From e559a670c28536b8879a4e4d3b40b52ea182c0f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Helen Jackson Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2017 14:56:47 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Short index page --- app/src/index.html | 983 ++++----------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 84 insertions(+), 899 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/src/index.html b/app/src/index.html index ea165ea5..80178767 100644 --- a/app/src/index.html +++ b/app/src/index.html @@ -1,926 +1,87 @@
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- "{nhs.ideas.lab} -

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25 & 26 NOVEMBER 2017, LONDON

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- 317 days -
- 04 hrs -
- 57 mins -
- 11 secs -
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+ + RETURNING IN 2018 +
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{nhs.ideas.lab} is a new and free weekend hackathon for projects that aim to improve patient health and care. People from across all healthcare sectors will work together to share learning and make things better.


Ongoing advice and networking will be available after the weekend to encourage Social Enterprises surrounding new {nhs.ideas.lab} projects.



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Put simply: everyone with any interest in improving health and care.


Whether you are a technologist, a healthcare practitioner, a clinical leader, a policymaker, an NHS/health sector employee, a designer, an entrepreneur or someone with an interest in innovation and improving patient health and care, we want YOU to come and add your skills and knowledge to {nhs.ideas.lab}.


If you don't have much/any experience with computers already, then we need you even more to make sure projects address real industry needs.




+ "{nhs.ideas.lab} +

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Hackathons are a great way to share ideas and learn new things, and multidisciplinary hackathons are even more exciting because they team up people who might not work together in day-to-day life.


Seniors from the healthcare and technologies industries will be on hand for mentoring and advice, so come along and learn something new.



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Work together and get new perspectives on old problems

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A dedicated opportunity to think differently and try something new




Advice, feedback and practical help from our industry experts




Fast feedback


Fail Early, Fail Hard, Fail Repeatedly: agile working towards solutions with real potential without committing to funding or a public launch


Followup and support


Keep us updated about your {nhs.ideas.lab} project after the event and we can help you to keep things moving forward




Presentation skills


Practice explaining your ideas and demonstrating your work to an engaged audience who care as much as you do about improving patient care


And mostly...




How often do you get to start on a project from scratch in your day job? Remind yourself how fun it can be to build things quickly, and learn new skills or polish old ones

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Panel and Mentors

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    Tony Young

    National Clinical Lead for Innovation NHS England
    Consultant Urological Surgeon & Clinical Lead for Innovation Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    Innovation lead Essex Success Regime/STP
    President Institute of Decontamination Sciences
    Director of Medical Innovation, Anglia Ruskin University


    Tony is a practicing frontline NHS surgeon, Director of Medical Innovation at Anglia Ruskin University, and has founded 4 Med-Tech start-ups. He has also co-founded the £500m Anglia Ruskin MedTech Campus which is set to become one of the world’s largest health innovation spaces ...



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    Karen Livingston

    Director of Partnerships and Industry engagement for the Eastern Academic Health Science Network
    NHS England National Director for SBRI Healthcare
    Board member of the East of England Development Agency


    Karen is Director of Partnerships and Industry engagement for the Eastern Academic Health Science Network and the National Director for SBRI Healthcare. As the NHS England National Director for SBRI Healthcare she leads this award winning £74m investment programme where innovative companies developing technology solutions for healthcare problems are funded to accelerate their development cycle. This unique programme has over 200 companies under contract with over 1000 notified innovations and a pipeline independently evaluated at £1.2bn ...



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    Charlotte Williams

    Group Director of Strategy & New Care Models, Mid and South Essex


    Charlotte is the Group Director of Strategy & New Care Models for the Group. She aims to help make the Mid and South Essex system successful in its aims to provide responsive, high-value care for local people. She loves the NHS and wants to support us all in improvement, innovation and having joy in our work ...



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    Becky Wassall

    CEO of Apperta Foundation
    NHS Community Dentist
    Clinical/Academic StR University of Newcastle
    Health Service researcher


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Organised by:

- Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd logo -

Supported by:

- NHS England logo -

Delivered by:

Open Health Works logo -
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A hackathon is an event where small teams form to collaborate on rapid prototyping to develop projects around a particular theme. They often combine people with different but complementary domain expertise to form diverse, multidisciplinary teams. For instance, it is common to see programmers, designers, product and delivery specialists and other domain experts come together to form a team over the course of a day or a weekend. Teams usually have a chance to demonstrate and talk about what they have worked on at the end of the hackathon. Some hackathons have judges, or a Dragons’ Den-style panel who assess the demonstrations by each team, and sometimes prizes are awarded.


It’s important to know that the outputs of a hackathon aren’t necessarily ‘products’ in a business sense, although some will certainly have the potential to become products if teams wish to take their projects forward. You can view a hackathon as a way to get a very quick and intense head start on an idea, with instant feedback from other people, which can speed up project development enormously. Also, hackathons are amazingly good fun from both an intellectual and social point of view.

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Whether you are a technologist, a healthcare practitioner, a clinical leader, a policymaker, an NHS/health sector employee, a designer, an entrepreneur or someone with an interest in innovation and improving patient health and care, we want YOU to come and add your skills and knowledge to {nhs.ideas.lab}.


