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607 lines (450 loc) · 28 KB

File metadata and controls

607 lines (450 loc) · 28 KB



  • Removed deprecated FastR grid.
    • Removed --R.UsetInternalGridGraphics option.
  • Updated Matrix recommended package to 1.4-0
  • Updated codetools recommended package to 0.2-18


  • Implemented global native variable API, which allows the user to use some native package from two R contexts at the same time.
    • The API consists of a bunch of upcalls, named with a prefix of FASTR_GlobalVar, e.g., FASTR_GlobalVarAlloc.
    • The documentation is in
    • Currently, only grid and graphics builtin packages are refactored to use the global native variable API.
  • Add partial support for dplyr 1.0.3
    • Implement SET_PRCODE, SET_PRENV and SET_PRVALUE upcalls.


  • --R.DebugLLVMLibs is no longer a stable option.
  • Implemented SET_GROWABLE_BIT and IS_GROWABLE C API functions.
    • This fixes installation of the cpp11 0.2.6 package.
  • Add akima package to the list of "native packages", so it is by default loaded by the native backend.


  • Improved performance of the order and rank builtin functions
  • FastR does not ship with its own copy of
    • System installation of this library becomes a requirement for FastR, but zlib is installed by default on MacOS and in most modern Linux distributions.
  • Use JavaGD as the default graphical subsystem.
    • Deprecate --R.UseInternalGridGraphics option.
    • The FastR's graphical subsystem is now mostly compatible with GNU-R's, i.e., most functions from graphics, grid, and grDevices base packages are now supported.
    • Display lists are fully implemented.
    • Supported devices: SVG, PNG, JPEG, BMP, AWT.
    • See graphics docs.
  • Updated XZ library for compression to the version XZ-1.9.


  • Adopted NodeLibrary.
  • In unit tests, use single shared context rather than multiple inner contexts.
  • Update recommended packages:
    • rpart to version 4.1-16 (2019-05-21)
    • cluster to version 2.1.2 (2021-04-17)


  • Upgrade of PCRE to PCRE2 version 10.37.
    • See GNU-R changelog (section MIGRATION TO PCRE2) for more details on potentially user visible differences between PCRE and PCRE2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed implicit make rule parameters used when building R extensions
    • Fixes, e.g., installation of maps package version 3.3.0.
    • Removed -shared flag from LDFLAGS, added -shared to DYLIB_LDFLAGS, added SHLIB_LDGLAGS_R
  • Fixed unexpected garbage collection of CHARSXP objects in R extensions
    • FastR did not materialize its internal representation of character vectors to GNU-R compatible CHARSXP objects, which caused unexpected collection of CHARSXP objects returned by STRING_ELT
  • Option --no-init-file is not ignored anymore (do not read the user's profile at startup)
  • Fixed functions approx and approxfun from the stats package
    • Previously they were always failing with error message "Incorrect number of arguments"


  • Support for packages in 2021-02-01 CRAN snapshot:
    • testthat 3.0.1 is partially supported.
      • FastR does not support parallel tests run, i.e. run testthat only with Sys.setenv(TESTTHAT_PARALLEL="false").
    • tibble 3.0.6 , vctrs 0.3.6, and data.table 1.13.6 are mostly supported.
    • Support for dplyr 1.0.3, ggplot 3.3.3, and knitr 1.31 is a work in progress.

Bug fixes:

  • read.dcf does not ignore whitespaces in fields any more.
  • list.files gives correct result in a subdirectory with the same prefix as its parent directory.
  • Whitespaces in quantifiers in regular expressions are ignored.
    • GNU-R does not comply with PCRE with this behavior.
  • sys.frame displays frames for NextMethod correctly.
  • parent.frame is able to get the frame that is no longer on the stack.
    • Which is not recommended due to the documentation of parent.frame, but some packages do that nonetheless.


