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ShahimEssaid edited this page Nov 3, 2014 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the VIVO-ISF Data Standard wiki!

Getting involved

We are still in the middle of moving to GitHub and planning how to move forward. We are not ready yet for new contributions from the community but in the mean time you can show your interest by:

  • Clicking on the "Star" button. This will show us that you are interested in this effort and will likely be an active participant in this community.
  • Clicking on the "Watch" button. When you are a "Watcher", as opposed to a "Stargazer", you will receive issue notifications and it will help you keep up to date with on going activity.
  • This repository will not contain code. However, you can still use the "Fork" feature to indicate that you want to be considered as a developer for one or more of the other repositories in the VIVO-ISF organization.
  • Joining the Google Groups mailing list at:!forum/vivo-isf
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