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Omega IDE Wiki Home Page

omega ui edited this page Jan 11, 2022 · 3 revisions

Getting Started

Before, Getting Started, Just keep in mind that

Although omegaide uses the least possible RAM and system resource than any other Traditional IDEs like IntelliJ or Eclipse for doing the same task faster and smoother, the OS under the hood is always responsible for bounding its potential.

Thus, my experience with omegaide says "omegaide is way more performant, smoother and beautiful on a linux desktop than on windows (on same hardware resources)".

I haven't tested it on a Mac Yet. Running on Mac is experimental.

Minimum System Requirement for Optimal Performance

OS RAM Core Instant Build Speed(Java)
Linux 2 GB 2 Cores Optimal
Windows 4 GB 2 Cores Optimal

Minimum System Requirement for Best Performance

OS RAM Core Instant Build Speed(Java)
Linux 4 GB 2 Cores Fastest
Windows 6 or More GB 2 or More Cores Fastest

No GPU or Hardware Acceleration is required.


For running omegaide on your machine, you must have JDK v17 or above installed. If not installed already then, you can install it from Oracle.

The Next Step is to download the jar file, either the latest stable version or the current beta version.

Well, in case of omegaide, I recommend being on the bleeding edge version (that means the beta version) cause' the bleeding edge version has way more features, better & smoother performance than the latest stable version.

After you have installed the JDK and downloaded the jar.

Just Launch it from the terminal by running

java -jar "your-downloaded-version.jar"

First Startup

On the first startup, the IDE will output the settings, native-libraries and other stuffs on your machine into the same directory.

So, the first startup of omegaide is definitely slow.

On my system, it took at most 16.307s to show the first window (calculated using the time package on ubuntu 20.04, 4 GB RAM with Intel Pentium (2 Cores)).

Next Startups will be way more faster than this one.

First Look

After writing the files, the IDE will ask you about your theme preferences.

Then, you need to accept the LICENSE,

Then, switch the animations according to your system's specs.

Then, Select a workspace (See this, if you get stucked!).

And, the IDE will get started.

There is more to come in this wiki.