A first component has been migrated from Angular Strap to Angular Material, the purpose of this document is to detail some issues that occured.
We currently use Bootstrap through Angular Strap, and on top of it we use a theme that mimic Material Design look and feel.
To implement Material Design guideline, we now can use Angular Material 1
This project is now complete and stable enough for our needs.
In 'frontend/views/esn/index.pug' layout file, we load .css and .js of libraries used.
These libraries are located in 'frontend/components/', per example Angular-material is located in 'frontend/components/angular-material'.
To improve performance and reduce risk of css conflict, we only include the modules we actually use.
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/components/angular-material/modules/js/core/core.min.css')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/components/angular-material/modules/js/virtualRepeat/virtualRepeat.min.css')
We don't include the whole Angular-material files.
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/components/angular-material/angular-material.css')
But while developping, if we have missing Material Design behaviours, it can be useful to test with the whole Angular-material. Then to include relevant missing modules, one by one.
To enable unit testing, 'frontend/components/angular-material/angular-material.min.js' has to be added to 'test/config/karma.conf'.
There can be conflicts between '/components/angular-material/modules/js/core/core.min.css' and our '/generated/css/esn/styles.css'.
There are some differences with IOS regarding user experience, with some known bugs, per example in their demo page, when a md-menu is opened, we can scroll the text below.
A good resource for issues is Angular Material Github page. 2
To be more up to date with latest AngularJS good practices, we now try to use components as much as possible according to this guide 3.
The main idea is to separate controller, view and component in different files. And to avoid using $scope inside the controller, the new approach is
- to use 'this' ( with 'var self = this' to handle internal new scope cases)
- and expose the controller through "controllerAs: 'ctrl'" in the component file.
To use Material Design icons.
- Download 'mdi.svg' from here 4.
- Add an icon provider to your module.
.config(function($mdIconProvider) {
$mdIconProvider.defaultIconSet('images/mdi/mdi.svg', 24);
- Then you can use icons this way.
md-icon(md-svg-icon="account",aria-label="Account Icon")