type_expr }
+type s =
+  { types: type_replacement Path.Map.t;
+    modules: Path.t Path.Map.t;
+    modtypes: module_type Path.Map.t;
+    for_saving: bool;
+    loc: Location.t option;
+  }
+type 'a subst = s
+type safe = [`Safe]
+type unsafe = [`Unsafe]
+type t = safe subst
+exception Module_type_path_substituted_away of Path.t * Types.module_type
+let identity =
+  { types = Path.Map.empty;
+    modules = Path.Map.empty;
+    modtypes = Path.Map.empty;
+    for_saving = false;
+    loc = None;
+  }
+let unsafe x = x
+let add_type id p s =
+    { s with types = Path.Map.add (Pident id) (Path p) s.types }
+let add_module id p s =
+  { s with modules = Path.Map.add (Pident id) p s.modules }
+let add_modtype_gen p ty s = { s with modtypes = Path.Map.add p ty s.modtypes }
+let add_modtype_path p p' s = add_modtype_gen p (Mty_ident p') s
+let add_modtype id p s = add_modtype_path (Pident id) p s
+let for_saving s = { s with for_saving = true }
+let change_locs s loc = { s with loc = Some loc }
+let loc s x =
+  match s.loc with
+  | Some l -> l
+  | None ->
+    if s.for_saving && not !Clflags.keep_locs then Location.none else x
+let remove_loc =
+  let open Ast_mapper in
+  {default_mapper with location = (fun _this _loc -> Location.none)}
+let is_not_doc = function
+  | {Parsetree.attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.doc"}; _} -> false
+  | {Parsetree.attr_name = {Location.txt = "ocaml.text"}; _} -> false
+  | {Parsetree.attr_name = {Location.txt = "doc"}; _} -> false
+  | {Parsetree.attr_name = {Location.txt = "text"}; _} -> false
+  | _ -> true
+let attrs s x =
+  let x =
+    if s.for_saving && not !Clflags.keep_docs then
+      List.filter is_not_doc x
+    else x
+  in
+    if s.for_saving && not !Clflags.keep_locs
+    then remove_loc.Ast_mapper.attributes remove_loc x
+    else x
+let rec module_path s path =
+  try Path.Map.find path s.modules
+  with Not_found ->
+    match path with
+    | Pident _ -> path
+    | Pdot(p, n) ->
+       Pdot(module_path s p, n)
+    | Papply(p1, p2) ->
+       Papply(module_path s p1, module_path s p2)
+    | Pextra_ty _ ->
+       fatal_error "Subst.module_path"
+let modtype_path s path =
+      match Path.Map.find path s.modtypes with
+      | Mty_ident p -> p
+      | Mty_alias _ | Mty_signature _ | Mty_functor _ as mty ->
+         raise (Module_type_path_substituted_away (path,mty))
+      | exception Not_found ->
+         match path with
+         | Pdot(p, n) ->
+            Pdot(module_path s p, n)
+         | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ ->
+            fatal_error "Subst.modtype_path"
+         | Pident _ -> path
+(* For values, extension constructors, classes and class types *)
+let value_path s path =
+  match path with
+  | Pident _ -> path
+  | Pdot(p, n) -> Pdot(module_path s p, n)
+  | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ -> fatal_error "Subst.value_path"
+let rec type_path s path =
+  match Path.Map.find path s.types with
+  | Path p -> p
+  | Type_function _ -> assert false
+  | exception Not_found ->
+     match path with
+     | Pident _ -> path
+     | Pdot(p, n) ->
+        Pdot(module_path s p, n)
+     | Papply _ ->
+        fatal_error "Subst.type_path"
+     | Pextra_ty (p, extra) ->
+         match extra with
+         | Pcstr_ty _ -> Pextra_ty (type_path s p, extra)
+         | Pext_ty -> Pextra_ty (value_path s p, extra)
+let to_subst_by_type_function s p =
+  match Path.Map.find p s.types with
+  | Path _ -> false
+  | Type_function _ -> true
+  | exception Not_found -> false
+(* Special type ids for saved signatures *)
+let new_id = s_ref (-1)
+let reset_for_saving () = new_id := -1
+let newpersty desc =
+  decr new_id;
+  create_expr
+    desc ~level:generic_level ~scope:Btype.lowest_level ~id:!new_id
+(* ensure that all occurrences of 'Tvar None' are physically shared *)
+let tvar_none = Tvar None
+let tunivar_none = Tunivar None
+let norm = function
+  | Tvar None -> tvar_none
+  | Tunivar None -> tunivar_none
+  | d -> d
+let apply_type_function params args body =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    List.iter2
+      (fun param arg ->
+        For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope param (Tsubst (arg, None)))
+      params args;
+    let rec copy ty =
+      assert (get_level ty = generic_level);
+      match get_desc ty with
+      | Tsubst (ty, _) -> ty
+      | Tvariant row ->
+          let t = newgenstub ~scope:(get_scope ty) in
+          For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (t, None));
+          let more = row_more row in
+          assert (get_level more = generic_level);
+          let mored = get_desc more in
+          (* We must substitute in a subtle way *)
+          (* Tsubst takes a tuple containing the row var and the variant *)
+          let desc' =
+            match mored with
+            | Tsubst (_, Some ty2) ->
+                (* This variant type has been already copied *)
+                (* Change the stub to avoid Tlink in the new type *)
+                For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (ty2, None));
+                Tlink ty2
+            | _ ->
+                let more' =
+                  match mored with
+                    Tsubst (ty, None) -> ty
+                    (* TODO: is this case possible?
+                       possibly an interaction with (copy more) below? *)
+                  | Tconstr _ | Tnil ->
+                      copy more
+                  | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ ->
+                      newgenty mored
+                  |  _ -> assert false
+                in
+                let row =
+                  match get_desc more' with (* PR#6163 *)
+                    Tconstr (x,_,_) when not (is_fixed row) ->
+                      let Row {fields; more; closed; name} = row_repr row in
+                      create_row ~fields ~more ~closed ~name
+                        ~fixed:(Some (Reified x))
+                  | _ -> row
+                in
+                (* Register new type first for recursion *)
+                For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope more
+                  (Tsubst(more', Some t));
+                (* Return a new copy *)
+                Tvariant (copy_row copy true row false more')
+          in
+          Transient_expr.set_stub_desc t desc';
+          t
+      | desc ->
+          let t = newgenstub ~scope:(get_scope ty) in
+          For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (t, None));
+          let desc' = copy_type_desc copy desc in
+          Transient_expr.set_stub_desc t desc';
+          t
+    in
+    copy body)
+(* Similar to [Ctype.nondep_type_rec]. *)
+let rec typexp copy_scope s ty =
+  let desc = get_desc ty in
+  match desc with
+    Tvar _ | Tunivar _ ->
+      if s.for_saving || get_id ty < 0 then
+        let ty' =
+          if s.for_saving then newpersty (norm desc)
+          else newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) desc
+        in
+        For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (ty', None));
+        ty'
+      else ty
+  | Tsubst (ty, _) ->
+      ty
+  | Tfield (m, k, _t1, _t2) when not s.for_saving && m = dummy_method
+      && field_kind_repr k <> Fabsent && get_level ty < generic_level ->
+      (* do not copy the type of self when it is not generalized *)
+      ty
+(* cannot do it, since it would omit substitution
+  | Tvariant row when not (static_row row) ->
+      ty
+  | _ ->
+    let tm = row_of_type ty in
+    let has_fixed_row =
+      not (is_Tconstr ty) && is_constr_row ~allow_ident:false tm in
+    (* Make a stub *)
+    let ty' =
+      if s.for_saving then newpersty (Tvar None)
+      else newgenstub ~scope:(get_scope ty)
+    in
+    For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (ty', None));
+    let desc =
+      if has_fixed_row then
+        match get_desc tm with (* PR#7348 *)
+          Tconstr (Pdot(m,i), tl, _abbrev) ->
+            let i' = String.sub i 0 (String.length i - 4) in
+            Tconstr(type_path s (Pdot(m,i')), tl, ref Mnil)
+        | _ -> assert false
+      else match desc with
+      | Tconstr (p, args, _abbrev) ->
+         let args = List.map (typexp copy_scope s) args in
+         begin match Path.Map.find p s.types with
+         | exception Not_found -> Tconstr(type_path s p, args, ref Mnil)
+         | Path _ -> Tconstr(type_path s p, args, ref Mnil)
+         | Type_function { params; body } ->
+            Tlink (apply_type_function params args body)
+         end
+      | Tpackage(p, fl) ->
+          Tpackage(modtype_path s p,
+                    List.map (fun (n, ty) -> (n, typexp copy_scope s ty)) fl)
+      | Tobject (t1, name) ->
+          let t1' = typexp copy_scope s t1 in
+          let name' =
+            match !name with
+            | None -> None
+            | Some (p, tl) ->
+                if to_subst_by_type_function s p
+                then None
+                else Some (type_path s p, List.map (typexp copy_scope s) tl)
+          in
+          Tobject (t1', ref name')
+      | Tvariant row ->
+          let more = row_more row in
+          let mored = get_desc more in
+          (* We must substitute in a subtle way *)
+          (* Tsubst takes a tuple containing the row var and the variant *)
+          begin match mored with
+            Tsubst (_, Some ty2) ->
+              (* This variant type has been already copied *)
+              (* Change the stub to avoid Tlink in the new type *)
+              For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope ty (Tsubst (ty2, None));
+              Tlink ty2
+          | _ ->
+              let dup =
+                s.for_saving || get_level more = generic_level ||
+                static_row row || is_Tconstr more in
+              (* Various cases for the row variable *)
+              let more' =
+                match mored with
+                  Tsubst (ty, None) -> ty
+                | Tconstr _ | Tnil -> typexp copy_scope s more
+                | Tunivar _ | Tvar _ ->
+                    if s.for_saving then newpersty (norm mored)
+                    else if dup && is_Tvar more then newgenty mored
+                    else more
+                | _ -> assert false
+              in
+              (* Register new type first for recursion *)
+              For_copy.redirect_desc copy_scope more
+                (Tsubst (more', Some ty'));
+              (* TODO: check if more' can be eliminated *)
+              (* Return a new copy *)
+              let row =
+                copy_row (typexp copy_scope s) true row (not dup) more' in
+              match row_name row with
+              | Some (p, tl) ->
+                  let name =
+                    if to_subst_by_type_function s p then None
+                    else Some (type_path s p, tl)
+                  in
+                  Tvariant (set_row_name row name)
+              | None ->
+                  Tvariant row
+          end
+      | Tfield(_label, kind, _t1, t2) when field_kind_repr kind = Fabsent ->
+          Tlink (typexp copy_scope s t2)
+      | _ -> copy_type_desc (typexp copy_scope s) desc
+    in
+    Transient_expr.set_stub_desc ty' desc;
+    ty'
+   Always make a copy of the type. If this is not done, type levels
+   might not be correct.
+let type_expr s ty =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope -> typexp copy_scope s ty)
+let label_declaration copy_scope s l =
+  {
+    ld_id = l.ld_id;
+    ld_mutable = l.ld_mutable;
+    ld_type = typexp copy_scope s l.ld_type;
+    ld_loc = loc s l.ld_loc;
+    ld_attributes = attrs s l.ld_attributes;
+    ld_uid = l.ld_uid;
+  }
+let constructor_arguments copy_scope s = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l ->
+      Cstr_tuple (List.map (typexp copy_scope s) l)
+  | Cstr_record l ->
+      Cstr_record (List.map (label_declaration copy_scope s) l)
+let constructor_declaration copy_scope s c =
+  {
+    cd_id = c.cd_id;
+    cd_args = constructor_arguments copy_scope s c.cd_args;
+    cd_res = Option.map (typexp copy_scope s) c.cd_res;
+    cd_loc = loc s c.cd_loc;
+    cd_attributes = attrs s c.cd_attributes;
+    cd_uid = c.cd_uid;
+  }
+let type_declaration' copy_scope s decl =
+  { type_params = List.map (typexp copy_scope s) decl.type_params;
+    type_arity = decl.type_arity;
+    type_kind =
+      begin match decl.type_kind with
+        Type_abstract r -> Type_abstract r
+      | Type_variant (cstrs, rep) ->
+          Type_variant (List.map (constructor_declaration copy_scope s) cstrs,
+                        rep)
+      | Type_record(lbls, rep) ->
+          Type_record (List.map (label_declaration copy_scope s) lbls, rep)
+      | Type_open -> Type_open
+      end;
+    type_manifest =
+      begin
+        match decl.type_manifest with
+          None -> None
+        | Some ty -> Some(typexp copy_scope s ty)
+      end;
+    type_private = decl.type_private;
+    type_variance = decl.type_variance;
+    type_separability = decl.type_separability;
+    type_is_newtype = false;
+    type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+    type_loc = loc s decl.type_loc;
+    type_attributes = attrs s decl.type_attributes;
+    type_immediate = decl.type_immediate;
+    type_unboxed_default = decl.type_unboxed_default;
+    type_uid = decl.type_uid;
+  }
+let type_declaration s decl =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope -> type_declaration' copy_scope s decl)
+let class_signature copy_scope s sign =
+  { csig_self = typexp copy_scope s sign.csig_self;
+    csig_self_row = typexp copy_scope s sign.csig_self_row;
+    csig_vars =
+      Vars.map
+        (function (m, v, t) -> (m, v, typexp copy_scope s t))
+        sign.csig_vars;
+    csig_meths =
+      Meths.map
+        (function (p, v, t) -> (p, v, typexp copy_scope s t))
+        sign.csig_meths;
+  }
+let rec class_type copy_scope s = function
+  | Cty_constr (p, tyl, cty) ->
+      let p' = type_path s p in
+      let tyl' = List.map (typexp copy_scope s) tyl in
+      let cty' = class_type copy_scope s cty in
+      Cty_constr (p', tyl', cty')
+  | Cty_signature sign ->
+      Cty_signature (class_signature copy_scope s sign)
+  | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
+      Cty_arrow (l, typexp copy_scope s ty, class_type copy_scope s cty)
+let class_declaration' copy_scope s decl =
+  { cty_params = List.map (typexp copy_scope s) decl.cty_params;
+    cty_variance = decl.cty_variance;
+    cty_type = class_type copy_scope s decl.cty_type;
+    cty_path = type_path s decl.cty_path;
+    cty_new =
+      begin match decl.cty_new with
+      | None    -> None
+      | Some ty -> Some (typexp copy_scope s ty)
+      end;
+    cty_loc = loc s decl.cty_loc;
+    cty_attributes = attrs s decl.cty_attributes;
+    cty_uid = decl.cty_uid;
+  }
+let class_declaration s decl =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope -> class_declaration' copy_scope s decl)
+let cltype_declaration' copy_scope s decl =
+  { clty_params = List.map (typexp copy_scope s) decl.clty_params;
+    clty_variance = decl.clty_variance;
+    clty_type = class_type copy_scope s decl.clty_type;
+    clty_path = type_path s decl.clty_path;
+    clty_hash_type = type_declaration' copy_scope s decl.clty_hash_type ;
+    clty_loc = loc s decl.clty_loc;
+    clty_attributes = attrs s decl.clty_attributes;
+    clty_uid = decl.clty_uid;
+  }
+let cltype_declaration s decl =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope -> cltype_declaration' copy_scope s decl)
+let class_type s cty =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope -> class_type copy_scope s cty)
+let value_description' copy_scope s descr =
+  { val_type = typexp copy_scope s descr.val_type;
+    val_kind = descr.val_kind;
+    val_loc = loc s descr.val_loc;
+    val_attributes = attrs s descr.val_attributes;
+    val_uid = descr.val_uid;
+   }
+let value_description s descr =
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope -> value_description' copy_scope s descr)
+let extension_constructor' copy_scope s ext =
+  { ext_type_path = type_path s ext.ext_type_path;
+    ext_type_params = List.map (typexp copy_scope s) ext.ext_type_params;
+    ext_args = constructor_arguments copy_scope s ext.ext_args;
+    ext_ret_type = Option.map (typexp copy_scope s) ext.ext_ret_type;
+    ext_private = ext.ext_private;
+    ext_attributes = attrs s ext.ext_attributes;
+    ext_loc = if s.for_saving then Location.none else ext.ext_loc;
+    ext_uid = ext.ext_uid;
+  }
+let extension_constructor s ext =
+  For_copy.with_scope
+    (fun copy_scope -> extension_constructor' copy_scope s ext)
+(* For every binding k |-> d of m1, add k |-> f d to m2
+   and return resulting merged map. *)
+let merge_path_maps f m1 m2 =
+  Path.Map.fold (fun k d accu -> Path.Map.add k (f d) accu) m1 m2
+let keep_latest_loc l1 l2 =
+  match l2 with
+  | None -> l1
+  | Some _ -> l2
+let type_replacement s = function
+  | Path p -> Path (type_path s p)
+  | Type_function { params; body } ->
+    For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+     let params = List.map (typexp copy_scope s) params in
+     let body = typexp copy_scope s body in
+     Type_function { params; body })
+type scoping =
+  | Keep
+  | Make_local
+  | Rescope of int
+module Lazy_types = struct
+  type module_decl =
+    {
+      mdl_type: modtype;
+      mdl_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+      mdl_loc: Location.t;
+      mdl_uid: Uid.t;
+    }
+  and modtype =
+    | MtyL_ident of Path.t
+    | MtyL_signature of signature
+    | MtyL_functor of functor_parameter * modtype
+    | MtyL_alias of Path.t
+  and modtype_declaration =
+    {
+      mtdl_type: modtype option;
+      mtdl_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+      mtdl_loc: Location.t;
+      mtdl_uid: Uid.t;
+    }
+  and signature' =
+    | S_eager of Types.signature
+    | S_lazy of signature_item list
+  and signature =
+    (scoping * t * signature', signature') Lazy_backtrack.t
+  and signature_item =
+      SigL_value of Ident.t * value_description * visibility
+    | SigL_type of Ident.t * type_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+    | SigL_typext of Ident.t * extension_constructor * ext_status * visibility
+    | SigL_module of
+        Ident.t * module_presence * module_decl * rec_status * visibility
+    | SigL_modtype of Ident.t * modtype_declaration * visibility
+    | SigL_class of Ident.t * class_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+    | SigL_class_type of Ident.t * class_type_declaration *
+                           rec_status * visibility
+  and functor_parameter =
+    | Unit
+    | Named of Ident.t option * modtype
+open Lazy_types
+let rename_bound_idents scoping s sg =
+  let rename =
+    let open Ident in
+    match scoping with
+    | Keep -> (fun id -> create_scoped ~scope:(scope id) (name id))
+    | Make_local -> Ident.rename
+    | Rescope scope -> (fun id -> create_scoped ~scope (name id))
+  in
+  let rec rename_bound_idents s sg = function
+    | [] -> sg, s
+    | SigL_type(id, td, rs, vis) :: rest ->
+        let id' = rename id in
+        rename_bound_idents
+          (add_type id (Pident id') s)
+          (SigL_type(id', td, rs, vis) :: sg)
+          rest
+    | SigL_module(id, pres, md, rs, vis) :: rest ->
+        let id' = rename id in
+        rename_bound_idents
+          (add_module id (Pident id') s)
+          (SigL_module (id', pres, md, rs, vis) :: sg)
+          rest
+    | SigL_modtype(id, mtd, vis) :: rest ->
+        let id' = rename id in
+        rename_bound_idents
+          (add_modtype id (Pident id') s)
+          (SigL_modtype(id', mtd, vis) :: sg)
+          rest
+    | SigL_class(id, cd, rs, vis) :: rest ->
+        (* cheat and pretend they are types cf. PR#6650 *)
+        let id' = rename id in
+        rename_bound_idents
+          (add_type id (Pident id') s)
+          (SigL_class(id', cd, rs, vis) :: sg)
+          rest
+    | SigL_class_type(id, ctd, rs, vis) :: rest ->
+        (* cheat and pretend they are types cf. PR#6650 *)
+        let id' = rename id in
+        rename_bound_idents
+          (add_type id (Pident id') s)
+          (SigL_class_type(id', ctd, rs, vis) :: sg)
+          rest
+    | SigL_value(id, vd, vis) :: rest ->
+        (* scope doesn't matter for value identifiers. *)
+        let id' = Ident.rename id in
+        rename_bound_idents s (SigL_value(id', vd, vis) :: sg) rest
+    | SigL_typext(id, ec, es, vis) :: rest ->
+        let id' = rename id in
+        rename_bound_idents s (SigL_typext(id',ec,es,vis) :: sg) rest
+  in
+  rename_bound_idents s [] sg
+let rec lazy_module_decl md =
+  { mdl_type = lazy_modtype md.md_type;
+    mdl_attributes = md.md_attributes;
+    mdl_loc = md.md_loc;
+    mdl_uid = md.md_uid }
+and subst_lazy_module_decl scoping s md =
+  let mdl_type = subst_lazy_modtype scoping s md.mdl_type in
+  { mdl_type;
+    mdl_attributes = attrs s md.mdl_attributes;
+    mdl_loc = loc s md.mdl_loc;
+    mdl_uid = md.mdl_uid }
+and force_module_decl md =
+  let md_type = force_modtype md.mdl_type in
+  { md_type;
+    md_attributes = md.mdl_attributes;
+    md_loc = md.mdl_loc;
+    md_uid = md.mdl_uid }
+and lazy_modtype = function
+  | Mty_ident p -> MtyL_ident p
+  | Mty_signature sg ->
+     MtyL_signature (Lazy_backtrack.create_forced (S_eager sg))
+  | Mty_functor (Unit, mty) -> MtyL_functor (Unit, lazy_modtype mty)
+  | Mty_functor (Named (id, arg), res) ->
+     MtyL_functor (Named (id, lazy_modtype arg), lazy_modtype res)
+  | Mty_alias p -> MtyL_alias p
+and subst_lazy_modtype scoping s = function
+  | MtyL_ident p ->
+      begin match Path.Map.find p s.modtypes with
+       | mty -> lazy_modtype mty
+       | exception Not_found ->
+          begin match p with
+          | Pident _ -> MtyL_ident p
+          | Pdot(p, n) ->
+             MtyL_ident(Pdot(module_path s p, n))
+          | Papply _ | Pextra_ty _ ->
+             fatal_error "Subst.modtype"
+          end
+      end
+  | MtyL_signature sg ->
+      MtyL_signature(subst_lazy_signature scoping s sg)
+  | MtyL_functor(Unit, res) ->
+      MtyL_functor(Unit, subst_lazy_modtype scoping s res)
+  | MtyL_functor(Named (None, arg), res) ->
+      MtyL_functor(Named (None, (subst_lazy_modtype scoping s) arg),
+                   subst_lazy_modtype scoping s res)
+  | MtyL_functor(Named (Some id, arg), res) ->
+      let id' = Ident.rename id in
+      MtyL_functor(Named (Some id', (subst_lazy_modtype scoping s) arg),
+                  subst_lazy_modtype scoping (add_module id (Pident id') s) res)
+  | MtyL_alias p ->
+      MtyL_alias (module_path s p)
+and force_modtype = function
+  | MtyL_ident p -> Mty_ident p
+  | MtyL_signature sg -> Mty_signature (force_signature sg)
+  | MtyL_functor (param, res) ->
+     let param : Types.functor_parameter =
+       match param with
+       | Unit -> Unit
+       | Named (id, mty) -> Named (id, force_modtype mty) in
+     Mty_functor (param, force_modtype res)
+  | MtyL_alias p -> Mty_alias p
+and lazy_modtype_decl mtd =
+  let mtdl_type = Option.map lazy_modtype mtd.mtd_type in
+  { mtdl_type;
+    mtdl_attributes = mtd.mtd_attributes;
+    mtdl_loc = mtd.mtd_loc;
+    mtdl_uid = mtd.mtd_uid }
+and subst_lazy_modtype_decl scoping s mtd =
+  { mtdl_type = Option.map (subst_lazy_modtype scoping s) mtd.mtdl_type;
+    mtdl_attributes = attrs s mtd.mtdl_attributes;
+    mtdl_loc = loc s mtd.mtdl_loc;
+    mtdl_uid = mtd.mtdl_uid }
+and force_modtype_decl mtd =
+  let mtd_type = Option.map force_modtype mtd.mtdl_type in
+  { mtd_type;
+    mtd_attributes = mtd.mtdl_attributes;
+    mtd_loc = mtd.mtdl_loc;
+    mtd_uid = mtd.mtdl_uid }
+and subst_lazy_signature scoping s sg =
+  match Lazy_backtrack.get_contents sg with
+  | Left (scoping', s', sg) ->
+     let scoping =
+       match scoping', scoping with
+       | sc, Keep -> sc
+       | _, (Make_local|Rescope _) -> scoping
+     in
+     let s = compose s' s in
+     Lazy_backtrack.create (scoping, s, sg)
+  | Right sg ->
+     Lazy_backtrack.create (scoping, s, sg)
+and force_signature sg =
+  List.map force_signature_item (force_signature_once sg)
+and force_signature_once sg =
+  lazy_signature' (Lazy_backtrack.force force_signature_once' sg)
+and lazy_signature' = function
+  | S_lazy sg -> sg
+  | S_eager sg -> List.map lazy_signature_item sg
+and force_signature_once' (scoping, s, sg) =
+  let sg = lazy_signature' sg in
+  (* Components of signature may be mutually recursive (e.g. type declarations
+     or class and type declarations), so first build global renaming
+     substitution... *)
+  let (sg', s') = rename_bound_idents scoping s sg in
+  (* ... then apply it to each signature component in turn *)
+  For_copy.with_scope (fun copy_scope ->
+    S_lazy (List.rev_map (subst_lazy_signature_item' copy_scope scoping s') sg')
+  )
+and lazy_signature_item = function
+  | Sig_value(id, d, vis) ->
+     SigL_value(id, d, vis)
+  | Sig_type(id, d, rs, vis) ->
+     SigL_type(id, d, rs, vis)
+  | Sig_typext(id, ext, es, vis) ->
+     SigL_typext(id, ext, es, vis)
+  | Sig_module(id, res, d, rs, vis) ->
+     SigL_module(id, res, lazy_module_decl d, rs, vis)
+  | Sig_modtype(id, d, vis) ->
+     SigL_modtype(id, lazy_modtype_decl d, vis)
+  | Sig_class(id, d, rs, vis) ->
+     SigL_class(id, d, rs, vis)
+  | Sig_class_type(id, d, rs, vis) ->
+     SigL_class_type(id, d, rs, vis)
+and subst_lazy_signature_item' copy_scope scoping s comp =
+  match comp with
+    SigL_value(id, d, vis) ->
+      SigL_value(id, value_description' copy_scope s d, vis)
+  | SigL_type(id, d, rs, vis) ->
+      SigL_type(id, type_declaration' copy_scope s d, rs, vis)
+  | SigL_typext(id, ext, es, vis) ->
+      SigL_typext(id, extension_constructor' copy_scope s ext, es, vis)
+  | SigL_module(id, pres, d, rs, vis) ->
+      SigL_module(id, pres, subst_lazy_module_decl scoping s d, rs, vis)
+  | SigL_modtype(id, d, vis) ->
+      SigL_modtype(id, subst_lazy_modtype_decl scoping s d, vis)
+  | SigL_class(id, d, rs, vis) ->
+      SigL_class(id, class_declaration' copy_scope s d, rs, vis)
+  | SigL_class_type(id, d, rs, vis) ->
+      SigL_class_type(id, cltype_declaration' copy_scope s d, rs, vis)
+and force_signature_item = function
+  | SigL_value(id, vd, vis) -> Sig_value(id, vd, vis)
+  | SigL_type(id, d, rs, vis) -> Sig_type(id, d, rs, vis)
+  | SigL_typext(id, ext, es, vis) -> Sig_typext(id, ext, es, vis)
+  | SigL_module(id, pres, d, rs, vis) ->
+     Sig_module(id, pres, force_module_decl d, rs, vis)
+  | SigL_modtype(id, d, vis) ->
+     Sig_modtype (id, force_modtype_decl d, vis)
+  | SigL_class(id, d, rs, vis) -> Sig_class(id, d, rs, vis)
+  | SigL_class_type(id, d, rs, vis) -> Sig_class_type(id, d, rs, vis)
+and modtype scoping s t =
+  t |> lazy_modtype |> subst_lazy_modtype scoping s |> force_modtype
+(* Composition of substitutions:
+     apply (compose s1 s2) x = apply s2 (apply s1 x) *)
+and compose s1 s2 =
+  if s1 == identity then s2 else
+  if s2 == identity then s1 else
+  { types = merge_path_maps (type_replacement s2) s1.types s2.types;
+    modules = merge_path_maps (module_path s2) s1.modules s2.modules;
+    modtypes = merge_path_maps (modtype Keep s2) s1.modtypes s2.modtypes;
+    for_saving = s1.for_saving || s2.for_saving;
+    loc = keep_latest_loc s1.loc s2.loc;
+  }
+let subst_lazy_signature_item scoping s comp =
+  For_copy.with_scope
+    (fun copy_scope -> subst_lazy_signature_item' copy_scope scoping s comp)
+module Lazy = struct
+  include Lazy_types
+  let of_module_decl = lazy_module_decl
+  let of_modtype = lazy_modtype
+  let of_modtype_decl = lazy_modtype_decl
+  let of_signature sg = Lazy_backtrack.create_forced (S_eager sg)
+  let of_signature_items sg = Lazy_backtrack.create_forced (S_lazy sg)
+  let of_signature_item = lazy_signature_item
+  let module_decl = subst_lazy_module_decl
+  let modtype = subst_lazy_modtype
+  let modtype_decl = subst_lazy_modtype_decl
+  let signature = subst_lazy_signature
+  let signature_item = subst_lazy_signature_item
+  let force_module_decl = force_module_decl
+  let force_modtype = force_modtype
+  let force_modtype_decl = force_modtype_decl
+  let force_signature = force_signature
+  let force_signature_once = force_signature_once
+  let force_signature_item = force_signature_item
+let signature sc s sg =
+  Lazy.(sg |> of_signature |> signature sc s |> force_signature)
+let signature_item sc s comp =
+  Lazy.(comp|> of_signature_item |> signature_item sc s |> force_signature_item)
+let modtype_declaration sc s decl =
+  Lazy.(decl |> of_modtype_decl |> modtype_decl sc s |> force_modtype_decl)
+let module_declaration scoping s decl =
+  Lazy.(decl |> of_module_decl |> module_decl scoping s |> force_module_decl)
+module Unsafe = struct
+  type t = unsafe subst
+  type error = Fcm_type_substituted_away of Path.t * Types.module_type
+  let add_modtype_path = add_modtype_gen
+  let add_modtype id mty s = add_modtype_path (Pident id) mty s
+  let add_type_path id p s = { s with types = Path.Map.add id (Path p) s.types }
+  let add_type_function id ~params ~body s =
+    { s with types = Path.Map.add id (Type_function { params; body }) s.types }
+  let add_module_path id p s = { s with modules = Path.Map.add id p s.modules }
+  let wrap f = match f () with
+    | x -> Ok x
+    | exception Module_type_path_substituted_away (p,mty) ->
+        Error (Fcm_type_substituted_away (p,mty))
+  let signature_item sc s comp = wrap (fun () -> signature_item sc s comp)
+  let signature sc s comp = wrap (fun () -> signature sc s comp )
+  let compose s1 s2 = wrap (fun () -> compose s1 s2)
+  let type_declaration s t = wrap (fun () -> type_declaration s t)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/subst.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/subst.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b218803d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/subst.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Substitutions *)
+open Types
+   Substitutions are used to translate a type from one context to
+   another.  This requires substituting paths for identifiers, and
+   possibly also lowering the level of non-generic variables so that
+   they are inferior to the maximum level of the new context.
+   Substitutions can also be used to create a "clean" copy of a type.
+   Indeed, non-variable node of a type are duplicated, with their
+   levels set to generic level.  That way, the resulting type is
+   well-formed (decreasing levels), even if the original one was not.
+   In the presence of local substitutions for module types, a substitution for a
+   type expression may fail to produce a well-formed type. In order to confine
+   this issue to local substitutions, the type of substitutions is split into a
+   safe and unsafe variant. Only unsafe substitutions may expand a module type
+   path into a generic module type. *)
+(** Type familly for substitutions *)
+type +'k subst
+type safe = [`Safe]
+type unsafe = [`Unsafe]
+type t = safe subst
+(** Standard substitution*)
+val identity: 'a subst
+val unsafe: t -> unsafe subst
+val add_type: Ident.t -> Path.t -> 'k subst -> 'k subst
+val add_module: Ident.t -> Path.t -> 'k subst -> 'k subst
+val add_modtype: Ident.t -> Path.t -> 'k subst -> 'k subst
+val for_saving: t -> t
+val reset_for_saving: unit -> unit
+val change_locs: 'k subst -> Location.t -> 'k subst
+val module_path: t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+val type_path: t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+val modtype_path: t -> Path.t -> Path.t
+val type_expr: t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+val class_type: t -> class_type -> class_type
+val value_description: t -> value_description -> value_description
+val type_declaration: t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration
+val extension_constructor:
+        t -> extension_constructor -> extension_constructor
+val class_declaration: t -> class_declaration -> class_declaration
+val cltype_declaration: t -> class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration
+   When applied to a signature item, a substitution not only modifies the types
+   present in its declaration, but also refreshes the identifier of the item.
+   Effectively this creates new declarations, and so one should decide what the
+   scope of this new declaration should be.
+   This is decided by the [scoping] argument passed to the following functions.
+type scoping =
+  | Keep
+  | Make_local
+  | Rescope of int
+val modtype: scoping -> t -> module_type -> module_type
+val signature: scoping -> t -> signature -> signature
+val signature_item: scoping -> t -> signature_item -> signature_item
+val modtype_declaration:
+  scoping -> t -> modtype_declaration -> modtype_declaration
+val module_declaration: scoping -> t -> module_declaration -> module_declaration
+(** Composition of substitutions:
+     apply (compose s1 s2) x = apply s2 (apply s1 x) **)
+val compose: t -> t -> t
+module Unsafe: sig
+  type t = unsafe subst
+  (** Unsafe substitutions introduced by [with] constraints, local substitutions
+      ([type t := int * int]) or recursive module check. *)
+(** Replacing a module type name S by a non-path signature is unsafe as the
+    packed module type [(module S)] becomes ill-formed. *)
+  val add_modtype: Ident.t -> module_type -> 'any subst -> t
+  val add_modtype_path: Path.t -> module_type -> 'any subst -> t
+  (** Deep editing inside a module type require to retypecheck the module, for
+      applicative functors in path and module aliases. *)
+  val add_type_path: Path.t -> Path.t -> t -> t
+  val add_type_function:
+    Path.t -> params:type_expr list -> body:type_expr -> t -> t
+  val add_module_path: Path.t -> Path.t -> t -> t
+  type error =
+    | Fcm_type_substituted_away of Path.t * Types.module_type
+  type 'a res := ('a, error) result
+  val type_declaration:  t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration res
+  val signature_item: scoping -> t -> signature_item -> signature_item res
+  val signature: scoping -> t -> signature -> signature res
+  val compose: t -> t -> t res
+  (** Composition of substitutions is eager and fails when the two substitution
+      are incompatible, for example [ module type t := sig end] is not
+      compatible with [module type s := sig type t=(module t) end]*)
+module Lazy : sig
+  type module_decl =
+    {
+      mdl_type: modtype;
+      mdl_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+      mdl_loc: Location.t;
+      mdl_uid: Uid.t;
+    }
+  and modtype =
+    | MtyL_ident of Path.t
+    | MtyL_signature of signature
+    | MtyL_functor of functor_parameter * modtype
+    | MtyL_alias of Path.t
+  and modtype_declaration =
+    {
+      mtdl_type: modtype option;  (* Note: abstract *)
+      mtdl_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+      mtdl_loc: Location.t;
+      mtdl_uid: Uid.t;
+    }
+  and signature
+  and signature_item =
+      SigL_value of Ident.t * value_description * visibility
+    | SigL_type of Ident.t * type_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+    | SigL_typext of Ident.t * extension_constructor * ext_status * visibility
+    | SigL_module of
+        Ident.t * module_presence * module_decl * rec_status * visibility
+    | SigL_modtype of Ident.t * modtype_declaration * visibility
+    | SigL_class of Ident.t * class_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+    | SigL_class_type of Ident.t * class_type_declaration *
+                           rec_status * visibility
+  and functor_parameter =
+    | Unit
+    | Named of Ident.t option * modtype
+  val of_module_decl : Types.module_declaration -> module_decl
+  val of_modtype : Types.module_type -> modtype
+  val of_modtype_decl : Types.modtype_declaration -> modtype_declaration
+  val of_signature : Types.signature -> signature
+  val of_signature_items : signature_item list -> signature
+  val of_signature_item : Types.signature_item -> signature_item
+  val module_decl : scoping -> t -> module_decl -> module_decl
+  val modtype : scoping -> t -> modtype -> modtype
+  val modtype_decl : scoping -> t -> modtype_declaration -> modtype_declaration
+  val signature : scoping -> t -> signature -> signature
+  val signature_item : scoping -> t -> signature_item -> signature_item
+  val force_module_decl : module_decl -> Types.module_declaration
+  val force_modtype : modtype -> Types.module_type
+  val force_modtype_decl : modtype_declaration -> Types.modtype_declaration
+  val force_signature : signature -> Types.signature
+  val force_signature_once : signature -> signature_item list
+  val force_signature_item : signature_item -> Types.signature_item
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_iterator.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_iterator.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ec345d5b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_iterator.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                          Isaac "Izzy" Avram                            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2019 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+type iterator =
+  {
+    attribute: iterator -> attribute -> unit;
+    attributes: iterator -> attributes -> unit;
+    binding_op: iterator -> binding_op -> unit;
+    case: 'k . iterator -> 'k case -> unit;
+    class_declaration: iterator -> class_declaration -> unit;
+    class_description: iterator -> class_description -> unit;
+    class_expr: iterator -> class_expr -> unit;
+    class_field: iterator -> class_field -> unit;
+    class_signature: iterator -> class_signature -> unit;
+    class_structure: iterator -> class_structure -> unit;
+    class_type: iterator -> class_type -> unit;
+    class_type_declaration: iterator -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
+    class_type_field: iterator -> class_type_field -> unit;
+    env: iterator -> Env.t -> unit;
+    expr: iterator -> expression -> unit;
+    extension_constructor: iterator -> extension_constructor -> unit;
+    location: iterator -> Location.t -> unit;
+    module_binding: iterator -> module_binding -> unit;
+    module_coercion: iterator -> module_coercion -> unit;
+    module_declaration: iterator -> module_declaration -> unit;
+    module_substitution: iterator -> module_substitution -> unit;
+    module_expr: iterator -> module_expr -> unit;
+    module_type: iterator -> module_type -> unit;
+    module_type_declaration: iterator -> module_type_declaration -> unit;
+    package_type: iterator -> package_type -> unit;
+    pat: 'k . iterator -> 'k general_pattern -> unit;
+    row_field: iterator -> row_field -> unit;
+    object_field: iterator -> object_field -> unit;
+    open_declaration: iterator -> open_declaration -> unit;
+    open_description: iterator -> open_description -> unit;
+    signature: iterator -> signature -> unit;
+    signature_item: iterator -> signature_item -> unit;
+    structure: iterator -> structure -> unit;
+    structure_item: iterator -> structure_item -> unit;
+    typ: iterator -> core_type -> unit;
+    type_declaration: iterator -> type_declaration -> unit;
+    type_declarations: iterator -> (rec_flag * type_declaration list) -> unit;
+    type_extension: iterator -> type_extension -> unit;
+    type_exception: iterator -> type_exception -> unit;
+    type_kind: iterator -> type_kind -> unit;
+    value_binding: iterator -> value_binding -> unit;
+    value_bindings: iterator -> (rec_flag * value_binding list) -> unit;
+    value_description: iterator -> value_description -> unit;
+    with_constraint: iterator -> with_constraint -> unit;
+    item_declaration: iterator -> item_declaration -> unit;
+  }
+let iter_snd f (_, y) = f y
+let iter_loc sub {loc; _} = sub.location sub loc
+let location _sub _l = ()
+let attribute sub x =
+  let iterator = {
+    Ast_iterator.default_iterator
+    with location = fun _this x -> sub.location sub x
+  } in
+  iter_loc sub x.Parsetree.attr_name;
+  iterator.payload iterator x.Parsetree.attr_payload;
+  sub.location sub x.Parsetree.attr_loc
+let attributes sub l = List.iter (attribute sub) l
+let structure sub {str_items; str_final_env; _} =
+  List.iter (sub.structure_item sub) str_items;
+  sub.env sub str_final_env
+let class_infos sub f x =
+  sub.location sub x.ci_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub x.ci_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub x.ci_id_name;
+  List.iter (fun (ct, _) -> sub.typ sub ct) x.ci_params;
+  f x.ci_expr
+let module_type_declaration sub x =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Module_type x);
+  sub.location sub x.mtd_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub x.mtd_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub x.mtd_name;
+  Option.iter (sub.module_type sub) x.mtd_type
+let module_declaration sub md =
+  let {md_loc; md_name; md_type; md_attributes; _} = md in
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Module md);
+  sub.location sub md_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub md_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub md_name;
+  sub.module_type sub md_type
+let module_substitution sub ms =
+  let {ms_loc; ms_name; ms_txt; ms_attributes; _} = ms in
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Module_substitution ms);
+  sub.location sub ms_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub ms_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub ms_name;
+  iter_loc sub ms_txt
+let include_infos sub f {incl_loc; incl_mod; incl_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub incl_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub incl_attributes;
+  f incl_mod
+let class_type_declaration sub x =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Class_type x);
+  class_infos sub (sub.class_type sub) x
+let class_declaration sub x =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Class x);
+  class_infos sub (sub.class_expr sub) x
+let structure_item sub {str_loc; str_desc; str_env; _} =
+  sub.location sub str_loc;
+  sub.env sub str_env;
+  match str_desc with
+  | Tstr_eval   (exp, attrs) -> sub.expr sub exp; sub.attributes sub attrs
+  | Tstr_value  (rec_flag, list) -> sub.value_bindings sub (rec_flag, list)
+  | Tstr_primitive v -> sub.value_description sub v
+  | Tstr_type (rec_flag, list) -> sub.type_declarations sub (rec_flag, list)
+  | Tstr_typext te -> sub.type_extension sub te
+  | Tstr_exception ext -> sub.type_exception sub ext
+  | Tstr_module mb -> sub.module_binding sub mb
+  | Tstr_recmodule list -> List.iter (sub.module_binding sub) list
+  | Tstr_modtype x -> sub.module_type_declaration sub x
+  | Tstr_class list ->
+      List.iter (fun (cls,_) -> sub.class_declaration sub cls) list
+  | Tstr_class_type list ->
+      List.iter (fun (_, s, cltd) ->
+        iter_loc sub s; sub.class_type_declaration sub cltd) list
+  | Tstr_include incl -> include_infos sub (sub.module_expr sub) incl
+  | Tstr_open od -> sub.open_declaration sub od
+  | Tstr_attribute attr -> sub.attribute sub attr
+let value_description sub x =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Value x);
+  sub.location sub x.val_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub x.val_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub x.val_name;
+  sub.typ sub x.val_desc
+let label_decl sub ({ld_loc; ld_name; ld_type; ld_attributes; _} as ld) =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Label ld);
+  sub.location sub ld_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub ld_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub ld_name;
+  sub.typ sub ld_type
+let constructor_args sub = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter (sub.typ sub) l
+  | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (label_decl sub) l
+let constructor_decl sub x =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Constructor x);
+  sub.location sub x.cd_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub x.cd_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub x.cd_name;
+  List.iter (iter_loc sub) x.cd_vars;
+  constructor_args sub x.cd_args;
+  Option.iter (sub.typ sub) x.cd_res
+let type_kind sub = function
+  | Ttype_abstract -> ()
+  | Ttype_variant list -> List.iter (constructor_decl sub) list
+  | Ttype_record list -> List.iter (label_decl sub) list
+  | Ttype_open -> ()
+let type_declaration sub x =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Type x);
+  sub.location sub x.typ_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub x.typ_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub x.typ_name;
+  List.iter
+    (fun (c1, c2, loc) ->
+      sub.typ sub c1;
+      sub.typ sub c2;
+      sub.location sub loc)
+    x.typ_cstrs;
+  sub.type_kind sub x.typ_kind;
+  Option.iter (sub.typ sub) x.typ_manifest;
+  List.iter (fun (c, _) -> sub.typ sub c) x.typ_params
+let type_declarations sub (_, list) = List.iter (sub.type_declaration sub) list
+let type_extension sub x =
+  sub.location sub x.tyext_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub x.tyext_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub x.tyext_txt;
+  List.iter (fun (c, _) -> sub.typ sub c) x.tyext_params;
+  List.iter (sub.extension_constructor sub) x.tyext_constructors
+let type_exception sub {tyexn_loc; tyexn_constructor; tyexn_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub tyexn_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub tyexn_attributes;
+  sub.extension_constructor sub tyexn_constructor
+let extension_constructor sub ec =
+  let {ext_loc; ext_name; ext_kind; ext_attributes; _} = ec in
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Extension_constructor ec);
+  sub.location sub ext_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub ext_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub ext_name;
+  match ext_kind with
+  | Text_decl (ids, ctl, cto) ->
+      List.iter (iter_loc sub) ids;
+      constructor_args sub ctl;
+      Option.iter (sub.typ sub) cto
+  | Text_rebind (_, lid) -> iter_loc sub lid
+let pat_extra sub (e, loc, attrs) =
+  sub.location sub loc;
+  sub.attributes sub attrs;
+  match e with
+  | Tpat_type (_, lid) -> iter_loc sub lid
+  | Tpat_unpack -> ()
+  | Tpat_open (_, lid, env) -> iter_loc sub lid; sub.env sub env
+  | Tpat_constraint ct -> sub.typ sub ct
+let pat
+  : type k . iterator -> k general_pattern -> unit
+  = fun sub {pat_loc; pat_extra=extra; pat_desc; pat_env; pat_attributes; _} ->
+  sub.location sub pat_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub pat_attributes;
+  sub.env sub pat_env;
+  List.iter (pat_extra sub) extra;
+  match pat_desc with
+  | Tpat_any  -> ()
+  | Tpat_var (_, s, _) -> iter_loc sub s
+  | Tpat_constant _ -> ()
+  | Tpat_tuple l -> List.iter (sub.pat sub) l
+  | Tpat_construct (lid, _, l, vto) ->
+      iter_loc sub lid;
+      List.iter (sub.pat sub) l;
+      Option.iter (fun (ids, ct) ->
+        List.iter (iter_loc sub) ids; sub.typ sub ct) vto
+  | Tpat_variant (_, po, _) -> Option.iter (sub.pat sub) po
+  | Tpat_record (l, _) ->
+      List.iter (fun (lid, _, i) -> iter_loc sub lid; sub.pat sub i) l
+  | Tpat_array l -> List.iter (sub.pat sub) l
+  | Tpat_alias (p, _, s, _) -> sub.pat sub p; iter_loc sub s
+  | Tpat_lazy p -> sub.pat sub p
+  | Tpat_value p -> sub.pat sub (p :> pattern)
+  | Tpat_exception p -> sub.pat sub p
+  | Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) ->
+      sub.pat sub p1;
+      sub.pat sub p2
+let extra sub = function
+  | Texp_constraint cty -> sub.typ sub cty
+  | Texp_coerce (cty1, cty2) ->
+    Option.iter (sub.typ sub) cty1;
+    sub.typ sub cty2
+  | Texp_newtype _ -> ()
+  | Texp_poly cto -> Option.iter (sub.typ sub) cto
+let function_param sub fp =
+  sub.location sub fp.fp_loc;
+  match fp.fp_kind with
+  | Tparam_pat pat -> sub.pat sub pat
+  | Tparam_optional_default (pat, default_arg) ->
+      sub.pat sub pat;
+      sub.expr sub default_arg
+let function_body sub body =
+  match[@warning "+9"] body with
+  | Tfunction_body body ->
+      sub.expr sub body
+  | Tfunction_cases
+      { cases; loc; exp_extra; attributes; partial = _; param = _ }
+    ->
+      List.iter (sub.case sub) cases;
+      sub.location sub loc;
+      Option.iter (extra sub) exp_extra;
+      sub.attributes sub attributes
+let expr sub {exp_loc; exp_extra; exp_desc; exp_env; exp_attributes; _} =
+  let extra x = extra sub x in
+  sub.location sub exp_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub exp_attributes;
+  List.iter (fun (e, loc, _) -> extra e; sub.location sub loc) exp_extra;
+  sub.env sub exp_env;
+  match exp_desc with
+  | Texp_ident (_, lid, _)  -> iter_loc sub lid
+  | Texp_constant _ -> ()
+  | Texp_let (rec_flag, list, exp) ->
+      sub.value_bindings sub (rec_flag, list);
+      sub.expr sub exp
+  | Texp_function (params, body) ->
+      List.iter (function_param sub) params;
+      function_body sub body
+  | Texp_apply (exp, list) ->
+      sub.expr sub exp;
+      List.iter (fun (_, o) -> Option.iter (sub.expr sub) o) list
+  | Texp_match (exp, cases, effs, _) ->
+      sub.expr sub exp;
+      List.iter (sub.case sub) cases;
+      List.iter (sub.case sub) effs
+  | Texp_try (exp, cases, effs) ->
+      sub.expr sub exp;
+      List.iter (sub.case sub) cases;
+      List.iter (sub.case sub) effs
+  | Texp_tuple list -> List.iter (sub.expr sub) list
+  | Texp_construct (lid, _, args) ->
+      iter_loc sub lid;
+      List.iter (sub.expr sub) args
+  | Texp_variant (_, expo) -> Option.iter (sub.expr sub) expo
+  | Texp_record { fields; extended_expression; _} ->
+      Array.iter (function
+        | _, Kept _ -> ()
+        | _, Overridden (lid, exp) -> iter_loc sub lid; sub.expr sub exp)
+        fields;
+      Option.iter (sub.expr sub) extended_expression;
+  | Texp_field (exp, lid, _) ->
+      iter_loc sub lid;
+      sub.expr sub exp
+  | Texp_setfield (exp1, lid, _, exp2) ->
+      iter_loc sub lid;
+      sub.expr sub exp1;
+      sub.expr sub exp2
+  | Texp_array list -> List.iter (sub.expr sub) list
+  | Texp_ifthenelse (exp1, exp2, expo) ->
+      sub.expr sub exp1;
+      sub.expr sub exp2;
+      Option.iter (sub.expr sub) expo
+  | Texp_sequence (exp1, exp2) ->
+      sub.expr sub exp1;
+      sub.expr sub exp2
+  | Texp_while (exp1, exp2) ->
+      sub.expr sub exp1;
+      sub.expr sub exp2
+  | Texp_for (_, _, exp1, exp2, _, exp3) ->
+      sub.expr sub exp1;
+      sub.expr sub exp2;
+      sub.expr sub exp3
+  | Texp_send (exp, _) ->
+      sub.expr sub exp
+  | Texp_new (_, lid, _) -> iter_loc sub lid
+  | Texp_instvar (_, _, s) -> iter_loc sub s
+  | Texp_setinstvar (_, _, s, exp) ->
+      iter_loc sub s;
+      sub.expr sub exp
+  | Texp_override (_, list) ->
+      List.iter (fun (_, s, e) -> iter_loc sub s; sub.expr sub e) list
+  | Texp_letmodule (_, s, _, mexpr, exp) ->
+      iter_loc sub s;
+      sub.module_expr sub mexpr;
+      sub.expr sub exp
+  | Texp_letexception (cd, exp) ->
+      sub.extension_constructor sub cd;
+      sub.expr sub exp
+  | Texp_assert (exp, _) -> sub.expr sub exp
+  | Texp_lazy exp -> sub.expr sub exp
+  | Texp_object (cl, _) -> sub.class_structure sub cl
+  | Texp_pack mexpr -> sub.module_expr sub mexpr
+  | Texp_letop {let_ = l; ands; body; _} ->
+      sub.binding_op sub l;
+      List.iter (sub.binding_op sub) ands;
+      sub.case sub body
+  | Texp_unreachable -> ()
+  | Texp_extension_constructor (lid, _) -> iter_loc sub lid
+  | Texp_open (od, e) ->
+      sub.open_declaration sub od;
+      sub.expr sub e
+let package_type sub {pack_fields; pack_txt; _} =
+  List.iter (fun (lid, p) -> iter_loc sub lid; sub.typ sub p) pack_fields;
+  iter_loc sub pack_txt
+let binding_op sub {bop_loc; bop_op_name; bop_exp; _} =
+  sub.location sub bop_loc;
+  iter_loc sub bop_op_name;
+  sub.expr sub bop_exp
+let signature sub {sig_items; sig_final_env; _} =
+  sub.env sub sig_final_env;
+  List.iter (sub.signature_item sub) sig_items
+let signature_item sub {sig_loc; sig_desc; sig_env; _} =
+  sub.location sub sig_loc;
+  sub.env sub sig_env;
+  match sig_desc with
+  | Tsig_value v -> sub.value_description sub v
+  | Tsig_type (rf, tdl)  -> sub.type_declarations sub (rf, tdl)
+  | Tsig_typesubst list -> sub.type_declarations sub (Nonrecursive, list)
+  | Tsig_typext te -> sub.type_extension sub te
+  | Tsig_exception ext -> sub.type_exception sub ext
+  | Tsig_module x -> sub.module_declaration sub x
+  | Tsig_modsubst x -> sub.module_substitution sub x
+  | Tsig_recmodule list -> List.iter (sub.module_declaration sub) list
+  | Tsig_modtype x -> sub.module_type_declaration sub x
+  | Tsig_modtypesubst x -> sub.module_type_declaration sub x
+  | Tsig_include incl -> include_infos sub (sub.module_type sub) incl
+  | Tsig_class list -> List.iter (sub.class_description sub) list
+  | Tsig_class_type list -> List.iter (sub.class_type_declaration sub) list
+  | Tsig_open od -> sub.open_description sub od
+  | Tsig_attribute _ -> ()
+let class_description sub x =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Class_type x);
+  class_infos sub (sub.class_type sub) x
+let functor_parameter sub = function
+  | Unit -> ()
+  | Named (_, s, mtype) -> iter_loc sub s; sub.module_type sub mtype
+let module_type sub {mty_loc; mty_desc; mty_env; mty_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub mty_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub mty_attributes;
+  sub.env sub mty_env;
+  match mty_desc with
+  | Tmty_ident (_, lid) -> iter_loc sub lid
+  | Tmty_alias (_, lid) -> iter_loc sub lid
+  | Tmty_signature sg -> sub.signature sub sg
+  | Tmty_functor (arg, mtype2) ->
+      functor_parameter sub arg;
+      sub.module_type sub mtype2
+  | Tmty_with (mtype, list) ->
+      sub.module_type sub mtype;
+      List.iter (fun (_, lid, e) ->
+        iter_loc sub lid; sub.with_constraint sub e) list
+  | Tmty_typeof mexpr -> sub.module_expr sub mexpr
+let with_constraint sub = function
+  | Twith_type      decl -> sub.type_declaration sub decl
+  | Twith_typesubst decl -> sub.type_declaration sub decl
+  | Twith_module    (_, lid) -> iter_loc sub lid
+  | Twith_modsubst  (_, lid) -> iter_loc sub lid
+  | Twith_modtype      mty -> sub.module_type sub mty
+  | Twith_modtypesubst mty -> sub.module_type sub mty
+let open_description sub {open_loc; open_expr; open_env; open_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub open_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub open_attributes;
+  iter_snd (iter_loc sub) open_expr;
+  sub.env sub open_env
+let open_declaration sub {open_loc; open_expr; open_env; open_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub open_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub open_attributes;
+  sub.module_expr sub open_expr;
+  sub.env sub open_env
+let module_coercion sub = function
+  | Tcoerce_none -> ()
+  | Tcoerce_functor (c1,c2) ->
+      sub.module_coercion sub c1;
+      sub.module_coercion sub c2
+  | Tcoerce_alias (env, _, c1) ->
+      sub.env sub env;
+      sub.module_coercion sub c1
+  | Tcoerce_structure (l1, l2) ->
+      List.iter (fun (_, c) -> sub.module_coercion sub c) l1;
+      List.iter (fun (_, _ ,c) -> sub.module_coercion sub c) l2
+  | Tcoerce_primitive {pc_loc; pc_env; _} ->
+      sub.location sub pc_loc;
+      sub.env sub pc_env
+let module_expr sub {mod_loc; mod_desc; mod_env; mod_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub mod_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub mod_attributes;
+  sub.env sub mod_env;
+  match mod_desc with
+  | Tmod_ident (_, lid) -> iter_loc sub lid
+  | Tmod_structure st -> sub.structure sub st
+  | Tmod_functor (arg, mexpr) ->
+      functor_parameter sub arg;
+      sub.module_expr sub mexpr
+  | Tmod_apply (mexp1, mexp2, c) ->
+      sub.module_expr sub mexp1;
+      sub.module_expr sub mexp2;
+      sub.module_coercion sub c
+  | Tmod_apply_unit mexp1 ->
+      sub.module_expr sub mexp1;
+  | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, _, Tmodtype_implicit, c) ->
+      sub.module_expr sub mexpr;
+      sub.module_coercion sub c
+  | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, _, Tmodtype_explicit mtype, c) ->
+      sub.module_expr sub mexpr;
+      sub.module_type sub mtype;
+      sub.module_coercion sub c
+  | Tmod_unpack (exp, _) -> sub.expr sub exp
+let module_binding sub ({mb_loc; mb_name; mb_expr; mb_attributes; _} as mb) =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Module_binding mb);
+  sub.location sub mb_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub mb_attributes;
+  iter_loc sub mb_name;
+  sub.module_expr sub mb_expr
+let class_expr sub {cl_loc; cl_desc; cl_env; cl_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub cl_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub cl_attributes;
+  sub.env sub cl_env;
+  match cl_desc with
+  | Tcl_constraint (cl, clty, _, _, _) ->
+      sub.class_expr sub cl;
+      Option.iter (sub.class_type sub) clty
+  | Tcl_structure clstr -> sub.class_structure sub clstr
+  | Tcl_fun (_, pat, priv, cl, _) ->
+      sub.pat sub pat;
+      List.iter (fun (_, e) -> sub.expr sub e) priv;
+      sub.class_expr sub cl
+  | Tcl_apply (cl, args) ->
+      sub.class_expr sub cl;
+      List.iter (fun (_, e) -> Option.iter (sub.expr sub) e) args
+  | Tcl_let (rec_flag, value_bindings, ivars, cl) ->
+      sub.value_bindings sub (rec_flag, value_bindings);
+      List.iter (fun (_, e) -> sub.expr sub e) ivars;
+      sub.class_expr sub cl
+  | Tcl_ident (_, lid, tyl) ->
+      iter_loc sub lid;
+      List.iter (sub.typ sub) tyl
+  | Tcl_open (od, e) ->
+      sub.open_description sub od;
+      sub.class_expr sub e
+let class_type sub {cltyp_loc; cltyp_desc; cltyp_env; cltyp_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub cltyp_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub cltyp_attributes;
+  sub.env sub cltyp_env;
+  match cltyp_desc with
+  | Tcty_signature csg -> sub.class_signature sub csg
+  | Tcty_constr (_, lid, list) ->
+      iter_loc sub lid;
+      List.iter (sub.typ sub) list
+  | Tcty_arrow (_, ct, cl) ->
+      sub.typ sub ct;
+      sub.class_type sub cl
+  | Tcty_open (od, e) ->
+      sub.open_description sub od;
+      sub.class_type sub e
+let class_signature sub {csig_self; csig_fields; _} =
+  sub.typ sub csig_self;
+  List.iter (sub.class_type_field sub) csig_fields
+let class_type_field sub {ctf_loc; ctf_desc; ctf_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub ctf_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub ctf_attributes;
+  match ctf_desc with
+  | Tctf_inherit ct -> sub.class_type sub ct
+  | Tctf_val (_, _, _, ct) ->  sub.typ sub ct
+  | Tctf_method (_, _, _, ct) -> sub.typ sub ct
+  | Tctf_constraint  (ct1, ct2) ->
+      sub.typ sub ct1;
+      sub.typ sub ct2
+  | Tctf_attribute attr -> sub.attribute sub attr
+let typ sub {ctyp_loc; ctyp_desc; ctyp_env; ctyp_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub ctyp_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub ctyp_attributes;
+  sub.env sub ctyp_env;
+  match ctyp_desc with
+  | Ttyp_any   -> ()
+  | Ttyp_var _ -> ()
+  | Ttyp_arrow (_, ct1, ct2) ->
+      sub.typ sub ct1;
+      sub.typ sub ct2
+  | Ttyp_tuple list -> List.iter (sub.typ sub) list
+  | Ttyp_constr (_, lid, list) ->
+      iter_loc sub lid;
+      List.iter (sub.typ sub) list
+  | Ttyp_object (list, _) -> List.iter (sub.object_field sub) list
+  | Ttyp_class (_, lid, list) ->
+      iter_loc sub lid;
+      List.iter (sub.typ sub) list
+  | Ttyp_alias (ct, _) -> sub.typ sub ct
+  | Ttyp_variant (list, _, _) -> List.iter (sub.row_field sub) list
+  | Ttyp_poly (_, ct) -> sub.typ sub ct
+  | Ttyp_package pack -> sub.package_type sub pack
+  | Ttyp_open (_, mod_ident, t) ->
+      iter_loc sub mod_ident;
+      sub.typ sub t
+let class_structure sub {cstr_self; cstr_fields; _} =
+  sub.pat sub cstr_self;
+  List.iter (sub.class_field sub) cstr_fields
+let row_field sub {rf_loc; rf_desc; rf_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub rf_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub rf_attributes;
+  match rf_desc with
+  | Ttag (s, _, list) -> iter_loc sub s; List.iter (sub.typ sub) list
+  | Tinherit ct -> sub.typ sub ct
+let object_field sub {of_loc; of_desc; of_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub of_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub of_attributes;
+  match of_desc with
+  | OTtag (s, ct) -> iter_loc sub s; sub.typ sub ct
+  | OTinherit ct -> sub.typ sub ct
+let class_field_kind sub = function
+  | Tcfk_virtual ct -> sub.typ sub ct
+  | Tcfk_concrete (_, e) -> sub.expr sub e
+let class_field sub {cf_loc; cf_desc; cf_attributes; _} =
+  sub.location sub cf_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub cf_attributes;
+  match cf_desc with
+  | Tcf_inherit (_, cl, _, _, _) -> sub.class_expr sub cl
+  | Tcf_constraint (cty1, cty2) ->
+      sub.typ sub cty1;
+      sub.typ sub cty2
+  | Tcf_val (s, _, _, k, _) -> iter_loc sub s; class_field_kind sub k
+  | Tcf_method (s, _, k) -> iter_loc sub s;class_field_kind sub k
+  | Tcf_initializer exp -> sub.expr sub exp
+  | Tcf_attribute attr -> sub.attribute sub attr
+let value_bindings sub (_, list) = List.iter (sub.value_binding sub) list
+let case sub {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} =
+  sub.pat sub c_lhs;
+  Option.iter (sub.expr sub) c_guard;
+  sub.expr sub c_rhs
+let value_binding sub ({vb_loc; vb_pat; vb_expr; vb_attributes; _} as vb) =
+  sub.item_declaration sub (Value_binding vb);
+  sub.location sub vb_loc;
+  sub.attributes sub vb_attributes;
+  sub.pat sub vb_pat;
+  sub.expr sub vb_expr
+let env _sub _ = ()
+let item_declaration _sub _ = ()
+let default_iterator =
+  {
+    attribute;
+    attributes;
+    binding_op;
+    case;
+    class_declaration;
+    class_description;
+    class_expr;
+    class_field;
+    class_signature;
+    class_structure;
+    class_type;
+    class_type_declaration;
+    class_type_field;
+    env;
+    expr;
+    extension_constructor;
+    location;
+    module_binding;
+    module_coercion;
+    module_declaration;
+    module_substitution;
+    module_expr;
+    module_type;
+    module_type_declaration;
+    package_type;
+    pat;
+    row_field;
+    object_field;
+    open_declaration;
+    open_description;
+    signature;
+    signature_item;
+    structure;
+    structure_item;
+    typ;
+    type_declaration;
+    type_declarations;
+    type_extension;
+    type_exception;
+    type_kind;
+    value_binding;
+    value_bindings;
+    value_description;
+    with_constraint;
+    item_declaration;
+  }
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_iterator.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_iterator.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38cd4eac94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_iterator.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                           Isaac "Izzy" Avram                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2019 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+Allows the implementation of typed tree inspection using open recursion
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+type iterator =
+  {
+    attribute: iterator -> attribute -> unit;
+    attributes: iterator -> attributes -> unit;
+    binding_op: iterator -> binding_op -> unit;
+    case: 'k . iterator -> 'k case -> unit;
+    class_declaration: iterator -> class_declaration -> unit;
+    class_description: iterator -> class_description -> unit;
+    class_expr: iterator -> class_expr -> unit;
+    class_field: iterator -> class_field -> unit;
+    class_signature: iterator -> class_signature -> unit;
+    class_structure: iterator -> class_structure -> unit;
+    class_type: iterator -> class_type -> unit;
+    class_type_declaration: iterator -> class_type_declaration -> unit;
+    class_type_field: iterator -> class_type_field -> unit;
+    env: iterator -> Env.t -> unit;
+    expr: iterator -> expression -> unit;
+    extension_constructor: iterator -> extension_constructor -> unit;
+    location: iterator -> Location.t -> unit;
+    module_binding: iterator -> module_binding -> unit;
+    module_coercion: iterator -> module_coercion -> unit;
+    module_declaration: iterator -> module_declaration -> unit;
+    module_substitution: iterator -> module_substitution -> unit;
+    module_expr: iterator -> module_expr -> unit;
+    module_type: iterator -> module_type -> unit;
+    module_type_declaration: iterator -> module_type_declaration -> unit;
+    package_type: iterator -> package_type -> unit;
+    pat: 'k . iterator -> 'k general_pattern -> unit;
+    row_field: iterator -> row_field -> unit;
+    object_field: iterator -> object_field -> unit;
+    open_declaration: iterator -> open_declaration -> unit;
+    open_description: iterator -> open_description -> unit;
+    signature: iterator -> signature -> unit;
+    signature_item: iterator -> signature_item -> unit;
+    structure: iterator -> structure -> unit;
+    structure_item: iterator -> structure_item -> unit;
+    typ: iterator -> core_type -> unit;
+    type_declaration: iterator -> type_declaration -> unit;
+    type_declarations: iterator -> (rec_flag * type_declaration list) -> unit;
+    type_extension: iterator -> type_extension -> unit;
+    type_exception: iterator -> type_exception -> unit;
+    type_kind: iterator -> type_kind -> unit;
+    value_binding: iterator -> value_binding -> unit;
+    value_bindings: iterator -> (rec_flag * value_binding list) -> unit;
+    value_description: iterator -> value_description -> unit;
+    with_constraint: iterator -> with_constraint -> unit;
+    item_declaration: iterator -> item_declaration -> unit;
+  }
+val default_iterator: iterator
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_mapper.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_mapper.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05b7a66ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_mapper.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                        Alain Frisch, LexiFi                            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+(* TODO: add 'methods' for extension,
+   include_declaration, include_description *)
+type mapper =
+  {
+    attribute : mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
+    attributes : mapper -> attributes -> attributes;
+    binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
+    case: 'k . mapper -> 'k case -> 'k case;
+    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
+    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
+    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
+    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
+    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
+    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
+    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
+    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration ->
+      class_type_declaration;
+    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
+    env: mapper -> Env.t -> Env.t;
+    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
+    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor ->
+      extension_constructor;
+    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
+    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
+    module_coercion: mapper -> module_coercion -> module_coercion;
+    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
+    module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
+    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
+    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
+    module_type_declaration:
+      mapper -> module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration;
+    package_type: mapper -> package_type -> package_type;
+    pat: 'k . mapper -> 'k general_pattern -> 'k general_pattern;
+    row_field: mapper -> row_field -> row_field;
+    object_field: mapper -> object_field -> object_field;
+    open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
+    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
+    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
+    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
+    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
+    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
+    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
+    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
+    type_declarations: mapper -> (rec_flag * type_declaration list)
+      -> (rec_flag * type_declaration list);
+    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
+    type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
+    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
+    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
+    value_bindings: mapper -> (rec_flag * value_binding list) ->
+      (rec_flag * value_binding list);
+    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
+    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
+  }
+let id x = x
+let tuple2 f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
+let tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
+let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc=sub.location sub loc; txt}
+let location _sub l = l
+let attribute sub x =
+  let mapper = {
+    Ast_mapper.default_mapper
+    with location = fun _this x -> sub.location sub x
+  } in
+  Parsetree.{
+    attr_name = map_loc sub x.attr_name;
+    attr_payload = mapper.payload mapper x.attr_payload;
+    attr_loc = sub.location sub x.attr_loc
+  }
+let attributes sub l = List.map (attribute sub) l
+let structure sub {str_items; str_type; str_final_env} =
+  {
+    str_items = List.map (sub.structure_item sub) str_items;
+    str_final_env = sub.env sub str_final_env;
+    str_type;
+  }
+let class_infos sub f x =
+  {x with
+   ci_loc = sub.location sub x.ci_loc;
+   ci_id_name = map_loc sub x.ci_id_name;
+   ci_params = List.map (tuple2 (sub.typ sub) id) x.ci_params;
+   ci_expr = f x.ci_expr;
+   ci_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.ci_attributes;
+  }
+let module_type_declaration sub x =
+  let mtd_loc = sub.location sub x.mtd_loc in
+  let mtd_name = map_loc sub x.mtd_name in
+  let mtd_type = Option.map (sub.module_type sub) x.mtd_type in
+  let mtd_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.mtd_attributes in
+  {x with mtd_loc; mtd_name; mtd_type; mtd_attributes}
+let module_declaration sub x =
+  let md_loc = sub.location sub x.md_loc in
+  let md_name = map_loc sub x.md_name in
+  let md_type = sub.module_type sub x.md_type in
+  let md_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.md_attributes in
+  {x with md_loc; md_name; md_type; md_attributes}
+let module_substitution sub x =
+  let ms_loc = sub.location sub x.ms_loc in
+  let ms_name = map_loc sub x.ms_name in
+  let ms_txt = map_loc sub x.ms_txt in
+  let ms_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.ms_attributes in
+  {x with ms_loc; ms_name; ms_txt; ms_attributes}
+let include_infos sub f x =
+  let incl_loc = sub.location sub x.incl_loc in
+  let incl_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.incl_attributes in
+  {x with incl_loc; incl_attributes; incl_mod = f x.incl_mod}
+let class_type_declaration sub x =
+  class_infos sub (sub.class_type sub) x
+let class_declaration sub x =
+  class_infos sub (sub.class_expr sub) x
+let structure_item sub {str_loc; str_desc; str_env} =
+  let str_loc = sub.location sub str_loc in
+  let str_env = sub.env sub str_env in
+  let str_desc =
+    match str_desc with
+    | Tstr_eval (exp, attrs) ->
+        Tstr_eval (sub.expr sub exp, sub.attributes sub attrs)
+    | Tstr_value (rec_flag, list) ->
+        let (rec_flag, list) = sub.value_bindings sub (rec_flag, list) in
+        Tstr_value (rec_flag, list)
+    | Tstr_primitive v -> Tstr_primitive (sub.value_description sub v)
+    | Tstr_type (rec_flag, list) ->
+        let (rec_flag, list) = sub.type_declarations sub (rec_flag, list) in
+        Tstr_type (rec_flag, list)
+    | Tstr_typext te -> Tstr_typext (sub.type_extension sub te)
+    | Tstr_exception ext -> Tstr_exception (sub.type_exception sub ext)
+    | Tstr_module mb -> Tstr_module (sub.module_binding sub mb)
+    | Tstr_recmodule list ->
+        Tstr_recmodule (List.map (sub.module_binding sub) list)
+    | Tstr_modtype x -> Tstr_modtype (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
+    | Tstr_class list ->
+        Tstr_class
+          (List.map (tuple2 (sub.class_declaration sub) id) list)
+    | Tstr_class_type list ->
+        Tstr_class_type
+          (List.map (tuple3
+            id (map_loc sub) (sub.class_type_declaration sub)) list)
+    | Tstr_include incl ->
+        Tstr_include (include_infos sub (sub.module_expr sub) incl)
+    | Tstr_open od -> Tstr_open (sub.open_declaration sub od)
+    | Tstr_attribute attr -> Tstr_attribute (sub.attribute sub attr)
+  in
+  {str_desc; str_env; str_loc}
+let value_description sub x =
+  let val_loc = sub.location sub x.val_loc in
+  let val_name = map_loc sub x.val_name in
+  let val_desc = sub.typ sub x.val_desc in
+  let val_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.val_attributes in
+  {x with val_loc; val_name; val_desc; val_attributes}
+let label_decl sub x =
+  let ld_loc = sub.location sub x.ld_loc in
+  let ld_name = map_loc sub x.ld_name in
+  let ld_type = sub.typ sub x.ld_type in
+  let ld_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.ld_attributes in
+  {x with ld_loc; ld_name; ld_type; ld_attributes}
+let constructor_args sub = function
+  | Cstr_tuple l -> Cstr_tuple (List.map (sub.typ sub) l)
+  | Cstr_record l -> Cstr_record (List.map (label_decl sub) l)
+let constructor_decl sub cd =
+  let cd_loc = sub.location sub cd.cd_loc in
+  let cd_name = map_loc sub cd.cd_name in
+  let cd_vars = List.map (map_loc sub) cd.cd_vars in
+  let cd_args = constructor_args sub cd.cd_args in
+  let cd_res = Option.map (sub.typ sub) cd.cd_res in
+  let cd_attributes = sub.attributes sub cd.cd_attributes in
+  {cd with cd_loc; cd_name; cd_vars; cd_args; cd_res; cd_attributes}
+let type_kind sub = function
+  | Ttype_abstract -> Ttype_abstract
+  | Ttype_variant list -> Ttype_variant (List.map (constructor_decl sub) list)
+  | Ttype_record list -> Ttype_record (List.map (label_decl sub) list)
+  | Ttype_open -> Ttype_open
+let type_declaration sub x =
+  let typ_loc = sub.location sub x.typ_loc in
+  let typ_name = map_loc sub x.typ_name in
+  let typ_cstrs =
+    List.map
+      (tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) (sub.location sub))
+      x.typ_cstrs
+  in
+  let typ_kind = sub.type_kind sub x.typ_kind in
+  let typ_manifest = Option.map (sub.typ sub) x.typ_manifest in
+  let typ_params = List.map (tuple2 (sub.typ sub) id) x.typ_params in
+  let typ_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.typ_attributes in
+  {x with typ_loc; typ_name; typ_cstrs; typ_kind; typ_manifest; typ_params;
+          typ_attributes}
+let type_declarations sub (rec_flag, list) =
+  (rec_flag, List.map (sub.type_declaration sub) list)
+let type_extension sub x =
+  let tyext_loc = sub.location sub x.tyext_loc in
+  let tyext_txt = map_loc sub x.tyext_txt in
+  let tyext_params = List.map (tuple2 (sub.typ sub) id) x.tyext_params in
+  let tyext_constructors =
+    List.map (sub.extension_constructor sub) x.tyext_constructors
+  in
+  let tyext_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.tyext_attributes in
+  {x with tyext_loc; tyext_txt; tyext_constructors; tyext_params;
+          tyext_attributes}
+let type_exception sub x =
+  let tyexn_loc = sub.location sub x.tyexn_loc in
+  let tyexn_constructor =
+    sub.extension_constructor sub x.tyexn_constructor
+  in
+  let tyexn_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.tyexn_attributes in
+  {tyexn_loc; tyexn_constructor; tyexn_attributes}
+let extension_constructor sub x =
+  let ext_loc = sub.location sub x.ext_loc in
+  let ext_name = map_loc sub x.ext_name in
+  let ext_kind =
+    match x.ext_kind with
+      Text_decl(ids, ctl, cto) ->
+        Text_decl(
+          List.map (map_loc sub) ids,
+          constructor_args sub ctl,
+          Option.map (sub.typ sub) cto
+        )
+    | Text_rebind (path, lid) ->
+        Text_rebind (path, map_loc sub lid)
+  in
+  let ext_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.ext_attributes in
+  {x with ext_loc; ext_name; ext_kind; ext_attributes}
+let pat_extra sub = function
+  | Tpat_unpack as d -> d
+  | Tpat_type (path,loc) -> Tpat_type (path, map_loc sub loc)
+  | Tpat_open (path,loc,env) ->
+      Tpat_open (path, map_loc sub loc, sub.env sub env)
+  | Tpat_constraint ct -> Tpat_constraint (sub.typ sub ct)
+let pat
+  : type k . mapper -> k general_pattern -> k general_pattern
+  = fun sub x ->
+  let pat_loc = sub.location sub x.pat_loc in
+  let pat_env = sub.env sub x.pat_env in
+  let pat_extra =
+    List.map (tuple3 (pat_extra sub) id (sub.attributes sub)) x.pat_extra in
+  let pat_desc : k pattern_desc =
+    match x.pat_desc with
+    | Tpat_any
+    | Tpat_constant _ -> x.pat_desc
+    | Tpat_var (id, s, uid) -> Tpat_var (id, map_loc sub s, uid)
+    | Tpat_tuple l -> Tpat_tuple (List.map (sub.pat sub) l)
+    | Tpat_construct (loc, cd, l, vto) ->
+        let vto = Option.map (fun (vl,cty) ->
+          List.map (map_loc sub) vl, sub.typ sub cty) vto in
+        Tpat_construct (map_loc sub loc, cd, List.map (sub.pat sub) l, vto)
+    | Tpat_variant (l, po, rd) ->
+        Tpat_variant (l, Option.map (sub.pat sub) po, rd)
+    | Tpat_record (l, closed) ->
+        Tpat_record (List.map (tuple3 (map_loc sub) id (sub.pat sub)) l, closed)
+    | Tpat_array l -> Tpat_array (List.map (sub.pat sub) l)
+    | Tpat_alias (p, id, s, uid) ->
+        Tpat_alias (sub.pat sub p, id, map_loc sub s, uid)
+    | Tpat_lazy p -> Tpat_lazy (sub.pat sub p)
+    | Tpat_value p ->
+       (as_computation_pattern (sub.pat sub (p :> pattern))).pat_desc
+    | Tpat_exception p ->
+       Tpat_exception (sub.pat sub p)
+    | Tpat_or (p1, p2, rd) ->
+        Tpat_or (sub.pat sub p1, sub.pat sub p2, rd)
+  in
+  let pat_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.pat_attributes in
+  {x with pat_loc; pat_extra; pat_desc; pat_env; pat_attributes}
+let function_param sub fp =
+  let fp_kind =
+    match fp.fp_kind with
+    | Tparam_pat pat -> Tparam_pat (sub.pat sub pat)
+    | Tparam_optional_default (pat, expr) ->
+      let pat = sub.pat sub pat in
+      let expr = sub.expr sub expr in
+      Tparam_optional_default (pat, expr)
+  in
+  let fp_loc = sub.location sub fp.fp_loc in
+  { fp_kind;
+    fp_param = fp.fp_param;
+    fp_arg_label = fp.fp_arg_label;
+    fp_partial = fp.fp_partial;
+    fp_newtypes = fp.fp_newtypes;
+    fp_loc;
+  }
+let extra sub = function
+  | Texp_constraint cty ->
+    Texp_constraint (sub.typ sub cty)
+  | Texp_coerce (cty1, cty2) ->
+    Texp_coerce (Option.map (sub.typ sub) cty1, sub.typ sub cty2)
+  | Texp_newtype _ as d -> d
+  | Texp_poly cto -> Texp_poly (Option.map (sub.typ sub) cto)
+let function_body sub body =
+  match body with
+  | Tfunction_body body ->
+      Tfunction_body (sub.expr sub body)
+  | Tfunction_cases { cases; partial; param; loc; exp_extra; attributes } ->
+      let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+      let cases = List.map (sub.case sub) cases in
+      let exp_extra = Option.map (extra sub) exp_extra in
+      let attributes = sub.attributes sub attributes in
+      Tfunction_cases { cases; partial; param; loc; exp_extra; attributes }
+let expr sub x =
+  let extra x = extra sub x in
+  let exp_loc = sub.location sub x.exp_loc in
+  let exp_extra = List.map (tuple3 extra (sub.location sub) id) x.exp_extra in
+  let exp_env = sub.env sub x.exp_env in
+  let exp_desc =
+    match x.exp_desc with
+    | Texp_ident (path, lid, vd) ->
+        Texp_ident (path, map_loc sub lid, vd)
+    | Texp_constant _ as d -> d
+    | Texp_let (rec_flag, list, exp) ->
+        let (rec_flag, list) = sub.value_bindings sub (rec_flag, list) in
+        Texp_let (rec_flag, list, sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Texp_function (params, body) ->
+        let params = List.map (function_param sub) params in
+        let body = function_body sub body in
+        Texp_function (params, body)
+    | Texp_apply (exp, list) ->
+        Texp_apply (
+          sub.expr sub exp,
+          List.map (tuple2 id (Option.map (sub.expr sub))) list
+        )
+    | Texp_match (exp, cases, eff_cases, p) ->
+        Texp_match (
+          sub.expr sub exp,
+          List.map (sub.case sub) cases,
+          List.map (sub.case sub) eff_cases,
+          p
+        )
+    | Texp_try (exp, exn_cases, eff_cases) ->
+        Texp_try (
+          sub.expr sub exp,
+          List.map (sub.case sub) exn_cases,
+          List.map (sub.case sub) eff_cases
+        )
+    | Texp_tuple list ->
+        Texp_tuple (List.map (sub.expr sub) list)
+    | Texp_construct (lid, cd, args) ->
+        Texp_construct (map_loc sub lid, cd, List.map (sub.expr sub) args)
+    | Texp_variant (l, expo) ->
+        Texp_variant (l, Option.map (sub.expr sub) expo)
+    | Texp_record { fields; representation; extended_expression } ->
+        let fields = Array.map (function
+            | label, Kept (t, mut) -> label, Kept (t, mut)
+            | label, Overridden (lid, exp) ->
+                label, Overridden (map_loc sub lid, sub.expr sub exp))
+            fields
+        in
+        Texp_record {
+          fields; representation;
+          extended_expression = Option.map (sub.expr sub) extended_expression;
+        }
+    | Texp_field (exp, lid, ld) ->
+        Texp_field (sub.expr sub exp, map_loc sub lid, ld)
+    | Texp_setfield (exp1, lid, ld, exp2) ->
+        Texp_setfield (
+          sub.expr sub exp1,
+          map_loc sub lid,
+          ld,
+          sub.expr sub exp2
+        )
+    | Texp_array list ->
+        Texp_array (List.map (sub.expr sub) list)
+    | Texp_ifthenelse (exp1, exp2, expo) ->
+        Texp_ifthenelse (
+          sub.expr sub exp1,
+          sub.expr sub exp2,
+          Option.map (sub.expr sub) expo
+        )
+    | Texp_sequence (exp1, exp2) ->
+        Texp_sequence (
+          sub.expr sub exp1,
+          sub.expr sub exp2
+        )
+    | Texp_while (exp1, exp2) ->
+        Texp_while (
+          sub.expr sub exp1,
+          sub.expr sub exp2
+        )
+    | Texp_for (id, p, exp1, exp2, dir, exp3) ->
+        Texp_for (
+          id,
+          p,
+          sub.expr sub exp1,
+          sub.expr sub exp2,
+          dir,
+          sub.expr sub exp3
+        )
+    | Texp_send (exp, meth) ->
+        Texp_send
+          (
+            sub.expr sub exp,
+            meth
+          )
+    | Texp_new (path, lid, cd) ->
+        Texp_new (
+          path,
+          map_loc sub lid,
+          cd
+        )
+    | Texp_instvar (path1, path2, id) ->
+        Texp_instvar (
+          path1,
+          path2,
+          map_loc sub id
+        )
+    | Texp_setinstvar (path1, path2, id, exp) ->
+        Texp_setinstvar (
+          path1,
+          path2,
+          map_loc sub id,
+          sub.expr sub exp
+        )
+    | Texp_override (path, list) ->
+        Texp_override (
+          path,
+          List.map (tuple3 id (map_loc sub) (sub.expr sub)) list
+        )
+    | Texp_letmodule (id, s, pres, mexpr, exp) ->
+        Texp_letmodule (
+          id,
+          map_loc sub s,
+          pres,
+          sub.module_expr sub mexpr,
+          sub.expr sub exp
+        )
+    | Texp_letexception (cd, exp) ->
+        Texp_letexception (
+          sub.extension_constructor sub cd,
+          sub.expr sub exp
+        )
+    | Texp_assert (exp, loc) ->
+        Texp_assert (sub.expr sub exp, loc)
+    | Texp_lazy exp ->
+        Texp_lazy (sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Texp_object (cl, sl) ->
+        Texp_object (sub.class_structure sub cl, sl)
+    | Texp_pack mexpr ->
+        Texp_pack (sub.module_expr sub mexpr)
+    | Texp_letop {let_; ands; param; body; partial} ->
+        Texp_letop{
+          let_ = sub.binding_op sub let_;
+          ands = List.map (sub.binding_op sub) ands;
+          param;
+          body = sub.case sub body;
+          partial;
+        }
+    | Texp_unreachable ->
+        Texp_unreachable
+    | Texp_extension_constructor (lid, path) ->
+        Texp_extension_constructor (map_loc sub lid, path)
+    | Texp_open (od, e) ->
+        Texp_open (sub.open_declaration sub od, sub.expr sub e)
+  in
+  let exp_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.exp_attributes in
+  {x with exp_loc; exp_extra; exp_desc; exp_env; exp_attributes}
+let package_type sub x =
+  let pack_txt = map_loc sub x.pack_txt in
+  let pack_fields = List.map
+    (tuple2 (map_loc sub) (sub.typ sub)) x.pack_fields in
+  {x with pack_txt; pack_fields}
+let binding_op sub x =
+  let bop_loc = sub.location sub x.bop_loc in
+  let bop_op_name = map_loc sub x.bop_op_name in
+  { x with bop_loc; bop_op_name; bop_exp = sub.expr sub x.bop_exp }
+let signature sub x =
+  let sig_final_env = sub.env sub x.sig_final_env in
+  let sig_items = List.map (sub.signature_item sub) x.sig_items in
+  {x with sig_items; sig_final_env}
+let signature_item sub x =
+  let sig_loc = sub.location sub x.sig_loc in
+  let sig_env = sub.env sub x.sig_env in
+  let sig_desc =
+    match x.sig_desc with
+    | Tsig_value v ->
+        Tsig_value (sub.value_description sub v)
+    | Tsig_type (rec_flag, list) ->
+        let (rec_flag, list) = sub.type_declarations sub (rec_flag, list) in
+        Tsig_type (rec_flag, list)
+    | Tsig_typesubst list ->
+        let (_, list) = sub.type_declarations sub (Nonrecursive, list) in
+        Tsig_typesubst list
+    | Tsig_typext te ->
+        Tsig_typext (sub.type_extension sub te)
+    | Tsig_exception ext ->
+        Tsig_exception (sub.type_exception sub ext)
+    | Tsig_module x ->
+        Tsig_module (sub.module_declaration sub x)
+    | Tsig_modsubst x ->
+        Tsig_modsubst (sub.module_substitution sub x)
+    | Tsig_recmodule list ->
+        Tsig_recmodule (List.map (sub.module_declaration sub) list)
+    | Tsig_modtype x ->
+        Tsig_modtype (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
+   | Tsig_modtypesubst x ->
+        Tsig_modtypesubst (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
+   | Tsig_include incl ->
+        Tsig_include (include_infos sub (sub.module_type sub) incl)
+    | Tsig_class list ->
+        Tsig_class (List.map (sub.class_description sub) list)
+    | Tsig_class_type list ->
+        Tsig_class_type
+          (List.map (sub.class_type_declaration sub) list)
+    | Tsig_open od -> Tsig_open (sub.open_description sub od)
+    | Tsig_attribute attr -> Tsig_attribute (sub.attribute sub attr)
+  in
+  {sig_loc; sig_desc; sig_env}
+let class_description sub x =
+  class_infos sub (sub.class_type sub) x
+let functor_parameter sub = function
+  | Unit -> Unit
+  | Named (id, s, mtype) -> Named (id, map_loc sub s, sub.module_type sub mtype)
+let module_type sub x =
+  let mty_loc = sub.location sub x.mty_loc in
+  let mty_env = sub.env sub x.mty_env in
+  let mty_desc =
+    match x.mty_desc with
+    | Tmty_ident (path, lid) -> Tmty_ident (path, map_loc sub lid)
+    | Tmty_alias (path, lid) -> Tmty_alias (path, map_loc sub lid)
+    | Tmty_signature sg -> Tmty_signature (sub.signature sub sg)
+    | Tmty_functor (arg, mtype2) ->
+        Tmty_functor (functor_parameter sub arg, sub.module_type sub mtype2)
+    | Tmty_with (mtype, list) ->
+        Tmty_with (
+          sub.module_type sub mtype,
+          List.map (tuple3 id (map_loc sub) (sub.with_constraint sub)) list
+        )
+    | Tmty_typeof mexpr ->
+        Tmty_typeof (sub.module_expr sub mexpr)
+  in
+  let mty_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.mty_attributes in
+  {x with mty_loc; mty_desc; mty_env; mty_attributes}
+let with_constraint sub = function
+  | Twith_type decl -> Twith_type (sub.type_declaration sub decl)
+  | Twith_typesubst decl -> Twith_typesubst (sub.type_declaration sub decl)
+  | Twith_modtype mty -> Twith_modtype (sub.module_type sub mty)
+  | Twith_modtypesubst mty -> Twith_modtypesubst (sub.module_type sub mty)
+  | Twith_module (path, lid) -> Twith_module (path, map_loc sub lid)
+  | Twith_modsubst (path, lid) -> Twith_modsubst (path, map_loc sub lid)
+let open_description sub od =
+  {od with open_loc = sub.location sub od.open_loc;
+           open_expr = tuple2 id (map_loc sub) od.open_expr;
+           open_env = sub.env sub od.open_env;
+           open_attributes = sub.attributes sub od.open_attributes}
+let open_declaration sub od =
+  {od with open_loc = sub.location sub od.open_loc;
+           open_expr = sub.module_expr sub od.open_expr;
+           open_env = sub.env sub od.open_env;
+           open_attributes = sub.attributes sub od.open_attributes}
+let module_coercion sub = function
+  | Tcoerce_none -> Tcoerce_none
+  | Tcoerce_functor (c1,c2) ->
+      Tcoerce_functor (sub.module_coercion sub c1, sub.module_coercion sub c2)
+  | Tcoerce_alias (env, p, c1) ->
+      Tcoerce_alias (sub.env sub env, p, sub.module_coercion sub c1)
+  | Tcoerce_structure (l1, l2) ->
+      let l1' = List.map (fun (i,c) -> i, sub.module_coercion sub c) l1 in
+      let l2' =
+        List.map (fun (id,i,c) -> id, i, sub.module_coercion sub c) l2
+      in
+      Tcoerce_structure (l1', l2')
+  | Tcoerce_primitive pc ->
+      Tcoerce_primitive {pc with pc_loc = sub.location sub pc.pc_loc;
+                                 pc_env = sub.env sub pc.pc_env}
+let module_expr sub x =
+  let mod_loc = sub.location sub x.mod_loc in
+  let mod_env = sub.env sub x.mod_env in
+  let mod_desc =
+    match x.mod_desc with
+    | Tmod_ident (path, lid) -> Tmod_ident (path, map_loc sub lid)
+    | Tmod_structure st -> Tmod_structure (sub.structure sub st)
+    | Tmod_functor (arg, mexpr) ->
+        Tmod_functor (functor_parameter sub arg, sub.module_expr sub mexpr)
+    | Tmod_apply (mexp1, mexp2, c) ->
+        Tmod_apply (
+          sub.module_expr sub mexp1,
+          sub.module_expr sub mexp2,
+          sub.module_coercion sub c
+        )
+    | Tmod_apply_unit mexp1 ->
+        Tmod_apply_unit (sub.module_expr sub mexp1)
+    | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mt, Tmodtype_implicit, c) ->
+        Tmod_constraint (sub.module_expr sub mexpr, mt, Tmodtype_implicit,
+                         sub.module_coercion sub c)
+    | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mt, Tmodtype_explicit mtype, c) ->
+        Tmod_constraint (
+          sub.module_expr sub mexpr,
+          mt,
+          Tmodtype_explicit (sub.module_type sub mtype),
+          sub.module_coercion sub c
+        )
+    | Tmod_unpack (exp, mty) ->
+        Tmod_unpack
+          (
+            sub.expr sub exp,
+            mty
+          )
+  in
+  let mod_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.mod_attributes in
+  {x with mod_loc; mod_desc; mod_env; mod_attributes}
+let module_binding sub x =
+  let mb_loc = sub.location sub x.mb_loc in
+  let mb_name = map_loc sub x.mb_name in
+  let mb_expr = sub.module_expr sub x.mb_expr in
+  let mb_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.mb_attributes in
+  {x with mb_loc; mb_name; mb_expr; mb_attributes}
+let class_expr sub x =
+  let cl_loc = sub.location sub x.cl_loc in
+  let cl_env = sub.env sub x.cl_env in
+  let cl_desc =
+    match x.cl_desc with
+    | Tcl_constraint (cl, clty, vals, meths, concrs) ->
+        Tcl_constraint (
+          sub.class_expr sub cl,
+          Option.map (sub.class_type sub) clty,
+          vals,
+          meths,
+          concrs
+        )
+    | Tcl_structure clstr ->
+        Tcl_structure (sub.class_structure sub clstr)
+    | Tcl_fun (label, pat, priv, cl, partial) ->
+        Tcl_fun (
+          label,
+          sub.pat sub pat,
+          List.map (tuple2 id (sub.expr sub)) priv,
+          sub.class_expr sub cl,
+          partial
+        )
+    | Tcl_apply (cl, args) ->
+        Tcl_apply (
+          sub.class_expr sub cl,
+          List.map (tuple2 id (Option.map (sub.expr sub))) args
+        )
+    | Tcl_let (rec_flag, value_bindings, ivars, cl) ->
+        let (rec_flag, value_bindings) =
+          sub.value_bindings sub (rec_flag, value_bindings)
+        in
+        Tcl_let (
+          rec_flag,
+          value_bindings,
+          List.map (tuple2 id (sub.expr sub)) ivars,
+          sub.class_expr sub cl
+        )
+    | Tcl_ident (path, lid, tyl) ->
+        Tcl_ident (path, map_loc sub lid, List.map (sub.typ sub) tyl)
+    | Tcl_open (od, e) ->
+        Tcl_open (sub.open_description sub od, sub.class_expr sub e)
+  in
+  let cl_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.cl_attributes in
+  {x with cl_loc; cl_desc; cl_env; cl_attributes}
+let class_type sub x =
+  let cltyp_loc = sub.location sub x.cltyp_loc in
+  let cltyp_env = sub.env sub x.cltyp_env in
+  let cltyp_desc =
+    match x.cltyp_desc with
+    | Tcty_signature csg -> Tcty_signature (sub.class_signature sub csg)
+    | Tcty_constr (path, lid, list) ->
+        Tcty_constr (
+          path,
+          map_loc sub lid,
+          List.map (sub.typ sub) list
+        )
+    | Tcty_arrow (label, ct, cl) ->
+        Tcty_arrow
+          (label,
+           sub.typ sub ct,
+           sub.class_type sub cl
+          )
+    | Tcty_open (od, e) ->
+        Tcty_open (sub.open_description sub od, sub.class_type sub e)
+  in
+  let cltyp_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.cltyp_attributes in
+  {x with cltyp_loc; cltyp_desc; cltyp_env; cltyp_attributes}
+let class_signature sub x =
+  let csig_self = sub.typ sub x.csig_self in
+  let csig_fields = List.map (sub.class_type_field sub) x.csig_fields in
+  {x with csig_self; csig_fields}
+let class_type_field sub x =
+  let ctf_loc = sub.location sub x.ctf_loc in
+  let ctf_desc =
+    match x.ctf_desc with
+    | Tctf_inherit ct ->
+        Tctf_inherit (sub.class_type sub ct)
+    | Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, ct) ->
+        Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, sub.typ sub ct)
+    | Tctf_method (s, priv, virt, ct) ->
+        Tctf_method (s, priv, virt, sub.typ sub ct)
+    | Tctf_constraint  (ct1, ct2) ->
+        Tctf_constraint (sub.typ sub ct1, sub.typ sub ct2)
+    | Tctf_attribute attr ->
+        Tctf_attribute (sub.attribute sub attr)
+  in
+  let ctf_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.ctf_attributes in
+  {ctf_loc; ctf_desc; ctf_attributes}
+let typ sub x =
+  let ctyp_loc = sub.location sub x.ctyp_loc in
+  let ctyp_env = sub.env sub x.ctyp_env in
+  let ctyp_desc =
+    match x.ctyp_desc with
+    | Ttyp_any
+    | Ttyp_var _ as d -> d
+    | Ttyp_arrow (label, ct1, ct2) ->
+        Ttyp_arrow (label, sub.typ sub ct1, sub.typ sub ct2)
+    | Ttyp_tuple list -> Ttyp_tuple (List.map (sub.typ sub) list)
+    | Ttyp_constr (path, lid, list) ->
+        Ttyp_constr (path, map_loc sub lid, List.map (sub.typ sub) list)
+    | Ttyp_object (list, closed) ->
+        Ttyp_object ((List.map (sub.object_field sub) list), closed)
+    | Ttyp_class (path, lid, list) ->
+        Ttyp_class
+          (path,
+           map_loc sub lid,
+           List.map (sub.typ sub) list
+          )
+    | Ttyp_alias (ct, s) ->
+        Ttyp_alias (sub.typ sub ct, s)
+    | Ttyp_variant (list, closed, labels) ->
+        Ttyp_variant (List.map (sub.row_field sub) list, closed, labels)
+    | Ttyp_poly (sl, ct) ->
+        Ttyp_poly (sl, sub.typ sub ct)
+    | Ttyp_package pack ->
+        Ttyp_package (sub.package_type sub pack)
+    | Ttyp_open (path, mod_ident, t) ->
+        Ttyp_open (path, map_loc sub mod_ident, sub.typ sub t)
+  in
+  let ctyp_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.ctyp_attributes in
+  {x with ctyp_loc; ctyp_desc; ctyp_env; ctyp_attributes}
+let class_structure sub x =
+  let cstr_self = sub.pat sub x.cstr_self in
+  let cstr_fields = List.map (sub.class_field sub) x.cstr_fields in
+  {x with cstr_self; cstr_fields}
+let row_field sub x =
+  let rf_loc = sub.location sub x.rf_loc in
+  let rf_desc = match x.rf_desc with
+    | Ttag (label, b, list) ->
+        Ttag (map_loc sub label, b, List.map (sub.typ sub) list)
+    | Tinherit ct -> Tinherit (sub.typ sub ct)
+  in
+  let rf_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.rf_attributes in
+  {rf_loc; rf_desc; rf_attributes}
+let object_field sub x =
+  let of_loc = sub.location sub x.of_loc in
+  let of_desc = match x.of_desc with
+    | OTtag (label, ct) ->
+        OTtag (map_loc sub label, (sub.typ sub ct))
+    | OTinherit ct -> OTinherit (sub.typ sub ct)
+  in
+  let of_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.of_attributes in
+  {of_loc; of_desc; of_attributes}
+let class_field_kind sub = function
+  | Tcfk_virtual ct -> Tcfk_virtual (sub.typ sub ct)
+  | Tcfk_concrete (ovf, e) -> Tcfk_concrete (ovf, sub.expr sub e)
+let class_field sub x =
+  let cf_loc = sub.location sub x.cf_loc in
+  let cf_desc =
+    match x.cf_desc with
+    | Tcf_inherit (ovf, cl, super, vals, meths) ->
+        Tcf_inherit (ovf, sub.class_expr sub cl, super, vals, meths)
+    | Tcf_constraint (cty, cty') ->
+        Tcf_constraint (
+          sub.typ sub cty,
+          sub.typ sub cty'
+        )
+    | Tcf_val (s, mf, id, k, b) ->
+        Tcf_val (map_loc sub s, mf, id, class_field_kind sub k, b)
+    | Tcf_method (s, priv, k) ->
+        Tcf_method (map_loc sub s, priv, class_field_kind sub k)
+    | Tcf_initializer exp ->
+        Tcf_initializer (sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Tcf_attribute attr ->
+        Tcf_attribute (sub.attribute sub attr)
+  in
+  let cf_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.cf_attributes in
+  {cf_loc; cf_desc; cf_attributes}
+let value_bindings sub (rec_flag, list) =
+  (rec_flag, List.map (sub.value_binding sub) list)
+let case
+  : type k . mapper -> k case -> k case
+  = fun sub {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs; c_cont} ->
+  {
+    c_lhs = sub.pat sub c_lhs;
+    c_guard = Option.map (sub.expr sub) c_guard;
+    c_rhs = sub.expr sub c_rhs;
+    c_cont
+  }
+let value_binding sub x =
+  let vb_loc = sub.location sub x.vb_loc in
+  let vb_pat = sub.pat sub x.vb_pat in
+  let vb_expr = sub.expr sub x.vb_expr in
+  let vb_attributes = sub.attributes sub x.vb_attributes in
+  let vb_rec_kind = x.vb_rec_kind in
+  {vb_loc; vb_pat; vb_expr; vb_attributes; vb_rec_kind}
+let env _sub x = x
+let default =
+  {
+    attribute;
+    attributes;
+    binding_op;
+    case;
+    class_declaration;
+    class_description;
+    class_expr;
+    class_field;
+    class_signature;
+    class_structure;
+    class_type;
+    class_type_declaration;
+    class_type_field;
+    env;
+    expr;
+    extension_constructor;
+    location;
+    module_binding;
+    module_coercion;
+    module_declaration;
+    module_substitution;
+    module_expr;
+    module_type;
+    module_type_declaration;
+    package_type;
+    pat;
+    row_field;
+    object_field;
+    open_declaration;
+    open_description;
+    signature;
+    signature_item;
+    structure;
+    structure_item;
+    typ;
+    type_declaration;
+    type_declarations;
+    type_extension;
+    type_exception;
+    type_kind;
+    value_binding;
+    value_bindings;
+    value_description;
+    with_constraint;
+  }
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_mapper.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_mapper.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f54cef2b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/tast_mapper.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                        Alain Frisch, LexiFi                            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+(** {1 A generic Typedtree mapper} *)
+type mapper =
+  {
+    attribute : mapper -> attribute -> attribute;
+    attributes : mapper -> attributes -> attributes;
+    binding_op: mapper -> binding_op -> binding_op;
+    case: 'k . mapper -> 'k case -> 'k case;
+    class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
+    class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
+    class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
+    class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
+    class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
+    class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
+    class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
+    class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration ->
+      class_type_declaration;
+    class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
+    env: mapper -> Env.t -> Env.t;
+    expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
+    extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor ->
+      extension_constructor;
+    location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
+    module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
+    module_coercion: mapper -> module_coercion -> module_coercion;
+    module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
+    module_substitution: mapper -> module_substitution -> module_substitution;
+    module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
+    module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
+    module_type_declaration:
+      mapper -> module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration;
+    package_type: mapper -> package_type -> package_type;
+    pat: 'k . mapper -> 'k general_pattern -> 'k general_pattern;
+    row_field: mapper -> row_field -> row_field;
+    object_field: mapper -> object_field -> object_field;
+    open_declaration: mapper -> open_declaration -> open_declaration;
+    open_description: mapper -> open_description -> open_description;
+    signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
+    signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
+    structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
+    structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
+    typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
+    type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
+    type_declarations: mapper -> (rec_flag * type_declaration list)
+      -> (rec_flag * type_declaration list);
+    type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
+    type_exception: mapper -> type_exception -> type_exception;
+    type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
+    value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
+    value_bindings: mapper -> (rec_flag * value_binding list) ->
+      (rec_flag * value_binding list);
+    value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
+    with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
+  }
+val default: mapper
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/type_immediacy.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/type_immediacy.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..557ed4271a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/type_immediacy.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Jeremie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2019 Jane Street Group LLC                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type t =
+  | Unknown
+  | Always
+  | Always_on_64bits
+module Violation = struct
+  type t =
+    | Not_always_immediate
+    | Not_always_immediate_on_64bits
+let coerce t ~as_ =
+  match t, as_ with
+  | _, Unknown
+  | Always, Always
+  | (Always | Always_on_64bits), Always_on_64bits -> Ok ()
+  | (Unknown | Always_on_64bits), Always ->
+      Error Violation.Not_always_immediate
+  | Unknown, Always_on_64bits ->
+      Error Violation.Not_always_immediate_on_64bits
+let of_attributes attrs =
+  match
+    Builtin_attributes.immediate attrs,
+    Builtin_attributes.immediate64 attrs
+  with
+  | true, _ -> Always
+  | false, true -> Always_on_64bits
+  | false, false -> Unknown
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/type_immediacy.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/type_immediacy.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fc2e3b4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/type_immediacy.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Jeremie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2019 Jane Street Group LLC                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Immediacy status of a type *)
+type t =
+  | Unknown
+  (** We don't know anything *)
+  | Always
+  (** We know for sure that values of this type are always immediate *)
+  | Always_on_64bits
+  (** We know for sure that values of this type are always immediate
+      on 64 bit platforms. For other platforms, we know nothing. *)
+module Violation : sig
+  type t =
+    | Not_always_immediate
+    | Not_always_immediate_on_64bits
+(** [coerce t ~as_] returns [Ok ()] iff [t] can be seen as type
+    immediacy [as_]. For instance, [Always] can be seen as
+    [Always_on_64bits] but the opposite is not true. Return [Error _]
+    if the coercion is not possible. *)
+val coerce : t -> as_:t -> (unit, Violation.t) result
+(** Return the immediateness of a type as indicated by the user via
+    attributes *)
+val of_attributes : Parsetree.attributes -> t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeclass.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeclass.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..043b9e908d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeclass.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,2197 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*          Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Parsetree
+open Asttypes
+open Path
+open Types
+open Typecore
+open Typetexp
+type 'a class_info = {
+  cls_id : Ident.t;
+  cls_id_loc : string loc;
+  cls_decl : class_declaration;
+  cls_ty_id : Ident.t;
+  cls_ty_decl : class_type_declaration;
+  cls_obj_id : Ident.t;
+  cls_obj_abbr : type_declaration;
+  cls_abbr : type_declaration;
+  cls_arity : int;
+  cls_pub_methods : string list;
+  cls_info : 'a;
+type class_type_info = {
+  clsty_ty_id : Ident.t;
+  clsty_id_loc : string loc;
+  clsty_ty_decl : class_type_declaration;
+  clsty_obj_id : Ident.t;
+  clsty_obj_abbr : type_declaration;
+  clsty_abbr : type_declaration;
+  clsty_info : Typedtree.class_type_declaration;
+type 'a full_class = {
+  id : Ident.t;
+  id_loc : string loc;
+  clty: class_declaration;
+  ty_id: Ident.t;
+  cltydef: class_type_declaration;
+  obj_id: Ident.t;
+  obj_abbr: type_declaration;
+  arity: int;
+  pub_meths: string list;
+  coe: Warnings.loc list;
+  req: 'a Typedtree.class_infos;
+type kind =
+  | Object
+  | Class
+  | Class_type
+type final =
+  | Final
+  | Not_final
+let kind_of_final = function
+  | Final -> Object
+  | Not_final -> Class
+type error =
+  | Unconsistent_constraint of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Field_type_mismatch of string * string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Unexpected_field of type_expr * string
+  | Structure_expected of class_type
+  | Cannot_apply of class_type
+  | Apply_wrong_label of arg_label
+  | Pattern_type_clash of type_expr
+  | Repeated_parameter
+  | Unbound_class_2 of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_class_type_2 of Longident.t
+  | Abbrev_type_clash of type_expr * type_expr * type_expr
+  | Constructor_type_mismatch of string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Virtual_class of kind * string list * string list
+  | Undeclared_methods of kind * string list
+  | Parameter_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
+  | Parameter_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Bad_parameters of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr list
+  | Bad_class_type_parameters of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr list
+  | Class_match_failure of Ctype.class_match_failure list
+  | Unbound_val of string
+  | Unbound_type_var of Format_doc.t * Ctype.closed_class_failure
+  | Non_generalizable_class of
+      { id : Ident.t
+      ; clty : Types.class_declaration
+      ; nongen_vars : type_expr list
+      }
+  | Cannot_coerce_self of type_expr
+  | Non_collapsable_conjunction of
+      Ident.t * Types.class_declaration * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Self_clash of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Mutability_mismatch of string * mutable_flag
+  | No_overriding of string * string
+  | Duplicate of string * string
+  | Closing_self_type of class_signature
+exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+exception Error_forward of Location.error
+open Typedtree
+let type_open_descr :
+  (?used_slot:bool ref -> Env.t -> Parsetree.open_description
+   -> open_description * Env.t) ref =
+  ref (fun ?used_slot:_ _ -> assert false)
+let ctyp desc typ env loc =
+  { ctyp_desc = desc; ctyp_type = typ; ctyp_loc = loc; ctyp_env = env;
+    ctyp_attributes = [] }
+   Path associated to the temporary class type of a class being typed
+   (its constructor is not available).
+let unbound_class =
+  Path.Pident (Ident.create_local "*undef*")
+                (************************************)
+                (*  Some operations on class types  *)
+                (************************************)
+let extract_constraints cty =
+  let sign = Btype.signature_of_class_type cty in
+  (Btype.instance_vars sign,
+   Btype.methods sign,
+   Btype.concrete_methods sign)
+(* Record a class type *)
+let rc node =
+  Cmt_format.add_saved_type (Cmt_format.Partial_class_expr node);
+  node
+let update_class_signature loc env ~warn_implicit_public virt kind sign =
+  let implicit_public, implicit_declared =
+    Ctype.update_class_signature env sign
+  in
+  if implicit_declared <> [] then begin
+    match virt with
+    | Virtual -> () (* Should perhaps emit warning 17 here *)
+    | Concrete ->
+        raise (Error(loc, env, Undeclared_methods(kind, implicit_declared)))
+  end;
+  if warn_implicit_public && implicit_public <> [] then begin
+    Location.prerr_warning
+      loc (Warnings.Implicit_public_methods implicit_public)
+  end
+let complete_class_signature loc env virt kind sign =
+  update_class_signature loc env ~warn_implicit_public:false virt kind sign;
+  Ctype.hide_private_methods env sign
+let complete_class_type loc env virt kind typ =
+  let sign = Btype.signature_of_class_type typ in
+  complete_class_signature loc env virt kind sign
+let check_virtual loc env virt kind sign =
+  match virt with
+  | Virtual -> ()
+  | Concrete ->
+      match Btype.virtual_methods sign, Btype.virtual_instance_vars sign with
+      | [], [] -> ()
+      | meths, vars ->
+          raise(Error(loc, env, Virtual_class(kind, meths, vars)))
+let rec check_virtual_clty loc env virt kind clty =
+  match clty with
+  | Cty_constr(_, _, clty) | Cty_arrow(_, _, clty) ->
+      check_virtual_clty loc env virt kind clty
+  | Cty_signature sign ->
+      check_virtual loc env virt kind sign
+(* Return the constructor type associated to a class type *)
+let rec constructor_type constr cty =
+  match cty with
+    Cty_constr (_, _, cty) ->
+      constructor_type constr cty
+  | Cty_signature _ ->
+      constr
+  | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) ->
+      Ctype.newty (Tarrow (l, ty, constructor_type constr cty, commu_ok))
+                (***********************************)
+                (*  Primitives for typing classes  *)
+                (***********************************)
+let raise_add_method_failure loc env label sign failure =
+  match (failure : Ctype.add_method_failure) with
+  | Ctype.Unexpected_method ->
+      raise(Error(loc, env, Unexpected_field (sign.Types.csig_self, label)))
+  | Ctype.Type_mismatch trace ->
+      raise(Error(loc, env, Field_type_mismatch ("method", label, trace)))
+let raise_add_instance_variable_failure loc env label failure =
+  match (failure : Ctype.add_instance_variable_failure) with
+  | Ctype.Mutability_mismatch mut ->
+      raise (Error(loc, env, Mutability_mismatch(label, mut)))
+  | Ctype.Type_mismatch trace ->
+      raise (Error(loc, env,
+        Field_type_mismatch("instance variable", label, trace)))
+let raise_inherit_class_signature_failure loc env sign = function
+  | Ctype.Self_type_mismatch trace ->
+      raise(Error(loc, env, Self_clash trace))
+  | Ctype.Method(label, failure) ->
+      raise_add_method_failure loc env label sign failure
+  | Ctype.Instance_variable(label, failure) ->
+      raise_add_instance_variable_failure loc env label failure
+let add_method loc env label priv virt ty sign =
+  match Ctype.add_method env label priv virt ty sign with
+  | () -> ()
+  | exception Ctype.Add_method_failed failure ->
+      raise_add_method_failure loc env label sign failure
+let add_instance_variable ~strict loc env label mut virt ty sign =
+  match Ctype.add_instance_variable ~strict env label mut virt ty sign with
+  | () -> ()
+  | exception Ctype.Add_instance_variable_failed failure ->
+      raise_add_instance_variable_failure loc env label failure
+let inherit_class_signature ~strict loc env sign1 sign2 =
+  match Ctype.inherit_class_signature ~strict env sign1 sign2 with
+  | () -> ()
+  | exception Ctype.Inherit_class_signature_failed failure ->
+      raise_inherit_class_signature_failure loc env sign1 failure
+let inherit_class_type ~strict loc env sign1 cty2 =
+  let sign2 =
+    match Btype.scrape_class_type cty2 with
+    | Cty_signature sign2 -> sign2
+    | _ ->
+      raise(Error(loc, env, Structure_expected cty2))
+  in
+  inherit_class_signature ~strict loc env sign1 sign2
+let unify_delayed_method_type loc env label ty expected_ty=
+  match Ctype.unify env ty expected_ty with
+  | () -> ()
+  | exception Ctype.Unify trace ->
+      raise(Error(loc, env, Field_type_mismatch ("method", label, trace)))
+let type_constraint val_env sty sty' loc =
+  let cty  = transl_simple_type val_env ~closed:false sty in
+  let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+  let cty' = transl_simple_type val_env ~closed:false sty' in
+  let ty' = cty'.ctyp_type in
+  begin
+    try Ctype.unify val_env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify err ->
+        raise(Error(loc, val_env, Unconsistent_constraint err));
+  end;
+  (cty, cty')
+let make_method loc cl_num expr =
+  let open Ast_helper in
+  let mkid s = mkloc s loc in
+  let pat =
+    Pat.alias ~loc (Pat.var ~loc (mkid "self-*")) (mkid ("self-" ^ cl_num))
+  in
+  Exp.function_ ~loc:expr.pexp_loc
+    [ { pparam_desc = Pparam_val (Nolabel, None, pat);
+        pparam_loc = pat.ppat_loc;
+      }
+    ]
+    None (Pfunction_body expr)
+let delayed_meth_specs = ref []
+let rec class_type_field env sign self_scope ctf =
+  let loc = ctf.pctf_loc in
+  let mkctf desc =
+    { ctf_desc = desc; ctf_loc = loc; ctf_attributes = ctf.pctf_attributes }
+  in
+  let mkctf_with_attrs f =
+    Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ctf.pctf_attributes
+      (fun () -> mkctf (f ()))
+  in
+  match ctf.pctf_desc with
+  | Pctf_inherit sparent ->
+      mkctf_with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+          let parent = class_type env Virtual self_scope sparent in
+          complete_class_type parent.cltyp_loc
+            env Virtual Class_type parent.cltyp_type;
+          inherit_class_type ~strict:false loc env sign parent.cltyp_type;
+          Tctf_inherit parent)
+  | Pctf_val ({txt=lab}, mut, virt, sty) ->
+      mkctf_with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+          let cty = transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty in
+          let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+          add_instance_variable ~strict:false loc env lab mut virt ty sign;
+          Tctf_val (lab, mut, virt, cty))
+  | Pctf_method ({txt=lab}, priv, virt, sty)  ->
+      mkctf_with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+           let sty = Ast_helper.Typ.force_poly sty in
+           match sty.ptyp_desc, priv with
+           | Ptyp_poly ([],sty'), Public ->
+               let expected_ty = Ctype.newvar () in
+               add_method loc env lab priv virt expected_ty sign;
+               let returned_cty = ctyp Ttyp_any (Ctype.newty Tnil) env loc in
+               delayed_meth_specs :=
+                 Warnings.mk_lazy (fun () ->
+                   let cty = transl_simple_type_univars env sty' in
+                   let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+                   unify_delayed_method_type loc env lab ty expected_ty;
+                   returned_cty.ctyp_desc <- Ttyp_poly ([], cty);
+                   returned_cty.ctyp_type <- ty;
+                 ) :: !delayed_meth_specs;
+               Tctf_method (lab, priv, virt, returned_cty)
+           | _ ->
+               let cty = transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty in
+               let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+               add_method loc env lab priv virt ty sign;
+               Tctf_method (lab, priv, virt, cty))
+  | Pctf_constraint (sty, sty') ->
+      mkctf_with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+           let (cty, cty') = type_constraint env sty sty' ctf.pctf_loc in
+           Tctf_constraint (cty, cty'))
+  | Pctf_attribute x ->
+      Builtin_attributes.warning_attribute x;
+      mkctf (Tctf_attribute x)
+  | Pctf_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+and class_signature virt env pcsig self_scope loc =
+  let {pcsig_self=sty; pcsig_fields=psign} = pcsig in
+  let sign = Ctype.new_class_signature () in
+  (* Introduce a dummy method preventing self type from being closed. *)
+  Ctype.add_dummy_method env ~scope:self_scope sign;
+  let self_cty = transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty in
+  let self_type = self_cty.ctyp_type in
+  begin try
+    Ctype.unify env self_type sign.csig_self
+  with Ctype.Unify _ ->
+    raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Pattern_type_clash self_type))
+  end;
+  (* Class type fields *)
+  let fields =
+    Builtin_attributes.warning_scope []
+      (fun () -> List.map (class_type_field env sign self_scope) psign)
+  in
+  check_virtual loc env virt Class_type sign;
+  { csig_self = self_cty;
+    csig_fields = fields;
+    csig_type = sign; }
+and class_type env virt self_scope scty =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope scty.pcty_attributes
+    (fun () -> class_type_aux env virt self_scope scty)
+and class_type_aux env virt self_scope scty =
+  let cltyp desc typ =
+    {
+     cltyp_desc = desc;
+     cltyp_type = typ;
+     cltyp_loc = scty.pcty_loc;
+     cltyp_env = env;
+     cltyp_attributes = scty.pcty_attributes;
+    }
+  in
+  match scty.pcty_desc with
+  | Pcty_constr (lid, styl) ->
+      let (path, decl) = Env.lookup_cltype ~loc:scty.pcty_loc lid.txt env in
+      if Path.same decl.clty_path unbound_class then
+        raise(Error(scty.pcty_loc, env, Unbound_class_type_2 lid.txt));
+      let (params, clty) =
+        Ctype.instance_class decl.clty_params decl.clty_type
+      in
+      (* Adding a dummy method to the self type prevents it from being closed /
+         escaping. *)
+      Ctype.add_dummy_method env ~scope:self_scope
+        (Btype.signature_of_class_type clty);
+      if List.length params <> List.length styl then
+        raise(Error(scty.pcty_loc, env,
+                    Parameter_arity_mismatch (lid.txt, List.length params,
+                                                   List.length styl)));
+      let ctys = List.map2
+        (fun sty ty ->
+          let cty' = transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty in
+          let ty' = cty'.ctyp_type in
+          begin
+           try Ctype.unify env ty' ty with Ctype.Unify err ->
+                  raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Parameter_mismatch err))
+            end;
+            cty'
+        )       styl params
+      in
+      let typ = Cty_constr (path, params, clty) in
+      (* Check for unexpected virtual methods *)
+      check_virtual_clty scty.pcty_loc env virt Class_type typ;
+      cltyp (Tcty_constr ( path, lid , ctys)) typ
+  | Pcty_signature pcsig ->
+      let clsig = class_signature virt env pcsig self_scope scty.pcty_loc in
+      let typ = Cty_signature clsig.csig_type in
+      cltyp (Tcty_signature clsig) typ
+  | Pcty_arrow (l, sty, scty) ->
+      let cty = transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty in
+      let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+      let ty =
+        if Btype.is_optional l
+        then Ctype.newty (Tconstr(Predef.path_option,[ty], ref Mnil))
+        else ty in
+      let clty = class_type env virt self_scope scty in
+      let typ = Cty_arrow (l, ty, clty.cltyp_type) in
+      cltyp (Tcty_arrow (l, cty, clty)) typ
+  | Pcty_open (od, e) ->
+      let (od, newenv) = !type_open_descr env od in
+      let clty = class_type newenv virt self_scope e in
+      cltyp (Tcty_open (od, clty)) clty.cltyp_type
+  | Pcty_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+let class_type env virt self_scope scty =
+  delayed_meth_specs := [];
+  let cty = class_type env virt self_scope scty in
+  List.iter Lazy.force (List.rev !delayed_meth_specs);
+  delayed_meth_specs := [];
+  cty
+let enter_ancestor_val name val_env =
+  Env.enter_unbound_value name Val_unbound_ancestor val_env
+let enter_self_val name val_env =
+  Env.enter_unbound_value name Val_unbound_self val_env
+let enter_instance_var_val name val_env =
+  Env.enter_unbound_value name Val_unbound_instance_variable val_env
+let enter_ancestor_met ~loc name ~sign ~meths ~cl_num ~ty ~attrs met_env =
+  let check s = Warnings.Unused_ancestor s in
+  let kind = Val_anc (sign, meths, cl_num) in
+  let desc =
+    { val_type = ty; val_kind = kind;
+      val_attributes = attrs;
+      Types.val_loc = loc;
+      val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) }
+  in
+  Env.enter_value ~check name desc met_env
+let add_self_met loc id sign self_var_kind vars cl_num
+      as_var ty attrs met_env =
+  let check =
+    if as_var then (fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var s)
+    else (fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var_strict s)
+  in
+  let kind = Val_self (sign, self_var_kind, vars, cl_num) in
+  let desc =
+    { val_type = ty; val_kind = kind;
+      val_attributes = attrs;
+      Types.val_loc = loc;
+      val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) }
+  in
+  Env.add_value ~check id desc met_env
+let add_instance_var_met loc label id sign cl_num attrs met_env =
+  let mut, ty =
+    match Vars.find label sign.csig_vars with
+    | (mut, _, ty) -> mut, ty
+    | exception Not_found -> assert false
+  in
+  let kind = Val_ivar (mut, cl_num) in
+  let desc =
+    { val_type = ty; val_kind = kind;
+      val_attributes = attrs;
+      Types.val_loc = loc;
+      val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) }
+  in
+  Env.add_value id desc met_env
+let add_instance_vars_met loc vars sign cl_num met_env =
+  List.fold_left
+    (fun met_env (label, id) ->
+       add_instance_var_met loc label id sign cl_num [] met_env)
+    met_env vars
+type intermediate_class_field =
+  | Inherit of
+      { override : override_flag;
+        parent : class_expr;
+        super : string option;
+        inherited_vars : (string * Ident.t) list;
+        super_meths : (string * Ident.t) list;
+        loc : Location.t;
+        attributes : attribute list; }
+  | Virtual_val of
+      { label : string loc;
+        mut : mutable_flag;
+        id : Ident.t;
+        cty : core_type;
+        already_declared : bool;
+        loc : Location.t;
+        attributes : attribute list; }
+  | Concrete_val of
+      { label : string loc;
+        mut : mutable_flag;
+        id : Ident.t;
+        override : override_flag;
+        definition : expression;
+        already_declared : bool;
+        loc : Location.t;
+        attributes : attribute list; }
+  | Virtual_method of
+      { label : string loc;
+        priv : private_flag;
+        cty : core_type;
+        loc : Location.t;
+        attributes : attribute list; }
+  | Concrete_method of
+      { label : string loc;
+        priv : private_flag;
+        override : override_flag;
+        sdefinition : Parsetree.expression;
+        warning_state : Warnings.state;
+        loc : Location.t;
+        attributes : attribute list; }
+  | Constraint of
+      { cty1 : core_type;
+        cty2 : core_type;
+        loc : Location.t;
+        attributes : attribute list; }
+  | Initializer of
+      { sexpr : Parsetree.expression;
+        warning_state : Warnings.state;
+        loc : Location.t;
+        attributes : attribute list; }
+  | Attribute of
+      { attribute : attribute;
+        loc : Location.t;
+        attributes : attribute list; }
+type first_pass_accummulater =
+  { rev_fields : intermediate_class_field list;
+    val_env : Env.t;
+    par_env : Env.t;
+    concrete_meths : MethSet.t;
+    concrete_vals : VarSet.t;
+    local_meths : MethSet.t;
+    local_vals : VarSet.t;
+    vars : Ident.t Vars.t; }
+let rec class_field_first_pass self_loc cl_num sign self_scope acc cf =
+  let { rev_fields; val_env; par_env; concrete_meths; concrete_vals;
+        local_meths; local_vals; vars } = acc
+  in
+  let loc = cf.pcf_loc in
+  let attributes = cf.pcf_attributes in
+  let with_attrs f = Builtin_attributes.warning_scope attributes f in
+  match cf.pcf_desc with
+  | Pcf_inherit (override, sparent, super) ->
+      with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+           let parent =
+             class_expr cl_num val_env par_env
+               Virtual self_scope sparent
+           in
+           complete_class_type parent.cl_loc
+             par_env Virtual Class parent.cl_type;
+           inherit_class_type ~strict:true loc val_env sign parent.cl_type;
+           let parent_sign = Btype.signature_of_class_type parent.cl_type in
+           let new_concrete_meths = Btype.concrete_methods parent_sign in
+           let new_concrete_vals = Btype.concrete_instance_vars parent_sign in
+           let over_meths = MethSet.inter new_concrete_meths concrete_meths in
+           let over_vals = VarSet.inter new_concrete_vals concrete_vals in
+           begin match override with
+           | Fresh ->
+               let cname =
+                 match parent.cl_type with
+                 | Cty_constr (p, _, _) -> Path.name p
+                 | _ -> "inherited"
+               in
+               if not (MethSet.is_empty over_meths) then
+                 Location.prerr_warning loc
+                   (Warnings.Method_override
+                      (cname :: MethSet.elements over_meths));
+               if not (VarSet.is_empty over_vals) then
+                 Location.prerr_warning loc
+                   (Warnings.Instance_variable_override
+                      (cname :: VarSet.elements over_vals));
+           | Override ->
+               if MethSet.is_empty over_meths && VarSet.is_empty over_vals then
+                 raise (Error(loc, val_env, No_overriding ("","")))
+           end;
+           let concrete_vals = VarSet.union new_concrete_vals concrete_vals in
+           let concrete_meths =
+             MethSet.union new_concrete_meths concrete_meths
+           in
+           let val_env, par_env, inherited_vars, vars =
+             Vars.fold
+               (fun label _ (val_env, par_env, inherited_vars, vars) ->
+                  let val_env = enter_instance_var_val label val_env in
+                  let par_env = enter_instance_var_val label par_env in
+                  let id = Ident.create_local label in
+                  let inherited_vars = (label, id) :: inherited_vars in
+                  let vars = Vars.add label id vars in
+                  (val_env, par_env, inherited_vars, vars))
+               parent_sign.csig_vars (val_env, par_env, [], vars)
+           in
+           (* Methods available through super *)
+           let super_meths =
+             MethSet.fold
+               (fun label acc -> (label, Ident.create_local label) :: acc)
+               new_concrete_meths []
+           in
+           (* Super *)
+           let (val_env, par_env, super) =
+             match super with
+             | None -> (val_env, par_env, None)
+             | Some {txt=name} ->
+                 let val_env = enter_ancestor_val name val_env in
+                 let par_env = enter_ancestor_val name par_env in
+                 (val_env, par_env, Some name)
+           in
+           let field =
+             Inherit
+               { override; parent; super; inherited_vars;
+                 super_meths; loc; attributes }
+           in
+           let rev_fields = field :: rev_fields in
+           { acc with rev_fields; val_env; par_env;
+                      concrete_meths; concrete_vals; vars })
+  | Pcf_val (label, mut, Cfk_virtual styp) ->
+      with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+           let cty =
+             Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+               (fun () -> Typetexp.transl_simple_type val_env
+                            ~closed:false styp)
+           in
+           add_instance_variable ~strict:true loc val_env
+             label.txt mut Virtual cty.ctyp_type sign;
+           let already_declared, val_env, par_env, id, vars =
+             match Vars.find label.txt vars with
+             | id -> true, val_env, par_env, id, vars
+             | exception Not_found ->
+                 let name = label.txt in
+                 let val_env = enter_instance_var_val name val_env in
+                 let par_env = enter_instance_var_val name par_env in
+                 let id = Ident.create_local name in
+                 let vars = Vars.add label.txt id vars in
+                 false, val_env, par_env, id, vars
+           in
+           let field =
+             Virtual_val
+               { label; mut; id; cty; already_declared; loc; attributes }
+           in
+           let rev_fields = field :: rev_fields in
+           { acc with rev_fields; val_env; par_env; vars })
+  | Pcf_val (label, mut, Cfk_concrete (override, sdefinition)) ->
+      with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+           if VarSet.mem label.txt local_vals then
+             raise(Error(loc, val_env,
+                         Duplicate ("instance variable", label.txt)));
+           if VarSet.mem label.txt concrete_vals then begin
+             if override = Fresh then
+               Location.prerr_warning label.loc
+                 (Warnings.Instance_variable_override[label.txt])
+           end else begin
+             if override = Override then
+               raise(Error(loc, val_env,
+                           No_overriding ("instance variable", label.txt)))
+           end;
+           let definition =
+             Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+               (fun () -> type_exp val_env sdefinition)
+           in
+           add_instance_variable ~strict:true loc val_env
+             label.txt mut Concrete definition.exp_type sign;
+           let already_declared, val_env, par_env, id, vars =
+             match Vars.find label.txt vars with
+             | id -> true, val_env, par_env, id, vars
+             | exception Not_found ->
+                 let name = label.txt in
+                 let val_env = enter_instance_var_val name val_env in
+                 let par_env = enter_instance_var_val name par_env in
+                 let id = Ident.create_local name in
+                 let vars = Vars.add label.txt id vars in
+                 false, val_env, par_env, id, vars
+           in
+           let field =
+             Concrete_val
+               { label; mut; id; override; definition;
+                 already_declared; loc; attributes }
+           in
+           let rev_fields = field :: rev_fields in
+           let concrete_vals = VarSet.add label.txt concrete_vals in
+           let local_vals = VarSet.add label.txt local_vals in
+           { acc with rev_fields; val_env; par_env;
+                      concrete_vals; local_vals; vars })
+  | Pcf_method (label, priv, Cfk_virtual sty) ->
+      with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+           let sty = Ast_helper.Typ.force_poly sty in
+           let cty = transl_simple_type val_env ~closed:false sty in
+           let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+           add_method loc val_env label.txt priv Virtual ty sign;
+           let field =
+             Virtual_method { label; priv; cty; loc; attributes }
+           in
+           let rev_fields = field :: rev_fields in
+           { acc with rev_fields })
+  | Pcf_method (label, priv, Cfk_concrete (override, expr)) ->
+      with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+           if MethSet.mem label.txt local_meths then
+             raise(Error(loc, val_env, Duplicate ("method", label.txt)));
+           if MethSet.mem label.txt concrete_meths then begin
+             if override = Fresh then begin
+                 Location.prerr_warning loc
+                   (Warnings.Method_override [label.txt])
+             end
+           end else begin
+             if override = Override then begin
+               raise(Error(loc, val_env, No_overriding("method", label.txt)))
+             end
+           end;
+           let expr =
+             match expr.pexp_desc with
+             | Pexp_poly _ -> expr
+             | _ -> Ast_helper.Exp.poly ~loc:expr.pexp_loc expr None
+           in
+           let sbody, sty =
+             match expr.pexp_desc with
+             | Pexp_poly (sbody, sty) -> sbody, sty
+             | _ -> assert false
+           in
+           let ty =
+             match sty with
+             | None -> Ctype.newvar ()
+             | Some sty ->
+                 let sty = Ast_helper.Typ.force_poly sty in
+                 let cty' =
+                   Typetexp.transl_simple_type val_env ~closed:false sty
+                 in
+                 cty'.ctyp_type
+           in
+           add_method loc val_env label.txt priv Concrete ty sign;
+           begin
+             try
+               match get_desc ty with
+               | Tvar _ ->
+                   let ty' = Ctype.newvar () in
+                   Ctype.unify val_env (Ctype.newty (Tpoly (ty', []))) ty;
+                   Ctype.unify val_env (type_approx val_env sbody) ty'
+               | Tpoly (ty1, tl) ->
+                   let _, ty1' = Ctype.instance_poly ~fixed:false tl ty1 in
+                   let ty2 = type_approx val_env sbody in
+                   Ctype.unify val_env ty2 ty1'
+               | _ -> assert false
+             with Ctype.Unify err ->
+               raise(Error(loc, val_env,
+                           Field_type_mismatch ("method", label.txt, err)))
+           end;
+           let sdefinition = make_method self_loc cl_num expr in
+           let warning_state = Warnings.backup () in
+           let field =
+             Concrete_method
+               { label; priv; override; sdefinition;
+                 warning_state; loc; attributes }
+           in
+           let rev_fields = field :: rev_fields in
+           let concrete_meths = MethSet.add label.txt concrete_meths in
+           let local_meths = MethSet.add label.txt local_meths in
+           { acc with rev_fields; concrete_meths; local_meths })
+  | Pcf_constraint (sty1, sty2) ->
+      with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+           let (cty1, cty2) = type_constraint val_env sty1 sty2 loc in
+           let field =
+             Constraint { cty1; cty2; loc; attributes }
+           in
+           let rev_fields = field :: rev_fields in
+           { acc with rev_fields })
+  | Pcf_initializer sexpr ->
+      with_attrs
+        (fun () ->
+           let sexpr = make_method self_loc cl_num sexpr in
+           let warning_state = Warnings.backup () in
+           let field =
+             Initializer { sexpr; warning_state; loc; attributes }
+           in
+           let rev_fields = field :: rev_fields in
+           { acc with rev_fields })
+  | Pcf_attribute attribute ->
+      Builtin_attributes.warning_attribute attribute;
+      let field = Attribute { attribute; loc; attributes } in
+      let rev_fields = field :: rev_fields in
+      { acc with rev_fields }
+  | Pcf_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+and class_fields_first_pass self_loc cl_num sign self_scope
+      val_env par_env cfs =
+  let rev_fields = [] in
+  let concrete_meths = MethSet.empty in
+  let concrete_vals = VarSet.empty in
+  let local_meths = MethSet.empty in
+  let local_vals = VarSet.empty in
+  let vars = Vars.empty in
+  let init_acc =
+    { rev_fields; val_env; par_env;
+      concrete_meths; concrete_vals;
+      local_meths; local_vals; vars }
+  in
+  let acc =
+    Builtin_attributes.warning_scope []
+      (fun () ->
+        List.fold_left
+          (class_field_first_pass self_loc cl_num sign self_scope)
+          init_acc cfs)
+  in
+  List.rev acc.rev_fields, acc.vars
+and class_field_second_pass cl_num sign met_env field =
+  let mkcf desc loc attrs =
+    { cf_desc = desc; cf_loc = loc; cf_attributes = attrs }
+  in
+  match field with
+  | Inherit { override; parent; super;
+              inherited_vars; super_meths; loc; attributes } ->
+      let met_env =
+        add_instance_vars_met loc inherited_vars sign cl_num met_env
+      in
+      let met_env =
+        match super with
+        | None -> met_env
+        | Some name ->
+            let meths =
+              List.fold_left
+                (fun acc (label, id) -> Meths.add label id acc)
+                Meths.empty super_meths
+            in
+            let ty = Btype.self_type parent.cl_type in
+            let attrs = [] in
+            let _id, met_env =
+              enter_ancestor_met ~loc name ~sign ~meths
+                ~cl_num ~ty ~attrs met_env
+            in
+            met_env
+      in
+      let desc =
+        Tcf_inherit(override, parent, super, inherited_vars, super_meths)
+      in
+      met_env, mkcf desc loc attributes
+  | Virtual_val { label; mut; id; cty; already_declared; loc; attributes } ->
+      let met_env =
+        if already_declared then met_env
+        else begin
+          add_instance_var_met loc label.txt id sign cl_num attributes met_env
+        end
+      in
+      let kind = Tcfk_virtual cty in
+      let desc = Tcf_val(label, mut, id, kind, already_declared) in
+      met_env, mkcf desc loc attributes
+  | Concrete_val { label; mut; id; override;
+                   definition; already_declared; loc; attributes } ->
+      let met_env =
+        if already_declared then met_env
+        else begin
+          add_instance_var_met loc label.txt id sign cl_num attributes met_env
+        end
+      in
+      let kind = Tcfk_concrete(override, definition) in
+      let desc = Tcf_val(label, mut, id, kind, already_declared) in
+      met_env, mkcf desc loc attributes
+  | Virtual_method { label; priv; cty; loc; attributes } ->
+      let kind = Tcfk_virtual cty in
+      let desc = Tcf_method(label, priv, kind) in
+      met_env, mkcf desc loc attributes
+  | Concrete_method { label; priv; override;
+                      sdefinition; warning_state; loc; attributes } ->
+      Warnings.with_state warning_state
+        (fun () ->
+           let ty = Btype.method_type label.txt sign in
+           let self_type = sign.Types.csig_self in
+           let meth_type =
+             mk_expected
+               (Btype.newgenty (Tarrow(Nolabel, self_type, ty, commu_ok)))
+           in
+           let texp =
+             Ctype.with_raised_nongen_level
+               (fun () -> type_expect met_env sdefinition meth_type) in
+           let kind = Tcfk_concrete (override, texp) in
+           let desc = Tcf_method(label, priv, kind) in
+           met_env, mkcf desc loc attributes)
+  | Constraint { cty1; cty2; loc; attributes } ->
+      let desc = Tcf_constraint(cty1, cty2) in
+      met_env, mkcf desc loc attributes
+  | Initializer { sexpr; warning_state; loc; attributes } ->
+      Warnings.with_state warning_state
+        (fun () ->
+           let unit_type = Ctype.instance Predef.type_unit in
+           let self_type = sign.Types.csig_self in
+           let meth_type =
+             mk_expected
+               (Ctype.newty (Tarrow (Nolabel, self_type, unit_type, commu_ok)))
+           in
+           let texp =
+             Ctype.with_raised_nongen_level
+               (fun () -> type_expect met_env sexpr meth_type) in
+           let desc = Tcf_initializer texp in
+           met_env, mkcf desc loc attributes)
+  | Attribute { attribute; loc; attributes; } ->
+      let desc = Tcf_attribute attribute in
+      met_env, mkcf desc loc attributes
+and class_fields_second_pass cl_num sign met_env fields =
+  let _, rev_cfs =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun (met_env, cfs) field ->
+         let met_env, cf =
+           class_field_second_pass cl_num sign met_env field
+         in
+         met_env, cf :: cfs)
+      (met_env, []) fields
+  in
+  List.rev rev_cfs
+(* N.B. the self type of a final object type doesn't contain a dummy method in
+   the beginning.
+   We only explicitly add a dummy method to class definitions (and class (type)
+   declarations)), which are later removed (made absent) by [final_decl].
+   If we ever find a dummy method in a final object self type, it means that
+   somehow we've unified the self type of the object with the self type of a not
+   yet finished class.
+   When this happens, we cannot close the object type and must error. *)
+and class_structure cl_num virt self_scope final val_env met_env loc
+  { pcstr_self = spat; pcstr_fields = str } =
+  (* Environment for substructures *)
+  let par_env = met_env in
+  (* Location of self. Used for locations of self arguments *)
+  let self_loc = {spat.ppat_loc with Location.loc_ghost = true} in
+  let sign = Ctype.new_class_signature () in
+  (* Adding a dummy method to the signature prevents it from being closed /
+     escaping. That isn't needed for objects though. *)
+  begin match final with
+  | Not_final -> Ctype.add_dummy_method val_env ~scope:self_scope sign;
+  | Final -> ()
+  end;
+  (* Self binder *)
+  let (self_pat, self_pat_vars) = type_self_pattern val_env spat in
+  let val_env, par_env =
+    List.fold_right
+      (fun {pv_id; _} (val_env, par_env) ->
+         let name = Ident.name pv_id in
+         let val_env = enter_self_val name val_env in
+         let par_env = enter_self_val name par_env in
+         val_env, par_env)
+      self_pat_vars (val_env, par_env)
+  in
+  (* Check that the binder has a correct type *)
+  begin try Ctype.unify val_env self_pat.pat_type sign.csig_self with
+    Ctype.Unify _ ->
+      raise(Error(spat.ppat_loc, val_env,
+        Pattern_type_clash self_pat.pat_type))
+  end;
+  (* Typing of class fields *)
+  let (fields, vars) =
+    class_fields_first_pass self_loc cl_num sign self_scope
+           val_env par_env str
+  in
+  let kind = kind_of_final final in
+  (* Check for unexpected virtual methods *)
+  check_virtual loc val_env virt kind sign;
+  (* Update the class signature *)
+  update_class_signature loc val_env
+    ~warn_implicit_public:false virt kind sign;
+  let meths =
+    Meths.fold
+      (fun label _ meths ->
+         Meths.add label (Ident.create_local label) meths)
+      sign.csig_meths Meths.empty
+  in
+  (* Close the signature if it is final *)
+  begin match final with
+  | Not_final -> ()
+  | Final ->
+      if not (Ctype.close_class_signature val_env sign) then
+        raise(Error(loc, val_env, Closing_self_type sign));
+  end;
+  (* Typing of method bodies *)
+  Ctype.generalize_class_signature_spine sign;
+  let self_var_kind =
+    match virt with
+    | Virtual -> Self_virtual(ref meths)
+    | Concrete -> Self_concrete meths
+  in
+  let met_env =
+    List.fold_right
+      (fun {pv_id; pv_type; pv_loc; pv_kind; pv_attributes} met_env ->
+         add_self_met pv_loc pv_id sign self_var_kind vars
+           cl_num (pv_kind=As_var) pv_type pv_attributes met_env)
+      self_pat_vars met_env
+  in
+  let fields =
+    class_fields_second_pass cl_num sign met_env fields
+  in
+  (* Update the class signature and warn about public methods made private *)
+  update_class_signature loc val_env
+    ~warn_implicit_public:true virt kind sign;
+  let meths =
+    match self_var_kind with
+    | Self_virtual meths_ref -> !meths_ref
+    | Self_concrete meths -> meths
+  in
+  { cstr_self = self_pat;
+    cstr_fields = fields;
+    cstr_type = sign;
+    cstr_meths = meths; }
+and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope scl.pcl_attributes
+    (fun () -> class_expr_aux cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl)
+and class_expr_aux cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl =
+  match scl.pcl_desc with
+  | Pcl_constr (lid, styl) ->
+      let (path, decl) = Env.lookup_class ~loc:scl.pcl_loc lid.txt val_env in
+      if Path.same decl.cty_path unbound_class then
+        raise(Error(scl.pcl_loc, val_env, Unbound_class_2 lid.txt));
+      let tyl = List.map
+          (fun sty -> transl_simple_type val_env ~closed:false sty)
+          styl
+      in
+      let (params, clty) =
+        Ctype.instance_class decl.cty_params decl.cty_type
+      in
+      let clty' = Btype.abbreviate_class_type path params clty in
+      (* Adding a dummy method to the self type prevents it from being closed /
+         escaping. *)
+      Ctype.add_dummy_method val_env ~scope:self_scope
+        (Btype.signature_of_class_type clty');
+      if List.length params <> List.length tyl then
+        raise(Error(scl.pcl_loc, val_env,
+                    Parameter_arity_mismatch (lid.txt, List.length params,
+                                                   List.length tyl)));
+      List.iter2
+        (fun cty' ty ->
+          let ty' = cty'.ctyp_type in
+           try Ctype.unify val_env ty' ty with Ctype.Unify err ->
+             raise(Error(cty'.ctyp_loc, val_env, Parameter_mismatch err)))
+        tyl params;
+      (* Check for unexpected virtual methods *)
+      check_virtual_clty scl.pcl_loc val_env virt Class clty';
+      let cl =
+        rc {cl_desc = Tcl_ident (path, lid, tyl);
+            cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
+            cl_type = clty';
+            cl_env = val_env;
+            cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+           }
+      in
+      let (vals, meths, concrs) = extract_constraints clty in
+      rc {cl_desc = Tcl_constraint (cl, None, vals, meths, concrs);
+          cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
+          cl_type = clty';
+          cl_env = val_env;
+          cl_attributes = []; (* attributes are kept on the inner cl node *)
+         }
+  | Pcl_structure cl_str ->
+      let desc =
+        class_structure cl_num virt self_scope Not_final
+          val_env met_env scl.pcl_loc cl_str
+      in
+      rc {cl_desc = Tcl_structure desc;
+          cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
+          cl_type = Cty_signature desc.cstr_type;
+          cl_env = val_env;
+          cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+         }
+  | Pcl_fun (l, Some default, spat, sbody) ->
+      let loc = default.pexp_loc in
+      let open Ast_helper in
+      let scases = [
+        Exp.case
+          (Pat.construct ~loc
+             (mknoloc (Longident.(Ldot (Lident "*predef*", "Some"))))
+             (Some ([], Pat.var ~loc (mknoloc "*sth*"))))
+          (Exp.ident ~loc (mknoloc (Longident.Lident "*sth*")));
+        Exp.case
+          (Pat.construct ~loc
+             (mknoloc (Longident.(Ldot (Lident "*predef*", "None"))))
+             None)
+          default;
+       ]
+      in
+      let smatch =
+        Exp.match_ ~loc (Exp.ident ~loc (mknoloc (Longident.Lident "*opt*")))
+          scases
+      in
+      let sfun =
+        Cl.fun_ ~loc:scl.pcl_loc
+          l None
+          (Pat.var ~loc (mknoloc "*opt*"))
+          (Cl.let_ ~loc:scl.pcl_loc Nonrecursive [Vb.mk spat smatch] sbody)
+          (* Note: we don't put the '#default' attribute, as it
+             is not detected for class-level let bindings.  See #5975.*)
+      in
+      class_expr cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope sfun
+  | Pcl_fun (l, None, spat, scl') ->
+      let (pat, pv, val_env', met_env) =
+        Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+          (fun () ->
+            Typecore.type_class_arg_pattern cl_num val_env met_env l spat)
+      in
+      let pv =
+        List.map
+          begin fun (id, id', _ty) ->
+            let path = Pident id' in
+            (* do not mark the value as being used *)
+            let vd = Env.find_value path val_env' in
+            (id,
+             {exp_desc =
+              Texp_ident(path, mknoloc (Longident.Lident (Ident.name id)), vd);
+              exp_loc = Location.none; exp_extra = [];
+              exp_type = Ctype.instance vd.val_type;
+              exp_attributes = []; (* check *)
+              exp_env = val_env'})
+          end
+          pv
+      in
+      let rec not_nolabel_function = function
+        | Cty_arrow(Nolabel, _, _) -> false
+        | Cty_arrow(_, _, cty) -> not_nolabel_function cty
+        | _ -> true
+      in
+      let partial =
+        let dummy = type_exp val_env (Ast_helper.Exp.unreachable ()) in
+        Typecore.check_partial val_env pat.pat_type pat.pat_loc
+          [{c_lhs = pat; c_cont = None; c_guard = None; c_rhs = dummy}]
+      in
+      let cl =
+        Ctype.with_raised_nongen_level
+          (fun () -> class_expr cl_num val_env' met_env virt self_scope scl') in
+      if Btype.is_optional l && not_nolabel_function cl.cl_type then
+        Location.prerr_warning pat.pat_loc
+          Warnings.Unerasable_optional_argument;
+      rc {cl_desc = Tcl_fun (l, pat, pv, cl, partial);
+          cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
+          cl_type = Cty_arrow
+            (l, Ctype.instance pat.pat_type, cl.cl_type);
+          cl_env = val_env;
+          cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+         }
+  | Pcl_apply (scl', sargs) ->
+      assert (sargs <> []);
+      let cl =
+        Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+          (fun () -> class_expr cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl')
+      in
+      let rec nonopt_labels ls ty_fun =
+        match ty_fun with
+        | Cty_arrow (l, _, ty_res) ->
+            if Btype.is_optional l then nonopt_labels ls ty_res
+            else nonopt_labels (l::ls) ty_res
+        | _    -> ls
+      in
+      let ignore_labels =
+        !Clflags.classic ||
+        let labels = nonopt_labels [] cl.cl_type in
+        List.length labels = List.length sargs &&
+        List.for_all (fun (l,_) -> l = Nolabel) sargs &&
+        List.exists (fun l -> l <> Nolabel) labels &&
+        begin
+          Location.prerr_warning
+            cl.cl_loc
+            (Warnings.Labels_omitted
+               (List.map Asttypes.string_of_label
+                         (List.filter ((<>) Nolabel) labels)));
+          true
+        end
+      in
+      let rec type_args args omitted ty_fun ty_fun0 sargs =
+        match ty_fun, ty_fun0 with
+        | Cty_arrow (l, ty, ty_fun), Cty_arrow (_, ty0, ty_fun0)
+          when sargs <> [] ->
+            let name = Btype.label_name l
+            and optional = Btype.is_optional l in
+            let use_arg sarg l' =
+              Some (
+                if not optional || Btype.is_optional l' then
+                  type_argument val_env sarg ty ty0
+                else
+                  let ty' = extract_option_type val_env ty
+                  and ty0' = extract_option_type val_env ty0 in
+                  let arg = type_argument val_env sarg ty' ty0' in
+                  option_some val_env arg
+              )
+            in
+            let eliminate_optional_arg () =
+              Some (option_none val_env ty0 Location.none)
+            in
+            let remaining_sargs, arg =
+              if ignore_labels then begin
+                match sargs with
+                | [] -> assert false
+                | (l', sarg) :: remaining_sargs ->
+                    if name = Btype.label_name l' ||
+                       (not optional && l' = Nolabel)
+                    then
+                      (remaining_sargs, use_arg sarg l')
+                    else if
+                      optional &&
+                      not (List.exists (fun (l, _) -> name = Btype.label_name l)
+                             remaining_sargs)
+                    then
+                      (sargs, eliminate_optional_arg ())
+                    else
+                      raise(Error(sarg.pexp_loc, val_env, Apply_wrong_label l'))
+              end else
+                match Btype.extract_label name sargs with
+                | Some (l', sarg, _, remaining_sargs) ->
+                    if not optional && Btype.is_optional l' then
+                      Location.prerr_warning sarg.pexp_loc
+                        (Warnings.Nonoptional_label
+                           (Asttypes.string_of_label l));
+                    remaining_sargs, use_arg sarg l'
+                | None ->
+                    sargs,
+                    if Btype.is_optional l && List.mem_assoc Nolabel sargs then
+                      eliminate_optional_arg ()
+                    else
+                      None
+            in
+            let omitted = if arg = None then (l,ty0) :: omitted else omitted in
+            type_args ((l,arg)::args) omitted ty_fun ty_fun0 remaining_sargs
+        | _ ->
+            match sargs with
+              (l, sarg0)::_ ->
+                if omitted <> [] then
+                  raise(Error(sarg0.pexp_loc, val_env, Apply_wrong_label l))
+                else
+                  raise(Error(cl.cl_loc, val_env, Cannot_apply cl.cl_type))
+            | [] ->
+                (List.rev args,
+                 List.fold_left
+                   (fun ty_fun (l,ty) -> Cty_arrow(l,ty,ty_fun))
+                   ty_fun0 omitted)
+      in
+      let (args, cty) =
+        let (_, ty_fun0) = Ctype.instance_class [] cl.cl_type in
+        type_args [] [] cl.cl_type ty_fun0 sargs
+      in
+      rc {cl_desc = Tcl_apply (cl, args);
+          cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
+          cl_type = cty;
+          cl_env = val_env;
+          cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+         }
+  | Pcl_let (rec_flag, sdefs, scl') ->
+      let (defs, val_env) =
+        Typecore.type_let In_class_def val_env rec_flag sdefs in
+      let (vals, met_env) =
+        List.fold_right
+          (fun (id, _id_loc, _typ, _uid) (vals, met_env) ->
+             let path = Pident id in
+             (* do not mark the value as used *)
+             let vd = Env.find_value path val_env in
+             let ty =
+               Ctype.with_local_level_generalize
+                 (fun () -> Ctype.instance vd.val_type)
+             in
+             let expr =
+               {exp_desc =
+                Texp_ident(path, mknoloc(Longident.Lident (Ident.name id)),vd);
+                exp_loc = Location.none; exp_extra = [];
+                exp_type = ty;
+                exp_attributes = [];
+                exp_env = val_env;
+               }
+             in
+             let desc =
+               {val_type = expr.exp_type;
+                val_kind = Val_ivar (Immutable, cl_num);
+                val_attributes = [];
+                Types.val_loc = vd.Types.val_loc;
+                val_uid = vd.val_uid;
+               }
+             in
+             let id' = Ident.create_local (Ident.name id) in
+             ((id', expr)
+              :: vals,
+              Env.add_value id' desc met_env))
+          (let_bound_idents_full defs)
+          ([], met_env)
+      in
+      let cl = class_expr cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl' in
+      let defs = match rec_flag with
+        | Recursive -> annotate_recursive_bindings val_env defs
+        | Nonrecursive -> defs
+      in
+      rc {cl_desc = Tcl_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl);
+          cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
+          cl_type = cl.cl_type;
+          cl_env = val_env;
+          cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+         }
+  | Pcl_constraint (scl', scty) ->
+      let cl, clty =
+        Ctype.with_local_level_for_class begin fun () ->
+          let cl =
+            Typetexp.TyVarEnv.with_local_scope begin fun () ->
+              let cl = class_expr cl_num val_env met_env virt self_scope scl' in
+              complete_class_type cl.cl_loc val_env virt Class_type cl.cl_type;
+              cl
+            end
+          and clty =
+            Typetexp.TyVarEnv.with_local_scope begin fun () ->
+              let clty = class_type val_env virt self_scope scty in
+              complete_class_type
+                clty.cltyp_loc val_env virt Class clty.cltyp_type;
+              clty
+            end
+          in
+          cl, clty
+        end
+        ~post: begin fun ({cl_type=cl}, {cltyp_type=clty}) ->
+          Ctype.limited_generalize_class_type
+            (Btype.self_type_row cl) ~inside:cl;
+          Ctype.limited_generalize_class_type
+            (Btype.self_type_row clty) ~inside:clty;
+        end
+      in
+      begin match
+        Includeclass.class_types val_env cl.cl_type clty.cltyp_type
+      with
+        []    -> ()
+      | error -> raise(Error(cl.cl_loc, val_env, Class_match_failure error))
+      end;
+      let (vals, meths, concrs) = extract_constraints clty.cltyp_type in
+      let ty = snd (Ctype.instance_class [] clty.cltyp_type) in
+      (* Adding a dummy method to the self type prevents it from being closed /
+         escaping. *)
+      Ctype.add_dummy_method val_env ~scope:self_scope
+        (Btype.signature_of_class_type ty);
+      rc {cl_desc = Tcl_constraint (cl, Some clty, vals, meths, concrs);
+          cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
+          cl_type = ty;
+          cl_env = val_env;
+          cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+         }
+  | Pcl_open (pod, e) ->
+      let used_slot = ref false in
+      let (od, new_val_env) = !type_open_descr ~used_slot val_env pod in
+      let ( _, new_met_env) = !type_open_descr ~used_slot met_env pod in
+      let cl = class_expr cl_num new_val_env new_met_env virt self_scope e in
+      rc {cl_desc = Tcl_open (od, cl);
+          cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc;
+          cl_type = cl.cl_type;
+          cl_env = val_env;
+          cl_attributes = scl.pcl_attributes;
+         }
+  | Pcl_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+(* Approximate the type of the constructor to allow recursive use *)
+(* of optional parameters                                         *)
+let var_option = Predef.type_option (Btype.newgenvar ())
+let rec approx_declaration cl =
+  match cl.pcl_desc with
+    Pcl_fun (l, _, _, cl) ->
+      let arg =
+        if Btype.is_optional l then Ctype.instance var_option
+        else Ctype.newvar () in
+      Ctype.newty (Tarrow (l, arg, approx_declaration cl, commu_ok))
+  | Pcl_let (_, _, cl) ->
+      approx_declaration cl
+  | Pcl_constraint (cl, _) ->
+      approx_declaration cl
+  | _ -> Ctype.newvar ()
+let rec approx_description ct =
+  match ct.pcty_desc with
+    Pcty_arrow (l, _, ct) ->
+      let arg =
+        if Btype.is_optional l then Ctype.instance var_option
+        else Ctype.newvar () in
+      Ctype.newty (Tarrow (l, arg, approx_description ct, commu_ok))
+  | _ -> Ctype.newvar ()
+let temp_abbrev loc arity uid =
+  let params = ref [] in
+  for _i = 1 to arity do
+    params := Ctype.newvar () :: !params
+  done;
+  let ty = Ctype.newobj (Ctype.newvar ()) in
+  let ty_td =
+      {type_params = !params;
+       type_arity = arity;
+       type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+       type_private = Public;
+       type_manifest = Some ty;
+       type_variance = Variance.unknown_signature ~injective:false ~arity;
+       type_separability = Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+       type_is_newtype = false;
+       type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+       type_loc = loc;
+       type_attributes = []; (* or keep attrs from the class decl? *)
+       type_immediate = Unknown;
+       type_unboxed_default = false;
+       type_uid = uid;
+      }
+  in
+  (!params, ty, ty_td)
+let initial_env define_class approx
+    (res, env) (cl, id, ty_id, obj_id, uid) =
+  (* Temporary abbreviations *)
+  let arity = List.length cl.pci_params in
+  let (obj_params, obj_ty, obj_td) = temp_abbrev cl.pci_loc arity uid in
+  let env = Env.add_type ~check:true obj_id obj_td env in
+  let (cl_params, cl_ty, cl_td) = temp_abbrev cl.pci_loc arity uid in
+  (* Temporary type for the class constructor *)
+  let constr_type =
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+      (fun () -> approx cl.pci_expr)
+  in
+  let dummy_cty = Cty_signature (Ctype.new_class_signature ()) in
+  let dummy_class =
+    {Types.cty_params = [];             (* Dummy value *)
+     cty_variance = [];
+     cty_type = dummy_cty;        (* Dummy value *)
+     cty_path = unbound_class;
+     cty_new =
+       begin match cl.pci_virt with
+       | Virtual  -> None
+       | Concrete -> Some constr_type
+       end;
+     cty_loc = Location.none;
+     cty_attributes = [];
+     cty_uid = uid;
+    }
+  in
+  let env =
+    Env.add_cltype ty_id
+      {clty_params = [];            (* Dummy value *)
+       clty_variance = [];
+       clty_type = dummy_cty;       (* Dummy value *)
+       clty_path = unbound_class;
+       clty_hash_type = cl_td;      (* Dummy value *)
+       clty_loc = Location.none;
+       clty_attributes = [];
+       clty_uid = uid;
+      }
+      (
+        if define_class then
+          Env.add_class id dummy_class env
+        else
+          env
+      )
+  in
+  ((cl, id, ty_id,
+    obj_id, obj_params, obj_ty,
+    cl_params, cl_ty, cl_td,
+    constr_type,
+    dummy_class)::res,
+   env)
+let class_infos define_class kind
+    (cl, id, ty_id,
+     obj_id, obj_params, obj_ty,
+     cl_params, cl_ty, cl_td,
+     constr_type,
+     dummy_class)
+    (res, env) =
+  let ci_params, params, coercion_locs, expr, typ, sign =
+    Ctype.with_local_level_for_class begin fun () ->
+      TyVarEnv.reset ();
+      (* Introduce class parameters *)
+      let ci_params =
+        let make_param (sty, v) =
+          try
+            (transl_type_param env sty, v)
+          with Already_bound ->
+            raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Repeated_parameter))
+        in
+        List.map make_param cl.pci_params
+      in
+      let params = List.map (fun (cty, _) -> cty.ctyp_type) ci_params in
+      (* Allow self coercions (only for class declarations) *)
+      let coercion_locs = ref [] in
+      (* Type the class expression *)
+      let (expr, typ) =
+        try
+          Typecore.self_coercion :=
+            (Path.Pident obj_id, coercion_locs) :: !Typecore.self_coercion;
+          let res = kind env cl.pci_virt cl.pci_expr in
+          Typecore.self_coercion := List.tl !Typecore.self_coercion;
+          res
+        with exn ->
+          Typecore.self_coercion := []; raise exn
+      in
+      let sign = Btype.signature_of_class_type typ in
+      (ci_params, params, coercion_locs, expr, typ, sign)
+    end
+    ~post: begin fun (_, params, _, _, typ, sign) ->
+      (* Generalize the row variable *)
+      List.iter
+        (fun inside -> Ctype.limited_generalize sign.csig_self_row ~inside)
+        params;
+      Ctype.limited_generalize_class_type sign.csig_self_row ~inside:typ;
+    end
+  in
+  (* Check the abbreviation for the object type *)
+  let (obj_params', obj_type) = Ctype.instance_class params typ in
+  let constr = Ctype.newconstr (Path.Pident obj_id) obj_params in
+  begin
+    let row = Btype.self_type_row obj_type in
+    Ctype.unify env row (Ctype.newty Tnil);
+    begin try
+      List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) obj_params obj_params'
+    with Ctype.Unify _ ->
+      raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env,
+            Bad_parameters (obj_id, obj_params, obj_params')))
+    end;
+    let ty = Btype.self_type obj_type in
+    begin try
+      Ctype.unify env ty constr
+    with Ctype.Unify _ ->
+      raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env,
+        Abbrev_type_clash (constr, ty, Ctype.expand_head env constr)))
+    end
+  end;
+  Ctype.set_object_name obj_id params (Btype.self_type typ);
+  (* Check the other temporary abbreviation (#-type) *)
+  begin
+    let (cl_params', cl_type) = Ctype.instance_class params typ in
+    let ty = Btype.self_type cl_type in
+    begin try
+      List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) cl_params cl_params'
+    with Ctype.Unify _ ->
+      raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env,
+            Bad_class_type_parameters (ty_id, cl_params, cl_params')))
+    end;
+    begin try
+      Ctype.unify env ty cl_ty
+    with Ctype.Unify _ ->
+      let ty_expanded = Ctype.object_fields ty in
+      raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env, Abbrev_type_clash (ty, ty_expanded, cl_ty)))
+    end
+  end;
+  (* Type of the class constructor *)
+  begin try
+    Ctype.unify env
+      (constructor_type constr obj_type)
+      (Ctype.instance constr_type)
+  with Ctype.Unify err ->
+    raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env,
+                Constructor_type_mismatch (cl.pci_name.txt, err)))
+  end;
+  (* Class and class type temporary definitions *)
+  let cty_variance =
+    Variance.unknown_signature ~injective:false ~arity:(List.length params) in
+  let cltydef =
+    {clty_params = params; clty_type = Btype.class_body typ;
+     clty_variance = cty_variance;
+     clty_path = Path.Pident obj_id;
+     clty_hash_type = cl_td;
+     clty_loc = cl.pci_loc;
+     clty_attributes = cl.pci_attributes;
+     clty_uid = dummy_class.cty_uid;
+    }
+  and clty =
+    {cty_params = params; cty_type = typ;
+     cty_variance = cty_variance;
+     cty_path = Path.Pident obj_id;
+     cty_new =
+       begin match cl.pci_virt with
+       | Virtual  -> None
+       | Concrete -> Some constr_type
+       end;
+     cty_loc = cl.pci_loc;
+     cty_attributes = cl.pci_attributes;
+     cty_uid = dummy_class.cty_uid;
+    }
+  in
+  dummy_class.cty_type <- typ;
+  let env =
+    Env.add_cltype ty_id cltydef (
+    if define_class then Env.add_class id clty env else env)
+  in
+  (* Misc. *)
+  let arity = Btype.class_type_arity typ in
+  let pub_meths = Btype.public_methods sign in
+  (* Final definitions *)
+  let (params', typ') = Ctype.instance_class params typ in
+  let clty =
+    {cty_params = params'; cty_type = typ';
+     cty_variance = cty_variance;
+     cty_path = Path.Pident obj_id;
+     cty_new =
+       begin match cl.pci_virt with
+       | Virtual  -> None
+       | Concrete -> Some (Ctype.instance constr_type)
+       end;
+     cty_loc = cl.pci_loc;
+     cty_attributes = cl.pci_attributes;
+     cty_uid = dummy_class.cty_uid;
+    }
+  in
+  let obj_abbr =
+    let arity = List.length obj_params in
+    {
+     type_params = obj_params;
+     type_arity = arity;
+     type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+     type_private = Public;
+     type_manifest = Some obj_ty;
+     type_variance = Variance.unknown_signature ~injective:false ~arity;
+     type_separability = Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+     type_is_newtype = false;
+     type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+     type_loc = cl.pci_loc;
+     type_attributes = []; (* or keep attrs from cl? *)
+     type_immediate = Unknown;
+     type_unboxed_default = false;
+     type_uid = dummy_class.cty_uid;
+    }
+  in
+  let (cl_params, cl_ty) =
+    Ctype.instance_parameterized_type params (Btype.self_type typ)
+  in
+  Ctype.set_object_name obj_id cl_params cl_ty;
+  let cl_abbr =
+    { cl_td with
+     type_params = cl_params;
+     type_manifest = Some cl_ty
+    }
+  in
+  let cltydef =
+    {clty_params = params'; clty_type = Btype.class_body typ';
+     clty_variance = cty_variance;
+     clty_path = Path.Pident obj_id;
+     clty_hash_type = cl_abbr;
+     clty_loc = cl.pci_loc;
+     clty_attributes = cl.pci_attributes;
+     clty_uid = dummy_class.cty_uid;
+    }
+  in
+  ((cl, id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, ci_params,
+    arity, pub_meths, List.rev !coercion_locs, expr) :: res,
+   env)
+let collapse_conj_class_params env (cl, id, clty, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) =
+  try Ctype.collapse_conj_params env clty.cty_params
+  with Ctype.Unify err ->
+    raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env, Non_collapsable_conjunction (id, clty, err)))
+let final_decl env define_class
+    (cl, id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, ci_params,
+     arity, pub_meths, coe, expr) =
+  Ctype.nongen_vars_in_class_declaration clty
+  |> Option.iter (fun vars ->
+      let nongen_vars = Btype.TypeSet.elements vars in
+      raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env
+                 , Non_generalizable_class { id; clty; nongen_vars }));
+    );
+  begin match
+    Ctype.closed_class clty.cty_params
+      (Btype.signature_of_class_type clty.cty_type)
+  with
+    None        -> ()
+  | Some reason ->
+      let printer =
+        if define_class
+        then
+          Format_doc.doc_printf "%a" (Printtyp.Doc.class_declaration id) clty
+        else
+          Format_doc.doc_printf "%a"
+            (Printtyp.Doc.cltype_declaration id) cltydef
+      in
+      raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, env, Unbound_type_var(printer, reason)))
+  end;
+  { id; clty; ty_id; cltydef; obj_id; obj_abbr; arity;
+    pub_meths; coe;
+    id_loc = cl.pci_name;
+    req = { ci_loc = cl.pci_loc;
+            ci_virt = cl.pci_virt;
+            ci_params = ci_params;
+        (* TODO : check that we have the correct use of identifiers *)
+            ci_id_name = cl.pci_name;
+            ci_id_class = id;
+            ci_id_class_type = ty_id;
+            ci_id_object = obj_id;
+            ci_expr = expr;
+            ci_decl = clty;
+            ci_type_decl = cltydef;
+            ci_attributes = cl.pci_attributes;
+        }
+  }
+(*   (cl.pci_variance, cl.pci_loc)) *)
+let class_infos define_class kind
+    (cl, id, ty_id,
+     obj_id, obj_params, obj_ty,
+     cl_params, cl_ty, cl_td,
+     constr_type,
+     dummy_class)
+    (res, env) =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope cl.pci_attributes
+    (fun () ->
+       class_infos define_class kind
+         (cl, id, ty_id,
+          obj_id, obj_params, obj_ty,
+          cl_params, cl_ty, cl_td,
+          constr_type,
+          dummy_class)
+         (res, env)
+    )
+let extract_type_decls { clty; cltydef; obj_id; obj_abbr; req} decls =
+  (obj_id, obj_abbr, clty, cltydef, req) :: decls
+let merge_type_decls decl (obj_abbr, clty, cltydef) =
+  {decl with obj_abbr; clty; cltydef}
+let final_env define_class env { id; clty; ty_id; cltydef; obj_id; obj_abbr; } =
+  (* Add definitions after cleaning them *)
+  Env.add_type ~check:true obj_id
+    (Subst.type_declaration Subst.identity obj_abbr) (
+  Env.add_cltype ty_id (Subst.cltype_declaration Subst.identity cltydef) (
+  if define_class then
+    Env.add_class id (Subst.class_declaration Subst.identity clty) env
+  else env))
+(* Check that #c is coercible to c if there is a self-coercion *)
+let check_coercions env { id; id_loc; clty; ty_id; cltydef; obj_id; obj_abbr;
+    arity; pub_meths; coe; req } =
+  let cl_abbr = cltydef.clty_hash_type in
+  begin match coe with [] -> ()
+  | loc :: _ ->
+      let cl_ty, obj_ty =
+        match cl_abbr.type_manifest, obj_abbr.type_manifest with
+          Some cl_ab, Some obj_ab ->
+            let cl_params, cl_ty =
+              Ctype.instance_parameterized_type cl_abbr.type_params cl_ab
+            and obj_params, obj_ty =
+              Ctype.instance_parameterized_type obj_abbr.type_params obj_ab
+            in
+            List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) cl_params obj_params;
+            cl_ty, obj_ty
+        | _ -> assert false
+      in
+      begin try Ctype.subtype env cl_ty obj_ty ()
+      with Ctype.Subtype err ->
+        raise(Typecore.Error(loc, env, Typecore.Not_subtype err))
+      end;
+      if not (Ctype.opened_object cl_ty) then
+        raise(Error(loc, env, Cannot_coerce_self obj_ty))
+  end;
+  {cls_id = id;
+   cls_id_loc = id_loc;
+   cls_decl = clty;
+   cls_ty_id = ty_id;
+   cls_ty_decl = cltydef;
+   cls_obj_id = obj_id;
+   cls_obj_abbr = obj_abbr;
+   cls_abbr = cl_abbr;
+   cls_arity = arity;
+   cls_pub_methods = pub_meths;
+   cls_info=req}
+let type_classes define_class approx kind env cls =
+  let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+  let cls =
+    List.map
+      (function cl ->
+         (cl,
+          Ident.create_scoped ~scope cl.pci_name.txt,
+          Ident.create_scoped ~scope cl.pci_name.txt,
+          Ident.create_scoped ~scope cl.pci_name.txt,
+          Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ())
+         ))
+      cls
+  in
+  let res, env =
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_for_class begin fun () ->
+      let (res, env) =
+        List.fold_left (initial_env define_class approx) ([], env) cls
+      in
+      let (res, env) =
+        List.fold_right (class_infos define_class kind) res ([], env)
+      in
+      List.iter (collapse_conj_class_params env) res;
+      res, env
+    end
+  in
+  let res = List.rev_map (final_decl env define_class) res in
+  let decls = List.fold_right extract_type_decls res [] in
+  let decls =
+    try Typedecl_variance.update_class_decls env decls
+    with Typedecl_variance.Error(loc, err) ->
+      raise (Typedecl.Error(loc, Typedecl.Variance err))
+  in
+  let res = List.map2 merge_type_decls res decls in
+  let env = List.fold_left (final_env define_class) env res in
+  let res = List.map (check_coercions env) res in
+  (res, env)
+let class_num = ref 0
+let class_declaration env virt sexpr =
+  incr class_num;
+  let self_scope = Ctype.get_current_level () in
+  let expr =
+    class_expr (Int.to_string !class_num) env env virt self_scope sexpr
+  in
+  complete_class_type expr.cl_loc env virt Class expr.cl_type;
+  (expr, expr.cl_type)
+let class_description env virt sexpr =
+  let self_scope = Ctype.get_current_level () in
+  let expr = class_type env virt self_scope sexpr in
+  complete_class_type expr.cltyp_loc env virt Class_type expr.cltyp_type;
+  (expr, expr.cltyp_type)
+let class_declarations env cls =
+  let info, env =
+    type_classes true approx_declaration class_declaration env cls
+  in
+  let ids, exprs =
+    List.split
+      (List.map
+         (fun ci -> ci.cls_id, ci.cls_info.ci_expr)
+         info)
+  in
+  check_recursive_class_bindings env ids exprs;
+  info, env
+let class_descriptions env cls =
+  type_classes true approx_description class_description env cls
+let class_type_declarations env cls =
+  let (decls, env) =
+    type_classes false approx_description class_description env cls
+  in
+  (List.map
+     (fun decl ->
+        {clsty_ty_id = decl.cls_ty_id;
+         clsty_id_loc = decl.cls_id_loc;
+         clsty_ty_decl = decl.cls_ty_decl;
+         clsty_obj_id = decl.cls_obj_id;
+         clsty_obj_abbr = decl.cls_obj_abbr;
+         clsty_abbr = decl.cls_abbr;
+         clsty_info = decl.cls_info})
+     decls,
+   env)
+let type_object env loc s =
+  incr class_num;
+  let desc =
+    class_structure (Int.to_string !class_num)
+      Concrete Btype.lowest_level Final env env loc s
+  in
+  complete_class_signature loc env Concrete Object desc.cstr_type;
+  let meths = Btype.public_methods desc.cstr_type in
+  (desc, meths)
+let () =
+  Typecore.type_object := type_object
+(* Check that there is no references through recursive modules (GPR#6491) *)
+let rec check_recmod_class_type env cty =
+  match cty.pcty_desc with
+  | Pcty_constr(lid, _) ->
+      ignore (Env.lookup_cltype ~use:false ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env)
+  | Pcty_extension _ -> ()
+  | Pcty_arrow(_, _, cty) ->
+      check_recmod_class_type env cty
+  | Pcty_open(od, cty) ->
+      let _, env = !type_open_descr env od in
+      check_recmod_class_type env cty
+  | Pcty_signature csig ->
+      check_recmod_class_sig env csig
+and check_recmod_class_sig env csig =
+  List.iter
+    (fun ctf ->
+       match ctf.pctf_desc with
+       | Pctf_inherit cty -> check_recmod_class_type env cty
+       | Pctf_val _ | Pctf_method _
+       | Pctf_constraint _ | Pctf_attribute _ | Pctf_extension _ -> ())
+    csig.pcsig_fields
+let check_recmod_decl env sdecl =
+  check_recmod_class_type env sdecl.pci_expr
+(* Approximate the class declaration as class ['params] id = object end *)
+let approx_class sdecl =
+  let open Ast_helper in
+  let self' = Typ.any () in
+  let clty' = Cty.signature ~loc:sdecl.pci_expr.pcty_loc (Csig.mk self' []) in
+  { sdecl with pci_expr = clty' }
+let approx_class_declarations env sdecls =
+  let decls, env = class_type_declarations env (List.map approx_class sdecls) in
+  List.iter (check_recmod_decl env) sdecls;
+  decls, env
+(* Error report *)
+open Format_doc
+let non_virtual_string_of_kind : kind -> string = function
+  | Object -> "object"
+  | Class -> "non-virtual class"
+  | Class_type -> "non-virtual class type"
+module Style=Misc.Style
+module Printtyp = Printtyp.Doc
+let out_type ppf t = Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf t
+let quoted_type ppf t = Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr ppf t
+let report_error_doc env ppf =
+  let pp_args ppf args =
+    let args = List.map (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type) args in
+    Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type_args ppf args
+  in
+  function
+  | Repeated_parameter ->
+      fprintf ppf "A type parameter occurs several times"
+  | Unconsistent_constraint err ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>The class constraints are not consistent.@ ";
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "Type")
+        (msg "is not compatible with type");
+      fprintf ppf "@]"
+  | Field_type_mismatch (k, m, err) ->
+      let msg  = Format_doc.doc_printf in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "The %s %a@ has type" k Style.inline_code m)
+        (msg "but is expected to have type")
+  | Unexpected_field (ty, lab) ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[@[<2>This object is expected to have type :@ %a@]\
+         @ This type does not have a method %a."
