From f69d86ab8f5886bcaece7646e1bfe51f128aaa7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Transifex-Openfoodnetwork Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 20:50:37 +1000 Subject: [PATCH 1/7] Updating translations for config/locales/nb.yml [skip ci] --- config/locales/nb.yml | 428 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 409 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/nb.yml b/config/locales/nb.yml index 94d023361e5..545752fdf9b 100644 --- a/config/locales/nb.yml +++ b/config/locales/nb.yml @@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ nb: subject: "Vennligst bekreft e-postadressen til %{enterprise}" welcome: subject: "%{enterprise} er nå på %{sitename}" + producer_mailer: + order_cycle: + subject: "Bestillingsrunderapport for %{producer}" + home: "OFN" title: Open Food Network welcome_to: 'Velkommen til ' site_meta_description: "Vi begynner fra grunnen. Med bønder og dyrkere klare til å fortelle sine historier, stolt og virkelig. Med distributører klare til å koble mennesker med produkter på en rettferdig og ærlig måte. Med kunder som tror på at ukentlige innkjøpsrutiner kan..." @@ -69,16 +73,33 @@ nb: cancel: Avbryt edit: Endre distributors: Distributører + distribution: Distribusjon bulk_order_management: Bulk ordrehåndtering enterprise_groups: Grupper reports: Rapporter variant_overrides: Varelager - more: Mer spree_products: Spree Produkter all: Alle current: Nåværende available: Tilgjengelig dashboard: Dashboard + undefined: udefinert + unused: ubrukt + admin_and_handling: Admin & Håndtering + profile: Profil + supplier_only: Kun leverandør + weight: Vekt + volume: Volum + summary: Sammendrag + detailed: Detaljert + updated: Oppdatert + 'yes': "Ja" + 'no': "Nei" + y: 'J' + n: 'N' + powered_by: Drevet av + blocked_cookies_alert: "Nettleseren din kan blokkere informasjonskapsler som trengs for å bruke denne butikken. Klikk nedenfor for å tillate informasjonskapsler 'cookies' og last siden på nytt." + allow_cookies: "Tillat informasjonskapsler" admin: date: Dato email: Epost @@ -99,6 +120,8 @@ nb: weight: Vekt volume: Volum items: Varer + select_all: Velg alle + obsolete_master: Forældet mester quick_search: Hurtigsøk clear_all: Fjern Alt start_date: "Startdato" @@ -133,6 +156,14 @@ nb: finalise_user_invoices: "Ferdigstill Brukerfakturaer" finalise_user_invoice_explained: "Bruk denne knappen til å ferdigstille alle fakturaer i systemet for forrige kalendermåned. Denne oppgaven kan settes opp til å kjøre automatisk en gang i måneden." update_user_invoices: "Oppdater Brukerfakturaer" + errors: + accounts_distributor: Må settes hvis du ønsker å opprette fakturaer for brukere. + default_payment_method: Må settes hvis du ønsker å opprette fakturaer for brukere. + default_shipping_method: Må settes hvis du ønsker å opprette fakturaer for brukere. + shopfront_settings: + embedded_shopfront_settings: "Innstillinger Innebygd Nettbutikk" + enable_embedded_shopfronts: "Aktiver Innebygd Nettbutikk" + embedded_shopfronts_whitelist: "Hviteliste for Eksterne Domener" business_model_configuration: edit: business_model_configuration: "Forretningsmodell" @@ -183,6 +214,8 @@ nb: update_address: 'Oppdater Adresse' confirm_delete: 'Sikker på å slette?' search_by_email: "Søk på epost/kode..." + destroy: + has_associated_orders: 'Sletting mislyktes: kunden har tilknyttede ordrer med sin butikk' cache_settings: show: title: Mellomlagring @@ -190,9 +223,17 @@ nb: order_cycle: Bestillingsrunde status: Status diff: Forskjell + error: Feil contents: edit: title: Innhold + header: Overskrift + home_page: Hjemmeside + producer_signup_page: Produsent registreringsside + hub_signup_page: Hub-registreringsside + group_signup_page: Grupperegistreringsside + footer_and_external_links: Footer og eksterne lenker + your_content: Ditt innhold enterprise_fees: index: title: Bedriftsavgifter @@ -205,6 +246,11 @@ nb: enterprise_groups: index: new_button: Ny Bedriftsgruppe + enterprise_roles: + form: + manages: administrere + enterprise_role: + manages: administrere products: unit_name_placeholder: 'f.eks. bunter' bulk_edit: @@ -242,7 +288,12 @@ nb: inventory_powertip: Dette er ditt varelager. For å legge til lageret, velg 'Nye Produkter' fra Visningslisten. hidden_powertip: Disse produktene har blitt skjult fra ditt varelager og vil ikke være tilgjengelig for å legge til din butikk. Du kan klikke "Legg til" for å legge et produkt til ditt varelager. new_powertip: Disse produktene er tilgjengelige for å bli lagt til ditt varelager. Klikk "Legg til" for å legge et produkt til lageret ditt, eller "Skjul" for å skjule det fra visning. Du kan alltids ombestemme deg senere! + controls: + back_to_my_inventory: Tilbake til min varelager orders: + index: + capture: "Fang" + ship: "Levere" bulk_management: tip: "Bruk denne siden for å endre produktantall på tvers av flere bestillinger. Produkter kan også fjernes fra bestillinger helt, hvis påkrevd." shared: "Delt Ressurs?" @@ -517,11 +568,75 @@ nb: title: Fakturainnstillinger invoice_style2?: Bruk den alternative fakturamodellen som inkluderer total avgiftsoppdeling pr rate og avgiftsrateinfo pr vare (passer ikke for land som viser priser ekskludert avgift) enable_receipt_printing?: 'Vis valg for utskrift av kvitteringer ved bruk av kvitteringsprinter i nedtrekksmeny for bestillinger? ' + overview: + enterprises_header: + ofn_with_tip: Bedrifter er Produsenter og / eller Hubs og er den grunnleggende organisasjonsenheten innen Open Food Network. + enterprises_hubs_tabs: + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} har ingen betalingsmetoder" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} har ingen fraktmetoder" + has_no_enterprise_fees: "%{enterprise} har ingen bedriftsavgifter" + enterprise_issues: + create_new: Opprett ny + resend_email: Send e-post igjen + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} har ingen betalingsmetoder" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} har ingen fraktmetoder" + email_confirmation: "E-postbekreftelse venter. Vi har sendt en bekreftelses-epost til %{email}." + not_visible: "%{enterprise} er ikke synlig og kan derfor ikke finnes på kartet eller i søk" + reports: + hidden: SKJULTE + unitsize: ENHETSSTØRRELSE + total: SUM + total_items: ANTALL + supplier_totals: Bestillingsrunde Leverandør Sum + supplier_totals_by_distributor: Bestillingsrunde Leverandør Totaler etter Distributør + totals_by_supplier: Bestillingsrunde Distributør Totaler etter Leverandør + customer_totals: Bestillingsrunde Kunde Totaler + all_products: Alle produkter + inventory: Inventar (tilgjengelig) + lettuce_share: LettuceShare + mailing_list: Mailingliste + addresses: Adresser + payment_methods: Betalingsmetoder rapport + delivery: Leveringsrapport + tax_types: Avgiftstyper + tax_rates: Avgiftsrater + pack_by_customer: Pakk etter Kunde + pack_by_supplier: Pakk etter Leverandør + orders_and_distributors: + name: Bestillinger og Distributører + description: Bestillinger med distributørdetaljer + bulk_coop: + name: Bulk Co-Op + description: Rapporter for Bulk Co-Op bestillinger + payments: + name: Betalingsrapporter + description: Rapporter for betalinger + orders_and_fulfillment: + name: Bestillinger og Oppfyllelsesrapporter + customers: + name: Kunder + products_and_inventory: + name: Produkter & Varelager + sales_total: + name: Salg Totalt + description: Salg totalt for Alle bestillinger + users_and_enterprises: + name: Brukere og Bedrifter + description: Bedriftseierskap & Status + order_cycle_management: + name: Administrering Bestillingsrunder + sales_tax: + name: Omsetningsavgift + xero_invoices: + name: Xero-fakturaer + description: Fakturaer for import til Xero + packing: + name: Pakkerapporter checkout: already_ordered: cart: "handlekurv" message_html: "Du har allerede en bestilling for denne bestillingsrunden. Sjekk %{cart}en for å se varene du bestilte før. Du kan også avbryte varer så lenge bestillingsrunden er åpen." - home: + shops: hubs: show_closed_shops: "Vis stengte butikker" hide_closed_shops: "Skjul stengte butikker" @@ -552,6 +667,7 @@ nb: invoice_column_price_with_taxes: "Totalpris (Inkl. avgift)" invoice_column_price_without_taxes: "Totalpris (Eks. avgift)" invoice_column_tax_rate: "Avgiftsrate" + invoice_tax_total: "MVA Totalt:" tax_invoice: "AVGIFTSFAKTURA" tax_total: "Totalavgift (%{rate}):" total_excl_tax: "Sum (Eks. avgift):" @@ -601,6 +717,10 @@ nb: on_demand: Ved forespørsel none: Ingen not_allowed: Ikke tillatt + no_shipping: ingen leveringsmetoder + no_payment: ingen betalingsmetoder + no_shipping_or_payment: ingen leveringsmetoder eller betalingsmetoder + unconfirmed: ubekreftet label_shops: "Butikker" label_map: "Kart" label_producers: "Produsenter" @@ -980,6 +1100,7 @@ nb: products_max_quantity: Max mengde products_distributor: Distributør products_distributor_info: Når du velger en distributør for din bestilling, vil deres adresse og hentetider vises her. + products_distribution_adjustment_label: "Produktfordeling etter %{distributor} for %{product}" shop_trial_expires_in: "Din prøveperiode på butikkfront går ut om " shop_trial_expired_notice: "Gode nyheter! Vi har bestemt å forlenge butikkprøveperioder inntil ytterligere beskjed." password: Passord @@ -993,6 +1114,7 @@ nb: failed_to_create_enterprise: "Klarte ikke å opprette virksomheten." failed_to_create_enterprise_unknown: "Klarte ikke å opprette virksomheten.\nKontroller at alle feltene er fylt ut." failed_to_update_enterprise_unknown: "Klarte ikke å oppdatere virksomheten.\nKontroller at alle feltene er fylt ut." + enterprise_confirm_delete_message: "Dette vil også slette %{product} som denne bedriften leverer. Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette?" order_not_saved_yet: "Bestillingen er ikke lagret ennå. Gi oss noen få sekunder for å fullføre!" filter_by: "Filtrer på" hide_filters: "Skjul filtre" @@ -1005,6 +1127,8 @@ nb: error_required: "kan ikke være tomt" error_number: "må være tall" error_email: "må være epostadresse" + error_not_found_in_database: "%{name} ikke funnet i databasen" + error_no_permission_for_enterprise: "\"%{name}\": du har ikke rettigheter til å administrere produkter for denne bedriften" item_handling_fees: "Håndteringsavgifter for varen (inkludert i varens totaler)" january: "januar" february: "februar" @@ -1137,6 +1261,9 @@ nb: registration_detail_state_error: "Fylke kreves" registration_detail_country: "Land:" registration_detail_country_error: "Vennligst velg et land" + shipping_method_destroy_error: "Den fraktmetoden kan ikke slettes fordi den er referert til av en bestilling: %{number}." + accounts_and_billing_task_already_running_error: "En oppgave kjører allerede, vennligst vent til den er ferdig" + accounts_and_billing_start_task_notice: "Oppgave satt i kø" fees: "Gebyrer" item_cost: "Varepris" bulk: "Bulk" @@ -1164,6 +1291,8 @@ nb: credit: "Kreditt" Paid: "Betalt" Ready: "Klar" + ok: OK + not_visible: ikke synlig you_have_no_orders_yet: "Du har ingen bestilinger enda" running_balance: "Løpende balanse" outstanding_balance: "Utestående balanse" @@ -1195,9 +1324,15 @@ nb: admin_order_cycles: "Administrasjon Bestillingsrunder" open: "Åpne" close: "Steng" + create: "Opprett" + search: "Søk" supplier: "Leverandør" coordinator: "Koordinator" distributor: "Distributør" + enterprise_fees: "Bedriftsavgifter" + process_my_order: "Behandle bestillingen min" + delivery_instructions: Leveringsinstruksjoner + delivery_method: Leveringsmetode fee_type: "Avfgiftstype" tax_category: "Avgiftskategori" calculator: "Kalkulator" @@ -1226,6 +1361,7 @@ nb: on_hand: "På lager" save_changes: "Lagre Endringer" order_saved: "Bestilling lagret" + no_products: Ingen produkter spree_admin_overview_enterprises_header: "Mine Bedrifter" spree_admin_overview_enterprises_footer: "ADMINISTRER MINE BEDRIFTER" spree_admin_enterprises_hubs_name: "Navn" @@ -1240,26 +1376,36 @@ nb: spree_admin_enterprises_producers_order_cycles: "Produkter i Bestillingsrunder" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_hubs: "HUBS" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_producers: "PRODUSENTER" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_order_cycles: "ADMINISTRER BESTILLINGSRUNDER" spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_products: "ADMINISTRER PRODUKTER" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_orders_cycle_text: "Du har ingen aktive bestillingsrunder." spree_admin_enterprises_any_active_products_text: "Du har ingen aktive produkter." spree_admin_enterprises_create_new_product: "OPPRETT NYTT PRODUKT" - spree_admin_order_cycles: "Bestillingsrunder" - spree_admin_order_cycles_tip: "Bestillingsrunder bestemmer når og hvor dine produkter er tilgjengelig til kunder." - dashbord: "Dashboard" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_confirmation: "Vennligst bekreft epostadressen for" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_sent: "Vi har sendt epost til" spree_admin_overview_action_required: "Handling Nødvendig" spree_admin_overview_check_your_inbox: "Vennligst sjekk din innboks for nærmere instruksjoner. Takk!" + spree_admin_unit_value: Enhetsverdi + spree_admin_unit_description: Enhetsbeskrivelse + spree_admin_variant_unit: Variant enhet + spree_admin_variant_unit_scale: Variant enhetsskala + spree_admin_variant_unit_name: Variant enhetsnavn change_package: "Endre Pakke" spree_admin_single_enterprise_hint: "Hint: For å hjelpe folk til å finne deg, skru på din synlighet under" + spree_admin_eg_pickup_from_school: "f.eks. 'Henting ved Sammfunnshuset'" + spree_admin_eg_collect_your_order: "f.eks. 'Vennligst hente din bestilling fra 123 Matveien, Nesodden, 3070'" + spree_classification_primary_taxon_error: "Gruppe %{taxon} er hovedgruppe til %{product} og kan ikke slettes" + spree_order_availability_error: "Distributør eller bestillingsrunde kan ikke levere produktene i handlekurven din" + spree_order_populator_error: "Den distributøren eller bestillingsrunden kan ikke levere alle produktene i handlekurven din. Vennligst velg en annen." + spree_order_populator_availability_error: "Det produktet er ikke tilgjengelig fra den valgte distributøren eller bestillingsrunden." + spree_distributors_error: "Minst en hub må velges" + spree_user_enterprise_limit_error: "^ %{email} kan ikke eie flere bedrifter (grense er %{enterprise_limit})." + spree_variant_product_error: må ha minst en variant your_profil_live: "Din profil live" on_ofn_map: "på Open Food Network kartet" see: "Se" live: "live" manage: "Administrer" resend: "Send på nytt" + trial: Prøve add_and_manage_products: "Legg til & administrer produkter" add_and_manage_order_cycles: "Legg til & administrer bestillingsrunder" manage_order_cycles: "Administrer bestillingsrunder" @@ -1291,7 +1437,6 @@ nb: hub_sidebar_blue: "blå" hub_sidebar_red: "rød" shop_trial_in_progress: "Din prøveperiode på butikkfront går ut om %{days}." - shop_trial_expired: "Gode nyheter! Vi har bestemt å forlenge butikkprøveperioder inntil ytterligere beskjed (sannsynligvis rundt mars 2015)." report_customers_distributor: "Distributør" report_customers_supplier: "Leverandør" report_customers_cycle: "Bestillingsrunde" @@ -1309,11 +1454,49 @@ nb: report_order_cycle: "Bestillingsrunde:" report_entreprises: "Bedrifter:" report_users: "Brukere:" - report_tax_rates: "Avgiftsrater" - report_tax_types: "Avgiftstyper" - report_header_order_number: "Bestillingsnummer" - report_header_date: "Dato" - report_header_items: "Varer" + report_tax_rates: Avgiftsrater + report_tax_types: Avgiftstyper + report_header_order_cycle: Bestillingsrunde + report_header_user: Bruker + report_header_email: Epost + report_header_status: Status + report_header_comments: Kommentarer + report_header_first_name: Fornavn + report_header_last_name: Etternavn + report_header_phone: Telefon + report_header_suburb: Område + report_header_address: Adresse + report_header_billing_address: Fakturaadresse + report_header_relationship: Forhold + report_header_hub: Hub + report_header_hub_address: Hubadresse + report_header_to_hub: Til Hub + report_header_hub_code: Hubkode + report_header_code: Kode + report_header_paid: Betalt? + report_header_delivery: Levert? + report_header_shipping: Levering + report_header_shipping_method: Leveringsmetod + report_header_shipping_instructions: Leveringsanvisninger + report_header_ship_street: Gatenavn Levering + report_header_ship_street_2: Gatenavn Levering 2 + report_header_ship_city: By Levering + report_header_ship_postcode: Postnummer Levering + report_header_ship_state: Fylke Levering + report_header_billing_street: Gatenavn Fakturering + report_header_billing_street_2: Gatenavn Fakturering 2 + report_header_billing_street_3: Gatenavn Fakturering 3 + report_header_billing_street_4: Gatenavn Fakturering 4 + report_header_billing_city: By Fakturering + report_header_billing_postcode: Postnummer Fakturering + report_header_billing_state: Fylke Fakturering + report_header_incoming_transport: Innkommende transport + report_header_special_instructions: Spesielle instruksjoner + report_header_order_number: Bestillingsnummer + report_header_date: Dato + report_header_confirmation_date: Bekreftelsesdato + report_header_tags: Merkelapper + report_header_items: Varer report_header_items_total: "Sum varer %{currency_symbol}" report_header_taxable_items_total: "Sum varer som krever avgift (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_sales_tax: "Salgsavgift (%{currency_symbol})" @@ -1321,10 +1504,92 @@ nb: report_header_tax_on_delivery: "Leveringsavgift (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_tax_on_fees: "Avgiftsavgift (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_total_tax: "Sum avgifter (%{currency_symbol})" - report_header_customer: "Kunde" - report_header_distributor: "Distributør" + report_header_enterprise: Bedrift + report_header_customer: Kunde + report_header_customer_code: Kundekode + report_header_product: Produkt + report_header_product_properties: Produktegenskaper + report_header_quantity: Mengde + report_header_max_quantity: Maks antall + report_header_variant: Variant + report_header_variant_value: Variantverdi + report_header_variant_unit: Variant Enhet + report_header_total_available: Totalt tilgjengelig + report_header_unallocated: Uallokert + report_header_max_quantity_excess: Maks antall overskytende + report_header_taxons: Grupper + report_header_supplier: Leverandør + report_header_producer: Produsent + report_header_producer_suburb: Produsent Forstad + report_header_unit: Enhet + report_header_group_buy_unit_quantity: Gruppekjøp Enhet Antall + report_header_cost: Kostnad + report_header_shipping_cost: Fraktkostnad + report_header_curr_cost_per_unit: Nåværende Kostnad per Enhet + report_header_total_shipping_cost: Total fraktkostnad + report_header_payment_method: Betalingsmetode + report_header_sells: Selger + report_header_visible: Synlig + report_header_price: Pris + report_header_unit_size: Enhetsstørrelse + report_header_distributor: Distributør + report_header_distributor_address: Distributøradresse + report_header_distributor_city: By Distributør + report_header_distributor_postcode: Postnummer Distributør + report_header_delivery_address: Leveringsadresse + report_header_delivery_postcode: Postnummer Levering + report_header_bulk_unit_size: Bulk Enhetsstørrelse + report_header_weight: Vekt + report_header_sum_total: Totalsum + report_header_date_of_order: Bestillingsdato + report_header_amount_owing: Skyldig Beløp + report_header_amount_paid: Beløp Betalt + report_header_units_required: Enheter som kreves + report_header_remainder: Rest + report_header_order_date: Bestillingsdato + report_header_order_id: Bestillings Id + report_header_item_name: Varenavn + report_header_temp_controlled_items: Temperaturkontrollert varer? + report_header_customer_name: Kundenavn + report_header_customer_email: Kunde Epost + report_header_customer_phone: Kunde Telefon + report_header_customer_city: Kunde sted + report_header_payment_state: Betalingsstatus + report_header_payment_type: Betalingstype + report_header_item_price: "Vare (%{currency})" + report_header_item_fees_price: "Vare + Avgifter (%{currency})" + report_header_admin_handling_fees: "Admin & Håntering (%{currency})" + report_header_ship_price: "Levering (%{currency})" + report_header_pay_fee_price: "Betalingsavgift (%{currency})" + report_header_total_price: "Total (%{currency})" + report_header_product_total_price: "Vare Total (%{currency})" + report_header_shipping_total_price: "Frakt Total (%{currency})" + report_header_outstanding_balance_price: "Utestående saldo (%{currency})" + report_header_eft_price: "EFT (%{currency})" + report_header_paypal_price: "PayPal (%{currency})" + report_header_sku: SKU + report_header_amount: Beløp + report_header_balance: Balanse + report_header_total_cost: "Totalkostnad" + report_header_total_ordered: Total bestilt + report_header_total_max: Total Maks + report_header_total_units: Totalt antall enheter + report_header_sum_max_total: "Sum Maks. Total" report_header_total_excl_vat: "Sum eks. avgift (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_total_incl_vat: "Sum inkl. avgift (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_temp_controlled: Temperaturkontrollert? + report_header_is_producer: Produsent? + report_header_not_confirmed: Ikke bekreftet + report_header_gst_on_income: MVA på Inntekter + report_header_gst_free_income: Momsfri inntekt + report_header_total_untaxable_produce: Sum ubeskattet produkt (ingen Moms) + report_header_total_taxable_produce: Sum Momspliktige produkter (inkludert Moms) + report_header_total_untaxable_fees: Samlede ikke skattepliktige avgifter (ingen skatt) + report_header_total_taxable_fees: Sum skattepliktig avgifter (inklusive skatt) + report_header_delivery_shipping_cost: Levering Fraktkostnad (inklusive skatt) + report_header_transaction_fee: Transaksjonsgebyr (ingen skatt) + report_header_total_untaxable_admin: Samlede avgiftsfrie administreringsjusteringer (ingen skatt) + report_header_total_taxable_admin: Sum skattepliktige adminintreringsjusteringer (inklusive skatt) initial_invoice_number: "Første fakturanummer:" invoice_date: "Fakturadato:" due_date: "Tidsfrist:" @@ -1357,16 +1622,71 @@ nb: shipping_methods: "Leveringsmetoder" payment_methods: "Betalingsmetoder" payment_method_fee: "Transaksjongebyr" - enterprise_fees: "Bedriftsavgifter" inventory_settings: "Beholdningsinnstillinger" tag_rules: "Regler merkelapper" shop_preferences: "Butikkvalg" + enterprise_fee_whole_order: Hele bestillingen + enterprise_fee_by: "%{type} avgift ved %{role} %{enterprise_name}" validation_msg_relationship_already_established: "^Den relasjonen er allerede etablert." validation_msg_at_least_one_hub: "^Minst én hub må være valgt" validation_msg_product_category_cant_be_blank: "^Produktkategori kan ikke være blank" validation_msg_tax_category_cant_be_blank: "^Avgiftskategori kan ikke være blank" validation_msg_is_associated_with_an_exising_customer: "er assosiert med en eksisterende kunde" + content_configuration_pricing_table: "(TODO: Pristabell)" + content_configuration_case_studies: "(TODO: Casestudier)" + content_configuration_detail: "(TODO: Detalj)" + enterprise_name_error: "har allerede blitt tatt. Hvis dette er din bedrift og du ønsker å kreve eierskap, vennligst kontakt gjeldende leder av denne profilen på %{email}." + enterprise_owner_error: "^ %{email} kan ikke eie flere bedrifter (grense er %{enterprise_limit})." + enterprise_role_uniqueness_error: "^Den rollen finnes allerede." + inventory_item_visibility_error: Må være true eller false + product_importer_file_error: "Feil: ingen fil lastet opp" + product_importer_spreadsheet_error: "Kunne ikke behandle filen: ugyldig filtype" + product_importer_products_save_error: kunne ikke lagre noen produkter + product_import_file_not_found_notice: 'Filen ble ikke funnet eller kunne ikke åpnes' + product_import_no_data_in_spreadsheet_notice: 'Ingen data funnet i regnearket' + order_choosing_hub_notice: Huben din er valgt. + order_cycle_selecting_notice: Din bestillingsrunde er valgt. + adjustments_tax_rate_error: "^Kontroller at skattesatsen for denne justeringen er riktig." + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_singular: >- + Huben %{distributor_names} er oppført i en aktiv ordre, men har ikke gyldige + frakt- og betalingsmetoder. Inntil du setter disse opp, vil kundene ikke kunne + handle på denne huben. + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_plural: >- + Hubene %{distributor_names} er oppført i en aktiv ordre, men har ikke gyldige + frakt- og betalingsmetoder. Inntil du setter disse opp, vil kundene ikke kunne + handle på disse hubene. + enterprise_fees_update_notice: Bedriftsavgiftene dine er oppdatert. + enterprise_fees_destroy_error: "Det bedriftsgebyret kan ikke slettes da det refereres av en produktdistribusjon: %{id} - %{name}." + enterprise_register_package_error: "Vennligst velg en pakke" + enterprise_register_error: "Kunne ikke fullføre registreringen for %{enterprise}" + enterprise_register_success_notice: "Gratulerer! Registrering for %{enterprise} er fullført!" + enterprise_bulk_update_success_notice: "Bedrifter oppdatert" + enterprise_bulk_update_error: 'Oppdatering mislyktes' + order_cycles_create_notice: 'Din bestillingsrunde er opprettet.' + order_cycles_update_notice: 'Din bestillingsrunde har blitt oppdatert.' + order_cycles_bulk_update_notice: 'Bestillingsrundene er oppdatert.' + order_cycles_clone_notice: "Din bestillingsrunde %{name} er blitt klonet." + order_cycles_email_to_producers_notice: 'E-poster som skal sendes til produsentene har blitt satt i kø for sending.' + order_cycles_no_permission_to_coordinate_error: "Ingen av bedriftene dine har tillatelse til å koordinere en bestillingsrunde" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_create_error: "Du har ikke rettigheter til å opprette en bestillingsrunde som er koordinert av den bedriften" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_delete_error: "Den bestillingsrunden er valgt av en kunde og kan ikke slettes. For å hindre at kundene får tilgang til den, vennligst lukk den i stedet." js: + saving: 'Lagrer...' + changes_saved: 'Endringene er lagret.' + save_changes_first: Lagre endringer først. + all_changes_saved: Alle endringer lagret + unsaved_changes: Du har ulagrede endringer + all_changes_saved_successfully: Alle endringer ble lagret + oh_no: "Å nei! Jeg kunne ikke lagre endringene dine." + unauthorized: "Du er uautorisert for å få tilgang til denne siden." + error: Feil + unavailable: Utilgjengelig + profile: Profil + hub: Hub + shop: Butikk + choose: Velge + resolve_errors: Vennligst løse følgende feil + more_items: "+ %{count} Mer" admin: modals: got_it: Har det @@ -1489,11 +1809,75 @@ nb: i din handlekurv gått ned. Her er hva som er endret. now_out_of_stock: er nå ikke på lager. only_n_remainging: "har nå kun %{num} igjen." + variant_overrides: + inventory_products: "Produkter i Varelager" + hidden_products: "Skjulte Produkter" + new_products: "Nye Produkter" + reset_stock_levels: Tilbakestill lagernivåer til standardinnstillinger + changes_to: Endringer til + one_override: En overstyring + overrides: overstyrer + remain_unsaved: forblir ulagret. + no_changes_to_save: Ingen endringer å lagre. ' + no_authorisation: "Jeg kunne ikke få autorisasjon til å lagre endringene, så de forblir ulagrede." + some_trouble: "Jeg hadde noen problemer med å lagre: %{errors}" + changing_on_hand_stock: Endrer lagernivåer på lager... + stock_reset: Lager tilbakestilles til standardinnstillinger. + tag_rules: + show_hide_variants: 'Vis eller skjul varianter i min butikk' + show_hide_shipping: 'Vis eller skjul fraktmetoder ved kassen' + show_hide_payment: 'Vis eller skjul betalingsmetoder ved kassen' + show_hide_order_cycles: 'Vis eller skjul bestillingsrunder i min butikk' + visible: SYNLIG + not_visible: USYNLIG + services: + unsaved_changes_message: Ulagrede endringer eksisterer for øyeblikket, lagre nå eller ignorere? + save: LAGRE + ignore: OVERSE + add_to_order_cycle: "Legg til bestillingsrunden" + manage_products: "Administrer produkter" + edit_profile: "Endre Profil" + add_products_to_inventory: "Legg til produkter i varelager" + resources: + could_not_delete_customer: 'Kunne ikke slette kunde' + product_import: + confirmation: | + Dette vil sette varebeholdning til null på alle produkter for denne virksomheten som ikke er til stede i den nedlastede filen. + order_cycles: + update_success: 'Din bestillingsrunde har blitt oppdatert.' + no_distributors: Det er ingen distributører i denne bestillingsrunden. Denne bestillingsrunden vil ikke være synlig for kundene før du legger til en. Vil du fortsette å lagre denne bestillingsrunden? ' + enterprises: + producer: "Produsent" + non_producer: "Ikke-Produsent" + customers: + select_shop: 'Vennligst velg en butikk først' + could_not_create: Beklager! Kunne ikke opprette producers: signup: start_free_profile: "Start med en gratis profil, og utvid når du er klar!" spree: admin: + orders: + invoice: + issued_on: Utstedt på + tax_invoice: FAKTURA + code: Kode + from: Fra + to: Til + form: + distribution_fields: + title: Distribusjon + distributor: "distributør:" + order_cycle: "Bestillingsrunde:" + overview: + order_cycles: + order_cycles: "Bestillingsrunder" + order_cycles_tip: "Bestillingsrundene bestemmer når og hvor produktene dine er tilgjengelige for kundene." + you_have_active: + zero: "Du har ingen aktive bestillingsrunder" + one: "Du har en aktiv bestillingsrunde" + other: "Du har %{count} aktive bestillingssykluser." + manage_order_cycles: "BEHANDLE BESTILLINGSRUNDER" products: bulk_edit: header: @@ -1502,6 +1886,12 @@ nb: title: LASTER PRODUKTER no_products: "Ingen produkter ennå. Ønsker du å legge til noen?" no_results: "Beklager, ingen resultater passer" + reports: + bulk_coop: + bulk_coop_supplier_report: 'Bulk Co-op - Totaler etter Leverandør' + bulk_coop_allocation: 'Bulk Co-op - Allokering' + bulk_coop_packing_sheets: 'Bulk Co-op - Pakkseddel' + bulk_coop_customer_payments: 'Bulk Co-op - Kunde Betalinger' variants: autocomplete: producer_name: Produsent @@ -1509,6 +1899,9 @@ nb: format: '%Y-%m-%d' js_format: 'åå-mm-dd' inventory: Varelager + orders: + bought: + item: "Allerede bestilt i denne bestillingssyklusen" order_mailer: invoice_email: hi: "Hei %{name}" @@ -1526,9 +1919,6 @@ nb: resumed: gjenopptatt returned: returnert skrill: skrill - orders: - invoice: - tax_invoice: "AVGIFTSFAKTURA:" payment_states: balance_due: balanse forfaller completed: fullført From ec7b7e039109e8c2ff63e5ef60dd19e6f8df046d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Transifex-Openfoodnetwork Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 17:43:53 +1000 Subject: [PATCH 2/7] Updating translations for config/locales/sv.yml [skip ci] --- config/locales/sv.yml | 598 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 541 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/sv.yml b/config/locales/sv.yml index 1f492e80e26..cd6e7445f17 100644 --- a/config/locales/sv.yml +++ b/config/locales/sv.yml @@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ sv: spree/order: payment_state: Betalningstatus shipment_state: Leveranstatus + errors: + models: + spree/user: + attributes: + email: + taken: "Det finns redan ett konto med denna mailadress. Logga in eller återställ ditt lösenord." devise: failure: invalid: | @@ -20,11 +26,14 @@ sv: subject: "Vänligen bekräfta e-postadressen för %{enterprise}" welcome: subject: "%{enterprise} är nu på %{sitename}" + producer_mailer: + order_cycle: + subject: "Sammanställning över beställningsperiod för %{producer}" + home: "OFN" title: Open Food Network welcome_to: 'Välkommen till' site_meta_description: "dölja" search_by_name: Sök på ortnamn eller förort... - producers: 'Svenska producenter' producers_join: Svenska producenter kan nu gå med i Open Food Network. Välkomna! charges_sales_tax: Debiterar Moms? print_invoice: "Skriv ut faktura" @@ -62,6 +71,35 @@ sv: show_all: Visa alla show_all_with_more: "Visa alla (%{num} More)" cancel: Makulera + edit: Redigera + distributors: Distributörer + distribution: Distribution + bulk_order_management: Hantera flera beställningar + enterprise_groups: Grupper + reports: Rapporter + variant_overrides: Lager + spree_products: Produkter i Spree + all: Alla + current: Nuvarande + available: Tillgängliga + dashboard: Panel + undefined: odefinierad + unused: oanvänd + admin_and_handling: Administration och hantering + profile: Profil + supplier_only: 'Endast leverantör ' + weight: Vikt + volume: Volym + summary: Sammanfattning + detailed: Detaljerad + updated: Uppdaterad + 'yes': "Ja" + 'no': "Nej" + y: 'J' + n: 'N' + powered_by: Drivs av + blocked_cookies_alert: "Din webbläsare kan blockera cookies som behövs för att använda den här butiken. Klicka nedan för att tillåta cookies och ladda om sidan." + allow_cookies: "Tillåt cookies" admin: date: Datum email: epost @@ -79,10 +117,18 @@ sv: sku: Orderrad tags: Taggar variant: Variant + weight: Vikt + volume: Volym + items: Artiklar + select_all: Välj alla + obsolete_master: Föråldrad mästare quick_search: Snabb sökning clear_all: Rensa allt start_date: "Startdatum" end_date: "Slutdatum" + form_invalid: "Formuläret saknar data eller har innehåller ogiltiga fält" + clear_filters: Rensa filterinställningar + clear: Rensa columns: Kolumner actions: Handlingar viewing: "Tittar på: %{current_view_name}" @@ -110,6 +156,14 @@ sv: finalise_user_invoices: "Slutför användarfakturor" finalise_user_invoice_explained: "Använd denna knapp för att slutföra alla fakturor i systemet avseende föregående kalendermånad. Det går att ställa in denna bearbetning så att den utförs automatiskt en gång per månad." update_user_invoices: "Uppdatera användarfakturor" + errors: + accounts_distributor: måste ställas in om du vill skapa fakturor för företagsanvändare. + default_payment_method: måste ställas in om du vill skapa fakturor för företagsanvändare. + default_shipping_method: måste ställas in om du vill skapa fakturor för företagsanvändare. + shopfront_settings: + embedded_shopfront_settings: "Inställningar för inbäddning av nätbutik" + enable_embedded_shopfronts: "Aktivera inbäddning av butiker" + embedded_shopfronts_whitelist: "Lista av tillåtna externa domäner" business_model_configuration: edit: business_model_configuration: "Företagsmodell" @@ -159,6 +213,9 @@ sv: edit: 'Ändra' update_address: 'Uppdatera Adress' confirm_delete: 'Vill du verkligen radera?' + search_by_email: "Sök via e-post/kod..." + destroy: + has_associated_orders: 'Radering misslyckades: kunden har associerade order med sin butik' cache_settings: show: title: Inkomst @@ -166,9 +223,17 @@ sv: order_cycle: Ordercykel status: Status diff: Differens + error: Fel contents: edit: title: Innehåll + header: Rubrik + home_page: Hemsida + producer_signup_page: Registreringssida för producenter + hub_signup_page: Registreringssida för hubbar + group_signup_page: Registreringssida för grupper + footer_and_external_links: Sidfot och externa länkar + your_content: Ditt innehåll enterprise_fees: index: title: Företagsavgifter @@ -181,7 +246,13 @@ sv: enterprise_groups: index: new_button: Ny företagsgrupp + enterprise_roles: + form: + manages: hanterar + enterprise_role: + manages: hanterar products: + unit_name_placeholder: 't.ex. klasar' bulk_edit: unit: Enhet display_as: Visa som @@ -217,7 +288,12 @@ sv: inventory_powertip: Detta är ditt förråd av produkter. För att lägga till produkter till ditt förråd, välj 'Nya Produkter' från rullistan Vyer. hidden_powertip: Dessa produkter har tagits bort från din inventeringslista och kan inte beställas till din butik. Du kan klicka "Add" för att lägga till en produkt till din inventarielista.