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Python Examples

Intro Remarks

The examples below are written in python. At the philosophical level, this is just plain wrong. Atomese is not intended for human programmers, it is intended for automated algorithms. This means that the syntax for Atomese is was designed to make it easy for algorithms to create, process and run it. The syntax is very easy to parse, manipulate and rewrite: after all, Atomese is 'just' a (hyper-)graph.

This also means that it is verbose, and often awkward for human programmers. You can express anything in Atomese, but it is not a human-freindly programming language, and was never meant to be.

Roughly speaking, programming in Atomese is like programming in assembly: it can be done, and many humans specialize in and enjoy assembly coding. However, most of the rest stick to high-level languages. The analogy here, though, is flawed: Atomese is for machine manipulation; there isn't a high-level language built on top of it, nor should there be. Conventional programming languages already do an excellent job. Atomese provides graphs. Use it as a graph processing system. That's what it's for.

Footnote: graph processing libraries, such as NetworkX are ideal for doing graph processing, if you are a human programmer. And that's fine! However, if you are trying to create systems that automatically learn new algorithms and structures, you need to be able to express your algo, as a graph. And NetworkX cannot do that.

Consider the problem of creating a million algorithms, giving each one of them a weight, or several weights. Maybe providing them with a vector embedding, or perhaps vice-versa: the algos provide a basis for a vector embedding of words. Word2Vec and GloVe attach vectors of numbers to words. Imagine instead attaching vectors of algos to words. Now imagine running them, all at the same time. Managing that, and adjusting execution priority based on weights. Using them to process a shifting stream of perceptual data. You can't do that with NetworkX. You can, with Atomese. This is the raison d'etre. (This paragraph describes the old MOSES idea from Moshe Looks, but in modern terms; MOSES helped inspire Atomese.)

All that said: if you are debugging complex graph processing algorithms, you won't get far if you don't understand what the graph represents. The demos in this directory walk through some of the basics of Atomese, using python as the embedding language.

Review the wiki page for more: Atomese

Documentation: Every Atom in the core AtomSpace has a wiki page documenting it and how to use it. Some of the more important Atom and Value types are:


Start a python3 shell in your favorite way.

  • From the python prompt, the following will list the currently installed OpenCog python modules:

  • The contents of a single module can be viewed by using dir function. For example,

        import opencog.atomspace
        import opencog.type_constructors
  • You can run the examples from your shell. For example,


The most basic example of creating Atoms in an AtomSpace, and attaching weights to them.

A relatively simple all-in-one tutorial introducing basic concepts, a practical example, and the use of the store-to-disk StorageNode API.

A more complex example, showing how to perform queries, how to use the query system to perform basic processng (counting, in this example) and how to vectorize the results (so that vector data an be fed to GPU's.)

For the bulk loading of an AtomSpace from python, direct access to the AtomSpace is faster. The code is a little harder to read, and exhibits less of the 'natural' Atomese syntax,

The AtomSpace includes a nameserver and class factory. These allow Atom Types to be directly accessed. This is an advanced demo; very few users will need to work with the nameserver.

An example of a "behavior tree". Demos the use of the GroundedPredicateNode to call from Atomese back into python.

Mixing python, scheme and Atomese

Atomese has both scheme and python bindings, and the two programming languages and styles can be freely intermixed. That is, you can call scheme from python, and python from scheme, and everything "just works".

Both python and scheme can be called from within Atomese, by using the GroundedSchemaNode. All of these languages can be intermixed, they are all bi-directional.

A basic example of sharing an AtomSpace between python and scheme.

Simple measurement of the performance overhead of invoking the scheme (guile) evaluator.


The ground directory contains an example of calling python from with Atomese. The demo above is more clearly written and simpler to understand.

Python Virtualenv issues

Some users report unusual/unexpected issues when using Python VirtualEnv. If you are experiencing issues with undefined symbols, then try adding /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/ to your PYTHON_PATH and adding /usr/local/lib/opencog/ to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.