  • Upgraded FastR to R 4.0.3

    • Made FastR runtime mostly compatible with R 4.0.3
    • Migrated to new versions of the base and recommended packages
    • Implemented some of the new features of R 4.0.3
      • All matrices have implicitly also the array class
      • Implemented str2expression, str2lang builtins
      • Pairlists cannot be coerced to language and vice versa
      • Deprecated --slave command line option, replaced by --no-echo
      • Added recycle0 parameter to paste and paste0
      • Add expand parameter to unlink
      • ...elt does no longer accept character vector as parameter
    • See GNU-R 4.0.3 changelog for other changes in the base packages
  • Upgraded the CRAN snapshot, used by default by install.packages, to 2021-02-01

    • Support of the new versions of most popular packages on FastR is work in progress
    • Packages with known issues: dplyr 1.0.3, ggplot 3.3.3, knitr 1.31

Bug fixes:

  • switch builtin handles arguments properly (#171)
  • Rf_installTrChar was giving wrong result
  • S3 dispatch in cbind and rbind
  • .cache_class with NULL parameter
  • copy on write of S4 objects when passed into class<- function

Added missing R builtins and C APIs:

  • Rf_allocSExp supports CLOSXP
  • R_Serialize and R_removeVarFromFrame


Bug fixes:

  • Fix AssertionError in sprintf (#169)


Bug fixes:

  • Set internal generic dispatch for the lengths builtin, #164
  • iconv handles NA values properly

New features:

  • preliminary implementation of the ALTREP framework
    • support for registering custom ALTREP classes
    • ALTREP specific C API, e.g., INTEGER_IS_SORTED
    • serialization and deserialization of custom ALTREP objects is not supported yet

Added missing R builtins and C APIs:

  • non-API C function match5, which is used by some packages
  • non-API C function match5, which is used by some packages (#149)
  • define dummy XLENGTH macro if USE_RINTERNALS is defined
    • non-existence of this macro is used by some packages to detect old R versions
  • IS_LONG_VEC C API function
  • when loading native symbol dynamically, FastR also checks the name with trailing underscode to be compatible with GNU-R


Bug fixes:

  • FastR cleans-up the temporary directory created for internal implementation of the R input handlers
  • Improve performance of unique #154

Added missing R builtins and C APIs

  • Dummy implementations of X_IS_SORTED and X_NO_NA for X = STRING,INTEGER,REAL #156


New features:

  • Preview of improved graphical support.
    • Use --R.UseInternalGridGraphics=false to activate this feature.
    • graphics and grDevices packages are implemented by incorporating the JavaGD package.
    • The standard grid package works out of the box as well as lattice and ggplot2.
    • Supported image formats: PDF, PNG, JPEG, BMP.
    • SVG support will be added in the future.
    • Display lists are fully implemented, which, e.g., makes Shiny work better in FastR.
    • Custom FastR grid package implementation, which is currently the default, will be deprecated and removed in future releases.
  • FastR ships with GCC runtime libraries on all supported systems (Linux and MacOS).
    • GFortran is not a requirement anymore to run FastR, but it is still required to install R packages with Fortran code
    • The GFortran runtime libraries versions are 4.8.5 on Linux and 8.3.0 on MacOS. When compiling additional R packages with Fortran code, one must use GFortran of the same or higher version.
  • GFortran is used as the default Fortran compiler even in the "LLVM" toolchain configuration.
    • R packages that contain Fortran code will not be runnable on the FastR's LLVM backend (--R.BackEnd=llvm). However, the default backend is the "native" (--R.BackEnd=native). One can also choose to run only specific packages via the LLVM backend (--R.BackEndLLVM=mypackage).
    • Users can switch back to F2C, which can produce libraries runnable on the LLVM backend, by editing variable FC in {FASTR_HOME}/etc/Makeconf.
  • print stacktraces (in traceback()) for errors coming from C/C++ code when FastR is running in the LLVM mode (--R.BackEnd=llvm) and errors coming from other languages, e.g., GraalPython.
  • @ can be also used to access members of polyglot values originating from other languages. This was previously possible only with $, now both operators work.