ä new_powertip: 'Dessa produkter finns tillgängliga för att ingå i din inventarieförteckning. Klicka på "Add" för att lägga till en produkt till din förteckning eller "Hide" så att den inte visas. Du kan ändra dig vid ett senare tillfälle. ' + controls: + back_to_my_inventory: Tillbaka till mitt lager orders: + index: + capture: "Fånga" + ship: "Frakta" bulk_management: tip: "Använd den här sidan för att ändra produktkvantitet på ett antal order. Om så önskas kan produkter tas bort helt från flera order." shared: "Delad Resurs?" @@ -259,6 +335,8 @@ sv: abn_placeholder: ex 070 56 78 90 acn: ACN acn_placeholder: ex 123 456 789 + display_invoice_logo: Visa logotyp i fakturor + invoice_text: Lägg till anpassad text i slutet av faktura contact: name: Namn name_placeholder: ex. Gustav Persson @@ -332,18 +410,26 @@ sv: shopfront_requires_login_tip: "Välj om kunderna måste logga in för att se skyltfönstret eller om det skall visas för alla." shopfront_requires_login_false: "Offentlig" shopfront_requires_login_true: "Endast synlig för registrerade kunder" + recommend_require_login: "Vi rekommenderar att användare måste logga in när beställningar kan ändras." allow_guest_orders: "Gästbeställningar" allow_guest_orders_tip: "Tillåt leveranskontroll som gäst eller registrerad kund" allow_guest_orders_false: "Kräv inloggning för att beställa" allow_guest_orders_true: "Tillåt checkout för gäster" + allow_order_changes: "Ändra beställning" + allow_order_changes_tip: "Tillåt kunder att ändra sin beställning så länge beställningscykeln är öppen." + allow_order_changes_false: "Lagda beställningar kan inte ändras/avbrytas" + allow_order_changes_true: "Kunder kan ändra/avbryta beställningar medan beställningscykeln är öppen" + shopfront_message: Butiksmeddelande shopfront_message_placeholder: > En frivillig förklaring för kunder som beskriver hur ditt skyltfönster skall användas. Den visas ovanför produktlistan i affärsfönstret. + shopfront_closed_message: Meddelande för stängd butik shopfront_closed_message_placeholder: > Ett meddelande som ger en mer detaljerad förklaring varför din affär är stängd/eller när kunder kan förvänta att den öppnar igen. Detta visas i din affär endast när du inte har en aktiv ordercykel (dvs när affären är stängd). + shopfront_category_ordering: Sorteringsordning av kategorier i butik open_date: Öppningsdatum close_date: Stängningsdatum social: @@ -392,8 +478,8 @@ sv: producer_description_text: 'Lägg till dina produkter till OFN, tillåt lagringscentraler att lagra dina varor i sina lokaler. ' producer_shop: Producentaffär sell_your_produce: Sälj dina egna produkter - sell_description_text: Sälj dina egna produkter direkt till kunder via ditt eget OFN skyltfönster. - sell_description_text2: En producentaffär är enbart för din produkt, Om du önskar sälja produkter odlade/producerade på annat håll, välj "Producer Hub". + producer_shop_description_text: Sälj dina produkter direkt till kunderna genom din egen Open Food butik + producer_shop_description_text2: En Producent Butik är endast för dina produkter. Om du vill sälja produkter som odlas/produceras av andra, välj "Producent Hub". producer_hub: Producentcentral producer_hub_text: Sälj produkter av egen eller annans tillverkning producer_hub_description_text: Ditt företag är grunden i ert lokala livsmedelssystem. Du kan sälja av egen tillverkning likväl som varor samlade från andra företag genom ditt skyltfönster i OFN. @@ -427,6 +513,16 @@ sv: next_step: Nästa steg choose_starting_point: 'Välj din startpunkt:' order_cycles: + edit: + advanced_settings: Avancerade inställningar + update_and_close: Uppdatera och Stäng + choose_products_from: 'Välj produkter från:' + pickup_time_tip: När beställningar från denna Beställningsomgång kommer att vara redo för kunden + pickup_instructions_tip: Dessa instruktioner visas för kunderna efter att de har slutfört en beställning + exchange_form: + pickup_instructions_placeholder: "Instruktioner för upphämtning" + pickup_time_placeholder: "Klar för (dvs. Datum/Tid)" + receival_instructions_placeholder: "Instruktioner för mottagning" advanced_settings: title: Avancerade inställningar choose_product_tip: Du kan välja att begränsa alla tillgängliga produkter (både inkommande och utgående), till enbart dem i %{inventory}'s inventory. @@ -444,7 +540,7 @@ sv: distributor: Distributör products: Produkter tags: Etiketter - delivery_detaisl: Hämtade/levererade detaljer + delivery_details: Upphämtning/Leveransdetaljer debug_info: Felinformation name_and_timing_form: name: Namn @@ -462,9 +558,6 @@ sv: customer_instructions_placeholder: Hämtnings eller leverans meddelanden products: Produkter fees: Avgifter - edit: - advanced_settings: Avancerade inställningar - update_and_close: Uppdatera och Stäng producer_properties: index: title: Producentegenskaper @@ -476,12 +569,84 @@ sv: title: Fakturainställningar invoice_style2?: Använd den alternativa faktureringsmodellen som inkluderar totala skattefördelning per beräkning och skatt per artikel (ännu inte passande för länder som visar priser exklusive skatt) enable_receipt_printing?: 'Visa alternativ för att skriva ut recept genom att använda termiska skrivare i ordermenyn? ' - home: + overview: + enterprises_header: + ofn_with_tip: Företag är Producenter och/eller Hubbar och är den grundläggande organisationsenheten inom Open Food Network. + enterprises_hubs_tabs: + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} har inga betalningsmetoder" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} har inga fraktmetoder" + has_no_enterprise_fees: "%{enterprise} har inga avgifter" + enterprise_issues: + create_new: Skapa ny + resend_email: Skicka igen + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} har för närvarande inga betalningsmetoder" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} har för närvarande inga leveransmetoder" + email_confirmation: "E-postbekräftelse är pågående. Vi har skickat ett bekräftelsemail till %{email}." + not_visible: "%{enterprise} är inte synlig och kan därför inte hittas på kartan eller i sökningar" + reports: + hidden: DOLD + unitsize: ENHETSTORLEK + total: SUMMA + total_items: ANTAL ARTIKLAR + supplier_totals: Summering för beställningsomgång + supplier_totals_by_distributor: Summering för beställningsomgång efter distributör + totals_by_supplier: Summering för beställningsomgång efter leverantör + customer_totals: Summa kunder för beställningsomgång + all_products: Alla produkter + inventory: Lagersaldo (tillgänglig) + lettuce_share: LettuceShare + mailing_list: Mailinglista + addresses: Adresser + payment_methods: 'Rapport för betalningsmetoder ' + delivery: Leveransrapport + tax_types: Skatteformer + tax_rates: Skattesatser + pack_by_customer: Packas av kund + pack_by_supplier: Packas av leverantör + orders_and_distributors: + name: Beställningar och distributörer + description: Beställningar med distributörsinformation + bulk_coop: + name: Bulk Co-Op + description: Rapporter för Bulk Co-Op beställningar + payments: + name: Betalningsrapporter + description: Rapporter för betalningar + orders_and_fulfillment: + name: Beställningar och uppföljningsrapporter + customers: + name: Kunder + products_and_inventory: + name: Produkter och lagersaldo + sales_total: + name: Summa försäljning + description: Summa försäljning för alla beställningar + users_and_enterprises: + name: Användare och företag + description: Ägarstruktur och status för företag + order_cycle_management: + name: Hantering av beställningsomgång + sales_tax: + name: Moms + xero_invoices: + name: Xero-fakturor + description: Fakturor för import till Xero + packing: + name: Förpackningsrapporter + checkout: + already_ordered: + cart: "vagn" + message_html: "Du har redan en beställning för denna beställningsomgång. Kontrollera %{cart} för att se föremålen du beställde tidigare. Du kan också ta bort varor/artiklar så länge som beställningsomgången är öppen." + shops: hubs: - show_closed_shops: "Visa stängda affärer" - hide_closed_shops: "Göm stängda affärer" - show_on_map: "Visa alla på kartan" + show_closed_shops: "Visa stängda butiker" + hide_closed_shops: "Dölj stängda butiker" + show_on_map: "Visa allt på kartan" shared: + menu: + cart: + checkout: "Slutför beställning" + already_ordered_products: "Redan beställd i denna beställningsomgång" register_call: selling_on_ofn: "Intresserad av att gå med i Open Food Network?" register: "Registrera dig här" @@ -503,6 +668,7 @@ sv: invoice_column_price_with_taxes: "Slutsumma (inkl skatt)" invoice_column_price_without_taxes: "Slutsumma (Exkl skatt)" invoice_column_tax_rate: "Skattesats" + invoice_tax_total: "Summa moms" tax_invoice: "SKATTEFAKTURA" tax_total: "Summa skatter (%{rate}):" total_excl_tax: "Summa (Exkl skatt):" @@ -551,6 +717,11 @@ sv: terms_of_service: "Användarvillkor " on_demand: 'På begäran ' none: Ingen + not_allowed: Inte tillåtet + no_shipping: inga fraktmetoder + no_payment: inga betalningsmetoder + no_shipping_or_payment: inga frakt- eller betalningsmetoder + unconfirmed: obekräftad label_shops: "Butiker" label_map: "Karta" label_producers: "Producenter " @@ -571,21 +742,12 @@ sv: items: "artiklar" cart_headline: "Din varukorg" total: "Summa " - checkout: "Gå vidare till kassan" cart_updating: "Uppdatera din varukorg" cart_empty: "Tom varukorg" cart_edit: "Redigera din varukorg " card_number: Kortnummer card_securitycode: "Säkerhetskod" card_expiry_date: Förfallodatum - ofn_cart_headline: "Nuvarande varukorg för:" - ofn_cart_distributor: "Distributör:" - ofn_cart_oc: "Ordercykel:" - ofn_cart_from: "Från:" - ofn_cart_to: "Till:" - ofn_cart_product: "Produkt:" - ofn_cart_quantitiy: "Antal:" - ofn_cart_send: "Köp mig" ie_warning_headline: "Din webbläsare är föråldrad :(" ie_warning_text: "För den bästa upplevelsen av Open Food Network rekommenderas att uppdatera din webbläsare:" ie_warning_chrome: Hämta Chrome @@ -670,6 +832,7 @@ sv: order_billing_address: 'Faktureringsadress ' order_delivery_on: Leverans på order_delivery_address: 'Leveransadress ' + order_delivery_time: Leveranstid order_special_instructions: "Dina anteckningar:" order_pickup_time: Redo för upphämtning order_pickup_instructions: Upphämtningsinstruktioner @@ -678,6 +841,8 @@ sv: order_includes_tax: (inkluderar skatter) order_payment_paypal_successful: Din betalning via PayPal har gått bra. order_hub_info: Hub-information + order_back_to_store: Tillbaka till butik + order_back_to_cart: Tillbaka till varukorgen bom_tip: "Använd denna sida för att ändra produktkvantiteter på flera order samtidigt. Produkter kan också tas bort från fler order samtidigt, om så erfordras." unsaved_changes_warning: "Osparade förändringar existerar och kommer förloras om du fortsätter." unsaved_changes_error: "Fält med röda kanter innehåller fel." @@ -769,6 +934,10 @@ sv: hubs_intro: Handla i ditt närområde hubs_distance: Närmast till hubs_distance_filter: "Visa mig butiker nära %{location}" + shop_changeable_orders_alert_html: + one: Din beställning med %{shop} / %{order} är öppen för recension. Du kan göra ändringar till %{oc_close}. + other: Du har %{count} beställningar hos %{shop} som granskas för tillfället. Du kan göra ändringar till och med%{oc_close}. + orders_changeable_orders_alert_html: Denna beställning har bekräftats, men du kan göra ändringar till och med %{oc_close}. products_clear_all: Rensa allt products_showing: "Visande:" products_with: med @@ -898,7 +1067,7 @@ sv: orders_edit_checkout: Utcheckning orders_form_empty_cart: "Tom varukorg" orders_form_subtotal: Framställ delsumma - orders_form_admin: Administration och behandling + orders_form_admin: Administration och hantering orders_form_total: 'Summa ' orders_oc_expired_headline: Denna orderomgång är stängd för nya order orders_oc_expired_text: "Tyvärr, order för denna orderomgång stängde för %{time} sedan! Var vänlig kontakta ditt matcenter för att se om de kan ta emot en sen order. " @@ -908,7 +1077,18 @@ sv: orders_oc_expired_phone: "Telefon:" orders_show_title: Orderbekräftelse orders_show_time: Order redo den - orders_show_number: Orderbekräftelse + orders_show_order_number: "Beställning # %{number}" + orders_show_cancelled: Avbokad + orders_show_confirmed: Bekräftad + orders_your_order_has_been_cancelled: "Din beställning har avbrutits" + orders_could_not_cancel: "Tyvärr kan denna beställning inte avbrytas" + orders_cannot_remove_the_final_item: "Det går inte att ta bort det sista varan från en beställning, var god och avbryt beställningen istället." + orders_bought_items_notice: + one: Ett ytterligare objekt är redan bekräftat för denna ordercykel + other: '%{count} ytterligare artiklar är redan bekräftade för denna beställningsomgång' + orders_bought_edit_button: Redigera bekräftade varor + orders_bought_already_confirmed: "* redan bekräftad" + orders_confirm_cancel: Är du säker på att du vill avbryta denna beställning? products_cart_distributor_choice: "Distributör för din order:" products_cart_distributor_change: "Din distributör för denna order kommer att ändras till %{name} om du lägger denna produkt i din kundkorg." products_cart_distributor_is: "Din distributör för denna order är %{name}." @@ -921,6 +1101,7 @@ sv: products_max_quantity: Maxkvantitet products_distributor: Distributör products_distributor_info: När du väljer distributör för din order kommer leveranstider att visas här + products_distribution_adjustment_label: "Distribution för %{distributor} av %{product}" shop_trial_expires_in: "Din försökstid för skyltfönster gå ut om" shop_trial_expired_notice: "Goda nyheter! Vi har beslutat utöka skyltfönstrets försökstid tills vidare. " password: Lösenord @@ -934,6 +1115,7 @@ sv: failed_to_create_enterprise: "Misslyckades att skapa ditt företag." failed_to_create_enterprise_unknown: "Misslyckades att skapa ditt företag. Var vänlig kontrollera att alla fält är rätt ifyllda." failed_to_update_enterprise_unknown: "Misslyckades att uppdatera ditt företag. Var vänlig kontrollera att alla fält är rätt ifyllda." + enterprise_confirm_delete_message: "Detta kommer också att ta bort %{product} som företaget tillhandahåller. Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?" order_not_saved_yet: "Din order har inte sparats ännu. Ge oss några sekunder att avsluta!" filter_by: "Filtrera med" hide_filters: "Göm filter" @@ -946,6 +1128,8 @@ sv: error_required: "kan inte vara blank" error_number: "måste vara ett nummer" error_email: "måste vara en e-postadress" + error_not_found_in_database: "%{name} hittades inte i databasen" + error_no_permission_for_enterprise: "\"%{name}\": Du har inte behörighet att hantera produkter för det här företaget" item_handling_fees: "Varukostnader (inkluderat i varusumman)" january: "Januari" february: "Februari" @@ -1009,6 +1193,7 @@ sv: enterprise_long_desc: "Lång beskrivning" enterprise_long_desc_placeholder: "Detta är ditt tillfälle att beskriva ditt företag - vad som gör dig speciell och intressant. Vi föreslår att du begränsar beskrivningen till 600 tecken eller 150 ord." enterprise_long_desc_length: "%{num} tecken / upp till 600 rekommenderas" + enterprise_limit: Företagets gräns enterprise_abn: "ABN" enterprise_abn_placeholder: "t.ex. 99 123 456 789" enterprise_acn: "ACN" @@ -1077,6 +1262,9 @@ sv: registration_detail_state_error: "Land måste fyllas i " registration_detail_country: "Område:" registration_detail_country_error: "Var vänlig ange ett område" + shipping_method_destroy_error: "Denna leveransmetod kan inte raderas eftersom den hänvisas till av beställning: %{number}." + accounts_and_billing_task_already_running_error: "En jobb är redan igång. Vänta tills den är klar" + accounts_and_billing_start_task_notice: "Jobbet lades till kön" fees: "Avgifter" item_cost: "Artikelkostnad" bulk: "Grupp" @@ -1104,6 +1292,8 @@ sv: credit: "Kredit" Paid: "Betald" Ready: "Klar" + ok: OK + not_visible: inte synlig you_have_no_orders_yet: "Du har inga order ännu" running_balance: "Saldo" outstanding_balance: "Utestående behållning" @@ -1135,15 +1325,22 @@ sv: admin_order_cycles: "Administratörens order cykel" open: "Öppen" close: "Stängd" + create: "Skapa" + search: "Sök" supplier: "Leverantör" coordinator: "Koordinator" distributor: "Distributör" + enterprise_fees: "Företagsavgifter" + process_my_order: "Behandla min beställning" + delivery_instructions: Leveransanvisningar + delivery_method: Leveransmetod fee_type: "Avgiftstyp" tax_category: "Taxområde" calculator: "Kalkulator" calculator_values: "Kalkulatorvärden" flat_percent_per_item: "Procent (per vara)" new_order_cycles: "Ny beställningsrunda" + new_order_cycle: "Ny beställningsomgång" select_a_coordinator_for_your_order_cycle: "Utse en koordinator för din beställningsrunda" edit_order_cycle: "Redigera beställningsrundan" roles: "Uppgifter" @@ -1164,6 +1361,8 @@ sv: price: "Pris" on_hand: "På hand" save_changes: "Spara ändringar" + order_saved: "Beställningen sparades" + no_products: Inga produkter spree_admin_overview_enterprises_header: "Mina företag" spree_admin_overview_enterprises_footer: "ADMINISTRERA MINA FÖRETAG" spree_admin_enterprises_hubs_name: "Namn" @@ -1178,26 +1377,36 @@ sv: spree_admin_enterprises_producers_order_cycles: "Produkter i beställningsrunda" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_hubs: "MATSTÄLLEN" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_producers: "PRODUCENTER" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_order_cycles: "HANTERA BESTÄLLNINGSRUNDOR" spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_products: "HANTERA PRODUKTER" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_orders_cycle_text: "Du har inga aktiva beställningsrundor" spree_admin_enterprises_any_active_products_text: "Du har inga aktiva produkter." spree_admin_enterprises_create_new_product: "SKAPA EN NY PRODUKT" - spree_admin_order_cycles: "Beställningsrundor" - spree_admin_order_cycles_tip: "Beställningsrundor avgör när och var dina produkter är tillgängliga för kunder." - dashbord: "Panel" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_confirmation: "Var vänlig och fastställ e-postadressen för" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_sent: "Vi har sänt e-post till " spree_admin_overview_action_required: "Ett ställningstagande behövs" spree_admin_overview_check_your_inbox: "Var vänlig kontrollera din inkorg för ytterligare instruktioner. Tack!" + spree_admin_unit_value: Enhetspris + spree_admin_unit_description: Enhetsbeskrivning + spree_admin_variant_unit: Variant enhet + spree_admin_variant_unit_scale: Variant enhetsskala + spree_admin_variant_unit_name: 'Variant enhetsnamn ' change_package: "Ändra förpackning" spree_admin_single_enterprise_hint: "Tips: För att folk skall hitta dig lättare, slå på din reklam under" + spree_admin_eg_pickup_from_school: "t.ex. \"Upphämtning från grundskolan\"" + spree_admin_eg_collect_your_order: "t.ex. \"Var snäll och samla din beställning från Exempelgatan, 100 00 Stad '" + spree_classification_primary_taxon_error: "Gruppen %{taxon} är den primära gruppen för %{product} och kan inte raderas" + spree_order_availability_error: "Distributören eller beställningsomgången kan inte leverera produkterna i din kundvagn" + spree_order_populator_error: "Denna distributör eller beställningsomgång kan inte leverera alla produkter i din kundvagn. Vänligen välj en annan." + spree_order_populator_availability_error: "Den produkten är inte tillgänglig från den valda distributören eller denna beställningsomgång." + spree_distributors_error: "Minst en hub måste väljas" + spree_user_enterprise_limit_error: "^ %{email} har inte rätt att äga några fler företag (gränsen är %{enterprise_limit})." + spree_variant_product_error: måste ha minst en variant your_profil_live: "Din profil direkt" on_ofn_map: "Öppna kartan över Open Food Network" see: "Se" live: "direkt" manage: "Hantera" resend: "Återsänd" + trial: Prövoperiod add_and_manage_products: "Lägg till och hantera produkter" add_and_manage_order_cycles: "Addera och hantera beställningsrundor" manage_order_cycles: "Hantera beställningsrundor" @@ -1205,6 +1414,8 @@ sv: edit_profile_details: "Redigera detaljer i profilen" edit_profile_details_etc: "Ändra beskrivningen av din profil, bilder, etc" order_cycle: "Ordercykel" + order_cycles: "Beställningsomgångar" + enterprises: "Företag" remove_tax: "Tag bort skatt" enterprise_terms_of_service: "Företagets servicevillkor" enterprises_require_tos: "Företag måste acceptera servicevillkoren" @@ -1227,7 +1438,6 @@ sv: hub_sidebar_blue: "blå" hub_sidebar_red: "röd" shop_trial_in_progress: "Ditt skyltfönsterförsök avslutas om %{days}." - shop_trial_expired: "Goda nyheter! Vi har beslutat att utsträcka ditt skyltfönsterförsök till (probably around March 2015)." report_customers_distributor: "Distributör" report_customers_supplier: "Leverantör" report_customers_cycle: "Ordercykel" @@ -1245,11 +1455,49 @@ sv: report_order_cycle: "Beställningsrundor" report_entreprises: "Företag:" report_users: "Användare:" - report_tax_rates: "Skattesatser" - report_tax_types: "Typer av skatt" - report_header_order_number: "Ordernummer" - report_header_date: "Datum" - report_header_items: "Varor" + report_tax_rates: Skattesatser + report_tax_types: Typer av skatt + report_header_order_cycle: Beställningsomgång + report_header_user: Användare + report_header_email: E-post + report_header_status: Status + report_header_comments: Kommentarer + report_header_first_name: Förnamn + report_header_last_name: Efternamn + report_header_phone: Telefonnummer + report_header_suburb: Stadsdel + report_header_address: Adress + report_header_billing_address: Fakturerirngsadress + report_header_relationship: Förhållande + report_header_hub: Hub + report_header_hub_address: Hubadress + report_header_to_hub: Till hub + report_header_hub_code: Hubkod + report_header_code: Kod + report_header_paid: Betald? + report_header_delivery: Leverans? + report_header_shipping: Frakt + report_header_shipping_method: Fraktmetod + report_header_shipping_instructions: Leveransinstruktioner + report_header_ship_street: Leveransadress + report_header_ship_street_2: Leveransadress 2 + report_header_ship_city: Leveransstad + report_header_ship_postcode: Leveranspostnummer + report_header_ship_state: Leveranslän + report_header_billing_street: Betalning - gata + report_header_billing_street_2: Betalning - gata 3 + report_header_billing_street_3: Betalning - gata 3 + report_header_billing_street_4: Betalning - gata 4 + report_header_billing_city: Betalning - stad + report_header_billing_postcode: Betalning - postkod + report_header_billing_state: Betalning - län + report_header_incoming_transport: Inkommande transport + report_header_special_instructions: Särskilda instruktioner + report_header_order_number: Ordernummer + report_header_date: Datum + report_header_confirmation_date: Bekräftelsedatum + report_header_tags: Taggar + report_header_items: Varor report_header_items_total: "Varusumma %{currency_symbol}" report_header_taxable_items_total: "Skattepliktig varusumma (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_sales_tax: "Skatt på försäljning (%{currency_symbol})" @@ -1257,10 +1505,92 @@ sv: report_header_tax_on_delivery: "Leveransskatt (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_tax_on_fees: "Skatt på avgifter (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_total_tax: "Summa skatter (%{currency_symbol})" - report_header_customer: "Kund" - report_header_distributor: "Distributör" + report_header_enterprise: Företag + report_header_customer: Kund + report_header_customer_code: Kundnummer + report_header_product: Produkt + report_header_product_properties: Produktegenskaper + report_header_quantity: Antal + report_header_max_quantity: Max antal + report_header_variant: Variant + report_header_variant_value: Värde för variant + report_header_variant_unit: Enhet för variant + report_header_total_available: Totalt tillgängligt + report_header_unallocated: Oallokerat + report_header_max_quantity_excess: Max överskott + report_header_taxons: Grupper + report_header_supplier: Leverantör + report_header_producer: Producent + report_header_producer_suburb: Producent stadsdel + report_header_unit: Enhet + report_header_group_buy_unit_quantity: Gruppköp Enhet Antal + report_header_cost: Kostnad + report_header_shipping_cost: Fraktkostnad + report_header_curr_cost_per_unit: Aktuell kostnad per enhet + report_header_total_shipping_cost: Total fraktkostnad + report_header_payment_method: Betalningsmetod + report_header_sells: Försäljningar + report_header_visible: Synlig + report_header_price: Pris + report_header_unit_size: Enhetsstorlek + report_header_distributor: Distributör + report_header_distributor_address: Distributör - adress + report_header_distributor_city: Distributör - stad + report_header_distributor_postcode: Distributör - postnummer + report_header_delivery_address: Leveransadress + report_header_delivery_postcode: Leverans Postnummer + report_header_bulk_unit_size: Bulk enhetsstorlek + report_header_weight: Vikt + report_header_sum_total: Summa Totalt + report_header_date_of_order: Beställningsdatum + report_header_amount_owing: Utestående belopp + report_header_amount_paid: Betalt + report_header_units_required: Enheter som krävs + report_header_remainder: Rest + report_header_order_date: Beställningsdatum + report_header_order_id: Beställningsnummer + report_header_item_name: Varunamn + report_header_temp_controlled_items: Temperaturkontrollerade varor? + report_header_customer_name: Kundens namn + report_header_customer_email: Kundens e-postadress + report_header_customer_phone: Kundens telefonnummer + report_header_customer_city: Kundens stad + report_header_payment_state: Betalningsstatus + report_header_payment_type: Betalningstyp + report_header_item_price: "Artikel (%{currency})" + report_header_item_fees_price: "Vara + Avgifter (%{currency})" + report_header_admin_handling_fees: "Administration & Hantering (%{currency})" + report_header_ship_price: "Frakta (%{currency})" + report_header_pay_fee_price: "Betalningsavgift (%{currency})" + report_header_total_price: "Totalt (%{currency})" + report_header_product_total_price: "Produkt Totalt (%{currency})" + report_header_shipping_total_price: "Frakt Totalt (%{currency})" + report_header_outstanding_balance_price: "Utestående balans (%{currency})" + report_header_eft_price: "EFT (%{currency})" + report_header_paypal_price: "PayPal (%{currency})" + report_header_sku: SKU + report_header_amount: Belopp + report_header_balance: Saldo + report_header_total_cost: "Totalkostnad" + report_header_total_ordered: Totalt beställt + report_header_total_max: Totalt Max + report_header_total_units: Totala enheter + report_header_sum_max_total: "Summa Max Totalt" report_header_total_excl_vat: "Summa exkl skatt (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_total_incl_vat: "Summa inkl skatt (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_temp_controlled: Temperaturkontrollerad? + report_header_is_producer: Producent? + report_header_not_confirmed: Inte bekräftad + report_header_gst_on_income: Moms på intäkter + report_header_gst_free_income: Momsfri intäkt + report_header_total_untaxable_produce: Totalt obeskattade produkter (ingen moms) + report_header_total_taxable_produce: Totalt skattepliktiga produkter (inklusive moms) + report_header_total_untaxable_fees: Totalt obeskattade avgifter (ingen moms) + report_header_total_taxable_fees: Totalt skattepliktiga avgifter (inklusive moms) + report_header_delivery_shipping_cost: Fraktkostnad (inklusive moms) + report_header_transaction_fee: Transaktionsavgift (ingen moms) + report_header_total_untaxable_admin: Totalt obeskattade justeringar (ingen moms) + report_header_total_taxable_admin: Totalt obeskattade justeringar (inklusive moms) initial_invoice_number: "Initialt fakturanummer" invoice_date: "Fakturadatum:" due_date: "Sista betalningsdag:" @@ -1293,16 +1623,71 @@ sv: shipping_methods: "Transportmetoder" payment_methods: "Betalningsmetoder" payment_method_fee: "Transaktionsvgift" - enterprise_fees: "Företagsavgifter" inventory_settings: "Lagerstatus" tag_rules: "Etikettregler" shop_preferences: "Butiksinställningar" + enterprise_fee_whole_order: Hela beställningen + enterprise_fee_by: "%{type} avgift vid %{role} %{enterprise_name}" validation_msg_relationship_already_established: "^Den förbindelsen är redan upprättad." validation_msg_at_least_one_hub: "^Åtminstone ett matställe måste väljas" validation_msg_product_category_cant_be_blank: "^Produktkategori kan inte vara blank" validation_msg_tax_category_cant_be_blank: "^Skattekategori kan inte vara blank" validation_msg_is_associated_with_an_exising_customer: "är knuten till en existerande kund" + content_configuration_pricing_table: "(TODO: Pristabell)" + content_configuration_case_studies: "(TODO: Case studies)" + content_configuration_detail: "(TODO: Detalj)" + enterprise_name_error: "är redan registrerad. Om det här är ditt företag och du vill göra anspråk på den, vänligen kontakta nuvarande administratör för den här profilen på %{email}." + enterprise_owner_error: "^ %{email} har inte rätt att äga några fler företag (gränsen är %{enterprise_limit})." + enterprise_role_uniqueness_error: "^ Den rollen existerar redan." + inventory_item_visibility_error: Måste vara 'true' eller 'false' + product_importer_file_error: "Fel: ingen fil laddades upp" + product_importer_spreadsheet_error: "kunde inte hantera filen: ogiltig filtyp" + product_importer_products_save_error: sparade inte några produkter + product_import_file_not_found_notice: 'Filen hittades inte eller kunde inte öppnas' + product_import_no_data_in_spreadsheet_notice: 'Ingen data hittades i kalkylbladet' + order_choosing_hub_notice: Din hub har valts. + order_cycle_selecting_notice: Din beställningsomgång har valts. + adjustments_tax_rate_error: "^ Kontrollera att skattesatsen för denna justering är korrekt." + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_singular: >- + Hubben %{distributor_names} är listat i en aktiv beställningsomgång, men har + inga giltiga frakt- och betalningsmetoder. Kunderna kommer inte kunna handla + tills du konfigurerar dessa satser. + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_plural: >- + Hubbarna %{distributor_names} är listade i en aktiv beställningsomgång, men + har inga giltiga frakt- och betalningsmetoder. Kunderna kommer inte kunna handla + tills du konfigurerar dessa satser. + enterprise_fees_update_notice: Dina företagsavgifter har uppdaterats. + enterprise_fees_destroy_error: "Denna företagsavgift kan inte raderas eftersom den hänvisas till av en produktdistribution: %{id} - %{name}." + enterprise_register_package_error: "Vänligen välj ett paket" + enterprise_register_error: "Det gick inte att slutföra registreringen för %{enterprise}" + enterprise_register_success_notice: "Grattis! Registrering för %{enterprise} är klar!" + enterprise_bulk_update_success_notice: "Företagen uppdateras framgångsrikt" + enterprise_bulk_update_error: 'Uppdateringen misslyckades' + order_cycles_create_notice: 'Din beställningsomgång har skapats.' + order_cycles_update_notice: 'Din beställningsomgång har uppdaterats.' + order_cycles_bulk_update_notice: 'Beställningsomgångarna har uppdaterats.' + order_cycles_clone_notice: "Din beställningscykel %{name} har klonats." + order_cycles_email_to_producers_notice: 'E-postmeddelanden till producenter har blivit placerade i kön för att skickas.' + order_cycles_no_permission_to_coordinate_error: "Ingen av dina företag har tillstånd att samordna en beställningsomgång" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_create_error: "Du har inte behörighet att skapa en beställningsomgång som samordnas av företaget" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_delete_error: "Denna beställningsomgång har valts av en kund och kan inte raderas. För att förhindra att kunder får tillgång till det, stäng det istället." js: + saving: 'Sparar...' + changes_saved: 'Ändringar sparade.' + save_changes_first: Spara ändringarna först. + all_changes_saved: Alla ändringar sparades + unsaved_changes: Du har osparade ändringar + all_changes_saved_successfully: Alla ändringar sparades framgångsrikt + oh_no: "Å nej! Jag kunde inte spara dina ändringar." + unauthorized: "Du saknar behörighet för att komma åt den här sidan." + error: Fel + unavailable: Inte tillgänglig + profile: Profil + hub: Hub + shop: Butik + choose: Välj + resolve_errors: Vänligen lös följande fel + more_items: "+ %{count} Mer" admin: modals: got_it: Förstått @@ -1421,8 +1806,75 @@ sv: kundvagn minskat. Detta har ändrats: now_out_of_stock: Är nu slut only_n_remainging: "nu återstår endast %{num}" + variant_overrides: + inventory_products: "Lagerstatus produkter" + hidden_products: "Dolda produkter" + new_products: "Nya produkter" + reset_stock_levels: Återställ lagernivåer till standardvärden + changes_to: Ändras till + one_override: överskrift + overrides: överskrifter + remain_unsaved: förbli osparad. + no_changes_to_save: Inga ändringar för att spara.' + no_authorisation: "Jag kunde inte få auktorisation för att spara dessa ändringar, så de förblir osparade." + some_trouble: "Jag hade problem med att spara: %{errors}" + changing_on_hand_stock: Byter lagersaldon... + stock_reset: Lagersaldon återställdes till standardvärden. + tag_rules: + show_hide_variants: 'Visa eller dölj varianter i mitt butik' + show_hide_shipping: 'Visa eller dölj leveransmetoder vid kassan' + show_hide_payment: 'Visa eller dölj betalningsmetoder vid kassan' + show_hide_order_cycles: 'Visa eller dölj beställningsomgångar i min butik' + visible: SYNLIG + not_visible: INTE SYNLIG + services: + unsaved_changes_message: Det finns osparade ändringar. Spara nu eller ignorera? + save: SPARA + ignore: IGNORERA + add_to_order_cycle: "Lägg till i beställningsomgång" + manage_products: "Hantera produkter" + edit_profile: "redigera profil" + add_products_to_inventory: "Lägg till produkter i lager" + resources: + could_not_delete_customer: 'Kunde inte radera kund' + product_import: + confirmation: | + Detta kommer att ställa lagersaldot till noll på alla produkter för detta företag, som inte är närvarande i den uppladdade filen. + order_cycles: + update_success: 'Din beställningsomgång har uppdaterats.' + no_distributors: Det finns inga distributörer i denna beställningsomgång. Den kommer inte att vara synlig för kunderna tills du lägger till en distributör. Vill du fortsätta och spara denna beställningsomgång? ' + enterprises: + producer: "Producent" + non_producer: "Ickeproducent" + customers: + select_shop: 'Var god välj en butik först' + could_not_create: Tyvärr, det gick inte att skapa + producers: + signup: + start_free_profile: "Börja med en gratis profil och uppgradera när du är redo!" spree: admin: + orders: + invoice: + issued_on: Utfärdat den + tax_invoice: FAKTURA + code: Kod + from: Från + to: Till + form: + distribution_fields: + title: Distribution + distributor: "Distributör:" + order_cycle: "Beställningsomgång:" + overview: + order_cycles: + order_cycles: "Beställningsomgångar" + order_cycles_tip: "Beställningsomgångar bestämmer när och var dina produkter är tillgängliga för kunderna." + you_have_active: + zero: "Du har inga aktiva beställningsomgångar." + one: "Du har en aktiv beställningsomgång." + other: "Du har %{count} aktiva beställningsomgångar." + manage_order_cycles: "HANTERA BESTÄLLNINGSOMGÅNGAR" products: bulk_edit: header: @@ -1431,30 +1883,22 @@ sv: title: LADDAR PRODUKTER no_products: "Inga produkter ännu. Varför lägger du inte till några?" no_results: "Ledsen, inga resultat stämmer överens" + reports: + bulk_coop: + bulk_coop_supplier_report: 'Bulk Co-op - Totaler per leverantör' + bulk_coop_allocation: 'Bulk Co-op - Allokering' + bulk_coop_packing_sheets: 'Bulk Co-op - Förpackningssedlar' + bulk_coop_customer_payments: 'Bulk Co-op - kundbetalningar' variants: autocomplete: producer_name: Producent date_picker: format: '%Y-%m-%d' js_format: 'åå-mm-dd' - zipcode: Postkod - shipment_states: - backorder: restorder - partial: delvis - pending: oavslutad - ready: klar - shipped: levererad - payment_states: - balance_due: behållning - completed: avslutad - checkout: leveranskontroll - credit_owed: kredit i skuld - failed: misslyckades - paid: betald - pending: oavslutad - processing: behandlas - void: annulerad - invalid: felaktig + inventory: Lager + orders: + bought: + item: "Redan beställd i denna beställningsomgång" order_mailer: invoice_email: hi: "Hi %{name}" @@ -1472,6 +1916,46 @@ sv: resumed: återupptagen returned: returnerad skrill: skrill - orders: - invoice: - tax_invoice: "SKATTEFAKTURA:" + payment_states: + balance_due: behållning + completed: avslutad + checkout: leveranskontroll + credit_owed: kredit i skuld + failed: misslyckades + paid: betald + pending: oavslutad + processing: behandlas + void: annulerad + invalid: felaktig + shipment_states: + backorder: restorder + partial: delvis + pending: oavslutad + ready: klar + shipped: levererad + user_mailer: + reset_password_instructions: + request_sent_text: | + En begäran om att återställa ditt lösenord har gjorts. + Om du inte gjorde denna förfrågan ignorerar du bara det här e-postmeddelandet. + link_text: > + Om du gjorde denna förfrågan klickar du bara på länken nedan: + issue_text: | + Om den ovan nämnda webbadressen inte fungerar kan du försöka kopiera och klistra in den i webbläsaren. + Om du får problem, var god kontakta oss. + weight: Vikt (kg) + zipcode: Postkod + users: + show: + open_orders: Öppna beställningar + transaction_history: Transaktionshistorik + open_orders: + order: Beställningar + shop: 'Butik ' + changes_allowed_until: Ändringar är tillåtna fram till + items: Artiklar + total: Summa + edit: Redigera + cancel: Avbryt + closed: Stängd + until: Fram tills From eeb41ccfddabd55ddd5047dbbc80dca08fd27285 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Transifex-Openfoodnetwork Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2017 04:30:40 +1000 Subject: [PATCH 3/7] Updating translations for config/locales/en_GB.yml [skip ci] --- config/locales/en_GB.yml | 1141 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 1053 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/en_GB.yml b/config/locales/en_GB.yml index 24f2532bfb0..ab7e4be2bfb 100644 --- a/config/locales/en_GB.yml +++ b/config/locales/en_GB.yml @@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ en_GB: spree/order: payment_state: Payment State shipment_state: Shipment State + errors: + models: + spree/user: + attributes: + email: + taken: "There's already an account for this email. Please login or reset your password." devise: failure: invalid: | @@ -11,7 +17,7 @@ en_GB: Were you a guest last time? Perhaps you need to create an account or reset your password. enterprise_confirmations: enterprise: - confirmed: Thankyou, your email address has been confirmed. + confirmed: Thank you, your email address has been confirmed. not_confirmed: Your email address could not be confirmed. Perhaps you have already completed this step? confirmation_sent: "Confirmation email sent!" confirmation_not_sent: "Could not send a confirmation email." @@ -20,14 +26,19 @@ en_GB: subject: "Please confirm the email address for %{enterprise}" welcome: subject: "%{enterprise} is now on %{sitename}" + producer_mailer: + order_cycle: + subject: "Order cycle report for %{producer}" + home: "OFN" title: Open Food Network welcome_to: 'Welcome to ' site_meta_description: "We begin from the ground up. With farmers and growers ready to tell their stories proudly and truly. With distributors ready to connect people with products fairly and honestly. With buyers who believe that better weekly shopping decisions can seriously change the world." search_by_name: Search by name, town, county or postcode... - producers: 'UK Producers' producers_join: UK producers are now welcome to join Open Food Network UK. charges_sales_tax: Charges VAT? print_invoice: "Print Invoice" + print_ticket: "Print Ticket" + select_ticket_printer: "Select printer for tickets" send_invoice: "Send Invoice" resend_confirmation: "Resend Confirmation" view_order: "View Order" @@ -39,27 +50,63 @@ en_GB: must_have_valid_business_number: "Please enter your company number." invoice: "Invoice" percentage_of_sales: "%{percentage} of sales" - percentage_of_turnover: "Percentage of turnover" - monthly_cap_excl_tax: "monthly cap (excl. VAT)" capped_at_cap: "capped at %{cap}" per_month: "per month" - free: "free" + free: "pay what you can" free_trial: "free trial" plus_tax: "plus VAT" - total_monthly_bill_incl_tax: "Total Monthly Bill (Incl. VAT)" min_bill_turnover_desc: "once turnover exceeds %{mbt_amount}" - business_model_configuration: "Business model configuration" say_no: "No" say_yes: "Yes" then: then sort_order_cycles_on_shopfront_by: "Sort Order Cycles On Shopfront By" + required_fields: Required fields are denoted with an asterisk + select_continue: Select and Continue + remove: Remove + or: or + collapse_all: Collapse all + expand_all: Expand all + loading: Loading... + show_more: Show more + show_all: Show all + show_all_with_more: "Show All (%{num} More)" + cancel: Cancel + edit: Edit + distributors: Distributors + distribution: Distribution + bulk_order_management: Bulk Order Management + enterprise_groups: Groups + reports: Reports + variant_overrides: Inventory + spree_products: Spree Products + all: All + current: Current + available: Available + dashboard: Dashboard + undefined: undefined + unused: unused + admin_and_handling: Admin & Handling + profile: Profile + supplier_only: Supplier Only + weight: Weight + volume: Volume + summary: Summary + detailed: Detailed + updated: Updated + 'yes': "Yes" + 'no': "No" + y: 'Y' + n: 'N' + powered_by: Powered by + blocked_cookies_alert: "Your browser may be blocking cookies needed to use this shopfront. Click below to allow cookies and reload the page." + allow_cookies: "Allow Cookies" admin: date: Date email: Email name: Name on_hand: In Stock - on_demand: On Demand - on_demand?: On Demand? + on_demand: Unlimited + on_demand?: Unlimited? order_cycle: Order Cycle phone: Phone price: Price @@ -70,17 +117,81 @@ en_GB: sku: SKU tags: Tags variant: Variant + weight: Weight + volume: Volume + items: Items + select_all: Select all + obsolete_master: Obsolete master quick_search: Quick Search clear_all: Clear All start_date: "Start Date" end_date: "End Date" + form_invalid: "Form contains missing or invalid fields" + clear_filters: Clear Filters + clear: Clear columns: Columns actions: Actions viewing: "Viewing: %{current_view_name}" + description: Description whats_this: What's this? tag_has_rules: "Existing rules for this tag: %{num}" has_one_rule: "has one rule" has_n_rules: "has %{num} rules" + unsaved_confirm_leave: "There are unsaved changed on this page. Continue without saving?" + unsaved_changes: "You have unsaved changes" + accounts_and_billing_settings: + method_settings: + default_accounts_payment_method: "Default Accounts Payment Method" + default_accounts_shipping_method: "Default Accounts Shipping Method" + edit: + accounts_and_billing: "Accounts & Billing" + accounts_administration_distributor: "Accounts Administration Distributor" + admin_settings: "Settings" + update_invoice: "Update Invoices" + auto_update_invoices: "Auto-update invoices nightly at 1:00am" + finalise_invoice: "Finalise Invoices" + auto_finalise_invoices: "Auto-finalise invoices monthly on the 2nd at 1:30am" + manually_run_task: "Manually Run Task " + update_user_invoice_explained: "Use this button to immediately update invoices for the month to date for each enterprise user in the system. This task can be set up to run automatically every night." + finalise_user_invoices: "Finalise User Invoices" + finalise_user_invoice_explained: "Use this button to finalise all invoices in the system for the previous calendar month. This task can be set up to run automatically once a month." + update_user_invoices: "Update User Invoices" + errors: + accounts_distributor: must be set if you wish to create invoices for enterprise users. + default_payment_method: must be set if you wish to create invoices for enterprise users. + default_shipping_method: must be set if you wish to create invoices for enterprise users. + shopfront_settings: + embedded_shopfront_settings: "Embedded Shopfront Settings" + enable_embedded_shopfronts: "Enable Embedded Shopfronts" + embedded_shopfronts_whitelist: "External Domains Whitelist" + business_model_configuration: + edit: + business_model_configuration: "Business Model" + business_model_configuration_tip: "Configure the rate at which shops will be charged each month for use of the Open Food Network." + bill_calculation_settings: "Bill Calculation Settings" + bill_calculation_settings_tip: "Adjust the amount that enterprises will be billed each month for use of the OFN." + shop_trial_length: "Shop Trial Length (Days)" + shop_trial_length_tip: "The length of time (in days) that enterprises who are set up as shops can run as a trial period." + fixed_monthly_charge: "Fixed Monthly Charge" + fixed_monthly_charge_tip: "A fixed monthly charge for all enterprises who are set up as a shop and have exceeded the minimum billable turnover (if set)." + percentage_of_turnover: "Percentage of turnover" + percentage_of_turnover_tip: "When greater than zero, this rate (0.0 - 1.0) will be applied to the total turnover of each shop and added to any fixed charges (to the left) to calculate the monthly bill." + monthly_cap_excl_tax: "monthly cap (excl. VAT)" + monthly_cap_excl_tax_tip: "When greater than zero, this value will be used as a cap on the amount that shops will be charged each month." + tax_rate: "Tax Rate" + tax_rate_tip: "Tax rate that applies to the the monthly bill that enterprises are charged for using the system." + minimum_monthly_billable_turnover: "Minimum Monthly Billable Turnover" + minimum_monthly_billable_turnover_tip: "Minimum monthly turnover before a shopfront will be charged for using OFN. Enterprises turning over less than this amount in a month will not be charged, either as a percentage or fixed rate." + example_bill_calculator: "Example Bill Calculator" + example_bill_calculator_legend: "Alter the example turnover to visualise the effect of the settings to the left." + example_monthly_turnover: "Example Monthly Turnover" + example_monthly_turnover_tip: "An example monthly turnover for an enterprise which will be used to generate calculate an example monthly bill below." + cap_reached?: "Cap Reached ?" + cap_reached?_tip: "Whether the cap (specified to the left) has been reached, given the settings and the turnover provided." + included_tax: "Included tax" + included_tax_tip: "The total tax included in the example monthly bill, given the settings and the turnover provided." + total_monthly_bill_incl_tax: "Total Monthly Bill (Incl. Tax)" + total_monthly_bill_incl_tax_tip: "The example total monthly bill with tax included, given the settings and the turnover provided." customers: index: add_customer: "Add Customer" @@ -102,7 +213,46 @@ en_GB: edit: 'Edit' update_address: 'Update Address' confirm_delete: 'Sure to delete?' + search_by_email: "Search by email/code..." + destroy: + has_associated_orders: 'Delete failed: customer has associated orders with his shop' + cache_settings: + show: + title: Caching + distributor: Distributor + order_cycle: Order Cycle + status: Status + diff: Diff + error: Error + contents: + edit: + title: Content + header: Header + home_page: Home page + producer_signup_page: Producer signup page + hub_signup_page: Hub signup page + group_signup_page: Group signup page + footer_and_external_links: Footer and External Links + your_content: Your content + enterprise_fees: + index: + title: Enterprise Fees + enterprise: Enterprise + fee_type: Fee Type + name: Name + tax_category: Tax Category + calculator: Calculator + calculator_values: Calculator Values + enterprise_groups: + index: + new_button: New Enterprise Group + enterprise_roles: + form: + manages: manages + enterprise_role: + manages: manages products: + unit_name_placeholder: 'eg. bunches' bulk_edit: unit: Unit display_as: Display As @@ -111,7 +261,14 @@ en_GB: inherits_properties?: Inherits Properties? available_on: Available On av_on: "Av. On" + properties: + property_name: Property Name + inherited_property: Inherited Property + variants: + to_order_tip: "Items made to order do not have a set stock level, such as loaves of bread made fresh to order." variant_overrides: + loading_flash: + loading_inventory: LOADING INVENTORY index: title: Inventory description: Use this page to manage inventories for your enterprises. Any product details set here will override those set on the 'Products' page @@ -131,7 +288,12 @@ en_GB: inventory_powertip: This is your inventory of products. To add products to your inventory, select 'New Products' from the Viewing dropdown. hidden_powertip: These products have been hidden from your inventory and will not be available to add to your shop. You can click 'Add' to add a product to you inventory. new_powertip: These products are available to be added to your inventory. Click 'Add' to add a product to your inventory, or 'Hide' to hide it from view. You can always change your mind later! + controls: + back_to_my_inventory: Back to my inventory orders: + index: + capture: "Capture" + ship: "Ship" bulk_management: tip: "Use this page to alter product quantities across multiple orders. Products may also be removed from orders entirely, if required." shared: "Shared Resource?" @@ -152,33 +314,338 @@ en_GB: max_fulfilled_units: "Max Fulfilled Units" order_error: "Some errors must be resolved before you can update orders.\nAny fields with red borders contain errors." variants_without_unit_value: "WARNING: Some variants do not have a unit value" - order_cycles: - edit: - choose_products_from: "Choose Products From:" enterprise: select_outgoing_oc_products_from: Select outgoing OC products from enterprises: index: - producer?: Producer? + title: Enterprises + new_enterprise: New Enterprise + producer?: "Producer?" package: Package status: Status manage: Manage form: + about_us: + desc_short: Short Description + desc_short_placeholder: Tell us about your enterprise in one or two sentences + desc_long: About Us + desc_long_placeholder: Tell customers about yourself. This information appears on your public profile. + business_details: + abn: Company Number + abn_placeholder: eg. 99 123 456 789 + acn: Charity Number + acn_placeholder: eg. 123 456 789 + display_invoice_logo: Display logo in invoices + invoice_text: Add customized text at the end of invoices + contact: + name: Name + name_placeholder: eg. Amanda Plum + email_address: Email Address + email_address_placeholder: eg. + phone: Phone + phone_placeholder: eg. 98 7654 3210 + website: Website + website_placeholder: eg. + enterprise_fees: + name: Name + fee_type: Fee Type + manage_fees: Manage Enterprise Fees + no_fees_yet: You don't have any enterprise fees yet. + create_button: Create One Now + images: + logo: Logo + promo_image_placeholder: 'This image is displayed in "About Us"' + promo_image_note1: 'PLEASE NOTE:' + promo_image_note2: Any promo image uploaded here will be cropped to 1200 x 260. + promo_image_note3: The promo image is displayed at the top of an enterprise's profile page and pop-ups. + inventory_settings: + text1: You may opt to manage stock levels and prices in via your + inventory: inventory + text2: > + If you are using the inventory tool, you can select whether new products + added by your suppliers need to be added to your inventory before they + can be stocked. If you are not using your inventory to manage your products + you should select the 'recommended' option below: + preferred_product_selection_from_inventory_only_yes: New products can be put into my shopfront (recommended) + preferred_product_selection_from_inventory_only_no: New products must be added to my inventory before they can be put into my shopfront + payment_methods: + name: Name + applies: Applies? + manage: Manage Payment Methods + not_method_yet: You don't have any payment methods yet. + create_button: Create New Payment Method + create_one_button: Create One Now + primary_details: + name: Name + name_placeholder: eg. Professor Plum's Biodynamic Truffles + groups: Groups + groups_tip: Select any groups or regions that you are a member of. This will help customers find your enterprise. + groups_placeholder: Start typing to search available groups... + primary_producer: Primary Producer? + primary_producer_tip: Select 'Producer' if you are a primary producer of food. + producer: Producer + any: Any + none: None + own: Own + sells: Sells + sells_tip: "None - enterprise does not sell to customers directly.
Own - Enterprise sells own products to customers.
Any - Enterprise can sell own or other enterprises products.
" + visible_in_search: Visible in search? + visible_in_search_tip: Determines whether this enterprise will be visible to customers when searching the site. + visible: Visible + not_visible: Not visible + permalink: Permalink (no spaces) + permalink_tip: "This permalink is used to create the url to your shop: %{link}your-shop-name/shop" + link_to_front: Link to shop front + link_to_front_tip: A direct link to your shopfront on the Open Food Network. + shipping_methods: + name: Name + applies: Applies? + manage: Manage Shipping Methods + create_button: Create New Shipping Method + create_one_button: Create One Now + no_method_yet: You don't have any shipping methods yet. shop_preferences: shopfront_requires_login: "Publicly visible shopfront?" shopfront_requires_login_tip: "Choose whether customers must login to view the shopfront or if it's visible to everybody." shopfront_requires_login_false: "Public" shopfront_requires_login_true: "Visible to registered customers only" + recommend_require_login: "We recommend to require users to login when orders can be changed." allow_guest_orders: "Guest orders" allow_guest_orders_tip: "Allow checkout as guest or require a registered user." allow_guest_orders_false: "Require login to order" allow_guest_orders_true: "Allow guest checkout" - home: + allow_order_changes: "Change orders" + allow_order_changes_tip: "Allow customers to change their order as long the order cycle is open." + allow_order_changes_false: "Placed orders cannot be changed / cancelled" + allow_order_changes_true: "Customers can change / cancel orders while order cycle is open" + shopfront_message: Shopfront Message + shopfront_message_placeholder: > + An optional explanation for customers detailing how your shopfront works, + to be displayed above the product list on your shop page. + shopfront_closed_message: Shopfront Closed Message + shopfront_closed_message_placeholder: > + A message which provides a more detailed explanation about why your + shop is closed and/or when customers can expect it to open again. This + is displayed on your shop only when you have no active order cycles + (ie. shop is closed). + shopfront_category_ordering: Shopfront Category Ordering + open_date: Open Date + close_date: Close Date + social: + twitter_placeholder: eg. @the_prof + tag_rules: + default_rules: + by_default: By Default + no_rules_yet: No default rules apply yet + add_new_button: '+ Add A New Default Rule' + no_tags_yet: No tags apply to this enterprise yet + no_rules_yet: No rules apply to this tag yet + for_customers_tagged: 'For customers tagged:' + add_new_rule: '+ Add A New Rule' + add_new_tag: '+ Add A New Tag' + users: + email_confirmation_notice_html: "Email confirmation is pending. We've sent a confirmation email to %{email}." + resend: Resend + owner: 'Owner' + owner_tip: The primary user responsible for this enterprise. + notifications: Notifications + notifications_tip: Notifications about orders will be send to this email address. + notifications_placeholder: eg. + notifications_note: 'Note: A new email address may need to be confirmed prior to use' + managers: Managers + managers_tip: The other users with permission to manage this enterprise. + actions: + edit_profile: Edit Profile + properties: Properties + payment_methods: Payment Methods + payment_methods_tip: This enterprise has no payment methods + shipping_methods: Shipping Methods + shipping_methods_tip: This enterprise has shipping methods + enterprise_fees: Enterprise Fees + enterprise_fees_tip: This enterprise has no fees + admin_index: + name: Name + role: Role + sells: Sells + visible: Visible? + owner: Owner + producer: Producer + change_type_form: + producer_profile: Producer Profile + connect_ofn: Connect through OFN + always_free: ALWAYS FREE + producer_description_text: Add your products to Open Food Network, allowing hubs to stock your products in their stores. + producer_shop: Producer Shop + sell_your_produce: Sell your own produce + producer_shop_description_text: Sell your products directly to customers through your very own Open Food Network shopfront. + producer_shop_description_text2: A Producer Shop is for your produce only, if you want to sell produce grown/produced off site, select 'Producer Hub'. + producer_hub: Producer Hub + producer_hub_text: Sell produce from self and others + producer_hub_description_text: Your enterprise is the backbone of your local food system. You can sell your own produce as well as produce aggregated from other enterprises through your shopfront on the Open Food Network. + profile: Profile Only + get_listing: Get a listing + profile_description_text: People can find and contact you on the Open Food Network. Your enterprise will be visible on the map, and will be searchable in listings. + hub_shop: Hub Shop + hub_shop_text: Sell produce from others + hub_shop_description_text: Your enterprise is the backbone of your local food system. You aggregate produce from other enterprises and can sell it through your shop on the Open Food Network. + choose_option: Please choose one of the options above. + change_now: Change now + enterprise_user_index: + loading_enterprises: LOADING ENTERPRISES + no_enterprises_found: No enterprises found. + search_placeholder: Search By Name + manage: Manage + new_form: + owner: Owner + owner_tip: The primary user responsible for this enterprise. + i_am_producer: I am a Producer + contact_name: Contact Name + edit: + editing: 'Editing:' + back_link: Back to enterprises list + new: + title: New Enterprise + back_link: Back to enterprises list + welcome: + welcome_title: Welcome to the Open Food Network! + welcome_text: You have successfully created a + next_step: Next step + choose_starting_point: 'Choose your starting point:' + order_cycles: + edit: + advanced_settings: Advanced Settings + update_and_close: Update and Close + choose_products_from: 'Choose Products From:' + pickup_time_tip: When orders from this OC will be ready for the customer + pickup_instructions_tip: These instructions are shown to customers after they complete an order + exchange_form: + pickup_instructions_placeholder: "Pick-up instructions" + pickup_time_placeholder: "Ready for (ie. Date / Time)" + receival_instructions_placeholder: "Receival instructions" + advanced_settings: + title: Advanced Settings + choose_product_tip: You can opt to restrict all available products (both incoming and outgoing), to only those in %{inventory}'s inventory. + preferred_product_selection_from_coordinator_inventory_only_here: Coordinator's Inventory Only + preferred_product_selection_from_coordinator_inventory_only_all: All Available Products + save_reload: Save and Reload Page + coordinator_fees: + add: Add coordinator fee + form: + incoming: Incoming + supplier: Supplier + receival_details: Receival details + fees: Fees + outgoing: Outgoing + distributor: Distributor + products: Products + tags: Tags + delivery_details: Pickup / Delivery details + debug_info: Debug information + name_and_timing_form: + name: Name + orders_open: Orders open at + coordinator: Coordinator + order_closes: Orders close + row: + suppliers: suppliers + distributors: distributors + variants: variants + simple_form: + ready_for: Ready for + ready_for_placeholder: Date / time + customer_instructions: Customer instructions + customer_instructions_placeholder: Pick-up or delivery notes + products: Products + fees: Fees + producer_properties: + index: + title: Producer Properties + shared: + user_guide_link: + user_guide: User Guide + invoice_settings: + edit: + title: Invoice Settings + invoice_style2?: Use the alternative invoice model that includes total tax breakdown per rate and tax rate info per item (not yet suitable for countries displaying prices excluding tax) + enable_receipt_printing?: Show options for printing receipts using thermal printers in order dropdown? + overview: + enterprises_header: + ofn_with_tip: Enterprises are Producers and/or Hubs and are the basic unit of organisation within the Open Food Network. + enterprises_hubs_tabs: + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} has no payment methods" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} has no shipping methods" + has_no_enterprise_fees: "%{enterprise} has no enterprise fees" + enterprise_issues: + create_new: Create New + resend_email: Resend Email + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} currently has no payment methods" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} currently has no shipping methods" + email_confirmation: "Email confirmation is pending. We've sent a confirmation email to %{email}." + not_visible: "%{enterprise} is not visible and so cannot be found on the map or in searches" + reports: + hidden: HIDDEN + unitsize: UNITSIZE + total: TOTAL + total_items: TOTAL ITEMS + supplier_totals: Order Cycle Supplier Totals + supplier_totals_by_distributor: Order Cycle Supplier Totals by Distributor + totals_by_supplier: Order Cycle Distributor Totals by Supplier + customer_totals: Order Cycle Customer Totals + all_products: All products + inventory: Inventory (on hand) + lettuce_share: LettuceShare + mailing_list: Mailing List + addresses: Addresses + payment_methods: Payment Methods Report + delivery: Delivery Report + tax_types: Tax Types + tax_rates: Tax Rates + pack_by_customer: Pack By Customer + pack_by_supplier: Pack By Supplier + orders_and_distributors: + name: Orders And Distributors + description: Orders with distributor details + bulk_coop: + name: Bulk Co-Op + description: Reports for Bulk Co-Op orders + payments: + name: Payment Reports + description: Reports for Payments + orders_and_fulfillment: + name: Orders & Fulfillment Reports + customers: + name: Customers + products_and_inventory: + name: Products & Inventory + sales_total: + name: Sales Total + description: Sales Total For All Orders + users_and_enterprises: + name: Users & Enterprises + description: Enterprise Ownership & Status + order_cycle_management: + name: Order Cycle Management + sales_tax: + name: Sales Tax + xero_invoices: + name: Xero Invoices + description: Invoices for import into Xero + packing: + name: Packing Reports + checkout: + already_ordered: + cart: "cart" + message_html: "You have an order for this order cycle already. Check the %{cart} to see the items you ordered before. You can also cancel items as long as the order cycle is open." + shops: hubs: show_closed_shops: "Show closed shops" hide_closed_shops: "Hide closed shops" show_on_map: "Show all on the map" shared: + menu: + cart: + checkout: "Checkout now" + already_ordered_products: "Already ordered in this order cycle" register_call: selling_on_ofn: "Interested in selling through the Open Food Network?" register: "Register here" @@ -190,10 +657,30 @@ en_GB: require_customer_login: "This shop is for customers only." require_login_html: "Please %{login} if you have an account already. Otherwise, %{register} to become a customer." require_customer_html: "Please %{contact} %{enterprise} to become a customer." - invoice_column_item: "Item" - invoice_column_qty: "Qty" + invoice_billing_address: "Billing address:" invoice_column_tax: "VAT" invoice_column_price: "Price" + invoice_column_item: "Item" + invoice_column_qty: "Qty" + invoice_column_unit_price_with_taxes: "Unit price (Incl. tax)" + invoice_column_unit_price_without_taxes: "Unit price (Excl. tax)" + invoice_column_price_with_taxes: "Total price (Incl. tax)" + invoice_column_price_without_taxes: "Total price (Excl. tax)" + invoice_column_tax_rate: "Tax rate" + invoice_tax_total: "VAT Total:" + tax_invoice: "TAX INVOICE" + tax_total: "Total tax (%{rate}):" + total_excl_tax: "Total (Excl. tax):" + total_incl_tax: "Total (Incl. tax):" + abn: "Company Number:" + acn: "Charity Number:" + invoice_issued_on: "Invoice issued on:" + order_number: "Invoice number:" + date_of_transaction: "Date of transaction:" + ticket_column_qty: "Qty" + ticket_column_item: "Item" + ticket_column_unit_price: "Unit Price" + ticket_column_total_price: "Total Price" logo: "Logo (640x130)" logo_mobile: "Mobile logo (75x26)" logo_mobile_svg: "Mobile logo (SVG)" @@ -217,15 +704,23 @@ en_GB: phone: Phone next: Next address: Address + address_placeholder: eg. 123 High Street address2: Address (contd.) city: City - state: County + city_placeholder: eg. Newcastle postcode: Postcode + postcode_placeholder: eg. 3070 + state: County country: Country unauthorized: Unauthorized terms_of_service: "Terms of service" - on_demand: To Order + on_demand: Unlimited none: None + not_allowed: Not allowed + no_shipping: no shipping methods + no_payment: no payment methods + no_shipping_or_payment: no shipping or payment methods + unconfirmed: unconfirmed label_shops: "Shops" label_map: "Map" label_producers: "Producers" @@ -246,21 +741,12 @@ en_GB: items: "items" cart_headline: "Your shopping cart" total: "Total" - checkout: "Checkout now" cart_updating: "Updating cart..." cart_empty: "Cart empty" cart_edit: "Edit your cart" card_number: Card Number card_securitycode: "Security Code" card_expiry_date: Expiry Date - ofn_cart_headline: "Current cart for:" - ofn_cart_distributor: "Distributor:" - ofn_cart_oc: "Order cycle:" - ofn_cart_from: "From:" - ofn_cart_to: "To:" - ofn_cart_product: "Product:" - ofn_cart_quantitiy: "Quantity:" - ofn_cart_send: "Buy me" ie_warning_headline: "Your browser is out of date :-(" ie_warning_text: "For the best Open Food Network experience, we strongly recommend upgrading your browser:" ie_warning_chrome: Download Chrome @@ -345,6 +831,7 @@ en_GB: order_billing_address: Billing address order_delivery_on: Delivery on order_delivery_address: Delivery address + order_delivery_time: Delivery time order_special_instructions: "Your notes:" order_pickup_time: Ready for collection order_pickup_instructions: Collection instructions @@ -353,6 +840,9 @@ en_GB: order_includes_tax: (includes tax) order_payment_paypal_successful: Your payment via PayPal has been processed successfully. order_hub_info: Hub info + order_back_to_store: Back To Store + order_back_to_cart: Back To Cart + bom_tip: "Use this page to alter product quantities across multiple orders. Products may also be removed from orders entirely, if required." unsaved_changes_warning: "Unsaved changes exist and will be lost if you continue." unsaved_changes_error: "Fields with red borders contain errors." products: "Products" @@ -438,10 +928,15 @@ en_GB: hubs_filter_by: "Filter by" hubs_filter_type: "Type" hubs_filter_delivery: "Delivery" + hubs_filter_property: "Property" hubs_matches: "Did you mean?" hubs_intro: Shop in your local area hubs_distance: Closest to hubs_distance_filter: "Show me shops near %{location}" + shop_changeable_orders_alert_html: + one: Your order with %{shop} / %{order} is open for review. You can make changes until %{oc_close}. + other: You have %{count} orders with %{shop} currently open for review. You can make changes until %{oc_close}. + orders_changeable_orders_alert_html: This order has been confirmed, but you can make changes until %{oc_close}. products_clear_all: Clear all products_showing: "Showing:" products_with: with @@ -522,14 +1017,14 @@ en_GB: producers_title: Producers producers_headline: Find local producers producers_signup_title: Sign up as a producer - producers_signup_headline: Food producers, empowered. - producers_signup_motivation: Sell your food and tell your stories to diverse new markets. Save time and money on every overhead. We support innovation without the risk. We've levelled the playing field. - producers_signup_send: Join now - producers_signup_enterprise: Enterprise Accounts + producers_signup_headline: Food producers. Meet OFN. + producers_signup_motivation: Sell your food and tell your stories. Save time and money on every overhead. We support innovation without the risk. We're levelling the playing field. + producers_signup_send: Register + producers_signup_enterprise: Why the Open Food Network? producers_signup_studies: Stories from our producers. producers_signup_cta_headline: Join now! - producers_signup_cta_action: Join now - producers_signup_detail: Here's the detail. + producers_signup_cta_action: Register + producers_signup_detail: Got a question? products_item: Item products_description: Description products_variant: Variant @@ -537,7 +1032,7 @@ en_GB: products_available: Available? products_producer: "Producer" products_price: "Price" - register_title: Register + register_title: Find out more sell_title: "Register" sell_headline: "Get on the Open Food Network!" sell_motivation: "Showcase your beautiful food." @@ -548,8 +1043,8 @@ en_GB: sell_hubs_detail: "Set up a profile for your food enterprise or organisation on the OFN. At any time you can upgrade your profile to a multi-producer shop." sell_groups_detail: "Set up a tailored directory of enterprises (producers and other food enterprises) for your region or for your organisation." sell_user_guide: "Find out more in our user guide." - sell_listing_price: "Selling through OFN UK is free!