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Ebubekir Atsız ebupi
I'm Ebubekir, an astronomy data analyst and Python Jupyter Notebook enthusiast. I solve the mysteries of space and speak the language of the stars with Python.

Erciyes University

Khalil Heyrani Khalilheyrani6367
mushtaq smb mushtaq96
Hey there stalker!


Duarte Almeida duarte-almeida-astro
Currently doing a PhD in Astronomy & Astrophysics about the disruption of Open Clusters in the Milky Way. Working from Lisbon.

Faculdade de Ciências Lisbon

Nectaria Gizani ngizani
Assistant Professor at the Hellenic Open University, School of Science and Technology, Radioastronomer, worked also at astroparticle regime of Astronomy.

HOU Patras, Greece

Zeyu Gao Abrygzy
A Phd student on astrophysics.

Peking University / KIAA China

Bhavesh Rajpoot Bhavesh012
M.Sc Astronomy & Astrophysics student at Universität Heidelberg. An aspiring Observational and Computational Astronomer.

Heidelberg, Germany

Joy Choi JYoonC
Astronomy, Asteroseismology PhD student

Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Heidelberg, Germany

Bharath Saiguhan BSGalvan
Putting the AST in Astrophysics.


A Chinese Guy Loves Lionel Messi

Yunnan University China

Physics undergraduate with interests in astrophysics. Work on exomoons and exoplanets.
Giovanni Picogna GiovanniPicogna
post-doc @ LMU

LMU Munich

Eli Prater Pratere
Artificial Intelligence Architect

Dayton, Ohio

Debasish_Hazarika DebasishHazarika
Ph.D. student - Astronomy | INCT-UDA, Chile | DataSc enthusiast 📊

Institute of Astronomy and Planetary Sciences, University of Atacama, Chile Chile

Ivan Markin unkaktus
Pondering numerical relativity

Potsdam University Berlin

Aman Goel amangoel185
24 • @UoMResearchIT RSE • @softwaresaved fellow • @open-life-science expert • @iris-hep fellow • @rse-asia

The University of Manchester Manchester, United Kingdom

Camila Angulo lecamole
Astronomer trying to code. 🔭🇲🇽✨
Ronaldo Laishram ronaldolaishram
PhD Candidate at Tohoku University, Japan
Mikhail Belvederskiy mbelveder

Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI) Moscow, Russia

Natalí de Santi natalidesanti
PhD in Cosmology

São Paulo/SP/Brazil