If you don't have much or any experience with computers already, then we want you to come _even more_ to make sure projects address real industry needs.


We are actively committed to encouraging attendance of people whose identity groups are not traditionally well represented in technology sectors.

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{nhs.ideas.lab} is a weekend hackathon. Exact timings haven’t been confirmed yet, but broadly speaking things will go like this:


On the Saturday morning, everyone will arrive at the venue and check in with us (so we know who’s there), then chat and get coffee. Anyone who plans to pitch an idea should use this time to submit their pitch via our online form. An order of pitches will then be finalised, and pitches will begin. After the pitches have finished, pitchers will stand around the room with large signs so you can see them, and you are welcome to go and chat to any whose pitch you found interesting, as well as join in conversations with other attendees. There is more information about pitching in the section below this one.


During these conversations, groups will start to form and will eventually start finding a space to work in. Our venue will have a big workspace for everyone, with plenty of tables and chairs so your group can set things up however you like. Don’t worry if you don’t find a group straight away; one of the great things about hackathons is that groups can be quite fluid, because projects might need different skills at different times. If you can’t find something to do, or can’t find a person to fill a role your project needs, then do come and find one of the organisers and we’ll act like matchmakers. Of course if you don’t want to work on a project, or have come to generally spectate or to network, then feel free to proceed as you like.


On the Sunday afternoon, teams who would like to demonstrate what they have been working on will be asked to submit an abstract and links to resources via an online form, from which we will generate a running order for demonstrations. It is also helpful for other attendees to have something to read about your project, as there can be a large volume of information to take in from demonstrations, so please do write your abstract carefully. We will invite a panel of experts from across the healthcare sector to watch the demonstrations, drawn from technologists, clinical and non-clinical NHS specialists, procurement experts, consulting entrepreneurs and more. The panel will confer and give a short spoken summary of things they liked, and may offer some feedback. This will not be a formal ‘judging’ process, and no ‘prizes’ will be awarded.


Lastly, and most importantly (!): we will offer breakfast, lunch and refreshments on both days.

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NHS Ideas lab is a daytime only hackathon: we encourage all our participants to take a break, a rest and get a good night’s sleep on the Saturday evening. Unfortunately we can’t provide accommodation for you, and the venue can’t accommodate people overnight, so you’ll need to make your own arrangements.

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Short answer: not really. Longer answer: it's a weekend hack, and most projects will use the full day and a half of time to work, but of course everyone is welcome for any amount of time.

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The {nhs.ideas.lab} is an exciting new event series supported by the NHS England Clinical Entrepreneur Programme and sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd. Projects that start at {nhs.ideas.lab} will be able to benefit from advice and networking from the {nhs.ideas.lab} team if they continue after the weekend, offering huge potential for effecting real change in the healthcare and technology industries. -

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You should bring curiosity, enthusiasm, and willingness to join in in some way that suits you. If you have a laptop, bringing one will probably help you to contribute more effectively. But whatever you usually use to apply your skills on a normal basis is probably a good start; for instance, if you’re an illustrator, bring whatever you normally use to make illustrations!


An extension flex or four-gang is likely to be useful, as are a range of cables and mobile devices -- but of course it depends on what you decide to work on.

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Yes: you can find it here. All attendees, staff, mentors, panel members, sponsors and indeed people in general at {nhs.ideas.lab} are required to comply with our Code of Conduct.

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Yes, small grants towards travel costs are available. Details will be confirmed and circulated shortly.

Email us with questions -
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Unfortunately we are unable to offer childcare at {nhs.ideas.lab}, and children are not permitted to be among the attendees.

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Pitching and Projects

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A pitch a short opportunity for a person to share a project idea to tempt others to work on it with them. At the start of the event, anyone with a problem or project they think might be interesting to other attendees can speak for up to 90 seconds to explain it to the rest of the group. Based on these pitches, other attendees decide what they’d like to work on during the weekend.


Please don’t use slides for your pitch, as there is simply not time for them to be used effectively.

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No! We'd love you to bring a problem or idea to pitch, and we encourage you to feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with our community of like-minded people, but you absolutely don't have to. It's fine to decide what you'd like to work on after hearing all the pitches, and in fact most attendees will do this. If you want to discuss your idea, or how to pitch, or if you want someone else to pitch your idea for you, then please get in touch before the event (email and one of our team will be happy to help you.

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The main principles for a memorable pitch are:

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If you want to discuss your idea, or how to pitch, or if you want someone else to pitch your idea for you, then please get in touch (email before the event and one of our team will be happy to help you.

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Everyone. {nhs.ideas.lab} is an opportunity for anyone with an idea that they'd like to explore or a problem they have in their day-to-day work that they think could be helped by a {nhs.ideas.lab} project, or otherwise of interest to other {nhs.ideas.lab} attendees.


If you want to work on something that has existed as a project before {nhs.ideas.lab} then of course that's fine, but do bear in mind that all attendees are volunteers, so don’t treat them like contractors. Any pre-existing projects that you pitch should be strictly non-commercial, and any of our attendees who works on it with you should be offered the opportunity to continue their involvement if they wish.

