Synchronize remark slideshows between devices on the internet.
Slideshow changes are synchronized over the internet using a Phoenix Channel hosted on Heroku.
When a slideshow using Remarksync is opened it connects to the Channel, broadcasting slide changes and receiving slide change broadcasts from other devices/tabs/browsers accessing the same URL.
Add the Remarksync script to the HTML of your remark slideshow, right after initialization:
<script src=""></script>
var slideshow = remark.create({..});
<script src=""></script>
That's it!
Right now Remarksync requires you to have your slideshow on window.slideshow
as shown above. It's smelly but it works, I'll improve it eventually.
The source-code for the library and the Phoenix Website can be found in this repository.
If you'd like to use Remarksync on a LAN without internet, you can run it yourself and point the remarksync.js file to your own Phoenix server.
To start your Phoenix app:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phoenix.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.