+        quoted_type ty
+        Style.inline_code lab
+  | Structure_expected clty ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[This class expression is not a class structure; it has type@ %a@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.class_type) clty
+  | Cannot_apply _ ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "This class expression is not a class function, it cannot be applied"
+  | Apply_wrong_label l ->
+      let mark_label ppf = function
+        | Nolabel -> fprintf ppf "without label"
+        |  l -> fprintf ppf "with label %a"
+                  Style.inline_code (Btype.prefixed_label_name l)
+      in
+      fprintf ppf "This argument cannot be applied %a" mark_label l
+  | Pattern_type_clash ty ->
+      (* XXX Trace *)
+      (* XXX Revoir message d'erreur | Improve error message *)
+      fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@]"
+        "This pattern cannot match self: it only matches values of type"
+        quoted_type ty
+  | Unbound_class_2 cl ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The class@ %a@ is not yet completely defined@]"
+      (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) cl
+  | Unbound_class_type_2 cl ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The class type@ %a@ is not yet completely defined@]"
+      (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) cl
+  | Abbrev_type_clash (abbrev, actual, expected) ->
+      (* XXX Afficher une trace ? | Print a trace? *)
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing [abbrev; actual; expected];
+      fprintf ppf "@[The abbreviation@ %a@ expands to type@ %a@ \
+       but is used with type@ %a@]"
+        out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type abbrev)
+        out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type actual)
+        out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type expected)
+  | Constructor_type_mismatch (c, err) ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.doc_printf in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "The expression %a has type"
+             Style.inline_code ("new " ^ c)
+        )
+        (msg "but is used with type")
+  | Virtual_class (kind, mets, vals) ->
+      let kind = non_virtual_string_of_kind kind in
+      let missings =
+        match mets, vals with
+          [], _ -> "variables"
+        | _, [] -> "methods"
+        | _ -> "methods and variables"
+      in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[This %s has virtual %s.@ \
+         @[<2>The following %s are virtual : %a@]@]"
+        kind missings missings
+        (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_space Style.inline_code) (mets @ vals)
+  | Undeclared_methods(kind, mets) ->
+      let kind = non_virtual_string_of_kind kind in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[This %s has undeclared virtual methods.@ \
+         @[<2>The following methods were not declared : %a@]@]"
+        kind (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_space Style.inline_code) mets
+  | Parameter_arity_mismatch(lid, expected, provided) ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[The class constructor %a@ expects %i type argument(s),@ \
+           but is here applied to %i type argument(s)@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.longident) lid expected provided
+  | Parameter_mismatch err ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg  "The type parameter")
+        (msg "does not meet its constraint: it should be")
+  | Bad_parameters (id, params, cstrs) ->
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing (params @ cstrs);
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[The abbreviation %a@ is used with parameter(s)@ %a@ \
+           which are incompatible with constraint(s)@ %a@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.ident) id
+        pp_args params
+        pp_args cstrs
+  | Bad_class_type_parameters (id, params, cstrs) ->
+      let pp_hash ppf id = fprintf ppf "#%a" Printtyp.ident id in
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing (params @ cstrs);
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[The class type %a@ is used with parameter(s)@ %a,@ \
+           whereas the class type definition@ constrains@ \
+           those parameters to be@ %a@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_hash) id
+       pp_args params
+       pp_args cstrs
+  | Class_match_failure error ->
+      Includeclass.report_error_doc Type ppf error
+  | Unbound_val lab ->
+      fprintf ppf "Unbound instance variable %a" Style.inline_code lab
+  | Unbound_type_var (msg, reason) ->
+      let print_reason ppf { Ctype.free_variable; meth; meth_ty; } =
+        let (ty0, kind) = free_variable in
+        let ty1 =
+          match kind with
+          | Type_variable -> ty0
+          | Row_variable -> Btype.newgenty(Tobject(ty0, ref None))
+        in
+        Out_type.add_type_to_preparation meth_ty;
+        Out_type.add_type_to_preparation ty1;
+        fprintf ppf
+          "The method %a@ has type@;<1 2>%a@ where@ %a@ is unbound"
+          Style.inline_code meth
+          out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type meth_ty)
+          out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type ty0)
+      in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<v>@[Some type variables are unbound in this type:@;<1 2>%a@]@ \
+              @[%a@]@]"
+       pp_doc msg print_reason reason
+  | Non_generalizable_class {id;  clty; nongen_vars } ->
+      let[@manual.ref "ss:valuerestriction"] manual_ref = [ 6; 1; 2] in
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing nongen_vars;
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[The type of this class,@ %a,@ \
+         contains the non-generalizable type variable(s): %a.@ %a@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code @@ Printtyp.class_declaration id) clty
+        (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun f () -> fprintf f ",@ ")
+           (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme)
+        ) nongen_vars
+        Misc.print_see_manual manual_ref
+  | Cannot_coerce_self ty ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[The type of self cannot be coerced to@ \
+           the type of the current class:@ %a.@.\
+           Some occurrences are contravariant@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_scheme) ty
+  | Non_collapsable_conjunction (id, clty, err) ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[The type of this class,@ %a,@ \
+           contains non-collapsible conjunctive types in constraints.@ %t@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code @@ Printtyp.class_declaration id) clty
+        (fun ppf -> Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+            (msg "Type")
+            (msg "is not compatible with type")
+        )
+  | Self_clash err ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "This object is expected to have type")
+        (msg "but actually has type")
+  | Mutability_mismatch (_lab, mut) ->
+      let mut1, mut2 =
+        if mut = Immutable then "mutable", "immutable"
+        else "immutable", "mutable" in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[The instance variable is %s;@ it cannot be redefined as %s@]"
+        mut1 mut2
+  | No_overriding (_, "") ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[This inheritance does not override any methods@ \
+         or instance variables@ but is explicitly marked as@ \
+         overriding with %a.@]"
+        Style.inline_code "!"
+  | No_overriding (kind, name) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The %s %a@ has no previous definition@]" kind
+        Style.inline_code name
+  | Duplicate (kind, name) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The %s %a@ has multiple definitions in this object@]"
+                    kind Style.inline_code name
+  | Closing_self_type sign ->
+    fprintf ppf
+      "@[Cannot close type of object literal:@ %a@,\
+       it has been unified with the self type of a class that is not yet@ \
+       completely defined.@]"
+      (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_scheme) sign.csig_self
+let report_error_doc env ppf err =
+  Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true
+    env (fun () -> report_error_doc env ppf err)
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error (loc, env, err) ->
+        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc (report_error_doc env) err)
+      | Error_forward err ->
+        Some err
+      | _ ->
+        None
+    )
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat1 report_error_doc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeclass.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeclass.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89e230d14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeclass.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*          Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+type 'a class_info = {
+  cls_id : Ident.t;
+  cls_id_loc : string loc;
+  cls_decl : class_declaration;
+  cls_ty_id : Ident.t;
+  cls_ty_decl : class_type_declaration;
+  cls_obj_id : Ident.t;
+  cls_obj_abbr : type_declaration;
+  cls_abbr : type_declaration;
+  cls_arity : int;
+  cls_pub_methods : string list;
+  cls_info : 'a;
+type class_type_info = {
+  clsty_ty_id : Ident.t;
+  clsty_id_loc : string loc;
+  clsty_ty_decl : class_type_declaration;
+  clsty_obj_id : Ident.t;
+  clsty_obj_abbr : type_declaration;
+  clsty_abbr : type_declaration;
+  clsty_info : Typedtree.class_type_declaration;
+val class_declarations:
+  Env.t -> Parsetree.class_declaration list ->
+  Typedtree.class_declaration class_info list * Env.t
+and class_declaration =
+  (class_expr, Types.class_declaration) class_infos
+val class_descriptions:
+  Env.t -> Parsetree.class_description list ->
+  Typedtree.class_description class_info list * Env.t
+and class_description =
+  (class_type, unit) class_infos
+val class_type_declarations:
+  Env.t -> Parsetree.class_description list -> class_type_info list * Env.t
+and class_type_declaration =
+  (class_type, Types.class_type_declaration) class_infos
+val approx_class_declarations:
+  Env.t -> Parsetree.class_description list -> class_type_info list * Env.t
+val type_classes :
+           bool ->
+           ('a -> Types.type_expr) ->
+           (Env.t -> 'a -> 'b * Types.class_type) ->
+           Env.t ->
+           'a Parsetree.class_infos list ->
+  (  Ident.t * Types.class_declaration *
+     Ident.t * Types.class_type_declaration *
+     Ident.t * Types.type_declaration *
+     Ident.t * Types.type_declaration *
+     int * string list * 'b * 'b Typedtree.class_infos)
+           list * Env.t
+type kind =
+  | Object
+  | Class
+  | Class_type
+type error =
+  | Unconsistent_constraint of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Field_type_mismatch of string * string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Unexpected_field of type_expr * string
+  | Structure_expected of class_type
+  | Cannot_apply of class_type
+  | Apply_wrong_label of arg_label
+  | Pattern_type_clash of type_expr
+  | Repeated_parameter
+  | Unbound_class_2 of Longident.t
+  | Unbound_class_type_2 of Longident.t
+  | Abbrev_type_clash of type_expr * type_expr * type_expr
+  | Constructor_type_mismatch of string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Virtual_class of kind * string list * string list
+  | Undeclared_methods of kind * string list
+  | Parameter_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
+  | Parameter_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Bad_parameters of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr list
+  | Bad_class_type_parameters of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr list
+  | Class_match_failure of Ctype.class_match_failure list
+  | Unbound_val of string
+  | Unbound_type_var of Format_doc.t * Ctype.closed_class_failure
+  | Non_generalizable_class of
+      { id : Ident.t
+      ; clty : Types.class_declaration
+      ; nongen_vars : type_expr list
+      }
+  | Cannot_coerce_self of type_expr
+  | Non_collapsable_conjunction of
+      Ident.t * Types.class_declaration * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Self_clash of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Mutability_mismatch of string * mutable_flag
+  | No_overriding of string * string
+  | Duplicate of string * string
+  | Closing_self_type of class_signature
+exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+exception Error_forward of Location.error
+val report_error : Env.t -> Format.formatter -> error -> unit
+val report_error_doc : Env.t -> error Format_doc.printer
+(* Forward decl filled in by Typemod.type_open_descr *)
+val type_open_descr :
+  (?used_slot:bool ref ->
+   Env.t -> Parsetree.open_description -> Typedtree.open_description * Env.t)
+    ref
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typecore.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typecore.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..efa97077c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typecore.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,7092 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Typechecking for the core language *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-60"] module Str = Ast_helper.Str (* For ocamldep *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+60"]
+open Misc
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+open Types
+open Typedtree
+open Btype
+open Ctype
+module Style = Misc.Style
+type type_forcing_context =
+  | If_conditional
+  | If_no_else_branch
+  | While_loop_conditional
+  | While_loop_body
+  | For_loop_start_index
+  | For_loop_stop_index
+  | For_loop_body
+  | Assert_condition
+  | Sequence_left_hand_side
+  | When_guard
+type type_expected = {
+  ty: type_expr;
+  explanation: type_forcing_context option;
+module Datatype_kind = struct
+  type t = Record | Variant
+  let type_name = function
+    | Record -> "record"
+    | Variant -> "variant"
+  let label_name = function
+    | Record -> "field"
+    | Variant -> "constructor"
+type wrong_name = {
+  type_path: Path.t;
+  kind: Datatype_kind.t;
+  name: string loc;
+  valid_names: string list;
+type wrong_kind_context =
+  | Pattern
+  | Expression of type_forcing_context option
+type wrong_kind_sort =
+  | Constructor
+  | Record
+  | Boolean
+  | List
+  | Unit
+type contains_gadt =
+  | Contains_gadt
+  | No_gadt
+let wrong_kind_sort_of_constructor (lid : Longident.t) =
+  match lid with
+  | Lident "true" | Lident "false" | Ldot(_, "true") | Ldot(_, "false") ->
+      Boolean
+  | Lident "[]" | Lident "::" | Ldot(_, "[]") | Ldot(_, "::") -> List
+  | Lident "()" | Ldot(_, "()") -> Unit
+  | _ -> Constructor
+type existential_restriction =
+  | At_toplevel (** no existential types at the toplevel *)
+  | In_group (** nor with let ... and ... *)
+  | In_rec (** or recursive definition *)
+  | With_attributes (** or let[@any_attribute] = ... *)
+  | In_class_args (** or in class arguments *)
+  | In_class_def  (** or in [class c = let ... in ...] *)
+  | In_self_pattern (** or in self pattern *)
+type existential_binding =
+  | Bind_already_bound
+  | Bind_not_in_scope
+  | Bind_non_locally_abstract
+type error =
+  | Constructor_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
+  | Label_mismatch of Longident.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Pattern_type_clash :
+      Errortrace.unification_error * Parsetree.pattern_desc option -> error
+  | Or_pattern_type_clash of Ident.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Multiply_bound_variable of string
+  | Orpat_vars of Ident.t * Ident.t list
+  | Expr_type_clash of
+      Errortrace.unification_error * type_forcing_context option
+      * Parsetree.expression option
+  | Function_arity_type_clash of
+      { syntactic_arity :  int;
+        type_constraint : type_expr;
+        trace : Errortrace.unification_error;
+      }
+  (* [Function_arity_type_clash { syntactic_arity = n; type_constraint; trace }]
+     is the type error for the specific case where an n-ary function is
+     constrained at a type with an arity less than n, e.g.:
+     {[
+       type (_, _) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
+       let bad : type a. ?opt:(a, int -> int) eq -> unit -> a =
+         fun ?opt:(Eq = assert false) () x -> x + 1
+     ]}
+     [type_constraint] is the user-written polymorphic type (in this example
+     [?opt:(a, int -> int) eq -> unit -> a]) that causes this type clash, and
+     [trace] is the unification error that signaled the issue.
+  *)
+  | Apply_non_function of {
+      funct : Typedtree.expression;
+      func_ty : type_expr;
+      res_ty : type_expr;
+      previous_arg_loc : Location.t;
+      extra_arg_loc : Location.t;
+    }
+  | Apply_wrong_label of arg_label * type_expr * bool
+  | Label_multiply_defined of string
+  | Label_missing of Ident.t list
+  | Label_not_mutable of Longident.t
+  | Wrong_name of string * type_expected * wrong_name
+  | Name_type_mismatch of
+      Datatype_kind.t * Longident.t * (Path.t * Path.t) * (Path.t * Path.t) list
+  | Invalid_format of string
+  | Not_an_object of type_expr * type_forcing_context option
+  | Undefined_method of type_expr * string * string list option
+  | Undefined_self_method of string * string list
+  | Virtual_class of Longident.t
+  | Private_type of type_expr
+  | Private_label of Longident.t * type_expr
+  | Private_constructor of constructor_description * type_expr
+  | Unbound_instance_variable of string * string list
+  | Instance_variable_not_mutable of string
+  | Not_subtype of Errortrace.Subtype.error
+  | Outside_class
+  | Value_multiply_overridden of string
+  | Coercion_failure of
+      Errortrace.expanded_type * Errortrace.unification_error * bool
+  | Not_a_function of type_expr * type_forcing_context option
+  | Too_many_arguments of type_expr * type_forcing_context option
+  | Abstract_wrong_label of
+      { got           : arg_label
+      ; expected      : arg_label
+      ; expected_type : type_expr
+      ; explanation   : type_forcing_context option
+      }
+  | Scoping_let_module of string * type_expr
+  | Not_a_polymorphic_variant_type of Longident.t
+  | Incoherent_label_order
+  | Less_general of string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Modules_not_allowed
+  | Cannot_infer_signature
+  | Not_a_packed_module of type_expr
+  | Unexpected_existential of existential_restriction * string
+  | Invalid_interval
+  | Invalid_for_loop_index
+  | No_value_clauses
+  | Exception_pattern_disallowed
+  | Mixed_value_and_exception_patterns_under_guard
+  | Effect_pattern_below_toplevel
+  | Invalid_continuation_pattern
+  | Inlined_record_escape
+  | Inlined_record_expected
+  | Unrefuted_pattern of pattern
+  | Invalid_extension_constructor_payload
+  | Not_an_extension_constructor
+  | Literal_overflow of string
+  | Unknown_literal of string * char
+  | Illegal_letrec_pat
+  | Illegal_letrec_expr
+  | Illegal_class_expr
+  | Letop_type_clash of string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Andop_type_clash of string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Bindings_type_clash of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Unbound_existential of Ident.t list * type_expr
+  | Bind_existential of existential_binding * Ident.t * type_expr
+  | Missing_type_constraint
+  | Wrong_expected_kind of wrong_kind_sort * wrong_kind_context * type_expr
+  | Expr_not_a_record_type of type_expr
+let not_principal fmt =
+  Format_doc.Doc.kmsg (fun x -> Warnings.Not_principal x) fmt
+exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+exception Error_forward of Location.error
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typemod.type_module *)
+let type_module =
+  ref ((fun _env _md -> assert false) :
+       Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Typedtree.module_expr * Shape.t)
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typemod.type_open *)
+let type_open :
+  (?used_slot:bool ref -> override_flag -> Env.t -> Location.t ->
+   Longident.t loc -> Path.t * Env.t)
+    ref =
+  ref (fun ?used_slot:_ _ -> assert false)
+let type_open_decl :
+  (?used_slot:bool ref -> Env.t -> Parsetree.open_declaration
+   -> open_declaration * Types.signature * Env.t)
+    ref =
+  ref (fun ?used_slot:_ _ -> assert false)
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typemod.type_package *)
+let type_package =
+  ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typeclass.class_structure *)
+let type_object =
+  ref (fun _env _s -> assert false :
+       Env.t -> Location.t -> Parsetree.class_structure ->
+         Typedtree.class_structure * string list)
+  Saving and outputting type information.
+  We keep these function names short, because they have to be
+  called each time we create a record of type [Typedtree.expression]
+  or [Typedtree.pattern] that will end up in the typed AST.
+let re node =
+  Cmt_format.add_saved_type (Cmt_format.Partial_expression node);
+  node
+let rp node =
+  Cmt_format.add_saved_type (Cmt_format.Partial_pattern (Value, node));
+  node
+let rcp node =
+  Cmt_format.add_saved_type (Cmt_format.Partial_pattern (Computation, node));
+  node
+(* Context for inline record arguments; see [type_ident] *)
+type recarg =
+  | Allowed
+  | Required
+  | Rejected
+let mk_expected ?explanation ty = { ty; explanation; }
+let case lhs rhs =
+  {c_lhs = lhs; c_cont = None; c_guard = None; c_rhs = rhs}
+(* Typing of constants *)
+let type_constant = function
+    Const_int _ -> instance Predef.type_int
+  | Const_char _ -> instance Predef.type_char
+  | Const_string _ -> instance Predef.type_string
+  | Const_float _ -> instance Predef.type_float
+  | Const_int32 _ -> instance Predef.type_int32
+  | Const_int64 _ -> instance Predef.type_int64
+  | Const_nativeint _ -> instance Predef.type_nativeint
+let constant_desc
+  : Parsetree.constant_desc -> (Asttypes.constant, error) result =
+  function
+  | Pconst_integer (i,None) ->
+     begin
+       try Ok (Const_int (Misc.Int_literal_converter.int i))
+       with Failure _ -> Error (Literal_overflow "int")
+     end
+  | Pconst_integer (i,Some 'l') ->
+     begin
+       try Ok (Const_int32 (Misc.Int_literal_converter.int32 i))
+       with Failure _ -> Error (Literal_overflow "int32")
+     end
+  | Pconst_integer (i,Some 'L') ->
+     begin
+       try Ok (Const_int64 (Misc.Int_literal_converter.int64 i))
+       with Failure _ -> Error (Literal_overflow "int64")
+     end
+  | Pconst_integer (i,Some 'n') ->
+     begin
+       try Ok (Const_nativeint (Misc.Int_literal_converter.nativeint i))
+       with Failure _ -> Error (Literal_overflow "nativeint")
+     end
+  | Pconst_integer (i,Some c) -> Error (Unknown_literal (i, c))
+  | Pconst_char c -> Ok (Const_char c)
+  | Pconst_string (s,loc,d) -> Ok (Const_string (s,loc,d))
+  | Pconst_float (f,None)-> Ok (Const_float f)
+  | Pconst_float (f,Some c) -> Error (Unknown_literal (f, c))
+let constant const = constant_desc const.pconst_desc
+let constant_or_raise env loc cst =
+  match constant cst with
+  | Ok c -> c
+  | Error err -> raise (Error (loc, env, err))
+(* Specific version of type_option, using newty rather than newgenty *)
+let type_option ty =
+  newty (Tconstr(Predef.path_option,[ty], ref Mnil))
+let mkexp exp_desc exp_type exp_loc exp_env =
+  { exp_desc; exp_type; exp_loc; exp_env; exp_extra = []; exp_attributes = [] }
+let option_none env ty loc =
+  let lid = Longident.Lident "None" in
+  let cnone = Env.find_ident_constructor Predef.ident_none env in
+  mkexp (Texp_construct(mknoloc lid, cnone, [])) ty loc env
+let option_some env texp =
+  let lid = Longident.Lident "Some" in
+  let csome = Env.find_ident_constructor Predef.ident_some env in
+  mkexp ( Texp_construct(mknoloc lid , csome, [texp]) )
+    (type_option texp.exp_type) texp.exp_loc texp.exp_env
+let extract_option_type env ty =
+  match get_desc (expand_head env ty) with
+    Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option -> ty
+  | _ -> assert false
+let protect_expansion env ty =
+  if Env.has_local_constraints env then generic_instance ty else ty
+type record_extraction_result =
+  | Record_type of Path.t * Path.t * Types.label_declaration list
+  | Not_a_record_type
+  | Maybe_a_record_type
+let extract_concrete_typedecl_protected env ty =
+  extract_concrete_typedecl env (protect_expansion env ty)
+let extract_concrete_record env ty =
+  match extract_concrete_typedecl_protected env ty with
+  | Typedecl(p0, p, {type_kind=Type_record (fields, _)}) ->
+    Record_type (p0, p, fields)
+  | Has_no_typedecl | Typedecl(_, _, _) -> Not_a_record_type
+  | May_have_typedecl -> Maybe_a_record_type
+type variant_extraction_result =
+  | Variant_type of Path.t * Path.t * Types.constructor_declaration list
+  | Not_a_variant_type
+  | Maybe_a_variant_type
+let extract_concrete_variant env ty =
+  match extract_concrete_typedecl_protected env ty with
+  | Typedecl(p0, p, {type_kind=Type_variant (cstrs, _)}) ->
+    Variant_type (p0, p, cstrs)
+  | Typedecl(p0, p, {type_kind=Type_open}) ->
+    Variant_type (p0, p, [])
+  | Has_no_typedecl | Typedecl(_, _, _) -> Not_a_variant_type
+  | May_have_typedecl -> Maybe_a_variant_type
+let extract_label_names env ty =
+  match extract_concrete_record env ty with
+  | Record_type (_, _,fields) -> List.map (fun l -> l.Types.ld_id) fields
+  | Not_a_record_type | Maybe_a_record_type -> assert false
+let is_principal ty =
+  not !Clflags.principal || get_level ty = generic_level
+(* Typing of patterns *)
+(* Simplified patterns for effect continuations *)
+let type_continuation_pat env expected_ty sp =
+  let loc = sp.ppat_loc in
+  match sp.ppat_desc with
+  | Ppat_any -> None
+  | Ppat_var name ->
+      let id = Ident.create_local name.txt in
+      let desc =
+        { val_type = expected_ty; val_kind = Val_reg;
+          Types.val_loc = loc; val_attributes = [];
+          val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()); }
+      in
+        Some (id, desc)
+  | Ppat_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+  | _ -> raise (Error (loc, env, Invalid_continuation_pattern))
+(* unification inside type_exp and type_expect *)
+let unify_exp_types loc env ty expected_ty =
+  (* Format.eprintf "@[%a@ %a@]@." Printtyp.raw_type_expr exp.exp_type
+    Printtyp.raw_type_expr expected_ty; *)
+  try
+    unify env ty expected_ty
+  with
+    Unify err ->
+      raise(Error(loc, env, Expr_type_clash(err, None, None)))
+  | Tags(l1,l2) ->
+      raise(Typetexp.Error(loc, env, Typetexp.Variant_tags (l1, l2)))
+(* helper notation for Pattern_env.t *)
+let (!!) (penv : Pattern_env.t) = penv.env
+(* Unification inside type_pat *)
+let unify_pat_types loc env ty ty' =
+  try unify env ty ty' with
+  | Unify err ->
+      raise(Error(loc, env, Pattern_type_clash(err, None)))
+  | Tags(l1,l2) ->
+      raise(Typetexp.Error(loc, env, Typetexp.Variant_tags (l1, l2)))
+(* GADT unification inside solve_Ppat_construct and check_counter_example_pat *)
+let nothing_equated = TypePairs.create 0
+let unify_pat_types_return_equated_pairs ~refine loc penv ty ty' =
+  try
+    if refine then unify_gadt penv ty ty'
+    else (unify !!penv ty ty'; nothing_equated)
+  with
+  | Unify err ->
+      raise(Error(loc, !!penv, Pattern_type_clash(err, None)))
+  | Tags(l1,l2) ->
+      raise(Typetexp.Error(loc, !!penv, Typetexp.Variant_tags (l1, l2)))
+let unify_pat_types_refine ~refine loc penv ty ty' =
+  (* [refine=true] only in calls originating from [check_counter_example_pat],
+     which in turn may contain only non-leaking type variables *)
+  ignore (unify_pat_types_return_equated_pairs ~refine loc penv ty ty')
+(** [sdesc_for_hint] is used by error messages to report literals in their
+    original formatting *)
+let unify_pat ?sdesc_for_hint env pat expected_ty =
+  try unify_pat_types pat.pat_loc env pat.pat_type expected_ty
+  with Error (loc, env, Pattern_type_clash(err, None)) ->
+    raise(Error(loc, env, Pattern_type_clash(err, sdesc_for_hint)))
+(* unification of a type with a Tconstr with freshly created arguments *)
+let unify_head_only ~refine loc penv ty constr =
+  let path = cstr_type_path constr in
+  let decl = Env.find_type path !!penv in
+  let ty' = Ctype.newconstr path (Ctype.instance_list decl.type_params) in
+  unify_pat_types_refine ~refine loc penv ty' ty
+(* Creating new conjunctive types is not allowed when typing patterns *)
+(* make all Reither present in open variants *)
+let finalize_variant pat tag opat r =
+  let row =
+    match get_desc (expand_head pat.pat_env pat.pat_type) with
+      Tvariant row -> r := row; row
+    | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  let f = get_row_field tag row in
+  begin match row_field_repr f with
+  | Rabsent -> () (* assert false *)
+  | Reither (true, [], _) when not (row_closed row) ->
+      link_row_field_ext ~inside:f (rf_present None)
+  | Reither (false, ty::tl, _) when not (row_closed row) ->
+      link_row_field_ext ~inside:f (rf_present (Some ty));
+      begin match opat with None -> assert false
+      | Some pat -> List.iter (unify_pat pat.pat_env pat) (ty::tl)
+      end
+  | Reither (c, _l, true) when not (has_fixed_explanation row) ->
+      link_row_field_ext ~inside:f (rf_either [] ~no_arg:c ~matched:false)
+  | _ -> ()
+  end
+  (* Force check of well-formedness   WHY? *)
+  (* unify_pat pat.pat_env pat
+    (newty(Tvariant{row_fields=[]; row_more=newvar(); row_closed=false;
+                    row_bound=(); row_fixed=false; row_name=None})); *)
+let has_variants p =
+  exists_general_pattern
+    { f = fun (type k) (p : k general_pattern) -> match p.pat_desc with
+     | (Tpat_variant _) -> true
+     | _ -> false } p
+let finalize_variants p =
+  iter_general_pattern
+    { f = fun (type k) (p : k general_pattern) -> match p.pat_desc with
+     | Tpat_variant(tag, opat, r) ->
+        finalize_variant p tag opat r
+     | _ -> () } p
+(* [type_pat_state] and related types for pattern environment;
+   these should not be confused with Pattern_env.t, which is a part of the
+   interface to unification functions in [Ctype] *)
+type pattern_variable_kind =
+  | Std_var
+  | As_var
+  | Continuation_var
+type pattern_variable =
+  {
+    pv_id: Ident.t;
+    pv_type: type_expr;
+    pv_loc: Location.t;
+    pv_kind: pattern_variable_kind;
+    pv_attributes: attributes;
+    pv_uid : Uid.t;
+  }
+type module_variable =
+  {
+    mv_id: Ident.t;
+    mv_name: string Location.loc;
+    mv_loc: Location.t;
+    mv_uid: Uid.t
+  }
+(* Whether or not patterns of the form (module M) are accepted. (If they are,
+   the idents will be created at the provided scope.) When module patterns are
+   allowed, the caller should take care to check that the introduced module
+   bindings' types don't escape their scope; see the callsites in [type_let]
+   and [type_cases] for examples.
+   [Modules_ignored] indicates that the typing of patterns should not accumulate
+   a list of module patterns to unpack. It's no different than using
+   [Modules_allowed] and then ignoring the accumulated [module_variables] list,
+   but signals more clearly that the module patterns aren't used in an
+   interesting way.
+type module_patterns_restriction =
+  | Modules_allowed of { scope: int }
+  | Modules_rejected
+  | Modules_ignored
+(* A parallel type to [module_patterns_restriction], though also
+   tracking the module variables encountered.
+type module_variables =
+  | Modvars_allowed of
+      { scope: int;
+        module_variables: module_variable list;
+      }
+  | Modvars_rejected
+  | Modvars_ignored
+type type_pat_state =
+  { mutable tps_pattern_variables: pattern_variable list;
+    mutable tps_pattern_force: (unit -> unit) list;
+    mutable tps_module_variables: module_variables;
+    (* Mutation will not change the constructor of [tps_module_variables], just
+       the contained [module_variables] list. [module_variables] could be made
+       mutable instead, but we felt this made the code more awkward.
+    *)
+  }
+let continuation_variable = function
+  | None -> []
+  | Some (id, (desc:Types.value_description)) ->
+    [{pv_id = id;
+     pv_type = desc.val_type;
+     pv_loc = desc.val_loc;
+     pv_kind = Continuation_var;
+     pv_attributes = desc.val_attributes;
+     pv_uid= desc.val_uid}]
+let create_type_pat_state ?cont allow_modules =
+  let tps_module_variables =
+    match allow_modules with
+    | Modules_allowed { scope } ->
+        Modvars_allowed { scope; module_variables = [] }
+    | Modules_ignored -> Modvars_ignored
+    | Modules_rejected -> Modvars_rejected
+  in
+  { tps_pattern_variables = continuation_variable cont;
+    tps_module_variables;
+    tps_pattern_force = [];
+  }
+(* Copy mutable fields. Used in typechecking or-patterns. *)
+let copy_type_pat_state
+      { tps_pattern_variables;
+        tps_module_variables;
+        tps_pattern_force;
+      }
+  =
+  { tps_pattern_variables;
+    tps_module_variables;
+    tps_pattern_force;
+  }
+let blit_type_pat_state ~src ~dst =
+  dst.tps_pattern_variables <- src.tps_pattern_variables;
+  dst.tps_module_variables <- src.tps_module_variables;
+  dst.tps_pattern_force <- src.tps_pattern_force;
+let maybe_add_pattern_variables_ghost loc_let env pv =
+  List.fold_right
+    (fun {pv_id; _} env ->
+       let name = Ident.name pv_id in
+       if Env.bound_value name env then env
+       else begin
+         Env.enter_unbound_value name
+           (Val_unbound_ghost_recursive loc_let) env
+       end
+    ) pv env
+let enter_variable ?(is_module=false) ?(is_as_variable=false) tps loc name ty
+    attrs =
+  if List.exists (fun {pv_id; _} -> Ident.name pv_id = name.txt)
+      tps.tps_pattern_variables
+  then raise(Error(loc, Env.empty, Multiply_bound_variable name.txt));
+  let id =
+    if is_module then begin
+      (* Unpack patterns result in both a module declaration and a value
+         variable of the same name being entered into the environment. (The
+         module is via [tps_module_variables], and the variable is via
+         [tps_pattern_variables].) *)
+      match tps.tps_module_variables with
+      | Modvars_ignored -> Ident.create_local name.txt
+      | Modvars_rejected ->
+        raise (Error (loc, Env.empty, Modules_not_allowed));
+      | Modvars_allowed { scope; module_variables } ->
+        let id = Ident.create_scoped name.txt ~scope in
+        let module_variables =
+          { mv_id = id;
+            mv_name = name;
+            mv_loc = loc;
+            mv_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+          } :: module_variables
+        in
+        tps.tps_module_variables <-
+          Modvars_allowed { scope; module_variables; };
+        id
+    end else
+      Ident.create_local name.txt
+  in
+  let pv_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
+  tps.tps_pattern_variables <-
+    {pv_id = id;
+     pv_type = ty;
+     pv_loc = loc;
+     pv_kind = if is_as_variable then As_var else Std_var;
+     pv_attributes = attrs;
+     pv_uid} :: tps.tps_pattern_variables;
+  id, pv_uid
+let sort_pattern_variables vs =
+  List.sort
+    (fun {pv_id = x; _} {pv_id = y; _} ->
+      Stdlib.compare (Ident.name x) (Ident.name y))
+    vs
+let enter_orpat_variables loc env  p1_vs p2_vs =
+  (* unify_vars operate on sorted lists *)
+  let p1_vs = sort_pattern_variables p1_vs
+  and p2_vs = sort_pattern_variables p2_vs in
+  let rec unify_vars p1_vs p2_vs =
+    let vars vs = List.map (fun {pv_id; _} -> pv_id) vs in
+    match p1_vs, p2_vs with
+      | {pv_id = x1; pv_type = t1; _}::rem1, {pv_id = x2; pv_type = t2; _}::rem2
+        when Ident.equal x1 x2 ->
+          if x1==x2 then
+            unify_vars rem1 rem2
+          else begin
+            begin try
+              unify_var env (newvar ()) t1;
+              unify env t1 t2
+            with
+            | Unify err ->
+                raise(Error(loc, env, Or_pattern_type_clash(x1, err)))
+            end;
+          (x2,x1)::unify_vars rem1 rem2
+          end
+      | [],[] -> []
+      | {pv_id; _}::_, [] | [],{pv_id; _}::_ ->
+          raise (Error (loc, env, Orpat_vars (pv_id, [])))
+      | {pv_id = x; _}::_, {pv_id = y; _}::_ ->
+          let err =
+            if Ident.name x < Ident.name y
+            then Orpat_vars (x, vars p2_vs)
+            else Orpat_vars (y, vars p1_vs) in
+          raise (Error (loc, env, err)) in
+  unify_vars p1_vs p2_vs
+let rec build_as_type (env : Env.t) p =
+  build_as_type_extra env p p.pat_extra
+and build_as_type_extra env p = function
+  | [] -> build_as_type_aux env p
+  | ((Tpat_type _ | Tpat_open _ | Tpat_unpack), _, _) :: rest ->
+      build_as_type_extra env p rest
+  | (Tpat_constraint {ctyp_type = ty; _}, _, _) :: rest ->
+      (* If the type constraint is ground, then this is the best type
+         we can return, so just return an instance (cf. #12313) *)
+      if closed_type_expr ty then instance ty else
+      (* Otherwise we combine the inferred type for the pattern with
+         then non-ground constraint in a non-ambivalent way *)
+      let as_ty = build_as_type_extra env p rest in
+      (* [generic_instance] can only be used if the variables of the original
+         type ([cty.ctyp_type] here) are not at [generic_level], which they are
+         here.
+         If we used [generic_instance] we would lose the sharing between
+         [instance ty] and [ty].  *)
+      let ty =
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure (fun () -> instance ty)
+      in
+      (* This call to unify may only fail due to missing GADT equations *)
+      unify_pat_types p.pat_loc env (instance as_ty) (instance ty);
+      ty
+and build_as_type_aux (env : Env.t) p =
+  match p.pat_desc with
+    Tpat_alias(p1,_, _, _) -> build_as_type env p1
+  | Tpat_tuple pl ->
+      let tyl = List.map (build_as_type env) pl in
+      newty (Ttuple tyl)
+  | Tpat_construct(_, cstr, pl, vto) ->
+      let keep =
+        cstr.cstr_private = Private || cstr.cstr_existentials <> [] ||
+        vto <> None (* be lazy and keep the type for node constraints *) in
+      if keep then p.pat_type else
+      let tyl = List.map (build_as_type env) pl in
+      let ty_args, ty_res, _ =
+        instance_constructor Keep_existentials_flexible cstr
+      in
+      List.iter2 (fun (p,ty) -> unify_pat env {p with pat_type = ty})
+        (List.combine pl tyl) ty_args;
+      ty_res
+  | Tpat_variant(l, p', _) ->
+      let ty = Option.map (build_as_type env) p' in
+      let fields = [l, rf_present ty] in
+      newty (Tvariant (create_row ~fields ~more:(newvar())
+                         ~name:None ~fixed:None ~closed:false))
+  | Tpat_record (lpl,_) ->
+      let lbl = snd3 (List.hd lpl) in
+      if lbl.lbl_private = Private then p.pat_type else
+      let ty = newvar () in
+      let ppl = List.map (fun (_, l, p) -> l.lbl_pos, p) lpl in
+      let do_label lbl =
+        let _, ty_arg, ty_res = instance_label ~fixed:false lbl in
+        unify_pat env {p with pat_type = ty} ty_res;
+        let refinable =
+          lbl.lbl_mut = Immutable && List.mem_assoc lbl.lbl_pos ppl &&
+          match get_desc lbl.lbl_arg with Tpoly _ -> false | _ -> true in
+        if refinable then begin
+          let arg = List.assoc lbl.lbl_pos ppl in
+          unify_pat env {arg with pat_type = build_as_type env arg} ty_arg
+        end else begin
+          let _, ty_arg', ty_res' = instance_label ~fixed:false lbl in
+          unify_pat_types p.pat_loc env ty_arg ty_arg';
+          unify_pat env p ty_res'
+        end in
+      Array.iter do_label lbl.lbl_all;
+      ty
+  | Tpat_or(p1, p2, row) ->
+      begin match row with
+        None ->
+          let ty1 = build_as_type env p1 and ty2 = build_as_type env p2 in
+          unify_pat env {p2 with pat_type = ty2} ty1;
+          ty1
+      | Some row ->
+          let Row {fields; fixed; name} = row_repr row in
+          newty (Tvariant (create_row ~fields ~fixed ~name
+                             ~closed:false ~more:(newvar())))
+      end
+  | Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ | Tpat_constant _
+  | Tpat_array _ | Tpat_lazy _ -> p.pat_type
+(* Constraint solving during typing of patterns *)
+let solve_Ppat_poly_constraint tps env loc sty expected_ty =
+  let cty, ty, force = Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed env sty in
+  unify_pat_types loc env ty (instance expected_ty);
+  tps.tps_pattern_force <- force :: tps.tps_pattern_force;
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tpoly (body, tyl) ->
+      let _, ty' =
+        with_level ~level:generic_level
+          (fun () -> instance_poly ~keep_names:true ~fixed:false tyl body)
+      in
+      (cty, ty, ty')
+  | _ -> assert false
+let solve_Ppat_alias env pat =
+  with_local_level_generalize (fun () -> build_as_type env pat)
+let solve_Ppat_tuple (type a) ~refine loc env (args : a list) expected_ty =
+  let vars = List.map (fun _ -> newgenvar ()) args in
+  let ty = newgenty (Ttuple vars) in
+  let expected_ty = generic_instance expected_ty in
+  unify_pat_types_refine ~refine loc env ty expected_ty;
+  vars
+let solve_constructor_annotation
+    tps (penv : Pattern_env.t) name_list sty ty_args ty_ex unify_res =
+  let expansion_scope = penv.equations_scope in
+  (* Introduce fresh type names that expand to type variables.
+     They should eventually be bound to ground types. *)
+  let ids_decls =
+    List.map
+      (fun name ->
+        let tv = newvar () in
+        let decl =
+          new_local_type ~loc:name.loc Definition
+            ~manifest_and_scope:(tv, Ident.lowest_scope) in
+        let (id, new_env) =
+          Env.enter_type ~scope:expansion_scope name.txt decl !!penv in
+        Pattern_env.set_env penv new_env;
+        ({name with txt = id}, (decl, tv)))
+      name_list
+  in
+  (* Translate the type annotation using these type names. *)
+  let cty, ty, force =
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure
+      (fun () -> Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed !!penv sty)
+  in
+  tps.tps_pattern_force <- force :: tps.tps_pattern_force;
+  (* Only unify the return type after generating the ids *)
+  unify_res ();
+  let ty_args =
+    let ty1 = instance ty and ty2 = instance ty in
+    match ty_args with
+      [] -> assert false
+    | [ty_arg] ->
+        unify_pat_types cty.ctyp_loc !!penv ty1 ty_arg;
+        [ty2]
+    | _ ->
+        unify_pat_types cty.ctyp_loc !!penv ty1 (newty (Ttuple ty_args));
+        match get_desc (expand_head !!penv ty2) with
+          Ttuple tyl -> tyl
+        | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  if ids_decls <> [] then begin
+    let ids_decls = List.map (fun (x,dm) -> (x.txt,dm)) ids_decls in
+    let ids = List.map fst ids_decls in
+    let rem =
+      (* First process the existentials introduced by this constructor.
+         Just need to make their definitions abstract. *)
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun rem tv ->
+          match get_desc tv with
+            Tconstr(Path.Pident id, [], _) when List.mem_assoc id rem ->
+              let decl, tv' = List.assoc id ids_decls in
+              let env =
+                Env.add_type ~check:false id
+                  {decl with type_manifest = None} !!penv
+              in
+              Pattern_env.set_env penv env;
+              (* We have changed the definition, so clean up *)
+              Btype.cleanup_abbrev ();
+              (* Since id is now abstract, this does not create a cycle *)
+              unify_pat_types cty.ctyp_loc env tv tv';
+              List.remove_assoc id rem
+          | _ ->
+              raise (Error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
+                            Unbound_existential (ids, ty))))
+        ids_decls ty_ex
+    in
+    (* The other type names should be bound to newly introduced existentials. *)
+    let bound_ids = ref ids in
+    List.iter
+      (fun (id, (decl, tv')) ->
+        let tv' = expand_head !!penv tv' in
+        begin match get_desc tv' with
+        | Tconstr (Path.Pident id', [], _) ->
+              if List.exists (Ident.same id') !bound_ids then
+                raise (Error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
+                              Bind_existential (Bind_already_bound, id, tv')));
+              (* Both id and id' are Scoped identifiers, so their stamps grow *)
+              if Ident.scope id' <> penv.equations_scope
+              || Ident.compare_stamp id id' > 0 then
+                raise (Error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
+                              Bind_existential (Bind_not_in_scope, id, tv')));
+              bound_ids := id' :: !bound_ids
+        | _ ->
+            raise (Error (cty.ctyp_loc, !!penv,
+                          Bind_existential
+                            (Bind_non_locally_abstract, id, tv')));
+        end;
+        let env =
+          Env.add_type ~check:false id
+            {decl with type_manifest = Some (duplicate_type tv')} !!penv
+        in
+        Pattern_env.set_env penv env)
+      rem;
+    if rem <> [] then Btype.cleanup_abbrev ();
+  end;
+  ty_args, Some (List.map fst ids_decls, cty)
+let solve_Ppat_construct ~refine tps penv loc constr no_existentials
+        existential_styp expected_ty =
+  (* if constructor is gadt, we must verify that the expected type has the
+     correct head *)
+  if constr.cstr_generalized then
+    unify_head_only ~refine loc penv (instance expected_ty) constr;
+  (* PR#7214: do not use gadt unification for toplevel lets *)
+  let unify_res ty_res expected_ty =
+    let refine =
+      refine || constr.cstr_generalized && no_existentials = None in
+    (* Here [ty_res] contains only fresh (non-leaking) type variables,
+       so the requirement of [unify_gadt] is fulfilled. *)
+    unify_pat_types_return_equated_pairs ~refine loc penv ty_res expected_ty
+  in
+  let ty_args, equated_types, existential_ctyp =
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+      let expected_ty = instance expected_ty in
+      let ty_args, ty_res, equated_types, existential_ctyp =
+        match existential_styp with
+          None ->
+            let ty_args, ty_res, _ =
+              instance_constructor (Make_existentials_abstract penv) constr
+            in
+            ty_args, ty_res, unify_res ty_res expected_ty, None
+        | Some (name_list, sty) ->
+            let existential_treatment =
+              if name_list = [] then
+                Make_existentials_abstract penv
+              else
+                (* we will unify them (in solve_constructor_annotation) with the
+                   local types provided by the user *)
+                Keep_existentials_flexible
+            in
+            let ty_args, ty_res, ty_ex =
+              instance_constructor existential_treatment constr
+            in
+            let equated_types = lazy (unify_res ty_res expected_ty) in
+            let ty_args, existential_ctyp =
+              solve_constructor_annotation tps penv name_list sty ty_args ty_ex
+                (fun () -> ignore (Lazy.force equated_types))
+            in
+            ty_args, ty_res, Lazy.force equated_types, existential_ctyp
+      in
+      if constr.cstr_existentials <> [] then
+        lower_variables_only !!penv penv.Pattern_env.equations_scope ty_res;
+      (ty_args, equated_types, existential_ctyp)
+    end
+  in
+  if !Clflags.principal && not refine then begin
+    (* Do not warn for counter-examples *)
+    let exception Warn_only_once in
+    try
+      TypePairs.iter
+        (fun (t1, t2) ->
+          if not (fully_generic t1 && fully_generic t2) then
+            let msg =
+              Format_doc.doc_printf
+                "typing this pattern requires considering@ %a@ and@ %a@ as \
+                equal.@,\
+                But the knowledge of these types"
+                    Printtyp.Doc.type_expr t1
+                    Printtyp.Doc.type_expr t2
+            in
+            Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Not_principal msg);
+            raise Warn_only_once)
+        equated_types
+    with Warn_only_once -> ()
+  end;
+  (ty_args, existential_ctyp)
+let solve_Ppat_record_field ~refine loc penv label label_lid record_ty =
+  with_local_level_generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+    let (_, ty_arg, ty_res) = instance_label ~fixed:false label in
+    begin try
+      unify_pat_types_refine ~refine loc penv ty_res (instance record_ty)
+    with Error(_loc, _env, Pattern_type_clash(err, _)) ->
+      raise(Error(label_lid.loc, !!penv,
+                  Label_mismatch(label_lid.txt, err)))
+    end;
+    ty_arg
+  end
+let solve_Ppat_array ~refine loc env expected_ty =
+  let ty_elt = newgenvar() in
+  let expected_ty = generic_instance expected_ty in
+  unify_pat_types_refine ~refine
+    loc env (Predef.type_array ty_elt) expected_ty;
+  ty_elt
+let solve_Ppat_lazy ~refine loc env expected_ty =
+  let nv = newgenvar () in
+  unify_pat_types_refine ~refine loc env (Predef.type_lazy_t nv)
+    (generic_instance expected_ty);
+  nv
+let solve_Ppat_constraint tps loc env sty expected_ty =
+  let cty, ty, force =
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure
+      (fun () -> Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed env sty)
+  in
+  tps.tps_pattern_force <- force :: tps.tps_pattern_force;
+  let ty, expected_ty' = instance ty, ty in
+  unify_pat_types loc env ty (instance expected_ty);
+  (cty, ty, expected_ty')
+let solve_Ppat_variant ~refine loc env tag no_arg expected_ty =
+  let arg_type = if no_arg then [] else [newgenvar()] in
+  let fields = [tag, rf_either ~no_arg arg_type ~matched:true] in
+  let make_row more =
+    create_row ~fields ~closed:false ~more ~fixed:None ~name:None
+  in
+  let row = make_row (newgenvar ()) in
+  let expected_ty = generic_instance expected_ty in
+  (* PR#7404: allow some_private_tag blindly, as it would not unify with
+     the abstract row variable *)
+  if tag <> Parmatch.some_private_tag then
+    unify_pat_types_refine ~refine loc env (newgenty(Tvariant row)) expected_ty;
+  (arg_type, make_row (newvar ()), instance expected_ty)
+(* Building the or-pattern corresponding to a polymorphic variant type *)
+let build_or_pat env loc lid =
+  let path, decl = Env.lookup_type ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env in
+  let tyl = List.map (fun _ -> newvar()) decl.type_params in
+  let row0 =
+    let ty = expand_head env (newty(Tconstr(path, tyl, ref Mnil))) in
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tvariant row when static_row row -> row
+    | _ -> raise(Error(lid.loc, env, Not_a_polymorphic_variant_type lid.txt))
+  in
+  let pats, fields =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun (pats,fields) (l,f) ->
+        match row_field_repr f with
+          Rpresent None ->
+            let f = rf_either [] ~no_arg:true ~matched:true in
+            (l,None) :: pats,
+            (l, f) :: fields
+        | Rpresent (Some ty) ->
+            let f = rf_either [ty] ~no_arg:false ~matched:true in
+            (l, Some {pat_desc=Tpat_any; pat_loc=Location.none; pat_env=env;
+                      pat_type=ty; pat_extra=[]; pat_attributes=[]})
+            :: pats,
+            (l, f) :: fields
+        | _ -> pats, fields)
+      ([],[]) (row_fields row0) in
+  let fields = List.rev fields in
+  let name = Some (path, tyl) in
+  let make_row more =
+    create_row ~fields ~more ~closed:false ~fixed:None ~name in
+  let ty = newty (Tvariant (make_row (newvar()))) in
+  let gloc = {loc with Location.loc_ghost=true} in
+  let row' = ref (make_row (newvar())) in
+  let pats =
+    List.map
+      (fun (l,p) ->
+        {pat_desc=Tpat_variant(l,p,row'); pat_loc=gloc;
+         pat_env=env; pat_type=ty; pat_extra=[]; pat_attributes=[]})
+      pats
+  in
+  match pats with
+    [] ->
+      (* empty polymorphic variants: not possible with the concrete language
+         but valid at the ast level *)
+      raise(Error(lid.loc, env, Not_a_polymorphic_variant_type lid.txt))
+  | pat :: pats ->
+      let r =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun pat pat0 ->
+            {pat_desc=Tpat_or(pat0,pat,Some row0); pat_extra=[];
+             pat_loc=gloc; pat_env=env; pat_type=ty; pat_attributes=[]})
+          pat pats in
+      (path, rp { r with pat_loc = loc })
+(* Type paths *)
+let rec expand_path env p =
+  let decl =
+    try Some (Env.find_type p env) with Not_found -> None
+  in
+  match decl with
+    Some {type_manifest = Some ty} ->
+      begin match get_desc ty with
+        Tconstr(p,_,_) -> expand_path env p
+      | _ -> assert false
+      end
+  | _ ->
+      let p' = Env.normalize_type_path None env p in
+      if Path.same p p' then p else expand_path env p'
+let compare_type_path env tpath1 tpath2 =
+  Path.same (expand_path env tpath1) (expand_path env tpath2)
+(* Records *)
+exception Wrong_name_disambiguation of Env.t * wrong_name
+let get_constr_type_path ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr(p, _, _) -> p
+  | _ -> assert false
+module NameChoice(Name : sig
+  type t
+  type usage
+  val kind: Datatype_kind.t
+  val get_name: t -> string
+  val get_type: t -> type_expr
+  val lookup_all_from_type:
+    Location.t -> usage -> Path.t -> Env.t -> (t * (unit -> unit)) list
+  (** Some names (for example the fields of inline records) are not
+      in the typing environment -- they behave as structural labels
+      rather than nominal labels.*)
+  val in_env: t -> bool
+end) = struct
+  open Name
+  let get_type_path d = get_constr_type_path (get_type d)
+  let lookup_from_type env type_path usage lid =
+    let descrs = lookup_all_from_type lid.loc usage type_path env in
+    match lid.txt with
+    | Longident.Lident name -> begin
+        match
+          List.find (fun (nd, _) -> get_name nd = name) descrs
+        with
+        | descr, use ->
+            use ();
+            descr
+        | exception Not_found ->
+            let valid_names = List.map (fun (nd, _) -> get_name nd) descrs in
+            raise (Wrong_name_disambiguation (env, {
+                    type_path;
+                    name = { lid with txt = name };
+                    kind;
+                    valid_names;
+              }))
+      end
+    | _ -> raise Not_found
+  let rec unique eq acc = function
+      [] -> List.rev acc
+    | x :: rem ->
+        if List.exists (eq x) acc then unique eq acc rem
+        else unique eq (x :: acc) rem
+  let ambiguous_types env lbl others =
+    let tpath = get_type_path lbl in
+    let others =
+      List.map (fun (lbl, _) -> get_type_path lbl) others in
+    let tpaths = unique (compare_type_path env) [tpath] others in
+    match tpaths with
+      [_] -> []
+    | _ -> let open Printtyp in
+        wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+            Out_type.reset(); strings_of_paths Type tpaths)
+  let disambiguate_by_type env tpath lbls =
+    match lbls with
+    | (Error _ : _ result) -> raise Not_found
+    | Ok lbls ->
+        let check_type (lbl, _) =
+          let lbl_tpath = get_type_path lbl in
+          compare_type_path env tpath lbl_tpath
+        in
+        List.find check_type lbls
+  (* warn if there are several distinct candidates in scope *)
+  let warn_if_ambiguous warn lid env lbl rest =
+    if Warnings.is_active (Ambiguous_name ([],[],false,"")) then begin
+      Out_type.Ident_conflicts.reset ();
+      let paths = ambiguous_types env lbl rest in
+      let expansion = match Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg () with
+        | None -> ""
+        | Some msg -> Format_doc.(asprintf "%a" pp_doc) msg
+      in
+      if paths <> [] then
+        warn lid.loc
+          (Warnings.Ambiguous_name ([Longident.last lid.txt],
+                                    paths, false, expansion))
+    end
+  (* a non-principal type was used for disambiguation *)
+  let warn_non_principal warn lid =
+    let name = Datatype_kind.label_name kind in
+    warn lid.loc
+      (not_principal "this type-based %s disambiguation" name)
+  (* we selected a name out of the lexical scope *)
+  let warn_out_of_scope warn lid env tpath =
+    if Warnings.is_active (Name_out_of_scope ("",[],false)) then begin
+      let path_s =
+        Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env
+          (fun () -> Format_doc.asprintf "%a" Printtyp.Doc.type_path tpath)
+      in
+      warn lid.loc
+        (Warnings.Name_out_of_scope (path_s, [Longident.last lid.txt], false))
+    end
+  (* warn if the selected name is not the last introduced in scope
+     -- in these cases the resolution is different from pre-disambiguation OCaml
+     (this warning is not enabled by default, it is specifically for people
+      wishing to write backward-compatible code).
+   *)
+  let warn_if_disambiguated_name warn lid lbl scope =
+    match scope with
+    | Ok ((lab1,_) :: _) when lab1 == lbl -> ()
+    | _ ->
+        warn lid.loc
+          (Warnings.Disambiguated_name (get_name lbl))
+  let force_error : ('a, _) result -> 'a = function
+    | Ok lbls -> lbls
+    | Error (loc', env', err) ->
+       Env.lookup_error loc' env' err
+  type candidate = t * (unit -> unit)
+  type nonempty_candidate_filter =
+    candidate list -> (candidate list, candidate list) result
+  (** This type is used for candidate filtering functions.
+      Filtering typically proceeds in several passes, filtering
+      candidates through increasingly precise conditions.
+      We assume that the input list is non-empty, and the output is one of
+      - [Ok result] for a non-empty list [result] of valid candidates
+      - [Error candidates] with there are no valid candidates,
+        and [candidates] is a non-empty subset of the input, typically
+        the result of the last non-empty filtering step.
+   *)
+  (** [disambiguate] selects a concrete description for [lid] using
+     some contextual information:
+     - An optional [expected_type].
+     - A list of candidates labels in the current lexical scope,
+       [candidates_in_scope], that is actually at the type
+       [(label_descr list, lookup_error) result] so that the
+       lookup error is only raised when necessary.
+     - A filtering criterion on candidates in scope [filter_candidates],
+       representing extra contextual information that can help
+       candidate selection (see [disambiguate_label_by_ids]).
+   *)
+  let disambiguate
+        ?(warn=Location.prerr_warning)
+        ?(filter : nonempty_candidate_filter = Result.ok)
+        usage lid env
+        expected_type
+        candidates_in_scope =
+    let lbl = match expected_type with
+    | None ->
+        (* no expected type => no disambiguation *)
+        begin match filter (force_error candidates_in_scope) with
+        | Ok [] | Error [] -> assert false
+        | Error((lbl, _use) :: _rest) -> lbl (* will fail later *)
+        | Ok((lbl, use) :: rest) ->
+            use ();
+            warn_if_ambiguous warn lid env lbl rest;
+            lbl
+        end
+    | Some(tpath0, tpath, principal) ->
+       (* If [expected_type] is available, the candidate selected
+          will correspond to the type-based resolution.
+          There are two reasons to still check the lexical scope:
+          - for warning purposes
+          - for extension types, the type environment does not contain
+            a list of constructors, so using only type-based selection
+            would fail.
+        *)
+        (* note that [disambiguate_by_type] does not
+           force [candidates_in_scope]: we just skip this case if there
+           are no candidates in scope *)
+        begin match disambiguate_by_type env tpath candidates_in_scope with
+        | lbl, use ->
+          use ();
+          if not principal then begin
+            (* Check if non-principal type is affecting result *)
+            match (candidates_in_scope : _ result) with
+            | Error _ -> warn_non_principal warn lid
+            | Ok lbls ->
+            match filter lbls with
+            | Error _ -> warn_non_principal warn lid
+            | Ok [] -> assert false
+            | Ok ((lbl', _use') :: rest) ->
+            let lbl_tpath = get_type_path lbl' in
+            (* no principality warning if the non-principal
+               type-based selection corresponds to the last
+               definition in scope *)
+            if not (compare_type_path env tpath lbl_tpath)
+            then warn_non_principal warn lid
+            else warn_if_ambiguous warn lid env lbl rest;
+          end;
+          lbl
+        | exception Not_found ->
+        (* look outside the lexical scope *)
+        match lookup_from_type env tpath usage lid with
+        | lbl ->
+          (* warn only on nominal labels;
+             structural labels cannot be qualified anyway *)
+          if in_env lbl then warn_out_of_scope warn lid env tpath;
+          if not principal then warn_non_principal warn lid;
+          lbl
+        | exception Not_found ->
+        match filter (force_error candidates_in_scope) with
+        | Ok lbls | Error lbls ->
+        let tp = (tpath0, expand_path env tpath) in
+        let tpl =
+          List.map
+            (fun (lbl, _) ->
+               let tp0 = get_type_path lbl in
+               let tp = expand_path env tp0 in
+               (tp0, tp))
+            lbls
+        in
+        raise (Error (lid.loc, env,
+                      Name_type_mismatch (kind, lid.txt, tp, tpl)));
+        end
+    in
+    (* warn only on nominal labels *)
+    if in_env lbl then
+      warn_if_disambiguated_name warn lid lbl candidates_in_scope;
+    lbl
+let wrap_disambiguate msg ty f x =
+  try f x with
+  | Wrong_name_disambiguation (env, wrong_name) ->
+    raise (Error (wrong_name.name.loc, env, Wrong_name (msg, ty, wrong_name)))
+module Label = NameChoice (struct
+  type t = label_description
+  type usage = Env.label_usage
+  let kind = Datatype_kind.Record
+  let get_name lbl = lbl.lbl_name
+  let get_type lbl = lbl.lbl_res
+  let lookup_all_from_type loc usage path env =
+    Env.lookup_all_labels_from_type ~loc usage path env
+  let in_env lbl =
+    match lbl.lbl_repres with
+    | Record_regular | Record_float | Record_unboxed false -> true
+    | Record_unboxed true | Record_inlined _ | Record_extension _ -> false
+(* In record-construction expressions and patterns, we have many labels
+   at once; find a candidate type in the intersection of the candidates
+   of each label. In the [closed] expression case, this candidate must
+   contain exactly all the labels.
+   If our successive refinements result in an empty list,
+   return [Error] with the last non-empty list of candidates
+   for use in error messages.
+let disambiguate_label_by_ids closed ids labels  : (_, _) result =
+  let check_ids (lbl, _) =
+    let lbls = Hashtbl.create 8 in
+    Array.iter (fun lbl -> Hashtbl.add lbls lbl.lbl_name ()) lbl.lbl_all;
+    List.for_all (Hashtbl.mem lbls) ids
+  and check_closed (lbl, _) =
+    (not closed || List.length ids = Array.length lbl.lbl_all)
+  in
+  match List.filter check_ids labels with
+  | [] -> Error labels
+  | labels ->
+  match List.filter check_closed labels with
+  | [] -> Error labels
+  | labels ->
+  Ok labels
+(* Only issue warnings once per record constructor/pattern *)
+let disambiguate_lid_a_list loc closed env usage expected_type lid_a_list =
+  let ids = List.map (fun (lid, _) -> Longident.last lid.txt) lid_a_list in
+  let w_pr = ref false and w_amb = ref []
+  and w_scope = ref [] and w_scope_ty = ref "" in
+  let warn loc msg =
+    let open Warnings in
+    match msg with
+    | Not_principal _ -> w_pr := true
+    | Ambiguous_name([s], l, _, ex) -> w_amb := (s, l, ex) :: !w_amb
+    | Name_out_of_scope(ty, [s], _) ->
+        w_scope := s :: !w_scope; w_scope_ty := ty
+    | _ -> Location.prerr_warning loc msg
+  in
+  let process_label lid =
+    let scope = Env.lookup_all_labels ~loc:lid.loc usage lid.txt env in
+    let filter : Label.nonempty_candidate_filter =
+      disambiguate_label_by_ids closed ids in
+    Label.disambiguate ~warn ~filter usage lid env expected_type scope in
+  let lbl_a_list =
+    (* If one label is qualified [{ foo = ...; M.bar = ... }],
+       we will disambiguate all labels using one of the qualifying modules,
+       as if the user had written [{ M.foo = ...; M.bar = ... }].
+       #11630: It is important to process first the
+       user-qualified labels, instead of processing all labels in
+       order, so that error messages coming from the lookup of
+       M (maybe no such module/path exists) are shown to the user
+       in context of a qualified field [M.bar] they wrote
+       themselves, instead of the "ghost" qualification [M.foo]
+       that does not come from the source program. *)
+    let lbl_list =
+      List.map (fun (lid, _) ->
+          match lid.txt with
+          | Longident.Ldot _ -> Some (process_label lid)
+          | _ -> None
+        ) lid_a_list
+    in
+    (* Find a module prefix (if any) to qualify unqualified labels *)
+    let qual =
+      List.find_map (function
+          | {txt = Longident.Ldot (modname, _); _}, _ -> Some modname
+          | _ -> None
+        ) lid_a_list
+    in
+    (* Prefix unqualified labels with [qual] and resolve them.
+       Prefixing unqualified labels does not change the final
+       disambiguation result, it restricts the set of candidates
+       without removing any valid choice.
+       It matters if users activated warnings for ambiguous or
+       out-of-scope resolutions -- they get less warnings by
+       qualifying at least one of the fields. *)
+    List.map2 (fun lid_a lbl ->
+        match lbl, lid_a with
+        | Some lbl, (lid, a) -> lid, lbl, a
+        | None, (lid, a) ->
+            let qual_lid =
+              match qual, lid.txt with
+              | Some modname, Longident.Lident s ->
+                  {lid with txt = Longident.Ldot (modname, s)}
+              | _ -> lid
+            in
+            lid, process_label qual_lid, a
+      ) lid_a_list lbl_list
+  in
+  if !w_pr then
+    Location.prerr_warning loc
+      (not_principal  "this type-based record disambiguation")
+  else begin
+    match List.rev !w_amb with
+      (_,types,ex)::_ as amb ->
+        let paths =
+          List.map (fun (_,lbl,_) -> Label.get_type_path lbl) lbl_a_list in
+        let path = List.hd paths in
+        let fst3 (x,_,_) = x in
+        if List.for_all (compare_type_path env path) (List.tl paths) then
+          Location.prerr_warning loc
+            (Warnings.Ambiguous_name (List.map fst3 amb, types, true, ex))
+        else
+          List.iter
+            (fun (s,l,ex) -> Location.prerr_warning loc
+                (Warnings.Ambiguous_name ([s],l,false, ex)))
+            amb
+    | _ -> ()
+  end;
+  if !w_scope <> [] then
+    Location.prerr_warning loc
+      (Warnings.Name_out_of_scope (!w_scope_ty, List.rev !w_scope, true));
+  lbl_a_list
+let map_fold_cont f xs k =
+  List.fold_right (fun x k ys -> f x (fun y -> k (y :: ys)))
+    xs (fun ys -> k (List.rev ys)) []
+let type_label_a_list loc closed env usage type_lbl_a expected_type lid_a_list =
+  let lbl_a_list =
+    disambiguate_lid_a_list loc closed env usage expected_type lid_a_list
+  in
+  (* Invariant: records are sorted in the typed tree *)
+  let lbl_a_list =
+    List.sort
+      (fun (_,lbl1,_) (_,lbl2,_) -> compare lbl1.lbl_pos lbl2.lbl_pos)
+      lbl_a_list
+  in
+  List.map type_lbl_a lbl_a_list
+(* Checks over the labels mentioned in a record pattern:
+   no duplicate definitions (error); properly closed (warning) *)
+let check_recordpat_labels loc lbl_pat_list closed =
+  match lbl_pat_list with
+  | [] -> ()                            (* should not happen *)
+  | (_, label1, _) :: _ ->
+      let all = label1.lbl_all in
+      let defined = Array.make (Array.length all) false in
+      let check_defined (_, label, _) =
+        if defined.(label.lbl_pos)
+        then raise(Error(loc, Env.empty, Label_multiply_defined label.lbl_name))
+        else defined.(label.lbl_pos) <- true in
+      List.iter check_defined lbl_pat_list;
+      if closed = Closed
+      && Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Missing_record_field_pattern "")
+      then begin
+        let undefined = ref [] in
+        for i = 0 to Array.length all - 1 do
+          if not defined.(i) then undefined := all.(i).lbl_name :: !undefined
+        done;
+        if !undefined <> [] then begin
+          let u = String.concat ", " (List.rev !undefined) in
+          Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Missing_record_field_pattern u)
+        end
+      end
+(* Constructors *)
+module Constructor = NameChoice (struct
+  type t = constructor_description
+  type usage = Env.constructor_usage
+  let kind = Datatype_kind.Variant
+  let get_name cstr = cstr.cstr_name
+  let get_type cstr = cstr.cstr_res
+  let lookup_all_from_type loc usage path env =
+    match Env.lookup_all_constructors_from_type ~loc usage path env with
+    | _ :: _ as x -> x
+    | [] ->
+        match (Env.find_type path env).type_kind with
+        | Type_open ->
+            (* Extension constructors cannot be found by looking at the type
+               declaration.
+               We scan the whole environment to get an accurate spellchecking
+               hint in the subsequent error message *)
+            let filter lbl =
+              compare_type_path env
+                path (get_constr_type_path @@ get_type lbl) in
+            let add_valid x acc = if filter x then (x,ignore)::acc else acc in
+            Env.fold_constructors add_valid None env []
+        | _ -> []
+  let in_env _ = true
+(* Typing of patterns *)
+(* "untyped" cases are prior to checking the pattern. *)
+type untyped_case = Parsetree.pattern Parmatch.parmatch_case
+(* "half typed" cases are produced in [map_half_typed_cases] when we've just
+   typechecked the pattern but haven't type-checked the body yet. At this point
+   we might have added some type equalities to the environment, but haven't yet
+   added identifiers bound by the pattern. *)
+type ('case_pattern, 'case_data) half_typed_case =
+  { typed_pat: 'case_pattern;
+    pat_type_for_unif: type_expr;
+    untyped_case : untyped_case;
+    case_data : 'case_data;
+    branch_env: Env.t;
+    pat_vars: pattern_variable list;
+    module_vars: module_variables;
+    contains_gadt: bool; }
+(* Used to split patterns into value cases and exception cases. *)
+let split_half_typed_cases env zipped_cases =
+  let add_case lst htc data = function
+    | None -> lst
+    | Some split_pat ->
+        ({ htc.untyped_case with pattern = split_pat }, data) :: lst
+  in
+  List.fold_right (fun (htc, data) (vals, exns) ->
+      let pat = htc.typed_pat in
+      match split_pattern pat with
+      | Some _, Some _ when htc.untyped_case.has_guard ->
+          raise (Error (pat.pat_loc, env,
+                        Mixed_value_and_exception_patterns_under_guard))
+      | vp, ep -> add_case vals htc data vp, add_case exns htc data ep
+    ) zipped_cases ([], [])
+let rec has_literal_pattern p = match p.ppat_desc with
+  | Ppat_constant _
+  | Ppat_interval _ ->
+     true
+  | Ppat_any
+  | Ppat_variant (_, None)
+  | Ppat_construct (_, None)
+  | Ppat_type _
+  | Ppat_var _
+  | Ppat_unpack _
+  | Ppat_extension _ ->
+     false
+  | Ppat_exception p
+  | Ppat_variant (_, Some p)
+  | Ppat_construct (_, Some (_, p))
+  | Ppat_constraint (p, _)
+  | Ppat_alias (p, _)
+  | Ppat_lazy p
+  | Ppat_open (_, p) ->
+     has_literal_pattern p
+  | Ppat_tuple ps
+  | Ppat_array ps ->
+     List.exists has_literal_pattern ps
+  | Ppat_record (ps, _) ->
+     List.exists (fun (_,p) -> has_literal_pattern p) ps
+  | Ppat_effect (p, q)
+  | Ppat_or (p, q) ->
+     has_literal_pattern p || has_literal_pattern q
+let check_scope_escape loc env level ty =
+  try Ctype.check_scope_escape env level ty
+  with Escape esc ->
+    (* We don't expand the type here because if we do, we might expand to the
+       type that escaped, leading to confusing error messages. *)
+    let trace = Errortrace.[Escape (map_escape trivial_expansion esc)] in
+    raise (Error(loc,
+                 env,
+                 Pattern_type_clash(Errortrace.unification_error ~trace, None)))
+(** The typedtree has two distinct syntactic categories for patterns,
+   "value" patterns, matching on values, and "computation" patterns
+   that match on the effect of a computation -- typically, exception
+   patterns (exception p).
+   On the other hand, the parsetree has an unstructured representation
+   where all categories of patterns are mixed together. The
+   decomposition according to the value/computation structure has to
+   happen during type-checking.
+   We don't want to duplicate the type-checking logic in two different
+   functions, depending on the kind of pattern to be produced. In
+   particular, there are both value and computation or-patterns, and
+   the type-checking logic for or-patterns is horribly complex; having
+   it in two different places would be twice as horirble.
+   The solution is to pass a GADT tag to [type_pat] to indicate whether
+   a value or computation pattern is expected. This way, there is a single
+   place where [Ppat_or] nodes are type-checked, the checking logic is shared,
+   and only at the end do we inspect the tag to decide to produce a value
+   or computation pattern.
+let pure
+  : type k . k pattern_category -> value general_pattern -> k general_pattern
+  = fun category pat ->
+  match category with
+  | Value -> pat
+  | Computation -> as_computation_pattern pat
+let only_impure
+  : type k . k pattern_category ->
+             computation general_pattern -> k general_pattern
+  = fun category pat ->
+  match category with
+  | Value ->
+     (* LATER: this exception could be renamed/generalized *)
+     raise (Error (pat.pat_loc, pat.pat_env,
+                   Exception_pattern_disallowed))
+  | Computation -> pat
+let as_comp_pattern
+  : type k . k pattern_category ->
+             k general_pattern -> computation general_pattern
+  = fun category pat ->
+  match category with
+  | Value -> as_computation_pattern pat
+  | Computation -> pat
+(** [type_pat] propagates the expected type, and
+    unification may update the typing environment. *)
+let rec type_pat
+  : type k . type_pat_state -> k pattern_category ->
+      no_existentials: existential_restriction option ->
+      penv: Pattern_env.t -> Parsetree.pattern -> type_expr ->
+      k general_pattern
+  = fun tps category ~no_existentials ~penv sp expected_ty ->
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope sp.ppat_attributes
+    (fun () ->
+       type_pat_aux tps category ~no_existentials ~penv sp expected_ty
+    )
+and type_pat_aux
+  : type k . type_pat_state -> k pattern_category -> no_existentials:_ ->
+         penv:Pattern_env.t -> _ -> _ -> k general_pattern
+  = fun tps category ~no_existentials ~penv sp expected_ty ->
+  let type_pat tps category ?(penv=penv) =
+    type_pat tps category ~no_existentials ~penv
+  in
+  let loc = sp.ppat_loc in
+  let solve_expected (x : pattern) : pattern =
+    unify_pat ~sdesc_for_hint:sp.ppat_desc !!penv x (instance expected_ty);
+    x
+  in
+  let crp (x : k general_pattern) : k general_pattern =
+    match category with
+    | Value -> rp x
+    | Computation -> rcp x
+  in
+  (* record {general,value,computation} pattern *)
+  let rp = crp
+  and rvp x = crp (pure category x)
+  and rcp x = crp (only_impure category x) in
+  match sp.ppat_desc with
+    Ppat_any ->
+      rvp {
+        pat_desc = Tpat_any;
+        pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+        pat_type = instance expected_ty;
+        pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+        pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_var name ->
+      let ty = instance expected_ty in
+      let id, uid = enter_variable tps loc name ty sp.ppat_attributes in
+      rvp {
+        pat_desc = Tpat_var (id, name, uid);
+        pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+        pat_type = ty;
+        pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+        pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_unpack name ->
+      let t = instance expected_ty in
+      begin match name.txt with
+      | None ->
+          rvp {
+            pat_desc = Tpat_any;
+            pat_loc = sp.ppat_loc;
+            pat_extra=[Tpat_unpack, name.loc, sp.ppat_attributes];
+            pat_type = t;
+            pat_attributes = [];
+            pat_env = !!penv }
+      | Some s ->
+          let v = { name with txt = s } in
+          (* We're able to pass ~is_module:true here without an error because
+             [Ppat_unpack] is a case identified by [may_contain_modules]. See
+             the comment on [may_contain_modules]. *)
+          let id, uid =
+            enter_variable tps loc v t ~is_module:true sp.ppat_attributes
+          in
+          rvp {
+            pat_desc = Tpat_var (id, v, uid);
+            pat_loc = sp.ppat_loc;
+            pat_extra=[Tpat_unpack, loc, sp.ppat_attributes];
+            pat_type = t;
+            pat_attributes = [];
+            pat_env = !!penv }
+      end
+  | Ppat_constraint(
+      {ppat_desc=Ppat_var name; ppat_loc=lloc; ppat_attributes = attrs},
+      ({ptyp_desc=Ptyp_poly _} as sty)) ->
+      (* explicitly polymorphic type *)
+      let cty, ty, ty' =
+        solve_Ppat_poly_constraint tps !!penv lloc sty expected_ty in
+      let id, uid = enter_variable tps lloc name ty' attrs in
+      rvp { pat_desc = Tpat_var (id, name, uid);
+            pat_loc = lloc;
+            pat_extra = [Tpat_constraint cty, loc, sp.ppat_attributes];
+            pat_type = ty;
+            pat_attributes = [];
+            pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_alias(sq, name) ->
+      let q = type_pat tps Value sq expected_ty in
+      let ty_var = solve_Ppat_alias !!penv q in
+      let id, uid =
+        enter_variable
+          ~is_as_variable:true tps name.loc name ty_var sp.ppat_attributes
+      in
+      rvp { pat_desc = Tpat_alias(q, id, name, uid);
+            pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+            pat_type = q.pat_type;
+            pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+            pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_constant cst ->
+      let cst = constant_or_raise !!penv loc cst in
+      rvp @@ solve_expected {
+        pat_desc = Tpat_constant cst;
+        pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+        pat_type = type_constant cst;
+        pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+        pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) ->
+      let open Ast_helper in
+      let get_bound = function
+        | {pconst_desc = Pconst_char c; _} -> c
+        | {pconst_loc = loc; _} ->
+            raise (Error (loc, !!penv, Invalid_interval))
+      in
+      let c1 = get_bound c1 in
+      let c2 = get_bound c2 in
+      let gloc = {loc with Location.loc_ghost=true} in
+      let rec loop c1 c2 =
+        if c1 = c2 then Pat.constant ~loc:gloc (Const.char ~loc:gloc c1)
+        else
+          Pat.or_ ~loc:gloc
+            (Pat.constant ~loc:gloc (Const.char ~loc:gloc c1))
+            (loop (Char.chr(Char.code c1 + 1)) c2)
+      in
+      let p = if c1 <= c2 then loop c1 c2 else loop c2 c1 in
+      let p = {p with ppat_loc=loc} in
+      type_pat tps category p expected_ty
+        (* TODO: record 'extra' to remember about interval *)
+  | Ppat_tuple spl ->
+      assert (List.length spl >= 2);
+      let expected_tys =
+        solve_Ppat_tuple ~refine:false loc penv spl expected_ty in
+      let pl = List.map2 (type_pat tps Value) spl expected_tys in
+      rvp {
+        pat_desc = Tpat_tuple pl;
+        pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+        pat_type = newty (Ttuple(List.map (fun p -> p.pat_type) pl));
+        pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+        pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_construct(lid, sarg) ->
+      let expected_type =
+        match extract_concrete_variant !!penv expected_ty with
+        | Variant_type(p0, p, _) ->
+            Some (p0, p, is_principal expected_ty)
+        | Maybe_a_variant_type -> None
+        | Not_a_variant_type ->
+            let srt = wrong_kind_sort_of_constructor lid.txt in
+            let error = Wrong_expected_kind(srt, Pattern, expected_ty) in
+            raise (Error (loc, !!penv, error))
+      in
+      let constr =
+        let candidates =
+          Env.lookup_all_constructors Env.Pattern ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt !!penv in
+        wrap_disambiguate "This variant pattern is expected to have"
+          (mk_expected expected_ty)
+          (Constructor.disambiguate Env.Pattern lid !!penv expected_type)
+          candidates
+      in
+      begin match no_existentials, constr.cstr_existentials with
+      | None, _ | _, [] -> ()
+      | Some r, (_ :: _) ->
+          let name = constr.cstr_name in
+          raise (Error (loc, !!penv, Unexpected_existential (r, name)))
+      end;
+      let sarg', existential_styp =
+        match sarg with
+          None -> None, None
+        | Some (vl, {ppat_desc = Ppat_constraint (sp, sty)})
+          when vl <> [] || constr.cstr_arity > 1 ->
+            Some sp, Some (vl, sty)
+        | Some ([], sp) ->
+            Some sp, None
+        | Some (_, sp) ->
+            raise (Error (sp.ppat_loc, !!penv, Missing_type_constraint))
+      in
+      let sargs =
+        match sarg' with
+          None -> []
+        | Some {ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple spl} when
+            constr.cstr_arity > 1 ||
+            Builtin_attributes.explicit_arity sp.ppat_attributes
+          -> spl
+        | Some({ppat_desc = Ppat_any} as sp) when
+            constr.cstr_arity = 0 && existential_styp = None
+          ->
+            Location.prerr_warning sp.ppat_loc
+              Warnings.Wildcard_arg_to_constant_constr;
+            []
+        | Some({ppat_desc = Ppat_any} as sp) when constr.cstr_arity > 1 ->
+            replicate_list sp constr.cstr_arity
+        | Some sp -> [sp] in
+      if Builtin_attributes.warn_on_literal_pattern constr.cstr_attributes then
+        begin match List.filter has_literal_pattern sargs with
+        | sp :: _ ->
+           Location.prerr_warning sp.ppat_loc Warnings.Fragile_literal_pattern
+        | _ -> ()
+        end;
+      if List.length sargs <> constr.cstr_arity then
+        raise(Error(loc, !!penv, Constructor_arity_mismatch(lid.txt,
+                                     constr.cstr_arity, List.length sargs)));
+      let (ty_args, existential_ctyp) =
+        solve_Ppat_construct ~refine:false tps penv loc constr no_existentials
+          existential_styp expected_ty
+      in
+      let rec check_non_escaping p =
+        match p.ppat_desc with
+        | Ppat_or (p1, p2) ->
+            check_non_escaping p1;
+            check_non_escaping p2
+        | Ppat_alias (p, _) ->
+            check_non_escaping p
+        | Ppat_constraint _ ->
+            raise (Error (p.ppat_loc, !!penv, Inlined_record_escape))
+        | _ ->
+            ()
+      in
+      if constr.cstr_inlined <> None then begin
+        List.iter check_non_escaping sargs;
+        Option.iter (fun (_, sarg) -> check_non_escaping sarg) sarg
+      end;
+      let args = List.map2 (type_pat tps Value) sargs ty_args in
+      rvp { pat_desc=Tpat_construct(lid, constr, args, existential_ctyp);
+            pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+            pat_type = instance expected_ty;
+            pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+            pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_variant(tag, sarg) ->
+      assert (tag <> Parmatch.some_private_tag);
+      let constant = (sarg = None) in
+      let arg_type, row, pat_type =
+        solve_Ppat_variant ~refine:false loc penv tag constant expected_ty in
+      let arg =
+        (* PR#6235: propagate type information *)
+        match sarg, arg_type with
+          Some sp, [ty] -> Some (type_pat tps Value sp ty)
+        | _             -> None
+      in
+      rvp {
+        pat_desc = Tpat_variant(tag, arg, ref row);
+        pat_loc = loc; pat_extra = [];
+        pat_type = pat_type;
+        pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+        pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_record(lid_sp_list, closed) ->
+      assert (lid_sp_list <> []);
+      let expected_type, record_ty =
+        match extract_concrete_record !!penv expected_ty with
+        | Record_type(p0, p, _) ->
+            let ty = generic_instance expected_ty in
+            Some (p0, p, is_principal expected_ty), ty
+        | Maybe_a_record_type -> None, newvar ()
+        | Not_a_record_type ->
+          let error = Wrong_expected_kind(Record, Pattern, expected_ty) in
+          raise (Error (loc, !!penv, error))
+      in
+      let type_label_pat (label_lid, label, sarg) =
+        let ty_arg =
+          solve_Ppat_record_field ~refine:false loc penv label label_lid
+            record_ty in
+        (label_lid, label, type_pat tps Value sarg ty_arg)
+      in
+      let make_record_pat lbl_pat_list =
+        check_recordpat_labels loc lbl_pat_list closed;
+        {
+          pat_desc = Tpat_record (lbl_pat_list, closed);
+          pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+          pat_type = instance record_ty;
+          pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+          pat_env = !!penv;
+        }
+      in
+      let lbl_a_list =
+        wrap_disambiguate "This record pattern is expected to have"
+          (mk_expected expected_ty)
+          (type_label_a_list loc false !!penv Env.Projection
+             type_label_pat expected_type)
+          lid_sp_list
+      in
+      rvp @@ solve_expected (make_record_pat lbl_a_list)
+  | Ppat_array spl ->
+      let ty_elt = solve_Ppat_array ~refine:false loc penv expected_ty in
+      let pl = List.map (fun p -> type_pat tps Value p ty_elt) spl in
+      rvp {
+        pat_desc = Tpat_array pl;
+        pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+        pat_type = instance expected_ty;
+        pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+        pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_or(sp1, sp2) ->
+      (* Reset pattern forces for just [tps2] because later we append [tps1] and
+         [tps2]'s pattern forces, and we don't want to duplicate [tps]'s pattern
+         forces. *)
+      let tps1 = copy_type_pat_state tps in
+      let tps2 = {(copy_type_pat_state tps) with tps_pattern_force = []} in
+      (* Introduce a new level to avoid keeping nodes at intermediate levels *)
+      let pat_desc = with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      (* Introduce a new scope using with_local_level without generalizations *)
+      let env1, p1, env2, p2 =
+        with_local_level begin fun () ->
+          let type_pat_rec tps penv sp =
+            type_pat tps category sp expected_ty ~penv
+          in
+          let penv1 =
+            Pattern_env.copy ~equations_scope:(get_current_level ()) penv in
+          let penv2 = Pattern_env.copy penv1 in
+          let p1 = type_pat_rec tps1 penv1 sp1 in
+          let p2 = type_pat_rec tps2 penv2 sp2 in
+          (penv1.env, p1, penv2.env, p2)
+        end
+      in
+      let p1_variables = tps1.tps_pattern_variables in
+      let p2_variables = tps2.tps_pattern_variables in
+      (* Make sure no variable with an ambiguous type gets added to the
+         environment. *)
+      let outer_lev = get_current_level () in
+      List.iter (fun { pv_type; pv_loc; _ } ->
+        check_scope_escape pv_loc env1 outer_lev pv_type
+      ) p1_variables;
+      List.iter (fun { pv_type; pv_loc; _ } ->
+        check_scope_escape pv_loc env2 outer_lev pv_type
+      ) p2_variables;
+      let alpha_env =
+        enter_orpat_variables loc !!penv p1_variables p2_variables in
+      (* Propagate the outcome of checking the or-pattern back to
+         the type_pat_state that the caller passed in.
+      *)
+      blit_type_pat_state
+        ~src:
+          { tps_pattern_variables = tps1.tps_pattern_variables;
+            (* We want to propagate all pattern forces, regardless of
+               which branch they were found in.
+            *)
+            tps_pattern_force =
+              tps2.tps_pattern_force @ tps1.tps_pattern_force;
+            tps_module_variables = tps1.tps_module_variables;
+          }
+        ~dst:tps;
+      let p2 = alpha_pat alpha_env p2 in
+      Tpat_or (p1, p2, None)
+      end
+      in
+      rp { pat_desc = pat_desc;
+           pat_loc = loc; pat_extra = [];
+           pat_type = instance expected_ty;
+           pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+           pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_lazy sp1 ->
+      let nv = solve_Ppat_lazy ~refine:false loc penv expected_ty in
+      let p1 = type_pat tps Value sp1 nv in
+      rvp {
+        pat_desc = Tpat_lazy p1;
+        pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+        pat_type = instance expected_ty;
+        pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+        pat_env = !!penv }
+  | Ppat_constraint(sp, sty) ->
+      (* Pretend separate = true *)
+      let cty, ty, expected_ty' =
+        solve_Ppat_constraint tps loc !!penv sty expected_ty in
+      let p = type_pat tps category sp expected_ty' in
+      let extra = (Tpat_constraint cty, loc, sp.ppat_attributes) in
+      begin match category, (p : k general_pattern) with
+      | Value, {pat_desc = Tpat_var (id,s,uid); _} ->
+          { p with
+            pat_type = ty;
+            pat_desc =
+            Tpat_alias
+              ({p with pat_desc = Tpat_any; pat_attributes = []}, id,s, uid);
+            pat_extra = [extra];
+          }
+      | _, p ->
+          { p with pat_type = ty; pat_extra = extra::p.pat_extra }
+      end
+  | Ppat_type lid ->
+      let (path, p) = build_or_pat !!penv loc lid in
+      pure category @@ solve_expected
+        { p with pat_extra = (Tpat_type (path, lid), loc, sp.ppat_attributes)
+        :: p.pat_extra }
+  | Ppat_open (lid,p) ->
+      let path, new_env =
+        !type_open Asttypes.Fresh !!penv sp.ppat_loc lid in
+      Pattern_env.set_env penv new_env;
+      let p = type_pat tps category ~penv p expected_ty in
+      let new_env = !!penv in
+      begin match Env.remove_last_open path new_env with
+      | None -> assert false
+      | Some closed_env -> Pattern_env.set_env penv closed_env
+      end;
+      { p with pat_extra = (Tpat_open (path,lid,new_env),
+                                loc, sp.ppat_attributes) :: p.pat_extra }
+  | Ppat_exception p ->
+      let p_exn = type_pat tps Value p Predef.type_exn in
+      rcp {
+        pat_desc = Tpat_exception p_exn;
+        pat_loc = sp.ppat_loc;
+        pat_extra = [];
+        pat_type = expected_ty;
+        pat_env = !!penv;
+        pat_attributes = sp.ppat_attributes;
+      }
+  | Ppat_effect _ ->
+      raise (Error (loc, !!penv, Effect_pattern_below_toplevel))
+  | Ppat_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+let iter_pattern_variables_type f : pattern_variable list -> unit =
+  List.iter (fun {pv_type; _} -> f pv_type)
+let add_pattern_variables ?check ?check_as env pv =
+  List.fold_right
+    (fun {pv_id; pv_type; pv_loc; pv_kind; pv_attributes; pv_uid} env ->
+       let check = if pv_kind=As_var then check_as else check in
+       Env.add_value ?check pv_id
+         {val_type = pv_type; val_kind = Val_reg; Types.val_loc = pv_loc;
+          val_attributes = pv_attributes;
+          val_uid = pv_uid;
+         } env
+    )
+    pv env
+let add_module_variables env module_variables =
+  let module_variables_as_list =
+    match module_variables with
+    | Modvars_allowed mvs -> mvs.module_variables
+    | Modvars_ignored | Modvars_rejected -> []
+  in
+  List.fold_left (fun env { mv_id; mv_loc; mv_name; mv_uid } ->
+    Typetexp.TyVarEnv.with_local_scope begin fun () ->
+      (* This code is parallel to the typing of Pexp_letmodule. However we
+         omit the call to [Mtype.lower_nongen] as it's not necessary here.
+         For Pexp_letmodule, the call to [type_module] is done in a raised
+         level and so needs to be modified to have the correct, outer level.
+         Here, on the other hand, we're calling [type_module] outside the
+         raised level, so there's no extra step to take.
+      *)
+      let modl, md_shape =
+        !type_module env
+          Ast_helper.(
+            Mod.unpack ~loc:mv_loc
+              (Exp.ident ~loc:mv_name.loc
+                  (mkloc (Longident.Lident mv_name.txt)
+                    mv_name.loc)))
+      in
+      let pres =
+        match modl.mod_type with
+        | Mty_alias _ -> Mp_absent
+        | _ -> Mp_present
+      in
+      let md =
+        { md_type = modl.mod_type; md_attributes = [];
+          md_loc = mv_name.loc;
+          md_uid = mv_uid; }
+      in
+      Env.add_module_declaration ~shape:md_shape ~check:true mv_id pres md env
+    end
+  ) env module_variables_as_list
+let type_pat tps category ?no_existentials penv =
+  type_pat tps category ~no_existentials ~penv
+let type_pattern category ~lev env spat expected_ty ?cont allow_modules =
+  let tps = create_type_pat_state ?cont allow_modules in
+  let new_penv = Pattern_env.make env
+      ~equations_scope:lev ~allow_recursive_equations:false in
+  let pat = type_pat tps category new_penv spat expected_ty in
+  let { tps_pattern_variables = pvs;
+        tps_module_variables = mvs;
+        tps_pattern_force = pattern_forces;
+      } = tps in
+  (pat, !!new_penv, pattern_forces, pvs, mvs)
+let type_pattern_list
+    category no_existentials env spatl expected_tys allow_modules
+  =
+  let tps = create_type_pat_state allow_modules in
+  let equations_scope = get_current_level () in
+  let new_penv = Pattern_env.make env
+      ~equations_scope ~allow_recursive_equations:false in
+  let type_pat (attrs, pat) ty =
+    Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ~ppwarning:false attrs
+      (fun () ->
+         type_pat tps category ~no_existentials new_penv pat ty
+      )
+  in
+  let patl = List.map2 type_pat spatl expected_tys in
+  let { tps_pattern_variables = pvs;
+        tps_module_variables = mvs;
+        tps_pattern_force = pattern_forces;
+      } = tps in
+  (patl, !!new_penv, pattern_forces, pvs, mvs)
+let type_class_arg_pattern cl_num val_env met_env l spat =
+  let tps = create_type_pat_state Modules_rejected in
+  let nv = newvar () in
+  let equations_scope = get_current_level () in
+  let new_penv = Pattern_env.make val_env
+      ~equations_scope ~allow_recursive_equations:false in
+  let pat =
+    type_pat tps Value ~no_existentials:In_class_args new_penv spat nv in
+  if has_variants pat then begin
+    Parmatch.pressure_variants val_env [pat];
+    finalize_variants pat;
+  end;
+  List.iter (fun f -> f()) tps.tps_pattern_force;
+  if is_optional l then unify_pat val_env pat (type_option (newvar ()));
+  let (pv, val_env, met_env) =
+    List.fold_right
+      (fun {pv_id; pv_type; pv_loc; pv_kind; pv_attributes}
+        (pv, val_env, met_env) ->
+         let check s =
+           if pv_kind = As_var then Warnings.Unused_var s
+           else Warnings.Unused_var_strict s in
+         let id' = Ident.rename pv_id in
+         let val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
+         let val_env =
+          Env.add_value pv_id
+            { val_type = pv_type
+            ; val_kind = Val_reg
+            ; val_attributes = pv_attributes
+            ; val_loc = pv_loc
+            ; val_uid
+            }
+            val_env
+         in
+         let met_env =
+          Env.add_value id' ~check
+            { val_type = pv_type
+            ; val_kind = Val_ivar (Immutable, cl_num)
+            ; val_attributes = pv_attributes
+            ; val_loc = pv_loc
+            ; val_uid
+            }
+            met_env
+         in
+         ((id', pv_id, pv_type)::pv, val_env, met_env))
+      tps.tps_pattern_variables ([], val_env, met_env)
+  in
+  (pat, pv, val_env, met_env)
+let type_self_pattern env spat =
+  let open Ast_helper in
+  let spat = Pat.mk(Ppat_alias (spat, mknoloc "selfpat-*")) in
+  let tps = create_type_pat_state Modules_rejected in
+  let nv = newvar() in
+  let equations_scope = get_current_level () in
+  let new_penv = Pattern_env.make env
+      ~equations_scope ~allow_recursive_equations:false in
+  let pat =
+    type_pat tps Value ~no_existentials:In_self_pattern new_penv spat nv in
+  List.iter (fun f -> f()) tps.tps_pattern_force;
+  pat, tps.tps_pattern_variables
+(** In [check_counter_example_pat], we will check a counter-example candidate
+    produced by Parmatch. This is a pattern that represents a set of values by
+    using or-patterns (p_1 | ... | p_n) to enumerate all alternatives in the
+    counter-example search. These or-patterns occur at every choice point,
+    possibly deep inside the pattern.
+    Parmatch does not use type information, so this pattern may
+    exhibit two issues:
+    - some parts of the pattern may be ill-typed due to GADTs, and
+    - some wildcard patterns may not match any values: their type is
+      empty.
+    The aim of [check_counter_example_pat] is to refine this untyped pattern
+    into a well-typed pattern, and ensure that it matches at least one
+    concrete value.
+    - It filters ill-typed branches of or-patterns.
+      (see {!splitting_mode} below)
+    - It tries to check that wildcard patterns are non-empty.
+      (see {!explosion_fuel})
+  *)
+type counter_example_checking_info = {
+    explosion_fuel: int;
+    splitting_mode: splitting_mode;
+  }
+    [explosion_fuel] controls the checking of wildcard patterns.  We
+    eliminate potentially-empty wildcard patterns by exploding them
+    into concrete sub-patterns, for example (K1 _ | K2 _) or
+    { l1: _; l2: _ }. [explosion_fuel] is the depth limit on wildcard
+    explosion. Such depth limit is required to avoid non-termination
+    and compilation-time blowups.
+    [splitting_mode] controls the handling of or-patterns.  In
+    [Counter_example] mode, we only need to select one branch that
+    leads to a well-typed pattern. Checking all branches is expensive,
+    we use different search strategies (see {!splitting_mode}) to
+    reduce the number of explored alternatives.
+ *)
+(** Due to GADT constraints, an or-pattern produced within
+    a counter-example may have ill-typed branches. Consider for example
+    {[
+      type _ tag = Int : int tag | Bool : bool tag
+    ]}
+    then [Parmatch] will propose the or-pattern [Int | Bool] whenever
+    a pattern of type [tag] is required to form a counter-example. For
+    example, a function expects a (int tag option) and only [None] is
+    handled by the user-written pattern. [Some (Int | Bool)] is not
+    well-typed in this context, only the sub-pattern [Some Int] is.
+    In this example, the expected type coming from the context
+    suffices to know which or-pattern branch must be chosen.
+    In the general case, choosing a branch can have non-local effects
+    on the typability of the term. For example, consider a tuple type
+    ['a tag * ...'a...], where the first component is a GADT.  All
+    constructor choices for this GADT lead to a well-typed branch in
+    isolation (['a] is unconstrained), but choosing one of them adds
+    a constraint on ['a] that may make the other tuple elements
+    ill-typed.
+    In general, after choosing each possible branch of the or-pattern,
+    [check_counter_example_pat] has to check the rest of the pattern to
+    tell if this choice leads to a well-typed term. This may lead to an
+    explosion of typing/search work -- the rest of the term may in turn
+    contain alternatives.
+    We use careful strategies to try to limit counterexample-checking
+    time; [splitting_mode] represents those strategies.
+and splitting_mode =
+  | Backtrack_or
+  (** Always backtrack in or-patterns.
+      [Backtrack_or] selects a single alternative from an or-pattern
+      by using backtracking, trying to choose each branch in turn, and
+      to complete it into a valid sub-pattern. We call this
+      "splitting" the or-pattern.
+      We use this mode when looking for unused patterns or sub-patterns,
+      in particular to check a refutation clause (p -> .).
+    *)
+  | Refine_or of { inside_nonsplit_or: bool; }
+  (** Only backtrack when needed.
+      [Refine_or] tries another approach for refining or-pattern.
+      Instead of always splitting each or-pattern, It first attempts to
+      find branches that do not introduce new constraints (because they
+      do not contain GADT constructors). Those branches are such that,
+      if they fail, all other branches will fail.
+      If we find one such branch, we attempt to complete the subpattern
+      (checking what's outside the or-pattern), ignoring other
+      branches -- we never consider another branch choice again. If all
+      branches are constrained, it falls back to splitting the
+      or-pattern.
+      We use this mode when checking exhaustivity of pattern matching.
+  *)
+(** This exception is only used internally within [check_counter_example_pat],
+    to jump back to the parent or-pattern in the [Refine_or] strategy.
+    Such a parent exists precisely when [inside_nonsplit_or = true];
+    it's an invariant that we always setup an exception handler for
+    [Need_backtrack] when we set this flag. *)
+exception Need_backtrack
+(** This exception is only used internally within [check_counter_example_pat].
+    We use it to discard counter-example candidates that do not match any
+    value. *)
+exception Empty_branch
+type abort_reason = Adds_constraints | Empty
+(** Remember current typing state for backtracking.
+    No variable information, as we only backtrack on
+    patterns without variables (cf. assert statements).
+    In the GADT mode, [env] may be extended by unification,
+    and therefore it needs to be saved along with a [snapshot]. *)
+type unification_state =
+ { snapshot: snapshot;
+   env: Env.t; }
+let save_state penv =
+  { snapshot = Btype.snapshot ();
+    env = !!penv; }
+let set_state s penv =
+  Btype.backtrack s.snapshot;
+  Pattern_env.set_env penv s.env
+(** Find the first alternative in the tree of or-patterns for which
+    [f] does not raise an error. If all fail, the last error is
+    propagated *)
+let rec find_valid_alternative f pat =
+  match pat.pat_desc with
+  | Tpat_or(p1,p2,_) ->
+      (try find_valid_alternative f p1 with
+       | Empty_branch | Error _ -> find_valid_alternative f p2
+      )
+  | _ -> f pat
+let no_explosion info = { info with explosion_fuel = 0 }
+let enter_nonsplit_or info =
+  let splitting_mode = match info.splitting_mode with
+  | Backtrack_or ->
+      (* in Backtrack_or mode, or-patterns are always split *)
+      assert false
+  | Refine_or _ ->
+      Refine_or {inside_nonsplit_or = true}
+  in { info with splitting_mode }
+let rec check_counter_example_pat
+    ~info ~(penv : Pattern_env.t) type_pat_state tp expected_ty k =
+  let check_rec ?(info=info) ?(penv=penv) =
+    check_counter_example_pat ~info ~penv type_pat_state in
+  let loc = tp.pat_loc in
+  let refine = true in
+  let solve_expected (x : pattern) : pattern =
+    unify_pat_types_refine ~refine x.pat_loc penv x.pat_type
+      (instance expected_ty);
+    x
+  in
+  (* "make pattern" and "make pattern then continue" *)
+  let mp ?(pat_type = expected_ty) desc =
+    { pat_desc = desc; pat_loc = loc; pat_extra=[];
+      pat_type = instance pat_type; pat_attributes = []; pat_env = !!penv } in
+  let mkp k ?pat_type desc = k (mp ?pat_type desc) in
+  let must_backtrack_on_gadt =
+    match info.splitting_mode with
+    | Backtrack_or -> false
+    | Refine_or {inside_nonsplit_or} -> inside_nonsplit_or
+  in
+  match tp.pat_desc with
+    Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ ->
+      let k' () = mkp k tp.pat_desc in
+      if info.explosion_fuel <= 0 then k' () else
+      let decrease n = {info with explosion_fuel = info.explosion_fuel - n} in
+      begin match Parmatch.pats_of_type !!penv expected_ty with
+      | [] -> raise Empty_branch
+      | [{pat_desc = Tpat_any}] -> k' ()
+      | [tp] -> check_rec ~info:(decrease 1) tp expected_ty k
+      | tp :: tpl ->
+          if must_backtrack_on_gadt then raise Need_backtrack;
+          let tp =
+            List.fold_left
+              (fun tp tp' -> {tp with pat_desc = Tpat_or (tp, tp', None)})
+              tp tpl
+          in
+          check_rec ~info:(decrease 5) tp expected_ty k
+      end
+  | Tpat_alias (p, _, _, _) -> check_rec ~info p expected_ty k
+  | Tpat_constant cst ->
+      let cst = constant_or_raise !!penv loc (Untypeast.constant cst) in
+      k @@ solve_expected (mp (Tpat_constant cst) ~pat_type:(type_constant cst))
+  | Tpat_tuple tpl ->
+      assert (List.length tpl >= 2);
+      let expected_tys = solve_Ppat_tuple ~refine loc penv tpl expected_ty in
+      let tpl_ann = List.combine tpl expected_tys in
+      map_fold_cont (fun (p,t) -> check_rec p t) tpl_ann (fun pl ->
+        mkp k (Tpat_tuple pl)
+          ~pat_type:(newty (Ttuple(List.map (fun p -> p.pat_type) pl))))
+  | Tpat_construct(cstr_lid, constr, targs, _) ->
+      if constr.cstr_generalized && must_backtrack_on_gadt then
+        raise Need_backtrack;
+      let (ty_args, existential_ctyp) =
+        solve_Ppat_construct
+          ~refine type_pat_state penv loc constr None None expected_ty
+      in
+      map_fold_cont
+        (fun (p,t) -> check_rec p t)
+        (List.combine targs ty_args)
+        (fun args ->
+          mkp k (Tpat_construct(cstr_lid, constr, args, existential_ctyp)))
+  | Tpat_variant(tag, targ, _) ->
+      let constant = (targ = None) in
+      let arg_type, row, pat_type =
+        solve_Ppat_variant ~refine loc penv tag constant expected_ty in
+      let k arg =
+        mkp k ~pat_type (Tpat_variant(tag, arg, ref row))
+      in begin
+        (* PR#6235: propagate type information *)
+        match targ, arg_type with
+          Some p, [ty] -> check_rec p ty (fun p -> k (Some p))
+        | _            -> k None
+      end
+  | Tpat_record(fields, closed) ->
+      let record_ty = generic_instance expected_ty in
+      let type_label_pat (label_lid, label, targ) k =
+        let ty_arg =
+          solve_Ppat_record_field ~refine loc penv label label_lid record_ty in
+        check_rec targ ty_arg (fun arg -> k (label_lid, label, arg))
+      in
+      map_fold_cont type_label_pat fields
+        (fun fields -> mkp k (Tpat_record (fields, closed)))
+  | Tpat_array tpl ->
+      let ty_elt = solve_Ppat_array ~refine loc penv expected_ty in
+      map_fold_cont (fun p -> check_rec p ty_elt) tpl
+        (fun pl -> mkp k (Tpat_array pl))
+  | Tpat_or(tp1, tp2, _) ->
+      (* We are in counter-example mode, but try to avoid backtracking *)
+      let must_split =
+        match info.splitting_mode with
+        | Backtrack_or -> true
+        | Refine_or _ -> false in
+      let state = save_state penv in
+      let split_or tp =
+        let type_alternative pat =
+          set_state state penv; check_rec pat expected_ty k in
+        find_valid_alternative type_alternative tp
+      in
+      if must_split then split_or tp else
+      let check_rec_result penv tp : (_, abort_reason) result =
+        let info = enter_nonsplit_or info in
+        match check_rec ~info tp expected_ty ~penv (fun x -> x) with
+        | res -> Ok res
+        | exception Need_backtrack -> Error Adds_constraints
+        | exception Empty_branch -> Error Empty
+      in
+      let p1 = check_rec_result (Pattern_env.copy penv) tp1 in
+      let p2 = check_rec_result (Pattern_env.copy penv) tp2 in
+      begin match p1, p2 with
+      | Error Empty, Error Empty ->
+          raise Empty_branch
+      | Error Adds_constraints, Error _
+      | Error _, Error Adds_constraints ->
+          let inside_nonsplit_or =
+            match info.splitting_mode with
+            | Backtrack_or -> false
+            | Refine_or {inside_nonsplit_or} -> inside_nonsplit_or in
+          if inside_nonsplit_or
+          then raise Need_backtrack
+          else split_or tp
+      | Ok p, Error _
+      | Error _, Ok p ->
+          k p
+      | Ok p1, Ok p2 ->
+          mkp k (Tpat_or (p1, p2, None))
+      end
+  | Tpat_lazy tp1 ->
+      let nv = solve_Ppat_lazy ~refine loc penv expected_ty in
+      (* do not explode under lazy: PR#7421 *)
+      check_rec ~info:(no_explosion info) tp1 nv
+        (fun p1 -> mkp k (Tpat_lazy p1))
+let check_counter_example_pat ~counter_example_args penv tp expected_ty =
+  (* [check_counter_example_pat] doesn't use [type_pat_state] in an interesting
+     way -- one of the functions it calls writes an entry into
+     [tps_pattern_forces] -- so we can just ignore module patterns. *)
+  let type_pat_state = create_type_pat_state Modules_ignored in
+  wrap_trace_gadt_instances ~force:true !!penv
+    (check_counter_example_pat ~info:counter_example_args ~penv
+       type_pat_state tp expected_ty)
+    (fun x -> x)
+(* this function is passed to Partial.parmatch
+   to type check gadt nonexhaustiveness *)
+let partial_pred ~lev ~splitting_mode ?(explode=0) env expected_ty p =
+  let penv = Pattern_env.make env
+      ~equations_scope:lev ~allow_recursive_equations:true in
+  let state = save_state penv in
+  let counter_example_args =
+      {
+        splitting_mode;
+        explosion_fuel = explode;
+      } in
+  try
+    let typed_p =
+      check_counter_example_pat ~counter_example_args penv p expected_ty
+    in
+    set_state state penv;
+    (* types are invalidated but we don't need them here *)
+    Some typed_p
+  with Error _ | Empty_branch ->
+    set_state state penv;
+    None
+let check_partial
+      ?(lev=get_current_level ()) env expected_ty loc cases
+  =
+  let explode = match cases with [_] -> 5 | _ -> 0 in
+  let splitting_mode = Refine_or {inside_nonsplit_or = false} in
+  Parmatch.check_partial
+    (partial_pred ~lev ~splitting_mode ~explode env expected_ty)
+    loc cases
+let check_unused
+      ?(lev=get_current_level ()) env expected_ty cases
+  =
+  Parmatch.check_unused
+    (fun refute pat ->
+      match
+        partial_pred ~lev ~splitting_mode:Backtrack_or ~explode:5
+          env expected_ty pat
+      with
+        Some pat' when refute ->
+          raise (Error (pat.pat_loc, env, Unrefuted_pattern pat'))
+      | r -> r)
+    cases
+(** Some delayed checks, to be executed after typing the whole
+    compilation unit or toplevel phrase *)
+let delayed_checks = ref []
+let reset_delayed_checks () = delayed_checks := []
+let add_delayed_check f =
+  delayed_checks := (f, Warnings.backup ()) :: !delayed_checks
+let force_delayed_checks () =
+  (* checks may change type levels *)
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  let w_old = Warnings.backup () in
+  List.iter
+    (fun (f, w) -> Warnings.restore w; f ())
+    (List.rev !delayed_checks);
+  Warnings.restore w_old;
+  reset_delayed_checks ();
+  Btype.backtrack snap
+let rec final_subexpression exp =
+  match exp.exp_desc with
+    Texp_let (_, _, e)
+  | Texp_sequence (_, e)
+  | Texp_try (e, _, _)
+  | Texp_ifthenelse (_, e, _)
+  | Texp_match (_, {c_rhs=e} :: _, _, _)
+  | Texp_letmodule (_, _, _, _, e)
+  | Texp_letexception (_, e)
+  | Texp_open (_, e)
+    -> final_subexpression e
+  | _ -> exp
+(* Generalization criterion for expressions *)
+let rec is_nonexpansive exp =
+  match exp.exp_desc with
+  | Texp_ident _
+  | Texp_constant _
+  | Texp_unreachable
+  | Texp_function _
+  | Texp_array [] -> true
+  | Texp_let(_rec_flag, pat_exp_list, body) ->
+      List.for_all (fun vb -> is_nonexpansive vb.vb_expr) pat_exp_list &&
+      is_nonexpansive body
+  | Texp_apply(e, (_,None)::el) ->
+      is_nonexpansive e && List.for_all is_nonexpansive_opt (List.map snd el)
+  | Texp_match(e, cases, _, _) ->
+     (* Not sure this is necessary, if [e] is nonexpansive then we shouldn't
+         care if there are exception patterns. But the previous version enforced
+         that there be none, so... *)
+      let contains_exception_pat pat =
+        exists_general_pattern { f = fun (type k) (p : k general_pattern) ->
+          match p.pat_desc with
+          | Tpat_exception _ -> true
+          | _ -> false } pat
+      in
+      is_nonexpansive e &&
+      List.for_all
+        (fun {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} ->
+           is_nonexpansive_opt c_guard && is_nonexpansive c_rhs
+           && not (contains_exception_pat c_lhs)
+        ) cases
+  | Texp_tuple el ->
+      List.for_all is_nonexpansive el
+  | Texp_construct( _, _, el) ->
+      List.for_all is_nonexpansive el
+  | Texp_variant(_, arg) -> is_nonexpansive_opt arg
+  | Texp_record { fields; extended_expression } ->
+      Array.for_all
+        (fun (lbl, definition) ->
+           match definition with
+           | Overridden (_, exp) ->
+               lbl.lbl_mut = Immutable && is_nonexpansive exp
+           | Kept _ -> true)
+        fields
+      && is_nonexpansive_opt extended_expression
+  | Texp_field(exp, _, _) -> is_nonexpansive exp
+  | Texp_ifthenelse(_cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
+      is_nonexpansive ifso && is_nonexpansive_opt ifnot
+  | Texp_sequence (_e1, e2) -> is_nonexpansive e2  (* PR#4354 *)
+  | Texp_new (_, _, cl_decl) -> Btype.class_type_arity cl_decl.cty_type > 0
+  (* Note: nonexpansive only means no _observable_ side effects *)
+  | Texp_lazy e -> is_nonexpansive e
+  | Texp_object ({cstr_fields=fields; cstr_type = { csig_vars=vars}}, _) ->
+      let count = ref 0 in
+      List.for_all
+        (fun field -> match field.cf_desc with
+            Tcf_method _ -> true
+          | Tcf_val (_, _, _, Tcfk_concrete (_, e), _) ->
+              incr count; is_nonexpansive e
+          | Tcf_val (_, _, _, Tcfk_virtual _, _) ->
+              incr count; true
+          | Tcf_initializer e -> is_nonexpansive e
+          | Tcf_constraint _ -> true
+          | Tcf_inherit _ -> false
+          | Tcf_attribute _ -> true)
+        fields &&
+      Vars.fold (fun _ (mut,_,_) b -> decr count; b && mut = Immutable)
+        vars true &&
+      !count = 0
+  | Texp_letmodule (_, _, _, mexp, e)
+  | Texp_open ({ open_expr = mexp; _}, e) ->
+      is_nonexpansive_mod mexp && is_nonexpansive e
+  | Texp_pack mexp ->
+      is_nonexpansive_mod mexp
+  (* Computations which raise exceptions are nonexpansive, since (raise e) is
+     equivalent to (raise e; diverge), and a nonexpansive "diverge" can be
+     produced using lazy values or the relaxed value restriction.
+     See GPR#1142 *)
+  | Texp_assert (exp, _) ->
+      is_nonexpansive exp
+  | Texp_apply (
+      { exp_desc = Texp_ident (_, _, {val_kind =
+             Val_prim {Primitive.prim_name =
+                         ("%raise" | "%reraise" | "%raise_notrace")}}) },
+      [Nolabel, Some e]) ->
+     is_nonexpansive e
+  | Texp_array (_ :: _)
+  | Texp_apply _
+  | Texp_try _
+  | Texp_setfield _
+  | Texp_while _
+  | Texp_for _
+  | Texp_send _
+  | Texp_instvar _
+  | Texp_setinstvar _
+  | Texp_override _
+  | Texp_letexception _
+  | Texp_letop _
+  | Texp_extension_constructor _ ->
+    false
+and is_nonexpansive_mod mexp =
+  match mexp.mod_desc with
+  | Tmod_ident _
+  | Tmod_functor _ -> true
+  | Tmod_unpack (e, _) -> is_nonexpansive e
+  | Tmod_constraint (m, _, _, _) -> is_nonexpansive_mod m
+  | Tmod_structure str ->
+      List.for_all
+        (fun item -> match item.str_desc with
+          | Tstr_eval _ | Tstr_primitive _ | Tstr_type _
+          | Tstr_modtype _ | Tstr_class_type _  -> true
+          | Tstr_value (_, pat_exp_list) ->
+              List.for_all (fun vb -> is_nonexpansive vb.vb_expr) pat_exp_list
+          | Tstr_module {mb_expr=m;_}
+          | Tstr_open {open_expr=m;_}
+          | Tstr_include {incl_mod=m;_} -> is_nonexpansive_mod m
+          | Tstr_recmodule id_mod_list ->
+              List.for_all (fun {mb_expr=m;_} -> is_nonexpansive_mod m)
+                id_mod_list
+          | Tstr_exception {tyexn_constructor = {ext_kind = Text_decl _}} ->
+              false (* true would be unsound *)
+          | Tstr_exception {tyexn_constructor = {ext_kind = Text_rebind _}} ->
+              true
+          | Tstr_typext te ->
+              List.for_all
+                (function {ext_kind = Text_decl _} -> false
+                        | {ext_kind = Text_rebind _} -> true)
+                te.tyext_constructors
+          | Tstr_class _ -> false (* could be more precise *)
+          | Tstr_attribute _ -> true
+        )
+        str.str_items
+  | Tmod_apply _ | Tmod_apply_unit _ -> false
+and is_nonexpansive_opt = function
+  | None -> true
+  | Some e -> is_nonexpansive e
+let maybe_expansive e = not (is_nonexpansive e)
+let annotate_recursive_bindings env valbinds =
+  let ids = let_bound_idents valbinds in
+  List.map
+    (fun {vb_pat; vb_expr; vb_rec_kind = _; vb_attributes; vb_loc} ->
+       match (Value_rec_check.is_valid_recursive_expression ids vb_expr) with
+       | None ->
+         raise(Error(vb_expr.exp_loc, env, Illegal_letrec_expr))
+       | Some vb_rec_kind ->
+         { vb_pat; vb_expr; vb_rec_kind; vb_attributes; vb_loc})
+    valbinds
+let check_recursive_class_bindings env ids exprs =
+  List.iter
+    (fun expr ->
+       if not (Value_rec_check.is_valid_class_expr ids expr) then
+         raise(Error(expr.cl_loc, env, Illegal_class_expr)))
+    exprs
+let is_prim ~name funct =
+  match funct.exp_desc with
+  | Texp_ident (_, _, {val_kind=Val_prim{Primitive.prim_name; _}}) ->
+      prim_name = name
+  | _ -> false
+(* Approximate the type of an expression, for better recursion *)
+let rec approx_type env sty =
+  match sty.ptyp_desc with
+    Ptyp_arrow (p, _, sty) ->
+      let ty1 = if is_optional p then type_option (newvar ()) else newvar () in
+      newty (Tarrow (p, ty1, approx_type env sty, commu_ok))
+  | Ptyp_tuple args ->
+      newty (Ttuple (List.map (approx_type env) args))
+  | Ptyp_constr (lid, ctl) ->
+      let path, decl = Env.lookup_type ~use:false ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env in
+      if List.length ctl <> decl.type_arity then newvar ()
+      else begin
+        let tyl = List.map (approx_type env) ctl in
+        newconstr path tyl
+      end
+  | Ptyp_poly (_, sty) ->
+      approx_type env sty
+  | _ -> newvar ()
+let type_pattern_approx env spat =
+  match spat.ppat_desc with
+  | Ppat_constraint (_, sty) -> approx_type env sty
+  | _ -> newvar ()
+let type_approx_fun env label default spat ret_ty =
+  let ty = type_pattern_approx env spat in
+  let ty =
+    match label, default with
+    | (Nolabel | Labelled _), _ -> ty
+    | Optional _, None ->
+       unify_pat_types spat.ppat_loc env ty (type_option (newvar ()));
+       ty
+    | Optional _, Some _ ->
+       type_option ty
+  in
+  newty (Tarrow (label, ty, ret_ty, commu_ok))
+let type_approx_constraint env ty constraint_ ~loc =
+  match constraint_ with
+  | Pconstraint constrain ->
+      let ty_constrain = approx_type env constrain in
+      begin try unify env ty ty_constrain with Unify err ->
+        raise (Error (loc, env, Expr_type_clash (err, None, None)))
+      end;
+      ty_constrain
+  | Pcoerce (constrain, coerce) ->
+      let approx_ty_opt = function
+        | None -> newvar ()
+        | Some sty -> approx_type env sty
+      in
+      let ty_constrain = approx_ty_opt constrain
+      and ty_coerce = approx_type env coerce in
+      begin try unify env ty ty_constrain with Unify err ->
+        raise (Error (loc, env, Expr_type_clash (err, None, None)))
+      end;
+      ty_coerce
+let type_approx_constraint_opt env ty constraint_ ~loc =
+  match constraint_ with
+  | None -> ty
+  | Some constraint_ -> type_approx_constraint env ty constraint_ ~loc
+let rec type_approx env sexp =
+  let loc = sexp.pexp_loc in
+  match sexp.pexp_desc with
+    Pexp_let (_, _, e) -> type_approx env e
+  | Pexp_function (params, c, body) ->
+      type_approx_function env params c body ~loc
+  | Pexp_match (_, {pc_rhs=e}::_) -> type_approx env e
+  | Pexp_try (e, _) -> type_approx env e
+  | Pexp_tuple l -> newty (Ttuple(List.map (type_approx env) l))
+  | Pexp_ifthenelse (_,e,_) -> type_approx env e
+  | Pexp_sequence (_,e) -> type_approx env e
+  | Pexp_constraint (e, sty) ->
+      let ty = type_approx env e in
+      type_approx_constraint env ty (Pconstraint sty) ~loc
+  | Pexp_coerce (e, sty1, sty2) ->
+      let ty = type_approx env e in
+      type_approx_constraint env ty (Pcoerce (sty1, sty2)) ~loc
+  | _ -> newvar ()
+and type_approx_function env params c body ~loc =
+  (* We can approximate types up to the first newtype parameter, whereupon
+     we give up.
+  *)
+  match params with
+  | { pparam_desc = Pparam_val (label, default, pat) } :: params ->
+      type_approx_fun env label default pat
+        (type_approx_function env params c body ~loc)
+  | { pparam_desc = Pparam_newtype _ } :: _ ->
+      newvar ()
+  | [] ->
+    let body_ty =
+      match body with
+      | Pfunction_body body ->
+          type_approx env body
+      | Pfunction_cases ({pc_rhs = e} :: _, _, _) ->
+          newty (Tarrow (Nolabel, newvar (), type_approx env e, commu_ok))
+      | Pfunction_cases ([], _, _) ->
+          newvar ()
+    in
+    type_approx_constraint_opt env body_ty c ~loc
+(* List labels in a function type, and whether return type is a variable *)
+let rec list_labels_aux env visited ls ty_fun =
+  let ty = expand_head env ty_fun in
+  if TypeSet.mem ty visited then
+    List.rev ls, false
+  else match get_desc ty with
+    Tarrow (l, _, ty_res, _) ->
+      list_labels_aux env (TypeSet.add ty visited) (l::ls) ty_res
+  | _ ->
+      List.rev ls, is_Tvar ty
+let list_labels env ty =
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  let result =
+    wrap_trace_gadt_instances env (list_labels_aux env TypeSet.empty []) ty
+  in
+  Btype.backtrack snap;
+  result
+(* Check that all univars are safe in a type. Both exp.exp_type and
+   ty_expected should already be generalized. *)
+let check_univars env kind exp ty_expected vars =
+  let pty = instance ty_expected in
+  let exp_ty, vars =
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      match get_desc pty with
+        Tpoly (body, tl) ->
+          (* Enforce scoping for type_let:
+             since body is not generic,  instance_poly only makes
+             copies of nodes that have a Tunivar as descendant *)
+          let _, ty' = instance_poly ~fixed:true tl body in
+          let vars, exp_ty = instance_parameterized_type vars exp.exp_type in
+          unify_exp_types exp.exp_loc env exp_ty ty';
+          (exp_ty, vars)
+      | _ -> assert false
+    end
+  in
+  let ty, complete = polyfy env exp_ty vars in
+  if not complete then
+    let ty_expected = instance ty_expected in
+    raise (Error(exp.exp_loc,
+                 env,
+                 Less_general(kind,
+                              Errortrace.unification_error
+                                ~trace:[Ctype.expanded_diff env
+                                          ~got:ty ~expected:ty_expected])))
+(* [check_statement] implements the [non-unit-statement] check.
+   This check is called in contexts where the value of the expression is known
+   to be discarded (eg. the lhs of a sequence). We check that [exp] has type
+   unit, or has an explicit type annotation; otherwise we raise the
+   [non-unit-statement] warning. *)
+let check_statement exp =
+  let ty = get_desc (expand_head exp.exp_env exp.exp_type) in
+  match ty with
+  | Tconstr (p, _, _)  when Path.same p Predef.path_unit -> ()
+  | Tvar _ -> ()
+  | _ ->
+      let rec loop {exp_loc; exp_desc; exp_extra; _} =
+        match exp_desc with
+        | Texp_let (_, _, e)
+        | Texp_sequence (_, e)
+        | Texp_letexception (_, e)
+        | Texp_letmodule (_, _, _, _, e) ->
+            loop e
+        | _ ->
+            let loc =
+              match List.find_opt (function
+                  | (Texp_constraint _, _, _) -> true
+                  | _ -> false) exp_extra
+              with
+              | Some (_, loc, _) -> loc
+              | None -> exp_loc
+            in
+            Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Non_unit_statement
+      in
+      loop exp
+(* [check_partial_application] implements the [ignored-partial-application]
+   warning (and if [statement] is [true], also [non-unit-statement]).
+   If [exp] has a function type, we check that it is not syntactically the
+   result of a function application, as this is often a bug in certain contexts
+   (eg the rhs of a let-binding or in the argument of [ignore]). For example,
+   [ignore (List.map print_int)] written by mistake instead of [ignore (List.map
+   print_int li)].
+   The check can be disabled by explicitly annotating the expression with a type
+   constraint, eg [(e : _ -> _)].
+   If [statement] is [true] and the [ignored-partial-application] is {em not}
+   triggered, then the [non-unit-statement] check is performed (see
+   [check_statement]).
+   If the type of [exp] is not known at the time this function is called, the
+   check is retried again after typechecking. *)
+let check_partial_application ~statement exp =
+  let check_statement () = if statement then check_statement exp in
+  let doit () =
+    let ty = get_desc (expand_head exp.exp_env exp.exp_type) in
+    match ty with
+    | Tarrow _ ->
+        let rec check {exp_desc; exp_loc; exp_extra; _} =
+          if List.exists (function
+              | (Texp_constraint _, _, _) -> true
+              | _ -> false) exp_extra then check_statement ()
+          else begin
+            match exp_desc with
+            | Texp_ident _ | Texp_constant _ | Texp_tuple _
+            | Texp_construct _ | Texp_variant _ | Texp_record _
+            | Texp_field _ | Texp_setfield _ | Texp_array _
+            | Texp_while _ | Texp_for _ | Texp_instvar _
+            | Texp_setinstvar _ | Texp_override _ | Texp_assert _
+            | Texp_lazy _ | Texp_object _ | Texp_pack _ | Texp_unreachable
+            | Texp_extension_constructor _ | Texp_ifthenelse (_, _, None)
+            | Texp_function _ ->
+                check_statement ()
+            | Texp_match (_, cases, eff_cases, _) ->
+                List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) cases;
+                List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) eff_cases
+            | Texp_try (e, cases, eff_cases) ->
+                check e;
+                List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) cases;
+                List.iter (fun {c_rhs; _} -> check c_rhs) eff_cases
+            | Texp_ifthenelse (_, e1, Some e2) ->
+                check e1; check e2
+            | Texp_let (_, _, e) | Texp_sequence (_, e) | Texp_open (_, e)
+            | Texp_letexception (_, e) | Texp_letmodule (_, _, _, _, e) ->
+                check e
+            | Texp_apply _ | Texp_send _ | Texp_new _ | Texp_letop _ ->
+                Location.prerr_warning exp_loc
+                  Warnings.Ignored_partial_application
+          end
+        in
+        check exp
+    | _ ->
+        check_statement ()
+  in
+  let ty = get_desc (expand_head exp.exp_env exp.exp_type) in
+  match ty with
+  | Tvar _ ->
+      (* The type of [exp] is not known. Delay the check until after
+         typechecking in order to give a chance for the type to become known
+         through unification. *)
+      add_delayed_check doit
+  | _ ->
+      doit ()
+let pattern_needs_partial_application_check p =
+  let rec check : type a. a general_pattern -> bool = fun p ->
+    not (List.exists (function (Tpat_constraint _, _, _) -> true | _ -> false)
+          p.pat_extra) &&
+    match p.pat_desc with
+    | Tpat_any -> true
+    | Tpat_exception _ -> true
+    | Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) -> check p1 && check p2
+    | Tpat_value p -> check (p :> value general_pattern)
+    | _ -> false
+  in
+  check p
+(* Check that a type is generalizable at some level *)
+let generalizable level ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let rec check ty =
+      if try_mark_node mark ty then
+        if get_level ty <= level then raise Exit else iter_type_expr check ty
+    in
+    try check ty; true with Exit -> false
+  end
+(* Hack to allow coercion of self. Will clean-up later. *)
+let self_coercion = ref ([] : (Path.t * Location.t list ref) list)
+(* Helpers for type_cases *)
+let contains_variant_either ty =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let rec loop ty =
+    if try_mark_node mark ty then
+      begin match get_desc ty with
+        Tvariant row ->
+          if not (is_fixed row) then
+            List.iter
+              (fun (_,f) ->
+                match row_field_repr f with Reither _ -> raise Exit | _ -> ())
+              (row_fields row);
+          iter_row loop row
+      | _ ->
+          iter_type_expr loop ty
+      end
+  in
+  try loop ty; false with Exit -> true
+  end
+let shallow_iter_ppat f p =
+  match p.ppat_desc with
+  | Ppat_any | Ppat_var _ | Ppat_constant _ | Ppat_interval _
+  | Ppat_construct (_, None)
+  | Ppat_extension _
+  | Ppat_type _ | Ppat_unpack _ -> ()
+  | Ppat_array pats -> List.iter f pats
+  | Ppat_or (p1,p2)
+  | Ppat_effect(p1, p2) -> f p1; f p2
+  | Ppat_variant (_, arg) -> Option.iter f arg
+  | Ppat_tuple lst ->  List.iter f lst
+  | Ppat_construct (_, Some (_, p))
+  | Ppat_exception p | Ppat_alias (p,_)
+  | Ppat_open (_,p)
+  | Ppat_constraint (p,_) | Ppat_lazy p -> f p
+  | Ppat_record (args, _flag) -> List.iter (fun (_,p) -> f p) args
+let exists_ppat f p =
+  let exception Found in
+  let rec loop p =
+    if f p then raise Found else ();
+    shallow_iter_ppat loop p in
+  match loop p with
+  | exception Found -> true
+  | () -> false
+let contains_polymorphic_variant p =
+  exists_ppat
+    (function
+     | {ppat_desc = (Ppat_variant _ | Ppat_type _)} -> true
+     | _ -> false)
+    p
+let contains_gadt p =
+  exists_general_pattern { f = fun (type k) (p : k general_pattern) ->
+     match p.pat_desc with
+     | Tpat_construct (_, cd, _, _) when cd.cstr_generalized -> true
+     | _ -> false } p
+(* There are various things that we need to do in presence of GADT constructors
+   that aren't required if there are none.
+   However, because of disambiguation, we can't know for sure whether the
+   patterns contain some GADT constructors. So we conservatively assume that
+   any constructor might be a GADT constructor. *)
+let may_contain_gadts p =
+  exists_ppat
+  (function
+   | {ppat_desc = Ppat_construct _} -> true
+   | _ -> false)
+  p
+(* There are various things that we need to do in presence of module patterns
+   that aren't required if there are none. Most notably, we need to ensure the
+   modules are entered at the appropriate scope. The caller should use
+   [may_contain_modules] as an indication to set up the proper scope handling
+   code (via [allow_modules]) to permit module patterns.
+   The class of patterns identified here should stay in sync with the patterns
+   whose typing involves [enter_variable ~is_module:true], as these calls
+   will error if the scope handling isn't set up.
+let may_contain_modules p =
+  exists_ppat
+  (function
+   | {ppat_desc = Ppat_unpack _} -> true
+   | _ -> false)
+  p
+let check_absent_variant env =
+  iter_general_pattern { f = fun (type k) (pat : k general_pattern) ->
+    match pat.pat_desc with
+    | Tpat_variant (s, arg, row) ->
+      let row = !row in
+      if List.exists (fun (s',fi) -> s = s' && row_field_repr fi <> Rabsent)
+          (row_fields row)
+      || not (is_fixed row) && not (static_row row)  (* same as Ctype.poly *)
+      then () else
+      let ty_arg =
+        match arg with None -> [] | Some p -> [duplicate_type p.pat_type] in
+      let fields = [s, rf_either ty_arg ~no_arg:(arg=None) ~matched:true] in
+      let row' =
+        create_row ~fields
+          ~more:(newvar ()) ~closed:false ~fixed:None ~name:None in
+      (* Should fail *)
+      unify_pat env {pat with pat_type = newty (Tvariant row')}
+                     (duplicate_type pat.pat_type)
+    | _ -> () }
+(* Getting proper location of already typed expressions.
+   Used to avoid confusing locations on type error messages in presence of
+   type constraints.
+   For example:
+       (* Before patch *)
+       # let x : string = (5 : int);;
+                           ^
+       (* After patch *)
+       # let x : string = (5 : int);;
+                          ^^^^^^^^^
+let proper_exp_loc exp =
+  let rec aux = function
+    | [] -> exp.exp_loc
+    | ((Texp_constraint _ | Texp_coerce _), loc, _) :: _ -> loc
+    | _ :: rest -> aux rest
+  in
+  aux exp.exp_extra
+(* To find reasonable names for let-bound and lambda-bound idents *)
+let rec name_pattern default = function
+    [] -> Ident.create_local default
+  | p :: rem ->
+    match p.pat_desc with
+      Tpat_var (id, _, _) -> id
+    | Tpat_alias(_, id, _, _) -> id
+    | _ -> name_pattern default rem
+let name_cases default lst =
+  name_pattern default (List.map (fun c -> c.c_lhs) lst)
+(* Typing of expressions *)
+(** [sexp_for_hint] is used by error messages to report literals in their
+    original formatting *)
+let unify_exp ~sexp env exp expected_ty =
+  let loc = proper_exp_loc exp in
+  try
+    unify_exp_types loc env exp.exp_type expected_ty
+  with Error(loc, env, Expr_type_clash(err, tfc, None)) ->
+    raise (Error(loc, env, Expr_type_clash(err, tfc, Some sexp)))
+(* If [is_inferred e] is true, [e] will be typechecked without using
+   the "expected type" provided by the context. *)
+let rec is_inferred sexp =
+  match sexp.pexp_desc with
+  | Pexp_ident _ | Pexp_apply _ | Pexp_field _ | Pexp_constraint _
+  | Pexp_coerce _ | Pexp_send _ | Pexp_new _ -> true
+  | Pexp_sequence (_, e) | Pexp_open (_, e) -> is_inferred e
+  | Pexp_ifthenelse (_, e1, Some e2) -> is_inferred e1 && is_inferred e2
+  | _ -> false
+(* check if the type of %apply or %revapply matches the type expected by
+   the specialized typing rule for those primitives.
+type apply_prim =
+  | Apply
+  | Revapply
+let check_apply_prim_type prim typ =
+  match get_desc typ with
+  | Tarrow (Nolabel,a,b,_) ->
+      begin match get_desc b with
+      | Tarrow(Nolabel,c,d,_) ->
+          let f, x, res =
+            match prim with
+            | Apply -> a, c, d
+            | Revapply -> c, a, d
+          in
+          begin match get_desc f with
+          | Tarrow(Nolabel,fl,fr,_) ->
+              is_Tvar fl && is_Tvar fr && is_Tvar x && is_Tvar res
+              && Types.eq_type fl x && Types.eq_type fr res
+          | _ -> false
+          end
+      | _ -> false
+      end
+  | _ -> false
+(* Merge explanation to type clash error *)
+let with_explanation explanation f =
+  match explanation with
+  | None -> f ()
+  | Some explanation ->
+      try f ()
+      with Error (loc', env', Expr_type_clash(err', None, exp'))
+        when not loc'.Location.loc_ghost ->
+        let err = Expr_type_clash(err', Some explanation, exp') in
+        raise (Error (loc', env', err))
+(* Generalize expressions *)
+let may_lower_contravariant env exp =
+  if maybe_expansive exp then lower_contravariant env exp.exp_type
+(* value binding elaboration *)
+let vb_exp_constraint {pvb_expr=expr; pvb_pat=pat; pvb_constraint=ct; _ } =
+  let open Ast_helper in
+  match ct with
+  | None -> expr
+  | Some (Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars=[]; typ }) ->
+      begin match typ.ptyp_desc with
+      | Ptyp_poly _ -> expr
+      | _ ->
+          let loc = { expr.pexp_loc with Location.loc_ghost = true } in
+          Exp.constraint_ ~loc expr typ
+      end
+  | Some (Pvc_coercion { ground; coercion}) ->
+      let loc = { expr.pexp_loc with Location.loc_ghost = true } in
+      Exp.coerce ~loc expr ground coercion
+  | Some (Pvc_constraint { locally_abstract_univars=vars;typ}) ->
+      let loc_start = pat.ppat_loc.Location.loc_start in
+      let loc = { expr.pexp_loc with loc_start; loc_ghost=true } in
+      let expr = Exp.constraint_ ~loc expr typ in
+      List.fold_right (Exp.newtype ~loc) vars expr
+let vb_pat_constraint ({pvb_pat=pat; pvb_expr = exp; _ } as vb) =
+  vb.pvb_attributes,
+  let open Ast_helper in
+  match vb.pvb_constraint, pat.ppat_desc, exp.pexp_desc with
+  | Some (Pvc_constraint {locally_abstract_univars=[]; typ}
+         | Pvc_coercion { coercion=typ; _ }),
+    _, _ ->
+      Pat.constraint_ ~loc:{pat.ppat_loc with Location.loc_ghost=true} pat typ
+  | Some (Pvc_constraint {locally_abstract_univars=vars; typ }), _, _ ->
+      let varified = Typ.varify_constructors vars typ in
+      let t = Typ.poly ~loc:typ.ptyp_loc vars varified in
+      let loc_end = typ.ptyp_loc.Location.loc_end in
+      let loc =  { pat.ppat_loc with loc_end; loc_ghost=true } in
+      Pat.constraint_ ~loc pat t
+  | None, (Ppat_any | Ppat_constraint _), _ -> pat
+  | None, _, Pexp_coerce (_, _, sty)
+  | None, _, Pexp_constraint (_, sty) when !Clflags.principal ->
+      (* propagate type annotation to pattern,
+         to allow it to be generalized in -principal mode *)
+      Pat.constraint_ ~loc:{pat.ppat_loc with Location.loc_ghost=true} pat sty
+  | _ -> pat
+(** The body of a constraint or coercion. The "body" may be either an expression
+    or a list of function cases. This type is polymorphic in the data returned
+    out of typing so that typing an expression body can return an expression
+    and typing a function cases body can return the cases.
+type 'ret constraint_arg =
+  { type_without_constraint: Env.t -> 'ret * type_expr;
+    (** [type_without_constraint] types a body (e :> t) where there is no
+        constraint.
+    *)
+    type_with_constraint: Env.t -> type_expr -> 'ret;
+    (** [type_with_constraint] types a body (e : t) or (e : t :> t') in
+        the presence of a constraint.
+    *)
+    is_self: 'ret -> bool;
+    (** Whether the thing being constrained is a [Val_self] ident. *)
+  }
+let rec type_exp ?recarg env sexp =
+  (* We now delegate everything to type_expect *)
+  type_expect ?recarg env sexp (mk_expected (newvar ()))
+(* Typing of an expression with an expected type.
+   This provide better error messages, and allows controlled
+   propagation of return type information.
+   In the principal case, structural nodes of [type_expected_explained] may be
+   at [generic_level] (but its variables no higher than [!current_level]).
+ *)
+and type_expect ?recarg env sexp ty_expected_explained =
+  let previous_saved_types = Cmt_format.get_saved_types () in
+  let exp =
+    Builtin_attributes.warning_scope sexp.pexp_attributes
+      (fun () ->
+         type_expect_ ?recarg env sexp ty_expected_explained
+      )
+  in
+  Cmt_format.set_saved_types
+    (Cmt_format.Partial_expression exp :: previous_saved_types);
+  exp
+and type_expect_
+    ?(recarg=Rejected)
+    env sexp ty_expected_explained =
+  let { ty = ty_expected; explanation } = ty_expected_explained in
+  let loc = sexp.pexp_loc in
+  (* Record the expression type before unifying it with the expected type *)
+  let with_explanation = with_explanation explanation in
+  (* Unify the result with [ty_expected], enforcing the current level *)
+  let rue exp =
+    with_explanation (fun () ->
+      unify_exp ~sexp env (re exp) (instance ty_expected));
+    exp
+  in
+  match sexp.pexp_desc with
+  | Pexp_ident lid ->
+      let path, desc = type_ident env ~recarg lid in
+      let exp_desc =
+        match desc.val_kind with
+        | Val_ivar (_, cl_num) ->
+            let (self_path, _) =
+              Env.find_value_by_name
+                (Longident.Lident ("self-" ^ cl_num)) env
+            in
+            Texp_instvar(self_path, path,
+                         match lid.txt with
+                             Longident.Lident txt -> { txt; loc = lid.loc }
+                           | _ -> assert false)
+        | Val_self (_, _, _, cl_num) ->
+            let (path, _) =
+              Env.find_value_by_name (Longident.Lident ("self-" ^ cl_num)) env
+            in
+            Texp_ident(path, lid, desc)
+        | _ ->
+            Texp_ident(path, lid, desc)
+      in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc; exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = instance desc.val_type;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_constant({pconst_desc = Pconst_string (str, _, _); _} as cst) -> (
+    let cst = constant_or_raise env loc cst in
+    (* Terrible hack for format strings *)
+    let ty_exp = expand_head env (protect_expansion env ty_expected) in
+    let fmt6_path =
+      Path.(Pdot (Pident (Ident.create_persistent "CamlinternalFormatBasics"),
+                  "format6"))
+    in
+    let is_format = match get_desc ty_exp with
+      | Tconstr(path, _, _) when Path.same path fmt6_path ->
+        if !Clflags.principal && get_level ty_exp <> generic_level then
+          Location.prerr_warning loc
+            (not_principal "this coercion to format6");
+        true
+      | _ -> false
+    in
+    if is_format then
+      let format_parsetree =
+        { (type_format loc str env) with pexp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc }  in
+      type_expect env format_parsetree ty_expected_explained
+    else
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_constant cst;
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = instance Predef.type_string;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  )
+  | Pexp_constant cst ->
+      let cst = constant_or_raise env loc cst in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_constant cst;
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = type_constant cst;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_let(Nonrecursive,
+             [{pvb_pat=spat; pvb_attributes=[]; _ } as vb], sbody)
+    when may_contain_gadts spat ->
+      (* TODO: allow non-empty attributes? *)
+      let sval = vb_exp_constraint vb in
+      type_expect env
+        {sexp with
+         pexp_desc = Pexp_match (sval, [Ast_helper.Exp.case spat sbody])}
+        ty_expected_explained
+  | Pexp_let(rec_flag, spat_sexp_list, sbody) ->
+      let existential_context =
+        if rec_flag = Recursive then In_rec
+        else if List.compare_length_with spat_sexp_list 1 > 0 then In_group
+        else With_attributes in
+      let may_contain_modules =
+        List.exists (fun pvb -> may_contain_modules pvb.pvb_pat) spat_sexp_list
+      in
+      let outer_level = get_current_level () in
+      let (pat_exp_list, body, _new_env) =
+        (* If the patterns contain module unpacks, there is a possibility that
+           the types of the let body or bound expressions mention types
+           introduced by those unpacks. The below code checks for scope escape
+           via both of these pathways (body, bound expressions).
+        *)
+        with_local_level_generalize_if may_contain_modules begin fun () ->
+          let allow_modules =
+            if may_contain_modules
+            then
+              let scope = create_scope () in
+              Modules_allowed { scope }
+            else Modules_rejected
+          in
+          let (pat_exp_list, new_env) =
+            type_let existential_context env rec_flag spat_sexp_list
+              allow_modules
+          in
+          let body = type_expect new_env sbody ty_expected_explained in
+          let pat_exp_list = match rec_flag with
+            | Recursive -> annotate_recursive_bindings env pat_exp_list
+            | Nonrecursive -> pat_exp_list
+          in
+          (* The "bound expressions" component of the scope escape check.
+             This kind of scope escape is relevant only for recursive
+             module definitions.
+          *)
+          if rec_flag = Recursive && may_contain_modules then begin
+            List.iter
+              (fun vb ->
+                 (* [type_let] already generalized bound expressions' types
+                    in-place. We first take an instance before checking scope
+                    escape at the outer level to avoid losing generality of
+                    types added to [new_env].
+                 *)
+                let bound_exp = vb.vb_expr in
+                let bound_exp_type = Ctype.instance bound_exp.exp_type in
+                let loc = proper_exp_loc bound_exp in
+                let outer_var = newvar2 outer_level in
+                (* Checking unification within an environment extended with the
+                   module bindings allows us to correctly accept more programs.
+                   This environment allows unification to identify more cases
+                   where a type introduced by the module is equal to a type
+                   introduced at an outer scope. *)
+                unify_exp_types loc new_env bound_exp_type outer_var)
+              pat_exp_list
+          end;
+          (pat_exp_list, body, new_env)
+        end
+        ~before_generalize:(fun (_pat_exp_list, body, new_env) ->
+          (* The "body" component of the scope escape check. *)
+          unify_exp ~sexp new_env body (newvar ()))
+      in
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_exp_list, body);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = body.exp_type;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_function (params, body_constraint, body) ->
+      let in_function = ty_expected_explained, loc in
+      let exp_type, params, body, newtypes, contains_gadt =
+        type_function env params body_constraint body ty_expected ~in_function
+          ~first:true
+      in
+      (* Require that the n-ary function is known to have at least n arrows
+         in the type. This prevents GADT equations introduced by the parameters
+         from hiding arrows from the resulting type.
+         Performance hack: Only do this check when any of [params] contains a
+         GADT, as this is the only opportunity for arrows to be hidden from the
+         resulting type.
