Releases: opencrvs/opencrvs-countryconfig
OpenCRVS Country Configuration - v1.3.2
An example OpenCRVS country configuration. To be used in conjunction with opencrvs-core release v1.3.2
Read the release notes!
Read the v1.3.0 to v1.3.* migration notes!
Changes - country configuration
- Added new email templates: correction approved, correction rejected
- Remove unused files and unused dependencies by @rikukissa in #14
- Remove duplicate id check of informant for bride groom by @Nil20 in opencrvs#796
- Update deceased age label & conditionals by @Zangetsu101 in opencrvs#792
- Review section message update for incomplete declaration by @Nil20 in opencrvs#791
- Remove unsupported font from marriage certificate by @Zangetsu101 in opencrvs#852
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
OpenCRVS Country Configuration - v1.3.1
An example OpenCRVS country configuration. To be used in conjunction with opencrvs-core release v1.3.1
Read the release notes!
Read the v1.3.0 to v1.3.* migration notes!
Changes - country configuration
Certificate handlebars now enable custom formatting via offering the possibility to create custom helper functions. An endpoint exists in the country config repository to load in handlebar helper functions. These must be common JS functions with no library dependencies. A basic example is given. Thanks to this discussion: opencrvs/opencrvs-core#5927
Dashboard configuration is now possible in Metabase without the requirement to fork Core. A new endpoint exists in the country config repository to load in a customisable query to populate the performance database and additionally, the Metabase .sql file can be customised to allow any UI change required.
A new environment variable must be added to Github Actions during deployment: CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_WILDCARD. This is supplied to the clients and nginx config like this: *. and ensures that the format of your domain can be configurable. Previously it was hardcoded in nginx to assume that hostname is the domain name concatenating beyond a dot separated subdomain. Resolved in: opencrvs/opencrvs-core#6123. In addition, these environment secrets in Github Actions are now environment variables: DOMAIN, REPLICAS
OpenCRVS Country Configuration - v1.3.0
An example OpenCRVS country configuration. To be used in conjunction with opencrvs-core release v1.3.0
Read the release notes!
v1.2 to v1.3.* migration notes
Breaking changes - country configuration
The country confguration repository has been entirely refactored. Please contact us at [email protected] if you need any help rebasing changes in this repository.
Refer to the documentation
- Form configuration now takes place entirely by using code in this repository.
- All databases are now seeded using the configuration and APIs here and the old backup zips have been deprecated.
- Directory structure has been refactored entirely
- All server configuration can now be amended in this repository without forking opencrvs-core
- Many content keys have been created for translation requirements for the new features. These are documented below.
"buttons.editRecord": "No, make correction",
"buttons.issue": "Issue",
"buttons.saving": "Saving...",
"buttons.sendForUpdates": "Send for updates",
"certificate.receipt.amountDue": "Fee",
"certificate.receipt.deathService.before": "Death registration before {target} days of date of death",
"certificate.receipt.marriageService.after": "Marriage registration after {target} days of date of marriage",
"certificate.receipt.marriageService.before": "Marriage registration before {target} days of date of marriage",
"certificate.receipt.service": "Service",
"changeEmail.validation.msg": "Must be a valid email address",
"config.application.marriageTabTitle": "Marriage",
"config.application.marriageLegallySpecifiedDialogTitle": "Legally specified time period for marriage registration",
"config.application.marriageDelayedFeeChangeNotification": "Marriage delayed fee updated",
"config.application.marriageOnTimeFeeChangeNotification": "Marriage on time fee updated",
"config.application.marriageRegTargetChangeNotification": "Marriage registration target days updated",
"config.informantNotification.title": "Informant notifications",
"config.informantNotification.subtitle": "Select the notifications to send to the informant to keep them informed of the progress to their declaration. Your system is configured to send {communicationType}.",
"config.informantNotification.inProgressSMS": "Notification sent to Office",
"config.informantNotification.declarationSMS": "Declaration sent for review",
"config.informantNotification.registrationSMS": "Declaration registered",
"config.informantNotification.rejectionSMS": "Declaration rejected",
"config.informantNotification.success": "Informant notifications updated",
"config.userRoles.title": "User roles",
"config.userRoles.subtitle": "Map user roles to each system role so that specific permissions and privileges are correctly assigned. To learn more about the different system roles see ... {link}",
"config.userRoles.systemRoles": "SYSTEM ROLES",
"config.userRoles.systemRoleSuccessMsg": "System role updated successfully",
"config.userRoles.role": "ROLE",
"config.userRoles.roleUpdateInstruction": "Add the roles to be assigned the system role of {systemRole}",
"config.application.vsExportDownloadFailed": "Sorry! Something went wrong",
"config.certificate.template": "Template",
"config.certificate.allowPrinting": "Allow printing in advanced of issuance",
"config.certificate.options": "Options",
"config.certificate.printDescription": "Records printed off in advance of collections will be added to the ready to issue work-queue",