\n\nOFN UK is a Platform Cooperative - part of the Solidarity or Sharing Economy. Our goal is to support the distribution of as much local food as possible. As such OFN UK asks users to 'Pay What You Feel' toward the running costs and maintenance. We think 2% of sales is fair for all the services that OFN UK provide. But more importantly, we think that getting good local food to people at a fair price is more important than paying for software. So pay what you feel our services are worth to your enterprise.\n\nWe collectively budget for new feature development from the international OFN community. This way the huge cost of good software development can be shared. If you want a new feature, chances are someone in France, South Africa, Australia, India or Brazil might want it too! Use the Community Forum to suggest features you'd like to see." - sell_embed: "We can also embed an OFN shop in your own customised website or build a customised local food network website for your region." + sell_listing_price: "Sell through OFN UK. Pay what you think is fair.\n\nOur goal is to support the distribution of as much local food as possible. As such OFN UK asks users to 'Pay What You Feel' toward the running costs and maintenance. All we ask is that you do pay something. " + sell_embed: "We collectively budget for new feature development from the international OFN community. This way the huge cost of good software development can be shared. If you want a new feature, chances are someone in France, South Africa, Australia, India or Brazil might want it too! Use the Community Forum to suggest features you'd like to see." sell_ask_services: "Ask us about OFN services." shops_title: Shops shops_headline: Shopping, transformed. @@ -571,7 +1066,7 @@ en_GB: orders_edit_checkout: Checkout orders_form_empty_cart: "Empty cart" orders_form_subtotal: Produce subtotal - orders_form_admin: Admin and handling + orders_form_admin: Admin & Handling orders_form_total: Total orders_oc_expired_headline: Orders have closed for this order cycle orders_oc_expired_text: "Sorry, orders for this order cycle closed %{time} ago! Please contact your hub directly to see if they can accept late orders." @@ -581,7 +1076,18 @@ en_GB: orders_oc_expired_phone: "Phone:" orders_show_title: Order Confirmation orders_show_time: Order ready on - orders_show_number: Order confirmation + orders_show_order_number: "Order #%{number}" + orders_show_cancelled: Cancelled + orders_show_confirmed: Confirmed + orders_your_order_has_been_cancelled: "Your order has been cancelled" + orders_could_not_cancel: "Sorry, the order could not be cancelled" + orders_cannot_remove_the_final_item: "Cannot remove the final item from an order, please cancel the order instead." + orders_bought_items_notice: + one: An additional item is already confirmed for this order cycle + other: '%{count} additional items already confirmed for this order cycle' + orders_bought_edit_button: Edit confirmed items + orders_bought_already_confirmed: "* already confirmed" + orders_confirm_cancel: Are you sure you want to cancel this order? products_cart_distributor_choice: "Distributor for your order:" products_cart_distributor_change: "Your distributor for this order will be changed to %{name} if you add this product to your cart." products_cart_distributor_is: "Your distributor for this order is %{name}." @@ -594,7 +1100,7 @@ en_GB: products_max_quantity: Max quantity products_distributor: Distributor products_distributor_info: When you select a distributor for your order, their address and pickup times will be displayed here. - shop_trial_length: "Shop Trial Length (Days)" + products_distribution_adjustment_label: "Product distribution by %{distributor} for %{product}" shop_trial_expires_in: "Your shopfront trial expires in" shop_trial_expired_notice: "OFN UK is a non-profit social enterprise making software affordable through open source collaboration. Thanks for being part of it!" password: Password @@ -608,6 +1114,7 @@ en_GB: failed_to_create_enterprise: "Failed to create your enterprise." failed_to_create_enterprise_unknown: "Failed to create your enterprise.\nPlease ensure all fields are completely filled out." failed_to_update_enterprise_unknown: "Failed to update your enterprise.\nPlease ensure all fields are completely filled out." + enterprise_confirm_delete_message: "This will also delete the %{product} that this enterprise supplies. Are you sure you want to continue?" order_not_saved_yet: "Your order hasn't been saved yet. Give us a few seconds to finish!" filter_by: "Filter by" hide_filters: "Hide filters" @@ -620,6 +1127,8 @@ en_GB: error_required: "can't be blank" error_number: "must be number" error_email: "must be email address" + error_not_found_in_database: "%{name} not found in database" + error_no_permission_for_enterprise: "\"%{name}\": you do not have permission to manage products for this enterprise" item_handling_fees: "Item Handling Fees (included in item totals)" january: "January" february: "February" @@ -683,9 +1192,10 @@ en_GB: enterprise_long_desc: "Long Description" enterprise_long_desc_placeholder: "This is your opportunity to tell the story of your enterprise - what makes you different and wonderful? We'd suggest keeping your description to under 600 characters or 150 words." enterprise_long_desc_length: "%{num} characters / up to 600 recommended" - enterprise_abn: "ABN" + enterprise_limit: Enterprise Limit + enterprise_abn: "Company Number" enterprise_abn_placeholder: "eg. 99 123 456 789" - enterprise_acn: "ACN" + enterprise_acn: "Charity Number" enterprise_acn_placeholder: "eg. 123 456 789" enterprise_tax_required: "You need to make a selection." enterprise_final_step: "Final step!" @@ -725,32 +1235,35 @@ en_GB: registration_type_producer: "Yes, I'm a producer" registration_type_no_producer: "No, I'm not a producer" registration_type_error: "Please choose one. Are you are producer?" - registration_type_producer_help: "Producers make yummy things to eat and/or drink. You're a producer if you grow it, raise it, brew it, bake it, ferment it, milk it or mould it." + registration_type_producer_help: "Producers make things to eat and/or drink. You're a producer if you might grow it, raise it, brew it, bake it or ferment it." registration_type_no_producer_help: "If you’re not a producer, you’re probably someone who sells and distributes food. You might be a hub, coop, buying group, retailer, wholesaler or other." create_profile: "Create profile" registration_images_headline: "Thanks!" - registration_images_description: "Let's upload some pretty pictures so your profile looks great! :)" + registration_images_description: "Let's upload some pictures so your profile looks great! :)" registration_detail_headline: "Let's get started" - registration_detail_enterprise: "Woot! First we need to know a little bit about your enterprise:" - registration_detail_producer: "Woot! First we need to know a little bit about your farm:" + registration_detail_enterprise: "First we need to know a little bit about your enterprise:" + registration_detail_producer: "First we need to know a little bit about your farm:" registration_detail_name_enterprise: "Enterprise name:" registration_detail_name_producer: "Farm name:" - registration_detail_name_placeholder: "e.g. Charlie's Awesome Farm" + registration_detail_name_placeholder: "e.g. Charlie's Farm" registration_detail_name_error: "Please choose a unique name for your enterprise" registration_detail_address1: "Address line 1:" registration_detail_address1_placeholder: "e.g. 123 Apple Drive" registration_detail_address1_error: "Please enter an address" registration_detail_address2: "Address line 2:" - registration_detail_suburb: "Suburb:" - registration_detail_suburb_placeholder: "e.g. Northcote" - registration_detail_suburb_error: "Please enter a suburb" + registration_detail_suburb: "Town:" + registration_detail_suburb_placeholder: "e.g. Taunton" + registration_detail_suburb_error: "Please enter a town" registration_detail_postcode: "Postcode:" - registration_detail_postcode_placeholder: "e.g. 3070" + registration_detail_postcode_placeholder: "e.g. TA1 1AA" registration_detail_postcode_error: "Postcode required" registration_detail_state: "County:" registration_detail_state_error: "County required" registration_detail_country: "Country:" registration_detail_country_error: "Please select a country" + shipping_method_destroy_error: "That shipping method cannot be deleted as it is referenced by an order: %{number}." + accounts_and_billing_task_already_running_error: "A task is already running, please wait until it has finished" + accounts_and_billing_start_task_notice: "Task Queued" fees: "Fees" item_cost: "Item cost" bulk: "Bulk" @@ -778,6 +1291,8 @@ en_GB: credit: "Credit" Paid: "Paid" Ready: "Ready" + ok: OK + not_visible: not visible you_have_no_orders_yet: "You have no orders yet" running_balance: "Running balance" outstanding_balance: "Outstanding balance" @@ -809,30 +1324,27 @@ en_GB: admin_order_cycles: "Admin Order Cycles" open: "Open" close: "Close" + create: "Create" + search: "Search" supplier: "Supplier" coordinator: "Coordinator" distributor: "Distributor" + enterprise_fees: "Enterprise Fees" + process_my_order: "Process My Order" + delivery_instructions: Delivery Instructions + delivery_method: Delivery Method fee_type: "Fee Type" tax_category: "Tax Category" calculator: "Calculator" calculator_values: "Calculator values" flat_percent_per_item: "Flat Percent (per item)" new_order_cycles: "New Order Cycles" + new_order_cycle: "New Order Cycle" select_a_coordinator_for_your_order_cycle: "Select a coordinator for your order cycle" edit_order_cycle: "Edit Order Cycle" roles: "Roles" update: "Update" add_producer_property: "Add producer property" - admin_settings: "Settings" - update_invoice: "Update Invoices" - finalise_invoice: "Finalise Invoices" - finalise_user_invoices: "Finalise User Invoices" - finalise_user_invoice_explained: "Use this button to finalise all invoices in the system for the previous calendar month. This task can be set up to run automatically once a month." - manually_run_task: "Manually Run Task" - update_user_invoices: "Update User Invoices" - update_user_invoice_explained: "Use this button to immediately update invoices for the month to date for each enterprise user in the system. This task can be set up to run automatically every night." - auto_finalise_invoices: "Auto-finalise invoices monthly on the 2nd at 1:30am" - auto_update_invoices: "Auto-update invoices nightly at 1:00am" in_progress: "In Progress" started_at: "Started at" queued: "Queued" @@ -843,13 +1355,13 @@ en_GB: no_customers_found: "No customers found" go: "Go" hub: "Hub" - accounts_administration_distributor: "accounts administration distributor" - accounts_and_billing: "Accounts & Billing" producer: "Producer" product: "Product" price: "Price" on_hand: "In stock" save_changes: "Save Changes" + order_saved: "Order Saved" + no_products: No Products spree_admin_overview_enterprises_header: "My Enterprises" spree_admin_overview_enterprises_footer: "MANAGE MY ENTERPRISES" spree_admin_enterprises_hubs_name: "Name" @@ -864,26 +1376,36 @@ en_GB: spree_admin_enterprises_producers_order_cycles: "Products in OCs" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_hubs: "HUBS" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_producers: "PRODUCERS" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_order_cycles: "MANAGE ORDER CYCLES" spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_products: "MANAGE PRODUCTS" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_orders_cycle_text: "You don't have any active order cycles." spree_admin_enterprises_any_active_products_text: "You don't have any active products." spree_admin_enterprises_create_new_product: "CREATE A NEW PRODUCT" - spree_admin_order_cycles: "Order Cycles" - spree_admin_order_cycles_tip: "Order cycles determine when and where your products are available to customers." - dashbord: "Dashboard" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_confirmation: "Please confirm the email address for" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_sent: "We've sent an email to" spree_admin_overview_action_required: "Action Required" - spree_admin_overview_check_your_inbox: "Please check you inbox for further instructions. Thanks!" + spree_admin_overview_check_your_inbox: "Please check your inbox for further instructions. Thanks!" + spree_admin_unit_value: Unit Value + spree_admin_unit_description: Unit Description + spree_admin_variant_unit: Variant unit + spree_admin_variant_unit_scale: Variant unit scale + spree_admin_variant_unit_name: Variant unit name change_package: "Change Package" spree_admin_single_enterprise_hint: "Hint: To allow people to find you, turn on your visibility under" + spree_admin_eg_pickup_from_school: "eg. 'Pick-up from Primary School'" + spree_admin_eg_collect_your_order: "eg. 'Please collect your order from 123 Imaginary St, Newcastle, NE1 1AA'" + spree_classification_primary_taxon_error: "Taxon %{taxon} is the primary taxon of %{product} and cannot be deleted" + spree_order_availability_error: "Distributor or order cycle cannot supply the products in your cart" + spree_order_populator_error: "That distributor or order cycle can't supply all the products in your cart. Please choose another." + spree_order_populator_availability_error: "That product is not available from the chosen distributor or order cycle." + spree_distributors_error: "At least one hub must be selected" + spree_user_enterprise_limit_error: "^%{email} is not permitted to own any more enterprises (limit is %{enterprise_limit})." + spree_variant_product_error: must have at least one variant your_profil_live: "Your profile live" on_ofn_map: "on the Open Food Network map" see: "See" live: "live" manage: "Manage" resend: "Resend" + trial: Trial add_and_manage_products: "Add & manage products" add_and_manage_order_cycles: "Add & manage order cycles" manage_order_cycles: "Manage order cycles" @@ -891,7 +1413,15 @@ en_GB: edit_profile_details: "Edit profile details" edit_profile_details_etc: "Change your profile description, images, etc." order_cycle: "Order Cycle" + order_cycles: "Order Cycles" + enterprises: "Enterprises" remove_tax: "Remove tax" + enterprise_terms_of_service: "Enterprise Terms of Service" + enterprises_require_tos: "Enterprises must accept Terms of Service" + enterprise_tos_link: "Enterprise Terms of Service link" + enterprise_tos_message: "We want to work with people that share our aims and values. As such we ask new enterprises to agree to our " + enterprise_tos_link_text: "Terms of Service." + enterprise_tos_agree: "I agree to the above Terms of Service" tax_settings: "Tax Settings" products_require_tax_category: "products require tax category" admin_shared_address_1: "Address" @@ -907,7 +1437,6 @@ en_GB: hub_sidebar_blue: "blue" hub_sidebar_red: "red" shop_trial_in_progress: "Your shopfront trial expires in %{days}." - shop_trial_expired: "To view or change your current Open Food Network plan go to the Dashboard -> Change Package." report_customers_distributor: "Distributor" report_customers_supplier: "Supplier" report_customers_cycle: "Order Cycle" @@ -925,6 +1454,142 @@ en_GB: report_order_cycle: "Order Cycle:" report_entreprises: "Enterprises:" report_users: "Users:" + report_tax_rates: Tax rates + report_tax_types: Tax types + report_header_order_cycle: Order Cycle + report_header_user: User + report_header_email: Email + report_header_status: Status + report_header_comments: Comments + report_header_first_name: First Name + report_header_last_name: Last Name + report_header_phone: Phone + report_header_suburb: Suburb + report_header_address: Address + report_header_billing_address: Billing Address + report_header_relationship: Relationship + report_header_hub: Hub + report_header_hub_address: Hub Address + report_header_to_hub: To Hub + report_header_hub_code: Hub Code + report_header_code: Code + report_header_paid: Paid? + report_header_delivery: Delivery? + report_header_shipping: Shipping + report_header_shipping_method: Shipping Method + report_header_shipping_instructions: Shipping instructions + report_header_ship_street: Ship Street + report_header_ship_street_2: Ship Street 2 + report_header_ship_city: Ship City + report_header_ship_postcode: Ship Postcode + report_header_ship_state: Ship State + report_header_billing_street: Billing Street + report_header_billing_street_2: Billing Street 2 + report_header_billing_street_3: Billing Street 3 + report_header_billing_street_4: Billing Street 4 + report_header_billing_city: Billing City + report_header_billing_postcode: Billing Postcode + report_header_billing_state: Billing State + report_header_incoming_transport: Incoming Transport + report_header_special_instructions: Special Instructions + report_header_order_number: Order number + report_header_date: Date + report_header_confirmation_date: Confirmation Date + report_header_tags: Tags + report_header_items: Items + report_header_items_total: "Items total %{currency_symbol}" + report_header_taxable_items_total: "Taxable Items Total (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_sales_tax: "Sales Tax (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_delivery_charge: "Delivery Charge (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_tax_on_delivery: "Tax on Delivery (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_tax_on_fees: "Tax on Fees (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_total_tax: "Total Tax (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_enterprise: Enterprise + report_header_customer: Customer + report_header_customer_code: Customer Code + report_header_product: Product + report_header_product_properties: Product Properties + report_header_quantity: Quantity + report_header_max_quantity: Max Quantity + report_header_variant: Variant + report_header_variant_value: Variant Value + report_header_variant_unit: Variant Unit + report_header_total_available: Total available + report_header_unallocated: Unallocated + report_header_max_quantity_excess: Max Quantity Excess + report_header_taxons: Taxons + report_header_supplier: Supplier + report_header_producer: Producer + report_header_producer_suburb: Producer Suburb + report_header_unit: Unit + report_header_group_buy_unit_quantity: Group Buy Unit Quantity + report_header_cost: Cost + report_header_shipping_cost: Shipping Cost + report_header_curr_cost_per_unit: Curr. Cost per Unit + report_header_total_shipping_cost: Total Shipping Cost + report_header_payment_method: Payment Method + report_header_sells: Sells + report_header_visible: Visible + report_header_price: Price + report_header_unit_size: Unit Size + report_header_distributor: Distributor + report_header_distributor_address: Distributor address + report_header_distributor_city: Distributor city + report_header_distributor_postcode: Distributor postcode + report_header_delivery_address: Delivery Address + report_header_delivery_postcode: Delivery Postcode + report_header_bulk_unit_size: Bulk Unit Size + report_header_weight: Weight + report_header_sum_total: Sum Total + report_header_date_of_order: Date of Order + report_header_amount_owing: Amount Owing + report_header_amount_paid: Amount Paid + report_header_units_required: Units Required + report_header_remainder: Remainder + report_header_order_date: Order date + report_header_order_id: Order Id + report_header_item_name: Item name + report_header_temp_controlled_items: Temp Controlled Items? + report_header_customer_name: Customer Name + report_header_customer_email: Customer Email + report_header_customer_phone: Customer Phone + report_header_customer_city: Customer City + report_header_payment_state: Payment State + report_header_payment_type: Payment Type + report_header_item_price: "Item (%{currency})" + report_header_item_fees_price: "Item + Fees (%{currency})" + report_header_admin_handling_fees: "Admin & Handling (%{currency})" + report_header_ship_price: "Ship (%{currency})" + report_header_pay_fee_price: "Pay fee (%{currency})" + report_header_total_price: "Total (%{currency})" + report_header_product_total_price: "Product Total (%{currency})" + report_header_shipping_total_price: "Shipping Total (%{currency})" + report_header_outstanding_balance_price: "Outstanding Balance (%{currency})" + report_header_eft_price: "EFT (%{currency})" + report_header_paypal_price: "PayPal (%{currency})" + report_header_sku: Product Code + report_header_amount: Amount + report_header_balance: Balance + report_header_total_cost: "Total Cost" + report_header_total_ordered: Total Ordered + report_header_total_max: Total Max + report_header_total_units: Total Units + report_header_sum_max_total: "Sum Max Total" + report_header_total_excl_vat: "Total excl. tax (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_total_incl_vat: "Total incl. tax (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_temp_controlled: TempControlled? + report_header_is_producer: Producer? + report_header_not_confirmed: Not Confirmed + report_header_gst_on_income: VAT on Income + report_header_gst_free_income: VAT Free Income + report_header_total_untaxable_produce: Total untaxable produce (no tax) + report_header_total_taxable_produce: Total taxable produce (tax inclusive) + report_header_total_untaxable_fees: Total untaxable fees (no tax) + report_header_total_taxable_fees: Total taxable fees (tax inclusive) + report_header_delivery_shipping_cost: Delivery Shipping Cost (tax inclusive) + report_header_transaction_fee: Transaction Fee (no tax) + report_header_total_untaxable_admin: Total untaxable admin adjustments (no tax) + report_header_total_taxable_admin: Total taxable admin adjustments (tax inclusive) initial_invoice_number: "Initial invoice number:" invoice_date: "Invoice date:" due_date: "Invoice date:" @@ -957,34 +1622,291 @@ en_GB: shipping_methods: "Shipping Methods" payment_methods: "Payment Methods" payment_method_fee: "Transaction fee" - enterprise_fees: "Enterprise Fees" inventory_settings: "Inventory Settings" tag_rules: "Tag Rules" shop_preferences: "Shop Preferences" + enterprise_fee_whole_order: Whole order + enterprise_fee_by: "%{type} fee by %{role} %{enterprise_name}" validation_msg_relationship_already_established: "^That relationship is already established." validation_msg_at_least_one_hub: "^At least one hub must be selected" validation_msg_product_category_cant_be_blank: "^Product Category cant be blank" validation_msg_tax_category_cant_be_blank: "^Tax Category can't be blank" validation_msg_is_associated_with_an_exising_customer: "is associated with an existing customer" + content_configuration_pricing_table: "(TODO: Pricing table)" + content_configuration_case_studies: "(TODO: Case studies)" + content_configuration_detail: "(TODO: Detail)" + enterprise_name_error: "has already been taken. If this is your enterprise and you would like to claim ownership, please contact the current manager of this profile at %{email}." + enterprise_owner_error: "^%{email} is not permitted to own any more enterprises (limit is %{enterprise_limit})." + enterprise_role_uniqueness_error: "^That role is already present." + inventory_item_visibility_error: must be true or false + product_importer_file_error: "error: no file uploaded" + product_importer_spreadsheet_error: "could not process file: invalid filetype" + product_importer_products_save_error: did not save any products successfully + product_import_file_not_found_notice: 'File not found or could not be opened' + product_import_no_data_in_spreadsheet_notice: 'No data found in spreadsheet' + order_choosing_hub_notice: Your hub has been selected. + order_cycle_selecting_notice: Your order cycle has been selected. + adjustments_tax_rate_error: "^Please check that the tax rate for this adjustment is correct." + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_singular: >- + The hub %{distributor_names} is listed in an active order cycle, but does not + have valid shipping and payment methods. Until you set these up, customers will + not be able to shop at this hub. + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_plural: >- + The hubs %{distributor_names} are listed in an active order cycle, but do not + have valid shipping and payment methods. Until you set these up, customers will + not be able to shop at these hubs. + enterprise_fees_update_notice: Your enterprise fees have been updated. + enterprise_fees_destroy_error: "That enterprise fee cannot be deleted as it is referenced by a product distribution: %{id} - %{name}." + enterprise_register_package_error: "Please select a package" + enterprise_register_error: "Could not complete registration for %{enterprise}" + enterprise_register_success_notice: "Congratulations! Registration for %{enterprise} is complete!" + enterprise_bulk_update_success_notice: "Enterprises updated successfully" + enterprise_bulk_update_error: 'Update failed' + order_cycles_create_notice: 'Your order cycle has been created.' + order_cycles_update_notice: 'Your order cycle has been updated.' + order_cycles_bulk_update_notice: 'Order cycles have been updated.' + order_cycles_clone_notice: "Your order cycle %{name} has been cloned." + order_cycles_email_to_producers_notice: 'Emails to be sent to producers have been queued for sending.' + order_cycles_no_permission_to_coordinate_error: "None of your enterprises have permission to coordinate an order cycle" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_create_error: "You don't have permission to create an order cycle coordinated by that enterprise" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_delete_error: "That order cycle has been selected by a customer and cannot be deleted. To prevent customers from accessing it, please close it instead." + js: + saving: 'Saving...' + changes_saved: 'Changes saved.' + save_changes_first: Save changes first. + all_changes_saved: All changes saved + unsaved_changes: You have unsaved changes + all_changes_saved_successfully: All changes saved successfully + oh_no: "Oh no! I was unable to save your changes." + unauthorized: "You are unauthorised to access this page." + error: Error + unavailable: Unavailable + profile: Profile + hub: Hub + shop: Shop + choose: Choose + resolve_errors: Please resolve the following errors + more_items: "+ %{count} More" + admin: + modals: + got_it: Got it + tag_rule_help: + title: Tag Rules + overview: Overview + overview_text: > + Tag rules provide a way to describe which items are visible or otherwise + to which customers. Items can be Shipping Methods, Payment Methods, + Products and Order Cycles. + by_default_rules: "'By Default...' Rules" + by_default_rules_text: > + Default rules allow you to hide items so that they are not visible by + default. This behaviour can then be overriden by non-default rules for + customers with particular tags. + customer_tagged_rules: "'Customers Tagged...' Rules" + customer_tagged_rules_text: > + By creating rules related to a specific customer tag, you can override + the default behaviour (whether it be to show or to hide items) for customers + with the specified tag. + panels: + save: SAVE + saved: SAVED + saving: SAVING + enterprise_package: + hub_profile: Hub Profile + hub_profile_cost: "COST: Pay What You Can" + hub_profile_text1: > + People can find and contact you on the Open Food Network. Your enterprise + will be visible on the map, and will be searchable in listings. + hub_profile_text2: > + Having a profile, and making connections within your local food system + through the Open Food Network will always be free. + hub_shop: Hub Shop + hub_shop_text1: > + Your enterprise is the backbone of your local food system. You aggregate + produce from other enterprises and can sell it through your shop on + the Open Food Network. + hub_shop_text2: > + Hubs can take many forms, whether they be a food co-op, a buying group, + a veggie-box program, or a local grocery store. + hub_shop_text3: > + If you also want to sell your own products, you will need to switch + this enterprise to be a producer. + choose_package: Please Choose a Package + choose_package_text1: > + Your enterprise will not be fully activated until a package is selected + from the options on the left. + choose_package_text2: > + Click on an option to see more detailed information about each package, + and hit the red SAVE button when you are done! + profile_only: Profile Only + profile_only_cost: "COST: Pay What You Can" + profile_only_text1: > + A profile makes you visible and contactable to others and is a way to + share your story. + profile_only_text2: > + If you prefer to focus on producing food, and want to leave the work + of selling it to someone else, you won't require a shop on the Open + Food Network. + profile_only_text3: > + Add your products to Open Food Network, allowing hubs to stock your + products in their stores. + producer_shop: Producer Shop + producer_shop_text1: > + Sell your products directly to customers through your very own Open + Food Network shopfront. + producer_shop_text2: > + A Producer Shop is for your produce only, if you want to sell produce + grown/produced off site, please select 'Producer Hub'. + producer_hub: Producer Hub + producer_hub_text1: > + Your enterprise is the backbone of your local food system. You can sell + your own produce as well as produce aggregated from other enterprises + through your shopfront on the Open Food Network. + producer_hub_text2: > + Producer Hubs can take many forms, whether they be a CSA, a veggie-box + program, or a food co-op with a rooftop garden. + producer_hub_text3: > + The Open Food Network aims to support as many hub models as possible, + so no matter your situation, we want to provide the tools you need to + run your organisation or local food business. + get_listing: Get a listing + always_free: Pay What You Can + sell_produce_others: Sell produce from others + sell_own_produce: Sell your own produce + sell_both: Sell produce from self and others + enterprise_producer: + producer: Producer + producer_text1: > + Producers make yummy things to eat or drink. You're a producer if you + grow it, raise it, brew it, bake it, ferment it, milk it or mould it. + producer_text2: > + Producers can also perform other functions, such as aggregating food + from other enterprises and selling it through a shop on the Open Food + Network. + non_producer: Non-producer + non_producer_text1: > + Non-producers do not produce any food themselves, meaning that they + cannot create their own products for sale through the Open Food Network. + non_producer_text2: > + Instead, non-producers specialise in linking producers to the end eater, + whether it be by aggregating, grading, packing, selling or delivering + food. + producer_desc: Producers of food + producer_example: eg. GROWERS, BAKERS, BREWERS, MAKERS + non_producer_desc: All other food enterprises + non_producer_example: eg. Grocery stores, Food co-ops, Buying groups + enterprise_status: + status_title: "%{name} is set up and ready to go!" + severity: Severity + description: Description + resolve: Resolve + new_tag_rule_dialog: + select_rule_type: "Select a rule type:" + out_of_stock: + reduced_stock_available: Reduced stock available + out_of_stock_text: > + While you've been shopping, the stock levels for one or more of the products + in your cart have reduced. Here's what's changed: + now_out_of_stock: is now out of stock. + only_n_remainging: "now only has %{num} remaining." + variant_overrides: + inventory_products: "Inventory Products" + hidden_products: "Hidden Products" + new_products: "New Products" + reset_stock_levels: Reset Stock Levels To Defaults + changes_to: Changes to + one_override: one override + overrides: overrides + remain_unsaved: remain unsaved. + no_changes_to_save: No changes to save.' + no_authorisation: "I couldn't get authorisation to save those changes, so they remain unsaved." + some_trouble: "I had some trouble saving: %{errors}" + changing_on_hand_stock: Changing on hand stock levels... + stock_reset: Stocks reset to defaults. + tag_rules: + show_hide_variants: 'Show or Hide variants in my shopfront' + show_hide_shipping: 'Show or Hide shipping methods at checkout' + show_hide_payment: 'Show or Hide payment methods at checkout' + show_hide_order_cycles: 'Show or Hide order cycles in my shopfront' + visible: VISIBLE + not_visible: NOT VISIBLE + services: + unsaved_changes_message: Unsaved changes currently exist, save now or ignore? + save: SAVE + ignore: IGNORE + add_to_order_cycle: "add to order cycle" + manage_products: "manage products" + edit_profile: "edit profile" + add_products_to_inventory: "add products to inventory" + resources: + could_not_delete_customer: 'Could not delete customer' + product_import: + confirmation: | + This will set stock level to zero on all products for this + enterprise that are not present in the uploaded file. + order_cycles: + update_success: 'Your order cycle has been updated.' + no_distributors: There are no distributors in this order cycle. This order cycle will not be visible to customers until you add one. Would you like to continue saving this order cycle?' + enterprises: + producer: "Producer" + non_producer: "Non-Producer" + customers: + select_shop: 'Please select a shop first' + could_not_create: Sorry! Could not create + producers: + signup: + start_free_profile: "Start with a free profile, and expand when you're ready!" spree: - zipcode: Postcode - shipment_states: - backorder: backorder - partial: partial - pending: pending - ready: ready - shipped: shipped - payment_states: - balance_due: balance due - completed: completed - checkout: checkout - credit_owed: credit owed - failed: failed - paid: paid - pending: pending - processing: processing - void: void - invalid: invalid + admin: + orders: + invoice: + issued_on: Issued on + tax_invoice: TAX INVOICE + code: Code + from: From + to: To + form: + distribution_fields: + title: Distribution + distributor: "Distributor:" + order_cycle: "Order cycle:" + overview: + order_cycles: + order_cycles: "Order Cycles" + order_cycles_tip: "Order cycles determine when and where your products are available to customers." + you_have_active: + zero: "You don't have any active order cycles." + one: "You have one active order cycle." + other: "You have %{count} active order cycles." + manage_order_cycles: "MANAGE ORDER CYCLES" + products: + bulk_edit: + header: + title: Bulk Edit Products + indicators: + title: LOADING PRODUCTS + no_products: "No products yet. Why don't you add some?" + no_results: "Sorry, no results match" + reports: + bulk_coop: + bulk_coop_supplier_report: 'Bulk Co-op - Totals by Supplier' + bulk_coop_allocation: 'Bulk Co-op - Allocation' + bulk_coop_packing_sheets: 'Bulk Co-op - Packing Sheets' + bulk_coop_customer_payments: 'Bulk Co-op - Customer Payments' + variants: + autocomplete: + producer_name: Producer + date_picker: + format: '%Y-%m-%d' + js_format: 'yy-mm-dd' + inventory: Inventory + orders: + bought: + item: "Already ordered in this order cycle" + order_mailer: + invoice_email: + hi: "Hi %{name}" + invoice_attached_text: Please find attached an invoice for your recent order from order_state: address: address adjustments: adjustments @@ -998,3 +1920,46 @@ en_GB: resumed: resumed returned: returned skrill: skrill + payment_states: + balance_due: balance due + completed: completed + checkout: checkout + credit_owed: credit owed + failed: failed + paid: paid + pending: pending + processing: processing + void: void + invalid: invalid + shipment_states: + backorder: backorder + partial: partial + pending: pending + ready: ready + shipped: shipped + user_mailer: + reset_password_instructions: + request_sent_text: | + A request to reset your password has been made. + If you did not make this request, simply ignore this email. + link_text: > + If you did make this request just click the link below: + issue_text: | + If the above URL does not work try copying and pasting it into your browser. + If you continue to have problems please feel free to contact us. + weight: Weight (per kg) + zipcode: Postcode + users: + show: + open_orders: Open Orders + transaction_history: Transaction History + open_orders: + order: Order + shop: Shop + changes_allowed_until: Changes Allowed Until + items: Items + total: Total + edit: Edit + cancel: Cancel + closed: Closed + until: Until From f0968109c6849936bfc64d9ec39a59a297a81ec6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lynne Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 20:33:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 4/7] Copy transifex updates to en-GB --- config/locales/en-GB.yml | 1050 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 969 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/en-GB.yml b/config/locales/en-GB.yml index 5c716a9a2ff..ab7e4be2bfb 100644 --- a/config/locales/en-GB.yml +++ b/config/locales/en-GB.yml @@ -1,9 +1,15 @@ -en-GB: +en_GB: activerecord: attributes: spree/order: payment_state: Payment State shipment_state: Shipment State + errors: + models: + spree/user: + attributes: + email: + taken: "There's already an account for this email. Please login or reset your password." devise: failure: invalid: | @@ -11,7 +17,7 @@ en-GB: Were you a guest last time? Perhaps you need to create an account or reset your password. enterprise_confirmations: enterprise: - confirmed: Thankyou, your email address has been confirmed. + confirmed: Thank you, your email address has been confirmed. not_confirmed: Your email address could not be confirmed. Perhaps you have already completed this step? confirmation_sent: "Confirmation email sent!" confirmation_not_sent: "Could not send a confirmation email." @@ -20,14 +26,19 @@ en-GB: subject: "Please confirm the email address for %{enterprise}" welcome: subject: "%{enterprise} is now on %{sitename}" + producer_mailer: + order_cycle: + subject: "Order cycle report for %{producer}" + home: "OFN" title: Open Food Network welcome_to: 'Welcome to ' site_meta_description: "We begin from the ground up. With farmers and growers ready to tell their stories proudly and truly. With distributors ready to connect people with products fairly and honestly. With buyers who believe that better weekly shopping decisions can seriously change the world." search_by_name: Search by name, town, county or postcode... - producers: 'UK Producers' producers_join: UK producers are now welcome to join Open Food Network UK. charges_sales_tax: Charges VAT? print_invoice: "Print Invoice" + print_ticket: "Print Ticket" + select_ticket_printer: "Select printer for tickets" send_invoice: "Send Invoice" resend_confirmation: "Resend Confirmation" view_order: "View Order" @@ -36,7 +47,7 @@ en-GB: cancel_order: "Cancel Order" confirm_send_invoice: "An invoice for this order will be sent to the customer. Are you sure you want to continue?" confirm_resend_order_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to resend the order confirmation email?" - must_have_valid_business_number: "%{enterprise_name} must have a valid company number before invoices can be sent." + must_have_valid_business_number: "Please enter your company number." invoice: "Invoice" percentage_of_sales: "%{percentage} of sales" capped_at_cap: "capped at %{cap}" @@ -49,13 +60,53 @@ en-GB: say_yes: "Yes" then: then sort_order_cycles_on_shopfront_by: "Sort Order Cycles On Shopfront By" + required_fields: Required fields are denoted with an asterisk + select_continue: Select and Continue + remove: Remove + or: or + collapse_all: Collapse all + expand_all: Expand all + loading: Loading... + show_more: Show more + show_all: Show all + show_all_with_more: "Show All (%{num} More)" + cancel: Cancel + edit: Edit + distributors: Distributors + distribution: Distribution + bulk_order_management: Bulk Order Management + enterprise_groups: Groups + reports: Reports + variant_overrides: Inventory + spree_products: Spree Products + all: All + current: Current + available: Available + dashboard: Dashboard + undefined: undefined + unused: unused + admin_and_handling: Admin & Handling + profile: Profile + supplier_only: Supplier Only + weight: Weight + volume: Volume + summary: Summary + detailed: Detailed + updated: Updated + 'yes': "Yes" + 'no': "No" + y: 'Y' + n: 'N' + powered_by: Powered by + blocked_cookies_alert: "Your browser may be blocking cookies needed to use this shopfront. Click below to allow cookies and reload the page." + allow_cookies: "Allow Cookies" admin: date: Date email: Email name: Name on_hand: In Stock - on_demand: On Demand - on_demand?: On Demand? + on_demand: Unlimited + on_demand?: Unlimited? order_cycle: Order Cycle phone: Phone price: Price @@ -66,20 +117,28 @@ en-GB: sku: SKU tags: Tags variant: Variant + weight: Weight + volume: Volume + items: Items + select_all: Select all + obsolete_master: Obsolete master quick_search: Quick Search clear_all: Clear All start_date: "Start Date" end_date: "End Date" - unsaved_changes: "You have unsaved changes" form_invalid: "Form contains missing or invalid fields" + clear_filters: Clear Filters + clear: Clear columns: Columns actions: Actions viewing: "Viewing: %{current_view_name}" + description: Description whats_this: What's this? tag_has_rules: "Existing rules for this tag: %{num}" has_one_rule: "has one rule" has_n_rules: "has %{num} rules" unsaved_confirm_leave: "There are unsaved changed on this page. Continue without saving?" + unsaved_changes: "You have unsaved changes" accounts_and_billing_settings: method_settings: default_accounts_payment_method: "Default Accounts Payment Method" @@ -89,18 +148,22 @@ en-GB: accounts_administration_distributor: "Accounts Administration Distributor" admin_settings: "Settings" update_invoice: "Update Invoices" + auto_update_invoices: "Auto-update invoices nightly at 1:00am" finalise_invoice: "Finalise Invoices" + auto_finalise_invoices: "Auto-finalise invoices monthly on the 2nd at 1:30am" + manually_run_task: "Manually Run Task " + update_user_invoice_explained: "Use this button to immediately update invoices for the month to date for each enterprise user in the system. This task can be set up to run automatically every night." finalise_user_invoices: "Finalise User Invoices" finalise_user_invoice_explained: "Use this button to finalise all invoices in the system for the previous calendar month. This task can be set up to run automatically once a month." - manually_run_task: "Manually Run Task" update_user_invoices: "Update User Invoices" - update_user_invoice_explained: "Use this button to immediately update invoices for the month to date for each enterprise user in the system. This task can be set up to run automatically every night." - auto_finalise_invoices: "Auto-finalise invoices monthly on the 2nd at 1:30am" - auto_update_invoices: "Auto-update invoices nightly at 1:00am" + errors: + accounts_distributor: must be set if you wish to create invoices for enterprise users. + default_payment_method: must be set if you wish to create invoices for enterprise users. + default_shipping_method: must be set if you wish to create invoices for enterprise users. shopfront_settings: - embedded_shopfront_settings: Embedded Shopfront Settings - enable_embedded_shopfronts: Enable Embedded Shopfronts - embedded_shopfronts_whitelist: External Domains Whitelist + embedded_shopfront_settings: "Embedded Shopfront Settings" + enable_embedded_shopfronts: "Enable Embedded Shopfronts" + embedded_shopfronts_whitelist: "External Domains Whitelist" business_model_configuration: edit: business_model_configuration: "Business Model" @@ -123,11 +186,11 @@ en-GB: example_bill_calculator_legend: "Alter the example turnover to visualise the effect of the settings to the left." example_monthly_turnover: "Example Monthly Turnover" example_monthly_turnover_tip: "An example monthly turnover for an enterprise which will be used to generate calculate an example monthly bill below." - cap_reached?: "Cap reached ?" + cap_reached?: "Cap Reached ?" cap_reached?_tip: "Whether the cap (specified to the left) has been reached, given the settings and the turnover provided." - included_tax: "Include Tax" + included_tax: "Included tax" included_tax_tip: "The total tax included in the example monthly bill, given the settings and the turnover provided." - total_monthly_bill_incl_tax: "Total Monthly Bill (Incl. VAT)" + total_monthly_bill_incl_tax: "Total Monthly Bill (Incl. Tax)" total_monthly_bill_incl_tax_tip: "The example total monthly bill with tax included, given the settings and the turnover provided." customers: index: @@ -150,7 +213,46 @@ en-GB: edit: 'Edit' update_address: 'Update Address' confirm_delete: 'Sure to delete?' + search_by_email: "Search by email/code..." + destroy: + has_associated_orders: 'Delete failed: customer has associated orders with his shop' + cache_settings: + show: + title: Caching + distributor: Distributor + order_cycle: Order Cycle + status: Status + diff: Diff + error: Error + contents: + edit: + title: Content + header: Header + home_page: Home page + producer_signup_page: Producer signup page + hub_signup_page: Hub signup page + group_signup_page: Group signup page + footer_and_external_links: Footer and External Links + your_content: Your content + enterprise_fees: + index: + title: Enterprise Fees + enterprise: Enterprise + fee_type: Fee Type + name: Name + tax_category: Tax Category + calculator: Calculator + calculator_values: Calculator Values + enterprise_groups: + index: + new_button: New Enterprise Group + enterprise_roles: + form: + manages: manages + enterprise_role: + manages: manages products: + unit_name_placeholder: 'eg. bunches' bulk_edit: unit: Unit display_as: Display As @@ -159,9 +261,14 @@ en-GB: inherits_properties?: Inherits Properties? available_on: Available On av_on: "Av. On" + properties: + property_name: Property Name + inherited_property: Inherited Property variants: to_order_tip: "Items made to order do not have a set stock level, such as loaves of bread made fresh to order." variant_overrides: + loading_flash: + loading_inventory: LOADING INVENTORY index: title: Inventory description: Use this page to manage inventories for your enterprises. Any product details set here will override those set on the 'Products' page @@ -181,10 +288,12 @@ en-GB: inventory_powertip: This is your inventory of products. To add products to your inventory, select 'New Products' from the Viewing dropdown. hidden_powertip: These products have been hidden from your inventory and will not be available to add to your shop. You can click 'Add' to add a product to you inventory. new_powertip: These products are available to be added to your inventory. Click 'Add' to add a product to your inventory, or 'Hide' to hide it from view. You can always change your mind later! + controls: + back_to_my_inventory: Back to my inventory orders: index: - capture: "Mark as paid" - ship: "Mark as delivered" + capture: "Capture" + ship: "Ship" bulk_management: tip: "Use this page to alter product quantities across multiple orders. Products may also be removed from orders entirely, if required." shared: "Shared Resource?" @@ -205,46 +314,338 @@ en-GB: max_fulfilled_units: "Max Fulfilled Units" order_error: "Some errors must be resolved before you can update orders.\nAny fields with red borders contain errors." variants_without_unit_value: "WARNING: Some variants do not have a unit value" - invoice: - issued_on: Issued on - tax_invoice: TAX INVOICE - code: Code - from: From - to: To - order_cycles: - edit: - choose_products_from: 'Choose Products From:' - pickup_time_tip: When orders from this OC will be ready for the customer - pickup_instructions_tip: These instructions are shown to customers after they complete an order enterprise: select_outgoing_oc_products_from: Select outgoing OC products from enterprises: index: - producer?: Producer? + title: Enterprises + new_enterprise: New Enterprise + producer?: "Producer?" package: Package status: Status manage: Manage form: + about_us: + desc_short: Short Description + desc_short_placeholder: Tell us about your enterprise in one or two sentences + desc_long: About Us + desc_long_placeholder: Tell customers about yourself. This information appears on your public profile. business_details: - abn: "Company Number" - abn_placeholder: "eg. 00123456789" - acn: "Charity Number" - acn_placeholder: "eg. 00123456789" + abn: Company Number + abn_placeholder: eg. 99 123 456 789 + acn: Charity Number + acn_placeholder: eg. 123 456 789 + display_invoice_logo: Display logo in invoices + invoice_text: Add customized text at the end of invoices + contact: + name: Name + name_placeholder: eg. Amanda Plum + email_address: Email Address + email_address_placeholder: eg. + phone: Phone + phone_placeholder: eg. 98 7654 3210 + website: Website + website_placeholder: eg. + enterprise_fees: + name: Name + fee_type: Fee Type + manage_fees: Manage Enterprise Fees + no_fees_yet: You don't have any enterprise fees yet. + create_button: Create One Now + images: + logo: Logo + promo_image_placeholder: 'This image is displayed in "About Us"' + promo_image_note1: 'PLEASE NOTE:' + promo_image_note2: Any promo image uploaded here will be cropped to 1200 x 260. + promo_image_note3: The promo image is displayed at the top of an enterprise's profile page and pop-ups. + inventory_settings: + text1: You may opt to manage stock levels and prices in via your + inventory: inventory + text2: > + If you are using the inventory tool, you can select whether new products + added by your suppliers need to be added to your inventory before they + can be stocked. If you are not using your inventory to manage your products + you should select the 'recommended' option below: + preferred_product_selection_from_inventory_only_yes: New products can be put into my shopfront (recommended) + preferred_product_selection_from_inventory_only_no: New products must be added to my inventory before they can be put into my shopfront + payment_methods: + name: Name + applies: Applies? + manage: Manage Payment Methods + not_method_yet: You don't have any payment methods yet. + create_button: Create New Payment Method + create_one_button: Create One Now + primary_details: + name: Name + name_placeholder: eg. Professor Plum's Biodynamic Truffles + groups: Groups + groups_tip: Select any groups or regions that you are a member of. This will help customers find your enterprise. + groups_placeholder: Start typing to search available groups... + primary_producer: Primary Producer? + primary_producer_tip: Select 'Producer' if you are a primary producer of food. + producer: Producer + any: Any + none: None + own: Own + sells: Sells + sells_tip: "None - enterprise does not sell to customers directly.
Own - Enterprise sells own products to customers.
Any - Enterprise can sell own or other enterprises products.
" + visible_in_search: Visible in search? + visible_in_search_tip: Determines whether this enterprise will be visible to customers when searching the site. + visible: Visible + not_visible: Not visible + permalink: Permalink (no spaces) + permalink_tip: "This permalink is used to create the url to your shop: %{link}your-shop-name/shop" + link_to_front: Link to shop front + link_to_front_tip: A direct link to your shopfront on the Open Food Network. + shipping_methods: + name: Name + applies: Applies? + manage: Manage Shipping Methods + create_button: Create New Shipping Method + create_one_button: Create One Now + no_method_yet: You don't have any shipping methods yet. shop_preferences: shopfront_requires_login: "Publicly visible shopfront?" shopfront_requires_login_tip: "Choose whether customers must login to view the shopfront or if it's visible to everybody." shopfront_requires_login_false: "Public" shopfront_requires_login_true: "Visible to registered customers only" + recommend_require_login: "We recommend to require users to login when orders can be changed." allow_guest_orders: "Guest orders" allow_guest_orders_tip: "Allow checkout as guest or require a registered user." allow_guest_orders_false: "Require login to order" allow_guest_orders_true: "Allow guest checkout" - home: + allow_order_changes: "Change orders" + allow_order_changes_tip: "Allow customers to change their order as long the order cycle is open." + allow_order_changes_false: "Placed orders cannot be changed / cancelled" + allow_order_changes_true: "Customers can change / cancel orders while order cycle is open" + shopfront_message: Shopfront Message + shopfront_message_placeholder: > + An optional explanation for customers detailing how your shopfront works, + to be displayed above the product list on your shop page. + shopfront_closed_message: Shopfront Closed Message + shopfront_closed_message_placeholder: > + A message which provides a more detailed explanation about why your + shop is closed and/or when customers can expect it to open again. This + is displayed on your shop only when you have no active order cycles + (ie. shop is closed). + shopfront_category_ordering: Shopfront Category Ordering + open_date: Open Date + close_date: Close Date + social: + twitter_placeholder: eg. @the_prof + tag_rules: + default_rules: + by_default: By Default + no_rules_yet: No default rules apply yet + add_new_button: '+ Add A New Default Rule' + no_tags_yet: No tags apply to this enterprise yet + no_rules_yet: No rules apply to this tag yet + for_customers_tagged: 'For customers tagged:' + add_new_rule: '+ Add A New Rule' + add_new_tag: '+ Add A New Tag' + users: + email_confirmation_notice_html: "Email confirmation is pending. We've sent a confirmation email to %{email}." + resend: Resend + owner: 'Owner' + owner_tip: The primary user responsible for this enterprise. + notifications: Notifications + notifications_tip: Notifications about orders will be send to this email address. + notifications_placeholder: eg. + notifications_note: 'Note: A new email address may need to be confirmed prior to use' + managers: Managers + managers_tip: The other users with permission to manage this enterprise. + actions: + edit_profile: Edit Profile + properties: Properties + payment_methods: Payment Methods + payment_methods_tip: This enterprise has no payment methods + shipping_methods: Shipping Methods + shipping_methods_tip: This enterprise has shipping methods + enterprise_fees: Enterprise Fees + enterprise_fees_tip: This enterprise has no fees + admin_index: + name: Name + role: Role + sells: Sells + visible: Visible? + owner: Owner + producer: Producer + change_type_form: + producer_profile: Producer Profile + connect_ofn: Connect through OFN + always_free: ALWAYS FREE + producer_description_text: Add your products to Open Food Network, allowing hubs to stock your products in their stores. + producer_shop: Producer Shop + sell_your_produce: Sell your own produce + producer_shop_description_text: Sell your products directly to customers through your very own Open Food Network shopfront. + producer_shop_description_text2: A Producer Shop is for your produce only, if you want to sell produce grown/produced off site, select 'Producer Hub'. + producer_hub: Producer Hub + producer_hub_text: Sell produce from self and others + producer_hub_description_text: Your enterprise is the backbone of your local food system. You can sell your own produce as well as produce aggregated from other enterprises through your shopfront on the Open Food Network. + profile: Profile Only + get_listing: Get a listing + profile_description_text: People can find and contact you on the Open Food Network. Your enterprise will be visible on the map, and will be searchable in listings. + hub_shop: Hub Shop + hub_shop_text: Sell produce from others + hub_shop_description_text: Your enterprise is the backbone of your local food system. You aggregate produce from other enterprises and can sell it through your shop on the Open Food Network. + choose_option: Please choose one of the options above. + change_now: Change now + enterprise_user_index: + loading_enterprises: LOADING ENTERPRISES + no_enterprises_found: No enterprises found. + search_placeholder: Search By Name + manage: Manage + new_form: + owner: Owner + owner_tip: The primary user responsible for this enterprise. + i_am_producer: I am a Producer + contact_name: Contact Name + edit: + editing: 'Editing:' + back_link: Back to enterprises list + new: + title: New Enterprise + back_link: Back to enterprises list + welcome: + welcome_title: Welcome to the Open Food Network! + welcome_text: You have successfully created a + next_step: Next step + choose_starting_point: 'Choose your starting point:' + order_cycles: + edit: + advanced_settings: Advanced Settings + update_and_close: Update and Close + choose_products_from: 'Choose Products From:' + pickup_time_tip: When orders from this OC will be ready for the customer + pickup_instructions_tip: These instructions are shown to customers after they complete an order + exchange_form: + pickup_instructions_placeholder: "Pick-up instructions" + pickup_time_placeholder: "Ready for (ie. Date / Time)" + receival_instructions_placeholder: "Receival instructions" + advanced_settings: + title: Advanced Settings + choose_product_tip: You can opt to restrict all available products (both incoming and outgoing), to only those in %{inventory}'s inventory. + preferred_product_selection_from_coordinator_inventory_only_here: Coordinator's Inventory Only + preferred_product_selection_from_coordinator_inventory_only_all: All Available Products + save_reload: Save and Reload Page + coordinator_fees: + add: Add coordinator fee + form: + incoming: Incoming + supplier: Supplier + receival_details: Receival details + fees: Fees + outgoing: Outgoing + distributor: Distributor + products: Products + tags: Tags + delivery_details: Pickup / Delivery details + debug_info: Debug information + name_and_timing_form: + name: Name + orders_open: Orders open at + coordinator: Coordinator + order_closes: Orders close + row: + suppliers: suppliers + distributors: distributors + variants: variants + simple_form: + ready_for: Ready for + ready_for_placeholder: Date / time + customer_instructions: Customer instructions + customer_instructions_placeholder: Pick-up or delivery notes + products: Products + fees: Fees + producer_properties: + index: + title: Producer Properties + shared: + user_guide_link: + user_guide: User Guide + invoice_settings: + edit: + title: Invoice Settings + invoice_style2?: Use the alternative invoice model that includes total tax breakdown per rate and tax rate info per item (not yet suitable for countries displaying prices excluding tax) + enable_receipt_printing?: Show options for printing receipts using thermal printers in order dropdown? + overview: + enterprises_header: + ofn_with_tip: Enterprises are Producers and/or Hubs and are the basic unit of organisation within the Open Food Network. + enterprises_hubs_tabs: + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} has no payment methods" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} has no shipping methods" + has_no_enterprise_fees: "%{enterprise} has no enterprise fees" + enterprise_issues: + create_new: Create New + resend_email: Resend Email + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} currently has no payment methods" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} currently has no shipping methods" + email_confirmation: "Email confirmation is pending. We've sent a confirmation email to %{email}." + not_visible: "%{enterprise} is not visible and so cannot be found on the map or in searches" + reports: + hidden: HIDDEN + unitsize: UNITSIZE + total: TOTAL + total_items: TOTAL ITEMS + supplier_totals: Order Cycle Supplier Totals + supplier_totals_by_distributor: Order Cycle Supplier Totals by Distributor + totals_by_supplier: Order Cycle Distributor Totals by Supplier + customer_totals: Order Cycle Customer Totals + all_products: All products + inventory: Inventory (on hand) + lettuce_share: LettuceShare + mailing_list: Mailing List + addresses: Addresses + payment_methods: Payment Methods Report + delivery: Delivery Report + tax_types: Tax Types + tax_rates: Tax Rates + pack_by_customer: Pack By Customer + pack_by_supplier: Pack By Supplier + orders_and_distributors: + name: Orders And Distributors + description: Orders with distributor details + bulk_coop: + name: Bulk Co-Op + description: Reports for Bulk Co-Op orders + payments: + name: Payment Reports + description: Reports for Payments + orders_and_fulfillment: + name: Orders & Fulfillment Reports + customers: + name: Customers + products_and_inventory: + name: Products & Inventory + sales_total: + name: Sales Total + description: Sales Total For All Orders + users_and_enterprises: + name: Users & Enterprises + description: Enterprise Ownership & Status + order_cycle_management: + name: Order Cycle Management + sales_tax: + name: Sales Tax + xero_invoices: + name: Xero Invoices + description: Invoices for import into Xero + packing: + name: Packing Reports + checkout: + already_ordered: + cart: "cart" + message_html: "You have an order for this order cycle already. Check the %{cart} to see the items you ordered before. You can also cancel items as long as the order cycle is open." + shops: hubs: show_closed_shops: "Show closed shops" hide_closed_shops: "Hide closed shops" show_on_map: "Show all on the map" shared: + menu: + cart: + checkout: "Checkout now" + already_ordered_products: "Already ordered in this order cycle" register_call: selling_on_ofn: "Interested in selling through the Open Food Network?" register: "Register here" @@ -256,6 +657,7 @@ en-GB: require_customer_login: "This shop is for customers only." require_login_html: "Please %{login} if you have an account already. Otherwise, %{register} to become a customer." require_customer_html: "Please %{contact} %{enterprise} to become a customer." + invoice_billing_address: "Billing address:" invoice_column_tax: "VAT" invoice_column_price: "Price" invoice_column_item: "Item" @@ -265,11 +667,20 @@ en-GB: invoice_column_price_with_taxes: "Total price (Incl. tax)" invoice_column_price_without_taxes: "Total price (Excl. tax)" invoice_column_tax_rate: "Tax rate" - tax_invoice: "INVOICE" + invoice_tax_total: "VAT Total:" + tax_invoice: "TAX INVOICE" tax_total: "Total tax (%{rate}):" total_excl_tax: "Total (Excl. tax):" total_incl_tax: "Total (Incl. tax):" - invoice_tax_total: "VAT Total:" + abn: "Company Number:" + acn: "Charity Number:" + invoice_issued_on: "Invoice issued on:" + order_number: "Invoice number:" + date_of_transaction: "Date of transaction:" + ticket_column_qty: "Qty" + ticket_column_item: "Item" + ticket_column_unit_price: "Unit Price" + ticket_column_total_price: "Total Price" logo: "Logo (640x130)" logo_mobile: "Mobile logo (75x26)" logo_mobile_svg: "Mobile logo (SVG)" @@ -293,15 +704,23 @@ en-GB: phone: Phone next: Next address: Address + address_placeholder: eg. 123 High Street address2: Address (contd.) city: City - state: County + city_placeholder: eg. Newcastle postcode: Postcode + postcode_placeholder: eg. 3070 + state: County country: Country unauthorized: Unauthorized terms_of_service: "Terms of service" - on_demand: To Order + on_demand: Unlimited none: None + not_allowed: Not allowed + no_shipping: no shipping methods + no_payment: no payment methods + no_shipping_or_payment: no shipping or payment methods + unconfirmed: unconfirmed label_shops: "Shops" label_map: "Map" label_producers: "Producers" @@ -322,21 +741,12 @@ en-GB: items: "items" cart_headline: "Your shopping cart" total: "Total" - checkout: "Checkout now" cart_updating: "Updating cart..." cart_empty: "Cart empty" cart_edit: "Edit your cart" card_number: Card Number card_securitycode: "Security Code" card_expiry_date: Expiry Date - ofn_cart_headline: "Current cart for:" - ofn_cart_distributor: "Distributor:" - ofn_cart_oc: "Order cycle:" - ofn_cart_from: "From:" - ofn_cart_to: "To:" - ofn_cart_product: "Product:" - ofn_cart_quantitiy: "Quantity:" - ofn_cart_send: "Buy me" ie_warning_headline: "Your browser is out of date :-(" ie_warning_text: "For the best Open Food Network experience, we strongly recommend upgrading your browser:" ie_warning_chrome: Download Chrome @@ -421,6 +831,7 @@ en-GB: order_billing_address: Billing address order_delivery_on: Delivery on order_delivery_address: Delivery address + order_delivery_time: Delivery time order_special_instructions: "Your notes:" order_pickup_time: Ready for collection order_pickup_instructions: Collection instructions @@ -429,6 +840,9 @@ en-GB: order_includes_tax: (includes tax) order_payment_paypal_successful: Your payment via PayPal has been processed successfully. order_hub_info: Hub info + order_back_to_store: Back To Store + order_back_to_cart: Back To Cart + bom_tip: "Use this page to alter product quantities across multiple orders. Products may also be removed from orders entirely, if required." unsaved_changes_warning: "Unsaved changes exist and will be lost if you continue." unsaved_changes_error: "Fields with red borders contain errors." products: "Products" @@ -514,10 +928,15 @@ en-GB: hubs_filter_by: "Filter by" hubs_filter_type: "Type" hubs_filter_delivery: "Delivery" + hubs_filter_property: "Property" hubs_matches: "Did you mean?" hubs_intro: Shop in your local area hubs_distance: Closest to hubs_distance_filter: "Show me shops near %{location}" + shop_changeable_orders_alert_html: + one: Your order with %{shop} / %{order} is open for review. You can make changes until %{oc_close}. + other: You have %{count} orders with %{shop} currently open for review. You can make changes until %{oc_close}. + orders_changeable_orders_alert_html: This order has been confirmed, but you can make changes until %{oc_close}. products_clear_all: Clear all products_showing: "Showing:" products_with: with @@ -624,7 +1043,7 @@ en-GB: sell_hubs_detail: "Set up a profile for your food enterprise or organisation on the OFN. At any time you can upgrade your profile to a multi-producer shop." sell_groups_detail: "Set up a tailored directory of enterprises (producers and other food enterprises) for your region or for your organisation." sell_user_guide: "Find out more in our user guide." - sell_listing_price: "Selling through OFN UK is free!