09.00-09.10 Welcome address
(Mohamed Hibti - EDF R&D France)
09.10-09.40 Open PSA presentation
(Woody Epstein - Curtiss-Wright Japan)
09.40-10.00 Independent verification of PSA models
(Enrique Meléndez - CSN Spain)
10.00-10.20 BDD application for imprecise reliability
calculation (Ayyoub IMAKHLAF - UTC France)
10.45-11.05 Cartography Construction of PSA models
(Tesnim Abdellatif - EDF R&D France)
11.05-11.25 Data Visualization
(Rick Anoba - Jensen Hughes USA)
11.25-11.45 PSA models beyond internal events
(Rick Anoba - Jensen Hughes USA)
11.45-12.05 pyRiskRobot: Generic framework for automated integration of hazards in PSA models
(Nadia Berner - GRS Germany)
13.30-14.30 Theorical introduction and OPSAMEF V.3
(Antoine Rauzy - NUST -Norway)
Coffee Break
15.30-17.00 Atelier Open PSA
Dinner at 7:30 pm
09.00-09.20 The I&AB method: Towards more dynamic PSAs
(Marc Bouissou - EDF R&D France)
09.20-09.40 Scripts for PSA models massive modifications
(Mohamed Hibti - EDF R&D France)
09.40-10.00 Communicating PSA information to non-PSA experts
(Marinos Panayiotou - CRA UK)
10.00-10.20 Advanced ITH simulations for HRA
(Valentin Rychkov - EDF R&D France)
10.45-11.15 CAFTA - DocAssist
(Rick Anoba - Jensen Hughes USA)
11.15-11.45 Quantification with XFTA
(Antoine Rauzy - NUST Norway)
11.45-12.15 Latest enhancements in Andromeda
(Thomas Friedhuber - Edgemind France)
13.30-14.00 GRIF - 5 ways of modeling with boolean approach
(Cyrille Folleau - SATODEV France)
14.00-14.30 SCRAM - Probabilistic Analysis Tool
(Olzhas Rakhimov - USA)
14.30-15.00 OpenAltaRica Framework
(Michel Batteux - IRT-SystemX France) Coffee Break
15.30-17.00 OPEN PSA community organization