Bug fixes:

  • S3 dispatch with missing arguments, e.g., as_tibble() (reported by Michael Hall on Slack)
  • dyn.load did not work with relative paths
  • missing warnings on integer overflow #136
  • the f2c script fixed to handle extra dotted file extensions #143
  • iconv honors the from and asRaw parameters. Fixes, e.g.: iconv('foo²²', 'UTF8', 'latin1')


New features:

  • clean-up of the Makeconf files shipped with FastR in the etc directory:
    • Makeconf.llvm makes use of the newly available tools in the Labs LLVM Toolchain (ar and ranlib)
    • Makeconf.native contains only generic configuration for Linux/MacOS (with GCC toolchain installed)
    • both files recognize following environment variables:
      • PKG_LDFLAGS_OVERRIDE intended for adding library directories for the linker, but may contain any linker flags, e.g., -L/path/to/library/which/is/not/in/my/os/default/search/path
      • PKG_INCLUDE_FLAGS_OVERRIDE intended for addding include directories, but may contain any compiler flags
      • Note: Makeconf.llvm is also used as the default Makeconf file, you can change that by using fastr.setToolchain('native') (not a new feature in this release)
      • Note: instead of exporting PKG_LDFLAGS_OVERRIDE or PKG_INCLUDE_FLAGS_OVERRIDE, you can also edit the Makeconf file
  • implement the "parse with named arguments" Truffle API available to Truffle instruments
  • use the RootBodyTag to tag function bodies for Truffle instrumentation

Added missing R builtins and C APIs

  • subsetting an array by numeric/string matrix
  • ported all external C functions used by nlm (#100) and fisher.test from the stats base package
  • Rf_asS4 C API function #118
  • serializeInfoFromConn and loadInfoFromConn2 internal builtins

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: polyglot.value is not an object #123
    • polyglot.value is now treated as explicit and not implicit class
    • one of the implications is that internal generic dispatch works with polyglot.value #122
  • can't assign class to polyglot value #124
  • incorrect formatting for sprintf %g and %G: trailing zeroes #126
  • support for remote workers with fastRCluster package #113
  • bug in variable lookup when a package removes one of its variables using rm during .onLoad
  • Rf_eval: when the argument is a pair-list do not execute it like a language object
  • fixed cross-product (%*%) for scalar complex values
  • fixed dirname('.') and dirname('/') to give '.' and '/'
  • list2env handles duplicated elements correctly
  • properly propagate exit code from the launchers (R and Rscript)


New features:

  • FastR is based on R 3.6.1
  • GCC runtime libraries are not shipped with FastR, use the following commands to install the necessary dependencies:
    • Ubuntu 18.04 and 19.04: apt-get install libgfortran3 libgomp1
    • Oracle Linux 7: yum install libgfortran libgomp
    • Oracle Linux 8: yum install compat-libgfortran-48
    • MacOS: brew install [email protected]
  • new Graal LLVM based back-end for running packages native code.
    • The default {FASTR_HOME}/etc/Makeconf is configured to use the Graal LLVM toolchain to build the native code of R packages.
      • The toolchain builds standard native binaries for a given plarform and also embeds the corresponding LLVM bitcode in them.
      • R builtin fastr.setToolchain(name) (name can be llvm or native) sets the compiler toolchain used for package building (modifies etc/Makeconf).
      • To switch back to the previous toolchain configuration that used GCC, execute fastr.setToolchain("native").
    • Option --R.BackEnd specifies the default backend used to execute packages native code.
      • Different R packages can be run via different backends in one FastR context.
      • --R.BackEnd=native, the default, is JNI based backend that runs directly the actual native code.
      • --R.BackEnd=llvm is the new LLVM backend that loads the LLVM bitcode embedded in package libraries and runs it via Graal LLVM.
      • --R.BackEndNative=pkg1,pkg2,... enumerates packages whose native code will be executed by the native backend.
      • --R.BackEndLLVM=pkg1,pkg2,... enumerates packages whose native code will be executed by the LLVM backend.
      • Note: All --R.BackEnd* options are passed to R subprocesses.
    • Debugging of packages native code with LLVM backend.
      • Option --R.DebugLLVMLibs activates debugging of native code using the bundled LLVM bitcode.
      • Builtin fastr.useDebugMakevars(use) activates/deactivates a special etc/ tailored for building the packages native code for debugging.
  • gc attempts to invoke Java GC when FastR is run with --R.EnableExplicitGC=true
    • this is intended only for testing purposes and it is not recommended to run GC explicitly in FastR.
    • gc is not invoking Java GC by default because GNU-R GC and Java GC are fundamentally different and this may lead to unintended behavior.

