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Configuring OpenEthereum

OpenEthereum can be configured using either the CLI options or a config file. Should the CLI flags and the config file disagree about a setting, the CLI takes precedence.

You can list all CLI options by running $openethereum --help. The vast majority of CLI options map to a setting in the TOML file, for example --mode-timeout 500 can be set by creating a config file:

mode_timeout = 500

Config File

OpenEthereum can be configured using a TOML file. To start OpenEthereum with a config file, the file needs to be located in:

  • Windows: %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\OpenEthereum\config.toml
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/openethereum/config.toml
  • macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/OpenEthereum/config.toml

To use a custom path run $ openethereum --config path/to/config.toml.


OpenEthereum can be launched with a preset configuration file using --config flag with one of the following value:

  • dev: uses dev chain specifications with Instant-seal consensus engine. The gas price is set to 0.
  • dev-insecure: uses the same configuration as dev, plus sets the flag no_consensus, allows all RPC APIs and accepts all RPC interfaces and hosts.
  • insecure: uses the Mainnet default configuration, plus sets the flag no_consensus, allows all RPC APIs and accepts all RPC interfaces and hosts.
  • mining: uses the Mainnet default configuration, plus increases the number of peers to min 50 and max 100, it disables the Dapps and IPC interface. It forces the sealing of blocks with a minimum of 4 seconds interval, forces the reseal for any new transaction (external or local), reduces the transaction queue size to 2048 while increasing the cache size to 256 MB and setting the trace logging level for the miner and own_tx modules.
  • non-standard-ports: sets the client to listen to the port 30305 and 8645 for RPC connections.

(In)secure Operation

As implied by the dev, dev-insecure, and insecure presets, by default, OpenEthereum runs as securely as possible while allowing the local machine access to all safe APIs (as detailed in the --jsonrpc-apis docstring).

  • Altering --rpc-hosts or --ws-hosts allows the specified hosts to access any APIs your node has open, setting either of these to all or * is not recommended, and is a DoS vector in the safest case, and will lead to losses of funds or highjacking or reconfiguration of your node if you have insecure APIs enabled.
  • eth_sendRawTransaction and eth_estimateGas are both considered safe - they do not allow people to send transactions from accounts they do not already have control over - but they still have a significant processing cost when called, so it is not recommended to open the eth API directly to the internet without first sanitizing inputs.
  • There are additional security considerations if you are running a private network, but a miner on any network should be aware of the tools available to maintain quality of the txpool - specifically --tx-gas-limit and --tx-time-limit and the other --tx-queue-... related settings can effectively help maintain your miner's competitiveness while still maintaining a positive effect on the network.

CLI Options

Operating Options:
        Set the operating mode. MODE can be one of: last - Uses the last-used mode, active if none; active - Parity
        continuously syncs the chain; passive - Parity syncs initially, then sleeps and wakes regularly to resync; dark
        - Parity syncs only when the JSON-RPC is active; offline - Parity doesn't sync. (default: last)

        Specify the number of seconds before inactivity timeout occurs when mode is dark or passive (default: 300)

        Specify the number of seconds before auto sleep reawake timeout occurs when mode is passive (default: 3600)

        Specify the blockchain type. CHAIN may be either a JSON chain specification file or ethereum, poacore, xdai,
        volta, ewc, musicoin, ellaism, mix, callisto, morden, ropsten, kovan, rinkeby, goerli, poasokol, testnet, or
        dev. (default: foundation)

        Specify the path for JSON key files to be found (default: $BASE/keys)

        Specify your node's name. (default: )

    -d, --base-path=[PATH]
        Specify the base data storage path.

        Specify the database directory path

Convenience Options:
        All servers will listen on external interfaces and will be remotely accessible. It's equivalent with setting the
        following: --[ws,jsonrpc,secretstore,stratum,secretstore-http]-interface=all --*-hosts=all    This option is
        UNSAFE and should be used with great care!

    -c, --config=[CONFIG]
        Specify a configuration. CONFIG may be either a configuration file or a preset: dev, insecure, dev-insecure,
        mining, or non-standard-ports. (default: $BASE/config.toml)

        Add SHIFT to all port numbers OpenEthereum is listening on. Includes network port and all servers (HTTP JSON
        -RPC, WebSockets JSON-RPC, SecretStore). (default: 0)

Account Options:
        Use drastically faster unlocking mode. This setting causes raw secrets to be stored unprotected in memory, so
        use with care.