\n\nOFN UK is a Platform Cooperative - part of the Solidarity or Sharing Economy. Our goal is to support the distribution of as much local food as possible. As such OFN UK asks users to 'Pay What You Feel' toward the running costs and maintenance. We think 2% of sales is fair for all the services that OFN UK provide. But more importantly, we think that getting good local food to people at a fair price is more important than paying for software. So pay what you feel our services are worth to your enterprise." + sell_listing_price: "Sell through OFN UK. Pay what you think is fair.\n\nOur goal is to support the distribution of as much local food as possible. As such OFN UK asks users to 'Pay What You Feel' toward the running costs and maintenance. All we ask is that you do pay something. " sell_embed: "We collectively budget for new feature development from the international OFN community. This way the huge cost of good software development can be shared. If you want a new feature, chances are someone in France, South Africa, Australia, India or Brazil might want it too! Use the Community Forum to suggest features you'd like to see." sell_ask_services: "Ask us about OFN services." shops_title: Shops @@ -647,7 +1066,7 @@ en-GB: orders_edit_checkout: Checkout orders_form_empty_cart: "Empty cart" orders_form_subtotal: Produce subtotal - orders_form_admin: Admin and handling + orders_form_admin: Admin & Handling orders_form_total: Total orders_oc_expired_headline: Orders have closed for this order cycle orders_oc_expired_text: "Sorry, orders for this order cycle closed %{time} ago! Please contact your hub directly to see if they can accept late orders." @@ -657,7 +1076,18 @@ en-GB: orders_oc_expired_phone: "Phone:" orders_show_title: Order Confirmation orders_show_time: Order ready on - orders_show_number: Order confirmation + orders_show_order_number: "Order #%{number}" + orders_show_cancelled: Cancelled + orders_show_confirmed: Confirmed + orders_your_order_has_been_cancelled: "Your order has been cancelled" + orders_could_not_cancel: "Sorry, the order could not be cancelled" + orders_cannot_remove_the_final_item: "Cannot remove the final item from an order, please cancel the order instead." + orders_bought_items_notice: + one: An additional item is already confirmed for this order cycle + other: '%{count} additional items already confirmed for this order cycle' + orders_bought_edit_button: Edit confirmed items + orders_bought_already_confirmed: "* already confirmed" + orders_confirm_cancel: Are you sure you want to cancel this order? products_cart_distributor_choice: "Distributor for your order:" products_cart_distributor_change: "Your distributor for this order will be changed to %{name} if you add this product to your cart." products_cart_distributor_is: "Your distributor for this order is %{name}." @@ -670,6 +1100,7 @@ en-GB: products_max_quantity: Max quantity products_distributor: Distributor products_distributor_info: When you select a distributor for your order, their address and pickup times will be displayed here. + products_distribution_adjustment_label: "Product distribution by %{distributor} for %{product}" shop_trial_expires_in: "Your shopfront trial expires in" shop_trial_expired_notice: "OFN UK is a non-profit social enterprise making software affordable through open source collaboration. Thanks for being part of it!" password: Password @@ -683,6 +1114,7 @@ en-GB: failed_to_create_enterprise: "Failed to create your enterprise." failed_to_create_enterprise_unknown: "Failed to create your enterprise.\nPlease ensure all fields are completely filled out." failed_to_update_enterprise_unknown: "Failed to update your enterprise.\nPlease ensure all fields are completely filled out." + enterprise_confirm_delete_message: "This will also delete the %{product} that this enterprise supplies. Are you sure you want to continue?" order_not_saved_yet: "Your order hasn't been saved yet. Give us a few seconds to finish!" filter_by: "Filter by" hide_filters: "Hide filters" @@ -695,6 +1127,8 @@ en-GB: error_required: "can't be blank" error_number: "must be number" error_email: "must be email address" + error_not_found_in_database: "%{name} not found in database" + error_no_permission_for_enterprise: "\"%{name}\": you do not have permission to manage products for this enterprise" item_handling_fees: "Item Handling Fees (included in item totals)" january: "January" february: "February" @@ -758,10 +1192,11 @@ en-GB: enterprise_long_desc: "Long Description" enterprise_long_desc_placeholder: "This is your opportunity to tell the story of your enterprise - what makes you different and wonderful? We'd suggest keeping your description to under 600 characters or 150 words." enterprise_long_desc_length: "%{num} characters / up to 600 recommended" + enterprise_limit: Enterprise Limit enterprise_abn: "Company Number" - enterprise_abn_placeholder: "eg. 00123456789" + enterprise_abn_placeholder: "eg. 99 123 456 789" enterprise_acn: "Charity Number" - enterprise_acn_placeholder: "eg. 00123456789" + enterprise_acn_placeholder: "eg. 123 456 789" enterprise_tax_required: "You need to make a selection." enterprise_final_step: "Final step!" enterprise_social_text: "How can people find %{enterprise} online?" @@ -826,6 +1261,9 @@ en-GB: registration_detail_state_error: "County required" registration_detail_country: "Country:" registration_detail_country_error: "Please select a country" + shipping_method_destroy_error: "That shipping method cannot be deleted as it is referenced by an order: %{number}." + accounts_and_billing_task_already_running_error: "A task is already running, please wait until it has finished" + accounts_and_billing_start_task_notice: "Task Queued" fees: "Fees" item_cost: "Item cost" bulk: "Bulk" @@ -853,6 +1291,8 @@ en-GB: credit: "Credit" Paid: "Paid" Ready: "Ready" + ok: OK + not_visible: not visible you_have_no_orders_yet: "You have no orders yet" running_balance: "Running balance" outstanding_balance: "Outstanding balance" @@ -884,15 +1324,22 @@ en-GB: admin_order_cycles: "Admin Order Cycles" open: "Open" close: "Close" + create: "Create" + search: "Search" supplier: "Supplier" coordinator: "Coordinator" distributor: "Distributor" + enterprise_fees: "Enterprise Fees" + process_my_order: "Process My Order" + delivery_instructions: Delivery Instructions + delivery_method: Delivery Method fee_type: "Fee Type" tax_category: "Tax Category" calculator: "Calculator" calculator_values: "Calculator values" flat_percent_per_item: "Flat Percent (per item)" new_order_cycles: "New Order Cycles" + new_order_cycle: "New Order Cycle" select_a_coordinator_for_your_order_cycle: "Select a coordinator for your order cycle" edit_order_cycle: "Edit Order Cycle" roles: "Roles" @@ -913,6 +1360,8 @@ en-GB: price: "Price" on_hand: "In stock" save_changes: "Save Changes" + order_saved: "Order Saved" + no_products: No Products spree_admin_overview_enterprises_header: "My Enterprises" spree_admin_overview_enterprises_footer: "MANAGE MY ENTERPRISES" spree_admin_enterprises_hubs_name: "Name" @@ -927,26 +1376,36 @@ en-GB: spree_admin_enterprises_producers_order_cycles: "Products in OCs" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_hubs: "HUBS" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_producers: "PRODUCERS" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_order_cycles: "MANAGE ORDER CYCLES" spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_products: "MANAGE PRODUCTS" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_orders_cycle_text: "You don't have any active order cycles." spree_admin_enterprises_any_active_products_text: "You don't have any active products." spree_admin_enterprises_create_new_product: "CREATE A NEW PRODUCT" - spree_admin_order_cycles: "Order Cycles" - spree_admin_order_cycles_tip: "Order cycles determine when and where your products are available to customers." - dashbord: "Dashboard" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_confirmation: "Please confirm the email address for" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_sent: "We've sent an email to" spree_admin_overview_action_required: "Action Required" - spree_admin_overview_check_your_inbox: "Please check you inbox for further instructions. Thanks!" + spree_admin_overview_check_your_inbox: "Please check your inbox for further instructions. Thanks!" + spree_admin_unit_value: Unit Value + spree_admin_unit_description: Unit Description + spree_admin_variant_unit: Variant unit + spree_admin_variant_unit_scale: Variant unit scale + spree_admin_variant_unit_name: Variant unit name change_package: "Change Package" spree_admin_single_enterprise_hint: "Hint: To allow people to find you, turn on your visibility under" + spree_admin_eg_pickup_from_school: "eg. 'Pick-up from Primary School'" + spree_admin_eg_collect_your_order: "eg. 'Please collect your order from 123 Imaginary St, Newcastle, NE1 1AA'" + spree_classification_primary_taxon_error: "Taxon %{taxon} is the primary taxon of %{product} and cannot be deleted" + spree_order_availability_error: "Distributor or order cycle cannot supply the products in your cart" + spree_order_populator_error: "That distributor or order cycle can't supply all the products in your cart. Please choose another." + spree_order_populator_availability_error: "That product is not available from the chosen distributor or order cycle." + spree_distributors_error: "At least one hub must be selected" + spree_user_enterprise_limit_error: "^%{email} is not permitted to own any more enterprises (limit is %{enterprise_limit})." + spree_variant_product_error: must have at least one variant your_profil_live: "Your profile live" on_ofn_map: "on the Open Food Network map" see: "See" live: "live" manage: "Manage" resend: "Resend" + trial: Trial add_and_manage_products: "Add & manage products" add_and_manage_order_cycles: "Add & manage order cycles" manage_order_cycles: "Manage order cycles" @@ -954,6 +1413,8 @@ en-GB: edit_profile_details: "Edit profile details" edit_profile_details_etc: "Change your profile description, images, etc." order_cycle: "Order Cycle" + order_cycles: "Order Cycles" + enterprises: "Enterprises" remove_tax: "Remove tax" enterprise_terms_of_service: "Enterprise Terms of Service" enterprises_require_tos: "Enterprises must accept Terms of Service" @@ -976,7 +1437,6 @@ en-GB: hub_sidebar_blue: "blue" hub_sidebar_red: "red" shop_trial_in_progress: "Your shopfront trial expires in %{days}." - shop_trial_expired: "To view or change your current Open Food Network plan go to the Dashboard -> Change Package." report_customers_distributor: "Distributor" report_customers_supplier: "Supplier" report_customers_cycle: "Order Cycle" @@ -994,6 +1454,142 @@ en-GB: report_order_cycle: "Order Cycle:" report_entreprises: "Enterprises:" report_users: "Users:" + report_tax_rates: Tax rates + report_tax_types: Tax types + report_header_order_cycle: Order Cycle + report_header_user: User + report_header_email: Email + report_header_status: Status + report_header_comments: Comments + report_header_first_name: First Name + report_header_last_name: Last Name + report_header_phone: Phone + report_header_suburb: Suburb + report_header_address: Address + report_header_billing_address: Billing Address + report_header_relationship: Relationship + report_header_hub: Hub + report_header_hub_address: Hub Address + report_header_to_hub: To Hub + report_header_hub_code: Hub Code + report_header_code: Code + report_header_paid: Paid? + report_header_delivery: Delivery? + report_header_shipping: Shipping + report_header_shipping_method: Shipping Method + report_header_shipping_instructions: Shipping instructions + report_header_ship_street: Ship Street + report_header_ship_street_2: Ship Street 2 + report_header_ship_city: Ship City + report_header_ship_postcode: Ship Postcode + report_header_ship_state: Ship State + report_header_billing_street: Billing Street + report_header_billing_street_2: Billing Street 2 + report_header_billing_street_3: Billing Street 3 + report_header_billing_street_4: Billing Street 4 + report_header_billing_city: Billing City + report_header_billing_postcode: Billing Postcode + report_header_billing_state: Billing State + report_header_incoming_transport: Incoming Transport + report_header_special_instructions: Special Instructions + report_header_order_number: Order number + report_header_date: Date + report_header_confirmation_date: Confirmation Date + report_header_tags: Tags + report_header_items: Items + report_header_items_total: "Items total %{currency_symbol}" + report_header_taxable_items_total: "Taxable Items Total (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_sales_tax: "Sales Tax (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_delivery_charge: "Delivery Charge (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_tax_on_delivery: "Tax on Delivery (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_tax_on_fees: "Tax on Fees (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_total_tax: "Total Tax (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_enterprise: Enterprise + report_header_customer: Customer + report_header_customer_code: Customer Code + report_header_product: Product + report_header_product_properties: Product Properties + report_header_quantity: Quantity + report_header_max_quantity: Max Quantity + report_header_variant: Variant + report_header_variant_value: Variant Value + report_header_variant_unit: Variant Unit + report_header_total_available: Total available + report_header_unallocated: Unallocated + report_header_max_quantity_excess: Max Quantity Excess + report_header_taxons: Taxons + report_header_supplier: Supplier + report_header_producer: Producer + report_header_producer_suburb: Producer Suburb + report_header_unit: Unit + report_header_group_buy_unit_quantity: Group Buy Unit Quantity + report_header_cost: Cost + report_header_shipping_cost: Shipping Cost + report_header_curr_cost_per_unit: Curr. Cost per Unit + report_header_total_shipping_cost: Total Shipping Cost + report_header_payment_method: Payment Method + report_header_sells: Sells + report_header_visible: Visible + report_header_price: Price + report_header_unit_size: Unit Size + report_header_distributor: Distributor + report_header_distributor_address: Distributor address + report_header_distributor_city: Distributor city + report_header_distributor_postcode: Distributor postcode + report_header_delivery_address: Delivery Address + report_header_delivery_postcode: Delivery Postcode + report_header_bulk_unit_size: Bulk Unit Size + report_header_weight: Weight + report_header_sum_total: Sum Total + report_header_date_of_order: Date of Order + report_header_amount_owing: Amount Owing + report_header_amount_paid: Amount Paid + report_header_units_required: Units Required + report_header_remainder: Remainder + report_header_order_date: Order date + report_header_order_id: Order Id + report_header_item_name: Item name + report_header_temp_controlled_items: Temp Controlled Items? + report_header_customer_name: Customer Name + report_header_customer_email: Customer Email + report_header_customer_phone: Customer Phone + report_header_customer_city: Customer City + report_header_payment_state: Payment State + report_header_payment_type: Payment Type + report_header_item_price: "Item (%{currency})" + report_header_item_fees_price: "Item + Fees (%{currency})" + report_header_admin_handling_fees: "Admin & Handling (%{currency})" + report_header_ship_price: "Ship (%{currency})" + report_header_pay_fee_price: "Pay fee (%{currency})" + report_header_total_price: "Total (%{currency})" + report_header_product_total_price: "Product Total (%{currency})" + report_header_shipping_total_price: "Shipping Total (%{currency})" + report_header_outstanding_balance_price: "Outstanding Balance (%{currency})" + report_header_eft_price: "EFT (%{currency})" + report_header_paypal_price: "PayPal (%{currency})" + report_header_sku: Product Code + report_header_amount: Amount + report_header_balance: Balance + report_header_total_cost: "Total Cost" + report_header_total_ordered: Total Ordered + report_header_total_max: Total Max + report_header_total_units: Total Units + report_header_sum_max_total: "Sum Max Total" + report_header_total_excl_vat: "Total excl. tax (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_total_incl_vat: "Total incl. tax (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_temp_controlled: TempControlled? + report_header_is_producer: Producer? + report_header_not_confirmed: Not Confirmed + report_header_gst_on_income: VAT on Income + report_header_gst_free_income: VAT Free Income + report_header_total_untaxable_produce: Total untaxable produce (no tax) + report_header_total_taxable_produce: Total taxable produce (tax inclusive) + report_header_total_untaxable_fees: Total untaxable fees (no tax) + report_header_total_taxable_fees: Total taxable fees (tax inclusive) + report_header_delivery_shipping_cost: Delivery Shipping Cost (tax inclusive) + report_header_transaction_fee: Transaction Fee (no tax) + report_header_total_untaxable_admin: Total untaxable admin adjustments (no tax) + report_header_total_taxable_admin: Total taxable admin adjustments (tax inclusive) initial_invoice_number: "Initial invoice number:" invoice_date: "Invoice date:" due_date: "Invoice date:" @@ -1026,42 +1622,291 @@ en-GB: shipping_methods: "Shipping Methods" payment_methods: "Payment Methods" payment_method_fee: "Transaction fee" - enterprise_fees: "Enterprise Fees" inventory_settings: "Inventory Settings" tag_rules: "Tag Rules" shop_preferences: "Shop Preferences" + enterprise_fee_whole_order: Whole order + enterprise_fee_by: "%{type} fee by %{role} %{enterprise_name}" validation_msg_relationship_already_established: "^That relationship is already established." validation_msg_at_least_one_hub: "^At least one hub must be selected" validation_msg_product_category_cant_be_blank: "^Product Category cant be blank" validation_msg_tax_category_cant_be_blank: "^Tax Category can't be blank" validation_msg_is_associated_with_an_exising_customer: "is associated with an existing customer" + content_configuration_pricing_table: "(TODO: Pricing table)" + content_configuration_case_studies: "(TODO: Case studies)" + content_configuration_detail: "(TODO: Detail)" + enterprise_name_error: "has already been taken. If this is your enterprise and you would like to claim ownership, please contact the current manager of this profile at %{email}." + enterprise_owner_error: "^%{email} is not permitted to own any more enterprises (limit is %{enterprise_limit})." + enterprise_role_uniqueness_error: "^That role is already present." + inventory_item_visibility_error: must be true or false + product_importer_file_error: "error: no file uploaded" + product_importer_spreadsheet_error: "could not process file: invalid filetype" + product_importer_products_save_error: did not save any products successfully + product_import_file_not_found_notice: 'File not found or could not be opened' + product_import_no_data_in_spreadsheet_notice: 'No data found in spreadsheet' + order_choosing_hub_notice: Your hub has been selected. + order_cycle_selecting_notice: Your order cycle has been selected. + adjustments_tax_rate_error: "^Please check that the tax rate for this adjustment is correct." + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_singular: >- + The hub %{distributor_names} is listed in an active order cycle, but does not + have valid shipping and payment methods. Until you set these up, customers will + not be able to shop at this hub. + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_plural: >- + The hubs %{distributor_names} are listed in an active order cycle, but do not + have valid shipping and payment methods. Until you set these up, customers will + not be able to shop at these hubs. + enterprise_fees_update_notice: Your enterprise fees have been updated. + enterprise_fees_destroy_error: "That enterprise fee cannot be deleted as it is referenced by a product distribution: %{id} - %{name}." + enterprise_register_package_error: "Please select a package" + enterprise_register_error: "Could not complete registration for %{enterprise}" + enterprise_register_success_notice: "Congratulations! Registration for %{enterprise} is complete!" + enterprise_bulk_update_success_notice: "Enterprises updated successfully" + enterprise_bulk_update_error: 'Update failed' + order_cycles_create_notice: 'Your order cycle has been created.' + order_cycles_update_notice: 'Your order cycle has been updated.' + order_cycles_bulk_update_notice: 'Order cycles have been updated.' + order_cycles_clone_notice: "Your order cycle %{name} has been cloned." + order_cycles_email_to_producers_notice: 'Emails to be sent to producers have been queued for sending.' + order_cycles_no_permission_to_coordinate_error: "None of your enterprises have permission to coordinate an order cycle" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_create_error: "You don't have permission to create an order cycle coordinated by that enterprise" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_delete_error: "That order cycle has been selected by a customer and cannot be deleted. To prevent customers from accessing it, please close it instead." + js: + saving: 'Saving...' + changes_saved: 'Changes saved.' + save_changes_first: Save changes first. + all_changes_saved: All changes saved + unsaved_changes: You have unsaved changes + all_changes_saved_successfully: All changes saved successfully + oh_no: "Oh no! I was unable to save your changes." + unauthorized: "You are unauthorised to access this page." + error: Error + unavailable: Unavailable + profile: Profile + hub: Hub + shop: Shop + choose: Choose + resolve_errors: Please resolve the following errors + more_items: "+ %{count} More" + admin: + modals: + got_it: Got it + tag_rule_help: + title: Tag Rules + overview: Overview + overview_text: > + Tag rules provide a way to describe which items are visible or otherwise + to which customers. Items can be Shipping Methods, Payment Methods, + Products and Order Cycles. + by_default_rules: "'By Default...' Rules" + by_default_rules_text: > + Default rules allow you to hide items so that they are not visible by + default. This behaviour can then be overriden by non-default rules for + customers with particular tags. + customer_tagged_rules: "'Customers Tagged...' Rules" + customer_tagged_rules_text: > + By creating rules related to a specific customer tag, you can override + the default behaviour (whether it be to show or to hide items) for customers + with the specified tag. + panels: + save: SAVE + saved: SAVED + saving: SAVING + enterprise_package: + hub_profile: Hub Profile + hub_profile_cost: "COST: Pay What You Can" + hub_profile_text1: > + People can find and contact you on the Open Food Network. Your enterprise + will be visible on the map, and will be searchable in listings. + hub_profile_text2: > + Having a profile, and making connections within your local food system + through the Open Food Network will always be free. + hub_shop: Hub Shop + hub_shop_text1: > + Your enterprise is the backbone of your local food system. You aggregate + produce from other enterprises and can sell it through your shop on + the Open Food Network. + hub_shop_text2: > + Hubs can take many forms, whether they be a food co-op, a buying group, + a veggie-box program, or a local grocery store. + hub_shop_text3: > + If you also want to sell your own products, you will need to switch + this enterprise to be a producer. + choose_package: Please Choose a Package + choose_package_text1: > + Your enterprise will not be fully activated until a package is selected + from the options on the left. + choose_package_text2: > + Click on an option to see more detailed information about each package, + and hit the red SAVE button when you are done! + profile_only: Profile Only + profile_only_cost: "COST: Pay What You Can" + profile_only_text1: > + A profile makes you visible and contactable to others and is a way to + share your story. + profile_only_text2: > + If you prefer to focus on producing food, and want to leave the work + of selling it to someone else, you won't require a shop on the Open + Food Network. + profile_only_text3: > + Add your products to Open Food Network, allowing hubs to stock your + products in their stores. + producer_shop: Producer Shop + producer_shop_text1: > + Sell your products directly to customers through your very own Open + Food Network shopfront. + producer_shop_text2: > + A Producer Shop is for your produce only, if you want to sell produce + grown/produced off site, please select 'Producer Hub'. + producer_hub: Producer Hub + producer_hub_text1: > + Your enterprise is the backbone of your local food system. You can sell + your own produce as well as produce aggregated from other enterprises + through your shopfront on the Open Food Network. + producer_hub_text2: > + Producer Hubs can take many forms, whether they be a CSA, a veggie-box + program, or a food co-op with a rooftop garden. + producer_hub_text3: > + The Open Food Network aims to support as many hub models as possible, + so no matter your situation, we want to provide the tools you need to + run your organisation or local food business. + get_listing: Get a listing + always_free: Pay What You Can + sell_produce_others: Sell produce from others + sell_own_produce: Sell your own produce + sell_both: Sell produce from self and others + enterprise_producer: + producer: Producer + producer_text1: > + Producers make yummy things to eat or drink. You're a producer if you + grow it, raise it, brew it, bake it, ferment it, milk it or mould it. + producer_text2: > + Producers can also perform other functions, such as aggregating food + from other enterprises and selling it through a shop on the Open Food + Network. + non_producer: Non-producer + non_producer_text1: > + Non-producers do not produce any food themselves, meaning that they + cannot create their own products for sale through the Open Food Network. + non_producer_text2: > + Instead, non-producers specialise in linking producers to the end eater, + whether it be by aggregating, grading, packing, selling or delivering + food. + producer_desc: Producers of food + producer_example: eg. GROWERS, BAKERS, BREWERS, MAKERS + non_producer_desc: All other food enterprises + non_producer_example: eg. Grocery stores, Food co-ops, Buying groups + enterprise_status: + status_title: "%{name} is set up and ready to go!" + severity: Severity + description: Description + resolve: Resolve + new_tag_rule_dialog: + select_rule_type: "Select a rule type:" + out_of_stock: + reduced_stock_available: Reduced stock available + out_of_stock_text: > + While you've been shopping, the stock levels for one or more of the products + in your cart have reduced. Here's what's changed: + now_out_of_stock: is now out of stock. + only_n_remainging: "now only has %{num} remaining." + variant_overrides: + inventory_products: "Inventory Products" + hidden_products: "Hidden Products" + new_products: "New Products" + reset_stock_levels: Reset Stock Levels To Defaults + changes_to: Changes to + one_override: one override + overrides: overrides + remain_unsaved: remain unsaved. + no_changes_to_save: No changes to save.' + no_authorisation: "I couldn't get authorisation to save those changes, so they remain unsaved." + some_trouble: "I had some trouble saving: %{errors}" + changing_on_hand_stock: Changing on hand stock levels... + stock_reset: Stocks reset to defaults. + tag_rules: + show_hide_variants: 'Show or Hide variants in my shopfront' + show_hide_shipping: 'Show or Hide shipping methods at checkout' + show_hide_payment: 'Show or Hide payment methods at checkout' + show_hide_order_cycles: 'Show or Hide order cycles in my shopfront' + visible: VISIBLE + not_visible: NOT VISIBLE + services: + unsaved_changes_message: Unsaved changes currently exist, save now or ignore? + save: SAVE + ignore: IGNORE + add_to_order_cycle: "add to order cycle" + manage_products: "manage products" + edit_profile: "edit profile" + add_products_to_inventory: "add products to inventory" + resources: + could_not_delete_customer: 'Could not delete customer' + product_import: + confirmation: | + This will set stock level to zero on all products for this + enterprise that are not present in the uploaded file. + order_cycles: + update_success: 'Your order cycle has been updated.' + no_distributors: There are no distributors in this order cycle. This order cycle will not be visible to customers until you add one. Would you like to continue saving this order cycle?' + enterprises: + producer: "Producer" + non_producer: "Non-Producer" + customers: + select_shop: 'Please select a shop first' + could_not_create: Sorry! Could not create + producers: + signup: + start_free_profile: "Start with a free profile, and expand when you're ready!" spree: admin: orders: invoice: issued_on: Issued on - tax_invoice: INVOICE + tax_invoice: TAX INVOICE code: Code from: From to: To - zipcode: Postcode - shipment_states: - backorder: backorder - partial: partial - pending: pending - ready: ready - shipped: shipped - payment_states: - balance_due: balance due - completed: completed - checkout: checkout - credit_owed: credit owed - failed: failed - paid: paid - pending: pending - processing: processing - void: void - invalid: invalid + form: + distribution_fields: + title: Distribution + distributor: "Distributor:" + order_cycle: "Order cycle:" + overview: + order_cycles: + order_cycles: "Order Cycles" + order_cycles_tip: "Order cycles determine when and where your products are available to customers." + you_have_active: + zero: "You don't have any active order cycles." + one: "You have one active order cycle." + other: "You have %{count} active order cycles." + manage_order_cycles: "MANAGE ORDER CYCLES" + products: + bulk_edit: + header: + title: Bulk Edit Products + indicators: + title: LOADING PRODUCTS + no_products: "No products yet. Why don't you add some?" + no_results: "Sorry, no results match" + reports: + bulk_coop: + bulk_coop_supplier_report: 'Bulk Co-op - Totals by Supplier' + bulk_coop_allocation: 'Bulk Co-op - Allocation' + bulk_coop_packing_sheets: 'Bulk Co-op - Packing Sheets' + bulk_coop_customer_payments: 'Bulk Co-op - Customer Payments' + variants: + autocomplete: + producer_name: Producer + date_picker: + format: '%Y-%m-%d' + js_format: 'yy-mm-dd' + inventory: Inventory + orders: + bought: + item: "Already ordered in this order cycle" + order_mailer: + invoice_email: + hi: "Hi %{name}" + invoice_attached_text: Please find attached an invoice for your recent order from order_state: address: address adjustments: adjustments @@ -1075,3 +1920,46 @@ en-GB: resumed: resumed returned: returned skrill: skrill + payment_states: + balance_due: balance due + completed: completed + checkout: checkout + credit_owed: credit owed + failed: failed + paid: paid + pending: pending + processing: processing + void: void + invalid: invalid + shipment_states: + backorder: backorder + partial: partial + pending: pending + ready: ready + shipped: shipped + user_mailer: + reset_password_instructions: + request_sent_text: | + A request to reset your password has been made. + If you did not make this request, simply ignore this email. + link_text: > + If you did make this request just click the link below: + issue_text: | + If the above URL does not work try copying and pasting it into your browser. + If you continue to have problems please feel free to contact us. + weight: Weight (per kg) + zipcode: Postcode + users: + show: + open_orders: Open Orders + transaction_history: Transaction History + open_orders: + order: Order + shop: Shop + changes_allowed_until: Changes Allowed Until + items: Items + total: Total + edit: Edit + cancel: Cancel + closed: Closed + until: Until From b9ff5674af19d8d9e78b40a8ced752bee43b17fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lynne Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2017 16:18:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 5/7] Correction for Transifex name mismatch --- config/locales/en-GB.