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We will invite a panel of experts from across the healthcare sector to watch the project demonstrations on Sunday afternoon, drawn from technologists, clinical and non-clinical NHS specialists, procurement experts, consulting entrepreneurs and more. The panel will confer and give a short spoken summary of things they liked, and may offer some feedback. This will not be a formal ‘judging’ process, and no ‘prizes’ will be awarded.

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Governance and ethics

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The Clinical Entrepreneur Training programme has been co-designed by NHS England and Health Education England to offer opportunities for doctors and the wider health professionals to develop their entrepreneurial aspirations. More information can be found here:

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Boehringer Ingelheim is one of the pharmaceutical industry’s top 20 companies, with some 50,000 employees, and to this day remains family-owned. Boehringer Ingelheim’s main three business areas are human pharmaceuticals, animal health and biopharmaceutical contract manufacturing. Social responsibility comes naturally to Boehringer Ingelheim. That is why the company is involved in social projects such as the “Making More Health” initiative. Boehringer Ingelheim also actively promotes workforce diversity and benefits from its employees’ different experiences and skills. Furthermore, the focus is on environmental protection and sustainability in everything the company does.


More information about Boehringer Ingelheim can be found at or in the company's annual report:

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Open Health Works are a not-for-profit healthcare technology consultancy company with a focus on Open Source, who have been contracted by Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd to plan and deliver the {nhs.ideas.lab} hackathon. More information can be found at

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The NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme has a good working relationship with several commercial enterprises, including Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd, who share their interest in clinical innovation to improve patient care. One of Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd's core principles is to support health in the community, particularly for chronic health conditions. Partnering in this way allows the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme additional funds and industry expertise to deliver a high-quality hackathon series with the potential to effect real change to the state of healthcare technology.

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The November 2017 event is over now, but we'd love to stay in touch

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Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd’s support of {nhs.ideas.lab} complies with its own legal framework that prohibits: commercial interest; product placement/reference; inducement; any kind of influence over or stake in projects, ideas or any other outcome of the hackathon.


No party will have any stake in or control over Intellectual Property generated by the event: the only motivation for running {nhs.ideas.lab} is to enhance patient care.


{nhs.ideas.lab} will be delivered by Open Health Works, a not-for-profit healthcare technology consulting company.


Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd, NHS England and Open Health Works Ltd will collaborate to plan, run and write up the {nhs.ideas.lab} hackathon with the highest standards of Open Governance and transparency.


For more information please email

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The relevant project teams own the IP (Intellectual Property) for their work. None of {nhs.ideas.lab}, NHS England, Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd, or Open Health Works is legally allowed (or otherwise interested) to take any stake.


To generate the widest benefit from this event, and to reach the maximum possible audience for your project, we encourage teams to use Open Source licences for the results of their creativity; however this is not a strict requirement of {nhs.ideas.lab}.

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From 594bd00d35bbe17c8a4a4c364bbc341244414730 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Helen Jackson Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2017 14:57:32 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Added mail icon and fixed spacing --- app/src/partials/_footer.html | 18 ++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/src/partials/_footer.html b/app/src/partials/_footer.html index 053df1d3..18f9e371 100644 --- a/app/src/partials/_footer.html +++ b/app/src/partials/_footer.html @@ -4,14 +4,16 @@
Organised by:
From 55677bb1f16d0a7517a2396a2073b1e5942642b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Helen Jackson Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2017 14:58:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Updated menu --- app/src/partials/_menu.html | 9 +-------- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/src/partials/_menu.html b/app/src/partials/_menu.html index d54d92ed..41089c5d 100644 --- a/app/src/partials/_menu.html +++ b/app/src/partials/_menu.html @@ -1,13 +1,6 @@ From 25d57f35b241a21e78b67a14431aad3a4e426202 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Helen Jackson Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2017 14:59:04 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Styling for shorter page --- app/src/assets/scss/_ohw.scss | 25 ++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/src/assets/scss/_ohw.scss b/app/src/assets/scss/_ohw.scss index 86c83788..8857a0b2 100644 --- a/app/src/assets/scss/_ohw.scss +++ b/app/src/assets/scss/_ohw.scss @@ -245,17 +245,17 @@ background-color: $bright !important; text-transform: uppercase; } -.newsletter { - background-color: $background-mid !important; - h1 { +.headline { + h2 { color: $title-2; font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif !important; - font-weight: 700; - font-size: 3em; - line-height: 0em; + font-weight: 400 !important; } +} +.newsletter { + background-color: $background-mid !important; h2 { - color: $title-4; + color: $title-1; font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif !important; font-weight: 400 !important; } @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ footer .brand img { footer .social { padding: 0 10px 0 10px; li { - margin: 5px 10px; + margin: 5px 2px; } } @@ -417,6 +417,11 @@ ul.iconList li:before { right: 25%; } +.hero-video { + height: 50vh; + padding: 0px; +} + @include tablet-and-phone { // Basically all a massive hack .reorder-responsive { display: table; @@ -454,4 +459,6 @@ ul.iconList li:before { } } - { + background: #ea4c89; +} \ No newline at end of file