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Command 11 Acknowledge Alerts

Joe Moran edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 6 revisions

The $11 Acknowledge Alerts Command

Command $11 is the Acknowledge Alerts command. It has the following format:

  • 11 (1 byte): Mtype value of $11 specifies an acknowledge alert command
  • 05 (1 byte): The acknowledge alert command has a fixed length of 05
  • NNNNNNNN (4 bytes): Nonce, the 32-bit validator (random looking numbers)
  • MM (1 byte): mask of alert(s) to acknowledge (1 << alert#)

The alert #'s are those as set in Command 19 Configure Alerts.

Acknowledging a Low Reservoir Alert

In this example from Reservoir almost empty (50U) (Heltzel), a Pod has dropped below its set 50U low reservoir alert limit and displays "Alarm shows: "Low reservoir: 48U. Click OK to cancel alarm." Upon clicking OK, the PDM sends the following $11 command:

11 05 2f9b5b2f 10

In this example, MM is $10 or 1 << 4 and thus alert #4 is acknowledged (silenced). Alert #4 corresponds to the alert that is used for the low reservoir alert as configured during Pod startup and low reservoir alert configuration with an $19 command IVXX value of $4c00 which has alert # == '4', 'a' == 1 (active), 'b' == 1 (reservoir).

Acknowledging Versus Clearing Alerts

When an alert is triggered (i.e., the specified number of minutes has passed or the reservoir has dropped to the requested level), the limit value reached is saved and a flag is set marking this alert # as unacknowledged. The Pod can use a type 1 $02 Status Response to return the limit values (time or reservoir) reached so that the PDM can then use to notify the user for the reason of each triggered alert.

The PDM can issue the $11 Acknowledge Alerts command to acknowledge a triggered alert which will clear the unacknowledged flag for the specified alert(s) to suppress the audio beeps without actually clearing the triggered alert. This is how the low reservoir alerts are handled as shown in the example above.

To totally clear/cancel an alert, the PDM must use the $19 Configure Alerts command with I set to alert # to be cleared with the rest of VXX, YYYY and 0J0K values as all 0's.

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