        Specify the number of iterations to use when deriving key from the password (bigger is more secure) (default:

        Specify the cache time of accounts read from disk. If you manage thousands of accounts set this to 0 to disable
        refresh. (default: 5)

        Unlock ACCOUNTS for the duration of the execution. ACCOUNTS is a comma-delimited list of addresses.

        Provide a file containing a password for unlocking an account. Leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed.
        (default: [])

UI Options:
        Specify directory where Trusted UIs tokens should be stored. (default: $BASE/signer)

Networking Options:
        Disable syncing from the snapshot over the network.

        Disable new peer discovery.

        Connect only to reserved nodes.

        Disable downloading old blocks after snapshot restoration or warp sync. Not recommended.

        When warp enabled never attempt regular sync before warping to block NUM.

        Override the port on which the node should listen. (default: 30303)

        Network interfaces. Valid values are 'all', 'local' or the ip of the interface you want OpenEthereum to listen
        to. (default: all)

        Try to maintain at least NUM peers.

        Allow up to NUM peers.

        Allow additional NUM peers for a snapshot sync. (default: 0)

        Specify method to use for determining public address. Must be one of: any, none, upnp, extip:<IP>. (default:

        Filter outbound connections. Must be one of: private - connect to private network IP addresses only; public -
        connect to public network IP addresses only; all - connect to any IP address. (default: all)

        Allow up to NUM pending connections. (default: 64)

        Override the network identifier from the chain we are on.

        Override the bootnodes from our chain. NODES should be comma-delimited enodes.

        Specify node secret key, either as 64-character hex string or input to SHA3 operation.

        Provide a file containing enodes, one per line. These nodes will always have a reserved slot on top of the
        normal maximum peers.

API and Console Options – HTTP JSON-RPC:
        RPC calls will return 'null' instead of an error if ancient block sync is still in progress and the block
        information requested could not be found

        Disable the HTTP JSON-RPC API server.

        Disable HTTP/1.1 keep alive header. Disabling keep alive will prevent re-using the same TCP connection to fire
        multiple requests, recommended when using one request per connection.

        Enable experimental RPCs. Enable to have access to methods from unfinalised EIPs in all namespaces

        Specify the port portion of the HTTP JSON-RPC API server. (default: 8545)

        Specify the hostname portion of the HTTP JSON-RPC API server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or all
        (all interfaces) or local. (default: local)

        Specify the APIs available through the HTTP JSON-RPC interface using a comma-delimited list of API names.
        Possible names are: all, safe, debug, web3, net, eth, pubsub, personal, signer, parity, parity_pubsub,
        parity_accounts, parity_set, traces, secretstore. You can also disable a specific API by putting '-' in the
        front, example: all,-personal. 'safe' enables the following APIs: web3, net, eth, pubsub, parity, parity_pubsub,
        traces (default: web3,eth,pubsub,net,parity,parity_pubsub,traces)

        List of allowed Host header values. This option will validate the Host header sent by the browser, it is
        additional security against some attack vectors. Special options: "all", "none",. (default: none)

        Turn on additional processing threads for JSON-RPC servers (all transports). Setting this to a non-zero value
        allows parallel execution of cpu-heavy queries. (default: 4)

        Specify CORS header for HTTP JSON-RPC API responses. Special options: "all", "none". (default: none)

        Enables multiple threads handling incoming connections for HTTP JSON-RPC server.

        Specify maximum size for HTTP JSON-RPC requests in megabytes.

        Set the RPC filter lifetime to S seconds. The filter has to be polled at least every S seconds , otherwise it is
        removed. (default: 60)

API and Console Options – WebSockets:
        Disable the WebSockets JSON-RPC server.

        Specify the port portion of the WebSockets JSON-RPC server. (default: 8546)

        Specify the hostname portion of the WebSockets JSON-RPC server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or all
        (all interfaces) or local. (default: local)

        Specify the JSON-RPC APIs available through the WebSockets interface using a comma-delimited list of API names.
        Possible names are: all, safe, web3, net, eth, pubsub, personal, signer, parity, parity_pubsub, parity_accounts,
        parity_set, traces, secretstore. You can also disable a specific API by putting '-' in the front, example:
        all,-personal. 'safe' enables the following APIs: web3, net, eth, pubsub, parity, parity_pubsub, traces
        (default: web3,eth,pubsub,net,parity,parity_pubsub,traces)

        Specify Origin header values allowed to connect. Special options: "all", "none". (default: parity://*,chrome

        List of allowed Host header values. This option will validate the Host header sent by the browser, it is
        additional security against some attack vectors. Special options: "all", "none". (default: none)

        Maximum number of allowed concurrent WebSockets JSON-RPC connections. (default: 100)

        Enable prometheus metrics (only full client).

