All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog. The project releases will adhere to semantic versioning
This approach was adopted after release 0.7.
To see what's planned, see our milestones or unreleased changes.
0.7 - 2012-03-18
0.6.1 - 2011-02-23
- Minor tweak to CC BY-SA license name
0.6 - 2011-02-11
- Heavy refactoring and simplification
- Improve and add documentation
No GitHub compare between 0.4 and 0.5 available as 0.4 was not tagged as a release in GitHub.
- Addition of Licenses SoS v2.0 capabilities
Release not implemented in GitHub.
- Addition of Licenses SoS v1.0 capabilities (Specification of Service)
- This module is redesigned to be a web service
Release 0.3 not implemented in GitHub.
- Module is designed to be imported to provide its list of licenses