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Stephen Froeber SRF-Audio
Cloud Engineer, kiteboarder, musician

Applied Insight, LLC O'Fallon, IL

Wylkon Cardoso wylkon
I'm a Front-end developer, gamer and culinary arts fan.
 I've been building websites for over 12 years between São Paulo, Brasil and Los Angeles, California.

@grupoboticario São Paulo

AndreasZS AndreasZS
Software Engineer

Atlanta, GA

Matheus Mösken Diegues dieguesmosken
DSM Fatec Registro | Técnico em Desenvolvimento de Sistemas | Developer in develpment

@Projeto-Hippotec Rua José Dias, 109 Casa 2 Pariquera-Açu SP 11930-000 Brazil


@AssistantApps Germany

LionessLilo LionessLilo
My husband got me into gaming but can he get me into programming?


Alice Lia Stapleton slimelia
Professional MacGuffin Wrangler, Chicken Sexer, Crumpet Hole-puncher & Daily Mail Angerer. Budding developer & Python apologist.

Chelmsford, UK

neo451 neo451

Remin University of China

Maxson Ferovante maxsonferovante
Backend Developer | Python | Flask | FastAPI | Django
Romain Mathieu romain3433
Junior System Admin Azure

Computerland Luxembourg Luxembourg

Lenni Lenni009
Media informatics student. Hobby frontend dev. Also has some small CLI scripts and CI/CD pipelines.


Mike Beerman bearmannl
[This is a personal social media channel. The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of my organizations.]

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Netherlands


Northern Virginia


Da Nang, Viet Nam

Mikael 'tew' iamtew
personal account, with a varied bag of interests

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Henry Rice cyberpunk2350
☠️ Coder, Hacker, Engineer, Gamer...Just your average geek. I can do it all...with varying levels of skill and success.

Black Knights Consulting The Blue Nowhere

Kurt Lourens Khaoz-Topsy

AssistantApps Netherlands