Protocol Buffer compiler and runtime for Kotlin.
Supports only version 3 of the Protocol Buffers language.
- Idiomatic and concise Kotlin builder DSL
- Protokt-specific options: non-null accessors, wrapper types, interface implementation, and more
- Representation of the well-known types as Kotlin nullable types:
is represented asString?
, etc. - Multiplatform support for Kotlin JS (beta)
- (JVM) Built on Protobuf's Java library: usage of CodedInputStream and CodedOutputStream for best performance
- (JS) Built on protobufJS for best performance
- gRPC method descriptor and service descriptor generation for use with grpc-java, grpc-kotlin, and grpc-node (experimental) (see examples in examples)
- Kotlin/Native support
- Protobuf JSON support
The Gradle plugin requires Java 8+ and Gradle 5.6+. It runs on recent versions of MacOS, Linux, and Windows.
The runtime and generated code are compatible with Kotlin 1.8+, Java 8+, and Android 4.4+.
See examples in testing.
plugins {
id("com.toasttab.protokt") version "<version>"
buildscript {
dependencies {
apply(plugin = "com.toasttab.protokt")
This will automatically download and install protokt, apply the Google protobuf
plugin, and configure all the necessary boilerplate. By default it will also add
to the api
scope of the project. On the JVM you must explicitly
choose to depend on protobuf-java
or protobuf-javalite
dependencies {
dependencies {
If your project has no Java code you may run into the following error:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> error: no source files
To work around it, disable all JavaCompile
tasks in the project:
tasks.withType<JavaCompile> {
enabled = false
Generated code is placed in <buildDir>/generated/<>/protokt
A simple example:
syntax = "proto3";
package toasttab.protokt.sample;
message Sample {
string sample_field = 1;
will produce:
// Generated by protokt version 1.0.0-beta.2-SNAPSHOT. Do not modify.
// Source: protokt/v1/testing/test.proto
package protokt.v1.toasttab.protokt.sample
import protokt.v1.AbstractDeserializer
import protokt.v1.AbstractMessage
import protokt.v1.BuilderDsl
import protokt.v1.GeneratedFileDescriptor
import protokt.v1.GeneratedMessage
import protokt.v1.GeneratedProperty
import protokt.v1.Reader
import protokt.v1.SizeCodecs.sizeOf
import protokt.v1.UnknownFieldSet
import protokt.v1.Writer
import kotlin.Any
import kotlin.Boolean
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Suppress
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
public class Sample private constructor(
public val sampleField: String,
public val unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet.empty()
) : AbstractMessage() {
private val `$messageSize`: Int by lazy {
var result = 0
if (sampleField.isNotEmpty()) {
result += sizeOf(10u) + sizeOf(sampleField)
result += unknownFields.size()
override fun messageSize(): Int = `$messageSize`
override fun serialize(writer: Writer) {
if (sampleField.isNotEmpty()) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
other is Sample &&
other.sampleField == sampleField &&
other.unknownFields == unknownFields
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = unknownFields.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + sampleField.hashCode()
return result
override fun toString(): String =
"Sample(" +
"sampleField=$sampleField" +
if (unknownFields.isEmpty()) ")" else ", unknownFields=$unknownFields)"
public fun copy(builder: Builder.() -> Unit): Sample =
Builder().apply {
sampleField = this@Sample.sampleField
unknownFields = this@Sample.unknownFields
public class Builder {
public var sampleField: String = ""
public var unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet.empty()
public fun build(): Sample =
public companion object Deserializer : AbstractDeserializer<Sample>() {
override fun deserialize(reader: Reader): Sample {
var sampleField = ""
var unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet.Builder? = null
while (true) {
when (reader.readTag()) {
0u -> return Sample(
10u -> sampleField = reader.readString()
else ->
unknownFields =
(unknownFields ?: UnknownFieldSet.Builder()).also {
public operator fun invoke(dsl: Builder.() -> Unit): Sample = Builder().apply(dsl).build()
public object test_file_descriptor {
public val descriptor: FileDescriptor by lazy {
val descriptorData =
"\n�protokt/v1/testing/test.proto��toastta" +
"b.protokt.sample\"�\n�Sample��\nsample_fie" +
"ld�� �(\tb�proto3"
public val Sample.Deserializer.descriptor: Descriptor
get() = test_file_descriptor.descriptor.messageTypes[0]
Construct your protokt object like so:
Sample {
sampleField = "some-string"
Why not expose a public constructor or use a data class? One of the design goals of protocol buffers is that protobuf definitions can be modified in backwards-compatible ways without breaking wire or API compatibility of existing code. Using a DSL to construct the object emulates named arguments and allows shuffling of protobuf fields within a definition without breaking code as would happen for a standard constructor or method call.
