Njiwa (Swahili for homing pigeon) is an implementation of the GSMA's Embedded SIM Remote Provisioning Manager for M2M devices. Because M2M devices are likely installed in remote or unreachable areas, the GSMA came up with with specifications to enable remote activation of network profiles (and other settings) on the SIMs in these devices. Please read through the this site to familiarise yourself with the GSMA Embedded SIM Architecture.
The diagram below is taken from the GSMA specification. It shows the main elements in the embedded SIM ecosystem.
Currently Njiwa implements the SM-DP and SM-SR in the above architecture.
Mostly these are feature complete as per the specifications. Please consult the issues list for more information on what's not quite done or needs improvement.
Njiwa is a Java-based server Web Service. It has been developed and tested on JBOSS Wildfly v15.x, but should run well under your favourite Web Services container. The main requirements for developing with or running Njiwa are:
- Java 8 (JDK/JRE 1.8) or better
- A relational SQL database (we use PostgreSQL)
- Redis is used for caching transactional data
- Gradle is used as the build tool.
In order to build Njiwa after downloading the source:
- Change to the folder build
- Run gradle init if this is the first time you are performing a build
- Run gradle war to build the WAR file. This will be placed in the sub-directory build/libs if all goes well.
If this the first time you are deploying the WAR file to Wildfly/JBOSS, you must create certain resources needed to run Njiwa. Take note of the Wildfly/JBOSS home directory, referred to as ${WILDFLYHOME} below.
- If it does not exit, create the directory ${WILDFLYHOME}/modules/io/njiwa/main and copy the files njiwa.settings and modules.xml from the source sub-directory etc/wildfly into it. These files are respectively the module registration and the server settings (for now very minimalist).
- Create a basic security domain called njiwa in Wildfly, with authorization policy set to PermitAll. Your security-domains configurations in the Wildfly XML configuration file should have an entry like this:
<security-domain name="njiwa" cache-type="default">
<policy-module code="PermitAll" flag="optional"/>
- Create the database for Njiwa and then create the JTA JDBC data source in Wildfly that will enable Njiwa connect to the database. The JNDI name must be java:/njiwa. Here is the documentation for doing this in Wildfly 10.x.
You may deploy the WAR file in the usual JBOSS/Wildfly manner (usually a matter of copying it to ${WILDFLYHOME}/standalone/deployments.
We welcome feedback, assistance, etc. Please use the issues tab on github to send any of these, or ping us directly at [email protected] - we'd love to hear from you.
Thank you!