        Specify the port portion of the metrics server. (default: 3000)

        Specify the hostname portion of the metrics server, IP should be an interface's IP address, or all (all
        interfaces) or local. (default: local)

API and Console Options – IPC:
        Disable JSON-RPC over IPC service.

        Specify custom path for JSON-RPC over IPC service. (default: $BASE/jsonrpc.ipc)

        Specify custom API set available via JSON-RPC over IPC using a comma-delimited list of API names. Possible names
        are: all, safe, web3, net, eth, pubsub, personal, signer, parity, parity_pubsub, parity_accounts, parity_set,
        traces, secretstore. You can also disable a specific API by putting '-' in the front, example: all,-personal.
        'safe' enables the following APIs: web3, net, eth, pubsub, parity, parity_pubsub, traces (default:

Secret Store Options:
        Disable Secret Store functionality.

        Disable Secret Store HTTP API.

        Do not run servers set change session automatically when servers set changes. This option has no effect when
        servers set is read from configuration file.

        Secret Store permissioning contract address source: none, registry (contract address is read from
        'secretstore_acl_checker' entry in registry) or address. (default: registry)

        Secret Store Service contract address source: none, registry (contract address is read from
        'secretstore_service' entry in registry) or address.

        Secret Store Service server key generation contract address source: none, registry (contract address is read
        from 'secretstore_service_srv_gen' entry in registry) or address.

        Secret Store Service server key retrieval contract address source: none, registry (contract address is read from
        'secretstore_service_srv_retr' entry in registry) or address.

        Secret Store Service document key store contract address source: none, registry (contract address is read from
        'secretstore_service_doc_store' entry in registry) or address.

        Secret Store Service document key shadow retrieval contract address source: none, registry (contract address is
        read from 'secretstore_service_doc_sretr' entry in registry) or address.

        Comma-separated list of other secret store cluster nodes in form NODE_PUBLIC_KEY_IN_HEX@NODE_IP_ADDR:NODE_PORT.
        (default: )

        Secret Store server set contract address source: none, registry (contract address is read from
        'secretstore_server_set' entry in registry) or address. (default: registry)

        Specify the hostname portion for listening to Secret Store Key Server internal requests, IP should be an
        interface's IP address, or local. (default: local)

        Specify the port portion for listening to Secret Store Key Server internal requests. (default: 8083)

        Specify the hostname portion for listening to Secret Store Key Server HTTP requests, IP should be an interface's
        IP address, or local. (default: local)

        Specify the port portion for listening to Secret Store Key Server HTTP requests. (default: 8082)

        Specify directory where Secret Store should save its data. (default: $BASE/secretstore)

        Hex-encoded secret key of this node.

        Hex-encoded public key of secret store administrator.

Sealing/Mining Options:
        Force the node to author new blocks as if it were always sealing/mining.

        Force the node to author new blocks when a new uncle block is imported.

        Move solved blocks from the work package queue instead of cloning them. This gives a slightly faster import
        speed, but means that extra solutions submitted for the same work package will go unused.

        Local transactions sent through JSON-RPC (HTTP, WebSockets, etc) will be treated as 'external' if the sending
        account is unknown.

        Disables transaction queue optimization to early reject transactions below minimal effective gas price. This
        allows local transactions to always enter the pool, despite it being full, but requires additional ecrecover on
        every transaction.

        Always refuse service transactions.

        Pending block will be created with maximal possible gas limit and will execute all transactions in the queue.
        Note that such block is invalid and should never be attempted to be mined.

        Don't save pending local transactions to disk to be restored whenever the node restarts.

        Run Stratum server for miner push notification.

        Specify which transactions should force the node to reseal a block. SET is one of: none - never reseal on new
        transactions; own - reseal only on a new local transaction; ext - reseal only on a new external transaction; all
        - reseal on all new transactions. (default: own)

        Specify the minimum time between reseals from incoming transactions. MS is time measured in milliseconds.
        (default: 2000)

        Specify the maximum time since last block to enable force-sealing. MS is time measured in milliseconds.
        (default: 120000)

        Specify the number of historical work packages which are kept cached lest a solution is found for them later.
        High values take more memory but result in fewer unusable solutions. (default: 20)

