To run locally, do the usual:
- Clone Starter Template
git clone my-botasaurus-project
cd my-botasaurus-project
- Install the packages
npm install
- Run Desktop App
npm run dev
Please read botasaurus documentation to understand how to develop the desktop app with botasaurus.
- To make final executable, run the following command.
npm run package
This command will work for mac and linux, but will fail in windows machine, this is because some packages needed to build windows exe, are not installed on your windows machine. To resolve it
- install those packages. (Time consuming and not recommended)
- or simply build it in Github Actions. (Easiest and recommended way, telling you in next section)
Also, to make it ease for you to build it for mac, windows and linux, I recommend building the desktop app on Github Actions, uploading the final executable to S3, and then giving the download link to the user.
Please follow the guidelines given in here to do so.