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Create a KNE topology

This is part of the How-To guide collection. This guide covers KNE cluster deployment and topology creation.


Creating a topology takes 2 main steps:

  1. Cluster deployment
  2. Topology creation

Deploy a cluster

The first step when using KNE is to deploy a Kubernetes cluster. This can be done using the kne deploy command.

$ kne help deploy
Deploy cluster.

  kne deploy <deployment yaml> [flags]

  -h, --help       help for deploy
      --progress   Display progress of container bringup

Global Flags:
      --kubecfg string     kubeconfig file (default "/path/to/home/{{USERNAME}}/.kube/config")
  -v, --verbosity string   log level (default "info")

A deployment yaml file specifies 4 things (optional in italics):

  1. A cluster spec
  2. An ingress spec
  3. A CNI spec
  4. A list of controller specs

Expand the below section for a full description of all fields in the deployment yaml.

Deployment yaml reference

NOTE: Strikethrough fields are DEPRECATED and should not be used.

Field Type Description
cluster ClusterSpec Spec for the cluster.
ingress IngressSpec Spec for the ingress.
cni CNISpec Spec for the CNI.
controllers []ControllerSpec List of specs for the additional controllers.


Field Type Description
kind string Name of the cluster type. The options currently are Kind or External.
spec yaml.Node Fields that set the options for the cluster type.
Field Type Description
name string Cluster name, overrides KIND_CLUSTER_NAME, config (default kind).
recycle bool Reuse an existing cluster of the same name if it exists.
version string Desired version of the kubectl client.
image string Node docker image to use for booting the cluster.
retain bool Retain nodes for debugging when cluster creation fails.
wait time.Duration Wait for control plane node to be ready (default 0s).
kubecfg string Sets kubeconfig path instead of $KUBECONFIG or $HOME/.kube/config.
googleArtifactRegistries []string List of Google Artifact Registries to setup credentials for in the cluster. Example value for registry would be Credentials used are associated with the configured gcloud user on the host.
containerImages map[string]string Map of source images to target images for containers to load in the cluster. Empty values cause the source image to be loaded into the cluster without being renamed.
config string Path to a kind config file.
additionalManifests []string List of paths to manifests to be applied using kubectl directly after cluster creation.
Field Type Description
network string Name of the docker network to create a pool of external IP addresses for ingress to assign to services.


Field Type Description
kind string Name of the ingress type. The only option currently is MetalLB.
spec yaml.Node Fields that set the options for the ingress type.
Field Type Description
ip_count int Number of IP addresses to include in the available pool.
manifest string Path of the manifest yaml file to create MetalLB in the cluster. The validated manifest for use with KNE can be found here.
manifests string Path of the directory holding the manifests to create MetalLB in the cluster. The directory is expected to contain a file with the name metallb-native.yaml.


Field Type Description
kind string Name of the CNI type. The only option currently is Meshnet.
spec yaml.Node Fields that set the options for the CNI type.
Field Type Description
manifest string Path of the manifest yaml file to create Meshnet in the cluster. The validated manifest for use with KNE can be found here.
manifests string Path of the directory holding the manifests to create Meshnet in the cluster. The directory is expected to contain a file with the name manifest.yaml.


Field Type Description
kind string Name of the controller type. The current options currently are IxiaTG, SRLinux, CEOSLab, and Lemming.
spec yaml.Node Fields that set the options for the controller type.
Field Type Description
operator string Path of the yaml file to create an IxiaTG operator in the cluster. The validated operator for use with KNE can be found here.
configMap string Path of the yaml file to create an IxiaTG config map in the cluster. The validated config map for use with KNE can be found here.
manifests string Path of the directory holding the manifests to create an IxiaTG operator in the cluster. The directory is expected to contain a file with the name ixiatg-operator.yaml. Optionally the directory can contain a file with the name ixiatg-configmap.yaml to apply a config map of the desired container images used by the controller.
Field Type Description
operator string Path of the yaml file to create an SRLinux operator in the cluster. The validated operator for use with KNE can be found here.
manifests string Path of the directory holding the manifests to create an SRLinux operator in the cluster. The directory is expected to contain a file with the name manifest.yaml.
Field Type Description
operator string Path of the yaml file to create a CEOSLab operator in the cluster. The validated operator for use with KNE can be found here.
manifests string Path of the directory holding the manifests to create a CEOSLab operator in the cluster. The directory is expected to contain a file with the name manifest.yaml.
Field Type Description
operator string Path of the yaml file to create a Lemming operator in the cluster. The validated operator for use with KNE can be found here.
manifests string Path of the directory holding the manifests to create a Lemming operator in the cluster. The directory is expected to contain a file with the name manifest.yaml.

