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Miguel Martinez djmai
Freelancer Developer and Integrator

MMMV Guanajuato, México

Saikat Koley saikatkoley
Software Developer

West Bengal, India

Rizal rizalrinoldi
A man on the cloud.

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Jordán Pérez coop2540
IT Consultant - Open Source

SomTIC Barcelona

Adrian García Rojas adrian-garcia-rojas
Hola, desde pequeño me encanta la tecnología, me gusta compartir las cosas que aprendo, soy de Tlaxcala México.

Tlaxcala México

Samuel samuelg90
Programacion Vzla

Hesperides Sistemas Venezuela

William Mead W1W1-M
PHP developer by day ☀️ Apple enthusiast by night 🌑 Creator of @Super85App📱Father 24/7 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦


Abdullah Baharoon Asbaharoon
I am Oracle e-business suite R12 ERP user and Junior Student in programming of Java language, also currently I have job purchasing coordinator

@openjdk and @graalvm Yemen

AJTEL Communications Network Group LLC ajtel

AJTEL Communications Network Group LLC MEXICO

Laurent Magnin lmag

@eoxia @evarisk @igital Montpellier

Maud maudmcok

D Mcok Corporation Rennes, France

Jose Constantin jacq2101
Experienced BI professional skilled in MySQL, PHP, and JavaScript, with expertise in Dolibarr and Python. Passionate about leveraging data to drive business dec

CitricTech Mexico

De Coninck Laurent laudeco
PHP web developer.

Han-sur-Lesse (Belgium)

Pichi1966 josett225
New Full Stack developer, I am learning by the great quality done by other Devs in the OpenSource Community


Aloïs Micard creekorful
CTO @vold-lu | @Debian developer

@Debian @vold-lu Metz, France