The canonical copy
method on data classes is emulated via a generated copy
val sample = Sample { sampleField = "some-string" }
val sample2 = sample.copy { sampleField = "some-other-string" }
Assigning a Map or List in the DSL makes a copy of that collection to prevent any escaping mutability of the provided collection. The Java protobuf implementation takes a similar approach; it only exposes mutation methods on the builder and not assignment. Mutating the builder does a similar copy operation.
The Kotlin package of a generated file is the protobuf package prefixed with
. This scheme allows protokt-generated files to coexist on the
classpath with files generated by other compilers.
Each protokt message implements the KtMessage
interface. KtMessage
the serialize()
method and its overloads which can serialize to a byte array
or an OutputStream
Each protokt message has a companion object Deserializer
that implements the
interface, which provides the deserialize()
method and its
overloads to construct an instance of the message from a byte array, a Java
InputStream, or others.
Protokt represents enum fields as sealed classes with an integer value and name. Protobuf enums cannot be represented as Kotlin enum classes since Kotlin enum classes are closed and cannot represent unknown values. The Protocol Buffers specification requires that unknown enum values are preserved for reserialization, so this compromise enables exhaustive case switching while allowing representation of unknown values.
public sealed class PhoneType(
override val `value`: Int,
override val name: String
) : Enum() {
public object MOBILE : PhoneType(0, "MOBILE")
public object HOME : PhoneType(1, "HOME")
public object WORK : PhoneType(2, "WORK")
public class UNRECOGNIZED(
`value`: Int
) : PhoneType(value, "UNRECOGNIZED")
public companion object Deserializer : EnumReader<PhoneType> {
override fun from(`value`: Int): PhoneType =
when (value) {
1 -> HOME
2 -> WORK
else -> UNRECOGNIZED(value)
To keep enums ergonomic while promoting protobuf best practices, enums that have all values prefixed with the enum type name will have that prefix stripped in their Kotlin representations.
Protokt generates and embeds descriptors for protobuf files in its output by default. Generation can be disabled while using the lite runtime:
protokt {
generate {
descriptors = false
Protokt includes utilities to reflectively
(i.e., no-copy) convert a protokt.v1.Message
to a
. Conversion requires that you specify
the RuntimeContext of your proto files. If you would like to scan your classpath for all known descriptors at runtime,
you may use Protokt's GeneratedFileDescriptor
annotation to do so:
import io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph
import protokt.v1.GeneratedFileDescriptor
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredMemberProperties
fun getContextReflectively() =
private fun getDescriptors() =
.use {
.map { info ->
info.loadClass().kotlin as KClass<Any>
.map { klassWithDescriptor ->
.single { it.returnType.classifier == FileDescriptor::class }
.get(klassWithDescriptor.objectInstance!!) as FileDescriptor
.flatMap { it.toProtobufJavaDescriptor().messageTypes }
private fun collectDescriptors(descriptor: Descriptors.Descriptor): Iterable<Descriptors.Descriptor> =
listOf(descriptor) + descriptor.nestedTypes.flatMap(::collectDescriptors)
private fun FileDescriptor.toProtobufJavaDescriptor(): Descriptors.FileDescriptor =
DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto.parseFrom(proto.serialize()), { it.toProtobufJavaDescriptor() }.toTypedArray(),
is ignored.repeated
fields are represented as
fields are represented as Maps.oneof
fields are represented as subtypes of a sealed base class with a single property.bytes
fields are wrapped in the protoktBytes
class to ensure immutability akin toprotobuf-java
.- Protokt implements proto3's
See extension options defined in protokt.proto.
See examples of each option in the options
project. All protokt-specific options require importing protokt/v1/protokt.proto
in the protocol file.
Sometimes a field on a protobuf message corresponds to a concrete nonprimitive type. In standard protobuf the user would be responsible for this extra transformation, but the protokt wrapper type option allows specification of a converter that will automatically encode and decode custom types to protobuf types. Some standard types are implemented in extensions.
