usage: socrata-dump [-h] [--compression COMPRESSION] [--file-size-limit FILE_SIZE_LIMIT] [--in-memory IN_MEMORY] [--key-id KEY_ID] [--key-secret KEY_SECRET]
[--limit LIMIT] [--provenance PROVENANCE] [--scope SCOPE]
base outpath
Dump Socrata Instance into a Folder, including both Metadata and Data
positional arguments:
base base url of Socrata instance
outpath output directory to save downloaded data
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--compression COMPRESSION
type of compression to apply to csv files. currently only valid value is "zip"
--file-size-limit FILE_SIZE_LIMIT
total max file size in megabytes. any file larger than this will be deleted
--in-memory IN_MEMORY
skip writing intermediate files to disk. increases memory usage, but avoids writing .csv if you only want
--key-id KEY_ID keyId for Socrata API
--key-secret KEY_SECRET
keySecret for Socrata API
--limit LIMIT, -l LIMIT
total number of assets to process
filter by provenance: "community" or "official"
--scope SCOPE filter by specific scope: "private" or "site"