"config.certificate.allowPrintingNotification": "Allow printing in advance of issuance updated",
"config.certTemplate": "Certificate Template",
"config.marriageDefaultTempDesc": "Default marriage certificate template",
"config.marriageTemplate": "Marriage certificate",
"config.listTitle": "Certification",
"config.application.backgroundImageError": "Unable to change image. Please try again.",
"config.application.loginBackgroundLabel": "Login Background",
"config.application.loginImageText": "Upload an image and set how you would like it to display in the background",
"config.application.imageTabTitle": "Image",
"config.application.colourTabTitle": "Colour",
"config.application.colourTabText": "Hex code",
"config.application.backgroundImageChangeNotification": "Background image updated",
"config.application.backgroundImageFileLimitError": "Background image file must be less than 2mb",
"constants.marriage": "Marriage",
"constants.marriages": "Marriages",
"constants.duplicateOf": "Duplicate of",
"constants.matchedTo": "Matched to",
"constants.registeredAt": "Registered at",
"constants.registeredBy": "Registered by",
"constants.emailAddress": "Email Address",
"constants.user.role": "Role",
"constants.user.systemRole": "System Role",
"constants.registrationNumber": "Reg no.",
"constants.issueCertificate": "Issue Certificate",
"constants.collectorDetails": "Collector Details",
"constants.issueToMother": "Issue to informant (Mother)",
"constants.issueToFather": "Issue to informant (Father)",
"constants.issueToGroom": "Issue to informant (Groom)",
"constants.issueToBride": "Issue to informant (Bride)",
"constants.issueToSomeoneElse": "Issue to someone else",
"constants.issueToInformant": "Issue to informant",
"constants.issueConfirmationMessage": "Please confirm that the certificate has been issued to the informant or collector.",
"constants.idCheckWithoutVerify": "Continue without proof of ID?",
"constants.systemrole": "System Role",
"constants.draft": "Draft",
"verifyCertificate.loading": "Verifying certificate",
"verifyCertificate.timeOut": "You been timed out",
"verifyCertificate.successTitle": "Valid QR code",
"verifyCertificate.successMessage": "Compare the partial details of the record below against those against those recorded on the certificate",
"verifyCertificate.errorTitle": "Invalid QR code",
"verifyCertificate.errorMessage": "The certificate is a potential forgery please...",
"verifyCertificate.successUrl": "URL Verification",
"verifyCertificate.fullname": "Full name",
"verifyCertificate.dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"verifyCertificate.dateOfDeath": "Date of death",
"": "Sex",
"verifyCertificate.placeOfBirth": "Place of birth",
"verifyCertificate.placeOfDeath": "Place of death",
"verifyCertificate.registrationCenter": "Registration Center",
"verifyCertificate.registar": "Name of registar",
"verifyCertificate.createdAt": "Date of certification",
"verifyCertificate.brn": "BRN",
"verifyCertificate.drn": "DRN",
"verifyCertificate.toastMessage": "After verifying the certificate, please close the browser window",
"verifyCertificate.sexFemale": "Female",
"verifyCertificate.sexMale": "Male",
"correction.corrector.bride": "Bride",
"correction.corrector.groom": "Groom",
"correction.summary.required": "Required for correction",
"correction.summary.idCheckForCorrection": "Correct without proof of ID?",
"dashboard.noContent": "No content to show. Make sure the following variables are configured in the <strong>client-config.js</strong> provided by your country config package:<br /><ul><li><strong>LEADERBOARDS_DASHBOARD_URL</strong></li><li><strong>REGISTRATIONS_DASHBOARD_URL</strong></li><li><strong>STATISTICS_DASHBOARD_URL</strong></li></ul>",
"dashboard.dashboardTitle": "Dashboard",
"dashboard.leaderboardTitle": "Leaderboards",
"dashboard.statisticTitle": "Statistics",
"custom.field.form.unit": "Unit",
"custom.field.form.unitOptionG": "Gram (G)",
"custom.field.form.unitOptionKg": "Kilogram (Kg)",
"custom.field.form.unitOptionCm": "Centimeter (Cm)",
"custom.field.form.unitOptionM": "Meter (M)",
"custom.field.form.unitOptionEmpty": "None",
"custom.field.form.inputWidth": "Input width",
"config.form.settings.time": "Time input",
"": "Custom select with dynamic options",
"duplicates.warning": "Potential duplicate of record {trackingId}",
"": "Potential {event} duplicate review",
"duplicates.content.title": "Is {name} ({trackingId}) a duplicate?",
"duplicates.content.subtitle": "This record was flagged as a potential duplicate of: {trackingIds}. Please review these by clicking on each tracking ID in the tab section to view a side-by-side comparison below, and confirm if this record is a duplicate",
"duplicates.button.notDuplicate": "Not a duplicate",
"duplicates.button.markAsDuplicate": "Mark as duplicate",
"duplicates.content.notDuplicateConfirmationTitle": "Are you sure {name} ({trackingId}) is not duplicate?",
"duplicates.content.markAsDuplicate": "Mark {trackingId} as duplicate?",
"duplicates.content.duplicateDropdownMessage": "Duplicate of",
"duplicates.content.markAsDuplicateReason": "Please describe your reason",
"": "Review {actualTrackingId} against {duplicateTrackingId}",
"": "Supporting documents",
"duplicates.content.header": "Declaration details",
"form.field.nidNotVerified": "Authenticate",
"form.field.nidVerified": "Authenticated",
"form.field.nidOffline": "National ID authentication is currently not available offline.",
"form.field.nidNotVerifiedReviewSection": "Unauthenticated",
"form.field.label.addressLine1RuralOption": "Village",
"form.field.label.addressLine1UrbanOption": "Residential Area",
"": "Print and issue to informant (Mother)",
"": "Print and issue to informant (Father)",
"form.field.label.exactDateOfBirthUnknown": "Exact date of birth unknown",