Wrap a field by invoking the (
message WrapperMessage {
google.protobuf.Timestamp instant = 1 [
( = "java.time.Instant"
Converters implement the Converter interface:
interface Converter<ProtobufT : Any, KotlinT : Any> {
val wrapper: KClass<KotlinT>
val wrapped: KClass<ProtobufT>
val acceptsDefaultValue
get() = true
fun wrap(unwrapped: ProtobufT): KotlinT
fun unwrap(wrapped: KotlinT): ProtobufT
and protokt will reference the converter's methods to wrap and unwrap from protobuf primitives:
object InstantConverter : AbstractConverter<Timestamp, Instant>() {
override fun wrap(unwrapped: Timestamp): Instant =
Instant.ofEpochSecond(unwrapped.seconds, unwrapped.nanos.toLong())
override fun unwrap(wrapped: Instant) =
Timestamp {
seconds = wrapped.epochSecond
nanos = wrapped.nano
public class WrapperMessage private constructor(
public val instant: Instant?,
public val unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet.empty()
) : AbstractMessage() {
private val `$messageSize`: Int by lazy {
var result = 0
if (instant != null) {
result += sizeOf(10u) + sizeOf(InstantConverter.unwrap(instant))
result += unknownFields.size()
override fun messageSize(): Int = `$messageSize`
override fun serialize(writer: Writer) {
if (instant != null) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
other is WrapperMessage &&
other.instant == instant &&
other.unknownFields == unknownFields
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = unknownFields.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + instant.hashCode()
return result
override fun toString(): String =
"WrapperMessage(" +
"instant=$instant" +
if (unknownFields.isEmpty()) ")" else ", unknownFields=$unknownFields)"
public fun copy(builder: Builder.() -> Unit): WrapperMessage =
Builder().apply {
instant = this@WrapperMessage.instant
unknownFields = this@WrapperMessage.unknownFields
public class Builder {
public var instant: Instant? = null
public var unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet.empty()
public fun build(): WrapperMessage =
public companion object Deserializer : AbstractDeserializer<WrapperMessage>() {
override fun deserialize(reader: Reader): WrapperMessage {
var instant: Instant? = null
var unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet.Builder? = null
while (true) {
when (reader.readTag()) {
0u -> return WrapperMessage(
10u -> instant = InstantConverter.wrap(reader.readMessage(Timestamp))
else ->
unknownFields =
(unknownFields ?: UnknownFieldSet.Builder()).also {
public operator fun invoke(dsl: Builder.() -> Unit): WrapperMessage = Builder().apply(dsl).build()
Each converter must be registered in a
classpath resource following the standard ServiceLoader
convention. For
example, Google's AutoService
can register converters with an annotation:
object InstantConverter : Converter<Instant, Timestamp> { ... }
Converters can also implement the OptimizedSizeofConverter
interface adding
, which allows them to optimize the calculation of the wrapper's size
rather than unwrap the object twice. For example, a UUID is always 16 bytes:
object UuidBytesConverter : OptimizedSizeOfConverter<UUID, Bytes> {
override val wrapper = UUID::class
override val wrapped = Bytes::class
private val sizeOfProxy = ByteArray(16)
override fun sizeOf(wrapped: UUID) =
override fun wrap(unwrapped: Bytes): UUID {
val buf = unwrapped.asReadOnlyBuffer()
require(buf.remaining() == 16) {
"UUID source must have size 16; had ${buf.remaining()}"
return { UUID(long, long) }
override fun unwrap(wrapped: UUID): Bytes =
Rather than convert a UUID to a byte array both for size calculation and for serialization (which is what a naĂŻve implementation would do), UuidConverter always returns the size of a constant 16-byte array.
If the wrapper type is in the same package as the generated protobuf message,
then it does not need a fully-qualified name. Custom wrapper type converters can
be in the same project as protobuf types that reference them. In order to use any
wrapper type defined in extensions
, the project must be included as a
dependencies {
Wrapper types that wrap protobuf messages are nullable. For example,
wraps the well-known type google.protobuf.Timestamp
. You
can generate non-null accessors with the generate_non_null_accessor
described below.
Wrapper types that wrap protobuf primitives, for example java.util.UUID
which wraps bytes
, are nullable when they cannot wrap their wrapped type's
default value. Converters must override acceptsDefaultValue
to be false
these cases. For example, a UUID cannot wrap an empty byte array and each of
the following declarations will produce a nullable property:
bytes uuid = 1 [
( = "java.util.UUID"
optional bytes optional_uuid = 2 [
( = "java.util.UUID"
google.protobuf.BytesValue nullable_uuid = 3 [
( = "java.util.UUID"
As for message types, you can generate non-null accessors with the
Wrapper types can be repeated:
repeated bytes uuid = 1 [
( = "java.util.UUID"
And they can also be used for map keys and values:
map<string, protokt.ext.InetSocketAddress> map_string_socket_address = 1 [
( = "StringBox",
( = ""
Wrapper types should be immutable. If a wrapper type is defined in the same
package as generated protobuf message that uses it, then it does not need to
be referenced by its fully-qualified name and instead can be referenced by its
simple name, as done with StringBox
in the map example above.
