A short tutorial about creating, reading and expanding Provenance Templates with the ProvToolbox created by Luc Moreau. The provconvert tool will not be used, the expansion is done with the internal library class Expand.
All presented templates and bindings are special activitys for the provenance model for Quantified Self data.
The used Provenance Java Library can be found here: http://lucmoreau.github.io/ProvToolbox/
- Tested templates can be found in the template/
- Bindings for this templates are located in examples/
- Setup a java project with the correct ProvToolbox dependencies (Instructions can be found on this page: Weblink
- The usage of building framework maven is recommended.
- All relevant functions for template expensions are in the org.openprovenance.prov.template-package
- create a new instance provFactory of the class ProvFactory: You can use the static function
- create a new instance fw of the class InteropFramework: You have to use the ProvFactory-instance as parameter for the constructor -
new InteropFramework(provFactory)
- create a new instance ep of the class Expand, you need the ProvFactory-instance again. This object will later expand your template with matching bindings:
new Expand(p, false, true)
- read the template Document with the InteropFramework-instance and the
fw.readDocumentFromFile(String path)
-function - read the binding Document with the InteropFramework-instance and the
fw.readDocumentFromFile(String path)
-function - expand the template with the bindings and save the new Document. For this you can use your created Expand-instance:
ep.expander(doc, binding)
- The resulting document is a filled out template, it can be printed with the usual fw functions.
import org.openprovenance.prov.interop.InteropFramework;
import org.openprovenance.prov.interop.InteropFramework.ProvFormat;
import org.openprovenance.prov.model.Document;
import org.openprovenance.prov.model.ProvFactory;
import org.openprovenance.prov.template.Expand;
public class App
ProvFactory p;
InteropFramework fw;
Expand ep;
public App() {
p = InteropFramework.newXMLProvFactory();
fw = new InteropFramework(p);
ep = new Expand(p, false, true);
public static void main( String[] args )
App app = new App();
Document input = app.expandDocument(app.getPath("input.provn"),
app.printDocument(input, "Input");
public Document expandDocument(String pathTmpl, String pathBinding) {
Document doc = fw.readDocumentFromFile(pathTmpl);
Document binding = fw.readDocumentFromFile(pathBinding);
return ep.expander(doc, binding);
public void printDocument(Document doc, String name) {
fw.writeDocument(System.out, ProvFormat.PROVN, doc);
fw.writeDocument(name + ".png", doc);
public String getPath(String filename) {
return this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(filename).getPath();