The basic deployment yaml file can be found in the GitHub repo at deploy/kne/kind-bridge.yaml.

This config specifies kind as the cluster, metallb as the ingress, and meshnet as the CNI. Additionally, the config instructs kindnet CNI to use bridge CNI, instead of a default ptp. This spec can be deployed using the following command:

kne deploy deploy/kne/kind-bridge.yaml

Deploying additional vendor controllers

TIP: Additional controller deployment is not needed to follow this How-To.

Some vendors provide a controller that handles the pod lifecycle for their nodes. If you did not specify these in your deployment configuration, you will need to manually create them before deploying a topology. Currently the following vendors use a controller:

  • Keysight: ixiatg
  • Nokia: srlinux
  • Arista: ceoslab
  • Drivenets: cdnos
  • OpenConfig: lemming

These controllers can be deployed as part of cluster deployment.

IxiaTG Controller

ixiatg controller orchestrates the lifecycle of the Ixia-c test nodes that add Open Traffic Generator capabilities to the KNE topology. To deploy:

kubectl apply -f manifests/keysight/ixiatg-operator.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests/keysight/ixiatg-configmap.yaml

With the steps above the Ixia-c nodes will operate in the Community Edition mode. To enable full capabilities of Ixia-c, a valid Keysight Elastic Network Generator license is required. Use the following additional step to provide the address of the Keysight Licensing Server with the license to the ixiatg controller:

kubectl create secret -n ixiatg-op-system generic license-server --from-literal=addresses="<license_server_IP_addresses>"

If later you need to use a different license server IP, delete the existing secret first.

kubectl delete secret/license-server -n ixiatg-op-system

See more on the keng-operator GitHub repo.

SR Linux Controller

kubectl apply -f manifests/controllers/srlinux/manifest.yaml

See more on the srl-controller GitHub repo.

cEOS Controller

kubectl apply -f manifests/controllers/ceoslab/manifest.yaml

See more on the arista-ceoslab-operator GitHub repo.

Cdnos Controller

kubectl apply -f manifests/controllers/cdnos/manifest.yaml

See more on the cdnos-controller GitHub repo.


To manually apply the controller run the following command:

kubectl apply -f manifests/controllers/lemming/manifest.yaml

Container images

Container images can be hosted in multiple locations. For example DockerHub hosts open sourced containers. Google Artifact Registries can be used to host images with access control. The KNE topology proto, the manifests, and controllers can all specify containers that get pulled from their source locations and get used in the cluster.

To load an image into a kind cluster there is a 3 step process:

  1. Pull the desired image:

    docker pull src_image:src_tag
  2. Tag the image with the desired in-cluster name:

    docker tag src_image:src_tag dst_image:dst_tag
  3. Load the image into the kind cluster:

    kind load docker-image dst_image:dst_tag --name=kne

Now the dst_image:dst_tag image will be present for use in the kind cluster.

NOTE: ceos:latest is the default image to use for a node of vendor ARISTA. This is a common image to manually pull if using a topology with an ARISTA node and not specifying an image explicitly in your topology textproto. Contact Arista to get access to the cEOS image.

You can check a full list of images loaded in your kind cluster using:

docker exec -it kne-control-plane crictl images

Create a topology

After cluster deployment, a topology can be created inside of it. This can be done using the kne create command.

$ kne help create
Create Topology

  kne create <topology file> [flags]

      --dryrun             Generate topology but do not push to k8s
  -h, --help               help for create
      --timeout duration   Timeout for pod status enquiry

Global Flags:
      --kubecfg string     kubeconfig file (default "/path/to/home/{{USERNAME}}/.kube/config")
  -v, --verbosity string   log level (default "info")

A topology file is a textproto of the Topology message. This file specifies all of the nodes and links of your desired topology. In the node definitions interfaces, services, and initial configs can be specified.

An example topology containing 4 DUT nodes (Arista, Cisco, Nokia, and Juniper) and 1 ATE node (Keysight) can be found under the examples directory at examples/multivendor/multivendor.pb.txt. The initial vendor router configs referenced in the topology are found here See the push config section for details about pushing config after initial creation.