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/en-GB.yml b/config/locales/en-GB.yml index ab7e4be2bfb..01c195382f7 100644 --- a/config/locales/en-GB.yml +++ b/config/locales/en-GB.yml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -en_GB: +en-GB: activerecord: attributes: spree/order: From 0117e2e8b562e39f6981a1df971cf34ee041a57f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Transifex-Openfoodnetwork Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2017 02:22:36 +1000 Subject: [PATCH 6/7] Updating translations for config/locales/es.yml [skip ci] --- config/locales/es.yml | 462 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 428 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml index 866c51fda5e..ba72f6c7ddc 100644 --- a/config/locales/es.yml +++ b/config/locales/es.yml @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ es: activerecord: attributes: spree/order: - payment_state: Estado del pago + payment_state: Estado del pagos shipment_state: Estado del envío errors: models: @@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ es: subject: "Confirma la dirección de correo electrónico de %{enterprise}" welcome: subject: "%{enterprise} está ahora en %{sitename}" + producer_mailer: + order_cycle: + subject: "Informe Ciclo de Pedido para %{producer}" + home: "OFN" title: Open Food Network welcome_to: 'Bienvenido a ' site_meta_description: "Nosotros empezamos desde abajo. Con granjeros y productoras listas para contar sus historias con orgullo y autenticidad. Con distribuidoras listas para conectar gente con productos de forma justa y honesta. Con compradores que creen que mejores decisiones de compras semanales pueden..." @@ -69,16 +73,33 @@ es: cancel: Cancelar edit: Editar distributors: Distribuidores + distribution: Distribución bulk_order_management: Gestión de pedidos en bloque enterprise_groups: Grupos reports: Informes variant_overrides: Inventario - more: Más spree_products: Productos Spree all: Todos current: Actual available: Disponible dashboard: Panel de inicio + undefined: indefinido + unused: no se usa + admin_and_handling: Administración y Manejo + profile: Perfil + supplier_only: Sólo Proveedor + weight: Peso + volume: Volumen + summary: Resumen + detailed: Detallado + updated: Actualizado + 'yes': "Sí" + 'no': "No" + y: 'S' + n: 'N' + powered_by: Powered by + blocked_cookies_alert: "Es posible que su navegador esté bloqueando las cookies necesarias para utilizar esta tienda. Haga clic a continuación para permitir las cookies y vuelva a cargar la página." + allow_cookies: "Permitir cookies" admin: date: Fecha email: Email @@ -99,6 +120,8 @@ es: weight: Peso volume: Volumen items: Artículos + select_all: Seleccionar todo + obsolete_master: Master obsoleto quick_search: Búsqueda rápida clear_all: Limpiar todo start_date: "Fecha de inicio" @@ -133,6 +156,14 @@ es: finalise_user_invoices: "Finalizar Facturas de los Usuarios" finalise_user_invoice_explained: "Usa este botón para actualizar ahora facturas del sistema del mes pasado. Esta tarea puede ser programada para ser ejecutada una vez al mes." update_user_invoices: "Actualizar Facturas de los Usuarios" + errors: + accounts_distributor: Debe establecerse si desea crear facturas para usuarios de la organización. + default_payment_method: Debe establecerse si desea crear facturas para usuarios de la organización. + default_shipping_method: Debe establecerse si desea crear facturas para usuarios de la organización. + shopfront_settings: + embedded_shopfront_settings: "Configuración de la tienda integradaa" + enable_embedded_shopfronts: "Habilitar tiendas integradas" + embedded_shopfronts_whitelist: "Lista de dominios externos permitidos" business_model_configuration: edit: business_model_configuration: "Modelo de Sostenibilidad" @@ -183,6 +214,8 @@ es: update_address: 'Actualizar Dirección' confirm_delete: '¿Confirmas que quieres borrar?' search_by_email: "Buscar por email/código" + destroy: + has_associated_orders: 'Se ha producido un error en la eliminación: la consumidora tiene pedidos asociados en su tienda.' cache_settings: show: title: Almacenando @@ -190,9 +223,17 @@ es: order_cycle: Ciclo de Pedido status: Estado diff: Diff + error: Error contents: edit: title: Contenido + header: Encabezamiento + home_page: Página principal + producer_signup_page: Página de registro del productor + hub_signup_page: Página de registro del Grupo + group_signup_page: Página de registro de grupo + footer_and_external_links: Pie de página y enlaces externos + your_content: Tu contenido enterprise_fees: index: title: Comisiones de la Organización @@ -205,6 +246,11 @@ es: enterprise_groups: index: new_button: Nuevo Grupo de Organizaciones + enterprise_roles: + form: + manages: Gestiona + enterprise_role: + manages: Gestionan products: unit_name_placeholder: 'ej. manojos' bulk_edit: @@ -242,7 +288,12 @@ es: inventory_powertip: Este es tu inventario de productos. Para añadir productos a tu inventario, selecciona "Nuevos Productos" en el menú desplegable. hidden_powertip: Estos productos han sido ocultados de tu inventario y no están disponibles para añadir a tu tienda. Puedes hacer click en "Añadir" para añadir un producto a tu inventario. new_powertip: Estos productos están disponibles para añadirlos a tu inventario. Haz clic en "Añadir" para añadir un producto a tu inventario o "Ocultar" para ocultarlo de la vista. Siempre puedes cambiar de idea! + controls: + back_to_my_inventory: Volver a mi inventario orders: + index: + capture: "Captura" + ship: "Envío" bulk_management: tip: "Usa esta página para alterar la cantidad del producto en varios pedidos a la vez. Los productos pueden ser eliminados de los pedidos si es necesario. " shared: "¿Recurso compartido?" @@ -428,9 +479,9 @@ es: producer_description_text: Añade tus productos a Open Food Network, permitiendo a los Grupos de Consumo vender tus productos. producer_shop: Tienda Productora sell_your_produce: Vende tu propia producción - producer_shop_description_text: Vende tus productos directamente a los consumidores con tu tienda en Open Food Network. - producer_shop_description_text2: Una tienda de productora es para tu producto solamente, si quieres vender productos de otros productores, selecciona 'Grupo de Consumo'. - producer_hub: Hub de Productoras + producer_shop_description_text: Vender sus productos directamente a los clientes a través de su propia tienda. + producer_shop_description_text2: Una tienda de productora es para sus productos solamente, si quieres vender productos de otros productores, selecciona "Grupo de Productoras" + producer_hub: Grupo de Productoras producer_hub_text: Vende tu propia producción y la de otros producer_hub_description_text: Tu organización es la columna vertebral de un sistema de consumo local. Agrega productos tuyos o de otras organizaciones y véndelo a través de tu tienda en Open Food Network. profile: Solo perfil @@ -519,15 +570,79 @@ es: title: Configuración de Factura invoice_style2?: Utiliza el modelo de factura alternativo que incluye el desglose fiscal total por tipo de interés y tasa de impuestos por artículo (todavía no es adecuado para países que muestran los precios sin impuestos) enable_receipt_printing?: ¿Mostrar opciones para imprimir recibos usando impresoras térmicas en el desplegable del pedido? + overview: + enterprises_header: + ofn_with_tip: Las Organizaciones son Productoras y/o Grupos y son la unidad básica de organización dentro de la Open Food Network. + enterprises_hubs_tabs: + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} no tiene formas de pago" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} no tiene ningún método de envío" + has_no_enterprise_fees: "%{enterprise} no tiene comisiones de organización" + enterprise_issues: + create_new: Crear nuevo + resend_email: Reenviar email + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} actualmente no tiene formas de pago" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} no tiene actualmente métodos de envío" + email_confirmation: "La confirmación de correo electrónico está pendiente. Hemos enviado un correo electrónico de confirmación a %{email}." + not_visible: "%{enterprise} no es visible y no se puede encontrar en el mapa o en búsquedas" + reports: + hidden: OCULTO + unitsize: TAMAÑO DE LA UNIDAD + total: TOTAL + total_items: ARTÍCULOS TOTALES + supplier_totals: Totales de proveedores del Ciclo de Pedido + supplier_totals_by_distributor: Totales de proveedores por Distribuidor del Ciclo de pedidos + totals_by_supplier: Totales del distribuidor por proveedor del Ciclos de Pedido  + customer_totals: Totales de los consumidores del Ciclo de Pedido  + all_products: Todos los productos + inventory: Inventario (disponible) + lettuce_share: LettuceShare + mailing_list: Lista de correo + addresses: Direcciones + payment_methods: Informe de los métodos de pago + delivery: Informe de entrega + tax_types: Tipos de impuestos + tax_rates: '% Impuestos' + pack_by_customer: Pack por Consumidor + pack_by_supplier: Pack por proveedor + orders_and_distributors: + name: Pedidos y Distribuidores + description: Pedidos con detalles de distribuidor + bulk_coop: + name: Bulk Co-Op + description: Informes para pedidos de Bulk Co-Op + payments: + name: Informes de pago + description: Informes de pagos + orders_and_fulfillment: + name: Informes de Pedidos & Repartos + customers: + name: Consumidoras + products_and_inventory: + name: Productos & Inventario + sales_total: + name: Total Ventas + description: Total de ventas para todas los pedidos + users_and_enterprises: + name: Usuarias y Organizaciones + description: Propiedad y Estado de la Organización + order_cycle_management: + name: Gestión del Ciclo de Pedido + sales_tax: + name: Impuesto de venta + xero_invoices: + name: Facturas Xero + description: Facturas para la importación en Xero + packing: + name: Informes de empaquetado checkout: already_ordered: cart: "carrito" message_html: "Ya realizó un pedido para este ciclo de pedido. Compruebe el %{cart}para ver los artículos que pidió. También puede cancelar artículos mientras el ciclo de pedido siga abierto." - home: + shops: hubs: show_closed_shops: "Mostrar tiendas cerradas" hide_closed_shops: "Ocultar tiendas cerradas" - show_on_map: "Mostrar todo en el mapa" + show_on_map: "Ver todos en el mapa" shared: menu: cart: @@ -554,6 +669,7 @@ es: invoice_column_price_with_taxes: "Precio total (Impuestos incl.)" invoice_column_price_without_taxes: "Precio total (Sin Impuestos)" invoice_column_tax_rate: "% Impuestos" + invoice_tax_total: "GST Total:" tax_invoice: "FACTURA DE IMPUESTOS" tax_total: "Total impuestos (%{rate}):" total_excl_tax: "Total (Sin Impuestos):" @@ -603,6 +719,10 @@ es: on_demand: Bajo demanda none: Ninguno not_allowed: No permitido + no_shipping: Sin métodos de envío + no_payment: Sin métodos de pago + no_shipping_or_payment: Sin envío ni métodos de pago + unconfirmed: sin confirmar label_shops: "Tiendas" label_map: "Mapa" label_producers: "Productoras" @@ -693,7 +813,7 @@ es: checkout_details: "Sus detalles" checkout_billing: "Información de cobro" checkout_default_bill_address: "Guardar como dirección de facturación por defecto" - checkout_shipping: Información de entrega + checkout_shipping: Información de envío checkout_default_ship_address: "Guardar como dirección de envío por defecto" checkout_method_free: Gratis checkout_address_same: ¿Dirección de entrega igual a la dirección de cobro? @@ -703,7 +823,7 @@ es: checkout_send: Realizar pedido ahora checkout_your_order: Tu pedido checkout_cart_total: Total del carrito - checkout_shipping_price: Entrega + checkout_shipping_price: Envío checkout_total_price: Total checkout_back_to_cart: "De vuelta al carrito" order_paid: PAGADO @@ -811,8 +931,8 @@ es: hubs_filter_type: "Tipo" hubs_filter_delivery: "Entrega" hubs_filter_property: "Propiedad" - hubs_matches: "¿Quizo decir?" - hubs_intro: Comprar en su área local + hubs_matches: "¿Quiso decir?" + hubs_intro: Compra en tu localidad hubs_distance: Más cercano a hubs_distance_filter: "Mustreme tiendas cerca de %{location}" shop_changeable_orders_alert_html: @@ -982,6 +1102,7 @@ es: products_max_quantity: Cantidad máxima products_distributor: Distribuidor products_distributor_info: Cuando selecciones una distribuidora para tu pedido, tu dirección y tiempo de recolección se mostrarán aquí. + products_distribution_adjustment_label: "Distribución del producto por %{distributor} para %{product}" shop_trial_expires_in: "Tu periodo de prueba para la tienda termina en" shop_trial_expired_notice: "¡Buenas noticias! Hemos decidido extender los periodos de prueba para las tiendas hasta nuevo aviso." password: Contraseña @@ -995,6 +1116,7 @@ es: failed_to_create_enterprise: "Error al crear tu organización." failed_to_create_enterprise_unknown: "Error al crear tu organización.\nAsegúrate de haber rellenado todos los campos." failed_to_update_enterprise_unknown: "Error al actualizar tu organización.\nAsegúrate de haber rellenado todos los campos." + enterprise_confirm_delete_message: "Esto también eliminará el %{product} que suministra esta organización. ¿Estás seguro de que quieres continuar?" order_not_saved_yet: "Su orden aun no ha sido guardada. ¡Denos unos cuantos segundos para terminar!" filter_by: "Fitrar por" hide_filters: "Esconder filtros" @@ -1007,6 +1129,8 @@ es: error_required: "no puede estar vacío" error_number: "debe ser un número" error_email: "debe ser una dirección de correo electrónico" + error_not_found_in_database: "%{name} no se encuentra en la base de datos" + error_no_permission_for_enterprise: "\"%{name}\": no tiene permiso para administrar productos para esta organización" item_handling_fees: "Tarifa de manejo de artículo (incluída en el total de artículos)" january: "Enero" february: "Febrero" @@ -1139,6 +1263,9 @@ es: registration_detail_state_error: "Estado requerido" registration_detail_country: "País:" registration_detail_country_error: "Seleccione un país" + shipping_method_destroy_error: "Ese método de envío no puede ser eliminado ya que se hace referencia en un pedido: %{number}." + accounts_and_billing_task_already_running_error: "Se está ejecutando una tarea, espere hasta que haya finalizado" + accounts_and_billing_start_task_notice: "Tarea en cola" fees: "Tarifas" item_cost: "Costo del artículo" bulk: "Agrupar" @@ -1166,6 +1293,8 @@ es: credit: "Crédito" Paid: "Pagado" Ready: "Listo" + ok: OK + not_visible: no visible you_have_no_orders_yet: "No tienes pedidos todavía" running_balance: "Saldo actual" outstanding_balance: "Saldo extraordinario" @@ -1197,9 +1326,15 @@ es: admin_order_cycles: "Ciclos de Pedidos del Admin" open: "Abierta" close: "Cerrada" + create: "Crear" + search: "Buscar" supplier: "Proveedora" coordinator: "Coordinadora" distributor: "Distribuidor" + enterprise_fees: "Comisiones de la Organización" + process_my_order: "Procesar mi pedido" + delivery_instructions: Instrucciones de Entrega + delivery_method: Método de entrega fee_type: "Tipo de Comisión" tax_category: "Categoría del impuesto" calculator: "Calculadora" @@ -1228,6 +1363,7 @@ es: on_hand: "Disponibles" save_changes: "Guardar Cambios" order_saved: "Pedido Guardado" + no_products: No hay productos spree_admin_overview_enterprises_header: "Mis Organizaciones" spree_admin_overview_enterprises_footer: "GESTIONAR MIS ORGANIZACIONES" spree_admin_enterprises_hubs_name: "Nombre" @@ -1242,26 +1378,36 @@ es: spree_admin_enterprises_producers_order_cycles: "Productos en OCs" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_hubs: "Grupos de Consumo" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_producers: "PRODUCTORAS" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_order_cycles: "GESTIONAR CICLOS DE PEDIDO" spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_products: "GESTIONAR PRODUCTOS" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_orders_cycle_text: "No tienes ningún ciclo de pedidos activo" spree_admin_enterprises_any_active_products_text: "No tienes ningún producto activo" spree_admin_enterprises_create_new_product: "CREAR UN NUEVO PRODUCTO" - spree_admin_order_cycles: "Ciclos de Pedidos" - spree_admin_order_cycles_tip: "Los cliclos de pedido determinan cuándo tus productos estarán disponibles para los consumidores." - dashbord: "Dashboard" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_confirmation: "Confirma la dirección de email para" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_sent: "Te hemos enviado un mail a" spree_admin_overview_action_required: "Acción Requerida" spree_admin_overview_check_your_inbox: "Revisa tu bandeja de entrada para las siguientes instrucciones. Gracias!" + spree_admin_unit_value: Valor unidad + spree_admin_unit_description: Descripción de la unidad + spree_admin_variant_unit: Variante + spree_admin_variant_unit_scale: Escala de unidad + spree_admin_variant_unit_name: Nombre de la variante change_package: "Cambiar Perfil" spree_admin_single_enterprise_hint: "Sugerencia: Para permitir que la gente te encuentre, activa tu visibilidad" + spree_admin_eg_pickup_from_school: "p.ej. 'Recogida en la Cooperativa'" + spree_admin_eg_collect_your_order: "p.ej. 'Por favor recoge tu pedido en la Calle del Hormiguero nº3'" + spree_classification_primary_taxon_error: "La clasificación %{taxon} es la clasificación primaria de %{product} y no puede ser eliminada" + spree_order_availability_error: "El Distribuidor o el Ciclo de Pedido no pueden suministrar los productos en su carrito" + spree_order_populator_error: "Este Distribuidor o Ciclo de Pedido no puede suministrar todos los productos en tu carrito. Por favor, elige otro." + spree_order_populator_availability_error: "Este producto no está disponible por el distribuidor o Ciclo de Pedido elegido." + spree_distributors_error: "Se debe seleccionar al menos un Grupo" + spree_user_enterprise_limit_error: "^ %{email} no está autorizado a tener más organizaciones (el límite es %{enterprise_limit})." + spree_variant_product_error: Debes tener al menos una variante your_profil_live: "Tu perfil en directo" on_ofn_map: "en el mapa Open Food Network" see: "Ver" live: "En directo" manage: "Gestionar" resend: "Reenviar" + trial: Trial add_and_manage_products: "Añadir y gestionar productos" add_and_manage_order_cycles: "Añadir y gestionar ciclos de pedidos" manage_order_cycles: "Gestionar ciclos de pedidos" @@ -1270,7 +1416,7 @@ es: edit_profile_details_etc: "Cambia tu descripción, imágenes, etc." order_cycle: "Ciclo de Pedido" order_cycles: "Ciclos de Pedidos" - enterprises: "Empresas" + enterprises: "Organizaciones" remove_tax: "Eliminar impuesto" enterprise_terms_of_service: "Términos del Servicio de la Organización" enterprises_require_tos: "Las organizaciones deben aceptar los Términos del Servicio" @@ -1285,7 +1431,7 @@ es: admin_share_city: "Ciudad" admin_share_zipcode: "Código Postal" admin_share_country: "País" - admin_share_state: "Región" + admin_share_state: "Estado" hub_sidebar_hubs: "Grupos de Consumo" hub_sidebar_none_available: "Ninguno Disponible" hub_sidebar_manage: "Gestionar" @@ -1293,7 +1439,6 @@ es: hub_sidebar_blue: "azul" hub_sidebar_red: "rojo" shop_trial_in_progress: "Tu periodo de prueba para la tienda termina en %{days}." - shop_trial_expired: "¡Buenas noticias! Hemos decidido extender los periodos de prueba para las tiendas hasta nuevo aviso." report_customers_distributor: "Distribuidor" report_customers_supplier: "Proveedora" report_customers_cycle: "Ciclo de Pedido" @@ -1311,11 +1456,49 @@ es: report_order_cycle: "Ciclo de Pedido:" report_entreprises: "Organizaciones:" report_users: "Usuarias:" - report_tax_rates: "Porcentajes de los Impuestos" - report_tax_types: "Tipos de Impuestos" - report_header_order_number: "Número de pedido" - report_header_date: "Fecha" - report_header_items: "Artículos" + report_tax_rates: Porcentajes de los Impuestos + report_tax_types: Tipos de Impuestos + report_header_order_cycle: Ciclo de Pedido + report_header_user: Usuaria + report_header_email: Email + report_header_status: Estado + report_header_comments: Comentarios + report_header_first_name: Nombre + report_header_last_name: Apellido + report_header_phone: Teléfono + report_header_suburb: Barrio + report_header_address: Dirección + report_header_billing_address: Dirección de Facturación + report_header_relationship: Relación + report_header_hub: Grupo + report_header_hub_address: Dirección del Grupo + report_header_to_hub: Al Grupo + report_header_hub_code: Código de Grupo + report_header_code: Código + report_header_paid: ¿Pagado? + report_header_delivery: ¿Entregado? + report_header_shipping: Envío + report_header_shipping_method: Método de envío + report_header_shipping_instructions: Instrucciones de envío + report_header_ship_street: Calle de envío + report_header_ship_street_2: Calle de envío 2 + report_header_ship_city: Ciudad de envío + report_header_ship_postcode: Código postal de envío + report_header_ship_state: Provincia de envío + report_header_billing_street: Calle de facturación + report_header_billing_street_2: Calle de facturación 2 + report_header_billing_street_3: Calle de facturación 3 + report_header_billing_street_4: Calle de facturación 4 + report_header_billing_city: Ciudad de facturación + report_header_billing_postcode: Código postal de facturación + report_header_billing_state: Provincia de facturación + report_header_incoming_transport: Transporte entrante + report_header_special_instructions: instrucciones especiales + report_header_order_number: Número de pedido + report_header_date: Fecha + report_header_confirmation_date: Fecha de confirmación + report_header_tags: Tags + report_header_items: Artículos report_header_items_total: "Artículos en total %{currency_symbol}" report_header_taxable_items_total: "Artículos con Impuestos en Total (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_sales_tax: "Impuesto sobre las Ventas (%{currency_symbol})" @@ -1323,10 +1506,94 @@ es: report_header_tax_on_delivery: "Impuestos sobre la entrega (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_tax_on_fees: "Impuesto sobre las tasas (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_total_tax: "Total Impuestos (%{currency_symbol})" - report_header_customer: "Consumidora" - report_header_distributor: "Distribuidora" + report_header_enterprise: Organización + report_header_customer: Consumidora + report_header_customer_code: Código de consumidora + report_header_product: Producto + report_header_product_properties: Propiedades del producto + report_header_quantity: Cantidad + report_header_max_quantity: Cantidad máxima + report_header_variant: Variante + report_header_variant_value: Valor de la variante + report_header_variant_unit: Unidad Variante + report_header_total_available: Total disponible + report_header_unallocated: Sin asignar + report_header_max_quantity_excess: Cantidad máxima + report_header_taxons: Clasificación + report_header_supplier: Proveedor + report_header_producer: Productora + report_header_producer_suburb: Barrio Productora + report_header_unit: Unidad + report_header_group_buy_unit_quantity: Agrupar por cantidad unidad + report_header_cost: Coste + report_header_shipping_cost: Coste del envío + report_header_curr_cost_per_unit: Coste por unidad actual + report_header_total_shipping_cost: Coste total del envío + report_header_payment_method: Método de pago + report_header_sells: Vende + report_header_visible: Visible + report_header_price: Precio + report_header_unit_size: Tamaño de la unidad + report_header_distributor: Distribuidora + report_header_distributor_address: Dirección del distribuidor + report_header_distributor_city: Ciudad del distribuidor + report_header_distributor_postcode: Código postal del distribuidor + report_header_delivery_address: Dirección de entrega + report_header_delivery_postcode: Código postal de entrega + report_header_bulk_unit_size: Tamaño de la unidad a granel + report_header_weight: Peso + report_header_sum_total: Suma Total + report_header_date_of_order: Fecha de pedido + report_header_amount_owing: Cantidad adeudada + report_header_amount_paid: Cantidad pagada + report_header_units_required: Unidades requeridas + report_header_remainder: Recordatorio + report_header_order_date: Fecha de pedido + report_header_order_id: ID de Pedido + report_header_item_name: Nombre del artículo + report_header_temp_controlled_items: ¿Artículos de temperatura controlada? + report_header_customer_name: Nombre de la consumidora + report_header_customer_email: Correo electrónico de la consumidora + report_header_customer_phone: Teléfono de la Consumidora + report_header_customer_city: Ciudad de la Consumidora + report_header_payment_state: 'Estado del pagos + + nterpr' + report_header_payment_type: Tipo de pago + report_header_item_price: "Artículo (%{currency})" + report_header_item_fees_price: "Artículo + Comisiones (%{currency})" + report_header_admin_handling_fees: "Administración y Gestión (%{currency})" + report_header_ship_price: "Envío (%{currency})" + report_header_pay_fee_price: "Comisión de pago (%{currency})" + report_header_total_price: "Total (%{currency})" + report_header_product_total_price: "Producto Total (%{currency})" + report_header_shipping_total_price: "Total envíos (%{currency})" + report_header_outstanding_balance_price: "Saldo pendiente (%{currency})" + report_header_eft_price: "EFT (%{currency})" + report_header_paypal_price: "PayPal (%{currency})" + report_header_sku: SKU + report_header_amount: Cantidad + report_header_balance: Saldo + report_header_total_cost: "Coste total" + report_header_total_ordered: Total pedidos + report_header_total_max: Total Max + report_header_total_units: Unidades totales + report_header_sum_max_total: "Suma Máx. Total" report_header_total_excl_vat: "Total Impuestos excl. (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_total_incl_vat: "Total Impuestos incl. (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_temp_controlled: ¿Control de Temperatura? + report_header_is_producer: ¿Productora? + report_header_not_confirmed: No confirmado + report_header_gst_on_income: GST sobre Ingresos + report_header_gst_free_income: Ingresos sin GST + report_header_total_untaxable_produce: Total productos sin impuestos + report_header_total_taxable_produce: Total productos con impuestos + report_header_total_untaxable_fees: Total comisiones sin impuestos + report_header_total_taxable_fees: Total de impuestos imponibles (impuestos incluidos) + report_header_delivery_shipping_cost: Gastos de envío (impuestos incluidos) + report_header_transaction_fee: Comisión por transacción (sin impuestos) + report_header_total_untaxable_admin: Total de ajustes administrativos no tributables (sin impuestos) + report_header_total_taxable_admin: Total de ajustes tributarios de administración (impuestos incluidos) initial_invoice_number: "Número inicial de Factura:" invoice_date: "Fecha de la factura:" due_date: "Fecha de vencimiento:" @@ -1359,16 +1626,71 @@ es: shipping_methods: "Métodos de envío" payment_methods: "Métodos de Pago" payment_method_fee: "Tarifa de Transacción" - enterprise_fees: "Comisiones de la Organización" inventory_settings: "Configuración del Inventario" tag_rules: "Reglas de las Etiquetas" shop_preferences: "Configuración de la tienda" + enterprise_fee_whole_order: Pedido completo + enterprise_fee_by: "%{type} comisión por %{role} %{enterprise_name}" validation_msg_relationship_already_established: "^Esta relación ya existe." validation_msg_at_least_one_hub: "^Al menos se debe seleccionar un grupo de consumo" validation_msg_product_category_cant_be_blank: "^La Categoría del Producto no puede estar en vacía" validation_msg_tax_category_cant_be_blank: "^La Categoría del Impuesto no puede estar vacía" validation_msg_is_associated_with_an_exising_customer: "Está asociado con un consumidor existente" + content_configuration_pricing_table: "(TODO: tabla de precios)" + content_configuration_case_studies: "(TODO: Casos de Estudio)" + content_configuration_detail: "(TODO: Detalle)" + enterprise_name_error: "ya se ha utilizado. Si se trata de tu organización y deseas reclamar la propiedad, ponte en contacto con el administrador actual de este perfil en %{email}." + enterprise_owner_error: "^ %{email} no está autorizado a tener más organizaciones (el límite es %{enterprise_limit})." + enterprise_role_uniqueness_error: "^Este rol ya está presente." + inventory_item_visibility_error: Debe ser verdadero o falso + product_importer_file_error: "Error: no se ha subido ningún archivo" + product_importer_spreadsheet_error: "No se pudo procesar el archivo: tipo de archivo inválido" + product_importer_products_save_error: No se guardó ningún producto con éxito + product_import_file_not_found_notice: 'Archivo no encontrado o no se pudo abrir' + product_import_no_data_in_spreadsheet_notice: 'No se encontraron datos en la hoja de cálculo' + order_choosing_hub_notice: Tu Grupo se ha seleccionado. + order_cycle_selecting_notice: Se ha seleccionado el ciclo de pedido. + adjustments_tax_rate_error: "^Comprueba que los impuestos para este ajuste es correcta." + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_singular: >- + El Grupo %{distributor_names} aparece en un ciclo de pedido activo, pero no + tiene métodos de envío y pago válidos. Hasta que los configure, los clientes + no podrán comprar en este grupo. + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_plural: >- + Los Grupos %{distributor_names} se listan los ciclos de pedido activos, pero + no tienen métodos de envío y pago válidos. Hasta que los configure, los clientes + no podrán comprar en estos concentradores. + enterprise_fees_update_notice: Las comisiones de tu Organización se han actualizado. + enterprise_fees_destroy_error: "Esta comisión no puede eliminarse ya que la distribución de un producto hace referencia a ella: %{id} - %{name}." + enterprise_register_package_error: "Seleccione un paquete" + enterprise_register_error: "No se pudo completar el registro para %{enterprise}" + enterprise_register_success_notice: "¡Felicidades! ¡Se ha completado el registro de %{enterprise}!" + enterprise_bulk_update_success_notice: "Organizaciones actualizadas con éxito" + enterprise_bulk_update_error: 'Error en la actualización' + order_cycles_create_notice: 'Se ha creado el ciclo de pedido.' + order_cycles_update_notice: 'Se ha actualizado su ciclo de pedido.' + order_cycles_bulk_update_notice: 'Los ciclos de pedido han sido actualizados.' + order_cycles_clone_notice: "Su ciclo de pedido %{name} ha sido clonado." + order_cycles_email_to_producers_notice: 'Los correos electrónicos que se enviarán a las productoras se han puesto en cola para enviarlos.' + order_cycles_no_permission_to_coordinate_error: "Ninguna de tus organizaciones tiene permiso para coordinar un ciclo de pedido" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_create_error: "No tienes permiso para crear un ciclo de pedido coordinado por esta empresa." + order_cycles_no_permission_to_delete_error: "Ese ciclo de pedido ha sido seleccionado por un cliente y no puede eliminarse. Para evitar que los clientes accedan a él, ciérralo." js: + saving: 'Guardando...' + changes_saved: 'Cambios guardados.' + save_changes_first: Guarda los cambios primero. + all_changes_saved: Todos los cambios guardados + unsaved_changes: Tienes cambios sin guardar + all_changes_saved_successfully: Todos los cambios guardados correctamente + oh_no: "¡Vaya! No se ha podido guardar los cambios." + unauthorized: "No estás autorizado a acceder a esta página." + error: Error + unavailable: No Disponible + profile: Perfil + hub: Grupo + shop: Tienda + choose: Escoger + resolve_errors: Resuelve los siguientes errores + more_items: "+ %{count} Más" admin: modals: got_it: Lo entiendo @@ -1440,15 +1762,16 @@ es: Open Food Network. producer_shop_text2: > Una tienda de productora es para tu producto solamente, si quieres vender - productos de otros productores, selecciona 'Grupo de Consumo'. - producer_hub: Hub de Productoras + productos de otros productores, selecciona 'Grupo de Productores'. + producer_hub: Grupo de Productoras producer_hub_text1: > Tu organización es la columna vertebral de un sistema de consumo local. Agrega productos tuyos o de otras organizaciones y véndelo a través de tu tienda en Open Food Network. producer_hub_text2: > - Los grupos pueden tener diferentes finalidades, ya sea una cooperativa - de alimentos, un grupo de consumo, un supermercado local, ... + Los Grupos de Productoras pueden tener diferentes finalidades, ya sea + una cooperativa de alimentos, un grupo de consumo, un supermercado local, + ... producer_hub_text3: > Open Food Network tiene como objetivo apoyar tantos modelos de organizaciones como sea posible, queremos aportarte las herramientas que necesites @@ -1494,11 +1817,76 @@ es: de tu carrito se han reducido. Aquí está lo que ha cambiado: now_out_of_stock: está ahora fuera de stock. only_n_remainging: "Solo quedan %{num} ." + variant_overrides: + inventory_products: "Productos del Inventario" + hidden_products: "Productos ocultos" + new_products: "Nuevos productos" + reset_stock_levels: Restablecer niveles de stock a valores predeterminados + changes_to: Cambios a + one_override: Una se ha sobrescrito + overrides: sobrescribe + remain_unsaved: Permanecen sin guardar. + no_changes_to_save: No hay cambios para guardar. ' + no_authorisation: "No se ha podido obtener autorización para guardar estos cambios, por lo que no se guardarán." + some_trouble: "Han habido algunos problemas al guardar: %{errors}" + changing_on_hand_stock: Cambiando los niveles de stock... + stock_reset: Reset Stock a valores por defecto + tag_rules: + show_hide_variants: 'Mostrar u ocultar variantes en mi tienda' + show_hide_shipping: 'Mostrar u ocultar los métodos de envío al comprar' + show_hide_payment: 'Mostrar u ocultar los métodos de pago al comprar' + show_hide_order_cycles: 'Mostrar u ocultar ciclos de pedido en mi tienda' + visible: VISIBLE + not_visible: NO VISIBLE + services: + unsaved_changes_message: Los cambios no guardados existen todavía, ¿guardar ahora o ignorar? + save: GUARDAR + ignore: IGNORAR + add_to_order_cycle: "Añadir al Ciclo de Pedido" + manage_products: "Gestionar productos" + edit_profile: "Editar perfil" + add_products_to_inventory: "Añadir productos al inventario" + resources: + could_not_delete_customer: 'No se pudo eliminar al consumidor' + product_import: + confirmation: | + Esto establecerá el nivel de stock a cero en todos los productos para este + organización no está presente en el archivo subido. + order_cycles: + update_success: 'Se ha actualizado su ciclo de pedido.' + no_distributors: No hay distribuidores en este ciclo de pedido. Este ciclo de pedido no será visible para las consumidoras hasta que agregues uno. ¿Deseas continuar guardando este ciclo de pedido? ' + enterprises: + producer: "Productora" + non_producer: "No productor" + customers: + select_shop: 'Seleccione primero una tienda' + could_not_create: ¡Lo siento! No se pudo crear producers: signup: start_free_profile: "Empieze con un perfil gratuito, y amplíelo cuando esté preparado!" spree: admin: + orders: + invoice: + issued_on: Emitido el + tax_invoice: FACTURA DE IMPUESTOS + code: Código + from: De + to: A + form: + distribution_fields: + title: Distribución + distributor: "Distribuidora:" + order_cycle: "Ciclo de pedido:" + overview: + order_cycles: + order_cycles: "Ciclos de Pedido" + order_cycles_tip: "Los ciclos de pedido determinan cuándo y dónde los productos están disponibles para las consumidoras." + you_have_active: + zero: "No tienes ningún ciclo de pedido activo." + one: "Tienes un ciclo de pedido activo." + other: "Tienes %{count} ciclos de pedido activos." + manage_order_cycles: "GESTIONA LOS CICLOS DE PEDIDO" products: bulk_edit: header: @@ -1507,6 +1895,12 @@ es: title: CARGANDO PRODUCTOS no_products: "Todavía no hay productos. Añade algunos antes" no_results: "No se han encontrado resultados" + reports: + bulk_coop: + bulk_coop_supplier_report: 'Bulk Co-op - Totales por Proveedor' + bulk_coop_allocation: 'Bulk Co-op - Asignación' + bulk_coop_packing_sheets: 'Bulk Co-op - Hojas de Empaquetado' + bulk_coop_customer_payments: 