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Hi there 👋, I am Ala. I am a Java Developer.


Gian Hancock gian-hancock
I'm a backend software engineer with an interest in low level and systems programming.
Jeremy Savor svrj

Fotokite AG Zurich, Switzerland

Andy McGrath andy-mcgrath

@SuperAwesomeLTD England

Artur Ganzha arzx
Interested in Python, (Automated) Machine learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning.

Leibniz University Hannover Hannover

Miss Hudspith MissHudspith
Computer Science Teacher KS3, KS4 and KS5
fullstack web developer. technical lead at @Auburn-CWS.

@Auburn-CWS Auburn, AL

Richard Bluewolf787

Rostock, Germany

Manny Peterson MannyPeterson
Just a nerdy guy doing nerdy things.

Hopkins, Minnesota, U.S.A.

joshua! skttlock
am real person like helping others getting used to this whole "computer" and "technology" thing

Oregon State University - Cascades

George Rey jerzydziewierz
Loves all things ultrasound.

STL Yate Labs Yate, UK

Dan Teddy bonniss
An object instance being.

DT-Corp Vietnam

Greg Horejsi BitFlippedCelt
Father, husband, builder, nerd...

Austin, TX

Miha Ravber Ravby

University of Maribor - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Slovenia

This is Day One thisisdayone
This is Day One

This is Day One

Bishwo Bikram Bista bishwobista
Finding solutions using tools around me. :)
Prakhar Jain prakharjain3
I like Markdown files
Yusuf Malikul Mulki yusufmalikul
I use Go daily. I know some Javascript and Python.


Kevin Bonanno KevinBanana

Georgia, United States

Jatin Gupta Jatin71544
A beginner in the field of open source

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Suyash SuyashPandey30
Always Learning =)
Theo Melo theomelo
Senior Full Stack Developer

Foodee Vancouver, BC

Devanshukoli Devanshukoli
I am Devanshukoli. I am a Software Engineer and love open source projects. I love swimming 🏊‍♂️


AYUSH ROY royayush2099
"Homosapien living in a milkyway."


Nicholas Menzel nickmenzel
Aspiring Data Analyst/Developer passionate about learning new skills and technologies including but not limited to Pyhton, SQL, and R.

Toronto Ontario

Kiara Hosie kiaralee
Hi, I'm Kiara. I'm music performance grad student passionate about promoting accessibility and diversity in technology, the arts, and education.

Vancouver, BC

Ozéas Carvalho ozeasx

Colorado State University USA

Mika Hoppe mikahoppe
👋 Hello humans! I'm Mika. 👨‍💻 Junior Growth Engineer @ awork 📚 M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering @ Lübeck University 📚 B.Sc. IT-Systems-Engineering

awork | University Lübeck | Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam Hamburg, Germany

Ethan birbarino
Watch me stumble through programming!
Alistair Hewitt alistairhewitt
BSc (Hons) Computing Science Graduate from the University of Glasgow

Glasgow, Scotland

Evgeniy Fateev psylone
Software developer and mentor with a true positive mindset.

Uzum Russia, Moscow