+      *)
+      begin match contains_gadt with
+      | No_gadt -> ()
+      | Contains_gadt ->
+          let ty_function =
+            List.fold_right
+              (fun param rest_ty ->
+                newty
+                  (Tarrow (param.fp_arg_label, newvar (), rest_ty, commu_ok)))
+              params
+              (match body with
+              | Tfunction_body _ -> newvar ()
+              | Tfunction_cases _ ->
+                newty (Tarrow (Nolabel, newvar (), newvar (), commu_ok)))
+          in
+          try unify env ty_function exp_type
+          with Unify trace ->
+            let syntactic_arity =
+              List.length params +
+                (match body with
+                  | Tfunction_body _ -> 0
+                  | Tfunction_cases _ -> 1)
+            in
+            let err =
+              Function_arity_type_clash
+                { syntactic_arity;
+                  type_constraint = exp_type;
+                  trace;
+                }
+            in
+            raise (Error (loc, env, err))
+      end;
+      re
+        { exp_desc = Texp_function (params, body);
+          exp_loc = loc;
+          exp_extra =
+            List.map (fun { txt; loc } -> Texp_newtype txt, loc, []) newtypes;
+          exp_type;
+          exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+          exp_env = env;
+        }
+  | Pexp_apply(sfunct, sargs) ->
+      assert (sargs <> []);
+      let outer_level = get_current_level () in
+      let rec lower_args seen ty_fun =
+        let ty = expand_head env ty_fun in
+        if TypeSet.mem ty seen then () else
+          match get_desc ty with
+            Tarrow (_l, ty_arg, ty_fun, _com) ->
+              (try Ctype.unify_var env (newvar2 outer_level) ty_arg
+               with Unify _ -> assert false);
+              lower_args (TypeSet.add ty seen) ty_fun
+          | _ -> ()
+      in
+      (* one more level for warning on non-returning functions *)
+      with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      let type_sfunct sfunct =
+        let funct =
+          with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+            (fun () -> type_exp env sfunct)
+        in
+        let ty = instance funct.exp_type in
+        wrap_trace_gadt_instances env (lower_args TypeSet.empty) ty;
+        funct
+      in
+      let funct, sargs =
+        let funct = type_sfunct sfunct in
+        match funct.exp_desc, sargs with
+        | Texp_ident (_, _,
+                      {val_kind = Val_prim {prim_name="%revapply"}; val_type}),
+          [Nolabel, sarg; Nolabel, actual_sfunct]
+          when is_inferred actual_sfunct
+            && check_apply_prim_type Revapply val_type ->
+            type_sfunct actual_sfunct, [Nolabel, sarg]
+        | Texp_ident (_, _,
+                      {val_kind = Val_prim {prim_name="%apply"}; val_type}),
+          [Nolabel, actual_sfunct; Nolabel, sarg]
+          when check_apply_prim_type Apply val_type ->
+            type_sfunct actual_sfunct, [Nolabel, sarg]
+        | _ ->
+            funct, sargs
+      in
+      let (args, ty_res) = type_application env funct sargs in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_apply(funct, args);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = ty_res;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+      end
+  | Pexp_match(sarg, caselist) ->
+      let arg =
+        with_local_level_generalize (fun () -> type_exp env sarg)
+          ~before_generalize:(may_lower_contravariant env)
+      in
+      let rec split_cases valc effc conts = function
+        | [] -> List.rev valc, List.rev effc, List.rev conts
+        | {pc_lhs = {ppat_desc=Ppat_effect(p1, p2)}} as c :: rest ->
+            split_cases valc
+              (({c with pc_lhs = p1}) :: effc) (p2 :: conts) rest
+        | c :: rest ->
+            split_cases (c :: valc) effc conts rest
+      in
+      let val_caselist, eff_caselist, eff_conts =
+        split_cases [] [] [] caselist
+      in
+      if val_caselist = [] && eff_caselist <> [] then
+        raise (Error (loc, env, No_value_clauses));
+      let val_cases, partial =
+        type_cases Computation env arg.exp_type ty_expected_explained
+          ~check_if_total:true loc val_caselist
+      in
+      let eff_cases =
+        match eff_caselist with
+        | [] -> []
+        | eff_caselist ->
+            type_effect_cases Value env ty_expected_explained loc eff_caselist
+              eff_conts
+      in
+      if
+        List.for_all (fun c -> pattern_needs_partial_application_check c.c_lhs)
+          val_cases
+      then check_partial_application ~statement:false arg;
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_match(arg, val_cases, eff_cases, partial);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = instance ty_expected;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_try(sbody, caselist) ->
+      let body = type_expect env sbody ty_expected_explained in
+      let rec split_cases exnc effc conts = function
+        | [] -> List.rev exnc, List.rev effc, List.rev conts
+        | {pc_lhs = {ppat_desc=Ppat_effect(p1, p2)}} as c :: rest ->
+            split_cases exnc
+              (({c with pc_lhs = p1}) :: effc) (p2 :: conts) rest
+        | c :: rest ->
+            split_cases (c :: exnc) effc conts rest
+      in
+      let exn_caselist, eff_caselist, eff_conts =
+        split_cases [] [] [] caselist
+      in
+      let exn_cases, _ =
+        type_cases Value env Predef.type_exn ty_expected_explained
+          ~check_if_total:false loc exn_caselist
+      in
+      let eff_cases =
+        match eff_caselist with
+        | [] -> []
+        | eff_caselist ->
+            type_effect_cases Value env ty_expected_explained loc eff_caselist
+              eff_conts
+      in
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_try(body, exn_cases, eff_cases);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = body.exp_type;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_tuple sexpl ->
+      assert (List.length sexpl >= 2);
+      let subtypes = List.map (fun _ -> newgenvar ()) sexpl in
+      let to_unify = newgenty (Ttuple subtypes) in
+      with_explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp_types loc env to_unify (generic_instance ty_expected));
+      let expl =
+        List.map2 (fun body ty -> type_expect env body (mk_expected ty))
+          sexpl subtypes
+      in
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_tuple expl;
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        (* Keep sharing *)
+        exp_type = newty (Ttuple (List.map (fun e -> e.exp_type) expl));
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_construct(lid, sarg) ->
+      type_construct env ~sexp lid sarg ty_expected_explained
+  | Pexp_variant(l, sarg) ->
+      (* Keep sharing *)
+      let ty_expected1 = protect_expansion env ty_expected in
+      let ty_expected0 = instance ty_expected in
+      begin try match
+        sarg, get_desc (expand_head env ty_expected1),
+        get_desc (expand_head env ty_expected0)
+      with
+      | Some sarg, Tvariant row, Tvariant row0 ->
+          begin match
+            row_field_repr (get_row_field l row),
+            row_field_repr (get_row_field l row0)
+          with
+            Rpresent (Some ty), Rpresent (Some ty0) ->
+              let arg = type_argument env sarg ty ty0 in
+              re { exp_desc = Texp_variant(l, Some arg);
+                   exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+                   exp_type = ty_expected0;
+                   exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+                   exp_env = env }
+          | _ -> raise Exit
+          end
+      | _ -> raise Exit
+      with Exit ->
+        let arg = Option.map (type_exp env) sarg in
+        let arg_type = Option.map (fun arg -> arg.exp_type) arg in
+        let row =
+          create_row
+            ~fields: [l, rf_present arg_type]
+            ~more:   (newvar ())
+            ~closed: false
+            ~fixed:  None
+            ~name:   None
+        in
+        rue {
+          exp_desc = Texp_variant(l, arg);
+          exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+          exp_type = newty (Tvariant row);
+          exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+          exp_env = env }
+      end
+  | Pexp_record(lid_sexp_list, opt_sexp) ->
+      assert (lid_sexp_list <> []);
+      let opt_exp =
+        match opt_sexp with
+          None -> None
+        | Some sexp ->
+            let exp =
+              with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+                (fun () -> type_exp ~recarg env sexp)
+            in
+            Some exp
+      in
+      let ty_record, expected_type =
+        let expected_opath =
+          match extract_concrete_record env ty_expected with
+          | Record_type (p0, p, _) -> Some (p0, p, is_principal ty_expected)
+          | Maybe_a_record_type -> None
+          | Not_a_record_type ->
+            let error =
+              Wrong_expected_kind(Record, Expression explanation, ty_expected)
+            in
+            raise (Error (loc, env, error))
+        in
+        let opt_exp_opath =
+          match opt_exp with
+          | None -> None
+          | Some exp ->
+            match extract_concrete_record env exp.exp_type with
+            | Record_type (p0, p, _) -> Some (p0, p, is_principal exp.exp_type)
+            | Maybe_a_record_type -> None
+            | Not_a_record_type ->
+              let error = Expr_not_a_record_type exp.exp_type in
+              raise (Error (exp.exp_loc, env, error))
+        in
+        match expected_opath, opt_exp_opath with
+        | None, None -> newvar (), None
+        | Some _, None -> ty_expected, expected_opath
+        | Some(_, _, true), Some _ -> ty_expected, expected_opath
+        | (None | Some (_, _, false)), Some (_, p', _) ->
+            let decl = Env.find_type p' env in
+            let ty =
+              with_local_level_generalize_structure
+                (fun () -> newconstr p' (instance_list decl.type_params))
+            in
+            ty, opt_exp_opath
+      in
+      let closed = (opt_sexp = None) in
+      let lbl_exp_list =
+        wrap_disambiguate "This record expression is expected to have"
+          (mk_expected ty_record)
+          (type_label_a_list loc closed env Env.Construct
+             (type_label_exp true env loc ty_record)
+             expected_type)
+          lid_sexp_list
+      in
+      with_explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp_types loc env (instance ty_record) (instance ty_expected));
+      (* type_label_a_list returns a list of labels sorted by lbl_pos *)
+      (* note: check_duplicates would better be implemented in
+         type_label_a_list directly *)
+      let rec check_duplicates = function
+        | (_, lbl1, _) :: (_, lbl2, _) :: _ when lbl1.lbl_pos = lbl2.lbl_pos ->
+          raise(Error(loc, env, Label_multiply_defined lbl1.lbl_name))
+        | _ :: rem ->
+            check_duplicates rem
+        | [] -> ()
+      in
+      check_duplicates lbl_exp_list;
+      let opt_exp, label_definitions =
+        let (_lid, lbl, _lbl_exp) = List.hd lbl_exp_list in
+        let matching_label lbl =
+          List.find
+            (fun (_, lbl',_) -> lbl'.lbl_pos = lbl.lbl_pos)
+            lbl_exp_list
+        in
+        match opt_exp with
+          None ->
+            let label_definitions =
+              Array.map (fun lbl ->
+                  match matching_label lbl with
+                  | (lid, _lbl, lbl_exp) ->
+                      Overridden (lid, lbl_exp)
+                  | exception Not_found ->
+                      let present_indices =
+                        List.map (fun (_, lbl, _) -> lbl.lbl_pos) lbl_exp_list
+                      in
+                      let label_names = extract_label_names env ty_expected in
+                      let rec missing_labels n = function
+                          [] -> []
+                        | lbl :: rem ->
+                            if List.mem n present_indices
+                            then missing_labels (n + 1) rem
+                            else lbl :: missing_labels (n + 1) rem
+                      in
+                      let missing = missing_labels 0 label_names in
+                      raise(Error(loc, env, Label_missing missing)))
+                lbl.lbl_all
+            in
+            None, label_definitions
+        | Some exp ->
+            let ty_exp = instance exp.exp_type in
+            let unify_kept lbl =
+              let _, ty_arg1, ty_res1 = instance_label ~fixed:false lbl in
+              unify_exp_types exp.exp_loc env ty_exp ty_res1;
+              match matching_label lbl with
+              | lid, _lbl, lbl_exp ->
+                  (* do not connect result types for overridden labels *)
+                  Overridden (lid, lbl_exp)
+              | exception Not_found -> begin
+                  let _, ty_arg2, ty_res2 = instance_label ~fixed:false lbl in
+                  unify_exp_types loc env ty_arg1 ty_arg2;
+                  with_explanation (fun () ->
+                    unify_exp_types loc env (instance ty_expected) ty_res2);
+                  Kept (ty_arg1, lbl.lbl_mut)
+                end
+            in
+            let label_definitions = Array.map unify_kept lbl.lbl_all in
+            Some {exp with exp_type = ty_exp}, label_definitions
+      in
+      let num_fields =
+        match lbl_exp_list with [] -> assert false
+        | (_, lbl,_)::_ -> Array.length lbl.lbl_all in
+      if opt_sexp <> None && List.length lid_sexp_list = num_fields then
+        Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Useless_record_with;
+      let label_descriptions, representation =
+        let (_, { lbl_all; lbl_repres }, _) = List.hd lbl_exp_list in
+        lbl_all, lbl_repres
+      in
+      let fields =
+        Array.map2 (fun descr def -> descr, def)
+          label_descriptions label_definitions
+      in
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_record {
+            fields; representation;
+            extended_expression = opt_exp
+          };
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = instance ty_expected;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_field(srecord, lid) ->
+      let (record, label, _) =
+        type_label_access env srecord Env.Projection lid
+      in
+      let (_, ty_arg, ty_res) = instance_label ~fixed:false label in
+      unify_exp ~sexp env record ty_res;
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_field(record, lid, label);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = ty_arg;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_setfield(srecord, lid, snewval) ->
+      let (record, label, expected_type) =
+        type_label_access env srecord Env.Mutation lid in
+      let ty_record =
+        if expected_type = None then newvar () else record.exp_type in
+      let (label_loc, label, newval) =
+        type_label_exp false env loc ty_record (lid, label, snewval) in
+      unify_exp ~sexp env record ty_record;
+      if label.lbl_mut = Immutable then
+        raise(Error(loc, env, Label_not_mutable lid.txt));
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_setfield(record, label_loc, label, newval);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = instance Predef.type_unit;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_array(sargl) ->
+      let ty = newgenvar() in
+      let to_unify = Predef.type_array ty in
+      with_explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp_types loc env to_unify (generic_instance ty_expected));
+      let argl =
+        List.map (fun sarg -> type_expect env sarg (mk_expected ty)) sargl in
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_array argl;
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = instance ty_expected;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_ifthenelse(scond, sifso, sifnot) ->
+      let cond = type_expect env scond
+          (mk_expected ~explanation:If_conditional Predef.type_bool) in
+      begin match sifnot with
+        None ->
+          let ifso = type_expect env sifso
+              (mk_expected ~explanation:If_no_else_branch Predef.type_unit) in
+          rue {
+            exp_desc = Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, None);
+            exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+            exp_type = ifso.exp_type;
+            exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+            exp_env = env }
+      | Some sifnot ->
+          let ifso = type_expect env sifso ty_expected_explained in
+          let ifnot = type_expect env sifnot ty_expected_explained in
+          (* Keep sharing *)
+          unify_exp ~sexp env ifnot ifso.exp_type;
+          re {
+            exp_desc = Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot);
+            exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+            exp_type = ifso.exp_type;
+            exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+            exp_env = env }
+      end
+  | Pexp_sequence(sexp1, sexp2) ->
+      let exp1 = type_statement ~explanation:Sequence_left_hand_side
+          env sexp1 in
+      let exp2 = type_expect env sexp2 ty_expected_explained in
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_sequence(exp1, exp2);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = exp2.exp_type;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_while(scond, sbody) ->
+      let cond = type_expect env scond
+          (mk_expected ~explanation:While_loop_conditional Predef.type_bool) in
+      let exp_type =
+        match cond.exp_desc with
+        | Texp_construct(_, {cstr_name="true"}, _) -> instance ty_expected
+        | _ -> instance Predef.type_unit
+      in
+      let body = type_statement ~explanation:While_loop_body env sbody in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_while(cond, body);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_for(param, slow, shigh, dir, sbody) ->
+      let low = type_expect env slow
+          (mk_expected ~explanation:For_loop_start_index Predef.type_int) in
+      let high = type_expect env shigh
+          (mk_expected ~explanation:For_loop_stop_index Predef.type_int) in
+      let id, new_env =
+        match param.ppat_desc with
+        | Ppat_any -> Ident.create_local "_for", env
+        | Ppat_var {txt} ->
+            Env.enter_value txt
+              {val_type = instance Predef.type_int;
+               val_attributes = [];
+               val_kind = Val_reg;
+               val_loc = loc;
+               val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+              } env
+              ~check:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_for_index s)
+        | _ ->
+            raise (Error (param.ppat_loc, env, Invalid_for_loop_index))
+      in
+      let body = type_statement ~explanation:For_loop_body new_env sbody in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_for(id, param, low, high, dir, body);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = instance Predef.type_unit;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_constraint (sarg, sty) ->
+      let (ty, exp_extra) = type_constraint env sty in
+      let arg = type_argument env sarg ty (instance ty) in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = arg.exp_desc;
+        exp_loc = arg.exp_loc;
+        exp_type = instance ty;
+        exp_attributes = arg.exp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env;
+        exp_extra = (exp_extra, loc, sexp.pexp_attributes) :: arg.exp_extra;
+      }
+  | Pexp_coerce(sarg, sty, sty') ->
+      let arg, ty', exp_extra =
+        type_coerce (expression_constraint sarg) env loc sty sty'
+          ~loc_arg:sarg.pexp_loc
+      in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = arg.exp_desc;
+        exp_loc = arg.exp_loc;
+        exp_type = ty';
+        exp_attributes = arg.exp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env;
+        exp_extra = (exp_extra, loc, sexp.pexp_attributes) :: arg.exp_extra;
+      }
+  | Pexp_send (e, {txt=met}) ->
+      let (obj,meth,typ) =
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+          (fun () -> type_send env loc explanation e met)
+      in
+      let typ =
+        match get_desc typ with
+        | Tpoly (ty, []) ->
+            instance ty
+        | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
+            if !Clflags.principal && get_level typ <> generic_level then
+              Location.prerr_warning loc
+                (not_principal "this use of a polymorphic method");
+            snd (instance_poly ~fixed:false tl ty)
+        | Tvar _ ->
+            let ty' = newvar () in
+            unify env (instance typ) (newty(Tpoly(ty',[])));
+            (* if not !Clflags.nolabels then
+               Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Unknown_method met); *)
+            ty'
+        | _ ->
+            assert false
+      in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_send(obj, meth);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = typ;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_new cl ->
+      let (cl_path, cl_decl) = Env.lookup_class ~loc:cl.loc cl.txt env in
+      begin match cl_decl.cty_new with
+          None ->
+            raise(Error(loc, env, Virtual_class cl.txt))
+        | Some ty ->
+            rue {
+              exp_desc = Texp_new (cl_path, cl, cl_decl);
+              exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+              exp_type = instance ty;
+              exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+              exp_env = env }
+        end
+  | Pexp_setinstvar (lab, snewval) -> begin
+      let (path, mut, cl_num, ty) =
+        Env.lookup_instance_variable ~loc lab.txt env
+      in
+      match mut with
+      | Mutable ->
+          let newval =
+            type_expect env snewval (mk_expected (instance ty))
+          in
+          let (path_self, _) =
+            Env.find_value_by_name (Longident.Lident ("self-" ^ cl_num)) env
+          in
+          rue {
+            exp_desc = Texp_setinstvar(path_self, path, lab, newval);
+            exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+            exp_type = instance Predef.type_unit;
+            exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+            exp_env = env }
+      | _ ->
+          raise(Error(loc, env, Instance_variable_not_mutable lab.txt))
+    end
+  | Pexp_override lst ->
+      let _ =
+       List.fold_right
+        (fun (lab, _) l ->
+           if List.exists (fun l -> l.txt = lab.txt) l then
+             raise(Error(loc, env,
+                         Value_multiply_overridden lab.txt));
+           lab::l)
+        lst
+        [] in
+      begin match
+        try
+          Env.find_value_by_name (Longident.Lident "selfpat-*") env,
+          Env.find_value_by_name (Longident.Lident "self-*") env
+        with Not_found ->
+          raise(Error(loc, env, Outside_class))
+      with
+        (_, {val_type = self_ty; val_kind = Val_self (sign, _, vars, _)}),
+        (path_self, _) ->
+          let type_override (lab, snewval) =
+            begin try
+              let id = Vars.find lab.txt vars in
+              let ty = Btype.instance_variable_type lab.txt sign in
+              (id, lab, type_expect env snewval (mk_expected (instance ty)))
+            with
+              Not_found ->
+                let vars = Vars.fold (fun var _ li -> var::li) vars [] in
+                raise(Error(loc, env,
+                            Unbound_instance_variable (lab.txt, vars)))
+            end
+          in
+          let modifs = List.map type_override lst in
+          rue {
+            exp_desc = Texp_override(path_self, modifs);
+            exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+            exp_type = self_ty;
+            exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+            exp_env = env }
+      | _ ->
+          assert false
+      end
+  | Pexp_letmodule(name, smodl, sbody) ->
+      let lv = get_current_level () in
+      let (id, pres, modl, _, body) =
+        with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+          let modl, pres, id, new_env =
+            Typetexp.TyVarEnv.with_local_scope begin fun () ->
+              let modl, md_shape = !type_module env smodl in
+              Mtype.lower_nongen lv modl.mod_type;
+              let pres =
+                match modl.mod_type with
+                | Mty_alias _ -> Mp_absent
+                | _ -> Mp_present
+              in
+              let scope = create_scope () in
+              let md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
+              let md_shape = Shape.set_uid_if_none md_shape md_uid in
+              let md =
+                { md_type = modl.mod_type; md_attributes = [];
+                  md_loc = name.loc;
+                  md_uid; }
+              in
+              let (id, new_env) =
+                match name.txt with
+                | None -> None, env
+                | Some name ->
+                    let id, env =
+                      Env.enter_module_declaration
+                        ~scope ~shape:md_shape name pres md env
+                    in
+                    Some id, env
+              in
+              modl, pres, id, new_env
+            end
+          in
+          (* Ideally, we should catch Expr_type_clash errors
+             in type_expect triggered by escaping identifiers
+             from the local module and refine them into
+             Scoping_let_module errors
+           *)
+          let body = type_expect new_env sbody ty_expected_explained in
+          (id, pres, modl, new_env, body)
+        end
+        ~before_generalize: begin fun (_id, _pres, _modl, new_env, body) ->
+          (* Ensure that local definitions do not leak. *)
+          (* required for implicit unpack *)
+          enforce_current_level new_env body.exp_type
+        end
+      in
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_letmodule(id, name, pres, modl, body);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = body.exp_type;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_letexception(cd, sbody) ->
+      let (cd, newenv, _shape) = Typedecl.transl_exception env cd in
+      let body = type_expect newenv sbody ty_expected_explained in
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_letexception(cd, body);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = body.exp_type;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_assert (e) ->
+      let cond = type_expect env e
+          (mk_expected ~explanation:Assert_condition Predef.type_bool) in
+      let exp_type =
+        match cond.exp_desc with
+        | Texp_construct(_, {cstr_name="false"}, _) ->
+            instance ty_expected
+        | _ ->
+            instance Predef.type_unit
+      in
+      let rec innermost_location loc_stack =
+        match loc_stack with
+        | [] -> loc
+        | [l] -> l
+        | _ :: s -> innermost_location s
+      in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_assert (cond, innermost_location sexp.pexp_loc_stack);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env;
+      }
+  | Pexp_lazy e ->
+      let ty = newgenvar () in
+      let to_unify = Predef.type_lazy_t ty in
+      with_explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp_types loc env to_unify (generic_instance ty_expected));
+      let arg = type_expect env e (mk_expected ty) in
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_lazy arg;
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = instance ty_expected;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env;
+      }
+  | Pexp_object s ->
+      let desc, meths = !type_object env loc s in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_object (desc, meths);
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = desc.cstr_type.csig_self;
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env;
+      }
+  | Pexp_poly(sbody, sty) ->
+      let ty, cty =
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+          begin fun () ->
+            match sty with None -> protect_expansion env ty_expected, None
+            | Some sty ->
+                let sty = Ast_helper.Typ.force_poly sty in
+                let cty = Typetexp.transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty in
+                cty.ctyp_type, Some cty
+          end
+      in
+      if sty <> None then
+        with_explanation (fun () ->
+          unify_exp_types loc env (instance ty) (instance ty_expected));
+      let exp =
+        match get_desc (expand_head env ty) with
+          Tpoly (ty', []) ->
+            let exp = type_expect env sbody (mk_expected ty') in
+            { exp with exp_type = instance ty }
+        | Tpoly (ty', tl) ->
+            (* One more level to generalize locally *)
+            let (exp, vars) =
+              with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+                let vars, ty'' =
+                  with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+                    (fun () -> instance_poly ~fixed:true tl ty')
+                in
+                let exp = type_expect env sbody (mk_expected ty'') in
+                (exp, vars)
+              end
+            in
+            check_univars env "method" exp ty_expected vars;
+            { exp with exp_type = instance ty }
+        | Tvar _ ->
+            let exp = type_exp env sbody in
+            let exp = {exp with exp_type = newty (Tpoly (exp.exp_type, []))} in
+            unify_exp ~sexp env exp ty;
+            exp
+        | _ -> assert false
+      in
+      re { exp with exp_extra =
+             (Texp_poly cty, loc, sexp.pexp_attributes) :: exp.exp_extra }
+  | Pexp_newtype(name, sbody) ->
+      let body, ety = type_newtype env name (fun env ->
+        let expr = type_exp env sbody in
+        expr, expr.exp_type)
+      in
+      (* non-expansive if the body is non-expansive, so we don't introduce
+         any new extra node in the typed AST. *)
+      rue { body with exp_loc = loc; exp_type = ety;
+            exp_extra =
+            (Texp_newtype name.txt, loc, sexp.pexp_attributes) :: body.exp_extra
+          }
+  | Pexp_pack m ->
+      let (p, fl) =
+        match get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env (instance ty_expected)) with
+          Tpackage (p, fl) ->
+            if !Clflags.principal &&
+              get_level (Ctype.expand_head env
+                           (protect_expansion env ty_expected))
+                < Btype.generic_level
+            then
+              Location.prerr_warning loc
+                (not_principal "this module packing");
+            (p, fl)
+        | Tvar _ ->
+            raise (Error (loc, env, Cannot_infer_signature))
+        | _ ->
+            raise (Error (loc, env, Not_a_packed_module ty_expected))
+      in
+      let (modl, fl') = !type_package env m p fl in
+      rue {
+        exp_desc = Texp_pack modl;
+        exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+        exp_type = newty (Tpackage (p, fl'));
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env }
+  | Pexp_open (od, e) ->
+      let tv = newvar () in
+      let (od, _, newenv) = !type_open_decl env od in
+      let exp = type_expect newenv e ty_expected_explained in
+      (* Force the return type to be well-formed in the original
+         environment. *)
+      unify_var newenv tv exp.exp_type;
+      re {
+        exp_desc = Texp_open (od, exp);
+        exp_type = exp.exp_type;
+        exp_loc = loc;
+        exp_extra = [];
+        exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+        exp_env = env;
+      }
+  | Pexp_letop{ let_ = slet; ands = sands; body = sbody } ->
+      let rec loop spat_acc ty_acc sands =
+        match sands with
+        | [] -> spat_acc, ty_acc
+        | { pbop_pat = spat; _} :: rest ->
+            let ty = newvar () in
+            let loc = { slet.pbop_op.loc with Location.loc_ghost = true } in
+            let spat_acc = Ast_helper.Pat.tuple ~loc [spat_acc; spat] in
+            let ty_acc = newty (Ttuple [ty_acc; ty]) in
+            loop spat_acc ty_acc rest
+      in
+      let op_path, op_desc, op_type, spat_params, ty_params,
+          ty_func_result, ty_result, ty_andops =
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
+          let let_loc = slet.pbop_op.loc in
+          let op_path, op_desc = type_binding_op_ident env slet.pbop_op in
+          let op_type = instance op_desc.val_type in
+          let spat_params, ty_params = loop slet.pbop_pat (newvar ()) sands in
+          let ty_func_result = newvar () in
+          let ty_func =
+            newty (Tarrow(Nolabel, ty_params, ty_func_result, commu_ok)) in
+          let ty_result = newvar () in
+          let ty_andops = newvar () in
+          let ty_op =
+            newty (Tarrow(Nolabel, ty_andops,
+              newty (Tarrow(Nolabel, ty_func, ty_result, commu_ok)), commu_ok))
+          in
+          begin try
+            unify env op_type ty_op
+          with Unify err ->
+            raise(Error(let_loc, env, Letop_type_clash(slet.pbop_op.txt, err)))
+          end;
+          (op_path, op_desc, op_type, spat_params, ty_params,
+           ty_func_result, ty_result, ty_andops)
+        end
+      in
+      let exp, ands = type_andops env slet.pbop_exp sands ty_andops in
+      let scase = Ast_helper.Exp.case spat_params sbody in
+      let cases, partial =
+        type_cases Value env
+          ty_params (mk_expected ty_func_result)
+          ~check_if_total:true loc [scase]
+      in
+      let body =
+        match cases with
+        | [case] -> case
+        | _ -> assert false
+      in
+      let param = name_cases "param" cases in
+      let let_ =
+        { bop_op_name = slet.pbop_op;
+          bop_op_path = op_path;
+          bop_op_val = op_desc;
+          bop_op_type = op_type;
+          bop_exp = exp;
+          bop_loc = slet.pbop_loc; }
+      in
+      let desc =
+        Texp_letop{let_; ands; param; body; partial}
+      in
+      rue { exp_desc = desc;
+            exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc;
+            exp_extra = [];
+            exp_type = instance ty_result;
+            exp_env = env;
+            exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes; }
+  | Pexp_extension ({ txt = ("ocaml.extension_constructor"
+                             |"extension_constructor"); _ },
+                    payload) ->
+      begin match payload with
+      | PStr [ { pstr_desc =
+                   Pstr_eval ({ pexp_desc = Pexp_construct (lid, None); _ }, _)
+               } ] ->
+          let path =
+            let cd =
+              Env.lookup_constructor Env.Positive ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env
+            in
+            match cd.cstr_tag with
+            | Cstr_extension (path, _) -> path
+            | _ -> raise (Error (lid.loc, env, Not_an_extension_constructor))
+          in
+          rue {
+            exp_desc = Texp_extension_constructor (lid, path);
+            exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+            exp_type = instance Predef.type_extension_constructor;
+            exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+            exp_env = env }
+      | _ ->
+          raise (Error (loc, env, Invalid_extension_constructor_payload))
+      end
+  | Pexp_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+  | Pexp_unreachable ->
+      re { exp_desc = Texp_unreachable;
+           exp_loc = loc; exp_extra = [];
+           exp_type = instance ty_expected;
+           exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+           exp_env = env }
+and expression_constraint pexp =
+  { type_without_constraint = (fun env ->
+      let expr = type_exp env pexp in
+      expr, expr.exp_type);
+    type_with_constraint =
+      (fun env ty -> type_argument env pexp ty (instance ty));
+    is_self =
+      (fun expr ->
+         match expr.exp_desc with
+         | Texp_ident (_, _, { val_kind = Val_self _ }) -> true
+         | _ -> false);
+  }
+(** Types a body in the scope of a coercion (with an optional constraint)
+    and returns the inferred type. See the comment on {!constraint_arg} for
+    an explanation of how this typechecking is polymorphic in the body.
+and type_coerce
+  : type a. a constraint_arg -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> loc_arg:_
+         -> a * type_expr * exp_extra =
+  fun constraint_arg env loc sty sty' ~loc_arg ->
+  (* Pretend separate = true, 1% slowdown for lablgtk *)
+  (* Also see PR#7199 for a problem with the following:
+      let separate = !Clflags.principal || Env.has_local_constraints env in*)
+  let { is_self; type_with_constraint; type_without_constraint } =
+    constraint_arg
+  in
+  match sty with
+  | None ->
+    let (cty', ty', force) =
+      Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed env sty'
+    in
+    let arg, arg_type, gen =
+      let lv = get_current_level () in
+      with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+          let arg, arg_type = type_without_constraint env in
+          arg, arg_type, generalizable lv arg_type
+        end
+        ~before_generalize:
+         (fun (_, arg_type, _) -> enforce_current_level env arg_type)
+    in
+    begin match !self_coercion, get_desc ty' with
+      | ((path, r) :: _, Tconstr (path', _, _))
+        when is_self arg && Path.same path path' ->
+          (* prerr_endline "self coercion"; *)
+          r := loc :: !r;
+          force ()
+      | _ when closed_type_expr ~env arg_type
+            && closed_type_expr ~env ty' ->
+          if not gen && (* first try a single coercion *)
+            let snap = snapshot () in
+            let ty, _b = enlarge_type env ty' in
+            try
+              force (); Ctype.unify env arg_type ty; true
+            with Unify _ ->
+              backtrack snap; false
+          then ()
+          else begin try
+            let force' = subtype env arg_type ty' in
+            force (); force' ();
+            if not gen && !Clflags.principal then
+              Location.prerr_warning loc
+                (not_principal "this ground coercion");
+          with Subtype err ->
+            (* prerr_endline "coercion failed"; *)
+            raise (Error (loc, env, Not_subtype err))
+          end;
+      | _ ->
+          let ty, b = enlarge_type env ty' in
+          force ();
+          begin try Ctype.unify env arg_type ty with Unify err ->
+            let expanded = full_expand ~may_forget_scope:true env ty' in
+            raise(Error(loc_arg, env,
+                        Coercion_failure ({ ty = ty'; expanded }, err, b)))
+          end
+      end;
+      (arg, ty', Texp_coerce (None, cty'))
+  | Some sty ->
+      let cty, ty, force, cty', ty', force' =
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+          let (cty, ty, force) =
+            Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed env sty
+          and (cty', ty', force') =
+            Typetexp.transl_simple_type_delayed env sty'
+          in
+          (cty, ty, force, cty', ty', force')
+        end
+      in
+      begin try
+        let force'' = subtype env (instance ty) (instance ty') in
+        force (); force' (); force'' ()
+      with Subtype err ->
+        raise (Error (loc, env, Not_subtype err))
+      end;
+      (type_with_constraint env ty,
+       instance ty', Texp_coerce (Some cty, cty'))
+and type_constraint env sty =
+  (* Pretend separate = true, 1% slowdown for lablgtk *)
+  let cty =
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure begin fun () ->
+      Typetexp.transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty
+    end
+  in
+  cty.ctyp_type, Texp_constraint cty
+(** Types a body in the scope of a coercion (:>) or a constraint (:), and
+    unifies the inferred type with the expected type.
+    @param loc the location of the overall constraint
+    @param loc_arg the location of the thing being constrained
+and type_constraint_expect
+  : type a. a constraint_arg -> _ -> _ -> loc_arg:_ -> _ -> _ -> a * _ * _ =
+  fun constraint_arg env loc ~loc_arg constraint_ ty_expected ->
+  let ret, ty, exp_extra =
+    match constraint_ with
+    | Pcoerce (ty_constrain, ty_coerce) ->
+        type_coerce constraint_arg env loc ty_constrain ty_coerce ~loc_arg
+    | Pconstraint ty_constrain ->
+        let ty, exp_extra = type_constraint env ty_constrain in
+        constraint_arg.type_with_constraint env ty, ty, exp_extra
+  in
+  unify_exp_types loc env ty (instance ty_expected);
+  ret, ty, exp_extra
+(** Typecheck the body of a newtype. The "body" of a newtype may be:
+      - an expression
+      - a suffix of function parameters together with a function body
+    That's why this function is polymorphic over the body.
+    @param type_body A function that produces a type for the body given the
+    environment. When typechecking an expression, this is [type_exp].
+    @return The type returned by [type_body] but with the Tconstr
+    nodes for the newtype properly linked.
+and type_newtype
+  : type a. _ -> _ -> (Env.t -> a * type_expr) -> a * type_expr =
+  fun env { txt = name; loc = name_loc } type_body ->
+  let ty =
+    if Typetexp.valid_tyvar_name name then
+      newvar ~name ()
+    else
+      newvar ()
+  in
+  (* Use [with_local_level_generalize] just for scoping *)
+  with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+    (* Create a fake abstract type declaration for [name]. *)
+    let decl = new_local_type ~loc:name_loc Definition in
+    let scope = create_scope () in
+    let (id, new_env) = Env.enter_type ~scope name decl env in
+    let result, exp_type = type_body new_env in
+    (* Replace every instance of this type constructor in the resulting
+       type. *)
+    let seen = Hashtbl.create 8 in
+    let rec replace t =
+      if Hashtbl.mem seen (get_id t) then ()
+      else begin
+        Hashtbl.add seen (get_id t) ();
+        match get_desc t with
+        | Tconstr (Path.Pident id', _, _) when id == id' -> link_type t ty
+        | _ -> Btype.iter_type_expr replace t
+      end
+    in
+    let ety = Subst.type_expr Subst.identity exp_type in
+    replace ety;
+    (result, ety)
+  end
+  ~before_generalize:(fun (_,ety) -> enforce_current_level env ety)
+and type_ident env ?(recarg=Rejected) lid =
+  let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env in
+  let is_recarg =
+    match get_desc desc.val_type with
+    | Tconstr(p, _, _) -> Path.is_constructor_typath p
+    | _ -> false
+  in
+  begin match is_recarg, recarg, get_desc desc.val_type with
+  | _, Allowed, _
+  | true, Required, _
+  | false, Rejected, _ -> ()
+  | true, Rejected, _
+  | false, Required, (Tvar _ | Tconstr _) ->
+      raise (Error (lid.loc, env, Inlined_record_escape))
+  | false, Required, _  -> () (* will fail later *)
+  end;
+  path, desc
+and type_binding_op_ident env s =
+  let loc = s.loc in
+  let lid = Location.mkloc (Longident.Lident s.txt) loc in
+  let path, desc = type_ident env lid in
+  let path =
+    match desc.val_kind with
+    | Val_ivar _ ->
+        fatal_error "Illegal name for instance variable"
+    | Val_self (_, _, _, cl_num) ->
+        let path, _ =
+          Env.find_value_by_name (Longident.Lident ("self-" ^ cl_num)) env
+        in
+        path
+    | _ -> path
+  in
+  path, desc
+(** Returns the argument type and then the return type.
+    @param first Whether the parameter corresponding to the argument of
+      [ty_expected] is the first parameter to the (n-ary) function. This only
+      affects error messages.
+    @param in_function Information about the [Pexp_function] node that's in the
+      process of being typechecked (its overall type and its location). Again,
+      this is only used to improve error messages.
+and split_function_ty env ty_expected ~arg_label ~first ~in_function =
+  let { ty = ty_fun; explanation }, loc = in_function in
+  let separate = !Clflags.principal || Env.has_local_constraints env in
+  with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate begin fun () ->
+    let ty_arg, ty_res =
+      try filter_arrow env (instance ty_expected) arg_label
+      with Filter_arrow_failed err ->
+        let err = match err with
+        | Unification_error unif_err ->
+            Expr_type_clash (unif_err, explanation, None)
+        | Label_mismatch { got; expected; expected_type } ->
+            Abstract_wrong_label { got; expected; expected_type; explanation }
+        | Not_a_function ->
+            if first
+            then Not_a_function (ty_fun, explanation)
+            else Too_many_arguments (ty_fun, explanation)
+        in
+        raise (Error(loc, env, err))
+    in
+    let ty_arg =
+      if is_optional arg_label then
+        let tv = newvar () in
+        begin
+          try unify env ty_arg (type_option tv)
+          with Unify _ -> assert false
+        end;
+        type_option tv
+      else ty_arg
+    in
+    (ty_arg, ty_res)
+  end
+(* Typecheck parameters one at a time followed by the body. Later parameters
+   are checked in the scope of earlier ones. That's necessary to support
+   constructs like [fun (type a) (x : a) -> ...] and
+   [fun (module M : S) (x : M.t) -> ...].
+   Operates like [type_expect] in that it unifies the "type of the remaining
+   function params + body" with [ty_expected], and returns out the inferred
+   type.
+   See [split_function_ty] for the meaning of [first] and [in_function].
+   Returns (inferred_ty, params, body, newtypes, contains_gadt), where:
+     - [newtypes] are the newtypes immediately bound by the prefix of function
+       parameters. These should be added to an [exp_extra] node.
+     - [contains_gadt] is whether any of [params] contains a GADT. Note
+       this does not indicate whether [body] contains a GADT (if it's
+       [Tfunction_cases]).
+and type_function
+      env params_suffix body_constraint body ty_expected ~first ~in_function
+  =
+  let ty_fun, (loc_function : Location.t) = in_function in
+  (* The "rest of the function" extends from the start of the first parameter
+     to the end of the overall function. The parser does not construct such
+     a location so we forge one for type errors.
+  *)
+  let loc : Location.t =
+    match params_suffix, body with
+    | param :: _, _ ->
+        { loc_start = param.pparam_loc.loc_start;
+          loc_end = loc_function.loc_end;
+          loc_ghost = true;
+        }
+    | [], Pfunction_body pexp -> pexp.pexp_loc
+    | [], Pfunction_cases (_, loc_cases, _) -> loc_cases
+  in
+  match params_suffix with
+  | { pparam_desc = Pparam_newtype newtype; pparam_loc = _ } :: rest ->
+      (* Check everything else in the scope of (type a). *)
+      let (params, body, newtypes, contains_gadt), exp_type =
+        type_newtype env newtype (fun env ->
+          let exp_type, params, body, newtypes, contains_gadt =
+            (* mimic the typing of Pexp_newtype by minting a new type var,
+              like [type_exp].
+            *)
+            type_function env rest body_constraint body (newvar ())
+              ~first:false ~in_function
+          in
+          (params, body, newtypes, contains_gadt), exp_type)
+      in
+      with_explanation ty_fun.explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp_types loc env exp_type (instance ty_expected));
+      exp_type, params, body, newtype :: newtypes, contains_gadt
+  | { pparam_desc = Pparam_val (arg_label, default_arg, pat); pparam_loc }
+      :: rest
+    ->
+      let ty_arg, ty_res =
+        split_function_ty env ty_expected ~arg_label ~first ~in_function
+      in
+      (* [ty_arg_internal] is the type of the parameter viewed internally
+         to the function. This is different than [ty_arg] exactly for
+         optional arguments with defaults, where the external [ty_arg]
+         is optional and the internal view is not optional.
+      *)
+      let ty_arg_internal, default_arg =
+        match default_arg with
+        | None -> ty_arg, None
+        | Some default ->
+            assert (is_optional arg_label);
+            let ty_default = newvar () in
+            begin
+              try unify env (type_option ty_default) ty_arg
+              with Unify _ -> assert false;
+            end;
+            (* Issue#12668: Retain type-directed disambiguation of
+               ?x:(y : Variant.t = Constr)
+            *)
+            let default =
+              match pat.ppat_desc with
+              | Ppat_constraint (_, sty) ->
+                  let gloc = { default.pexp_loc with loc_ghost = true } in
+                  Ast_helper.Exp.constraint_ default sty ~loc:gloc
+              | _ -> default
+            in
+            let default = type_expect env default (mk_expected ty_default) in
+            ty_default, Some default
+      in
+      let (pat, params, body, newtypes, contains_gadt), partial =
+        (* Check everything else in the scope of the parameter. *)
+        map_half_typed_cases Value env ty_arg_internal ty_res pat.ppat_loc
+          ~check_if_total:true
+          (* We don't make use of [case_data] here so we pass unit. *)
+          [ { pattern = pat; has_guard = false; needs_refute = false }, () ]
+          ~type_body:begin
+            fun () pat ~when_env:_ ~ext_env ~cont:_ ~ty_expected ~ty_infer:_
+              ~contains_gadt:param_contains_gadt ->
+              let _, params, body, newtypes, suffix_contains_gadt =
+                type_function ext_env rest body_constraint body
+                  ty_expected ~first:false ~in_function
+              in
+              let contains_gadt =
+                if param_contains_gadt then
+                  Contains_gadt
+                else
+                  suffix_contains_gadt
+              in
+              (pat, params, body, newtypes, contains_gadt)
+          end
+        |> function
+          (* The result must be a singleton because we passed a singleton
+             list above. *)
+           | [ result ], partial -> result, partial
+           | ([] | _ :: _ :: _), _ -> assert false
+      in
+      let exp_type =
+        instance (newgenty (Tarrow (arg_label, ty_arg, ty_res, commu_ok)))
+      in
+      (* This is quadratic, as it operates over the entire tail of the
+         type for each new parameter. Now that functions are n-ary, we
+         could possibly run this once.
+      *)
+      with_explanation ty_fun.explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp_types loc env exp_type (instance ty_expected));
+      (* This is quadratic, as it extracts all of the parameters from an arrow
+         type for each parameter that's added. Now that functions are n-ary,
+         there might be an opportunity to improve this.
+      *)
+      let not_nolabel_function ty =
+        let ls, tvar = list_labels env ty in
+        List.for_all (( <> ) Nolabel) ls && not tvar
+      in
+      if is_optional arg_label && not_nolabel_function ty_res
+      then
+        Location.prerr_warning
+          pat.pat_loc
+          Warnings.Unerasable_optional_argument;
+      let fp_kind, fp_param =
+        match default_arg with
+        | None ->
+            let param = name_pattern "param" [ pat ] in
+            Tparam_pat pat, param
+        | Some default_arg ->
+            let param = Ident.create_local "*opt*" in
+            Tparam_optional_default (pat, default_arg), param
+      in
+      let param =
+        { fp_kind;
+          fp_arg_label = arg_label;
+          fp_param;
+          fp_partial = partial;
+          fp_newtypes = newtypes;
+          fp_loc = pparam_loc;
+        }
+      in
+      exp_type, param :: params, body, [], contains_gadt
+  | [] ->
+    let exp_type, body =
+      match body with
+      | Pfunction_body body ->
+          let body =
+            match body_constraint with
+            | None -> type_expect env body (mk_expected ty_expected)
+            | Some constraint_ ->
+                let body_loc = body.pexp_loc in
+                let body, exp_type, exp_extra =
+                  type_constraint_expect (expression_constraint body)
+                    env body_loc ~loc_arg:body_loc constraint_ ty_expected
+                in
+                { body with
+                    exp_extra = (exp_extra, body_loc, []) :: body.exp_extra;
+                    exp_type;
+                }
+          in
+          body.exp_type, Tfunction_body body
+      | Pfunction_cases (cases, _, attributes) ->
+          let type_cases_expect env ty_expected =
+            type_function_cases_expect
+              env ty_expected loc cases attributes ~first ~in_function
+          in
+          let (cases, partial, exp_type), exp_extra =
+            match body_constraint with
+            | None -> type_cases_expect env ty_expected, None
+            | Some constraint_ ->
+              (* The typing of function case coercions/constraints is
+                  analogous to the typing of expression coercions/constraints.
+                  - [type_with_constraint]: If there is a constraint, then call
+                    [type_argument] on the cases, and discard the cases'
+                    inferred type in favor of the constrained type. (Function
+                    cases aren't inferred, so [type_argument] would just call
+                    [type_expect] straight away, so we do the same here.)
+                  - [type_without_constraint]: If there is just a coercion and
+                    no constraint, call [type_exp] on the cases and surface the
+                    cases' inferred type to [type_constraint_expect]. *)
+              let function_cases_constraint_arg =
+                { is_self = (fun _ -> false);
+                  type_with_constraint = (fun env ty ->
+                    let cases, partial, _ = type_cases_expect env ty in
+                    cases, partial);
+                  type_without_constraint = (fun env ->
+                    let cases, partial, ty_fun =
+                      (* The analogy to [type_exp] for expressions. *)
+                      type_cases_expect env (newvar ())
+                    in
+                    (cases, partial), ty_fun);
+                }
+              in
+              let (cases, partial), exp_type, exp_extra =
+                type_constraint_expect function_cases_constraint_arg
+                  env loc constraint_ ty_expected ~loc_arg:loc
+              in
+              (cases, partial, exp_type), Some exp_extra
+          in
+          let param = name_cases "param" cases in
+          let body =
+            Tfunction_cases
+              { cases; partial; param; loc; exp_extra; attributes }
+          in
+          exp_type, body
+     in
+     (* [No_gadt] is fine because this return value is only meant to indicate
+        whether [params] (here, the empty list) contains any GADT, not whether
+        the body is a [Tfunction_cases] whose patterns include a GADT.
+     *)
+    exp_type, [], body, [], No_gadt
+and type_label_access env srecord usage lid =
+  let record =
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+      (fun () -> type_exp ~recarg:Allowed env srecord)
+  in
+  let ty_exp = record.exp_type in
+  let expected_type =
+    match extract_concrete_record env ty_exp with
+    | Record_type(p0, p, _) ->
+        Some(p0, p, is_principal ty_exp)
+    | Maybe_a_record_type -> None
+    | Not_a_record_type ->
+        let error = Expr_not_a_record_type ty_exp in
+        raise (Error (record.exp_loc, env, error))
+  in
+  let labels = Env.lookup_all_labels ~loc:lid.loc usage lid.txt env in
+  let label =
+    wrap_disambiguate "This expression has" (mk_expected ty_exp)
+      (Label.disambiguate usage lid env expected_type) labels in
+  (record, label, expected_type)
+(* Typing format strings for printing or reading.
+   These formats are used by functions in modules Printf, Format, and Scanf.
+   (Handling of * modifiers contributed by Thorsten Ohl.) *)
+and type_format loc str env =
+  let loc = {loc with Location.loc_ghost = true} in
+  try
+    CamlinternalFormatBasics.(CamlinternalFormat.(
+      let mk_exp_loc pexp_desc = {
+        pexp_desc = pexp_desc;
+        pexp_loc = loc;
+        pexp_loc_stack = [];
+        pexp_attributes = [];
+      } and mk_lid_loc lid = {
+        txt = lid;
+        loc = loc;
+      } in
+      let mk_constr name args =
+        let lid = Longident.(Ldot(Lident "CamlinternalFormatBasics", name)) in
+        let arg = match args with
+          | []          -> None
+          | [ e ]       -> Some e
+          | _ :: _ :: _ -> Some (mk_exp_loc (Pexp_tuple args)) in
+        mk_exp_loc (Pexp_construct (mk_lid_loc lid, arg)) in
+      let mk_cst cst =
+        mk_exp_loc (Pexp_constant {pconst_desc = cst; pconst_loc = loc})
+      in
+      let mk_int n = mk_cst (Pconst_integer (Int.to_string n, None))
+      and mk_string str = mk_cst (Pconst_string (str, loc, None))
+      and mk_char chr = mk_cst (Pconst_char chr) in
+      let rec mk_formatting_lit fmting = match fmting with
+        | Close_box ->
+          mk_constr "Close_box" []
+        | Close_tag ->
+          mk_constr "Close_tag" []
+        | Break (org, ns, ni) ->
+          mk_constr "Break" [ mk_string org; mk_int ns; mk_int ni ]
+        | FFlush ->
+          mk_constr "FFlush" []
+        | Force_newline ->
+          mk_constr "Force_newline" []
+        | Flush_newline ->
+          mk_constr "Flush_newline" []
+        | Magic_size (org, sz) ->
+          mk_constr "Magic_size" [ mk_string org; mk_int sz ]
+        | Escaped_at ->
+          mk_constr "Escaped_at" []
+        | Escaped_percent ->
+          mk_constr "Escaped_percent" []
+        | Scan_indic c ->
+          mk_constr "Scan_indic" [ mk_char c ]
+      and mk_formatting_gen : type a b c d e f .
+          (a, b, c, d, e, f) formatting_gen -> Parsetree.expression =
+        fun fmting -> match fmting with
+        | Open_tag (Format (fmt', str')) ->
+          mk_constr "Open_tag" [ mk_format fmt' str' ]
+        | Open_box (Format (fmt', str')) ->
+          mk_constr "Open_box" [ mk_format fmt' str' ]
+      and mk_format : type a b c d e f .
+          (a, b, c, d, e, f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.fmt -> string ->
+          Parsetree.expression = fun fmt str ->
+        mk_constr "Format" [ mk_fmt fmt; mk_string str ]
+      and mk_side side = match side with
+        | Left  -> mk_constr "Left"  []
+        | Right -> mk_constr "Right" []
+        | Zeros -> mk_constr "Zeros" []
+      and mk_iconv iconv = match iconv with
+        | Int_d  -> mk_constr "Int_d"  [] | Int_pd -> mk_constr "Int_pd" []
+        | Int_sd -> mk_constr "Int_sd" [] | Int_i  -> mk_constr "Int_i"  []
+        | Int_pi -> mk_constr "Int_pi" [] | Int_si -> mk_constr "Int_si" []
+        | Int_x  -> mk_constr "Int_x"  [] | Int_Cx -> mk_constr "Int_Cx" []
+        | Int_X  -> mk_constr "Int_X"  [] | Int_CX -> mk_constr "Int_CX" []
+        | Int_o  -> mk_constr "Int_o"  [] | Int_Co -> mk_constr "Int_Co" []
+        | Int_u  -> mk_constr "Int_u"  [] | Int_Cd -> mk_constr "Int_Cd" []
+        | Int_Ci -> mk_constr "Int_Ci" [] | Int_Cu -> mk_constr "Int_Cu" []
+      and mk_fconv fconv =
+        let flag = match fst fconv with
+        | Float_flag_ -> mk_constr "Float_flag_" []
+        | Float_flag_p -> mk_constr "Float_flag_p" []
+        | Float_flag_s -> mk_constr "Float_flag_s" [] in
+        let kind = match snd fconv with
+        | Float_f  -> mk_constr "Float_f"  []
+        | Float_e  -> mk_constr "Float_e"  []
+        | Float_E  -> mk_constr "Float_E"  []
+        | Float_g  -> mk_constr "Float_g"  []
+        | Float_G  -> mk_constr "Float_G"  []
+        | Float_h  -> mk_constr "Float_h"  []
+        | Float_H  -> mk_constr "Float_H"  []
+        | Float_F  -> mk_constr "Float_F"  []
+        | Float_CF -> mk_constr "Float_CF" [] in
+        mk_exp_loc (Pexp_tuple [flag; kind])
+      and mk_counter cnt = match cnt with
+        | Line_counter  -> mk_constr "Line_counter"  []
+        | Char_counter  -> mk_constr "Char_counter"  []
+        | Token_counter -> mk_constr "Token_counter" []
+      and mk_int_opt n_opt = match n_opt with
+        | None ->
+          let lid_loc = mk_lid_loc (Longident.Lident "None") in
+          mk_exp_loc (Pexp_construct (lid_loc, None))
+        | Some n ->
+          let lid_loc = mk_lid_loc (Longident.Lident "Some") in
+          mk_exp_loc (Pexp_construct (lid_loc, Some (mk_int n)))
+      and mk_fmtty : type a b c d e f g h i j k l .
+          (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) fmtty_rel -> Parsetree.expression
+          =
+      fun fmtty -> match fmtty with
+        | Char_ty rest      -> mk_constr "Char_ty"      [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | String_ty rest    -> mk_constr "String_ty"    [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Int_ty rest       -> mk_constr "Int_ty"       [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Int32_ty rest     -> mk_constr "Int32_ty"     [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Nativeint_ty rest -> mk_constr "Nativeint_ty" [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Int64_ty rest     -> mk_constr "Int64_ty"     [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Float_ty rest     -> mk_constr "Float_ty"     [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Bool_ty rest      -> mk_constr "Bool_ty"      [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Alpha_ty rest     -> mk_constr "Alpha_ty"     [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Theta_ty rest     -> mk_constr "Theta_ty"     [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Any_ty rest       -> mk_constr "Any_ty"       [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Reader_ty rest    -> mk_constr "Reader_ty"    [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Ignored_reader_ty rest ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_reader_ty" [ mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Format_arg_ty (sub_fmtty, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Format_arg_ty" [ mk_fmtty sub_fmtty; mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | Format_subst_ty (sub_fmtty1, sub_fmtty2, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Format_subst_ty"
+            [ mk_fmtty sub_fmtty1; mk_fmtty sub_fmtty2; mk_fmtty rest ]
+        | End_of_fmtty -> mk_constr "End_of_fmtty" []
+      and mk_ignored : type a b c d e f .
+          (a, b, c, d, e, f) ignored -> Parsetree.expression =
+      fun ign -> match ign with
+        | Ignored_char ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_char" []
+        | Ignored_caml_char ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_caml_char" []
+        | Ignored_string pad_opt ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_string" [ mk_int_opt pad_opt ]
+        | Ignored_caml_string pad_opt ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_caml_string" [ mk_int_opt pad_opt ]
+        | Ignored_int (iconv, pad_opt) ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_int" [ mk_iconv iconv; mk_int_opt pad_opt ]
+        | Ignored_int32 (iconv, pad_opt) ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_int32" [ mk_iconv iconv; mk_int_opt pad_opt ]
+        | Ignored_nativeint (iconv, pad_opt) ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_nativeint" [ mk_iconv iconv; mk_int_opt pad_opt ]
+        | Ignored_int64 (iconv, pad_opt) ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_int64" [ mk_iconv iconv; mk_int_opt pad_opt ]
+        | Ignored_float (pad_opt, prec_opt) ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_float" [ mk_int_opt pad_opt; mk_int_opt prec_opt ]
+        | Ignored_bool pad_opt ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_bool" [ mk_int_opt pad_opt ]
+        | Ignored_format_arg (pad_opt, fmtty) ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_format_arg" [ mk_int_opt pad_opt; mk_fmtty fmtty ]
+        | Ignored_format_subst (pad_opt, fmtty) ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_format_subst" [
+            mk_int_opt pad_opt; mk_fmtty fmtty ]
+        | Ignored_reader ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_reader" []
+        | Ignored_scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set) ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_scan_char_set" [
+            mk_int_opt width_opt; mk_string char_set ]
+        | Ignored_scan_get_counter counter ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_scan_get_counter" [
+            mk_counter counter
+          ]
+        | Ignored_scan_next_char ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_scan_next_char" []
+      and mk_padding : type x y . (x, y) padding -> Parsetree.expression =
+      fun pad -> match pad with
+        | No_padding         -> mk_constr "No_padding" []
+        | Lit_padding (s, w) -> mk_constr "Lit_padding" [ mk_side s; mk_int w ]
+        | Arg_padding s      -> mk_constr "Arg_padding" [ mk_side s ]
+      and mk_precision : type x y . (x, y) precision -> Parsetree.expression =
+      fun prec -> match prec with
+        | No_precision    -> mk_constr "No_precision" []
+        | Lit_precision w -> mk_constr "Lit_precision" [ mk_int w ]
+        | Arg_precision   -> mk_constr "Arg_precision" []
+      and mk_fmt : type a b c d e f .
+          (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt -> Parsetree.expression =
+      fun fmt -> match fmt with
+        | Char rest ->
+          mk_constr "Char" [ mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Caml_char rest ->
+          mk_constr "Caml_char" [ mk_fmt rest ]
+        | String (pad, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "String" [ mk_padding pad; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Caml_string (pad, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Caml_string" [ mk_padding pad; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Int (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Int" [
+            mk_iconv iconv; mk_padding pad; mk_precision prec; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Int32 (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Int32" [
+            mk_iconv iconv; mk_padding pad; mk_precision prec; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Nativeint (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Nativeint" [
+            mk_iconv iconv; mk_padding pad; mk_precision prec; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Int64 (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Int64" [
+            mk_iconv iconv; mk_padding pad; mk_precision prec; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Float (fconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Float" [
+            mk_fconv fconv; mk_padding pad; mk_precision prec; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Bool (pad, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Bool" [ mk_padding pad; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Flush rest ->
+          mk_constr "Flush" [ mk_fmt rest ]
+        | String_literal (s, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "String_literal" [ mk_string s; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Char_literal (c, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Char_literal" [ mk_char c; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Format_arg (pad_opt, fmtty, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Format_arg" [
+            mk_int_opt pad_opt; mk_fmtty fmtty; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Format_subst (pad_opt, fmtty, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Format_subst" [
+            mk_int_opt pad_opt; mk_fmtty fmtty; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Alpha rest ->
+          mk_constr "Alpha" [ mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Theta rest ->
+          mk_constr "Theta" [ mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Formatting_lit (fmting, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Formatting_lit" [ mk_formatting_lit fmting; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Formatting_gen (fmting, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Formatting_gen" [ mk_formatting_gen fmting; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Reader rest ->
+          mk_constr "Reader" [ mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Scan_char_set" [
+            mk_int_opt width_opt; mk_string char_set; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Scan_get_counter (cnt, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Scan_get_counter" [ mk_counter cnt; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Scan_next_char rest ->
+          mk_constr "Scan_next_char" [ mk_fmt rest ]
+        | Ignored_param (ign, rest) ->
+          mk_constr "Ignored_param" [ mk_ignored ign; mk_fmt rest ]
+        | End_of_format ->
+          mk_constr "End_of_format" []
+        | Custom _ ->
+          (* Custom formatters have no syntax so they will never appear
+             in formats parsed from strings. *)
+          assert false
+      in
+      let legacy_behavior = not !Clflags.strict_formats in
+      let Fmt_EBB fmt = fmt_ebb_of_string ~legacy_behavior str in
+      mk_constr "Format" [ mk_fmt fmt; mk_string str ]
+    ))
+  with Failure msg ->
+    raise (Error (loc, env, Invalid_format msg))
+and type_label_exp create env loc ty_expected
+          (lid, label, sarg) =
+  (* Here also ty_expected may be at generic_level *)
+  let separate = !Clflags.principal || Env.has_local_constraints env in
+  let is_poly = label_is_poly label in
+  let (vars, arg) =
+    (* raise level to check univars *)
+    with_local_level_generalize_if is_poly begin fun () ->
+      let (vars, ty_arg) =
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate begin fun () ->
+          let (vars, ty_arg, ty_res) =
+            with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate
+              (fun () -> instance_label ~fixed:true label)
+          in
+          begin try
+            unify env (instance ty_res) (instance ty_expected)
+          with Unify err ->
+            raise (Error(lid.loc, env, Label_mismatch(lid.txt, err)))
+          end;
+          (* Instantiate so that we can generalize internal nodes *)
+          let ty_arg = instance ty_arg in
+          (vars, ty_arg)
+        end
+      in
+      if label.lbl_private = Private then
+        if create then
+          raise (Error(loc, env, Private_type ty_expected))
+        else
+          raise (Error(lid.loc, env, Private_label(lid.txt, ty_expected)));
+      (vars, type_argument env sarg ty_arg (instance ty_arg))
+    end
+    ~before_generalize:(fun (_,arg) -> may_lower_contravariant env arg)
+  in
+  if is_poly then check_univars env "field value" arg label.lbl_arg vars;
+  (lid, label, {arg with exp_type = instance arg.exp_type})
+and type_argument ?explanation ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
+  (* ty_expected' may be generic *)
+  let no_labels ty =
+    let ls, tvar = list_labels env ty in
+    not tvar && List.for_all ((=) Nolabel) ls
+  in
+  let may_coerce =
+    if not (is_inferred sarg) then None else
+    let work () =
+      let te = expand_head env ty_expected' in
+      match get_desc te with
+        Tarrow(Nolabel,_,ty_res0,_) ->
+          Some (no_labels ty_res0, get_level te)
+      | _ -> None
+    in
+    (* Need to be careful not to expand local constraints here *)
+    if Env.has_local_constraints env then
+      let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+      try_finally ~always:(fun () -> Btype.backtrack snap) work
+    else work ()
+  in
+  match may_coerce with
+    Some (safe_expect, lv) ->
+      (* apply optional arguments when expected type is "" *)
+      (* we must be very careful about not breaking the semantics *)
+      let texp =
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+          (fun () -> type_exp env sarg)
+      in
+      let rec make_args args ty_fun =
+        match get_desc (expand_head env ty_fun) with
+        | Tarrow (l,ty_arg,ty_fun,_) when is_optional l ->
+            let ty = option_none env (instance ty_arg) sarg.pexp_loc in
+            make_args ((l, Some ty) :: args) ty_fun
+        | Tarrow (l,_,ty_res',_) when l = Nolabel || !Clflags.classic ->
+            List.rev args, ty_fun, no_labels ty_res'
+        | Tvar _ ->  List.rev args, ty_fun, false
+        |  _ -> [], texp.exp_type, false
+      in
+      let args, ty_fun', simple_res = make_args [] texp.exp_type
+      and texp = {texp with exp_type = instance texp.exp_type} in
+      if not (simple_res || safe_expect) then begin
+        unify_exp ~sexp:sarg env texp ty_expected;
+        texp
+      end else begin
+      let warn = !Clflags.principal &&
+        (lv <> generic_level || get_level ty_fun' <> generic_level)
+      and ty_fun = instance ty_fun' in
+      let ty_arg, ty_res =
+        match get_desc (expand_head env ty_expected) with
+          Tarrow(Nolabel,ty_arg,ty_res,_) -> ty_arg, ty_res
+        | _ -> assert false
+      in
+      unify_exp ~sexp:sarg env {texp with exp_type = ty_fun} ty_expected;
+      if args = [] then texp else
+      (* eta-expand to avoid side effects *)
+      let var_pair name ty =
+        let id = Ident.create_local name in
+        let desc =
+          { val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_reg;
+            val_attributes = [];
+            val_loc = Location.none;
+            val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+          }
+        in
+        let exp_env = Env.add_value id desc env in
+        {pat_desc =
+          Tpat_var (id, mknoloc name, desc.val_uid);
+         pat_type = ty;
+         pat_extra=[];
+         pat_attributes = [];
+         pat_loc = Location.none; pat_env = env},
+        {exp_type = ty; exp_loc = Location.none; exp_env = exp_env;
+         exp_extra = []; exp_attributes = [];
+         exp_desc =
+         Texp_ident(Path.Pident id, mknoloc (Longident.Lident name), desc)}
+      in
+      let eta_pat, eta_var = var_pair "eta" ty_arg in
+      let func texp =
+        let e =
+          {texp with exp_type = ty_res; exp_desc =
+           Texp_apply
+             (texp,
+              args @ [Nolabel, Some eta_var])}
+        in
+        let cases = [ case eta_pat e ] in
+        let cases_loc = { texp.exp_loc with loc_ghost = true } in
+        let param = name_cases "param" cases in
+        { texp with exp_type = ty_fun; exp_desc =
+          Texp_function ([],
+            Tfunction_cases
+              { cases; partial = Total; param; loc = cases_loc;
+                exp_extra = None; attributes = [];
+              })
+        }
+      in
+      Location.prerr_warning texp.exp_loc
+        (Warnings.Eliminated_optional_arguments
+           (List.map (fun (l, _) -> Asttypes.string_of_label l) args));
+      if warn then Location.prerr_warning texp.exp_loc
+          (Warnings.Non_principal_labels "eliminated optional argument");
+      (* let-expand to have side effects *)
+      let let_pat, let_var = var_pair "arg" texp.exp_type in
+      re { texp with exp_type = ty_fun; exp_desc =
+           Texp_let (Nonrecursive,
+                     [{vb_pat=let_pat; vb_expr=texp; vb_attributes=[];
+                       vb_loc=Location.none; vb_rec_kind = Dynamic;
+                      }],
+                     func let_var) }
+      end
+  | None ->
+      let texp = type_expect ?recarg env sarg
+        (mk_expected ?explanation ty_expected') in
+      unify_exp ~sexp:sarg env texp ty_expected;
+      texp
+and type_application env funct sargs =
+  (* funct.exp_type may be generic *)
+  let result_type omitted ty_fun =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun ty_fun (l,ty,lv) -> newty2 ~level:lv (Tarrow(l,ty,ty_fun,commu_ok)))
+      ty_fun omitted
+  in
+  let has_label l ty_fun =
+    let ls, tvar = list_labels env ty_fun in
+    tvar || List.mem l ls
+  in
+  let eliminated_optional_arguments = ref [] in
+  let omitted_parameters = ref [] in
+  let type_unknown_arg (ty_fun, typed_args) (lbl, sarg) =
+    let (ty_arg, ty_res) =
+      let ty_fun = expand_head env ty_fun in
+      match get_desc ty_fun with
+      | Tvar _ ->
+          let t1 = newvar () and t2 = newvar () in
+          if get_level ty_fun >= get_level t1 &&
+             not (is_prim ~name:"%identity" funct)
+          then
+            Location.prerr_warning sarg.pexp_loc
+              Warnings.Ignored_extra_argument;
+          unify env ty_fun (newty (Tarrow(lbl,t1,t2,commu_var ())));
+          (t1, t2)
+      | Tarrow (l,t1,t2,_) when l = lbl
+        || !Clflags.classic && lbl = Nolabel && not (is_optional l) ->
+          (t1, t2)
+      | td ->
+          let ty_fun = match td with Tarrow _ -> newty td | _ -> ty_fun in
+          let ty_res =
+            result_type (!omitted_parameters @ !eliminated_optional_arguments)
+              ty_fun
+          in
+          match get_desc ty_res with
+          | Tarrow _ ->
+              if !Clflags.classic || not (has_label lbl ty_fun) then
+                raise (Error(sarg.pexp_loc, env,
+                             Apply_wrong_label(lbl, ty_res, false)))
+              else
+                raise (Error(funct.exp_loc, env, Incoherent_label_order))
+          | _ ->
+              let previous_arg_loc =
+                (* [typed_args] is the arguments typed until now, in reverse
+                   order of appearance. Not all arguments have a location
+                   attached (eg. an optional argument that is not passed). *)
+                typed_args
+                |> List.find_map
+                    (function (_, Some (_, loc)) -> loc | _ -> None)
+                |> Option.value ~default:funct.exp_loc
+              in
+              raise(Error(funct.exp_loc, env, Apply_non_function {
+                  funct;
+                  func_ty = expand_head env funct.exp_type;
+                  res_ty = expand_head env ty_res;
+                  previous_arg_loc;
+                  extra_arg_loc = sarg.pexp_loc; }))
+    in
+    let arg () =
+      let arg = type_expect env sarg (mk_expected ty_arg) in
+      if is_optional lbl then
+        unify_exp ~sexp:sarg env arg (type_option(newvar()));
+      arg
+    in
+    (ty_res, (lbl, Some (arg, Some sarg.pexp_loc)) :: typed_args)
+  in
+  let ignore_labels =
+    !Clflags.classic ||
+    begin
+      let ls, tvar = list_labels env funct.exp_type in
+      not tvar &&
+      let labels = List.filter (fun l -> not (is_optional l)) ls in
+      List.length labels = List.length sargs &&
+      List.for_all (fun (l,_) -> l = Nolabel) sargs &&
+      List.exists (fun l -> l <> Nolabel) labels &&
+      (Location.prerr_warning
+         funct.exp_loc
+         (Warnings.Labels_omitted
+            (List.map Asttypes.string_of_label
+                      (List.filter ((<>) Nolabel) labels)));
+       true)
+    end
+  in
+  let warned = ref false in
+  (* [args] remember the location of each argument in sources. *)
+  let rec type_args args ty_fun ty_fun0 sargs =
+    let type_unknown_args () =
+      (* We're not looking at a *known* function type anymore, or there are no
+         arguments left. *)
+      let ty_fun, typed_args =
+        List.fold_left type_unknown_arg (ty_fun0, args) sargs
+      in
+      let args =
+        (* Force typing of arguments.
+           Careful: the order matters here. Using [List.rev_map] would be
+           incorrect. *)
+        List.map
+          (function
+            | l, None -> l, None
+            | l, Some (f, _loc) -> l, Some (f ()))
+          (List.rev typed_args)
+      in
+      let result_ty = instance (result_type !omitted_parameters ty_fun) in
+      args, result_ty
+    in
+    if sargs = [] then type_unknown_args () else
+    let ty_fun' = expand_head env ty_fun in
+    match get_desc ty_fun', get_desc (expand_head env ty_fun0) with
+    | Tarrow (l, ty, ty_fun, com), Tarrow (_, ty0, ty_fun0, _)
+      when is_commu_ok com ->
+        let lv = get_level ty_fun' in
+        let may_warn loc w =
+          if not !warned && !Clflags.principal && lv <> generic_level
+          then begin
+            warned := true;
+            Location.prerr_warning loc w
+          end
+        in
+        let name = label_name l
+        and optional = is_optional l in
+        let use_arg sarg l' =
+          if not optional || is_optional l' then
+            (fun () -> type_argument env sarg ty ty0)
+          else begin
+            may_warn sarg.pexp_loc
+              (not_principal "using an optional argument here");
+            (fun () -> option_some env (type_argument env sarg
+                                          (extract_option_type env ty)
+                                          (extract_option_type env ty0)))
+          end
+        in
+        let eliminate_optional_arg () =
+          may_warn funct.exp_loc
+            (Warnings.Non_principal_labels "eliminated optional argument");
+          eliminated_optional_arguments :=
+            (l,ty,lv) :: !eliminated_optional_arguments;
+          (fun () -> option_none env (instance ty) Location.none)
+        in
+        let remaining_sargs, arg =
+          if ignore_labels then begin
+            (* No reordering is allowed, process arguments in order *)
+            match sargs with
+            | [] -> assert false
+            | (l', sarg) :: remaining_sargs ->
+                if name = label_name l' || (not optional && l' = Nolabel) then
+                  (remaining_sargs, Some (use_arg sarg l', Some sarg.pexp_loc))
+                else if
+                  optional &&
+                  not (List.exists (fun (l, _) -> name = label_name l)
+                         remaining_sargs) &&
+                  List.exists (function (Nolabel, _) -> true | _ -> false)
+                    sargs
+                then
+                  (sargs, Some (eliminate_optional_arg (), Some sarg.pexp_loc))
+                else
+                  raise(Error(sarg.pexp_loc, env,
+                              Apply_wrong_label(l', ty_fun', optional)))
+          end else
+            (* Arguments can be commuted, try to fetch the argument
+               corresponding to the first parameter. *)
+            match extract_label name sargs with
+            | Some (l', sarg, commuted, remaining_sargs) ->
+                if commuted then begin
+                  may_warn sarg.pexp_loc
+                    (not_principal "commuting this argument")
+                end;
+                if not optional && is_optional l' then
+                  Location.prerr_warning sarg.pexp_loc
+                    (Warnings.Nonoptional_label (Asttypes.string_of_label l));
+                remaining_sargs, Some (use_arg sarg l', Some sarg.pexp_loc)
+            | None ->
+                sargs,
+                if optional && List.mem_assoc Nolabel sargs then
+                  Some (eliminate_optional_arg (), None)
+                else begin
+                  (* No argument was given for this parameter, we abstract over
+                     it. *)
+                  may_warn funct.exp_loc
+                    (Warnings.Non_principal_labels "commuted an argument");
+                  omitted_parameters := (l,ty,lv) :: !omitted_parameters;
+                  None
+                end
+        in
+        type_args ((l,arg)::args) ty_fun ty_fun0 remaining_sargs
+    | _ ->
+        type_unknown_args ()
+  in
+  let is_ignore funct =
+    is_prim ~name:"%ignore" funct &&
+    (try ignore (filter_arrow env (instance funct.exp_type) Nolabel); true
+     with Filter_arrow_failed _ -> false)
+  in
+  match sargs with
+  | (* Special case for ignore: avoid discarding warning *)
+    [Nolabel, sarg] when is_ignore funct ->
+      let ty_arg, ty_res =
+        filter_arrow env (instance funct.exp_type) Nolabel in
+      let exp = type_expect env sarg (mk_expected ty_arg) in
+      check_partial_application ~statement:false exp;
+      ([Nolabel, Some exp], ty_res)
+  | _ ->
+      let ty = funct.exp_type in
+      type_args [] ty (instance ty) sargs
+and type_construct env ~sexp lid sarg ty_expected_explained =
+  let { ty = ty_expected; explanation } = ty_expected_explained in
+  let expected_type =
+    match extract_concrete_variant env ty_expected with
+    | Variant_type(p0, p,_) ->
+        Some(p0, p, is_principal ty_expected)
+    | Maybe_a_variant_type -> None
+    | Not_a_variant_type ->
+        let srt = wrong_kind_sort_of_constructor lid.txt in
+        let ctx = Expression explanation in
+        let error = Wrong_expected_kind(srt, ctx, ty_expected) in
+        raise (Error (sexp.pexp_loc, env, error))
+  in
+  let constrs =
+    Env.lookup_all_constructors ~loc:lid.loc Env.Positive lid.txt env
+  in
+  let constr =
+    wrap_disambiguate "This variant expression is expected to have"
+      ty_expected_explained
+      (Constructor.disambiguate Env.Positive lid env expected_type) constrs
+  in
+  let sargs =
+    match sarg with
+      None -> []
+    | Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_tuple sel} when
+        constr.cstr_arity > 1
+        || Builtin_attributes.explicit_arity sexp.pexp_attributes
+      -> sel
+    | Some se -> [se] in
+  if List.length sargs <> constr.cstr_arity then
+    raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, env,
+                Constructor_arity_mismatch
+                  (lid.txt, constr.cstr_arity, List.length sargs)));
+  let separate = !Clflags.principal || Env.has_local_constraints env in
+  let ty_args, ty_res, texp =
+    with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate begin fun () ->
+      let ty_args, ty_res, texp =
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if separate begin fun () ->
+          let (ty_args, ty_res, _) =
+            instance_constructor Keep_existentials_flexible constr
+          in
+          let texp =
+            re {
+            exp_desc = Texp_construct(lid, constr, []);
+            exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc; exp_extra = [];
+            exp_type = ty_res;
+            exp_attributes = sexp.pexp_attributes;
+            exp_env = env } in
+          (ty_args, ty_res, texp)
+        end
+      in
+      with_explanation explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp ~sexp env {texp with exp_type = instance ty_res}
+          (instance ty_expected));
+      (ty_args, ty_res, texp)
+    end
+  in
+  let ty_args0, ty_res =
+    match instance_list (ty_res :: ty_args) with
+      t :: tl -> tl, t
+    | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  let texp = {texp with exp_type = ty_res} in
+  if not separate then unify_exp ~sexp env texp (instance ty_expected);
+  let recarg =
+    match constr.cstr_inlined with
+    | None -> Rejected
+    | Some _ ->
+      begin match sargs with
+      | [{pexp_desc =
+            Pexp_ident _ |
+            Pexp_record (_, (Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident _}| None))}] ->
+        Required
+      | _ ->
+        raise (Error(sexp.pexp_loc, env, Inlined_record_expected))
+      end
+  in
+  let args =
+    List.map2 (fun e (t,t0) -> type_argument ~recarg env e t t0) sargs
+      (List.combine ty_args ty_args0) in
+  if constr.cstr_private = Private then
+    begin match constr.cstr_tag with
+    | Cstr_extension _ ->
+        raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, env, Private_constructor (constr, ty_res)))
+    | Cstr_constant _ | Cstr_block _ | Cstr_unboxed ->
+        raise (Error(sexp.pexp_loc, env, Private_type ty_res));
+    end;
+  (* NOTE: shouldn't we call "re" on this final expression? -- AF *)
+  { texp with
+    exp_desc = Texp_construct(lid, constr, args) }
+(* Typing of statements (expressions whose values are discarded) *)
+and type_statement ?explanation env sexp =
+  (* OCaml 5.2.0 changed the type of 'while' to give 'while true do e done'
+     a polymorphic type.  The change has the potential to trigger a
+     nonreturning-statement warning in existing code that follows
+     'while true' with some other statement, e.g.
+         while true do e done; assert false
+    To avoid this issue, we disable the warning in this particular case.
+    We might consider re-enabling it at a point when most users have
+    migrated to OCaml 5.2.0 or later. *)
+  let allow_polymorphic e = match e.exp_desc with
+    | Texp_while _ -> true
+    | _ -> false
+  in
+  (* Raise the current level to detect non-returning functions *)
+  with_local_level_generalize (fun () -> type_exp env sexp)
+  ~before_generalize: begin fun exp ->
+    let subexp = final_subexpression exp in
+    let ty = expand_head env exp.exp_type in
+    if is_Tvar ty
+    && get_level ty > get_current_level ()
+    && not (allow_polymorphic subexp) then
+      Location.prerr_warning
+        subexp.exp_loc
+        Warnings.Nonreturning_statement;
+    if !Clflags.strict_sequence then
+      let expected_ty = instance Predef.type_unit in
+      with_explanation explanation (fun () ->
+        unify_exp ~sexp env exp expected_ty)
+    else begin
+      check_partial_application ~statement:true exp;
+      enforce_current_level env ty
+    end
+  end
+(* Most of the arguments are the same as [type_cases].
+   Takes a callback which is responsible for typing the body of the case.
+   The arguments are documented inline in the type signature.
+   It takes a callback rather than returning the half-typed cases directly
+   because the typing of the body must take place at an increased level.
+   The overall function returns:
+     - The data returned by the callback
+     - Whether the cases' patterns are partial or total
+and map_half_typed_cases
+  : type k ret case_data.
+    ?additional_checks_for_split_cases:((_ * ret) list -> unit) -> ?conts:_
+    -> k pattern_category -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _
+    -> (untyped_case * case_data) list
+    -> type_body:(
+        case_data
+        -> k general_pattern (* the typed pattern *)
+        -> when_env:_ (* environment with module/pattern variables *)
+        -> ext_env:_ (* when_env + continuation var*)
+        -> cont:_
+        -> ty_expected:_ (* type to check body in scope of *)
+        -> ty_infer:_ (* type to infer for body *)
+        -> contains_gadt:_ (* whether the pattern contains a GADT *)
+        -> ret)
+    -> check_if_total:bool (* if false, assume Partial right away *)
+    -> ret list * partial
+  = fun ?additional_checks_for_split_cases ?conts
+    category env ty_arg ty_res loc caselist ~type_body ~check_if_total ->
+  (* ty_arg is _fully_ generalized *)
+  let patterns = List.map (fun ((x : untyped_case), _) -> x.pattern) caselist in
+  let contains_polyvars = List.exists contains_polymorphic_variant patterns in
+  let erase_either = contains_polyvars && contains_variant_either ty_arg in
+  let may_contain_gadts = List.exists may_contain_gadts patterns in
+  let may_contain_modules = List.exists may_contain_modules patterns in
+  let create_inner_level = may_contain_gadts || may_contain_modules in
+  let ty_arg =
+    if (may_contain_gadts || erase_either) && not !Clflags.principal
+    then duplicate_type ty_arg else ty_arg
+  in
+  let rec is_var spat =
+    match spat.ppat_desc with
+      Ppat_any | Ppat_var _ -> true
+    | Ppat_alias (spat, _) -> is_var spat
+    | _ -> false in
+  let needs_exhaust_check =
+    match caselist with
+      [ ({ needs_refute = true }, _) ] -> true
+    | [ ({ pattern }, _) ] when is_var pattern -> false
+    | _ -> true
+  in
+  let outer_level = get_current_level () in
+  with_local_level_iter_if create_inner_level begin fun () ->
+  let lev = get_current_level () in
+  let allow_modules =
+    if may_contain_modules
+    then
+      (* The corresponding check for scope escape is done together with
+         the check for GADT-induced existentials by
+         [with_local_level_iter_if create_inner_level].
+      *)
+      Modules_allowed { scope = lev }
+    else Modules_rejected
+  in
+  let take_partial_instance =
+    if erase_either
+    then Some false else None
+  in
+  let map_conts f conts caselist = match conts with
+    | None -> List.map (fun c -> f c None) caselist
+    | Some conts -> List.map2 f caselist conts
+  in
+  let half_typed_cases, ty_res, do_copy_types, ty_arg' =
+   (* propagation of the argument *)
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      let pattern_force = ref [] in
+      (*  Format.printf "@[%i %i@ %a@]@." lev (get_current_level())
+          Printtyp.raw_type_expr ty_arg; *)
+      let half_typed_cases =
+        map_conts
+        (fun ({ Parmatch.pattern; _ } as untyped_case, case_data) cont ->
+          let htc =
+            with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
+              let ty_arg =
+                (* propagation of pattern *)
+                with_local_level_generalize_structure
+                  (fun () -> instance ?partial:take_partial_instance ty_arg)
+              in
+              let (pat, ext_env, force, pvs, mvs) =
+                type_pattern ?cont category ~lev env pattern ty_arg
+                  allow_modules
+              in
+              pattern_force := force @ !pattern_force;
+              { typed_pat = pat;
+                pat_type_for_unif = ty_arg;
+                untyped_case;
+                case_data;
+                branch_env = ext_env;
+                pat_vars = pvs;
+                module_vars = mvs;
+                contains_gadt = contains_gadt (as_comp_pattern category pat);
+              }
+            end
+          in
+          (* Ensure that no ambivalent pattern type escapes its branch *)
+          check_scope_escape htc.typed_pat.pat_loc env outer_level
+            htc.pat_type_for_unif;
+          let pat = htc.typed_pat in
+          {htc with typed_pat = { pat with pat_type = instance pat.pat_type }}
+        )
+        conts caselist in
+      let patl =
+        List.map (fun { typed_pat; _ } -> typed_pat) half_typed_cases in
+      let does_contain_gadt =
+        List.exists (fun { contains_gadt; _ } -> contains_gadt) half_typed_cases
+      in
+      let ty_res, do_copy_types =
+        if does_contain_gadt && not !Clflags.principal then
+          duplicate_type ty_res, Env.make_copy_of_types env
+        else ty_res, (fun env -> env)
+      in
+      (* Unify all cases (delayed to keep it order-free) *)
+      let ty_arg' = newvar () in
+      let unify_pats ty =
+        List.iter (fun { typed_pat = pat; pat_type_for_unif = pat_ty; _ } ->
+          unify_pat_types pat.pat_loc env pat_ty ty
+        ) half_typed_cases
+      in
+      unify_pats ty_arg';
+      (* Check for polymorphic variants to close *)
+      if List.exists has_variants patl then begin
+        Parmatch.pressure_variants_in_computation_pattern env
+          (List.map (as_comp_pattern category) patl);
+        List.iter finalize_variants patl
+      end;
+      (* `Contaminating' unifications start here *)
+      List.iter (fun f -> f()) !pattern_force;
+      (* Post-processing and generalization *)
+      if take_partial_instance <> None then unify_pats (instance ty_arg);
+      List.iter (fun { pat_vars; _ } ->
+        iter_pattern_variables_type (enforce_current_level env) pat_vars
+      ) half_typed_cases;
+      (half_typed_cases, ty_res, do_copy_types, ty_arg')
+    end
+  in
+  (* type bodies *)
+  let ty_res' = instance ty_res in
+  (* Why is it needed to keep the level of result raised ?  *)
+  let result = with_local_level_if_principal ~post:ignore begin fun () ->
+    map_conts
+    (fun { typed_pat = pat; branch_env = ext_env;
+           pat_vars = pvs; module_vars = mvs;
+           case_data; contains_gadt; _ } cont
+        ->
+        let ext_env =
+          if contains_gadt then
+            do_copy_types ext_env
+          else
+            ext_env
+        in
+        (* Before handing off the cases to the callback, first set up the the
+           branch environments by adding the variables (and module variables)
+           from the patterns.
+        *)
+        let cont_vars, pvs =
+          List.partition (fun pv -> pv.pv_kind = Continuation_var) pvs in
+        let add_pattern_vars = add_pattern_variables
+            ~check:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var_strict s)
+            ~check_as:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var s)
+        in
+        let when_env = add_pattern_vars ext_env pvs in
+        let when_env = add_module_variables when_env mvs in
+        let ext_env = add_pattern_vars when_env cont_vars in
+        let ty_expected =
+          if contains_gadt && not !Clflags.principal then
+            (* Take a generic copy of [ty_res] again to allow propagation of
+                type information from preceding branches *)
+            duplicate_type ty_res
+          else ty_res in
+        type_body case_data pat ~when_env ~ext_env ~cont ~ty_expected
+          ~ty_infer:ty_res' ~contains_gadt)
+    conts half_typed_cases
+  end in
+  let do_init = may_contain_gadts || needs_exhaust_check in
+  let ty_arg_check =
+    if do_init then
+      (* Hack: use for_saving to copy variables too *)
+      Subst.type_expr (Subst.for_saving Subst.identity) ty_arg'
+    else ty_arg'
+  in
+  (* Split the cases into val and exn cases so we can do the appropriate checks
+     for exhaustivity and unused variables.
+     The caller of this function can define custom checks. For some of these
+     checks, the half-typed case doesn't provide enough info on its own -- for
+     instance, the check for ambiguous bindings in when guards needs to know the
+     case body's expression -- so the code pairs each case with its
+     corresponding element in [result] before handing it off to the caller's
+     custom checks.
+  *)
+  let val_cases_with_result, exn_cases_with_result =
+    match category with
+    | Value ->
+        let val_cases =
+          List.map2
+            (fun htc res ->
+               { htc.untyped_case with pattern = htc.typed_pat }, res)
+            half_typed_cases
+            result
+        in
+        (val_cases : (pattern Parmatch.parmatch_case * ret) list), []
+    | Computation ->
+        split_half_typed_cases env (List.combine half_typed_cases result)
+  in
+  let val_cases = List.map fst val_cases_with_result in
+  let exn_cases = List.map fst exn_cases_with_result in
+  if val_cases = [] && exn_cases <> [] then
+    raise (Error (loc, env, No_value_clauses));
+  let partial =
+    if check_if_total then
+      check_partial ~lev env ty_arg_check loc val_cases
+    else
+      Partial
+  in
+  let unused_check delayed =
+    List.iter (fun { typed_pat; branch_env; _ } ->
+      check_absent_variant branch_env (as_comp_pattern category typed_pat)
+    ) half_typed_cases;
+    with_level_if delayed ~level:lev begin fun () ->
+      check_unused ~lev env ty_arg_check val_cases ;
+      check_unused ~lev env Predef.type_exn exn_cases ;
+    end;
+  in
+  if contains_polyvars then
+    add_delayed_check (fun () -> unused_check true)
+  else
+    (* Check for unused cases, do not delay because of gadts *)
+    unused_check false;
+  begin
+    match additional_checks_for_split_cases with
+    | None -> ()
+    | Some check ->
+        check val_cases_with_result;
+        check exn_cases_with_result;
+  end;
+  (result, partial), [ty_res']
+  end
+  (* Ensure that existential types do not escape *)
+  ~post:(fun ty_res' -> unify_exp_types loc env ty_res' (newvar ()))
+(* Typing of match cases *)
+and type_cases
+    : type k . k pattern_category -> _ -> _ -> _ -> ?conts:_ ->
+               check_if_total:bool -> _ -> Parsetree.case list ->
+               k case list * partial
+  = fun category env
+        ty_arg ty_res_explained ?conts ~check_if_total loc caselist ->
+  let { ty = ty_res; explanation } = ty_res_explained in
+  let caselist =
+    List.map (fun case -> Parmatch.untyped_case case, case) caselist
+  in
+  (* Most of the work is done by [map_half_typed_cases]. All that's left
+     is to typecheck the guards and the cases, and then to check for some
+     warnings that can fire in the presence of guards.
+  *)
+  map_half_typed_cases ?conts category env ty_arg ty_res loc caselist
+    ~check_if_total
+    ~type_body:begin
+      fun { pc_guard; pc_rhs } pat ~when_env ~ext_env ~cont ~ty_expected
+        ~ty_infer ~contains_gadt:_ ->
+        let cont = Option.map (fun (id,_) -> id) cont in
+        let guard =
+          match pc_guard with
+          | None -> None
+          | Some scond ->
+            (* It is crucial that the continuation is not used in the
+               `when' expression as the extent of the continuation is
+               yet to be determined. We make the continuation
+               inaccessible by typing the `when' expression using the
+               environment `ext_env' which does not bind the
+               continuation variable. *)
+            Some
+              (type_expect when_env scond
+                (mk_expected ~explanation:When_guard Predef.type_bool))
+        in
+        let exp =
+          type_expect ext_env pc_rhs (mk_expected ?explanation ty_expected)
+        in
+        {
+          c_lhs = pat;
+          c_cont = cont;
+          c_guard = guard;
+          c_rhs = {exp with exp_type = ty_infer}
+        }
+    end
+    ~additional_checks_for_split_cases:(fun cases ->
+      let cases =
+        List.map
+          (fun (case_with_pat, case) ->
+             { case with c_lhs = case_with_pat.Parmatch.pattern }) cases
+      in
+      Parmatch.check_ambiguous_bindings cases)
+(** A version of [type_expect], but that operates over function cases instead
+    of expressions. The input type is like the [ty_expected] argument to
+    [type_expect], and the returned type is like the [exp_type] of the
+    expression returned by [type_expect].
+    See [split_function_ty] for the meaning of [first] and [in_function].
+and type_function_cases_expect
+      env ty_expected loc cases attrs ~first ~in_function =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope attrs begin fun () ->
+    let ty_arg, ty_res =
+      split_function_ty env ty_expected ~arg_label:Nolabel ~first ~in_function
+    in
+    let cases, partial =
+      type_cases Value env ty_arg (mk_expected ty_res)
+        ~check_if_total:true loc cases
+    in
+    let ty_fun =
+      instance (newgenty (Tarrow (Nolabel, ty_arg, ty_res, commu_ok)))
+    in
+    unify_exp_types loc env ty_fun (instance ty_expected);
+    cases, partial, ty_fun
+  end
+and type_effect_cases
+    : type k . k pattern_category -> _ -> _ -> _ -> Parsetree.case list -> _
+               -> k case list
+  = fun category env ty_res_explained loc caselist conts ->
+      let { ty = ty_res; explanation = _ } = ty_res_explained in
+      let _ = newvar () in
+      (* remember original level *)
+      with_local_level begin fun () ->
+        (* Create a locally type abstract type for effect type. *)
+        let new_env, ty_arg, ty_cont =
+          let decl = Ctype.new_local_type ~loc Definition in
+          let scope = create_scope () in
+          let name = Ctype.get_new_abstract_name env "%eff" in
+          let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope name in
+          let new_env = Env.add_type ~check:false id decl env in
+          let ty_eff = newgenty (Tconstr (Path.Pident id,[],ref Mnil)) in
+          new_env,
+          Predef.type_eff ty_eff,
+          Predef.type_continuation ty_eff ty_res
+        in
+        let conts = List.map (type_continuation_pat env ty_cont) conts in
+        let cases, _ = type_cases category new_env ty_arg
+          ty_res_explained ~conts ~check_if_total:false loc caselist
+        in
+          cases
+        end
+(* Typing of let bindings *)
+and type_let ?check ?check_strict
+    existential_context env rec_flag spat_sexp_list allow_modules =
+  let spatl =  List.map vb_pat_constraint spat_sexp_list in
+  let attrs_list = List.map fst spatl in
+  let is_recursive = (rec_flag = Recursive) in
+  let (pat_list, exp_list, new_env, mvs) =
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      if existential_context = At_toplevel then Typetexp.TyVarEnv.reset ();
+      let (pat_list, new_env, force, pvs, mvs) =
+        with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
+          let nvs = List.map (fun _ -> newvar ()) spatl in
+          let (pat_list, _new_env, _force, _pvs, _mvs as res) =
+            type_pattern_list
+              Value existential_context env spatl nvs allow_modules in
+          (* If recursive, first unify with an approximation of the
+             expression *)
+          if is_recursive then
+            List.iter2
+              (fun pat binding ->
+                let pat =
+                  match get_desc pat.pat_type with
+                  | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
+                      {pat with pat_type =
+                       snd (instance_poly ~keep_names:true ~fixed:false tl ty)}
+                  | _ -> pat
+                in
+                let bound_expr = vb_exp_constraint binding in
+                unify_pat env pat (type_approx env bound_expr))
+              pat_list spat_sexp_list;
+          (* Polymorphic variant processing *)
+          List.iter
+            (fun pat ->
+              if has_variants pat then begin
+                Parmatch.pressure_variants env [pat];
+                finalize_variants pat
+              end)
+            pat_list;
+          res
+        end
+      in
+      (* Note [add_module_variables after checking expressions]
+         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+         Don't call [add_module_variables] here, because its use of
+         [type_module] will fail until after we have type-checked the expression
+         of the let. Example: [let m : (module S) = ... in let (module M) = m in
+         ...] We learn the signature [S] from the type of [m] in the RHS of the
+         second let, and we need that knowledge for [type_module] to succeed. If
+         we type-checked expressions before patterns, then we could call
+         [add_module_variables] here.
+      *)
+      let new_env = add_pattern_variables new_env pvs in
+      let pat_list =
+        List.map
+          (fun pat -> {pat with pat_type = instance pat.pat_type})
+          pat_list
+      in
+      (* Only bind pattern variables after generalizing *)
+      List.iter (fun f -> f()) force;
+      let exp_list =
+        (* See Note [add_module_variables after checking expressions]
+           We can't defer type-checking module variables with recursive
+           definitions, so things like [let rec (module M) = m in ...] always
+           fail, even if the type of [m] is known.
+        *)
+        let exp_env =
+          if is_recursive then add_module_variables new_env mvs else env
+        in
+        type_let_def_wrap_warnings ?check ?check_strict ~is_recursive
+          ~exp_env ~new_env ~spat_sexp_list ~attrs_list ~pat_list ~pvs
+          (fun exp_env ({pvb_attributes; _} as vb) pat ->
+            let sexp = vb_exp_constraint vb in
+            match get_desc pat.pat_type with
+            | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
+                let vars, ty' =
+                  with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+                    (fun () -> instance_poly ~keep_names:true ~fixed:true tl ty)
+                in
+                let exp =
+                  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope pvb_attributes (fun () ->
+                    type_expect exp_env sexp (mk_expected ty'))
+                in
+                exp, Some vars
+            | _ ->
+                let exp =
+                  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope pvb_attributes (fun () ->
+                    type_expect exp_env sexp (mk_expected pat.pat_type))
+                in
+                exp, None)
+      in
+      List.iter2
+        (fun pat (attrs, exp) ->
+          Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ~ppwarning:false attrs
+            (fun () ->
+              let case = Parmatch.typed_case (case pat exp) in
+              ignore(check_partial env pat.pat_type pat.pat_loc
+                       [case] : Typedtree.partial)
+            )
+        )
+        pat_list
+        (List.map2 (fun (attrs, _) (e, _) -> attrs, e) spatl exp_list);
+      (pat_list, exp_list, new_env, mvs)
+    end
+    ~before_generalize: begin fun (pat_list, exp_list, _, _) ->
+      List.iter2 (fun pat (exp, vars) ->
+        if maybe_expansive exp then begin
+          lower_contravariant env pat.pat_type;
+          if vars <> None then lower_contravariant env exp.exp_type
+        end)
+        pat_list exp_list
+    end
+  in
+  List.iter2
+    (fun pat (exp, vars) ->
+      Option.iter (check_univars env "definition" exp pat.pat_type) vars)
+    pat_list exp_list;
+  let l = List.combine pat_list exp_list in
+  let l =
+    List.map2
+      (fun (p, (e, _)) pvb ->
+        (* vb_rec_kind will be computed later for recursive bindings *)
+        {vb_pat=p; vb_expr=e; vb_attributes=pvb.pvb_attributes;
+         vb_loc=pvb.pvb_loc; vb_rec_kind = Dynamic;
+        })
+      l spat_sexp_list
+  in
+  if is_recursive then
+    List.iter
+      (fun {vb_pat=pat} -> match pat.pat_desc with
+           Tpat_var _ -> ()
+         | Tpat_alias ({pat_desc=Tpat_any}, _, _, _) -> ()
+         | _ -> raise(Error(pat.pat_loc, env, Illegal_letrec_pat)))
+      l;
+  List.iter (fun vb ->
+      if pattern_needs_partial_application_check vb.vb_pat then
+        check_partial_application ~statement:false vb.vb_expr
+    ) l;
+  (* See Note [add_module_variables after checking expressions] *)
+  let new_env = add_module_variables new_env mvs in
+  (l, new_env)
+and type_let_def_wrap_warnings
+    ?(check = fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var s)
+    ?(check_strict = fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var_strict s)
+    ~is_recursive ~exp_env ~new_env ~spat_sexp_list ~attrs_list ~pat_list ~pvs
+    type_def =
+  let is_fake_let =
+    match spat_sexp_list with
+    | [{pvb_expr={pexp_desc=Pexp_match(
+           {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident({ txt = Longident.Lident "*opt*"})},_)}}] ->
+        true (* the fake let-declaration introduced by fun ?(x = e) -> ... *)
+    | _ ->
+        false
+  in
+  let check = if is_fake_let then check_strict else check in
+  let warn_about_unused_bindings =
+    List.exists
+      (fun attrs ->
+         Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ~ppwarning:false attrs (fun () ->
+           Warnings.is_active (check "") || Warnings.is_active (check_strict "")
+           || (is_recursive && (Warnings.is_active Warnings.Unused_rec_flag))))
+      attrs_list
+  in
+  let sexp_is_fun { pvb_expr = sexp; _ } =
+    match sexp.pexp_desc with
+    | Pexp_function _ -> true
+    | _ -> false
+  in
+  let exp_env =
+    if not is_recursive && List.for_all sexp_is_fun spat_sexp_list then begin
+      (* Add ghost bindings to help detecting missing "rec" keywords.
+         We only add those if the body of the definition is obviously a
+         function. The rationale is that, in other cases, the hint is probably
+         wrong (and the user is using "advanced features" anyway (lazy,
+         recursive values...)).
+         [pvb_loc] (below) is the location of the first let-binding (in case of
+         a let .. and ..), and is where the missing "rec" hint suggests to add a
+         "rec" keyword. *)
+      match spat_sexp_list with
+      | {pvb_loc; _} :: _ ->
+          maybe_add_pattern_variables_ghost pvb_loc exp_env pvs
+      | _ -> assert false
+    end
+    else exp_env
+  in
+  (* Algorithm to detect unused declarations in recursive bindings:
+     - During type checking of the definitions, we capture the 'value_used'
+       events on the bound identifiers and record them in a slot corresponding
+       to the current definition (!current_slot).
+       In effect, this creates a dependency graph between definitions.
+     - After type checking the definition (!current_slot = None),
+       when one of the bound identifier is effectively used, we trigger
+       again all the events recorded in the corresponding slot.
+       The effect is to traverse the transitive closure of the graph created
+       in the first step.
+     We also keep track of whether *all* variables in a given pattern
+     are unused. If this is the case, for local declarations, the issued
+     warning is 26, not 27.
+   *)
+  let current_slot = ref None in
+  let rec_needed = ref false in
+  let pat_slot_list =
+    List.map2
+      (fun attrs pat ->
+        Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ~ppwarning:false attrs (fun () ->
+          if not warn_about_unused_bindings then pat, None
+          else
+            let some_used = ref false in
+            (* has one of the identifier of this pattern been used? *)
+            let slot = ref [] in
+            List.iter
+              (fun id ->
+                let vd = Env.find_value (Path.Pident id) new_env in
+                (* note: Env.find_value does not trigger the value_used
+                   event *)
+                let name = Ident.name id in
+                let used = ref false in
+                if not (name = "" || name.[0] = '_' || name.[0] = '#') then
+                  add_delayed_check
+                    (fun () ->
+                      if not !used then
+                        Location.prerr_warning vd.Types.val_loc
+                          ((if !some_used then check_strict else check) name)
+                    );
+                Env.set_value_used_callback
+                  vd
+                  (fun () ->
+                    match !current_slot with
+                    | Some slot ->
+                        slot := vd.val_uid :: !slot; rec_needed := true
+                    | None ->
+                        List.iter Env.mark_value_used (get_ref slot);
+                        used := true;
+                        some_used := true
+                  )
+              )
+              (Typedtree.pat_bound_idents pat);
+            pat, Some slot
+           ))
+      attrs_list
+      pat_list
+  in
+  let exp_list =
+    List.map2
+      (fun case (pat, slot) ->
+        if is_recursive then current_slot := slot;
+        type_def exp_env case pat)
+      spat_sexp_list pat_slot_list
+  in
+  current_slot := None;
+  if is_recursive && not !rec_needed then begin
+    let {pvb_pat; pvb_attributes} = List.hd spat_sexp_list in
+    (* See PR#6677 *)
+    Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ~ppwarning:false pvb_attributes
+      (fun () ->
+         Location.prerr_warning pvb_pat.ppat_loc Warnings.Unused_rec_flag
+      )
+  end;
+  exp_list
+and type_andops env sarg sands expected_ty =
+  let rec loop env let_sarg rev_sands expected_ty =
+    match rev_sands with
+    | [] -> type_expect env let_sarg (mk_expected expected_ty), []
+    | { pbop_op = sop; pbop_exp = sexp; pbop_loc = loc; _ } :: rest ->
+        let op_path, op_desc, op_type, ty_arg, ty_rest, ty_result =
+          with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
+            let op_path, op_desc = type_binding_op_ident env sop in
+            let op_type = instance op_desc.val_type in
+            let ty_arg = newvar () in
+            let ty_rest = newvar () in
+            let ty_result = newvar() in
+            let ty_rest_fun =
+              newty (Tarrow(Nolabel, ty_arg, ty_result, commu_ok)) in
+            let ty_op =
+              newty (Tarrow(Nolabel, ty_rest, ty_rest_fun, commu_ok)) in
+            begin try
+              unify env op_type ty_op
+            with Unify err ->
+              raise(Error(sop.loc, env, Andop_type_clash(sop.txt, err)))
+            end;
+            (op_path, op_desc, op_type, ty_arg, ty_rest, ty_result)
+          end
+        in
+        let let_arg, rest = loop env let_sarg rest ty_rest in
+        let exp = type_expect env sexp (mk_expected ty_arg) in
+        begin try
+          unify env (instance ty_result) (instance expected_ty)
+        with Unify err ->
+          raise(Error(loc, env, Bindings_type_clash(err)))
+        end;
+        let andop =
+          { bop_op_name = sop;
+            bop_op_path = op_path;
+            bop_op_val = op_desc;
+            bop_op_type = op_type;
+            bop_exp = exp;
+            bop_loc = loc }
+        in
+        let_arg, andop :: rest
+  in
+  let let_arg, rev_ands = loop env sarg (List.rev sands) expected_ty in
+  let_arg, List.rev rev_ands
+(* Typing of method call *)
+and type_send env loc explanation e met =
+  let obj = type_exp env e in
+  let (meth, typ) =
+    match obj.exp_desc with
+    | Texp_ident(_, _, {val_kind = Val_self(sign, meths, _, _)}) ->
+        let id, typ =
+          match meths with
+          | Self_concrete meths ->
+              let id =
+                match Meths.find met meths with
+                | id -> id
+                | exception Not_found ->
+                    let valid_methods =
+                      Meths.fold (fun lab _ acc -> lab :: acc) meths []
+                    in
+                    raise (Error(e.pexp_loc, env,
+                                 Undefined_self_method (met, valid_methods)))
+              in
+              let typ = Btype.method_type met sign in
+              id, typ
+          | Self_virtual meths_ref -> begin
+              match Meths.find met !meths_ref with
+              | id -> id, Btype.method_type met sign
+              | exception Not_found ->
+                  let id = Ident.create_local met in
+                  let ty = newvar () in
+                  meths_ref := Meths.add met id !meths_ref;
+                  add_method env met Private Virtual ty sign;
+                  Location.prerr_warning loc
+                    (Warnings.Undeclared_virtual_method met);
+                  id, ty
+          end
+        in
+        Tmeth_val id, typ
+    | Texp_ident(_, _, {val_kind = Val_anc (sign, meths, cl_num)}) ->
+        let id =
+          match Meths.find met meths with
+          | id -> id
+          | exception Not_found ->
+              let valid_methods =
+                Meths.fold (fun lab _ acc -> lab :: acc) meths []
+              in
+              raise (Error(e.pexp_loc, env,
+                           Undefined_self_method (met, valid_methods)))
+        in
+        let typ = Btype.method_type met sign in
+        let (self_path, _) =
+          Env.find_value_by_name
+            (Longident.Lident ("self-" ^ cl_num)) env
+        in
+        Tmeth_ancestor(id, self_path), typ
+    | _ ->
+        let ty =
+          match filter_method env met obj.exp_type with
+          | ty -> ty
+          | exception Filter_method_failed err ->
+              let error =
+                match err with
+                | Unification_error err ->
+                    Expr_type_clash(err, explanation, None)
+                | Not_an_object ty ->
+                    Not_an_object(ty, explanation)
+                | Not_a_method ->
+                    let valid_methods =
+                      match get_desc (expand_head env obj.exp_type) with
+                      | Tobject (fields, _) ->
+                          let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields fields in
+                          let collect_fields li (meth, meth_kind, _meth_ty) =
+                            if field_kind_repr meth_kind = Fpublic
+                            then meth::li else li
+                          in
+                          Some (List.fold_left collect_fields [] fields)
+                      | _ -> None
+                    in
+                    Undefined_method(obj.exp_type, met, valid_methods)
+              in
+              raise (Error(e.pexp_loc, env, error))
+        in
+        Tmeth_name met, ty
+  in
+  (obj,meth,typ)
+(* Typing of toplevel bindings *)
+let type_binding env rec_flag spat_sexp_list =
+  let (pat_exp_list, new_env) =
+    type_let
+      ~check:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_value_declaration s)
+      ~check_strict:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_value_declaration s)
+      At_toplevel
+      env rec_flag spat_sexp_list Modules_rejected
+  in
+  (pat_exp_list, new_env)
+let type_let existential_ctx env rec_flag spat_sexp_list =
+  let (pat_exp_list, new_env) =
+    type_let existential_ctx env rec_flag spat_sexp_list Modules_rejected in
+  (pat_exp_list, new_env)
+(* Typing of toplevel expressions *)
+let type_expression env sexp =
+  let exp =
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      Typetexp.TyVarEnv.reset();
+      type_exp env sexp
+    end
+    ~before_generalize:(may_lower_contravariant env)
+  in
+  match sexp.pexp_desc with
+    Pexp_ident lid ->
+      let loc = sexp.pexp_loc in
+      (* Special case for keeping type variables when looking-up a variable *)
+      let (_path, desc) = Env.lookup_value ~use:false ~loc lid.txt env in
+      {exp with exp_type = desc.val_type}
+  | _ -> exp
+(* Error report *)
+let spellcheck ppf unbound_name valid_names =
+  Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () ->
+    Misc.spellcheck valid_names unbound_name
+  )
+let spellcheck_idents ppf unbound valid_idents =
+  spellcheck ppf (Ident.name unbound) (List.map Ident.name valid_idents)
+open Format_doc
+module Fmt = Format_doc
+module Printtyp = Printtyp.Doc
+let quoted_longident = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.longident
+let quoted_constr = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.constr
+(* Returns the first diff of the trace *)
+let type_clash_of_trace trace =
+  Errortrace.(explain trace (fun ~prev:_ -> function
+    | Diff diff -> Some diff
+    | _ -> None
+  ))
+(** More precise denomination for type errors. Used by messages:
+    - [This <denom> ...]
+    - [The <denom> "foo" ...] *)
+let pp_exp_denom ppf pexp =
+  let d = pp_print_string ppf in
+  let d_expression = fprintf ppf "%a expression" Style.inline_code in
+  match pexp.pexp_desc with
+  | Pexp_constant _ -> d "constant"
+  | Pexp_ident _ -> d "value"
+  | Pexp_construct _ | Pexp_variant _ -> d "constructor"
+  | Pexp_field _ -> d "field access"
+  | Pexp_send _ -> d "method call"
+  | Pexp_while _ -> d_expression "while"
+  | Pexp_for _ -> d_expression "for"
+  | Pexp_ifthenelse _ -> d_expression "if-then-else"
+  | Pexp_match _ -> d_expression "match"
+  | Pexp_try _ -> d_expression "try-with"
+  | _ -> d "expression"
+(** Implements the "This expression" message, printing the expression if it
+    should be according to {!Parsetree.Doc.nominal_exp}. *)
+let report_this_pexp_has_type denom ppf exp =
+  let denom ppf =
+    match denom, exp with
+    | Some d, _ -> fprintf ppf "%s" d
+    | None, Some exp -> pp_exp_denom ppf exp
+    | None, None -> fprintf ppf "expression"
+  in
+  let nexp = Option.bind exp Pprintast.Doc.nominal_exp in
+  match nexp with
+  | Some nexp ->
+      fprintf ppf "The %t %a has type" denom (Style.as_inline_code pp_doc) nexp
+  | _ -> fprintf ppf "This %t has type" denom
+let report_this_texp_has_type denom ppf texp =
+  report_this_pexp_has_type denom ppf (Some (Untypeast.untype_expression texp))
+(* Hint on type error on integer literals
+   To avoid confusion, it is disabled on float literals
+   and when the expected type is `int` *)
+let report_literal_type_constraint expected_type const =
+  let const_str = match const.pconst_desc with
+    | Pconst_integer (s, _) -> Some s
+    | _ -> None
+  in
+  let suffix =
+    if Path.same expected_type Predef.path_int32 then
+      Some 'l'
+    else if Path.same expected_type Predef.path_int64 then
+      Some 'L'
+    else if Path.same expected_type Predef.path_nativeint then
+      Some 'n'
+    else if Path.same expected_type Predef.path_float then
+      Some '.'
+    else None
+  in
+  let pp_const ppf (c,s) = Fmt.fprintf ppf "%s%c" c s in
+  match const_str, suffix with
+  | Some c, Some s -> [
+      Location.msg
+        "@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you mean %a?@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_const) (c,s)
+    ]
+  | _, _ -> []
+let report_literal_type_constraint const = function
+  | Some tr ->
+      begin match get_desc Errortrace.(tr.expected.ty) with
+        Tconstr (typ, [], _) ->
+          report_literal_type_constraint typ const
+      | _ -> []
+      end
+  | None -> []
+let report_partial_application = function
+  | Some tr -> begin
+      match get_desc tr.Errortrace.got.Errortrace.expanded with
+      | Tarrow _ ->
+          [ Location.msg
+              "@[@{<hint>Hint@}: This function application is partial,@ \
+               maybe some arguments are missing.@]" ]
+      | _ -> []
+    end
+  | None -> []
+let report_expr_type_clash_hints exp diff =
+  match exp with
+  | Some exp -> begin
+      match exp.pexp_desc with
+      | Pexp_constant const -> report_literal_type_constraint const diff
+      | Pexp_apply _ -> report_partial_application diff
+      | _ -> []
+    end
+  | None -> []
+let report_pattern_type_clash_hints pat diff =
+  match pat with
+  | Some (Ppat_constant const) -> report_literal_type_constraint const diff
+  | _ -> []
+let report_type_expected_explanation expl =
+  let because expl_str = doc_printf "@ because it is in %s" expl_str in
+  match expl with
+  | If_conditional ->
+      because "the condition of an if-statement"
+  | If_no_else_branch ->
+      because "the result of a conditional with no else branch"
+  | While_loop_conditional ->
+      because "the condition of a while-loop"
+  | While_loop_body ->
+      because "the body of a while-loop"
+  | For_loop_start_index ->
+      because "a for-loop start index"
+  | For_loop_stop_index ->
+      because "a for-loop stop index"
+  | For_loop_body ->
+      because "the body of a for-loop"
+  | Assert_condition ->
+      because "the condition of an assertion"
+  | Sequence_left_hand_side ->
+      because "the left-hand side of a sequence"
+  | When_guard ->
+      because "a when-guard"
+let report_type_expected_explanation_opt expl =
+  match expl with
+  | None -> Format_doc.Doc.empty
+  | Some expl -> report_type_expected_explanation expl
+let report_unification_error ~loc ?sub env err
+    ?type_expected_explanation txt1 txt2 =
+  Location.error_of_printer ~loc ?sub (fun ppf () ->
+    Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+      ?type_expected_explanation txt1 txt2
+  ) ()
+let report_too_many_arg_error ~funct ~func_ty ~previous_arg_loc
+    ~extra_arg_loc ~returns_unit loc =
+  let open Location in
+  let cnum_offset off (pos : Lexing.position) =
+    { pos with pos_cnum = pos.pos_cnum + off }
+  in
+  let app_loc =
+    (* Span the application, including the extra argument. *)
+    { loc_start = loc.loc_start;
+      loc_end = extra_arg_loc.loc_end;
+      loc_ghost = false }
+  and tail_loc =
+    (* Possible location for a ';'. The location is widened to overlap the end
+       of the argument. *)
+    let arg_end = previous_arg_loc.loc_end in
+    { loc_start = cnum_offset ~-1 arg_end;
+      loc_end = cnum_offset ~+1 arg_end;
+      loc_ghost = false }
+  in
+  let hint_semicolon = if returns_unit then [
+      msg ~loc:tail_loc "@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you forget a ';'?";
+    ] else [] in
+  let sub = hint_semicolon @ [
+    msg ~loc:extra_arg_loc "This extra argument is not expected.";
+  ] in
+  errorf ~loc:app_loc ~sub
+    "@[<v>@[<2>%a@ %a@]\
+     @ It is applied to too many arguments@]"
+    (report_this_texp_has_type (Some "function")) funct
+    Printtyp.type_expr func_ty
+let msg = Fmt.doc_printf
+let report_error ~loc env = function
+  | Constructor_arity_mismatch(lid, expected, provided) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+       "@[The constructor %a@ expects %i argument(s),@ \
+        but is applied here to %i argument(s)@]"
+       quoted_constr lid expected provided
+  | Label_mismatch(lid, err) ->
+      report_unification_error ~loc env err
+        (msg "The record field %a@ belongs to the type" quoted_longident lid)
+        (msg "but is mixed here with fields of type")
+  | Pattern_type_clash (err, pat) ->
+      let diff = type_clash_of_trace err.trace in
+      let sub = report_pattern_type_clash_hints pat diff in
+      report_unification_error ~loc ~sub env err
+        (msg "This pattern matches values of type")
+        (msg "but a pattern was expected which matches values of type");
+  | Or_pattern_type_clash (id, err) ->
+      report_unification_error ~loc env err
+        (msg "The variable %a on the left-hand side of this \
+                       or-pattern has type" Style.inline_code (Ident.name id))
+        (msg "but on the right-hand side it has type")
+  | Multiply_bound_variable name ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Variable %a is bound several times in this matching"
+        Style.inline_code name
+  | Orpat_vars (id, valid_idents) ->
+      Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
+        fprintf ppf
+          "Variable %a must occur on both sides of this %a pattern"
+          Style.inline_code (Ident.name id)
+          Style.inline_code "|"
+        ;
+        spellcheck_idents ppf id valid_idents
+      ) ()
+  | Expr_type_clash (err, explanation, exp) ->
+      let diff = type_clash_of_trace err.trace in
+      let sub = report_expr_type_clash_hints exp diff in
+      report_unification_error ~loc ~sub env err
+        ~type_expected_explanation:
+          (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+        (msg "%a" (report_this_pexp_has_type None) exp)
+        (msg "but an expression was expected of type");
+  | Function_arity_type_clash {
+      syntactic_arity; type_constraint; trace = { trace };
+    } ->
+    (* The last diff's expected type will be the locally-abstract type
+       that the GADT pattern introduced an equation on.
+    *)
+    let type_with_local_equation =
+      let last_diff =
+        List.find_map
+          (function Errortrace.Diff diff -> Some diff | _ -> None)
+          (List.rev trace)
+      in
+      match last_diff with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some diff -> Some diff.expected.ty
+    in
+    (* [syntactic_arity>1] for this error, so "arguments" is always plural. *)
+    Location.errorf ~loc
+      "@[\
+       @[\
+       The syntactic arity of the function doesn't match the type constraint:@ \
+       @[<2>\
+       This function has %d syntactic arguments, but its type is constrained \
+       to@ %a.\
+       @]@ \
+       @]@ \
+       @[\
+       @[<2>@{<hint>Hint@}: \
+       consider splitting the function definition into@ %a@ \
+       where %a is the pattern with the GADT constructor that@ \
+       introduces the local type equation%t.\
+       @]"
+      syntactic_arity
+      (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) type_constraint
+      Style.inline_code "fun ... gadt_pat -> fun ..."
+      Style.inline_code "gadt_pat"
+      (fun ppf ->
+         Option.iter
+           (fprintf ppf " on %a" (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr))
+           type_with_local_equation)
+  | Apply_non_function {
+      funct; func_ty; res_ty; previous_arg_loc; extra_arg_loc
+    } ->
+      begin match get_desc func_ty with
+        Tarrow _ ->
+          let returns_unit = match get_desc res_ty with
+            | Tconstr (p, _, _) -> Path.same p Predef.path_unit
+            | _ -> false
+          in
+          report_too_many_arg_error ~funct ~func_ty ~previous_arg_loc
+            ~extra_arg_loc ~returns_unit loc
+      | _ ->
+          Location.errorf ~loc "@[<v>@[<2>This expression has type@ %a@]@ %s@]"
+            (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) func_ty
+            "This is not a function; it cannot be applied."
+      end
+  | Apply_wrong_label (l, ty, extra_info) ->
+      let print_label ppf = function
+        | Nolabel -> fprintf ppf "without label"
+        | l ->
+            fprintf ppf "with label %a"
+              Style.inline_code (prefixed_label_name l)
+      in
+      let extra_info =
+        if not extra_info then
+          []
+        else
+          [ Location.msg
+              "Since OCaml 4.11, optional arguments do not commute when \
+               -nolabels is given" ]
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~sub:extra_info
+        "@[<v>@[<2>The function applied to this argument has type@ %a@]@.\
+         This argument cannot be applied %a@]"
+        Printtyp.type_expr ty print_label l
+  | Label_multiply_defined s ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "The record field label %s is defined several times"
+        s
+  | Label_missing labels ->
+      let print_label ppf lbl = Style.inline_code ppf (Ident.name lbl) in
+      let print_labels ppf = List.iter (fprintf ppf "@ %a" print_label) in
+      Location.errorf ~loc "@[<hov>Some record fields are undefined:%a@]"
+        print_labels labels
+  | Label_not_mutable lid ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "The record field %a is not mutable"
+        quoted_longident lid
+  | Wrong_name (eorp, ty_expected, { type_path; kind; name; valid_names; }) ->
+      Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
+        Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+          let { ty; explanation } = ty_expected in
+          if Path.is_constructor_typath type_path then begin
+            fprintf ppf
+              "@[The field %a is not part of the record \
+               argument for the %a constructor@]"
+              Style.inline_code name.txt
+              (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_path) type_path;
+          end else begin
+            fprintf ppf
+              "@[@[<2>%s type@ %a%a@]@ \
+               There is no %s %a within type %a@]"
+              eorp (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+              pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+              (Datatype_kind.label_name kind)
+              Style.inline_code name.txt
+              (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_path) type_path;
+          end;
+          spellcheck ppf name.txt valid_names
+      )) ()
+  | Name_type_mismatch (kind, lid, tp, tpl) ->
+      let type_name = Datatype_kind.type_name kind in
+      let name = Datatype_kind.label_name kind in
+      let pr = match kind with
+        | Datatype_kind.Record -> quoted_longident
+        | Datatype_kind.Variant -> quoted_constr
+      in
+      Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
+        Errortrace_report.ambiguous_type ppf env tp tpl
+          (msg "The %s %a@ belongs to the %s type"
+               name pr lid type_name)
+          (msg "The %s %a@ belongs to one of the following %s types:"
+               name pr lid type_name)
+          (msg "but a %s was expected belonging to the %s type"
+               name type_name)
+        ) ()
+  | Invalid_format msg ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "%s" msg
+  | Not_an_object (ty, explanation) ->
+    Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
+      fprintf ppf "This expression is not an object;@ \
+                   it has type %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty;
+      pp_doc ppf @@ report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation
+    ) ()
+  | Undefined_method (ty, me, valid_methods) ->
+      Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
+        Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
+          fprintf ppf
+            "@[<v>@[This expression has type@;<1 2>%a@]@,\
+             It has no method %a@]"
+            (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+            Style.inline_code me;
+          begin match valid_methods with
+            | None -> ()
+            | Some valid_methods -> spellcheck ppf me valid_methods
+          end
+      )) ()
+  | Undefined_self_method (me, valid_methods) ->
+      Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
+        fprintf ppf "This expression has no method %a" Style.inline_code me;
+        spellcheck ppf me valid_methods;
+      ) ()
+  | Virtual_class cl ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Cannot instantiate the virtual class %a"
+        quoted_longident cl
+  | Unbound_instance_variable (var, valid_vars) ->
+      Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
+        fprintf ppf "Unbound instance variable %a" Style.inline_code var;
+        spellcheck ppf var valid_vars;
+      ) ()
+  | Instance_variable_not_mutable v ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "The instance variable %a is not mutable"
+        Style.inline_code v
+  | Not_subtype err ->
+      Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
+        Errortrace_report.subtype ppf env err "is not a subtype of"
+      ) ()
+  | Outside_class ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This object duplication occurs outside a method definition"
+  | Value_multiply_overridden v ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "The instance variable %a is overridden several times"
+        Style.inline_code v
+  | Coercion_failure (ty_exp, err, b) ->
+      Location.error_of_printer ~loc (fun ppf () ->
+          let intro =
+            let ty_exp = Out_type.prepare_expansion ty_exp in
+            doc_printf "This expression cannot be coerced to type@;<1 2>%a;@ \
+                        it has type"
+              (Style.as_inline_code @@ Printtyp.type_expansion Type) ty_exp
+          in
+        Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+          intro
+          (Fmt.doc_printf "but is here used with type");
+        if b then
+          fprintf ppf
+            ".@.@[<hov>This simple coercion was not fully general.@ \
+             @{<hint>Hint@}: Consider using a fully explicit coercion@ \
+             of the form: %a@]"
+            Style.inline_code "(foo : ty1 :> ty2)"
+      ) ()
+  | Not_a_function (ty, explanation) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This expression should not be a function,@ \
+         the expected type is@ %a%a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+  | Too_many_arguments (ty, explanation) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This function expects too many arguments,@ \
+         it should have type@ %a%a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+  | Abstract_wrong_label {got; expected; expected_type; explanation} ->
+      let label ~long ppf = function
+        | Nolabel -> fprintf ppf "unlabeled"
+        | l       ->
+            if long then
+              fprintf ppf "labeled %a" Style.inline_code (prefixed_label_name l)
+            else
+              Style.inline_code ppf (prefixed_label_name l)
+      in
+      let second_long = match got, expected with
+        | Nolabel, _ | _, Nolabel -> true
+        | _                       -> false
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[<v>@[<2>This function should have type@ %a%a@]@,\
+         @[but its first argument is %a@ instead of %s%a@]@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) expected_type
+        pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+        (label ~long:true) got
+        (if second_long then "being " else "")
+        (label ~long:second_long) expected
+  | Scoping_let_module(id, ty) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This %a expression has type@ %a@ \
+         In this type, the locally bound module name %a escapes its scope"
+        Style.inline_code "let module"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        Style.inline_code id
+  | Private_type ty ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Cannot create values of the private type %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+  | Private_label (lid, ty) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Cannot assign field %a of the private type %a"
+        quoted_longident lid
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+  | Private_constructor (constr, ty) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Cannot use private constructor %a to create values of type %a"
+        Style.inline_code constr.cstr_name
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+  | Not_a_polymorphic_variant_type lid ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "The type %a@ is not a variant type"
+        quoted_longident lid
+  | Incoherent_label_order ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This function is applied to arguments@ \
+        in an order different from other calls.@ \
+        This is only allowed when the real type is known."
+  | Less_general (kind, err) ->
+      report_unification_error ~loc env err
+        (Fmt.doc_printf "This %s has type" kind)
+        (Fmt.doc_printf "which is less general than")
+  | Modules_not_allowed ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Modules are not allowed in this pattern."
+  | Cannot_infer_signature ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "The signature for this packaged module couldn't be inferred."
+  | Not_a_packed_module ty ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This expression is packed module, but the expected type is@ %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+  | Unexpected_existential (reason, name) ->
+      let reason_str =
+         match reason with
+        | In_class_args ->
+            dprintf "Existential types are not allowed in class arguments"
+        | In_class_def ->
+            dprintf "Existential types are not allowed in bindings inside \
+             class definition"
+        | In_self_pattern ->
+            dprintf "Existential types are not allowed in self patterns"
+        | At_toplevel ->
+            dprintf "Existential types are not allowed in toplevel bindings"
+        | In_group ->
+            dprintf "Existential types are not allowed in %a bindings"
+              Style.inline_code "let ... and ..."
+        | In_rec ->
+            dprintf "Existential types are not allowed in recursive bindings"
+        | With_attributes ->
+            dprintf
+              "Existential types are not allowed in presence of attributes"
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "%t,@ but the constructor %a introduces existential types."
+        reason_str Style.inline_code name
+  | Invalid_interval ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Only character intervals are supported in patterns.@]"
+  | Invalid_for_loop_index ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Invalid for-loop index: only variables and %a are allowed.@]"
+        Style.inline_code "_"
+  | No_value_clauses ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "None of the patterns in this %a expression match values."
+        Style.inline_code "match"
+  | Exception_pattern_disallowed ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Exception patterns are not allowed in this position.@]"
+  | Mixed_value_and_exception_patterns_under_guard ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Mixing value and exception patterns under when-guards is not \
+         supported.@]"
+  | Effect_pattern_below_toplevel ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Effect patterns must be at the top level of a match case.@]"
+  | Invalid_continuation_pattern ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Invalid continuation pattern: only variables and _ are allowed .@]"
+  | Inlined_record_escape ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[This form is not allowed as the type of the inlined record could \
+         escape.@]"
+  | Inlined_record_expected ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[This constructor expects an inlined record argument.@]"
+  | Unrefuted_pattern pat ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[%s@ %s@ @[%a@]@]"
+        "This match case could not be refuted."
+        "Here is an example of a value that would reach it:"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printpat.top_pretty) pat
+  | Invalid_extension_constructor_payload ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Invalid %a payload, a constructor is expected."
+        Style.inline_code "[%extension_constructor]"
+  | Not_an_extension_constructor ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This constructor is not an extension constructor."
+  | Literal_overflow ty ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type %a"
+        Style.inline_code ty
+  | Unknown_literal (n, m) ->
+      let pp_lit ppf (n,m) = fprintf ppf "%s%c" n m in
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Unknown modifier %a for literal %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_print_char) m
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_lit) (n,m)
+  | Illegal_letrec_pat ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Only variables are allowed as left-hand side of %a"
+        Style.inline_code "let rec"
+  | Illegal_letrec_expr ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of %a"
+        Style.inline_code "let rec"
+  | Illegal_class_expr ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This kind of recursive class expression is not allowed"
+  | Letop_type_clash(name, err) ->
+      report_unification_error ~loc env err
+        (msg "The operator %a has type" Style.inline_code name)
+        (msg "but it was expected to have type")
+  | Andop_type_clash(name, err) ->
+      report_unification_error ~loc env err
+        (msg "The operator %a has type" Style.inline_code name)
+        (msg "but it was expected to have type")
+  | Bindings_type_clash(err) ->
+      report_unification_error ~loc env err
+        (Fmt.doc_printf "These bindings have type")
+        (Fmt.doc_printf  "but bindings were expected of type")
+  | Unbound_existential (ids, ty) ->
+      let pp_ident ppf id = pp_print_string ppf (Ident.name id) in
+      let pp_type ppf (ids,ty)=
+        fprintf ppf "@[type %a.@ %a@]@]"
+          (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_space pp_ident) ids
+          Printtyp.type_expr ty
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[<2>%s:@ %a@]"
+        "This type does not bind all existentials in the constructor"
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_type) (ids, ty)
+  | Bind_existential (reason, id, ty) ->
+      let reason1, reason2 = match reason with
+      | Bind_already_bound -> "the name", "that is already bound"
+      | Bind_not_in_scope -> "the name", "that was defined before"
+      | Bind_non_locally_abstract -> "the type",
+          "that is not a locally abstract type"
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[<hov0>The local name@ %a@ %s@ %s.@ %s@ %s@ %a@ %s.@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.ident) id
+        "can only be given to an existential variable"
+        "introduced by this GADT constructor"
+        "The type annotation tries to bind it to"
+        reason1 (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty reason2
+  | Missing_type_constraint ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[%s@ %s@]"
+        "Existential types introduced in a constructor pattern"
+        "must be bound by a type constraint on the argument."
+  | Wrong_expected_kind(sort, ctx, ty) ->
+      let ctx, explanation =
+        match ctx with
+        | Expression explanation -> "expression", explanation
+        | Pattern -> "pattern", None
+      in
+      let sort =
+        match sort with
+        | Constructor -> "constructor"
+        | Boolean -> "boolean literal"
+        | List -> "list literal"
+        | Unit -> "unit literal"
+        | Record -> "record"
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This %s should not be a %s,@ \
+         the expected type is@ %a%a"
+        ctx sort (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        pp_doc (report_type_expected_explanation_opt explanation)
+  | Expr_not_a_record_type ty ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This expression has type %a@ \
+         which is not a record type."
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+let report_error ~loc env err =
+  Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env
+    (fun () -> report_error ~loc env err)
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error (loc, env, err) ->
+        Some (report_error ~loc env err)
+      | Error_forward err ->
+        Some err
+      | _ ->
+        None
+    )
+let () =
+  Persistent_env.add_delayed_check_forward := add_delayed_check;
+  Env.add_delayed_check_forward := add_delayed_check;
+  ()
+(* drop the need to call [Parmatch.typed_case] from the external API *)
+let check_partial ?lev a b c cases =
+  check_partial ?lev a b c (List.map Parmatch.typed_case cases)
+(* drop ?recarg argument from the external API *)
+let type_expect env e ty = type_expect env e ty
+let type_exp env e = type_exp env e
+let type_argument env e t1 t2 = type_argument env e t1 t2
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typecore.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typecore.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b89ddd68e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typecore.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Type inference for the core language *)
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+(* This variant is used to print improved error messages, and does not affect
+   the behavior of the typechecker itself.
+   It describes possible explanation for types enforced by a keyword of the
+   language; e.g. "if" requires the condition to be of type bool, and the
+   then-branch to be of type unit if there is no else branch; "for" requires
+   indices to be of type int, and the body to be of type unit.
+type type_forcing_context =
+  | If_conditional
+  | If_no_else_branch
+  | While_loop_conditional
+  | While_loop_body
+  | For_loop_start_index
+  | For_loop_stop_index
+  | For_loop_body
+  | Assert_condition
+  | Sequence_left_hand_side
+  | When_guard
+(* The combination of a type and a "type forcing context". The intent is that it
+   describes a type that is "expected" (required) by the context. If unifying
+   with such a type fails, then the "explanation" field explains why it was
+   required, in order to display a more enlightening error message.
+type type_expected = private {
+  ty: type_expr;
+  explanation: type_forcing_context option;
+(* Variables in patterns *)
+type pattern_variable_kind =
+  | Std_var
+  | As_var
+  | Continuation_var
+type pattern_variable =
+  {
+    pv_id: Ident.t;
+    pv_type: type_expr;
+    pv_loc: Location.t;
+    pv_kind: pattern_variable_kind;
+    pv_attributes: Typedtree.attributes;
+    pv_uid : Uid.t;
+  }
+val mk_expected:
+  ?explanation:type_forcing_context ->
+  type_expr ->
+  type_expected
+val is_nonexpansive: Typedtree.expression -> bool
+module Datatype_kind : sig
+  type t = Record | Variant
+  val type_name : t -> string
+  val label_name : t -> string
+type wrong_name = {
+  type_path: Path.t;
+  kind: Datatype_kind.t;
+  name: string loc;
+  valid_names: string list;
+type wrong_kind_context =
+  | Pattern
+  | Expression of type_forcing_context option
+type wrong_kind_sort =
+  | Constructor
+  | Record
+  | Boolean
+  | List
+  | Unit
+type existential_restriction =
+  | At_toplevel (** no existential types at the toplevel *)
+  | In_group (** nor with [let ... and ...] *)
+  | In_rec (** or recursive definition *)
+  | With_attributes (** or [let[@any_attribute] = ...] *)
+  | In_class_args (** or in class arguments [class c (...) = ...] *)
+  | In_class_def (** or in [class c = let ... in ...] *)
+  | In_self_pattern (** or in self pattern *)
+val type_binding:
+        Env.t -> rec_flag ->
+          Parsetree.value_binding list ->
+          Typedtree.value_binding list * Env.t
+val type_let:
+        existential_restriction -> Env.t -> rec_flag ->
+          Parsetree.value_binding list ->
+          Typedtree.value_binding list * Env.t
+val type_expression:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.expression -> Typedtree.expression
+val type_class_arg_pattern:
+        string -> Env.t -> Env.t -> arg_label -> Parsetree.pattern ->
+        Typedtree.pattern *
+        (Ident.t * Ident.t * type_expr) list *
+        Env.t * Env.t
+val type_self_pattern:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.pattern ->
+        Typedtree.pattern * pattern_variable list
+val check_partial:
+        ?lev:int -> Env.t -> type_expr ->
+        Location.t -> Typedtree.value Typedtree.case list -> Typedtree.partial
+val type_expect:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.expression -> type_expected -> Typedtree.expression
+val type_exp:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.expression -> Typedtree.expression
+val type_approx:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.expression -> type_expr
+val type_argument:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.expression ->
+        type_expr -> type_expr -> Typedtree.expression
+val option_some: Env.t -> Typedtree.expression -> Typedtree.expression
+val option_none: Env.t -> type_expr -> Location.t -> Typedtree.expression
+val extract_option_type: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+val generalizable: int -> type_expr -> bool
+val reset_delayed_checks: unit -> unit
+val force_delayed_checks: unit -> unit
+val name_pattern : string -> Typedtree.pattern list -> Ident.t
+val name_cases : string -> Typedtree.value Typedtree.case list -> Ident.t
+val self_coercion : (Path.t * Location.t list ref) list ref
+type existential_binding =
+  | Bind_already_bound
+  | Bind_not_in_scope
+  | Bind_non_locally_abstract
+type error =
+  | Constructor_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
+  | Label_mismatch of Longident.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Pattern_type_clash :
+      Errortrace.unification_error * Parsetree.pattern_desc option
+      -> error
+  | Or_pattern_type_clash of Ident.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Multiply_bound_variable of string
+  | Orpat_vars of Ident.t * Ident.t list
+  | Expr_type_clash of
+      Errortrace.unification_error * type_forcing_context option
+      * Parsetree.expression option
+  | Function_arity_type_clash of
+      { syntactic_arity :  int;
+        type_constraint : type_expr;
+        trace : Errortrace.unification_error;
+      }
+  | Apply_non_function of {
+      funct : Typedtree.expression;
+      func_ty : type_expr;
+      res_ty : type_expr;
+      previous_arg_loc : Location.t;
+      extra_arg_loc : Location.t;
+    }
+  | Apply_wrong_label of arg_label * type_expr * bool
+  | Label_multiply_defined of string
+  | Label_missing of Ident.t list
+  | Label_not_mutable of Longident.t
+  | Wrong_name of string * type_expected * wrong_name
+  | Name_type_mismatch of
+      Datatype_kind.t * Longident.t * (Path.t * Path.t) * (Path.t * Path.t) list
+  | Invalid_format of string
+  | Not_an_object of type_expr * type_forcing_context option
+  | Undefined_method of type_expr * string * string list option
+  | Undefined_self_method of string * string list
+  | Virtual_class of Longident.t
+  | Private_type of type_expr
+  | Private_label of Longident.t * type_expr
+  | Private_constructor of constructor_description * type_expr
+  | Unbound_instance_variable of string * string list
+  | Instance_variable_not_mutable of string
+  | Not_subtype of Errortrace.Subtype.error
+  | Outside_class
+  | Value_multiply_overridden of string
+  | Coercion_failure of
+      Errortrace.expanded_type * Errortrace.unification_error * bool
+  | Not_a_function of type_expr * type_forcing_context option
+  | Too_many_arguments of type_expr * type_forcing_context option
+  | Abstract_wrong_label of
+      { got           : arg_label
+      ; expected      : arg_label
+      ; expected_type : type_expr
+      ; explanation   : type_forcing_context option
+      }
+  | Scoping_let_module of string * type_expr
+  | Not_a_polymorphic_variant_type of Longident.t
+  | Incoherent_label_order
+  | Less_general of string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Modules_not_allowed
+  | Cannot_infer_signature
+  | Not_a_packed_module of type_expr
+  | Unexpected_existential of existential_restriction * string
+  | Invalid_interval
+  | Invalid_for_loop_index
+  | No_value_clauses
+  | Exception_pattern_disallowed
+  | Mixed_value_and_exception_patterns_under_guard
+  | Effect_pattern_below_toplevel
+  | Invalid_continuation_pattern
+  | Inlined_record_escape
+  | Inlined_record_expected
+  | Unrefuted_pattern of Typedtree.pattern
+  | Invalid_extension_constructor_payload
+  | Not_an_extension_constructor
+  | Literal_overflow of string
+  | Unknown_literal of string * char
+  | Illegal_letrec_pat
+  | Illegal_letrec_expr
+  | Illegal_class_expr
+  | Letop_type_clash of string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Andop_type_clash of string * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Bindings_type_clash of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Unbound_existential of Ident.t list * type_expr
+  | Bind_existential of existential_binding * Ident.t * type_expr
+  | Missing_type_constraint
+  | Wrong_expected_kind of wrong_kind_sort * wrong_kind_context * type_expr
+  | Expr_not_a_record_type of type_expr
+exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+exception Error_forward of Location.error
+val report_error: loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> error -> Location.error
+ (** @deprecated.  Use {!Location.error_of_exn}, {!Location.print_report}. *)
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typemod.type_module *)
+val type_module:
+  (Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Typedtree.module_expr * Shape.t) ref
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typemod.type_open *)
+val type_open:
+  (?used_slot:bool ref -> override_flag -> Env.t -> Location.t ->
+   Longident.t loc -> Path.t * Env.t)
+    ref
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typemod.type_open_decl *)
+val type_open_decl:
+  (?used_slot:bool ref -> Env.t -> Parsetree.open_declaration ->
+   Typedtree.open_declaration * Types.signature * Env.t)
+    ref
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typeclass.class_structure *)
+val type_object:
+  (Env.t -> Location.t -> Parsetree.class_structure ->
+   Typedtree.class_structure * string list) ref
+val type_package:
+  (Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Path.t -> (Longident.t * type_expr) list ->
+  Typedtree.module_expr * (Longident.t * type_expr) list) ref
+val constant: Parsetree.constant -> (Asttypes.constant, error) result
+val annotate_recursive_bindings :
+  Env.t -> Typedtree.value_binding list -> Typedtree.value_binding list
+val check_recursive_class_bindings :
+  Env.t -> Ident.t list -> Typedtree.class_expr list -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60bc6b9371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,2305 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Xavier Leroy and Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(**** Typing of type definitions ****)
+open Misc
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+open Primitive
+open Types
+open Typetexp
+module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
+type native_repr_kind = Unboxed | Untagged
+(* Our static analyses explore the set of type expressions "reachable"
+   from a type declaration, by expansion of definitions or by the
+   subterm relation (a type expression is syntactically contained
+   in another). *)
+type reaching_type_path = reaching_type_step list
+and reaching_type_step =
+  | Expands_to of type_expr * type_expr
+  | Contains of type_expr * type_expr
+type error =
+    Repeated_parameter
+  | Duplicate_constructor of string
+  | Too_many_constructors
+  | Duplicate_label of string
+  | Recursive_abbrev of string * Env.t * reaching_type_path
+  | Cycle_in_def of string * Env.t * reaching_type_path
+  | Definition_mismatch of type_expr * Env.t * Includecore.type_mismatch option
+  | Constraint_failed of Env.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Inconsistent_constraint of Env.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Type_clash of Env.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Non_regular of {
+      definition: Path.t;
+      used_as: type_expr;
+      defined_as: type_expr;
+      reaching_path: reaching_type_path;
+    }
+  | Null_arity_external
+  | Missing_native_external
+  | Unbound_type_var of type_expr * type_declaration
+  | Cannot_extend_private_type of Path.t
+  | Not_extensible_type of Path.t
+  | Extension_mismatch of Path.t * Env.t * Includecore.type_mismatch
+  | Rebind_wrong_type of
+      Longident.t * Env.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Rebind_mismatch of Longident.t * Path.t * Path.t
+  | Rebind_private of Longident.t
+  | Variance of Typedecl_variance.error
+  | Unavailable_type_constructor of Path.t
+  | Unbound_type_var_ext of type_expr * extension_constructor
+  | Val_in_structure
+  | Multiple_native_repr_attributes
+  | Cannot_unbox_or_untag_type of native_repr_kind
+  | Deep_unbox_or_untag_attribute of native_repr_kind
+  | Immediacy of Typedecl_immediacy.error
+  | Separability of Typedecl_separability.error
+  | Bad_unboxed_attribute of string
+  | Boxed_and_unboxed
+  | Nonrec_gadt
+  | Invalid_private_row_declaration of type_expr
+open Typedtree
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+let get_unboxed_from_attributes sdecl =
+  let unboxed = Builtin_attributes.has_unboxed sdecl.ptype_attributes in
+  let boxed = Builtin_attributes.has_boxed sdecl.ptype_attributes in
+  match boxed, unboxed with
+  | true, true -> raise (Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Boxed_and_unboxed))
+  | true, false -> Some false
+  | false, true -> Some true
+  | false, false -> None
+(* Enter all declared types in the environment as abstract types *)
+let add_type ~check ?shape id decl env =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ~ppwarning:false decl.type_attributes
+    (fun () -> Env.add_type ~check ?shape id decl env)
+(* Add a dummy type declaration to the environment, with the given arity.
+   The [type_kind] is [Type_abstract], but there is a generic [type_manifest]
+   for abbreviations, to allow polymorphic expansion, except if
+   [abstract_abbrevs] is given along with a reason for not allowing expansion.
+   This function is only used in [transl_type_decl]. *)
+let enter_type ?abstract_abbrevs rec_flag env sdecl (id, uid) =
+  let needed =
+    match rec_flag with
+    | Asttypes.Nonrecursive ->
+        begin match sdecl.ptype_kind with
+        | Ptype_variant scds ->
+            List.iter (fun cd ->
+              if cd.pcd_res <> None then raise (Error(cd.pcd_loc, Nonrec_gadt)))
+              scds
+        | _ -> ()
+        end;
+        Btype.is_row_name (Ident.name id)
+    | Asttypes.Recursive -> true
+  in
+  let arity = List.length sdecl.ptype_params in
+  if not needed then env else
+  let abstract_source, type_manifest =
+    match sdecl.ptype_manifest, abstract_abbrevs with
+    | None, _             -> Definition, None
+    | Some _, None        -> Definition, Some (Ctype.newvar ())
+    | Some _, Some reason -> reason, None
+  in
+  let decl =
+    { type_params =
+        List.map (fun _ -> Btype.newgenvar ()) sdecl.ptype_params;
+      type_arity = arity;
+      type_kind = Type_abstract abstract_source;
+      type_private = sdecl.ptype_private;
+      type_manifest = type_manifest;
+      type_variance = Variance.unknown_signature ~injective:false ~arity;
+      type_separability = Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+      type_is_newtype = false;
+      type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+      type_loc = sdecl.ptype_loc;
+      type_attributes = sdecl.ptype_attributes;
+      type_immediate = Unknown;
+      type_unboxed_default = false;
+      type_uid = uid;
+    }
+  in
+  add_type ~check:true id decl env
+(* Determine if a type's values are represented by floats at run-time. *)
+let is_float env ty =
+  match Typedecl_unboxed.get_unboxed_type_representation env ty with
+    Some ty' ->
+      begin match get_desc ty' with
+        Tconstr(p, _, _) -> Path.same p Predef.path_float
+      | _ -> false
+      end
+  | _ -> false
+(* Determine if a type definition defines a fixed type. (PW) *)
+let is_fixed_type sd =
+  let rec has_row_var sty =
+    match sty.ptyp_desc with
+      Ptyp_alias (sty, _) -> has_row_var sty
+    | Ptyp_class _
+    | Ptyp_object (_, Open)
+    | Ptyp_variant (_, Open, _)
+    | Ptyp_variant (_, Closed, Some _) -> true
+    | _ -> false
+  in
+  match sd.ptype_manifest with
+    None -> false
+  | Some sty ->
+      sd.ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract &&
+      sd.ptype_private = Private &&
+      has_row_var sty
+(* Set the row variable to a fixed type in a private row type declaration.
+   (e.g. [ type t = private [< `A | `B ] ] or [type u = private < .. > ])
+   Require [is_fixed_type decl] as a precondition
+let set_private_row env loc p decl =
+  let tm =
+    match decl.type_manifest with
+      None -> assert false
+    | Some t -> Ctype.expand_head env t
+  in
+  let rv =
+    match get_desc tm with
+      Tvariant row ->
+        let Row {fields; more; closed; name} = row_repr row in
+        set_type_desc tm
+          (Tvariant (create_row ~fields ~more ~closed ~name
+                       ~fixed:(Some Fixed_private)));
+        if Btype.static_row row then
+          (* the syntax hinted at the existence of a row variable,
+             but there is in fact no row variable to make private, e.g.
+             [ type t = private [< `A > `A] ] *)
+          raise (Error(loc, Invalid_private_row_declaration tm))
+        else more
+    | Tobject (ty, _) ->
+        let r = snd (Ctype.flatten_fields ty) in
+        if not (Btype.is_Tvar r) then
+          (* a syntactically open object was closed by a constraint *)
+          raise (Error(loc, Invalid_private_row_declaration tm));
+        r
+    | _ -> assert false
+  in
+  set_type_desc rv (Tconstr (p, decl.type_params, ref Mnil))
+(* Translate one type declaration *)
+let make_params env params =
+  let make_param (sty, v) =
+    try
+      (transl_type_param env sty, v)
+    with Already_bound ->
+      raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Repeated_parameter))
+  in
+    List.map make_param params
+let transl_labels env univars closed lbls =
+  assert (lbls <> []);
+  let all_labels = ref String.Set.empty in
+  List.iter
+    (fun {pld_name = {txt=name; loc}} ->
+       if String.Set.mem name !all_labels then
+         raise(Error(loc, Duplicate_label name));
+       all_labels := String.Set.add name !all_labels)
+    lbls;
+  let mk {pld_name=name;pld_mutable=mut;pld_type=arg;pld_loc=loc;
+          pld_attributes=attrs} =
+    Builtin_attributes.warning_scope attrs
+      (fun () ->
+         let arg = Ast_helper.Typ.force_poly arg in
+         let cty = transl_simple_type env ?univars ~closed arg in
+         {ld_id = Ident.create_local name.txt;
+          ld_name = name;
+          ld_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+          ld_mutable = mut;
+          ld_type = cty; ld_loc = loc; ld_attributes = attrs}
+      )
+  in
+  let lbls = List.map mk lbls in
+  let lbls' =
+    List.map
+      (fun ld ->
+         let ty = ld.ld_type.ctyp_type in
+         let ty = match get_desc ty with Tpoly(t,[]) -> t | _ -> ty in
+         {Types.ld_id = ld.ld_id;
+          ld_mutable = ld.ld_mutable;
+          ld_type = ty;
+          ld_loc = ld.ld_loc;
+          ld_attributes = ld.ld_attributes;
+          ld_uid = ld.ld_uid;
+         }
+      )
+      lbls in
+  lbls, lbls'
+let transl_constructor_arguments env univars closed = function
+  | Pcstr_tuple l ->
+      let l = List.map (transl_simple_type env ?univars ~closed) l in
+      Types.Cstr_tuple (List.map (fun t -> t.ctyp_type) l),
+      Cstr_tuple l
+  | Pcstr_record l ->
+      let lbls, lbls' = transl_labels env univars closed l in
+      Types.Cstr_record lbls',
+      Cstr_record lbls
+let make_constructor env loc type_path type_params svars sargs sret_type =
+  match sret_type with
+  | None ->
+      let args, targs =
+        transl_constructor_arguments env None true sargs
+      in
+        targs, None, args, None
+  | Some sret_type ->
+      (* if it's a generalized constructor we must first narrow and
+         then widen so as to not introduce any new constraints *)
+      (* narrow and widen are now invoked through wrap_type_variable_scope *)
+      TyVarEnv.with_local_scope begin fun () ->
+      let closed = svars <> [] in
+      let targs, tret_type, args, ret_type, univars =
+        Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_if closed begin fun () ->
+          TyVarEnv.reset ();
+          let univar_list =
+            TyVarEnv.make_poly_univars (List.map (fun v -> v.txt) svars) in
+          let univars = if closed then Some univar_list else None in
+          let args, targs =
+            transl_constructor_arguments env univars closed sargs
+          in
+          let tret_type =
+            transl_simple_type env ?univars ~closed sret_type in
+          let ret_type = tret_type.ctyp_type in
+          (* TODO add back type_path as a parameter ? *)
+          begin match get_desc ret_type with
+          | Tconstr (p', _, _) when Path.same type_path p' -> ()
+          | _ ->
+              let trace =
+                (* Expansion is not helpful here -- the restriction on GADT
+                   return types is purely syntactic.  (In the worst case,
+                   expansion produces gibberish.) *)
+                [Ctype.unexpanded_diff
+                   ~got:ret_type
+                   ~expected:(Ctype.newconstr type_path type_params)]
+              in
+              raise (Error(sret_type.ptyp_loc,
+                           Constraint_failed(
+                           env, Errortrace.unification_error ~trace)))
+          end;
+          (targs, tret_type, args, ret_type, univar_list)
+        end
+      in
+      if closed then begin
+        ignore (TyVarEnv.instance_poly_univars env loc univars);
+        let set_level t = Ctype.enforce_current_level env t in
+        Btype.iter_type_expr_cstr_args set_level args;
+        set_level ret_type
+      end;
+      targs, Some tret_type, args, Some ret_type
+      end
+let shape_map_labels =
+  List.fold_left (fun map { ld_id; ld_uid; _} ->
+    Shape.Map.add_label map ld_id ld_uid)
+    Shape.Map.empty
+let shape_map_cstrs =
+  List.fold_left (fun map { cd_id; cd_uid; cd_args; _ } ->
+    let cstr_shape_map =
+      let label_decls =
+        match cd_args with
+        | Cstr_tuple _ -> []
+        | Cstr_record ldecls -> ldecls
+      in
+      shape_map_labels label_decls
+    in
+    Shape.Map.add_constr map cd_id
+      @@ Shape.str ~uid:cd_uid cstr_shape_map)
+    (Shape.Map.empty)
+let transl_declaration env sdecl (id, uid) =
+  (* Bind type parameters *)
+  TyVarEnv.reset();
+  let tparams = make_params env sdecl.ptype_params in
+  let params = List.map (fun (cty, _) -> cty.ctyp_type) tparams in
+  let cstrs = List.map
+    (fun (sty, sty', loc) ->
+      transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty,
+      transl_simple_type env ~closed:false sty', loc)
+    sdecl.ptype_cstrs
+  in
+  let unboxed_attr = get_unboxed_from_attributes sdecl in
+  begin match unboxed_attr with
+  | (None | Some false) -> ()
+  | Some true ->
+    let bad msg = raise(Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Bad_unboxed_attribute msg)) in
+    match sdecl.ptype_kind with
+    | Ptype_abstract    -> bad "it is abstract"
+    | Ptype_open        -> bad "extensible variant types cannot be unboxed"
+    | Ptype_record fields -> begin match fields with
+        | [] -> bad "it has no fields"
+        | _::_::_ -> bad "it has more than one field"
+        | [{pld_mutable = Mutable}] -> bad "it is mutable"
+        | [{pld_mutable = Immutable}] -> ()
+      end
+    | Ptype_variant constructors -> begin match constructors with
+        | [] -> bad "it has no constructor"
+        | (_::_::_) -> bad "it has more than one constructor"
+        | [c] -> begin match c.pcd_args with
+            | Pcstr_tuple [] ->
+                bad "its constructor has no argument"
+            | Pcstr_tuple (_::_::_) ->
+                bad "its constructor has more than one argument"
+            | Pcstr_tuple [_]  ->
+                ()
+            | Pcstr_record [] ->
+                bad "its constructor has no fields"
+            | Pcstr_record (_::_::_) ->
+                bad "its constructor has more than one field"
+            | Pcstr_record [{pld_mutable = Mutable}] ->
+                bad "it is mutable"
+            | Pcstr_record [{pld_mutable = Immutable}] ->
+                ()
+          end
+      end
+  end;
+  let unbox, unboxed_default =
+    match sdecl.ptype_kind with
+    | Ptype_variant [{pcd_args = Pcstr_tuple [_]; _}]
+    | Ptype_variant [{pcd_args = Pcstr_record [{pld_mutable=Immutable; _}]; _}]
+    | Ptype_record [{pld_mutable=Immutable; _}] ->
+      Option.value unboxed_attr ~default:!Clflags.unboxed_types,
+      Option.is_none unboxed_attr
+    | _ -> false, false (* Not unboxable, mark as boxed *)
+  in
+  let (tkind, kind) =
+    match sdecl.ptype_kind with
+      | Ptype_abstract -> Ttype_abstract, Type_abstract Definition
+      | Ptype_variant scstrs ->
+        if List.exists (fun cstr -> cstr.pcd_res <> None) scstrs then begin
+          match cstrs with
+            [] -> ()
+          | (_,_,loc)::_ ->
+              Location.prerr_warning loc Warnings.Constraint_on_gadt
+        end;
+        let all_constrs = ref String.Set.empty in
+        List.iter
+          (fun {pcd_name = {txt = name}} ->
+            if String.Set.mem name !all_constrs then
+              raise(Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Duplicate_constructor name));
+            all_constrs := String.Set.add name !all_constrs)
+          scstrs;
+        if List.length
+            (List.filter (fun cd -> cd.pcd_args <> Pcstr_tuple []) scstrs)
+           > (Config.max_tag + 1) then
+          raise(Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Too_many_constructors));
+        let make_cstr scstr =
+          let name = Ident.create_local scstr.pcd_name.txt in
+          let targs, tret_type, args, ret_type =
+            make_constructor env scstr.pcd_loc (Path.Pident id) params
+                             scstr.pcd_vars scstr.pcd_args scstr.pcd_res
+          in
+          let tcstr =
+            { cd_id = name;
+              cd_name = scstr.pcd_name;
+              cd_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+              cd_vars = scstr.pcd_vars;
+              cd_args = targs;
+              cd_res = tret_type;
+              cd_loc = scstr.pcd_loc;
+              cd_attributes = scstr.pcd_attributes }
+          in
+          let cstr =
+            { Types.cd_id = name;
+              cd_args = args;
+              cd_res = ret_type;
+              cd_loc = scstr.pcd_loc;
+              cd_attributes = scstr.pcd_attributes;
+              cd_uid = tcstr.cd_uid }
+          in
+            tcstr, cstr
+        in
+        let make_cstr scstr =
+          Builtin_attributes.warning_scope scstr.pcd_attributes
+            (fun () -> make_cstr scstr)
+        in
+        let rep = if unbox then Variant_unboxed else Variant_regular in
+        let tcstrs, cstrs = List.split (List.map make_cstr scstrs) in
+          Ttype_variant tcstrs, Type_variant (cstrs, rep)
+      | Ptype_record lbls ->
+          let lbls, lbls' = transl_labels env None true lbls in
+          let rep =
+            if unbox then Record_unboxed false
+            else if List.for_all (fun l -> is_float env l.Types.ld_type) lbls'
+            then Record_float
+            else Record_regular
+          in
+          Ttype_record lbls, Type_record(lbls', rep)
+      | Ptype_open -> Ttype_open, Type_open
+      in
+  begin
+    let (tman, man) = match sdecl.ptype_manifest with
+        None -> None, None
+      | Some sty ->
+        let no_row = not (is_fixed_type sdecl) in
+        let cty = transl_simple_type env ~closed:no_row sty in
+        Some cty, Some cty.ctyp_type
+    in
+    let arity = List.length params in
+    let decl =
+      { type_params = params;
+        type_arity = arity;
+        type_kind = kind;
+        type_private = sdecl.ptype_private;
+        type_manifest = man;
+        type_variance = Variance.unknown_signature ~injective:false ~arity;
+        type_separability = Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+        type_is_newtype = false;
+        type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+        type_loc = sdecl.ptype_loc;
+        type_attributes = sdecl.ptype_attributes;
+        type_immediate = Unknown;
+        type_unboxed_default = unboxed_default;
+        type_uid = uid;
+      } in
+  (* Check constraints *)
+    List.iter
+      (fun (cty, cty', loc) ->
+        let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+        let ty' = cty'.ctyp_type in
+        try Ctype.unify env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify err ->
+          raise(Error(loc, Inconsistent_constraint (env, err))))
+      cstrs;
+  (* Add abstract row *)
+    if is_fixed_type sdecl then begin
+      let p, _ =
+        try Env.find_type_by_name
+              (Longident.Lident(Ident.name id ^ "#row")) env
+        with Not_found -> assert false
+      in
+      set_private_row env sdecl.ptype_loc p decl
+    end;
+    let decl =
+      {
+        typ_id = id;
+        typ_name = sdecl.ptype_name;
+        typ_params = tparams;
+        typ_type = decl;
+        typ_cstrs = cstrs;
+        typ_loc = sdecl.ptype_loc;
+        typ_manifest = tman;
+        typ_kind = tkind;
+        typ_private = sdecl.ptype_private;
+        typ_attributes = sdecl.ptype_attributes;
+      }
+    in
+    let typ_shape =
+      let uid = decl.typ_type.type_uid in
+      match decl.typ_kind with
+      | Ttype_variant cstrs -> Shape.str ~uid (shape_map_cstrs cstrs)
+      | Ttype_record labels -> Shape.str ~uid (shape_map_labels labels)
+      | Ttype_abstract | Ttype_open -> Shape.leaf uid
+    in
+    decl, typ_shape
+  end
+(* Check that all constraints are enforced *)
+module TypeSet = Btype.TypeSet
+module TypeMap = Btype.TypeMap
+let rec check_constraints_rec env loc visited ty =
+  if TypeSet.mem ty !visited then () else begin
+  visited := TypeSet.add ty !visited;
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr (path, args, _) ->
+      let decl =
+        try Env.find_type path env
+        with Not_found ->
+          raise (Error(loc, Unavailable_type_constructor path)) in
+      let ty' = Ctype.newconstr path (Ctype.instance_list decl.type_params) in
+      begin
+        (* We don't expand the error trace because that produces types that
+           *already* violate the constraints -- we need to report a problem with
+           the unexpanded types, or we get errors that talk about the same type
+           twice.  This is generally true for constraint errors. *)
+        try Ctype.matches ~expand_error_trace:false env ty ty'
+        with Ctype.Matches_failure (env, err) ->
+          raise (Error(loc, Constraint_failed (env, err)))
+      end;
+      List.iter (check_constraints_rec env loc visited) args
+  | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
+      let _, ty = Ctype.instance_poly ~fixed:false tl ty in
+      check_constraints_rec env loc visited ty
+  | _ ->
+      Btype.iter_type_expr (check_constraints_rec env loc visited) ty
+  end
+let check_constraints_labels env visited l pl =
+  let rec get_loc name = function
+      [] -> assert false
+    | pld :: tl ->
+        if name = pld.pld_name.txt then pld.pld_type.ptyp_loc
+        else get_loc name tl
+  in
+  List.iter
+    (fun {Types.ld_id=name; ld_type=ty} ->
+       check_constraints_rec env (get_loc (Ident.name name) pl) visited ty)
+    l
+let check_constraints env sdecl (_, decl) =
+  let visited = ref TypeSet.empty in
+  List.iter2
+    (fun (sty, _) ty -> check_constraints_rec env sty.ptyp_loc visited ty)
+    sdecl.ptype_params decl.type_params;
+  begin match decl.type_kind with
+  | Type_abstract _ -> ()
+  | Type_variant (l, _rep) ->
+      let find_pl = function
+          Ptype_variant pl -> pl
+        | Ptype_record _ | Ptype_abstract | Ptype_open -> assert false
+      in
+      let pl = find_pl sdecl.ptype_kind in
+      let pl_index =
+        let foldf acc x =
+          String.Map.add x.pcd_name.txt x acc
+        in
+        List.fold_left foldf String.Map.empty pl
+      in
+      List.iter
+        (fun {Types.cd_id=name; cd_args; cd_res} ->
+          let {pcd_args; pcd_res; _} =
+            try String.Map.find (Ident.name name) pl_index
+            with Not_found -> assert false in
+          begin match cd_args, pcd_args with
+          | Cstr_tuple tyl, Pcstr_tuple styl ->
+              List.iter2
+                (fun sty ty ->
+                   check_constraints_rec env sty.ptyp_loc visited ty)
+                styl tyl
+          | Cstr_record tyl, Pcstr_record styl ->
+              check_constraints_labels env visited tyl styl
+          | _ -> assert false
+          end;
+          match pcd_res, cd_res with
+          | Some sr, Some r ->
+              check_constraints_rec env sr.ptyp_loc visited r
+          | _ ->
+              () )
+        l
+  | Type_record (l, _) ->
+      let find_pl = function
+          Ptype_record pl -> pl
+        | Ptype_variant _ | Ptype_abstract | Ptype_open -> assert false
+      in
+      let pl = find_pl sdecl.ptype_kind in
+      check_constraints_labels env visited l pl
+  | Type_open -> ()
+  end;
+  begin match decl.type_manifest with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some ty ->
+      let sty =
+        match sdecl.ptype_manifest with Some sty -> sty | _ -> assert false
+      in
+      check_constraints_rec env sty.ptyp_loc visited ty
+  end
+   If both a variant/record definition and a type equation are given,
+   need to check that the equation refers to a type of the same kind
+   with the same constructors and labels.
+let check_coherence env loc dpath decl =
+  match decl with
+    { type_kind = (Type_variant _ | Type_record _| Type_open);
+      type_manifest = Some ty } ->
+      begin match get_desc ty with
+        Tconstr(path, args, _) ->
+          begin try
+            let decl' = Env.find_type path env in
+            let err =
+              if List.length args <> List.length decl.type_params
+              then Some Includecore.Arity
+              else begin
+                match Ctype.equal env false args decl.type_params with
+                | exception Ctype.Equality err ->
+                    Some (Includecore.Constraint err)
+                | () ->
+                    let subst =
+                      Subst.Unsafe.add_type_path dpath path Subst.identity in
+                    let decl =
+                      match Subst.Unsafe.type_declaration subst decl with
+                      | Ok decl -> decl
+                      | Error (Fcm_type_substituted_away _) ->
+                           (* no module type substitution in [subst] *)
+                          assert false
+                    in
+                    Includecore.type_declarations ~loc ~equality:true env
+                      ~mark:true
+                      (Path.last path)
+                      decl'
+                      dpath
+                      decl
+              end
+            in
+            if err <> None then
+              raise(Error(loc, Definition_mismatch (ty, env, err)))
+          with Not_found ->
+            raise(Error(loc, Unavailable_type_constructor path))
+          end
+      | _ -> raise(Error(loc, Definition_mismatch (ty, env, None)))
+      end
+  | _ -> ()
+let check_abbrev env sdecl (id, decl) =
+  check_coherence env sdecl.ptype_loc (Path.Pident id) decl
+(* Note: Well-foundedness for OCaml types
+   We want to guarantee that all cycles within OCaml types are
+   "guarded".
+   More precisely, we consider a reachability relation
+     "[t] is reachable [guarded|unguarded] from [u]"
+   defined as follows:
+   - [t1, t2...] are reachable guarded from object types
+       [< m1 : t1; m2 : t2; ... >]
+     or polymorphic variants
+       [[`A of t1 | `B of t2 | ...]].
+   - [t1, t2...] are reachable rectypes-guarded from
+     [t1 -> t2], [t1 * t2 * ...], and all other built-in
+     contractive type constructors.
+     (By rectypes-guarded we mean: guarded if -rectypes is set,
+      unguarded if it is not set.)
+   - If [(t1, t2...) c] is a datatype (variant or record),
+     then [t1, t2...] are reachable rectypes-guarded from it.
+   - If [(t1, t2...) c] is an abstract type,
+     then [t1, t2...] are reachable unguarded from it.
+   - If [(t1, t2...) c] is an (expandable) abbreviation,
+     then its expansion is reachable unguarded from it.
+     Note that we do not define [t1, t2...] as reachable.
+   - The relation is transitive and guardedness of a composition
+     is the disjunction of each guardedness:
+     if t1 is reachable from t2 and t2 is reachable from t3;
+     then t1 is reachable guarded from t3 if t1 is guarded in t2
+     or t2 is guarded in t3, and reachable unguarded otherwise.
+   A type [t] is not well-founded if and only if [t] is reachable
+   unguarded in [t].
+   Notice that, in the case of datatypes, the arguments of
+   a parametrized datatype are reachable (they must not contain
+   recursive occurrences of the type), but the definition of the
+   datatype is not defined as reachable.
+      (* well-founded *)
+      type t = Foo of u
+      and u = t
+      (* ill-founded *)
+      type 'a t = Foo of 'a
+      and u = u t
+      > Error: The type abbreviation u is cyclic
+   Indeed, in the second example [u] is reachable unguarded in [u t]
+   -- its own definition.
+(* Note: Forms of ill-foundedness
+   Several OCaml language constructs could introduce ill-founded
+   types, and there are several distinct checks that forbid different
+   sources of ill-foundedness.
+   1. Type aliases.
+      (* well-founded *)
+      type t = < x : 'a > as 'a
+      (* ill-founded, unless -rectypes is used *)
+      type t = (int * 'a) as 'a
+      > Error: This alias is bound to type int * 'a
+      > but is used as an instance of type 'a
+      > The type variable 'a occurs inside int * 'a
+      Ill-foundedness coming from type aliases is detected by the "occur check"
+      used by our type unification algorithm. See typetexp.ml.
+   2. Type abbreviations.
+      (* well-founded *)
+      type t = < x : t >
+      (* ill-founded, unless -rectypes is used *)
+      type t = (int * t)
+      > Error: The type abbreviation t is cyclic
+      Ill-foundedness coming from type abbreviations is detected by
+      [check_well_founded] below.
+  3. Recursive modules.
+     (* well-founded *)
+     module rec M : sig type t = < x : M.t > end = M
+     (* ill-founded, unless -rectypes is used *)
+     module rec M : sig type t = int * M.t end = M
+     > Error: The definition of M.t contains a cycle:
+     >        int * M.t
+     This is also checked by [check_well_founded] below,
+     as called from [check_recmod_typedecl].
+  4. Functor application
+     A special case of (3) is that a type can be abstract
+     in a functor definition, and be instantiated with
+     an abbreviation in an application of the functor.
+     This can introduce ill-foundedness, so functor applications
+     must be checked by re-checking the type declarations of their result.
+     module type T = sig type t end
+     module Fix(F:(T -> T)) = struct
+       (* this recursive definition is well-founded
+          as F(Fixed).t contains no reachable type expression. *)
+       module rec Fixed : T with type t = F(Fixed).t = F(Fixed)
+     end
+     (* well-founded *)
+     Module M = Fix(functor (M:T) -> struct type t = < x : M.t > end)
+     (* ill-founded *)
+     module M = Fix(functor (M:T) -> struct type t = int * M.t end);;
+     > Error: In the signature of this functor application:
+     >   The definition of Fixed.t contains a cycle:
+     >   F(Fixed).t
+(* Check that a type expression is well-founded:
+   - if -rectypes is used, we must prevent non-contractive fixpoints
+     ('a as 'a)
+   - if -rectypes is not used, we only allow cycles in the type graph
+     if they go through an object or polymorphic variant type *)
+let check_well_founded ~abs_env env loc path to_check visited ty0 =
+  let rec check parents trace ty =
+    if TypeSet.mem ty parents then begin
+      (*Format.eprintf "@[%a@]@." Printtyp.raw_type_expr ty;*)
+      let err =
+        let reaching_path, rec_abbrev =
+          (* The reaching trace is accumulated in reverse order, we
+             reverse it to get a reaching path. *)
+          match trace with
+          | [] -> assert false
+          | Expands_to (ty1, _) :: trace when (match get_desc ty1 with
+              Tconstr (p,_,_) -> Path.same p path | _ -> false) ->
+                List.rev trace, true
+          | trace -> List.rev trace, false
+        in
+        if rec_abbrev
+        then Recursive_abbrev (Path.name path, abs_env, reaching_path)
+        else Cycle_in_def (Path.name path, abs_env, reaching_path)
+      in raise (Error (loc, err))
+    end;
+    let (fini, parents) =
+      try
+        (* Map each node to the set of its already checked parents *)
+        let prev = TypeMap.find ty !visited in
+        if TypeSet.subset parents prev then (true, parents) else
+        let parents = TypeSet.union parents prev in
+        visited := TypeMap.add ty parents !visited;
+        (false, parents)
+      with Not_found ->
+        visited := TypeMap.add ty parents !visited;
+        (false, parents)
+    in
+    if fini then () else
+    let rec_ok =
+      match get_desc ty with
+      | Tconstr(p,_,_) ->
+          !Clflags.recursive_types && Ctype.is_contractive env p
+      | Tobject _ | Tvariant _ -> true
+      | _ -> !Clflags.recursive_types
+    in
+    if rec_ok then () else
+    let parents = TypeSet.add ty parents in
+    match get_desc ty with
+    | Tconstr(p, tyl, _) ->
+        let to_check = to_check p in
+        if to_check then List.iter (check_subtype parents trace ty) tyl;
+        begin match Ctype.try_expand_once_opt env ty with
+        | ty' -> check parents (Expands_to (ty, ty') :: trace) ty'
+        | exception Ctype.Cannot_expand ->
+            if not to_check then List.iter (check_subtype parents trace ty) tyl
+        end
+    | _ ->
+        Btype.iter_type_expr (check_subtype parents trace ty) ty
+  and check_subtype parents trace outer_ty inner_ty =
+      check parents (Contains (outer_ty, inner_ty) :: trace) inner_ty
+  in
+  let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+  try Ctype.wrap_trace_gadt_instances env (check TypeSet.empty []) ty0
+  with Ctype.Escape _ ->
+    (* Will be detected by check_regularity *)
+    Btype.backtrack snap
+let check_well_founded_manifest ~abs_env env loc path decl =
+  if decl.type_manifest = None then () else
+  let args = List.map (fun _ -> Ctype.newvar()) decl.type_params in
+  let visited = ref TypeMap.empty in
+  check_well_founded ~abs_env env loc path (Path.same path) visited
+    (Ctype.newconstr path args)
+(* Given a new type declaration [type t = ...] (potentially mutually-recursive),
+   we check that accepting the declaration does not introduce ill-founded types.
+   Note: we check that the types at the toplevel of the declaration
+   are not reachable unguarded from themselves, that is, we check that
+   there is no cycle going through the "root" of the declaration. But
+   we *also* check that all the type sub-expressions reachable from
+   the root even those that are guarded, are themselves
+   well-founded. (So we check the absence of cycles, even for cycles
+   going through inner type subexpressions but not the root.
+   We are not actually sure that this "deep check" is necessary
+   (we don't have an example at hand where it is necessary), but we
+   are doing it anyway out of caution.
+let check_well_founded_decl  ~abs_env env loc path decl to_check =
+  let open Btype in
+  (* We iterate on all subexpressions of the declaration to check
+     "in depth" that no ill-founded type exists. *)
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+    let super = type_iterators mark in
+    let visited =
+      (* [visited] remembers the inner visits performed by
+         [check_well_founded] on each type expression reachable from
+         this declaration. This avoids unnecessary duplication of
+         [check_well_founded] work when invoked on two parts of the
+         type declaration that have common subexpressions. *)
+      ref TypeMap.empty in
+    let it =
+      {super with it_do_type_expr =
+       (fun self ty ->
+         check_well_founded ~abs_env env loc path to_check visited ty;
+         super.it_do_type_expr self ty
+       )} in
+    it.it_type_declaration it (Ctype.generic_instance_declaration decl)
+  end
+(* Check for non-regular abbreviations; an abbreviation
+   [type 'a t = ...] is non-regular if the expansion of [...]
+   contains instances [ty t] where [ty] is not equal to ['a].
+   Note: in the case of a constrained type definition
+   [type 'a t = ... constraint 'a = ...], we require
+   that all instances in [...] be equal to the constrained type.
+let check_regularity ~abs_env env loc path decl to_check =
+  (* to_check is true for potentially mutually recursive paths.