N.b. Well-known type nullability is implemented with predefined wrapper types for each message defined in wrappers.proto.
If a message has no meaning whatsoever when a particular non-scalar field is
missing, you can emulate proto2's required
key word by using the
message Sample {}
message NonNullSampleMessage {
Sample non_null_sample = 1 [
( = true
Generated code will include a non-null accessor prefixed with require
, so the field can be referenced
without using Kotlin's !!
This option also works on oneof fields:
message Sample {}
message NonNullSampleMessage {
oneof non_null_sample {
option (protokt.v1.oneof).generate_non_null_accessor = true;
Sample sample = 1;
To avoid the need to create domain-specific objects from protobuf messages you can declare that a protobuf message implements a custom interface with properties and default methods.
package com.protokt.sample
interface Model {
val id: String
package protokt.sample;
message ImplementsSampleMessage {
option (protokt.v1.class).implements = "Model";
string id = 1;
Like wrapper types, if the implemented interface is in the same package as the
generated protobuf message that uses it, then it does not need to be referenced
by its fully-qualified name. Implemented interfaces cannot be used by protobuf
messages in the same project that defines them; the dependency must be declared
with protoktExtensions
in build.gradle
dependencies {
Messages can also implement interfaces by delegation to one of their fields; in this case the delegated interface need not live in a separate project, as protokt requires no inspection of it:
message ImplementsWithDelegate {
option (protokt.v1.class).implements = "Model2 by modelTwo";
ImplementsModel2 model_two = 1 [
( = true
Note that the by
clause references the field by its lower camel case name.
Properties on delegate interfaces must be nullable since fields themselves
may not be present on the wire.
Oneof fields can declare that they implement an interface with the
option. Each possible field type of the oneof must
also implement the interface. This allows access of common properties without a
statement that always ultimately extracts the same property.
Suppose you have a domain object MyObjectWithConfig that has a configuration that specifies a third-party server for communication. For flexibility, this configuration will be modifiable by the server and versioned by a simple integer. To hasten subsequent loading of the configuration, a client may save a resolved version of the configuration with the same version and an additional field storing an InetAddress representing the location of the server. Since the server address may change over time, the client-resolved version of the config will retain a copy of the original server copy. We can model this domain with protokt:
Given the Config interface:
package com.toasttab.example
interface Config {
val version: Int
And protobuf definitions:
syntax = "proto3";
package toasttab.example;
import "protokt/v1/protokt.proto";
message MyObjectWithConfig {
bytes id = 1 [
( = "java.util.UUID"
oneof Config {
option (protokt.v1.oneof).implements = "com.toasttab.example.Config";
ServerSpecified server_specified = 2;
ClientResolved client_resolved = 3;
message ServerSpecified {
option (protokt.v1.class).implements = "com.toasttab.example.Config";
int32 version = 1;
string server_registry = 2;
string server_name = 3;
message ClientResolved {
option (protokt.v1.class).implements = "com.toasttab.example.Config by config";
ServerSpecified config = 1;
bytes last_known_address = 2 [
( = ""
Protokt will generate:
public class MyObjectWithConfig private constructor(
public val id: UUID?,
public val config: Config?,
public val unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet.empty()
) : AbstractMessage() {
// methods and builders omitted
public sealed class Config : com.toasttab.example.Config {
public data class ServerSpecified(
public val serverSpecified: protokt.v1.toasttab.example.ServerSpecified
) : Config(), com.toasttab.example.Config by serverSpecified
public data class ClientResolved(
public val clientResolved: protokt.v1.toasttab.example.ClientResolved
) : Config(), com.toasttab.example.Config by clientResolved
public class ServerSpecified private constructor(
override val version: Int,
public val serverRegistry: String,
public val serverName: String,
public val unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet.empty()
) : AbstractMessage(), Config {
// methods and builders omitted
public class ClientResolved private constructor(
public val config: ServerSpecified,
public val lastKnownAddress: InetAddress?,
public val unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = UnknownFieldSet.empty()
) : AbstractMessage(), Config by config {
// methods and builders omitted
A MyObjectWithConfig.Config instance can be queried for its version without
accessing the property via a when
fun printVersion(config: MyObjectWithConfig.Config) {
When reading messages that contain other serialized messages as bytes
protokt can keep a reference to the originating byte array to prevent a large
copy operation on deserialization. This can be desirable when the wrapping
message is short-lived or a thin metadata shim and doesn't include much memory
message SliceModel {
int64 version = 1;
bytes encoded_message = 2 [
( = true
Protokt will generate variations of code for gRPC method and service descriptors when the gRPC generation options are enabled:
protokt {
generate {
grpcDescriptors = true
grpcKotlinStubs = true
The options can be enabled independently of each other.