Make sure to load all 4 vendor images into the cluster following the above guide:

  • ceos:latest
  • cptx:latest
  • xrd:latest

WARNING: This example topology requires a host with at least 16 CPU cores.

This topology can be created using the following command.

kne create examples/multivendor/multivendor.pb.txt

IMPORTANT: Wait for the command to fully complete, do not use Ctrl-C to cancel the command. It is expected to take minutes depending on the topology and if initial config is pushed.

Verify topology health

Check that all pods are healthy and Running:

$ kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE                        NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
arista-ceoslab-operator-system   arista-ceoslab-operator-controller-manager-8d8f945f9-stjf7   2/2     Running   0          4m26s
ixiatg-op-system                 ixiatg-op-controller-manager-5f978b8cbf-kn9z2                2/2     Running   0          4m20s
kube-system                      coredns-78fcd69978-7gv8b                                     1/1     Running   0          4m49s
kube-system                      coredns-78fcd69978-kdncc                                     1/1     Running   0          4m49s
kube-system                      etcd-kne-control-plane                                       1/1     Running   0          5m3s
kube-system                      kindnet-ct9df                                                1/1     Running   0          4m49s
kube-system                      kube-apiserver-kne-control-plane                             1/1     Running   0          5m3s
kube-system                      kube-controller-manager-kne-control-plane                    1/1     Running   0          5m3s
kube-system                      kube-proxy-2n9n9                                             1/1     Running   0          4m49s
kube-system                      kube-scheduler-kne-control-plane                             1/1     Running   0          5m3s
lemming-operator                 lemming-controller-manager-5b9856cd44-bs8mf                  2/2     Running   0          4m33s
local-path-storage               local-path-provisioner-85494db59d-7blp6                      1/1     Running   0          4m49s
meshnet                          meshnet-5tttq                                                1/1     Running   0          4m20s
metallb-system                   controller-6d5fb97874-crjbn                                  1/1     Running   0          4m49s
metallb-system                   speaker-vn2l8                                                1/1     Running   0          4m29s
multivendor                      otg-controller                                               3/3     Running   0          72s
multivendor                      otg-port-eth1                                                2/2     Running   0          72s
multivendor                      otg-port-eth2                                                2/2     Running   0          72s
multivendor                      otg-port-eth3                                                2/2     Running   0          72s
multivendor                      otg-port-eth4                                                2/2     Running   0          72s
multivendor                      r1                                                           2/2     Running   0          72s
multivendor                      r2                                                           2/2     Running   0          72s
multivendor                      r3                                                           2/2     Running   0          72s
multivendor                      r4                                                           2/2     Running   0          72s
srlinux-controller               srlinux-controller-controller-manager-854f499fc4-b45jb       2/2     Running   0          3m59s

Check that all services appear as expected and have an assigned EXTERNAL-IP:

$ kubectl get services -n multivendor
NAME                           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                                      AGE
service-gnmi-otg-controller    LoadBalancer   50051:30901/TCP                              4m9s
service-grpc-otg-controller    LoadBalancer   40051:30449/TCP                              4m9s
service-https-otg-controller   LoadBalancer   443:32556/TCP                                4m9s
service-otg-port-eth1          LoadBalancer   5555:30886/TCP,50071:30286/TCP               4m9s
service-otg-port-eth2          LoadBalancer   5555:31326/TCP,50071:31860/TCP               4m9s
service-otg-port-eth3          LoadBalancer   5555:30181/TCP,50071:31619/TCP               4m9s
service-otg-port-eth4          LoadBalancer   5555:32636/TCP,50071:31247/TCP               4m9s
service-r1                     LoadBalancer   443:32101/TCP,22:32304/TCP,6030:32011/TCP    4m12s
service-r2                     LoadBalancer   443:31942/TCP,22:30785/TCP,57400:30921/TCP   4m11s
service-r3                     LoadBalancer   22:32410/TCP                                 4m11s
service-r4                     LoadBalancer   22:31932/TCP,50051:32666/TCP                 4m10s

If anything is unexpected check the Troubleshooting guide.

Clean up KNE

To delete a topology use kne delete:

kne delete examples/multivendor/multivendor.pb.txt

To delete a cluster use kne teardown:

kne teardown deploy/kne/kind-bridge.yaml