+     (path, decl) is the type declaration to be checked. *)
+  if decl.type_params = [] then () else
+  let visited = ref TypeSet.empty in
+  let rec check_regular cpath args prev_exp trace ty =
+    if not (TypeSet.mem ty !visited) then begin
+      visited := TypeSet.add ty !visited;
+      match get_desc ty with
+      | Tconstr(path', args', _) ->
+          if Path.same path path' then begin
+            if not (Ctype.is_equal abs_env false args args') then
+              raise (Error(loc,
+                     Non_regular {
+                       definition=path;
+                       used_as=ty;
+                       defined_as=Ctype.newconstr path args;
+                       reaching_path=List.rev trace;
+                     }))
+          end
+          (* Attempt to expand a type abbreviation if:
+              1- [to_check path'] holds
+                 (otherwise the expansion cannot involve [path]);
+              2- we haven't expanded this type constructor before
+                 (otherwise we could loop if [path'] is itself
+                 a non-regular abbreviation). *)
+          else if to_check path' && not (List.mem path' prev_exp) then begin
+            try
+              (* Attempt expansion *)
+              let (params0, body0, _) = Env.find_type_expansion path' env in
+              let (params, body) =
+                Ctype.instance_parameterized_type params0 body0 in
+              begin
+                try List.iter2 (Ctype.unify abs_env) args' params
+                with Ctype.Unify err ->
+                  raise (Error(loc, Constraint_failed (abs_env, err)));
+              end;
+              check_regular path' args
+                (path' :: prev_exp) (Expands_to (ty,body) :: trace)
+                body
+            with Not_found -> ()
+          end;
+          List.iter (check_subtype cpath args prev_exp trace ty) args'
+      | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
+          let (_, ty) =
+            Ctype.instance_poly ~keep_names:true ~fixed:false tl ty in
+          check_regular cpath args prev_exp trace ty
+      | _ ->
+          Btype.iter_type_expr
+            (check_subtype cpath args prev_exp trace ty) ty
+    end
+    and check_subtype cpath args prev_exp trace outer_ty inner_ty =
+      let trace = Contains (outer_ty, inner_ty) :: trace in
+      check_regular cpath args prev_exp trace inner_ty
+  in
+  Option.iter
+    (fun body ->
+      let (args, body) =
+        Ctype.instance_parameterized_type
+          ~keep_names:true decl.type_params body in
+      List.iter (check_regular path args [] []) args;
+      check_regular path args [] [] body)
+    decl.type_manifest
+let check_abbrev_regularity ~abs_env env id_loc_list to_check tdecl =
+  let decl = tdecl.typ_type in
+  let id = tdecl.typ_id in
+  check_regularity ~abs_env env (List.assoc id id_loc_list) (Path.Pident id)
+    decl to_check
+let check_duplicates sdecl_list =
+  let labels = Hashtbl.create 7 and constrs = Hashtbl.create 7 in
+  List.iter
+    (fun sdecl -> match sdecl.ptype_kind with
+      Ptype_variant cl ->
+        List.iter
+          (fun pcd ->
+            try
+              let name' = Hashtbl.find constrs pcd.pcd_name.txt in
+              Location.prerr_warning pcd.pcd_loc
+                (Warnings.Duplicate_definitions
+                   ("constructor", pcd.pcd_name.txt, name',
+                    sdecl.ptype_name.txt))
+            with Not_found ->
+              Hashtbl.add constrs pcd.pcd_name.txt sdecl.ptype_name.txt)
+          cl
+    | Ptype_record fl ->
+        List.iter
+          (fun {pld_name=cname;pld_loc=loc} ->
+            try
+              let name' = Hashtbl.find labels cname.txt in
+              Location.prerr_warning loc
+                (Warnings.Duplicate_definitions
+                   ("label", cname.txt, name', sdecl.ptype_name.txt))
+            with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add labels cname.txt sdecl.ptype_name.txt)
+          fl
+    | Ptype_abstract -> ()
+    | Ptype_open -> ())
+    sdecl_list
+(* Force recursion to go through id for private types*)
+let name_recursion sdecl id decl =
+  match decl with
+  | { type_kind = Type_abstract _;
+      type_manifest = Some ty;
+      type_private = Private; } when is_fixed_type sdecl ->
+    let ty' = Btype.newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) (get_desc ty) in
+    if Ctype.deep_occur ty ty' then
+      let td = Tconstr(Path.Pident id, decl.type_params, ref Mnil) in
+      link_type ty (Btype.newty2 ~level:(get_level ty) td);
+      {decl with type_manifest = Some ty'}
+    else decl
+  | _ -> decl
+let name_recursion_decls sdecls decls =
+  List.map2 (fun sdecl (id, decl) -> (id, name_recursion sdecl id decl))
+    sdecls decls
+(* Warn on definitions of type "type foo = ()" which redefine a different unit
+   type and are likely a mistake. *)
+let check_redefined_unit (td: Parsetree.type_declaration) =
+  let open Parsetree in
+  let is_unit_constructor cd = cd.pcd_name.txt = "()" in
+  match td with
+  | { ptype_name = { txt = name };
+      ptype_manifest = None;
+      ptype_kind = Ptype_variant [ cd ] }
+    when is_unit_constructor cd ->
+      Location.prerr_warning td.ptype_loc (Warnings.Redefining_unit name)
+  | _ ->
+      ()
+(* Update a temporary definition to share recursion *)
+let update_type temp_env env id loc =
+  let path = Path.Pident id in
+  let decl = Env.find_type path temp_env in
+  match decl.type_manifest with None -> ()
+  | Some ty ->
+      (* Since this function is called after generalizing declarations,
+         ty is at the generic level.  Since we need to keep possible
+         sharings in recursive type definitions, unify without instantiating,
+         but generalize again after unification. *)
+      Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+        let params = List.map (fun _ -> Ctype.newvar ()) decl.type_params in
+        try Ctype.unify env (Ctype.newconstr path params) ty
+        with Ctype.Unify err ->
+          raise (Error(loc, Type_clash (env, err)))
+      end
+let add_types_to_env decls shapes env =
+  List.fold_right2
+    (fun (id, decl) shape env ->
+      add_type ~check:true ~shape id decl env)
+    decls shapes env
+(* Translate a set of type declarations, mutually recursive or not *)
+let transl_type_decl env rec_flag sdecl_list =
+  List.iter check_redefined_unit sdecl_list;
+  (* Add dummy types for fixed rows *)
+  let fixed_types = List.filter is_fixed_type sdecl_list in
+  let sdecl_list =
+    List.map
+      (fun sdecl ->
+         let ptype_name =
+           let loc = { sdecl.ptype_name.loc with Location.loc_ghost = true } in
+           mkloc (sdecl.ptype_name.txt ^"#row") loc
+         in
+         let ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract in
+         let ptype_manifest = None in
+         let ptype_loc = { sdecl.ptype_loc with Location.loc_ghost = true } in
+        {sdecl with
+           ptype_name; ptype_kind; ptype_manifest; ptype_loc })
+      fixed_types
+    @ sdecl_list
+  in
+  (* Create identifiers. *)
+  let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+  let ids_list =
+    List.map (fun sdecl ->
+      Ident.create_scoped ~scope sdecl.ptype_name.txt,
+      Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ())
+    ) sdecl_list
+  in
+  (* Translate declarations, using a temporary environment where abbreviations
+     expand to a generic type variable. After that, we check the coherence of
+     the translated declarations in the resulting new environment. *)
+  let tdecls, decls, shapes, temp_env, new_env =
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      (* Enter types. *)
+      let temp_env =
+        List.fold_left2 (enter_type rec_flag) env sdecl_list ids_list in
+      (* Translate each declaration. *)
+      let current_slot = ref None in
+      let warn_unused =
+        Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Unused_type_declaration "") in
+      let ids_slots (id, _uid as ids) =
+        match rec_flag with
+        | Asttypes.Recursive when warn_unused ->
+            (* See typecore.ml for a description of the algorithm used to
+               detect unused declarations in a set of recursive definitions. *)
+            let slot = ref [] in
+            let td = Env.find_type (Path.Pident id) temp_env in
+            Env.set_type_used_callback
+              td
+              (fun old_callback ->
+                match !current_slot with
+                | Some slot -> slot := td.type_uid :: !slot
+                | None ->
+                    List.iter Env.mark_type_used (get_ref slot);
+                    old_callback ()
+              );
+            ids, Some slot
+        | Asttypes.Recursive | Asttypes.Nonrecursive ->
+            ids, None
+      in
+      let transl_declaration name_sdecl (id, slot) =
+        current_slot := slot;
+        Builtin_attributes.warning_scope
+          name_sdecl.ptype_attributes
+          (fun () -> transl_declaration temp_env name_sdecl id)
+      in
+      let tdecls =
+        List.map2 transl_declaration sdecl_list (List.map ids_slots ids_list) in
+      let decls, shapes =
+        List.map (fun (tdecl, shape) ->
+          (tdecl.typ_id, tdecl.typ_type), shape) tdecls
+        |> List.split
+      in
+      current_slot := None;
+      (* Check for duplicates *)
+      check_duplicates sdecl_list;
+      (* Build the final env. *)
+      let new_env = add_types_to_env decls shapes env in
+      (tdecls, decls, shapes, temp_env, new_env)
+    end
+  in
+  (* Check for ill-formed abbrevs *)
+  let id_loc_list =
+    List.map2 (fun (id, _) sdecl -> (id, sdecl.ptype_loc))
+      ids_list sdecl_list
+  in
+  (* [check_abbrev_regularity] and error messages cannot use the new
+     environment, as this might result in non-termination. Instead we use a
+     completely abstract version of the temporary environment, giving a reason
+     for why abbreviations cannot be expanded (#12334, #12368) *)
+  let abs_env =
+    List.fold_left2
+      (enter_type ~abstract_abbrevs:Rec_check_regularity rec_flag)
+      env sdecl_list ids_list in
+  List.iter (fun (id, decl) ->
+    check_well_founded_manifest ~abs_env new_env (List.assoc id id_loc_list)
+      (Path.Pident id) decl)
+    decls;
+  let to_check =
+    function Path.Pident id -> List.mem_assoc id id_loc_list | _ -> false in
+  List.iter (fun (id, decl) ->
+    check_well_founded_decl ~abs_env new_env (List.assoc id id_loc_list)
+      (Path.Pident id)
+      decl to_check)
+    decls;
+  List.iter (fun (tdecl, _shape) ->
+    check_abbrev_regularity ~abs_env new_env id_loc_list to_check tdecl)
+    tdecls;
+  (* Update temporary definitions (for well-founded recursive types) *)
+  begin match rec_flag with
+  | Asttypes.Nonrecursive -> ()
+  | Asttypes.Recursive ->
+      List.iter2
+        (fun (id, _) sdecl ->
+          update_type temp_env new_env id sdecl.ptype_loc)
+        ids_list sdecl_list
+  end;
+  (* Check that all type variables are closed *)
+  List.iter2
+    (fun sdecl (tdecl, _shape) ->
+      let decl = tdecl.typ_type in
+       match Ctype.closed_type_decl decl with
+         Some ty -> raise(Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Unbound_type_var(ty,decl)))
+       | None   -> ())
+    sdecl_list tdecls;
+  (* Check that constraints are enforced *)
+  List.iter2 (check_constraints new_env) sdecl_list decls;
+  (* Add type properties to declarations *)
+  let decls =
+    try
+      decls
+      |> name_recursion_decls sdecl_list
+      |> Typedecl_variance.update_decls env sdecl_list
+      |> Typedecl_immediacy.update_decls env
+      |> Typedecl_separability.update_decls env
+    with
+    | Typedecl_variance.Error (loc, err) ->
+        raise (Error (loc, Variance err))
+    | Typedecl_immediacy.Error (loc, err) ->
+        raise (Error (loc, Immediacy err))
+    | Typedecl_separability.Error (loc, err) ->
+        raise (Error (loc, Separability err))
+  in
+  (* Compute the final environment with variance and immediacy *)
+  let final_env = add_types_to_env decls shapes env in
+  (* Check re-exportation *)
+  List.iter2 (check_abbrev final_env) sdecl_list decls;
+  (* Keep original declaration *)
+  let final_decls =
+    List.map2
+      (fun (tdecl, _shape) (_id2, decl) ->
+        { tdecl with typ_type = decl }
+      ) tdecls decls
+  in
+  (* Done *)
+  (final_decls, final_env, shapes)
+(* Translating type extensions *)
+let transl_extension_constructor ~scope env type_path type_params
+                                 typext_params priv sext =
+  let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope sext.pext_name.txt in
+  let args, ret_type, kind =
+    match sext.pext_kind with
+      Pext_decl(svars, sargs, sret_type) ->
+        let targs, tret_type, args, ret_type =
+          make_constructor env sext.pext_loc type_path typext_params
+            svars sargs sret_type
+        in
+          args, ret_type, Text_decl(svars, targs, tret_type)
+    | Pext_rebind lid ->
+        let usage : Env.constructor_usage =
+          if priv = Public then Env.Exported else Env.Exported_private
+        in
+        let cdescr = Env.lookup_constructor ~loc:lid.loc usage lid.txt env in
+        let (args, cstr_res, _ex) =
+          Ctype.instance_constructor Keep_existentials_flexible cdescr
+        in
+        let res, ret_type =
+          if cdescr.cstr_generalized then
+            let params = Ctype.instance_list type_params in
+            let res = Ctype.newconstr type_path params in
+            let ret_type = Some (Ctype.newconstr type_path params) in
+              res, ret_type
+          else (Ctype.newconstr type_path typext_params), None
+        in
+        begin
+          try
+            Ctype.unify env cstr_res res
+          with Ctype.Unify err ->
+            raise (Error(lid.loc,
+                     Rebind_wrong_type(lid.txt, env, err)))
+        end;
+        (* Remove "_" names from parameters used in the constructor *)
+        if not cdescr.cstr_generalized then begin
+          let vars =
+            Ctype.free_variables (Btype.newgenty (Ttuple args))
+          in
+          List.iter
+            (fun ty ->
+              if get_desc ty = Tvar (Some "_")
+              && List.exists (eq_type ty) vars
+              then set_type_desc ty (Tvar None))
+            typext_params
+        end;
+        (* Ensure that constructor's type matches the type being extended *)
+        let cstr_type_path = Btype.cstr_type_path cdescr in
+        let cstr_type_params = (Env.find_type cstr_type_path env).type_params in
+        let cstr_types =
+          (Btype.newgenty
+             (Tconstr(cstr_type_path, cstr_type_params, ref Mnil)))
+          :: cstr_type_params
+        in
+        let ext_types =
+          (Btype.newgenty
+             (Tconstr(type_path, type_params, ref Mnil)))
+          :: type_params
+        in
+        if not (Ctype.is_equal env true cstr_types ext_types) then
+          raise (Error(lid.loc,
+                       Rebind_mismatch(lid.txt, cstr_type_path, type_path)));
+        (* Disallow rebinding private constructors to non-private *)
+        begin
+          match cdescr.cstr_private, priv with
+            Private, Public ->
+              raise (Error(lid.loc, Rebind_private lid.txt))
+          | _ -> ()
+        end;
+        let path =
+          match cdescr.cstr_tag with
+            Cstr_extension(path, _) -> path
+          | _ -> assert false
+        in
+        let args =
+          match cdescr.cstr_inlined with
+          | None ->
+              Types.Cstr_tuple args
+          | Some decl ->
+              let tl =
+                match List.map get_desc args with
+                | [ Tconstr(_, tl, _) ] -> tl
+                | _ -> assert false
+              in
+              let decl = Ctype.instance_declaration decl in
+              assert (List.length decl.type_params = List.length tl);
+              List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) decl.type_params tl;
+              let lbls =
+                match decl.type_kind with
+                | Type_record (lbls, Record_extension _) -> lbls
+                | _ -> assert false
+              in
+              Types.Cstr_record lbls
+        in
+        args, ret_type, Text_rebind(path, lid)
+  in
+  let ext =
+    { ext_type_path = type_path;
+      ext_type_params = typext_params;
+      ext_args = args;
+      ext_ret_type = ret_type;
+      ext_private = priv;
+      Types.ext_loc = sext.pext_loc;
+      Types.ext_attributes = sext.pext_attributes;
+      ext_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+    }
+  in
+  let ext_cstrs =
+    { ext_id = id;
+      ext_name = sext.pext_name;
+      ext_type = ext;
+      ext_kind = kind;
+      Typedtree.ext_loc = sext.pext_loc;
+      Typedtree.ext_attributes = sext.pext_attributes; }
+  in
+  let shape =
+    let map =  match ext_cstrs.ext_kind with
+    | Text_decl (_, Cstr_record lbls, _) -> shape_map_labels lbls
+    | _ -> Shape.Map.empty
+    in
+    Shape.str ~uid:ext_cstrs.ext_type.ext_uid map
+ in
+  ext_cstrs, shape
+let transl_extension_constructor ~scope env type_path type_params
+    typext_params priv sext =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope sext.pext_attributes
+    (fun () -> transl_extension_constructor ~scope env type_path type_params
+        typext_params priv sext)
+let is_rebind ext =
+  match ext.ext_kind with
+  | Text_rebind _ -> true
+  | Text_decl _ -> false
+let transl_type_extension extend env loc styext =
+  let type_path, type_decl =
+    let lid = styext.ptyext_path in
+    Env.lookup_type ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env
+  in
+  begin
+    match type_decl.type_kind with
+    | Type_open -> begin
+        match type_decl.type_private with
+        | Private when extend -> begin
+            match
+              List.find
+                (function {pext_kind = Pext_decl _} -> true
+                        | {pext_kind = Pext_rebind _} -> false)
+                styext.ptyext_constructors
+            with
+            | {pext_loc} ->
+                raise (Error(pext_loc, Cannot_extend_private_type type_path))
+            | exception Not_found -> ()
+          end
+        | _ -> ()
+      end
+    | _ ->
+        raise (Error(loc, Not_extensible_type type_path))
+  end;
+  let type_variance =
+    List.map (fun v ->
+                let (co, cn) = Variance.get_upper v in
+                  (not cn, not co, false))
+             type_decl.type_variance
+  in
+  let err =
+    if type_decl.type_arity <> List.length styext.ptyext_params then
+      Some Includecore.Arity
+    else
+      if List.for_all2
+           (fun (c1, n1, _) (c2, n2, _) -> (not c2 || c1) && (not n2 || n1))
+           type_variance
+           (Typedecl_variance.variance_of_params styext.ptyext_params)
+      then None else Some Includecore.Variance
+  in
+  begin match err with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some err -> raise (Error(loc, Extension_mismatch (type_path, env, err)))
+  end;
+  let ttype_params, _type_params, constructors =
+    (* Note: it would be incorrect to call [create_scope] *after*
+       [TyVarEnv.reset] or after [with_local_level] (see #10010). *)
+    let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      TyVarEnv.reset();
+      let ttype_params = make_params env styext.ptyext_params in
+      let type_params = List.map (fun (cty, _) -> cty.ctyp_type) ttype_params in
+      List.iter2 (Ctype.unify_var env)
+        (Ctype.instance_list type_decl.type_params)
+        type_params;
+      let constructors =
+        List.map (transl_extension_constructor ~scope env type_path
+                    type_decl.type_params type_params styext.ptyext_private)
+          styext.ptyext_constructors
+      in
+      (ttype_params, type_params, constructors)
+    end
+  in
+  (* Check that all type variables are closed *)
+  List.iter
+    (fun (ext, _shape) ->
+       match Ctype.closed_extension_constructor ext.ext_type with
+         Some ty ->
+           raise(Error(ext.ext_loc, Unbound_type_var_ext(ty, ext.ext_type)))
+       | None -> ())
+    constructors;
+  (* Check variances are correct *)
+  List.iter
+    (fun (ext, _shape) ->
+       (* Note that [loc] here is distinct from [type_decl.type_loc], which
+          makes the [loc] parameter to this function useful. [loc] is the
+          location of the extension, while [type_decl] points to the original
+          type declaration being extended. *)
+       try Typedecl_variance.check_variance_extension
+             env type_decl ext (type_variance, loc)
+       with Typedecl_variance.Error (loc, err) ->
+         raise (Error (loc, Variance err)))
+    constructors;
+  (* Add extension constructors to the environment *)
+  let newenv =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun env (ext, shape) ->
+         let rebind = is_rebind ext in
+         Env.add_extension ~check:true ~shape ~rebind
+           ext.ext_id ext.ext_type env)
+      env constructors
+  in
+  let constructors, shapes = List.split constructors in
+  let tyext =
+    { tyext_path = type_path;
+      tyext_txt = styext.ptyext_path;
+      tyext_params = ttype_params;
+      tyext_constructors = constructors;
+      tyext_private = styext.ptyext_private;
+      tyext_loc = styext.ptyext_loc;
+      tyext_attributes = styext.ptyext_attributes; }
+  in
+    (tyext, newenv, shapes)
+let transl_type_extension extend env loc styext =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope styext.ptyext_attributes
+    (fun () -> transl_type_extension extend env loc styext)
+let transl_exception env sext =
+  let ext, shape =
+    let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+    Ctype.with_local_level_generalize
+      (fun () ->
+        TyVarEnv.reset();
+        transl_extension_constructor ~scope env
+          Predef.path_exn [] [] Asttypes.Public sext)
+  in
+  (* Check that all type variables are closed *)
+  begin match Ctype.closed_extension_constructor ext.ext_type with
+    Some ty ->
+      raise (Error(ext.ext_loc, Unbound_type_var_ext(ty, ext.ext_type)))
+  | None -> ()
+  end;
+  let rebind = is_rebind ext in
+  let newenv =
+    Env.add_extension ~check:true ~shape ~rebind ext.ext_id ext.ext_type env
+  in
+  ext, newenv, shape
+let transl_type_exception env t =
+  let contructor, newenv, shape =
+    Builtin_attributes.warning_scope t.ptyexn_attributes
+      (fun () ->
+         transl_exception env t.ptyexn_constructor
+      )
+  in
+  {tyexn_constructor = contructor;
+   tyexn_loc = t.ptyexn_loc;
+   tyexn_attributes = t.ptyexn_attributes}, newenv, shape
+type native_repr_attribute =
+  | Native_repr_attr_absent
+  | Native_repr_attr_present of native_repr_kind
+let get_native_repr_attribute attrs ~global_repr =
+  match
+    Attr_helper.get_no_payload_attribute "unboxed"  attrs,
+    Attr_helper.get_no_payload_attribute "untagged" attrs,
+    global_repr
+  with
+  | None, None, None -> Native_repr_attr_absent
+  | None, None, Some repr -> Native_repr_attr_present repr
+  | Some _, None, None -> Native_repr_attr_present Unboxed
+  | None, Some _, None -> Native_repr_attr_present Untagged
+  | Some { Location.loc }, _, _
+  | _, Some { Location.loc }, _ ->
+    raise (Error (loc, Multiple_native_repr_attributes))
+let native_repr_of_type env kind ty =
+  match kind, get_desc (Ctype.expand_head_opt env ty) with
+  | Untagged, Tconstr (_, _, _) when
+         Typeopt.maybe_pointer_type env ty = Lambda.Immediate ->
+    Some Untagged_immediate
+  | Unboxed, Tconstr (path, _, _) when Path.same path Predef.path_float ->
+    Some Unboxed_float
+  | Unboxed, Tconstr (path, _, _) when Path.same path Predef.path_int32 ->
+    Some (Unboxed_integer Pint32)
+  | Unboxed, Tconstr (path, _, _) when Path.same path Predef.path_int64 ->
+    Some (Unboxed_integer Pint64)
+  | Unboxed, Tconstr (path, _, _) when Path.same path Predef.path_nativeint ->
+    Some (Unboxed_integer Pnativeint)
+  | _ ->
+    None
+(* Raises an error when [core_type] contains an [@unboxed] or [@untagged]
+   attribute in a strict sub-term. *)
+let error_if_has_deep_native_repr_attributes core_type =
+  let open Ast_iterator in
+  let this_iterator =
+    { default_iterator with typ = fun iterator core_type ->
+      begin
+        match
+          get_native_repr_attribute core_type.ptyp_attributes ~global_repr:None
+        with
+        | Native_repr_attr_present kind ->
+           raise (Error (core_type.ptyp_loc,
+                         Deep_unbox_or_untag_attribute kind))
+        | Native_repr_attr_absent -> ()
+      end;
+      default_iterator.typ iterator core_type }
+  in
+  default_iterator.typ this_iterator core_type
+let make_native_repr env core_type ty ~global_repr =
+  error_if_has_deep_native_repr_attributes core_type;
+  match get_native_repr_attribute core_type.ptyp_attributes ~global_repr with
+  | Native_repr_attr_absent ->
+    Same_as_ocaml_repr
+  | Native_repr_attr_present kind ->
+    begin match native_repr_of_type env kind ty with
+    | None ->
+      raise (Error (core_type.ptyp_loc, Cannot_unbox_or_untag_type kind))
+    | Some repr -> repr
+    end
+let rec parse_native_repr_attributes env core_type ty ~global_repr =
+  match core_type.ptyp_desc, get_desc ty,
+    get_native_repr_attribute core_type.ptyp_attributes ~global_repr:None
+  with
+  | Ptyp_arrow _, Tarrow _, Native_repr_attr_present kind  ->
+    raise (Error (core_type.ptyp_loc, Cannot_unbox_or_untag_type kind))
+  | Ptyp_arrow (_, ct1, ct2), Tarrow (_, t1, t2, _), _ ->
+    let repr_arg = make_native_repr env ct1 t1 ~global_repr in
+    let repr_args, repr_res =
+      parse_native_repr_attributes env ct2 t2 ~global_repr
+    in
+    (repr_arg :: repr_args, repr_res)
+  | (Ptyp_poly (_, t) | Ptyp_alias (t, _)), _, _ ->
+     parse_native_repr_attributes env t ty ~global_repr
+  | Ptyp_arrow _, _, _ | _, Tarrow _, _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> ([], make_native_repr env core_type ty ~global_repr)
+let check_unboxable env loc ty =
+  let check_type acc ty : Path.Set.t =
+    let ty = Ctype.expand_head_opt env ty in
+    try match get_desc ty with
+      | Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
+        let tydecl = Env.find_type p env in
+        if tydecl.type_unboxed_default then
+          Path.Set.add p acc
+        else acc
+      | _ -> acc
+    with Not_found -> acc
+  in
+  let all_unboxable_types = Btype.fold_type_expr check_type Path.Set.empty ty in
+  Path.Set.fold
+    (fun p () ->
+       Location.prerr_warning loc
+         (Warnings.Unboxable_type_in_prim_decl (Path.name p))
+    )
+    all_unboxable_types
+    ()
+(* Translate a value declaration *)
+let transl_value_decl env loc valdecl =
+  let cty = Typetexp.transl_type_scheme env valdecl.pval_type in
+  let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+  let v =
+  match valdecl.pval_prim with
+    [] when Env.is_in_signature env ->
+      { val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_reg; Types.val_loc = loc;
+        val_attributes = valdecl.pval_attributes;
+        val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+      }
+  | [] ->
+      raise (Error(valdecl.pval_loc, Val_in_structure))
+  | _ ->
+      let global_repr =
+        match
+          get_native_repr_attribute valdecl.pval_attributes ~global_repr:None
+        with
+        | Native_repr_attr_present repr -> Some repr
+        | Native_repr_attr_absent -> None
+      in
+      let native_repr_args, native_repr_res =
+        parse_native_repr_attributes env valdecl.pval_type ty ~global_repr
+      in
+      let prim =
+        Primitive.parse_declaration valdecl
+          ~native_repr_args
+          ~native_repr_res
+      in
+      if prim.prim_arity = 0 &&
+         (prim.prim_name = "" || prim.prim_name.[0] <> '%') then
+        raise(Error(valdecl.pval_type.ptyp_loc, Null_arity_external));
+      if !Clflags.native_code
+      && prim.prim_arity > 5
+      && prim.prim_native_name = ""
+      then raise(Error(valdecl.pval_type.ptyp_loc, Missing_native_external));
+      check_unboxable env loc ty;
+      { val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_prim prim; Types.val_loc = loc;
+        val_attributes = valdecl.pval_attributes;
+        val_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+      }
+  in
+  let (id, newenv) =
+    Env.enter_value valdecl.pval_name.txt v env
+      ~check:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_value_declaration s)
+  in
+  let desc =
+    {
+     val_id = id;
+     val_name = valdecl.pval_name;
+     val_desc = cty; val_val = v;
+     val_prim = valdecl.pval_prim;
+     val_loc = valdecl.pval_loc;
+     val_attributes = valdecl.pval_attributes;
+    }
+  in
+  desc, newenv
+let transl_value_decl env loc valdecl =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope valdecl.pval_attributes
+    (fun () -> transl_value_decl env loc valdecl)
+(* Translate a "with" constraint -- much simplified version of
+   transl_type_decl. For a constraint [Sig with t = sdecl],
+   there are two declarations of interest in two environments:
+   - [sig_decl] is the declaration of [t] in [Sig],
+     in the environment [sig_env] (containing the declarations
+     of [Sig] before [t])
+   - [sdecl] is the new syntactic declaration, to be type-checked
+     in the current, outer environment [with_env].
+   In particular, note that [sig_env] is an extension of
+   [outer_env].
+let transl_with_constraint id ?fixed_row_path ~sig_env ~sig_decl ~outer_env
+    sdecl =
+  Env.mark_type_used sig_decl.type_uid;
+  Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+  TyVarEnv.reset();
+  (* In the first part of this function, we typecheck the syntactic
+     declaration [sdecl] in the outer environment [outer_env]. *)
+  let env = outer_env in
+  let loc = sdecl.ptype_loc in
+  let tparams = make_params env sdecl.ptype_params in
+  let params = List.map (fun (cty, _) -> cty.ctyp_type) tparams in
+  let arity = List.length params in
+  let constraints =
+    List.map (fun (ty, ty', loc) ->
+      let cty = transl_simple_type env ~closed:false ty in
+      let cty' = transl_simple_type env ~closed:false ty' in
+      (* Note: We delay the unification of those constraints
+         after the unification of parameters, so that clashing
+         constraints report an error on the constraint location
+         rather than the parameter location. *)
+      (cty, cty', loc)
+    ) sdecl.ptype_cstrs
+  in
+  let no_row = not (is_fixed_type sdecl) in
+  let (tman, man) =  match sdecl.ptype_manifest with
+      None -> Misc.fatal_error "Typedecl.transl_with_constraint: no manifest"
+    | Some sty ->
+        let cty = transl_simple_type env ~closed:no_row sty in
+        cty, cty.ctyp_type
+  in
+  (* In the second part, we check the consistency between the two
+     declarations and compute a "merged" declaration; we now need to
+     work in the larger signature environment [sig_env], because
+     [sig_decl.type_params] and [sig_decl.type_kind] are only valid
+     there. *)
+  let env = sig_env in
+  let sig_decl = Ctype.instance_declaration sig_decl in
+  let arity_ok = arity = sig_decl.type_arity in
+  if arity_ok then
+    List.iter2 (fun (cty, _) tparam ->
+      try Ctype.unify_var env cty.ctyp_type tparam
+      with Ctype.Unify err ->
+        raise(Error(cty.ctyp_loc, Inconsistent_constraint (env, err)))
+    ) tparams sig_decl.type_params;
+  List.iter (fun (cty, cty', loc) ->
+    (* Note: constraints must also be enforced in [sig_env] because
+       they may contain parameter variables from [tparams]
+       that have now be unified in [sig_env]. *)
+    try Ctype.unify env cty.ctyp_type cty'.ctyp_type
+    with Ctype.Unify err ->
+      raise(Error(loc, Inconsistent_constraint (env, err)))
+  ) constraints;
+  let sig_decl_abstract = Btype.type_kind_is_abstract sig_decl in
+  let priv =
+    if sdecl.ptype_private = Private then Private else
+    if arity_ok && not sig_decl_abstract
+    then sig_decl.type_private else sdecl.ptype_private
+  in
+  if arity_ok && not sig_decl_abstract
+  && sdecl.ptype_private = Private then
+    Location.deprecated loc "spurious use of private";
+  let type_kind, type_unboxed_default =
+    if arity_ok then
+      sig_decl.type_kind, sig_decl.type_unboxed_default
+    else
+      Type_abstract Definition, false
+  in
+  let new_sig_decl =
+    { type_params = params;
+      type_arity = arity;
+      type_kind;
+      type_private = priv;
+      type_manifest = Some man;
+      type_variance = [];
+      type_separability = Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+      type_is_newtype = false;
+      type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+      type_loc = loc;
+      type_attributes = sdecl.ptype_attributes;
+      type_immediate = Unknown;
+      type_unboxed_default;
+      type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+    }
+  in
+  Option.iter (fun p -> set_private_row env sdecl.ptype_loc p new_sig_decl)
+    fixed_row_path;
+  begin match Ctype.closed_type_decl new_sig_decl with None -> ()
+  | Some ty -> raise(Error(loc, Unbound_type_var(ty, new_sig_decl)))
+  end;
+  let new_sig_decl = name_recursion sdecl id new_sig_decl in
+  let new_type_variance =
+    let required = Typedecl_variance.variance_of_sdecl sdecl in
+    try
+      Typedecl_variance.compute_decl env ~check:(Some id) new_sig_decl required
+    with Typedecl_variance.Error (loc, err) ->
+      raise (Error (loc, Variance err)) in
+  let new_type_immediate =
+    (* Typedecl_immediacy.compute_decl never raises *)
+    Typedecl_immediacy.compute_decl env new_sig_decl in
+  let new_type_separability =
+    try Typedecl_separability.compute_decl env new_sig_decl
+    with Typedecl_separability.Error (loc, err) ->
+      raise (Error (loc, Separability err)) in
+  let new_sig_decl =
+    (* we intentionally write this without a fragile { decl with ... }
+       to ensure that people adding new fields to type declarations
+       consider whether they need to recompute it here; for an example
+       of bug caused by the previous approach, see #9607 *)
+    {
+      type_params = new_sig_decl.type_params;
+      type_arity = new_sig_decl.type_arity;
+      type_kind = new_sig_decl.type_kind;
+      type_private = new_sig_decl.type_private;
+      type_manifest = new_sig_decl.type_manifest;
+      type_unboxed_default = new_sig_decl.type_unboxed_default;
+      type_is_newtype = new_sig_decl.type_is_newtype;
+      type_expansion_scope = new_sig_decl.type_expansion_scope;
+      type_loc = new_sig_decl.type_loc;
+      type_attributes = new_sig_decl.type_attributes;
+      type_uid = new_sig_decl.type_uid;
+      type_variance = new_type_variance;
+      type_immediate = new_type_immediate;
+      type_separability = new_type_separability;
+    } in
+  {
+    typ_id = id;
+    typ_name = sdecl.ptype_name;
+    typ_params = tparams;
+    typ_type = new_sig_decl;
+    typ_cstrs = constraints;
+    typ_loc = loc;
+    typ_manifest = Some tman;
+    typ_kind = Ttype_abstract;
+    typ_private = sdecl.ptype_private;
+    typ_attributes = sdecl.ptype_attributes;
+  }
+  end
+(* A simplified version of [transl_with_constraint], for the case of packages.
+   Package constraints are much simpler than normal with type constraints (e.g.,
+   they can not have parameters and can only update abstract types.) *)
+let transl_package_constraint ~loc env ty =
+  let new_sig_decl =
+    { type_params = [];
+      type_arity = 0;
+      type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+      type_private = Public;
+      type_manifest = Some ty;
+      type_variance = [];
+      type_separability = [];
+      type_is_newtype = false;
+      type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+      type_loc = loc;
+      type_attributes = [];
+      type_immediate = Unknown;
+      type_unboxed_default = false;
+      type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ())
+    }
+  in
+  let new_type_immediate =
+    (* Typedecl_immediacy.compute_decl never raises *)
+    Typedecl_immediacy.compute_decl env new_sig_decl
+  in
+  { new_sig_decl with type_immediate = new_type_immediate }
+(* Approximate a type declaration: just make all types abstract *)
+let abstract_type_decl ~injective arity =
+  let rec make_params n =
+    if n <= 0 then [] else Ctype.newvar() :: make_params (n-1) in
+  Ctype.with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+    { type_params = make_params arity;
+      type_arity = arity;
+      type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+      type_private = Public;
+      type_manifest = None;
+      type_variance = Variance.unknown_signature ~injective ~arity;
+      type_separability = Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+      type_is_newtype = false;
+      type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+      type_loc = Location.none;
+      type_attributes = [];
+      type_immediate = Unknown;
+      type_unboxed_default = false;
+      type_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique;
+    }
+  end
+let approx_type_decl sdecl_list =
+  let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+  List.map
+    (fun sdecl ->
+      let injective = sdecl.ptype_kind <> Ptype_abstract in
+      (Ident.create_scoped ~scope sdecl.ptype_name.txt,
+       abstract_type_decl ~injective (List.length sdecl.ptype_params)))
+    sdecl_list
+(* Check the well-formedness conditions on type abbreviations defined
+   within recursive modules. *)
+let check_recmod_typedecl env loc recmod_ids path decl =
+  (* recmod_ids is the list of recursively-defined module idents.
+     (path, decl) is the type declaration to be checked. *)
+  let to_check path = Path.exists_free recmod_ids path in
+  check_well_founded_decl ~abs_env:env env loc path decl to_check;
+  check_regularity ~abs_env:env env loc path decl to_check;
+  (* additional coherence check, as one might build an incoherent signature,
+     and use it to build an incoherent module, cf. #7851 *)
+  check_coherence env loc path decl
+(**** Error report ****)
+open Format_doc
+module Style = Misc.Style
+module Printtyp = Printtyp.Doc
+let explain_unbound_gen ppf tv tl typ kwd pr =
+  try
+    let ti = List.find (fun ti -> Ctype.deep_occur tv (typ ti)) tl in
+    let ty0 = (* Hack to force aliasing when needed *)
+      Btype.newgenty (Tobject(tv, ref None)) in
+    Out_type.prepare_for_printing [typ ti; ty0];
+    fprintf ppf
+      ".@ @[<hov2>In %s@ %a@;<1 -2>the variable %a is unbound@]"
+      kwd (Style.as_inline_code pr) ti
+      (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) tv
+  with Not_found -> ()
+let explain_unbound ppf tv tl typ kwd lab =
+  explain_unbound_gen ppf tv tl typ kwd
+    (fun ppf ti ->
+       fprintf ppf "%s%a" (lab ti) Out_type.prepared_type_expr (typ ti)
+    )
+let explain_unbound_single ppf tv ty =
+  let trivial ty =
+    explain_unbound ppf tv [ty] (fun t -> t) "type" (fun _ -> "") in
+  match get_desc ty with
+    Tobject(fi,_) ->
+      let (tl, rv) = Ctype.flatten_fields fi in
+      if eq_type rv tv then trivial ty else
+      explain_unbound ppf tv tl (fun (_,_,t) -> t)
+        "method" (fun (lab,_,_) -> lab ^ ": ")
+  | Tvariant row ->
+      if eq_type (row_more row) tv then trivial ty else
+      explain_unbound ppf tv (row_fields row)
+        (fun (_l,f) -> match row_field_repr f with
+          Rpresent (Some t) -> t
+        | Reither (_,[t],_) -> t
+        | Reither (_,tl,_) -> Btype.newgenty (Ttuple tl)
+        | _ -> Btype.newgenty (Ttuple[]))
+        "case" (fun (lab,_) -> "`" ^ lab ^ " of ")
+  | _ -> trivial ty
+let tys_of_constr_args = function
+  | Types.Cstr_tuple tl -> tl
+  | Types.Cstr_record lbls -> List.map (fun l -> l.Types.ld_type) lbls
+module Reaching_path = struct
+  type t = reaching_type_path
+  (* Simplify a reaching path before showing it in error messages. *)
+  let simplify path =
+    let rec simplify : t -> t = function
+      | Contains (ty1, _ty2) :: Contains (_ty2', ty3) :: rest ->
+          (* If t1 contains t2 and t2 contains t3, then t1 contains t3
+             and we don't need to show t2. *)
+          simplify (Contains (ty1, ty3) :: rest)
+      | hd :: rest -> hd :: simplify rest
+      | [] -> []
+    in simplify path
+  (* See Out_type.add_type_to_preparation.
+     Note: it is better to call this after [simplify], otherwise some
+     type variable names may be used for types that are removed
+     by simplification and never actually shown to the user.
+  *)
+  let add_to_preparation path =
+    List.iter (function
+      | Contains (ty1, ty2) | Expands_to (ty1, ty2) ->
+          List.iter Out_type.add_type_to_preparation [ty1; ty2]
+    ) path
+  module Fmt = Format_doc
+  let pp ppf reaching_path =
+    let pp_step ppf = function
+      | Expands_to (ty, body) ->
+          Fmt.fprintf ppf "%a = %a"
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) ty
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) body
+      | Contains (outer, inner) ->
+          Fmt.fprintf ppf "%a contains %a"
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) outer
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) inner
+    in
+    Fmt.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma) pp_step ppf reaching_path
+  let pp_colon ppf path =
+    Fmt.fprintf ppf ":@;<1 2>@[<v>%a@]" pp path
+let quoted_out_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf ty
+let quoted_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr ppf ty
+let quoted_constr = Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.constr
+let report_error_doc ppf = function
+  | Repeated_parameter ->
+      fprintf ppf "A type parameter occurs several times"
+  | Duplicate_constructor s ->
+      fprintf ppf "Two constructors are named %a" Style.inline_code s
+  | Too_many_constructors ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[Too many non-constant constructors@ -- maximum is %i %s@]"
+        (Config.max_tag + 1) "non-constant constructors"
+  | Duplicate_label s ->
+      fprintf ppf "Two labels are named %a" Style.inline_code s
+  | Recursive_abbrev (s, env, reaching_path) ->
+      let reaching_path = Reaching_path.simplify reaching_path in
+      Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env @@ fun () ->
+      Out_type.reset ();
+      Reaching_path.add_to_preparation reaching_path;
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>The type abbreviation %a is cyclic%a@]"
+        Style.inline_code s
+        Reaching_path.pp_colon reaching_path
+  | Cycle_in_def (s, env, reaching_path) ->
+      let reaching_path = Reaching_path.simplify reaching_path in
+      Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env @@ fun () ->
+      Out_type.reset ();
+      Reaching_path.add_to_preparation reaching_path;
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>The definition of %a contains a cycle%a@]"
+        Style.inline_code s
+        Reaching_path.pp_colon reaching_path
+  | Definition_mismatch (ty, _env, None) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>@[<hov>%s@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]@]"
+        "This variant or record definition" "does not match that of type"
+        quoted_type ty
+  | Definition_mismatch (ty, env, Some err) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>@[<hov>%s@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a@]"
+        "This variant or record definition" "does not match that of type"
+        quoted_type ty
+        (Includecore.report_type_mismatch
+           "the original" "this" "definition" env)
+        err
+  | Constraint_failed (env, err) ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>Constraints are not satisfied in this type.@ ";
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "Type")
+        (msg "should be an instance of");
+      fprintf ppf "@]"
+  | Non_regular { definition; used_as; defined_as; reaching_path } ->
+      let reaching_path = Reaching_path.simplify reaching_path in
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing [used_as; defined_as];
+      Reaching_path.add_to_preparation reaching_path;
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<hv>This recursive type is not regular.@ \
+         The type constructor %a is defined as@;<1 2>type %a@ \
+         but it is used as@;<1 2>%a%t\
+         All uses need to match the definition for the recursive type \
+         to be regular.@]"
+        Style.inline_code (Path.name definition)
+        quoted_out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type defined_as)
+        quoted_out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type used_as)
+        (fun pp ->
+           let is_expansion = function Expands_to _ -> true | _ -> false in
+           if List.exists is_expansion reaching_path then
+             fprintf pp "@ after the following expansion(s)%a@ "
+             Reaching_path.pp_colon reaching_path
+           else fprintf pp ".@ ")
+  | Inconsistent_constraint (env, err) ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>The type constraints are not consistent.@ ";
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "Type")
+        (msg "is not compatible with type");
+      fprintf ppf "@]"
+  | Type_clash (env, err) ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "This type constructor expands to type")
+        (msg "but is used here with type")
+  | Null_arity_external ->
+      fprintf ppf "External identifiers must be functions"
+  | Missing_native_external ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hv>An external function with more than 5 arguments \
+                   requires a second stub function@ \
+                   for native-code compilation@]"
+  | Unbound_type_var (ty, decl) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[A type variable is unbound in this type declaration";
+      begin match decl.type_kind, decl.type_manifest with
+      | Type_variant (tl, _rep), _ ->
+          explain_unbound_gen ppf ty tl (fun c ->
+            let tl = tys_of_constr_args c.Types.cd_args in
+            Btype.newgenty (Ttuple tl)
+          )
+            "case" (fun ppf c ->
+              fprintf ppf
+                "%a of %a" Printtyp.ident c.Types.cd_id
+                Printtyp.constructor_arguments c.Types.cd_args)
+      | Type_record (tl, _), _ ->
+          explain_unbound ppf ty tl (fun l -> l.Types.ld_type)
+            "field" (fun l -> Ident.name l.Types.ld_id ^ ": ")
+      | Type_abstract _, Some ty' ->
+          explain_unbound_single ppf ty ty'
+      | _ -> ()
+      end;
+      fprintf ppf "@]"
+  | Unbound_type_var_ext (ty, ext) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[A type variable is unbound in this extension constructor";
+      let args = tys_of_constr_args ext.ext_args in
+      explain_unbound ppf ty args (fun c -> c) "type" (fun _ -> "");
+      fprintf ppf "@]"
+  | Cannot_extend_private_type path ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@]"
+        "Cannot extend private type definition"
+        Printtyp.path path
+  | Not_extensible_type path ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@]"
+        "Type definition"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) path
+        "is not extensible"
+  | Extension_mismatch (path, env, err) ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[<v>@[<hov>%s@ %s@;<1 2>%a@]%a@]"
+        "This extension" "does not match the definition of type"
+        Style.inline_code (Path.name path)
+        (Includecore.report_type_mismatch
+           "the type" "this extension" "definition" env)
+        err
+  | Rebind_wrong_type (lid, env, err) ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.doc_printf in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf env err
+        (msg "The constructor %a@ has type"
+             quoted_constr lid)
+        (msg "but was expected to be of type")
+  | Rebind_mismatch (lid, p, p') ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[%s@ %a@ %s@ %a@ %s@ %s@ %a@]"
+        "The constructor"
+        quoted_constr lid
+        "extends type" Style.inline_code (Path.name p)
+        "whose declaration does not match"
+        "the declaration of type" Style.inline_code (Path.name p')
+  | Rebind_private lid ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@]"
+        "The constructor"
+        quoted_constr lid
+        "is private"
+  | Variance (Typedecl_variance.Bad_variance (n, v1, v2)) ->
+      let variance (p,n,i) =
+        let inj = if i then "injective " else "" in
+        match p, n with
+          true,  true  -> inj ^ "invariant"
+        | true,  false -> inj ^ "covariant"
+        | false, true  -> inj ^ "contravariant"
+        | false, false -> if inj = "" then "unrestricted" else inj
+      in
+      (match n with
+       | Variance_variable_error { error; variable; context } ->
+           Out_type.prepare_for_printing [ variable ];
+           begin match context with
+           | Type_declaration (id, decl) ->
+               Out_type.add_type_declaration_to_preparation id decl;
+               fprintf ppf "@[<v>%s@;<1 2>%a@;"
+                 "In the definition"
+                 (Style.as_inline_code @@ Out_type.prepared_type_declaration id)
+                 decl
+           | Gadt_constructor c ->
+               Out_type.add_constructor_to_preparation c;
+               fprintf ppf "@[<v>%s@;<1 2>%a@;"
+                 "In the GADT constructor"
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_constructor)
+                 c
+           | Extension_constructor (id, e) ->
+               Out_type.add_extension_constructor_to_preparation e;
+               fprintf ppf "@[<v>%s@;<1 2>%a@;"
+                 "In the extension constructor"
+                 (Out_type.prepared_extension_constructor id)
+                 e
+           end;
+           begin match error with
+           | Variance_not_reflected ->
+               fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@ %s@ It"
+                 "the type variable"
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) variable
+                 "has a variance that"
+                 "is not reflected by its occurrence in type parameters."
+           | No_variable ->
+               fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@ %s@]@]"
+                 "the type variable"
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) variable
+                 "cannot be deduced"
+                 "from the type parameters."
+           | Variance_not_deducible ->
+               fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@ %s@ %s@ It"
+                 "the type variable"
+                 (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_expr) variable
+                 "has a variance that"
+                 "cannot be deduced from the type parameters."
+           end
+       | Variance_not_satisfied n ->
+           fprintf ppf "@[@[%s@ %s@ The %d%s type parameter"
+             "In this definition, expected parameter"
+             "variances are not satisfied."
+             n (Misc.ordinal_suffix n));
+      (match n with
+       | Variance_variable_error { error = No_variable; _ } -> ()
+       | _ ->
+           fprintf ppf " was expected to be %s,@ but it is %s.@]@]"
+             (variance v2) (variance v1))
+  | Unavailable_type_constructor p ->
+      fprintf ppf "The definition of type %a@ is unavailable"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.path) p
+  | Variance Typedecl_variance.Varying_anonymous ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %s@ %s@]"
+        "In this GADT definition," "the variance of some parameter"
+        "cannot be checked"
+  | Val_in_structure ->
+      fprintf ppf "Value declarations are only allowed in signatures"
+  | Multiple_native_repr_attributes ->
+      fprintf ppf "Too many %a/%a attributes"
+        Style.inline_code "[@@unboxed]"
+        Style.inline_code "[@@untagged]"
+  | Cannot_unbox_or_untag_type Unboxed ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[Don't know how to unbox this type.@ \
+                   Only %a, %a, %a, and %a can be unboxed.@]"
+        Style.inline_code "float"
+        Style.inline_code "int32"
+        Style.inline_code "int64"
+        Style.inline_code "nativeint"
+  | Cannot_unbox_or_untag_type Untagged ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[Don't know how to untag this type. Only %a@ \
+                   and other immediate types can be untagged.@]"
+        Style.inline_code "int"
+  | Deep_unbox_or_untag_attribute kind ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[The attribute %a should be attached to@ \
+         a direct argument or result of the primitive,@ \
+         it should not occur deeply into its type.@]"
+        Style.inline_code
+        (match kind with Unboxed -> "@unboxed" | Untagged -> "@untagged")
+  | Immediacy (Typedecl_immediacy.Bad_immediacy_attribute violation) ->
+      (match violation with
+       | Type_immediacy.Violation.Not_always_immediate ->
+           fprintf ppf
+             "@[Types@ marked@ with@ the@ immediate@ attribute@ must@ be@ \
+              non-pointer@ types@ like@ %a@ or@ %a.@]"
+             Style.inline_code "int"
+             Style.inline_code "bool"
+       | Type_immediacy.Violation.Not_always_immediate_on_64bits ->
+           fprintf ppf
+             "@[Types@ marked@ with@ the@ %a@ attribute@ must@ be@ \
+              produced@ using@ the@ %a@ functor.@]"
+             Style.inline_code "immediate64"
+             Style.inline_code "Stdlib.Sys.Immediate64.Make"
+      )
+  | Bad_unboxed_attribute msg ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[This type cannot be unboxed because@ %s.@]" msg
+  | Separability (Typedecl_separability.Non_separable_evar evar) ->
+      let pp_evar ppf = function
+        | None ->
+            fprintf ppf "an unnamed existential variable"
+        | Some str ->
+            fprintf ppf "the existential variable %a"
+              (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.tyvar) str in
+      fprintf ppf "@[This type cannot be unboxed because@ \
+                   it might contain both float and non-float values,@ \
+                   depending on the instantiation of %a.@ \
+                   You should annotate it with %a.@]"
+        pp_evar evar
+        Style.inline_code "[@@ocaml.boxed]"
+  | Boxed_and_unboxed ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[A type cannot be boxed and unboxed at the same time.@]"
+  | Nonrec_gadt ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[GADT case syntax cannot be used in a %a block.@]"
+        Style.inline_code "nonrec"
+  | Invalid_private_row_declaration ty ->
+      let pp_private ppf ty = fprintf ppf "private %a" Printtyp.type_expr ty in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<hv>This private row type declaration is invalid.@ \
+         The type expression on the right-hand side reduces to@;<1 2>%a@ \
+         which does not have a free row type variable.@]@,\
+         @[<hv>@[@{<hint>Hint@}: If you intended to define a private \
+         type abbreviation,@ \
+         write explicitly@]@;<1 2>%a@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.type_expr) ty
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_private) ty
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error (loc, err) ->
+        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error_doc err)
+      | _ ->
+        None
+    )
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat report_error_doc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38c00487ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Typing of type definitions and primitive definitions *)
+open Types
+val transl_type_decl:
+    Env.t -> Asttypes.rec_flag -> Parsetree.type_declaration list ->
+    Typedtree.type_declaration list * Env.t * Shape.t list
+val transl_exception:
+    Env.t -> Parsetree.extension_constructor ->
+    Typedtree.extension_constructor * Env.t * Shape.t
+val transl_type_exception:
+    Env.t ->
+    Parsetree.type_exception -> Typedtree.type_exception * Env.t * Shape.t
+val transl_type_extension:
+    bool -> Env.t -> Location.t -> Parsetree.type_extension ->
+    Typedtree.type_extension * Env.t * Shape.t list
+val transl_value_decl:
+    Env.t -> Location.t ->
+    Parsetree.value_description -> Typedtree.value_description * Env.t
+(* If the [fixed_row_path] optional argument is provided,
+   the [Parsetree.type_declaration] argument should satisfy [is_fixed_type] *)
+val transl_with_constraint:
+    Ident.t -> ?fixed_row_path:Path.t ->
+    sig_env:Env.t -> sig_decl:Types.type_declaration ->
+    outer_env:Env.t -> Parsetree.type_declaration ->
+    Typedtree.type_declaration
+val transl_package_constraint:
+  loc:Location.t -> Env.t -> type_expr -> Types.type_declaration
+val abstract_type_decl: injective:bool -> int -> type_declaration
+val approx_type_decl:
+    Parsetree.type_declaration list ->
+                                  (Ident.t * type_declaration) list
+val check_recmod_typedecl:
+    Env.t -> Location.t -> Ident.t list -> Path.t -> type_declaration -> unit
+val check_coherence:
+    Env.t -> Location.t -> Path.t -> type_declaration -> unit
+(* for fixed types *)
+val is_fixed_type : Parsetree.type_declaration -> bool
+type native_repr_kind = Unboxed | Untagged
+type reaching_type_path = reaching_type_step list
+and reaching_type_step =
+  | Expands_to of type_expr * type_expr
+  | Contains of type_expr * type_expr
+type error =
+    Repeated_parameter
+  | Duplicate_constructor of string
+  | Too_many_constructors
+  | Duplicate_label of string
+  | Recursive_abbrev of string * Env.t * reaching_type_path
+  | Cycle_in_def of string * Env.t * reaching_type_path
+  | Definition_mismatch of type_expr * Env.t * Includecore.type_mismatch option
+  | Constraint_failed of Env.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Inconsistent_constraint of Env.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Type_clash of Env.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Non_regular of {
+      definition: Path.t;
+      used_as: type_expr;
+      defined_as: type_expr;
+      reaching_path: reaching_type_path;
+    }
+  | Null_arity_external
+  | Missing_native_external
+  | Unbound_type_var of type_expr * type_declaration
+  | Cannot_extend_private_type of Path.t
+  | Not_extensible_type of Path.t
+  | Extension_mismatch of Path.t * Env.t * Includecore.type_mismatch
+  | Rebind_wrong_type of
+      Longident.t * Env.t * Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Rebind_mismatch of Longident.t * Path.t * Path.t
+  | Rebind_private of Longident.t
+  | Variance of Typedecl_variance.error
+  | Unavailable_type_constructor of Path.t
+  | Unbound_type_var_ext of type_expr * extension_constructor
+  | Val_in_structure
+  | Multiple_native_repr_attributes
+  | Cannot_unbox_or_untag_type of native_repr_kind
+  | Deep_unbox_or_untag_attribute of native_repr_kind
+  | Immediacy of Typedecl_immediacy.error
+  | Separability of Typedecl_separability.error
+  | Bad_unboxed_attribute of string
+  | Boxed_and_unboxed
+  | Nonrec_gadt
+  | Invalid_private_row_declaration of type_expr
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+val report_error: error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: error Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_immediacy.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_immediacy.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71e49a10be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_immediacy.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Types
+type error = Bad_immediacy_attribute of Type_immediacy.Violation.t
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+let compute_decl env tdecl =
+  match (tdecl.type_kind, tdecl.type_manifest) with
+  | (Type_variant ([{cd_args = Cstr_tuple [arg]
+                            | Cstr_record [{ld_type = arg; _}]; _}],
+                   Variant_unboxed)
+    | Type_record ([{ld_type = arg; _}], Record_unboxed _)), _ ->
+    begin match Typedecl_unboxed.get_unboxed_type_representation env arg with
+    | None -> Type_immediacy.Unknown
+    | Some argrepr -> Ctype.immediacy env argrepr
+    end
+  | (Type_variant (cstrs, _), _) ->
+    if not (List.exists (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args <> Types.Cstr_tuple []) cstrs)
+    then
+      Type_immediacy.Always
+    else
+      Type_immediacy.Unknown
+  | (Type_abstract _, Some(typ)) -> Ctype.immediacy env typ
+  | (Type_abstract _, None) ->
+      Type_immediacy.of_attributes tdecl.type_attributes
+  | _ -> Type_immediacy.Unknown
+let property : (Type_immediacy.t, unit) Typedecl_properties.property =
+  let open Typedecl_properties in
+  let eq = (=) in
+  let merge ~prop:_ ~new_prop = new_prop in
+  let default _decl = Type_immediacy.Unknown in
+  let compute env decl () = compute_decl env decl in
+  let update_decl decl immediacy = { decl with type_immediate = immediacy } in
+  let check _env _id decl () =
+    let written_by_user = Type_immediacy.of_attributes decl.type_attributes in
+    match Type_immediacy.coerce decl.type_immediate ~as_:written_by_user with
+    | Ok () -> ()
+    | Error violation ->
+        raise (Error (decl.type_loc,
+                      Bad_immediacy_attribute violation))
+  in
+  {
+    eq;
+    merge;
+    default;
+    compute;
+    update_decl;
+    check;
+  }
+let update_decls env decls =
+  Typedecl_properties.compute_property_noreq property env decls
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+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type error = Bad_immediacy_attribute of Type_immediacy.Violation.t
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+val compute_decl : Env.t -> Types.type_declaration -> Type_immediacy.t
+val property : (Type_immediacy.t, unit) Typedecl_properties.property
+val update_decls :
+  Env.t ->
+  (Ident.t * Typedecl_properties.decl) list ->
+  (Ident.t * Typedecl_properties.decl) list
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+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type decl = Types.type_declaration
+type ('prop, 'req) property = {
+  eq : 'prop -> 'prop -> bool;
+  merge : prop:'prop -> new_prop:'prop -> 'prop;
+  default : decl -> 'prop;
+  compute : Env.t -> decl -> 'req -> 'prop;
+  update_decl : decl -> 'prop -> decl;
+  check : Env.t -> Ident.t -> decl -> 'req -> unit;
+let add_type ~check id decl env =
+  let open Types in
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope ~ppwarning:false decl.type_attributes
+    (fun () -> Env.add_type ~check id decl env)
+let add_types_to_env decls env =
+  List.fold_right
+    (fun (id, decl) env -> add_type ~check:true id decl env)
+    decls env
+let compute_property
+: ('prop, 'req) property -> Env.t ->
+  (Ident.t * decl) list -> 'req list -> (Ident.t * decl) list
+= fun property env decls required ->
+  (* [decls] and [required] must be lists of the same size,
+     with [required] containing the requirement for the corresponding
+     declaration in [decls]. *)
+  let props = List.map (fun (_id, decl) -> property.default decl) decls in
+  let rec compute_fixpoint props =
+    let new_decls =
+      List.map2 (fun (id, decl) prop ->
+          (id, property.update_decl decl prop))
+        decls props in
+    let new_env = add_types_to_env new_decls env in
+    let new_props =
+      List.map2
+        (fun (_id, decl) (prop, req) ->
+           let new_prop = property.compute new_env decl req in
+           property.merge ~prop ~new_prop)
+        new_decls (List.combine props required) in
+    if not (List.for_all2 property.eq props new_props)
+    then compute_fixpoint new_props
+    else begin
+      List.iter2
+        (fun (id, decl) req -> property.check new_env id decl req)
+        new_decls required;
+      new_decls
+    end
+  in
+  compute_fixpoint props
+let compute_property_noreq property env decls =
+  let req = List.map (fun _ -> ()) decls in
+  compute_property property env decls req
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+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_properties.mli
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+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type decl = Types.type_declaration
+(** An abstract interface for properties of type definitions, such as
+   variance and immediacy, that are computed by a fixpoint on
+   mutually-recursive type declarations. This interface contains all
+   the operations needed to initialize and run the fixpoint
+   computation, and then (optionally) check that the result is
+   consistent with the declaration or user expectations. *)
+type ('prop, 'req) property = {
+  eq : 'prop -> 'prop -> bool;
+  merge : prop:'prop -> new_prop:'prop -> 'prop;
+  default : decl -> 'prop;
+  compute : Env.t -> decl -> 'req -> 'prop;
+  update_decl : decl -> 'prop -> decl;
+  check : Env.t -> Ident.t -> decl -> 'req -> unit;
+(** ['prop] represents the type of property values
+    ({!Types.Variance.t}, just 'bool' for immediacy, etc).
+    ['req] represents the property value required by the author of the
+    declaration, if they gave an expectation: [type +'a t = ...].
+    Some properties have no natural notion of user requirement, or
+    their requirement is global, or already stored in
+    [type_declaration]; they can just use [unit] as ['req] parameter. *)
+(** [compute_property prop env decls req] performs a fixpoint computation
+    to determine the final values of a property on a set of mutually-recursive
+    type declarations. The [req] argument must be a list of the same size as
+    [decls], providing the user requirement for each declaration. *)
+val compute_property : ('prop, 'req) property -> Env.t ->
+  (Ident.t * decl) list -> 'req list -> (Ident.t * decl) list
+val compute_property_noreq : ('prop, unit) property -> Env.t ->
+  (Ident.t * decl) list -> (Ident.t * decl) list
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_separability.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_separability.ml
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index 0000000000..c8f2f3b171
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+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_separability.ml
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+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Types
+type type_definition = type_declaration
+(* We should use 'declaration' for interfaces, and 'definition' for
+   implementations. The name type_declaration in types.ml is improper
+   for our usage -- although for OCaml types the declaration and
+   definition languages are the same. *)
+(** assuming that a datatype has a single constructor/label with
+   a single argument, [argument_to_unbox] represents the
+   information we need to check the argument for separability. *)
+type argument_to_unbox = {
+  argument_type: type_expr;
+  result_type_parameter_instances: type_expr list;
+  (** result_type_parameter_instances represents the domain of the
+     constructor; usually it is just a list of the datatype parameter
+     ('a, 'b, ...), but when using GADTs or constraints it could
+     contain arbitrary type expressions.
+     For example, [type 'a t = 'b constraint 'a = 'b * int] has
+     [['b * int]] as [result_type_parameter_instances], and so does
+     [type _ t = T : 'b -> ('b * int) t]. *)
+(** Summarize the right-hand-side of a type declaration,
+    for separability-checking purposes. See {!structure} below. *)
+type type_structure =
+  | Synonym of type_expr
+  | Abstract
+  | Open
+  | Algebraic
+  | Unboxed of argument_to_unbox
+let structure : type_definition -> type_structure = fun def ->
+  match def.type_kind with
+  | Type_open -> Open
+  | Type_abstract _ ->
+      begin match def.type_manifest with
+      | None -> Abstract
+      | Some type_expr -> Synonym type_expr
+      end
+  | ( Type_record ([{ld_type = ty; _}], Record_unboxed _)
+    | Type_variant ([{cd_args = Cstr_tuple [ty]; _}], Variant_unboxed)
+    | Type_variant ([{cd_args = Cstr_record [{ld_type = ty; _}]; _}],
+                    Variant_unboxed)) ->
+     let params =
+       match def.type_kind with
+       | Type_variant ([{cd_res = Some ret_type}], _) ->
+          begin match get_desc ret_type with
+          | Tconstr (_, tyl, _) -> tyl
+          | _ -> assert false
+          end
+       | _ -> def.type_params
+     in
+     Unboxed { argument_type = ty; result_type_parameter_instances = params }
+  | Type_record _ | Type_variant _ -> Algebraic
+type error =
+  | Non_separable_evar of string option
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+(* see the .mli file for explanations on the modes *)
+module Sep = Types.Separability
+type mode = Sep.t = Ind | Sep | Deepsep
+let rank = Sep.rank
+let max_mode = Sep.max
+(** If the type context [e(_)] imposes the mode [m] on its hole [_],
+    and the type context [e'(_)] imposes the mode [m'] on its hole [_],
+    then the mode on [_] imposed by the context composition [e(e'(_))]
+    is [compose m m'].
+    This operation differs from [max_mode]: [max_mode Ind Sep] is [Sep],
+    but [compose Ind Sep] is [Ind]. *)
+let compose
+  : mode -> mode -> mode
+  = fun m1 m2 ->
+  match m1 with
+  | Deepsep -> Deepsep
+  | Sep -> m2
+  | Ind -> Ind
+type type_var = {
+  text: string option; (** the user name of the type variable, None for '_' *)
+  id: int; (** the identifier of the type node (type_expr.id) of the variable *)
+module TVarMap = Map.Make(struct
+    type t = type_var
+    let compare v1 v2 = compare v1.id v2.id
+  end)
+type context = mode TVarMap.t
+let (++) = TVarMap.union (fun _ m1 m2 -> Some(max_mode m1 m2))
+let empty = TVarMap.empty
+(** [immediate_subtypes ty] returns the list of all the
+   immediate sub-type-expressions of [ty]. They represent the biggest
+   sub-components that may be extracted using a constraint. For
+   example, the immediate sub-type-expressions of [int * (bool * 'a)]
+   are [int] and [bool * 'a].
+   Smaller components are extracted recursively in [check_type]. *)
+let rec immediate_subtypes : type_expr -> type_expr list = fun ty ->
+  (* Note: Btype.fold_type_expr is not suitable here:
+     - it does not do the right thing on Tpoly, iterating on type
+       parameters as well as the subtype
+     - it performs a shallow traversal of object types,
+       while our implementation collects all method types *)
+  match get_desc ty with
+  (* these are the important cases,
+     on which immediate_subtypes is called from [check_type] *)
+  | Tarrow(_,ty1,ty2,_) ->
+      [ty1; ty2]
+  | Ttuple(tys) -> tys
+  | Tpackage(_, fl) -> (snd (List.split fl))
+  | Tobject(row,class_ty) ->
+      let class_subtys =
+        match !class_ty with
+        | None        -> []
+        | Some(_,tys) -> tys
+      in
+      immediate_subtypes_object_row class_subtys row
+  | Tvariant(row) ->
+      immediate_subtypes_variant_row [] row
+  (* the cases below are not called from [check_type],
+     they are here for completeness *)
+  | Tnil | Tfield _ ->
+      (* these should only occur under Tobject and not at the toplevel,
+         but "better safe than sorry" *)
+      immediate_subtypes_object_row [] ty
+  | Tlink _ | Tsubst _ -> assert false (* impossible due to Ctype.repr *)
+  | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> []
+  | Tpoly (pty, _) -> [pty]
+  | Tconstr (_path, tys, _) -> tys
+and immediate_subtypes_object_row acc ty = match get_desc ty with
+  | Tnil -> acc
+  | Tfield (_label, _kind, ty, rest) ->
+      let acc = ty :: acc in
+      immediate_subtypes_object_row acc rest
+  | _ -> ty :: acc
+and immediate_subtypes_variant_row acc desc =
+  let add_subtypes acc =
+    let add_subtype acc (_l, rf) =
+      immediate_subtypes_variant_row_field acc rf in
+    List.fold_left add_subtype acc (row_fields desc) in
+  let add_row acc =
+    let row = row_more desc in
+    match get_desc row with
+    | Tvariant more -> immediate_subtypes_variant_row acc more
+    | _ -> row :: acc
+  in
+  add_row (add_subtypes acc)
+and immediate_subtypes_variant_row_field acc f =
+  match row_field_repr f with
+  | Rpresent(None)
+  | Rabsent            -> acc
+  | Rpresent(Some(ty)) -> ty :: acc
+  | Reither(_,field_types,_) ->
+      List.rev_append field_types acc
+let free_variables ty =
+  Ctype.free_variables ty
+  |> List.map (fun ty ->
+      match get_desc ty with
+        Tvar text -> {text; id = get_id ty}
+      | _ ->
+          (* Ctype.free_variables only returns Tvar nodes *)
+          assert false)
+(** Coinductive hypotheses to handle equi-recursive types
+    OCaml allows infinite/cyclic types, such as
+      (int * 'a) as 'a
+    whose infinite unfolding is (int * (int * (int * (int * ...)))).
+    Remark: this specific type is only accepted if the -rectypes option
+    is passed, but such "equi-recursive types" are accepted by
+    default if the cycle goes through an object type or polymorphic
+    variant type:
+      [ `int | `other of 'a ] as 'a
+      < head : int; rest : 'a > as 'a
+    We have to take those infinite types in account in our
+    separability-checking program: a naive implementation would loop
+    infinitely when trying to prove that one of them is Deepsep.
+    After type-checking, the cycle-introducing form (... as 'a) does
+    not appear explicitly in the syntax of types: types are graphs/trees
+    with cycles in them, and we have to use the type_expr.id field,
+    an identifier for each node in the graph/tree, to detect cycles.
+    We avoid looping by remembering the set of separability queries
+    that we have already asked ourselves (in the current
+    search branch). For example, if we are asked to check
+      (int * 'a) : Deepsep
+    our algorithm will check both (int : Deepsep) and ('a : Deepsep),
+    but it will remember in these sub-checks that it is in the process
+    of checking (int * 'a) : Deepsep, adding it to a list of "active
+    goals", or "coinductive hypotheses".
+    Each new sub-query will start by checking whether the query
+    already appears as a coinductive hypothesis; in our example, this
+    can happen if 'a and (int * 'a) are in fact the same node in the
+    cyclic tree. In that case, we return immediately (instead of looping):
+    we reason that, assuming that 'a is indeed Deepsep, then it is
+    the case that (int * 'a) is also Deepsep.
+    This kind of cyclic reasoning can be dangerous: it would be wrong
+    to argue that an arbitrary 'a type is Deepsep by saying:
+    "assuming that 'a is Deepsep, then it is the case that 'a is
+    also Deepsep". In the first case, we made an assumption on 'a,
+    and used it on a type (int * 'a) which has 'a as a strict sub-component;
+    in the second, we use it on the same type 'a directly, which is invalid.
+    Now consider a type of the form (('a t) as 'a): while 'a is a sub-component
+    of ('a t), it may still be wrong to reason coinductively about it,
+    as ('a t) may be defined as (type 'a t = 'a).
+    When moving from (int * 'a) to a subcomponent (int) or ('a), we
+    say that the coinductive hypothesis on (int * 'a : m) is "safe":
+    it can be used immediately to prove the subcomponents, because we
+    made progress moving to a strict subcomponent (we are guarded
+    under a computational type constructor). On the other hand, when
+    moving from ('a t) to ('a), we say that the coinductive hypothesis
+    ('a t : m) is "unsafe" for the subgoal, as we don't know whether
+    we have made strict progress. In the general case, we keep track
+    of a set of safe and unsafe hypotheses made in the past, and we
+    use them to terminate checking if we encounter them again,
+    ensuring termination.
+    If we encounter a (ty : m) goal that is exactly a safe hypothesis,
+    we terminate with a success. In fact, we can use mode subtyping here:
+    if (ty : m') appears as a hypothesis with (m' >= m), then we would
+    succeed for (ty : m'), so (ty : m) should succeed as well.
+    On the other hand, if we encounter a (ty : m) goal that is an
+    *unsafe* hypothesis, we terminate the check with a failure. In this case,
+    we cannot work modulo mode subtyping: if (ty : m') appears with
+    (m' >= m), then the check (ty : m') would have failed, but it is still
+    possible that the weaker current query (ty : m) would succeed.
+    In usual coinductive-reasoning systems, unsafe hypotheses are turned
+    into safe hypotheses each time strict progress is made (for each
+    guarded sub-goal). Consider ((int * 'a) t as 'a : deepsep) for example:
+    the idea is that the ((int * 'a) t : deepsep) hypothesis would be
+    unsafe when checking ((int * 'a) : deepsep), but that the progress
+    step from (int * 'a : deepsep) to ('a : deepsep) would turn all
+    past unsafe hypotheses into safe hypotheses. There is a problem
+    with this, though, due to constraints: what if (_ t) is defined as
+      type 'b t = 'a constraint 'b = (int * 'a)
+    ?
+    In that case, then 'a is precisely the one-step unfolding
+    of the ((int * 'a) t) definition, and it would be an invalid,
+    cyclic reasoning to prove ('a : deepsep) from the now-safe
+    hypothesis ((int * 'a) t : deepsep).
+    Surprisingly-fortunately, we have exactly the information we need
+    to know whether (_ t) may or may not pull a constraint trick of
+    this nature: we can look at its mode signature, where constraints
+    are marked by a Deepsep mode. If we see Deepsep, we know that a
+    constraint exists, but we don't know what the constraint is:
+    we cannot tell at which point, when decomposing the parameter type,
+    a sub-component can be considered safe again. To model this,
+    we add a third category of co-inductive hypotheses: to "safe" and
+    "unsafe" we add the category of "poison" hypotheses, which remain
+    poisonous during the remaining of the type decomposition,
+    even in presence of safe, computational types constructors:
+    - when going under a computational constructor,
+      "unsafe" hypotheses become "safe"
+    - when going under a constraining type (more precisely, under
+      a type parameter that is marked Deepsep in the mode signature),
+      "unsafe" hypotheses become "poison"
+    The mode signature tells us even a bit more: if a parameter
+    is marked "Ind", we know that the type constructor cannot unfold
+    to this parameter (otherwise it would be Sep), so going under
+    this parameter can be considered a safe/guarded move: if
+    we have to check (foo t : m) with ((_ : Ind) t) in the signature,
+    we can recursively check (foo : Ind) with (foo t : m) marked
+    as "safe", rather than "unsafe".
+module TypeMap = Btype.TypeMap
+module ModeSet = Set.Make(Types.Separability)
+type coinductive_hyps = {
+  safe: ModeSet.t TypeMap.t;
+  unsafe: ModeSet.t TypeMap.t;
+  poison: ModeSet.t TypeMap.t;
+module Hyps : sig
+  type t = coinductive_hyps
+  val empty : t
+  val add : type_expr -> mode -> t -> t
+  val guard : t -> t
+  val poison : t -> t
+  val safe : type_expr -> mode -> t -> bool
+  val unsafe : type_expr -> mode -> t -> bool
+end = struct
+  type t = coinductive_hyps
+  let empty = {
+    safe = TypeMap.empty;
+    unsafe = TypeMap.empty;
+    poison = TypeMap.empty;
+  }
+  let of_opt = function
+    | Some ms -> ms
+    | None -> ModeSet.empty
+  let merge map1 map2 =
+    TypeMap.merge (fun _k ms1 ms2 ->
+        Some (ModeSet.union (of_opt ms1) (of_opt ms2))
+      ) map1 map2
+  let guard {safe; unsafe; poison;} = {
+    safe = merge safe unsafe;
+    unsafe = TypeMap.empty;
+    poison;
+  }
+  let poison {safe; unsafe; poison;} = {
+    safe;
+    unsafe = TypeMap.empty;
+    poison = merge poison unsafe;
+  }
+  let add ty m hyps =
+    let m_map = TypeMap.singleton ty (ModeSet.singleton m) in
+    { hyps with unsafe = merge m_map hyps.unsafe; }
+  let find ty map = try TypeMap.find ty map with Not_found -> ModeSet.empty
+  let safe ty m hyps =
+    match ModeSet.max_elt_opt (find ty hyps.safe) with
+    | None -> false
+    | Some best_safe -> rank best_safe >= rank m
+  let unsafe ty m {safe = _; unsafe; poison} =
+    let in_map s = ModeSet.mem m (find ty s) in
+    List.exists in_map [unsafe; poison]
+(** For a type expression [ty] (without constraints and existentials),
+    any mode checking [ty : m] is satisfied in the "worse case" context
+    that maps all free variables of [ty] to the most demanding mode,
+    Deepsep. *)
+let worst_case ty =
+  let add ctx tvar = TVarMap.add tvar Deepsep ctx in
+  List.fold_left add TVarMap.empty (free_variables ty)
+(** [check_type env sigma ty m] returns the most permissive context [gamma]
+    such that [ty] is separable at mode [m] in [gamma], under
+    the signature [sigma]. *)
+let check_type
+  : Env.t -> type_expr -> mode -> context
+  = fun env ty m ->
+  let rec check_type hyps ty m =
+    if Hyps.safe ty m hyps then empty
+    else if Hyps.unsafe ty m hyps then worst_case ty
+    else
+    let hyps = Hyps.add ty m hyps in
+    match (get_desc ty, m) with
+    (* Impossible case due to the call to [Ctype.repr]. *)
+    | (Tlink _            , _      ) -> assert false
+    (* Impossible case (according to comment in [typing/types.mli]. *)
+    | (Tsubst(_)          , _      ) -> assert false
+    (* "Indifferent" case, the empty context is sufficient. *)
+    | (_                  , Ind    ) -> empty
+    (* Variable case, add constraint. *)
+    | (Tvar(alpha)        , m      ) ->
+        TVarMap.singleton {text = alpha; id = get_id ty} m
+    (* "Separable" case for constructors with known memory representation. *)
+    | (Tarrow _           , Sep    )
+    | (Ttuple _           , Sep    )
+    | (Tvariant(_)        , Sep    )
+    | (Tobject(_,_)       , Sep    )
+    | ((Tnil | Tfield _)  , Sep    )
+    | (Tpackage(_,_)      , Sep    ) -> empty
+    (* "Deeply separable" case for these same constructors. *)
+    | (Tarrow _           , Deepsep)
+    | (Ttuple _           , Deepsep)
+    | (Tvariant(_)        , Deepsep)
+    | (Tobject(_,_)       , Deepsep)
+    | ((Tnil | Tfield _)  , Deepsep)
+    | (Tpackage(_,_)      , Deepsep) ->
+        let tys = immediate_subtypes ty in
+        let on_subtype context ty =
+          context ++ check_type (Hyps.guard hyps) ty Deepsep in
+        List.fold_left on_subtype empty tys
+    (* Polymorphic type, and corresponding polymorphic variable.
+       In theory, [Tpoly] (forall alpha. tau) would add a new variable
+       (alpha) in scope, check its body (tau) recursively, and then
+       remove the new variable from the resulting context. Because the
+       rule accepts any mode for this variable, the removal never
+       fails.
+       In practice the implementation is simplified by ignoring the
+       new variable, and always returning the [empty] context
+       (instead of (alpha : m) in the [Tunivar] case: the constraint
+       on the variable is removed/ignored at the variable occurrence
+       site, rather than at the variable-introduction site. *)
+    (* Note: that we are semantically incomplete in the Deepsep case
+       (following the syntactic typing rules): the semantics only
+       requires that *closed* sub-type-expressions be (deeply)
+       separable; sub-type-expressions containing the quantified
+       variable cannot be extracted by constraints (this would be
+       a scope violation), so they could be ignored if they occur
+       under a separating type constructor. *)
+    | (Tpoly(pty,_)       , m      ) ->
+        check_type hyps pty m
+    | (Tunivar(_)         , _      ) -> empty
+    (* Type constructor case. *)
+    | (Tconstr(path,tys,_), m      ) ->
+        let msig = (Env.find_type path env).type_separability in
+        let on_param context (ty, m_param) =
+          let hyps = match m_param with
+            | Ind -> Hyps.guard hyps
+            | Sep -> hyps
+            | Deepsep -> Hyps.poison hyps in
+          context ++ check_type hyps ty (compose m m_param) in
+        List.fold_left on_param empty (List.combine tys msig)
+  in
+  check_type Hyps.empty ty m
+let best_msig decl = List.map (fun _ -> Ind) decl.type_params
+let worst_msig decl = List.map (fun _ -> Deepsep) decl.type_params
+(** [msig_of_external_type decl] infers the mode signature of an
+    abstract/external type. We must assume the worst, namely that this
+    type may be defined as an unboxed algebraic datatype imposing deep
+    separability of its parameters.
+    One exception is when the type is marked "immediate", which
+    guarantees that its representation is only integers.  Immediate
+    types are always separable, so [Ind] suffices for their
+    parameters.
+    Note: this differs from {!Types.Separability.default_signature},
+    which does not have access to the declaration and its immediacy. *)
+let msig_of_external_type decl =
+  match decl.type_immediate with
+  | Always | Always_on_64bits -> best_msig decl
+  | Unknown -> worst_msig decl
+(** [msig_of_context ~decl_loc constructor context] returns the
+   separability signature of a single-constructor type whose
+   definition is valid in the mode context [context].
+   Note: A GADT constructor introduces existential type variables, and
+   may also introduce some equalities between its return type
+   parameters and type expressions containing universal and
+   existential variables. In other words, it introduces new type
+   variables in scope, and restricts existing variables by adding
+   equality constraints.
+   [msig_of_context] performs the reverse transformation: the context
+   [ctx] computed from the argument of the constructor mentions
+   existential variables, and the function returns a context over the
+   (universal) type parameters only. (Type constraints do not
+   introduce existential variables, but they do introduce equalities;
+   they are handled as GADTs equalities by this function.)
+   The transformation is separability-preserving in the following
+   sense: for any valid instance of the result mode signature
+   (replacing the universal type parameters with ground types
+   respecting the variable's separability mode), any possible
+   extension of this context instance with ground instances for the
+   existential variables of [parameter] that respects the equation
+   constraints will validate the separability requirements of the
+   modes in the input context [ctx].
+   Sometimes no such universal context exists, as an existential type
+   cannot be safely introduced, then this function raises an [Error]
+   exception with a [Non_separable_evar] payload.  *)
+let msig_of_context : decl_loc:Location.t -> parameters:type_expr list
+    -> context -> Sep.signature =
+  fun ~decl_loc ~parameters context ->
+    let handle_equation (acc, context) param_instance =
+      (* In the theory, GADT equations are of the form
+           ('a = <ty>)
+         for each type parameter 'a of the type constructor. For each
+         such equation, we should "strengthen" the current context in
+         the following way:
+         - if <ty> is another variable 'b,
+           the mode of 'a is set to the mode of 'b,
+           and 'b is set to Ind
+         - if <ty> is a type expression whose variables are all Ind,
+           set 'a to Ind and discard the equation
+         - otherwise (one of the variable of 'b is not Ind),
+           set 'a to Deepsep and set all variables of <ty> to Ind
+         In practice, type parameters are determined by their position
+         in a list, they do not necessarily have a corresponding type variable.
+         Instead of "setting 'a" in the context as in the description above,
+         we build a list of modes by repeated consing into
+         an accumulator variable [acc], setting existential variables
+         to Ind as we go. *)
+      let get context var =
+        try TVarMap.find var context with Not_found -> Ind in
+      let set_ind context var =
+        TVarMap.add var Ind context in
+      let is_ind context var = match get context var with
+        | Ind -> true
+        | Sep | Deepsep -> false in
+      match get_desc param_instance with
+      | Tvar text ->
+          let var = {text; id = get_id param_instance} in
+          (get context var) :: acc, (set_ind context var)
+      | _ ->
+          let instance_exis = free_variables param_instance in
+          if List.for_all (is_ind context) instance_exis then
+            Ind :: acc, context
+          else
+            Deepsep :: acc, List.fold_left set_ind context instance_exis
+    in
+    let mode_signature, context =
+      let (mode_signature_rev, ctx) =
+        List.fold_left handle_equation ([], context) parameters in
+      (* Note: our inference system is not principal, because the
+         inference result depends on the order in which those
+         equations are processed. (To our knowledge this is the only
+         source of non-principality.) If two parameters ('a, 'b) are
+         forced to be equal to each other, and also separable, then
+         either modes (Sep, Ind) and (Ind, Sep) are correct, allow
+         more declarations than (Sep, Sep), but (Ind, Ind) would be
+         unsound.
+         Such a non-principal example is the following:
+           type ('a, 'b) almost_eq =
+             | Almost_refl : 'c -> ('c, 'c) almost_eq
+         (This example looks strange: GADT equations are typically
+         either on only one parameter, or on two parameters that are
+         not used to classify constructor arguments. Indeed, we have
+         not found non-principal declarations in real-world code.)
+         In a non-principal system, it is important the our choice of
+         non-unique solution be at least predictable. We find it more
+         natural, when either ('a : Sep, 'b : Ind) and ('a : Ind,
+         'b : Sep) are correct because 'a = 'b, to choose to make the
+         first/leftmost parameter more constrained. We read this as
+         saying that 'a must be Sep, and 'b = 'a so 'b can be
+         Ind. (We define the second parameter as equal of the first,
+         already-seen parameter; instead of saying that the first
+         parameter is equal to the not-yet-seen second one.)
+         This is achieved by processing the equations from left to
+         right with List.fold_left, instead of using
+         List.fold_right. The code is slightly more awkward as it
+         needs a List.rev on the accumulated modes, but it gives
+         a more predictable/natural (non-principal) behavior.
+  *)
+      (List.rev mode_signature_rev, ctx) in
+    (* After all variables determined by the parameters have been set to Ind
+       by [handle_equation], all variables remaining in the context are
+       purely existential and should not require a stronger mode than Ind. *)
+    let check_existential evar mode =
+      if rank mode > rank Ind then
+        raise (Error (decl_loc, Non_separable_evar evar.text))
+    in
+    TVarMap.iter check_existential context;
+    mode_signature
+(** [check_def env def] returns the signature required
+    for the type definition [def] in the typing environment [env].
+    The exception [Error] is raised if we discover that
+    no such signature exists -- the definition will always be invalid.
+    This only happens when the definition is marked to be unboxed. *)
+let check_def
+  : Env.t -> type_definition -> Sep.signature
+  = fun env def ->
+  match structure def with
+  | Abstract ->
+      msig_of_external_type def
+  | Synonym type_expr ->
+      check_type env type_expr Sep
+      |> msig_of_context ~decl_loc:def.type_loc ~parameters:def.type_params
+  | Open | Algebraic ->
+      best_msig def
+  | Unboxed constructor ->
+      check_type env constructor.argument_type Sep
+      |> msig_of_context ~decl_loc:def.type_loc
+           ~parameters:constructor.result_type_parameter_instances
+let compute_decl env decl =
+  if Config.flat_float_array then check_def env decl
+  else
+    (* Hack: in -no-flat-float-array mode, instead of always returning
+       [best_msig], we first compute the separability signature --
+       falling back to [best_msig] if it fails.
+       This discipline is conservative: it never
+       rejects -no-flat-float-array programs. At the same time it
+       guarantees that, for any program that is also accepted
+       in -flat-float-array mode, the same separability will be
+       inferred in the two modes. In particular, the same .cmi files
+       and digests will be produced.
+       Before we introduced this hack, the production of different
+       .cmi files would break the build system of the compiler itself,
+       when trying to build a -no-flat-float-array system from
+       a bootstrap compiler itself using -flat-float-array. See #9291.
+       *)
+    try check_def env decl with
+    | Error _ ->
+       (* It could be nice to emit a warning here, so that users know
+          that their definition would be rejected in -flat-float-array mode *)
+       best_msig decl
+(** Separability as a generic property *)
+type prop = Types.Separability.signature
+let property : (prop, unit) Typedecl_properties.property =
+  let open Typedecl_properties in
+  let eq ts1 ts2 =
+    List.length ts1 = List.length ts2
+    && List.for_all2 Sep.eq ts1 ts2 in
+  let merge ~prop:_ ~new_prop =
+    (* the update function is monotonous: ~new_prop is always
+       more informative than ~prop, which can be ignored *)
+    new_prop in
+  let default decl = best_msig decl in
+  let compute env decl () = compute_decl env decl in
+  let update_decl decl type_separability = { decl with type_separability } in
+  let check _env _id _decl () = () in (* FIXME run final check? *)
+  { eq; merge; default; compute; update_decl; check; }
+(* Definition using the fixpoint infrastructure. *)
+let update_decls env decls =
+  Typedecl_properties.compute_property_noreq property env decls
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_separability.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_separability.mli
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+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_separability.mli
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+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** The OCaml runtime assumes for type-directed optimizations that all types
+    are "separable". A type is "separable" if either all its inhabitants
+    (the values of this type) are floating-point numbers, or none of them are.
+    (Note: This assumption is required for the dynamic float array optimization;
+    it is only made if Config.flat_float_array is set,
+    otherwise the code in this module becomes trivial
+    -- see {!compute_decl}.)
+    This soundness requirement could be broken by type declarations mixing
+    existentials and the "[@@unboxed]" annotation. Consider the declaration
+    {[
+       type any = Any : 'a -> any [@@unboxed]
+    ]}
+   which corresponds to the existential type "exists a. a". If this type is
+   allowed to be unboxed, then it is inhabited by both [float] values
+   and non-[float] values. On the contrary, if unboxing is disallowed, the
+   inhabitants are all blocks with the [Any] constructors pointing to its
+   parameter: they may point to a float, but they are not floats.
+   The present module contains a static analysis ensuring that declarations
+   annotated with "[@@unboxed]" can be safely unboxed. The idea is to check
+   the "separability" (in the above sense) of the argument type that would
+   be unboxed, and reject the unboxed declaration if it would create a
+   non-separable type.
+   Checking mutually-recursive type declarations is a bit subtle.
+   Consider, for example, the following declarations.
+   {[
+      type foo = Foo : 'a t -> foo   [@@unboxed]
+      and 'a t = ...
+   ]}
+   Deciding whether the type [foo] should be accepted requires inspecting
+   the declaration of ['a t], which may itself refer to [foo] in turn.
+   In general, the analysis performs a fixpoint computation. It is somewhat
+   similar to what is done for inferring the variance of type parameters.
+   Our analysis is defined using inference rules for our judgment
+   [Def; Gamma |- t : m], in which a type expression [t] is checked
+   against a "mode" [m]. This "mode" describes the separability
+   requirement on the type expression (see below for
+   more details). The mode [Gamma] maps type variables to modes and
+   [Def] records the "mode signature" of the mutually-recursive type
+   declarations that are being checked.
+   The "mode signature" of a type with parameters [('a, 'b) t] is of the
+   form [('a : m1, 'b : m2) t], where [m1] and [m2] are modes. Its meaning
+   is the following: a concrete instance [(foo, bar) t] of the type is
+   separable if [foo] has mode [m1] and [bar] has mode [m2]. *)
+type error =
+  | Non_separable_evar of string option
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+(** Exception raised when a type declaration is not separable, or when its
+    separability cannot be established. *)
+type mode = Types.Separability.t = Ind | Sep | Deepsep
+(** The mode [Sep] ("separable") characterizes types that are indeed separable:
+    either they only contain floating-point values, or none of the values
+    at this type are floating-point values.
+    On a type parameter, it indicates that this parameter must be
+    separable for the whole type definition to be separable. For
+    example, the mode signature for the type declaration [type 'a
+    t = 'a] is [('a : Sep) t]. For the right-hand side to be
+    separable, the parameter ['a] must be separable.
+    The mode [Ind] ("indifferent") characterizes any type -- separable
+    or not.
+    On a type parameter, it indicates that this parameter needs not be
+    separable for the whole type definition to be separable. For
+    example, [type 'a t = 'a * bool] does not require its parameter
+    ['a] to be separable as ['a * bool] can never contain [float]
+    values. Its mode signature is thus [('a : Ind) t].
+    Finally, the mode [Deepsep] ("deeply separable") characterizes
+    types that are separable, and whose type sub-expressions are also
+    separable. This advanced feature is only used in the presence of
+    constraints.
+    For example, [type 'a t = 'b   constraint 'a = 'b * bool]
+    may not be separable even if ['a] is (its separately depends on 'b,
+    a fragment of 'a), so its mode signature is [('a : Deepsep) t].
+    The different modes are ordered as [Ind < Sep < Deepsep] (from the least
+    demanding to the most demanding). *)
+val compute_decl : Env.t -> Types.type_declaration -> mode list
+(** [compute_decl env def] returns the signature required
+    for the type definition [def] in the typing environment [env]
+    -- including signatures for the current recursive block.
+    The {!Error} exception is raised if no such signature exists
+    -- the definition will always be invalid. This only happens
+    when the definition is marked to be unboxed.
+    Variant (or record) declarations that are not marked with the
+    "[@@unboxed]" annotation, including those that contain several variants
+    (or labels), are always separable. In particular, their mode signatures
+    do not require anything of their type parameters, which are marked [Ind].
+    Finally, if {!Config.flat_float_array} is not set, then separability
+    is not required anymore; we just use [Ind] as the mode of each parameter
+    without any check.
+(** Property interface (see {!Typedecl_properties}). These functions
+    rely on {!compute_decl} and raise the {!Error} exception on error. *)
+type prop = Types.Separability.signature
+val property : (prop, unit) Typedecl_properties.property
+val update_decls :
+  Env.t ->
+  (Ident.t * Typedecl_properties.decl) list ->
+  (Ident.t * Typedecl_properties.decl) list
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_unboxed.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_unboxed.ml
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index 0000000000..16290f0fbb
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+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_unboxed.ml
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+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Types
+(* We use the Ctype.expand_head_opt version of expand_head to get access
+   to the manifest type of private abbreviations. *)
+let rec get_unboxed_type_representation env ty fuel =
+  if fuel < 0 then None else
+  let ty = Ctype.expand_head_opt env ty in
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr (p, args, _) ->
+    begin match Env.find_type p env with
+    | exception Not_found -> Some ty
+    | {type_params; type_kind =
+         Type_record ([{ld_type = ty2; _}], Record_unboxed _)
+       | Type_variant ([{cd_args = Cstr_tuple [ty2]; _}], Variant_unboxed)
+       | Type_variant ([{cd_args = Cstr_record [{ld_type = ty2; _}]; _}],
+                       Variant_unboxed)}
+      ->
+        let ty2 = match get_desc ty2 with Tpoly (t, _) -> t | _ -> ty2 in
+        get_unboxed_type_representation env
+          (Ctype.apply env type_params ty2 args) (fuel - 1)
+    | _ -> Some ty
+    end
+  | _ -> Some ty
+let get_unboxed_type_representation env ty =
+  (* Do not give too much fuel: PR#7424 *)
+  get_unboxed_type_representation env ty 100
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index 0000000000..9e860dc128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_unboxed.mli
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+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Types
+(* for typeopt.ml *)
+val get_unboxed_type_representation: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr option
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_variance.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_variance.ml
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index 0000000000..c384e8c467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_variance.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+module TypeSet = Btype.TypeSet
+module TypeMap = Btype.TypeMap
+type surface_variance = bool * bool * bool
+type variance_variable_context =
+  | Type_declaration of Ident.t * type_declaration
+  | Gadt_constructor of constructor_declaration
+  | Extension_constructor of Ident.t * extension_constructor
+type variance_variable_error =
+  | No_variable
+  | Variance_not_reflected
+  | Variance_not_deducible
+type variance_error =
+  | Variance_not_satisfied of int
+  | Variance_variable_error of {
+       error : variance_variable_error;
+       context : variance_variable_context;
+       variable : type_expr
+     }
+type error =
+  | Bad_variance of variance_error * surface_variance * surface_variance
+  | Varying_anonymous
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+(* Compute variance *)
+let get_variance ty visited =
+  try TypeMap.find ty !visited with Not_found -> Variance.null
+let compute_variance env visited vari ty =
+  let rec compute_variance_rec vari ty =
+    (* Format.eprintf "%a: %x@." Printtyp.type_expr ty (Obj.magic vari); *)
+    let vari' = get_variance ty visited in
+    if Variance.subset vari vari' then () else
+    let vari = Variance.union vari vari' in
+    visited := TypeMap.add ty vari !visited;
+    let compute_same = compute_variance_rec vari in
+    match get_desc ty with
+      Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _) ->
+        compute_variance_rec (Variance.conjugate vari) ty1;
+        compute_same ty2
+    | Ttuple tl ->
+        List.iter compute_same tl
+    | Tconstr (path, tl, _) ->
+        let open Variance in
+        if tl = [] then () else begin
+          try
+            let decl = Env.find_type path env in
+            List.iter2
+              (fun ty v -> compute_variance_rec (compose vari v) ty)
+              tl decl.type_variance
+          with Not_found ->
+            List.iter (compute_variance_rec unknown) tl
+        end
+    | Tobject (ty, _) ->
+        compute_same ty
+    | Tfield (_, _, ty1, ty2) ->
+        compute_same ty1;
+        compute_same ty2
+    | Tsubst _ ->
+        assert false
+    | Tvariant row ->
+        List.iter
+          (fun (_,f) ->
+            match row_field_repr f with
+              Rpresent (Some ty) ->
+                compute_same ty
+            | Reither (_, tyl, _) ->
+                let v = Variance.(inter vari unknown) in (* cf PR#7269 *)
+                List.iter (compute_variance_rec v) tyl
+            | _ -> ())
+          (row_fields row);
+        compute_same (row_more row)
+    | Tpoly (ty, _) ->
+        compute_same ty
+    | Tvar _ | Tnil | Tlink _ | Tunivar _ -> ()
+    | Tpackage (_, fl) ->
+        let v = Variance.(compose vari full) in
+        List.iter (fun (_, ty) -> compute_variance_rec v ty) fl
+  in
+  compute_variance_rec vari ty
+let make p n i =
+  let open Variance in
+  set_if p May_pos (set_if n May_neg (set_if i Inj null))
+let injective = Variance.(set Inj null)
+let compute_variance_type env ~check (required, loc) decl tyl =
+  (* Requirements *)
+  let check_injectivity = Btype.type_kind_is_abstract decl in
+  let required =
+    List.map
+      (fun (c,n,i) ->
+        let i = if check_injectivity then i else false in
+        if c || n then (c,n,i) else (true,true,i))
+      required
+  in
+  (* Prepare *)
+  let params = decl.type_params in
+  let tvl = ref TypeMap.empty in
+  (* Compute occurrences in the body *)
+  let open Variance in
+  List.iter
+    (fun (cn,ty) ->
+      compute_variance env tvl (if cn then full else covariant) ty)
+    tyl;
+  (* Infer injectivity of constrained parameters *)
+  if check_injectivity then
+    List.iter
+      (fun ty ->
+        if Btype.is_Tvar ty || mem Inj (get_variance ty tvl) then () else
+        let visited = ref TypeSet.empty in
+        let rec check ty =
+          if TypeSet.mem ty !visited then () else begin
+            visited := TypeSet.add ty !visited;
+            if mem Inj (get_variance ty tvl) then () else
+            match get_desc ty with
+            | Tvar _ -> raise Exit
+            | Tconstr _ ->
+                let old = !visited in
+                begin try
+                  Btype.iter_type_expr check ty
+                with Exit ->
+                  visited := old;
+                  let ty' = Ctype.expand_head_opt env ty in
+                  if eq_type ty ty' then raise Exit else check ty'
+                end
+            | _ -> Btype.iter_type_expr check ty
+          end
+        in
+        try check ty; compute_variance env tvl injective ty
+        with Exit -> ())
+      params;
+  begin match check with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some context ->
+    (* Check variance of parameters *)
+    let pos = ref 0 in
+    List.iter2
+      (fun ty (c, n, i) ->
+        incr pos;
+        let var = get_variance ty tvl in
+        let (co,cn) = get_upper var and ij = mem Inj var in
+        if Btype.is_Tvar ty && (co && not c || cn && not n) || not ij && i
+        then raise (Error(loc, Bad_variance
+                                (Variance_not_satisfied !pos,
+                                                        (co,cn,ij),
+                                                        (c,n,i)))))
+      params required;
+    (* Check propagation from constrained parameters *)
+    let args = Btype.newgenty (Ttuple params) in
+    let fvl = Ctype.free_variables args in
+    let fvl =
+      List.filter (fun v -> not (List.exists (eq_type v) params)) fvl in
+    (* If there are no extra variables there is nothing to do *)
+    if fvl = [] then () else
+    let tvl2 = ref TypeMap.empty in
+    List.iter2
+      (fun ty (p,n,_) ->
+        if Btype.is_Tvar ty then () else
+        let v =
+          if p then if n then full else covariant else conjugate covariant in
+        compute_variance env tvl2 v ty)
+      params required;
+    let visited = ref TypeSet.empty in
+    let rec check ty =
+      if TypeSet.mem ty !visited then () else
+      let visited' = TypeSet.add ty !visited in
+      visited := visited';
+      let v1 = get_variance ty tvl in
+      let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+      let v2 =
+        TypeMap.fold
+          (fun t vt v ->
+             if Ctype.is_equal env false [ty] [t] then union vt v else v)
+          !tvl2 null in
+      Btype.backtrack snap;
+      let (c1,n1) = get_upper v1 and (c2,n2,i2) = get_lower v2 in
+      if c1 && not c2 || n1 && not n2 then begin
+        match List.find_opt (eq_type ty) fvl with
+        | Some variable ->
+            let error =
+              if not i2 then
+                No_variable
+              else if c2 || n2 then
+                Variance_not_reflected
+              else
+                Variance_not_deducible
+            in
+            let variance_error =
+              Variance_variable_error { error; context; variable }
+            in
+            raise
+              (Error (loc
+                     , Bad_variance ( variance_error
+                                    , (c1,n1,false)
+                                    , (c2,n2,false))))
+        | None ->
+            Btype.iter_type_expr check ty
+      end
+    in
+    List.iter (fun (_,ty) -> check ty) tyl;
+  end;
+  List.map2
+    (fun ty (p, n, _i) ->
+      let v = get_variance ty tvl in
+      let tr = decl.type_private in
+      (* Use required variance where relevant *)
+      let concr = not (Btype.type_kind_is_abstract decl) in
+      let (p, n) =
+        if tr = Private || not (Btype.is_Tvar ty) then (p, n) (* set *)
+        else (false, false) (* only check *)
+      and i = concr in
+      let v = union v (make p n i) in
+      if not concr || Btype.is_Tvar ty then v else
+      union v
+        (if p then if n then full else covariant else conjugate covariant))
+    params required
+let add_false = List.map (fun ty -> false, ty)
+(* A parameter is constrained if it is either instantiated,
+   or it is a variable appearing in another parameter *)
+let constrained vars ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tvar _ -> List.exists (List.exists (eq_type ty)) vars
+  | _ -> true
+let for_constr = function
+  | Types.Cstr_tuple l -> add_false l
+  | Types.Cstr_record l ->
+      List.map
+        (fun {Types.ld_mutable; ld_type} -> (ld_mutable = Mutable, ld_type))
+        l
+let compute_variance_gadt env ~check (required, loc as rloc) decl
+    (tl, ret_type_opt) =
+  match ret_type_opt with
+  | None ->
+      compute_variance_type env ~check rloc {decl with type_private = Private}
+        (for_constr tl)
+  | Some ret_type ->
+      match get_desc ret_type with
+      | Tconstr (_, tyl, _) ->
+          (* let tyl = List.map (Ctype.expand_head env) tyl in *)
+          let fvl = List.map (Ctype.free_variables ?env:None) tyl in
+          let _ =
+            List.fold_left2
+              (fun (fv1,fv2) ty (c,n,_) ->
+                match fv2 with [] -> assert false
+                | fv :: fv2 ->
+                    (* fv1 @ fv2 = free_variables of other parameters *)
+                    if (c||n) && constrained (fv1 @ fv2) ty then
+                      raise (Error(loc, Varying_anonymous));
+                    (fv :: fv1, fv2))
+              ([], fvl) tyl required
+          in
+          compute_variance_type env ~check rloc
+            {decl with type_params = tyl; type_private = Private}
+            (for_constr tl)
+      | _ -> assert false
+let compute_variance_extension env decl ext rloc =
+  let check =
+    Some (Extension_constructor (ext.Typedtree.ext_id, ext.Typedtree.ext_type))
+  in
+  let ext = ext.Typedtree.ext_type in
+  compute_variance_gadt env ~check rloc
+    {decl with type_params = ext.ext_type_params}
+    (ext.ext_args, ext.ext_ret_type)
+let compute_variance_gadt_constructor env ~check rloc decl tl =
+  let check =
+    match check with
+    | Some _ -> Some (Gadt_constructor tl)
+    | None -> None
+  in
+  compute_variance_gadt env ~check rloc decl
+    (tl.Types.cd_args, tl.Types.cd_res)
+let compute_variance_decl env ~check decl (required, _ as rloc) =
+  let check =
+    Option.map (fun id -> Type_declaration (id, decl)) check
+  in
+  let abstract = Btype.type_kind_is_abstract decl in
+  if (abstract || decl.type_kind = Type_open) && decl.type_manifest = None then
+    List.map
+      (fun (c, n, i) -> make (not n) (not c) (not abstract || i))
+      required
+  else begin
+    let mn =
+      match decl.type_manifest with
+        None -> []
+      | Some ty -> [ false, ty ]
+    in
+    let vari =
+      match decl.type_kind with
+        Type_abstract _ | Type_open ->
+          compute_variance_type env ~check rloc decl mn
+      | Type_variant (tll,_rep) ->
+          if List.for_all (fun c -> c.Types.cd_res = None) tll then
+            compute_variance_type env ~check rloc decl
+              (mn @ List.flatten (List.map (fun c -> for_constr c.Types.cd_args)
+                                    tll))
+          else begin
+            let vari =
+              List.map
+                (fun ty ->
+                   compute_variance_type env ~check rloc
+                     {decl with type_private = Private}
+                     (add_false [ ty ])
+                )
+                (Option.to_list decl.type_manifest)
+            in
+            let constructor_variance =
+              List.map
+                (compute_variance_gadt_constructor env ~check rloc decl)
+                tll
+            in
+            match List.append vari constructor_variance with
+            | vari :: rem ->
+                List.fold_left (List.map2 Variance.union) vari rem
+            | _ -> assert false
+          end
+      | Type_record (ftl, _) ->
+          compute_variance_type env ~check rloc decl
+            (mn @ List.map (fun {Types.ld_mutable; ld_type} ->
+                 (ld_mutable = Mutable, ld_type)) ftl)
+    in
+    if mn = [] || not abstract then
+      List.map Variance.strengthen vari
+    else vari
+  end
+let is_hash id =
+  let s = Ident.name id in
+  String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = '#'
+let check_variance_extension env decl ext rloc =
+  (* TODO: refactorize compute_variance_extension *)
+  ignore (compute_variance_extension env decl ext rloc)
+let compute_decl env ~check decl req =
+  compute_variance_decl env ~check decl (req, decl.type_loc)
+let check_decl env id decl req =
+  ignore (compute_variance_decl env ~check:(Some id) decl (req, decl.type_loc))
+type prop = Variance.t list
+type req = surface_variance list
+let property : (prop, req) Typedecl_properties.property =
+  let open Typedecl_properties in
+  let eq li1 li2 =
+    try List.for_all2 Variance.eq li1 li2 with _ -> false in
+  let merge ~prop ~new_prop =
+    List.map2 Variance.union prop new_prop in
+  let default decl =
+    List.map (fun _ -> Variance.null) decl.type_params in
+  let compute env decl req =
+    compute_decl env ~check:None decl req in
+  let update_decl decl variance =
+    { decl with type_variance = variance } in
+  let check env id decl req =
+    if is_hash id then () else check_decl env id decl req in
+  {
+    eq;
+    merge;
+    default;
+    compute;
+    update_decl;
+    check;
+  }
+let transl_variance (v, i) =
+  let co, cn =
+    match v with
+    | Covariant -> (true, false)
+    | Contravariant -> (false, true)
+    | NoVariance -> (false, false)
+  in
+  (co, cn, match i with Injective -> true | NoInjectivity -> false)
+let variance_of_params ptype_params =
+  List.map transl_variance (List.map snd ptype_params)
+let variance_of_sdecl sdecl =
+  variance_of_params sdecl.Parsetree.ptype_params
+let update_decls env sdecls decls =
+  let required = List.map variance_of_sdecl sdecls in
+  Typedecl_properties.compute_property property env decls required
+let update_class_decls env cldecls =
+  let decls, required =
+    List.fold_right
+      (fun (obj_id, obj_abbr, _clty, _cltydef, ci) (decls, req) ->
+        (obj_id, obj_abbr) :: decls,
+        variance_of_params ci.Typedtree.ci_params :: req)
+      cldecls ([],[])
+  in
+  let decls =
+    Typedecl_properties.compute_property property env decls required in
+  List.map2
+    (fun (_,decl) (_, _, clty, cltydef, _) ->
+      let variance = decl.type_variance in
+      (decl, {clty with cty_variance = variance},
+       {cltydef with
+        clty_variance = variance;
+        clty_hash_type = {cltydef.clty_hash_type with type_variance = variance}
+       }))
+    decls cldecls
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_variance.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_variance.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6392e61dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedecl_variance.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay                       *)
+(*   Rodolphe Lepigre, projet Deducteam, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Types
+open Typedecl_properties
+type surface_variance = bool * bool * bool
+val variance_of_params :
+  (Parsetree.core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list ->
+  surface_variance list
+val variance_of_sdecl :
+  Parsetree.type_declaration -> surface_variance list
+type prop = Variance.t list
+type req = surface_variance list
+val property : (Variance.t list, req) property
+type variance_variable_context =
+  | Type_declaration of Ident.t * type_declaration
+  | Gadt_constructor of constructor_declaration
+  | Extension_constructor of Ident.t * extension_constructor
+type variance_variable_error =
+  | No_variable
+  | Variance_not_reflected
+  | Variance_not_deducible
+type variance_error =
+  | Variance_not_satisfied of int
+  | Variance_variable_error of {
+       error : variance_variable_error;
+       context : variance_variable_context;
+       variable : type_expr
+     }
+type error =
+  | Bad_variance of variance_error * surface_variance * surface_variance
+  | Varying_anonymous
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+val check_variance_extension :
+  Env.t -> type_declaration ->
+  Typedtree.extension_constructor -> req * Location.t -> unit
+val compute_decl :
+  Env.t -> check:Ident.t option -> type_declaration -> req -> prop
+val update_decls :
+  Env.t -> Parsetree.type_declaration list ->
+  (Ident.t * type_declaration) list ->
+  (Ident.t * type_declaration) list
+val update_class_decls :
+  Env.t ->
+  (Ident.t * Typedecl_properties.decl *
+   Types.class_declaration * Types.class_type_declaration *
+   'a Typedtree.class_infos) list ->
+  (Typedecl_properties.decl *
+   Types.class_declaration * Types.class_type_declaration) list
+(* FIXME: improve this horrible interface *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedtree.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedtree.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff0060e135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedtree.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Abstract syntax tree after typing *)
+open Asttypes
+open Types
+module Uid = Shape.Uid
+(* Value expressions for the core language *)
+type partial = Partial | Total
+type attribute = Parsetree.attribute
+type attributes = attribute list
+type value = Value_pattern
+type computation = Computation_pattern
+type _ pattern_category =
+| Value : value pattern_category
+| Computation : computation pattern_category
+type pattern = value general_pattern
+and 'k general_pattern = 'k pattern_desc pattern_data
+and 'a pattern_data =
+  { pat_desc: 'a;
+    pat_loc: Location.t;
+    pat_extra : (pat_extra * Location.t * attribute list) list;
+    pat_type: type_expr;
+    pat_env: Env.t;
+    pat_attributes: attribute list;
+   }
+and pat_extra =
+  | Tpat_constraint of core_type
+  | Tpat_type of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+  | Tpat_open of Path.t * Longident.t loc * Env.t
+  | Tpat_unpack
+and 'k pattern_desc =
+  (* value patterns *)
+  | Tpat_any : value pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_var : Ident.t * string loc * Uid.t -> value pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_alias :
+      value general_pattern * Ident.t * string loc * Uid.t -> value pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_constant : constant -> value pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_tuple : value general_pattern list -> value pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_construct :
+      Longident.t loc * constructor_description * value general_pattern list
+      * (Ident.t loc list * core_type) option ->
+      value pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_variant :
+      label * value general_pattern option * row_desc ref ->
+      value pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_record :
+      (Longident.t loc * label_description * value general_pattern) list *
+        closed_flag ->
+      value pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_array : value general_pattern list -> value pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_lazy : value general_pattern -> value pattern_desc
+  (* computation patterns *)
+  | Tpat_value : tpat_value_argument -> computation pattern_desc
+  | Tpat_exception : value general_pattern -> computation pattern_desc
+  (* generic constructions *)
+  | Tpat_or :
+      'k general_pattern * 'k general_pattern * row_desc option ->
+      'k pattern_desc
+and tpat_value_argument = value general_pattern
+and expression =
+  { exp_desc: expression_desc;
+    exp_loc: Location.t;
+    exp_extra: (exp_extra * Location.t * attribute list) list;
+    exp_type: type_expr;
+    exp_env: Env.t;
+    exp_attributes: attribute list;
+   }
+and exp_extra =
+  | Texp_constraint of core_type
+  | Texp_coerce of core_type option * core_type
+  | Texp_poly of core_type option
+  | Texp_newtype of string
+and expression_desc =
+    Texp_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc * Types.value_description
+  | Texp_constant of constant
+  | Texp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
+  | Texp_function of function_param list * function_body
+  | Texp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression option) list
+  | Texp_match of expression * computation case list * value case list * partial
+  | Texp_try of expression * value case list * value case list
+  | Texp_tuple of expression list
+  | Texp_construct of
+      Longident.t loc * constructor_description * expression list
+  | Texp_variant of label * expression option
+  | Texp_record of {
+      fields : ( Types.label_description * record_label_definition ) array;
+      representation : Types.record_representation;
+      extended_expression : expression option;
+    }
+  | Texp_field of expression * Longident.t loc * label_description
+  | Texp_setfield of
+      expression * Longident.t loc * label_description * expression
+  | Texp_array of expression list
+  | Texp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
+  | Texp_sequence of expression * expression
+  | Texp_while of expression * expression
+  | Texp_for of
+      Ident.t * Parsetree.pattern * expression * expression * direction_flag *
+        expression
+  | Texp_send of expression * meth
+  | Texp_new of Path.t * Longident.t loc * Types.class_declaration
+  | Texp_instvar of Path.t * Path.t * string loc
+  | Texp_setinstvar of Path.t * Path.t * string loc * expression
+  | Texp_override of Path.t * (Ident.t * string loc * expression) list
+  | Texp_letmodule of
+      Ident.t option * string option loc * Types.module_presence * module_expr *
+        expression
+  | Texp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
+  | Texp_assert of expression * Location.t
+  | Texp_lazy of expression
+  | Texp_object of class_structure * string list
+  | Texp_pack of module_expr
+  | Texp_letop of {
+      let_ : binding_op;
+      ands : binding_op list;
+      param : Ident.t;
+      body : value case;
+      partial : partial;
+    }
+  | Texp_unreachable
+  | Texp_extension_constructor of Longident.t loc * Path.t
+  | Texp_open of open_declaration * expression
+and meth =
+  | Tmeth_name of string
+  | Tmeth_val of Ident.t
+  | Tmeth_ancestor of Ident.t * Path.t
+and 'k case =
+    {
+     c_lhs: 'k general_pattern;
+     c_cont: Ident.t option;
+     c_guard: expression option;
+     c_rhs: expression;
+    }
+and function_param =
+  {
+    fp_arg_label: arg_label;
+    fp_param: Ident.t;
+    fp_partial: partial;
+    fp_kind: function_param_kind;
+    fp_newtypes: string loc list;
+    fp_loc : Location.t;
+  }
+and function_param_kind =
+  | Tparam_pat of pattern
+  | Tparam_optional_default of pattern * expression
+and function_body =
+  | Tfunction_body of expression
+  | Tfunction_cases of
+      { cases: value case list;
+        partial: partial;
+        param: Ident.t;
+        loc: Location.t;
+        exp_extra: exp_extra option;
+        attributes: attributes;
+      }
+and record_label_definition =
+  | Kept of Types.type_expr * mutable_flag
+  | Overridden of Longident.t loc * expression
+and binding_op =
+  {
+    bop_op_path : Path.t;
+    bop_op_name : string loc;
+    bop_op_val : Types.value_description;
+    bop_op_type : Types.type_expr;
+    bop_exp : expression;
+    bop_loc : Location.t;
+  }
+(* Value expressions for the class language *)
+and class_expr =
+    {
+     cl_desc: class_expr_desc;
+     cl_loc: Location.t;
+     cl_type: Types.class_type;
+     cl_env: Env.t;
+     cl_attributes: attribute list;
+    }
+and class_expr_desc =
+    Tcl_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list
+  | Tcl_structure of class_structure
+  | Tcl_fun of
+      arg_label * pattern * (Ident.t * expression) list
+      * class_expr * partial
+  | Tcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression option) list
+  | Tcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list *
+                  (Ident.t * expression) list * class_expr
+  | Tcl_constraint of
+      class_expr * class_type option * string list * string list * MethSet.t
+    (* Visible instance variables, methods and concrete methods *)
+  | Tcl_open of open_description * class_expr
+and class_structure =
+  {
+   cstr_self: pattern;
+   cstr_fields: class_field list;
+   cstr_type: Types.class_signature;
+   cstr_meths: Ident.t Meths.t;
+  }
+and class_field =
+   {
+    cf_desc: class_field_desc;
+    cf_loc: Location.t;
+    cf_attributes: attribute list;
+  }
+and class_field_kind =
+  | Tcfk_virtual of core_type
+  | Tcfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
+and class_field_desc =
+    Tcf_inherit of
+      override_flag * class_expr * string option * (string * Ident.t) list *
+        (string * Ident.t) list
+    (* Inherited instance variables and concrete methods *)
+  | Tcf_val of string loc * mutable_flag * Ident.t * class_field_kind * bool
+  | Tcf_method of string loc * private_flag * class_field_kind
+  | Tcf_constraint of core_type * core_type
+  | Tcf_initializer of expression
+  | Tcf_attribute of attribute
+(* Value expressions for the module language *)
+and module_expr =
+  { mod_desc: module_expr_desc;
+    mod_loc: Location.t;
+    mod_type: Types.module_type;
+    mod_env: Env.t;
+    mod_attributes: attribute list;
+   }
+and module_type_constraint =
+  Tmodtype_implicit
+| Tmodtype_explicit of module_type
+and functor_parameter =
+  | Unit
+  | Named of Ident.t option * string option loc * module_type
+and module_expr_desc =
+    Tmod_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+  | Tmod_structure of structure
+  | Tmod_functor of functor_parameter * module_expr
+  | Tmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr * module_coercion
+  | Tmod_apply_unit of module_expr
+  | Tmod_constraint of
+      module_expr * Types.module_type * module_type_constraint * module_coercion
+  | Tmod_unpack of expression * Types.module_type
+and structure = {
+  str_items : structure_item list;
+  str_type : Types.signature;
+  str_final_env : Env.t;
+and structure_item =
+  { str_desc : structure_item_desc;
+    str_loc : Location.t;
+    str_env : Env.t
+  }
+and structure_item_desc =
+    Tstr_eval of expression * attributes
+  | Tstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
+  | Tstr_primitive of value_description
+  | Tstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
+  | Tstr_typext of type_extension
+  | Tstr_exception of type_exception
+  | Tstr_module of module_binding
+  | Tstr_recmodule of module_binding list
+  | Tstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
+  | Tstr_open of open_declaration
+  | Tstr_class of (class_declaration * string list) list
+  | Tstr_class_type of (Ident.t * string loc * class_type_declaration) list
+  | Tstr_include of include_declaration
+  | Tstr_attribute of attribute
+and module_binding =
+    {
+     mb_id: Ident.t option;
+     mb_name: string option loc;
+     mb_uid: Uid.t;
+     mb_presence: module_presence;
+     mb_expr: module_expr;
+     mb_attributes: attribute list;
+     mb_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and value_binding =
+  {
+    vb_pat: pattern;
+    vb_expr: expression;
+    vb_rec_kind: Value_rec_types.recursive_binding_kind;
+    vb_attributes: attributes;
+    vb_loc: Location.t;
+  }
+and module_coercion =
+    Tcoerce_none
+  | Tcoerce_structure of (int * module_coercion) list *
+                         (Ident.t * int * module_coercion) list
+  | Tcoerce_functor of module_coercion * module_coercion
+  | Tcoerce_primitive of primitive_coercion
+  | Tcoerce_alias of Env.t * Path.t * module_coercion
+and module_type =
+  { mty_desc: module_type_desc;
+    mty_type : Types.module_type;
+    mty_env : Env.t;
+    mty_loc: Location.t;
+    mty_attributes: attribute list;
+   }
+and module_type_desc =
+    Tmty_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+  | Tmty_signature of signature
+  | Tmty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type
+  | Tmty_with of module_type * (Path.t * Longident.t loc * with_constraint) list
+  | Tmty_typeof of module_expr
+  | Tmty_alias of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+(* Keep primitive type information for type-based lambda-code specialization *)
+and primitive_coercion =
+  {
+    pc_desc: Primitive.description;
+    pc_type: type_expr;
+    pc_env: Env.t;
+    pc_loc : Location.t;
+  }
+and signature = {
+  sig_items : signature_item list;
+  sig_type : Types.signature;
+  sig_final_env : Env.t;
+and signature_item =
+  { sig_desc: signature_item_desc;
+    sig_env : Env.t; (* BINANNOT ADDED *)
+    sig_loc: Location.t }
+and signature_item_desc =
+    Tsig_value of value_description
+  | Tsig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
+  | Tsig_typesubst of type_declaration list
+  | Tsig_typext of type_extension
+  | Tsig_exception of type_exception
+  | Tsig_module of module_declaration
+  | Tsig_modsubst of module_substitution
+  | Tsig_recmodule of module_declaration list
+  | Tsig_modtype of module_type_declaration
+  | Tsig_modtypesubst of module_type_declaration
+  | Tsig_open of open_description
+  | Tsig_include of include_description
+  | Tsig_class of class_description list
+  | Tsig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
+  | Tsig_attribute of attribute
+and module_declaration =
+    {
+     md_id: Ident.t option;
+     md_name: string option loc;
+     md_uid: Uid.t;
+     md_presence: module_presence;
+     md_type: module_type;
+     md_attributes: attribute list;
+     md_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and module_substitution =
+    {
+     ms_id: Ident.t;
+     ms_name: string loc;
+     ms_uid: Uid.t;
+     ms_manifest: Path.t;
+     ms_txt: Longident.t loc;
+     ms_attributes: attributes;
+     ms_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and module_type_declaration =
+    {
+     mtd_id: Ident.t;
+     mtd_name: string loc;
+     mtd_uid: Uid.t;
+     mtd_type: module_type option;
+     mtd_attributes: attribute list;
+     mtd_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and 'a open_infos =
+    {
+     open_expr: 'a;
+     open_bound_items: Types.signature;
+     open_override: override_flag;
+     open_env: Env.t;
+     open_loc: Location.t;
+     open_attributes: attribute list;
+    }
+and open_description = (Path.t * Longident.t loc) open_infos
+and open_declaration = module_expr open_infos
+and 'a include_infos =
+    {
+     incl_mod: 'a;
+     incl_type: Types.signature;
+     incl_loc: Location.t;
+     incl_attributes: attribute list;
+    }
+and include_description = module_type include_infos
+and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
+and with_constraint =
+    Twith_type of type_declaration
+  | Twith_module of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+  | Twith_modtype of module_type
+  | Twith_typesubst of type_declaration
+  | Twith_modsubst of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+  | Twith_modtypesubst of module_type
+and core_type =
+(* mutable because of [Typeclass.declare_method] *)
+  { mutable ctyp_desc : core_type_desc;
+    mutable ctyp_type : type_expr;
+    ctyp_env : Env.t; (* BINANNOT ADDED *)
+    ctyp_loc : Location.t;
+    ctyp_attributes: attribute list;
+   }
+and core_type_desc =
+    Ttyp_any
+  | Ttyp_var of string
+  | Ttyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
+  | Ttyp_tuple of core_type list
+  | Ttyp_constr of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list
+  | Ttyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag
+  | Ttyp_class of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list
+  | Ttyp_alias of core_type * string loc
+  | Ttyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
+  | Ttyp_poly of string list * core_type
+  | Ttyp_package of package_type
+  | Ttyp_open of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type
+and package_type = {
+  pack_path : Path.t;
+  pack_fields : (Longident.t loc * core_type) list;
+  pack_type : Types.module_type;
+  pack_txt : Longident.t loc;
+and row_field = {
+  rf_desc : row_field_desc;
+  rf_loc : Location.t;
+  rf_attributes : attributes;
+and row_field_desc =
+    Ttag of string loc * bool * core_type list
+  | Tinherit of core_type
+and object_field = {
+  of_desc : object_field_desc;
+  of_loc : Location.t;
+  of_attributes : attributes;
+and object_field_desc =
+  | OTtag of string loc * core_type
+  | OTinherit of core_type
+and value_description =
+  { val_id: Ident.t;
+    val_name: string loc;
+    val_desc: core_type;
+    val_val: Types.value_description;
+    val_prim: string list;
+    val_loc: Location.t;
+    val_attributes: attribute list;
+    }
+and type_declaration =
+  { typ_id: Ident.t;
+    typ_name: string loc;
+    typ_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list;
+    typ_type: Types.type_declaration;
+    typ_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
+    typ_kind: type_kind;
+    typ_private: private_flag;
+    typ_manifest: core_type option;
+    typ_loc: Location.t;
+    typ_attributes: attribute list;
+   }
+and type_kind =
+    Ttype_abstract
+  | Ttype_variant of constructor_declaration list
+  | Ttype_record of label_declaration list
+  | Ttype_open
+and label_declaration =
+    {
+     ld_id: Ident.t;
+     ld_name: string loc;
+     ld_uid: Uid.t;
+     ld_mutable: mutable_flag;
+     ld_type: core_type;
+     ld_loc: Location.t;
+     ld_attributes: attribute list;
+    }
+and constructor_declaration =
+    {
+     cd_id: Ident.t;
+     cd_name: string loc;
+     cd_uid: Uid.t;
+     cd_vars: string loc list;
+     cd_args: constructor_arguments;
+     cd_res: core_type option;
+     cd_loc: Location.t;
+     cd_attributes: attribute list;
+    }
+and constructor_arguments =
+  | Cstr_tuple of core_type list
+  | Cstr_record of label_declaration list
+and type_extension =
+  {
+    tyext_path: Path.t;
+    tyext_txt: Longident.t loc;
+    tyext_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list;
+    tyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
+    tyext_private: private_flag;
+    tyext_loc: Location.t;
+    tyext_attributes: attribute list;
+  }
+and type_exception =
+  {
+    tyexn_constructor: extension_constructor;
+    tyexn_loc: Location.t;
+    tyexn_attributes: attribute list;
+  }
+and extension_constructor =
+  {
+    ext_id: Ident.t;
+    ext_name: string loc;
+    ext_type: Types.extension_constructor;
+    ext_kind: extension_constructor_kind;
+    ext_loc: Location.t;
+    ext_attributes: attribute list;
+  }
+and extension_constructor_kind =
+    Text_decl of string loc list * constructor_arguments * core_type option
+  | Text_rebind of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+and class_type =
+    {
+     cltyp_desc: class_type_desc;
+     cltyp_type: Types.class_type;
+     cltyp_env: Env.t;
+     cltyp_loc: Location.t;
+     cltyp_attributes: attribute list;
+    }
+and class_type_desc =
+    Tcty_constr of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list
+  | Tcty_signature of class_signature
+  | Tcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
+  | Tcty_open of open_description * class_type
+and class_signature = {
+    csig_self: core_type;
+    csig_fields: class_type_field list;
+    csig_type: Types.class_signature;
+  }
+and class_type_field = {
+    ctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
+    ctf_loc: Location.t;
+    ctf_attributes: attribute list;
+  }
+and class_type_field_desc =
+  | Tctf_inherit of class_type
+  | Tctf_val of (string * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
+  | Tctf_method of (string * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
+  | Tctf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
+  | Tctf_attribute of attribute
+and class_declaration =
+  class_expr class_infos
+and class_description =
+  class_type class_infos
+and class_type_declaration =
+  class_type class_infos
+and 'a class_infos =
+  { ci_virt: virtual_flag;
+    ci_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list;
+    ci_id_name: string loc;
+    ci_id_class: Ident.t;
+    ci_id_class_type: Ident.t;
+    ci_id_object: Ident.t;
+    ci_expr: 'a;
+    ci_decl: Types.class_declaration;
+    ci_type_decl: Types.class_type_declaration;
+    ci_loc: Location.t;
+    ci_attributes: attribute list;
+   }
+type implementation = {
+  structure: structure;
+  coercion: module_coercion;
+  signature: Types.signature;
+  shape: Shape.t;
+type item_declaration =
+  | Value of value_description
+  | Value_binding of value_binding
+  | Type of type_declaration
+  | Constructor of constructor_declaration
+  | Extension_constructor of extension_constructor
+  | Label of label_declaration
+  | Module of module_declaration
+  | Module_substitution of module_substitution
+  | Module_binding of module_binding
+  | Module_type of module_type_declaration
+  | Class of class_declaration
+  | Class_type of class_type_declaration
+(* Auxiliary functions over the a.s.t. *)
+let as_computation_pattern (p : pattern) : computation general_pattern =
+  {
+    pat_desc = Tpat_value p;
+    pat_loc = p.pat_loc;
+    pat_extra = [];
+    pat_type = p.pat_type;
+    pat_env = p.pat_env;
+    pat_attributes = [];
+  }
+let rec classify_pattern_desc : type k . k pattern_desc -> k pattern_category =
+  function
+  | Tpat_alias _ -> Value
+  | Tpat_tuple _ -> Value
+  | Tpat_construct _ -> Value
+  | Tpat_variant _ -> Value
+  | Tpat_record _ -> Value
+  | Tpat_array _ -> Value
+  | Tpat_lazy _ -> Value
+  | Tpat_any -> Value
+  | Tpat_var _ -> Value
+  | Tpat_constant _ -> Value
+  | Tpat_value _ -> Computation
+  | Tpat_exception _ -> Computation
+  | Tpat_or(p1, p2, _) ->
+     begin match classify_pattern p1, classify_pattern p2 with
+     | Value, Value -> Value
+     | Computation, Computation -> Computation
+     end
+and classify_pattern
+  : type k . k general_pattern -> k pattern_category
+  = fun pat ->
+  classify_pattern_desc pat.pat_desc
+type pattern_action =
+  { f : 'k . 'k general_pattern -> unit }
+let shallow_iter_pattern_desc
+  : type k . pattern_action -> k pattern_desc -> unit
+  = fun f -> function
+  | Tpat_alias(p, _, _, _) -> f.f p
+  | Tpat_tuple patl -> List.iter f.f patl
+  | Tpat_construct(_, _, patl, _) -> List.iter f.f patl
+  | Tpat_variant(_, pat, _) -> Option.iter f.f pat
+  | Tpat_record (lbl_pat_list, _) ->
+      List.iter (fun (_, _, pat) -> f.f pat) lbl_pat_list
+  | Tpat_array patl -> List.iter f.f patl
+  | Tpat_lazy p -> f.f p
+  | Tpat_any
+  | Tpat_var _
+  | Tpat_constant _ -> ()
+  | Tpat_value p -> f.f p
+  | Tpat_exception p -> f.f p
+  | Tpat_or(p1, p2, _) -> f.f p1; f.f p2
+type pattern_transformation =
+  { f : 'k . 'k general_pattern -> 'k general_pattern }
+let shallow_map_pattern_desc
+  : type k . pattern_transformation -> k pattern_desc -> k pattern_desc
+  = fun f d -> match d with
+  | Tpat_alias (p1, id, s, uid) ->
+      Tpat_alias (f.f p1, id, s, uid)
+  | Tpat_tuple pats ->
+      Tpat_tuple (List.map f.f pats)
+  | Tpat_record (lpats, closed) ->
+      Tpat_record (List.map (fun (lid, l,p) -> lid, l, f.f p) lpats, closed)
+  | Tpat_construct (lid, c, pats, ty) ->
+      Tpat_construct (lid, c, List.map f.f pats, ty)
+  | Tpat_array pats ->
+      Tpat_array (List.map f.f pats)
+  | Tpat_lazy p1 -> Tpat_lazy (f.f p1)
+  | Tpat_variant (x1, Some p1, x2) ->
+      Tpat_variant (x1, Some (f.f p1), x2)
+  | Tpat_var _
+  | Tpat_constant _
+  | Tpat_any
+  | Tpat_variant (_,None,_) -> d
+  | Tpat_value p -> Tpat_value (f.f p)
+  | Tpat_exception p -> Tpat_exception (f.f p)
+  | Tpat_or (p1,p2,path) ->
+      Tpat_or (f.f p1, f.f p2, path)
+let rec iter_general_pattern
+  : type k . pattern_action -> k general_pattern -> unit
+  = fun f p ->
+  f.f p;
+  shallow_iter_pattern_desc
+    { f = fun p -> iter_general_pattern f p }
+    p.pat_desc
+let iter_pattern (f : pattern -> unit) =
+  iter_general_pattern
+    { f = fun (type k) (p : k general_pattern) ->
+          match classify_pattern p with
+          | Value -> f p
+          | Computation -> () }
+type pattern_predicate = { f : 'k . 'k general_pattern -> bool }
+let exists_general_pattern (f : pattern_predicate) p =
+  let exception Found in
+  match
+    iter_general_pattern
+      { f = fun p -> if f.f p then raise Found else () }
+      p
+  with
+  | exception Found -> true
+  | () -> false
+let exists_pattern (f : pattern -> bool) =
+  exists_general_pattern
+    { f = fun (type k) (p : k general_pattern) ->
+          match classify_pattern p with
+          | Value -> f p
+          | Computation -> false }
+(* List the identifiers bound by a pattern or a let *)
+let rec iter_bound_idents
+  : type k . _ -> k general_pattern -> _
+  = fun f pat ->
+  match pat.pat_desc with
+  | Tpat_var (id, s, uid) ->
+     f (id,s,pat.pat_type, uid)
+  | Tpat_alias(p, id, s, uid) ->
+      iter_bound_idents f p;
+      f (id,s,pat.pat_type, uid)
+  | Tpat_or(p1, _, _) ->
+      (* Invariant : both arguments bind the same variables *)
+      iter_bound_idents f p1
+  | d ->
+     shallow_iter_pattern_desc
+       { f = fun p -> iter_bound_idents f p }
+       d
+let rev_pat_bound_idents_full pat =
+  let idents_full = ref [] in
+  let add id_full = idents_full := id_full :: !idents_full in
+  iter_bound_idents add pat;
+  !idents_full
+let rev_only_idents idents_full =
+  List.rev_map (fun (id,_,_,_) -> id) idents_full
+let pat_bound_idents_full pat =
+  List.rev (rev_pat_bound_idents_full pat)
+let pat_bound_idents pat =
+  rev_only_idents (rev_pat_bound_idents_full pat)
+let rev_let_bound_idents_full bindings =
+  let idents_full = ref [] in
+  let add id_full = idents_full := id_full :: !idents_full in
+  List.iter (fun vb -> iter_bound_idents add vb.vb_pat) bindings;
+  !idents_full
+let let_bound_idents_full bindings =
+  List.rev (rev_let_bound_idents_full bindings)
+let let_bound_idents pat =
+  rev_only_idents (rev_let_bound_idents_full pat)
+let alpha_var env id = List.assoc id env
+let rec alpha_pat
+  : type k . _ -> k general_pattern -> k general_pattern
+  = fun env p -> match p.pat_desc with
+  | Tpat_var (id, s, uid) -> (* note the ``Not_found'' case *)
+      {p with pat_desc =
+       try Tpat_var (alpha_var env id, s, uid) with
+       | Not_found -> Tpat_any}
+  | Tpat_alias (p1, id, s, uid) ->
+      let new_p =  alpha_pat env p1 in
+      begin try
+        {p with pat_desc = Tpat_alias (new_p, alpha_var env id, s, uid)}
+      with
+      | Not_found -> new_p
+      end
+  | d ->
+     let pat_desc =
+       shallow_map_pattern_desc { f = fun p -> alpha_pat env p } d in
+     {p with pat_desc}
+let mkloc = Location.mkloc
+let mknoloc = Location.mknoloc
+let split_pattern pat =
+  let combine_opts merge p1 p2 =
+    match p1, p2 with
+    | None, None -> None
+    | Some p, None
+    | None, Some p ->
+        Some p
+    | Some p1, Some p2 ->
+        Some (merge p1 p2)
+  in
+  let into pat p1 p2 =
+    (* The third parameter of [Tpat_or] is [Some _] only for "#typ"
+       patterns, which we do *not* expand. Hence we can put [None] here. *)
+    { pat with pat_desc = Tpat_or (p1, p2, None) } in
+  let rec split_pattern cpat =
+    match cpat.pat_desc with
+    | Tpat_value p ->
+        Some p, None
+    | Tpat_exception p ->
+        None, Some p
+    | Tpat_or (cp1, cp2, _) ->
+        let vals1, exns1 = split_pattern cp1 in
+        let vals2, exns2 = split_pattern cp2 in
+        combine_opts (into cpat) vals1 vals2,
+        (* We could change the pattern type for exception patterns to
+           [Predef.exn], but it doesn't really matter. *)
+        combine_opts (into cpat) exns1 exns2
+  in
+  split_pattern pat
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedtree.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedtree.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7dd2ed7a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typedtree.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Abstract syntax tree after typing *)
+(** By comparison with {!Parsetree}:
+    - Every {!Longindent.t} is accompanied by a resolved {!Path.t}.
+open Asttypes
+module Uid = Shape.Uid
+(* Value expressions for the core language *)
+type partial = Partial | Total
+(** {1 Extension points} *)
+type attribute = Parsetree.attribute
+type attributes = attribute list
+(** {1 Core language} *)
+type value = Value_pattern
+type computation = Computation_pattern
+type _ pattern_category =
+| Value : value pattern_category
+| Computation : computation pattern_category
+type pattern = value general_pattern
+and 'k general_pattern = 'k pattern_desc pattern_data
+and 'a pattern_data =
+  { pat_desc: 'a;
+    pat_loc: Location.t;
+    pat_extra : (pat_extra * Location.t * attributes) list;
+    pat_type: Types.type_expr;
+    pat_env: Env.t;
+    pat_attributes: attributes;
+   }
+and pat_extra =
+  | Tpat_constraint of core_type
+        (** P : T          { pat_desc = P
+                           ; pat_extra = (Tpat_constraint T, _, _) :: ... }
+         *)
+  | Tpat_type of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+        (** #tconst        { pat_desc = disjunction
+                           ; pat_extra = (Tpat_type (P, "tconst"), _, _) :: ...}
+                           where [disjunction] is a [Tpat_or _] representing the
+                           branches of [tconst].
+         *)
+  | Tpat_open of Path.t * Longident.t loc * Env.t
+  | Tpat_unpack
+        (** (module P)     { pat_desc  = Tpat_var "P"
+                           ; pat_extra = (Tpat_unpack, _, _) :: ... }
+            (module _)     { pat_desc  = Tpat_any
+            ; pat_extra = (Tpat_unpack, _, _) :: ... }
+         *)
+and 'k pattern_desc =
+  (* value patterns *)
+  | Tpat_any : value pattern_desc
+        (** _ *)
+  | Tpat_var : Ident.t * string loc * Uid.t -> value pattern_desc
+        (** x *)
+  | Tpat_alias :
+      value general_pattern * Ident.t * string loc * Uid.t -> value pattern_desc
+        (** P as a *)
+  | Tpat_constant : constant -> value pattern_desc
+        (** 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
+  | Tpat_tuple : value general_pattern list -> value pattern_desc
+        (** (P1, ..., Pn)
+            Invariant: n >= 2
+         *)
+  | Tpat_construct :
+      Longident.t loc * Types.constructor_description *
+        value general_pattern list * (Ident.t loc list * core_type) option ->
+      value pattern_desc
+        (** C                             ([], None)
+            C P                           ([P], None)
+            C (P1, ..., Pn)               ([P1; ...; Pn], None)
+            C (P : t)                     ([P], Some ([], t))
+            C (P1, ..., Pn : t)           ([P1; ...; Pn], Some ([], t))
+            C (type a) (P : t)            ([P], Some ([a], t))
+            C (type a) (P1, ..., Pn : t)  ([P1; ...; Pn], Some ([a], t))
+          *)
+  | Tpat_variant :
+      label * value general_pattern option * Types.row_desc ref ->
+      value pattern_desc
+        (** `A             (None)
+            `A P           (Some P)
+            See {!Types.row_desc} for an explanation of the last parameter.
+         *)
+  | Tpat_record :
+      (Longident.t loc * Types.label_description * value general_pattern) list *
+        closed_flag ->
+      value pattern_desc
+        (** { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }     (flag = Closed)
+            { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _}   (flag = Open)
+            Invariant: n > 0
+         *)
+  | Tpat_array : value general_pattern list -> value pattern_desc
+        (** [| P1; ...; Pn |] *)
+  | Tpat_lazy : value general_pattern -> value pattern_desc
+        (** lazy P *)
+  (* computation patterns *)
+  | Tpat_value : tpat_value_argument -> computation pattern_desc
+        (** P
+            Invariant: Tpat_value pattern should not carry
+            pat_attributes or pat_extra metadata coming from user
+            syntax, which must be on the inner pattern node -- to
+            facilitate searching for a certain value pattern
+            constructor with a specific attributed.
+            To enforce this restriction, we made the argument of
+            the Tpat_value constructor a private synonym of [pattern],
+            requiring you to use the [as_computation_pattern] function
+            below instead of using the [Tpat_value] constructor directly.
+         *)
+  | Tpat_exception : value general_pattern -> computation pattern_desc
+        (** exception P *)
+  (* generic constructions *)
+  | Tpat_or :
+      'k general_pattern * 'k general_pattern * Types.row_desc option ->
+      'k pattern_desc
+        (** P1 | P2
+            [row_desc] = [Some _] when translating [Ppat_type _],
+                         [None] otherwise.
+         *)
+and tpat_value_argument = private value general_pattern
+and expression =
+  { exp_desc: expression_desc;
+    exp_loc: Location.t;
+    exp_extra: (exp_extra * Location.t * attributes) list;
+    exp_type: Types.type_expr;
+    exp_env: Env.t;
+    exp_attributes: attributes;
+   }
+and exp_extra =
+  | Texp_constraint of core_type
+        (** E : T *)
+  | Texp_coerce of core_type option * core_type
+        (** E :> T           [Texp_coerce (None, T)]
+            E : T0 :> T      [Texp_coerce (Some T0, T)]
+         *)
+  | Texp_poly of core_type option
+        (** Used for method bodies. *)
+  | Texp_newtype of string
+        (** fun (type t) ->  *)
+and expression_desc =
+    Texp_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc * Types.value_description
+        (** x
+            M.x
+         *)
+  | Texp_constant of constant
+        (** 1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n *)
+  | Texp_let of rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
+        (** let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E       (flag = Nonrecursive)
+            let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E   (flag = Recursive)
+         *)
+  | Texp_function of function_param list * function_body
+    (** fun P0 P1 -> function p1 -> e1 | p2 -> e2  (body = Tfunction_cases _)
+        fun P0 P1 -> E                             (body = Tfunction_body _)
+        This construct has the same arity as the originating
+        {{!Parsetree.expression_desc.Pexp_function}[Pexp_function]}.
+        Arity determines when side-effects for effectful parameters are run
+        (e.g. optional argument defaults, matching against lazy patterns).
+        Parameters' effects are run left-to-right when an n-ary function is
+        saturated with n arguments.
+    *)
+  | Texp_apply of expression * (arg_label * expression option) list
+        (** E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
+            The expression can be None if the expression is abstracted over
+            this argument. It currently appears when a label is applied.
+            For example:
+            let f x ~y = x + y in
+            f ~y:3
+            The resulting typedtree for the application is:
+            Texp_apply (Texp_ident "f/1037",
+                        [(Nolabel, None);
+                         (Labelled "y", Some (Texp_constant Const_int 3))
+                        ])
+         *)
+  | Texp_match of expression * computation case list * value case list * partial
+        (** match E0 with
+            | P1 -> E1
+            | P2 | exception P3 -> E2
+            | exception P4 -> E3
+            | effect P4 k -> E4
+            [Texp_match (E0, [(P1, E1); (P2 | exception P3, E2);
+                              (exception P4, E3)], [(P4, E4)],  _)]
+         *)
+  | Texp_try of expression * value case list * value case list
+         (** try E with
+            | P1 -> E1
+            | effect P2 k -> E2
+            [Texp_try (E, [(P1, E1)], [(P2, E2)])]
+          *)
+  | Texp_tuple of expression list
+        (** (E1, ..., EN) *)
+  | Texp_construct of
+      Longident.t loc * Types.constructor_description * expression list
+        (** C                []
+            C E              [E]
+            C (E1, ..., En)  [E1;...;En]
+         *)
+  | Texp_variant of label * expression option
+  | Texp_record of {
+      fields : ( Types.label_description * record_label_definition ) array;
+      representation : Types.record_representation;
+      extended_expression : expression option;
+    }
+        (** { l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }           (extended_expression = None)
+            { E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn }   (extended_expression = Some E0)
+            Invariant: n > 0
+            If the type is { l1: t1; l2: t2 }, the expression
+            { E0 with t2=P2 } is represented as
+            Texp_record
+              { fields = [| l1, Kept t1; l2 Override P2 |]; representation;
+                extended_expression = Some E0 }
+        *)
+  | Texp_field of expression * Longident.t loc * Types.label_description
+  | Texp_setfield of
+      expression * Longident.t loc * Types.label_description * expression
+  | Texp_array of expression list
+  | Texp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
+  | Texp_sequence of expression * expression
+  | Texp_while of expression * expression
+  | Texp_for of
+      Ident.t * Parsetree.pattern * expression * expression * direction_flag *
+        expression
+  | Texp_send of expression * meth
+  | Texp_new of Path.t * Longident.t loc * Types.class_declaration
+  | Texp_instvar of Path.t * Path.t * string loc
+  | Texp_setinstvar of Path.t * Path.t * string loc * expression
+  | Texp_override of Path.t * (Ident.t * string loc * expression) list
+  | Texp_letmodule of
+      Ident.t option * string option loc * Types.module_presence * module_expr *
+        expression
+  | Texp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
+  | Texp_assert of expression * Location.t
+  | Texp_lazy of expression
+  | Texp_object of class_structure * string list
+  | Texp_pack of module_expr
+  | Texp_letop of {
+      let_ : binding_op;
+      ands : binding_op list;
+      param : Ident.t;
+      body : value case;
+      partial : partial;
+    }
+  | Texp_unreachable
+  | Texp_extension_constructor of Longident.t loc * Path.t
+  | Texp_open of open_declaration * expression
+        (** let open[!] M in e *)
+and meth =
+    Tmeth_name of string
+  | Tmeth_val of Ident.t
+  | Tmeth_ancestor of Ident.t * Path.t
+and 'k case =
+    {
+     c_lhs: 'k general_pattern;
+     c_cont: Ident.t option;
+     c_guard: expression option;
+     c_rhs: expression;
+    }
+and function_param =
+  {
+    fp_arg_label: arg_label;
+    fp_param: Ident.t;
+    (** [fp_param] is the identifier that is to be used to name the
+        parameter of the function.
+    *)
+    fp_partial: partial;
+    (**
+       [fp_partial] =
+       [Partial] if the pattern match is partial
+       [Total] otherwise.
+    *)
+    fp_kind: function_param_kind;
+    fp_newtypes: string loc list;
+      (** [fp_newtypes] are the new type declarations that come *after* that
+          parameter. The newtypes that come before the first parameter are
+          placed as exp_extras on the Texp_function node. This is just used in
+          {!Untypeast}. *)
+    fp_loc: Location.t;
+      (** [fp_loc] is the location of the entire value parameter, not including
+          the [fp_newtypes].
+      *)
+  }
+and function_param_kind =
+  | Tparam_pat of pattern
+  (** [Tparam_pat p] is a non-optional argument with pattern [p]. *)
+  | Tparam_optional_default of pattern * expression
+  (** [Tparam_optional_default (p, e)] is an optional argument [p] with default
+      value [e], i.e. [?x:(p = e)]. If the parameter is of type [a option], the
+      pattern and expression are of type [a]. *)
+and function_body =
+  | Tfunction_body of expression
+  | Tfunction_cases of
+      { cases: value case list;
+        partial: partial;
+        param: Ident.t;
+        loc: Location.t;
+        exp_extra: exp_extra option;
+        attributes: attributes;
+        (** [attributes] is just used in untypeast. *)
+      }
+(** The function body binds a final argument in [Tfunction_cases],
+    and this argument is pattern-matched against the cases.
+and record_label_definition =
+  | Kept of Types.type_expr * mutable_flag
+  | Overridden of Longident.t loc * expression
+and binding_op =
+  {
+    bop_op_path : Path.t;
+    bop_op_name : string loc;
+    bop_op_val : Types.value_description;
+    bop_op_type : Types.type_expr;
+    (* This is the type at which the operator was used.
+       It is always an instance of [bop_op_val.val_type] *)
+    bop_exp : expression;
+    bop_loc : Location.t;
+  }
+(* Value expressions for the class language *)
+and class_expr =
+    {
+     cl_desc: class_expr_desc;
+     cl_loc: Location.t;
+     cl_type: Types.class_type;
+     cl_env: Env.t;
+     cl_attributes: attributes;
+    }
+and class_expr_desc =
+    Tcl_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list
+  | Tcl_structure of class_structure
+  | Tcl_fun of
+      arg_label * pattern * (Ident.t * expression) list
+      * class_expr * partial
+  | Tcl_apply of class_expr * (arg_label * expression option) list
+  | Tcl_let of rec_flag * value_binding list *
+                  (Ident.t * expression) list * class_expr
+  | Tcl_constraint of
+      class_expr * class_type option * string list * string list
+      * Types.MethSet.t
+  (* Visible instance variables, methods and concrete methods *)
+  | Tcl_open of open_description * class_expr
+and class_structure =
+  {
+   cstr_self: pattern;
+   cstr_fields: class_field list;
+   cstr_type: Types.class_signature;
+   cstr_meths: Ident.t Types.Meths.t;
+  }
+and class_field =
+   {
+    cf_desc: class_field_desc;
+    cf_loc: Location.t;
+    cf_attributes: attributes;
+  }
+and class_field_kind =
+  | Tcfk_virtual of core_type
+  | Tcfk_concrete of override_flag * expression
+and class_field_desc =
+    Tcf_inherit of
+      override_flag * class_expr * string option * (string * Ident.t) list *
+        (string * Ident.t) list
+    (* Inherited instance variables and concrete methods *)
+  | Tcf_val of string loc * mutable_flag * Ident.t * class_field_kind * bool
+  | Tcf_method of string loc * private_flag * class_field_kind
+  | Tcf_constraint of core_type * core_type
+  | Tcf_initializer of expression
+  | Tcf_attribute of attribute
+(* Value expressions for the module language *)
+and module_expr =
+  { mod_desc: module_expr_desc;
+    mod_loc: Location.t;
+    mod_type: Types.module_type;
+    mod_env: Env.t;
+    mod_attributes: attributes;
+   }
+(** Annotations for [Tmod_constraint]. *)
+and module_type_constraint =
+  | Tmodtype_implicit
+  (** The module type constraint has been synthesized during typechecking. *)
+  | Tmodtype_explicit of module_type
+  (** The module type was in the source file. *)
+and functor_parameter =
+  | Unit
+  | Named of Ident.t option * string option loc * module_type
+and module_expr_desc =
+    Tmod_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+  | Tmod_structure of structure
+  | Tmod_functor of functor_parameter * module_expr
+  | Tmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr * module_coercion
+  | Tmod_apply_unit of module_expr
+  | Tmod_constraint of
+      module_expr * Types.module_type * module_type_constraint * module_coercion
+    (** ME          (constraint = Tmodtype_implicit)
+        (ME : MT)   (constraint = Tmodtype_explicit MT)
+     *)
+  | Tmod_unpack of expression * Types.module_type
+and structure = {
+  str_items : structure_item list;
+  str_type : Types.signature;
+  str_final_env : Env.t;
+and structure_item =
+  { str_desc : structure_item_desc;
+    str_loc : Location.t;
+    str_env : Env.t
+  }
+and structure_item_desc =
+    Tstr_eval of expression * attributes
+  | Tstr_value of rec_flag * value_binding list
+  | Tstr_primitive of value_description
+  | Tstr_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
+  | Tstr_typext of type_extension
+  | Tstr_exception of type_exception
+  | Tstr_module of module_binding
+  | Tstr_recmodule of module_binding list
+  | Tstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
+  | Tstr_open of open_declaration
+  | Tstr_class of (class_declaration * string list) list
+  | Tstr_class_type of (Ident.t * string loc * class_type_declaration) list
+  | Tstr_include of include_declaration
+  | Tstr_attribute of attribute
+and module_binding =
+    {
+     mb_id: Ident.t option; (** [None] for [module _ = struct ... end] *)
+     mb_name: string option loc;
+     mb_uid: Uid.t;
+     mb_presence: Types.module_presence;
+     mb_expr: module_expr;
+     mb_attributes: attributes;
+     mb_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and value_binding =
+  {
+    vb_pat: pattern;
+    vb_expr: expression;
+    vb_rec_kind: Value_rec_types.recursive_binding_kind;
+    vb_attributes: attributes;
+    vb_loc: Location.t;
+  }
+and module_coercion =
+    Tcoerce_none
+  | Tcoerce_structure of (int * module_coercion) list *
+                         (Ident.t * int * module_coercion) list
+  | Tcoerce_functor of module_coercion * module_coercion
+  | Tcoerce_primitive of primitive_coercion
+  (** External declaration coerced to a regular value.
+      {[
+        module M : sig val ext : a -> b end =
+        struct external ext : a -> b = "my_c_function" end
+      ]}
+      Only occurs inside a [Tcoerce_structure] coercion. *)
+  | Tcoerce_alias of Env.t * Path.t * module_coercion
+  (** Module alias coerced to a regular module.
+      {[
+        module M : sig module Sub : T end =
+        struct module Sub = Some_alias end
+      ]}
+      Only occurs inside a [Tcoerce_structure] coercion. *)
+and module_type =
+  { mty_desc: module_type_desc;
+    mty_type : Types.module_type;
+    mty_env : Env.t;
+    mty_loc: Location.t;
+    mty_attributes: attributes;
+   }
+and module_type_desc =
+    Tmty_ident of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+  | Tmty_signature of signature
+  | Tmty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type
+  | Tmty_with of module_type * (Path.t * Longident.t loc * with_constraint) list
+  | Tmty_typeof of module_expr
+  | Tmty_alias of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+and primitive_coercion =
+  {
+    pc_desc: Primitive.description;
+    pc_type: Types.type_expr;
+    pc_env: Env.t;
+    pc_loc : Location.t;
+  }
+and signature = {
+  sig_items : signature_item list;
+  sig_type : Types.signature;
+  sig_final_env : Env.t;
+and signature_item =
+  { sig_desc: signature_item_desc;
+    sig_env : Env.t; (* BINANNOT ADDED *)
+    sig_loc: Location.t }
+and signature_item_desc =
+    Tsig_value of value_description
+  | Tsig_type of rec_flag * type_declaration list
+  | Tsig_typesubst of type_declaration list
+  | Tsig_typext of type_extension
+  | Tsig_exception of type_exception
+  | Tsig_module of module_declaration
+  | Tsig_modsubst of module_substitution
+  | Tsig_recmodule of module_declaration list
+  | Tsig_modtype of module_type_declaration
+  | Tsig_modtypesubst of module_type_declaration
+  | Tsig_open of open_description
+  | Tsig_include of include_description
+  | Tsig_class of class_description list
+  | Tsig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
+  | Tsig_attribute of attribute
+and module_declaration =
+    {
+     md_id: Ident.t option;
+     md_name: string option loc;
+     md_uid: Uid.t;
+     md_presence: Types.module_presence;
+     md_type: module_type;
+     md_attributes: attributes;
+     md_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and module_substitution =
+    {
+     ms_id: Ident.t;
+     ms_name: string loc;
+     ms_uid: Uid.t;
+     ms_manifest: Path.t;
+     ms_txt: Longident.t loc;
+     ms_attributes: attributes;
+     ms_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and module_type_declaration =
+    {
+     mtd_id: Ident.t;
+     mtd_name: string loc;
+     mtd_uid: Uid.t;
+     mtd_type: module_type option;
+     mtd_attributes: attributes;
+     mtd_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+and 'a open_infos =
+    {
+     open_expr: 'a;
+     open_bound_items: Types.signature;
+     open_override: override_flag;
+     open_env: Env.t;
+     open_loc: Location.t;
+     open_attributes: attribute list;
+    }
+and open_description = (Path.t * Longident.t loc) open_infos
+and open_declaration = module_expr open_infos
+and 'a include_infos =
+    {
+     incl_mod: 'a;
+     incl_type: Types.signature;
+     incl_loc: Location.t;
+     incl_attributes: attribute list;
+    }
+and include_description = module_type include_infos
+and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
+and with_constraint =
+    Twith_type of type_declaration
+  | Twith_module of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+  | Twith_modtype of module_type
+  | Twith_typesubst of type_declaration
+  | Twith_modsubst of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+  | Twith_modtypesubst of module_type
+and core_type =
+  { mutable ctyp_desc : core_type_desc;
+      (** mutable because of [Typeclass.declare_method] *)
+    mutable ctyp_type : Types.type_expr;
+      (** mutable because of [Typeclass.declare_method] *)
+    ctyp_env : Env.t; (* BINANNOT ADDED *)
+    ctyp_loc : Location.t;
+    ctyp_attributes: attributes;
+   }
+and core_type_desc =
+    Ttyp_any
+  | Ttyp_var of string
+  | Ttyp_arrow of arg_label * core_type * core_type
+  | Ttyp_tuple of core_type list
+  | Ttyp_constr of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list
+  | Ttyp_object of object_field list * closed_flag
+  | Ttyp_class of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list
+  | Ttyp_alias of core_type * string loc
+  | Ttyp_variant of row_field list * closed_flag * label list option
+  | Ttyp_poly of string list * core_type
+  | Ttyp_package of package_type
+  | Ttyp_open of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type
+and package_type = {
+  pack_path : Path.t;
+  pack_fields : (Longident.t loc * core_type) list;
+  pack_type : Types.module_type;
+  pack_txt : Longident.t loc;
+and row_field = {
+  rf_desc : row_field_desc;
+  rf_loc : Location.t;
+  rf_attributes : attributes;
+and row_field_desc =
+    Ttag of string loc * bool * core_type list
+  | Tinherit of core_type
+and object_field = {
+  of_desc : object_field_desc;
+  of_loc : Location.t;
+  of_attributes : attributes;
+and object_field_desc =
+  | OTtag of string loc * core_type
+  | OTinherit of core_type
+and value_description =
+  { val_id: Ident.t;
+    val_name: string loc;
+    val_desc: core_type;
+    val_val: Types.value_description;
+    val_prim: string list;
+    val_loc: Location.t;
+    val_attributes: attributes;
+    }
+and type_declaration =
+  {
+    typ_id: Ident.t;
+    typ_name: string loc;
+    typ_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list;
+    typ_type: Types.type_declaration;
+    typ_cstrs: (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
+    typ_kind: type_kind;
+    typ_private: private_flag;
+    typ_manifest: core_type option;
+    typ_loc: Location.t;
+    typ_attributes: attributes;
+   }
+and type_kind =
+    Ttype_abstract
+  | Ttype_variant of constructor_declaration list
+  | Ttype_record of label_declaration list
+  | Ttype_open
+and label_declaration =
+    {
+     ld_id: Ident.t;
+     ld_name: string loc;
+     ld_uid: Uid.t;
+     ld_mutable: mutable_flag;
+     ld_type: core_type;
+     ld_loc: Location.t;
+     ld_attributes: attributes;
+    }
+and constructor_declaration =
+    {
+     cd_id: Ident.t;
+     cd_name: string loc;
+     cd_uid: Uid.t;
+     cd_vars: string loc list;
+     cd_args: constructor_arguments;
+     cd_res: core_type option;
+     cd_loc: Location.t;
+     cd_attributes: attributes;
+    }
+and constructor_arguments =
+  | Cstr_tuple of core_type list
+  | Cstr_record of label_declaration list
+and type_extension =
+  {
+    tyext_path: Path.t;
+    tyext_txt: Longident.t loc;
+    tyext_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list;
+    tyext_constructors: extension_constructor list;
+    tyext_private: private_flag;
+    tyext_loc: Location.t;
+    tyext_attributes: attributes;
+  }
+and type_exception =
+  {
+    tyexn_constructor: extension_constructor;
+    tyexn_loc: Location.t;
+    tyexn_attributes: attribute list;
+  }
+and extension_constructor =
+  {
+    ext_id: Ident.t;
+    ext_name: string loc;
+    ext_type : Types.extension_constructor;
+    ext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
+    ext_loc : Location.t;
+    ext_attributes: attributes;
+  }
+and extension_constructor_kind =
+    Text_decl of string loc list * constructor_arguments * core_type option
+  | Text_rebind of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+and class_type =
+    {
+     cltyp_desc: class_type_desc;
+     cltyp_type: Types.class_type;
+     cltyp_env: Env.t;
+     cltyp_loc: Location.t;
+     cltyp_attributes: attributes;
+    }
+and class_type_desc =
+    Tcty_constr of Path.t * Longident.t loc * core_type list
+  | Tcty_signature of class_signature
+  | Tcty_arrow of arg_label * core_type * class_type
+  | Tcty_open of open_description * class_type
+and class_signature = {
+    csig_self : core_type;
+    csig_fields : class_type_field list;
+    csig_type : Types.class_signature;
+  }
+and class_type_field = {
+    ctf_desc: class_type_field_desc;
+    ctf_loc: Location.t;
+    ctf_attributes: attributes;
+  }
+and class_type_field_desc =
+  | Tctf_inherit of class_type
+  | Tctf_val of (string * mutable_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
+  | Tctf_method of (string * private_flag * virtual_flag * core_type)
+  | Tctf_constraint of (core_type * core_type)
+  | Tctf_attribute of attribute
+and class_declaration =
+  class_expr class_infos
+and class_description =
+  class_type class_infos
+and class_type_declaration =
+  class_type class_infos
+and 'a class_infos =
+  { ci_virt: virtual_flag;
+    ci_params: (core_type * (variance * injectivity)) list;
+    ci_id_name : string loc;
+    ci_id_class: Ident.t;
+    ci_id_class_type : Ident.t;
+    ci_id_object : Ident.t;
+    ci_expr: 'a;
+    ci_decl: Types.class_declaration;
+    ci_type_decl : Types.class_type_declaration;
+    ci_loc: Location.t;
+    ci_attributes: attributes;
+   }
+type implementation = {
+  structure: structure;
+  coercion: module_coercion;
+  signature: Types.signature;
+  shape: Shape.t;
+(** A typechecked implementation including its module structure, its exported
+    signature, and a coercion of the module against that signature.
+    If an .mli file is present, the signature will come from that file and be
+    the exported signature of the module.
+    If there isn't one, the signature will be inferred from the module
+    structure.
+type item_declaration =
+  | Value of value_description
+  | Value_binding of value_binding
+  | Type of type_declaration
+  | Constructor of constructor_declaration
+  | Extension_constructor of extension_constructor
+  | Label of label_declaration
+  | Module of module_declaration
+  | Module_substitution of module_substitution
+  | Module_binding of module_binding
+  | Module_type of module_type_declaration
+  | Class of class_declaration
+  | Class_type of class_type_declaration
+(** [item_declaration] groups together items that correspond to the syntactic
+    category of "declarations" which include types, values, modules, etc.