Added missing R builtins and C APIs

  • gctorture and gctorture2 built-ins for testing purposes
  • grepRaw (only for fixed=T)

Bug fixes:

  • multiplication of a vector and matrix that has one of the dimensions equal to 0 #104
  • tibble does not print properly when using knitr #68
  • type.convert uses locale #88
  • promise with the empty value is handled correctly in 'missing' #87
  • scan handles non-default value of nmax argument
  • Rf_allocVector fails gracefully when FastR runs out of memory
  • bug in DATAPTR for vectors of size in bytes larger than 2^31
  • provide correct daylight saving time info in as.POSIXlt #98
  • list.files handles no.. and all arguments correctly
  • R --version does not enter the interactive mode #89
  • update.formula with RHS that contains NULL #92
  • failures when working with large vectors (>1GB)


New features:

  • fastRCluster package that allows to run FastR inside GNU-R
    • install in GNU-R or RStudio with: devtools::install_github('oracle/fastr/')
    • use ?fastRCluster to learn more

Bug fixes:

  • SET_ATTRIB does not validate the attributes (as expected by some packages)


New features:

  • is.function returns true for foreign executables
  • better error message when FastR cannot find its home directory

Bug fixes:

  • strings '-Inf', '+NaN', and '-NaN' are correctly parsed to doubles including ignoring leading and trailing whitespace
  • avoid unhandled exceptions in dev.set #76
  • for loop creates and initializes the control variable even if there are no iterations #77
  • update the output of the capabilities builtin #78


New features:

  • the default Renviron file sets R_LIBS_USER to a directory inside the current user's home
    • running the configure_fastr will change this to a path that also contains GraalVM version and will create the directory

Added missing C APIs:

  • S_realloc

Bug fixes:

  • fatal error on Linux when pressing CTRL+C during long computation

1.0 RC 16

Bug fixes:

  • match worked incorrectly with descending sequences (e.g., 3:1)
  • match did not handle descending sequences properly (e.g. match(1:3, 3:1))
  • lexer allows any "letter" in identifiers including, e.g., Japanese, which matches GNU-R behavior

1.0 RC 15

  • ActiveBinding objects do not support the UNBOX message anymore
  • new Truffle interop converts double values to int values if they fit in the integer range

Added missing R builtins and C APIs

  • simple support for the weak reference API functions (R_MakeWeakRef, R_MakeWeakRefC, R_WeakRefKey, R_WeakRefValue)
  • Rf_i1mach
  • gzcon builtin for url connections, e.g., load(url('protocol://path')) should work now
  • Sys.localeconv supports: decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping, int_curr_symbol, currency_symbol, mon_decimal_point, mon_thousands_sep, mon_grouping, int_frac_digits, p_cs_precedes, other fields are fixed to some meaningful but not culture sensitive value for given field

Bug fixes:

  • with value argument of length 0 just returns the value argument
  • tcrossprod called from apply did not give correct result #60
  • Rf_lengthgets can accept NULL argument
  • FastR does not allow Java interop when not started with --jvm

1.0 RC 14

  • all FastR specific options (NOT those GNU-R compatible like --save) are experimental except for --R.PrintErrorStacktracesToFile, which is an option that enables logging of FastR internal errors for bug reporting purposes. Experimental options can be unlocked using --experimental-options or with ContextBuilder#allowExperimentalOptions.
  • the MRAN mirror used by FastR by default instead of CRAN was bumped to 2019-02-13
  • options for the JVM or native image are now passed using --vm. prefix in both cases instead of --jvm. or --native. (e.g., --jvm.Dproperty=false becomes --vm.Dproperty=false)

New features:

  • whenever possible, errors are propagated to the FastR embedder

Added missing R builtins and C API

  • Rf_StringBlank

Bug fixes:

  • C_numeric_deriv gives wrong results of gradient #54
  • tcrossprod with a single vector #56
  • length<- would remove attributes from the target even if it was a shared value
  • length(x) <- N should not strip attributes if length(x) == N, which is not in line with GNU-R documentation, but relied upon in the methods package #55
  • as.Date with invalid date string #56

1.0 RC 13

New features:

  • new JUL-like logging infrastructure backed by Truffle
  • FastR options backed by Truffle now. New command-line format - i.e. bin/r --R.PerformanceWarning="true". Also configurable via org.graal.polyglot.Context.Builder.
  • script configure_fastr also regenerates etc/Renviron and etc/ldpaths
  • FastR vectors are not writeable from other languages
    • in order to update FastR vectors from other languages: retrieve reference to the subset assign function `[<-` and execute it. Note that it will return the new vector with the updated values.