Consider gRPC's canonical Health service:
syntax = "proto3";
message HealthCheckRequest {
string service = 1;
message HealthCheckResponse {
enum ServingStatus {
ServingStatus status = 1;
service Health {
rpc Check(HealthCheckRequest) returns (HealthCheckResponse);
In addition to the request and response types, protokt will generate a service descriptor and method descriptors for each method on the service:
public object HealthGrpc {
public const val SERVICE_NAME: String = ""
private val _serviceDescriptor: GrpcServiceDescriptor by lazy {
className = "",
fileDescriptorClassName = ""
private val _checkMethod: MethodDescriptor<HealthCheckRequest, HealthCheckResponse> by lazy {
methodDescriptorNewBuilder<HealthCheckRequest, HealthCheckResponse>()
.setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName(SERVICE_NAME, "Check"))
public fun getServiceDescriptor(): GrpcServiceDescriptor = _serviceDescriptor
public fun getCheckMethod(): MethodDescriptor<HealthCheckRequest, HealthCheckResponse> = _checkMethod
Both grpc-java and grpc-kotlin expose server stubs for implementation via abstract classes.
Protokt uses grpc-kotlin
to generate Kotlin coroutine-based stubs that compile
against protokt's generated types.
A gRPC service using grpc-java (and therefore using StreamObservers for asynchronous communication):
abstract class HealthCheckService : BindableService {
override fun bindService() =
.addMethod(checkMethod, asyncUnaryCall(::check))
open fun check(
request: HealthCheckRequest,
responseObserver: StreamObserver<HealthCheckResponse>
): Unit =
throw UNIMPLEMENTED.asException()
Calling methods from a client:
fun checkHealth(): HealthCheckResponse =
channel.newCall(HealthGrpc.checkMethod, CallOptions.DEFAULT),
HealthCheckRequest { service = "foo" }
Protokt generates complete server and client stub implementations for use with NodeJS. The generated implementations are nearly the same as those generated by grpc-kotlin and are supported by an analogous runtime library in ServerCalls and ClientCalls objects.
These implementations are alpha-quality and for demonstration only. External contributions
to harden the implementation are welcome. They use the same grpcDescriptors
plugin options to control code generation.
If IntelliJ doesn't automatically detect the generated files as source files,
you may be missing the idea
plugin. Apply the idea
plugin to your Gradle
plugins {
id 'idea'
protokt % ./gradlew assemble
protokt % protoc \
--plugin=protoc-gen-custom=protokt-codegen/build/install/protoc-gen-protokt/bin/protoc-gen-protokt \
--custom_out=<output-directory> \
-I<path-to-proto-file-containing-directory> \
-Iprotokt-runtime/src/main/resources \
For example, to generate files in protokt/foo
from a file called test.proto
located at protokt/test.proto
protokt % protoc \
--plugin=protoc-gen-custom=protokt-codegen/build/install/protoc-gen-protokt/bin/protoc-gen-protokt \
--custom_out=foo \
-I. \
-Iprotokt-runtime/src/main/resources \
Community contributions are welcome. See the contribution guidelines and the project code of conduct.
To enable rapid development of the code generator, the protobuf conformance
tests have been compiled and included in the testing
project. They run on Mac
OS 10.14+ and Ubuntu 16.04 x86-64 as part of normal Gradle builds.
When integration testing the Gradle plugin, note that after changing the plugin
and republishing it to the integration repository, ./gradlew clean
is needed
to trigger regeneration of the protobuf files with the fresh plugin.
Ben Gordon, Andrew Parmet, Oleg Golberg, Frank Moda, Romey Sklar, and everyone in the commit history.
Thanks to the Google Kotlin team for their Kotlin API Design which inspired the DSL builder implemented in this library.