+    declarations in signatures and their definitions in implementations. *)
+(* Auxiliary functions over the a.s.t. *)
+(** [as_computation_pattern p] is a computation pattern with description
+    [Tpat_value p], which enforces a correct placement of pat_attributes
+    and pat_extra metadata (on the inner value pattern, rather than on
+    the computation pattern). *)
+val as_computation_pattern: pattern -> computation general_pattern
+val classify_pattern_desc: 'k pattern_desc -> 'k pattern_category
+val classify_pattern: 'k general_pattern -> 'k pattern_category
+type pattern_action =
+  { f : 'k . 'k general_pattern -> unit }
+val shallow_iter_pattern_desc:
+    pattern_action -> 'k pattern_desc -> unit
+type pattern_transformation =
+  { f : 'k . 'k general_pattern -> 'k general_pattern }
+val shallow_map_pattern_desc:
+    pattern_transformation -> 'k pattern_desc -> 'k pattern_desc
+val iter_general_pattern: pattern_action -> 'k general_pattern -> unit
+val iter_pattern: (pattern -> unit) -> pattern -> unit
+type pattern_predicate = { f : 'k . 'k general_pattern -> bool }
+val exists_general_pattern: pattern_predicate -> 'k general_pattern -> bool
+val exists_pattern: (pattern -> bool) -> pattern -> bool
+val let_bound_idents: value_binding list -> Ident.t list
+val let_bound_idents_full:
+    value_binding list ->
+    (Ident.t * string loc * Types.type_expr * Types.Uid.t) list
+(** Alpha conversion of patterns *)
+val alpha_pat:
+  (Ident.t * Ident.t) list -> 'k general_pattern -> 'k general_pattern
+val mknoloc: 'a -> 'a Asttypes.loc
+val mkloc: 'a -> Location.t -> 'a Asttypes.loc
+val pat_bound_idents: 'k general_pattern -> Ident.t list
+val pat_bound_idents_full:
+  'k general_pattern ->
+  (Ident.t * string loc * Types.type_expr * Types.Uid.t) list
+(** Splits an or pattern into its value (left) and exception (right) parts. *)
+val split_pattern:
+  computation general_pattern -> pattern option * pattern option
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typemod.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typemod.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ff6c75bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typemod.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,3471 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Misc
+open Longident
+open Path
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+open Types
+open Format_doc
+module Style = Misc.Style
+let () = Includemod_errorprinter.register ()
+module Sig_component_kind = Shape.Sig_component_kind
+module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
+type hiding_error =
+  | Illegal_shadowing of {
+      shadowed_item_id: Ident.t;
+      shadowed_item_kind: Sig_component_kind.t;
+      shadowed_item_loc: Location.t;
+      shadower_id: Ident.t;
+      user_id: Ident.t;
+      user_kind: Sig_component_kind.t;
+      user_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+  | Appears_in_signature of {
+      opened_item_id: Ident.t;
+      opened_item_kind: Sig_component_kind.t;
+      user_id: Ident.t;
+      user_kind: Sig_component_kind.t;
+      user_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+type error =
+    Cannot_apply of module_type
+  | Not_included of Includemod.explanation
+  | Cannot_eliminate_dependency of module_type
+  | Signature_expected
+  | Structure_expected of module_type
+  | With_no_component of Longident.t
+  | With_mismatch of Longident.t * Includemod.explanation
+  | With_makes_applicative_functor_ill_typed of
+      Longident.t * Path.t * Includemod.explanation
+  | With_changes_module_alias of Longident.t * Ident.t * Path.t
+  | With_cannot_remove_constrained_type
+  | With_package_manifest of Longident.t * type_expr
+  | Repeated_name of Sig_component_kind.t * string
+  | Non_generalizable of { vars : type_expr list; expression : type_expr }
+  | Non_generalizable_module of
+      { vars : type_expr list; item : value_description; mty : module_type }
+  | Implementation_is_required of string
+  | Interface_not_compiled of string
+  | Not_allowed_in_functor_body
+  | Not_a_packed_module of type_expr
+  | Incomplete_packed_module of type_expr
+  | Scoping_pack of Longident.t * type_expr
+  | Recursive_module_require_explicit_type
+  | Apply_generative
+  | Cannot_scrape_alias of Path.t
+  | Cannot_scrape_package_type of Path.t
+  | Badly_formed_signature of string * Typedecl.error
+  | Cannot_hide_id of hiding_error
+  | Invalid_type_subst_rhs
+  | Non_packable_local_modtype_subst of Path.t
+  | With_cannot_remove_packed_modtype of Path.t * module_type
+  | Cannot_alias of Path.t
+exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+exception Error_forward of Location.error
+open Typedtree
+let rec path_concat head p =
+  match p with
+    Pident tail -> Pdot (Pident head, Ident.name tail)
+  | Pdot (pre, s) -> Pdot (path_concat head pre, s)
+  | Papply _ -> assert false
+  | Pextra_ty (p, extra) -> Pextra_ty (path_concat head p, extra)
+(* Extract a signature from a module type *)
+let extract_sig env loc mty =
+  match Env.scrape_alias env mty with
+    Mty_signature sg -> sg
+  | Mty_alias path ->
+      raise(Error(loc, env, Cannot_scrape_alias path))
+  | _ -> raise(Error(loc, env, Signature_expected))
+let extract_sig_open env loc mty =
+  match Env.scrape_alias env mty with
+    Mty_signature sg -> sg
+  | Mty_alias path ->
+      raise(Error(loc, env, Cannot_scrape_alias path))
+  | mty -> raise(Error(loc, env, Structure_expected mty))
+(* Compute the environment after opening a module *)
+let type_open_ ?used_slot ?toplevel ovf env loc lid =
+  let path = Env.lookup_module_path ~load:true ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env in
+  match Env.open_signature ~loc ?used_slot ?toplevel ovf path env with
+  | Ok env -> path, env
+  | Error _ ->
+      let md = Env.find_module path env in
+      ignore (extract_sig_open env lid.loc md.md_type);
+      assert false
+let initial_env ~loc ~initially_opened_module
+    ~open_implicit_modules =
+  let env = Env.initial in
+  let open_module env m =
+    let open Asttypes in
+    let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string m in
+    let txt =
+      Location.init lexbuf (Printf.sprintf "command line argument: -open %S" m);
+      Parse.simple_module_path lexbuf in
+        snd (type_open_ Override env loc {txt;loc})
+  in
+  let add_units env units =
+    String.Set.fold
+      (fun name env ->
+         Env.add_persistent_structure (Ident.create_persistent name) env)
+      units
+      env
+  in
+  let units =
+    List.map Env.persistent_structures_of_dir (Load_path.get_visible ())
+  in
+  let env, units =
+    match initially_opened_module with
+    | None -> (env, units)
+    | Some m ->
+        (* Locate the directory that contains [m], adds the units it
+           contains to the environment and open [m] in the resulting
+           environment. *)
+        let rec loop before after =
+          match after with
+          | [] -> None
+          | units :: after ->
+              if String.Set.mem m units then
+                Some (units, List.rev_append before after)
+              else
+                loop (units :: before) after
+        in
+        let env, units =
+          match loop [] units with
+          | None ->
+              (env, units)
+          | Some (units_containing_m, other_units) ->
+              (add_units env units_containing_m, other_units)
+        in
+        (open_module env m, units)
+  in
+  let env = List.fold_left add_units env units in
+  List.fold_left open_module env open_implicit_modules
+let type_open_descr ?used_slot ?toplevel env sod =
+  let (path, newenv) =
+    Builtin_attributes.warning_scope sod.popen_attributes
+      (fun () ->
+         type_open_ ?used_slot ?toplevel sod.popen_override env sod.popen_loc
+           sod.popen_expr
+      )
+  in
+  let od =
+    {
+      open_expr = (path, sod.popen_expr);
+      open_bound_items = [];
+      open_override = sod.popen_override;
+      open_env = newenv;
+      open_attributes = sod.popen_attributes;
+      open_loc = sod.popen_loc;
+    }
+  in
+  (od, newenv)
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by type_module_type_of *)
+let type_module_type_of_fwd :
+    (Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr ->
+      Typedtree.module_expr * Types.module_type) ref
+  = ref (fun _env _m -> assert false)
+(* Additional validity checks on type definitions arising from
+   recursive modules *)
+let check_recmod_typedecls env decls =
+  let recmod_ids = List.map fst decls in
+  List.iter
+    (fun (id, md) ->
+      List.iter
+        (fun path ->
+          Typedecl.check_recmod_typedecl env md.Types.md_loc recmod_ids
+                                         path (Env.find_type path env))
+        (Mtype.type_paths env (Pident id) md.Types.md_type))
+    decls
+(* Merge one "with" constraint in a signature *)
+let check_type_decl env sg loc id row_id newdecl decl =
+  let fresh_id = Ident.rename id in
+  let path = Pident fresh_id in
+  let sub = Subst.add_type id path Subst.identity in
+  let fresh_row_id, sub =
+    match row_id with
+    | None -> None, sub
+    | Some id ->
+      let fresh_row_id = Some (Ident.rename id) in
+      let sub = Subst.add_type id (Pident fresh_id) sub in
+      fresh_row_id, sub
+  in
+  let newdecl = Subst.type_declaration sub newdecl in
+  let decl = Subst.type_declaration sub decl in
+  let sg = List.map (Subst.signature_item Keep sub) sg in
+  let env = Env.add_type ~check:false fresh_id newdecl env in
+  let env =
+    match fresh_row_id with
+    | None -> env
+    | Some fresh_row_id -> Env.add_type ~check:false fresh_row_id newdecl env
+  in
+  let env = Env.add_signature sg env in
+  Includemod.type_declarations ~mark:true ~loc env fresh_id newdecl decl;
+  Typedecl.check_coherence env loc path newdecl
+let make_variance p n i =
+  let open Variance in
+  set_if p May_pos (set_if n May_neg (set_if i Inj null))
+let rec iter_path_apply p ~f =
+  match p with
+  | Pident _ -> ()
+  | Pdot (p, _) -> iter_path_apply p ~f
+  | Papply (p1, p2) ->
+     iter_path_apply p1 ~f;
+     iter_path_apply p2 ~f;
+     f p1 p2 (* after recursing, so we know both paths are well typed *)
+  | Pextra_ty _ -> assert false
+let path_is_strict_prefix =
+  let rec list_is_strict_prefix l ~prefix =
+    match l, prefix with
+    | [], [] -> false
+    | _ :: _, [] -> true
+    | [], _ :: _ -> false
+    | s1 :: t1, s2 :: t2 ->
+       String.equal s1 s2 && list_is_strict_prefix t1 ~prefix:t2
+  in
+  fun path ~prefix ->
+    match Path.flatten path, Path.flatten prefix with
+    | `Contains_apply, _ | _, `Contains_apply -> false
+    | `Ok (ident1, l1), `Ok (ident2, l2) ->
+       Ident.same ident1 ident2
+       && list_is_strict_prefix l1 ~prefix:l2
+let iterator_with_env super env =
+  let env = ref (lazy env) in
+  env, { super with
+    Btype.it_signature = (fun self sg ->
+      (* add all items to the env before recursing down, to handle recursive
+         definitions *)
+      let env_before = !env in
+      env := lazy (Env.add_signature sg (Lazy.force env_before));
+      super.Btype.it_signature self sg;
+      env := env_before
+    );
+    Btype.it_module_type = (fun self -> function
+    | Mty_functor (param, mty_body) ->
+      let env_before = !env in
+      begin match param with
+      | Unit -> ()
+      | Named (param, mty_arg) ->
+        self.Btype.it_module_type self mty_arg;
+        match param with
+        | None -> ()
+        | Some id ->
+          env := lazy (Env.add_module ~arg:true id Mp_present
+                       mty_arg (Lazy.force env_before))
+      end;
+      self.Btype.it_module_type self mty_body;
+      env := env_before;
+    | mty ->
+      super.Btype.it_module_type self mty
+    )
+  }
+let retype_applicative_functor_type ~loc env funct arg =
+  let mty_functor = (Env.find_module funct env).md_type in
+  let mty_arg = (Env.find_module arg env).md_type in
+  let mty_param =
+    match Env.scrape_alias env mty_functor with
+    | Mty_functor (Named (_, mty_param), _) -> mty_param
+    | _ -> assert false (* could trigger due to MPR#7611 *)
+  in
+  Includemod.check_modtype_inclusion ~loc env mty_arg arg mty_param
+(* When doing a deep destructive substitution with type M.N.t := .., we change M
+   and M.N and so we have to check that uses of the modules other than just
+   extracting components from them still make sense. There are only two such
+   kinds of uses:
+   - applicative functor types: F(M).t might not be well typed anymore
+   - aliases: module A = M still makes sense but it doesn't mean the same thing
+     anymore, so it's forbidden until it's clear what we should do with it.
+   This function would be called with M.N.t and N.t to check for these uses. *)
+let check_usage_of_path_of_substituted_item paths ~loc ~lid env super =
+    { super with
+      Btype.it_signature_item = (fun self -> function
+      | Sig_module (id, _, { md_type = Mty_alias aliased_path; _ }, _, _)
+        when List.exists
+               (fun path -> path_is_strict_prefix path ~prefix:aliased_path)
+               paths
+        ->
+         let e = With_changes_module_alias (lid.txt, id, aliased_path) in
+         raise(Error(loc, Lazy.force !env, e))
+      | sig_item ->
+         super.Btype.it_signature_item self sig_item
+      );
+      Btype.it_path = (fun referenced_path ->
+        iter_path_apply referenced_path ~f:(fun funct arg ->
+          if List.exists
+               (fun path -> path_is_strict_prefix path ~prefix:arg)
+               paths
+          then
+            let env = Lazy.force !env in
+            match retype_applicative_functor_type ~loc env funct arg with
+            | None -> ()
+            | Some explanation ->
+                raise(Error(loc, env,
+                            With_makes_applicative_functor_ill_typed
+                            (lid.txt, referenced_path, explanation)))
+        )
+      );
+    }
+let do_check_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths sg =
+  with_type_mark begin fun mark ->
+  let env, iterator = iterator_with_env (Btype.type_iterators mark) env in
+  let last, rest = match List.rev paths with
+    | [] -> assert false
+    | last :: rest -> last, rest
+  in
+  (* The last item is the one that's removed. We don't need to check how
+        it's used since it's replaced by a more specific type/module. *)
+  assert (match last with Pident _ -> true | _ -> false);
+  let iterator = match rest with
+    | [] -> iterator
+    | _ :: _ ->
+        check_usage_of_path_of_substituted_item rest ~loc ~lid env iterator
+  in
+  iterator.Btype.it_signature iterator sg
+  end
+let check_usage_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths sg =
+  match paths with
+  | [_] -> ()
+  | _ -> do_check_after_substitution env ~loc ~lid paths sg
+(* After substitution one also needs to re-check the well-foundedness
+   of type declarations in recursive modules *)
+let rec extract_next_modules = function
+  | Sig_module (id, _, mty, Trec_next, _) :: rem ->
+      let (id_mty_l, rem) = extract_next_modules rem in
+      ((id, mty) :: id_mty_l, rem)
+  | sg -> ([], sg)
+let check_well_formed_module env loc context mty =
+  (* Format.eprintf "@[check_well_formed_module@ %a@]@."
+     Printtyp.modtype mty; *)
+  let open Btype in
+  let iterator =
+    let rec check_signature env = function
+      | [] -> ()
+      | Sig_module (id, _, mty, Trec_first, _) :: rem ->
+          let (id_mty_l, rem) = extract_next_modules rem in
+          begin try
+            check_recmod_typedecls (Lazy.force env) ((id, mty) :: id_mty_l)
+          with Typedecl.Error (_, err) ->
+            raise (Error (loc, Lazy.force env,
+                          Badly_formed_signature(context, err)))
+          end;
+          check_signature env rem
+      | _ :: rem ->
+          check_signature env rem
+    in
+    let env, super =
+      iterator_with_env Btype.type_iterators_without_type_expr env in
+    { super with
+      it_signature = (fun self sg ->
+        let env_before = !env in
+        let env = lazy (Env.add_signature sg (Lazy.force env_before)) in
+        check_signature env sg;
+        super.it_signature self sg);
+    }
+  in
+  iterator.it_module_type iterator mty
+let () = Env.check_well_formed_module := check_well_formed_module
+let type_decl_is_alias sdecl = (* assuming no explicit constraint *)
+  match sdecl.ptype_manifest with
+  | Some {ptyp_desc = Ptyp_constr (lid, stl)}
+       when List.length stl = List.length sdecl.ptype_params ->
+     begin
+       match
+         List.iter2 (fun x (y, _) ->
+             match x, y with
+               {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_var sx}, {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_var sy}
+                  when sx = sy -> ()
+             | _, _ -> raise Exit)
+           stl sdecl.ptype_params;
+       with
+       | exception Exit -> None
+       | () -> Some lid
+     end
+  | _ -> None
+let params_are_constrained =
+  let rec loop = function
+    | [] -> false
+    | hd :: tl ->
+       match get_desc hd with
+       | Tvar _ -> List.memq hd tl || loop tl
+       | _ -> true
+  in
+  loop
+type with_info =
+  | With_type of Parsetree.type_declaration
+  | With_typesubst of Parsetree.type_declaration
+  | With_module of {
+        lid:Longident.t loc;
+        path:Path.t;
+        md:Types.module_declaration;
+        remove_aliases:bool
+      }
+  | With_modsubst of Longident.t loc * Path.t * Types.module_declaration
+  | With_modtype of Typedtree.module_type
+  | With_modtypesubst of Typedtree.module_type
+  | With_type_package of Typedtree.core_type
+    (* Package with type constraints only use this last case.  Normal module
+       with constraints never use it. *)
+let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
+  let destructive_substitution =
+    match constr with
+    | With_type _ | With_module _ | With_modtype _
+    | With_type_package _ -> false
+    | With_typesubst _ | With_modsubst _ | With_modtypesubst _  -> true
+  in
+  let real_ids = ref [] in
+  let split_row_id s ghosts =
+    let srow = s ^ "#row" in
+    let rec split before = function
+        | Sig_type(id,_,_,_) :: rest when Ident.name id = srow ->
+            before, Some id, rest
+        | a :: rest -> split (a::before) rest
+        | [] -> before, None, []
+    in
+    split [] ghosts
+  in
+  let unsafe_signature_subst sub sg =
+    (* This signature will not be used directly, it will always be freshened
+       by the caller. So what we do with the scope doesn't really matter. But
+       making it local makes it unlikely that we will ever use the result of
+       this function unfreshened without issue. *)
+    match Subst.Unsafe.signature Make_local sub sg with
+    | Ok x -> x
+    | Error (Fcm_type_substituted_away (p,mty)) ->
+        let error = With_cannot_remove_packed_modtype(p,mty) in
+        raise (Error(loc,initial_env,error))
+  in
+  let rec patch_item constr namelist outer_sig_env sg_for_env ~ghosts item =
+    let return ?(ghosts=ghosts) ~replace_by info =
+      Some (info, {Signature_group.ghosts; replace_by})
+    in
+    match item, namelist, constr with
+    | Sig_type(id, decl, rs, priv), [s],
+       With_type ({ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract} as sdecl)
+      when Ident.name id = s && Typedecl.is_fixed_type sdecl ->
+        let decl_row =
+          let arity = List.length sdecl.ptype_params in
+          {
+            type_params =
+              List.map (fun _ -> Btype.newgenvar()) sdecl.ptype_params;
+            type_arity = arity;
+            type_kind = Type_abstract Definition;
+            type_private = Private;
+            type_manifest = None;
+            type_variance =
+              List.map
+                (fun (_, (v, i)) ->
+                   let (c, n) =
+                     match v with
+                     | Covariant -> true, false
+                     | Contravariant -> false, true
+                     | NoVariance -> false, false
+                   in
+                   make_variance (not n) (not c) (i = Injective)
+                )
+                sdecl.ptype_params;
+            type_separability =
+              Types.Separability.default_signature ~arity;
+            type_loc = sdecl.ptype_loc;
+            type_is_newtype = false;
+            type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level;
+            type_attributes = [];
+            type_immediate = Unknown;
+            type_unboxed_default = false;
+            type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+          }
+        and id_row = Ident.create_local (s^"#row") in
+        let initial_env =
+          Env.add_type ~check:false id_row decl_row initial_env
+        in
+        let sig_env = Env.add_signature sg_for_env outer_sig_env in
+        let tdecl =
+          Typedecl.transl_with_constraint id ~fixed_row_path:(Pident id_row)
+            ~sig_env ~sig_decl:decl ~outer_env:initial_env sdecl in
+        let newdecl = tdecl.typ_type in
+        let before_ghosts, row_id, after_ghosts = split_row_id s ghosts in
+        check_type_decl outer_sig_env sg_for_env sdecl.ptype_loc
+          id row_id newdecl decl;
+        let decl_row = {decl_row with type_params = newdecl.type_params} in
+        let rs' = if rs = Trec_first then Trec_not else rs in
+        let ghosts =
+          List.rev_append before_ghosts
+            (Sig_type(id_row, decl_row, rs', priv)::after_ghosts)
+        in
+        return ~ghosts
+          ~replace_by:(Some (Sig_type(id, newdecl, rs, priv)))
+          (Pident id, lid, Some (Twith_type tdecl))
+    | Sig_type(id, sig_decl, rs, priv) , [s],
+       (With_type sdecl | With_typesubst sdecl as constr)
+      when Ident.name id = s ->
+        let sig_env = Env.add_signature sg_for_env outer_sig_env in
+        let tdecl =
+          Typedecl.transl_with_constraint id
+            ~sig_env ~sig_decl ~outer_env:initial_env sdecl in
+        let newdecl = tdecl.typ_type and loc = sdecl.ptype_loc in
+        let before_ghosts, row_id, after_ghosts = split_row_id s ghosts in
+        let ghosts = List.rev_append before_ghosts after_ghosts in
+        check_type_decl outer_sig_env sg_for_env loc
+          id row_id newdecl sig_decl;
+        begin match constr with
+          With_type _ ->
+            return ~ghosts
+              ~replace_by:(Some(Sig_type(id, newdecl, rs, priv)))
+              (Pident id, lid, Some (Twith_type tdecl))
+        | (* With_typesubst *) _ ->
+            real_ids := [Pident id];
+            return ~ghosts ~replace_by:None
+              (Pident id, lid, Some (Twith_typesubst tdecl))
+        end
+    | Sig_type(id, sig_decl, rs, priv), [s], With_type_package cty
+      when Ident.name id = s ->
+        begin match sig_decl.type_manifest with
+        | None -> ()
+        | Some ty ->
+          raise (Error(loc, outer_sig_env, With_package_manifest (lid.txt, ty)))
+        end;
+        let tdecl =
+          Typedecl.transl_package_constraint ~loc outer_sig_env cty.ctyp_type
+        in
+        check_type_decl outer_sig_env sg_for_env loc id None tdecl sig_decl;
+        let tdecl = { tdecl with type_manifest = None } in
+        return ~ghosts ~replace_by:(Some(Sig_type(id, tdecl, rs, priv)))
+          (Pident id, lid, None)
+    | Sig_modtype(id, mtd, priv), [s],
+      (With_modtype mty | With_modtypesubst mty)
+      when Ident.name id = s ->
+        let sig_env = Env.add_signature sg_for_env outer_sig_env in
+        let () = match mtd.mtd_type with
+          | None -> ()
+          | Some previous_mty ->
+              Includemod.check_modtype_equiv ~loc sig_env
+                id previous_mty mty.mty_type
+        in
+        if not destructive_substitution then
+          let mtd': modtype_declaration =
+            {
+              mtd_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+              mtd_type = Some mty.mty_type;
+              mtd_attributes = [];
+              mtd_loc = loc;
+            }
+          in
+          return
+            ~replace_by:(Some(Sig_modtype(id, mtd', priv)))
+            (Pident id, lid, Some (Twith_modtype mty))
+        else begin
+          let path = Pident id in
+          real_ids := [path];
+          return ~replace_by:None
+            (Pident id, lid, Some (Twith_modtypesubst mty))
+        end
+    | Sig_module(id, pres, md, rs, priv), [s],
+      With_module {lid=lid'; md=md'; path; remove_aliases}
+      when Ident.name id = s ->
+        let sig_env = Env.add_signature sg_for_env outer_sig_env in
+        let mty = md'.md_type in
+        let mty = Mtype.scrape_for_type_of ~remove_aliases sig_env mty in
+        let md'' = { md' with md_type = mty } in
+        let newmd = Mtype.strengthen_decl ~aliasable:false sig_env md'' path in
+        ignore(Includemod.modtypes  ~mark:true ~loc sig_env
+                 newmd.md_type md.md_type);
+        return
+          ~replace_by:(Some(Sig_module(id, pres, newmd, rs, priv)))
+          (Pident id, lid, Some (Twith_module (path, lid')))
+    | Sig_module(id, _, md, _rs, _), [s], With_modsubst (lid',path,md')
+      when Ident.name id = s ->
+        let sig_env = Env.add_signature sg_for_env outer_sig_env in
+        let aliasable = not (Env.is_functor_arg path sig_env) in
+        ignore
+          (Includemod.strengthened_module_decl ~loc ~mark:true
+             ~aliasable sig_env md' path md);
+        real_ids := [Pident id];
+        return ~replace_by:None
+          (Pident id, lid, Some (Twith_modsubst (path, lid')))
+    | Sig_module(id, _, md, rs, priv) as item, s :: namelist, constr
+      when Ident.name id = s ->
+        let sig_env = Env.add_signature sg_for_env outer_sig_env in
+        let sg = extract_sig sig_env loc md.md_type in
+        let ((path, _, tcstr), newsg) = merge_signature sig_env sg namelist in
+        let path = path_concat id path in
+        real_ids := path :: !real_ids;
+        let item =
+          match md.md_type, constr with
+            Mty_alias _, (With_module _ | With_type _) ->
+              (* A module alias cannot be refined, so keep it
+                 and just check that the constraint is correct *)
+              item
+          | _ ->
+              let newmd = {md with md_type = Mty_signature newsg} in
+              Sig_module(id, Mp_present, newmd, rs, priv)
+        in
+        return ~replace_by:(Some item) (path, lid, tcstr)
+    | _ -> None
+  and merge_signature env sg namelist =
+    match
+      Signature_group.replace_in_place (patch_item constr namelist env sg) sg
+    with
+    | Some (x,sg) -> x, sg
+    | None -> raise(Error(loc, env, With_no_component lid.txt))
+  in
+  try
+    let names = Longident.flatten lid.txt in
+    let (tcstr, sg) = merge_signature initial_env sg names in
+    if destructive_substitution then
+      check_usage_after_substitution ~loc ~lid initial_env !real_ids sg;
+    let sg =
+    match tcstr with
+    | (_, _, Some (Twith_typesubst tdecl)) ->
+       let how_to_extend_subst =
+         let sdecl =
+           match constr with
+           | With_typesubst sdecl -> sdecl
+           | _ -> assert false
+         in
+         match type_decl_is_alias sdecl with
+         | Some lid ->
+            let replacement, _ =
+              try Env.find_type_by_name lid.txt initial_env
+              with Not_found -> assert false
+            in
+            fun s path -> Subst.Unsafe.add_type_path path replacement s
+         | None ->
+            let body = Option.get tdecl.typ_type.type_manifest in
+            let params = tdecl.typ_type.type_params in
+            if params_are_constrained params
+            then raise(Error(loc, initial_env,
+                             With_cannot_remove_constrained_type));
+            fun s path -> Subst.Unsafe.add_type_function path ~params ~body s
+       in
+       let sub = Subst.change_locs Subst.identity loc in
+       let sub = List.fold_left how_to_extend_subst sub !real_ids in
+       unsafe_signature_subst sub sg
+    | (_, _, Some (Twith_modsubst (real_path, _))) ->
+       let sub = Subst.change_locs Subst.identity loc in
+       let sub =
+         List.fold_left
+           (fun s path -> Subst.Unsafe.add_module_path path real_path s)
+           sub
+           !real_ids
+       in
+       unsafe_signature_subst sub sg
+    | (_, _, Some (Twith_modtypesubst tmty)) ->
+        let add s p = Subst.Unsafe.add_modtype_path p tmty.mty_type s in
+        let sub = Subst.change_locs Subst.identity loc in
+        let sub = List.fold_left add sub !real_ids in
+        unsafe_signature_subst sub sg
+    | _ ->
+       sg
+    in
+    check_well_formed_module initial_env loc "this instantiated signature"
+      (Mty_signature sg);
+    (tcstr, sg)
+  with Includemod.Error explanation ->
+    raise(Error(loc, initial_env, With_mismatch(lid.txt, explanation)))
+let merge_package_constraint initial_env loc sg lid cty =
+  let _, s = merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid (With_type_package cty) in
+  s
+let check_package_with_type_constraints loc env mty constraints =
+  let sg = extract_sig env loc mty in
+  let sg =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun sg (lid, cty) ->
+         merge_package_constraint env loc sg lid cty)
+      sg constraints
+  in
+  let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+  Mtype.freshen ~scope (Mty_signature sg)
+let () =
+  Typetexp.check_package_with_type_constraints :=
+    check_package_with_type_constraints
+(* Add recursion flags on declarations arising from a mutually recursive
+   block. *)
+let map_rec fn decls rem =
+  match decls with
+  | [] -> rem
+  | d1 :: dl -> fn Trec_first d1 :: map_end (fn Trec_next) dl rem
+let map_rec_type ~rec_flag fn decls rem =
+  match decls with
+  | [] -> rem
+  | d1 :: dl ->
+      let first =
+        match rec_flag with
+        | Recursive -> Trec_first
+        | Nonrecursive -> Trec_not
+      in
+      fn first d1 :: map_end (fn Trec_next) dl rem
+let rec map_rec_type_with_row_types ~rec_flag fn decls rem =
+  match decls with
+  | [] -> rem
+  | d1 :: dl ->
+      if Btype.is_row_name (Ident.name d1.typ_id) then
+        fn Trec_not d1 :: map_rec_type_with_row_types ~rec_flag fn dl rem
+      else
+        map_rec_type ~rec_flag fn decls rem
+(* Add type extension flags to extension constructors *)
+let map_ext fn exts rem =
+  match exts with
+  | [] -> rem
+  | d1 :: dl -> fn Text_first d1 :: map_end (fn Text_next) dl rem
+(* Auxiliary for translating recursively-defined module types.
+   Return a module type that approximates the shape of the given module
+   type AST.  Retain only module, type, and module type
+   components of signatures.  For types, retain only their arity,
+   making them abstract otherwise. *)
+let rec approx_modtype env smty =
+  match smty.pmty_desc with
+    Pmty_ident lid ->
+      let path =
+        Env.lookup_modtype_path ~use:false ~loc:smty.pmty_loc lid.txt env
+      in
+      Mty_ident path
+  | Pmty_alias lid ->
+      let path =
+        Env.lookup_module_path ~use:false ~load:false
+          ~loc:smty.pmty_loc lid.txt env
+      in
+      Mty_alias(path)
+  | Pmty_signature ssg ->
+      Mty_signature(approx_sig env ssg)
+  | Pmty_functor(param, sres) ->
+      let (param, newenv) =
+        match param with
+        | Unit -> Types.Unit, env
+        | Named (param, sarg) ->
+          let arg = approx_modtype env sarg in
+          match param.txt with
+          | None -> Types.Named (None, arg), env
+          | Some name ->
+            let rarg = Mtype.scrape_for_functor_arg env arg in
+            let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+            let (id, newenv) =
+              Env.enter_module ~scope ~arg:true name Mp_present rarg env
+            in
+            Types.Named (Some id, arg), newenv
+      in
+      let res = approx_modtype newenv sres in
+      Mty_functor(param, res)
+  | Pmty_with(sbody, constraints) ->
+      let body = approx_modtype env sbody in
+      List.iter
+        (fun sdecl ->
+          match sdecl with
+          | Pwith_type _
+          | Pwith_typesubst _
+          | Pwith_modtype _
+          | Pwith_modtypesubst _  -> ()
+          | Pwith_module (_, lid') ->
+              (* Lookup the module to make sure that it is not recursive.
+                 (GPR#1626) *)
+              ignore (Env.lookup_module_path ~use:false ~load:false
+                        ~loc:lid'.loc lid'.txt env)
+          | Pwith_modsubst (_, lid') ->
+              ignore (Env.lookup_module_path ~use:false ~load:false
+                        ~loc:lid'.loc lid'.txt env))
+        constraints;
+      body
+  | Pmty_typeof smod ->
+      let (_, mty) = !type_module_type_of_fwd env smod in
+      mty
+  | Pmty_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+and approx_module_declaration env pmd =
+  {
+    Types.md_type = approx_modtype env pmd.pmd_type;
+    md_attributes = pmd.pmd_attributes;
+    md_loc = pmd.pmd_loc;
+    md_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique;
+  }
+and approx_sig env ssg =
+  match ssg with
+    [] -> []
+  | item :: srem ->
+      match item.psig_desc with
+      | Psig_type (rec_flag, sdecls) ->
+          let decls = Typedecl.approx_type_decl sdecls in
+          let rem = approx_sig env srem in
+          map_rec_type ~rec_flag
+            (fun rs (id, info) -> Sig_type(id, info, rs, Exported)) decls rem
+      | Psig_typesubst _ -> approx_sig env srem
+      | Psig_module { pmd_name = { txt = None; _ }; _ } ->
+          approx_sig env srem
+      | Psig_module pmd ->
+          let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+          let md = approx_module_declaration env pmd in
+          let pres =
+            match md.Types.md_type with
+            | Mty_alias _ -> Mp_absent
+            | _ -> Mp_present
+          in
+          let id, newenv =
+            Env.enter_module_declaration ~scope (Option.get pmd.pmd_name.txt)
+              pres md env
+          in
+          Sig_module(id, pres, md, Trec_not, Exported) :: approx_sig newenv srem
+      | Psig_modsubst pms ->
+          let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+          let _, md =
+            Env.lookup_module ~use:false ~loc:pms.pms_manifest.loc
+               pms.pms_manifest.txt env
+          in
+          let pres =
+            match md.Types.md_type with
+            | Mty_alias _ -> Mp_absent
+            | _ -> Mp_present
+          in
+          let _, newenv =
+            Env.enter_module_declaration ~scope pms.pms_name.txt pres md env
+          in
+          approx_sig newenv srem
+      | Psig_recmodule sdecls ->
+          let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+          let decls =
+            List.filter_map
+              (fun pmd ->
+                 Option.map (fun name ->
+                   Ident.create_scoped ~scope name,
+                   approx_module_declaration env pmd
+                 ) pmd.pmd_name.txt
+              )
+              sdecls
+          in
+          let newenv =
+            List.fold_left
+              (fun env (id, md) -> Env.add_module_declaration ~check:false
+                  id Mp_present md env)
+              env decls
+          in
+          map_rec
+            (fun rs (id, md) -> Sig_module(id, Mp_present, md, rs, Exported))
+            decls
+            (approx_sig newenv srem)
+      | Psig_modtype d ->
+          let info = approx_modtype_info env d in
+          let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+          let (id, newenv) =
+            Env.enter_modtype ~scope d.pmtd_name.txt info env
+          in
+          Sig_modtype(id, info, Exported) :: approx_sig newenv srem
+      | Psig_modtypesubst d ->
+          let info = approx_modtype_info env d in
+          let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+          let (_id, newenv) =
+            Env.enter_modtype ~scope d.pmtd_name.txt info env
+          in
+          approx_sig newenv srem
+      | Psig_open sod ->
+          let _, env = type_open_descr env sod in
+          approx_sig env srem
+      | Psig_include sincl ->
+          let smty = sincl.pincl_mod in
+          let mty = approx_modtype env smty in
+          let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+          let sg, newenv = Env.enter_signature ~scope
+              (extract_sig env smty.pmty_loc mty) env in
+          sg @ approx_sig newenv srem
+      | Psig_class sdecls | Psig_class_type sdecls ->
+          let decls, env = Typeclass.approx_class_declarations env sdecls in
+          let rem = approx_sig env srem in
+          map_rec (fun rs decl ->
+            let open Typeclass in [
+              Sig_class_type(decl.clsty_ty_id, decl.clsty_ty_decl, rs,
+                             Exported);
+              Sig_type(decl.clsty_obj_id, decl.clsty_obj_abbr, rs, Exported);
+            ]
+          ) decls [rem]
+          |> List.flatten
+      | _ ->
+          approx_sig env srem
+and approx_modtype_info env sinfo =
+  {
+   mtd_type = Option.map (approx_modtype env) sinfo.pmtd_type;
+   mtd_attributes = sinfo.pmtd_attributes;
+   mtd_loc = sinfo.pmtd_loc;
+   mtd_uid = Uid.internal_not_actually_unique;
+  }
+let approx_modtype env smty =
+  Warnings.without_warnings
+    (fun () -> approx_modtype env smty)
+(* Auxiliaries for checking the validity of name shadowing in signatures and
+   structures.
+   If a shadowing is valid, we also record some information (its ident,
+   location where it first appears, etc) about the item that gets shadowed. *)
+module Signature_names : sig
+  type t
+ type shadowable =
+    {
+      self: Ident.t;
+      group: Ident.t list;
+      (** group includes the element itself and all elements
+                that should be removed at the same time
+      *)
+      loc:Location.t;
+    }
+  type info = [
+    | `Exported
+    | `From_open
+    | `Shadowable of shadowable
+    | `Substituted_away of Subst.Unsafe.t
+  ]
+  val create : unit -> t
+  val check_value     : ?info:info -> t -> Location.t -> Ident.t -> unit
+  val check_type      : ?info:info -> t -> Location.t -> Ident.t -> unit
+  val check_typext    : ?info:info -> t -> Location.t -> Ident.t -> unit
+  val check_module    : ?info:info -> t -> Location.t -> Ident.t -> unit
+  val check_modtype   : ?info:info -> t -> Location.t -> Ident.t -> unit
+  val check_class     : ?info:info -> t -> Location.t -> Ident.t -> unit
+  val check_class_type: ?info:info -> t -> Location.t -> Ident.t -> unit
+  val check_sig_item:
+    ?info:info -> t -> Location.t -> Signature_group.rec_group -> unit
+  val simplify: Env.t -> t -> Types.signature -> Types.signature
+end = struct
+  type shadowable =
+    {
+      self: Ident.t;
+      group: Ident.t list;
+      (** group includes the element itself and all elements
+                that should be removed at the same time
+      *)
+      loc:Location.t;
+    }
+  type bound_info = [
+    | `Exported
+    | `Shadowable of shadowable
+  ]
+  type info = [
+    | `From_open
+    | `Substituted_away of Subst.Unsafe.t
+    | bound_info
+  ]
+  type hide_reason =
+    | From_open
+    | Shadowed_by of Ident.t * Location.t
+  type to_be_removed = {
+    mutable subst: Subst.Unsafe.t;
+    mutable hide: (Sig_component_kind.t * Location.t * hide_reason) Ident.Map.t;
+  }
+  type names_infos = (string, bound_info) Hashtbl.t
+  type names = {
+    values: names_infos;
+    types: names_infos;
+    modules: names_infos;
+    modtypes: names_infos;
+    typexts: names_infos;
+    classes: names_infos;
+    class_types: names_infos;
+  }
+  let new_names () = {
+    values = Hashtbl.create 16;
+    types = Hashtbl.create 16;
+    modules = Hashtbl.create 16;
+    modtypes = Hashtbl.create 16;
+    typexts = Hashtbl.create 16;
+    classes = Hashtbl.create 16;
+    class_types = Hashtbl.create 16;
+  }
+  type t = {
+    bound: names;
+    to_be_removed: to_be_removed;
+  }
+  let create () = {
+    bound = new_names ();
+    to_be_removed = {
+      subst = Subst.identity;
+      hide = Ident.Map.empty;
+    };
+  }
+  let table_for component names =
+    let open Sig_component_kind in
+    match component with
+    | Value -> names.values
+    | Type | Label | Constructor -> names.types
+    | Module -> names.modules
+    | Module_type -> names.modtypes
+    | Extension_constructor -> names.typexts
+    | Class -> names.classes
+    | Class_type -> names.class_types
+  let check_unsafe_subst loc env: _ result -> _ = function
+    | Ok x -> x
+    | Error (Subst.Unsafe.Fcm_type_substituted_away (p,_)) ->
+        raise (Error (loc, env, Non_packable_local_modtype_subst p))
+  let check cl t loc id (info : info) =
+    let to_be_removed = t.to_be_removed in
+    match info with
+    | `Substituted_away s ->
+        let subst =
+          check_unsafe_subst loc Env.empty @@
+          Subst.Unsafe.compose s to_be_removed.subst
+        in
+        to_be_removed.subst <- subst;
+    | `From_open ->
+        to_be_removed.hide <-
+          Ident.Map.add id (cl, loc, From_open) to_be_removed.hide
+    | #bound_info as bound_info ->
+        let tbl = table_for cl t.bound in
+        let name = Ident.name id in
+        match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl name with
+        | None -> Hashtbl.add tbl name bound_info
+        | Some (`Shadowable s) ->
+            Hashtbl.replace tbl name bound_info;
+            let reason = Shadowed_by (id, loc) in
+            List.iter (fun shadowed_id ->
+            to_be_removed.hide <-
+              Ident.Map.add shadowed_id (cl, s.loc, reason)
+                to_be_removed.hide
+              ) s.group
+        | Some `Exported ->
+            raise(Error(loc, Env.empty, Repeated_name(cl, name)))
+  let check_value ?info t loc id =
+    let info =
+      match info with
+      | Some i -> i
+      | None -> `Shadowable {self=id; group=[id]; loc}
+    in
+    check Sig_component_kind.Value t loc id info
+  let check_type ?(info=`Exported) t loc id =
+    check Sig_component_kind.Type t loc id info
+  let check_module ?(info=`Exported) t loc id =
+    check Sig_component_kind.Module t loc id info
+  let check_modtype ?(info=`Exported) t loc id =
+    check Sig_component_kind.Module_type t loc id info
+  let check_typext ?(info=`Exported) t loc id =
+    check Sig_component_kind.Extension_constructor t loc id info
+  let check_class ?(info=`Exported) t loc id =
+    check Sig_component_kind.Class t loc id info
+  let check_class_type ?(info=`Exported) t loc id =
+    check Sig_component_kind.Class_type t loc id info
+  let classify =
+    let open Sig_component_kind in
+    function
+    | Sig_type(id, _, _, _) -> Type, id
+    | Sig_module(id, _, _, _, _) -> Module, id
+    | Sig_modtype(id, _, _) -> Module_type, id
+    | Sig_typext(id, _, _, _) -> Extension_constructor, id
+    | Sig_value (id, _, _) -> Value, id
+    | Sig_class (id, _, _, _) -> Class, id
+    | Sig_class_type (id, _, _, _) -> Class_type, id
+  let check_item ?info names loc kind id ids =
+    let info =
+      match info with
+      | None -> `Shadowable {self=id; group=ids; loc}
+      | Some i -> i
+    in
+    check kind names loc id info
+  let check_sig_item ?info names loc (item:Signature_group.rec_group) =
+    let check ?info names loc item =
+      let all = List.map classify (Signature_group.flatten item) in
+      let group = List.map snd all in
+      List.iter (fun (kind,id) -> check_item ?info names loc kind id group)
+        all
+    in
+    (* we can ignore x.pre_ghosts: they are eliminated by strengthening, and
+       thus never appear in includes *)
+     List.iter (check ?info names loc) (Signature_group.rec_items item.group)
+  (* We usually require name uniqueness of signature components (e.g. types,
+     modules, etc), however in some situation reusing the name is allowed: if
+     the component is a value or an extension, or if the name is introduced by
+     an include.
+     When there are multiple specifications of a component with the same name,
+     we try to keep only the last (rightmost) one, removing all references to
+     the previous ones from the signature.
+     If some reference cannot be removed, then we error out with
+     [Cannot_hide_id].
+  *)
+  let simplify env t sg =
+    let to_remove = t.to_be_removed in
+    let ids_to_remove =
+      Ident.Map.fold (fun id (kind,  _, _) lst ->
+        if Sig_component_kind.can_appear_in_types kind then
+          id :: lst
+        else
+          lst
+      ) to_remove.hide []
+    in
+    let simplify_item (component: Types.signature_item) =
+      let user_kind, user_id, user_loc =
+        let open Sig_component_kind in
+        match component with
+        | Sig_value(id, v, _) -> Value, id, v.val_loc
+        | Sig_type (id, td, _, _) -> Type, id, td.type_loc
+        | Sig_typext (id, te, _, _) -> Extension_constructor, id, te.ext_loc
+        | Sig_module (id, _, md, _, _) -> Module, id, md.md_loc
+        | Sig_modtype (id, mtd, _) -> Module_type, id, mtd.mtd_loc
+        | Sig_class (id, c, _, _) -> Class, id, c.cty_loc
+        | Sig_class_type (id, ct, _, _) -> Class_type, id, ct.clty_loc
+      in
+      if Ident.Map.mem user_id to_remove.hide then
+        None
+      else begin
+        let component =
+          if to_remove.subst == Subst.identity then
+            component
+          else
+            check_unsafe_subst user_loc env @@
+            Subst.Unsafe.signature_item Keep to_remove.subst component
+        in
+        let component =
+          match ids_to_remove with
+          | [] -> component
+          | ids ->
+            try Mtype.nondep_sig_item env ids component with
+            | Ctype.Nondep_cannot_erase removed_item_id ->
+              let (removed_item_kind, removed_item_loc, reason) =
+                Ident.Map.find removed_item_id to_remove.hide
+              in
+              let err_loc, hiding_error =
+                match reason with
+                | From_open ->
+                  removed_item_loc,
+                  Appears_in_signature {
+                    opened_item_kind = removed_item_kind;
+                    opened_item_id = removed_item_id;
+                    user_id;
+                    user_kind;
+                    user_loc;
+                  }
+                | Shadowed_by (shadower_id, shadower_loc) ->
+                  shadower_loc,
+                  Illegal_shadowing {
+                    shadowed_item_kind = removed_item_kind;
+                    shadowed_item_id = removed_item_id;
+                    shadowed_item_loc = removed_item_loc;
+                    shadower_id;
+                    user_id;
+                    user_kind;
+                    user_loc;
+                  }
+              in
+              raise (Error(err_loc, env, Cannot_hide_id hiding_error))
+        in
+        Some component
+      end
+    in
+    List.filter_map simplify_item sg
+let has_remove_aliases_attribute attr =
+  let remove_aliases =
+    Attr_helper.get_no_payload_attribute "remove_aliases" attr
+  in
+  match remove_aliases with
+  | None -> false
+  | Some _ -> true
+(* Check and translate a module type expression *)
+let transl_modtype_longident loc env lid =
+  Env.lookup_modtype_path ~loc lid env
+let transl_module_alias loc env lid =
+  Env.lookup_module_path ~load:false ~loc lid env
+let mkmty desc typ env loc attrs =
+  let mty = {
+    mty_desc = desc;
+    mty_type = typ;
+    mty_loc = loc;
+    mty_env = env;
+    mty_attributes = attrs;
+    } in
+  Cmt_format.add_saved_type (Cmt_format.Partial_module_type mty);
+  mty
+let mksig desc env loc =
+  let sg = { sig_desc = desc; sig_loc = loc; sig_env = env } in
+  Cmt_format.add_saved_type (Cmt_format.Partial_signature_item sg);
+  sg
+(* let signature sg = List.map (fun item -> item.sig_type) sg *)
+let rec transl_modtype env smty =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope smty.pmty_attributes
+    (fun () -> transl_modtype_aux env smty)
+and transl_modtype_functor_arg env sarg =
+  let mty = transl_modtype env sarg in
+  {mty with mty_type = Mtype.scrape_for_functor_arg env mty.mty_type}
+and transl_modtype_aux env smty =
+  let loc = smty.pmty_loc in
+  match smty.pmty_desc with
+    Pmty_ident lid ->
+      let path = transl_modtype_longident loc env lid.txt in
+      mkmty (Tmty_ident (path, lid)) (Mty_ident path) env loc
+        smty.pmty_attributes
+  | Pmty_alias lid ->
+      let path = transl_module_alias loc env lid.txt in
+      mkmty (Tmty_alias (path, lid)) (Mty_alias path) env loc
+        smty.pmty_attributes
+  | Pmty_signature ssg ->
+      let sg = transl_signature env ssg in
+      mkmty (Tmty_signature sg) (Mty_signature sg.sig_type) env loc
+        smty.pmty_attributes
+  | Pmty_functor(sarg_opt, sres) ->
+      let t_arg, ty_arg, newenv =
+        match sarg_opt with
+        | Unit -> Unit, Types.Unit, env
+        | Named (param, sarg) ->
+          let arg = transl_modtype_functor_arg env sarg in
+          let (id, newenv) =
+            match param.txt with
+            | None -> None, env
+            | Some name ->
+              let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+              let id, newenv =
+                let arg_md =
+                  { md_type = arg.mty_type;
+                    md_attributes = [];
+                    md_loc = param.loc;
+                    md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+                  }
+                in
+                Env.enter_module_declaration ~scope ~arg:true name Mp_present
+                  arg_md env
+              in
+              Some id, newenv
+          in
+          Named (id, param, arg), Types.Named (id, arg.mty_type), newenv
+      in
+      let res = transl_modtype newenv sres in
+      mkmty (Tmty_functor (t_arg, res))
+        (Mty_functor(ty_arg, res.mty_type)) env loc
+        smty.pmty_attributes
+  | Pmty_with(sbody, constraints) ->
+      let body = transl_modtype env sbody in
+      let init_sg = extract_sig env sbody.pmty_loc body.mty_type in
+      let remove_aliases = has_remove_aliases_attribute smty.pmty_attributes in
+      let (rev_tcstrs, final_sg) =
+        List.fold_left (transl_with ~loc:smty.pmty_loc env remove_aliases)
+        ([],init_sg) constraints in
+      let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+      mkmty (Tmty_with ( body, List.rev rev_tcstrs))
+        (Mtype.freshen ~scope (Mty_signature final_sg)) env loc
+        smty.pmty_attributes
+  | Pmty_typeof smod ->
+      let env = Env.in_signature false env in
+      let tmty, mty = !type_module_type_of_fwd env smod in
+      mkmty (Tmty_typeof tmty) mty env loc smty.pmty_attributes
+  | Pmty_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+and transl_with ~loc env remove_aliases (rev_tcstrs,sg) constr =
+  let lid, with_info = match constr with
+    | Pwith_type (l,decl) ->l , With_type decl
+    | Pwith_typesubst (l,decl) ->l , With_typesubst decl
+    | Pwith_module (l,l') ->
+        let path, md = Env.lookup_module ~loc l'.txt env in
+        l , With_module {lid=l';path;md; remove_aliases}
+    | Pwith_modsubst (l,l') ->
+        let path, md' = Env.lookup_module ~loc l'.txt env in
+        l , With_modsubst (l',path,md')
+    | Pwith_modtype (l,smty) ->
+        let mty = transl_modtype env smty in
+        l, With_modtype mty
+    | Pwith_modtypesubst (l,smty) ->
+        let mty = transl_modtype env smty in
+        l, With_modtypesubst mty
+  in
+  let ((path, lid, tcstr), sg) = merge_constraint env loc sg lid with_info in
+  (* Only package with constraints result in None here. *)
+  let tcstr = Option.get tcstr in
+  ((path, lid, tcstr) :: rev_tcstrs, sg)
+and transl_signature env sg =
+  let names = Signature_names.create () in
+  let rec transl_sig env sg =
+    match sg with
+      [] -> [], [], env
+    | item :: srem ->
+        let loc = item.psig_loc in
+        match item.psig_desc with
+        | Psig_value sdesc ->
+            let (tdesc, newenv) =
+              Typedecl.transl_value_decl env item.psig_loc sdesc
+            in
+            Signature_names.check_value names tdesc.val_loc tdesc.val_id;
+            let (trem,rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            mksig (Tsig_value tdesc) env loc :: trem,
+            Sig_value(tdesc.val_id, tdesc.val_val, Exported) :: rem,
+              final_env
+        | Psig_type (rec_flag, sdecls) ->
+            let (decls, newenv, _) =
+              Typedecl.transl_type_decl env rec_flag sdecls
+            in
+            List.iter (fun td ->
+              Signature_names.check_type names td.typ_loc td.typ_id;
+            ) decls;
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            let sg =
+              map_rec_type_with_row_types ~rec_flag
+                (fun rs td -> Sig_type(td.typ_id, td.typ_type, rs, Exported))
+                decls rem
+            in
+            mksig (Tsig_type (rec_flag, decls)) env loc :: trem,
+            sg,
+            final_env
+        | Psig_typesubst sdecls ->
+            let (decls, newenv, _) =
+              Typedecl.transl_type_decl env Nonrecursive sdecls
+            in
+            List.iter (fun td ->
+              if td.typ_kind <> Ttype_abstract || td.typ_manifest = None ||
+                 td.typ_private = Private
+              then
+                raise (Error (td.typ_loc, env, Invalid_type_subst_rhs));
+              let params = td.typ_type.type_params in
+              if params_are_constrained params
+              then raise(Error(loc, env, With_cannot_remove_constrained_type));
+              let info =
+                  let subst =
+                    Subst.Unsafe.add_type_function (Pident td.typ_id)
+                      ~params
+                      ~body:(Option.get td.typ_type.type_manifest)
+                      Subst.identity
+                  in
+                  Some (`Substituted_away subst)
+              in
+              Signature_names.check_type ?info names td.typ_loc td.typ_id
+            ) decls;
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            let sg = rem
+            in
+            mksig (Tsig_typesubst decls) env loc :: trem,
+            sg,
+            final_env
+        | Psig_typext styext ->
+            let (tyext, newenv, _shapes) =
+              Typedecl.transl_type_extension false env item.psig_loc styext
+            in
+            let constructors = tyext.tyext_constructors in
+            List.iter (fun ext ->
+              Signature_names.check_typext names ext.ext_loc ext.ext_id
+            ) constructors;
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+              mksig (Tsig_typext tyext) env loc :: trem,
+              map_ext (fun es ext ->
+                Sig_typext(ext.ext_id, ext.ext_type, es, Exported)
+              ) constructors rem,
+              final_env
+        | Psig_exception sext ->
+            let (ext, newenv, _s) = Typedecl.transl_type_exception env sext in
+            let constructor = ext.tyexn_constructor in
+            Signature_names.check_typext names constructor.ext_loc
+              constructor.ext_id;
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            mksig (Tsig_exception ext) env loc :: trem,
+            Sig_typext(constructor.ext_id,
+                       constructor.ext_type,
+                       Text_exception,
+                       Exported) :: rem,
+            final_env
+        | Psig_module pmd ->
+            let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+            let tmty =
+              Builtin_attributes.warning_scope pmd.pmd_attributes
+                (fun () -> transl_modtype env pmd.pmd_type)
+            in
+            let pres =
+              match tmty.mty_type with
+              | Mty_alias p ->
+                  if Env.is_functor_arg p env then
+                    raise (Error (pmd.pmd_loc, env, Cannot_alias p));
+                  Mp_absent
+              | _ -> Mp_present
+            in
+            let md = {
+              md_type=tmty.mty_type;
+              md_attributes=pmd.pmd_attributes;
+              md_loc=pmd.pmd_loc;
+              md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+            }
+            in
+            let id, newenv =
+              match pmd.pmd_name.txt with
+              | None -> None, env
+              | Some name ->
+                let id, newenv =
+                  Env.enter_module_declaration ~scope name pres md env
+                in
+                Signature_names.check_module names pmd.pmd_name.loc id;
+                Some id, newenv
+            in
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            mksig (Tsig_module {md_id=id; md_name=pmd.pmd_name;
+                                md_uid=md.md_uid; md_presence=pres;
+                                md_type=tmty; md_loc=pmd.pmd_loc;
+                                md_attributes=pmd.pmd_attributes})
+              env loc :: trem,
+            (match id with
+             | None -> rem
+             | Some id -> Sig_module(id, pres, md, Trec_not, Exported) :: rem),
+            final_env
+        | Psig_modsubst pms ->
+            let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+            let path, md =
+              Env.lookup_module ~loc:pms.pms_manifest.loc
+                pms.pms_manifest.txt env
+            in
+            let aliasable = not (Env.is_functor_arg path env) in
+            let md =
+              if not aliasable then
+                md
+              else
+                { md_type = Mty_alias path;
+                  md_attributes = pms.pms_attributes;
+                  md_loc = pms.pms_loc;
+                  md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+                }
+            in
+            let pres =
+              match md.md_type with
+              | Mty_alias _ -> Mp_absent
+              | _ -> Mp_present
+            in
+            let id, newenv =
+              Env.enter_module_declaration ~scope pms.pms_name.txt pres md env
+            in
+            let info =
+              `Substituted_away (Subst.add_module id path Subst.identity)
+            in
+            Signature_names.check_module ~info names pms.pms_name.loc id;
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            mksig (Tsig_modsubst {ms_id=id; ms_name=pms.pms_name;
+                                  ms_uid=md.md_uid; ms_manifest=path;
+                                  ms_txt=pms.pms_manifest; ms_loc=pms.pms_loc;
+                                  ms_attributes=pms.pms_attributes})
+              env loc :: trem,
+            rem,
+            final_env
+        | Psig_recmodule sdecls ->
+            let (tdecls, newenv) =
+              transl_recmodule_modtypes env sdecls in
+            let decls =
+              List.filter_map (fun (md, uid, _) ->
+                match md.md_id with
+                | None -> None
+                | Some id -> Some (id, md, uid)
+              ) tdecls
+            in
+            List.iter (fun (id, md, _uid) ->
+              Signature_names.check_module names md.md_loc id;
+            ) decls;
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            mksig (Tsig_recmodule (List.map (fun (md, _, _) -> md) tdecls))
+              env loc :: trem,
+            map_rec (fun rs (id, md, uid) ->
+                let d = {Types.md_type = md.md_type.mty_type;
+                         md_attributes = md.md_attributes;
+                         md_loc = md.md_loc;
+                         md_uid = uid;
+                        } in
+                Sig_module(id, Mp_present, d, rs, Exported))
+              decls rem,
+            final_env
+        | Psig_modtype pmtd ->
+            let newenv, mtd, decl = transl_modtype_decl env pmtd in
+            Signature_names.check_modtype names pmtd.pmtd_loc mtd.mtd_id;
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            mksig (Tsig_modtype mtd) env loc :: trem,
+            Sig_modtype (mtd.mtd_id, decl, Exported) :: rem,
+            final_env
+        | Psig_modtypesubst pmtd ->
+            let newenv, mtd, _decl = transl_modtype_decl env pmtd in
+            let info =
+              let mty = match mtd.mtd_type with
+                | Some tmty -> tmty.mty_type
+                | None ->
+                    (* parsetree invariant, see Ast_invariants *)
+                    assert false
+              in
+              let subst =
+                Subst.Unsafe.add_modtype mtd.mtd_id mty Subst.identity in
+              `Substituted_away subst
+            in
+            Signature_names.check_modtype ~info names pmtd.pmtd_loc mtd.mtd_id;
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            mksig (Tsig_modtypesubst mtd) env loc :: trem,
+            rem,
+            final_env
+        | Psig_open sod ->
+            let (od, newenv) = type_open_descr env sod in
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            mksig (Tsig_open od) env loc :: trem,
+            rem, final_env
+        | Psig_include sincl ->
+            let smty = sincl.pincl_mod in
+            let tmty =
+              Builtin_attributes.warning_scope sincl.pincl_attributes
+                (fun () -> transl_modtype env smty)
+            in
+            let mty = tmty.mty_type in
+            let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+            let sg, newenv = Env.enter_signature ~scope
+                       (extract_sig env smty.pmty_loc mty) env in
+            Signature_group.iter
+              (Signature_names.check_sig_item names item.psig_loc)
+              sg;
+            let incl =
+              { incl_mod = tmty;
+                incl_type = sg;
+                incl_attributes = sincl.pincl_attributes;
+                incl_loc = sincl.pincl_loc;
+              }
+            in
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem  in
+            mksig (Tsig_include incl) env loc :: trem,
+            sg @ rem,
+            final_env
+        | Psig_class cl ->
+            let (classes, newenv) = Typeclass.class_descriptions env cl in
+            List.iter (fun cls ->
+              let open Typeclass in
+              let loc = cls.cls_id_loc.Location.loc in
+              Signature_names.check_type names loc cls.cls_obj_id;
+              Signature_names.check_class names loc cls.cls_id;
+              Signature_names.check_class_type names loc cls.cls_ty_id;
+            ) classes;
+            let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            let sg =
+              map_rec (fun rs cls ->
+                let open Typeclass in
+                [Sig_class(cls.cls_id, cls.cls_decl, rs, Exported);
+                 Sig_class_type(cls.cls_ty_id, cls.cls_ty_decl, rs, Exported);
+                 Sig_type(cls.cls_obj_id, cls.cls_obj_abbr, rs, Exported)
+                ]
+              ) classes [rem]
+              |> List.flatten
+            in
+            let typedtree =
+              mksig (Tsig_class
+                       (List.map (fun decr ->
+                          decr.Typeclass.cls_info) classes)) env loc
+              :: trem
+            in
+            typedtree, sg, final_env
+        | Psig_class_type cl ->
+            let (classes, newenv) = Typeclass.class_type_declarations env cl in
+            List.iter (fun decl ->
+              let open Typeclass in
+              let loc = decl.clsty_id_loc.Location.loc in
+              Signature_names.check_class_type names loc decl.clsty_ty_id;
+              Signature_names.check_type names loc decl.clsty_obj_id;
+            ) classes;
+            let (trem,rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
+            let sg =
+              map_rec (fun rs decl ->
+                let open Typeclass in
+                [Sig_class_type(decl.clsty_ty_id, decl.clsty_ty_decl, rs,
+                                Exported);
+                 Sig_type(decl.clsty_obj_id, decl.clsty_obj_abbr, rs, Exported);
+                ]
+              ) classes [rem]
+              |> List.flatten
+            in
+            let typedtree =
+              mksig
+                (Tsig_class_type
+                   (List.map (fun decl -> decl.Typeclass.clsty_info) classes))
+                env loc
+              :: trem
+            in
+            typedtree, sg, final_env
+        | Psig_attribute x ->
+            Builtin_attributes.warning_attribute x;
+            let (trem,rem, final_env) = transl_sig env srem in
+            mksig (Tsig_attribute x) env loc :: trem, rem, final_env
+        | Psig_extension (ext, _attrs) ->
+            raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+  in
+  let previous_saved_types = Cmt_format.get_saved_types () in
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope []
+    (fun () ->
+       let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig (Env.in_signature true env) sg in
+       let rem = Signature_names.simplify final_env names rem in
+       let sg =
+         { sig_items = trem; sig_type = rem; sig_final_env = final_env }
+       in
+       Cmt_format.set_saved_types
+         ((Cmt_format.Partial_signature sg) :: previous_saved_types);
+       sg
+    )
+and transl_modtype_decl env pmtd =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope pmtd.pmtd_attributes
+    (fun () -> transl_modtype_decl_aux env pmtd)
+and transl_modtype_decl_aux env
+    {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} =
+  let tmty =
+    Option.map (transl_modtype (Env.in_signature true env)) pmtd_type
+  in
+  let decl =
+    {
+     Types.mtd_type=Option.map (fun t -> t.mty_type) tmty;
+     mtd_attributes=pmtd_attributes;
+     mtd_loc=pmtd_loc;
+     mtd_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+    }
+  in
+  let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+  let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_modtype ~scope pmtd_name.txt decl env in
+  let mtd =
+    {
+     mtd_id=id;
+     mtd_name=pmtd_name;
+     mtd_uid=decl.mtd_uid;
+     mtd_type=tmty;
+     mtd_attributes=pmtd_attributes;
+     mtd_loc=pmtd_loc;
+    }
+  in
+  newenv, mtd, decl
+and transl_recmodule_modtypes env sdecls =
+  let make_env curr =
+    List.fold_left (fun env (id_shape, _, md, _) ->
+      Option.fold ~none:env ~some:(fun (id, shape) ->
+        Env.add_module_declaration ~check:true ~shape ~arg:true
+          id Mp_present md env
+      ) id_shape
+    ) env curr
+  in
+  let transition env_c curr =
+    List.map2
+      (fun pmd (id_shape, id_loc, md, _) ->
+        let tmty =
+          Builtin_attributes.warning_scope pmd.pmd_attributes
+            (fun () -> transl_modtype env_c pmd.pmd_type)
+        in
+        let md = { md with Types.md_type = tmty.mty_type } in
+        (id_shape, id_loc, md, tmty))
+      sdecls curr in
+  let map_mtys curr =
+    List.filter_map
+      (fun (id_shape, _, md, _) ->
+         Option.map (fun (id, _) -> (id, md)) id_shape)
+      curr
+  in
+  let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+  let ids =
+    List.map (fun x -> Option.map (Ident.create_scoped ~scope) x.pmd_name.txt)
+      sdecls
+  in
+  let approx_env =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun env ->
+         Option.fold ~none:env ~some:(fun id -> (* cf #5965 *)
+           Env.enter_unbound_module (Ident.name id)
+             Mod_unbound_illegal_recursion env
+         ))
+      env ids
+  in
+  let init =
+    List.map2
+      (fun id pmd ->
+         let md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
+         let md =
+           { md_type = approx_modtype approx_env pmd.pmd_type;
+             md_loc = pmd.pmd_loc;
+             md_attributes = pmd.pmd_attributes;
+             md_uid }
+         in
+         let id_shape =
+           Option.map (fun id -> id, Shape.var md_uid id) id
+         in
+         (id_shape, pmd.pmd_name, md, ()))
+      ids sdecls
+  in
+  let env0 = make_env init in
+  let dcl1 =
+    Warnings.without_warnings
+      (fun () -> transition env0 init)
+  in
+  let env1 = make_env dcl1 in
+  check_recmod_typedecls env1 (map_mtys dcl1);
+  let dcl2 = transition env1 dcl1 in
+  List.iter
+    (fun (id, mty) ->
+      Format.printf "%a: %a@." Printtyp.ident id Printtyp.modtype mty)
+    dcl2;
+  let env2 = make_env dcl2 in
+  check_recmod_typedecls env2 (map_mtys dcl2);
+  let dcl2 =
+    List.map2 (fun pmd (id_shape, id_loc, md, mty) ->
+      let tmd =
+        {md_id=Option.map fst id_shape; md_name=id_loc; md_type=mty;
+         md_uid=md.Types.md_uid; md_presence=Mp_present;
+         md_loc=pmd.pmd_loc;
+         md_attributes=pmd.pmd_attributes}
+      in
+      tmd, md.Types.md_uid, Option.map snd id_shape
+    ) sdecls dcl2
+  in
+  (dcl2, env2)
+(* Try to convert a module expression to a module path. *)
+exception Not_a_path
+let rec path_of_module mexp =
+  match mexp.mod_desc with
+  | Tmod_ident (p,_) -> p
+  | Tmod_apply(funct, arg, _coercion) when !Clflags.applicative_functors ->
+      Papply(path_of_module funct, path_of_module arg)
+  | Tmod_constraint (mexp, _, _, _) ->
+      path_of_module mexp
+  | (Tmod_structure _ | Tmod_functor _ | Tmod_apply_unit _ | Tmod_unpack _ |
+    Tmod_apply _) ->
+    raise Not_a_path
+let path_of_module mexp =
+ try Some (path_of_module mexp) with Not_a_path -> None
+(* Check that all core type schemes in a structure
+   do not contain non-generalized type variable *)
+let rec nongen_modtype env = function
+    Mty_ident _ -> None
+  | Mty_alias _ -> None
+  | Mty_signature sg ->
+      let env = Env.add_signature sg env in
+      List.find_map (nongen_signature_item env) sg
+  | Mty_functor(arg_opt, body) ->
+      let env =
+        match arg_opt with
+        | Unit
+        | Named (None, _) -> env
+        | Named (Some id, param) ->
+            Env.add_module ~arg:true id Mp_present param env
+      in
+      nongen_modtype env body
+and nongen_signature_item env = function
+  | Sig_value(_id, desc, _) ->
+      Ctype.nongen_vars_in_schema env desc.val_type
+      |> Option.map (fun vars -> (vars, desc))
+  | Sig_module(_id, _, md, _, _) -> nongen_modtype env md.md_type
+  | _ -> None
+let check_nongen_modtype env loc mty =
+  nongen_modtype env mty
+  |> Option.iter (fun (vars, item) ->
+      let vars = Btype.TypeSet.elements vars in
+      let error =
+        Non_generalizable_module { vars; item; mty }
+      in
+      raise(Error(loc, env, error))
+    )
+let check_nongen_signature_item env sig_item =
+  match sig_item with
+    Sig_value(_id, vd, _) ->
+      Ctype.nongen_vars_in_schema env vd.val_type
+      |> Option.iter (fun vars ->
+          let vars = Btype.TypeSet.elements vars in
+          let error =
+            Non_generalizable { vars; expression = vd.val_type }
+          in
+          raise (Error (vd.val_loc, env, error))
+        )
+  | Sig_module (_id, _, md, _, _) ->
+      check_nongen_modtype env md.md_loc md.md_type
+  | _ -> ()
+let check_nongen_signature env sg =
+  List.iter (check_nongen_signature_item env) sg
+(* Helpers for typing recursive modules *)
+let anchor_submodule name anchor =
+  match anchor, name with
+  | None, _
+  | _, None ->
+      None
+  | Some p, Some name ->
+      Some(Pdot(p, name))
+let anchor_recmodule = Option.map (fun id -> Pident id)
+let enrich_type_decls anchor decls oldenv newenv =
+  match anchor with
+    None -> newenv
+  | Some p ->
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun e info ->
+          let id = info.typ_id in
+          let info' =
+            Mtype.enrich_typedecl oldenv (Pdot(p, Ident.name id))
+              id info.typ_type
+          in
+            Env.add_type ~check:true id info' e)
+        oldenv decls
+let enrich_module_type anchor name mty env =
+  match anchor, name with
+  | None, _
+  | _, None ->
+      mty
+  | Some p, Some name ->
+      Mtype.enrich_modtype env (Pdot(p, name)) mty
+let check_recmodule_inclusion env bindings =
+  (* PR#4450, PR#4470: consider
+        module rec X : DECL = MOD  where MOD has inferred type ACTUAL
+     The "natural" typing condition
+        E, X: ACTUAL |- ACTUAL <: DECL
+     leads to circularities through manifest types.
+     Instead, we "unroll away" the potential circularities a finite number
+     of times.  The (weaker) condition we implement is:
+        E, X: DECL,
+           X1: ACTUAL,
+           X2: ACTUAL{X <- X1}/X1
+           ...
+           Xn: ACTUAL{X <- X(n-1)}/X(n-1)
+        |- ACTUAL{X <- Xn}/Xn <: DECL{X <- Xn}
+     so that manifest types rooted at X(n+1) are expanded in terms of X(n),
+     avoiding circularities.  The strengthenings ensure that
+     Xn.t = X(n-1).t = ... = X2.t = X1.t.
+     N can be chosen arbitrarily; larger values of N result in more
+     recursive definitions being accepted.  A good choice appears to be
+     the number of mutually recursive declarations. *)
+  let subst_and_strengthen env scope s id mty =
+    let mty = Subst.modtype (Rescope scope) s mty in
+    match id with
+    | None -> mty
+    | Some id ->
+        Mtype.strengthen ~aliasable:false env mty
+          (Subst.module_path s (Pident id))
+  in
+  let rec check_incl first_time n env s =
+    let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+    if n > 0 then begin
+      (* Generate fresh names Y_i for the rec. bound module idents X_i *)
+      let bindings1 =
+        List.map
+          (fun (id, _name, _mty_decl, _modl,
+                mty_actual, _attrs, _loc, shape, _uid) ->
+             let ids =
+               Option.map
+                 (fun id -> (id, Ident.create_scoped ~scope (Ident.name id))) id
+             in
+             (ids, mty_actual, shape))
+          bindings in
+      (* Enter the Y_i in the environment with their actual types substituted
+         by the input substitution s *)
+      let env' =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun env (ids, mty_actual, shape) ->
+             match ids with
+             | None -> env
+             | Some (id, id') ->
+               let mty_actual' =
+                 if first_time
+                 then mty_actual
+                 else subst_and_strengthen env scope s (Some id) mty_actual
+               in
+               Env.add_module ~arg:false ~shape id' Mp_present mty_actual' env)
+          env bindings1 in
+      (* Build the output substitution Y_i <- X_i *)
+      let s' =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun s (ids, _mty_actual, _shape) ->
+             match ids with
+             | None -> s
+             | Some (id, id') -> Subst.add_module id (Pident id') s)
+          Subst.identity bindings1 in
+      (* Recurse with env' and s' *)
+      check_incl false (n-1) env' s'
+    end else begin
+      (* Base case: check inclusion of s(mty_actual) in s(mty_decl)
+         and insert coercion if needed *)
+      let check_inclusion
+            (id, name, mty_decl, modl, mty_actual, attrs, loc, shape, uid) =
+        let mty_decl' = Subst.modtype (Rescope scope) s mty_decl.mty_type
+        and mty_actual' = subst_and_strengthen env scope s id mty_actual in
+        let coercion, shape =
+          try
+            Includemod.modtypes_with_shape ~shape
+              ~loc:modl.mod_loc ~mark:true
+              env mty_actual' mty_decl'
+          with Includemod.Error msg ->
+            raise(Error(modl.mod_loc, env, Not_included msg)) in
+        let modl' =
+            { mod_desc = Tmod_constraint(modl, mty_decl.mty_type,
+                Tmodtype_explicit mty_decl, coercion);
+              mod_type = mty_decl.mty_type;
+              mod_env = env;
+              mod_loc = modl.mod_loc;
+              mod_attributes = [];
+             } in
+        let mb =
+          {
+            mb_id = id;
+            mb_name = name;
+            mb_uid = uid;
+            mb_presence = Mp_present;
+            mb_expr = modl';
+            mb_attributes = attrs;
+            mb_loc = loc;
+          }
+        in
+        mb, shape, uid
+      in
+      List.map check_inclusion bindings
+    end
+  in check_incl true (List.length bindings) env Subst.identity
+(* Helper for unpack *)
+let rec package_constraints_sig env loc sg constrs =
+  List.map
+    (function
+      | Sig_type (id, ({type_params=[]} as td), rs, priv)
+        when List.mem_assoc [Ident.name id] constrs ->
+          let ty = List.assoc [Ident.name id] constrs in
+          let td = {td with type_manifest = Some ty} in
+          let type_immediate = Typedecl_immediacy.compute_decl env td in
+          Sig_type (id, {td with type_immediate}, rs, priv)
+      | Sig_module (id, pres, md, rs, priv) ->
+          let rec aux = function
+            | (m :: ((_ :: _) as l), t) :: rest when m = Ident.name id ->
+                (l, t) :: aux rest
+            | _ :: rest -> aux rest
+            | [] -> []
+          in
+          let md =
+            {md with
+             md_type = package_constraints env loc md.md_type (aux constrs)
+            }
+          in
+          Sig_module (id, pres, md, rs, priv)
+      | item -> item
+    )
+    sg
+and package_constraints env loc mty constrs =
+  if constrs = [] then mty
+  else begin
+    match Mtype.scrape env mty with
+    | Mty_signature sg ->
+        Mty_signature (package_constraints_sig env loc sg constrs)
+    | Mty_functor _ | Mty_alias _ -> assert false
+    | Mty_ident p -> raise(Error(loc, env, Cannot_scrape_package_type p))
+  end
+let modtype_of_package env loc p fl =
+  (* We call Ctype.duplicate_type to ensure that the types being added to the
+     module type are at generic_level. *)
+  let mty =
+    package_constraints env loc (Mty_ident p)
+      (List.map (fun (n, t) -> Longident.flatten n, Ctype.duplicate_type t) fl)
+  in
+  Subst.modtype Keep Subst.identity mty
+let package_subtype env p1 fl1 p2 fl2 =
+  let mkmty p fl =
+    let fl =
+      List.filter (fun (_n,t) -> Ctype.closed_type_expr t) fl in
+    modtype_of_package env Location.none p fl
+  in
+  match mkmty p1 fl1, mkmty p2 fl2 with
+  | exception Error(_, _, Cannot_scrape_package_type r) ->
+      Result.Error (Errortrace.Package_cannot_scrape r)
+  | mty1, mty2 ->
+    let loc = Location.none in
+    match Includemod.modtypes ~loc ~mark:true env mty1 mty2 with
+    | Tcoerce_none -> Ok ()
+    | c ->
+        let msg =
+          Includemod_errorprinter.coercion_in_package_subtype env mty1 c
+        in
+        Result.Error (Errortrace.Package_coercion msg)
+    | exception Includemod.Error e ->
+        let msg = doc_printf "%a" Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs e in
+        Result.Error (Errortrace.Package_inclusion msg)
+let () = Ctype.package_subtype := package_subtype
+let wrap_constraint_package env mark arg mty explicit =
+  let mty1 = Subst.modtype Keep Subst.identity arg.mod_type in
+  let mty2 = Subst.modtype Keep Subst.identity mty in
+  let coercion =
+    try
+      Includemod.modtypes ~loc:arg.mod_loc env ~mark mty1 mty2
+    with Includemod.Error msg ->
+      raise(Error(arg.mod_loc, env, Not_included msg)) in
+  { mod_desc = Tmod_constraint(arg, mty, explicit, coercion);
+    mod_type = mty;
+    mod_env = env;
+    mod_attributes = [];
+    mod_loc = arg.mod_loc }
+let wrap_constraint_with_shape env mark arg mty
+  shape explicit =
+  let coercion, shape =
+    try
+      Includemod.modtypes_with_shape ~shape ~loc:arg.mod_loc env ~mark
+        arg.mod_type mty
+    with Includemod.Error msg ->
+      raise(Error(arg.mod_loc, env, Not_included msg)) in
+  { mod_desc = Tmod_constraint(arg, mty, explicit, coercion);
+    mod_type = mty;
+    mod_env = env;
+    mod_attributes = [];
+    mod_loc = arg.mod_loc }, shape
+(* Type a module value expression *)
+(* These describe the X in [F(X)] (which might be missing, for [F ()]) *)
+type argument_summary = {
+  is_syntactic_unit: bool;
+  arg: Typedtree.module_expr;
+  path: Path.t option;
+  shape: Shape.t
+type application_summary = {
+  loc: Location.t;
+  attributes: attributes;
+  f_loc: Location.t; (* loc for F *)
+  arg: argument_summary option (* None for () *)
+let simplify_app_summary app_view = match app_view.arg with
+  | None ->
+    Includemod.Error.Unit, Mty_signature []
+  | Some arg ->
+    let mty = arg.arg.mod_type in
+    match arg.is_syntactic_unit , arg.path with
+    | true , _      -> Includemod.Error.Empty_struct, mty
+    | false, Some p -> Includemod.Error.Named p, mty
+    | false, None   -> Includemod.Error.Anonymous, mty
+let not_principal msg = Warnings.Not_principal (Format_doc.Doc.msg msg)
+let rec type_module ?(alias=false) sttn funct_body anchor env smod =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope smod.pmod_attributes
+    (fun () -> type_module_aux ~alias sttn funct_body anchor env smod)
+and type_module_aux ~alias sttn funct_body anchor env smod =
+  match smod.pmod_desc with
+    Pmod_ident lid ->
+      let path =
+        Env.lookup_module_path ~load:(not alias) ~loc:smod.pmod_loc lid.txt env
+      in
+      let md = { mod_desc = Tmod_ident (path, lid);
+                 mod_type = Mty_alias path;
+                 mod_env = env;
+                 mod_attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+                 mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc } in
+      let aliasable = not (Env.is_functor_arg path env) in
+      let shape =
+        Env.shape_of_path ~namespace:Shape.Sig_component_kind.Module env path
+      in
+      let shape = if alias && aliasable then Shape.alias shape else shape in
+      let md =
+        if alias && aliasable then
+          (Env.add_required_global (Path.head path); md)
+        else begin
+          let mty =
+            if sttn then
+              Env.find_strengthened_module ~aliasable path env
+            else
+              (Env.find_module path env).md_type
+          in
+          match mty with
+          | Mty_alias p1 when not alias ->
+              let p1 = Env.normalize_module_path (Some smod.pmod_loc) env p1 in
+              let mty = Includemod.expand_module_alias
+                  ~strengthen:sttn env p1 in
+              { md with
+                mod_desc =
+                  Tmod_constraint (md, mty, Tmodtype_implicit,
+                                   Tcoerce_alias (env, path, Tcoerce_none));
+                mod_type = mty }
+          | mty ->
+              { md with mod_type = mty }
+        end
+      in
+      md, shape
+  | Pmod_structure sstr ->
+      let (str, sg, names, shape, _finalenv) =
+        type_structure funct_body anchor env sstr in
+      let md =
+        { mod_desc = Tmod_structure str;
+          mod_type = Mty_signature sg;
+          mod_env = env;
+          mod_attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+          mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc }
+      in
+      let sg' = Signature_names.simplify _finalenv names sg in
+      if List.length sg' = List.length sg then md, shape else
+      wrap_constraint_with_shape env false md
+        (Mty_signature sg') shape Tmodtype_implicit
+  | Pmod_functor(arg_opt, sbody) ->
+      let t_arg, ty_arg, newenv, funct_shape_param, funct_body =
+        match arg_opt with
+        | Unit ->
+          Unit, Types.Unit, env, Shape.for_unnamed_functor_param, false
+        | Named (param, smty) ->
+          let mty = transl_modtype_functor_arg env smty in
+          let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+          let (id, newenv, var) =
+            match param.txt with
+            | None -> None, env, Shape.for_unnamed_functor_param
+            | Some name ->
+              let md_uid =  Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
+              let arg_md =
+                { md_type = mty.mty_type;
+                  md_attributes = [];
+                  md_loc = param.loc;
+                  md_uid;
+                }
+              in
+              let id = Ident.create_scoped ~scope name in
+              let shape = Shape.var md_uid id in
+              let newenv = Env.add_module_declaration
+                ~shape ~arg:true ~check:true id Mp_present arg_md env
+              in
+              Some id, newenv, id
+          in
+          Named (id, param, mty), Types.Named (id, mty.mty_type), newenv,
+          var, true
+      in
+      let body, body_shape = type_module true funct_body None newenv sbody in
+      { mod_desc = Tmod_functor(t_arg, body);
+        mod_type = Mty_functor(ty_arg, body.mod_type);
+        mod_env = env;
+        mod_attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+        mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc },
+      Shape.abs funct_shape_param body_shape
+  | Pmod_apply _ | Pmod_apply_unit _ ->
+      type_application smod.pmod_loc sttn funct_body env smod
+  | Pmod_constraint(sarg, smty) ->
+      let arg, arg_shape = type_module ~alias true funct_body anchor env sarg in
+      let mty = transl_modtype env smty in
+      let md, final_shape =
+        wrap_constraint_with_shape env true arg mty.mty_type arg_shape
+          (Tmodtype_explicit mty)
+      in
+      { md with
+        mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc;
+        mod_attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+      },
+      final_shape
+  | Pmod_unpack sexp ->
+      let exp =
+        Ctype.with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal
+          (fun () -> Typecore.type_exp env sexp)
+      in
+      let mty =
+        match get_desc (Ctype.expand_head env exp.exp_type) with
+          Tpackage (p, fl) ->
+            if List.exists (fun (_n, t) -> not (Ctype.closed_type_expr t)) fl
+            then
+              raise (Error (smod.pmod_loc, env,
+                            Incomplete_packed_module exp.exp_type));
+            if !Clflags.principal &&
+              not (Typecore.generalizable (Btype.generic_level-1) exp.exp_type)
+            then
+              Location.prerr_warning smod.pmod_loc
+                (not_principal "this module unpacking");
+            modtype_of_package env smod.pmod_loc p fl
+        | Tvar _ ->
+            raise (Typecore.Error
+                     (smod.pmod_loc, env, Typecore.Cannot_infer_signature))
+        | _ ->
+            raise (Error(smod.pmod_loc, env, Not_a_packed_module exp.exp_type))
+      in
+      if funct_body && Mtype.contains_type env mty then
+        raise (Error (smod.pmod_loc, env, Not_allowed_in_functor_body));
+      { mod_desc = Tmod_unpack(exp, mty);
+        mod_type = mty;
+        mod_env = env;
+        mod_attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+        mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc },
+      Shape.leaf_for_unpack
+  | Pmod_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+and type_application loc strengthen funct_body env smod =
+  let rec extract_application funct_body env sargs smod =
+    match smod.pmod_desc with
+    | Pmod_apply (f, sarg) ->
+        let arg, shape = type_module true funct_body None env sarg in
+        let summary = {
+          loc = smod.pmod_loc;
+          attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+          f_loc = f.pmod_loc;
+          arg = Some {
+            is_syntactic_unit = sarg.pmod_desc = Pmod_structure [];
+            arg;
+            path = path_of_module arg;
+            shape;
+          }
+        } in
+        extract_application funct_body env (summary::sargs) f
+    | Pmod_apply_unit f ->
+        let summary = {
+          loc = smod.pmod_loc;
+          attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+          f_loc = f.pmod_loc;
+          arg = None
+        } in
+        extract_application funct_body env (summary::sargs) f
+    | _ -> smod, sargs
+  in
+  let sfunct, args = extract_application funct_body env [] smod in
+  let funct, funct_shape =
+    let has_path { arg } = match arg with
+      | None | Some { path = None } -> false
+      | Some { path = Some _ } -> true
+    in
+    let strengthen = strengthen && List.for_all has_path args in
+    type_module strengthen funct_body None env sfunct
+  in
+  List.fold_left
+    (type_one_application ~ctx:(loc, sfunct, funct, args) funct_body env)
+    (funct, funct_shape) args
+and type_one_application ~ctx:(apply_loc,sfunct,md_f,args)
+    funct_body env (funct, funct_shape) app_view =
+  match Env.scrape_alias env funct.mod_type with
+  | Mty_functor (Unit, mty_res) ->
+      begin match app_view.arg with
+        | None -> ()
+        | Some arg ->
+          if arg.is_syntactic_unit then
+            (* this call to warning_scope allows e.g.
+               [ F (struct end [@warning "-73"]) ]
+               not to warn; useful when generating code that must
+               work over multiple versions of OCaml *)
+            Builtin_attributes.warning_scope arg.arg.mod_attributes @@ fun () ->
+            Location.prerr_warning arg.arg.mod_loc
+              Warnings.Generative_application_expects_unit
+          else
+            raise (Error (app_view.f_loc, env, Apply_generative));
+      end;
+      if funct_body && Mtype.contains_type env funct.mod_type then
+        raise (Error (apply_loc, env, Not_allowed_in_functor_body));
+      { mod_desc = Tmod_apply_unit funct;
+        mod_type = mty_res;
+        mod_env = env;
+        mod_attributes = app_view.attributes;
+        mod_loc = funct.mod_loc },
+      Shape.app funct_shape ~arg:Shape.dummy_mod
+  | Mty_functor (Named (param, mty_param), mty_res) as mty_functor ->
+      let apply_error () =
+        let args = List.map simplify_app_summary args in
+        let mty_f = md_f.mod_type in
+        let app_name = match sfunct.pmod_desc with
+          | Pmod_ident l -> Includemod.Named_leftmost_functor l.txt
+          | _ -> Includemod.Anonymous_functor
+        in
+        raise(Includemod.Apply_error {loc=apply_loc;env;app_name;mty_f;args})
+      in
+      begin match app_view with
+      | { arg = None; _ } -> apply_error ()
+      | { loc = app_loc; attributes = app_attributes;
+          arg = Some { shape = arg_shape; path = arg_path; arg } } ->
+      let coercion =
+        try Includemod.modtypes ~loc:arg.mod_loc ~mark:true env
+              arg.mod_type mty_param
+        with Includemod.Error _ -> apply_error ()
+      in
+      let mty_appl =
+        match arg_path with
+        | Some path ->
+            let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+            let subst =
+              match param with
+              | None -> Subst.identity
+              | Some p -> Subst.add_module p path Subst.identity
+            in
+            Subst.modtype (Rescope scope) subst mty_res
+        | None ->
+            let env, nondep_mty =
+              match param with
+              | None -> env, mty_res
+              | Some param ->
+                  let env =
+                    Env.add_module ~arg:true param Mp_present arg.mod_type env
+                  in
+                  check_well_formed_module env app_loc
+                    "the signature of this functor application" mty_res;
+                  try env, Mtype.nondep_supertype env [param] mty_res
+                  with Ctype.Nondep_cannot_erase _ ->
+                    let error = Cannot_eliminate_dependency mty_functor in
+                    raise (Error(app_loc, env, error))
+            in
+            begin match
+              Includemod.modtypes ~loc:app_loc ~mark:false env
+                mty_res nondep_mty
+            with
+            | Tcoerce_none -> ()
+            | _ ->
+                fatal_error
+                  "unexpected coercion from original module type to \
+                   nondep_supertype one"
+            | exception Includemod.Error _ ->
+                fatal_error
+                  "nondep_supertype not included in original module type"
+            end;
+            nondep_mty
+      in
+      check_well_formed_module env apply_loc
+        "the signature of this functor application" mty_appl;
+      { mod_desc = Tmod_apply(funct, arg, coercion);
+        mod_type = mty_appl;
+        mod_env = env;
+        mod_attributes = app_attributes;
+        mod_loc = app_loc },
+      Shape.app ~arg:arg_shape funct_shape
+    end
+  | Mty_alias path ->
+      raise(Error(app_view.f_loc, env, Cannot_scrape_alias path))
+  | Mty_ident _ | Mty_signature _  ->
+      let args = List.map simplify_app_summary args in
+      let mty_f = md_f.mod_type in
+      let app_name = match sfunct.pmod_desc with
+        | Pmod_ident l -> Includemod.Named_leftmost_functor l.txt
+        | _ -> Includemod.Anonymous_functor
+      in
+      raise(Includemod.Apply_error {loc=apply_loc;env;app_name;mty_f;args})
+and type_open_decl ?used_slot ?toplevel funct_body names env sod =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope sod.popen_attributes
+    (fun () ->
+       type_open_decl_aux ?used_slot ?toplevel funct_body names env sod
+    )
+and type_open_decl_aux ?used_slot ?toplevel funct_body names env od =
+  let loc = od.popen_loc in
+  match od.popen_expr.pmod_desc with
+  | Pmod_ident lid ->
+    let path, newenv =
+      type_open_ ?used_slot ?toplevel od.popen_override env loc lid
+    in
+    let md = { mod_desc = Tmod_ident (path, lid);
+               mod_type = Mty_alias path;
+               mod_env = env;
+               mod_attributes = od.popen_expr.pmod_attributes;
+               mod_loc = od.popen_expr.pmod_loc }
+    in
+    let open_descr = {
+      open_expr = md;
+      open_bound_items = [];
+      open_override = od.popen_override;
+      open_env = newenv;
+      open_loc = loc;
+      open_attributes = od.popen_attributes
+    } in
+    open_descr, [], newenv
+  | _ ->
+    let md, mod_shape = type_module true funct_body None env od.popen_expr in
+    let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+    let sg, newenv =
+      Env.enter_signature ~scope ~mod_shape
+        (extract_sig_open env md.mod_loc md.mod_type) env
+    in
+    let info, visibility =
+      match toplevel with
+      | Some false | None -> Some `From_open, Hidden
+      | Some true -> None, Exported
+    in
+    Signature_group.iter (Signature_names.check_sig_item ?info names loc) sg;
+    let sg =
+      List.map (function
+        | Sig_value(id, vd, _) -> Sig_value(id, vd, visibility)
+        | Sig_type(id, td, rs, _) -> Sig_type(id, td, rs, visibility)
+        | Sig_typext(id, ec, et, _) -> Sig_typext(id, ec, et, visibility)
+        | Sig_module(id, mp, md, rs, _) ->
+            Sig_module(id, mp, md, rs, visibility)
+        | Sig_modtype(id, mtd, _) -> Sig_modtype(id, mtd, visibility)
+        | Sig_class(id, cd, rs, _) -> Sig_class(id, cd, rs, visibility)
+        | Sig_class_type(id, ctd, rs, _) ->
+            Sig_class_type(id, ctd, rs, visibility)
+      ) sg
+    in
+    let open_descr = {
+      open_expr = md;
+      open_bound_items = sg;
+      open_override = od.popen_override;
+      open_env = newenv;
+      open_loc = loc;
+      open_attributes = od.popen_attributes
+    } in
+    open_descr, sg, newenv
+and type_structure ?(toplevel = false) funct_body anchor env sstr =
+  let names = Signature_names.create () in
+  let type_str_item env shape_map {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
+    match desc with
+    | Pstr_eval (sexpr, attrs) ->
+        let expr =
+          Builtin_attributes.warning_scope attrs
+            (fun () -> Typecore.type_expression env sexpr)
+        in
+        Tstr_eval (expr, attrs), [], shape_map, env
+    | Pstr_value(rec_flag, sdefs) ->
+        let (defs, newenv) =
+          Typecore.type_binding env rec_flag sdefs in
+        let defs = match rec_flag with
+          | Recursive -> Typecore.annotate_recursive_bindings env defs
+          | Nonrecursive -> defs
+        in
+        (* Note: Env.find_value does not trigger the value_used event. Values
+           will be marked as being used during the signature inclusion test. *)
+        let items, shape_map =
+          List.fold_left
+            (fun (acc, shape_map) (id, { Asttypes.loc; _ }, _typ, _uid)->
+              Signature_names.check_value names loc id;
+              let vd =  Env.find_value (Pident id) newenv in
+              Sig_value(id, vd, Exported) :: acc,
+              Shape.Map.add_value shape_map id vd.val_uid
+            )
+            ([], shape_map)
+            (let_bound_idents_full defs)
+        in
+        Tstr_value(rec_flag, defs),
+        List.rev items,
+        shape_map,
+        newenv
+    | Pstr_primitive sdesc ->
+        let (desc, newenv) = Typedecl.transl_value_decl env loc sdesc in
+        Signature_names.check_value names desc.val_loc desc.val_id;
+        Tstr_primitive desc,
+        [Sig_value(desc.val_id, desc.val_val, Exported)],
+        Shape.Map.add_value shape_map desc.val_id desc.val_val.val_uid,
+        newenv
+    | Pstr_type (rec_flag, sdecls) ->
+        let (decls, newenv, shapes) =
+          Typedecl.transl_type_decl env rec_flag sdecls
+        in
+        List.iter
+          Signature_names.(fun td -> check_type names td.typ_loc td.typ_id)
+          decls;
+        let items = map_rec_type_with_row_types ~rec_flag
+          (fun rs info -> Sig_type(info.typ_id, info.typ_type, rs, Exported))
+          decls []
+        in
+        let shape_map = List.fold_left2
+          (fun map { typ_id; _} shape ->
+            Shape.Map.add_type map typ_id shape)
+          shape_map
+          decls
+          shapes
+        in
+        Tstr_type (rec_flag, decls),
+        items,
+        shape_map,
+        enrich_type_decls anchor decls env newenv
+    | Pstr_typext styext ->
+        let (tyext, newenv, shapes) =
+          Typedecl.transl_type_extension true env loc styext
+        in
+        let constructors = tyext.tyext_constructors in
+        let shape_map = List.fold_left2 (fun shape_map ext shape ->
+            Signature_names.check_typext names ext.ext_loc ext.ext_id;
+            Shape.Map.add_extcons shape_map ext.ext_id shape
+          ) shape_map constructors shapes
+        in
+        (Tstr_typext tyext,
+         map_ext
+           (fun es ext -> Sig_typext(ext.ext_id, ext.ext_type, es, Exported))
+           constructors [],
+        shape_map,
+         newenv)
+    | Pstr_exception sext ->
+        let (ext, newenv, shape) = Typedecl.transl_type_exception env sext in
+        let constructor = ext.tyexn_constructor in
+        Signature_names.check_typext names constructor.ext_loc
+          constructor.ext_id;
+        Tstr_exception ext,
+        [Sig_typext(constructor.ext_id,
+                    constructor.ext_type,
+                    Text_exception,
+                    Exported)],
+        Shape.Map.add_extcons shape_map
+          constructor.ext_id
+          shape,
+        newenv
+    | Pstr_module {pmb_name = name; pmb_expr = smodl; pmb_attributes = attrs;
+                   pmb_loc;
+                  } ->
+        let outer_scope = Ctype.get_current_level () in
+        let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+        let modl, md_shape =
+          Builtin_attributes.warning_scope attrs
+            (fun () ->
+               type_module ~alias:true true funct_body
+                 (anchor_submodule name.txt anchor) env smodl
+            )
+        in
+        let pres =
+          match modl.mod_type with
+          | Mty_alias _ -> Mp_absent
+          | _ -> Mp_present
+        in
+        let md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ()) in
+        let md =
+          { md_type = enrich_module_type anchor name.txt modl.mod_type env;
+            md_attributes = attrs;
+            md_loc = pmb_loc;
+            md_uid;
+          }
+        in
+        let md_shape = Shape.set_uid_if_none md_shape md_uid in
+        (*prerr_endline (Ident.unique_toplevel_name id);*)
+        Mtype.lower_nongen outer_scope md.md_type;
+        let id, newenv, sg =
+          match name.txt with
+          | None -> None, env, []
+          | Some name ->
+            let id, e = Env.enter_module_declaration
+              ~scope ~shape:md_shape name pres md env
+            in
+            Signature_names.check_module names pmb_loc id;
+            Some id, e,
+            [Sig_module(id, pres,
+                        {md_type = modl.mod_type;
+                         md_attributes = attrs;
+                         md_loc = pmb_loc;
+                         md_uid;
+                        }, Trec_not, Exported)]
+        in
+        let shape_map = match id with
+          | Some id -> Shape.Map.add_module shape_map id md_shape
+          | None -> shape_map
+        in
+        Tstr_module {mb_id=id; mb_name=name; mb_uid = md.md_uid;
+                     mb_expr=modl; mb_presence=pres; mb_attributes=attrs;
+                     mb_loc=pmb_loc; },
+        sg,
+        shape_map,
+        newenv
+    | Pstr_recmodule sbind ->
+        let sbind =
+          List.map
+            (function
+              | {pmb_name = name;
+                 pmb_expr = {pmod_desc=Pmod_constraint(expr, typ)};
+                 pmb_attributes = attrs;
+                 pmb_loc = loc;
+                } ->
+                  name, typ, expr, attrs, loc
+              | mb ->
+                  raise (Error (mb.pmb_expr.pmod_loc, env,
+                                Recursive_module_require_explicit_type))
+            )
+            sbind
+        in
+        let (decls, newenv) =
+          transl_recmodule_modtypes env
+            (List.map (fun (name, smty, _smodl, attrs, loc) ->
+                 {pmd_name=name; pmd_type=smty;
+                  pmd_attributes=attrs; pmd_loc=loc}) sbind
+            ) in
+        List.iter
+          (fun (md, _, _) ->
+             Option.iter Signature_names.(check_module names md.md_loc) md.md_id
+          ) decls;
+        let bindings1 =
+          List.map2
+            (fun ({md_id=id; md_type=mty}, uid, _prev_shape)
+                 (name, _, smodl, attrs, loc) ->
+               let modl, shape =
+                 Builtin_attributes.warning_scope attrs
+                   (fun () ->
+                      type_module true funct_body (anchor_recmodule id)
+                        newenv smodl
+                   )
+               in
+               let mty' =
+                 enrich_module_type anchor name.txt modl.mod_type newenv
+               in
+               Includemod.modtypes_consistency ~loc:modl.mod_loc newenv
+                mty' mty.mty_type;
+               (id, name, mty, modl, mty', attrs, loc, shape, uid))
+            decls sbind in
+        let newenv = (* allow aliasing recursive modules from outside *)
+          List.fold_left
+            (fun env (id_opt, _, mty, _, _, attrs, loc, shape, uid) ->
+               match id_opt with
+               | None -> env
+               | Some id ->
+                   let mdecl =
+                     {
+                       md_type = mty.mty_type;
+                       md_attributes = attrs;
+                       md_loc = loc;
+                       md_uid = uid;
+                     }
+                   in
+                   Env.add_module_declaration ~check:true ~shape
+                     id Mp_present mdecl env
+            )
+            env bindings1
+        in
+        let bindings2 =
+          check_recmodule_inclusion newenv bindings1 in
+        let mbs =
+          List.filter_map (fun (mb, shape, uid) ->
+            Option.map (fun id -> id, mb, uid, shape)  mb.mb_id
+          ) bindings2
+        in
+        let shape_map =
+          List.fold_left (fun map (id, _mb, _uid, shape) ->
+            Shape.Map.add_module map id shape
+          ) shape_map mbs
+        in
+        Tstr_recmodule (List.map (fun (mb, _, _) -> mb) bindings2),
+        map_rec (fun rs (id, mb, uid, _shape) ->
+            Sig_module(id, Mp_present, {
+                md_type=mb.mb_expr.mod_type;
+                md_attributes=mb.mb_attributes;
+                md_loc=mb.mb_loc;
+                md_uid = uid;
+              }, rs, Exported))
+           mbs [],
+        shape_map,
+        newenv
+    | Pstr_modtype pmtd ->
+        (* check that it is non-abstract *)
+        let newenv, mtd, decl = transl_modtype_decl env pmtd in
+        Signature_names.check_modtype names pmtd.pmtd_loc mtd.mtd_id;
+        let id = mtd.mtd_id in
+        let map = Shape.Map.add_module_type shape_map id decl.mtd_uid in
+        Tstr_modtype mtd, [Sig_modtype (id, decl, Exported)], map, newenv
+    | Pstr_open sod ->
+        let (od, sg, newenv) =
+          type_open_decl ~toplevel funct_body names env sod
+        in
+        Tstr_open od, sg, shape_map, newenv
+    | Pstr_class cl ->
+        let (classes, new_env) = Typeclass.class_declarations env cl in
+        let shape_map = List.fold_left (fun acc cls ->
+            let open Typeclass in
+            let loc = cls.cls_id_loc.Location.loc in
+            Signature_names.check_class names loc cls.cls_id;
+            Signature_names.check_class_type names loc cls.cls_ty_id;
+            Signature_names.check_type names loc cls.cls_obj_id;
+            let uid = cls.cls_decl.cty_uid in
+            let map f id v acc = f acc id v in
+            map Shape.Map.add_class cls.cls_id uid acc
+            |> map Shape.Map.add_class_type cls.cls_ty_id uid
+            |> map Shape.Map.add_type cls.cls_obj_id (Shape.leaf uid)
+          ) shape_map classes
+        in
+        Tstr_class
+          (List.map (fun cls ->
+               (cls.Typeclass.cls_info,
+                cls.Typeclass.cls_pub_methods)) classes),
+        List.flatten
+          (map_rec
+            (fun rs cls ->
+              let open Typeclass in
+              [Sig_class(cls.cls_id, cls.cls_decl, rs, Exported);
+               Sig_class_type(cls.cls_ty_id, cls.cls_ty_decl, rs, Exported);
+               Sig_type(cls.cls_obj_id, cls.cls_obj_abbr, rs, Exported)
+              ])
+             classes []),
+        shape_map,
+        new_env
+    | Pstr_class_type cl ->
+        let (classes, new_env) = Typeclass.class_type_declarations env cl in
+        let shape_map = List.fold_left (fun acc decl ->
+            let open Typeclass in
+            let loc = decl.clsty_id_loc.Location.loc in
+            Signature_names.check_class_type names loc decl.clsty_ty_id;
+            Signature_names.check_type names loc decl.clsty_obj_id;
+            let uid = decl.clsty_ty_decl.clty_uid in
+            let map f id v acc = f acc id v in
+            map Shape.Map.add_class_type decl.clsty_ty_id uid acc
+            |> map Shape.Map.add_type decl.clsty_obj_id (Shape.leaf uid)
+          ) shape_map classes
+        in
+        Tstr_class_type
+          (List.map (fun cl ->
+               (cl.Typeclass.clsty_ty_id,
+                cl.Typeclass.clsty_id_loc,
+                cl.Typeclass.clsty_info)) classes),
+        List.flatten
+          (map_rec
+             (fun rs decl ->
+                let open Typeclass in
+                [Sig_class_type(decl.clsty_ty_id, decl.clsty_ty_decl, rs,
+                                Exported);
+                 Sig_type(decl.clsty_obj_id, decl.clsty_obj_abbr, rs, Exported);
+                ])
+             classes []),
+        shape_map,
+        new_env
+    | Pstr_include sincl ->
+        let smodl = sincl.pincl_mod in
+        let modl, modl_shape =
+          Builtin_attributes.warning_scope sincl.pincl_attributes
+            (fun () -> type_module true funct_body None env smodl)
+        in
+        let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+        (* Rename all identifiers bound by this signature to avoid clashes *)
+        let sg, shape, new_env =
+          Env.enter_signature_and_shape ~scope ~parent_shape:shape_map
+            modl_shape (extract_sig_open env smodl.pmod_loc modl.mod_type) env
+        in
+        Signature_group.iter (Signature_names.check_sig_item names loc) sg;
+        let incl =
+          { incl_mod = modl;
+            incl_type = sg;
+            incl_attributes = sincl.pincl_attributes;
+            incl_loc = sincl.pincl_loc;
+          }
+        in
+        Tstr_include incl, sg, shape, new_env
+    | Pstr_extension (ext, _attrs) ->
+        raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+    | Pstr_attribute x ->
+        Builtin_attributes.warning_attribute x;
+        Tstr_attribute x, [], shape_map, env
+  in
+  let rec type_struct env shape_map sstr =
+    match sstr with
+    | [] -> ([], [], shape_map, env)
+    | pstr :: srem ->
+        let previous_saved_types = Cmt_format.get_saved_types () in
+        let desc, sg, shape_map, new_env = type_str_item env shape_map pstr in
+        let str = { str_desc = desc; str_loc = pstr.pstr_loc; str_env = env } in
+        Cmt_format.set_saved_types (Cmt_format.Partial_structure_item str
+                                    :: previous_saved_types);
+        let (str_rem, sig_rem, shape_map, final_env) =
+          type_struct new_env shape_map srem
+        in
+        (str :: str_rem, sg @ sig_rem, shape_map, final_env)
+  in
+  let previous_saved_types = Cmt_format.get_saved_types () in
+  let run () =
+    let (items, sg, shape_map, final_env) =
+      type_struct env Shape.Map.empty sstr
+    in
+    let str = { str_items = items; str_type = sg; str_final_env = final_env } in
+    Cmt_format.set_saved_types
+      (Cmt_format.Partial_structure str :: previous_saved_types);
+    str, sg, names, Shape.str shape_map, final_env
+  in
+  if toplevel then run ()
+  else Builtin_attributes.warning_scope [] run
+let type_toplevel_phrase env s =
+  Env.reset_required_globals ();
+  type_structure ~toplevel:true false None env s
+let type_module_alias = type_module ~alias:true true false None
+let type_module = type_module true false None
+let type_structure = type_structure false None
+(* Normalize types in a signature *)
+let rec normalize_modtype = function
+    Mty_ident _
+  | Mty_alias _ -> ()
+  | Mty_signature sg -> normalize_signature sg
+  | Mty_functor(_param, body) -> normalize_modtype body
+and normalize_signature sg = List.iter normalize_signature_item sg
+and normalize_signature_item = function
+    Sig_value(_id, desc, _) -> Ctype.normalize_type desc.val_type
+  | Sig_module(_id, _, md, _, _) -> normalize_modtype md.md_type
+  | _ -> ()
+(* Extract the module type of a module expression *)
+let type_module_type_of env smod =
+  let remove_aliases = has_remove_aliases_attribute smod.pmod_attributes in
+  let tmty =
+    match smod.pmod_desc with
+    | Pmod_ident lid -> (* turn off strengthening in this case *)
+        let path, md = Env.lookup_module ~loc:smod.pmod_loc lid.txt env in
+          { mod_desc = Tmod_ident (path, lid);
+            mod_type = md.md_type;
+            mod_env = env;
+            mod_attributes = smod.pmod_attributes;
+            mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc }
+    | _ ->
+        let me, _shape = type_module env smod in
+        me
+  in
+  let mty = Mtype.scrape_for_type_of ~remove_aliases env tmty.mod_type in
+  (* PR#5036: must not contain non-generalized type variables *)
+  check_nongen_modtype env smod.pmod_loc mty;
+  tmty, mty
+(* For Typecore *)
+(* Graft a longident onto a path *)
+let rec extend_path path =
+  fun lid ->
+    match lid with
+    | Lident name -> Pdot(path, name)
+    | Ldot(m, name) -> Pdot(extend_path path m, name)
+    | Lapply _ -> assert false
+(* Lookup a type's longident within a signature *)
+let lookup_type_in_sig sg =
+  let types, modules =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun acc item ->
+         match item with
+         | Sig_type(id, _, _, _) ->
+             let types, modules = acc in
+             let types = String.Map.add (Ident.name id) id types in
+             types, modules
+         | Sig_module(id, _, _, _, _) ->
+             let types, modules = acc in
+             let modules = String.Map.add (Ident.name id) id modules in
+             types, modules
+         | _ -> acc)
+      (String.Map.empty, String.Map.empty) sg
+  in
+  let rec module_path = function
+    | Lident name -> Pident (String.Map.find name modules)
+    | Ldot(m, name) -> Pdot(module_path m, name)
+    | Lapply _ -> assert false
+  in
+  fun lid ->
+    match lid with
+    | Lident name -> Pident (String.Map.find name types)
+    | Ldot(m, name) -> Pdot(module_path m, name)
+    | Lapply _ -> assert false
+let type_package env m p fl =
+  (* Same as Pexp_letmodule *)
+  let modl, scope =
+    Typetexp.TyVarEnv.with_local_scope begin fun () ->
+      (* type the module and create a scope in a raised level *)
+      Ctype.with_local_level begin fun () ->
+        let modl, _mod_shape = type_module env m in
+        let scope = Ctype.create_scope () in
+        modl, scope
+      end
+    end
+  in
+  let fl', env =
+    match fl with
+    | [] -> [], env
+    | fl ->
+      let type_path, env =
+        match modl.mod_desc with
+        | Tmod_ident (mp,_)
+        | Tmod_constraint
+            ({mod_desc=Tmod_ident (mp,_)}, _, Tmodtype_implicit, _) ->
+          (* We special case these because interactions between
+             strengthening of module types and packages can cause
+             spurious escape errors. See examples from PR#6982 in the
+             testsuite. This can be removed when such issues are
+             fixed. *)
+          extend_path mp, env
+        | _ ->
+          let sg = extract_sig_open env modl.mod_loc modl.mod_type in
+          let sg, env = Env.enter_signature ~scope sg env in
+          lookup_type_in_sig sg, env
+      in
+      let fl' =
+        List.fold_right
+          (fun (lid, _t) fl ->
+             match type_path lid with
+             | exception Not_found -> fl
+             | path -> begin
+                 match Env.find_type path env with
+                 | exception Not_found -> fl
+                 | decl ->
+                     if decl.type_arity > 0 then begin
+                       fl
+                     end else begin
+                       let t = Btype.newgenty (Tconstr (path,[],ref Mnil)) in
+                       (lid, t) :: fl
+                     end
+               end)
+          fl []
+      in
+      fl', env
+  in
+  let mty =
+    if fl = [] then (Mty_ident p)
+    else modtype_of_package env modl.mod_loc p fl'
+  in
+  List.iter
+    (fun (n, ty) ->
+      try Ctype.unify env ty (Ctype.newvar ())
+      with Ctype.Unify _ ->
+        raise (Error(modl.mod_loc, env, Scoping_pack (n,ty))))
+    fl';
+  let modl = wrap_constraint_package env true modl mty Tmodtype_implicit in
+  modl, fl'
+(* Fill in the forward declarations *)
+let type_open_decl ?used_slot env od =
+  type_open_decl ?used_slot ?toplevel:None false (Signature_names.create ()) env
+    od
+let type_open_descr ?used_slot env od =
+  type_open_descr ?used_slot ?toplevel:None env od
+let () =
+  Typecore.type_module := type_module_alias;
+  Typetexp.transl_modtype_longident := transl_modtype_longident;
+  Typetexp.transl_modtype := transl_modtype;
+  Typecore.type_open := type_open_ ?toplevel:None;
+  Typetexp.type_open := type_open_ ?toplevel:None;
+  Typecore.type_open_decl := type_open_decl;
+  Typecore.type_package := type_package;
+  Typeclass.type_open_descr := type_open_descr;
+  type_module_type_of_fwd := type_module_type_of
+(* Typecheck an implementation file *)
+let gen_annot target annots =
+  let annot = Unit_info.annot target in
+  Cmt2annot.gen_annot (Some (Unit_info.Artifact.filename annot))
+    ~sourcefile:(Unit_info.Artifact.source_file annot)
+    ~use_summaries:false
+    annots
+let type_implementation target initial_env ast =
+  let sourcefile = Unit_info.source_file target in
+  let save_cmt target annots initial_env cmi shape =
+    Cmt_format.save_cmt (Unit_info.cmt target)
+      annots initial_env cmi shape;
+    gen_annot target annots;
+  in
+  Cmt_format.clear ();
+  Misc.try_finally (fun () ->
+      Typecore.reset_delayed_checks ();
+      Env.reset_required_globals ();
+      if !Clflags.print_types then (* #7656 *)
+        ignore @@ Warnings.parse_options false "-32-34-37-38-60";
+      let (str, sg, names, shape, finalenv) =
+        type_structure initial_env ast in
+      let shape =
+        let id = Ident.create_persistent @@ Unit_info.modname target in
+        Shape.set_uid_if_none shape (Uid.of_compilation_unit_id id)
+      in
+      let simple_sg = Signature_names.simplify finalenv names sg in
+      if !Clflags.print_types then begin
+        Typecore.force_delayed_checks ();
+        let shape = Shape_reduce.local_reduce Env.empty shape in
+        Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:false initial_env
+          Format.(fun () -> fprintf std_formatter "%a@."
+              (Printtyp.printed_signature @@ Unit_info.source_file target)
+              simple_sg
+          );
+        gen_annot target (Cmt_format.Implementation str);
+        { structure = str;
+          coercion = Tcoerce_none;
+          shape;
+          signature = simple_sg
+        } (* result is ignored by Compile.implementation *)
+      end else begin
+        let source_intf = Unit_info.mli_from_source target in
+        if !Clflags.cmi_file <> None
+        || Sys.file_exists source_intf then begin
+          let compiled_intf_file =
+            match !Clflags.cmi_file with
+            | Some cmi_file -> Unit_info.Artifact.from_filename cmi_file
+            | None ->
+                try Unit_info.find_normalized_cmi target with Not_found ->
+                  raise(Error(Location.in_file sourcefile, Env.empty,
+                              Interface_not_compiled source_intf))
+          in
+          let dclsig = Env.read_signature compiled_intf_file in
+          let coercion, shape =
+            Includemod.compunit initial_env ~mark:true
+              sourcefile sg source_intf
+              dclsig shape
+          in
+          Typecore.force_delayed_checks ();
+          (* It is important to run these checks after the inclusion test above,
+             so that value declarations which are not used internally but
+             exported are not reported as being unused. *)
+          let shape = Shape_reduce.local_reduce Env.empty shape in
+          let annots = Cmt_format.Implementation str in
+          save_cmt target annots initial_env None (Some shape);
+          { structure = str;
+            coercion;
+            shape;
+            signature = dclsig
+          }
+        end else begin
+          Location.prerr_warning
+            (Location.in_file (Unit_info.source_file target))
+            Warnings.Missing_mli;
+          let coercion, shape =
+            Includemod.compunit initial_env ~mark:true
+              sourcefile sg "(inferred signature)" simple_sg shape
+          in
+          check_nongen_signature finalenv simple_sg;
+          normalize_signature simple_sg;
+          Typecore.force_delayed_checks ();
+          (* See comment above. Here the target signature contains all
+             the values being exported. We can still capture unused
+             declarations like "let x = true;; let x = 1;;", because in this
+             case, the inferred signature contains only the last declaration. *)
+          let shape = Shape_reduce.local_reduce Env.empty shape in
+          let alerts = Builtin_attributes.alerts_of_str ~mark:true ast in
+          if not !Clflags.dont_write_files then begin
+            let cmi =
+              Env.save_signature ~alerts simple_sg (Unit_info.cmi target)
+            in
+            let annots = Cmt_format.Implementation str in
+            save_cmt target annots initial_env (Some cmi) (Some shape)
+          end;
+          { structure = str;
+            coercion;
+            shape;
+            signature = simple_sg
+          }
+        end
+      end
+    )
+    ~exceptionally:(fun () ->
+        let annots =
+          Cmt_format.Partial_implementation
+            (Array.of_list (Cmt_format.get_saved_types ()))
+        in
+        save_cmt target annots initial_env None None
+      )
+let save_signature target tsg initial_env cmi =
+  Cmt_format.save_cmt (Unit_info.cmti target)
+    (Cmt_format.Interface tsg) initial_env (Some cmi) None
+let type_interface env ast =
+  transl_signature env ast
+(* "Packaging" of several compilation units into one unit
+   having them as sub-modules.  *)
+let package_signatures units =
+  let units_with_ids =
+    List.map
+      (fun (name, sg) ->
+        let oldid = Ident.create_persistent name in
+        let newid = Ident.create_local name in
+        (oldid, newid, sg))
+      units
+  in
+  let subst =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun acc (oldid, newid, _) ->
+        Subst.add_module oldid (Pident newid) acc)
+      Subst.identity units_with_ids
+  in
+  List.map
+    (fun (_, newid, sg) ->
+      (* This signature won't be used for anything, it'll just be saved in a cmi
+         and cmt. *)
+      let sg = Subst.signature Make_local subst sg in
+      let md =
+        { md_type=Mty_signature sg;
+          md_attributes=[];
+          md_loc=Location.none;
+          md_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_current_unit ());
+        }
+      in
+      Sig_module(newid, Mp_present, md, Trec_not, Exported))
+    units_with_ids
+let package_units initial_env objfiles target_cmi =
+  (* Read the signatures of the units *)
+  let units =
+    List.map
+      (fun f ->
+         let artifact = Unit_info.Artifact.from_filename f in
+         let sg = Env.read_signature (Unit_info.companion_cmi artifact) in
+         if Unit_info.is_cmi artifact &&
+            not(Mtype.no_code_needed_sig Env.initial sg)
+         then raise(Error(Location.none, Env.empty,
+                          Implementation_is_required f));
+         Unit_info.Artifact.modname artifact, sg)
+      objfiles in
+  (* Compute signature of packaged unit *)
+  Ident.reinit();
+  let sg = package_signatures units in
+  (* Compute the shape of the package *)
+  let prefix = Unit_info.Artifact.prefix target_cmi in
+  let pack_uid = Uid.of_compilation_unit_id (Ident.create_persistent prefix) in
+  let shape =
+    List.fold_left (fun map (name, _sg) ->
+      let id = Ident.create_persistent name in
+      Shape.Map.add_module map id (Shape.for_persistent_unit name)
+    ) Shape.Map.empty units
+    |> Shape.str ~uid:pack_uid
+  in
+  (* See if explicit interface is provided *)
+  let mli = Unit_info.mli_from_artifact target_cmi in
+  if Sys.file_exists mli then begin
+    if not (Sys.file_exists @@ Unit_info.Artifact.filename target_cmi) then
+    begin
+      raise(Error(Location.in_file mli, Env.empty,
+                  Interface_not_compiled mli))
+    end;
+    let dclsig = Env.read_signature target_cmi in
+    let cc, _shape =
+      Includemod.compunit initial_env ~mark:true
+        "(obtained by packing)" sg mli dclsig shape
+    in
+    Cmt_format.save_cmt (Unit_info.companion_cmt target_cmi)
+      (Cmt_format.Packed (sg, objfiles)) initial_env  None (Some shape);
+    cc
+  end else begin
+    (* Determine imports *)
+    let unit_names = List.map fst units in
+    let imports =
+      List.filter
+        (fun (name, _crc) -> not (List.mem name unit_names))
+        (Env.imports()) in
+    (* Write packaged signature *)
+    if not !Clflags.dont_write_files then begin
+      let cmi =
+        Env.save_signature_with_imports ~alerts:Misc.Stdlib.String.Map.empty
+          sg target_cmi imports
+      in
+      Cmt_format.save_cmt (Unit_info.companion_cmt target_cmi)
+        (Cmt_format.Packed (cmi.Cmi_format.cmi_sign, objfiles)) initial_env
+        (Some cmi) (Some shape);
+    end;
+    Tcoerce_none
+  end
+(* Error report *)
+open Printtyp.Doc
+let report_error ~loc _env = function
+    Cannot_apply mty ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[This module is not a functor; it has type@ %a@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code modtype) mty
+  | Not_included errs ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote:Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg
+        "@[<v>Signature mismatch:@ %a@]"
+        Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs errs
+  | Cannot_eliminate_dependency mty ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[This functor has type@ %a@ \
+           The parameter cannot be eliminated in the result type.@ \
+         Please bind the argument to a module identifier.@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code modtype) mty
+  | Signature_expected ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "This module type is not a signature"
+  | Structure_expected mty ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[This module is not a structure; it has type@ %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code modtype) mty
+  | With_no_component lid ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[The signature constrained by %a has no component named %a@]"
+        Style.inline_code "with"
+        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+  | With_mismatch(lid, explanation) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote:Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg
+        "@[<v>\
+           @[In this %a constraint, the new definition of %a@ \
+             does not match its original definition@ \
+             in the constrained signature:@]@ \
+         %a@]"
+        Style.inline_code "with"
+        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+        Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs explanation
+  | With_makes_applicative_functor_ill_typed(lid, path, explanation) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~footnote:Out_type.Ident_conflicts.err_msg
+        "@[<v>\
+           @[This %a constraint on %a makes the applicative functor @ \
+             type %a ill-typed in the constrained signature:@]@ \
+         %a@]"
+        Style.inline_code "with"
+        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+        Style.inline_code (Path.name path)
+        Includemod_errorprinter.err_msgs explanation
+  | With_changes_module_alias(lid, id, path) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[<v>\
+           @[This %a constraint on %a changes %a, which is aliased @ \
+             in the constrained signature (as %a)@].@]"
+        Style.inline_code "with"
+        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+        Style.inline_code (Path.name path)
+        Style.inline_code (Ident.name id)
+  | With_cannot_remove_constrained_type ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[<v>Destructive substitutions are not supported for constrained @ \
+              types (other than when replacing a type constructor with @ \
+              a type constructor with the same arguments).@]"
+  | With_cannot_remove_packed_modtype (p,mty) ->
+      let[@manual.ref "ss:module-type-substitution"] manual_ref =
+        [ 12; 7; 3 ]
+      in
+      let pp_constraint ppf (p,mty) =
+        fprintf ppf "%s := %a" (Path.name p) modtype mty
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This %a constraint@ %a@ makes a packed module ill-formed.@ %a"
+        Style.inline_code "with"
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_constraint) (p,mty)
+        Misc.print_see_manual manual_ref
+  | With_package_manifest (lid, ty) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "In the constrained signature, type %a is defined to be %a.@ \
+         Package %a constraints may only be used on abstract types."
+        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+        (Style.as_inline_code type_expr) ty
+        Style.inline_code "with"
+  | Repeated_name(kind, name) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Multiple definition of the %s name %a.@ \
+         Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.@]"
+        (Sig_component_kind.to_string kind) Style.inline_code name
+  | Non_generalizable { vars; expression } ->
+      let[@manual.ref "ss:valuerestriction"] manual_ref = [ 6; 1; 2 ] in
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing vars;
+      Out_type.add_type_to_preparation expression;
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[The type of this expression,@ %a,@ \
+         contains the non-generalizable type variable(s): %a.@ %a@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme) expression
+        (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun f () -> fprintf f ",@ ")
+           (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme)) vars
+        Misc.print_see_manual manual_ref
+  | Non_generalizable_module { vars; mty; item } ->
+      let[@manual.ref "ss:valuerestriction"] manual_ref = [ 6; 1; 2 ] in
+      Out_type.prepare_for_printing vars;
+      Out_type.add_type_to_preparation item.val_type;
+      let sub =
+        [ Location.msg ~loc:item.val_loc
+            "The type of this value,@ %a,@ \
+             contains the non-generalizable type variable(s) %a."
+            (Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme)
+            item.val_type
+            (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun f () -> fprintf f ",@ ")
+               @@ Style.as_inline_code Out_type.prepared_type_scheme) vars
+        ]
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~sub
+        "@[The type of this module,@ %a,@ \
+         contains non-generalizable type variable(s).@ %a@]"
+        modtype mty
+        Misc.print_see_manual manual_ref
+  | Implementation_is_required intf_name ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[The interface %a@ declares values, not just types.@ \
+           An implementation must be provided.@]"
+        Location.Doc.quoted_filename intf_name
+  | Interface_not_compiled intf_name ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[Could not find the .cmi file for interface@ %a.@]"
+        Location.Doc.quoted_filename intf_name
+  | Not_allowed_in_functor_body ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "@[This expression creates fresh types.@ %s@]"
+        "It is not allowed inside applicative functors."
+  | Not_a_packed_module ty ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This expression is not a packed module. It has type@ %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code type_expr) ty
+  | Incomplete_packed_module ty ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "The type of this packed module contains variables:@ %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code type_expr) ty
+  | Scoping_pack (lid, ty) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "The type %a in this module cannot be exported.@ \
+         Its type contains local dependencies:@ %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid
+        (Style.as_inline_code type_expr) ty
+  | Recursive_module_require_explicit_type ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Recursive modules require an explicit module type."
+  | Apply_generative ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This is a generative functor. It can only be applied to %a"
+        Style.inline_code "()"
+  | Cannot_scrape_alias p ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "This is an alias for module %a, which is missing"
+        (Style.as_inline_code path) p
+  | Cannot_alias p ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "Functor arguments, such as %a, cannot be aliased"
+        (Style.as_inline_code path) p
+  | Cannot_scrape_package_type p ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "The type of this packed module refers to %a, which is missing"
+        (Style.as_inline_code path) p
+  | Badly_formed_signature (context, err) ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "@[In %s:@ %a@]"
+        context
+        Typedecl.report_error_doc err
+  | Cannot_hide_id Illegal_shadowing
+      { shadowed_item_kind; shadowed_item_id; shadowed_item_loc;
+        shadower_id; user_id; user_kind; user_loc } ->
+      let shadowed =
+        Printtyp.namespaced_ident shadowed_item_kind shadowed_item_id
+      in
+      let shadower =
+        Printtyp.namespaced_ident shadowed_item_kind shadower_id
+      in
+      let shadowed_item_kind= Sig_component_kind.to_string shadowed_item_kind in
+      let shadowed_msg =
+        Location.msg ~loc:shadowed_item_loc
+          "@[%s %a came from this include.@]"
+          (String.capitalize_ascii shadowed_item_kind)
+          Style.inline_code shadowed
+      in
+      let user_msg =
+        Location.msg ~loc:user_loc
+        "@[The %s %a has no valid type@ if %a is shadowed.@]"
+        (Sig_component_kind.to_string user_kind)
+         Style.inline_code (Ident.name user_id)
+         Style.inline_code shadowed
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~sub:[shadowed_msg; user_msg]
+        "Illegal shadowing of included %s %a@ by %a."
+        shadowed_item_kind
+        Style.inline_code shadowed
+        Style.inline_code shadower
+  | Cannot_hide_id Appears_in_signature
+      { opened_item_kind; opened_item_id; user_id; user_kind; user_loc } ->
+      let opened_item_kind= Sig_component_kind.to_string opened_item_kind in
+      let opened_id = Ident.name opened_item_id in
+      let user_msg =
+        Location.msg ~loc:user_loc
+          "@[The %s %a has no valid type@ if %a is hidden.@]"
+          (Sig_component_kind.to_string user_kind)
+          Style.inline_code (Ident.name user_id)
+          Style.inline_code opened_id
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc ~sub:[user_msg]
+        "The %s %a introduced by this open appears in the signature."
+        opened_item_kind
+        Style.inline_code opened_id
+  | Invalid_type_subst_rhs ->
+      Location.errorf ~loc "Only type synonyms are allowed on the right of %a"
+        Style.inline_code  ":="
+  | Non_packable_local_modtype_subst p ->
+      let[@manual.ref "ss:module-type-substitution"] manual_ref =
+        [ 12; 7; 3 ]
+      in
+      Location.errorf ~loc
+        "The module type@ %a@ is not a valid type for a packed module:@ \
+         it is defined as a local substitution (temporary name)@ \
+         for an anonymous module type.@ %a"
+        Style.inline_code (Path.name p)
+        Misc.print_see_manual manual_ref
+let report_error env ~loc err =
+  Printtyp.wrap_printing_env ~error:true env
+    (fun () -> report_error env ~loc err)
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error (loc, env, err) ->
+        Some (report_error ~loc env err)
+      | Error_forward err ->
+        Some err
+      | _ ->
+        None
+    )
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typemod.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typemod.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8833a8e9d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typemod.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Type-checking of the module language and typed ast hooks
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+open Types
+module Signature_names : sig
+  type t
+  val simplify: Env.t -> t -> signature -> signature
+val type_module:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Typedtree.module_expr * Shape.t
+val type_structure:
+  Env.t -> Parsetree.structure ->
+  Typedtree.structure * Types.signature * Signature_names.t * Shape.t *
+  Env.t
+val type_toplevel_phrase:
+  Env.t -> Parsetree.structure ->
+  Typedtree.structure * Types.signature * Signature_names.t * Shape.t *
+  Env.t
+val type_implementation:
+  Unit_info.t -> Env.t -> Parsetree.structure ->
+  Typedtree.implementation
+val type_interface:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.signature -> Typedtree.signature
+val check_nongen_signature:
+        Env.t -> Types.signature -> unit
+        (*
+val type_open_:
+        ?used_slot:bool ref -> ?toplevel:bool ->
+        Asttypes.override_flag ->
+        Env.t -> Location.t -> Longident.t Asttypes.loc -> Path.t * Env.t
+        *)
+val modtype_of_package:
+        Env.t -> Location.t ->
+        Path.t -> (Longident.t * type_expr) list -> module_type
+val path_of_module : Typedtree.module_expr -> Path.t option
+val save_signature:
+  Unit_info.t -> Typedtree.signature -> Env.t ->
+  Cmi_format.cmi_infos -> unit
+val package_units:
+  Env.t -> string list -> Unit_info.Artifact.t -> Typedtree.module_coercion
+(* Should be in Envaux, but it breaks the build of the debugger *)
+val initial_env:
+  loc:Location.t ->
+  initially_opened_module:string option ->
+  open_implicit_modules:string list -> Env.t
+module Sig_component_kind : sig
+  type t =
+    | Value
+    | Type
+    | Constructor
+    | Label
+    | Module
+    | Module_type
+    | Extension_constructor
+    | Class
+    | Class_type
+  val to_string : t -> string
+type hiding_error =
+  | Illegal_shadowing of {
+      shadowed_item_id: Ident.t;
+      shadowed_item_kind: Sig_component_kind.t;
+      shadowed_item_loc: Location.t;
+      shadower_id: Ident.t;
+      user_id: Ident.t;
+      user_kind: Sig_component_kind.t;
+      user_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+  | Appears_in_signature of {
+      opened_item_id: Ident.t;
+      opened_item_kind: Sig_component_kind.t;
+      user_id: Ident.t;
+      user_kind: Sig_component_kind.t;
+      user_loc: Location.t;
+    }
+type error =
+    Cannot_apply of module_type
+  | Not_included of Includemod.explanation
+  | Cannot_eliminate_dependency of module_type
+  | Signature_expected
+  | Structure_expected of module_type
+  | With_no_component of Longident.t
+  | With_mismatch of Longident.t * Includemod.explanation
+  | With_makes_applicative_functor_ill_typed of
+      Longident.t * Path.t * Includemod.explanation
+  | With_changes_module_alias of Longident.t * Ident.t * Path.t
+  | With_cannot_remove_constrained_type
+  | With_package_manifest of Longident.t * type_expr
+  | Repeated_name of Sig_component_kind.t * string
+  | Non_generalizable of { vars : type_expr list; expression : type_expr }
+  | Non_generalizable_module of
+      { vars : type_expr list; item : value_description; mty : module_type }
+  | Implementation_is_required of string
+  | Interface_not_compiled of string
+  | Not_allowed_in_functor_body
+  | Not_a_packed_module of type_expr
+  | Incomplete_packed_module of type_expr
+  | Scoping_pack of Longident.t * type_expr
+  | Recursive_module_require_explicit_type
+  | Apply_generative
+  | Cannot_scrape_alias of Path.t
+  | Cannot_scrape_package_type of Path.t
+  | Badly_formed_signature of string * Typedecl.error
+  | Cannot_hide_id of hiding_error
+  | Invalid_type_subst_rhs
+  | Non_packable_local_modtype_subst of Path.t
+  | With_cannot_remove_packed_modtype of Path.t * module_type
+  | Cannot_alias of Path.t
+exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+exception Error_forward of Location.error
+val report_error: Env.t -> loc:Location.t -> error -> Location.error
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeopt.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeopt.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b8fd3e95d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeopt.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1998 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Auxiliaries for type-based optimizations, e.g. array kinds *)
+open Path
+open Types
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+open Lambda
+let scrape_ty env ty =
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tconstr _ ->
+      let ty = Ctype.expand_head_opt env ty in
+      begin match get_desc ty with
+      | Tconstr (p, _, _) ->
+          begin match Env.find_type p env with
+          | {type_kind = ( Type_variant (_, Variant_unboxed)
+          | Type_record (_, Record_unboxed _) ); _} -> begin
+              match Typedecl_unboxed.get_unboxed_type_representation env ty with
+              | None -> ty
+              | Some ty2 -> ty2
+          end
+          | _ -> ty
+          | exception Not_found -> ty
+          end
+      | _ ->
+          ty
+      end
+  | _ -> ty
+let scrape env ty =
+  get_desc (scrape_ty env ty)
+let scrape_poly env ty =
+  let ty = scrape_ty env ty in
+  match get_desc ty with
+  | Tpoly (ty, _) -> get_desc ty
+  | d -> d
+let is_function_type env ty =
+  match scrape env ty with
+  | Tarrow (_, lhs, rhs, _) -> Some (lhs, rhs)
+  | _ -> None
+let is_base_type env ty base_ty_path =
+  match scrape env ty with
+  | Tconstr(p, _, _) -> Path.same p base_ty_path
+  | _ -> false
+let is_immediate = function
+  | Type_immediacy.Unknown -> false
+  | Type_immediacy.Always -> true
+  | Type_immediacy.Always_on_64bits ->
+      (* In bytecode, we don't know at compile time whether we are
+         targeting 32 or 64 bits. *)
+      !Clflags.native_code && Sys.word_size = 64
+let maybe_pointer_type env ty =
+  let ty = scrape_ty env ty in
+  if is_immediate (Ctype.immediacy env ty) then Immediate
+  else Pointer
+let maybe_pointer exp = maybe_pointer_type exp.exp_env exp.exp_type
+type classification =
+  | Int
+  | Float
+  | Lazy
+  | Addr  (* anything except a float or a lazy *)
+  | Any
+let classify env ty =
+  let ty = scrape_ty env ty in
+  if maybe_pointer_type env ty = Immediate then Int
+  else match get_desc ty with
+  | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ ->
+      Any
+  | Tconstr (p, _args, _abbrev) ->
+      if Path.same p Predef.path_float then Float
+      else if Path.same p Predef.path_lazy_t then Lazy
+      else if Path.same p Predef.path_string
+           || Path.same p Predef.path_bytes
+           || Path.same p Predef.path_array
+           || Path.same p Predef.path_nativeint
+           || Path.same p Predef.path_int32
+           || Path.same p Predef.path_int64 then Addr
+      else begin
+        try
+          match (Env.find_type p env).type_kind with
+          | Type_abstract _ ->
+              Any
+          | Type_record _ | Type_variant _ | Type_open ->
+              Addr
+        with Not_found ->
+          (* This can happen due to e.g. missing -I options,
+             causing some .cmi files to be unavailable.
+             Maybe we should emit a warning. *)
+          Any
+      end
+  | Tarrow _ | Ttuple _ | Tpackage _ | Tobject _ | Tnil | Tvariant _ ->
+      Addr
+  | Tlink _ | Tsubst _ | Tpoly _ | Tfield _ ->
+      assert false
+let array_type_kind env ty =
+  match scrape_poly env ty with
+  | Tconstr(p, [elt_ty], _) when Path.same p Predef.path_array ->
+      begin match classify env elt_ty with
+      | Any -> if Config.flat_float_array then Pgenarray else Paddrarray
+      | Float -> if Config.flat_float_array then Pfloatarray else Paddrarray
+      | Addr | Lazy -> Paddrarray
+      | Int -> Pintarray
+      end
+  | Tconstr(p, [], _) when Path.same p Predef.path_floatarray ->
+      Pfloatarray
+  | _ ->
+      (* This can happen with e.g. Obj.field *)
+      Pgenarray
+let array_kind exp = array_type_kind exp.exp_env exp.exp_type
+let array_pattern_kind pat = array_type_kind pat.pat_env pat.pat_type
+let bigarray_decode_type env ty tbl dfl =
+  match scrape env ty with
+  | Tconstr(Pdot(Pident mod_id, type_name), [], _)
+    when Ident.name mod_id = "Stdlib__Bigarray" ->
+      begin try List.assoc type_name tbl with Not_found -> dfl end
+  | _ ->
+      dfl
+let kind_table =
+  ["float16_elt", Pbigarray_float16;
+   "float32_elt", Pbigarray_float32;
+   "float64_elt", Pbigarray_float64;
+   "int8_signed_elt", Pbigarray_sint8;
+   "int8_unsigned_elt", Pbigarray_uint8;
+   "int16_signed_elt", Pbigarray_sint16;
+   "int16_unsigned_elt", Pbigarray_uint16;
+   "int32_elt", Pbigarray_int32;
+   "int64_elt", Pbigarray_int64;
+   "int_elt", Pbigarray_caml_int;
+   "nativeint_elt", Pbigarray_native_int;
+   "complex32_elt", Pbigarray_complex32;
+   "complex64_elt", Pbigarray_complex64]
+let layout_table =
+  ["c_layout", Pbigarray_c_layout;
+   "fortran_layout", Pbigarray_fortran_layout]
+let bigarray_type_kind_and_layout env typ =
+  match scrape env typ with
+  | Tconstr(_p, [_caml_type; elt_type; layout_type], _abbrev) ->
+      (bigarray_decode_type env elt_type kind_table Pbigarray_unknown,
+       bigarray_decode_type env layout_type layout_table
+                            Pbigarray_unknown_layout)
+  | _ ->
+      (Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)
+let value_kind env ty =
+  let ty = scrape_ty env ty in
+  if is_immediate (Ctype.immediacy env ty) then Pintval
+  else begin
+    match get_desc ty with
+    | Tconstr(p, _, _) when Path.same p Predef.path_float ->
+        Pfloatval
+    | Tconstr(p, _, _) when Path.same p Predef.path_int32 ->
+        Pboxedintval Pint32
+    | Tconstr(p, _, _) when Path.same p Predef.path_int64 ->
+        Pboxedintval Pint64
+    | Tconstr(p, _, _) when Path.same p Predef.path_nativeint ->
+        Pboxedintval Pnativeint
+    | _ ->
+        Pgenval
+  end
+(** Whether a forward block is needed for a lazy thunk on a value, i.e.
+    if the value can be represented as a float/forward/lazy *)
+let lazy_val_requires_forward env ty =
+  match classify env ty with
+  | Any | Lazy -> true
+  | Float -> Config.flat_float_array
+  | Addr | Int -> false
+(** The compilation of the expression [lazy e] depends on the form of e:
+    constants, floats and identifiers are optimized.  The optimization must be
+    taken into account when determining whether a recursive binding is safe. *)
+let classify_lazy_argument : Typedtree.expression ->
+                             [`Constant_or_function
+                             |`Float_that_cannot_be_shortcut
+                             |`Identifier of [`Forward_value|`Other]
+                             |`Other] =
+  fun e -> match e.exp_desc with
+    | Texp_constant
+        ( Const_int _ | Const_char _ | Const_string _
+        | Const_int32 _ | Const_int64 _ | Const_nativeint _ )
+    | Texp_function _
+    | Texp_construct (_, {cstr_arity = 0}, _) ->
+       `Constant_or_function
+    | Texp_constant(Const_float _) ->
+       if Config.flat_float_array
+       then `Float_that_cannot_be_shortcut
+       else `Constant_or_function
+    | Texp_ident _ when lazy_val_requires_forward e.exp_env e.exp_type ->
+       `Identifier `Forward_value
+    | Texp_ident _ ->
+       `Identifier `Other
+    | _ ->
+       `Other
+let value_kind_union k1 k2 =
+  if k1 = k2 then k1
+  else Pgenval
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeopt.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeopt.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1fcf41e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typeopt.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1998 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Auxiliaries for type-based optimizations, e.g. array kinds *)
+val is_function_type :
+      Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> (Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr) option
+val is_base_type : Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Path.t -> bool
+val maybe_pointer_type : Env.t -> Types.type_expr
+  -> Lambda.immediate_or_pointer
+val maybe_pointer : Typedtree.expression -> Lambda.immediate_or_pointer
+val array_type_kind : Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Lambda.array_kind
+val array_kind : Typedtree.expression -> Lambda.array_kind
+val array_pattern_kind : Typedtree.pattern -> Lambda.array_kind
+val bigarray_type_kind_and_layout :
+      Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Lambda.bigarray_kind * Lambda.bigarray_layout
+val value_kind : Env.t -> Types.type_expr -> Lambda.value_kind
+val classify_lazy_argument : Typedtree.expression ->
+                             [ `Constant_or_function
+                             | `Float_that_cannot_be_shortcut
+                             | `Identifier of [`Forward_value | `Other]
+                             | `Other]
+val value_kind_union :
+      Lambda.value_kind -> Lambda.value_kind -> Lambda.value_kind
+  (** [value_kind_union k1 k2] is a value_kind at least as general as
+      [k1] and [k2] *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/types.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/types.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c66c98eaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/types.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Representation of types and declarations *)
+open Asttypes
+(* Type expressions for the core language *)
+type transient_expr =
+  { mutable desc: type_desc;
+    mutable level: int;
+    mutable scope: scope_field;
+    id: int }
+and scope_field = int
+  (* bit field: 27 bits for scope (Ident.highest_scope = 100_000_000)
+     and at least 4 marks *)
+and type_expr = transient_expr
+and type_desc =
+    Tvar of string option
+  | Tarrow of arg_label * type_expr * type_expr * commutable
+  | Ttuple of type_expr list
+  | Tconstr of Path.t * type_expr list * abbrev_memo ref
+  | Tobject of type_expr * (Path.t * type_expr list) option ref
+  | Tfield of string * field_kind * type_expr * type_expr
+  | Tnil
+  | Tlink of type_expr
+  | Tsubst of type_expr * type_expr option
+  | Tvariant of row_desc
+  | Tunivar of string option
+  | Tpoly of type_expr * type_expr list
+  | Tpackage of Path.t * (Longident.t * type_expr) list
+and row_desc =
+    { row_fields: (label * row_field) list;
+      row_more: type_expr;
+      row_closed: bool;
+      row_fixed: fixed_explanation option;
+      row_name: (Path.t * type_expr list) option }
+and fixed_explanation =
+  | Univar of type_expr | Fixed_private | Reified of Path.t | Rigid
+and row_field = [`some] row_field_gen
+and row_field_cell = [`some | `none] row_field_gen ref
+and _ row_field_gen =
+    RFpresent : type_expr option -> [> `some] row_field_gen
+  | RFeither :
+      { no_arg: bool;
+        arg_type: type_expr list;
+        matched: bool;
+        ext: row_field_cell} -> [> `some] row_field_gen
+  | RFabsent : [> `some] row_field_gen
+  | RFnone : [> `none] row_field_gen
+and abbrev_memo =
+    Mnil
+  | Mcons of private_flag * Path.t * type_expr * type_expr * abbrev_memo
+  | Mlink of abbrev_memo ref
+and any = [`some | `none | `var]
+and field_kind = [`some|`var] field_kind_gen
+and _ field_kind_gen =
+    FKvar : {mutable field_kind: any field_kind_gen} -> [> `var] field_kind_gen
+  | FKprivate : [> `none] field_kind_gen  (* private method; only under FKvar *)
+  | FKpublic  : [> `some] field_kind_gen  (* public method *)
+  | FKabsent  : [> `some] field_kind_gen  (* hidden private method *)
+and commutable = [`some|`var] commutable_gen
+and _ commutable_gen =
+    Cok      : [> `some] commutable_gen
+  | Cunknown : [> `none] commutable_gen
+  | Cvar : {mutable commu: any commutable_gen} -> [> `var] commutable_gen
+module TransientTypeOps = struct
+  type t = type_expr
+  let compare t1 t2 = t1.id - t2.id
+  let hash t = t.id
+  let equal t1 t2 = t1 == t2
+module TransientTypeHash = Hashtbl.Make(TransientTypeOps)
+(* *)
+module Uid = Shape.Uid
+(* Maps of methods and instance variables *)
+module MethSet = Misc.Stdlib.String.Set
+module VarSet = Misc.Stdlib.String.Set
+module Meths = Misc.Stdlib.String.Map
+module Vars = Misc.Stdlib.String.Map
+(* Value descriptions *)
+type value_description =
+  { val_type: type_expr;                (* Type of the value *)
+    val_kind: value_kind;
+    val_loc: Location.t;
+    val_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    val_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and value_kind =
+    Val_reg                             (* Regular value *)
+  | Val_prim of Primitive.description   (* Primitive *)
+  | Val_ivar of mutable_flag * string   (* Instance variable (mutable ?) *)
+  | Val_self of
+      class_signature * self_meths * Ident.t Vars.t * string
+                                        (* Self *)
+  | Val_anc of class_signature * Ident.t Meths.t * string
+                                        (* Ancestor *)
+and self_meths =
+  | Self_concrete of Ident.t Meths.t
+  | Self_virtual of Ident.t Meths.t ref
+and class_signature =
+  { csig_self: type_expr;
+    mutable csig_self_row: type_expr;
+    mutable csig_vars: (mutable_flag * virtual_flag * type_expr) Vars.t;
+    mutable csig_meths: (method_privacy * virtual_flag * type_expr) Meths.t; }
+and method_privacy =
+  | Mpublic
+  | Mprivate of field_kind
+(* Variance *)
+(* Variance forms a product lattice of the following partial orders:
+     0 <= may_pos <= pos
+     0 <= may_weak <= may_neg <= neg
+     0 <= inj
+   Additionally, the following implications are valid
+     pos => inj
+     neg => inj
+   Examples:
+     type 'a t        : may_pos + may_neg + may_weak
+     type 'a t = 'a   : pos
+     type 'a t = 'a -> unit : neg
+     type 'a t = ('a -> unit) -> unit : pos + may_weak
+     type 'a t = A of (('a -> unit) -> unit) : pos
+     type +'a p = ..  : may_pos + inj
+     type +!'a t      : may_pos + inj
+     type -!'a t      : may_neg + inj
+     type 'a t = A    : inj
+ *)
+module Variance = struct
+  type t = int
+  type f = May_pos | May_neg | May_weak | Inj | Pos | Neg | Inv
+  let single = function
+    | May_pos -> 1
+    | May_neg -> 2 + 4
+    | May_weak -> 4
+    | Inj -> 8
+    | Pos -> 16 + 8 + 1
+    | Neg -> 32 + 8 + 4 + 2
+    | Inv -> 63
+  let union v1 v2 = v1 lor v2
+  let inter v1 v2 = v1 land v2
+  let subset v1 v2 = (v1 land v2 = v1)
+  let eq (v1 : t) v2 = (v1 = v2)
+  let set x v = union v (single x)
+  let set_if b x v = if b then set x v else v
+  let mem x = subset (single x)
+  let null = 0
+  let unknown = 7
+  let full = single Inv
+  let covariant = single Pos
+  let contravariant = single Neg
+  let swap f1 f2 v v' =
+    set_if (mem f2 v) f1 (set_if (mem f1 v) f2 v')
+  let conjugate v =
+    let v' = inter v (union (single Inj) (single May_weak)) in
+    swap Pos Neg v (swap May_pos May_neg v v')
+  let compose v1 v2 =
+    if mem Inv v1 && mem Inj v2 then full else
+    let mp =
+      mem May_pos v1 && mem May_pos v2 || mem May_neg v1 && mem May_neg v2
+    and mn =
+      mem May_pos v1 && mem May_neg v2 || mem May_neg v1 && mem May_pos v2
+    and mw = mem May_weak v1 && v2 <> null || v1 <> null && mem May_weak v2
+    and inj = mem Inj v1 && mem Inj v2
+    and pos = mem Pos v1 && mem Pos v2 || mem Neg v1 && mem Neg v2
+    and neg = mem Pos v1 && mem Neg v2 || mem Neg v1 && mem Pos v2 in
+    List.fold_left (fun v (b,f) -> set_if b f v) null
+      [mp, May_pos; mn, May_neg; mw, May_weak; inj, Inj; pos, Pos; neg, Neg]
+  let strengthen v =
+    if mem May_neg v then v else v land (full - single May_weak)
+  let get_upper v = (mem May_pos v, mem May_neg v)
+  let get_lower v = (mem Pos v, mem Neg v, mem Inj v)
+  let unknown_signature ~injective ~arity =
+    let v = if injective then set Inj unknown else unknown in
+    Misc.replicate_list v arity
+module Separability = struct
+  type t = Ind | Sep | Deepsep
+  type signature = t list
+  let eq (m1 : t) m2 = (m1 = m2)
+  let rank = function
+    | Ind -> 0
+    | Sep -> 1
+    | Deepsep -> 2
+  let compare m1 m2 = compare (rank m1) (rank m2)
+  let max m1 m2 = if rank m1 >= rank m2 then m1 else m2
+  let print ppf = function
+    | Ind -> Format.fprintf ppf "Ind"
+    | Sep -> Format.fprintf ppf "Sep"
+    | Deepsep -> Format.fprintf ppf "Deepsep"
+  let print_signature ppf modes =
+    let pp_sep ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf ",@," in
+    Format.fprintf ppf "@[(%a)@]"
+      (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep print) modes
+  let default_signature ~arity =
+    let default_mode = if Config.flat_float_array then Deepsep else Ind in
+    Misc.replicate_list default_mode arity
+(* Type definitions *)
+type type_declaration =
+  { type_params: type_expr list;
+    type_arity: int;
+    type_kind: type_decl_kind;
+    type_private: private_flag;
+    type_manifest: type_expr option;
+    type_variance: Variance.t list;
+    type_separability: Separability.t list;
+    type_is_newtype: bool;
+    type_expansion_scope: int;
+    type_loc: Location.t;
+    type_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    type_immediate: Type_immediacy.t;
+    type_unboxed_default: bool;
+    type_uid: Uid.t;
+ }
+and type_decl_kind = (label_declaration, constructor_declaration) type_kind
+and ('lbl, 'cstr) type_kind =
+    Type_abstract of type_origin
+  | Type_record of 'lbl list * record_representation
+  | Type_variant of 'cstr list * variant_representation
+  | Type_open
+and type_origin =
+    Definition
+  | Rec_check_regularity
+  | Existential of string
+and record_representation =
+    Record_regular                      (* All fields are boxed / tagged *)
+  | Record_float                        (* All fields are floats *)
+  | Record_unboxed of bool    (* Unboxed single-field record, inlined or not *)
+  | Record_inlined of int               (* Inlined record *)
+  | Record_extension of Path.t          (* Inlined record under extension *)
+and variant_representation =
+    Variant_regular          (* Constant or boxed constructors *)
+  | Variant_unboxed          (* One unboxed single-field constructor *)
+and label_declaration =
+  {
+    ld_id: Ident.t;
+    ld_mutable: mutable_flag;
+    ld_type: type_expr;
+    ld_loc: Location.t;
+    ld_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    ld_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and constructor_declaration =
+  {
+    cd_id: Ident.t;
+    cd_args: constructor_arguments;
+    cd_res: type_expr option;
+    cd_loc: Location.t;
+    cd_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    cd_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and constructor_arguments =
+  | Cstr_tuple of type_expr list
+  | Cstr_record of label_declaration list
+type extension_constructor =
+  { ext_type_path: Path.t;
+    ext_type_params: type_expr list;
+    ext_args: constructor_arguments;
+    ext_ret_type: type_expr option;
+    ext_private: private_flag;
+    ext_loc: Location.t;
+    ext_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    ext_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and type_transparence =
+    Type_public      (* unrestricted expansion *)
+  | Type_new         (* "new" type *)
+  | Type_private     (* private type *)
+(* Type expressions for the class language *)
+type class_type =
+    Cty_constr of Path.t * type_expr list * class_type
+  | Cty_signature of class_signature
+  | Cty_arrow of arg_label * type_expr * class_type
+type class_declaration =
+  { cty_params: type_expr list;
+    mutable cty_type: class_type;
+    cty_path: Path.t;
+    cty_new: type_expr option;
+    cty_variance: Variance.t list;
+    cty_loc: Location.t;
+    cty_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    cty_uid: Uid.t;
+ }
+type class_type_declaration =
+  { clty_params: type_expr list;
+    clty_type: class_type;
+    clty_path: Path.t;
+    clty_hash_type: type_declaration;
+    clty_variance: Variance.t list;
+    clty_loc: Location.t;
+    clty_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    clty_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+(* Type expressions for the module language *)
+type visibility =
+  | Exported
+  | Hidden
+type module_type =
+    Mty_ident of Path.t
+  | Mty_signature of signature
+  | Mty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type
+  | Mty_alias of Path.t
+and functor_parameter =
+  | Unit
+  | Named of Ident.t option * module_type
+and module_presence =
+  | Mp_present
+  | Mp_absent
+and signature = signature_item list
+and signature_item =
+    Sig_value of Ident.t * value_description * visibility
+  | Sig_type of Ident.t * type_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+  | Sig_typext of Ident.t * extension_constructor * ext_status * visibility
+  | Sig_module of
+      Ident.t * module_presence * module_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+  | Sig_modtype of Ident.t * modtype_declaration * visibility
+  | Sig_class of Ident.t * class_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+  | Sig_class_type of Ident.t * class_type_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+and module_declaration =
+  {
+    md_type: module_type;
+    md_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    md_loc: Location.t;
+    md_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and modtype_declaration =
+  {
+    mtd_type: module_type option;  (* Note: abstract *)
+    mtd_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    mtd_loc: Location.t;
+    mtd_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and rec_status =
+    Trec_not                   (* first in a nonrecursive group *)
+  | Trec_first                 (* first in a recursive group *)
+  | Trec_next                  (* not first in a recursive/nonrecursive group *)
+and ext_status =
+    Text_first                     (* first constructor of an extension *)
+  | Text_next                      (* not first constructor of an extension *)
+  | Text_exception                 (* an exception *)
+(* Constructor and record label descriptions inserted held in typing
+   environments *)
+type constructor_description =
+  { cstr_name: string;                  (* Constructor name *)
+    cstr_res: type_expr;                (* Type of the result *)
+    cstr_existentials: type_expr list;  (* list of existentials *)
+    cstr_args: type_expr list;          (* Type of the arguments *)
+    cstr_arity: int;                    (* Number of arguments *)
+    cstr_tag: constructor_tag;          (* Tag for heap blocks *)
+    cstr_consts: int;                   (* Number of constant constructors *)
+    cstr_nonconsts: int;                (* Number of non-const constructors *)
+    cstr_generalized: bool;             (* Constrained return type? *)
+    cstr_private: private_flag;         (* Read-only constructor? *)
+    cstr_loc: Location.t;
+    cstr_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    cstr_inlined: type_declaration option;
+    cstr_uid: Uid.t;
+   }
+and constructor_tag =
+    Cstr_constant of int                (* Constant constructor (an int) *)
+  | Cstr_block of int                   (* Regular constructor (a block) *)
+  | Cstr_unboxed                        (* Constructor of an unboxed type *)
+  | Cstr_extension of Path.t * bool     (* Extension constructor
+                                           true if a constant false if a block*)
+let equal_tag t1 t2 =
+  match (t1, t2) with
+  | Cstr_constant i1, Cstr_constant i2 -> i2 = i1
+  | Cstr_block i1, Cstr_block i2 -> i2 = i1
+  | Cstr_unboxed, Cstr_unboxed -> true
+  | Cstr_extension (path1, b1), Cstr_extension (path2, b2) ->
+      Path.same path1 path2 && b1 = b2
+  | (Cstr_constant _|Cstr_block _|Cstr_unboxed|Cstr_extension _), _ -> false
+let may_equal_constr c1 c2 =
+  c1.cstr_arity = c2.cstr_arity
+  && (match c1.cstr_tag,c2.cstr_tag with
+     | Cstr_extension _,Cstr_extension _ ->
+         (* extension constructors may be rebindings of each other *)
+         true
+     | tag1, tag2 ->
+         equal_tag tag1 tag2)
+let item_visibility = function
+  | Sig_value (_, _, vis)
+  | Sig_type (_, _, _, vis)
+  | Sig_typext (_, _, _, vis)
+  | Sig_module (_, _, _, _, vis)
+  | Sig_modtype (_, _, vis)
+  | Sig_class (_, _, _, vis)
+  | Sig_class_type (_, _, _, vis) -> vis
+type label_description =
+  { lbl_name: string;                   (* Short name *)
+    lbl_res: type_expr;                 (* Type of the result *)
+    lbl_arg: type_expr;                 (* Type of the argument *)
+    lbl_mut: mutable_flag;              (* Is this a mutable field? *)
+    lbl_pos: int;                       (* Position in block *)
+    lbl_all: label_description array;   (* All the labels in this type *)
+    lbl_repres: record_representation;  (* Representation for this record *)
+    lbl_private: private_flag;          (* Read-only field? *)
+    lbl_loc: Location.t;
+    lbl_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    lbl_uid: Uid.t;
+   }
+let rec bound_value_identifiers = function
+    [] -> []
+  | Sig_value(id, {val_kind = Val_reg}, _) :: rem ->
+      id :: bound_value_identifiers rem
+  | Sig_typext(id, _, _, _) :: rem -> id :: bound_value_identifiers rem
+  | Sig_module(id, Mp_present, _, _, _) :: rem ->
+      id :: bound_value_identifiers rem
+  | Sig_class(id, _, _, _) :: rem -> id :: bound_value_identifiers rem
+  | _ :: rem -> bound_value_identifiers rem
+let signature_item_id = function
+  | Sig_value (id, _, _)
+  | Sig_type (id, _, _, _)
+  | Sig_typext (id, _, _, _)
+  | Sig_module (id, _, _, _, _)
+  | Sig_modtype (id, _, _)
+  | Sig_class (id, _, _, _)
+  | Sig_class_type (id, _, _, _)
+    -> id
+(**** Definitions for backtracking ****)
+type change =
+    Ctype of type_expr * type_desc
+  | Ccompress of type_expr * type_desc * type_desc
+  | Clevel of type_expr * int
+  | Cscope of type_expr * int
+  | Cname of
+      (Path.t * type_expr list) option ref * (Path.t * type_expr list) option
+  | Crow of [`none|`some] row_field_gen ref
+  | Ckind of [`var] field_kind_gen
+  | Ccommu of [`var] commutable_gen
+  | Cuniv of type_expr option ref * type_expr option
+type changes =
+    Change of change * changes ref
+  | Unchanged
+  | Invalid
+let trail = Local_store.s_table ref Unchanged
+let log_change ch =
+  let r' = ref Unchanged in
+  !trail := Change (ch, r');
+  trail := r'
+(* constructor and accessors for [field_kind] *)
+type field_kind_view =
+    Fprivate
+  | Fpublic
+  | Fabsent
+let rec field_kind_internal_repr : field_kind -> field_kind = function
+  | FKvar {field_kind = FKvar _ | FKpublic | FKabsent as fk} ->
+      field_kind_internal_repr fk
+  | kind -> kind
+let field_kind_repr fk =
+  match field_kind_internal_repr fk with
+  | FKvar _ -> Fprivate
+  | FKpublic -> Fpublic
+  | FKabsent -> Fabsent
+let field_public = FKpublic
+let field_absent = FKabsent
+let field_private () = FKvar {field_kind=FKprivate}
+(* Constructor and accessors for [commutable] *)
+let rec is_commu_ok : type a. a commutable_gen -> bool = function
+  | Cvar {commu} -> is_commu_ok commu
+  | Cunknown -> false
+  | Cok -> true
+let commu_ok = Cok
+let commu_var () = Cvar {commu=Cunknown}
+(**** Representative of a type ****)
+let rec repr_link (t : type_expr) d : type_expr -> type_expr =
+ function
+   {desc = Tlink t' as d'} ->
+     repr_link t d' t'
+ | {desc = Tfield (_, k, _, t') as d'}
+   when field_kind_internal_repr k = FKabsent ->
+     repr_link t d' t'
+ | t' ->
+     log_change (Ccompress (t, t.desc, d));
+     t.desc <- d;
+     t'
+let repr_link1 t = function
+   {desc = Tlink t' as d'} ->
+     repr_link t d' t'
+ | {desc = Tfield (_, k, _, t') as d'}
+   when field_kind_internal_repr k = FKabsent ->
+     repr_link t d' t'
+ | t' -> t'
+let repr t =
+  match t.desc with
+   Tlink t' ->
+     repr_link1 t t'
+ | Tfield (_, k, _, t') when field_kind_internal_repr k = FKabsent ->
+     repr_link1 t t'
+ | _ -> t
+(* scope_field and marks *)
+let scope_mask = (1 lsl 27) - 1
+let marks_mask = (-1) lxor scope_mask
+let () = assert (Ident.highest_scope land marks_mask = 0)
+type type_mark =
+  | Mark of {mark: int; mutable marked: type_expr list}
+  | Hash of {visited: unit TransientTypeHash.t}
+let type_marks =
+  (* All the bits in marks_mask *)
+  List.init (Sys.int_size - 27) (fun x -> 1 lsl (x + 27))
+let available_marks = Local_store.s_ref type_marks
+let with_type_mark f =
+  match !available_marks with
+  | mark :: rem as old ->
+      available_marks := rem;
+      let mk = Mark {mark; marked = []} in
+      Misc.try_finally (fun () -> f mk) ~always: begin fun () ->
+        available_marks := old;
+        match mk with
+        | Mark {marked} ->
+            (* unmark marked type nodes *)
+            List.iter
+              (fun ty -> ty.scope <- ty.scope land ((-1) lxor mark))
+              marked
+        | Hash _ -> ()
+      end
+  | [] ->
+      (* When marks are exhausted, fall back to using a hash table *)
+      f (Hash {visited = TransientTypeHash.create 1})
+(* getters for type_expr *)
+let get_desc t = (repr t).desc
+let get_level t = (repr t).level
+let get_scope t = (repr t).scope land scope_mask
+let get_id t = (repr t).id
+let not_marked_node mark t =
+  match mark with
+  | Mark {mark} -> (repr t).scope land mark = 0
+  | Hash {visited} -> not (TransientTypeHash.mem visited (repr t))
+(* transient type_expr *)
+module Transient_expr = struct
+  let create desc ~level ~scope ~id = {desc; level; scope; id}
+  let set_desc ty d = ty.desc <- d
+  let set_stub_desc ty d = assert (ty.desc = Tvar None); ty.desc <- d
+  let set_level ty lv = ty.level <- lv
+  let get_scope ty = ty.scope land scope_mask
+  let get_marks ty = ty.scope lsr 27
+  let set_scope ty sc =
+    if (sc land marks_mask <> 0) then
+      invalid_arg "Types.Transient_expr.set_scope";
+    ty.scope <- (ty.scope land marks_mask) lor sc
+  let try_mark_node mark ty =
+    match mark with
+    | Mark ({mark} as mk) ->
+        (ty.scope land mark = 0) && (* mark type node when not marked *)
+        (ty.scope <- ty.scope lor mark; mk.marked <- ty :: mk.marked; true)
+    | Hash {visited} ->
+        not (TransientTypeHash.mem visited ty) &&
+        (TransientTypeHash.add visited ty (); true)
+  let coerce ty = ty
+  let repr = repr
+  let type_expr ty = ty
+(* setting marks *)
+let try_mark_node mark t = Transient_expr.try_mark_node mark (repr t)
+(* Comparison for [type_expr]; cannot be used for functors *)
+let eq_type t1 t2 = t1 == t2 || repr t1 == repr t2
+let compare_type t1 t2 = compare (get_id t1) (get_id t2)
+(* Constructor and accessors for [row_desc] *)
+let create_row ~fields ~more ~closed ~fixed ~name =
+    { row_fields=fields; row_more=more;
+      row_closed=closed; row_fixed=fixed; row_name=name }
+(* [row_fields] subsumes the original [row_repr] *)
+let rec row_fields row =
+  match get_desc row.row_more with
+  | Tvariant row' ->
+      row.row_fields @ row_fields row'
+  | _ ->
+      row.row_fields
+let rec row_repr_no_fields row =
+  match get_desc row.row_more with
+  | Tvariant row' -> row_repr_no_fields row'
+  | _ -> row
+let row_more row = (row_repr_no_fields row).row_more
+let row_closed row = (row_repr_no_fields row).row_closed
+let row_fixed row = (row_repr_no_fields row).row_fixed
+let row_name row = (row_repr_no_fields row).row_name
+let rec get_row_field tag row =
+  let rec find = function
+    | (tag',f) :: fields ->
+        if tag = tag' then f else find fields
+    | [] ->
+        match get_desc row.row_more with
+        | Tvariant row' -> get_row_field tag row'
+        | _ -> RFabsent
+  in find row.row_fields
+let set_row_name row row_name =
+  let row_fields = row_fields row in
+  let row = row_repr_no_fields row in
+  {row with row_fields; row_name}
+type row_desc_repr =
+    Row of { fields: (label * row_field) list;
+             more:type_expr;
+             closed:bool;
+             fixed:fixed_explanation option;
+             name:(Path.t * type_expr list) option }
+let row_repr row =
+  let fields = row_fields row in
+  let row = row_repr_no_fields row in
+  Row { fields;
+        more = row.row_more;
+        closed = row.row_closed;
+        fixed = row.row_fixed;
+        name = row.row_name }
+type row_field_view =
+    Rpresent of type_expr option
+  | Reither of bool * type_expr list * bool
+        (* 1st true denotes a constant constructor *)
+        (* 2nd true denotes a tag in a pattern matching, and
+           is erased later *)
+  | Rabsent
+let rec row_field_repr_aux tl : row_field -> row_field = function
+  | RFeither ({ext = {contents = RFnone}} as r) ->
+      RFeither {r with arg_type = tl@r.arg_type}
+  | RFeither {arg_type;
+              ext = {contents = RFeither _ | RFpresent _ | RFabsent as rf}} ->
+      row_field_repr_aux (tl@arg_type) rf
+  | RFpresent (Some _) when tl <> [] ->
+      RFpresent (Some (List.hd tl))
+  | RFpresent _ as rf -> rf
+  | RFabsent -> RFabsent
+let row_field_repr fi =
+  match row_field_repr_aux [] fi with
+  | RFeither {no_arg; arg_type; matched} -> Reither (no_arg, arg_type, matched)
+  | RFpresent t -> Rpresent t
+  | RFabsent -> Rabsent
+let rec row_field_ext (fi : row_field) =
+  match fi with
+  | RFeither {ext = {contents = RFnone} as ext} -> ext
+  | RFeither {ext = {contents = RFeither _ | RFpresent _ | RFabsent as rf}} ->
+      row_field_ext rf
+  | _ -> Misc.fatal_error "Types.row_field_ext "
+let rf_present oty = RFpresent oty
+let rf_absent = RFabsent
+let rf_either ?use_ext_of ~no_arg arg_type ~matched =
+  let ext =
+    match use_ext_of with
+      Some rf -> row_field_ext rf
+    | None -> ref RFnone
+  in
+  RFeither {no_arg; arg_type; matched; ext}
+let rf_either_of = function
+  | None ->
+      RFeither {no_arg=true; arg_type=[]; matched=false; ext=ref RFnone}
+  | Some ty ->
+      RFeither {no_arg=false; arg_type=[ty]; matched=false; ext=ref RFnone}
+let eq_row_field_ext rf1 rf2 =
+  row_field_ext rf1 == row_field_ext rf2
+let changed_row_field_exts l f =
+  let exts = List.map row_field_ext l in
+  f ();
+  List.exists (fun r -> !r <> RFnone) exts
+let match_row_field ~present ~absent ~either (f : row_field) =
+  match f with
+  | RFabsent -> absent ()
+  | RFpresent t -> present t
+  | RFeither {no_arg; arg_type; matched; ext} ->
+      let e : row_field option =
+        match !ext with
+        | RFnone -> None
+        | RFeither _ | RFpresent _ | RFabsent as e -> Some e
+      in
+      either no_arg arg_type matched (ext,e)
+(**** Some type creators ****)
+let new_id = Local_store.s_ref (-1)
+let create_expr = Transient_expr.create
+let proto_newty3 ~level ~scope desc  =
+  incr new_id;
+  create_expr desc ~level ~scope ~id:!new_id
+                  (**********************************)
+                  (*  Utilities for backtracking    *)
+                  (**********************************)
+let undo_change = function
+    Ctype  (ty, desc) -> Transient_expr.set_desc ty desc
+  | Ccompress (ty, desc, _) -> Transient_expr.set_desc ty desc
+  | Clevel (ty, level) -> Transient_expr.set_level ty level
+  | Cscope (ty, scope) -> Transient_expr.set_scope ty scope
+  | Cname  (r, v)    -> r := v
+  | Crow   r         -> r := RFnone
+  | Ckind  (FKvar r) -> r.field_kind <- FKprivate
+  | Ccommu (Cvar r)  -> r.commu <- Cunknown
+  | Cuniv  (r, v)    -> r := v
+type snapshot = changes ref * int
+let last_snapshot = Local_store.s_ref 0
+let log_type ty =
+  if ty.id <= !last_snapshot then log_change (Ctype (ty, ty.desc))
+let link_type ty ty' =
+  let ty = repr ty in
+  let ty' = repr ty' in
+  if ty == ty' then () else begin
+  log_type ty;
+  let desc = ty.desc in
+  Transient_expr.set_desc ty (Tlink ty');
+  (* Name is a user-supplied name for this unification variable (obtained
+   * through a type annotation for instance). *)
+  match desc, ty'.desc with
+    Tvar name, Tvar name' ->
+      begin match name, name' with
+      | Some _, None -> log_type ty'; Transient_expr.set_desc ty' (Tvar name)
+      | None, Some _ -> ()
+      | Some _, Some _ ->
+          if ty.level < ty'.level then
+            (log_type ty'; Transient_expr.set_desc ty' (Tvar name))
+      | None, None   -> ()
+      end
+  | _ -> ()
+  end
+  (* ; assert (check_memorized_abbrevs ()) *)
+  (*  ; check_expans [] ty' *)
+(* TODO: consider eliminating set_type_desc, replacing it with link types *)
+let set_type_desc ty td =
+  let ty = repr ty in
+  if td != ty.desc then begin
+    log_type ty;
+    Transient_expr.set_desc ty td
+  end
+(* TODO: separate set_level into two specific functions: *)
+(*  set_lower_level and set_generic_level *)
+let set_level ty level =
+  let ty = repr ty in
+  if level <> ty.level then begin
+    if ty.id <= !last_snapshot then log_change (Clevel (ty, ty.level));
+    Transient_expr.set_level ty level
+  end
+(* TODO: introduce a guard and rename it to set_higher_scope? *)
+let set_scope ty scope =
+  let ty = repr ty in
+  let prev_scope = ty.scope land marks_mask in
+  if scope <> prev_scope then begin
+    if ty.id <= !last_snapshot then log_change (Cscope (ty, prev_scope));
+    Transient_expr.set_scope ty scope
+  end
+let set_univar rty ty =
+  log_change (Cuniv (rty, !rty)); rty := Some ty
+let set_name nm v =
+  log_change (Cname (nm, !nm)); nm := v
+let rec link_row_field_ext ~(inside : row_field) (v : row_field) =
+  match inside with
+  | RFeither {ext = {contents = RFnone} as e} ->
+      let RFeither _ | RFpresent _ | RFabsent as v = v in
+      log_change (Crow e); e := v
+  | RFeither {ext = {contents = RFeither _ | RFpresent _ | RFabsent as rf}} ->
+      link_row_field_ext ~inside:rf v
+  | _ -> invalid_arg "Types.link_row_field_ext"
+let rec link_kind ~(inside : field_kind) (k : field_kind) =
+  match inside with
+  | FKvar ({field_kind = FKprivate} as rk) as inside ->
+      (* prevent a loop by normalizing k and comparing it with inside *)
+      let FKvar _ | FKpublic | FKabsent as k = field_kind_internal_repr k in
+      if k != inside then begin
+        log_change (Ckind inside);
+        rk.field_kind <- k
+      end
+  | FKvar {field_kind = FKvar _ | FKpublic | FKabsent as inside} ->
+      link_kind ~inside k
+  | _ -> invalid_arg "Types.link_kind"
+let rec commu_repr : commutable -> commutable = function
+  | Cvar {commu = Cvar _ | Cok as commu} -> commu_repr commu
+  | c -> c
+let rec link_commu ~(inside : commutable) (c : commutable) =
+  match inside with
+  | Cvar ({commu = Cunknown} as rc) as inside ->
+      (* prevent a loop by normalizing c and comparing it with inside *)
+      let Cvar _ | Cok as c = commu_repr c in
+      if c != inside then begin
+        log_change (Ccommu inside);
+        rc.commu <- c
+      end
+  | Cvar {commu = Cvar _ | Cok as inside} ->
+      link_commu ~inside c
+  | _ -> invalid_arg "Types.link_commu"
+let set_commu_ok c = link_commu ~inside:c Cok
+let snapshot () =
+  let old = !last_snapshot in
+  last_snapshot := !new_id;
+  (!trail, old)
+let rec rev_log accu = function
+    Unchanged -> accu
+  | Invalid -> assert false
+  | Change (ch, next) ->
+      let d = !next in
+      next := Invalid;
+      rev_log (ch::accu) d
+let backtrack ~cleanup_abbrev (changes, old) =
+  match !changes with
+    Unchanged -> last_snapshot := old
+  | Invalid -> failwith "Types.backtrack"
+  | Change _ as change ->
+      cleanup_abbrev ();
+      let backlog = rev_log [] change in
+      List.iter undo_change backlog;
+      changes := Unchanged;
+      last_snapshot := old;
+      trail := changes
+let undo_first_change_after (changes, _) =
+  match !changes with
+  | Change (ch, _) ->
+      undo_change ch
+  | _ -> ()
+let rec rev_compress_log log r =
+  match !r with
+    Unchanged | Invalid ->
+      log
+  | Change (Ccompress _, next) ->
+      rev_compress_log (r::log) next
+  | Change (_, next) ->
+      rev_compress_log log next
+let undo_compress (changes, _old) =
+  match !changes with
+    Unchanged
+  | Invalid -> ()
+  | Change _ ->
+      let log = rev_compress_log [] changes in
+      List.iter
+        (fun r -> match !r with
+          Change (Ccompress (ty, desc, d), next) when ty.desc == d ->
+            Transient_expr.set_desc ty desc; r := !next
+        | _ -> ())
+        log
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/types.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/types.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca0cc6e061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/types.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** {0 Representation of types and declarations} *)
+(** [Types] defines the representation of types and declarations (that is, the
+    content of module signatures).