        Set of transactions to relay. SET may be: cheap - Relay any transaction in the queue (this may include invalid
        transactions); strict - Relay only executed transactions (this guarantees we don't relay invalid transactions,
        but means we relay nothing if not mining); lenient - Same as strict when mining, and cheap when not. (default:

        Amount of USD to be paid for a basic transaction. The minimum gas price is set accordingly. (default: 0.0001)

        USD value of a single ETH. SOURCE may be either an amount in USD, a web service or 'auto' to use each web
        service in turn and fallback on the last known good value. (default: auto)

        T will be allowed to pass between each gas price update. T may be daily, hourly, a number of seconds, or a time
        string of the form "2 days", "30 minutes" etc.. (default: hourly)

        Amount of gas per block to target when sealing a new block. (default: 8000000)

        A cap on how large we will raise the gas limit per block due to transaction volume. (default: 10000000)

        Maximum amount of memory that can be used by the transaction queue. Setting this parameter to 0 disables
        limiting. (default: 4)

        Maximum amount of transactions in the queue (waiting to be included in next block). (default: 8192)

        Maximum number of transactions per sender in the queue. By default it's 1% of the entire queue, but not less
        than 16.

        Specify local accounts for which transactions are prioritized in the queue. ACCOUNTS is a comma-delimited list
        of addresses.

        Prioritization strategy used to order transactions in the queue. S may be: gas_price - Prioritize txs with high
        gas price (default: gas_price)

        Interface address for Stratum server. (default: local)

        Port for Stratum server to listen on. (default: 8008)

        Minimum amount of Wei per GAS to be paid for a transaction to be accepted for mining. Overrides --usd-per-tx.

        Set PCT percentile gas price value from last 100 blocks as default gas price when sending transactions.
        (default: 50)

        Specify the block author (aka "coinbase") address for sending block rewards from sealed blocks. NOTE: MINING

        Specify the address which should be used to sign consensus messages and issue blocks. Relevant only to non-PoW

        Apply a limit of GAS as the maximum amount of gas a single transaction may have for it to be mined.

        Maximal time for processing single transaction. If enabled senders of transactions offending the limit will get
        other transactions penalized.

        Specify a custom extra-data for authored blocks, no more than 32 characters.

        URLs to which work package notifications are pushed. URLS should be a comma-delimited list of HTTP URLs.

        Secret for authorizing Stratum server for peers.

        Maximal number of blocks to import for each import round. (default: 12)

Internal Options:
        Executable will auto-restart if exiting with 69

Miscellaneous Options:
        Don't use terminal color codes in output.

    -v, --version
        Show information about version.

        Don't load a configuration file.

    -l, --logging=[LOGGING]
        Specify the general logging level (error, warn, info, debug or trace). It can also be set for a specific module,
        example: '-l sync=debug,rpc=trace'

        Specify a filename into which logging should be appended.

Footprint Options:
        Automatically scale amount of verifier threads based on workload. Not guaranteed to be faster.

        Indicates if full transaction tracing should be enabled. Works only if client had been fully synced with tracing
        enabled. BOOL may be one of auto, on, off. auto uses last used value of this option (off if it does not exist).
        (default: auto)

        Configure pruning of the state/storage trie. METHOD may be one of auto, archive, fast: archive - keep all state
        trie data. No pruning. fast - maintain journal overlay. Fast but 50MB used. auto - use the method most recently
        synced or default to fast if none synced. (default: auto)

        Set a minimum number of recent states to keep in memory when pruning is active. (default: 64)

        The ideal amount of memory in megabytes to use to store recent states. As many states as possible will be kept
        within this limit, and at least --pruning-history states will always be kept. (default: 32)

        Override database cache size. (default: 128)

        Specify the preferred size of the blockchain cache in megabytes. (default: 8)

        Specify the maximum size of memory to use for block queue. (default: 40)

        Specify the maximum size of memory to use for the state cache. (default: 25)

        Database compaction type. TYPE may be one of: ssd - suitable for SSDs and fast HDDs; hdd - suitable for slow
        HDDs; auto - determine automatically. (default: auto)

        Build appropriate information to allow enumeration of all accounts and storage keys. Doubles the size of the
        state database. BOOL may be one of on, off or auto. (default: auto)

        Set total amount of discretionary memory to use for the entire system, overrides other cache and queue options.

        Amount of verifier threads to use or to begin with, if verifier auto-scaling is enabled.

Import/export Options:
        Skip block seal check.

Snapshot Options:
        Enable automated snapshots which usually occur once every 5000 blocks.

        Enables multiple threads for snapshots creation.