'Bulk Co-op - Pagos de las Consumidoras' variants: autocomplete: producer_name: Productora @@ -1514,6 +1908,9 @@ es: format: '%Y-%m-%d' js_format: 'aa-mm-dd' inventory: Inventario + orders: + bought: + item: "Pedido en este ciclo de pedido" order_mailer: invoice_email: hi: "Hola %{name}" @@ -1531,9 +1928,6 @@ es: resumed: resumido returned: devuelto skrill: skrill - orders: - invoice: - tax_invoice: "IMPUESTOS FACTURA:" payment_states: balance_due: saldo debido completed: completado From a1a2a66d21e408ad829db958dee5062ae54c0cc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Transifex-Openfoodnetwork Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2017 06:20:59 +1000 Subject: [PATCH 7/7] Updating translations for config/locales/fr.yml [skip ci] --- config/locales/fr.yml | 441 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 417 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index 5135b4b0e95..7de35454a80 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ fr: subject: "Confirmez l'adresse email pour %{enterprise}" welcome: subject: "%{enterprise} est maintenant sur %{sitename}" + producer_mailer: + order_cycle: + subject: "Rapport de cycle de vente pour %{producer}" + home: "OFF" title: Open Food Network France welcome_to: 'Bienvenue sur ' site_meta_description: "Tout commence dans le sol. Avec ces paysans, agriculteurs, producteurs, engagés pour une agriculture durable et régénératrice, et désireux de partager leur histoire et leur passion avec fierté. Avec ces distributeurs souhaitant reconnecter les individus à leurs aliments et aux gens qui les produisent, soutenir les prises de conscience, dans une démarche de transparence, d'honnêteté, en assurant une juste rémunération des producteurs. Avec ces acheteurs qui croient que de meilleures décisions d'achats peuvent ..." @@ -69,16 +73,33 @@ fr: cancel: Annuler edit: Modifier distributors: Distributeurs + distribution: Distribution bulk_order_management: Gestion des commandes par lot enterprise_groups: Groupes reports: Rapports variant_overrides: Catalogue boutique - more: Plus spree_products: Produits all: Tous current: Actuel available: Disponible dashboard: Tableau de bord + undefined: indéfini + unused: inutilisé + admin_and_handling: Frais de gestion + profile: Profil + supplier_only: Uniquement Producteur + weight: Poids + volume: Volume + summary: Résumé + detailed: Détaillé + updated: Mis à jour + 'yes': "Ou" + 'no': "Non" + y: 'O' + n: 'N' + powered_by: Propulsé par + blocked_cookies_alert: "Votre navigateur semble bloquer des cookies nécessaires à l'utilisation de ce site. Cliquez ci-dessous pour autoriser les cookies et rechargez la page." + allow_cookies: "Autoriser les cookies" admin: date: Date email: Email @@ -99,6 +120,8 @@ fr: weight: Poids volume: Volume items: Pièce + select_all: Tout sélectionner + obsolete_master: Master obsolète quick_search: Recherche rapide clear_all: Vider start_date: "Date de début" @@ -133,6 +156,14 @@ fr: finalise_user_invoices: "Finaliser les factures utilisateurs" finalise_user_invoice_explained: "Cliquez ici pour finaliser toutes les factures pour le mois calendaire précédent. Cette tâche peut-être définie pour être opérée automatiquement une fois par mois." update_user_invoices: "Mettre à jour les factures utilisateurs" + errors: + accounts_distributor: 'doit être défini si vous souhaitez générer des factures pour les utilisateurs entreprises. ' + default_payment_method: 'doit être défini si vous souhaitez générer des factures pour les utilisateurs entreprises. ' + default_shipping_method: doit être défini si vous souhaitez générer des factures pour les utilisateurs entreprises. + shopfront_settings: + embedded_shopfront_settings: "Paramètres Boutiques Intégrées" + enable_embedded_shopfronts: "Autoriser l'intégration des boutiques" + embedded_shopfronts_whitelist: "Liste blanche des Domaines Externes" business_model_configuration: edit: business_model_configuration: "Modèle économique" @@ -183,6 +214,8 @@ fr: update_address: 'Mettre à jour l''adresse' confirm_delete: 'Confirmer suppression?' search_by_email: "Recherche par email/code..." + destroy: + has_associated_orders: 'Suppression impossible: des commandes sont associées à cet acheteur pour cette boutique' cache_settings: show: title: Mise en cache @@ -190,12 +223,20 @@ fr: order_cycle: Cycle de vente status: Statut diff: Diff + error: Erreur contents: edit: title: Contenu + header: Titre + home_page: Page d'accueil + producer_signup_page: Page d'inscription Producteur + hub_signup_page: Page d'inscription Hub + group_signup_page: Page d'inscription Groupe + footer_and_external_links: Pied de page et Liens Externes + your_content: Votre contenu enterprise_fees: index: - title: Marges et commissions + title: Marges et Commissions enterprise: Entreprise fee_type: Type de marge name: Nom @@ -205,6 +246,11 @@ fr: enterprise_groups: index: new_button: Nouveau groupe d'entreprises + enterprise_roles: + form: + manages: gère + enterprise_role: + manages: gère products: unit_name_placeholder: 'ex: botte' bulk_edit: @@ -242,7 +288,12 @@ fr: inventory_powertip: Ceci est votre catalogue produits. Pour ajouter des produits à votre catalogue, sélectionnez "Nouveaux Produits" dans le menu déroulant. hidden_powertip: Ces produits ont été masqués de votre catalogue, vous ne pourrez pas les proposer dans votre boutique. Vous pouvez cliquer sur "Ajouter" pour ajouter un produit à votre catalogue. new_powertip: Ces produits peuvent être ajoutés à votre catalogue. Cliquez sur "Ajouter" pour ajouter un produit à votre catalogue, ou 'Masquer" pour ne plus l'afficher. Vous pourrez changer d'avis plus tard! + controls: + back_to_my_inventory: Retour à mon catalogue boutique orders: + index: + capture: "Valider" + ship: "Expédier" bulk_management: tip: "Utilisez cette page pour changer les quantités d'un produit sur plusieurs commandes. Les produits peuvent aussi être supprimés de toutes les commandes, si nécessaire." shared: "Ressource partagée?" @@ -259,10 +310,10 @@ fr: group_buy_unit_size: "Quantité totale du lot" total_qtt_ordered: "Quantité totale commandée" max_qtt_ordered: "Quantité max commandée" - current_fulfilled_units: "Nombre de lots commandés" - max_fulfilled_units: "Nombre max de lots commandés" + current_fulfilled_units: "Nombre d'unités commandées" + max_fulfilled_units: "Nombre max d'unités commandées" order_error: "Des erreurs doivent être résolues avant de pouvoir mettre à jour les commandes.\nLes champs entourés en rouge contiennent des erreurs." - variants_without_unit_value: "ATTENTION: certaines variantes n'ont pas de valeur unitaire" + variants_without_unit_value: "ATTENTION: certaines variantes n'ont pas de nombre d'unités" enterprise: select_outgoing_oc_products_from: Sélectionner les produits sortants pour le cycle de vente parmi enterprises: @@ -518,13 +569,77 @@ fr: title: Paramètres de facturation invoice_style2?: Utiliser le modèle de facture alternatif qui détaille le montant de TVA agrégé par taux et l'information du taux de TVA par produit (pas adapté pour les instances affichant les prix HT) enable_receipt_printing?: Afficher les options d'impression de tickets de caisse dans le menu déroulant des commandes? + overview: + enterprises_header: + ofn_with_tip: Les Entreprises sont des Producteurs et/ou Hubs distributeurs, et sont donc les organisations de base qui utilisent Open Food France. + enterprises_hubs_tabs: + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} n'a pas défini de méthode de paiement" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} n'a pas défini de méthode de livraison" + has_no_enterprise_fees: "%{enterprise} n'a pas défini de marges et commissions" + enterprise_issues: + create_new: Créer Nouveau + resend_email: Renvoyer l'email + has_no_payment_methods: "%{enterprise} n'a pas de méthode de paiement active" + has_no_shipping_methods: "%{enterprise} n'a pas de méthode de livraison active" + email_confirmation: "L'adresse e-mail doit être confirmée. Nous avons envoyé un lien de confirmation à %{email}." + not_visible: "%{enterprise}n'est pas visible et ne peut être trouvé sur la carte ou dans les recherches sur le site." + reports: + hidden: Masqué + unitsize: Contenu Unitaire + total: Total + total_items: Nb Articles + supplier_totals: Totaux Cycle de Vente par Producteur + supplier_totals_by_distributor: Totaux Cycle de Vente par Producteur pour chaque Hub Distributeur + totals_by_supplier: Totaux Cycle de Vente par Hub Distributeur pour chaque Producteur + customer_totals: Totaux Cycle de Vente par Acheteur + all_products: Tous les produits + inventory: Catalogue boutique (en stock) + lettuce_share: LettuceShare + mailing_list: Liste de mails + addresses: Adresses + payment_methods: Rapport Méthodes de Paiement + delivery: Rapport de Livraison + tax_types: Par type de taxe + tax_rates: Par taux de taxe + pack_by_customer: Préparation des commandes par Acheteur + pack_by_supplier: Préparation des commandes par Producteur + orders_and_distributors: + name: Commandes et Hubs Distributeurs + description: Liste des Commandes avec les détails des Hubs Ditributeurs + bulk_coop: + name: Achat groupés en vrac (non utilisé) + description: Rapports achats groupés vrac (non utilisé) + payments: + name: Rapports des paiements + description: Rapports des paiements reçus + orders_and_fulfillment: + name: Rapports des commandes + customers: + name: Acheteurs + products_and_inventory: + name: Produits et Catalogues + sales_total: + name: Total des Ventes + description: Total des Ventes pour toutes les Commandes + users_and_enterprises: + name: Managers & Entreprises + description: Managers de l'Entreprise & Droits + order_cycle_management: + name: Gestion des Cycles de Vente + sales_tax: + name: TVA + xero_invoices: + name: Facture Xero + description: Factures pour import dans Xero + packing: + name: Rapports de préparation des paniers checkout: already_ordered: cart: "panier" message_html: "Vous avez déjà passé une commande pour ce cycle de vente. Vérifiez votre %{cart} pour voir les produits commandés. Vous pouvez annuler ou modifier votre commande jusqu'à la fermeture du cycle de vente." - home: + shops: hubs: - show_closed_shops: "Aficher les boutiques fermées" + show_closed_shops: "Afficher les boutiques fermées" hide_closed_shops: "Masquer les boutiques fermées" show_on_map: "Tout afficher sur la carte" shared: @@ -553,6 +668,7 @@ fr: invoice_column_price_with_taxes: "Prix total TTC" invoice_column_price_without_taxes: "Prix total HT" invoice_column_tax_rate: "TVA applicable" + invoice_tax_total: "Total TVA :" tax_invoice: "FACTURE" tax_total: "Total taxe (%{rate}) :" total_excl_tax: "Total HT :" @@ -602,6 +718,10 @@ fr: on_demand: A volonté none: Aucun not_allowed: Non autorisé + no_shipping: pas de méthode de livraison + no_payment: pas de méthode de paiement + no_shipping_or_payment: pas de méthode de livraison ou de paiement + unconfirmed: non confirmé label_shops: "Boutiques" label_map: "Carte" label_producers: "Producteurs" @@ -981,6 +1101,7 @@ fr: products_max_quantity: Quantité max products_distributor: Distributeur products_distributor_info: Quand vous choisissez un distributeur pour votre commande, les adresse et date de retrait seront affichées ici. + products_distribution_adjustment_label: "Distribution par %{distributor}du produit %{product}" shop_trial_expires_in: "Votre période de test se termine dans" shop_trial_expired_notice: "Vous pouvez continuer à utiliser la plateforme en contrepartie d'une contribution libre et volontaire. Merci de nous informer de la façon dont vous souhaitez contribuer :-)" password: Mot de passe @@ -994,6 +1115,7 @@ fr: failed_to_create_enterprise: "Impossible de créer votre entreprise" failed_to_create_enterprise_unknown: "Impossible de créer votre entreprise.\nVérifiez que tous les champs sont remplis." failed_to_update_enterprise_unknown: "Impossible de mettre à jour votre entreprise.\nVérifiez que tous les champs sont remplis." + enterprise_confirm_delete_message: "Cette action supprimera également le produit %{product} que cette entreprise distibue. Voulez-vous vraiment continuer ?" order_not_saved_yet: "Votre commande n'a pas encore été enregistrée. Attendez quelques secondes!" filter_by: "Filtrer par" hide_filters: "Masquer les filtres" @@ -1006,6 +1128,8 @@ fr: error_required: "Champ obligatoire" error_number: "saisir un nombre" error_email: "saisir une adresse email" + error_not_found_in_database: "%{name} n'existe pas" + error_no_permission_for_enterprise: "\"%{name}\" : vous n'avez pas les droits requis pour gérer les produits de cette entreprise" item_handling_fees: "Frais logistiques (inclus dans le prix affiché)" january: "Janvier" february: "Février" @@ -1138,6 +1262,9 @@ fr: registration_detail_state_error: "Veuillez saisir un Département" registration_detail_country: "Pays:" registration_detail_country_error: "Veuillez saisir une Pays" + shipping_method_destroy_error: "Cette méthode de livraison ne peut pas être supprimée car elle est référencée dans une commande : %{number}." + accounts_and_billing_task_already_running_error: "Une autre tache est en cours, merci de patienter un instant..." + accounts_and_billing_start_task_notice: "Tache mise en file d'attente" fees: "Frais" item_cost: "Coût du produit" bulk: "Vrac" @@ -1165,6 +1292,8 @@ fr: credit: "Crédit" Paid: "Payé" Ready: "Prêt" + ok: OK + not_visible: invisible you_have_no_orders_yet: "Vous n'avez pas encore de commande" running_balance: "Solde courant" outstanding_balance: "Solde restant" @@ -1196,9 +1325,15 @@ fr: admin_order_cycles: "Gérer les cycles de vente" open: "Ouvre" close: "Ferme" + create: "Créer" + search: "Rechercher" supplier: "Fournisseurs" coordinator: "Coordinateur" distributor: "Distributeur" + enterprise_fees: "Marges et commissions" + process_my_order: "Valider ma Commande" + delivery_instructions: Instructions de Livraison + delivery_method: Méthode de Livraison fee_type: "Type de marge" tax_category: "TVA applicable" calculator: "Calculateur" @@ -1227,6 +1362,7 @@ fr: on_hand: "En stock" save_changes: "Sauvegarder les modifications" order_saved: "Commande Sauvegardée" + no_products: Pas de Produits spree_admin_overview_enterprises_header: "Mes entreprises" spree_admin_overview_enterprises_footer: "GÉRER MES ENTREPRISES" spree_admin_enterprises_hubs_name: "Nom" @@ -1241,26 +1377,36 @@ fr: spree_admin_enterprises_producers_order_cycles: "Produits dans le cycle de vente" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_hubs: "HUBS" spree_admin_enterprises_tabs_producers: "PRODUCTEURS" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_order_cycles: "GÉRER LES CYCLES DE VENTES" spree_admin_enterprises_producers_manage_products: "GÉRER LES PRODUITS" - spree_admin_enterprises_producers_orders_cycle_text: "Vous n'avez pas de cycle de vente actif." spree_admin_enterprises_any_active_products_text: "Vous n'avez aucun produit actif." spree_admin_enterprises_create_new_product: "CRÉER UN NOUVEAU PRODUIT" - spree_admin_order_cycles: "Cycles de vente" - spree_admin_order_cycles_tip: "Les cycles de vente déterminent quand et où vos produits peuvent être commandés et reçus par les acheteurs." - dashbord: "Tableau de bord" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_confirmation: "Veuillez confirmer l'adresse mail pour" spree_admin_single_enterprise_alert_mail_sent: "Email envoyé à " spree_admin_overview_action_required: "Action requise" spree_admin_overview_check_your_inbox: "Veuillez vérifier votre boîte mail pour les prochaines étapes. Merci!" + spree_admin_unit_value: Nb Unités + spree_admin_unit_description: 'Description complémentaire (ex: "(vrac)")' + spree_admin_variant_unit: Unité + spree_admin_variant_unit_scale: Echelle unitaire (en g ou L) + spree_admin_variant_unit_name: Nom de la pièce (si vendu à la pièce) change_package: "Changer de type de compte" spree_admin_single_enterprise_hint: "Astuce: Pour permettre aux gens de vous trouver, activez votre visibilité " + spree_admin_eg_pickup_from_school: "ex : \"Retrait des produits à l'Ecole Marimati / Au Café du coin / chez Babette / ...\"" + spree_admin_eg_collect_your_order: "ex : \"Veuillez récupérer votre commande au 34 rue Victor Hugo, 75018 Paris\"" + spree_classification_primary_taxon_error: "L'intitulé %{taxon}est l'intitulé de base pour %{product} et ne peut être supprimé" + spree_order_availability_error: "Le distributeur ne peut fournir les produits de votre panier pour ce cycle de vente." + spree_order_populator_error: "Le distributeur ne peut fournir tous les produits de votre panier pour ce cycle de vente. Merci de choisir un autre distributeur ou un autre cycle de vente." + spree_order_populator_availability_error: "Ce produit n'est pas disponible pour ce cycle de vente / distributeur." + spree_distributors_error: "Veuillez sélectionner au moins un hub" + spree_user_enterprise_limit_error: "^ %{email} ne peut pas créer de nouvelles entreprises (limite actuelle : %{enterprise_limit} entreprises )." + spree_variant_product_error: doit avoir au moins une variante your_profil_live: "Votre profil en ligne" on_ofn_map: "sur la carte Open Food France" see: "Voir" live: "en ligne" manage: "Gérer" resend: "Renvoyer" + trial: Découverte add_and_manage_products: "Ajouter & gérer des produits" add_and_manage_order_cycles: "Ajouter & gérer des cycles de vente" manage_order_cycles: "Gérer les cycles de vente" @@ -1292,7 +1438,6 @@ fr: hub_sidebar_blue: "bleu" hub_sidebar_red: "rouge" shop_trial_in_progress: "Votre période de test se termine dans %{days}." - shop_trial_expired: "Bonne nouvelle! Nous avons décidé d'étendre la période de test pour votre hub, nous vous informerons avant la fin de la période." report_customers_distributor: "Distributeur" report_customers_supplier: "Fournisseurs" report_customers_cycle: "Cycle de vente" @@ -1310,11 +1455,49 @@ fr: report_order_cycle: "Cycle de vente:" report_entreprises: "Entreprises:" report_users: "Managers:" - report_tax_rates: "TVA par taux" - report_tax_types: "TVA par type de produit/service" - report_header_order_number: "N° commande" - report_header_date: "Date" - report_header_items: "Produits" + report_tax_rates: TVA par taux + report_tax_types: TVA par type de produit/service + report_header_order_cycle: Cycle de Vente + report_header_user: Utilisateur + report_header_email: Email + report_header_status: Statut + report_header_comments: Commentaire + report_header_first_name: Prénom + report_header_last_name: Nom + report_header_phone: n° tel + report_header_suburb: Ville + report_header_address: Adresse + report_header_billing_address: Adresse de facturation + report_header_relationship: Droits + report_header_hub: Hub + report_header_hub_address: Adresse du Hub + report_header_to_hub: Au Hub + report_header_hub_code: Code du Hub + report_header_code: Code + report_header_paid: Payé ? + report_header_delivery: Livré ? + report_header_shipping: Livraison + report_header_shipping_method: Méthode de Livraison + report_header_shipping_instructions: Instructions de Livraison + report_header_ship_street: Rue Livraison + report_header_ship_street_2: ' Rue (2) Livraison' + report_header_ship_city: Ville Livraison + report_header_ship_postcode: Code Postal Livraison + report_header_ship_state: Département Livraison + report_header_billing_street: Rue Facturation + report_header_billing_street_2: Rue (2) Facturation + report_header_billing_street_3: Rue (3) Facturation + report_header_billing_street_4: Rue (4) Facturation + report_header_billing_city: Ville Facturation + report_header_billing_postcode: Code Postal Facturation + report_header_billing_state: Département Facturation + report_header_incoming_transport: Transport réception + report_header_special_instructions: Note au producteur + report_header_order_number: N° commande + report_header_date: Date + report_header_confirmation_date: Date de confirmation + report_header_tags: Tags + report_header_items: Produits report_header_items_total: "Montant des produits %{currency_symbol}" report_header_taxable_items_total: "Montant produits soumis à TVA (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_sales_tax: "TVA sur produits (%{currency_symbol})" @@ -1322,10 +1505,92 @@ fr: report_header_tax_on_delivery: "TVA sur livraison (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_tax_on_fees: "TVA sur commission hub (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_total_tax: "Total TVA (%{currency_symbol})" - report_header_customer: "Client" - report_header_distributor: "Distributeur" + report_header_enterprise: Entreprise + report_header_customer: Client + report_header_customer_code: Code acheteur + report_header_product: Produit + report_header_product_properties: Propriétés / labels Produits + report_header_quantity: Quantité + report_header_max_quantity: Quantité Max + report_header_variant: Variante + report_header_variant_value: Nb Unités Variante + report_header_variant_unit: Unité + report_header_total_available: Total disponible + report_header_unallocated: Non alloué + report_header_max_quantity_excess: Dépassement Qté Max + report_header_taxons: Intitulés + report_header_supplier: Fournisseur + report_header_producer: Producteur + report_header_producer_suburb: Ville Producteur + report_header_unit: Unité + report_header_group_buy_unit_quantity: Nb d'unités achetées (vente par lots) + report_header_cost: Coût + report_header_shipping_cost: Coût de livraison + report_header_curr_cost_per_unit: Prix de revient par unité + report_header_total_shipping_cost: Coût de livraison total + report_header_payment_method: Méthode de paiement + report_header_sells: Vend + report_header_visible: Visible + report_header_price: Prix + report_header_unit_size: Contenu Unitaire + report_header_distributor: Distributeur + report_header_distributor_address: Adresse Hub Distributeur + report_header_distributor_city: Ville Distributeur + report_header_distributor_postcode: Code Postal Distributeur + report_header_delivery_address: Adresse Livraison + report_header_delivery_postcode: Code Postal Livraison + report_header_bulk_unit_size: Quantité totale du lot + report_header_weight: Poids + report_header_sum_total: Somme Totale + report_header_date_of_order: Date de Commande + report_header_amount_owing: Montant dû + report_header_amount_paid: Montant payé + report_header_units_required: Nb Unités Requises + report_header_remainder: Reste à payer + report_header_order_date: Date de commande + report_header_order_id: N° Commande + report_header_item_name: Nom de la pièce + report_header_temp_controlled_items: Article à température contrôlée ? + report_header_customer_name: Nom Acheteur + report_header_customer_email: E-mail Acheteur + report_header_customer_phone: Tel Acheteur + report_header_customer_city: Ville Acheteur + report_header_payment_state: Statut du Paiement + report_header_payment_type: Type de Paiement + report_header_item_price: "Pièce (%{currency})" + report_header_item_fees_price: "Pièce + Marge (%{currency})" + report_header_admin_handling_fees: "Frais de Gestion (%{currency})" + report_header_ship_price: "Livraison (%{currency})" + report_header_pay_fee_price: "Frais de Transaction (%{currency})" + report_header_total_price: "Total (%{currency})" + report_header_product_total_price: "Total Produit (%{currency})" + report_header_shipping_total_price: "Total Livaison (%{currency})" + report_header_outstanding_balance_price: "Solde (%{currency})" + report_header_eft_price: "TEF / Transfert Electronique (%{currency})" + report_header_paypal_price: "Paypal (%{currency})" + report_header_sku: Référence Produit + report_header_amount: Montant + report_header_balance: Solde + report_header_total_cost: "Coût Total" + report_header_total_ordered: Total Commandé + report_header_total_max: Max Total + report_header_total_units: Nb total d'articles + report_header_sum_max_total: "Somme Max Total" report_header_total_excl_vat: "Total HT (%{currency_symbol})" report_header_total_incl_vat: "Total TTC (%{currency_symbol})" + report_header_temp_controlled: Temp Contrôlée ? + report_header_is_producer: Producteur ? + report_header_not_confirmed: Non confirmé + report_header_gst_on_income: TVA + report_header_gst_free_income: Revenu TVA déduite + report_header_total_untaxable_produce: Total produits non taxable + report_header_total_taxable_produce: Total produits soumis à TVA (inclut TVA) + report_header_total_untaxable_fees: Total marges et frais annexes non taxables + report_header_total_taxable_fees: Total marges et frais annexes soumis à TVA (inclut TVA) + report_header_delivery_shipping_cost: Coût de Livraison (incl. TVA) + report_header_transaction_fee: Frais de Transaction (TVA non incluse) + report_header_total_untaxable_admin: Total ajustements non taxables + report_header_total_taxable_admin: Total ajustments soumis à TVA (inclut TVA) initial_invoice_number: "N° de facture initial:" invoice_date: "Date de facture:" due_date: "Date d'échéance:" @@ -1358,16 +1623,73 @@ fr: shipping_methods: "Méthodes de livraison" payment_methods: "Méthodes de paiement" payment_method_fee: "Frais de transaction" - enterprise_fees: "Marges et commissions" inventory_settings: "Catalogue boutique" tag_rules: "Règles de tag" shop_preferences: "Préférences boutique" + enterprise_fee_whole_order: Commande totale + enterprise_fee_by: "%{type}marges/frais par %{role} %{enterprise_name}" validation_msg_relationship_already_established: "^Un lien est déjà établi entre ces entreprises." validation_msg_at_least_one_hub: "^Sélectionnez au moins un hub" validation_msg_product_category_cant_be_blank: "^Veuillez sélectionner la catégorie produit" validation_msg_tax_category_cant_be_blank: "^Veuillez sélectionner la TVA applicable" validation_msg_is_associated_with_an_exising_customer: "est associé à un acheteur existant" + content_configuration_pricing_table: "(A FAIRE : Tableau des tarifs)" + content_configuration_case_studies: "(A FAIRE : Etudes de Cas)" + content_configuration_detail: "(A FAIRE : Détails)" + enterprise_name_error: "est déjà utilisé. Si vous êtes le gérant de cette entreprise et que vous souhaitez demander le transfert du compte, merci de contacter le manager actuel du profil à %{email}." + enterprise_owner_error: "^ %{email} ne peut pas créer de nouvelles entreprises (limite actuelle : %{enterprise_limit} entreprises )." + enterprise_role_uniqueness_error: "^Ce rôle existe déjà." + inventory_item_visibility_error: doit être vrai ou faux + product_importer_file_error: "erreur : aucun document importé" + product_importer_spreadsheet_error: "impossible de traiter le fichier : type de fichier invalide" + product_importer_products_save_error: n'a pu sauvegarder aucun produit :-( + product_import_file_not_found_notice: 'Fichier non trouvé ou impossible à ouvrir' + product_import_no_data_in_spreadsheet_notice: 'Aucune donnée trouvée dans le tableau' + order_choosing_hub_notice: Votre hub a été sélectionné. + order_cycle_selecting_notice: Votre cycle de vente a été sélectionné. + adjustments_tax_rate_error: "^Veuillez vérifier la TVA applicable pour cet ajustement." + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_singular: >- + Le hub %{distributor_names} est sélectionné comme distributeur dans un cycle + de vente actif, mais n'a pas paramétré de méthode de livraison et/ou de paiement. + La boutique de ce hub restera inaccessible jusqu'à ce qu'une méthode de livraison + et une méthode de paiement aient été paramétrées. + active_distributors_not_ready_for_checkout_message_plural: >- + Les hubs %{distributor_names} sont sélectionnés comme distributeurs dans un + cycle de vente actif, mais n'ont pas paramétré de méthode de livraison et/ou + de paiement. Les boutiques de ces hubs resteront inaccessibles jusqu'à ce qu'une + méthode de livraison et une méthode de paiement aient été paramétrées. + enterprise_fees_update_notice: Les marges et commissions de votre entreprise ont été mises à jour. + enterprise_fees_destroy_error: "Cette marge ou commission ne peut être supprimée car elle est utilisée par la vente suivante : %{id} - %{name}." + enterprise_register_package_error: "Veuillez choisir une option" + enterprise_register_error: "L'inscription a échoué pour %{enterprise}" + enterprise_register_success_notice: "Bravo ! L'entreprise %{enterprise} est maintenant inscrite sur Open Food France :-)" + enterprise_bulk_update_success_notice: "Entreprises mises à jour avec succès" + enterprise_bulk_update_error: 'Echec dans la mise à jour' + order_cycles_create_notice: 'Votre cycle de vente a été créé.' + order_cycles_update_notice: 'Votre cycle de vente a été mis à jour.' + order_cycles_bulk_update_notice: 'Des cycles de vente ont été mis à jour.' + order_cycles_clone_notice: "Votre cycle de vente %{name} a été dupliqué." + order_cycles_email_to_producers_notice: 'Les emails à destination des producteurs ont été mis en file d''attente.' + order_cycles_no_permission_to_coordinate_error: "Aucune de vos entreprises n'a les droits requis pour coordonner un cycle de vente" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_create_error: "Vous n'avez pas les droits requis pour créer un cycle de vente coordonné par cette entreprise" + order_cycles_no_permission_to_delete_error: "Ce cycle de vente a été utilisé par un acheteur et ne peut pas être supprimé. Pour fermer l'accès à ce cycle de vente, veuillez le clôturer et le dupliquer pour en ouvrir un nouveau." js: + saving: 'Enregistrement en cours...' + changes_saved: 'Modifications sauvegardées.' + save_changes_first: Veuillez d'abord sauvegarder les modifications. + all_changes_saved: Toutes les modifications ont été sauvegardées. + unsaved_changes: Des modifications n'ont pas été sauvegardées + all_changes_saved_successfully: Toutes les modifications ont été sauvegardées avec succès + oh_no: "Oups ! Nous n'avons pas réussi à sauvegarder vos modification :-(" + unauthorized: "Vous n'avez pas les droits d'accès à cette page." + error: Erreur + unavailable: Non disponible + profile: Profil + hub: Hub + shop: Faire mes courses + choose: Choisir + resolve_errors: Veuillez corriger les erreurs suivantes + more_items: "+ %{count} en plus" admin: modals: got_it: J'ai compris @@ -1499,11 +1821,76 @@ fr: à votre demande. Voilà les modifications opérées: now_out_of_stock: est maintenant en rupture de stock. only_n_remainging: "plus que %{num} en stock." + variant_overrides: + inventory_products: "Produits du Catalogue Boutique" + hidden_products: "Produits Masqués" + new_products: "Nouveaux Produits" + reset_stock_levels: Réinitialiser les niveaux de stock (par défaut) + changes_to: Devient + one_override: une modification + overrides: modifications + remain_unsaved: n'a pas encore été sauvegardé. + no_changes_to_save: Aucune modification à sauvegarder.' + no_authorisation: "Nous n'avons pas pu sauvegarder ces modifications, elles ne sont donc pas enregistrées." + some_trouble: "Nous n'avons pas pu sauvegarder : %{errors}" + changing_on_hand_stock: Modification des niveaux de stock en cours... + stock_reset: Les niveaux de stock ont été réinitiatlisés (valeurs par défaut) + tag_rules: + show_hide_variants: 'Afficher ou Masquer les variantes dans ma boutique' + show_hide_shipping: 'Afficher ou Montrer les méthodes de livraison lors de la finalisation de commande' + show_hide_payment: 'Afficher ou Montrer les méthodes de paiement lors de la finalisation de commande' + show_hide_order_cycles: 'Afficher ou Masquer les cycles de vente de ma boutique' + visible: VISIBLE + not_visible: INVISIBLE + services: + unsaved_changes_message: Des modifications n'ont pas encore été sauvegardées, sauvegarder maintenant ou ignorer ? + save: SAUVEGARDER + ignore: IGNORER + add_to_order_cycle: "vendre les produits (ajouter au cycle de vente)" + manage_products: "modifier les produits" + edit_profile: "modifier le profil" + add_products_to_inventory: "ajouter les produits au catalogue boutique" + resources: + could_not_delete_customer: 'L''acheteur n''a pas pu être supprimé' + product_import: + confirmation: | + Cette action remettra tous les niveaux de stock à zero pour cette + entreprises pour les produits non présents dans ce fichier. + order_cycles: + update_success: 'Votre cycle de vente a été mis à jour.' + no_distributors: Il n'y a pas de distributeur pour ce cycle de vente. Il ne sera pas visible aux acheteurs tant qu'il n'y aura pas de distributeur. Voulez-vous tout de même sauvegarder ce cycle de vente ? + enterprises: + producer: "Producteur" + non_producer: "Non-producteur" + customers: + select_shop: 'Veuillez d''abord choisir une boutique' + could_not_create: Oups ! Création impossible... producers: signup: start_free_profile: "Commencez par créer votre profil entreprise, et changez de formule quand vous êtes prêt !" spree: admin: + orders: + invoice: + issued_on: Editée le + tax_invoice: FACTURE + code: Code + from: De + to: A + form: + distribution_fields: + title: Distribution + distributor: "Distributeur : " + order_cycle: "Cycle de vente : " + overview: + order_cycles: + order_cycles: "Cycles de vente" + order_cycles_tip: "Les cycles de vente définissent quand et où vos produits peuvent être commandés par vos acheteurs." + you_have_active: + zero: "Vous n'avez aucun cycle de vente actif." + one: "Vous avez un cycle de vente actif." + other: "Vous avez %{count} cycles de vente actifs." + manage_order_cycles: "GERER LES CYCLES DE VENTE" products: bulk_edit: header: @@ -1512,6 +1899,12 @@ fr: title: CHARGEMENT DES PRODUITS no_products: "Aucun produit trouvé. Ajouter un produit ?" no_results: "Désolé, aucun résultat trouvé" + reports: + bulk_coop: + bulk_coop_supplier_report: 'Achats groupés - Totaux par Producteur' + bulk_coop_allocation: 'Achats groupés - Allocation' + bulk_coop_packing_sheets: 'Achats groupés - Feuilles de préparation des paniers' + bulk_coop_customer_payments: 'Achats groupés - Paiement des acheteurs' variants: autocomplete: producer_name: Producteur @@ -1519,6 +1912,9 @@ fr: format: '%Y-%m-%d' js_format: 'aa-mm-jj' inventory: Catalogue boutique + orders: + bought: + item: "Déjà commandé dans ce cycle de vente" order_mailer: invoice_email: hi: "Bonjour %{name}" @@ -1536,9 +1932,6 @@ fr: resumed: recommencé returned: retourné skrill: cash - orders: - invoice: - tax_invoice: "FACTURE" payment_states: balance_due: solde dû completed: effectué