+    CMI files are made of marshalled types.
+(** Asttypes exposes basic definitions shared both by Parsetree and Types. *)
+open Asttypes
+(** Type expressions for the core language.
+    The [type_desc] variant defines all the possible type expressions one can
+    find in OCaml. [type_expr] wraps this with some annotations.
+    The [level] field tracks the level of polymorphism associated to a type,
+    guiding the generalization algorithm.
+    Put shortly, when referring to a type in a given environment, both the type
+    and the environment have a level. If the type has an higher level, then it
+    can be considered fully polymorphic (type variables will be printed as
+    ['a]), otherwise it'll be weakly polymorphic, or non generalized (type
+    variables printed as ['_a]).
+    See [http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/generalization.html] for more information.
+    Note about [type_declaration]: one should not make the confusion between
+    [type_expr] and [type_declaration].
+    [type_declaration] refers specifically to the [type] construct in OCaml
+    language, where you create and name a new type or type alias.
+    [type_expr] is used when you refer to existing types, e.g. when annotating
+    the expected type of a value.
+    Also, as the type system of OCaml is generative, a [type_declaration] can
+    have the side-effect of introducing a new type constructor, different from
+    all other known types.
+    Whereas [type_expr] is a pure construct which allows referring to existing
+    types.
+    Note on mutability: TBD.
+ *)
+type type_expr
+type row_desc
+type row_field
+type field_kind
+type commutable
+type type_desc =
+  | Tvar of string option
+  (** [Tvar (Some "a")] ==> ['a] or ['_a]
+      [Tvar None]       ==> [_] *)
+  | Tarrow of arg_label * type_expr * type_expr * commutable
+  (** [Tarrow (Nolabel,      e1, e2, c)] ==> [e1    -> e2]
+      [Tarrow (Labelled "l", e1, e2, c)] ==> [l:e1  -> e2]
+      [Tarrow (Optional "l", e1, e2, c)] ==> [?l:e1 -> e2]
+      See [commutable] for the last argument. *)
+  | Ttuple of type_expr list
+  (** [Ttuple [t1;...;tn]] ==> [(t1 * ... * tn)] *)
+  | Tconstr of Path.t * type_expr list * abbrev_memo ref
+  (** [Tconstr (`A.B.t', [t1;...;tn], _)] ==> [(t1,...,tn) A.B.t]
+      The last parameter keep tracks of known expansions, see [abbrev_memo]. *)
+  | Tobject of type_expr * (Path.t * type_expr list) option ref
+  (** [Tobject (`f1:t1;...;fn: tn', `None')] ==> [< f1: t1; ...; fn: tn >]
+      f1, fn are represented as a linked list of types using Tfield and Tnil
+      constructors.
+      [Tobject (_, `Some (`A.ct', [t1;...;tn]')] ==> [(t1, ..., tn) A.ct].
+      where A.ct is the type of some class.
+      There are also special cases for so-called "class-types", cf. [Typeclass]
+      and [Ctype.set_object_name]:
+        [Tobject (Tfield(_,_,...(Tfield(_,_,rv)...),
+                         Some(`A.#ct`, [rv;t1;...;tn])]
+             ==> [(t1, ..., tn) #A.ct]
+        [Tobject (_, Some(`A.#ct`, [Tnil;t1;...;tn])] ==> [(t1, ..., tn) A.ct]
+      where [rv] is the hidden row variable.
+  *)
+  | Tfield of string * field_kind * type_expr * type_expr
+  (** [Tfield ("foo", field_public, t, ts)] ==> [<...; foo : t; ts>] *)
+  | Tnil
+  (** [Tnil] ==> [<...; >] *)
+  | Tlink of type_expr
+  (** Indirection used by unification engine. *)
+  | Tsubst of type_expr * type_expr option
+  (** [Tsubst] is used temporarily to store information in low-level
+      functions manipulating representation of types, such as
+      instantiation or copy.
+      The first argument contains a copy of the original node.
+      The second is available only when the first is the row variable of
+      a polymorphic variant.  It then contains a copy of the whole variant.
+      This constructor should not appear outside of these cases. *)
+  | Tvariant of row_desc
+  (** Representation of polymorphic variants, see [row_desc]. *)
+  | Tunivar of string option
+  (** Occurrence of a type variable introduced by a
+      forall quantifier / [Tpoly]. *)
+  | Tpoly of type_expr * type_expr list
+  (** [Tpoly (ty,tyl)] ==> ['a1... 'an. ty],
+      where 'a1 ... 'an are names given to types in tyl
+      and occurrences of those types in ty. *)
+  | Tpackage of Path.t * (Longident.t * type_expr) list
+  (** Type of a first-class module (a.k.a package). *)
+and fixed_explanation =
+  | Univar of type_expr (** The row type was bound to an univar *)
+  | Fixed_private (** The row type is private *)
+  | Reified of Path.t (** The row was reified *)
+  | Rigid (** The row type was made rigid during constraint verification *)
+(** [abbrev_memo] allows one to keep track of different expansions of a type
+    alias. This is done for performance purposes.
+    For instance, when defining [type 'a pair = 'a * 'a], when one refers to an
+    ['a pair], it is just a shortcut for the ['a * 'a] type.
+    This expansion will be stored in the [abbrev_memo] of the corresponding
+    [Tconstr] node.
+    In practice, [abbrev_memo] behaves like list of expansions with a mutable
+    tail.
+    Note on marshalling: [abbrev_memo] must not appear in saved types.
+    [Btype], with [cleanup_abbrev] and [memo], takes care of tracking and
+    removing abbreviations.
+and abbrev_memo =
+  | Mnil (** No known abbreviation *)
+  | Mcons of private_flag * Path.t * type_expr * type_expr * abbrev_memo
+  (** Found one abbreviation.
+      A valid abbreviation should be at least as visible and reachable by the
+      same path.
+      The first expression is the abbreviation and the second the expansion. *)
+  | Mlink of abbrev_memo ref
+  (** Abbreviations can be found after this indirection *)
+(** [commutable] is a flag appended to every arrow type.
+    When typing an application, if the type of the functional is
+    known, its type is instantiated with [commu_ok] arrows, otherwise as
+    [commu_var ()].
+    When the type is not known, the application will be used to infer
+    the actual type.  This is fragile in presence of labels where
+    there is no principal type.
+    Two incompatible applications must rely on [is_commu_ok] arrows,
+    otherwise they will trigger an error.
+    let f g =
+      g ~a:() ~b:();
+      g ~b:() ~a:();
+    Error: This function is applied to arguments
+    in an order different from other calls.
+    This is only allowed when the real type is known.
+val is_commu_ok: commutable -> bool
+val commu_ok: commutable
+val commu_var: unit -> commutable
+(** [field_kind] indicates the accessibility of a method.
+    An [Fprivate] field may become [Fpublic] or [Fabsent] during unification,
+    but not the other way round.
+    The same [field_kind] is kept shared when copying [Tfield] nodes
+    so that the copies of the self-type of a class share the same accessibility
+    (see also PR#10539).
+ *)
+type field_kind_view =
+    Fprivate
+  | Fpublic
+  | Fabsent
+val field_kind_repr: field_kind -> field_kind_view
+val field_public: field_kind
+val field_absent: field_kind
+val field_private: unit -> field_kind
+val field_kind_internal_repr: field_kind -> field_kind
+        (* Removes indirections in [field_kind].
+           Only needed for performance. *)
+(** Getters for type_expr; calls repr before answering a value *)
+val get_desc: type_expr -> type_desc
+val get_level: type_expr -> int
+val get_scope: type_expr -> int
+val get_id: type_expr -> int
+(** Access to marks. They are stored in the scope field. *)
+type type_mark
+val with_type_mark: (type_mark -> 'a) -> 'a
+        (* run a computation using exclusively an available type mark *)
+val not_marked_node: type_mark -> type_expr -> bool
+        (* Return true if a type node is not yet marked *)
+val try_mark_node: type_mark -> type_expr -> bool
+        (* Mark a type node if it is not yet marked.
+           Marks will be automatically removed when leaving the
+           scope of [with_type_mark].
+           Return false if it was already marked *)
+(** Transient [type_expr].
+    Should only be used immediately after [Transient_expr.repr] *)
+type transient_expr = private
+      { mutable desc: type_desc;
+        mutable level: int;
+        mutable scope: scope_field;
+        id: int }
+and scope_field (* abstract *)
+module Transient_expr : sig
+  (** Operations on [transient_expr] *)
+  val create: type_desc -> level: int -> scope: int -> id: int -> transient_expr
+  val get_scope: transient_expr -> int
+  val get_marks: transient_expr -> int
+  val set_desc: transient_expr -> type_desc -> unit
+  val set_level: transient_expr -> int -> unit
+  val set_scope: transient_expr -> int -> unit
+  val repr: type_expr -> transient_expr
+  val type_expr: transient_expr -> type_expr
+  val coerce: type_expr -> transient_expr
+      (** Coerce without normalizing with [repr] *)
+  val set_stub_desc: type_expr -> type_desc -> unit
+      (** Instantiate a not yet instantiated stub.
+          Fail if already instantiated. *)
+  val try_mark_node: type_mark -> transient_expr -> bool
+val create_expr: type_desc -> level: int -> scope: int -> id: int -> type_expr
+(** Functions and definitions moved from Btype *)
+val proto_newty3: level:int -> scope:int -> type_desc -> transient_expr
+        (** Create a type with a fresh id *)
+module TransientTypeOps : sig
+  (** Comparisons for functors *)
+  type t = transient_expr
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+  val equal : t -> t -> bool
+  val hash : t -> int
+module TransientTypeHash : Hashtbl.S with type key = transient_expr
+(** Comparisons for [type_expr]; cannot be used for functors *)
+val eq_type: type_expr -> type_expr -> bool
+val compare_type: type_expr -> type_expr -> int
+(** Constructor and accessors for [row_desc] *)
+(** [  `X | `Y ]       (row_closed = true)
+    [< `X | `Y ]       (row_closed = true)
+    [> `X | `Y ]       (row_closed = false)
+    [< `X | `Y > `X ]  (row_closed = true)
+    type t = [> `X ] as 'a      (row_more = Tvar a)
+    type t = private [> `X ]    (row_more = Tconstr ("t#row", [], ref Mnil))
+    And for:
+        let f = function `X -> `X -> | `Y -> `X
+    the type of "f" will be a [Tarrow] whose lhs will (basically) be:
+        Tvariant { row_fields = [("X", _)];
+                   row_more   =
+                     Tvariant { row_fields = [("Y", _)];
+                                row_more   =
+                                  Tvariant { row_fields = [];
+                                             row_more   = _;
+                                             _ };
+                                _ };
+                   _
+                 }
+val create_row:
+  fields:(label * row_field) list ->
+  more:type_expr ->
+  closed:bool ->
+  fixed:fixed_explanation option ->
+  name:(Path.t * type_expr list) option -> row_desc
+val row_fields: row_desc -> (label * row_field) list
+val row_more: row_desc -> type_expr
+val row_closed: row_desc -> bool
+val row_fixed: row_desc -> fixed_explanation option
+val row_name: row_desc -> (Path.t * type_expr list) option
+val set_row_name: row_desc -> (Path.t * type_expr list) option -> row_desc
+val get_row_field: label -> row_desc -> row_field
+(** get all fields at once; different from the old [row_repr] *)
+type row_desc_repr =
+    Row of { fields: (label * row_field) list;
+             more:   type_expr;
+             closed: bool;
+             fixed:  fixed_explanation option;
+             name:   (Path.t * type_expr list) option }
+val row_repr: row_desc -> row_desc_repr
+(** Current contents of a row field *)
+type row_field_view =
+    Rpresent of type_expr option
+  | Reither of bool * type_expr list * bool
+        (* 1st true denotes a constant constructor *)
+        (* 2nd true denotes a tag in a pattern matching, and
+           is erased later *)
+  | Rabsent
+val row_field_repr: row_field -> row_field_view
+val rf_present: type_expr option -> row_field
+val rf_absent: row_field
+val rf_either:
+    ?use_ext_of:row_field ->
+    no_arg:bool -> type_expr list -> matched:bool -> row_field
+val rf_either_of: type_expr option -> row_field
+val eq_row_field_ext: row_field -> row_field -> bool
+val changed_row_field_exts: row_field list -> (unit -> unit) -> bool
+type row_field_cell
+val match_row_field:
+    present:(type_expr option -> 'a) ->
+    absent:(unit -> 'a) ->
+    either:(bool -> type_expr list -> bool ->
+            row_field_cell * row_field option ->'a) ->
+    row_field -> 'a
+(* *)
+module Uid = Shape.Uid
+(* Sets and maps of methods and instance variables *)
+module MethSet : Set.S with type elt = string
+module VarSet : Set.S with type elt = string
+module Meths : Map.S with type key = string
+module Vars  : Map.S with type key = string
+(* Value descriptions *)
+type value_description =
+  { val_type: type_expr;                (* Type of the value *)
+    val_kind: value_kind;
+    val_loc: Location.t;
+    val_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    val_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and value_kind =
+    Val_reg                             (* Regular value *)
+  | Val_prim of Primitive.description   (* Primitive *)
+  | Val_ivar of mutable_flag * string   (* Instance variable (mutable ?) *)
+  | Val_self of class_signature * self_meths * Ident.t Vars.t * string
+                                        (* Self *)
+  | Val_anc of class_signature * Ident.t Meths.t * string
+                                        (* Ancestor *)
+and self_meths =
+  | Self_concrete of Ident.t Meths.t
+  | Self_virtual of Ident.t Meths.t ref
+and class_signature =
+  { csig_self: type_expr;
+    mutable csig_self_row: type_expr;
+    mutable csig_vars: (mutable_flag * virtual_flag * type_expr) Vars.t;
+    mutable csig_meths: (method_privacy * virtual_flag * type_expr) Meths.t; }
+and method_privacy =
+  | Mpublic
+  | Mprivate of field_kind
+    (* The [field_kind] is always [Fabsent] in a complete class type. *)
+(* Variance *)
+module Variance : sig
+  type t
+  type f =
+      May_pos                (* allow positive occurrences *)
+    | May_neg                (* allow negative occurrences *)
+    | May_weak               (* allow occurrences under a negative position *)
+    | Inj                    (* type is injective in this parameter *)
+    | Pos                    (* there is a positive occurrence *)
+    | Neg                    (* there is a negative occurrence *)
+    | Inv                    (* both negative and positive occurrences *)
+  val null : t               (* no occurrence *)
+  val full : t               (* strictly invariant (all flags) *)
+  val covariant : t          (* strictly covariant (May_pos, Pos and Inj) *)
+  val contravariant : t      (* strictly contravariant *)
+  val unknown : t            (* allow everything, guarantee nothing *)
+  val union  : t -> t -> t
+  val inter  : t -> t -> t
+  val subset : t -> t -> bool
+  val eq : t -> t -> bool
+  val set : f -> t -> t
+  val set_if : bool -> f -> t -> t
+  val mem : f -> t -> bool
+  val conjugate : t -> t                (* exchange positive and negative *)
+  val compose : t -> t -> t
+  val strengthen : t -> t                (* remove May_weak when possible *)
+  val get_upper : t -> bool * bool                    (* may_pos, may_neg *)
+  val get_lower : t -> bool * bool * bool                (* pos, neg, inj *)
+  val unknown_signature : injective:bool -> arity:int -> t list
+  (** The most pessimistic variance for a completely unknown type. *)
+module Separability : sig
+  (** see {!Typedecl_separability} for an explanation of separability
+      and separability modes.*)
+  type t = Ind | Sep | Deepsep
+  val eq : t -> t -> bool
+  val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+  val rank : t -> int
+  (** Modes are ordered from the least to the most demanding:
+      Ind < Sep < Deepsep.
+      'rank' maps them to integers in an order-respecting way:
+      m1 < m2  <=>  rank m1 < rank m2 *)
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+  (** Compare two mode according to their mode ordering. *)
+  val max : t -> t -> t
+  (** [max_mode m1 m2] returns the most demanding mode. It is used to
+      express the conjunction of two parameter mode constraints. *)
+  type signature = t list
+  (** The 'separability signature' of a type assigns a mode for
+      each of its parameters. [('a, 'b) t] has mode [(m1, m2)] if
+      [(t1, t2) t] is separable whenever [t1, t2] have mode [m1, m2]. *)
+  val print_signature : Format.formatter -> signature -> unit
+  val default_signature : arity:int -> signature
+  (** The most pessimistic separability for a completely unknown type. *)
+(* Type definitions *)
+type type_declaration =
+  { type_params: type_expr list;
+    type_arity: int;
+    type_kind: type_decl_kind;
+    type_private: private_flag;
+    type_manifest: type_expr option;
+    type_variance: Variance.t list;
+    (* covariant, contravariant, weakly contravariant, injective *)
+    type_separability: Separability.t list;
+    type_is_newtype: bool;
+    type_expansion_scope: int;
+    type_loc: Location.t;
+    type_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    type_immediate: Type_immediacy.t;
+    type_unboxed_default: bool;
+    (* true if the unboxed-ness of this type was chosen by a compiler flag *)
+    type_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and type_decl_kind = (label_declaration, constructor_declaration) type_kind
+and ('lbl, 'cstr) type_kind =
+    Type_abstract of type_origin
+  | Type_record of 'lbl list  * record_representation
+  | Type_variant of 'cstr list * variant_representation
+  | Type_open
+and type_origin =
+    Definition
+  | Rec_check_regularity       (* See Typedecl.transl_type_decl *)
+  | Existential of string
+and record_representation =
+    Record_regular                      (* All fields are boxed / tagged *)
+  | Record_float                        (* All fields are floats *)
+  | Record_unboxed of bool    (* Unboxed single-field record, inlined or not *)
+  | Record_inlined of int               (* Inlined record *)
+  | Record_extension of Path.t          (* Inlined record under extension *)
+                             (* The argument is the path of the extension *)
+and variant_representation =
+    Variant_regular          (* Constant or boxed constructors *)
+  | Variant_unboxed          (* One unboxed single-field constructor *)
+and label_declaration =
+  {
+    ld_id: Ident.t;
+    ld_mutable: mutable_flag;
+    ld_type: type_expr;
+    ld_loc: Location.t;
+    ld_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    ld_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and constructor_declaration =
+  {
+    cd_id: Ident.t;
+    cd_args: constructor_arguments;
+    cd_res: type_expr option;
+    cd_loc: Location.t;
+    cd_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    cd_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and constructor_arguments =
+  | Cstr_tuple of type_expr list
+  | Cstr_record of label_declaration list
+type extension_constructor =
+  {
+    ext_type_path: Path.t;
+    ext_type_params: type_expr list;
+    ext_args: constructor_arguments;
+    ext_ret_type: type_expr option;
+    ext_private: private_flag;
+    ext_loc: Location.t;
+    ext_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    ext_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and type_transparence =
+    Type_public      (* unrestricted expansion *)
+  | Type_new         (* "new" type *)
+  | Type_private     (* private type *)
+(* Type expressions for the class language *)
+type class_type =
+    Cty_constr of Path.t * type_expr list * class_type
+  | Cty_signature of class_signature
+  | Cty_arrow of arg_label * type_expr * class_type
+type class_declaration =
+  { cty_params: type_expr list;
+    mutable cty_type: class_type;
+    cty_path: Path.t;
+    cty_new: type_expr option;
+    cty_variance: Variance.t list;
+    cty_loc: Location.t;
+    cty_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    cty_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+type class_type_declaration =
+  { clty_params: type_expr list;
+    clty_type: class_type;
+    clty_path: Path.t;
+    clty_hash_type: type_declaration; (* object type with an open row *)
+    clty_variance: Variance.t list;
+    clty_loc: Location.t;
+    clty_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    clty_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+(* Type expressions for the module language *)
+type visibility =
+  | Exported
+  | Hidden
+type module_type =
+    Mty_ident of Path.t
+  | Mty_signature of signature
+  | Mty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type
+  | Mty_alias of Path.t
+and functor_parameter =
+  | Unit
+  | Named of Ident.t option * module_type
+and module_presence =
+  | Mp_present
+  | Mp_absent
+and signature = signature_item list
+and signature_item =
+    Sig_value of Ident.t * value_description * visibility
+  | Sig_type of Ident.t * type_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+  | Sig_typext of Ident.t * extension_constructor * ext_status * visibility
+  | Sig_module of
+      Ident.t * module_presence * module_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+  | Sig_modtype of Ident.t * modtype_declaration * visibility
+  | Sig_class of Ident.t * class_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+  | Sig_class_type of Ident.t * class_type_declaration * rec_status * visibility
+and module_declaration =
+  {
+    md_type: module_type;
+    md_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    md_loc: Location.t;
+    md_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and modtype_declaration =
+  {
+    mtd_type: module_type option;  (* None: abstract *)
+    mtd_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    mtd_loc: Location.t;
+    mtd_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+and rec_status =
+    Trec_not                   (* first in a nonrecursive group *)
+  | Trec_first                 (* first in a recursive group *)
+  | Trec_next                  (* not first in a recursive/nonrecursive group *)
+and ext_status =
+    Text_first                     (* first constructor in an extension *)
+  | Text_next                      (* not first constructor in an extension *)
+  | Text_exception
+val item_visibility : signature_item -> visibility
+(* Constructor and record label descriptions inserted held in typing
+   environments *)
+type constructor_description =
+  { cstr_name: string;                  (* Constructor name *)
+    cstr_res: type_expr;                (* Type of the result *)
+    cstr_existentials: type_expr list;  (* list of existentials *)
+    cstr_args: type_expr list;          (* Type of the arguments *)
+    cstr_arity: int;                    (* Number of arguments *)
+    cstr_tag: constructor_tag;          (* Tag for heap blocks *)
+    cstr_consts: int;                   (* Number of constant constructors *)
+    cstr_nonconsts: int;                (* Number of non-const constructors *)
+    cstr_generalized: bool;             (* Constrained return type? *)
+    cstr_private: private_flag;         (* Read-only constructor? *)
+    cstr_loc: Location.t;
+    cstr_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    cstr_inlined: type_declaration option;
+    cstr_uid: Uid.t;
+   }
+and constructor_tag =
+    Cstr_constant of int                (* Constant constructor (an int) *)
+  | Cstr_block of int                   (* Regular constructor (a block) *)
+  | Cstr_unboxed                        (* Constructor of an unboxed type *)
+  | Cstr_extension of Path.t * bool     (* Extension constructor
+                                           true if a constant false if a block*)
+(* Constructors are the same *)
+val equal_tag :  constructor_tag -> constructor_tag -> bool
+(* Constructors may be the same, given potential rebinding *)
+val may_equal_constr :
+    constructor_description ->  constructor_description -> bool
+type label_description =
+  { lbl_name: string;                   (* Short name *)
+    lbl_res: type_expr;                 (* Type of the result *)
+    lbl_arg: type_expr;                 (* Type of the argument *)
+    lbl_mut: mutable_flag;              (* Is this a mutable field? *)
+    lbl_pos: int;                       (* Position in block *)
+    lbl_all: label_description array;   (* All the labels in this type *)
+    lbl_repres: record_representation;  (* Representation for this record *)
+    lbl_private: private_flag;          (* Read-only field? *)
+    lbl_loc: Location.t;
+    lbl_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+    lbl_uid: Uid.t;
+  }
+(** Extracts the list of "value" identifiers bound by a signature.
+    "Value" identifiers are identifiers for signature components that
+    correspond to a run-time value: values, extensions, modules, classes.
+    Note: manifest primitives do not correspond to a run-time value! *)
+val bound_value_identifiers: signature -> Ident.t list
+val signature_item_id : signature_item -> Ident.t
+(**** Utilities for backtracking ****)
+type snapshot
+        (* A snapshot for backtracking *)
+val snapshot: unit -> snapshot
+        (* Make a snapshot for later backtracking. Costs nothing *)
+val backtrack: cleanup_abbrev:(unit -> unit) -> snapshot -> unit
+        (* Backtrack to a given snapshot. Only possible if you have
+           not already backtracked to a previous snapshot.
+           Calls [cleanup_abbrev] internally *)
+val undo_first_change_after: snapshot -> unit
+        (* Backtrack only the first change after a snapshot.
+           Does not update the list of changes *)
+val undo_compress: snapshot -> unit
+        (* Backtrack only path compression. Only meaningful if you have
+           not already backtracked to a previous snapshot.
+           Does not call [cleanup_abbrev] *)
+(** Functions to use when modifying a type (only Ctype?).
+    The old values are logged and reverted on backtracking.
+ *)
+val link_type: type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
+        (* Set the desc field of [t1] to [Tlink t2], logging the old
+           value if there is an active snapshot *)
+val set_type_desc: type_expr -> type_desc -> unit
+        (* Set directly the desc field, without sharing *)
+val set_level: type_expr -> int -> unit
+val set_scope: type_expr -> int -> unit
+val set_name:
+    (Path.t * type_expr list) option ref ->
+    (Path.t * type_expr list) option -> unit
+val link_row_field_ext: inside:row_field -> row_field -> unit
+        (* Extract the extension variable of [inside] and set it to the
+           second argument *)
+val set_univar: type_expr option ref -> type_expr -> unit
+val link_kind: inside:field_kind -> field_kind -> unit
+val link_commu: inside:commutable -> commutable -> unit
+val set_commu_ok: commutable -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typetexp.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typetexp.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1be07aa3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typetexp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,972 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* typetexp.ml,v 2002/01/07 08:39:16 garrigue Exp *)
+(* Typechecking of type expressions for the core language *)
+open Asttypes
+open Misc
+open Parsetree
+open Typedtree
+open Types
+open Ctype
+exception Already_bound
+type error =
+  | Unbound_type_variable of string * string list
+  | No_type_wildcards
+  | Undefined_type_constructor of Path.t
+  | Type_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
+  | Bound_type_variable of string
+  | Recursive_type
+  | Type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Alias_type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Present_has_conjunction of string
+  | Present_has_no_type of string
+  | Constructor_mismatch of type_expr * type_expr
+  | Not_a_variant of type_expr
+  | Variant_tags of string * string
+  | Invalid_variable_name of string
+  | Cannot_quantify of string * type_expr
+  | Multiple_constraints_on_type of Longident.t
+  | Method_mismatch of string * type_expr * type_expr
+  | Opened_object of Path.t option
+  | Not_an_object of type_expr
+exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+exception Error_forward of Location.error
+module TyVarEnv : sig
+  val reset : unit -> unit
+  (* see mli file *)
+  val is_in_scope : string -> bool
+  val add : string -> type_expr -> unit
+  (* add a global type variable to the environment *)
+  val with_local_scope : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+  (* see mli file *)
+  type poly_univars
+  val with_univars : poly_univars -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+  (* evaluate with a locally extended set of univars *)
+  val make_poly_univars : string list -> poly_univars
+  (* see mli file *)
+  val check_poly_univars : Env.t -> Location.t -> poly_univars -> type_expr list
+  (* see mli file *)
+  val instance_poly_univars :
+     Env.t -> Location.t -> poly_univars -> type_expr list
+  (* see mli file *)
+  type policy
+  val fixed_policy : policy (* no wildcards allowed *)
+  val extensible_policy : policy (* common case *)
+  val univars_policy : policy (* fresh variables are univars (in methods) *)
+  val new_any_var : Location.t -> Env.t -> policy -> type_expr
+    (* create a new variable to represent a _; fails for fixed_policy *)
+  val new_var : ?name:string -> policy -> type_expr
+    (* create a new variable according to the given policy *)
+  val add_pre_univar : type_expr -> policy -> unit
+    (* remember that a variable might become a univar if it isn't unified;
+       used for checking method types *)
+  val collect_univars : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a * type_expr list
+    (* collect univars during a computation; returns the univars.
+       The wrapped computation should use [univars_policy].
+       postcondition: the returned type_exprs are all Tunivar *)
+  val reset_locals : ?univars:poly_univars -> unit -> unit
+    (* clear out the local type variable env't; call this when starting
+       a new e.g. type signature. Optionally pass some univars that
+       are in scope. *)
+  val lookup_local :
+    row_context:type_expr option ref list -> string -> type_expr
+    (* look up a local type variable; throws Not_found if it isn't in scope *)
+  val remember_used : string -> type_expr -> Location.t -> unit
+    (* remember that a given name is bound to a given type *)
+  val globalize_used_variables : policy -> Env.t -> unit -> unit
+   (* after finishing with a type signature, used variables are unified to the
+      corresponding global type variables if they exist. Otherwise, in function
+      of the policy, fresh used variables are either
+        - added to the global type variable scope if they are not longer
+        variables under the {!fixed_policy}
+        - added to the global type variable scope under the {!extensible_policy}
+        - expected to be collected later by a call to `collect_univar` under the
+        {!universal_policy}
+   *)
+end = struct
+  (** Map indexed by type variable names. *)
+  module TyVarMap = Misc.Stdlib.String.Map
+  let not_generic v = get_level v <> Btype.generic_level
+  (* These are the "global" type variables: they were in scope before
+     we started processing the current type.
+  *)
+  let type_variables = ref (TyVarMap.empty : type_expr TyVarMap.t)
+  (* These are variables that have been used in the currently-being-checked
+     type.
+  *)
+  let used_variables =
+    ref (TyVarMap.empty : (type_expr * Location.t) TyVarMap.t)
+  (* These are variables we expect to become univars (they were introduced with
+     e.g. ['a .]), but we need to make sure they don't unify first.  Why not
+     just birth them as univars? Because they might successfully unify with a
+     row variable in the ['a. < m : ty; .. > as 'a] idiom.  They are like the
+     [used_variables], but will not be globalized in [globalize_used_variables].
+  *)
+  type pending_univar = {
+    univar: type_expr  (** the univar itself *);
+    mutable associated: type_expr option ref list
+     (** associated references to row variables that we want to generalize
+       if possible *)
+  }
+  let univars = ref ([] : (string * pending_univar) list)
+  let assert_univars uvs =
+    assert (List.for_all (fun (_name, v) -> not_generic v.univar) uvs)
+  (* These are variables that will become univars when we're done with the
+     current type. Used to force free variables in method types to become
+     univars.
+  *)
+  let pre_univars = ref ([] : type_expr list)
+  let reset () =
+    reset_global_level ();
+    type_variables := TyVarMap.empty
+  let is_in_scope name =
+    TyVarMap.mem name !type_variables
+  let add name v =
+    assert (not_generic v);
+    type_variables := TyVarMap.add name v !type_variables
+  let narrow () =
+    (increase_global_level (), !type_variables)
+  let widen (gl, tv) =
+    restore_global_level gl;
+    type_variables := tv
+  let with_local_scope f =
+   let context = narrow () in
+   Fun.protect
+     f
+     ~finally:(fun () -> widen context)
+  (* throws Not_found if the variable is not in scope *)
+  let lookup_global_type_variable name =
+    TyVarMap.find name !type_variables
+  let get_in_scope_names () =
+    let add_name name _ l =
+      if name = "_" then l else Pprintast.tyvar_of_name name :: l
+    in
+    TyVarMap.fold add_name !type_variables []
+  (*****)
+  type poly_univars = (string * pending_univar) list
+  let with_univars new_ones f =
+    assert_univars new_ones;
+    let old_univars = !univars in
+    univars := new_ones @ !univars;
+    Fun.protect
+      f
+      ~finally:(fun () -> univars := old_univars)
+  let make_poly_univars vars =
+    let make name = { univar=newvar ~name (); associated = [] } in
+    List.map (fun name -> name, make name ) vars
+  let promote_generics_to_univars promoted vars =
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun acc v ->
+           match get_desc v with
+           | Tvar name when get_level v = Btype.generic_level ->
+               set_type_desc v (Tunivar name);
+               v :: acc
+           | _ -> acc
+        )
+        promoted vars
+  let check_poly_univars env loc vars =
+    let univars =
+      vars |> List.map (fun (name, {univar=ty1; _ }) ->
+      let v = Btype.proxy ty1 in
+      begin match get_desc v with
+      | Tvar name when get_level v = Btype.generic_level ->
+         set_type_desc v (Tunivar name)
+      | _ ->
+         raise (Error (loc, env, Cannot_quantify(name, v)))
+      end;
+      v)
+    in
+    (* Since we are promoting variables to univars in
+       {!promote_generics_to_univars}, even if a row variable is associated with
+       multiple univars we will promote it once, when checking the nearest
+       univar associated to this row variable.
+    *)
+    let promote_associated acc (_,v) =
+      let enclosed_rows = List.filter_map (!) v.associated in
+      promote_generics_to_univars acc enclosed_rows
+    in
+    List.fold_left promote_associated univars vars
+  let instance_poly_univars env loc vars =
+    let vs = check_poly_univars env loc vars in
+    vs |> List.iter (fun v ->
+      match get_desc v with
+      | Tunivar name ->
+         set_type_desc v (Tvar name)
+      | _ -> assert false);
+    vs
+  (*****)
+  let reset_locals ?univars:(uvs=[]) () =
+    assert_univars uvs;
+    univars := uvs;
+    used_variables := TyVarMap.empty
+  let associate row_context p =
+    let add l x = if List.memq x l then l else x :: l in
+    p.associated <- List.fold_left add row_context p.associated
+  (* throws Not_found if the variable is not in scope *)
+  let lookup_local ~row_context name =
+    try
+      let p = List.assoc name !univars in
+      associate row_context p;
+      p.univar
+    with Not_found ->
+      instance (fst (TyVarMap.find name !used_variables))
+      (* This call to instance might be redundant; all variables
+         inserted into [used_variables] are non-generic, but some
+         might get generalized. *)
+  let remember_used name v loc =
+    assert (not_generic v);
+    used_variables := TyVarMap.add name (v, loc) !used_variables
+  type flavor = Unification | Universal
+  type extensibility = Extensible | Fixed
+  type policy = { flavor : flavor; extensibility : extensibility }
+  let fixed_policy = { flavor = Unification; extensibility = Fixed }
+  let extensible_policy = { flavor = Unification; extensibility = Extensible }
+  let univars_policy = { flavor = Universal; extensibility = Extensible }
+  let add_pre_univar tv = function
+    | { flavor = Universal } ->
+      assert (not_generic tv);
+      pre_univars := tv :: !pre_univars
+    | _ -> ()
+  let collect_univars f =
+    pre_univars := [];
+    let result = f () in
+    let univs = promote_generics_to_univars [] !pre_univars in
+    result, univs
+  let new_var ?name policy =
+    let tv = Ctype.newvar ?name () in
+    add_pre_univar tv policy;
+    tv
+  let new_any_var loc env = function
+    | { extensibility = Fixed } -> raise(Error(loc, env, No_type_wildcards))
+    | policy -> new_var policy
+  let globalize_used_variables { flavor; extensibility } env =
+    let r = ref [] in
+    TyVarMap.iter
+      (fun name (ty, loc) ->
+        if flavor = Unification || is_in_scope name then
+          let v = new_global_var () in
+          let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
+          if try unify env v ty; true with _ -> Btype.backtrack snap; false
+          then try
+            r := (loc, v, lookup_global_type_variable name) :: !r
+          with Not_found ->
+            if extensibility = Fixed && Btype.is_Tvar ty then
+              raise(Error(loc, env,
+                          Unbound_type_variable (Pprintast.tyvar_of_name name,
+                                                 get_in_scope_names ())));
+            let v2 = new_global_var () in
+            r := (loc, v, v2) :: !r;
+            add name v2)
+      !used_variables;
+    used_variables := TyVarMap.empty;
+    fun () ->
+      List.iter
+        (function (loc, t1, t2) ->
+          try unify env t1 t2 with Unify err ->
+            raise (Error(loc, env, Type_mismatch err)))
+        !r
+(* Support for first-class modules. *)
+let transl_modtype_longident = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+let transl_modtype = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+let check_package_with_type_constraints = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+let sort_constraints_no_duplicates loc env l =
+  List.sort
+    (fun (s1, _t1) (s2, _t2) ->
+       if s1.txt = s2.txt then
+         raise (Error (loc, env, Multiple_constraints_on_type s1.txt));
+       compare s1.txt s2.txt)
+    l
+(* Translation of type expressions *)
+let strict_ident c = (c = '_' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
+let validate_name = function
+    None -> None
+  | Some name as s ->
+      if name <> "" && strict_ident name.[0] then s else None
+let new_global_var ?name () =
+  new_global_var ?name:(validate_name name) ()
+let newvar ?name () =
+  newvar ?name:(validate_name name) ()
+let valid_tyvar_name name =
+  name <> "" && name.[0] <> '_'
+let transl_type_param env styp =
+  let loc = styp.ptyp_loc in
+  match styp.ptyp_desc with
+    Ptyp_any ->
+      let ty = new_global_var ~name:"_" () in
+        { ctyp_desc = Ttyp_any; ctyp_type = ty; ctyp_env = env;
+          ctyp_loc = loc; ctyp_attributes = styp.ptyp_attributes; }
+  | Ptyp_var name ->
+      let ty =
+          if not (valid_tyvar_name name) then
+            raise (Error (loc, Env.empty, Invalid_variable_name ("'" ^ name)));
+          if TyVarEnv.is_in_scope name then
+            raise Already_bound;
+          let v = new_global_var ~name () in
+          TyVarEnv.add name v;
+          v
+      in
+        { ctyp_desc = Ttyp_var name; ctyp_type = ty; ctyp_env = env;
+          ctyp_loc = loc; ctyp_attributes = styp.ptyp_attributes; }
+  | _ -> assert false
+let transl_type_param env styp =
+  (* Currently useless, since type parameters cannot hold attributes
+     (but this could easily be lifted in the future). *)
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope styp.ptyp_attributes
+    (fun () -> transl_type_param env styp)
+(* Forward declaration (set in Typemod.type_open) *)
+let type_open :
+  (?used_slot:bool ref -> override_flag -> Env.t -> Location.t ->
+   Longident.t loc -> Path.t * Env.t)
+    ref =
+  ref (fun ?used_slot:_ _ -> assert false)
+let rec transl_type env ~policy ?(aliased=false) ~row_context styp =
+  Builtin_attributes.warning_scope styp.ptyp_attributes
+    (fun () -> transl_type_aux env ~policy ~aliased ~row_context styp)
+and transl_type_aux env ~row_context ~aliased ~policy styp =
+  let loc = styp.ptyp_loc in
+  let ctyp ctyp_desc ctyp_type =
+    { ctyp_desc; ctyp_type; ctyp_env = env;
+      ctyp_loc = loc; ctyp_attributes = styp.ptyp_attributes }
+  in
+  match styp.ptyp_desc with
+    Ptyp_any ->
+      let ty = TyVarEnv.new_any_var styp.ptyp_loc env policy in
+      ctyp Ttyp_any ty
+  | Ptyp_var name ->
+    let ty =
+      if not (valid_tyvar_name name) then
+        raise (Error (styp.ptyp_loc, env, Invalid_variable_name ("'" ^ name)));
+      begin try
+        TyVarEnv.lookup_local ~row_context:row_context name
+      with Not_found ->
+        let v = TyVarEnv.new_var ~name policy in
+        TyVarEnv.remember_used name v styp.ptyp_loc;
+        v
+      end
+    in
+    ctyp (Ttyp_var name) ty
+  | Ptyp_arrow(l, st1, st2) ->
+    let cty1 = transl_type env ~policy ~row_context st1 in
+    let cty2 = transl_type env ~policy ~row_context st2 in
+    let ty1 = cty1.ctyp_type in
+    let ty1 =
+      if Btype.is_optional l
+      then newty (Tconstr(Predef.path_option,[ty1], ref Mnil))
+      else ty1 in
+    let ty = newty (Tarrow(l, ty1, cty2.ctyp_type, commu_ok)) in
+    ctyp (Ttyp_arrow (l, cty1, cty2)) ty
+  | Ptyp_tuple stl ->
+    assert (List.length stl >= 2);
+    let ctys = List.map (transl_type env ~policy ~row_context) stl in
+    let ty = newty (Ttuple (List.map (fun ctyp -> ctyp.ctyp_type) ctys)) in
+    ctyp (Ttyp_tuple ctys) ty
+  | Ptyp_constr(lid, stl) ->
+      let (path, decl) = Env.lookup_type ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env in
+      let stl =
+        match stl with
+        | [ {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_any} as t ] when decl.type_arity > 1 ->
+            List.map (fun _ -> t) decl.type_params
+        | _ -> stl
+      in
+      if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then
+        raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env,
+                    Type_arity_mismatch(lid.txt, decl.type_arity,
+                                        List.length stl)));
+      let args = List.map (transl_type env ~policy ~row_context) stl in
+      let params = instance_list decl.type_params in
+      let unify_param =
+        match decl.type_manifest with
+          None -> unify_var
+        | Some ty ->
+            if get_level ty = Btype.generic_level then unify_var else unify
+      in
+      List.iter2
+        (fun (sty, cty) ty' ->
+           try unify_param env ty' cty.ctyp_type with Unify err ->
+             let err = Errortrace.swap_unification_error err in
+             raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Type_mismatch err))
+        )
+        (List.combine stl args) params;
+      let constr =
+        newconstr path (List.map (fun ctyp -> ctyp.ctyp_type) args) in
+      ctyp (Ttyp_constr (path, lid, args)) constr
+  | Ptyp_object (fields, o) ->
+      let ty, fields = transl_fields env ~policy ~row_context o fields in
+      ctyp (Ttyp_object (fields, o)) (newobj ty)
+  | Ptyp_class(lid, stl) ->
+      let (path, decl) =
+        let path, decl = Env.lookup_cltype ~loc:lid.loc lid.txt env in
+        (path, decl.clty_hash_type)
+      in
+      if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then
+        raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env,
+                    Type_arity_mismatch(lid.txt, decl.type_arity,
+                                        List.length stl)));
+      let args = List.map (transl_type env ~policy ~row_context) stl in
+      let body = Option.get decl.type_manifest in
+      let (params, body) = instance_parameterized_type decl.type_params body in
+      List.iter2
+        (fun (sty, cty) ty' ->
+           try unify_var env ty' cty.ctyp_type with Unify err ->
+             let err = Errortrace.swap_unification_error err in
+             raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Type_mismatch err))
+        )
+        (List.combine stl args) params;
+      let ty_args = List.map (fun ctyp -> ctyp.ctyp_type) args in
+      let ty = Ctype.apply ~use_current_level:true env params body ty_args in
+      let ty = match get_desc ty with
+        | Tobject (fi, _) ->
+            let _, tv = flatten_fields fi in
+            TyVarEnv.add_pre_univar tv policy;
+            ty
+        | _ ->
+            assert false
+      in
+      ctyp (Ttyp_class (path, lid, args)) ty
+  | Ptyp_alias(st, alias) ->
+      let cty =
+        try
+          let t = TyVarEnv.lookup_local ~row_context alias.txt in
+          let ty = transl_type env ~policy ~aliased:true ~row_context st in
+          begin try unify_var env t ty.ctyp_type with Unify err ->
+            let err = Errortrace.swap_unification_error err in
+            raise(Error(alias.loc, env, Alias_type_mismatch err))
+          end;
+          ty
+        with Not_found ->
+          let t, ty =
+            with_local_level_generalize_structure_if_principal begin fun () ->
+              let t = newvar () in
+              (* Use the whole location, which is used by [Type_mismatch]. *)
+              TyVarEnv.remember_used alias.txt t styp.ptyp_loc;
+              let ty = transl_type env ~policy ~row_context st in
+              begin try unify_var env t ty.ctyp_type with Unify err ->
+                let err = Errortrace.swap_unification_error err in
+                raise(Error(alias.loc, env, Alias_type_mismatch err))
+              end;
+              (t, ty)
+            end
+          in
+          let t = instance t in
+          let px = Btype.proxy t in
+          begin match get_desc px with
+          | Tvar None -> set_type_desc px (Tvar (Some alias.txt))
+          | Tunivar None -> set_type_desc px (Tunivar (Some alias.txt))
+          | _ -> ()
+          end;
+          { ty with ctyp_type = t }
+      in
+      ctyp (Ttyp_alias (cty, alias)) cty.ctyp_type
+  | Ptyp_variant(fields, closed, present) ->
+      let name = ref None in
+      let mkfield l f =
+        newty (Tvariant (create_row ~fields:[l,f] ~more:(newvar())
+                           ~closed:true ~fixed:None ~name:None)) in
+      let hfields = Hashtbl.create 17 in
+      let add_typed_field loc l f =
+        let h = Btype.hash_variant l in
+        try
+          let (l',f') = Hashtbl.find hfields h in
+          (* Check for tag conflicts *)
+          if l <> l' then raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env, Variant_tags(l, l')));
+          let ty = mkfield l f and ty' = mkfield l f' in
+          if is_equal env false [ty] [ty'] then () else
+          try unify env ty ty'
+          with Unify _trace ->
+            raise(Error(loc, env, Constructor_mismatch (ty,ty')))
+        with Not_found ->
+          Hashtbl.add hfields h (l,f)
+      in
+      let add_field row_context field =
+        let rf_loc = field.prf_loc in
+        let rf_attributes = field.prf_attributes in
+        let rf_desc = match field.prf_desc with
+        | Rtag (l, c, stl) ->
+            name := None;
+            let tl =
+              Builtin_attributes.warning_scope rf_attributes
+                (fun () -> List.map (transl_type env ~policy ~row_context) stl)
+            in
+            let f = match present with
+              Some present when not (List.mem l.txt present) ->
+                let ty_tl = List.map (fun cty -> cty.ctyp_type) tl in
+                rf_either ty_tl ~no_arg:c ~matched:false
+            | _ ->
+                if List.length stl > 1 || c && stl <> [] then
+                  raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env,
+                              Present_has_conjunction l.txt));
+                match tl with [] -> rf_present None
+                | st :: _ -> rf_present (Some st.ctyp_type)
+            in
+            add_typed_field styp.ptyp_loc l.txt f;
+              Ttag (l,c,tl)
+        | Rinherit sty ->
+            let cty = transl_type env ~policy ~row_context sty in
+            let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+            let nm =
+              match get_desc cty.ctyp_type with
+                Tconstr(p, tl, _) -> Some(p, tl)
+              | _                 -> None
+            in
+            name := if Hashtbl.length hfields <> 0 then None else nm;
+            let fl = match get_desc (expand_head env cty.ctyp_type), nm with
+              Tvariant row, _ when Btype.static_row row ->
+                row_fields row
+            | Tvar _, Some(p, _) ->
+                raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Undefined_type_constructor p))
+            | _ ->
+                raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Not_a_variant ty))
+            in
+            List.iter
+              (fun (l, f) ->
+                let f = match present with
+                  Some present when not (List.mem l present) ->
+                    begin match row_field_repr f with
+                      Rpresent oty -> rf_either_of oty
+                    | _ -> assert false
+                    end
+                | _ -> f
+                in
+                add_typed_field sty.ptyp_loc l f)
+              fl;
+              Tinherit cty
+        in
+        { rf_desc; rf_loc; rf_attributes; }
+      in
+      let more_slot = ref None in
+      let row_context =
+        if aliased then row_context else more_slot :: row_context
+      in
+      let tfields = List.map (add_field row_context) fields in
+      let fields = List.rev (Hashtbl.fold (fun _ p l -> p :: l) hfields []) in
+      begin match present with None -> ()
+      | Some present ->
+          List.iter
+            (fun l -> if not (List.mem_assoc l fields) then
+              raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env, Present_has_no_type l)))
+            present
+      end;
+      let name = !name in
+      let make_row more =
+        create_row ~fields ~more ~closed:(closed = Closed) ~fixed:None ~name
+      in
+      let more =
+        if Btype.static_row (make_row (newvar ())) then newty Tnil else
+           TyVarEnv.new_var policy
+      in
+      more_slot := Some more;
+      let ty = newty (Tvariant (make_row more)) in
+      ctyp (Ttyp_variant (tfields, closed, present)) ty
+  | Ptyp_poly(vars, st) ->
+      let vars = List.map (fun v -> v.txt) vars in
+      let new_univars, cty =
+        with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+          let new_univars = TyVarEnv.make_poly_univars vars in
+          let cty = TyVarEnv.with_univars new_univars begin fun () ->
+            transl_type env ~policy ~row_context st
+          end in
+          (new_univars, cty)
+        end
+      in
+      let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
+      let ty_list = TyVarEnv.check_poly_univars env styp.ptyp_loc new_univars in
+      let ty_list = List.filter (fun v -> deep_occur v ty) ty_list in
+      let ty' = Btype.newgenty (Tpoly(ty, ty_list)) in
+      unify_var env (newvar()) ty';
+      ctyp (Ttyp_poly (vars, cty)) ty'
+  | Ptyp_package (p, l) ->
+      let loc = styp.ptyp_loc in
+      let l = sort_constraints_no_duplicates loc env l in
+      let mty = Ast_helper.Mty.mk ~loc (Pmty_ident p) in
+      let mty = TyVarEnv.with_local_scope (fun () -> !transl_modtype env mty) in
+      let ptys =
+        List.map (fun (s, pty) -> s, transl_type env ~policy ~row_context pty) l
+      in
+      let mty =
+        if ptys <> [] then
+          !check_package_with_type_constraints loc env mty.mty_type ptys
+        else mty.mty_type
+      in
+      let path = !transl_modtype_longident loc env p.txt in
+      let ty = newty (Tpackage (path,
+                       List.map (fun (s, cty) -> (s.txt, cty.ctyp_type)) ptys))
+      in
+      ctyp (Ttyp_package {
+            pack_path = path;
+            pack_type = mty;
+            pack_fields = ptys;
+            pack_txt = p;
+           }) ty
+  | Ptyp_open (mod_ident, t) ->
+      let path, new_env =
+        !type_open Asttypes.Fresh env loc mod_ident
+      in
+      let cty = transl_type new_env ~policy ~row_context t in
+      ctyp (Ttyp_open (path, mod_ident, cty)) cty.ctyp_type
+  | Ptyp_extension ext ->
+      raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
+and transl_fields env ~policy ~row_context o fields =
+  let hfields = Hashtbl.create 17 in
+  let add_typed_field loc l ty =
+    try
+      let ty' = Hashtbl.find hfields l in
+      if is_equal env false [ty] [ty'] then () else
+        try unify env ty ty'
+        with Unify _trace ->
+          raise(Error(loc, env, Method_mismatch (l, ty, ty')))
+    with Not_found ->
+      Hashtbl.add hfields l ty in
+  let add_field {pof_desc; pof_loc; pof_attributes;} =
+    let of_loc = pof_loc in
+    let of_attributes = pof_attributes in
+    let of_desc = match pof_desc with
+    | Otag (s, ty1) -> begin
+        let ty1 =
+          Builtin_attributes.warning_scope of_attributes
+            (fun () -> transl_type env ~policy ~row_context
+                (Ast_helper.Typ.force_poly ty1))
+        in
+        let field = OTtag (s, ty1) in
+        add_typed_field ty1.ctyp_loc s.txt ty1.ctyp_type;
+        field
+      end
+    | Oinherit sty -> begin
+        let cty = transl_type env ~policy ~row_context sty in
+        let nm =
+          match get_desc cty.ctyp_type with
+            Tconstr(p, _, _) -> Some p
+          | _                -> None in
+        let t = expand_head env cty.ctyp_type in
+        match get_desc t, nm with
+          Tobject (tf, _), _
+          when (match get_desc tf with Tfield _ | Tnil -> true | _ -> false) ->
+            begin
+              if opened_object t then
+                raise (Error (sty.ptyp_loc, env, Opened_object nm));
+              let rec iter_add ty =
+                match get_desc ty with
+                | Tfield (s, _k, ty1, ty2) ->
+                    add_typed_field sty.ptyp_loc s ty1;
+                    iter_add ty2
+                | Tnil -> ()
+                | _ -> assert false
+              in
+              iter_add tf;
+              OTinherit cty
+            end
+        | Tvar _, Some p ->
+            raise (Error (sty.ptyp_loc, env, Undefined_type_constructor p))
+        | _ -> raise (Error (sty.ptyp_loc, env, Not_an_object t))
+      end in
+    { of_desc; of_loc; of_attributes; }
+  in
+  let object_fields = List.map add_field fields in
+  let fields = Hashtbl.fold (fun s ty l -> (s, ty) :: l) hfields [] in
+  let ty_init =
+     match o with
+     | Closed -> newty Tnil
+     | Open -> TyVarEnv.new_var policy
+  in
+  let ty = List.fold_left (fun ty (s, ty') ->
+      newty (Tfield (s, field_public, ty', ty))) ty_init fields in
+  ty, object_fields
+(* Make the rows "fixed" in this type, to make universal check easier *)
+let rec make_fixed_univars mark ty =
+  if try_mark_node mark ty then
+    begin match get_desc ty with
+    | Tvariant row ->
+        let Row {fields; more; name; closed} = row_repr row in
+        if Btype.is_Tunivar more then
+          let fields =
+            List.map
+              (fun (s,f as p) -> match row_field_repr f with
+                Reither (no_arg, tl, _m) ->
+                  s, rf_either tl ~use_ext_of:f ~no_arg ~matched:true
+              | _ -> p)
+              fields
+          in
+          set_type_desc ty
+            (Tvariant
+               (create_row ~fields ~more ~name ~closed
+                  ~fixed:(Some (Univar more))));
+        Btype.iter_row (make_fixed_univars mark) row
+    | _ ->
+        Btype.iter_type_expr (make_fixed_univars mark) ty
+    end
+let make_fixed_univars ty =
+  with_type_mark (fun mark -> make_fixed_univars mark ty)
+let transl_type env policy styp =
+  transl_type env ~policy ~row_context:[] styp
+let transl_simple_type env ?univars ~closed styp =
+  TyVarEnv.reset_locals ?univars ();
+  let policy = TyVarEnv.(if closed then fixed_policy else extensible_policy) in
+  let typ = transl_type env policy styp in
+  TyVarEnv.globalize_used_variables policy env ();
+  make_fixed_univars typ.ctyp_type;
+  typ
+let transl_simple_type_univars env styp =
+  TyVarEnv.reset_locals ();
+  let typ, univs =
+    TyVarEnv.collect_univars begin fun () ->
+      with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+        let policy = TyVarEnv.univars_policy in
+        let typ = transl_type env policy styp in
+        TyVarEnv.globalize_used_variables policy env ();
+        typ
+      end
+  end in
+  make_fixed_univars typ.ctyp_type;
+    { typ with ctyp_type =
+        instance (Btype.newgenty (Tpoly (typ.ctyp_type, univs))) }
+let transl_simple_type_delayed env styp =
+  TyVarEnv.reset_locals ();
+  let typ, force =
+    with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+      let policy = TyVarEnv.extensible_policy in
+      let typ = transl_type env policy styp in
+      make_fixed_univars typ.ctyp_type;
+      (* This brings the used variables to the global level, but doesn't link
+         them to their other occurrences just yet. This will be done when
+         [force] is  called. *)
+      let force = TyVarEnv.globalize_used_variables policy env in
+      (typ, force)
+    end
+  in
+  (typ, instance typ.ctyp_type, force)
+let transl_type_scheme env styp =
+  match styp.ptyp_desc with
+  | Ptyp_poly (vars, st) ->
+     let vars = List.map (fun v -> v.txt) vars in
+     let univars, typ =
+       with_local_level_generalize begin fun () ->
+         TyVarEnv.reset ();
+         let univars = TyVarEnv.make_poly_univars vars in
+         let typ = transl_simple_type env ~univars ~closed:true st in
+         (univars, typ)
+       end
+     in
+     let _ = TyVarEnv.instance_poly_univars env styp.ptyp_loc univars in
+     { ctyp_desc = Ttyp_poly (vars, typ);
+       ctyp_type = typ.ctyp_type;
+       ctyp_env = env;
+       ctyp_loc = styp.ptyp_loc;
+       ctyp_attributes = styp.ptyp_attributes }
+  | _ ->
+      with_local_level_generalize
+        (fun () -> TyVarEnv.reset (); transl_simple_type env ~closed:false styp)
+(* Error report *)
+open Format_doc
+open Printtyp.Doc
+module Style = Misc.Style
+let pp_tag ppf t = fprintf ppf "`%s" t
+let pp_out_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code !Oprint.out_type ppf ty
+let pp_type ppf ty = Style.as_inline_code Printtyp.Doc.type_expr ppf ty
+let report_error_doc env ppf = function
+  | Unbound_type_variable (name, in_scope_names) ->
+    fprintf ppf "The type variable %a is unbound in this type declaration.@ %a"
+      Style.inline_code name
+      did_you_mean (fun () -> Misc.spellcheck in_scope_names name )
+  | No_type_wildcards ->
+      fprintf ppf "A type wildcard %a is not allowed in this type declaration."
+        Style.inline_code "_"
+  | Undefined_type_constructor p ->
+    fprintf ppf "The type constructor@ %a@ is not yet completely defined"
+      (Style.as_inline_code path) p
+  | Type_arity_mismatch(lid, expected, provided) ->
+    fprintf ppf
+      "@[The type constructor %a@ expects %i argument(s),@ \
+        but is here applied to %i argument(s)@]"
+      (Style.as_inline_code longident) lid expected provided
+  | Bound_type_variable name ->
+      fprintf ppf "Already bound type parameter %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.tyvar) name
+  | Recursive_type ->
+    fprintf ppf "This type is recursive"
+  | Type_mismatch trace ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf Env.empty trace
+        (msg "This type")
+        (msg "should be an instance of type")
+  | Alias_type_mismatch trace ->
+      let msg = Format_doc.Doc.msg in
+      Errortrace_report.unification ppf Env.empty trace
+        (msg "This alias is bound to type")
+        (msg "but is used as an instance of type")
+  | Present_has_conjunction l ->
+      fprintf ppf "The present constructor %a has a conjunctive type"
+        Style.inline_code l
+  | Present_has_no_type l ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<v>@[The constructor %a is missing from the upper bound@ \
+         (between %a@ and %a)@ of this polymorphic variant@ \
+         but is present in@ its lower bound (after %a).@]@,\
+         @[@{<hint>Hint@}: Either add %a in the upper bound,@ \
+         or remove it@ from the lower bound.@]@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_tag) l
+        Style.inline_code "<"
+        Style.inline_code ">"
+        Style.inline_code ">"
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_tag) l
+  | Constructor_mismatch (ty, ty') ->
+      wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun ()  ->
+        Out_type.prepare_for_printing [ty; ty'];
+        fprintf ppf "@[<hov>%s %a@ %s@ %a@]"
+          "This variant type contains a constructor"
+          pp_out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type ty)
+          "which should be"
+          pp_out_type (Out_type.tree_of_typexp Type ty'))
+  | Not_a_variant ty ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[The type %a@ does not expand to a polymorphic variant type@]"
+        pp_type ty;
+      begin match get_desc ty with
+        | Tvar (Some s) ->
+           (* PR#7012: help the user that wrote 'Foo instead of `Foo *)
+           Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> ["`" ^ s])
+        | _ -> ()
+      end
+  | Variant_tags (lab1, lab2) ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[Variant tags %a@ and %a have the same hash value.@ %s@]"
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_tag) lab1
+        (Style.as_inline_code pp_tag) lab2
+        "Change one of them."
+  | Invalid_variable_name name ->
+      fprintf ppf "The type variable name %a is not allowed in programs"
+        Style.inline_code name
+  | Cannot_quantify (name, v) ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<hov>The universal type variable %a cannot be generalized:@ "
+        (Style.as_inline_code Pprintast.Doc.tyvar) name;
+      if Btype.is_Tvar v then
+        fprintf ppf "it escapes its scope"
+      else if Btype.is_Tunivar v then
+        fprintf ppf "it is already bound to another variable"
+      else
+        fprintf ppf "it is bound to@ %a" pp_type v;
+      fprintf ppf ".@]";
+  | Multiple_constraints_on_type s ->
+      fprintf ppf "Multiple constraints for type %a"
+        (Style.as_inline_code longident) s
+  | Method_mismatch (l, ty, ty') ->
+      wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun ()  ->
+        fprintf ppf "@[<hov>Method %a has type %a,@ which should be %a@]"
+          Style.inline_code l
+          pp_type ty
+          pp_type ty')
+  | Opened_object nm ->
+      fprintf ppf
+        "Illegal open object type%a"
+        (fun ppf -> function
+             Some p -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" (Style.as_inline_code path) p
+           | None -> fprintf ppf "") nm
+  | Not_an_object ty ->
+      fprintf ppf "@[The type %a@ is not an object type@]"
+        pp_type ty
+let () =
+  Location.register_error_of_exn
+    (function
+      | Error (loc, env, err) ->
+        Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc (report_error_doc env) err)
+      | Error_forward err ->
+        Some err
+      | _ ->
+        None
+    )
+let report_error = Format_doc.compat1 report_error_doc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typetexp.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typetexp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd03489f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/typetexp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Typechecking of type expressions for the core language *)
+open Types
+module TyVarEnv : sig
+  (* this is just the subset of [TyVarEnv] that is needed outside
+     of [Typetexp]. See the ml file for more. *)
+  val reset : unit -> unit
+  (** removes all type variables from scope *)
+  val with_local_scope : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+  (** Evaluate in a narrowed type-variable scope *)
+  type poly_univars
+  val make_poly_univars : string list -> poly_univars
+    (** remember that a list of strings connotes univars; this must
+        always be paired with a [check_poly_univars]. *)
+  val check_poly_univars :
+     Env.t -> Location.t -> poly_univars -> type_expr list
+    (** Verify that the given univars are universally quantified,
+       and return the list of variables. The type in which the
+       univars are used must be generalised *)
+  val instance_poly_univars :
+     Env.t -> Location.t -> poly_univars -> type_expr list
+    (** Same as [check_poly_univars], but instantiates the resulting
+       type scheme (i.e. variables become Tvar rather than Tunivar) *)
+(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typemod.type_open *)
+val type_open:
+  (?used_slot:bool ref -> Asttypes.override_flag -> Env.t -> Location.t ->
+   Longident.t Asttypes.loc -> Path.t * Env.t)
+    ref
+val valid_tyvar_name : string -> bool
+val transl_simple_type:
+        Env.t -> ?univars:TyVarEnv.poly_univars -> closed:bool
+        -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.core_type
+val transl_simple_type_univars:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.core_type
+val transl_simple_type_delayed
+  :  Env.t
+  -> Parsetree.core_type
+  -> Typedtree.core_type * type_expr * (unit -> unit)
+        (* Translate a type, but leave type variables unbound. Returns
+           the type, an instance of the corresponding type_expr, and a
+           function that binds the type variable. *)
+val transl_type_scheme:
+        Env.t -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.core_type
+val transl_type_param:
+  Env.t -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.core_type
+exception Already_bound
+type error =
+  | Unbound_type_variable of string * string list
+  | No_type_wildcards
+  | Undefined_type_constructor of Path.t
+  | Type_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
+  | Bound_type_variable of string
+  | Recursive_type
+  | Type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Alias_type_mismatch of Errortrace.unification_error
+  | Present_has_conjunction of string
+  | Present_has_no_type of string
+  | Constructor_mismatch of type_expr * type_expr
+  | Not_a_variant of type_expr
+  | Variant_tags of string * string
+  | Invalid_variable_name of string
+  | Cannot_quantify of string * type_expr
+  | Multiple_constraints_on_type of Longident.t
+  | Method_mismatch of string * type_expr * type_expr
+  | Opened_object of Path.t option
+  | Not_an_object of type_expr
+exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
+val report_error: Env.t -> error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc: Env.t -> error Format_doc.printer
+(* Support for first-class modules. *)
+val transl_modtype_longident:  (* from Typemod *)
+    (Location.t -> Env.t -> Longident.t -> Path.t) ref
+val transl_modtype: (* from Typemod *)
+    (Env.t -> Parsetree.module_type -> Typedtree.module_type) ref
+val check_package_with_type_constraints: (* from Typemod *)
+    (Location.t -> Env.t -> Types.module_type ->
+     (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Typedtree.core_type) list ->
+     Types.module_type) ref
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/untypeast.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/untypeast.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07e4e86437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/untypeast.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*    Thomas Gazagnaire (OCamlPro), Fabrice Le Fessant (INRIA Saclay)     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-60"] module Str = Ast_helper.Str (* For ocamldep *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+60"]
+open Asttypes
+open Parsetree
+open Ast_helper
+module T = Typedtree
+type mapper = {
+  attribute: mapper -> T.attribute -> attribute;
+  attributes: mapper -> T.attribute list -> attribute list;
+  binding_op: mapper -> T.binding_op -> T.pattern -> binding_op;
+  case: 'k . mapper -> 'k T.case -> case;
+  class_declaration: mapper -> T.class_declaration -> class_declaration;
+  class_description: mapper -> T.class_description -> class_description;
+  class_expr: mapper -> T.class_expr -> class_expr;
+  class_field: mapper -> T.class_field -> class_field;
+  class_signature: mapper -> T.class_signature -> class_signature;
+  class_structure: mapper -> T.class_structure -> class_structure;
+  class_type: mapper -> T.class_type -> class_type;
+  class_type_declaration: mapper -> T.class_type_declaration
+                          -> class_type_declaration;
+  class_type_field: mapper -> T.class_type_field -> class_type_field;
+  constructor_declaration: mapper -> T.constructor_declaration
+                           -> constructor_declaration;
+  expr: mapper -> T.expression -> expression;
+  extension_constructor: mapper -> T.extension_constructor
+                         -> extension_constructor;
+  include_declaration: mapper -> T.include_declaration -> include_declaration;
+  include_description: mapper -> T.include_description -> include_description;
+  label_declaration: mapper -> T.label_declaration -> label_declaration;
+  location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
+  module_binding: mapper -> T.module_binding -> module_binding;
+  module_declaration: mapper -> T.module_declaration -> module_declaration;
+  module_substitution: mapper -> T.module_substitution -> module_substitution;
+  module_expr: mapper -> T.module_expr -> module_expr;
+  module_type: mapper -> T.module_type -> module_type;
+  module_type_declaration:
+    mapper -> T.module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration;
+  package_type: mapper -> T.package_type -> package_type;
+  open_declaration: mapper -> T.open_declaration -> open_declaration;
+  open_description: mapper -> T.open_description -> open_description;
+  pat: 'k . mapper -> 'k T.general_pattern -> pattern;
+  row_field: mapper -> T.row_field -> row_field;
+  object_field: mapper -> T.object_field -> object_field;
+  signature: mapper -> T.signature -> signature;
+  signature_item: mapper -> T.signature_item -> signature_item;
+  structure: mapper -> T.structure -> structure;
+  structure_item: mapper -> T.structure_item -> structure_item;
+  typ: mapper -> T.core_type -> core_type;
+  type_declaration: mapper -> T.type_declaration -> type_declaration;
+  type_extension: mapper -> T.type_extension -> type_extension;
+  type_exception: mapper -> T.type_exception -> type_exception;
+  type_kind: mapper -> T.type_kind -> type_kind;
+  value_binding: mapper -> T.value_binding -> value_binding;
+  value_description: mapper -> T.value_description -> value_description;
+  with_constraint:
+    mapper -> (Path.t * Longident.t Location.loc * T.with_constraint)
+    -> with_constraint;
+open T
+Some notes:
+   * For Pexp_apply, it is unclear whether arguments are reordered, especially
+    when there are optional arguments.
+(** Utility functions. *)
+let string_is_prefix sub str =
+  let sublen = String.length sub in
+  String.length str >= sublen && String.sub str 0 sublen = sub
+let rec lident_of_path = function
+  | Path.Pident id -> Longident.Lident (Ident.name id)
+  | Path.Papply (p1, p2) ->
+      Longident.Lapply (lident_of_path p1, lident_of_path p2)
+  | Path.Pdot (p, s) | Path.Pextra_ty (p, Pcstr_ty s) ->
+      Longident.Ldot (lident_of_path p, s)
+  | Path.Pextra_ty (p, _) -> lident_of_path p
+let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub.location sub loc; txt}
+(** Extract the [n] patterns from the case of a letop *)
+let rec extract_letop_patterns n pat =
+  if n = 0 then pat, []
+  else begin
+    match pat.pat_desc with
+    | Tpat_tuple([first; rest]) ->
+        let next, others = extract_letop_patterns (n-1) rest in
+        first, next :: others
+    | _ ->
+      let rec anys n =
+        if n = 0 then []
+        else { pat with pat_desc = Tpat_any } :: anys (n-1)
+      in
+      { pat with pat_desc = Tpat_any }, anys (n-1)
+  end
+(** Mapping functions. *)
+let constant = function
+  | Const_char c -> Const.char c
+  | Const_string (s,loc,d) -> Const.string ?quotation_delimiter:d ~loc s
+  | Const_int i -> Const.integer (Int.to_string i)
+  | Const_int32 i -> Const.integer ~suffix:'l' (Int32.to_string i)
+  | Const_int64 i -> Const.integer ~suffix:'L' (Int64.to_string i)
+  | Const_nativeint i -> Const.integer ~suffix:'n' (Nativeint.to_string i)
+  | Const_float f -> Const.float f
+let attribute sub a = {
+    attr_name = map_loc sub a.attr_name;
+    attr_payload = a.attr_payload;
+    attr_loc = a.attr_loc
+  }
+let attributes sub l = List.map (sub.attribute sub) l
+let structure sub str =
+  List.map (sub.structure_item sub) str.str_items
+let open_description sub od =
+  let loc = sub.location sub od.open_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub od.open_attributes in
+  Opn.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    ~override:od.open_override
+    (snd od.open_expr)
+let open_declaration sub od =
+  let loc = sub.location sub od.open_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub od.open_attributes in
+  Opn.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    ~override:od.open_override
+    (sub.module_expr sub od.open_expr)
+let structure_item sub item =
+  let loc = sub.location sub item.str_loc in
+  let desc =
+    match item.str_desc with
+      Tstr_eval (exp, attrs) -> Pstr_eval (sub.expr sub exp, attrs)
+    | Tstr_value (rec_flag, list) ->
+        Pstr_value (rec_flag, List.map (sub.value_binding sub) list)
+    | Tstr_primitive vd ->
+        Pstr_primitive (sub.value_description sub vd)
+    | Tstr_type (rec_flag, list) ->
+        Pstr_type (rec_flag, List.map (sub.type_declaration sub) list)
+    | Tstr_typext tyext ->
+        Pstr_typext (sub.type_extension sub tyext)
+    | Tstr_exception ext ->
+        Pstr_exception (sub.type_exception sub ext)
+    | Tstr_module mb ->
+        Pstr_module (sub.module_binding sub mb)
+    | Tstr_recmodule list ->
+        Pstr_recmodule (List.map (sub.module_binding sub) list)
+    | Tstr_modtype mtd ->
+        Pstr_modtype (sub.module_type_declaration sub mtd)
+    | Tstr_open od ->
+        Pstr_open (sub.open_declaration sub od)
+    | Tstr_class list ->
+        Pstr_class
+          (List.map
+             (fun (ci, _) -> sub.class_declaration sub ci)
+             list)
+    | Tstr_class_type list ->
+        Pstr_class_type
+          (List.map
+             (fun (_id, _name, ct) -> sub.class_type_declaration sub ct)
+             list)
+    | Tstr_include incl ->
+        Pstr_include (sub.include_declaration sub incl)
+    | Tstr_attribute x ->
+        Pstr_attribute x
+  in
+  Str.mk ~loc desc
+let value_description sub v =
+  let loc = sub.location sub v.val_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub v.val_attributes in
+  Val.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    ~prim:v.val_prim
+    (map_loc sub v.val_name)
+    (sub.typ sub v.val_desc)
+let module_binding sub mb =
+  let loc = sub.location sub mb.mb_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub mb.mb_attributes in
+  Mb.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    (map_loc sub mb.mb_name)
+    (sub.module_expr sub mb.mb_expr)
+let type_parameter sub (ct, v) = (sub.typ sub ct, v)
+let type_declaration sub decl =
+  let loc = sub.location sub decl.typ_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub decl.typ_attributes in
+  Type.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    ~params:(List.map (type_parameter sub) decl.typ_params)
+    ~cstrs:(
+      List.map
+        (fun (ct1, ct2, loc) ->
+           (sub.typ sub ct1, sub.typ sub ct2, sub.location sub loc))
+        decl.typ_cstrs)
+    ~kind:(sub.type_kind sub decl.typ_kind)
+    ~priv:decl.typ_private
+    ?manifest:(Option.map (sub.typ sub) decl.typ_manifest)
+    (map_loc sub decl.typ_name)
+let type_kind sub tk = match tk with
+  | Ttype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
+  | Ttype_variant list ->
+      Ptype_variant (List.map (sub.constructor_declaration sub) list)
+  | Ttype_record list ->
+      Ptype_record (List.map (sub.label_declaration sub) list)
+  | Ttype_open -> Ptype_open
+let constructor_arguments sub = function
+   | Cstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple (List.map (sub.typ sub) l)
+   | Cstr_record l -> Pcstr_record (List.map (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
+let constructor_declaration sub cd =
+  let loc = sub.location sub cd.cd_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub cd.cd_attributes in
+  Type.constructor ~loc ~attrs
+    ~vars:cd.cd_vars
+    ~args:(constructor_arguments sub cd.cd_args)
+    ?res:(Option.map (sub.typ sub) cd.cd_res)
+    (map_loc sub cd.cd_name)
+let label_declaration sub ld =
+  let loc = sub.location sub ld.ld_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub ld.ld_attributes in
+  Type.field ~loc ~attrs
+    ~mut:ld.ld_mutable
+    (map_loc sub ld.ld_name)
+    (sub.typ sub ld.ld_type)
+let type_extension sub tyext =
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub tyext.tyext_attributes in
+  Te.mk ~attrs
+    ~params:(List.map (type_parameter sub) tyext.tyext_params)
+    ~priv:tyext.tyext_private
+    (map_loc sub tyext.tyext_txt)
+    (List.map (sub.extension_constructor sub) tyext.tyext_constructors)
+let type_exception sub tyexn =
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub tyexn.tyexn_attributes in
+  Te.mk_exception ~attrs
+    (sub.extension_constructor sub tyexn.tyexn_constructor)
+let extension_constructor sub ext =
+  let loc = sub.location sub ext.ext_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub ext.ext_attributes in
+  Te.constructor ~loc ~attrs
+    (map_loc sub ext.ext_name)
+    (match ext.ext_kind with
+      | Text_decl (vs, args, ret) ->
+          Pext_decl (vs, constructor_arguments sub args,
+                     Option.map (sub.typ sub) ret)
+      | Text_rebind (_p, lid) -> Pext_rebind (map_loc sub lid)
+    )
+let pattern : type k . _ -> k T.general_pattern -> _ = fun sub pat ->
+  let loc = sub.location sub pat.pat_loc in
+  (* todo: fix attributes on extras *)
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub pat.pat_attributes in
+  let desc =
+  match pat with
+      { pat_extra=[Tpat_unpack, loc, _attrs]; pat_desc = Tpat_any; _ } ->
+        Ppat_unpack { txt = None; loc  }
+    | { pat_extra=[Tpat_unpack, _, _attrs];
+        pat_desc = Tpat_var (_,name, _); _ } ->
+        Ppat_unpack { name with txt = Some name.txt }
+    | { pat_extra=[Tpat_type (_path, lid), _, _attrs]; _ } ->
+        Ppat_type (map_loc sub lid)
+    | { pat_extra= (Tpat_constraint ct, _, _attrs) :: rem; _ } ->
+        Ppat_constraint (sub.pat sub { pat with pat_extra=rem },
+                         sub.typ sub ct)
+    | _ ->
+    match pat.pat_desc with
+      Tpat_any -> Ppat_any
+    | Tpat_var (id, name, _) ->
+        begin
+          match (Ident.name id).[0] with
+            'A'..'Z' ->
+              Ppat_unpack { name with txt = Some name.txt}
+          | _ ->
+              Ppat_var name
+        end
+    (* We transform (_ as x) in x if _ and x have the same location.
+       The compiler transforms (x:t) into (_ as x : t).
+       This avoids transforming a warning 27 into a 26.
+     *)
+    | Tpat_alias ({pat_desc = Tpat_any; pat_loc}, _id, name, _)
+         when pat_loc = pat.pat_loc ->
+       Ppat_var name
+    | Tpat_alias (pat, _id, name, _) ->
+        Ppat_alias (sub.pat sub pat, name)
+    | Tpat_constant cst -> Ppat_constant (constant cst)
+    | Tpat_tuple list ->
+        Ppat_tuple (List.map (sub.pat sub) list)
+    | Tpat_construct (lid, _, args, vto) ->
+        let tyo =
+          match vto with
+            None -> None
+          | Some (vl, ty) ->
+              let vl =
+                List.map (fun x -> {x with txt = Ident.name x.txt}) vl
+              in
+              Some (vl, sub.typ sub ty)
+        in
+        let arg =
+          match args with
+            []    -> None
+          | [arg] -> Some (sub.pat sub arg)
+          | args  -> Some (Pat.tuple ~loc (List.map (sub.pat sub) args))
+        in
+        Ppat_construct (map_loc sub lid,
+          match tyo, arg with
+          | Some (vl, ty), Some arg ->
+              Some (vl, Pat.mk ~loc (Ppat_constraint (arg, ty)))
+          | None, Some arg -> Some ([], arg)
+          | _, None -> None)
+    | Tpat_variant (label, pato, _) ->
+        Ppat_variant (label, Option.map (sub.pat sub) pato)
+    | Tpat_record (list, closed) ->
+        Ppat_record (List.map (fun (lid, _, pat) ->
+            map_loc sub lid, sub.pat sub pat) list, closed)
+    | Tpat_array list -> Ppat_array (List.map (sub.pat sub) list)
+    | Tpat_lazy p -> Ppat_lazy (sub.pat sub p)
+    | Tpat_exception p -> Ppat_exception (sub.pat sub p)
+    | Tpat_value p -> (sub.pat sub (p :> pattern)).ppat_desc
+    | Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) -> Ppat_or (sub.pat sub p1, sub.pat sub p2)
+  in
+  Pat.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let exp_extra sub (extra, loc, attrs) sexp =
+  let loc = sub.location sub loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub attrs in
+  let desc =
+    match extra with
+      Texp_coerce (cty1, cty2) ->
+        Pexp_coerce (sexp,
+                     Option.map (sub.typ sub) cty1,
+                     sub.typ sub cty2)
+    | Texp_constraint cty ->
+        Pexp_constraint (sexp, sub.typ sub cty)
+    | Texp_poly cto -> Pexp_poly (sexp, Option.map (sub.typ sub) cto)
+    | Texp_newtype s -> Pexp_newtype (mkloc s loc, sexp)
+  in
+  Exp.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let case : type k . mapper -> k case -> _ = fun sub {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} ->
+  {
+   pc_lhs = sub.pat sub c_lhs;
+   pc_guard = Option.map (sub.expr sub) c_guard;
+   pc_rhs = sub.expr sub c_rhs;
+  }
+let value_binding sub vb =
+  let loc = sub.location sub vb.vb_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub vb.vb_attributes in
+  Vb.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    (sub.pat sub vb.vb_pat)
+    (sub.expr sub vb.vb_expr)
+let expression sub exp =
+  let loc = sub.location sub exp.exp_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub exp.exp_attributes in
+  let desc =
+    match exp.exp_desc with
+      Texp_ident (_path, lid, _) -> Pexp_ident (map_loc sub lid)
+    | Texp_constant cst -> Pexp_constant (constant cst)
+    | Texp_let (rec_flag, list, exp) ->
+        Pexp_let (rec_flag,
+          List.map (sub.value_binding sub) list,
+          sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Texp_function (params, body) ->
+        let body, constraint_ =
+          match body with
+          | Tfunction_body body ->
+              (* Unlike function cases, the [exp_extra] is placed on the body
+                 itself. *)
+              Pfunction_body (sub.expr sub body), None
+          | Tfunction_cases { cases; loc; exp_extra; attributes; _ } ->
+              let cases = List.map (sub.case sub) cases in
+              let constraint_ =
+                match exp_extra with
+                | Some (Texp_coerce (ty1, ty2)) ->
+                    Some
+                      (Pcoerce (Option.map (sub.typ sub) ty1, sub.typ sub ty2))
+                | Some (Texp_constraint ty) ->
+                    Some (Pconstraint (sub.typ sub ty))
+                | Some (Texp_poly _ | Texp_newtype _) | None -> None
+              in
+              Pfunction_cases (cases, loc, attributes), constraint_
+        in
+        let params =
+          List.concat_map
+            (fun fp ->
+               let pat, default_arg =
+                 match fp.fp_kind with
+                 | Tparam_pat pat -> pat, None
+                 | Tparam_optional_default (pat, expr) -> pat, Some expr
+               in
+               let pat = sub.pat sub pat in
+               let default_arg = Option.map (sub.expr sub) default_arg in
+               let newtypes =
+                 List.map
+                   (fun x ->
+                      { pparam_desc = Pparam_newtype x;
+                        pparam_loc = x.loc;
+                      })
+                   fp.fp_newtypes
+               in
+               let pparam_desc =
+                 Pparam_val (fp.fp_arg_label, default_arg, pat)
+               in
+               { pparam_desc; pparam_loc = fp.fp_loc } :: newtypes)
+            params
+        in
+        Pexp_function (params, constraint_, body)
+    | Texp_apply (exp, list) ->
+        Pexp_apply (sub.expr sub exp,
+          List.fold_right (fun (label, expo) list ->
+              match expo with
+                None -> list
+              | Some exp -> (label, sub.expr sub exp) :: list
+          ) list [])
+    | Texp_match (exp, cases, eff_cases, _) ->
+      let merged_cases = List.map (sub.case sub) cases
+        @ List.map
+          (fun c ->
+            let uc = sub.case sub c in
+            let pat = { uc.pc_lhs
+                        (* XXX KC: The 2nd argument of Ppat_effect is wrong *)
+                        with ppat_desc = Ppat_effect (uc.pc_lhs, uc.pc_lhs) }
+            in
+            { uc with pc_lhs = pat })
+          eff_cases
+      in
+      Pexp_match (sub.expr sub exp, merged_cases)
+    | Texp_try (exp, exn_cases, eff_cases) ->
+        let merged_cases = List.map (sub.case sub) exn_cases
+        @ List.map
+          (fun c ->
+            let uc = sub.case sub c in
+            let pat = { uc.pc_lhs
+                        (* XXX KC: The 2nd argument of Ppat_effect is wrong *)
+                        with ppat_desc = Ppat_effect (uc.pc_lhs, uc.pc_lhs) }
+            in
+            { uc with pc_lhs = pat })
+          eff_cases
+        in
+        Pexp_try (sub.expr sub exp, merged_cases)
+    | Texp_tuple list ->
+        Pexp_tuple (List.map (sub.expr sub) list)
+    | Texp_construct (lid, _, args) ->
+        Pexp_construct (map_loc sub lid,
+          (match args with
+              [] -> None
+          | [ arg ] -> Some (sub.expr sub arg)
+          | args ->
+              Some
+                (Exp.tuple ~loc (List.map (sub.expr sub) args))
+          ))
+    | Texp_variant (label, expo) ->
+        Pexp_variant (label, Option.map (sub.expr sub) expo)
+    | Texp_record { fields; extended_expression; _ } ->
+        let list = Array.fold_left (fun l -> function
+            | _, Kept _ -> l
+            | _, Overridden (lid, exp) -> (lid, sub.expr sub exp) :: l)
+            [] fields
+        in
+        Pexp_record (list, Option.map (sub.expr sub) extended_expression)
+    | Texp_field (exp, lid, _label) ->
+        Pexp_field (sub.expr sub exp, map_loc sub lid)
+    | Texp_setfield (exp1, lid, _label, exp2) ->
+        Pexp_setfield (sub.expr sub exp1, map_loc sub lid,
+          sub.expr sub exp2)
+    | Texp_array list ->
+        Pexp_array (List.map (sub.expr sub) list)
+    | Texp_ifthenelse (exp1, exp2, expo) ->
+        Pexp_ifthenelse (sub.expr sub exp1,
+          sub.expr sub exp2,
+          Option.map (sub.expr sub) expo)
+    | Texp_sequence (exp1, exp2) ->
+        Pexp_sequence (sub.expr sub exp1, sub.expr sub exp2)
+    | Texp_while (exp1, exp2) ->
+        Pexp_while (sub.expr sub exp1, sub.expr sub exp2)
+    | Texp_for (_id, name, exp1, exp2, dir, exp3) ->
+        Pexp_for (name,
+          sub.expr sub exp1, sub.expr sub exp2,
+          dir, sub.expr sub exp3)
+    | Texp_send (exp, meth) ->
+        Pexp_send (sub.expr sub exp, match meth with
+            Tmeth_name name -> mkloc name loc
+          | Tmeth_val id -> mkloc (Ident.name id) loc
+          | Tmeth_ancestor(id, _) -> mkloc (Ident.name id) loc)
+    | Texp_new (_path, lid, _) -> Pexp_new (map_loc sub lid)
+    | Texp_instvar (_, path, name) ->
+      Pexp_ident ({loc = sub.location sub name.loc ; txt = lident_of_path path})
+    | Texp_setinstvar (_, _path, lid, exp) ->
+        Pexp_setinstvar (map_loc sub lid, sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Texp_override (_, list) ->
+        Pexp_override (List.map (fun (_path, lid, exp) ->
+              (map_loc sub lid, sub.expr sub exp)
+          ) list)
+    | Texp_letmodule (_id, name, _pres, mexpr, exp) ->
+        Pexp_letmodule (name, sub.module_expr sub mexpr,
+          sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Texp_letexception (ext, exp) ->
+        Pexp_letexception (sub.extension_constructor sub ext,
+                           sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Texp_assert (exp, _) -> Pexp_assert (sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Texp_lazy exp -> Pexp_lazy (sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Texp_object (cl, _) ->
+        Pexp_object (sub.class_structure sub cl)
+    | Texp_pack (mexpr) ->
+        Pexp_pack (sub.module_expr sub mexpr)
+    | Texp_letop {let_; ands; body; _} ->
+        let pat, and_pats =
+          extract_letop_patterns (List.length ands) body.c_lhs
+        in
+        let let_ = sub.binding_op sub let_ pat in
+        let ands = List.map2 (sub.binding_op sub) ands and_pats in
+        let body = sub.expr sub body.c_rhs in
+        Pexp_letop {let_; ands; body }
+    | Texp_unreachable ->
+        Pexp_unreachable
+    | Texp_extension_constructor (lid, _) ->
+        Pexp_extension ({ txt = "ocaml.extension_constructor"; loc },
+                        PStr [ Str.eval ~loc
+                                 (Exp.construct ~loc (map_loc sub lid) None)
+                             ])
+    | Texp_open (od, exp) ->
+        Pexp_open (sub.open_declaration sub od, sub.expr sub exp)
+  in
+  List.fold_right (exp_extra sub) exp.exp_extra
+    (Exp.mk ~loc ~attrs desc)
+let binding_op sub bop pat =
+  let pbop_op = bop.bop_op_name in
+  let pbop_pat = sub.pat sub pat in
+  let pbop_exp = sub.expr sub bop.bop_exp in
+  let pbop_loc = bop.bop_loc in
+  {pbop_op; pbop_pat; pbop_exp; pbop_loc}
+let package_type sub pack =
+  (map_loc sub pack.pack_txt,
+    List.map (fun (s, ct) ->
+        (s, sub.typ sub ct)) pack.pack_fields)
+let module_type_declaration sub mtd =
+  let loc = sub.location sub mtd.mtd_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub mtd.mtd_attributes in
+  Mtd.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    ?typ:(Option.map (sub.module_type sub) mtd.mtd_type)
+    (map_loc sub mtd.mtd_name)
+let signature sub sg =
+  List.map (sub.signature_item sub) sg.sig_items
+let signature_item sub item =
+  let loc = sub.location sub item.sig_loc in
+  let desc =
+    match item.sig_desc with
+      Tsig_value v ->
+        Psig_value (sub.value_description sub v)
+    | Tsig_type (rec_flag, list) ->
+        Psig_type (rec_flag, List.map (sub.type_declaration sub) list)
+    | Tsig_typesubst list ->
+        Psig_typesubst (List.map (sub.type_declaration sub) list)
+    | Tsig_typext tyext ->
+        Psig_typext (sub.type_extension sub tyext)
+    | Tsig_exception ext ->
+        Psig_exception (sub.type_exception sub ext)
+    | Tsig_module md ->
+        Psig_module (sub.module_declaration sub md)
+    | Tsig_modsubst ms ->
+        Psig_modsubst (sub.module_substitution sub ms)
+    | Tsig_recmodule list ->
+        Psig_recmodule (List.map (sub.module_declaration sub) list)
+    | Tsig_modtype mtd ->
+        Psig_modtype (sub.module_type_declaration sub mtd)
+    | Tsig_modtypesubst mtd ->
+        Psig_modtypesubst (sub.module_type_declaration sub mtd)
+    | Tsig_open od ->
+        Psig_open (sub.open_description sub od)
+    | Tsig_include incl ->
+        Psig_include (sub.include_description sub incl)
+    | Tsig_class list ->
+        Psig_class (List.map (sub.class_description sub) list)
+    | Tsig_class_type list ->
+        Psig_class_type (List.map (sub.class_type_declaration sub) list)
+    | Tsig_attribute x ->
+        Psig_attribute x
+  in
+  Sig.mk ~loc desc
+let module_declaration sub md =
+  let loc = sub.location sub md.md_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub md.md_attributes in
+  Md.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    (map_loc sub md.md_name)
+    (sub.module_type sub md.md_type)
+let module_substitution sub ms =
+  let loc = sub.location sub ms.ms_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub ms.ms_attributes in
+  Ms.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    (map_loc sub ms.ms_name)
+    (map_loc sub ms.ms_txt)
+let include_infos f sub incl =
+  let loc = sub.location sub incl.incl_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub incl.incl_attributes in
+  Incl.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    (f sub incl.incl_mod)
+let include_declaration sub = include_infos sub.module_expr sub
+let include_description sub = include_infos sub.module_type sub
+let class_infos f sub ci =
+  let loc = sub.location sub ci.ci_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub ci.ci_attributes in
+  Ci.mk ~loc ~attrs
+    ~virt:ci.ci_virt
+    ~params:(List.map (type_parameter sub) ci.ci_params)
+    (map_loc sub ci.ci_id_name)
+    (f sub ci.ci_expr)
+let class_declaration sub = class_infos sub.class_expr sub
+let class_description sub = class_infos sub.class_type sub
+let class_type_declaration sub = class_infos sub.class_type sub
+let functor_parameter sub : functor_parameter -> Parsetree.functor_parameter =
+  function
+  | Unit -> Unit
+  | Named (_, name, mtype) -> Named (name, sub.module_type sub mtype)
+let module_type (sub : mapper) mty =
+  let loc = sub.location sub mty.mty_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub mty.mty_attributes in
+  let desc = match mty.mty_desc with
+      Tmty_ident (_path, lid) -> Pmty_ident (map_loc sub lid)
+    | Tmty_alias (_path, lid) -> Pmty_alias (map_loc sub lid)
+    | Tmty_signature sg -> Pmty_signature (sub.signature sub sg)
+    | Tmty_functor (arg, mtype2) ->
+        Pmty_functor (functor_parameter sub arg, sub.module_type sub mtype2)
+    | Tmty_with (mtype, list) ->
+        Pmty_with (sub.module_type sub mtype,
+          List.map (sub.with_constraint sub) list)
+    | Tmty_typeof mexpr ->
+        Pmty_typeof (sub.module_expr sub mexpr)
+  in
+  Mty.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let with_constraint sub (_path, lid, cstr) =
+  match cstr with
+  | Twith_type decl ->
+      Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub decl)
+  | Twith_module (_path, lid2) ->
+      Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
+  | Twith_modtype mty ->
+      let mty = sub.module_type sub mty in
+      Pwith_modtype (map_loc sub lid,mty)
+  | Twith_typesubst decl ->
+     Pwith_typesubst (map_loc sub lid, sub.type_declaration sub decl)
+  | Twith_modsubst (_path, lid2) ->
+      Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
+  | Twith_modtypesubst mty ->
+      let mty = sub.module_type sub mty in
+      Pwith_modtypesubst (map_loc sub lid, mty)
+let module_expr (sub : mapper) mexpr =
+  let loc = sub.location sub mexpr.mod_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub mexpr.mod_attributes in
+  match mexpr.mod_desc with
+      Tmod_constraint (m, _, Tmodtype_implicit, _ ) ->
+        sub.module_expr sub m
+    | _ ->
+        let desc = match mexpr.mod_desc with
+            Tmod_ident (_p, lid) -> Pmod_ident (map_loc sub lid)
+          | Tmod_structure st -> Pmod_structure (sub.structure sub st)
+          | Tmod_functor (arg, mexpr) ->
+              Pmod_functor
+                (functor_parameter sub arg, sub.module_expr sub mexpr)
+          | Tmod_apply (mexp1, mexp2, _) ->
+              Pmod_apply (sub.module_expr sub mexp1,
+                          sub.module_expr sub mexp2)
+          | Tmod_apply_unit mexp1 ->
+              Pmod_apply_unit (sub.module_expr sub mexp1)
+          | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, _, Tmodtype_explicit mtype, _) ->
+              Pmod_constraint (sub.module_expr sub mexpr,
+                sub.module_type sub mtype)
+          | Tmod_constraint (_mexpr, _, Tmodtype_implicit, _) ->
+              assert false
+          | Tmod_unpack (exp, _pack) ->
+              Pmod_unpack (sub.expr sub exp)
+              (* TODO , sub.package_type sub pack) *)
+        in
+        Mod.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let class_expr sub cexpr =
+  let loc = sub.location sub cexpr.cl_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub cexpr.cl_attributes in
+  let desc = match cexpr.cl_desc with
+    | Tcl_constraint ( { cl_desc = Tcl_ident (_path, lid, tyl); _ },
+                       None, _, _, _ ) ->
+        Pcl_constr (map_loc sub lid,
+          List.map (sub.typ sub) tyl)
+    | Tcl_structure clstr -> Pcl_structure (sub.class_structure sub clstr)
+    | Tcl_fun (label, pat, _pv, cl, _partial) ->
+        Pcl_fun (label, None, sub.pat sub pat, sub.class_expr sub cl)
+    | Tcl_apply (cl, args) ->
+        Pcl_apply (sub.class_expr sub cl,
+          List.fold_right (fun (label, expo) list ->
+              match expo with
+                None -> list
+              | Some exp -> (label, sub.expr sub exp) :: list
+          ) args [])
+    | Tcl_let (rec_flat, bindings, _ivars, cl) ->
+        Pcl_let (rec_flat,
+          List.map (sub.value_binding sub) bindings,
+          sub.class_expr sub cl)
+    | Tcl_constraint (cl, Some clty, _vals, _meths, _concrs) ->
+        Pcl_constraint (sub.class_expr sub cl,  sub.class_type sub clty)
+    | Tcl_open (od, e) ->
+        Pcl_open (sub.open_description sub od, sub.class_expr sub e)
+    | Tcl_ident _ -> assert false
+    | Tcl_constraint (_, None, _, _, _) -> assert false
+  in
+  Cl.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let class_type sub ct =
+  let loc = sub.location sub ct.cltyp_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub ct.cltyp_attributes in
+  let desc = match ct.cltyp_desc with
+      Tcty_signature csg -> Pcty_signature (sub.class_signature sub csg)
+    | Tcty_constr (_path, lid, list) ->
+        Pcty_constr (map_loc sub lid, List.map (sub.typ sub) list)
+    | Tcty_arrow (label, ct, cl) ->
+        Pcty_arrow (label, sub.typ sub ct, sub.class_type sub cl)
+    | Tcty_open (od, e) ->
+        Pcty_open (sub.open_description sub od, sub.class_type sub e)
+  in
+  Cty.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let class_signature sub cs =
+  {
+    pcsig_self = sub.typ sub cs.csig_self;
+    pcsig_fields = List.map (sub.class_type_field sub) cs.csig_fields;
+  }
+let class_type_field sub ctf =
+  let loc = sub.location sub ctf.ctf_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub ctf.ctf_attributes in
+  let desc = match ctf.ctf_desc with
+      Tctf_inherit ct -> Pctf_inherit (sub.class_type sub ct)
+    | Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, ct) ->
+        Pctf_val (mkloc s loc, mut, virt, sub.typ sub ct)
+    | Tctf_method  (s, priv, virt, ct) ->
+        Pctf_method  (mkloc s loc, priv, virt, sub.typ sub ct)
+    | Tctf_constraint  (ct1, ct2) ->
+        Pctf_constraint (sub.typ sub ct1, sub.typ sub ct2)
+    | Tctf_attribute x -> Pctf_attribute x
+  in
+  Ctf.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let core_type sub ct =
+  let loc = sub.location sub ct.ctyp_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub ct.ctyp_attributes in
+  let desc = match ct.ctyp_desc with
+      Ttyp_any -> Ptyp_any
+    | Ttyp_var s -> Ptyp_var s
+    | Ttyp_arrow (label, ct1, ct2) ->
+        Ptyp_arrow (label, sub.typ sub ct1, sub.typ sub ct2)
+    | Ttyp_tuple list -> Ptyp_tuple (List.map (sub.typ sub) list)
+    | Ttyp_constr (_path, lid, list) ->
+        Ptyp_constr (map_loc sub lid,
+          List.map (sub.typ sub) list)
+    | Ttyp_object (list, o) ->
+        Ptyp_object
+          (List.map (sub.object_field sub) list, o)
+    | Ttyp_class (_path, lid, list) ->
+        Ptyp_class (map_loc sub lid, List.map (sub.typ sub) list)
+    | Ttyp_alias (ct, s) ->
+        Ptyp_alias (sub.typ sub ct, s)
+    | Ttyp_variant (list, bool, labels) ->
+        Ptyp_variant (List.map (sub.row_field sub) list, bool, labels)
+    | Ttyp_poly (list, ct) ->
+        let list = List.map (fun v -> mkloc v loc) list in
+        Ptyp_poly (list, sub.typ sub ct)
+    | Ttyp_package pack -> Ptyp_package (sub.package_type sub pack)
+    | Ttyp_open (_path, mod_ident, t) -> Ptyp_open (mod_ident, sub.typ sub t)
+  in
+  Typ.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let class_structure sub cs =
+  let rec remove_self = function
+    | { pat_desc = Tpat_alias (p, id, _s, _) }
+      when string_is_prefix "selfpat-" (Ident.name id) ->
+        remove_self p
+    | p -> p
+  in
+  { pcstr_self = sub.pat sub (remove_self cs.cstr_self);
+    pcstr_fields = List.map (sub.class_field sub) cs.cstr_fields;
+  }
+let row_field sub {rf_loc; rf_desc; rf_attributes;} =
+  let loc = sub.location sub rf_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub rf_attributes in
+  let desc = match rf_desc with
+    | Ttag (label, bool, list) ->
+        Rtag (label, bool, List.map (sub.typ sub) list)
+    | Tinherit ct -> Rinherit (sub.typ sub ct)
+  in
+  Rf.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let object_field sub {of_loc; of_desc; of_attributes;} =
+  let loc = sub.location sub of_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub of_attributes in
+  let desc = match of_desc with
+    | OTtag (label, ct) ->
+        Otag (label, sub.typ sub ct)
+    | OTinherit ct -> Oinherit (sub.typ sub ct)
+  in
+  Of.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+and is_self_pat = function
+  | { pat_desc = Tpat_alias(_pat, id, _, _) } ->
+      string_is_prefix "self-" (Ident.name id)
+  | _ -> false
+(* [Typeclass] adds a [self] parameter to initializers and methods that isn't
+   present in the source program.
+let remove_fun_self exp =
+  match exp with
+  | { exp_desc =
+        Texp_function
+          ({fp_arg_label = Nolabel; fp_kind = Tparam_pat pat} :: params, body)
+    }
+    when is_self_pat pat ->
+    (match params, body with
+     | [], Tfunction_body body -> body
+     | _, _ -> { exp with exp_desc = Texp_function (params, body) })
+  | e -> e
+let class_field sub cf =
+  let loc = sub.location sub cf.cf_loc in
+  let attrs = sub.attributes sub cf.cf_attributes in
+  let desc = match cf.cf_desc with
+      Tcf_inherit (ovf, cl, super, _vals, _meths) ->
+        Pcf_inherit (ovf, sub.class_expr sub cl,
+                     Option.map (fun v -> mkloc v loc) super)
+    | Tcf_constraint (cty, cty') ->
+        Pcf_constraint (sub.typ sub cty, sub.typ sub cty')
+    | Tcf_val (lab, mut, _, Tcfk_virtual cty, _) ->
+        Pcf_val (lab, mut, Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub cty))
+    | Tcf_val (lab, mut, _, Tcfk_concrete (o, exp), _) ->
+        Pcf_val (lab, mut, Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub exp))
+    | Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_virtual cty) ->
+        Pcf_method (lab, priv, Cfk_virtual (sub.typ sub cty))
+    | Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_concrete (o, exp)) ->
+        let exp = remove_fun_self exp in
+        Pcf_method (lab, priv, Cfk_concrete (o, sub.expr sub exp))
+    | Tcf_initializer exp ->
+        let exp = remove_fun_self exp in
+        Pcf_initializer (sub.expr sub exp)
+    | Tcf_attribute x -> Pcf_attribute x
+  in
+  Cf.mk ~loc ~attrs desc
+let location _sub l = l
+let default_mapper =
+  {
+    attribute = attribute;
+    attributes = attributes;
+    binding_op = binding_op;
+    structure = structure;
+    structure_item = structure_item;
+    module_expr = module_expr;
+    signature = signature;
+    signature_item = signature_item;
+    module_type = module_type;
+    with_constraint = with_constraint;
+    class_declaration = class_declaration;
+    class_expr = class_expr;
+    class_field = class_field;
+    class_structure = class_structure;
+    class_type = class_type;
+    class_type_field = class_type_field;
+    class_signature = class_signature;
+    class_type_declaration = class_type_declaration;
+    class_description = class_description;
+    type_declaration = type_declaration;
+    type_kind = type_kind;
+    typ = core_type;
+    type_extension = type_extension;
+    type_exception = type_exception;
+    extension_constructor = extension_constructor;
+    value_description = value_description;
+    pat = pattern;
+    expr = expression;
+    module_declaration = module_declaration;
+    module_substitution = module_substitution;
+    module_type_declaration = module_type_declaration;
+    module_binding = module_binding;
+    package_type = package_type ;
+    open_declaration = open_declaration;
+    open_description = open_description;
+    include_description = include_description;
+    include_declaration = include_declaration;
+    value_binding = value_binding;
+    constructor_declaration = constructor_declaration;
+    label_declaration = label_declaration;
+    case = case;
+    location = location;
+    row_field = row_field ;
+    object_field = object_field ;
+  }
+let untype_structure ?(mapper : mapper = default_mapper) structure =
+  mapper.structure mapper structure
+let untype_signature ?(mapper : mapper = default_mapper) signature =
+  mapper.signature mapper signature
+let untype_expression ?(mapper=default_mapper) expression =
+  mapper.expr mapper expression
+let untype_pattern ?(mapper=default_mapper) pattern =
+  mapper.pat mapper pattern
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/untypeast.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/untypeast.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..809df9ad08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/untypeast.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*      Thomas Gazagnaire (OCamlPro), Fabrice Le Fessant (INRIA Saclay)   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Parsetree
+val lident_of_path : Path.t -> Longident.t
+type mapper = {
+  attribute: mapper -> Typedtree.attribute -> attribute;
+  attributes: mapper -> Typedtree.attribute list -> attribute list;
+  binding_op:
+    mapper ->
+    Typedtree.binding_op -> Typedtree.pattern -> binding_op;
+  case: 'k . mapper -> 'k Typedtree.case -> case;
+  class_declaration: mapper -> Typedtree.class_declaration -> class_declaration;
+  class_description: mapper -> Typedtree.class_description -> class_description;
+  class_expr: mapper -> Typedtree.class_expr -> class_expr;
+  class_field: mapper -> Typedtree.class_field -> class_field;
+  class_signature: mapper -> Typedtree.class_signature -> class_signature;
+  class_structure: mapper -> Typedtree.class_structure -> class_structure;
+  class_type: mapper -> Typedtree.class_type -> class_type;
+  class_type_declaration: mapper -> Typedtree.class_type_declaration
+                          -> class_type_declaration;
+  class_type_field: mapper -> Typedtree.class_type_field -> class_type_field;
+  constructor_declaration: mapper -> Typedtree.constructor_declaration
+                           -> constructor_declaration;
+  expr: mapper -> Typedtree.expression -> expression;
+  extension_constructor: mapper -> Typedtree.extension_constructor
+                         -> extension_constructor;
+  include_declaration:
+    mapper -> Typedtree.include_declaration -> include_declaration;
+  include_description:
+    mapper -> Typedtree.include_description -> include_description;
+  label_declaration:
+    mapper -> Typedtree.label_declaration -> label_declaration;
+  location: mapper -> Location.t -> Location.t;
+  module_binding: mapper -> Typedtree.module_binding -> module_binding;
+  module_declaration:
+    mapper -> Typedtree.module_declaration -> module_declaration;
+  module_substitution:
+    mapper -> Typedtree.module_substitution -> module_substitution;
+  module_expr: mapper -> Typedtree.module_expr -> module_expr;
+  module_type: mapper -> Typedtree.module_type -> module_type;
+  module_type_declaration:
+    mapper -> Typedtree.module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration;
+  package_type: mapper -> Typedtree.package_type -> package_type;
+  open_declaration: mapper -> Typedtree.open_declaration -> open_declaration;
+  open_description: mapper -> Typedtree.open_description -> open_description;
+  pat: 'k . mapper -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern -> pattern;
+  row_field: mapper -> Typedtree.row_field -> row_field;
+  object_field: mapper -> Typedtree.object_field -> object_field;
+  signature: mapper -> Typedtree.signature -> signature;
+  signature_item: mapper -> Typedtree.signature_item -> signature_item;
+  structure: mapper -> Typedtree.structure -> structure;
+  structure_item: mapper -> Typedtree.structure_item -> structure_item;
+  typ: mapper -> Typedtree.core_type -> core_type;
+  type_declaration: mapper -> Typedtree.type_declaration -> type_declaration;
+  type_extension: mapper -> Typedtree.type_extension -> type_extension;
+  type_exception: mapper -> Typedtree.type_exception -> type_exception;
+  type_kind: mapper -> Typedtree.type_kind -> type_kind;
+  value_binding: mapper -> Typedtree.value_binding -> value_binding;
+  value_description: mapper -> Typedtree.value_description -> value_description;
+  with_constraint:
+    mapper -> (Path.t * Longident.t Location.loc * Typedtree.with_constraint)
+    -> with_constraint;
+val default_mapper : mapper
+val untype_structure : ?mapper:mapper -> Typedtree.structure -> structure
+val untype_signature : ?mapper:mapper -> Typedtree.signature -> signature
+val untype_expression : ?mapper:mapper -> Typedtree.expression -> expression
+val untype_pattern : ?mapper:mapper -> _ Typedtree.general_pattern -> pattern
+val constant : Asttypes.constant -> Parsetree.constant
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/value_rec_check.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/value_rec_check.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f4e4d052d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/value_rec_check.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1421 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*               Jeremy Yallop, University of Cambridge                   *)
+(*               Gabriel Scherer, Project Parsifal, INRIA Saclay          *)
+(*               Alban Reynaud, ENS Lyon                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2017 Jeremy Yallop                                         *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Alban Reynaud                                         *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 INRIA                                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Static checking of recursive declarations, as described in
+      A practical mode system for recursive definitions
+      Alban Reynaud, Gabriel Scherer and Jeremy Yallop
+      POPL 2021
+Some recursive definitions are meaningful
+  let rec factorial = function 0 -> 1 | n -> n * factorial (n - 1)
+  let rec infinite_list = 0 :: infinite_list
+but some other are meaningless
+  let rec x = x
+  let rec x = x+1
+Intuitively, a recursive definition makes sense when the body of the
+definition can be evaluated without fully knowing what the recursive
+name is yet.
+In the [factorial] example, the name [factorial] refers to a function,
+evaluating the function definition [function ...] can be done
+immediately and will not force a recursive call to [factorial] -- this
+will only happen later, when [factorial] is called with an argument.
+In the [infinite_list] example, we can evaluate [0 :: infinite_list]
+without knowing the full content of [infinite_list], but with just its
+address. This is a case of productive/guarded recursion.
+On the contrary, [let rec x = x] is unguarded recursion (the meaning
+is undetermined), and [let rec x = x+1] would need the value of [x]
+while evaluating its definition [x+1].
+This file implements a static check to decide which definitions are
+known to be meaningful, and which may be meaningless. In the general
+case, we handle a set of mutually-recursive definitions
+let rec x1 = e1
+and x2 = e2
+and xn = en
+Our check (see function [is_valid_recursive_expression] is defined
+using two criteria:
+Usage of recursive variables: how does each of the [e1 .. en] use the
+ recursive variables [x1 .. xn]?
+Static or dynamic size: for which of the [ei] can we compute the
+  in-memory size of the value without evaluating [ei] (so that we can
+  pre-allocate it, and thus know its final address before evaluation).
+The "static or dynamic size" is decided by the classify_* functions below.
+The "variable usage" question is decided by a static analysis looking
+very much like a type system. The idea is to assign "access modes" to
+variables, where an "access mode" [m] is defined as either
+    m ::= Ignore (* the value is not used at all *)
+        | Delay (* the value is not needed at definition time *)
+        | Guard (* the value is stored under a data constructor *)
+        | Return (* the value result is directly returned *)
+        | Dereference (* full access and inspection of the value *)
+The access modes of an expression [e] are represented by a "context"
+[G], which is simply a mapping from variables (the variables used in
+[e]) to access modes.
+The core notion of the static check is a type-system-like judgment of
+the form [G |- e : m], which can be interpreted as meaning either of:
+- If we are allowed to use the variables of [e] at the modes in [G]
+  (but not more), then it is safe to use [e] at the mode [m].
+- If we want to use [e] at the mode [m], then its variables are
+  used at the modes in [G].
+In practice, for a given expression [e], our implementation takes the
+desired mode of use [m] as *input*, and returns a context [G] as
+*output*, which is (uniquely determined as) the most permissive choice
+of modes [G] for the variables of [e] such that [G |- e : m] holds.
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+open Types
+(** {1 Static or dynamic size} *)
+type sd = Value_rec_types.recursive_binding_kind
+let is_ref : Types.value_description -> bool = function
+  | { Types.val_kind =
+        Types.Val_prim { Primitive.prim_name = "%makemutable";
+                          prim_arity = 1 } } ->
+        true
+  | _ -> false
+(* See the note on abstracted arguments in the documentation for
+    Typedtree.Texp_apply *)
+let is_abstracted_arg : arg_label * expression option -> bool = function
+  | (_, None) -> true
+  | (_, Some _) -> false
+let classify_expression : Typedtree.expression -> sd =
+  (* We need to keep track of the size of expressions
+      bound by local declarations, to be able to predict
+      the size of variables. Compare:
+        let rec r =
+          let y = fun () -> r ()
+          in y
+      and
+        let rec r =
+          let y = if Random.bool () then ignore else fun () -> r ()
+          in y
+    In both cases the final address of `r` must be known before `y` is compiled,
+    and this is only possible if `r` has a statically-known size.
+    The first definition can be allowed (`y` has a statically-known
+    size) but the second one is unsound (`y` has no statically-known size).
+  *)
+  let rec classify_expression env e : sd =
+    match e.exp_desc with
+    (* binding and variable cases *)
+    | Texp_let (rec_flag, vb, e) ->
+        let env = classify_value_bindings rec_flag env vb in
+        classify_expression env e
+    | Texp_letmodule (Some mid, _, _, mexp, e) ->
+        (* Note on module presence:
+           For absent modules (i.e. module aliases), the module being bound
+           does not have a physical representation, but its size can still be
+           derived from the alias itself, so we can reuse the same code as
+           for modules that are present. *)
+        let size = classify_module_expression env mexp in
+        let env = Ident.add mid size env in
+        classify_expression env e
+    | Texp_ident (path, _, _) ->
+        classify_path env path
+    (* non-binding cases *)
+    | Texp_open (_, e)
+    | Texp_letmodule (None, _, _, _, e)
+    | Texp_sequence (_, e)
+    | Texp_letexception (_, e) ->
+        classify_expression env e
+    | Texp_construct (_, {cstr_tag = Cstr_unboxed}, [e]) ->
+        classify_expression env e
+    | Texp_construct _ ->
+        Static
+    | Texp_record { representation = Record_unboxed _;
+                    fields = [| _, Overridden (_,e) |] } ->
+        classify_expression env e
+    | Texp_record _ ->
+        Static
+    | Texp_variant _
+    | Texp_tuple _
+    | Texp_extension_constructor _
+    | Texp_constant _ ->
+        Static
+    | Texp_for _
+    | Texp_setfield _
+    | Texp_while _
+    | Texp_setinstvar _ ->
+        (* Unit-returning expressions *)
+        Static
+    | Texp_unreachable ->
+        Static
+    | Texp_apply ({exp_desc = Texp_ident (_, _, vd)}, _)
+      when is_ref vd ->
+        Static
+    | Texp_apply (_,args)
+      when List.exists is_abstracted_arg args ->
+        Static
+    | Texp_apply _ ->
+        Dynamic
+    | Texp_array _ ->
+        Static
+    | Texp_pack mexp ->
+        classify_module_expression env mexp
+    | Texp_function _ ->
+        Static
+    | Texp_lazy e ->
+      (* The code below was copied (in part) from translcore.ml *)
+      begin match Typeopt.classify_lazy_argument e with
+      | `Constant_or_function ->
+        (* A constant expr (of type <> float if [Config.flat_float_array] is
+           true) gets compiled as itself. *)
+          classify_expression env e
+      | `Float_that_cannot_be_shortcut
+      | `Identifier `Forward_value ->
+          (* Forward blocks *)
+          Static
+      | `Identifier `Other ->
+          classify_expression env e
+      | `Other ->
+          (* other cases compile to a lazy block holding a function *)
+          Static
+      end
+    | Texp_new _
+    | Texp_instvar _
+    | Texp_object _
+    | Texp_match _
+    | Texp_ifthenelse _
+    | Texp_send _
+    | Texp_field _
+    | Texp_assert _
+    | Texp_try _
+    | Texp_override _
+    | Texp_letop _ ->
+        Dynamic
+  and classify_value_bindings rec_flag env bindings =
+    (* We use a non-recursive classification, classifying each
+        binding with respect to the old environment
+        (before all definitions), even if the bindings are recursive.
+        Note: computing a fixpoint in some way would be more
+        precise, as the following could be allowed:
+          let rec topdef =
+            let rec x = y and y = fun () -> topdef ()
+            in x
+    *)
+    ignore rec_flag;
+    let old_env = env in
+    let add_value_binding env vb =
+      match vb.vb_pat.pat_desc with
+      | Tpat_var (id, _loc, _uid) ->
+          let size = classify_expression old_env vb.vb_expr in
+          Ident.add id size env
+      | _ ->
+          (* Note: we don't try to compute any size for complex patterns *)
+          env
+    in
+    List.fold_left add_value_binding env bindings
+  and classify_path env : _ -> Value_rec_types.recursive_binding_kind = function
+    | Path.Pident x ->
+        begin
+          try Ident.find_same x env
+          with Not_found ->
+            (* an identifier will be missing from the map if either:
+                - it is a non-local identifier
+                  (bound outside the letrec-binding we are analyzing)
+                - or it is bound by a complex (let p = e in ...) local binding
+                - or it is bound within a module (let module M = ... in ...)
+                  that we are not traversing for size computation
+                For non-local identifiers it might be reasonable (although
+                not completely clear) to consider them Static (they have
+                already been evaluated), but for the others we must
+                under-approximate with Not_recursive.
+                This could be fixed by a more complete implementation.
+            *)
+            Dynamic
+        end
+    | Path.Pdot _ | Path.Papply _ | Path.Pextra_ty _ ->
+        (* local modules could have such paths to local definitions;
+            classify_expression could be extend to compute module
+            shapes more precisely *)
+        Dynamic
+  and classify_module_expression env mexp : sd =
+    match mexp.mod_desc with
+    | Tmod_ident (path, _) ->
+        classify_path env path
+    | Tmod_structure _ ->
+        Static
+    | Tmod_functor _ ->
+        Static
+    | Tmod_apply _ ->
+        Dynamic
+    | Tmod_apply_unit _ ->
+        Dynamic
+    | Tmod_constraint (mexp, _, _, coe) ->
+        begin match coe with
+        | Tcoerce_none ->
+            classify_module_expression env mexp
+        | Tcoerce_structure _ ->
+            Static
+        | Tcoerce_functor _ ->
+            Static
+        | Tcoerce_primitive _ ->
+            Misc.fatal_error "letrec: primitive coercion on a module"
+        | Tcoerce_alias _ ->
+            Misc.fatal_error "letrec: alias coercion on a module"
+        end
+    | Tmod_unpack (e, _) ->
+        classify_expression env e
+  in classify_expression Ident.empty
+(** {1 Usage of recursive variables} *)
+module Mode = struct
+  (** For an expression in a program, its "usage mode" represents
+      static information about how the value produced by the expression
+      will be used by the context around it. *)
+  type t =
+    | Ignore
+    (** [Ignore] is for subexpressions that are not used at all during
+       the evaluation of the whole program. This is the mode of
+       a variable in an expression in which it does not occur. *)
+    | Delay
+    (** A [Delay] context can be fully evaluated without evaluating its argument
+        , which will only be needed at a later point of program execution. For
+        example, [fun x -> ?] or [lazy ?] are [Delay] contexts. *)
+    | Guard
+    (** A [Guard] context returns the value as a member of a data structure,
+        for example a variant constructor or record. The value can safely be
+        defined mutually-recursively with their context, for example in
+        [let rec li = 1 :: li].
+        When these subexpressions participate in a cyclic definition,
+        this definition is productive/guarded.
+        The [Guard] mode is also used when a value is not dereferenced,
+        it is returned by a sub-expression, but the result of this
+        sub-expression is discarded instead of being returned.
+        For example, the subterm [?] is in a [Guard] context
+        in [let _ = ? in e] and in [?; e].
+        When these subexpressions participate in a cyclic definition,
+        they cannot create a self-loop.
+    *)
+    | Return
+    (** A [Return] context returns its value without further inspection.
+        This value cannot be defined mutually-recursively with its context,
+        as there is a risk of self-loop: in [let rec x = y and y = x], the
+        two definitions use a single variable in [Return] context. *)
+    | Dereference
+    (** A [Dereference] context consumes, inspects and uses the value
+        in arbitrary ways. Such a value must be fully defined at the point
+        of usage, it cannot be defined mutually-recursively with its context. *)
+  let equal = ((=) : t -> t -> bool)
+  (* Lower-ranked modes demand/use less of the variable/expression they qualify
+     -- so they allow more recursive definitions.
+     Ignore < Delay < Guard < Return < Dereference
+  *)
+  let rank = function
+    | Ignore -> 0
+    | Delay -> 1
+    | Guard -> 2
+    | Return -> 3
+    | Dereference -> 4
+  (* Returns the more conservative (highest-ranking) mode of the two
+     arguments.
+     In judgments we write (m + m') for (join m m').
+  *)
+  let join m m' =
+    if rank m >= rank m' then m else m'
+  (* If x is used with the mode m in e[x], and e[x] is used with mode
+     m' in e'[e[x]], then x is used with mode m'[m] (our notation for
+     "compose m' m") in e'[e[x]].
+     Return is neutral for composition: m[Return] = m = Return[m].
+     Composition is associative and [Ignore] is a zero/annihilator for
+     it: (compose Ignore m) and (compose m Ignore) are both Ignore. *)
+  let compose m' m = match m', m with
+    | Ignore, _ | _, Ignore -> Ignore
+    | Dereference, _ -> Dereference
+    | Delay, _ -> Delay
+    | Guard, Return -> Guard
+    | Guard, ((Dereference | Guard | Delay) as m) -> m
+    | Return, Return -> Return
+    | Return, ((Dereference | Guard | Delay) as m) -> m
+type mode = Mode.t = Ignore | Delay | Guard | Return | Dereference
+module Env :
+  type t
+  val single : Ident.t -> Mode.t -> t
+  (** Create an environment with a single identifier used with a given mode.
+  *)
+  val empty : t
+  (** An environment with no used identifiers. *)
+  val find : Ident.t -> t -> Mode.t
+  (** Find the mode of an identifier in an environment.  The default mode is
+      Ignore. *)
+  val unguarded : t -> Ident.t list -> Ident.t list
+  (** unguarded e l: the list of all identifiers in l that are dereferenced or
+      returned in the environment e. *)
+  val dependent : t -> Ident.t list -> Ident.t list
+  (** dependent e l: the list of all identifiers in l that are used in e
+      (not ignored). *)
+  val join : t -> t -> t
+  val join_list : t list -> t
+  (** Environments can be joined pointwise (variable per variable) *)
+  val compose : Mode.t -> t -> t
+  (** Environment composition m[G] extends mode composition m1[m2]
+      by composing each mode in G pointwise *)
+  val remove : Ident.t -> t -> t
+  (** Remove an identifier from an environment. *)
+  val take: Ident.t -> t -> Mode.t * t
+  (** Remove an identifier from an environment, and return its mode *)
+  val remove_list : Ident.t list -> t -> t
+  (** Remove all the identifiers of a list from an environment. *)
+  val equal : t -> t -> bool
+end = struct
+  module M = Map.Make(Ident)
+  (** A "t" maps each rec-bound variable to an access status *)
+  type t = Mode.t M.t
+  let equal = M.equal Mode.equal
+  let find (id: Ident.t) (tbl: t) =
+    try M.find id tbl with Not_found -> Ignore
+  let empty = M.empty
+  let join (x: t) (y: t) =
+    M.fold
+      (fun (id: Ident.t) (v: Mode.t) (tbl: t) ->
+         let v' = find id tbl in
+         M.add id (Mode.join v v') tbl)
+      x y
+  let join_list li = List.fold_left join empty li
+  let compose m env =
+    M.map (Mode.compose m) env
+  let single id mode = M.add id mode empty
+  let unguarded env li =
+    List.filter (fun id -> Mode.rank (find id env) > Mode.rank Guard) li
+  let dependent env li =
+    List.filter (fun id -> Mode.rank (find id env) > Mode.rank Ignore) li
+  let remove = M.remove
+  let take id env = (find id env, remove id env)
+  let remove_list l env =
+    List.fold_left (fun env id -> M.remove id env) env l
+let remove_pat pat env =
+  Env.remove_list (pat_bound_idents pat) env
+let remove_patlist pats env =
+  List.fold_right remove_pat pats env
+(* Usage mode judgments.
+   There are two main groups of judgment functions:
+   - Judgments of the form "G |- ... : m"
+     compute the environment G of a subterm ... from its mode m, so
+     the corresponding function has type [... -> Mode.t -> Env.t].
+     We write [... -> term_judg] in this case.
+   - Judgments of the form "G |- ... : m -| G'"
+     correspond to binding constructs (for example "let x = e" in the
+     term "let x = e in body") that have both an exterior environment
+     G (the environment of the whole term "let x = e in body") and an
+     interior environment G' (the environment at the "in", after the
+     binding construct has introduced new names in scope).
+     For example, let-binding could be given the following rule:
+       G |- e : m + m'
+       -----------------------------------
+       G+G' |- (let x = e) : m -| x:m', G'
+     Checking the whole term composes this judgment
+     with the "G |- e : m" form for the let body:
+       G  |- (let x = e) : m -| G'
+       G' |- body : m
+       -------------------------------
+       G |- let x = e in body : m
+     To this judgment "G |- e : m -| G'" our implementation gives the
+     type [... -> Mode.t -> Env.t -> Env.t]: it takes the mode and
+     interior environment as inputs, and returns the exterior
+     environment.
+     We write [... -> bind_judg] in this case.
+type term_judg = Mode.t -> Env.t
+type bind_judg = Mode.t -> Env.t -> Env.t
+let option : 'a. ('a -> term_judg) -> 'a option -> term_judg =
+  fun f o m -> match o with
+    | None -> Env.empty
+    | Some v -> f v m
+let list : 'a. ('a -> term_judg) -> 'a list -> term_judg =
+  fun f li m ->
+    List.fold_left (fun env item -> Env.join env (f item m)) Env.empty li
+let array : 'a. ('a -> term_judg) -> 'a array -> term_judg =
+  fun f ar m ->
+    Array.fold_left (fun env item -> Env.join env (f item m)) Env.empty ar
+let single : Ident.t -> term_judg = Env.single
+let remove_id : Ident.t -> term_judg -> term_judg =
+  fun id f m -> Env.remove id (f m)
+let remove_ids : Ident.t list -> term_judg -> term_judg =
+  fun ids f m -> Env.remove_list ids (f m)
+let join : term_judg list -> term_judg =
+  fun li m -> Env.join_list (List.map (fun f -> f m) li)
+let empty = fun _ -> Env.empty
+(* A judgment [judg] takes a mode from the context as input, and
+   returns an environment. The judgment [judg << m], given a mode [m']
+   from the context, evaluates [judg] in the composed mode [m'[m]]. *)
+let (<<) : term_judg -> Mode.t -> term_judg =
+  fun f inner_mode -> fun outer_mode -> f (Mode.compose outer_mode inner_mode)
+(* A binding judgment [binder] expects a mode and an inner environment,
+   and returns an outer environment. [binder >> judg] computes
+   the inner environment as the environment returned by [judg]
+   in the ambient mode. *)
+let (>>) : bind_judg -> term_judg -> term_judg =
+  fun binder term mode -> binder mode (term mode)
+(* Expression judgment:
+     G |- e : m
+   where (m) is an input of the code and (G) is an output;
+   in the Prolog mode notation, this is (+G |- -e : -m).
+let rec expression : Typedtree.expression -> term_judg =
+  fun exp -> match exp.exp_desc with
+    | Texp_ident (pth, _, _) ->
+      path pth
+    | Texp_let (rec_flag, bindings, body) ->
+      (*
+         G  |- <bindings> : m -| G'
+         G' |- body : m
+         -------------------------------
+         G |- let <bindings> in body : m
+      *)
+      value_bindings rec_flag bindings >> expression body
+    | Texp_letmodule (x, _, _, mexp, e) ->
+      module_binding (x, mexp) >> expression e
+    | Texp_match (e, cases, eff_cases, _) ->
+      (* TODO: update comment below for eff_cases
+         (Gi; mi |- pi -> ei : m)^i
+         G |- e : sum(mi)^i
+         ----------------------------------------------
+         G + sum(Gi)^i |- match e with (pi -> ei)^i : m
+       *)
+      (fun mode ->
+        let pat_envs, pat_modes =
+          List.split (List.map (fun c -> case c mode) cases) in
+        let env_e = expression e (List.fold_left Mode.join Ignore pat_modes) in
+        let eff_envs, eff_modes =
+          List.split (List.map (fun c -> case c mode) eff_cases) in
+        let eff_e = expression e (List.fold_left Mode.join Ignore eff_modes) in
+        Env.join_list
+          ((Env.join_list (env_e :: pat_envs)) :: (eff_e :: eff_envs)))
+    | Texp_for (_, _, low, high, _, body) ->
+      (*
+        G1 |- low: m[Dereference]
+        G2 |- high: m[Dereference]
+        G3 |- body: m[Guard]
+        ---
+        G1 + G2 + G3 |- for _ = low to high do body done: m
+      *)
+      join [
+        expression low << Dereference;
+        expression high << Dereference;
+        expression body << Guard;
+      ]
+    | Texp_constant _ ->
+      empty
+    | Texp_new (pth, _, _) ->
+      (*
+        G |- c: m[Dereference]
+        -----------------------
+        G |- new c: m
+      *)
+      path pth << Dereference
+    | Texp_instvar (self_path, pth, _inst_var) ->
+        join [path self_path << Dereference; path pth]
+    | Texp_apply ({exp_desc = Texp_ident (_, _, vd)}, [_, Some arg])
+      when is_ref vd ->
+      (*
+        G |- e: m[Guard]
+        ------------------
+        G |- ref e: m
+      *)
+      expression arg << Guard
+    | Texp_apply (e, args)  ->
+        (* [args] may contain omitted arguments, corresponding to labels in
+           the function's type that were not passed in the actual application.
+           The arguments before the first omitted argument are passed to the
+           function immediately, so they are dereferenced. The arguments after
+           the first omitted one are stored in a closure, so guarded.
+           The function itself is called immediately (dereferenced) if there
+           is at least one argument before the first omitted one.
+           On the other hand, if the first argument is omitted then the
+           function is stored in the closure without being called. *)
+        let rec split_args ~has_omitted_arg = function
+          | [] -> [], []
+          | (_, None) :: rest -> split_args ~has_omitted_arg:true rest
+          | (_, Some arg) :: rest ->
+            let applied, delayed = split_args ~has_omitted_arg rest in
+            if has_omitted_arg
+            then applied, arg :: delayed
+            else arg :: applied, delayed
+        in
+        let applied, delayed = split_args ~has_omitted_arg:false args in
+        let function_mode =
+          match applied with
+          | [] -> Guard
+          | _ :: _ -> Dereference
+        in
+        join [expression e << function_mode;
+              list expression applied << Dereference;
+              list expression delayed << Guard]
+    | Texp_tuple exprs ->
+      list expression exprs << Guard
+    | Texp_array exprs ->
+      let array_mode = match Typeopt.array_kind exp with
+        | Lambda.Pfloatarray ->
+            (* (flat) float arrays unbox their elements *)
+            Dereference
+        | Lambda.Pgenarray ->
+            (* This is counted as a use, because constructing a generic array
+               involves inspecting to decide whether to unbox (PR#6939). *)
+            Dereference
+        | Lambda.Paddrarray | Lambda.Pintarray ->
+            (* non-generic, non-float arrays act as constructors *)
+            Guard
+      in
+      list expression exprs << array_mode
+    | Texp_construct (_, desc, exprs) ->
+      let access_constructor =
+        match desc.cstr_tag with
+        | Cstr_extension (pth, _) ->
+          path pth << Dereference
+        | _ -> empty
+      in
+      let m' = match desc.cstr_tag with
+        | Cstr_unboxed ->
+          Return
+        | Cstr_constant _ | Cstr_block _ | Cstr_extension _ ->
+          Guard
+      in
+      join [
+        access_constructor;
+        list expression exprs << m'
+      ]
+    | Texp_variant (_, eo) ->
+      (*
+        G |- e: m[Guard]
+        ------------------   -----------
+        G |- `A e: m         [] |- `A: m
+      *)
+      option expression eo << Guard
+    | Texp_record { fields = es; extended_expression = eo;
+                    representation = rep } ->
+        let field_mode = match rep with
+          | Record_float -> Dereference
+          | Record_unboxed _ -> Return
+          | Record_regular | Record_inlined _
+          | Record_extension _ -> Guard
+        in
+        let field (_label, field_def) = match field_def with
+            Kept _ -> empty
+          | Overridden (_, e) -> expression e
+        in
+        join [
+          array field es << field_mode;
+          option expression eo << Dereference
+        ]
+    | Texp_ifthenelse (cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
+      (*
+        Gc |- c: m[Dereference]
+        G1 |- e1: m
+        G2 |- e2: m
+        ---
+        Gc + G1 + G2 |- if c then e1 else e2: m
+      Note: `if c then e1 else e2` is treated in the same way as
+      `match c with true -> e1 | false -> e2`
+      *)
+      join [
+        expression cond << Dereference;
+        expression ifso;
+        option expression ifnot;
+      ]
+    | Texp_setfield (e1, _, _, e2) ->
+      (*
+        G1 |- e1: m[Dereference]
+        G2 |- e2: m[Dereference]
+        ---
+        G1 + G2 |- e1.x <- e2: m
+        Note: e2 is dereferenced in the case of a field assignment to
+        a record of unboxed floats in that case, e2 evaluates to
+        a boxed float and it is unboxed on assignment.
+      *)
+      join [
+        expression e1 << Dereference;
+        expression e2 << Dereference;
+      ]
+    | Texp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
+      (*
+        G1 |- e1: m[Guard]
+        G2 |- e2: m
+        --------------------
+        G1 + G2 |- e1; e2: m
+        Note: `e1; e2` is treated in the same way as `let _ = e1 in e2`
+      *)
+      join [
+        expression e1 << Guard;
+        expression e2;
+      ]
+    | Texp_while (cond, body) ->
+      (*
+        G1 |- cond: m[Dereference]
+        G2 |- body: m[Guard]
+        ---------------------------------
+        G1 + G2 |- while cond do body done: m
+      *)
+      join [
+        expression cond << Dereference;
+        expression body << Guard;
+      ]
+    | Texp_send (e1, _) ->
+      (*
+        G |- e: m[Dereference]
+        ---------------------- (plus weird 'eo' option)
+        G |- e#x: m
+      *)
+      join [
+        expression e1 << Dereference
+      ]
+    | Texp_field (e, _, _) ->
+      (*
+        G |- e: m[Dereference]
+        -----------------------
+        G |- e.x: m
+      *)
+      expression e << Dereference
+    | Texp_setinstvar (pth,_,_,e) ->
+      (*
+        G |- e: m[Dereference]
+        ----------------------
+        G |- x <- e: m
+      *)
+      join [
+        path pth << Dereference;
+        expression e << Dereference;
+      ]
+    | Texp_letexception ({ext_id}, e) ->
+      (* G |- e: m
+         ----------------------------
+         G |- let exception A in e: m
+      *)
+      remove_id ext_id (expression e)
+    | Texp_assert (e, _) ->
+      (*
+        G |- e: m[Dereference]
+        -----------------------
+        G |- assert e: m
+        Note: `assert e` is treated just as if `assert` was a function.
+      *)
+      expression e << Dereference
+    | Texp_pack mexp ->
+      (*
+        G |- M: m
+        ----------------
+        G |- module M: m
+      *)
+      modexp mexp
+    | Texp_object (clsstrct, _) ->
+      class_structure clsstrct
+    | Texp_try (e, cases, eff_cases) ->
+      (*
+        G |- e: m      (Gi; _ |- pi -> ei : m)^i
+        --------------------------------------------
+        G + sum(Gi)^i |- try e with (pi -> ei)^i : m
+        Contrarily to match, the patterns p do not inspect
+        the value of e, so their mode does not influence the
+        mode of e.
+      *)
+      let case_env c m = fst (case c m) in
+      join [
+        expression e;
+        list case_env cases;
+        list case_env eff_cases;
+      ]
+    | Texp_override (pth, fields) ->
+      (*
+         G |- pth : m   (Gi |- ei : m[Dereference])^i
+         ----------------------------------------------------
+         G + sum(Gi)^i |- {< (xi = ei)^i >} (at path pth) : m
+         Note: {< .. >} is desugared to a function application, but
+         the function implementation might still use its arguments in
+         a guarded way only -- intuitively it should behave as a constructor.
+         We could possibly refine the arguments' Dereference into Guard here.
+      *)
+      let field (_, _, arg) = expression arg in
+      join [
+        path pth << Dereference;
+        list field fields << Dereference;
+      ]
+    | Texp_function (params, body) ->
+      (*
+         G      |-{body} b  : m[Delay]
+         (Hj    |-{def}  Pj : m[Delay])^j
+         H  := sum(Hj)^j
+         ps := sum(pat(Pj))^j
+         -----------------------------------
+         G + H - ps |- fun (Pj)^j -> b : m
+      *)
+      let param_pat param =
+        (* param P ::=
+            | ?(pat = expr)
+            | pat
+          Define pat(P) as
+              pat if P = ?(pat = expr)
+              pat if P = pat
+          *)
+        match param.fp_kind with
+        | Tparam_pat pat -> pat
+        | Tparam_optional_default (pat, _) -> pat
+      in
+      (* Optional argument defaults.
+          G |-{def} P : m
+      *)
+      let param_default param =
+        match param.fp_kind with
+        | Tparam_optional_default (_, default) ->
+          (*
+              G |- e : m
+              ------------------
+              G |-{def} ?(p=e) : m
+          *)
+            expression default
+        | Tparam_pat _ ->
+          (*
+              ------------------
+              . |-{def} p : m
+          *)
+            empty
+      in
+      let patterns = List.map param_pat params in
+      let defaults = List.map param_default params in
+      let body = function_body body in
+      let f = join (body :: defaults) << Delay in
+      (fun m ->
+         let env = f m in
+         remove_patlist patterns env)
+    | Texp_lazy e ->
+      (*
+        G |- e: m[Delay]
+        ----------------  (modulo some subtle compiler optimizations)
+        G |- lazy e: m
+      *)
+      let lazy_mode = match Typeopt.classify_lazy_argument e with
+        | `Constant_or_function
+        | `Identifier _
+        | `Float_that_cannot_be_shortcut ->
+          Return
+        | `Other ->
+          Delay
+      in
+      expression e << lazy_mode
+    | Texp_letop{let_; ands; body; _} ->
+        let case_env c m = fst (case c m) in
+        join [
+          list binding_op (let_ :: ands) << Dereference;
+          case_env body << Delay
+        ]
+    | Texp_unreachable ->
+      (*
+        ----------
+        [] |- .: m
+      *)
+      empty
+    | Texp_extension_constructor (_lid, pth) ->
+      path pth << Dereference
+    | Texp_open (od, e) ->
+      open_declaration od >> expression e
+(* Function bodies.
+    G |-{body} b : m
+and function_body body =
+  match body with
+  | Tfunction_body body ->
+    (*
+        G |- e : m
+        ------------------
+        G |-{body} e : m (**)
+      (**) The "e" here stands for [Tfunction_body] as opposed to
+           [Tfunction_cases].
+    *)
+      expression body
+  | Tfunction_cases { cases; _ } ->
+    (*
+        (Gi; _ |- pi -> ei : m)^i    (**)
+        ------------------
+        sum(Gi)^i |-{body} function (pi -> ei)^i : m
+      (**) Contrarily to match, the values that are pattern-matched
+           are bound locally, so the pattern modes do not influence
+           the final environment.
+    *)
+      List.map (fun c mode -> fst (case c mode)) cases
+      |> join
+and binding_op : Typedtree.binding_op -> term_judg =
+  fun bop ->
+    join [path bop.bop_op_path; expression bop.bop_exp]
+and class_structure : Typedtree.class_structure -> term_judg =
+  fun cs -> list class_field cs.cstr_fields
+and class_field : Typedtree.class_field -> term_judg =
+  fun cf -> match cf.cf_desc with
+    | Tcf_inherit (_, ce, _super, _inh_vars, _inh_meths) ->
+      class_expr ce << Dereference
+    | Tcf_val (_lab, _mut, _, cfk, _) ->
+      class_field_kind cfk
+    | Tcf_method (_, _, cfk) ->
+      class_field_kind cfk
+    | Tcf_constraint _ ->
+      empty
+    | Tcf_initializer e ->
+      expression e << Dereference
+    | Tcf_attribute _ ->
+      empty
+and class_field_kind : Typedtree.class_field_kind -> term_judg =
+  fun cfk -> match cfk with
+    | Tcfk_virtual _ ->
+      empty
+    | Tcfk_concrete (_, e) ->
+      expression e << Dereference
+and modexp : Typedtree.module_expr -> term_judg =
+  fun mexp -> match mexp.mod_desc with
+    | Tmod_ident (pth, _) ->
+      path pth
+    | Tmod_structure s ->
+      structure s
+    | Tmod_functor (_, e) ->
+      modexp e << Delay
+    | Tmod_apply (f, p, _) ->
+      join [
+        modexp f << Dereference;
+        modexp p << Dereference;
+      ]
+    | Tmod_apply_unit f ->
+      modexp f << Dereference
+    | Tmod_constraint (mexp, _, _, coe) ->
+      let rec coercion coe k = match coe with
+        | Tcoerce_none ->
+          k Return
+        | Tcoerce_structure _
+        | Tcoerce_functor _ ->
+          (* These coercions perform a shallow copy of the input module,
+             by creating a new module with fields obtained by accessing
+             the same fields in the input module. *)
+           k Dereference
+        | Tcoerce_primitive _ ->
+          (* This corresponds to 'external' declarations,
+             and the coercion ignores its argument *)
+          k Ignore
+        | Tcoerce_alias (_, pth, coe) ->
+          (* Alias coercions ignore their arguments, but they evaluate
+             their alias module 'pth' under another coercion. *)
+          coercion coe (fun m -> path pth << m)
+      in
+      coercion coe (fun m -> modexp mexp << m)
+    | Tmod_unpack (e, _) ->
+      expression e
+(* G |- pth : m *)
+and path : Path.t -> term_judg =
+  (*
+    ------------
+    x: m |- x: m
+    G |- A: m[Dereference]
+    -----------------------
+    G |- A.x: m
+    G1 |- A: m[Dereference]
+    G2 |- B: m[Dereference]
+    ------------------------ (as for term application)
+    G1 + G2 |- A(B): m
+  *)
+  fun pth -> match pth with
+    | Path.Pident x ->
+        single x
+    | Path.Pdot (t, _) ->
+        path t << Dereference
+    | Path.Papply (f, p) ->
+        join [
+          path f << Dereference;
+          path p << Dereference;
+        ]
+    | Path.Pextra_ty (p, _extra) ->
+        path p
+(* G |- struct ... end : m *)
+and structure : Typedtree.structure -> term_judg =
+  (*
+    G1, {x: _, x in vars(G1)} |- item1: G2 + ... + Gn in m
+    G2, {x: _, x in vars(G2)} |- item2: G3 + ... + Gn in m
+    ...
+    Gn, {x: _, x in vars(Gn)} |- itemn: [] in m
+    ---
+    (G1 + ... + Gn) - V |- struct item1 ... itemn end: m
+  *)
+  fun s m ->
+    List.fold_right (fun it env -> structure_item it m env)
+      s.str_items Env.empty
+(* G |- <structure item> : m -| G'
+   where G is an output and m, G' are inputs *)
+and structure_item : Typedtree.structure_item -> bind_judg =
+  fun s m env -> match s.str_desc with
+    | Tstr_eval (e, _) ->
+      (*
+        Ge |- e: m[Guard]
+        G |- items: m -| G'
+        ---------------------------------
+        Ge + G |- (e;; items): m -| G'
+        The expression `e` is treated in the same way as let _ = e
+      *)
+      let judg_e = expression e << Guard in
+      Env.join (judg_e m) env
+    | Tstr_value (rec_flag, bindings) ->
+      value_bindings rec_flag bindings m env
+    | Tstr_module {mb_id; mb_expr} ->
+      module_binding (mb_id, mb_expr) m env
+    | Tstr_recmodule mbs ->
+      let bindings = List.map (fun {mb_id; mb_expr} -> (mb_id, mb_expr)) mbs in
+      recursive_module_bindings bindings m env
+    | Tstr_primitive _ ->
+      env
+    | Tstr_type _ ->
+      (*
+        -------------------
+        G |- type t: m -| G
+      *)
+      env
+    | Tstr_typext {tyext_constructors = exts; _} ->
+      let ext_ids = List.map (fun {ext_id = id; _} -> id) exts in
+      Env.join
+        (list extension_constructor exts m)
+        (Env.remove_list ext_ids env)
+    | Tstr_exception {tyexn_constructor = ext; _} ->
+      Env.join
+        (extension_constructor ext m)
+        (Env.remove ext.ext_id env)
+    | Tstr_modtype _
+    | Tstr_class_type _
+    | Tstr_attribute _ ->
+      env
+    | Tstr_open od ->
+      open_declaration od m env
+    | Tstr_class classes ->
+        let class_ids =
+          let class_id ({ci_id_class = id; _}, _) = id in
+          List.map class_id classes in
+        let class_declaration ({ci_expr; _}, _) m =
+          Env.remove_list class_ids (class_expr ci_expr m) in
+        Env.join
+          (list class_declaration classes m)
+          (Env.remove_list class_ids env)
+    | Tstr_include { incl_mod = mexp; incl_type = mty; _ } ->
+      let included_ids = List.map Types.signature_item_id mty in
+      Env.join (modexp mexp m) (Env.remove_list included_ids env)
+(* G |- module M = E : m -| G *)
+and module_binding : (Ident.t option * Typedtree.module_expr) -> bind_judg =
+  fun (id, mexp) m env ->
+      (*
+        GE |- E: m[mM + Guard]
+        -------------------------------------
+        GE + G |- module M = E : m -| M:mM, G
+      *)
+      let judg_E, env =
+        match id with
+        | None -> modexp mexp << Guard, env
+        | Some id ->
+          let mM, env = Env.take id env in
+          let judg_E = modexp mexp << (Mode.join mM Guard) in
+          judg_E, env
+      in
+      Env.join (judg_E m) env
+and open_declaration : Typedtree.open_declaration -> bind_judg =
+  fun { open_expr = mexp; open_bound_items = sg; _ } m env ->
+      let judg_E = modexp mexp in
+      let bound_ids = List.map Types.signature_item_id sg in
+      Env.join (judg_E m) (Env.remove_list bound_ids env)
+and recursive_module_bindings
+  : (Ident.t option * Typedtree.module_expr) list -> bind_judg =
+  fun m_bindings m env ->
+    let mids = List.filter_map fst m_bindings in
+    let binding (mid, mexp) m =
+      let judg_E =
+        match mid with
+        | None -> modexp mexp << Guard
+        | Some mid ->
+          let mM = Env.find mid env in
+          modexp mexp << (Mode.join mM Guard)
+      in
+      Env.remove_list mids (judg_E m)
+    in
+    Env.join (list binding m_bindings m) (Env.remove_list mids env)
+and class_expr : Typedtree.class_expr -> term_judg =
+  fun ce -> match ce.cl_desc with
+    | Tcl_ident (pth, _, _) ->
+        path pth << Dereference
+    | Tcl_structure cs ->
+        class_structure cs
+    | Tcl_fun (_, _, args, ce, _) ->
+        let ids = List.map fst args in
+        remove_ids ids (class_expr ce << Delay)
+    | Tcl_apply (ce, args) ->
+        let arg (_label, eo) = option expression eo in
+        join [
+          class_expr ce << Dereference;
+          list arg args << Dereference;
+        ]
+    | Tcl_let (rec_flag, bindings, _, ce) ->
+      value_bindings rec_flag bindings >> class_expr ce
+    | Tcl_constraint (ce, _, _, _, _) ->
+        class_expr ce
+    | Tcl_open (_, ce) ->
+        class_expr ce
+and extension_constructor : Typedtree.extension_constructor -> term_judg =
+  fun ec -> match ec.ext_kind with
+    | Text_decl _ ->
+      empty
+    | Text_rebind (pth, _lid) ->
+      path pth
+(* G |- let (rec?) (pi = ei)^i : m -| G' *)
+and value_bindings : rec_flag -> Typedtree.value_binding list -> bind_judg =
+  fun rec_flag bindings mode bound_env ->
+    let all_bound_pats = List.map (fun vb -> vb.vb_pat) bindings in
+    let outer_env = remove_patlist all_bound_pats bound_env in
+    let bindings_env =
+      match rec_flag with
+      | Nonrecursive ->
+        (*
+           (Gi, pi:_ |- ei : m[mbody_i])^i   (pi : mbody_i -| D)^i
+           ------------------------------------------------------------
+           Sum(Gi) + (D - (pi)^i) |- let (pi=ei)^i : m -| D
+        *)
+          let binding_env {vb_pat; vb_expr; _} m =
+            let m' = Mode.compose m (pattern vb_pat bound_env) in
+            remove_pat vb_pat (expression vb_expr m') in
+          list binding_env bindings mode
+      | Recursive ->
+        (*
+           (Gi, (xj : mdef_ij)^j |- ei : m[mbody_i])^i   (xi : mbody_i -| D)^i
+           G'i = Gi + mdef_ij[G'j]
+           -------------------------------------------------------------------
+           Sum(G'i) + (D - (pi)^i) |- let rec (xi=ei)^i : m -| D
+           The (mdef_ij)^i,j are a family of modes over two indices:
+           mdef_ij represents the mode of use, within e_i the definition of x_i,
+           of the mutually-recursive variable x_j.
+           The (G'i)^i are defined from the (Gi)^i as a family of equations,
+           whose smallest solution is computed as a least fixpoint.
+           The (Gi)^i are the "immediate" dependencies of each (ei)^i
+           on the outer context (excluding the mutually-defined
+           variables).
+           The (G'i)^i contain the "transitive" dependencies as well:
+           if ei depends on xj, then the dependencies of G'i of xi
+           must contain the dependencies of G'j, composed by
+           the mode mdef_ij of use of xj in ei.
+           For example, consider:
+             let rec z =
+               let rec x = ref y
+               and y = ref z
+               in f x
+           this definition should be rejected as the body [f x]
+           dereferences [x], which can be used to access the
+           yet-unitialized value [z]. This requires realizing that [x]
+           depends on [z] through [y], which requires the transitive
+           closure computation.
+           An earlier version of our check would take only the (Gi)^i
+           instead of the (G'i)^i, which is incorrect and would accept
+           the example above.
+        *)
+          (* [binding_env] takes a binding (x_i = e_i)
+             and computes (Gi, (mdef_ij)^j). *)
+          let binding_env {vb_pat = x_i; vb_expr = e_i; _} =
+            let mbody_i = pattern x_i bound_env in
+            (* Gi, (x_j:mdef_ij)^j  *)
+            let rhs_env_i = expression e_i (Mode.compose mode mbody_i) in
+            (* (mdef_ij)^j (for a fixed i) *)
+            let mutual_modes =
+              let mdef_ij {vb_pat = x_j; _} = pattern x_j rhs_env_i in
+              List.map mdef_ij bindings in
+            (* Gi *)
+            let env_i = remove_patlist all_bound_pats rhs_env_i in
+            (* (Gi, (mdef_ij)^j) *)
+            (env_i, mutual_modes) in
+          let env, mdef =
+            List.split (List.map binding_env bindings) in
+          let rec transitive_closure env =
+            let transitive_deps env_i mdef_i =
+              (* Gi, (mdef_ij)^j => Gi + Sum_j mdef_ij[Gj] *)
+              Env.join env_i
+                (Env.join_list (List.map2 Env.compose mdef_i env)) in
+            let env' = List.map2 transitive_deps env mdef in
+            if List.for_all2 Env.equal env env'
+            then env'
+            else transitive_closure env'
+          in
+          let env'_i = transitive_closure env in
+          Env.join_list env'_i
+    in Env.join bindings_env outer_env
+(* G; m' |- (p -> e) : m
+   with outputs G, m' and input m
+   m' is the mode under which the scrutinee of p
+   (the value matched against p) is placed.
+and case
+    : 'k . 'k Typedtree.case -> mode -> Env.t * mode
+  = fun { Typedtree.c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs } ->
+    (*
+       Ge |- e : m    Gg |- g : m[Dereference]
+       G := Ge+Gg     p : mp -| G
+       ----------------------------------------
+       G - p; m[mp] |- (p (when g)? -> e) : m
+    *)
+    let judg = join [
+        option expression c_guard << Dereference;
+        expression c_rhs;
+      ] in
+    (fun m ->
+       let env = judg m in
+       (remove_pat c_lhs env), Mode.compose m (pattern c_lhs env))
+(* p : m -| G
+   with output m and input G
+   m is the mode under which the scrutinee of p is placed.
+and pattern : type k . k general_pattern -> Env.t -> mode = fun pat env ->
+  (*
+    mp := | Dereference if p is destructuring
+          | Guard       otherwise
+    me := sum{G(x), x in vars(p)}
+    --------------------------------------------
+    p : (mp + me) -| G
+  *)
+  let m_pat = if is_destructuring_pattern pat
+              then Dereference
+              else Guard
+  in
+  let m_env =
+    pat_bound_idents pat
+    |> List.map (fun id -> Env.find id env)
+    |> List.fold_left Mode.join Ignore
+  in
+  Mode.join m_pat m_env
+and is_destructuring_pattern : type k . k general_pattern -> bool =
+  fun pat -> match pat.pat_desc with
+    | Tpat_any -> false
+    | Tpat_var (_, _, _) -> false
+    | Tpat_alias (pat, _, _, _) -> is_destructuring_pattern pat
+    | Tpat_constant _ -> true
+    | Tpat_tuple _ -> true
+    | Tpat_construct _ -> true
+    | Tpat_variant _ -> true
+    | Tpat_record (_, _) -> true
+    | Tpat_array _ -> true
+    | Tpat_lazy _ -> true
+    | Tpat_value pat -> is_destructuring_pattern (pat :> pattern)
+    | Tpat_exception _ -> false
+    | Tpat_or (l,r,_) ->
+        is_destructuring_pattern l || is_destructuring_pattern r
+let is_valid_recursive_expression idlist expr : sd option =
+  match expr.exp_desc with
+  | Texp_function _ ->
+     (* Fast path: functions can never have invalid recursive references *)
+     Some Static
+  | _ ->
+     let rkind = classify_expression expr in
+     let is_valid =
+       match rkind with
+       | Static ->
+         (* The expression has known size or is constant *)
+         let ty = expression expr Return in
+         Env.unguarded ty idlist = []
+       | Dynamic ->
+         (* The expression has unknown size *)
+         let ty = expression expr Return in
+         Env.unguarded ty idlist = [] && Env.dependent ty idlist = []
+     in
+     if is_valid then Some rkind else None
+(* A class declaration may contain let-bindings. If they are recursive,
+   their validity will already be checked by [is_valid_recursive_expression]
+   during type-checking. This function here prevents a different kind of
+   invalid recursion, which is the unsafe creations of objects of this class
+   in the let-binding. For example,
+   {|class a = let x = new a in object ... end|}
+   is forbidden, but
+   {|class a = let x () = new a in object ... end|}
+   is allowed.
+let is_valid_class_expr idlist ce =
+  let rec class_expr : mode -> Typedtree.class_expr -> Env.t =
+    fun mode ce -> match ce.cl_desc with
+      | Tcl_ident (_, _, _) ->
+        (*
+          ----------
+          [] |- a: m
+        *)
+        Env.empty
+      | Tcl_structure _ ->
+        (*
+          -----------------------
+          [] |- struct ... end: m
+        *)
+        Env.empty
+      | Tcl_fun (_, _, _, _, _) -> Env.empty
+        (*
+          ---------------------------
+          [] |- fun x1 ... xn -> C: m
+        *)
+      | Tcl_apply (_, _) -> Env.empty
+      | Tcl_let (rec_flag, bindings, _, ce) ->
+        value_bindings rec_flag bindings mode (class_expr mode ce)
+      | Tcl_constraint (ce, _, _, _, _) ->
+        class_expr mode ce
+      | Tcl_open (_, ce) ->
+        class_expr mode ce
+  in
+  match Env.unguarded (class_expr Return ce) idlist with
+  | [] -> true
+  | _ :: _ -> false
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index 0000000000..8010e7c92c
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+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/value_rec_check.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*               Jeremy Yallop, University of Cambridge                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2017 Jeremy Yallop                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+val is_valid_recursive_expression :
+  Ident.t list ->
+  Typedtree.expression ->
+  Value_rec_types.recursive_binding_kind option
+val is_valid_class_expr : Ident.t list -> Typedtree.class_expr -> bool
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/value_rec_types.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/value_rec_types.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a907935cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/typing/value_rec_types.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                         Vincent Laviron, OCamlPro                      *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2023 OCamlPro, SAS                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Types related to the compilation of value let-recs (non-functional
+     recursive definitions) *)
+(** The kind of recursive bindings, as computed by
+    [Value_rec_check.classify_expression] *)
+type recursive_binding_kind =
+| Static
+  (** Bindings for which some kind of pre-allocation scheme is possible.
+      The expression is allowed to be recursive, as long as its definition does
+      not inspect recursively defined values. *)
+| Dynamic
+  (** Bindings for which pre-allocation is not possible.
+      The expression is not allowed to refer to any recursive variable. *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/arg_helper.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/arg_helper.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa80007ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/arg_helper.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                       Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                        *)
+(*           Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015--2016 OCamlPro SAS                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2015--2016 Jane Street Group LLC                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+let fatal err =
+  prerr_endline err;
+  exit 2
+module Make (S : sig
+  module Key : sig
+    type t
+    val of_string : string -> t
+    module Map : Map.S with type key = t
+  end
+  module Value : sig
+    type t
+    val of_string : string -> t
+  end
+end) = struct
+  type parsed = {
+    base_default : S.Value.t;
+    base_override : S.Value.t S.Key.Map.t;
+    user_default : S.Value.t option;
+    user_override : S.Value.t S.Key.Map.t;
+  }
+  let default v =
+    { base_default = v;
+      base_override = S.Key.Map.empty;
+      user_default = None;
+      user_override = S.Key.Map.empty; }
+  let set_base_default value t =
+    { t with base_default = value }
+  let add_base_override key value t =
+    { t with base_override = S.Key.Map.add key value t.base_override }
+  let reset_base_overrides t =
+    { t with base_override = S.Key.Map.empty }
+  let set_user_default value t =
+    { t with user_default = Some value }
+  let add_user_override key value t =
+    { t with user_override = S.Key.Map.add key value t.user_override }
+  exception Parse_failure of exn
+  let parse_exn str ~update =
+    (* Is the removal of empty chunks really relevant here? *)
+    (* (It has been added to mimic the old Misc.String.split.) *)
+    let values = String.split_on_char ',' str |> List.filter ((<>) "") in
+    let parsed =
+      List.fold_left (fun acc value ->
+          match String.index value '=' with
+          | exception Not_found ->
+            begin match S.Value.of_string value with
+            | value -> set_user_default value acc
+            | exception exn -> raise (Parse_failure exn)
+            end
+          | equals ->
+            let key_value_pair = value in
+            let length = String.length key_value_pair in
+            assert (equals >= 0 && equals < length);
+            if equals = 0 then begin
+              raise (Parse_failure (
+                Failure "Missing key in argument specification"))
+            end;
+            let key =
+              let key = String.sub key_value_pair 0 equals in
+              try S.Key.of_string key
+              with exn -> raise (Parse_failure exn)
+            in
+            let value =
+              let value =
+                String.sub key_value_pair (equals + 1) (length - equals - 1)
+              in
+              try S.Value.of_string value
+              with exn -> raise (Parse_failure exn)
+            in
+            add_user_override key value acc)
+        !update
+        values
+    in
+    update := parsed
+  let parse str help_text update =
+    match parse_exn str ~update with
+    | () -> ()
+    | exception (Parse_failure exn) ->
+      fatal (Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn) help_text)
+  type parse_result =
+    | Ok
+    | Parse_failed of exn
+  let parse_no_error str update =
+    match parse_exn str ~update with
+    | () -> Ok
+    | exception (Parse_failure exn) -> Parse_failed exn
+  let get ~key parsed =
+    match S.Key.Map.find key parsed.user_override with
+    | value -> value
+    | exception Not_found ->
+      match parsed.user_default with
+      | Some value -> value
+      | None ->
+        match S.Key.Map.find key parsed.base_override with
+        | value -> value
+        | exception Not_found -> parsed.base_default
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/arg_helper.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/arg_helper.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18f60fea5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/arg_helper.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                       Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                        *)
+(*           Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015--2016 OCamlPro SAS                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2015--2016 Jane Street Group LLC                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Decipher command line arguments of the form
+        <value> | <key>=<value>[,...]
+    (as used for example for the specification of inlining parameters
+    varying by simplification round).