Added missing R builtins and C API

  • polyroot
  • dummy implementation of pcre_config

Bug fixes:

  • when using GNU-R graphics (--R.UseInternalGridGraphics=false) FastR would still override the graphics package R functions
  • cannot install RcppParallel #52
  • visibility propagation in tryCatch

1.0 RC 12

New Features:

  • the implementation of the TruffleLanguage#toString method uses R function print
    • for example: the console in Chrome DevTools will print data.frames formatted like R would

Added missing R builtins and C API

  • FastR provides GNU-R compatible parseData for expressions parsed via parse(...,keep.source=T)
  • format.POSIXlt supports following formats: %z, %Z, %x, %X.
  • dummy implementation of the ALTREP framework to avoid linking problems. Most of the functions fail at runtime. #48

Bug fixes:

  • sys.calls gives wrong result when eval with envir argument is on the call stack
  • was not correctly handling lists, for example: 42))
  • transfer srcref attribute to the result of .subset and [
  • matrix(1,nrow=NULL,ncol=NULL) caused internal FastR error instead of R user level error
  • option --polyglot works with the native image of FastR
  • added native functions optim() and optimness()
  • fixed various race conditions in parallel package
  • strsplit(...,perl=T) does not end up in an infinite loop if the pattern is not found by pcre_exec
  • as.character.factor error for levels containing NAs
  • env2list error for environments containing pairlists
  • body<- error for non-scalar values
  • unlink error for paths containing wildcard(s) but no path separator
  • dims attribute errorneously set to RDoubleVector; exception when retrieving the dims #49
  • issues with the dplyr's mutate and transmute: #50 and #51
  • fixed promises result visibility propagation eliminating extra NULL output of tryCatch(cat('Hello\n'))

1.0 RC 11

  • upgraded the R version to R-3.5.1

    • base packages and other sources used directly from GNU-R upgraded to their R-3.5.1 versions
    • fixed differences between R-3.4.0 and R-3.5.1
  • FastR does not print or log any details for internal errors unless it is run with --jvm.DR:+PrintErrorStacktracesToFile

Added missing R builtins and C API

  • Rf_duplicated
  • Rf_setVar
  • norm_rand
  • exp_rand

Bug fixes:

  • internal error in mapply with empty arguments list
  • comment and comment<- work with S4 objects
  • iconvlist() was failing on argument error #43
  • range works properly with lists
  • the reference count of dimnames of the result of == was not handled properly leading to incorrect results #40
  • exists did not work properly in all cases when used with the mode argument #44
  • 'charIndex out of range' when parsing an incomplete source #39
  • no_proxy environment variable was not parsed correctly
  • read.csv treats empty value as NA of the same type as the rest of the values in the column #42
  • SET_NAMED allows to decrease the reference count to support a pattern from data.table
  • exception when writing into the result returned from split
  • switch falls through only if the actual argument is empty constant: switch('x',x=,y=42) vs. switch('x',x=quote(f(1,))[[3]],y=42)
  • oldClass<- works with external pointers and other less common R types
  • C API function Rf_setAttrib coerces double vector to integer when setting "dim" attribute #46

1.0 RC 10

New features:

  • interop and tooling: READ and WRITE of ActiveBinding may have side effects. This is communicated via KEY_INFO to the tools and other languages (e.g., a debugger may warn before evaluating an ActiveBinding)
  • the MRAN mirror used by FastR as default repo was moved to
  • new function install.fastr.packages to install FastR rJava replacement and possibly other packages in the future
  • print the whole guest language stacktrace if an exception occurs during an interop call into another language

Added missing R builtins and C API

  • builtin
  • private do_fmin external function from the stats packages used by public R function optimize
  • beta #33

Bug fixes:

