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Maikel edited this page Feb 1, 2023 · 19 revisions

This pages lists conventions that are not verified by Rubocop but we agree to follow.

Database Migrations

See this guide: Database-migrations


Prefer public_send over send

As stated in the Ruby Style Guide:

Prefer public_send over send so as not to circumvent private/protected visibility.


HTML Templates

Use j when inserting an arbitrary Ruby string in a JS or Angular expression

j is an alias for escape_javascript.

When you have to insert an arbitrary Ruby string to a Javascript or Angular expression, this will ensure that characters are properly escaped and will not cause parsing issues or syntax errors.

# Bad
# JS syntax error when description contains a single-quote
"{description: '#{enterprise.description}'}"

# Good
# Single-quote is escaped
"{description: '#{j enterprise.description}'}"


Prefer % to vh

For positioning use % values, not viewport-units (vh, etc) (viewport-units are not supported by all the browsers we want to support, see here)


Prefer to have_not as a feature matcher style (instead of to_not have)

Reference: Capybara finders section of this blog post for more details.

Prefer plain text over method calls in expected values

For example, when asserting text that is translatable, use plain text instead of the I18n.t call.


expect(json_response['errors']).to eq I18n.t('admin.order_cycles.bulk_update.no_data')`

# Does not catch typos in translation values, especially when including variables.
# Example: "Welcome #{}" is wrong while "Welcome %{}" is right.
# Does not catch duplicate translation keys in the locale. If you accidentally define
# a key twice in a YAML file then only the second one is applied. If you wanted the
# first translation defined in the file then the test passes while the app prints the
# wrong text.


expect(json_response['errors']).to eq "Hm, something went wrong. No order cycle data found."

This format is much easier to read. It's also more likely to find typos and bugs this way. You still need to update a spec when changing the text but that is a user-facing change. In return, you don't need to update the spec when you move or rename translation keys.

Read more about the discussion


Avoid N+1 queries

Eager loading attributes

Example 1

In app/serializers/api/address_serializer.rb we want to add the country to the address so we do:

def country_name

If is not eager loaded, this code will trigger a N+1 query.

TODO: how to avoid this

Example 1

Using has_many declarations in serializers is one of the most common causes of N+1 queries in code.

TODO: how to avoid this

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