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+module Make (S : sig
+  module Key : sig
+    type t
+    (** The textual representation of a key must not contain '=' or ','. *)
+    val of_string : string -> t
+    module Map : Map.S with type key = t
+  end
+  module Value : sig
+    type t
+    (** The textual representation of a value must not contain ','. *)
+    val of_string : string -> t
+  end
+end) : sig
+  type parsed
+  val default : S.Value.t -> parsed
+  val set_base_default : S.Value.t -> parsed -> parsed
+  val add_base_override : S.Key.t -> S.Value.t -> parsed -> parsed
+  val reset_base_overrides : parsed -> parsed
+  val set_user_default : S.Value.t -> parsed -> parsed
+  val add_user_override : S.Key.t -> S.Value.t -> parsed -> parsed
+  val parse : string -> string -> parsed ref -> unit
+  type parse_result =
+    | Ok
+    | Parse_failed of exn
+  val parse_no_error : string -> parsed ref -> parse_result
+  val get : key:S.Key.t -> parsed -> S.Value.t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/binutils.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/binutils.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..916d14d026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/binutils.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                        Nicolas Ojeda Bar, LexiFi                       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+let char_to_hex c =
+  Printf.sprintf "0x%02x" (Char.code c)
+let int_to_hex n =
+  Printf.sprintf "0x%x" n
+type error =
+  | Truncated_file
+  | Unrecognized of string
+  | Unsupported of string * int64
+  | Out_of_range of string
+let error_to_string = function
+  | Truncated_file ->
+      "Truncated file"
+  | Unrecognized magic ->
+      Printf.sprintf "Unrecognized magic: %s"
+        (String.concat " "
+           (List.init (String.length magic)
+              (fun i -> char_to_hex magic.[i])))
+  | Unsupported (s, n) ->
+      Printf.sprintf "Unsupported: %s: 0x%Lx" s n
+  | Out_of_range s ->
+      Printf.sprintf "Out of range constant: %s" s
+exception Error of error
+let name_at ?max_len buf start =
+  if start < 0 || start > Bytes.length buf then
+    raise (Error (Out_of_range (int_to_hex start)));
+  let max_pos =
+    match max_len with
+    | None -> Bytes.length buf
+    | Some n -> Int.min (Bytes.length buf) (start + n)
+  in
+  let rec loop pos =
+    if pos >= max_pos || Bytes.get buf pos = '\000'
+    then
+      Bytes.sub_string buf start (pos - start)
+    else
+      loop (succ pos)
+  in
+  loop start
+let array_find_map f a =
+  let rec loop i =
+    if i >= Array.length a then None
+    else begin
+      match f a.(i) with
+      | None -> loop (succ i)
+      | Some _ as r -> r
+    end
+  in
+  loop 0
+let array_find f a =
+  array_find_map (fun x -> if f x then Some x else None) a
+let really_input_bytes ic len =
+  let buf = Bytes.create len in
+  really_input ic buf 0 len;
+  buf
+let uint64_of_uint32 n =
+  Int64.(logand (of_int32 n) 0xffffffffL)
+type endianness =
+  | LE
+  | BE
+type bitness =
+  | B32
+  | B64
+type decoder =
+  {
+    ic: in_channel;
+    endianness: endianness;
+    bitness: bitness;
+  }
+let word_size = function
+  | {bitness = B64; _} -> 8
+  | {bitness = B32; _} -> 4
+let get_uint16 {endianness; _} buf idx =
+  match endianness with
+  | LE -> Bytes.get_uint16_le buf idx
+  | BE -> Bytes.get_uint16_be buf idx
+let get_uint32 {endianness; _} buf idx =
+  match endianness with
+  | LE -> Bytes.get_int32_le buf idx
+  | BE -> Bytes.get_int32_be buf idx
+let get_uint s d buf idx =
+  let n = get_uint32 d buf idx in
+  match Int32.unsigned_to_int n with
+  | None -> raise (Error (Unsupported (s, Int64.of_int32 n)))
+  | Some n -> n
+let get_uint64 {endianness; _} buf idx =
+  match endianness with
+  | LE -> Bytes.get_int64_le buf idx
+  | BE -> Bytes.get_int64_be buf idx
+let get_word d buf idx =
+  match d.bitness with
+  | B64 -> get_uint64 d buf idx
+  | B32 -> uint64_of_uint32 (get_uint32 d buf idx)
+let uint64_to_int s n =
+  match Int64.unsigned_to_int n with
+  | None -> raise (Error (Unsupported (s, n)))
+  | Some n -> n
+let load_bytes d off len =
+  LargeFile.seek_in d.ic off;
+  really_input_bytes d.ic len
+type t =
+  {
+    defines_symbol: string -> bool;
+    symbol_offset: string -> int64 option;
+  }
+module ELF = struct
+  (* Reference: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/elf.5.html *)
+  let header_size d =
+    40 + 3 * word_size d
+  type header =
+    {
+      e_shoff: int64;
+      e_shentsize: int;
+      e_shnum: int;
+      e_shstrndx: int;
+    }
+  let read_header d =
+    let buf = load_bytes d 0L (header_size d) in
+    let word_size = word_size d in
+    let e_shnum = get_uint16 d buf (36 + 3 * word_size) in
+    let e_shentsize = get_uint16 d buf (34 + 3 * word_size) in
+    let e_shoff = get_word d buf (24 + 2 * word_size) in
+    let e_shstrndx = get_uint16 d buf (38 + 3 * word_size) in
+    {e_shnum; e_shentsize; e_shoff; e_shstrndx}
+  type sh_type =
+    | SHT_OTHER
+  type section =
+    {
+      sh_name: int;
+      sh_type: sh_type;
+      sh_addr: int64;
+      sh_offset: int64;
+      sh_size: int;
+      sh_entsize: int;
+      sh_name_str: string;
+    }
+  let load_section_body d {sh_offset; sh_size; _} =
+    load_bytes d sh_offset sh_size
+  let read_sections d {e_shoff; e_shnum; e_shentsize; e_shstrndx; _} =
+    let buf = load_bytes d e_shoff (e_shnum * e_shentsize) in
+    let word_size = word_size d in
+    let mk i =
+      let base = i * e_shentsize in
+      let sh_name = get_uint "sh_name" d buf (base + 0) in
+      let sh_type =
+        match get_uint32 d buf (base + 4) with
+        | 3l -> SHT_STRTAB
+        | 11l -> SHT_DYNSYM
+        | _ -> SHT_OTHER
+      in
+      let sh_addr = get_word d buf (base + 8 + word_size) in
+      let sh_offset = get_word d buf (base + 8 + 2 * word_size) in
+      let sh_size =
+        uint64_to_int "sh_size"
+          (get_word d buf (base + 8 + 3 * word_size))
+      in
+      let sh_entsize =
+        uint64_to_int "sh_entsize"
+          (get_word d buf (base + 16 + 5 * word_size))
+      in
+      {sh_name; sh_type; sh_addr; sh_offset;
+       sh_size; sh_entsize; sh_name_str = ""}
+    in
+    let sections = Array.init e_shnum mk in
+    if e_shstrndx = 0 then
+      (* no string table *)
+      sections
+    else
+      let shstrtbl = load_section_body d sections.(e_shstrndx) in
+      let set_name sec =
+        let sh_name_str = name_at shstrtbl sec.sh_name in
+        {sec with sh_name_str}
+      in
+      Array.map set_name sections
+  let read_sections d h =
+    let {e_shoff; e_shentsize; e_shnum; e_shstrndx} = h in
+    if e_shoff = 0L then
+      [||]
+    else begin
+      let buf = lazy (load_bytes d e_shoff e_shentsize) in
+      let word_size = word_size d in
+      let e_shnum =
+        if e_shnum = 0 then
+          (* The real e_shnum is the sh_size of the initial section.*)
+          uint64_to_int "e_shnum"
+            (get_word d (Lazy.force buf) (8 + 3 * word_size))
+        else
+          e_shnum
+      in
+      let e_shstrndx =
+        if e_shstrndx = 0xffff then
+          (* The real e_shstrndx is the sh_link of the initial section. *)
+          get_uint "e_shstrndx" d (Lazy.force buf) (8 + 4 * word_size)
+        else
+          e_shstrndx
+      in
+      read_sections d {h with e_shnum; e_shstrndx}
+    end
+  type symbol =
+    {
+      st_name: string;
+      st_value: int64;
+      st_shndx: int;
+    }
+  let find_section sections type_ sectname =
+    let f {sh_type; sh_name_str; _} =
+      sh_type = type_ && sh_name_str = sectname
+    in
+    array_find f sections
+  let read_symbols d sections =
+    match find_section sections SHT_DYNSYM ".dynsym" with
+    | None -> [| |]
+    | Some {sh_entsize = 0; _} ->
+        raise (Error (Out_of_range "sh_entsize=0"))
+    | Some dynsym ->
+        begin match find_section sections SHT_STRTAB ".dynstr" with
+        | None -> [| |]
+        | Some dynstr ->
+            let strtbl = load_section_body d dynstr in
+            let buf = load_section_body d dynsym in
+            let word_size = word_size d in
+            let mk i =
+              let base = i * dynsym.sh_entsize in
+              let st_name = name_at strtbl (get_uint "st_name" d buf base) in
+              let st_value = get_word d buf (base + word_size (* ! *)) in
+              let st_shndx =
+                let off = match d.bitness with B64 -> 6 | B32 -> 14 in
+                get_uint16 d buf (base + off)
+              in
+              {st_name; st_value; st_shndx}
+            in
+            Array.init (dynsym.sh_size / dynsym.sh_entsize) mk
+        end
+  let find_symbol symbols symname =
+    let f = function
+      | {st_shndx = 0; _} -> false
+      | {st_name; _} -> st_name = symname
+    in
+    array_find f symbols
+  let symbol_offset sections symbols symname =
+    match find_symbol symbols symname with
+    | None ->
+        None
+    | Some {st_shndx; st_value; _} ->
+        (* st_value in executables and shared objects holds a virtual (absolute)
+           address. See https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/elf/elf.pdf, page
+           1-21, "Symbol Values". *)
+        Some Int64.(add sections.(st_shndx).sh_offset
+                      (sub st_value sections.(st_shndx).sh_addr))
+  let defines_symbol symbols symname =
+    Option.is_some (find_symbol symbols symname)
+  let read ic =
+    seek_in ic 0;
+    let identification = really_input_bytes ic 16 in
+    let bitness =
+      match Bytes.get identification 4 with
+      | '\x01' -> B32
+      | '\x02' -> B64
+      | _ as c ->
+          raise (Error (Unsupported ("ELFCLASS", Int64.of_int (Char.code c))))
+    in
+    let endianness =
+      match Bytes.get identification 5 with
+      | '\x01' -> LE
+      | '\x02' -> BE
+      | _ as c ->
+          raise (Error (Unsupported ("ELFDATA", Int64.of_int (Char.code c))))
+    in
+    let d = {ic; bitness; endianness} in
+    let header = read_header d in
+    let sections = read_sections d header in
+    let symbols = read_symbols d sections in
+    let symbol_offset = symbol_offset sections symbols in
+    let defines_symbol = defines_symbol symbols in
+    {symbol_offset; defines_symbol}
+module Mach_O = struct
+  (* Reference:
+     https://github.com/aidansteele/osx-abi-macho-file-format-reference *)
+  let size_int = 4
+  let header_size {bitness; _} =
+    (match bitness with B64 -> 6 | B32 -> 5) * 4 + 2 * size_int
+  type header =
+    {
+      ncmds: int;
+      sizeofcmds: int;
+    }
+  let read_header d =
+    let buf = load_bytes d 0L (header_size d) in
+    let ncmds = get_uint "ncmds" d buf (8 + 2 * size_int) in
+    let sizeofcmds = get_uint "sizeofcmds" d buf (12 + 2 * size_int) in
+    {ncmds; sizeofcmds}
+  type lc_symtab =
+    {
+      symoff: int32;
+      nsyms: int;
+      stroff: int32;
+      strsize: int;
+    }
+  type load_command =
+    | LC_SYMTAB of lc_symtab
+    | OTHER
+  let read_load_commands d {ncmds; sizeofcmds} =
+    let buf = load_bytes d (Int64.of_int (header_size d)) sizeofcmds in
+    let base = ref 0 in
+    let mk _ =
+      let cmd = get_uint32 d buf (!base + 0) in
+      let cmdsize = get_uint "cmdsize" d buf (!base + 4) in
+      let lc =
+        match cmd with
+        | 0x2l ->
+            let symoff = get_uint32 d buf (!base + 8) in
+            let nsyms = get_uint "nsyms" d buf (!base + 12) in
+            let stroff = get_uint32 d buf (!base + 16) in
+            let strsize = get_uint "strsize" d buf (!base + 20) in
+            LC_SYMTAB {symoff; nsyms; stroff; strsize}
+        | _ ->
+            OTHER
+      in
+      base := !base + cmdsize;
+      lc
+    in
+    Array.init ncmds mk
+  type symbol =
+    {
+      n_name: string;
+      n_type: int;
+      n_value: int64;
+    }
+  let size_nlist d =
+    8 + word_size d
+  let read_symbols d load_commands =
+    match
+      (* Can it happen there be more than one LC_SYMTAB? *)
+      array_find_map (function
+          | LC_SYMTAB symtab -> Some symtab
+          | _ -> None
+        ) load_commands
+    with
+    | None -> [| |]
+    | Some {symoff; nsyms; stroff; strsize} ->
+        let strtbl = load_bytes d (uint64_of_uint32 stroff) strsize in
+        let buf =
+          load_bytes d (uint64_of_uint32 symoff) (nsyms * size_nlist d) in
+        let size_nlist = size_nlist d in
+        let mk i =
+          let base = i * size_nlist in
+          let n_name = name_at strtbl (get_uint "n_name" d buf (base + 0)) in
+          let n_type = Bytes.get_uint8 buf (base + 4) in
+          let n_value = get_word d buf (base + 8) in
+          {n_name; n_type; n_value}
+        in
+        Array.init nsyms mk
+  let fix symname =
+    "_" ^ symname
+  let find_symbol symbols symname =
+    let f {n_name; n_type; _} =
+      n_type land 0b1111 = 0b1111 (* N_EXT + N_SECT *) &&
+      n_name = symname
+    in
+    array_find f symbols
+  let symbol_offset symbols symname =
+    let symname = fix symname in
+    match find_symbol symbols symname with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some {n_value; _} -> Some n_value
+  let defines_symbol symbols symname =
+    let symname = fix symname in
+    Option.is_some (find_symbol symbols symname)
+  type magic =
+    | MH_MAGIC
+    | MH_CIGAM
+    | MH_MAGIC_64
+    | MH_CIGAM_64
+  let read ic =
+    seek_in ic 0;
+    let magic = really_input_bytes ic 4 in
+    let magic =
+      match Bytes.get_int32_ne magic 0 with
+      | 0xFEEDFACEl -> MH_MAGIC
+      | 0xCEFAEDFEl -> MH_CIGAM
+      | 0xFEEDFACFl -> MH_MAGIC_64
+      | 0xCFFAEDFEl -> MH_CIGAM_64
+      | _ -> (* should not happen *)
+          raise (Error (Unrecognized (Bytes.to_string magic)))
+    in
+    let bitness =
+      match magic with
+      | MH_MAGIC | MH_CIGAM -> B32
+      | MH_MAGIC_64 | MH_CIGAM_64 -> B64
+    in
+    let endianness =
+      match magic, Sys.big_endian with
+      | (MH_MAGIC | MH_MAGIC_64), false
+      | (MH_CIGAM | MH_CIGAM_64), true -> LE
+      | (MH_MAGIC | MH_MAGIC_64), true
+      | (MH_CIGAM | MH_CIGAM_64), false -> BE
+    in
+    let d = {ic; endianness; bitness} in
+    let header = read_header d in
+    let load_commands = read_load_commands d header in
+    let symbols = read_symbols d load_commands in
+    let symbol_offset = symbol_offset symbols in
+    let defines_symbol = defines_symbol symbols in
+    {symbol_offset; defines_symbol}
+module FlexDLL = struct
+  (* Reference:
+     https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/pe-format *)
+  let header_size = 24
+  type header =
+    {
+      e_lfanew: int64;
+      number_of_sections: int;
+      size_of_optional_header: int;
+      _characteristics: int;
+    }
+  let read_header e_lfanew d buf =
+    let number_of_sections = get_uint16 d buf 6 in
+    let size_of_optional_header = get_uint16 d buf 20 in
+    let _characteristics = get_uint16 d buf 22 in
+    {e_lfanew; number_of_sections; size_of_optional_header; _characteristics}
+  type optional_header_magic =
+    | PE32
+    | PE32PLUS
+  type optional_header =
+    {
+      _magic: optional_header_magic;
+      image_base: int64;
+    }
+  let read_optional_header d {e_lfanew; size_of_optional_header; _} =
+    if size_of_optional_header = 0 then
+      raise (Error (Unrecognized "SizeOfOptionalHeader=0"));
+    let buf =
+      load_bytes d Int64.(add e_lfanew (of_int header_size))
+        size_of_optional_header
+    in
+    let _magic, image_base =
+      match get_uint16 d buf 0 with
+      | 0x10b -> PE32, uint64_of_uint32 (get_uint32 d buf 28)
+      | 0x20b -> PE32PLUS, get_uint64 d buf 24
+      | n ->
+          raise (Error (Unsupported ("optional_header_magic", Int64.of_int n)))
+    in
+    {_magic; image_base}
+  type section =
+    {
+      name: string;
+      _virtual_size: int;
+      virtual_address: int64;
+      size_of_raw_data: int;
+      pointer_to_raw_data: int64;
+    }
+  let section_header_size = 40
+  let read_sections d
+      {e_lfanew; number_of_sections; size_of_optional_header; _} =
+    let buf =
+      load_bytes d
+        Int64.(add e_lfanew (of_int (header_size + size_of_optional_header)))
+        (number_of_sections * section_header_size)
+    in
+    let mk i =
+      let base = i * section_header_size in
+      let name = name_at ~max_len:8 buf (base + 0) in
+      let _virtual_size = get_uint "virtual_size" d buf (base + 8) in
+      let virtual_address = uint64_of_uint32 (get_uint32 d buf (base + 12)) in
+      let size_of_raw_data = get_uint "size_of_raw_data" d buf (base + 16) in
+      let pointer_to_raw_data =
+        uint64_of_uint32 (get_uint32 d buf (base + 20)) in
+      {name; _virtual_size; virtual_address;
+       size_of_raw_data; pointer_to_raw_data}
+    in
+    Array.init number_of_sections mk
+  type symbol =
+    {
+      name: string;
+      address: int64;
+    }
+  let load_section_body d {size_of_raw_data; pointer_to_raw_data; _} =
+    load_bytes d pointer_to_raw_data size_of_raw_data
+  let find_section sections sectname =
+    array_find (function ({name; _} : section) -> name = sectname) sections
+  (* We extract the list of exported symbols as encoded by flexlink, see
+     https://github.com/ocaml/flexdll/blob/bd636def70d941674275b2f4b6c13a34ba23f9c9/reloc.ml
+     #L500-L525 *)
+  let read_symbols d {image_base; _} sections =
+    match find_section sections ".exptbl" with
+    | None -> [| |]
+    | Some ({virtual_address; _} as exptbl) ->
+        let buf = load_section_body d exptbl in
+        let numexports =
+          uint64_to_int "numexports" (get_word d buf 0)
+        in
+        let word_size = word_size d in
+        let mk i =
+          let address = get_word d buf (word_size * (2 * i + 1)) in
+          let nameoff = get_word d buf (word_size * (2 * i + 2)) in
+          let name =
+            let off = Int64.(sub nameoff (add virtual_address image_base)) in
+            name_at buf (uint64_to_int "exptbl name offset" off)
+          in
+          {name; address}
+        in
+        Array.init numexports mk
+  let symbol_offset {image_base; _} sections symbols =
+    match find_section sections ".data" with
+    | None -> Fun.const None
+    | Some {virtual_address; pointer_to_raw_data; _} ->
+        fun symname ->
+          begin match
+            array_find (function {name; _} -> name = symname) symbols
+          with
+          | None -> None
+          | Some {address; _} ->
+              Some Int64.(add pointer_to_raw_data
+                            (sub address (add virtual_address image_base)))
+          end
+  let defines_symbol symbols symname =
+    Array.exists (fun {name; _} -> name = symname) symbols
+  type machine_type =
+  let read ic =
+    let e_lfanew =
+      seek_in ic 0x3c;
+      let buf = really_input_bytes ic 4 in
+      uint64_of_uint32 (Bytes.get_int32_le buf 0)
+    in
+    LargeFile.seek_in ic e_lfanew;
+    let buf = really_input_bytes ic header_size in
+    let magic = Bytes.sub_string buf 0 4 in
+    if magic <> "PE\000\000" then raise (Error (Unrecognized magic));
+    let machine =
+      match Bytes.get_uint16_le buf 4 with
+      | 0x1c0 -> IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM
+      | 0xaa64 -> IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64
+      | 0x8664 -> IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64
+      | 0x14c -> IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386
+      | n -> raise (Error (Unsupported ("MACHINETYPE", Int64.of_int n)))
+    in
+    let bitness =
+      match machine with
+      | IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 -> B64
+    in
+    let d = {ic; endianness = LE; bitness} in
+    let header = read_header e_lfanew d buf in
+    let opt_header = read_optional_header d header in
+    let sections = read_sections d header in
+    let symbols = read_symbols d opt_header sections in
+    let symbol_offset = symbol_offset opt_header sections symbols in
+    let defines_symbol = defines_symbol symbols in
+    {symbol_offset; defines_symbol}
+let read ic =
+  seek_in ic 0;
+  let magic = really_input_string ic 4 in
+  match magic.[0], magic.[1], magic.[2], magic.[3] with
+  | '\x7F', 'E', 'L', 'F' ->
+      ELF.read ic
+  | '\xFE', '\xED', '\xFA', '\xCE'
+  | '\xCE', '\xFA', '\xED', '\xFE'
+  | '\xFE', '\xED', '\xFA', '\xCF'
+  | '\xCF', '\xFA', '\xED', '\xFE' ->
+      Mach_O.read ic
+  | 'M', 'Z', _, _ ->
+      FlexDLL.read ic
+  | _ ->
+      raise (Error (Unrecognized magic))
+let with_open_in fn f =
+  let ic = open_in_bin fn in
+  Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> close_in_noerr ic) (fun () -> f ic)
+let read filename =
+  match with_open_in filename read with
+  | t -> Ok t
+  | exception End_of_file ->
+      Result.Error Truncated_file
+  | exception Error err ->
+      Result.Error err
+let defines_symbol {defines_symbol; _} symname =
+  defines_symbol symname
+let symbol_offset {symbol_offset; _} symname =
+  symbol_offset symname
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/binutils.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/binutils.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44e17fec38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/binutils.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                        Nicolas Ojeda Bar, LexiFi                       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type error =
+  | Truncated_file
+  | Unrecognized of string
+  | Unsupported of string * int64
+  | Out_of_range of string
+val error_to_string: error -> string
+type t
+val read: string -> (t, error) Result.t
+val defines_symbol: t -> string -> bool
+val symbol_offset: t -> string -> int64 option
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/build_path_prefix_map.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/build_path_prefix_map.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17cfac82e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/build_path_prefix_map.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*            Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type path = string
+type path_prefix = string
+type error_message = string
+let errorf fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun err -> Error err) fmt
+let encode_prefix str =
+  let buf = Buffer.create (String.length str) in
+  let push_char = function
+    | '%' -> Buffer.add_string buf "%#"
+    | '=' -> Buffer.add_string buf "%+"
+    | ':' -> Buffer.add_string buf "%."
+    | c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
+  in
+  String.iter push_char str;
+  Buffer.contents buf
+let decode_prefix str =
+  let buf = Buffer.create (String.length str) in
+  let rec loop i =
+    if i >= String.length str
+    then Ok (Buffer.contents buf)
+    else match str.[i] with
+      | ('=' | ':') as c ->
+        errorf "invalid character '%c' in key or value" c
+      | '%' ->
+        let push c = Buffer.add_char buf c; loop (i + 2) in
+        if i + 1 = String.length str then
+          errorf "invalid encoded string %S (trailing '%%')" str
+        else begin match str.[i + 1] with
+            | '#' -> push '%'
+            | '+' -> push '='
+            | '.' -> push ':'
+            | c -> errorf "invalid %%-escaped character '%c'" c
+        end
+      | c ->
+        Buffer.add_char buf c;
+        loop (i + 1)
+  in loop 0
+type pair = { target: path_prefix; source : path_prefix }
+let encode_pair { target; source } =
+  String.concat "=" [encode_prefix target; encode_prefix source]
+let decode_pair str =
+  match String.index str '=' with
+  | exception Not_found ->
+    errorf "invalid key/value pair %S, no '=' separator" str
+  | equal_pos ->
+    let encoded_target = String.sub str 0 equal_pos in
+    let encoded_source =
+      String.sub str (equal_pos + 1) (String.length str - equal_pos - 1) in
+    match decode_prefix encoded_target, decode_prefix encoded_source with
+    | Ok target, Ok source -> Ok { target; source }
+    | ((Error _ as err), _) | (_, (Error _ as err)) -> err
+type map = pair option list
+let encode_map map =
+  let encode_elem = function
+    | None -> ""
+    | Some pair -> encode_pair pair
+  in
+  List.map encode_elem map
+  |> String.concat ":"
+let decode_map str =
+  let exception Shortcut of error_message in
+  let decode_or_empty = function
+    | "" -> None
+    | pair ->
+      begin match decode_pair pair with
+        | Ok str -> Some str
+        | Error err -> raise (Shortcut err)
+      end
+  in
+  let pairs = String.split_on_char ':' str in
+  match List.map decode_or_empty pairs with
+  | exception (Shortcut err) -> Error err
+  | map -> Ok map
+let make_target path : pair option -> path option = function
+  | None -> None
+  | Some { target; source } ->
+    let is_prefix =
+      String.length source <= String.length path
+        && String.equal source (String.sub path 0 (String.length source)) in
+    if is_prefix then
+      Some (target ^ (String.sub path (String.length source)
+                       (String.length path - String.length source)))
+    else None
+let rewrite_first prefix_map path =
+  List.find_map (make_target path) (List.rev prefix_map)
+let rewrite_all prefix_map path =
+  List.filter_map (make_target path) (List.rev prefix_map)
+let rewrite prefix_map path =
+  match rewrite_first prefix_map path with
+  | None -> path
+  | Some path -> path
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/build_path_prefix_map.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/build_path_prefix_map.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8ec9caf4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/build_path_prefix_map.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*            Gabriel Scherer, projet Parsifal, INRIA Saclay              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Rewrite paths for reproducible builds
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+  See
+  {{: https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/build-path-prefix-map/ }
+type path = string
+type path_prefix = string
+type error_message = string
+val encode_prefix : path_prefix -> string
+val decode_prefix : string -> (path_prefix, error_message) result
+type pair = { target: path_prefix; source : path_prefix }
+val encode_pair : pair -> string
+val decode_pair : string -> (pair, error_message) result
+type map = pair option list
+val encode_map : map -> string
+val decode_map : string -> (map, error_message) result
+val rewrite_first : map -> path -> path option
+(** [rewrite_first map path] tries to find a source in [map]
+    that is a prefix of the input [path]. If it succeeds,
+    it replaces this prefix with the corresponding target.
+    If it fails, it just returns [None]. *)
+val rewrite_all : map -> path -> path list
+(** [rewrite_all map path] finds all sources in [map]
+    that are a prefix of the input [path]. For each matching
+    source, in priority order, it replaces this prefix with
+    the corresponding target and adds the result to
+    the returned list.
+    If there are no matches, it just returns [[]]. *)
+val rewrite : map -> path -> path
+(** [rewrite path] uses [rewrite_first] to try to find a
+    mapping for path. If found, it returns that, otherwise
+    it just returns [path]. *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/ccomp.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/ccomp.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..defe4d2a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/ccomp.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Compiling C files and building C libraries *)
+let command cmdline =
+  if !Clflags.verbose then begin
+    prerr_string "+ ";
+    prerr_string cmdline;
+    prerr_newline()
+  end;
+  let res = Sys.command cmdline in
+  if res = 127 then raise (Sys_error cmdline);
+  res
+let run_command cmdline = ignore(command cmdline)
+(* Build @responsefile to work around OS limitations on
+   command-line length.
+   Under Windows, the max length is 8187 minus the length of the
+   COMSPEC variable (or 7 if it's not set).  To be on the safe side,
+   we'll use a response file if we need to pass 4096 or more bytes of
+   arguments.
+   For Unix-like systems, the threshold is 2^16 (64 KiB), which is
+   within the lowest observed limits (2^17 per argument under Linux;
+   between 70000 and 80000 for macOS).
+let build_response_file lst =
+  let (responsefile, oc) = Filename.open_temp_file "camlresp" "" in
+  List.iter (fun f -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s\n" f) lst;
+  close_out oc;
+  at_exit (fun () -> Misc.remove_file responsefile);
+  "@" ^ responsefile
+let quote_files ~response_files lst =
+  let lst = List.filter (fun f -> f <> "") lst in
+  let quoted = List.map Filename.quote lst in
+  let s = String.concat " " quoted in
+  if response_files &&
+  (String.length s >= 65536
+  || (String.length s >= 4096 && Sys.os_type = "Win32"))
+  then build_response_file quoted
+  else s
+let quote_prefixed ~response_files pr lst =
+  let lst = List.filter (fun f -> f <> "") lst in
+  let lst = List.map (fun f -> pr ^ f) lst in
+  quote_files ~response_files lst
+let quote_optfile = function
+  | None -> ""
+  | Some f -> Filename.quote f
+let display_msvc_output file name =
+  let c = open_in file in
+  try
+    let first = input_line c in
+    if first <> Filename.basename name then
+      print_endline first;
+    while true do
+      print_endline (input_line c)
+    done
+  with _ ->
+    close_in c;
+    Sys.remove file
+let compile_file ?output ?(opt="") ?stable_name name =
+  let (pipe, file) =
+    if Config.ccomp_type = "msvc" && not !Clflags.verbose then
+      try
+        let (t, c) = Filename.open_temp_file "msvc" "stdout" in
+        close_out c;
+        (Printf.sprintf " > %s" (Filename.quote t), t)
+      with _ ->
+        ("", "")
+    else
+      ("", "") in
+  let debug_prefix_map =
+    match stable_name with
+    | Some stable when Config.c_has_debug_prefix_map ->
+      Printf.sprintf " -fdebug-prefix-map=%s=%s" name stable
+    | Some _ | None -> "" in
+  let exit =
+    command
+      (Printf.sprintf
+         "%s%s %s %s -c %s %s %s %s %s%s"
+         (match !Clflags.c_compiler with
+          | Some cc -> cc
+          | None ->
+              let (cflags, cppflags) =
+                  if !Clflags.native_code
+                  then (Config.native_cflags, Config.native_cppflags)
+                  else (Config.bytecode_cflags, Config.bytecode_cppflags) in
+              (String.concat " " [Config.c_compiler; cflags; cppflags]))
+         debug_prefix_map
+         (match output with
+          | None -> ""
+          | Some o -> Printf.sprintf "%s%s" Config.c_output_obj o)
+         opt
+         (if !Clflags.debug && Config.ccomp_type <> "msvc" then "-g" else "")
+         (String.concat " " (List.rev !Clflags.all_ccopts))
+         (quote_prefixed ~response_files:true "-I"
+            (List.map (Misc.expand_directory Config.standard_library)
+               (List.rev (  !Clflags.hidden_include_dirs
+                          @ !Clflags.include_dirs))))
+         (Clflags.std_include_flag "-I")
+         (Filename.quote name)
+         (* cl tediously includes the name of the C file as the first thing it
+            outputs (in fairness, the tedious thing is that there's no switch to
+            disable this behaviour). In the absence of the Unix module, use
+            a temporary file to filter the output (cannot pipe the output to a
+            filter because this removes the exit status of cl, which is wanted.
+          *)
+         pipe) in
+  if pipe <> ""
+  then display_msvc_output file name;
+  exit
+let create_archive archive file_list =
+  Misc.remove_file archive;
+  let quoted_archive = Filename.quote archive in
+  if file_list = [] then
+    0 (* Don't call the archiver: #6550/#1094/#9011 *)
+  else
+    match Config.ccomp_type with
+      "msvc" ->
+        command(Printf.sprintf "link /lib /nologo /out:%s %s"
+                               quoted_archive
+                               (quote_files ~response_files:true file_list))
+    | _ ->
+        assert(String.length Config.ar > 0);
+        command(Printf.sprintf "%s rc %s %s"
+                Config.ar quoted_archive
+                (quote_files ~response_files:Config.ar_supports_response_files
+                  file_list))
+let expand_libname cclibs =
+  cclibs |> List.map (fun cclib ->
+    if String.starts_with ~prefix:"-l" cclib then
+      let libname =
+        "lib" ^ String.sub cclib 2 (String.length cclib - 2) ^ Config.ext_lib in
+      try
+        Load_path.find libname
+      with Not_found ->
+        libname
+    else cclib)
+type link_mode =
+  | Exe
+  | Dll
+  | MainDll
+  | Partial
+let remove_Wl cclibs =
+  cclibs |> List.map (fun cclib ->
+    (* -Wl,-foo,bar -> -foo bar *)
+    if String.length cclib >= 4 && "-Wl," = String.sub cclib 0 4 then
+      String.map (function ',' -> ' ' | c -> c)
+                 (String.sub cclib 4 (String.length cclib - 4))
+    else cclib)
+let call_linker mode output_name files extra =
+  Profile.record_call "c-linker" (fun () ->
+    let cmd =
+      if mode = Partial then
+        let (l_prefix, files) =
+          match Config.ccomp_type with
+          | "msvc" -> ("/libpath:", expand_libname files)
+          | _ -> ("-L", files)
+        in
+        Printf.sprintf "%s%s %s %s %s"
+          Config.native_pack_linker
+          (Filename.quote output_name)
+          (quote_prefixed ~response_files:true
+            l_prefix (Load_path.get_path_list ()))
+          (quote_files ~response_files:true (remove_Wl files))
+          extra
+      else
+        Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s %s %s %s"
+          (match !Clflags.c_compiler, mode with
+          | Some cc, _ -> cc
+          | None, Exe -> Config.mkexe
+          | None, Dll -> Config.mkdll
+          | None, MainDll -> Config.mkmaindll
+          | None, Partial -> assert false
+          )
+          (Filename.quote output_name)
+          ""  (*(Clflags.std_include_flag "-I")*)
+          (quote_prefixed ~response_files:true "-L"
+             (Load_path.get_path_list ()))
+          (String.concat " " (List.rev !Clflags.all_ccopts))
+          (quote_files ~response_files:true files)
+          extra
+    in
+    command cmd
+  )
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/ccomp.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/ccomp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38dfd5486f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/ccomp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Compiling C files and building C libraries
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+val command: string -> int
+val run_command: string -> unit
+val compile_file:
+  ?output:string -> ?opt:string -> ?stable_name:string -> string -> int
+val create_archive: string -> string list -> int
+val quote_files: response_files:bool -> string list -> string
+val quote_optfile: string option -> string
+(*val make_link_options: string list -> string*)
+type link_mode =
+  | Exe
+  | Dll
+  | MainDll
+  | Partial
+val call_linker: link_mode -> string -> string list -> string -> int
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/clflags.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/clflags.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be10f23522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/clflags.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Command-line parameters *)
+module Int_arg_helper = Arg_helper.Make (struct
+  module Key = struct
+    include Numbers.Int
+    let of_string = int_of_string
+  end
+  module Value = struct
+    include Numbers.Int
+    let of_string = int_of_string
+  end
+module Float_arg_helper = Arg_helper.Make (struct
+  module Key = struct
+    include Numbers.Int
+    let of_string = int_of_string
+  end
+  module Value = struct
+    include Numbers.Float
+    let of_string = float_of_string
+  end
+let objfiles = ref ([] : string list)   (* .cmo and .cma files *)
+and ccobjs = ref ([] : string list)     (* .o, .a, .so and -cclib -lxxx *)
+and dllibs = ref ([] : string list)     (* .so and -dllib -lxxx *)
+let cmi_file = ref None
+let compile_only = ref false            (* -c *)
+and output_name = ref (None : string option) (* -o *)
+and include_dirs = ref ([] : string list) (* -I *)
+and hidden_include_dirs = ref ([] : string list) (* -H *)
+and no_std_include = ref false          (* -nostdlib *)
+and no_cwd = ref false                  (* -nocwd *)
+and print_types = ref false             (* -i *)
+and make_archive = ref false            (* -a *)
+and debug = ref false                   (* -g *)
+and debug_full = ref false              (* For full DWARF support *)
+and unsafe = ref false                  (* -unsafe *)
+and use_linscan = ref false             (* -linscan *)
+and link_everything = ref false         (* -linkall *)
+and custom_runtime = ref false          (* -custom *)
+and no_check_prims = ref false          (* -no-check-prims *)
+and bytecode_compatible_32 = ref false  (* -compat-32 *)
+and output_c_object = ref false         (* -output-obj *)
+and output_complete_object = ref false  (* -output-complete-obj *)
+and output_complete_executable = ref false  (* -output-complete-exe *)
+and all_ccopts = ref ([] : string list)     (* -ccopt *)
+and classic = ref false                 (* -nolabels *)
+and nopervasives = ref false            (* -nopervasives *)
+and match_context_rows = ref 32         (* -match-context-rows *)
+and safer_matching = ref false          (* -safer-matching *)
+and preprocessor = ref(None : string option) (* -pp *)
+and all_ppx = ref ([] : string list)        (* -ppx *)
+let absname = ref false                 (* -absname *)
+let annotations = ref false             (* -annot *)
+let binary_annotations = ref false      (* -bin-annot *)
+let store_occurrences = ref false       (* -bin-annot-occurrences *)
+and use_threads = ref false             (* -thread *)
+and noassert = ref false                (* -noassert *)
+and verbose = ref false                 (* -verbose *)
+and noversion = ref false               (* -no-version *)
+and noprompt = ref false                (* -noprompt *)
+and nopromptcont = ref false            (* -nopromptcont *)
+and init_file = ref (None : string option)   (* -init *)
+and noinit = ref false                  (* -noinit *)
+and open_modules = ref []               (* -open *)
+and use_prims = ref ""                  (* -use-prims ... *)
+and use_runtime = ref ""                (* -use-runtime ... *)
+and plugin = ref false                  (* -plugin ... *)
+and principal = ref false               (* -principal *)
+and real_paths = ref true               (* -short-paths *)
+and recursive_types = ref false         (* -rectypes *)
+and strict_sequence = ref false         (* -strict-sequence *)
+and strict_formats = ref true           (* -strict-formats *)
+and applicative_functors = ref true     (* -no-app-funct *)
+and make_runtime = ref false            (* -make-runtime *)
+and c_compiler = ref (None: string option) (* -cc *)
+and no_auto_link = ref false            (* -noautolink *)
+and dllpaths = ref ([] : string list)   (* -dllpath *)
+and make_package = ref false            (* -pack *)
+and for_package = ref (None: string option) (* -for-pack *)
+and error_size = ref 500                (* -error-size *)
+and float_const_prop = ref true         (* -no-float-const-prop *)
+and transparent_modules = ref false     (* -trans-mod *)
+let unique_ids = ref true               (* -d(no-)unique-ds *)
+let locations = ref true                (* -d(no-)locations *)
+let dump_source = ref false             (* -dsource *)
+let dump_parsetree = ref false          (* -dparsetree *)
+and dump_typedtree = ref false          (* -dtypedtree *)
+and dump_shape = ref false              (* -dshape *)
+and dump_rawlambda = ref false          (* -drawlambda *)
+and dump_lambda = ref false             (* -dlambda *)
+and dump_rawclambda = ref false         (* -drawclambda *)
+and dump_clambda = ref false            (* -dclambda *)
+and dump_rawflambda = ref false            (* -drawflambda *)
+and dump_flambda = ref false            (* -dflambda *)
+and dump_flambda_let = ref (None : int option) (* -dflambda-let=... *)
+and dump_flambda_verbose = ref false    (* -dflambda-verbose *)
+and dump_instr = ref false              (* -dinstr *)
+and keep_camlprimc_file = ref false     (* -dcamlprimc *)
+let keyword_edition: string option ref = ref None
+let keep_asm_file = ref false           (* -S *)
+let optimize_for_speed = ref true       (* -compact *)
+and opaque = ref false                  (* -opaque *)
+and dump_cmm = ref false                (* -dcmm *)
+let dump_selection = ref false          (* -dsel *)
+let dump_cse = ref false                (* -dcse *)
+let dump_live = ref false               (* -dlive *)
+let dump_spill = ref false              (* -dspill *)
+let dump_split = ref false              (* -dsplit *)
+let dump_interf = ref false             (* -dinterf *)
+let dump_prefer = ref false             (* -dprefer *)
+let dump_regalloc = ref false           (* -dalloc *)
+let dump_reload = ref false             (* -dreload *)
+let dump_scheduling = ref false         (* -dscheduling *)
+let dump_linear = ref false             (* -dlinear *)
+let dump_interval = ref false           (* -dinterval *)
+let keep_startup_file = ref false       (* -dstartup *)
+let dump_combine = ref false            (* -dcombine *)
+let profile_columns : Profile.column list ref = ref [] (* -dprofile/-dtimings *)
+let native_code = ref false             (* set to true under ocamlopt *)
+let force_slash = ref false             (* for ocamldep *)
+let clambda_checks = ref false          (* -clambda-checks *)
+let cmm_invariants =
+  ref Config.with_cmm_invariants        (* -dcmm-invariants *)
+let flambda_invariant_checks =
+  ref Config.with_flambda_invariants    (* -flambda-(no-)invariants *)
+let dont_write_files = ref false        (* set to true under ocamldoc *)
+let insn_sched_default = true
+let insn_sched = ref insn_sched_default (* -[no-]insn-sched *)
+let std_include_flag prefix =
+  if !no_std_include then ""
+  else (prefix ^ (Filename.quote Config.standard_library))
+let std_include_dir () =
+  if !no_std_include then [] else [Config.standard_library]
+let shared = ref false (* -shared *)
+let dlcode = ref true (* not -nodynlink *)
+let pic_code = ref (match Config.architecture with (* -fPIC *)
+                     | "amd64" | "s390x" -> true
+                     | _                 -> false)
+let runtime_variant = ref ""
+let with_runtime = ref true         (* -with-runtime *)
+let keep_docs = ref false              (* -keep-docs *)
+let keep_locs = ref true               (* -keep-locs *)
+let classic_inlining = ref false       (* -Oclassic *)
+let inlining_report = ref false    (* -inlining-report *)
+let afl_instrument = ref Config.afl_instrument (* -afl-instrument *)
+let afl_inst_ratio = ref 100           (* -afl-inst-ratio *)
+let function_sections = ref false      (* -function-sections *)
+let simplify_rounds = ref None        (* -rounds *)
+let default_simplify_rounds = ref 1        (* -rounds *)
+let rounds () =
+  match !simplify_rounds with
+  | None -> !default_simplify_rounds
+  | Some r -> r
+let default_inline_threshold = if Config.flambda then 10. else 10. /. 8.
+let inline_toplevel_multiplier = 16
+let default_inline_toplevel_threshold =
+  int_of_float ((float inline_toplevel_multiplier) *. default_inline_threshold)
+let default_inline_call_cost = 5
+let default_inline_alloc_cost = 7
+let default_inline_prim_cost = 3
+let default_inline_branch_cost = 5
+let default_inline_indirect_cost = 4
+let default_inline_branch_factor = 0.1
+let default_inline_lifting_benefit = 1300
+let default_inline_max_unroll = 0
+let default_inline_max_depth = 1
+let inline_threshold = ref (Float_arg_helper.default default_inline_threshold)
+let inline_toplevel_threshold =
+  ref (Int_arg_helper.default default_inline_toplevel_threshold)
+let inline_call_cost = ref (Int_arg_helper.default default_inline_call_cost)
+let inline_alloc_cost = ref (Int_arg_helper.default default_inline_alloc_cost)
+let inline_prim_cost = ref (Int_arg_helper.default default_inline_prim_cost)
+let inline_branch_cost =
+  ref (Int_arg_helper.default default_inline_branch_cost)
+let inline_indirect_cost =
+  ref (Int_arg_helper.default default_inline_indirect_cost)
+let inline_branch_factor =
+  ref (Float_arg_helper.default default_inline_branch_factor)
+let inline_lifting_benefit =
+  ref (Int_arg_helper.default default_inline_lifting_benefit)
+let inline_max_unroll =
+  ref (Int_arg_helper.default default_inline_max_unroll)
+let inline_max_depth =
+  ref (Int_arg_helper.default default_inline_max_depth)
+let unbox_specialised_args = ref true   (* -no-unbox-specialised-args *)
+let unbox_free_vars_of_closures = ref true
+let unbox_closures = ref false          (* -unbox-closures *)
+let default_unbox_closures_factor = 10
+let unbox_closures_factor =
+  ref default_unbox_closures_factor      (* -unbox-closures-factor *)
+let remove_unused_arguments = ref false (* -remove-unused-arguments *)
+type inlining_arguments = {
+  inline_call_cost : int option;
+  inline_alloc_cost : int option;
+  inline_prim_cost : int option;
+  inline_branch_cost : int option;
+  inline_indirect_cost : int option;
+  inline_lifting_benefit : int option;
+  inline_branch_factor : float option;
+  inline_max_depth : int option;
+  inline_max_unroll : int option;
+  inline_threshold : float option;
+  inline_toplevel_threshold : int option;
+let set_int_arg round (arg:Int_arg_helper.parsed ref) default value =
+  let value : int =
+    match value with
+    | None -> default
+    | Some value -> value
+  in
+  match round with
+  | None ->
+    arg := Int_arg_helper.set_base_default value
+             (Int_arg_helper.reset_base_overrides !arg)
+  | Some round ->
+    arg := Int_arg_helper.add_base_override round value !arg
+let set_float_arg round (arg:Float_arg_helper.parsed ref) default value =
+  let value =
+    match value with
+    | None -> default
+    | Some value -> value
+  in
+  match round with
+  | None ->
+    arg := Float_arg_helper.set_base_default value
+             (Float_arg_helper.reset_base_overrides !arg)
+  | Some round ->
+    arg := Float_arg_helper.add_base_override round value !arg
+let use_inlining_arguments_set ?round (arg:inlining_arguments) =
+  let set_int = set_int_arg round in
+  let set_float = set_float_arg round in
+  set_int inline_call_cost default_inline_call_cost arg.inline_call_cost;
+  set_int inline_alloc_cost default_inline_alloc_cost arg.inline_alloc_cost;
+  set_int inline_prim_cost default_inline_prim_cost arg.inline_prim_cost;
+  set_int inline_branch_cost
+    default_inline_branch_cost arg.inline_branch_cost;
+  set_int inline_indirect_cost
+    default_inline_indirect_cost arg.inline_indirect_cost;
+  set_int inline_lifting_benefit
+    default_inline_lifting_benefit arg.inline_lifting_benefit;
+  set_float inline_branch_factor
+    default_inline_branch_factor arg.inline_branch_factor;
+  set_int inline_max_depth
+    default_inline_max_depth arg.inline_max_depth;
+  set_int inline_max_unroll
+    default_inline_max_unroll arg.inline_max_unroll;
+  set_float inline_threshold
+    default_inline_threshold arg.inline_threshold;
+  set_int inline_toplevel_threshold
+    default_inline_toplevel_threshold arg.inline_toplevel_threshold
+(* o1 is the default *)
+let o1_arguments = {
+  inline_call_cost = None;
+  inline_alloc_cost = None;
+  inline_prim_cost = None;
+  inline_branch_cost = None;
+  inline_indirect_cost = None;
+  inline_lifting_benefit = None;
+  inline_branch_factor = None;
+  inline_max_depth = None;
+  inline_max_unroll = None;
+  inline_threshold = None;
+  inline_toplevel_threshold = None;
+let classic_arguments = {
+  inline_call_cost = None;
+  inline_alloc_cost = None;
+  inline_prim_cost = None;
+  inline_branch_cost = None;
+  inline_indirect_cost = None;
+  inline_lifting_benefit = None;
+  inline_branch_factor = None;
+  inline_max_depth = None;
+  inline_max_unroll = None;
+  (* [inline_threshold] matches the current compiler's default.
+     Note that this particular fraction can be expressed exactly in
+     floating point. *)
+  inline_threshold = Some (10. /. 8.);
+  (* [inline_toplevel_threshold] is not used in classic mode. *)
+  inline_toplevel_threshold = Some 1;
+let o2_arguments = {
+  inline_call_cost = Some (2 * default_inline_call_cost);
+  inline_alloc_cost = Some (2 * default_inline_alloc_cost);
+  inline_prim_cost = Some (2 * default_inline_prim_cost);
+  inline_branch_cost = Some (2 * default_inline_branch_cost);
+  inline_indirect_cost = Some (2 * default_inline_indirect_cost);
+  inline_lifting_benefit = None;
+  inline_branch_factor = None;
+  inline_max_depth = Some 2;
+  inline_max_unroll = None;
+  inline_threshold = Some 25.;
+  inline_toplevel_threshold = Some (25 * inline_toplevel_multiplier);
+let o3_arguments = {
+  inline_call_cost = Some (3 * default_inline_call_cost);
+  inline_alloc_cost = Some (3 * default_inline_alloc_cost);
+  inline_prim_cost = Some (3 * default_inline_prim_cost);
+  inline_branch_cost = Some (3 * default_inline_branch_cost);
+  inline_indirect_cost = Some (3 * default_inline_indirect_cost);
+  inline_lifting_benefit = None;
+  inline_branch_factor = Some 0.;
+  inline_max_depth = Some 3;
+  inline_max_unroll = Some 1;
+  inline_threshold = Some 50.;
+  inline_toplevel_threshold = Some (50 * inline_toplevel_multiplier);
+let all_passes = ref []
+let dumped_passes_list = ref []
+let dumped_pass s =
+  assert(List.mem s !all_passes);
+  List.mem s !dumped_passes_list
+let set_dumped_pass s enabled =
+  if (List.mem s !all_passes) then begin
+    let passes_without_s = List.filter ((<>) s) !dumped_passes_list in
+    let dumped_passes =
+      if enabled then
+        s :: passes_without_s
+      else
+        passes_without_s
+    in
+    dumped_passes_list := dumped_passes
+  end
+let dump_into_file = ref false (* -dump-into-file *)
+let dump_dir: string option ref = ref None (* -dump-dir *)
+type 'a env_reader = {
+  parse : string -> 'a option;
+  print : 'a -> string;
+  usage : string;
+  env_var : string;
+let color = ref None (* -color *)
+let color_reader = {
+  parse = (function
+    | "auto" -> Some Misc.Color.Auto
+    | "always" -> Some Misc.Color.Always
+    | "never" -> Some Misc.Color.Never
+    | _ -> None);
+  print = (function
+    | Misc.Color.Auto -> "auto"
+    | Misc.Color.Always -> "always"
+    | Misc.Color.Never -> "never");
+  usage = "expected \"auto\", \"always\" or \"never\"";
+  env_var = "OCAML_COLOR";
+let error_style = ref None (* -error-style *)
+let error_style_reader = {
+  parse = (function
+    | "contextual" -> Some Misc.Error_style.Contextual
+    | "short" -> Some Misc.Error_style.Short
+    | _ -> None);
+  print = (function
+    | Misc.Error_style.Contextual -> "contextual"
+    | Misc.Error_style.Short -> "short");
+  usage = "expected \"contextual\" or \"short\"";
+  env_var = "OCAML_ERROR_STYLE";
+let unboxed_types = ref false
+(* This is used by the -save-ir-after option. *)
+module Compiler_ir = struct
+  type t = Linear
+  let all = [
+    Linear;
+  ]
+  let extension t =
+    let ext =
+    match t with
+      | Linear -> "linear"
+    in
+    ".cmir-" ^ ext
+  (** [extract_extension_with_pass filename] returns the IR whose extension
+      is a prefix of the extension of [filename], and the suffix,
+      which can be used to distinguish different passes on the same IR.
+      For example, [extract_extension_with_pass "foo.cmir-linear123"]
+      returns [Some (Linear, "123")]. *)
+  let extract_extension_with_pass filename =
+    let ext = Filename.extension filename in
+    let ext_len = String.length ext in
+    if ext_len <= 0 then None
+    else begin
+      let is_prefix ir =
+        let s = extension ir in
+        let s_len = String.length s in
+        s_len <= ext_len && s = String.sub ext 0 s_len
+      in
+      let drop_prefix ir =
+        let s = extension ir in
+        let s_len = String.length s in
+        String.sub ext s_len (ext_len - s_len)
+      in
+      let ir = List.find_opt is_prefix all in
+      match ir with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some ir -> Some (ir, drop_prefix ir)
+    end
+(* This is used by the -stop-after option. *)
+module Compiler_pass = struct
+  (* If you add a new pass, the following must be updated:
+     - the variable `passes` below
+     - the manpages in man/ocaml{c,opt}.m
+     - the manual manual/src/cmds/unified-options.etex
+  *)
+  type t = Parsing | Typing | Lambda | Scheduling | Emit
+  let to_string = function
+    | Parsing -> "parsing"
+    | Typing -> "typing"
+    | Lambda -> "lambda"
+    | Scheduling -> "scheduling"
+    | Emit -> "emit"
+  let of_string = function
+    | "parsing" -> Some Parsing
+    | "typing" -> Some Typing
+    | "lambda" -> Some Lambda
+    | "scheduling" -> Some Scheduling
+    | "emit" -> Some Emit
+    | _ -> None
+  let rank = function
+    | Parsing -> 0
+    | Typing -> 1
+    | Lambda -> 2
+    | Scheduling -> 50
+    | Emit -> 60
+  let passes = [
+    Parsing;
+    Typing;
+    Lambda;
+    Scheduling;
+    Emit;
+  ]
+  let is_compilation_pass _ = true
+  let is_native_only = function
+    | Scheduling -> true
+    | Emit -> true
+    | _ -> false
+  let enabled is_native t = not (is_native_only t) || is_native
+  let can_save_ir_after = function
+    | Scheduling -> true
+    | _ -> false
+  let available_pass_names ~filter ~native =
+    passes
+    |> List.filter (enabled native)
+    |> List.filter filter
+    |> List.map to_string
+  let compare a b =
+    compare (rank a) (rank b)
+  let to_output_filename t ~prefix =
+    match t with
+    | Scheduling -> prefix ^ Compiler_ir.(extension Linear)
+    | _ -> Misc.fatal_error "Not supported"
+  let of_input_filename name =
+    match Compiler_ir.extract_extension_with_pass name with
+    | Some (Linear, _) -> Some Emit
+    | None -> None
+let stop_after = ref None (* -stop-after *)
+let should_stop_after pass =
+  if Compiler_pass.(rank Typing <= rank pass) && !print_types then true
+  else
+    match !stop_after with
+    | None -> false
+    | Some stop -> Compiler_pass.rank stop <= Compiler_pass.rank pass
+let save_ir_after = ref []
+let should_save_ir_after pass =
+  List.mem pass !save_ir_after
+let set_save_ir_after pass enabled =
+  let other_passes = List.filter ((<>) pass) !save_ir_after in
+  let new_passes =
+    if enabled then
+      pass :: other_passes
+    else
+      other_passes
+  in
+  save_ir_after := new_passes
+let parse_keyword_edition s =
+  let parse_version s =
+  let bad_version () =
+    raise (Arg.Bad "Ill-formed version in keywords flag,\n\
+                    the supported format is <major>.<minor>, for example 5.2 .")
+  in
+  if s = "" then None else match String.split_on_char '.' s with
+  | [] | [_] | _ :: _ :: _ :: _ -> bad_version ()
+  | [major;minor] -> match int_of_string_opt major, int_of_string_opt minor with
+    | Some major, Some minor -> Some (major,minor)
+    | _ -> bad_version ()
+  in
+  match String.split_on_char '+' s with
+  | [] -> None, []
+  | [s] -> parse_version s, []
+  | v :: rest -> parse_version v, rest
+module String = Misc.Stdlib.String
+let arg_spec = ref []
+let arg_names = ref String.Map.empty
+let reset_arguments () =
+  arg_spec := [];
+  arg_names := String.Map.empty
+let add_arguments loc args =
+  List.iter (function (arg_name, _, _) as arg ->
+    try
+      let loc2 = String.Map.find arg_name !arg_names in
+      Printf.eprintf
+        "Warning: compiler argument %s is already defined:\n" arg_name;
+      Printf.eprintf "   First definition: %s\n" loc2;
+      Printf.eprintf "   New definition: %s\n" loc;
+    with Not_found ->
+      arg_spec := !arg_spec @ [ arg ];
+      arg_names := String.Map.add arg_name loc !arg_names
+  ) args
+let create_usage_msg program =
+  Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s <options> <files>\n\
+    Try '%s --help' for more information." program program
+let print_arguments program =
+  Arg.usage !arg_spec (create_usage_msg program)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/clflags.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/clflags.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..248a7d86e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/clflags.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Command line flags *)
+(** Optimization parameters represented as ints indexed by round number. *)
+module Int_arg_helper : sig
+  type parsed
+  val parse : string -> string -> parsed ref -> unit
+  type parse_result =
+    | Ok
+    | Parse_failed of exn
+  val parse_no_error : string -> parsed ref -> parse_result
+  val get : key:int -> parsed -> int
+(** Optimization parameters represented as floats indexed by round number. *)
+module Float_arg_helper : sig
+  type parsed
+  val parse : string -> string -> parsed ref -> unit
+  type parse_result =
+    | Ok
+    | Parse_failed of exn
+  val parse_no_error : string -> parsed ref -> parse_result
+  val get : key:int -> parsed -> float
+type inlining_arguments = {
+  inline_call_cost : int option;
+  inline_alloc_cost : int option;
+  inline_prim_cost : int option;
+  inline_branch_cost : int option;
+  inline_indirect_cost : int option;
+  inline_lifting_benefit : int option;
+  inline_branch_factor : float option;
+  inline_max_depth : int option;
+  inline_max_unroll : int option;
+  inline_threshold : float option;
+  inline_toplevel_threshold : int option;
+val classic_arguments : inlining_arguments
+val o1_arguments : inlining_arguments
+val o2_arguments : inlining_arguments
+val o3_arguments : inlining_arguments
+(** Set all the inlining arguments for a round.
+    The default is set if no round is provided. *)
+val use_inlining_arguments_set : ?round:int -> inlining_arguments -> unit
+val objfiles : string list ref
+val ccobjs : string list ref
+val dllibs : string list ref
+val cmi_file : string option ref
+val compile_only : bool ref
+val output_name : string option ref
+val include_dirs : string list ref
+val hidden_include_dirs : string list ref
+val no_std_include : bool ref
+val no_cwd : bool ref
+val print_types : bool ref
+val make_archive : bool ref
+val debug : bool ref
+val debug_full : bool ref
+val unsafe : bool ref
+val use_linscan : bool ref
+val link_everything : bool ref
+val custom_runtime : bool ref
+val no_check_prims : bool ref
+val bytecode_compatible_32 : bool ref
+val output_c_object : bool ref
+val output_complete_object : bool ref
+val output_complete_executable : bool ref
+val all_ccopts : string list ref
+val classic : bool ref
+val nopervasives : bool ref
+val match_context_rows : int ref
+val safer_matching : bool ref
+val open_modules : string list ref
+val preprocessor : string option ref
+val all_ppx : string list ref
+val absname : bool ref
+val annotations : bool ref
+val binary_annotations : bool ref
+val store_occurrences : bool ref
+val use_threads : bool ref
+val noassert : bool ref
+val verbose : bool ref
+val noprompt : bool ref
+val nopromptcont : bool ref
+val init_file : string option ref
+val noinit : bool ref
+val noversion : bool ref
+val use_prims : string ref
+val use_runtime : string ref
+val plugin : bool ref
+val principal : bool ref
+val real_paths : bool ref
+val recursive_types : bool ref
+val strict_sequence : bool ref
+val strict_formats : bool ref
+val applicative_functors : bool ref
+val make_runtime : bool ref
+val c_compiler : string option ref
+val no_auto_link : bool ref
+val dllpaths : string list ref
+val make_package : bool ref
+val for_package : string option ref
+val error_size : int ref
+val float_const_prop : bool ref
+val transparent_modules : bool ref
+val unique_ids : bool ref
+val locations : bool ref
+val dump_source : bool ref
+val dump_parsetree : bool ref
+val dump_typedtree : bool ref
+val dump_shape : bool ref
+val dump_rawlambda : bool ref
+val dump_lambda : bool ref
+val dump_rawclambda : bool ref
+val dump_clambda : bool ref
+val dump_rawflambda : bool ref
+val dump_flambda : bool ref
+val dump_flambda_let : int option ref
+val dump_instr : bool ref
+val keep_camlprimc_file : bool ref
+val keep_asm_file : bool ref
+val optimize_for_speed : bool ref
+val dump_cmm : bool ref
+val dump_selection : bool ref
+val dump_cse : bool ref
+val dump_live : bool ref
+val dump_spill : bool ref
+val dump_split : bool ref
+val dump_interf : bool ref
+val dump_prefer : bool ref
+val dump_regalloc : bool ref
+val dump_reload : bool ref
+val dump_scheduling : bool ref
+val dump_linear : bool ref
+val dump_interval : bool ref
+val keep_startup_file : bool ref
+val dump_combine : bool ref
+val native_code : bool ref
+val default_inline_threshold : float
+val inline_threshold : Float_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val inlining_report : bool ref
+val simplify_rounds : int option ref
+val default_simplify_rounds : int ref
+val rounds : unit -> int
+val default_inline_max_unroll : int
+val inline_max_unroll : Int_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val default_inline_toplevel_threshold : int
+val inline_toplevel_threshold : Int_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val default_inline_call_cost : int
+val default_inline_alloc_cost : int
+val default_inline_prim_cost : int
+val default_inline_branch_cost : int
+val default_inline_indirect_cost : int
+val default_inline_lifting_benefit : int
+val inline_call_cost : Int_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val inline_alloc_cost : Int_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val inline_prim_cost : Int_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val inline_branch_cost : Int_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val inline_indirect_cost : Int_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val inline_lifting_benefit : Int_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val default_inline_branch_factor : float
+val inline_branch_factor : Float_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val dont_write_files : bool ref
+val std_include_flag : string -> string
+val std_include_dir : unit -> string list
+val shared : bool ref
+val dlcode : bool ref
+val pic_code : bool ref
+val runtime_variant : string ref
+val with_runtime : bool ref
+val force_slash : bool ref
+val keep_docs : bool ref
+val keep_locs : bool ref
+val opaque : bool ref
+val profile_columns : Profile.column list ref
+val flambda_invariant_checks : bool ref
+val unbox_closures : bool ref
+val unbox_closures_factor : int ref
+val default_unbox_closures_factor : int
+val unbox_free_vars_of_closures : bool ref
+val unbox_specialised_args : bool ref
+val clambda_checks : bool ref
+val cmm_invariants : bool ref
+val default_inline_max_depth : int
+val inline_max_depth : Int_arg_helper.parsed ref
+val remove_unused_arguments : bool ref
+val dump_flambda_verbose : bool ref
+val classic_inlining : bool ref
+val afl_instrument : bool ref
+val afl_inst_ratio : int ref
+val function_sections : bool ref
+val all_passes : string list ref
+val dumped_pass : string -> bool
+val set_dumped_pass : string -> bool -> unit
+val dump_into_file : bool ref
+val dump_dir : string option ref
+val keyword_edition: string option ref
+val parse_keyword_edition: string -> (int*int) option * string list
+(* Support for flags that can also be set from an environment variable *)
+type 'a env_reader = {
+  parse : string -> 'a option;
+  print : 'a -> string;
+  usage : string;
+  env_var : string;
+val color : Misc.Color.setting option ref
+val color_reader : Misc.Color.setting env_reader
+val error_style : Misc.Error_style.setting option ref
+val error_style_reader : Misc.Error_style.setting env_reader
+val unboxed_types : bool ref
+val insn_sched : bool ref
+val insn_sched_default : bool
+module Compiler_pass : sig
+  type t = Parsing | Typing | Lambda | Scheduling | Emit
+  val of_string : string -> t option
+  val to_string : t -> string
+  val is_compilation_pass : t -> bool
+  val available_pass_names : filter:(t -> bool) -> native:bool -> string list
+  val can_save_ir_after : t -> bool
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+  val to_output_filename: t -> prefix:string -> string
+  val of_input_filename: string -> t option
+val stop_after : Compiler_pass.t option ref
+val should_stop_after : Compiler_pass.t -> bool
+val set_save_ir_after : Compiler_pass.t -> bool -> unit
+val should_save_ir_after : Compiler_pass.t -> bool
+val arg_spec : (string * Arg.spec * string) list ref
+(* [add_arguments __LOC__ args] will add the arguments from [args] at
+   the end of [arg_spec], checking that they have not already been
+   added by [add_arguments] before. A warning is printed showing the
+   locations of the function from which the argument was previously
+   added. *)
+val add_arguments : string -> (string * Arg.spec * string) list -> unit
+(* [create_usage_msg program] creates a usage message for [program] *)
+val create_usage_msg: string -> string
+(* [print_arguments usage] print the standard usage message *)
+val print_arguments : string -> unit
+(* [reset_arguments ()] clear all declared arguments *)
+val reset_arguments : unit -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/compression.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/compression.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..384afb3b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/compression.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*        Xavier Leroy, Collège de France and Inria project Cambium       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2023 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+external zstd_initialize: unit -> bool = "caml_zstd_initialize"
+let compression_supported = zstd_initialize ()
+type [@warning "-unused-constructor"] extern_flags =
+    No_sharing                          (** Don't preserve sharing *)
+  | Closures                            (** Send function closures *)
+  | Compat_32                           (** Ensure 32-bit compatibility *)
+  | Compression                         (** Optional compression *)
+external to_channel: out_channel -> 'a -> extern_flags list -> unit
+                   = "caml_output_value"
+let output_value ch v = to_channel ch v [Compression]
+let input_value = Stdlib.input_value
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/compression.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/compression.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdfb63da77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/compression.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*        Xavier Leroy, Collège de France and Inria project Cambium       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2023 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+val output_value : out_channel -> 'a -> unit
+(** [Compression.output_value chan v] writes the representation
+    of [v] on channel [chan].
+    If compression is supported, the marshaled data
+    representing value [v] is compressed before being written to
+    channel [chan].
+    If compression is not supported, this function behaves like
+    {!Stdlib.output_value}. *)
+val input_value : in_channel -> 'a
+(** [Compression.input_value chan] reads from channel [chan] the
+    byte representation of a structured value, as produced by
+    [Compression.output_value], and reconstructs and
+    returns the corresponding value.
+    If compression is not supported, this function behaves like
+    {!Stdlib.input_value}. *)
+val compression_supported : bool
+(** Reports whether compression is supported. *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.common.ml.in b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.common.ml.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3603fe6c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.common.ml.in
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+(* @configure_input@ *)
+#3 "utils/config.common.ml.in"
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Portions of the Config module common to both the boot and main compiler. *)
+(* The main OCaml version string has moved to ../build-aux/ocaml_version.m4 *)
+let version = Sys.ocaml_version
+let standard_library =
+  try
+    Sys.getenv "OCAMLLIB"
+  with Not_found ->
+  try
+    Sys.getenv "CAMLLIB"
+  with Not_found ->
+    standard_library_default
+let exec_magic_number = {magic|@EXEC_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+    (* exec_magic_number is duplicated in runtime/caml/exec.h *)
+and cmi_magic_number = {magic|@CMI_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmo_magic_number = {magic|@CMO_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cma_magic_number = {magic|@CMA_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmx_magic_number = {magic|@CMX_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmxa_magic_number = {magic|@CMXA_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and ast_impl_magic_number = {magic|@AST_IMPL_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and ast_intf_magic_number = {magic|@AST_INTF_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmxs_magic_number = {magic|@CMXS_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and cmt_magic_number = {magic|@CMT_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+and linear_magic_number = {magic|@LINEAR_MAGIC_NUMBER@|magic}
+let safe_string = true
+let default_safe_string = true
+let naked_pointers = false
+let interface_suffix = ref ".mli"
+let max_tag = 243
+(* This is normally the same as in obj.ml, but we have to define it
+   separately because it can differ when we're in the middle of a
+   bootstrapping phase. *)
+let lazy_tag = 246
+let max_young_wosize = 256
+let stack_threshold = 32 (* see runtime/caml/config.h *)
+let stack_safety_margin = 6
+let default_executable_name =
+  match Sys.os_type with
+    "Unix" -> "a.out"
+  | "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> "camlprog.exe"
+  | _ -> "camlprog"
+type configuration_value =
+  | String of string
+  | Int of int
+  | Bool of bool
+let configuration_variables () =
+  let p x v = (x, String v) in
+  let p_int x v = (x, Int v) in
+  let p_bool x v = (x, Bool v) in
+  p "version" version;
+  p "standard_library_default" standard_library_default;
+  p "standard_library" standard_library;
+  p "ccomp_type" ccomp_type;
+  p "c_compiler" c_compiler;
+  p "bytecode_cflags" bytecode_cflags;
+  p "ocamlc_cflags" bytecode_cflags;
+  p "bytecode_cppflags" bytecode_cppflags;
+  p "ocamlc_cppflags" bytecode_cppflags;
+  p "native_cflags" native_cflags;
+  p "ocamlopt_cflags" native_cflags;
+  p "native_cppflags" native_cppflags;
+  p "ocamlopt_cppflags" native_cppflags;
+  p "bytecomp_c_compiler" bytecomp_c_compiler;
+  p "native_c_compiler" native_c_compiler;
+  p "bytecomp_c_libraries" bytecomp_c_libraries;
+  p "native_c_libraries" native_c_libraries;
+  p "native_ldflags" native_ldflags;
+  p "native_pack_linker" native_pack_linker;
+  p_bool "native_compiler" native_compiler;
+  p "architecture" architecture;
+  p "model" model;
+  p_int "int_size" Sys.int_size;
+  p_int "word_size" Sys.word_size;
+  p "system" system;
+  p "asm" asm;
+  p_bool "asm_cfi_supported" asm_cfi_supported;
+  p_bool "with_frame_pointers" with_frame_pointers;
+  p "ext_exe" ext_exe;
+  p "ext_obj" ext_obj;
+  p "ext_asm" ext_asm;
+  p "ext_lib" ext_lib;
+  p "ext_dll" ext_dll;
+  p "os_type" Sys.os_type;
+  p "default_executable_name" default_executable_name;
+  p_bool "systhread_supported" systhread_supported;
+  p "host" host;
+  p "target" target;
+  p_bool "flambda" flambda;
+  p_bool "safe_string" safe_string;
+  p_bool "default_safe_string" default_safe_string;
+  p_bool "flat_float_array" flat_float_array;
+  p_bool "function_sections" function_sections;
+  p_bool "afl_instrument" afl_instrument;
+  p_bool "tsan" tsan;
+  p_bool "windows_unicode" windows_unicode;
+  p_bool "supports_shared_libraries" supports_shared_libraries;
+  p_bool "native_dynlink" native_dynlink;
+  p_bool "naked_pointers" naked_pointers;
+  p "exec_magic_number" exec_magic_number;
+  p "cmi_magic_number" cmi_magic_number;
+  p "cmo_magic_number" cmo_magic_number;
+  p "cma_magic_number" cma_magic_number;
+  p "cmx_magic_number" cmx_magic_number;
+  p "cmxa_magic_number" cmxa_magic_number;
+  p "ast_impl_magic_number" ast_impl_magic_number;
+  p "ast_intf_magic_number" ast_intf_magic_number;
+  p "cmxs_magic_number" cmxs_magic_number;
+  p "cmt_magic_number" cmt_magic_number;
+  p "linear_magic_number" linear_magic_number;
+let print_config_value oc = function
+  | String s ->
+      Printf.fprintf oc "%s" s
+  | Int n ->
+      Printf.fprintf oc "%d" n
+  | Bool p ->
+      Printf.fprintf oc "%B" p
+let print_config oc =
+  let print (x, v) =
+    Printf.fprintf oc "%s: %a\n" x print_config_value v in
+  List.iter print (configuration_variables ());
+  flush oc
+let config_var x =
+  match List.assoc_opt x (configuration_variables()) with
+  | None -> None
+  | Some v ->
+      let s = match v with
+        | String s -> s
+        | Int n -> Int.to_string n
+        | Bool b -> string_of_bool b
+      in
+      Some s
+let merlin = false
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.fixed.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.fixed.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..807b929355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.fixed.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#2 "utils/config.fixed.ml"
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                       David Allsopp, Tarides UK.                       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2022 David Allsopp Ltd.                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Configuration for the boot compiler. The compiler should refuse to bootstrap
+   if configured with values which would contradict the configuration below.
+   The values below are picked to trigger errors if accidentally used in the
+   compiler (e.g. for the C compiler). *)
+let boot_cannot_call s = "/ The boot compiler should not call " ^ s
+let bindir = "/tmp"
+let standard_library_default = "/tmp"
+let ccomp_type = "n/a"
+let c_compiler = boot_cannot_call "the C compiler"
+let c_output_obj = ""
+let c_has_debug_prefix_map = false
+let as_has_debug_prefix_map = false
+let bytecode_cflags = ""
+let bytecode_cppflags = ""
+let native_cflags = ""
+let native_cppflags = ""
+let bytecomp_c_libraries = ""
+let bytecomp_c_compiler = ""
+let native_c_compiler = c_compiler
+let native_c_libraries = ""
+let native_ldflags = ""
+let native_pack_linker = boot_cannot_call "the linker"
+let default_rpath = ""
+let mksharedlibrpath = ""
+let ar = boot_cannot_call "ar"
+let supports_shared_libraries = false
+let native_dynlink = false
+let mkdll = native_pack_linker
+let mkexe = native_pack_linker
+let mkmaindll = native_pack_linker
+let flambda = false
+let with_flambda_invariants = false
+let with_cmm_invariants = false
+let windows_unicode = false
+let flat_float_array = true
+let function_sections = false
+let afl_instrument = false
+let native_compiler = false
+let tsan = false
+let architecture = "none"
+let model = "default"
+let system = "unknown"
+let asm = boot_cannot_call "the assembler"
+let asm_cfi_supported = false
+let with_frame_pointers = false
+let reserved_header_bits = 0
+let ext_exe = ".ex_The boot compiler should not be using Config.ext_exe"
+let ext_obj = ".o_The boot compiler cannot process C objects"
+let ext_asm = ".s_The boot compiler should not be using Config.ext_asm"
+let ext_lib = ".a_The boot compiler cannot process C libraries"
+let ext_dll = ".so_The boot compiler cannot load DLLs"
+let host = "zinc-boot-ocaml"
+let target = host
+let systhread_supported = false
+let flexdll_dirs = []
+let ar_supports_response_files = true
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.generated.ml.in b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.generated.ml.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa03455409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.generated.ml.in
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(* @configure_input@ *)
+#2 "utils/config.generated.ml.in"
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* This file is included in config_main.ml during the build rather
+   than compiled on its own *)
+let bindir = {@QS@|@ocaml_bindir@|@QS@}
+let standard_library_default = {@QS@|@ocaml_libdir@|@QS@}
+let ccomp_type = {@QS@|@ccomptype@|@QS@}
+let c_compiler = {@QS@|@CC@|@QS@}
+let c_output_obj = {@QS@|@outputobj@|@QS@}
+let c_has_debug_prefix_map = @cc_has_debug_prefix_map@
+let as_has_debug_prefix_map = @as_has_debug_prefix_map@
+let bytecode_cflags = {@QS@|@bytecode_cflags@|@QS@}
+let bytecode_cppflags = {@QS@|@bytecode_cppflags@|@QS@}
+let native_cflags = {@QS@|@native_cflags@|@QS@}
+let native_cppflags = {@QS@|@native_cppflags@|@QS@}
+let bytecomp_c_libraries = {@QS@|@zstd_libs@ @cclibs@|@QS@}
+(* bytecomp_c_compiler and native_c_compiler have been supported for a
+   long time and are retained for backwards compatibility.
+   For programs that don't need compatibility with older OCaml releases
+   the recommended approach is to use the constituent variables
+   c_compiler, {bytecode,native}_c[pp]flags etc. directly.
+let bytecomp_c_compiler =
+  c_compiler ^ " " ^ bytecode_cflags ^ " " ^ bytecode_cppflags
+let native_c_compiler =
+  c_compiler ^ " " ^ native_cflags ^ " " ^ native_cppflags
+let native_c_libraries = {@QS@|@cclibs@|@QS@}
+let native_ldflags = {@QS@|@native_ldflags@|@QS@}
+let native_pack_linker = {@QS@|@PACKLD@|@QS@}
+let default_rpath = {@QS@|@rpath@|@QS@}
+let mksharedlibrpath = {@QS@|@mksharedlibrpath@|@QS@}
+let ar = {@QS@|@AR@|@QS@}
+let supports_shared_libraries = @supports_shared_libraries@
+let native_dynlink = @natdynlink@
+let mkdll = {@QS@|@mkdll_exp@|@QS@}
+let mkexe = {@QS@|@mkexe_exp@|@QS@}
+let mkmaindll = {@QS@|@mkmaindll_exp@|@QS@}
+let flambda = @flambda@
+let with_flambda_invariants = @flambda_invariants@
+let with_cmm_invariants = @cmm_invariants@
+let windows_unicode = @windows_unicode@ != 0
+let flat_float_array = @flat_float_array@
+let function_sections = @function_sections@
+let afl_instrument = @afl@
+let native_compiler = @native_compiler@
+let architecture = {@QS@|@arch@|@QS@}
+let model = {@QS@|@model@|@QS@}
+let system = {@QS@|@system@|@QS@}
+let asm = {@QS@|@AS@|@QS@}
+let asm_cfi_supported = @asm_cfi_supported@
+let with_frame_pointers = @frame_pointers@
+let reserved_header_bits = @reserved_header_bits@
+let ext_exe = {@QS@|@exeext@|@QS@}
+let ext_obj = "." ^ {@QS@|@OBJEXT@|@QS@}
+let ext_asm = "." ^ {@QS@|@S@|@QS@}
+let ext_lib = "." ^ {@QS@|@libext@|@QS@}
+let ext_dll = "." ^ {@QS@|@SO@|@QS@}
+let host = {@QS@|@host@|@QS@}
+let target = {@QS@|@target@|@QS@}
+let systhread_supported = @systhread_support@
+let flexdll_dirs = [@flexdll_dir@]
+let ar_supports_response_files = @ar_supports_response_files@
+let tsan = @tsan@
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51e31a3729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/config.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** System configuration
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+val version: string
+(** The current version number of the system *)
+val bindir: string
+(** The directory containing the binary programs *)
+val standard_library: string
+(** The directory containing the standard libraries *)
+val ccomp_type: string
+(** The "kind" of the C compiler, assembler and linker used: one of
+    "cc" (for Unix-style C compilers)
+    "msvc" (for Microsoft Visual C++ and MASM) *)
+val c_compiler: string
+(** The compiler to use for compiling C files *)
+val c_output_obj: string
+(** Name of the option of the C compiler for specifying the output
+    file *)
+val c_has_debug_prefix_map : bool
+(** Whether the C compiler supports -fdebug-prefix-map *)
+val as_has_debug_prefix_map : bool
+(** Whether the assembler supports --debug-prefix-map *)
+val bytecode_cflags : string
+(** The flags ocamlc should pass to the C compiler *)
+val bytecode_cppflags : string
+(** The flags ocamlc should pass to the C preprocessor *)
+val native_cflags : string
+(** The flags ocamlopt should pass to the C compiler *)
+val native_cppflags : string
+(** The flags ocamlopt should pass to the C preprocessor *)
+val bytecomp_c_libraries: string
+(** The C libraries to link with custom runtimes *)
+val native_c_libraries: string
+(** The C libraries to link with native-code programs *)
+val native_ldflags : string
+(* Flags to pass to the system linker *)
+val native_pack_linker: string
+(** The linker to use for packaging (ocamlopt -pack) and for partial
+    links (ocamlopt -output-obj). *)
+val mkdll: string
+(** The linker command line to build dynamic libraries. *)
+val mkexe: string
+(** The linker command line to build executables. *)
+val mkmaindll: string
+(** The linker command line to build main programs as dlls. *)
+val default_rpath: string
+(** Option to add a directory to be searched for libraries at runtime
+    (used by ocamlmklib) *)
+val mksharedlibrpath: string
+(** Option to add a directory to be searched for shared libraries at runtime
+    (used by ocamlmklib) *)
+val ar: string
+(** Name of the ar command, or "" if not needed  (MSVC) *)
+val interface_suffix: string ref
+(** Suffix for interface file names *)
+val exec_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for bytecode executable files *)
+val cmi_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for compiled interface files *)
+val cmo_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for object bytecode files *)
+val cma_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for archive files *)
+val cmx_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for compilation unit descriptions *)
+val cmxa_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for libraries of compilation unit descriptions *)
+val ast_intf_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for file holding an interface syntax tree *)
+val ast_impl_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for file holding an implementation syntax tree *)
+val cmxs_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for dynamically-loadable plugins *)
+val cmt_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for compiled interface files *)
+val linear_magic_number: string
+(** Magic number for Linear internal representation files *)
+val max_tag: int
+(** Biggest tag that can be stored in the header of a regular block. *)
+val lazy_tag : int
+(** Normally the same as Obj.lazy_tag.  Separate definition because
+    of technical reasons for bootstrapping. *)
+val max_young_wosize: int
+(** Maximal size of arrays that are directly allocated in the
+    minor heap *)
+val stack_threshold: int
+(** Size in words of safe area at bottom of VM stack,
+    see runtime/caml/config.h *)
+val stack_safety_margin: int
+(** Size in words of the safety margin between the bottom of
+    the stack and the stack pointer. This margin can be used by
+    intermediate computations of some instructions, or the event
+    handler. *)
+val native_compiler: bool
+(** Whether the native compiler is available or not
+    @since 5.1 *)
+val architecture: string
+(** Name of processor type for the native-code compiler *)
+val model: string
+(** Name of processor submodel for the native-code compiler *)
+val system: string
+(** Name of operating system for the native-code compiler *)
+val asm: string
+(** The assembler (and flags) to use for assembling
+    ocamlopt-generated code. *)
+val asm_cfi_supported: bool
+(** Whether assembler understands CFI directives *)
+val with_frame_pointers : bool
+(** Whether assembler should maintain frame pointers *)
+val ext_obj: string
+(** Extension for object files, e.g. [.o] under Unix. *)
+val ext_asm: string
+(** Extension for assembler files, e.g. [.s] under Unix. *)
+val ext_lib: string
+(** Extension for library files, e.g. [.a] under Unix. *)
+val ext_dll: string
+(** Extension for dynamically-loaded libraries, e.g. [.so] under Unix.*)
+val ext_exe: string
+(** Extension for executable programs, e.g. [.exe] under Windows.
+    @since 4.12 *)
+val default_executable_name: string
+(** Name of executable produced by linking if none is given with -o,
+    e.g. [a.out] under Unix. *)
+val systhread_supported : bool
+(** Whether the system thread library is implemented *)
+val flexdll_dirs : string list
+(** Directories needed for the FlexDLL objects *)
+val host : string
+(** Whether the compiler is a cross-compiler *)
+val target : string
+(** Whether the compiler is a cross-compiler *)
+val flambda : bool
+(** Whether the compiler was configured for flambda *)
+val with_flambda_invariants : bool
+(** Whether the invariants checks for flambda are enabled *)
+val with_cmm_invariants : bool
+(** Whether the invariants checks for Cmm are enabled *)
+val reserved_header_bits : int
+(** How many bits of a block's header are reserved *)
+val flat_float_array : bool
+(** Whether the compiler and runtime automagically flatten float
+    arrays *)
+val function_sections : bool
+(** Whether the compiler was configured to generate
+    each function in a separate section *)
+val windows_unicode: bool
+(** Whether Windows Unicode runtime is enabled *)
+val naked_pointers : bool
+(** Whether the runtime supports naked pointers
+    @since 4.14 *)
+val supports_shared_libraries: bool
+(** Whether shared libraries are supported
+    @since 4.08 *)
+val native_dynlink: bool
+(** Whether native shared libraries are supported
+    @since 5.1 *)
+val afl_instrument : bool
+(** Whether afl-fuzz instrumentation is generated by default *)
+val ar_supports_response_files: bool
+(** Whether ar supports @FILE arguments. *)
+val tsan : bool
+(** Whether ThreadSanitizer instrumentation is enabled *)
+(** Access to configuration values *)
+val print_config : out_channel -> unit
+val config_var : string -> string option
+(** the configuration value of a variable, if it exists *)
+val merlin : bool
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/consistbl.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/consistbl.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29289201f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/consistbl.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Consistency tables: for checking consistency of module CRCs *)
+open Misc
+module Make (Module_name : sig
+  type t
+  module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
+  module Map : Map.S with type key = t
+  module Tbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+end) = struct
+  type t = (Digest.t * filepath) Module_name.Tbl.t
+  let create () = Module_name.Tbl.create 13
+  let clear = Module_name.Tbl.clear
+  exception Inconsistency of {
+    unit_name : Module_name.t;
+    inconsistent_source : string;
+    original_source : string;
+  }
+  exception Not_available of Module_name.t
+  let check_ tbl name crc source =
+    let (old_crc, old_source) = Module_name.Tbl.find tbl name in
+    if crc <> old_crc then raise(Inconsistency {
+        unit_name = name;
+        inconsistent_source = source;
+        original_source = old_source;
+      })
+  let check tbl name crc source =
+    try check_ tbl name crc source
+    with Not_found ->
+      Module_name.Tbl.add tbl name (crc, source)
+  let check_noadd tbl name crc source =
+    try check_ tbl name crc source
+    with Not_found ->
+      raise (Not_available name)
+  let source tbl name = snd (Module_name.Tbl.find tbl name)
+  let extract l tbl =
+    let l = List.sort_uniq Module_name.compare l in
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun assc name ->
+         try
+           let (crc, _) = Module_name.Tbl.find tbl name in
+             (name, Some crc) :: assc
+         with Not_found ->
+           (name, None) :: assc)
+      [] l
+  let extract_map mod_names tbl =
+    Module_name.Set.fold
+      (fun name result ->
+         try
+           let (crc, _) = Module_name.Tbl.find tbl name in
+           Module_name.Map.add name (Some crc) result
+         with Not_found ->
+           Module_name.Map.add name None result)
+      mod_names
+      Module_name.Map.empty
+  let filter p tbl =
+    let to_remove = ref [] in
+    Module_name.Tbl.iter
+      (fun name _ ->
+        if not (p name) then to_remove := name :: !to_remove)
+      tbl;
+    List.iter
+      (fun name ->
+         while Module_name.Tbl.mem tbl name do
+           Module_name.Tbl.remove tbl name
+         done)
+      !to_remove
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/consistbl.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/consistbl.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..acc89eb31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/consistbl.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Consistency tables: for checking consistency of module CRCs
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+open Misc
+module Make (Module_name : sig
+  type t
+  module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
+  module Map : Map.S with type key = t
+  module Tbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+end) : sig
+  type t
+  val create: unit -> t
+  val clear: t -> unit
+  val check: t -> Module_name.t -> Digest.t -> filepath -> unit
+        (* [check tbl name crc source]
+             checks consistency of ([name], [crc]) with infos previously
+             stored in [tbl].  If no CRC was previously associated with
+             [name], record ([name], [crc]) in [tbl].
+             [source] is the name of the file from which the information
+             comes from.  This is used for error reporting. *)
+  val check_noadd: t -> Module_name.t -> Digest.t -> filepath -> unit
+        (* Same as [check], but raise [Not_available] if no CRC was previously
+             associated with [name]. *)
+  val source: t -> Module_name.t -> filepath
+        (* [source tbl name] returns the file name associated with [name]
+           if the latter has an associated CRC in [tbl].
+           Raise [Not_found] otherwise. *)
+  val extract: Module_name.t list -> t -> (Module_name.t * Digest.t option) list
+        (* [extract tbl names] returns an associative list mapping each string
+           in [names] to the CRC associated with it in [tbl]. If no CRC is
+           associated with a name then it is mapped to [None]. *)
+  val extract_map : Module_name.Set.t -> t -> Digest.t option Module_name.Map.t
+        (* Like [extract] but with a more sophisticated type. *)
+  val filter: (Module_name.t -> bool) -> t -> unit
+        (* [filter pred tbl] removes from [tbl] table all (name, CRC) pairs
+           such that [pred name] is [false]. *)
+  exception Inconsistency of {
+    unit_name : Module_name.t;
+    inconsistent_source : string;
+    original_source : string;
+  }
+  (* Raised by [check] when a CRC mismatch is detected. *)
+  exception Not_available of Module_name.t
+        (* Raised by [check_noadd] when a name doesn't have an associated
+           CRC. *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2c336d9c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Gabriel Radanne, projet Cambium, Inria Paris               *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+[@@@warning "-16"]
+(* This module implements a modified version of Wagner-Fischer
+   See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner%E2%80%93Fischer_algorithm>
+   for preliminary reading.
+   The main extensions is that:
+   - State is computed based on the optimal patch so far.
+   - The lists can be extended at each state computation.
+   We add the constraint that extensions can only be in one side
+   (either the left or right list). This is enforced by the external API.
+(** Shared types *)
+type change_kind =
+  | Deletion
+  | Insertion
+  | Modification
+  | Preservation
+let style = function
+  | Preservation -> Misc.Style.[ FG Green ]
+  | Deletion -> Misc.Style.[ FG Red; Bold]
+  | Insertion -> Misc.Style.[ FG Red; Bold]
+  | Modification -> Misc.Style.[ FG Magenta; Bold]
+let prefix ppf (pos, p) =
+  let open Format_doc in
+  let sty = style p in
+  pp_open_stag ppf (Misc.Style.Style sty);
+  fprintf ppf "%i. " pos;
+  pp_close_stag ppf ()
+let (let*) = Option.bind
+let (let+) x f = Option.map f x
+let (let*!) x f = Option.iter f x
+module type Defs = sig
+  type left
+  type right
+  type eq
+  type diff
+  type state
+type ('left,'right,'eq,'diff) change =
+  | Delete of 'left
+  | Insert of 'right
+  | Keep of 'left * 'right *' eq
+  | Change of 'left * 'right * 'diff
+let classify = function
+    | Delete _ -> Deletion
+    | Insert _ -> Insertion
+    | Change _ -> Modification
+    | Keep _ -> Preservation
+module Define(D:Defs) = struct
+  open D
+type nonrec change = (left,right,eq,diff) change
+type patch = change list
+module type S = sig
+  val diff: state -> left array -> right array -> patch
+type full_state = {
+  line: left array;
+  column: right array;
+  state: state
+(* The matrix supporting our dynamic programming implementation.
+   Each cell contains:
+   - The diff and its weight
+   - The state computed so far
+   - The lists, potentially extended locally.
+   The matrix can also be reshaped.
+module Matrix : sig
+  type shape = { l : int ; c : int }
+  type  t
+  val make : shape ->  t
+  val reshape : shape ->  t ->  t
+  (** accessor functions *)
+  val diff : t -> int -> int ->  change option
+  val state : t -> int -> int -> full_state option
+  val weight : t -> int -> int -> int
+  val line : t -> int -> int -> left option
+  val column : t -> int -> int -> right option
+  val set :
+    t -> int -> int ->
+    diff:change option ->
+    weight:int ->
+    state:full_state ->
+    unit
+  (** the shape when starting filling the matrix *)
+  val shape : t -> shape
+  (** [shape m i j] is the shape as seen from the state at position (i,j)
+      after some possible extensions
+  *)
+  val shape_at : t -> int -> int -> shape option
+  (** the maximal shape on the whole matrix *)
+  val real_shape : t -> shape
+  (** debugging printer *)
+  val[@warning "-32"] pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+end = struct
+  type shape = { l : int ; c : int }
+  type  t =
+    { states: full_state option array array;
+      weight: int array array;
+      diff:  change option array array;
+      columns: int;
+      lines: int;
+    }
+  let opt_get a n =
+    if n < Array.length a then Some (Array.unsafe_get a n) else None
+  let line m i j = let* st = m.states.(i).(j) in opt_get st.line i
+  let column m i j = let* st = m.states.(i).(j) in opt_get st.column j
+  let diff m i j = m.diff.(i).(j)
+  let weight m i j = m.weight.(i).(j)
+  let state m i j = m.states.(i).(j)
+  let shape m = { l = m.lines ; c = m.columns }
+  let set m i j ~diff ~weight ~state =
+    m.weight.(i).(j) <- weight;
+    m.states.(i).(j) <- Some state;
+    m.diff.(i).(j) <- diff;
+    ()
+  let shape_at tbl i j =
+    let+ st = tbl.states.(i).(j) in
+    let l = Array.length st.line in
+    let c = Array.length st.column in
+    { l ; c }
+  let real_shape tbl =
+    let lines = ref tbl.lines in
+    let columns = ref tbl.columns in
+    for i = 0 to tbl.lines do
+      for j = 0 to tbl.columns do
+        let*! {l; c} = shape_at tbl i j in
+        if l > !lines then lines := l;
+        if c > !columns then columns := c
+      done;
+    done;
+    { l = !lines ; c = !columns }
+  let make { l = lines ; c = columns } =
+    { states = Array.make_matrix (lines + 1) (columns + 1) None;
+      weight = Array.make_matrix (lines + 1) (columns + 1) max_int;
+      diff = Array.make_matrix (lines + 1) (columns + 1) None;
+      lines;
+      columns;
+    }
+  let reshape { l = lines ; c = columns } m =
+    let copy default a =
+      Array.init (1+lines) (fun i -> Array.init (1+columns) (fun j ->
+          if i <= m.lines && j <= m.columns then
+            a.(i).(j)
+          else default) ) in
+    { states = copy None m.states;
+      weight = copy max_int m.weight;
+      diff = copy None m.diff;
+      lines;
+      columns
+    }
+  let pp ppf m =
+    let { l ; c } = shape m in
+    Format.eprintf "Shape : %i, %i@." l c;
+    for i = 0 to l do
+      for j = 0 to c do
+        let d = diff m i j in
+        match d with
+        | None ->
+            Format.fprintf ppf "    "
+        | Some diff ->
+            let sdiff = match diff with
+              | Insert _ -> "\u{2190}"
+              | Delete _ -> "\u{2191}"
+              | Keep _ -> "\u{2196}"
+              | Change _ -> "\u{21F1}"
+            in
+            let w = weight m i j in
+            Format.fprintf ppf "%s%i " sdiff w
+      done;
+      Format.pp_print_newline ppf ()
+    done
+(* Building the patch.
+   We first select the best final cell. A potential final cell
+   is a cell where the local shape (i.e., the size of the strings) correspond
+   to its position in the matrix. In other words: it's at the end of both its
+   strings. We select the final cell with the smallest weight.
+   We then build the patch by walking backward from the final cell to the
+   origin.
+let select_final_state m0 =
+  let maybe_final i j =
+    match Matrix.shape_at m0 i j with
+    | Some shape_here -> shape_here.l = i && shape_here.c = j
+    | None -> false
+  in
+  let best_state (i0,j0,weigth0) (i,j) =
+    let weight = Matrix.weight m0 i j in
+    if weight < weigth0 then (i,j,weight) else (i0,j0,weigth0)
+  in
+  let res = ref (0,0,max_int) in
+  let shape = Matrix.shape m0 in
+  for i = 0 to shape.l do
+    for j = 0 to shape.c do
+      if maybe_final i j then
+        res := best_state !res (i,j)
+    done
+  done;
+  let i_final, j_final, _ = !res in
+  assert (i_final <> 0 || j_final <> 0);
+  (i_final, j_final)
+let construct_patch m0 =
+  let rec aux acc (i, j) =
+    if i = 0 && j = 0 then
+      acc
+    else
+      match Matrix.diff m0 i j with
+      | None -> assert false
+      | Some d ->
+          let next = match d with
+            | Keep _ | Change _ -> (i-1, j-1)
+            | Delete _ -> (i-1, j)
+            | Insert _ -> (i, j-1)
+          in
+          aux (d::acc) next
+  in
+  aux [] (select_final_state m0)
+(* Computation of new cells *)
+let select_best_proposition l =
+  let compare_proposition curr prop =
+    match curr, prop with
+    | None, o | o, None -> o
+    | Some (curr_m, curr_res), Some (m, res) ->
+        Some (if curr_m <= m then curr_m, curr_res else m,res)
+  in
+  List.fold_left compare_proposition None l
+  module type Full_core = sig
+    type update_result
+    type update_state
+    val weight: change -> int
+    val test: state -> left -> right -> (eq, diff) result
+    val update: change -> update_state -> update_result
+  end
+module Generic
+    (X: Full_core
+     with type update_result := full_state
+      and type update_state := full_state) = struct
+  open X
+  (* Boundary cell update *)
+  let compute_column0  tbl i =
+    let*! st = Matrix.state tbl (i-1) 0 in
+    let*! line = Matrix.line tbl (i-1) 0 in
+    let diff = Delete line in
+    Matrix.set tbl i 0
+      ~weight:(weight diff + Matrix.weight tbl (i-1) 0)
+      ~state:(update diff st)
+      ~diff:(Some diff)
+  let compute_line0 tbl j =
+    let*! st = Matrix.state tbl 0 (j-1) in
+    let*! column = Matrix.column tbl 0 (j-1) in
+    let diff = Insert column in
+    Matrix.set tbl 0 j
+      ~weight:(weight diff + Matrix.weight tbl 0 (j-1))
+      ~state:(update diff st)
+      ~diff:(Some diff)
+let compute_inner_cell tbl i j =
+  let compute_proposition i j diff =
+    let* diff = diff in
+    let+ localstate = Matrix.state tbl i j in
+    weight diff + Matrix.weight tbl i j, (diff, localstate)
+  in
+  let del =
+    let diff = let+ x = Matrix.line tbl (i-1) j in Delete x in
+    compute_proposition (i-1) j diff
+  in
+  let insert =
+    let diff = let+ x = Matrix.column tbl i (j-1) in Insert x in
+    compute_proposition i (j-1) diff
+  in
+  let diag =
+    let diff =
+      let* state = Matrix.state tbl (i-1) (j-1) in
+      let* line = Matrix.line tbl (i-1) (j-1) in
+      let* column = Matrix.column tbl (i-1) (j-1) in
+      match test state.state line column with
+      | Ok ok -> Some (Keep (line, column, ok))
+      | Error err -> Some (Change (line, column, err))
+    in
+    compute_proposition (i-1) (j-1) diff
+  in
+  let*! newweight, (diff, localstate) =
+    (* The order of propositions is important here:
+       the call [select_best_proposition [P_0, ...; P_n]] keeps the first
+       proposition with minimal weight as the representative path for this
+       weight class at the current matrix position.
+       By induction, the representative path for the minimal weight class will
+       be the smallest path according to the reverse lexical order induced by
+       the element order [[P_0;...; P_n]].
+       This is why we choose to start with the [Del] case since path ending with
+       [Del+] suffix are likely to correspond to parital application in the
+       functor application case.
+       Similarly, large block of deletions or insertions at the end of the
+       definitions might point toward incomplete definitions.
+       Thus this seems a good overall setting. *)
+    select_best_proposition [del;insert;diag]
+  in
+  let state = update diff localstate in
+  Matrix.set tbl i j ~weight:newweight ~state ~diff:(Some diff)
+let compute_cell  m i j =
+  match i, j with
+  | _ when Matrix.diff m i j <> None -> ()
+  | 0,0 -> ()
+  | 0,j -> compute_line0 m j
+  | i,0 -> compute_column0  m i;
+  | _ -> compute_inner_cell m i j
+(* Filling the matrix
+   We fill the whole matrix, as in vanilla Wagner-Fischer.
+   At this point, the lists in some states might have been extended.
+   If any list have been extended, we need to reshape the matrix
+   and repeat the process
+let compute_matrix state0 =
+  let m0 = Matrix.make { l = 0 ; c = 0 } in
+  Matrix.set m0 0 0 ~weight:0 ~state:state0 ~diff:None;
+  let rec loop m =
+    let shape = Matrix.shape m in
+    let new_shape = Matrix.real_shape m in
+    if new_shape.l > shape.l || new_shape.c > shape.c then
+      let m = Matrix.reshape new_shape m in
+      for i = 0 to new_shape.l do
+        for j = 0 to new_shape.c do
+          compute_cell m i j
+        done
+      done;
+      loop m
+    else
+      m
+  in
+  loop m0
+ end
+  module type Parameters = Full_core with type update_state := state
+  module Simple(X:Parameters with type update_result := state) = struct
+    module Internal = Generic(struct
+        let test = X.test
+        let weight = X.weight
+        let update d fs = { fs with state = X.update d fs.state }
+      end)
+    let diff state line column =
+      let fullstate = { line; column; state } in
+      Internal.compute_matrix fullstate
+      |> construct_patch
+  end
+  let may_append x = function
+    | [||] -> x
+    | y -> Array.append x y
+  module Left_variadic
+      (X:Parameters with type update_result := state * left array) = struct
+    open X
+    module Internal = Generic(struct
+        let test = X.test
+        let weight = X.weight
+        let update d fs =
+          let state, a = update d fs.state in
+          { fs with state ; line = may_append fs.line a }
+      end)
+    let diff state line column =
+      let fullstate = { line; column; state } in
+      Internal.compute_matrix fullstate
+      |> construct_patch
+  end
+  module Right_variadic
+      (X:Parameters with type update_result := state * right array) = struct
+    open X
+    module Internal = Generic(struct
+        let test = X.test
+        let weight = X.weight
+        let update d fs =
+          let state, a = update d fs.state in
+          { fs with state ; column = may_append fs.column a }
+      end)
+    let diff state line column =
+      let fullstate = { line; column; state } in
+      Internal.compute_matrix fullstate
+      |> construct_patch
+  end
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79c51fbbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Gabriel Radanne, projet Cambium, Inria Paris               *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Parametric diffing
+    This module implements diffing over lists of arbitrary content.
+    It is parameterized by
+    - The content of the two lists
+    - The equality witness when an element is kept
+    - The diffing witness when an element is changed
+    Diffing is extended to maintain state depending on the
+    computed changes while walking through the two lists.
+    The underlying algorithm is a modified Wagner-Fischer algorithm
+    (see <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner%E2%80%93Fischer_algorithm>).
+    We provide the following guarantee:
+    Given two lists [l] and [r], if different patches result in different
+    states, we say that the state diverges.
+    - We always return the optimal patch on prefixes of [l] and [r]
+      on which state does not diverge.
+    - Otherwise, we return a correct but non-optimal patch where subpatches
+      with no divergent states are optimal for the given initial state.
+    More precisely, the optimality of Wagner-Fischer depends on the property
+    that the edit-distance between a k-prefix of the left input and a l-prefix
+    of the right input d(k,l) satisfies
+    d(k,l) = min (
+     del_cost + d(k-1,l),
+     insert_cost + d(k,l-1),
+     change_cost + d(k-1,l-1)
+    )
+   Under this hypothesis, it is optimal to choose greedily the state of the
+   minimal patch transforming the left k-prefix into the right l-prefix as a
+   representative of the states of all possible patches transforming the left
+   k-prefix into the right l-prefix.
+   If this property is not satisfied, we can still choose greedily a
+   representative state. However, the computed patch is no more guaranteed to
+   be globally optimal.
+   Nevertheless, it is still a correct patch, which is even optimal among all
+   explored patches.
+(** The core types of a diffing implementation *)
+module type Defs = sig
+  type left
+  type right
+  type eq
+  (** Detailed equality trace *)
+  type diff
+  (** Detailed difference trace *)
+  type state
+  (** environment of a partial patch *)
+(** The kind of changes which is used to share printing and styling
+    across implementation*)
+type change_kind =
+  | Deletion
+  | Insertion
+  | Modification
+  | Preservation
+val prefix: (int * change_kind) Format_doc.printer
+val style: change_kind -> Misc.Style.style list
+type ('left,'right,'eq,'diff) change =
+  | Delete of 'left
+  | Insert of 'right
+  | Keep of 'left * 'right *' eq
+  | Change of 'left * 'right * 'diff
+val classify: _ change -> change_kind
+(** [Define(Defs)] creates the diffing types from the types
+    defined in [Defs] and the functors that need to be instantatied
+    with the diffing algorithm parameters
+module Define(D:Defs): sig
+  open D
+  (** The type of potential changes on a list. *)
+  type nonrec change = (left,right,eq,diff) change
+  type patch = change list
+  (** A patch is an ordered list of changes. *)
+  module type Parameters = sig
+    type update_result
+    val weight: change -> int
+    (** [weight ch] returns the weight of the change [ch].
+        Used to find the smallest patch. *)
+    val test: state -> left -> right -> (eq, diff) result
+    (**
+       [test st xl xr] tests if the elements [xl] and [xr] are
+        co  mpatible ([Ok]) or not ([Error]).
+    *)
+    val update: change -> state -> update_result
+    (**  [update ch st] returns the new state after applying a change.
+         The [update_result] type also contains expansions in the variadic
+         case.
+     *)
+  end
+  module type S = sig
+    val diff: state -> left array -> right array -> patch
+    (** [diff state l r] computes the optimal patch between [l] and [r],
+        using the initial state [state].
+    *)
+  end
+  module Simple: (Parameters with type update_result := state) -> S
+  (** {1 Variadic diffing}
+      Variadic diffing allows to expand the lists being diffed during diffing.
+      in one specific direction.
+  *)
+  module Left_variadic:
+    (Parameters with type update_result := state * left array) -> S
+  module Right_variadic:
+    (Parameters with type update_result := state * right array) -> S
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing_with_keys.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing_with_keys.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b56db5a06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing_with_keys.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type 'a with_pos = {pos:int; data:'a}
+let with_pos l = List.mapi (fun n data -> {pos=n+1; data}) l
+(** Composite change and mismatches *)
+type ('l,'r,'diff) mismatch =
+  | Name of {pos:int; got:string; expected:string; types_match:bool}
+  | Type of {pos:int; got:'l; expected:'r; reason:'diff}
+type ('l,'r,'diff) change =
+  | Change of ('l,'r,'diff) mismatch
+  | Swap of { pos: int * int; first: string; last: string }
+  | Move of {name:string; got:int; expected:int}
+  | Insert of {pos:int; insert:'r}
+  | Delete of {pos:int; delete:'l}
+let prefix ppf x =
+  let kind = match x with
+    | Change _ | Swap _ | Move _ -> Diffing.Modification
+    | Insert _ -> Diffing.Insertion
+    | Delete _ -> Diffing.Deletion
+  in
+  let style k ppf inner =
+    let sty = Diffing.style k in
+    Format_doc.pp_open_stag ppf (Misc.Style.Style sty);
+    Format_doc.kfprintf (fun ppf -> Format_doc.pp_close_stag ppf () ) ppf inner
+  in
+  match x with
+  | Change (Name {pos; _ } | Type {pos; _})
+  | Insert { pos; _ } | Delete { pos; _ } ->
+      style kind ppf "%i. " pos
+  | Swap { pos = left, right; _ } ->
+      style kind ppf "%i<->%i. " left right
+  | Move { got; expected; _ } ->
+      style kind ppf "%i->%i. " expected got
+(** To detect [move] and [swaps], we are using the fact that
+    there are 2-cycles in the graph of name renaming.
+    - [Change (x,y,_)] is then an edge from
+      [key_left x] to [key_right y].
+    - [Insert x] is an edge between the special node epsilon and
+      [key_left x]
+    - [Delete x] is an edge between [key_right] and the epsilon node
+      Since for 2-cycle, knowing one edge is enough to identify the cycle
+      it might belong to, we are using maps of partial 2-cycles.
+module Two_cycle: sig
+  type t = private (string * string)
+  val create: string -> string -> t
+end = struct
+  type t = string * string
+  let create kx ky =
+    if kx <= ky then kx, ky else ky, kx
+module Swap = Map.Make(struct
+    type t = Two_cycle.t
+    let compare: t -> t -> int = Stdlib.compare
+  end)
+module Move = Misc.Stdlib.String.Map
+module Define(D:Diffing.Defs with type eq := unit) = struct
+  module Internal_defs = struct
+    type left = D.left with_pos
+    type right = D.right with_pos
+    type diff =  (D.left, D.right, D.diff) mismatch
+    type eq = unit
+    type state = D.state
+  end
+  module Diff = Diffing.Define(Internal_defs)
+  type left = Internal_defs.left
+  type right = Internal_defs.right
+  type diff = (D.left, D.right, D.diff) mismatch
+  type composite_change = (D.left,D.right,D.diff) change
+  type nonrec change = (left, right, unit, diff) Diffing.change
+  type patch = composite_change list
+  module type Parameters = sig
+    include Diff.Parameters with type update_result := D.state
+    val key_left: D.left -> string
+    val key_right: D.right -> string
+  end
+  module Simple(Impl:Parameters) = struct
+    open Impl
+    (** Partial 2-cycles *)
+    type ('l,'r) partial_cycle =
+      | Left of int * D.state * 'l
+      | Right of int * D.state * 'r
+      | Both of D.state * 'l * 'r
+    (** Compute the partial cycle and edge associated to an edge *)
+    let edge state (x:left) (y:right) =
+      let kx, ky = key_left x.data, key_right y.data in
+      let edge =
+        if kx <= ky then
+          Left (x.pos, state, (x,y))
+        else
+          Right (x.pos,state, (x,y))
+      in
+      Two_cycle.create kx ky, edge
+    let merge_edge ex ey = match ex, ey with
+      | ex, None -> Some ex
+      | Left (lpos, lstate, l), Some Right (rpos, rstate,r)
+      | Right (rpos, rstate,r), Some Left (lpos, lstate, l) ->
+          let state = if lpos < rpos then rstate else lstate in
+          Some (Both (state,l,r))
+      | Both _ as b, _ | _, Some (Both _ as b)  -> Some b
+      | l, _ -> Some l
+    let two_cycles state changes =
+      let add (state,(swaps,moves)) (d:change) =
+        update d state,
+        match d with
+        | Change (x,y,_) ->
+            let k, edge = edge state x y in
+            Swap.update k (merge_edge edge) swaps, moves
+        | Insert nx ->
+            let k = key_right nx.data in
+            let edge = Right (nx.pos, state,nx) in
+            swaps, Move.update k (merge_edge edge) moves
+        | Delete nx ->
+            let k, edge = key_left nx.data, Left (nx.pos, state, nx) in
+            swaps, Move.update k (merge_edge edge) moves
+        | _ -> swaps, moves
+      in
+      List.fold_left add (state,(Swap.empty,Move.empty)) changes
+    (** Check if an edge belongs to a known 2-cycle *)
+    let swap swaps x y =
+      let kx, ky = key_left x.data, key_right y.data in
+      let key = Two_cycle.create kx ky in
+      match Swap.find_opt key swaps with
+      | None | Some (Left _ | Right _)-> None
+      | Some Both (state, (ll,lr),(rl,rr)) ->
+          match test state ll rr,  test state rl lr with
+          | Ok _, Ok _ ->
+              Some ({pos=ll.pos; data=kx}, {pos=rl.pos; data=ky})
+          | Error _, _ | _, Error _ -> None
+    let move moves x =
+      let name =
+        match x with
+        | Either.Left x -> key_left x.data
+        | Either.Right x -> key_right x.data
+      in
+      match Move.find_opt name moves with
+      | None | Some (Left _ | Right _)-> None
+      | Some Both (state,got,expected) ->
+          match test state got expected with
+          | Ok _ ->
+              Some (Move {name; got=got.pos; expected=expected.pos})
+          | Error _ -> None
+    let refine state patch =
+      let _, (swaps, moves) = two_cycles state patch in
+      let filter: change -> composite_change option = function
+        | Keep _ -> None
+        | Insert x ->
+            begin match move moves (Either.Right x) with
+            | Some _ as move -> move
+            | None -> Some (Insert {pos=x.pos;insert=x.data})
+            end
+        | Delete x ->
+            begin match move moves (Either.Left x) with
+            | Some _ -> None
+            | None -> Some (Delete {pos=x.pos; delete=x.data})
+            end
+        | Change(x,y, reason) ->
+            match swap swaps x y with
+            | Some ({pos=pos1; data=first}, {pos=pos2; data=last}) ->
+                if x.pos = pos1 then
+                  Some (Swap { pos = pos1, pos2; first; last})
+                else None
+            | None -> Some (Change reason)
+      in
+      List.filter_map filter patch
+    let diff state left right =
+      let left = with_pos left in
+      let right = with_pos right in
+      let module Raw = Diff.Simple(Impl) in
+      let raw = Raw.diff state (Array.of_list left) (Array.of_list right) in
+      refine state raw
+  end
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing_with_keys.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing_with_keys.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94e56fb72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/diffing_with_keys.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+   When diffing lists where each element has a distinct key, we can refine
+   the diffing patch by introducing two composite edit moves: swaps and moves.
+   [Swap]s exchange the position of two elements. [Swap] cost is set to
+   [2 * change - epsilon].
+   [Move]s change the position of one element. [Move] cost is set to
+   [delete + addition - epsilon].
+   When the cost [delete + addition] is greater than [change] and with those
+   specific weights, the optimal patch with [Swap]s and [Move]s can be computed
+   directly and cheaply from the original optimal patch.
+type 'a with_pos = {pos: int; data:'a}
+val with_pos: 'a list -> 'a with_pos list
+type ('l,'r,'diff) mismatch =
+  | Name of {pos:int; got:string; expected:string; types_match:bool}
+  | Type of {pos:int; got:'l; expected:'r; reason:'diff}
+(** This specialized version of changes introduces two composite
+    changes: [Move] and [Swap]
+type ('l,'r,'diff) change =
+  | Change of ('l,'r,'diff) mismatch
+  | Swap of { pos: int * int; first: string; last: string }
+  | Move of {name:string; got:int; expected:int}
+  | Insert of {pos:int; insert:'r}
+  | Delete of {pos:int; delete:'l}
+val prefix: ('l,'r,'diff) change Format_doc.printer
+module Define(D:Diffing.Defs with type eq := unit): sig
+  type diff = (D.left, D.right, D.diff) mismatch
+  type left = D.left with_pos
+  type right = D.right with_pos
+  (** Composite changes and patches *)
+  type composite_change = (D.left,D.right,D.diff) change
+  type patch = composite_change list
+  (** Atomic changes *)
+  type change = (left,right,unit,diff) Diffing.change
+  module type Parameters = sig
+    val weight: change -> int
+    val test: D.state -> left -> right -> (unit, diff) result
+    val update: change -> D.state -> D.state
+    val key_left: D.left -> string
+    val key_right: D.right -> string
+  end
+  module Simple: Parameters -> sig
+      val diff: D.state -> D.left list -> D.right list -> patch
+    end
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/domainstate.ml.c b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/domainstate.ml.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dbae1d07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/domainstate.ml.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                 OCaml                                  */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*      KC Sivaramakrishnan, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras       */
+/*                 Stephen Dolan, University of Cambridge                 */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   Copyright 2019 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras                */
+/*   Copyright 2019 University of Cambridge                               */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    */
+/*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          */
+/*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          */
+/*                                                                        */
+#include "config.h"
+let stack_ctx_words = Stack_ctx_words
+type t =
+#define DOMAIN_STATE(type, name) | Domain_##name
+#include "domain_state.tbl"
+let idx_of_field =
+  let curr = 0 in
+#define DOMAIN_STATE(type, name) \
+  let idx__##name = curr in \
+  let curr = curr + 1 in
+#include "domain_state.tbl"
+  let _ = curr in
+  function
+#define DOMAIN_STATE(type, name) \
+  | Domain_##name -> idx__##name
+#include "domain_state.tbl"
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/domainstate.mli.c b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/domainstate.mli.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66a4750d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/domainstate.mli.c
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                 OCaml                                  */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*      KC Sivaramakrishnan, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras       */
+/*                Stephen Dolan, University of Cambridge                  */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   Copyright 2019 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras                */
+/*   Copyright 2019 University of Cambridge                               */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    */
+/*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          */
+/*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          */
+/*                                                                        */
+val stack_ctx_words : int
+type t =
+#define DOMAIN_STATE(type, name) | Domain_##name
+#include "domain_state.tbl"
+val idx_of_field : t -> int
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/format_doc.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/format_doc.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97014afd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/format_doc.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2021 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module Doc = struct
+  type box_type =
+    | H
+    | V
+    | HV
+    | HoV
+    | B
+  type stag = Format.stag
+  type element =
+    | Text of string
+    | With_size of int
+    | Open_box of { kind: box_type ; indent:int }
+    | Close_box
+    | Open_tag of Format.stag
+    | Close_tag
+    | Open_tbox
+    | Tab_break of { width : int; offset : int }
+    | Set_tab
+    | Close_tbox
+    | Simple_break of { spaces : int; indent: int }
+    | Break of { fits : string * int * string as 'a; breaks : 'a }
+    | Flush of { newline:bool }
+    | Newline
+    | If_newline
+    | Deprecated of (Format.formatter -> unit)
+  type t = { rev:element list } [@@unboxed]
+  let empty = { rev = [] }
+  let to_list doc = List.rev doc.rev
+  let add doc x = { rev = x :: doc.rev }
+  let fold f acc doc = List.fold_left f acc (to_list doc)
+  let append left right = { rev = right.rev @ left.rev }
+  let format_open_box_gen ppf kind indent =
+    match kind with
+    | H-> Format.pp_open_hbox ppf ()
+    | V -> Format.pp_open_vbox ppf indent
+    | HV -> Format.pp_open_hvbox ppf indent
+    | HoV -> Format.pp_open_hovbox ppf indent
+    | B -> Format.pp_open_box ppf indent
+  let interpret_elt ppf = function
+    | Text x -> Format.pp_print_string ppf x
+    | Open_box { kind; indent } -> format_open_box_gen ppf kind indent
+    | Close_box -> Format.pp_close_box ppf ()
+    | Open_tag tag -> Format.pp_open_stag ppf tag
+    | Close_tag -> Format.pp_close_stag ppf ()
+    | Open_tbox -> Format.pp_open_tbox ppf ()
+    | Tab_break {width;offset} -> Format.pp_print_tbreak ppf width offset
+    | Set_tab -> Format.pp_set_tab ppf ()
+    | Close_tbox -> Format.pp_close_tbox ppf ()
+    | Simple_break {spaces;indent} -> Format.pp_print_break ppf spaces indent
+    | Break {fits;breaks} -> Format.pp_print_custom_break ppf ~fits ~breaks
+    | Flush {newline=true} -> Format.pp_print_newline ppf ()
+    | Flush {newline=false} -> Format.pp_print_flush ppf ()
+    | Newline -> Format.pp_force_newline ppf ()
+    | If_newline -> Format.pp_print_if_newline ppf ()
+    | With_size _ ->  ()
+    | Deprecated pr -> pr ppf
+  let rec interpret ppf = function
+    | [] -> ()
+    | With_size size :: Text text :: l ->
+        Format.pp_print_as ppf size text;
+        interpret ppf l
+    | x :: l ->
+        interpret_elt ppf x;
+        interpret ppf l
+  let format ppf doc = interpret ppf (to_list doc)
+  let open_box kind indent doc = add doc (Open_box {kind;indent})
+  let close_box doc = add doc Close_box
+  let string s doc = add doc (Text s)
+  let bytes b doc = add doc (Text (Bytes.to_string b))
+  let with_size size doc = add doc (With_size size)
+  let int n doc = add doc (Text (string_of_int n))
+  let float f doc = add doc (Text (string_of_float f))
+  let char c doc = add doc (Text (String.make 1 c))
+  let bool c doc = add doc (Text (Bool.to_string c))
+  let break ~spaces ~indent doc = add doc (Simple_break {spaces; indent})
+  let space doc = break ~spaces:1 ~indent:0 doc
+  let cut = break ~spaces:0 ~indent:0
+  let custom_break ~fits ~breaks doc = add doc (Break {fits;breaks})
+  let force_newline doc = add doc Newline
+  let if_newline doc = add doc If_newline
+  let flush doc = add doc (Flush {newline=false})
+  let force_stop doc = add doc (Flush {newline=true})
+  let open_tbox doc = add doc Open_tbox
+  let set_tab doc = add doc Set_tab
+  let tab_break ~width ~offset doc = add doc (Tab_break {width;offset})
+  let tab doc = tab_break ~width:0 ~offset:0 doc
+  let close_tbox doc = add doc Close_tbox
+  let open_tag stag doc = add doc (Open_tag stag)
+  let close_tag doc = add doc Close_tag
+  let iter ?(sep=Fun.id) ~iter:iterator elt l doc =
+    let first = ref true in
+    let rdoc = ref doc in
+    let print x =
+      if !first then (first := false; rdoc := elt x !rdoc)
+      else rdoc := !rdoc |> sep |> elt x
+    in
+    iterator print l;
+    !rdoc
+  let rec list ?(sep=Fun.id) elt l doc = match l with
+    | [] -> doc
+    | [a] -> elt a doc
+    | a :: ((_ :: _) as q) ->
+        doc |> elt a |> sep |> list ~sep elt q
+  let array ?sep elt a doc = iter ?sep ~iter:Array.iter elt a doc
+  let seq ?sep elt s doc = iter ?sep ~iter:Seq.iter elt s doc
+  let option ?(none=Fun.id) elt o doc = match o with
+    | None -> none doc
+    | Some x -> elt x doc
+  let either ~left ~right x doc = match x with
+    | Either.Left x -> left x doc
+    | Either.Right x -> right x doc
+  let result ~ok ~error x doc = match x with
+    | Ok x -> ok x doc
+    | Error x -> error x doc
+  (* To format free-flowing text *)
+  let rec subtext len left right s doc =
+    let flush doc =
+      doc |> string (String.sub s left (right - left))
+    in
+    let after_flush doc = subtext len (right+1) (right+1) s doc in
+    if right = len then
+      if left <> len then flush doc else doc
+    else
+      match s.[right] with
+      | '\n' ->
+          doc |> flush |> force_newline |> after_flush
+      | ' ' ->
+          doc |> flush |> space |> after_flush
+      (* there is no specific support for '\t'
+         as it is unclear what a right semantics would be *)
+      | _ -> subtext len left (right + 1) s doc
+  let text s doc =
+    subtext (String.length s) 0 0 s doc
+  type ('a,'b) fmt = ('a, t, t, 'b) format4
+  type printer0 = t -> t
+  type 'a printer = 'a -> printer0
+  let output_formatting_lit fmting_lit doc =
+    let open CamlinternalFormatBasics in
+    match fmting_lit with
+    | Close_box    -> close_box doc
+    | Close_tag                 -> close_tag doc
+    | Break (_, width, offset)  -> break ~spaces:width ~indent:offset doc
+    | FFlush                    -> flush doc
+    | Force_newline             -> force_newline doc
+    | Flush_newline             -> force_stop doc
+    | Magic_size (_, n)         -> with_size n doc
+    | Escaped_at                -> char '@' doc
+    | Escaped_percent           -> char '%' doc
+    | Scan_indic c              -> doc |> char '@' |> char c
+  let to_string doc =
+    let b = Buffer.create 20 in
+    let convert = function
+      | Text s -> Buffer.add_string b s
+      | _ -> ()
+    in
+    fold (fun () x -> convert x) () doc;
+    Buffer.contents b
+  let box_type =
+    let open CamlinternalFormatBasics in
+    function
+    | Pp_fits -> H
+    | Pp_hbox -> H
+    | Pp_vbox -> V
+    | Pp_hovbox -> HoV
+    | Pp_hvbox -> HV
+    | Pp_box -> B
+  let rec compose_acc acc doc =
+    let open CamlinternalFormat in
+    match acc with
+    | CamlinternalFormat.Acc_formatting_lit (p, f) ->
+        doc |> compose_acc p |> output_formatting_lit f
+    | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
+        let tag = to_string (compose_acc acc' empty) in
+        let doc = compose_acc p doc in
+        doc |> open_tag (Format.String_tag tag)
+    | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+        let doc = compose_acc p doc in
+        let box = to_string (compose_acc acc' empty) in
+        let (indent, bty) = CamlinternalFormat.open_box_of_string box in
+        doc |> open_box (box_type bty) indent
+    | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+    | Acc_data_string (p, s)   ->
+        doc |> compose_acc p |> string s
+    | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+    | Acc_data_char (p, c)     -> doc |> compose_acc p |> char c
+    | Acc_delay (p, f)         -> doc |> compose_acc p |> f
+    | Acc_flush p              -> doc |> compose_acc p |> flush
+    | Acc_invalid_arg (_p, msg) ->  invalid_arg msg;
+    | End_of_acc               -> doc
+  let kprintf k (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Format (fmt, _))  =
+    CamlinternalFormat.make_printf
+      (fun acc doc -> doc |> compose_acc acc |> k )
+      End_of_acc fmt
+  let printf doc = kprintf Fun.id doc
+  let kmsg k  (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Format (fmt, _)) =
+    CamlinternalFormat.make_printf
+      (fun acc -> k (compose_acc acc empty))
+      End_of_acc fmt
+  let msg fmt = kmsg Fun.id fmt
+(** Compatibility interface *)
+type doc = Doc.t
+type t = doc
+type formatter = doc ref
+type 'a printer = formatter -> 'a -> unit
+let formatter d = d
+(** {1 Primitive functions }*)
+let pp_print_string ppf s = ppf := Doc.string s !ppf
+let pp_print_as ppf size s =
+  ppf := !ppf |> Doc.with_size size |> Doc.string s
+let pp_print_substring ~pos ~len ppf s =
+ ppf := Doc.string (String.sub s pos len) !ppf
+let pp_print_substring_as ~pos ~len ppf size s =
+  ppf :=
+  !ppf
+  |> Doc.with_size size
+  |> Doc.string (String.sub s pos len)
+let pp_print_bytes ppf s = ppf := Doc.string (Bytes.to_string s) !ppf
+let pp_print_text ppf s = ppf := Doc.text s !ppf
+let pp_print_char ppf c = ppf := Doc.char c !ppf
+let pp_print_int ppf c = ppf := Doc.int c !ppf
+let pp_print_float ppf f = ppf := Doc.float f !ppf
+let pp_print_bool ppf b = ppf := Doc.bool b !ppf
+let pp_print_nothing _ _ = ()
+let pp_close_box ppf () = ppf := Doc.close_box !ppf
+let pp_close_stag ppf () = ppf := Doc.close_tag !ppf
+let pp_print_break ppf spaces indent = ppf := Doc.break ~spaces ~indent !ppf
+let pp_print_custom_break ppf ~fits ~breaks =
+  ppf := Doc.custom_break ~fits ~breaks !ppf
+let pp_print_space ppf () = pp_print_break ppf 1 0
+let pp_print_cut ppf () = pp_print_break ppf 0 0
+let pp_print_flush ppf () = ppf := Doc.flush !ppf
+let pp_force_newline ppf () = ppf := Doc.force_newline !ppf
+let pp_print_newline ppf () = ppf := Doc.force_stop !ppf
+let pp_print_if_newline ppf () =ppf := Doc.if_newline !ppf
+let pp_open_stag ppf stag = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.open_tag stag
+let pp_open_box_gen ppf indent bxty =
+  let box_type = Doc.box_type bxty in
+   ppf := !ppf |> Doc.open_box box_type indent
+let pp_open_box ppf indent = pp_open_box_gen ppf indent Pp_box
+let pp_open_tbox ppf () = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.open_tbox
+let pp_close_tbox ppf () = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.close_tbox
+let pp_set_tab ppf () = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.set_tab
+let pp_print_tab ppf () = ppf := !ppf |> Doc.tab
+let pp_print_tbreak ppf width offset =
+  ppf := !ppf |> Doc.tab_break ~width ~offset
+let pp_doc ppf doc = ppf := Doc.append !ppf doc
+module Driver = struct
+  (* Interpret a formatting entity on a formatter. *)
+  let output_formatting_lit ppf
+      (fmting_lit:CamlinternalFormatBasics.formatting_lit)
+    = match fmting_lit with
+    | Close_box                 -> pp_close_box ppf ()
+    | Close_tag                 -> pp_close_stag ppf ()
+    | Break (_, width, offset)  -> pp_print_break ppf width offset
+    | FFlush                    -> pp_print_flush ppf ()
+    | Force_newline             -> pp_force_newline ppf ()
+    | Flush_newline             -> pp_print_newline ppf ()
+    | Magic_size (_, _)         -> ()
+    | Escaped_at                -> pp_print_char ppf '@'
+    | Escaped_percent           -> pp_print_char ppf '%'
+    | Scan_indic c              -> pp_print_char ppf '@'; pp_print_char ppf c
+  let compute_tag output tag_acc =
+    let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
+    let buf_fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
+    let ppf = ref Doc.empty in
+    output ppf tag_acc;
+    pp_print_flush ppf ();
+    Doc.format buf_fmt !ppf;
+    let len = Buffer.length buf in
+    if len < 2 then Buffer.contents buf
+    else Buffer.sub buf 1 (len - 2)
+  (* Recursively output an "accumulator" containing a reversed list of
+     printing entities (string, char, flus, ...) in an output_stream. *)
+  (* Differ from Printf.output_acc by the interpretation of formatting. *)
+  (* Used as a continuation of CamlinternalFormat.make_printf. *)
+  let rec output_acc ppf (acc: _ CamlinternalFormat.acc) =
+    match acc with
+    | Acc_string_literal (Acc_formatting_lit (p, Magic_size (_, size)), s)
+    | Acc_data_string (Acc_formatting_lit (p, Magic_size (_, size)), s) ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        pp_print_as ppf size s;
+    | Acc_char_literal (Acc_formatting_lit (p, Magic_size (_, size)), c)
+    | Acc_data_char (Acc_formatting_lit (p, Magic_size (_, size)), c) ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        pp_print_as ppf size (String.make 1 c);
+    | Acc_formatting_lit (p, f) ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        output_formatting_lit ppf f;
+    | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        pp_open_stag ppf (Format.String_tag (compute_tag output_acc acc'))
+    | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+        output_acc ppf p;
+        let (indent, bty) =
+          let box_info = compute_tag output_acc acc' in
+          CamlinternalFormat.open_box_of_string box_info
+        in
+        pp_open_box_gen ppf indent bty
+    | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+    | Acc_data_string (p, s)   -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_string ppf s;
+    | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+    | Acc_data_char (p, c)     -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_char ppf c;
+    | Acc_delay (p, f)         -> output_acc ppf p; f ppf;
+    | Acc_flush p              -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_flush ppf ();
+    | Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> output_acc ppf p; invalid_arg msg;
+    | End_of_acc               -> ()
+let kfprintf k ppf (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Format (fmt, _))  =
+  CamlinternalFormat.make_printf
+    (fun acc -> Driver.output_acc ppf acc; k ppf)
+    End_of_acc fmt
+let fprintf doc fmt = kfprintf ignore doc fmt
+let kdprintf k (CamlinternalFormatBasics.Format (fmt, _)) =
+  CamlinternalFormat.make_printf
+    (fun acc -> k (fun ppf -> Driver.output_acc ppf acc))
+    End_of_acc fmt
+let dprintf fmt = kdprintf (fun i -> i) fmt
+let doc_printf fmt =
+  let ppf = ref Doc.empty in
+  kfprintf (fun _ -> let doc = !ppf in ppf := Doc.empty; doc) ppf fmt
+let kdoc_printf k fmt =
+  let ppf = ref Doc.empty in
+  kfprintf (fun ppf ->
+      let doc = !ppf in
+      ppf := Doc.empty;
+      k doc
+    )
+    ppf fmt
+let doc_printer f x doc =
+  let r = ref doc in
+  f r x;
+  !r
+type 'a format_printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
+let format_printer f ppf x =
+  let doc = doc_printer f x Doc.empty in
+  Doc.format ppf doc
+let compat = format_printer
+let compat1 f p1 = compat (f p1)
+let compat2 f p1 p2 = compat (f p1 p2)
+let kasprintf k fmt =
+  kdoc_printf (fun doc -> k (Format.asprintf "%a" Doc.format doc)) fmt
+let asprintf fmt = kasprintf Fun.id fmt
+let pp_print_iter ?(pp_sep=pp_print_cut) iter elt ppf c =
+      let sep = doc_printer pp_sep () in
+      ppf:= Doc.iter ~sep ~iter (doc_printer elt) c !ppf
+let pp_print_list ?(pp_sep=pp_print_cut) elt ppf l =
+  ppf := Doc.list ~sep:(doc_printer pp_sep ()) (doc_printer elt) l !ppf
+let pp_print_array ?pp_sep elt ppf a =
+  pp_print_iter ?pp_sep Array.iter elt ppf a
+let pp_print_seq ?pp_sep elt ppf s = pp_print_iter ?pp_sep Seq.iter elt ppf s
+let pp_print_option  ?(none=fun _ () -> ()) elt ppf o =
+  ppf := Doc.option ~none:(doc_printer none ()) (doc_printer elt) o !ppf
+let pp_print_result  ~ok ~error ppf r =
+   ppf := Doc.result ~ok:(doc_printer ok) ~error:(doc_printer error) r !ppf
+let pp_print_either  ~left ~right ppf e =
+  ppf := Doc.either ~left:(doc_printer left) ~right:(doc_printer right) e !ppf
+let comma ppf () = fprintf ppf ",@ "
+let pp_two_columns ?(sep = "|") ?max_lines ppf (lines: (string * string) list) =
+  let left_column_size =
+    List.fold_left (fun acc (s, _) -> Int.max acc (String.length s)) 0 lines in
+  let lines_nb = List.length lines in
+  let ellipsed_first, ellipsed_last =
+    match max_lines with
+    | Some max_lines when lines_nb > max_lines ->
+        let printed_lines = max_lines - 1 in (* the ellipsis uses one line *)
+        let lines_before = printed_lines / 2 + printed_lines mod 2 in
+        let lines_after = printed_lines / 2 in
+        (lines_before, lines_nb - lines_after - 1)
+    | _ -> (-1, -1)
+  in
+  fprintf ppf "@[<v>";
+  List.iteri (fun k (line_l, line_r) ->
+      if k = ellipsed_first then fprintf ppf "...@,";
+      if ellipsed_first <= k && k <= ellipsed_last then ()
+      else fprintf ppf "%*s %s %s@," left_column_size line_l sep line_r
+    ) lines;
+  fprintf ppf "@]"
+let deprecated_printer pr ppf = ppf := Doc.add !ppf (Doc.Deprecated pr)
+let deprecated pr ppf x =
+  ppf := Doc.add !ppf (Doc.Deprecated (fun ppf -> pr ppf x))
+let deprecated1 pr p1 ppf x =
+  ppf := Doc.add !ppf (Doc.Deprecated (fun ppf -> pr p1 ppf x))
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/format_doc.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/format_doc.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf36829add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/format_doc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Florian Angeletti, projet Cambium, Inria Paris             *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2024 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Composable document for the {!Format} formatting engine. *)
+(** This module introduces a pure and immutable document type which represents a
+    sequence of formatting instructions to be printed by a formatting engine at
+    later point. At the same time, it also provides format string interpreter
+    which produces this document type from format string and their associated
+    printers.
+    The module is designed to be source compatible with code defining format
+    printers: replacing `Format` by `Format_doc` in your code will convert
+    `Format` printers to `Format_doc` printers.
+(** Definitions and immutable API for composing documents *)
+module Doc: sig
+  (** {2 Type definitions and core functions }*)
+  (** Format box types *)
+  type box_type =
+    | H
+    | V
+    | HV
+    | HoV
+    | B
+  type stag = Format.stag
+  (** Base formatting instruction recognized by {!Format} *)
+  type element =
+    | Text of string
+    | With_size of int
+    | Open_box of { kind: box_type ; indent:int }
+    | Close_box
+    | Open_tag of Format.stag
+    | Close_tag
+    | Open_tbox
+    | Tab_break of { width : int; offset : int }
+    | Set_tab
+    | Close_tbox
+    | Simple_break of { spaces : int; indent : int }
+    | Break of { fits : string * int * string as 'a; breaks : 'a }
+    | Flush of { newline:bool }
+    | Newline
+    | If_newline
+    | Deprecated of (Format.formatter -> unit)
+    (** Escape hatch: a {!Format} printer used to provide backward-compatibility
+        for user-defined printer (from the [#install_printer] toplevel directive
+        for instance). *)
+  (** Immutable document type*)
+  type t
+  type ('a,'b) fmt = ('a, t, t,'b) format4
+  type printer0 = t -> t
+  type 'a printer = 'a -> printer0
+  (** Empty document *)
+  val empty: t
+  (** [format ppf doc] sends the format instruction of [doc] to the Format's
+      formatter [doc]. *)
+  val format: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+  (** Fold over a document as a sequence of instructions *)
+  val fold: ('acc -> element -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> t -> 'acc
+  (** {!msg} and {!kmsg} produce a document from a format string and its
+      argument *)
+  val msg: ('a,t) fmt -> 'a
+  val kmsg: (t -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) fmt -> 'a
+  (** {!printf} and {!kprintf} produce a printer from a format string and its
+      argument*)
+  val printf: ('a, printer0) fmt -> 'a
+  val kprintf: (t -> 'b) -> ('a, t -> 'b) fmt -> 'a
+  (** The functions below mirror {!Format} printers, without the [pp_print_]
+      prefix naming convention *)
+  val open_box: box_type -> int -> printer0
+  val close_box: printer0
+  val text: string printer
+  val string: string printer
+  val bytes: bytes printer
+  val with_size: int printer
+  val int: int printer
+  val float: float printer
+  val char: char printer
+  val bool: bool printer
+  val space: printer0
+  val cut: printer0
+  val break: spaces:int -> indent:int -> printer0
+  val custom_break:
+    fits:(string * int * string as 'a) -> breaks:'a -> printer0
+  val force_newline: printer0
+  val if_newline: printer0
+  val flush: printer0
+  val force_stop: printer0
+  val open_tbox: printer0
+  val set_tab: printer0
+  val tab: printer0
+  val tab_break: width:int -> offset:int -> printer0
+  val close_tbox: printer0
+  val open_tag: stag printer
+  val close_tag: printer0
+  val list: ?sep:printer0 -> 'a printer -> 'a list printer
+  val iter:
+    ?sep:printer0 -> iter:(('a -> unit) -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a printer
+    ->'b printer
+  val array: ?sep:printer0 -> 'a printer -> 'a array printer
+  val seq: ?sep:printer0 -> 'a printer -> 'a Seq.t printer
+  val option: ?none:printer0 -> 'a printer -> 'a option printer
+  val result: ok:'a printer -> error:'e printer -> ('a,'e) result printer
+  val either: left:'a printer -> right:'b printer -> ('a,'b) Either.t printer
+(** {1 Compatibility API} *)
+(** The functions and types below provides source compatibility with format
+printers and conversion function from {!Format_doc} printers to {!Format}
+printers. The reverse direction is implemented using an escape hatch in the
+formatting instruction and should only be used to preserve backward
+compatibility. *)
+type doc = Doc.t
+type t = doc
+type formatter
+type 'a printer = formatter -> 'a -> unit
+val formatter: doc ref -> formatter
+(** [formatter rdoc] creates a {!formatter} that updates the [rdoc] reference *)
+(** Translate a {!Format_doc} printer to a {!Format} one. *)
+type 'a format_printer = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
+val compat: 'a printer -> 'a format_printer
+val compat1: ('p1 -> 'a printer) -> ('p1 -> 'a format_printer)
+val compat2: ('p1 -> 'p2 -> 'a printer) -> ('p1 -> 'p2 -> 'a format_printer)
+(** If necessary, embbed a {!Format} printer inside a formatting instruction
+    stream. This breaks every guarantees provided by {!Format_doc}. *)
+val deprecated_printer: (Format.formatter -> unit) -> formatter -> unit
+val deprecated: 'a format_printer -> 'a printer
+val deprecated1: ('p1 -> 'a format_printer) -> ('p1 -> 'a printer)
+(** {2 Format string interpreters }*)
+val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter,unit) format -> 'a
+val kfprintf:
+  (formatter -> 'a) -> formatter ->
+  ('b, formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
+val asprintf :  ('a, formatter, unit, string) format4 -> 'a
+val kasprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
+val dprintf : ('a, formatter, unit, formatter -> unit) format4 -> 'a
+val kdprintf:
+  ((formatter -> unit) -> 'a) ->
+  ('b, formatter, unit, 'a) format4 -> 'b
+(** {!doc_printf} and {!kdoc_printf} creates a document directly *)
+val doc_printf: ('a, formatter, unit, doc) format4 -> 'a
+val kdoc_printf: (doc -> 'r) -> ('a, formatter, unit, 'r) format4 -> 'a
+(** {2 Compatibility with {!Doc} }*)
+val doc_printer: 'a printer -> 'a Doc.printer
+val pp_doc: doc printer
+(** {2 Source compatibility with Format}*)
+(** {3 String printers } *)
+val pp_print_string: string printer
+val pp_print_substring: pos:int -> len:int -> string printer
+val pp_print_text: string printer
+val pp_print_bytes: bytes printer
+val pp_print_as: formatter -> int -> string -> unit
+val pp_print_substring_as:
+  pos:int -> len:int -> formatter -> int -> string -> unit
+(** {3 Primitive type printers }*)
+val pp_print_char: char printer
+val pp_print_int: int printer
+val pp_print_float: float printer
+val pp_print_bool: bool printer
+val pp_print_nothing: unit printer
+(** {3 Printer combinators }*)
+val pp_print_iter:
+  ?pp_sep:unit printer -> (('a -> unit) -> 'b -> unit) ->
+  'a printer -> 'b printer
+val pp_print_list: ?pp_sep:unit printer -> 'a printer -> 'a list printer
+val pp_print_array: ?pp_sep:unit printer -> 'a printer -> 'a array printer
+val pp_print_seq: ?pp_sep:unit printer -> 'a printer -> 'a Seq.t printer
+val pp_print_option: ?none:unit printer -> 'a printer -> 'a option printer
+val pp_print_result: ok:'a printer -> error:'e printer -> ('a,'e) result printer
+val pp_print_either:
+  left:'a printer -> right:'b printer -> ('a,'b) Either.t printer
+(** {3 Boxes and tags }*)
+val pp_open_stag: Format.stag printer
+val pp_close_stag: unit printer
+val pp_open_box: int printer
+val pp_close_box: unit printer
+(** {3 Break hints} *)
+val pp_print_space: unit printer
+val pp_print_cut: unit printer
+val pp_print_break: formatter -> int -> int -> unit
+val pp_print_custom_break:
+  formatter -> fits:(string * int * string as 'c) -> breaks:'c -> unit
+(** {3 Tabulations }*)
+val pp_open_tbox: unit printer
+val pp_close_tbox: unit printer
+val pp_set_tab: unit printer
+val pp_print_tab: unit printer
+val pp_print_tbreak: formatter -> int -> int -> unit
+(** {3 Newlines and flushing }*)
+val pp_print_if_newline: unit printer
+val pp_force_newline: unit printer
+val pp_print_flush: unit printer
+val pp_print_newline: unit printer
+(** {1 Compiler specific functions }*)
+(** {2 Separators }*)
+val comma: unit printer
+(** {2 Compiler output} *)
+val pp_two_columns :
+  ?sep:string -> ?max_lines:int ->
+  formatter -> (string * string) list -> unit
+(** [pp_two_columns ?sep ?max_lines ppf l] prints the lines in [l] as two
+   columns separated by [sep] ("|" by default). [max_lines] can be used to
+   indicate a maximum number of lines to print -- an ellipsis gets inserted at
+   the middle if the input has too many lines.
+   Example:
+    {v pp_two_columns ~max_lines:3 Format.std_formatter [
+      "abc", "hello";
+      "def", "zzz";
+      "a"  , "bllbl";
+      "bb" , "dddddd";
+    ] v}
+    prints
+    {v
+    abc | hello
+    ...
+    bb  | dddddd
+    v}
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/identifiable.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/identifiable.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bbfb65733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/identifiable.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                       Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                        *)
+(*           Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module type Thing = sig
+  type t
+  include Hashtbl.HashedType with type t := t
+  include Map.OrderedType with type t := t
+  val output : out_channel -> t -> unit
+  val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+module type Set = sig
+  module T : Set.OrderedType
+  include Set.S
+    with type elt = T.t
+     and type t = Set.Make (T).t
+  val output : out_channel -> t -> unit
+  val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+  val to_string : t -> string
+  val of_list : elt list -> t
+  val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
+module type Map = sig
+  module T : Map.OrderedType
+  include Map.S
+    with type key = T.t
+     and type 'a t = 'a Map.Make (T).t
+  val of_list : (key * 'a) list -> 'a t
+  val disjoint_union :
+    ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ?print:(Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t ->
+    'a t -> 'a t
+  val union_right : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
+  val union_left : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
+  val union_merge : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
+  val rename : key t -> key -> key
+  val map_keys : (key -> key) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+  val keys : 'a t -> Set.Make(T).t
+  val data : 'a t -> 'a list
+  val of_set : (key -> 'a) -> Set.Make(T).t -> 'a t
+  val transpose_keys_and_data : key t -> key t
+  val transpose_keys_and_data_set : key t -> Set.Make(T).t t
+  val print :
+    (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
+module type Tbl = sig
+  module T : sig
+    type t
+    include Map.OrderedType with type t := t
+    include Hashtbl.HashedType with type t := t
+  end
+  include Hashtbl.S
+    with type key = T.t
+     and type 'a t = 'a Hashtbl.Make (T).t
+  val to_list : 'a t -> (T.t * 'a) list
+  val of_list : (T.t * 'a) list -> 'a t
+  val to_map : 'a t -> 'a Map.Make(T).t
+  val of_map : 'a Map.Make(T).t -> 'a t
+  val memoize : 'a t -> (key -> 'a) -> key -> 'a
+  val map : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
+module Pair (A : Thing) (B : Thing) : Thing with type t = A.t * B.t = struct
+  type t = A.t * B.t
+  let compare (a1, b1) (a2, b2) =
+    let c = A.compare a1 a2 in
+    if c <> 0 then c
+    else B.compare b1 b2
+  let output oc (a, b) = Printf.fprintf oc " (%a, %a)" A.output a B.output b
+  let hash (a, b) = Hashtbl.hash (A.hash a, B.hash b)
+  let equal (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = A.equal a1 a2 && B.equal b1 b2
+  let print ppf (a, b) = Format.fprintf ppf " (%a, @ %a)" A.print a B.print b
+module Make_map (T : Thing) = struct
+  include Map.Make (T)
+  let of_list l =
+    List.fold_left (fun map (id, v) -> add id v map) empty l
+  let disjoint_union ?eq ?print m1 m2 =
+    union (fun id v1 v2 ->
+        let ok = match eq with
+          | None -> false
+          | Some eq -> eq v1 v2
+        in
+        if not ok then
+          let err =
+            match print with
+            | None ->
+              Format.asprintf "Map.disjoint_union %a" T.print id
+            | Some print ->
+              Format.asprintf "Map.disjoint_union %a => %a <> %a"
+                T.print id print v1 print v2
+          in
+          Misc.fatal_error err
+        else Some v1)
+      m1 m2
+  let union_right m1 m2 =
+    merge (fun _id x y -> match x, y with
+        | None, None -> None
+        | None, Some v
+        | Some v, None
+        | Some _, Some v -> Some v)
+      m1 m2
+  let union_left m1 m2 = union_right m2 m1
+  let union_merge f m1 m2 =
+    let aux _ m1 m2 =
+      match m1, m2 with
+      | None, m | m, None -> m
+      | Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (f m1 m2)
+    in
+    merge aux m1 m2
+  let rename m v =
+    try find v m
+    with Not_found -> v
+  let map_keys f m =
+    of_list (List.map (fun (k, v) -> f k, v) (bindings m))
+  let print f ppf s =
+    let elts ppf s = iter (fun id v ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf "@ (@[%a@ %a@])" T.print id f v) s in
+    Format.fprintf ppf "@[<1>{@[%a@ @]}@]" elts s
+  module T_set = Set.Make (T)
+  let keys map = fold (fun k _ set -> T_set.add k set) map T_set.empty
+  let data t = List.map snd (bindings t)
+  let of_set f set = T_set.fold (fun e map -> add e (f e) map) set empty
+  let transpose_keys_and_data map = fold (fun k v m -> add v k m) map empty
+  let transpose_keys_and_data_set map =
+    fold (fun k v m ->
+        let set =
+          match find v m with
+          | exception Not_found ->
+            T_set.singleton k
+          | set ->
+            T_set.add k set
+        in
+        add v set m)
+      map empty
+module Make_set (T : Thing) = struct
+  include Set.Make (T)
+  let output oc s =
+    Printf.fprintf oc " ( ";
+    iter (fun v -> Printf.fprintf oc "%a " T.output v) s;
+    Printf.fprintf oc ")"
+  let print ppf s =
+    let elts ppf s = iter (fun e -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ %a" T.print e) s in
+    Format.fprintf ppf "@[<1>{@[%a@ @]}@]" elts s
+  let to_string s = Format.asprintf "%a" print s
+  let of_list l = match l with
+    | [] -> empty
+    | [t] -> singleton t
+    | t :: q -> List.fold_left (fun acc e -> add e acc) (singleton t) q
+  let map f s = of_list (List.map f (elements s))
+module Make_tbl (T : Thing) = struct
+  include Hashtbl.Make (T)
+  module T_map = Make_map (T)
+  let to_list t =
+    fold (fun key datum elts -> (key, datum)::elts) t []
+  let of_list elts =
+    let t = create 42 in
+    List.iter (fun (key, datum) -> add t key datum) elts;
+    t
+  let to_map v = fold T_map.add v T_map.empty
+  let of_map m =
+    let t = create (T_map.cardinal m) in
+    T_map.iter (fun k v -> add t k v) m;
+    t
+  let memoize t f = fun key ->
+    try find t key with
+    | Not_found ->
+      let r = f key in
+      add t key r;
+      r
+  let map t f =
+    of_map (T_map.map f (to_map t))
+module type S = sig
+  type t
+  module T : Thing with type t = t
+  include Thing with type t := T.t
+  module Set : Set with module T := T
+  module Map : Map with module T := T
+  module Tbl : Tbl with module T := T
+module Make (T : Thing) = struct
+  module T = T
+  include T
+  module Set = Make_set (T)
+  module Map = Make_map (T)
+  module Tbl = Make_tbl (T)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/identifiable.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/identifiable.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0da5a66191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/identifiable.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                       Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                        *)
+(*           Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Uniform interface for common data structures over various things.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+module type Thing = sig
+  type t
+  include Hashtbl.HashedType with type t := t
+  include Map.OrderedType with type t := t
+  val output : out_channel -> t -> unit
+  val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+module Pair : functor (A : Thing) (B : Thing) -> Thing with type t = A.t * B.t
+module type Set = sig
+  module T : Set.OrderedType
+  include Set.S
+    with type elt = T.t
+     and type t = Set.Make (T).t
+  val output : out_channel -> t -> unit
+  val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+  val to_string : t -> string
+  val of_list : elt list -> t
+  val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
+module type Map = sig
+  module T : Map.OrderedType
+  include Map.S
+    with type key = T.t
+     and type 'a t = 'a Map.Make (T).t
+  val of_list : (key * 'a) list -> 'a t
+  (** [disjoint_union m1 m2] contains all bindings from [m1] and
+      [m2]. If some binding is present in both and the associated
+      value is not equal, a Fatal_error is raised *)
+  val disjoint_union :
+    ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ?print:(Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t ->
+    'a t -> 'a t
+  (** [union_right m1 m2] contains all bindings from [m1] and [m2]. If
+      some binding is present in both, the one from [m2] is taken *)
+  val union_right : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
+  (** [union_left m1 m2 = union_right m2 m1] *)
+  val union_left : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
+  val union_merge : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
+  val rename : key t -> key -> key
+  val map_keys : (key -> key) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+  val keys : 'a t -> Set.Make(T).t
+  val data : 'a t -> 'a list
+  val of_set : (key -> 'a) -> Set.Make(T).t -> 'a t
+  val transpose_keys_and_data : key t -> key t
+  val transpose_keys_and_data_set : key t -> Set.Make(T).t t
+  val print :
+    (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
+module type Tbl = sig
+  module T : sig
+    type t
+    include Map.OrderedType with type t := t
+    include Hashtbl.HashedType with type t := t
+  end
+  include Hashtbl.S
+    with type key = T.t
+     and type 'a t = 'a Hashtbl.Make (T).t
+  val to_list : 'a t -> (T.t * 'a) list
+  val of_list : (T.t * 'a) list -> 'a t
+  val to_map : 'a t -> 'a Map.Make(T).t
+  val of_map : 'a Map.Make(T).t -> 'a t
+  val memoize : 'a t -> (key -> 'a) -> key -> 'a
+  val map : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
+module type S = sig
+  type t
+  module T : Thing with type t = t
+  include Thing with type t := T.t
+  module Set : Set with module T := T
+  module Map : Map with module T := T
+  module Tbl : Tbl with module T := T
+module Make (T : Thing) : S with type t := T.t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cd6bf1099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+let ( = )   : int -> int -> bool = Stdlib.( = )
+let ( <> )  : int -> int -> bool = Stdlib.( <> )
+let ( < )   : int -> int -> bool = Stdlib.( < )
+let ( > )   : int -> int -> bool = Stdlib.( > )
+let ( <= )  : int -> int -> bool = Stdlib.( <= )
+let ( >= )  : int -> int -> bool = Stdlib.( >= )
+let compare : int -> int -> int  = Stdlib.compare
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..689e741b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+val ( = )   : int -> int -> bool
+val ( <> )  : int -> int -> bool
+val ( < )   : int -> int -> bool
+val ( > )   : int -> int -> bool
+val ( <= )  : int -> int -> bool
+val ( >= )  : int -> int -> bool
+val compare : int -> int -> int
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/lazy_backtrack.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/lazy_backtrack.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13e4eb4400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/lazy_backtrack.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type ('a,'b) t = ('a,'b) eval ref
+and ('a,'b) eval =
+  | Done of 'b
+  | Raise of exn
+  | Thunk of 'a
+type undo =
+  | Nil
+  | Cons : ('a, 'b) t * 'a * undo -> undo
+type log = undo ref
+let force f x =
+  match !x with
+  | Done x -> x
+  | Raise e -> raise e
+  | Thunk e ->
+      match f e with
+      | y ->
+        x := Done y;
+        y
+      | exception e ->
+        x := Raise e;
+        raise e
+let get_arg x =
+  match !x with Thunk a -> Some a | _ -> None
+let get_contents x =
+  match !x with
+  | Thunk a -> Either.Left a
+  | Done b -> Either.Right b
+  | Raise e -> raise e
+let create x =
+  ref (Thunk x)
+let create_forced y =
+  ref (Done y)
+let create_failed e =
+  ref (Raise e)
+let log () =
+  ref Nil
+let force_logged log f x =
+  match !x with
+  | Done x -> x
+  | Raise e -> raise e
+  | Thunk e ->
+    match f e with
+    | (Error _ as err : _ result) ->
+        x := Done err;
+        log := Cons(x, e, !log);
+        err
+    | Ok _ as res ->
+        x := Done res;
+        res
+    | exception e ->
+        x := Raise e;
+        raise e
+let backtrack log =
+  let rec loop = function
+    | Nil -> ()
+    | Cons(x, e, rest) ->
+        x := Thunk e;
+        loop rest
+  in
+  loop !log
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/lazy_backtrack.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/lazy_backtrack.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e2fbd3808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/lazy_backtrack.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Fabrice Le Fessant, INRIA Saclay                     *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type ('a,'b) t
+type log
+val force : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) t -> 'b
+val create : 'a -> ('a,'b) t
+val get_arg : ('a,'b) t -> 'a option
+val get_contents : ('a,'b) t -> ('a,'b) Either.t
+val create_forced : 'b -> ('a, 'b) t
+val create_failed : exn -> ('a, 'b) t
+(* [force_logged log f t] is equivalent to [force f t] but if [f]
+   returns [Error _] then [t] is recorded in [log]. [backtrack log]
+   will then reset all the recorded [t]s back to their original
+   state. *)
+val log : unit -> log
+val force_logged :
+  log -> ('a -> ('b, 'c) result) -> ('a,('b, 'c) result) t -> ('b, 'c) result
+val backtrack : log -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/linkdeps.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/linkdeps.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..824c898e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/linkdeps.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                              Hugo Heuzard                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module Style = Misc.Style
+type compunit = string
+type filename = string
+type compunit_and_source = {
+  compunit  : compunit;
+  filename : filename;
+module Compunit_and_source = struct
+  type t = compunit_and_source
+  module Set = Set.Make(struct type nonrec t = t let compare = compare end)
+type refs = Compunit_and_source.Set.t
+type t = {
+  complete : bool;
+  missing_compunits : (compunit, refs) Hashtbl.t;
+  provided_compunits : (compunit, filename list) Hashtbl.t;
+  badly_ordered_deps : (Compunit_and_source.t, refs) Hashtbl.t;
+type error =
+  | Missing_implementations of (compunit * compunit_and_source list) list
+  | Wrong_link_order of (compunit_and_source * compunit_and_source list) list
+  | Multiple_definitions of (compunit * filename list) list
+let create ~complete = {
+  complete;
+  missing_compunits = Hashtbl.create 17;
+  provided_compunits = Hashtbl.create 17;
+  badly_ordered_deps = Hashtbl.create 17;
+let required t compunit = Hashtbl.mem t.missing_compunits compunit
+let update t k f =
+  let v = Hashtbl.find_opt t k in
+  Hashtbl.replace t k (f v)
+let add_required t by (name : string) =
+  let add s =
+    Compunit_and_source.Set.add by
+      (Option.value s ~default:Compunit_and_source.Set.empty) in
+  (try
+     let filename = List.hd (Hashtbl.find t.provided_compunits name) in
+     update t.badly_ordered_deps {compunit = name; filename } add
+   with Not_found -> ());
+  update t.missing_compunits name add
+let add t ~filename ~compunit ~provides ~requires =
+  List.iter (add_required t {compunit; filename}) requires;
+  List.iter (fun p ->
+    Hashtbl.remove t.missing_compunits p;
+    let l = Option.value ~default:[]
+        (Hashtbl.find_opt t.provided_compunits p) in
+    Hashtbl.replace t.provided_compunits p (filename :: l)) provides
+let check t =
+  let of_seq s =
+    Seq.map (fun (k,v) -> k, Compunit_and_source.Set.elements v) s
+    |> List.of_seq
+  in
+  let missing = of_seq (Hashtbl.to_seq t.missing_compunits) in
+  let badly_ordered_deps = of_seq (Hashtbl.to_seq t.badly_ordered_deps) in
+  let duplicated =
+    Hashtbl.to_seq t.provided_compunits
+    |> Seq.filter (fun (_, files) -> List.compare_length_with files 1 > 0)
+    |> List.of_seq
+  in
+  match duplicated, badly_ordered_deps, missing with
+  | [], [], [] -> None
+  | [], [], l ->
+      if t.complete
+      then Some (Missing_implementations l)
+      else None
+  | [], l,  _  ->
+      Some (Wrong_link_order l)
+  | l, _, _ ->
+      Some (Multiple_definitions l)
+(* Error report *)
+open Format_doc
+let print_reference print_fname ppf {compunit; filename} =
+  fprintf ppf "%a (%a)" Style.inline_code compunit print_fname filename
+let pp_list_comma f =
+  pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf ",@ ") f
+let report_error_doc ~print_filename ppf = function
+  | Missing_implementations l ->
+      let print_modules ppf =
+        List.iter
+          (fun (md, rq) ->
+             fprintf ppf "@ @[<hov 2>%a referenced from %a@]"
+               Style.inline_code md
+               (pp_list_comma (print_reference print_filename)) rq)
+      in
+      fprintf ppf
+        "@[<v 2>No implementation provided for the following modules:%a@]"
+        print_modules l
+  | Wrong_link_order l ->
+      let depends_on ppf (dep, depending) =
+        fprintf ppf "@ @[<hov 2>%a depends on %a@]"
+          (pp_list_comma (print_reference print_filename)) depending
+          (print_reference print_filename) dep
+      in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>Wrong link order:%a@]"
+        (pp_list_comma depends_on) l
+  | Multiple_definitions l ->
+      let print ppf (compunit, files) =
+        fprintf ppf
+          "@ @[<hov>Multiple definitions of module %a in files %a@]"
+          Style.inline_code compunit
+          (pp_list_comma (Style.as_inline_code print_filename)) files
+      in
+      fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2> Duplicated implementations:%a@]"
+        (pp_list_comma print) l
+let report_error ~print_filename =
+  Format_doc.compat (report_error_doc ~print_filename)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/linkdeps.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/linkdeps.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..070b0e5387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/linkdeps.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                              Hugo Heuzard                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type t
+(** The state of the linking check.
+    It keeps track of compilation units provided and required so far. *)
+type compunit = string
+type filename = string
+val create : complete:bool -> t
+(** [create ~complete] returns an empty state. If [complete] is
+   [true], missing compilation units will be treated as errors.  *)
+val add : t
+  -> filename:filename -> compunit:compunit
+  -> provides:compunit list -> requires:compunit list -> unit
+(** [add t ~filename ~compunit ~provides ~requires] registers the
+    compilation unit [compunit] found in [filename] to [t].
+    - [provides] are units and sub-units provided by [compunit]
+    - [requires] are units required by [compunit]
+    [add] should be called in reverse topological order. *)
+val required : t -> compunit -> bool
+(** [required t compunit] returns [true] if [compunit] is a dependency of
+    previously added compilation units. *)
+type compunit_and_source = {
+  compunit : compunit;
+  filename : filename;
+type error =
+  | Missing_implementations of (compunit * compunit_and_source list) list
+  | Wrong_link_order of (compunit_and_source * compunit_and_source list) list
+  | Multiple_definitions of (compunit * filename list) list
+val check : t -> error option
+(** [check t] should be called once all the compilation units to be linked
+    have been added.  It returns some error if:
+    - There are some missing implementations
+      and [complete] is [true]
+    - Some implementation appear
+      before their dependencies *)
+val report_error :
+  print_filename:string Format_doc.printer -> error Format_doc.format_printer
+val report_error_doc :
+  print_filename:string Format_doc.printer -> error Format_doc.printer
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/load_path.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/load_path.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49f593f985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/load_path.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Jeremie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Jane Street Group LLC                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Local_store
+module STbl = Misc.Stdlib.String.Tbl
+(* Mapping from basenames to full filenames *)
+type registry = string STbl.t
+let visible_files : registry ref = s_table STbl.create 42
+let visible_files_uncap : registry ref = s_table STbl.create 42
+let hidden_files : registry ref = s_table STbl.create 42
+let hidden_files_uncap : registry ref = s_table STbl.create 42
+module Dir = struct
+  type t = {
+    path : string;
+    files : string list;
+    hidden : bool;
+  }
+  let path t = t.path
+  let files t = t.files
+  let hidden t = t.hidden
+  let find t fn =
+    if List.mem fn t.files then
+      Some (Filename.concat t.path fn)
+    else
+      None
+  let find_normalized t fn =
+    let fn = Misc.normalized_unit_filename fn in
+    let search base =
+      if Misc.normalized_unit_filename base = fn then
+        Some (Filename.concat t.path base)
+      else
+        None
+    in
+    List.find_map search t.files
+  (* For backward compatibility reason, simulate the behavior of
+     [Misc.find_in_path]: silently ignore directories that don't exist
+     + treat [""] as the current directory. *)
+  let readdir_compat dir =
+    try
+      Sys.readdir (if dir = "" then Filename.current_dir_name else dir)
+    with Sys_error _ ->
+      [||]
+  let create ~hidden path =
+    { path; files = Array.to_list (readdir_compat path); hidden }
+type auto_include_callback =
+  (Dir.t -> string -> string option) -> string -> string
+let visible_dirs = s_ref []
+let hidden_dirs = s_ref []
+let no_auto_include _ _ = raise Not_found
+let auto_include_callback = ref no_auto_include
+let reset () =
+  assert (not Config.merlin || Local_store.is_bound ());
+  STbl.clear !hidden_files;
+  STbl.clear !hidden_files_uncap;
+  STbl.clear !visible_files;
+  STbl.clear !visible_files_uncap;
+  hidden_dirs := [];
+  visible_dirs := [];
+  auto_include_callback := no_auto_include
+let get_visible () = List.rev !visible_dirs
+let get_path_list () =
+  Misc.rev_map_end Dir.path !visible_dirs (List.rev_map Dir.path !hidden_dirs)
+type paths =
+  { visible : string list;
+    hidden : string list }
+let get_paths () =
+  { visible = List.rev_map Dir.path !visible_dirs;
+    hidden = List.rev_map Dir.path !hidden_dirs }
+let get_visible_path_list () = List.rev_map Dir.path !visible_dirs
+let get_hidden_path_list () = List.rev_map Dir.path !hidden_dirs
+(* Optimized version of [add] below, for use in [init] and [remove_dir]: since
+   we are starting from an empty cache, we can avoid checking whether a unit
+   name already exists in the cache simply by adding entries in reverse
+   order. *)
+let prepend_add dir =
+  List.iter (fun base ->
+      Result.iter (fun filename ->
+          let fn = Filename.concat dir.Dir.path base in
+          if dir.Dir.hidden then begin
+            STbl.replace !hidden_files base fn;
+            STbl.replace !hidden_files_uncap filename fn
+          end else begin
+            STbl.replace !visible_files base fn;
+            STbl.replace !visible_files_uncap filename fn
+          end)
+        (Misc.normalized_unit_filename base)
+    ) dir.Dir.files
+let init ~auto_include ~visible ~hidden =
+  reset ();
+  visible_dirs := List.rev_map (Dir.create ~hidden:false) visible;
+  hidden_dirs := List.rev_map (Dir.create ~hidden:true) hidden;
+  List.iter prepend_add !hidden_dirs;
+  List.iter prepend_add !visible_dirs;
+  auto_include_callback := auto_include
+let remove_dir dir =
+  assert (not Config.merlin || Local_store.is_bound ());
+  let visible = List.filter (fun d -> Dir.path d <> dir) !visible_dirs in
+  let hidden = List.filter (fun d -> Dir.path d <> dir) !hidden_dirs in
+  if    List.compare_lengths visible !visible_dirs <> 0
+     || List.compare_lengths hidden !hidden_dirs <> 0 then begin
+    reset ();
+    visible_dirs := visible;
+    hidden_dirs := hidden;
+    List.iter prepend_add hidden;
+    List.iter prepend_add visible
+  end
+(* General purpose version of function to add a new entry to load path: We only
+   add a basename to the cache if it is not already present, in order to enforce
+   left-to-right precedence. *)
+let add (dir : Dir.t) =
+  assert (not Config.merlin || Local_store.is_bound ());
+  let update base fn visible_files hidden_files =
+    if dir.hidden && not (STbl.mem !hidden_files base) then
+      STbl.replace !hidden_files base fn
+    else if not (STbl.mem !visible_files base) then
+      STbl.replace !visible_files base fn
+  in
+  List.iter
+    (fun base ->
+       Result.iter (fun ubase ->
+           let fn = Filename.concat dir.Dir.path base in
+           update base fn visible_files hidden_files;
+           update ubase fn visible_files_uncap hidden_files_uncap
+         )
+         (Misc.normalized_unit_filename base)
+    )
+    dir.files;
+  if dir.hidden then
+    hidden_dirs := dir :: !hidden_dirs
+  else
+    visible_dirs := dir :: !visible_dirs
+let append_dir = add
+let add_dir ~hidden dir = add (Dir.create ~hidden dir)
+(* Add the directory at the start of load path - so basenames are
+   unconditionally added. *)
+let prepend_dir (dir : Dir.t) =
+  assert (not Config.merlin || Local_store.is_bound ());
+  prepend_add dir;
+  if dir.hidden then
+    hidden_dirs := !hidden_dirs @ [dir]
+  else
+    visible_dirs := !visible_dirs @ [dir]
+let is_basename fn = Filename.basename fn = fn
+let auto_include_libs libs alert find_in_dir fn =
+  let scan (lib, lazy dir) =
+    let file = find_in_dir dir fn in
+    let alert_and_add_dir _ =
+      alert lib;
+      append_dir dir
+    in
+    Option.iter alert_and_add_dir file;
+    file
+  in
+  match List.find_map scan libs with
+  | Some base -> base
+  | None -> raise Not_found
+let auto_include_otherlibs =
+  (* Ensure directories are only ever scanned once *)
+  let expand = Misc.expand_directory Config.standard_library in
+  let otherlibs =
+    let read_lib lib = lazy (Dir.create ~hidden:false (expand ("+" ^ lib))) in
+    List.map (fun lib -> (lib, read_lib lib)) ["dynlink"; "str"; "unix"] in
+  auto_include_libs otherlibs
+type visibility = Visible | Hidden
+let find_file_in_cache fn visible_files hidden_files =
+  try (STbl.find !visible_files fn, Visible) with
+  | Not_found -> (STbl.find !hidden_files fn, Hidden)
+let find fn =
+  assert (not Config.merlin || Local_store.is_bound ());
+  try
+    if is_basename fn && not !Sys.interactive then
+      fst (find_file_in_cache fn visible_files hidden_files)
+    else
+      Misc.find_in_path (get_path_list ()) fn
+  with Not_found ->
+    !auto_include_callback Dir.find fn
+let find_normalized_with_visibility fn =
+  assert (not Config.merlin || Local_store.is_bound ());
+  match Misc.normalized_unit_filename fn with
+  | Error _ -> raise Not_found
+  | Ok fn_uncap ->
+  try
+    if is_basename fn && not !Sys.interactive then
+      find_file_in_cache fn_uncap
+        visible_files_uncap hidden_files_uncap
+    else
+      try
+        (Misc.find_in_path_normalized (get_visible_path_list ()) fn, Visible)
+      with
+      | Not_found ->
+        (Misc.find_in_path_normalized (get_hidden_path_list ()) fn, Hidden)
+  with Not_found ->
+    (!auto_include_callback Dir.find_normalized fn_uncap, Visible)
+let find_normalized fn = fst (find_normalized_with_visibility fn)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/load_path.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/load_path.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..488b75f760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/load_path.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                   Jeremie Dimino, Jane Street Europe                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2018 Jane Street Group LLC                                 *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Management of include directories.
