diff --git a/data/home.yml b/data/home.yml
index 67782b8..5f09057 100644
--- a/data/home.yml
+++ b/data/home.yml
@@ -3,17 +3,23 @@
- title: What is udata ?
+ title: What is udata?
details: >
Udata is an open source and customizable data portal and catalog
aimed at organizations wanting to publish their data or host for others.
- title: Why udata ?
+ title: Why udata?
details: >
We wanted an open data portal for a more contributive and inclusive open data.
As none satisfied our needs, we wrote a new one and udata was born.
- title: How to contribute ?
+ title: Who are we?
+ details: >
+ udata is developed by Etalab, the
+ open data agency for french public administration. The opendatateam
+ is open to new collaborators.
+ -
+ title: How to contribute?
details: >
You can contribute by fixing bugs, implement new features or translating strings.
Head over the contributing guide