  • tooling: top level statements are not marked as functions (e.g., a debugger will not treat them as such anymore)
  • update rpath correctly for redistributed libraries when producing a release build. This issue caused linking problems for MacOS users #26
  • UseMethod caused internal error under some specific circumstances (happens during installation of the R.oo package)
  • fully support indirect use of .Internal, e.g. in (get('.Internal'))(paste0(list(1,2),','))
  • as.character(external-pointer) does not crash, but prints the pointer address #28
  • file.path with NULL as one of its arguments gives correct result (empty character vector)
  • format.POSIXlt uses the same time zone database as rest of the system #29
  • dev.control(displaylist = 'inhibit') caused ClassCastException
  • download.file follows redirects.
  • static members of Java interop objects are not ignored during printing and deparsing
  • fixed internal error in on.exit(NULL)
  • fixed mget to accept also non list values for ifnotfound
  • updating dimensions of a vector always resets the dimnames. #34
  • env2list used in, e.g., as.list.environment can handle ... inside the environment

1.0 RC 9

New features

Added missing R builtins and C API

  • eapply builtin
  • rapply builtin

Bug fixes:

  • colon builtin calculated length incorrectly in some circumstances
  • storage.mode<- works with NULL
  • Rf_coerceVector works with pairlists and language objects
  • allow formal parameter names: '..1', '..1=default', '...=default'

1.0 RC 8

Bug fixes

  • slot (@) was not working with foreign arrays
  • memory leak when invoking some native functions
  • one symbol was reported multiple times to the memory profiler
  • maintain the same ownership relation between SEXPs as GNU-R does to prevent an unexpected collection of some SEXPs

1.0 RC 7

API changes

  • eval.polyglot: the parameter source was renamed to code

New features

  • AWT based graphics devices (jpg, png, X11, ...) supported in native image
  • Seamless way to create R data frames from Polyglot objects
    • Handled by
    • Expected structure: KEYS are used as column names, the values must be homogenous arrays (e.g. respond to HAS_SIZE)

Bug fixes

  • S3 dispatch works correctly with NULL
  • Paths in eval.polyglot are resolved relative to the current working directory
  • Connections: sockets can always be read and written, raw connections are always binary
  • Promises are evaluated in LazyLoadDBFetch (to support delayedAssign)
  • Fixed broken Rscript --version
  • Various fixes necessary to pass dplyr tests (GitHub version of dplyr)


1.0 RC 6

New features

  • Support for reading/writing graphical parameters via par
    • in preparation for full graphics package support

Added missing R builtins and C API

  • 'get' builtin supports the 'envir' argument
  • 'inspect' internal
  • Rf_isObject
  • R_nchar
  • R_forceAndCall


  • support for formulas that include '...'
  • updating attributes of NULL produces empty list with given attributes
  • treat CR/LF in readLine like GNU-R
  • fix in La_chol (incorrect pivot attribute in return)
  • various fixes in vector coercion code to produce GNU-R compatible warnings and errors

1.0 RC 5

New features

  • Script that configures FastR for the current system (jre/languages/R/bin/configure_fastr)
    • allows to pass additional arguments for the underlying configure script
    • by default uses the following arguments: --with-x=no --with-aqua=no --enable-memory-profiling FFLAGS=-O2

Updates in interop

  • R code evaluated via interop never returns a Java primitive type, but always a vector
  • Vectors of size 1 that do not contain NA can be unboxed
  • Sending the READ message to an atomic R vector (array subscript in most languages) gives
    • Java primitive type as long as the value is not NA
    • if the value is NA, a special value that responds to IS_NULL with true. If this value is passed back to R it behaves as NA again
  • Note that sending the READ message to a list, environment, or other heterogenous data structure never gives atomic Java type but a primitive R vector

Bug fixes

  • Various smaller issues discovered during testing of CRAN packages.

1.0 RC 4

1.0 RC 3

Added missing R builtins and C API

  • vmmin
  • simplified version of LEVELS
  • addInputHandler, removeInputHandler

Bug fixes

  • The plotting window did not display anything after it was closed and reopened.
  • Various smaller issues discovered during testing of CRAN packages.

New features

  • Script that configures FastR for the current system (jre/languages/R/bin/configure_fastr) does not require Autotools anymore.
  • Users can build a native image of the FastR runtime. The native image provides faster startup and slightly slower peak performance. Run jre/languages/R/bin/install_r_native_image to build the image.