+    This module offers a high level interface to locating files in the load
+    path, which is constructed from [-I] and [-H] command line flags and a few
+    other parameters.
+    It makes the assumption that the contents of include directories
+    doesn't change during the execution of the compiler.
+val add_dir : hidden:bool -> string -> unit
+(** Add a directory to the end of the load path (i.e. at lowest priority.) *)
+val remove_dir : string -> unit
+(** Remove a directory from the load path *)
+val reset : unit -> unit
+(** Remove all directories *)
+module Dir : sig
+  type t
+  (** Represent one directory in the load path. *)
+  val create : hidden:bool -> string -> t
+  val path : t -> string
+  val files : t -> string list
+  (** All the files in that directory. This doesn't include files in
+      sub-directories of this directory. *)
+  val hidden : t -> bool
+  (** If the modules in this directory should not be bound in the initial
+      scope *)
+  val find : t -> string -> string option
+  (** [find dir fn] returns the full path to [fn] in [dir]. *)
+  val find_normalized : t -> string -> string option
+  (** As {!find}, but search also for uncapitalized name, i.e. if name is
+      Foo.ml, either /path/Foo.ml or /path/foo.ml may be returned. *)
+type auto_include_callback =
+  (Dir.t -> string -> string option) -> string -> string
+(** The type of callback functions on for [init ~auto_include] *)
+val no_auto_include : auto_include_callback
+(** No automatic directory inclusion: misses in the load path raise [Not_found]
+    as normal. *)
+val init :
+  auto_include:auto_include_callback -> visible:string list ->
+  hidden:string list -> unit
+(** [init ~visible ~hidden] is the same as
+    [reset ();
+     List.iter add_dir (List.rev hidden);
+     List.iter add_dir (List.rev visible)] *)
+val auto_include_otherlibs :
+  (string -> unit) -> auto_include_callback
+(** [auto_include_otherlibs alert] is a callback function to be passed to
+    {!Load_path.init} and automatically adds [-I +lib] to the load path after
+    calling [alert lib]. *)
+val get_path_list : unit -> string list
+(** Return the list of directories passed to [add_dir] so far. *)
+type paths =
+  { visible : string list;
+    hidden : string list }
+val get_paths : unit -> paths
+(** Return the directories passed to [add_dir] so far. *)
+val find : string -> string
+(** Locate a file in the load path. Raise [Not_found] if the file
+    cannot be found. This function is optimized for the case where the
+    filename is a basename, i.e. doesn't contain a directory
+    separator. *)
+val find_normalized : string -> string
+(** Same as [find], but search also for normalized unit name (see
+    {!Misc.normalized_unit_filename}), i.e. if name is [Foo.ml], allow
+    [/path/Foo.ml] and [/path/foo.ml] to match. *)
+type visibility = Visible | Hidden
+val find_normalized_with_visibility : string -> string * visibility
+(** Same as [find_normalized], but also reports whether the cmi was found in a
+    -I directory (Visible) or a -H directory (Hidden) *)
+val[@deprecated] add : Dir.t -> unit
+(** Old name for {!append_dir} *)
+val append_dir : Dir.t -> unit
+(** [append_dir d] adds [d] to the end of the load path (i.e. at lowest
+    priority. *)
+val prepend_dir : Dir.t -> unit
+(** [prepend_dir d] adds [d] to the start of the load path (i.e. at highest
+    priority. *)
+val get_visible : unit -> Dir.t list
+(** Same as [get_paths ()], except that it returns a [Dir.t list], and doesn't
+    include the -H paths. *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/local_store.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/local_store.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4babf61d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/local_store.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                        Frederic Bour, Tarides                          *)
+(*                         Thomas Refis, Tarides                          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Tarides                                               *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type ref_and_reset =
+  | Table : { ref: 'a ref; init: unit -> 'a } -> ref_and_reset
+  | Ref : { ref: 'a ref; mutable snapshot: 'a } -> ref_and_reset
+type bindings = {
+  mutable refs: ref_and_reset list;
+  mutable frozen : bool;
+  mutable is_bound: bool;
+let global_bindings =
+  { refs = []; is_bound = false; frozen = false }
+let is_bound () = global_bindings.is_bound
+let reset () =
+  assert (is_bound ());
+  List.iter (function
+    | Table { ref; init } -> ref := init ()
+    | Ref { ref; snapshot } -> ref := snapshot
+  ) global_bindings.refs
+let s_table create size =
+  let init () = create size in
+  let ref = ref (init ()) in
+  assert (not global_bindings.frozen);
+  global_bindings.refs <- (Table { ref; init }) :: global_bindings.refs;
+  ref
+let s_ref k =
+  let ref = ref k in
+  assert (not global_bindings.frozen);
+  global_bindings.refs <-
+    (Ref { ref; snapshot = k }) :: global_bindings.refs;
+  ref
+type slot = Slot : { ref : 'a ref; mutable value : 'a } -> slot
+type store = slot list
+let fresh () =
+  let slots =
+    List.map (function
+      | Table { ref; init } -> Slot {ref; value = init ()}
+      | Ref r ->
+          if not global_bindings.frozen then r.snapshot <- !(r.ref);
+          Slot { ref = r.ref; value = r.snapshot }
+    ) global_bindings.refs
+  in
+  global_bindings.frozen <- true;
+  slots
+let with_store slots f =
+  assert (not global_bindings.is_bound);
+  global_bindings.is_bound <- true;
+  List.iter (fun (Slot {ref;value}) -> ref := value) slots;
+  Fun.protect f ~finally:(fun () ->
+    List.iter (fun (Slot s) -> s.value <- !(s.ref)) slots;
+    global_bindings.is_bound <- false;
+  )
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/local_store.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/local_store.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..545cf71e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/local_store.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                        Frederic Bour, Tarides                          *)
+(*                         Thomas Refis, Tarides                          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2020 Tarides                                               *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** This module provides some facilities for creating references (and hash
+    tables) which can easily be snapshotted and restored to an arbitrary
+    version.
+    It is used throughout the frontend (read: typechecker), to register all
+    (well, hopefully) the global state. Thus making it easy for tools like
+    Merlin to go back and forth typechecking different files. *)
+(** {1 Creators} *)
+val s_ref : 'a -> 'a ref
+(** Similar to {!val:Stdlib.ref}, except the allocated reference is registered
+    into the store. *)
+val s_table : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b ref
+(** Used to register hash tables. Those also need to be placed into refs to be
+    easily swapped out, but one can't just "snapshot" the initial value to
+    create fresh instances, so instead an initializer is required.
+    Use it like this:
+    {[
+      let my_table = s_table Hashtbl.create 42
+    ]}
+(** {1 State management}
+    Note: all the following functions are currently unused inside the compiler
+    codebase. Merlin is their only user at the moment. *)
+type store
+val fresh : unit -> store
+(** Returns a fresh instance of the store.
+    The first time this function is called, it snapshots the value of all the
+    registered references, later calls to [fresh] will return instances
+    initialized to those values. *)
+val with_store : store -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** [with_store s f] resets all the registered references to the value they have
+    in [s] for the run of [f].
+    If [f] updates any of the registered refs, [s] is updated to remember those
+    changes. *)
+val reset : unit -> unit
+(** Resets all the references to the initial snapshot (i.e. to the same values
+    that new instances start with). *)
+val is_bound : unit -> bool
+(** Returns [true] when a store is active (i.e. when called from the callback
+    passed to {!with_store}), [false] otherwise. *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/misc.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/misc.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3d75dbb86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/misc.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1392 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* Errors *)
+exception Fatal_error
+let fatal_errorf fmt =
+  Format.kfprintf
+    (fun _ -> raise Fatal_error)
+    Format.err_formatter
+    ("@?>> Fatal error: " ^^ fmt ^^ "@.")
+let fatal_error msg = fatal_errorf "%s" msg
+(* Exceptions *)
+let try_finally ?(always=(fun () -> ())) ?(exceptionally=(fun () -> ())) work =
+  match work () with
+    | result ->
+      begin match always () with
+        | () -> result
+        | exception always_exn ->
+          let always_bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
+          exceptionally ();
+          Printexc.raise_with_backtrace always_exn always_bt
+      end
+    | exception work_exn ->
+      let work_bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
+      begin match always () with
+        | () ->
+          exceptionally ();
+          Printexc.raise_with_backtrace work_exn work_bt
+        | exception always_exn ->
+          let always_bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
+          exceptionally ();
+          Printexc.raise_with_backtrace always_exn always_bt
+      end
+let reraise_preserving_backtrace e f =
+  let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
+  f ();
+  Printexc.raise_with_backtrace e bt
+type ref_and_value = R : 'a ref * 'a -> ref_and_value
+let protect_refs =
+  let set_refs l = List.iter (fun (R (r, v)) -> r := v) l in
+  fun refs f ->
+    let backup = List.map (fun (R (r, _)) -> R (r, !r)) refs in
+    set_refs refs;
+    Fun.protect ~finally:(fun () -> set_refs backup) f
+(* List functions *)
+let rec map_end f l1 l2 =
+  match l1 with
+    [] -> l2
+  | hd::tl -> f hd :: map_end f tl l2
+let rev_map_end f l1 l2 =
+  let rec rmap_f accu = function
+    | [] -> accu
+    | hd::tl -> rmap_f (f hd :: accu) tl
+  in
+  rmap_f l2 l1
+let rec map_left_right f = function
+    [] -> []
+  | hd::tl -> let res = f hd in res :: map_left_right f tl
+let rec for_all2 pred l1 l2 =
+  match (l1, l2) with
+    ([], []) -> true
+  | (hd1::tl1, hd2::tl2) -> pred hd1 hd2 && for_all2 pred tl1 tl2
+  | (_, _) -> false
+let rec replicate_list elem n =
+  if n <= 0 then [] else elem :: replicate_list elem (n-1)
+let rec list_remove x = function
+    [] -> []
+  | hd :: tl ->
+      if hd = x then tl else hd :: list_remove x tl
+let rec split_last = function
+    [] -> assert false
+  | [x] -> ([], x)
+  | hd :: tl ->
+      let (lst, last) = split_last tl in
+      (hd :: lst, last)
+module Stdlib = struct
+  module List = struct
+    type 'a t = 'a list
+    let rec compare cmp l1 l2 =
+      match l1, l2 with
+      | [], [] -> 0
+      | [], _::_ -> -1
+      | _::_, [] -> 1
+      | h1::t1, h2::t2 ->
+        let c = cmp h1 h2 in
+        if c <> 0 then c
+        else compare cmp t1 t2
+    let rec equal eq l1 l2 =
+      match l1, l2 with
+      | ([], []) -> true
+      | (hd1 :: tl1, hd2 :: tl2) -> eq hd1 hd2 && equal eq tl1 tl2
+      | (_, _) -> false
+    let map2_prefix f l1 l2 =
+      let rec aux acc l1 l2 =
+        match l1, l2 with
+        | [], _ -> (List.rev acc, l2)
+        | _ :: _, [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "map2_prefix")
+        | h1::t1, h2::t2 ->
+          let h = f h1 h2 in
+          aux (h :: acc) t1 t2
+      in
+      aux [] l1 l2
+    let rec iteri2 i f l1 l2 =
+      match (l1, l2) with
+        ([], []) -> ()
+      | (a1::l1, a2::l2) -> f i a1 a2; iteri2 (i + 1) f l1 l2
+      | (_, _) -> raise (Invalid_argument "iteri2")
+    let iteri2 f l1 l2 = iteri2 0 f l1 l2
+    let some_if_all_elements_are_some l =
+      let rec aux acc l =
+        match l with
+        | [] -> Some (List.rev acc)
+        | None :: _ -> None
+        | Some h :: t -> aux (h :: acc) t
+      in
+      aux [] l
+    let split_at n l =
+      let rec aux n acc l =
+        if n = 0
+        then List.rev acc, l
+        else
+          match l with
+          | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "split_at")
+          | t::q -> aux (n-1) (t::acc) q
+      in
+      aux n [] l
+    let chunks_of n l =
+      if n <= 0 then raise (Invalid_argument "chunks_of");
+      (* Invariant: List.length l = remaining *)
+      let rec aux n acc l ~remaining =
+        match remaining with
+        | 0 -> List.rev acc
+        | _ when remaining <= n -> List.rev (l :: acc)
+        | _ ->
+          let chunk, rest = split_at n l in
+          aux n (chunk :: acc) rest ~remaining:(remaining - n)
+      in
+      aux n [] l ~remaining:(List.length l)
+    let rec is_prefix ~equal t ~of_ =
+      match t, of_ with
+      | [], [] -> true
+      | _::_, [] -> false
+      | [], _::_ -> true
+      | x1::t, x2::of_ -> equal x1 x2 && is_prefix ~equal t ~of_
+    type 'a longest_common_prefix_result = {
+      longest_common_prefix : 'a list;
+      first_without_longest_common_prefix : 'a list;
+      second_without_longest_common_prefix : 'a list;
+    }
+    let find_and_chop_longest_common_prefix ~equal ~first ~second =
+      let rec find_prefix ~longest_common_prefix_rev l1 l2 =
+        match l1, l2 with
+        | elt1 :: l1, elt2 :: l2 when equal elt1 elt2 ->
+          let longest_common_prefix_rev = elt1 :: longest_common_prefix_rev in
+          find_prefix ~longest_common_prefix_rev l1 l2
+        | l1, l2 ->
+          { longest_common_prefix = List.rev longest_common_prefix_rev;
+            first_without_longest_common_prefix = l1;
+            second_without_longest_common_prefix = l2;
+          }
+      in
+      find_prefix ~longest_common_prefix_rev:[] first second
+  end
+  module Option = struct
+    type 'a t = 'a option
+    let print print_contents ppf t =
+      match t with
+      | None -> Format.pp_print_string ppf "None"
+      | Some contents ->
+        Format.fprintf ppf "@[(Some@ %a)@]" print_contents contents
+  end
+  module Array = struct
+    let exists2 p a1 a2 =
+      let n = Array.length a1 in
+      if Array.length a2 <> n then invalid_arg "Misc.Stdlib.Array.exists2";
+      let rec loop i =
+        if i = n then false
+        else if p (Array.unsafe_get a1 i) (Array.unsafe_get a2 i) then true
+        else loop (succ i) in
+      loop 0
+    let for_alli p a =
+      let n = Array.length a in
+      let rec loop i =
+        if i = n then true
+        else if p i (Array.unsafe_get a i) then loop (succ i)
+        else false in
+      loop 0
+    let all_somes a =
+      try
+        Some (Array.map (function None -> raise_notrace Exit | Some x -> x) a)
+      with
+      | Exit -> None
+  end
+  module String = struct
+    include String
+    module Set = Set.Make(String)
+    module Map = Map.Make(String)
+    module Tbl = Hashtbl.Make(struct
+      include String
+      let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+    end)
+    let for_all f t =
+      let len = String.length t in
+      let rec loop i =
+        i = len || (f t.[i] && loop (i + 1))
+      in
+      loop 0
+    let print ppf t =
+      Format.pp_print_string ppf t
+  end
+  external compare : 'a -> 'a -> int = "%compare"
+(** {1 Minimal support for Unicode characters in identifiers} *)
+module Utf8_lexeme = struct
+  type t = string
+  (* Non-ASCII letters that are allowed in identifiers (currently: Latin-9) *)
+  type case = Upper of Uchar.t | Lower of Uchar.t
+  let known_chars : (Uchar.t, case) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 32
+  let _ =
+    List.iter
+      (fun (upper, lower) ->
+        let upper = Uchar.of_int upper and lower = Uchar.of_int lower in
+        Hashtbl.add known_chars upper (Upper lower);
+        Hashtbl.add known_chars lower (Lower upper))
+  [
+    (0xc0, 0xe0); (* À, à *)    (0xc1, 0xe1); (* Á, á *)
+    (0xc2, 0xe2); (* Â, â *)    (0xc3, 0xe3); (* Ã, ã *)
+    (0xc4, 0xe4); (* Ä, ä *)    (0xc5, 0xe5); (* Å, å *)
+    (0xc6, 0xe6); (* Æ, æ *)    (0xc7, 0xe7); (* Ç, ç *)
+    (0xc8, 0xe8); (* È, è *)    (0xc9, 0xe9); (* É, é *)
+    (0xca, 0xea); (* Ê, ê *)    (0xcb, 0xeb); (* Ë, ë *)
+    (0xcc, 0xec); (* Ì, ì *)    (0xcd, 0xed); (* Í, í *)
+    (0xce, 0xee); (* Î, î *)    (0xcf, 0xef); (* Ï, ï *)
+    (0xd0, 0xf0); (* Ð, ð *)    (0xd1, 0xf1); (* Ñ, ñ *)
+    (0xd2, 0xf2); (* Ò, ò *)    (0xd3, 0xf3); (* Ó, ó *)
+    (0xd4, 0xf4); (* Ô, ô *)    (0xd5, 0xf5); (* Õ, õ *)
+    (0xd6, 0xf6); (* Ö, ö *)    (0xd8, 0xf8); (* Ø, ø *)
+    (0xd9, 0xf9); (* Ù, ù *)    (0xda, 0xfa); (* Ú, ú *)
+    (0xdb, 0xfb); (* Û, û *)    (0xdc, 0xfc); (* Ü, ü *)
+    (0xdd, 0xfd); (* Ý, ý *)    (0xde, 0xfe); (* Þ, þ *)
+    (0x160, 0x161); (* Š, š *)  (0x17d, 0x17e); (* Ž, ž *)
+    (0x152, 0x153); (* Œ, œ *)  (0x178, 0xff); (* Ÿ, ÿ *)
+    (0x1e9e, 0xdf); (* ẞ, ß *)
+  ]
+  (* NFD to NFC conversion table for the letters above *)
+  let known_pairs : (Uchar.t * Uchar.t, Uchar.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 32
+  let _ =
+    List.iter
+      (fun (c1, n2, n) ->
+        Hashtbl.add known_pairs
+          (Uchar.of_char c1, Uchar.of_int n2) (Uchar.of_int n))
+  [
+    ('A', 0x300, 0xc0); (* À *)    ('A', 0x301, 0xc1); (* Á *)
+    ('A', 0x302, 0xc2); (* Â *)    ('A', 0x303, 0xc3); (* Ã *)
+    ('A', 0x308, 0xc4); (* Ä *)    ('A', 0x30a, 0xc5); (* Å *)
+    ('C', 0x327, 0xc7); (* Ç *)    ('E', 0x300, 0xc8); (* È *)
+    ('E', 0x301, 0xc9); (* É *)    ('E', 0x302, 0xca); (* Ê *)
+    ('E', 0x308, 0xcb); (* Ë *)    ('I', 0x300, 0xcc); (* Ì *)
+    ('I', 0x301, 0xcd); (* Í *)    ('I', 0x302, 0xce); (* Î *)
+    ('I', 0x308, 0xcf); (* Ï *)    ('N', 0x303, 0xd1); (* Ñ *)
+    ('O', 0x300, 0xd2); (* Ò *)    ('O', 0x301, 0xd3); (* Ó *)
+    ('O', 0x302, 0xd4); (* Ô *)    ('O', 0x303, 0xd5); (* Õ *)
+    ('O', 0x308, 0xd6); (* Ö *)
+    ('U', 0x300, 0xd9); (* Ù *)    ('U', 0x301, 0xda); (* Ú *)
+    ('U', 0x302, 0xdb); (* Û *)    ('U', 0x308, 0xdc); (* Ü *)
+    ('Y', 0x301, 0xdd); (* Ý *)    ('Y', 0x308, 0x178);  (* Ÿ *)
+    ('S', 0x30c, 0x160); (* Š *)   ('Z', 0x30c, 0x17d); (* Ž *)
+    ('a', 0x300, 0xe0); (* à *)    ('a', 0x301, 0xe1); (* á *)
+    ('a', 0x302, 0xe2); (* â *)    ('a', 0x303, 0xe3); (* ã *)
+    ('a', 0x308, 0xe4); (* ä *)    ('a', 0x30a, 0xe5); (* å *)
+    ('c', 0x327, 0xe7); (* ç *)    ('e', 0x300, 0xe8); (* è *)
+    ('e', 0x301, 0xe9); (* é *)    ('e', 0x302, 0xea); (* ê *)
+    ('e', 0x308, 0xeb); (* ë *)    ('i', 0x300, 0xec); (* ì *)
+    ('i', 0x301, 0xed); (* í *)    ('i', 0x302, 0xee); (* î *)
+    ('i', 0x308, 0xef); (* ï *)    ('n', 0x303, 0xf1); (* ñ *)
+    ('o', 0x300, 0xf2); (* ò *)    ('o', 0x301, 0xf3); (* ó *)
+    ('o', 0x302, 0xf4); (* ô *)    ('o', 0x303, 0xf5); (* õ *)
+    ('o', 0x308, 0xf6); (* ö *)
+    ('u', 0x300, 0xf9); (* ù *)    ('u', 0x301, 0xfa); (* ú *)
+    ('u', 0x302, 0xfb); (* û *)    ('u', 0x308, 0xfc); (* ü *)
+    ('y', 0x301, 0xfd); (* ý *)    ('y', 0x308, 0xff); (* ÿ *)
+    ('s', 0x30c, 0x161); (* š *)   ('z', 0x30c, 0x17e); (* ž *)
+  ]
+  let normalize_generic ~keep_ascii transform s =
+    let rec norm check buf prev i =
+      if i >= String.length s then begin
+        Buffer.add_utf_8_uchar buf (transform prev)
+      end else begin
+        let d = String.get_utf_8_uchar s i in
+        let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar d in
+        check d u;
+        let i' = i + Uchar.utf_decode_length d in
+        match Hashtbl.find_opt known_pairs (prev, u) with
+        | Some u' ->
+            norm check buf u' i'
+        | None ->
+            Buffer.add_utf_8_uchar buf (transform prev);
+            norm check buf u i'
+      end in
+    let ascii_limit = 128 in
+    if s = ""
+    || keep_ascii && String.for_all (fun x -> Char.code x < ascii_limit) s
+    then Ok s
+    else
+      let buf = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
+      let valid = ref true in
+      let check d u =
+        valid := !valid && Uchar.utf_decode_is_valid d && u <> Uchar.rep
+      in
+      let d = String.get_utf_8_uchar s 0 in
+      let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar d in
+      check d u;
+      norm check buf u (Uchar.utf_decode_length d);
+      let contents = Buffer.contents buf in
+      if !valid then
+        Ok contents
+      else
+        Error contents
+  let normalize s =
+    normalize_generic ~keep_ascii:true (fun u -> u) s
+  (* Capitalization *)
+  let uchar_is_uppercase u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+    if c < 0x80 then c >= 65 && c <= 90 else
+      match Hashtbl.find_opt known_chars u with
+      | Some(Upper _) -> true
+      | _ -> false
+  let uchar_lowercase u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+    if c < 0x80 then
+      if c >= 65 && c <= 90 then Uchar.of_int (c + 32) else u
+    else
+      match Hashtbl.find_opt known_chars u with
+      | Some(Upper u') -> u'
+      | _ -> u
+  let uchar_uppercase u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+    if c < 0x80 then
+      if c >= 97 && c <= 122 then Uchar.of_int (c - 32) else u
+    else
+      match Hashtbl.find_opt known_chars u with
+      | Some(Lower u') -> u'
+      | _ -> u
+  let capitalize s =
+    let first = ref true in
+    normalize_generic ~keep_ascii:false
+      (fun u -> if !first then (first := false; uchar_uppercase u) else u)
+      s
+  let uncapitalize s =
+    let first = ref true in
+    normalize_generic ~keep_ascii:false
+      (fun u -> if !first then (first := false; uchar_lowercase u) else u)
+      s
+  let is_capitalized s =
+    s <> "" &&
+    uchar_is_uppercase (Uchar.utf_decode_uchar (String.get_utf_8_uchar s 0))
+  (* Characters allowed in identifiers after normalization is applied.
+     Currently:
+       - ASCII letters, underscore
+       - Latin-9 letters, represented in NFC
+       - ASCII digits, single quote (but not as first character)
+       - dot if [with_dot] = true
+  *)
+  let uchar_valid_in_identifier ~with_dot u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+    if c < 0x80 then
+         c >= 97 (* a *) && c <= 122 (* z *)
+      || c >= 65 (* A *) && c <= 90 (* Z *)
+      || c >= 48 (* 0 *) && c <= 57 (* 9 *)
+      || c = 95 (* underscore *)
+      || c = 39 (* single quote *)
+      || (with_dot && c = 46) (* dot *)
+    else
+      Hashtbl.mem known_chars u
+  let uchar_not_identifier_start u =
+    let c = Uchar.to_int u in
+       c >= 48 (* 0 *) && c <= 57 (* 9 *)
+    || c = 39  (* single quote *)
+  (* Check whether a normalized string is a valid OCaml identifier. *)
+  type validation_result =
+    | Valid
+    | Invalid_character of Uchar.t   (** Character not allowed *)
+    | Invalid_beginning of Uchar.t   (** Character not allowed as first char *)
+  let validate_identifier ?(with_dot=false) s =
+    let rec check i =
+      if i >= String.length s then Valid else begin
+        let d = String.get_utf_8_uchar s i in
+        let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar d in
+        let i' = i + Uchar.utf_decode_length d in
+        if not (uchar_valid_in_identifier ~with_dot u) then
+          Invalid_character u
+        else if i = 0 && uchar_not_identifier_start u then
+          Invalid_beginning u
+        else
+          check i'
+      end
+    in check 0
+  let is_valid_identifier s =
+    validate_identifier s = Valid
+  let starts_like_a_valid_identifier s =
+    s <> "" &&
+    (let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar (String.get_utf_8_uchar s 0) in
+     uchar_valid_in_identifier ~with_dot:false u
+     && not (uchar_not_identifier_start u))
+  let is_lowercase s =
+    let rec is_lowercase_at len s n =
+      if n >= len then true
+      else
+        let d = String.get_utf_8_uchar s n in
+        let u = Uchar.utf_decode_uchar d in
+        (uchar_valid_in_identifier ~with_dot:false  u)
+        && not (uchar_is_uppercase u)
+        && is_lowercase_at len s (n+Uchar.utf_decode_length d)
+    in
+    is_lowercase_at (String.length s) s 0
+(* File functions *)
+let find_in_path path name =
+  if not (Filename.is_implicit name) then
+    if Sys.file_exists name then name else raise Not_found
+  else begin
+    let rec try_dir = function
+      [] -> raise Not_found
+    | dir::rem ->
+        let fullname = Filename.concat dir name in
+        if Sys.file_exists fullname then fullname else try_dir rem
+    in try_dir path
+  end
+let find_in_path_rel path name =
+  let rec simplify s =
+    let open Filename in
+    let base = basename s in
+    let dir = dirname s in
+    if dir = s then dir
+    else if base = current_dir_name then simplify dir
+    else concat (simplify dir) base
+  in
+  let rec try_dir = function
+    [] -> raise Not_found
+  | dir::rem ->
+      let fullname = simplify (Filename.concat dir name) in
+      if Sys.file_exists fullname then fullname else try_dir rem
+  in try_dir path
+let normalized_unit_filename = Utf8_lexeme.uncapitalize
+let find_in_path_normalized path name =
+  match normalized_unit_filename name with
+  | Error _ -> raise Not_found
+  | Ok uname ->
+  let rec try_dir = function
+    [] -> raise Not_found
+  | dir::rem ->
+      let fullname = Filename.concat dir name
+      and ufullname = Filename.concat dir uname in
+      if Sys.file_exists ufullname then ufullname
+      else if Sys.file_exists fullname then fullname
+      else try_dir rem
+  in try_dir path
+let remove_file filename =
+  try
+    if Sys.is_regular_file filename
+    then Sys.remove filename
+  with Sys_error _msg ->
+    ()
+(* Expand a -I option: if it starts with +, make it relative to the standard
+   library directory *)
+let expand_directory alt s =
+  if String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = '+'
+  then Filename.concat alt
+                       (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))
+  else s
+let path_separator =
+  match Sys.os_type with
+  | "Win32" -> ';'
+  | _ -> ':'
+let split_path_contents ?(sep = path_separator) = function
+  | "" -> []
+  | s -> String.split_on_char sep s
+(* Hashtable functions *)
+let create_hashtable size init =
+  let tbl = Hashtbl.create size in
+  List.iter (fun (key, data) -> Hashtbl.add tbl key data) init;
+  tbl
+(* File copy *)
+let copy_file ic oc =
+  let buff = Bytes.create 0x1000 in
+  let rec copy () =
+    let n = input ic buff 0 0x1000 in
+    if n = 0 then () else (output oc buff 0 n; copy())
+  in copy()
+let copy_file_chunk ic oc len =
+  let buff = Bytes.create 0x1000 in
+  let rec copy n =
+    if n <= 0 then () else begin
+      let r = input ic buff 0 (Int.min n 0x1000) in
+      if r = 0 then raise End_of_file else (output oc buff 0 r; copy(n-r))
+    end
+  in copy len
+let string_of_file ic =
+  let b = Buffer.create 0x10000 in
+  let buff = Bytes.create 0x1000 in
+  let rec copy () =
+    let n = input ic buff 0 0x1000 in
+    if n = 0 then Buffer.contents b else
+      (Buffer.add_subbytes b buff 0 n; copy())
+  in copy()
+let output_to_file_via_temporary ?(mode = [Open_text]) filename fn =
+  let (temp_filename, oc) =
+    Filename.open_temp_file
+       ~mode ~perms:0o666 ~temp_dir:(Filename.dirname filename)
+       (Filename.basename filename) ".tmp" in
+    (* The 0o666 permissions will be modified by the umask.  It's just
+       like what [open_out] and [open_out_bin] do.
+       With temp_dir = dirname filename, we ensure that the returned
+       temp file is in the same directory as filename itself, making
+       it safe to rename temp_filename to filename later.
+       With prefix = basename filename, we are almost certain that
+       the first generated name will be unique.  A fixed prefix
+       would work too but might generate more collisions if many
+       files are being produced simultaneously in the same directory. *)
+  match fn temp_filename oc with
+  | res ->
+      close_out oc;
+      begin try
+        Sys.rename temp_filename filename; res
+      with exn ->
+        remove_file temp_filename; raise exn
+      end
+  | exception exn ->
+      close_out oc; remove_file temp_filename; raise exn
+let protect_writing_to_file ~filename ~f =
+  let outchan = open_out_bin filename in
+  try_finally ~always:(fun () -> close_out outchan)
+    ~exceptionally:(fun () -> remove_file filename)
+    (fun () -> f outchan)
+(* Integer operations *)
+let rec log2 n =
+  if n <= 1 then 0 else 1 + log2(n asr 1)
+let align n a =
+  if n >= 0 then (n + a - 1) land (-a) else n land (-a)
+let no_overflow_add a b = (a lxor b) lor (a lxor (lnot (a+b))) < 0
+let no_overflow_sub a b = (a lxor (lnot b)) lor (b lxor (a-b)) < 0
+(* Taken from Hacker's Delight, chapter "Overflow Detection" *)
+let no_overflow_mul a b =
+  not ((a = min_int && b < 0) || (b <> 0 && (a * b) / b <> a))
+let no_overflow_lsl a k =
+  0 <= k && k < Sys.word_size - 1 && min_int asr k <= a && a <= max_int asr k
+let letter_of_int n =
+  let letter = String.make 1 (Char.chr (Char.code 'a' + n mod 26)) in
+  let num = n / 26 in
+  if num = 0 then letter
+  else letter ^ Int.to_string num
+module Int_literal_converter = struct
+  (* To convert integer literals, allowing max_int + 1 (PR#4210) *)
+  let cvt_int_aux str neg of_string =
+    if String.length str = 0 || str.[0]= '-'
+    then of_string str
+    else neg (of_string ("-" ^ str))
+  let int s = cvt_int_aux s (~-) int_of_string
+  let int32 s = cvt_int_aux s Int32.neg Int32.of_string
+  let int64 s = cvt_int_aux s Int64.neg Int64.of_string
+  let nativeint s = cvt_int_aux s Nativeint.neg Nativeint.of_string
+(* [find_first_mono p] assumes that there exists a natural number
+   N such that [p] is false on [0; N[ and true on [N; max_int], and
+   returns this N. (See misc.mli for the detailed specification.) *)
+let find_first_mono =
+  let rec find p ~low ~jump ~high =
+    (* Invariants:
+       [low, jump, high] are non-negative with [low < high],
+       [p low = false],
+       [p high = true]. *)
+    if low + 1 = high then high
+    (* ensure that [low + jump] is in ]low; high[ *)
+    else if jump < 1 then find p ~low ~jump:1 ~high
+    else if jump >= high - low then find p ~low ~jump:((high - low) / 2) ~high
+    else if p (low + jump) then
+      (* We jumped too high: continue with a smaller jump and lower limit *)
+      find p ~low:low ~jump:(jump / 2) ~high:(low + jump)
+    else
+      (* we jumped too low:
+         continue from [low + jump] with a larger jump *)
+      let next_jump = max jump (2 * jump) (* avoid overflows *) in
+      find p ~low:(low + jump) ~jump:next_jump ~high
+  in
+  fun p ->
+    if p 0 then 0
+    else find p ~low:0 ~jump:1 ~high:max_int
+(* String operations *)
+let split_null_terminated s =
+  let[@tail_mod_cons] rec discard_last_sep = function
+    | [] | [""] -> []
+    | x :: xs -> x :: discard_last_sep xs
+  in
+  discard_last_sep (String.split_on_char '\000' s)
+let concat_null_terminated = function
+  | [] -> ""
+  | l -> String.concat "\000" (l @ [""])
+let chop_extensions file =
+  let dirname = Filename.dirname file and basename = Filename.basename file in
+  try
+    let pos = String.index basename '.' in
+    let basename = String.sub basename 0 pos in
+    if Filename.is_implicit file && dirname = Filename.current_dir_name then
+      basename
+    else
+      Filename.concat dirname basename
+  with Not_found -> file
+let search_substring pat str start =
+  let rec search i j =
+    if j >= String.length pat then i
+    else if i + j >= String.length str then raise Not_found
+    else if str.[i + j] = pat.[j] then search i (j+1)
+    else search (i+1) 0
+  in search start 0
+let replace_substring ~before ~after str =
+  let rec search acc curr =
+    match search_substring before str curr with
+      | next ->
+         let prefix = String.sub str curr (next - curr) in
+         search (prefix :: acc) (next + String.length before)
+      | exception Not_found ->
+        let suffix = String.sub str curr (String.length str - curr) in
+        List.rev (suffix :: acc)
+  in String.concat after (search [] 0)
+let rev_split_words s =
+  let rec split1 res i =
+    if i >= String.length s then res else begin
+      match s.[i] with
+        ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' -> split1 res (i+1)
+      | _ -> split2 res i (i+1)
+    end
+  and split2 res i j =
+    if j >= String.length s then String.sub s i (j-i) :: res else begin
+      match s.[j] with
+        ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' -> split1 (String.sub s i (j-i) :: res) (j+1)
+      | _ -> split2 res i (j+1)
+    end
+  in split1 [] 0
+let get_ref r =
+  let v = !r in
+  r := []; v
+let set_or_ignore f opt x =
+  match f x with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some y -> opt := Some y
+let fst3 (x, _, _) = x
+let snd3 (_,x,_) = x
+let thd3 (_,_,x) = x
+let fst4 (x, _, _, _) = x
+let snd4 (_,x,_, _) = x
+let thd4 (_,_,x,_) = x
+let for4 (_,_,_,x) = x
+let cut_at s c =
+  let pos = String.index s c in
+  String.sub s 0 pos, String.sub s (pos+1) (String.length s - pos - 1)
+let ordinal_suffix n =
+  let teen = (n mod 100)/10 = 1 in
+  match n mod 10 with
+  | 1 when not teen -> "st"
+  | 2 when not teen -> "nd"
+  | 3 when not teen -> "rd"
+  | _ -> "th"
+(* Color support handling *)
+module Color = struct
+  external isatty : out_channel -> bool = "caml_sys_isatty"
+  (* reasonable heuristic on whether colors should be enabled *)
+  let should_enable_color () =
+    let term = try Sys.getenv "TERM" with Not_found -> "" in
+    term <> "dumb"
+    && term <> ""
+    && isatty stderr
+  type setting = Auto | Always | Never
+  let default_setting = Auto
+  let enabled = ref true
+(* Terminal styling handling *)
+module Style = struct
+  (* use ANSI color codes, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code *)
+  type color =
+    | Black
+    | Red
+    | Green
+    | Yellow
+    | Blue
+    | Magenta
+    | Cyan
+    | White
+  type style =
+    | FG of color (* foreground *)
+    | BG of color (* background *)
+    | Bold
+    | Reset
+  let ansi_of_color = function
+    | Black -> "0"
+    | Red -> "1"
+    | Green -> "2"
+    | Yellow -> "3"
+    | Blue -> "4"
+    | Magenta -> "5"
+    | Cyan -> "6"
+    | White -> "7"
+  let code_of_style = function
+    | FG c -> "3" ^ ansi_of_color c
+    | BG c -> "4" ^ ansi_of_color c
+    | Bold -> "1"
+    | Reset -> "0"
+  let ansi_of_style_l l =
+    let s = match l with
+      | [] -> code_of_style Reset
+      | [s] -> code_of_style s
+      | _ -> String.concat ";" (List.map code_of_style l)
+    in
+    "\x1b[" ^ s ^ "m"
+  type Format.stag += Style of style list
+  type tag_style ={
+    ansi: style list;
+    text_open:string;
+    text_close:string
+  }
+  type styles = {
+    error: tag_style;
+    warning: tag_style;
+    loc: tag_style;
+    hint: tag_style;
+    inline_code: tag_style;
+  }
+  let no_markup stl = { ansi = stl; text_close = ""; text_open = "" }
+  let default_styles = {
+      warning = no_markup [Bold; FG Magenta];
+      error = no_markup [Bold; FG Red];
+      loc = no_markup [Bold];
+      hint = no_markup [Bold; FG Blue];
+      inline_code= { ansi=[Bold]; text_open = {|"|}; text_close = {|"|} }
+    }
+  let cur_styles = ref default_styles
+  let get_styles () = !cur_styles
+  let set_styles s = cur_styles := s
+  (* map a tag to a style, if the tag is known.
+     @raise Not_found otherwise *)
+  let style_of_tag s = match s with
+    | Format.String_tag "error" ->  (!cur_styles).error
+    | Format.String_tag "warning" ->(!cur_styles).warning
+    | Format.String_tag "loc" -> (!cur_styles).loc
+    | Format.String_tag "hint" -> (!cur_styles).hint
+    | Format.String_tag "inline_code" -> (!cur_styles).inline_code
+    | Style s -> no_markup s
+    | _ -> raise Not_found
+  let as_inline_code printer ppf x =
+    let open Format_doc in
+    pp_open_stag ppf (Format.String_tag "inline_code");
+    printer ppf x;
+    pp_close_stag ppf ()
+  let inline_code ppf s = as_inline_code Format_doc.pp_print_string ppf s
+  (* either prints the tag of [s] or delegates to [or_else] *)
+  let mark_open_tag ~or_else s =
+    try
+      let style = style_of_tag s in
+      if !Color.enabled then ansi_of_style_l style.ansi else style.text_open
+    with Not_found -> or_else s
+  let mark_close_tag ~or_else s =
+    try
+      let style = style_of_tag s in
+      if !Color.enabled then ansi_of_style_l [Reset] else style.text_close
+    with Not_found -> or_else s
+  (* add tag handling to formatter [ppf] *)
+  let set_tag_handling ppf =
+    let open Format in
+    let functions = pp_get_formatter_stag_functions ppf () in
+    let functions' = {functions with
+      mark_open_stag=(mark_open_tag ~or_else:functions.mark_open_stag);
+      mark_close_stag=(mark_close_tag ~or_else:functions.mark_close_stag);
+    } in
+    pp_set_mark_tags ppf true; (* enable tags *)
+    pp_set_formatter_stag_functions ppf functions';
+    ()
+  let setup =
+    let first = ref true in (* initialize only once *)
+    let formatter_l =
+      [Format.std_formatter; Format.err_formatter; Format.str_formatter]
+    in
+    let enable_color = function
+      | Color.Auto -> Color.should_enable_color ()
+      | Color.Always -> true
+      | Color.Never -> false
+    in
+    fun o ->
+      if !first then (
+        first := false;
+        Format.set_mark_tags true;
+        List.iter set_tag_handling formatter_l;
+        Color.enabled := (match o with
+          | Some s -> enable_color s
+          | None -> enable_color Color.default_setting)
+      );
+      ()
+let edit_distance a b cutoff =
+  let la, lb = String.length a, String.length b in
+  let cutoff =
+    (* using max_int for cutoff would cause overflows in (i + cutoff + 1);
+       we bring it back to the (max la lb) worstcase *)
+    Int.min (Int.max la lb) cutoff in
+  if abs (la - lb) > cutoff then None
+  else begin
+    (* initialize with 'cutoff + 1' so that not-yet-written-to cases have
+       the worst possible cost; this is useful when computing the cost of
+       a case just at the boundary of the cutoff diagonal. *)
+    let m = Array.make_matrix (la + 1) (lb + 1) (cutoff + 1) in
+    m.(0).(0) <- 0;
+    for i = 1 to la do
+      m.(i).(0) <- i;
+    done;
+    for j = 1 to lb do
+      m.(0).(j) <- j;
+    done;
+    for i = 1 to la do
+      for j = Int.max 1 (i - cutoff - 1) to Int.min lb (i + cutoff + 1) do
+        let cost = if a.[i-1] = b.[j-1] then 0 else 1 in
+        let best =
+          (* insert, delete or substitute *)
+          Int.min (1 + Int.min m.(i-1).(j) m.(i).(j-1)) (m.(i-1).(j-1) + cost)
+        in
+        let best =
+          (* swap two adjacent letters; we use "cost" again in case of
+             a swap between two identical letters; this is slightly
+             redundant as this is a double-substitution case, but it
+             was done this way in most online implementations and
+             imitation has its virtues *)
+          if not (i > 1 && j > 1 && a.[i-1] = b.[j-2] && a.[i-2] = b.[j-1])
+          then best
+          else Int.min best (m.(i-2).(j-2) + cost)
+        in
+        m.(i).(j) <- best
+      done;
+    done;
+    let result = m.(la).(lb) in
+    if result > cutoff
+    then None
+    else Some result
+  end
+let spellcheck env name =
+  let cutoff =
+    match String.length name with
+      | 1 | 2 -> 0
+      | 3 | 4 -> 1
+      | 5 | 6 -> 2
+      | _ -> 3
+  in
+  let compare target acc head =
+    match edit_distance target head cutoff with
+      | None -> acc
+      | Some dist ->
+         let (best_choice, best_dist) = acc in
+         if dist < best_dist then ([head], dist)
+         else if dist = best_dist then (head :: best_choice, dist)
+         else acc
+  in
+  let env = List.sort_uniq (fun s1 s2 -> String.compare s2 s1) env in
+  fst (List.fold_left (compare name) ([], max_int) env)
+let did_you_mean ppf get_choices =
+  let open Format_doc in
+  (* flush now to get the error report early, in the (unheard of) case
+     where the search in the get_choices function would take a bit of
+     time; in the worst case, the user has seen the error, she can
+     interrupt the process before the spell-checking terminates. *)
+  fprintf ppf "@?";
+  match get_choices () with
+  | [] -> ()
+  | choices ->
+    let rest, last = split_last choices in
+     fprintf ppf "@\n@[@{<hint>Hint@}: Did you mean %a%s%a?@]"
+       (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:comma Style.inline_code) rest
+       (if rest = [] then "" else " or ")
+       Style.inline_code last
+module Error_style = struct
+  type setting =
+    | Contextual
+    | Short
+  let default_setting = Contextual
+let normalise_eol s =
+  let b = Buffer.create 80 in
+    for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+      if s.[i] <> '\r' then Buffer.add_char b s.[i]
+    done;
+    Buffer.contents b
+let delete_eol_spaces src =
+  let len_src = String.length src in
+  let dst = Bytes.create len_src in
+  let rec loop i_src i_dst =
+    if i_src = len_src then
+      i_dst
+    else
+      match src.[i_src] with
+      | ' ' | '\t' ->
+        loop_spaces 1 (i_src + 1) i_dst
+      | c ->
+        Bytes.set dst i_dst c;
+        loop (i_src + 1) (i_dst + 1)
+  and loop_spaces spaces i_src i_dst =
+    if i_src = len_src then
+      i_dst
+    else
+      match src.[i_src] with
+      | ' ' | '\t' ->
+        loop_spaces (spaces + 1) (i_src + 1) i_dst
+      | '\n' ->
+        Bytes.set dst i_dst '\n';
+        loop (i_src + 1) (i_dst + 1)
+      | _ ->
+        for n = 0 to spaces do
+          Bytes.set dst (i_dst + n) src.[i_src - spaces + n]
+        done;
+        loop (i_src + 1) (i_dst + spaces + 1)
+  in
+  let stop = loop 0 0 in
+  Bytes.sub_string dst 0 stop
+(* showing configuration and configuration variables *)
+let show_config_and_exit () =
+  Config.print_config stdout;
+  exit 0
+let show_config_variable_and_exit x =
+  match Config.config_var x with
+  | Some v ->
+      (* we intentionally don't print a newline to avoid Windows \r
+         issues: bash only strips the trailing \n when using a command
+         substitution $(ocamlc -config-var foo), so a trailing \r would
+         remain if printing a newline under Windows and scripts would
+         have to use $(ocamlc -config-var foo | tr -d '\r')
+         for portability. Ugh. *)
+      print_string v;
+      exit 0
+  | None ->
+      exit 2
+let get_build_path_prefix_map =
+  let init = ref false in
+  let map_cache = ref None in
+  fun () ->
+    if not !init then begin
+      init := true;
+      match Sys.getenv "BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP" with
+      | exception Not_found -> ()
+      | encoded_map ->
+        match Build_path_prefix_map.decode_map encoded_map with
+          | Error err ->
+              fatal_errorf
+                "Invalid value for the environment variable \
+                 BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP: %s" err
+          | Ok map -> map_cache := Some map
+    end;
+    !map_cache
+let debug_prefix_map_flags () =
+  if not Config.as_has_debug_prefix_map then
+    []
+  else begin
+    match get_build_path_prefix_map () with
+    | None -> []
+    | Some map ->
+      List.fold_right
+        (fun map_elem acc ->
+           match map_elem with
+           | None -> acc
+           | Some { Build_path_prefix_map.target; source; } ->
+             (Printf.sprintf "--debug-prefix-map %s=%s"
+                (Filename.quote source)
+                (Filename.quote target)) :: acc)
+        map
+        []
+  end
+let print_see_manual ppf manual_section =
+  let open Format_doc in
+  fprintf ppf "(see manual section %a)"
+    (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun f () -> pp_print_char f '.') pp_print_int)
+    manual_section
+let print_if ppf flag printer arg =
+  if !flag then Format.fprintf ppf "%a@." printer arg;
+  arg
+type filepath = string
+type modname = string
+type crcs = (modname * Digest.t option) list
+type alerts = string Stdlib.String.Map.t
+module Magic_number = struct
+  type native_obj_config = {
+    flambda : bool;
+  }
+  let native_obj_config = {
+    flambda = Config.flambda;
+  }
+  type version = int
+  type kind =
+    | Exec
+    | Cmi | Cmo | Cma
+    | Cmx of native_obj_config | Cmxa of native_obj_config
+    | Cmxs
+    | Cmt
+    | Ast_impl | Ast_intf
+  (* please keep up-to-date, this is used for sanity checking *)
+  let all_native_obj_configs = [
+      {flambda = true};
+      {flambda = false};
+    ]
+  let all_kinds = [
+    Exec;
+    Cmi; Cmo; Cma;
+  ]
+  @ List.map (fun conf -> Cmx conf) all_native_obj_configs
+  @ List.map (fun conf -> Cmxa conf) all_native_obj_configs
+  @ [
+    Cmt;
+    Ast_impl; Ast_intf;
+  ]
+  type raw = string
+  type info = {
+    kind: kind;
+    version: version;
+  }
+  type raw_kind = string
+  let parse_kind : raw_kind -> kind option = function
+    | "Caml1999X" -> Some Exec
+    | "Caml1999I" -> Some Cmi
+    | "Caml1999O" -> Some Cmo
+    | "Caml1999A" -> Some Cma
+    | "Caml1999y" -> Some (Cmx {flambda = true})
+    | "Caml1999Y" -> Some (Cmx {flambda = false})
+    | "Caml1999z" -> Some (Cmxa {flambda = true})
+    | "Caml1999Z" -> Some (Cmxa {flambda = false})
+    (* Caml2007D and Caml2012T were used instead of the common Caml1999 prefix
+       between the introduction of those magic numbers and October 2017
+       (8ba70ff194b66c0a50ffb97d41fe9c4bdf9362d6).
+       We accept them here, but will always produce/show kind prefixes
+       that follow the current convention, Caml1999{D,T}. *)
+    | "Caml2007D" | "Caml1999D" -> Some Cmxs
+    | "Caml2012T" | "Caml1999T" -> Some Cmt
+    | "Caml1999M" -> Some Ast_impl
+    | "Caml1999N" -> Some Ast_intf
+    | _ -> None
+  (* note: over time the magic kind number has changed for certain kinds;
+     this function returns them as they are produced by the current compiler,
+     but [parse_kind] accepts older formats as well. *)
+  let raw_kind : kind -> raw = function
+    | Exec -> "Caml1999X"
+    | Cmi -> "Caml1999I"
+    | Cmo -> "Caml1999O"
+    | Cma -> "Caml1999A"
+    | Cmx config ->
+       if config.flambda
+       then "Caml1999y"
+       else "Caml1999Y"
+    | Cmxa config ->
+       if config.flambda
+       then "Caml1999z"
+       else "Caml1999Z"
+    | Cmxs -> "Caml1999D"
+    | Cmt -> "Caml1999T"
+    | Ast_impl -> "Caml1999M"
+    | Ast_intf -> "Caml1999N"
+  let string_of_kind : kind -> string = function
+    | Exec -> "exec"
+    | Cmi -> "cmi"
+    | Cmo -> "cmo"
+    | Cma -> "cma"
+    | Cmx _ -> "cmx"
+    | Cmxa _ -> "cmxa"
+    | Cmxs -> "cmxs"
+    | Cmt -> "cmt"
+    | Ast_impl -> "ast_impl"
+    | Ast_intf -> "ast_intf"
+  let human_description_of_native_obj_config : native_obj_config -> string =
+    fun[@warning "+9"] {flambda} ->
+      if flambda then "flambda" else "non flambda"
+  let human_name_of_kind : kind -> string = function
+    | Exec -> "executable"
+    | Cmi -> "compiled interface file"
+    | Cmo -> "bytecode object file"
+    | Cma -> "bytecode library"
+    | Cmx config ->
+       Printf.sprintf "native compilation unit description (%s)"
+         (human_description_of_native_obj_config config)
+    | Cmxa config ->
+       Printf.sprintf "static native library (%s)"
+         (human_description_of_native_obj_config config)
+    | Cmxs -> "dynamic native library"
+    | Cmt -> "compiled typedtree file"
+    | Ast_impl -> "serialized implementation AST"
+    | Ast_intf -> "serialized interface AST"
+  let kind_length = 9
+  let version_length = 3
+  let magic_length =
+    kind_length + version_length
+  type parse_error =
+    | Truncated of string
+    | Not_a_magic_number of string
+  let explain_parse_error kind_opt error =
+       Printf.sprintf
+         "We expected a valid %s, but the file %s."
+         (Option.fold ~none:"object file" ~some:human_name_of_kind kind_opt)
+         (match error with
+            | Truncated "" -> "is empty"
+            | Truncated _ -> "is truncated"
+            | Not_a_magic_number _ -> "has a different format")
+  let parse s : (info, parse_error) result =
+    if String.length s = magic_length then begin
+      let raw_kind = String.sub s 0 kind_length in
+      let raw_version = String.sub s kind_length version_length in
+      match parse_kind raw_kind with
+      | None -> Error (Not_a_magic_number s)
+      | Some kind ->
+          begin match int_of_string raw_version with
+          | exception _ -> Error (Truncated s)
+          | version -> Ok { kind; version }
+          end
+    end
+    else begin
+      (* a header is "truncated" if it starts like a valid magic number,
+         that is if its longest segment of length at most [kind_length]
+         is a prefix of [raw_kind kind] for some kind [kind] *)
+      let sub_length = Int.min kind_length (String.length s) in
+      let starts_as kind =
+        String.sub s 0 sub_length = String.sub (raw_kind kind) 0 sub_length
+      in
+      if List.exists starts_as all_kinds then Error (Truncated s)
+      else Error (Not_a_magic_number s)
+    end
+  let read_info ic =
+    let header = Buffer.create magic_length in
+    begin
+      try Buffer.add_channel header ic magic_length
+      with End_of_file -> ()
+    end;
+    parse (Buffer.contents header)
+  let raw { kind; version; } =
+    Printf.sprintf "%s%03d" (raw_kind kind) version
+  let current_raw kind =
+    let open Config in
+    match[@warning "+9"] kind with
+      | Exec -> exec_magic_number
+      | Cmi -> cmi_magic_number
+      | Cmo -> cmo_magic_number
+      | Cma -> cma_magic_number
+      | Cmx config ->
+         (* the 'if' guarantees that in the common case
+            we return the "trusted" value from Config. *)
+         let reference = cmx_magic_number in
+         if config = native_obj_config then reference
+         else
+           (* otherwise we stitch together the magic number
+              for a different configuration by concatenating
+              the right magic kind at this configuration
+              and the rest of the current raw number for our configuration. *)
+           let raw_kind = raw_kind kind in
+           let len = String.length raw_kind in
+           raw_kind ^ String.sub reference len (String.length reference - len)
+      | Cmxa config ->
+         let reference = cmxa_magic_number in
+         if config = native_obj_config then reference
+         else
+           let raw_kind = raw_kind kind in
+           let len = String.length raw_kind in
+           raw_kind ^ String.sub reference len (String.length reference - len)
+      | Cmxs -> cmxs_magic_number
+      | Cmt -> cmt_magic_number
+      | Ast_intf -> ast_intf_magic_number
+      | Ast_impl -> ast_impl_magic_number
+  (* it would seem more direct to define current_version with the
+     correct numbers and current_raw on top of it, but for now we
+     consider the Config.foo values to be ground truth, and don't want
+     to trust the present module instead. *)
+  let current_version kind =
+    let raw = current_raw kind in
+    try int_of_string (String.sub raw kind_length version_length)
+    with _ -> assert false
+  type 'a unexpected = { expected : 'a; actual : 'a }
+  type unexpected_error =
+    | Kind of kind unexpected
+    | Version of kind * version unexpected
+  let explain_unexpected_error = function
+    | Kind { actual; expected } ->
+        Printf.sprintf "We expected a %s (%s) but got a %s (%s) instead."
+          (human_name_of_kind expected) (string_of_kind expected)
+          (human_name_of_kind actual) (string_of_kind actual)
+    | Version (kind, { actual; expected }) ->
+        Printf.sprintf "This seems to be a %s (%s) for %s version of OCaml."
+          (human_name_of_kind kind) (string_of_kind kind)
+          (if actual < expected then "an older" else "a newer")
+  let check_current expected_kind { kind; version } : _ result =
+    if kind <> expected_kind then begin
+      let actual, expected = kind, expected_kind in
+      Error (Kind { actual; expected })
+    end else begin
+      let actual, expected = version, current_version kind in
+      if actual <> expected
+      then Error (Version (kind, { actual; expected }))
+      else Ok ()
+    end
+  type error =
+    | Parse_error of parse_error
+    | Unexpected_error of unexpected_error
+  let read_current_info ~expected_kind ic =
+    match read_info ic with
+      | Error err -> Error (Parse_error err)
+      | Ok info ->
+         let kind = Option.value ~default:info.kind expected_kind in
+         match check_current kind info with
+           | Error err -> Error (Unexpected_error err)
+           | Ok () -> Ok info
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/misc.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/misc.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54354eba56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/misc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Miscellaneous useful types and functions
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+(** {1 Reporting fatal errors} *)
+val fatal_error: string -> 'a
+  (** Raise the [Fatal_error] exception with the given string. *)
+val fatal_errorf: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a
+  (** Format the arguments according to the given format string
+      and raise [Fatal_error] with the resulting string. *)
+exception Fatal_error
+(** {1 Exceptions and finalization} *)
+val try_finally :
+  ?always:(unit -> unit) ->
+  ?exceptionally:(unit -> unit) ->
+  (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** [try_finally work ~always ~exceptionally] is designed to run code
+    in [work] that may fail with an exception, and has two kind of
+    cleanup routines: [always], that must be run after any execution
+    of the function (typically, freeing system resources), and
+    [exceptionally], that should be run only if [work] or [always]
+    failed with an exception (typically, undoing user-visible state
+    changes that would only make sense if the function completes
+    correctly). For example:
+    {[
+      let objfile = outputprefix ^ ".cmo" in
+      let oc = open_out_bin objfile in
+      Misc.try_finally
+        (fun () ->
+           bytecode
+           ++ Timings.(accumulate_time (Generate sourcefile))
+               (Emitcode.to_file oc modulename objfile);
+           Warnings.check_fatal ())
+        ~always:(fun () -> close_out oc)
+        ~exceptionally:(fun _exn -> remove_file objfile);
+    ]}
+    If [exceptionally] fail with an exception, it is propagated as
+    usual.
+    If [always] or [exceptionally] use exceptions internally for
+    control-flow but do not raise, then [try_finally] is careful to
+    preserve any exception backtrace coming from [work] or [always]
+    for easier debugging.
+val reraise_preserving_backtrace : exn -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a
+(** [reraise_preserving_backtrace e f] is (f (); raise e) except that the
+    current backtrace is preserved, even if [f] uses exceptions internally. *)
+(** {1 List operations} *)
+val map_end: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'b list
+       (** [map_end f l t] is [map f l @ t], just more efficient. *)
+val rev_map_end: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'b list
+       (** [map_end f l t] is [map f (rev l) @ t], just more efficient. *)
+val map_left_right: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+       (** Like [List.map], with guaranteed left-to-right evaluation order *)
+val for_all2: ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> bool
+       (** Same as [List.for_all] but for a binary predicate.
+           In addition, this [for_all2] never fails: given two lists
+           with different lengths, it returns false. *)
+val replicate_list: 'a -> int -> 'a list
+       (** [replicate_list elem n] is the list with [n] elements
+           all identical to [elem]. *)
+val list_remove: 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
+       (** [list_remove x l] returns a copy of [l] with the first
+           element equal to [x] removed. *)
+val split_last: 'a list -> 'a list * 'a
+       (** Return the last element and the other elements of the given list. *)
+(** {1 Hash table operations} *)
+val create_hashtable: int -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t
+       (** Create a hashtable with the given initial size and fills it
+           with the given bindings. *)
+(** {1 Extensions to the standard library} *)
+module Stdlib : sig
+(** {2 Extensions to the List module} *)
+  module List : sig
+    type 'a t = 'a list
+    val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
+    (** The lexicographic order supported by the provided order.
+        There is no constraint on the relative lengths of the lists. *)
+    val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
+    (** Returns [true] if and only if the given lists have the same length and
+        content with respect to the given equality function. *)
+    val some_if_all_elements_are_some : 'a option t -> 'a t option
+    (** If all elements of the given list are [Some _] then [Some xs]
+        is returned with the [xs] being the contents of those [Some]s, with
+        order preserved.  Otherwise return [None]. *)
+    val map2_prefix : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> ('c t * 'b t)
+    (** [let r1, r2 = map2_prefix f l1 l2]
+        If [l1] is of length n and [l2 = h2 @ t2] with h2 of length n,
+        r1 is [List.map2 f l1 h1] and r2 is t2. *)
+    val iteri2 : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> unit
+    (** Same as {!List.iter2}, but the function is applied to the index of
+        the element as first argument (counting from 0) *)
+    val split_at : int -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a t
+    (** [split_at n l] returns the pair [before, after] where [before] is
+        the [n] first elements of [l] and [after] the remaining ones.
+        If [l] has less than [n] elements, raises Invalid_argument. *)
+    val chunks_of : int -> 'a t -> 'a t t
+    (** [chunks_of n t] returns a list of nonempty lists whose
+        concatenation is equal to the original list. Every list has [n]
+        elements, except for possibly the last list, which may have fewer.
+        [chunks_of] raises if [n <= 0]. *)
+    val is_prefix
+       : equal:('a -> 'a -> bool)
+      -> 'a list
+      -> of_:'a list
+      -> bool
+    (** Returns [true] if and only if the given list, with respect to the given
+        equality function on list members, is a prefix of the list [of_]. *)
+    type 'a longest_common_prefix_result = private {
+      longest_common_prefix : 'a list;
+      first_without_longest_common_prefix : 'a list;
+      second_without_longest_common_prefix : 'a list;
+    }
+    val find_and_chop_longest_common_prefix
+       : equal:('a -> 'a -> bool)
+      -> first:'a list
+      -> second:'a list
+      -> 'a longest_common_prefix_result
+    (** Returns the longest list that, with respect to the provided equality
+        function, is a prefix of both of the given lists.  The input lists,
+        each with such longest common prefix removed, are also returned. *)
+  end
+(** {2 Extensions to the Option module} *)
+  module Option : sig
+    type 'a t = 'a option
+    val print
+       : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit)
+      -> Format.formatter
+      -> 'a t
+      -> unit
+  end
+(** {2 Extensions to the Array module} *)
+  module Array : sig
+    val exists2 : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> bool
+    (** Same as [Array.exists2] from the standard library. *)
+    val for_alli : (int -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool
+    (** Same as [Array.for_all] from the standard library, but the
+        function is applied with the index of the element as first argument,
+        and the element itself as second argument. *)
+    val all_somes : 'a option array -> 'a array option
+  end
+(** {2 Extensions to the String module} *)
+  module String : sig
+    include module type of String
+    module Set : Set.S with type elt = string
+    module Map : Map.S with type key = string
+    module Tbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = string
+    val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+    val for_all : (char -> bool) -> t -> bool
+  end
+  external compare : 'a -> 'a -> int = "%compare"
+(** {1 Operations on files and file paths} *)
+val find_in_path: string list -> string -> string
+       (** Search a file in a list of directories. *)
+val find_in_path_rel: string list -> string -> string
+       (** Search a relative file in a list of directories. *)
+ (** Normalize file name [Foo.ml] to [foo.ml], using NFC and case-folding.
+     Return [Error] if the input is not a valid utf-8 byte sequence *)
+val normalized_unit_filename: string -> (string,string) Result.t
+val find_in_path_normalized: string list -> string -> string
+(** Same as {!find_in_path_rel} , but search also for normalized unit filename,
+    i.e. if name is [Foo.ml], allow [/path/Foo.ml] and [/path/foo.ml] to
+    match. *)
+val remove_file: string -> unit
+       (** Delete the given file if it exists and is a regular file.
+           Does nothing for other kinds of files.
+           Never raises an error. *)
+val expand_directory: string -> string -> string
+       (** [expand_directory alt file] eventually expands a [+] at the
+           beginning of file into [alt] (an alternate root directory) *)
+val split_path_contents: ?sep:char -> string -> string list
+      (** [split_path_contents ?sep s] interprets [s] as the value of
+          a "PATH"-like variable and returns the corresponding list of
+          directories. [s] is split using the platform-specific delimiter, or
+          [~sep] if it is passed.
+          Returns the empty list if [s] is empty. *)
+val copy_file: in_channel -> out_channel -> unit
+       (** [copy_file ic oc] reads the contents of file [ic] and copies
+           them to [oc]. It stops when encountering EOF on [ic]. *)
+val copy_file_chunk: in_channel -> out_channel -> int -> unit
+       (** [copy_file_chunk ic oc n] reads [n] bytes from [ic] and copies
+           them to [oc]. It raises [End_of_file] when encountering
+           EOF on [ic]. *)
+val string_of_file: in_channel -> string
+       (** [string_of_file ic] reads the contents of file [ic] and copies
+           them to a string. It stops when encountering EOF on [ic]. *)
+val output_to_file_via_temporary:
+      ?mode:open_flag list -> string -> (string -> out_channel -> 'a) -> 'a
+       (** Produce output in temporary file, then rename it
+           (as atomically as possible) to the desired output file name.
+           [output_to_file_via_temporary filename fn] opens a temporary file
+           which is passed to [fn] (name + output channel).  When [fn] returns,
+           the channel is closed and the temporary file is renamed to
+           [filename]. *)
+val protect_writing_to_file
+   : filename:string
+  -> f:(out_channel -> 'a)
+  -> 'a
+      (** Open the given [filename] for writing (in binary mode), pass
+          the [out_channel] to the given function, then close the
+          channel. If the function raises an exception then [filename]
+          will be removed. *)
+val concat_null_terminated : string list -> string
+(** [concat_null_terminated [x1;x2; ... xn]] is
+    [x1 ^ "\000" ^ x2 ^ "\000" ^ ... ^ xn ^ "\000"] *)
+val split_null_terminated : string -> string list
+(** [split_null_terminated s] is similar
+    [String.split_on_char '\000'] but ignores the trailing separator, if any *)
+val chop_extensions: string -> string
+       (** Return the given file name without its extensions. The extensions
+           is the longest suffix starting with a period and not including
+           a directory separator, [.xyz.uvw] for instance.
+           Return the given name if it does not contain an extension. *)
+(** {1 Integer operations} *)
+val log2: int -> int
+       (** [log2 n] returns [s] such that [n = 1 lsl s]
+           if [n] is a power of 2*)
+val align: int -> int -> int
+       (** [align n a] rounds [n] upwards to a multiple of [a]
+           (a power of 2). *)
+val no_overflow_add: int -> int -> bool
+       (** [no_overflow_add n1 n2] returns [true] if the computation of
+           [n1 + n2] does not overflow. *)
+val no_overflow_sub: int -> int -> bool
+       (** [no_overflow_sub n1 n2] returns [true] if the computation of
+           [n1 - n2] does not overflow. *)
+val no_overflow_mul: int -> int -> bool
+       (** [no_overflow_mul n1 n2] returns [true] if the computation of
+           [n1 * n2] does not overflow. *)
+val no_overflow_lsl: int -> int -> bool
+       (** [no_overflow_lsl n k] returns [true] if the computation of
+           [n lsl k] does not overflow. *)
+val letter_of_int : int -> string
+module Int_literal_converter : sig
+  val int : string -> int
+    (** Convert a string to an integer.  Unlike {!Stdlib.int_of_string},
+        this function accepts the string representation of [max_int + 1]
+        and returns [min_int] in this case. *)
+  val int32 : string -> int32
+    (** Likewise, at type [int32] *)
+  val int64 : string -> int64
+    (** Likewise, at type [int64] *)
+  val nativeint : string -> nativeint
+    (** Likewise, at type [nativeint] *)
+val find_first_mono : (int -> bool) -> int
+  (**[find_first_mono p] takes an integer predicate [p : int -> bool]
+     that we assume:
+     1. is monotonic on natural numbers:
+        if [a <= b] then [p a] implies [p b],
+     2. is satisfied for some natural numbers in range [0; max_int]
+        (this is equivalent to: [p max_int = true]).
+     [find_first_mono p] is the smallest natural number N that satisfies [p],
+     computed in O(log(N)) calls to [p].
+     Our implementation supports two cases where the preconditions on [p]
+     are not respected:
+     - If [p] is always [false], we silently return [max_int]
+       instead of looping or crashing.
+     - If [p] is non-monotonic but eventually true,
+       we return some satisfying value.
+  *)
+(** {1 String operations} *)
+val search_substring: string -> string -> int -> int
+       (** [search_substring pat str start] returns the position of the first
+           occurrence of string [pat] in string [str].  Search starts
+           at offset [start] in [str].  Raise [Not_found] if [pat]
+           does not occur. *)
+val replace_substring: before:string -> after:string -> string -> string
+       (** [replace_substring ~before ~after str] replaces all
+           occurrences of [before] with [after] in [str] and returns
+           the resulting string. *)
+val rev_split_words: string -> string list
+       (** [rev_split_words s] splits [s] in blank-separated words, and returns
+           the list of words in reverse order. *)
+val cut_at : string -> char -> string * string
+(** [String.cut_at s c] returns a pair containing the sub-string before
+   the first occurrence of [c] in [s], and the sub-string after the
+   first occurrence of [c] in [s].
+   [let (before, after) = String.cut_at s c in
+    before ^ String.make 1 c ^ after] is the identity if [s] contains [c].
+   Raise [Not_found] if the character does not appear in the string
+   @since 4.01
+val ordinal_suffix : int -> string
+(** [ordinal_suffix n] is the appropriate suffix to append to the numeral [n] as
+    an ordinal number: [1] -> ["st"], [2] -> ["nd"], [3] -> ["rd"],
+    [4] -> ["th"], and so on.  Handles larger numbers (e.g., [42] -> ["nd"]) and
+    the numbers 11--13 (which all get ["th"]) correctly. *)
+val normalise_eol : string -> string
+(** [normalise_eol s] returns a fresh copy of [s] with any '\r' characters
+   removed. Intended for pre-processing text which will subsequently be printed
+   on a channel which performs EOL transformations (i.e. Windows) *)
+val delete_eol_spaces : string -> string
+(** [delete_eol_spaces s] returns a fresh copy of [s] with any end of
+   line spaces removed. Intended to normalize the output of the
+   toplevel for tests. *)
+(** {1 Operations on references} *)
+type ref_and_value = R : 'a ref * 'a -> ref_and_value
+val protect_refs : ref_and_value list -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** [protect_refs l f] temporarily sets [r] to [v] for each [R (r, v)] in [l]
+    while executing [f]. The previous contents of the references is restored
+    even if [f] raises an exception, without altering the exception backtrace.
+val get_ref: 'a list ref -> 'a list
+       (** [get_ref lr] returns the content of the list reference [lr] and reset
+           its content to the empty list. *)
+val set_or_ignore : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option ref -> 'a -> unit
+       (** [set_or_ignore f opt x] sets [opt] to [f x] if it returns [Some _],
+           or leaves it unmodified if it returns [None]. *)
+(** {1 Operations on triples and quadruples} *)
+val fst3: 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'a
+val snd3: 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'b
+val thd3: 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'c
+val fst4: 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd -> 'a
+val snd4: 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd -> 'b
+val thd4: 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd -> 'c
+val for4: 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd -> 'd
+(** {1 Spell checking and ``did you mean'' suggestions} *)
+val edit_distance : string -> string -> int -> int option
+(** [edit_distance a b cutoff] computes the edit distance between
+    strings [a] and [b]. To help efficiency, it uses a cutoff: if the
+    distance [d] is smaller than [cutoff], it returns [Some d], else
+    [None].
+    The distance algorithm currently used is Damerau-Levenshtein: it
+    computes the number of insertion, deletion, substitution of
+    letters, or swapping of adjacent letters to go from one word to the
+    other. The particular algorithm may change in the future.
+val spellcheck : string list -> string -> string list
+(** [spellcheck env name] takes a list of names [env] that exist in
+    the current environment and an erroneous [name], and returns a
+    list of suggestions taken from [env], that are close enough to
+    [name] that it may be a typo for one of them. *)
+val did_you_mean :
+    Format_doc.formatter -> (unit -> string list) -> unit
+(** [did_you_mean ppf get_choices] hints that the user may have meant
+    one of the option returned by calling [get_choices]. It does nothing
+    if the returned list is empty.
+    The [unit -> ...] thunking is meant to delay any potentially-slow
+    computation (typically computing edit-distance with many things
+    from the current environment) to when the hint message is to be
+    printed. You should print an understandable error message before
+    calling [did_you_mean], so that users get a clear notification of
+    the failure even if producing the hint is slow.
+(** {1 Color support detection }*)
+module Color: sig
+  type setting = Auto | Always | Never
+  val default_setting : setting
+(** {1 Styling handling for terminal output } *)
+module Style : sig
+  type color =
+    | Black
+    | Red
+    | Green
+    | Yellow
+    | Blue
+    | Magenta
+    | Cyan
+    | White
+  type style =
+    | FG of color (* foreground *)
+    | BG of color (* background *)
+    | Bold
+    | Reset
+  type Format.stag += Style of style list
+  val ansi_of_style_l : style list -> string
+  (* ANSI escape sequence for the given style *)
+  type tag_style ={
+    ansi: style list;
+    text_open:string;
+    text_close:string
+  }
+  type styles = {
+    error: tag_style;
+    warning: tag_style;
+    loc: tag_style;
+    hint: tag_style;
+    inline_code: tag_style;
+  }
+  val as_inline_code: 'a Format_doc.printer -> 'a Format_doc.printer
+  val inline_code: string Format_doc.printer
+  val default_styles: styles
+  val get_styles: unit -> styles
+  val set_styles: styles -> unit
+  val setup : Color.setting option -> unit
+  (* [setup opt] will enable or disable color handling on standard formatters
+     according to the value of color setting [opt].
+     Only the first call to this function has an effect. *)
+  val set_tag_handling : Format.formatter -> unit
+  (* adds functions to support color tags to the given formatter. *)
+(* See the -error-style option *)
+module Error_style : sig
+  type setting =
+    | Contextual
+    | Short
+  val default_setting : setting
+(** {1 Formatted output} *)
+val print_if :
+  Format.formatter -> bool ref -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> 'a
+(** [print_if ppf flag fmt x] prints [x] with [fmt] on [ppf] if [b] is true. *)
+val print_see_manual : int list Format_doc.printer
+(** See manual section *)
+(** {1 Displaying configuration variables} *)
+val show_config_and_exit : unit -> unit
+  (** Display the values of all compiler configuration variables from module
+      [Config], then exit the program with code 0. *)
+val show_config_variable_and_exit : string -> unit
+  (** Display the value of the given configuration variable,
+      then exit the program with code 0. *)
+(** {1 Handling of build maps} *)
+(** Build maps cause the compiler to normalize file names embedded in
+    object files, thus leading to more reproducible builds. *)
+val get_build_path_prefix_map: unit -> Build_path_prefix_map.map option
+(** Returns the map encoded in the [BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP] environment
+    variable. *)
+val debug_prefix_map_flags: unit -> string list
+(** Returns the list of [--debug-prefix-map] flags to be passed to the
+    assembler, built from the [BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP] environment variable. *)
+(** {1 Handling of magic numbers} *)
+module Magic_number : sig
+  (** a typical magic number is "Caml1999I011"; it is formed of an
+      alphanumeric prefix, here Caml1990I, followed by a version,
+      here 011. The prefix identifies the kind of the versioned data:
+      here the I indicates that it is the magic number for .cmi files.
+      All magic numbers have the same byte length, [magic_length], and
+      this is important for users as it gives them the number of bytes
+      to read to obtain the byte sequence that should be a magic
+      number. Typical user code will look like:
+      {[
+        let ic = open_in_bin path in
+        let magic =
+          try really_input_string ic Magic_number.magic_length
+          with End_of_file -> ... in
+        match Magic_number.parse magic with
+        | Error parse_error -> ...
+        | Ok info -> ...
+      ]}
+      A given compiler version expects one specific version for each
+      kind of object file, and will fail if given an unsupported
+      version. Because versions grow monotonically, you can compare
+      the parsed version with the expected "current version" for
+      a kind, to tell whether the wrong-magic object file comes from
+      the past or from the future.
+      An example of code block that expects the "currently supported version"
+      of a given kind of magic numbers, here [Cmxa], is as follows:
+      {[
+        let ic = open_in_bin path in
+        begin
+          try Magic_number.(expect_current Cmxa (get_info ic)) with
+          | Parse_error error -> ...
+          | Unexpected error -> ...
+        end;
+        ...
+      ]}
+      Parse errors distinguish inputs that are [Not_a_magic_number str],
+      which are likely to come from the file being completely
+      different, and [Truncated str], raised by headers that are the
+      (possibly empty) prefix of a valid magic number.
+      Unexpected errors correspond to valid magic numbers that are not
+      the one expected, either because it corresponds to a different
+      kind, or to a newer or older version.
+      The helper functions [explain_parse_error] and [explain_unexpected_error]
+      will generate a textual explanation of each error,
+      for use in error messages.
+      @since 4.11
+  *)
+  type native_obj_config = {
+    flambda : bool;
+  }
+  (** native object files have a format and magic number that depend
+     on certain native-compiler configuration parameters. This
+     configuration space is expressed by the [native_obj_config]
+     type. *)
+  val native_obj_config : native_obj_config
+  (** the native object file configuration of the active/configured compiler. *)
+  type version = int
+  type kind =
+    | Exec
+    | Cmi | Cmo | Cma
+    | Cmx of native_obj_config | Cmxa of native_obj_config
+    | Cmxs
+    | Cmt | Ast_impl | Ast_intf
+  type info = {
+    kind: kind;
+    version: version;
+    (** Note: some versions of the compiler use the same [version] suffix
+        for all kinds, but others use different versions counters for different
+        kinds. We may only assume that versions are growing monotonically
+        (not necessarily always by one) between compiler versions. *)
+  }
+  type raw = string
+  (** the type of raw magic numbers,
+      such as "Caml1999A027" for the .cma files of OCaml 4.10 *)
+  (** {3 Parsing magic numbers} *)
+  type parse_error =
+    | Truncated of string
+    | Not_a_magic_number of string
+  val explain_parse_error : kind option -> parse_error -> string
+  (** Produces an explanation for a parse error. If no kind is provided,
+      we use an unspecific formulation suggesting that any compiler-produced
+      object file would have been satisfying. *)
+  val parse : raw -> (info, parse_error) result
+  (** Parses a raw magic number *)
+  val read_info : in_channel -> (info, parse_error) result
+  (** Read a raw magic number from an input channel.
+      If the data read [str] is not a valid magic number, it can be
+      recovered from the [Truncated str | Not_a_magic_number str]
+      payload of the [Error parse_error] case.
+      If parsing succeeds with an [Ok info] result, we know that
+      exactly [magic_length] bytes have been consumed from the
+      input_channel.
+      If you also wish to enforce that the magic number
+      is at the current version, see {!read_current_info} below.
+   *)
+  val magic_length : int
+  (** all magic numbers take the same number of bytes *)
+  (** {3 Checking that magic numbers are current} *)
+  type 'a unexpected = { expected : 'a; actual : 'a }
+  type unexpected_error =
+    | Kind of kind unexpected
+    | Version of kind * version unexpected
+  val check_current : kind -> info -> (unit, unexpected_error) result
+  (** [check_current kind info] checks that the provided magic [info]
+      is the current version of [kind]'s magic header. *)
+  val explain_unexpected_error : unexpected_error -> string
+  (** Provides an explanation of the [unexpected_error]. *)
+  type error =
+    | Parse_error of parse_error
+    | Unexpected_error of unexpected_error
+  val read_current_info :
+    expected_kind:kind option -> in_channel -> (info, error) result
+  (** Read a magic number as [read_info],
+      and check that it is the current version as its kind.
+      If the [expected_kind] argument is [None], any kind is accepted. *)
+  (** {3 Information on magic numbers} *)
+  val string_of_kind : kind -> string
+  (** a user-printable string for a kind, eg. "exec" or "cmo", to use
+      in error messages. *)
+  val human_name_of_kind : kind -> string
+  (** a user-meaningful name for a kind, eg. "executable file" or
+      "bytecode object file", to use in error messages. *)
+  val current_raw : kind -> raw
+  (** the current magic number of each kind *)
+  val current_version : kind -> version
+  (** the current version of each kind *)
+  (** {3 Raw representations}
+      Mainly for internal usage and testing. *)
+  type raw_kind = string
+  (** the type of raw magic numbers kinds,
+      such as "Caml1999A" for .cma files *)
+  val parse_kind : raw_kind -> kind option
+  (** parse a raw kind into a kind *)
+  val raw_kind : kind -> raw_kind
+  (** the current raw representation of a kind.
+      In some cases the raw representation of a kind has changed
+      over compiler versions, so other files of the same kind
+      may have different raw kinds.
+      Note that all currently known cases are parsed correctly by [parse_kind].
+  *)
+  val raw : info -> raw
+  (** A valid raw representation of the magic number.
+      Due to past and future changes in the string representation of
+      magic numbers, we cannot guarantee that the raw strings returned
+      for past and future versions actually match the expectations of
+      those compilers. The representation is accurate for current
+      versions, and it is correctly parsed back into the desired
+      version by the parsing functions above.
+   *)
+  val all_kinds : kind list
+(** {1 Minimal support for Unicode characters in identifiers} *)
+(** Characters allowed in identifiers are, currently:
+      - ASCII letters A-Z a-z
+      - Latin-1 letters (U+00C0 - U+00FF except U+00D7 and U+00F7)
+      - Character sequences which normalize to the above character under NFC
+      - digits 0-9, underscore, single quote
+module Utf8_lexeme: sig
+  type t = string
+  val normalize: string -> (t,t) Result.t
+  (** Normalize the given UTF-8 encoded string.
+      Invalid UTF-8 sequences results in a error and are replaced
+      by U+FFFD.
+      Identifier characters are put in NFC normalized form.
+      Other Unicode characters are left unchanged. *)
+  val capitalize: string -> (t,t) Result.t
+  (** Like [normalize], but if the string starts with a lowercase identifier
+      character, it is replaced by the corresponding uppercase character.
+      Subsequent characters are not changed. *)
+  val uncapitalize: string -> (t,t) Result.t
+  (** Like [normalize], but if the string starts with an uppercase identifier
+      character, it is replaced by the corresponding lowercase character.
+      Subsequent characters are not changed. *)
+  val is_capitalized: t -> bool
+  (** Returns [true] if the given normalized string starts with an
+      uppercase identifier character, [false] otherwise.  May return
+      wrong results if the string is not normalized. *)
+  val is_valid_identifier: t -> bool
+  (** Check whether the given normalized string is a valid OCaml identifier:
+      - all characters are identifier characters
+      - it does not start with a digit or a single quote
+  *)
+  val is_lowercase: t -> bool
+  (** Returns [true] if the given normalized string only contains lowercase
+      identifier character, [false] otherwise. May return wrong results if the
+      string is not normalized. *)
+  type validation_result =
+    | Valid
+    | Invalid_character of Uchar.t   (** Character not allowed *)
+    | Invalid_beginning of Uchar.t   (** Character not allowed as first char *)
+  val validate_identifier: ?with_dot:bool -> t -> validation_result
+  (** Like [is_valid_identifier], but returns a more detailed error code. Dots
+      can be allowed to extend support to path-like identifiers. *)
+  val starts_like_a_valid_identifier: t -> bool
+  (** Checks whether the given normalized string starts with an identifier
+      character other than a digit or a single quote.  Subsequent characters
+      are not checked. *)
+(** {1 Miscellaneous type aliases} *)
+type filepath = string
+type modname = string
+type crcs = (modname * Digest.t option) list
+type alerts = string Stdlib.String.Map.t
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/numbers.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/numbers.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1680675bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/numbers.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                       Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                        *)
+(*           Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module Int_base = Identifiable.Make (struct
+  type t = int
+  let compare x y = x - y
+  let output oc x = Printf.fprintf oc "%i" x
+  let hash i = i
+  let equal (i : int) j = i = j
+  let print = Format.pp_print_int
+module Int = struct
+  type t = int
+  include Int_base
+  let rec zero_to_n n =
+    if n < 0 then Set.empty else Set.add n (zero_to_n (n-1))
+  let to_string n = Int.to_string n
+module Int8 = struct
+  type t = int
+  let zero = 0
+  let one = 1
+  let of_int_exn i =
+    if i < -(1 lsl 7) || i > ((1 lsl 7) - 1) then
+      Misc.fatal_errorf "Int8.of_int_exn: %d is out of range" i
+    else
+      i
+  let to_int i = i
+module Int16 = struct
+  type t = int
+  let of_int_exn i =
+    if i < -(1 lsl 15) || i > ((1 lsl 15) - 1) then
+      Misc.fatal_errorf "Int16.of_int_exn: %d is out of range" i
+    else
+      i
+  let lower_int64 = Int64.neg (Int64.shift_left Int64.one 15)
+  let upper_int64 = Int64.sub (Int64.shift_left Int64.one 15) Int64.one
+  let of_int64_exn i =
+    if Int64.compare i lower_int64 < 0
+        || Int64.compare i upper_int64 > 0
+    then
+      Misc.fatal_errorf "Int16.of_int64_exn: %Ld is out of range" i
+    else
+      Int64.to_int i
+  let to_int t = t
+module Float = struct
+  type t = float
+  include Identifiable.Make (struct
+    type t = float
+    let compare x y = Stdlib.compare x y
+    let output oc x = Printf.fprintf oc "%f" x
+    let hash f = Hashtbl.hash f
+    let equal (i : float) j = i = j
+    let print = Format.pp_print_float
+  end)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/numbers.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/numbers.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa565e67e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/numbers.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                       Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                        *)
+(*           Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Modules about numbers, some of which satisfy {!Identifiable.S}.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+module Int : sig
+  include Identifiable.S with type t = int
+  (** [zero_to_n n] is the set of numbers \{0, ..., n\} (inclusive). *)
+  val zero_to_n : int -> Set.t
+  val to_string : int -> string
+module Int8 : sig
+  type t
+  val zero : t
+  val one : t
+  val of_int_exn : int -> t
+  val to_int : t -> int
+module Int16 : sig
+  type t
+  val of_int_exn : int -> t
+  val of_int64_exn : Int64.t -> t
+  val to_int : t -> int
+module Float : Identifiable.S with type t = float
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/profile.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/profile.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27c92a5463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/profile.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                      Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-18-40-42-48"]
+type file = string
+external time_include_children: bool -> float = "caml_sys_time_include_children"
+let cpu_time () = time_include_children true
+module Measure = struct
+  type t = {
+    time : float;
+    allocated_words : float;
+    top_heap_words : int;
+  }
+  let create () =
+    let stat = Gc.quick_stat () in
+    {
+      time = cpu_time ();
+      allocated_words = stat.minor_words +. stat.major_words;
+      top_heap_words = stat.top_heap_words;
+    }
+  let zero = { time = 0.; allocated_words = 0.; top_heap_words = 0 }
+module Measure_diff = struct
+  let timestamp = let r = ref (-1) in fun () -> incr r; !r
+  type t = {
+    timestamp : int;
+    duration : float;
+    allocated_words : float;
+    top_heap_words_increase : int;
+  }
+  let zero () = {
+    timestamp = timestamp ();
+    duration = 0.;
+    allocated_words = 0.;
+    top_heap_words_increase = 0;
+  }
+  let accumulate t (m1 : Measure.t) (m2 : Measure.t) = {
+    timestamp = t.timestamp;
+    duration = t.duration +. (m2.time -. m1.time);
+    allocated_words =
+      t.allocated_words +. (m2.allocated_words -. m1.allocated_words);
+    top_heap_words_increase =
+      t.top_heap_words_increase + (m2.top_heap_words - m1.top_heap_words);
+  }
+  let of_diff m1 m2 =
+    accumulate (zero ()) m1 m2
+type hierarchy =
+  | E of (string, Measure_diff.t * hierarchy) Hashtbl.t
+let create () = E (Hashtbl.create 2)
+let hierarchy = ref (create ())
+let initial_measure = ref None
+let reset () = hierarchy := create (); initial_measure := None
+let record_call ?(accumulate = false) name f =
+  let E prev_hierarchy = !hierarchy in
+  let start_measure = Measure.create () in
+  if !initial_measure = None then initial_measure := Some start_measure;
+  let this_measure_diff, this_table =
+    (* We allow the recording of multiple categories by the same name, for tools
+       like ocamldoc that use the compiler libs but don't care about profile
+       information, and so may record, say, "parsing" multiple times. *)
+    if accumulate
+    then
+      match Hashtbl.find prev_hierarchy name with
+      | exception Not_found -> Measure_diff.zero (), Hashtbl.create 2
+      | measure_diff, E table ->
+        Hashtbl.remove prev_hierarchy name;
+        measure_diff, table
+    else Measure_diff.zero (), Hashtbl.create 2
+  in
+  hierarchy := E this_table;
+  Misc.try_finally f
+    ~always:(fun () ->
+        hierarchy := E prev_hierarchy;
+        let end_measure = Measure.create () in
+        let measure_diff =
+          Measure_diff.accumulate this_measure_diff start_measure end_measure in
+        Hashtbl.add prev_hierarchy name (measure_diff, E this_table))
+let record ?accumulate pass f x = record_call ?accumulate pass (fun () -> f x)
+type display = {
+  to_string : max:float -> width:int -> string;
+  worth_displaying : max:float -> bool;
+let time_display v : display =
+  (* Because indentation is meaningful, and because the durations are
+     the first element of each row, we can't pad them with spaces. *)
+  let to_string_without_unit v ~width = Printf.sprintf "%0*.03f" width v in
+  let to_string ~max:_ ~width =
+    to_string_without_unit v ~width:(width - 1) ^ "s" in
+  let worth_displaying ~max:_ =
+    float_of_string (to_string_without_unit v ~width:0) <> 0. in
+  { to_string; worth_displaying }
+let memory_word_display =
+  (* To make memory numbers easily comparable across rows, we choose a single
+     scale for an entire column. To keep the display compact and not overly
+     precise (no one cares about the exact number of bytes), we pick the largest
+     scale we can and we only show 3 digits. Avoiding showing tiny numbers also
+     allows us to avoid displaying passes that barely allocate compared to the
+     rest of the compiler.  *)
+  let bytes_of_words words = words *. float_of_int (Sys.word_size / 8) in
+  let to_string_without_unit v ~width scale =
+    let precision = 3 and precision_power = 1e3 in
+    let v_rescaled = bytes_of_words v /. scale in
+    let v_rounded =
+      floor (v_rescaled *. precision_power +. 0.5) /. precision_power in
+    let v_str = Printf.sprintf "%.*f" precision v_rounded in
+    let index_of_dot = String.index v_str '.' in
+    let v_str_truncated =
+      String.sub v_str 0
+        (if index_of_dot >= precision
+         then index_of_dot
+         else precision + 1)
+    in
+    Printf.sprintf "%*s" width v_str_truncated
+  in
+  let choose_memory_scale =
+    let units = [|"B"; "kB"; "MB"; "GB"|] in
+    fun words ->
+      let bytes = bytes_of_words words in
+      let scale = ref (Array.length units - 1) in
+      while !scale > 0 && bytes < 1024. ** float_of_int !scale do
+        decr scale
+      done;
+      1024. ** float_of_int !scale, units.(!scale)
+  in
+  fun ?previous v : display ->
+    let to_string ~max ~width =
+      let scale, scale_str = choose_memory_scale max in
+      let width = width - String.length scale_str in
+      to_string_without_unit v ~width scale ^ scale_str
+    in
+    let worth_displaying ~max =
+      let scale, _ = choose_memory_scale max in
+      float_of_string (to_string_without_unit v ~width:0 scale) <> 0.
+      && match previous with
+      | None -> true
+      | Some p ->
+         (* This branch is for numbers that represent absolute quantity, rather
+            than differences. It allows us to skip displaying the same absolute
+            quantity many times in a row. *)
+         to_string_without_unit p ~width:0 scale
+         <> to_string_without_unit v ~width:0 scale
+    in
+    { to_string; worth_displaying }
+let profile_list (E table) =
+  let l = Hashtbl.fold (fun k d l -> (k, d) :: l) table [] in
+  List.sort (fun (_, (p1, _)) (_, (p2, _)) ->
+    compare p1.Measure_diff.timestamp p2.Measure_diff.timestamp) l
+let compute_other_category (E table : hierarchy) (total : Measure_diff.t) =
+  let r = ref total in
+  Hashtbl.iter (fun _pass ((p2 : Measure_diff.t), _) ->
+    let p1 = !r in
+    r := {
+      timestamp = p1.timestamp;
+      duration = p1.duration -. p2.duration;
+      allocated_words = p1.allocated_words -. p2.allocated_words;
+      top_heap_words_increase =
+        p1.top_heap_words_increase - p2.top_heap_words_increase;
+    }
+  ) table;
+  !r
+type row = R of string * (float * display) list * row list
+type column = [ `Time | `Alloc | `Top_heap | `Abs_top_heap ]
+let rec rows_of_hierarchy ~nesting make_row name measure_diff hierarchy env =
+  let rows =
+    rows_of_hierarchy_list
+      ~nesting:(nesting + 1) make_row hierarchy measure_diff env in
+  let values, env =
+    make_row env measure_diff ~toplevel_other:(nesting = 0 && name = "other") in
+  R (name, values, rows), env
+and rows_of_hierarchy_list ~nesting make_row hierarchy total env =
+  let list = profile_list hierarchy in
+  let list =
+    if list <> [] || nesting = 0
+    then list @ [ "other", (compute_other_category hierarchy total, create ()) ]
+    else []
+  in
+  let env = ref env in
+  List.map (fun (name, (measure_diff, hierarchy)) ->
+    let a, env' =
+      rows_of_hierarchy ~nesting make_row name measure_diff hierarchy !env in
+    env := env';
+    a
+  ) list
+let rows_of_hierarchy hierarchy measure_diff initial_measure columns =
+  (* Computing top heap size is a bit complicated: if the compiler applies a
+     list of passes n times (rather than applying pass1 n times, then pass2 n
+     times etc), we only show one row for that pass but what does "top heap
+     size at the end of that pass" even mean?
+     It seems the only sensible answer is to pretend the compiler applied pass1
+     n times, pass2 n times by accumulating all the heap size increases that
+     happened during each pass, and then compute what the heap size would have
+     been. So that's what we do.
+     There's a bit of extra complication, which is that the heap can increase in
+     between measurements. So the heap sizes can be a bit off until the "other"
+     rows account for what's missing. We special case the toplevel "other" row
+     so that any increases that happened before the start of the compilation is
+     correctly reported, as a lot of code may run before the start of the
+     compilation (eg functor applications). *)
+    let make_row prev_top_heap_words (p : Measure_diff.t) ~toplevel_other =
+      let top_heap_words =
+        prev_top_heap_words
+        + p.top_heap_words_increase
+        - if toplevel_other
+          then initial_measure.Measure.top_heap_words
+          else 0
+      in
+      let make value ~f = value, f value in
+      List.map (function
+        | `Time ->
+          make p.duration ~f:time_display
+        | `Alloc ->
+          make p.allocated_words ~f:memory_word_display
+        | `Top_heap ->
+          make (float_of_int p.top_heap_words_increase) ~f:memory_word_display
+        | `Abs_top_heap ->
+          make (float_of_int top_heap_words)
+           ~f:(memory_word_display ~previous:(float_of_int prev_top_heap_words))
+      ) columns,
+      top_heap_words
+  in
+  rows_of_hierarchy_list ~nesting:0 make_row hierarchy measure_diff
+    initial_measure.top_heap_words
+let max_by_column ~n_columns rows =
+  let a = Array.make n_columns 0. in
+  let rec loop (R (_, values, rows)) =
+    List.iteri (fun i (v, _) -> a.(i) <- Float.max a.(i) v) values;
+    List.iter loop rows
+  in
+  List.iter loop rows;
+  a
+let width_by_column ~n_columns ~display_cell rows =
+  let a = Array.make n_columns 1 in
+  let rec loop (R (_, values, rows)) =
+    List.iteri (fun i cell ->
+      let _, str = display_cell i cell ~width:0 in
+      a.(i) <- Int.max a.(i) (String.length str)
+    ) values;
+    List.iter loop rows;
+  in
+  List.iter loop rows;
+  a
+let display_rows ppf rows =
+  let n_columns =
+    match rows with
+    | [] -> 0
+    | R (_, values, _) :: _ -> List.length values
+  in
+  let maxs = max_by_column ~n_columns rows in
+  let display_cell i (_, c) ~width =
+    let display_cell = c.worth_displaying ~max:maxs.(i) in
+    display_cell, if display_cell
+                  then c.to_string ~max:maxs.(i) ~width
+                  else String.make width '-'
+  in
+  let widths = width_by_column ~n_columns ~display_cell rows in
+  let rec loop (R (name, values, rows)) ~indentation =
+    let worth_displaying, cell_strings =
+      values
+      |> List.mapi (fun i cell -> display_cell i cell ~width:widths.(i))
+      |> List.split
+    in
+    if List.exists (fun b -> b) worth_displaying then
+      Format.fprintf ppf "%s%s %s@\n"
+        indentation (String.concat " " cell_strings) name;
+    List.iter (loop ~indentation:("  " ^ indentation)) rows;
+  in
+  List.iter (loop ~indentation:"") rows
+let print ppf columns =
+  match columns with
+  | [] -> ()
+  | _ :: _ ->
+     let initial_measure =
+       match !initial_measure with
+       | Some v -> v
+       | None -> Measure.zero
+     in
+     let total = Measure_diff.of_diff Measure.zero (Measure.create ()) in
+     display_rows ppf
+       (rows_of_hierarchy !hierarchy total initial_measure columns)
+let column_mapping = [
+  "time", `Time;
+  "alloc", `Alloc;
+  "top-heap", `Top_heap;
+  "absolute-top-heap", `Abs_top_heap;
+let column_names = List.map fst column_mapping
+let options_doc =
+  Printf.sprintf
+    " Print performance information for each pass\
+   \n    The columns are: %s."
+    (String.concat " " column_names)
+let all_columns = List.map snd column_mapping
+let generate = "generate"
+let transl = "transl"
+let typing = "typing"
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/profile.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/profile.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7eff6957b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/profile.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                      Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Compiler performance recording
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+type file = string
+val reset : unit -> unit
+(** erase all recorded profile information *)
+val record_call : ?accumulate:bool -> string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+(** [record_call pass f] calls [f] and records its profile information. *)
+val record : ?accumulate:bool -> string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(** [record pass f arg] records the profile information of [f arg] *)
+type column = [ `Time | `Alloc | `Top_heap | `Abs_top_heap ]
+val print : Format.formatter -> column list -> unit
+(** Prints the selected recorded profiling information to the formatter. *)
+(** Command line flags *)
+val options_doc : string
+val all_columns : column list
+(** A few pass names that are needed in several places, and shared to
+    avoid typos. *)
+val generate : string
+val transl : string
+val typing : string
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/strongly_connected_components.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/strongly_connected_components.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb1501ca7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/strongly_connected_components.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                       Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                        *)
+(*           Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+module Int = Numbers.Int
+module Kosaraju : sig
+  type component_graph =
+    { sorted_connected_components : int list array;
+      component_edges : int list array;
+    }
+  val component_graph : int list array -> component_graph
+end = struct
+  let transpose graph =
+    let size = Array.length graph in
+    let transposed = Array.make size [] in
+    let add src dst = transposed.(src) <- dst :: transposed.(src) in
+    Array.iteri (fun src dsts -> List.iter (fun dst -> add dst src) dsts)
+      graph;
+    transposed
+  let depth_first_order (graph : int list array) : int array =
+    let size = Array.length graph in
+    let marked = Array.make size false in
+    let stack = Array.make size ~-1 in
+    let pos = ref 0 in
+    let push i =
+      stack.(!pos) <- i;
+      incr pos
+    in
+    let rec aux node =
+      if not marked.(node)
+      then begin
+        marked.(node) <- true;
+        List.iter aux graph.(node);
+        push node
+      end
+    in
+    for i = 0 to size - 1 do
+      aux i
+    done;
+    stack
+  let mark order graph =
+    let size = Array.length graph in
+    let graph = transpose graph in
+    let marked = Array.make size false in
+    let id = Array.make size ~-1 in
+    let count = ref 0 in
+    let rec aux node =
+      if not marked.(node)
+      then begin
+        marked.(node) <- true;
+        id.(node) <- !count;
+        List.iter aux graph.(node)
+      end
+    in
+    for i = size - 1 downto 0 do
+      let node = order.(i) in
+      if not marked.(node)
+      then begin
+        aux order.(i);
+        incr count
+      end
+    done;
+    id, !count
+  let kosaraju graph =
+    let dfo = depth_first_order graph in
+    let components, ncomponents = mark dfo graph in
+    ncomponents, components
+  type component_graph =
+    { sorted_connected_components : int list array;
+      component_edges : int list array;
+    }
+  let component_graph graph =
+    let ncomponents, components = kosaraju graph in
+    let id_scc = Array.make ncomponents [] in
+    let component_graph = Array.make ncomponents Int.Set.empty in
+    let add_component_dep node set =
+      let node_deps = graph.(node) in
+      List.fold_left (fun set dep -> Int.Set.add components.(dep) set)
+        set node_deps
+    in
+    Array.iteri (fun node component ->
+        id_scc.(component) <- node :: id_scc.(component);
+        component_graph.(component) <-
+          add_component_dep node (component_graph.(component)))
+      components;
+    { sorted_connected_components = id_scc;
+      component_edges = Array.map Int.Set.elements component_graph;
+    }
+module type S = sig
+  module Id : Identifiable.S
+  type directed_graph = Id.Set.t Id.Map.t
+  type component =
+    | Has_loop of Id.t list
+    | No_loop of Id.t
+  val connected_components_sorted_from_roots_to_leaf
+     : directed_graph
+    -> component array
+  val component_graph : directed_graph -> (component * int list) array
+module Make (Id : Identifiable.S) = struct
+  type directed_graph = Id.Set.t Id.Map.t
+  type component =
+    | Has_loop of Id.t list
+    | No_loop of Id.t
+  (* Ensure that the dependency graph does not have external dependencies. *)
+  (* Note: this function is currently not used. *)
+  let _check dependencies =
+    Id.Map.iter (fun id set ->
+        Id.Set.iter (fun v ->
+            if not (Id.Map.mem v dependencies)
+            then
+              Misc.fatal_errorf "Strongly_connected_components.check: the \
+                  graph has external dependencies (%a -> %a)"
+               Id.print id Id.print v)
+          set)
+      dependencies
+  let number graph =
+    let size = Id.Map.cardinal graph in
+    let bindings = Id.Map.bindings graph in
+    let a = Array.of_list bindings in
+    let forth = Array.map fst a in
+    let back =
+      let back = ref Id.Map.empty in
+      for i = 0 to size - 1 do
+        back := Id.Map.add forth.(i) i !back;
+      done;
+      !back
+    in
+    let integer_graph =
+      Array.init size (fun i ->
+        let _, dests = a.(i) in
+        Id.Set.fold (fun dest acc ->
+            let v =
+              try Id.Map.find dest back
+              with Not_found ->
+                Misc.fatal_errorf
+                  "Strongly_connected_components: missing dependency %a"
+                  Id.print dest
+            in
+            v :: acc)
+          dests [])
+    in
+    forth, integer_graph
+  let component_graph graph =
+    let forth, integer_graph = number graph in
+    let { Kosaraju. sorted_connected_components;
+          component_edges } =
+      Kosaraju.component_graph integer_graph
+    in
+    Array.mapi (fun component nodes ->
+        match nodes with
+        | [] -> assert false
+        | [node] ->
+          (if List.mem node integer_graph.(node)
+           then Has_loop [forth.(node)]
+           else No_loop forth.(node)),
+            component_edges.(component)
+        | _::_ ->
+          (Has_loop (List.map (fun node -> forth.(node)) nodes)),
+            component_edges.(component))
+      sorted_connected_components
+  let connected_components_sorted_from_roots_to_leaf graph =
+    Array.map fst (component_graph graph)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/strongly_connected_components.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/strongly_connected_components.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e700952792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/strongly_connected_components.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                       Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro                        *)
+(*           Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS                                    *)
+(*   Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC                           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Kosaraju's algorithm for strongly connected components.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+module type S = sig
+  module Id : Identifiable.S
+  type directed_graph = Id.Set.t Id.Map.t
+  (** If (a -> set) belongs to the map, it means that there are edges
+      from [a] to every element of [set].  It is assumed that no edge
+      points to a vertex not represented in the map. *)
+  type component =
+    | Has_loop of Id.t list
+    | No_loop of Id.t
+  val connected_components_sorted_from_roots_to_leaf
+     : directed_graph
+    -> component array
+  val component_graph : directed_graph -> (component * int list) array
+module Make (Id : Identifiable.S) : S with module Id := Id
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/targetint.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/targetint.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d15a2ff56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/targetint.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                        Nicolas Ojeda Bar, LexiFi                       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2016 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+type repr =
+  | Int32 of int32
+  | Int64 of int64
+module type S = sig
+  type t
+  val zero : t
+  val one : t
+  val minus_one : t
+  val neg : t -> t
+  val add : t -> t -> t
+  val sub : t -> t -> t
+  val mul : t -> t -> t
+  val div : t -> t -> t
+  val unsigned_div : t -> t -> t
+  val rem : t -> t -> t
+  val unsigned_rem : t -> t -> t
+  val succ : t -> t
+  val pred : t -> t
+  val abs : t -> t
+  val max_int : t
+  val min_int : t
+  val logand : t -> t -> t
+  val logor : t -> t -> t
+  val logxor : t -> t -> t
+  val lognot : t -> t
+  val shift_left : t -> int -> t
+  val shift_right : t -> int -> t
+  val shift_right_logical : t -> int -> t
+  val of_int : int -> t
+  val of_int_exn : int -> t
+  val to_int : t -> int
+  val of_float : float -> t
+  val to_float : t -> float
+  val of_int32 : int32 -> t
+  val to_int32 : t -> int32
+  val of_int64 : int64 -> t
+  val to_int64 : t -> int64
+  val of_string : string -> t
+  val to_string : t -> string
+  val compare: t -> t -> int
+  val unsigned_compare : t -> t -> int
+  val equal: t -> t -> bool
+  val repr: t -> repr
+  val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+let size = Sys.word_size
+(* Later, this will be set by the configure script
+   in order to support cross-compilation. *)
+module Int32 = struct
+  include Int32
+  let of_int_exn =
+    match Sys.word_size with (* size of [int] *)
+    | 32 ->
+        Int32.of_int
+    | 64 ->
+        fun n ->
+          if n < Int32.(to_int min_int) || n > Int32.(to_int max_int) then
+            Misc.fatal_errorf "Targetint.of_int_exn: 0x%x out of range" n
+          else
+            Int32.of_int n
+    | _ ->
+        assert false
+  let of_int32 x = x
+  let to_int32 x = x
+  let of_int64 = Int64.to_int32
+  let to_int64 = Int64.of_int32
+  let repr x = Int32 x
+  let print ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "%ld" t
+module Int64 = struct
+  include Int64
+  let of_int_exn = Int64.of_int
+  let of_int64 x = x
+  let to_int64 x = x
+  let repr x = Int64 x
+  let print ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "%Ld" t
+include (val
+          (match size with
+           | 32 -> (module Int32)
+           | 64 -> (module Int64)
+           | _ -> assert false
+          ) : S)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/targetint.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/targetint.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a222f5d68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/targetint.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                        Nicolas Ojeda Bar, LexiFi                       *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2016 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Target processor-native integers.
+   This module provides operations on the type of
+   signed 32-bit integers (on 32-bit target platforms) or
+   signed 64-bit integers (on 64-bit target platforms).
+   This integer type has exactly the same width as that of a
+   pointer type in the C compiler.  All arithmetic operations over
+   are taken modulo 2{^32} or 2{^64} depending
+   on the word size of the target architecture.
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+type t
+(** The type of target integers. *)
+val zero : t
+(** The target integer 0.*)
+val one : t
+(** The target integer 1.*)
+val minus_one : t
+(** The target integer -1.*)
+val neg : t -> t
+(** Unary negation. *)
+val add : t -> t -> t
+(** Addition. *)
+val sub : t -> t -> t
+(** Subtraction. *)
+val mul : t -> t -> t
+(** Multiplication. *)
+val div : t -> t -> t
+(** Integer division.  Raise [Division_by_zero] if the second
+   argument is zero.  This division rounds the real quotient of
+   its arguments towards zero, as specified for {!Stdlib.(/)}. *)
+val unsigned_div : t -> t -> t
+(** Same as {!div}, except that arguments and result are interpreted as {e
+    unsigned} integers. *)
+val rem : t -> t -> t
+(** Integer remainder.  If [y] is not zero, the result
+   of [Targetint.rem x y] satisfies the following properties:
+   [Targetint.zero <= Nativeint.rem x y < Targetint.abs y] and
+   [x = Targetint.add (Targetint.mul (Targetint.div x y) y)
+                      (Targetint.rem x y)].
+   If [y = 0], [Targetint.rem x y] raises [Division_by_zero]. *)
+val unsigned_rem : t -> t -> t
+(** Same as {!rem}, except that arguments and result are interpreted as {e
+    unsigned} integers. *)
+val succ : t -> t
+(** Successor.
+   [Targetint.succ x] is [Targetint.add x Targetint.one]. *)
+val pred : t -> t
+(** Predecessor.
+   [Targetint.pred x] is [Targetint.sub x Targetint.one]. *)
+val abs : t -> t
+(** [abs x] is the absolute value of [x]. On [min_int] this
+   is [min_int] itself and thus remains negative. *)
+val size : int
+(** The size in bits of a target native integer. *)
+val max_int : t
+(** The greatest representable target integer,
+    either 2{^31} - 1 on a 32-bit platform,
+    or 2{^63} - 1 on a 64-bit platform. *)
+val min_int : t
+(** The smallest representable target integer,
+   either -2{^31} on a 32-bit platform,
+   or -2{^63} on a 64-bit platform. *)
+val logand : t -> t -> t
+(** Bitwise logical and. *)
+val logor : t -> t -> t
+(** Bitwise logical or. *)
+val logxor : t -> t -> t
+(** Bitwise logical exclusive or. *)
+val lognot : t -> t
+(** Bitwise logical negation. *)
+val shift_left : t -> int -> t
+(** [Targetint.shift_left x y] shifts [x] to the left by [y] bits.
+    The result is unspecified if [y < 0] or [y >= bitsize],
+    where [bitsize] is [32] on a 32-bit platform and
+    [64] on a 64-bit platform. *)
+val shift_right : t -> int -> t
+(** [Targetint.shift_right x y] shifts [x] to the right by [y] bits.
+    This is an arithmetic shift: the sign bit of [x] is replicated
+    and inserted in the vacated bits.
+    The result is unspecified if [y < 0] or [y >= bitsize]. *)
+val shift_right_logical : t -> int -> t
+(** [Targetint.shift_right_logical x y] shifts [x] to the right
+    by [y] bits.
+    This is a logical shift: zeroes are inserted in the vacated bits
+    regardless of the sign of [x].
+    The result is unspecified if [y < 0] or [y >= bitsize]. *)
+val of_int : int -> t
+(** Convert the given integer (type [int]) to a target integer
+    (type [t]), module the target word size. *)
+val of_int_exn : int -> t
+(** Convert the given integer (type [int]) to a target integer
+    (type [t]).  Raises a fatal error if the conversion is not exact. *)
+val to_int : t -> int
+(** Convert the given target integer (type [t]) to an
+    integer (type [int]).  The high-order bit is lost during
+    the conversion. *)
+val of_float : float -> t
+(** Convert the given floating-point number to a target integer,
+   discarding the fractional part (truncate towards 0).
+   The result of the conversion is undefined if, after truncation,
+   the number is outside the range
+   \[{!Targetint.min_int}, {!Targetint.max_int}\]. *)
+val to_float : t -> float
+(** Convert the given target integer to a floating-point number. *)
+val of_int32 : int32 -> t
+(** Convert the given 32-bit integer (type [int32])
+    to a target integer. *)
+val to_int32 : t -> int32
+(** Convert the given target integer to a
+    32-bit integer (type [int32]).  On 64-bit platforms,
+    the 64-bit native integer is taken modulo 2{^32},
+    i.e. the top 32 bits are lost.  On 32-bit platforms,
+    the conversion is exact. *)
+val of_int64 : int64 -> t
+(** Convert the given 64-bit integer (type [int64])
+    to a target integer. *)
+val to_int64 : t -> int64
+(** Convert the given target integer to a
+    64-bit integer (type [int64]). *)
+val of_string : string -> t
+(** Convert the given string to a target integer.
+    The string is read in decimal (by default) or in hexadecimal,
+    octal or binary if the string begins with [0x], [0o] or [0b]
+    respectively.
+    Raise [Failure "int_of_string"] if the given string is not
+    a valid representation of an integer, or if the integer represented
+    exceeds the range of integers representable in type [nativeint]. *)
+val to_string : t -> string
+(** Return the string representation of its argument, in decimal. *)
+val compare: t -> t -> int
+(** The comparison function for target integers, with the same specification as
+    {!Stdlib.compare}.  Along with the type [t], this function [compare]
+    allows the module [Targetint] to be passed as argument to the functors
+    {!Set.Make} and {!Map.Make}. *)
+val unsigned_compare: t -> t -> int
+(** Same as {!compare}, except that arguments are interpreted as {e unsigned}
+    integers. *)
+val equal: t -> t -> bool
+(** The equal function for target ints. *)
+type repr =
+  | Int32 of int32
+  | Int64 of int64
+val repr : t -> repr
+(** The concrete representation of a native integer. *)
+val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+(** Print a target integer to a formatter. *)
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/terminfo.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/terminfo.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b4a3578eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/terminfo.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Gallium, INRIA Paris                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 2017 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Printf
+external isatty : out_channel -> bool = "caml_sys_isatty"
+external terminfo_rows: out_channel -> int = "caml_terminfo_rows"
+type status =
+  | Uninitialised
+  | Bad_term
+  | Good_term
+let setup oc =
+  let term = try Sys.getenv "TERM" with Not_found -> "" in
+  (* Same heuristics as in Misc.Color.should_enable_color *)
+  if term <> "" && term <> "dumb" && isatty oc
+  then Good_term
+  else Bad_term
+let num_lines oc =
+  let rows = terminfo_rows oc in
+  if rows > 0 then rows else 24
+    (* 24 is a reasonable default for an ANSI-style terminal *)
+let backup oc n =
+  if n >= 1 then fprintf oc "\027[%dA%!" n
+let resume oc n =
+  if n >= 1 then fprintf oc "\027[%dB%!" n
+let standout oc b =
+  output_string oc (if b then "\027[4m" else "\027[0m"); flush oc
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/terminfo.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/terminfo.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10f5f5453f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/terminfo.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Basic interface to the terminfo database
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+type status =
+  | Uninitialised
+  | Bad_term
+  | Good_term
+val setup : out_channel -> status
+val num_lines : out_channel -> int
+val backup : out_channel -> int -> unit
+val standout : out_channel -> bool -> unit
+val resume : out_channel -> int -> unit
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/warnings.ml b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/warnings.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9670caf49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/warnings.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1259 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Pierre Weis && Damien Doligez, INRIA Rocquencourt          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1998 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* When you change this, you need to update:
+   - the list 'description' at the bottom of this file
+   - man/ocamlc.m
+type loc = {
+  loc_start: Lexing.position;
+  loc_end: Lexing.position;
+  loc_ghost: bool;
+type field_usage_warning =
+  | Unused
+  | Not_read
+  | Not_mutated
+type constructor_usage_warning =
+  | Unused
+  | Not_constructed
+  | Only_exported_private
+type t =
+  | Comment_start                           (*  1 *)
+  | Comment_not_end                         (*  2 *)
+(*| Deprecated --> alert "deprecated" *)    (*  3 *)
+  | Fragile_match of string                 (*  4 *)
+  | Ignored_partial_application             (*  5 *)
+  | Labels_omitted of string list           (*  6 *)
+  | Method_override of string list          (*  7 *)
+  | Partial_match of string                 (*  8 *)
+  | Missing_record_field_pattern of string  (*  9 *)
+  | Non_unit_statement                      (* 10 *)
+  | Redundant_case                          (* 11 *)
+  | Redundant_subpat                        (* 12 *)
+  | Instance_variable_override of string list (* 13 *)
+  | Illegal_backslash                       (* 14 *)
+  | Implicit_public_methods of string list  (* 15 *)
+  | Unerasable_optional_argument            (* 16 *)
+  | Undeclared_virtual_method of string     (* 17 *)
+  | Not_principal of Format_doc.t           (* 18 *)
+  | Non_principal_labels of string          (* 19 *)
+  | Ignored_extra_argument                  (* 20 *)
+  | Nonreturning_statement                  (* 21 *)
+  | Preprocessor of string                  (* 22 *)
+  | Useless_record_with                     (* 23 *)
+  | Bad_module_name of string               (* 24 *)
+  | All_clauses_guarded                     (* 8, used to be 25 *)
+  | Unused_var of string                    (* 26 *)
+  | Unused_var_strict of string             (* 27 *)
+  | Wildcard_arg_to_constant_constr         (* 28 *)
+  | Eol_in_string                           (* 29 *)
+  | Duplicate_definitions of string * string * string * string (*30 *)
+  (* [Module_linked_twice of string * string * string] (* 31 *)
+     was turned into a hard error *)
+  | Unused_value_declaration of string      (* 32 *)
+  | Unused_open of string                   (* 33 *)
+  | Unused_type_declaration of string       (* 34 *)
+  | Unused_for_index of string              (* 35 *)
+  | Unused_ancestor of string               (* 36 *)
+  | Unused_constructor of string * constructor_usage_warning (* 37 *)
+  | Unused_extension of string * bool * constructor_usage_warning (* 38 *)
+  | Unused_rec_flag                         (* 39 *)
+  | Name_out_of_scope of string * string list * bool (* 40 *)
+  | Ambiguous_name of string list * string list *  bool * string (* 41 *)
+  | Disambiguated_name of string            (* 42 *)
+  | Nonoptional_label of string             (* 43 *)
+  | Open_shadow_identifier of string * string (* 44 *)
+  | Open_shadow_label_constructor of string * string (* 45 *)
+  | Bad_env_variable of string * string     (* 46 *)
+  | Attribute_payload of string * string    (* 47 *)
+  | Eliminated_optional_arguments of string list (* 48 *)
+  | No_cmi_file of string * string option   (* 49 *)
+  | Unexpected_docstring of bool            (* 50 *)
+  | Wrong_tailcall_expectation of bool      (* 51 *)
+  | Fragile_literal_pattern                 (* 52 *)
+  | Misplaced_attribute of string           (* 53 *)
+  | Duplicated_attribute of string          (* 54 *)
+  | Inlining_impossible of string           (* 55 *)
+  | Unreachable_case                        (* 56 *)
+  | Ambiguous_var_in_pattern_guard of string list (* 57 *)
+  | No_cmx_file of string                   (* 58 *)
+  | Flambda_assignment_to_non_mutable_value (* 59 *)
+  | Unused_module of string                 (* 60 *)
+  | Unboxable_type_in_prim_decl of string   (* 61 *)
+  | Constraint_on_gadt                      (* 62 *)
+  | Erroneous_printed_signature of string   (* 63 *)
+  | Unsafe_array_syntax_without_parsing     (* 64 *)
+  | Redefining_unit of string               (* 65 *)
+  | Unused_open_bang of string              (* 66 *)
+  | Unused_functor_parameter of string      (* 67 *)
+  | Match_on_mutable_state_prevent_uncurry  (* 68 *)
+  | Unused_field of string * field_usage_warning (* 69 *)
+  | Missing_mli                             (* 70 *)
+  | Unused_tmc_attribute                    (* 71 *)
+  | Tmc_breaks_tailcall                     (* 72 *)
+  | Generative_application_expects_unit     (* 73 *)
+  | Degraded_to_partial_match               (* 74 *)
+(* If you remove a warning, leave a hole in the numbering.  NEVER change
+   the numbers of existing warnings.
+   If you add a new warning, add it at the end with a new number;
+   do NOT reuse one of the holes.
+type alert = {kind:string; message:string; def:loc; use:loc}
+let number = function
+  | Comment_start -> 1
+  | Comment_not_end -> 2
+  | Fragile_match _ -> 4
+  | Ignored_partial_application -> 5
+  | Labels_omitted _ -> 6
+  | Method_override _ -> 7
+  | Partial_match _ -> 8
+  | Missing_record_field_pattern _ -> 9
+  | Non_unit_statement -> 10
+  | Redundant_case -> 11
+  | Redundant_subpat -> 12
+  | Instance_variable_override _ -> 13
+  | Illegal_backslash -> 14
+  | Implicit_public_methods _ -> 15
+  | Unerasable_optional_argument -> 16
+  | Undeclared_virtual_method _ -> 17
+  | Not_principal _ -> 18
+  | Non_principal_labels _ -> 19
+  | Ignored_extra_argument -> 20
+  | Nonreturning_statement -> 21
+  | Preprocessor _ -> 22
+  | Useless_record_with -> 23
+  | Bad_module_name _ -> 24
+  | All_clauses_guarded -> 8 (* used to be 25 *)
+  | Unused_var _ -> 26
+  | Unused_var_strict _ -> 27
+  | Wildcard_arg_to_constant_constr -> 28
+  | Eol_in_string -> 29
+  | Duplicate_definitions _ -> 30
+  | Unused_value_declaration _ -> 32
+  | Unused_open _ -> 33
+  | Unused_type_declaration _ -> 34
+  | Unused_for_index _ -> 35
+  | Unused_ancestor _ -> 36
+  | Unused_constructor _ -> 37
+  | Unused_extension _ -> 38
+  | Unused_rec_flag -> 39
+  | Name_out_of_scope _ -> 40
+  | Ambiguous_name _ -> 41
+  | Disambiguated_name _ -> 42
+  | Nonoptional_label _ -> 43
+  | Open_shadow_identifier _ -> 44
+  | Open_shadow_label_constructor _ -> 45
+  | Bad_env_variable _ -> 46
+  | Attribute_payload _ -> 47
+  | Eliminated_optional_arguments _ -> 48
+  | No_cmi_file _ -> 49
+  | Unexpected_docstring _ -> 50
+  | Wrong_tailcall_expectation _ -> 51
+  | Fragile_literal_pattern -> 52
+  | Misplaced_attribute _ -> 53
+  | Duplicated_attribute _ -> 54
+  | Inlining_impossible _ -> 55
+  | Unreachable_case -> 56
+  | Ambiguous_var_in_pattern_guard _ -> 57
+  | No_cmx_file _ -> 58
+  | Flambda_assignment_to_non_mutable_value -> 59
+  | Unused_module _ -> 60
+  | Unboxable_type_in_prim_decl _ -> 61
+  | Constraint_on_gadt -> 62
+  | Erroneous_printed_signature _ -> 63
+  | Unsafe_array_syntax_without_parsing -> 64
+  | Redefining_unit _ -> 65
+  | Unused_open_bang _ -> 66
+  | Unused_functor_parameter _ -> 67
+  | Match_on_mutable_state_prevent_uncurry -> 68
+  | Unused_field _ -> 69
+  | Missing_mli -> 70
+  | Unused_tmc_attribute -> 71
+  | Tmc_breaks_tailcall -> 72
+  | Generative_application_expects_unit -> 73
+  | Degraded_to_partial_match -> 74
+(* DO NOT REMOVE the ;; above: it is used by
+   the testsuite/ests/warnings/mnemonics.mll test to determine where
+   the  definition of the number function above ends *)
+let last_warning_number = 74
+type description =
+  { number : int;
+    names : string list;
+    (* The first element of the list is the current name, any following ones are
+       deprecated. The current name should always be derived mechanically from
+       the constructor name. *)
+    description : string;
+    since : Sys.ocaml_release_info option;
+    (* The compiler version introducing this warning; only tagged for warnings
+       created after 3.12, which introduced the numbered syntax. *)
+  }
+let since major minor = Some { Sys.major; minor; patchlevel=0; extra=None }
+let descriptions = [
+  { number = 1;
+    names = ["comment-start"];
+    description = "Suspicious-looking start-of-comment mark.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 2;
+    names =  ["comment-not-end"];
+    description = "Suspicious-looking end-of-comment mark.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 3;
+    names = [];
+    description = "Deprecated synonym for the 'deprecated' alert.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 4;
+    names = ["fragile-match"];
+    description =
+      "Fragile pattern matching: matching that will remain complete even\n\
+      \    if additional constructors are added to one of the variant types\n\
+      \    matched.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 5;
+    names = ["ignored-partial-application"];
+    description =
+      "Partially applied function: expression whose result has function\n\
+      \    type and is ignored.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 6;
+    names = ["labels-omitted"];
+    description = "Label omitted in function application.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 7;
+    names = ["method-override"];
+    description = "Method overridden.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 8;
+    names = ["partial-match"];
+    description = "Partial match: missing cases in pattern-matching.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 9;
+    names = ["missing-record-field-pattern"];
+    description = "Missing fields in a record pattern.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 10;
+    names = ["non-unit-statement"];
+    description =
+      "Expression on the left-hand side of a sequence that doesn't have type\n\
+      \    \"unit\" (and that is not a function, see warning number 5).";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 11;
+    names = ["redundant-case"];
+    description =
+      "Redundant case in a pattern matching (unused match case).";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 12;
+    names = ["redundant-subpat"];
+    description = "Redundant sub-pattern in a pattern-matching." ;
+    since = None};
+  { number = 13;
+    names = ["instance-variable-override"];
+    description = "Instance variable overridden.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 14;
+    names = ["illegal-backslash"];
+    description = "Illegal backslash escape in a string constant.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 15;
+    names = ["implicit-public-methods"];
+    description = "Private method made public implicitly.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 16;
+    names = ["unerasable-optional-argument"];
+    description = "Unerasable optional argument.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 17;
+    names = ["undeclared-virtual-method"];
+    description = "Undeclared virtual method.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 18;
+    names = ["not-principal"];
+    description = "Non-principal type.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 19;
+    names = ["non-principal-labels"];
+    description = "Type without principality.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 20;
+    names = ["ignored-extra-argument"];
+    description = "Unused function argument.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 21;
+    names = ["nonreturning-statement"];
+    description = "Non-returning statement.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 22;
+    names = ["preprocessor"];
+    description = "Preprocessor warning.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 23;
+    names = ["useless-record-with"];
+    description = "Useless record \"with\" clause.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 24;
+    names = ["bad-module-name"];
+    description =
+    "Bad module name: the source file name is not a valid OCaml module name.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 25;
+    names = [];
+    description = "Ignored: now part of warning 8.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 26;
+    names = ["unused-var"];
+    description =
+    "Suspicious unused variable: unused variable that is bound\n\
+    \    with \"let\" or \"as\", and doesn't start with an underscore (\"_\")\n\
+    \    character.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 27;
+    names = ["unused-var-strict"];
+    description =
+    "Innocuous unused variable: unused variable that is not bound with\n\
+    \    \"let\" nor \"as\", and doesn't start with an underscore (\"_\")\n\
+    \    character.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 28;
+    names = ["wildcard-arg-to-constant-constr"];
+    description =
+      "Wildcard pattern given as argument to a constant constructor.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 29;
+    names = ["eol-in-string"];
+    description =
+      "Unescaped end-of-line in a string constant (non-portable code).";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 30;
+    names = ["duplicate-definitions"];
+    description =
+      "Two labels or constructors of the same name are defined in two\n\
+      \    mutually recursive types.";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 31;
+    names = ["module-linked-twice"];
+    description =
+      "A module is linked twice in the same executable.\n\
+      \    Ignored: now a hard error (since 5.1).";
+    since = None };
+  { number = 32;
+    names = ["unused-value-declaration"];
+    description = "Unused value declaration.";
+    since = since 4 0 };
+  { number = 33;
+    names = ["unused-open"];
+    description = "Unused open statement.";
+    since = since 4 0 };
+  { number = 34;
+    names = ["unused-type-declaration"];
+    description = "Unused type declaration.";
+    since = since 4 0 };
+  { number = 35;
+    names = ["unused-for-index"];
+    description = "Unused for-loop index.";
+    since = since 4 0 };
+  { number = 36;
+    names = ["unused-ancestor"];
+    description = "Unused ancestor variable.";
+    since = since 4 0 };
+  { number = 37;
+    names = ["unused-constructor"];
+    description = "Unused constructor.";
+    since = since 4 0 };
+  { number = 38;
+    names = ["unused-extension"];
+    description = "Unused extension constructor.";
+    since = since 4 0 };
+  { number = 39;
+    names = ["unused-rec-flag"];
+    description = "Unused rec flag.";
+    since = since 4 0 };
+  { number = 40;
+    names = ["name-out-of-scope"];
+    description = "Constructor or label name used out of scope.";
+    since = since 4 1 };
+  { number = 41;
+    names = ["ambiguous-name"];
+    description = "Ambiguous constructor or label name.";
+    since = since 4 1 };
+  { number = 42;
+    names = ["disambiguated-name"];
+    description =
+      "Disambiguated constructor or label name (compatibility warning).";
+    since = since 4 1 };
+  { number = 43;
+    names = ["nonoptional-label"];
+    description = "Nonoptional label applied as optional.";
+    since = since 4 1 };
+  { number = 44;
+    names = ["open-shadow-identifier"];
+    description = "Open statement shadows an already defined identifier.";
+    since = since 4 1 };
+  { number = 45;
+    names = ["open-shadow-label-constructor"];
+    description =
+      "Open statement shadows an already defined label or constructor.";
+    since = since 4 1 };
+  { number = 46;
+    names = ["bad-env-variable"];
+    description = "Error in environment variable.";
+    since = since 4 1 };
+  { number = 47;
+    names = ["attribute-payload"];
+    description = "Illegal attribute payload.";
+    since = since 4 2 };
+  { number = 48;
+    names = ["eliminated-optional-arguments"];
+    description = "Implicit elimination of optional arguments.";
+    since = since 4 2 };
+  { number = 49;
+    names = ["no-cmi-file"];
+    description = "Absent cmi file when looking up module alias.";
+    since = since 4 2 };
+  { number = 50;
+    names = ["unexpected-docstring"];
+    description = "Unexpected documentation comment.";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 51;
+    names = ["wrong-tailcall-expectation"];
+    description =
+      "Function call annotated with an incorrect @tailcall attribute.";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 52;
+    names = ["fragile-literal-pattern"];
+    description = "Fragile constant pattern.";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 53;
+    names = ["misplaced-attribute"];
+    description = "Attribute cannot appear in this context.";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 54;
+    names = ["duplicated-attribute"];
+    description = "Attribute used more than once on an expression.";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 55;
+    names = ["inlining-impossible"];
+    description = "Inlining impossible.";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 56;
+    names = ["unreachable-case"];
+    description =
+      "Unreachable case in a pattern-matching (based on type information).";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 57;
+    names = ["ambiguous-var-in-pattern-guard"];
+    description = "Ambiguous or-pattern variables under guard.";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 58;
+    names = ["no-cmx-file"];
+    description = "Missing cmx file.";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 59;
+    names = ["flambda-assignment-to-non-mutable-value"];
+    description = "Assignment to non-mutable value.";
+    since = since 4 3 };
+  { number = 60;
+    names = ["unused-module"];
+    description = "Unused module declaration.";
+    since = since 4 4 };
+  { number = 61;
+    names = ["unboxable-type-in-prim-decl"];
+    description = "Unboxable type in primitive declaration.";
+    since = since 4 4 };
+  { number = 62;
+    names = ["constraint-on-gadt"];
+    description = "Type constraint on GADT type declaration.";
+    since = since 4 6 };
+  { number = 63;
+    names = ["erroneous-printed-signature"];
+    description = "Erroneous printed signature.";
+    since = since 4 8 };
+  { number = 64;
+    names = ["unsafe-array-syntax-without-parsing"];
+    description =
+      "-unsafe used with a preprocessor returning a syntax tree.";
+    since = since 4 8 };
+  { number = 65;
+    names = ["redefining-unit"];
+    description = "Type declaration defining a new '()' constructor.";
+    since = since 4 8 };
+  { number = 66;
+    names = ["unused-open-bang"];
+    description = "Unused open! statement.";
+    since = since 4 8 };
+  { number = 67;
+    names = ["unused-functor-parameter"];
+    description = "Unused functor parameter.";
+    since = since 4 10 };
+  { number = 68;
+    names = ["match-on-mutable-state-prevent-uncurry"];
+    description =
+      "Pattern-matching depending on mutable state prevents the remaining \n\
+      \    arguments from being uncurried.";
+    since = since 4 12 };
+  { number = 69;
+    names = ["unused-field"];
+    description = "Unused record field.";
+    since = since 4 13 };
+  { number = 70;
+    names = ["missing-mli"];
+    description = "Missing interface file.";
+    since = since 4 13 };
+  { number = 71;
+    names = ["unused-tmc-attribute"];
+    description = "Unused @tail_mod_cons attribute.";
+    since = since 4 14 };
+  { number = 72;
+    names = ["tmc-breaks-tailcall"];
+    description = "A tail call is turned into a non-tail call \
+                   by the @tail_mod_cons transformation.";
+    since = since 4 14 };
+  { number = 73;
+    names = ["generative-application-expects-unit"];
+    description = "A generative functor is applied to an empty structure \
+                   (struct end) rather than to ().";
+    since = since 5 1 };
+  { number = 74;
+    names = ["degraded-to-partial-match"];
+    description = "A pattern-matching is compiled as partial \
+                   even if it appears to be total.";
+    since = since 5 3 };
+let name_to_number =
+  let h = Hashtbl.create last_warning_number in
+  List.iter (fun {number; names; _} ->
+      List.iter (fun name -> Hashtbl.add h name number) names
+    ) descriptions;
+  fun s -> Hashtbl.find_opt h s
+(* Must be the max number returned by the [number] function. *)
+let letter = function
+  | 'a' ->
+     let rec loop i = if i = 0 then [] else i :: loop (i - 1) in
+     loop last_warning_number
+  | 'b' -> []
+  | 'c' -> [1; 2]
+  | 'd' -> [3]
+  | 'e' -> [4]
+  | 'f' -> [5]
+  | 'g' -> []
+  | 'h' -> []
+  | 'i' -> []
+  | 'j' -> []
+  | 'k' -> [32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 37; 38; 39]
+  | 'l' -> [6]
+  | 'm' -> [7]
+  | 'n' -> []
+  | 'o' -> []
+  | 'p' -> [8]
+  | 'q' -> []
+  | 'r' -> [9]
+  | 's' -> [10]
+  | 't' -> []
+  | 'u' -> [11; 12]
+  | 'v' -> [13]
+  | 'w' -> []
+  | 'x' -> [14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 30]
+  | 'y' -> [26]
+  | 'z' -> [27]
+  | _ -> assert false
+type state =
+  {
+    active: bool array;
+    error: bool array;
+    alerts: (Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.t * bool); (* false:set complement *)
+    alert_errors: (Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.t * bool); (* false:set complement *)
+  }
+let current =
+  ref
+    {
+      active = Array.make (last_warning_number + 1) true;
+      error = Array.make (last_warning_number + 1) false;
+      alerts = (Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.empty, false);
+      alert_errors = (Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.empty, true); (* all soft *)
+    }
+let disabled = ref false
+let without_warnings f =
+  Misc.protect_refs [Misc.R(disabled, true)] f
+let backup () = !current
+let restore x = current := x
+let is_active x =
+  not !disabled && (!current).active.(number x)
+let is_error x =
+  not !disabled && (!current).error.(number x)
+let alert_is_active {kind; _} =
+  not !disabled &&
+  let (set, pos) = (!current).alerts in
+  Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.mem kind set = pos
+let alert_is_error {kind; _} =
+  not !disabled &&
+  let (set, pos) = (!current).alert_errors in
+  Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.mem kind set = pos
+let with_state state f =
+  let prev = backup () in
+  restore state;
+  try
+    let r = f () in
+    restore prev;
+    r
+  with exn ->
+    restore prev;
+    raise exn
+let mk_lazy f =
+  let state = backup () in
+  lazy (with_state state f)
+let set_alert ~error ~enable s =
+  let upd =
+    match s with
+    | "all" ->
+        (Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.empty, not enable)
+    | s ->
+        let (set, pos) =
+          if error then (!current).alert_errors else (!current).alerts
+        in
+        let f =
+          if enable = pos
+          then Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.add
+          else Misc.Stdlib.String.Set.remove
+        in
+        (f s set, pos)
+  in
+  if error then
+    current := {(!current) with alert_errors=upd}
+  else
+    current := {(!current) with alerts=upd}
+let parse_alert_option s =
+  let n = String.length s in
+  let id_char = function
+    | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '\'' | '0'..'9' -> true
+    | _ -> false
+  in
+  let rec parse_id i =
+    if i < n && id_char s.[i] then parse_id (i + 1) else i
+  in
+  let rec scan i =
+    if i = n then ()
+    else if i + 1 = n then raise (Arg.Bad "Ill-formed list of alert settings")
+    else match s.[i], s.[i+1] with
+      | '+', '+' -> id (set_alert ~error:true ~enable:true) (i + 2)
+      | '+', _ -> id (set_alert ~error:false ~enable:true) (i + 1)
+      | '-', '-' -> id (set_alert ~error:true ~enable:false) (i + 2)
+      | '-', _ -> id (set_alert ~error:false ~enable:false) (i + 1)
+      | '@', _ ->
+          id (fun s ->
+              set_alert ~error:true ~enable:true s;
+              set_alert ~error:false ~enable:true s)
+            (i + 1)
+      | _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Ill-formed list of alert settings")
+  and id f i =
+    let j = parse_id i in
+    if j = i then raise (Arg.Bad "Ill-formed list of alert settings");
+    let id = String.sub s i (j - i) in
+    f id;
+    scan j
+  in
+  scan 0
+type modifier =
+  | Set (** +a *)
+  | Clear (** -a *)
+  | Set_all (** @a *)
+type token =
+  | Letter of char * modifier option
+  | Num of int * int * modifier
+let ghost_loc_in_file name =
+  let pos = { Lexing.dummy_pos with pos_fname = name } in
+  { loc_start = pos; loc_end = pos; loc_ghost = true }
+let letter_alert tokens =
+  let print_warning_char ppf c =
+    let lowercase = Char.lowercase_ascii c = c in
+    Format.fprintf ppf "%c%c"
+      (if lowercase then '-' else '+') c
+  in
+  let print_modifier ppf = function
+    | Set_all -> Format.fprintf ppf "@"
+    | Clear -> Format.fprintf ppf "-"
+    | Set -> Format.fprintf ppf "+"
+  in
+  let print_token ppf = function
+    | Num (a,b,m) -> if a = b then
+          Format.fprintf ppf "%a%d" print_modifier m a
+        else
+          Format.fprintf ppf "%a%d..%d" print_modifier m a b
+    | Letter(l,Some m) -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a%c" print_modifier m l
+    | Letter(l,None) -> print_warning_char ppf l
+  in
+  let consecutive_letters =
+    (* we are tracking sequences of 2 or more consecutive unsigned letters
+       in warning strings, for instance in '-w "not-principa"'. *)
+    let commit_chunk l = function
+      | [] | [ _ ] -> l
+      | _ :: _ :: _ as chunk -> List.rev chunk :: l
+    in
+    let group_consecutive_letters (l,current) = function
+    | Letter (x, None) -> (l, x::current)
+    | _ -> (commit_chunk l current, [])
+    in
+    let l, on_going =
+      List.fold_left group_consecutive_letters ([],[]) tokens
+    in
+    commit_chunk l on_going
+  in
+  match consecutive_letters with
+  | [] -> None
+  | example :: _  ->
+      let nowhere = ghost_loc_in_file "_none_" in
+      let spelling_hint ppf =
+        let max_seq_len =
+          List.fold_left (fun l x -> Int.max l (List.length x))
+            0 consecutive_letters
+        in
+        if max_seq_len >= 5 then
+          Format.fprintf ppf
+            "@ @[Hint: Did you make a spelling mistake \
+             when using a mnemonic name?@]"
+        else
+          ()
+      in
+      let message =
+        Format.asprintf
+          "@[<v>@[Setting a warning with a sequence of lowercase \
+           or uppercase letters,@ like '%a',@ is deprecated.@]@ \
+           @[Use the equivalent signed form:@ %t.@]@ \
+           @[Hint: Enabling or disabling a warning by its mnemonic name \
+           requires a + or - prefix.@]\
+           %t@?@]"
+          Format.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun _ -> ignore) pp_print_char) example
+          (fun ppf -> List.iter (print_token ppf) tokens)
+          spelling_hint
+      in
+      Some {
+        kind="ocaml_deprecated_cli";
+        use=nowhere; def=nowhere;
+        message
+      }
+let parse_warnings s =
+  let error () = raise (Arg.Bad "Ill-formed list of warnings") in
+  let rec get_num n i =
+    if i >= String.length s then i, n
+    else match s.[i] with
+    | '0'..'9' -> get_num (10 * n + Char.code s.[i] - Char.code '0') (i + 1)
+    | _ -> i, n
+  in
+  let get_range i =
+    let i, n1 = get_num 0 i in
+    if i + 2 < String.length s && s.[i] = '.' && s.[i + 1] = '.' then
+      let i, n2 = get_num 0 (i + 2) in
+      if n2 < n1 then error ();
+      i, n1, n2
+    else
+      i, n1, n1
+  in
+  let rec loop tokens i =
+    if i >= String.length s then List.rev tokens else
+    match s.[i] with
+    | 'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' ->
+        loop (Letter(s.[i],None)::tokens) (i+1)
+    | '+' -> loop_letter_num tokens Set (i+1)
+    | '-' -> loop_letter_num tokens Clear (i+1)
+    | '@' -> loop_letter_num tokens Set_all (i+1)
+    | _ -> error ()
+  and loop_letter_num tokens modifier i =
+    if i >= String.length s then error () else
+    match s.[i] with
+    | '0' .. '9' ->
+        let i, n1, n2 = get_range i in
+        loop (Num(n1,n2,modifier)::tokens) i
+    | 'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' ->
+       loop (Letter(s.[i],Some modifier)::tokens) (i+1)
+    | _ -> error ()
+  in
+  loop [] 0
+let parse_opt error active errflag s =
+  let flags = if errflag then error else active in
+  let action modifier i = match modifier with
+    | Set ->
+        if i = 3 then set_alert ~error:errflag ~enable:true "deprecated"
+        else flags.(i) <- true
+    | Clear ->
+        if i = 3 then set_alert ~error:errflag ~enable:false "deprecated"
+        else flags.(i) <- false
+    | Set_all ->
+        if i = 3 then begin
+          set_alert ~error:false ~enable:true "deprecated";
+          set_alert ~error:true ~enable:true "deprecated"
+        end
+        else begin
+          active.(i) <- true;
+          error.(i) <- true
+        end
+  in
+  let eval = function
+    | Letter(c, m) ->
+        let lc = Char.lowercase_ascii c in
+        let modifier = match m with
+          | None -> if c = lc then Clear else Set
+          | Some m -> m
+        in
+        List.iter (action modifier) (letter lc)
+    | Num(n1,n2,modifier) ->
+        for n = n1 to Int.min n2 last_warning_number do action modifier n done
+  in
+  let parse_and_eval s =
+    let tokens = parse_warnings s in
+    List.iter eval tokens;
+    letter_alert tokens
+  in
+   match name_to_number s with
+  | Some n -> action Set n; None
+  | None ->
+      if s = "" then parse_and_eval s
+      else begin
+        let rest = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in
+        match s.[0], name_to_number rest with
+        | '+', Some n -> action Set n; None
+        | '-', Some n -> action Clear n; None
+        | '@', Some n -> action Set_all n; None
+        | _ -> parse_and_eval s
+      end
+let parse_options errflag s =
+  let error = Array.copy (!current).error in
+  let active = Array.copy (!current).active in
+  let alerts = parse_opt error active errflag s in
+  current := {(!current) with error; active};
+  alerts
+(* If you change these, don't forget to change them in man/ocamlc.m *)
+let defaults_w = "+a-4-7-9-27-29-30-32..42-44-45-48-50-60-66..70-74"
+let defaults_warn_error = "-a"
+let default_disabled_alerts = [ "unstable"; "unsynchronized_access" ]
+let () = ignore @@ parse_options false defaults_w
+let () = ignore @@ parse_options true defaults_warn_error
+let () =
+  List.iter (set_alert ~error:false ~enable:false) default_disabled_alerts
+let message = function
+  | Comment_start ->
+      "this `(*' is the start of a comment.\n\
+       Hint: Did you forget spaces when writing the infix operator `( * )'?"
+  | Comment_not_end -> "this is not the end of a comment."
+  | Fragile_match "" ->
+      "this pattern-matching is fragile."
+  | Fragile_match s ->
+      "this pattern-matching is fragile.\n\
+       It will remain exhaustive when constructors are added to type " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Ignored_partial_application ->
+      "this function application is partial,\n\
+       maybe some arguments are missing."
+  | Labels_omitted [] -> assert false
+  | Labels_omitted [l] ->
+     "label " ^ l ^ " was omitted in the application of this function."
+  | Labels_omitted ls ->
+     "labels " ^ String.concat ", " ls ^
+       " were omitted in the application of this function."
+  | Method_override [lab] ->
+      "the method " ^ lab ^ " is overridden."
+  | Method_override (cname :: slist) ->
+      String.concat " "
+        ("the following methods are overridden by the class"
+         :: cname  :: ":\n " :: slist)
+  | Method_override [] -> assert false
+  | Partial_match "" -> "this pattern-matching is not exhaustive."
+  | Partial_match s ->
+      "this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.\n\
+       Here is an example of a case that is not matched:\n" ^ s
+  | Missing_record_field_pattern s ->
+      "the following labels are not bound in this record pattern:\n" ^ s ^
+      "\nEither bind these labels explicitly or add '; _' to the pattern."
+  | Non_unit_statement ->
+      "this expression should have type unit."
+  | Redundant_case -> "this match case is unused."
+  | Redundant_subpat -> "this sub-pattern is unused."
+  | Instance_variable_override [lab] ->
+      "the instance variable " ^ lab ^ " is overridden."
+  | Instance_variable_override (cname :: slist) ->
+      String.concat " "
+        ("the following instance variables are overridden by the class"
+         :: cname  :: ":\n " :: slist)
+  | Instance_variable_override [] -> assert false
+  | Illegal_backslash ->
+    "illegal backslash escape in string.\n\
+    Hint: Single backslashes \\ are reserved for escape sequences\n\
+    (\\n, \\r, ...). Did you check the list of OCaml escape sequences?\n\
+    To get a backslash character, escape it with a second backslash: \\\\."
+  | Implicit_public_methods l ->
+      "the following private methods were made public implicitly:\n "
+      ^ String.concat " " l ^ "."
+  | Unerasable_optional_argument -> "this optional argument cannot be erased."
+  | Undeclared_virtual_method m -> "the virtual method "^m^" is not declared."
+  | Not_principal msg ->
+      Format_doc.asprintf "%a is not principal."
+        Format_doc.pp_doc msg
+  | Non_principal_labels s -> s^" without principality."
+  | Ignored_extra_argument -> "this argument will not be used by the function."
+  | Nonreturning_statement ->
+      "this statement never returns (or has an unsound type.)"
+  | Preprocessor s -> s
+  | Useless_record_with ->
+      "all the fields are explicitly listed in this record:\n\
+       the 'with' clause is useless."
+  | Bad_module_name (modname) ->
+      "bad source file name: \"" ^ modname ^ "\" is not a valid module name."
+  | All_clauses_guarded ->
+      "this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.\n\
+       All clauses in this pattern-matching are guarded."
+  | Unused_var v | Unused_var_strict v -> "unused variable " ^ v ^ "."
+  | Wildcard_arg_to_constant_constr ->
+     "wildcard pattern given as argument to a constant constructor"
+  | Eol_in_string ->
+     "unescaped end-of-line in a string constant\n\
+      (non-portable behavior before OCaml 5.2)"
+  | Duplicate_definitions (kind, cname, tc1, tc2) ->
+      Printf.sprintf "the %s %s is defined in both types %s and %s."
+        kind cname tc1 tc2
+  | Unused_value_declaration v -> "unused value " ^ v ^ "."
+  | Unused_open s -> "unused open " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Unused_open_bang s -> "unused open! " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Unused_type_declaration s -> "unused type " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Unused_for_index s -> "unused for-loop index " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Unused_ancestor s -> "unused ancestor variable " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Unused_constructor (s, Unused) -> "unused constructor " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Unused_constructor (s, Not_constructed) ->
+      "constructor " ^ s ^
+      " is never used to build values.\n\
+        (However, this constructor appears in patterns.)"
+  | Unused_constructor (s, Only_exported_private) ->
+      "constructor " ^ s ^
+      " is never used to build values.\n\
+        Its type is exported as a private type."
+  | Unused_extension (s, is_exception, complaint) ->
+     let kind =
+       if is_exception then "exception" else "extension constructor" in
+     let name = kind ^ " " ^ s in
+     begin match complaint with
+       | Unused -> "unused " ^ name
+       | Not_constructed ->
+          name ^
+          " is never used to build values.\n\
+           (However, this constructor appears in patterns.)"
+       | Only_exported_private ->
+          name ^
+          " is never used to build values.\n\
+            It is exported or rebound as a private extension."
+     end
+  | Unused_rec_flag ->
+      "unused rec flag."
+  | Name_out_of_scope (ty, [nm], false) ->
+      nm ^ " was selected from type " ^ ty ^
+      ".\nIt is not visible in the current scope, and will not \n\
+       be selected if the type becomes unknown."
+  | Name_out_of_scope (_, _, false) -> assert false
+  | Name_out_of_scope (ty, slist, true) ->
+      "this record of type "^ ty ^" contains fields that are \n\
+       not visible in the current scope: "
+      ^ String.concat " " slist ^ ".\n\
+       They will not be selected if the type becomes unknown."
+  | Ambiguous_name ([s], tl, false, expansion) ->
+      s ^ " belongs to several types: " ^ String.concat " " tl ^
+      "\nThe first one was selected. Please disambiguate if this is wrong."
+      ^ expansion
+  | Ambiguous_name (_, _, false, _ ) -> assert false
+  | Ambiguous_name (_slist, tl, true, expansion) ->
+      "these field labels belong to several types: " ^
+      String.concat " " tl ^
+      "\nThe first one was selected. Please disambiguate if this is wrong."
+      ^ expansion
+  | Disambiguated_name s ->
+      "this use of " ^ s ^ " relies on type-directed disambiguation,\n\
+       it will not compile with OCaml 4.00 or earlier."
+  | Nonoptional_label s ->
+      "the label " ^ s ^ " is not optional."
+  | Open_shadow_identifier (kind, s) ->
+      Printf.sprintf
+        "this open statement shadows the %s identifier %s (which is later used)"
+        kind s
+  | Open_shadow_label_constructor (kind, s) ->
+      Printf.sprintf
+        "this open statement shadows the %s %s (which is later used)"
+        kind s
+  | Bad_env_variable (var, s) ->
+      Printf.sprintf "illegal environment variable %s : %s" var s
+  | Attribute_payload (a, s) ->
+      Printf.sprintf "illegal payload for attribute '%s'.\n%s" a s
+  | Eliminated_optional_arguments sl ->
+      Printf.sprintf "implicit elimination of optional argument%s %s"
+        (if List.length sl = 1 then "" else "s")
+        (String.concat ", " sl)
+  | No_cmi_file(name, None) ->
+      "no cmi file was found in path for module " ^ name
+  | No_cmi_file(name, Some msg) ->
+      Printf.sprintf
+        "no valid cmi file was found in path for module %s. %s"
+        name msg
+  | Unexpected_docstring unattached ->
+      if unattached then "unattached documentation comment (ignored)"
+      else "ambiguous documentation comment"
+  | Wrong_tailcall_expectation b ->
+      Printf.sprintf "expected %s"
+        (if b then "tailcall" else "non-tailcall")
+  | Fragile_literal_pattern ->
+      let[@manual.ref "ss:warn52"] ref_manual = [ 13; 5; 3 ] in
+      Format.asprintf
+        "Code should not depend on the actual values of\n\
+         this constructor's arguments. They are only for information\n\
+         and may change in future versions. %a"
+        (Format_doc.compat Misc.print_see_manual) ref_manual
+  | Unreachable_case ->
+      "this match case is unreachable.\n\
+       Consider replacing it with a refutation case '<pat> -> .'"
+  | Misplaced_attribute attr_name ->
+      Printf.sprintf "the %S attribute cannot appear in this context" attr_name
+  | Duplicated_attribute attr_name ->
+      Printf.sprintf "the %S attribute is used more than once on this \
+          expression"
+        attr_name
+  | Inlining_impossible reason ->
+      Printf.sprintf "Cannot inline: %s" reason
+  | Ambiguous_var_in_pattern_guard vars ->
+      let[@manual.ref "ss:warn57"] ref_manual = [ 13; 5; 4 ] in
+      let vars = List.sort String.compare vars in
+      let vars_explanation =
+        let in_different_places =
+          "in different places in different or-pattern alternatives"
+        in
+        match vars with
+        | [] -> assert false
+        | [x] -> "variable " ^ x ^ " appears " ^ in_different_places
+        | _::_ ->
+            let vars = String.concat ", " vars in
+            "variables " ^ vars ^ " appear " ^ in_different_places
+      in
+      Format.asprintf
+        "Ambiguous or-pattern variables under guard;\n\
+         %s.\n\
+         Only the first match will be used to evaluate the guard expression.\n\
+         %a"
+        vars_explanation (Format_doc.compat Misc.print_see_manual) ref_manual
+  | No_cmx_file name ->
+      Printf.sprintf
+        "no cmx file was found in path for module %s, \
+         and its interface was not compiled with -opaque" name
+  | Flambda_assignment_to_non_mutable_value ->
+      "A potential assignment to a non-mutable value was detected \n\
+        in this source file.  Such assignments may generate incorrect code \n\
+        when using Flambda."
+  | Unused_module s -> "unused module " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Unboxable_type_in_prim_decl t ->
+      Printf.sprintf
+        "This primitive declaration uses type %s, whose representation\n\
+         may be either boxed or unboxed. Without an annotation to indicate\n\
+         which representation is intended, the boxed representation has been\n\
+         selected by default. This default choice may change in future\n\
+         versions of the compiler, breaking the primitive implementation.\n\
+         You should explicitly annotate the declaration of %s\n\
+         with [@@boxed] or [@@unboxed], so that its external interface\n\
+         remains stable in the future." t t
+  | Constraint_on_gadt ->
+      "Type constraints do not apply to GADT cases of variant types."
+  | Erroneous_printed_signature s ->
+      "The printed interface differs from the inferred interface.\n\
+       The inferred interface contained items which could not be printed\n\
+       properly due to name collisions between identifiers.\n"
+     ^ s
+     ^ "\nBeware that this warning is purely informational and will not catch\n\
+        all instances of erroneous printed interface."
+  | Unsafe_array_syntax_without_parsing ->
+     "option -unsafe used with a preprocessor returning a syntax tree"
+  | Redefining_unit name ->
+      Printf.sprintf
+        "This type declaration is defining a new '()' constructor\n\
+         which shadows the existing one.\n\
+         Hint: Did you mean 'type %s = unit'?" name
+  | Unused_functor_parameter s -> "unused functor parameter " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Match_on_mutable_state_prevent_uncurry ->
+    "This pattern depends on mutable state.\n\
+     It prevents the remaining arguments from being uncurried, which will \
+     cause additional closure allocations."
+  | Unused_field (s, Unused) -> "unused record field " ^ s ^ "."
+  | Unused_field (s, Not_read) ->
+      "record field " ^ s ^
+      " is never read.\n\
+        (However, this field is used to build or mutate values.)"
+  | Unused_field (s, Not_mutated) ->
+      "mutable record field " ^ s ^
+      " is never mutated."
+  | Missing_mli ->
+    "Cannot find interface file."
+  | Unused_tmc_attribute ->
+      "This function is marked @tail_mod_cons\n\
+       but is never applied in TMC position."
+  | Tmc_breaks_tailcall ->
+      "This call\n\
+       is in tail-modulo-cons position in a TMC function,\n\
+       but the function called is not itself specialized for TMC,\n\
+       so the call will not be transformed into a tail call.\n\
+       Please either mark the called function with the [@tail_mod_cons]\n\
+       attribute, or mark this call with the [@tailcall false] attribute\n\
+       to make its non-tailness explicit."
+  | Generative_application_expects_unit ->
+      "A generative functor\n\
+       should be applied to '()'; using '(struct end)' is deprecated."
+  | Degraded_to_partial_match ->
+      let[@manual.ref "ss:warn74"] ref_manual = [ 13; 5; 5 ] in
+      Format.asprintf
+        "This pattern-matching is compiled \n\
+         as partial, even if it appears to be total. \
+         It may generate a Match_failure\n\
+         exception. This typically occurs due to \
+         complex matches on mutable fields.\n\
+         %a"
+        (Format_doc.compat Misc.print_see_manual) ref_manual
+let nerrors = ref 0
+type reporting_information =
+  { id : string
+  ; message : string
+  ; is_error : bool
+  ; sub_locs : (loc * string) list;
+  }
+let id_name w =
+  let n = number w in
+  match List.find_opt (fun {number; _} -> number = n) descriptions with
+  | Some {names = s :: _; _} ->
+      Printf.sprintf "%d [%s]" n s
+  | _ ->
+      string_of_int n
+let report w =
+  match is_active w with
+  | false -> `Inactive
+  | true ->
+     if is_error w then incr nerrors;
+     `Active
+       { id = id_name w;
+         message = message w;
+         is_error = is_error w;
+         sub_locs = [];
+       }
+let report_alert (alert : alert) =
+  match alert_is_active alert with
+  | false -> `Inactive
+  | true ->
+      let is_error = alert_is_error alert in
+      if is_error then incr nerrors;
+      let message = Misc.normalise_eol alert.message in
+       (* Reduce \r\n to \n:
+           - Prevents any \r characters being printed on Unix when processing
+             Windows sources
+           - Prevents \r\r\n being generated on Windows, which affects the
+             testsuite
+       *)
+      let sub_locs =
+        if not alert.def.loc_ghost && not alert.use.loc_ghost then
+          [
+            alert.def, "Definition";
+            alert.use, "Expected signature";
+          ]
+        else
+          []
+      in
+      `Active
+        {
+          id = alert.kind;
+          message;
+          is_error;
+          sub_locs;
+        }
+exception Errors
+let reset_fatal () =
+  nerrors := 0
+let check_fatal () =
+  if !nerrors > 0 then begin
+    nerrors := 0;
+    raise Errors;
+  end
+let pp_since out release_info =
+  Printf.fprintf out " (since %d.%0*d)"
+    release_info.Sys.major
+    (if release_info.Sys.major >= 5 then 0 else 2)
+    release_info.Sys.minor
+let help_warnings () =
+  List.iter
+    (fun {number; description; names; since} ->
+       let name =
+         match names with
+         | s :: _ -> " [" ^ s ^ "]"
+         | [] -> ""
+       in
+       Printf.printf "%3i%s %s%a\n"
+         number name description (fun out -> Option.iter (pp_since out)) since)
+    descriptions;
+  print_endline "  A all warnings";
+  for i = Char.code 'b' to Char.code 'z' do
+    let c = Char.chr i in
+    match letter c with
+    | [] -> ()
+    | [n] ->
+        Printf.printf "  %c Alias for warning %i.\n" (Char.uppercase_ascii c) n
+    | l ->
+        Printf.printf "  %c warnings %s.\n"
+          (Char.uppercase_ascii c)
+          (String.concat ", " (List.map Int.to_string l))
+  done;
+  exit 0
diff --git a/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/warnings.mli b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/warnings.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1da12c15fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream/ocaml_503/utils/warnings.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*             Pierre Weis && Damien Doligez, INRIA Rocquencourt          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   Copyright 1998 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
+(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
+(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
+(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Warning definitions
+  {b Warning:} this module is unstable and part of
+  {{!Compiler_libs}compiler-libs}.
+type loc = {
+  loc_start: Lexing.position;
+  loc_end: Lexing.position;
+  loc_ghost: bool;
+val ghost_loc_in_file : string -> loc
+(** Return an empty ghost range located in a given file *)
+type field_usage_warning =
+  | Unused
+  | Not_read
+  | Not_mutated
+type constructor_usage_warning =
+  | Unused
+  | Not_constructed
+  | Only_exported_private
+type t =
+  | Comment_start                           (*  1 *)
+  | Comment_not_end                         (*  2 *)
+(*| Deprecated --> alert "deprecated" *)    (*  3 *)
+  | Fragile_match of string                 (*  4 *)
+  | Ignored_partial_application             (*  5 *)
+  | Labels_omitted of string list           (*  6 *)
+  | Method_override of string list          (*  7 *)
+  | Partial_match of string                 (*  8 *)
+  | Missing_record_field_pattern of string  (*  9 *)
+  | Non_unit_statement                      (* 10 *)
+  | Redundant_case                          (* 11 *)
+  | Redundant_subpat                        (* 12 *)
+  | Instance_variable_override of string list (* 13 *)
+  | Illegal_backslash                       (* 14 *)
+  | Implicit_public_methods of string list  (* 15 *)
+  | Unerasable_optional_argument            (* 16 *)
+  | Undeclared_virtual_method of string     (* 17 *)
+  | Not_principal of Format_doc.t           (* 18 *)
+  | Non_principal_labels of string          (* 19 *)
+  | Ignored_extra_argument                  (* 20 *)
+  | Nonreturning_statement                  (* 21 *)
+  | Preprocessor of string                  (* 22 *)
+  | Useless_record_with                     (* 23 *)
+  | Bad_module_name of string               (* 24 *)
+  | All_clauses_guarded                     (* 8, used to be 25 *)
+  | Unused_var of string                    (* 26 *)
+  | Unused_var_strict of string             (* 27 *)
+  | Wildcard_arg_to_constant_constr         (* 28 *)
+  | Eol_in_string                           (* 29
+      Note: since OCaml 5.2, the lexer normalizes \r\n sequences in
+      the source file to a single \n character, so the behavior of
+      newlines in string literals is portable. This warning is
+      never emitted anymore. *)
+  | Duplicate_definitions of string * string * string * string (* 30 *)
+  | Unused_value_declaration of string      (* 32 *)
+  | Unused_open of string                   (* 33 *)
+  | Unused_type_declaration of string       (* 34 *)
+  | Unused_for_index of string              (* 35 *)
+  | Unused_ancestor of string               (* 36 *)
+  | Unused_constructor of string * constructor_usage_warning (* 37 *)
+  | Unused_extension of string * bool * constructor_usage_warning (* 38 *)
+  | Unused_rec_flag                         (* 39 *)
+  | Name_out_of_scope of string * string list * bool   (* 40 *)
+  | Ambiguous_name of string list * string list * bool * string (* 41 *)
+  | Disambiguated_name of string            (* 42 *)
+  | Nonoptional_label of string             (* 43 *)
+  | Open_shadow_identifier of string * string (* 44 *)
+  | Open_shadow_label_constructor of string * string (* 45 *)
+  | Bad_env_variable of string * string     (* 46 *)
+  | Attribute_payload of string * string    (* 47 *)
+  | Eliminated_optional_arguments of string list (* 48 *)
+  | No_cmi_file of string * string option   (* 49 *)
+  | Unexpected_docstring of bool            (* 50 *)
+  | Wrong_tailcall_expectation of bool      (* 51 *)
+  | Fragile_literal_pattern                 (* 52 *)
+  | Misplaced_attribute of string           (* 53 *)
+  | Duplicated_attribute of string          (* 54 *)
+  | Inlining_impossible of string           (* 55 *)
+  | Unreachable_case                        (* 56 *)
+  | Ambiguous_var_in_pattern_guard of string list (* 57 *)
+  | No_cmx_file of string                   (* 58 *)
+  | Flambda_assignment_to_non_mutable_value (* 59 *)
+  | Unused_module of string                 (* 60 *)
+  | Unboxable_type_in_prim_decl of string   (* 61 *)
+  | Constraint_on_gadt                      (* 62 *)
+  | Erroneous_printed_signature of string   (* 63 *)
+  | Unsafe_array_syntax_without_parsing     (* 64 *)
+  | Redefining_unit of string               (* 65 *)
+  | Unused_open_bang of string              (* 66 *)
+  | Unused_functor_parameter of string      (* 67 *)
+  | Match_on_mutable_state_prevent_uncurry  (* 68 *)
+  | Unused_field of string * field_usage_warning (* 69 *)
+  | Missing_mli                             (* 70 *)
+  | Unused_tmc_attribute                    (* 71 *)
+  | Tmc_breaks_tailcall                     (* 72 *)
+  | Generative_application_expects_unit     (* 73 *)
+  | Degraded_to_partial_match               (* 74 *)
+type alert = {kind:string; message:string; def:loc; use:loc}
+val parse_options : bool -> string -> alert option
+val parse_alert_option: string -> unit
+  (** Disable/enable alerts based on the parameter to the -alert
+      command-line option.  Raises [Arg.Bad] if the string is not a
+      valid specification.
+  *)
+val without_warnings : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+  (** Run the thunk with all warnings and alerts disabled. *)
+val is_active : t -> bool
+val is_error : t -> bool
+val defaults_w : string
+val defaults_warn_error : string
+type reporting_information =
+  { id : string
+  ; message : string
+  ; is_error : bool
+  ; sub_locs : (loc * string) list;
+  }
+val report : t -> [ `Active of reporting_information | `Inactive ]
+val report_alert : alert -> [ `Active of reporting_information | `Inactive ]
+exception Errors
+val check_fatal : unit -> unit
+val reset_fatal: unit -> unit
+val help_warnings: unit -> unit
+type state
+val backup: unit -> state
+val restore: state -> unit
+val with_state : state -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+val mk_lazy: (unit -> 'a) -> 'a Lazy.t
+    (** Like [Lazy.of_fun], but the function is applied with
+        the warning/alert settings at the time [mk_lazy] is called. *)
+type description =
+  { number : int;
+    names : string list;
+    description : string;
+    since : Sys.ocaml_release_info option; }
+val descriptions : description list